'. ' • 1 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 017 I£65a cop .4 Til. Hist. Surv. IIUWHS WSTWWCU SUM! V - ALPHABETIC CATALOG OF THE (K**S6 h** vS OF THE ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL LIBRARY. AUTHORS, TITLES AND SUBJECTS, 1900 Compiled under direction of the Board of Trustees of the Library, by the Librarian, Mrs. Jessie Palmer Weber. SPRINGFIELD, ILL. Phillips Bros., State Printers. 1900. 0/7 > ( ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL LIBRARY, SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS. NORTH ROOM OF THE STATE LIBRARY. Organized November 25, 1889. BOARD OE TRUSTEES. 1889-1890. 1891-1892. 1893-1894. 1894-1896. Hon. H. W. Beckwith, Pres't. Hon. Lambert Tree, President. Arthur Edwards, Hon. Robert A. Gray, F. E. Leonard, Secretary. Hon. J. Nick Perrin. Hcn. W. L. Gross, Wm. H. Snyder, vice Leonard, resigned. vice Perrin, resigned 1896. 1897-1900. Hon. H. W. Beckwith, President. Edmund J. James, Ph. D., Vice President. Hon. George N. Black, Secretary. INTRODUCTION. This catalog includes all the books and pamphlets in the Illinois State Historical Library with the exception of the U. S. Govern- ment publications. A few of the publications of the government are cataloged under the subjects of which they treat. The Library is a depository for government publications, and is receiving them as they are sent out by the superintendent of public documents. This Library is a special collection and the cataloger has endeavored to bear in mind the fact that the primary object of the Library and its catalog is to show forth the history of Illinois. Each book is entered under the name of the author, compiler or publisher, under the first word of the title, except the articles a and the, and under the subject of which it treats. The subject "Biography" has been very liberally interpreted, and works by an author, as well as the lives and memoirs of which he is the subject have been grouped under his name in its alphabetical place under the subject "Biography." Biography includes both individual and collective biography as fur- nishing the most information in a collection of this nature. In cases where the subject is a person of prominence, and where more than one life or memoir is cataloged, reference is made from the name of the individual in its alphabetic order to biography. The collec- tion of Lincolniana has been cataloged with special minuteness. Manuscripts are cataloged in the same manner as books. At the close of the volume will be found a list of pictures, and other articles of historic interest which can not be cataloged in a list of books. The Librarian acknowledges indebtedness to the catalog of the Cleveland Public Library. CATALOG. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED BY AUTHORS, TITLES AND SUBJECTS. A-B-C of money. Carnegie, Andrew. Reprinted with additions from North American Review. Pam. 12°. N.Y 1891 Abbot. Lieut. H. L. and Humphrey, Capt.A.A. Report upon the phys- ics and hydraulics of the Miss. River. U. S. Gov. Pubs. 8 0- Washington 1867 Abbott. Abbott A. The assassination and death of Abraham Lincoln. Pam. 12°. N.Y 1865 Abbott, John S. C. Life of Gen. U. S.Grant. 12°. Boston 1868 Abolition of slavery. See Slavery, War Rebellion and kindred sub- jects. Aboriginal races of Noth America. Drake. Samuel G. 15th ed. 8°. N . y 1880 AbrSge" de la Revolution de l'Ameri- queAngloise. Par. M. — . Ame>- icain. (DuBoisson). 12°. Paris. 1778 Ab-sa-ra-ka, Land of massacre. Car- rington. Col. Henry B., ed. Nar- rative of Margaret Irvin Carring- ton. 4th ed., revised and enlarged, with maps. 12° Phila 1878 Abstract of a report on Illinois coals. Norwood. J. G. From 111. Geol. Survey. 8°. Chicago 1858 Accompaniment toMitchell's reference and distance map of the U. S. Index to counties, districts, town- ships, towns, rivers, etc. General view of the U.S.. states, territor- ies, internal improvements, etc. Mitchell & Hinman. pubs. 8°. Phila 1835 Account of a colony founded in Illinois about 1836, by citizens of Rhode Island. Angell, G. M.. M. D. Manuscript Account of an expedition from Pitts- burgh to the Rocky Mountains, in 1819-20, compiled from the notes of Maj. S. H. Long, commander of the expedition, and those of McLay and others of the party. James, Edwin, comp. With maps. 3v. 8°. London 1823 Account of the discoveries in the West until 1519, and of voyages along the Atlantic coast of North Amer- ica. 1520 to 1573. Robinson. Con- roy. Publn. Va. Hist. & Phil. Soc. 8°. Richmond 1848 Account of the escape of six Federal soldiers from prison at Danville, Va. , in winter of 1863-64. Newlin. Wm. H. 8°. Cincinnati 1877 Account of the European settlements in America. History of discovery of that part of the world : manners, customs, etc., of original inhabi- tants. Spanish settlements. Por- tugese settlements. French, Dutch and Danish settlements. English settlements. Burke, Ed- mund. 3ded. 2v. 8°. London.. 1760 Account of the expeditions to the sources of the Mississippi, and through western parts of Louisi- ana to sources of the Arkansaw, Kansas. uaPlatte and Pierre Jaun rivers, performed by order U. S. government in 1805, 1806 and 1807. A Iso. a tour through interior parts of New Spain, when conducted through provinces by order of the Captain General in 1807. Maps and charts. Pike, M aj. Z. M. 8°. Phila 181 ° — Another edition. 4°. London 1811 ACCOUNT. ADVANCE. 1870 1762 1823 1812 18G9 1884 Accoint of the hardships and suffer- ings of that band of herons who traversed the wilderness in the campaign againsl Quebec in i"7.">. I [enry, John Joseph. i- . Lan- caster, Pa '. 1812 — Another edition, with memoir of the author. 12°. Albany 1877 Account of the remarkable occurrences in the life and travels of Col. James Smith during his captivity with the Italians, itjd-59. Narra- tive by Col. Smith. Appendix: and illustrative notes by Win. M. Darlington. (Ohio Valley Hist. Series, No. 5). 8°. Cincinnati.. Account of the Spanish settlements in America. Anon. 12°. Edinburgh.. Account of the United States of Amer- ica. Holmes, Isaac. 8°. London. Ai COUNT of the voyages and travels of Captains Lewis and Clark, 1S04- 5-6. Fisher, Win. 12°. Baltimore Achtzehn yahre in Peoria. Mit elner historischen Einleitung in vier heften. Heft, Erstes. Pam. 8°. Peoria AOKERMAN, Wm. K. Early Illinois railroads. (Fergus Hist. Series, No. 23.) Paper. 12° Chicago.... AcME-haversack of song and patriotic eloquence. Redington, J. C. O., pub. Apr., 1887. Jan., 1888. Nov.. 1889, and Nov., 1891. Pams Acquisition of the Philippine Islands. Speech in U. S. House of Repre- sentatives. Feb. 13, 1899. (U. S. Gov. Pubs.) Mann, Hon. Jas. R. Pam. 8°. Washington 1899 Across the continent. A summer's journey to the Rocky Mountains, the Mormons and the Pacific States, with Speaker Colfax. Bowles, Samuel. 12°. Spring- field, Mass 1865 Act for the organization and govern- ment of the militia of this State (Illinois) passed Mar. 2, 1833, to- gether with the articles of war and the rules and regulations for the government of the army of the U. S. Published by authority. Printed by John York Sawyer, Public Printer. 12°. Vandalia... 1833 Act to establish and maintain a gen- eral system of internal improve- ment, with supplementary acts; passed at a General Assembly of Illinois begun and held at Van- dalia, Dec. 5, 1836. Pam. 8°. Vandalia 1837 ACTS of legislature. See Illinois, Laws and < lovernment. Adaie, Capt. John M. Historical tch of the 45th 111. Kegt. Inf. Vols. 8 . Lanark 1869 Adams, Chas. Francis. Life, notes and ' illustrations of John Adams, to accompany the "Works of John Adams" 10 v. 8°. Boston 1856 Adams, Chas. Kendall. The limita- tions of reform. Baccalaureate address at University of Wiscon- sin, June 17, 1894. Paper. 8°. .Madison, Wis 1894 Adams, Henry. History of the U. S. from first admistration of Jeffer- son to second administration of Madison, inc.. 1801-1817. 9 v. 12°. X. Y 1891 Adams, Isaac E. Life of Emery A. Storrs. 8°. Chicago 1886 Adams. John. 2d President of the U. S.; born 1735, died 1826. See Biography. — Works of John Adams, with life of author, illustrations and notes, by his grandson, Chas. Francis Adams. 10 v. 8°. Boston 1856 Adams, John Quincy, 6th President of the U. S.; born 1767. died 1848. See Biography. Adams, .Martha D., reporter. Report of the 4th and 5th annual meet- ings of the Lake Mohonk Confer- ence on International Arbitration, 1898-99. 8°. N.Y. Pams. ▼.y... 1898-99 Adams County, Illinois. Andreas, Ly- ter & Co., pubs. Atlas map of Adams county. Folio. Daven- port. Iowa 1872 Murray, Williamson & Phelps. pubs. History of Adams county, Illi- nois. History of cities, towns, etc. ; biographies of citizens, sta- tistics, portraits, etc. 8°. Chicago 1879 See Quincy. Addams. Jane, and others. Hull House; maps and papers. (Library of Economics and Politics. No. 5. Richard T. Ely. ed.) 8°. N. Y... Addresses. For orations and ad- dresses, see names of orators, etc. 1895 Adjutant General of Illinois. Illinois. See Advance guard of western civilization. Gilmore. James R. 12°. N.Y.... isss ADVENTURES. ALASKA. Adventures and discourses of Capt. John Smith, sometime President of Virginia and Admiral of New England. Illustrations from origi- nal sources. Ashton, John. 12°. London, Paris and New York 1883 Adventures in the wilds of the U. S. and the British American Prov- inces. Appendix by Lieut. Camp- bell Hardy. Lanman, Chas. 2 v. 8°. Phila 1856 Adventures of Captain Bonneville; or, scenes beyond the Rocky Moun- tains of the far West. 3 v. 12°. London 1837 Also, the Geoffrey Crayon Edi- tion. 12°. N. Y 1868 Adventures of the Ojibbeway and Ioway Indians in England, France and Belgium. Notes on eight years' travels and residence in Europe with his North American Indian Collection. Catlin, George. 3ded. 8°. London 1852 Affairs at Fort Chartres, 1768-1781. Reprint from the Historical Mag- azine. Paper. 8°. Albany 1864 Aggassiz, Louis. Lake Superior, its physical character.vegetation and animals. Narrative of the tour by J. Elliott Cabot. 8°. Boston.. 1850 Agriculture. Agricultural Club. Uni- versity of Illinois, pubs. Illi- nois Agriculturist, Vol. 2. 1898. Pam — Brymner, Douglas, comp. Report on Canadian Archives. Being an appendix to the report of the Minister of Agriculture. Paper, v. y. 8°. Ottawa 1881-99 — Illinois State Board of Agriculture, Crop reports. 187«-98, except 1880, 1889, 1892, 1893, 1S94, 1896. v. y. 8°. Springfield. Bound circulars, bulletins, etc — Illinois State Board of Agriculture, transactions of, 1853-99. V. Y. 8°. Springfield 1853-99 — Inglis, S. M..,comp. Arbor Day, Illi- nois, April 20, 1897— April 22, 1898. Pams. Publications Illinois Dept. Pub. Instruction — McDonald, James. Food from the far West; or, American agriculture with special reference to beef pro- duction and the importation of dead meat from America to Great Britain. 12°. N. Y. Date of pre- face 1878 Agriculture— Continued. — McKerrow, George, ed. Wisconsin Farmers' Institute. A handbook of agriculture. 8°. Milwaukee.. 1895 — Martin, Edward Winslow. History of the Grange movement. 8°. Phila 1873 — Mills, Chas. F., ed. Reports Ills. Farmers' Institutes. 8°. Spring- field 1896 — Prairie Farmer Co., pubs. The Prai- rie Farmer. A weekly journal of agriculture, etc. Bound in 3 v. 4°. Chicago 1867-68 — Wight, J. Ambrose, ed. The Prairie Farmer, v. 14-15. 8°. Chicago ..1854-55 — Wisconsin, University of. Wis. Ex- periment Station bulletins. Pub- lished in annual reports, 1893,1895 and 1897. Pams. 8°. Madison — Wright, John S., Wight, J. Ambrose, and Haven, Luther L., eds. The Prairie Farmer, 1846-52, inclusive. 7 vols. 8°. Chicago Ahern, M. L. The political history of Chicago. 8°. Chicago 1886 Aikin, John. Annals of the reign of King George the Third, 1760-1815. 2v. 8°. London 1816 Alabama. Cole, Theodore L. Biblio- graphy of the statute law of the Southern States. Part 1— Alabama. (In Pubs. Southern Historical Association, Vol. 1. No. 1, Jan., 1897.) Alabama claims. See Beaman, Chas., jr., and Cushing, C. Alaska. Allen, Lieut. Henry T. Re- port on an expedition to Copper, Tafiana and Koyukuk rivers of Alaska. (U. S. Gov. Pubs.) 8°. Washington 1837 — Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of Alaska, 1730-1885. 8°. San Fran.. 1890 — Grafton, J. J., pub. Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. Pam. 12°. Chi- cago 1891 — Jackson, Sheldon. Report on Edu- cation in Alaska. U. S. Gov. Pubs. 8°. Washington 1886 — - Education in Alaska. 8°. Wash- ington 1894 — - Report on introduction of domes- tic reindeer into Alaska; with maps and illustrations. U. S. Gov. Pubs. 2v. 8°. Washington.. 1894-95 — Jackson, Sheldon, and Kelly, Wm. A., eds. The North Star. Monthly newspaper, Sitka, Alaska, Jan. to Dec, 1890, inclusive. Bound, lv ALASKA. ALMANACS. Alaska— Continual. — Mills, Hon. David. The Canadian view i if tin' Alaskan boundary dis- pute. Canadian <;<>v. Pub. 16°. Ottawa 1899 Nelson, Edward \V. Report on nat- ural history collections made in Alaska. 1877-81. Edited by Henry \V. Ilenshaw. V. S. Paper, i '. N.V Library Journal. Official organ of the A, L. A.. Oct., is.c. Jan . 1893, Oct., 1898, June and Sept., 1894 Imbrioan Monthly Magaaine. liisto rio, patriotic. Daughters of the Am. 'i lean Revolution, pub. v. i it, 1892 1900 (v. 8, 5, 10 and 11, Incom- plete.) B°. Washington American National Red Cross Relief Committee, Reports of. May. 1898 Mar., 1899 Ambric \n naval battles; oomplete his lory of battles foughl by P. S. na\ > from I7:u i<> present Gay lord, ('has., pub. 12°, Boston.., 1840 American Newspaper Annual. Ayer, N. W. & Son, pubs, 8°. Phila... issa Ami ki. an Pioneer, ( Che), Month!] pe lodlcal of Logan Historical Socie- ty; sketohes of the early settle- ment and Improvement of the oountry Williams, John S, 8v. '-''i ed. B . Uinoinnati isu i;; American race, (The). Linguistioolass Ifioation of Dative tribes of North ami s,.uih Amerioa. Brinton, Dan lei G. 18 . N. i 1891 American Revolution, (The). Piske. John. 8v. i-'. Boston 1698 Syllabus of a course of six leoture Btudles. Maoe, Wm. u. (Univer- sits ol Chicago, l'ni\ ersity Ext Dta No. 80.) 18°. Chicago Imerioan Rushlight, (The). Cobbett, Wm. (Peter Porcupine, psattcl.) 18°, 1. on. Ion 1800 Ami ki, \ns of royal descent. (Index.) ram. ■» '. Phila 1S;H \miki, an state papers. !«' v, Folio. Foreign relations, v. 1,5,6 1789 1888, Indian affairs. its;' is—. American state papers Continued. Finance, v. 2 to 5, inc. (lacks v. 1.) L802 L828. Commerce ami navigation, v. - only. 1815 1828. Military affairs, v. 1-7 inc.. except y. 6. 1789 1888. Naval affairs. I v ITS'.) 1836, Postofflce. 1 v. 1789-1833 Public lands. S v L789 1837. Claims. i v. L789 1823. Washington. 1832-61 American tariffs from Plymouth Rock to McKinley. Gallinger, lion. Jacob II. Pam. Tart Cong. Rec American traveler, (The); or, guide through the l T . S . with maps. etc. Tanner, II. s. 16°. Phila 1886 Ampere, .1. J. Promenade en Amori- que. Sded. 2 v. 6°. Paris 1S60 An.i.stkv o( General (Irani and their contemporaries. Marshall, Ed- ward Chauncy. 12°, N. Y 1869 Ancient America. In notes on Ameri can archaeology. Baldwin, John D. 12°. N. Y 1STI Ancient monuments of Miss, valley. Squier and Davis. (Smithsonian contributions to knowledge.) i , N. Y 1848 Anderson, Rasmus B. The drst chap- in- of Norwegian immigration, (1821-40), its causes and results. 2d ed. 8°. Madison. Wis 1896 ANDREAS, A. T. Atlas map of Peoria county. Polio. Chicago ist;; History of chicaco. 8 v. i . Chi- cago issi B5 — History of Cook county. 4°. Chi- cago 1SS4 History of Kansas. 4°. Chicago.. 1888 — Lyter & Co., pubs. Atlas map of Adams County, 111. Folio. Haven port. In 1ST2 — - Atlas map of McDonough county. ill. Folio. Davenport, la 1871 Anpki'w s. E. Benjamin. History of the last quarter century in the U.S., 1870 95. a v. B°. N. Y 1896 Andrews, Israel l>. Report of trade and commerce British N. Amor. colonies ami trade great lakes and rivers. Maps. 8°, Washington. 1853 Anecdotes Am6ricaines, ou histoire abreiioo dos principalis 6v6ne moms arrives dans le Nouveao Monde, depuis sa deeonverto jus.|i a '1'epoque prcsente. Anon. Vincent, pub. 18°, Paris ITTo ANBODOTES of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln stories. MeClure, J, B., .if 18°, Chicago ist;' ANECDOTES. 12 AI'I'LKTON'S. ank.i i">i i- "i public men. Forney, John \V. 2 v. 12 . N. V 1S73-81 i.i,. i i. ML., .)/. /'. An account of a colon; founded in Illinois by dti- ens of Rhode l Bland about 16 Manuscript A-.-- \i.i ili Btatistica aerie 2a. v. 18. 1881. Serie 8a. v. l. iss_\ Serie 8a, v.4, LESS. Saggiodtbib- llografla statistics ministero « 1 i agriculture, Lndustria,e eommer- oio d'ltalia. Direzone General della statistica. It, 8°. Rome... 1881-83 --I Chicago. Present and fu- ture prospects of Chicago in 1.846. Brown II. Uiso and Progress of Chicago. Marshall, James A. Strange early days; Chicago in 1838. M ut incau, Harriet. Fergus Hist. Series No. :l 12°. Chicago. 1876 — Lecture delivered before Chicago Lyceum Jan. 21. 1840. Fergus Hist. Scries Xo. 1. Balestier, Joseph N. 12°. Chicago 1876 Annai.s of Congress. 1st to 18th Con- gress, inc., 1789-1824. 42 v ANNALS of Fort Mackinac. Kelton, DwightH. (Island ed.) 12°. De- troit 1884 annai.s of Iowa. See Iowa. Annai.s of St. Louis in Its early days under the French and Spanish dominations. Compiled from au- thentic data. Billon, Frederick L., eotnp. 8°. St. Louis 1886 Annals of Tennessee to the end of the Eighteenth century. Ramsey, J. G. ML B . Charleston 1853 LS of the great strikes in the U. s. Dacus. J. A. 12 . St. Louis.. 1^77 Ann w.s of the reign of King Geo Third. 1760 1815. Aikln. John. 2 v. 8°. London 1816 i.s .if the west. Prom the discov- ery of the Miss, valley to 1845. Perkins James II. Isted. Albach. ( lincinnati imt — From the discovery of the Miss. valley to 1847. Peck, J. M. 2d ed. Albach, pub. 8 , St Louis 1850 Prom the discovery of the Miss. valley to 1866. Albach, James H. ed. 8°. Pittsburgh 1857 Anniversary address before the Pla- tonian Society of M'Kendree Col- lege, A vril 21. 1856. Turner. Prof. J. B. Pam. 12°. Lebanon 1856 Anni lBIO statistico Italiano. l^si. Pa- per. B . Home. 1881 Antei.oi'E and deer of America. A com- prehensive, Bcientifle treatise upon the natural history, habits, affinities and capacity for domes- tication of antilocapra and cervi- daB of America Caton.John Lean. 2d ed. 8°. N. Y 1877 ANTHONY, Won. Klliott. ( .institutional history of Illinois. 8. Chicago. 1891 — Duty of the state to aid In commem- morating the deeds of the pion- eers. An address before the state Bar Association. 8°. Chicago... 1892 Anthropology. Culin, Stewart. China in America. A study in the social life of the Chinese in the Eastern cities of the L T . S. Read before the American Association for the Advancement of Science. An- thropological Section. N. Y„ 1887. Pam. 8°. Phila 1887 — See Indians and archaeology. Folk- lore and mythology. Anti Imperialist (The). Atkinson, Edward, pub. Periodical, pub- lished irregularly. Boston and Brookline, Mass 1899 Antiquarian (The). A monthly jour- nal of archaeology and ethnology. Snyder. J. F.. M. D.. ed. in chief. v.l. 8°. Columbus 1897 Antiquities. Papers relative to cer- tain American antiquities. Bar- Kent, Winthrop & Barton. Benj. Smith. 8°. Phila 1796 Antiquities of I >hio. Atwater. Caleb. 8°. Circleville 1620 ANTIQUITIES of the Southern Indians, particularly of the Georgia tribes. Jones, Chas. C.jr. 8°. N. Y.... 1873 Antiquities of the state of Ohio. Shepherd, Henry A. 4°. Cincin- nati 1887 Anti' of Tennessee and adja- cent Btates. Thurston, Gates P. 8°. Cincinnati Anti-si. .wF.in opinions befon the year 1800. Poole, Wm. Frederick. Pam. 8°. Cincinnati 1873 Appeal from the judgments of tJreat Britain respecting the CJ. 8. A. Walsh, Robert, jr. 2d ed. 8°. Phila 1819 Appleton's annual cyclopaedia and register of important events. Appleton, l». & Co., pubs. New s. v. 1-11, inc. 8°. N. Y... 1885-87 APPLETON, D. & CO. 13 ARCHAEOLOGY. Appleton, D. & Co., pubs. The Ameri- can annual cyclopaedia for 1862-64. 3v. 8°. N.Y 1863-65 Arbitration. Illinois State Board of Arbitration, annual reports of, 1896-1900. 8°. Springfield, v. y — Lake Mohonk conference on inter- national arbitration. Reports of annual meetings, beginning 4th annual, 1898. Adams, Martha D., reporter. Pams. 8°. N.Y. v.y Arbor Day. Egleston. N. H. Arbor Day, its history and observance. U. S. Gov. Pubs., Dept. of Agr. 8°. Washington 1896 — Illinois State Department of Pub- lic Instruction Pubs. Arbor Day circulars for 1895, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900. lnglis, S. M. and Bayliss, Alfred, respectively, Supts. Pub. Instruction, comps. Pams. v.y. 8°. Springfield — New York, State of. Crooker, J. F.. comp. Circular for Arbor Day in New York. May 4, 1894. 8°. Pam — Sabin, Henry, comp. Program of exercises for Arbor Day, Iowa, April 27, 1894. Pam Archaeologist (The). A monthly pe- riodical. Berlin, A. F.. ed. v. 1-3 (incomplete) Waterloo, Ind.. 1893-95 Archaeology. American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal. Peet, Rev. Stephen D., ed. Bi-monthly peri- odical, v. 1-22 (incomplete), 1878- April, 1900. 8°. Chicago — American Antiquarian Society. Catalogue of the library of, 1836. Paper — American Archaeologist (The), formerly the Antiquarian. Sny- der, Dr. J. F., ed. -in- chief. A monthly journal of archaeology and ethnology, v. 1, 1897, the An- tiquarian, v. 2, 1898, the American Archaeologist. 4°, Columbus, O — American Museum of Natural His- tory, Central Park, N. Y. Annual report of the president, 1892. Act of incorporation, bylaws, list of members, etc — Archaeologist (The). Berlin, A. F., ed. v. 1-3 (incomple.) Waterloo, Ind 1893-95 — Atwater, Caleb. The antiquities of Ohio. 8°. Circleville 1820 — - Remarks on a tour to Prairie du Chien. 12°. Columbus 1831 Archaeology— Continued. — Baldwin. John D. Ancient Amer- ica. 12°. N.Y 1871 — Brinton, Daniel G. See Indians and Archaeology. — Butler, Jas. D. Pre-historic Wis- consin. Annual address before Wis. Hist. Soc. 1876. Pam — Carr, Lucien. Mounds of the Miss. Valley. (Kentucky Geol. Survey.) Paper. 4°. Cambridge, n. d — Conant, A. J. Foot-prints of van- ished races. 8°. St. Louis 1879 — Delafield, John, jr. Antiquities of America. 4°. N. Y 1839 — Dorman, Rushton M. Origin of primitive superstitions. S°. Phila. 1881 — Egypt exploration fund, members of, pubs. Report 5th ordinary general meeting. (9th ann. gen, meeting.) Subscription list and balance-sheet. 1890-91. Pam. 12°. London — Foster„J. W. Prehistoric races of the U. S. A. 4th ed. 8°. Chicago. 1878 — Fowke, Gerard. Notes on Ohio archaeology. The geology of Ohio. Pam — Hale, Dr. J. P. Some local arche- ology. (W. Va. Hist. & Ant. Soc, publications. No. 6.) 8°. Pam. Charleston 1898 — Haven, Samuel F. Sketches on the archaeology of the U. S. (Smith- sonian Contributions to Knowl- edge.) 4°. Washington 1855 — Hilder. F. F. The archaeology of Missouri. (Publns. No. 6, Mo. Hist. Soc.) Pam. St. Louis — Jones, Chas. C, jr. Antiquities of southern Indians, particularly Georgia tribes. 8°.. N.Y 1873 — McAdams, Wm. Records of the an- cient races of the Miss, valley. 8°. St. Louis 1887 — McCulloh. J. H., jr. Researches, philosophical and antiquarian. 8°. Baltimore 1829 — Maclean, J. P. Mastodon, mammoth and man. 12°. Cincinnati 1880 — - The mound builders. 12°. Cincin- nati 1879 — - Fort Ancient, Ohio. 2d ed. 8°. Cincinnati 1890 — Moorehead, Warren K. Primitive maninOhio. 8°. N.Y 1892 ARCHAEOLOGY. 14 ARNAUD. Archaeology— Co ntinued. — Nadaillac, Marquis de. Pre-historic America, Edited by W. H. Dall; translated by N. D'Anvers. 8°. London 1885 — Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society. Annual reports, sth, 11th, 121 li :u\d 13th. 1892-98. Ohio Arch. ami Hist, Quarterly, v. 1-9, 1888- 1900 Periodical — Feet, Stephen D. See American An- tiquarian and Oriental Journal. — - History of the exploration of the .Miss, valley. 8°. Worcester, Mass. 1896 The mound builders, v. 1. Works and relics. 8°. Chicago 1892 — Powell. J. W., director. Annual re- ports of the U. S. Bureau of Eth- >gy, v. 2-12. 1880-91. 11 v. 4°. Washington — Priest, Josiah. American antiqui- ties and discoveries in the West. ed. revised,) 4th ed. 12°. Al- bany 183*3-34 — Sargent, Winthrop, and Barton, Benj. Smith. Papers relative to certain American antiquities. 8°. Phila 17S6 — Shepherd. Henry A. Antiquities of Ohio. 4°. Cincinnati 1887 — Snyder. Dr. J. F. See Antiquarian. — Squier, E. G., A. M., and Davis. E. 11., .1/. I). Ancient monuments of the Miss, valley. 4°. N. Y 1848 — Thomas, Cyrus. Burial mounds of northern sections of the U. S. 4°. Washington 1888 — - Cherokees in pre-Columbian times. (Fact and Theory Papers.) 16°. N.V 1890. — - Problems of the Ohio mounds. 8°. Washington 1889 — - Story of a mound; or, the Shaw- nees in pre-Columbian times. 8°. Washington 1891 — Thurston. Gates P. The antiquities of Tennessee. 8°. Cincinnati... 1890 — Weise, Arthur James. The discov- eries of America to 1525. 8°. N. Y. 1884 — Wickersham, James. Major Pow- ell's inquiry: "Whence came the American Indians;'' An answer. Pam. 8°. Tacoma, Wash 1899 — Yarrow, Dr. H. C Introduction to the study of the mortuary cus- toms of the North American In- dians. 4°. Washington 1880 Am hitecture. Hopkins. D. S Houses and cottages costing from $300 to S15.000. Paper. 4°. Buffalo. N. Y 1889 Archives of Penn. Hazard, Samuel. See Penn. archives. Archives of the State of New Jersey. Documents relating to the Colo- nial History of N.J. ,1682-1738. Ed- ited by Ricord and Nelson. 2 v. 8°. Trenton 1890 Arctic regions. Century Co., New York, pubs. The Century atlas map of ttie region around the North Pole. Paper. Size, 10x12 inches. Copyright 1897 — Snelling. W. J The polar regions of the western continent explored. Geographical account of Iceland, Greenland, the islands of the froz- en seas and nonbern parts of the American continent. Adventures of Parry. Franklin, Lyon and others. 8°. Boston 1831 Argentine Republic. See, South Amer- ica. Arizona. Bancroft. Hubert Howe. History of Arizona and New Mexico, 1530-1888. 8°. San Fran. 1890 — Report of petrified forests of Ari- zona. Ward. Lester F. U. S. Gov. Pub. Paper. 8°. Washington 1900 AemAGNAC, L. M. Washburne et Mgr. Darboy. Extrait du correspond- ent. 8°. Paris 1877. Armour Inst, of Technology. Year books for 1895-99. Armour Inst., pub. 8°. Chicago, v. y Armstrong, Hon. P. A. The Piasa; or. the devil among the Indians. Paper. 8°. Morris, 111 Ib87 Armstrong. Jlon. Perry A. Sauks and Black Hawk War. 8°. Springfield 1887 ARMY and navy of America(The). Neff. Jacob K. 8°. Phila # 1845 Army life, from a soldier's journal, 1861-64. Marshall. Albert O. 2d ed. Joliet, 111 1884 Army Reunion (The). Dec. 15-16. 1868, Chicago. Sherman, F- P., Chair- man Pub. Com. 8°. Chicago.... 1869 Army sketch book. Thirty years after. Forbes, Edwin. 2 v. Folio. N.Y.. 1890 Arnaud, Achille. Abraham Lincoln; Sa naissance. sa vie, sa mort, avec un recitde la Guerre d'Arnerique. 8°. Paris 1866 ARNOLD. 15 ASTRONOMY. Arnold, Benedict, life of. His patriot- ism and his treason. Arnold, Isaac N. 8°. Chicago 1888 Arnold, Isaac N. History of Abraham Lincoln and the overthrow of slavery. 8°. Chicago 1S66 — Illinois Bar forty years ago. Arti- cle No. 4, in "Early Illinois." Fergus Hist. Series, No. 14. 12°. Chicago 1881 — Life of Abraham Lincoln. Intro- duction by Hon. E. B. Washburne. 5th ed. 8°. Chicago 1891 — Life of Benedict Arnold. 8°. Chi- cago 1888 — Recollections of early Chicago and the Illinois Bar forty years ago. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 22. (Chi- ago Bar Association lectures. No. 1.) 12°. Chicago 1882 — Sketch of the life of A. Lincoln preceding Oldroyd's Lincoln Me- morial— Album Immortelles.. 8°. N. Y 1883 Arnold, Isaac N. and Scammon, J. Young. Address on incidents in lives of Lincoln and Mai. Ander- son in the Black Hawk War. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 10. 12°. Chicago 1877 — Wm. B. Ogden and early days in Chicago. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 17. 12°. Chicago 1882 Arnold, Isaac N. and Sheahan.Jas.W. Lincoln and Douglas. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 15. 12°. Chicago. 1881 Arnold, Isaac N. Memorial address . commemorative of the life and character of, delivered before the Chicago Hist. Soc, Oct. 21, 1884. Washburne. Hon. E. B. Paper. 8°. Chicago 1884 Around the circle. A thousand miles through the Rocky Mountains. Denver & Rio Grande R. R.,pub. Pam. 12. Chicago 1892 Around the world with Gen. John C. Smith. Smith, John Corson. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1895 Arrangements for the inauguration of the President of the U. S.. March 4, 1865. Com. U. S. Cong. Pub. Pam. 8°. Washington..., 1865 Art galleries. Descriptive catalogue of art gallery of the James Pren- dergast free library, Jamestown, N. Y. 8°. Jamestown 1894 Arthur, T. S. and Carpenter, W. H., eds. History of Illinois. (Cabi- net histories of the states.) 16°. Phila 1869 Asbury, Henry. Reminiscences of Quincy.Ill. 8°. Quincy 1882 Asbury and his co-laborers. Larrabee, Rev. Wm. C. Rev. D. W. Clark, ed. 2v. 16°. Cincinnati 1852 Ashe, Thos. Esq. Travels in America. 12°. London 1808 Ashton. John. Adventures and dis- courses of Capt. John Smith. 12°. London, Paris and New York 1883 Assassination and death of Abraham Lincoln. Abbott, Abbott A. Pam. 12°. N. Y 1865 Assassination of Abraham Lincoln and attempted assassination of Wm . H . Seward. secretary of state, and Fred W. Seward, assistant secretary, April 14. 1865. Expres- sions of condolence from nations of the world. Appendix to diplo- matic correspondence of 1865. (State Dept. U. S. Pub.) 4°. Washington 1867 Assassination of Lincoln. History of great conspiracy, trial of conspira- tors and review of trial of John H. Surratt. Harris, T. M. 8°. Boston 1892 Assassination of President Lincoln and the trial of the conspirators. Pitman, Benn, comp. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1865 Associations. American Association of the Red Cross. History of treaty of Geneva and its adoption by U.S. 12°. Washington 1883 — American Nat. Red Cross Relief Com. reports, May, 1898, March, 1899. 8°. N. Y 1899 — Kings' Daughters, Springfield, III. Constitution and by-laws of Kings' Daughters' Home for wo- men. Pam. 8°. Springfield, n. d Astoria; or, anecdotes of an enterprise beyond the Rocky mountains. Irv- ing, Washington. 2 v. 8°. Phila. 1841 Astronomy. Payne. Wm. W., and Wil lard, Charlotte R., eds. Popular astronomy. Periodical, issue of Jan., 1894 — Sullivan, J. C. Celestial physics. Pam. 8°. Cairo, 111 1892 AT. L6 HAIMJKR. A i the foot of Pike's Peak. Some glimpses of Colorado sprint:*. Printing Co.,pnbs. Pam. a. d. Athkns oonnty, Ohio. Walker, Chas, M. Bistory of Athens county, Ohio, Ohio Valley Biet Series. 8°. Cincinnati 1869 Atkinson. Edward, pnb. TheAnti bn- perialist Periodical, published Irregularly. Boston and Brook- line, Mass 1899 Atkinson. Edward. The science of nutrition. 12°. Boston 1896 Brown, Julius L. Ad- dress of the president of the asso- ciation tit the dedication of the new building of the Young Men's Library Association. Pam. 12° Atlanta, Ga 1880 A ii. as maps of counties of Illinois. See Illinois. Atlases. Bellin. S. Le petit atlas maritime. 4° 1764 — Blanchard. Rufus. Historical atlas of U. S. Map of Europe and the world, n. d — Carey, Mathew. pub. Carey's Ameri- can Atlas. 4°. Phila 1795 — Carey & Lea, pub. Complete Ameri- can atlas. Guide to history of N. and S. America and West Indies. Phila 1823 — See Maps. Attempts to separate the west from the American Union. Robertson, /.. . . C. l Publns. Mo. Hist. Soc. No. S.) Paper, n. d Attorney general of the State of Illi- nois. See 111., Attorney general of. Atwater, Caleb. Antiquities of the State of Ohio. 8°. Circleville ... 1820 — Remarks on a tour to Prairie du Chien. 16°. Columbus 1831 Atwood, David, and Tenuey, II. A. .Memorial record of the fathers of Wis. B . Madison 1880 Arr.KKTF.ru.. Billiard d\ Essais his- toriques et politiques sur la K lution de 1' Am6rique Septen- rionale. - v. 12°. Brussels and Paris H82 Audit ok public accounts. State of 111. Auditor Pul 3TANA College and Theological Seminary, Catalogue of 1889-90 AUGUBTANA Synod, Lutheran. Official record of the Augustana synod. (Scand. Evan. Lutheran. 1860-900. Pams. 12 a Pays des Borons. Lea premit apdtrea de la Nouvelle France. . Lalemant, Jognes, Bi -am , Rouvler, -le I '• re E*r6d. 12 . X. Y. n. d • ka. Si i Kane County. Austin. Moses. Memorandum of M, Austin's journey from the lead mines In Virginia to the lead mines in the Province!,) Louisiana. west of the Miss., it Pub. fa Amer, Bist. Review, April, 1900, Vol. 5, No. 8.) Australia. Greville, Edward, ed. iTear-bOOk Of Australia for 1801. 8°. Sydney 1891 AuTHBNTK letters of Columbus. Cur- tis, Wm. E. (Publns. Field Col. Museum, Vol. 1. No. 2.) Paper. 8°. Chicago 1895 Autobiography of Rev. Jas. B. Pin- ley; or, pioneer life in the West. \Ud by W. P. Strickland. 12°. Cincinnati 1853 Autobiography by Jesus of Nazareth. Being His historical life given by Himself through the inspiration of the Scribe. Pettis. Olive G. 8°. 1894 Ayer. N. W. & Son, pubs. American newspaper annual. 8°. Phila... 1883 Babb, James E. Supreme Court of Illi- nois. Sketches of its members. Territorial and State. Published in the Green Bag, .May, 1891. Bos- ton 1891 Babcock, Rufus. ed. Memoir of John /'. D. Edited from his journals and correspondence. 12°. Phila 1864 Babeuf. Julius, eomp. City directory Springfield, HL, for years 187! to is sepl 1876 77-78-78 90 bone of Illinois, in front and rear, from 1861 to 1865; and Memo- rial hall, Springfield, 111. Reed. . ll. i:. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1886 Backwoodsman; or, life on the Indian frontier. Wraxall, Sir. Lascelles. C. F.. ed. 12°. London 1864 Badeau. Adam. Grant in peace: Ap- pomattox to Mt. McGregor. A personal memoir. 8°. Hartford. 1887 — Military history of U. S. Grant. 3 v. 8°. N. V 1885 Badger. Bev. Henry C. The humble conqueror: a discourse commem- orative of the life and services of .ham Lincoln, preached to the Cambridgeport Parish, April 23. Pam. 8°. Boston 1865 BADOLLET. 17 BANCROFT. Badollet. John, Sketch of. In Surviv- al of pioneer families in Indiana. Published in the Pocket, Evans- ville, Ind.,Feb., 1898 Bailey, Rev. Fred. W. Record of my ancestry. 4°. Worcester, Mass. 1892 Bailey. Gilbert S. History of the Illi- nois River Baptist Association and its churches. 16°. N.Y.... 1857 Bailache & Baker, printers. Spring- field: puhlic and private improve- ments of, 1858. Statistics, etc. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1858 Baker, Edward Dickinson, American statesman and soldier. Born, Lon- don, Eng., Feb. 24, 1811: died. Ball's Bluff, Oct. 21.1861 Baker. E. D. Masterpieces of E. D. Baker. Shuck. Oscar T.,ed. (Elo- quence of the Far West No. 1.) 16°. San Fran 1899 — Speech in U. S- House of Repre- sentatives on Oregon que&tion Jan. 29,1846. Pam — Life and public services of. Wal- lace. Joseph. 12°. Springfield.. 1810 Baker, Edward Lewis. Inmemoriam. Born J.une3,1829; died July 8,1897. 8°. Paper. Springfield 1897 Baker, Geo. A. The St. Joseph-Kan- kakee portage; its location and use hy Marquette, LaSalle and others. (Northern Indiana Hist. Soc. Publns. No. 1.) Paper. 8°. South BeDd 1899 Baker, Hon. James H. The sources of the Miss. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Col., Vol. 6, Parti.) 8°. St. Paul. 1887 Baker. Gen. L. C. History of the U S. secret service. 8°. Phila.... 1867 — The secret service in the late war. 12°. Phila 1874 Balch, Thomas. The French in Ameri- ca during the War of Independ- ence of U. S.. 1777-83. Trans, from the B'rench by Thos. W., Edwin S., and Elise W. Balch. 2 v. 8°. Phila 1891-95 Baldwin, Chas. Candee, LL. D., late president of the Western Reserve Historical Society, Memorial of. Wright. G. Frederick. (TractNo. 88. in Vol. 4, Western Reserve Hist. Soc. Publns.) Pam. 8°. Cleveland 1896 Baldwin, Elmer. History of LaSalle county, 111. 12°. Chicago 1877 Baldwin, Henry P., ex-governor and ex-senator of Michigan, Memorial of. Legislative proceedings of the State of Mich. 8°. Lansing. 1893 Baldwin, Jo. G. Party leaders. Sketches of Jefferson, Hamilton, Jackson, Clay. John Randolph of Roanoke, and others. 12°. N. Y. 1864 Baldwin, John D. Ancient America. 12°. N. Y 1871 Baldwin, Rev. Theron. Letter to Rev. Jno. F. Brooks in regard to desks and seats for Monticello seminary. Written on the inside of a circular of the seminary. Original letter, Manuscript. Dated, Alton, Feb. 24.1838 Balestier, Joseph N. Annals of Chi- cago. Fergus Hist. Series. No. 1. 12°. Chicago 1876 Ballance. C. History of Peoria, 111. 12°. Peoria 1870 Baltimore & Ohio R. R.. pubs. Guide to Washington. D. C. Pam. 12°. Baltimore 1893 Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, president and directors of. Annual reports to stockholders. 1869, 1872, 1895, 1898 1900 Bancroft, George. History of the U.S. 3ded. 10 v. 8°. Boston.. 1838-75 — Memorial address on life and char- acter of A. Lincoln, delivered at the request of both houses of Congress of U. S., before them in U. S. House of Representatives. Feb. 12. 1866. 8°. Washington... 1866 Bancroft, Hubert Howe. Book of the Fair. 5 v. 4°. Chicago 1893 — History of Alaska. 1730-1885. 8°. San Francisco 1890 — History of Arizona and New Mex- ico, 1530-1888. 8°. San Francisco. 1890 — History of British Columbia, 1792- 1887. 8°. San Francisco 1890 — History of California. 1542-1890. 7 v. 8°. San Francisco 1890 — History of Central America. 1501- 1887. 3 v. 8°. San Francisco.... 1890 — History of Colorado. See history of Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming. — History of Idaho. See history of Washington, Idaho and Montana. — History of Mexico, 1516-1887. 6 v. 8°. San Francisco 1890 -2 H. L. BANCROFT. 18 l'.AKNAKh Bancroft, Hubert Howe Continued. — History of Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming, 1540 1688. 8°. San Francisco 1890 Historj of Northwesl ' loast, 1543 1846. - \ . 8. Sao Francisco 1890 — History of Oregon, [834 1888. 2 v. 8 . San Francisco 1890 History of Texas and t he North Mexican States. 1531-1889. 2 v. 8°. S;m Francisco 1890 History of Utah, 1540 1887. 8°. San Francisco 1890 — History of Washington, Idaho and Montana.1845 1889. 8 . SanFran- Cisco 1890 — The Native Races of the Pacific States. Vol. L— Wild tribes. Vol. 2.— Civilized nations. Vol. 8.- -Myths and languages. Vol. 4.— Antiquii ies. Vol. 5.— Primitive history. 5v. b°. N. Y 1876 Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss. Speeches in U. S. House Representatives upon presentation by the State of Mass. of portraits of ex-Speakers Sedgwick, Vamum and Banks. (U. S. Gov't. Pubs.) 4°. Wash- ington 1888 Banks and banking. Bankers' Asso- ciation of Illinois. Proceedings of annual conventions, 1891-92-93 and '95. Patus — Heudrix. Hon. Jos. C. Address at opening of American Bankers' Association, Aug. 23. 1898. Pam — Illinois State Auditor of Public Accounts. Statemenl showing the condition of the Illinois State Banks. Issued quarterly, bound together annually 1897- 99 — Illinois State Legislature. Report of the joint-select committee upon State banks of Illinois. Pam. 8°. Vandalia 1837 — Thiry, .1. H. School savings banks in the U.S. 8°. X. Y 1890 Baptist church. A.ner. Bap. Publica- tion Soc.pub. The psalmist collec- tion of hymns for use Bap. churches. :iJ . Phila 1847 — Bailey. Gilbert S. Hist, of the 111. River Baptist Ass'n and its Churches. 16°. N. Y 1857 — Bap. Gen. Ass'n of 111. Constitu- tion by-laws and minutes of 3^th annual meeting, 1882; list. 1S85; 46th. 189U; 52d. 1896. Pams Bai-i ist chu '.limit (I. — Boyakin, Bev. W. F. Manuscript letter giving a brief account of the Baptist church at New Design, Monroe Co., the first protectant church in 111., and of the people who founded it. Dated, Blue Rapid-. Ka>.. June, 1900 — Mass. Sabbath School Union, pubs, Philip Ev« i hard; or. History of I'.apt isl Indian Mis-ions. 16°. Boston is:il — Rickerson, Rev F. I). A half cen- tury of Bap. hist, in Springfield, III. 1830-1881. 12°. Springti.dd.. 1881 — Rogers, Euclid B.. ed The Spring- field Baptist. ! Periodical, month- ly.) Vol. 1, Nov. 1892. to Jan. 1897. ( >dd numbers — Springfield, 111. Bap. Ass'n. Min Cites of. 41th, 47th. 50th, 54th, 56th, 59th, 61st anniversaries 1881-98 — Times-Herald, Chicago. Pubs, (in issue of May 24.1896.) Illinois Baptist Centennial. History of the first protestant church in 111., at New Design, Monroe Co. (Newspaper clipping.) Article signed. B. J. M — Walker, Edwin S. Hist, of Spring- field Bap. Ass'n. 12°. Springfield. 1881 Walker, Edwin S. The Fathers of the Springfield, III., Bap- Ass'n. Paper read at 50th anniversary, Sept. 7.1887. 8°. Springfield.... 1887 — Walker, Iter. Edwin S.,comp. Min- utes of the Springfield Bap. Ass'n 1894-98 Baraga. Bishop of. Grammar of the Otehipwe language. 12°. Montreal 1878 Barbe>Marbois, Francois de. Histoire de la Louisiaue. 8°. Paris 1829 Barber, John \V. and Howe, Henry. History of western states and ter- ritories from Alleghanie8 to Pa- cific and from Lakes to Gulf. 8°. Cincinnati 1867 Barker. H. E. Lines on Lincoln. In- spired by a visit to I lid Salem. Published in the Springfield (111.) Daily News, Aug. 1.1900 Barnard, D. /'.. Douglas. Crittenden, A. H. Stephens. Reverdy John- son. Ficklin, McClernand and others. Speeches on the ques- tions of the times, 1858-1862. de- livered in U. S. Cong, at political meetings and other places by various orators. Pams. bound in 1 vol BARNABY. 19 BAXTER. Barnaby, W. Henry. Life and labors in the Far, Far West. Notes of tour in Western States, Brit. Col., Manitoba and N. W. Ter. 12°. London, Paris and N. Y 1884 Barnet, James, ed. Martyrs and heroes of 111. 8°. Chicago 1865 Bakns, Chancy R., ed. and pub. Switz- ler's illustrated history of Mo. from 1541 to 1881. 8°. St. Louis.. 1881 Barrell, George. Life and travels of. Manuscript. Autobiography. Springfield, 111. Manuscript pre- sented to 111. State Historical Li- brary, 1890 Barrett, J. H. Life of Abraham Lin- coln. Also sketch of Hannibal Hamlin. 12°. Indianapolis 1860 Barrett. Joseph. Life of Abraham Lincoln. Early history, political career and speeches. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1865 Barrows, Isabel C, ed. Proceedings Nat. Conference of Charities and Corrections. 16th annual session, San Fran 1889 — - 17th annual session, Baltimore, 1890. 2 vols. 8°. Boston 1889-90 Barrows. Rev. John Henry, ed. Worlds Parliament of Religions. 2 vols. 8°. Chicago 1893 Bart. (See Minneapolis Journal.) Bartlett, D. W,, comp. Cases of con- tested elections in Cong., 1834-65, inc. (38 cong. 2d sess. H. R. Misc. Doc. No. 57.) 8°. Washington... 1865 Bartlett, D. W. Life of Gen. Frank Pierce. 12°. Auburn 1852 — Life and public services of Abra- ham Lincoln, Also biographical sketch of Hanibal Hamlm. 12°. Cincinnati 1860 Bartlett, Geo. H. Free public li- braries of Mass. With map ex- hibiting cities and towns, with li- braries and statistics. Paper map- Bartlett, John Russell. Dictionary of Americanisms. 2d ed. 8°. Boston 1859 — Personal narrative of explorations and incidents in Texas, N. Mex- ico, Cal., Sonora and Chihuahua. 8°. N.Y 1855 Barton, Benj. Smith and Sargent, Winthrop. Papers relative to cer- tain Amr. Antiquities. 8°. Phila.. 1796 Baskin, O. L. & Co., pubs. History of Grundy Co.. 111. 8°. Chicago.. 1882 — History of Menard and Mason Counties, 111. 8°. Chicago 1897 Bateman, Newton. Life and character of. Address by Dr. Samuel Wil- lard, A. M., M. D., in "Our Pil- grim Fathers, a symposium." 111. State Teachers' Association, pubs. 12°. Galesburg, 111 1899 Bateman, Newton, and Selby, Paul, editors. Historical encyclopedia of Illinois. 4°. Chicago 1900 Battell, Joseph. Vermont illustrated. 8°. Middlebury 1897 Battef, F. A. pub. History of Doug- las Co., 111. 8°. Chicago 1884 Battey, F. A- & Co.. pub. Cumber- land, Jasper and Richland Coun- ties, 111. Historical and biograph- ical. 8°. Chicago 1884 Battle Fields of the South, from Bull Run to Fredericksburgn. Sketches Confederate command- ers and gossip of the camps. By an English combatant. 8°. N. Y.. 1864 Battle grounds. Stone, Wm. L. Visits to the Saratoga battle grounds. Munsell's Historical Series, No. 28. 8°. Albany 1895 Battle of Gettysburg. With twenty engravings of the Ohio memor- ials. Lee, Alfred E. Pam. (s°. Columbus 1888 Battle of Bennington. Should be called battle of Walloomsac. Locke, S. D. Pam. 8°. Troy, N. Y 1892 Battle (The) of Tippecanoe. Read before the Filson Club Nov. 1, 1897. Pritle. Capt. Alfred. Filson Club pub. No. 15. 4°. Louisville .. 1900 Battleship Illinois. Account of launching at Newport News, Va. History and description of vessel. (Scrap-book.) Beckwith, H. W. Comp Battles and leaders oS the Civil War. Being for the most part contribu- tions by Union and Confederate officers, based upon "The Century War Series." Johnson. Robert Underwood and Buel. Clarence Clough, eds. 4 v. Folio. N. Y.... 1884-88 Baudencourt, Jacques de. Histoire populaire du Canada. 8°. Paris. Paper 1886 Baxter, Jas. Phinney. The Pioneers of New France in New England. (Munsell's Historical Series No. 21) 8°. Albany 1894 BAYLIES. 20 BELTRAMI. Baylies, //■ m. Francis. Introductory in. tic tO Sam'l II. Knierx - "Mill latry of Taunton." i v. 12°. Boston 1868 Bayonne, N.J. Free Pub. Library. Dictionary finding list. 8 '. Ba- yonne 1*95 BEADLB. J. H. Kxplanatory notes to "Brigham's destroying angel."12 . N. Y 1872 — Life in I tab. S . Atlanta. Gil 1870 — Western wilds and the men who re- deem them. 8. Cincinnati 1379 Beaman, ('has. C., jr. National and private Alabama claims and their final and amicable settlement. 8°. Washington 1871 Beamish. North Ludlow. The dis- covery of America by the North- men. 8°. London 1841 Beath, Robert B. History of the < rrand Army of the Republic. 8°. N. V 1889 — The Grand Army blue-book. 8°. Phila 1883 Beaujoub, Le Chevalier Felix de. Sketch of the U. S. of N. America, 1800 to 1810. Trans, from the French by Wm. Walton. 8°. Lon- don 1814 Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant, Brief personal sketch of, in "Mili- tary operations of Geo.. Beaure- gard." Roman, Alfred. 2 v. 8°. N. Y 1884 Beck, Lewis C. Gazetteer of III. and Mo. 8°. Albany 1823 Beckwith, A. C. ed. Beckwith notes. Paper. Elkhorn, Wis. (Serial* .... — Marvin Beckwith and his wife, Abi- gail Clark, their colonial ancestors and their descendants. Paper. 8°. Elkhorn. Wis 1899 Beckwith, II. W. History of Vermil- ion County. 111. 8°. Chicago.... 1879 — Illinois and Indiana Indians. (Fer- gus Historical Series No. 27.) 12°. Chicago 1884 — The Winnebago scare. Address be- fore Chicago Hist. Soc. (Fergus Bist. Series No. 10) 12°. Chicago. 1st: — Comp. Battleship Illinois. Ac- count of launching at Newport News, Va., Oct. 4.1898. Collec- tion of newspaper clippings, cuts. etc, in scrap-book) Beckwith, H. W„ ed. History of Iro- quolsCo., IU. 8°. Chicago 1880 BECKWITH, Marvin and his wife Abi- gail Clark. See Beckwith. A. C BeeOHEB, Rev. Edward. Narrative of riots at Alton, in connection with death of Rev. F.lijali P. I.ovejoy. See Alton, it;. Alton 1838 BEEOHEB, Lyman. A plea for the \V 12 . Cincinnati - Bl i.' mi:. /."< ■. Th is K. Lecture on the Kpiscopal church. Tarn. 16 . Rochester 1870 Berks, J, 11. & Co. pubs. Atlas of Kankakee County, 111. F. Chi- cago 1883 Begg, Alexander. History of the North- west. 3v. 8. Toronto V. Beggs. Rev. S. R. Pages from the early history of the We.-t and Northwest. Reminiscences of tie- settlement and growth of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri, with special reference to history of Methodism. 12°. Cincinnati.. 1868 Beginnings of literary culture in the Ohio valley. Historical and bio- graphical sketches. Yenable. W. H. 8°. Cincinnati 1891 BEGINNINGS of North American and I . S. history. Wallace, Joseph. Dated Aug. 1891, Springfield. 111. Manuscript. Behind the scenes; or thirty years a slave and four years in the White House. Keckley, Elizabeth. 12 . N. Y 186S Belles, the white chief; or, twelve > ears among the wild Indians of the plains. From diaries and m$8. of George P. Belden. Edited by Gen. Jas. S. Brisbin. 8 C . N. Y.. 1872 Bell, Andrew, Translation, with notes, of Garneau's history of Canada. 2 v. 8°. Montreal 1862 Belleville, St. Clair County. III. Belleville public library, board of directors of: 17th annual report, .1 une. 1900. Pam — Philharmonic society of Belleville. 111.. 100th concert of. Nov. is. 1S86. Pam. 16°. Belleville 1886 — For sketch of history of Belleville »e< St. Clair County. Bellin. S. Petit atlas martime. 1 . 1764 .See Atlases. Belloy, M. I.' Marquis hio. Partial list of books relating to Ohio in the library of the Hist. & Phil. Soe. of Ohio. 8°. Cincinnati 1893 — Illinois State Historical Library Publication No. l. Bibliography of newspapers published in Illi- nois prior to 1800. Prepared by Edmund J. .lames. Ph ]>., as- 1 by Milo J. Loveless. 8°. Springfield 1899 Milledge, John. The DeRenne gift. A communication from the State Librarian to the governor of Geor- gia 8°. Atlanta 1894 — Nelson, Chas. Alexander. The man- uscripts and early printed books bequeathed to the Long Island Hist. Soc. by Samuel B. Duryea, 1895. Paper. 4°. Brooklyn 1895 Bibliography— < 'ontintu St. Louie mercantile Library. List of early Illinois and Missouri newspapers in St. Louis Mercan- tile Library. Pain. 16°. n. d — Simpson, ■'/ ■ Frances, comp, Cat- alogue of Evanston authors and composers, 1900. Paper. B°. Evan- ston 1900 — Wallis, ralbol II. Catalogue of the California state Library. General Department. S . Sacramento... lss'.t — - Law department. 8°. Sacramento 1886 Bingham, s. B.,comp. Early history of Michigan, with biographies of state officers, members of Con gress, judges and legislators. Mich state pubs.] 9 . Lansing.. 1888 Biographical and historical memoirs of pioneer settlers of (.>h'c. with narrat ives - in 1775. Hildreth.S P. B . Cincinnati... 1^52 Biographical and historical sketches Of early Indiana. Woolen. Win, Wesley. 8°. Indianapolis 1883 Biographical sketches of some of Chicago's early settlers; Hon. Wm. 11. Brown, B. W. Raymond, Hon. J. Young Scammon. (has Walker. Esq. Thomas Church. Esq. (Part 2, Fergus Hist. Series, No. 6.) Patterson. R. W.. J>. />.. and others. 12°. Chicago 1876 Biogkaphical sketches of some of the early settlers of Chicago. Part 1. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 5. Bush- nell. Wm. II. 12 . Chicago - Biographi' At. sketches of Gen. Na- thaniel Bfassie, < fen. Duncan Mc- Arthur, Capt. William Wells and lien. Simon Kenton, early settlers in the western country. McDon- ald, John. 12°. Dayton. O 1862 Biography: Individual and Collbottvb. — Abelard. See Celebrated charac- ters. Lamartine. — Adams, John. 2nd President U. S.; born Oct. 19.(0. S .1735; died July 1. 1826 Messages and other official papers of, pp 227-316, Vol. 1. In A compilation "I the mes sage, and papers of the I'r dent-. 1789 1897. Richardson, Jas. D., comp — - Works of, with life of the author; illustrations and notes by his grandson. Chas. Francis Adams. 10 v. 8°. Boston 1866 BIOGRAPHY. 23 BIOGRAPHY. Biography— Continued. — - History of the life, administration and times of. in Vol. 2 of The Republic. Irelan. John Robert — - Adams-Jefferson contest, pp. 7-20 in "Our Presidents and how we make them," by CoJ.A.K. McClure ... — Adams. John Quincy. 6th Presi- dent U. S.; born July 11, 1767; died Feb. 21, 1848. Messages and other official papers, pp. 291-431. Vol. 2, in A compilation of the messages and papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897. Richardson, James D., comp — - History of the life, administration and times of. in Vol. 6 of The Re- public. Irelan, John Robert — - The Adams-Jackson— Crawford- Clay contest, pp. 39-46, in "Our Presidents and how we make them." McClure, A. K — American Biographical Pub.Co. Bio- graphical dictionary and portrait gallery Illinois Volume. 2 eds. 4°. Chicago 1876-83 — Andrew. J oh n Albion, Amer. States- man, Governor of Mass.; born 1818, died 1867. Sketch of life of. pp. 325-344, inclusive, in "Men of our times." Stowe, Harriet Beech- er. 8°. Hartford I 868 — Antar. See Celebrated Characters. Lamartine. — Arnold, Benedict, Amer. general in Revolution; born 1741, died 1801. Life of. Arnold. Isaac N. 8°. Chicago 1888 — Arnold, Isaac N., 111. lawyer, con- gressman and author; born 1813. died 1884. Memorial address com- memorative of the life and char- acter of, delivered before the Chi- cago Hist. Soc. Oct. 21. 1884. Washburne, Hon. E. B. Paper. 8°. Chicago 188 * - Arthur, Chester A. 21st President U. S.; born, Oct. 5.1S30; died Nov. 18,1886. Messages and other of- ficial papers of, pages 31-294 in "A compilation of the messages and papers of the presidents, 1789- 1897." V. 8. Richardson, James D., comp — - Sketch of life of, pages 537-558, inc. in Lives of Garfield and Arthur. "From the tow-path to the White House." Brisbin, Gen. James S. 12°. Phila 1880 Biography— Cont i n u e d . — - Garfield-Hancock contest, DP.270- 287. m"Our Presidents and how we make them." McClure, A. K — Asbury, Francis. Am. pioneer M. E. Bishop. Born in England. 1745, died in Virginia, 1816 — Asbury and his co-laborers. Con- tains sketches of Revs. Asbury, Coke, Whatcoat, Lee, Garrettson, Ware.M'Kendree, George, Roberts and Emory, 2 v. Larrabee. Rev. Wm. C. 16°. Cincinnati 1853 — Badollet, John. Sketch of the life of in "Survival of pioneer familiesin Indiana." Published in "The Pocket." Evansville.Ind., Feb., 1898 — Baker, Edward D-, American states- man and soldier; born. London, England, 1811; died, Ball's Bluff, 1861 — - Masterpieces of E. D. Baker. ("Eloquence of the far West. No. 1) Shuck, Oscar T. ed. 16°. San Francisco 1899 — - Sketch of career of. Pages 350-352 in "Personal recollec- tions." Darby, John F. 12°. St Louis — - Life and public services of. Wal- lace, Joseph. 12°. Springfield... Baker, Edward Lewis, In memor- ium. 8°. Springfield 1897 Baldwin, Chas. Candee. Memorial of. Wright, G. Frederick. (Tract No. 88, in v. 4, publication Western Reserve Hist. Soc.) Baldwin, Henry P. ex-Governor and ex-Senator of Michigan. Legislative proceedings of the state of Michigan in memory of Rutherford B. Hayes and Henry P.Baldwin. (Mich, state pub.) 8°. Lansing 1893 ■ Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss. Me- morial of. Speeches delivered in the U. S. House of Representa- tives on presentation of portraits of ex-Speakers Sedgwick. Var- num and Banks to the National Government by the state of Massa- chusetts. U. S. Guv. Pub. 4°. Washington 1888 - Bartlett, Josiah. Sketch of life of. Pages 1-8. inc , in DwiyhtVLives of the signers of the Declaration of Independence " 1880 1870 BIOGRAPHY 24 BIOGRAPHY B raphi i 'ontinut d. — Bateman, Newton. American edu- cator; born. 1822; died, 1891 tch "i life and labors of, in addressol Dr.Samuel Millard, pp. SO, n "I »ur pilgrim fathers." Pub. by III. Teachers' Associa- tion. 12 . Galesburg L898 — Bateman, Newton and Selby, Paul. Historical, Encyclopedia of Illi- nois, i . Chicago 1900 — Beecher. Henrs Ward. American clergj man and author; born, 1813; died, 1887 Sketch of life of . Pages 505-57,">. in "Men of our times." Stowe, Harriel B( her. 8° Hart- tonl 1S68 — Benton, Thos, Hart. American statesman ami {'. S. s.: horn, 1782; died. 1858. Thirty years' view: or. a history of the work- ing of the American ( tovernmenl for thirty y. ars. 1820 to 1850. Willi an autobiographical sketch. 2 v. 8 . N. V 1893 — - Sketch of, pp. 180-188, in "Per- sonal recollections." Darby, ■, P. 11' . St. Louis 1880 — Bigelow, Moses. Biographical sketch of. Bigelow, Samuel P. 8°. Newark. N.J 1890 — Birney, Jas. (i. American politi- cian; born,171>2; died,iv">7 .lames G. Birney and his times. Birney, Wm. 12°. Cincinnati 1890 — Black Hawk. Sac Indian of Illi- nois: born (probably), 1707 ; died. 1833 — Black Hawk and Black Hawk war. Armstrong, //•- 19, in Sketches oi the history of Ogle County, 111. 8 . Polo. 111... 1859 — Bradsby, H. G.. ed. Sketch of the Black Hawk war. pp, 19-58, in Histors of Bureau County. 8°. Chicago '. 1885 — Butterworth, Hezekiah. In the boyhood of Lincoln: a tale of the Tunker schoolmaster and the times of Black Hawk. 12. N. Y. 1896 BlOG&lPHl - ( 'ontinued. — Conclin, George, entered by. The great Indian chief of the w or, life ami adventures of Black Hawk. Drake, Benjamin. 12 . Phila 1857 — Drake, Benjamin. Life and adven- tures of Bltek Hawk, sketches of Keokuk, the 8ac and Pox Indians, and the late Black Hawk war. 12°. Cincinnati ls:w — Elliott, Isaac i I . eomp. Adj. Sen. 111. Record services Illinois sol- diers in Black Hawk war. 1831 1832, and in Mexican war. 1846 1848. Taken from official rolls in War Department, Washington, D. C. 8°. Springfield 1882 — Ford, Gov. Thomas. Account of Black Hawk war, pp. lO^-lfo. in History of Illinois. 1818-47 — Hill, H. H. & Co., pubs. Sketch of Black Hawk War. pages 39-5(1, in History of Lee Co. B . Chicago... 1881 — lies, Elijah. Letter to I. N. Arnold in regard to Mr. Lincoln's service asaprivate soldier in the Black Hawk War. pages 18-20 in "Ad- dresses delivered at annual meet- ing Chicago Historical Society. Nov. 19,1868." (Fergus. Hist. Ser- ies No. 10 Kett, H. P. & Co. Sketch of Black Hawk War. pages 71-::', in His- tory of Winnebago Co., 111. 8°. Chicago is;: 1 Same sketch in Kett & Co.'s History of Ogle Co . pages 74-79, put). 1378.) — Kirkman. M. M. The romance of Gilbert Holmes. An historical novel. 12°. Chicago 1900 — LeBaron. Wm. jr.. A: Co. Sketch of Black Hawk War, pages 71 79. in History Woodford Co., 111. 8°. Chicago 1878 The above mentioned sketch is to he found in several of the histor- ies of the northern counties of Illinois. — Matson. X. Sketch of Black Hawk and Black Hawk War, pages 80- 211. in "Mem. o-ies of Shaubena." 3d ed. 12 . Chicago 1882 — - Sketch of Black Hawk and Black Hawk War. pages 16-92, in "Rem- iniscenci - of Bureau Co." 12 . Princeton 1872 BIOGRAPHY. 25 BIOGRAPHY. Biography— Continued. — Newlands, R. W. Heroes that fell at the memorable skirmish atStill- man's Run. Published in The Stillman Valley Graphic, Still- man Valley, Ogle Co. 111., Nov. 24,1899 — Patterson, J. B.. ed. Black Hawk, Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak. Life of Black Hawk, with account of Black Hawk War, dictated by himself. 16°. Boston 1834 — Later edition, containing account of life, death and burial of Black Hawk. Patterson, J. B.. ed. 12°. Oquawka, 111 1882 — Power, John Carroll, assisted by Mrs. S. A. Power. Sketch of part taken by citizens of Sangamon Co., 111., in Black Hawk War, pages 54-61, in "History of the early settlers of Sangamon Co." 8°. Springfield 1876 — Scammon, Hon. J. Young. Anec- dote of Mr. Lincoln in the Black Hawk War, pages 14-15, in "Ad- dresses delivered at annual meet- ing Chicago Historical Society, Nov. 19. 1868." Fergus Hist. Ser- ies No. 10 — Smith. E. H. Black Hawk and scenes in the West, by a Western Tourist. Poem. 12°. N. Y 1848 — Tilden, M. H. Sketch Black Hawk War. pages 203-217, in History Stephenson Co., 111. Western Hist. Co., pubs. 8°. Chicago.... 1880 — Wakefield, John, Esq. History of the war between the U. S. and the Sac and Fox Indians, and parts of other disaffected tribes, in 1827-1831 and 1832. 12°. Jackson- ville, ill 1834 — Wisconsin Historical Society Col- lections. Vol.10. 8°. Madison.. 1888 Contents.— Papers of Capt. T. G. An- derson, British Indian Agent, Indian campaign of 1832.— Smith. Battle of Peekatonica. — Pitch. Reminiscences of Black Hawk War.— Anderson. Inci- dents of Black Hawk War.— Whittle- sey, Notes on Black Hawk War.— Parkinson. Sketches of ludian chiefs and pioneers of Northwest. — Shaw. Causes of Black Hawk War.— Brown. Black Hawk scraps from old newspa- pers. Robert S. Black and the Black Hawk War.— Jones. — Woodford, G. H. Fifty years ago; or, gleanings respecting the his- tory of Northern Illinois a few years previous to and during the Black Hawk War. Paper. 8°. Joliet 1883 Biography— Continued. — Orderly-book and muster rolls of Illinois troops (officers and pri- vates) during Black Hawk War. (Original records, gift of Mrs. E. B. Anderson, widow of Gen. Rob- ert Anderson — Photograph of battlefield of "Still- nian's Defeat," Lee Co., 111., Black Hawk War. H. A. Brown, artist, Dixon, 111. Photo. 4^x7 inches — Photograph of monument erected at Kellogg's Grove, by Stephenson Co., 111., in memory of persons killed in Black Hawk War. P. T. Harris, artist, Lena, 111. Photo. Cabinet size — Blaine, James G.,Amer. statesman; born 1830, died 1893. Personal tribute to the memory of Gen. W. T. Sherman, and critique of Sher- man's Memoirs, to accompany the 4th edition of the Memoirs of Gen. W. T. Sherman. 4th ed. 8°. N. Y. 1891 — - Twenty years of Congress. 2 v. 8°. Norwich, Conn 1884 — - Cooper. Thos. V. Biographies of Jas. G. Blaine and John A. Logan. 8°. N. Y 1884 — - Houghton, Walter. Sketches of the lives of Blaine and Logan. 12°. Chicago 1884 — - Mann. Edward G. Jas. G. Blaine's place in American history. 8°. Albany 1893 — - Michigan, State of. Legislative services of, in memory of Jas. G. Blaine. 8°. Lansing 1893 — - Ridpath, John Clark. Life and public services of Jas. G. Blaine, and sketch of the life of John A. Logan. 12°. Cincinnati 1884 — Bond. Shadrach. See Illinois Gov- ernors. — Bossuet. See Celebrated charac- ters. — Bouquet, Col. Henry and his cam- paigns. Cort, Rev. Cyrus. 16°. Lancaster, Pa 1883 — Bradlee, Caleb Davis, life of; by "E. R. L." a graduate of Boston University. Pam. Boston, n. d — Bradwell, Myra. Lawyer and edi- tor; born 1831, died 1894. — - Exercises at dedication of Myra Bradwell school. Bradwell, Jas. B., eomp — - Sketch of life and obituary notice in Chicago Legal News, Feb., 1894 BI0GRAPH1 26 BKMJKAPHY. • BioiiKAi-HY— Continued. Sketch of life of. In "The Bench and Bar of III. Bistorical and Reminiscent." JohD 31. Palmer, ed. Pages 277-281 Brant, Joseph. Thyenanega, life of; or, Indian wars of the American Revolution. Stone, Wm. L. -v. 8°. N. V 1838 Another edition. 2v. 8°. Buffalo. 1851 Braniliill. Mrs. Jeannie Nicholas. A memory of a beautiful life. Anon. 12°. Chicago 1898 — Braxton, Carter. Sketch of life of. Pages 321-324 inclusive, in Lives Signers. Dwight — Breese. Hon. Sidney. Justice Su- preme Court of III., and U. S. Senator; born 1800, died 1878. — - Early history of Ills. 8°. Chicago. 1884 — - In memory of. Proceedings of Chi- cago Bar. 4°. Chicago 1878 — Brooks, Arthur. In memoriam. Chicago Literary Club. Chicago. n. d — Brown, John, Amer. anti-slavery agitator; born 1800, died 1859. Con- nelly, W. E. 12°. Topeka 1900 — Browning, Orville H. Amr. States- man; born 1800, died 1811. In memoriam. Address by Chas. B. Lawrence. Proceedings III, Bar Association, n. d — Buckingham, Gov. Wm. A. U. S. Senator; born 1806, died 1875. Sketch of life of. pages 463-479 in- clusive, in ".Men of our Times." Stowe. Harriet Beecher. 8°. Hart- ford 1868 — Burr, Aaron, 3d Vice President U. S.; born 1756. died 1S36. Memoirs of. Davis. Matthew L. 2 v. 8°. N. Y 1866 — - Life and times of. Parton, J. 12°. N . Y 1858 Butler county, Ohio; pioneer bi- ography of. McBride. James (Ohio Valley Hist. Series.) 2v. 8 . Cincinnati 1869 — Batterfleld, Consul VY. Biographi- cal Bketch of, in Ohio Arch, and Hist. Quarterly, Oct., UK)0. Hunt- er. W. H — Batterfleld. Justin; memoir of. Wil- son. John. 8°. Chicago 1879 — Cadillac, Antoine de la Mothe; the founder of Detroit; life of. Bur- ton. C. M. 8°. Detroit 1895 Biography— Continm d. — Carlin. Thomas, .sv, Illinois Gov- ernors. — Carli-le. John <;. Amer. Btal man; born 1835. Sketch of life of, pages 232 236, in Lincoln's cam- paign; Or, the political revolution of l%0. Oldroyd, Osborn EL Paper. 12 . N. Y 1898 — Carroll. Charles, of Carrollton. Sketch of the life of, in Dwight's "Lives of the Signers," etc.. pages 2G2-266 inclusive — Cartwright, Peter. Pioneer M. E. preacher; born 1785, died 1872 Autobiography of. Strickland, W.P.,ed. 12°. Cincinnati 1866 — - Ross, H. L. Personal recollec- tions of Peter Cartwright. page 180 in Early pioneers and pioneer events in Illinois — Cass, Lewis. American State SIC born lTsii. died 1866. Proceed in Congress upon the acceptance by the L T . S. government of a stat- ue of Lewis Cass, presented by the State of Michigan. U. S. Gov- ernment Pubs. 4°. Wa hington. 1889> — Celebrated characters; memoirs of. Lamartine, Alphonse de. 3 v. 12°. N. Y 1856- Contents.— Lord Nelson. Heloise and Abelard. Christopher Columbus. Ber- nard De Palissy. the potter— Roostain. Marcus Tullius Cicero. Socrates. Jac- (iuard, the silk weaver of Lyons. Joan of Arc. Cromwell Homer. Guten- berg, h'oiielon. William Tell. Madame de Sevigne. Milton. Antar. Bossuet. — Chamberlain. George, letters of, with sketch of life. Lutz. Mrs. Caroline C 12°. Springfield. 111. 1883- — Chase, Philander. Pioneer Epis- copal Bishop of 111., born 1775. died 1852. Reminiscences of. Au- tobiography. 2d ed. 2 v. 8°. Boston 1848. — Chase, li'ir. Philander. Letters, pamphlets, etc, relating to the life and labors of Bishop Chase — Chase, Salmon P. Amer. Sts man. born 1808, died 1873. Sketch of life of; pages 241-2!l(J. inclusive. in "Men of our Times.'' Stowe, Harriet Beecher. 8°. Hartford.. 1868- — Chase, Samuel. Sketch of life of, pages 245-252, inclusive, in Lives Signers, etc. Dwight — Chicago. Pioneers of. In memor- iam. Bradwell, Jas. B. Pam. 4°. Chicago 1896- BIOGRAPHY 27 BIOGRAPHY. Biography— Continued. — Chiniquy, Charles. Clergyman and and reformer, born 1809, died 1S99. Fifty years in the Church of Rome. (Autobiography.) 42d ed. 12°. Chicago 1892 — Civil war, (the great) history of. with biographical sketches of leading statesmen and distin- guished naval and military com- manders, etc. Tomes, Robert, and Smith, Benj. G. 3 v. Folio. N. Y. n.d — Clark, Abraham, sketch of the life of, pp. 143-146, inc., in Dwight's Lives of the Signers of the Dec- laration of Independence — Clark. Gen. George Rogers, soldier in Revolution; born 1752, died 1818. Gen. George Rogers Clark's sketch of his campaign in the Illi- nois in 1778-9, with an introduction by Hon. Henry Pirtle, and an ap- pendix containing the public and private instructions to Col. Clark, and Ma.j. Bowman's journal of the taking of Post St. Vincent. Bio- graphical sketches of Col. Clark, reprinted from Lewis Collins' history of Kentucky. Ohio Valley Historical Series No. 3. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1869 — - English, Win. H. Conquest of the Northwest and life of George Rogers Clark. 2 v. 8° Indianapolis 1896 — - For other sketches of Gen. George Rogers Clark see histories of Northwest Territory, Indiana, Kentucky and Illinois. — Clark, William, Amer. explorer and traveler; born 1770. died 1838. Memoir of. in preface, to History of expedition of Lewis and Clark, pages 63-97. Coues, Elliott, ed. 4v. 8°. N.Y 1893 — Clay, Elizabeth Hudson, sketch of life of. The mother of Henry Clay. Part 1, in The Clay Family, Filson Club, publ'n. No. 14, pp. 3-60, inc. Smith, Hon. Zachary F. 4°. Louisville 1899 — Clay family, genealogy of. Clay, Mrs. Mary Rogers. Part 2 in Fil- son Club publ'ns No. 14, pp. 63-236, inc. 4°. Louisville 1899 — Clay, Henry, Amr. statesman; born 1777. died 1852. Sketch of life of, in Party Leaders, pp. 277-369 in- elusive. Baldwin, Jo. G. 12°. N. Y 1864 Biography— Con tinned. — - Life of. Colton, Calvin. N. Y 2v. 8 C - Private correspondence of. ton, Calvin. 8°. N.Y Col- 1856 1856 Clinton, George W. An address commemorative of, delivered be- fore Buffalo Historical Society, March 24,1890. Day, David F. Publ'n Buffalo Hist. Soc. Pam. 8°. Buffalo 1890 Clymer, George, sketch of life of, pp. 190-198, inclusive, in Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. Dwight Coke, Rev. Thomas, sketch of life. Vol. 1, pp. 227-333, inclusive, in Asbury and his Co-laborers. Lar- rabee, Rev. Wm. C. 2 v. 16°. Cincinnati, n. d Coles, Edward. Governors. See Illinois Colfax, Schuyler. Amr. statesman and Vice President; born 1823. died 1885. Sketch of life of. pp. 347-362. inclusive, in "Men of Our Times." Stowe, Harriet Beecher. 8°. Hartford Colquitt, Alfred H., Amr. states- man, U. S. Senator from Georgia; horn 1824, died 1894. Memorial ad- dresses delivered in U. S. Senate on lives and characters of Zebu- Ion B. Vance, Francis B. Stock- bridge and Alfred H. Colquitt. U. S. Gov. Pubs. 4°. Washington. Columbus, Christopher, Genoese discoverer of America; born (about) 1436, died 1506. Belloy. Marquis de. Christopher Colum- bus and the discovery of the New W T orld. 4°. London - Curtis, Wm. E. The authentic let- ters of Columbus. Pubs. Field Col. Museum, Vol. 1, No. 2 - Ford, Paul Leicester, ed. The writings of Columbus. Edited, witn an introduction, by Paul L. Ford. 12°. N.Y - Hale, Edward Everett. Life of Christopher Columbus. 12°. Chi- cago : - Irving, Washington. History of the life and voyages of Christo- pher Columbus. 2 v. 8°. Phila. Also. Author's revised edition. 3 v. 8°. N. Y Another edition. 3 v. 8°. Loudon. 1868 1896 1885 1892 1891 1840 1861 1877 BIOGRAPHY . 28 BIOGRAPHY. BtooRAPHi ' 'onlinut d, — - Lamartlne. Sketch of Columbus, i» Memoirs of celebrated charac NTs — - Poole, w mi. I' - . Columbus and the finding of 1 1 1 « - New World. Pam. 16 . Chicago 18U2 - Roaelly de Lorgues. Christophe ( lolomb: II Istoire '!<• bb v le. e1 ses Voyages. 2 v. s . Paris 1SS50 — - Spotorno, Qio. Batista. Memo- rials of < 'olumbus ; or. a collection of authentic documents of thut ci lii. rated navigator; preceded by u memoir of his life and discov- eries. Translated from the Span- ish ami the Italian. 8 . London 1823 — - For other sketches id" Columbus, .sec histories of America and the U. 8 — Cook County. Sketches and por- traits of the newly elected judges in Cook county, 111. November. 1892. Reprinted from Chicago Legal News, Nov. 19.1892. Brad- well.. Tas. B. Contains biographi- cal s!m ti Ins of Judges Geo. H. Kit telle. Jonas Hutchinson, Thos. G. Windes. Edward F. Dunne, Philip Stein. Win. (i. Ewing.Geo. K. Sugg and Jas. Goggin. 8°. Chi- cago. n. d — Cox, Samuel Sullivan. Amer. diplo- matist, born 1824. died 1889. Me- morial addresses on I i t'e and char- acter of, delivered in Congress I'. S. (U. s iii,v. Pub.) 4 . Wash- ington 1890 — Crain. \V:n. Henry. Amer. states- man and member Congress from Texas, bum 1848. died 18U6. Memo- rial addresses mi life ami charac- acter Of, delivered in House of Representatives and Senate D.S., 54th Cong., I -ion. < 1 Gov. Pub.- i . Washington 1897 — Cromwell, Oliver, Lord-protector ut England, born 1699, died 1668, Sketrii of, Celebrated charac- ters. memoirs of s " Celebrated characters.— Lamartine. Curwen. Samuel, Amer. loyalist in Revolution, born 1715. died 1802, Journal ami letters of, 177." B4, to which are added biographical no- - ot" Samuel ( 'nrweii and many other pei suns. Ward. George At- kinson, ■■>. H . X. V 1842 Biography —Continued. Cutler, Ephraim, Pioneer ot N. w. Territory, born I7r.7.died 1V>:{, Life ami time- of, with biographical sketches ot Jervis Cutler ami Win. Park Cutler. Cutler. Julia Perkin.. (Ohio Valley Historical Serie- 8°. Cincinnati 1890 - Cutler. Manasseh, Amer. clergy- man, agenl in formal ion of N. W. Territory, born 1712, died 1828, Life, journals and correspond* of. Cutler. Wm. P.. a / < utler. Julia P. 2 v. 8°. Cincinnati .... 1888 Darby, John F. Personal recollec- tions of. 12° St. Louis 1880 — Davis, David. American states- man, associate justice Supreme Court U. S. and U. S. Sen. from Ills., born 1815, died 1886: sketch of life of, in Moses, "Illinois His- torical and Statistical." Page 860, vol. 'J: u/so. in I 'avidson & Stuve's History of 111., page 970 — Davis, Sarah Woodruff, wife of David Davis; born 1M1. died 1879; commemorative services ;it the funeral of: with a biographical sketch. 12°. Bloomington 1879 — Dearborns (The): Discourse com- memorative of the occupation of Fort Dearborn and the tirst settle- ment of Chicago. Goodwin, Dan'I. jr. Contains discourse on Gen'l Henry Dearborn, also on Gen'l Henry Alexander Scammell Dear- born. (Proceedings Chicago His- torical Society.) 8° Chicago 1884 — Declaration of Independence, lives of Signers of. Dwight, N. 12 , N. Y 1861 Adams. John Lynch. Thomas, jr. Adams. Samuel McKcan. Thomas Bartlett, Josiah Middleton, Arthur Brazion, I arter Morris. Lewis Can-nil, r.oi < la'rollt'n Morris, Robert i base. Samuel Morton, John ( 'lark. Abraham Nelson. Thomas, jr. < 'lymer. « leorge Paca, Wil liam Ellery, William Paine, Robert Treat Floyd, Willi. mi Pi nn, John Franklin, Benjamin Read, < leorge Gerry, Elbridge Rodney, Caesar • Iwinnett, Button Ross, i leorge Hall. Lyman Rush, Benjamin Hancock, John Rutledge, Edward Harrison. Benjamin Sherman, Roger Hart, John Smith Janus Hewes, Joseph Stockton, Richard lb yward. Thomas Stone, Thomas Hooper. William Taylor, (ieorge Hopkins, Stephen Thornton, Matthew Hopkinson, Francis Walton, George Huntington Samuel Whipple. William Jefferson, Thomas Williams, William Lee, Francis Ligbtfoot Wilson, James Lee, Richard Henry Witherspoon. John Lewis, Francis Wolcott. < diver Livingston. Phili Wythe. George BIOGRAPHY. 29 BIOGRAPHY. Biography— Continued. — DeSoto, Hernando, or Fernando. Spanish explorer; born about 1500, died 1542 — DeSoto, Ferdinand; discoverer of the Miss, river. Life, travels and adventures of. Wilmer, Lambert A. 8°. Philadelphia 1858 — - History of DeSoto and Florida; or. The record of the events of 56 years. Shipp, Barnard. 8°. Phila. 1881 — Dickinson, John, the Quaker states- man. Poole. Wm. F. (Pub. in The Dial. July 1. 1891.) — Douglas, Stephen Arnold, Amer. Statesman and U.S. Senator; born 1813. died 1861. Speech on Pacific R. R. Bill, U. S. S., 1858. Speech at reception at New Orleans. 1S58. Speeches at receptions at Phila- delphia and Baltimore, January. 1859. Rejoinder to Judge Black's speech, with note, of Nov. 16. 1859. Speech in Senate Feb. 23,1859. in reply to Hon. A. G. Brown of Mass., "Non-intervention." Speech in U. S. Senate Jan. 23,1860, on "Invasion of States." Speech in U. S. Senate May 15 and 16, 1860, on "Non-interference by Congress with slavery in the Territories.'* Speech to Democracy of Peters- burg, Va„ Aug. 28, 1860. Pams.. bound in 1 vol., with speeches by several other orators of the per- iod — - Speech before the Legislature of Illinois, April 25, 1861. Pam — - Political debates between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Steph- en A. Douglas in the celebrated campaign of 1858 in Illinois. 8°. Columbus 1860 — - Arnold, Isaac N., and Sheahan, Jas. W. Lincoln and Douglas. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 15. 12°. Chicago — - Cutts, J. Madison. Constitution- al and party questions, and the history of political parties, as I received it orally from the late Sen. Stephen A. Douglas of 111. 12°. N.Y 1866 — - Flint, M. F. Life of Stephen A. Douglas; with his most important speeches and reports. By a mem- _ ber of the western bar. 12°. N.Y. 1860 — - Sheahan, Jas. W. Life of Stephen A.Douglas. 12° N.Y 1860 Biography— Continued. — - Sheahan, Jas. W., and Arnold, Isaac N. Lincoln and Douglas. See Arnold and Sheahan — - Steel engraving of. Size 7 1 sx5 1 2 inches. Copyrighted 1862 by John- son, Fry & Co., N. Y - Sketches of the life of Stephen A. Douglas may be found in the var- ious histories of Illinois, in Lind- er's "Bench and Bar of Illinois," pp. 76-82; Bonham's "Fifty Years Recollections," pp. 186-200, and in "The Bench and Bar of Illinois, Historical aud Reminiscent," p. 37, edited by Gen. John M. Palmer Douglass, Frederick. Am. orator. Born 1817. died 1895. Sketch of life in "Men of Our Times." pp. 375-404 inc. Stowe, Harriet Beech- er. 8°. Hartford 1868 Drake. Daniel, M. D. Biographical sketch of, pp. 1X-XL VI in preface to "Pioneer Life in Kentucky; a series of reminiscential letters from Daniel Drake, M. D., of Cin- cinnati, to his children." Edited with notes and biographical sketch by Chas. D. Drake. (Ohio Valley Historical Series No. 6.) 8°. Cincinnati 1870 Dunne, Edward F., sketch of, p. 5 in Sketches and portraits of the newly elected judges of Cook County, 111., Nov., 1892. Reprinted from Chicago Legal News, Nov. 19, 1892 Early, John, a Senator from Winne- bago County, 111. Memorial ad- dresses delivered in the Senate of Illinois March 12,1879. State of 111.. Pub. 8°. Springfield 1879 Eddy. Bev. Thomas M.. D. D.. life of. Introduction by Bishop Simp- son. Sims. Chas. N., D. D. 12° N. Y 1879 Edwards, Amelia B.. English author and Egyptologist; born 1831, died 1892. Obituary notice and sketch of. Poole, Reginald Stuart. Published by Egypt Ex- ploration Fund. Pam. 12°. Lon- don, n. d Edwards, Benjamin S., Illinois lawyer; born 1818, died 1886. Me- morial address on life and pro- fessional character of. Wallace, Joseph. Pam. 8°. Springfield.. 1887 Edwards, Ninian. See Illinois Governors. BIOGRAPHY. 30 BIOOKAl'HY. Biography Continued. — Edwards. Ninian Wirt, 111., lawyer ami superintendent of public in- Btraction; born 1809, died 1889. Sketch of life of. in Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois. Bate- man and Selby, pp. 162-158 I in histories of Illinois — Edwards and Todd families, historic sketches of. Contains sketches of Gov. Ninian Edwards, his sons, Benj. S. and Ninian Wirt, an./'. 12 Cincinnati — Floyd. Wm.. sketch of life of, pp. :>7 104,' inclusive. in I > wight's Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence Biogbaphi — Continued. — Freeman. Norman Leslie. Illinois lawyer and Supreme Court re- porter, born 1828, died 1894. In memoriam. Proceedings had in Sup rem i- (Hurt of 111 and in I'. S. Circuit <'"iirt for the Southern District of ill. Tributes to the memory of. 8°. Springfield, n.d.. — - Proceedings <>f 'lie State Bar As- sociation in memory of Garc6s, Francisco, missionary priest. Biographical Bketch of, by Elliott Coues, in On the trail of a Spanish pioneer Garfield, James A. 20th President U. S. Bom 1831; died 1881. Sketch of life and official messages and papers: "< vol. 8, "Messages and Papers of the Presidents," com- piled by James D. Richardson. (D. S. Gov't Pubs.) 8° Washing- ton 1898 - Brisben, Oen. James S. Early life and services, and record of of the career of James A. Garfield. Also Sketch of the life of Hon. Chester A. Arthur. 12°. Phila 1880 - Addresses on the acceptance by by Congress of the statue of James A. Garfield, presented by the State of Ohio. (U. S.Gov.pub.) 4°. Washington 1886 Garfield-Hancock contest, pp. 270- 287, iw "Our Presidents and how we make them." McClure. A. K - For other sketches of Jas. A. < Jar- field see recent histories of U. S. Garrettson. Bev. Freeborn. Sketch of life and labors of in Larrabee's "Asbury and his co-laborers." vol. 2. pages 121-173 Garrison. Wm. Lloyd. Am. Aboli- tionist. Born 1805. died 1^71*. Sketch of, pages 152-211 inc.. in "Men of Our Times." Stowe, Harriet Beecher. 8°. Hartford 1868 Gaty, Samuel, of St. Louis. Pro- ceeding of tin Mo. Historical Society. Addresses of Hon. John F. Darby and Albert Todd, Esq., upon presentation to the society of a portrait of Samuel Gaty. Also biographical sketch of Sam- uel Gaty. Mi~~"uri Historical So- ciety Publication No. 6..) Pam. 12°. St. Louis 1881 BIOGRAPHY. 31 BIOGRAPHY. Biography— Continued. — George, Rev. Enoch, Sketch of life of, pp. 233-258, inc., v. 2. in Larra- hee's "Asbury and his co labor- ers." — Gerry, Elbridge, Sketch of life of. pp. 58-66, in Dwight's "Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence." — Gibson. Randall Lee, Amer. states- man, born 1832, died 1892, A Sena- tor of the U. S. from Louisiana: Memorial addresses delivered in the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives. March 1, 1893, and April 21, 1894. (U. S. Gov. Pub.) (Bound with Memorial of Leland Stan- ford. 4°. Washington 1894 — Goggin, Hon. James. Sketch of life of, p. 8,in "Sketches and portraits of the newly elected judges in Cook Co., 111.. Nov.. 1892." Re- printed from the Chicago Legal News of Nov. 19.1892 — Grant, Ulysses S.. 18th President U. S.. born 1822, died 1885. Per- sonal memoirs of. 2 v. 8°. N. Y.. 1885-86 Official messages and documents of, in vol. 7 of "A compilation of messages and papers of the pres- Pents. 1789-1897." pp. 3-136 inclu- sive. Richardson, Jas. D.. comp — - Abbott, John S. C. Life of Gen. U.S.Grant. 12°. Ni Y 1868 — - Alexander, Augustus W. Grant as a soldier. 12°. St. Louis 1887 — - Badeau, Adam. Grant in peace: From Appomattox to Mount Mc- Gregor. A personal memoir. 8°. Hartford 1887 — - Badeau. Adam. Military history of Gen. U. S. Grant, April, 1861- April, 1865. 3v. 8°. N. Y 1885 — - Boston, City of. Memorial to Ulysses S. Grant from the City of Boston. 4°. Boston 1885 — - Burr, Frank. Life and deeds of Gen. U. S. Grant. Introduction by Rev. J. P. Newman. (Memorial edition';. 8°. Phila 1885 — - Coppe\ Henry. A. M. Grant and his campaigns. A military bio- graphy. 8°. N. Y 1866 — - Cullom, Hon. S. M. Address at Gen. Grant memorial services. Springfield, 111., Aug. 8. 1885. Pam. 8°. Springfield, n. d — - Dana. Chas. A„ and Wilson, J. H. Life of Ulysses S. Grant, General of the Armies of the U. S. 8°. Springfield, Mass 1868 1868 1884 1885 Biography- Continued. — - Deming, Henry C. Life of Ulysses S. Grant, General U. S. A. 8°. Hartford — - Fiske, John. Account of the life and military services of Gen. Grant, in "The Miss. Valley in the Civil Vvar." 12°. Boston 1900 — - Flower, Frank A. Sketch of the two nominations and elections of Gen. Grant to the Presidency of the U. S., pp. 292-317, in The his- tory of the Republican party. 8°. Springfield — - Fowler, Bishop H. C. General Grant. Memorial address. Pam. 12° San Francisco — - Garland, Hamlin. Series of art- icles on Gen. Grant, in McClure's Magazine. Dec. 1896; April, 1897. Early life of Ulysses Grant. (Dec. 1 8' \R ) Grant at West Point. (Jan. 1897.) Grant in the Mexican War (teb. Grant's quiet years at Northern Posts. (March, 1897.) Grant's life in Missouri. (Apr. , 1897) - - Beadley. Hon. J. T. Life and travels of Gen. Grant. 8°. Phila. - Headley, Rev. P. C. Life and cam- paigns of Gen. U. S. Grant; with an introduction by Horaee Gree- ley. 8°. N. Y - Logan. Hon. John A. Oration at the tomb of Gen. U. S. Grant. Riv- erside Park, N. Y.. May 31, 1886. Pam. 8°. Washington - McCleilan, Carswell. Personal memoirs and military history of U. S. Grant, versus the record of the Army of the Potomac. 12°. N. Y - McClure. A. K.. Grant-Seymour— Grant-Greeley contest, pd. 202-243, in "Our Presidents and how we make them." - - Marshall, Edward Cbauncey, A. M. The ancestry of Gen. Grant and their contemporaries. 12°. N.Y. - - Peterson, T. B. & Bros., pubs. Il- lustrated life, campaigns and pub- lic services of Lieut. Gen. Grant. 12°. Phila - - Remlap, L. T. ed. Life of Gen.U. S. Grant: including his tour around the world. 8°. N. Y. and Chicago - - Richardson. Albert D. Personal history of Ulysses S. Grant; with a portait and sketch of Schuyler Colfax. 8°. Hartford 1879 1868 1886 1887 1869 1865 isv< 1868 BIOGRAPHY. 32 BIHY |: .1. \ril\ -fontim/,,/. Richardson, Jas. D.,eomp, Sketch of life and official messages and document s of , in Vol. 7 of "A com- pilation of messages and papers of the presidents 1789 1897," pages in.-, i U. S. Gov't pubs.) 8°. Washington 1898 — - Sherman, K B., /. /.. />. An ad- dress in memory of I Ilysses S. i Irant. Paper. I . Chicago d. <1 — - Stowe, Harriel Beecher. Sketch el the life of Gen. (irant, pages 111-151 i ne.. in "Men of our times.'' 8°. Hartford 1868 — - Wilson. James (irant. Ulysses Simpson (irant. General of U.S. A., anil twice President I'.S; the life and public services of. Re- vised edition. 8 1 . N. Y 1885 — For other sketches of Gen. (irant. see histories of Illinois, and re- cent histories of U. S — Gray. David. Some reflections on his work and life. Address be- fore Buffalo Hist. Soc, Feb. 4, iss:>. (iluck, James Fraser. (Pub- lication Buffalo Hist. Soc.) Pam. 8°. X. V 1851 — Great Britain and Ireland Litera- ture and literary men of. Series of lectures on literature and liter- ary men, from Gildas to Samuel Johnson. 2 vols. Mills, Abraham. .1. M. 8°. N. V 1851 — Greeley. Horace. Amer. statesman and journalist; horn 1811. died 1876. The American conflict. 2 v. 8°. Hartford 1887 • Benton, Joel, ed. Greeley on Lin- coln; with .Mr. Greeley's letters to C'h.'is. A. I >ana ami a lady friend; to which are added reminiscences of Horace Greeley. 12°. N. Y... 1893 — - Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Sketch of the life of Horace Greeley, pages 293-310 inc. in "Men of our times." 8°. Hartford 1868 — Grow, Galusha A. Pennsylvania statesman; horn 1823. Addresses on tin' presentation of portraits of Speakers Grow and Randall, late Representatives from Pa„ delivered in House of Representa- tive-. 52d Cong., 1st session. U. S. Gov't Pub. i. Washington.. 1892 — Gutteuberg. See "Memoirs of cel- ebrated characters.'" Lamartine Biogbapht— Continued. i iwmnett. Button. Sketch of life of, pages ;i"iv:;'i-' in Dwight'a "Lives of the Signers of tin- Dec laration of Independence." Hagle, [>ios ('., Illinois State Sena- tor, born 1889, died 1898 Memorial addresses on lite and character of. delivered in Senate of 111., Feb. i 1 -. 1898. Mil. State Pubs.) 8°. Springfield 1838 — Hall. James, II!. author. Sketch of life of, in foot-note of page 345, Vol. 1, in Moses' "Illinois, His- torical and Statistical." — Hall. Lyman, Sketch of life of, pp. 362-:j';<.. ■'■ Dwight'a "Lives ,,f the Signers of the Declaration of In dependence." — Hamilton. Alexander, Aimr. states- man, horn 1757, died 1804. Hawks, T. L.,"i. < Official and other papers of the late Alexander Hamilton (Vol. lonly.) 8°. N. ST. and Lon- don 1842 — - The Federalist on the new Consti- tution. Written by Hamilton, Madison and John Jay. 8 . Hal- lowell. Me 1826 — - Lodge, Henry Cabot. Sketch of the life of Alexander Hamilton. (The Makers of the Union. Pub. in McClure's Magazine, April, 1897.) — Hamilton, Lucy. See Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. — Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Win : In loving remembrance of. by their daughter. Welch, Mrs. George s. Pam. 12'. n. d Hamlin, Hannibal, Vice President U. S.. 1861-1865; born 1809. died July 4. 1891. Sketch of life of, pp. 194-216, i" Life of Abraham Lin- coln, of Illinois. Barrett, J. H. (Barrett's authentic edition.) 12°. Indianapolis 1860 - Biographical sketch of. pp. 849-854, in Life and Public Services of Hon. Abraham Lincoln. Bartlett, 1>; \V. 12 . Cincinnati I860 Sketch of the life of, pp. 118-117. in Life, speeches and public ser- vices of Abraham Lincoln. Howells, Wm. C. (Wigwam edition.) hudd & (arleton. Pubs. 12°. NY I860 BIOGRAPHY 33 BIOGRAPHY. Biography— Continued. — Hancock, John, sketch of life of, pp.l8-28,'/i "Dwight's Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of In- dependence" — Hanna, Hon. Samuel, biography of, accompanying history of Fort Wayne, Ind. Brice, Wallace A. 8°. Ft. Wayne 1868 — Hanson, John. President of the U.S. in Congress assembled, 1781-1782. Sketch of life of. Thomas, Douglas. 8°. Baltimore, n. d — Hardin. John J.. Illinois lawyer, congressman and soldier; born 1810, died 1847. Obsequies of Col. John J. Hardin, at Jacksonville, 111., July 14,1847. Pam Harris, Sarah Coates, Amer. physi- cian and geologist; born 1824, died 1886. McClellan. Clara D. Me- morial sketch of the life and work of Sarah Coates Harris, M. D. Accompanied by a description of her cabinet of geological speci- mens, by Kate A. McHugh. Illus- trated by original photographs, the work of Jennie Loveland Wonderly Manuscript . Harrison, Benjamin, Sketch of Life of, pp. 297-309, in Dwight's "Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence." Harrison, Benjamin, 23d President U. S., born 1833. Sketch of life of. and messages and official papers, in Vol. 9, pp. 3-385, of "Compila- tion of the messages and papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897." Richardson. Jas. D.. corny. (U. S. Gov. Pubs.) 8°. Washington.... 1898 - Old Tippecanoe Club, Chicago, Sketch of the Club. Dedicated to Benj. Harrison. 23d President U. S. 12°. Chicago, n. d Harrison, William Henry, 9th Presi- dent U. S-. born 1773. died 1841. Biographical sketch of and mes- sages and official papers, pp. 3-32, in Vol. 4, of "Compilation of the messages and papers of the Pres- idents, 1789-1897." Richardson, Jas. D., comp. (U. S. Gov. Pubs.) 8°. Washington 1897 - Life of. Grigg & Elliott, pubs. 8°. Phila 1840 - A memoir of public services of. Hall. James. 16°. Phila 1836 — a h. L. Biography— Cont i n tied. — - History of the life, administration and times of, vol. 9. The Repub- lic; or, a history of the U. S A. in the administrations. Irelan, John Robert, M.D. 8° Chicago. 1888 — - Sketch of life of, in "Old Tippe- canoe Club, Chicago. Pages 10-13. — Hart. John. Sketch of life of, page? 138-143, in Dwight's "Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of In- dependence." — Haven. Erastus O., D. D., LL.D., M. E. Bishop born 1820; died 1881. Autobiography of. Introduction by Rev. J. M. Buckley. D. D. Stratton, C. C, D. D., ed. 12°. N. Y. and Cincinnati 1883 — Hayes, Rutherford B.. 19th Presi- dent U. S.; born, 1822; died, 1893. Sketch of life of, and of official messages and papers, pages 437- 640, in "Compilation of the mes- sages and papers of the presi- dents, 1789-1897." Vol. 7. Richard- son, James D., comp. (U. S. Government Pubs.) 8°. Wash- ington 1898 — - Ex-President U. S. Legislative proceedings. Memorial of Ruth- erford B. Hayes and Henry P. Baldwin. Legislature of State of Michigan. 8°. Lansing 1893 — Henry, Patrick, Amr. statesman, born, 1736; died. 1799. Sketches of the life and character of. Wirt, William. 3d ed. 8°. Phila 1818 Also, 9th ed. Corrected by author. 8°. Phila 1840 — Hewes, Joseph, Sketch of life of, pages 330-332, in Dwight's "Lives of Signers of the Declaration of Independence." — Heywood, Thomas. Sketch of life of, pages 341-346, in Dwight's "Lives of Signers of the Declara- tion of Independence." — Homer. See "Memoirs of celebrat- ed characters." Lamartine — Hooper. William. Sketch of life of, pages 325-332, in Dwight's "Lives of Signers of the Declaration of Independence." — Hopkins, Stephen. Sketch of life of. pages 66-71, in Dwight's "Lives of Signers of the Declaration of Independence." BIOGRAPHY. 34 BIOGRAPHY. Biography ted. Hopkinaon, Francis. Sketch of lifi of, -»i Dwight's "Lives of Signers of the Declaration ol In- ndence," pages 1 — II orge W. Member of Con- gress from Ohio; born 1825, « 1 i • ■ « 1 ls'.n. M< morial addresses on life and character of, delivered in r S. Bouse of Representatl and Sen I'- S. Gov'tPubs. i. Washington.... 1895 — Howard. 'ion. O. O. Atnrrican sol- dier! born 1830. Sketch of life of, - 147-459, in "Men of Our Times." Stow.. Harriet Beecher. S . Hartford 1868 Hoyne, Thomas, Illinois Lawyer; born 1824, died 1894. In memoriam. Sketch of the life and character of. with proceedings of public bodies on tl icasion "f his death. and memorial exercises. 8°. Chicago, n.d — - Thomas Hoyne: A poem. Hall, Eugene .1. Page 130 of Thomas Hoyne: In memoriam — - Sketch of the life of. pages 558-561, in "The Bench and Bar of Illinois. Historical and Reminiscent;" edited by Gen. John M. Palmer — Hubbard, Gurdon Salstonstall, Illi- nois Pioneer; born 1802, died 1886. Incidents and eveDts in the life of. Hamilton. Henry E., comp. 8°. Chicago 1888 — Huntington. Samuel, sketch of the life of, pages 85-90, in Dwight's "Lives of the Signers." ere — Hurd. Harvey B.. Illinois Lawyer, born 1VJ7. Sketch of. paees 769- 773. in "Bench and Bar of Illinois Historical and Reminiscent;'' edited by Gen. John M. Palmer — Hutchinson, Jnaae Jonas, sketch of the life of. page 3. in ''Sketches and portraits of the newly elected judges in Cook Co., Ills.. Nov., 1892." I Reprinted from the Chi- cago Legal News of Nov. i<». 1892 ) .... — Illinois Biography. See Illinois. — Inventors: Men of Achievement. Hubert, Philip G.. Jr. 8' . N.Y.. 1896 Content-: Franklin. Benjamin: Fulton. Robert: Whitney, Eli; Howe, Elias; Morse, Samuel F B.; Good- year, Charles; Ericsson, John; McCormick. Cyrus Hall: Edison. Thos. A.: Bell, Alexander Graham. American inventors, BlOGB lphy— Coniint nasi ami present: Townsend. James M.j Drake, E. L,; Clark. au an: Fitch, John; K\ ans, Oliver; Whlttemore, Amos; Blan- chard, rbomas : 1 loe. Richard. .M. ; ll.i' vi \ , Thomas W. : Shole I..: Hotchkiss, B. B.; Brush. Chas. I-". : Eickmeyer, Radolph ; W ■ inghouse, i teorge J r. — Isabella. See Ferdinand and Isa- bella. — Jackson. Andrew, 7th President U. S , born lTUT, died 1 S I "> . Biograph- ical sketch f Lin- coln. Poem. Page 142, in "Poems written from > ■ m j r 1 1 to old age, 1824 1884." 12 . Princeton. Ill lssr> — - Carpenter, Prank B. Personal recollections and Incidents of a six months' sojourn in the White Bouse < i ii ri ii tr the Lincoln admin- istration. (Published In I'eter- Bon's Uagazine, March, 1S06.) — - Carpenter, F. B. Six months at the White House with Abraham Lincoln. The story of a picture. 12°. N."S 1866 — - Catherwood, Diary Hartwell. Spanish Peggy: a story of young Illinois. 8°. Chicago and N. Y.. 1899 — - Cathey, James H. Truth is stran- ger than fiction: or the true gene- sis of a wonderful man. (Ances- try of Lincoln.) 16° 1899 — - Caton. John Dean. Death of Lin- coln. Address to the Supreme Court of 111., upon presenting res- olutions of the Bar. May ,). 1st;.".. Paces 10-16. in "Miscellanies." 8°. Boston 1880 — - Chapman Bros., pubs. Sketch of Abraham Lincoln, pages 79-80. in "Portrait and biographical allium of Sangamon Co.. 111." 4 .Chicago. 1891 — - Chester. Rev. John. The lesson of the hour. Discourse preached on the Sabbath following the death of the President. I'mii. 8°- Washington 1865 — - Chicago Inter (Lean, pub. Lin- coln's tomb. The last resting place of the Martyr Presi't falling into decay, Investigation of the facts in the case by a representative of the Inter Ocean, Busby, L. W. Published in the Chicago Inter Ocean, July 19, 1SS1 — - Chittenden. L. E. Personal remi- niscences. 1MH IS90. Abraham Lincoln, a study. Pages 340-427. 8°. N.Y 1893 — - Chittenden, L. E. Recollections of President Lincoln and his ad- ministration. B°. N.Y 1891 Bioobaphi -Continm — - Coddington, David S. Eulogy on President Lincoln, delivered in Citadel Square Church, Charles- ton, s. c.. May 6, 1866. Pam. 8°. X. V Coilis, Septima If. 'Mrs. Qen'l. Chas. II. T. Coilis.' A woman's war record, 1861 1866. 12 . N. V. and London 1889 Crane. /,'• v, C. B. Sermon on oc- casion of death of President Lin- coln, preached in South Hill Bap- tist Church, Hart ford, ( 'min., Apr. 16.1865. Pam. 8°. Hartford 1865 Coffin, Charles Carleton. Abra- ham Lincoln. 8°. N.Y 1893 Crosby, Frank. Life of Abraham Lincoln, containing his early his- tory and political career, speeches, messages, proclamations and other official documents. 12°. Phila 1865 Cushman, J. B.,co/h/>. Legisla- tive honors to the memory of President Lincoln by the State of New York. Message of Gov. Fen- ton to Legislature communicating the death of President Lincoln, And obsequies in the Legislature. 8°. Albany 1865 Cushman, Rev. R. S. Resolutions and discourse occasioned by death of Abraham Lincoln; delivered in Congregational Church of Man- chester, Vermont, April 19. 1865. Cam. b . Manchester 1865 Darby. John F Anecdote of Ab- raham Lincoln, pages 44."> H*. in "Personal recollections of many prominent people whom 1 have known, etc." Davidson, Alexander, and Stuve Bernard. Account of the duel be- tween Gen. Shields and Mr. Lin- coln, pages 623-627. Sketch of Mr. Lincoln, and account of the Lin- coln-Douglas debates, pages 702- 715, in "History of Illinois, 1673- 1884." 8°. Springfield 1884 Davis. J. McCan. IdaM. See Tarbell, Dean. Iter. Sidney. Eulogy on the occasion of burial of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in City Hall, Providence. R. I., April 19. 1865. Pam. 8°. Providence 1865 BIOGRAPHY. 41 BIOGRAPHY. Biography— Continued . — - Debates between Abraham Lin- coln and Stephen A. Douglas in celebrated campaign in 111., 1858; including the preceding speeches of each at Chicago, Springfield, etc.; also the two great speeches of Mr. Lincoln in Ohio, in 1859. 8°. Columbus 1860 — - Deming. Henry Champion. Eu- logy of Abraham Lincoln, before General Assembly of Conn..Allyn Hall, Hartford, Conn., June 8, 1865. 8°. Hartford (State printers.) 1865 — - Demund, Rev. Isaac S. Lamenta- tion on the death of Abraham Lincoln. May, 1865. Delivered in Reformed Dutch Church, Para- mus. N. J. Pam. 8°. N. Y 1865 — - Dodge, Daniel Kilham, Ph. D. Abraham Lincoln. The evolution of his literary style. (University of 111. Studies. Vol, 1. No, 1.) Pa- per. 8°. Champaign, May 191)0 — - Douglas. Stephen A. See Lincoln and Douglas, "Political debates of.' - — - Enos, Z. A. Early surveyors and surveying in Illinois. Contains fac simile of certified plat of sur- vey and opinion by Mr. Lincoln, Read before the Illinois Society of Engineers, Jan. 29, 1891. Pam. 7 pages and fac simile reprints. 8°. Springfield 1891 — - Edgar, Rev. G. H. Josiah and Lincoln, the great reformers. Tri- bute to the worth and work of our martyr president, delivered in Reformed Dutch Church, Easton, Pa., June 1. 1865. Pam. 8°. Eas- ton, Pa 1865 — - Everett. Rev. Charles Carroll. Sermon preached on Sunday after assassination of Abraham Lin- coln, together with remarks made on the day of his funeral. Inde- pendent Congregational Church, Bangor, Me. Pam. 8°, Bangor, Me 1865 — - Field. Hon. Richard S. Address on life and character of Abraham Lincoln, delivered before Legis- lature of New Jersey, Feb. 12, 1866. Pam. 8°. Trenton 1866 — - Forney, John W. A sketch of Abraham Lincoln: pages 165-177, in Vol. 1, of "Anecdotes of public men." 2 v. 12°. N.Y 1873-1881 Biography— Continued. — - Fowler. Rev. Henry. Character and death of Abraham Lincoln. Discourse preached at Auburn, N. Y., April 23, 1865. Pam. 8°. Auburn. N.Y 1865 — - Fowler, John. jr. Address on the death of President Lincoln, de- livered at request of citizens, April 20. 1865. in Old Episcopal Church, New Rochelle, N.Y. Pam. 8°. N.Y 1865 — - Francis. Julius E.. collector. The Lincoln Memorial Collection. Re- lics of the War of the Rebellion. Autographs of soldiers and sail- ors and government officials. Pro- perty of the Lincoln Birthday Association. Buffalo, N. Y. Paper. 8°. Buffalo 1887 .— - French, Charles Wallace. Abra- ham Lincoln, the Liberator. Ed- ited by Carlos Martyn. 12°. N.Y. 1891 — - Frelinghuysen, Frederick T, Ora- tion at obsequies of Abraham Lin- coln, in Newark, N. J.. April 19. 1865. Pam. S°. Newark, N. J.... 1865 — - Gaddis, Rev. M. P. Sermon on the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in Pike's Opera House, Cincinnati, April 16, 1865. Pam. 8°. Cincinnati 1865 — - Gallaher, J. E.. eotnp. Best Lin- coln stories, tersely told. 16°. Chicago, N. D — - Gilmore. James R., (Edmund Kirke. pseud.) Personal recol- lections of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. 8°. N.Y 1898 — - Grant, Ulysses S. Contrast be- tween characters of Lincoln and Secretary Stantcn. pages 536-537. in vol. 2, of "Personal memoirs of U. S. Grant;" also, various other references to Mr. Lincoln and his administration and times, in same work — - Greeley, Horace. Greeley on Lincoln, with Mr. Greeley's let- ters to Chas. A. Dana, and a lady friend. Edited by Joel Benton. (See Benton.) 12°. N.Y 1893 — - Griffith, Francis P. Lamentation for Abraham Lincoln, April, 1865. Poem. Paper clipping, n. d — - Hale, Edward E., ed. The Presi- dent's Words. A selection from the speeches, addresses and let- ters of Abraham Lincoln. 16°. Boston 1865 BIOGRAPHY. 12 BIodgre, Daniel Kilham. — - Ingli8, Samuel M., ■ ■ . venir for school children of [111- oois, to be used in celebration of Lincoln's birthday. Feb. 12, and \\ ishington's birthday, Feb. 22, (Ills, stat.- Dep't Pub. Instruc- tion Puhs.i Pam. s . Spring- field 1898 — - Inter-State Publishn Abraham Lincoln, pp. 181 ' ! !i. "Historj ■ 3 ""» ' - . Chicago 1881 — - Ind an. John Robert. M .D. His- tory ol the life, administration and times of Abraham Lincoln. 2 \. s . Chicago 1888 Vols. 16 and it of "The Republic a history ■ i I. S. A. in adminis- tration-.'' BIOGRAPHY 43 BIOGRAPHY. Biography— Continued. — - Jerome, Alonzo Wheeler. The great debate. Souvenir. Paper. 12°. Springfield 1899 — - Jones, Maj, Evan Rowland. Lin- coln, Stanton and Grant. His- torical sketches. 8°. London.... 1875? — - Keekley, Elizabeth. Behind the scenes; or, thirty years a slave, and four years in the White House. 12° N. Y 1868 — - Kirke, Edmund, pseud. See Gil- more. — - Krauth, Bev. Charles P. The two pageants. Pam. 8°. Pittsburgh. 1865 — - Lamon, Dorothy, ed. Recollec- tions of Abraham Lincoln, 1847- 1865. by Ward H. Lamon, 12°. Chicago 1895 — - Lamon, Ward H. Life of Abra- ham Lincoln; from his birth to his inauguration as president. 8°. Boston 1872 — - Leland Hotel, Springfield, 111., Proprietors of, pubs. A Lincoln souvenir. Pamphlet. Cover of pamphlet has picture of desk on which Mr. Lincoln wrote his first inaugural address. The desk is now in corridor of the hotel. Pam. contains Mr. Lincoln's farewell address to his friends and neigh- bors in Springfield, upon his leav- ing for Washington, Feb. 11,1861, his first inaugural address, and the Gettysburg address. Pam. 12°. Springfield, n.d — - Lincoln Guard of Honor, comps. Organization and objects of Lin- coln Guard of Honor and first memorial services, April 15, 1880. Pam, 8°. Springfield 1880 — - Linder, Gen. Usher F. Sketch of Abraham Lincoln, pages 37-40, and various anecdotes of him in "Reminiscences of early Bench and Bar of Illinois." 2d ed. 12°. Chicago 1879 — - Lippincott, J. B. & Co.. pubs. Po- etical tributes to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. 12°. Phila.. 1865.. Contains poems by — Adams, George B , C. R. Ancker. Adolph Bennett, Emma Ben- Anonymous, (7 poems) son Bryant. Win. Cullen Chittenden, Richard Ballard. H. C. Henry Barnett. J. G. Cary, Phoebe Benson, John S. Cary, Alice Benjamin, S. G, W. Cromwell. Ruth N. Beale.Mrs. O. A. S. Cooper, George Bickerstaff. Miss Ein-C . C. mafl. Cox. Christopher C. Boylan, Wm. Cist, L. J. Biography — Continued. Collins, John McBoyle, A. Cameron. Mrs R. A. "May" of Sparrow- bush Martin. G. McL . J. Meredith, Gula McCaffrey. Miss S. A. Mercer, S. C. McMillin's Magazine (England) N . F. L. Nichol, John Nicnols, Kate W. Nowell. Edward P. Proctor. Edna Dean Cranch.C. P. Carrie Clark, Rev. Alex Coolbrith, Ina D. Dunn. Caleb Duganne. A. J. H. Dyer, Rev. Sidney Dorsey, Dennis B. Deniby, Angeline R. Dennison, Mary A. D .S.J Davis, D. Ambrose Dawes, L. M. Emissus (To Mrs. Lin-Punch (From London coin) Eta Evans, Albert S. Eva Emma Enola Field, A.J. Fisher, Jabez M. Favorite. Flory Field, J. G. Fairfield. P. G. F , Belle F . L. W Punch) P , E. B. Prince. Rev. N. A. P . Pymn, Henry Peregrinator Phelps, Rev. Dr. S. D. Parker, B. S. Raenhart. Geo. W. Remak. Mrs.Gustavus Richard>on, Mrs. M. T. G. Ristine. James "Fun," from the Lon-Reed, Charles W. don Rosarr, Ellerton G , Jeanie Robinson, Mrs. J. T. G , C. D. Robbins Greenwood, Rev. T.J. R . E. V. Gertrude Radford, Ben. J. Griflin, F. P. Rexford, Enen E. Gurley, Rev. Dr.D. P.Stednian. Edmund C. Howe, Mrs. JuliaSeherb, Emanuel Vi- Ward talis Hooper. Mrs. LucyStoddard, Richard Hamilton Henry Hayward, J. Henry Smith. Emeline Sher- Halpine, Chas. G. man (Miles O'Reilly) S , H. S. Hopper, Rev. EdwardStockton, Rev. Thos., Holmes, Oliver Wen- D.D. dell Hosmer, W. H. C. Hall. Mrs F. W. H . E. A. Hartz, Mary E. Hirst. Henry B. H , S. B. Halpine, M. G. lola J . L. H. Stewart. James M. S ,E. V. S , G. F. S . Jennie E, Stebbins, Mrs. C. M. Shirley St. Clair. Winnifred S . E, T. Tuckerman, Henry T. Taylor. B. F. Townsend. Geo. Alfred Johnson, M. R. Kimball, Harriet Mc-Taylor, Benj. Frank Ewen lin Laighton. Albert Una Leech, Harry Hare Umbra wood Villain, Nathan Lawson, Emile V , M. F. Lowe, Martha Perry Vandenhoff. Geo. Leah L- H. A. Willis, Richard Storrs Woodworth. H. W . E. J. White. Josephine Ward. Thomas Whiting, Sam Lisle, Cora Mackellar, Thomas Merrefiekl. Joseph Morford, Henry Munday, Eugenie H. Williams. Mrs. L. M Morgan. George G.W.W , R. B. Manlove. Oliver PerryWebb. 0. H. — - Logan, John A. Account of polit- ical l.fe of Mr. Lincoln, and his administration in "The great con- spiracy." Appendix to above book: Battle of the giants. An abridgment of the Lincoln-Doug- las debates in chronological order. 8°. N.Y 1886 BIOGRAPHY 44 BIOGRAPHY. BioiiKAviiY — Continued. — - Lord. James Judson. Poem read at dedication of National Lincoln Monument. Original Manuscript -• - Lord, James Judson. Poem read at the dedication of the. National Lincoln Monument, Oct. 15, IsTI. Original parchment copy, being the copy used by Eon-. Richard Edwards at the dedicatory exer- cises, and by him presented to the Illinois State Historical Li- brary — - Lusk, D. W. Politics and politi- cians of Illinois. 1856-1884. Doug- las and Lincoln, chap. 6. pages 45-94; Abraham Lincoln, chap. 20. page3 181-198. 8°. Springfield... 1884 — - McClellan. Gen. George B. Mc- Clellau's own story. Chap. 9. pp. 149-160: Conspiracy of the poli- ticians— Stanton— Chase. Rela- tions and interviews with Mr. Lincoln, etc. 8°. N.Y 1887 — - McClure, A. K.. LL. D. Abraham Lincoln and men of war times. 8°. Phila 1892 — - McClure, J. B., ed. Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln's stories. 12°. Chicago 1879 — - McClure's Magazine. S. S. Mc- Clure Co. pubs. Sketches and anecdotes of Lincoln and Mrs. Lincoln, by Miss Tarbell. Mrs. Helm. etc.. 1896. 1897. 1898. (Odd numbers.) — - McLean County (111.) Historical Society, Transactions of, vol. 3. Meeting of May 29. 1900, commem- orative of the convention of May 29, 1856, which organized the Re- publican party of Illinois. B . Bloomington 1900 — - Marble, Manton. Letter to Abra- ham Lincoln. 8°. N. Y. 1867. Also, typewritten copy of the bogus proclamation, referred to in above letter. This copy was furnished to the Ills. State His- torical Library through the cour- tesy of the Librarian of the New York World, and was copied from the "World" Of May 18, 1864, 4th page. 6th col — - Maynard, Mrs. Nettie Colburn. Was Abraham Lincoln a spiritu- alist! or. Curious revelations from the life of a trance medium. 12°. Phila 1891 Biography— Continued. — - Menard County Ills. Woman's Columbian Club, COmp. Menard Salem Lincoln Souvenir Album. 4°. Bloomington 1893 — - Mitchell. Rev. S. S. In lneinoriain. Sermon on death of Lincoln. Pam. 8°. Harrisburg. Pa 1865 — - Morgan, Rev. Win. F. Joy dark- ened. A sermon on death of Lin- coln. Pam. 8°. NY 1865 — - Morse, John T., jr. Abraham Lin- coln. (American Statesmen Se- ries./ 2 vols. 12°. Boston and N.Y. 1893 — - Moses, John. Sketch of Lincoln- Douglas debates. Mr. Lincoln's nomination and election to presi- dency, his assassination and death; and organization of Lin- coln Monument Association, etc., in "Illinois: Historical and Stat- istical." 2v. 8°. Chicago.... 1889-1892 — - Murray, Rev. Wm. H. H. Address delivered on Sabbath following assassination of A. Lincoln. Pam. 8°. N.Y 1865 — - Nason, Elias. Eulogy on Abra- ham Lincoln. Pam. 8°. Boston. 1865 — - National Lincoln Association. In- corporated. Feb. 12, 1884, San Francisco. Certificate of the life membership to the association of John Carroll Power. National Div. Executive Club — - National Lincoln Monument. His- tory of the organization of the National Lincoln Monument As- sociation and of the Monument. Manuscript — - New York. City of. Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln in the city of New York, under the auspices of the common council of the city. Valentine. David T., comp. 4°. N. Y 1866 — - New York and Brooklyn, voices from the pulpit of. See "Our martyr President." — - New York Tribune, pubs. Life of Abraham Lincoln. By John Locke Scripps. (Tribune Tract. No, 6.) Pam. 8°. N.Y 1860 — - New York World. See Marble. — - Nicolay. John G. and Hay, John. Abraham Lincoln: A history. 10 v. 8 : . N.Y 1890 — - Oldroyd, Osborn H. Lincoln's campaign; or, the political revo- lution of 1860. Paper- 12°. Chi- cago 1896 BIOGRAPHY. 45 BIOGRAPHY. 1883 Biography— Continued. — — The Lincoln Memorial: Album Immortelles. Original life pic- tures, with autographs, from the hands and hearts of eminent Americans and Europeans, con- temporaries of the great martyr to liberty, Abraham Lincoln. To- gether with extracts from his speeches, letters and sayings. In- troduction by Matthew Simpson. D. D., LL. D., and a sketch of the patriot's life, by Hon, Isaac N. Arnold. 8°. N.Y — - Our Martyr President— Abraham Lincoln. Voices from the pulpit of New York and Brooklyn. Ora- tion by Hon. Geo. Bancroft. Ora- tion at the burial by Bishop Simp- son. Sermons by the following clergy- Wm. R. Williams. D. D., Henry Ward Beecher, Henry W. Bellows, D. D., Stephen H. Tyng, D. D.. Chas. S. Robinson, Wm. Ives Budington, D. D., John McClintock, D. 1)., LL. D.. A. N. Littlejohn, D. D.. Theodore L. Cuyler. Joseph P. Thompson, D. D., James Eells, D. D., Elbert S. Porter, D. D., A. P. Rogers, D. D , S. D. Burchard, D. D., J. E. Rockwell, D. D.. Samuel T. Spear, D. D., Robert Lowry, Albert S. Hunt, Wm. Adams. D. D., Henry J. Pox, Henry B. Smith. D. D. Entered, 1865, by Tibbals & Whit- ing. 12°. N. Y 1865 Paddock, Be v. Wilbur P. A great man fallen. Discourse on the death of Abraham Lincoln. Pam. 8°. Phila 1865 Palmer, Gen. John M., ed. Sketch of life of Abraham Lincoln, chap. 29. pages 536-541. vol. 1. in "Bench and Bar of Illinois; historical and reminiscent." • Patterson, Robert M. The charac- ter of Abraham Lincoln. Pam. 8°. Phila 1865 Peck. George R. Abraham Lin- coln. Response at annual banquet of the Marquette Club, Chicago, Feb. 12,1895. Pam. 8°. Chicago.. 1895 Peterson, T.B.& Bros. pubs. Life, services, martyrdom and funeral of Abraham Lincoln. 12°. Phila. 1865 Biography— Continued. — - Pitman, Benn., comp. Assassina- tion of President Lincoln and trial of the conspirators. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1865 — - Power, John Carroll. Abraham Lincoln: His life, Ipublic services, death, and great funeral cortege, with a history and description of the National Lincoln Monument. 12°. Springfield 1889' — - Power, John Carroll. Abraham Lincoln: His great funeral cor- tege from Washington to Spring- field, 111. History and description of National Lincoln Monument. 12°. Springfield 1872 — - Power. John Carroll. Certificate of membership to the National Lincoln Association, National Div. Executive Club No. 1. In- corporated 1884. San Fran 1885 — - Power, John Carroll, ed. History of an attempt to steal the body of Abraham Lincoln; including a history of the Lincoln Guard of Honor. 8°. Springfield 1890 — - Power, John Carroll. Sketch of Abraham Lincoln, pages 456-458, in "History early settlers of San- gamon Co., 111." Power, John Carroll. Annual reports of the custodian to the executive committee of the Na- tional Lincoln Monument Associ- ation, 1875-1883. inc. 8°. Spring- field Raymond, Henry J. Life and pub- lic services of Abraham Lincoln, together with his State papers. 8°. N.Y 1884 1865 — - Relyea. Rev. B. J. Sermon on death of Abraham Lincoln, preached in Congregational church. Green's Farms, Conn. Pam. 8°. N.Y 1865 — - Rhodes, James Ford. Sketch of the character of Abraham Lin- coln, and of Lincoln and Douglas, pages 308-343, in vol. 2 of History of U. S., from Compromise of 1850. 4vols. 8°. N.Y 1893-1900 — - Rice. Allen Thorndike, ed. Rem- iniscences of Abraham Lincoln by distinguished men of his times. 8th ed, 8°. N. Y. 1889 BIOGRAPHY. in BIOGRAPHY Bio ib iphi -Gontintu d. — - Richardson, .Imins 1)., comp. Sketch <>f life of, and collection of messages and official papers of, pages i 291 inc., in \'<»1. 6 of "Com- pilation of the messages and pa pers of the Presidents, L7S9 1897." S. Gov't, pubs.) 8°. Wash- ington — - Rid path, John Clark. Lincoln's administration and the < livil War. chaps. tll-M. pases 482-543 in "A popular histors U.S." 8°. Cin- cinnati 1876 — - Robinson, Rev. Cbas. S. The mar- tyred President. Pam. 8°. N. Y.. 1865 — - Rudd & Carleton, pubs. Life, speeches and public services of Abraham Lincoln; with a sketch of life of Hannibal Hamlin, i Wig- wam edition.) See Howells, Wm, C. 12°. N. Y 1860 — - Scammon, Hon. Jonathan Young. Address containing anecdote of Lincoln and Maj, Anderson in Black Hawk War, pages 14-15, in Fergus Historical Series, No. 10 — - Schurz, Carl. Abraham Lincoln: An essay. 12°. Boston &N.Y.. 1891 — - Scripps. John Locke. See N. Y. Tribune. — - Sherman. Hon. John. Sketch of Lincoln's two administrations, pages 231-355, in vol. 1, of "John Sherman's recollections." — - Starr. Rev. Frederick, jr. The martyr President. Pam. 8°. St. Louis 1865 — State Department U. S. (by order Congress). Tributes of the Na- tions to Abraham Lincoln. The assassination of Abraham Lin- coln, and attempted assassination of Wm. H. Seward, Sec. of State, and Frederick W. Seward. Assist- ant Sec. of State, Apr. 14, 1865. Ex- pressions of condolence and sympathy inspired by these events. C. S. Gov't, pub.) 4°. Washington 1867 — - Stephens. Alexander H. Corre- spondence with Mr. Lincoln on questions of slavery and seces- sion, pages 149-165, in ''Alexander H. Stephens." by Henry Cleve- land — - Stoddard. Richard Henry. Abra- ham Lincoln. An Horatian ode. Paper. 8°. N. Y 1865 — - Stoddard, Wm. O. Abraham Lin- coln: The true story of a. great life. 8°. N. Y 1885 Bioq&apht— Continui — - Stone, Andrew L. A disCO occasioned by the death of Abra- ham Lincoln. Pam. 8°. Lost, ,n. 1866 — - Stowe, Harriet P.eecher. Abra- ham Lincoln: Sketch of life of, pages li-iio, in ".Men of our times." 8°. Hartford 1868 — - Stuve. Bernard. See Davidson & Stuve — - Sumner, Charlefa. Buiogy on Ab- raham Lincoln. Pam, 8°. Bos- ton 1865 — - Sweetser, Seth. Commemorative discourse on the death of Abra- ham Lincoln. Pam. 8°. Wor- cester. Mass 1865 — - Tarbell. Ida M. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 2 v. 8°. N. Y 1900 — - Tarbell, Ida M. Abraham Lin- coln. Articles in McClure's Ma- gazine. Abraham Lincoln. March, 1896. Life of Abraham Lincoln, June, ls'.tt;. The story of Abraham Lincoln's nomination in 1860. November 1896 — - Tarbell, Ida M., assisted bu Davis. J. McCan. The early life of Ab- raham Lincoln; containing many unpublished documents and un- published reminiscences of Lin- coln's early friends: with 160 il- lustrations, including 20 portraits of Lincoln. 8°. N. Y 1896 — - Thayer, Wm. M. Character and public services of Abraham Lin- coln. (The "Campaign docu- ment.") Paper. 12°. Boston.... 1864 — - Thayer, Wm. M. The pioneer boy and how he became President. 12°. Boston 1864 — - Thompson, Richard W. Recol- lections of sixteen Presidents— From Washington to Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln, Chap. 16, v. 2, pages 389 419 — - Tibals & Whiting, pubs, Our Martyr President— Abraham Lin- coln. Voices from the pulpit of New York and Brooklyn. 12°. N. Y 1865 — - Tilton, J. E. ..V- Co.. )>ubs. Ser- mons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln. 12°. Boston 1865 — - Tiuilow. Rev. Herman R. Dis- course occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln. Pam. 12 . N. Y 1865 BIOGRAPHY. 47 BIOGRAPHY. 1889 Biography— Continued. — - Townsend, Virginia F. Our Presidents: or, the lives of 23 Presidents of the U. S. Abraham Lincoln, pages 281-306. (Edition de Luxe) 4°. N. Y .... — - Troy, N. Y., City of. Tribute of respect by the citizens of Troy to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. — - U. S. Congressional Committee, pubs. Program of arrangements for the inauguration of the Presi- dent of the U. S . March 4. 1865. Pam. 8°. Washington 1865 — - U. S. State Department. See State Department U.S. — - Valentine, David T., comp. Ob- sequies of Abraham Lincoln in the city of N. Y., under auspices of common council of N. Y. city. 4°. n. Y 1866 — - Van Buren. G. M.. comp. Abra- ham Lincoln's pen and voice. Compilation of his letters, civil, political and military, also his public addresses, messages, state papers, etc. 12°. Cincinnati 1890 — - Volk, Leonard \V. The Lincoln life-mask, and how it was made. Reprinted from Century Maga- zine of Dec, 1881. Pamphlet — - Walden. Rev. Treadwell. The na- tional sacrifice. Pam. 8°. Phila. 1865 — - Walker. Rev. E. S. Memorial of Abraham Lincoln. Manuscript — - Walker, Rev. E. S, The Lincoln Monument; with illustrations. Pam. 12°. Springfield 1879 — - Walker, Rev. E. S. Oak Ridge Cemetery: its history and im- provements. 8°. Springfield.... 1879 — - Washington, Mrs. Lucy. Our Martyred President. A poem, pages 18-19. in "'Columbia, and other poems." 12°. Buffalo 1893 — - Weik. Jesse Wm. See Herndon. Wm. H — - Welles. Gideon. Lincoln and Seward. Remarks upon the mem- orial address of Chas. Francis Adams, on the late Wm. H. Sew- ard, with incidents and comments illustrative of the measures and policy of the administration of Abraham Lincoln, and views as to the relative positions of the late President and Secretary of State. 12° N. Y 1874 Biography— Continued. — - Whitney. Henry C. Life on the circuit with Lincoln. 8°. Boston 1892 — - Whitney, Henry C. Lincoln's lost speech. (Pub. in McClure's Magazine, Sept., 1896.) — - Wilbur, Mrs. Jennie Aurelia. Songs of the west Abraham Lincoln. Poem, page 201. 12°. Chicago I 866 — - Wilson, Wm. Bender. Abraham Lincoln. A sketch of, pages 103- 114, in "Acts and actors in the Civil War." 12°. Phila 1892 — - Woodbury. Augustus. Sketch of the character of Abraham Lin- coln, Pam. 12°. Providence. R.I 1865 — Pictures: Lincoln, Abraham. Plat- inum print, from the Hessler neg- ative. Printed, 1899. Ayer, Phila. (Framed.) — - Etching from the Hessler nega- tive. Reproduced 1898. Henry Taylor, jr. (Framed.) — - Marshall's steel engraving. (Framed.) — - Early photograph of Mr. Lincoln. Size 7^ by 5*2 inches. (Framed.) — - Photographs (cabinet size) of Mr. Lincoln and Gen. Grant. The neg- ative for these photographs was discovered in Rice's photographic studio, Washington, D. C. in 1891. when old matter was being exam- ined for some purpose. The pic- tures were on the same negative, and it is supposed were taken in 1864, when Gen. Grant visited Washington and there received his commission as Lieut-General. Reproduced, 1891. (Framed.) — - Steel engraving of Mr. Lincoln. Size, 7 1 2 by 5^ inches. Copyright- ed. 1862, by Johnson, Fry & Co., N. Y, - - Photographs (cabinet size) of Mr. Lincoln, of Mrs. Lincoln in the gown worn at the ball given in honor of the first inauguration of Mr. Lincoln, of Rev. Chas. Dres- ser, the clergyman who officiated at the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln: of the Edwards resi- dence where the marriage oc- curred, and of Representatives Hall, in the old State House at Springfield, where Mr. Lincoln was nominated for the U. S. Sen- BKMIRAPHY 48 BlniJKALMIY. Biography -Oontinm d. in 1868, and where his remains laid in Mule. May S, 1866, w hm bronchi to Springfield tor burial. The entire design Surrounded and ornamented with pr< flowers, which were gathered on Lincoln Monument Hill, pressed and mounted by Mrs. Elizabeth II. Abell. Designed by Mrs. Chas. Ridgley, president of the Sanga- mon Co. Woman's Columbian Club; engrossed by Miss Marga- ret L. Brooks. Exhibited at the World's Col. Exposition, Chicago. 1898, and afterwards deposited in t If 111. State Historical Library. (Framed.) - - Photograph of the Statue of Mr. Lincoln, in the State House, Springfield, III,, as decorated, April 15, 1884. Copyrighted by Josephine P. Cleveland. Size, 9 by 6*2 inches. - - Photograph of Old Salem, old mill. etc. Copyrighted by Kate P. I 'egge, St. Louis. Mo. Size. 8 by 5 '•j inches. Cabinet photograph of the bust of Lincoln, by Jones, 1860. Pre- sented ltd the Library by Dr, A. W. French. Springfield. 111. - - Cabinet photograph of the Lin- coln Guard of Honor, organized lssu. Copyrighted. 1884. - - Cabinet size photograph of the proclamation of Edwin M. Stan- ton, U. S. Secretary of War, offer- ing rewards for the apprehension of the murderer, and the accom- plices to the murder, <>f President Lincoln. Dated, War Department April 20. 1865. - - Photograph of the floral tributes. including the memorial tablet presented by the North American Turner Bund at the tomb of Pres- ident Lincoln on the 20th anniver- sary of his death. April 15. 1885. Cabinet size. Copyrighted by John Carroll Power, Springfield, 111. - - Lincoln. Mrs. Mary Todd, wife of Abraham Lincoln; born 1818. died July 16.1882 - - Helm. Emily Todd. Reminiscen- ces and letters of the wife of Pres- ident Lincoln. (Pub. in McClure's Magazine. Sept , 1898) Biography— Oontinm >/. - - Keckley, Elisabeth. Behind the seene . ,,r thirty years a slave, ami four years in the White II, 12°. N.Y 186a - ■ Heed. A', .la-. .\. Discourse at the funeral services of Mrs. Mary Todd Lincoln. Also, account of funeral exercises, etc. Manu- script - Lincoln. !//-. Nancy Hanks, mother of Abraham Lincoln; born 1784, died lsis - - Hitchcock. Caroline Hanks. Nancy Hanks. The Story of Ab- raham Lincoln's mother. 16 . N. v 1899 - Lincoln. Robert Todd, lawyer, mem- ber of the Cabinet, and foreign minister, son of Abraham Lin- coln; born 1S43 - - American Biographical Pub. Co. Sketch of the life of lion. Robert Todd Lincoln, pages 779-780, in U. S. Biographical Dictionary and Portrait Gallery, Illinois vol. 4°. Chicago and N . Y 1883 - - Bateman & Selby. eds. Sketch of life of Hon. Robert T. Lincoln. page 338, in Historical Encyclope- dia of Ills 4°. Chicago 1900 - - Century Publishing & Engraving Co. Sketch of life of Hon. Robert T. Lincoln, pages 75-76, in Ency- clopaedia of Biography of Ills. v. 2. 2 v. 4°. Chicago 1892-1894 - Linder. Gen. Usher P, Illinois law- yer; born 1809. died 1876. Sketch of life of, by Judge Joseph Qilles- pie, fa the introduction to Lin- der's "Remin - of the early Bench and Bar of Illinois.' - - Lisle, Marcus Claiborne. Kentucky member of Congress; born 1862. died 1894. .Mem. .rial addresses on life and character of. delivered in House Representatives and Sen •i" I". S.,68d Cong.; 3d Session. U. S. Gov't, pubs. 4°. Washington. 1895 - Literature and literary men of Great Britain and Ireland. Sket- ches of lives of. Mills. Abraham -I. -1/. 2v. B . N. Y 1851 - Lockwood. Samuel Drake, Illinois jurist; born 1789, died 1874. Babb, lames E. Sketch of the life of Hon. 8. D. Lockwood. fa The Su- preme Court of Illinois. Sketches of its members. Territorial and State. Published in The Green Bag. Boston. May, 1891 BIOGRAPHY. 49 BIOGRAPHY. Biography^ Continued. — - Coffin, Wm. Life and times of Samuel D.Lockwood. 8°. Chicago 1889 — - Linder, Gen. Usher F. Sketch of life of Hon. S.D. Lockwood, pages 261-265, in ""Reminiscences of the early Bench and Bar of Illinois." — — - Palmer, Gen. John M. Sketch of the life of blon. S. D. Lockwood, pages 22-29, hi "Bench and Bar of Ills." Historical and reminiscent. Edited by Gen. John M. Palmer — - Scott, Hon. John M. Sketch of the life of Hon. S, D. Lockwood, pages 288-293, in "Supreme Court of Illinois, 1818." '. — - For other sketches of Judge Lock- wood, see Histories of Illinois. — Logan, John Alexander, American General and U. S Senator; born 1826. died 1886. The great conspi- racy. 8°. N. Y 1886 — - Oration at the tomb of Gen . Grant, Riverside Park, N. Y„ May 31, 1886. Pam — - Speech in U. S. House of Repre- sentatives in reply to Mr. Kellogg of Illinois, Dec. 9, 1859. (Bound in collection of speeches of various orators of the period, 1858-1862.) — - Speeches (five) in the U. S. Sen- ate, 1881-1886. Pams — - The volunteer soldier of America. 8°. Chicago 1887 — - Dawson, Geo. Francis. Life and services of John Alexander Lo- gan, soldier and statesman. 8°. Chicago 1887 — - Late a senator from Ills. Memo- rial addresses on life and charac- ter of, delivered in Senate and House Representatives, Feb. 9, and Feb. 16, 1887; together with the funeral services; Washington, D. C. Dec. 31. 1886. Taylor. W, B., comp. (U. S. Gov't, pub.) 4°. Washington 1887 — - Memorial addresses on life and character of, delivered in U. S. Senate. Feb. 9, 1887. (U. S. Gov't, pub. Pam,) — - Houghton, Walter R. Sketches of the lives of Blaine and Logan. 12°. St. Louis.. 1884 — - James, Geo. Francis, ed. The Lo- gan Monument Memorial. 12°. Chicago 1898 — - Ridpath. Jno. C. Lives of Blaine and Logan. 