fvsin CofeA SCHOOL HYGIENE A SHORT READING LIST to celebrate the FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SCHOOL HYGIENE BUFFALO, AUGUST 25-30, 1913 “ The Problems of this Congress are your Problems.” Following the quotation from a letter by the Secretary General of the Congress, this list, in honor of the Congress, has been prepared for the information of the community, not as a help to the specialists. It includes a selection only of the resources of the Library on these subjects. Much of the most valuable material is to be found in pamphlets or per- iodical articles, and these it has been impossible to include without over-weighting the list. The whole subject, the Congress and the list, are commended to fathers and to mothers whose the children are. These books may be had from the main library or through any of the branch libraries. If they are not on the 1'ielves when asked for they can be reserved for you. Every resident of Buffalo is entitled to Library Cards. I. SCHOOL HYGIENE. Ayres, L. P. New attitude of the school toward the health of the child. Sage Foundation. 1911. Bancroft, J. H. Posture of school children. Mac- millan. 1913. Barry, W. F. Hygiene of the schoolroom. Silver. 1909. Conference on the conservation of school children, So. Bethlehem. Am. Acad, of Med. 1912. Denison, Elsa. Helping school children. Harper. 1912. Dresslar, F. B. School hygiene. Macmillan. 1913. Forsyth, David. Children in health and disease, p. 90-153. Blakiston. 1909. Gorst, Sir J. E. Children of the nation. Dutton. 1907. Gulick, L. H. Measurements as applied to school hygiene. 1911. Hoag, E. B. Health index of children. Whitaker. 1910. International Congress on School Hygiene. Trans- actions Second and Third Congresses. London, 1907, Paris, 1910. Kotelmann, Ludwig. School hygiene. Bardeen. 1899. Lincoln, D. F. Sanitary conditions and necessities of schoolhouses and school life. Am. Pub. Health Assoc. Lomb prize essays. 1885, p. 63-98. Mass. Emergency and Hygiene Assoc. Six lectures upon school hygiene. 1885. Newsholme, Arthur. School hygiene. Heath. 1894. Paget, C. E. Healthy schools. Int. health exhib. London. 1884. Putnam, H. C. School janitors, mothers and health. Am. Acad, of Med. Pr. 1913. Rowe, S. H. Physical nature of the child, and how to study it. Macmillan. 1906. Shaw, E. R. School hygiene. N. Y. 1901. Terman, L. M. Teacher’s health. Houghton. 1913. Tyler, J. M. Growth and education. Houghton 1907. Warner, Francis. Study of children and their school training. Macmillan. 1897. What American cities are doing for the health of school children. Sage Foundation. 1911. Wood, T. D. Health and education. In Nat. Soc. • for Study of Education. 9th yearbook, 1910, p. 1-108. II. SCHOOL BUILDINGS. Ainge, T. S. Sanitary sewerage of buildings. Do- mestic Engineering. 1908. Burrage, S., and H. T. Bailey. School sanitation and decoration. Heath. 1899. Dresslar, F. B. American school-houses. U. S. Bureau of Education. Bulletins, 1910, no. 5. Gerhard, W. P. Sanitation of public buildings. Wiley. 1907. Water supply, sewerage and plumbing of modern buildings. Wiley. 1910. Hamlin, A. D. Modern school houses. Am. Archi- tect. 1910. ... <• Marble, A. P. Sanitary conditions for school houses. U. S. Bureau of Education. Circ. of inf. no. 3. 1891., Morrison, G; B. School architecture and hygiene. In Butler, N. M., ed. Education in the U. S., v. 1. Lyon. 1900. Wheelwright, E. M. School architecture. Rogers. 1901. III. VENTILATION, HEATING AND LIGHTING. Bell, Louis. Art of illumination. McGraw. 2d ed. 1912. Carpenter, R. C. Heating and ventilating buildings. Wiley. 5th ed., 1910/ Cravath, J. R. Practical illumination. McGraw. 1907. Greene, A. M. Elements of heating and ventilation. Wiley. 1913. Howe, E. M.' School ventilation. In Assoc, of col- legiate alumni Magazine number Feb., 1901. King, A. G. Practical steam and hot water heating and ventilation. Henley. 2d ed. rev., 1912. King, F. H. Ventilation for dwellings, rural schools. etc. Mrs. F. H. King. 1908. Moore, J. A. School house ; its heating and ventila- tion. Author. Boston. 1905. Morrison, G. B. Ventilation and warming of school buildings. Appleton. 1887: Richards, E. H. Conservation by sanitation : Air and water supply, disposal of waste. Wiley. 1911. Snow, W. G. Ventilation of buildings. Van Nos- trand. 1906. Watt, W. E. Open air. Little Chronicle Co. 1910. IV. OPEN AIR SCHOOLS. Ayres, L. P. Open air schools. Doubleday. 1910. Carrington, T. S. Open air and how to use it. Nat. Assoc, for the Study and Prevention, of Tuber- culosis. 1912. • Kingsley, S. C. Open air crusaders. Eliz. McCor- mick Fund. 1913. Warren, B. S. Open air schools. U. S.” Public health service. Bulletin 58. V. MEDICAL AND SANITARY INSPECTION AND THE SCHOOL NURSE. Allen, W. H. Civics and health. Ginn. 1909. American Acad, of Pol. & Soc. Science. The Public health movement. 1911. Cornell, W. S. Health and medical inspection of school children. Davis. 1912. Gerhard, W. P. Guide to sanitary inspections. Wiley. 4th ed., 1909. Gulick, L. H. Medical inspection of schools. Sur- vey Assoc. 1913. Hogarth, A. H. Medical inspection of schools. Frowde. 1909. Kelynack, T. N., ed. Medical examination of schools and scholars. King. 1910. Richards, E. H. Euthenics, the science of controll- able environment. Whitcomb. 1910. Rotch, T. M. Living anatomy and pathology. Lip- pincott. 1910. What American cities are doing for the health of children. Sage Foundation. 1911. Wood, T. D., and others. Nurse in education. I National society for the study of education. 9t yearbook: Pt. 2, p. 1-76. VI. ABNORMAL, BACKWARD AND EXCEP- TIONAL CHILDREN. Ayres, L. P. Laggards in our schools. Sage Foun- dation. 1909. Barr, M. W. Mental defectives, their history, treat- ment and training. Blakiston. 1913. Blan, L. B. Special study of the incidence of retard- ation. Teachers College. 1911. First International Congress in America for the Welfare of the Child. Report, p. 253. National Congress of Mothers. 1908. Folks, Homer. Care of destitute, neglected and de- linquent children. Macmillan. 1902. Groszmann, Maximilian. Study of individual chil- dren. Nat. Assoc, for the Study and Education of Exceptional Children. 1912. Holmes, Arthur. Conservation of the child. Lip- pincott. 1912. Holmes, W. H. School organization and the indi- vidual child. DaAds Pr. 1912. Keyes, C. H. Progress through the grades of city schools. Teachers College. 1911. Lapage, C. P. Feeblemindedness in children of school age. Manchester Univ. Pr. 1911. Maennel, Bruno. Auxiliary education, the training of backward children. Doubleday. 1909. Smith, W. H. All the children of all the people. Macmillan. 1912. Tredgold, A. F. Mental deficiency. Wood. 190S. <\ WV Vr-\S- VII. CHILD LABOR. American Academy of Political and Social Science. Child Labor. 1907. Bullock, E. D., ed. Selected articles on child labor. Wilson. 1911. Clopper, E. N. Child labor in city streets. Mac- millan. 1912. Nearing 1 , Scott. Solution of the child labor problem. Moffat. 1911. Ogburn, W. F. Progress and uniformity in child- labor legislation. Columbia Univ. 1912. Sparg'O, John. Bitter cry of the children. Macmil- lan. 1906. Van Vorst, Mrs. John. Cry of the children. Moffat. 1908. VIII. PERSONAL HYGIENE. Greenwood, Major, Jr. Physiology of the special senses. Arnold. 1910. Gulick, L. H. The efficient life. Doubleday. 1907. Hough, Theodore, and W. T. Sedgwick. The human mechanism. Ginn. 1906. Hutchinson, Woods. Handbook of health. Hough- ton. 1911. McMurtrie, D. C. Conservation of vision. Author. N. Y. 1911. Jamieson, W. A. Care of the skin in health. Ox- ford Univ. Pr. 1912. Marshall, J. S. Mouth hygiene and mouth sepsis. Lippincott. 1912. Pusey, W. A. Care of the skin and hair. Appleton. 1912. Pyle, W. L., ed. Manual of personal hygiene. Saun- ders. 5th ed. 1912. Reik, H. O. Safeguarding the special senses. Davis. 1912. Uffelmann, Julius. Manual of the domestic hygiene of the child. Putnam. 1891. IX. FATIGUE, NERVOUSNESS AND SLEEP. Arai, Tsuru. Mental fatigue. Teachers College. “ 1912. _.-De Brath, Stanley. Over-pressure. Philip. 1899. Donaldson, H. H. Growth of the brain. Scott. 1895. J Forel, Augustus. Hygiene of nerves and mind in health and disease. Putnam. 1907. -<< Gulick, L. H. Mind and work. Doubleday. 1908. Goldmark, J. C. Fatigue and efficiency. Charities Pub. Com. 1912. Halleck, R. P. Education of the central nervous system. Macmillan. 1896. k Jewett, F. G. Control of body and mind. Ginn. 1908. Manaceine, M. de. Sleep ; its physiology, etc. Scott. 