12°. Cincinnati 1884 —4 H. L. Biography— Con t in u ed — - For other sketches of Gen. Logan, see Histories of Illinois. — Logan, Stephen T. Illinois jurist: born 1800, died 1880. Memorials of the life and character of. 12°. Springfield 1882 — - Linder, Gen. Usher F. Sketch of life of Judge Stephen T. Logan, pages 155-159, in "Reminiscences of the early Bench and Bar of Ill- inois." — - Palmer, Gen. John M. Sketch of the life of Judge Stephen T. Lo- gan, pages 166-172, in "The Bench and Bar of Illinois; Historical and Reminiscent." — - For other sketches of Judge Lo- gan, see Histories of Illinois. — Long, Enoch. Illinois Abolitionist; born 1790, died 1881. Reid Harvey. Biographical sketch of Enoch Long; an Illinois pioneer. (Chi- cago Hist. Soc's. collection, Vol 4.) 8°. Chicago 1884 — Lovejoy, Elijah P. Amer. Preacher and anti-slavery journalist; born 1802, died 1837. Editor St. Louis Observer, Sept. 3,1835. to Aug. 10, 1836. Alton Observer, Sept, 8,1836. to Nov. 7,1837. Vol. of paper con- tinued to April 19, 1838. Bound in lvol — - Alton, City of. Dedication of the Lovejoy Monument, Alton, Ills., Nov. 8, 1897; program of the exer- cises of the day. Pam. Alton, 1897 — - Beecher, Rev. Edward. Narrative of the riots at Alton in connection with the death of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy. 16°. Alton 1838 — - Lincoln, Wm. S., comp. Alton trials of Winthrop S. Gilman, Enoch Long and others for the crime of riot. 12°. N. Y 1838 — - Lovejoy, Joseph C. and Owen. Mi moir of Rev. Elijah P. Love- joy. Introduction by John Quincy Adams. 12°. N. Y 1838 — - Reid. Harvey. Biographical sketch of Enoch Long, an Illinois pioneer. Chicago Hist. Soc's. col- lections, vol. 2. 8°. Chicago 1884 — - Tanner, Henry. The martyrdom of Lovejoy. By an eye witness — Lovejoy. Owen, Minister and Con- gress.nan, born 1811, died 1864. Anecdote of, pages 608-610. in Bench and Bar of Ills., edited by Gen. John M. Palmer BIOGRAHHY. BIOGRAPHY Biography— Continued. Lyon, Nathaniel. Anier. General. born 1819, died 186L Peokham, James. Nathaniel Lyon and Mis- souri in 1981. a monograph of the treat Rebellion. 12 . N. Y 1866 M.' Arthur. G* n . Duncan. American pioneer, born 1 772. died—. Sketch of life of. pages 71 182, fa "Mo- Donald's Western Sketches." McClernand, John Alexander, Amr. Volunteer Genera] in War Rebel- lion, ^orn in Kentucky. 1812, died 1900. Sketch of the life and ser vices of, pages 318-352, in the In- tel- state Pub. Co.'s "History of Sangamon Co." published 1881. 8°. Chicago 1881 — - Sketch of life of, pages 194-196, in "The Bench and Bar of 111.; his- torical and reminiscent." Edited ha (ien. John M. Calmer. Fub- llahed 1899 — - Sketch of the life of. pages 359- 360, in Bateman — - Messages from the President of the Unit'd States, transmitting a letter from the See. of War and sundry documents, explaining the failure of the arms of the I". S. on the northern frontier, 1813. 12°. Baltimore 1814 Marion. Francis Amer. General, born 1732. died 1796. Horry. Brig. i. en. I'. \ Weems, M L . Life of Gen. Francis Marion. 12 . I hila.. Marvin. Enoch Mather. M E. Bish- op; born 1823, died 1^77. M' Anally, D. R. Life and labors of Rev. E. M. Marvin. D. D„ LI. D. 4th ed. 12°. St. Louis 1888 Massie, Nathaniel. Western pio- neer; born 1736, died lsi:t. Massie. David Meade. Nathaniel Massie, a pioneer of < »hio. Sketch of his life and selections from his cor- respondence 8°. Cincinnati 1896 BIOGRAPHY. 51 BIOGRAPHY. Biography— Continued. — - McDonald, John. Biographical sketches of Gen. Nathaniel Mas- sie, Capt. Wm. Wells, and Gen. Simon Kenton. (McDonald's Western Sketches.) 12°. Dayton.. 1852 — May. John. Amer. pioneer; born 1748. died 1812. Col. John May's journal and letters of two jour- neys to the Ohio country. Bio- graphical sketch of Col. May, by Rev. Richard S. Edes, and notes by Wm. M. Darlington. (Pubs. Hist, and Philosophical Soc. of of Ohio.) 8°. Cincinnati 1873 — Menard, Pierre. French-Canadian pioneer and first Lieut. -Governor of Illinois; born 1776. died 1844. Catherwood. Mary Hartwell, In Old Kaskaskia. Pierre Menard is one of the principal characters of the story. Pub. in Atlantic Monthly, of Jan.-April, inc 1893 — - Mason, E. G. Pierre Menard and the Pierre Menard papers. Early 111., Part 1. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 31 — - For other sketches of Pierre Me- nard, see histories of 111. — Men of our times. Stowe. Harriet Beecher. 8°. Hartford 1868 Contents- Abraham Lincoln U. S. Grant Wm. L. Garrison Chas. Sumner Salmon P. Cnase Henry Wilson Horace Greeley D. G. Farragut John A. Andrew Schuyler Colfax E. M. Stanton Frederick Douglass P. H. Sheridan W. T. Sherman Oliver O. Howard Wm. A. Buckingham Wendell Phillips Henry Ward Beecher Biography— Continued. — Milton, John. See Celebrated char- acters, by Lamartine. — Monroe, James. 5th President U. S.: born April 28. 1758. died July 4, 1831. Messages and other official papers of, pages 1-287. inc., vol. 2, of A compilation of the messages and papers of the Pres- idents U S., 1789-1897. Richard- son, Jas. D., comp Milburn, Wm. Henry. Pioneer M. E. preacher; born 1826. Pioneers, preachers and people of the Miss. Valley. 12°. N. Y 1860 - Ten years of preacher life. 12°. N. Y 1859 Miles, Nelson A. Amer. General; born 1839. Personal recollections and observations. 8°. Chicago.. 1896 Miller, W. G. Amer. M. E. preacher. Thirty years in the itinerancy. 12°. Milwaukee 1875 Mills. Henry A. Illinois State Sen- ator; born 1827. died 1877. Memo- rial addresses on life and charac- ter of Henry A. Mills, a Senator from Carroll Co., delivered in the Senate of 111.. March 12. 1879. Pub. by order Senate. 8°. Springfield. 1879 Memoir of James Monroe. Esq., relating to his unsettled claims upon the people and government of the U. S. 8°. Charlottesville, Va 1828 Irelan. John Robert, If. D. His- tory of the life, administration and times of James Monroe, in vol. 5. of "The Republic; history of the U. S. by administrations of the Presidents." Montcalm, Louis Joseph, Marquis de Montcalm-Gozon de Saint V6- ran. French General; born 1712, died 1759. Parkman, Francis. Montcalm and Wolfe. Part 7, France and England in America. 2vols. 8°. Boston 1887 Morrill, Justin S. Amer. statesman and U. S. Senator from Vermont, born 1810. died 1898. Memorial addresses on the life and char- acter of, delivered in the Senate and House Representatives, 55th Congress. 3d session. 4°. Wash- ington 1899 Morrison, William R. Amer. sol- dier and member Congress from 111; born 1825. Sketch of life of. pages 237-238, in Oldroyd's "Lin- coln's campaign; or, the political revolution of 1860." Morton, Levi P. Amer. statesman and Vice-President; born 1824. Sketch of life, pages 216-219. in Oldroyd's "Lincoln's campaign; or, the political revolution of 1860." Morton, Oliver P. Amer. statesman and war Governor of Indiana; born 1823. died 1877. Foulke, Wm. Dudley. Life of Oliver P. Morton, including his most important speeches. 2 vols. 8°. Indianap- olis 1899 New England Historic Geneolog- ical Society Memorial Biog- raphies, 1845-1864. 5 vols. 8°. Boston 1880-1894 ,^!> BKXJRAPHY BIOGRAPHY. BlOOB win < 'ontinui d, — Northrup. Solomau . Twelve yi'iirs a slave. Narrative of Soloman Northrup, a citizen of New York, kidnapped in Washington City in 1841. 12 '. Auburn. N. V is-,:: Ogden, William B. Chicago capital- ist and promoter of railroads; horn 1805. died 1877. Arnold, Bon. • N . & Scammon, J. Young. Win. B. Ogden and early days in Chicago. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 17. 12 , Chicago 1882 Ohio, Pioneer, settlers of. llil- dreth, 8. P., M. D. Biographical and historical memoirs of the early settlers of I >hio. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1862 O'Neill, ('lias. Member of Congress from Pa.; born 1821. died 1893. .Me- morial addresses on the life and character of, delivered in U. S. House Representatives and Sen- ate, 53d Congress. 3d session. (U. s. H. R. Misc. Doc.) 4°. Wash- ington 1895 i itterbein, Philip William. Found- er of the Church of the I'nited Brethren in Christ; horn 1720, died 1813. Drury, Rev. A. W. Life of Rev. Philip Win. Otter- bein. Introduction by Bishop J. Weaver, D.D. 12°. Dayton 1893 Packard, Mrs. E. 1'. W. Modern persecution. 2d ed. 2 vol. 12°. Hartford 1891 Pali-sy. Set .Memoirs of celebrated characters, bj Lamartine, Palmer. John McAuley. Illinois Governor, U. S. Senator and Gen- eral. See Illinois Governors Parsons. Albert R. Labor agitator; horn 1848. died 1887. Parsons.Mrs. Lucy. Life of Albert R. Parsons, with a brief history of the labor movement in America. 8°. Chi- cago 1889 Party Leaders: Sketches of Thos. erson, Andrew Jackson. Hen- ry Clay. John Randolph of Roa- noke, and others. Baldwin, Jo. G. 12°. N. V Paterson. John. Amer. soldier in War Revolution; born 1741. died 1808. Egleston. Thos.. LI.. I>. Life of Maj. -Gen. John Paterson, Maj. Gen. in the Revolutionary Army. 8°. N.Y Biography— < 'ontinui d. — Peck, John Mason. Pioneer Bap- tist Preacher and Educator of Ill- inois; born 1789, died 1868. | cock, Ruins. . d. Memoir of John V;. on Peck. /'. /'. Edited From his journals and correspondence. 12 Phila 1864 — Perrault, Joseph Francois. Cana- dian Educator and statesman; horn 1753, died 1844. Casgrain. P. R. La vie lie Joseph Francois Perrault, surnomme* le pere de l'education du peuple Canadien. 12. Quebec 1898- — Personal recollections of many prominent people whom ] have known. Darby, John P. 12. St. Louis 1880 — Phi Alpha Society of the Illu College at Jacksonville. List and biographical sketches of members of the society. 8°. Jacksonville. 1890 — Phillips. David L. Illinois editor: horn ls2o, died 1880. Letters from California in 1876. 8 . Spring- field ls77 — - Selby. Paul. Memorial add on the life and character of David L. I 'hi Hips, and public services delivered before Ills. Ass'n.. Springfied. Feb. 16, 188L 8°. Springfield 1881 — Pierce. Gen. Franklin. 14th Presi- dent l'. S.: horn 1804, died L869. Messages and other official papers Of, in VOl. ">, pages l!'"i-12H. inc "A compilation of the messa and papers of the President the (J. S.. 1789-1897." Richardson, J as. D.,comp is.',! is:i4 - Bartlett, D. W. Life of Gen. Frank Pierce. 12°. Auburn. N.Y. 1852 - Irelan, John Robert. M. D. His- of the life, administration and times of Franklin Pierce. tM vol. 11. of "The Republic. A his- tory of the U. S.. by Administra- tions of the Presidents." Pike, Zebulon Montgomevy, Amer. traveler and explorer; horn 1779, died 1813. Memoir of. In vol l of "The expeditions of Zebulon M. Pike." Edited and annotated by Elliott Coues. 3 v. B°. X. Y.... 1896 - Account of expeditions to the sources of the Miss. 8°. Phila.. 1810 Pioneers. See Ohio Pioneers. BIOGRAPHY. 53 BIOGRAPHY. Biography— Continued. — Poole, Win. Frederick, Amer. li- brarian and author: born 1821, died 1894. Memorial sketch of. Trustees of the Newberry Lib- rary, Chicago, pub. 8°. Chicago. 1895 — Post, Philip Sidney, Illinois Con- gressman and soldier; born 1833, died 1895. Memorial addresses on life and services of: delivered in U. S. House Representatives and Senate, 53d Congress, 3d session. (House Rep. Misc. Doc.) 4°. Washington 1895 — Pote, William, jr.. English merch- ant sailor. Journal of Capt. Wm. Pote, jr., during his captivity in French and Indian war. May, 1715, to Aug., 1747, accompanied by Morris Map. 1749. 8°. N. Y 1896 — Presidents of the U. S. Sketches of the lives of. in Irelan's "The Republic." A history of the U. S. by the administrations of the presidents; Richardson's "com- pilations of the messages and pa- pers of the Presidents of the U. S., 1789-1897," and the various his- tories of the U. S — Public men, anecdotes of. Forney, John W. 2v. 12°. N. Y 1873-1881 — Quay, Matthew S., Amer. politician and U. S. Senator from Pa.; born 1333. Sketch of the life of, pages 228-229, in Oldroyd's "Lincoln's campaign; or, the political revo- lution of 1860." — Rafinesque. Constantine Samuel, (Schmaltz.) Amer. scientist and author; born (in Turkey in Eu- rope) 1783, died 1840. Ichthyologia Ohiensis; or, natural history of the fishes inhabiting the River Ohio and its tributary streams. Verbatim reprint of the original edition, with a sketch of the life of the author. Call. Richard Ells- worth. No. 224 of this ed. 8°. Cleveland 1899 — - Call, Richard Ellsworth. Life and writings of Constantine Samuel Rafinesque. Filson Club Pubs. No. 10. 4°. Louisville 1895 — Randall, Samuel J. Amer. states- man, member of Congress from Pa.; born 1828, died 1890. Address- es in Congress, U. S., upon pre sentation of portraits of speakers Grow and Randall by the state of Pa. (U. S. Govern'nt Pubs.) 4°. Washington 1892 Biography — Continued. — Rawlins, John Aaron, Amr. Gen'l; born 1831, died 1869. Proceedings upon occasion of removal of the remains of Gen. Rawlins from the Congressional cemetery to Arlington cemetery, Va. Address by Hon. Henry A. Castle, and original poem by Col. John A. Joyce. Sheppard.Thos. R.,comp. Pam. 8°. Washington, D. C 1899 — Read, George, Amer. statesman; signer of the Declaration of Inde- pendence; born lt34, died 1798. Conrad. Henry C. Sketch of life of George Read, pages 15-18, in "The Three Signers from Dela- ware." — - Sketch of life of Geo. Read, pages 231-237, in Dwight's "Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of In- dependence." — Red Jacket, (Sa-go-ye-wat-ha). Seneca Indian Chief; born 1751, died 1S30. Buffalo Historical So- ciety. Obsequies of Red Jacket, Buffalo, Oct. 9. 1884. (Trans. Buf- falo Hist. Soc.) 8°. Buffalo 1885 — - Sketch of the life of Red Jacket. Buffalo Hist. Soc. Trans. Vol.3 — - Stone, Wm. L. Life and times of Red Jacket. A sequel to the his- tory of the Six Nations. 8°. N.Y. 1841 — Reed, Thomas Brackett, American statesman. Speaker U. S. House Represent'ives; born 1839. Sketch of the life of, pages 212-216, in "Lincoln's campaign; or, tne po- litical revolution of 1860." Old- royd, O. H — Roberts, Robert B. Amer. M. ,E. preacher. Sketch of life and la- bors of, pages 261-308, vol. 2. of "Asbury and his co-laborers." by Rev. Wm. C. Larrabee — Rodney, Csesar. Amer. statesman. Signer of the Declaration of Inde- pendence: born 1730, died 1783. Conrad, Henry C. Sketch of life of Ceesar Rodney, pages 3-14, in 'The three signers from Dela- ware." — - Also, sketch of the life of Caasar Rodney, pages 222-231 in Dwight's "Lives of the signers of the Dec- laration of Independence." — Rogers, Henry Wade. Amer. edu- cator and lawyer; born, 1853. Con- rad. Henry Louis. Sketch of life of Henry Wade Rogers. North- western University history, in National Magazine, Dec 1892 BIOGRAPHY :>-> I'.KMJKAPHY. B .icMiiv Continued. — Roostam. >• Memoirs of cele- brated characters. Lamartine. — K<>"t. George P. IHinoiB Bong writer; born 1820, died 1896. Chi- cago Inter- < Icean, pub. short bio- graphical Bketch of Mr. Root, in Sun 1895 BIOGRAPHY. 55 BIOGRAPHY. Biography— Co ntinued. — Sevigne\ Madame de. See "Cele- brated characters." Lamartine. — Shelby, Joseph Orville, American Confederate General; born 1831, died . Edwards, John N. Shel- by and his men. 8°. Cincinnati. 1867 — Sheridan, Philip H., Amer, Gen'l: born 1831, died 1888. Personal memoirs of. 2 v. 8°. N. Y 1888 Sherman, John, Amer. statesman ; born 1823, died 1900. John Sherman's recollections of forty years in the House, Senate and Cabinet. 2 v. 8°. Chicago '.. 1895 — Sherman, William Tecumseh. Amr. General; born 1829. died 1891. Memoirs of Gen. Wm. T. Sher- man, written by himself. 2 v. 8°. N. Y 1875 Another edition, with an appendix, bringing life of author down to its closing scenes. Also, a personal tribute and critique of the mem- oir, by Hon. James G. Blaine. 4th ed. 8°. N. Y 1891 — - Senour, Rev. F. Sherman and his campaigns. 12°. Chicago 1865 — Shields, James, Amer. General and U. S. S.; born in Ireland, 1806, died 1879. Life of Gen. Jas Shields. Condon, Hon. Wm. H. 8° Chicago 1900 — Slocum, Prances, biography of. The lost sister of Wyoming; narrative of her captivity and wandering among the Indians. Meginness, John P. 8°. Williamsport, Pa... 1891 — Smith, Col. James, Amer. pioneer and Indian trader; born 1737, died 1812. Account of the remarkable occurrences in the life and travels of Col. James Smith, during his captivity by the Indians. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1870 — Smith, Capt. John. English foun- der of Va.; born 1579, died 1629. Travels, adventures and observa- tions of Captaine Uohn Smith in Europe, Africke and America, 1593-1629. Reprinted from the London edition of 1629. 2 v. 8°. Richmond 1819 — Socrates. See Celebrated charac- ters, Lamartiue. — Southern Generals, who they are, and what they have done. Rich- ardson, Chas. B., pub. 8°. N. Y. 1865 Contents — Robert E. Lee, T.J.Jackson, (Stonewall), Biography— Continued. P. G. T. Beauiegard, Jos. E. Johnston, Samuel Cooper. James Longstreet, Braxton Bragg, R. S. Ewell. J. E. B. Stuart, A. P. Hill. John H. Hood, A. S. Johnston, Leonidas Polk, Sterling Price. E. Kirby Smith. John H. Morgan, Wm. J. Hardee. Wade Hampton. — Soldiers in our Civil War. Motte- lay, Paul F. and Copeland, T. Campbell. 2 v. F. N. Y 18y0 — Soto. Hernando de. See De Soto. — Stanford, Leland, Amer. statesman. U, S. Senator from California; born 1824, died 1893. Memorial ad- dresses on life and character of. delivered in Senate and House Representatives U. S., Sept. 16, 1893, and Feb 12. 1894. U. S. Gov't Pubs. 4°. Washington 1894 — Stanton, Edwin M., Amer. states- man: born 1814, died 1869. Jones. Maj. Evan Rowland. Lincoln, Stanton and Grant. Historical sketches. (Stanton, pages 81-145.) 8°. London 1875 — Stark, John, Amer. General; born 1728, died 1822. Proceedings in Congress U. S., upon the accept- ance of the statues of John Stark and Daniel Webster, presented by the state of New Hampshire. (U. S. Gov't Pubs.) 4°. Wash- ington 1895 — Stark county (111.) and its pioneers. Shallenberger, Mrs. E. H. 12°. Cambridge, 111 1876 Stein, Hon. Philip, sketch of the life of, pages 5-6. in "Sketches of the newly elected judges of Cook Co., 111.. Nov.. 1892. Reprinted from the Chicago Legal News of Nov. 19 1892 — Stenhouse, Mrs. T. B. H. "Tell it all." The story of a life's experi- ence in Mormonism. 8°. Hartford 1890 — Stephens. Alexander H Amer. statesman (Confederate); born 1812. died 1883. Cleveland, Henry. Alexander H. Stephens in public and private; with letters and speeches before, during and since the war. 8°. Phila 1866 Ill ) 1R \l' se BIOGR \IMIV Biography Contim — Stephenson, Benjamin Franklin Illinois physician and soldier; founder G. a . lv'.; born 1822, died 1^71. Stephenson, Diary Barriet. I >r I'. F. Stephenson, Founder of toe G. A. R.: A memoir. 8°. Springfield 1894 — Stockbridge, Francis Browne. U. S. Senator from Michigan: born 1826, died 1894. Memorial ad- dresses on the life and character of, < i i • 1 1 % ered in U. S, Senate and l [ouse Represental h es, 53d I '> mgr-. 3d session. (U. S. Gov't, pub.) 4°. Washington 1895 — Stolp. J. G. Illinois pioneer. Rem- iniscences of the early life of, and of the pioneers and early settle- ment of Aurora. 111. Manuscript. Written by himself; dated, Aurora 1891 — Storrs. B. A. Illinois iawyer and or- ator; born 1835, died 1885. Adams. I - • ic E. Life of Emery A. Storrs. Written tinder the direction of Mi^. storrs. 8 . Chicago 1886 — Sugg. George F. Sketch of life of, pages 7 and 8, in "Sketches of newly elected judges in Cook Co.. 111.. Nov.. 1892. Ri printed from Chicago Legal News, Nov. 19.1892 — Tanner, John R. See Illinois, Gov- ernors. — Taunton. .Mass. The ministry of Taunton; with incidental notices of other professions. Introduc- tory notice by Hon. Francis Bay- lies. Emery, Samuel Hopkins. - voN. 12°. Boston 1853 — Tecumseh. Shawnee Indian chief ; horn 1768, died 1813. Drake. Benj. Life of T i and the life of his brother, the Prophet : with a historical sketch of the Shawnee Indians. 12°. Cincin- nati 1855 — Tell. Win. Sei Celebrated charac- acters.— Lamartine. — Thornton, Anthony. Illinois lawyer and jurist; born, 1814. Chafee, George D. Sketch and personal reminiscences of Judge Anthony Thornton. 12°. Shelbyville. 111.. 1897 — Todd. Aaron. Life and confession of, Pam. 8 . Springfield 1840 — Tonti (or Tonty), Henry de, Italian soldier and explore r; born(about) 1650, died 1704. Decouvertes dans l'Amerique Septenrionale de La Salle. 16°. Paris 1697 BitxiH m'iiy— Vonti — - Legler, Henry E. T inty; the man with the iron hand. B . Milwau- kee 1896 — Townsend, Richard W. Illinois lawyer and Congressmen; born 1848, died 1889 Memorial ad- dresses on life and character of, delivered in 1*. S. II ;. pre- sentatives and Senate, 51st Cong.. 1st session. • D. S, GOT't, P 4°. Washington 1890 — Trumbull. Lyman, Amer, States- man and L T . S. Senator from Illi- nois; born 1813, died 1896. Palmer ,iohr, M. Sketch of the life of Judge Trumbull, pages 51-54, in "Bench and Bar of Ills.: histori- cal and reminiscent." — United States Biographical Diction- ary and Portrait Gallery. (Illi- nois Vol.) Editions of 1876 and 1883. 4°. Chicago — Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology. Thomas. I.. .1. .;/.. .)/. I>. 2 v. 4°. Philadelphia 1870 — Van Buren, Martin. 8th President U. S.; bom Dec 5. 1782, died July 24,1862. Messages and other offi- cial papers of, pages Hll-610 inc., vol.3, in "A compilation of rues- sages and papers of the Presi- dents of the U. s.. lTv.i-iNii." Richardson, James D..comi> — - Emmons, Win. Biography of Martin Van Buren. with an ap- pendix containing selections from his writings, speeches, etc. 12 , Washington 1835 — - Irelan, John Rob rt, M. D. His- tory of the life, administration and times of Martin Van Buren. vol. 8, of "The Republic; a his- tory of the U.S. by the adminis- trations of the presidents." — Vance, Zebulon B.. Amer. St man and U. S. Senator from North Carolina; born 1S30. died 1891. Memorial addresses on the life and character of, deliv- ered in the U. S. Senate and House Representatives. 53d Con- gress, 3d session. (U. S. Gov't Pub.) 4°. Washington 1895 — Vanderburgh. Henry. Sketch of. in "Survival of pioneer families of Indiana." Published in Evans- ville, Ind. "Pocket," Dec. 1897 BIOGRAPHY. 57 BIOGRAPHY. Biography— Continued. — Waldo, Wm. Recollections of a septuagenarian. Nos. 2 and 3 publications. Mo. Hist. Society. Paper. 8°. St. Louis 1880 — Wallace, Caleb. Kentucky jurist: born 1742, died 1814. Whitsett, Wm. H. Life and times of Judge Caleb Wallace, sometime a justice of the court of appeals of Ky. Filson Club Pubs. No. 4. 4°. Louisville I s88 — Ware, Thomas, Amer. M. E. preach- er; born 1758. died 1842. Sketch of the life and labors of, pages 177- 204, vol. 2, in "Asbury and his co- laborers." Larrabee — Washburne. Elihu B., Amer. states- man, foreign minister and mem- ber of Congress from Illinois; born 1816, died 1887. Palmer, John M. Sketch of the life of E. B. Washburne, pages 512-513. in "Bench and Bar of Illinois; his- torical and reminiscent." For other sketches of E. B, Wash- burne. see histories of Illinois. — Washington, George. 1st presi- dent U. S.: born Feb. 22. (Feb. 11, O. S.), 1732, died Dec. 14, 1799. Mes- sages and other official papers, pages 41-224, vol. 1. of "A compil- ation of the messages and papers of the presidents of the U.S.. 1789- 1897." Richardson, Jas. D.,comp — Washington, George. Journal of my journey over the mountains. 1747-1748. Daily journal, 1751-1752. of a tour from Va. to Island of Barbadoes. Journal of G. Wash- ington, commanding a detach- ment of Va. troops, in 1754, to build forts at the head waters of the Ohio. Edited, with notes, by J.M. Toner. 3 vols Allen. Ethan. Washington; or, The Revolution. A drama. 12°. Chicago 1895 Bancroft. Aaron. An essay on the life of George Washington. 8°. Worcester 1807 Binney, Horace. An inquiry into the formation of Washington's "Farewell address." 8°- Phila.... 1859 Bowen. Clarence Winthrop, ed. History of the centennial celebra- tion of the inauguration of George Washington as first president U. S. 4°. N. Y 1892 BIography— Conl inued. — - Butterfield, C. W.. comp. The Washington - Crawford letters: Correspondence between George Washington and Wm. Crawford, 1767 - 1781, concerning western lands. 8°. Cincinnati 1877 — - Butterfield. C. W.. comv. The Washington -Irvine correspond- ence: Official letters which passed between Washington and Brig. Gen. Wm. Irvine and others, con- cerning military affairs in the west. 1781-1783; arranged and an- notated. 8°. Madison. Wis 1882 — - Chappel, Alonzo. Life and times of Washington; containing a par- ticular account of national prin- ciples and events; and of the il- lustrious men of the Revolution. 2 vols. 4°. N. Y 1857 — - Custis.GeorgeWashington Parke. Recollections and private mem- oirs of Washington. Memoir of the author by his daughter. Notes by B. J. Lossing. 8°. N. Y I860 — - Guizot. Francois, P. G. Washing- ton. Fondation de la R6publique des Etats-Unis d'Amerique. Vie se Washington, etc. 2 vols. 8°. Paris 1 85 1 — - Inglis, Samuel M.. comp. A sou- venir for the use of the school children of Illinois in celebration of Lincoln's birthday, Feb. 12. and Washington's birthday. Feb. 22. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1898 — - Irelan, John Robert. Life, ad- ministration and times of George Washington. Vol. 1 o/"The Re- public " — - Irving, Washington. Life of George Washington. 5 vols. 8°. N. y 1855 — - Johnston, Elizabeth Bryant. George Washington, day by day. 8°. N. Y 1895 — - Lossing, Benson J. Washington, and the American Republic. 3 vols. 4°. N. Y. n.d — - Lossing, Benson J. The home of Washington; or, Mount Vernon and its associations, 8°. N. Y. n.d — - Marshall, John. Life of George Washington. Compiled under in- spection of Hon. Bushrod Wash- ington, from original papers. Atlas. 5 vols. 8°. Phila 1805 2d ed. revised and corrected, 2 vols.8°. Phila 1838 BKMIKAIMIY 58 HKMiRAI'II Y. Bhm;i;.\IH\ -Continued. — - U. S. Congress. Aoootinl exer- cises of tlir Centennial Celebra tion and dedication of Washing ten'-; monnmenl at Newburg, N. Y. (U. S, Gov't, pub.) 4 . Wash- ington 1889 — - Washington, Martha. Reprint of a letter written l>y M. Washing- ton. Published by the Oneida Historical Society. Pain — Wayne. Anthony. Amer. Gen.; born 1746. died 1796. Brice. Wallace A. Sketch of the life of lien. Wayne, accompanying history of Fort Wayne. Ind. 8°. Fort Wayne.... 1868 — - Forother sketches of Gen. Wayne see histories of the Northwest Territory and Ohio — Webb. Samuel Blachley. American soldier in Revolution; born 1753, died 1807. Correspondence and journals of Samuel Blachley Webb, 1771MS06. Collected and edited by Worthington Chauncey Ford. 3v. 4°. N. Y 1893-1894 — Webster, Daniel, Amer. statesman; born 1782, died 1852. Speeches and forensic arguments of. 2 v. 8°. Boston 1850 — - Proceedings in Congress U- S. upon the acceptance of the statues of John Stark and Daniel Web- ster, presented by the state of New Hampshire. (U. S. Gov't Pnbs.) 4°. Washington 1895 — - Wentworth. Hon. Jno. Congres- sional reminiscences of Adams, Benton, Calhoun. Clay and Web- ster. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 24. 12 . Chicago 1882 — Wells, Cci)it. William, American pioneer; died 1812. Sketch of life of. pages 183-196, in McDonald's "Biographical sketches." 12°. Dayton 1852 — Weni worth, John, journalist and member of Congress from Illin's. I tir.st Chic'go Congressman ;t>orn 1M5. died l^ss. Early Chicago. Three lectures. Published as Nos. 7 and 8, of Fergus Historical Series - - i 'ongres -ion*] rem ini Fer- gus Hist. Series No. 24. 1- • Chi- cago 1882 — - For sketches of the life of John Wentworth, see Histories of Chi- cago and Illinois Biography —Continued. — Whatcoat. Richard, Amer. pioneer .)/. A', preacher. Sketch of life, pages 887-848, of vol. 1, "Asbury and his co-laborers." Larrabee.. — Who's Who in America. A bio- graphical dictionary of living men and women of the U. 8., I899-19M. Leonard, John W., ed. 12°. Chi- cago — Windes, Hon. Thomas G. Sketch of the life of, pp. 3-5, in "Sketches and portraits of the newly elected judges in Cook Co.. 111.. Nov.. 1892" Reprinted from Chicago Legal News. Nov. 19, 1892 — Winslow, Edward, Governor of Plymouth Colony; born 1595, died 1655. Winslow, William Copley. Governor Edward Winslow: His part and place in Plymouth Col- ony. Reprinted from the N. V. Genealogical and Biographical Record. July, 1896. Pam — Winthrop, Robert C-, Amer. states- man, orator and author; born 1809. died 1891. Goodwin. Daniel. In memory of Robt. C. Winthrop. Read before the Chicago Literary Club and Chicago Hist. Soc. 8°. Chicago — Wisconsin, Fathers of. Tenuey, H. A. and Atwood, David, eds. Memorial record of the Fathers of Wisconsin. 8°. Madison — Withers. Alexander S., American pioneer and author; born 1792, died 1865. Chronicles of border warfare. 16°. Clarksburg, Va. .. Also, a new edition, edited and an- notated by Retiben (told Thwaites with a memoir of the author, by Lyman C. Draper- 8°. Cincin- nati — Women of th3 War; their heroism and self sacrifice. Moore, Frank. 8°. Hartford — Wright, Myron B. Member of Congress from Pa.: born 1847. died 1894. Memorial addresses on the life and service of, delivered in U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. 53d Cong., 3d session. (TJ. 8. Gov't, pubs.) I ■ Wash- ington 1899 1894 lSxfj 1831 1895 1866- 1896 — Yates, Richard, ernors. See Illinois Gov- - Young. Ann Eliza. Wife No. 19. The story of a life in bondage. 8°. Hartford 1876 BIOGRAPHY. 59 BISHOP. B I ographt— Con tin ued . — Young, Brigham. President of the Mormon church: born 1801, died 1877. See Mormonism. — Zeisberger, David. Moravian mis- sionary to Indians; born 1721, died 1808. Diary of David Zeis- berger. Moravian missionary to the Ohio Indians. 2 vols. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1885 Biology. Leland Stanford, jr.. Uni- versity. Contribution to bioiogy from the Hopkins Seaside Lab- ratory of the Leland Stanford, jr.. University. No. 1, 1895. Jordan, David Starr. The fishes of Sinaloa — - No. 3, 1895. Jordan. David Starr. The fishes of Puget Sound — - No. 4. 1896. Kellogg, V. L. New Mallophaga; with special refer- ence to a collection made from maritime birds of the Bay of Monterey, Cal — - No. 10, 1897. Miller, Walter. Sci- SaJ entific names of Greek and Latin derivation. Reprinted from the the proceedings of the Cal. Acad, of Sciences, 3d Ser., Zool., Vol. 1 — - No. 11, 1897. Campbell, Douglas H. A morphological study of Nias and Zannichellia. Reprinted from the proceedings of the Cal. Acad- emy of Sciences, 3d series, Bot., Vol. 1 — - No. 12, 1897. Ashley, Geo. H.. Ph. D. Geology of the paleozoic area of Arkansas south of the novaculite region. Reprinted from Proceedings of the Amer. Phil. Soc, Vol.36, No. 155 — - No. 14, 1898. Drake. Noah Fields, Ph. D. A geological reconnais- sance of the coal fields of the In- dian Territory. Reprint from the proceedings of the Amer. Phil. Society. Vol. 36. No. 156 — - No. 15, 1898. Jordan, David Starr. Description of a species of fish (Mitsukurina owstoni) from Ja- pan, the type of a distinct family of lamnoid sharks. Reprinted from the proceedings of the Cal. Academy of Sciences. 3d series, Zool.. Vol.1 — - No. 16. 1898. Smith, Jas. Perrin The development of lytoceras and phylloceras. Rrprinted from the proceedings of the Cal. Academy of Sciences, 3d series, Geo]., Vol. 1. See Illinois natural history, birds, fish, etc. Bird, M. B. The victorious. Poem on the assassination of President Lincoln, and an introduction. 12°. Kingston, Jamaica 1866 Birds. Cook. A. J. Birds of Michigan. Bulletin Mich. State Agr. College. No. 94, Agr. Experiment Station Zoological Dept. 8°. Lansing.... 1893 — Nuttail, Thomas. Manual of Orni- thology of U. S. and Canada. Land and water birds, 2 vols. 12°. Boston 1834-1840 — Ornithology of 111. Part I, descrip- tive catalogue, by Robert Ridg- way: Part II, economic ornithol- ogy, by S. A. Forbes. (Nat. Hist. Survey of 111.) 8°. Springfield Birkbeck. Morris. Extracts from sup- plementary letter from the 111., and reply to Wm. Cobbett. 2d ed. 12°. London 1819- — Letters from the Illinois. 2d ed. 7°. London 1818 — Notes on a journey in America from coast of Va. to Territory of 111.; with proposals for establish- ment of English colony; map of route. 2d ed. 8°. Dublin, 1818. 3d ed. 8°. London 1818 Birnet, James G., and his times. The genesis of the Republican party; with account abolition movement in South before 1828. Birney, Wm. 12°. N. Y '. 1890- Birthday of the State of Connecticut. Celebration of 250th anniversary of the adoption of first constitu- tion of Conn. Jan. 24, 1889. Conn. Hist. Soc. pub. 8°. Hartford.... 1889 Bishop, Judson W. The story of a reg- iment. (2d Minn. Vet. Vol. Inf.) 12°. St. Paul 1890 Bishop Chase's address before the con- vention of the Protestant Episco- aal church. Springfield, 111., June 16. 1845. Chase, Rev, Philander. Pam. 8°. St. Louis 1845 — Defence of himself against the late conspiracy at Gambier, Ohio, in a series of letters to his friends, 1831-1832. (Supplement to The Western Herald andSteubenville Gazette.) Chase, Philander. Pam. N. D — Reminiscences: An autobiography; comprising history of principal events in author's life to 1847. Chase, Philander. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8°. Boston 1848 r BISHOP. 60 BLISS. Bishop -Continui d. Bishop Whitehouse and the diocese of 111. Kerfool Samuel ll. I 'am. 8°. Chicago I860 Bishops (House of ) of tin- Protestant Episcopal church. Pastoral letter addressed to i he Protestant Epls. Church In U. 8. A. 8°. N. Y.... 1874 Bighlow, Moses. Biographical sketch of , written at request of Newark Common Council. Bigelow, Saml. 1'.. .1. M. B°. Newark 1890 Bigelow. Samuel K...I. .1/. Biograph- ical sketch Moses Bigelow. 12°. Newark 1890 Billon, Frederic L. Comp. Annals of St. Louis under the French and Spanish dominations. 8°. St. Louis 1886 Hinney, Horace. An inquiry into the formation of Washington's fare- well address. 8 . Phjla 1859 Bi.ai-k Beauty; his grooms and com- panions. "The Uncle Tom's Cab- in" of the horse. Sewell. A. 12°. Boston 1890 Black. <:< n. John C. Address in Con- gress U. S. on life ami character of Geo. W. Houk, (late a repre- sentative from Ohio.) 4°. Wash. 1895 See Houk. Geo. W . pages 17 20 inc. — Address of Dept. Commander G. A. R. Dept. of Ills., 33d annual en- campment, Danville, Ilia., May, 1899. Chicago. Pam 1899 Black, Robert, trans. Popular history France, by Francois, P. G. Guizot. 6v. 8°. Boston, n. d Black. Wm. J., cuiti*. Charter with amendments thereto and revised ordinances of Springfield, Ills., 185S. 8 . Springfield 1858 Blackburn, William M. The crime against the presidency. S D . Tren- ton. N. J. Pam 1865 rn University, Carlinville, Ills. Its history, deed of trust. charter, and by-laws, 1885. Pam. 16°. Carlinville 1835 - Catalogue of. 1892-8. Pam. 12° Bt. \< k Hawk and Black Hawk war. See . raphy. Black Hawk. Blaine, James G. Twenty years in Congress; from Lincoln to Gar' field, 1861-1881, with a review of the events which led to the po- litical revolution of i860. 2 v. 8°. Norwich, Conn 1884 For sketches of the life of Jas. G. Blaine, see Biography, Blaine. Blah:. Emma Belen, comj>. Annotat- ed catalogue of newspaper files in Library State lli-t. Soc . Wis, 8°. Madison, 1896. Paper Bi.au; & Rives, /•"/<.■.■. The Congi sional Globe, 28d to 12d Congress Inc. Polio. Washington ku-1873 BLAN.CHABD, Rufus. Abraham Lin- coln, the tyi f Anier. genius. An historical romance. Poem. 8°. Wheaton 1882 — Columbian memorial songs. 16°. Chicago 1892 — Discovery anil conquests of the Northwest and history of Chicago. 8°. Wheaton 1881 — History DuPage Co. 8°. Chicago. 1882 — Historical Atlas of the U. S. Map of Europe and the world, with notes, n. d — History of Illinois to accompany map of the State; map annexed. 8°. Chicago 1883 Map of the environs of Chicago. (In Map Graphic, Jan., 1888.) — MapoftheU.S. 12°. Chicago.... 1897 Blanchet. J. Collection de manu- scrits contenant lettres memoires et autre documents, historique reletifs a la Xouvelle France. 4 v. 4°. Quebec 1884-5 Bland. Richard P. Sketch of life of. in Lincoln. s campaign, or the po- litical revolution of 1860, page 241. Oldroyd. Osborn H. Paper. 12°. Chicago 1896 Bledsoe, Albert Taylor. Is Davis a traitor! 2d ed. 12 . St. Louis ... 1879 Blennekhasset Papers. Embodying the private journal of Harman Blennerhassett and the hitherto unpublished correspondence of Burr Alston. Comfort, Tyler.Dev- ereauz, Dayton, Adair, Miro, Em- tnett. Tl do-ia Burr Alston and Mrs. Blennerhassett and others engaged in attempted Wilkinson and Burr revolution. Account Spanish Association of Ky.. and memoir of Bleiilierlia--ett. Saf- ford. Wm. II. 8°. Cincinnati.... 1864 Bliss, Eugene F., editor and trans. Diary David Zeisberger. Mora- vian missionary to Ohio Indi: 2 v. B°. Cincinnati 1SS5 BLODGETT. 61 BORDER. Blodgett, Hon. Henry W. Address at special meeting: Chicago Hist. Soc, April 29. 1897. on presenta- tion to Soc. of portrait of Wm. H. Bradley. Pam Blois, John T. Gazetteer of Mich. 12°. Detroit. 1838. Another edi- tion. 12°. Detroit 1839 Bloody Sacrifice, (The.) Thayer, Rev. E. W. 12°. Springfield 1879 Bloomington Law School. Address to the graduating class of, June 16, 1891, by Hon. E. Callahan. Manu- script Bloomington and Normal, Cities of Burnham, J. H., comp. History of Bloomington and Normal. 8°. Blooming ton 1879 Blue Book of the state of Wis. Com- piled and published under the direction of Secretary of State. Cunningham, Thos. J„ comp. 8°. Milwaukee 1891 Boaed of Education, Chicago. Chicago See Board of Education, Dist. Mo. 8, Twp. 39 R., 13, Cook Co.. Ills. Manual public schools, Berwyn, Clyde, La Vergne, West Morton Park, and Drexel. Revised 1899, Pam. 8°. Chicago 1899 Board Education. State of Ills. See Ills. State Normal University, at Normal Board Public Works, Chicago. See Chicago. Board of Trade, Chicago. See Chicago. Boies, Henry L. History De Kalb Co., 111. 8°. Chicago 1868 Boles. W. H. War and its lessons. 8°. Pam. Springfield 1890 Bond and Montgomery counties. 111, History of. Perrin, Wm. Henry, ed. 8°. Chicago 1882 Bond, S. C. Collection of Trifles. Poems. 4°. St. Louis 1891 Bonham, Jeriah. Fifty years' recollec- tions, with observations and re- flections on historical events. Sketches, lives and public ser- vices of eminent citizens of 111. 12°. Peoria 1883 Bonnycastle, R. H. Spanish America. 8°. London 1818 Bonwick, James, F. R. G. S. The Mor- mons and the silver mines. 12°. London 1872 Book of the Pair. An historical and descriptive presentation of the world's science, art and industry as viewed tprough the Columbian Exposition, 1893. Bancroft, Hu- bert Howe. 5 vols. 4°. Chicago... 1893 Book of the Indians of N. America. Manners, customs, and present state. Frost, John. 12°. N. Y.... 1845 Book of the Indians; or, biography and history of the Indians of N. America from discovery to 1841, Drake, Samuel G. 9th ed. 8°. Boston 1345 Book of Mormon. Account written by the hand of Mormon upon plates taken from Plates of Nephi. lsted., 12°, Palmyra 1839 2ded.,16°, Kirtland, 1837 4th, Am. ed., 16, Nauvoo. 111.... 1842 6th, European ed., London and Liverpool 1866 Another ed. 16°. Salt Lake. Smith, Joseph, jr 1883 Book of the Navy. Comprising a gen- eral nistory of Amr. marine and accounts of the most celebrated naval battles, from Declaration of Independence to present time. Frost. John. 12°. N. Y 1843 Book of the U. S. (Title page lost.) 8°. N.D Boone Co., 111. Kett, H. F. & Co. Past and present of Boone Co., 111. 8°, Chicago 1877 Boone Co. Sauer. Wm. C, pub Atlas Boone Co. F. Chicago 1886 Booth, Mary L.,and Alger, A. L., trans. Martin's "Popular history of France." 2 vols. 8°. Boston 1877 Booth. Mary L., trans. The uprising of a great people: from French of Count Ageuor De Gasparin. 12°. N. Y 1862 Border Life. Pitts, J., comp. SeeMir- ror of olden time border life. Border reminiscences. Marcy, Ran- dolph B. 12°. N. Y 1872 Border Wars of the West. Frontier wars of Pa., Va., Ky., Ohio, Ind., 111., Tenn., and Wis Individual exploits among Indians. Exploits of Boone. Kenton, Clark, Logan, Brady, Poe. Morgan, the Whet- zels, and other border heroes of the west. Fro^t, John. 8°. N. Y... 1856 BORRANI. 62 HRADEN. Borrani e1 Dros, pubs. Le Blormon- isme. Histoire et doctrines des Moriuans. 12°. Paris 1855 Bi i38, Henry R., i>ul>. History Ogle Co., 111. 12 . Polo 1859 Boston. City Council of. Memorial of riysst-s S. Grant from the City of Boston. 4°. Boston 1885 Boston Public Library. Bulletins (quarterly) of Jan.. April and July, 1891. 4°. Paper. Trustees report 1895 Bostonian Society. Catalogue of the collections of the Bostonian Soc. in Memorial Halls, Old State House. Boston. Feb. 1, 1893. Pre- pared by Samuel A. Bent. 8°. Paper. Boston 1893 — Proceedings of at annual meetings. V. Y. 8°. Paper. Odd Nos. Boston .... Bossu, M. Nouveaux voyages aux In- des Occidentales. 3 eds. 2 vols. in one. 16°. Paris 1768 2 vols. 16°. Paris 1768 2 vols. Amsterdam 1769 B"ssu. M. Capt. of French Marines. Travels through that part of N, Anier. formerly called La. 2 vols. 12°. London 1771 Botany. Browne, D. J. Sylva Ameri- cana. 8°. Boston 1832 — Crooker, J. F.. eomp. Arbor Day, May 4. 1894. State of N. Y — Egleston, N. H. Arbor Day: Its history and observance. (U. S. Gov't, pub.. Dept. Agr.) 8°. Paper. Washington 1896 — Strong, A. B. The American flora. Vol. 3 only. 8°. N. Y 1849 Botta, Chas. History of the War of the Independence of the U. S. A. Trans, from the Italian, by Geo. Alexander Otis. 5th ed. 2 vols. 8°. New Haven 1837 Boucher. Jonathan. View of causes and consequences of the Ameri- ican Revolution. 8°. London 1797 B<>rcHETTE. Joseph. British Domin- ions in N. America. 3 vols. 4°. London 1832 l'.<>i ndaries of Wis.; with a general historical survey of tbe N. W. Ter. into states. Illustrated byll maps. Thwaites. Reuben Gold. (Reprinted from Vol. 11 Wis. Hist. Cols.) Pants Bouquet, Col. Henry, and his cam- paigns. Cort, Rev. Cyrus. 16°. Lancaster. Pa 1883 Bouquet's expedition against the Ohio Indians, 1764. History of. preface and trans, of Diimas' Biograph- ical sketch, by Francis Parkman. (Ohio Valley Hist. Series.) 8°. Cincinnati 1868 Bourinot. J. G. Elected or appointed officials. A Canadian question. (Pub. No. 141. Am. Acad. Political and Social Science.) — Our intellectual strength and weakness. Review of literature, art, and education in Canada. (Royal Soc. Canada Series.) 4°. Montreal 1893 Howes, Clarence Winthrop, e'l. Histo- ry of the centennial celebration of the inauguration of George Washington, as first Pres. of U. S. 4°. N. Y 1892 Bowles, Cannington, prop. Map of N. Amer. and West Indies. London. 1783 Bowles, Samuel. Across the conti- nent. 12°. Springfield. Mass.... 1865 Boyakin, Rev. W. F. Manuscript let- ter giving a brief account of the Baptist Church at New Design, Monroe Co.. 111., the first Protes- tant church in 111., and of tne peo- ple who founded it. Dated, Blue Rapids, Kans., June 1 1900 Boyd, Andrew, pub. Abraham Lincoln, poem and illustration. Reprinted from London Punch. 4°. Albany 1868 Boyd, Stephen G. Indian local names with interpretation. 8°. York, Pa 1885 Boynton, Chas. B., D. D. History of the navy during the Rebellion. 2 vols. 8°. NY 1867 Boynton. H. V. The National Military Park: Chickamauga-Chattanoo- ga. 8°. Cincinnati 1895 Brackett, Col. Wm. S. The rising menace against the peace of Amr. society. 8°. Pam 1892 Bradbury, John. F. /.. S. Travels in interior of America. 12°. Liver- pool 1817 Braden, Clark, and Kelley, E. L. Pub- lic discussion. 8°. St. Louis — 1884 BRADFORD. 63 BRIEFE. Bradford, Mrs. Sarah M. Memorial Day address at the unveiling of the monument erected at Taylor- ville. 111., by the Woman's Relief Corps, to the memory of the sol- diers and sailors of Christian Co., Illinois, May 30. 1895. Manuscript Bradford, Wm. J. A. Notes on the Northwest; or. Valley of the Up- per Miss. 12°. N. Y. and London 1846 Bradlee, Caleb David, D. D. Slight sketch of life of. By E. K. L., Graduate of Boston University. Pam. Boston 1893 Bradley, Isaac Sam'l. Available ma- terial for study of institutional history of the Old Northwest. From Proceedings Wis. Hist.Soc. 1896. Pam. 8°. Madison 1897 Bradley Polytechnic Institutc( Peoria, 111.) Register of, for 1897-1898, with announcements for 1898-'99. Also, The Tech. Supplem't, June. 1899 Bradsby, H. C. ed. History of Bureau Co., 111. 8°. Chicago 1885 Bradwell, James B. Ills. State Bar Association. Necrologist's report, 1898-99, Ills. Lawyers— In mem- oriam. 8°. Chicago 1899 — Lawyers, judges, and some of my clients and friends at rest in Rose- hill cemetery. 4°. Chicago, n. d — Pioneers of Chicago. In memoriam. 4°. Chicago. Pam 1897 — Pioneers of Chicago. In memoriam. Necrologist's report. 1898-99. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1899 Bradwell. Jas. B.. pub. Women law- yers of Ills. Portraits of 27 of the women lawyers of the State. 16°. Chicago 1900 Bradwell, Jas. B. and Helmer B. Bradwell, eds.. The Chicago Legal News. A journal of legal intelli- gence, V. Y., beginning vol. 4. October. 1871 to 1900 '. Bradwell, Myra, ed. The Chicago Legal News. V. Y., beginning vol. 4, Oct., 1871. to 1894 Brainerd's (S.) Sons, pubs. Our war songs, north and south. Sample pages. 8°. Cincinnati 1887 Bramhill. Jeannie Nicholas. A mem- ory of a beautiful life. 12°. Chi- cago. Paper 1898 Brant, Joseph (Theyendanegea), life of; and border wars of the Amer. Revolution. Sketches of Indian campaigns of Gens. Harman, St. Clair and Wayne, and other mat ter relating to Indian relations of U.S. and Great Britain from peace of 1783 to 1795. Stone, Wm. L. 2 v. 8°. N.Y 1838 - Another ed. 8°. Buffalo 1851 Brattleboro, Windham Co., Vermont, Early history, with biographical sketches of some of its citizens. 8°. Brattleboro. Paper 1880 Brazil. See South America Brayman, M. Autograph letter from Gen. M. Brayman, dated Kansas City, Feb. 16. 1892. addressed to Rev. E. S. Walker, Springfield, Illinois Brearley, Wm. H., comp. Leading events of the American Revolu- tion. 32°. N.Y. Pam 1895 Breese, Sidney. The early history of Illinois. 8°. Chicago 1884 — Proceedings of the Chicago Bar. in memory of. 4°. Chicago 1878 Bremer, Fredrika. The homes of the new world. Trans, by Mary Howitt. 2v. 12°. N.Y 1853 Brenchley, Julius, J/. A., and Remy, Jules. Journey to great Salt Lake City. 2 v. 8°. London 1861 Brentano, pub. Mr. Whitelaw Reid in France, 1889-1892. Farewell dinner to the U.S. Minister.Paris, March 24, 1892, S°. Paris. Paper. 1892 Brewer, Rev. E. Cobham. The his- toric note-book. 12°. Phila 1896 Brice, Wallace A. Hist, of Ft. Wayne. Ind. 8°. Ft. Wayne 1868 Brief History of Chicago Hist. Soc; constitution and by-laws and list officers and members, 1881. 'Same.1885-6 See Chicago. Brief Treatise upon constitutional and party questions. History of po- litical parties, as received orady from Stephen A. Douglas. Cutts, J.Madison. 12°. N.Y 1866 Briefe and true report of the new found lands of Virginia. Of the commodities and nature and man- ners of the naturall inhabitants. Reproduction of the edition print- ed at Frankfort, in 1590, at expense of Theodore de Bry. Edited by W. Harry Rylands. Hariot, Thos. Holbein Soc. 4°. Manchester... 1888 BRIGHAM'S., 64 BROTHERTON. ham's I lestroying Angel. Life, confession and disclosures of Kill 1 1 ickman, 1 >anite < 'hief of I rtah, written by himself, with explana- tory notes liy .1. II. Beadle. 1- . N. V lsTU Brine, Lindesay. Travels among American [ndians. B . N. Y 1894 Brink, W. R. & Co., pubs. History of '. itt Co., Ill 1882 Bistory of Madison Co., Ill 1882 History of Schuyler and Brown counties, 111. 8°. Phila 1882 — Illustrate. l atlas, mail of Menard Co., 111. Folio 1874 Brink, McCormick & Co.. pubs. Atlas, map of Sangamon Co.. 111. Folio. Phila 1874 i n ■ . ilcl lonough & Co., pubs. Bis- tory of Champaign Co., 111. Phila. 1878 History of Christian Co.. 111. Phila 1880 — History of Fayette Co.. 111. Phila.. l^Ts — History of Jackson Co.. 111. Phila. 1878 History of Macon Co., 111. Phila... 1880 History of Macoupin Co.,IH. Phila. 1879 tory of Marion ami Clinton Co Ills. Phila 1881 History of St. Clair Co., Ill, Phila. 1881 1 1 istory of Shelby & Moultrie Cos.. Illinois 1881 History of Washington Co., Illinois Phila 1879 BRtNTON, Daniel G. The American . 12°. N. Y 1891 '— Essays of an Americanist. 8°. Phila 1890 Myths of the new world. 12°. N.Y. 1868 Races and peoples. 12°. N. Y 1892 Reporl upon the collections at the Columbian Historical Exposition at Madrid. 8 . Washington .... 1895 Bhisbkn, Hen. Jas. S., ed. Belden. the White Chief; or, twelve years among the wild Indians of the plains. 8°, N. V 1872 — Early life and public career of J A. Garfield. From the towpath to the White House. Also, sketch Of Hon. Chester A. Arthur. 12°. Phila 18S0 BRISSOT tie Warville. .T. P. Nouvi voyage dans le CJnis de L'Amerique Septenrionale, 1780; 2 vols. 12°. Paris 1791 — Travels in l" S. A. in 1788, contain- ing the observations on charac- ter, genius, and present state of the people. 8°. London 1794 British America, Mackenzie, Alexan- der. Voyages through N. Amer- ica, I- . N. V 1802 Hkitish Columbia. Bancroft, Hubert l [owe. History of Bri l ilum- bia, 1792 1887. 8 , San Fran. 189a British Dominions in N. America; or. A topographical and statistical description oi the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada New Brunswick, Novia Scotia, Islands of New Foumllami, Prince Ed- ward and Cape Breton, including considerations on land-granting and emigration, to which are an- nexed statistical tables and ta- bles of distances. Bouchette. Jo- seph. 3 vols. ! . Hon. Ion 1832 Broadhead, ' .0. The Louisi- ana Purchase. (Mo. Hist. Sue. Pub. No, 13.) Paper. 8°. Louis 1897 Brockett, L. P. Life and times of Ab- raham Lincoln. 8°. Phila 1865 .'.va'v . .las. \\\. ,-..,///,, Official lb t of ab&tracts of title to Cook Co. real estate. 8°. Chicago 187T Erodhead, John Romeyn Documents relative to colonial history pf - te of New York, procured in Holland, England and France. 1603-1774. 11 vols. Albany.. .1856-1858 Brombeau. An 111. pioneer. Holmes John B. I Tariff Trart No. 12, 1888. Industrial League. Phila) Bronson t v Nixon, pub. Springfield city directory and business mir- ror for 1866. 8°. Springfield.... 1865 iks, Arthur. In Memoriam. Chi- o Literary Soc . pubs. Chicago 1895 Brooks, B. B. See Cornelius, R E. Brooks, Noah. Abraham Lincoln. A biography for young people. 12°. N. V 1888 Brooks, N. C. < omplete history of the Mexican War. B°. Phila 1849 Brooks. Phillips. The life ami .hath oi Abraham Lincoln. Pam. 8°. Phila 1865 Bross, Wm, History of Chicago. 8°. Chicago 1876 BrOTHERTON. Edward. Mormonism. Pam. Manchester. N. D BROWER. 65 BUFFALO. Brower, J. V. The Missouri river and its utmost source. 8°. Paper. St. Paul 1896 Brown Co., 111. Brink, W. R., & Co., pub. History of Schuyler and Brown Co.'s, 111. 4°. Phila 1882 Brown, G- P. Drainage channel and waterway. 8°. Chicago 1894 Brown, H. A, Photographs of Dixon, 111,, and vicinity. Paper. Dixon. 1884 Brown, Henry. History of 111. 8°. N.Y 1844 — The present and future prospects of Chicago, 1846. Article No. 1, in "Annals of Chicago." Fergus Hist. Series No. 9. 12°. Chicago.. 1876 Brown, John Mason. The political be- ginnings of Ky. (Filson Club Pubs. No. 6.) 4°. Louisville 1889 Brown, Julius L. Dedication of the new building of the Young Men's Library Ass'n of Atlanta, and ad- dress of President Julius L. Brown, together with report of proceedings. Pam. 12°. Atlanta, Ga 1880 — Part of minutes of Ga. Bar. Ass'n, held in Savannah. Report of Committee upon Jurisprudence and Law Reform. Pam, 8°. At- lanta 1889 Brown, Samuel R. Western Gazetteer; or, Emigrant's directory. 8°. Au- burn, N. Y 1817 Brown, Hon. Wm. H. An historical sketch of the early movement in 111. for the legalization of slavery. Fergus Hist. Series No. 4. 12°. Chicago 1876 — Early history of 111. Article No. 2, in "Early 111." Fergus Hist. Series No. 14. 12°. Chicago 1881 Browne, D. J. Sylva Americana. 8°. Boston 1832 Browne. Francis F. Every-day life of Abraham Lincoln. Published in the National Tribune, (Wash- ington. D. C.) Aug. 16 1900 Browning, Chas H. Americans of royal descent(index to), 4°. Phila. 1891 Browning, O. H. Oration delivered on occasion celebration 87th anni- versary of our national independ- ence. Quincy, 111., July 4, 1863. 8°. Pam. Quincy 1863 — 5 H. L. Browning, Orville H. In memoriam. 111. State Bar. Ass'n, Chas. B. Lawrence: Adams Co. Bar Ass'n. Gen. Jas. W. Singleton and oth- ers. 4°. Chicago, n. d Brownlow, W. G. Sketches of the rise, progress and decline of seces- sion. 12°. Phila 1862 Bruce, Alexander P, Economic his- tory of Va. in the 17th century. 2 vols. 12°. N. Y 1896 Bruce, Philip A,, ed. The Virginia Magazine of Hist. and Biography. Quarterly Periodical. (Odd num- bers.) Bryant's Station and the memorial proceedings, held on its site, un- der the auspices of the Lexington Chap:er D. A. R., Aug. 18. 1896, in honor of its heroic mothers and daughters. Durrett, Reuben T. (Filson Club Pubs. No. 12.) 4°. Louisville 1897 Bryant, John Howard. Poems: writ- ten from youth to old age, 1824- 1884. 12°. Princeton 1885 Bryce, James. The American Com- monwealth. Vol. 1— The National government; the State govern- ment. Vol. 2— The party system; public opinion; illustrations and reflections, social institutions, Amer, edition, with census of 1890. 2 vols. 8°. Chicago 1891 Brymner, Douglas. Report on Cana- dian archives. V. Y 1881-1898 Buchanan, James. Fifteenth Pres. U. S. Life of. Curtis, Geo. Tick- nor, 2 vols. 8°. N. Y 1883 Buchanan, James. Mr. Buchanan's administration on the eve of the rebellion. 8°. N.Y 1866 See Biography. Buck, James S. Pioneer history of Milwaukee. 8°. Milwaukee 1876 Buckingham, J. S. The eastern and western states of America. 3 v. 8°. London 1842 Buel, Clarence Clough, and Johnson, Robert Underwood, eds. Battles and leaders of the civil war. 4 v. Folio. N. Y 1884-'88 Buffalo. N. Y.. City of; Buffalo Com- mon Council, pubs. Manual of common council of the city of Buffalo, for 1897. 16°. Buffalo... 1897 l:ITFAU>. 66 lU'KKK. Bi ppALO— Continued. — Buffalo Public Library. Bulletins of additions, etc. OddNos. Pams — Buffalo and its surroundings. Tlmr- stone, Wm., pub. Bum. 8°. Buf- falo 1830 — Erie county, N. Y., Centennial his- tory of. Johnson, Crisfleld. 8°. Buffalo 1876 — Five minutes talk about Buffalo, Erie Co., N. Y. Its business fa- cilities and its advantages as a place of residence and summer resort. Thurstone. Wm.. pub. Pam. 8°. Buffalo 1881 — Geology of Buffalo. Hayes, Geo. E. D.D.S. 6°. Buffalo 1869 — The manufacturing interests of Buffalo, including sketches of. the history of Buffalo, with notices of its principal manufacturi'g estab- lishments. Thomas. C. F. H..pub. 2ded. Pam. 8°. Buffalo 1866 Buffalo Hist. Society; Certificate of incorporation, constitution, and by-laws, list of members, etc., for 1863. Pam. 8°, Buffalo 1863 — Same, for 1868. Pam. 8°. Buffalo. 1868 — Same, for 1875. Pam. 8°. Buffalo. 1875 — Reports Board of Managers. An- nual. 1885-1898. Paper — Publication No- 4. Paper. 8°. Buf- falo 1896 — - An address commemorative of Geo. W. Clinton, delivered before Buf- falo Hist. Soc.by David F. Day. March 24, 1890. Pam — Buffalo fifty years ago. Hawes, Lucy Williams. Paper read be- fore Buffalo Hist. Soc, April 27, 1886. Pam — David Gray. Some reflections on his work and life. An address by Jas. Fraser Gluck. before Buf- falo Hist. Soc. Feb. 4. 1889. Pam — Geology of Buffalo. Read before Buffalo Hist. Soc., March 15, 1869, and Society of Natural Sciences, May 2, 1869, by Geo. E. Hayes. D.D. S. Pam — Obsequies of Red Jacket at Buf- falo, Oct. 9, 1884. (From trans. Buffalo Hist. Soc. Vol. 3.) Pam Building & Loan Associations., Ills. State Auditor of Public Accounts, Reports of, (annual.) 8°. Spring- field. V. Y 1894-99 BUILDINGS & Art at the World's Fair. Rand, McNally & Co. pubs 4°. Chicago 1894 Bi i. let and Shell. War as the soldier saw it; camp, march and picket; battlefield and bivouac, prison and hospital. Illustrated from sketches among the actual scenes, by Edwin Forbes. Williams, Geo. F, 8°. N. Y 1883 Bulletins, Economics, Political Sci- ence and History series, Univ. of Wis. See Wisconsin Busby, L. W. Lincoln's tomb. The last resting place of the Martyr- President falling into decay. In- vestigation of the facts in the case by a representative of the Inter Ocean. Published in the Chicago Inter Ocean. July 19. 1884 Bullock, Alex. H. Abraham Lincoln: An address. 8°. Worcester.Mass. Pam 1865 Bullock, Chas. J. Finances of U. S.. from 1775 to 1789. with special ref- erence to the Budget. (Buls. Univ. Wis. Economics, Political Science and Hist. Series. Vol. 1. No. 2.) 8°. Madison. Paper 1895 Bunner, E. History of Louisiana. 16°. N.Y 1842 Burck. Wm. Histoire des Colonies Europeennes dans l'Am6rique. 2v. 16°. Paris 1767 Bureau Co. 111. Bradsby.H.C, ed. His- tory Bureau Co., Ills. 8°. Chi- cago 1885 — Kett. H. F. and Co.. pubs. Voters and tax-payers of Bureau Co., 111. 8°. Chicago 1877 — Matson, N. Reminiscences of Bu- reau Co. 12°. Princeton 1872 Burgess, lit. Rev. Alexander. Ad- dress of the Bishop of the Diocese of Quincy, at 4th annual conven- tion of the diocese. May 17. 1881. 8°. Chicago 1881 Burial Mounds of northern section U. S. Extract from 5th annual report Bureau of Ethnology. Thomas Cyrus. 4°. Washington 1888 Burk. John. History of Virginia from first settlement to present day. 3 vols. 8°. Petersburg, Va 1804-5 Burke. Edmund. An account of the European settlements in Ameri- a. 3ded. 2 v. 8°. London 1760 BURKE. 67 CAIRO. — Speech on American taxation, 1774. Bound with Hartley's "Letters on the American War." 4°. London 1775 Burke, Wm. Henry. Chicago Athletic Ass'n.; past and present. 12°. Cnicago, Paper 1896 Burleigh, Chas. The genealogy of the Burley or Burleigh family of America. 8°. Portland. Me 1880 Burley, Augustus Harris. The Cairo expedition. (Chicago Hist. Soc. Pub.) 8°. Chicago. Pam 1892 Burnet, Jacob. Notes on early settle- ment of the Northwestern Terri- tory. 8°. N. Y 1847 Burnham, Henry. Brattleboro, Wind- ham Co., Vermont. Early his- tory, with biographical sketches of some of its citizens. 8°. Paper. Brattleboro 1880 Burnham, J. H., cotnp. History of Bloomington and Normal, 1H. 8°. Bloomington 1869 Burnham, J. H., [comp. Report pro- ceedings 7th reunion 33d 111. Vet. Ass'n, Bloomington, 111., Jan 22 and 23, 1890. Pam. 8°. Bloom- ington 1890 Burr. Aaron. Memoirs of. Selections from his correspondence. Davis, Matthew L. 2 vols. 8°. N. Y 1836 Burr's Expedition. Robertson. David, comp. Reports of trials of Aaron Burr for treason, and for a misde- meanor. 2 vols. 8°. Phila 1808 — Clark, Daniel. Proofs of the cor- ruption of Gen. Jas. Wilkinson and his connexion with Aaron Burr. 12°. Phila 18C9 — Safford. Wm. H. The Blennerhas- sett papers. 8°. Cincinnati 1864 Burr. Prank A. Life and deeds of Gen. U. S. Grant. Letter of intro- duction by Rev. J. P. Newman. 12°. St. Louis 1885 Burton, C. M. A chapter in the his- tory of Cleveland. 8°. Detroit.. 1895 — Sketch of the life of Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, the founder of Detroit. Pam. 8°. Detroit 1895 Burton, Richard P. City of the saints. 8°. N.Y 1862 — Editor, with notes of. Marcy's "Prairie Traveler." 12°. London. 1863 Bushnell. William H. Biographical sketches of some of the early set- tlers of Chicago. Part 1. Fergus Hist Series No. 5. 12°. Chicago. 1876 Business directory and statistics of the city of Chicago for 1846. Third year of publication. Revised and corrected in 1883, by Robert Fer- gus. Fergus Hist. Series No. 25. Norris. J. W. 12°. Chicago 1883 Butler, James Davie. Early shipping on Lake Superior. (From pro- ceedings State Hist. Soc. Wis. 1894.) Pam. 8°. Madison 1895 — The new-found journal of Chas. Floyd, a sergeant under Capts. Lewis & Clark. Pam. 8°. Worces- ter. Mass 1894 Butler, Mann. History of the com- monwealth of Ky. 8°. Louisville. 1834 Butler, Capt. W. F.. F. B. G. S. The Great Lone Land. 12°. London. 1873 Butterfield, C. W. Biographical sketches and notes, with journal of Capt. Jonathan Heart. 12°. Al- bany 1885 — Historical account Crawford's ex- pedition against Sandusky, 1782. 8°. Cincinnati 1873 — History of the discovery of the Northwest in 1634. by John Nico- let. with a sketch of his life. 12° Cincinnati 1881 — History of the Girtys- 8°. Cincin- nati 1890 Butterfield, C. W„comp. The Wash- ington-Crawford letters concern- ing Western lands. 1767 to 1781. 8°. Cincinnati 1877 The Washington - Irvine corre- spondence, 8°. Madison. Wis... 1882 Butterfield, Justin. Memoir of. Wilson. John M. Pam. 8°. Chi- cago 1879 Butterworth, Hon. Benj., comp. The growth of industrial art. 4°. Washington 1892 Butterworth, Hezekiah. In the boy- hood of Lincoln. (9th ed.) 12°. N.Y. 1896 Cabot, John Elliot. Narrative of the tour of Prof. Agassiz and others to Lake Superior. 8°. Boston — 1850 Cairo Expedition. Illinois' first re- sponse in the late civil war. Ex- pedition from Chicago to Cairo. (Chicago Hist. Soc. Pub.) Bur- ley, Augustus Harris. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1892 CAIKO. G8 • 'ALL. Cairo— Continued. Cairo. 111. Douglas High School of Cairo. Commencement themes (if theclassof '94. Pam. 12°. Cairo. 1894 — City of. Long, Henry C. Report on condition and prospects of Cairo, 1850. 8°. N. Y 1850 Calender for 1897. Johnson, Carrie. com p. Springfield 1896 CALENDER, annual, of the Lincoln Woman's Club, Lincoln. 111. 1897- 1898. 16°. Lincoln Calender, beginning Sept. 14, 1752, and for all time to come. (New style.) Knox, Thomas. Pam. 8°. Springfield. 1889 Calender, N. Y. City Chapter. Daugh- ters Am. Rev. Revolutionary cal- ender 1896 Calender of State papers. Colonial series. 1574-1668, (Vol. 2. America and West Indies.) Sainsbury, \V. Noel, ed. 2 vol. 4°. London.. 1860-1880 Calhoun County, 111. Child, Geo. B. The early history and geograph- ical description of Calhoun Co., 111. (Manuscript. Dated, Hardin, 111., 1894.) 1894 Calhoun, John, comp. Revised ordin- ances of the city of Springfield, 111., 1851. 8°. Springfield 1851 California. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of California, 1542-189U. 7 vols. 8°. San Fran 1890 Farnham, J. T fornia. 12°. Early days of Cali- Phila i860 Greenhow, Robert. History of Ore- gon and California. 8°. London. 1M4 Hubbard, A. S., comp. History.con- stitution, by-laws, membership, etc., of Cal. Soc. Sons Am. Rev., 1893. 8°. San Fran 1893 Jordan. David Starr. "Lest we for- get." Address to graduating class 1898, Leland Stanford, jr.. University. (Leland Stanford Univr. Pubs.) Pam. 8°. Palo Alto, Cal 1898 Leland Stanford, jr.. University. Annual Registers, beginning 2d ann. 1893, to 9th ann. 1900. Con- tributions to biology from Hop- kins Seaside Labratory, etc. See Biology. California— Continued. — - Monographs. History and Eco- nomics No. 1. Elliot, Orrin Les- lie. The tariff controversy in the U. S., 1789-1833, with a summary of the period before the adoption of the Constitution. Paper. 8°. Palo Alto 1892 — - Publications. Studies in Electric- ity No. 1. Sanford, Fernando, M. S. Some observations upon the conductivity of a copper wire in various dielectrics. Paper. 8°. Palo Alto 1892 — Los Angeles Public Library. Vol.1, 1892. Nos. 1, 3, 5,6, and 7. Pams. — Phillips, D. L. Letters from Cal. in 1876. 8°. Springfield 1877 — Southern Cal. Hist. Soc, pub. An- nual publication of, 1891. 8°. Pam. Los Angeles 1891 — State Library. Report of trustees, 1890-1892 — Taylor, Wm. California life illus- trated. 12°. N. Y 1861 — Taylor, Itev. Wm. Seven years' street preaching in San Fran- cisco. 12°. N. Y 1856 — University of California. The reg- isters of ,1887-89, 90, 91, and 96. Pams .... — Wallis, Talbot H. Catalogue of the Cal. Stare Library: Law.iDept. 8°./ Sacramento 1886 And, Gen. Dept. 8°. Sacramento. Pams 1889 Cal kins, \V. W. Land and fresh water shells of La Salle Co.. Illinois- Pam. 8°. Chicago 1874 — Wm. Wirt. History of the 104th Regt. Ills Vol. Infantry, 1862-1865. 8°. Chicago 1895 — The lichen flora of Chicago and vi- cinity. Chicago Acad, of Sciences. Bui. No. 1. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1896 Call, Rich'd Ellsworth. M. fife., .)/. A.. M IK. Ph. IK, ed., with notes of the Ichthyologia Ohiensis. by Rafinesque. No. 224 of this edition. 8°. Cleveland 1899 — Editor, with notes and biographical sketch of the author. Life and writings of Rafinesque. Filson Club Pub. No. 10. 4° Louisville. 1895 CALLAHAN. 69 CANADA. Callahan. Hon. Etheibert. Address at "Harvest Home" pic-nic, Wheeler. 111.. Aug. 24, 1893. Pam. 8°. Robinson. Ill 1893 — Address to the graduating class of the Bloomington, 111., Law School, June 16, 1891. Manuscript — Statutory revision. Address de- livered before the Ills. State Bar Association, Peoria, Jan. 25, 1894. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1894 Calumet Club, Chicago. Early Chi- cago. Reception to old settlers of Chicago, by the Calumet Club, May 27, 1879. 12°. Chicago 1879 Cambridge. Mass., City of. The reg- ister book of lands and houses in the "New Towne" and the town of Cambridge. 8°. Cambridge, Mass 1896 — Public Library. Annual report trustees, 1898-1899. Pams Cameron's Almanac and Parliament'y List, 1885. Cameron. J. A. & Co., pubs. 12°. Edinburgh 1885 Cameron. Wm. E. The World's Fair; a pictorial history of the Colum- bian Exposition. 8°. Chicago... 1893 Campbell. Douglas. The Puritan in Holland, England and America. 2v. 8°. N. Y 1892 — Henry Colin. Explorations of Lake Superior. Voyages of Radisson and Groseilliers. (Parkman Club Publications No. 2.) Pam. 8°. Milwaukee 1896 — Investment Co. A history of a lot in Chicago. 16°. Pam. n. d — Robert Allen. Our Flag; or the evoluti'n of the Stars and Stripes. 12°. Chicago 1890 — Robert M., comp. History of the 17th Reg't, 111. Vol. Infr.. 1861-64. Manuscript — & Richardson, pub. Springfield city directory and business mir- ror for 1863. 8°. Springfield 1863 Camp-fire and Battlefield. History of conflicts and campaigns of the great Civil war in the U. S. In- troduction by John Clark Rid- patb. Johnson, Rossiter, LL. D. 4°. N. Y 1894 Camps and Prisons. Twenty months in Dept. of the Gulf. Duganne. A. J. H. 2ded. 12°, N. Y 1865 Canada. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. His- tory of British Columbia, 1792-1887 8°. San Francisco 1890 — Baudoncourt, Jacques de. Histoire populaire du Canada. 8°. Paris- 1886 — Baxter, James Phinney. The pi- oneers of New France in New England. (Munsell's Hist. Series No. 21.) 8°. Albany 1894 — Begg, Alexander. History of the Northwest. 3 v. 8°. Toronto.. 1894-95 — Blanchet, J. Collection de manu- scrits contenant lettres.memoires et autre documents historiques a la Nouvelle France. 4 v. Paper. 4°. Quebec 1884-85 — Bourinot, J. G. Elected or ap- pointed officials? A Canadian question. (Publication Amer. Acad. Political and Social Sci- ence, No. 141.) 8°. Phila 1895 Our intellectual strength andweak- ness. (Royal Soc. Canada Ser.) 4°. Montreal 1893 — Bouchette, Joseph. The British dominions in North America. 3 vols. 4°. London 1832 — Brymner. Douglas. Report on Ca- nadian archives. V. Y 1881-1898 — Canadian Government, pubs. Rela- tions des J^suites. 3 vols. 8°. Quebec 1858 — Canadian Naturalist. Summary of the original articles which have appeared in the Canadian Natura- list. Contents of vols- 1-8, old series, and vols. 1-10, new series — Casgrain, L'Abbe H. R. Une sec- onde Acadie. Pam. 8°. Quebec. 1894 — Catherwood, Mary Hartwell. The Lady of Fort St. John. 12°. Bos- ton 1892 — - The Romance of Dollard. 12°. N. Y 1889 — - The Story of Tonty. 12°. Chi- cago 1892 — Charlevoix, Le P. Pierre F. X. de Histoire et description generale de la Nouvelle France. 6 v. 16°. Paris 1744 CANADA. 70 CANADA. Canada— Conlinm v Co., pubs. History of Carroll Co. Ills. 8°. Chicago 1878 Carson, Hampton L.. ed. History of the iOOth anniversary of the pro- mulgation of the constitution of the U.S. 2 v. 4°. Phila 1889 — Oration delivered at Jackson Park, Chicago. July 4, 1893. (Reprinted from Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., Jan.. 1894.) Pam — The Supreme Court of the U.S. Its history and centennial celebra- tion. Fob. 4. 1890. 4°. Phila 1891 Carthage, III.. City of. O'Harra, A. W., ed, Souvt-nir of Carthage college and city of Carthage. 4°. Carthage. Paper 1895 Cartiek. Jacques. Narration de la navigation. Introduction par. M. D'Avezac. 12°. Paris 1863 Cartier to Frontenac. Geographical discovery in the interior of North Amr., 1534-17UO. Winsor, Justin. 8°. Boston ls!>) Cartoons of the Spanish-American War. By "Hart," pub. in .Min- neapolis Journal, with dates of important events. Minneapolis, Jan., 1899 (Library of Journal extras.) Quarterly Carver, J., Esq. Traveis in the in- terior of N. America. 8°. Lon- don 1778 — Travels through the interior of N. America. 3d London edition, re- printed. 8°. N. Y 1838 Third edition, travels in Wiscon- sin, to which is added an account of the author (Carver), and an in- dex. 8°. N. Y 1838 Carver, Capf. Jonathan. Travels through the interior of North America. 8°. Phila 1796 Case (A), of hereditary bias. Henry Adams as a historian. Some stric- tures on the history of U. S. A. Reprinted from New York Tri- bune. Housatonic. Pam. n. d Casgrain, L'Abbe H. R. Uneseconde Acadie. Pam. 8°. Quebec 1894 Casey, Joseph J. Index to personal names in Heniug's Statutes-at- LargeofVa. 4°. N. Y 1896 Casey, Gen. Thos. Lincoln. Report (annual) of the chief of engineers of U. S. Army. (U. S. Govern- ment Pubs.) 8°. Wash., n. d Cass Co., Ills. Perrin, Win. Henry, erf. History of Cass Co., 111. 8°. Chi- cago 1882 Cass, Lewis. Proceedings in Congress upon acceptance of statue of. Presented by state of Michigan. (U.S. Gov't Pub.) 4°. Wash.... 1889 Castle, lion. Henry A. Address on the removal of remains of Maj. Gen. John A. Rawlins, from Con- gressional cemetery to Arlington cemetery Va . Feb. 8. 1899. Pam. 8°. Washington 1899 Caswell, Rev. Henry, M, A. The city of the Mormons. Pam. London. 1842 — The Prophet of the 19th century. 12°. London 1843 Catalogue of dept. of arms and tro- phies donated and exhibited at Northwestern Sanitary Fair, held at Chicago, May 21. 1865, includ- ing U. S. flags carried in different battles, captured rebel tlags, au- tographs, photographs, etc. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1865 CATALOGUES. 73 CENSUS. Catalogues— Concluded. — (Annotated) of newspaper files in Library Wis. Hist. Soc. Prepared under editorial direction of R. G. Thwaites and I.S.Bradley. Blair. Emma Helen, comp. 8°. Madison. 1896 — Catalogue of Phi Alpha Soc, Ills. College, with sketch of society and biographical sketches of its members. 1845-1890. Phi Alpha Soc. Ills. College. Catalogue Com. of. Paper. 8°. Jacksonville.... 1890 — Catalogue of a valuable collection of books and pamphlets relating to America, with descriptive list of RobertClarke & Co.'s historical publications. Clarke, Robert & Co., pubs. 8°. Cincinnati.... 1883-1893 — Catalogues and circulars of the various depts. of the Northwest- ern Univ., Evanston, 111.: Chicago Medical School, N. W. U. Dental School. N. W. U. Law School. N. W. U. College of Liberal Arts. Odd Nos. For catalogues of libraries, etc.. see name of library or institution. Cathedral System, The, adapted to our wants in America. Being a review of the Bishop of Lincoln's plea for cathedral reform; to which is appended the Bishop of Lincoln's remarks on the history and condition of English cathe- drals. Granger. Rev. Francis. 8°. Buffalo. Pam 1876 Catherwood, Mary Hartwell. Heroes of the middle west— the French. 12°. Boston Catholic Church— Concluded. — Church, The, and its work in Ills. A sermon in St. John's Church, Quincy, 17th Sunday after Trin- ity, 1876. Corbyn, Rev. Wm. B. Pam. 8°. Quincy 1876 — Church, The, in the U. S. Pages of its history. Translated and en- larged by John Gilmary Shea. DeCourcy, Henry. 12°. N. Y.... 1857 Catlin, George, Adventures of Ojib- beway and Ioway Indians in Eng- land, France and Belgium. 3d ed. 8°. London 1852 — Last rambles amongst the Indians. 12°. London, n. d — Old Kaskaskia. A novel. In four parts, serial in Atlantic monthly of Jan., Feb.. March and April.... — Romance of Dollard. 12°. N. Y... — Spanish Peggy. A story of young Illinois. 8°. Chicago and N.Y... — The Lady of Ft. St. John. 12°. Bost. — The story of Tonty. 12°. Chicago. Cathey, James H. Truth is stranger than fiction; or. or the true gene- sis of a wonderful man. (Ances- try of Lincoln.) 12° Catholic Church, The. in St. Louis. The beginning of ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. 1764-1776. (Mo. Hist. Soc. Publications No. 14.) Con- way, Bev. J. J. Pam. 8°. St. Louis 1898 1893 1889 1899 1892 1892 1839 — North American Indians. 4th ed. 2 v. 8°. London 1844 — North American Indians. Colored engs. 2 v. 8°. London 1876 — O-Kee-Pa; a religious ceremony. 8°. London 1867 Caton. John Dean. Antelope and deer of America. 8°. N.Y 1877 — The last of the Illinois and a sketch of the Pottawatomies. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 3. 12°. Chicago. 1876 — Miscellanies. 8°. Boston 1880 — A summer in Norway. 8°. Chicago. 1880 Caton, John Dean. A biographical sketch of. Fergus Robert. Fer- gus Hist. Series, No. 21. 8°. Chi- cago. 1882 Cavalry drill regulations U. S- Army U. S. War Dept. (U. S. Gov't Pub.) 32°. Washington 1896 Celebration of the 100th anniversary of laying corner stone of the Capi- tol of U. S. Accounts of laying the original corner stone in 1793 and corner stone of extension in 1851. Walker, Gen. Duncan S., ed. 8°. Washington 1896 Celestial Physics. Sullivan, J. C. Pam. 8°. Cairo, 111 1892 Celman, M. Juarez. Message of Pres, of the Republic on opening the session of Congress of Argentine Republic, May, 1888. Pam. 8°. Buenos Aires, n. d 1897 Census Office, U. S. Dept. Interior. The five civilized tribes of the Indian Territory. 4°. Washing- ton. 1894 CENSUS. 71 ( i:\tkxni a i.. Census— Continued. I i IB of pensioners for revolutionary or military services, with their names, ages, and places of resi- dence, as returned by the mar- shals of the several judicial dis- tricts, under the act for taking the sixth census. Pub. by author- ity of an act of Cong., under di- rection of Sec. of State- (U. S. Gov't Pub. Partethcensus.) 4°. Washington 1841 Centenary of Ky. Proceedings at celebration by the Filsou Club, Wed., .hine 1. 1892, of the 100th an- niversary of admission of Ky. as an independent state into the Fed- eral Union. (Filson Club Pubs., No. 7.) 4°. Louisville 1892 Centenary of Louisville, May 1, 1880. A paper read before the Southern Hist. Asso., Saturday. May 1,1880. in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the beginning of Louisville as an incorporated town, under an act of the Legis- lature of Va. Durrett, Reuben T. (Filson Club Pubs. No. 8.) 4°. Louisville 1893 Centennial Celebration and Wash- ington Monument at Newburgh, New York. Report of joint select committee U. S. Cong. (U. S. Gov't Pub.) 4°. Washington.... 1889 — Bowen, Clarence Winthrop, ed. History of Centennial celebration of inauguration of Geo. Wash- ington as first Pres. of U. S. 4°. N. Y 1892 — Carson, Hampton L., ed. History of the celebration of the 100th an- niversary of the promulgation of the constitution of U. S. 2 vols. 4°. Phila 1889 — - Supreme Court of the U. S. Its history and its centennial cele- bration. Feb. 4, 1890. 4°. Phila... — - Commemoration of the 4th cen- tenary of the discovery of Ameri- ca, Columbian Hist. Exposition at Madrid. Reports upon the ex- hibit of theU. S. at the Columbian Historical Exposition at Madrid, by Daniel G.Brin ton. M.D..LL.D. Sc, Commissioner of the U. S. A. to the Exposition 1891 1 psskiaii— Continued. Also, report of Rear-Admiral Ste- phen B. Luce, U. S. N., the Com- missioner General; and the re- port of Win. E. Curtis, assistant to Com i General in charge of the historical section of the exhibit of the U.S. A. at the Col. Hist. Exp., Madrid, Spain 1892 (From the report of the Madrid commission. 1892.) Paper. 3 v. 8. Washington 1895 — Cook, Frederick, comp. Journals of the expedition of Maj. Gen. John Sullivan against the Six Nations of Indians, 1719. 8°. Au- burn, N. Y 1887 — Ewing, Gen. Thomas. Address at Centennial celebration of settle- ment of N.W. Territory. Marietta, Ohio. July 15, 1888. Pam. 2d ed — Illinois Board World's Fair Com- missioners. Illinois building and exhibit at World's Columbian Exposition. 8°. Chicago 1893 — Perrin. J. N. Address delivered at the Bt. Clair Co. Centennial cele- bration, Belleville. 111. 12°. Belle- ville 1890 — Phelps, E. J. Oration at dedica- tion of Bennington Battle Monu- ment; celebration of centennial of admission of Vermont to the Union and the anniversary of the Battle. Aug. 19. 1891. (Bound with copy New England Maga- zine, Aug. 1891.) — Seymour. Charles, The Northwest- ern Centennial celebration. His- torical address. Pam. 8°. La Crosse 1877 — U.S. Centennial Commissioners for Illinois. 111. register of visitors at InternationalExposition. Phila. 1876. 2 v. Folio — U. S. Congress. Centennial cele- bration and Washington monu- ment at Newburgh, N. Y. (U. S. Gov't Pub.) 4°. Washington.... 1889> — U.S. Executive Departments. Board of. Report of Board on behalf 1". S. Executive Dept. at Interna- tional Exhibition, Phila.. 1876. 2 v. 8°. Washington 1884 CENTENNIAL. 75 CENTRAL. Centennial— Continued. — Vermont State Centennial Commis- sion. Official program Vermont Centennial. Pam. 8°. Benning- ton 1891 — Walker. Gen. Duncan S-, ed. Cele- bration of the 100th anniversary of the laying of corner stone of the Capitol of U. S. 8°. Wash... 1896 Centennial city and township direc- tory of Springfield. 111., for 1876. Springfield, 111.. Publishing Co. 8°. Springfield 1876 Centennial historic discourse, July 2, 1876, in 2d Presbyterian Church, Peoria, Illinois. Thompson, Rev. Lewis. O. Pam. 8°. Peoria 1876 Centennial history of Erie Co.. N. Y. Being its annals from earliest recorded events to 100th year of American independence. John- son, Crisfield. 8°. Buffalo 1876 Centennial history of West Point, Stephenson Co., Ills. Early set- tlements. Black Hawk war, list of settlers in 1836: statistics R. R.. etc. Dodds. S. J., comp. Pam. 8°. 1876 Centennial hymn of the Northwest Territory. McCullough. Mrs. N. N. Pam. 12°. Springfield 1S87 Centennial Northwest, The. An il- lustrated history of the N. W.; civil, political and military his- tory, from earliest settlement to present; comprising general his- tory of Ohio, Ind., Mich., Ills., Wis., Minn., Iowa. Kas. and Neb. Complete encyclopaedia of the Great Northwest. Tuttle, Prof. Chas. R. and Pennock, Rev. A. C. 8°. Madison 1876 Central America. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of Central Anier. 1501-1887. 3v. 8°. San Fran 1890 — Dodd, Mead & Co., pubs. Map of Central America. From the In- ternational Year Book for 1898. Paper. Size. 8^ x 10 inches — Stephens. John L. Incidents of travel in Central Amer. Chiapas and Yucatan. 12th ed. 2 v. 8°. N. Y 1845 — U.S. House Representatives. Docu- ments relative to Central Ameri- can affairs and the enlistment questior. 8°. Washington 1856 Central West. Beltrami. J. C. Pil- grimage in Europe and America. 2v. 8°. London 1828 — Catherwood, Mary Hartwell. He- roes of the Middle West — the French. 12°. Boston 1898 — Craig, Neville B.. ed. The Olden Times. Reprint, 2 v. 8°, Cin- cinnati 1876 — Cumings, Samuel. The Western Pilot. 8°. Cincinnati 1829 Another edition. 8°, Cincinnati. 1840 — Drake, Samuel Adams. Making of the Great West. 12°. N. Y 1887 — Eads. Jas. B. Th*> Jetty system ex- plained. 8°. St. Louis 1874 — Edwards, Richard. & Hopewell, M., M. D. The Great West and her commercial metropolis. 8°. St. Loui s I860, — Ellet, Chas. jr. The Mississippi and Ohio rivers. 8°. Phila 1853 — Ellet, Mrs. E. P. Summer rambles inthewest. 12°. N. Y 1853 — Espy, Josiah, and others. Miscel- lanies. Ohio Valley Hist. Series. 8°. Cincinnati 1871 — Farnham, Eliza W. Life in prairie land. 12°. N. Y 184S — Fernow, Berthold. The Ohio Val- ley in colonial days. (Munsell's Historical Series No. 17.) 8°. Al- bany 1890 — From timber to town. Anon. 12°. Chicago 1891 — Glazier, Capt. Willard. Down the Great River. 12°. Phila 1887 — Griffin. Appleton, P - C. Discovery of the Mississippi. 4°. N. Y 1883 — Hart. Adolphus M. History of the Miss. Valley. 12°. Cincinnati.... 1853 — Hoffman, Chas. F. A winter in the west. 2v. 12°. N. Y 1835 Also pub, by Fergus Co.. Chi- cago. (Fergus Hist. Ser. No. 20.) — Lyford, W. G. Western address directory. 12°. Baltimore 1837 — M'Clung, John A. Sketches of wes- tern adventure. 12°. Dayton, O.. 1847 — Matson, N. Memories of Shaubena. 12°. Chicago 1878 Also, 3d ed. 12°. Chicago 1832 — Meeker. N, C. Life in the west; or, stories of the Miss. Valley. 12°. N.Y 1868 — Milburn, Wm Henry. Pioneer preachers and people of the Miss. Valley. 12°. N, Y 186a CENTRAL. 76 CHAPMAN i bal West— Oontinut i. — Blilbnrn, Win. Benry, Ten years of preacher life. 12 . N. V 18 — Parker, N. Bowe. Iowa as it Ls, i s "v 12 . Chicago 1S55 — Parry. C. C, M. /'. Bistorical ad- dress on early exploration and lemen.1 of the Bliss. \":illey. 8°. Davenporl 1873 -- Peek. J. M. Guide for emigrants. Sketches of 111. and Bio. and ad- inl parts. 24 . Boston 1831 — Pittman. Capt. Philip. Present Btate of European settlements on the Bliss. 1°. London 1770 — Raflnesque, Constantine Samuel. Icthyologia Ohiensis. Reprint. No. 224 of ed. 8°. Cleveland 1899 — Regan. John. Emigrant's guide; or, backwoods and prairies. 16°. Ed- inburgh, n. d — Roosevelt. Theodore. Winning of the West. 4v. 8°. N. V lw.t-ivn-t; -- St. Louis Bridge Uo. Compendium, charters and other documents re- lating to its organization 1864-1SS5 — Schoolcraft, Benry R. View of the lead mines of Mo. s . X. V 1819 — Scofield, Chas. J. A suhtle adver- sary. 8°. Cincinnati 1891 — Shea, John Gilmary. Discovery and exploration of the Bliss. Val- ley. 8°. N. V 1853 — Steele, Mrs. A summer journey in the west. 12°. N. Y 1841 — Strickland, W. P. Pioneers of the west ; or, Life in the woods, '■- , N. Y 1856 -- Van Z and t. Nicholas Piddle. De- scription of military lands he- tween Bliss, and Ills, rivers. 8°. Washington 1818 — Venable, W. B. Beginnings of lit- erary culture in the Ohio Valley. 8°. Cincinnati 1891 — Walker. C. B. The Mi--. Valley and prehistoric events. B°. Bur- lington 1880 — Warren, /■'<• v. H n. ( \. K. ■ n on bridging Bliss, river St. Paul and St. Louis. s . Washington is?s . Mo., i (hlo, etc. obi Publishing and Engraving of biography of ills. 2v. 4°. Chicago 16 monies attending the unveiling of the statue of Robert Caveller de La Salle, ai Lincoln Park. Chi- cago, < let. 12, 1889. B . Chicago.. 1889 — Ceremonies ai the unveiling of the Bronze Memorial Group of the Chicago massacre oi 1812. Chicago Hist. Sue. Pubs. S . Chicago.... 1891 Chadenat, <'h. Le bibliophile Amer- ican. 4 v. 12°. Pan.-. Paris... .1 C'MAKKK. Ceorge 1). sketch and per- sonal reminiscences of Judge Anthony Thornton. Pam. 12°. Shelby ville. 111 1897 Chalmers, George. An introduction to the history of the revolt of the American colonies. 2 v. 8°. Bos- ton 1845 Chamberlain, E., pub. The Indiana Gazetteer; or, topographical dic- tionary of lnd. 12°. Indianap- olis 1S50 ChAmbEBLAIN, Everett. Chicago and its suburbs. 8°. Chicago 1874 Chamberlain. Everett, and Colbert, Elias Chicago and the great con- flagration. 12 . Cincinnati 1872 Chamberlain, Henry Barrett. Histor- ical sketch of the Oakland Rides and Co. C. 4th Inf.. I. N. G. 4°. Chicago 1889 CnAMr.Kiu.iN, M. H. Address of the Pres. of McKendree College, de- livered at the Educational Anni- versary of Southern Ills. M. E. Conference, Sept 29, 1894. Pam. 12°. St. Louis 1891 Chambeblaynb. Chas. F. Set Little- field, ('has. E.) Fisheries within the territorial limits of the states, not subject to Congressional con- trol. Pam. s ; Boston Chambers's Encyclopaedia, A dictiona- ry of universal knowledge for the people. Lippincott, J. B. Co., pubs. Amer. ed. 10 v. 8 Phila.. 1^75 Champaign Co.. 111. Prink. McDonough & Co.. pubs. History of Cham- paign Co.. III. 4°. Phila 1878 i iinningham, J. O. Bistory of Champaign ., 111. Paper. - . Champaign 1876 — Mathews. Milton W., and McLean, Lewis A. Pioneer- of < liampaign Co. b\ Crbana 1886 CHAMPLAiN.LeSr.de. Voyages de la Nouvelle Franc,-. 8 . Paris 1632 HAN Bros., pub. Portrait and bi- ographical allium of Sangamon Co.. Ills. 4 C . Chicago 1891 Chapman. Chas. C. & Co. History of Fulton Co.. Ills, s . Peoria 1879 CHAPMAN. 77 CHESTER. Chapman— Continued. — History of Knox Co.. Ills. 8°. Chi- cago 1878 — Pubs. History of Pike Co., Ills. 8°. Chicago 1880 Chappel, Alonzo. Life and times of Washington. 2 v. 4°. N. Y.... 1857 Chapter, (A), in the history of Cleve- land. Burton, C. M. Pam. 8°. Detroit 1895 Character and death of Abraham Lincoln. A discourse preached at Auburn, N. Y.. April 23, 1865. Fowler, Rev. Henry. Pam. 8°. Auburn 1865 Character and influence of the fur trade in Wis. Turner, Fred'k J. Pam. 8°. Madison 1889 Character of Abraham Lincoln. Pat- terson. Robert M. 8°. Phila 1865 Charitable Institutions and Affairs. American Association of the Red Cross, pubs. History of the Red Cross. The treaty of Geneva and its adoption by the U. S. 12°. Washington 1883 — American National Red Cross Re- lief Committee Reports, May 1898- Marchl899. 8°. N. Y 1899 — Barrows, Isabel C, ed. Proceed- ings National Conference of Char- ities and Correction 11th annual session St. . Louis, 1884. 12th annual session Wash 'ton, 1885. 16th annual session San Fran. ,1889. 17th annual session Baltim're.1890. — Illinois Masonic Home, board trus- tees of. Annual reports. 1st, 1898; 2d,1899 — Illinois State Commissioners of Public Charities, pubs. Proceed- ings Illinois conference of chari- ties. 1895-99. V. Y. 8°. Spring- field — Illinois State charitable institu- tions. See Ills., institutions. — King's Daughters of Sangamon Co., Ills. Constitution and by- laws of the King's Daughters Home for Women. 8°. Spring- field, n. d — Michigan Institution for Deaf, Dumb and Blind. 11th biennial reports of trustees, 1873-74 — National Conference of Charities and Correction. See Barrows. Charlevoix, Father. Letters to the Duchess of Lesdiguieres. 12°. London 1763 Charlevoix, Le P£re. Pierre Fran- cois Xavier. Histoire et descrip- tion generale de la Nouvelle France. 6 v. 16°. Paris 1744 Charlevoix, Rev. Pierre Francois Xavier (de). History and general description of New France. Translations and notes by John GilmaryShea. 6 v. 4°. N. Y... 1866-72 Charters of the City of Chicago. James, Edmund J., Ph. D. Part 1— The early charters, 1833-1837. Part 2— The city charters, 1838- 1851. (University of Chicago studies in political science.) Paper. 2 Nos. 8°. Chicago.. ..1898-99 Chase. Rev. Philander. Address before the convention of the Epis- copal Church, Springfield, Ills., June 16, 1845. 8°. St Louis 1845 — Bishop Chase's defence of himself against the late conspiracy at Gambier, Ohio. Pams. Series let- ters. 1831-32 ;. — The motto of Jubilee College. Pe- riodical, beginning July 26, 1847, to Oct. 1, 1852. inc — Letters, pamphlets, etc., relating to life and work of — Bishop Chase's reminiscences. 2d ed. 3v. 8°. Boston 1848 Chastellux, Marquis de. Travels in N. Amer. 2 v. 12°. Dublin 1787 Another edition. 8°. N. Y 1827 Chateaubriand, Vicomte Francois Auguste. Voyages en Ame>ique et en Italic 12°. Paris 1828 Chef D'Escadre mis de La Jonquiere, Gouverneur General de la Nou- velle France, et le Canada, de 1749 a 1752. Jonquiere, Marquis de la. 12°. Paris, n. d Cheever. Geo. B . D. D. Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. 12°. N. Y 1848 Cherokees in pre-Columbian times. Thomas, Prof. Cyrus. (Pact and Theory Papers.) 16°. N. Y 1890 Chester, Rev. John. The lesson of the Hour. Discourse on the as- sassination of the President (Lin- coln.) Pam, 8°. Washington.... 1865- CH E Y X E Y . - CHICAGO. ('mkvnii. Edward l'..> i. Translations imil reprints from original boo of European history, Pabs. of Dep'1 Of History. Univ. of Pa. Pam Chicago. Abern, M. L. The political history of Chicago. B . Chicago 1886 — American Bar Asso, Supplement to report i-tii annual meeting;. Ac- oounl hospitalities received at Chicago. Aug.. 1889. 8°. Phila... 1889 — Andreas, A. T. History of Chicago. 3r. 4°. Chicago 1^1 V, — Anon. Chicago and her railroads. Pam. 8°. Jan 1854 — Armour Institute of Technology; Year-books for 1895-6. 1896-7, 1898 9. 1899-1900. with announcements. Paper. Chicago 1895-1900 — Bennett, Fremont O. Politics and politicians of Chicago, Cook Co., and the State. Memorial volume. 1787-1887. 8°. Chicago 1886 — Blanchard. Kufus. Discovery and conquests of the northwest and history of Chicago. 8°. Wheaton. 1881 — - Map of the environs of Chicago. (In Map Graphic, Chicago. 1888.) — Bradwell, James B. Pioneers of Chicago. In memoriam. Necro- logist's report of the old settlers of Chicago, 1896-1899. incl. V. Y. Pains. 4°. Chicago — - The U. 8. District Court of North- ern District of Illinois. Sketch of, published in Chicago Legal News — Bross, Wm. History of Chicago. 8°. Chicago 1876 — Brown, G, P. Drainage channel and waterway, s . Chicago 1894 — Burke, Wm. Henry. The Chicago Athbtic Clnb; past and present. 12°. Chicago 1896 — Calumet Club. Early Chicago. Re- ception to old settlers by the Cal- umet Club. 12°. Chicago 1879 — Campbell Investment Co. History of a lot in Chicago. 16°. Pam. n.d — Chamberlain, Everett. Chicago and its suburbs. 8°. Chicago 1874 — -, Henry Barrett Historical sketch Of the Oakland Hides ami Co. C. (Hi lnfai.tr> I.N.C. s . Chicago. 1889 — Charters of the city of Chicago. Dart 1. The early chart. irs, L88S- KiT. Dart 2. The city charters. 1838-1851. University of Chicago Studies in Political Sci. James, Edmund J.. Ph. D. - pams. 8°. Chicago, 1898 and 1899 Cm 'AGO Academy of Science. Calkins. Wm. Wirt. The Lichen flora of Chicago and vicinity. Bulletin No. 1. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur- vey. 8°. Chicago 1896 — Antiquities, including Chicago busi- ness directory for 1839. Hurlbut. Henry H. 8°. Chicago 1875 — Antiquities, comprising original items and relations, letters, ex- tracts and notes pertaining to early Chicago; views, portraits and autographs. Hurlbut, Henry H. 8°. Chicago 1881 — Athletic Association; past and pre- sent. Burke. Henry. Paper. 12°. Chicago 1896 — Bar Association. Lectures. Recol- lections of early Chicago and the Ills. Bar. Arnold. I. N. Recol- lections of the Bench and Bar of Central Ills.— Conkling. J. C. The lawyeras a pioneer.— Hoyne, Tho- mas. Fergus Hist. Series. No. '~2. 12°. Chicago 1882 — - Proceedings of, in memory of Hon. Sidney Breese. 4°. Chicago 1878 Chicago Board of Trade. Annual re- ports of the trade and commerce of Chicago, compiled by the Chi- cago Board of Trade. 1871-1888. [no ... Chicago's first half century, i- 1883. Inter-Ocean Pub. Co. 8°. Chicago 1883 CHICAGO illustrated. 182O-18S0. Also, condensed history of the orders of knighthood, and official pro- gram of the Triennial i !onclav< of Knights Templar of the U. S . Chicago. 1880. Vandercook & Co.. pubs. 8°. Chicago I*s0 Chicago Legal News, pubs. Dedica- tion of the Myra Bradwell school. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1895 — The newly elected judges in Cook Co.. Ills'. Nov.. 1S92. 8°. Chicago 1892 Chicago Literary Club. pubs. In me- moriam. Arthur Brooks n.d CHICAGO. 79 CHICAGO. Chicago Musical College, catalogue of. 1887-88. Pam Chicago, past, present, and future. Wright. John S. 8°. Chicago.... 1868 Chicago, past, present, and future. Relations to the great interior and to the continent. (2d ed., for Chicago Board of Trade.) Wright, John S. 8°. Chicago 1870 Chicago Public Library, bulletins of, 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891, 1892. Panis Chicago Relief and Aid Society. An- nual report for years ending October 31st. 1871 First special report, 1871 First report of the committee on special relief. 1872 Report to Common Council of Chicago. 1872. Pams Chicago River and Harbor Conven- tion. July 5th, 6th and 7th. 1847. Account of its origin and proceed- ings, by Wm. Mosley Hall, John Wentworth. Samuel Lisle Smith, Horace Greeley and Thurlow Weed; with statistics concerning Chicago and Jesse B. Thomas and James L. Barton. Fergus, Robert, comp, Fergus Hist. Se- ries. No. 18, • 12°. Chicago 1882 Chicago, the marvelous city of the West. A history, encyclopaedia, and a guide, 1891. Flinn, John J. 12°. Chicago 1890 Chicago, the wonder city. 1837, 1871, 1893. Seeger, Eugen, 8°. Chicago 1893 Chicago Times, pub. New Chicago. Work of reconstruction. 8°. Chi- cago 1872 Chicago Tribune, pubs. Glimpses of the World's Fair through the Tri- bune's camera. Paper. Chicago 1892 Chicago and her railroads. Anon. Jan. 1854 Chicago and Illinois. Fergus His- torical Series- No. 1. Annals of Chicago. Bales- tier. Joseph N No. 2, Directory of the City of Chicago for 1839. Fergus, Robt., comp No. 3. Last of the Ills. Caton, JohnDean No. 4. Early movement in Ills. for the legalization of slavery. Brown, Hon. Wm H No. 5, Biographical sketches of so:ne of Chicago's early set tiers No. 6, continuation of same No. 7, Early Chicago. Went- worth, John No. 8, Early Chicago. Went- worth. John Chicago— Continued. No. 9. Present and future pros- pects of Chicago. Brown, H No. 10, Addresses delivered at meeting Hist. Soeiety No. 11. Early medical Chicago. Hyde, J as. Nevins, A.M..M.D No. 12, Illinois in the 18th cen- tury. Kaskaskia and its rec- ords. Mason. E. G No. 13, Recollections of early Ills, and her noted men. Gil- lespie, Jos No. 14, Early Ills. Porter, Rev. Jeremiah, and others No. 15, Lincoln and Douglas. Arnold, I. N., and Sheahan. Jas. W No. 16, Early Chicago. Fort Dearborn. Wentworth, John No. 17. Wm. B. Ogden and early days in Chicago. Arnold & Scammon No. 18. Chicago River and Har- bor convention. 1847. Fergus, Robt., comp No. 19, Early Chicago reminis- cences. Cleaver. Chas No 20, A winter in the West. Hoffman, Chas. Fenno No. 21, John Dean Caton. Fergus. Robt No. 22, Chicago Bar Assoc'n Lec- tures. Arnold. I. N., and others. . No. 23, Early Illinois railroads. Ackerman,. W. K No. 24, Congressional reminis- cences. Wentworth. Hon. John.. No. 25, Business directory and statistics of Chicago, 1846. Norris, J. W No. 26, Aborigines of the Ohio Valley. Harrison. Wm. Henry... No. 27. Illinois and Indiana Indi- ans. Beckwith, Hiram W No. 28. Chicago Directory, 1843. Fergus, Robt., comp No. 29, Joseph Duncan. Biograph- ical sketch of. Kirby, Julia D No. 30, Not published. No. 31, Early Illinois. Part 1. Pierre Menard and Menard Pa. pers. Mason, E. G No. 32. Early Illinois. Part 2. John Rice Jones and Rice Jones. Jones, W. A. Burt No. 33, The John Todd Papers, and Record Book. Mason, E. G Part 3 No. 34, Early Illinois. Part 4. Philippe de Rocheblave, and the Roehblave papers. Mason, E.G.. Chicago and its suburbs. Chamber- lain, Everett. 8°. Chicago Chicago and the great conflagration' Illustrations by Chapin & Gulick. Colbert, Elias, and Chamberlain, Everett. 12°. Cincinnati 1874 1872 , CHICAGO 80 CHICAGO. Chicago, City Officials of. Board of Education; 10th annual report — 1863 — Board of Education: IStfa annual report, 1866-67,!to 25th annual, 1878- 79. except 1867-68. 1870-71, 1876-77 — Board of Public Works; reports to common council, 1S6S-1S94 incl., excepl 1869, isTO, 1871, L872, 1876, 1S7S, isso. lsss Civil Service Commissioners of Chicago; annual reports. First, 2d and 3d annual reports. 1895, 1896 and 1897 — Common Council of City of Chica- go. Proceedings of, from 1870 to 1879. inc. ; also. 1881-1882 — Miscellaneous. Contains the fol- lowing: Report Chicago Board Education for 1878. Report Board Commissioners of Cook county, for 1879-80. Chicago Home for Friendless. 21st annual report of, 1879. Report of the work of the South Side Dispensary for 1877. Report of General Sup't of Police of Chicago for 1877. Report of Board of Inspectors of the House of Correction of Chi- cago for 1879; 8th annual report. Memorials of donation to Chicago Law Institute, 1872. Fifteenth annual report of the Board of Public Works for 1875. Annual statement of the finances of the city of Chicago. 1872. Twentieth annual statement of the finances of the city of Chi- cago. 1876. Bound in 1 vol. Chicago, Officers of. Annual reports of the several officers of Chicago for 1883; contains the following: Comptroller's report, with May- or's message. Department of Public Works. Engineer's report. Fire Department Police Department. House of Correction. Public Library. School Department. Department of Health of the city of Chicago. Reynolds. Arthur R.. M. I> 1894 Ciii' 'ago— Annual reports— Continued. House of Correction, Board of Inspectors of: annual reports. 1888 Sanitary district of Chicago, Proceedings of the Board of Trustees 1890-1897 Annuai messages of Presidents Eckhart and Kelly, of the San- itary district of Chicago 1897 South Chicago Park Commis- sioners, Board of, to County Commissioners of Cook Co., from organization (1869), to March, 1872, and from March, 1872, to 1899. except 1873, 1876, and 1894 — West Chicago Park Commissioners. Act organizing West Chicago Park Commissioners, and 1st, 2d, and 3d annual reports, 1870, 1871, and 1872 — 9th annual report for year ended Feb, 28. 1878. — 17th annual report for year ended Feb. 28, 1886. — 18th annual report for year ended Feb. 28. 1887. — Acts of the General Assembly per- taining to the location, improve- ment and management of parks and boulevards acquired, to be acquired and under the control of the West Chicago Park Commis- sioners; together with the ordi- nances of the city of Chicago, which affect said commissioners and the ordinances and by-laws of said West Chicago Park Commis- sioners, from 1870 to 1880. Bound in one vol. 12°. Chicago 1880 — Citizens Association of. Annual reports of, 1874-1899. except 1875. Pams — - Address on constitutional conven- tion and other legislation — - Chicago drainage and waterway laws, 1889 — - Digest civil service law decision, 1898 — - The level of the lakes as affected by the proposed Lakes and Gulf waterway, 1888 — - The Lakes and Gulf waterway. A brief of. Cooley, L. E 1888 — - Manual of the Citizens Associa- tion of Chicago for 1892; same for 1895, 1896. and 1898 — - Report committee on education. 1881 I CHICAGO. 8L CHICAGO. Chicago— Continued. — - Report committee on sewerage, 1880 — - Report committee on smoke, 1889 — - Report committee on street rail- ways. 1883 — - Report committee on tenement houses. 1884 — - Report committee on theatres and public halls. 1882; same, 1883; same, 1887 — - Report main drainage committee, 1880 — Cleveland, H. W. S, The public grounds of Chicago; how to give them character and expression, Pam. 8°. Chicago 1869 — Crerar, John. Copy of the will of John Crerar. 4°. Chicago, n. d — Early Chicago and Illinois. Mason, Edward G. Chicago Hist. Soc.'s collections, v. 4. 12°. Chicago... 1890 — Eckhart, B. A., and Kelly. Thos. Annual messages of Presidents Eckhart and Kelly of the Sanitary District of Chicago. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1897 — Elite Pub, Co. Elite directory and • club list of Chicago. Editions of 1886-87. 1887-88. and 1888-89. 3 v. 12°. Chicago — Flinn.JohnJ. Chicago, the marvel- ous city cf the west, 1891. 12°. Chicago 1890 — Goodwin. Daniel, jr. The Dear- borns, (Chicago Hist. Soc.'s Proceedings.) 8°. Chicago 1884 — Groene, J. H. & Co., pubs. A vest pocket directory of Chicago. 16°. Chicago 1893 — Illinois, State of, pubs. Senate re- port on the Chicago police system, as made by the committee of in- vestigation appointed by the 40th Gen. Assembly, special session 1897-98. Pam. 8°. Springfield.. 1898 — Inter-Ocean Pub. Co. Chicago's first half-century, 1833-1883. 8°. Chicago 1883 — James, Edmund J., Ph. D. The charters of the city of Chicago- Part 1— The early charters, 1833- 1837. Part 2- The city charters. 1838-1851. ( University of Chicago Studies in Political Science.) 2 Nos. 8°. Chicago 1898-99 — Kenkel. F. P.. pub. The story of Chicago. From the log cabin to the World's Fair. 4°. Chicago.. 1893 —6 H. L. Chicago— Continued. — Kinzie, Mrs. John H. Wau-Bun, the early day in the Northwest. (Title page missing.) 8°. Chi- cago 1856 Another edition. 12°. Phila 1873 — Kivkland, Joseph. The story of Chicago. 4°. Chicago 1892 — Lakeside City Directory of Chi- cago, 1879, 1881, 1882. 1883, 1884. 1885. 1887, 1891, and 1893-94. Chicago Directory Co., pubs. 11 v. 8°. Chicago — Library Bureau, pub. Public libra- ries; monthly periodical. Vol. 2, Nos. 1 and 2; Vol. 3. Nos. 3, 6, 9. and 10: Vol. 4. No. 3; Vol. 5, No. 4. Ahern. M. E. ed. Chicago — Mason, Edward G. Early Chicago and Illinois. Chicago Hist. Soc's collections, vol. 4. 8°. Chicago.. 1890 — Moses, Hon. John and Kirkland, Maj. Joseph, eds. The history of Chicago. 2v. 4° 1895 — Newberry Library. Proceedings of Trustees: biennial 1888-1900 — Northwestern Sanitary Fair, Chi- cago. Catalogue of the depart- ment of Arms and Trophies. Do- nated and exhibited at N. W. Sanitary Fair, Chicago. 8°. Chi. 1865 — Parks and property interests of Chicago. Western NewsCo. .pubs Pam. 8°. Chicago 1869 — Old settlers of Chicago. Necrolog- ist's report. See Bradwell; see also Calumet Club — Rauch. John H, M. D. Public parks, with special reference to the city of Chicago. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1869 — Rush Medical College, pubs. The Corpuscle, edited by the students of Rush Medical College; vol. 1, No. 2, July, 1891. to vol. 2. No. 7. April. 1893. Periodical. Paper. 8°. Chicago — Seeger, Eugen. Chicago the won- der city. 8°. Chicago 1893 — Sherman, JulienS.. M. D. Address before the Alumni of Chicago Medical College, Mar.. 1870. Pam. 8°. Chicago, n. d 1 CHICAGO. 82 CHICAGO. Chicago— Continued. 3parling, Samuel. Municipal his- tory and present organization of Chicago. (Bui. <>f the I'nivrs. Wis., No. -ii. Economics, Pol. Science ami Hi-t. Series.) 8°. Mudisou 1898 — Sunset (Mul). pubs. The Sunset Club, Chicago; organized March, 1889. Meetings of 1891 and 1892; list of members to Jan., 1893. 8°. Chicago, n.d. Para — Turner, Henry L. Souvenir album and sketch book of the First Inf. I. N. G.. Chicago. 4°. Chicago, n.d. Paper — Ulrich, B. A. How should Chicago be governed? 8°. Chicago 1893 — Union League Club. Chicago. Ex- ercises in commemoration of Washington's birthday, Feb. 22. 1895. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1895 — University of Chicago. Official bulletin No. 1, Jan.. 1891, No. 2, April, 1891 — - University Record. Periodical, Jan 1898 — University of. Circulars of infor- mation. University extension lecture— Study department — 1895, 1896 — University of Chicago. Fac simile of the letter of John D. Rockefel- ler, in which he offers to the American Baptist Education So- ciety, sums of money for build- ing and maintaining the Univers- ity of Chicago; also newspaper clippings in regard to the Uni- versity of Chicago .... — Vandercook & Co., pubs. Chicago illustrated. 8°. Chicago 1880 — Western News Co.. pubs. Parks and property interests of Chica- go. 8°. Chicago 1869 — Wilkie, F. B. (Poliuto, pseud.) Sketches and notices of the Chi- cago Bar. 8°. Chicago 1872 — - Walks about Chicago. 12°. Chi- cago 1869 — Wing. J. M. & Co.. pubs. Seven days in Chicago. 4°. Chicago... 1877 — Wright, Carroll D. (Chairman of Committee.) Report on Chicago strike, June-July. 1894. (U. S. Senate Ex. Doc.) 8°. Washing- ton 1895 ( IHIOAGH l— ('itlltlH Ui il. — Wright. John S. Chicago, past, present and future. 8°. Chicago 1868 Another edition. 8°. Chicago... 1870 Cmk ago, Burlington & Quincy R. R., Directors of. Annual reports to stockholders 1871-99 — Chicago Drainage Channel and Waterway. Brown. G. P. Drain- age channel and waterway. 8°. Chicago 1894 — Citizens' Association of Chicago, pubs. The Chicago Drainage and Waterway Laws. Pam 1889 — - Lakes and Gulf Waterway. A brief, with illustrations. Pre- pared under direction of Commit- tee on Main Drainage. Cooley, L. E. Pam. 16°. Chicago 1888 — - The levels of the lakes, as affected by the proposed lakes and gulf waterway. A discussion before the West'n Society of Engineers, by George Y. Wisner, L. E. Cooley L. M. Haupt, Clemens Herschel, Wm. Pierson Judson. J. B, John- son, Walter P. Rice, D. Farrand Henry and Benezette Williams. Republished from the journal of the Association of Engineering Societies. Pam. 8°. Chicago... 1889 — - Report Main Drainage Committee 1880 — - Cooley. L. E. The lakes and gulf waterway as related to the Chica- go sanitary problem. Paper. 8°. Chicago 1891 — - The lakes and gulf waterway. A brief, with illustrations. Pub. by Citizens' Asso; prepared under direction Com. on Main Drainage. Pam. 16°. Chicago 1888 — - Eckhart, B. A. Annual message of the president, report of clerk, chief engineer and marshal of the Sanitary District of Chicago, 1896. Paper. 8°. Chicago 1896 — Eckhart, B. A. and Kelly. Thomas. Annual messages of presidents: Eckhart and Kelly. Sanitary Dist. of Chicago, 1896. Paper. 8°. Chi- cago 189 — Guthrie. Ossian. The great lakes and their relations to the lakes and gulf waterway. Lake fluctu- ations. Pam. 8°. n.d CHICAGO. 83 CHICAGO. Chicago— Continued. — - McMath, Robert E. The waterway between Lake Michigan and the Miss, river, by way of the Ills. river. Reprinted from the journal of the Association of Engineering Societies. Pam. 8° 1888 — - Randolph, Isham. Sanitary Dis- trict of Chicago. A concise re- port on its organization, resour- ces, constructive work, methods and progress. Authorized by the Board of Trustees. May 2. 1894; revised and corrected May 1, 1896. Prepared by the Chief Engineer, Pam. 8°. Chicago 1896 — - Sanitary District of Chicago. Pro- ceedings of the Board of Trustees of, 1890-1897, incl — - Special Commissioners Chicago Drainage Channel. Report of the Special Commission appointed by Hon. John R. Tanner, Gov. of Ills., under section 27, of the "Ace to create sanitary districts and to remove obstructions in the Des- plaines and Ills, rivers and the dams at Henry and Copperas creek," approved May 29, 1889. Taylor, Isaac, Lambert, John and Schoch, Al. F., commissioners. Fitzgerald, Desmond, chief en- gineer. 8°. Chicago, June 23, 1900 Chicago Fire. Chicago Relief and Aid Society. Annual report for year ending Oct. 31, 1871. — First special report, 1871. — First report of committee on special relief, 1872. — Report to common council of Chi- cago. 1872. — Chicago Times, pubs. New Chica- go. Work of reconstruction. 8°. Chicago 1872 — Colbert. Elias and Chamberlain Everett. Chicago and the great conflagration. 12°. Cincinnati.. 1872 — Goodspeed, Rev. E. J. History of the great fires of Chicago and the West. 8°. Chicago 1871 — Great fires of Chicago and the West. By a Chicago clergyman. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1871 — Sewell, Alfred L , comp. Scenes, incidents and lessons of the great Chicago fire. 12°. Chicago 1871 Chicago— Continued. — Sheahan, J. W. and Upton, G. P. The great conflagration. 8°. Chi- cago 1872 Chicago Historical Society. Reports of quarterly, annual and special meetings, (incomplete): Report quarterly meeting, July 21. 1891. Report quarterly meeting, Oct. 20, 1891. Report quarterly meeting, Jan. 19. 1892. Report quarterly meeting, Apr. 19, 1892. — Annual report for year ending Nov. 15, 1892. Reports of secretary and librarian. Synopsis of quarterly reports. Report annual meeting, Nov. 19, 1895. Report quarterly meeting, Jan. 19, 1897. Report quarterly meeting, Apr. 20, 1897. Report special meeting, April 29, 1897. Report annual meeting, Nov. 16, 1897. Report special meeting, Jan. 17, 1899. — Brief history of, with constitution and by-laws, lists of officers and members. 1881. Also, same forl8S5-1886 — Chicago Historical Society's Collec- tions. Vol. 1— History of the Eng- lish settlements in Edwards Co., Ills., founded in 1817 and 1818, by Morris Birkbeck and Geo. Flower. By George Flower, with preface and foot notes by E. B, Wash- burne. 8°. Chicago 1882 Vol. 2— Biographical sketch of Enoch Long, an Illinois pioneer. Reid, Harvey. 8°. Chicago 1884 Vol. 3— The Edwards Papers; being a portion of the collection of let- ters, papers and manuscripts of Ninian Edwards. Washburne, E B., ed. 8°. Chicago 1884 Vol. 4— Early Chicago and Illinois. Mason, Edward G. 8°. Chicago. 1890 — Chicago Historical Society, pub. Reynold's History of Illinois. My own times, By John Reynolds, late Governor of Illinois, member of congress, State senator, repre- sentative, etc. 8°. Chicago 1879 Also. Reynold's Pioneer History of Illinois. Reprint. 1887 CHICAGO. 84 CHINIQDY. Chicago— Contintu d. — Chicago Historical Society, pubs. Blodgett, Won. Henry W. Address at special meeting of the Chicago Hist. Soc. April 29, 1897. Pain - Ceremonies attending the unveil- ing of the bronze memorial group commemorating the Chicago mas- sacre of 1812, Pam. 8°. Chicago. 1893 — Ceremonies attending the unveil- ing of the statue of La Salle, at Lincoln Park, Chicago. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1889 — Chicago Historical Society, pubs. Fergus Historical Series. (See Chicago and Illinois.) Nos. 1-34 — Goodwin, Daniel, jr. The Dear- borns: A discourse commemor- ative of the 80th anniversary of the occupation of Fort Dearborn, and the first settlement of Chi- cago. Read before the Chicago Hist. Soc, Dec. 18, 1883; with re- marks by Hons. John VVentworth, J. Young Scammon, E. B. Wash- burne and I. N. Arnold. 8°. Chi- cago, 1884. (Chicago Historical , Society's Proceedings.) — Lamed. Edwin Chauning. In mem- ory of. 8°. Chicago 1886 — Mason. Edward G. Early Chicago and Illinois. Chicago Hist. Soc. 's Collections. Vol.4. 8°. Chicago. 1890 — Washburne. Hon. E. B. Memorial address on life and character of Hon. Isaac N. Arnold. 8°. Chi- cago 18S4 Chicago Legal News. A journal of legal intelligence, etc. Bradwell, Myra, editor from 1871 to Feb. 14, 1894. Bradwell, Jas. B. and Hel- ui'-r, B. Bradwell. editors, from Feb. 14. 1894, to present; beginning vol. 4. 1871. to 1900. V. V CHICAGO Massacre of 1812. Chicago Historical Society, pubs. Cere- monies at unveiling of bronze memorial group commemorating Chicago massacre of 1812. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1892 — Kinzie. John H., (entered by.) Nar- rative of the massacre at Chicago, Aug. 15, 1812. Entered at clerk's office, district court, dist. of Ills., by John H. Kinzie. 8°. Chicago. 1844 — Kirkland, Joseph. The Chicago massacre of 1812. with illustra- tions and historical documents. 12°. Chicago 1893 — Mason. Edward G. Early Chicago and [lis. Chicago Hist. Soc.'s collection, vol. 4. 8°. Chicago... 1890- Cm. ago Record, The. A journal de- voted to religion, literature, and the fine arts, April 1, 1857, to Mar. 15, 18S2. Wilson, Jas. Grant, ed. Bound in one volume Chicago Tribune. A daily newspaper. July 1. 1899. to date, (1901). Bound quarterly Chiokamauga. Noted battles for the Union during the Civil War in U. S. A.. 1861-5. Illustrated with 8 maps. Turchin, John B. 8°. Chicago 1S88 Child, George B. The early history and geographical description of Calhoun Co.. 111. Manuscript, dated Hardin, 111 1894 Children. Child-Study Monthly. Dec. 1895. Krohn. Wm. O. and Bayliss. Alfred, eds — Harrison, Elizabeth. The root of the temperance question from a kindergarten standpoint. Pam. 12°. Chicago 1889> — - Study of child nature, from a kin- dergarten standpoint. Pam. 12°. Chicago 1S91 — Illinois Soc. for Child-study. Tran- sactions of. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4; vol. 2. Nos. 1-2. Dec, 1894 to 1897. 8°. Chicago — Jones, Rev. Jenkin Lloyd. "Who are the children of the State?" Address before 3d annual session Ills. Conference of Charities. Kan- kakee, Nov. 16, 1898. (Pub- in proceedings.) — N. Y. Soc. for the prevention of cruelty to children. Laws of State of N. Y. relating to children. 16°. X. V 1875 CHILD8, Geo. W.. pub. National al- manac and aunual record for 1863. 12°. Phila 1863. Chinese. Culin, Stewart. China in America; a study in the social life of the Chinese in the eastern cities of the U. S. Paper read be- fore the Amer. Association for the Advancement of Science; Anthropological section, N. V., 1887. Pam. 8°. Phila 1887 Chiniqdy, Father Chas. Fifty years in the church of Rome. 12°. Chi- cago 1892 CHITTENDEN. 85 CINCINNATI. ■Chittenden. Hiram Martin. Yellow- stone National Park; historical and descriptive, maps, views and portraits. 12°. Cincinnati 1895 Chittenden, L. E. Personal remin- iscences, 1840-1890; including some not hitherto published of Lincoln andthewar. 8°. N.Y 1893 — Recollections of Pres. Lincoln and his administration. 8°. N. Y.... 1891 — Report of debates and proceedings in secret sessions of conference convention, Washington, D. C, Feb., 1861. 8°. N.Y... 1864 Chotteau. Leon. Les Francais en Amerique, 12°. Paris 1876 Christian Co., 111. Brink, McDonough & Co., pubs. History of Christian county. 4°. Phila 1880 Christian Science Movement, (The), by a Christian Scientist. Chris- tian Science Pub. Co, Revised and enlarged. 12°. Boston 1899 Christlieb, Benj. F. The Christlieb family. 8° 1895 Christophe Colomb, histoire de sa vie. et de ses voyages, apres des docu- ments authentiques tir^s d' Es- pagne et d'ltalie. Roselly de Lorgues, Comte. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1856 Christopher Columbus and the dis- covery of the New World. Belloy, Marquis de. 4°. London 1885 Christy, David. Cotton is king. 12°. N. Y 1856 Chronicles of border warfare; or, his- tory of the settlement by the whites in Northwestern Va. and Indian wars and massacres, reflec- tions, anecdotes, etc. Withers, Alexander S. 16°. Clarksburg, Va 1831 Chronicles of border warfare; or, his- tory of the settlement by the whites of Northwestern Va. and of the Indian wars and massacres in that section of the state. A new edition, edited and annotated by Reuben Gold Thwaites. with the addition of a memoir of the author and several illustrative notes, by Lyman Copeland Drap- er. Withers, Alexander S. 8°. Cincinnati 1895 Chronicles of the land of Columbia, commonly called America; from landing of the Pilgrim Fathers to second reign of Ulysses the I. History, country, etc. James the Prophet. 8°. Milwaukee 1876 Chronicles of a Ky, settlement. Watts, Wm. Courtney. 12°. N.Y. 1897 Chronologie Septenaire de 1' histoire de la Paix entre les Roys de France et d'Espagne. Richer, Jean. 16°. Paris 1605 Church almanac for 1869. Farrington, Rev, Wm. G., ed. 12°. N.Y Church History. De Courcy, Henry. The Catholic church in the U. S. Translated and enlarged by John Gilmary Shea. 2d ed. 12°. N. Y. 1857 — Durrett, Reuben T. Historical sketch of St. Paul's church, Lou- isville. Ky. Pilson Club Pubs. No. 5. 4°. Louisville. Ky 1889 — Emery, Sam'l Hopkins. The min- istry of Taunton. 2v. 12°. Bos- ton 1853 — Griffin. Martin, I. J., ed. American Catholic historical researches. Quarterly Periodical. 8°. Phila- delphia. 1888-1900 — Ills. Church History. See Illinois. — Lawrence. John. History of the church of the United Brethren in Christ. 12°. Dayton 1895 — Presbyterian Hist. Soc. Annual reports of executive committee. 1892 to '99 incl. Pams — Shuey, W. J.. pub. Origin, doc- trine, constitution and discipline of the church of the United Breth- ren in Christ. 16°. Dayton 1893 — Walker, Edwin S. History of the Springfield Baptist Ass'n. 12°. Springfield 1881 For other church history, see * names of religious denominations. Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati's be- ginnings. Missing chapters in early history of the city and Mi- ami purchase, chiefly from hither- to unpublished documents. Mil- ler. Francis W 12°. Cincinnati. 1880 — Cist, Chas. Cincinnati in 1841. 12°. Cincinnati 1841 — - Sketches and statistics of Cincin- nati in 1851. 12°. Cincinnati 1851 — - Sketches and statistics of Cincin- nati in 1859. 12°. Cincinnati 1859 CINCINNATI. 80 CLAVERi, Cincinnati— Continued. — Drake, Daniel. Natural and sta- tistical view, or picture of Cin- cinnati. 12°. Cincinnati 1815 — Caere & Hubbell, pubs. S. A. R. directory <>t' Cincinnati and vicin- ity. 16°. - Cincinnati 1887 — Miller. Francis \Y. Cincinnati's beginnings. 12°. Cincinnati 1880 Cincinnati Public Library; Annual reports of the librarian and treas- urer 1883-89 ClNQUANTK nouvelles lettres du R. P. De Siuet. 12°. Paris 1858 Cist, Chas. Sec Cincinnati. Cities and peoples of the Old and New World, containing descriptions of the countries visited by Prof. Glee and his class of young peo- ple; covering; cities and interest- ing places of Europe, Asia, Afri- ca, S. America, Australia and the islands of the Pacific. Special chapters on Spain, Cuba, Philip- pines and our own country. Win- ston, John C. & Co.. pub. 8°. Phila 1898 Citizenship of an "Old Settler" of of Portage. Wis. Turner, A. J. Paru. 8° 1898 City of Mormons, (The); or, three days at Nauvoo. Caswell, Henry. M, A. Pam. London 1842 Cits of the Saints, and across Rocky Mountains to Cal. Burton, Rich- ard F. 8°. N. Y 1862 Civil and political history of New Jersey. Mulford, Isaac S. 8°. Phila 1851 Civil, Code of the State of Louisiana, preceded by the Treaty of Ces- sion with France, Constitution of U. S. and the State. Pub. by a Citizen of La. 8° 1825 Civn. War. (The), in songs and story, 1860-1865. Moore, Frank. 8°. N.Y. 1889 Civil War in the U. S. See War of the Rebellion. C. J. T., ed. Folk-Lore and Legends, 1st Series — Germany, Oriental, Scotland and Ireland; 2d Series- England, Scandinavian, Russian and N. American Iudian. 8 v. 16°. London 1890-92 Claims against the U. S. Franklin. WalterS.. romp. Revolutionary war claims. (U. S. Gov't, pub.) s . Washington 1838 i 'i. a uk. Chas. M.. '/. /'. Eistoryofthe 39th Reg't Ills. Vols. Veteran Inf. in the War of the Rebellion, 1861- 1865. (Yates Phalanx.) 8°. Chi- . cago 1889 Clark. Eev. D. W., ed. Asbury and his co-laborers, by Rev. Wm. C. Larrabee. 2 v. 16°. Cincinnati.. 1852 Clark, Daniel. Proofs of the corrup- tion of Gen. Jas. Wilkinson and of his connexion with Aaron Burr. 12°. Phila 1809 Clare, Col. Geo. Rogers. Col. Geo. Rogers Clark's sketch of his cam- paign in the Illinois in 1778-79. In- troduction by Hon. Henry Pirtle. (Ohio Valley Historical Series, No. 3.) 8°. Cincinnati 1869 — For sketches of the life of Col. Geo. Rogers Clark see Biography. Clark. Rev. John A. Gleanings by the way. 12°. N.Y 1842 Clark, S. H, Poetry as a fine art. Syl- labus of a lecture study course. (UniversityExtension Div. Cnivr. of Chicago.) Pam. 12°. Chicago. 1894 Clark County, Ills. Ogle. Geo. A. & Co., pubs. Plat book of Clark C".. Ills. Folio. Chicago 1892 — Perrin, Wm. Henry, eyj. Cal- vin Smith. 16°. N.Y If Columbia; and other poems. Wash- ington, Mrs. Lucy B. 12°. Buff- alo 1893 Columbian Historical Exposition at Mini riil, 1802. Commemoration of the fourth centenary of the dis- covery of America — Brinton, Daniel G. Report upon the collections exhibited at the Columbian Historical Exposition. From the report of the Madrid Commission. 1892. Paper. 8°. Washington 1895 — Curtis, Wm. E. Report of the as- sistant to the Commissioner Gen- eral in charge of the historical section exhibit of the CJ. S. at the Columbian Historical Expo-ition at Madrid. 1892. From the report of the Madrid Commission, 1892. Paper. 8°. Washington 1895 — Luce. Bear- Ad mini I, Stephen. His tory of the participation of the U. S. in the Columbian Historical Ex- position at Madrid. From the re- port of the Madrid commission. 1892. Paper. 8°. Washington.'.. 1895 Columbian memorial songs. His- torical geography and maps. Blanchard, Rufus. 16°. Chicago 1892 Columbds, Christopher. Genoese. Dis- coverer of America. Born about 1436. Died 1506. See biography.. Combined history of Edwards, Law- rence and Wabash Cos., 111. Illus- trations, descriptive scenery and biographical sketches of promi- nent men and pioneers. McDon- ongh, J. L. & Co. 4°. Phila 1883 Combined history of Randolph, Monroe and Perry Cos.. Ills. Illustra- tions, descriptive scenery and biographical sketches of promi- nent men and pioneers. McDon- ough, J. L. & Co. 4°. Phila 1883 Combined history of Schuyler and Brown Cos., Ills. Biographical sketches of prominent men and pioneers. Brink, W. R. & Co. 4°. Phila 1882 Combined history of Shelby and Moul- trie Cos., Ills. Illustrations, de- scriptive scenery and biographic- al sketches of prominent men and pioneers. Brink, McDonough & Co. 4°. Phila 1881 Commemoration of the Fourth Cen- tenary of the discovery of Amer- ica. Commission of the V. S. A. for the Hist. Expo, in Madrid. Paper. 8°. Washington 1892 COMMERATTVE discourse on the death of Abraham Lincoln. Sweetser. Seth. 8°. Worcester, Mass. Pam 1865 Commencement themes of the class of "ninety-four." Douglas High School, Cairo, Ills. June 15. 1894. 12°. Cairo 1894 Commerce. Butler. James Davie. Early shipping on Lake Superior. (From proceedings of Hist. Soc. of Wis.. 1894.) Pam. 8°. Madison. 1895 — Canal Commissioners of Ills. Re- port of. to the Governor. Annual. 1877-87, 89. 90. 91, 92. 94. 95, 97. 98. 8°. Springfield, 1878-98 — Commerce of the Prairies; or, journal of a Sante Fe Trader; during eight expeditions across great western prairies and resi- dence of nearly nine years in Northern Mexico. Gregg, Josiah. 4th ed. 2 vols. 12°. Phila 1850 — Thomas, 0. F. S.. i>ub. The manu- facturing interests of Buffalo, N. Y. 2ded. Pam. 8°. Buffalo.... 1866 Turner, Frederick J. Character and influences of the fur trade in Wis. Pam Commercial Club. Louisville, Ky., pub". Greater Louisville— Ken- tucky's Pride. 4°. Louisville.... 1895. Commissioners of Public Works, Board of. Message from the Ghn - ernor to General Assembly of Ills, transmitting semi-annual report of Board of Commissioners of Public Works. Sea reports to Geueral Assembly. Pam. 8°. Vandalia 1838- Committee on the Conduct of the War. (Congressional.) Fort Pillow Massacre. House report No. 65, 38th Congress. 1st Sess. U. S. pub. doc. 8°. Washington, n.d Commonwealth of Missouri. (The) or, The Empire State of the Ameri- can Union. A lecture. Reavis. L. U. 8°. London 1880 COMMUNISTIC 91 CONDON. Communistic Societies of U. S, from personal visit and observation in- cluding detailed accounts of the Economist, Zoarites, Shakers, The Amana, Oneida, Bethel, Aurora, Icarian and other existing societies, their religious creeds, social practices, numbers, indus- tries and present condition. Nord- hoff. Chas. 8°. N. Y 1875 Compilation of the cost of the public buildings of Cook county from March 8, 1866, to Dec. 3, 1883. O'Neill, John. comp. Paper. 8°. Chicago 1884 Compilation of the messages and pa- pers of the Presidents of U. S. 1789-1897. Richardson, James D.. comp. (U. S. Gov't. Pub. H. R. Misc. Doc.) 10 vols. 8°. Wash- ington 1896-99 Compilation of the Statutes of Ills, of a general nature in force. Jan 1, 1856. Purple, N. H..,comp. 2 vols. 8°. Chicago 1856 Complete descriptive and statistical gazetteer of the U. S. of America. Containing a description of the states, territories, counties, dis- tricts, parishes, cities, towns and villages,— mountains, rivers, lakes, canals and railroads, with an abstract of the census and statistics for 1840; exhibiting view of agricultural, commercial, manufacturing and literary con- ditions of the country. Haskel, Daniel, & Smith, J. Calvin. 8°. N. Y: 1S16 Complete historical, chronological and geographical American Atlas. Guide to history of North and South America and the West In- dies. Carey & i_,ea, pu bs. Phila.. 1823 Complete history of Ills. 1673-1873 Physical features of the country early explorations, aboriginal in- habitants, French and British oc- cupation, conquest of Virginia. Territorial conditions and sub- sequent civil, military and politic- al events of the State. Davidson & Stuve. 8°. Springfield, 1874, Another ed., 1673 to 1884. 8°. Springfield 1884 Complete history of the Mexican War; causes, conduct and consequen- ces. Account various military and naval operations from its commencement to the Treaty of Peace. Maps, plans of battles, views and portraits. Brooks, N. C. 8°. Philadelphia 1849 Complete history of the U. S A. 4 v. in 2. Spencer, J. A., and Lossing. Benson J. 2 v. 4°. Phiadelphia 1882 Conant, A. J. Footprints of vanished races. 8°. St, Louis 1879 Conant, Rev. T. J., and Conant. Blan- dina. General and analytical in- dex to the American cyclopedia. 8°. N.Y 1886 Conard, Howard Louis. Northwest- ern University history. Henry Wade Rogers, LL. D. In, National Magazine. Dec 1892 - Old Little Fort. Modern Wanke- gan. Article pub. in National Magazine, Dec 1892 Concerning the American Library Ass'n. 18th general conference September. 1896. Cleveland, Ohio. American Library Ass'n. Local Com. pubs. Pam 1896 Conchology. See Shells. Concise account of North America. Description British Colonies, in- cluding Islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, etc. Situation cli- mate, soil, produce, government, religion, boundaries, number in- habitants, etc. Also of westerly parts of the country, upon Rivers St. Laurence, Christine Missis- sippi and Great Lakes. Also ac- count nations and tribes of Indi- ans, etc. Rogers, Maj. Robert. Dublin. 16° 1760 Conclin, Geo. Great Indian Chief of the West; or.Lifeof Black Hawk. 12° Cincinnati 1857 Condon, Edward O'Meagher. The Irish race in America. 12°. N. Y 1887 Condon, Wm. H. Address delivered at commencement exercises of Sacred Heart Academy, June 25, 1895. Madison, Wis. 12°. Pam.. 1895 CONDON. 92 CONNECTICUT. Condon, Wm. 11. Investigation of the charges of neglect preferred against Trustees of the Illinois Industrial Home for the Blind. ram. s . Chicago, n. il £f) If FEDERATE Soldier (i'lie} in( i\ il War. Foundation ami formation of the Confederacy and the secession of the Southern Stales. Farts taken by prominent men of this South. Campaigns, battles, sieges, etc., by f Adams, Benton, Clay, Calhoun and Webster. An address deliv- ered at Central Music Hall. March 16, 1882, before Chicago Historical Society, with notes and an appen- dix by Chicago's first congress- man. Wentworth, John. Fergus Historical. Series No. 24. 12°. Chicago 1882 Conkling, Clinton L..Pre.s. Board Ed- ucation, Springfield. 111. 34th an- nual report public schools, Spring- field, 111., year ending August 31, 1891. 8°. Springfield. 1892. Pam Conkling, lion. Jas. C. Recollections of the Bench and Bar of central 111. Lecture No. 2. Chicago Bar Asssociation Lectures. Fergus Historical, Series No. 22. 12°. Chicago 1882 Connecticct, Bridgeport Pub. Libra- ry. 13th and 14th annual reports of. 1894-95. Pams — Connecticut Historical Society. An- nual reports 1891-1900 except 1892. V. Y. 8°. Hartford — Connecticut Historical Society Pub. Birthday of the State of Connec- ticut; celebration of 250th anni- versary of the adoption of first Constitution State of Connecticut. January 24. 1889. 8°. Hartford.. 1889 — Connecticut Historical Society. Collections of. vols. 3-6, in- clusive. 1895-1S97. 4 vols. 8°. Hartford. V. Y — Connecticut Quarterly, December.. 1895 — - Historical documents and notes. Genesis and development of the Connecticut Historical Society, and associated institutions in the \\ adsworth-Atheneum. Paper. 8°. Hartford, 1889 — Deming. Henry Champion. Eulogy of A. Lincoln, before (ieneral As- sembly of Connecticut. 8°. Hart- ford. 1865. Pam — Hopkins, J. N. Shall Connecticut beour first Province; Cam. n. d — Wadsworth Atheneum. Hartford, Connnecticut, see Connecticut Historical Society — Yale University. Catalogues of, 1891-1900. 9 vols. 12°. V. Y. Paper .... CONNELLEY. 93 COOK CO. Covnelley, Wm. E., ed. Provisional government of Nebraska Terri- tory, and journals of Wni. Walk- er, provisional governor. (Special Publication Nebraska Historical Society. Proceedings and collec- tions of tbe Nebraska Historical Society. 2d Series, Vol. 3. 8°. Lincoln 1899 Connelly, Will A., ed. Memorial of Presco W. Kidd. 8°. Springfield.. 1888 Connolly, Hon. James A. Remarks on the laying of the corner stone of Sangamon county court house. Springfield. Oct. 21, 1899. Pam. 8° Conquest, of Canada, The. Warbur- ton, Geo. 2 vols, 8°. London.. 1849 Conquest of country northwest of the River Ohio, 1778-1783.cmd Life of Gen, George Rogers Clark. Sketches of men who served un- der Clark and full list of those al- lotted lands in Clark's grant, for service in campaigns. English, Wm. Hayden. 2 vols. 8°. Indian- apolis 1896 Conquest of Kansas by Missouri ana her allies. History of the troubles in Kansas from passage of the organic act, to close, July, 1856. Phillips, Wm. 12°. Boston. 1856 Conrad. Henry C. The three Signers from Delaware. 8°. Philadelphia 1897 Conspiracy of Pontiac. and Indian Wars after the conquest of Can- ada. Parkman, Francis. 10th ed. 2 vols. 12°. Boston 1888 Constitutional Conventions. Chit- tenden, L. E. Reports of debates and proceedings in the secret ses- sions of the Conference Conven- tion, Washington, D. C, Feb., 1861. 8°. N. Y 1864 Constitutional Conventions of the State of Illinois. See Illinois. Constitution and Constitutional his- tory. See United States. Constitutional history of Illinois. Anthony, Hon. Elliott. 8°. Chi- cago 1891 Contested elections in Congress from 1834 to 1865, inch Bartlett, D. W., comp. (38th Cong., 2d Ses. H. R. Misc. Doc, No. 57.) 8°. Wash... 1865 Continential Pub. Co. History of Greene and Jersey counties. Ills. 8°. Springfield 1885 Continental Historical Co., pub. His- tory of McDonough county, Ills. 8°. Springfield 1885 Contributions to biology. See Biology. Contributions to early history of the Northwest, including the Mora- vian Missions in Ohio. Hildreth, Sam'l P., M. D. 12°. Cincinnati. 1864 Contributions to natural history of Alaska. Result of investigations made chiefly in Yukon districts and Aleutian islands; conducted under auspices of Signal Service of the U. S. Army. (Artie series. Pub. U. S. Sig. Ser.. U. S. Army, No. 2.) Turner, L. M. 4°. Wash- ington 1886. Conventions. Elliot, Jonathan. De- bates in the several State conven- tions on the adoption of the Fed- eral Constitution. 5 vols. 8°. Phila 1891 — Madison, James. Papers of. 3 v. 8°. N. Y 1841 — - See Biography. — Mygatt, Alston, pub. Secret pro- ceedings and debates of the Fed- eral Convention of 1787. 12°. Lou- isville 1815 Converse, Harriet Maxwell. The Ho- De-No-Sau-Nee. A poem, 16°. London and N. Y 1884 Conway, Rev. J. J. The Catholic church in St. Louis, 1764-1776. (Pub. Mo. Hist. Soc, No. 14.) 8°. St. Louis. Pam 1897 Cook, A. J. Birds of Michigan. (Bul- letin Mich. State Agr. College, No. 94. 8°. Lansing 1893 — Cook, Frederick, comp. Journals of the expedition of Maj. Gen. John Sullivan, against the Six Nations of Indians in 1779. 8°. Auburn. N. Y 1887 Cook Co., 111. Andreas, A. T. History of Cook Co, 4°. Chicago 1884 Cook Co. Board of Education, Dist. No. 8, Twp. 39— R. 13, Cook Co., Ills. Manual of the Public Schools of. Berwyn, Clyde, LaVergne, West Morton. Park & Drexel. Revised, 1899. Pam. 8°. Chicago. 1899 — Brockway, Jas. W., comp. Official list of abstracts of title to Cook Co. real estate. 8°. Chicago 1877 COOK CO. 94 COUES. I i o.— Concluded l ommittee on statistics of new oourl bouse. Reporl of special committee to compile all commu- aications.resolutlons, reports and contracts pertaining in the erec- tion ol a in iw i look county '-"iirt hOUSe. I'nper. I . Chicago 1882 Jewett, Swett. Dent a ml others. Opinions (riven to County Heard of Cook county, on township or- ganisation. I'nm. s . Chicago. l s Ti; — O'Neill, John, comp. Compilation 1. 1 eosl of public buildings of Cook county, from March S, 1886, to Deo. 3.1883. Paper. 8°. Chicago 1884 South Park ( 'ommissioners of < 'ook county. Reports of, from organi- sation, 1869, to 1897, except 1872-3, 1876 7. and 1893-4. 1'ani Mate Commissioners of Public Charities of Ills. Special report of Investigation of management of Cook Co. Hospital fur the In- sane. 8°. Springfield 1886 COOKERY. Atkinson, Edward. The Science of Nutrition. 12°. Bos- ton 18% .by, L. E. The lakes and gulf wa- terway, as related to the Chicago sanitary problem. Paper. 4°. Chicago 1891 Coopee, J. Fenimore. History of the Navy of the U.S.A. 8°. Phila.. 1847 — Notions of the Americans; picked up by a traveling bachelor. 2 v. 12°. Phila 1828 Cooper. Thos. V. Campaign of 1884. Biographies of James G. Blaine and John A. Logan. 8°. Chicago 1884 Cop pec, Henry. A. M. Granl and his campaigns. A military biography. N. V 1866 Copy bight Laws of the U. S. A., in force Jan.. 1899. Being the re- i statutes of the D. S.. Title ' lhap. 8, I i s 7i |, us amended by the Acta approved June 18. 1874, Lug. l. 1882, March 2, 1891, March :. 1893, March 2, 1896, Jan. 6, 1897, Feb. 19, 1897, and March 8. 1897. Solberg, Thorvald. U. 8. Gov't Pub., Library of Congress.) 8°. Washington 1899 Solberg. Thorvald. Directions for pyrights. (I*. S. Gov't Pubs.. Library of Congress No. 2.) 8°. Washington 1899 vs. /,'. r. Wm. B. The Catholic church and Its work In Illinois. 8°. Quincy. Pam 1876 1 v. Deloraine P. Joseph Bills and the Mass. laws of 1648. Reprinted from the history of Maiden, .Mass. 1683 1786. For private distribu- tion. Pam. B . Boston 1899 Corn Belti 8. Dakota, pub, The corn belt of S. Dakota. 8°. Pam. Yankton 1898 CORNELIUS, Rev. E..and Brooks. B. B. Quarterly Register and Journal of the American Educational So,-. 1829. 1830, 1831. Vols. 2, ,'i. ami 1. 8°. Andoverand Boston 1830-32 Correspondence between the Bishop of Western New York and the Rt v. Mr. Eopkins. Bopkins,.8< . J. H.,jr. Pam 1873 Correspondence and journals of Bamuel Blachley Webb, i7?j-i806. Collected and edited by Worth- ington Chauncey Ford. Webb, Samuel Blachley. 3 vols. 4°. N. Y 1893-94 Correspondence in relation to the boundary controversy betw< en Great Britain and Venezuela. Re- print of Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 226, 50th Cong. 1st Sess., and Sen. Doc. No. 31. 54th Cong. 1st Sess. U. S. State Dept. (U. S. Gov't. Pub.) 8°. Washington. Paper.. 1896 CORT, Rev. Cyrus. Col. Henry Boijuet and his campaigns. 16°. Lancas- ter 1883 Cote*, Augustin. ed. Relations des J6sultes. 3 vols. 8°. Quebec... 1868 Cut 1 1 ran, George W. . ,/. Revised stat- utes of the State of Illinois, i in bracing all laws of a general na- ture in force July I, 1883. E. B. Myers & Co., pubs. 4th ed. 8°. Chicago 1884 Cotton Is King; or. the culture of cot- ton ami Its relation to agriculture, manufacture and commerce, and also to the free colored people of the United : ind to those who hebl that slavery is in its, -If sinful. Christy. David. 12 . N. Y. 1866 CoOES, Elliott, ed„ with copious notes and maps — Forty years a fur trader on the Up- per Missouri. Personal narra- tives of Chas. Larpenteur. 2 vols. 8°. N. Y 1898 COUES. 95 crooXer. Coues— Continued. — Expeditions of Zebulon M. Pike. 3 vols. 8°. N. Y 1895 — History of the expeditious of Lewis & Clark. 4 vols. 8°. N. Y 1893 — Journal of Jacob Fowler. 1vol. 8°. N. Y 1898 — New light on history of the greater Northwest. Journals of Henry & Thompson. 3 vols. 8°. N. Y.... 1897 (Anier. Explorers Series.) Count Frontenac and New France un- der Louis XIV. (Part 5, France and England in North America.) Parkman. Francis. 8th ed. 12°. Boston 1887 Courier Journal Co., pub. Louisville 1861-1895. G. A. R. 29th encamp- ment. Souvenir and official pro- gram. 4°. Louisville. Paper.... 1895 Course study for the common schools of Illinois. Prepared by a com- mittee of county superintendents and published by the State Dep't. of Public Instruction. (Illinois state pubs.) 8°. Springfield. Pam. 1889 Courts Martial. Pitman, Ben., ed. Trials for treason at Indianapolis 8°. Cincinnati 1865 Cox. Sanford C. Recollections of the early settlement of the Wabash Valley. 8°. Lafayette 1860 Cox, Samuel Sullivan. Memorial addresses on the life and charac- ter of, delivered in the House of Representatives and Senate 51st Congress. 1st session. Pub. by order congress. (U. S. Gov't. Pub) 4°. Washington 1890 Coxe, Daniel. Description of the Eng- lish Province of Louisiana, called by the French, La Louisiane. 12° London 1 741 Coyner. J. M, comp. Hand-book on Mormonism. Pam. Salt Lake City 18S2 Crafts, W. A. The Southern Rebellion. 2 Vols. 4°. Boston 1862-1867 Craig, Neville B., ed. The Olden Time. A monthly publication de- voted to preservation of docu- ments relating to early explora- tions, etc., of country around the head of the Ohio. 8°. Pittsburgh 1846 Reprint 2 vols. 8°. Cincinnati.. 1876 Crain, William H. Late Representa- tive from Texas. Memorial ad- dresses on life and character of; delivered in the House of Repre- sentatives and Senate, 54th Con- gres, 1st session. Published by order of Congress (U. S. Gov't pub. 4°. Washington 1897 Crane, Rev. C. B. Sermon on occa- sion of the death of President Lincoln. Pam. 8°. Hartford... 1S65 Crawford County, 111. Perrin, Wm. Henry, ed. History Crawford and Clark counties, III. 8° Chicago. 1883 Creigh, Alfred, LL. D. History Wash- ington county, Pa. 8°. Harris- burg, Pa 1871 Crerar, John. Will of John Crerar. Paper. Chicago, n. d Crime and Criminals. Altgeld, John P. Reasons for pardoning Fiel- den, Neebe and Schwab. Pam. n.d — Chicago House of Correction. Re- port (annual). Board of Inspec- tors. Pams 1888 — Felton, Chas. E. Prison labor. An address delivered by Chas. E. Felton, before National Prison Congress, Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 11, 1886. Pam. 8°. n.d — Illinois State Commissioners of Public Charities. See Illinois. — Todd, Aaron. The life and confes- sion of Aaron Todd. 8°. Sring- field. Pam 1840 — Wines, Frederick Howard. Crime, the convict and prison. Reprint- ed from tenth bi-ennial report State Commissioners Public Charities of Illinois. Pam. 8°. Springfield. 1889 Crime against the Presidency. A sermon delivered April 16, 1865, in the Fourth Presbyterian Church, Trenton, N.J. Blackburn, Rev. Wm. M. 8°. Trenton, N. J. 1865. Pam Critical examination of the evidence adduced to establish the theory of the Norse discovery of America. MacLean, J. P. 8°. Chicago 1892 Critical period of American history. 1783-1789. Fiske. John. 12°. Bos- ton 1895 Crofutt, George A, Crofutt's over- land guide. 8°, St. Louis 1892 Croghan, Col. George. Journal of. 8°. Burlington, N. J. 1831 Crooker, J. F., comp. Arbor Day. May 4, 1894. State of New Fork, pubs. Pam PROP. 96 CUTIS. Cum- reports. Statistical reports Illi- nois State Board Agriculture. Summary <>f reports of corres- pomleii t - us to area and COndil ion of crops, live stock, fruit, etc., made to Board of Agriculture. (Circulars, bulletins, etc., issued irregularly and bound together annually, 1878-1898.) V. V. Spring- field Crosby, Frank -Life of Abraham Lin- coln Early history, political ca- reer, speeches, messsages, proc- lamations and other 'official docu- ments. 12°. Phila 1865 Cuba. Flint. Grover— Marching with Gomez. 12°. Boston 1898 — Davis, Richard Harding— The Cu- ban and Porto Rican campaigns. 12°. New York 1898 — Mast, Crowell and Kirkpatrick, pubs. Map of its provinces, rail- roads, cities, towns, rivers, har- bors, bays, etc. Also southern Florida and neighboring islands of the West Indies. Paper 1897 — May, B. and Co., pub.— Maps of Cuba and Habana 1853 CritAN and Perto Rican campaigns— Davis, Richard Harding. 12°. New York 1898 Culin, Stewart— China in America: A study in the social life of the Chinese in the eastern cities of the U. S. Read before the Araer- ican Association for the Advance- ment of Science. (Anthropologi- cal Section) N. Y. 1887. Pamphlet. 8°. Phila 1887 I ri.i.OM, Shelby M. See Illinois Gov- ernors Cumberland, Jasper and Richland Counties, Ills. Historical and biographical. Battey, F. A. and Co.. Pubs. 8°. Chicago 1884 CUMING, F.— Sketches of a tour through the west a7id voyage down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. 12°, Pittsburg 1810 MINGS, Samuel— The Western Pi- lot and Gazetteer. 8°. Cincinnati 1829 Another Ed. 8°. Cincinnati 1840 ( IunninqhIm, J. O.— History of Chani- paign Comity, Ills. Paper. 8°. Champaign 1876 Cunningham, Thos. J., comp. Blue book of the State of Wisconsin. 8°. Milwaukee 1891 [8, George ricknor. Life of James Buchanan, fifteenth presi- dent United States. 2 v. 8°. New York 1883 Curtis, Win. E. Report of Exhibit of U.S. at Col. Hist. Exp., Madrid, 8°. Washington 1895 Curtis, William Eleroy. The au- thentic letters of Columbus. ( Pub. Field Col. Museum vol. 1. No. J'. 8°. Chicago. 1895. Paper Curtiss. Daniel S. Western portrait- ure and emigrants' guide. 12°. New York 1S52 Curwen, Sam'l. Journal and letters of Samuel Curwen. Edited by (ieorge A. Ward. 8°. New York. 1842 Cushing, Caleb- The Treaty of Wash- ington. 12°. New York. 1873 Cushman, J. B., co»ip. Legislative honors to memory of President Lincoln, by the State of New York. 8°. AlDany. 1865 ( i a i i.man. Rev. R. S. Resolutions and discourse occasioned by death of Abraham Lincoln. 12°. Man- chester, Vt. 1865 Custis, George Washington Parke. Recollections and private me- moirs of Washington. Memoir of author by his daughter. Illus- trative and explanatory notes by B. J. Lossing. 8°. New York. 1860 Cutler, Ephraim. Life and times of; with biographical sketches of Jervia Cutler and Wm. Parker Cutler. Cutler, Julia Perkins. (Ohio Valley Hist. Series.) 8°. Ciminnati. 1890 | i i.er. Rev. Manasseh, LL. D. Life, journals and correspondence of. Cutler. Wm. P. and Julia P. 2 v. 8°. Cincinnati. 1888 CUTLER, Wm. Parker and Cutler, Julia Perkins. Life, journals and correspondence of Rev. Man- asseh Cutler, LL. D. 2 v. 8°. Cincinnati. 1888 en is,. 1. Madison. Constitutional and party questions; as received orally from Stephen A. Douglas. 12°. New York. 1866 C. W. A. 97 DAVENPORT. C. W. A. Papers on the proposition of the "Nine Bishops." 12°. Phila. Paper 1871 Dagus, J. A. Annals of the great strikes in the United States. 12°. St. Louis 1877 Daily journal of Maj. George Wash- ington in 1751-52, kept on a tour from Va. to the Island of Barba- does. Copied and edited with notes. Toner, J. M. 8°. Albany 1892 Daily News almanac and political rec- ord. 1885-1900. Paper. V. Y. 12°. Chicago Dairy exhibit of the State of Illinois at the World's fair, souvenir of. Illinois State Dairymen's Asso- ciation, pubs. 16°. Chicago 1893 Dall, W. H., ed. Pre-historic America by the Marquis de Nadaillac. 8°. London 1885 Dana, Chas. A and Ripley, Geo., ed- itors. The American Cyclope- dia. 16 vols, and index. 8°. N. Y.1883-1886 Dana, Chas. A. and Wilson, J. H. Life of U. S. Grant, General of the armies of the U. S. 8°. Spring- field, Mass 1868 Dana, E. Description of the bounty lands in Ills. Also of the princi- pal roads and routes. 12°. Cin- cinnati 1819 D'Anvers, N., translator. Pre-historic America, by the Marquis de Na- daillac. 8°. London 1885 Darby, John F. Personal recollec- tions.. 12°. St. Louis 1880 Darby, John F. and Todd, Albert. Samuel Gaty, of St. Louis. Mo. Hist. Soc, Pub. No. 5, 8°. St. Louis 1881 Darby, Wm. The emigrants guide to western and southwestern states and territories. 8°. N. Y 1818 - Geographical description of Lou- isiana, to accompany a map, 8°. Phila 1816 — Tour from the city of New York to Detroit. 8°. N. Y 1819 Darby, Wm. and Dwight, Theodore, jr. Gazetteer of the U. S. of America. 8°. Hartford 1835 —7 H. S. Daring and heroic deeds of American women. Thrilling examples of the courage, fortitude, devotion and self-sacrifice of the pioneer mothers of the west. Frost, John. 12°. Phila 1860 Darling, Chas. W. New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York. Pam. 8° 1889 Darlington. Wm. M. Appendix of illustrative notes to Col. James Smith's narrative of remarkable occurrences in his life and travels. 8°. Cincinnati 1870 — Illustrative notes to accompany Col. May's journal and letters. 8°. Cincinnati 1873 Darnell, Elias. Journal containing an account of the Kentucky vol- unteers and regulars under Gen. Winchester, 1812-1813. 16°. Phila. 1854 Date, Henry, comp. Pentecostal hymns. 12°. Chicago, n. d D'Auberteuil, Hilliard, See Auber- teuil. Daughters of the American Revolu- tion, pubs. American Monthly Magazine 1892-1900 Daughters of the American Revolu- tion. Durrett, Reuben T. Bry- ant's Station and the memorial proceedings. Aug. 18. 1896. Fil- son Club Pubs.. No. 12. 4°. Lou- isville 1897 — New York City Chapter, pubs. Re- volutionary calendar for 1896 — Ranck, Geo. W. The story of Bry- an's Station. Historical address delivered at Bryan's Station, Ky , at dedication of the memorial to the women of Bryan's Station. Erected by Lexington Chapter D. A. R. Paper. 12°. Lexington, Ky 1895 White, Mrs. S. V. A plea for a monument to the martyrs of the War of the Revolution. Pam. 12°. 1896 Davenport, Bishop. Gazetteer: or. Geographical dictionary of North America and the West Indies. 8°. Providence 1832 Another ed. 8°. Baltimore 1835 Davenport, Iowa. Davenport Busi- ness Men's Association, pubs. Davenport, some of its advan- tages for business, residence and investment. Pam. 16°. Davenp't. 1890 DAVKNPORT. '.IS I » E A \ . Davenport, [owa. Wilkie, Franc B. Davenport, pasl and present. Early history, personal und anec- dotal reminiscences. Biograph- ies, likenesses of prominent men, and articles of general interest. 8°. Davenport 1858 David, Irliain. Les Anglais a la Lou- isiana en 1814 et 1815. Poeme en 10 chants. 12°. New Orleans.. .. 1845 Davidson. Alexander, and Stuve- B. History of Ills., 1673-1873. 8°. Springfield 1874 - 2d ed., History of Ills.. 1673-1884. 8°. Springfield 1884 Davies, Chas. Elements of analytical geometry. 12°. N' Y 1853 Davis, A. Discovery of New England by the Northmen, 500 years be- ( fore Columbus. 8°. Boston.... 1844 Davis. David. See Biography. Davis, E. EL. and Squier. E. G. An- cient monuments of the Miss. Valley. 4°. N. Y... 1843 Davis. Maj. Geo. W., Perry, Lesley J., and Kirkley. Jos. W., board of publication of the War of the Re- bellion records. Official records of the Uniou and Confederate armies. Compiled utider direc- tion of Hon. Daniel S. Lamont, Sec. of War. Serial numbers 1-116. except 112 and 113. 8°. Wash- ington. 1880-1898, with maps Davis, Jefferson. The rise and fall of the Confederate government. 2 vols. 8°. N. Y 1881 Davis, J. McCan. See Tarbell, Ida M. Davis. Matthew L. Memoirs of Aaron Burr. 8°. N. Y 1836 Davis. N. S., M. D.. LL.D. Addresa on medicine, delivered at list an- nual meeting of American Medi- cal Association held in Nashville. Tenu . 1890. I'am — Address on the objects of the American Medical Temperance Association. Delivered at annual meeting in Detroit, June 9ih. 1892. Chicago. Pam 1892 — College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Chicago. 12th annual announcement session of iv3-94. Pub. by college. Pam — Illusions and delusions in the prac- tice of medicine. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1892 Davis— Continued. — Influence of alcohol on the human system. 8°. N. Y. Pam 1890 — Report on the meteorological con- ditions and their relations to the epidemic innuenzaand some other diseases in Chicago during the six months ending March 31st. 1890. 8°. Pam — On prevalent therapeutic incon- sistencies in medical practice, il- lustrated in current medical liter- ature and in clinical observations. Read in medical section of the Mich. Med. Soc, May 5. 1892. Pam. 1892 Davis. Richard Harding. The Cuban and Porto Rican campaigns. 12°. N. Y 1898 Davis. Mrs. Sarah Woodruff. Com- memorative services at funeral of. Bloomington, Ills.. Nov. 15, 1879. 12°. Bloomington 1879 Dawson, Geo. Francis. Life and ser- vices of John A. Logan. 8°. Chi- cago 1887 Dawson, Sam'l Edward, Lit. D. Voy- ages of tie Cabots, 1497-1498. Trans. Royal Soc. Canada. Vol. 12. Sec. 2, 1894. 4°. Montreal 1894 — Voyages of the Cabots. Latest phases of the controversy. Trans, Roy. Soc. Canada, 1897. Vol. 3. Sec. 2. 8°. Ottawa 1897 Day, David F. An address commemo rative of Geo W. Clinton, deliv- ered before the Buffalo Hist. Soc. Maich 24, 1890. Pam. 8°. Buf- falo 1890 Day, Edward Warren, romp. 1,000 years of Hubbard history. Har- lan Page Hubbard, pub. (Sample pages, pam.) Day, Sherman. Historical Collections of Pennsylvania. 8°. Phila 1843 DAT. (A) hi the canons of the Rockies. W I'.H R.Co. pub. Pam. 12°. Den- ver. 1894 Dayton. Ohio. Dayton Public. Lilirary and Museum. Annual reports 1897-8. Pam Dean, Rev. Sidney. Eulogy pronounc- ed on the occasion of the funeral solemnities of Abraham Lincoln. 8°. Providence. 1865. Pam DEARBORNS. 99 DeGIDE. Dearborns, (The.) A discourse com- memorative of the eightieth an- niversary of the occupation of Port Dearborn and the first set- tlement at Chicago (Chicago Hist. Soc. Proceedings.) Good- win, Daniel, jr. 8°. Chicago 1884 Death of President Lincoln. A ser- mon, preached in St. Peter's Church, Albany, N. Y.. Wednes- day, April 19, 18b5. Wilson, Rev. Wm. T. 8°. Albany. 1865. Pam Death roll of pioneers of DeKalb Co. Congdon, G. E., comp. Published in DeKalb Review. 1898 Debates and proceedings of the Con- gress of the Q. S. with ^an appen- dix containing important State papers, public documents, and all the laws of a public na'.ure. With a copious index. 1st to 18th Cong, inc. Gales, Joseph, sr.. pub. Gales & Seaton (Annals of Cong.) 42 vols. 8°. Washington, 1834- 1856 Debates and Proceedings of the Con- stitutional Convention, convened at Springfield. December 13, 1869. (Known as Constitutional Con- vention of 1870.) 2 vols. 4°. Springfield. 1870. Ely, Burnham & Bartlett co mps Debates in the several state conven- tions on the adoption of the Fed- eral Constitution as recommend- ed by the General Convention at Philadelphia, 1787. Elliott. Jona- than. 2d ed 5 vols. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1891 DeBaugy, Le Chevalier. Journal d'une expedition contre les Iroquois, 1687. 12°. Paris, 1883 Declaration of Independence. Lives of the Signers of. Dwight.N...fi's■ Salle. Mis. -sail jour. Tout i. .)/. /., Cht valii r. 16°. PariB 1697 De Sohweinitz, Edmund. Life and times of David Zeisberger. 8°. l'hila 1870 Description of bounty lands of ills. Also principal roads and routes, laud and v, ater. through territory 1'. S. t'roin Province of New Brunswick in Novia Scotia to Pa- cific Ocean; embracing main, in- terior and cross roads between places m| most note. Dana, E. 12°. Cincinnati 1819 Description of Louisiana. By Father Louis Hennepin. Trans- lated from edition of u;s.'i, and compared with the Nouvelle De couverte, the LaSalle documents and other contemporaneous pa- pers, by John Gilmary shea. 8°. N. V 1880 Description of Pitcairn's Island and its inhabitants. Authentic ac- count of mutiny of ship Bounty, and subsequent fortunes of the mutineers. Harper Bros., pub. 16°. N.Y 1841s Description of the English Prov- ence of Carolina by the Spaniards called Florida, and by the French La Louisiane. Map of Carolina and River Meschacebe. ( Daniel. 12°. London 1741 Description soil, water, timber, and prairies of each lot or quarter sec- tion of the military lands between Mississippi and Illinois rivers. Also a description of Missouri territory. Van Zandt, Nicholas Biddle. 8°. Washington 1818 I DESCRIPTIVE account of (he city of Pe- oria. Sketch of its early bistory and view of its present busir. SB, manufactories, etc. Compiled from Peoria Transcript. 8°. Pe- oria 1859 Desecration of the American flag and prohibitive legislation. Addi delivered at banquet given by Ills. So.\ Sons Amr. Rev. at the Ath- letic Club, Chicago, Nov. 2, 1898. Miller, Chas. Kingsbury; Pam. n.d Des Francs, M, L. B. Une Colonie Francaise, au xvii, Siecle. 8°. Niort 1874 DE SMET. 101 DIRECTORY. De Smet. R. P. Cinquante nouvelles lettres du R. P. De Smet. 12°. Paris 1858 De Smet. P. J. Letters and sketches, narrative years' residence among Indian tribes. 12°. Phila 1843 — Le H. P. Pierre. Voyages aux Mon- tagnes Rocheuses. 16°. Malines 1844 DeSoto, Ferdinand, discoverer of the Mississippi river: life, travels and adventures of. Wilmer, Lam- bert A. 8°. Phila 1858 Detroit. Burton, C. M Sketch of the life of Antoine de la Mothe Cadil- lac, the founder of Detroit. Pam. 8°. Detroit 1895 Deutsche Element (das) in den Vere- inigten Staaten von Nordamerika, 1818-1848. Koerner Gustav. 8°. Cincinnati 1880 Deutsche Lesebuch. Dritter cursus, Ottrogge, Carl, 8°. Hannover... 1852 Devol, Geo. H. Forty years a gambler on Mississippi river. 12°. Cin- cinnati 1887 Dewey Melvil, ed. Papers prepared for World's Library Congress, held at Columb'n Exposition, 1893. (U. S. Gov't. Pub. reprint Chap. 9. Part 2. Report Com. Ed. 1892-93.) 8°. Washington. Paper 1896 DeWitt County, Ills, Brink. W. R. & Co., pubs.. History of DeWitt county. 4°. Phila 1882 Dexter, Franklin B., M. A. Notes ac- companying Diary of David Me- Clure. (See Diary of David Mc- Clure.) 8°. N. Y 1899 Diary of David McClure. D. D., 1748- 1820. With notes by Franklin B. Dexter, M. A. Edited by John P. Peters. 8°. N. Y 1899 Diary of David Zeisberger, Moravian missionary among Indians of Ohio. Translated and edited by Eugene P. Bliss. 2 vols. 8°. Cin- c.nnati 1885 Diary of a journey from the Miss, to coasts of the Pacific, with U. S, Gov't expedition. Introduction by Alexander Von Humboldt. Trans- lated by Mrs. Percy Sinnett. Mollhausen, Baldwin. 2 vols. 8°. London 1858 Diary of the American Revolution. From newspapers and original documents. Moore, Frank. 2 vols. 8°. N. Y I860 Dickinson, John, the Quaker states- man. Poole, Wm. F. Published in "The Dial," July 1891 Dictionaries. Webster's internation- al dictionary of the English lan- guage. 4°. Springfield, Mass... 1893 — Worcester, Joseph E. Dictionary of the English language. 4°. Phila. 1882 Dictionary finding list of the Frte Public Library of Bayonne, N. J. Authors, subjects and titles, Jan, 1,1895. 8°. Bayonne 1895 Dictionary of Americanisms. A glos- sary of words and phrases usual- ly regarded as peculiar to the U. S. Bartlett, John Russell. 2d ed. 8°. Boston 1859 Digest of the Civil Service Law De- cision and statement of the origin of the litigation. Citizens' Ass'n of Chicago, pubs. 8°. Pam. Chicago 1898 Dillon, John B. History of Indiana. Vol 1 (only), 8°. Indianapolis... 1843 — History of Indiana. 8°. Indianap- olis 1859 — Oddities of colonial legislation in America. 8°, Indianapolis 1879 Diocese (The) of Springfield. Devoted to the interests of the church (Protestant Episcopal) in this diocese. Monthly periodical. Vol. 5, Jan.. 1894, to vol. 8, No. 11, Nov., 1897 (incomplete). Taylor, Rev. F. W., ed Diplomacy. See United States. Directions for securing copyrights. Solberg.Thorvald. (U. S. Gov't, pubs.. Library of Congress. Bui, No. 2.) 8°. Washington 1899 Directors of the Old South Work, Old South Meeting House, pubs. Old South Leaflets. 4 vols. 12°. Boston, n. U Directory, business mirror and his- torical sketches of Randolph Co., Ills. Montague, E. J. 12°. Alton 1859 Directory of the city of Chicago, 1839. Fergus. Robert, comp. (Fergus Hist. Series, No. 2.) 12°. Chicago. 1876 DIRECTORY 102 DIXON. Dibbotobi of the city of Chicago, 1843. Fergus, Bobt., eotnp. (Fergus Hist. Series, No 28. 12 . Chi- cago 1896 For Directories I liieago, Springfield, etc. Disooub8E occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln; preached at Park Streel Church, Boston. Stone, Andrew L. 8°. Boston.... 1865 Discourse sasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered at Bhinebeck, N. V,. at public dem- onstration of citizens. Tinilow, Rev. Heman B. Tain. 16 . Rhine- beck 1865 Discourse on the aborigines of the Ohio Valley. Harrison, Wm Hen- ry. Notes by Edward Everett. In- troduction and notes by H. W. Beckwith. (Fergus Hist. Series. No. 26.) 12°. Chicago 1883 Discoveries of America to the year 15'25 Weise. Arthur James. 8°. N.Y 1884 Discovery and conquests of the North- west and history of Chicago. Blanchard, Rufus. 8°. Wheaton 1881 Discovery and exploration of the Miss. Valley. Original narratives of Marquette, Allouez, Membre\ Hennepin, and Anastase Douay. Far. simile of newly discovered map of Marquette. Shea, John • iilmary. 8°. N.Y 1853 Discovery of America by the North- men in the tenth century, with notices of the early settlements of the Irish in the western hemi- sphere. Beamish, North Ludlow. 8°. London 1841 Discovery of America, with some ac- count of ancient America and the Spanish conquest. Fiske. John. 2 vols. 12°. Boston 1892 Discovery of America; a critical, doc- umentary and historic investiga- tion, cartography of the New World, including descriptions of 250 maps or globes, existing or lost, constructed before 1536. Also chronology of 100 voyages west- ward projected, attempted, or ac- complished between 1431 and 1504. Biographical accounts of 300 pil- ots who first crossed the Atlantic, etc., etc. Harrisse, Henry. 4°. London 1892 Discovery of New England by North- men, live hundred years before Columbus, with an introduction on antiquities of America and on lir-t inhabitants of Central Amer- ica, with important additions. Davis, A. I'am. 8°. Boston 1844 Discovery of the Great West, Park- man, Francis. 12°. Boston 186> Discovery of the Mississippi. A bib- liographical account, with fac- simile of the map of Louis Joliet, 1674, and a note on the map by B. F. DeCosta, with a sketch of Joutel's maps. Reprinud from magazine of American History. Griffin. Appleton, P. C. 4°. N.Y. 1883 Discovery, settlement and present state of Ky., and an essay toward the topography and natural his- tory of that country. Adventures of Col. Daniel Boon, minutes of Piankashaw Council held at Post St. Vincennes, April 15. 1784. Ac- count of Indian nations of the Tnirteen V. 8., etc., etc. Filson, John. Vol. 2 only. 12°. N. Y... 179$ District of Columbia. Howe, Henry. Historical collections of Virginia and a historical and descriptive sketch of the District of Columbia 8°. Charleston. S. C 1849 — Sons Amer. Revolution of D C. Address by Gen. A. W. Greely. Constitution, by-laws, list mem- bers year book for 1891 Divorce. See marriage and divorce; See also, woman. Dixon. Mrs. Archibald (Susan Bullitt The true history of the ilissouri compromise and its repeal. 8°. Cincinnati 1899 Dixon, Ills. Brown, H. A. Photo- graphs of Dixon and vicinity. Paper. Dixon 1894 — Manual of the Presbyterian church of Dixon. 111., for 1896 97 98 and '99. l'ams. 16°. Dixon Dixon, James, D. D. Tour through the U. S. and Canada. 12°. N. Y. 1^50 Dixon, Win. Bepworth. New Ameri- ca. 12°. Phila 186T Do all to the glory of God. A sermon at the consecration of ( hrist Church (memorial), Springfield, 111.. .March 28, 1889. Locke. Rev. Clinton. Pam. 16°. Springfield. 188» DOCTRINES. 103 DRAKE. Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; its faith and teachings. Morgan, Elder John. Pam. n. d Documentary history of the state of N. Y., 1666-1771. Arranged under direction of Hon. Christopher Morgan, Sec. of State. O'Calla- ghan, E. B. 4 v. 4°. Albany. 1850-51 Documents relative to Central Ameri- can affairs, and the enlistment question. U. S. House of Repre- sentatives. 8°. Washington.... 1856 — Documents relative to the Colonial history of the state of N. Y., 1603- 1774. procured in Holland, Eng- land and France. Edited byE. B. O'Callaghan, Brodhead, John Romeyn. 11 v. 4°. Albany 1856-58 Doddridge, Rev. Joseph. Settlement of and Indian wars of the western parts of Va. and Fa.. 1763-1783. 12°. Albany 1876 Doddridge. Narcissa. Memoir of Rev. Jos. Doddridge, in Doddridge's Settlement and Indian Wars of Va. and Fa. 8°. Albany 1876 Dodge, Col. Richard Irving. Our wild Indians. 8°. Hartford 1885 Dodds, S. J. Centennial history of West Point, Stephenson Co., Ills. Pam. 8° 1876 Domestic manners of the Americans— Trollope, Mrs. Frances. 4th ed. 8°. N.Y 1832 Donaldson. Thomas.— The Geo. Catlin Indian gallery. U. S. National Museum. 8°. Washington 1888 Donnell. F. S., pub. — Florida, for health, pleasure and profit. 12°. Pam. Chicago, n. d Donnelley, Loyd & Co., pub.— History of Logan county. Ills. 8°. Chi- cago 1878 — History of Morgan county, Ills. 8°. Chicago 1878 Dorman, Rushton M.— Origin of primi- tive superstitions. 8°. Phila.... 1881 Dougall, Lily— The Mormon Prophet. 12°. N.Y 1899 Douglas. George B. — The Illustrated Mississippi. (German.) 4°. Dus- seldorf. n. d — Stephen Arnold. See biograpuy Douglas County, Ills. Battey, F. A. and Co., pubs. The county of Douglas, Ills., historical and bi- ographical. 8°. Chicago 1881 Douglas High School, Cairo. Ills.— Commencement themes, class of '94. 12°. Cairo. Pam 1894 Douniol, Chas., e^. Mission du Can- ada.— Relations in^dites de la Nouvelle. France. 2 vols. 12°. Paris 1861 Down in Tennessee and back by way of Richmond. Gilmore, Jas. R. (Edmund Kirke, pseud.) 12°. N. Y 1864 Down the Great River; account dis- covery of the true source ot the Mississippi river. Glazier, Capt. Willard. 12°. Phila 1887 Dowse, Thos. The new Northwest, Montana— Helena; its past, pres- ent and future. Paper. Chicago 1880 Drainage channel and waterway — A history of the effort to secure an effective and harmless method for the disposal of the sewage of Chicago and create a navigable channel between Lake Michigan and the Miss, river. Brown, G. P. 8°. Chicago 1894 Drake, Benjamin.— Life of Black Hawk. 16°. Cincinnati 1839 — LifeofTecumsehatidof his brother the Prophet. Historical sketch of the Shawanoe Indians. 12°. Cincinnati 1855 Drake. Chas. D.— Biographical sketch of Daniel Drake, M I)., accom- panying Drake's Pioneer Life in Ky. (Ohio Valley Hist. Series No. 6.) 8°. Cincinnati 1870 Drake. Daniel, M, D— Biographical sketch of, accompanying Drake's Pioneer Life in Ky. (Ohio Valley Hist. Series No. 6.) Drake, Chas. D. 8°. Cincinnati 1870 — Natural and statistical view; or. picture of Cincinnati. 12°. Cincin- nati. 1815 — Pioneer life in Ky. (Ohio Valley Hist. Series No. 6.) 8°. Cin- cinnati. 1870 DR \KK. L04 DuPRATZ. Db \ki . I'rar ;is S.. ed. Indian tribea Ol the I'. S. - veils. 1 . I, Million and Philadelphia. W85 Di; \ki:. Samuel Adams. Making "f the Greal West. 1512 1883. 12 . N. N. 1^7 Di; \kk. Saml. <'■■ Aboriginal raei North America. 8°. N. Y. 1880 — Biography and history of the In- dians of North America, S°. Bos- ton 1851 — Hook of tlir Indians. 8°. Boston. L845 — comp. Events in Indian history. 8°. Lancaster. 1S41 — Five years French anil Indian War. 12 . AH. any. 1 S70 /. New England Historical ami Genealogical Register. V. V. 10 vols. 8°. Boston. 1847-56 — Ohl Indian chronicle. 8°. Boston. 1867 — Preface, etc., to Hubbard's Indian Wars of New England. 2 vols. 4°. Roxbury. 1865 math', life a- I found it. A record of personal experience, with ac- count of rise and progress of dra- in) in West and South, with an- ecdotes and biographical sketches of principal actors and actres who have appeared upon the stage in Miss. Valley. Ludlow, N. M. 8 . St. Louis. 1880 Draper, Lyman ('., comp. Madison, the capital of Wisconsin. 8°. Madison. 1857 Pam — Memoir and illustrative notes For- man's journey down Ohio and Miss. 12°. Cincinnati. 1888 \M i ity. (The. I A portfolio of pho- tographic views of the World's Fair. Thompson, N. !>.. Pub. Co. IT Nos Paper. St. Louis. 1893.. I ) -r. v ii. Arthur ( '. and Ada A. Young people's history of UN. i Ihicago Home Hist. Series.) 8°. Chicago. IS86 Drew Theological Seminary, Our Bulletin, bi monthly periodical. Aug, 1890 to March L892. Madisou, N .1 DROWN'S record and historical view of Peoria from discovery by French Jesuit a to present Also almanac for 1851. calculated for latitude and longitude of Peoria, Ills. Business directory and cuds. Drown. S. DeWitt 12°. Peoria. 1850 Dri MMOND.Josiah II. The JohnRogers families in Plymouth and vicini- ty. (Read before Me. lli-t. Soc. Dec. 19. 1895.) Fain Drukv, Rev, A. W. Life of Rev. Philip Wm. Otterbein. 12°. Day- ton. 1893 Dudley, R. L. & Co , yrib. Springfield city directory for 1809-'70. 8°. Springfield. 1869 In i i 1 1. 1. ii. Set;. George. Secession, its cause and run-. A Thanksgiving discourse, Thursday, Nov. 28, I860. Pam. 8 . Detroit 1861 I Mi anne, A. J. H. Camps and prisons. Twenty months in Department of the Gulf. 2d ed. 12°. N. Y 1865 Di is, Dr. E. Good old times in .Mc- Lean Co. 8°. Bloomington 1874 DdLaO, M. Ferrin. Voyages dans les deux Louisianes. et chez les Na- tions Sauvages du Missouri en 1801. 1802 and 1803. 12°. Paris.... 1805 Dumas, C. G. F.. trans. Relation his- torique de I'expedition contre les Indians ,le I'Ohio, 1704. 8°. Am- sterdam 1769 Duncan, Joseph, 5th Governor of Ills. Biographical sketch of, K'irhy. Julia Duncan. Fergus Hist., Series No 21). 12. Chicago 1888 See Ills. Governors. Dunlap, Henry M., editor. Fruit Ex- hibitof the Stateof 111. at World's Fair. 12°. Bloomington 1893 Dunn, J. P. The Libraries of Indiana. (World's Fair Monographs.) Fain 8°. Indianapolis 1893 DuPage Co., 111. Blanchard, Rufus. History of DuPage Co. 8°. Chi- cago 1882 — Thompson Bros. & Burr, pub. Atlas map DuPage Co. 4°. Elgin 1874 DuPratz, M. Le Page. Histoire de la Louisiane. 3 v. 16°. Paris 1758 DURRETT. 105 EARLY Durbett. Reuben T. An historical sketch of Stl Paul's Church, Lou- isville, Ky. (Filson Club pubs. No. 5.) 4°. Louisville 1889 — Bryant's Station and the memorial proceedings. (Filson Club pubs. No. 12.) 4°. Louisville. 1897 — The Centenary of Ky. (Filson Club pub. No. 7.) 4°. Lovisville. 1893 — The Centenary of Louisville. (Fil- son Club pubs. No. 8.) 4°. Louis- ville. 1893 — John Filson the first historian of Ky. (Filson Club pubs. No. 1.) 4°. Cincinnati I 884 Durrie. Daniel S., assisted by Durrie, Isabel. Catalogue of the Library of the Wis. Hist. Soc, 1873-1887. 7 v. 8°. Madison 1873-87 Dusenbery, B. M., comp. Monument to the memory of Gen. Andrew Jackson, and a sketch of his life. 12°. Phila 1846 Dussieux, L. Le Canada, sous la dom- ination Francaise. 3d ed. 12°. Paris 1883 Duty of the State to aid in commemor- ating the deeds of the pioneers. Address before the State Bar As- sociation of Ills. Anthony, Hon. Elliott. 8°. Chicago 1892 Dutch and the Iroquois, Suggestions as to the importance of their friendship in the great struggle of the 18th century for possession of this continent. Paper read be- fore Long Island Hist. Soc. Feb. 21, 1882. Hall. Bev. Chas. H., D.D. 8°. N.Y 1882 Dwight. N.. Esq. Lives of Signers of Declaration of Independence. 12°. N. Y., 1851. For names of Signers, see Biography — Sketches, scenery and manners in the U.S. 12°. N.Y 1829 Summer tours: or. notes of a trav- eler. (Bound with Shoberl's Per- sia.) 2ed. 12°. N.Y 1817 Theodore, jr. and Darby. Win. Ga- zetteer of the U. S. A. 2d ed. 8°, Hartford 1835 Eads. James B. Jetty system explained. 8°. St. Louis 1874 EAGLE.Mary Kavanaugh Oldham, ed. The World's Congress of Repre- sentative Women. 2 vols. 4°. Chicago 1894 Eames. C. M. Sketch of Gov. Richard Yates, (published in Central Ills. Democrat May 13 1899.) Eames, Chas.. comp. Historic Morgan arid classic. Jacksonville 8°. J acksonville 1885 Early, John, Senator from Win- nebago Co.. Ills. Memorial ad- dresses on life and character of. delivered in senate of Ills. March 12,1879. State of Ills. pub. 8°. Springfield 1879 — Chicago. Fort Dearborn. An ad- dress delivered at unveiling of memorial tablet to mark site of the Block-House, May 21, 1881, under auspices Chicago Hist Soc. To which have been added notes and an appendix. (Fereus Hist. Series. No. 16.) Wentworth. Hon. John. 12°. Chicago * 88i — Chicago. Lecture delivered be- fore the Sunday Lecture Soc. Mc- Cormick Hall. April 11. 1875. (Fer- gus Hist. Series No. 8.). Went- worth. Hon. John. 12°. Chicago. 1876 — Chicago. Lecture delivered be- fore Sunday Lecture Soc. Mc- Corir-ick Hall, May 7, 1876. (Fer- gus Hist. Series No. 7.) Went- worth, Hon. John. 12°. Chicago. 1876 — Chicago and Ills. Edited and an- notated by Edward G. Mason. Published at the charge of the Jonathan Burr Fund. Chicago Hist. Soc. collection, vol. 4. 8°. Chicago 1890 - Chicago reminiscences. Revised from the Chicago Tribune. (Fer- gus Hist. Series No. 19.) Cleaver, Chas. 12°. Chicago I 882 - days of California. What I saw and heard there, with scenes in the Pacific. Farnham, J. T. 12°. Phiia 1860 - days of Mormonisra, Palmyra, Kirt- land and Nauvoo. Kennedy, J. H. 12°. London 1888 EARL? J 00 EARLY. I'.ak'.v history of Cleveland, Ohio, In- cluding original papers and other matter relating to the adjaci m country. with biographical notices of tlir pioneers and surveyors, Whittlesey. ''■■/. ('has. s . Cleve- land 1867 — history of Ills. From discovery by the French 1678. to cession to Gr'< at Britian, 1768, including Mar quette's discovery of Miss. Breese, Sidney. Biographical me- iii. : L8S.8 Reprint- ed from papers Assc. Poole, Wm. Frederick. B . N. V 1889- Early shipping on Lake Superior. Butler, James Davie. (From pro- ceedings State Bist. Soc. Wis. 1884.) 8°. Pam. Madison 189ft EARLY. 107 EDUCATION. Early.— Co ncluded. — Early surveyors and surveying in Ills. Paper read before Ills. Soc. Engineers. Jan. 29. 18yi. Enos. Z. A. 8°. Pam. Springfield 1891 East St. Louis, city of. Tyson, Robert A. History of East St. Louis. Re- sources, statistics, railroads, physical features, business and advantages. 8°. E. St. Louis.... 1875 Eastern and Western states of Amer- ica. Buckingham, J. S. 3 vols. 8°. London 1842 Eaton, John, jr. Supplement to the Freedmen's Bulletin, Chicago, Sept Pam 1864 Eckhart, Bernard A. Sanitary dis- trict of Chicago. President's an- nual message and annual report of clerk, attorney, treasurer, chief engineer and marshal, for the year ending Dec. 31, 1895. 8°. Pam. Chicago 1896 Economic history of Va. in the 17th century. An inquiry into the ma- terial condition of the people based upon original and contem- poraneous records. Bruce, Philip Alexander. 2 vols. 12°. N.Y.... 1896 Eddy, T. M. The patriotism of Ills. 2 vols. 8°. Chicago 1865-66 Eddy, Mev. Thos. M.. D D. Life of. Introduction by Rev. Bishop Simpson, Sims, Chas. N., D. D. 12°. N. Y 1879 Edes, Mev. Richard S. Biographical sketch of Col. John May of Boston, to accompany Col. May's Journal and Letters. 8°. Cincinnati 1873 Edgar County, Ills. LeBaron, Wm„ jr., & Co., pubs. History of Ed- gar Co.. Ills. Cities, towns, etc., directory of tax-payers, war rec- ord, portraits of early settlers and prominent men, statistics, map of the county, history of Ills., etc., etc. 8°. Chicago 1879 Edgar. Mev. Cornelius H. Josiah and Lincoln: the great reformers. Pam. 8°. Easton, Pa 1865 Edgar. Matilda. Ten years of Upper Canada, in peace and war. 8°. Toronto 1890 Education. For educational affairs and institutions in Illinois, see Illinois. Education. Education— Continued. — Cheyney, Edw. P., ed. Translations and reprints from original sourc- es of European history, Publica- tions of the Department of His- tory of the University of Pa. Pam. n. d — Clark, S. H. Poetry as a fine art. Syllabus of a course of six lecture studies. University extension division. University of Chicago. Pam. 12°. Chicago 1894 — Condon, Wm, H. Address at com- mencement exercises of the Sa- cred Heart Academy, Madison. Wis., June 25, 1895. Pam — Cornelius. Mev. E., and Edwards. B. B. Quarterly register and jour- nal of the Amer. Educational So- ciety. 1829, 1830, 1831. Vols. 2. 3, and 4 Vol. 2.8°. Andover 1830 Vol. 3,8°. Boston 1831 Vol.4.8°. Boston 1832 — Education in Alaska. Jackson, Sheldon. U, S. Gov't publication. 8°. Washington 1894 — Harvey, Chas. M. Education in the West. An article on the early schools and educational insti- tutions in the N. W. Territory and the West. Published in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Aug.6, 1898 — Jackson. Sheldon. Report on edu- cation in Alaska. U. S. Gov't pub- lications 1886 and 1894 — Jordan, David Starr. "Lest we for- get." Address to the graduating class of 1898, Leland Stanford, jr.. University. 8°, Palo Alto. Cal 1898 Publications Leland Stanford, jr. University. Pam — Leipziger, Henry M. Report of the free lectures to the people of New York, season of 1897-98. 8°. N.Y. 1898 — Mace, Wm. H. The Amer. Revolu- tion. Syllabus of a course of six lecture studies. University ex- tension division No. 20. Univer- sity of Chicago, n. d — Mavor. Wm. The English spelling book. 16°. London, n. d — Mayes, Edward, LL.D. History of education in Mississippi. U. S. Bureau of Education, circular of information No. 2 1898 EDUCATION. 108 EKiHTY-FOUHTH. Education— Continued. — Moulton, Richard G. The wisdom and oratory of the Bible. Sylla- bus of a course of six lecture studies. University of Chicago. University extension division. Tarn. 12°. Chicago 1895 — Nelson, Thos. Public libraries and public schools. I'am. n. d — New York, Regents of the State University, annual reports. See New York. — Oltrogge, Carl. Deutches lese- buch. (German reader.) 8°. Han- over 1852 - Peter. Robert, and Peter, Miss Jo- hanna. Transylvania University; its origin, rise, decline and fall. Filson Club publications No. 11. 4°. Louisville 1896 — Poole. Wm. Frederick. The univer- sity library and the university curriculum. Pam. 12°. Chicago.. 1894 — Reed, Rev. Jas. A. Quarter centu- ry re-union of Jefferson College, class of 1856. Washington, Pa., June21. 1881. 12°. Springfield.... 1881 — Society for the Promotion of Colle- giate and Theological Education at the West, reports of 1844-1867 — Spencer. David E. Local govern- ment in Wisconsin. Johns-Hop- kins University Studies in His- tory and Political Science. Pam. 8°. Baltimore 1890 — Strong. Prof. James. Epitome of Greek grammar. Pam. 12°. n.d — - Short catechism of Hebrew gram- mar. Pam. 16°. Madison, N. J. 1890 — Sturtevant, .1. M. American col- leges. Pam. 12°. Jacksonville. 1845 — Thiry, J. H. School savings banks in the U. S. 8°. N. Y 1891 — Thummel, M. L. G.. aud C. G. A school manual of the U. S. gov- ernment. 12°. St. Louis 1893 — Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. See Wisconsin. Edwards, Amelia B., Obituary notice of. Poole, Reginald Stuart. pub,, by Egypt Exploration Fund. Pam, 12°. London, n.d Edwards, Hon. Benj. S. Memorial address on life and professional character, read before meeting of the Sangamon Co. liar, Spring- field, III.. Feb. :>. 1886. Wallace, Joseph. Pam. B°. Springfield.. 1887 Edwards, Cyrus. Address delivered at State Bouse, Vandalia. on the subject of forming a State Col- onization Society. 12°. Jackson- ville 1831 — GeorgieHortense. Historic sketches of the Edwards and Todd fami- lies. 8°. Springfield 1894 — John N. Shelby and bis men; or. The War in the West. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1867 — Ninian. See Illinois Governors. — Richard and Hopewell M... M. D. The Great West and her com- mercial metropolis. History of St. Louis from 1764 to present. 8°. St. Louis 1860 — County. 111. Flower, George. His- tory of the English settlement in Edwards Co., 111., founded in 1817 and 1818, by Morris Birkbeck and Geo. Flower, with preface and foot notes by E. B. Washburne. Chicago Historical Society's Col- lections, vol. 1. 8°. Chicago 1882 — - McDonough. J. L. & Co.. pubs. History of Edwards, Lawrence and Wabash counties, 111. 4°. Phila 1883 Effingham Co., 111. Perrin, WHiam Henry, ed. History of Effingham Co., 111. 8°. Chicago 1883 Egleston, N. H. Arbor Day: its his- tory and observance. (U. S. Gov't Pub.) Paper. 8°. Washington. 1896 — Thos., LL. D. Life of John Pater- son, Major General in the Revo- lutionary Army. 8°. X. Y 1894 Egypt. Egypt Exploration Fund, pu b. Report of 5th ordinary general meeting (9th annual gen'l meet- ing.) Subscription list and bal- ance sheet, 1890 91. Pam. 12°. London . n.d Ek;ht months in Illinois, with infor- mation to emigrants. Oliver, Wm. 12 . Newcastle-Upon-Tyne 1843 EIGHTY-FOURTH regiment Illinois vol- unteers, history of. Simmons, L. A. 12°. Macomb 1866 EIGHTY-SIXTH. 109 ENCYCLOPAEDIA. Eighty-sixth regiment Ills, volun- teer Infantry. 4th reunion of, Peoria, Aug. 27 and 28, 1890. Also, all changes in P. O. addresses as far as known, and death-roll of names not published in previous roster. McKown, C. W. Pam. 8°. Knoxville. Ill Elements of analytical geometry. Em- bracing the equations of the point, the straight line, the conic sections and surfaces of the first and second order. Davies, Chas. 12°. N. Y. 1853 Elevkn years' experi-nce in Western states of America. An analysis ot the prairie soil by Dr. Steven- sou Macadam. Stewart, W. M. 12°. London. 1870 Elite Pub. Co. Elite directory and club li.-t of Chicago. lb86-87, 1887-88, 1888-89. 3 vols. Chicago. 16°.... Ellet, Chas. jr. Miss, and Ohio rivers. 8°. Phila 1853 Ellet. Mis E. F. Summer rambles in the west. 12°. N. Y. 1853 Ellicott, Andrew. Journal of An- drew Ellicott. 1796-'7-'8-'9-1800. 8°. Phila. 1803 1890 Elected or appointed officials: A Ca- nadian question. (Pub. No. 141, Amer. Acad. Political and Social Science.) Bourinot, J. G. Pam. 1895 Electricity Dept. of. at World's Fair, classification and rules of. Pam, Chicago, n. d Elliott, Jonathan. The debates in ihe several state conventions on the adoption of the Federal Constitution. 5 vols. 8°. Phila. 1891 Elliott, Gen. Isaac H., comp. Rec- ords of services of Ills, soldiers in Black Hawk and Mexican Wars. 8°. Springfield 1882 Elliott, Kichard Smith. Notes taken in sixty years. 8°. St. Louis. 18J*3 Ellis. Edward S. Indian Wars of the U.S. 8°. N.\. 1892 Ellsworth, Spencer. Records of the olden time. (History of Put- nam and Marshall Cos., 111.) 8°. Lacon. 1880 Ely, Burnham and Bartlett, comps. Debates and proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of State of Ills., convened at Sring- field, Dec, 13, 1869. 2 vols. 4°. Springfield. 1870 Emery, Saru'l Hopkins. The Ministry of Taunton. 2 vols. 12°. Boston. 1853 Emigrants' guide, latter day saints. Table of distances, showing creeks, rivers, hills, mountains, camping places, etc., from Coun- cil Bluffs to Valley of Great Salt Lake. Clayton, W. Pam. 12°. St. Louis. 1818 Emigrants' guide to Western and Southern States, and Territories. Darby. Wm. 8°. N. Y. 1818 Emigrants' guide to Western States; or. backwoods and prairies. Re- gan, John. 16°. Edinburgh, n. d Emmons. George F. The Navy of the U. S.. 1775 to 1853. 4°. Washing- ton. 1853 Emmons, Wm. Biography of Martin Van Buren. W T ith an appendix containing selections from his writings. 12°. Washington. 1835 Emory. John. D. D. A defense of "Our Fathers." 8°. N. Y. 1827 Encyclopedias Encyclopaedia Britan- ica. A dictionary of arts, sciences and general literature. Scribners' Chas. Sons, pub. 9th ed. 25 vols. With index. 4°. N. Y 1878-1889 — Appleton, D. & Co. pub. Apple- ton's annual cyclopaedia. New series. 11 vols. 8°. N. Y 1885-87 — - The American annual cyclopaedia. 1862-63 and '64. New series. 3 v. 8°. N. Y. 1863-'5 — Bateman N. and Selby, Paul, eds. Historical encyclopaedia of 111. 4°. Chicago. 1900 — Lippincott, J. B. Co., pub. Cham- ber's encyclopaedia. Amr. ed. 10 vols. 8°. Phila. 1875 1863-64 — Encyclopaedia of Biography of Ills. Century Pub. & Engraving Co. 2 vols. 4°. Chicago. 1892.1894 ENCYCLOPEDIA. llll EPISCOPAL. Even ■•i..'1-.i hi as -Continued. — Ripley, Geo. £ Dana. Chat>. A., ed*. The American cyclopedia. 10 v. and index. 8°. N. Y. 1883-86 — Schribner's. Chaa., Sons, vub. The Encyclopedia Britanica 26 vols. Wiih Index. 9th ed. 4°. N. Y. 1878 1889 Engineering.— Casey, Gen. Thos. Lin- coln.— Report (annual) of the Chief of Engineers. l\ S. A. 1890. r. S Gov't, pub.) 8°. Washing- ton, n. d. Paper Cooley. L. E.— Lakes and gulf wat- erway as related to Chicago san- itary problem. 4°. Chicago 1891 — Guthrie. Ossian.— The Great Lakes and their relation to the Lakes and Gulf waterway. Lake fluctua- tions. Paru. n. d. Chicago — Humphreys, Capt. A. A., and Ab- bot. Lieut. H. L.— Report physics and hydraulics of the Miss, river. 8°. Washington 1867 Illinois Society Engineers and Sur- veyors, Reports annual meetings 1897-98 Illinois, University of. Civil Engin- eers' Club. Selected papers of the Civil Engineers' Club of the University of Ills. Papers, No. 2, 1887-8. Papers, No. 3 1888-9 Illinois, University of. Engineering Societies, The Technograph No. 2 1892-3 — Long. Henry C— Report on condi- tions and prospects of Cairo City 1850. 8°. N Y 1850 McMath, Robert E —The waterway hetween Lake Michigan and the Miss, river by way of the Ills, river. (Reprinted from Journal of Asso. of Engineering Societies) — Warren. Bn v Mai. Gen. G. K.— Report "ii bridging Miss, river be- tween St. Louis and St. Paul. 8°. Washington 1878 [ \ni>.— Aikin. John. Annals of the reign of King George the Third. 1760-1815. 2 vols. 8°. Lon- don 1816 — Knight, Chas. Popular history of jland. (Vol. 9 by Philip Smith) 9 vols. London and N. Y. n. d — Reinsch, Paul Samuel. English common law in the early Ameri- can colonies. Paper. 8°. Madison 1899 England — Oontinut d. U. S. House Representatives. Doc- uments relative to Central Ameri- can all airs, and the enlistment question. 8°. Washington 1856 ENGLISH, William II. Address at an- nual meeting and banquet of the Indiana Soe. Suns Amr. Rev. 8°. I'am, Indianapolis 1896 — Conquest of the country northwest of the Ohio river and life of Gen. Geo. Rogers Clark. 2 vols. 8°. Indianapolis 1896 ENGLISH common lt»w in the early American colonies; a thesis sub- mitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Univ. of Wis. 1898 Economics, political science and history series No. 4. Reinsch. Paul Samuel. Paper. 8°. Madi- son 1899 — English folk-lore and legends. (Vol. 1, 2nd aeries, Folk-lore and Leg- ends.) C. J. T. ed. 16°. London. 1890 English language. Bartlett.John Rus- sell. — Dictionary of American- isms. 2nd ed. 8°. Boston 1859 See dictionaries and encyclopedias — Literature. Mills, Abraham, A. M. Literature and literary men of Great Britain und Ireland. 2 vols. 8°. N. Y 1851 — The Spectator. Vol. 2 only. 16°. Philadelphia 1824 — Spelling book. Accompanied by a progressive series of easy and familiar lessons; intended as an introduction to the reading and spelling of the English language. 16°. London, n. d Enos, Z. A. The early surveyors and surveying in Ills. Paper read be- fore the Ills. Society of Engineers, Jan. 29, 189L I'am. 8°. Springfield 1891 — The subdivision of government sections. By what rules of law are course, distance and area gov- erned? Pam. 8°. Springfield.... 1885 Episcopal Church. Beecher, Rev, Thos. K. The Episcopal church. A lecture. 16°. Rochester, N. Y. Paper 1870 — C. W. A. Papers on the proposition of the "Nine Bishops." 12°. Pa- per. Phila 1871 EPISCOPAL. Ill EPISCOPAL. Episcopal— Contimted. — DeKoven. Rev. James. The canon on ritual and the Holy Eucharist. 16°. N. Y 1874 — DeKoven. Rev. James. Letter to the clergy and laity of the diocese of Ills. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1875 — Farrington. Rev. Wm. G.. ed. The Church almanac for 1869. Paper. 12°. N.Y — Granger, Rev. Francis. The cathe- dral system. Pam. 8°. Buffalo. 1876 — Hopkins, Rev. J. H., jr. A correspon- dence between the Bishop of Western N. Y. and the Rev. Mr. Hopkins. 8°. Pam 1873 — Hopkins, Rev. John H. Letters to the Bishops and delegates of the Protestant Episcopal Church, now assembled at Montgomery. Pam. 8°. N.Y 1861 — - Defence of the convention of the P. E. Church in Mass. Pam. 8°. Boston 1832 — Hopkins, J. N. Shall Connecticut be our first province? Pam. n. d House of Bishops. Pastoral letter addressed to the Protestant Epis- copal church in the U. S. A. by House of Bishops. Pam. 8°. N. Y. Illinois. For Episcopal Church in Illinois, see Illinois church history 1874 Kenvon College. Gambier, 0„ Two pamphlets relating to Ken- yon College and Bishop Chase... - Catalogue and historical sketch of Pam. 8° 1831 1880 Chase. Rev. P. Defence of Ken- yon College. Pam. 8°. Columbus 1831 Chase, Rev. Samuel. Remarks upon recent publications against the Rt. Rev. Philander Chase, D. D. Pam. 12°. Steubenville.. 1832 Chase. Rev. Samuel. Three let- ters addressed to Bishop Chase, in the matter of the present in- debtedness of Kenyon College, in- troduced by a letter from Bishop Chase to Bishop M'llvane. Pam. 12°. Peoria 1843 - Correspondence between Bishops Chase and M'llvane. Pam. 12°. Detroit 1834 - Western Herald and Steubenville Gazette, supplement to. Bishop Chase's defence of himself, against the late conspiracy at Gambier. Ohio. In a series of letters to his friends, dated ... 1831-1832 Kerfoot. Sam'l H. Bishop White- house and the Diocese of 111. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1860 Langford, Wm. S. Report (annual) on foreign missions of the Protes- tant Episcopal church. Pam. 8°. N.Y 1892 Langford. Rev. W. S. The prayer book and missions. Pam 1893 Meade, Bishop William. Old churches, ministers and families ofVa. 2 vols. 8°. Phila 1889 Order for daily evening prayer. 16°. Oxford, England 1886 Potts, James & Co., pub. The American church almanac and year book for 1893. 12°. Paper. N.Y 1892 Seymour, Geo. F. The issue of fact between Bishop Coxe and Prof- Seymour. Pam 1874 Seymour, Rt. Rev. Geo. F. Ad- dresses and sermons of the Bishop of the diocese of Springfield. Pams. n. d - An open letter to the Rt. Rev. Wm. C. Doane, in reference to the consecration of Rt. Rev. Dr. Brooks, Bishop of Mass. 8°. Springfield 1892 Smith. Rev. Thos., ed. The Ameri- can Churchman for 1866. Bound 1 vo). Chicago - The Northwest Church, 1862-1866, inclusive. Bound, 1 vol. Chicago Swope, C. E. The provincial sys- tem. Pam. 8°. N.Y 1870 Wilson, James Grant, ed. f The Chi- cago Record. A journal devoted to religion, literature and the fine arts. April 1. 1857, to March 15, 1862. Bound 1 vol EPISODES. L12 EVERTS. I odbs of the Civil War. Nine cam- paigns in nine States. Fremont in Mo.; Curtis in Mo. and Ark.; Hal leek's siege of Corinth; Buell in Ky.j Rosecrans in Ky. and Tenn.; Granl al the battle »f Chattanooga: Sherman, Chattan- ooga tO Atlanta: Thomas in Tenn. and N. I ' ; Stanley in Texas; in which is comprised the history of 59th Reg'1 Ills Vel Inf. with spe- cial mention of regt's with which it was brigadt d in L861-1865. Herr, Geo. W. B . San Fran 1890 Epitome of Greek grammar. Strong:, Prof. James. Pani. 12°. n. d Erie Co.. X. V. Johnson, Crisfield. Centennial History of Erie Co.. N.Y. 8°. Buffalo, N. V 1876 E. H. L. A graduate Boston Univer- sity. Life of Caleb David Bradlee. D.IK Pam. Boston 1893 in, Milo. History of Williamson County, Ills. 16°. Marion 1876 Essais historiques et politiques sur la Revolution de L'AmSrique Sep- tenriouale. Auberteuil. Billiard d'. 2 v. 12°. Brussels and Paris 1782 Essays of an Americanist— 1. Ethnologic and archaeologic. 2. Mythology and folk-lore. 3. Graphic systems and litera- ture. 4. Linguistic. Brinton. Daniel G. 8°. Phila.... 1890 Essay toward an Indian bibliography. Catalogue of books relating to his- tory antiquities, languages, cus- toms, religion, wars, literature and origin of American Indians in the libraryof the author. Field, Thos. \V. s . X. V 1873 Essex Antiquarian, The. An illustra- ted monthly magazine, devoted to the biography, genealogy, history and antiquities of Es»ex Co., Mass. Perley, Sidney, ed. Vol. 1, No. 2 to 12, 1897. Vol. 2 com- plete. 1898 Espy, Josiah and others. Miscella- nies. *Ohio Valley Hist. Series. 8°. Cincinnati 1871 Esquemelinu. Joseph. History of the lmceaoeers of America. 8°. Bos- ton 1853 Ethnology. -See Indians and Archae- ology. Ivn de sur ui arte Inconnue-la pre- miere dress^e par Louis Joliel 1671 apres son exploration du Miss. avec Marquette, i«;~3. Gravier, Gabriel. Taper. 8°. Paris 1880 Eulo<;y on Abraham Lincoln, late Fres. If. S.. delivered before New fing. Historic-Genealogical Soc, Bos- ton, May 3, 1S65. Nason. Elias. Pam. 8°. Boston 1865 — Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, de- livered before municipal author- ities of Boston, June l, 1865. Sum- ner, Chas. Pam. 8°. Boston.... 1865 — Eulogy on President Lincoln, de- livered in Citadel Square Church. Chariest. .1). S. C. May 6, 1866, at request officers and soldiers in Northern District, Dept. of the South. Coddington, David S. Pam 8°. N. Y 1865 — Eulogy pronounced in City Hall. Providence, April 19, 1865, on the occasion of the funeral solemni- ties of Abraham Lincoln. Dean. Rev. Sidney. Pam. 8°. Provi- dence 1865 See Biography, Lincoln. Eureka College. Catalogues of. 1883- 1884.189-6. Pams European Colonies in America. Burck, Win Bistoire des Colonies Eu- ropeennes dans L'Amerique. 2 vols 16°. Paris 1767 — History. Cheyney. Edward P., ed. Translations and reprints from original sources of European his- tory. (Pub. De'Dt. Hist. Dnivr. Pa. I Pam. o. d Events in Indian history. Account of origin of the American r ndians ami early settlements in North Amer Drake Samuel G. comp. 8°. Lancaster 1841 Everett. Chas. Carroll. A sermon in commemoration of the death of Abraham Li In. Pam. 8°. Ban- gor, Me 1865 — Edward Introductory address to "Rebellion R rd." on "Ca ises ot the struggle and great issues befo e the country " vol. 1. Rebell- ion R rd. 8° N Y 1861 Everts. Raskin & Stewart, pubs. Combination atlas map of Mc- Henry Co. Ills. Folio. Chicago- 1872 EVERYDAY. 113 FARNHAM. Everyday life of Abraham Lincoln. Browne. Francis P. Published in the National Tribune, Washing- ton. D. C. Aug. 16, 1900 Ewing, Gen. Thomas. Address at cen- tennial celebration of the settle- ment of the N. W. Territory, Marietta. Ohio. July 15, 1883. Pam Ewing College. Catalogues of 1889-92 Excursion through U. S. and Canada, 1822-23. By an English Gentle- man, 12°. London 1824 Exercises in commemoration of the birthday of Washington, Feb. 22, 1895. Union League Club, pubs. 8°. Chicago 1895 Expeditions of Zebulon Montgomery Pike, to headwaters of the Miss, river through Louisiana territory and in Nev^ Spain, 1805-6-7. Coues Elliott.ed. 3 vols. 8°. N. Y 1895 Experimental school for idiots and feeble minded children of the State of Ills. Reports (3rd and 4th.) Directors and Superinten- dendent 1S67-18G8. Pam. 8°. Spring- held 1869 Exploration and survey of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, including a reconnoissance of a new route through the Rocky Mountains. Printed by order U. S. Senate. Maps of the route. Stansbury, Howard. 8°. Phila 1852 Exploration of Lake Superior. Voy- ages of Radisson and Groseilliers. Parkman Club Pub.. No. 2. Camp- hell, Henry Colin. 8°. Pam. Mil- waukee 1896 Exploration of the Red River of Loui- siana in 1852. Atlas. Maps of re- port. Marcy, Randolph B. As- sisted by McClellan, G. B. 8°. Washington 1854 Explorations and Discovery. See Travel and Voyages. Explorations of Father Marquette and others in the Miss. Valley. An address delivered at St. Ignace, Mich.. Aug. 7,1895, on the occasion of the demonstration to inaugu- rate the project of erecting a mon- ument to Father Marquette. (Pub, in Amer. Catholic Hist. Re- searches, Vol. 12, No. 4, Oct. 1895.) Springer, Wm. M Expositions, Fairs, &c. Ills. Commis- sion to Trans-Miss. Exposition, Omaha. Report. Pam. 8°. Spring- field 1899 —8 H. L. — Ills. State Board of Agriculture. Premium Lists Ills. State Fair. 1891. 94, 96. 98. 99. v. y. Pams — Seymour, Rev. Geo. F. Oration on laying corner stone Exposition Building Ills. State Fair. July 4, 1894. 8°. Boston 1894 See Illinois. Express Companies. American Ex- press Co. List of its officers and connections. 12°. Chicago, n. d — Stimson, A. L. History of express companies, and the origin of Amr. R. R. 2d ed. 8°. N. Y 1858 Extracts from journal written on coasts of Chili, Peru and Mexico in 1820, 1821 and 1822. Hall, Basil. 4th ed. 2 vols. 12°. Edinburgh 1825 — from Convention Journal and other publications in regard to Episco- pate fund. Diocese of Ills. Episco- pal Church. (Newspaper and other clippings.) Extracts from supplementary letter from the Ills. An address to Brit- ish emigrants, and a reply to the remarks of Wm. Cobbett, Esq. Birkeck, Morris. 2d ed. 12°. Lon- don 1319 Factory inspectors of Ills. Reports (annual), v.y. 8°. Springfield.. 1896-99 Facts about Denver. Ingersoll. Ed- win, comp. 16°. Denver 1892 Fairs. See Expositions. Falconer, Thos. Discovery of the Mississippi. 12°. London 1844 Falkner, Roland P., ed. Sketch of the career and labors of Prof. Ed- mund J. James. (Reprinted from annals Am. Acad. Political and Social Science, vol. 7. No. 1. 1896. ) .... Fall of New France, 1755-1760. Hart, Gerald E. 8°. Montreal 1888 Far West.; (The) ; or, a tour beyond the mountains. Western life and scenery , % sketches, ancient mounds, early settlements of the French, etc. Flagg, Edmund T. 12°. N. Y 1838 Farnham, Eliza W. Life in Prairie Land. 2d ed. 12°. N. Y 1846 Also, another edition. 12°. N.Y.. 1847 Farnham. J. T. The early days of Cal- ifornia. 12°. Phila I860 FAKNSWOKTII. FICTION. Pabnswobth, Fred. E.. and Trow- bridge. L. S., editors. Michigan at Gettysburg, July 1. 2, and 8. 1863-June 12. 1889. 8°. Detroit.... 1S-89 Fakkington, Rev. Wm. G., ed. The Church Almanac for 1869. 12°. N. Y .... Fathers of the Springfield. Ills.. Bap- tist Ass'n. Paper read at 50th anniversary. Sept. 7, 1887. Walker, Edwin S. 8°. Springfield 1887 Faux, W. An English Farmer. Mem- orable days in America. 8°. Lon- don 1823 Fayette Co. 111.. Brink, McDonough & Co. History of Fayette Co.. 111. 4°. Phila 1878 Fearon, Henry Bradshaw. Sketches of America. 8°. London 1819 Federalist, (the) on the New Consti- tution; written in 1788. with an appendix containing the letters of Pacificus and Helvidius on proclamation of neutrality of 1793; also, the original articles of confederation, the constitution of the U. S.. witli the amendments made thereto. Hamilton, Alex- ander; Madison, James, and Jay, John. 8°. Hallowell. Me 1826 Federate Council of the Province of Ills. (Episcopal.) Journal of the 1st. 2d and 3d meetings. 8°. Chi- cago 1882 Feitshans. J. C 6th annual cata- logue of the Feitshans school of elocution and oratory. 1883-4. 8°. Pam. Springfield 1884 Felton, Chas. E. Prison labor. An address delivered before Nation- al Prison Congress, at Atlanta, Ga.. Nov. 11. 1886. Pam. 8°. n. d Female life among the Mormons. Narrative of many years' personal experience by the wife of a Mor- mon Elder(Maria Ward). 12°. N.Y 1856 Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic, History of the reign of. Prescott, Wm. H. 3 vols. 12°. Phila 1869 Fergus Historical Series. See Chicago. Fergus, Robt. Biographical sketch of John Dean Caton. Fergus Hist. Series No. 21. 12°. Chicago. 1882 .... — Comp. Chicago River and Harbor Convention. 1847. An account of its proceedings. Fergus Hist. Series No. 18. 12°. Chicago. 1882 F; i; ( ;u8— Continued. — Directory of the City of Chicago. 1839. Fergus Hist. Series No. 2. 12°. Chicago. 1876 — Directory of the City of Chicago, 1843. Fergus Hist. Series No. 28. 12°. Chicago. 18% Ferguson. Wm.. F. L. S.. etc. America by river and rail. 8°. London. 1856 Fkknow. Berthold. New York in the Revolution. (Doc's relating to Colonial History of. N. Y. vol. 15. State Archives, vol. 1.) 4°. Albany. N. Y. 1887 — Tho Ohio Valley in colonial days. Munsells' Historical Series No. 17. 8°. Albany. 1890 Ferrell. S. A., esq. Ramble of 6,000 miles through U. S. A. 8°. Lon- don. 1832 Ferris, Benj. G. Utah and the Mor- mons. 12°. N.Y. 1854 Ferris, Mrs. B. G The Mormons at home. Incidents of travel from Mo. to Cal.. 1852-1853. Series of letters. 12°. N. Y. 1856 Few (A) acts and actors in the tragedy of the Civil War in U. S. Wilson. Wm. Bender. 12°. Phila. 1892 Few (A) choice examples of Mormon practices and sermons. Mysteries of the Endowment House. Brig- ham Young's Will. Fraud on the Will. Mormon Expositor. Moun- tain Meadow Massacre. Mormon absurdities. Saintly falsity. David Whitmer talks. Anon. n. d Ficklin, Orlando B. Remarks to the Democracy of Pittsfield. 111.. Sept. 22, 1860. Pam.. bound in a collec- tion of speeches, by various ora- tors of the period. 1858-1862 Fiction. Anonymous. Heart of the West. An American Story. 8°. Chicago. 1871 — Catherwood. Mary Hartwell. Lady of Fort St. John. 12°. Boston. 1892 — - Old Kaskaskia. A Novel. Pub. in 4 parts in Atlantic Monthly. Jan., Feb.. March and April. 1893 — - Romance of Dollard. 12°. N.Y... 1889 — - Spanish Peggy. A story of young Illinois. 8°. Chicago and N. Y. 1899 FICTION. 115 FIFTY. Fiction— Con tinned. — Catherwood. Mary Hartwell. The Story of Tonty. 12°. Chicago.. 1892 — From Timber to Town. Anon. 12°. Chicago. 1891 — Harlan. Caleb. M. D. Ida Ran- dolph of Va.; a historical novel in verse; and.The Pate of Marcel. 2ded. 12°. Phila 1890 — Helmer. Myra Bradwell. Short stories. 3d ed. 16°. Chicago.... 1896 — Holbrook. Elizabeth. Old Kaskia days. 12°. Chicago 1893 — Kirkland, Joseph. The McVeys. 12°. N. Y 1888 — - The Captain of Co. K. 8°. Chicago. 1891 — - Zury. The meanest man in Spring Co. 12°. BostonandN. Y 1892 — Mitford, Mary Russell, ed. Stories of American life: by American writers. 3 vols. 12°. London... 1830 — Richardson, Major. Hardscrabble; or, the Fall of Chicago, 12°. N. Y 1888 — Scofleld, Chas. J. A subtle adver- sary. 8°. Cincinnati 1891 — Sewell. A. Black beauty. 12°. Bos- ton 1890 Fidler, Rev. Isaac. Observations on the U. S. and Canada in 1832. 12°. London 1833 Field. Hon. Richard S. Address on life and character of Abraham Lincoln. 8°, Pamphlet. Trenton, N. J 1866 — Thomas W. Essay toward an In- dian bibliography, 8°. N. Y 1873 — Columbian Museum, publications of. Report series, Vol. 1. No. 1 to Vol. 1, No. 5. inc. Paper. 8°. Chi- cago 1895-1899 — - Publication 1. Vol. 1, No. 1. An historical and descriptive account of the Field Col. Museum. 8°. Chicago 1894 — - Publication 2, Vol. 1, No. 2. The authentic letters of Columbus. Curtis, Wm. Eleroy, comp. Pa- per. 8°. Chicago 1895 — (The), is the World, (poetry.) For use of societies. Smith, Mrs. George Clinton. Pamphlet. 2d ed. 8°. Springfield 1879 Fifer. Joseph W. nors. See Illinois Gover- Fifteen years residence with the Mor- mons. Discloses mysteries of polygamy, by sister of one of the high priests. Edited by N. W. Green. Smith. Mrs. Mary Ettie V. 12°. Chicago 1876 Fifteenth Reg. Ills. Vol. Inf. Fourth annual reunion of, Rockford.Ills., May 25, 1885. Pamphlet. Aurora 1885 Fiftieth Reg. Ills. Vol. Inf., history of, in war of the Union. Hubert, Chas.F. 8°. Kansas City 1894 Fifty-fifth Reg. 111. Vol. Inf. Com- mittee of, comps. Story of the Reg't in Civil War. 1861-1865. 8°. Clinton, Mass 1887 Fifty-ninth Reg't of Ills., Vet. Vols. Inf., history of. Nine campaigns in nine states. Fremont in Mo.. Curtis in Mo. and Ark.. Halleck's siege of Corinth. Buell in Ky., Rosecrans in Ky. and Tenn.. Grant at battle of Chattanooga, Sherman. Chattanooga to Atlanta, Thomas in Tenn. and N. C, and Stanley in Texas. Special men- tion of regiments with which 59th Ills, was brigaded from 1861 to 1865. Herr. Geo. W. 8°. San Francisco 1890 — Illinois Volunteers; or. a three years' campaign through Mo.. Ark.. Miss.. Tenn. and Ky.; with description country, towns, skirm- ishes and battles. Incidents, cas- ualties and anecdotes met with on the way. Lathrop. Dr. D. 12°. Indianapolis. 1865 Fifty years ago; or. gleanings from history of northern Ills., shortly previous to and during Bl'k Hawk War. Woodruff, G. H. 8°. Joliet. 1883 — years in the Church of Rome.— Chiniquy, Father Chas. 12°. Chi- cago 1892 — years on the Mississippi; or.Gould's history of river navigation. Gould, E. W. 8°. St. Louis 1889 — years' recollections, with observa- tions and reflections on historical events; sketches of the lives and public services of eminent citi- zens of Illinois. Bonham. Jeriah. 12°. Peoria 1883 FILSON in. FIRST. F1L8ON. John, Discovery, settlement and presenl Btate of Ky. 16°. N. V 1793 (Imlay'a Description Western Territory \'"i 1. this ed.) it:*:! — John, the flrsl historian of Ky. An nini of his ufe and writings, principally from ■ > 1- 1 lt i n -< I boup Prepared for Filson Club and read nt it* meeting, Louisville, Ky.. June 26, 1884. Durrett, Reuben T (Pilson Club Puhs. No. 1.) 4 . Cincinnati 1884 Pilson Club (Louisville, Ky.), Publi- cations of— No, I— The life ami writings of Jobn Pilson, the flrsl historian of Ky. Ihirrott. Reuben T. I'aper. 4°. Louisville 1881 No. 2 — The Wilderness Road. Speed. Thomas. 4°. i'aper. Louis- ville 1886 No. 3— The pioneer press of Ky. Perriu. Win. II. 1°. Paper. Louis- ville 1888 No, 4— The life and times of Judge b Walli some time a jus- tice of tli" Court of Appeals of Ky. Whitsitt. Wm. II. Paper. 4°. Louisville isss No. 5— An historical sketch of St. Paul's Church, Louisville, Ky. Durrett, Reuben T. Paper. 4°. Louisville 1889 No. 6— The political beginnings of Ky. Brown .lohn Mason. 4°. Lou- isville 1889 No. 7— The centenary of Ky., June I, 1892, Pn edings of Pilson Club. I . Paper. Louisville 1892 No. s The centenary of Louisville, May l, 1880. Durrett, Reuben T. er. i . Louisville 1891 No, 9 The Political Club of Dan- vill... Kv.. 17m; 17!M). Speed, T I'aper. i . Louisville 1894 No. in— Tlie life and writings of aesgue < 'all, Richard Ells- worth. Paper, i . Louisville 1895 No. ii -Transylvania University; its origin, rise, decline and fall. Peter. Robert, .'/. />.. and Peter. i/ Johanna. Paper, i . Louis- ville 1896 No, 111 — Bryant's Station and the memorial pr sedings held on its under the auspices of the l cihgton Chanter I >. A. R.. An.-. 1-". 1896, in honor of its be- mothers and daughters. Dur- Ri niien T., eomp, Paper. 4°. Louisville 1897 No. 13— First explorations of Ky. Journals of Dr. Tims. Walker, i, and Christopher Cist. 1 75 1 : with biographical sketches and Johnston, J. Stoddard. 4°. Km. 1898 No. 14— The Clay Family. Part l, I h- mot! erof Henry ( 'lay. Smith. /.. P. Part L\ The g of the Clays. Clay, Mrs. Mary Rogers, Paper. 4°. Louisville. 1899 Kiname. Altgeld, Hon. John P. Vol- ume of money In the 1". S. Re printed from St. Louis Republic of Oct 21, 1898. Pam. n. d — American Banker's Assc, pub. Pro- ceedings 28d annual convention Detroit. 1897. 8°. N. V . 1897 — Carnegie, Andrew. The a. B. < money. Reprinted with additions from N. American Review. 12°. N. Y 1891 Qoodwell, Qodek. Currency, evil and the remedy, s. N.V.... 1846 — Hendrix. Jos. C. Address at open- ing -4th annual Convention Ame- rican Banker's Assc. Aug. 1898. Pam — III. State Bankers Asso. See Illi- nois. Finances of U.S. from 1776 to 1789, with special reference to the Bud (Buls. Univrs. Wis. Economics. Pol. Science and Hist. Series Vol. 1, No. 2.) Bullock, Chas. J. 8°. .Madison 1896 Fine Arts World's Columbian Expo- sition. Official catalogue of Dep't of Publicity and Promotion. Pam. Chicago 1893 Finley. Rev. James B. Autobiography of; or, Pioneer life in the West. Edited by W. P. Strickland. 12°. Cincinnati — Life among the Indians. 12°. Cin- cinnati 1857 — Life among the Indians. 12°. (in cinnati 1860 Fire Insurance, (See Insurance.) — Underwriters. Board of. Minimum tariff of rates adopted l.y Board of Fire Underwriters of Spring- geld. Ills., 1866. Same adopted 1879. Rules and regulations and tariff of rates adopted 1891. Con- stitution and by-laws of Spring- field local Board of Fire Under- writers 1887. Same. Is:''.' FlBST chapter of Norwegian Immigra- tion. I sji L840. Its causes and results. With an introduc- tion on the services rendered by the Scandinavians to the world and to America. Anderson, Ras- mus B. B . Madison 1896 — establishment of the faith in New Prance. Trans, with notes, by John Gilmary Shea. LeClercci, Futher Christian 2 vols. 8°. N. Y 1881 FIRST. 117 FLORIDA. First explorations of Ky. Dr. Thos. Walker's journal of an explora- tion of Ky., in 1750. being the first record of a white man's visit to the interior of that territory, now first published entire, with notes and biographical sketch; also, Col. Christopher Gist's journal of a tour through Ohio and Ken- tucky, in 1751, with notes and sketch. Johnston, J. Stoddard. (Pilson Club Pubs. No. 13.) 4°. Louisville, Ky 1898 Fikst Presbyterian Church of Patter- son. N. J. 1— Minutes board trus. tees, 1813-1891. 2— Miscellaneous documents. 3— Minutes of the session. 1813-1892. Nelson, Wm„ comp. Paper. 8°. Patterson.... 1893 Fish. Fish Commissioners, State of Illinois. Biennial reports. See Ills. State Fish Commsrs. — Fish laws of Ills. In force Sept. 1898. (In biennial report of Ills. State Fish Commsrs. 1896-1898, pages 62-67. inc.) — Littlefield & Chamberlayne. Fish- eries within the territorial limits of the States are not subject to congressional control. Pam. 8°. Boston 1892 — Rafinesque, Constantine Samuel. Ichthyologia Ohiensis. Richard Ellsworth Call. ed. No. 224 of this ed. 8°. Cleveland 1899 — Steedman, I. G. W. Carp and carp culture in Missouri, with an appendix on native fish. Pam. 8°. St. Louis 1884 Fisher, Geo. & Co. Biographical direc- tory of.Kendall Co. Ills. 8°. Chi- cago 1876 Fisher, Wm. Voyages and travels of of Captains Lewis and Clark. 12°. Baltimore 1812 Fiske, John. American Revolution. 2 vols. 12°. Boston 1892 — Critical period of American histo- ry, 1783.-1789. 12°. Boston 1895 — Discovery of America, with some account of ancient America and the Spanish conquest. 2 vols. 12°. Boston 1892 — Old Virginia and her neighbors. 2 vols. 12°. Boston 1898 — The war of Independence. (River- side library for young people.) 16°. Boston 1693 Fitzpatrick, J. E.. comp. Springfield city directory and Sangamon Co. gazetteer for 1887-8. 8°. Spring- field 1887 Five civilized tribes in Indian Territo- ry. Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choc- taw, Creek, and Seminole na- tions. Census Office, U. S. Dept. Interior. Paper. 4°. Washington 1894 Five minutes talk about Buffalo, Erie Co.,N, Y. Its business facilities and advantages as a place of res- idence and summer resort. Thur- stone, Wm., pub. 8°. Buffalo 1885 Flagg. Edmund T. The Far West. 12°, N.Y 1838 Flagler, Maj. D. W. History of the Rock Island Arsenal. 4°. Wash- ington 1877 Flags. Campbell, Robert Allen. Our Flag; or. the evolution of the Stars and Stripes. 12°. Chicago.. 1890 — Miller, Chas. Kingsbury. Desecra- tion of the American flag and pro- hibitive legislation. Pam. n. d — Society of Colonial Wars in Ills., pub. The misuse of the national flag of the U. S. A. 8°, Pamphlet. Chicago 1895 Flanders, Henry. Lives and times of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the U. S. First series. John Jay, John Rutlege. 8°. Phila. 1855 Flinn, John J. Chicago, the marvel- ous city of the wesc. History, en- cyclopaedia and a guide, 1891. 12°. Chicago 1890 Flint, Grover. Marching with Gomez. 12°. Boston 1898 — Timothy. History and geography of the Miss. Valley 3rd ed. 8°. Boston 1833 — Timothy, ed. Indian wars of the West. 16°. Cincinnati 1833 — - Personal narrative of Jas. O. Pat- tie, of Kentucky. 12°. Cincinnati. 1833 — - Recollections of the last ten years in the Miss. Valley. 8°. Boston. 1826 — - Western Monthly Review. 2 vols. 8°. Cincinnati. Vols. 1 and 2 1828-9 Florida for health, pleasure and profit. Donnell, F. S.. pub. 12°. Chicago, n.d FLORIDA. 118 FORNEY. Fi.oi;ii>\ Continued. — French, B. P. Historical collections of Louisiana and Florida. 7 vols. 8°. N. V 1846 76 — Qarcllasso. Inca /<». His- toire de la Conqu6te de la Flo- ride. Trans. Into the French by ■ar Peter Rlchelet L6 . Paris. 1709 Plant System. R. R. anil 8. S. Lines, pubs. From the north and west through Florida to the Gulf ef Mexico. 12°. Buffalo 1892 Shipp. Barnard. History of DeSoto and Florida, 1612-68. 8°. Phila... 1881 — Volney, C. F. View of the climate and soil of the U. S. A., to which is annexed some account of Flor- ida. 8°. London 1804 Flower. Frank A. History of the He- publican party. >S° Springfield, Ills 1884 George, History of the English Settlements In Edwards Co., Ills., 1817-1818. (Chicago Hist. Soc. col- lections, vol. 1.) 8°. Chicago.... 1882 Folk-Lore and Mythology. C. J. T. ed. Folk-Lore and Legends, 1st series, German, Oriental, Scotland and Ireland. 2d series. England, Scan- dinavian. Russian and North American Indians. 8 vols. 16°. London 1892 — Dorman, Kushton M. Origin of primitive superstitions. 8°. Phila 1881 — Nature Worship. Privately printed, 12° n. d 1892 Foot-prints of an Itinerant. An auto- biography. Gaddis. Maxwell Pier- son. 12°. Cincinnati 1863 — Of vanished races in the Miss. Val- ley. Accounts of monuments and relics of prehistoric races with suggestions as to their ori- gin and uses. Conant, A. J. 8°. St. Louis 1879 FOOTS, Bev. Win. Henry. Sketches of Virginia historical and biograph- ical. 2d Beries, 2d ed. 8 . Phila. 1856 FOB a Sea Fight, (irny. Edward Mc • Jiie. n. Poem published on be- half of the Florence Free Library fund. Pamphlet. 12°. Florence. N. M [896 Forbes, Edwin. Thirty years after. An artist's story of the great war. (Army sketch book.) L> vols. Folio N. Y 1890 Fobbes— Continued. — James (;. Report trial by court martial of Brig, i ten Win. Hull. Jan. 3, 1814. 8 . N. V 1814 — S. A. The Gui-Anii'-e in Illinois. Published fa the lllini. Univer- sity of Illinois, Sept. 25, 1896 — -The ornithology of ills. (Nat- ural Hist. Survey of Illinois.) 8°. Springfield i i k, Peter, eomp. American Ar- chives. 1774-1776, 4th series. 6 vols. Folio. Published Washington. 1837-1846 — The Declaration of Independence. or, notes on Lord Mahon's His- tory of the Amr. Dec. of Ind. 8°. London. 1855. Paper Ford, Paul Leicester, ed. Writings of Christopher Columbus, descript- ive of the discovery and occupa- tion of the New World. Edit* d with an introduction. Small. 1. . N. Y. L8jSe — Gov. Thomas. History of Ills. 1818 to 1847. 12°. Chicago. 1854 — - Mormon difficulties. Report of the Governor in relation to the difficulties in Hancock Co., Dec. 7,1846. (Pub. in reports to Gen. Ass. 1847.) See Ills. Govs — - comp. Immigration and passen- ger movement at ports (J. S.. year ending June 30. 1894. (TJ. S. Govt. pub.) 8°. Washington. 1895 — Worthington Chauncey, editor and collector. Correspondence and journals of Samuel Blachley Webb. 1772 1806. 3 vols. 4°. N. Y. 1893-94 — - General orders issued by Biaj. Gen. Israel Putnam 1777. 8°. Brooklyn. 1893. Paper Forman, Maj. Samuel. Narrative ot journey down the Ohio and Mis- sissippi. 1789-'90. 12°. Cincinnati. 1888 Forms of procedure for general and Bummary Courts Martial, Courts of inquiry, investigations, naval and marine examining ami retir- ing boards. Compile! and arran- ged by < has. H. Lauchheimer, un- der the direction of Capt. Sam. C. Lemley, Judge Advocate Gen. I'. S. (I". S. Gov't Pub.) 8°. Washington 1896 Forney. John W. Anecdotes of pub- lic men. 2 vols. 12°. N. Y. 1S73-1881 FORSTER, 119 FRANKLIN. Forster, John Reinhold, translator. Travels through that part of N. Anir. formerly called La. 12°. London. 1771 Fort, Ancient, great prehistoric earth- work. Warren Co., Ohio. Moore- head, Warren K. 2d ed. 12°. Cincinnati 1890 Fort Pillow Massacre. U. S. Congress Com. on Conduct of War. (U.S. Pub. Doc. House Report 38 Cong., 1 Session. 8°. Washington, n. d Fort Wayne, Indiana. Brice, Wallace A. History of Fort Wayne. 8°. Ft. Wayne. 1868 Forty years a fur trader on the Upper Missouri. Personal narrative of Chas. Larpenteur, 1833-1872. Maps, views and portraits. Coues, Elli- ott, ed.. with many critical notes. (American Explorers series.) 2 vols. 8°. N. Y 1898 Forty years among the Indians. Nar- rative of the author's experience among natives. Jones, Daniel W. 8°. Salt Lake City 1890 Forty years a gambler on Miss, river. Devol.Geo. H. 12°. Cincinnati.. 1887 Forty-fifth Reg. Ills. Vols., histori- cal sketch of. Complete list of officers and privates and an indi- vidual record of each man in the Reg't. Adair. Capt. John M. 8°. Lanark. 1869. Pam Foster, Geo. E. Literature of the Cherokees. 12°. Ithaca 1889 Foster, J. W.. LL. D. Miss. Valley; its physical geography. 8°. Chi- cago 1869 — - Prehistoric races of the U. S. A. 4th ed. 8°. Chicago 1878 Fouke, P. B. Speech on state sover- eignty and national union, in re- ply to Mr. Farnsworth (Ills.), de- livered in U. S. House of Rep., Dec. 24. 1859. (Bound in a collec- tion of speeches by orators of the period, 1858-1862) Foulke. Wm. Dudley. Life of Oliver P. Morton. 2 vols. 8°. Indian- apolis 1899 Fowke, Gerard. Notes on Ohio arche- ology. The geology of Ohio. n. d. Pam Fowler, Rev. Bishop, C. H. General Grant, Memorial address. 12°. San. Fran 1885 — Rev. Henry. Character and death of Abraham Lincoln. Pam. 8°. Auburn, N. Y 1865 — Jacob. See Coues Elliott. Fowler, John, jr. Address on the death of President Lincoln. Pam. 8° N. Y 1865 France. Armagnac L. M. Washburne et Mgr. Darboy. 8°. Paris 1877 Brentano, pub. Mr. Whitelaw Reid in France, 1889-1892. Fare- well dinner to the U. S. Minister, Paris, March 24. 1892. Paper. 8°. Paris 1892 — Carlyle, Thomas. The French Rev- olution. 2 vols, in one. 12°. N. Y 1885 — Guizot. Francois Pierre Guillaume. Popular history of France from the earliest limes. Translated by Robert Black. 6 vols. 8° Boston, n.d — Martin, Bon Louis Henri. Popular history of France. Translated by Mary L. Booth and A. L. Alger. 2 vols. 8°. Boston 1857 — Richer, Jean. Histoire de la Paix entre les Roys de France et d'Espagne. 16°. Paris 1605 — Rosenthal, Lewis. America and France. 12°. N. Y 1882 — Titmarsh, Mr. M. A. (Pseud, of Wm. M. Thackery.) The second funeral of Napoleom 32°. London 1841 Francis. Julius E., Collector. Lincoln memorial collection, dedicatory exercises and catalogues. Prop- erty Lincoln Birthday Assc. Pam, 8°. Buffalo 1887 — S. and Francis, A., eds. and pubs. Ills. Daily Journal (Bound) 1850- 1851 Franklin. WalterS. comp. Revolution- ary war claims. (U. S. Gov't. Pub.) 8°. Washington 1838 Franklin County. Ills. Goodspeed pub. Co. History of Gallatin, Sa- line, Hamilton, Franklin and Will- iamson Cos. 8°. Chicago 1887 FRANCS. 12i I <;.\<;k. Khan - i >es Francs. PhBKDLBY, Edwin T. Phila. and its manufactures. A hand book. 12°. Phila 1858 Free Masonry. Se< Masonry. Fkee public libraries of Mass. Paper map showing cities and towns, their library statistics, &c. Bart- Lett, < leo. H.. corny Soil Party in Wis. Smith. Theodore Clarke. (From Proceedings Wis. Hist. Boc. 1894.] Paru. 8°. Madi- son 1895 Fkeedmen's Bulletin, supplement to, Sept. 1864. Baton, John J. Pam. Chicago Frelinghuyben, Frederick T, Obse- quies of Abraham Lincoln, in Newark, N. J.. April 19. 1865. Ora- tion. Pam. 8 r . Newark. N.J... . 1865 Fremont. Brevet Capt, J. <\ Report exploring expedition to Kooky Mis. 3°. Washington 1815 FRENCH, B. F. Historical collections of Louisiana and Florida 7 vols. See Louisiana. 8°. N. Y 1846-1875 — Chas. Wallace. Abraham Lincoln. the liberator. A biographical sketch. 12°. N. Y 1891 — Jonathan. The true Republican. 12°. Phila 1852 — In America during war of the Inde- pendence of the U. S., 1777-1783, Trans, by Thos. W., Edwin S., EliseW. Balch. Balch.Thos. 2 vols. 8°. Phila 1891-95 — Revolution; a history. Carlyle, Thomas. 2vols. in one. 12 . X.Y. 1885 French and Indian War. Knox, ( John. An historical journal of the campaigns in N. America in 1757 '68 '59 and L760. 2 vols. 4°. 1 iondon 1769 — Morris, Chas. Map of Northern English colonies and French neighboring settlements in lTiit. Published to i mpany Pote's Journal. 8°. N. V 1896 — Pote, Win. jr. Journal of, during his captivity in the French and Indian War. from May. 1715, to to August, 1717. A tmpanied by Morris' map. 1749. 8°. N. Y 1896 — Rogers, Mai, Robert. Journals of, 1755-61. 12°. London 1765 Friendlv discussion upon religious subjects. Rich, Ben. E. Pamph- let n. d From Cirtland to gall Lake City. Little. .lames A. 8°. Salt Lake City ... . 1890 From the North andWest through Flor- ida to the Gull of Mexico and on to Cuba, via Plant System. Plant System R, B & S. S. lines, j>ub. 12 . Buffalo 1892 From timber to town— down in Egypt, by an early settler. 12 3 . Chicago 1891 Frost, John, ed. Book of the Indians of North America. 12°. N.Y.... 1845 — Book of the Navy. 12°. N. Y 1843 — Border Wars of the West. 8°. N. Y 1856 — Daring and heroic deeds of Amer- ican women. 12°. Phila 1860 — Indian wars of the U. S. 8° 133 Indian wars of the U. S. 8°. N. Y. 1856 — Pictorial history of the U. S. A. 2 vols. 8°. Phila 1846 Fuller, Allen C, comp. Annual re- ports of Adjutant General State Ills.. 1861-62. Allan C. Fuller. I Gen. 2 vols. 8°. Springfield.... 1863 — S. M. (Margaret, Marchioness Os- soli.) Summer on the Lakes in 1843. 12°. Boston 1884 Fullbrton, J. S. Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park. (D.S. Gov't Pub.) 8° 1895 Fulton Co., Ills. Chapman, Chas. C. and Co.. put. History of Fulton county, Ills. B . Peoria 1879 — Haskell. W. 11., pub. Sectional map of Fulton county. 32°. Can- to,, 18SJ — Swan. Alonzo M. Canton; its pioneers and history. 8°. Canton 1871 FUR Trader.(A) Traits of American In- dian life and character. By a fur trader. 12°. London 1853 lis, B< v M. P. Sermon on the as- sination of Abraham Lincoln. 8°. Cincinnati 1865 Maxwell Pierson. Foot-prints of an itinerant. An autobiography. 12°. Cincinnati 1863 Cage and Bubbell, pub. G. A. R. di- rectory of Cincinnati and vicinity. 16°. Cincinnati 1887 GALE. 121 GAZETTEERS. Gale. Rev. G. W. Artieles of faith and covenant of the Presbyterian church of Galesburg, Ills., to- gether with the names of all who have been or are now members. To which is appended a sketch of the history of the church. Pamphlet. 12°. Galesburg 1849 — Stephen F.. pub. Public and gen- eral statute laws of the State of Illinois. J. Young Scammon, comp. 8°. Chicago 1839 Galena, Ills., city directory,1855-6. Con- taining also advertisements of the principal merchants, etc. Hough- ton. H. H. & Co., pub. 12°. Galena 1855 Gales, Joseph, sr.. comp. Debates and proceedings of the Congress of the U. S., 1st to 18th Cong. inc. 1789-1824. (Aunals of Cong.) 42 vols. Pub. 8°. Washington. 1834-1S56 Gales & Seaton, pub. Debates and proceedings of Cong. U. S. 1st to 18th Cong, inc., 1789-1824. (Annals of Cong.) 42 vols. Pub. 8°. Wash- ington 1834-1856 — Gales & Seaton, pub. Register of debates in Congress. From 2d Sess. 18th Cong. 1824. to 1st Sess. 25th Cong., 1837. 14 vols in 29 parts. 29 vols. 8°. Washington.1825-1837 Galesburg, Illinois. Chapman Chas. C. & Co. History of Knox Co., 111. Sketch of Galesburg, pages 623-640 See Knox Co. 8°. Chicago 1878 — Gale, Rev. G. W. Articles of I faith and covenant of the Presbyterian church of Galesburg, 111., together with the names of all persons who have been or who are now mem- bers of the church; to which is appended a sketch of the history of the church. Pain. 12°. Gales- burg 1849 — West, Mary Allen. History of the founding of the city of Galesburg. 111., and of Knox College. Manu- script Gallahee, J. E., comp. Best Lincoln stories, tersely told. 16°. Chica- go, n. d — Rev. James. The western sketch- book. 12°. Boston 1850 Gallatin County, 111. Good speed Pub. Co., pubs. History of Gallatin, Saline, Hamilton, Franklin and Williamson counties, Ills. 8°. Chicago 1887 Gallinger, Hon. Jacob H. American tariffs from Plymouth Rock to McKinley. Part Cong. Record. Speech in U. S. Senate. Pam. n. d Carcilasso, Inca de la Vega. Histoire de la Conqu6te de la Floride. Trans, into the French by Caesar Peter Richelet. 16°. Paris 1709 Garfield. James A. 20th President U. S.: born 1831, died 1881. -See biog- raphy. Garland, Hamlin. Series of articles on Gen U. S. Grant, in McClure's Mag.. SDec. 1896 to April, 1897, inc. Early life of Ulysses Grant, Dec, 1896. Grant at West Point, Jan. 1897. Grant in the Mexican War, Feb.1897. Grant's quiet years at Northern Posts, March, 1897. Grant's life in Missouri, April, 1897. Garveau, F. X. History of Canada. Trans, and notes by Andrew Bell. 2v. 8°. Montreal 1862 Gary, George. Life of Hon. Philetus Sawyer. Reprinted from maga- zine of Western history. Pam. n.d Gasparin. Ag6nor Count de. The up- rising of a great people. Trans, from the French, by Mary L. Booth. 12°. N. Y 1862 Gass, Patrick. Journal o£ voyages and travels. 1804-5-6. 12°. Lon- don 1808 Gaty, Samuel, of St. Louis. Mo, Hist. Society publishers. Proceedings April 21. 1881, on presentation, ofjportrait of Samuel Gaty to the society. Address by Hon. John F. Darby. Address of Albert Todd, esq. Biographical sketch of lSam'1 Gaty. Publication Mo. Hist. Soc, No. 5. Pam. 8°. St. Louis 1881 Gayarre, Chas. Louisiana: its his- tory as a French colony. 8°. N. Y 1852 Gaylord. Chas., pub. American naval battles. 12°. Boston 1840 At the foot of Pike's Peak. Some glimpses of Colorado Springs. Gazette Printing Co., pub. Pam. n.d Gazetters and Guides. Clayton, W. The Latter - Day Saint's emi- grant's guide. Table of distances, etc.. from Council Bluffs to the valley of the Great Salt Lake. Pam. 12°. St. Louis 1848 GAZKTTEKKS. 122 GENEALOGY. Q •, i.riF.KK- and Guides — Continued. — Crofntt's overland amide. 8°. St. Louis 1892 Darby. Win. Emigrant's Guide. 8°. M.Y 1818 — Haskel, Daniel, and Smith, J. Cal- vin. Gazetteer of the U. S. of America. 8°. N. Y 1846 of the states of Ills, and Mo. Gen- eral view of each state and its counties; particular description of their towns, villages, rivers, etc.; map and engraving. Beck, Lewis 0. 8°. Albany 1823 Gazettes of Ills., in three parts. Peck, J. M. 16°. Jacksonville.... 1834 2nd ed. 16°.oPhila 1837 — of Ills.. 1882-'84-'86 and '88. Polk. K. L. & Co-, pubs — of the state of Mich., in three parts. Blois. JohnT. 12°. Detroit 1838 Another ed. 12°. Detroit 1839 — of the state of Mo., with map of state, from office of surveyor gen- eral. Wetmore, Alphonso. 8°. St. Louis 1837 — of the U. S. A. Darby, Wm. and Dwight, Theodore, jr. 2nd ed. 8°. Hartford 1835 — Morse. J. The American Gazetteer. 8°. Boston 1798 — Scott. Joseph. The U. S. Gazetteer. 12°. Phila 1795 Gem City Business College, Quincy, Ills., catalogue of. Musselman, B. M. Pam. 12°. Quincy Genealogical Advertiser. (The.) A quarterly magazine of family his- tory. Greenlaw, Lucy Hall, pub. Cambridge, Mass., Mar. 1891. Peri- odical I iENEALOGiCAL notes on the fami- lies of Daniel Lane 2nd, and Mary Griswold Lane, of Killingworth & Wolcott, in Conn. Married at Killingworth, July 14, 1763. Comp. by four of their de- scendants. Lane. H. & W. and Beckwith, A. C. 12°. Elkhorn. Wis.. (Copyright) 1899 — Sketch of the Ludlam family, from the early settlement of Cape May Co., N. J. 1692. Ludlam, An- thony J., comp. Pam. 4°. Spring- field 1878 i.i:\i LLOQY. Allerton, Walter W.. comp. The Allerton family in the ! . 8., 1585-1885; and a genealogy of the descendants of Isaac Al- lerton. "Maytlower Pilgrim." Plymouth, Mass., 1621). Revised and enlarged by Horace True Currier. Published by Samuel Waters Allerton. B . Chicago... 1900 GENEALOGY. American Historical register. Periodical, Sept. and Nov., 1894. Phila — Bailey, Frederic W. The record of my ancestry. 4°. Worcester, Mass 1892 — Beckwith, A. C, ed. Beckwith notes. Paper. Elkhorn, Wis. Se- rial — - Marvin Beckwith and his wife, Abigail Clark, their colonial an- cestors and their descendants. Paper. 8°. Elkhorn. Wis 1899 — - Lane & Beckwith. Genealogical notes on the families of Daniel Lane 2nd and Mary Griswold Lane. Married July 14, 1763. Pa- per. Elkhorn, Wis 1899 — Browning, Chas. H. Americans of royal descent. Index to inter- marriages of Americans of royal descent. Pam. 4°. Phila. Sample pages 189! — Brush family. See Wallbridge. — Burleigh, Chas. Genealogy of the Burley or Burleigh family of America. 8°. Portland. Me 1880 Cambridge, Mass., City of, pub. The Register Book of lands and houses in the "New Towne" and the town of Cambridge. 8°. Cambrid ge 18% — Casey, Joseph J., romp. Personal names in Hening's statutes at large of Virginia. Index with reference to volume and page. 4°. N. Y 1896 — Christlieb. Benj. F. The Christleib family. 8° 1895 — Corey, Deloraine P. Joseph Hills and the Mass. law of 1648. (Re- printed from History of Maiden. Mass.. 1633-1785. For private dis- tribution.) Pam. 8°. Boston.. 1899 — Dewey family. See Wallbridge. — Drake, Samuel (i.. pub. The New England Historical and Genealog- ical Register. 10 vols. 8°. Bos- ton 1847-56 — Drummond, Josiah H. The John Rogers families in Plymouth and vicinity. Pam 1895 GENEALOGY. 123 GENEALOGY. Genealogy— Continued. — Edwards. Georgie Hortense. His- toric sketches of the Edwards and Todd families, 8°. Spring- field 1894 -- Emery, Samuel Hopkins. The Min- istry of Taunton. 2 vols, 12°. Boston 1853 — Passett family. See Walbridge. — Foote, Rev. Wm. Henry. Sketches of Virginia, historical and bio- graphical. 2d series, 2d ed. 8°. Phila 1856 — Forbes family. See Wallbridge. — Gager family. See Wallbridge. — Goodwin. Jas. Junius, comp. The The Goodwins of Hartford, Conn. 12°. Hartford 1891 — Green, Chas. R. Ezra Green family association. Records and papers, pams.. etc — Greenlaw, Lucy Hall, pub. The Genealogical Advertiser. (Quar- terly periodical.) Cambridge. Mass. March, 1898 — Historical Magazine, The. 23 vols. 8°. Boston. New York, and Mor- isiana, N. Y. Series 1. 2 and 3. 1857-1874 — Hubbard, Harlan Page. pub. One thousand years of Hubbard his- tory. (Sample pages. Pam.) — Hyatt family. The Revolutionary record of the Hyatt family. From vol. 1, N. Y. Archives. (Vol. 15 of the Documentary History of N. Y.) Compiled by Josephine R. Cleveland. Manuscript James. Edmund J.. Ph. D. The James-Stites Genealogy. 4°. Pam. N. Y 1898 Johnson, Edward F.,comp. Woburn records of births, marriages, and deaths, 1640 to 1873. Bound with annual reports city gov't of Woburn. 8°. Woburn. Mass ...1890-94 Keim, DeB. Randolph, ed. The Keim and allied families. Month- ly periodical No. 1. (Sample copy.) Dec, 1898. Harrisburg.. .. 1898 Genealogy— Continued. — Lane, H. and W., and Beckwith, A. C. See Beckwith. — Lehman family. See Wallbridge. — Lossing, Benson J. The home of Washington. 8°. N. Y 1870 — Louisiana Hist. Soc. Publications of. Pams 1896-1900 — Ludlam, Anthony J. Genealogical sketch of the Ludlam family. 4°. Pam. Springfield 1878 — McClure, David. Diary of David McClure, 1748-1820. With notes by Franklin B. Dexter. Edited by John P. Peters. 8°. N.Y 1899 — Maine Genealogical Soc. Annual reports 1896. Sample pages probate records of Lincoln Co., Me. Pam — Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder. Vol. 9, No. 2, Feb. 1898. Periodical, Portland, Me — Marshall, Edward Chauncy. An- cestry of Gen. Grant and their contemporaries. 12° N. Y 1869 — Meade, Bishop William. Old churches, ministers and families of Virginia. 2 vols. 8°. Phila.... 1889 — Meech family. See Wallbridge. — Munson family. Proceedings 2d. Munson family reunion. Pam. 8°. New Haven 1896 — Neill. Edward D. Virginia Carolo- rum. (Neill's series of Va. His- tory.) 8°. Albany 1886 — New England Historic Genealogical Soc. Memorial biographies. Vols. l-5inc. 8°. Boston 1894 — New England Historic Genealogi- cal Soc. The New Eng. historical and genealogical register. Saml. G. Drake, pub. v. y. 10 vols. 8°. Boston 1847-1856 — Perley.lSidney, ed. The Essex An- tiquarian. A monthly magazine devoted to the biography, genea- logy, history &c. of Essex Co., Mass.. Feb. 1897. Vol. 1. No. 2. Salem, Mass — Pierce, Frederick Clifton. History of Grafton. 8°. Worcester 1879 OKNKAUMJY. 124 GEOLn<;v Genealo Pierce, Frederick < llifton. Pierc • - . Rock ford lsss Putnam, ESben, ed. The Salem press htistoricaJ and genealogical recor.l. Pam. 1892 — Saflord family. See Wallbridge. Sanborn, V. C. The American and English Sanbornes. 8°. Concord, N. II 1895 — Scott family. See Wallbridgre. — Smith. Won Zachary F. Pt. 1st. Clay. Mrs. Mary Rogers; pt. 2d. The clay Family. (Filson Club Pubs. NO. 11). 4°. Louisville... 1899 — Wallbridge. Wm. Gedney. eomp.— Descendants of Eenry Walbridge who married Anna Amos. Dec. 25, H'>ss, at Preston, Conn., with some notes on the allied families of Brush, Fassett, Dewey, Forbes. Gager, Lehman. Meecb. Safford, Scott. 4°. Litchfield, Conn 1898 — Walker, Bev. Edwin S. The story of my ancestors in America. AJso rnss. copy bound. 8°. Chicago.. 1895 — Warren, Thomas B. Springfield, Massachusetts families. Sample pages. 8°. Pam. Springfield, Mass 1898 Wright, Wm. W., eomp. Index to genealogies and pedigrees in New England; historical and genealog- ical register for fifty years. Jan. 1M7. to ( ict. IS!'*;. (Reprinted from register Oct., 18%.) 8°. Pam. Boston 1896 — Winslow, Wm. Copley. Gov. Edw. Winslow; his pari and place in Plymouth Colony. ( Reprint' d from N. V. Hen. and Biog. Record July. 1896.) Paper General Assembly, State of Illinois, .'oiirnals of the Gen. Assembly, state of ills. Senate and Bi from ( )ct.. isis, to April, ism, ex- cept Senate jour. 2nd sess.. flrsl Gen. Assembly, 1819, and Bouse and Senate jours, third Gen. As- sembly, 1823 — - List of members, etc.. of 31st, 32d, 33d, 34th, 36th, 36th, 87th. 38th, 39th and 10th Gen. Assemblies; also -. judges and clerks of courts, members congress and • boards. Pamphlets, J Illinois 1 1 inehai- Continued. General history of the State of Mich- igan; with biographical sketches. Tuttle, Chas. Richard. 8°. De- troit 1874 — history of the United States of America, 1492-1792; or, sketches Of the Divine agency in their SI t- tlement, growth and protection and especially in the late memor- able revolution. Vol. 1. exhibiting general view principal events, from discovery of N. America to 1765. Trumbull. Ben.j. One VOL only. (All published.) 8°. Boston 1810 General Orders issued by Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam when in command of the Highlands in summer and fall of 1776. Ford. W'orthington Chauncey, eomp. Paper. 8°. Brooklyn. 1893 Geneva, Illinois; city of. SwKaiicc.. Geographical catechism of Pennsyl- vania and the western states, de- signed as a pocket companion and guide for travelers and emi- grants to Pa., Ohio, Ind., Ills., Mich, and Mo.; geographical and historical account of these states from first settlement to present. Rupp, I. Daniel. 12°. Harris- burg 1&36 BAPHIOAIi description of the State of Louisiana. Darby, Wm. 8°. Phila 1816 Geography. See Maps and Atlases. Geological and geographical atlas of Colorado and adjacent territory. (Dept Interior, Geol. and G< Survey, i Hayden, F. V. Folio. Washington 1881 — Map of Illinois from original sur- veys, made under direction of A. H. Worthen, state Geologist, drawn byW. Billington, O. B. St. John and C. K. Worthen pup. by Li eislative authority. 1875 — Survey of Illinois. Geology and Palaeontology. Worthen, A. H., director. 8 vols, and 1 vol. plates. UN. State Pub.) 9 vols. 4°. Springfield 1866-90 Geology. Bayes, Geo. E. Geology of Buffalo. Pam. 8°. Buffalo 1869 Miller A Gurley. Hull, tins of the Ills. State Museum of Natural Bistory issj-1893. (111. State Pubs.] Para. 8°. Springfield GEOLOGY. 125 GIROUARD. Geology— Continued. — Norwood, J. G. Abstract of a re- port on Illinois coals. (Ills. Geol. Survey.) Paper. 8°. Chicago... 1858 — Owen, David Dale. Report Geolo- gical survey of Wis., Iowa, Minn, and part of Nebraska Territory. 4°, Phila 1852 — Worthen, A. H., director. Geologi- cal Survey of Ills. 8 vols, and 1 vol. Plates. (Ills. State Pubs.) 9vol8. 4°. Springfield 1866-90 — - Geological map of Ills 1875 — Geology of Ohio. Notes on Ohio Archaeology. Fowke, Gerard. 8°. n.d Georgia, Brown. Julius L. Part of the minutes of the Georgia Bar Ass'n, held in Savannah; report of the Com. upon Jurisprudence and Law Reform. 8°. Pam. Atlanta. 1889 — Jones, Chas. C. jr. Antiquities of Southern Indians, particularly Georgia tribes. 8°. N.Y 1873 — Milledge, John. The DeRenne gift. A communication from the State Librarian to the Governor of Ga. 8°. Atlanta, Ga 1894 Georgia scenes, characters, incidents, etc., in first half century of the Republic. By a Native Georgian. 2ded. 12°. N.Y 1860 George Catlin Indian Gallery, IU. S, National museum, memoir and statistics. Donaldson, Thos. 8°. Washington 1888 George Washington, day by day. Johnston, Elizabeth Bryant. 8°. N.Y 1895 Gerhard, Fred. Illinois as it is. 12°. Chicago 1857 Germans in America. German Socie- ty of the City of New York. 101st annual report, January, 1885. Pam. 8°. N.Y. 1895 — Koerner, Gustav. Das Deutche Element in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord Amerika, 1818- 1848. 8°. Cincinnati 1880 Germans— Continued. — Maryland. Society for the history of the Germans in Md., 1st to 14th annual reports, 1887-1900. Pams. 12°. Baltimore Germany. Folk-Lore and Legends. (Vol. 1, series 1, Folk-Lore and Legends.) C. J. T.. ed. 16°. Lon- don, 1892 Gettysburg. Beveridge. John L. Vaughn, David B. and Greenhut, Joseph B. Commissioners Ills. Monuments at Gettysburg. Re- port of. 8°. Springfield 1892 — Lee, Alfred E. The Battle of Get- tysburg. 8°. Columbus 1888 Gibson, Randall Lee. A Senator from Louisiana. Memorial addresses on life and character of, delivered in the Senate and House Rep. Pub by order of Congress. (Bound with Mem. of Sen. Stanford.) 4°. Washington 1894 Gill. J, C. Sketch of the life of Prof. J.B.Turner. Pam. n.d Gillespie, Hon. Joseph. Recollec- tions of early Ills, and her noted men, Fergus Hist. Series No, 13. 12°. Chicago 1880 Gilman, Chas. comp. The Illinois con- veyancer. 12°. Quincy 1846 Gilmore, James Robert, (Edmund Kirke, pseud.) Advance Guard of Western Civilization. 12°. N. Y 1888 — Down in Tenn. and back by way of Richmond. 12°. N.Y 1864 — John Sevier as a commonwealth builder. 12°. N. Y 1887 — Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln and the civil war. 8°. Boston 1898 — The Rear-Guard of the Revolution. 12°. N.Y 1&91 Girardin, Louis Hue & Jones, Skelton, History of Va. ; commenced by John Burk, and continued by Jones & Girardin. (Vol. 4, of Burk's Va.) 8°. Petersburg, Va.. 1816 Girouard, D6sir£. Lake St. Louis, old and new, and Cavelier de La- Salle. 8°. Montreal 1893 GIRTYS. li'ii GRAHAME. Girtys. (The) History of. Concise ac- count of part taken by them and their half-brother. John Turner, in Lord Dunniore's war. Western liorder, war of the Revolution. and Indian wars, 1790-95. Recital of principal events in the west dur- ing these wars. Butterfleld, Con- sul Willshire. 8°. Cincinnati.... 1890 Glacial phenomena, as exhibited in northern Ind. and southern Mich, and the resulting waterways. Montgomery, Hugh T„ M. D. (Northern Ind. Hist. Soc, pubs. No. 2,). Paper. 8°. South Bend. 1899 Glazier, Capt. Willard. Down the Great River. Account of the dis- covery of true source of the Miss. 12°. Phila 1887 Gleanings by the way. Clark. Rev. John A. D.D. 12°. N. Y 1842 Glimpse of Great Salt Lake, Utah. Union Pacific R. K-.Pttb. 8°. Chi- cago 1892 Glimpses of the Great West. Recol- lections and impressions of a summer vacation. Zeis, J. Henry. Paper. 8°. Chicago 1897 — of the World's Fair. Selection of gems of the White City and Mid- way Plaisance, seen through Tri- bune's camera. Chicago Tribune pub. Paper. Chicago 1693 Globe Pub. Co. History of Wayne and Clay counties. 111. 8°. Chicago.. 1884 Gluck. James Fraser. David Gray: Some reflections on his work and life. Address before Buffalo Hist. Soc. Feb. 4, 1889. Pam. 8°. Buff- alo, n. d Golden Northwest (The). Historical, statistical & descriptive account of Northern 111., Wis.. Minn., la., Dakota, Montana and Manitoba. West, Goldsmith B. Paper. 8°. Chicago 1878 Goldsmid, Edmund, ed. Hukluyt's Voyages of the English Nation to Amr.. before the year 1600. 4 vols. 8°. Edinburgh 1889 Goldsmith, John H.. comp. List, giv- ing the names, company, regi- ment and date of death of Illinois soldiers, who died in the rebel prison at Andersonville, Ga.- pre- vious to March 18. 1865. Manu- script. Presented to the Illinois State Historical Library by Geo. H. Souther. Springfield, 111 Good old songs we used to sing '61-'65. Dedicated to veterans of the war of rebellion. Oldroyd. O. H., pub. Pam. Springfield, n. d Good old times in McLean Co., Ills. 260 sketches of old settlers. Histori- cal sketch Black Hawk War, &c. Duis. Dr. E. 6°. Bloomington.. 1874 Goode. G. Brown. The Museums of the future. (U. S. Gov't. Pub.) From report National Museum. 8°. Washington 1891 Goodspeed, Iiev. E. J., D. D. History of the great fires of Chicago and the West. 8°. Chicago 1871 — Publishing Co. History of Galla- tin. Saline. Hamilton, Franklin and Williamson counties. Ills. 8°. Chicago 1887 Goodwell, Godek. Currency, the evil and the remedy. 8°. N. Y 1846 Goodwin, Daniel. In memory of Ro- bert C. Winthrop. Paper. 8°. Chicago 1894 — Daniel, jr. The Dearborns. (Chi- cago Hist. Soc. Proceedings.) 8°. Chicago 1884 — Jamet Junius, comp. The Goodwins of Hartford. Conn. 8°. Hartford. 1891 Goodwins, of Hartford, Conn. De- scendants of Wm. and Ozias Goodwin. Goodwin. Jas. Junius. comp. 8°. Hartford 1891 Gould, David B. and Co., pub. Spring- field directory for 1873-4. 8°. Springfield 1873 — E. W Fifty years on the Miss., or history of river navigation. 8°. St. Louis 1889 Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church. Springfield. Ills. Order of exer- cises at dedication, March 19. 1893. Pam Graebner. A, L. Half century of sound Lutheranism in America. 12°. St. Louis 1893 Grafton, J. J., pub. Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. 12°. Chicago 1891 — Mass. Pierce. Frederick Clifton. History of Grafton. 8°. Wor- chester 1879 Grahame, James. History of the I'. S. A. from plantation of British colo- nies till revolt and Dtclaration of Independence. 4 vols. 8°. Lon- don 1836 Another ed. 3 vol». 8°. Phila.... 1846 GRAMMAR. 127 GRAND ARMY. Grammar of the Otchipwe language, for the use of missionaries and other persons living among the Indians. 2nd ed. by a missionary of the Oblates. Baraga, Bishop of 12°. Montreal 1878 Granger, Rev. Francis. The cathed- ral system. 8°. Buffalo 1876 Grand Army Blue Book. Containing the rules and regulations of the G.A.R., and official decisions and opinions thereon, with additional notes. Beath, Robert B., comp. 8°. Phila 1884 — Army of tne Republic. National. Address of the Commander-in- Chief, reports of the committees on pensions, council of adminis- tration, etc. National Encamp- ment, 1884 — Beath, Robert B. History of the G. A. R. 8°. N. Y 1889 — - Blue-book. comp. 8°. Phila 1884 — Castle, Ron. Henry A. Proceed- ings at removal of remains of Maj. Gen. John A. Rawlins, from the Congressional cemetery to Arlington, Va., Feb. 8. 1899. Ad- dress by Hon. H. A. Castle. Pam — Decisions and opinions of the Com- mander-in Chief and the Judge Advocate General. Carnahan, James R., comp. 8°. Indianap- olis 1884 — G. A. R. poems. North, Maj. Alfred A. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1889 — Journals of the annual encamp- ments. 17th Denver. 1882. 23d Mil- waukee. Aug.. 1889. and 25th at De- troit, Aug.. 1891 — Louisville. 1861-1895. 29th National encampment. Souvenirs and of- ficial programme. Courier-Jour- nal, pub. 4°. Louisville 1895 — Miller. Flo. J., ed. The National Picket. A national journal de- voted to the W. R. C. Monthly periodical, vol. 2. Sept., 1896, to vol. 6. Feb., 1897. (Incomplete.) Monticello, 111 — 111. Dep't Adjt. Gen. Report of the Ass't Adjt. Gen. In memoriam. Roll of dead 1890 Grand Army— Continued.. — Black, Gen. John C. Address of the Dep't Commander at 33rd an- nual encampment, Danville. Hi.. May, 1899. Pam — Hubert, C. F. Report of the 10th annual reunion of 50th Illinois. Reunion Ass'n Camp Point. III.. 1896. Pam. 8°. Camp Point 1896 — Nevius Post, No. 1.. Rockford. 111. History and roster of. 16°. Rock- ford 1894 — Oldroyd. O. H. Roster Ohio Vet. Assoc, of 111. 12°. Springfield... 1891 — Proceedings of annual encampment Dep't of Ills.. 7th to 11th. 1873-77 (in one pam), 14th to 31st inc., 1880-1897. and 33d 1899 — List of members of the 20th to 23rd, annual encampment. 1886-'89; 25th 1891. and 27th. 1892. Dep't of Ills — Poems. Dedicated to G. A. R., of Ills. North, Maj. Alfred A. 8°. Springfield 1889 — Smith, Gen. John C. Reception to members of 96th Reg.. Ills. Inf. Vols., at residence. Chicago. July 20.1893. 8°. Chicago 1893 — Springer. Rev. Francis. Memorial sermon. May 17th. 1891. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1891 — Springer, John C, comp. Proceed- ings of annual reunions of the Soc. of the Tenth Ills. Cavalry, 1894-95 96-99 — - Roster of the survivors of the Tenth Ills. Cav..Oct. 16,1894. Pam — - Stephenson Post, G.. A. R. Pro- gram of memorial services of, Springfield. Ills., March 14. 1899, for comrades who died in 1898. Pamphlet — Vredenburg, T. D. Memorial day address. May 30, 1892, at Loami, Ills. Manuscript — Woman's Relief Corps; auxilliary to the G. A. R. Dept. of Illinois. Proceedings of annual conven- tions, first to thirteenth, 1884 to 1896, inclusive — Woman's Relief Corps, national. Journal of proceedings of na- tional conventions, third to sev- enth, and ninth to twelfth. Rules and regulations for government of. 1883-4-5. 1890-91 and 1894 GRAND ARMY. 123 (IKK AT. Grand Army— Continued. — - Address of national president at eleventh annual convention, 1893 G. A. R. Miscellaneous. Reports, etc.— — Department. New York. Proceed- ings eighteenth semi-annual and annual encampment of Dept. of N. Y. G. A. R., Bath. June 27 and 28. 1883; Rochester, Jan. 30 and 31, 1884. 8°. Rochester 1884 — - Gage & Hubbell. pubs. G. A. R. directory of Cincinnati and vicin- ity. 16°. Cincinnati 1887 — - Tactics. Grand Army tactics of the U.S. assimilated to the tactics of the regular army and state troops, together with instructions for post and ceremonial services and parades; for use G. A. R. and S. O. V. Hill, Col. Robert F., comp. 16°. Kalamazoo 1884 — Torrance, Ell. Address at sixteenth annual encampment of Dept, of Minn., G. A. R. March 12, 1896. Pamphlet — Sons of Veterans, U. S. A. Journal of proceedings national encamp- ments, first to eighth, 1882-1889, and tenth, 1891 — - Division of Ills. Proceedings of the first, second, third and fourth annual encampment, 1883-86, inc Grand voyage du Pays des Hurons, situee en l'Amerique vers la Mer douce et derniers confins de la nouvelle Prance, dite Canada. Theodat, Gabriel Sagard. 16°. Paris. 1632 Grange movement, history of. Mar- tin. Edward W. 8°. Philadelphia and St. Louis. 1873 Grant. Ulysses S. 18th President U. S.. born 1822, died 1885. See bio- graphy Grasty, Bev. John S. Memoir of Rev. Samuel B. McPheeters. D. D. Introduction by Rev. Stuart Rob- inson, J). D. 12°. St. Louis 1871 Gravier. Gabriel. Cavelier de LaSal- le.de Rouen. 8°. Paris 1871 — D^couverte de l'Arudrique par les Normands au 10 Siecle. 8°. Rouen 1874 Gravier— Continued. — Relation du Voyage des Dames Re- ligieuses Ursulines. 8°. Paris.. 1872 — Une carte inconnue. la premiere dress<5e par Louis Joliet. 8°. Paris 1880 Gray, David. Some reflections on his work and life. Address of James FraserGluck, before Buffalo Hist. Soc, Feb. 4, 1889. Gluck. James Fraser. Pam. 8°. Buffalo, n. d Gray. Edward McQueen. For a sea fight. Poem. The nation's prayer. Poem. Published on behalf of the Florence Free Library Fund. 2 pams. 12°. Florence. N. M 1898 Great annual sale at auction of three million dollars worth of real estate, May 20, 1869, in Farwell Hall. Clarke. Layton & Co. 8°. Chicago. 1869. Pam Great Britain. Beaman. Chas. C. jr. National and private "Alabama Claims" and their final amicable settlement. 8°. Washington 1871 — Sainsbury, W. Noel, ed. Calender of State Papers, T574-1668. Colo- nial Series. 2 vols. 4 London. 1860-1880 — U. S. Commission on boundary be- tween Venezuela and British Guiana. Report and accompany- ing papers of the commission. (U. S. Gov't pub.) 3 vols. 8°. Washington 1897 — U. S. Dept. of State. Correspond- ence in relation to the boundary controversy between Great Bri- tian and Venezuela. (U. S. Gov't pub.) 8°. Washington 1896 See England. Great calamity, (The). Scenes, inci- dents and lessons of the gnat Chicago fire. October 8 and 9. 1871. Some account of other great con- flagrations of modern times and the burning of Pushtigo, Wis. Sewell. Alfred L. 12°. Chicago... Great Civil War. History of the late Rebellion, with biographical sketches of leading statesmen distinguished naval and military commanders, etc. Tomes, Robert, and Smith. Benj.G. 3 vols. Folio. N. Y. n.d 1871 GREAT. 129 GRIFFIN. Great conflagration. (The). Chicago, its past, present and future. De- tailed narrative of great con- flagration, origin, progress, and results. History of Chicago. Statement of all the great fires of the world. Sheahan, J. W , and Upton, Geo. P. 8°. Chicago 1872 Great Conspiracy, (The); its origin and history. Logan, John A. 8°. N. Y 1886 Great debate. Souvenir. A platform scene in the seven joint discus- sions between Lincoln and Doug- las, One of the relief pictures in the dome of the State Capitol at Springfield. Ills. Jerome. Alonzo Wheeler. Paper. 12°. Spring- field 1899 Great fires of Chicago and the West. History and incidents, losses and sufferings, benevolence of the na- tions, etc. By a Chicago clergy- man. 8°. Pam. Chicago 1871 Great Indian Chief of the West; or. life and adventures of Black Hawk. Conclin, Geo. (entered by) Drake, Benj. 12°. Cincinnati.... 1857 Great Lakes. Agassiz, Louis, Lake Superior, its physical character, vegetation and animals. 8°. Bos- ton 1850 — Guthrie, Ossian. The great lakes and their relations to the Lakes and Gulf waterway. Lake fluctu- ations. Pam. Chicago, n. d Great Lone Land. Narrative of travel and adventure in N. W. of Amer- ica. Map. Butler. Capt, W, F., F.B.G.S. 12°. London 1873 Great West and her commercial me- tropolis. General view of the West and complete history of St. Louis from 1764 to present. Por- traits and biography of old set- tlers and prominent business men. Edwards. Richard, and Hopewell, M. 8°. St. Louis 1860 Great West, (The). R. R., steamboat and stage guide for travelers, miners and emigrants, to the Western. Northwestern and Pa- cific States and Territories, with a map of the best routes to the gold and silver mines. Hall, Ed- ward H. 12°. N.Y —9 H. L. 1866 Greater Louisville. Kentucky's Pride. Commercial Club, pub. 4°. Louis- ville, Ky 1895 Greek language. Strong, Prof. James. Epitome of Greek grammar. 12°. Pam. n. d Greeley, Horace. The American con- flict. 2 vols. 8°. Hartford.... 1865-1867 — ed.. The Tribune almanac and polit- ical register, 1864-1873. 1 vol. 12°. N.Y — and Cleveland, John F.comps. A political textbook for 1860. 8°. N.Y 1860 — and McElrath. pubs. The Whig Al- manac and U. S. register. 1843 to 1855. Bound. 1vol. 12°. N. Y... 1843-55 Greeley on Lincoln. With Mr. Gree- ley's letters to Chas. A. Dana and a lady friend, to which are added reminiscences of Horace Greeley. Benton. Joel, ed. 12°. N.Y 1893 Green. Chas. R. Ezra Green family assc. Records and papers. Pams. Lyndon, Kas 1893 — Nelson Winch, ed. Ten years among Mormons. Narrative of Mrs. Mary Ettie V. Smith, 12°. N.Y 1858 — Thos. Marshall. The Spanish con- spiracy. 8°. Cincinnati 1891 Greene & Jersey counties, 111. History of. Sketches, towns, villages and townships. Educational, civil, military and political history, etc. Continental Hist. Co., pubs. 8°. Springfield 1885 Greenhow, Robert. History of Oregon and California and other territo- ries on N. W. coast of N.America. 8°. London 1844 Greenlaw, Lucy Hall. The Genealo- gical Advertiser. Quarterly peri- odical, March, 1898. Pam. Cam- bridge, Mass Greg, Percy. History of the CJ. S. 2vols.8°. London 1887 Gregg, Josiah. Commerce of the prai- ries. 4th ed. 2 vols. 12°. Phila.. 1850 — Thomas. The Prophet of Palmyra. 12°. N.Y 1890 Greville, Edward, ed. Year-Book of Australia for 1891. 8°. Sydney... 1891 Griffin, Appleton P. C. Discovery of the Miss. Bibliographical ac- count. Facsimile of map of Louis Joliet. 1674. 4°. N. Y 1883 GRIFFIN. i:jd ii am-:. Grifi in ( 'ontinued. — Martin I. J., i'ii. American Catholic Ristorical Researches. Quarter- ly periodical, Phila 1888-1909 Griffing, B. N.,j>u6. Atlas Clay Co. Ills. Folio. Phila 1881 — - Atlas Union ('<>.• 111. Folio. Phila. 1881 — - Atlas Wayne Co.. 111. Folio. Phila 1881 Grifpis, Wm. Elliot, D. D. Massachu- setts: a typical American com- monwealth. 8°. Paper. C a m- bridge 1893 Griffith, Francis P. Lamentation for Abraham Lincoln. April, 1865. Poem. Paper clipping, n. d Grigg& Elliot, pub. Life of Maj. Gen. Win. Henry Harrison. Descrip- tion of the Council at Vincennes with Tecumseh. &c. 8°. Phila. . 1810 Groene, J. H. & Co. pub. A vest pocket directory of Chicago and guide to World's Fair. 16°. Chi- cago 1893 Gross, Eugene L,, ed. Statutes of Ills. An analytical digest of all the laws of the State in force at the present time, 1818-1869. 8°. Chicago 1868 — Statutes of Ills. An analytical di- gest of all the general laws of the State in force at the present time, 1818 to 1874. 3 vols. (1st and 2d ed. vol. 3) 8°. Springfield 1873 — and Win. L. Index to all the laws of Ills., public and private which are not printed at large in Gross' Statutes of 18G9, 1818-1869. 4°. Springfield 1869 Grow, Galnsha A. Addresses in Con- gress upon presentation by Pa. toU. S. of portraits of Speakers Grow and Randall. (U. S. Gov't Pub.) 4°. Washington 1892 See Bi igraphy. Growth of Industrial Art. Butter- wortii. Won, Benj. Folio. Wash- ington 1892 Grundy Co.. III. Baskin. O. L. & Co.. pub. History of Grundy Co., 111. 8°. Chicago 1882 Gue>in Leon. Navigateurs Pram 8°. Paris 1847 Guernsey, Alfred H. and Alden. Henry M. Harper's Pictorial history of the great rebellion. 2 vols. Folio. NY 1S66 (tui-aimi'i' in ill. Published in the lllini. University of 111., Sept. 25, 1896 Poem. Forbes, S. A GdiDB for emigrants, containing sketches of 111., Mo., and adjacent parts. Peck. J. M. 16°. Boston. 1881 Guide to Washington. D. C. B. & O. K. H. pub, Pain. 12 Baltimore 1893 GtriGNARD, Jean. pub. D^couvertes dans i'Amerique Septenrionalede M. deLaSalle. 16°, Paris 1692 Guizot. Francois Pierre Guillaume. Popular history of France from the earliest times. Trans, by liobt. Black. 6 vols. 8°. Boston, n. d — Washington. Fondation de la Re% publique. 2 vols. 8°. Paris 1851 Gunnison. Lieut. J. W. Mormons; or Latter Day Saints. 12°. Phila... 1856 Guthrie, Ossian. The great lakes and their relations to the lakes and gulf waterway. Pam. Chicago n. d Hagle, Dios C. Memorial addresses on the life and character of, de- livered in Senate of 111. Feb. 18. 1898. 111. State, pub. 8°. Spring- field 1898 See Biography. Haigh. Wm. M.. and Bennett. L. G. History 36th Reg't 111. volunteers in war of rebellion. 8°. Aurora. Illinois 1876 Haines, Elijah M. The American Indian. 4°. Chicago 1888 Hakluyt. Richard, collector. Voyages of the English nation to America before 1600. Goldsmid, Edmond. ed. 8°. Edinburgh 1889 II \i.k. Edward E.. ed. The President's words. A selection of passages from the speeches, addresses and letters of Abraham Lincoln. 