1897. Mosso, Angelo. Fatigue. Sonnenschein. 1904. Partridge, G. E. The nervous life. Sturgis. 1911. Powell, L. P. Art of natural sleep. Putnam. 1909. Warner, Francis. Nervous system of the child, its growth and health in education. Macmillan. 1900. X. FOOD OF CHILDREN AND SCHOOL FEEDING. Bryant, L. S. School feeding. Lippincott. 1913. Greer, Edith. What children should eat. Human Welfare Pub. Hogan, L. E. How to feed children. Lippincott. 9th ed. 1909. Hunt, C. L. Daily meals of school children. U. S. Bureau of Educ. Bulletins. 1909, no. 3. Jordan, W. H. Principles of human nutrition. Mac- millan. 1912. Norton, A. P. Food and dietetics. Am. Sch. of Home Economics. 1910. Prudden, T. M. Drinking water and ice supplies. Putnam. 1891. Richards, E. H. Air, water and food from a sani- tary standpoint. Wiley. 3d ed. 1909. Sherman, H. C. Chemistry of food and nutrition. Macmillan. 1911. Winder, P. D. Public feeding of elementary school children. Longmans. 1913. XI. PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Adsit, Ruth. Sense training and games. Cedar Falls. 1906. Carman, Bliss. The making of personality. Page. 1908. Jaques-Dalcroze, Emile. Eurythmics of Jaques- Dalcroze. Small. 1913. Cook, E. W. Betterment, individual, social, indus- trial. Stokes. 1906. Draper, A. S., ed. Sports, pastimes and physical cul- ture. 20th Cent. Self Culture Assoc. 1906. Galbraith, A. M. Personal hygiene and physical training for women. Saunders. 1911. McKenzie, R. T. Exercise in education and medi- cine. Saunders. 1909. Sargent, D. A. Health, strength and power. Cald- well. 1904. Physical education. Ginn. 1906. Schmidt, F. A., and E. H. Miles. Training of the body for games, athletics, etc., and for health, growth and development. Dutton. 1901. XII. PLAY AND PLAYGROUNDS. Addams, Jane. Spirit of youth and the city streets. Macmillan. 1909. American Academy of Political and Social Science. Public recreation facilities. 1910. Dudley, Gertrude, and F. A. Kellor. Athletic games in the education of women. Holt. 1909. Groos, K. Play of man. Appleton. 1901. Gulick, L. H. Healthful art of dancing. Double- day. 1910. Johnson, G. E. Education by plays and games. Ginn. 1907. • Playground as a factor in school hygiene. Psy- chological Clinic Pr. 1909. Lee, Joseph. Constructive and preventive philan- thropy, p. 122-147, 159-184. Macmillan. 1902. Leland, Arthur. Playground technique and play- craft. Bassette. 1909. Mero, E. B., ed. American playgrounds. Baker & Taylor. 3d ed. 1909. Perry, C. A. Wider use of the school plant, p. 147- 183. Charities Pub. Com. 1910. Smith, N. A. Home-made kindergarten. Houghton. 1912. Xin. EDUCATION IN SEX HYGIENE. American Federation for Sex Hygiene. Report of the special committee on the matter and methods of sex education. 1913. Henderson, C. R. Education with reference to sex. Nat. Soc. for Study of Educ. 8th yearbook. 1909. Lyttleton, E. Training the young in the laws of sex. Longmans. 1910. Wile, I. S. Sex education. Duffield. 1912. Willson, R. N. Education of the young in sex hy- giene. Author. 1913. Zenner, Philip. Education in sexual physiology and hygiene. Clarke. 1910. XIV. CHILDREN AND CHILDREN’S WELFARE. Abbott, E. H. On the training of parents. Hough- ton. 1908. Bray, R. A. The town child. Unwin. 1907. Carus, Paul. Our children. Open Court. 1906. Child in the city. School of Civics and Philanthropy. 1912. Engel, Sigmund. Elements of child protection. Macmillan. 1912. Forbush, W. B. Coming generation. Appleton. 1912. Forsyth, David. Children in health and disease. Blakiston. 1909. Gilman, Charlotte. Concerning children. Small. 1900. Hall, G. S. Youth, its education, regimen and hy- giene. Appleton. 1906. Hutchinson, Woods. We and our children. Double- day. 1911. Key, Ellen. Century of the child. Putnam. 1909. Macdonald, Greville. Child’s inheritance. Smith. Elder. 1910. Mangold, G. B. Child problems. Macmillan. 1910. Oppenheim, Nathan. Care of the child in health. Macmillan. 1900. Development of the child. Macmillan. 1898. Washburne, Marion. Study of child life. Am. Sch. of Home Economics. 1907. Wiggin, K. D. Children’s rights. Houghton. 1892. Catalogue of Choice Reading Buffalo Public Library August, 1913 Makers Syracuse, N. PAT. JAN. 21, 1908 Y.