16°. Boston 1865 — - Life of Christopher Columbus. 12°. Chicago 1891 I [oratio, ed, Iroquois book of rites. 8°. Phila 1833 — Dr. J. P. History and mystery of the Kanawha valley. (Publica- tions W. V.'i. Hist, and Ant. Soc.) Pam. 8°. Charleston. W. Va 1897 — - Some local archaeology. (Pub- lications \Y. Va. Hist, and Ant. Soc.) Pam. Charleston, W. Va.. 1898 HALF CENTURY. 131 HAMILTON. Half century of Baptist history in Springfield. 111. 1830-1881. Ser- mon preached in Central Baptist church June 26, 1881, by the pastor. Rickerson, Rev. F. D. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1881 Half century of conflict. Part 6. France and England in N. Amer- ica. Parkman, Francis. 2 vols. 12°. Boston 1892 Half century of sound Lutheranism in America. A brief sketch of the Mo. synod. Graebner. A. L. 12°. St. Louis 1893 Halkett, John, Esq. Historical notes respecting the Indians of North America. 8°. London 1825 Hall, Basil. Extracts from journal written on coasts of Chili, Peru and Mexico, 1820-21-22. 4th ed. 2 vols. 12°. Edinburgh 1825 — Travels in North America in 1827 and 1828. 3 vols. 12°. Edinburgh 1839 — B.F. Early history of the northwest- ern states. 8°. Buffalo 1848 — Rev. Chas. H. A Mournful Easter. Pam. 8°. Washington 1865 — Rev.Chas. H. D. D. The Dutch and the Iroquois. 8°. N. Y 1882 — Edward H. The great West; R. R.. steamboat and stage guide and hand-book. 16°. N. Y 1866 — Lieut. Francis. Tiavels in Canada and U.S. 12°. London 1818 — Gordon. President Lincoln's death; its voice to the people. 8°. North- ampton, Mass 1865 — Hon. Judge. Letters from the west. containing sketches of scenery, manners and customs, connected with first settlements of western sections of the U. S. 8°. London 1828 — James. Memoir of the public ser- vices of Wm, Henry Harrison of Ohio. 16°. Philadelphia 1836 — - Notes on the Western states, con- taining descriptive sketches of their soil, climate, resources and scenery, 12°. Phila 1838 — - Romance of western history. 12°. Cincinnati 1871 — - Statistics of the west, at close of the year 1836. 12°. Cincinnati . . . 1837 Hall— Continued. — - Works of. legends, sketches and tales of the west. 6 vols. 16°. Phila 1833-5 — Jtidge James. Letters from the west. 8°. London 1828 — James and McKenney, Thos. L. In- dian tribes of N. Amr. 3 vols, 8°. Phila 1855 — - Indian tribes of N. A. 3 vols. Folio. Phila. and London, n. d — Rev. Newman. A sermon on the assassination of Abraham Lin- coln. Pam. 8°. Boston 1865 — Thos. Memoirs of the Hon. Thomas Jefferson; containing a conci&6 history of the U. S. A. from the acknowledgment of their inde- pendence. 2 vols. 12° 1809 Halpine, Chas. G. (See O'Reilly.) Life and adventures, songs, services and speeches of Private Miles O'Rielly. Pub. by N. Y. Herald. 12°. N. Y 1866 Hajiersly, Lewis R. Records of liv- ing officers of the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps. 8°. Phila 1870 Haaiill, Samuel M. President Lincoln. A faithful son. Pam. 8°. Tren- ton. N. J 1865 Hamilton, Alexander. Amer. statas- man; born, 1757; died, 1804. Official and other papers of the late Alexander Hamilton. Hawks, F. L. ed. Vol. 1 only. 8°. N. Y.. 1842 — - Sketch of, Lodge, Henry Cabot— (The makers of the Union, Mc- Clure's Magazine, April 1897) — - Madison, James, and Jay. John. The Federalist on the new con- stitution, written in 1788. 8°. Hallowell, Me 18 ; See Biography. — B. B., Historical sketch of Jersey Co., 111., delivered at Jerseyville, July 4, 1876. Pam. 8°. Jackson- ville 1876 — Henry E. Incidents and events in the life of Gurdon Saltonstall Hubbard. 8.. Chicago 1888 — John C. History of the Republic of the U. S. A. 2nd ed. 7 vols. 8°. Phila 1864 — Morris R. Annual report of the State librarian of New Jersey, for the year 1889. 8°. Hopewell, N. J. 1890 HAMILTON i:;j HARPER BROS. Hamilton— Continued. — Thos. Men and manners in Amer- ica. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8°. Edin- burgh 1834 — William. Mr. and Mrs. In loving memory of, by their daughter, Mrs. George S. Welch, 8° 1893 — County. 111. Goodspeed Pub. Co. History oi I tallatin, Saline, Ham- ilton, Franklin cV- Williamson Cos., 8°. Chicago 1887 Hamlin, Hannibal. Amer. Statesmen. Sketch of life of, with life, speeches and public services of Abraham Lincoln, liudd & Carle- ton, pubs. Howells, Win. C Wigwam edition. 12°. N.Y 1860 See biography. — C. L., com p. Lincoln monument, its care and condition. Commu- nication to Union League Club, Chicago. Collection letters, &c. 8°. Chicago 1894 Hammond, Chas. Sermon on the life and character of Abraham Lin- coln. Pam. 8°. Springfield, Mass 1865 Hampton. Chas. S.,comp. Mich, game and fish laws. 8°. Lansing 1893 Hanaford, Mrs. P. A. Abraham Lin- coln, his lite and public services. 8°. Boston 1865 — - Our Martyred President, a poem. Pam. 8°. Boston 1865 Hancock county, 111. Alden, Ogle & Qo.,pub. Plat book Hancock Co. Folio. Chicago 1891 Hand-book of Louisiana, giving geo- graphical and agricultural fea- tures together with crops that are grown, description each parish, climate, health, &c. Compiled and written by request State Immi- gration Ass'n. Stubbs, Wm. C., comp. 8°. New Orleans 1895 — on the annexation of Hawaii. Thurston, Lorrin A. 8°. St. Jos- eph, Mich 1897 — on Mormonism. Coyner. J. M., comp. Pam. Salt Lake City 1882 II andford, Thos. W. History of Illi- nois, in words of one syllable. 8°. Chicago 1888 Hanks, Nancy: the story of Abraham Lincoln's mother. Hitchcock, Caroline Hanks. 16°. N. Y 1899 Hanna, Hon. Samuel. Biography of, accompanying History of Fort Wayne, Ind. Brice, Wallace A. 8°. Ft. Wayne 1868 Hanson, John. President U. S. in Congress assembled. 1781-1782. Thomas. Douglas H. 8°. Balti- more, n. d Hapgood, Norman. Abraham Lincoln; the man of the people. 12°. N.Y. 1899 Hardin county. 111. Biographical re- view of Johnson, Massac, Pope and Hardin counties. 111. Bio- graphical Pub. Co., pub. 4°. Chi- cago 1893 Hardin, John J. 111., soldier in Mexi- can war. Reception and burial of remains of. Jacksonville, 111., July 14. 1847. Pam Hardscrabble. or the fall of Chicago. A tale of Indian warfare. Rich- ardson, Major. 12°. N.Y 1888 Hariot, Thos. A brief and true report of Virginia. (The Holbein Soc. pubs.) Folio. Manchester 1888 Harlan, Caleb, M. D. Ida Randolph of Va. ; an historical novel in verse, and, The fate of Marcel. 2d ed. 12°. Philadelphia 1890 Harlow, Geo. H., comp. Legislative directory of 111., 1881. 8°. Spring- field 1881 — - Secretary of State, of Ills. Official communication from the Secre- tary of State to the signers of the bond to procure additional grounds for the new state house. 8°. Pam. Springfield 1877 Harmon, Daniel Williams. Journal of voyages in interior of N. America. 8°. Andover 1820 Harmon, Hon. Judson. Address be- fore the Ohio Bar Assn., July 12, 1898. Pam. 8°. n. d Harpe's head, a legend of Ky. Hall, James. 16°. Philadelphia 1833 Harper's Book of Facts. Classified history of the world, embracing science, literature and art. Will- sey, Joseph H., comp. Lewis, Charlton T., ed. 4°. N.Y 1895 Harper Bros., pub. Pitcairn's Island and its inhabitants. Account of the mutiny of ship "Bounty" and subsequent fortunes of the mutineers. 16°. N.Y 1842 HARPERS' 133 HAWKS Harpers' Pictoral history of the great Rebellion. Guernsey, Alfred H. & Alden, Henry M. Folio. 2 vols. N. Y 1866 Harris, F. M. Assassination of Lin- coln. A history of the great con- spiracy. 8°. Boston 1892 Harris. Geo. W., ed. Sketches of de- bate in first Senate of U. S„ 1789- 1790 and 1791, by Win. Maelay, a Senator from Pa. 8°. Washing- ton 1880 Harms. Thaddeus Mason. A.M. Jour- nal of a tour N. W. of Alleghany Mts., 1803. 12°. Boston 1805 Harrisse, Henry. The discovery of North America. 4°. London.... 1892 — John Cabot, the discoverer of America, and Sebastian his son. H°. London 1896 Harrison, Benjamin. See presidents U.S. See also signers Declaration Independence Harrisov, Elizabeth. The root of the temperance question from a kindergarten standpoint. Pam. 12° Chicago 1889 — Maj. Gen. Wm. Henry. 9th presi- dent U.S.. born 1773, died 1841. Life «f. Account civil and military ser- vices and description council at Vincennes with Tecumseh and victories at Tippecanoe, Ft. Meigs and Thames. Grigg & Elliott, pub. 8°. Philadelphia 1840 — - Memoir of. Hall, James. 16°. Phila 1836 — - Discourse on the Aborigines of the Ohio valley. Notes by Edw. Everett. Introduction and notes by H. W. Beckwith. Fergus Hist. Series No. 26. 12°. Chicago 1883 See Biography. Hart, Adolphus M. History of the Valley of the Miss. 12° Cincin- nati 1853 — Gerald E. The Fall of New France 1755-1760. 8°. Montreal 1888 Hartley. David. Letters on the Amer- ican War. 4th ed. 4°. London.. 1778 Hartley, Oapt. J. W., comp. Proceed- ings 19th annual reunion Ills. Assc. Mexican War Veterans. 8°. Decatur 1891 Hartley. John W., comp. Proceed- ings Ills, state conventions of the veterans of the Mexican war, 1874 to 18S9 inc. except 1876. Bound pams Harvey. Charles M. Education in the West; an account of the earliest legislation in regard to schools in the Northwest Territory, and the progress of schools. Article in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Aug. 6, 1898 Harvey, Henry. The history of the Shawnee Indians. 12°. Cincin- nati 1855 Haskel, Daniel. & Smith, J. Calvin. Gazetteer of the U. S. of America. 8°. N.Y 1846 Haskell, W. H, pub. Sectional map Fulton Co., Ills, 32°. Canton.... 1851 Hastings, Hugh. Annual reports of the State Historian of N. Y. trans- mitted to the legislature. 1896-1897 .... Hastings, Hugh, comp. Public papers of Daniel D. Tompkins, Gov. of N. Y. 1807-1817. 8°. Albany 1898 — - Public papers of Geo. Clinton, first Governor of N. Y. 1777-'95. 1801-1804. 3 vols. 8°. Albany.... 1899-1900 Haven. Erastus O.. Autobiography of. Introduction by Rev. J. M. Buck- ley. Stratton, Eev. C. C, ed. 12°. N.Y 1883 Haven. Gilbert. The uniter and liber- ator of America. Sermon on Lincoln. 8°. Boston 1865 Haven, Samuel F. Archaeology of the U.S. 4°. Washington 1855 Hawaiian Islands. Hitt. Robert R. Speech in U. S. House of Repre- sentatives, June 11, 1898, on Ha- waiian annexation. (Part Cong. Record). Pam — Thurston, Lorrin A. A hand- book on the annexation of Hawaii. 8°. St. Joseph. Mich 1897 — Hawaiian Branches Sons of the American Revolution. Address on annexation of Hawaii. 8°. Wash ington 1897 Hawes, Lucy Williams. Buffalo fifty years ago. A paper read before the Buffalo Hist. Soc. April 27, 1886, Pam. 8°. Buffalo 1886 (See Buffalo Historical Soc.) Haw-Ho-Noo; or, records of a tourist. Lanman, Chas. 12°. Phila 1850 Hawks, F. L., ed. Official and other papers of the late Major General Alexander Hamilton. Vol. 1, only 8°. N. Y. and London 1842 — Francis L. Translation of Riv- ero and Von Tschudi's Peru- vian antiquities. 12°. N.Y 1854 HAWLEY". 134 HKNNEPIN. Bawley, Emma Althea, comp. Bibliog- raphy of Wis. authors. 8°. Madison 1893 Hay, John & Nicolay, John G. Abra- ham Lincoln, a history. 10 vols. N. Y 1890 — - eds. Abraham Lincoln's complete words. 2 vols. 8°. N. Y 1894 Hayden, Mrs. Caroline A. Our coun- try's martyr. A poem. 12°. Bos- ton 1865 Hayden. F. V. Geological and geo- graphical atlas of Colorado and portions of adjacent territory. (Interior department.) Folio. Washington 1881 Hayes. George E. Geology of Buffalo. 8°. Buffalo. Pani 1869 Hayes, Rutherford B. 19th President U.S.: born 1822, died 1893. See biography. Haymond, W. S., ed. Illustrated his- tory of Inu. 8°. Indianapolis.... 1879 Haynie. I. N.. comp. Reports Ad.jt. Gen of Ills. 1861-186C inc. 8 vols. 8°. Springfield 1867 Hazard, Samuel. Archives of Penn- sylvania, 1664-1790. and appendix. 11 vols. 8°. Phila 1852-56 — The register of Pennsylvania, 1831- 1832. 4 vols. 4°. Phila 1831-32 Headley, J. T. The second war with England. 2 vols. 12°. N. Y 1853 Headley, Hon. J. T. Life and travels of Gen. Grant. 8°. Phila 1879 Headley, Rev. P. C. Life and cam- paigns of Gen. U. S. Grant. Intro- duction by Horace Greeley. 8°. N. Y 1868 Heard, Isaac V. D. History of the Sioux war. 12°. N. Y 1863 Heart. Capt. Jonathan. Journal of Capt. Jonathan Heart on a jour- ney with his company from Conn, to Pittsburg, 1785. 12°. Albany.. 1885 Heart of the West; an American story, by an Illinoisan. Time,1860;scene. on the Miss. Anon. 8°. Chicago. 1871 Hebrew language. Strong, Prof. Jas. A short catechism of Hebrew grammar. Pam. 16°. Madison, N. J 1890 Heckwelder, John. Indian nations of Pennsylvania. 8°. Phila 1819 — Indian nations of Pennsylvania. 8°. Phila 1876 — Mission of the United Brethren among Delaware and Mohegan In- dians. 8°. Phila 1820 Hedley, F. Y. Marching through Georgia. 12°. Chicago 1890" Heilman, Per. Lee M. Historic sketch of the Evangelical Lutheran Sy- nod of Northern 111. 12°. Phila. 1892 Helena, Montana. See Montana. Helm, Emily Todd. Mary Todd Lin- coln. Reminiscences and letters of the wife of President Lincoln. (In McClure's Mag., Sept., 1898) HELMER.Myra Bradwell. Short stories. 3d ed. 16°. Chicago 1896 Helps, 'Arthur (Sir). The Spanish con- quest in America. 4 vols. 8°. Lon- don 1855-61 Helper. Hinton Rowan. The impend- ing crisis of the South; how to meet it. 12°. N. Y 1860 Henderson county, Ills. Hill, H. H. & Co. pubs. History of Mercer and Henderson counties. 8°. Chicago 1882 Henderson, D. Patrick. Historical ad- dress to the Old Settlers' Associa- tion of Morgan and Cass counties, 111. Manuscript Henderson, John G. Early history of the Sangamon country. Pam. 8°. Davenport 1873 Hendrix & Co.. pubs. Directory of the city of Springfield, 111., for 1889- -90. 8°. Springfield 1889 Hendrix, Hon. Joseph C. Address at 24th annual convention, Ameri- can Bankers' Assoc, Denver, Col., Aug.23,1898. Pam Hening, William Waller, comp. Stat- utes at large; being!a collection of all the laws of Va., from first session legislature, 1619 to 1792. 13 vols. 8°. Richmond 1809-23 Hennepin canal. Importance of its construction in the interest of commerce. Remarks in V. S. Sen- ate July 8, 1886. Cullom. Hon. Shelby M. Pam. 8°. Washington 1886 Hennepin, Father Louis. French ex- plorer. »S"'e Biography. Hennepin, Father Louis. Description of La. Trans, from edition of 1683 by John Gilmary Shea. 8°. N. Y. 1880 Hennepin, P. Louis. Voyage en pays plus grand que l'Europe, entre la Mer Glaciale et le Nouveau Mex- ique. (Bound in Relations de la Louisiane et du Fleuve Miss., pages 201-381, inc. 16°. Amster- dam 1720 HENRY. 135 HILL. Henry. Alexander. New light on the early history of the greater North- west. The manuscript journals of Alexander Henry, fur trader of the Northwest Company, and Da- vid Thompson, official geographer and explorer of the same company, 1799-1814. Edited with copious critical notes and a commentary by Elliott Coues. 3 vols. 8°. N. Y. 1897 Henry, Alexander, Esq. Travels and adventures in Canada. 12°. N. Y. 1809 Henery, Patrick, Amer. Statesman, life of. Wirt, Wm„ 3d ed. 8°. Phila. 1818. also 9th ed. 8°. Phila. 1840. See biography Henry, John Joseph. Campaign against Quebec. 1775. 16°. Lan- caster. 1812 — Another ed. with memoirs of au- thor. 12°. Albany 1877 Henry County, Ills., Kett, H. P. &Co., pubs. History of Henry Co., Ills., its tax-payers and voters. 8°. Chicago 1877 Henshaw, Henry W., ed. Report on natural history, collections of Alaska. 1877-1881. By Edward W. Nelson. U. S. Gov't pubs. 4°. Washington 1887 Henshaw, Mrs. Sarah Edwards. Our branch and its tributaries. His- tory of work of Northwestern Sanitary Commission during war Rebellion. 8°. Chicago 1868 Heredity, Williamson, George. M. D. The laws of heredity. 12°. Chi- cago 1887 Herndon, Wm, H. Lectures and cor- respondence on Abraham Lincoln. Scrap Book. Newspaper Clip- pings. Contains Ann Rutledge lecture, and lecturel on Lincoln's religious beliefs Herndon, Wm. H. and Weik, Jesse W. Herndon's Lincoln, True story of a great life. 3 vols. 12°. Chi- cago 1892 Hermann, Binger. The Louisiana purchase, and our title west of the Rocky Mountains. U. S. Gov't pubs. 8°. Washington 1898 Heroes of ine Middle West, the French. Catherwood, Mary Hart- well. 12°. Boston 1898 Herr, George W. Nine campaigns in nine states. History 59th Reg't Ills. Vet. Vol's Inf. 1861-'65. 8°. San Francisco 1890 Hesperian, (The). A western quar- terly magazine, published at St. Louis. Vol. 1, Nos. 4 and 6. 1895. DeMenil, Alex. N. editor Hickling, Wm., and Hubbard. Col. G. S. Sketches of Billy Caldwell and Shabonee. Chicago Hist. Soc, July 16, 1877. Fergus Hist. Series No. 10. 12°. Chicago 1877 Hickman. Wm. A. Brigham's de- stroying angel. 12°. N. Y 1872 Hicks, Frederick C. The territorial revenue system of Missouri. (Ar- ticle No. 2, in No. 12, pub. of Mo. Hist. Soc.) 8°. St. Louis. 1896. Pam Hilder. F. F. Archieology of Missouri. Pub. of Mo. Hist. Soc, No. 6. Pam Hildreth. S. P. Memoirs of the pio- neer settlers of Ohio. 8°. Cin- cinnati. 1852 — Pioneer history of the Ohio Valley and early settlements of the N. W. Territory. 8°. Cincinnati.... 1848 Hildreth, Samuel P., M. D.. Contri- butions to the early history of the Northwest, including the Moravi- an Missions of Ohio. 12°. Cin- cinnati. 1865 Hill, David Bennett, sketch of life of. In Lincoln's campaign; or the political revolution of 1860, page 237. Oldroyd, Osborn H. Paper. 12°. Chicago 1896 Hill, H. H. & Co., pub. History of Lee Co., Illinois. 8°. Chicago... 1881 Hill, H. H. & Co., pubs. History of Mercer and Henderson counties, Illinois. 8°. Chicago 1882 Hill, H. S. and others, eomp. Reports of the trade and commerce of Peoria. 1870-1879. 8°. Peoria 1880 Hill, John. Speech delivered at Petersburgh, Ills., Aug. 28, 1860. in reply to the speeches of Senator Lyman Trumbull and Henry Case, Republican candidate for Congress in the 5th district. ( Bound in a collection of speeches by orators of the period, 1858-1862) .... HILL l.;r, HISTORICAL. Hill, Col. Robert P. Grand Army es of the U.S. 16°. Kalama- zoo. Mich 1884 Hinsdalb, B. A , Ph l>. The old Northwest, with view of the thir- teen colonies as constituted by the royal charters. 8°; X. Y 1888 Histoire de la Conqu6te de la Floridc, ou relation New France under Louis XIV. - Jesuits in North America. - Old regime in Canada. - Pioneers of France in the New World. Pittman, Capt. Philip. Present state of the European settlements on the Mississippi. 4°. London. 1770 Shea. John Gilmary- Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi Valley. With original narratives of Marquette. Allouez, Membre, Hennepin and Antase Douay. 8°. N. Y 1853 Shea, John Gilmary, trans. Des- cription of Louisiana, by Father Louis Hennepin. From edition of 1683. With map. 8°. N. Y 1880 Tonti. Henri. Relations de la Loui- siana et du Mississippi, par Le Chevelier de Tonti, Gouverneur du Fort St. Louis aux Illinois. Amsterdam 1720 - D^rnieres decouvertes dans l'Amerique Septenrionale de! M. La Salle: par M. LeChavelier Tonti, Gouverneur du Fort. St. Louis aux Illinois. Paris 1697 For other works relating to La- Salle and his travels, see Bio- graphy, LaSalle. For other works relating to the discovery and ex- ploration of the Northwest and the Miss. Valley, see Travel and Voyage, Miss. Valley, The West, etc., etc. Illinois— Territorial. — Hening, William Waller,com;j. Stat- utes at large, being a collection of all the laws of Va. from first session of legislature in 1619 to 1792. 13 vols. 8°, Richmond.. 1809-1823 — Casey. Joseph J. Personal names in Hening's statutes at large of Virginia. 4°. N. Y 1896 — Clark, Col. George Rogers. Sketch of campaign of Col. Geo. Rogers Clark in the Illinois. Introduction by Henry Pirtle. (Ohio Valley Hist. Series No, 3.) 8°. Cincinnati 1869 — Cutler, Ephraim. Life and times of, with biographical sketches of Jervis Cutler and Wm. Parker Cutler- Cutler, Julia Perkins. (Ohio Valley Hist. Series.) 8°. Cincinnati... 1890 — Cutler, Itev. Manasseh, LL. D. Life and correspondence of. Cut- ler. Wm. P. & Julia P. 2 vols. 8°. Cincinnati 1888 Illinois— Northwest Territory. — Beggs, Rev, S. P. Pages from early history of the west and north- west. 12°. Cincinnati 1868 — Bradford, Wm. J. A. Notes on the northwest, or valley of the upper Mississippi. 12°. N. Y. and Lon- don 1846 Bradley, Isaac Samuel. Available material for the study of institu- tional history of the old N. W. (Proceedings Wis. Hist. Soc.) 8°. Madison 1897 Burnet, Jacob. Notes on the early settlement of the Northwest terri- tory. 8°. N. Y 1847 Dillon. John B. Historical notes on discovery and settlement of territory Northwest of river Ohio in introduction to Dillon's history of Indiana. Vol. 1 (only). 8°. Indianapolis 1843 Dillon. John B. History of Indiana, also history of territory north- west of river Ohio. 8°. Indian- apolis 1857 Dillon, John B. Sketch of the ter- ritory northwest of the river Ohio, with history of Indiana. 8°. Indianapolis 1859 ILLINOIS 148 ILLINOIS Il.l.ix IBTHWB8T TERRITORY — ntinued. Ewing, Oi it. Thomas Address at the centennial celebration of set- tlemenl of Northwest territory, Marietta, Ohio, .inly 15. 1888. Pam. 2ded — Harvey, Henry. History of Shaw- nee Indians from tin- year 1681 to 1864, Inclusive S . Cincinnati.. 1866 — Hildreth, S. P. I'ioueer history of the Ohio valley and early Bettle- t of tin- Northwest territory. 8°. Cincinnati 1848 — Laws of the territory Northwest of the river Ohio, L791 1802. 8 . Cin- cinnati, reprint — Laws passed in territory Q. S. Northwest river Ohio, from com- mencement of the government to Dec. 31. 1791. 8° Phila 1792 — Laws passed in territory U. S. Northwest river < >hio, -inly to De- cember, 1792, inclusive. 12°. Phila 1794 — Laws of the territory of the U.S. Northwest of the Ohio, adopted and made at session legislature begun May 29 and ended Aug. 25. 1795. 12°. Phila 17% — Laws of the territory Northwest of river Ohio, passed at first session general assembly, 1799. 12°. Cin- cinnati 1800 — BleClure, David. Diary of David BicClure, 1748-1820. With notes by Franklin B. Dexter. Edited by Join, P. Peters. B . N. Y 1899 — MoCullough, Mrs. N. N. Centen- nial liyniii of the Northwest terri- tory. Pain. Springfield 1887 — . '\im. Frederick. The early Northwest. (Address before Amr. Historical Assn.) Paper. 8°. N. Y 1889 — Poole. Win. Frederick. The ordi- nance of 1787. A reply, from " inlander," January, 1892. s . Mich — Poole, \Ym Frederick. The ordi- nance pi 1787 and Dr. Mann- ( !ntl( agent in its forma- tion. B°. Cambridge. Mass 1876 — Sargent, Wintbrop; and Barton, Benj. Smith. Papers relative to certain American antiquities. 8°. Phila 1798 ILLINOIS — NOBTHWIBI TERRITORY — ( loncludi d — Smith, W - Short history ol Ills. TheOrdinani (1787. Ar tide in School News. Dec is99 . — Smith, William Henry. The ('lair Papers. 2 villi. B°. Cincin- nati 1882 — Wilson. Frazer E. The Treat] Greenville. 12 . Piqua, 18W Illinois- Indian a Territory. — Dillon. John. See Ills. North Territory — Law. John. Colonial history Vincenne8. 8 . Vinci — Lewis. Virgil A. The originial Indiana Territory; it was In w Ya. (Pub. W. Va. Hist, and Ant. Soc.) Pam. 12. Charleston... 1- — Laws adopted by governor and judges Indiana Territory at their tirst session, .Ian. 1801. B°. Frank- fort. Ky 1802 — Laws of Indiana Territory. 8°. Yineennes I s11 " — Territorial laws of Indiana, 1805- 1806. Laws first and ses- sion, [jaws two sessions in man- uscript, copied : Illinois— Illinois Territory. -- Illinois State Historical Library, pno. No. 2. Prepared by Edwin J. James, Ph. D. information re- lating to the Territorial laws of Ills , pasi d from 1800-1812. 8°. Springfield — Legislative Council and House Rep- atatlves of the Territory of Ills, at their tirst Bession, Kaskas- kia. 1812. Law establishing a Supreme < lourt, 1814. I . passed 1815 1816, at Fourth - -ion. Laws passi d 1816-1817. Laws passed 1817 1818. 2vols — The Military title of Louisiana and the Territory of illin lis, d and lount La Napo- leon's ambassador. It is also, the order to 1 len. I >'■ Lassus to de- liver the Territory over to Capt. os Stoddard, of the U. S. Ar- tillery. (Original manuscript ter. ' Purchased in New Orleans by W. II. Hinrichsen, Secretary • of Ills., and deposited in the State Historical Library — Pope, Nathanial, comp. Laws of the of UN. 2vols. B°. Kas- kaskia 1815 ILLINOIS. 149 ILLINOIS. Illinois— Indiana Territory— Continued. — Secretary of State of Ills., eomp. Laws passed by the Gen. Assem- bly of Ills. Territory, 1815-1816, and 1817-1818. 2 vols. Reprint. 8°. Springfield 1898 Illinois History. — Albach. James R., pub. Annals of the West. 8°. Pittsburg 1857 — Alton.— Minutes of a convention favorable to the immediate aboli- tion of slavery in the U. S., Alton, Ills.. Oct. 26. 1837. List of dele- gates and proceedings. Parks & Breath, pubs. 12°. Alton, 1838. Pam .... — Angell. G. M., M.D. An account of a colony founded about 1836, in Illinois, by citizens of Rhode Island. Manuscript — Anthony, Hon. Elliott. The consti- tutional history of Illinois. 8°. Chicago 1891 — Beecher. Rev. Edward. Narrative of riots at Alton: in connection with the death of Elijah P. Love- joy. 16°. Alton 1838 — Beggs, Rev. S. R. Pages from the early history of the West and Northwest: embracing reminis- cences and incidents of settle- ment and growth, and sketches of the material and religious pro- gress of the States of Ohio, In- diana, Illinois and Missouri, with especial reference to the history of Methodism. 12°. Cincinnati.. 1868 — Birkbeck, Morris. Notes'on a jour- ney in America, from the coast of Virginia to the Territory of Ills., with proposals for the establish- ment! of a eolony.'of English; ac- companied by a map, illustrating the route. 2d ed. 8°. Dublin... 1818 — •• Notes on a journey in America, from the coast of Virginia to the Territory of Ills. With letters from Ills. 3d. ed. 8°. London.. 1818 Letters from Tils. 2d ed. 8°. Lon- don 1818 — Blanchard, Rufus. History of Ills.. to accompany a historical ma? of the State. Map annexed. 8°* Chi- cago 1883 — Bonham. Jeriah. Fifty years' rec- ollections. 12°. Peoria 1883 — Bradwell, Jas. B., pnb. Women lawyers of Ills. Portraits of 27 of the women lawyers of the State. 16°. Chicago 1900 Illinois— Continued. — Breese, Sidney. The early history of Ills., from the discovery by the French in 1673, until its cession to Great Britain in 1763, including the narrative of Marquette's dis- covery of the Miss. With a biog- raphical memoir of author by Melville W. Fuller. Edited by Thos. Hoyne, LL.D. 8°. Chicago 1874 — Brown, Henry. History of Illinois, from discovery and settlement to the present time. With map. 8°. New York 1844 — Carpenter, W. H. and Arthur, T. S., eds. History of Ills, from its earliest settlement to present. (Cabinet Histories of the States.) 16°. Phila 1869 — County Histories. — - Adams county, published Chicago 1879. Also, Atlas map 1872 — - Alexander county, pub. Chicago.. 1882 — - Bond county, pub. Chicago 1882 — - Boone county. Past and present of Boone County. Kett & Co., 1877. Atlas map 1886 — - Brown county, pub. Pbila 1882 — - Bureau county, pub. Chicago 1885 — - Calhoun county. Manuscript sketch. Child, Geo. B 1894 — - Carroll county, pub. Chicago 1878 — - Cass county, pub. Chicago 1882 — - Champaign county. Three eds. Champaign, 1876, 1878, and Phila. . 188 J — - Christian county, pub. Phila 1880 — - Clark county. Crawford & Clark. Cos. 1 vol. Pub. Chicago, 1883. Atlas map 1892 — - Clay county, pub. Chicago, 1884. Also Atlas map 1881 — - Clinton county, pub. Phila 1881 — - Coles county, pub. Chicago 1879 — - Cook county, pub. Chicago 1884 — - Crawford county, pub. Chicago.. 1883 — - Cumberland county, pub. Chicago 1884 — - DeKalb county, pub. Chicago, 1868. Also Atlas map 1871 — - DeWitt county, pub. Phila 1882 — - Douglas county, pub. Chicago 1884 ILLINOIS. 150 ILLINOIS. Illinois . Histories— Coniinu ■ ■!. 1 i.i.inois— Colni v Hi-; i ories— Continued. — - DuPage county, pub. Chicago, — - Macon county, pub. Philadelphia. 1879 i^l'. Also Atlas map 1874 — - Macoupin county, pub. Phila 1879 — - Edgar county, ppb. Chicago 1879 — - Madison county, pub. Edwards- - - Edwards county , pub. Chicago... 1883 — - Effingham county, pub. Chicago. 1883 — - Marion county, pub. Philadelphia l^Ts 1881 AlsoAtlas map — - Fayette county, pub. Phila — - Ford county. Not in Library .... — - Marshall county, pub. Lacon 1880 — - Franklin county, pub. Chicago... 1887 — - Mason county— Menard and .Ma- sou counties. Chicago 1879 — - Fulton county, pub. Chicago 1879 — - Massac county. Biographical — - Gallatin county, pub. Chicago 1887 1893 — - Greene county, pub. Springfield. 1885 — - McDonough county, pub. Daven- port, Iowa, 1871. Also Atlas map. 1871 — - Grundy county, pub. Chicago. 1882 — - McHenry county. Missing in — - Hamilton county, pub. Chicago... 1887 history. L' editions of Atlas — - Hancock county. Hi-story miss- ing, but have Atlas map map ls;_ l 1891 — - McLean county v 2 eds. pub. Bloom- — - Hardin county. Biographical Re- 1879 1893 — - Menard and Mason counties, pub. — - Henderson county, pub. Chicago. 1882 1887 Chicago 1879 — - Henry county, pub. Kett & Co — - Menard, Women's Columbian — - Iroquois county pub. Chicago 1880 Souvenir, 1893, and Atlas map 1874 — - Jackson county pub. Phila 1878 — - Mercer county, pub. Chicago 1882 1884 — - Monroecounty. pub. Philadelphia 1883 — - Jefferson county, pub. Chicago... 1883 — - Montgomery county, pub. < hi. ago 1882 — - Jersey county. 2 eds., Jack- — - Morgan county, 2 eds. pub. Jack- sonville, (pam.) 1876, and Spring- 1878 field , 1885 1881 — - JoDaviess county, pub. Chicago. . 1878 L869 — - Johnson county. Biographical 1893 — - Peoria county, Ballance. pub. — - Kane county, pub. Chicago 1878 Peoria. 1870. Atlas maps. 2 eds. 1873- 1896 — - Kankakee county, 1 listory miss- — - Perry county, pub. Philadelphia.. is-;, ing, but have atlas-map 1883 — - Piatt county, n. d. Piatt. Enn — - Kendall county, pub. Chicago 1876 — - Knox county, pub. Chicago 1878 — - Pike county, pub. Chicago isso — - Lake county, pub. Chicago 1877 — - Pope county. Biographical re- view 1891 — - LaSalle county, pub. ChicagO,1877 and history of LaSalle (bound — - Pulaski county, pub. Chicago 1883 with Boone county) 1877 — - Putnam county, pub. Lacon 1880 — - Lawrence county, pub Phila 1883 — - Lee county, 2 eds., ' hieago, 1881, — - Randolph county. 2 eds. (Monta- and Dixon 1893 1878 gue) Alton 1859 and Philadelphia. . — - Richland county, pub. Chicago... 1883 — - Livingston county, pub. Chicago. !-I — - Logan county, .'i eds., Chicago, — - Rock island county, Rock Island 1878, Dwight, 1880, and Lincoln Souvenir, 1895, R. I. Arsenal. 1881. Also Atlas map Logan Flagler, 1887, R. I. Arsenal. Til- 1893 ls:.s ILLINOIS. 151 ILLINOIS. Illinois— County Histories— Continued. — - Saline county, pub. Chicago 1887 — - Sangamon county, 5 eds. Spring- field, 1866. Davenport. Iowa, 1873, Phila, 1874, Chicago 1881 and 1891. Also Atlas map 1874 — - Scott county, brief sketch, Knapp, Winchester 1876 — - Schuyler county, pub. Phila 1882 — - Shelby county pub. Phila 1881 — - Stark county pub. Cambridge. Shallenberger, Mrs. E. H 1876 ■ -* - St. Clair county pub. Phila 1881 — - Stephenson county pub. Chicago. 1880 "— - Tazewell county (missing) — - Union county pub. Chicago, 1883. Also atlas map 1881 — - Vermilion county pub, Chicago... 1879 — - Wabash county pub. Phila 1883 — - Warren county pub. Chicago 1877 — - Washington county pub. Phila... 1879 — - Wayne county pub. Chicago, 1884. Also atlas map 1881 — - White county pub. Chicago 1883 — - Whiteside county pub. Morrison. 1877 — - Will county pub. Chicago 1878 — - Williamson county pub. Chicago. 1876 — - Winnebago county pub. Chicago. 1877 — - Woodford county pub. Chicago. . . 1878 — Davidson, Alexander and Stuve, B. History of Illinois, 1673-1873. 8°. Springfield 1874 — - Second ed. 1673-1884. 8°. Spring- field 1884 — Dresbach, Arthur C. and Ada A. Young people's history of Ills. (Chicago Home Hist. Series.) 8°. Chicago 1886 — Edwards, Ninian- The Edwards papers. Being a portion of the collection of the letters, papers & Mss. of Ninian Edwards. Edited by E. B. Washburne. (Chicago Hist. Soc.'s Col. Vol. 3.) 8°. Chi- cago 1884 — Edwards, Ninian Wirt. History of Ills, from 1778 to 1833; and life and times of Ninian Edwards. 8°. Springfield 1870 Illinois— History— Continued. — Egleston, W. G. Collection of pho- tographs of Kaskaskia. See Kas- kaskia. — Flint. Timothy. Western monthly review. 2 vols. Cincinnati 1828-1829 — Flower, George. History of the English settlements in Edwards county, 111. (Chicago Hist. Soc. Collections, Vol. 1.) 8°. Chicago.. 1882 — Forbes, S. A. The gui-annee in Illi- nois. Published in the Illini, of the University of Ills., Sept. 25... 1896 — Ford, Gov. Thomas. History of 111. 1818 to 1847. 12°. Chicago 1854 — Gerhard, Fred. Ills, as it is; with a prairie and wood map; a geolog- ical map, a population map and other illustrations. 12°. Chicago 1857 — Handford, Thos. W. History of Ills. in words of one syllable. 8°. Chi- cago 1888 — Hedrick, James. Letters patent to certain lands in Ills., as herein described. Signed. George Gra- ham, commissioner of the general land office, dated Dec. 6, 1827. Re- corded v. 4, page 141.(original MS) — Historical Magazine. (Reprint from.) Affairs at Fort Chartres, 1768-1781. 8°. Albany 1864 — Jones, A. D. Ills, and the west, with a township map containing the latest surveys and improve- ments. 16°. Boston 1838 — Kaskaskia. Collection of photo- graphs of historic buildings and places, taken in 1891. |,by Dr. W. G. Egleston, and by him presented to the Illinois State Historical Library — - Territorial Legislative Hall. The first brick house in Ills. (View from south east. Another photo, view from south-east by south.) — - The old brick house. Two photo- graphs — - Old Kaskaskia hotel, where ban- quet to LaFayette was given in 1824. (View looking east: another view from the east. ) — - Interior of the room in the old hotel in which the banquet to LaFayette was given — - The Pierre Menard house. Two photograph s ILLINOIS. 152 ILLINOIS. Illinois— History— Continued. — - Interior view of the church of the Immaculate Conception — - Photograph of the record hooks of the church, of the chalice and paten, presented to the church by the King of France, and of the table on which the first constitu- tion of Ills, whs written. Record books contain the signature of Col. Geo. Rot rk — - Another view of the constitution table and church record-books, taken in the grounds by the side of the church — - Photograph of Father Ferlin hold- ing chalice and paten, on porch of priest's house. Only the hand and arm of Father Ferlin is shown in the photo — - Gev. Bond's house, in cornfield. Three photographs; all from south — - Remains of the old Kaskaskia convent; abandoned on account of Hood of 1S44. The nuns took refuge in the Pierre Menard house, from the porch of which they embarked on the steamer In- diana, and were taken to St. Louis. Two photographs — - The Gen. John Edgar house — - The new hotel from the rear- — - Well; on the site of the old State House — - View on principal street of Kas- kaskia, looking east — - View on the principal street, and of a young "Kaskian" — - Widowed chimney, robbed of its house in 1886. The house went down the river — - House of Chief Ducoin, the last of the tribe of tl jquia — - Bridge view of Kaskaskia — - View of Kaskaskia from Fort ge, on Garrison Hill — - Kaskaskia in the back ground. The new cemetery on Garrison Hill for the historic dead — - View from porch of priest's house — - Kaskaskia Island, southend. Two photographs Illinois— History— Continued. — - Kaskaskia ferry line; "Bonny" and "Jerry." Compound, grass- burning engines — - East Kaskaskia. Foot of Fort Gage mountain — - East Kaskaskia. Mule ferry to Kaskaskia — - Dr. Egleston. also, presented the library with fac similes of the signatures of the following per- son§, notable in the history of Illinois. These signatures were traced from the originals in the church record books at Kas- kaskia: Bissell. S. Bond. Sidney Breese. Charleville, George K.Clark, John Edgar, Ninian Edwards, P. Gibault, John Rice Jones, Dan Murray. Xath. Pope, G. Richard. Felix St. Vrain, Rich. Winston. Edw. Worthington. In addition to the above. Dr. Egles- ton presented the library with a pencil sketch of Col. Francis Vigo, copied from a drawing by Chas. A. Lesueur, and pen drawings of - Kaskaskia and the Kaskaskia and Mississippi rivers, previous to 1886. and after the 'cut-off" of 1886. — - Photograph of the powder maga- zine at Kaskaskia, Ills., built by the French about 200 years ago. Presented to the library July 4, 1891. by Charles Oldendorph. of Waterloo — - Montague. E. J. Directory, bus- iness mirror, and historical sketches of Randolph county, containing the name, residence, and occupation of every citizen of the county; with a condensed sketch of Kaskaskia and Prairie Du Kocher. commencing with their Indian history. Brief notes of pioneer settlers. 12°. Alton.. 1859 — Koerner.Gustav. Das Deutsche ele- ment in den Vereini- 3 ten von Nord Amerika, 1818-1848. 12°. Cincinnati 1880 — Lincoln. William S. Alton trials. See Lovejoy, Elijah P. — Linder. Gen. Usher P., (with intro- duction and appendix by the Hon. Joseph Gillespie). Reminiscences of the early bench and bar of Ills. 2ded. 12°. Chicago 1879 ILLINOIS. 153 ILLINOIS. Illinois— History— Conti nued. — Lusk, D. W, Politics and politi- cians. A succinct history of the politics of Ills, from 1S56 to 1SS4, with anecdotes and incidents. Appendix from 1809 to 1S56. 8°. Springfield 1884 — - Eighty years of Ills, politics and politicians, anecdotes and inci- dents. A succinct history of the State, 180S-18S9. 3d ed. Spring- field 1889 — Macdonald. James. IFood from the far west. Stock farming in Illin- sis. pages 135-148. inc. 12". NY. n.d — McLean County Historical Society; transactions of. Vol 1, McLean Co. war records and other papers. 8°. Bloomington 1899 Vol. 3. Meeting of May 29, 1900, in commemoration of the conven- tion of May 29. 1856, which organ- ized the Republican party of Ills. 8°, Bloomington 1900 — Mason, Edward G., ed. Early Chi- cago and Ills. (Chicago Hist. Soc. Collection, Vol. 4.) S°. Chi- cago 1890 — Mason, Edward G. Illinois in the 18th Century. (Fergus Hist. SeriesNo. 12) 12°. Chicago 1881 (Also Fergus Hist. Series Nos. 31, 32. 33 and 34. — Matsou X. Pioneers of Ills. Series of sketches relating to events that occurred previous to 1813. 12°. Chicago 1882 — - Reminiscences of Bureau Co. 12° 1S72 — Minier, George B. Recollections of early Illinois. Manuscript — Morris, John H. Receipt from the Auditor of the State of Ills., to John H. Morris for the treasurer's certificate that the said Morris paid into the treasury of the State the sum of $130.37 being the amount of his land tax. Dated. Vandalia. Ills., Jan. 6, 1826, signed E. J. Berry, Auditor. (Original receipt) — Moses John. Illinois, historical and statistical. 2 vols. 8°. Chi- cago 1889-92 — - Appendix, supplementary to Ills., historical and statistical. 8°. Chi- cago 1896 Illinois— History— Con tinned. — Moses. John. The organization of the State of Ills, into counties. Address before the Ills. State Bar Association. Manuscript — Oliver. Wm. Eight months in Ills.. with information to emigrants. Newcastle upon Tyne. 8° 1843 — Osman, Eaton G. Starved Rock. A historical sketch. 8°. Ottawa. 1S95 — Peck, J. M. Annals of the West. 8°. Albach, pub 1550 — Perkins. James H. Annals of the West. 8°. Albach. pub 1847 — Pioneer Mothers of Illinois. Stories of the pioneer mothers of Illinois. A collection of manuscript letters from the pioneer women of the State, giving their early experi- ences, collected for the World's Columbian Exposition and after- ward deposited in the Illinois State Historical Library — Reynolds, Gov. John. My own times: embracing also the his- tory of my life. 12 D . Illinois 1855 Another edition, published by the Chicago Hist. Society, with notes and index. 8°. Chicago 1S79 — Pioneer history of Illinois. 12 -. Belleville 1^52 Another edition, with notes and index. Fergus Printing Co. 8°. Chicago 1883 — Scott. John M. The Supreme Court of Illinois, ISIS, its first judges and lawyers. Short sketches. 8°. Bloomington 1896 — Smith Geo. W. History of Illinois. A series of articles publi>hed in The School News, beginning Sep.. 1899: 1. French occupancy. 2. French loss of territory. 3. Clark's campaign. 4. Ordinance of 1787. 5. First thirty years as a State. 6. Second Constitution. 7. Illinois in the Civil War. 8. Recent events from Civil War to general election of 1896. — Trollope, Anthony. North America. Description of Illinois prairies and cornfields, the town of Dixon and the city of Chicago, pages 22v2*o vol. 1. and description of Cairo, pages 150-165. 2 Vols. 8°. London 1>62 ILLINOIS. 154 ILLINOIS. Illinois -Histori ( tontinm d. — (J. 8. Centental Commissioners for Illinois. [Ha. Register book of visitors to Ills, building at Inter- national Exposition, 1876, Phils. 2 Vols., folio — Van Zandt, Nicholas Biddle. Pull description of the Boil, water tim- ber and praii ies ol each lot or quarter section <>f the military lands between the Mississippi and Illinois river- l U o descrip- tion Missouri Territory, 8°. Washington City 1818 — Wallace. Joseph. The history of Il- linois and Louisiana under the [Trench rule embracing a general view of the French dominion of North America, with some ac- count of the English occupation of Illinois. 8°. Cincinnati 1893 — Welby, A. Hard, Esq. Visit to North America and the English settle- ments in Illinois, with a winter dence at Philadelphia. 8°. London 1821 — West, Mary Allen. I'ioneerdays in Illinois. Manuscript — White, Hon. S. V. Address deliv- ered at Chautauqua, Ills.. July 19, 1900. Keminiseenses of Jersey county. Ills.. 1835-1850. Pam. 8°. Brooklyn. X. V 1900 — Williams, John S. The American Pioneer. 2 vols. 2d ed. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1842-43 — Woodruff, G. H. Fifty years ago; or, gleanings respecting the his- tory of northern Illinois, a few years previous to and during the Black BawkWar. 8°. Joliet.. 1883 — \V Is, John. 'Two years residence in the settlement on the English prairie in the Illinois country, U. s., with an account of its animal and vegetable productions, agri- culture, etc., etc A description of the principal towns, villages, . with the habits and customs of the backwoodsmen. s . London 1822 — World's Colnmbian Exposition. To the State of Illinois, for the excel- lence of the genera] school exhibit at the World's Fair. Chicago, a certificate and a bronze medal Illinois Bistoby— Continut >i. — World's Columbian Exposition to the State of Illinois, tor the dis- play of honey. Award for the large quantity shown and for its artistic arrangement and careful superintend* erl Iflcate and a bronze medal ILLINOIS GOVERNMENT AND LAWS. (Laws in Chronological Order.) — Public and private laws of the State of Illinois passed by the General Assembly 1819-1899. 7s vols, ex- clusive of revisions — Revised code of laws of Illinois 1827. Enacted by the 5th General Assembly — Revised code of laws of Illinois. 1828-1829 — Revised code of laws of Illinois, 1832-1833 — Act for the organization and gov- ernment of the militia of this State, passed .March 2, 1833. To- gether with the articles of war. and rules and regulations for government of the army of U. S. Published by authority. Printed by John York Sawyer, public printer. 99 pages, index 4 pages. 12 . Vandalia 1833 — Public and general laws of Illinois, exceptsuch as have been repealed. 1839. Published by Stephen F. Gale. Also known as Scaramon's Revision.) — Revision of the laws of the State of Illinois. Brayman, M., comp — 1844-46 Ills. Conveyancer; being a collection of original and selected forms for popular use. Oilman, Charles, comp. 12°. Quincy 1846 — Compilation of all the general laws concert Ing real estate, and the thereto in the State of Illi- nois. Purple, X. II., comp. b°. Quincy 1849 — Compilation of the statutes of Illi- nois, of a general nature, in force Jan. 1. 1856. collated with refer- ence to decisions of the Supreme Court of Illinois Purple, X. H. comp. 2 vols ILLINOIS. 155 ILLINOIS. Illinois— Government and Laws.— Con- tinued. — Statutes of Illinois, embracing all general laws of the State in force Dec. 1, 1857. with marginal notes, showing the contents of each sec- tion, and reference to decisions of Supreme Court of the State upon the construction of each statute. Compiled by Samuel H. Treat. Walter B. Scates and Robert S. Blackwell. Published by authority of General Assembly 1858. 2vols — Statutes of Ills, and digest of all general laws of the State 1818-1868, with a classified index to all local, special and transient acts since Dec. 1844. Edited by Eugene L. Gross. Chicago 1868 — Index to laws of the State of Illi- nois, both public and private, which are not printed at large in Gross' Statutes of 1869; 1818-1869 Eugene L. Gross & Wm. L. Gross, compilers. Springfield 1869 ~ Statutes of Illinois. An analytical digest of all general laws of the State in force at the present time, official and standard. By act of Legislature. 1818-1872. Edited by Eugene L. Gross & Wm. L. Gross. Vol 2, acts of 1871-1872. Authenti- cated by official certificate 1872 — Statutes of Illinois. An analytical digest of all general laws of the State in force at the present time. Official and standard. By act of the Legislature, 1818-1869. Gross, Eugene L-, comp — Revision of statutes of general laws of Ills., 1818-1873, with acts of 1873, Gross, Wm. L.. comp Revision of 1874. Compilation of all the general laws of the State in force at the present time. Official and standard. By act of the Legis- lature. Gross, Wm. L., compiler. 2d ed. Vol. 3. Acts of 1873-1874 Statutes of Illinois construed. Con- taining the statutes of 1874 as amended by acts of 1875-1877, by W. H. Underwood, with notes and references to all later decisions, prepared by R. A. Halbert, Esq. Also, Constitution of Ills., an- notated by Hon. E. M. Haines.... 1878 Government Laws.— Continued. — Revision of 1883. Revised Statutes of Ills., embracing all laws of a general nature in force July 1, 1883, notes and references. Edited by Geo. W. Cothran, LLD. 4th rev. ed 188* — Revised Statutes of Illinois, com- prising revised statutes of 1874 and all amendments thereto; gen- eral acts of 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1882 and 1883, being all the statutes of the State in force Sept. 1, 1885. Edited and compiled by Harvey B. Hurd — Revision of 1885. Harvey B. Hurd. comp — Revised Statutes of 1887. Harvey B. Hurd, comp — Revised Statutes of Ills.. 1889. Har- vey B. Hurd. comp Revised Statutes of 1891. Compiled by Harvey B. Hurd Revised Statutes of 1893. Harvey B. Hurd, editor Revised Statutes of Ills., 1895. Har- vey B. Hurd, editor — Revision of 1897. Harvey B. Hurd. Legislature. — Journals of the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Illinois 1818-1899, except Senate Journal 2d Session of the First Gen. Assembly, 1819, and Journals (Senate and House) of the 3rd Gen. Assembly, 1823. 108 Vols Constitutional Conventions. — Journal of Constitutional Conven- tion of the State of Illinois 184T — State Register. June 12, 1847. Sept. 3, 1847. Report proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Illinois, 1847. Lanphier & Walker, pubs. Springfield, Ills — Journal of Constitutional Conven- tion of the State of Illinois, 1862. Chas. H. Lanphier, printer, Springfield, Ills 1862 — Journal of the Constitutional Con- vention of the State of Illinois, 1869-70. State Journal print. Springfield 1870 ILLINOIS. 156 ILLINOIS. < lorn bntions -Oonclud( the General Assembly of the Governor and State oftt- cers, 1838 1899. i Previous to 1838. published in House and Senate journals 91 ^ "Is. 8° 1870 Governors of Illinois— There have been twenty-one guberna- torial elections since the organiza- tion of the State (1818). One gov- ernor, Bissell, died while in office, and three have resigned to accept places in the Congress of the U. S. Reynolds as Representative, and Oglesby and Cullom as Senators. Four Lieutenant Governors, Ew- ing. Wood, Beveridge and Hamil- ton have succeeded to the office of Governor. Oglesby was three times elected Governor, French twice, and C'ul lorn twice, making seven- teen men elected to the office of Governor at the twenty-one guber- natorial elections, but the succes- sion of the four Lieut. Governors make the number of Governors the same as the number of the elec- tions. (1900.) — Edwards, Xinian, only Territorial Governor of Ills., U. S. Senator from Ills., and 3rd Governor of the State of Ills.; born Mont- gomery Co., Md., March 17. 1775, died Belleville. Ills.. July 20. 1833 — - Territorial Governor of Illinois, and Governor of the State of Illi- nois, 1826-1830 — - Biennial messages to the General Assembly — - Address delivered by Xinian Ed- wards. Governor of the State of Illinois to both Bouses of the Legislature. Dec. 7. 1830. Pain. 8°. Vandalia 1830 — - Letu-rs patent issued to Xinian Edwards of Randolph <'<<.. ills.. in consideration of the payment in full to the U. S. through the general land office fur the right and title to certain described lands in Ills. Signed Geo. Gra- ham, Commissioner of the Gen- eral Land Office, dated Jan. 10, 1824. Recorded vol. 4, page 133 * oi\ BRNOR8 Continued. Alto, letters patent to certain other described lands in Illinois. signed N. M. Garland, Recorder of the General Land Office, dated N..v. 1. 1889. Recorded, vol. 27. page 147 c — Also Xinian Edwards, assignee of John Edgar, letter- patent to cer- tain lands in Illinois, therein des- cribed. Signed Joaiah Meigs, Commissioner of the General Land Office, dated March 18. 1819. (Recorded vol. 2, of donation pa- tents, page 187. ) Also titles to certain lands in Illi- nois, issued by the State Auditor of Public Accounts, James T. B. Stapp. l?ive pieces bearing dates of 1832,1833 1835.(Orieinal papers.) .... History of Illinois, 1778-1833: and life and times of Ninian Edwards. By his son, Xinian Wirt Edwards. 8°. Springfield 1^70 Edwards. Georgie Hortense. His- torical sketches of the Edwards and Todd Families Contains sketch of Gov. Edwards and his family. 8°. Springfield 1894 Edwards Papers (The); being a col- lection of the letters, papers and manuscripts of Xinian Edwards. Edited by E. B. Washburne. (Chicago Historical Society's Col- lection, vol. 3.) 8°. Chicago 1884 Bond, Shadrach. first territorial delegate in Congress from Ills., and first Governor of the State of Ills.; born in Frederick Co., Md., 1773: died Kaskaskia, April 13, 1832 - 1818-1822. Biennial messages to General Assembly, published in House and Senate Journals. Sketch of life of , in various his- tories of the State Coles, Edward, 2d Governorof Ills; born Albemarle Co., Va., Dec. 16, 1786; died in Philadelphia, July 7, 1808 ; - Biennial messages to ' leneral As- sembly. 1322-1826 Sketch of the life of Gov. Coles and of the slavery struggle of 1823-24. Prepared for the Chicago His- torical Society by E. B. Wash- burne. 12°. Chicago 1882 ILLINOIS. 157 ILLINOIS. Governors— Contin ued. — Voyage aux Etats— Unis d'Ameri- que. Wright. Fanny. Pages 338- 341, vol. 2, an account of the free- ing of his slaves by Gov. Coles — For other sketches of the life of Gov. Coles, see the various his- tories of the State — Reynolds, John, 4th Governor of Ills.; born Montgomery Co., Pa.. Feb. 26. 1789; died Belleville, ill,, May8.1865 — Reynolds. John. 1830-1834. Bien- nial messages to the General As- sembly — Pioneer history of Illinois. By Gov. John Reynolds. N. A. Randall, pub. 12°. Belleville 1852 Second edition, with notes and in- dex, published by the Fergus Printing Co. 8°. Chicago 1887 — - My own times. Reynolds. Gov. John. 12° 1855 Reprint ^of the above, by Fergus - -.-— Printing Co.. for the Chicago His- torical Society. Notes and index. 8°. Chicago 1879 — John Reynolds, a student, a lawyer and a judge. Pages, 100-158. in Judge John M. Scott's "Supreme Courtof Illinois.". 1818 — Ewing, Win. L. D.. 5th Governor of Illinois, born in Kentucky, 1795. died in Illinois, March 15, 1846 — - November 17, 1S34, Dec. 2, 1834. Message to the General Assembly — For sketches of life of Gen. Ewing, see histories of State, and of Black Hawk War — Duncan, Joseph, 6th Governor of Illinois, born, Paris, Ky., Feb. 22, 1794, died, Jacksonville, Ills., Jan. 15. 1844 — - 1834-1838. Bi-ennial messages to General Assembly. Biographical sketch of Joseph Duncan. By his daughter, Julia Duncan Kirby. (Fergus Historical Series, No. 29) 12°. Chicago 1888 — Carlin, Thomas, 7th Governor of Ills., born. Fayette Co.. Ky., July 18, 1789, died, Carrollton. Ills.. Feb. 14, 1852 - - 1838-1842. Bi-ennial messages to General Assembly. For sketches of life of Gov. Carlin, see State histories Governors— Continued. — Ford, Thomas, 8th Governor of Il- linois, born, Uniontown. Pa.. 1800. died, Peoria, Ills.. Nov. 3, 1850 — - 1842-1846. Bi-ennial messages to General Assembly — - History of Ills, 1818-1847. 12°. Chicago 1854 — - Sketch of life, pages 59-65. inc. in Jeriah Bonham's "Fifty years recollections" — French, Augustus C. 9th Governor of Ills., born. Hill, N. H.. August 2, 180S; died, Lebanon, Ills., Sept. 4, 1864 — Fiench, Augustus C. 1846-1853. elected (first) under constitution of 1818, again elected under con- stitution of 1848. Bi-ennial mes- sages to General Assembly — - Sketch of life of, pages 66-75 inc. in Jeriah Bonham's "Fifty years recollections" — Matteson, Joel A., 10th Governor of Ills., born, Watertown, N. Y., 1808; died Chicago. Ills., Jan. 31. 1873 See histories of Ills. — - 1853-1857. Bi-ennial messages to the General Assemby — - Sketch of life of, pages 76-81 inc., in Bonham's "Fifty years recol- lections" — Bissell, Wm. H., 11th Governor of Ills., (first Republican Governor), born, near Cooperstown, N. Y., April 25, 1811; died. Springfield, Ills., while Governor. March 18, 1860 — - 1857-1860. Biennial messages to General Assembly — - Sketch of life of, pages, 82-95 inc., in Bonham's "Fifty years recol- lections" — Wood, John, 12th Governor of Ills., born. Moravia, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1798; died, Quincy, Ills.. June 12, 1880 — - March 1860; Jan., 1861. Message to General Assembly — - Sketch of life of, pages. 96-99 inc.. in "Bonham's "Fifty years recol- lections" — Yates, Richard, 13th Governor of Illinois, born. Warsaw, Ky., Jan. 18. 1815; died, St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 27. 1873 ILLINOIS. 158 ILLINOIS. Gov b knors— Co n tinv — - 1362-18G5. Biennial messages to Genera] Assembly — - Sketch of lif.' of, pages, 100-112 inc., in Bonham's "Fifty years recollections'' — - Pilgrimage to the home of Gov. Yates. Published in Central Ills. Democrat. Jacksonville. May 13, 1399. From sketch by C. M. Eames — Oglesl.y, Richard J.. 11th Governor of Ills.; elected Governor three times. 1864, 1872 and 1884; born < Udham county, Ky.. July 25, 1824, died Elkhart, Logan county. Ills.. April 24. 1899 — - Jan. 13, 1865-1869; Jan. 21, 1873; 1885-1889. Biennial messages to General Assembly — - Sketch of life of, pages 113 to 120, inc., in Bonham's "Fifty years' recollections." — Palmer, John McAuley, 15th Gover- nor of Ills. Born Eagle Creek, Scott Co., Ky., Sept 13. 1817; died Springfield, Ills. Sept. 25,1900... — - 1869-1873. Biennial and special messages to General Assembly. — - Bench and Bar of Illinois, histor- ical and reminiscent, edited by Gov. John M. Palmer. Autobio- graphical sketch of Gov. Palmer, pages 439-441 — - Sketch of life of. pages 121-133, inc., in Bonham's "Fifty years' recollections." — Beveridge, John L., 16th Governor of Illinois, born. Greenwich, Washington Co.. X. V.. July 6, iS'.'t; now resides (1900) near Los Angeles, Cal — - 1873-1877. Biennial messages to General Assembly — - Sketch of life of, pages 134-145, inc., in Bonham's "Fifty years' recollections." — Cullom, Shelby M . 17th Governor of Ills., born Wayne Co., Ky., Nov. 22, 1829; pre&ent senior U. S. Senator from Ills.; resides at Springfield. His. (1900.) — - 1877-1831. 1831-1883. Biennial mes- sages to General Assembly — - Sketch of life of, pages 146-151, inc., in Bonham's "Fifty years' recollections." Govkrnohs— Continued. — - Sketch of life of. pages 222-225, in Lincoln's campaign; or. the po- litical revolution of 1860. Oldroyd, Osborn H. Paper. 12°. Chicago.. 1896 — - Address at Gen. Grant memorial services. Springfield, Ills. Pam. 12°. Springfield 1835 — - Address on life and character of Justin S. Morrill, delivered in U. S. Senate, Feb. 22. 1899; pages 44- 49, inc., in "Addresses delivered in U.S. Senate and Houseof Rep- resentatives on life and character of Justin S. Morrill." U. S. Gov't publication. 4°. Washington 1899 — - Message of the Governor of Ills. to 30th General Assembly, at the inauguration of State officers, Jan. 8, 1877. 8°. Springfield 1877 — - The Hennepin canal. Remarks in U. S. Senate. Pam. 8°. Wash- ington 1886 — - The tariff. Remarks in the Sen- ate of the U. S. Pam. 8°. Wash- ington 1890 — Hamilton, John M., 18th Governor of Illinois, born. Union Co., Ohio, May 28.1847; resides (1900) in Chi- cago — - 1883-1885. Biennial messages to General Assembly — - Sketch of life of, pages 152-157, in Bonham's "Fifty years' rec- ollections." — - Fifer, Joseph W., 19th Governor of Ills., born. Stanton. Augusta Co., Va., Oct. 28,1840; at present (1900) is U. S. inter-state com- merce commissioner, and resides at Bloomington, Ills — - 1889-1893. Biennial messages to General Assembly — Altgeld, John P., 20th Governor of Ills., born in Prussia. 1848. (1900) resides in Chicago — - 1893-1897. Biennial messages to General Assembly. Special mess- ages to General Assembly — - Reasons for pardoning Fielden, Neebe and Schwab. Pam. n. d — - Live questions, including our pe- nal machinery and its victims. 2 vols. N. Y. and Chicago 1890-1894 ILLINOIS. 159 ILLINOIS. Governors— Continued. — - Address on the Battlefield of Chickaniauga, at dedication of the Illinois monuments, Sept.. 1895. Pam — Tanner, John R , 21st Governor of Ills., born, Warwick Co., Ind., April 4, 1844. Present Governor of tue State (1900) and resides at the Executive Mansion, Spring- field, Ills — - 1897-1899. Biennial messages to General Assembly — - Message to special session Gen- era] Assembly, 1897 — - Address at dedication Battleship "Illinois," at Newport News, Va., Oct., 4, 1898. Newspaper clippings in scrap-book, arranged by H. W. Beckwith — For sketches of the Governors of Illinois, see the various histories of the State; U. S. Biographical Dictionary, Illinois volumes, Chi- cago, 1876; and 1883; Encyclopedia of Biography of Illinois, 2 vols., Chicago, 1892; Bonham's Fifty years recollections; Reminiscen- ces of the early bench and bar of Ills., Gen. U. F. Linder, Chicago, 1879; Bench and Bar of Ills.. Historical and Reminiscent, edi- ted by Gen. John M. Palmer, Chi- cago, 1899; Supreme Court of Ills. 1818, its judges and lawyers, John M. Scott. Bloomington, 1896. His- torical Encyclopedia of Illinois, edited by Bateman & Selby, Chi- cago, 1900; Lis t of State Officers, etc. of Illinois with appendix con- taining political statistics of State from organization to present, (Blue Book of Ills., 1899), also the various Legislative hand-books and directories State Officers— — Adjutant General of the State of Illinois. Reports of Adj. Gen. of Ills, to Governor and Commander in Cbief, 1861-'62. Allen C. Fuller, Adj. Gen — Report of Adj. Gen. of Ills.. 1861-1866 inc. I. N. Haynie, Adj. Gen. 8 vols. 8° Springfield 1867 — Report of Adj. Gen. of Ills., 1861- 1866. Revised by J. W. Vance, Adj. Gen. 8 vols. 8°. Spring- field,1886 State Officers— Continued. — Reports Adj. Gen. State of Illinois. Bi-ennial 1873, '75-76, '77-78, '81-82. '85-6, '87-88. '91-2. '93-4, '95-6. '97-8. 10 vols — Record of Illinois soldiers in Black Hawk War, 163 1-1832; Mexican War 1846-1848. containing a complete roster of officers and enlisted men in both wars, taken from official rolls in War Department at Wash- ington; with an appendix— giving reeord of Illinois militia rangers and riflemen in protecting front- ier from Indians, 1810-1813. Isaac H. Elliott, Adj. Gen. 8°. Spring- field 1882 — Military map of Illinois, prepared in office of Adj. Gen. Alfred Oren- dorff 1895 — Laws and regulations for Ills. Nat. Guard. 1895, pocket edition. Pre- pared by Alfred Orendorff. Adj. Gen Attorney General, State of Illinois— — Biennial reports Attorney Gen. of Ills., 1874-1898 Auditor of Public Accounts— — Report Auditor of Pub, Accounts of Illinois, 1819-1898. (Annual until 1869, since 1869, bi-ennial). Pub- lished in House and Senate Jour- nals until 1838, subsequently, in reports to General Assembly, and separately, in pamphlet form — Auditor's reports, (pamphlets) bi-ennial, 1861-2, 1865-66 inc., audi- tor's report, annual. Dec. 1, 1868 to Nov. 30, 1869; bi ennial. 1871-72 to 1898 — Bank statements and reports, be- gun 1888; with Auditor's reports; published separately. 1892-1897-1898 .... — - Statement of Chicago State banks, June, 1893 — Insurance reports (annual); fire, 1872 to 1898,except 1888; life, 1873-80. 82-92, 94-99. Published by Auditor Public Accounts previous to 1893 — Reports (annual) of the Building and Loan Associations of Illinois, 1893-1899. Published, previous to 1891, with reports of Auditor. Springfield, 8°. v. y Secretary of the State of Illinois — — Reports (biennial) 1872-1898. ex- cept 1884, of the Secretary of the State of Ills ILLINOIS. 1G0 ILLINOIS. Secretary of State of Ills.— Continued. — - Ills, handbook of information for 1S70. giving a general view of the State of Ills, and its government. Edward Hummel, Sec. of State, com/). 8°. Springfield 1871 — - Hand-book and legislative man- ual for 1871, by Edward Rommel, Sec. of State; revised by John M. Snyder and Dan. A. Kay. 8°. s pringfleld 1871 — - State, judicial, congressional and legislative directory of Ills., compiled for use of Senate 31st General Assembly, by Geo. H. Harlow, Sec. of State, and Jas. H. Paddock, Sec. of Senate. 8°. Springfield 1879 — - Official directory of the State of Illinois, compiled by Geo. H. Har- low, Sec. of State, for use of 32d Gen. Assembly. 1881. 8°. Spring- field 1881 — - Rulesof Senate and House of Rep- resentatives, and joint rules of the Senate and House; list of mem- bers of both Houses, Senate and House committees, etc., of the 33d General Assembly of the State of Illinois. Pain. 8°. Springfield.... 1883 — List of members and officers of the House of Representatives of the 40th General Assembly of the State of Illinois, rules, commit- tees, etc.; list State officers, judges, members of Congress, etc. Compiled by John A. Reeve, clerk of the House. Pam, 16°. Spring- field 1897 — List of members and officers of the Senate of the 40th General As- sembly of the State of Illinois, rules, committees; list State offi- cers, judges, members of Con- gress, etc Compiled by James H.l 'addock, secretary of the Sen- ate. Pam. 16°. Springfield 1897 — List of members and officers of the Senate of the 41st General As- sembly of the State of Illinois, with rules, committees, etc.. to which is added a list of members House of Representatives, State officers, judges, members of Con- gress, etc. Compiled by James EL Padlock, secretary of the Sen- ate. Pam. 16°. Springfield 1899 State Officers.— Continued. — List of State officers, judges, mem- bers Congress, members 4lst Gen- eral Assembly, State boards, county officers, etc., etc. James A. Rose. Sec. of State, cotnp. 8°. Springfield 1899 — Official vote of the State of Illinois cast at general elections held 1882, 1890, 1896, 1898. Compiled by the Secretary of State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion of the State of Illinois, Bien- nial reports. /See school reports — Proceedings of the State Board of Education at meetings held at Peoria. Springfield and Blooruiug- ton. 1857-1875. 1 vol — School reports, biennial, 18651868, 1873-1899 — Common school decisions. 1865-1889. Pam — School laws of Illinois, 1886. Pam — Revision of school laws of Illinois. 1888 — Illinois school law, 1889.1895. Pams — Course of study of the common schools of Illinois, 1889. Pam — Arbor Day circulars. Annual, 1895- 1899. Memorial Day circulars: Aids for its proper observance... 1898 — "It still waves." A souvenir for the school children of Illinois, to be used in celebrating the birth- days of Washington and Lincoln, Feb. 22 and Feb. 12. Pam Treasurer of the State of Illinois. Reports of the Treasurer of the State of Illinois. Annual, 1818- 1872. (Until 1838 pub. in House and Senate journals.) Biennial 1872-1898 Illinois Biography— Illinois IBar — Arnold, Isaac N. The Ills, bar forty years age Pages 132-154 in "Early Illinois." Fergus Hist. Series, No. 11 — - Recollections of the early Chicago Illinois bar. Address before theChicago Bar Association, June 10. 1880. Part 1. Pages 9-33 of the Chicago Bar Association Lect- ures. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 22 — Babb. James E. The Supreme Court of Illinois. Pub. in the Green Bag, Boston. May, 1891 ILLINOIS. 161 ILLINOIS. Illinois Biography.— Continued. — Bradwell, James B. Illinois State Bar Association Necrologist's re- port, 1898-1899. Illinois lawyers. In memoriam. Paper, 4°. Chi- cago — - Lawyers, Judges and some of my clients and friends at rest in Rosehill cemetery. Pam. 4°. Chi- cago, n. d — - Portraits of 27 of the women law- yers of Illinois, 1900. Also, a list of the names of the ninety women who have heen admitted to the Ills. Bar. with the dates of their admission. 16°. Chicago 1900 — Barnet, James, ed. Martyrs & he- roes of Ills, in the great Rebellion. Biographical sketches. 8°. Chi- cago 1865 — Bonhaji, Jeriah. Fifty years recol- lections of eminent citizens of Ills. : their lives & public services. Sketches of Governors of Ills. from Bond to Hamilton, of Liu- coln, Douglas and many others. 12°. Peoria 1883 — Chicago Bar Association Lect- ures: Parti. Recollections of early Chicago and the Ills. Bar. Ar- nold, I. N. Part 2. Recollections of the Bench and Bar of Central ills. Conkling. J. C. Part 3. The lawyer as a pioneer. Hoyne, Thomas. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 22 Conkling, James C. Recollections of the bench and bar of Central Illinois. Part 2, pages 35-60, of the Chicago Bar Association Lect- ures. Fergus Hist. Series. No. 22 ... Eddy, T. M., DD. The patriotism of Ills. A record of the civil and military history of the State in the war for the Union. Biographical sketches of many eminent citizens of the State, and soldiers and officers. 2 vols. 8°. Chicago.... 1865-1866 Encyclopedia of biography of Il- linois. 2 vols. 4°. Chicago.... 1893-1894 Hoyne, Thomas. The lawyer as a pioneer. Pages 61-106. in Chicago Bar Association Lectures. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 22 Iillnois Biography.— Continued. — Illinois State Bar Association. Proceedings of 1877-1900. Contain biographical sketches of deceased members and other historical sketches and data. Pams. v. y — Ills. State Bar Association. Mose3, Hon. John. Address on the organi- zation of the State of Ills, into counties. An address before the Ills. State Bar Association. Manu- script — Illinois College, Phi Alpha So- ciety of. Catalogue of the Society. Contains biographical sketches of members. Paper. 8°. Jackson- ville 1890 — Linder, Gen. Usher F. Reminis- cences of the early Bench and Bar of Ills. Introduction by Hon Jos. Gillespie. 2 ed. 12° Chicago, 1879. Contains biographical sketches of many lawyers and judges of Ills, from the beginning of the State to 1876 Lusk, D. W. Politics and politicians of Ills., 1856-1884. 8°. Springfield.. 1884 - Eighty years of Ills. Anecdotes' and incidents. Politics and politi- ticlans 1809-1889. 2 ed. 8°. Spring- field 1889 Palmer, Gen. John M.. ed. The Bench and Bar of Illinois, histori- cal and reminiscent. 2 Vols. 4°. Chicago, 1899. Contains biogra- phical sketches of prominent law- yers and judges of theState from its earliest history to 1899 Scott. Hon. John M. The Supreme Court of Ills.. 1818. Its first law- yers and judges. Short sketches. 8°. Bloomington, Ills 1896- - U. S. Biographical dictionary. Ills. Vol. Editions of 1876 and 1883. 4°. Chicago. 2 vols 1876-1883 Illinois. Directory of State offi- cers, members General Assemb- lies, etc. (Chronological order) Illinois Governors. See Ills. Gov- ernors. Illinois hand book, 1870. Rummel, Edward, Sec, State, comp 8°. Springfield 1870 11 H. L. ILLINOIS. L62 ILLINOIS. Illinois BlOQB \rn v ( 'ontin ■ — Rumrael's Illinois band-book and legislative mannal (or 1871, Re- vised and published by Snyder, .1. M. & Kay. D. A. B°. Spring- field 1871 — - Illinois legislative hand-book (30th Sen, Assembly.) Forms, rules and laws, with biographical sketches of state officers, mem- bers Gen. Assembly, etc. Magie, Jas. K. 12°. Springfield 1877 — - Illinois legislative directory. Har- low. Geo. H. Sec. State, comp. 8°. Springfield 1881 — - Biographies of State oflicers. members Gen. Assembly! etc. Souvenir of the Ills. Legislature. 1883 — Directory of the Ills. Legislature... 1895 — Official directory of the 40th Gen. Assembly of Ills 1897 — Official directory of the 30th-4lst (irn. Assembly of Ills. (Ills. Blue- Book.) Pickering, John L., comp. 4 Vols. 8°. Springfield 1893-1899 — List of State officers. Judges Su- preme, Appellate and Circuit Courts, members 56th Congress, 41st Gen, Assembly, State boards and commissioners and county officers of Ills., with an appendix, containing political statistics of the State from its organization to the present time. Rose. James A. Sec. State, comp. 8°. Springfield, 1899. For individual biography, biography and Ills. Governors — — Education. — Education. (See institutions.) Ar- mour Institute of Technology. Pub. Year books, 1895 to 1899 inc — Blackburn University, Carlinville, 111.; its history, deed of trust. charter and by-laws 1885 — - Catalogue of 1892-9 — - Program of public exercises 1893 — Bradley Polytechnic Institute; Peoria. Ills.: sketch of. 1897-98. — - Supplement to "Tech.," 1899 — - Parson's Horologies! Institute of Bradley Polytechnic Institute, his- tory of school. itudy, list of students, etc. Pam. 8°. Peoria n. d. — Chicago Board of Education; an- nual reports from 13th, 1866-67, tO 25th. 1878-79, inc. except 14th and 23d. 1867-68 and 1^76-77 Edi i \ ii' ■•- ' lontinm — Chicago Musical College. Annual catalogues 1887-88 i Ihicago Legal New- 1 !o. pub. Dedi- cation of the Myra Bradwell school. 8°. Chicago 1895 — College of Physicians and Sur- geons. Chicago. Annual cata- logues. Pains 1893, '94. '95 — Conkling, Clinton L., Pres. Board of Education; :ilth annual report public schools, Springfield. UN., for year ending Aug. 81, 1S92. 8°. Springfield. Pam 1892 — Cook Co. 111. Board of Education, Dist. No. 8, Twp. 89. K. 13. Manual of public schools. Cook Co., Ills. Berwyn, Clyde, La Vergne, West Morton Park and Drexel. Revised 1899. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1899 — Douglas High School. Cairo, Ills. Commencement themes. Class '94. 12°. Cairo 1894 — Eastern Ills. Normal School Trus- tees of. Reports of trustees 1898-9 — Eureka College, Eureka. Ills. Cata- logues of. 1883-84 and 1895-96. Pam .... — Field Columbian Museum. Publi- cations of. See Field C dumbian Museum — Feithans, J. C. Feitshans school of elocution and oratory, 6th annual catalogue. 8°. Springfield 1884 — Illinois College, Jacksonville. Ills. Catalogues of officers and stu- dents, 1833-86. except '53. '62, '63. Pams — - Alumni register. 1872. Pam. 8°. Jacksonville 1872 — - Bradley. /'//.«. J. E. Inaugural address, 1898. Pam — - Jayne. Dr. \Vm. Address at quar- ter century reunion of the Phi Alpha Society of Illinois College, Jacksonville. III., dune 2. 1870. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1870 — - Sturtevant, J. M. American col- leges. An address. 12°. Jack- sonville. Ill 1845 — Ills. Female College. Catalogues of '92, '98. '94, '95, Jacksonville, HI — Illinois Industrial University. Cat- alogues of 1867-?5 , See University of Illinois. ■ ILLINOIS. 163 ILLINOIS. Education — Continued. — - Industrial School for Girls. Ev- anston. 111. Annual report 1889 — - School law 1889-1895 — - School law, 1889-1899. Paper, 8°. Springfield 1899 — - Society for Child-Study. Transac- tions of the Ills. Soc. for Child- Study. 1895-1896, incomplete. 8°. Chicago — - State Dept. of Public Instruction. pub. Course of study for common schools of Ills. 8°. Springfield.. 1889 — - Laboratory of natural history. Bulletins. 1887-95. Vol.3 — - Museum of Natural History. Bul- letins, of Nos. 3-12. 1893 and 1896 — - Normal University, Normal. An- nual catalogue, 1899. Pam. 12°.. 1899 — - Southern Ills. Normal University, Carbondale. Biennial reports, 1874-1898, except 8th and 10th — - State Supt. Pub. Instruction. See Supt. Pub: Inst — - State Teachers' Association, pub. "Our Pilgrim Fathers." 12°. Galesburg. Ill 1898 — - State Teachers' Association, Pro- grams of annual meetings, etc., 1873-'94-'9G — Teacher. Periodical, 1855 to 1872. Bloomington (afterward) Peoria. 1855-1872. 18vols — Wesleyan University, Bloomington, 111. Catalogues of, 1891-1893 inc — Inglis, Samuel M., comp. Arbor Day, Ills. April 20, 1897. 8°. Springfield 1897 — Lake Forest University. Cata- logues of. 1892-1865, inclusive. Pam — Lake Forest College. Announce- ment of courses of instruction for 1893-1894. Pams — Lincoln University Catalogue 1890-91 — - History of; Lincoln, 111. Man- uscript. January 22, 1890. Jones — Monticello Ladies' Seminary, God- frey, Madison county, 111. 55th annual catalogue 1893 Education— Continued. — Mt. Morris College; report of .... 1890-91 — Musselman, D. L. Catalogue of Gem City Business College, Quincy, 111. 12°, Quincy. Pam.n. d .... — Northwestern University. Cata- logue and announcements, 1872, 1890-92. Pam — Northwestern University College of Liberal Arts. Announcement for 1891-92. Pam — Northwestern University Dental School. Circular of information. Pam 1891-92 — Northwestern Univ. Law School. Circular of information, 1891-92, 1898-99 — Shurtleff College Upper Alton. Ills., report of, 1890 93, inclusive — - Address delivered before Alpha Zeta Society of Shurtleff College Upper Alton, 111.. 1852. Rusell. Prof. John — St. Agatha's School, Springfield. Annual register. 12°. Springfield 1896 — St. Clair Pharmaceutical Associa- tion of Southern 111. Statutes of. 1878 — Springfield, Ills., public schools, reports of, 1883-'84, 1885-'86 — University of Chicago. Bulletins of the University of Chicago, Jan- uary, 1891, April. 1891 — University of Chicago. Circulars regarding University extension course, season 1895-6. Winter quarter, 1896. Lecture, Study de- partment, 8°. Chicago 1895 — University Extension Division Bul- letins- No. 8. The wisdom and oratory of the Bible. By Richard G. Moul- ton. A. M. Chicago 1895 No. 10. Poetry as a fine art. By S. H. Clark, instructor in elocution. University of Chicago. Chicago 1894 No. 20. The American Revolution. By William H. Mace, A. M. Lec- turer in history and political science. No. 42. The Making of England. By James Westfall Thompson. Ph.D. Chicago 1895 No. 47. Social life in the American colonies. Part 1. By Francis W. Shepardson, Ph. D. ILLINOIS. 1G4 ILLINOIS. Education— Contimu d. No. 65. Stories aa a mode of think- ing. By Richard < ;. Moulton, A. M. (Cantab - Ph. D (Penna.) University Extension I'mf. of Literature in English. < Ihicago 1894 University of Illinois. Annual re- ports and catalogues of the Illi- nois industrial University, i v 'o- 1885. Pams. ( In 1885 became the University of Illinois.) Cata- logues 1885-1900 — -Agricultural Club of , pubs. The Agriculturalist. Vol.2 1898 — - Agricultural experiment station; bulletins of, Nos. 5.9.10,18.19,24: alio 5th annual report 1S91-92 — - Civil Engineers' club of . Selected papers No. 2, 1887-lsss; No. 3. 1888- 1889 — - Collection of views of the Univer- sity and surroundings, n. d — - Engineering societies of. pubs. The Technograph, No 2 1892-93 — - The Ulini. Published weekly at the University of Illinois. Issue of Sept. 25, 1896, containing an article l>y S. A. Forbes, entitle. 1, "The gui aunee in Illinois." — - Medical department of. Annual announcements of. 1872, 1890 & ; 91 — - Circular of information of .Medi- cal dept. 1894-95 and 1895-96 — - Law department. Circular of in- formation. 1891-2 and 1898-99 — - Schacht, F. Will. ed. The Illini. Weekly publication; issue of Sept. 25. 1896. 4°. Champaign... 1896 Illinois— History Religious Denom- inations— — Baptist. Bailey, Gilbert S. History of the [lis. River Baptist Associa tion and its churches. 16°. X.Y. 1857 — - Baptist General Association of Ills. Constitution, by-laws and minutes of its annual meetings; 38th. L882; 11-'. 1885; 16th. LI 1896: 54th, 1898 — - Boyakin, /•'• v. W. F. Manuscript letter giving a brief account of the first Protestant church in [lis. — - Rickerson. Rev. F. D. A half tury of Baptist history in Spring- field, Ills. 1830-1881, 12°. Spring- field 1881 Rblh tot - i'i nominations Continued. — - l i luclid B.,cd. The Spring- field Baptist. Periodical, month- ly. Nov. 1892, to Oct., 1900. bound, 1 vol — - Springfield, UN.. Baptist Ass'n . Minutes of. 44th-47th annual, 1681- 1881; 50th-Clst. Inc . except 53th, 1892. Pains — -Times Herald. Chicago, pub., (in issue of May 24, 1896.) Illinois Baptist Centennial. History of the tir.-t protestanl church in Ills., at N'ew Design, Monroe Co. N< paper clipping: article dated Wa- terloo. Ills., May 23,1896; signed. B. J. M — - Walker. Edwin S. History of the Springfield Baptist A-s'n. 12°. Springfield 1881 — - Walker, Edwin S.,co»ip. Minutes of the Springfield Bapti-t A- 44th to 47th annual, 1881 1884; 60ih to 61st, inc. (except 55t — - The Fathers cf the Springfieid Ills. Baptist Ass'n. Paper read at 50th anniversary. Sept. 7, 1887. 8°. Springfield 1SS7 — - Woman's Baptist Foreign Mis- sionary Society, Minutes of. Pub- lished with minutes of Spring- field Baptist Ass'n — Congregational. Minutes of 47th General Congregationa 1 Ass'n of Illinois. Elgin, Ills.. 1890. Pain — Episcopal. Bishop of the Diocese of Ills. Annual address of the Bishop of Ills. Bishop White- house, [857-1863, inc — - Burgess. Bi Rev. Alexander. Ad- dress of the Bishop of the Dio- e< se of Quincy. B°. Pam 1881 — - Chase, Rev. Philander. Addres before the Convention of the Episcopal Church, Springfield, June [6,1845. Pam. B°. St. Louis. 1845 — - ('has,-. Rt r. Philander. Bishop Chase's defence of himself against the late conspiracy at bier, Ohio. Series of letters. Pams . L831-1832 — -Bishop Chase's reminiscences. 2d e, |. 2 vols. 8°. Boston 1848 — - The Motto of Jubilee College. Be- ginning July 26. 1847, to < (ctober 1, Periodical ILLINOIS 165 ILLINOIS Religious Denominations— Continued. Episcopal. — - Corbyn. Rev. Wm. B. The Cath- olic Church and its work in Ills. 8°. Quincy 1876 — Diocese of Illinois. — - Act of the Ills. General Assem- bly, approved Feb. 10, 1849, to au- thorize the Episcopal Church in the State of Ills, to raise a fund for the support of a bishop, to aid superanuated ministers, and the widows and children of deceased ministers. Pam — - Annual addresses of the Bishop of the Diocese of Ills— 6^h annual, 1857. 8th annual, 1859. 10th annual, 1861, 11th annual, 1862. 12th annual, 1863. 5 pams. 8°. (Bishop Whitehouse.) — - Cathedral system of the Bishop of Ills. Pam. n. d - - Chase, lit. Rev. Philander. Bishop Chase's address delivered before the convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Springfield. Ills., June 16, 1845. Pam. St. Louis 1845 — - Constitution of. Manuscript - - Constitution and canons of, 1847, 1857, 1871, 1882. Pams..... - - DeKoven, Rev. James, D. D. A letter to the clergy and laity of the Diocese of Ills., in convention assembled, Sept., 1875. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1875 - - Endowment Fund Committee of the Diocese of Ills.; three circu- lars, dated Sept. 30, 1864, Oct. 28, 1864, and Oct. 29. 1864. Pams ■ .... - Episcopate Fund, circulars relating to; dated Jan. 1858. and Nov. 16, 1861. Lists of the parishes of the diocese, and their respective as- sessments for the benefit of the fund. Pams - Journals of the annual conventions of the Protestant Episcopal church in the Diocese of Illinois, 3rd to 45th, inc., except 5,8,26,27, 41.42,43, 1837-1882. Also special convention. Chicago, Feb. 1875. Pam. 8° Religious Denominations— Continued. — Kerfoot, Samuel fl. Bishop White- house and the Diocese of Ills. Chicago. Pam. 8° — The proposed cathedral in Illinois. Extracts from Episcopal papers. Pam. 8°. n. d 1860 The proposed cathedral in Illinois. These remarks have been pre- pared by the Rector of one of the largest city churches in the coun- try. Pam. n. d Jubilee College, lege. See Jubilee Col- Diocese of Quincy— — Journals of the annual conventions of the Diocese of Quincy. Pams. 1878, 80, 84, 88, 93 Diocese of Springfield. Journals of the annual Synod of the Epis- copal church in the Diocese of Springfield. 1878-99, inc. Pams — - Diocese of Springfield. Monthly periodical. See Taylor, Rev. F. W. ed — - The constitution and digest of the Canons of the Diocese of Spring- field, 1882. Chicago. 8° 1882 — Extracts from convention jour- nals and other publications in re- lation to Episcopate fund. Diocese of Ills. (Clippings.) — Federate Council of the Province of Ills. Journal of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd meetings. Chicago. 8° 1882 Jubilee College— — Peoria Co., Ills., pamphlets relat- ing to — - Chase. Rev. Samuel. Circulars relating to Jubilee College; an ap- peal for assistance, dated Aug. 15,1860. Pam — - Letter to the Rt. Rev. Henry J. Whitehouse, D. D., President of Jubilee College; dated Jubilee College, Feb. 5, 1857. (Printed but not published. ) — - Malignity exposed; or, a vindica- tion of Bishop Chase against the malicious accusation of an anony- mous pamphlet, printed in Ann street, N. Y. Pam. 8°. N. Y 1847 — - Review of Jubilee College, Christ- mas. 1843. Pam. 12° ILLINOIS 1GG ILLINOIS. Rxqoious Denominations— Contf ni — . Memorandum of a missionary meeting held Oct. 2nd and 3rd, 1846, at the residence of Bishop Jubilee College, lVoria Co.. Ills. Pam. 8°. Peoria 1846 — - Motto (the) of Jubilee College. Vol. 1, No. 1. 1M7 to Vol. 2, No. 7. i>t Vol. l. No*, i and lu. and Vol. 2. Nos. 5.8,11 inc.. 184"! Pauis. 8°. Peoria Register of Jubilee College. 1855. Paru. 12°. Peoria 1855 Totteii, /'/■• 8. Dr. Totteu's letter about Jul. ilee College addressed to a friend in Hartford, Conn. Dated Nov. 24. 1848. Pam. 12° St Agatha's School. Lster. 1896. 12°. Pam Annual Reg- Springfield. St. Paul's Church, Springfield, 111. Record of the attendance of the ( lass of the Holy Innocents, from 1S61 to 1S^2. inclusive. J. P. Cleveland, teacher. Manuscript, record book St. Paul's Pro-Cathedral. Spring- field, 111. Annual registers of the parish. Festivals, celebrations, etc. 2d annual parish directory, 1871. Order of Easter services 1875, 1887, 1895 Seymour. Rt. Rev. Geo. F. Ad- dresses and sermons of the Bishop of the Diocese of Springfield. Pams Taylor. /.. • P. W.. i ■'.. The Diocese of Springfield. Monthly periodi- cal devoted to interests of the church in this Diocese. Vol. 1-3, complete; Vol. 5, Jan. 1VU to Vol. 8.: No. 11, Nov., 1897. (Incomplete - The years that are past. mon preached in St. Paul's Pro- Cathedral, Springfield, 111.. Nov. 1896. 4°. Springfield, 1896. Paper Tomlins, Rev. W. H., ed. American Catholic. Monthly paper de- voted to interest of the Episcopal church. East St. Louis, 111. Vol. I >ld series), 1594, to Vol. 10. 1896. (Incomplete.) White, J. C. ed. The Parish Mes- senger. Rantoui. Ills. Devoted the interests of the Episcopal church. Vol. 1.1S93. (Incomplete.) BELIOIOl - l> DOMINATIONS— OontiliUi — Wilson. James Grant, ed, Th- Chi- cago Record. A journal devoted to religion, literature and tb" fine arts. April l. ls">7. to March 15. 1862. Bound, one Vol Lutheran. — Lutheran Augustana Synod. Offi- cial records of th.' Scandinavian Evang. Lutheran Augustana Synod. 1860-1892 excepl 1885. Pams — Grace Evang. Lutheran church. Springfield. Order of exen at the dedication of Grace Evang. Lutheran church, Springfield, 111.. March 19. 1893. Pam — Heilman, Rev. Lee M. Historic sketch of the Evang Lutheran Synod of Northern ill. 12°. Phila. 1892. Pam — MrtHODiST Episcopal. Beggs.S R Pages from the early history of the West and Northwest, with special reference to Methodism. 12°. Cincinnati 1868 — Chamberlin. M. II. Address of the President of McKendree College delivered at the educational an- niversary of the Southern 111. M. E. Conference. Sept. 29. l^'.n. 12 , St. Louis 1S94 Mormonism. See Mormons and Mor- monism. Presbyterian. — Presbyterian church. Dixon, 111. Manual of the Presbyterian church of Dixon. 111., for '88, '99. Pams. 16°. Dixon — Logan, Rev. Thos. D. Year Book of I ir-t Pres. church, Springfield, 111., year ending April 1. 1891. 8°. Springfield 1891 — Presbytery of Chicago, pub. Trial of Prof. David Swing before Presbytery. Chicago. 8°. Chicago 1874 — Presbytery of Springfield. Record books of th.' Preshyt.ry of Spring- field. L829-1889. Embracing 9 V of MSS records. Center Pres- bytery of 111. Presbytery of III. Presbytery of Springfield. Pres- bytery of Sangamon. ( These record books are the property of the presbytery of Springfield, and are deposited in the Illinois State Historical Library for safe keep- ing and convenient reference) ILLINOIS. 167 ILLINOIS. Religious Denominations — Continued. United Brethren in Christ. Central 111. Conference United Brethren in Christ. Record book (original) of the Central 111. Con. church of of the United Brethren of Christ. 1865-1884 — Drury, Rev. A. W. Life of Rev. Philip Wm. Otterbein, founder of the church of the United Breth- ren in Christ. 12°. Dayton. 1893 .... Religions— Barrows, Etv. John Henry ed. The World's Parliament of Religions, 2 Vols. 8°. Chi- cago 1893 Religious Societies. — King's Daughters, Springfield, 111. pub. Constitution and by-laws of the King's Daughters' Home for Women. 8°. Springfield, n. d — Missouri and Illinois, Tract Society Fourth annual report, presented March, 1831. Pam. 8°. St. Louis .... Illinois— Ivstitutions and Boards. — Agricultural. — Transactions of the Ills. State Agri- cultural Society, with the proceed- ings of county and kindred societies. Annual 1853-1899. 8°. Springfield Horticulture. See horticulture. — Crop reports. Statistical report of Ills. State Board of Agriculture. Summary of reports of corre- spondents as to area and condi- tion of crops, live stock, fruit, etc. 1878-1900, except 1892, 1893, 1891 and 1895, 1899 — Fair and Exposition. Premium lists, etc.. 1891, 1892, 1894, 1900. Pams — - Seymour. Sight Sev. Geo. F. Ora- tion at the laying of the corner- stone of the exposition building at Ills. State Fair grounds, Spring- field, Ills.. July 4, 1895. Manu- script — - Farmers' Institute. Annual re- ports, with reports of the county institutes. Vols. 1-4 1S97-1S99 — Live Stock. Report of Ills. State Board of Live Stock Commission- ers and State Veterinarian, an- nual 1889-1899 Arbitration— See Labor. Blind. — Brief histoxy of the Illinois institu- tions for the education of the blind, from 1849 to 1893. 8°. Chi- cago 1893 I Institutions.— Continued. — Illinois Industrial Home for the Blind. Chicago, annual reports of the board of trustees 1894-1896 — Illinois State Institution for the Blind, Jacksonville, biennial re- ports of board of trustees 1S74-1598 Charities. — Charities 111. Bd. of biennial report 1872 to 1898 inc. — Conference of charities and correc- tions — report of Bd. of Commis- sioners. Annual. 1896-97-98 Bors. See Reformatory. Children. See .Soldiers' Orphans' Home and Educational Institu- tions. — Dental examiners report, 1886-90-97 and '99 — Deaf and Dumb. Illinois institu- tion for the deaf and dumb, Jack- sonville, bieanial reports of the the board of trustees, 28th and 19th biennial reports 1896-1898 Educational Institutions. See Il- linois Education. — Employment. Ills, free employ- ment offices, See 111. State Bureau of Labor Statistics. — Eye and Ear. Report of the trustees of the Ills. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, Chicago, 19, 20 and 21st biennial reports 1894-1898 — Equalization. Ills. State Board of. Proceedings, 1867, 1874-1900 — Factory Inspectors reports 1896 1897,1898 and 1S99 — Feeble-minded. Experimental school for idiots and feeble-mind- ed children; 3rd and 4th annual re- ports of directors and supt., 1S67- 1868. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1869 — - Illinois Institution for the feeble- minded, Lincoln, biennial reports of the trustees. 14th, 16th and 17th biennial reports. 1892, 1896 and 1898 — Girls. Illinois Industrial School for Girls South Evanston, aunual reports of trustees and managers, 12th annual. 1SS9 and 1835. Pams See Reformatory. Health— Ills. — Ills. State board Health, annual re port of. 1878-1899. except lSS7.-'88 '97 [LLINOIb L68 ILLINOIS — - Preliminary report to Ills. State B lard of Health. Water bupp ills.. John II. Rauch. M. D.. socrt tarj 1888 — - Preventable Disi rculars— No. I. small-pox 1882 No. :'. diphtheria 1888 No. 3, scarlet fever 1889 No. 1. typhoid fever, n. <1 — - Report of th< proceedings of the Ills. State Board ol Bealth. quar- terly meetings, 1883. 1885. 1886 and . L884, 1887 and 1890 incomplete .... — •• Keport on medical education and .Medical colleges in the United States and Canada. 1705-1885, 1886, L389 and 1891 Horticulture, annua] report trans- actions Ills. Horticultural Soc. 1360 to 1896, except '82.90,91,94, and 95 — Insane.— — Central Hospital for the insane, Jacksonville, biennial reports of the Iru-l.Ts, 1894-1898 — Eastern Hospital for the Insane, Kankakee, biennial reports of trustees, 1878, (1st biennial report) 1896 and 1893 — Northern Hospital for the insane, Elgin, biennial reports of trustees and 1893 — Southern Hospital for the Insane Anna, biennial reports of trus- tees. 1892, 1896 and 1893 — Western Hospi al for the Insane Watertown, first biennial report of trustei >. 1898 — Illinois A - s luni for i he I ncui a Insane, P< oi ta, 1893. First bien- nial report — Illinois Asylum for Insane crimi- nals, ( Ihesti r. biennial reports of of trustei s, 1894,1896 and 1898 — Report of Illinois Hospital for the 1 asane, i x it 1862, Includes memo- rial of Miss Dix, act of incorpora- tion, laws relating to hospitals, general rules, by-laws, etc — Labor. — — Illinois State Hoard of Arbitration. Annual rep »lts 1890-1900 — Illinois State Bureau of Labor Sta- tistics, biennial reports, 1881-1898. 8°. Springfield — Coal report-. 1882 to 1892, alternate years, published in reports of the bureau of labor statistics Insti 1 1 i ions— ( ontinued. — Coal n ports. 1898 and 1899. The re- port contains the first annual re- port of the Illinois Free Employ- ment offlci 9, Aug. 2, to Oct. 1.8899 .... — M ines report 1894 — Illinois State Food Commission. Laws of Illinois rid at int.' to the of- fice and duties of tin State Food Commission, and the adulteration of butter, cheese, etc. Jones. Al- fred II.. comp. Pam. 8°. Spring- field, 1899 — Libraries.— — Illinois State Library, catalogues of 1880 and 1894; compiled by the Secretary of State and librarian ex-officio. 8°. Springfield 1880-1894 — Illinois State Historical Library. biennial reports of trustees and librarian. 1890-1898, inc — - Publication No. 1. Bibliography of the newspapers published in Ills., prior to 1860. Prepared by Ed- mund . I. James. Ph. D., assisted by Milo J. Loveless. 8°. Spring- field 1899 — - Publication No. 2. Information re- lating to territorial laws of Ills., passed from 1809 to 1812. Edmund . J., James, Ph. I)., ed. 8°. Spring- field 1699 — Newberry Library, Chicago, pro- ceedings and biennial reports of trustees. 1888-1898, inc. Pams For other libraries in the State, see name of city. Penitentiaries — — State Penitentiary, Joliet, biennial reports of commissioners, 1874- — Southern Illinois Penitentiary, ( hester, biennial reports of com- missioners, 1894,1896 and 1898 Pharmacy. — Illinois Board of. Annual reports 1882-1899 inc Reformatory. — Illinois State Reformatory, Pontiac, biennial teports of commission- ers and officers. 1892-1898. Pams. 6°. Pontiac — Illinois Home for Juvenile Female Offenders. Geneva. Biennial re- ports of trustees and officers . ..1892-'98 ILLINOIS. 169 ILLINOIS. Institutions, Miscellaneous— Contin ued. — Soldiers' Home. Chicago. Report of condition of 1890 — Soldiers' and Sailors' Home.Quincy Biennial reports of trustees, 1894, 1896 and 1898 — Soldiers' Orphans' Home, Normal. Biennial reports of trustees. 1892, 1896 and 1898 — Soldiers' Widows' Home, Wilming- ton. First biennial report of trus- tees and officers 1898 — Swamp lands. Annual report on swamp lands 1890. '92, '94, '96 Commerce and Industry— For reports of various State Boards relative to capital and labor, see law and government institutions. See also railroads and canals. Railroads and Canals— — Ackerman, Wm. K. Early Illinois railroads. (Paper read before Chicago Hist. Soc, Feb. 20. 1883. Notes by Hon. John Wentworth. No 23, Fergus Hist. Series. Paper. 12°. Chicago 1884 — Balti nore & Ohio R, R. President and directors of. Annual reports of president and directors to stockholders. Paper 1897-99 — Chicago and her railroads. Janu- ary. Anonymous 1854 — Chicago & Northwestern R, R. An- nual reports of the board of di- rectors to the stockholders. 1873- 1876 inc., and 1881. Paper — Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R.K. Annual reports of the board of directors to the stockholders, 1871 to 1899. Paper — Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific. Annual reports of board of direc- tors to stockholders, 1884,1886 and 1899. Paper — Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Indianapolis. Annual reports of the board of directors to the stock- holders, 1877-1889 inc. except 1881. Paper — Ills. Central R. R. Co. Directors of. Reports and accounts to stock- holders, 1871-89. Paper — Ills. Central R. R. Co. Report of Com. on Public Lands in House of Representatives, 24th Cong., 1st session, 1836, in regard to land grant to 1. C. R. R. Co. (U. S. Gov't Pubs.) Pam Railroads and Canals— Concluded. — Wabash & Western. Annual re- ports of board of directors to stockholders. 1887, 1888 and 1890 — General Assembly. Act to estab- lish and maintain a general sys- tem of internal improvement, with supplementary acts. Passed Vandalia, Dec. 5, 1836. Pam — General Assembly. (Committee on Internal Improvement.) Report of the Committee on Internal Im- provement H. of Rep. 12°. Van- dalia. Pam 1837 — Railroad and Warehouse Commis- sioners of Ills. Annual reports, 1872, '76. '78, '86, '89, '98. v. y. Springfield — R. R. Commissioners maps of 111.. 1890-93 Illinois— Organizations, Fraternal and Social. — Masons. Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Ills. Annual proceedings, 1840-1850-1859-1860- 1861-1877-1892 Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of State of Ills. Constitution, by- laws, etc., 1889. Proceedings an- nual convocations (22d to 50th) 1871-1899, except 41th. 1893 — - Royal and Select Masters of the State of Ills. Proceedings Gen- eral Assembly. 1883-1899, except 1894 • ••• — - Grand Commandery Knights Templar of State of Ills., History of. 1857-1881. Edited by a com- mittee appointed by Comman- dery. Proceedings of, 1861-1899, except 1894 — - Masonic Veteran Association of Ills. Annual reports, 1st to 6th. 1887-1891; and 13th annual report, 1898 — - Ills. Council of Deliberation of Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Masons. 1887,1896.1897,1900 — - Masonic Conference at Chicago, 1893. Proceedings of. John C. Smith, ed. Pam Knights Templar of Ills. Memo- rial service at Mt. Vernon on the Potomac. Oct., 1889. Pam Gourgas Chapter of Rose Croix, Valley of Chicago, Orient of Ills. Celebration of the Feast of the Passover, April 11, 1895. Pam.... ILLINOIS. 170 ILLIMMS. Organizations, I sal and SootAl— Continued — - Grand Chapter of the Order of bhe Eastern Star of the State of lils. Constitution, liy-laws. etc., L880. Proceedings annual ses- sions. 6th annua] session, 1879: annua] sessions of 1881, 1882, 1885. 1887.1889.1890. Pams Odd Fellows. Proceedings of the annual communication of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows, of Ills. : 1887. 1888, 1889, 1891, 1898. Pams — -Journal of proceedings of the R. W. Grand Encampment of Ills. I. O. O. F.. 1882 to 1893, inc — - Organization and history of the Grand Encampment Independ- ent Order of Odd Fellows of the State of Ills., with biographical sketches of its officers. 1850 to 1893. John Corson Smith, Grand Scribe. Comp. Chicago 1893 — - Organization and history Grand Patriarchs and other officers. Pam — — - Journal of the R. VV. Grand En- campment of the State of ills, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, 1850 to 1880. Revised by order of the Grand Encampment. 8°. Chicago 1881 — - Journal of the R. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Illinois, Independ- ent Order of Odd Fellows, at the annual communications held at Pekin, Oct. 12, 1852-57: Alton, 1857. 8° : — - Proceedings of the I. O. O. F., 9th annual session of the Rebekah Convention of Ills., held in the city of Springfield, Nov. 22 and 23. 1893 and Olney, Ills 1893-1894 — - Reports of the president, vice- president, treasurer and secretary of Rebekah Ass'n of Ills., for year beginning Nov. 22, 1894, and end- ing Nov. 28, 1895. Pam. n. d Knights of Pythias— — Esto Perpetua Knights of Pythias. Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Ills. 16th, 17th and 18th annual conventions. 1885, 1886 andll887 Ancient Order of United Workmen— — Proceedings of first annual ses- sion of the Grand Lodge of Ills. A. O. U. W. from 1875 to 1883. Pams. Bound in one vol. 8°. Rock Island 187C < IRGANIZATIONS— FRATERNAL AND SOCIAL— ntinued. — - Same from 1884 to 1888. 8°. Terre Haute 1888 Illinois Army and Navy Medical Association— — Report of 5th annual meeting, held at Decatur. 1894. Pam Illinois State Medical Society. — Transactions of the annual meet- ings of the Illinois State .Medical Society held in Springfield, May 19. 20, and 21. 1891; Vandalia, 1892 and Chicago, 1893. 3 vols. 8°. Chicago Illinois Society of Engineers and Surveyors— — Report of first annual meeting held at Champaign, Ills., February 10, 11 and 12, 1886. Pam. 8°. Cham- paign 1886 — - Report same 1887, 1888. 1889, 1890 — - Selected papers of the Civil En- gineers' Club of the University of Ills.. 1887-8. Bulletin No. 2. No. 3.1888-9. Pams Illinois Press Association— — Proceedings 28th annual session of the Illinois Press Association, held at Rockford, Ills., March II, 15 and 16, 1893. Pam. Jerseyville 1893 Knights of Honor— — Order of theKnights of Honor; its origin and objects; its system and plan of operation; its record and stahility. Pam. 16°. n. d — - Organization and proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Ills. Knights of Honor, 1st session, 1877. Pain. 8°. Peoria 1877 — - Journal of proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Ills. Knights of Honor 1878 to 1890, except 1882. An. to 1888. Pams. 8° — - Proceedings Grand Lodge of Ills. Knights of Honor 188G to 1894. Henry F. Day, Grand Reporter. 8°. Pams Society of Colonial Wars in Ill- inois— — Pub. The misuse of the national flag of the U.S. of America. 8°. Pam. Chicago 1895 Sons of The American Revolution— — Year Book of the Illinois Society Sons of the American Revolution, 1895-6, 2 vols. 8°. Chicago 1895-96 ILLINOIS. 171 ILLINOIS. Illinois— Wars. — War of 1812... — Elliott, Isaac H. Record of the ser- vices of Illinois soldiers in the Black Hawk War, 1831. '32, and the Mexican War, 1846. '48, etc., with an appendix giving a record of the services of the Illinois militia rangers and riflemen, in protect- ing the frontier from the ravages of the Indians, 1810-1813. 8°. Springfield 1882 — Militia of Illinois. Rank roll of the officers of the 8th regiment, 1st brigade, 1st division of the Illin- ois militia, for 1829. Manuscript — Regimental roster of the 8th regi- ment of the 1st Drigade, 1st divis- ion of tbe Illinois militia, for 1829. Signed James Semple, Adjutant Manuscript Above two original papers presented to the Illinois State Historical Li- brary by Mrs. John S. Bradford. Springfield. 111., March 6, 1889. — Black Hawk War. — Orderly book and muster rolls of the the Illinois troops (officers and privates) during the Black Hawk War. Orderly book dated August.1832, Ottawa, 111. Pre- sented to the State of Illinois by Mrs. E. B. Anderson, widow of Gen. Robert Anderson, May, 1894. Original records. Manuscript See biography Black Hawk. — War with Mexico. Elliott. Isaac H. Illinois soldiers in Black Hawk War. 1831, '32, and Mexican War, 1846, '48. 8°. Springfield 1882 — - Hartly, John W., comp. Proceed- ings Illinois State Conventions Veterans of the Mexican War. 1874 to 1880. inclusive, except 1876. Bound Pams — - Perrin. Ron. J. Nick. Address to the Mexican Veterans of Illinois, August 16, 1893. 8°. Belleville... 1893 — - Proceedings 19th annual re-union Illinois Assc. Mexican War Vet- erans. 8°. Decatur 1891 — - Reception and burial of remains of Col. John J. Hardin, Jackson- ville, 111.. July 14, 1847. Pam War — Continued. — - Mexican War Veterans, 111. Assc. of. Proceedings 6th annual re- union Chicago, Sept 11 and 12, 1879. 8°. Chicago 1880 — War of the Rebellion. Adair, John M. Sketch of the 45th Regt. 111. Vols. Inf. 8°. Lanark 1869 — - Adjutant General of Illinois. — - Puller, Allen C. Adj. Gen. Re- port of 1861. '62. 8°. Springfield. 1863 — - Haynie, I. N., Adj. Gen._ Report of.containingreportsforthe years 1861-1866. Also rosters of offi- cers and historical memoranda of regiments. 8 vols. 8°. Spring- field 1867 — - Vance, Jos. W., Adj. Gen. Re- port of, containing reports for 18611866. Revision of Haynie's reports. 8 vols. 8°. Springfield. 1886 — Altgeld. John P. Address on the battlefield of CMckamauga, at dedication of the Illinois monu- ments, Sept. 16, 1895. Pam — Ambrose D. Leib. History of the 7th Reg't. Ills. Vols. Inf. 12°. Springfield 1868 — -Memorial address, May 1887. Pam — — Arnold, Isaac N. The history of Abraham Lincoln and the over- throw of slavery. 8°. Chicago. . . 1866 — Barnet, Jas. ed.. Martyrs and he- roes of Ills. 8°. Chicago 1865 — Bennett, L. G. & Haigh, Wm. M. History of 36th Reg't Ills. Vols, during Rebellion. 8°. Aurora, Ills 1876 — Beveridge, John L.. Vaughan, David B., Greenhut, Jos. B. Com- missioners. Report of Ills. Mon- uments at Gettysburg. 8°. Spring- field 1892 — Boles, W. H. War and its lessons. 8°. Springfield 1890 — Browning, O. H. Oration on occa- - casion of the celebration 87th an- niversary of National Indepen- dence. Quincy, Ills., July 4. 1863. 8°. Pam. Quincy 1863- — Burley, Augustus Harris. The Cairo expedition. (Chicago Hist. Soc. Pubs.) 8°. Chicago 1890 ILLINOIS. ILLINOIS. W,\! • Hmted. — Buraham, J. II.. oonip. Report proceedings 7th Reunion. 83rd Ills. Vet A.8SC Bioomington, Ills. Jan L'J, mid Xi. 1890. 8 . Pama. Bioomington 1890 — Calkins. Win. Wirt. History ,,! 104th Reg't UN. Vol. Inf. 1862-1865. 8 . Chica ro 1895 — (lark. (has. M., .1/. />. BiatOT] .. UN. Vol. Vet. Inf. (Yatea Phalanx.) B°. Chicago 1889 — i: Idy, T. M. Th.' patriotism of UN. 2 \ ols. B°. Chicago ls>;5-1866 — G. A. R. — - Illinois Dept. Adj. Gen. Reportof the Asst Adj. < len. in memoriam, Roll of dead 1890 — - Black. Gen. John C. Address of the Dept. Commander at :cird an- nual encampment, Danville. Ill . .May. 1899. Pam...'. — - Hubert. C. F. Report of the 10th annual reunion of 50th 111. He- union .Ws„. Camp Point. III.. 1896 8°. Camp Point 1896 — - Nevius' Po8t No. l. Rockford, 111. History and roster of . 16°. Rock- ford 1894 — Oldroyd, 0. H. Roster Ohio Vet. As.,-, of 111. 12°. Springfield.... 1891 — - Proceedings of annual encamp- ment G. A. R. Dep't of Ills.. 7th to 11th. ls7:i-77 (in one pam.) 24th to :iist in.-.. 1880-1897 and 83rd I Pama — - Liatof members of the 20th to 23 rd annual encampment. 1886 s:* 26th, 1891 and 27th, 1892 — - Poems. Dedicated to c. a. K., III. North Maj. Alfred A — - Rosters of the survivors of the ldth Ills. Cav., Oct. 16th, 1894. Pam -- - Stephenson Post, G. A. R. Pro- gram of memorial services of. Springfield. Ills. Mar. 11th. for comrades who died in 1S9S. Pam G. A. R.— Continu Woman's Relief < or: I i 1- liary to G. A. R. D< pt. ■ i UN. Pro of annual conven- tions, IhI to 13th, i"i t" 1897, pam I tilmore, .las. R. i Edmund Kirke ud. ) Personal recollectioi Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. 8°. Bo-ton 1896 — Goldsmith, John H.. comp. List of UN. aoldiera. giving nam", com- pany, regimenl and date of death of Ills, soldiers w ho died previous to March, is 1865, in the rebel prison at Andersonville, Ga MS. Presented to the Ilia. State IH-- torical Library, Jui '. hy Geo. H. Souther, Springfield, Ills — Henshaw. Mrs. Sarah EdWfl Our branch and its tributai Bistory of the work of the North- western Sanitary Commission. 8°. Chicago 1868 — Herr. Geo. W. See 59th Regt 111. Vol. Inf — Howard, R. L. See 124th Regt Ilia. Vols Inf — Hubert. ( has F. See 50th Reg. 111. Vol. Inf — Jacques. Col. James F. Address to Reg. UN. Vol. Inf.. Spring- field, Oct. 1890. Pam. S c 1890 — Lathrop. Dr. D. See 69th Beg. Ilia. Vol. Inf — filcEown, ('. W. 4th reunion 86th Reg. UN. Vol. Inf., Peoria, Aug., 1890. Ram. B°. Knoxville, Ills. . 1890 — McLean County Blatorioal Society, tran of. Vol. 1.. War record of HcLeai nnty and other papers, s . Bloomington. 1899 — Marshall. Albert <>. Army life; from a soldier's journal. 2nd ed. Ills 1884 — Morley. Wm. R., eomp. See 39th Regt. 111. Vol. Inf — Newlin. W. H., ed. History 73rd Reg. Ills. Inf. Vols. 8° 1890 ILLINOIS. 173 ILLINOIS. G. A. R.— Continued. Newlin. Wm. H., See. Minutes, pro- ceedings Asso. Survivors 73rd Reg. Ills. Inf., Springfleld, Ills. Nov. 14 and 15, 1894. 8° 1894 — N. W. Sanitary Pair. Catalogue of the Department of Arms and Trophies at N. W. Sanitary Fair, Chicago, 1865. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1865 — Oldroyd, O. H., pub. Good old songs we used to sing, '61-'65. Pam. Springfleld... — Oldroyd, O. H., pub. Roster Ohio Vet. Asso., of Ills. 8°. Springfield 1891 — Partridge, Chas, A., ed. History of the 96th Regt. Illinois Vol. Inf. 8°. Chicago 1887 — Reed, Capt. H. B. The backbone of Ills., 1861-1865 and Memorial Hall. Springfield, Ills, Pam. 8°. Springfield 1886 — Regimental histories of Ills, troops. See list of regimental histories closing this topic, Illinois Wars. — Rogers, Robert M. The 125th Regt. Ills. Vol. Inf. 8°. Champaign... 1882 — Simmons, L. A. See 84th Regt. Ills. Vol.Inf — Smith, Gen. John C. Reception to 96tu Ills. Vol. Inf., Dec. 16, 1889. Paper. 8°. Chicago 1890 — - Reception to members 96th Regt. Ills. Inf. Volunteers at the resi- dence of Gen. John C. Smith, July 20, 1893. Paper. 8°. Chicago — Springer, Rev. Francis. Memorial sermon preached May 17, 1891, G. A. R. hall, Springfield, Ills. 8°. Springfield 1891 — Springer. John C., comp. Proceed- ings of the annual reunions of the Society of the 10th Ills. Cav- alry. Roster of survivors 10th Ills. Cav. Oct. 16, 1894 — Thirty-first Ills. Vet. Inf. Minutes annual reunions 31st Ills. Vet. Vol.. 1889, '90, '93, '94, '95, '96. '97 Pains — 'Thompson. B. F. See 112th Reg. Ills. Vols. Infantry — Trimble, Harvey M., ed. See 93rd Regt. Ills Vols. Inf — Vredenburg, T. D. Memorial day address, May 30th, 1892, at Loami, Ills. Manuscript G. A. R.— Continued. — Wood, Wales W. See 95th Regt. Ills. Vol.Inf Regimental Histories, and historical data of Illinois troops in War of the Rebellion. — Adjutant General's report. See Ad- jutant General. — 7th Reg't. Ills. Vols. Inf., history of. Ambrose D. Lieb. 12°. Spring- field 1868 — 15th Reg't. Ills. Vol. Inf. Report of 4th annual reunion of. Rockford, Ills., May 25, 1885. Paper. 8°. Au- rora 1886 — 31st Ills. Veteran Vols. Inf. Min- utes of the annual reunions of 1889,1890. 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897. Pams — 33d Ills. Veteran Association, report proceedings 7th reunion of.Bloom- ington. Ills., Jan. 22 and 23, 1890. Burnham, J. H., comp. Pam. 8°. Bloomington 1890 — 36th Reg't. Ills. Vols. Inf. during the rebellion, history of. Bennett, C. L. & Haigh. Wm. M. 8°. Au- rora, Ills 1876 — 39th Reg't. Ills. Veteran Vols. Inf. (Yates Phalanx), history of. Clark, Chas. U.,M. D. 8°. Chi cago 1889 — 39th Reg't. Ills. Vols Inf. Proceed- ings of the 3rd reunion of the Yates Phalanx, Bloomington, Ills. Feb. 21. 1884. Morley, Wm. R. . comp. 8°. Wilmington 1884 — 50th Reg't. Ills. Vols. Inf , history of, in the war for the Union. Hu- bert, Chas. F. 8°, Kansas City.. 1894 — 50th Reg't. Ills. Vols Inf. Report 11th annual reunion. Camp Point, Ills., Sept. 8, 1896. Hubert, Chas.F. Pam. 8°. Camp Point, Ills 1896 — 55th Reg't. Ills. Vols. Inf. The story of, in the civil war, 1861-1865. Com- piled by a committee of the Regi- ment. 8°. Clinton, Mass 1837 ILLINOIS 174 IN MBMORIAM. G. A. E.— Continued. — 59th Reg't. Ills. Veteran Vols. Inf. History of. Nine campaigns in nine states, 1S61-1865. Herr, Geo. W. 8°. San Francisco 1890 — 59th Reg't. Ills. Vols. Inf. History of. Lathrop, Dr. D. 12°. Indian- apolis 1865 — 73rd Reg't. Ills. Vols. Inf. History of. Newlin, W. H., ed. 8° 1890 — 73rd Reg't. Ills. Vols. Minutes of the Association of the Survivors of the 73rd Reg't. Ills. Vols. Inf. Nov. 14 and 15, 1894. Pam. New- lin. W. H., secretary. 8° 1894 — 73rd Reg't. Ills. Vols. Inf. Address to, by Col. Jas. F. Jaquess, Spring- field, Ills.. Oct. 1890. Pam. 8°.... 1890 — 84th Reg't. Ills. Vols. Inf. History of. Macomb, Ills 1866 — 86th Reg't. Ills. Vols. Inf. Minutes of the 4th reunion of, Peoria, Ills., Aug. 1890. McKown. C. W. Pam. 8°. Knoxville, Ills 1890 — 93rd Reg't. Ills. Vols. Inf. History of, from organization to muster out. Trimble, Harvey M., ed, 8°. Chicago 1898 — 94th Reg't. Ills. Vols. Inf. Sketch and information concerning, in transactions of the McLean Co. Hist. Soc. Vol. 1. War record of McLean Co., and other papers. 8°. Bloomington 1899 — 95th Regt. 111. Vol. Inf. History of, 1862-1865. Wood, Wales W. 12°. Chicago 1865 — 96th Regt. 111. Vol. Inf. History of. Partridge. Chas. A., ed. 8°. Chi- cago 1887 — 96th Regt. 111. Vol. Inf. Reception to members of, at residence of Gen. John ('. Smith. Chicago, Dec. 16, 1889. Also, report of reception to members of the 96th Regt. Illi. Vol. Inf., at residence of Gen'] Smith, July 20, 1893. 2 pains. 8°. Chicago 1896-1893 — 104th Regt, 111. Vol. Inf. History of. 1862-1865. Calkins, Wm. Wirt. 8°. Chicago 1895 — 112th Regt. 111. Vol. Inf. History of. Thompson. B. F. 8°. Toulon, 111. 1885 — 124th Regt. 111. Vol Inf. History of. Howard. R. L. 8°. Springfield.. 1880 G. A. R.— (Concluded. — 125th Regt. 111. Vol. Inf. History of. Rogers, Robert M. 8°. Cham- paign, 111 1882 — 3rd 111. Cavalry Regt. Transactions McLean Co. Historical Society. War record of McLean Co. and other papers — 10th 111. Cavalry Regt. Association. Proceedings of the annual re-un- ions, 1894. '95. '96, '99. Springer, JohnG.,cowp — 10th 111. Cavalry Regt. Association. Roster of survivors, Oct. 16, 1894. Springer. John G.. comp. Pam Imlay, G. Topographical description of the western territory of N. Amr. and a delineation of the laws and government of the State of Ky. 16°. N.Y 1793 — Topographical description of the western territory of N. Amr. 3d ed. 8°. London 1797 Immigration. — Anderson, Rasmus B. The first chapter of Norwegian immigra- tion, 1821-1840. 8°. Madison, Wis. 1896 — Ford. Worthington C, comp. Im- migration and passenger move- ment at ports of the U. S. for year ending June 30, 1894. (U. S. Govt. Pub.) 8°. Washington 1895 — Koerner, Gustav. Das deutsche element in den Vereiningten Staaten von Nordamerica, 1818- 1848. 8°. Cincinnati 1880 Impeachments. Young, Richard M. Speech in defense of Hon. The- ophilus W. Smith, for alleged misdemeanors in office, before the Senate of Ills, sitting as a high court of impeachment. Jan. 28, 1833. Pam Impending crisis of the south. How to meet it. Helper, Hinton Rowan. 12°. N.Y J860 Impressions of America daring the years 1833 and 1835. Power, Ty- rone. 2 vols. 8°. London 1836 In loving memory of a revered father ami a sainted mother. Wm. Sea- right and Rachel Brownfield Sea- right Stidger. 12°. n. d In Memoriam. Presbyterian church of Harrisburg, April 19, 1865. An ad- dress by the pastor. Mitchell, Rev. S. S. 8°. Harrisburg 1865 IN MEMORY. 175 INDIANA. In memory of Robert C. WinthroD. Read before Chicago Literary Club, Nov. 26, 1888. and Chicago Hist. Soc. Nov. 20, 1894. Goodwin, Daniel. 8°. Chicago. 1895. Pam In the boyhood of Lincoln. A tale of the Tunker schoolmaster and the times of Black Hawk. Butter- worth, Hezekiah. 9th ed. 12°. N. Y , 1896 Inaugural Addresses of Governors of Illinois. See Illinois Governors. Incidents and sketches connected with early history and settlement of West, James, J. A. and U. P. pubs. 4°. Cincinnati 1847 Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. Stephens, John L. 12th ed. 2 vols. 8°. N.Y 1845 Index. Catalogue of the Library of the SurgeomGeneral's office U. S. A. Authors and subjects. Surgeon- Gen. U. S. A., comp. 2nd series. U. S. Gov't Pub. 4°. Washington. 1896 Index to all the laws of Illinois, public and private which are not printed at large in Gross' Statutes of 1869, except private acts of 1869. 1818- 1869. Gross, Eugene L., and W. L. Springfield 1869 Index to genealogies and pedigrees in New Eng. Hist, and Gen. regis- ter for fifty years. Jan., 1847, vol. 1, to Oct., 1896. Vol. 50, Wright, Wm. W. (Reprinted from Reg- ister.) 8°. Boston 1896 Index (partial) to proceedings of the American Antiquarian Soc, from its foundation in 1812 to 1880. By Stephen Salisbury, jr. To which is added table contents of all the publications of the Soc. to April, 1883 with prices of such as are now held by the Soc. , by Nathaniel Paine. 8°. Worcester, Mass 1883 Indian biography, historical account of those distinguished among N. Amr, natives; orators, warriors, statesmen, etc. Thatcher, B. B. 2vols. 16°. N.Y 1873 Indian commissioners, U. S. Bd. of. 6th annual report, 1874; 8th annual report, 1876; 11th annual report, 1879. (U. S. Gov't pub.) 8°. Wash- ington. 1875'-80 Indian, (the) in his wigwam, or, char- acteristics of the red race of Amr. Prom original notes and Mss. Schoolcraft. Henry. R. 8°. N. Y. 1848 Indian local names and their interpre- tation. Boyd, Stephen G. 8°. York, Pa 1885 Indian traits, sketches, manners, cus- toms and character, of N. lAmr. native. Thatcher, B. B. 2 vols. 16°. N. Y 1865 Indian tribes, N. Amr. Biography and anecdotes of the principal chiefs. and 120 portraits from Indian Gal- lery War Dept. McKenney.Thos. L. and Hall, James, Esq. 3 v. Fo- lio. Phila. and London, n. d Indian tribes of U.S. Condition, pros- pects and ancient status. Pub. by order Cong. Illustrated by S. Eastman, U. S, A. Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, LL. D. 6. vols. Folio. Phila 1857 Indian Tribes.U.S. History.antiquities customs, religion, arts, language, traditions, oral legends and myths. Drake, Francis S. ed. 2 vols. 4°. London & Phil 1885 Indians of N. A. Biography & history from first discovery. Drake, Samuel G. 11th ed. 8°. Boston.. 1857 Indians, their manners and customs. McLean, John, M. A. Ph. D. (RobinRustler, pseud) 12. Toronto 1889 Indians and Archaeology Anon. In- dian wars with first settlers of the U. S. 8°. Rochester, N. Y... 1893 — - Narratives of Oceola Kikanochee Prince of Econchatti. 8°. London 1841 — - Recueils de r^glemens, 6dits, dec- larations et arrets, avec le Code Noir. 16°. Paris 1765 — Armstrong. Hon. P. A. The Piasa; or. the Devil among the Indians. 8°. Morris, 111 1887 — - Sauks ana Black Hawk War. 8°. Springfield 1887 — Atwater, Caleb. Antiquities of Ohio. 8°. Circleville, 1820 — - Remarks on a tour to Prairie du Chien. 12°. Columbus 1831 — Baldwin, John D. Ancient Amer- ica. 12°. N. Y 1871 — Bancroft, Hubert Howe. Native races of the Pacific States. 5 vols. 8°. N.Y 1875 INDIANS. L76 INDIANS. Inim i tinm d. — Baraga, R. K . Bishop of. Grammar of the Otchipwe language. 2ed., by a missionary of the » iblates. 12°. Montreal 1878 — Belden, Geo. P. Belden. the White Chief; twelve years among the wild Indians of the plains. From diaries & Mss of I leo. !'. Beld Ed. by Qi n. Jas. S. Brisben. 8°. Cincinnati 1872 — BoquH's expedition against tin- Ohio Indians. 1764. (Ohio Valley Bist. Series.) 8° Cincinnati.... 1868 — Boyd, Stephen G. Indian locsil names with interpretation. 8°. Fork. Pa 1885 — Brin.'. Limb-say. Travels annw ,' American Indians. 8°. London.. 1894 — Brinton, Daniel G. Essays of an Americanist. 8°. Phila 1890 — - Myths of the New World. 12°. N.Y 1868 — - Races and Peoples. 12°. N. Y.... 1890 — - The American race. 12°. N.Y... 1891 — Buffalo Hist. Soc. Obsequies of Red Jacket at Buffalo. 1884. (Trans. Buf. His. Soc. Vol. 3.) 8°. Buffalo 1885 — Butterfield, C. W. Historical ac- count, of Crawford's expedition against Sandusky. 1782. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1873 — - Hist, of Girty's. 8°. Cincinnati. 1890 — Carrington, Col. Henry B., ed. Ab- sa-ra-ka. Land of massacre. 12°. Phila 1878 — Carr, Lucien. Mounds of the Miss. Valley. (Ky. Geol. Sur.) Taper. 4°. Cambridge, Mass. n. d Catlin, 9eo. The Geo. Catlin In- dian I lallei v. I', s. Nat. Museum. Donaldson. Thos. 8°. Washington 1888 — - Adventures of Ojibbeway and Ioway Indians in Eng., France and Belgium. 3d ed. 8°. Lon- don 1852 — - Last rambles amon^i the In- dians. 12°. Loudon, n. d — - N- Amr, Indians. 4th ed 2 vols. 8°. London 1844 — -Same. 2 vols. B°.'London 1876 — - O-kee pa. A religious ceremony, 8°. London 1867 I MM i lhateaubrland, Lo Vicomte, Fran- Q Ann'-r- Ique et en [talie. 12 . Paris 1828 Colden, Cadwallader. History of the Five Indian Nations. 8°. N. V 1866 — Conant, A.J. Footprints of van- ished Si Louis 1897 — Converse. Harriet Maxwell. The Ho-de-no-sau-nee. A poem, 16°. Loin; N. V. L884. Paper — Cook, Frederick, comp. lournalsof the expedition of Maj. Gen. John Sullivan against the Six Nations of Indians, in 1779. 8°. Auburn, N. 5 1887 — Cort, Rev. Cyrus, Col. Henry Bou- quet and his campaigns. 16°. Lancaster, Pa 1883 — Croghan, Col. Ceo. Journal of. 8°. 1831. Reprint. Burlington, N. J. n. d — Davis. A. Discovery of New Eng. by the Northmen five hundred years before Columbus. 8°. Bos- ton. 1844. Pam — De Baugy, Le Chevalier Louis Henry. Journal d'une ['expedi- tion contre les Iroquois, 1687. 12°. Paris 1883 — DeHass, Wills. History of Early settlement aud Indian wars of W. V. 8°. Phila 1851 — Delafield, John, jr. Antiquities of America. 4°. N. Y 1839 — De Schweinitz, Edmund. Life and times of David Zeisberger. 8°. Phila 1870 — Dc Snot. P. J. Letters & sketches; with narrative of a year's resi- dence among Indian tribes. 12°. Phila 1843 — Dr Snot, K. P. ( 'inquante nouvelles [ettres du R. P. De Smet. 12 . Paris 1858 — - Missions deL'Oregon. 12° 1848 — Doddridge, Joseph. Settlement & Indian wars of the western parts ofVa&Pa. 12°. Albany 1876 — Dodge. Col. Richard Irving. Our wild Indians. 8°. Hartford 1885 I INDIANS. 177 INDIANS. Indians— Continued. — Donaldson, Thomas. The George Catlin Indian Gallery. U. 8. National Museum. 8°. Washing- ton 1888 — Dorman, Rushton M. Origin of primitive superstitions. 8°. Phila 1881 — Drake, Fiancis S., ed. Indian tribes of the U. S. 2 vols. 4°. London and Phila 1885 Drake, Samuel G. Aboriginal races of N. Amr. 8°. N. Y 1880 — - Biography and history of the In- dians of N. America. 8°. Boston.. 1851 — - Book of the Indians, 8°. Boston 1845 — - Events in Indian history. 8°. Lancaster 1841 — - Five years. French and Indian war. 8°. Albany 1870 — - Old Indian Chronicle. 8°. Bos- ton 1867 — Dumas, C. G. F. Trans. Relation historique de 1' expedition contre les Indiens de 1' Ohio, 1764. 8°. Amsterdam 1769 — Edgar Matilda. Ten years of Up- per Canada in peace and war, 1805- 1815. 8°. Toronto 1890 — Elliott, Isaac H. Illinois riflemen and rangers, 1810-1813; soldiers in Black Hawk war, 1831-32, and Mex- ican war, 1846-1848. 8°. Springfield 1882 — Ellis, Edward S. The Indian wars of the U.S. 8°. N. Y 1892 — Field, Thos. W. Essay toward an Indian bibliography. 8°. N. Y... 1873 — Finley, liev. James B. Life among the Indians. 12°. Cincinnati.... 1860 — Flint, Timothy. Indian wars of the West. 12°, Cincinnati 1833 — - ed., Personal narrative of James O. Pattie. 12°. Cincinnati 1833 — Foster, Geo. E. Literature of the Cherokees. 12°. Ithaca, N. Y.... 1889 — Foster, J. W. Pre-historic races of U.S.A. 4th ed. 8°. Chicago.... 1878 — Fowke, Gerard. Notes on Ohio archaeology. The geology of Ohio. Pam. n. d — Frost, John, ed. Book of the Indi- ans of N. America. 12°. N. Y.... 1845 — - Border wars of the West. 8°. N. Y 1856 —12 H. L. Indians— Continued. — - Daring and heroic deeds of Amer. women. 12°. Phila 1860 — - Indian wars of the U. S. 8°. N Y. 1856. Another ed., earlier, (pro- bably about 1837; title page mis- sing.) — Fur Trader. Traits of American Indian life and character, by a Fur Trader. 12°. London 1853 — Guernsey, Clara. The Shawnee prisoner. 12°. Phila 1877 — Haines, Elijah M. The American Indian. 4°. Chicago 1888 — Hale, Horatio, ed. Iroquois Book of Rites. Brinton's library of aboriginal American literature No.2. 8°. Phila 1883 — Halkett, John. Historical notes on the Indians of N. America. 8°. London 1825 — Hall. Rtv. Chas. H. The Dutch and the Iroquois. Paper. 8°. N. Y 1882 — Harvey, Henry. History of the Shawnee Indians. 12°. Cincin- nati 1855 — Haven, Sam'l F. Archaeology of the U. S. 4°. Washington 1855 — Heard. Isaac V. D. History of the Sioux War. 12°. N. Y 1863 — Heckewelder. Rev. John. History of Indian nations of Pa. (Trans. Hist, and Literary Com. Amer. Phil. Soc. Vol.1.) 8°. Phila.... 18J9 — - History of the Indian nations of Pa. (Pubs. Hist. Soc. Pa.) 8°. Phila 1876 — - Mission of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians. b°. Phila 1820 — Hubbard, Rev. Wm. Indian wars in New England. 2 vols. 4°. Roxbury , Mass 1865 — Hunter, John D. Memoir of cap- tivity among Indians of N. Amr. 8°. London 1823 — James, Edwin, M. D., ed. Narra- tive of the captivity and adven- tures of John Tanner. 8°. N. Y. 1830 — Jones, Chas. O. jr. Antiquities of southern Indians. 8°. N. Y 1873 — Jones, Daniel W. Forty years among the Indians. 8°. Salt Lake City 1890 INDIANS. ITS INDIAN WARS. : Kinzie, Mrs. John If. Wau-Bun- The early day in the Northwest - ago lsVi • her ed — Kii>. /.'''•• Win. Ingraham. The early Jesuit missions Ln N. Ainr. 2 vol--. 12 . London 1847 — K- - Narrative of the of Dr. Knight and John Blover among the Indians. U. P. James, i 12 . Cincinnati — Kohl, J. G. Kitcht-Gami. Wi erings aronnd L;f the Friends of the Indians, pubs. Proceedings of the eighth annual meeting. ls'JO. Barrows, Isabel C..«d. Paper. b J — Loskiel. George Henry. Mission of the United Brethren among the Indians of N. Amer. s . London 1794 — McAdams, William. Records of the ancient races of the M : - - . V illey. 8 . st. Louis -" — McLean, John. Canadian savage folk. S . Toronto 1896 — v . .1. L. Western charac- i '>r, types of border life. 12°. X. V — McCullob, J. H.. jr. Researches, philosophical and antiquarian. 8 . Baltimore 1829 — Mcintosh, John. Origin of North Anir. Indians. 12°, N. Y l s i:i — McKenney, Thos. L. Memoirs offi- cial and northern and ithern [nd . N. Y 1846 — - Tour to the Lakes and treaty of d do Lac. S ■ Baltimore .... — Martin, Le R. P. Huron et In Le R. P. Jean de Bre m martyre. 12 . Paris 1877 — Ma oath School Union.puo. Philip Everhard; or. ■ ■ry of Baptist Indian niis- !•> . Boston — Moorehead, Warren K. Primitive man in Ohio. S . N. V — O'Reilly, Rev. Frank J. Starved k. Article in Catholic World. N. Y., .'an.. 1894] bsTDiAXB—Oontinui >l . — Pi i.-ii d.. erl- can Antiquarian and Oriental Journal. Bi-monthly periodical. Vol. i, Oct 1899. to vol. 21, is'j'.i — Perkins A: Marvin. ;/»(' lies in Congress on the passage of the bill for the removal of the Indians. 12 . Boston U — Rouvier, Le Pere, Fred, S. J. Au !-s Hurons. 12~ J . Lille, n.d anders. fit v. Daniel Clark. His- tory of the Indian wars with the first settlers of the U. 3 printed. 12°. Geneva. X. V Schoolcraft. Henry Rowe. Algic researches: comprising inquiries respecting the mental character- isticsofthe North American In- dians. 2 vols. 12 . N. V 1839 — Smith, E. H. (Western tour Black Hawk and scenes in the West. A national poem. 12". N. Y MS — Starr, Frederick. American In- dians. (EthnoGeographic Read- er Xo. 2 12'. Boston 1899 — ['. S. Board of Indian Commission- ers: 6th annual report. 1^71; 8th annual report, lb"*;; 11th annual report, 1879. U. < - Gov.. •■ 8°. Washington, 1876, 7( .W — U. S. Commissioner of Indian Af- fairs: 61st annual report. 1892. 1". s. iiov. ,.,,'.. s. Washington... 1892 — - Treaties of the I'. S. with Indian tribes, 1778 to IE ed. 8°. Washington 1837 — -Treaties between U.S. and the rul Indian trihes, 1778 8°. Washington 1837 — Wickersham. .James. Major Pow- - inquiry: "'Whence came the American Indiai - answer. 1 oma 1899 Indian Wab — look. Frederick, eomp. .Journals lition of Maj. Gen. John Sullivan I the Six Nations of Indians in i: irn. N V 1887 — History of. Account of discovery of America from landing at Ply- mouth. Engagements with In- diat ingland until the death of King Philip. 1679. Trum- bull. Henry. 12°. Boston 1844 INDIAN WARS 17!) INDIANA. Indian W — Indian Wars of the U. 8. from the lirst s.-ttlement at Jai D in to the close of the great up- Jl. Ellis.lv N. V - - — Inilian Wars of tin - Edition prior tii 1866, probably about 11*37. lepage missing.) — Indian Wars of the U.S. from earl- iest period to the present. Frost. John. 8°. N. V 1850 — Indian Wars of the West and bio- graphical sketchesof the pioneers who headed • settlers in re- pelling the savages. View of char- acter, manners, monuments and antiquities of western Indians. Flint. Timothy. 16°. Cincinnati. 1888 — Inilian Wars of New England from J to close of King Philip's war, 1077. Revised with historical pre- face. Life and pedigree of author and not. 3 : Drake. Bnbbard. Eev. Wm. 2 vols. 4°. Kozbnry, Mass -- with first settlers of the U. 8. to the commencement of late war. Ap- pendix, aeconnt of battles fought by Gen. Andrew Jackson. N" •>. 103 of 200 copies reprinted for George Perkins Humphreys ■- , Rochester - — Wilson, Frazer K. The treaty of -nville. 12°. Pi'iua, O IBM Indiana. — Baker, George A. Tin - -eph Kankakee-Portage; its location and ush by Marquette, LaSalle and the French voyageurs. I Pub. No. 1. N. Indiana Hist. S Paper. 8 South Bend, May. — Briee. Wallace A. of Ft. Wayne. - Ft. Wayne mn — Chamberlain. E. pub. Indiana Qa- zetteer. 12°. Indianapolis.. — Cox, Sanford C. R< solleotlons of the early settlement of the ' bash Valley. 8°. Laf*yette 1800 — Dillon, John B. History of Indiana. Vol. 1 (only). 8°. Indianapolis.. 1843 — - History of Indiana. 8°. Indiana- polis 1859 Indiana— Cont i nued. DePai :w Uniyeksity. Porty-flfth year book of; containing a histori- -ketehof the institution; out- line of the organization. of alumni, course of study. cata- log': - and general ceilauy. Paper. 8°. Greeucastl. --: — - Year-books of DePauw Unfa 6. Pam — Dunn, J. P. The Libraries of In- diana World's Fair Monographs.) Pam. Indianapolis — English, Wm. EL Address at an- nual meeting and banquet of the Indiana Soc.Sons Amr. Rev. - Indianapolis S I — Poulke, Wm. Dudley. Lifeof Oliver P. Morton, including his import- ant speeches. 2 ', - - . India- napolis 1808 — Indiana Gazetteer, or topographical dictionary of the State of lud. Chamberlain E., pub. 12°. In- dianapolis 1850 — Indiana HlSTOB* - ;rv. Pub- lications of. Vols. 1. 2, and No. - vol. 3. Contents: I. 1. Proceedings of the 6 ciety. 1830-1 - Northwest Territorv. Letter of Nathan Dane concerning the ordi- nance of ITsT Qov. Patrick Henry's secret letter of instruc- tion to Geo. Ho^'-rs Clark. The uses of history. By Pi dent Andrew Wylie. /'./>. The national decline of the Mi- ami Indians. By John B. Dillon. Early history of Indianapolis and Central Iudiaua. By Nathaniel Bolton. Marshall. By Prof. John L. Campbell. Judge John Law. By Uhaa. Den- by. Archaeology of Indiana. By Prof. B. T. Cox. Appendix. The early settlement Of the Miami Country. By Dr. Ezra Ft. I . The laws and courts of Northwest and Indiana Terri- tories. By Dauiel Wait H <.•••■. The life and services of John B. Dillon. By Gen. John Coburu and Judge Horace P. Biddle. The acquisition of Louisiana. By Judge Thomas M. Cooli INDIANA. ISO LNGLIS. Indiana Historical Booiety— Continued. Loughery's defeat and Pigeon Roost massacre. By Charles Mar- tiudale. A. descriptive catalogue of the official publications of the Territory and State of Indiana from 1800 to 1890. By Daniel Wait Howe. The rank of Charles Osborn as an auti slavery pioneer. By George W. Julian. The Man in history. By John Clark Ridpath. Ouiatanon. By Oscar J. Craig:. Reminiscences of a journey to In- dianapolis in 1836. By C. P. Fer- guson. Life of Ziba Foote. By Samuel Morrison. "Old Settlers." By Robert B. Duncan. French settlements on the Wa- bash. By Jacob Piatt Dunn. Vol. 3. No. -. Sieur DeVincennes. The founder of Indiana's oldest town. By Edmond Mallet. 1897. — Hall. B. F. Early history north- western States. 8°. Buffalo 1849 — Haywood. W. S. ed. Illustrated history of Ind. 8°. Indianapolis 1879 Ingalls 6c Co., pub. Terre Haute city directory, 1872-73- 8°. Spring- field 1872 Law, John. Vincennes. Colonial history of 8°. Vincennes 1858 Laws adopted by Governor and Judges Ind. Ter. at their first session. Jan.. 1801. 8°. Frankfort 1802 Laws of Ind. Ter. 8°. Vincennes. 1807 Lewis, Virgil A.. The original In- diana Ter. It was in W. Va. (Pub. W. Va. Hist, and Ant. Soc.) 12 . Charleston 1895 Montgomery, Hugh T„ M. D. The glacial phenomena as exhibited in N. Indiana and S. Mich, and resulting waterways. (Northern Indiana Hist. Soc . pub. No. 2.) Paper. 8°. South Bend 1899 Northern Indiana Historical Society: Publication No. 1. The St. Joseph- Kankakee-Portage. By George A. Baker. South Bend 1899 Northern Indiana Hist. Soc— Continued. Publication No. 2. The glacial phenomena as exhibited by North- ern Indiana and Southern Mich- igan waterways. By Hugh T. Montgomery. South Bend 1899 — Pitman, Benn., ed. The trials for treason at Indianapolis. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1865 — Pocket (The) Evansville, Ind. Mir vival of pioneer families of Ind. (Pub. in 'The Pocket," Dec.. 1897, and Feb.. 1898.) — Rose Polytechnic Institute. An- nual catalogues of, 1881 to 1899, ex- cept 1889 and 1897 — - Circular of information, 1886-87. Pam — - Inaugural address of Pres. Cbas. O. Thompson. Ph . D 1883 — Schnack, Dr. J., and Owen, Rich'd. The Rappites; interesting notes about e.trly New Harmony, Ind. Pam. 12°. Evansville 1890 — Smith, Bev. J. C. Reminiscences of early Methodism in Ind. 12°. Indianapolis 1879 — Smith. O. H. Early Indiana trials aud sketches. 8°. Cincinnati 1858 — Territorial laws of Ind. 1805-1806. 2nd Sess. MS. copied — Woolen, Win. Wesley. Biographi- cal and historical sketches of early Ind. 8°. Indianapolis 1883 — Indiana territory. See Illinois— In- diana territory Industrial Arts. Butterworth. linn. Benj.. eomp. The growth of in- dustrial art. 4°. Washington.... 1892 Inebriety, its source, prevention and cure. Palmer, (has. Pollen. 12°. N. Y 1898 [NGALLS & Co.'s Terre Haute city di- rectory, 1872-73. Ingalls & Co.. pubs. 8°. Springfield 1872 [NQXRSOLL, Edwin I) , eomp. Facts about Denver. Pam. 16°. Den- ver 1892 Inglis. Samuel M. Arbor Day. 1895. (Circular No. 4. Dept. Pub. In- struction, Tils.) Pam. Also, same for 1897 and 1898 1NGLIS. 181 INVESTIGATION. Inglis— Continued. — Souvenir for the school children of Ills., of Lincoln's birthday, Feb. 12, and Washington's birthday, Feb, 22. 8°. Springfield 1898 (See Ills. State Supt. of Public Instruction.,) Inquiry into the formation of Wash- ington's farewell address. Bin- ney. Horace. 8°. Phila 1859 — into the origin of the antiquities of America. Delafield, John, jr. 4°. N. Y 1839 Institutions and Asylums. Condon, Wm. H. Investigation of the charges of neglect preferred against trustees of 111. Industrial Home for the Blind. 8°. Chica- go, n. d. Pam Insurance. — Magill, Wm. E. .corny. Laws of Mich- igan relating to tire and marine insurance. 8°. Lansing 1891 — Fire underwriters, local board, Springfield. Laws 1866, T879 — Supt. of Illinois. See Illinois. Intemperance See Temperance. Intercontinental Railway Commis- sion. Minutes of, 1890 1891. (Eng. and Spanish.) Paper with map. U. S. Gov't pubs. 4°. Wash- ington 1891 Interest of America in sea power, present and future. Mahan, Capt. A. T. 12°. Boston 1898 Internal improvements of Illinois. Commissioners of Pubiic Works, board of. Message from Governor of Ills, transmitting semiannual reports of Board of Commission- ers of Public Works. See Ills, reports to Gen. Ass. Pam. 8°. Vandalia 1838 International dictionary of the Eng. language. Authentic edition of Webster's unabridged dictionary, issues of 1864, 1879 and 1884. Re- vised and enlarged under super- vision of Noah Porter, D. D. LL. D. Webster. Noah. 4°. Spring- field, Mass 1893 Inter Ocean Curiosity Shop. Inter Ocean Pub. Co., 1880-1892. v. y. 8°. Chicago — Ocean Publishing Co. Chicago's first half century. 1833-1883. 8°. Pam. Chicago 1883 Inter State Publishing Co. — History of Sangamon County. 8°. Chicago 1881 — History of White county. 8°. Chi- cago 1883 In the land of cave and cliff dwellers. Schwatka, Lieut. Frederick. 12°. N. Y 1893 Introduction and analysis of the Book of Ecclesiastes. Strong. Prof. James. 8°. N. Y 1877 — to the history of the revolt of the American Colonies, being a com- prehensive view of its origin, de- rived from the state papers con- tained in the public offices of Great Britain. Chalmers, George 2 vols. 8°. Boston 1845 — to the study of mortuary customs of N. American Indians. Pub. by Bureau of Ethnology, U. S. Yar- row. Di. H. C. 4°. Washington. 1880 Inventions. Beltzhoover, Geo. fit., jr. James Rumsey, the inventor of the steamboat. W. Va. Hist, and Ant. Society, pub. Paper. 8°. Charleston 1900 — Hubert, Philip G. jr, Inventors. — Men of achievement. 12°. N. Y. 1896 — Swift. R. B. Who invented the reaper? 8°. Chicago 1896 Inventors.— Men of achievement. Hu- bert, Philip G., jr. 12°. N. Y.... 189; Contents: Sketches of Benj. Franklin, Robert Fulton, Eli Whitney, Elias Howe. Samuel F. B. Morse, Chas. Goodyear, John Ericsson, Cyrus H, McCormick, Thomas A. Edison, Alexander G. Bell. American Inventors, Past and Present- James M. Townsend. E. L. Drake, Alvin Clark, John Fitch, Oliver Evans. Amos Whittemore, Thos. Blanchard, Richard M. Hoe, Thos. W Harvey. C. L. Scholes. B. B. Hotchkiss, Chas F, Brush, Rudolph Eickemeyer. George Westinghouse, jr. Investigation of the charges of neg- lect preferred against Trustees Zutermiester, Simous and Cush- ing of the Ills Industrial Horns for the Blind. Condon, Wm. H. 8°. Chicago. Pam. n. d INVESTIGATION. 182 JACKSON. Investigation— Continued, — of the unsettled boundaries of On- tario. Lindsey. Chas. 8°. Tor- onto 1873 [OWA. — As it is in 1855. A gazetteer for citizens and a handbook for emi- grants. Parker, N. Howe. 12°. Chicago 1855 — Cole, T. L. Historical bibliography of the statute law of Iowa. (In Law Bulletin, State University of Iowa. No. 2. 1891.) — Davenport Business Men's Ass'n.. romp. Davenport; some of it- advantages for business, resi- dence and investment. Daven- port 1890 — Hall, B. F. Early history of the N. Western States. 8°. Buffalo.. 1849 — Iowa State Hist. Soc. 14th report [biennial) of the Bd. of Curator of the State Bist. Soc, to the Gov- ernor. 1889. 8°. Des Moines.... 1889 — Iowa. Historical Dept. of, pub. An- nals of Iowa. vol. 4, 3d series. April, 1899, to present, 1900 — Iowa State Library. Biennial re- port of, 1889-'93. and 1899. Cata- logue of State library — Mahaska Co., proceedings of Horti- cultural Soc 3rd annual meeting Nov. 11 and 12, 1891. Pam — Miller. Mrs. Mary H. Catalogueof the State Library of Iowa. Libra- rian's report to the Governor. 8°. Des Moines 1889 — Oneida Hist.Soc. pub. The Iowa pet- rified giant, Letter of H. W. Lothrop Sec. Iowa Hist. Soc. (Circular) — Parker, N. Howe. Iowa as it is in 1855 12°. Chicago 1855 — Sabin, Henry, comp. Program of exercises for Arbor Day, 1694, Iowa. (Poetry). Pam Irelan, John Robert. The Republic; or. History of U. S, A., in the ad- ministrations of the Presidents. Washington to .Johnson, inc. 18 vols. 8°. Chicago. 1887-8 Ireland, Condon. Edward O'Meagher. The Irish race in America. 12°. N. Y 1887 IRELAND Folk, Lore & Legends, (vol. 4. 1st series. Polk. Lore & Legends.) C.J. T.. ed. 16°. Lon- don 1891 — Scotch Irish Society. Proceedings of annual congresses. Vols. 1 to 8 inc. 1889-1896. 8 vols- Iron Brigade and other poems. Suit- able for Memorial Days, camp fires and private reading. Tripp, /.". . II. B. Paper. 8°. Gallatin. Mo 1898 [ROQDOI8 Book of Rites. Hale Horatio, ed. (Brinton's Library of Abo- riginal American Literature No. 2. 8°. Phila 1883 Irving, Washington. Adventures of Captain Bonneville. 3 vols. 12°. London 1837 — - Another ed 1868 — -Astoria. 2vols. 12°. Phila 1841 — - Life of George Washington. 5 vols. 8°, X. Y 1855 — - Life and voyages ( 'hristopher Co- lumbus. 3 vols. 12°. N. Y. 1861. Anothered. 2 vols. 8°. Phila... 1840 Also, edition 8°. London 1877 — - Tour on the prairies. 12°. Lon- don 1835 Is Davis a traitor; or, was secession a constitutional right previous to war of 1861. Bledsoe, Albert Tay- lor. 2d ed. 12°. St. Louis 1879 Issel, Arturo. (comp in chief! Instru- zioni Scientifiche pei Yiaggiatori (Ministero di Agricoltura. Indus- tria e Commercio.) 8°. Roma... 1881 Issue of fact between Bishop Cox and Prof. Seymour. Seymour, Geo. F. Pam IsTJ Italy. Issel. Arturo, comp in chief. i. Ministero di Agricoltura, Indus- tria e Commercio.) Instruzioni Scientifiche pei Yiaggiatori. 8°. Roma 1881 — Minister of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce of Italy, comp. An- nuario Statistico Italiano. Anno.. 1881 — Annali di Statistiea. 2d series, vol. 18 , 3d series vols. 1 and 4. Roma 1881'82-83 JACKSON, Andrew. 7th President II. S.; born 1767, died 1845. See Biogra- phy. JACKSON, Mary Anna. Memoirs of Stonewall Jackson. Introduction by Lieut. Gen. John B. Gordon and Rev. Henry M. Field. 8°. Louisville 1895 JACKSON. 1S3 JAQUESS. Jackson— Concluded. — Sheldon. Education in Alaska. (U S. Gov't Pub.) 8°. Washington. 1898 — - Report on education in Alaska. 1886. (U. S. Gov't Pub.) 8°. Washington 1886 — - Report on introduction of domes- ticated reindeer into Alaska, with maps and illustrations. (U. S. Gov't Pub.) 8°. Washington... 1894-95 Jackson. Sheldon, and Kelly Wm. A.. eds. The North Star. Monthly newspaper. Sitka, Alaska, Jan. to Dec. inc. Bound 1 vol 1890 — Stonewall. Memoirs of. Introduc- tions by Lieut. Gen. John B. Gor- don and Rev. Henry M. Field. Sketches by many prominent men. Jackson, Mary Anna. 8°. Louisville 1895 See Biography. — Co., Ills. Brink, McDonough & Co. pubs. History of Jackson Co. 4°. Phila 1878 Jacksonville, Ills. City of. Bailey, John C. W. Sangamon Co. gazet- teer and city directory of Spring- field and Jacksonville. 8°. Spring- field 1866 — Eames, Chas. M. Historic Morgan and classic Jacksonville. 8°. Jacksonville. See Morgan Co 1885 See Morgan Co. James, Edmund J., Ph. P. A bibli- ography of the newspapers pub- lished in Ills, prior to 1860. Pub- lication No. 1 of the Ills. State Historical Library. 8°. Spring- field 1899 — The charters of the city of Chi- cago. Paper. 2 parts. 8°. Chi- cago, 1898 and 1899. University of Chicago studies in political sci- ence — Information relating to the terri- torial laws of Ills., passed from 1809 to 1812. Publication No. 2, of the Ills. State Historical Library. 8°. Springfield 1899 — The James-Stites genealogy. Pam. 4°. N. Y , 1898. Reprinted from the N. Y. Genealogical and Biographical Record, April, 1898 — Review of Bryce's American Com- monwealth. Publications Araer. Acad. Political & Social Science. No. 172. Issue of May 5,1896. Phila. James— Concluded. — Edmund, J., Ph. P. ISketch of the career and labors of. Reprinted from the annals of the Amer. Acad, of Political and Social Science. Vol. 7, No. 1,1896. Falk- ner, Roland P., ed See Biography, James, Edwin, comp. Account expedi- tion from Pittsbiirg to Rocky Mts. 1819-1820. 3 vols. 8°. London . . . 1823 — Edwin, M. P., ed. Narrative of the captivity and adventures of John Tanner. 8°. N. Y 1830 James G. Blaine's place in American history. His wisdom and elo- quence. An address delivered at Lafayette College. Pa., Feb. 22, 1893. Mann, Edward C. 8°. Albany 1893 — George Francis, ed. The Logan Monument Memorial. 8°. Chi- cago 1898 — J. A. and U. P., pubs. Incidents and sketches connected with the early history and settlement of the West. 4°. Cincinnati 1893 — Prendergast Free Library, James- town, N Y. Finding list and sup- plement. Catalogue of Art Gal- ery. 8°. Jamestown 1891 — - Stites Genealogy. Including men- tion among others of the follow- ing family names: Alward, Co- sad. (Cosart) Coon, Cox, Duling. Gerlach, Lange, Martin, Schafer. Tingley. (Reorinted from the N. Y. Genealogical and Biographical Record. April, 1898.) James, Prof. Edmund J. 4°. N. Y 1898 — the Prophet. Chronicles of the Land o'f Columbia, commonly called America. 8°. Milwaukee. 1876 — Travelers' Companion— Complete guide through western states to Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific via Great lakes. Rivers, canals, etc. Description of places on and near western waters, historical notes, statistics, maps, etc. Stage, R. R. and steamboat routes in west, and their distances. Massey, S. L. comp. 16°. Cincinnati 1851 — U. P.. pub. Perils and sufferings of Pr. Knight and John Slover, ' among the Indians. 12°. Cincin- nati 1867 Jaquess, Col. James P. Address to 73d Reg., Ills, Vols. Inf.. Springfield, Oct., 1890. 8°. Pam ASPER. IS! JOHNSON. Jaspeb Co., Ills. Battey, P a. £ Co., pub, ( lumberland. Jasper a n d Rictalan I, Illinois; Bistory and bi- ography. I hicago 1884 Jaynb, Dr William. Remarks al the irter i lentury tie union of t ln^ Phi-Alpha Society of Ills. College, Jacksonville, June -'. 1870. 8°. Springfield, i^tu. Pata Jefferson, Thomas, Tliinl President of U. 8., born 17*3, died 1826. Set biography — ll'in. Thomas, Notes on the State. of Va. 12°. Phila 1801 — - Memoir, correspondence and mis- cellanies from the papers of. Randolph. Thos. Jefferson, ed, 3d ed. J vols. 8°. Boston 1830 Jefferson Co.. ills. Perrin, Wm, ll.-nrv. i il. History of Jefferson Co. 8°. Chicago 1883 Jenkins, John s. Voyage U. S. ex- ploring squadron, 1838-1842. 8°. Auburn 1852 JENNINGS-Mack debate and the re- sulting Melville decision on silver coinage. Walker. Albert 11. 16°. Hartford 1896 J KiiuME, Alonzo Wheeler. The great debate. Souvenir. Paper. 12°. Springfield 1899 Jersey County, Ills. Continental His- torical Co., pubs. History of i Ireene and Jersey counties. Ills. 8°. Springfield 1885 — Hamilton, B B. Historical sketch ofjersej Co., Ills . delivered al Jerseyville. July 4, 1876. Pam. s , Jacksonville 1876 — Murphy, Daniel. Historical sketch of the organization of the Jersey -.. <><•!.. 891. MS — White, //on. S. V. Address deliv- ered at Ills. Chautauqua, July 19, 1900. Reminiscences of Jersey Co., Ills. 1836 1850. Tarn. 8°. Brooklyn, N. Y 1900 Jesuit relations and allied documents. Travels and explorations of the Jesuit Missionaries in NewFrance L610 1791. original French, Latin and Italian texts, with English translation and notes, portraits, maps and facsimiles. Thwaites, Ri I'-icii Gold, ed. Set No. 17''.. With scran book.) 71 vols, and index. 8°. Cleveland. 1S96-1901 Jesuits in N. America in 17th century. Part 3, Prance and Eng. in N. Amr. Parkman, Francis. 12°. Boston 1888 .1 1. 1 I ■, system explained. Phenomena of the Miss, river. Bads, Jas. B. 8°. St. Louis. Pam 1874 JbWBTT, 8wett, Dent and others. Opinions given to Co. Board of Cook Co, oti town-hip organiza- tion, 8°. Chicago 1876 American Jewish Hist. So,-. Publications of. 1893-1900 — I'nion of American Hebrew Con- gregations, pubs. Judaism at the Worlds' Parliament of Re- ligious. 8°. Cincinnati 1894 — Wolf, Simon. The American Jew as patriot, soldier and citizen. 8°. Phila 1895 Joohim, John W., comp. Michigan and its resources. 8°. Lansing 1893 Jo Daviess Co., Ills. Eett. II. F. & Co. pubs. History of Jo Daviess Co. 8°. Chicago 1878 JOHN Cabot, the discovererof America; and Sebastian, his son. A chap- ter of maritime history of Eng- land und. r the Tudors. 1496-1557. Harrisse, Henry. B°. London.. 1896 JOHN Hanson, Pres. U. S. in Congress Assembled, 1781-1782. Thomas. Douglas H. 8°. Baltimore, n. d John Rogers families in Plymouth and vicinity (Read before Me. Hist. Soc. Dec. 19. 1895.) Pam. Drum mond, Josiah, H John Sevier as a Commonwealth build- er. Sequel to the Rear Guard of the Revolution, (lilmore. James R. l>\ N. Y 1">S7 John Sherman's recollections of forty years in the House. Senate and i labinet. Sherman. John. 2 Vols. 8°. Chicago 1895 Johnson Andrew. Seventeenth Presi- dent of V. S. Born 1808. died 1875 See Biography. — Carrie, comp. Calendar 1897 — Crisfield. Centennial history of Brie Co. N. Y. 8°. Buffalo 1876 — Edward P., eomiK Wo burn Mass.) Records of births, deaths and marriages, 1640 to 1873. Bound with an. reports Woburn City Gov't 8°. Woburn 1890-94 — Robert I'nderwood . D. 12 . N. Y. ISIS — of travels in the U. S. of N Amer- ica and Lower Canada in l > 1 7. Remarks on prices of land and provisions remarks on the coun- try and people, anecdotes, etc. Account commerce, trade and present state of Washington, N. Y., Phila., Boston, Baltimore, Albany, Cincinnati. Pittsburg. Lexington. Quebi c, Montreal, etc. Description of Ohio. Ind., Ills, and Mo., and a varietj of other useful informal ion. Map. Pal- mer, John. 8°. London. 1818 — of tour to territory northwest of the Alleghany Mts Geographical and historical account of the State of Ohio. Harris, Thaddeus Mason. .1. .1/. 12°. Boston 1805 JOURNAL 187 KANSAS. Journal— Continued. — of voyages and travels of a corps of discovery under Capt. Lewis and Capt. Clarke, U. S. A. From mouth Mo. river to Pacific ocean, 1804-5-6, transactions of expedi- tion, description country, inhabi- tants, soil, climate, curiosities, vegetable and animal produc- tions. Gass, Patrick. 12°. Lon- don 1808 Journal of voyages in the interior N. Amr. from Montreal, nearly to Pacific ocean, distance about 5,000 miles. Account of principal oc- currences during residence of nineteen years. Harmon, Daniel Williams. 8°. Andover 1820 — of Wm. Maclay, 1789-1791. Edited by Edgar S. Maclay. 8°. N. Y... 1890 Journals of Maj. Robert Rogers; 1755- 1761. Containing account of ex- cursions he made under the Gen- erals who commanded upon Con- tinent of N. America during late war; including most material circumstances of every campaign irom commencement to conclu- sion of the war. Rogers, Maj. Robert. 12°. London. 1765 — of the military expedition of Maj. Gen. John Sullivan against the six nations of Indians in 1779; with records of centennial cele- brations. Cook, Frederick, comp. §°. Auburn 1887 Journey to Great Salt Lake City. Sketch of history, religion and customs of the Mormons. Intro- duction on religious niovemeiit in U. S. By Jules Remy. Remy, Jules and Breuchley, Julius, M. A. 2 vols. 8°. London 1861 Joutel.M. Henri. Journal of the last voyage of LaSalle. 12°. London. 1714 Joy darkened; a sermon preached at St. Thomas' church, N. Y.. Easter Sunday, April 16, 1865. Morgan, Wm. F. Pam. 8°. N. Y 1865 Joyce, Col. John A, Original poem delivered upon occasion of the re- moval of the remains of Gen. John A. Rawlins from the Con- gressional cemetery, Feb. 8,1899. (Part of proceedings.) Pam. 8°. Washington 1899 Jubilee College. Chase, Philander. The Motto of Jubilee College. Beginning July 26, 1847, to Oct., 1852. Periodical — Publications in regard to Bishop Chase, Kenyon and Jubilee Col- leges. Annual Register Jubilee College, letters, etc See Illinois church history. Judaism, at World's Parliament of Re- ligions. Union American Hebrew Congregations, pubs. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1894 See Jews. Kalm, Pierre. Voyage dans l'Ameri- que du Nord. 8°. Montreal 1880 Kane, Thos. The Mormons. Pam. Phila 1850 Kane County, 111. Le Baron, Wm., jr. & Co., pubs. Past and present of Kane Co. 8°. Chicago 1878 — Stolp, J. G. Reminiscences of the early life of J. G. Stolp and of the pioneers and early settlement of Aurora, HI. Manuscript, Aurora, April 23, 1 891 Kankakee County, 111. Beers, J. H. & Co., pub. Atlas of Kankakee Co. Folio. Chicago 1883 Kansas. Andreas, A. T., pub. History of the State of Kansas. 4°. Chi- cago 1883 — Holloway, J. N. History of Kan- sas. 8°. Lafayette. Ind 1868 Kansas. Its resources and attractions for the home seeker, capitalist and tourist. Union Pacific R. R. Pub. 12°. St. Louis 1892 — Phillips, Wm. The conquest of Kansas. 12° Boston 185& — Robinson, Sara T. L., Kansas. Its interior and exterior life, includ- ing view of the settlement, politi- cal history, social life, climate, soil, productions, scenery, etc. 8th ed. 12°. Boston : 1857 — - State Hist. Soc. Publications of, Collections, vols. 1, 3, 4. 5. 6, 1886- 1900 — - Biennial reports of board of di- rectors. 6-11 inc., 1887-98 — Ware, Eueene F. (Ironquill, psued) Some rhymes of Ironquill of Kan- sas. 12°. Chicago 1892 — Wilson, Mrs. Augustus. Parsons' Memorial Historical Library Mag- . azine. Vol 1. Jan 1885 KKATING. iss kkntivky. Kkatimi, Win. H. Narrative of an ex- pedition to Bource of 8t. Peter's river. 'J vols. s. London 1825 Keobxbt, Elisabeth Behind the scenes; or. tliirty years a slave. & four years in the White House. U . N. V 1868 Keim, and allied families In America & Europe. A monthly serial of his- tory, biography, genealogy and folklore, illustrating the causes, circumstances and consequences of the German, French, and Swiss emigrations to America during the 17th, IMh, and 19th centuries. Keim, De B. erf. Harrisburg, Dec 1898 Kellev, E. Ei. & Braden, Clark. Public discussion between. 8°. St. Louis 1884 Kellogg, Robert H. Life and death in Rebel prisons. 12°. Hartford... 1865 Kelly, Thomas . pseud.) See Qilmore. .1. R Kikki.ani'. Mrs. C. M- (formerly Mrs. Mary Clavers.) New home. Who'll Follow; or, Glimpses of western life. 12°. N. V 1839 iih ed, 12°. N. Y 1950 — Joseph. The Captain of Co. K.; a -tory. 8°. Chicago 1891 — - The Chicago massacre of 1812. 12°. Chicago 1893 — -TheMcVeys. 12 . N. V 1888 — - The story of Chicago. 4°. Chi- cago 1892 — - Zury, the meanest man in Spring county. A novel of western life. 12°. N. T. and Boston 1892 — Mnj. Joseph & Moses. John. eds. History of Chicago. 2 vols. 4°. Chicago 1895 KiTriii Garni. Wanderings round Lake Superior. Kohl. J. G. 8°. London 1860 Kittkedge, Rev. Abbott E. Historical discourses July 2, 1876. 8°. Chi- cago 1876 Knait, H. S. History of the Maumee Valley. 8°. Toledo 1877 — N. M. Historical sketch of Scott Co. 111. 12 . Winchester, Ills.... 1876 Knu.iit. Chas. Popular history of Eng- land. 9 vols, s . Vol. 9 by Philip Smith, B.A. London & N. Y. n. d .... Knights Templar. Vandercook & pub. < hicago illustrated, and of- ficial program triennial conclave Knights Templar of U. S. Chi- ■ 1880. 8°. Chicago 1880 I >•<■ Die > ury. Knox's Almanac. 1883. '84, '85, '86, '87, '88. '89, 1892. Knox. Thos. 12 . Springli-jld 1883-1892 KNOX, Oapt. John. Historical journal of the campaigns in N. America in 1767, 1768. 1759 and 1760. 2 vols. 4°. Loudon 1769 — Thos. Almanac, 1883. '84. '86, '86, '87, _•. 12. Springfield 188 — - Business and family director Springfield, ills., for 1861 82. B Springfield 1881 — - Calender, beginning Sept. 14, 1762 new style) and for all time to 1 ie, I 'am. 8°. Springfleh 1889 1\M>\ I nl'NTV ll.l.s. — Chapman, Chas. C. & Co., pubs. History of Knox Co., Ills. 8°. Chicago 1878 — Gale. Rev. C. W. Articles ot faith and covenant of the Presbyterian Church of Galesburg, Ills.; to- gether with the in til those who have been or are now mem- bers of the church. To which is appended a sketch of the history the church. Pam. 12 . Qalesburg. 1849 — West, Mary Allen. History of the founding of Knox College and the city of Galesburg, Ills. Manu- script Koerner, Gustav. Das deutsche ele- ment in den Yereiuigten Staaten von Nordamerika. 1818-1848. 8°. ( lincinaati Ib80 Kohl.J. G. Kitchi-Gami. Wanderings around Lake Superior. 8°. Lon- don I860 — - A popular history of the discov- ery of America, from Columbus to Franklin. Trans, from the I man by K. K. Noel. 2 vols. London 1862 K'kaitii. Chas. P. The two pageants. 8°. Pittsburg 1866 Lakat. R. P. Nouvean voyages mix [sles de l'Amerique. 8 vols. 16°. I'aris 1712 L\I'.i;i.f., Hen. ed. The Confederate lier in the Civil War. folio. Louisville 1895 Lai'V (the) of Fort St. John. Cather- wood. Mary Hartwell. 12°. Boston 1892 LAHONTAN. 191 LANPH1EB. Lahontan, Baron de. Voyage de L'Amerique. 3 vols. 16°. Amster- dam 1703-1704 2 vols. 16°. Amsterdam 1728 2 vols. Eng. 12°. London 1703 2 vols. Eng. 12°. London 1735 Laird & Lee, pubs. Chicago Tribune souvenir. Glimpses World's Fair through Tribune's camera. Paper. Chicago 1893 La Jonquiere, Marquis de. La Chef d'Escadre mis de La Jonquie>e et de la Canada de 1749 a 1752. 12°. Paris, n. d Lake, D, J. & Co.. pubs. Atlas Clay Co., Ills.; Union Co., Ills.; Wayne Co., Ills. See Griffing Lake county. Ills. Conard, Howard Louis. Old Little Fort, Modern Waukegan. In National Maga- zine, Dec, 1892 — Le Baron, Wm. & Co. pubs. Past and present of Lake Co., Ills. 8°. Chi- cago 1877 Lake Forest University. Catalogues of, 1892-1895, inc Lake St. Louis, old and new, and Cav- elier de La Salle. Trans, from the French by Desire' H. Girouard. (Columbian edition.) Girouard, Desire\ 8°. Montreal 1893 Lake Superior. Ritchie, James S. Wisconsin and its resources; with Lake Superior, its com- merce and navigation. 12°. Phila. 1857 — Its physical character, vegetation and animals, compared with those of similar regions; with a narra- tive of the tour by J. Elliot Cabot and contributions by other scien- tific gentlemen. Agassiz. Louis. 8°. Boston. 1850 Lakes and Gulf waterway, as re- lated to the Chicago sanitary problem. General project of a waterway from Lake Mich, to Gulf of Mexico; in respect to the Chicago terminus, physical fea- tures of the route, character of the project, its utility and the methods of its accomplishment. Preliminary report, with appen- dices, maps and profiles. Coolcy, L. E. 4°. Chicago, 1891. Paper Lamartine, Alphonsede. Memoirs of celebrated characters. 3 vols. 12°. N. Y. 1856 Lamb, Mrs. Martha J., ed. Magazine of American History. Beginning May. 1883, vol. 1, No. 5 to vol.29. No. 1. Jan. 1893, except vols. 25 and 26, 1891 Lamentation for Abraham Lincoln, April, 1865. Griffith, Francis P. Poem. Paper clipping, n. d — on the death of Abraham Lincoln. Demund Isaac S. Pastor, Dutch Reformed Church, Paramus, N. J. 8°. N. Y. 1865 Lamon, Dorothy, ed. Recollections of Abraham Lincoln. 1847-1865. By Ward Hill Lamon 12°. Chicago. 1895 — Ward H. Life of Abraham Lincoln from his birth to his inaugura- tion as president. 8°. Boston... 1872 Land and fresh water shells, of LaSalle county, Illinois, (Pioceedings Ottawa Acad. Natural Sciences.) Calkins, W. W. Pam. 8°. Chicago. 1874 Lane, Daniel, 2nd. and Mary Griswold Lane, married July 14, 1763. Gen- ealogical notes on families of. Lane, H. and W., and Beckwith, A. C. Elkhorn, Wis. Pam 1899 Langdon, Add. L.. cotnp. Quincy city directory for 1875-6. 8°. Quincy 1875 Langford, Nathaniel Pitt. Vigilante days and ways. Pioneers of the Rockies; makers and making of Montana, Idaho, Washington. Wy- oming and Oregon. 12°. N. Y. and St. Paul 1893 Langford, Wm. S. Report (57th an- nual) on foreign missions of the Protestant Episcopal church. Pam. 8°. N.Y 1892 — The Prayer Book and Missions. Pam 1893 Lanman, Charles. Adventures in the wilds of the U. S. and British American provinces. 2 vols. 8°. Phila 1856 — Haw-Ho-Noo; or, records of a tourist. 12° Phila 1850 — The Red Book of Michigan. [8°. De- troit 1871 Lanman, James H. History of Michi- gan. 8°, N.Y 1839 Lanphier & Walker, eds. aud pubs. State Register, Springfield, Ills., from June 12, 1847. to Sept. 3, 1817; containing report of proceedings of Constitutional Convention of Ills LAPHAM. L92 LAWS. LAPHAM, 1. A. Wisconsin; its i . 1 1 >- and topography. 12 . Mil- waukee 1846 Luii'Nkk./i'. u.Dionyslus.ed. History of the Western World. H abinel Cy- clopaedia.) The United states. 2 vols 16 . London 1830 >v 1832 Labnkd, Edwin ('banning, in memory of. Chicago iii-i. 8oc . pubs. 8°. Chicago 1886 LARNBD, J. N. eomp. History for ready reference. 5 vols. 4°. Springfield, Muss 1895 LARPENTKUB, Chas. Forty years a fur trader on the upper .Missouri, is:;:: is:.'. Edited with notes by Elliott (ones. 2 vols. 8°. N. Y 189 Larrabbb, Eev. Win. ('.. A.M. As- bnry and his co laborers. Edited by Rev. i>. W. Clark. 2 vols. 16°. Cincinnati 1852 La Salle and the discovery of the Great West Parkman, Francis, llth ed. 12°. Boston 1878 — Part S. France and England in N. America. Parkman, Francis. 12th ed. 12°. Boston 1889 La Salle. See Biography. La Salle county. Ills. Baldwin, El- mer. History of La Salle county. 12°. Chicago 1877 — Calkins. W. W. Laud and fresh wa- ter shells of La Salle county. (Proceedings Acad. Nat. Sci- ences.) Paro, Chicago 1874 — Kett. H. F. & Co.. pubs. Past and present of La Salle Co.. Ills. 8°. Chicago 1877 Last (The) of the Illinois and sketch of the Pottawatomies. Read before the Chicago Hist. Soc, Dec. 13, 1870. (Fergus Hist, series No. 3) Caton. John Dean. 1. 1.. /' 12°. Chicago 1876 Last rumbles among the Indians of the Rocky Mountains and the Andes. Catlin, George. 12°. London, n. ■! Lathkop. Dr. I). History of 69th Keg. Ills. Vols. 12 . Indianapolis 1865 Latimer. Elizabeth WormL y. Spain in the Nineteenth Century. 3d ed. 12°. Chicago 1898 Latrobk. Chas. Joseph. The Rambler in N. America, 1832-3). 2 vols 12°. N. Y. 1835 LATBOBB— Courluih d, — Christian Ignatius, iron*. Mil of the CJnlted Brethren to Indians of N. America, by LoskieL 8°. London. ITU I Lai'i'iiheimek. Chas. EL.eomp. Forms of procedure for general and BUm mary Courts Martial etc. U. S. Navy and Marine Corps. (U. S. Qov't Pub.) 8°. Washington.... 1896 Law, John. Colonial history of Vin- cennes. 8°. Vincennes. 1858 Law ami Lawyers American Bar Ass'n, pubs. Report of annual meet- ing at Saratoga Springs. X. "i .. ihs;j. Paper. American Bar As- sociation pubs, supplement tore- port of 12th annual meeting, con- taining an iiccount of the hospital- ities received at Chicago. August, 1889. Pain. S Phila 1889 — Bradwell. James B. Bench and Bar See Illinois — Brown, Julius L. Part of the min- utes of the Georgia Bar Associa- tion. Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence and Law Re- form. Pam. B°. Atlanta 1S89 — Carson. Hamilton L. The Supreme Court of the U. S. Its history and its centennial celebration. Feb. 4. 1890. 4°. Phila 1891 — Harmon, Hon. Judson. Address before tne Ohio Bar Association, July 12, 1898. Pam. 8°. n. d — II inois Bench and Bar. See Ills — Illinois State Bar Association. Pro- ceedings annual meeting- of 1977- 1899. except 1S78. 1886. Pams. v. y See Illinois. — Reinsch, Paul Samuel, Ph. D..LL. i> English common law in the early American Colonies. (Bui. University of Wis. No. 31. Eco- nomic-. Political Science and History Series.) 8°. Madison... 1899 — Smith. ( >. H. Bench and Bar of Indiana. Early Indiana trials and sketches. 8°. Cincinati 1858 Laws. Alabama. Cede, Theodore L. Bibliography of the Statute laws of the Southern States. Part 1, Al- abama. (In Pubs. Southern Hist. Assc. Vol. 1, no. 1, Jan.. 1897) LAWS. 193 LAWS. Laws— Continued. — Illinois. Cothran, George W., ed. Revised statutes of the State of Ills., embracing all the laws of a general nature in force July 1. 1883. E. B, Myers & Co., pub. 4th ed. b°. Chicago 1334 — Gale, Stephen F., pub. Public and general statute laws of the State of Ills. Scammon, J. Young, comp. 8°. Chicago 1339 — Gilman, Chas., comp. The Ills. Conveyancer. 12°. Quincy H16 — Gross, Eugene L., ed. Statutes of Ills. 1818 to 1868. 8°. Chicago.. 1868 — - Gross, Eugene L. & Wm. L. In- dex to all laws of Ills, public and private which are not printed at large in Gross' Statutes of 1869, 1818-1869. 4°. Springfield 1869 — - Gross. Statutes of Ills. 1818 to 1874. 3 Vols. 8°. 1st and 2nd eds. 8°. Springfield 1873 — - Statutes of Illinois. An analytical digest of all the laws of the State in force at the present time, 1818 to 1874. (Official and standard, 1st and 2d ed.) By act Legisla- ture. Gross, Eugene L., ed. 3 Vols. 8°. Springfield 1873- 1874 — - Hurd, Harvey B.. ed, and comp. Revised statutes of the State of Ills. 1883-1893. Biennial. 6 vols — - Illinois. State of, pub. Ills. School Law. 1889-1895. 2 vols — - Illinois State Legislature. An act to establish and maintain a gen- eral system of internal improve- ment, with supplementary acts. 8°. Pam. Vandalia iS37 — - Laws of Ills, public and private, 1819-1899. 80 vols — - Pope, Nathaniel, comp. Laws of the Territory of Ills. 2 Vols. 8°. Kaskaskia 1815 — - Purple. N. H., comp. Compila- tion of the Statutes of the State of Ills, of a general nature in force Jan. 1, 1856. 2 Vols. 8°. Chicago 1856 — State Department of Illinois. Laws passed by Gen. A.ss. of Ills. Terry. 1815-16 and 1817-18. Reprint. Sec. ' of State of Ills., comp. Spring- field. 2vols 1898 —13 H. L. Laws— Continued. — - Statutes of Ills.. 1857. Treat, Scates & Blackwell, comps, (Known as Scates' Compilation 1858.) 2 Vols. 8°. Chicago 1858 — - Statutes of Illinois construed. Containing Statutes of 1874 as amended by acts of 1875-1877. Un- derwood, W. H. With notes and references to all later decisions prepared by R. A. Halbert, also, Constitution of Ills, annotated by Hon. E. M. Haines. 8°. St. Louis 1878 — - The act for the organization and »overnment of the Militia of this State (Ills.,) passed March 2, 1833. 16°. Vandalia 1833 — - Statutory revision. Address by Hon. Ethelbert Callahan, of the Committee of Revision, delivered before the Ills. State Bar Assc, Peoria, Jan. 25, 1894. Callahan, Ethelbert, Pam. 8°. Chicago.. 1891 — - Treat, Scates & Blackwell, comps. Statutes of Ills., embracing all general laws of the State in force Dec. 1, 1857. 8°. Chicago 18-8 (Scates' Compilation.) Underwood. W. H. Statutes of Ills, construed. 8°. St. Louis... 1878 Indiana. Laws adopted by Governor and judges Ind. Terry., at their first session Jan. 12. 1801. 8°. Frank- fort. Ky 1802 - Laws of the Ind. Terry. 8°. Vin- cennes 1307 - Territorial Laws of Ind. 1805-1806. 2d Sess. Laws in Mss. copied Iowa. Cole, T. L. Historical bibli- ography of the statute laws of Iowa. (In Law Bulletin State University of Iowa, No. 2, 1891.) New York Society for prevention of cruelty to children, pubs. Laws relating to children. 16°. N. Y... 1875 Virginia. Casey, Joseph J. Per- sonal names in Hening's statutes at large of Va. 4°. N. V 1896 - Hening, Wm. Waller, comp. Stat- utes at large: being a collection of all the laws of Virginia from first session of the legislature in 1619 to 1792, 13 vols. 8°. Richmond 1803- 1S23 LAWS. L94 LEGENDS. i, \ [. s Northwest Territory, Laws passed From commencement of ■government to December 31, it'.m. 8°. Phlla 1792 — - Laws passed from July to Decem- ber, it. -J. 12 . Phlla l T : » i Laws adopted and made at the ..hi of tlir legislature begun May 29 and ending lugusl 25, 1795. 12 . Phila — - Laws passed at tbe first session of the < len. Assembly, I iincinnati, L799. 12°. Ci cinnatl 1800 and constitutional history. « lalla- han. Ethelbert. Statutory re- vision. Address before the State Bar Association. 1894. 8°. Pam. Chlcaeo 1891 Lav and constitutional history. Thummel, M. L. G. and C. G. A school manual of the U. S. Gov't. 12°. St. Louis.. 1893 l w\s of heredity: showing laws of descent of appetites, passions, traits, characteristics, physical deficiencies, deformities, etc. Williamson, George, M. />. 12°. ago 1887 Lawrence, Ghas. B. Address before State Bar Association. In mem- oriam— Orville H.Browning. 4°. Chicago, n d — John. History of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. 12 . Dayton 1895 — R. D. .Mayor of Springfield, Ills. 2nd annual address, March 6. 1893. Pam — County, Ells. McDonough, J. L. & Co., pubs. Historj of Law- rence, Edwards and Wabash counties. 4°. Phila 1883 Lawtebs, judges and some of mj clients and friends at rest in Rose- hill cemetery. Bradwell, Jai B. 4°. Chicago, n. d Lk\ Bros. £ Co., )"(>>■ One hundred years of publishing, I 8°. Phila 1885 ttts of the American Kevo- lution. Brearley, Wm. H. 16°. Patu. X. Y 1895 — facts of American history. .Mont- gomery, D, H. (Leading facts of history series.) 12°. Boston 1891 LeBabon, Wm. jr.. pub. History of I oh s county. UN. s . Chicago.. LB ibon, Wm. jr. & Company— HiBtorj of Edgar county. His. i 'in eago I s "'- 1 History of Kane county, Ills., past and present i s " s History of Lake county. Ills., past id presenl > s ~~ History of Livingston county. Ills. . History of McLean county Ills 1879 History of Will county. Ills History of Woodford county. Ilia.. i s > ... Fathi r Christian. First bllsl ml of the faith in New Prance. Translation and notes by John Gilmary Shea. 2 vols. 4 C . N. Y 1881 l.i i . Alfred B. The battle of Gettys- burg. 8°. Columbus 1888 — JohnD. Mormonism unveiled. 8°. St. Icuis I' - Robert E. Early life, cat and public services of. With a record of the campaigns and heroic deeds of his companions in arms. By a distinguished south- ern journalist. Pollard, Edward A. 8°. New York 1870 — - Memoirs of. His military and personal history. With incidents relatiug to his private life buI quent to the war. Collected and edited with the assistance of Marcus J. Wright. Long. A. L. 8°. N. Y l^- ,; — - The soldier and the man. Mackey T. J. In Peterson's Magazine for March, 18%. Set Biography ... - County. 111. Hill, H. H. & Co., pub. History of Lee Co. 8°. Chicago 1S81 Lee County Columbian Club. Recol- lections of the pioneers of Lee county. 12 . Dixon trial. Expose. of the Mountain Meadow massacre. Condensed report of prisoner's statement. Testimony of witnesses, charge ofljudge, arguments of counsel, etc. Salt Lake Tribune reporter. eomp. Pam- SaltLakeCity 1875 LEFFINGWELL, Wm. Bruce. Madison in the summer time. 12°. Madison 1896 LefTWIOH, Eh '■■ W. M. Martyrdom in Missouri during tbe civil war, 2 vols. 12. St. Louis 1870 LEGENDS of the war of Independence, and of earlier settlements in the West. Smith. Marshall T. 8°. Louisville 1855 LEGENDS. 195 LETTERS. Legknds of the West. Hall, James 16°. Phila 1833 Leg ler, Henry E. The man with the iron hand. Chevalier Henry de Ton- ty's exploits in the Miss. Valley. Paper. 8°. Milwaukee 1896 LiEirziGER, Henry M. Report of the lectures to the people season of 1897-98. New York. Pam. 8°. N.Y. 1898 Leland Hotel, Springfield, 111. Pro- prietors of, A Lincoln souvenir. Pam. 12°. SpringSeld. n. d Leland, Stanford, jr. University. An- nual registers, 2d annual, 1893, to 9th annual, 1900 — - Contributions to biology from Hopkins Seaside Laboratory See Biology. — "Lest we forget." An address deliv- erea before the graduating class of 1898. Leland Stanford, jr.. University, May 25. 1898, by the President of the University. Jor- dan, David Starr. (Leland Stan- ford, Jr. Univ. Pubs.) 8°. Palo Alto.Cal 1898 — - Monographs. History and econo- . cnics. No. 1. The tariff contro- versy in the U. S., 1789-1833, with a summary of the period before the adoption of the constitution. Elliott, Orrin Leslie, Ph. D. Pam. 8°. Palo Alto 1892 — - Publications of. Studies in elec- tricity, No. 1. Some observations upon the conductivity of a copper wire in various dielectrics. San- ford, Fernando, M. S. Pam. 8°. Palo Alto Ii92 Lem ley, John. The Weeping Pilgrim ; or, the early life of John Lemley. Pam. 8°. Rockford 1869 Leonard, John Edwards. A represen- tative from La. Memorial addres- ses on the life and character of, delivered in House of Represen- tatives April 18, 1878.45th Cong. 4°. Washington Is79 — JohnW.,«cZ. Who's Who in Amer- ica, 1899-1900. 12°. Chicago 1899 Les< arbot. Marc. Histoire de la Nou- velle France. 3 vols. 8°. Paris. 1866 Letter from the Rev. James DeKoven to the clergy and laity of the Dio- cese of Illinois, in convention as- sembled, Sept., 1875; together with the action of the convention thereon. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1875 Letter of Secretary of War, transmit- ting report on organization of the Army of the Potomac and its cam- paigns in Va. and Md., under command of Maj. Gen. Geo. B. McClellan, from July 26, 1861, to Nov. 7, 1862. McClellan. Geo. B. (U. S. Gov't. Pub.) 8°. Wash- ington 1864 Letter to Abraham Lincoln. Marble, Manton. 8°. N.Y 1867 Letter to the delegates of the Pro- testant Episcopal Church, now assembled at Montgomery. Ala. Hopkins. Rev. John H. 8°. N. Y 1861 Letter to Rev. John F. Brooks, asking advice in regard to desks, seats, etc., for Monticello Seminary. Letter 'dated Feb. 24, 1838, Alton. Ills., and written on inside of a circular of the Seminary. Bald- win, Rev. Theron Letters— — Butterfield. C.W., comp. The Wash- Crawford letters concerning west- ern lands, 1767-1781. 8°. Cincinnati 1877 — - The Washington - Irvine corre- spondence. 8°. Madison 1S92 — Colton, Calvin, ed. Private corre- spondence of Henry Clay, 8°. N. Y 1856 — Curtis, Wm, E. The authentic let- ters of Columbus. (Publications of the Field Columbian Museum, vol. 1, No. 2.) Paper. 8°. Chicago 1895 — Curwen, Samuel, Journals and let- ters of Samuel Curwen. Edited by Geo. A. Ward. 8°. N.Y 1842 — Ford, Paul Leicester, ed. Writings of Christopher Columbus, de- scriptive of the discovery and oc- cupation of the New World, 12°. N. Y 3892 — Lucas, Fielding, jr., pub. The Let- ters of the British Spy. 4th ed. 16°. Baltimore 1811 — Lutz, Mrs. Caroline C , comp. Let- ters of Geo. E. Chamberlin. 12°. Springfield 1883 — Oneida Historical Society. Letter written by Martha Washington. Circular. Pam. n. d — Titmarsh. Mr. M. A. {Pseud, of Thackery.) The second funeral of Napoleon. 32°. Paper. London 1841 LETTERS. L96 Li Bin'. Letters from Oil. Its mountains, lakes, valleys, plains, rivers, cli- mate and productions; cities, towns and people as seen in 187G. Phillips. D. L. 8 9 . Springfield.. 1877 Letters from Ills. Birkbeck, Morris. 2d ed. 8°. London 1818 l.i i i kks from North America. Written during: tour In U.S. and Canada. Hodgson, Adam. 2 vols. 8°. Lon- don 1824 Lkttbbs from the West; containing sketches of scenery, manners and customs; anecdotes of first settle- ments western sections U. S. Hall [Judge) James. 8°. London 1828 Letters of George E. Chamberlin, who fell in the service of his country near Charlestown, Y.*.. Aug. 21. 1864. Lutz. Mrs. Caroline C, comp. 12°. Springfield IE63 Letters of the British Spy. Lucas, Fielding, jr.. pub. 4th ed. 32°. Baltimore 1811 Letters on the American War. Hart- ley, David. 4th ed. 4°. London. 1778 Letters to the Duchess of Lesdi- guieres giviug account of a voy- age to Canada; travels through that country and Louisiana to the Gulf of Mexico. By order King of France. Charlevoix, Father. 12°. London 1763 Letters and sketches, with narrative of a year's residence among the Indian tribes of the Rocky Moun- ains. DeSmet. P, J. 12°. Phila.. 1843 Lewis, Charlton T., ed. Harper's book of facts. 4°. N . Y 1895 Lewis, Mrs. Jane, Narrative captivity and escape of Mrs. Jane Lewis, from Sac and Fox Indians under Black Hawk. 8°. N. Y 1833 Lewis, Meriwether. Travels of, Cap- tains Lewis and Clark. Official communication, 8°. London See Coues. Lewis, Virgil A. The original Indiana Territory. It was in W. \'a. (Pub. W. V;i' Hist. & Ant. Soc.) 12°. Charleston 1895 Lewis, Virgil A., pub. Southern His- torical Magazine. Periodical. Vol. 1. Nos. 2 and 5. February and May. 1892. Charleston W Va Libbt. Orin Grant, The geographical distribution of the vote of the thirteen States on the Federal I lonstltation, 17*7-1788. Vol. l.part 1, pp. 1-116. Bulletin Economics, Political Science and History. Series Univr. of Wis. Paper. 8°. Madison 1894 LutRARiES. American Antiquarian Society. Catalogue of library, 1836 — American Library Ass'n. comp. Cat- alogue "A. L. A." Library. 5.000 vols, for a popular library. (U. S. Gov't, pubs.) Paper. 8°. Wash- ington 1893 — American Library Ass'n, pub. Con cerning A. L. A. 18th General < '(inference, Cleveland, 1896. Pani — Bartlett, Geo. H. Free public li- braries of Mass. Map of state showing libraries and statistics. Paper, n. d — Brown, Julius L. Dedication of the new building of the Young Men's Library Assc, Atlanta. Ad- dress by the Pres., and report of proceedings. 12°. Atlanta, Ga.. 1880 Dewey. Melvil, ed. Papers prepar- ed for World's Library Congress held at Columbian Exposition (U. S. Govt. Bureau Education.) 8°. Pam. Washington 1896 — Dunn, J, P. The Libraries of Indi- ana. (World's Fair Monographs.) 8°. Pam. Indianapolis 1893 — Illinois libraries. See Illinois. — Library Bureau, ( Ihicago, Pub. Pub- lic Libraries. Monthly periodi- cal. Vol. 2. No. 2, Feb., 1897 to Vol. 4, No. 3, March. 1899, incomplete: and Vol. 5. No. 4, April. 1900. Proceedings Ills. Library Asso- ciation. Easl St. Louis, Ills., Feb. 2lst and 22d, 1900. 8°. Chi- cago Milledge, John. The De Renne Gift. Communication from the State Librarian of Ga. 8°. At lanta 1894 Miller. .1/V.x-. Hary H. Catalogue of the Iowa State Library. Re- ports of Librarian to Governor. 8°. Des Moines 18S» — Melson, Thomas, Public libraries and public schools. Pam. n.d — Poole, Wm. H. Organization and management of libraries. Pam. n.d LIBRARIES. 197 LINCOLN. Libraries— Continued. — U. S. A. Surgeon-Gen,, comp. In- dex. Catalogue Library Surgeon- General's Office. U. S. A. 2d series. CU. S. Govt. Pub.) 4°. Wash- ington 1896 Libkary Journal. Official organ of the A. L. A. Devoted to library economy and bibliography. American Library Association, pub. Vols. 17, 18, 19 incomplete For libraries of cities and States. See name of city or State. Lichbn flora of Chicago and vicinity. Chicago Academy of Science Bul- letin No. 1. Geology and natural history survey. Calkins, ffm. Wirt. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1896 Life among the Indians; or. personal reminiscenses and historical inci- dents, of Indian life and character. Edited by Rev. D. W. Clark, B. D. Finley, Rev. James B. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1857 Another edition. 12°. Cincinnati 1860 Life and adventures, songs, services and speeches of Private Miles O'Reilly. 47th N. Y. Vols. Comic Illustrations by Mullen. From the authentic records of the New York Herald. N. Y. Herald, pub. See Halpine, Chas. G. 12°. N. Y. 1866 Life and confession of Aaron Todd, who was executed in Carlinville, Ills.. June 2, 1840. for the murder of Larkin Scott, jr. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1840 Life and death in rebel prisons. His- tory of inhuman treatment of soldiers by rebel authorities in- flicting terrible suffering and frightful mortality, principally at Andersonville, Ga., and Florence, S. C; describing plans of escape, arrival of prisoners, anecdotes of prison life, etc., prepared from author's journal. Kellogg, Robt. H. 12°. Hartford 1865 Life and death of Abraham Lincoln. Brooks, Rev. Phillips. 8°. Pam. Phila 1865 Life and labors in the far, far West. Notes of a tour in the western states, British Columbia, Manitoba and the Northwest Territory. Barnaby, W. Henry. 12°. Lon- don, Paris and New York 1884 Life and liberty in America; or, sketches of a tour through U. S. and Canada. 1857-1858. Mackey. Chas. 12°. N.Y 1859 Life and times of Davied Zeisberger, Western pioneer and apostle of the Indians. DeSchweinitz, Ed- mund. 8°. Phila 1870 Life in prairie land. Farnham, Eliza W. 12°. N.Y. 1846 ' Another edition. 12°. N. Y 1847 Liee in Utah; or, mysteries and crimes of Mormonism. Expos^ of secret rites and ceremonies Latter-Day Saints. History of polygamy and Mormon sect. Beadle, J. H. 8°. Atlanta. Ga 1870 Life and writings of Rafinesque. Pre- pared for the Filson Club and read at its meeting Monday, April 2, 1894. Call, Richard Ellsworth. (Filson Club pubs. No. 10.) 4°. Louisville 1895 Life in the far West. Ruxton, Geo. Frederick. 12°. N.Y 1849 Life in the West. Backwood leaves and prairie flowers. Rough sketches on the borders. Ex- tracts from the note-book of Mor- leigh-in-search-of an estate. An- onymous. 12°. London 1842 Life in the West: or, stories of the Miss. Valley. Meeker, N. C. 12°. N.Y 1868 Life on the circuit with Lincoln. Whit- ney, Henry C. 8°. Boston 1892 Life on the Lakes. Tales and sketches collected during a trip to the Pictured Rocks of Lake Superior. Anon. 2 Vols. 12°. N.Y 1836 Life travels and adventures of Ferdi- nand De Soto., discoverer of the Miss. Wilmer, Lambert A. 8°. Phila 1858 Limitations of reform. Baccalaureate address delivered at the Univer- sity of Wis. by its President, June 17, 1894. Adams, Chas. Kendall. 8°. Madison 1894 Lincoln, Abraham, 16th President U. S., born 1809; died 1865. See Bio- graphy LINCOLN. l'JS LODGE. Lincoln. Mary Todd. See Biography. — Nancy Hanks. Se< Biography. — Ilobert Todd. Bet Biography. — Wm. S.. eomp. Alton trials of Win- throp s. Oilman ami others' 1- . x . v Linooln, Illinois, City of. Lincoln city directory, 1886-87. To which is added the patrons' classified busi- ness directory; historical sketch- es, ete. Hyde. J. P., comp. 8°. Lincoln 188*J — Lincoln University, history of. Jones. Hon, W. 1?.. comp. Manu- script, -Ian. !!->. 1S30 — Lincoln University, Catalogues of. 1899-91. Pams — Lincoln Woman's Club. Calendar (2nd. annual. I 1S97-98. Pain. 16°. Lincoln LiNDEB, Qen. Usher F. Reminiscences of the early Bench and Bar of Ills Introduction and appendix by Hon. Jos. Gillespie. 2nd ed. 12°. Chicago 1879 Lindsey, Chas. Investigation of the unsettled boundaries of Ontario. 8°. Toronto W73 Lii'PiNf'OTT. Grambo & Co.. pub. Sons of the Sires. By an American. 12°. Phila 1885 Lippincott, J. B., Co.. pubs.. Cham- bers Encyclopedia. Am. ed. 10 vols. 8°. Phil 1875 — Poetical tributes to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. 12°. Phila.. 1865 Lisle, Marcus Claiborne. Memorial addresses on life and services of: delivered in House of Rep. and Senate. House Rep., U. S. Misc. doc. 53rd Congress.3rd Sess. (U.S. Gov't. Pub. 4°. Washington.... 1895 List of books by Wis., authors exhibi- ted at the World's Fair, Chicago, 1893. by the State Hist. Soc. of Wis. s Madison 1893 — of officers of the American Express Co., and its connections. 12°. Chicago, n. d Literatckf. and literary men of Great Britain. Mills, Abraham, A.M. 2 vols. 8°. X. Y 1851 Literati si I 'oncludi d. • of the Cherok.-es. Also bibliogra- phy Of. and the story of their getiesis. Foster, Geo. E 12°. Ithaca 1889 Little, .lames A. From Kirtland to Salt Lake City. 8°. Salt Lake City 1890 LtTTLEFiELD.Chas. and( lhamberlayne, Chas. P. Fisheries within the territorial limits of the States not subject to congressional con- trol. Pam. 8°. Boston 1892 Littler, D. T. Argument of the attor- ney for Laker A- Bell before the Commissioner of the General Land office, in case of Henry Baker and .las. F. Bell, versus. Up- town site settlers of Capitol Hill. Oklahoma Territory. et. al. Pam n.d. Line questions; including our penal machinery and its victims. Alt geld. John P. 2 vols. \2°. N. Y and Springfield 1^90 M Lives and times of Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the U. S. First Series, John Jay. John Rutledge. Flanders, Henry. 8°. Phila 1855 Livingston County. 111. Le Baron. Wm.. jr.. & Co.. pub. History Liv- ingston Co. 8°. Chicago 1878 Lloyd, J as. F. Steamboat directory and disasters on western waters. 8°. Phila 1856 L". al governtnent in Wis. Spencer. David E.— Johns Hopkins Univr. Studies in historical and political science, series 8. No. 3. 8°. Balti- more 1&90 LOOKS, Rev. Clinton. Do all to the glory of God. A sermon. Pam. 16°. Springfield 1889 Locke, S. D. The battle of Benning ton, should be called the hattle of Walloomsac. Pam. 8°. Troy. N. y 1892 Lockwooi>. JI'Di. Samuel D. Life and times of. Coffin, William. 8°. Chicago i>89 See biography. Lodge, Henry Cabot. A sketch of Al exander Hamilton. (The Maker- of the Union, in McClure's Mag azine, April, 1897) — A short history of the English Colo- nies in America. 8°. N. Y 1891 LODGE. 199 Lodge— Concluded. — The story of the revolution. 2 vols. 8°. N.Y 1898 Logan, John A. Amer. vol. soldier and statesman, born, 1826; died. 1886 Logan, John A. The Great Conspiracy. Its origin and history. 8°. N. Y. 1886 — Oration at the tomb of Gen. U. S. Grant, Riverside Park, N. Y., May 31.1886. 8°. Washington 1S86 — Speech in U. S. House Representa- tives on the election of Speaker; in reply to Mr. Kellogg, of Ills. Delivered Dec. 9. 1859. (Bound in a collection of speeches by various orators of the period, 1858-1862.) — Speeches (five) in the U. S. Senate 1881-1886. Pams. Washington — The volunteer soldier of America. 8°. Chicago 1887 See biography. Logan, Hon. Stephen T. Memorial on the life and character of. 12°. Springfield 1882 See biography. Logan, Rev. Thomas D., comp. Year book of the 1st Presbyterian church, Springfield, Ills., for year ending April 1, 1891. 8°. Spring- field 1891 Logan County, Illinois. Donnelley. Loyd & Co., pubs. History of Lo- gan Co. 8°. Chicago 1878 — County directory and statistical re- cord. History, etc. Hyde, J. F., comp. 12°. Dwight. 1880. Same, Hyde. J. F., comp. for 1887,-88. 12°. Lincoln 1887 — Jones, Hon. W. B., comp. History of Lincoln University. Manu- script. Jan. 22. 1890 — Ogle, Geo. A. & Co.. pubs. Plat- book of Logan county. Ills. Folio. Chicago 1893 Long, A. L. Memoirs of Robert E. Lee. .8°. N.Y 18S6 — Enoch. Biographical sketch of an Illinois pioneer. (Chicago Hist. Soc. Collection Vol. 2.) Reid, Harvey. 8°. Chicago 1884 — Henry C. Report on condition and prospects of Cairo city, 1850. 8°. N.Y. Pain 1850 Long Island Hist. Soc. Catalogue of library, 1863-1893. 4°. Brooklyn. 1893 Long Island Hist. Soc. Constitution, by-laws and list of members. Pams. 1891. 1897-'98 Lung Island Hist. Soc. (See Hall, Chas. H.V The Dutch and the Iroquois. Read before L. I. Hist. Soc. Feb. 21, 1882. by Rev. Chas. H.Hall. 8°. N.Y 1882 Lord. James Judson. Lincoln monu- ment. Dedicatory poem. Read at the dedicatory exercises of the monument, Oct. 15. 1874, by Hon. Richard Edwards. Original parch- ment copy., — James Judson. Lincoln monument dedication. Poem. Original manuscript. Bound. 8°. Spring- field 1874 Loud & Thomas, pub. Lord & Thomas' pocket directory for 1891, of news- papers, magazines, etc., of U. S. 16°. Chicago 1891 Lorgues, Roselly. See De Lorgues. Loskiel, Geo. Henry. Mission of the United Brethren to the Indians of North America. 8°. London.. 1794 Lossing, Benson J. Home of Wash- ington; or, Mount Vernon and its associations. 8°. N.Y 1870 — - Pictorial field book of the Revo- lution. 2 vols. 8°. N.Y 1860 — - Pictorial field-book of the War of 1812. 4°. N.Y 1868 — - Pictorial history of the Civil War in the U. S. A. 3 vols. 8°. Hart- ford 1868 — - Our country; A household history for all readers. 3 vols, 8°. N.Y. 1880 — - Washington and the American Republic. 3 vols. 4°. N. Y. n.d Loosing, Benson J., and Spencer, J. A. A complete history of the U. S. of America. 2 vols. 4°. Phila 1S82 Lothrop, Thornton Kirkland. Will- iam Henry Seward. (American Statesmen Series.) 12°. Boston. 1896 Louisiana. Anonymous (Citizen of Louisi- ana.) Civil code of State of La. 8° 4 1825 — Barbe'-Marbois, Francois de. His- toire delaLouisiane. 8°. Paris. 1829 — Runner, E. History of Louisiana. 16°. N.Y .> 1842 — Coxe, Daniel. Description of the English Province of Carolina, by the French called La Louisiane. 12°. London 1741 LOUISIANA 200 LOVEJOY. Louisiana— Continued. Darby, tVm. Geographies) descrip- tion or the State of La. B . Phila. 1816 — David, CJrbain, Lea Anglaia a In Loulsiane en i^u el 1815. Poeme en 10 chants. 12°. New Orleans. 1845 — French, Benj. P. Blstorical collec- lions of Louisiana, embracing many rare and * alnable < locu- tn en r -; relating to the natural. civil and political history of that State, compiled with historical and biographical notes and an in- troducl ion. Part l. Historical documents, 1678-1691. 8°. N. V 1846 Tart 2. Discovery of the Missis- sippi, with map. 8°. Phila 1850 Part3. Historical journal of the establishment of the French in Louisiana, by Benard de la Harpe. Journal of Father Charlevoix, etc. 8°. N. V 1851 Part 4. Discovery and explora- tion "f th<' Mississippi Valley; with original naratives of Mar- quette, Allouez. MiMiihn' Henne- pin, and Antase Douay. Shea, John Gilmary. Biographical notes, maps, etc s. N.Y 1852 Part 5. History of Louisiana, translated from the historical memoirs of M . Dumont. Appendix of histurical documents and eluci- dations. 8°. N.Y '.853 — Vol. 6. New scries. Historical col- lections ol' Louisiana and Florida Narrative of the voyage made by the order of the Kin? of France, in ltV.'S, to take possession of Louisiana; l.y M P. l.e Moyne D'lberville, commander of the ex- pedition. Translated from a copy of the original letter addressed to M le ( oin'e de Pontchartrain, de- posited in the archives of the Ma- rine Department, Paris. 8 . V V. 1869 — \"ol. 7. New series. Blstorical mem- oirs aud narratives, 1527-1702, 8°. N T . Y 1875 1 vols. Dedicated to the members of the Louisiana Historical Soci- ety ••lyarre. Charles. Louisiana: its history as a French colony. 8°. X. Y 1852 Hermann, Binger. The Louisiana Purchase; and our title west of the Rocky Mountains. (IT. S. Govt pubs.) 8°. Washington... 1898 Lootsiasa— Oonclu&i f author, by Benry Waller. 12 . Louisville 1879 MoClurh, a. K., 1. 1.. D. Abraham Lincoln and men of war times. introduction by Dr. A. ('. Lamb din. 8 . Pbila 1892 M< Ci ' re, David. Diary of, nis-1820. With notes ! >y Franklin B. Dexter .1/ i. Edited by John P. Peters. 8°. N V 1899 McClurk, J. B., ed. Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln Stories. 12 . Chicago 1879 Mi Ilure's Magazine. S. S. McClure Co., pubs. Odd numbers. ls%- 1897, containing articles on Wash- ington. < irant. Lincoln, &c. Sept. 189S. Reminiscences and letters of Mary Todd Lincoln by Emilj Todd Helm Mi Connel, J. L. Western characters: or. types of border life. 12°. N.Y. 1853 Mi I 'n.i.oH. .1. H., jr. Researches, phil- osophical and antiquarian. 8°. Baltimore 1829 Mi I lOLLOUGH, Mrs. N. N. Centennial hymn of the N. W. Territory. 12°. Pain. Springfield lssT Macdonald, James. Food from the far ■west; or. American agriculture. with special reference to the bee) production and importation of dead meat from America to Great Britain. 12°. N. Y. n. d. Date of preface, 1878 Mi DONALD, John. Biographical sketches of ( and 26, 1891, and No. 3 of v,.l. 2:>. Mar. 1898 Macie. James K. Ills, legislate •• hand book. 12°. Springfield i^tt M \ > . i i.i.. Win. B., eomp. Laws of .Mich, relating to tire and marine insur- ance. Pain. 8°. Lansing 1891 Maiian. Oapt, A. T. The interest of America in aea power, present and future. 12°. Boston Wi Maine. Agriculture. 2Mb annual re- port to the state Legislature of the secretary of the Maine State Board of Agriculture, 1884. 8°.... 1884 — Maine Bugle (The.) Published quarterly. Organ of the men of Maine who served in the Re- bellion, etc. Maine Association pubs. April and July. lv.iT. July and ( i.tohrr. 1808. Rockland. Me. Pams — Maine Historical Society. Act of incorporation, by-laws, etc.; pro- ceedings of 1887 and 1890. Pro- ceedings for 1887, contain an account of the proceedings of the Society on the occasion of a com- plimentary dinner to Jame Ware Bradbury, LL. D., president of the Society, on his eighty-fifth birthday. June 10. 1887. 8°. Port- land. 1887. Proceedings for 1890, is the quarterly No., January, 1890. containing sketch of Gen. Henry Knox, by Joseph William- son, and other papers, pams — Littlefleld it » d < hamberlayne. Fisheries within the territorial limits of the states not subject to congressional control. Pain. 8°. Boston - . — Maine Genealogical Society. 13th annual report, 1897. Pam — Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder. Monthly periodical. - - — Maine State of.) Public docu- ments; being the annual reports officers and institutions, 1885. Svols, 8 D — Portland (Me. ) Public Library, ded- icatory • of, Feb. 21, 18S&. Pam. Auburn, Me.. 1889 M ob Powell's Inquiry; "Whence came the American Indians?" An answer. A study in comparative ethnology. Wiekersham Jai Pain. B . Taenia. 18J9 M.\ KA-TAt-ME SHE KIA-KIAK; or, Black Hawk and s. enes In the west, A national poem, in 6 cantos. Life and exploits of Black Hawk, the Black Hawk War. a legend of the Illinois tribe of Indians, showing the manner in which they became extinct. Description of Wiscon- sin and Lake Superior country. the massacre ol Chicago, etc. By a Western Tourist. Smith. E. H. 12°. N. Y ■348 M KING of the Great West. 1512-1*3. Drake, Samuel Adams. 12°. N. Y 1887., Male life among the Mormons; or, the husband in Utah. Sights and scenes among the Mormons. Re- marks on their moral and social economy. Ward. Austin. Edited by Maria Ward. 12°. Phila 18 Manfoud, Erasmus. Twenty-five years in the West. 12°. Chicago 1875 Manderson, Chas. F. Sketch of the life of, pages 225-228 in "Lincoln's campaign; or, the political revolu- tion of 1860." Oldroyd. Osborn H. 12°. Chicago 1896 Mann, Edward C. James G. Blaine's place in American history. 8°. Albany '. 1893 Mann. lion. Jas. R. The acquisition of the Philippine Islands. Speech in U. S. House Rep. Feb. 13. 1899. I s Gov't pub.) Pam. 8°. Washington 1899 M kNUAL of ornithology of the V. S. and Canada. Land and water birds. Nuttall. Thomas. 2nd ed. 2\"ols. 12. Boston lsii-10 Manual of the Citizens' Association of Chicago. Pam. 12°. Chicago.. 1898 M ANUAL of the t "in -non Council of the City of Buffalo. 1897. 16°. Buffalo 1897 Manual, of the Presbyterian church of Dixon. Ills.. iv»i;--'.i7 99. List of officers and members. Pains. 16°. Dixon M \NtAi. of the public schools. Dist. No. 6, Twp. 39, R. 13, Cook Co.. Ills.. Berwyn, Clyde, LaVergne, W. isl Morton Park and Drexel. Revised 1899. Board of Education of, pubs. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1899 MANUSCRIPT. 205 MAPS. Manuscript (The) found; or. the man- uscript story of the Rev. S. Spaulding, from verbatim copy of the original in the care of Pres- ident James H. Fairchild, of Oberlin College, Ohio; including the correspondence touching the manuscript, its preservation and transmission. Spaulding, Rev, Solomon. Pam. Lamoni, Iowa 1885 Manuscripts and early printed books bequeathed to the Long Island Historical Society by Samuel Bowne Duryea, 1895, Brooklyn, N. Y. Nelson, Chas. Alex., comp. 4°. Brooklyn 1895 — For lists of manuscripts to be found in Ills. State Historical Library. See list of manuscripts, closing catalogue Manuscrits (Les) du Comte d'Ash- burnham. Delisle, M. Leopold. 4°. Paris 1883 Manypenny, Geo. W. Our Indian wards. 8°. Cincinnati 1880 Maps. Blanchard, Rufus. Historical mapofllls. 8°. Chicago 1883 — - Map of the environs of Chicago. In Map Graphic, Jan., 1888 — -May of U.S. 12°. Chicago 1897 — Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississippi. Dress6e sur un grand nombre de Memoires entr autres surceux de M. le Maire. par Guill. de l'Isle. A Amsterdam, chez Jean Covens et Corneille Mortier. Geographies. Reprint. Blueprint (Twenty maps from the collec- tions of Hon. H. W. Beckwith.) 1 and 2. Carte de la Nouvelle Prance. 2 parts. Fac-simile of Champlains map, from his rare edition of 1632. (Each part 19 by 25 inches.) 3. Lac Superieur. Paris, 1672 (23 by 15 inches.) See Monette. Vol. 1. Front of page 1, and Bancroft, vol. 3, page 152 4. Joliet's map of his explorations of 1673 and 1674. Fac-simile re- duction. Lithographed at Rouen, France, by Gaston Morel. (19 by 24 inches.) 1880 5. Carte des l'lllinois du Pe>e Mar- quette. 1674. Fac-simile (17 by 21*2 inches.) Original in College de St. Marie, Montreal, and differs from Marquette's map by Theve- not, which last, is reproduced in Bancroft's history of U- S., page 16C ... Maps— Continued. 6. Am^rique Septenrionale; dive- see en ses principales parties. Par Le Sr. Sanson. Geographe ordinaire du Roi. Presentee a Monseigneur Le Dauphin Par Hubert Iaillot. 1696, (36 by 35 in.) 7. Partie de la Nouvelle France. Hubert Iaillot, Paris, 1703. (30 by 21 inches.) , 8. Carte particuliere du Fleuve St. Louis (Canada.) Par M. du La Hontan, i 703. See La Hontan, original ed. of 1703. Vol. 2, pages 36 to 75 inc. and maps. (17*2 by 20 inches) 9. Carte du Canada, ou de La Nou- velle France. Par Guillaume Del Isle. (20 by 30 inches.) Paris.. 703 10. Carte de la Louisane et cours du Mississippi. Par Guillaume Delisle. 1718. (25^ by 19^ inches) .... 11 and 12, Am^rique Septenrionale 2 parts. Par Le Sr. D'Anville. Paris, 1746. (Each part 31 by 36 inches) - 13. Ame>ique Septenrionale, Par Le Sr. Robert deVaugondy. Pub- li<5el750 et corrig^e 1775. (25 by 20 inches.) 14. Carte d'une partie de l'Ame'ri- que Septenrionale, Engraved at Paris. (22 by 16 inches.) 1752 15. Partie de 1' A.merique Septen- rionale et le cours de L' Ohio. Par Le Sr. Robert de Vaugondy. Geo- graphe du Roi. (22 by 16 inches.) 1755 16. Course of the River Mississippi, from the Balise to Fort Chartres. 1763. by Lieut. Ross, of the 34th Reg't. Printed for Robert Sayer, London. (36 by 13*2 inches.) 1775 17. Carte de la Louisiane, Par Le Sr. D'Anville, Dressed, Mai 1732. Publiee. 1775 (36 by 22 inches.). .. 1775 18- Carte generale des Colonies Angloise dans l'Amerique Sep- tenrionale. Par. M. Phillippeaux. Ing. et Geographe du Roi. (30 by 21^ inches.) 1778 19 Illinois and Missouri. By Henry S. Tanner. (31 by 24 inches.) 1823 20. Map of Indiana. By Buschon- Paris, 1825, Reproduction of Lee & Carey's Map of the U. S., (27 by 21 inches.) Phila 1823 MAI'S. 206 MAKMN. Maps — Conelui — Century Co., New York, pubs. The t ientury Atlas map of the regions around the North Pole. Paper. Size, 10 by 12 inches — Dodd, Head & Co., pubs, Map of t lentral America. Prom the In- ternntional Year Book for 1898. Paper. Size, S^ by 10 inches — Mast, Crowell & Kirkpatrick, pubs. Map of Cuba, lis provinces, rail- roads, cities, towns, harbors and bays. Also southern Florida and the neighboring Islands of the West Indies. Paper 1891 May, B. & Co. pubs. Maps of Cuba and Havana 1853 Morris, Chas. Map of Northern Eng- lish colonies and French neigh- boring settlements 1749. Published to accompany Pote's Journal. 8°. X. V 1806 M a ps of Cuba and Havana, 1853. Span- ish maps with illustrations. Typi- cal scenes from Cuban life. May, B. & Co. pub. Folded in cover. 16° — Orendorff. Alfred, Adj. Gen. Mili- tary map of Ills. 1895. 16°. Chicago I U95 — R. R. Commissioners of Ills. Maps of ills 1890-93 — South Springfield School. Maps and drawings of II — Vancouver, George. Atlas du voy- age de Vancouver, Folio. Paris, 1799-1800. (An. VII 1. de Republi- que.) — VVorthen, A. H. Geological map of Ills Map of Ills, showing the geographical situation of candidates for nomi- nation for State "ilices, by the Republican State Convention, 1895, with special reference to Hon. I. N. Pearson, of McDonough Co. Band, McNally & Co 1895 For maps and gazetteers of Illi- nois see Illinois. Map of the U. S. In a new style, show- ing railroads, cities, etc., electoral vote of each state, etc. Blanch- ard, Ruf us. pub. 12°. Chicago... 1897 M aps of Stansbury's expedition. Stansbury, Howard. 8°. Phila.. 1S52 See Atlases. M . ; i.i.K, Manton. Letter to Abraham Lin.-,, in. s . X. V 1861 MAROHAND, L. W.. trans. Voyage dans l'Ameriqne da Nord par Pierre Kalm. H'. Montreal 1880 Marching through Georgia. Pen pictures of every day life in Gen. Sherman's army from beginning of Atlanta campaign until the close of the War. Hedley, F. V. 12°. Chicago 1890 Marching with Gomez. A war cor- respondent's field note-book kept during four months with the < u ban army. Flint. Grover. 12°. Boston 1898 MaROT. Randolph B. Border reminis- cences. 12°. N. Y IH72 — The prairie traveler. Richard F. Burton, ed. 12°. London 1868 — Assisted ;by Geo. B. McClellan. Explorations of the Red river of Louisiana, 1852. Atlas maps of the report. 8°. Washington, 1854 .... MarGRT. Pierre, D^couverte et eitab- lissments des Francais dans l'Am6ritiue Septenrionale, 1614- 1698. 6 vols. 8°. Paris, 1879-1888 — Premiere partie. Voyages des Fran- cais sur les Grands Lacs et de- couverte de l'Ohio et du Missis- sippi. 1614-1684 — Deuxieme partie. Lettres de Cave- lier de LaSalle et correspondance relative a ses enterprises 1678-1685 — Troisieme partie. Recherche des Bouches du Mississippi et voy- age a trovers le continent depuis les Cotes du Texas* jusqu'a Que- bec. 1669-1668 — Quatrieme partie. D4couverte par Mercies Bouches du Mississippi et etablissements de Lemoyne D'Iberville sur le Golfe de Mexi- que 1694-1703 — Cinquieme partie. Premiere forma- tion d'une Chaine de Postes entre le Fleuve Saint Laurent et le Golfe du Mexinue. 16s:'-1724 -Mxieerne partie. Exploration des- aflluents dti Mississippi et de- covertedes Moi tagnes Rocheuses 1679-1751 M \iii on. Gen. Francis, Life of. A cel- ebrated partisan officer in the Revolutionary war against the British and Tories in Sourh Car- olina and Georgia. Horry, Brig. Gen. P. and Weems. M. L. 12°. Phila 1857 MARION. 207 MARYLAND. Marion county, Ills. Occidental Pub. Co., plat-book of Marion Co. Folio. Chicago 1892 Marion county. Ills Brink, Mc- Donough & Co., pubs. History of Marion and Clinton counties. Ills. 8°. Phila .' 1881 Marshall, Albert O. Army life from a soldier's journal. 2d ed. 12°. Joliet 1884 Marshall, Edward Chauncey. Ances- try of Gen. Grant, and Aeir con- temporaries. 12°. N. Y 18G9 Marshall, Humphrey. History of Kentucky. Vol 1 (only). 12° Frank- fort 1S12 Marshall, James A. Rise and Pro- gress. Article No. 2, in "Annals of Chicago." (Fergus Hist. Se- ries No. 9.) 12°. Chicago Marshall, John. Life of George Washington; with atlas. 5 vols. 8°. Phila 1805 2d edition, revised and corrected. 2 vols. 8°. Phila 1838 Marshall, Orsamus H. Historical writings relating to the early his- tory of the West. Introduction by Wm. L.Stone. (Munsell's His- torical Series No. 15.) 8°. Albany 1887 Marshall county, Ills. (Putnam and Marshall counties..) Ellsworth, Spencer. Records of the olden times. 8°. Lacon 1880 Martin, Bon Louis Henri. Popular history of France. Translated by Mary L. Booth and A. L. Al- ger. 2 vols. 8°. Boston 1877 Martin, Edward Winslow. History of the Grange movement; or, the farmers' war against monopolies. 8°. Phila. and St. Louis 1873 Martin, (Le) R. P. Hurons et Iro- quois. 16°. Paris 1887 Martineau, Harriet. Strange early days. Chicago in 1836. Article No. 3, in "Annals of Chicago." (Fergus Hist. Series No. 9.) 12°. Chicago Martha Washington's letters. Circu- lar of the Oneida Hist. Soc. Pam. n.d Martyr President (The). A discourse delivered in 1st Presbyterian church, Penn Yan.N. Y., April 16, 1865, on the death of Abraham Lincoln. Starr, Rev. Frederick, jr. Pam. 8°. St. Louis 1865 Mai.tyrdom in Missouri. History of the religious proscription, seizure of churches and persecution of ministers of the gospel in Mo. during the civil war and under the "test oath" of the new consti- tution. Leftwich, Rev. W. M. 2 vols. 12°. St. Louis 1870 — ofLovejoy. An account of the life, trials and perils of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, who was killed by a pro- slavery mob, Nov. 7. 1837, at Alton Ills. By an eye witnes. Tanner, Henry. 8°. Chicago 1881 Martyred President (The). A sermon preached in the 1st Presbyterian Church. Brooklyn, N. Y., April 16, 1865. Robinson, Rev. Chas. S. Pam.8°. N. Y 1865 Martyrs and heroes of Illinois, in the great Rebellion. Biographical sketches. Barnett, James, ed, 8°. Chicago 1865 Marvin Beckwith of Southington and his wife Abigail Clark; their colo- nial ancestors and their decend- ants. Beckwith, A. C. 8°. Elk- horn, Wis 1899 — Rev. E. M., D. D., LL. D. Life and labors of. Bishop of the M. E. Church South. Discussion of some of the more important points of doctrine and principles of Church polity, taught by M. E. Churches. McAnally, D. R. 12°. St. Louis 1888 Maryland— — Society for the History of Germans in Md. Annual reports. 1st, 1887 to 14th. 1900. v. y. Pams. Balti- more. Contents First annual report — Der erste Jahres-Bericht der "Gesellschaft fur die Geschichte der Deutschen in Maryland." Baltimore, Md.... 1887 Nebst Glieder-Verzeichnisz. Second report — Jonathan Hagar, the founder of Hagerstown, by Basil Sollers. Third report— Synopsis of Prof. O. Seidensticker's address, and other papers. MARYLAND. 208 MASSAClirSKTTN. M \kvi. un>— OonelutU &. Fourth report— Auszuge aus den Archiveti dcs StaateS Maryland, uid oilier papers. Fifth report— Gottleib Mittelberg. its u.'i.tc hhcIi I'cimsv ivanlen, and Lhre Bedeutung als Kultur- iiil.i. Witli other papers. Sixth reporl -Earl; German settle- menta in Western Maryland. With other papers. Seventh report— The first German Immigrants to North America. With other papers. Eighth report— The German in Bal- timore. Eleventh and twelfth reports— Reminiscences of the political life of the German-Americans in Baltimore during the years 1850- 1860. Tnirteenth and Fourteenth reports —History of the tierman element in Virginia. By Hermann Schu- richt. i 'onstitution of State, adopted May 8,1867. Hinkley, Edward Otis coiap. — Proceedings of Constitutional Con- vention of. May, 1867. 'deport of public schools, 1868. — Phomas. Douglas H. John Hanson, I't'e-.. of the U. S. in Congress • >,M. .1 17SI-82. 8°. Baltimore n.d — Treasury cerl ificates of the Stateof Man land. Presented to the 3 Historical Library by Hon. Lam- bert Tree. Certificate to Edward < lai tlier. jr.; or bearer, for t lie sum of 280 pounds. Signed by Edward Gaither, jr.. one of the i lom'i of Ann Arundel county. Dated March. L780. Certificate directing the payment to Rachel Gaither of money due for the seieure of corn taken under m act of the Assem- bly for the immediate supply of t \ for the army. Signed Elijah Robosson. Dated April 3. 1780. Certificate to John Hamilton or bearer, for the sum of 52 pounds. 14 shillings. Tho Hurwood. treas- urer. Dated January, 18, 1788. Original papers Mason, Augustus Lynch, A. M. Pio- neer history of America. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1*M M isoh < 'oneluded. Edward G., ed. Early Chicago and Illinois. (Chicago Hist Soeietj collection, vol. 4.) 8°. Chicago.. 1890 — - Illinois in the 18th century. (Per gUS Hist, series, No. 12.) — - Pierre Menard and the Pierre Menard papers — - The John Todd papers and John Todd record book — - Phillippe Rochblave and the Rochblave papers — - Early Illinois, parts 1. ;i and 4, Fergus Hist, series. Nos. 31,33 and 31. Svols. 12°. Chicago. .18 1 - M ISON couuty. 111. Baskin, O. L. & Co., PUOS. History of Menard and Mason counties. 8°. Chicago ... ]s7:> M sonbt. See Free Masonry. M .—a. county. 111. Biographical Pub. Co., pubs. The biographical re- view of Johnson, Massac, Pope and Hardin counties, Illinois. 4°. Chicago Massachusetts. — Badger. Rev. Henry C. The humble conqueror; a discourse commemo- rative of the life and public ser- vices of A. Lincoln, preached to the Cambridgeport parish. April 23, 1865. Pam. 8°. Boston 1865 — Bartlett. Geo. H. Free public li- braries of Mass. with map and statistics — Boston Public Library. Annual reports of. 1W>9. 1891 and 1896 Pams. 8°. Boston. Also bulletins • .f the Boston Public Library, vol. 2, Nos. 1 to 4. vol. :i. Nos. 1 to 4. vol. 4. Nos. 1 to ::. vol. S, Nos. 1-2. and vol. 9, Nos. 1-4 Boston University, year-book of, for 1879. Pam — Bostonian Society, proceedings of. atitsannual meetings i ss i 1898. v. y. s . Boston lambridge, city council of, pubs. The register book of the lands an. I houses in the "new towne" and the town of < lambridge, with the record- of the proprietors of common lands; being the records commonly called "the proprietors' records." 1635-1829. 8°. Cam- bridge 1896 MASSACHUSETTS. 209 MASSACHUSETTS. Massachusetts— Continued. — Cambridge Public Library, annual reports of. 1895-1899. Paras — Canibridgeport Parish. See Badger, Rev. Henry C — Clarke institute for deaf-mutes, at Northhampton, 8th annual report year ending Sept. 1, 1875. Pam — Corey, Deloraine P. Joseph Hills and the Massachusetts law of 1648. Pam. 8°. Boston 1899 — Cheever, Geo. B.. D. D. Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. 12°. N. Y 1848 — 'Emery, Samuel Hopkins. The ministry of Taunton. 2 vols. 12°. Boston 1853 — Essex Antiquarian. A monthly magazine devoted to the biogra- phy, genealogy, history, etc., of Essex Co., Mass. Vol. 1, Nos. 2 to 12, 1897. and vol. 2. 1898. Perley, Sidney, ed — Genealogical Advertiser. Quar- terly magazine of family history. Vol. 1, No, 1. March, 1898. Green- law, Lucy Hall.uwfc — Griffis. Wm. E., Massachusetts: a typical American commonwealth. 8°. Cambridge 1893 — Highland Military Academy.North- hampton. Annual catal o g u e. Pam 1896 — Johnson, 'Edward F., comp. Wo- burn, Mass., records of births, deaths and marriages, 1640 to 1873. Bound with the annual reports of Woburn citv government. 4 vols. 8°. Woburn 1890-94 — Lynn Public Library, annual report of trustees. Pam 1897 — Massachusetts Sabbath School Union, pub. Philip Everhard; or. Baptist Indian Missions. 32°. Boston 1831 — Northhampton. See Clarke Insti- tute for Deaf Mutes, and High- land Military Academy — North Adams Public Library, an- nual reports and lists of addi- tions, 1894-1899, exceptl898 —14 H. L Massachusetts— Continued. — Perley. Sidney, ed. The Essex Antiquarian. A monthly maga- zine devoted to biography, gene- alogy, history, etc., of Essex Co., Mass. Vol. 1, Nos. 2 to 12. 1897, and vol. 2, 1898. Salem. Mass — Pierce, Frederick Clifton. History of Grafton, Mhss. 8°. Worcester 1879 — Salem Press Historical and Gene- alogical Record, Salem Press Pub Co. Pubs. Vol. 2, No. 3, 1892; vol. 3. Nos. 3 and 11, 1892, and vol. 5, No. 10, 1895 — Salem Public Library, annual re- port of, 1899. Pam — Scwell. Samuel. History of Wo- burn, Mass. 8°. Boston 1868 — Springfield, Mass. City Library Association of. Annual report... 1883 — Springfield, Mass. City of . Obser- vances at Springfield on Presi- dent Lincoln's funeral day. in- cluding Dr. Holland's eulogy. 8°. Springfield. Pam 1865 — Sumner, Chas. Eulogy on Abra- ham Lincoln. 8°. Boston 1S65 — U. S. Congress. Speeches in House Rep. on presentation by the State of Mass. to the National Gov't, of portraits of ex-Speakers Sedg- wick, Varnum and Banks. (U. S. Gov't, pub.) 4°. Washington.... 1888 — Warren, Thos. B. Springfield, Mass. families. 8°. Springfield, Mass. (Sample pages, only.) 189S — Winslow, Wm. Copley, Gov. Ed- ward Winslow. His part and place in Plymouth colony. (Re- printed from N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Record July 1896.) Paper — Woburn, Mass. History of 1640 to 1860. Sewell. Samuel. 8°. Boston 1S68 — - Records of births, deaths and mar- riages, 1610-1873. Johnson. Edw. P. comp. 4 Vols. 8°. Woburn.. 1890-94 — Massachusetts. A typical Ameri- can Commonwealth. Grims, Wm. Elliott, D. I), 8°. Cambridge... 1893 Massie, David Meade. Nathaniel Mas- sie, a pioneer of Ohio. Sketch of his life and selections from his correspondence. 8°. Cincinnati.. 1896 Massey, S. L. James' Traveller's Companion. Complete guide through western States- 16°. Cin- cinnati 1851 MAST. J II) MEDICINE. Mast, Crowell >v Kirkpatriek, pubs. Map f the [eland of Cuba. Ita i> r< ► \ Inoee, railroads, oltiee, towns, barbore, bays. etc. Also, south- ern Florida and the neighboring [elands of tin Wesl Indies. Pa- per 1897 Mastbbpieoxs of ES. D. Baker, (Elo- quence of the far West, No. 1.) Edited, with fiances at the orator and his times, by Oscar T. Shuck. 16 . San Francisco 1899 Mastodon, mammoth and man. Mac- lean, J. P. 2d. ed 12°. Cincinnati 1880 Materials for the legal and political history of Illinois. Pickett, I has. C. Pub. in Northwestern Law Review, April, 1*:»3 M \ I HEMATl' 9 — Davies. ('has. Elements of analy- tical geometry. 12°. N. Y 1853 — Stoddard. John F. The American intellectual arithmetic. 16°. N.Y. 1849 MATHBWS, Milton W„ and McLean, Lewis A. Pioneers of Champaign county. Ills. 8°. Urbana 1886 Matson, N. Memories of Shaubena, with incidents relating to the early settlement of the west. 12°. Chicago 1878 Also 3rd ed., 12°. Chicago 1882 — Pioneers of Ills. Series of sketches relating to events that occurred previous to 1813. 12°. Chicago... 1882 — Reminiscenses of Bureau county, Ills. 12°. Princeton 1872 Maimer Valley. Knapp. H. S. His- tory of the Maumee Valley. 8°. Toledo 1877 Mavob, Wm. The English Spelling- book. 16-. London, n. d Mat. Col. John. Col. May's journal and letters of two journeys to the Ohio country. Biographical sketch of Col. May by Rev. Rich- ard S. Edes, a-id notes by Win. M. Darlington. ( Historical and Philo- sophical Society of Ohio.* 8°. Cincinnati 1873 May, B., & Co. Maps of Cuba and Havana, 1853. Spanish maps with Illustrations. Folded 16° Match, Bdward, /./.. /'. History of education in Miss. D. 8. Bureau education, circular of information No. L'. 1889, Contributions to American educational history. Herbert B. A. lams, td. Paper. 8°. Washington 1899 Mathabd, Mrs. Nettie Colburn. Was Lincoln a spiritualist I 12°. Phila. 1891 Meade, Z?i hop William, old churches ministers and families of Va, 2 vols. 8 C . Phila 1889 Meakes, John. Voyages in 1788-89 from China to northwest coast of America. 4°. London 1190 Medicine. — College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Chicago. 12th annual announcement, session of 1893-94. Pub. by college — College of Physicians and Surgeons Chicago, annual catalogues of. 1893-4-5 — Davis, N. S.. M. D., LL. D. Ad- dress on medicine, delivered at 41st annual meeting of American Medical Association, held in Nashville, Tenu 1890 — - Address on the objects of the American Medical Temperance Association, delivered at annual meeting in Detroit, June 9, 1892. Chicago 1892 — - Illusions and delusions in the practice of medicine 1892 — - Influence of alcohol on the human system. N.Y 1890 — - Report on the meteorological con- ditions and their relations to the epidemic influenza and some other diseases in Chicago, during the six months ending March 31, 1890 — - On prevalent therapeutic incon- sistencies in medical practice il- lustrated In current medical liter- ature and in clinical observations (read in medical section of the Michigan Medical Soc, May 5, 1892.) 1892 — Illinois State Board of Health. See Ills. — Medical School, Northwestern Uni- versity. Circulars of information for 1895-6. Pam. 8°. Chicago MEDICINE. 211 MEN. Med i cine— Continued . — Palmer. Chas. Follen. Inebriety; its source, prevention and cure. 12°. Chicago 1898 — Sherman. Julien S., M. D. Address before the alumni of Chicago Medical College. March. 1870, pam — Williamson, George, M. D. The laws of heredity. 12°. Chicago.... 1887 Meeker, N. C. Life in the west; or. stories of the Mississippi valley. 12°. N. Y 1868 Meginness, John F. Biography of Frances Slocum. 8°. Williams- port 1891 Meligk, J. E., clerk village board, comp. Ordinances of the village of West Springfield, Ills., adopted June 1, 1885. 12°. Springfield 1885 Melish, John. Travels in U. S. A. in 1806-1811. 2 vols. 8°. Phila 1812 Memorable days in America. Being journal of a tour to U. S. princi- pally undertaken to ascertain the condition and prospects of Brit- ish emigrants. Account of Birk- beck's settlement in Ills. Faux, W. 8°. London 1823 Memorandum of M. Austin's journey from the lead mines in Wythe Co., Va., to lead mines in the Province of La., west of the Mississippi. 1796-1797. Austin. Moses. (Pub. in Amr. Hist. Re- view, April. 1900; Vol. 5. No. 3.) Memorial biography. See Biography. Memorial biographies of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Pub. by Towne Memo- rial Fund. 5 vols. 8°. Boston, 1880-1894. Contains biographical sketches of deceased members of the society. 1845-1864 Memorial day. Ills. State Dept. of Public Instruction. (Circulars Dept. Pub. Instruction.) Annual. 4S95-1900 Memorials of Columbus; or, a collec- tion of authentic documents of that celebrated navigator, now first published from original MSS. by order of Decurians of Genoa; preceded by memoir of his life and travels. Spotorno, D. Gio. Batista. 8°. London 1823 Memoir of James Monroe, Esq.. relat- ing to his unsettled claims upon the people and government of the U. S. Monroe, James. 8°. Charlottesville, Va 1828 Memoir of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy. Lovejoy, Joseph C.and Lovejoy, Owen. Introduction by John Quincy Adams. 12°. N. Y 1838 Memoirs historique et politique sur la Louisiane. Vergennes, (de) Chas. Gravier. 12°. Paris 1802 Memoirs of Aaron Burr, with miscel- laneous selections from his cor- respondence. Davis. Matthew L. 2 vols. 8°. N. Y 1836 Memoirs of the campaign of the Northwestern Army of the U. S. in 1812. Sketch revolutionary ser- vices of author. Hull, Wm. Paper. 8°. Boston 1824 Memoirs of celebrated characters. Lamartine, Alphonse de. 3 vols. 8°. N. Y 1856 Memoirs, official'and personal. Sketch- es of travels among northern and southern Indians, embracing a war excursion. Descriptions of scenes of the western border. M'Kenney. Thos. L. 8°. N. Y 1846 Memoirs of Gen. W. T. Sherman, written by himself. 2 vols. 8°. N. Y 1875 Another edition, with an ap- pendix, bringing his life down to its closing scenes. Also a person- al tribute and critique of the memoirs by Hon. Jas. G. Blaine. Sherman, Gen. W. T. 1 vol. 8°. N. Y 1891 Memoirs of the War. Wilson, Capt. EphraimA. 12°. Cleveland 1893 Memoirs of the Hon. Thos. Jefferson Secretary of State, Vice-Presi- dent and President of the U. 8. A. Hall. Thomas (?) 2 vols. 12° 1809 Memories of Shaubena, with incidents relating to the early settlement of the West. Matson, N. 12°. Chi- cago 1878 Also.3ded. 12°. Chicago 1882 Memory of a beautiful life. Jeannie Nicholas Bramhill. Anon. 12°. Chicago 1898 Men and manners in America. Hamil- ton. Thos. 2d ed. 2 Vols. 8°. Ed- ingburgh 1834 MEN. MEXICAN WAR. ist;s INT.' 1*71 iv.i:j M kn of our time s; or, leading patriots • if the day. Btowe, Harriet Beech- 8r. B . Hartford Menauh County, Ills. Baskln, 0. L. \ Co., duos. History of Menard and Mason OOUntil B, Ills. 8°. Chi- cago — Brink. \V. R. & Co., PUOS.. Illus- trated atlas map of Menard Co.. Ills. Folio — Woman's Colombian Club of Me- nard ( !o. Menard, Salem, Lincoln Souvenir Album. 4°. Bloomington MERCANTILE Library of N. V. 2d supple- ment to catalogue 1872. Catalogue of English prose fiction. 1876 MERGER County. Ills. Hill, II. If. & Co. pubs. History, Mercer and Hen- derson counties. 8°. Chicago... 1*82 Mekchants' Exchange of St. Louis, pubs. Report proceedings Miss, riveri improvement convention and memorial to Congress. 8°. St. Louis 1881 Mi "M.e from the Governor to Gen. A^sembly of Ills, transmitting the semiannual reports of the Com- missioners of Public Works. made in compliance with the 10th section of the act establishing a general system of internal im- provements. R. R. and river im- provements &c, and Board of Public Works. Majority and min- ority report &c. 8°. Vandalia... — of the President of the Republic on opening the session of the Argen- tine ( 'ongress. May 188*. < elman, M. Juarez President.) Pam. 8°. Buenos Aires, u. d 18:18 — from President U. S. communicat- ing discoveries made in exploring Mo. river and Washita, by CaptS. Lewis and Clark, Dr. Sibley and Mr. Dunbar, with statistical ac- count countries adjacent. Ke.nl in Congress Feb. 19, 1806. Jeffer- son. Thomas, President. 8°. N. Y 1506 — from President U. S. to Houses of Congress: at commencement first session 39th Cong., with reports of heads of depts. and selections from accompanying documents. Poore, Ben. Perley. ed. (U. S. Pub. Doc.) 8°. Washington 1866 M i --age— Continued. — from President !'. S.. transmitting letter fnmi Beo. of War ami sun- dry documents in obedience to resolution of Dec. .'(1. l*i:i, request- ing such Information as may tend to explain cause of failure of ( '. s. arms on the Northern Frontier. Madison, James, President. 8°. Baltimore 1*14 Messages op Presidents I". S. — French, Jonathan. The True Re- publican. 12°. Phila 1S52 — Jackson. Andrew. Annual mess- ages, veto messages, prote-t- &e, of Andrew Jackson. 2d ed. 8°. Baltimore 1835 — Poore, Ben. Perley, ed Messages Pres. U. S. to Congress and re- ports of heads of departments. (I". S. Pub. Doc.) 8°. Washington 1866 — Richardson, James D.. comp. Mes- sages and papers of the Presi- dents U. S. from 1789-1897. (U. S. Gov't. Pub.) 10 vols. 8°. Wash- ington. 1896- '99 Methodist Episcopal church. Beggs, Rev. S. R. Pages from the early history of the west and northwest with special reference to Method- ism. 12°. Cincinnati 1868- — Chamberlain, M. H. Address of the Pres. of McKendee College delivered at the Educational An- niversary of the Southern Ills. M. E. conference. Sept. 29. 1894. Pam. 12°. St. Louis 189* — Drew Theological Seminary. Our Bulletin. Bi-monthly periodical. .Madison, N. J. Aug. 1MKI to Mar. 1892 — Emory, John. I>. /> A defence of "Our Fathers.'' 8°. N. Y isj; — Leftwioh, Rev. W. M. Martydom in Missouri. 2 vols. 12°. St. Louis 1870- — Smith, J. C. Reminiscences of early Methodism in Ind. 12°. In- dianapolis 1*79 For lives of prominent early M. B. preachers, sn biography. MEXICAN War. Brooks. N. C. Com- plete history of the Mexican War. 8 C . Phila 184» — Hartley, Cant. J. W., comp. Pro- ceedings 19th annual reunion Ills. Assc. Mexican War Veterans. 8°. Decatur 1891 MEXICO. 213 MICHIGAN. Mexico— Concluded. — Holbrook, Edward S. Poem on Mexican War 8°. Chicago 1880 — Perrin, J. Nick. Address to Mexi- can Veterans of Ills. 8°. Belle- ville 1892 — Mexican War Veterans, Ills. Assc- of. Proceedings 6th annual re- union Chicago. Sept. 11, and 12, 1879. 8°. Chicago 1880 — Ramsey, Albert C, ed. and trans. The other side; or. notes for the history of the war between Mexi- co and the U. S. 12°. NY 1850 Mexico. Bancroft. Hubert Howe. His- tory of Mexico. 1516-1887. 6 vols. 8°. San Francisco 1890 — - History of Texas and the North Mexican states, 1531-1889. 2 vols. 8°. San Francisco 1890 — Bartlett, John Russell. Personal narratives of explorations and in- cidents in Texas, New Mexico, Cal., Sonora and .Chihauhua. 8°. N.Y 1854 — Potter, R. M. The Texas revolution and distinguished Mexicans who took part in it. (Magazine Amr. History Oct. 1878) — Prescott, Wm. H. History of the conquest of Mexico. 3 vols. 12°. Phila 1891 — Schwatka, Lieut. Frederick. In the land of cliff and cave dwellers. 12°. N.Y 1893 — Stephens. John L. Incidents of travel in Central America, Chia- pas and Yucatan. 12th ed. 2 vols. 8°. N.Y 1845 Michaux, F. A. Travels west of Alle- gheny mountains, in Ohio, Ken- tucky and Tennessee, and return to Charleston through Upper Car- olinas. 2d ed. 8°. London 1805 Michigan. Blois, John T. Gazetteer of Michigan 12°. Detroit 1838 Another ed. 12°. Detroit 1839 — Burton, C. M. Sketch of the life of Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, the founder of Detroit. 8°. Detroit... 1895 — Hall, B. F. Early history North- western States. 8°. Buffalo 1849 — Kelton, Dwight H. Annals of Fort Mackinac. Island ed. 12°. De- troit 1884 — Lanman. Chas. The Red Book of Michigan. 8°. Detroit 1871 Michigan— Continued. — Lanman, James H. History of Mich- igan. 8°. N. Y 1839 — Michigan, State of, pubs.— Agriculture. Crop reports of Mich., May, 1891, and Jan.. 1892. Pams — - Michigan. Sketches of its history, resources and Industries. Mc- Cracken, S. B., comp. Editions of 1876and 1882 — - Michigan & its resources. Sketch of growth of state, its industries, institutions, etc. Morley, Freder- ick, comp. 2nd ed. 8°. Lansing.. 1882 — - Michigan and its resources, its growth. State industries, institu- tions, etc. Comp. by authority of State. Jochim. John W., comp. 8°. Lansirfg 1893 — Animals. Cook, A. J. Birds of Mich. (Bui. Mich. State Agr. Col- lege No. 94.) 8°. Lansing 1893 — - Game and fish laws of Michigan. Hampton, Chas. S., comp. '8°. Lansing 1893 — Geology. Geological survey of Mich., annual reports of, 1861 and 1891-92 — - Mines and mineral statistics of Michigan, 1891 - 1892. Edwards, Jas. P., comp — - Montgomery, Hugh T., M. D. The glacial phenomena as exhib- ited in Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan, and the re- sulting waterways. Northern In- diana Hist. Soc. Publication No. 2. Paper. 8°. South Bend, June.. 1899 — Institutions. Capital of Michigan. Proceedings at the laying of the corner stone of the new capitol of Michigan, at Lansing. Oct. 2,1873, Bours, Allen L., comp. Paper. 8°. Lansing 1873 — - Deaf, Dumb and Blind, Mich. State Institution for. Biennial reports of trustees, 1873-74 — - Library. Report of State Libra- rian, 1889-90. Pam — Law and Legislation. — - General school law, 1893. — - Insurance Commissioner of Mich- igan, 23d annual report. 1893. 2 vols. 8°. Lansing 1893 MICHIGAN. •J 14 MILITARY Mil biqajs— Continued. — - Joint documents of the State of Mich., being reports "f officers and Institutions to the Legisla- ture. 1889. 4 v-.ls. 8°. Lansing.. 1890 — - Public acts of Michigan 1891 — - Railroad laws of Michigan; and digest of the decisions of Su- preme courl "t Mich., relating to railroads, 1881. Michigan Com missionerof railroads, comp. 8°. Lansing *. 1881 — - Tax laws of Michigan, 1893. l'am — History and Biography. Bingham, S.D.,COmp. Early history of Mich, with biographies of stale officers, members of congress, judges and legislators. 8 D . Lansing. (Mich State Pub.) 1888 — - Jochim. John W., comp. Mich. and its resources. 8°. Lansing.. 1?93 — - MoCracken, S. B. Michigan; Bketches of its history, position and industries. 8°. Lansing. 1876 and 1882 — - Michigan at Gettysburg, July 1, 2, and 3. 1863, June 12, 18S9. Pro- ceedings incident to dedication of Michigan monuments upon bat- tlefield of Gettysburg. June 12, 1889. Full report of monument commission, and detailed state- ment of the work committed to and performed by it, and the pro- ceedings of various regimental reunions. Trowbridge, L. S. and Farnsworth, Fred. E., eds. 8°. Detroit 1889 — - Michigan, State of Memorial of James G. Blaine. 8°. Lansing... 1893 — - Memorial of Rutherford B. Hayes ami Henry I'. Baldwin. Legisla- tive proceedings. 8 C . Lansing.. L893 — - The semi-centennial of the admis- sion of the State of M Ich, into the Union. 8°. Detroit 1886 — - Morley, Frederick, Comp. Michi- gan ami its resources, -nil ed. 8°. Lansing 1882 — - Pioneer Soc, State of Michigan. Midi, pioneer collections. Vol. f, 1887. to vol. 27. 1896. 8°. Lansing. v. y — - Soper, Daniel E., - '.otnp. OfTicial directory and Legislative manual of the State of Mich , for 1891-2. Lansing Michigan— Oontinm d. — Sheldon, E. M. Early history of Michigan. 8°. N. Y isw — Strickland. \V. P. Old Mackinaw; or, the Fortress of the Lakes. 12°. Phila I860 — Tuttle, Cass, presented toU. s. by state of Michigan. 1". 8. Gov't Pubs. 4 °. Washington.. 1889 — Woman's Relief Corps, Dep't of Midi. Proceedings of the Btb annual convention, Muskegon. March 10. 11 and 12. 1891. 8°. Battle Creek 1891 MlLBUBN, William Henry. Pioneers, preachers and people of the Miss. Valley. 12°. X. Y I860 — - Ten years of preacher life. Chap- ters from an autobiography. 12°. N.Y 1859 Mii.es, G< n. Nelson A. Personal recol- lections and observations. 8°. Chicago 1896 Military art, Hill, Col. Robert F. Grand army tactics of the 1" 3. 16°. Kalamazoo 1881 — Rice, Col. James M. Range manual and score record. 16°. Spriug. field 1892 — - Small arms practice for National Guard. 16°. Springfield Military history. Boynton, H. V. The National Military Park, Chiekamauga, Chattanooga. 8°. Cincinnati 1895 — Logan, John A. The volunteer soldier of America. B°. Chicago 1887 — Neff. Jacob K. The army and navy of America. B°. Phila 18K Military map of Illinois 1896. Oren- dorfT. Alfred. Adj Gen. Ills. 16°. Chicago 1896 Military operations of General Beau- regard in the war between the States I s I 1866, including brief personal sketch and narrative of his services in the wai with Mex- 1846 8, Roman. Alfred, 2 Vols. 8°. N.Y 188* MILITIA. >15 MINNEAPOLIS. Military telegraph during: Civil War in U. S., with an exposition of ancient and modern means of communication and of Federal and Confederate cipher systems; also account of the war between the States. Plum, Wm. R. 2 Vols. 8°. Chicago 1882 Militia. Chamberlain. Henry Bar- rett. Historical sketch of Oak- land rifles, and "Co. C." 4th Inf. I. N. G. 4°. Chicago I 889 — Illinois. State of. -See Ills. Adj. General and Wars. — The act for the organization and government of the militia of this State. (Ills.) passed March 2, 1833. 16°. Vandalia 18a3 — Rice. Col. James M. Small arms practice for National Guard. 16°. Springfield 1892 — - Range manual and score record. 16°. Springfield 1892 — Turner, Henry L. Souvenir album and sketch book. 1st Inf. I. N. G. Chicago. 4°. Chicago, n. d Milledge, John. The DeRenne gift. A communication from the State Librarian to the Governor of Geor- gia. 8°. Atanta 1894 Miller, Chas. Kingsbury. Desecra- tion of the American flag and pro- hibitive legislation. Pam. n. d — F\oJ.,ed. The National Picket. A national journal for the Woman's Relief Corps. Monthly. Monti- cello, Ills. Vol. 2. Sept.. 1892. to vol. 6, Feb.. 1897. (Incomplete.) — Francis W. Cincinnati's begin- nings. 12°. Cincinnati 1880 — Mrs. Mary H. Catalogue of the Iowa State Library, 1889, also bi- ennial reports of librarian to the Governor, 1889-1893 inclusive. 8°. Des Moines, pams — W. G., D. D. Thirty years in the itinerancy. 12°. Milwaukee 1875 — S. A. and Gurley. Wm. F. E. Bul- letins of the Ills. State Museum of Natural History. (His. State Pubs.) Nos. 3 to 11 inc., 1893-96. Pams. Springfield Mills, Abraham, A. M. Literature and literary men of breat Britan and Ireland. 2 vols. 8°. N. Y... 1851 — Hon. David. Canadian view of the Alaskan boundary dispute. Pam. 16°. Ottawa, 1899. (Canadian Gov'tPub.) Mills— Concluded. — Henry A. A Senator from Carroll co., 111. Memorial addresses on life and character of, delivered in the Senate of Ills. March 12, 1879. Published by order of the Senate. 8°. Springfield 1879 Milwaukee. Buck, James S. Pioneer history of Milwaukee. 8°. Mil- waukee 1876 — Public Museum. Reports (annual) of the board of trustees. 1st to 17th, 1883 to 1899, except 2d. 3d and 6th, 1894, '95, '98. Mines and Mining. Ills. Miners' Assc. Reply of the coal miners to the protests and arguments of the coal operators of Ills, against ad- verse legislation. Pam. n. d — Inspector of mines of Montana. Annual report. 1890 92. Pam. 8°. Helena. 1891-'92 — Schoolcraft, Henry R. View of the lead mines of Mo. 8°. N . Y 1819 — Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Early lead mining in Ills, and Wis. (Pub. Amr. Hist. Assc.) 1893 Minier. George B. Reccollections of early Ills. Manuscript Ministerial faithfulness. A sermon preached on the occasion of the ordination to the Diaconate of Mr. Thos. Bennington Barlow, B. A. at St. Paul's church, Rantoul, Ills. White. John Chanler. 8°. Spring. field 1893 Ministero di Agricolturia, Indu stria Commercio D'ltalia. Annuario Stastistica Italiano, Anno 1881. Annali di Statistica, Serie 2, vol. 18.1881. Annali di Statistica, Serie 3, vol. 1. 1882. Annali di Statistica, Serie 3, vol. 4. 1883. Ministry of Taunton, with incidental notices of other professions. In- troductory notices by Hon. Fran- cis Baylies. Emery, Samuel Hop- kins. 2 vols. 12°. Boston 1853 Minneapolis Journal, pubs. Cartoons of the Spanish-American war. By "Bart." (Library of Journal Ex- tras, pub. quarterly.) Paper. 8°. Minneapolis, Jan 1899 MINNEAPOLIS. •j in MISSISSIPPI. Minneapolis public library, aril an- nual report 1802 Minnesota and the Far West. ( »li pliant. Laurence. 8°. Edinburgh and London 1855 — Bishop. J udson W. The story of a regiment (2nd Minn. Yet. Vols. Inf. 12 . Si. Panl 1890 — Bill, Alfred J. History ol l o. "B." 6th Minn Regt Vol inf. Pam. 8°. St. Panl 1898 Minnesota Hist Soo. Collections of the Minn. Hist SOC — Biennial reports Minn. Hist. Soc. to Legislature. 7,9,10—1892,1897, 1899 — Catalogue Library Minn. Hist. Soc. 2 vols. 8°. St, Paul 1888 — Charter, by-laws, roll officers and members, standing coniinitt's, etc — — Collections of Minu. Hist. Soc, vol- 1, being a reprint of 1850'-56 — Collections Minn Hist. Soc, begin- ning vol. 2, pt. 1, 1860, to vol. 8, pt. 3. 1898. V. Y. 8°. St. Paul — Qustavus Adolphns College, cata- logue of, 1891-'92. Pam — Neill. Edward Duffield. History of Minn. 8°. Pbila 1858 — Olipbant, Laurence. Minn, and the far W est. b . Edinburgh and Lon- don 1855 — State Library Catalogue of law books. 1884. Pam — state Librarian, report of. 1S87-88. Pam — Torrance. Ell. Address of Com- mander Torrance at the 16th an- nual encampment Dept of Minn. (i. A. R, Minneapolis 1896 — Williams, J. Fletcher. History of St. Paul.. .'Minn. (Col lecl ions Minn. Hist, Soc. Vol. 4.) 8°. 8t Paul 1S76 Mini Mr m tariff of rates adopted by Board of Fire Underwriters of Springfield, Ills.. 1879. Fire Un- derwriters, board of Mintes of a convention of delegates from all parts of the State of Ills., favorable to the immediate aboli- tion of slavery in the U. S.. Alton, Ills., Oct. 26. ls.fT. List of dele- gates and the proceedings of the convention. Pam. 1-' . Alton 1838 Mini'tf.s df Intercontinental Kaiiway Commission, Washington. Dec. I. 1890, Dee. 15, 189L Interconti- nental Commissioners. > Fnglish and Spanish (TJ. S. ( oiv't. pubfl 4°. Washington 1891 Mirror of olden time border life. (Border life.) Prltts, J., comp. 8°. Abington, Va 1849 Miscellanies. (Ohio Valley Hist. Miscellanies, No. l.) Tour in Ohio, Ky, and Ind. Territory. 1805. Espy. Josiah. 2. Two west- ern campaigns War of ihl'J. Will- iams. Samuel. 3. The Leather wood god, Taneyhill. K. H. Ohio Valley Historical Series. 8°. Cin- cinnati ' S T1 Miscellanies, Caton. John Dean. 8°. Boston 1880 Mission. — Mission de l'Oregon, et voyages aux Montagues Kocheuses aux sour- ces de la ( 'olombie, de l' Athabas- ca et du Sascatshawin. 1845-6. De Smet. Pere P. J. 12° HIS — Mission du Canada. Relations in- edites de la Nouvelle-France (1672-1679.) Pour faire suite, aux anciennes relations. Douniol, Charles, ed. 2 Vols. 12°. Paris. 1881 — Mission of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohe- gan Indians. Heckewelder. John. 8°. Phila 1820 Missionary labors of Fathers Mar- quette, Menard and Allouez in Lake Superior region. Yerwyst. Rev. Chrysostom. O. S. F. 12°. Milwaukee 1886 Missionary Societies. Western For- eign Missionary Soc, pub. 2d annual report of board of direc- tors. May 6, 1834. 8°. Pitts- burgh 1854 Mississippi. — Lowry, Robert and MH'ardle, Win. II. History of Miss. 8°. Jack- son 1891 MISSISSIPPI. 217 MISSISSIPPI. Mississippi— Continued. — Mayes, Edward, LL. D. History of education in Miss. (U. S. Bu- reau of Education, Circular of Information No. 2. 1899. Contri- butions to American educational history. Herbert B. Adams, ed.) Paper. Washington 1899 Mississippi basin. The. Struggle be- tween England and France, 1697- 1763. Winsor. Justin. 5°. Boston and New York 1895 Mississippi river. Baker. Hon. James H. The sources of the Miss. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Col. Vol. 6, parti.) 8°. St. Paul 1887 — Coues, Elliott, ed. Expeditions of Zebulon M. Pike. 3 vols. N. Y.. 1895 — Coxe, Daniel. Description of the English province of Carolina, by the Spaniards called Florida and by the French La Louisiane. 12°. London 1741 — Gould. E. W. Fifty years on the Miss.; or, history of river naviga- tion. 8°. St. Louis 1889 — Griffin. Appleton P. C. Discovery of the Miss, and bibliographical account. Fac simile of map of Louis Joliet, 1674. 4°. NY 1883 — Guthrie, Ossian. The great lakes and their relation to the lake and gulf waterway. Lake fluctua- tions. Pam. n. d — Humphreys. Capt. A. A., and Ab- bot, Lieut, H. L. Report upon the physics and hydraulics of the Miss, river. 8°. Washington.... 1867 — -Merchants Exchange of St. Louis. pubs. Miss. River Improvement Convention. Report of proceed- ings. 8°. St. Louis 1881 — Miss, river. The. The commercial highway of the nation. Tomp- kins, Frank H. 8°. Baltimore.. 1892 — Nicollet. I. N. Report of Upper Miss, river. 8°. Washington 1845 — Thomassay, R. De La Salle at Relations in^dites de la decou- verte du Miss. 8°. Paris 1859 — Tompkins, Frank H., ed. The Miss, river. The commercial highway of the nation. CRepub. from Manufacturers Record.) 8°. Baltimore 1892 Mississippi— Continued. — Miss, and Ohio rivers. Plans for protection of delta, etc. Ellet, Chas.,jr. 8°. Phila 1853 Mississippi Valley and prehistoric events. Walker. C. B. 8°. Bur- lington, Iowa 18S0 — Anonymous. Heart of the West. An American story. 8°. Chicago 1871 — Flint, Timothy. History and geog- raphy of the Miss. Valley. 8°. Boston 1833 — - Recollections of the last ten years. 8°. Boston 1826 — Foster. J. W., LL. D. The Miss. Valley. Its physical geography. 8°. Chicago 1869 — Hennepin, P. .Louis. Voyage en pays plus grand que 1' Europe, entre la Mer glaciale, et le Non- veau Mexique. (Bound in "Rela- tions de la Louisiane. et du Flueve Mississippi," pp. 201-381 inc. 16°. Amsterdam 1720 — Ludlow, N. M. Dramatic life as I found it. 8°. St. Louis 1880 — Milburn, Wm. Henry. Pioneers, preachers and people of the Miss. Valley. 12°. N. Y 1860 — Monette, John W., M. D. History of the discovery and settlement of the Miss. Valley. 2 vols. 8°. N. Y 1846 — Sanitary Fair, pub. The Western Sanitary Commission. 8°. St. Louis 1864 — Spencer, J. W. Reminiscences of pioneer life in the Mississippi Valley. 8°. Davenport 1872 — Springer, Wm. M. Explorations of Father Marquette and others in the Mississippi Valley. (Address at St. Ignace, Mich.) Pub. in Amr. Catholic Historical. Re- searches. Vol. 12. No. 4. Oct., 1895 — Tanner, H. S., pub. View of the Valley of the Miss.; or, the emi- grants' and travelers' guide to the West. 12°. Phila 1832 — Walker, C. B. Mississippi Valley and p re -historic events. 8°. Burlington 1880 — Winsor. Justin. Cartier to Fronte- nac. 8°. Boston 1894 — -The Mississippi Basin. The struggle between England and France, 1697-1763. 8°. Boston andN. Y 1895 For other works relating to Miss. Valley see Travel and Voyage Missnrm. •J IS MITFOKI). Miasoi bi. Barns, 0. EL, >■!. and i'»b. Switsler's Illustrated history of .Missouri. 1641-1881. 8°. St. Louis 1881 — Book, Lewis 0. I lasetteer of lilt doIb and Missouri B°. Albany.. 1828 — Billon. Frederick L . Annals of St. Louis under French and Spanish (dominations. *°. St. Louis 1886 — Broadhead, lames O. The Lousiana purchase. (Mo. Hist. Soc. Pub. No. 13.) 8°. St. Louis 1897 — Conway, Rev. 3. 3. Catholic church in St. Louis. 1764-1776. Mo. Hist. Soc. Pub. No. 14.) 8°. St. Louis 1897 — Darby, John K. db Todd, Albert. Samuel Gaty of St. Louis. (Pubs. Mo. Hist. Soc, No. 5.) Pam. St. Louis 1881 — Dixon, .)/)-.<. Archibald. The Mis- souri compromise and its repeal. 8°. Cincinnati 1899 Education. Public schools, report of, 1890. Pam. Jefferson City.... 1891 — 1-dwards. John N. Shelby and his men. 8°. Cincinnati 1867 — < iraebner, A. L. Half a century of sound Lutheranism in America. History of the Mo. Synod. 12°. St. Louis 1893 — Hicks, Frederick C. Territorial rev- enue system of Mo. (Article No. 2 in No. 11', Pub. Mo. Hist. Soc.) 8°. St. Louis 1896 — Hilder, F. F. Archaeology of Mis- souri. (Pubs. Mo. Hist. Soc. No. 6.) — Hyde, Wm. Newspapers and news- paper people ol three decades, (Pub. Mo. Hist. Soc. No. 12, arti- cleNo. l.i — Leftwicb. Rev, W. M. Martydom in Mo. 2 vols. 12°. St. Louis 1870 M 3S )UB1 and Ills. Tract Soc. 4th an- report, presented Mar. 1831. Pam. S . St Louis — Mo. Hist. Soc Constitution and by-laws, 1875. — Mo. Hist. Soc. Pub. of No. 2.3.4,5. 6,7.8, 1880- '85. 1894, '96. '97.1900, — Phillips. Wm. The conquest of Kansas by Mo, and her allies. 12 . Boston — Powell. Wm. II. Sinking Creek Valley raid, 1862. H° 188* Keavis, i,. p. The Commonwealth Of Mo. 8°. London 1880 Missouri River and Its utmost source. Brower. I. V, s. St. Paul 1896 — Robertson, C. F, Attempts tosep urate the west, from the American union. (Pubs. Mo. Hist. Soc. No. 8.) — St. Louis. See St Louis. — St Paul's College. Triennial cata- logue of. 1ST';. Pain — Soharf, J. Thomas History of St. Louis city and county. 2 vols. 4°. Phila 1S83 — Schoolcraft. Henry K. Scenes and adventures in Ozark Mts. 8°. Phila 1853 — Schoolcraft, Henry R. View of the lead mines of Mo. 8°. N. V 1819 — Shewey, Arista C, pub. Shewey's pictorical St. Louis. 8°. St. Louis 1892 — Steedman.I. G. W. Carp and carp culture in Mo. with an appendix on native fish. Pam. 8°. St. Louis 1884 — Thompson, George. Prison life and reflections. 12°. Hartford 1855 — Waldo, Wm. Recollections of a Septuagenarian. (Nos. 2 and 3, pub. Mo. Hist. Soc.) 8°. St. Louis 1880 — Wetmore. Alphonso. Gazetteer of the State of Mo. 8°. St. Louis... 1837 M ISUBI of the national Hag of the U. S. of America. Soc. of Colonial Wars in Ills., pubs. 8°. Chicago. 1895 Mitchell, S. Augustus, pub. Young's tourist's pocket map of the State of Ills. 32°. Phila 1834 — - Ills, in 1887. Map. B°. Phila.... 1837 Mitchell, Rev. S. S. In Memoriam. Lincoln. 8°. Harrisburg 1865 MlTi iif.i.i. A- Ilinman, pubs. Index of all the counties, districts, towns. &C. of I*. S. and history to ac- company reference and distance map. 8°. Phila 1835 Mitfokp. Mary Russell, erf. Stories of American life, by Aracr. writers. 3 vols. 12°. London 1830 MITCHENER. 219 MONTCALM. Mitchener, C. H., ed. Ohio annuls. Historic events in the Tuscarawas and Muskingum valleys. 8°. Dayton, 1876 Modern persecution; or. insane asy- lums unveiled. Packard. Mrs. E. P. W. Vol.1 — persecution: or, married woman's liabilities, as demonstrated by the action of the Ills, legislature. Packard. Mrs. E. P. W. Vol. 2; 2 vols. 12°. Hartford 1891 Mollhausen, Baldwin. Diary of jour- ney from the Mississippi to the coasts of the Pacific. 2 vols. 8°. London 1858 Monette, John W.. M. D. History of the discovery and settlement of the Mississippi valley by Spain, France and Great Britain, etc. 2 vols. 8°. N. Y 1846 Monroe, James, 5th President U. S., born. 1754; died, 1831. See Bio- graphy Monroe, James. Memoir of James Monroe, esq., relating to his un- settled claims upon the people and government of the U. S. 8°. Charlottesville. Va 1828 Monroe county, Ills. McDonough, J. L. & Co., pubs. History of Ran- dolph, Monroe & Perry counties. 4°. Phila 1883 M. Washburne, et Mgr. Darboy. Ex- trait du correspondent. Armag- nac, L. 8°. Paris 1877 Montague, E. J. Directory of Ran- dolph Co. Ills. 12°. Alton 1859 Montana. — Agriculture. Labor and Industry. bureau of; 6th annual report 1898 — Bancroft. Hubert Howe. History of Washington, Idaho and Mon- tana. 8°. San Francisco 1890 — Dowse, Thomas. The New North- west. Montana, Helena: its past, present and future. Paper. 8°. Chicago 1880 — Helena Board of Trade. Report for 1887. Paper. 8°. Helana 1887 Montana— Concluded. — Montana Dept. G. A. R. Proceed- ings of the 5th and 6th Encamp- ment 1889-1890. Paper. 8°. Boze- man 1890 — Montana, Hist. Soc. Biennial re- ports Librarian Hist. Soc. of Mon- tana. 2d. 3d and 4th biennial, 1893-4,95-6,97-8 — State Officers. Report of the Gov- ernor 1884. John S. Crosby, Gov- ernor — - Report Auditor Public Accounts, 1874, 1897-1898 — - Report Attorney General, 1898 — - Report Treasurer 1874 — - Report Superintendent Public In- struction 1880, 1888-1889 and 1892 — The Treasure State and its indus- tries and resources. 6th annual report of the Bureau of Agricult- ure, Labor and Industry of the State of Montana. 1898 — -Report Register State Land Office, 1898 — - Report State Bd. Land Commis- sioners, 1898 — - Report State Inspector of Mines. 1890-1892 — - Montana Law Library, Catalogue of, 1892-96. — - Constitution of Montana as adopt- ed by Constitutional Convention 1889 — - Legislative manual of the State of Montana. Pub. by authority 1895 — - State Library, Report of. Miscel- laneous dept. 1897-98 — Wheeler, Wm. F., comp. Catologue of the Library of the Hist. Soc. of Montana. 8°. Helena , 1892 — - A complete and comprehensive description of its agricultural, stock raising and mineral resour- ces. Statistics of climate &c. Union Pacific R. R. pub. 12°. St. Louis 1892 Montcalm and Wolfe. Part 7, France and England in N. Amr. Park- man. Francis. 12°. 2 vols. Bos- ton 1887 MoXTCoMKHV 220 MORMoX. Montgomxby, D. H. Leading facts of AmiT. History. (Leading Pacta of Hist. Series.) 12°. Boston.... 1891 — HughT., M />. The glacial phe- nomena as exhibited In N. Ind. ami So. .Mich, and the resulting waterways. (X. tnd. Hist. Soc. pub. No. 2.) Paper. 8°. South Bend. June 1899 — Co., Ills. I'errin, Win. Henry, ed. History of Bond & Montgomery Cos.. Ills. 8°. Chicago 1882 Monticello Seminary. Baldwin, Rev. Theroo. Letter to Rev. John P. Brooks, written on inside of cir- cular of the seminary. Alton, Peb.24. 1838 — Catalogue of Monticello Seminary, 55th annual catalogue, 1893 Monuments. Altgeld, John P. Ad- dress on battlefield of Chicka- mauga, at dedication Ills, monu- ments, Sept. 18,1895 — Beveridge. John L., Vaughan, David B., Greenhut, Joseph B., commrs Ills, monument at Get- tysburg:, report of. 8°. Springfield 1892 — Chicago Hist. Soc, pub. Unveiling Memorial Group. Chicago mas- sacre 1812. 8°. Chicago 1893 — James. Geo. Francis, ed. The Lo- gan Monument Memorial. 12°. Chicago 1898 — Lee. Alfred E. The Battle of Get- tysburg. 8°. Columbus 1888 — Dedication of the Lovejoy mon- ument. Alton. Ills., Nov. 8, 1897. 8°. Alton, n. d — Powers, John Carroll. Reports (an- nual) of the custodian to the Ex- ecutive Com. of the National Lincoln Monument Ass'n., 1875- 1883. 8°. Springfield 1884 — U. S. Congress. Centennial cele- bration and Washington Monu- ment at Newburgh. N. Y. (I*. S. Gov't, pub.) 4°. Washington... 1899 — Walker, Edwin S. The Lincoln monument. 12°. Springfield.... 1879 Moore, Frank. Civil war in song and story. 8°. N. Y 18S9 — Diary of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 8°. N.Y I860 — Songs and ballads of the American Revolution. Moore, Frank, romp. 12°. N.Y 1856 M " n CM ents— Co ntinutd. The Rebellion Record. A diary of American events. Moore, Prank, ed. 10 vols. & supplement (1 vol.) 8°. N.Y 1861-1867 — Women of the War. 8°. Hartford 1866 MnoKEUEAD, Warren K. Port Ancient, Ohio, 2.1 ed. 8°. Cincinnati 1890 — Primitive man in Ohio. 8°. N.Y.. 1892 MniiAN, Thomas Francis. Rise and de- velopment of the bicameral sys- tem in Amtrica. (Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, Series 13.) 8°. Baltimore, May 1895 MORGAN, Elder John. The Plan of Sal- vation. (Tract No. 2.) Doc- trines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Pam Morgan. Wm. P. Joy darkened; a sermon. 8°. N.Y 1665 MOBOAN county, Ills. Donnelly, Loyd & Co., pubs. History of Morgan Co. 8°. Chicago 1878 — Bailey, J. C. W. City directory of Springfield and Jacksonville. 8°. Springfield 1866 — Eames, Chas- H. Historic Morgan and classic Jacksonville. 8°. Jack- sonville 1835 — Henderson, D. Patrick. Historical address to the Old Settlers' Asso- ciation of Morgan and Cass coun- ties. Ills. Manuscript Morley, Frederick, comp. Michigan and its resources. 8°. Lansing.. 1882 Morley, Wm. R., comp. Proceedings third reunion Yates Phalanx 39th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf.. Blooming- ton. Ills., Feb. 21. 1884. 8°. Wil- mington, Ills 1884 Mormon difficulties. Report of the Governor of Ills, in relation to the difficulties in Hancock Co. Dec. 7. 1846. Ford, Gov. Thomas. Pub. in reports to Gen. Assembly of Ills 1847 — Metropolis (The). Guide to Salr Lake City and its environs. Hi> tory and description of Utah and its people. Parry, J. H. & Co. pubs. 12°. Salt Lake City 1889 — Practices and sermons; a few choice examples of. Mysteries of the endowment— house, Brigham Young's will, fraud upon the will. the Mormon expositor. Mountain Meadow massacre, etc, David Whitmer talks, etc. Anonymous. Pam. n. d MORMON. 221 MORMONISM. Mormon Prophet (The). Dougall, Lily. 12°. N. Y 1899 — Prophet (The) and his harem. The history of Brigbam Young, his wives and children. Waite, Mrs. C. V. 12°. Cambridge 1866 — War, the history of. The rise, pro- gress and peculiar tenets of the of the Mormon doctrine. Exami- nation of the Book of Mormon; the trial of Joe Smith and his brethren for high treason and murder. The attempted assassi- nation of Ex-Gov. Boggs. Hunt, James H. 12°. St. Louis 1844 Mormons at home. Incidents and travel from Mo. to California 1852-53. Series letters. Ferris, Mrs. B. G. 12°. N. Y 1856 — and the silver mines. Bonwick, James. F. R. G. S. 12°. London.. 1872 — Discourse before Pa. Hist. Soc. March 26, 1850. Kane, Thos. L. Pam. Phila 1850 — History of; their persecutions and travels, manifestoes of church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints and members council of Apostles. Cannon, Pres. Geo. Q. 12°. Salt Lake City 1891 — or, the Latter Day Saints. In valley of Great Salt Lake. History of rise, progress, condition and pros- pects. Gunnison, Lieut. J. W. 12°. Phila 1856 — or, Latter Day Saints. Memoir of life and death of Jos. Smith. Mac- kay, Chas. 12°. London. 1851 (?) Another edition. 12°. London... 1852 Mormon's own book; or, Mormonism tried by its own standards. Taylder, T. W. P. 12°. London.. 1857 Mormonism and the Mormons. Histor- ical view of rise and progress of Latter Day Saints. Kidder, Dan- iel P. 16°. N. Y 1856 — Bancroft Hubert Howe. History of Utah. 1540-1887. 8°. San Francisco 1890 — Beadle. J. H. Life in Utah. 8°. At- lanta, Ga 1870 — - Western Wilds and the men who redeem them. 8°. Cincinnati 1879 — Bennett. John C. History of the Saints. 12°. Boston 1842 Bonwick, James, F. R. G. S. The Mormons and the silver mines. 12°. London 1872 Barrani et, Droz, pub. Le Mormon- isme, Histoire et doctrines des Mormons. 12°. Paris 1855 Bowles, Samuel. Across the conti- nent. 12°. Springfield 1865 Brotherton, Edward. Mormonism. Pam. Manchester, n. d Burton, Richard F. The city of the Saints. 8°. N. Y 1862 Cannon, Pres. Geo. Q. History of the Mormons. 12°. Salt Lake City 1891 Caswell, Henry, M. A. The city of the Mormons. Pam. London 1842 - The Prophet of the 19th Century. 12°. London 1843 Clayton, W.Emigrants' Guide, Lat- ter Day Saints. Pam. St Louis. 1848 Cleeve, Rev. C. W., Robertson, Rev. James, Carter Rev. Philip and Taylor, Elder John. Public dis- cussion between. Pam. Liver- pool 1850 Coyner, J. M.,eomp. Hand-book of Mormonism. Pam. Salt Lake City 1882 Dixon, Wm. Hepworth. New Amer- ica. 12°. Phila 1867 Dougall, Lily. The Mormon Prophet. 12°. N. Y. 1S99 Ferris, Benjamin G. Utah and the Mormons. 12°. N. Y 1854 Ferris, Mrs. B. G. Mormons at home. 12°. N.Y 1856 Ford, Gov. Thomas. History of Ills. 1818-1847. CMormons and Mormon War, Chapts. 10, 11. pagestl3-369, inc. 12°. Chicago 1854 - Mormon difficulties. Report of the Governor in relation to the difficulties in Hancock Co. (Pub. in reports to Gen. Assembly, 1847.) Green. Nelson Winch. Ten years among the Mormons. Narrative Mrs. Mary Ettie V. Smith. 12°. N. Y 1858 Gregg, Thomas. The Prophet of Palmyra. 12°. N. Y 1890 Gunnison, Lieut. J. W. The Mor- mons: or, Latter-Day Saints. 12°. Phila i 56 MORMONISM. 222 MORMONISM. M. . i. monism - Continued. — Hickman. Wm. A. Brigham's de- stroying angel. 12°. N.Y 1872 — llunt.Jas.il. Rlor monism; origin. rise and progress of sect. 12°. St. Louis 1844 — - The Mormon war. 12°. 8t. Louis.. 1844 — Hyde. John. jr. Mormonism. 12°. N. V 1857 — Mormonisme (Le). I listoirc et doc- trines des Mormons- Borrani et Droz. pubs. 12°. Paris 1855 Mormonism in all ages Turner. Prof. J. B. 12°. N. Y. and Lon- don 1842 — Its leaders and designs. Hyde, John jr. 12°. N. Y 1857 — Its rise and progress and the pro- phet. Joseph Smith. Brother- ton. Edward. Pam. Manchester, n.d — Mormon Iniquity. (The). Discourse before New- West Education com- mission, Nov. 2, 1884. Noble, Rev. F.A..D.D. Pam. Chicago 1884 — Kane, Thos. L. The Mormons. Pam. Phila 1850 — Kelley. E. L. and Braden Clark. Public discussion. 8°. St. Louis 1884 — Kennedy, J. H. Early Days of Mormonism. 12°. London 1888 — Kidder. Daniel P. Mormonism and the Mormons. 16°. N. Y 1856 — Lee, John D. Mormonism unveiled. 8°. St. Louis ISS2 — Little. James A. From Kirtland to Salt Lake City. 8°. Salt Lake City 1890 Maekay, Chas. The Mormons. 12°. London 1851 Another ed. 12°. London 1852 DioCIernand, John A. Speech in r. S. House of Representatives April 3. 1860, on polygamy in Utah. (Bound in a collection of speeches by orators of the period 1858-1862 — Morgan. Elder John. Doctrines of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Pams. n.d — - The plan of Salvation. (Tract No. 2.) Pams. n. d M.oauo«iBU— Continued. — - Mormon practices and sermons. Pam. n. d — Mulliolland. .lames. Address to Americans. Pam 1841 — Noble, Bev. P. ▲., D. D, The Mor- mon Iniquity. Pam. Chicago... 1884 — Origin, rise and progress of. Tuck- er. Pomery. 12°. N. Y 1867 — Origin, rise and progress of sect. Hunt. James H. 12°. St. Louis.. 1844 — Parry & Co.. pub. The Mormon met ropolis. 12°. Salt Lake City... 1889 — Pratt, Orson. Series of pamphlets, to which is appended a discussion between Elder W. Gibson and Rev. Mr. Woodman. Liverpool... 1851 — Pratt. P. P. Voice of warning. 16°. N. Y 1837 — Pratt. Parley P. Key to theology. 5th ed. 16°. Salt Lake City 1893 — Presiding Officers Church Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints. Direc- tory. Catalogue church publica- tions. 32°- Salt Lake City. n. d — Reiny, Jule*. and Breuchley.Julius, M.A. Journey to Great Salt Lake City. 2 vols. 8°. London 1861 — Reporter Salt Lake Tribune. The Lee trial. Pam. Salt Lake City. 1875 -» Rich, Benj. E. A friendly discus- sion upon religious subjects. Pam. n.d — Sexton, Dr. George. Portraiture of Mormonism. 16° London 1849 — Smith, Joseph, jr. Book of Mormon. Five editions. 12°. Palmyra. N. Y. 1830 16°. Kirtland. O 1837 4th Am. ed. 16°. Nauvoo. Ills 1842 6th European ed. 16°. Liverpool and London 1866 16°. Lalt Lake City 1881 — - The Pearl of Great Price. 8°. Salt Lake City 1891 — Smith, Mrs. Mary Ettie V. Fifteen years' residence among the Mor- mons. Narrative of Mrs. Mary Ettie V. Smith. Green. Nelson, Winch, ed. 12°. N. Y 1858 Another edition. 12°. Chicago.. 1876 MORMONISM. 223 MOULTRIE. Mormonism— Continued. — Smith, President Geo. A. Rise, pro- gress and travels of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.. Para, Salt Lake City 1872 — Spaulding, Rev. Solomon. The man- uscript found. Pam. Lamoni, Iowa 1885 — Spencer, Elder Orson, A. B. Let- ters. Prominent doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ, Latter- Day Saints. Letters on. 12°. Salt Lake City 1874 — - Stansbury, Howard. The Valley of the Great Salt Lake. Utah. 8°. Phila. With maps 1852 — Stenhouse. Mrs. T. B. H. Tell it all. A life's experience in Mormon- ism. 8°. Hartford 1890 Introduction by Harriet Beecher Stowe, — Stenhouse, Fanny. The tyranny of Mormonism. 12°. London 1888 — Taylor, John, ed., printer and pub- lisher. Times and seasons. Vol. 5. 8°. Nauvoo 1844 — Taylder. T. W. P. The Mormons' own book. 12° London 1857 — Tucker, Pomeroy. Mormonism. 12°. N.Y 1867 — Tullidge, Edward W. Life of Jo- seph, the Prophet. 8°. Piano.... 1880 — Turner, Prof. J. B. Mormonism in all ages. 12°. N . Y and London .... 1842 — Utah Board of Trade, comp. Utah, its resources and attractions. Pam. Omaha 1879 — Waite, Mrs. C. V. The Mormon Prophet and his harem. 12°. Cambridge 1866 — Ward. Austin N. Male life among Mormons. 12°. Phila 1863 — Wife of Mormon Elder (Ward. Ma- ria). Female life among the Mor- mons. 12°. N.Y 1856 — Young, Ann Eliza. Wife No. 19. A life in bondage. 8°. Hartford.. 1876 Morrill, Justin S. Memorial address- es on life and character of Justin S.Morrill. 4°. Washington See Biography. 1S99 Morris, Charles. Map of Northern English Colonies and French neighboring settlements, 1749. Pub. to accompany Pote's Jour- nal. 8°. N.Y 1896 Morris. Robert C. Collections of the Wyoming Hist. Soc. Vol. 1. 8°. Cheyenne 1897 Morrison, Wm. R., sketch of life of. (Lincoln's campaigner, the polit- ical revolution of 1860, pages 237- 238.) Oldroyd. Osborn H. Paper. 12°. Chicago. 1896 Morse, Jedidiah. The American gazet- teer. 8°. London 1798 3rd ed. revised etc. 8°. Boston.. 1810 Mokse, Rev. Jedidiah, D. D. Report on Indian affairs. 8°. New Haven 1822 Morse, John T. jr. Abraham Lincoln. (American Statesman Series.) 12°. Boston 1893 Morton, Levi P. Sketch of life of. (Lincoln's campaigner, the politi- cal revolution of 1860. pp. 216-219.) Oldroyd, Osborn H. Paper. 12°. Chicago 1896 — Oliver P. Life of, including his im- portant speeches. Foulke, Wm. Dudley. 2 vols. 8°. Indianapolis. 1899 Moses. John. Illinois historical and statistical. 2 vols. Chicago 1889-92 Also; appendix, supplementary. Pam 1896 — The organization of the State of Illinois into counties. Address before the Ills. State Bar Associa- tion. Manuscript — Response to toast, Winchester, Ills. July 4, 1876. Pam. Winchester.. 1876 — Hon. John & KirKland, il/aj.Joseph eds. History of Chicago. 2 vols. 4°. Chicago 1895 Mottelay, Paul F. & Copeland, T. Campbell, eds. The soldier in our civil war. 2 vols. 4°. N.Y... 1890 Motto of Jubilee College. Beginning July 26, 1847. to October, 1852. Periodical devoted to the interests of Jubilee College and the Epis- copal diocese of Ills. Chase, Rev. Philander, ed Moulton. Richard G. The wisdom and oratory of the Bible. (University of Chicago. Univr. extension.) 12°. Chicago '. 1895 Moultrie County, Ills. Brink Mc- Donough & Co.. pubs. History of Shelby & Moultrie Cos. 8°. Phila. 1881 M<>[ \|> BCILDKKS. 221 NARRATIVE. MOUND Builders, Tlie. Account of peo- ple w bo once Inhabited valleys of Ohio and Miss, rivers. Archaeol- ogy of Butler Co., Ohio. McLean, J. P. 8°. Cincinnati 1879 — - (The), their works and relics. Peet, /.'• v. Stephen l>.. Ph. D. v,,i. i (only). 8°. Chicago 1892 Mounds of Miss. Valley, historically considered. Carr. Lucien. (Ky. Geol. Survey.) 4°. n.d Mi. Morris College. Catalogue of Mt. Morris College 1890-91 MOURNFI i. Kaster.(A). Adiscourse de- livered in Church of the Epiphany Washington. 1). ('.. Easter Day, April 19, 1865, being second day after the assassination of the Pres. U. S. and attempt upon Sec- retary of State. Hall. Rev. Chas. il. 8°. Washington 1865 MuLFOBD, Isaac S. Civil and political history of N.J. 8°. Phila 1851 Mr i.holland, James. Address to Americans. Pam 1841 Municipal. Common council of Chi- cago. Proceedings of. from 1870 to 1879. inc.. also 1881-2. 8°. Chi- cago. See Chicago — 1 li9tory and present organization of the City of Chicago. Sparling, Sam'l E. (Bui. Univers. Wis. No. 23. Economics. Pol. Science and Hist. Series Vol. No. 2.) 8°. Madison 1898 — Pope. Col. Albert A. Relation of good streets to the prosperity of a city. Pam. n. d -- reform. Citizens Association of Chicago. See Chicago. Mrs -on family, pub. Proceedings of the second Munson family re- union. 8°. New Haven 1896 MURPHY, Daniel J. History of the or- ganization of the Jersey County, (Ills.) Historical Society, October, 1891. Manuscript MUKKAY. Chas. Augustus. Travels in North America in 1834. 1835 and 1836. 2 vols. 8°. London 1839 — Hugh. Historical account of dis- coveries and travels in North America. 2 vols. 12°. London.. 1^29 — li'ev. Win. H. H. Address delivered on Sabbath following assassina- tion of Pres. Lincoln. 8°. N. Y . . . . 1865 MURRAY, Williamson A: Phelps, pub. History of Adams county. Ills. 8°. Chicago 187» MUSEUltS. — American Museum of Natural His. tory. Report of president, 1892. Act ot incorporation, constitution and by-laws and list of members. 8°. N.lY 18M — Curtis, Wm. E. The authentic let- i. is of ( iolumbus. Field Museum pub. vol. 1, No, 2. 8°. Chicago... 1896 — Field Col. Museum. Historical and descriptive account of. Vol 1. No. 1. 8°. Chicago 189* — Goode, C. Brown. The museums of the future. (U. S. Govt. Pub.) From report Nat. Mus.. 1888-9. 8°. Washington 1891 — Milwaukee, City of. Annual report board of trustees public museum. City of Milwaukee. 1st to 17th. 1883-1899. except 2nd. 3rd and 6th. 1884. '85, '88 — Skiff. Frederick J. V. Director. Annual report to board of trustees Field Col. Museum. Vol. 1. No, 1. 8°. Chicago 189< MYGATT, Alston, pub. Secret proceed- ings and debates of the Federal convention, 1787. 12°. Louisville. 1845 My own times, embracing also, a his- tory of my life. Reynolds, John. 12°. Ills 1855 Another ed. pub. by Chicago Hist. Soc. with notes and index 1879 Myths of the New World. A treatise on the symbolism and mythology of the Red Race of America. Briuton. Daniel G. 12°. N. Y... M\ rHOLOQY. Thomas, J., .1. M., M. D. Universal pronouncing diction- ary of biography and mythology. 2 vols. 4". Phila L870 S< e Folk-lore. N \i' ui.i.A' . Marquis de. Prehistoric America. 8°. London 1886 Napoleon, Titmarsh, Mr. M. A. [psued.) See Thackery. The sec- ond funeral of Napoleon. 32°. London l 94 l NARRATIVE of campaign against Indi- ans. Observations on statements Sec. war and quarter master Gen. and reports committees. Taken from flies House of Rep. U. S. St. Clair. Maj. Gen. Arthur. 8°. Phila 1812 NARRATIVE. 225 NATIONAL. Narrative of captivity and advent- ure of John Tanner during 30 years' residence among Indians N. Am. James, Edwin, M. D., editor. 8°. N. Y captivity and escape of Mrs Jane Lewis, captured by Sac and Fox Indians under Black Hawk. 8°. N. Y...A early days and remembrances of Oceola Nikkauochee. Prince of Econchatti. Seminole Indian, son of Econchatti— Mico. King of the Red Hills in Fla. History of his nation, his uncle Oceola and his parents. Tales Indian life in Fla. Anon. 8°. London of James O.- Pattie, of Ky.. during expedition St. Louis to Pacific Ocean and back through City of Mexico and Vera Cruz. Six years journeyings. descriptions of In- dians, country, etc. Flint, Tim- othy, editor. 12°. Cincinnati — of journal of travels from Detroit, N. W. through Great Chain of Ameri- can Lakes to sources of Miss. river, in 1820. Schoolcraft. Henry R. 8°. Albany of expedition to source St. Pe- ter's river. Lake Winnepeek. Lake of the Woods, etc., in 1823. Compiled from notes of Maj. S. H. Long, Com. of expedition and Messrs. Lay, Keating and Cal- houn. Maps and plates. Keat- ing, Win. H. 2 vols. 8° London of the massacre at Chicago, August 15, 1812, and some preceding events. (Entered in clerk's office District Court Illinois, by John H. Kiuzie.) 8°. Chicago of the perils and sufferings of Dr. Knight & John Slover among the Indians during the Revolutionary War. Memoir Col. Crawford and John Slover. Letter from H. Brackinridge on rights of Indians, etc. Knight and Slover. James. U. P. pu b. 12°. Cincinnati of the riots at Alton in connection with death of Rev. Elijah P. Love- joy. Beecher, Rev. Edward. 16°. 1830 1833 1841 1833 1821 1825 1844 Alton, theTexan Santa Fe expedition. De- scription tour through Texas and across great southwestern prai- ries, the Comanche and Caygua hunting grounds. Kendall. Geo. Wilkins. 2 vols. 12°. London... -15 H. L. 1867 1838 1844 Narrative— Concluded. — of tour through part U. S. and Canada. History of institutions of Methodism in America, con- taining the fifth part, heretofore omitted in American editions. Dixon, James, D. D. 3d ed. 12°. N. Y 1850 — of United States exploring expedi- tion during the years 1838-1839,- 1840-'41-'42. Wilkes, Chas. 5 vols. 4°. Phila 1845 Nason, Rev. Elias. Eulogy on Abra- ham Lincoln. 8°. Boston 1865 Nathaniel Lyon and Missouri in 1861. A monograph of the great Rebel- lion. Peckham, James. 12° N. Y. 1866 Nation (The) weeping for its dead. Observances at Springfield, Mass., on President Lincoln's funeral day, Wednesday, April 19, ;865. including Dr. Holland's eulogy. Holland. J. G. 8°. Spring- field, Mass 1865 Nation's prayer (The). Gray, Edward McQueen. Poem. Published on behalf of the Florence free li- brary fund. Paper. 12°. Florence, N. M 1898 National, almanac and annual record for the year 1863. Childs, Geo. W. pub. 12°. Phila 1863 National constitutions and institu- tions. — Hamilton, Alexander, Madison, James, and Jay, John. The Fed- eralist on the new constitution, written in the year 1788. 8°. Hal- lowell. Me 1826 National convention of soldiers of the War of 1812, Report proceedings, Washington, D. C, Jan. 8, 1855. (U. S. Gov't Pub.) Paper. 8°. Washington 1855 National Council of Women of the U. S. Committee on Dress. Report of. Pam. 3d ed 1893 — Preamble, constitution, etc. Pam. 4th ed 1893 — Statement concerning; also pre- amble, constitution, etc. Pam. 4th ed 1893 — 2d triennial session, Washington, D. C, Feb.. Mar., 1895. Pam. 3d ed 1895 N.\ riONAL. NEAL. National Divorce Reform League. Annual reports, L8 12 93. Pams »nal holidays. Browning, 0. H. i Oration on i celebrat ion sTtli anniversary national Inde- pendence. Quincy, ill . July I, 8 . Quincy L868 — Duffleld. Rev. George. Secession; it- cause and cure. Thanksglv \ug sermon. Pam. 8 . Detroit. 1861 — Egleston, N. II. Arbor day; its history and observance. I U. S. Gov't, Pub.) B°. Washington... 1896 — Springer, Rev. Francis, memorial sermon, Mayl7, 1891. B . Sprintr- Beld. 1891. Sei Illinois Supt. Public instruction 1891 N.\ riONAL Lincoln monument History of the organisation National Lin- coln Monument Association, and of its work in the building of the monument. Manuscript National military park, Chieka- mauga-Chattanooga. An histori- cal guide, with maps and illustra tions. Boynton. II. V. 8°. ('in cinnat i 1895 National Picket Ihe . A national journal for the Woman's Relief Corp~ i monthly). Monticello, 111. Miller, Flo J., ed. Vol. 2, Sept., 1892, I- vol. k Feb., 1897. I incom- plete) National and private "Alabama Claims" and their "final and ami- cable settlement." Beam an, ( 'has. c. jr. 8 . Washington 1871 if) ■.- The . A sermon. Walden, Rex Tread well. 8°. Phila 1866 Native races of the Pacific Btates of North America Bancroft, Hubert Ho '•< G vols. 8 . N. V 1876 Natokal and statistical view; or. pic- ture of Cincinnati and the Miami country. Drake, Daniel. 12°. cinnati 1816 Nature worship. An a< tint of Phal- lic faiths and practices, ancient and modern; including the adora tion of the male ami female p in various nations and the ti I'u.ia of Indian anoBticism. By the author of Phallicism. Pri- vately printed. 12° Is. 'J • \ i burs FrancaU Histoire navigations, d6scouverres et col onizations Fran Qu6rln I.' "ii. s . Paris 1st; Nax [q ihe. i Directions for nav- igating Monongahi la, Allegheny, Ohio and .Mi^s rivers. Descrip- tions oi towns, villages, harbi settlement s, etc. Maps * >liio and Miss, rivers. Appendix, i nut I iS and M .and I lolumbia rivers as discovered by Ic-wis and i 'lark. Cramer & Spear, pubs, l- . I'itts- burg isi>, Navy, U. S. Cooper. J. Fenim< History of the Navy of the I - A. 8°. Phila 1847 Emmons, George F. Navy ol the United states. From the com- mencement 1775 to 1V,:j; with lirief history of each vessel's s, ,■ and fate as appears npon record. Compiled under authority of Co- Navy Department; to which is added a list of the private armed vessels fitted out under the Amer- ican Elag.previous and subsequent to the Revolution, with Berv and fate: also, list of revenue and coast-survey vessels .and prinei- p a I steamers oi 1 1, S 1850. 4°. Washington 1858 — Frost. John. The hook of the Navy. 12°. N. V 1848 — Gaylord, Charles, pub. American naval battles. 1^ . Boston 1840 — Hamersly. Lewis R. Records living officers of the r. s. Navy and Marin- I lorps. 8°. Phila.... 1870 Mahan, < 'apt. A. T. The lnt< of America in sea power, pre and future, ii' . Boston 1Mb Nell. Jacob K. The Army and Navy of America B . Phila isr, — Hush. /./■ a/. Com. Richard and Woods, Robert II.. • m Offi- cial records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the war of the K> I'ellion. Series 1. 1694-'99. s vols. ' lompiled under direction Secretary Oi the Navy. L T . 5. Gov't pubs NbaL, Daniel. History of the Puritans from the Reformation to death of Queen Elisabeth. 5 vols. 8°. Portsmouth. N. II 1816 NEBRASKA. 227 NEW ENGLAND. Nebraska. -- Connelley, Wm. E., ed. Provisional government of Neb. territory and journals of William Walker, pro- visional Governor. Special pub. of the Neb. State Hist. Soc. 2nd series, vol. 3. 8°. Lincoln 1899 — Neb. Historical Society. Constitu- tion and bylaws, with list of members, 1879 — - Secretary, biennial report of, for year ending Jan. 13, 1891 — - Transactions and reports, vol. 1, 1st series, Nos. 1-5. 2nd series, vols. 1, 2 and 3 1885-1898 — Ills. Commission to Trans-Mississ- ippi Exposition at Omaha. Re port of. Pam. 8 C . Springfield.. 1899 — Roster of soldiers, sailors and ma- rines of the war of 1812. Mexican war and war of the Rebellion, re- siding in Nebr. June 1. 1893. Al- len. John C, Sec. of State, eomp. 8°. Lincoln 1893 — State Treasurer; biennial report of. 1893 Neff. Jacob E. The army and navy of America. 8°. Phila 1845 Negro. Eaton, John jr. Supplement to Freedrnen's Bulletin. Chicago Sept 1864 — Edwards, Cyrus. Address delivered at State House, Vandalia, 111. on subject of forming a State Colon- ization Society. 12°. Jacksonville 1831 — Siebert, Wilbur H. The under- ground railway from slavery to freedom. 8°. N. Y 1898 Neill, Edward D. Virginia Carolorum. (Neill's series Virginia history.) 8°. Albany 1886 Neill. Edward Duffield. History of Minnesota. 8°. Phila 1858 Nelson, Chas. Alexander, comp. The manuscripts and early printed books bequeathed to the Long Island Historical Soc. by Samuel Bowne Duryea. 4°. Brooklyn 1895 — Edward W. Report of Natural history collections of Alaska, 1877- 1881. Edited by Henry W. Hen- shaw. U. S. Gov't pub. 4°. Wash- ington 1887 — Thomas. Public libraries and pub- lic schools. Pam. n. d Nelson— Continued. — William, comp. The First Presby- terian church of Paterson, N. J. 8°. Paterson 1893 — William, ed. Ricord. Fred. W. and Nelson, Wm. See New Jersey Hist. Soc. New Jersey archives. Documents relating to the colonial history of New Jersey. 1st series. Vols.13. 14 1890 Nevada. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming, 1540-1888. 8°. San Franci sco 1890 — Biennial message of H. G. Blasdel. governor of Nevada, 1869. Pam Nevius. (G. L.) Post No. 1. Dept. of Ills. G.*A. R. History and roster of G. L. Nevius Post No. 1, Dept. of Ills. G. A. R., Rockford, Ills. 16°. Rockford, Ills 1894 New America. Dixon, William Hep- worth. 12°. Phila 1867 New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York. With chronological data. Darling. Chas. W. 8° 1889 Newberry, Dr. J. S. U. S. Sanitary Commission in Valley of Miss. during Rebellion, 1861-1866. 8°. Cleveland 1871 Newberrt Library, Chicago, Trustees of. Memorial sketch of Dr. Wm. F.Poole. 12°. Chicago 1895 — Proceedings of the Trustees of the Newberry Library, Chicago, 1888- 1900. Pams New Chicago. Review of work of re- construction for the year. Re- view city's trade and commerce, amusement and social status of Chicago, insurance matters, re- lief work. land market since great fire, etc. Reprinted from Chicago Times. 8°. Chicago 1872 New England. Allerton. The history of the Pilgrims. 16°. Boston.... 1831 — Baxter, James Phinney. The Pion- eers of New France in New Eng land. (Munsell's Hist, Series No. 21). 8°. Albany 1894 — Campbell, Douglas. The Puritan in Holland. England and America. 8°. N. Y 1892 — Cheever, George B.,Z>. D. Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. 12° N. Y 1848 — Davis, A. Discovery of New Eng- land by the Northmen, 500 years before Columbus. 8°. Boston... 184 NEW ENGLAND. 228 n i:\vaftMi *si mil-:. New England— Coneludi d. — Drake, Samuel G. Five y< I'r. noli and IndianlWar. 8 • Al- bany — Greenlaw, Lucy Hall, pub. TheGen- ealogical Advertiser, (Quarterly Periodical), vol. l, No. 1. .March, 1^9N. ( 'ambridge, Mass 1S7U N«\\ England Historical and Gene alogical Register. Published quar- terly under patronage New Eng. Bist. and I Jen. Soc. Drake. Sam- uel <;.. pub. v. y. 10 vols. 8°. Boston 1847-1S56 Memorial Biographies. Pub. by New Eng. Hist. 'and Gen. Soc. 5 vols. 8°. Boston 1880-1894 Putnam. Eben, ed. Putnam's Monthly Historical Magazine July 1892. March. 1893, and October, 1895. Salem, Mass — - The Salem Press Hist, and Gen- ealogical Record. Vol. 2, No. 3. 1892; vol. 3. Nos. 3 and 11, 1892, and vol.5. No. 10.1895 — Robertson, Wm.,'D. D. History of North America. 2 vols. 8°. Al- bany 1822 New found journal of Chas. Floyd, a sergeant nnder Capts. Lewis and (lark. (From Proc. Am. Antiq. Soc, semi-annual meeting. Bos- ton. April 23, 1894). Butler, James Davie. b°. Worcester, Mass 1894 New Frai , St ■ < !anada. New Gazetteer;or geographical diction ary of North America and the West Indies. Davenport, Bish< p. 8°. Providence 1832 Another ed. 8°. Baltimo governments west of the Alle- ghenies before 1780. (Introductory to a study of the organization and admission of new-states.) A thi -i - submitted for degree of doctor of philosophy in department of his- tory. Alden, George Henry. Bui. University, Wis. Hist. Series Vol. 2. No. 1.) 8 C . Madison 1897 New guide for emigrants to the west. Peck, J. M. 16°. Boston 1837 New Hampshire, — Dartmouth College, Hanover. <■ logue of, 1871 2 and L872-3. Pams. 12°. Hanover L872 8 — Granite Monthly. Periodical, pule lished at ( loncord, N. H. Issues ol Mareli and November, I s ^7, and April 1888 — New Hampshire Historical Society, act of incorporation, by-laws, etc. 1828. Pam. 8° 1823 New Home, who'll follow, or, glimp- ses of western life. Clavers. Mrs. Mary, (later, Mrs. C. M. Kirkland.) 2 eds. 12°. N.Y. 1839. 4th ed. 12°. N. Y 1850 New Jersey. Bayone Free Public Li- brary. Finding list of the Free Public Library of Bayone. N. J. 8°. Bayone 1895 — Drew Theological Seminary .Madi- son. N. J.) Our Bulletin, bi- monthly periodical. Vol. 1, Nos. 1. 2.3,5,6. 1890-91. Vol. 2, Nos. 1.2,3,1891-92 — Frelinghuysen, Frederick T. Obse- qnies of Abraham Lincoln. Oration. Pam. 8°. Newark, N. J 1865 — Hamilton, Morris R. Annual report of the State Librarian of New Jersey. 8°. Hopewell. N. J 1890 — Historical sketch of South Jersey Institute. (Bridgeton, N. J.) 1876 — Mulford, Isaac S. < livil and politi- cal history of New Jersey. 8°. Phila 1861 — Nelson, Win., comp, The First Presbyterian Church oi Paterson, N. ■!. 8 . Paterson 1893 — N s Hist. Society, Arc' of the state of New Jersey. Docu- ments relating to the < lolonial his- tory of the State. Edited by derick W. Ricord & Wm. Nel- son. First series. Vols. 13-14. Vol.13. Journal of the Governor and council Vol. 1. 1682 1714. Vol.11. Journal of the Governor and council. Vol. 2, 1716-1738. 2 Vols. 8°. Trenton 1890 — -Constitution, by-laws, amend- ments, &C. 1890. Pams — - Proceedings and transactions of — Proceedings of. 2d series 1891 97 (incomplete.) 3d series. Vol. 1 and 2, 1599. Bimonthly periodical — NEW JERSEY 229 NEW YORK. New Jersey— Concluded. — Public record commision. 1st re- port of , 1899 — Report of State Library. 1370-1839 New light on the early history of the greater Northwest. The Mss. journals of Alexander Henry and of David Thompson, official geo- grapher and explorer, of the same company 1799-1814. Coues, Elliott. ed. (with copious critical notes & commentary.) 3 Vols. 8°. N. Y. 1897 Newlin, W. H. Account escape of six Federal soldiers from prison at Danville, Va. 8°. Cincinnati.... 1887 — ed. History 73d Reg't. Ills. Inf. Vols. 18611865. 8° 1890 — Sec. Minutes Proceedings Assc'n. of Survivors 73d Reg't. Ills. Vols. Inf. pants. 8th annual reunion. Springfield 1894 Ninth annual reunion Chicka- mauga 1895 Tenth annual reunion. Spring- field 1896 Eleventh annual reunion. Spring- field 1897 New map of North America and West Indies. Bowles, C ann i ngton, prop. London 1783 New Mexico. Bancroft. Hubert Howe. History of Arizona and New Mex- ico, 1530-1888. 8°. San Francisco. 1890 New Purchase; or, seven and a half years in the far west. Carlton, Robert. 2 vols. 12°. N. Y 1843 New Northwest, (The.) Montana, Hele- na: its past, present and future- Dowse, Thomas. 8°. Chicago.... 1880 New travels in U. S. A. in 1788. con- taining observations on character, genius and present state of the people. Brissot J. P. de Warville, 8°. London 1794 New York City. American Museum of Natural History. Annual report of president. 1892. Also act of in- corporation, etc.. and list of mem- bers of Columbia College School of Mines; circulars of information, 1889-90. Pam — Darling, Chas. W. New Amster- dam. New Orange, New York. 8°. N.Y 1889 — German Society of the City of New York, 101st annual report. Pam . . . 1885 New York City— Concluded. — Leipzieger, Henry M. Report of free lectures to the people of New York City, season of 1897-98. Pam — Lenox library, 25th annual report of the trustees 1895 — Mercantile library. Catalogue of English prose fiction, July, 1876.. .... — - Second supplement to catalogue, accessions from 1869 to April, 1872 — New York public library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden foundations. Monthly bulletins of. Vols. 1 to 6. 18971901, incomplete .... New York, State of. History. Broad- head. John Romeyn. Documents relative to Colonial history of state of New |York, 1603-1774, pro- cured in Holland, England and France by E. B. O'Callaghan. 11 vols. 4°. Albany. 1856-1859.... — Erie county, N. Y. Centennial history of. Johnson, Crisfield. 8°. Buffalo 1876 — Fernow, Berthold. New York in the Revolution. N. Y. State Archives. Docs, relative to Col. Hist. State N. Y.. Vol.15.) 4°. Albany 1887 — Hall, B. F. Early history of north- western states, 8°. Buffalo 1849 — Hall, Rev. Chas.H. The Dutch and the Iroquois. 8°. N.Y 1882 — Hastings, Hugh. See State Histor- ian of N. Y. — New York in the Revolution. Pre- pared under direction Board of Regents University of New York. (Documents, relatiug to Colonial history of state of N. Y.. Vol. 15. State Archives. Vol. 1. Fernow. Berthold. 4°. Albany 1887 — New Y 7 ork Historical Society. — - Charter and by-laws, revised, 1858, with amendments and list resi- dent members. Pam. 8°. N. Y. 1875 — - Collections of, 1821. Vol. 3. 8°. N.Y 1821 — - Collections of. Publication fund series. 1868-1889. 18 vols. Contain- ing: The Lee papers, the Kemble papers, the Burghers and Free- men ot New York, and the Dean papers. Pub. 1868-1889 NEW YORK. 230 NEW rORK. — - Report executive committee, 1889. Pam. 8 . N. V 1890 i »'< lallaghan, E. B. Documei history of the Btate of N. Y.. 1771. 1 vols. I . Alliany. 1S50-51 — State Historian of N. V. Bastings, Hugh. 2d and Sd annual reports of 1891 — - Public papers ol Daniel D. Tomp- kins, Governor of N. V.. 1807-1817. Military. Vol. l. 8°. Albany 1898 — - Public papers of George Clinton, governor of N. V.. 1777-179S and 1S0M804. Military. Vol, 1. 8°. Albany 1899 — Educational Institutions — Batavia History of Batavia union free school No. 2. Pam 1895-6 — Cornell College. «SeeItha< — Ithaca. Cornell University. An- nual registers. First genera) an- nouncement, 1868. University registers 1871-2, 1872,1872-3 — Port Chester. Historical sketch of Port Chester Institute. 1876. Paru .... — Poughkeepsie. Vassar College, 10th annual catalogue 1874-5 — Schenectady. Historical sketch of Union < 'ollege 1876 — University of New York. Trustees' annual reports, 1860-1884, except 1867-'69. '68-'74. '78. '79. '80, '81. '82. — - Regents' reports. 1889-'97 — - Regents' bulletin No. I, 1890, to No. 7. L891 — - Publication of extension bulle- tins No. l, 1891, and list of publi- cations. Hand-book No. 6 1892 — - 27th convocation of University of M. V.. 1889. "Extension of Uni- versity of N. Y.." by Melvil Dewey. Reprinted from proceed- ing -- - "University law" and "School li- library law," 1893 — - College Dept. 1st and 2i> annual reports board of directors, 1898-99 — N. V. State Library, catalogues of. Subject index of general library. is72. and first supplement 18*2.... m:v. SfOBB ' — - Bulletins ,,f — Bibliography, No 3,9.11.12, 18.14,15.17.18,19,20.21 :■■ May. 1900 .... History, No,. 1, 2 ami 3. April, is:.s. May and June, 1899 Legislation, No-. 1 1:'. Feb., 1891, May. 1900 — - Library School No. 1. a.ug. 1891 to No. •;. 1 1 - Addition- No, 1. 2 land I. July 1891, Nov. 1894, and Sept.. 1896. Also, additions, 1890, 1891 — - Outlines of Instruction proposed for library Bchool; from reg( numbers, July 10. 1809 — - Historical societi Buffalo Historical Society. 5 .10 — Jamestown. James Prender Free Library. Finding list of. 1891. Sup. 1898 — - Descriptive catalogue of art gal- lery 1894 — Long Island Hist. Soc. C'atali of the Library of Long Island Historical Society. 1863-1893. 4°. Brooklyn 1893 — - Constitution, by-laws and lis members. 1891, 1897-8 — New York Genealogical and Bio- graphical record. Quarterly. Vol. 30. No. 4. Oct.. 1899 — Oneida Hist. Soc. Circulars Oneida Hist. Soc. (Extracts.) Utica, N. V. Poms — - Dedication Muusou-Williaui- morial. Pam. 8°. Utica — - Dedication Oriskany Monun 8°. Utica 1885 — - Kochester.-Reynolds Library, 10th and lltli annual reports. 1S95-6 — - Yonkers Historical and Library ■ ciation Bulletins — - Bulletin 1895 — - Manor Hall 1896 — Miscellaneous. Arbor Day Cir- r for State of N. Y ■ May I. 1 rooker. J. F., comp. Pam — Bureau of Labor Statistics of N. V. 4th annual report. 8 = . Al- bany 1886 NEW YORK. 231 NEWSPAPERS. Stat^: of New York— Concludi d. — Centennial celebration and dedi- cation of the Washington monu- ment at Newburgh, N. Y. (U. S. Gov't pub.) 4°. Washington.... 1889 — ( hildren. Laws of N. Y. relating to children. Published by the N. Y. Society for the prevention of cruelty to children. 16°. N. Y... 1875 — Grand Army of the Republic. De- partment of N. Y. Proceedings of the 18th semi-annual encamp- ment, Bath, June, 1SS3 and annual encampment, Rochester, January, 1884. Paper. 8°. Rochester 1884 New York Herald, pub. See Halpine. Chas. G. Life and adventures of Private Miles O'Reilly, 47th Regt. N. Y. Vols. 12°. N. Y 1866 New York Tribune, pub. Life of Ab- raham Lincoln. (Tribune Tract No. 6.) Pam. 8°. NY. 1860. John Locke Scripps, author Newspapers. — Ne wspapers and newspaDer people of three decades. (Article No. 1. in Pub. No. 12, Mo. Hist, Soe.) Hyde, Win. 8°. Pam. St. Louis 1896 — Alton Observer. Sept. 8, 1S36 to April 19, 1838. Lovejoy, Elijah P. ed. See Lovejoy. Bound. 1 vol — Altonian (The), issue March 13, 1838. Alton, Ills. Parks & Breath, pubs. Presented to the Ills. State Hist. Library, March, 1891. by A. G. Wolford. of Topeka, Kas — Alton Telegraph(The), issue May 2, 1S38. John Bailache, pub., Alton, 111. State Hist, library. .March 1891. presented by A. G. Wolford. of Topeka, Kas — American Churchman for 1866. (Bound, 1 vol.) Smith, Hev. Thos. ed — American newspaper annual, 1883. Ayer, N. W. & Sou. pubs. Con- tains list of all newspapers in the U. S. 8°. Phila. 1883 — Bradwell, Myra, ed. Chicago Legal News. Vol. 4, 1871 to Feb., 1894 — Bradwell, Jas. B. & Helmer, B. B.. eds. Chicago Legal News. Feb., 1894 t« vol. 32, 1900 Newspapers— Continued. — Blair. Emma Helen, comp. An- notated catalogue of newspaper files in Library State Hist. Soc. of Wis. 8°. Madison 1898 — Chicago Daily Tribune, July 1, 1899todate (1901.) — Chicago Legal News. Vol. 4, Oct., 1871 to present, (1901.) — Chicago Record. Devoted to reli- gion, literature and the fine arts. Wilson, IJames Grant, ed., 1S57 to March 15, 1862, inc — Daily Missouri Democrat. June 30, 1862. to Dec. 31, 1S63. Bound, 1 vol — Francis. S. — Missouri Democrat. Set Daily Mo. Democrat — Northwest Chnrch. 1862 to 1866, inc. Smith. Rev. Thomas, ed — Perrin, Wm. Henry. The pioneer press of Kentucky. (Filson Club pu08.No.3J 4 C . Louisville 1883 — Prairie Farmer. (The). A weekly journal of agriculture, etc Wriu'ht & Wight, - da., 1846-1852, inc. 7 vols. Wight, -l. Ambrose. • '/.. 1854-1855. Prairie Farmer Pub. Co., pubs. lv',7 istis. A vols — Rogers Park News-Herald, Jan. 1898 to date 1901 — St. Louis Qlobe-Democrat (The) July 1899 to date 1901 — St. [....lis Observer. Sept. 3. 1835 to Aug. 10. 1836. Lovejoy. R< u. Elijah P., editor. Alton Observer Sept. 8. 1836. to April 18. 1838. Bound in 1 vol — Smith. )>'• v. Thomas, ed. The Anier- i . - : i t i < Ihurchman for ISM — -The Northwest Church. lvi2-1866 inc. Bound in 1 vol Springfield News, daily. Ocl 189 ■ late 1901 — State Register. Springfield, Ills.. from June 12, 1S17, to Sept, ::. 1847, containing an a untofthe pro- ceedings of the stat.- Constitu- tional Convention. Lanphier & Walker, eds. and — Wight, J. Ambrose, ed. The Prairie Parmer. 1854-1856, Chicago — Wilson, James Grant, ed. TheChi- _ • Record. Devoted to ■ ■mire rin. History of America. 2 vols. 8°. Albany... 1822 — Rogers, Maj. Robert. A concise account of N. America. 16°. Dub- lin 1769 — - Journals of. 1755-61. 12°. London. 1765 — Sainsbury. W. Noel. ed. Calendar of State Papers. Colonial Series, 1574-166S. 2 vols. 4°. London.. 1860-1880 — Stephens, Thomas. Madoc. 8°. London 1893 — Trollope, Anthony. North America. 2 vols. 8°. London 1862 — Willson, Marcius. American His- tory. 8°. N. Y 1847 — Winterbotham. W. View of the U. S. of A. 4 vols. 4°. London 1795 — North American Indian, Folklore & Legends. (Vol. 4, Series 2. Folk- lore & Legends.) C. J T.. ed. 16°. London , 1890 — North American Indians. Illustra- tions of their manners, customs, etc. Catlin. George (360 colored en- gravings from author's original paintings.) 2 vols. 8°. London. 1876 — N. A. Indians. Letters and notes on manners and customs during eight years' travel, 1832-39 among wildest tribes. Catlin, George. 4t i ed. 2 vols. 8°. London 1844 Northern Indiana Historical Society, puh. Publication No. 1. The St. Joseph, Kankakee Portgage, Ba- ker, Geo. A. Publication No. 2. The glacial phenomena as ex- hibited in Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan. Mont gomery, H. T 8°. South Bend.. 1899 — North Star. (The) Sitka. Alaska Jackson, Sheldon, & Kelley, Wm. A. editors. Newspaper, published monthly Jan. to Dec. 1890. Bound. 1 vol 1890 Northwest. Agassis. Louis, Lake Superior, its physical character, vegetation and animals. 8°. Bos- ton 1850 — Anon. Life on the Lakes. 2 vols. 12°. N, Y 1836 — Bancroft. Hubert Howe. History of the Northwest coast, 1543-1846. 2 vols. 8°. San Francisco 1890 — Barneby, W. Henry. Life and la- bors in the Far Far West. 12°. London. Paris and N. Y 1884 — Begg. Alexander. History of the Northwest. 3 vols. 8°. Toronto. 1894-95 — Beggs, Rev. S. R. Pages from early history of the West and North- west 12°. Cincinnati 1868 — Bradford. Wm. J. A. Notes on the Northwest; or. Valley of the Up- per Mississippi. 12°. N. Y. and London 1846 — Bradley, Isaac Samuel. Available material for the study of institu- tional history of the Old North- west. (Proceedings Wis. Hist. Society.) 8°. Madison 1897 — Burnett, Jacob. Notes on the early settlement of the N.W. Territory. 8°. Cincinnati 1847 — Butler. James D. The new found journal of Chas. Floyd, a sergeant under Captains Lewis and Clarke. 8°. Worcester, Mass 1894 — Butterfield. C. W. History and dis- covery of the Northwest by John Nicolet in 1634. with a sketch of his life. 12°. Cincinnati 1881 — Chittenden, Hiram Martin. Yellow- stone National Park. 12°. Cin- cinnati 1895 NORTHWEST. ■j;:i NORTHWEST. NOKTIIU : i , ■ ■ , Robert. Slstory ol ' and • lalifoi '. other territories on the N. W. coast of • i America. 8 . London.... 1844 i om b, Elliott, i d. Forty years a fur trader on the I rpper Missouri. Persona] narrative of < has. Lar- pentenr, americai plorers Berles.) 2 vols. 8 . N.Y. L898 — - Expeditions of Zebulon M. l'iko. S vols. 8°. N. V 1896 — - New liu'lit on the history of the iter Northwest, Journals oi Henry & Thompson. 3 vols. 8°. X. V 1897 — Curtlss, Daniel S, Western traiture and emigrant's guide. 12°. N.Y 1852 De Smet, Pere, P. J. Missions de ['Oregon. 12° 1848 — Elliott. Richard Smith. Notes taken in sixty years. 8°. St. Louis 1883 — English, Win. Hayden. Cong of the Country N. W. of R Ohio. 1778-1783, and life of Gen. George Rogers Clark. 2 vols. 8°. Indianapolis 1896 — Ferris, Jacob. States and terri- tories of the great West. 12°. N V 1856 — Fuller, s. M. Summer on the lakes in 1843. 12°. Boston 1844 — Hall. B. F. Early history X. W. 81 'es. 8°. Buffalo 1849 — Hildreth. Samuel P. Contributions to early history of the X. W. 12 . t iincinnati 1864 -- Hinsdale. B, A.. Ph. /'. The Old Northwest. 8 . X. V 1888 — Einzie, Mrs. John II. Wan Hun. The early day in the North* B . Chi< 1865 — - Wau Hun. Early day in the Northwest. 12 . Philadelphia... 1873 — Langford, Nathaniel Pitt. Viu'il- aiite days and ways. 12 . N. J and St. Paul 1893 — Madison. .lames. Message from Presidenl U. S. transmitting let- ter from Secretary of War. and sundry documents. 8°. Balti- more 1814 Miller. /■•■ . W. 0., D. D Thirty s in the itinerancy. I waukee ... - — X. W. Sanitary Pair. Chicago Cata- logue department of Arms and Trophies, donated and exhibited at x. w . Sanitary Fair, Chicago, is'::.. Pam. s . Chicago 181 < fliphant, La and the far West. 8 . Edinburgh and I tondon 1855 — Poole, Wm. Frederick. The Early Northwest. (Address before Am. Hist. Soc). 8 . X. V 1889 — - The Ordinance of 1787. A reply. From " rhi Inlander." January. 1892). s". Ann Arbor. Mich 1892 — - The Ordinance of 17s? and Dr. Manasseb Cutler as an agent in it- formation. 8°. Cambridge... i s 7»; Smith, J. Calvin. W< stern tourist, and emigrants' guide. 16 X V 1838 — Stewart. W. M. Eleven yeart in Western S i America 12 . London 1870 St irkney, Gardner 1'. Nicholas Per- rot. A study in Wis. hist Parkman Club pubs. Xo. 1, 1896. 8°. Milwaukee ■•".... - Strickland, W. P. Old Mackinaw: or, the fortress of the Lakes, i. . Phila i v <;o — Turner, Frederick Jackson. Tin- West as a lield for historical study. Proceedings Wis. Hist. 8°. Madison 1897 — Tattle, Prof. Chas. R. an ' Pennock, //• v. A. C. Tl nnial North- west. 9 . Madison 1876 — W. st, Q Idsmith B. I Men Northwest. Historical and de scriptive account of Northern Ills. Wis . Minn.. Iowa. etc. 8 Chicago ' K 7s — Zeis. J. Henry. Clin : the Recollections impressions ol a Bummer vaca- tion. Paper - , Chicago 1897 awisi church (The), im>l'-1866. Inc. pi riodical. Bound in volume. Smith, /. I Chicago Northwest coast See Bancroft, Hu- - bert Howe Northwest territory. See 111-. X. W. territory NORTHWESTERN. 235 NUTTALL. Northwestern. — Centennial celebration at La Crosse, Wis., July 4. 1876. His- torical address. Seymour, Chas. 8°. Para. LaCrosse .- 1877 — Sanitary Fair at Chicago. Catalogue dept. of arms and trophies donat- ed and exhibited at N. W. Sani- tary Fair, Chicago, 1865. 8°. Pam. Chicago 1865 — Northwestern university. Cata- logue and announcements, 1872, 1890-92 — - College of liberal arts. Announce- ments for 1891-92 . . . . , — - Dental school. Circular of infor- mation, 1891-92 — - Law school. Circular of in for mation, 1891-92-98-99 — - Medical school. Circular of in- formation for 1895-96. 12°. Chi- cago 1895 Northrup, Solomon. Twelve years a slave. 12°. N. Y 1853 Norway. Caton, John Dean. A sum- mer in Norway. 8°. Chicago 1880 Norwood, J. G. Abstract of a report on l.'ls. coals. Ills. Geol. Survey. 8°. Chicago 1858 Notes aud tables on organization and establishment of the Spanish army in the Peninsula and Colo- nies. U. S- gov. pubs. U. S- war dept. Paper. 12°. Washington. 1898 Notes on a journey in America from the coast of Va. to the territory of Ills. With map. Proposals for establishment of English settle- ment. Birkbeck, Morris. :ded. 8°. Phila and Dublin, 1818. 3d ed. 8°. London 1818 Notes on the Iroquois: or, contribu- tions to American history, an- tiquities and general ethnology. Schoolcraft. Henry R. 8°. Al- bany 1847 Notes on Ohio archaeology. The ge- ology of Ohio. Fowke, Gerard. Pam. 8°. n. d Notes on the early settlement of the Northwestern Territory. Burnet, Jacob. 8°. N. Y 1847 Notes on the Northwestern States: containing descriptive sketches of their soil, climate, resources and scenery. Hall, James. 12°. Phila 1838 Notes on the Northwest; or. valley of the Upper Miss. Bradford, Wm. J. A. 12°. N Y. and London .... 1846 Notes on the settlement and Indian wars of the western parts of Va. and Pa. 1763-1783 Doddridge. Joseph, (edited by Alfred Will- liams.) 12°. Albany 1876 Notes on the State of Virginia. Jeffer- son, Thos. 12°. Phila 1801 Notes taken in sixty years. Elliott, Richard Smith. 8°. St. Louis... 1883 Notice sur les Indiens de 1'Amerique du Nord. Vail Eugene A. 8°. Paris 1840 Notions of the Americans. Picked up by a traveling bachelor. Cooper, J. Fenimore. 2 vols. 12°. Phila. 1828 Nouveaux voyages aux Indes Occi- dentales. Bossu, M. 2 vols, in one 16°. Paris 1768 2 vols. 16°. Paris 1768 2 vols. Amsterdam 1769 Nouveau voyages aux Isles de l'Amer- ique. Labat. R. P. 8 vols. 10°. Paris 1742 Nouveau voyage dans les Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Septenrionale fait en 1788. 2 vols. Brissot, J. P. (de Warville ) 2 vols. 12°. Paris 1791 — voyages dans l'Amerique Septen- rionale, qui contiennent vine re- lation des differens peuples qui y habitent; la nature de leur gouvernment, coutumes, religion and leur maniere de faire la Guerre, etc. Lahontan, Baron de. 3 vols. 16°. Amsterdam.... 1703-4 2 vols. 16°. Amsterdan 1728 2nd Eng. ed. 12°. London 1703-1735 Nunez. Severo Gomez. Capt. The Spanish-American War. (Trans, from the Spanish.) (U. S. Gov't. pubs, office naval intelligence, war notes. No. 6. Information from abroad.) Paper. 8°. Washington 1899 Nuts tor future historians to crack. Smith. Horace W., comp. S°. Phila 1856 Nuttall, Thomas. Manual of orni- thology of U. S. and Canada. Land and water birds. 2 vols. 12°. Boston 1834-1840 oak ridge;. 23(1 nlllo. Oak 8 letery; it^ history and Improvements. Walker, Edwin 8. Springfield ^''-' of Abraham Lincoln in , N. J.. April 19, 1866. Ora- tion. Frelinghuysen, Frederick l'. 8 Newark, N. J 1865 ;. ,i Jacket al Buffalo, .. 1884. Prans. Buffalo Bist. - .. Vol.8.) B°. Buffalo 1885 the Importance <>f the American Revolution, and the means of making it a benefit to the world. Price. Richard, D. I'- LL. P. 12 . London 1784 :-i;\ \ i ion on the nature of civil liberty; the principles of govern- ment and the justice and policy of the war with America. Price, Richard. 8th ed. 16°. Edinburgh 1776 Observations on professions, litera- ture, manners and emigration in the 0. S. and Canada, made dur- ing a residence there in 1832. Fid ler. Rev. Isaac. 12. London 1533 Observations sur le u'ouvernment et 1.-- loix des Etats-Unis d'Amfir- ique. Mably. Gabriel Bonnet, de. Paris 1791 O'CALLAGHAN, E. B. Documentary his- tory of the State of New York. 1666-1771. 1 vols. 4°. Albany 1850-51 O'Callaghan, E. B.. ed. Documents tive to colonial history State of N. Y. 1603-1774. Procured in Holland, England and France. by John Romeyn Brodhead, Esq. Agent. 11 vols. 1856-8 Oci IDENTAL Pub. Co. Plat book of Marion Co.. III-. Folio. Chicago 1892 ODDITIE8 of colonial legislation in America, as applied to public lands, primitive education, re- ligion. moral-. Indian-, etc Dil- lon, John B. 8 . Indianapolis... i s 7'.' Official communication from the See- : v ..) State of III. ti. the Sign ers of tlo> bond to procure additi onal grounds for t) Bouse, Barlow.Qeorge 1 1 3 31 ■ ram. 8 . Springfield.... 1^77 Official documents. French, Jona- than. The true Republican 12°. Phila 1852 — Poore, Ben. Perley, ed. Mi - 1 Dg., 1-* - . and reports of heads de partments. B - Washington — :. 1866 : \i. records of the Union and Federate Na- lea In the War of the Rebellion. Rush, /.■'• ut. ' Richard, and w Is, Robert B. eomps. (U. 8. ' lov't pubs. Vols.. IS. 'I '99 and other papers of the late Maj. Hen. Alexander Hamilton, com piled chiefly from originals In the possession of Mrs. Bamllton. Bawks, F. I... ad. Vol. l. 8 . N. V. and London i* 1 - ( Ii.df.N. (Win. B.i ami early days in Clii- cago. Paper rea< Bist. Sue Dec. 20, 1881, on pr< tation by Mrs. Ogden of port i of her late husband, painted by Qeo. P. A. Healy. Arnold. Isaac N. 2d. William B.Ogd en, biograph- ical sketch. Scammon. .1. Young, Fergus Historical, serie- No. 17. 12 . Chicago 1882 Ogle county, Ills. Boss. Henry H.. pub. History of Ogle com 12 . Polo 1^59 — Rett. B. F. and Co., pubs. Bistory of Ogle Co., Ills. 8°. Chicago.... 1878 Ogle, Geo. A. & Co. pubs. Plat hook of Clark Co.. Ills.. Folio.* Chicago 1892 — Plat book Logan Co. Ills 4°. Chicago 1898 See Occidental Pub. Co. O'Habba. A. W.. ed. Carthage College and city of Carthage, souvenirof, 4°. Carthage 1896 Ohio Annals. Historic events in the Tuscarawas and Muskingum Val- leys, and other pat I - ' »hio. Adventures of Post. Beckewelder A.- Zeisberger, Legends and tradi- tions of the Kophs, Mound Build- er-. re«l and white men. advent- ures of Putnam and Heckewelder. founders of ■ his- . growth Of Ohio, population. political power, wealth and intel- ligence. Mitchener, C. B., ed. 8°. Dayton 1 s "' 1 — Ohio Archeological and Bistorical ety, publications of. Annual report-. Ml,. 1892; 12th. 1896; and 13th; 1897 B — - Quarterly. Vol. I, dune. 1881 9, July 1. 1900 — Ohio Arch. Quarterly. Vol. 6. No. l. Columbus Celebration, Fr linton Centennial. Sept.. 1897. Ohio Indians, etc. Ohio Arch, and Hi-' - s ■ Columbus 1898 OHIO. 237 OHIO. Ohio — Continued. — Addresses on the acceptance by Congress of the statue of James A. Garfield, presented to the CJ. S. by the State of Ohio. (U.S. Gov't pub.) 4°. Washington 1886 — Atwater, Caleb. Antiquities of Ohio. 8°. Circleville, 1820 — Burton. C. M. A chapter in the his- tory of Cleveland. 8 C . Detroit.. 1895 — Butterfield. 0. W. An historical account of Crawford's expedition against Sandusky, 1782. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1873 — Chase, Philander. Bishop Chase's Reminiscences. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8°. Boston 1848 — Cincinnati. See Cincinnati. — Cutler, Julia Perkins. Life and times of Ephraim Cutler. (Ohio Valley Hist. Series). 8°. Cincin- cinnati 1890 — - Wm. P. d- Julia P. Life, journals and correspondence of Rev. Man- asseh Cutler. LL. D. 2 vols. 8°. Cincinnati 1888 — Dayton Public Library and Mu- seum. Annual reports of, 1896. 1898 and 1899 — Fernow, Berthold. The Ohio Val- ley in Colonial days. (Munsell's Hist. Series No. 17). 8°. Albany. 1890 — Fowke, Gerard. Notes on Ohio archaeology. The geology of Ohio. 8.° n.d — Hall, B. F. Early history North- western States. 8°. Buffalo 1849 — Harmon, Hon. Judson. Address be- fore Ohio State Bar Association, July 12, 1898. Pam. 8°. n.d — Hildreth, S. P. Memoirs of the pioneer settlers of Ohio. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1852 — - Pioneer history of Ohio Valley and early settlement Northwest Territory. 8°. Cincinnati 1848 — Historical and Philosophical Soci- ety of Ohio. pubs. A partial list of the books in library relating to Ohio. 8°. Cincinnati 1893 — Hist, and Phil. Soc. of Ohio. An- nual repor> for 1896. Pam — Howe, Henry. Historical collec- tions of Ohio. 8°. Cincinnati... 1854 — - Historical collections of Ohio. 2 vols. 4°. Columbus 1890-1891 Ohio— Continued. — Howells, Wm. Cooper. Recollec- tions of life in Ohio, 1813-1840. 8°. Cincinnati 1895 — Johnston, J. Stoddard. First ex- plorations of Kentucky. Dr. Thos. Walker's journal, 1750, and Col. Christopher Gist's journal of a tour through Ohio and Ken- tucky in 1751, with notes and a sketch. (Filson Club Pubs., No. 13). 4°. Louisville 1898 — Kenyon College. See Episcopal church. — Knapp, H. S. History of the Mau- mee Valley. 8°. Toledo 1877 — Lee, Alfred. Battle of Gettysburg. 8°. Cincinnati 1888 — McBride, James. Pioneer biography of Butler Co.. Ohio. (Ohio Valley Historical series.) 2 vols. 8°. Cincinnati 1869 — McClure, David. Diary of. 1748-1820. With notes by Franklin B. Dexter. Edited by John P. Peters. 8°. N. Y ..., 1899 — Michener, C. H.. ed. Ohio annals. Historical events in the Tuscara- was and Muskingum valleys. 8°. Dayton 1876 — Miscellanies. Ohio Valley Histori- cal Miscellanies. 1. Tour in Ohio, Ky. and Ind. Espy, Josiah. 2. Two western campaigns. War 1812. Williams, Samuel. 3. The Leatherwood god. Taneyhill, R. H. Ohio Valley Historical Series. b°. Cincinnati 1871 — Rice, Harvey. Pioneers of the Western Reserve. 12°. Boston.. 1883 — Ohio Land Co. Walker, Chas. M. History of Athens Co., Ohio. (Ohio Valley Historical series.) 8°. Cincinnati 1869 — Ohio State Library. 43d, 45th and 47th annual reports of commis- sioners, 1888-90-92 — Oldroyd, O. H. comp. Roster Ohio Veteran Ass'n of Illinois. 12°. Springfield. Pam 1891 — Poole. Wm. Frederick. The Ordi- nance of 1787 and Dr. Manasseh Cutler as an agent in its forma- tion. 8°. Cambridge. Mass 1876 — *- The Ordinance of 1787. A reply. (From "The Inlander.") 8°. Ann Arbor. Mich 1892 olilo. OLD. i Mii< i < 'ontinui d. R tfl 'i >sque, i lonstautine Samuel Ichtbyologia Ohiensis. Reprint tl . • Ileveland 1899 Stale Archaeological and Historical ISth annual report of. Feb. it. 1897. to Feb.1,1898. 8 , Columbus 1898 i'i\ lor, James W. History oi < '!ii.>. 1787, 12 . Cincinnati — Thomson, Peter G. A. bibliography ol the Btate of < >hio. 4°. Cin- cinnati 1880 l '. S I longress. Memorial ad- dresses "ii life and character of Geo. \v. Honk (late representative t'i om < >hio)di livered In I l.S. House of Representatives and Sei 53d i long. I . Washington 1695 — Venable, W. H. Beginnings of literary culture in the Ohio Valley. Cincinnati 1891 — Watson, David K.. Att'y Gen. State 'hio v. Standard Oil < 'o.. in Supreme Court of Ohio. Pam. 8°. Columbus 1890 Walker, Chas. M. History of Athens Co., Ohio. (Ohio .Valley Historical Series.) 8°. Cincih- oati 1869 — Western Reserve Historical Soc. ' Tarter and reorganization of the society. (Tract No. B5, West. Re- Ben e Hist. Soc.) 8. Cleveland . 1895 — Whittlesey Col. ('lias. Early history of Cleveland, Ohio. 8°. I leveland 1867 ' Mi!<> Rh er. RafinesQue, Constant Samuel, (chthyologia « >hi< i or, natural history of the fishes inhabiting the River < Ihio and its tributary Btreams. Reprint from the original with sketch of life, ichthyologic work and ichthyo- logic bibliography of Raflnesque, by Richard Ellsworth Call. 8°. Cleveland 1899 < >hio Valley In ( Iplonial days Fernow, Berthold. I Munsell's Historical Series No. 17.) 8°. Albany 1890 OHIO Valley Historical Miscellanies. Miscellanies. O-kee pa. A religious ceremony, ami other customs of the Mandans. CaUin. George. 12 . London.... 1867 i >ki. \ih>M,\ Territory. Lltl ler. D. T. Argument of attorney for Baker & Bell before < lom'sr I ten. I . < (fflce. ram. n. d Old churches, ministers and families ol Virginia. Meade, Bithop Wil- liam. 2 voN, b°. Philadelphia.. 1889 Also vol. 1 of edition of ls _ ,7. ( 'i.i' Indian Chronicle. A collection of rare tracts written and published in the time of King Phillips' war. by persons residing In the coun- try. Introduction and not Drake. Samuel G. 8 . Boston... 1867 ( >LD k'askaskia. a novel. Published in four part*, in Atlantic Monthly of January. February, March and \pril. 189:j. Catherwood. Mary Hartwell Old. Knskia days. A no', el. Hol- iirook. Elizabeth. 12 « oicago. Old Little Fort. Modern Waukegan. • 'otiard. Howard Louis. 'In Na- tional Magazine Dec. 1892 Old Mackinaw; or, the fortress of the Lakes and its surrouudr Strickland. W. P. 12°. Phila- delphia 1860 Old Moore's Almanac for 188L Roberts, T. & Co,, pubs. 12°. London 1881 Old Settlers Association. Tri-St Old Settlers Association, ]iuli. Report organization and H r- ' union of Tri State Old Settlers Association of Illinois, Missouri and lowa. 8 , BZeokuk. Pam.... 1884 OLD South Leaflets. Directors of Old South Work itfa Me. ting House. j,uhs. 4 Vols. 12 . BOE 11. d Old Tippecanoe Club of Chicago, old Tippecanoe Club. pup*. 8°. I !hi- ■ 1888 Old Virginia and her neigh' Fiske. John. 2 vols, 12. Boston 1898 Old Northwest The) with a view of the thirteen! ( lolonies a-^ consti- tuted by the royal Chart Hinsdale. B, H. Ph. />. s . N. V. isss Old Regime in Canada. Pari 1, France and England in North America. Parkman, Francis. I9tb ed. 12 Boston 1S57 OLDEN. 239 ORATORS. Olden Times. (The.) A monthly pub- lication devoted to the preser- vation of documents and other authentic information in relation to early explorations, and the set- tlement and improvement of the country around the head of the Ohio. Craig, Neville B., ed. Re- print. 2 vols. 8°. Cincinnati — 1876 Oldroyd. O. H. Lincoln's campaign; or, the political revolution of 1860. Paper. 12°. Chicago 1896 — pub. Good old songs we used to sing. Pam. Springfield, n. d — Osborn H., comp. The Lincoln Me- morial Album Immortelles. 8° N. Y 1883 — comp. Roster Ohio Veteran Asso- ciation of 111. 12°. Springfield.. 1891 Oliphant, Laurence. Minnesota and the far west. 8°. Edinburgh and London , 1855 Oliver, Win. Eight months in Illinois. 12°. Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1843 Oltrogge, Carl. Deutsches Lesebuch (German Reader.) 8°. Hanover.. 1852 Onderdonk, James L., comp. Idaho, facts and statistics. 8°. San Francisco 1885 One hundreth concert of the Philhar- monic Soc. of Belleville, Ills. Programme and sketch of the Soc. Philharmonic Soc. of Belleville, Ills., pub. 16°. Belleville. Pam. 1886 One hundred years of publishing, 1785- 1885. Lea Brothers & Co., pub. 8°. Phila 1885 Oneida Historical Society, Circulars. Annual meeting Oneida Hist. Soc. 1895. The Iowa petrified giant, Feb. 1895 Martha Washington's letters. April 1895. (Extracts, reprints from Utica Press.). Pams — Dedication Munson — Williams Memorial. 8°. Utica 1896 — Dedication Oriskany Monument. 8°. Utica, N. Y 1885 O'Neill, Charles. Memorial addresses on life and charactor of, delivered in U. S. House Rep. and Senate 53d Cong. 3d sess. House Rep. U. S. Mis. Doc. U. S.SGov't.. pub. 4°. Washington 1895 O'Neill. John, comp. Compilation of the cost of the public buildings of Cook Co.. from March 8. 1866. to Dec. 3. 1885. 8°. Chicago. Pam.. 1884 One thousand years of Hubbard his- tory. 866 to 1895. Hubbard, Har- lan Page, pub. (Sample pages only.) Pam Ontario Historical Society. Papers and records, vols. I and 2,1899-1900 .... On the discovery of the Miss, and on the southwestern Oregon aud northwestern boundary of U. S., with translations from original Mss. of memoirs. &c, relating to discovery of the Miss, by LaSalle & Tonty. Falconer. Thos. 12°. London 1844 Open letter to the Rt. Rev. Wm. O. Doane, Bishop of Al bany, in refer- ence to the consecration of Rt. Rev. Dr. Brooks, Bishop of Mass. Seymour. Rt. Rev. Geo. F. 8°. Springfield. Pam 1892 Opinions given to Co. Board of Cook Co. on townshit) organization. Jewett, Swett, Dent and others. 8°. Chicago. Pam 1876 Orators and Oratory. Collective. For orations and speeches of individ- ual orators. A'ee'name of orator. See also. Biography, Baker. Doug- las, Lincoln, Logan and others. — Blair & Rives, pub. (later) Rives & Bailey. The Congressional Globe. 23d to 42nd Cong, inc. Folio. Washington 1834- 73 — Gales Perkins & Marvin, pubs. Speeches in Congress on passage of bill for removal of the Indians. 12°. Boston 1830 I IRAT0R8. 2 U) ORIGINAL. ORATORS ContitlHi r use of the church by the general convention lhs>; Kpis copal church. 16°. Oxford, Eng.. Ori jes. Dedication Evan- gelical Lutheran church. Spring- liehl. 111.-.., Sunday, Mar. 19,1898.. Ordinance of 1787. A reply. (From "The Inlander." Jan. 1892.) Poole. Win. F. 8°. Ann Arbor. Mich.... Ordinani i of ITS" and Dr. Mannasseh Cutler us an agent in its forma- tion. Poole, Win. Frederick. 8°. Cambridge, Mass Ordinances of city of Springfield, re- vised and registered by City Council. 1851. Calhoun, John, eomp. 8°. Springfield Ordinances (revised) of the city of Springfield, Ills., together with constitution of Ills., etc. (Pub. by authority City Council.) Snigg, John C. comp. 8°. ingfield Ordinances of the village ofl West Springfield, Ills. Revised and adopted by Pres. and Bd. trus- tee-; of the village. June 1, 1885. Melick, J. E., clerk village, < ■•■ n . Springfield ON. Bancroft, Hubert Ho History of Oregon, ls.jj-isss. ■> vols, s . San Fran — A complete and comprehensive de- scription of the agricultural. k raising and mineral re- sources of Oregon. Also statist- ics of its climate, etc. Union Pa- ciflc R. H.. pub. 12°. St. Louis. 1VI2 is;.; 1851 ISS7 1885 De Smet, Pin . P. J. rOregon. 12° Missions de nhow, Robert. History of Or- egon and California 8°. London Portland Library Association. An- nual report-, 1872-78, '80, '81, '92, 94. Pams 1 s: ■! 1848 ls|| Constitution and by-laws Pam. Portland ISTs Oregon Conch Stale librarian, annual report of, isti 76. Pams — ( Oregon trail Ph Ski prairie and Rocky Mountain life. Par km an. Francis. 8th ed. 12 . Boston 1889 — Twiss, Travel-. The Oregon Ter- u v; its history and discovery. 12 . N. Y 1846 — Union Pacific R. R., Pub. Oregon; a description of its resources. 12 . St. Louis 1892 O'Reilly, Private Miles: life and ad- ventures, services and speeches of. New York Herald pubs. (8 Halpine. Chas, G.) 12°. N. Y.... 1866 — h'er. Frank J. Starved Rock. (In Catholic World N, Y.. Jan. 1894.) Orendorff. Alfred. Adj. Gen., romp. Military map of Illinois. 1895. 16°. Chicago 1896 Organization and management of libraries. Poole, Win. F. Pain. Copyright 1876 — and objects of Lincoln Guard of Honor and first memorial service. April 15. 1SS0. Lincoln Guard of Honor, pub. Pam. 8°. Spring- field isso i Oriental folk lore and legends. Vol. 2, 1st series Folk. Lore and Le- u-ends.) C. J. T.. ed. 16°. Lon- don 1892 ( Origin, doctrine, constitution A disci- pline of the United Brethern in Christ. Shuey, W. J., pub. 16 . Dayton, < > 1898 — of North American Indians, man- ners, customs, etc. Mcintosh, John. 12°. N.Y IE — of primitive superstitions. Dor- man, Unshton M. 8 Phila 1881 [Nal Indiana Territory (The). It was in W. \'a. (pub. w History, Indiana A: Ant. Soc.) Lewis, Virgil A. 12°. Charles- ton 1895 — manuscripts of Lincoln. Monu- ment Dedication Poem. Lord. James Ju< Manuscript. Springfield 1874 ORIGINAL. 241 PACIFIC. Original— Concluded. — Poetry by Mr, and Mrs. Henry JR. Schoolcraft. In handwriting of Henry R. Schoolcraft. Manu- script Ornithology. See birds Orthography. Mavor. Wni. The En- glish spelling book. 16°. Lon- don, n. d Osman, Eaton G. Starved Rock, an his- torical romance. 8°. Ottawa, 111. 1895 Ossoli, Marchioness Margaret. See Fuller. S.M Otichipwe language. Grammar of. For use of missionaries and other persons living among Indians. 2d ed. by a missionary of the Ob- lates. Baraga, Bishop of. 12°. Montreal 1878 Other side, (The;) or notes for the his- tory of the war between Mexico and the U. S. Trans, from the Spanish and edited with notes. Ramsey, Albert C. 12°. N. Y.... 1850 Otis, George Alexander, trans. Trans- lation from the Italian of Chas. Botta's "War of the Independence of the U. S. A." 5th edition. 2 vols. 8°. NewHaven 1837 Ottawa Academy of Natural Sciences. Proceedings of. Calkins, W. W. Land and fresh water shells of La Salle eounty.Ills. Pam.8°. Chicago 1874 Otterbein. Her. Philip William, life of. Founder of the church of the United Brethren in Christ. In- troduction by Bishop J. Weaver, D. D. Drury. Rev. A. W. 12°. Dayton 1893 Our branch and its tributaries; being a history of the work of the North- western Sanitary Commission and its auxiliaries during the war of the Rebellion, etc. Henshaw, Mrs. Sarah Edwards. 8°. Chicago.... 1868 — Bulletin. A bi-monthly periodical devoted to the interests of Drew Theological Seminary and alumni Aug. 1890 to March 1892. Madison. N.J — Country. A household history for all readers; from discovery of America to present time. Lossing, Benson J. 3 vols. 4°. N.IY 1878-80 —16 H. L Our country's martyr. Hayden, Mrs. Caroline A. 12°. Boston 1865 — Flag; or, the evolution of the stars and stripes. Campbell, Robert Allen. 12°. Chicago .*. 1890 — intellectual strength and weakness. Bourinot, J. G. 4°. Montreal. (Royal Soc. of Canada series) 1893 — Indian wards. Manypenny, Geo.W. 8°. Cincinnati 1880 — martyred President. A poem. Han- aford. Mrs. P. A. 8°. Boston.... 1865 — Pilgrim Fathers. A symposium. Illinois Teachers' Asscn., Spring- field, Ills.. December 28. 1897. Ad- dresses by Rich Edwards. D. £>., LL. D., Edwin C. Hewett, A. M., LL. D., John F. Eberhart and Samuel Willard, A. M., M. £>., LL. D. Dr. Willard's address upon life and character of New- man Bateman. 12°. Galesburg, Ills 1898 — Presidents; or, the lives of twenty- three presidents of the United States. Townsend, Virginia F. 4°. N. Y 1889 war songs north and south. Brain- erd's Sons, pub. 8°. Cincin- nati 1887 — wild Indians. 33 years' experience among red men of the great West. Dodge, Col. Richard Irving. 8°. Hartford 1885 Over the Alleghanies and across the prairies. Personal recollections of the far West, one and twenty years ago. Peyton, John Lewis. 12°. London 1869 Owen, David Dale. Report of geologi- cal survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and part of Nebraska territory. 4°. Phila 1852 Owen, Richard. See Schnack, Dr. J. Pacific Slope. Vancouver, George. Voyage de d^couvertes a 1'ocean Pacifique du nord, et autour du monde. 3 vols. 4°. Paris 1800 — - Voyage of discovery to the Pacific ocean and around the world. 6 vols. 12°. London 1801 PACKARD. 242 PARKS. 'jkSD, B£rs. v.. P. w. Modern per .tion. iL'tli ed. 2 vols. 12 . Bartford 1891 Paddoi k. R( r. Wilbur l". A greal man fallen Discourse on the death Abraham Lincoln. Pam. Phila. 1868 Pages from the earl; history "f the North and Northwest, with Bpec ial reference to tin- history of Bfethodism. Beggs, /*'■ o, S. B. i- Cincinnati 1868 1'aink. Nathaniel. List of all publica- tions Aniericnn Antiquarian Si to April. 1HS3, with prices of such as are now held by the society. 8°. Worcester, Mass 1883 See Salisbury. Palmeb, ('has. Pollen. Inebriety, its source, prevention ami cure. 12°. N. Y 1898 Palmer. John. Journal of travels in V. S. of N. America and Lower Canada in 1S17. 8°. London 1818 Palmer. John M., l5t"i Governor of Ills, and Maj. Gen. I*. S. V. ; l»>rn. Sept. 13. 1817: died. Sept. 25. 1900. See Ills. Governors Palmer, John M.. editor. The Bench and Bar of Illinois, historical and reminiscent. 2 vols. 4°. Chi- cago 18 ' Palmer. Thos. II. Historical Register of the War of 1812. 4 vols. 12°. Phila. n.d — Historical Register U. S. 1812-1814. 4vols. h°. Pliila 1814 Papers of the American Hist. Associa- tion, v. >-. B°. N. Y. and London 5 vols. 1886-91 — on prohibition. Low, Rev. George .!. Pam. 8 . N. Y lssT — on the proposition of the '"Nine Bishops." Introductory DO C. NY. A. J. The "Proposition." :. Bishop Potter's pastoral in re- ply. 4, Review of a pastoral l>y Bishop Lee of Delaware. 5. Fur- ther suggestions by Bishop Vail. I . VY. A. 12 . Phila 1871 — prepared for World's Library I gress, held at Columbian Kx; tion. Dewey, Melvil, ed. (P. S. Gov't Pub, teprinl of Chap. 9, Pt 2, Report Com. on Education. 1892-93). 8°. Washington 1896 — relative to certain American An- tiquities. Sargent. Winthrop ,i Barton. Benj. Smith. b : . Phila. 1796 Paprm— Concluded. relative to foreign affairs, com municated to < ong. to Dec. I. IS r s. (iov't Pui. B . Washing- ton 1862 — of James Madison. Madison, James. :< voN. s . n. y 1841 Parish Messengi i Phe Bantoul, Ills Monthly paper devoted to the Interests of the Lpiscopal church. July, August ami Sept . l-:.;;. (inc . White. /,■. ,-. :,. i •., e d .... Parisot. J. T.. trans. Voyage aux Etats-Unisd Am6riqu6. Wright. '/ 18. (See Wright. Miss Fanny.) 2vols. 12°. Paris I^jj Parker. A. A. Trip to the west and Texas, and sketch of Texan war. 12°. Concord. X. H 1838 Parker, N. Howe. Iowa as it is, h, 1855, and handbook for emigrants. 12°. Chicago 1866 Parker, Rev. Samuel. Journal of a tour beyond Rocky Mountain- 1835-7. Map Oregon Ter. 1- Ithaca 1842 Parkman. Francis. Preface to Bou- quet's expedition; and transla- tion Dumas' biographical sketch of Gen. Bouquet. 8°. Cincinnati 1868 — Pioneers of France in the New World. 12°. Boston 1881 — Old Regime in Canada — La Salle and Discovery of (ireat West. Three eds. 1869,1879,1889 — Half century of conflict, - vols — Prontenac and New France under Louis 14th — Jesuits in North America — Montcalm and Wolf, 2 vols, ('on spiracy of Pontiac. 2 vols. < Ore- gon Trail — LaSalle and discovery ol west 12 . Boston. 2 eds 1869 1879 I lomplete set. 12 vols. 12°, i ton 1887 - - Parks. — Chittenden, H. M F. The Yellow- stone National Park. 12 . I cinnati 1895 Cleveland. H. W. 8. Public grounds of Chicago. How to give them character and expression. 8°. Chicago 1869 — Fullerton. J. S. Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park. 8 r 1895 — Rauch. John H.. M. D. Public parks, with special reference to city of Chicago. 8°. Chicago.... PARKS. 243 PATRIOTIC. Parks— Co nc luded. — South Park Commissioners of Cook county. Reports of, from 1869 to 1897 except 1872-3, 1876-7, 1893-4 — U. S. Congress - Dedication Chick- arnauga and Chattanooga Park, etc. (U. S. Gov't pub. Sen. re- ports vol. 3, Nos. 507-703. 54th Congress. 1 Sess. 1895-96.) 8°. Washington, n. d — West Chicago Park. Commissioners Annual reports. 1870-1880 inc Parks and property interests of Chica- go, with maps. Western News Co., pubs. 8°. Chicago 1869 Parry, C. C. Historical addresses on early exploration and settlement of the Miss Valley. 8°. Daven- port 1873 Parry, J. H. & Co.. pubs. The Mor- mon metropolis. 12°. Salt Lake City 1889 Parsons, Albert R. Life of, with brief history of the labor movement in America. Parsons. Mrs. Lucy E. 8°. Chicago 1889 Parsons Horological Institute of the Bradley Polytechnic Institute, History of school, etc. Paper. 8°. Peoria, n. d Parsons, Mrs. Lucy E. Life of Albert R. Parsons, with a brief history of the labor movement in Amer- ica. 8°. Chicago 1889 Parsons Memorial and Historical Mag- azine. Parsons, Kansas, Jan. 1885. Wilson, Mrs. Augustus, ed. and comp Part of the minutes of the annual meeting. May 1889, of the Georgia Bar Ass'n. Report of the commit- tee on jurisprudence and law re- form. Brown, Julius L., comp. 8°. Atlanta 1889 Particular history of five years' French and Iudiau war in New England and parts adjacent. From declaration 1744, to treaty with eastern Indians, 1749. Mem- oir of Maj. Gen. Shirley. Por- trait and engravings. Drake, Sam- uel G. 12°. Albany 1870 Parton, J. Life and times of Aaron Burr. 12°. N. Y 1858 — Life of Andrew Jackson. 3 vols. 12°. N. Y 1961 Partridge. Cbas. A., ed. History 96th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. 8°. Chi- cago 1887 Party Leaders. Sketches of Thos. Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, John Randolph of Roanoke, and others. Baldwin. Jo. G. 12°. N.Y. 1864 Past and present of Boone Co., Ills. History of its cities, towns, etc. Directory citizens. War record, portraits early settlers and prom- inent men. etc. Le Baron, Win., jr..&Co. 8°. Chicago 1877 Also history LaSalle Co. Bound with history Boone Co Past and Present of Kane Co.. Ills. LeBaron, Wm. jr. & Co., pubs. 8°. Chicago 1878 Past and Present of Lake Co.. Ills. Le Barron. Wm. & Co.. pubs. 8°. Chicago 1877 Past and present of LaSalle Co , Ills. Kett, H. F. & Co., pubs. 8°. Chi- cago 1877 Past and present of Warren Co., Ills. Kett.H.F.&Co.,i;?«6s.8°. Chicago 1877 Past and present of Woodford Co., Ills. Le Barron, Wm..jr. & Co., pubs. 8°. Chicago 1878 Past, present and future of woman. The domestic, social, educational, marital, industrial, mercantile, executive, political, legislative, progressive, civilizing and ethical aspects of the entire subject. Simms, Dr. Joseph. Pam. 12°. San Fran 1889 Pastoral letter addressed to the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U. S. A., by the House of Bishops on occasion of the gen- eral convention of the church, held in the city of New York, Oct. 1874. 8°. N.Y 1874 Paterson, John. Maj. Gen. in Rev. Army, Life of. Egleston, Thos., LL.D. 8°. N.Y 1894 Patriotic selections. Old Glory Speak- er. Pattengill, Henry R., comp. 12°. Lansing 1894 — Societies. Penn. Soc. of Colonial • Dames of America. Register of for 1898. 8°. Phila 1398 See also Daughters American Revolution, Sons American Revo- lution and G. A. R. PATRIOTISM. •2U BECKWELDER. Patriotism of Ills. A r. rd of the civil and military history "f the Slate, in tin- war for t tn i I 'n inn. wiih history campaigns In which [lis. soldiers have a conspicious part, sketches of distinguished •fficers, rolls of illustrious dead. movements of sanitary and chris- tian commissions. Eddy. T. M. 2 vols. 8 C . Chicago 1866 66 Pattengill, Henry R . comp. Patriot- ic selections. Old Glory Speaker. 12°. Lansing. Mich 1894 Patterson. J. B., ed. Life of Black Hawk. 16°. Boston 1834 — Robert M. The character of Abra- ham Lincoln. 8°. Phila 1865 — K. W. /). />.. Chicago Magazine. etc. Biographical sketches of some of ( 'hieago's early settlers. (Part 2. Fergus hist, series. No. 6.) 12°. Chicago 1876 — Roberl W., /'. I>. Early society in Southern Ills. (Fergus hist, ser- ies. No. 14.1 12°. Chicago 1881 PATTIB, James Q. Narrative of James O. Pattie of Ky. Edited by Tim- othy Flint. 12°. Cincinnati 1833 Pai i.iAT, Louis— Politique coloniale sous l'Ancien Regime. 12°. Paris 1887 Payne, Win. W.and Willard. charlotte R., ids. Popular astronomy. (Periodical Jan. 1894.) Pearce genealogy, being the record of the posterity of Richard Pane of Portsmouth R. I., who c. from Em,', and whose genealogy is traced hack to '.i72; with an in- troduction of the male descend- - of Josceline De Louvaine, the second house of Percy, Earls of Northumberland, Barons Percy and territorial lords of Alnwick. Pierce, l<"rederic C. 8°. Rock- ford. Ills 1888 PEARL, The . of great price. Smith. Joseph. 8°. Salt Lake City 1891 Pearson, Isaac N., <"»./'■ List of members of the 37th General As- iblyofllls. 8 C . Springfield.. 1891 Pf.' k, George. Abraham Lincoln; re- sponse at annual banquet of the Marquette Club, Chicago, Feb. 12, 1895. 8°. Chicago 1895 — J. M. Annals of the West 2d 8°. Albach. vub. St. Louis 1850 -Concluded. — - Gazetteer <>f Ills. Hi . Jackson ville I8M 2d ed. 16. Phila 1837 — - New guide for emigrants. Boston 1831 — John Mason. P. /'. memoir of. Edited from his journals and cor- respondence. Babcock. Rui «1. 12°. Phila 1864 PecKHAM, .lames. Nathaniel Lyon. and Missouri in 1861. 12°. N.Y.. 1866 PEET, Ii'< v. Stephen D.. ed. American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal. Periodical. 1S7S-1899 (incomplete) — History of explorations of the Miss. Valley. 8°. Worcester, Mass.... 1896 — The Mound Builders. Works and relics. Vol.1. 8°. Chicago 1892 Pennock. Bev. A. C. • v. Euclid B., ed. The Springfield Baptist. Monthly paper. Vol. 1. Nov., 1892, to 1900 inc — Taylor. /.'. v. I'. W., 1 d. The diocese of Springfield. Monthly. Vols. 1-3 and vol. 5. Jan. 1894 to vol. B. NO. 11, Nov. 1897 — Tonilins, \V. H..ed. American Cath- olic. Monthly. Devoted to inter- ests Episcopal church. Vol. 7, (old ser.) 1894 to vol 10. lS'.'I. In- complete.) — Wilson. Mr». Augustus, ed. Far- sons (Kansas) Memorial and His- torical Library Magazine. 4°. St. Louis 1885 — Wright, J. S.. Wight, J. Ambrose & Haven. L., eds. The Prairie Farmer, 1846-185'-' inc. Wight, J. Ambrose, ed. 1854- "55. Frairie Farmer Co., pubs. The Frairie Farmer, 1867-'68 — Yonkers Historical and Library As sociation. Bulletin Manor Hall, number Jan. 18%. Vol. 1. No. 2 PERKINS, James H. Annals of the west. Albach. >)!<&. 8°. Cincinnati.. 1847 — ; in (.'one ('. S. on removal of the Indians. 12°. Boston 1830 Perley. Sidney, ed. The Essex Anti- qarian. Vol. 1, Nos. 2-12. 1897 and vol.2. 1898. Salem. Mass Perrin, J. N. Address delivered at St. Clair Co. Centenial celebration, Belleville. Ills.. 1890. 12°. Belle- ville 1890 — Address to the Mexican Veterans of Ills.. Aug. 16. 1893. 8°. Belleville. 1893 — Address to Mexican Veterans ot Ills. 8°. Belleville 1892 — Wm. Henry, ed. History of Alex- ander, Union and Pulaski Cos. Ills. 8°. Chicago 1883 — History of Bond and Montgomery counties. Ills. 8°. Chicaeo 1882 — History of Cass Co.. Ills. 8°. Chi- cago 1882 PERRIN. 247 PHILADELPHIA. Pekkin— Concluded. — History of Crawford Co.. Ills. S°. Chicago 1883 — History of Effingham Co. ."ills. 8 °. Chicago 1883 — History of Jefferson Co., Ills. 8°. Chicago 1883 — The Pioneer Press of Ky. (Pubs. Filson Club No. 3.) i°. Louisville 1888 Perky County. Ills. MeDonough. J. L. lV Co., pub. History of Randolph, Monroe and Perry Cos. 4°. Phila. 1883 Persia, Description of the country, its government, laws and religion, character, manners, customs, arts amusements, etc., of inhabitants. Shoberl, Frederick. 12°. Phila.. 1815 Personal memoirs of P. H. Sheridan. General of the U. S. army. 2 vols. 8°. N.Y 1888 — names in Hening's Statutes at Large of Va. and Shepherd's Con- tinuation of same. Casey, Joseph J. 4°. N.Y 1896 — narrative of explorations and inci- dents in Texas, New Mexico. Cali- fornia, Senora and Chihuahua, connected with U. S. and Mexican Boundry Commission in 1850, '52 and 1853. Bartlett, John Russell. 8°. N. Y 1854 — recollections of many prominent people whom I have known, es- pecially those relating to history of St. Louis, during first half of the present century. Dai by. John F. 12°. St. Louis 1880 — recollections of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil war. Gilmore. James R. (Edmund Kirke, pseud.) 8°. Boston 1898 — recollections and observations, em- bracing brief view of Civil war; or, from New England to the Golden Gate. Miles, Gen. Nelson A. 8°. Chicago 1896 -- reminiscences 1840-1890. Including some not hitherto published of Lincoln and the War. Chittenden, L.E. 8°. N. Y 1893 Peru. — Prescott, Wm. H. History of the conquest of Peru. 2 vols. 12°. Phila 1892 — Peruvian antiquities Rivero; Mari- ano Edward (tnd Von Tschudi. John J. Trans, by Francis L. Hawks. 12°. N. Y 1854 Peter Cartwright, autobiography of. Strickland. W. P.. ed. 12°. Cin- cinnati 1856 Peter, Johanna. See Peter, Robert. Peter. Robert, and Peter, Jliss Jo- hanna. Transylvania University; Its origin, rise, decline and fall. (Filson Club Pubs. No. 11.) 4°. Louisville 1896 Peters, John P., ed. Diary of David McClure. (See diary of David McClure.) 8°. N.Y 1899 Peterson, T. B. and Bros. pubs. Illus- trated life, campaigns and public service of Lieut. General Grant. 12°. Phila 1865 Petit Atlas Maritime, Cartes et plans des quatre parties du Monde. Vol. 1, Ain<5rique Septenrionale et Isles Antilles — Vol. 2. Amerique Meridionale, Mex- ique, Terre Ferine. Bresil, Perou. Chily — Vol. 3. Asie et Afrique — Vols. 4 and 5 Europe et les Etats qu'elle contient. Bellin. S. 4°.... 1764 Peto, Sir S. Morton. Resources and prospects of America. 8°. London and N.Y 1866 Pettis, Olive G. Autobiography by Jesus of Nazareth. 8° 1894 Peyton, John Lewis. Over the Alle- ghenies and across the prairies. 12°. London 1869 Pharmacy and Pharmacists. Illinois State Board of Pharmacy. An- nual reports. 1882-1898 inc Phelps, E. J. Oration at dedication of Bennington Battle Monument. (Bound with copy New England Mag., Aug., 1891.) Phi Alpha Society, Ills, College, com- mittee. Catalogue Phi Alpha Soc. Ills. College, and biographical sketches of members. 1845-1890. 8°. Jacksonville 1890 Philadelphia. Philadelphia free public library. An- nual reports 1.1896; 2, 1897; 3 and 4. 1899 — - Bulletins Nos. 1 and 2. Nov., 1898, and March, 1899 PHILADELPHIA. 248 PIERCE. Philadelphia- -Concluded. — Philadelphia No nun i Bchool for -iris. Sketch of lss-j — Philadelphia and its manufactures. A hand book exhibiting the de- velopment, variety and statistics of the manufacturing Industry of Philadelphia In 1867, together with Bketches, manufactories and a list of articles now made in Philadelphia Freedley, Edwin T. 12°. Philadelphia 1858 Philharmonic Society of Belleville, 018.,'puos. 100th concert of the Philharmonic Society of Belle- ville. Ills., Nov. 18. 1886. I'ara Philip Everhanl; or. History of the Baptist Indian Missions in North America, from formation of the American Baptist Board of For- eign Missions, up to the present time. Mass. Sabbath School Union. i>ul>*. 16°. Boston 1831 Philippine Islands. Atkinson, Ed- ward, pub. The Anti Imperialist. Periodical, published irregularly. 8°. Boston and Brookllne, Mass. 1899 — Mann, Hon. James R. The acqui- sition of the Philippine Islands. Speech in U. S. House of Repre- sentatives, Feb. 13, 1899. (U. S. Gov't Pub.) 8°. Washington. ... 1899 See War with Spain. Phillips Bros, and Mcintosh, pubs. Springfield directory for 1884. 8°. Springfield 1884 Phillips, D. L. Letters from Cali- fornia in 1876. 8°. Springfield... 1877 — Memorial address on the life, char- acter and public Bervices of; de- livered before the Ills. State Press A.SSC. Springfield, 111 . Feb. 16. Ism. Belby. ParJ. 8°. Spring- field 1881 — \\" . S Totem tales; I ndian stories. Indian told. 8°. Chicago 18% — Wm. The conquest of Kansas. 12°. Boston 1856 Photographic views of the World's Columbian Exposition. Chicago Herald, Stone. CastlerA Painter. l>uh. 5 N'os. Paper. Chicago Photographs of Dixon and vicinity. Brown. II. A. Paper. Dixon 1894 PhotOGBAPHY. World's Congress Auxiliary. Congress of Photo- graphers. Cam. Chicago 18 Piasa. (The;) or, the devil among the Indians. Armstrong, Hon. P. A. 8°. Morris. Ills 1881 Piatt < lounty, Ills. Piatt, Emma < '. History Piatt Co. 8 . Chicago, n.d Pll EBBING, J, I. . COtnp. Souvenir 111 - Legislature 1891 — Directory Ills. Legislature 1896 — Official Directory 10th General A - senibly, 1897. 8°. Springfield 1897 — Official Directory list General As- sembly of Ills. Sessions of 1899. (Blue Book. Ills., 1899.) 8°. Springfield 1899 PlOKBTT, (has. C. Materials for the legal and political history of Ills. Pub. in N. Western Law Review. Chicago. April. 1N93 I'n TOBIAL field-book of the Revolution; or, illustrations by pen and pen- cil of the history, biography, scenery, relics and traditions of the War for Independence. Loss- ing. Benson J. 2 vols. 8°. N. Y. 1860 — field-book of the War of 1812 or. il- lustrations by pen and pencil of the history, biography, scenery, relics and traditions of the last War for American Independence. Lossing. Benson J. 4°. N. Y... 1S68 — field-book of Civil War in the I 3 Lossing. Benson .T. 3 vols. 8°. Hartford S - — historv of Texas, from earliest visits of European adventurers to 1879. Thrall. Bev. Homer S. 8°. St. Louis 1879 — history of the S. A., from dis- covery by Northmen In loth cen- tury to present time. Frost, John. 2vols. 8°. Phila l s » ,; PlDQEON, William. Traditions of the Decoo-dah and antiquarian re- searches 8-. N. Y 1858 Pibbob, Franklin, 14th president 8 Born, 1804— died, 1869 — Life of. Bartlett. D. W. 12 Au- burn 1852 PIERCE. 249 PIONEERS. 1895 1880 1828 Pierce— Concluded . - Col. Frederick C. Pearce geneal- ogy. Record posterity of Rich- ard Pearce. 8°. Rockford 1888 - History of Grafton. Mass. 8°. Worcester 1879 Pike. Maj. Z. M. Account expeditions to sources of the Mississippi and through western parts of Louisi- ana to sources of Arkansas, Kan- sas. La Platte and Pierre Juan rivers. Performed by order Gov't U. S. 1805-6-7. Maps and Charts. 8°. Phila. 1810. An- other ed. 4°. London 1811 Also, edition edited, with notes and biographical sketch, by Elliot Cones. 3 vols. N. Y Pike County. Ills. Chapman, Chas & Co., pubs. History of Pike Co. 8°. Chicago Pilgrimage in Europe and America. leading to discovery of the sources of the Mississippi and Bloody rivers, description of the whole course of the former and the Ohio. Beltrami, J. C. 2 vols. 8°. London Pilling, James Constantino. Biblio- graphy of Iroquoin languages. 8°. Washington I 888 — Bibliography of Muskhogean lan- guages. 8°. Washington Pioneer boy and how he became Pres- ident, Thayer. Wm. M. 12°. Boston — Biography. Sketches of lives of some of the early settlers of But- ler Co., Ohio. (Ohio Valley Hist. Series.) McBride, James. 2 vols. 8°. Cincinnati — Collections. Report Pioneer Soc. of Mich. See Michigan — history of America. Account of he- roes and adventurers who beat back savages and gave the Amer- ican forests to plow and sickle. Mason. Augustus Lynch, A.M. Int. by John Clark Ridpath, LL, D. 8°. Cincinnati I 884 — history. Being account first exam- inations Ohio Valley and early settlement Northwest territory. Chiefly from original Mss. con- taining papers of Col. George Mor- gan and Judge Barker, diaries of Jos. Buell and John Mathews, the records of the Ohio Company, etc. Hildreth. S. P. 8°. Cincinnati.. 1848 1876 8°, 1892 1889 1864 1869 Pioneer history of Ills. Reynolds. John. N. A. Randall, pub. 12°. Belleville 1852 Also 2nd ed. with index and notes. Pub by Fergus Printing Co. 8°. Chicago. -See Ills, history 1887 — history of Milwaukee, from first settlement in 1833 to 1841. with topographical description, as it appeared in state of nature. Map. Buck. James S. 8°. Milwaukee.. — life in Ky. Series reminiscential letters from Daniel Drake, M. D., of Cincinnati, to his children. Ed- ited with notes and biographical sketch by his son, Chas. D.Drake. (Ohio Valley Hist. Series.) Cincinnati — Press of Ky.. from printing of the first paper westof theAlleghanies. Aug. 11, 1787. to establishment of the daily press in 1830. Written for Filson Club and read at August meeting 1887, the centenial year of Ky. journalism. Perrin, Wm. Henry. (Filson Club pubs. No. 3.) 4°. Louisville 1888 — Soc. of the State of Mich. See Mich- igan Pioneers of Champaign Co.. Ills., early history of. Mathews, Milton W. & McLean. Lewis A. 8°. Urbana — of Chicago. In memoriam. Brad- well. James B. 4°. Chicago. 1896- 1897, 1898, 1899. Pams — ofCnicago. In memoriam Necrol- ogist's report. 1898-'99. James B. 8°. Chicago. Pam. — of France in the New World. Part 1. France and England in North America. Parkman, Francis. 25th ed. 12°. Boston 1887 — of Ills. Series of sketches relating to events that occurred previous to 1813; also narratives of incidents connected with early settlement of the West, drawn from history, traditions and personal reminis- Matson, N. 12°. 1886 Bradwell, 1899 1882 cences. iviaxsou, «. i- • Chicago of New France in New England. With contemporary letters and documents. (Munsell's Hist. Se- ries No. 21.) Baxter, James Phin- ney. 8°. Albany preachers and people of the Miss. Valley. Milburn. Wm. H. 12 . N. Y ;••• of the Western Reserve. Rice, Harvey. 12°. Boston 1883 1894 1860 PIONEERS. 250 POETRY. Pioniebs of the West; or, 1 i r« - in the woods. Strickland, W. P. 12 . N. V I'm \. \ . Bsqoemeling, Jot>eph. (!) His tory of the buccaneers of America. 8°. Boston 1853 1'iuTi.i . Hon. Senry. Introduction to Clark's Campaign In the Illinois. Valley in- , No. 3.) 8 . Cincinnati 1869 Piti libn's island, Harper Bros.. pub$. Description of Pitcalrn's Island :iinl its inhabitants. Account of mutiny of the ship "Bounty." 16 . N. Y 1842 Pitkin, Timothy. Political and civil history of the U. S. '-'vols. 8°. New Haven 1820 PlTMAN. Beiv Assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the trial of the conspirators, b' ". Cincin- nati 1865 — - ed.. Trials for treason at Indiana- polis. 8°. Cincinnati 1865 Pittman. Oapt. Philip. Present state of European settlements on the Mississippi. 4°. London 1770 PlTTSBURi;. Carnegie library of An- nual reports, 2, 3 and 4. 1898- '99-1900 — - Monthly bulletins, vol. 3, Nos. 2 to 10. inc.. 1898. Vol. ». Nos. 1. 2,3.4.5,7,8.10, 1899. Vol. 5, Nos. l, 2, — - Catalogue of English prose Ac- tio,, 1898 — - Catalogue of J. D. Bernd, dept. of architecture 1898 — - Alphabetical finding list of peri- odicals, Dec. 1. 1899. Pains Pi. as of Salvation. Morgan, I John. Trad No. 2. Pam. ii. d Pr. \nt System R, R. & S. S. lines, PUb. From the north and west through Florida to the liulf of Mexico. 12°. Buffalo. N. Y 1892 Pi.a i Book — of Clark county. Ills. Ogle, Geo. A. &Co.. pubs. Folio. Chicago i s '.'2 — of Hancock county, Ills. Aiden Ogle & Co. pubs. Folio. Chicago 1891 — of Logan county, Ills. Ogle, Geo. A. & Co., puo«. folio. Chicago.. 1893 — of Mctlenry county. Ills. Ogle. Geo. A. & Co., pub. folio Chicago 1892 Pi.xi Boob Continut of Mario., county, ills. < Accidental Pub, Co., pubs. Folio. I Atlas mi I'ii. \ for b monument the \N' ,tr of the Revolution. R< ire the national congress of the D. A. R. Washington. D. I Feb. 21, 1896. White, Mrs. 8 V. 12 . Pain 1896 Pi.ea for the West. Beecher, Lyman. I>. />. 12°. Cincinnati 1835 i. Wm. \\. Military telegraph during Civil War. 2 vols, 8°. Chicago 1882 Pocket. (The.) Evansville, Ind., pub. Survival of pioneer families of Indiana. (Pub. in "The Pod Dec. 1896 and Feb. 1898 POEM on the Mexican war read by Ed- ward S. Holbrook at reunion Mexican war veterans. Chicago, September 11 and 12. 1879. Hol- brook. Edward S. Pam- 8°. Chi- cago 1880 Poems, written from youth to old age. 1824 1884. Byrant, John Howard. 12°. Princeton. Ills 1NS5 Poetry as a fine art. Syllabus of a course of sis lecture sttidies. (Univ, Ex.Div., Univ. of Chicago) Clark. S. H. 12°. Chicago 1894 POKTBT. American Baptist Pub. Soc. The Psalmist. Collection ot hymns for use of Baptist churches. 32°. Phila 1841 — Barker. H. E. Lines on Lincoln. Inspired by a visit to < >ld Sal. Published in the Springfield, Ills.. Daily News. Aug. 1. 1900 — Bird. M. B. The Victorious. Poem on the ■ 'ion of Presidenl Lincoln. 12°. Kingston, Jamaica 1866 — Blanchard, Rufus. Abraham Lin- coln, the type of American genius. An historical romance. Poem. 8°. Wheaton 1882 — - • 'olumhian memorial songs. 16°. Chicago 1892 — Bond. S. C. Trifles. 4°. St. Louis 1891 — Brainerd's (S.) Sons, pub. Our war songs, north and south. Sample pages. 8°. Cincinnati 1887 POETRY. 251 POLAR. Poetry — Continued. — Bryant, John Howard. Poems. written from youth to old age. 1821-1881 12°. Princeton 1885 — Campbell, Robert Allen. Our flag: or, the evolution of the stars and stripes. 12°. Chicago 1890 — Clark, S. H. Poetry as a fine art. Syllabus of a course of six lecture studies (Cniv. Ext. Div., Univ. Chicago). 12°. Chicago 1894 — Clarke, Thos. Sir Copp, a poem for the times. 12°. Chicago 1866 — Date, Henry, comp. Pentecostal hymns. 12°. Chicago, n. d — David, Urbain. Les Anglais a la Louisiane en 1814 et 1815. Po<§me en 10 chants. 12°. New Orleans. 1845 — Gray, Edward McQueen. For a sea fight. Published on behalf of the Florence free library fund. Paper. 12°. Florence, N. M 1898 — - The nation's prayer. Published on behalf of the Florence free li- brary fund. Paper. 12° Florence. N.M 1898 — Griffith. Francis P. Lamentation for Abraham Lincoln. April. 1865. Paper clipping n. d — Hanaford. Mrs. P. A. Our mar- tyred president. Paper. 8°. Boston 1865 — Harlan, Caleb, M. D. Ida Randolph of Va., an historical novel in verse; and, The fate of Marcel. 2d ed. 12°. Phila 1890 — Hayden. Mrs. Caroline A. Our country's martyr. A poem. Pam. 12°. Boston 1865 — Holbrook, Edward S. Poem on the Mexican war. 8 C . Chicago 1880 — Lippincott.J B. & Co.. put*. Poeti- cal tributes to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. 12°. Phila.... 1S65 — London Punch, (From). Boyd, Andrew, pub. Abraham Lincoln. Poem and illustration. 4°. Albany 1868 — Lord, James Judson. Lincoln Mon- ument, dedicatory poem. Read by Hon. Richard Edwards at the dedicatory exercises, Oet. 15, 1874. Original parchment copy — Lord, James Judson. Lincoln Mon- ument dedication poem. Bound Ms. Springfield 1874 Poetry-- Conti nued. — McCullough, Mrs. N. N. Centen- nial hymn of N. W. Territory. Pam. 12°. Springfield 1887 — Moore, Frank, comp. Songs and ballads of the American Revolu- tion. 12°. N. Y 1856 — Pattengill, Henry R.. comp. Patri- otic selections. Old Glory Speak- er. 12°. Lansing, Mich 1884 — Redington. J. C. O., pub. The Acme Haversack of song and patriotic eloquence. Quarterly periodical. Odd Nos : — Rumsey. Sarah. Poems. 12°. Spring- field 1896 — Sabin. Henry, comp. Program of exercises, prepared for use in public schools of Iowa. April 27, 1894. Pam — Schoolcraft, Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Original poetry by Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Schoolcraft. Ms — Smith, E. H. (Western Tourist.) Black Hawk and scenes in the west. 12°. N. Y 1848 — Smith, Mrs. George Clinton. "The field is the World." Pam. 8°. 2 ed. Springfield 1879 — Stoddard. Richard Henry. Abra- ham Lincoln. An Horatian ode. 8°. N. Y 1865 — Thackery,Wm.M.(Mr M. Titmarsh. pseud.) The second funeral of Na- poleon; and, The chronicle of the drum. Paper. 32°. London 1841 — Titmarsh, Mr. M. A. See Thackery. — Tripp. Sev. B. H. The Iron bri- gade and other poems. Paper. 8°. Gallatin.Mo 1898 — Ware, Eugene F. (Ironquill, psetid.) Some rhymes of Ironquill of Kan- sas. 12°. Chicago 1892 — Washington, Mrs. Lucy E. Colum- bia; and other poems. 12°. Buf- falo 1893 — Wilbur, Mrs. Jennie Aurelia. Songs of the West. 12°. Chicago 1866 Polar regions of the Western conti- nent explored. Geographical ac- count of Iceland. Greenland. Isl- ands of Frozen Sea and northern parts of the American continent. Snelling. W. J. 8°. Boston 1831 POLITICAL. 252 POLITICAL. Political beginnings "f Ky. A narra- tive of public events bearing on the history oi that State, up to the time of it > admission to the American Union. Bi-ow a, J >hn Mason, i Filson Clab Pubs.No. 6.) i . Louisville 1889 Political < Hub, (The l of 1 >anville, Ky. Being an account of an earlj Ky. BOciety, from the orig- inal papers recently found. Speed. Thus. (Filson Club Pubs. N... II.) 4°. Louisville 1894 riOAL debates between Hon. Abra- ham Lincoln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, in campaign of 1H58, in 111., including preceding speeches of each at Chicago. Springtield. etc., also the two great speeches of Mr. Lincoln in Ohio in 1859. i larefully prepared by the re- porters of each party and pub- lished at time of their delivery. Follett, Foster & Co., pubs. 8°. Columbus 1860 Political and civil history of the U. S. of North America, from 1763 to 1797, including summary view of the political and civil state of N. American Colonies prior to that period. Pitkin. Timothy. 2 vols. 8°. New Haven 1828 Political economy. Altgeld, John P. Volume of money in the U. S. Reprinted from the St. Louis Republic of Oct. 21. 1893. Pain Brackett. Col. Wm. S. The rising menace against the peace of American society. 8° 1892 — - Del Mar, Alex. Story of the gold conspiracy. "New Occasions," No. 25. Pam. June 1896 — Gallinger, Hon. Jacob H. Ameri- can tariffs from Plymouth Rock to McKinley. Part. Congress. Record. Pam — Springer, Wm. M. Tariff reform, the paramount issue. 12°. N. Y. 1892 — I", s Congress, ('"tton trade of S. Letter from Daniel \\ ster, St eretary of state, of the U. S.. transmitting to congress a statement respecting the tariff duties and custom house regu- lations applicable to American cotton, etc. (J. S. House Repre- sentatives. Executive Document No. 108, 34th cod g. 1st session Political— Continued. — Walker, Albert H. The Jennings- Mack del. ate on silver. Paper. 16. Hartford 1896 Political Parties. — Democratic. National democratic campaign committee, 1860, pubs. The rendition of fugitive slaves. The acts of 1793 and 1850; the decisions of the supreme court sustaining them. The Dred Scott case. What the court de- cided. Pam. 8° 1860 — - Copy of the democratic electoral ballot of 1860. presidential elec- tors. (Douglas and Johnson), Illinois State ticKet and Sanga- mon co., 111., county officers Free Soil Party in Wisconsin. Smith, Theodore Clarke. (From proceedings Wis. Historical Soc. 1SH4). Pam. s . Madison 1895 — Republican party. Flower, Frank A. History of the republican party, including its origin, growth and mission; together with ap- pendices of statistics, etc. 8°. Springfield. Ill 1884 — - Copy of the republican electoral ticket of 1860. (Lincoln and Ham- lin), the Illinois State ticket and the Sangamon county, 111., county officers — - Illinois republican State conven- tion. Springfield, Ills., June 16, 1858. proceedings of. Pam — - McLean county. (111.) Historical Society, transactions of. Vol. 3. Meeting of May 29. 1900, commem- orative of the convention of May 29, 1856. that organized the repub- lican party in Illinois. 8°. Bloom- ington 1900 Political text book for 1860. Greeley. Horace . w. :t,l ed . revised and enlarged. 8°. Springfield 1889 — Succinct history of the politics of Ilia. 1856 ivvi. Anecdotes and in- cidents. Appendix, 1809 1866. L.U8R. 1). W. 8 . Springfield 1884 Politique colonlale sous l'Ancien ,iini'. D'apres des documents empruntes aus Archives Colonl- ales du Mlnistere de la .Marin.- el des I lolonies. Pauliat, Louis. Pa- per. 12-. Paris l ss " Polk. H. I.. & »'"•• puba. Gazetteer of the Btate of Ills.. iv,2. ism. 18S6 and 1888 4 vols. 8°. Chicago Pollaki>. E, A. Southern history of the war. 2 vols, in one 8°. NY. 1866 — Life, campaigns and public ser- vices of Roht. E. Lee. By a dis- tingulshed Southern journalist. 8°. N.Y 1870 Polvqamv. See Rlormonism Poole. Wm. Frederick. Anti-slavery opinions before the year 1800. 8°. Cincinnati 1873 — Columbus and the finding: of the New World. Pain. Chicago 1892 — John Dickinson, the Quaker Btal man In 'The Dial." July, 1891. — Organization ami management of public libraries. Pam — The ordinance of i>7 ami Dr. MLanessefa Cutler as an agent in its formation. B°. Cambridge, Mass 1876 — The Early Northwest. Address be- fore American Eist Ass'n, Dec. 1888. 8°. N.Y 1889 — The ordinance of 17S7. A reply. From '"The Inlander." B , Ann iLTbor 1892 — The university library and the university ourrlcululum. 12 , Chicago 1894 — Memorial sketch of Dr. Wm. P. Poole. NewbiTry Library trus- tees ot.vubs. H~>. Chicago 1886 Poore, Ben. Perley, • ■>■ Message of Presidenl of r.s. to 89th Cong. 1st Sess. and reports heads of de- partments. 1 S. Pub. Doc.) 8°. Washington W'*) I', ,ii . Col. Alberl A. Relation «f »ood streets '" the prosperity "f •■< city, Pam. n. d I', ml. John. Tour through southern ami western territories of (J. S. A. Spanish dominions on River Miss., tin- Ploridas, countries of Creek nations ami many unin- habited pan-. Beprintof Rich- mond edition of 1792. 8°. N v. 1888 PoP*,Nathan iel.com p. Laws of the Ter. Of Illinois. 2 vols. h ; . Kaskas- kia 1811 POPE county. 111. Biographical Pub. Co.. puba. Biographical review of Johnson. Massac. Pope and Har- din counties. 4°. Chicago 1*<93 Popular astronomy (January 1894.) Payne. Wm. W. urn/ Willard. Charlotte R.. eds POPULAB history of the discovery of America, from Columlnis to Franklin. Trans, from the 1 1 Into verses and chapters and references of the Book "f Mormon. 16 , Sail Lake City 1888 — Serif- of pamphlets; to whlcb Is -■«. i ■ pended ■ discussion between Elder Wm. Gibson and Rev. Mr. Woodman. 8°. Liverpool 1861 — P.P. Voice of warning. 16°. N. Y.. 1887 — Parley i'. Key to theology. 5th ed. u: . Sail Lake City 1893 PRAYER-BOOR, and missions. Paper read before the missionary coun- cil in Chicago I >ct 24, 1893. Lang- ford, Rev. Wm. 8. pam 1893 Pre-Columbian Period. Qravier, n»- l>riel. Decouverte de l'Annrique par les Norniands au 10m Siecle. 8°. Rouen 1874 — .McLean,.!. P. The Norse discov- ery of America. 8°. Chicago 1892 — Stephens. Tbos. Madoc. 8°. London 1893 Pbe-HISTORIC America Nadaillac, Marquis de. Translated l»y N. D'Anvers. Edited by W. H. Dall. 8°. London 1885 — races of the U. 8. . Poster, J. W. 4th ed. B°. Chicago 1878 — Wisconsin. Butler. .lames D. An- imal address before Wis. Hist. ,1876 Presbi i briam Chi roh. ■ bi tbbian Chnrch, Dixon, Illinois. MannaJ for 1896, '97. ''.is. "99. Pams. 16 . Dixon — Foote, R< ' . Wm. Henry. Sketches of Virginia, historical and bio- graphical. 2d series. 2d ed. 8°. Phila • — Cale-. Rev. Q. W. Articles of faith and covenant of the Presbyterian church of Galeaburg, Illinois, ther with the names of all who have been or are now mem- bers of the church; to which is appended a Bketofa of the nistory of the church, l'am. 12 . Oales- burg 1849 — Logan, h'fv. Thos D. "Sear book of First Presliyterian churcb of Springfield, Illinois, year ending April l, 1891. 8°. Springfield.... 1891 . briar Chi ek b Coneiudi . /'.. LL. I>. Obser- vations on the importance of the American Revolution. 12°. Lon- don 1784 PRICE. 257 PROVISIONAL. Price— Concluded. — - Observations on the nature of civil liberty. 8th ed. 16°. Edin- burgh 1776 Priest, Josiah. American antiquities and discoveries in West. 3d. ed. Revised. 12°. Albany 1833 4th ed. 12°. Albany 1834 Primitive man in Ohio. Moorehead, Warren K. 8°. N. Y 1892 Printing. Houghton, Henry O. Ad- dress on early printing in Ameri- ca. (Pub. Vermont Hist. Soc.) Pam. 8°. Montpelier 1894 Printing and publishing. Lea Bros. & Co.. pub. One hundred years of publishing; 1785-1885. 12°. Phila 1885 Prison labor. An address delivered by Chas. E. Felton. before Na- tional Prison Congress, Atlanta, Ga. Nov. 11. 1886. Felton, Chas. E. Pam. 8°. n. d Prison life and reflections; or a narra- tive of the arrest, trial, conviction and deliverance of Work, Burr and Thompson, who suffered in prison. Thompson, George. 12°. Hartford 1855 Pritchard. E. R., ed. Illinois of to- day, and its progressive cities. 4°. Chicago, n. d Pritts, J., comp. Border life ; and his- tory of Va. Pa. &c, &c. 8°. Abing- don. Va 1849 • Private correspondence of Henry Clay. Colton. Calvin, ed. 8°. N. Y 1856 Problem of the Ohio Mounds. Thomas, Cyrus. 8°. Washington 1889 Proceedings and transactions of the Royal Soc. of Canada. Beginning vol. 10, 1692 to vol. 12, 1894, Old se- ries, land vol. 1-4, 1895-98. New series » Proceedings at removal of remains of Maj. Gen. John Aaron Rawlins from Cong, cemetery to Arling- ton cemetery, Va.; together with an address by Hon. Henry A. Castle, and an original poem by Col. John A. Joyce, delivered upon the occasion, at Arlington, Va.. Feb. 8. 1899. Sheppard. Thos. R.. comp. Pam. 8°. Washington.. 1899 —17 H. S. Prohibition. See Temperance. Promenade en Amerique d'Etats Unis, Cuba. Mexique. Ampere, J. J. 3d ed. 2 vols. 8°. Paris 1860 Prominent doctrines Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints. Let- ters on. In reply to Rev. Wm. Crowel. A. M. Spencer, Orson, A.B. 12°. Salt Lake City 1874 Proofs of corruption of Gen. James Wilkinson and of his connection with Aaron Burr. With refutation of his slanderous allegations in relation to character of principal witness against him. Clark, Daniel. 12°. Phila 1809 Prophet (The) of the 19th century; or, rise, progress and present state of the Mormons. Analysis of the Book of Mormon. Caswell, Hen- ry. M. A. 12°. London 1843 Prophet of Palmyra (The). Mormon- ism reviewed in life and character of its founder. Armorah Hill to Carthage jail and the present. History of the Mormon era in Ills. Investigation. Theory of origin of Book of Mormon. Gregg. Thomas. 8°. N. Y 1S90 Protection and Free Trade. Cullom, Shelby M. The tariff. Remarks in U. S. Senate. Pam. 8°. Wash- ington 1890 — Holmes, John B, Brombeau. An Ills, pioneer. (Tariff tract No. 12.) Pam 1888 See Political economy and politi- cal science. Province of Quebec, (The) and the early American Revolution. A study iu English-American colo- nial history. Coffin. Victor, (Bui. Univr. Wis. Economics, Pol. Science and Hist. Series Vol. 1, No. 3.) 8°. Madison 1896 Provincial system, (The.) Swope. C. E . ( Protestant Episcopal Church.) 8°. N. Y 1870 Provisional government of Nebraska Territory and journals of Wm. Walker, provisional Governor. Connelley, Wm. E.. ed. (A special Pub. Neb. State Hist. Soc.) Pro- ceedings and collections of the Neb. State Hist. Soc. 2d Series. Vol.3. 8°. Lincoln 1899 PSALMIST. 258 QUARTER. Psalmist, (The). A new collection of hymns for the use of Baptist churches. With a supplement. American Baptist Pub. Soc. pubs. 32°. Phila 1847 Public and general statute laws of the State of Illinois. Containing all laws published in "Revised Stat- utes" of 1833 except such as are repealed; together with all acts of a general and public nature passed by 9th and 10th General Assem- blies, which are not repealed, and also the Militia Law. J.Young Scammon, comp.. and Stephen P. Gale, pub. 8°. Chicago 1839 See Laws. Public discussion of issues between reorganized church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints and Church of Christ (Disciples). Kirtland. Ohio, Feb. 12 to March 8, 1884. Kelley. E. L. and Braden, Clark. 8°. St. Louis 1884 Public discussion. Taylor, Elder John, and Revs. Cleeve, Robert- son and Cater. Also reply to Revs. Groves and Townley. Pam. Liv- erpool 1850 Public grounds of Chicago. How to give them character and expres- sion. Cleveland, H. W. S. 8°. Chicago. Pam 1869 Public libraries and public schools. Paper read before St. Clair Co. Teachers' Assn., Belleville, Ills. Nelson, Thomas. Pam Public libraries, monthly periodical. Library Bureau. Chicago, pub. 8°. Chicago Vol. 2. Nos. 1 and 2, 1897. Vol. 3. Nos. 3, 6, 9, 10, 1898. Vol. 4, No. 3, 1899. Vol. 5, No. 4, 1900 1894-1900 Public papers of Daniel D. Tompkins, Governor of N. Y. 1807-1817. With an introduction by Hugh Has- tings. State Historian. 8°. Albany 1898 Public parks. Their effects upon the moral, physical and sanitary con- dition of the inhabitants of large cities, with special reference to Chicago. Rauch, John H., M. D. 8°. Chicago. Pam 1869 Puissance Aniericane, (Dela) Origine, institutions, esprit politique, re- sources militaires, agricoles, commerciales et industrielles, des Etats-Unis. Poussin, Guill- aumeTell. 2 vols. 8°. Paris.... 1845 Pulaski county, 111. Perrin. Wm. Henry, ed. History of Alexander, Union and Pulaski Cos. 8°. Chi- cago 1883 Pullman. Geo. M. The strike at Pull- man. Statements of President Geo. M. Pullman and Vice-Pres. T. H. Wickes. Pam. n. d Puritan (The) in Holland, England and America. An introduction to American history. Campbell. Douglas. 2 vols. 8°. N. Y 1892 Puritans. Allerton. (?) The History of the Pilgrims. 16°. Boston.... 1831 — Campbell, Douglas. The Puritan in Holland, England and America. 2vols. 8°. N. Y 1892 — Neal, Daniel. History of th6 Puri- tans from Reformation to death of Queen Elizabeth. 5 vols. 8°. Portsmouth. N. H 1816 Stowell. Rev. W. H. and Wilson D. History of the Puritans in Eng- land and the Pilgrim Fathers. 12°. N. Y See New England; also, Colonial Period. 1849 Purple, N. H. comp. Compilation of the statutes of the State of Illinois of a general nature in force Jan. 1,1856. 2vols. 8°. Chicago 1856 Putnam Co., Ills. Ellsworth Spencer. Records of the olden times. 8°. , Lacon 1880 Putnam, Eben, ed. Putnam's Monthly Historical Magazine. The Salem Press historical and genealogical record. Periodical. Vol. 3, No. 3, July. 1892 No. 11, March, 1893, and vol. 5, No. 10, Oct., 1895 Putnam, M. Louise. The children's life of Abraham Lincoln. 12°. Chicago 1895 Quadrupeds of Ills, injurious and ben- eficial to the farmer. Kennicott. Robert. (Bound with agricult- ural report) 1856 Quarter century reunion of the Jef- ferson college class of 1856. Washington, Pa., June, 1881. Reed, Rev. James A. 12°. Springfield, 111 1881 QUARTERLY. 259 railroads. Quarterly register and journal of the American Educational Soc. 1829, 1830 and 1831. Cornelius. Rev. E.. and Brooks. B. B. Vols. 2. 3 and 4. 8°. Andover and Boston 1830-32 -Quay, Matthew S. Sketch of life of. In Lincoln's campaigns, or the political revolution of 1860, pp. 228-229. Oldroyd. Osborn H. Paper. 12°. Chicago 1896 Quayle, U. P., #m&. souvenir of Rock Island Co. Paper, Rock Island 1895 Quebec Literary and Hist. Soc. Cata- logue of the books in the library of the Literary and Hist. Soc. of Quebec. 8°. Quebec 1873 — Transactions Literary and Hist. Soc. of Quebec, from vol. 1. part 1, new series. 1862-3-1900, except 1866 and 1878 QUINCY. — Asbury, Henry. Reminiscences of Quincy. 111. 8°. Quincy 1882 — Episcopal church, diocese of Quincy. Journals of the annual convention of the diocese of Quincy. 1878, 1880, 1884, 1888, 1893. Pams — Musselman, P. L. Catalogue Gem City Business College, Quincy, 111. Pam. 12°. Quincy .' Quincy city directory for 1875-6. Class- ified business directory, society department and other useful in- formation. Langdon, Add. L., comp. 8°. Quincy 1875 Races and peoples. Lectures on the science of ethnography. Brinton. Daniel G. 12°. N. Y 1890 Rafinesque, Constantino Samuel. Ichthyologia Ohiensis, or natural history of the fishes inhabiting the Ohio river and tributary streams. Reprint of the original, sketch of life, ichthyologic work and bibliography of Rafinesque by Richard Ellsworth Call. Xo. 224 of this edition. 8°. Cleveland 1899 — Life and writings of. Prepared for the Filson Club 'and read at its meeting, Monday, April 2, 1894. Call. Richard Ellsworth. (Filson Club pubs. N». 10.) 4°. Louis- ville .'. 1895 Railroads. — Ackerman. Wm. K. Early Ills. railroads. (Paper read before Chicago Hist. Soc, Feb. 20. 1883. Notes by Hon. John Wentworth. (No.23 Fergus Hist. Series) Paper. 12°- Chicago.. 1884 — Anonymous. Chicago and her rail- roads. Jan.. 1854. Pam Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Annual re- ports of president and directors to stockholders 1897-99 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. Annual reports of the board of directors to the stockholders 1871-1899 Illinois Central R. R. Co. Directors of. Report and accounts to stock- holders. 1871-89 Illinois Central R. R. Co. Report Com. on Public Lands in House of Rep. 24th Con., 1st Sess. 1836. in regard to land-grant to I. C. R. R. Co. (U.S. Gov't pubs) Illinois State Gen. Assembly. Act to establish and maintain a gen- eral system of Internal Improve- ments, with supplementary acts. Passed, Vandalia, Dec. 5, 1836. Pam. 8°. Vandalia 1837 Illinois State General Assembly. Report of the Committee on Internal Imp. H. R.) Pam. 12°. Vandalia 1837 Railroad & Warehouse Commis- sioners of Ills. Reports (annual) 1872-76-78-86-89-98. v. y. Spring- field Railroad Commissioners' map of Ills 1890-1893 Intercontinental R. R. Commission. Minutes of. Dec. 1890 to Dec. 1891. (English and Spanish) Paper. Map. 4°. Washington. (U.S. Gov't pub.; 1891 St. Louis & Iron Mountain R. R. Co. 2nd annual report Bd. Di- rectors and report of the engi- neers. Pam. 8°. St. Louis 1854 RAILROADS. 260 REAVIS. Railroads— Concluded. — Sanborn, John Bell, Ph. D. Con- gressional grants of land in aid of railways. (Bui. Univr. of Wis. No. 30. Economics. Political, Sci- ence and History Series. Vol. 2, No. 3. 8°. Madison 1899 — Stirason, A. L. History of Express Cos. and the origin of the Amer. R. R. 2nded. 8°. N. Y 1858 Ramble of six thousand miles through U. S. A. Ferrall. S. A.. Esq. 8°. London 1832 Rambler (The) in North America. 1832- '33. Latrobe. Chas. Joseph. 2 vols. 12°. N. Y 1835 Ramsey, Albert C, ed. and trans. The Other Side; or, notes for the his- tory of the war between the U. S. and Mexico. (Written in Mexico.) 12°. N. Y 1850 Ramsey. J. G. M. The annals of Ten- nessee. 8°. Charleston 1853 Ranck, George W. The Story of Bry- an's station. Pam. 12°. Lexing- ton, Ky :.. 1896 Rand, McNally & Co., pub. Buildings and art at the World's Fair. 4°. Chicago 1894 — - Map of Ills, showing geographical situation of candidates for nomi- nation by republican State con- vention for State offices. Special reference to I. N. Pearson of Mc- Donough Co Randall, Henry S.. LL.D. Life of Thomas Jefferson, 3 vols. 8°. N.Y 1858 Randall, Samuel J. Addresses in Congress upon presentation to the U. States by state of Pa. of portraits of Speakers Grow & Randall. (U- S. Gov't. Pub.) 4°. Washin gton 1892 Randolph, Chas., comp. Annual re- ports trade & commerce of Chi- cago, for Board of Trade, 1871 to 18S3 inc. except 1875. 8°. Chicago — - Same 1871 to 1883 inc. 8°. Chicago — - Trade and commerce of Chicago, 1876 and 1878. 8°. Chicago.. . .1877-1879 Randolph, Isham. Report on organi- zation, resources, construction, work, methods and progress of Sanitary District of Chicago. Re- vised and corrected. May 1, 1896. 8°. Pam. Chicago 1896 Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, ed. Me- moir, correspondence and miscel- lanies from ihe papers of Thos. Jefferson. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8°. Boston 1830 — - McDonough J. L, & Co., pubs. History Randolph, Monroe and Perry Cos. Ills. 4°. Phila 1883 Randolph Co. Illinois. Montague, E. J. Directory and business mirror and historical sketches of Ran- dolph Co. 12°. Alton 1859 Range manual and score record. Rice, Col. Jas. M. 2d ed. 16°. Spring- field 1892 Rappites, (The). Interesting notes about the early history of New Harmony, Indiana. Schnack, Dr. J.. & Owen, Richard. Pam. 12°. E vansville 1890 Radch, John H., 31. D. Public Parks. 8°. Chicago 1869 — Water supply of Ills. & the pollu- tion of its streams. (Preliminary report to Ills. State Board of Health.) Pam. 8°. Spring- field 1889 Rawlins, Haj. Gen. John Aaron. Pro- ceedings at removal of remains of, from theCongressional cemetery, to Arlington, Va. ; together with an address by Hon. Henry A. Cas- tle, and an original poem by Col. John A. Joyce, delivered upon the occasion at Arlington Feb. 8, 1899. This pam. prepared by Thos. R. Sheppard, Past Com. John A. Rawlins Post No. 1, Dept. Poto- mac, G. A. R. Pam Raymond, Henry J. Life and public services of Abraham Lincoln, to- gether with his state papers. 8°. N.Y 1865 Rear-Guard (The), of the Revolution. Gilmore, James R. 12°. N. Y.... 1891 Reasons for pardoning Fielden, Neebe and Schwab. Altgeld, John P. Pam. n. d Reavis, Hon. L. U. Life an public ser- vices of Richard Yates. A lecture. Pam. 8°. St. Louis 1881 — The Commonwealth of Missouri. Pam. 8°. London 1880 REBELLION. 261 RECORDS. Rebellion Record. A diary of Amer- ican events, with documents, nar- ratives, illustrative incidents, po- etry, etc. With an introductory address on the "The causes of the struggle and great issues before the country," by Edward Everett. Moore, Frank, ed. 10 vols, with supplement. (1 vol.) 8°. N. Y.1861-1867 Reception to members 96th Regt. Ills. Inf. Vols, at residence of their old commander, Gen. John C. Smith, on 29th anniversary of the Battle of Peach Tree Creek, Georgia, July 20, 1893. Smith, Gen. John C. Paper. 8°. Chicago 1893 Reception to settlers of Chicago, prior to 1840. by the Calumet Club May 27, 1879. Calumet Club, pubs. 12°. Chicago 1879 Recit et narration de la navigation en 1535 et 1536; Aux lies de Can- ada, Hochelago. Saguenay et au- tres. R^impression figured, de l'edition originale, rarissirue de 1545, avec les vanantes des manu- scrits de la Biblioth£que Impe- riale. Pr^cedee introduction his- torique, par M. D'Avezac. Cartier. Jacques. Reprint. 12°. Paris. 1863 Reccollections and private memoirs of Washington. Memoir of author by his daughter. Illustrative aDd explanatory notes. B. J. Lossing. Custis, George Washington Parke. 8°. N. Y 1860 of Abraham Lincoln, 1847-1865. By Ward Hill Lamon. Lamon. Doro- thy, ed. 12°. Chicago 1895 of early Ills, and her noted men. Read before Chicago Hist. Soc. March 16, 1880. Gillespie. H<>n. Joseph. (Fergus Hist. Series No. 13.) 12°. Chicago 1880 of the early settlement of the Wa- bash valley. Cox, Sanford C. 8°. Lafayette 1860 of the last ten years passed in occa- sional residences andijourneyings in the Miss, valley. From Pitts- burg and the Mo. to Gulf of Mexico, and from Florida to the Spanish frontier, in a series of letters to Rev. Jas. Flint, of Salem, Mass. Flint, Timothy. 8°. Boston 1826 of life in Ohio, 1813-1840. With an introduction by Wm. Dean How- ells, son of the author. Howells. Wm. Cooper. 8°. Cincinnati.... 1895 Recollections— Continued. Recolections of the pioneers of Lee county. Ills. Lee County Colum- bian Club, pubs. 12°. Dixon... 1893 — of President Lincoln and his ad- ministration. Chittenden, L. E. 8°. N. Y 1891 — of a septuagenarian. Paper read before Mo. Hist. Soc. March, 1880. (Pub. Mo. Hist. Soc. Nos. 2 and 3.) — of sixteen presidents, from Wash- ington to Lincoln. Thompson. Richard W. 2 vols. 8°. Indian- apolis 1894 Record book Central Ills. Conference of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. 1865-1884. Original Mss. book Record of my ancestry. Book de- signed to contain photographs and family records. Bailey, Fred- erick W. 4°. Worcester, Mass.. 1892 — of services of Ills, soldiers in Black Hawk war, 1831-32, and Mexican war. 1846-48. Roster of command- ing officers and enlisted men in both wars, from War Dept. Wash- ington. D.C. Appendix, containing record services Ills, miliiia, rang- ers and riflemen, 1810-1813. Elli- ott, Isaac H. comp. 8°. Springfield 1882 Records of ancient races of the Miss, valley. McAdams. Wm. 8°. St. Louis 1887 — of living officers of the U. S. Navy and Marine corps. Hamersly. Lewis R. 8°. Phila 1870 — of the Olden Times; or. fifty years on the prairies. Discovery, ex- ploration and settlement of coun- try, organization of counties of Putnam and Marshall, Ills., inci- dents and reminiscences, biogra- phies of citizens, portraits, etc. Ellsworth. Spencer. 8°. Lacon, Ills 1880 — official, of the Scandinavian Evan- gelical Lutheran Augustana Syn- od. 1860-1900, except 1885. 12°. Pams RECUEILS. 262 REGISTER. Recueils de r^glemens edits, declara- tions et arrets, concernant com- merce. 1'admiDistration de la jus- tice et la police des colonies des Francais de l'Ame>ique, et les engages avec lecodenoir. Anony- mous. Nouvelle ed. 16°. Paris. 1765 RECUEiLde voyages au Nord. Contin- ent divers memoires tres utiles au commerce et a la navigation. Bernard, Jean Frederic, pub. 10 vols. 16°. Amsterdam 1731 ed book of Michigan. A civil military and biographical history. Lan- man, Charles. 8°. Detroit 1871 Red Cross (The) history of. The treaty of Geneva and its adoption by U. S. American Assc. of the Red Cross, pubs. 12°. Washington.. 1883 Red Cross Relief Committee. See American National Red Cross Committee. Red Jacket. (Trans. Buf . Hist. Soc. Vol. 3.) Buffalo Historical Society pubs. Pam. 8°. Buffalo 1885 Red Jacket. (Sa-go-ye-wat-ha.) Life and times of. Sequel to history of the Six Nations. Stone, Wm. L. 8°. N.Y 1841 See Biography, Redington, J. C. O., pub. The acme haversack of song and patriotic eloquence. Quarterly periodical. Odd nos Reed, Capt. H. B. The backbone of Ills., 1861 to 1865, and Memorial Hall, Springfield. Ills. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1886 — Rev. James A. Quarter century reunion of Jefferson College class 1856, Washington, Pa., June 21, 1881. 12°. Springfield 1881 — Thomas Brackett, sketch of life of. in Lincoln's campaign: or, the po- litical revolution of 1860. pp. 212- 216. Oldroyd. Osborn H. Paper. 12°. Chicago 1896 Reference. (Works of) Appleton D. and Co., pub. Appleton's annual encyclopaedia. New series. 11 vols. 8°. N.Y 1885-87 — - The American annual encyclopae- dia for 1862, 1863 and 1864. 3 vols. 8°. N. Y 1863-65 — Brewer, Rev. E. Cobham. The his- toric note book. 12°. Phila 1896 Reference— Oontinued. — Inter Ocean Publishing Company, pubs. The Inter-Ocean Curiosity Shop. 1880-92. v. y. Chicago — Larned, J. N. History for ready reference. 5 vols. 4°. Spring- field, Mass 1895 — Lippincott. J. B. Co., pub. Cham- ber's encyclopaedia. Amer. ed, lOvols. 8°. Phila 1875 — McMillan. Thos. C, ed. The Inter Ocean Curiosity Shop. 1880-92. V. Y. 8°. Chicago — Porter, Noah, LL. D. ed. Webster's International dictionary of the English language. 4°. Spring- field, Mass 1893: — Press, Pub. Co. The world alma- nac and encyclopaedia. 1896. 12°. N. Y 1896 — Ripley, George and Dana, Chas. A., eds.. The American cyclopaedia, 16 vols, and index. 8°. N. Y.... 1883-86 — Scribner's (Chas.) Sons pubs. The encyclopaedia Britannica. 9th ed. 25 vols, with index. 4°. N. Y 1878-89" — Willsey, Jos. H., comp., and Lewis, Charlton, T., ed. Harper's book of facts. 4°. N.Y 1895 Regan, John. Emigrant's guide to Western States; or, back-woods and prairies. 16°. Edinburgh, n.d Regents University of N. Y. See New York Regimental Histories. See War Re- bellion Register Book of the lands and houses in the "New Towne" and the town of Cambridge, with the records of the proprietors of the common lands, being the records generally called "The Proprietor's Rec- ords" printed by order city council under direction city clerk. 8°. Cambridge, Mass 1896 — of debates in Congress, comprising the leading debates and incidents from 2d Sess. 18th Cong, to 1st Sess 25th Cong. Appendix con- taining important State papers and public documents and the laws enacted during these ses- sions, with a copious index to the whole. Gales & Seaton, pubs. (14 vols, in 29 parts.) 29 vols. 8°. Washington. 1825-1837 REGISTER. 263 RELYEA. Register— Continued. — o£ officers and agents, civil, military and naval in service U. S. Sept. 30, 1827; also uames, force and condi- tion of all ships and vessels be- longing to U. S., and when and where built. U. S. State Dept., eomp. 12°. Washington 1828 — of Pennsylvania. Devoted to the preservation of facts and docu- ments, and every other kind of useful information respecting Penn. Hazard, Samuel, cotnp. 4 vols. 4°. Phila. 1831-32 .... — of Penn. Soc. of Colonial Dames, of America. Instituted April 8, 1891. Incorporated July 13. 1891. 8°. Phila 1898 Regulation's for the army of the U. S. 1895. War Dept. U. S. (U. S. Gov't, pubs.) 8°. Washington.. 1895 Reid, Harvey. Biographical sketch of Enoch Long, an Illinois pioneer. Chicago Historical Society collec- tion vol. 2.) 8°. Chicago 1884 Reid. Mr. Whitelaw. in France. 1889- 1892. Farewell dinner to the U. S. miniter, Paris, March 24. 1892. Printed at the request of resident Americans. Bretano. pub. 8°. Paris 1892 Reinsch. Paul Samuel, Ph. D., LL. B. English common law in the early American colonies. (Bui. Univr. of Wis. No. 31, Economics, Politi- cal Science and History Series, vol. 2, No. 4.) Paper, 8°. Madi- son 1899 Relation du voyage des Dames Reli- gieuses Ursulines, de Rouen, a la Nouvelle Orleans, avec une intro- duction et des notes. Gravier. Gabriel. 8°. Paris 1872 historique de l'exp^dition contre les Indiens de l'Ohio en 1764. Commanded par le Chevalier Henry Bouquet. Dumas, G. C. F. (Trans.) 8°. Amsterdam 1869 of good streets to the prosperity of a city. An address. Pope, Col. Albert, pam. n. d Relations de la Louisiane et du Fleuve Mississippi. Table des relations des tome 5. Relation de la Louisiane par un officer de marine. Relation de la Louisi- ane et du Miss, par le Chevalier de Tonti. Voyage en un pays que grand que l'Europe par le Pere Hennepin. Relations des voy- ages de Gosnol, Pringe et Gilbert. 16°. Amsterdam 1720 — des Jesuites, contenant ce qui s'est passed de plus remarquable dans les missions des Peres de la Com- pagniede Jesus, dans laNouvelle- France. (Ouvrage public sous les auspices du gouvernment Can- adien.) Cote, Augustin, ed. 3 vols. 8°. Quebec 1858 Religions. Barrows, i?ec.John Henry, ed. World's parliament of reli- gions. 2 vols. 8°. Chicago 1893: — Christian Science Publishing Co. The Christian Science Movement by a Christian Scientist. (Re- printed from N. Y. Sun of Oct. 17, 1897.) Pam. 12°. Boston 1898 — Episcopal church, vub. The order for daily evening prayer. 16°. Oxford, Eng 1886 — Nature worship. Anon. I Privately printed. 12° 1891 — Pettis, Olive G. Autobiography by Jesus of Nazareth. 8° 1854 — Smith, Mrs. George Clinton. "The field is the world." Pam. 8°. Springfield 1879 — White. John Chanler. Ministerial faithfulness. 8°. pam. Spring- field 189$ • Religious Societies. King's Daugh- ters, Springfield, Ills. Constitu- tion and by-laws of the King's Daughters' Home for Women. 8° Pam. Springfield, n. d — Missouri and Ills. Tract Society. 4th annual report, presented March, 1831. Pam. 8°. St. Louis — Society for the promotion of col- legiate and theological education at the West. Reports of the Soc. 1844-1867 Relyea, Eev. B. J. Sermon on the death of Abraham Lincoln. Pam. N.Y 1831 1865 REMARKS. 264 REMINISCENCES. Remarks at the quarter-century re- union of the Phi-Alpha Soc. of Ills. College. Jacksonville, June 2, 1870. Jayne, Dr. Wm. 8°. Springfield 1870 Remarks during a journey through N. America, in series of letters. Ap- pendix. Account Indian tribes and principal missionary sta- tions, etc. Letter on comparative expense of free and slave labor. Hodgson, Adam. 8°. N.Y 1823 Remarks on seizure of arsenals at Harper's Ferry, Va„ and Liberty, Mo., and in vindication of Re- publican party, 1859. Trumbull Lyman. Pam Remarks on the laying of the corner stone of Sangamon Co. court house, at Springfield, Oct. 21, 1899 Connolly, Hon. James A. Pam. 8° Remarks on a tour to Prairie du Chien, thence to Washington City. 1829. Atwater, Caleb. 16°. Columbus 1831 Remington, Cyrus Kingsbury. The ship-yard of the Griffon. Paper. 8°. Buffalo 1891 Reminiscences. Asbury. Henry. Rem- iniscences of Quincy. Ills. 8°. Quincy 1882 — Beggs, Rev. S. P. Pages from early history of the West and North- west. Reminiscences, settlement and growth of Ohio, Indiana, Ills, and Mo., with special reference to history Methodism. 12°. Cin- cinnati 1868 — Benton, Thos. H. Thirty years' view; or, a history of the work- ing of the American government for thirty years. 1820-1850 2 vols. 8°. N.Y 1893 — Blaine, James G. Twenty years of Congress. 2 vols. 8°. Norwich, Conn 1884 — Bonham, Jeriah. Fifty years' rec- olections, with observations and reflections on historical events. Sketches of lives and public services of eminent citizens of Ills. 12°. Peoria 1883 — - Chittenden. L.E. Personal remin- iscences, 1840-1890; including some not hitherto published of Lincoln and the war. 8°. N.Y 1893 — Recollections of President Lincoln and his administration. 8°. N.Y. 1891 Reminiscences— Continued. — Cox, Sanford C. Recollections of the early settlement of the Wa- bash Valley. 8°. Lafayette 1860 — Darby, John F. Personal recollec- tions. 12°. St. Louis 1880 — Flint, Timothy. Recollections of the last ten years in Mississippi Val- ley. 8°. Boston 1826 — Gillespie. Eon. Joseph. Recollec- tions of early Illinois and her noted men. Fergus Historical Series No. 13. 12°. Chicago 1880 — Gilmore, James R. (Edmund Kirke, pseud. ) Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. 8°. Boston 1898 — Grant. U. S. Personal memoirs of. 2vols. 8°. N.Y 1885 — Hawes, Lucy Williams. Buffalo fifty years ago. A paper read be- fore Buffalo Historical Society, April 27. 1886. Pam. 8°. Buffalo.. 1886 — Howells, Wm. Cooper. Recollec- tions of life in Ohio, 1813-1840. In- troduction by author's son, Wm. Dean Howells. 8°. Cincinnati.. 1895 — Linder, Gen. Usher F. Reminis- cences of the early bench and bar of Ills. Introduction and ap- pendix by Hon. Joseph Gillespie. 2ded. 12°. Chicago 1879 — McClellan. George B. McClellan's own story. 8°. N.Y 1887 — Marcy, Randolph B. Border remin- iscences. 12°. N.Y 1872 — Matson, N. Memories of Shaubena, with incidents relating to early settlement of the West. 1.°. Chi- cago 1878 3ded. 12°. Chicago 1882 — - Pioneers of Ills. Series of sketch- es relating to events that oc- curred previous to 1813. 12°. Chi- cago 1882 — - Reminiscences of Bureau Co. 111. 12°. Princeton 1872 — Miles, Gen. Nelson A. Personal recollections and observations. 8°. Chicago 1896 — Palmer, John M.. editor. The Bench and Bar of Ills. Historical and reminiscent. 2 vols. 4°. Chicago. 1899 REMINISCENCES. 265 RESOLUTIONS. Reminiscences— Concluded. Sheridan, Gen. P. memoirs of P. H. vols. 8°. N.Y H. Personal Sheridan. 2 1SSS — Sherman, John. John Sherman's recollections of forty years in the House, Senate and Cabinet. 2vols. 8°. Chicago 1895 — Sherman. Gen. W. T. Memoirs of Gen. W. T. Sherman, written by himself. 2 vols. 8°. N.Y 1875 Another edition, with an ap- pendix, bringing his life down to its closing scenes; also personal tribute and critique of the mem- oirs, by Hoa. Jas. G. Blaine. 4th edition. 1 vol. 8°. N.Y 1891 — Smith, Rev. J. C. Reminiscences of early Methodism in Indiana; in- cluding sketches of prominent ministers, narratives of women eminent for piety; poetry and song, descriptions of remarkable camp-meetings, revivals, inci- dents and other miscellany; with an appendix containing essays on various theological subjects of practical interest. 12°. Indian- apolis 1879 — Thompson, Richard W. Recollec- tions of sixteen Presidents; from Washington to Lincoln. 2 vols. 8°. Indianapolis 1894 — Waldo, Wm. Recollections of a Sep- tuagenarian. (Nos. 2 and 3, Mo. Hist. Soc, pub.) 8°. St. Louis.... 1880 — Whitney, Henry C. Life on the circuit with Lincoln. 8°. Boston. 1892 — Wilson, Capt. Ephraim A. Mem- oirs of the war. 12°. Cincinnati. 1893 Reminiscences of Bureau County. 111. Matson, N. 12°. Princeton 1872 Reminiscences of Jersey County, 111.. 1835-1850. An address delivered at Chautauqua, Ills., July 19, 1900. White, Hon. S. V. Pain, 8°. Brooklyn 1900 Reminiscences of pioneer life in the Miss. Valley. Spencer, J. W. 8°. Davenport 1872 Reminiscences of Quincy. Ills. Con- taining historical events, anec- dotes of old settlers, old times, etc. Asbury, Henry. 8°. Quincy. 1882 Reminiscences, sporting and other- wise, of early days in Rockford. Thurston, John H. 8°. Rockford. 1891 Remlap, L. T., ed. Life of Gen. U. S. Grant. 8°. N.Y 1888 Remv, Jules, and Breuchley. Julius, M. A. Journey to the great Salt Lake City. 2 vols. 8°. London 1861 Replv of the coal miners to the protest and argument of the coal oper- ators of Ills., against adverse leg- islation. An address to the mem- bers of the 37ih Gen. Assembly of Ills. 8°. Pam., n. d Reports. See name of person or insti- tution making report. Republic, (The) or. A history of the U. S. A. in the administrations from the monarchic colonial days to present time. Washington to Johnson, inc. Irelan, John Robert. 18 vols. 8°. Chic ago... 1887-8 Republican party. Birney, Wm. James G. Birney and his times. 12°. N.Y 1890 Republican State convention, Spring- field. June 14, 1898. List of dele- gates. Whittemore, F. K. comp, 16°. Springfield 1898 Republican party. Proceedings Re- publican State convention, Springfield, 1858. Contains Lin- coln's speech. Pam See Political parties. Researches, philosophical and anti- quarian, concerning the aborigi- nal history of America. Mc- Culloh, J. H.. jr. 8°. Baltimore. 1829 Residence of thirty years among Indian tribes on American front- ier; personal memoir of. notices, events, facts and opinions, 1812- 1842. Schoolcraft, Henry R. 8°. Phila 1851 Resolutions and discourse occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the U.S. delivered in Congregational church, Manches- ter, Vt., April 19. 1865. Cushman, Bev. R. S. 8°. Manchester. Yt. Pam 1865 RESOLUTIONS 266 RICHER. Resolutions— Concluded. — laws and ordinances relating to pay, half pay, commutation bounty lands and other promises made by Congress to officers and soldiers of the Revolution, to the settlement of accounts between the U. S. and the several States; and to funding the Revolutionary debt. Franklin, Walter S., comp. (U. S. Gov't, pub.) 8°. Washing- ton 1838 Resources and attractions of the Ter- ritory of Utah. Utah Board of Trade, comp. 8°. Omaha. Pam. 1879 — and prospects of America. Ascer- tained during a visit to the States. 1865. Peto, Sir S. Morton. 8°. Lon- don and New York 1866 Revenue Commission. Report of Rev- enue Commission appointed un- der joint resolution of the two Houses of the 34th Gen. Ass. of Ills, to propose and frame a reve- nue code etc. 1886. 8°. Springfield Pam 1886 Revised ordinances of the city of Springfield, Ills., together with the constitution of Ills., charter of city and amendments thereto, and other laws affecting the city, special ordinances and the names of the members of the municipal government from its organization. Pub. by authority of the City Council. Snigg, John C, comp. 8°. Springfield 1877 — Regulations for the Army of the U. S., 1861. U. S. War Dept. Pub. by authority. 8°. Phila 1861 — Statutes of the State of Ills See Illinois, Laws and Govern- ment, Revolutionary calender, 1896. N. Y. City Chapter Daughters Amer. Rev. pubs Review of Bryce's American Common- wealth. A study in American constitutional law. James, Ed- mund J., Ph. D. (Pubs. Amr. Acad. Political and Social Science No. 172.) pub. May 5, 1896. Pam. Phila Reynolds. Arthur R., comp. Annual report Dept Health, Chicago, 1894. 8°. Chicago 1895 — John. Pioneer History of Ills. 12°. Belleville 1852 Reynolds, John— Concluded. — - Pioneer history of Ills., with notes and index. Fergus Printing Co. 8°. Chicago 1887 — - History of Ills. My own Times. 12°. Ills 1855 — - Another ed. Pub. with notes and index, by Chicago Hist. Soc. 8°. Chicago 1879 — - My Own Times. Also History of my life. 12°. Ills 1855 — - Another ed. Pub. by Chicago Hist. Soc 1879 (Same as History of Ills., My Own Times.) Reynolds, Library of Rochester, New York. See New York Rhodes, James Ford. History of the U. S. from the compromise of 1850. Vols land 2. 8°. N. Y 1893 Yols.3and4. 8°. N. Y 1900 Rice, Allen Thorndyke, ed. Reminis- cences of Abraham Lincoln, by distinguished men of his times. 8°. N.Y 1889 — Col. James M. Range manual and score record. 16°. Springfield... 1892 — - Small arms practice for national guard. 16°. Springfield 1892 — Harvey. Pioneers of the Western Reserve. 12°. Boston 1883 Rich, Ben. E. A friendly discussion upon religious subjects. Pam. n.d Richardson, Albert D. Personal his- tory of Ulysses S. Grant, and sketch of Schuyler Colfax. 8°. Hartford 1868 — Chas. B., pub. Southern generals, who they are and what they have done. 8°. N.Y 1865 — James D., comp. Messages and pa- pers of Presidents of the U. S., 1789-1897. (U. S. Gov't Pub. H. R. Misc. Doc.) 10 vols. 8°. Wash- ington, 1896-1899 — Major. Hardscrabble; or the fall of Chicago. 12°. N.Y 1888 Richelet, Caesar, trans. Histoire de la Conqu£te de la Floride. Par l'lncas Garcilasso de la Vega. 16°. Paris 1709 Richer, Jean. Histoire de la Paix entre les Roys de France et d'Espagne. 16°. Paris 1605 RICHLAND CO. 267 ROCK ISLAND. Richland county. Ills. Battey. P. A. & Co., pubs. Cumberland, Jas- per and Richland counties. Ills Historical and biographical. 8°. Chicago 1884 Rickekson, Bev. P. T. A half century of Baptist history in Springfield. Ills., 1830-1881. Sermon preached in Central Baptist Church, June 26. 1881. by the pastor. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1881 Ricord, Frederick W. and Nelson, Wm., eds. Archives of New Jer- sey. Documents relating to Colon- ial history of New Jersey. First series vols. 13 and 14. See N. J. Hist. Soc Rives. Wm. Cabell. Preface to jour- nals of an exploration in 1750 by Dr. Thos. Walker. 12°. Boston. 1888- Ridgway, Robert. Part 1. Descrip- tive catalogue in the Ornithology of Illinois. Vol. 1. (Nat. Hist. Survey of Ills.) 8°. Springfield. 1889 Ridpath, John Clark. Life and pub- lic services of James G. Blaine and sketch of life of John A. Logan. 12°. Cincinnati 1884 — - Popular history of the U. S. A. .8°. Phila 1876 Ripley, George and Dana, Chas. A., eds. The American Cyclopaedia. 16 vols, and index. 8°. N. Y 1883-86 Rise and development of the bicameral system in America. Moran. Thos. Francis. (Johns-Hopkins Univr. Studies in Hist, and Pol. Science. Series 13.) 8°. Baltimore. May, 1895 Rise and fall of the Confederate gov- ernment. Davis, Jefferson. 2 v. 8°. N.Y 1881 Rise, progress and travels of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Smith, President Geo. A. Pam. Salt Lake City... 1872 Rising menace against the peace of American society. Address be- fore National Guard Association of Illinois, at annual meeting Dec. 8, 1892. Brackett. Col. Wm. S. 8°. 1892 Ritchie. James S. Wisconsin and its resources. 12°. Phila 1857 Rivero, Mariano Edward & Von Tschudi, John James. Peruvian antiquities. Trans, by Francis L. Hawks. 12°. N.Y 1854 Rives. F. & J. & Bailey, pub. (Success- ors of Blair & Rives) Congress- ional Globe. 23d to 42nd Cong. inc. 4° Washington 1834-1873 Roberts. T. & Co,, pub. Old Moore's Almanac for 1881. 12°. Pam. Lon- don 1881 Robertson. Bt. Bev. C. F., D. D. LL. D. Attempts to separate the West from the American Union. ( Pubs. Mo. Hist. Soc. No. 8 ) Pam .... Robertson, David, comp. Reports of trials of Aaron. Burr for treason and for a misdemeanor. 2 Vols. 8°. Phila 1808 Robertson, Wm., D. D. History of America. 2 Vols. 8°. Albany... 1822 Robinson. Bev. Chas. S. The mar- tyred President. 8°. Pam. N. Y. 1865 Robinson. Conway. Account of the discoveries in the West until 1519 and voyages along Atlantic coast of North America from 1520 to 1573. (Va. Hist, and Phil. Soc. pubs.) 8°. Richmond 1848 Robinson, Sara, T. L. Kansas; its in- terior and exterior life. 8th ed. 12°. Boston 1857 Rockefeller, John D. Facsimile of the letter of John D. Rockefeller, dated May 15. 1889, offering to the American Baptist Education So- ciety, sums of money for the building and maintenance of the University of Chicago Rockford.HIs. Nevius Post No. 1, Rock- ford, Ills. History and roster of G. L. Nevius Post No. 1. G. A. R. 16°. Pam. Rockford 1894 Rockford Public Library. Catalogues of. 1886-1894. Bound, lvol. 8° Rockford, Ills. City of. Thurston, John H. Reminiscences of early days in Rockford. 8°. Pam. Rock- ford 1891 Rock Island. — Rock Island Arsenal, (The.) His- tory of from establishment 1863 to Dec. 1876, and Island of Rock Island 1804 to 1863. Pre- pared under instruction Brig. Gen. Stephen U. Benet, USA. Flagler. Maj. D. W. 4°. Wash- ington 1877" ROCK ISLAND. 268 RUMMEL. Rock Island— Concluded. — Arsenal in peace and war. With maps and illustrations. Tillin- ghast. B. F. 8°. Chicago 1898 — Rock Island County. Quayle, W. P., pub. Souvenir of Rock Island. Paper. 4°. Rock Island 1895 Rogers, Rev. Euclid B.. ed. The Springfield Baptist. Monthly newspaper. See Baptist church Rogers Henry Wade. LL. 1). Sketch of, in Northwestern University history. Conard, Howard Louis. (In National Mag. Dec. 1892.) Rogers, Maj. Robert. A concise ac- count of North America. 16°. Dublin 1769 — - Journals of, 1755 1761. 12°. London 1765 Rogers. Robert M. The 125th Regt. Ills. Vol. Inf. 8°. Champaign... 1882 Roman, Alfred. The military opera- tions of General Beauregard. 2 vols. 8°. N.Y 1884 Roman Catholic Church. Armagnac, L. M. Washburne et Mgr. Dar- boy. 8°. Paris 1887 — Chiniquy. Father Chas. Fifty years in the Church of Rome, 12°. Chicago 1892 — Conway, Rev. J.. T. Catholic Church in St. Louis. 1764-1776. (Mo. Hist. Soc. pub. No. 14.) Paper. 8°. St. Louis 1897 — DeCourcy, Henry. The Catholic Church in the U. S. Trans, and enlarged by John Gilmary Shea. 2d ed. 12°. N.Y 1857 — Griffin. Martin I. J., ed. American Catholic Historical Researches. Quarterly Periodical. 8°. Phila. 1888-1900 Romance of Dollard,- Catherwood. Mary Hartwell. 12°. N.Y 1889 Romance of Western history; or, sketches of history, life and man- ners in the West. Hall, James. 12°. Cincinnati 1871 Roosevelt, Theodore. The winning ofthe"West. 4 vols. 8°. N. Y. 1889-1894-96 Root of the temperance question from a kindergarten standpoint. (Pre- sented to National Woman's Tem- perance Union Nov. 11, 1889.) Harrison, Elizabeth. Pam. 12°. Chicago 1889 Rose, James A., comp. List of State officers, judges, etc., etc., with appendix containing political sta- tistics of the State from its organ- ization to present, Oct. 15. 1899. (Ills. Blue Book.) 8°. Springfield. 1899 Rose Polytechnic Institute, ana. See Indi- RosELLY.de Lorgues (Comte). Chris- tophe Colomb. 2 vols. 8°. Paris.. ' 1856 Rosengarten, J. G. Sources of his- tory. Pam. 12°. Phila 1892 Rosenthal, Lewis. America France. 12°. N.Y and 1882 Rouvier, le Pere, Fred. (S. J.) pays des Hurons. 12°. n. d. Au Royal Society of Canada. Proceedings and transactions of the Royal So- ciety of Canada, beginning 1892. vol. 10. to 12, 1894. old series; and vols. 1 to 4, 1895-98. new series Rtjdd and Carleton, pubs. Life, speeches and public services of Abraham Lincoln, with a sketch of the life of Hannibal Hamlin. Howells, Wm. C, author. (Wig- wam ed.) 12°. N.Y Rulison, M. H.. pub. The great Indian chief of the West; or, life of Black Hawk. 12°. Cincinnati.... 1860 1857 Rummel, Edward, comp. Illinois hand-book. 1870. 8°. Springfield 1871 RUMSEY. 269 ST. LOUIS. Rumsey, Sarah. Poems, 12°. Spring- field 1896 Rupp, I. Daniel. Geographical cate- chism of Pennsylvania and the Western states. 12°. Harrisburg 1836 Rush, Lieut. Com. Richard, & Woods, Robert R.. comps. Official records of the Union and Confederate , navies in the War of the Rebel- lion. Compiled under tne direc- tion of the Secretary of the Navy. (U. S. Gov't, pubs.) 10 vols. 1895- 1900 Russell. John, Sec. Circular of the Ills. State Lyceum sent to Rev. Jno. F. Brooks with notification of his election to membership, dated, Bluffdale, Greene county. Ills., June 7, 1832 .... — Prof. John. Past and present; an address before the Alpha Zeta society of Shurtleff College, Alton Ills. Pam. 12°. Alton 1852 — William E.; sketch of life of. In Lincoln's campaign; or, the po- litical revolution of 1860. pp. 238- 240. Oldroyd, Osborn H. Paper. 12°. Chicago 1896 Russian folk-lore and legends. Vol. 3, series 2, Folk-lore and legends. C. J. T.. ed. 16°. London 189; Ruxton, Geo. Frederick. Life in the farWest. 12°. N. Y 1849 Rylands, W. Harry, ed. Briefe and true report of Virginia, by Thos. Hariot. Holbein Soc, pubs. 4°. Manchester 1888 Sabin, Henry, comp. Program of ex- ercises for Arbor day. April 27, 1894, for use in the public schools of Iowa. Pam Safford, Win. H. comp. The Blenner- hassett papers. 8°. Cincinnati. 1864 Sagakd, Gabriel Sagard Theodat. Le grand voyage du Pays des Hu- rons: avec dictionare de la lan- que Huronne. 380 pp. & le dic- tionaire. 16°. Paris 1632 Sainsbury, W. Noel, ed. Calender of State Papers. Colonial Series. 1574-1668. 2 vols. 4°. London. 1860-1880 St. Agatha's School. See Springfield, 111. St. Clair. Maj. Gen. Arthur. Narra- tive of the campaign against In- dians. 8°. Phila 1812 See Biography. St. Clair County, 111. Brink McDon- ough & Co., pubs. History of St. Clair County. 4°. Phila 1881 St. Clair County. 111. Centennial cele- bration. Belleville, 111. Address by J. N. Perrin. 12°. Belleville. 1890 St. Clair papers. (The). Life and public services of Arthur St. Clair, with correspondence and other papers. Smith, Wm. Henry. comp. and ed. 2 vols. 8°. Cincin- nati 1882 St. JosEPH-Kankakee portage; its lo- cation and use by Marquette. La- Salle and the French voyageurs. Baker, Geo. A. (Pub. No.l. North- ern Indiana Hist. Soc.) Paper. 8°. South Bend. May, 1899 St. Louis. Billon, Frederic L., comp. Annals of St. Louis under French and Spanish dominations. 4°. St. Louis 1886 — St.Louis Bridge Co.. pubs. The Tun- nel R. R. of St. Louis and their leased properties. Compendium of Charters, acts and other docu- ments relating to their organiza- tion. 1864-1885. Pam. 8°. n. d — St. Louis Bridge. Woodward. C. M. History of the St. Louis Bridge. 4°. St. Louis 1881 — Darby, John F. Personal recollec- tions. 12°. St.Louis 1880 — St. Louis & Iron Mountain R. R. Co. Bd. Directors. 2d annual report Bd. Directors St. Louis & Iron Mountain R. R. Co. and report of the engineers. (With map). Pam. 8°. St.Louis 1854 — St. Louis Mercantile Library Assn. — - Constitution and By-Laws, re- vised. 1896 Annual reports. 1895. 1897 and 1899 Bulletins, reference list, 1898 List early newspapers of Mis- souri and Illinois. Reference list. No. 1. 1st part. Missouri and Illinois newspapers, 1808- 1897, chronologically arranged Reference list. No. 1. 2d part. Manuscripts relating to Louisi- ana Territory and Missouri. Pam. 12°. St.Louis 1898 — St. Louis Observer, Sept. 3. 1835- Aug. 1836. Alton Observer. Sept. 8. 1836-April 19. 1838. Newspaper. Lovejoy, Elijah P., ed. Bound to- gether ST. LOUIS. 270 SANITARY. St. Louis— Concluded. — St. Louis Free Public Library. An- nual reports of Board of Direc- tors. 1891, 1892. and 1894-1897. inc. Pams — Scharf. J. Thomas. History of St. Louis, city and county. 2 vols. 4°. Phila 1883 — Shewey, Arista C. pub. Shewey's Pictorial St. Louis. 8°. St. Louis. 1892 — Title of John Maguire to sixteen arpents of land in northern part of St. Louis. 8°. St. Louis 1853 — Trade and commerce. Annual re- view of the trade and commerce of St. Louis. Pam. 8°. St. Louis. 1852 St. Mary's Mission Register. See American Catholic St. Paul and county of Ramsey, Minn. History of. Williams, J. Fletcher, (Collections Minn. Hist. Soc. Vol. 4.) 8°. St. Paul 1876 St. Paul's Pro-Cathedral, (Episcopal) Springfield, Ills. Annual regis- ter of the parish. Festivals, cele- brations, etc., 1871, '96. See Ills. Religious denominations :Salem Press Historical and Genealog- cal Record. Historical articles, old records, genealogical notes and querries, book reviews. 1893- 1895 incomplete. Putnam, Eben, ed. Periodical Saline County, Ills. Goodspeed Pub. Co. History of Gallatin, Saline, Hamilton, Franklin & William- son Co's. 8°. Chicago 1887 Salisbury, Stephen, jr. Partial index to proceedings of the American Antiquarian Soc. 1812 to 1880. Paper. 8°. Worcester. Mass 1883 Salt Lake Daily Tribune Reporter. comp. The Lee trial. Pam. Salt Lake City. 8° 1875 Sanborn, John Bell, Ph. D. Congres- sional grants of land in aid of railways. (A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Phil- osophy, University of Wisconsin 1899.) (Bui. University of Wis- consin, No. 30. Economics, Po- litical Science and History Series. Vol. 2. No. 3. 8°. Madison, Aug.. 1899 ■Sanborn Map & Pub. Co. Atlas map of Springfield. Ills, 1884. Folio, N. Y 1884 Sanborn, V. C. The American and and English Sanbornes. 8°. Con- cord. N. H 1895 Sanford, Ezekiel. History of the U. S.beforethe Revolution. 8°. Phila 1819 Sangamon county, Illinois. Bailey, John C. W. Sangamon County Gazetteer. 8°. Springfield 1866 — Brink, McCormick & Co., pubs. Atlas map of Sangamon Co. Folio. Phila 1874 — Chapman Bros., pubs. Portrait and biographical album of Sangamon Co. 4°. Chicago 1891 — Connolly, Jas. A. Remarks on the laying of the corner stone of the Sangamon Co. court house, Oct. 21. 1899. Pam 1899 — Henderson, John G. Early history of Sangamon country. Pam. 8°. Davenport 1873 — Inters-State Pub. Co., pubs. His- tory of Sangamon Co. 8°. Chicago 1881 — Keyes, Ron. Chas. A. Address to old settlers of Sangamon county at their annual reunion. Pawnee, 111.. Aug. 8,1900. Pub. in Illinois State Register Aug. 13 1900 — Power, John Carroll. History of early settlers of Sangamon Co. 8°. Springfield 1876 — Sangamon County Gazetter and city directory of Springfield and Jack- sonville. Bailey. John C. W. 8°. Springfield 1866 Sanitation. Rauch, John R. Water supplies ot Illinois and the pollu- tion of its streams. ( Preliminary report to Illinois State Board of of Health.) Pam. 8°. Spring- field 1889 — Sanitary Commission. Western Sanitary Commission. A sketch of its history. 8°. St. Louis 1864 Sanitary District of Chicago. Board of Trustees of. Proceedings Trustees of San. Dist. Chicago, 1890-91. 1892, 1893, 1894. 1895. 1896. — Brown. G. P. Drainage channel & waterway. 8°. Chicago 1894 — Cooley, L. E. The Lakes and Gulf Waterway as related to the Chica- go sanitary problem. Paper. 4°. Chicago 1891 SANITARY. 271 SCHOOLCRAFT. Sanitary— Concluded. — Eckhart, B. A. & Kelly, Thos. An- nual messages of Presidents Eck- hart & Kelly of San. Dist. Chica- go. Pain. 8°. Chicago 1897 — Eckhart, Bernard A. President's annual message and annual re- ports, clerk, atty. treas. chief ■ eng. and marshal, for the year eding Dec. 31,1895. Pam. 8°. Chi- cago 1896 — McMath, Robert E. The waterway between Lake Mich, and the Miss, river. Pam. 8°. St. Louis 1888 — Randolph, Isham. Roport on or- ganization, resources, construc- tive work, methods and progress. Revised and corrected May 1, 1896. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1896 See Chicago. Sargent, Winthrop & Barton, Benj. Smith. Papers relative to certain American antiquities. 8°. Phila 1796 Sauer, Wm. C.pub. Atlas Boone Co. Ills. Folio. Chicago 1856 Sauks, and Black War. Armstrong, Hon. Perry A. 8°. Springfield.. 1887 Saunders, Rev. Daniel Clark. Indian Wars, reprint. 12°. Geneva. N.Y 1893 Sawyer. Hon. Philetus, life of. (Re- printed from Mag. of Western Hist.) Gary, George. Pam Saxe-Weimar- Eisenach, Bernhard. Duke of. Travels through N. America, 1825-1826. 8°. Phila.... 1828 Scammon. J. Young, comp. Public & general statute laws of the State Ills. Stephen F. Gale. pub. 8°. Chicago 1839 — Hon. J. Young & Arnold. Hon. Isaac N. Address on incidents in lives of Lincoln and Maj. Ander- son in Black Hawk War. Chicago Hist. Soc. July 17,1877. (Fergus Hist. Series No. 10.) 12°. Chicago 1877 — Wm. B. Ogden and early days in Chicago. By I. N. Arnold, and J. Young Scammon. Fergus Hist. Series No. 17. 12°. Chicago 1882 Scandinavian folk-lore and legends. (Vol. 2. Series 2. Folk-Lore and Legends.) C. J. T. (ed.) 16°. London 1890 Scandinavians. The first chapter of Norwegian immigration, 1821-1840. Anderson. Rasmus B. 8°. Mad- ison 1896 Scenes and adventures in semi-Al- pine region of Ozark Mts. of Mo. and Ark. First traversed by De Soto in 1541. Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe. 8°. Phila 1853 Schacht. F. Will, ed. The Illini, weekly pub. issue of Sept. 25.1896. 4°. Champaign, 111 1896 Scharf. J. Thomas. History of St. Louis, city and county. 2 vols. 4°. Phila 1883 Schnack, Dr. J., and Owen, Richard. The Rappities; interesting notes about early New Harmony, Ind. Pam. 12°. Evansville 1890 School manual of the U. S. Govt. For use in grammar schools of the U. S. Thummel, M. L. G. & C. G. 12°. St. Louis 1893 School saving banks in the U. S. A manual for the use of teachers; rules and regulations; hints and suggestions for the introduction and practical working of the school savings bank system. Col- lection of proverbs. Thiry, J. H. 8°. N.Y 1890 Schools. See Illinois; education. Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe. Algic re- searches. 2vols. 8°. N.Y 1839 — American Indians. 8°. Buffalo.. 1851 — Indian in his wigwam. 8°. N. Y.. 1848 — Indian tribes of the U. S. 6 vols 4°. Phila 1857 — Narrative exploratory expedition to sources of the Miss, river in 1820, resumed and completed by discovery of origin in Itasca lake in 1832. By authority of U. S. Ap- pendices. 8°. Phila 1855 — Narrative journal of travels from Detroit to sources of Miss, river, 1820. 8°. Albany 1821 Notes on Iroquois. 8°. Albany. 1847 SCHOOLCRAFT. 272 SECOND. Schoolcraft— Concluded . — - Residence 30 years among Indi- ans. 8°. Phila 1851 — - Scenes and adventures in Ozark mountains of Missouri and Ark. 8°. Phila 1853 — - Travels in the central portions of the Miss, valley. 8°. N. Y 1825 — - View of the lead mines of Mo., in- cluding some observations on mineralogy, geology, geography, etc.. of Mo. and Ark. 8°. N.Y... 1819 Schoolcraft, Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Original poetry, Mss Schultz. Christian, jr. Travels on an inland voyage through N. Y., Pa., Va., Ohio. Ky. and Tenn., 1807 and 1808. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 12°. N.Y 1810 Schdrz, Eon. Carl. American imper- ialism. Convocation address Uni- versity of Chicago, Jan. 4, 1899. Pam. 12°. n. d — - Abraham Lincoln; an essay. 12°. Boston 1891 Schuyler county, 111. Brink, W. R. & Co., pubs. History of Schuyler & Brown counties. 4°. Phila 1882 Schwatka, Lieut. Frederick. In the land of cave and cliff dwellers. 12°. N.Y 1893 Schweinitz, Edmund de. Schweinitz. See De SciENCEl(Natural). American Museum of Natural History. Annual report of the president.1892. Act of incor- poration, constitution, by-laws and list of members. 8°. N.Y... 1893 — Calkins, W. W. Land and fresh water shells of La Salle Co., Ills. Proceedings of the Ottawa Acad, of Natural Science. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1874 — - The lichen-flora of Chicago and vicinity. Bui. No. 1. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey. Pam. 8°. Chicago 189*5 Science. — Science (The), of nutrition. The Aladdin oven. What it is. What it does. How it does it. Dietar- ies carefully computed under the direction of Mrs. E. H. Richards. Tests of slow methods of cooking in Aladdin ovsn, by Mrs. H. Abel * and Miss Maria Daniell, with In- structions and recipes. Nutri- tive values of food materials, col- lated from writings of Prof W. O. Atwater, etc. Atkinson, Ed- ward. 12°. Boston 1892 Scientific Assoc, of Peoria, Ills. Bulletin of, 1887. Pam. °. Peoria. 1887 Scofield, Chas. J, A Subtle Adver- sary. A tale of Callisto Co. 8°. Cincinnati 1891 Scotland. Folklore and legends. (Vol. 3, 1st series. Folklore and legends.) C. J. T..ed. 16°. Lon- don 1891 Scott. John M. The Supreme Court of Illinois, 1818. 8°. Bloomington 1896 Scott, Joseph. The U. S. Gazetteer. 16°. Phila 1795 Scott, Robert N.. comp. The war of the rebellion. A compilation of the official records of the Union and confederate armies. 8°. Serial Nos. 1 to 116. except 112, 113. Washington 1880-98 Scott, Lieut. Gen., LL. D. Memoirs of. Written by himself. 2 vols. 12°. N.Y .* 1864 Scott county. 111. Knapp. N. M. Historical sketch of Scott county, 111. 12°. Winchester. Pam 1878 Scribner's Sons. pub. The Encyclo- paedia Britannica. 9th ed. 25 vols, with index. 4°. N.Y 1878-89 Secession; its cause and cure. A Thanksgiving discourse, de- livered 1st Presbyterian church, Detroit. Nov. 28 1860. Duffield, liev. Geo. Pam. 8°. Detroit.... 1861 Second funeral of Napoleon. In three letters to Miss Smith of London, and the chronicle of the drum. Thackery, Wm ivi. (Titmarsh.Mr. M. A., pseud.) 32°. London. Paper 1841 SECOND. 273 SELBY. Second war with Great Britian. Headley. J. T. 2 vols. 12°. N. ST. 1853 Secretary of State of 111. (See Har- low.) Official communication from the Sec. of State to the signers of the bond to procure additional grounds for the new State House. 8°. Springfield. Pam 1877 — Keports (biennial). See Illinois. Secret proceedings and debates of the convention at Phila., 1787. for purpose of formine constitution D. S. A. From notes taken by Robert Yates and copied by John Lansing, jr.; including informa- tion laid before legislature of Md. by Luther Martin. Other histori- cal documents relative to federal compact of the North American Union. Mygatt. Alston, pub. 12°. Louisville 18* 5 Secret service in the late war. Com- prising author's introduction to leading men at Washington, origin and organization of the de- tective police, and history of his experiences, north and south, his adventures, escapes and services, etc.. etc. Baker, Gen. L. C. 12°. Phila 1874 Secrets of the Great Whiskey Ring; containing exposure of the illicit whisky frauds culminating ing in 1875, and the connection of Grant, Babcock, Douglass, Krum and other administration- officers with it. Documentary proofs. &c. &c. McDonald, Gen. John. 12°. Chicago 1880 Sectional map of Fulton Co., Ills. Compiled from U. S. surveys. Exhibiting course streams; out- lines prairies, lakes. &c; dis- tances between towns, villages, post offices, taverns, &c; roads, history, wealth and population of County, &c. Haskell, W. H., pub. 32°. Canton 1851 Sedgwick, Theodore, Speeches in Con- gress on presentation by State of Massachusets to national gov- ernment of portraits of ex-Speak- ers Sedwick, Varnum and Banks. (U. S. Gov't. Pub.) 4°. Wash- ington 1888 Seeger, Eugen. Chicago, the Wonder City. 8°. Chicago 1893 —18 H. L. Selby. Paul, A. M. Bateman & Selby, eds. Historical encyclopaedia of Illinois. 4°. Chicago 1900 — - Memorial address on the life, character and public services of David L. Phillips. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1881 Selected papers of the Civil Engi- neers' Club, of the University of Illinois. Selected papers No. 2. 1887-8. Selected papers No. 3 1888-9 Selections from unpublished Rumsey. 12° the published and poems of Sarah Springfield 1896 Semicentennial of the admission of the State of Michigan into the Union. Addresses delivered at its celebration June 15. 1886. (Mich. State Pub.) 8°. Detroit.. 1886 Senate. U. S. Maclay. Wm. Journal of Wm. Maclay, 1789-1791. Edited by Edgar S. Maclay. 8°. N. Y... 1890 — - Sketches of debate in first Senate U. S. in 1789-'90-'91. Edited by Geo. W. Harris. 8°. Harrisburg, Pa 1880 — Memorial address on life and character of John A. Logan, in U. S. Senate. 4°. Washington 1887 — - Memorial addresses on lives and characters of Zebulon B. Vance. Francis B. Stockbridge, and Al- fred H. Colquitt. (U. S. Gov't. Pub.. Sen. Misc. Doc, Vol. 7.) 4°. Washington 1896 See U. S. Congress. Senour. Rev F. Maj. Gen. Wm. T. Sherman and his campaigns. 12°. Chicago 1865 Sermons. Boles, W. H. lessons. Pam. 8°. War and its Springfield.. 1S90 Corbyn. Sev. Wm. B. The Cathol- ic church and its work in Illinois. 8°. Quincy 1876 Duffield. Bev. George. Secession; its cause and cure. A Thanks- giving discourse. Pam. 8°. De- troit 1861 Kittredge, Rev. Abbott E. Histor- ical discourses. Centennial Sab- bath, July 2. 1876. Pam. 8°. Chi- cago Locke. Rev. Clinton. Do all to the glory of God. Pam. 16°. Spring- field 1876 1889 SERMONS. 274 SHAWNEE. Sbbmi ■ neluded. 3pringrer, l>> <■. Francis, a memorial sermon, May 17, 1891. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1891 Sermonc preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln. Til- ton, J. B. & Co., p«0«. 12°. Bos- ton 1865 — Seymour, lit. Rev. Geo. P. Ser- mons and addresses liy. The Apostolic rite of Conformation. A idea for truth, address to the annual Synod. Marriage and di- vorce. A great and possibly per- ilous mistake. Is baptism by immersion necessary' Closed questions. A pastoral letter. Christmas and Ascension Day. An open letter to Rt. Rev. Wm. C. Doane. Relation of human knowledge to Divine knowledge. Church of Rome in her relation to Christian unity. Parns — Thompson. Bev. Lewis O. Centen- nial historic discourse, July 2, 1876. Pam. 8°. Peoria 1876 — Taylor, Frederick W. The years that are past. A sermon preached in St. Paul's Pro-Cathedral. Springfield. Ills.. Nov. 29, 1896. Pam. 4°. Springfield 1896 — Walker, Rev. Edwin S. The uses of wealth. A sermon in course upon Thos. Strawbridge Founda- tion, Central Baptist church, Oct. 9. 1898. Pam. Also Mss. copy. 8°. Springfield 1898 — White, John ( "hauler. Ministerial faithfulness. Pam. 8°. Spring- field 1893 Skic\ ii-Esof the Woman's Relief Corps. Auxiliary to the G. A. R. Re- vised 1888 Seven days in Chicago. Wing, J. If., pub. 4°. Chicago 1877 Seven years' street preaching in San Francisco. Incidents, triumphant death scenes. &c. Taylor, !<■ Win. 12°. N. Y 1856 Sewall. A. Black Beauty. 12°. Bos- ton 1890 — Rev. Chas. C. Memorial sketch of Rev. Samuel Sewall, published with History of Woburn, by Rev. Samuel Sewall. 8°. Boston 1868 Sewall— Oontinut d. — May Wright, Pre*. Nat. Council Women 0, S. Statement concern- ing Nat. Council Women. Pre- amble, Constitution, &c. Pam. 4th e.l 18M — Samuel. History of Woburn, Mass. 8°. Boston Seward. Wm, H. Life of John (Juincy Adams. 12°, Auburn 1849 Seward, Wm. H. (American States- men Series.) Lothrop, Thornton Kirkland. 12°. Boston 1896 Sewell, Alfred L. Scenes, incidents and lessons of the great Chicago fire. 12°. Chicago 1871 Seybert, Adam. Statistical annals of the U. S. 4°. Phila 1818 Seymour, Charles. Northwestern cen- tennial celebration. Historical address. 8°. La Crosse. Pam.. 1877 — Bt. Rev. George F. Sermons, ad- dresses, &c. {See Sermons.) — - Oration on occasion of laying cor- ner stone Exposition Bldg. Ills. State Fair Grounds. July 4, 1894. 8°. Boston 1894 — - Also, original Mss, copy used on the occasion — - The issue of fact between Bishop Cox and Prof. Seymour. Pam... 1874 Sexton. Dr. George. Portraiture of Mormonism. 16°. Loudon 1849 Shall Connecticut be our tlrst Prov- ince? Hopkins, J.N. Pam. n.d SnALLENBER'iEK. Mrs. E. H. Stark ' " , Ills,, and its pioneers. 12°. Cam- bridge. Ills 1876 Shankland. B. P. First murder trial in Iroquois Co. Article No. 5 in Early Ills. Fergus Hist. Series. No. 14. 12°. Chicago 1881 Shaw. George Bullen. Memorial ad- dress on life and character of, delivered in House Rep. and Sen- ate; 53d Congress. 3d Session. House Rep. U. S. Misc. Doc. U. S. Gov't. Pub. 4°. Washington 1895 Shawnee Iudians. History of. 1681-1854. Harvey, Henry. 12°. Cincinnati. 1855 — Prisoner, a borderer's story. Guern- sey. Clara. 12°. Phila 1877 SHKA. 275 SHIP-YARD. Shea, John Gilniary, Trans. De Courcy's Catholic Church in the U.S. 12°. N.Y 1857 — Discovery and exploration Miss. Valley. Original narratives of Marquette, Allouez. Membre\ Hennepin and Anastase Douay. 8°. N.Y 1853 -3 Translation and notes of Charle- voix's History and general de- scription of New France. 6 Vols. 4°. N. Y 1866-72 — Translation, with notes of Le Clercq's First establishment of the faith in New France. 2 Vols. 8°. N.Y 1881 — Translations of Hennepin's de- scription of Louisiana. 18°. N. Y. 1880 ShEAHAN, James W. Life of Stephen A.Douglas. 12°. N.Y 1860 Sheahan, Hon. James W. & Arnold. Hon. Isaac N. Lincoln & Douglas. (Fergus Hist. Series No. 15.) 12°. Chicago 1881 Sheahan, James W. of the character of Abraham Lin- coln. A discourse preached in Westminster church, June 1, 1865, Providence, R. I. Woodbury, Augustus. Pam. 12°. Providence of the life of Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, the founder of Detroit. Burton. C. M. Pam. 8°. Detroit. of the United States of North America at the commencement of the 19th century, 1800 to 1810, with statistical tables, and a new map containing all late discoveries and exhibiting the division of ter- ritorial zones, boundary lines, etc. Translated from the French by William Walton. Beaujour, le Chevalier Felix de. 8°. Lon- don 1865 1895 1814 Sketches and notices of the Chicago Bar, including the most promin- ent lawyers and judges. Wi.'kie, F. B. (Poliuto, pseud.) 4th ed. 8°. Chicago 1872 — and portraits of the newly elected judges in Cook county. Ills., Nov. 1892. Chicago Legal News, pubs. 8°. Chicago 1892 — and statistics of Cincinnati in 1851. Cist, Charles. 12°. Cincinnati.. 1851 — and statistics of Cincinnati in 1859. Cist, Charles. 12°. Cincinnati.. 1859- — of scenery and manners in the U. S. Dwight. Theo. 12°. N. Y.... 1829' — historical and descriptive of Louis- iana. Stoddard, Amos. 8°. Phila 1812 — of America. Narrative of a journey of 5.000 miles through the eastern and western states of America. Remarks on Birkbeck's "notes and letters." Fearon, Henry Bradshaw. 3d ed. 8°. London.. 1819 SKETCHES. 277 SMET. Sketches— Continued. — of debates in the first Senate of the U. S.. 1789-'90-'91. Edited by Geo. W. Harris. Maclay, William. 8°. paper. Harrisburg, Pa 1880 — of history; life and manners in the West. Hall. James. 2 vols. 16°. Phila 1835 Another edition. 2 vols. 12°. St. Louis 1835 — of the history of Ogle county. Ills., and early settlement N. W. Boss. Henry R.. pub. 12°. Polo- 1859 — of the rise, progress and decline of secession, with a narrative of personal adventures among the rebels. (Parson Brownlow's Book.) Brownlow, W. G. 12°. Phila 1862 — of a tour to the Lakes. Character and customs of the Chippeway Indians. Treaty of Fond du Lac. Vocabulary of the Algic or Chippeway language. McKenney, Thos. L. 8°. Baltimore 1827 — of tour to western country through Ohio and Ky. and voyage down Ohio and Miss, rivers. Trip through Florida and Miss. Terry. Commenced winter 1807-1809. Notes and appendix, interesting facts, and expedition to Louisiana. Cuming, P. 12°. Pittsburgh .... 1810 — of Virginia, historical and biograph- ical. Foote. Rev. Wm. Henry. 2d series. 2d ed. 8°. Phila 1856 — of western adventure. Account in- teresting incidents connected with settlement of the West. 1755-1794. Appendix. McClung, John A. 12°. Dayton, O. 1847. Another edition with sketches and biography of author. 12°. Louisville 1879 Skiff, Frederick J. V. Annual report of director to Board Trustees Field Columbian Museum 1894-1899 Slavery. Barnard. Douglas, Stephens. * Reverdy Johnson, Crittenden and others. Speeches on the ques- tions of the times, 1858-1862. de- livered in U. S. Congress, political meetings, &c. by various orators. Pams. Bound in one vol — Beecher, Rev. Edward. Narrative of riots at Alton; in connection with death of Rev. Elijah P. Love- joy. 16°. Alton 1838 Slavery— Concluded. — Dixon, Mrs. Archibald. The Miss- ouri Compromise and its repeal. 8°. Cincinnati 1899 — Duffield, Rev. George. Secession; its cause and cure. A Thanksgiv- ing discourse. 8°. Detroit 1861 — Illinois convention. Minutes of a convention of delegates, favor- able to the immediate abolition of slavery in the U. S.. Alton, Ills., Oct. 26. 1837. List of delegates and proceedings. Pam. 12°. Alton 1838 — Lincoln, Wm. S.,comp. Alton trials of Winthrop S . Gilman and others. 12°. N.Y 1838 — Logan. John A. The great con- spiracy. 8°. N.Y 1886 — Northrup, Solomon. Twelve years a slave. 12°. Auburn 1853 — Phillips, (Vm. The conquest of Kansas. 12°. Boston 1856 — Poole, Wm. Frederick. Anti-slavery opinions before the year 1800. 8°. Cincinnati. Pam 1873 — Siebert. Wilbur H. The under- ground railroad from slavery to freedom. 8°. N.Y 1898 — Supreme Court of the U. S., Dec. term. 1856. Dred Scott versus John F. A. Sanf ord — The rendition of fugitive slaves. The acts of 1793 and 1850, and the decisions of the Supreme Court of the U. S. sustaining them. The Dred Scott case. What the Court decided. Published by the Na- tional Democratic Campaign Com- mittee I860 — Tanner. Henry. The martyrdom of Lovejoy. 8°. Chicago 1881 — Thompson. George. Prison life and reflections. 12°. Hartford 1855 See U. S. War Rebellion. Slocum. Frances, biography of. The lost sister of Wyoming; narrative of her captivity and wandering among the Indians. Meginness, JohnF. 8°. Williamsport. Pa... 1891 Small arms practice for National Guard. A modification of Blunt's small arms firing regulations. Adapted to use and requirements of National Guard of U. S. Rice, Col. James M. 16°. Springfield. 1892 Smet, Peter John de. See De 8met SMITH, 278 SMITH. Smith— Continued. Smith, Benj. G. and Tomes, Robert. The great Civil War. History of the late Rebellion- 3 vols. 4°. N. Y. n. d — E. H. (a western tourist) Black Hawk and scenes in the West. A national poem in 6 cantos. 12°. N. Y 1848 — Pres. Geo. A. Rise, progress and travels of church of Latter. Day Saints. Pam. Salt Lake City 1872 — George W. History of Ills. Series of articles in School News, beerin- ing Sept. 1899 1. French occupancy. 2. French loss of territory. 3. Clark's campaign. 4. Ordinance of 1787, 5. First thirty years as a State. 6. Illinois in the Civil War. 7. Recent events, 1865-1899. — Mrs. George Clinton. "The field is the world." Pam. 8°. Spring- field 1879 — Horace W. comp. Nuts for future historians to crack. 8°. Phila. Pam 1856 — J.IOalvin. The. Western Tourist and emigrant's guide. 16°. N- Y. 1839 — J. Calvin and Haskel, Daniel. Ga- zetteer, of the U. S. A, 8°. N. Y. 1846 — Col. James. Account of remark- able occurences in life and travels of Col. James Smith, during cap- tivity by Indians. 8°. Cincin- nati 1870 — Rev. J. C. Reminiscences of early Methodism in Indiana. 12°, In- dianapolis 1879 — Captaine John. Travels, adven- tures and observations of Cap- taine John Smith, in Europe. Asia. Africke and America 1593- 1629. Reprinted from London edi- tion of 1629. 2 vols. 8°. Rich- mond 1819 — Gen. John C. Oration at unveiling of the monument to the memory of Maj. Gen. James B. Steedman, Toledo, Ohio, May 26, 1887. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1887 — - Reception to 96th Reg't. Ills. Inf. Vols, at residence. Dec. 16, 1899. 8°. Chicago. Pam 1890 Smith— Concluded. — - Reception to members 96th Reg't. Ills. Inf. Vols, at residence. Chi- cago. July 20, 1893. 8°. Chicago. Pam 189$ — John Corson. Around the world with Gen. John C. Smith. 8°. Chi- cago 1895 — Joseph. The Pearl of Great Price. 8°. Salt Lake City 1891 — Joseph, jr. The Book of Mormon. 12°, Palmyra. N. Y 1830* 16°. Kirtland.0 1837 4th Amr. ed. 16°. Nauvoo. Ills 1842" 6th European ed. 16°. Liverpool and London 1861* 16°. SaltLakeCity 188* — Mrs, Mary EttieV. Fifteen years residence with Mormons. 12°. Chicago 1876 — O. H. Early Indiana trials and sketches. 8°. Cincinnati 185ft — Philip, B. A. Vol. 9. Charles Knight's Popular history of Eng. 9 vols. 8°. London and New York. n. d — Theodore Clarke. The Free Soil Party in Wisconsin. (From Pro- ceedings Wis. Hist. Soc. 1894). Paper. 8°. Madison 1895 — Hon. Theophilus W., defense of, before Senate of 111, 1833. Young. Richard M. Pam — Rev. Thomas, ed. The Northwest Church, 1862-1866. inc. The Ameri- can Churchman 188S — T. Marshall. Legends of the War of Independence and of the ear- lier settlements in the West. 8°. Louisville 1855 — Wm. Henry, ed. and comp. The St. Clair papers. 2 vols. 8°. Cincin- nati 1882 — Wm. R. History of Wisconsin. Vols, land 3. (Vol. 2 not pub- lished.) 8° Madison 185* — Z. F. History of Kentucky. (Cen- tennial edition). 8°. Louisville. 1892 — Hon. Zachary F. & Clay, Mrs. Mary Rogers. The Clay family. (Fil- son Club Pubs. No. 14). 4°. Louis- ville 1899> — The Mother of Henry Clay. By Hon. Z. F. Smith. Part 1. The Clay family. (Filson Club Pubs. No. 14) ...- SMITHSONIAN. 279 SOCIETY. Smithsonian Institution. Circulars of Smithsonian Institution, concern- ing Hodgkins fund prizes. (U. S. Gov't. Pub. Paper circular) Shelling, W. J. Polar regions of the Western Continent explored. Geographical account Iceland, Greenland, Islands of the frozen sea and northern parts of Ameri- can Continent, etc. 8°. Boston.. 1831 Snigg, John C, comp. Revised ordi- nances of the City of Springfield, Ills. 8°, Springfield 1877 Snyder. Dr. J. F. A group of Illinois mounds. Published in the Arch- aeologist 1895 — The field for archaelogical research in Illinois. Paper read before Illinois State Historical Society, Peoria. January, 1900. Pam. Also published in proceedings Illinois State Historical Society, 1900 — J. F., editor-in-chief. The Anti- quarian. Vol.1. 8°. Columbus. 1897 Amr. Archaeologist. Vol. 2. 8°. Columbus 1898 Socialism. Nordhoff, Charles. Com- munistic societies of the U. S. 8°. N. Y 1875 Social Science— Addams, Jane, and others. Hull House, maps and pa- pers. (Library of Economics and Politics No. 5.) Richard T. Ely, ed. 8°. N.Y 1895 — Altgeld. John P. Live questions; including our penal machinery and its victims. 2 vols. 12°. N. Y. and Springfield 1890-94 — Anderson, Rasmus B. First chap- ter of Norwegian immigration. 1821-1840. 8°. Madison 1896 — Barrows, Isabel C, ed. Proceed- ings National Conference Chari- ties and Correction. 16th annual. San Francisco. 1889. 17th annual. Baltimore. 1890. 2 vols. 8°. Bos- ton 1889-90 — Chicago Board Inspectors House ' Correction, Chicago. Annual reports, 1888. Pam — Culin, Stewart. China in America. A study in the social life of the Chinese in the eastern cities of U. S. (Read before the Amr. Assc. for the advancement of science. Section of Anthropol- ogy,) N. Y. 1887. Pam. 8°. Phila. 1887 Social Science— Concluded. — Dement, Merritt H. Workers and idlers. Pam. 12°. Chicago 1883 — Felton. Charles E. Prison labor. An address before National Prison Congress. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 11, 1886. Pam. 8°. n. d — Harrison. Elizabeth. The root of the temperance question from a kindergarten standpoint. Pam. 12°. Chicago 1889 — Ills. Commissioners of Pub. Chari- ties. Proceedings Ills. Confer- ence of Charities, 1896. '97, '98. v. y. Springfield — Jones, Bev. Jenkin Lloyd. "Who are the children of the State?" (Address before Ills. Conference of Charities, Kankakee, Nov. 16, 1898. Pub. in proceedings third annual session Ills. Conference of Charities) — Lake Mohonk Conference of the Friends of the Indian. Proceed- ings of the 8th annual meeting, 1890. Barrows, Isabel C, ed. Pams. 8° 1890 — Low, Bev. George J. Paperi on prohibition. (Republished from Brookville. Ontario, Times, by N. Y. Brewers' A.ss'n.) Paper. 8°. N.Y 1887 — National Divorce Reform League. Reports of, 1892-93 (annual). Pams .... — Nordhoff. Chas. Communistic so- cieties U. S. 8°. N.Y 1875 — Simms, Dr. Joseph. The past, pres- ent and future of woman. Pam. 12°. SanFrancisco 1889 See political economy and political science Society for the history of the Germans in Maryland. 1st to 14th annual reports, 1887-1900. Pams. v. y. Baltimore Society of Colonial Wars in Illinois, pubs. The Misuse of the National Flag of the U. S. A. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1895 Society for the promotion of collegi- ate and theological education at the West. Reports of the society. 1844-1867. Pams Solberg, Thorvald. Bui. No. 1, Li- brary of Congress. Copyright Laws of U. S. Bui. No. 2, Library of Congress. Directions for se- curing copyrights. (Pam. Gov't U. S. Pubs.) 8°. Washington... 1899 SOLBERG. 280 SOUTH. Solberg, Thorvald. Copyright laws of the U. S. A. in force Jan., 1899. (U. S. Gov't Pub. Library of Congress.) Pam. 8°. Washing- ton 1899 Soldier (The) in our Civil War. Pic- torial history of the conflict, 1861- 1865, illustrating valor of the sol- dier on the battle field. Sketches drawn by Forbes, Wand, Taylor, etc., eye-witnesses of the strife. History of G. A.. R. by Paul Van- dervoort. History Sons of Veter- ans, by A. P. Davis and Frank P. Merrill. Mottelay, Paul F., and Copeland. T. Campbell. 2 vols, folio. N. Y 1890 Soldier's bride, and other tales. Hall, James. 16°. Phila 1833 Soldiers' Widows' Home of Illinois, trustees, etc., of. Biennial reports of trustees, matron and treasurer. Soldiers' Widows' Home, Wil- mington. 1st biennial report, Julyl.1898. Pam Some local archaeology. A paper read before W. Va. Hist, and Ant. Soc. Jan, 18, 1898. (Pub. W. Va. Hist, and Ant. Soc.) Hale. Dr. J. P. Pam. 8°. Charleston, W. Va 1898 Some rhymes of Ironquill of Kansas. Ware, Eugene F. 12°. Chicago.. 1892 Songs. See poetry. Songs and ballads of the Amer. Revo- lution. With notes and illustra- trations. Moore, Frank, comp. 12°. N. Y 1856 — of the West. Wilbur, Mrs. Jennie Aurelia. 12°. Chicago 1866 Sons of the American Revolution. Cal- ifornia Society. History, con- stitution, by - laws, member- ship. Comp. by Col. A. S. Hub- bard. 8°. San Francisco 1893 — District of Columbia. Address of Gen. A. W. Greely. Constitution, by-laws, list of members, year book for 1891 — English, Wm. H. Address at an- nual meeting and banquet of the Indiana Soc. Sons Amr. Rev. 8°: Indianapolis. Pam 1894 — Hawaiian Soc. Sons Amr. Rev. Ad- dress concerning annexation of Hawaii. 8°. Pam. Washington.. 1897 Illinois. Soc. Sons Amr. Rev. Year book of, 1895-6. 2 vols. 8°. Chi- cago 1895-6 — Webb, Wm. Seward. Sons of the American Revolution, Objects and purposes. 8°. London and N. Y 1890 Sons of the Sires; history of the rise, progress and destiny of the Amer- ican Party, and its probable influ- ence on the next presidential elec- tion. Also review of letter of Hon. Henry A. Wise against the Know-Nothings. By an Ameri- can. Lippincott, Grambo & Co., pubs. 12°. Phila 1855 Sons of Veterans. Boles, W. H. War and its lessons. 8°. Pam. Spring- field 1890 Soper, Daniel E.,comp. Official direc- tory and legislative manual of the State of Michigan for 1891-2. 12°. Lansing 1891 Sources of history. A paper read be- fore the German-American His- torical Soc. of New York and the Pionier Verein of Phila. Rosen- garten. J. G. Pam. 12°. Phila.. Sources of the Miss.; their discover- ers, real and pretended. A report read before Minn. Hist. Soc. Feb. 8. 1887. Baker Hon. James H. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Col. Vol 6 pt. 1.) Pam. 8°. St. Paul South America. Brazil, Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. 1897-1899. Vol. 10. Paper. 4°. Rio de Janeiro. Jan., 1899. Re- vista do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Vol.1. 4°. Rio de Janeiro. Jan.. 1896 Celman, (M.) Juarez. Message of President of the Republic on opening the session of the Ar- gentine Congress, May, 1888. Pam. 8°. Buenos Aires, n. d South Dakota. Dakota. Pam. 8°. The corn belt of South Corn belt Assc. pub. Yankton, S. D South Park Commissioners, of Cook Co. Pams. From organization 1869 to 1897, except 1872-3, 1876-7. 1893-4. pams 1892 1887 1893 SOUTH. 281 SPAIN. South Springfield School. Maps and drawings of the South Spring- field School 1889-90 Southern California Historical So- ciety, pubs. Annual publication of the Historical Society of South- ern California. 1891. Pani. 8°. Los Angeles 1891 — Generals, who they are and what they have done. Richardson. Chas. B.. pub. 8°. N. Y 1865 history of the war. 2 vols, in one. 8°. Pollard, E. A. N. Y 1866 historical magazine, devoted to his- tory, biography, genealogy, arch- aeology and kindred subjects. Vol. 1. Nos. 2 and 5, February and May, 1892, Lewis, Virgil A., pub. Charleston. W. Va — Illinois Normal University. Carbon- dale. Trustees of. Bi-ennial Re- ports of Trustees of Southern Illinois Normal University. 2.3, • 4.5.6,7.9,11.12 and 13. Vol. Bi- ennially. Pams. 8°. Springfield. 1877-1900 — Rebellion, (The). Being a history of the U. S. from the commence- ment of Buchanan's administra- tion through the war. Record of political events, military move- ments, campaigns, expeditions, battles, skirmishes, etc.. prepared from official documents and other authentic sources. Crafts, W. A. 2 vols. 4°. Boston 1862-7 Southwest. Bartlett, John Russell. Personal narrative explorations and incidents in Texas and New Mexico, California, Sonora and Chihuahua. 8°. N. Y 1854 — Coues. Elliott, ed. Journal of Ja- cob Fowler. (American Explor- ers Series') 8°. N. Y 1898 — Green, Thos. Marshall. The Span- ish Conspiracy. 8°. Cincinnati.. 1891 — Wraxall, Sir C. F. Lascelles, ed. The backwoodsman, or, life on the Indian frontier. 12°. London 1844 Souvenir album and sketch book of 1st Inf. I. N. G.. Chicago. Tur- ner, Henry L. 4°. Chicago, n. d — of Carthage College and city of Carthage. O'Harra, A. W., ed., paper. 4°. Carthage 1895 — of the Ills. Dairy Exhibit, World's Fair. 1893. Dairyman's Associa- tion of Illinois, pubs. 16°. Chicago 1893 Souvenir 111. Legislature, 1893. Over 200 portraits, biographical sketches of members of the General Assembly, State officers and members press. Engravings Senate and House chambers. capitol, executive mansion. Lin- coln home. etc. Pickering, J. L. comp. 8°. Springfield 1893 Souvenir for school children of Illi- nois, to be used in the celebration of Lincoln's birthday. Feb. 12, and Washington's birthday. Feb. 22. Inglis. Samuel M., comp. (Dept, Public Instruction of 111. circular) Pam. 8°. Springfield 1898 Spain. Brinton. Daniel G.. M. D., LL. D., D. Sc. Report on collections exhibited at Columbian Hist. Exposition, Madrid, 1892. 8°. Washington 1895 — Curtis, Wm. E. Reports of com- mission to Hist. Exp.. Madrid. 8°. Washington. Pam 1895 — Flint, Grover. Marching with Gomez. 12°. Boston 1898 — Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. Spain in the nineteenth century. 3ded. 8°. Chicago 1898 — Luce. Sear Admiral Stephen. U. S. N. History of participation by U. S. in Col. Hist. Expsition, Mad- rid, 1892. 8°. Washington 1895 — Richer. Jean. Histoire de la paix entre les Roys de France et d'Espagne. 16°. Paris 1605 — U. S. Commission for Columbian Historical Exposition in Madrid. 1892. Commoration of the fourth centenary of the discovery of America. 8°. Washington. Pam. 1892 — U. S. War Dept. Notes and tables on organization and establish- ment of the Spanish army in the Peninsula and colonies. (U. S. Gov't Pub.) 12°. Washington. Paper 1898 SPANISH. 282 SPARLING. Spanish America. Anonymous. Ac- count of the Spanish settlements in America. 8°. Edinburgh 1762 — Helps, Sir Arthur. Spanish Amer- ica. 4 vols. 8°. London 1855-61 — Spanish America; or, descriptive, historical and geographical ac- count of dominions of Spain in the western hemisphere, conti- nental and insular. Maps. etc. Bonnycastle, R. H. 8°. London. 1818 — Spanish-American war(The). Block- ades and coast defence. Nunez, Servero Gomez, Capt. (Trans- lated from the Spanish.) (U. S. Gov't. Pub.,office of Naval Intelli- gence. War Notes No. 6. Infor- mation from abroad.) Paper. 8°. Washington, 1899. See U. S. war with Spain Spanish conquest in America and its relation to the history of slavery and to the government of colonies. Helps, Sir Arthur. 4 vols. 8°. London 1855-1861 Spanish Conspiracy. A review of early Spanish movements in the southwest; containing proofs of intrigues of James Wilkinson and John Brown; of the com- plicity therewith of Judges Se- bastian, Wallace and Innes; early struggles of Kentucky for au- tonomy; the intrigues of Sebas- tian in 1795-7 and the legislative investigation of his corruption Green. Thos. Marshall. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1891 — Robertson, David, comp. Reports of trials of Col. Aaron Burr for treason and a misdemeanor. 2 vols. 8°. Phila 1808 — Safford, Wm. H. The Blennerhas- sett papers. 8°. Cincinnati 1864 Spanish Peggy; a story of young Illi- nois. Catherwood, Mary Hart- well. 8°. Chicago &N.Y 1899 Sparks, Jared, ed. Lives of Robert Cavelier de La Salle and Patrick Henry. (Library American Bio- graphy Vol. 1.) 12°. Boston 1844 Sparling, Samuel Edwin. Municipal history and present organization of Chicago. (Bui. Univr. Wis. No. 23, Economics, Political Sci- ence and Hist. Series Vol. 2. No. 2.) Paper. 8°. Madison 1898 Spaulding, Rev Solomon. The manu- script found. Pam. Lamoni, Iowa 1885 Special report of an investigation of the management of tbe Cook County Hospital for the Insane by the State Commissioners of Public Charities. Presented to the Governor Jan. 28. 1886. State Commissioners of Pub. Charities, pub. Pam. 8°, Springfield 1885 Spectator, (The) With sketches of the lives of the authors. An index and explanatory notes. Vol. 2, only. 16°. Phila 1824 Speech in defense of Hon. Theophilus W. Smith, for alleged misde- meanor in office, before the Sen- ate of Illinois sitting as a High Court of Impeachment, Jan. 28, 1833. Young, Richard M. Pam Speech on American taxation, April 19, 1774. Burke, Edmund. (Bound with Hartley's "Letters on the American War.") 4°. London... 1775 Speeches on the Questions of the times —1858-1862— by D. D. Barnard; Clemens, of Ala.; A. H. Stephens, John H. Gilmer, A. Dixon, of Ky.; O. B. Ficklin.of Ills.: John Hill. J. S. Morrill, Isaac I. Stevens, Circular Letter from Democratic National Executive Com., Stephen A. Douglas (nine speeches), J. C. Beckinridge, Reverdy Johnson, F. M. Bristow, James S. Green, of Mo.; Taylor, of La.; J. J. Critten- den, S. A. Smith, of Tenn.; Jas. Proc. Knott, Report of Pacific R. R. Com. of U. S. House Rep.. Eli Thayer, of Mass.; Report of Com. on Foreign Relations of Senate, L. Q. C. Lamar, L. M. Keitt, of S. C; J. B. Thompson, of Ky.; T. W. Hoit. Albert Rust, of Ark.; Thos. L. Clingman. of N. C: Roger A. Pryor. of Va.; P. B. Fouke, of Ills.; J. A. Logan, of Ills.; T. L. Anderson, of Mo.; John A. Mc- Clernand and others. Pams. Bound 1 vol Speeches and forensic arguments by Daniel Webster. 2 vols. 8°. Bos- ton 185° SPEECHES. 283 SPRINGFIELD. Speeches in Congress on passage of the bill for removal of the In- dians, April and May, 1830. Per- kins & Marvin, pub. 12°. Boston 1830 See Orators and Oratory. See, also. Names of Orators, and Bio- graphy. Speed. Thos. The Political Club of Danville, Ky. 1786-1790. (Filson Club pub.. No. 9). 4°.§Louisville. 1894 — The Wilderness road. (Pub. Filson Club No. 2). 4°. Louisville 1886 Spencer, David E. Local government in Wis. (Johns Hopkins Univer- sity Studies in Hist, and Pol. Science, Series 8.) 8°. Pam Spencer. J. A., and Lossing. Benson J. Complete history of the United States of America. 2 vols. 4°. Phila 1882 Spencer, J. W. Reminiscences of pio- neer life in the Miss. Valley. 8°. Davenport 1872 Spencer. Elder Orson. A. B. Letters on prominent doctrineslChurch of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints. 12°. SaltLakeCity 1874 Spirit of 76. Weekly newspaper, Frankfort. Ky. Mar. 10 to Aug. 4. 1826. Holemau, J. H.. pub. bound 1 vol Spiritualism. Maynard, Jlrs. Nettie Colburn, Was Lincoln a Spirit- ualist? 12°. Phila 1891 Spotorno, D. Gio. Batista. Memorials of Columbus, preceded by memoir of his life and travels. 8°. Lon- don 1823 Springer. Rev. Francis. Memorial sermon preached May 17, 1891. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1891 Springer, John Q.,comp. Proceedings annual reunions of the Soc. of the 10th Ills. Cavalry. Roster of sur- vivors of the 10th Ills. Cavalry. Oct. 16, 1894. pams Springer, Wm. M. Address in U. S. Congress on life and character of George W. HoukOate a Rep. from Ohio). (.See Houk. Geo. W.) Pages 54-57, inc. 4°. Washington. 1895 — Explorations of Father Marquette and others in the Miss. Valley. Address delivered at St. Ignace, Mich , Aug. 7,1895. (Pub. in Amer. Cath. Hist. Researches, Vol. 12. No. 4, Oct.. 1895.) Springer, Wm. M.— Concluded. — Tariff reform, the paramount issue. 12°. N.Y 1892: Springfield, Ills., City of. Atlases. Directories and Gazetteers. Schools. Religious denominations. City Code and ordinances. Officers. Miscellaneous. — Atlas-map of Springfield. Descrip- tive notes. Map of the original town, of the city (1884), and of the various additions. Sanborn Map & Pub. Co. Folio. N.Y 1884 — - Plat of city of Springfield. In BrinK, McCormack & Co.'s illus- trated map of Sangamon Co 1874 — Histories. Brink, McCormack & Co., pubs. Historical sketch of the city of Springfield, pages 7 and 8, in "Illustrated atlas map of Sangamon Co." Folio. Phila 1S74 — - Chapman Bros., pubs. Biographi- cal sketches of prominent citi- zens of Springfield. t'»i "Portrait and biographical album ot San- gamon Co." 4°. Chicago 1891 — - Inter-State Pub. Co. History of the city of Springfield. Chapter 17. pages 563-744, inc. Contains history of the city, its schools, churches, manufactures, mercan- tile institutions, fraternal organi- zations, and biographical sketches of prominent citizens. 8°. Chi- cago 1881 — - Power.J.C. Biographical sketches of old settlers and prominent men and women of Springfield, in the "History of the early settlers of Sangamon Co." 8°. Springfield, 1876 — Directories and Gazetteers. City Directory for 1857. B. Winters & Co., pubs. 12°. Springfield 1857 1860-61. C. S. Williams, pub. 8°. Springfield 1860 1863. Campbell & Richardson, comps. 8°. Springfield 1863 1866. Bailey. John C. W. 8°. Springfield 1866 1866. Bronson & Nixon, pubs. 8°. Springfield 1865 1868-69. Western Pub. Co.. picbs 1869-70. R. L. Dudley & Co., pubs. 8°. Springfield 1869 1872-73. Julius Babeuf.»t<& 1872-73. Joseph Wiggins, pub 1873-74. D. B. Gould & Co.. pubs. 8°. Springfield 1873 1874-75. J. Babeuf,i>u6 SPRINGFIELD. 284 SPRINGFIELD. Springfield Directories— Cone hided. 1875. J. Babeuf. pub 1876. Centennial city and town- ship directory, Springfield Pub. Co 1879-80. Springfield City Direc- tory Co. 8°. Springfield 1879 1881-82. Thomas Knox, comp 1881-82. J. Babeuf, pub 1882-83. J. Babeuf.pufi 1884-85. J. Babeuf.pwfc 1884. Phillips Bros. & Mcintosh, pubs 1886-87. J. Babeuf.pufc 1887-88. J. Babeuf. pub 1887-88. J. E. Fitzpatrick & Co.. pubs 1888-89. J. B&beuf, pub 1889-90. Hendrix & Co., pubs 1890-91. Benson Bros., pubs. 8°. St. Louis 1890 1891-92. U. S. Cen. Pub. Co. 8°. Springfield 1891 1894. Springfield City Directory Co.. pubs. 8°. Springfield 1894 — Schools. High School, Springfield, Ills. Thirty-second annual com- mencement. Graduating class of 1892. Program of exercises. America, 1492-1892. Pam. 12°. Springfield 1892 — - Report Public Schools of Spring- field, 1883-84, 1885-86. 1891-92. Pams .... — Religious denominations. Spring- field Baptist Association. Min- utes of the 44th-47th annual, 1881- 84, and 50th-61st, inch, except 55th. 1892 — Springfield Baptist, (The.) Monthly periodical devoted to the inter- ests of the Central Baptist Church, Springfield, Ills. Vol. 1. November. 1892 Ito 1900. E. B. Ro- gers, ed — Rickerson. Rev. F. D. Half cen- tury of Baptist history in Spring- field. Ills.. 1830-1881. Pam. 12°. Springfield 1881 — Walker.E.S. History of the Spring- field Baptist Ass'n. 12°. Spring- field 1881 — - The Fathers of Springfield. Ills., Baptist Ass'n. Paper read at 50th anniversary, Sept. 7, 1887. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1887 — Episcopal Church, diocese of Springfield. Journals of the an- nual Synod of the Episcopal Church. 1878-93 inc. Pams — St. Paul's Pro-Cathedral Episcopal. Annual registers of the parish. Festivals, celebrations, etc. 1871- '96. Pams Religious Denominations— Continued. — The constitution and digest of the Diocese of Springfield. 1882. 8°. Chicago. Pam 1882 — Lutheran. Grace Evan. Lutheran Church. Order of exercises at dedication, March 19, 1893. Pam — Presbyterian. Logan, Rev. Thos. D. Year book of 1st] Presbyterian Church, Springfield, Ills., for the year ending April 1, 1891. 8°. Springfield. Pam 1891 -- Presbytery of Springfield. Orig- inal ms. record books of 1829. 1889.9 vols — Code and Ordinances. Calhoun, John, comp. Revised ordinances of the city of Springfield, 1851. 8°. Springfield 1851 — - Black, Wm. J., comp. Charter, re- vised ordinances. &c, of Spring- field. 1858. 8°. Springfield 1858 — - City Code. Comprising the laws of the State of Illinois., relating to the government of the city of Springfield, and the ordinances of the city council, revised and codi- fied. Published by authority of the city council. Wallace, Joseph, and Patton, James W., comps. 8°. Springfield 1884 — Snigg. John C. comp. Revised or- dinances of the city of Spring- field. 8°. Springfield 1877 — Officers. Reports officers of the city of Springfield. City finances. Statement of the finances of the city of Springfield, 1871-1880. 12°. Springfield — - Officers of the city of Spring- field. City finances. Statement of the finances of the city of Springfield as exhibited in annual reports of officers, 1873-74-78-85-86. 5vols. 12° — Miscellaneous. City Code. 1884 — - City improvements, public and private, for 1858. Pam — - Springfield. 111. History of. At- tractions as a home and advan- tages for business 1871 — - Minimum tariff rates of Board of Fire Underwriters for 1866. Same adopted 1879. Same 1891. Consti- tution and by-laws of Fire Under- writers- 1887 — - Miscellaneous pamphlets relating to Springfield — - Oak Ridge Cemetery, history of. Rules and regulations of 1879 SPRINGFIELD. 285 STATE. Springfield Miscellaneous— Concluded. — - Reports of officer* of the city for the year ending Feb. 28, 1885; same for 1892 — - Revised ordinances of the city of Springfield for 1877 — - Illinois State Journal Co., pubs. Springfield in 1892. State Journal Souvenir 6lst year. 4°. Spring- field 1892 — - Illinois State Register, pubs. The Illinois Capital, illustrated. 4°. Springfield 1892 — - King's Daughters, Springfield, Ills. Constitution and by-laws of the King's Daughter's Home for Women. 8°. Springfield, n. d — - Knox, Thos. Almanac 1889. 12°. Springfield 1888 — - Lawrence, R. D. Second annual address of the mayor of Spring- field. Ills.. March 6. 1893. Pam — - Springfield in 1892. Illinois State Journal Co. Souvenir supple- ment 61st year. 4°. Springfield.. 1892 — - Springfield public and private im- provements, of 1858, &c. Bailhache & Baker, printers. 8°. Spring- field 1858 — - Springfield Woman's Club, pub. Year-books of the Springfield Woman's Club, 1895-96. 1896-97, 1897. and 1898-99 Squier, E. G.. A. M.. & Davis. E. H.. M. D. Ancient monuments of Miss. Valley. 4°. N. Y 1848 Stanford, Leland. A senator from California, memorial addresses on life and character of, delivered in Senate and House of Rep. Sept. 16, 1893, and Feb. 12, 1894. Pub. by order of Congress. (U. S. Pub. Doc.) 4°. Washington 1894 Stansbury, Howard. Maps of Stans- bury's expedition — - The Valley of the Great Salt Lake. Utah. 8°. Philadelphia... 1852 Stanton, Edwin M. Lincoln, Stanton and Grant. Historical sketches. Jones. Maj. Evan Rowland. 8°, London 1875 Stark Co. and its pioneers. Shallen- berger, Mrs. E. 12°. Cambridge, Ills 1876 Starr, Frederick. American Indians. (Ethno-Geographic Reader No. 2.) 12°. Boston 1899 Starr, Hev. Frederick, jr. The mar- tyr president. 8°. St. Louis. Pam. 1865 Starved rock. History and description of, with illustrations.' O'Reilly, Rev, Frank J. (In Catholic World. N. Y.. Jan. 1894) — - An historical sketch. Osman, Eaton G. 8°. Ottawa. Ills 1895 State papers, pers. See Anier. State Pa- State Corn's of Public Charities of Ills. Special report investigation of management of Cook Co. Hos- pital for the Insane, by State Com- missioners of Pub. Charities. 8°. Springfield 1886 State Dept. of Ills. pubs. Laws passed by Gea. Ass. of Ills. Territory. 1815-16. and 1817-18. Reprint. State Printer, Springfield. 2 vols. 8°. 1898 — - U. S.. comp. (By order Congress.) Assassination of Abraham Lin- coln and the attempted assassin- ation of Wm. H. Seward. Expres- sions of condolence andlsympathy inspired by these events. (Appen- dix to Diplomatic Correspondence of 1865.) 4°. Washington 186T State Historical Soc. of Wis.: 1, The story of its growth; 2. Opinions of men of letters; 3, Description of the new building. Thwaites, Reu- ben G. Pam- 8°. Madison 1898 State Officers Reports. Reports State Officers of Ills, to Gen. Assembly from 1838-39 to 1898 inc State Register, pub. Illinois Mis- cellaneous. 1854. 8°. Springfield. 1854 — statistical almanac and manual of Ills. Ills. State Register, pub. Paper. 8°. Springfield 1900 — Springfield. Ills, from June 12, 1847, to Sept. 3. 1847, containing report, proceedings constitutional con- vention. Lanphier & Walker. eds. and pubs See Ills. State Register. STATES. 28G STOLP. States and Territories of the great West. Ohio. Ind.. Ills., Mo.. Wis.. Iowa, Minn.. Kas. and Neb.: their history, advantages, resources, and prospects; local history, in- stitutions and laws. Table of dis- tances, and most direct routes and modes of conveyance. Best districts for agricultural, com- mercial, lumbering and mining operations. Map. Ferris. Jacob. 12°. N.Y 1856 Statement showing the condition of Ills. State Banks. Ills. State Au- ditor of Publics Accounts, comp., Feb. 13. 1897. Jan. 10. and June 27, 1898 Statistical annals; embracing views of the population, commerce, nav- igation, fisheries, public lands, post-offices, revenues, mint, mili- tary and naval establishments, expenditures, public debt and sinking fund of the U. S. A., founded on official documents, commencing March 4, 1789, and ending April 20. 1818. Seybert. Adam. 4°. Phila 1818 Statistics of the West, at close of year 1836. Hall. James. 12°. Cin- cinnati 1837 Steamboats. Lloyd, Jas. T. Lloyd's steamboat directory and disasters on western waters. 8°. Phila — 1856 Steedman, Maj. Gen. James B. Ora- tion at unveiling of monument erected to the memory of Gen. Jas. B. Steedman. at Toledo. Ohio, May 26. 1887. Smith. Gen. JohnC. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1887 Steedman. I. G. W., A. M..M. D. Carp and carp culture in Mo., with an appendix on native fish. Pam. 8°. St. Louis 1884 Steele, Mrs. A summer journey in the West. 12°. N.Y 1841 Stenhouse. Mrs. T. B. H. "Tell It All." The story of a life's expe- rience in Mormonism. 8°. Hart- ford 1890 — Fanny. The tyranny of Mormon- ism. 12°. London 1888 Stephens. Alexander H., in public and private. With letters and speeches before, during and since the war. Cleveland, Henry, comp. 8°. Phila 1866 Stephens. John L. Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan, 12th ed. 2 vols. 8°. N. Y 1845 Stephens. Thos. Madoc. 8°. London. 1893 Stephenson county. 111. Tilden. M. H., pub. History of Stephenson Co. 8°. Chicago 1880 Stephenson. Dr. B. F. Founder of the G. A. R. A memoir. Stephen- son. Mary Harriet 8°. Springfield 1894 Stephenson Post No. 30, Dept. Ills.. G. A. R. Memorial services, Springfield. Ills.. March 14. 1899. Program of services for comrades who died in 1898. Pam Stevens, Isaac I. Narrative final re- port explorations for route for a Pacific railroad from St. Paul to Puget Sound. 4°. Washington.. 1860 Stevens, John Austin, ed. Magazine of American History. 1877 to April. 1883 Stevenson. Wm. G. Thirteen months in the rebel army. 12°. N. Y.... 1862 Stewart, W. M. Eleven years' ex- perience in Western states of America. 12°. London 1870 Stickney, Gardner P. Nicholas Per- rot: A study in Wisconsin his- tory. (Parkman Club Pub. No. 1, 1895.) Pam. 8°. Milwaukee 1895 Stimson, A. L. History of the express companies of the U. S., and the origin of American railroads. 2d ed. 8°. N.Y 1858 Stith. William. History of the first discovery and settlement of Vir- ginia. 8°. Williamsburg 1747 Stockbridge, Francis Browne. Me- morial addresses on life and char- acter of; delivered in Senate and • House Rep. 53d Cong.. 3d Sess. (Sen. Misc. Doc. No. 152. D. S. Gov't Pub.) 4°. Washington.... 1895 Stoddard. Amos. Sketches historical and descriptive of La. 8°. Phila.. 1812 — John F. The American intellectual arithmetic. 16°. N.Y 1849 — Richard Henry. Abraham Lincoln. An Horatian ode. Pam. 8°. N. Y. 1865 — William O. Abraham Lincoln: The true story of a great life. 8°. N. Y 1885 Stolp, J. G. Reminiscences of the early life of J. G. StolD and of the pioneers and early settlement of Aurora, Ills. Autobiography. Mss. Aurora 1891 STONE. 287 STRICKLAND. 1887 1838 1851 1841 1895 1830 Stone. Andrew L. A discourse occa- sioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln. Pam. 8°. Boston 1865 - George F., Sec. Boaid of Trade. eomp. Annual reports trade and commerce of Chicago . Comp. for Board of Trade from 1885 to 1888, inc. 8°. Chicago Stone. Kastler & Painter, pub. Photo- graphic views of World's Col. Ex- position, with compliments of Chicago Herald. 5 Nos. Paper. Chicago Stone. Wm. L. Introduction to "The historical writings of Orsamus H. Marshall, relating to the early his- tory of the West." 8°. Albany.. — Life of Joseph Brant. Thayendan- egea and border wars of Amer. Rev. 2 vols. 8°. N. Y Another ed., 2 vols. 8°. Buffalo. — Life and times of Red Jacket. 8°. N.Y — Visits to the Saratoga battle grounds. (Munsells' Hist. Series. No. 23.) 8°. Albany Stories of American life, by Ameri- can writers. Mitford. Mary Rus- sell, ed. 3 vols. 12°. London.... Storrs. Emery A.. Life of. His wit and eloquence, as shown in his notable literary, political and for- ensic career. Written under di- rection of Mrs. Storrs. Adams, Isaac E. 8°. Chicago 1886 Story of a Mound; or. The Shawnees in pre-Columbian times. Thomas, Prof. Cyrus. (Reprinted from American Anthropologist, Vol. 4. Nos. 2 and 3, 1891). 8°. Washing- ton Story of the old White Meeting House, in Whiting, Vermont, Walker. Rev. Edwin Sawyer, A. M. Paper. 8° Chicago Story of a Regiment: being narrative of the service of the 2d Regt., Minn. Vet. Vol. Inf. in Civil War, 1861-65. Bishop, Col. Judson W. - 12°. St. Paul -•-• 1890 Story of Bryan's Station; as told in the historical address delivered at Bryan's Station, Fayette county, Ky., Aug. 18, 1896. at dedication of the Memorial to the Women of Bryan's Station, erected by the Lexington Chapter. Daughters of the American Rev.. Aug. 1896. Historical notes by the writer. Ranck. Geo. W. 12°, Lexington Story of Chicago told in pictures. From the log cabin to the World's Fair. A souvenir. Kenkel.F. P.. pub. Pam. 4°. Chicago 1893 Story of Chicago. Kirkland. Joseph. 4°. Chicago 1892 Denver & Rio pub. Pam. 12°. Story of Manitou. Grande R. R-. Chicago 1892 Story of my ancestors in America. Walker, Re v. Edwin Sawyer. 8°. Chicago 1895 Also, printers' copy Mss.. bound and presented to Library by the author. Story of the 55th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. in Civil War, 1861-65. 55th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf.. Committee of, pubs. 8°. Clinton, Mass 1887 Story of the Revolution. Lodge. Henry Cabot. 2 vols. 8°. N.Y Story of the gold conspiracy; as told at the Memphis convention, June 13, 1895. DelMar, Alex. "New Occasions'" No. 25. Pam. Chicago Story of the great march. From the diary of a staff officer. Nichols. Maj. George Ward. 16th ed. 12°. N.Y Story of Tonty. Catherwood. Mary Hartwell. 12°. Chicago 1892 Stowe, Mrs. Harriet Beecher. Intro- duction to "Tell it all." by Mrs. T. B. H. Stenhouse. (See Sten- houseJ Leading pa- Hartford.. lV.'S 18% 1865 or, 8°. 1891 1899 18% — Men of our times; triots of the day. Stowell. Rev. W. H., and Wilson. D. History of the Puritans in En- gland; and the Pilgrim Fathers. 12°. N. Y Stratton. Rev. C. C. ed. Autobio- graphy of Erastus O. Haven. D. D LL. D Introduction by Rev. J. M. Buckley. D. D. 12°. N. Y. Strickland, W. P.. ed. Autobio- graphy of Rev. James B. Finley; or. Pioneer Life in the West. 12°. Cincinnati — Autobiography of Peter Cartwright. 12°. Cincinnati I 856 — Old Mackinaw; or, the fortress of the lakes. 12°. Phila I860 — Pioneers of the West; or. life in the woods. 12°. N.Y 185& 1868 1849 iy>3 1853 STRIKE. 288 SUBTLE. Strike at Pullman. Public statement of the company made during its continuance. Pullman Co-, pubs. 8°. Chicago, n. d Strikb at Pullman. Statements of Pres. Geo. M. Pullman and Vice- Pres. T. H. Wickes. before the U. S- Commission; also public state- ments of the Co. during the con- tinuance of the strikes. Pullman, Geo. M. Pam, n. d Strong, A. B. The American Flora. Vol. 3, only. 8°. N.Y 1849 Strong, Moses M., comp. History of the Territory of Wisconsin. 1836- 1848. 8°. Madison 1885 Strong. Prof. James. A short cate- chism of Hebrew grammar. 16°. Madison, N.J 1890 — - Epitome of Greek grammar. Pam. 12°. n. d — - Tables on Biblical chronology. 8°. N.Y 1875 — - Introduction and analysis of the Book of Ecclesiastes. Pam. 8°. N.Y 1877 — James, D. D. Theological com- pend. 16°. N.Y 1859 Stuart, Henry C. Treasures of the Rockies, Denver and Colorado. Pam. 16 c . Denver 1889 — James Three years in N. America. 2vols. 12°. N.Y 1833 Stubbs. Wm. C. comp. Hand book of La. Pam. 8°. New Orleans 1895 Studies in the West and South, with comments on Canada. Warner, Charles Dudley. 12°. N.Y 1889 Sturtevant. J. M. American colleges. An address delivered at inaugura- tion of President of Illinois Col- lege, June 25, 1845. Pam. 12°. Jacksonville 1845 Stuve, Bernard, & Davidson, Alex. History of Illinois. 1673-1873. 8°. Springfield 1874 — - History of Illinois. 1673-1884. 8°. Springfield 1884 Subdivision of government sec- tions. By what rules of law are course, distance and area gov- erned. Enos, Z. A. Pam 8°. Springfield 1885 Subtle adversary (A). A tale of Callit- so Co. Scofield. Chas. J. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1891 Suite des Voiages des d^couvertes et des 6tablissemens des Francois. Dans l'Am^rique Septenrionale. Anon. Liv. 6 Chapitre 13. 8°. n. d Sullivan, J. C. Celestial physics. Pam. 8°. Cairo. Ill 1892: Summary of narrative of exploratory expedition to the sources of the Mississippi river in 1820, resumed and completed by the discovery of its origin in Itasca Lake in 1832. By authoritv of U. S. Ap- pendices to original report of the copper mines of Lake Superior; observations on geology of the Lake basins and summit of the Miss. Official reports and scien- tific papers of both expeditions. Schoolcraft, H. R. 8°. Phila.... 1855- Summary of the original articles . which have appeared in the Can- adian Naturalist. Canadian Nat- uralist, pub. 1st & 2d series. Pam. Summer (A) in Norway. With notes on the industries, habits and cus- toms of the people; history and institutions of the country, cli- mate, topography and productions; also, account of red deer, reindeer and elk. Caton, John Dean. 8°. Chicago 1880 — journey in the West. Steele, Mrs. 12°. N.Y 1841 — on the Lakes in 1843. Fuller, S. M. 12°. Boston 1844 — rambles in the West. Ellet, Mrs. E. F. 12°. N. Y 1853 — tours; or. notes of a traveler through some of the middle and northern states. Dwight, Theo- dore. 2nd ed. 12°. N.Y 1847 Sumner, Charles. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln. 8°. Pam. Boston 1865 Sunset Club (The) Chicago. Organ- ized March. 1889. The meetiDg for 1891-'92, and list of members to Jan. 1893. Sunset Club, pub. 8°. Chicago, n. d Supreme court of Ills., 1818; its first judges and lawyers. Short sketches. Scott, John M. 8°. Bloomington 1896 SUPREME. 289 TARRIFF. Supreme— Continued. — court of Ills. Territorial and State. with sketches of the lives of its members, and portraits. Published in Green Bag. May. 1891. Babb, James E. Boston 1891 — court of Ohio. State of Ohio on relation of David K. Watson, Att'y. Gen. State of Ohio, plain- tiff, vs. The Standard Oil Co.. de- fendant. Petition in quo war- ranto. Watson, David K., comp. Paper, 8°. Columbus 1890 — court of U. S. Its history and its centennial celebration, Feb. 4. 1890. Prepared under the direc- tion of the Judiciary Centennial Commission. Carson, Hampton L. comp. 4°. Phila 1891 Surveying. Enos, Z. A. Subdivision of government sections. By what rules of law are course, distance and area governed. 8°. Pamph. Springfield 1885 — - Early surveyors and surveying in Ills. Before Ills. Society of Engineers, Jan. 29, 1891. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1891 — Illinois Society of Engineers and Surveyors. Reports of annual meetings, 1897-'98. Pams Survival of pioneer families in In- diana. Family of Judge Henry Vanderburgh, and the family of John Badollet. Pub. in "The Pocket" Evansville,Ind..Dec.l897, and Feb. 1898 Swan. Alonzo M. Canton; its pioneers and history. A contribution to the history of Fulton county, Ills. 8°. Canton 1871 Sweetser, Seth. Commemorative dis- course on the death of Abraham Lincoln. 8°. Worcester, Mass. Pam 1865 Swift, R. B. Who invented the reaper? 8°. Chicago 1897 Switzler's Illustrated history of Missouri, from 1541 to 1881. Barns, C. R., ed. and pub. 8°. St, Louis 1881 Swope, C. E. The provincial system.. 8°. N.Y. Pam 1870 Sylva Americana (The) ; or, A descrip- tion of the forest trees indigenous to the U. S., practically and botan- ically considered. Browne, D. J. 8°. Boston 1832 —19 H. L. Synopses of bills introduced in General Assembly of Illinois in 34th, 36th, 39th, 40th, 41st Gen. Assemblies. (Incomplete.) Pams Tables on biblical chronology; ex- hibiting every date definitely given in the holy scriptures, with the passage or authority on which it rests, constructed in such a manner as to verify themselves. Strong. Prof. James. 8°. N. Y. Pam 1875 Tales of the border. Hall, James. 16°. Phila.. 1835. Another ed. 12°. Phila 1835 Tanner. Henry. The martyrdom of Lovejoy. Account of the life, trials, perils*and death of Elijah P. Lovejoy. 8°. Chicago 1881 Tanner, H. S. The American Trav-, eller; or, guide through the (J. S. 16°. Phila 1836 Tanner, H. S.. pub. View of the valley of the Mississippi; or. emi- grant and travellers' guide to the West. 12°. Phila 1832 Tanner. John R. 21st Governor of Ills. Born 1844, died 1901. See Ills. Governors. Tanner, Gov. John R. Messages of the Governor of Ills, to the Gen. As- sembly. 1897-1901. See Illinois Governors. Tarbell, Ida M. Articles in Mc- Clure's Magazine on Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln, (March. 1896). The life of Abra- ham Lincoln ("June. 1896). The story of Lincoln's nomination in 1860 (Nov.. 1896) — Life of Abraham Lincoln. 2 vols. 8°. N.Y 1900 Tarbell, Ida M. & Davis. J. McCan. The early life of Abraham Lin- coln. 8°. N. Y 1896 Tariff (The). Remarks in Senate U. S. Aug. 19. 1890. Cullom, Shelby M. 8°. Washington. Pam. 1890 Tariff reform, the paramount issue. Speeches and writings on the questions involved in the presi- dential contest of 1892. Introduc- tory sketch of the author by Alex. J. Jones. Springer, Wm. M, 12°. N.Y 1892 Tariff regulations of the U. S. Pro- posed reduction of the tarriff of duties to accompany the U. S. House Representatives bill No. 566, 34th Congress, 1st session, 1856 TAYLDER. 290 TEN. Taylder, T. W. P. The Mormon's own book. 12°. London 1857 Taylor. Rev. Frederick W., ed. The Diocese of Springfield. See Illi- nois religious denominations. — Rev. Frederick W. The years that are past. A sermon preached in St. Paul's pro-cathedral. Spring- field. 111.. Nov. 29.1896. 4°. Spring- field. Paper 1896 — Elder John and Cleve, Rev. C. W. and Revs. Robertson & Cater. Public discussion, between. Pam. Liverpool 1850 — James W. History of the State of Ohio, 1650-1787. 12°. Cincinnati. 1854 — John, editor. Times and Seasons. Mormon periodical. Vol. 5. 8°. Nauvoo 1844 — W. B., comp. Memorial addresses on life and character of John Al- exander Logan. (U. S. Gov't pub.) 4°. Washington 1887 — Wm. California life illustrated. 12°. N. Y 1861 — Rev. Wm. Seven years' street preaching in San Francisco. Ed- ited by W. P. Strickland. 12°. N. Y 1856 Tazewell county. 111, Wightman. Geo. F., comp. Fort Creve Coeur. Scrap-book containing map show- ing location of Fort, photograhic views, newspaper clippings, etc Technograph, (The) pub. annually, by the Association of Engineering Societies, University of Illinois. 1892-93 Tecumseh, life of; and life of his brother the Prophet, with histor- ical sketch of the Shawanoe In- dians. Drake, Benjamin. 12°. Cincinnati 1855 Telegraphy. Plum, Wm. R. Military telegraph during Civil War. 2 vols. 8°. Chicago 1882 "Tell it all." The story of a life's experience in Mormonism. An autobiography by Mrs. T. B. H. Stenhouse for more than twenty- five years the wife of a Mormon missionary and elder. Introduc- tory preface by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe. Including a full account of the Mountain Meadows Massacre and the life, confession and execution of Bishop .John D. Lee. Stenhouse, Mrs. T. B. H. 8°. Hartford 1890 Temperance. Harrison, Elizabeth. The root of the temperance ques- tion from a kindergarten stand- point. Pam. 12°. Chicago 1889 — Low, Geo. J. Papers on prohibi- tion. (Pub. by U. S. Brewers' Assc) Pam. 8°. N. Y 1887 — Palmer. Charles Follen. Inebriety, its source, prevention and cure. 12°. N.Y 1898 Tennessee. Chattanooga and Hamil- ilton counties. By George W. Ochs 1897 — Gilmore. James R. The Advance guard of western civilization. 12°. N. Y 1888 — Ramsey, J. G. M. The annals of Tennesee. 8°. Charleston 1853 — and Kentucky. Gilmore. James R. (Edmund Kirke.) The rear guard of the revolution. John Sevier as a commonwealth builder. The advance guard of western civili- zation. 3 vols. 12°. N. Y...1891-'87-'88 — Thurston, Gates P. Antiquities of Tennessee. 8°. Cincinnati 1890 Tenney, H. A. and Atwood, David. Memorial record of the fathers of Wisconsin. 8°. Madison 1880 — Mrs. Harriet A. Report State Li brarian of the State of Michigan, for years, June 30, 1888 to June 30. 1890. 8°. Lansing 1891 Ten years among the Mormons. Nar- rative of Mrs. Mary Ettie V. Smith.who is a sister of a Mormon high priest, etc. Green. Nelson Winch, ed. 12°. N.Y 1858 TEN. 291 THIRY. Ten years of Upper Canada in peace and war, 1805-15. Being the Ridout letters, with annotations. Also, an appendix of narrative of cap- tivity among Shawanese Indians in 1788 of Thos. Ridout, and a vo- cabulary compiled by him, of the Shawanese language. Edgar, Ma- tilda. 8°. Toronto 1890 Ten years of preacher-life; chapters from an autobiography. Milburn, Win. Henry. 12°. N. Y 1859 Terke Haute, Ind. Ingalls & Co., pubs. Terre Haute city directory 1872-3. 8°. Springfield, Ills 1872 Territorial laws of Indiana, 1805. 1806 Laws adopted by the Governor and judges at their 1st and 2nd session. Laws 2nd session in Mss. Copied — revenue system of Missouri. (Ar- ticle No. 2, Pub. No. 12. Mo. Hist. Soc.) Hicks, Frederick C. Paper. 8°. St. Louis 1897 Texas. Bancroft. Hubert Howe. Hist- tory of Texas and the Northern Mexican states. 1531-1889. 2 vols. 8°. San Francisco 1890 — Complete and comprehensive de- scription of the agricultural and stock raising resources of the Texas Panhandle Country. Sta- tistics in regard to its climate, etc. Union Pacific R. R.pub. 12°. St. Louis I 892 — Parker. A. A. Trip to the West and Texas. 12°. Concord. N. H.... 1836 — Potter. R. M. See Texas Revolu- tion. — Texas Hist. Assc. Report, organi- zation, constitution, list of mem- bers. Para 1897 — Thrall, Rev. Homer S. Pictorial history of Texas. 8°. St. Louis. . 1879 — Union Pacific R. R.,pub. Descrip- tion of the resources of the Texas Panhandle Country, Pam. 12°. - St. Louis 1892 — Texas Revolution. Distinguished Mexicans who took part in the Revolution of Texas, with glances at its earliest events. Potter, R. M. (Mag. Amer. Hist. Oct. 1878) .... Thackery. Wm. M. (Titmarsh. pseud.) The second funeral of Napoleon; and, The chronicle of the drum. Paper. London 1841 Thatcher. B. B. Indian biography. 2vols. 16°. N. Y 1873 - Indian traits. 2 vols. 16°. N. Y... 1865 Thayer, Rev. E. W. The Bloody Sac- rifice. 12°. Springfield 1S98 — Wm. M. Character and public ser- vices of Abraham Lincoln. Paper. 12°. Boston 1864 — - The pioneer boy, and how he be- came president. 12°. Boston.... 1864 Theodat, Gabriel Sagard. Grand Voyage du Pays des Hurons situe en l'Am6rique vers la Mer douce l Repre- sentatives and Senate, Blsl I Published by order Congr- ss. I Washing- ton. lV.'U. S" biography Township organisation. Jewett. John atl&othwt. Opinions about town- ship organization in Cook county. Ills. Pam. 8°. Chicago [878 Trade and < lommerce of British North American colonies and upon trade of I (real Lake-, report on ; tra mitted by Secretary 1 '. 8. Tl ury to Congress. Andrews. Israel D. 8°. Washington 1S52 Tk aim; and I lommerce. Board of Trade. Chicago. Annual reports of trade and commerce of Chicago Com- piled for Board of Trade, 1871 to 1888. 8°. Chicago Traditions of the De-coo-dah and anti quartan researches. Explorations, surveys and excavation-; remains of mound builders, tradition last prophet of Elk nation. Origin and use. evidences of ancient pop- ulation. Pidgeon, William. B , N. Y Traits of Indian character generally applicable to aborigines of North America. Turner. G. 2 vols. 12°. Phila Traits of American Indian life and character. Dedication to Lady Simpson. By a Fur Trader. 12°. London Transportation. < !anal I lommission- ers of Illinois, report of to the 'iovernor, December 1. Is77. 8°. Springfield 1878 — Intercontinental Railway Commis- sioners. Minute- of, December. 1890 1891. (English and Spanish; with map. r. s. Gov't Pubs, i . hington 1891 ;. and W. II. i lommissione] Ills. 8( l Illinois, also. Railroad-. — Stimson, A. L. History of th> press companies: and the origin Of American R. R, 2d ed. 8°. N. Y Transai riONS Literary and 1: Society of Quebec, from Vol. 1, Part 1, New Series, parts l 21, inc., 1863-1892, i ccepl parts 4. 5 and 13, and 1892-1900, except Nos. 22 and Cams, s Qaebec, v.y TRANSACTIONS. 295 TRAVEL. Transactions— Concluded. - of the Historical and Literary Com- mittee of the American Philosoph- ical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge. Vol. 1. Account of the history, manners and customs of the In- dian Nations who once inhabited Pennsylvania and the neighbor- ing States. Heckwelder, Rev. John. 8°. Phila 1819 rRANSLATiONS and reprints from or- iginal sources of European his- tory, Vol. 1. The early Reforma- tion period in England. Woolsey, Henry VIII. and Sir Thomas More. Pam. Cheyney, Edw. P.. ed. (Pub. Dept. Hist. Univerity of Pennsylvania) Cransylvania University; its origin, rise decline and fall. Prepared for the Filson Club. Peter, Robert & Peter, Miss Johanna. (Filson Club, Pubs. No. 11.) 4°. Louis- ville 1896 Travel and Voyage. Allen. Henry T. Report of expedition to the Cop- per Tanana, and Koyukuk Rivers of Alaska, 1885. (U. S. Gov't. Pub.) 8°. Washington 1887 - Allen, Paul. History of Lewis and Clark's expedition. Revised and abridged by the omission of unim- portant details, by A McVickar. 2vols. 16°. N.Y 1876 - Ampere, J, J. Promenade en Amerique. 3d ed. 2 vols. 8°. Paris 1860 - Andrews, Israel D. Trade and commerce Brit. N. Amer. colonies and trade of great, lakes and rivers, report of. 8°. Washing- ton 1853 Maps, report trade and com- merce, etc. - Anonymous. America as I found it. lt°. London 1852 - Anonymous. Cramer & Spear, pub. The navigator. 12°. Pittsburg... 1818 - Anonymous. De Gide, Fils, pub. Voyage de New Yorck a la Nou- velle Orleans. 2 vols. 8°. Paris 1818 - Anonymous. Life in the west. Backwood leaves and prairie flowers. 12°. London 1842 Travel and Voyage— Continued. — Anonymous. Suite des voyages des d^couvertes et des £tabliss- mens des Francais. Liv. 6, chap- itrel3. 8°. n. d — Ashe, Tbos., Esq. Travels in America, 12°. London 1808 — Ashton, John. Adventures and dis- courses of Capt. John Smith, 12°- London& N. Y 1883 — Austin, Moses. Memorandum of M. Austin's journey from the lead mines in Virginia to lead mines in Province of Louisiana, west of the Miss.. 1796-1797. (Pub. in Amer. Hist. Review, April, 1900, vol.5.No. 3) — Baker, George A. The St. Joseph- Kankakee portage. (Publication No. 1, Northern Indiana Histori- cal Soc.) Paper. 8°. South Bend, Ind, May, 1899 — Barneby, W. Henry. Life and la- lors in the far, far west. 12°. London, Paris and New York 1884 — Barrell, Capt. George. Life and travels of. Manuscript autobi- ography — Bartlett, John Russell. Personal explorations and incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California Sonora and Chihuahua. 8°. N. Y 1854 — Beamish, North Ludlow. The dis- covery of America by the North- men. 8°. London 1841 — Belloy, M. le Marquis de. Christo- pher Columbus and the discovery of the new world. 4°. London... 1885 — Beltrami, J. C. Pilgrimage in Europe and America. 2 vols, 8°. London 1828 — Bernard, Jean Frederic, pub. Re- lations de la Louisiane et du Fleuve Miss. Tome 5, voyages du P. Hennepin, Gosnold et Gil- bert. 16°. Amsterdam. .^ 1720 — Beste. J. Richard. Esq. The Wabash. 2 vols. 12°. London.. 1855 — Bossu, M. Nouveaux voyages aux Indies Occidentaies. 2 vols, in 1. 16 c . Paris. 1768, 2vols. 16°. Paris, 1768. 2 vols. Amsterdam, 1769 3eds TRAVEL. 296 TRAVELS AND VOYAGES. Travel and VoxxQJt—Continved. — Boasu, M. Travels through that part of N. America formerly called Louisiana. 2 vols. 12°. London 1771 — Bradbury, John, F. L. S. Travels in interior of America. 12°. Liverpool 1817 — Bremer, Frederika. The homes of the New World. Translated by Mary Howitt. 2 vols. 12°. N. Y. 1853 — Brissot, J. P. (de Warville). Nou- veau voyage dans les Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Septenrionale, fait en 1788. 2 vols. 12°. Paris, April, 1791 — Brissot J. P.Cde Warville.) Travels in U. S. A. in 1788. 8°. London.. 1794 — Brower, J. V. The Missouri river and its utmost source. Paper. 8°. St. Paul 1896 — Butler, James Davie. New found journal of Chas. Floyd, a sergeant under Capts. Lewis and Clark. 8°. Worcester. Mass 1894 — Butler, W. F., F. B. G. S. The great lone land. 12°. London.... 1873 — Campbell, Henry Colin. Explora- tions of Lake Superior. Voyages of Radisson & Groseilliers. Park- man Club Pubs. No. 2. Pam. 8°. Milwaukee 1896 — Caton, John Dean. A summer in Norway. 8°. Chicago 1880 — -Miscellanies. 8°. Boston 1880 — Cartier, Jacques. Narration de la navigation. Introduction par M. D'Avezac. 12°. Paris 1863 — Carver, Capt. Jonathan. Travels through the interior parts of N. America. 8°. Phila 1796 — Carver, J.. Esq. Travels in the in- terior of North America. 8°. London 1778 Reprint 3d London edition. To which is added some account of author, and index. Travels in Wisconsin. 8°. N. Y 1838 — Catherwood, Mary Hartwell. The Heroes of the middle west, the French. 12°. Boston 1898 — Champlain. la Sr. de. Voyages de la Nouvelle France. 8°. Paris. . 1632 — Charlevoix, Father. Letters to the Duchess of Lesdiguieres. 12°. London 1763 Travels and Voyages— Continued. — Chastellux. Marquis de. Travels in North America. 2 vols. 12°. Dublin. 1787. Another ed.8°. N. Y 1827 — Chateaubriand, le Victome Fran- cois Auguste. Voyages en Am6- rique et en Italic 12°. Paris .... 1828 — Clark, Rev. John A. D. D. Glean- ings by the way. 12°. N. Y 1842 — Colton, C. Tour of the American Lakes 2 vols. 12°. London .... 1833 — Cooper, J. Fenimore. Notions of the Americans, picked up by a traveling bachelor. 2 vols. 12°. Phila 1828 — Coues. Elliott, ed. Expeditions of Zebulon M. Pike. 3 vols. 8°. N, Y 1895 — - The journal of Jacob Fowler. (American explorers series. 8°. N. Y 1898 — - Forty years a fur trader on the upper Missouri. Personal nar- rative of Chas. Larpenteur, 1833- 1872. (American explorers series) 2vois. 8°. N. Y 1898 — - History of the Lewis and Clark expedition. 4 vols. 8°. N. Y.... 1893 — - New light on the early history of the greater Northwest. Journals of Henry and Thompson. (Ame- rican explorers series.) 3 vols. 8°. N. Y 1897 — Crofutt, Geo. A. Crofutt's over- land guide. 8°. St. Louis 1892 — Cuming, F. Sketch of tour through the West and voyage down the Ohio and Mississipi Rivers. 12°. Pittsburgh 1810 — Darby, Wm. Tour from city of N. Y. to Detroit. 8°. N. Y 1819 — Davis. A. Discovery of New En- gland by Northmen, 500 years before Columbus. 8°. Boston... 1844 — Dawson, Samuel Edward. The voy- ages of the Cabots. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 1897. Vol. 3, Sec. 2.) 8°. Ottawa. Paper 1897 — - Voyages of the Cabots. 1497 and and 1498. (Trans. Royal Soc. Canada. Vol. 12, Sec. 2, 1894.) 4°. Montreal. Paper 1894 — Denver & Rio Grande R. R., pub. Around the circle, 1,000 miles through the Rocky Mountains. 12°. Chicago 1892 TRAVELS AND VOYAGES. 297 TRAVELS AND VOYAGES. Travels and Voyages— Continued. — - Tourists hand book of Colorado. New Mexico and Utah. 8°. Pam. 1892 — DeSmet, R. P. Cinquante nouvel- les lettres du R, P. DeSmet. 12°. Paris 1858 — - Voyages aux Montagnes Roc- heuses. 16°. Malines 1844 — Devol, Geo. H. Forty years a gam- bler on the Mississippi River. 12°. Cincinnati 1887 — Dixon, James, D. D. Tour through U. S. and Canada, 12°. N. Y .... 1850 — Douglas, Geo. B. Illustrated Miss- issippi. (German,) 4°. Dussel- dorf. n. d — DuLac, M. Perrin. Voyage dans les deux Louisianes, et ches les nations sauvauges du Missouri. 12°. Paris 1805 — Du Pratz, M, Le Page. Histoire de la Louisiane. 3 vols. 16°. Paris 1758 — Dwight, Theo. Sketches and man- ners in U. S. 12°, N. Y 1829 — - Summer tours or notes of a trav- eler. (Bound with Shoberl's Per- sia.) 2ed. 12°. N.Y 1847 — Ellicott, Andrew. Journal of An- drew Ellicott. 1796 1800. 4°. Phila. 1803 — English gentleman. Excursion through U. S. and Canada, by an English gentleman. 12°. London. 1824 — Falconer, Thos. Discovery of the Miss. 12°. London 1844 — Faux, W. Memorable days in America. 8°. London 1823 — Fearon, Henry Bradshaw, Sketch- es of America. 8°. London 1819 — Ferguson, Wm., F.L. S.,&c. Amer- ica by river and rail. 8°. Lon- don 1856 — Ferrall. S. A., esq. A ramble of 6.000 miles through U. S. A. 8°? London 1832 — Fidler, Jtev. Isaac. Observations on the U. S. and Canada in 1832. 12°. London 1833 — Flagg, Edmund T. The far West. 12°. N.Y 1838 — Fisher. Wm. Voyages and travels of Captains Lewis & Clark. 16°. Baltimore 1812 Travels and Voyages— Continued. — Forman, Maj. Samuel. Narrative of a journey down the Ohio and Miss. 1789-90. 12°. Cincinnati . . 1888 — Freemont, Capt., J. C. Report ex- ploring expedition to Rocky Mts. 8°. Washington 1845 — Garcilasso. Inca de la Vega. His- toire de le Conquete de la Floride. Translated into the French by Cffisar Peter Richelet. 16°. Paris 1709 — Gass, Patrick. Journal of voyages and travels. 12°. London 1808 — Glazier, Capt., Willard. Down the Great River. 12°. Phila 1887 — Grafton, J. J., pub. Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. 12°. Chicago. 1891 — Gravier, Gabriel. D6couverte de l'AmeVique par les Nomands au lOSiecle. 8°. Rouen 1874 — - Relation du voyage des Dames Religieuses Ursulines. 8°. Paris. 1873 — - Une Carte inconnu. Le premiere dress^e par Louis Joliet. 8°. Paris 1880 — Gregg, Jo^iah. Commerce of the prairies. 2 vols. 12°. Phila 1850 — Gu^rin, L6on, Navigateurs Fran- cais. 8°. Paris 1847 — Hakluyt, Richard, collector. Early English voyages to America. Ed- ited by E. Goldsmid. 4vols. 8°. Edinburgh 1889 — Hall, Basil. Extracts from journal written on coasts Chili, Peru and Mexico. 1820-22. 4th ed.. 2 vols. 12°. Edinburgh 1825 — - Travels in N. America. 1827-28. 3 vols. 12°. Edinburgh 1829 — Hall. Lieut. Francis. Travels in Canada and the U. S. 12°. Lon- don 1818 — Hall, Judge James. Letters from the West. 8°. London 1828 — Hamilton, Thos. Men and manners in America. 2 vols. 8°. Edin- burgh 1834 — Harriot. Thomas. Briefe and true report of Virginia. W. H. Ry- lands, ed. Holbein Soc, pubs. 4°. Manchester 1888 — Harmon, Daniel Williams. Journal of voyages in the interior N. America. 8°. Andover 1820 TRAVFLS. 298 TRAA r ELS. Travels and Voyages— Continued. — Harris, Thaddeus Mason, A. M. Journal of a tour northwest of the Allegheny mountains. 12°. Boston 1805 — Harrisse, Henry. John Cabot, the discoverer of North America; and Sebastian, his son. 8°. London.. 1896 — Hart, Adolphus M. History of the Valley of the Mississippi- 12°. Cincinnati 1853 — Heart, Capt. Jonathan, Journal of, 1785. 12°. N.Y 1885 — Hennepin. Father Louis. Descrip- tion of Louisiana. Trans, from edition of 1683, by John Gilmary Shea. 8°. N.Y 1880 — - Voyage en un pays plus grand que l'Europe, entre la Mer glaciale et le Nouveau Mexique. (In Re- lations de la La. et du Fleuve Miss. pp. 201-381, inc.) 16°. Am- sterdam 1720 — Henry, Alexander, esq. Travels and adventures in Canada. 12°. N.Y 1809 — Hodgson, Adam, Letters from N. America. 8°. N.Y 1823 — - Letters from N. America. 2 vols. 8°. London 1824 — Hoffman. C. F, Wild scenes in the forest and prairie. 2 vols, 12°. London 1839 — Holmes, Isaac. An account of the U.S.A. 8°. London 1823 — Hutchins, Thos. Topographical de- scription of Va., Pa., Md. and N. C. Also Patrick Kennedy's jour- nal. 8. London 1778 — Irving, Washington. Adventures of Captain Bonneville. 3 vols. 12°. London 1837 — - Adventures of Captain Bonne- ville. U. S. A. 12°. N.Y 1868 — - Astoria; or, anecdotes of an en- terprise beyond the Rocky moun- tains. 2 vols. 8°. Phila 1841 — - T»ur on the prairies. 12°. Lon- don 1835 — James, Edwin. Account expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky mountains, 1818-1820. 3 vols. 8°. London 1823 — Jefferson, Thos. Message Pres. U. S. communicating discoveries by Captains Lewis and Clark. 8°. N. Y 1806 Travels and Voyages— Continued. — Jenkins, John S. Voyage U. S. exploring squadron. 1838-1842. 8°. Auburn 185£ — Joutel. M. Journal of the last voy- age of La Salle. 12°. London.... 1714 — Kalm. Pierre. Voyage dans 1' Am^rique. 8°. Montreal 1880' — Keating. Wm. H. Narrative expe- dition to source St. Peter's river. 2 vols. 8°. London 1825- — Kendall. Edward Augustus, Trav- els through northern parts U. S. 3vols. 12°. N.Y 1809 — Kendall, Geo. Wilkins. Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe" expedition. 2 vols. 12°. London 1844 — Kennedy, Patrick. See Hutchins — Labat, R. P. Nouveau voyages aux Isles de l'Ame>ique. 8 vols. 16°. Paris 1742 — Lahontan, Baron de. Voyage de l'Amerique. 3 vols, 16°. Amster- dam, 1703-4 2 vols. 16°, Amsterdam 1728 2 vols. English. 12°. London... 1703 2 vols. English. 12°. London... 1735 — Lanman, Chas. Adventures in the wilds of the U. S- and British American provinces. 2 vols. 8°. Phila 1856 — - Haw Ho Noo, or, records of a tourist. 12°. Phila 1850 — Latrobe. Chas. Joseph. The ram- bler in N. Atnr., 1832-33. 2 vols. 12°. N.Y 1835 — Le Clercq, Father Christian. First establishment of the Faith in New France. Trans, and notes by John Gilmary Shea. 2 vols. 8°. N. Y 1881 — Langford, Nathaniel Pitt. Vigi- lante days and ways. 12°. N. Y. and St. Paul 1893 — Lewis. Meriwether. Travels of Cap- tains Lewis & Clark. 8°. London. 1809 — McClure, David. Diary of David McClure. 1748-1820. With notes by Franklin B. Dexter, M. A. Edited by John P. Peters. 8°. N. Y 1899 — McConnel, J. L. Western charac- ters or types of border life in the Western States. 12°. N.Y 1853 TRAVELS. 299 TRAVELS. Travels and Voyages— Continued. — Mackay. Chas.. LL. D.. F. S. A. Life and liberty in America. 12°. N. Y 1859 — Mackay. Alexander. The Western World. 2 vols. 12 \ Phila 1849 — Marcy, Randolph B. Border rem- iniscences. 12°. N. Y 1872 — - The prairie traveler. Richard F. Burton, ed. 12°. London 1863 — - (Asst. by G. B. McClellan.) Ex- ploration of Red river of La. 1852. (Ex. Doc. H. R. 1st Sess. 33d Cong.) 8°. Washington 1854 — May, Cot. Jonn. Journal and let- ters of two journeys to the Ohio Country. (Hist, and Philosoph- ical Soc. of Ohio.) pubs. b°. Cin. 1873 — Meares, John. Voyages from China to Northwest coast of America in 1788-89. 4°. London 1790 — Melish, John. Travels in U. S. A.. 1806-1811. 2 vols. 8°. Phila 1812 — Merubre Adoptif de la Nation Oneida. Voyage dans la Haute Pensylvanie, par un membre Adoptif de la Nation Oneida. 3 vols. 12°. Paris 1801 — Michaux. F. A. Travels west of Alleghany Mts. 2d ed. 8°. Lon- don 1805 — Mbllhausen, Baldwin. Diary of journey from Miss, to coasts of the Pacific. 2 vols. 8°. London. 1858 — Murray. Chas. Augustus. Travels inN.Amr. in 1834-5-6. 2 vols. 8°. London 1839 — Murray. Hugh. Historic account of discoveries and travels in X. Amr. 2 vols. 12°. London 1829 — 0'Reill.v, Rev. Frank J. Starved Rock. (In Catholic World, Janu- ary. 1894) — Oliphant. Laurence. Minnesota and the far West. 8°. Edinburgh and London 1855 — Osmau. Eaton G. Starved Rock. A historical sketch. 8°. Ottawa. Ills 1895 — Palmer, John. Journal oC travels in the U. S. of N. Amr. and Lower Canada in 1817. 8°. London 1818 — Parker, A. A. Trip to the west and Texas. 12°. Concord, N. H 1836 Travels and Voyages— Continued. — Parker, Rev. Samuel, A. M. Jour- nal exploring tour beyond Rocky Mts.. 1835-6-7. 12°. Ithaca, 1838: also 3d. ed. 12°. Ithaca 1842 — Parkman. Francis. Discovery of the great West. 12°. Boston 1869 — - The Oregon trail. 8th ed. 12°. Boston 1889 See Parkman. — Peyton, John Lewis. Over the Alle- ghanies and across the prairies. 12°. London 1869 — Phillips, D. L. Letters from Cali- fornia in 1876. 8°. Springfield... 187T — Pike, M y 1889 - - Women of the war. 8°. Hartford 1866 - Morley. Wm. R.. comp. Proceed- ings of the 3d reunion of the "Yates Phalanx," 39th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf.. Bloomington, Ills., Feb. 21, 1884. Pam. 8°. Wilming- ton, Ills 1884 United States.— Continued. — Mottelay. Paul F.. and Copeland. T. Campbell, eds. The soldier in our Civil war. 2 vols. Folio. N.Y.. 1890 — Newberry, Dr. J S. U. S. sanitary commission in the Valley of the Miss, during the Rebellion. -8°. Cleveland 18T1 — Newlin.W. H. Account of the es- cape of six federal soldiers from prison at Danville, Va. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1887 — Newlin, W. H.. ed. History of the 73d Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. 8° 1890 — Newlin. W. H.. Sec. Minutes of the proceedings of the association of the survivors of the 73d Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf.. Springfield, Ills., Nov. 14 and 15, 1894. Pam. 8° 1894 — New York Herald, pubs. Life and adventures of Private Miles O'Reilly. 47th N. Y. Vols. (Chas. G. Halpine.) 12°. N. Y 1866 — Nichols. Maj. George Ward. The story of the great march. 16th ed. 12°. N. Y *865 — Northwestern Sanitary Fair, pubs. Catalogue of the department of arms and trophies at the N. W. Sanitary Fair, Chicago, 1865. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1865 — Oldroyd. O. H.. pub. Good old songs we used to sing. '61-'65. Pam. Springfield, n. d — Oldrovd. O. H.. comp. Roster Ohio Veteran Association of Ills. Pam. 12°. Springfield 1891 — Partridge, Chas. A., ed. History of the 96th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. 8°. Chicago 1887 — Peckham, James. Nathaniel Lyon and Missouri in 1861. 12°. N. Y.. 1866 — Plum, Wm. R. Military telegraph during the Civil War. 2 vols. 8°. Chicago 1882 — Pollard, E. A. Southern history of the War. 2 vols, in one. 8°. N. Y. 1866 — Powell, Wm. H. Sinking Creek Valley Raid. 1862. S°. Pam 1889 — Reed. Capt. H. B. The back-bone of Illinois, 1861-1865: and Memorial Hall. Springfield, Ills. 8°. Spring- flels. Pam 1886 — Richardson, Chas. B.. pub. South- ern generals; who they are aDd what they have done. 8°. N, Y. 1865 UNITED STATES. 314 UNITED STATES. United States— Continued. — Rogers, Robert M- History of the 125th Regt.. Ills. Vol. Inf. 8°. Champaign 1882 — Roman, Alfred. The military oper- ations of General Beauregard. 2 vols. 8°. N. Y 1884 — Rush, Lieut. Com. Richard, and Woods, Robert H.,comps. Official records of the Union and Confed- erate navies in the War of the Rebellion. Compiled under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy. U. S. Gov't. Pubs. First Series, Vols. 1-10 inc., 1895-1900. 8°. Washington — Sanitary Commission. History of Western sanitary commission. Miss. Valley Sanitary Pair, Pubs. 8°. St. Louis 1864 — Scott, Robert N , comp. Compila- tion of the official records of the Union and Confederate armies in the War of the Rebellion. Com- piled under direction of the Sec- retary of War. and published pur- suant to an act of Congress, ap- proved June 16, 1880. U S. Gov't. Pubs. Serial Nos. 1-116, inc. except Nos, 112 and 113. 8°. Washington. 1880-9* — Senour, Rev. P. Maj. Gen. Wm. T. Sherman and his campaigns. 12°. Chicago 1865 — 17th Regt. Illinois Vol. Infantry. History of, 1861-1864. Campbell, Robert M., comp. Mss — 73d Regt. Illinois Vol. Infantry. History of, 1862-65. The Preacher Regiment. Published by the Regt. Reunion Assc. 8°. n. d — Sheridan, Gen. P. H. Personal memoirs of Gen. P. H. Sheridan. 2vols. 8°. N. Y 1888 — Sherman, P. T., & Others Pub. Com- mittee. The Army Reunion. With reports of the meetings of the so- cieties of the Army of the Cumber- land, the Army of the Tennessee, the Army of the Ohio, and the Army of Georgia, Chicago, Dec. 15 and 16, 1868. 8°. Chicago 1869 — Sherman, Gen. Wm. T. Memoirs of Gen. Wm. T. Sherman. 2 vols 8°. N. Y 1875 Another edition. 1 vol. 8°. N. Y. 1891 — - Siebert, Wilbur H. The under- ground railroad from slavery to freedom. 8°. N. Y 1898 United States— Continued. — - Simmons. L. A. History of the 84th Regt. Ills. Vols. 12°. Ma- comb, Ills 1866 — - Smith, Gen. John C. Oration at the unveiling of the monument to the memory of Gen. James B. Steedman. Pam. 8°. Chicago.. 1887 — - Smith, Gen. John C. Account of reception to survivors of the 96th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf.. Dec. 16, 1889, and July 23, 1893. Paper. 8°. Chi- cago. 2 pams 1890 1893 — - Springer, Rev. Francis. Memori- al sermon preached May 17, 1891, G. A. R. hall, Springfield, Ills. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1891 — - Springer, John G. Proceedings annual reunions of the Society of the 10th Ills. Cav. Regt. 1894, 1895, 1896 and 1899. Pams. 16° Roster of survivors 10th Ills. Cav. Regt. Oct. 16. 1894. Pam — - Stevenson, Benj. P. "Kentucky neutrality in 1861.' Pam. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1886 — - Stevenson, Wm. G. Thirteen months in the rebel army. 12°. N. Y 1862 — - 10th Illinois Cavalay Regiment. Proceedings annual reunions, etc. See Springer, John G — - 31st Ills. Vet. Vol. Infantry. Min- utes of annual reunions of 1889, 1890, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897. Pams .... — - Thompson, B. F. History of the 112th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. 8°. Toulon, Ills 1885- — - Thompson, George. Prison life and reflections; or, a narrative of the arrest, trial. conviction, impris- onment, etc., of Works, Burr, and Thompson, who suffered impris- ment in Mo. penitentiary for at- tempting to aid some slaves to liberty. 12°. Hartford 1855- — - Tomes, Robert & Smith, Benj. G. The great Civil War. 3 vols. 4°. N. Y. n. d — Trimble, Harvey M., ed. History of the 93rd Reg't. Ills. Vol. Inf., from organization to muster out. 8°. Chicago .' 1898 — Tripp, Rev. B. H. The iron brig- ade; and other poems. Paper. 8°. Gallatin, Mo 1898 UNITED STATES. 315 UNITED STATES. United States— Continued. — Trowbridge. L. S. and Farnsworth, Fred E. Michigan at Gettysburg July 1, 2 and 3. 1863. and June 12, 1889. 8°. Detroit 1889 — Turchin, Gen. John B. Chicka- mauga. 8°. Chicago 1888 — 21st Illinois Vet. Vol. Infantry Reg't Proceedings 23d annual reunion. Salem, 111.. 1897. Pam t — V. 8. Congress, pub. Dedication of Chickamauga and Chattanooga military park, etc. (Senate re- ports, vol. 3, Nos. 507. 703. 54th Cong., 1st session. 1895-6; U. S. public documents.) 8°. Wash- ington, n. d — United States Government, pub. Papers relating to foreign affairs, to Dec. 1, 1862, communicated to Congress. 8°. Washington 1862 — U. S. War Department. Revised regulations for the army of the U. S.. 1861. 8°. Phila 1861 — Vredenburgh. T. D. Memorial ad- dress. Loami. Ills., May 30, 1892. Manuscript — Williams. George F. Bullet and shell; or. War as the soldier saw it. 8°. N. Y 1883 — Wilson. Capt. Ephraim A. Mem- oirs of the war. 12°. Cleveland. 1893 — Wilson. William Bender. A few acts and actors in the tragedy of the Civil War. 12°. Phila 1892 — Wood, Wales W. History of the 95th Reg't Ills. Inf. Vols., 1862 to 1865. 12°. Chicago 1865 See list of regimental histories under Illinois wars. — War with Spain. — Ameiican National Red Cross Re- lief Committee, pu b. Reports of. May, 1898. to March, 1899. 8°. N.Y. 1899 — Atkinson, Edward, ed. and pub. The Anti-Imperialist. Periodical published irregularly, 1899. 8°. Paper. Boston and Brooklme, Mass — Davis, Richard Harding. The Cu- ban and Porto Rican campaigns. 12°. N.Y 1898 — Flint, Grover. Marching with Go- mez. 12°. Boston 1898 United States— Continued. — Jordan, David Starr. "Lest we for- get." Address before the gradu- ating class, 1898, of Leland Stan- ford Jr. University. (Leland Stanford Jr. University, ptibs.) Pam. 8°. Palo Alto. Cal 1898- — Mann, Hon. James R. The acquisi- tion of the Philippine Islands. Speech in U. S. House of Repre- sentatives, Feb. 13. 1899. Pam. U. S. Gov't, ptibs. 8°. Washing- ton 1899 — Minneapolis Journal Co.. pubs. Cartoons of the Spanish-Ameri- can War by "Bart." From Min- neapolis Journal. The library of Journal extras, pub. quarterly. Paper,8°. Jan. 1899. Minneapolis .... — Nunez, Severo Gomez. The Span- ish-American War. Blockades and coast defence. Translated from tbe Spanish. U. S. Gov't., pubs. Office of Naval Intelli- gence; war notes No. 6; informa- tion from abroad. Paper. 8°. Washington 1899 — U. S. Commission to investigate the conduct of the War Depart- ment in the war with Spain. Re- port of. U. S. Gov't pub. Paper, 8°. Washington 1899 — Miscellaneous— — Baldwin. Jo. G. Party leaders; sketches of Thomas Jefferson. Hamilton, Jackson and others. 12°. N.Y 1864 — - Bartlett, John Russell. Diction- ary of Americanisms. 2d ed. 8°. Boston 1859 — - Book of the U. S. (Title page missing.) — -Campbell. Robert Allen. Our flag, or, the evolution of the "Stars and Stripes. 12°. Chicago 1890 — - Carey. H. C. Letters to the Pres- ident on the foreign and domes- tic policy of the Union and its ef- fects as exhibited in the condi- tion of the people and the State. 8°. Phila 1858 — Carson, Hampton L. History of the celebration of the 100th anni- versary of the promulgation of the constitution of the U. S. 2 vols. 4°. Phila 1889 UNITED STATES. 316 UNITED STATES. United States— Continued. — - Centennial celebration of the Inde- pendence of U. S., Philadelphia.. 1876 — - U. S. Executive Departments, Board of. Report Board on be- half of the U. S. Executive De- partments, at International Ex- hibition, Philadelphia. 1876. 2 vols. 8°. Washington 1884 — - Centennial celebration and dedi- cation Washington monument at Newburgh, N. Y. Report of the Joint-Select Committee of Con- gress. U. S. Gov't pubs. 4°. Washington 1899 — - U. S. Participation of in Colum- bian historical exposition at Ma- drid. 1892. Paper. 8°. Washington 1895 — Clarke. Thos. Sir Copp. A poem for the times. 12°. Chicago 1866 — Cutts. J. Madison. Constitutional and party questions, as received orally from Stephen A. Douglas. 12°. N.Y 1866 — Housatonic. A case of hereditary bias, Henry Adams as a histo- rian. Reprinted from the N. Y. Tribune. Pam — Moore, Joseph West. American Congress. History of national legislation and political events. 1774-1895. 8°. N.Y 1895 — Parks. Dedication of Chicka- mauga and Chattanooga National Park, etc. (U. S. Senate reports. Vol. 3. Nos. 507,703, 54th Cong. 1st Sess. 1895-96. 8°. Washington, n.d — - Yellowstone National Park, his- torical and descriptive. Maps, views and portraits. Chittenden. Hiram M. 12°. Cincinnati 1895 — Peto, Sir Morton. Resources and prospects of America. 8°. Lon- don and N. Y 1866 — Smith, Horace W., comp. Nuts for future historians to crack. Pam. 8°. Phila 1856 — - U. S. Public Lands. Enos, Z. A. Subdivision of Government Sec- tions. By what rules of law are course, distance and area gov- erned. Pam. 8°. Springfield... 1885 — Wolf, Simon; The American Jew as patriot, soldier and citi- zen. 8°. Philadelphia 1895 United States — Continued. — Board of Indian Commissioners, annual reports of; 6th annual report 1874 8th annual report 1876 11th annual report 1879 — United States Commissioner of Indian affairs, 61st annual report. 1892. 4°. Washington 1892 — Treaties of the U. S. with Indian tribes, 1778-1837. 8°. Washington, 1837 — U. S. Census. 6th census or enum- eration of the inhabitants of the U. S., as corrected by the Dept. of State, 1840. Blair & Rives, print- ers. Polio. Washington -. ... 1841 — - U. S. Secretary of State, comp. Census of pensioners for Revolu- tionary and military services, • with names, ages and places of residence. (U- S, Gov't. Pub. Part of 6th U. S. Census.) 4°. Washington 1841 — - Seventh census. 1850, Enumera- tion of the U. S. by States and Territories — - Compendium of the 7th census... 1850 — - Eighth census of the U. S., 1860. Population, manufactures. 2 vols. Folio — - Ninth census of the U. S., 1870. Compendium, population, social statistics, industry, wealth and vital statistics — - Tenth census of the U. S., 1880. Complete — - Eleventh census of the U. S., 1890. Complete — Congress. Annals of Congress, 1st to 18th Congress. 1789-1824., inc. 42 vols. Gales, Jos., later Gales & Seaton. pubs — - Register of debates in Congress, 2d session, 18th Congress, to 1st session 25 th Congress. 1825-1837. inc. 14 vols, in 29 parts. Gales & Seaton, pubs — - Congressional Globe. 23d to 42d Congress, inc. 1834-1873. Blair & Rives, later Rives & Bailey — - Congressional Record, 43d. Con- gress 1873 to 1st session 56th Con- gress 1900 — - Bartlett, D. W.. comp. Cases of contested elections in Congress, 1834 to 1865, inc. (38th Congress, 2d session, H. R. Misc. Doc. No. 57.) 8°. Washington 1865 UNITED STATES. 317 UNITED STATES. U. S. Congress— Continued. — - Cotton trade of the U. S. Letter from the Secretary of State (Daniel Webster) transmitting to Congress a statement respecting the tariff duties and custom house regulations applicable to Ameri- can cotton. (U. S. H. R. Execu- tive Doc. No. 10,8, 34th Congress. 1st session.) — - Fort Pillow Massacre. Report of the committee upon the conduct of the war. (U. S. Pub. Doc. House Report No. 65, 38th Con- gress, 1st session.) 8°. Wash- ington, n. d — Moore, Joseph West. The Ameri- can Congress. History of national legislation and political events, 1774-1SP5. 8°. N. Y 1895 — Perkins &• Marvin, pubs. Speeches in Congress on the removal of the Indians. 12°. Boston 1830 — Poore, Ben Perley, ed. Message from President of the U. S. to Congress, 1st session 39th Con- gress, with reports of heads of departments. 8°. Washington.. 1866 — Tariff. Proposed reduction of the tariff duties; to accompany U. S. H. R. Bill No. 566, 34th Congress, 1st session 1856 U. S.— Diplomacy— — Beaman. Chas, C, jr. National and private "Alabama Claims," and their final and amicable settle- ment. 8°. Washington 1871 — Cushing, Caleb. The Treaty of Washington. 12°. N. Y 1873 — Hermann, Binger The Louisiana Purchase, and our title west of the Rocky Mountains. (U. S. Gov't, ptibs.) 8°. Washington... 1898 — Trescot. Wm Henry. The diplo- macy of the Revolution. An his- torical study. 12°. N. Y 1852 — U. S. commission on boundary be- tween Venezuela and British Guiana. Report of the commission and the accompanying papers. (U. S. Gov't., pubs.) Paper. 3 vols. 8°. Washington 1897 — U. S. House of Representatives. Documents relative to Central American affairs, and the enlist- ment question. 8°. Washington 1856 United States Diplomacy— Continued. — U. S. State Department. Correspon- dence in relation to the boundary controversy between Great Brit- ain and Venezuela. (U. S. Gov't. pubs.) 8°. Washington 1896 — U. S. State Department, Papers relating to foreign affairs commu- nicated to Congress, Dec. 1,1862. 8°. Washington 1862 U. S.-Navy— — Beaman. Chas. C. jr. National and private "Alabama Claims." and their final and amicable settle- ment. 8°. Washington 1871 — Beckwith.H. W.,comp. The Battle- ship "Illinois." An account of its launching at Newport News, Va., Oct. 4. 1898. Collection of news- paper clippings, cuts, and photo- graphs, arranged in a scrap-book — Boynton. Chas. B., D. D. History of the Navy during the Rebellion. 2 vols. 8°. N. Y 1867-1868 — Cooper, J. Penimore. History of the Navy of the U. S. 8°. Phila. 184T — Emmons, Lieut. Geo. F..comp. The Navy of the U. S. from the com- mencement, 1775 to 1853; with a history of each vessel's service and fate as appears upon record. Compiled from the most reliable sources under the authority of the Navy Department; to which is added a list of private armed vessels fitted under the American flag, previous and subsequent to the Revolutionary War, with their services and fate; also a list of the revenue and coast survey * vessels, and principal ocean steamers belonging to citizens of the U. S. in 1850. 4°. Washington 1853 — Frost, John. The Book of the Navy 12°. N. Y 1843 — Gaylord, Charles, pub. American Naval battles. 12°. Boston 1840 — Mahan, Capt, A. T. The interest of America in sea power, present and future. 12°. Boston 1898 — Hamersly. Lewis R. Records of the living officers of the U. S. Navy and Marine corps. 8°. Phila 1870 — Neff, Jacob K. The Army and Navy of America. 8°. Phila 1846 UNITED STATES 318 UTAH. i 8. N'.w v --( lontinw n and i onfederate Navies In t in- War <>f the Rebellion. Compiled under the direction of the See. of the Navy. Rash, Lieut. < 'om man and Woods, Robert, comp*. Firsl Beries, vols. 1 LO, inc 1895-1900 The Library has also the publi- cations of the l ■ 8. government relating to 'he Wavy and naval 1 1 rs ■ U. S. War Dkpabtmsnt— — Cavalry drill regulations of the U. s. army. CCS. Qov»t Pub.) 32°. Washington 1896 — Lauchheinier. Charles H., <<>mp. Forms of procedure for general and summary courts-martial, courts of Inquiry, investigations, naval and marine, examining and retiring boards. (U- S. Gov't Put..) 8°. Washington 1896 — Notes and tables on organization and establishment of the Spanish army in the peninsula and colon- ies. (U. S. Gov't Pubs.) Paper. 12°. Washington 1898 — Regulations for the army of the U. S.. 1895. (U. S. Gov't Pub.) 8°. Washington 1895 — Revised regulations for the U. 8. army. 1861. 8°. Phila 1861 — Surgeon General U. S. Army, comp. Index catalogue of the library of the office of the surgeon general of the U. S. army. (U.S. Gov't Pub.) 2d series. I . Washington 1896 -- War of the Rebellion records. See U. s. War of the Rebellion. The library is " 'm<>ire im'-dit sur le Canada, Des Francs. M. I,. B Une second.' Ac .die. Casgrain, L' Abbe H. R. 8°. Quebec 1894 I'mtkr and liberator of America (The). A memorial discourse of the life and career of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in North Russell St.M.K. Church. Boston. April 23. 1865. Haven. Gilbert Pam. 8°. Boston. 1865 Uses l(The) of wealth. A sermon in course upon the Thomas Straw- bridge foundation delivered in the Central Baptist Church. Springfield, Ills., Sunday, < tctober 9, 1898. Walker. Bsv. Edwin S. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1898 A Iso manuscript copy. UTAH. Bancroft. Hubert Howe. His- tory of Utah, 1540-1887. 8°. San Francisco 1887 UTAH. 319 VENABLE. Utah— Concluded. — Complete and comprehensive de- scription of the agricultural, stock raising and mineral re- sources of Utah. Also, statistics in regard to climate, etc. Union Pacific R. R. pub. Pam. 12°. St. Louis 1892 — Ferris. Benj. G. Utah and the Mor- mons. History of the govern- in en t. doctrines, customs and prospects of the Latter Day Saints. 12°. N. Y 1854 — Stansbury, Howard. Explorations and survey of the Valley of the great Salt Lake. (U. S. Gov't pub.) Maps of Route. 8°. Phila. 1852 — - Sights and scenes in Utah, via the U.P.R. K. Paper — Union Pacific R. R. Co. pub. A glimpse of the great Salt Lake, Utah. Paper. 8°. Chicago 1892 — - Utah. A description of its re- sources. 12°. St. Louis 1892 Utah. Its resources and attractions. Utah Board of Trade, comps. Pam. 8°. Omaha 1879 See Mormonism. Vail, Eugene A. Les Indiens de l'Am<§rique du Nord. 8°. Paris.. 1840 Valentine, .David T., comp. Obse- quies of Abraham Lincoln in the city of New York. 4 C . N. Y 1866 VALLEr(The) of Great Salt Lake. Utah. Explorations and survey of. Re- connoissance of a new route through Rocky Mountains. Print- ed by order Senate U. S. With maps. Stansbury, Howard. 8°. Phila 1852 VanBuren, G. M., comp. Abraham Lincoln's pen and voice. Com- plete compilation of his letters, addresses, messages to Congress, inaugural and others. 12°. Cin- cinnati 1890 VanBuren. Martin. Eighth President U.S.; born, 1792; died. 1862. See biography Vance, J. W., comp. Reports of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois, 1861-1866, inclusive. Re- vised by J. W. Vance. Adjt. Gen. 8 vols. 8°. Springfield 1886 Vance— Conclu ded. — Zebulon, Baird. Memorial addres- ses on the life and character of, delivered in the Senate and House of Representatives, 53d Congress, 3d session. Sen. Misc. Doc. No. 151. vol. 7. 4°. Washington 1895 See biography. Vancouver, Capt. George. Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and round the world in 1790-95. 6 vols. 8°. London 1801 — - Voyage de decouvertes a 1' Ocean Pacifique du Nord, et autour du Monde. (With atlas.) 4 vols. 4°. Paris, n.d Vanderburgh. Judge Henry. Survi- val of pioneer families of Indiana. (Pub. in "The Pocket," Evans- ville. Ind.. Dec. 1897.) Vandercook, Simon. Photographic fac simile of the commission ap- pointing Simon Vandercook, gen- tleman, an ensign in Capt. Henry Van Der Hoff's company of the militia of the county of Albany, in the state of N. Y., in the regi- ment of which Peter Yates, Esq., is colonel. Dated June 22. 1778. Issued from the office of the Sec- retary of State of N. Y Vandercook & Co., pubs. Chicago illustrated. 1820 to 1880. 8°. Chi. 1880 Van Trajip, John C. Prairie and rocky mountain adventures; or. life in the West. 8°. Columbus. 1866 Van Zandt, Nicholas Biddle. Des- cription of the soil, water, timber and prairies of each quarter sec- tion of the military lands between the Miss, and Ills, rivers and des- cription of Missouri territory. 8°. Washington 1818 Varnum, Joseph Bradley. Speeches in the House of Representatives . on presentation by the state of Mass. to the national government of portraits of ex-Speakers Var- num, Sedgwick and Banks. (U. S. Gov't Pub.) 4°. Washington. 1858 See biography. Vega, Inca Garcilasso de la. (See Gar- cilasso,) Histoire de laConqu^te de la Floride. Trans, into the French by Caesar Peter Richelet. 16°. Paris 1709 Venable, W. H. Beginnings of liter- ary culture in the Ohio valley. 8°. Cincinnati 1891 VKNEZUKI.A. 320 VIGILANTE. .1 ki.a. I '. 8, commission on boundary between Venezuela and British Guiana. Beporl and ac- company Ing p ipers of I be com mission. I r. S. Qov'1 Pub.) 8 V. B Washington 1897 i • , S State i>' pt < lorrespondence in relation to the boundary con- troversy between Great Britain nnii life and character of Juustin s. Morrill (late a Senator from Vermont |, delivered in Sen- ate and House ol Representa- tives, B6tb Congress, 3d Session. r. S. Gov't, pub.) «°. Wash- ington 1899 Vermont Historical Society, Proceed- ings of, 1878. L880, and 1896 Pams .... — Walker, Bev. Edwin Sawyer. The story of the old white meeting- house, in Whiting. Vermont. Paper. 8°. Chicago. 1899. (Copy No. 20.) VERWT8T, Bev. I hryso9tom. O. S. /•'. Missionary labors of Marquette, Menard and Allouez. 12°. Mil- waukee 1886 Vi-i pocket directory of leading busl- ness bouses oi Chicago, with guide to the city and World's Pair grounds. Slaps and useful Information. < Iroene, J. H. A I !o., i>ubs. 16°. Chicago 1893 VICTORIOUS (The). Poem on the assas- sination of Abraham Lincoln. Bird. M. B. 12 . Kingston, Jamaica 1866 View of'American Indians; character, customs, language, public ft vmIs, religious rites and tradi- tions, etc.; showing them to be the descendents of the Ten Tribes of Israel. Worsley. Isr 12 . London 1828 View ot the causes and consequences of the American Revolution. In thirteen discourses, preached in X. America between 1703 and 1775. With an historical pieface. Boucher. Jonathan. 8°. London, 1797 VIEW of the climate and soil of the V. S. of America; to which are an- nexed some accounts of Florida, the French colony on the Scioto, certain Canadian colonies, and the savages or natives. Maps and plates. Translated from the French. Volney. C. F. Printed for J. Johnson. 8°. London 1804 View of the lead mines of Missouri, in- cluding observations on mineral- ogy, geology, geography, antiqui- ties, soil, climate, etc. School- craft. Henry R. 8°. NY J819 ViEwiof society and manners in Amer- ica; in a series of letters from thai country to a friend in England, during the years 1818, 1819, and 1820. By an English woman. Wright, Fanny. Paper. 8°. N.Y 1821 VlBWOf the Valley of the Miss.: or. the emigrant's and traveler's guide to the West. Description entire country, soil, production, rivers, cities, etc. Tanner. 11. S.. 12 . Phila 1832 Vigilante days and ways. The pio- neers of the Rockies, Makers and making of Montana, Idaho. Ore- gon, Washington and Wyoming. Langford, Nathaniel Pitt, 12°. N. Y. and St. Paul 1893 VINCENNES. 321 VISIT. Vincennes, Ind. Law. John. Colonial history of Vincennes. 8°. Vin- cennes 1858 Virginia, Bruce, Philip A., ed. The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. 1, No. 2, Oct. 1893 — - Economic history of Virginia in the 17th century. 2vols. 12°. N.Y. 1896 — Burk, John. History of Virginia, from first settlement to present day. 3 vols. 8°. Petersburg, Va. 1804-5 — Carolorum. The colony under the rule of Charles the First and Sec- ond. 1625-1685. Based upon Mss. and documents of the period. (Neill's Series Virginia History.) Neill. Edward D. 8°. Albany.... 1886 Casey, Joseph J. Personal names in Hening's statutes at large of Virginia. 4°. N.Y 1896 Doddridge, Joseph. Notes on set- tlement and Indian Wars of the Western parts of Va. and Pa. 1763 1783. 12°. Albany 1876 Fiske, John. Old Virginia and her neighbors. 2 vols. 12°. Boston. 1898 Foote, Rev. tVm. Henry, Sketches of Virginia, historical and bio- graphical. 2d series. 2d ed. 8°. Phila 1856 Hariot.Thomas. A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia. W. H. Rylands, ed. (The Holbein Soc. pubs.) 4°. Manchester 1888 Hening. William Waller.comp. Stat- utes at large; being a collection of all the laws of Va. from first ses- sion of Legislature in 1619 to 1792. 13 vols. 8°. Richmond 1809-1823 Howe, Henry. Historical collec- tions of Virginia and historical and descriptive sketch of the Dis- trict of Columbia. 8°, Charles- ton, S. C 1849 Jefferson, Thomas. Notes on Vir- ginia. 12°. Phila 1801 Jones. Skelton and Girardin, Louis Hue. History of Virginia com- menced by John Burk and contin- ued by Jones & Girardin. (Vol 4. ofiBurk's Va.) 8°. Petersburg, Va 1816 Virginia— Concluded. — Lucas, Fielding, jr. pub. The letters of the British Spy. 4th ed. 32°. Baltimore 1811 — Meade, Bishop Wm. Old churches, ministers and families of Vir- ginia. 2 vols. 8°. Phila 1889- — Robertson, Wm. D. D. History of Amr. 2 vols. 8. Albany 1822 — Neill, Edward D. Virginia Carolo- rum (Neill's Series Va. History.) 8°. Albany 1886 — Smith, Captaine John. The travels, adventures and observations in Europe, Asia, Africke and Ameri- ca of Captaine John Smith, 1593- 1629. (Reprinted from London edition of 1629.) 2 Vols. 8°. Rich- mond 1819 — Stith, William. History of the first discovery and settlement of Vir- ginia. 8°. Williamsburg 1747 Virginia Magazine of history and bi- ography Pub. quarterly by Va. Hist. Soc. Richmond, Va. Bruce, Philip A., ed. Vol. 1, No. 2, Oct. 1893 .... — Washington. Geo. Journal of Col. Geo. Washington commanding a detachment of Virginia troops sent by Lieut-Gov. Robt. Din- widdie across the Alleghany Mts. in 1754 to build forts at the head of the Ohio. Edited with notes. by J. M. Toner. 8°. Albany 189? — Washington, Geo. Journal of my journey over the mountains 1747- '48. Copied and edited with notes by J. M. Toner. 8°. Albany 1892 — Withers, Alexander S. Chronicles of border warfare. 12°. Clarks- burg. Va 1831 — - Chronicles of border warfare. Edited^ with memoir of author, by Reuben Gold Thwaites. 8°. Cincinnati 1895 Visit to North America and the Eng- lish settlements in Ills, with a win- ter residence at Phila., to ascer- tain the actual prospect for the emigrating agriculturist, mechan- ic and commercial speculator. Welby Adlard. esq. . 8°, London. 1821 21— H. L, VISITS. 322 VOYAGE. Visits to the Saratoga battle grounds 1880 With :m Introdnol and notes. Munsell'a Hist. B8. No. 28. Stone. Win. L. 8°. Albany 1895 b of \v : » r t i i 1 1 tr ami Instrnctlon to all people. Declaration of faith and doctrine of the < Ihurcb of Lat- ter Day Saints. or Mormons. Pratt, I'. P. 16°. N. V 1881 Y't: lament nonveam sur cesconti per- sonnages imluant dans h-s Ftats- Onis, and des anecdotes sur les r.'futrii's. Qnl y ionl 6tablis. Gide l-'ils, pub. 2 Vols. 12 . Paris 1818 Voi .v. i. dans la Haute Pensyli ante, el dans I'Etal de New York, par on Membre adoptlf de la Nation t >n6ida. Tradull el public par anteur d'un cnltivatenr Am6r- icain. 8 vola. 12 , Paris 1801 Voi kGB dans les denx Lonisianes, et chez les Nations Banvages dn Missouri, par les Etats-Unis, 1'Ohlo, les Provinces qui le bor- dent, en 1801-2-a, ai eo an ai • des mot-urn. des usages du carac- tere, des coutumes, religion et civil, des peuples ces diverses contr^es. LuLac. M. Perrin. 12°. Paris 1805 Voyaoe de decouvertes a l'Ocean Pac- ifique du Nord et atour du .Monde. 1790-91-92-93-91 et 95. Ordonne* par le Roi d'Angleterre. Vancouver, George. 4 vols. 4°. Paris, n. d Voyage de Kalm en Amerique. So ci'-t'- Historique de Montreal, pub. Livraison. 7 Kalm, Pierre. 8°. Montreal is>o Voyage en un pays plus grand l'Europe, entre la Mer Glaciale et le Nouveau Bfexique. Hen- nepin, (P.) Louis. (Bound in Re- lations de la Louisiane et du Fleuve Miss. pp. 201-381 inc.) 16°. Amsterdam itl'O Voyage of discovery to Pacific Ocean and around the world, in which the coast of North America has been carefully examined and accur- ately surveyed. Undertaken by his Majesty's command, prin- cipally to ascertain the existence of any navigable communication between North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans, in 1790-1795. Vancouver, Capt. George. 6 vols. 8°. London 1801 Vol k.GEOf the U.S. exploring squad. roii. commanded by Capt ('has. Wilkes, 1889 '40 '41 and '42. Kxplor- ations and discoveries by Ad- miral D'Urville, Capt. Rosa and other navigators and travelers. and account expedition to Dead under Lieut. Lynch. Jen- kins. John S. 8°. Auburn 1852 Vlontagnes Rocheuses, et une annee de Bejour chez les tribes Indiennes du vaate terri- toirede l'Oregon, dependent des Estats-Unis d'Amerique.1 >eSi Pierre. 16°. Malines 1844 VOYAGE. 323 WALKER. Voyages de la Nouvelle Prance, Occi- dentals, dicte Canada, Ohamplain, (lesr.de) 8°. Paris 1632 Voyages en Ame>ique et en Italie. Chateaubriand, Francois Auguste {Vicomte.) 12°. Paris 1828 Voyages from Montreal on River St. Lawrence through continent of North America to frozen and Pa- cific Oceans, 1789 and 1793. Ac- count rise, progress and pres- ent state of fur trade of country. Mackenzie. Alexander. 1st Amer- ican ed. 12°. N. Y.... 1802 Voyages made in 1788 and 1789 from China to N- W. coast of America with introductory narrative. Voyage in 1787 from Bengal in ship "Nootka." To which are an- nexed observations on probable existence of a north west passage, maps and plates. Meares, John, 4°. London 1790 Voyages of the Cabots. Latest phases of the controversy, (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada. 1897, N. S. Vol. 3, See. 2.) Dawson. Samuel Ed- ward. 8°. Ottawa. Paper 1897 Voyages of the Cabots, 1497-1498. At- tempt to determine their landfall and indentify their Island of St. John. (Trans. Roy. Soc. of Can- ada. Vol. 12. Sec. 2, 1894.) Daw- son, Samuel Edward, Lit. D. 4°. Montreal. Paper 1894 Voyages of the English Nation to America before 1600. From Hak- luyt's Collection Voyages 1598 to 1600. Hakluyt. Richard. Edited by Edmund Goldsmid. 4 vols. 8°. Edinburgh 1889 See Travel and Voyage. Vredenburgh, T. D. Memorial day address, Loami. Ills., May 30. 1892. Manuscript Wabash County. Ill's. McDonough, J. S. & Co., pubs. History of Wa- bash, Edwards and Lawrence counties. 4°. Phila 188? Wabash, (The); or, adventures of an English gentleman's family in the interior of America. Beste, J. Richard, esq. 2 vols. 12°. Lon- don 1855 Wabash Valley. Cox.Sanford C. Rec- collections of the early settlement of the Wabash Valley. 8°. Lafay- ette 1860 Waite. Mrs. C. V. The Mormon Pro- phet and his harem. 12°. Cam- bridge 1866 Wakefield, John A. History of the Sac and Fox Nations, and parts of other disaffected tribes, against the U. S.. 1827. 1831 and 1832. 16°. Jacksonville, Ills 1834 WALDEN,i?ev.Treadwell. The national sacrifice. Pam. 8°. Phila 1865 Waldo. Wm. Recollections of a sep- tuagenarian. (Nos. 2 and 3, Mo. Hist. Soc. pubs.) Paper. 8°. St. Louis < 1880 Walker. Albert H. The Jennings- Mack debate on silver. Pam. 16°. Hartford 1896 — C. B. The Mississippi valley and pre-historic events. 8°. Burling- lington, Iowa 1880 — Charles M. History of Athens Co., Ohio. (Ohio Valley Hist. Series.) 8°. Cincinnati 1869 — Gen. Duncan S., ed. Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the laying of the Corner Stone of the Capitol of the U. S. 8°. Washington 1896 — Rev. E. S. Memorial to Abraham Lincoln. (Manuscript) — Edwin S. History of the Spring- field Baptist Association. 12°. Springfield 1881 — The Lincoln Monument. With illus- trations. 12°. Springfield 1879 — Minutes of the Springfield Baptist Association, 1894-99. Pains — - Oak Ridge Cemetery; its history and improvements. 8°. Spring- field : 1879 — - The Fathers of the Springfield, Baptist Association. Paper read at fiftieth anniversary, Sept. 7, 1887. 8°. Springfield 1887 — The story of my ancestors in Amer- ica. 8°. Chicago 1895 Also, printers' copy, manuscript. Bound, and presented to this Li- brary by the author. — Rev. Edwin Sawyer, A. M. The story of the "Old White Meeting House" in Whiting, Vermont. Paper. 8°. Chicago 1899 WALKER. 324 WARREN. Walker— Concluded. — - The uses of wealth. A sermon in course upon the Thomas Straw- bridere Foundation, Central Bap- tist church, Springfield. Ills.. Oct. 9.1898. 8°. Springfield 1898 Also, manuscript copy. — Dr. Thomas. Journal of an explor- ation in the Spring of 1750. Preface by Wm. Cabell Rives, L.L.D. 12°. Boston 1888 — Wm. (See Connelley, Wm. E., ed.) Nebraska State Historical Soci- ety's proceedings and collections. Second series. Vol. 2. Walks about Chicago. Army and mis- cellaneous sketches. Wilkie, F. B. 12°. Chicago 1869 Wallace, Judge. Caleb. Some time a . Justice of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky. Life and times of. Whitsett, Wm. H. (Filson Club Pub. No. 4.) 4°. Louisville 1888 Wallace, Joseph. Beginnings of North American and U. S. his- tory. Manuscript. Dated Spring- field, Ills.. August, 1891 — Illinois and Louisiana under French rule. 8°. Cincinnati 1893 — Life and public services of Edward D. Baker. 12°. Springfield 1870 — Memorial address on the life and professional character of Hon. Benj. S. Edwards. 8°. Springfield 1887 — and Patton, Jas. W., comps. Springfield City Code. 8°. Spring- field 1884 Wallbkidge, Wm. Gedney, comp. Descendants of Henry Wall- bridge, who married Anna Amos Dec. 25, 1688, at Preston, Conn. With some notes on the allied families of Brush, Fassett, Dewey, Forbes, Gager, Lehman, Meech, Safford, Scott. 4°. Litchfield, Conn 1898 Waller, Henry. Biography of John A. McClung to accompany 2d ed. of McClung's "Sketches of western adventure." 12°. Louisville 1879 Wallis, T. K.,comp. Catalogue of the California State Library, Law de- partment. 8°. Sacramento, 1886. General department. 8°. Sacra- mento 1889 Walsh, Robert, jr. Appeal from the judgments of Great Britain re- specting the U. S. of America. 2d ed. 8°. Phila 1819- Walton, William. Translation of Beau jour's "Sketch of the U. S. of North America, 1800-1810." 8°. London 1814 War and its lessons. Sermon deliv- ered at opening of State encamp- ment Sons of Veterans. Jackson- ville, Ills., Sunday, June 23, 1890. Boles, W. H. Pam. 8°. Spring- field 1890 War (The) of Independence. Fiske, John. (Riverside Library for Young People. No. 1.) 16°. Bos- ton 1893 Wars of the U. S. See United States. WARftalks of Confederate veterans. Addresses delivered before A. P. Hill Camp, Confederate Veter- ans, Petersburg. Va. With ad- denda, giving statements of par- ticipants, eye-witnesses and oth- ers in respect to campaigns, battles, prison life and other war experiences. Bernard, Geo. S.. ed. 8°. Petersburg, Va 1892 WARBURTON.George. The Conquest of Canada. 2 vols. 8°. London 1849 Ward, Austin N. Male life among the Mormons. 12°. Phila 1863 Ward, George Atkinson, ed. Journal and letters of Samuel Curwen. 8°. N. Y 1842 Ward, Maria. Female life among the Mormons. By the wife of a Mor- mon Elder. 12°. N. Y 1856 Ware, Eugene F. (Ironquill, pseud.) Some rhymes of Ironquill of Kan- sas. 12°. Chicago 1892 Warner, Charles Dudley. Studies in the West and South; with com- ments on Canada. 12°. N. Y.... 1889 Warner & Beers, pubs. Atlas of the State of Illinois. Folio. Chicago. 1876 Warren, G. K. Report on the bridging of the Mississippi river between St. Louis and St. Paul. 8°. Wash- ington 1878 Warren, Thomas B. Springfield, Mass.. families. (Sample pages.) 8°. Springfield, Mas? 1898 Warren County, Ills, Kett, H. F. & Co., pubs. Past and present of Warren county. 8°. Chicago.... 1877 WAS. 325 WEEMS. Was Abraham Lincoln a spiritualist? Or curious revelations from the life of a trance-medium. Por- traits, letters and poems. May- nard. Mrs. Nettie Colburn. 12°. Phila 1891 Washburne, Hon. E. B. Sketch of Edward Coles. 12°. Chicago.... 1882 — Memorial address on the life and character of Hon. Isaac N. Ar- nold. 8°. Chicago 1884 — ed. The Edwards Papers. (Chica- go Hist. Soc. collection, vol. 3.) 8°. Chicago 1884 Washington, George. See Biography. — Mrs. Lucy H. Columbia and other poems. 12°. Buffalo 1893 — Martha. A letter written by M. Washington. Pub. by the Oneida Hist Soc. (Circular Oneida Hist. Soc.) — City, D. C. Baltimore & Ohio R, R. Co., comps. Guide to Washing- ton. Pam. 12°. Baltimore 1892 Washington County, Ills. Brink, Mc- Donough d- Co., pubs. History of Washington Co.. Ills. 4°. Phila. 1879 — County, Pa. Creigh, Alfred, LL. D. History of Washington Co., Pa. 8°. Harrisburg 1871 Washington. (State of,) Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of Wash- ington, Idaho and Montana, 1845- 1890. 8°. San Francisco 1890 — Compendium of information con- cerning Tacoma, and Portland, 1888. Pam — Complete and comprehensive de- scription of agriculture, stock- raising and mineral resources. Pam — Description of western resorts for health and pleasure — Grafton's tours through Colorado. Utah, Washington. Puget Sound to Alaska. Pam 1891 — Union Pacific R. R. Co., pubs. Washington State; its resources and attractions for the home- seeker, capitalist and tourist. Pam. 12°. St. Louis 1892 — State Hist. Soc. pubs. The Wash- ington Historian. Quarterly Periodical, vol. No. 1, Sept.. 1899, to date 1901 Washingtoniana. See Biography, Washington. George. Water, Rauch, Br. John H. The water supply of Ills, and the pollution of its streams. (Preliminary re- port to the Ills. State Board of Health.) Pam. 8°. Springfield. 1889 Water-way between Lake Michigan and the Miss. Valley by way of the Ills, river. McMath, Robert E. Pam. 8°. St. Louis 1888 Watson, David K. Attorney General In the Supreme Court of the State of Ohio. State of Ohio vs. Stand- ard Oil Co. S°. Columbus 1890 Watts, Wm. Courtney. Chronicles of a Kentucky settlement. 12°. N.Y. 1S97 Wau-Bun. The early day in the North- west. Kiuzie. M i -s. John H. 8°. Ch icago 1855 Another edition. 12°. Phila 1873 Waukegan, Ills. Conard, Howard Louis. Old Little Fort. Modern Waukegan. (Published in Na- tional Magazine, Dec, 1892.) Wayne. Gen. Anthony. Sketch of life of. accompanying. "History of Fort Wayne." Brice. Wallace A. 8°. Fort Wayne 1868 Wayne county. Ills. Griffing. B. N. pubs. Atlas map of Wayne county. Ills. Folio. Phila 1881 — Globe Pub. Co.. pubs. History of Wayne and Clay counties. Ills. 8°. Chicago 1884 Webb, Samuel Blachley. Correspon- dence and journals of Samuel Blachley Webb. 1772-1806. Col- lected and edited by Worthington C.Ford. 3 vols. 4°. N.Y 1893-1894 Webb, Wm. Seward. Sobs of the American Revolution; their ob- jects and purposes. 8°. N. Y. and London 1890 Webster, Daniel. Speeches and for- ensic arguments. 2 vols. 8°. Boston 1850 — Noah, LL. D. International dic- tionary of the English language; being former editions of Web- ster's unabridged dictionary, re- vised and enlarged by Noah Por- ter, D. D. 4°. Springfield. Mass 1893 Weems. M. L. and Horry, Biig. Gen. P. Life of Gen. Francis Marion. 12°. Phila 1857 \vi:i:i'i\<;. 326 WKST. is. Pilgrim (The); or, the early lift- of John Lemley, Lemley, John. Paper. 8 . Rockford 1869 Wbik, Jesse William. >'. >• Herndnn. Win. H. Weiss, Arthur James. The discover ies of America to the year 1525. 8°. X. V 1884 Wklhy. Adlard, Esq. Visit to North America and the English settle- ments in Illinois. 8°. London... 1821 WBiiOH, Mrs. George 5. In loving memory of Sir. and Mrs William Eamilton. 8° 1893 Wi i.i'. Isaac, />■■ Travels through the states of North America and Provinces of Upper and Lower < lanada in 1795. '96 and '97. 4th ed. 2 vols. 8°. London.. 1807 WBLLBS, Gideon. Lincoln and Seward. Remarks upon the memorial ad- dress of Chas. Francis Adams on the late Win. II. Seward, with in- cidents and comments illustrative of the measures and policy of the administration of Abraham Lin- coln ; and views as to the relative positions of the late President and Secretary of State. 12°. N. V ... 1874 Wentworth, Hon. John. Early Chi- cago. A lecture, April 11. 1875 — Early Chicago. A lecture. May 7, 1876 .... — Early Chicago: Fort Dearborn. An address. May 21, 1881. (Fergus Historical Series, Nos. 8, 7 and 16.) Paper. 12°. Chicago — Congressional reminiscences of Adams. Benton. Calhoun, (lay and Webster. (No. 21, Fergus Historical Series.) Paper. 12 . ' ihicago 1882 — Original autograph letters from John Wentworth to Dr. Moses. Three letters, dated Chicago, Oct. 12. 1876; Chicago, Feb. ft, 1878; Chi- 0, March 17. 1S7:i ran Pnb. Co., pubs. Portfolio of photographs of the World's Fair. 16 vols. Paper. Chicago 1893 Wl - . Chas. I' . /. /.. /'. Horrors of the prison-ships. Pam. 12°. Brook- lyn 1896 Goldsmith B. The golden Northwest. Sistorical, statistical and descriptive account of north- ern Ills.. Wis.. Minn., Iowa, Da- kota, Montana and Manitoba. 8°. Chicago is;s p, Joseph Mo,, re. The American Congress. History of national legislation and political events, 1771 1896, B . N. V 1895 West, Mary Allen. History of the founding of the town of Gales- burg. Ills., ana of Knox College. Manuscript — Pioneer days in Illinois. Manu- scripl West, The. Albach, Jamesl R.. eomp. and pub. Annals of the West. 8°. Pittsburgh L8S9 — Alden, Geo. Henry. New govern- ments westof the Alleghanies be- fore 1780. (Bui. University Wis. Hist. Series, Vol. 2, No. L) Paper. 8°. , Madison 1897 — Barber, John W.,and Bowe, Henry. History of all the western States ' and Territories. 8°. Cincinnati 1867 — Beecher, Lyman, D. D. A plea for the West. 2d ed. 12°. Cincinnati 1835 — Beggs, litv. S. K. Pages from the early history of the West and Northwest. 12°. Cincinnati 1868- — Broatlhead, James O. The Louisi- ana purchase. (Mo. Hist. Soc. Pubs., No. 13.) Paper. 8°. St. Louis 1897 — Brower, J. V. The Missouri river and its utmost sources. Paper. 8°. St. Paul 1896 — Brown, Samuel R. Western Gazet- teer; or. emigrants' directory. 8°. Auburn. N. Y 1817 — Carlton. Robert. "The New Pur- chase;" or, seren and a half years in the far West. 2 vols. 12 NY 1843 — Havers, Mis. Mary. New home. Who'll follow! 12. N. Y 1839 AJso4th edition. 12. N. V 1850 — Darby, Wm. Emigrant's guide to the Western and Southwestern states and territories. 8°. N. Y. 1818 — Denver A.- Rio Grande R. H..i>ubs. Around the circle, 1,000 m , through the Rocky Mts. Pam. 12°. Chicago 1892 — -Tourists' hand-book of Colorado. New Mexico and ("tab. Bam. 8° 1892 — Dixon, Mrs. Archibald. The Mis- souri Compromise and its repeal. 8°. Cincinnati — Flint, Timothy, ed. Western Month- ly Review, i Periodical.) 2 vols. 8°. Cincinnati 1828-1829 WEST. 327 WEST. The West- Boston... 1850 1866 Phila 1838 West— Continued. _ Gallaher. -Rev. James ern sketch-book. 12 c - Hall. Edward H. The great West. Railroad, steamboat and stage guide and handbook. 16°. Cin- cinnati - Hall. James. Notes on the west- ern states, containing descriptive ' sketchesof their soil, climate, re sources and scenery. 12°. — - The romance of Western history. Published by Robt. Clarke & Co. 12°. Cincinnati 1871 Statistics of the West at the close of 1836. 12°. Cincinnati i837 - - Works of. Legends, sketches and tales of the West. 6 vols. 16°. Phila 1833 " 1835 — Hall, Judge James. Letters from the West. 8°. London 1828 — Harvey, Charles M. Education in the West. An article on the early schools of the Northwest terri- tory and the West, published in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Aug. 6, 1898. (Newspaper clipping) — Hermann, Binger. The Louisiana Purchase, and our title west of the Rocky Mountains. (U. S. Gov't Pub.) 8°. Washington. — Howe. Henry. Historical collec- tions of the great West. 8°. Cin- cinnati — Imlay, G. Topographical descrip- tion of the Western Territory of North America and a delineation of the laws and government of the State of Kentucky. 16°. N.Y. — Imlay, Gilbert. Topographical des- cription of the Western Territory of North America. 8°. London.. — James, J. A. and U. P.. P«&s- Inci- dents and sketches connected with the early history and settle- ment of the West. 4°. Cincin- nati 1898 1854 1793 1797 1847 Kirkland.'Joseph. Zury; the mean- est man in Spring county. 12°. Boston , Lloyd. James T. Steamboat direc- tory, and history of disasters on western waters. 1892 Phila 1856 McConnel, J. L. acters. or, types 12°. N. Y Western char- of border life. 1853 West— Continued. - Mcdonald. James. Food from the far West.or, American agriculture with special reference to beef production and importation of dead meat from America to Great Britian. 12°. n. d. (date of pre- face 1878) - Manford. Erasmus. Twenty-five years in the west. 12. Chicago.. 1875 - Marcy. Randolph B. The prairie traveler. Richard F. Burton, ed. 12°. London 1863 - Marshall, Orsamus H. Historical writings relating to the early his- tory of the West, 8°. Albany.... 1887 - Massey. S. L. James' Travelers' companion. 16°, Cincinnati 1851 - Parkman, Francis. LaSalle and the discovery of the Great West. 11th ed. 12°. Boston. 1879 and 12th ed. 12°. Boston See Parkman. - Peck, Rev. J- M. Annals of the West. 2d ed. 8°. St. Louis. (Jas. R. Albach, pub) - New guide for emigrants. 16°. Boston Perkins, James H. Annals of the west. Jas. R. Albach, pub. 8. Cincinnati Porter, Robert P. Assisted by H. Gannett and W. P. Jones. The West from the census of 1880. 8°. Chicago Robertson, C. F. Attempts to sep- arate the West from the American Union. (Pub, Mo. Hist. Soc. No. 8.) Rupp, I. Daniel. Geographical cat- echism of Pennsylvania and the Western States. 12°. Harrisburg. 1836 Ruxton. Geo. Frederick. Life in the far West. 12°. N. Y l 8 ^ ■ Taylor, Wm. California life illus- trated. 12°. N. Y I 861 - Turner. Frederick J. The West as a field for historical study. (From proceedings Wis. Hist. Soc, 1896.) Paper. 8°. Madison I 897 - Union Pacific R. K. Co.. pubs. Western resorts for health and pleasure. Paper. 8°. Chicago.. 1892 - Warner, Charles Dudley. Studies in the West and South, with com- ments on Canada. 12°. N. Y.... 1889 1889 1850 1837 1847 1882 WEST. 328 WESTERN. West— Concluded. — Wilbur, Mrs. Jennie Songs of the west. 12°. Aurelia. Chicago 1866 — Williams. John S.eri!. The American Pioneer. 2 Vols., 2nd ed. 8°. Cincinnati 1842-1843 — West (The), as a field for historical study. Turner. Frederick J. Available material for the study of institutional history of the old Northwest. Bradley, Isaac Sam- uel. (From proceedings Wis. Hist. Soc. 1896.) Pam. 8°. Madi- son 1897 Westbkook, G. W. Appendix to Hunt's "Mormonism." 12°. St. Louis 1844 West Chicago Park Commissioners. Acts organizing West Chicago Park Commission and annual re- ports of the Commissioners, 1870- 1880.inc. Annual reports, 1st. 2nd and 3rd, 1871, 1872 and 1873 West (The) from the census of 1880. History of its industrial, commer- cial, social and political develop- ment from 1800 to 1880. Porter, Robert. P.. assisted by H. Gan- nett & W. P. Jones. 8°. Chicago 1882 West India Islands. Washington George. Daily journal of Maj. Geo. Washington in 1751. kept on a tour from Va. to the Island of Earbadoes. Edited by J. M. Toner. 8°. Albany 1892 — Sainsbury, W. Noel. ed. Calender of State Papers. Colonial Series. 1574-1668. 2 vols. 4°. London. ..1860-1R80 — Winterbotham. W. View of the American U. S.; and of the Euro- pean settlements in America and the West Indies. 4 vols. 8°. Lon- don 1795 West Point, Ills.. Township of. Dodds, S. J., comp. Centennial history of West Point.Stephenson county, Ills. 8°. Pam 1876 West Springfield, Ills., Village of. Me- lick. J. E. (clerk of the village), comp. Ordinances of the village of West Springfield, adopted June 1,1885. Paper West Virginia. Beltzhoover, Geo. M., jr. James Rumsey, the inventor of the steamboat. Paper before W. Va. Hist, and Ant. Soc. W. Va. Hist, and Ant. Soc.'s publication. 1900. Paper. 8°. Charleston.... 1900 West Virginia— Concluded. — DeHass, Wills. History of the early settlement and Indian wars of W. Va. 8°. Phila 1851 — Hale. Dr. J. P. History and mys- tery of the Kanawha Valley. (Pubs. W. Va. Hist, and Ant. Soc.) Pam. 8°. Charleston, W. Va 1897 — - Some local archaeology. (Pubs. W. Va. Hist, and Ant. Soc.) Pam. 8°. Charleston. W. Va 1898 — Lewis, Virgil A. The original In- diana Territory. It was in W. Va. ( Pubs. W. Va. Hist, and Ant. Soc.) Pam. 8°. Charleston. W. Va 1895 — - pub. Southern Historical Maga- zine, issues of February and May, 1892. Charleston, W. Va West Virginia Historical and Anti- quarian Society. Publications of. Pams — Address of the executive board of to its friends and patrons 1892 — An appeal to the Legislature of W. Va. in behalf of the society 1881 — Historical sketch of the society 1891 — Minutes of annual meetings. 3d annual, 1892; 9th and 10th annual, 1899. 1900. Special addresses of Dr. J. P. Hale and V. A. Lewis Western address directory; contain- ing cards of manufacturers and other business men in Wheeling, Pittsburg.Zanesville, Portsmouth, Dayton, Cincinnati, Madison. Ind., Louisville and St. Louis. Histor- ical, topographical and statistical sketches for 1837 of towns in the Miss. Valley. List of steamboats on Western waters. Lyford, W. G. 12°. Baltimore 1837 Western characters, or types of bor- der life in the Western states. McConnel. J. L. 12°. N. Y 1853 — Foreign Missionary Society, pubs. 2d annual report Board of Direc- tors, May 6. 1834. Pam. 8°. Pitts- burgh 183 * — Gazetteer; or. Emigrants' direc- tory. Geographical description of.Ky., Ind., La., Ohio, Tenn. and Miss., and the Territories of Ills , Mo . Ala., Mich, and Northwest- ern. Brown, Samuel R. 8°. Au- burn, N. Y 1817 WESTERN. 329 WHITEHOUSE. Western — Continued. — Monthly Review, (The). Vol. 1, May, 1827, to April, 1828, inc. Vol. 2, June, 1828, to May, 1829, inc. Flint, Timothy, ed. 2 vols. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1828-1829 — News Co., pubs. Parks and prop- erty interests of Chicago. Pam. 8° Chicago 1869 — Pilot, (The). Containing charts of the Ohio and Miss, rivers from the mouth of the Missouri to the Gulf of Mexico, with directions for navigating the same; and gazetteer or description of towns, tributary streams, etc. Cumings, Samuel. 8°. Cincinnati 1829 Another edition. 8°. Cincinnati. 1840 — portraiture and emigrants' guide- Description of Wis.. Ills, and Iowa, with remarks on Minn, and other Territories. Curtiss, Dan- iel S. 12°. N. Y 1852 — Pub. Co., pubs. Holland's Spring- field city directory for 1868-1869. 8°. Chicago 1869 — Reserve. Pioneers of the Western Reserve. Rice, Harvey. 12°. Bos- ton 1883 — Reserve Historical Society, Cleve- land, Ohio. Tract No. 85. Char- ter and organization of the so- ciety. 1891-1892. Account of the purchase of the society's build- ing; list of patrons, life members and corresponding members, 1894. Pam. 8°. Cleveland 1894 — resorts for health and pleasure; reached via the Union Pacific System. (The Overland Route). U. P. R. R. Co., pubs. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1892 — Sanitary Commission, ('The). Sketch of its origin, history, la- bors for the sick and wounded of the Western Armies, aid given to freedmen and Union refugees, with incidents of hospital life. Published for Miss. Valley Sani- tarylFair. 8°. St. Louis 1864 — sketch-book, (The). Gallaher. Rev. James. 12°. Boston , 1850 — tourist (the) and emigrants' guide; with gazetteer of Ohio, Mich., Ind., Ills, and Mo., and the territories of Wis. and Iowa. De- scription of each state, territory and county; distances, stage, canal and R. R. routes. Map of the U. S. surveys. Smith, J. Cal- vin. 16°. N. Y 183 Western wilds and the men who re- deem them. Narrative of seven years travel in the far West, etc.; incidents in lives of pioneers, ac- count Mountain Meadow massa- cre, life of Brigham Young, etc. Beadle, J. H. 8°. Cincinnati.... 1879 Western World CThe); or, travels in the U. S., 1846-1847: including a chapter on California. Rlackay, Alexander. 2 vols. 12°. Phila.. 1849 WtTMORE, Alphonso. Gazetteer of the state of Missouri, with map of the state. 8°. St. Louis 1837 Wheeler, Wm. P., comp. Catalogue of the library of the Montana State Historical Society. Pam. 8°. Helena 1892 Whig Almanac (The) and U. S. Regis- ter, 1843-1855. Greeley & McEl- rath, pubs. Bound in 1 vol. 12°. N. Y 1843-1855 Whiskey Ring. McDonald, Gen. John. Secrets of the great Whiskey Ring. 12°. Chicago 1880 White, Rev. J. C, ed. The Parish Messenger, Rantoul, Ills. (Vol. 1. 1893, incomp.) Periodical, de- voted to the interests of the Epis- copal church White, Rev. John Chanler. Ministerial faithfulness. A sermon. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1893 White. Hon. S. V. Address delivered at Chautauqua, Ills.. July 19. 1900. Reminiscences of Jersey Co., Ills., 1835-1850. Pam. 8°. Brooklyn, N.Y. 1900 White, Mrs. S. V. Plea for a monu- ment to the martyrs of the War of the Revolution. 12°. Pam .... 1896 White. Samuel. History of the Amer- ican troops, during the late war, under command of Cols. Fenton and Campbell. (Humprey reprint of edition of 1830.)16° 1896 White County, Illinois. Inter-State Pub. Co. pubs. History of White ■ Co. 8°. Chicago 1883 Whiting, Samuel, comp. (See Hodg- son.) Remarks on a journey through North America in 1819, 1820. 1821. by Adam Hodgson, esq. 8°. N. Y 1823 Whitehouse, Rev. Henry J. Annual addresses of the Bishop (Episco- pal) of the Diocese of Illinois. 6th to 12th annual, 1857-1863, inc. except 7th and 9th. Pams WHITESIDE. 330 WILLARD. Whiteside County. Illinois. Bent, Chas.. eel., and Wilson, Col. R. L. History of Whiteside Co., Ills. 8°. Morrison. Ills 1877 Whitney, Grant C. Woodstock illus- trated. Pam. Woodstock 1895 — Henry C. Life on the circuit with Lincoln. 8°. Boston 1892 — Thomas R. Defense of the Ameri- can policy, as opposed to the en- croachments of foreign influence. 12°. N. Y 1856 — Wm. C. Sketch of the life of, pages 235,236, in "Lincoln's campaign; or, the political revolution of 1860." Oldroyd, Osborn H. Paper. 12°. Chicago 1896 Whitsitt, Wm. H. Life and times of Judge Caleb Wallace. (Filson Club pubs., No. 4.) 4°. Louis- ville 1888 Whittlesey, Col. Charles. Early his- tory of Cleveland, Ohio. 8°. Cleveland 1867 Whittemore, F. K., comp. List of del- egates to the Illinois Republican State Convention, Springfield, June 14. 1898. 16°. Springfield... 1898 Who are the children of the State? An address read before the 3rd annual session of the Illinois Con- ference of Charities, Kankakee. Ills. Nov. 16, 1898 and published in the proceedings of the Confer- . ence. Jone<,'.Bei'. Jenkin Lloyd Who invented the reaper? An an- swer to the protest statement said to have been filed in the treasury department. Swift, R. B. 8°. Chicago 1897 Who's who in America. A biograph- ical dictionary of living men and women of the U. S.. 1899,1900. Leonard, John W., ed. 12°. Chi cago 1899 Wickersham, James. Maj. Powell's inquiry, "Whence came the Amer- ican Indians?" An answer. A study in comparative ethnology. 8°. Tacoma, Wash 1889 Wickins, Margaret Ray. Address of the National President W. R. C, before the 11th annual convention W. R. C., Indianapolis, Pam. Sept 1893 Wife of a mormon Elder. See Ward, Maria. Female life among the Mormons, by the wife of a Mor- mon Elder. 12°. N. Y 1856 Wife No. 19. Story of a life in bondage. Expose" of Mormonism;" the sor- rows, sacrifices and sufferings of women in polygamy. Introduc- tory notes by John B. Gough and Mary A Livermore. Young, Ann Eliza. 8°. Hartford 1876 Wiggins, Joseph, comp. Wiggins' city directory of Springfield, Ills., for 1872-73 Wight, J. Ambrose, ed. The Prairie Farmer, Vols. 14 and 15. 8°. Chi- cago 1854-55 Wight, Wm. W. Index to the genealo- gies and pedigrees in the New England Historical and Genea- logical Register, for fifty years, Jan., 1847-Oct., 1896. Reprinted from the Register. Pam. 8°. Bos- ton 1896 Wilbur, Mrs. Jennie Aurelia. Songs of the West. 12°. Chicago 1866 Wilderness Road, (The.) Description of the routes of travel by which the pioneers and early settlers first came to Kentucky Speed, Thomas. (Filson Club Pubs., No. 2.) 4°. Louisville 1886 Wild scenes in the forest and prairie. Hoffman, C. F. 2 vols. 12°. Lon- don 1839 Wilkes, Charles, U. S. JY. Narrative of the U. S. exploring expedition in 1838-1842. 5 vols. 4°. Phila... 1845 Wilkie.F. B.tPoliuto, pseud ) Sketches and notices of the Chicago Bar. 4th ed. 8°. Chicago 1872 Wilkie, F. B. Walks about Chicago; and army and miscellaneous sketches. 12°. Chicago 186!, Wilkie, Franc B. Davenport; past and present. 8°. Davenport 1858- Wilkinson, Samuel, comp. 14th annual report of the commerce and trade of Peoria, 1883. Pam. 8°. Peoria .... Willard & Brady, pubs. World's Fair souvenir pocket guide. Pam. Chicago 1893 WILLARD. 331 WINSLOW. Willard, Emma. History of the U. S.; or, Republic of North America. 3d ed. 8°. N. Y 1830 Will County, Illinois. LeBaron, Win., jr., & Co., puds. History of Will Co. 8°. Chicago 1878 — Soldiers' Widows' Home, Board of Trustees of. Biennial reports of; Trustees, Matron and Treasurer. Beginning 1st biennial report. July 1,1898. (At Wilmington) — Woodruff. George H. Forty years ago. A contribution to the early history of Joliet and Will county. Paper. 8°. Joliet 1874 Williams, C. S„ comp. Springfield city directory, city guide and business mirror for 1860-1861. 8°. Springfield 1860 Williams. George F. Bullet and shell. War as the soldier saw it. 8°. N. Y 1883 Williams, J. Fletcher. History of St. Paul, Minn. (Collections Minn. Hist. Soc, Vol. 4.) 8°. St. Paul.. 1876 Williams. John S., ed. The American Pioneer. 2 vols. 2d ed. 8°. Cin- cinnati 1842-'43 Williamson, George, 31. D. The laws of heredity. 12°, Chicago 1887 Williamson County. Illinois. Erwin Milo. History of Williamson Co. 16°. Marion, Ills 1876 — Goodspeed Pub. Co. ptibs. History of Gallatin, Saline, Hamilton, Frank- lin and Williamson counties, Ills. 8°, Chicago 1887 Wilmer, Lambert A. Life, travels and adventures of Ferdinand De Soto. 8°. Phila 1858 Wilmington. Illinois, City of. See Will Co. Will of John Crerar; who died in Chi- cago, Oct. 19. 1889. Paper. 4°. Chicago, n. d r Willsey, Joseph, comp. Harper's Book of facts. 4°. N. Y 1895 Willson, Marcius, American history. 8°. N. V 1847 Wilson. Mrs. Augustus. Parsons' Memorial and Historical Library Magazine. History of the Par- sons Memorial and Historical Libiary, at Parsons, Kansas. 4°. St. Louis 1885 Wilson— Concluded. — Capt., Ephraim. Memoirs of the War. 12°. Cleveland 1893 — D. & Stowell, Rev. W. H. History of the Puritans in England and the Pilgrim Fathers. 12°. N. Y. 1849 — Frazer E. The Treaty of Green ville. 12°. Piqua, 1894 — James Grant, Life and public ser- vices of Ulysses Simpson Grant. 8°. N.Y 1885 — James Grant, ed. The Chicago Record. A journal devoted to religion, literature and the fine arts. April 1, 1857 to March 15, 1862. (Bound, lvol.) — J. H. & Dana, Chas. A. Life of Ulysses S. Grant. 8°. Spring- field, Mass 1868 — John M. .Memoir of Justin Butterfield. Paper. 8°. Chicago. 1879 — Col. R. L. & Bent, Chas. History of Whiteside Co.. Ills. 8°. Mor- rison, Ills 1877 — Wm. Bender. A few acts and act ors in the tragedy of the Civil War. 12°. Phila 1892 — Rev. W. T. The death of President Lincoln. Pam. 8°. Albany 1865 Wines. Frederick Howard. Crime, the convict and the prison. (Re- printed from 10th biennial report of the State Commissioners of Pub. Charities for Ills.) Pam. 8°. Springfield 1889 Wing, J. M. & Co.. pubs. Seven days in Chicago. Pam. 4°. Chicago. 1877 Winnebago County. Ills., Kett, H. F. dt Co., pubs. History of Winne- bago Co. 8°. Chicago 1877 Winning of the West. Vols. 1 and 2. From the Alleghanies to the Mis- sissippi. Vol 3. Founding of the Trans- A lleghany common- wealths Vol. 4. Louisiana and the Northwest. Roosevelt, Theo- dore. 4 Vols. 8°. London and N. Y 1889. '94-'96 Winslow. Gov. Edward. His part and place in Plymouth colony. (Re- printed from N. Y. Genealogical and Biographical Record. July, 1896.) Winslow. Wm. Copley. Pam WINSOR. 332 WISCONSIN. Winsor, Justin. Cartier to Frontenac. 8°. Boston 1894 — - The Mississippi Basin. The struggle between England and Prance, 1697-1763. 8°. Boston and N. Y 1895 Winston, John C. d- Co., pabs. Cities and peoples of the Old and New World. 8°. Philaand Chicago.. 1898 Winter (A) In the West, by a New Yorker. Hoffman, Chas. P. 2 Vols. 12°. N. Y 1835 Also reprint of above, with notes. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 20. 12°. Chicago 1882 Winters, B. d Co., puis. Springfield city directory for 1857-'58, 12°. Springfield 1857 Winterbotham, W. View of the Anir. United States. 4 Vols. 8°. Lon- don 1795 Winthrop. Robert C. In memory of Robert C. Winthrop. Goodwin, Daniel. Pain, 8°. Chicago 1894 Wirt. William. Life of Patrick Hen- ry. 3d ed. 8°. Phila., 1818 and 9th ed. 8°. Phila 1840 Winconsin. Bradley, Isaac Samuel. Available material for the study of institutional history of the old Northwest. From Proceedings State Hist. Soc. of Wis., 1896. Pam 1897 — Butler. James D. Pre-historic Wis- consin. (Annual address before Wis. Hist. Soc, 1876. Pam. 8°. Milwaukee 1876 — Buck, James S. Pioneer history of Milwaukee. 8°. Milwaukee 1876 — Carver, J., esq. Travels in the in- terior North America, 1766-67-68. Travels in Wisconsin, from 3d ed. 8°. N. Y 1838 — Condon. William H. Address de- livered at commencement exer- cises of Sacred Heart Academy, Madison. Wis., June 25, 1895 — Charities d Corrections. Proceed- ings of conference of. Madison, Wis 1888 — Cunningham, Thomas J., eomp. Blue bookof the State of Wiscon- sin. 8°. Milwaukee 1891 — Dairymen's Association of Wis. 19th annual report, 1891 Wisconsin— Continued. — Draper, Lyman C. comp. Madison, the Capital of Wisconsin. Pam. 8°. Madison 1857 — Durrie, Daniel S. & Durrie, Isabel. Catalogue of the Library of the Wis. State Hist. Soc, 1873-1887. 7 vols. 8°. Madison 1873-1887 — Eau Claire public library. Annual report of, 1899 Pam — Hall. B. F. Early history of the Northwestern States. 8°. Buffalo. 1849 — Hawley, Emma A. Bibliography of Wisconsin authors. Pam. 8°. Madison 1893 — Hunt, John Warren. Wisconsin gazetteer. 8°. Madison 1853 — Lapham, I. A. Wisconsin; its geog- raphy and topography. 12°. Mil- waukee 1846 — Lefflngwell, Wm. B. Madison in the summer time. Paper. 12°. Madison 1896 — McKerrow, Geo., ed. Wisconsin Farmers' Institutes. A hand-book of agriculture. 8°. Milwaukee.. 1895 — Miller. W. G., D. D. Thirty years in the itinerancy. 8°. Milwaukee 1875 — Milwaukee Public Museum, Trus- tees' annual reports, 1883, 1886, 1887 . 1889, 1890- 1899, except 1898 — Ritchie. James S. Wisconsin and its resources. 12°' Phila 1857 — Seymour, Charles. Northwestern centennial celebration. Histori- cal address. Pam. 8°. LaCrosse. 1877 — Smith. Theodore Clarke. The Free Soil party in Wisconsin. (From the proceedings of the State Hist. Soc. of Wis.. 1894.) Pam. 8°. Madison 1895 — Smith. William R. History of Wis- consin. Vols. 1, and 3. (vol. 2 not published.) 8°. Madison 1854 — Spencer, David E. Local govern- ment in Wisconsin. (Johns-Hop- kins University Studies in His- torical and Political Science; 8th series, No. 3.) Pam. 8°. Balti- more 1890 — Stickney, Gardner P. Nicholas Perrot. A study in Wisconsin history. (Parkman Club Pubs. No. 1. Paper. 8°. Milwaukee... 1895 WISCONSIN. 333 WISCONSIN. Wisconsin— Continued. — Strong. Moses M., comp. History of the territory of Wisconsin. 8°. Madison 1885 — Tenney, H. A. and Atwood, David, eds. Memorial records of the fathers of Wisconsin. 8°. Madi- son 1880 — Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Early lead mining in Illinois and Wis- consin. (Pub. Amer. Hist.Asso., 1893.) Pam. 8°. Washington.... 1894 — - The boundaries of Wisconsin. (Reprinted from vol. 2, Wis. Hist. Col.) Pam — - The Historical Society of Wis- consin. 1. The story of its growth. 2. Opinions of men of letters- 3. Description of the new build- ing. 8°. Madison 1898 — Turner, A. J. The citizenship of an "Old Settler" of Portage - , Wis. Pam. 8° 1898 — Turner, Frederick J. Character and influence of the fur trade in Wisconsin. Address before an- nual meeting of the Wisconsin Hist. Soc, Jan. 3, 1889 — - The west as a field for historical study. From the proceedings of the State Hist. Soc. of Wis., 1896 — Turtle, Charles R. Illustrated his- tory of Wisconsin. 8°. Madison. 1875 — Academy of Sciences, Arts and Let- ters; transactions of 1870-'72 to 1887. Paper. Madison — Wisconsin State Library Commis- sion. Biennial report, 1895-1896. Paper — Farmers' Institutes. A hand-book of agriculture, Bui. No. 9, 1895. McKerrow, George, ed. 8. Mil- waukee 1895 — Gazetteer; containing names, loca- tions and advantages of the coun- ties, cities, towns and villages, post offices and settlements, with description of lakes, water courses and public localities in Wisconsin, alphabetically arranged. Hunt, John Warren. 8°. Madison 1853 — and its resources; with Lake Supe- rior and its commerce and navi- gation, including a trip up the Mississippi and a canoe voyage on the St, Croix and Brule' rivers to Lake Superior, etc. Ritchie, James S. 8°. Phila 1857 Wisconsin— Continued. Wisconsin State Historical Society. Annotated catalogue of newspa- per files in the library of the State Hist. Soc. of Wisconsin. Blair. Emma Helen, comp. 8°. Madison. 1898 — - Annual reports, from 21st. 1875 (1st printed in separate form), to 32d,1886. lOpams .... — - Proceedings of annual meetings, 34th, 1887. to 47th, 1900. Paper — - Bibliography of Wisconsin au- thors, being a list of books exhib- ited at the World's Fair, 1893 — - Boundaries of Wisconsin. Illus- trated by eleven maps. Reuben G. Thwaites. (Reprinted from Vol. XL, Wis. Hist. Collections.) .... — - Catalogues of library. Wis. Hist. Soc. 1873-1887. 7 vols. Durrie — - Catalogues of the portrait gallery of the Wis. Hist. Soc. 1st and 2d triennial catalogues. 1889-1891. Paper — - Character and influence of the fur trade in Wis. Frederick J. Turner. A.M. Jan. 3. 1889 — - Collections of. beginning Vol. 1, 1854, to Vol. 14. 1898 Contents— Vol. 1. Report for 1854; Green Bay in 1726; J. Gor- rell's Journal; Recollections of Green Bay in 1816-17, by J. W. Biddle; Recollections of a tour through Wisconsin in 1832, by C. Whittlesey; Legend of the Win- nebagoes, by R. W. Haskins; Early times in Wisconsin, 1849, by H. A. Tenney; Sketch of Calumet county, by T. Commock; Sketch of Richland County, by I. S. Has- eltine; Wisconsin geographical names, by A. Brunson; Indian names, by J. Hathaway; Indian nomenclature of northern Wis- consin, wtth a sketch of the man- ners and customs of the Chippe- was, by H. Calkins; Reminiscen- ces of Wisconsin, by A. F. Pratt. Vol.2. Report for 1855; Eulo- gies on Wright, McLane and Sully; Early history and condition of Wisconsin, by H. S. Baird; Early times and events in Wisconsin, by J. H. Lockwood: Personal nar- rative, by J. Shaw; Memoir of Hon Thomas Pendleton Burnett, by A. Brunson; Pioneer life in Wisconsin, by D. M. Parkinson; Pekatonica battle controversy, by C. Bracken and P. Parkinson; Strictures upon Gov. Ford's his- tory of the Black Hawk war. by P. Parkinson; Further strictures on Gov. Ford's history of the Black Hawk war, by C. Bracken; Some account of the advent of the New York Indians into Wis- consin, by A. G. Ellis; A sketch of the early history of Kenosha WISCONSIN. J34 WISCONSIN. Wisconsin— Continued. county, Wisconsin, and of the Western Emigration Company, by J. Lothrop; Wisconsin, its rise unci progress, wiih notices of Mineral Point and Richland County, by S. Taylor; Legend of the Red Banks, by C. D. Robin- son; The progress, condition and prospects of Wisconsin, by T. O. Edwards. Vol. 3. Report for 1856: Eulo- gies on Prof. James G. Percival; The late William A.White; Jesuit missionaries in the Northwest, by J. Law; The Indian tribes of Wis- consin, by J. G. Shea; the Cass manuscripts, translated by C. Whittlesey; Ancient mounds or tumuli in Crawford county, by A. Brunson; Antiquities of Wiscon- sin, by W. Barry; Seventy-two years' recollections of Wisconsin, by A. Grignon; Reminiscences of the Northwest, by B. F. H. With- ered; the Chippewas of Lake Su- perior, by R. E. Morse; Early history of Kenosha, by M. Prank; Some account of the first settle- ment of Kenosha, by W. Mygatt; Early history of Green county, by J. W. Stewart; Sketch of White- water, by J. A. Leonard; The "Upper Wisconsin" country, by A. G. Ellis; sketch of Prescott, and Pierce county, by O. Gibbs, Jr., and C. E. Young; Hudson and its tributary region, by T. D.Hall; New London, and surrounding country, by A. J. Lawson; Re- sources of Northeastern Wiscon- sin, by E, B. Quiner; Wisconsin and her internal navigation; The Lemonweir river, by D. McBride; The Baraboo Valley, a dairy re- gion; Lieut. Gov. Cruzat's mes- sage to the Sauks and Poxes; Statistics of Wisconsin public, libraries, by L. C. Draper. Vol. 4. Annual reports for 1857 and 1858; Origin of American In- dians, by J. Y. Smith; Recollec- tions of Wisconsin since 1820, by E. Childs; Recollections of the early history of Northern Wiscon- sin, by H. S. Baird; Early history of Wisconsin, by A. Brunson; Commercial history of Milwau- kee; Sketch of the Brothertown Indians, by T. Commuck; Rev. Cutting Marsh on the Stock- bridges; the last of the Mohicans, by L. Konkapot.Jr.; Death of John W. Quinney; Speech on Stock- bridge traditionary history, by J. W. Quinney; Memorial of John W. Quinney to Congress; Early times in Sheboygan county, byH. Rublee; Early events in the Pour Lakes country, by C.B. Chapman; Northeastern boundary of Wis- consin: On the public land sur- veys, and the latitude and longi- tude of places in Wisconsin, by I. A. Lapham; On the man-shaped mounds of Wisconsin, by I. A. Lapham; Death of Tecumseh, by A. Brunson; Death of Tecumseh, by J. T. Kingston; First grave in the city of Watertown, by D. W. Ballou. Jr.; Early settlement of LaCrosse and Monroe counties, by M. McMillan; On the latitude and Wisconsin— Continued, longitude of Milwaukee, Prairie du Chien, Racine, and Madison, by J. D. Graham. Vol. 5. Synoosis of Annual Re- ports, 1860-66; Eulogies on J. W. Hunt and Gov. Louis P. Harvey; Canadian documents; Early days at Prairie du Chien, and the Win- nebago outbreak of 1827, by W. J. Snelling; An incident of the Win- nebago war; Gen. Cass on the Winnebago outbreak. 1827; A western reminiscence, by A. Ed- wards; Annual report for 1867; Eulogy on Gen. Henry Dodge, by S. U. Pinney; The Winnebago war of 1827, by T. L. McKenney; Early reminiscenses of Wiscon- sin, by J. H. Ponda; Service of Col. Henry Dodge's volunteers in the Black Hawk war; Reminiscen- ces of Black Hawk and the Black Hawk war; Early history of edu- cation in Wisconsin, by W. C. Whitford; History of school su- pervision in Wisconsin, by W. C. Whitford; Life and public ser- vices of J. D. Doty, by A.G. Ellis; Reminiscenses of Hole in-the- Day, by J. T. Clark and others; Gen. Cass at Ste. Marie in 1820. Vol. 6. Annual reports for 1868- '71; Life and services of Benja- min P. Hopkins, by D. Atwood; Memoir of Hon. G. DeWitt El- wood, by S. D. Hastings; The civil life, services, and character of Gov. Wm. A. Barstow. by E.M. Hunter; Col. Wm. A. Barstow's military services. E. A. Calkins: Events in the life of Charles Dur- kee, by M. Frank; Life and ser- vices of George flyer, by L. C. Draper; Character of George Hyer. by H. A. Tenney; The Northwest in 1817, by S. A. Stor- row; Journal of a voyage from St. Louis to the Falls of St. An- thony, in 1819, by T. Forsyth; Captain Jonathan Carver, and "Carver's Grant," by D. S. Dur- rie; Early history of the lead re- gion of Wisconsin, by M. Meeker; Western Wisconsin in 1836, by S. M. Palmer; Eleazer Williams and the lost Prince, by J. Y. Smith; Reminiscences of the first house and first resident family of Mad- ison, by W. H. Canfield; Early reminiscences of Madison, by J. G. Knapp; Naming of Madison and Dane county, and the location of the capital; Michel St. Cyr. an early Dane county pioneer; Green county pioneers, by A. Salisbury; Early settlement of Rock county, by I. T. Smith; Early reminiscen- ces of Janesville, by H. F. Janes; Pioneer history of Walworth county, by C. M. Baker; Neyon de Villiers. Vol. 7. Annual reports for 1872- '75; Prehistoric Wisconsin, by J. D. Butler; Westphalian medal, 1648, by J. D. Butler: The discov- ery of the Mississippi, by J. G. Shea; Memoir of Charles de Lang- lade, by J. Tasse; Notice of Match-e-ke-wis. the captor of Mackinaw in 1763, byL.C. Draper; Northern Wisconsin in 1820, by J. D. Doty; Fifty-four years' rec- WISCONSIN. 335 WISCONSIN. Wisconsin— Go ntinued. collections of Wisconsin, by A.G. Ellis; The fur trade and factory system at Green Bay, 1816-21: Ed- ward D. Beouchard's vindication; Early Western days, by J T. Kingston; Personal narrative, by J. T. de la Ronde; Pioneer life in Wisconsin, by H. M err ell; Sketch of officers at Fort Winne- bago, in 1834. and subsequently; Langlade's movements in 1777; Recollections of Wisconsin in February. 1837, by J. A. Noonan: Note on Eleazer Williams, by C. C. Trowbridge; Sketch of Shau- be-na. a Pottawattomie chief, by N. Matson; Mt-moir of George Gale, by D. S. Durrie: Memoir of Henry S. Baird. by E. H. Ellis; Memoir of John Catlin, by A. B. Braley; Life and service of John Y. Smith, by D. S. Durrie; Wis- consin necrology, 1874-75, by L. C. Draper, Vol. 8. Annual reports for 1876- '78; In memoriam. Stephen Has- kins Carpenter; In memoriam, George B. Smith: The ancient copper mines of Lake Superior, by J. Houghton; Prehistoric copper implements, by E. F. Slaf- ter. Mode of fabrication of ancient copper implements; The pictured cave of LaCrosse Valley, by E. Brown; Notes on Jean Nicolet, by B. Suite; Early historic relics of the Northwest, by J. D. Butler: Traditions of the Fox Indians. 1730; Langlade papers 1737-1800; An incident of Chegoi- megon, 1760, by H. R. Schoolcraft; Capture of Mackinaw, 1763, by L. B. Porlier; Green Bay and the frontiers. 1760-65; The Indian wars of Wisconsin, by M. M. Strong; Wisconsin in 1818. by E. Tanner. Reminiscences of the Northwest by M. A. B. Bristol; Early times at Fort Winnebago, and Black Hawk war reminiscences, by S. Clark; Recollections of Rev. Eleazer Williams, by A. G. Ellis; Additional notes on Eleazer Wil- liams, by L- C. Draper; Early ex- ploration and settlement of Ju- neau county, by J. T. Kingston: The Swiss colony of New Glarus. by J. Luchsinger; additional notes on New Glarus, by J. J, Tschudy; Wisconsin necrology, 1876-78, by L. C. Draper. Vol. 9. Synopsis of annual re- ports for 1879-81; Emblematic mounds in Wisconsin, by S. D. Peet; Portraits of Columbus, by J. D. Butler; Early historic relics of the Northwest, by J. D. Butler; "Lake Sakaegan," its identity; Personal narrative of T. G. An- derson; T. G. Anderson's Journal. 1814; Prairie du Chien documents, 1814-15: Traditions and recollec- tions of Prairie du Chien. by B. W. Brisbois; Indian customs and oarly recollections, by Mrs. H. S. Baird ; In memoriam, Cadwallader C.Washburn; Sketch of Charles H. Larrabee, by L. C. Draper; Pioneer settlement of Sheboygan county, by J. E. Thomas; Sketch of William Farnsworth, by M. L. Martin; Sketch of Moses Hard- wick, by M L. Martin; Memoir of Wisconsin— Continued. Henry D. Barron, by S. S. Fifield; Life and services of Chauncey H. Purple, by S. D. Hastings; Wm. Hull and Satterlee Clark, by E.A. Calkins; Character of Levi B. Vi- las, by A. B. Braley; Wisconsin necrology. 1876-81. Vol. 10. Synopsis of annual re- ports for 1882 84; Jean Nicolet, by F. X. Garneau and J. B. Ferland; De Lingery's expedition against the Foxes, 1728, by E. Crespel; French fortifications near the mouth of the Wisconsin. 'Hold the Fort." by J. D. Butler; Tay- cho-pe-rah, the Four Lake country first white foot-prints there, by J. D. Butler; Law and Grignon papers. 1794-1821; Papers of Capt. T. G. Anderson, British Indian agent; Indian campaign of 1832 by H. Smith; Reminiscences of the Black Hawk war, by R. Anderson; Incidents of the Black Hawk war, by C. Whittlesey; Battle of Peck- atonica. by M. G. Fitch; notes on the Black Hawk war, P. Parkin- son; Sketches of Indian chiefs and pioneers of the Northwest, by J. Shaw; Causes of the Black Hawk war. by Orlando Brown; Black Hawk scraps from old newspapers; Robert S. Black and the Black Hawk war. by G. W. Jones; Reminiscences of Wiscon- sin in 1833; Col. Henry Gratiot, a pioneer of Wisconsin, by E. B. Washburne; Mrs. Adele P. Gra- tiot's narrative; Early Wisconsin exploration and settlement, by J. Sutherland; Notes on early Wis- consin exploration, forts and trading posts, by E. D. Neill; French fort at Prairie du Chien a myth, by C. W. Butterfield; Early French forts in western Wiscon- sin, by L. C. Draper; Autograph collections of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution, by L. C. Draper; Sketch of Andrew Proudfit, by B. J. Stevens; Memorial sketches of O. M. Conover; Wisconsin necrol- ogy. 1879-82. by L C Draper; Gen- eral index to Vols. I.-X. Vol. 11. Jean Nicolet, interp- reter and voyager in Canada, 1618. 1642. by Henri Jouan; Bibliog- raphy of Jean Nicolet. by C. W. Butterfield; Important Western state papers; Radisson and Gro- seilliers in Wisconsin; papers from the Canadian Archives, 1778- 1783; Thompson Maxwell's narra- tive. 1760-1763; Narrative of An- drew J. Vieau. Sr.; Antoine le Clair's statement; George P. Del- aplaine's statement; Prairie du Chien in 1811. letter by Nich- olas Boilvin; Capture of Fort Mc- Kay, Prairie du Chien, in 1814. by D. Brymner; Dickson and Grig- non papers, 1812-1815; Letter-book of Thomas Forsyth. 1814-1818; Prairie du Chien in 1827 by J. M. Street; American Fur Company invoices, 1821-22; Sketch of Mor- gan L. Martin, by the editor; Narrative of Morgan L. Martin; Early days in Jefferson county, by E. W. Keyes; Alexander Mitchell, the financier, by J. D. Butler;The WISCONSIN. 336 WISCONSIN. Wisconsin— Continued. boundaries of Wisconsin, by the Editor; Local government in Wis- consin, by D. E. Spencer. Vol. 12. Lyman Copeland Dra- per, a memoir, by the Editor; Papers from the Canadian arch- ives. 1767-1814; Robert Dickson, the Indian trader, by E. A. Cruik- shank; American Fur Company employes, 1818 19; M' Call's journal of a visit to Wisconsin in 1830; Documents illustrat- ing M'Call's Journal; The story of the Black Hawk war, by the Editor; Papers of Indian Agent Boyd. 1832; How Wisconsin came by its large German element by K. A. Everest; The planting of the Swiss colony at New Glarus. Wis., by J. Luchsinger; A rare Wisconsin book, by T. L. Cole; Geographical names in Wiscon- sin, Minnesota, and Michigan, having a Chippewa origin, by C. Verwyst; The Wisconsin Winne- baeroes, an interview with Moses Paquette, by the Editor; Missions on Chequamegon Bay. by J. N. Davidson; Early schools in Green Bay, 1818-1832. Vol. 13. Events at Prairie du Chien previous to American oc- cupation, 1814, by A. E. Bulger; The Bulger papers, by the Editor; Last days of the British at Prairie du Chien, by A. E. Bulger; Papers of James Duane Doty; The Territorial census for 1836,by the Editor; Notes on early lead mining in the Fever (or Galena) River region, by the Editor; Sig- nificance of the lead and shot trade in early Wisconsin history, by O. G. Libby; Chronicle of the Helena shot Tower, by O. G. Lib- by; The Belgians of northeast Wisconsin, by Xavier Martin; The story of Chequamegon Bay, by the editor; Historic sites on Chequamegon bay by C. Verwyst; Arrival of American troops at Green Bay, in 1816; Narrative of Spoon Decorah; Narrative of Walking Cloud; Population of Brown county, June. 1830. Vol. 14. Edited and annotated by Reuben G. Thwates; The story of Mackinac, by the editor; Reminiscences of early days on Mackinac Island, by Elizabeth T. Baird (illustrated); History of Fort Winnebago, by A. J. Turner (illustrated); Fort Winnebago orderly book, 1834-1836, introduc- tion by the editor, (illustrated); Abraham Lincoln in the Black Hawk war, by Alfred A. Jackson (illustrated); An English officer's description of Wisconsin in 1837, by Frederick Marryatt, C. B. (il- lustrated); Father Samuel Mazzu- chelli, by James Davie Butler. LL. D (illustrated) ; Documents relating to the Catholic church in Green Bay, and the mission at Little Chute, 1825-1840. introduc- tion by the editor, (illustrative documents); History of early railroad legislation in Wisconsin, by Henry M. Balthasar, Ph. D.: The Cornish in southwest Wis- consin, by Louis A. Copeland; Wisconsin— Continued. The Icelanders on Washington Island, by Harry K. White; Geo- graphical origin of German im- migration to Wisconsin, by Kate E. Levi, Ph.D.; Illustration, map, distribution of Germans in Wis- consin according to the census of 1890; Journal of an Episcopalian missionary's tour to Green Bay, 1834, by Jackson Kemper, D. D., (illustrations); Documents relat- ing to the Episcopal church and mission in Green Bay, 1825-1841. introduction by the editor: Illus- trative documents; Letters; The First Wisconsin Cavalry at the capture of Jefferson Davis, by Henry Harnden; Index. — - Early shipping on Lake Supe- rior. James Davie Butler, LL. D. (From Proceedings State Hist. Soc.,1894.) 1895 — - Free Soil Party in Wisconsin. Theodore Clarke Smith. A. M. (Proceedings State Hist. Soc. 1894.) Madison 1895 — - Pre-historic Wisconsin. Address before State Hist. Soc. Feb., 1896. Prof. James D. Butler. LL. D... — - Selected list of printed material relating to the history of Wis. Bui. of information No. 12 1899 — - Suggestions to local historians in Wisconsin. Dec, 1899. Bui. of information No. 11 — - Suggestive outlines for the study of Wis. history. Nov., 1899. Bui. of information No. 10 — University of. Agricultural Experi- ment Station, 10th, 12th and 14th annual reports for years 1893, 1895 and 1897 — - Bulletins of— No. 49. The maintenance of soil fertility: Commercial fertilizers. 1896 No. 52. A comparison of the Bab- cock test and the Gravimetric method of estimating fat in skim milk. The alkaline tablet test of acidity in milk or cream 1896 No. 53. Analyses of licensed com- mercial fertilizers 1896 No. 54. The restoration of the consistency of Pasteurized cream. 1896 — Catalogues of, from 1861-62, to 1900. inclusive, except 1864, 1865 and 1870 — Econonomics, Political Science and History Series Bulletins— Vol. 1, No. 1. The geographical distribution of the vote of the thirteen states of the Federal Con- stitution, 1787-88. By Grant Lib- by, M. L 1894 WISCONSIN. 337 WOMAN. Wisconsin— Concluded. Vol. 1. No. 2. The finances of the U. S. from 1775 to 1789, with especial reference to the Budget. By Charles J. Bullock. A.B 1885 Vol 1. No. 3. A study in English- American Colonial history. Victor Coffin. Ph.D 1896 Vol. 2, No. 1. Historical Series. N»w governments west of the Alleghanies before 1780. George Henry Alden 1897 Vol. 2, No. 2. Municipal history and present organization of the city of Chicago. Samuel Edwin Spar- ling, Ph. D 1898 Vol. 2. No. 3. Congressional grant3 of land in aid of railways. John Bell Sanborn. Ph. D 1899 Vol. 2, No. 4. English common law in the early American colonies. Paul Samuel Reinsch. Ph. D., LL. B. University of Wis., pubs. 1899 — Inauguration of President Adams. Addresses. Jan. 17, 1893. Publi- cation of University of Wis — Limitations of reform. Baccalaure- ate address by Pres. Charles Ken- dall Adams. June. 1894 — Regents of the University. Bien- nial reports of, 1891-92. 1894-95. 1895-96and 1897 — By-laws of the Regents of the Uni- versity of Wis. Madison 1890 — Science, Arts and Letters. Trans- actions of the Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, from 1870-72. to 1887. Madison Wisdom and oratory of the Bible. Syllabus of a course of six lec- ture-studies. University of Chi- cago, University Extension De- partment. Pam. 12°. Chicago.. Withers, Alexander S. Chronicles of border warfare. 16°. Clarks- burg. Vf, 1892 1831 Another edition, edited, with notes, and memoir of the author, by Reuben Gold Thwaites. 8°. Cincinnati 1895 Wittenmeyeb, Annie, eomp. Woman's Relief Corps Red-Book. 16°. Bos- ton —22 H. L. 1891 Woburn Records of Births, Deaths and Marriages, 1640-1873. Bound with the annual reports of the city government of Woburn. Johnson. Edward F.. comp. 8°. Woburn, Mass 1890-1894 Wolf, Simon. The American Jew as patriot, soldier and citizen, 8°. Phila 1895 Woman. Bradwell. Jas. B.,pubs. Wo- men lawyers of Illinois. Por- traits of 27 women lawyers of the State. 16°. Chicago 1900 — Daughters of the American Revolu- tion. See D. A. R. — Durrett, Reuben T. Bryant's Sta- tion, and the memorial proceed- ings Aue. 18,1896. 4° Louisville. 1897 — Eagle. Mary Kavanaugh Oldham, ed. Congress of Representative Women at the World's Fair. Chi- cago. 1893. 2 vols. 4°. Chicago.. 1894 — Frost, John. Daring and heroic deeds of American women. 12°. Phila 1860 — Illinois Industrial School for Girls, South Evanston. Annual reports board of managers. Pams 1889-1895 — Illinois State Home for Juvenile Female Offenders at Geneva. Biennial reports of trustees, sup- erintendent and treasurer. Pams. 1892-1898 — Illinois Soldiers' Widows' Home at Wilmington, 111, Biennial reports of trustees, matron and treasurer. 1st bien. report. July 1, 1898. Pam — Illinois Woman's Exposition Board; official catalogue of. 8°. Chicago 1893 — Illinois Woman's Exposition Board. World's Fair. Report of proceed- ings of l891-'94 — King's Daughters' Home for Wo- men, Springfield, ill. Constitu- tion and by-laws of. Pam. 8°. Springfield, n. d — Lincoln (Ills.) Woman's Club. Cal- endar of the Lincoln Woman's Club. 2d annual, 1897-1898 16°. Lincoln — Miller. Flo J. Memorial day exer- cises at Stone River Cemetery. W. R. C 1892 , WOMAN. 338 WOOLLEN. Woman— Continued. — Miller. Flo. J., eel. The National Picket. A national journal for the Woman's Relief Corps, Monthly periodical, published at Monticello. Ills. Vol. 2, Sept., 1892, to Vol. 6, Feb.. 1897, incom- plete — National Council of Women of the U. S. Preamble, constitution, etc. Pam. 4th ed 1893 — - Program of 2d triennial session, Feb.-March. 1895. Pam. 3ded... 1895 — - Report of the Committee on Dress. Pam. 3d ed 1893 — National Divorce Reform League. Annual reports, 1892 and 1893. Pam s — Packard, Mrs. E, P. W. Modern persecution. 2 vols. 12°. Hart- ford 1891 — Pennsylvania Society of Colonial Dames of America. Register of, 1898. Pam. 8°. Phila 1898 — Simms, Dr. Joseph. The past, present and future of woman. Pam. 12°. San Francisco 1889 — Springfield, Ills., Woman's Club, pubs. Year books of the Spring- field Woman's Club, 1895-6, 1896-7, 1897. and 1898-'99 — Wor'.d'sCongress Auxiliary World's Fair. World's Congress of Repre- sentative Women. Pam. 5th ed. 1893 — Woman's Relief Corps, Auxiliary to Grand Army of the Republic. Bradford, Mrs. Sarah M. Me- morial Day address at the unveil- ing of the monument May 30, 1895, erected at Taylorville, Ills., by the Woman's Relief Corps to the memory of the soldiers and sailors of Christian Co., Ills. Manu- script — Woman's Relief Corps, Depart- ment of Illinois. Proceedings of annual conventions, 1st to 13th, 1884 to 1896, inc. Pams — Woman's Relief Corps, Depart- ment of Michigan. Proceedines 8th annual convention of, March 10, 11 and 12. 8°. Battle Creek. .. 1891 — . Woman's Relief Corps. Proceed- ings national conventions. 3d to 7th. 1885-1889. 9<;h to 12th. 1890-1893. Pams Woman— Concluded. — - Services of the Woman's Relief Corps, Auxiliary to Q. A. R. Re- vised 1888 — - Pike, Sue A. Address of National President, W. R. C, 1892 — Woman's Relief Corps Red-Book. A manual containing the rules and regulations of the W. R. C. auxiliary to the G. A. R.; and offi- cial decisions of the several Na- tional Conventions; with notes and explanations. Wittenmyer, Annie, comp. 16°. Boston 1891 — Woman's Relief Corps. Rules for regulation and government of the W. R. C, 188,3. 1884. 1885, 1890-1891- 1894. Pams — Wickins, Margaret Ray. Address of the National President, W. R. C, before 11th annual convention, In- dianapolis, September, 1893. Pam — Woman's War Record, 1861-1865. Collis. Septima M. 12°. N. Y.... 1889 — Women of the War; their heroism and self-sacrifice. Moore. Frank. 8°. Hartford 1866 Wood, Wales W. History of the 95th Reg't. Ills. Vol. Inf., 1862-1865. 12°. Chicago 1865 Woodbury. Augustus. Sketch of the character of Abraham Lincoln. Pam. 12°. Providence 1865 Woods. John. Two years' residence in the Illinois country. 12°. Lon- don 1822 Woodford County, Illinois. LeBaron, Wm.,Jr.,&Co. j)«6s. History of Woodford County. 8°. Chicago 1878 Woodruff, G. H. Fifty years ago; or, gleanings respecting the history of Northern Illinois. Paper. 8°. Joliet 1883 — Forty years ago. A contribution to the early history of Joliet and Will county. Paper. 8°. Joliet 1874 Woodstock illustrated. Resume of the early history, social, educa- tional, industrial, business and professional interests of Wood- stock, Ills. Whitney, Grant C. Paper. 8°. Woodstock 1895 Woollen, Wm. Wesley. Biographical and historical sketches of early Indiana. 8°. Indianapolis 1883 WOODWARD. 339 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXP. Woodward. C. M. History of the St. Louis Bridge. 4°. St. Louis 1881 Worcester, Joseph. LL. D. Diction- ary of the English language; with supplement. 4°. Phila 1882 Workers and idlers. Dement, Merritt H. Pam. 12°. Chicago 1883 World Almanac (The) and encyclope- dia. 1895. Press Pub. Co. Paper. 12°. N.Y 1896 World, (The) N. Y., pubs. History of the U.S. 12°. N.Y 1886 World's Columbian Exposition. — American Library Association. Cat- alogue A. L. A. library of 5,000 vols, for a popular library, shown at World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. (U. S. Gov't. Pub. Bureau Education.) Pam. 8°. Washington 1893 — Bancroft, Hubert Howe. The Book of the Fair. 5 vols. 4°. Chicago 1893 — - Barrows. Rev. John Henry, ed. World's Parliament of Religions. 2vols. 8°. Chicago 1893 — Blanchard. R. Map of the grounds of the World's Col. Exp., at Jack- son Park, showing the general arrangement of buildings and grounds, 1893. Paper. Size 20 by 30 inches — Blanchard, Rufus. Columbian memorial songs. 16°. Chicago.. 1892 — Cameron, Wm. E. The World's Fair. A pictorial History of the Columbian Exposition. 8°. Chi- cago 1893 — Carson, Hampton L. Oration at World's Fair, July 4. 1893 — Chicago Tribune, pubs. Glimpses of the World's Fair through the Tribune's camera. Paper. Chi- cago 1893 — Cleveland. Josephine R, Certificate as an exhibitor of pioneer histori- cal relics, from the Ills. Woman's Exposition Board, Chicago 1893 — Dewey. Melvil, ed. Papers pre- pared for the World's Library Congress, held at the Columbian Exposition. (U. S. Gov't. Pubs. Bureau of Education.) Paper. 8°. Washington 1896 —2 Eagle, Mary Kavanaugh Oldham, ed. Congress of representative women. 2 vols. 4°. Chicago 1894 World's Columbian Exposition — Con- tinued. — Electricity (department of). Class- ification and rules of the Depart- ment of electricity. Pam. Chi- cago 1893 — Groene, J. H. & Co., pubs. Vest- pocket directory of Chicago. 16°. Chicago 1893 — Illinois Board of World's Fair Com- missioners: report of. May 1, to Oct. 30. 1893. 8°. Springfield.... 1895 — Illinois dairy exhibit at World's Fair. Souvenir of, Pam. 16°. Chicago 1883 — Illinois Horticultural Board of Con- trol. Fruit exhibit of the State of Illinois. 12°. Bloomington 1893 — Publicity and Promotion. Depart- ment of, ed. Official catalogue of Fine Arts at World's Fair. Pam. Chicago 1893 — Illinois. State of. World's Columbian Exposition to the State of Illinois certificate and bronze medal for the display of honey of the State at the World's Fair 1893 — Illinois Woman's Exposition Board. Official catalogue of. 12°. Chi- cago 1893 — Illinois Womans' Exposition Board. Report of 1891-1894. Pam . — Rand. McNally & Co.. pub. Build- ings and art at the World's Fair. 4°. Chicago 1894 — Shepp.Jas. W.cfc Daniel B.— Shepp's World's Fair photographed. 8°. Chicago 1893 — Stone. Kastler dc Painter, pubs. Photographic views of theWorld's Columbian Expositian. 5 Nos. Paper. Chicago — Thompson, N. D., pubs. The Dream City. A portfolio of photograph- ic views of the World's Fair. Pa- per, 17 Nos. St. Louis 1893 — Werner, Pub. Co. Portfolio of photograph of the World's Fair. 16 Nos. Paper. Chicago 1893 — World's Columbian Exposition to the State of Illinois, certificate and bronze medal for the excel- lence of the general school exhi- bit of the State at the World's Fair 1893 — Also medal for exhibit of honey. . . 1893 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXP. 340 WYOMING. World's Columbian Exposition— Con- tinued. — Willard & Brady, pubs. World's Fair city souvenir pocket guide. Pam. Chicago 1893 — World's Congress Auxiliary. Con- gress of Photographers. Pam. Chicago 1893 — - World's Congress of Representa- tive Women. Eagle. Mary K. O., ed. Pam 1893 — World's Congress of Represent- ative Women. Program of pro- ceedings. May 15-21. 1893. Pam. 5th ed. Chicago 1893 — World's Fair City Souvenir Pocket Guide. Willard & Brady, pubs. World's Fair. (The.) Pam. Chi- cago 1893 — The World's Fair: Being a his- tory of the Columbian Exposition. Description of buildings and ex- hibits; description of Chicago, its buildivgs, parks, etc. Intro- duction by Hon. Tbos. W. Palmer and chapter on the Woman's De- partment, by Frances E. Willard. Cameron. Wm. E. 8°. Chicago.. 1893 — World's Parliament of Religions at World's Columbian Exposition. 1893. Barrows. Bev. John Henry, ed. 2 vols. 8°. Chicago 1893 — World's Parliament of Religions at World's Fair. Union American Hebrew Congregations, pubs. Judaism at the World's Parlia- ment of Religions. 8°. Cincinnati 1894 Worthkn, A. H. Geological survey of Illinois. A. H. Worthen, Director. 9 vols. (8 vols, and 1 vol. plates.) (Ills. State Pubs.) Springfield.. 1866-90 — Geological map of Illinois. 1875 Worslet. Israel. View of the Ameri- can Indians. 12°. London 1828 Wraxall. Sir F. Lascellea, ed. The Backwoodsman; or. life on the Indian fron ier. 12°. London. 1844 Wright, Carroll D . Chairman Vont. Keport on the Chicago strike, June-July. 1894. (U. S. Senate Ex Doc/ 80 Washington 1895 Wright, Fanny. View of society and manners in America; in a series of letters from that country to a friend in England, during the years 1818, 1819 and 1820. By an English woman. 8°. N. Y 1821 Wright, G. Frederick. Memorial of Chas. Candee Baldwin. (Tract No. 88. Vol. 4, Western Reserve Hist. Soc.) 8°. Cleveland 1896 Wright, John S. Chicago; past, pres- ent and future. 8'. Chicago 1868 — Chicago; past, present and future. Relations to the great interior and to the Continent. 2d ed. for Chicago Board of Trade. 8°. Chi- cago 1870' Wright, J. S., Wright, J. Ambrose, and Haven. Luther L., eds. The Prairie Farmer, 1846-52, inclusive. Bound. 7 vols. 8 C . Chicago Wright, J. S.. and Wright, J. Am- brose, eds. The Prairie Farmer, Vols. 14 and 15. Bound, 2 vols. 1854 and 1855. Chicago - Wright.Mjss Fanny. Voyage auxEtats Unis d'Amenque. en 1818. 1819 et 1820. Traduit de l'Anglais sur la seconde Edition, par J. T. Parisot. 2 vols. 12°. Paris 1822: Wright. Myron B. Memorial ad- dresses on life and services of. delivered in U. S. House of Rep- resentatives and Senate. 53d Cong., 3d Session. (U. S. Gov't Pubs.) 4 ( . Washington 1895- Writings of Christopher Columbus descriptive of the discovery and occupation of the New World. Edited, with an introduction by Paul Leicester Ford. Small 12°. N. Y 1892- Wyoming. State of. Bancroft. Hubert Howe. History of Nevada. Col- orado and Wyoming. 1540-1888. 8°. San Francisco 1890- — Jones. Wm. A. Report upon a re- connaissance of Northwestern Wyoming, including the Yellow- stone Park. (U. S. Gov't Pub.) 8°. Washington 1875- — Morris, Robert C ed. Collections of the Wyoming Historical So- ciety. Vol.1. 8°. Cheyenne 189T — Resources and attractions of Wyo- ming for the home seeker, capital- ist, and tourist. Pam. St. Louis 1892 WYOMING. 341 ZURY. Wyoming— Concluded. — Union Pacific R. R. Co.. pubs. Wy- oming: A. description of its re- sources. Statistics of its climate, mines. etc. Paper. 12°. St. Louis. 1892 — Wyoming Territory, constitutional convention of. Constitution of the proposed State of Wyoming, adopted in convention. Cheyenne. Sept. 30. 1889. 8°. Cheyenne 1889 Yarrow, Dr. H. C. Introduction to •'The study of mortuary customs of the North American Indians." 8°. Washington 1880 Yale University. Catalogues and year- books of . 1891-1900. 9 vols. v. y. Pams Yates, Richard, the elder. 13th Gover- nor of Ills.; born Warsaw. Ky.. 1815, died 1873. -See Illinois Gov- ernors of- Year-books of Armour Institute of Technology, Chicago, Ills. 1895 to 1899. inclusive. Pams Yearbook of Australia for 1891. Gre- ville. Edward, J. P.. ed. Pub lished under auspices of the governments of the Australian Colonies. 8°. Sidney 1891 Year-book of the First Presbyterian Church of Springfield. Ills.; con taining reports for the year end- ing April 1. 1891. Logan, Rev. Thos. D. 8°. Springfield 1891 Year-books of DePauw University. Greencastle. Indiana. 1893-94 and 1895. Pams Year-books of the Illinois Society of the Sons of the American Revolu- tion. 1895-96. 2 vols. 8°. Chi- cago I s95 " 96 Years that have past. A sermon preached in St. Paul's Pro-Cathe- dral. Springfield, Ills-, Nov. 29, 1896. Taylor. Rev. Frederick W. 4°. Springfield I 896 Yellowstone National Park. Chit- tenden. Hiram Martin. The Yel- lowstone National Park. Histori- cal and descriptive. Maps, views and portraits. 12°. Cincinnati.. 1895 — Jones. Wm. A. Report upon a re- connaissance of Northwestern Wyoming, including Yellowstone Natioual Park. (U.S. Govt Pubs.) 8°. Washington I 875 Yonkers (N. Y.) Historical and Li- brary Association Bulletin. Manor Hall Number. Jan.. 1896. Pe-iodical. Vol. 1, No. 2 1876 1886 184 1885 Young. Ann Eliza. Wife No. 19: The story of a life in bondage. 8°. Hartf dd YouNG.J.H.comp. Tourists' pocket map of the State of Illinois. Mitchell & Hinman. pubs. 32°. Phila 1834 Young people's history of Illinois; from earliest discoveries to pres- ent. Dresbacb, Arthur C.and Ada A. (Home Historical Series ) S Chicago Young, Richard M. Speech in defense of Hon. Tbeophilus W. Smith, for alleged misdemeanor in office; be- fore the Senate of Illinois, sitting as a High Court of Impeachment. Jan. 28. 1833. Pam Yucatan. Stephens. John L. Inci- dents of travel in Central Ameri- ca. Chiapas and Yucatan. 12th ed. 2vols. 8°. N.Y Zeis. J. Henry. Glimpses of the great West. Recollections and impres- sions of a summer vacation. Paper. 8°. Chicago Zeisberger. David. Diary of David Zeisberger, Moravian missionary to the Ohio Indians. 2 vols. 8°. Cincinnati Zoology. Calkins, W. W. Land and fresh water shells of LaSalle Co.. Ills. 8°. Chicago I 874 - Caton. John Dean. The antelope and deer of America. 8°. N.Y - Jackson. Sheldon. Report on intro- duction of domesticated reindeer in Alaska. With maps and illus- trations. For description and hab- its of reindeer, see pages 51-53. (U.S. Gov't Pubs.) 8°. Washing- ton Another edition — Illinois State Bee-Keepers' Asso- ciation. Annual reports. 1891-92. Pams — Miller & Gurley. Bulletins of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History. (Ills. State Pubs.) Pams. — Nuttall, Thomas. Manual of ornith- ology of the U. S. and Canada. Laud and water birds. 2 vols. 12° Boston — See Biology. Zotz. Von A. Achtzen Yahre in Peoria erstes heft. 8°. Peoria Zotz, Von A. Allgemeine gejehichte von Peoria. Paper. 8. Peoria.. The meanest man in Spiing 1877 1894 1895 .1834-40 1869 1870 ZURY. county. A novel of western life. Kirkland, Jos. 12°. Boston & N.Y. 1892 CURIOS. 342 CURIOS. List of curios, miscellaneous articles, etc. in the Library- Bond of John Mercer and James Power, gentlemen, of Virginia, to Wm. Nelson, Esq., guardian of Armistead Lightfoot, orphan of the Hon. Philip Lightfoot, Esq., in the sum of eight hundred and thirty pounds, current money, etc. Dated. Oct. 17, 1755. (Sealed and witnessed.) Presented to the Illinois State Historical Li- brary by Hon. M. L. Newell, Springfield, Ills. — Bow and arrows made by High- knocker, successor to Chief Mawkaw, of the Winnebago Tribe in Wisconsin. Purchased, and presented to the Illinois State Historical Library by Rev. E. S. Walker, Springfield, Ills. (Bow and four arrows.) — Canes. Menard, Pierre. Cane once the property and carried by Pierre Menard. Presented to Rev. P. H. Wines, by Capt. Wm. Howard, April. 1898, and by Dr. Wines presented to the Illinois State Historical Library. — McRoberts. Samuel. Cane, the stick of which wis cut at Mount Vernon, by Hon. Samuel McRob- erts. the first native born Illi- noisian to represent the State in the U. S. Senate. This stick, Mr. McRoberts had mounted, and pre- sented it to Mr. Archer Q. Hern- don, of Springfield, Ills., in 1841. The cane was inherited by Elliott Herndon, and was presented to the Illinois State Historical Li- brary by his widow. — Original autograph letters of Sena- tor McRoberts ;one presenting the cane to Mr. Herndon, and inform- him that it would be sent him by Mr. Ferguson, whom he intro- duces by the same letter, and one to Mr. Ferguson, requesting him to deliver the cane to Mr. Hern- don, dated, Washington City, September, 1841. — Chicago Massacre of 1812. A piece of the historic tree over the spot of the massacre at Fort Dearborn, Chicago, Ills. Presented to the Illinois State Historical Library by George M. Pullman of Chicago July 4. 1894. Curios— Continued. Clark County, Ills. Piece of a log placed in the mill dam of the first grist-mill in Clark Co.. Ills., by John Parker, 1819. Cut out and presented to the Illinois State Historical Library, by J. B. Sheapley, Martinsville. Ills., 1891. Confederate States of America. $2 note, brought from Anderson- ville prison by Mr. Wade Coburn and presented to the llinois State Historical Library by Miss Sue Foster of Loami, Ills. Fort Ticonderoga. Piece of granite from an arch at Fort Ticonderoga. Presented to the Ills. State Hist. Library by Rev. E. S. Walker, ot Springfield, Ills. Illinois. Military title to Louisiana and the territory of Ills., signed by Count Laussat, Napoleon's- Ambassador, New Orleans, 1804. Indian axe. Found in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, Ills., on block 12, lot 10, about 6 inches un- der ground, Nov. 1891, Presented to the Ills. State Hist. Library by Dr. H. Wohlgemuth, of Spring- field. Ills. Mormon Temple. Stone from the Mormon Temple at Nauvoo. This stone is of sand-stone and was brought to Springfield by Hon. R. W. McClaughry and Senator Edmunds, as a specimen of Han- cock Co. sand-stone. They hoped that the State would use the Han- cock Co. stone for the super- structure of the new State House. It remained in the grounds of the old State House for some years, (the present Sangamon Co. court house), and was finally removed to the north entrance of the pres ent State House, where it now stands. It was presented to the Ills. State Hist. Library by Sena- tor Edmunds and Maj. Mc- Claughry, but it is too heavy to be taken up the stairs, or in the elevators. Pen with which Rev. E. S. Walker wrote the history of his family. Walker-Sawyer, etc., and by him presented to the Ills. State Hist. Library, Aug., 1895. CURIOS. 343 PICTURES. Curios— Continued. — St. Clair Co., Ills. Hand-made steel nail from the first court house in St. Clair Co. Presented to Gover- nor J. W. Piferby G. W. Johnson. Columbia, Ills., and by Gov. Fifer presented to the Ills. State Hist. Library. 1890. — Springfield, (Ills.) Fire Under- writers Union. Certificate of in- corporation. Signed, Henry D. Dement. Secretary of State; dated, Nov. 30, 1886. — Tin. Specimen of the first tin man- ufactured in Ills. Mined in Da- kota. Manufactured by the Con- solidated Tin Mining and Milling Co., Chicago, 1887. Presented to the Ills. State Hist. Library by Prof. Lindahl. Size, l L 2x3 inches. — U. S. Flag. The first flag which floated from the dome of the pres- ent State House at Springfield, Ills. Presented to the Ills. State Hist. Library by authority of a joint resolution of the two Houses of the Ills. State Legislature. Introduced into the Senate March 8. 1895, by Senator H. H. Kings- bury, and by him presented to the Library. — Washington Birth-Night Ball, San Jose, Cal.. Feb. 13. 1850. Invita- tion, with names of the man- agers, etc , printed on satin. — Washington State. Precipitate from Longmayre Springs, at the foot of Mount Tacoma. Taken from the Springs. Aug., 1895, and presented to the State Hist. Li- brary by Mrs. E. S. Walker. Springfield. Ills. Pictures. Photographs, engravings, etchings, and other pictures in Illinois State Historical Library. — Alaska. Ancon Falls, hear Naha Bay, Alaska. 1889. Photograph. 4 1 2xT 1 2 inches. — - Naha Bay, Alaska, 1889. Photo- graph, 4*2 x 7^ inches. — - Wreck of the Steamer "Ancon," 1889. Alaska, Photograph. 4*2 x 7*2 inches. — Altgeld, John P. A life-size litho- graph picture of Ex-Governor Altgeld. — Bradwell, Mrs. Myra, lawyer and editor. Life-size photograph. Fs anted. Pictures— Continued. Brayman, (Gen.) Mason, size photograph, 1895. Cabin et- Breese, {Judge) Sidney. Oil paint- ing. Chester, Ills. Southern Illinois penitentiary. Photograph of, looking down and north from in- sane asylum grounds. Size, 3x5 inches. W. G. Egleston, pho- tographer, 1891. - Photograph of the guard house for convicts building, new asy- lum for insane criminals. (Look- ing north.) Size, 3x5 inches. W. G. Egleston, photographer, 1891. - Photograph o f guard house, southeast corner of the peniten- tiary wall. Size, 3x5 inches. W. G. Egleston, photographer, 1891. Chicago drainage channel. Carbon print of the drainage channel at Lemont.1897. Size, 20x30 inches. Presented to the Illinois State Historical Library, by L. E. Cooley, May 14.1897. Colbert, Jean Baptiste, French Minister of the Marine. 1669-1683. Photograph from contemporary engraving. Size. 8x10 inches. (Framed.) Declaration of Independence. Fac- simile reprint of. Souvenir of the Centennial Celebration of 1876. issued by the Penn. Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Philadel- phia. Copyrighted, 1874. by Jas. D. McBride. (Framed.) Dresser. (Rev.) Cnarles. Pioneer Episcopal clergyman ©fills. Cab- inet photograph of, accompany- ing the pictures of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln, in the exhibit of the Sangamon Co. Woman's Col. Club, at the World's Fair, Chi- cago. 1893. Douglas. Stephen A. Steel engrav- ing of. Size, 7 1 2x5 1 2 inches. Copyrighted, 1862, by Johnson, Fry & Co., N. Y. Field, Cyrus W. Exhibiting his model for the Atlantic cable to scientists and inventors. Steel engraving from original picture. (Framed.) Francis, Simeon. Founder of the Illinois State Journal. Life size portrait. Sepia. PICTURES. 344 PICTURES. Pictures— Continued. — Grand Tower, Ills. Photograph of the Devil's tea-table. Devil's bake-oven, near Grand Tower. Ills. (Looking north.) Size 3x5 inches. W. G. Egleston, pho- tographer, 1891. — - Photograph of the " haunted " house, huilt on a high rock, near Grand Tower, Ills. Size 3x5 in. W. G. Egleston, photographer, 1891. — Grant, Gen. U. S, Cabinet photo- graphs of Mr. Lincoln and Gen. Grant, on same negative. Rice, photographer, Washington, D. C. See list of pictures of Mr. Lincoln. — Grant, Ulysses S. Phototype pic- ture of Gen. Grant, accompanied by a facsimile reprint of a letter from General Grant to the pho- tographer in which he expresses his approval of the picture. F. Gutekunst Phila., photographer. — Howe, Henry. Author of historical collections of Ohio. Cabinet pho- tograph, 1886. — Kaskaskia. See Illinois. Kaskaskia. — Knox, Thomas. Memorial card of cabinet size. G. S. Utter & Co., photographers. 1891. — LaSalle, French explorer of the Miss. Valley. Photograph of, from contemporary engraving. Size 8x10 in. Framed. — - Photograph of the statue of La- Salle. in Lincoln Park, Chicago. Framed. — Lemont, 111. See Chicago Drainage Canal. Pictures. Lincoln, Abraham. Plat- inum print, from the Hessler neg- tive. Printed, 1899. Ayer, Phila. (Framed). — Etching from the Hessler negative. Reproduced. 1898. Henry Taylor, Jr. (Framed). — Marshall's steel engraving. (Framed). — Early photograph of Mr. Lincoln. Size, T^xh^n inches. (Framed). Pictures— Continued. — Photographs (cabinet size) of Mr. Lincoln and Gen. Grant. The negative for these photographs was discovered in Rice's photo- graphic studio, Washington. D. C, in 1891, when old matter was being examined for some purpose. The pictures were on the same nega- tive, and it is supposed were taken in 1864, when Gen. Grant visited Washington and there re- ceived his commission as Lieu- tenant-General. Reproduced, 1891. (Framed). — Steel engraving of Mr. Lincoln. Size, T^nsSy* inches. Copyrighted. 1862. by Johnson, Fry & Co., N. Y. — Photographs (cabinet size) of Mr. Lincoln, of Mrs. Lincoln in the gown worn at the ball given in honor of the first inauguration of Mr. Lincoln, of Rev Charles Dresser, tbe clergyman who offi- ciated at the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln, of the Edwards residence where the marriage ©c- curred, and of Representatives Hall in the old State House at Springfield, where Mr. Lincoln was nominated for the U. S. Sen- ate in 1858. and where his remains were laid in state May 3, 1865, when brought to Springfield for burial. The entire design sur- rounded and ornamented with pressed flowers, which were gath- ered on Lincoln Monument hill, pressed and mounted by Mrs. Elizabeth H. Abell. Designed by Mrs. Chas. Ridgely, president of the Sangamon County Woman's Columbian Club; engrossed by Miss Margaret L. Brooks. Ex- hibited at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; after- wards deposited in the Ills. State Historical Library. (Framed.) — Early photograph of Mr. Lincoln. (Size 7^ by 5*2 inches, framed.) — Photographs of the statue of Mr. Lincoln, in the State House, Springfield, Illinois, as decorated April 15, 1884. Copyrighted by Josephine P. Cleveland. Size, 9 by 6*2 inches. PICTURES. 345 PICTURES. (Pictures— Continued. — Photograph of Old Salem, old mill, etc. Copyrighted by Kate P. Degree, St. Louis, Mo. Size, 8 by 5*2 inches. — Cabinet photograph of the bust of Lincoln, by Jones, 1860. Pre- sented to the library by Dr. A. W. French. Springfield, Ills. — Cabinet photograph of Lincoln Guard of Honor, organized 1880. Copyrighted 1884. — Photograph of the floral tributes, including the memorial tablet presented by the North American Turner Bund, at the tomb of President Lincoln on the 20th an- niversary of his death, April 15. 1885. Cabinet size. Copyrighted by John Carroll Power, Spring- Ills.. 1885. — Cabinet size photograph of the proclamation of Edwin M. Stan- ton. U. S. Secretary of War. of- fering rewards for the apprehen- sion of the murderer and the accomplices to the murder of President Lincoln. Dated, War Department, April 20, 1865. — Portrait of A. Lincoln, Sartain, en- graver. Phila.. 1863. — Another engraving of Mr. Lincoln engraved by Sartain, pub. by Smith. Philadelphia. — Louis XIV. King of France, 1651. 1715, photograph of, from contem- porary engraving. Size 10x8 inches — McCormie. James; Illinois pioneer, born 1783, died 1893. Brief sketch of the life of. with cabinet size photograph of Mr. McCormie. This photograph and sketch was framed and exhibited at the World's Fair by the Woman's Sangamon County Columbian Club — Margry, Pierre; noted French ar- chivist and savant; photograph; size 8x10 inches. (Framed.) — Mound City, Illinois. National cemetery. Five photographs — Northcutt, Hon. Wm. A. Lieuten- ant-Governor of Ills. Halftone photograph ; cabinet size — Opdycke. Brev. Maj.Gen. Emerson half-tone engraving, cabinet size. — Parser, John, Robinson, Ills. Illi- nois pioneer. Cabinet size photo- graph Pictures— Continued. — Piasa Bird, or, the Devil among the Indians. Framed picture. Drawn from the description of the carv- ing or painting on the bluffs of the Mississippi river, by Col. J. Miles who has, when a boy. seen the ori- ginal carving. Designed from this description by Jerome Cop- ley, and drawn by E. A. Woelke, jr. Presented to the Illinois State Historical Library by Hon. J. N. Perrin — PortTownsend, Washington;photo- graph. View of docks and ship- ping. Size 5x7 inches — Ridgely, Nicholas; pioueer Spring- field, Ills., banker. Photographic copy of an engraving. Size 3x4 inches — State House. Vandalia, 111. Photo- graph. — - Photograph of the State House at Vandalia. Erected 1823. Size. 6 by 8*2 inches. — - Springfield. Cabinet size photo- graph. Copy of the large painting which is at the head of the grand stairway in the State House, which represents Col. George Rogers Clark in conference with the Indians. Pittman, Spring- field, 111., Photographer. — Stephenson. Dr. B. F. Founder of the G. A. R, Memorial photo- graph. Half-tone, cabinet size. Copyrighted by Josephine P. Cleveland, 1886. — Strawbridge, Thomas. Pioneer of Sangamon Co. Half-tone engrav- ing. Size, 5 by 6 inches. — Talon, Jean. Intendent of New France. 1665-1675. Photograph of, from contemporary engraving. Size, 8 by 10 inches. (Framed.) — Treat, Hon. Samuel. Illinois Jur- ist. Half-tone engraving. Octo- ber. 1893. Size. 3*2 by 5 inches. — Vandercook, Simon. Photographic fac-simile of the commission of Simon Van Der Cook, gentleman, from the State of N. Y.. as ensign in Capt. Henry Van Der Hoff's Company of the Militia of Albany county, in the regiment of which Peter Yates, Esq., is Colonel. Dated June 22, 1778. Photograph. Size 8^ by 5 inches. PICTURES. 346 PICTURES. Pictures— Continued. — Washington State. View of "Yelen" Ranch, near Tacoma. Wash., resi- dence of Robert H. Walker. 1891. Size, 4*2 by 7 inches. — Photograph of the woods near -Yelen" Ranch. August. 1891. Size. 4*2 by 7 inches. — Wentworth, Hon. John. Chicago Pioneer. Cabinet photograph of, as an old man. Melander & Bro., Chicago, Photographers. — - Small card photograph of Mr. Wentworth as a much younger man. J. W. Black & Co., Boston, photographers. Pictures— Concluded. — Wittenberg, Mo., September. 1891. "An unwilling passenger " Pho- tograph of men attempting to put sheep on the railroad train. W. G. Egleston, photographer, 1891. — Wittenberg, Mo.. September, 1891. Fin de si6c)e embarkation of a cow. "Moral suasion." Attempt to put a cow on a railroad train. W. G. Egleston, photographer. 1891. — Worthen. Prof. A. H. Illinois State Geologist. Half-tone engraving of. Size 5x5 inches. ANGELL. 347 GOLDSMITH. APPENDIX A. LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS IN THE ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL LIBRARY Angell. G. M.. M. D. Account of a colony founded in Illinois about 1836 by citizens of Rhode Island. Barrell, Capt. George. Account of life and travels of. Autobiog- raphy. Presented to the Library by the author, 1890. • Baldwin, Rev. Theron. Autograph letter to Rev. John F. Brooks, of Springfield, asking advice in re- gard to the purchase of desks and seats for Monticello Seminary. Written on a circular of the Sem- inary. Dated Alton, 111., Feb. 24, 1838. Black dawk War. Orderly book and muster rolls of the Illinois sol- diers in the Black Hawk War. Presented to the Library by Mrs. E. B. Anderson, widow of Gen. Robert Anderson. Bloomington Law School. Address to graduating class of June 16. 1891. By Hon. Ethelbert Calla- han. Bradford, Mrs. Sarah M, Memorial day address at the unveiling of the monument erected by the W. R. C. at Taylorville, 111., to the memory of the soldiers and sailors of Christian Co.. 111., May 30, 1895. Brayman, Gen. M. Autograph letter addressed to Rev. E. S. Walker, Springfield. 111. Dated Kansas City, Feb. 16, 1892. Botakin. Rev. W. F. Manuscript. Let- ter giving a brief account of the Baptist church at New Design, Monroe Co., 111.; the first Protes- tant church in Illinois, and of the people who founded it. Dated at Blue Rapids, Kansas, June 1, 1900. Bullkn, Laura E. Black Hawk. A paper read before the Moline, 111., Chapter. D. A. R. Callahan, Hon. E. Address to the graduating class of Bloomington Law School. June 16. 1891. Campbell, Robert M., comp. History of the 17th Ills. Vol. Inf.. 1861-1864. Centennial Register book of vis- itors to Centennial, at Phila., 1876. 2 vols. Folio. Child, Geo, B. Early history and geo- graphical description of Calhoun Co., Ills. Dated at Hardin. 111.. 1894. Cleveland. Josephine P. Genealogy of the Hyatt family, compiled from New York Archives., Vol. 15. — Record of attendance of the class of Holy Innocents of St. Paul's church. Springfield. Ills.. 1861-1882. Edwards Co.. Ills. Original record, book of indentured negro slaves in Edwards Co., 111., 1815-1860. De- posited in the Illinois State Histor- cal Library by the board of county commissioners of Edwards Co.. April, 1901. Edwards, Ninian. Letters patent to lands in Illinois. Tax titles, etc., 1819-1839. Five pieces; original receipts. Goldsmith, John, comp. List, giving name of company, regiment and date of death of Illinois soldiers who died previous to March 18, 1865, in the rebel prison at Ander- sonville, Ga. Mss. Presented to the State Historical Library June 10.1890. by George H. Souther. Springfield, Illinois. HARRIS. 348 McROBERTS. Harris, Sarah Coates. Memorial sketch of the life and work of Sarah Coates Harris. M. D , ac- companied by a description of her cabinet of geological specimens. By Kate McHugh. Illustrated by original photographs, the work of Jennie Loveland, Wonderly. Hedrick,- James. Letters patent to cer- tain lands in Illinois as herein de- scribed; signed, George Graham, commissioner of the general land office. Dated December 6. 1827. Recorded 5-4, page 141. (Origi- nal Mss.) Henderson. D. Patrick. Historical address to old settlers association of Morgan and Cass counties. 111., 1876. Illinois Territory. The military title of Louisiana and the territory of Illinois, dated New Orleans, Jan, 12, 1804, and signed by Count Laussat, Napoleon's Ambassador. It is also the order to General De Lassus to deliver the territory over to Capt. 4mos. Stoddard, of the U. S. Artillery, (Original manuscript letter.) Purchased in New Orleans by Wi H. Hinrich- son, Secretary of State of Illinois, and deposited in the State His- torical Library. Indiana Territory. Laws of Indiana Territory, 1805-1806. Mss. Record Book. Jones, Hon. W. B. History of Lincoln University at Lincoln. 111., dated 1891. Lincoln, Abraham. Memorial of. By Btv. E. S. Walker, n. d. — Type written copy of bogus pro- clamation said to have been is- sued by President Lincoln, and pub. in N. Y. World. Copied by the librarian of the N. Y. World, from the World, N. Y. issue of May 18, 1864 — Poem read at dedication of Na- tional Lincoln Monument. Orig- inal Mss., by James Judson Lord Parchment copy. — List of papers and documents ob- tained from Sangamon Co., Ills., relating to Abraham Lincoln. See biography, Lincoln. Lincoln, Mrs. Mary Todd. Discourse at the funeral services of Mary Todd Lincoln. By Rev. Jas. A.. Reed. Also account of exercises, etc.. July, 1882. Lincoln Monument. History and or- ganization. Lincoln National Monument Association and build- ing of the monument. Lincoln University. History of. W. B. Jones, dated 1891. By Lord James Judson. Poem read at dedication of National Lincoln monument. Original Mss. copy of same. Louisiana. The military title of Loui- siana and tae territory of Ills., dated New Orleans Jan. 12, 1804, and signed by Count Laussat, Napoleon's Ambassador It is also the order to Gen. De Lassus to deliver the territory over to Capt. Amos Stoddard, of the U. S. artillery. (Original Mss. letter.) Purchased by W. H. Hinrichsen, Secretary of State of Ills., and de- dosited in the State Historical Library. Lyceum. Circulars of Illinois State Lyceum. Sent to Rev. Jno. F. Brooks to notify him of elec- tion to membership. June 7, 1832. Maryland. Treasury certificates of the state of Maryland. • I. Certificate to Edward Gai- ther. Jr., or bearer for the sum of £280, signed by Edward Gaither, Jr., one of the commissioners of Ann-Arundel county. Dated March. 1780. II. Certificate, directing the payment to Vachel Gaither of money due for the seizure of corn taken under an act of the as- sembly for the immediate supply of food for the army. Signed Elijah Robosson. Dated April 3, 1780. III. Certificate to John Hamil- ton or bearer for the sum of £52 14s. Signed Tho. Harwood, Treas. Dated Jan. 18. 1788. Original papers presented to the Illinois State Hist. Library by Hon. Lambert Tree, of Chicago. McRoberts, U. S. Senator Samuel. Original autograph letters of Senator McRoberts; one present- ing a cane to Mr Herndon and in- forming him that it would be sent him by Mr. Ferguson, whom he introduces by the same letter; and one to Mr. Ferguson request- ing him to deliver the cane to Mr. Herndon. Dated Washington City. Sept.. 1841. MILITIA. 349 SWANWICK. Militia of Illinois. Rank roll, 1829. Regimental roster eighth regi- ment. 1829. Presented to the Li- brary by Mrs. John S. Bradford, of Springfield. 111. Muster roll of Ills, soldiers in Black Hawk war. See Black Hawk, (Sep. entry) Miniek. George B. Recollections of early Illinois. Presented to the library, 1890. by Geo. B. Minier. of Minier. Tazewell county. 111. Moses. John. The organization of the State of Illinois into counties. Address before Illinois State Bar Association, n. d. Morris. John H. Receipt from the Auditor of the State of Illinois to John H. Morris for the Treas- urer's certificate that the said Morris paid into the treasury of the State the sum of $130.37, being the amount of his land tax. Dated Vandalia, 111., Jan. 6. 1826. signed. E. J. Berry. Auditor. (Original receipt.) Murphy, Daniel. History of the or- ganization of Jersey County. 111., Historical Society. Oct., 1891. New York World. Type written copy of bogus proclamation said to have been issued by Pres. Lincoln. Copied by the librarian of the New York World from the issue of the World. May 18. 1864. Presbytery of Springfield. Record books 1829-1889. 9 vols. The original records. The property of the presbytery and deposited in the library for safe keeping and convenient reference. Reed. Bev. James A. Discourse at the funeral of Mrs. Mary Todd Lin- coln. Also account of funeral exercises, etc. July. 1^82. Seymour, Bt. Bev., George F. Ora- tion at laying: corner stone Illinois Exposition building. State Fair grounds. 1894. Schoolcraft. Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Original, poetry. In handwriting of Henry R. Schoolcraft. Shields, Gen. James. Original letter of dated Feb. 26, 1869 addressed to Wm. H. Condon of Chicago. Stolp, Jno. G. History of the city and pioneer settlers of Aurora, Ills. Ms. dated Aurora, 1891. Swanwick. John. "A Fair Combat." Prize story— sketch relating to the history of Jackson county. Illi- nois. Presented to library. Feb., 1901. United Brethern in Christ, books of. 1865-1884. Record — Original Mss. books. Virginia. Bond of John Mercer and James Power of Stafford county, Virginia, to William Nelson, Esq., guardian of Armistead Lightfoot orphan of the Hon. Philip Light- foot in the sum of £830. Oct. 17, 1775 Vredenburgh. T. D. Memorial ad- dress, Loami, Ills., May 30. 1892. Walker. Bev. E. S. Story of my an- cestors in America. — Memorial to Abraham Lincoln, n. d. — The uses of wealth, Scrawbridge sermon, 1898. Wallace. Jos. Beginings of North American and the United States history, Springfield, Aug.. 1891. Wentworth. Hon. John. Original autograph letters from John Wentworth to Dr. Moses. Three letters dated Chicago. Oct. 12.1876. Chicago. Feb. 4. 1878" Chicago, March 17. 1879. West, Mary Allen. Mss.. History of Galesburg and Knox College, n. d. — Pioneer days in Illinois, n. d. Women of Illinois. A collection of let- ters from the pioneer women of the State, relating their experi- ences and reminiscences of the early settlement of their respec- tive localities. These letters were collected for the World's Colum- bian Exposition, and were after- ward deposited in the State His- torical Library for safe keeping. About thirty letters and notes, mostly in the handwriting of the "Pioneer Mothers." — Collection of manuscripts and let- ters the property of the Illinois State Historical Society, collected by Dr J. F. Snyder of Virginia. Ills., and deposited in the State Historical Library for safe keep- ing and convenient rt-ference. These papers relate chiefly to the early history of St. Clair county. Ills. AFFLECK. 350 RUSSELL. Affleck, James. Autobiographical sketch of James Affleck of Belle- ville, Ills. — Sketch of the Rev. John Mason Peck. — Sketch of Governor John Reynolds. — The Stuart-Bennett duel. Russell, Prof. John. Manuscripts, letters, papers, etc., of Prof. John Russell of Bluffdale. Ills., pre- sented to the Illinois State Histor- ical Society by Prof. Russell's son, S. G. Russell, at the solicita- tion of Dr. J. P. Snyder. Russell— Concluded. — Sketch of Prof. Russell's life and labors, by S. G. Russell. West family record. Descendents of Thomas West, of Kent founty, England. Genealogical sketch. — Other letters, clippings, photo- graphs, etc.. as yet unclassified, the property of the Illinois State Historical Society. ACRELIUS. 351 BAILEE- APPENDIX "B." List of Accessions to the Illinois State Historical Library, Oct. 1900- June 1901, Inclusive. Acrelius. Israel (author). History of New Sweden; or the settlements on the river Delaware. Edited by Wm. M. Reynolds. D. D. pub. Pa. Historical Soc. 8°. Phila... 1874 Adams. Charles Francis, LL. D. The sifted grain and the grain sifters. Address at the dedication of the new building of the Wis. State Historical Society. Paper. 8°. Madison 1900 Adjutant General of the State of Illi- nois. Biennial report of. Oct., 1898-Oct., 1900. 8°. Springfield.. 1901 — comp. Biennial report, 1897-1898. Contains list of Illinois soldiers in the war with Spain. 8°. Spring- field 1898 Alden. Ogle & Co.. pubs. Atlas map of Hancock Co., Ills. Folio. Chi- cago 1891 American Antiquarian Society, pubs. Transactions and collections of the Amer. Ant. Soc. Vol. 4. 8°. Boston I860 — Library Association, pubs. Papers and proceedings of the 22nd gen- eral meeting of the A. L. A. at Montreal. 1900. Paper. 4°. Boston 1900 — Monthly Magazine, Sept. 1900. June 1901, inc. D. A. B. pubs. — Philosophical Society, pubs. Ad- dresses at meeting of the Amer. Phil. Soc. held in memory of Wm. Pepper. M. D., LL. D. Paper. 8°. Phila 1899 Ames. Mary Clemmer. Ten years in Washington. 8°. Hartford 1874 Armstrong. Benjamin G. Early life among the Indians.Reminicsences of Benj. G. Armstrong. 12°. Ashland, Wis 1892 — Samuel T.. pub. The Panoplist and Missionary Magazine for 1816. Vol. 12. Reprinted by Camp, Merrell & Camp. 8°. Utica 1816 Atheneum Club. pubs. In Memorian. Abraham Lincoln commemora- tive proceedings of the Atheneum Club. Paper. 8°. N. Y 1865 Atwater, Caleb, A. M. History of the State of Ohio. 2nd edition. 8°. Cincinnati, n. d Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois. 9th annual re- port of Building and Loan and Homestead associations of Ills. 8°. Springfield 1900 Avert, Mrs. Elroy M.. ed. The Amer- ican Monthly Magazine. Sept.- Dec. inc. 1900. Jan.-June, inc. 1901. Published by the National Soc. D.A.R. Washington, D . C Babeuf. J,, pub. Portraiture of the 39th General Assembly of Illinois. 8°. Springfield 1895 Badger. Rev. Henry C. The humble conqueror; a discourse on the life of Lincoln. Boston, Cambridge- port Parish. Paper. 8° 1865 Bailey, George W. A private chapter of the war. 1861-65. 12°. St. Louis 188 ° BALTIMORE. 352 CAMPBELL. Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co. Presi- dent and directors of. 74th an- nual report to stockholders, June 30. 1900. 8°. Baltimore 1900 Bangs. J. E.. editor. The Student. Pontiac. Ills., vol. 6. Nos. 3 and 4; Midsummer No., 1900. Pontiac. 1900. Pam. 8° Barber, J. W. Interesting events in the history of the U. S. 12°. New Haven 1830 Barton, Thos. H. Autobiography of Dr. Thos. H. Barton. 8°. Charles- ton.W. Va 1890 — Wm. E. The Prairie schooner. 12°. Boston 1900 Bartram, Mr, John. Observations on climate, soil, etc.. in travels from Pa. to Canada. Reprints of Lon- don edition of 1751; No. 77, of Humphrey reprint. Geo. P.Hum- phrey, pub., Geneva, N. Y., 1895 Banvard, Joseph. Romance of Ame- rican history. 16°. Boston 1852 Bateman, Hon. Newton, LL. D. Abra- ham Lincoln; an address. Gales- burg, 111. Cadmus Club, pubs , 1899. Paper. 12° Belleville Public Library. 17th an- nual report board of directors, June 1, 1900. Belleville Post and Zeitung print, 1900. Paper. 8° Bennett, Emerson. Leni Leoti; or adventures in the far West. U. P. James, ptibs., entered 1850. Pam. 8°. Cincinnati 1850 Bill, Ledyard. A winter in Florida. 12°, N. Y 1896 Bishop, Levi. Teuchsa Grondie; a le- gendary poem; 2d edition. 8°. Albany 1872 Bouton, Nathaniel. History of Con- cord, N.H.. 1725 to 1855. 8°. Con- cord 1856 Boynton, Henry V. Was Thomas slow at Nashville'? 12°. N.Y.. 1896 Bradford. Alden. History of Massa- chusetts. 1775 to 1789. 8°. Boston. ..1825 Bradwell, J. B. and Helmer, B. B.. eds. The Chicago Legal News; vol. 32. Aug. 26, 1899. to Aug. 18. 1900. Chicago Legal News Co., pubs. 1900. 4° Brink, McCormick & Co., pubs. Atlas map of Madison Co., Illinois. Folio. St . Louis Brink, W. R, & Co., pubs. Illustrated atlas map of Iroquois county. Ills. Folio. Edwardsville, Ills Brooks, Geraldine. Dames & daugh- ters of Colonial days. 8°. N. Y. Brown. Glenn. History of the U. S. Capitol. Vol. 1. The old Capitol. (U. S. Gov't, pub.) Wash. Folio. Browne, Frances F. The Every Day Life of Abraham Lincoln. 8°. N. Y Buckley, James M. History of Meth- odism in the U. S. 8°. N. Y... Buffalo Historical Society. Annual report board of managers — Historical Society. Paper. 8 C 1875 1884 1900 1900 1886 1898 1898 1899 Bullen. Laura E. Black Hawk. A paper read before Moline (Ills.) Chapter, D. A. R. Manuscript. Bureau of Labor Statistics of Ills. 11th biennial report. Part I. Springfield. 8°. Pam. n. d. Butterfield, C. W. Biographical sketch of Mortimer M. Jackson. 8°. Madison 1887 — Consul W. Brule's discoveries & explorations. 1610-1626. 8°. Cleve- land 1898 Byrd Printing Co., pubs. Atlanta. A story of success. Atlanta. Paper. 4°. n. d. Cable, George. W. Strange true stor- ies of Louisiana. 12°. N. Y 1889 ^a^tahan, Edward W., comp. List of officers of the navy of the U. S. & marine corps, 1775-1901. L. R. Hammersly & Co., ptibs. 8°, New York 1901 Cambridge, Mass., Public Library. Annual report of trustees, year ending Nov. 3. 1900. Paper. 8°. Boston 1901 Campbell. R. A.. & Walling. H. F. Atlas of the State of Illinois. Folio. Chicago 1870 — Wm. W. Border Warfare of New York during the Revolution. 12°. N. Y 1849 CARNEGIE. 353 DUVALLON. Carnegie Library, Atlanta, Georgia. 2d annual report of, for year end- ing Dec. 31. 1900. Atlanta, Paper. 8° 1901 — Library of Pittsburgh. Monthly bul- letin. 8°, Vol. 5, Nos. 8, 9. 10 Oct.,-Nov. 1900. Vol. 6. January- June. Pittsburgh 1901 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. Directors of. 46tb annual report to stockholders, June 30, 1900. Boston University Press, 1900. 8°. Paper 1900 Chambers, E. T. D. ed. North Ameri- can Notes and Queries. 1901. Vol. I. Nos. 7,8.9. Jan.-March. Quebec Raoul Renault, ed. 8°. 1901. Paper 1901 Chapen. William. Complete reference gazetteer of the U, S. A. 8°. New York 1841 Chicago Directory Co. The Chicago Blue Book, 1892. 8° 1892 — Drainage Canal. Special commis- sion report of. to Governor of Illi- nois. 1900. 8°. Cloth 1900 — Historical Society. Report special meeting Feb. 12, 1900, and annual meeting Nov. 21. 1899. Chicago. 12°. Paper 1900 — Historical Society. Report of spec- ial meetings of April 3 and 26, 1900. Chicago Hist. Soc. n. d. 12°. Two Pams 1900 — Municipal Library. City of Chicago Statistics. Bi-monthly. Vol. I, No. 1. March. 1901. Vol. I, No. 2. May, 1901 1891 Clemens, Samuels (Mark Twain.) Life on the Mississippi. 8°. Boston.. 1883 Clement, D. ed. Noble deeds of Amer- ican women. 12°. Auburn 1854 Clevel ' d Public Library. Thirty- second annual report of library bo '. Sept.. 1899 to Dec. 31,1900. 8°. Cleveland. 1901. Paper Connelley, ffm, Elsey. John Brown. 12°. Topeka 1900 Connectk ct Historical Society. Pa- pers £>nd reports at annual meet- ing. Mayi24. 1892. 8°. Hartford. Conn. Pam 1892 —23 H. L. Conxorton. J. W. comp. Directory of licensed real estate dealers of Chicago, 1891-1892. 12°. Chicago. 1892 Coues, Elliott, comp. On the trail of a Spanish Pioneer. 8°. N. Y. 2 vols 1900 Coulter, David. I). D. Memoirs of David Coulter. 7.'. Z>. 12°. St.Louis. Presby. Pub. Co. pub. n. d Cranz, David. The ancient and mod- ern history of the Brethern (Unitas Fratrum). 8°. London.. 1780 Crooks, George R., D. D. Life of Bishop Matthew Simpson of the M. E. Church. 8°. New York... 1890 Davis, Eusene, reporter. Proceedings of the Republican National Con- vention of 1880. 8°. Chicago 1881 Davis. J. McCan, ed. Abraham Lin- coln: His book. 16°. New York; McClure. Phillips & Co.. pubs... 1901 DeBow. J. D. B. The industrial re- sources of the Southern and Western States. 3 vols. 8°. N. Y. 1853 Democratic Publishing Co. Promi- nent Democrats of Illinois. 1818- 1899. 8°. Chicago 1899 DeRupert. A. E. D. Californians and Mormons. 8°. N. Y 1881 DeSmet. Rev. P. J. Western missions and missionaries. 12°. N. Y. n. d Deutch Amerikanischen-historichen Gessellschaft von Illinois Deutch Amerikanische Geschichtsblat- ter, Chicago; The Society, pubs. 1901. Paper. 8° Dickinson, Mrs. Ellen E. New light on Mormonism. 12°. N. Y 1885 Diocese of Springfield. Episcopal. Journals of the synod, 1894-1899. 8°. Springfield; 1895-1900. Paper. 5 pams. 12° Donnelley. R. R. & Sons. pubs. His- tory of the First Baptist Church of Chicago. 12°. Chicago 1885 Doyle, J. A. English colonies in America. 12°. N. Y 1823 Duncan, John, A. B. Travels through part of the U. S. and Canada in 1818-1819. 12. N. Y 1882 Duvallon, B., editeur. Vue de la Colonie Espagnole du Mississ- ippi. 12°. Paris 1803 DWELLEY. 354 GLAZIER. Dwelley (Jedeiah) and others. A copy of the records of births, mar- riages and deaths of. Hanovers, Mass. 8°. Rockland 1898 Eastern Ills. State Normal School. Re- port of trustees for year ending: Dec. 1, 1900. Springfield State Printl901. 8°. Pam Ebals, P. G. W. Five days ^politician. That convention. 12°. N. Y 1872 Edwards, Gov. Ninian. Address of the Governor of Ills, to Legisla- ture Dec. 7, 1830. 8°. Vandalia. Robt. Blackwell, printer, 1830. Paper Eighty-sixth Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. Minutes of annual reunion of, 3rd to 13th, 1889-1899. Knoxville Re- public Print, 1889; Pams Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., -pubs. Part taken by Essex Co. in or- ganization N. W. Territory. Salem Press Pub. Co. Pam. 8°.. 1889 Parrand & Nicholas, pubs. The American Review of history and politics. 4 vols. 8°. Phila.... 1811-1812 Farnsworth, Oliver, pub, Cincinnati directory 1819, also pamphlets, mostly political. 12°. Cincinnati, 1819 Farmer, J. <£ Moore. J. B., eds. Col. lections of historical and miscel- laneous. New Hampshire. 2 vols. 8°. Concord 1823 Fernow, B. comp. Documents relating to the history of colonial settle- ments of Long Island. 8°. Albany. 1883 Field Columbian Museum. Annual report of directors to board of trustees. 1899-1900. 8°. Paper Fish, Daniel, comp. Lincoln literature. (Lincoln bibliography.) Minne- apolis Pub. Library, pubs. Paper. 4° 1900 Fisher Richard S., M. D. comp. Col- ton's traveler and tourists guide- book of N. Y. J. H. Colton & Co. pubs. 16°, N. Y 1857 Fiske, John. The Mississippi Valley in the Civil War. 12°. Boston 1900 Flack, Oapt. The Castaways of the Prairie. 16°. London, n. d Flinn, John J., comp. Hand-book of World's Columbian Exposition Chicago, 16°. 1893 Chicago Flower, Frank A. History of the Re- publican party. Union Pub. Co. pubs. 8°. Springfield 1884 Fortier, Alc£e, Comp. and ed. Louisi- ana folk; tales and memoirs of. American Folk-lore Society, vol. 2. Houghton. Mifliin & Co., pubs., 1895. 8°. N. Y 1895 Freeman, Wm. H. The Press Club of Chicago. A history. The Press Club, pubs. 4°. Chicago 1894 Gallaher, Rev. James. The Western sketchbook. 12°. Boston 1850 Game Commissioners of Illinois. First annual report of, July 1. 1900. State printer pub. 8°. Spring- field 1900 — - First annual report of, July 1, 1900 (corrected): pam. 8°. State printer. Springfield 1900 Gammell, Wm., A. M. History of American Baptist Missions in Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. 12°. Boston 1849 Garratt, J. E. & Co., (reprinted by.) The four kings of Canada. Lon- don, 1710; reprinted, 1891. 12°. Paper Grand Army of the Republic. — Department of Ills. Journal of the 34th National encampment G. A. R. Chicago, Aug. 1901. Nation- al G. A. R. pub. 8°. Paper. Phila 1901 — - Report of officers and chairman of the 34th national encampment G. A. R.. Chicago, Aug. 26 to 30. 1900. The Committee pub. 8°. paper. Chicago 1901 Gassette, Norman T., comp. History of Appollo Commandery No. 1 Knights Templar, Chicago. Tiff- any & Co., pub. 8°. Chicago. . . . 1884 German American Historical Society of Illinois, pub. Deutsch Ameri- kanische geschichts blatter, vol. 1, No. 2, April, 1901. 8°. Chicago 1901 Gibson, John, pub. Gibson's Guide & directory of the State of La. and city of New Orleans. 12°. New Orleans 1838 Giger, H. Douglas, comp. The story of the Sangamon Co. court house. 1821, 1861, 1901. Paper. 8°. Spring- field ... 1901 Glazier, Capt. Willard. Three years in the Federal Cavalry. 12°. N. Y 1873 GLENN. 355 HINMAN. Glenn. Thomas Allen. Some colonial mansions and those who lived in them. 2 vols. 1st and ; 2nd series. 8°. Phila 1899 Goodspeed Pub. Co., pubs. Industrial Chicago, vol. 6. The Bench and Bar of Chicago. 4°. Chicagco.. 1896 Gore, Adj. Gen. Jas. K., co*np. Rec- ord Indiana Volunteers in the Spanish-American war. 8°. In- dianapolis, State Printer 1900 Grand Commandery Knight Templars of Ills. Proceedings 44th annual Conclave, Oct. 1900. The Com- mandery, pubs. 8°. Chicago.... 1900 Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ills. Proceedings 51st annual convoca- tion, Oct. 1900, Chicago. Paper. The Chapter, ptibs. 8°. Chicago 1900 Griffin. Martin I. J., ed. American Catholic Historical Researches Oct. 1900. July 1901. Phila Haliburton. S. C. The letter bag of the Great Western. 12°. Phila.. 1840 Hall, James. The wilderness and the warpath. 12°. N. Y 1846 Harland. Marion. Some colonial homesteads and their stories. i2° n. y ^ 897 Harris, Wm. Tell. Remarks made during a tour through the U. S.. 1818-1819. 16°. London 1821 Hartley. Cecil B. Life and times of Col. Daniel Boone. 12°. N. Y. 1860 Haskell, Chas. C. & Sons, pubs. The American-Spanish war. A his- tory by war leaders. 8°. Nor- wich, Conn 1899 Headley. P. C The two Americas. 4°. N . y 1881 Hennepin. Father Louis. Edition printed in old Dutch. Received from Ills. State Library, Oct. 29, 1900. Amsterdam i688 — Edition printed in French. Vos- kuyl. Received from Ills. State Library. Oct. 29, 1900. Autrecht. 1698 — Edition printed in Autrecht. 1697. Van Soweran. Received from Ills. State Library, Oct. 29. 1900 Hilderbrand. Hans. Antiquarisk Tidskrift for Suerige. Vol. 16, No. 4. Stockholm. 1897 Hinman. A. M.. comp. Letters from the English Kings and Queens. Charles Second, James Second. William and Mary. Anne, George Second, to the governors of the colony of Connecticut, with the answers thereto. 1635-1749. 12°. Hartford 1836 Historical Department of Iowa. Jan.. 1899. 3d series. Vol. 3, No. 8. 8°. Des Moines 1899 — Annals of Iowa Quarterly. 3d series. Vol. 4. No. 8, Jan.. 1901. 8°. Paper. Des Moines ... 1901 — Annals of Iowa. 3d series. Vol. 5, No. 1, April. 1901. Paper. 8° Historical Society of Montana. Con- tributions to the Historical Soci- ety of Montana. Vol. 2. State Printer. 8°. Helena 1896 Hodgson, Joseph. The Cradle of the Confederacy. 8°. Mobile 1876 Howe. S. Fred & Co.. pubs. Chicago commerce, manufactures, bank- ing, etc. 8 C . Chicago 1884 Howland, Edward, A. M. Annals of North America. 1492-1877. 8°. Hartford 1877 Hudson, Frederic. Journalism in the U- S. from 1690 to 1872. 8°. N . Y 1873 Hudson, Mary W. Esther the Gentile. 8°. Topeka 1888 Humfreville. J. Lee. Twenty years among our savage Indians. 8°. Hartford 1897 Humphrey, Geo. P., pub. Observations on climate, soil, etc., in travels from Pennsylvania to Canada, of J. Bartram, etc. Reprint of London edition of 1751. No. 77 of Humphrey reprint, 8°. Geneva, N. Y. G. P. Humphrey, 1895 Illinois Asylum for Incurable Insane. Third biennial report of trustees. July 1. 1900. Springfield, State printer, 1901. 8°. Paper Illinois Asylum for Insane Criminals at Chester, 111. Fifth biennial re- port of trustees and officers, July 1, 1900. Springfield. State printers, 8°. Pam Illinois Central Hospital for the In- sane, at Jacksonville. 27th bien- nial report of trustees and of- ficials, July l, 1900 Springfield. State printer. 1900. 8°. Paper ILLINOIS. 356 ILLINOIS. Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear In- firmary, at Chicago. 22d bien- nial report of trustees and offi- cers. July 1, 1900. Springfield, State printers, 1900. 8°. Pam.... Illinois Eastern Hospital for the In- sane, at Kankakee. 11th biennial report of the trustees, July t, 1900. Springfield, State printers, 1901. 8°. Pam Illinois Farmers' Institute. Annual report of. with reports of county farmers' institutes for 1900. Springfield, State printer, 1900; 8° Illinois Institution for Deaf and Dumb, at Jacksonville. 30th bi- ennial report of trustees and offi- cers. July 1, 1900. Springfield, State printers, 1900. 8°. Pam Illinois Institution for the Education of the Blind, Jacksonville. 26th bien. report of trustees and offi- cers. Springfield State printer 1900. »° Illinois Northern Hospital for the In- sane. Elgin. 16th biennial report, trustees, 190C. 8°. Springfield.. 1901 Illinois— Northern Illinois State Nor- mal School, DeKalb. Bienniel report trustees, 1900. 8°. Spring- field 1900 Illinois Soldiers' Orphans' Home, at Normal. 16th biennial report July 1, 1900. Paper. 8°. Springfield State printer 1900 Illinois Soldiers' snd Sailors' Home at Quincy. 8th biennial report trustees and officers, June 30, 1900. 8° Illinois Soldiers' Widows' Home at Wilmington. 2nd biennial report trustees. 1900. 8°. Springfield... 1900 Illinois Southern Illinois Normal Uni- versity at Carbondale. 14th bien- nial report trustees, 1900. 8°. Springfield 1900 Illinois State Bar Association pro- ceedings of 24th annual meeting July, 1900. Paper. 12° 1900 Illinois State Board of Agriculture. Crop reports 1880-1888-1898-1899. (4 bound vols.) and circs, of June and Dec. 1892; June and Dec. 1893; Dec, 1894: May, June, Aug. and Dec, 1896; May, June and Aug 1900 Illinois State Board of Agriculture. Statistical report May 1st, 1900. Paper. Springfield State print . . 1900 Illinois State Board of Arbitration. 5th annual report. 8°. Spring- field 1900 Illinois State Board of Examiners of Architects, biennial report of. Dec 1900. 8°. Cloth. Spring- field State print 1900 Illinois State Board of Equalization. Proceedings of the sessions of 1900. 8°. Springfield 1901 Illinois State Board of Pharmacy. 18th annual report. 8°. Spring- field 1900 Illinois State Commissioners Public Charities. 16th biennial report of. Oct. 1,1900. State Printers. 8°. Springfield 1900 — Special report to Governor in rela- tion to proposed home for epilep- tics, dated Dec. 5, 1900. State Printers. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1900 — Proceedings Ills. Conference of Charities. 5th annual session, Champaign, Nov. 14-15, 1900. State PriDters. Paper. 8°. Spring- field 1900 Illinois State General Assembly. Laws of the State of Ills, passed by 42d Gen. Assembly. State Printers. 8°. Springfield 1901 Illinois State Fish Commissioners. Report of, Oct. 1, 1898, to Sept. 30, 1900. 8°. Springfield 1901 Illinois State Food Commissioner. 1st annual report, 1899-1900. 8°. Springfield 1900 Illinois State Historical Library. Pub. No. 4. Transactions Ills. State Hist. Soc. 1900. 8°. Spring- field 1900 Illinois State Penitentiary, Joliet. 2nd biennial report of. Oct. 1, 1900. 8°. Springfield 1901 Illinois State Reformatory. Biennial report Board of Managers, 1898- 1900. Cloth. 8°. Reformatory Print. Pontiac 1900 Illinois State Supt. Pub. Instruction. Memorial Day, 1901. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1901 Illinois State Treasurer. Biennial re- port, Sept. 30. 1900. 8°. Spring- field 1900 ILLINOIS. 357 McLEAN. Illinois Western Hospital for the In- sane. Watertown. 2nd biennial report of Trustees and Officers. July 1.1900. Paper. fe°. Spring- field 1900 Inter-Ocean. Chicago, pubs. History of Chicago. 4°. Chicago 1900 Iowa, Historical Department of. An- nals of Iowa, Oct.. 1900, 3rd series. Vol. 3, No. 7. 8. 1899. Vol. 4, 1901. Hist. Dept. Iowa. Paper. 8°. Des Moines 1900 Iowa State Librarian. Biennial re- port to Governor, July 1. 1899. State Printer. Pam. 8°. Des Moines 1900 Jameson, J. Franklin, ed. The Ameri- can Historical Review, Jan. 1901, Vol. 6, No. 2. Vol. 6, No. 3. April. 1901. McMillan & Co.. pubs. 4°. Paper. N. Y 1901 James. John Henry, trans. Ohio in 1788. Smyth, pub. Paper. 8°. Co- lumbus 1888 Jones. George. Tecumseh; the proph- et of the West. 8°. London J844 Kansas State Hist. Society. Transac- tions of, J897-1900, vol. 6; edited by Geo. W. Martin, sec'y. 8°. State printer, Topeka Kett, H. F. & Co., pubs. The voters " and tax payers of Bureau county. Ills. 8°. cloth. Chicago 1877 Kings County Genealogical Club, pub. Collection of; vol. 1. Nos. 1 to 6. 1882-1894. 8°. Paper. N. Y 1894 Kinnear. J. R. History of the 86th Reg't Ills. Vol: Inf. Chicago Tribune Co. pubs. 12°. Chicago. 1866 Kirke, Henry. M. A. First English conquest of Canada. 8°. London. 1871 Kinzie, Mrs. John H. Wau-Bun. the ' 'early day" in the Northwest. S°. Chicago 1855 Kirkland, Mrs. C. M. Western clear- ings. 12°. N. Y 1846 — - Autumn hours and fireside read- ings. 8°. N. Y 1854 Knapp. Geo. & Co., Printers. Journal and proceedings of the Missouri State Convention. March. 1861, 8°. St. Louis 1861 Lake Mohonk Conference on Interna- tional Arbitration; 6th annual, 1900. Paper. The Conference, pubs. 8° 1900 Lampkins, Mrs. M. G. comp. Abstract of bankruptcy petitions U. S. Northern Dist. of Ills. 1867-1878. 8°. Chicago 1878 Leaton. Eev. James, D. D. History of of Methodism in Illinois from 1793 to 1832. 12°. Cincinnati 1883 Leland, Chas. G. The Algonquin leg- ends of New England. 12°. Lon- don 1884 Little, E. P. pubs. The Berkshire Jubilee, Pittsfield, Mass.. Aug. 1814. 8°. Pittsfield 1845 Long. Hon. John D., ed. The Republi- can Party. Its history, principles and policies. 8°. N. Y 1888 Lundv, B., pub. Life of Elisha Tyson the philanthropist. 12°. Balti- more 1825 Macdonald, James. Food from the far West. Cloth. 12°. N. Y .... 1878 MacLean. J. P. Historical account of the settlement of Scotch High- landers in America prior to the Peace of 1783. 8°. Cleveland.... 1900 Mansfield. Edward D. LL. D. Memoirs of the life and services of Daniel Drake. M. D., 12°. Cincinnati 1855 — Personal memoirs, social and liter- ary. Robert Clark & Co., pubs. 12°. Cincinnati 1879 Marryat, Capt. C. B. A diary in America. 3 vols. 12°. London... 1870 Marshall, John A. The American Bastile. 2d edition. 8°. Phila.... 1870 Masonic Veteran Assc. of Ills. 15th annual report. Paper. 8°. Chicago 1900 Massachusetts. The Seventy-six Soc. pubs. Papers relating to public events in Mass. preceding the Revolution 8°. Phila 1856 Massachusetts, State of, pubs. Brad- ford's History of Plimoth Planta- tion, from original Ms. 8°. Bos- ton: State Printers 1899 McClcre, A. K. Our Presidents and how we make them. 12°. N. Y.. 1900 McCulloch, Hon. David. Old Peoria. (In Peoria) Herald-Transcript, Feb. 3, 1901. Newspaper clipping McLean, J. P. Western Reserve Hist. Soc, ptibs. Historical Society Tract No. 9, in Vol. 4 McLEAN. 358 NEW YORK. McLean, J. P. The Archaeological col- lection of the Western Reserve. Hist. Soc. 8°. Cleveland 1901 McManus, Blanche. How the Dutch came to Manhattan. 12°. N. Y.. 1897 Medill, Jos. & Sheahan. J. W. Illi- nois. Paper. 16°. N. Y 1880 Merchants' Loan & Trust Co., Chi- cago, pubs. The advancement of Chicago as a financial center up to the close of the 19th century. Chicago; Merchants' Loan & Trust Co., pubs. 12°. Chicago. n. d Middleton, Rev. Thos. C. Some notes on the bibliography of the Philip- pines. Pbila. Free Library, pubs. 1900. Pam. 8° Miles. H.R., L.L. I).,D. C. L. The History of Canada under tbe French Regime. 8°. Montreal.. 1881 Mitchell. S. Augustus, jr., pub. Mitchell's new general. Atlas bound with Campbell's new atlas of the State of Ills. Folio. Phila.. 1870 Mikkelsen, Michael A. The Bishop Hill Colony. John's-H o p ki ns University studies in Politics and Historical Science. 8°. Balti- more: The University. Montana Historical society contribu- tions. Vol. 3. Montana, Hist. Soc, 1900. 8°. Helena 1900 Montana School for Deaf and Blind. Historical sketch of. By Prof. E. S. Tillinghast and Prof. T. S. McAloney. 1900. 16°. Helena... 1900 Montana, State of, pub. State Audi- tor, annual reports 1899-1900. State Printers. Paper. 8°. Helena 1901 Montana (State of), pubs. Annual re port Supt, State Orphans' Home, Nov. 30, 1900. State print. Paper. 8°. Helena 1901 Montelius, Oscar, ed. Das Museum Vaterlanischer Alterthumer in Stockholm. Pam. 8°. Vols. 13-16 inc. 10 nos. pams. Stockholm... 1897 Montigny, M. M. de. Relation du Mis- sissippi du Seminaire de Quebec en 1700. J. G. Shea, ed. 8°. N. Y 1861 Moore, Charles. The Northwest un- der three flags. 8°. N. Y 1900' Morgan, Richard Price. The decline of the commerce of the port of New York. University of Ills. Studies. ChamDaign, University, Ills. press, 1901, Paper. 8° Morse, Jedidiah, D.D. Annals of the American Revolution. 8°. Hart- ford 1824 Morpeth, Lord (Earle of Carlise). Travels in America. 12°. N. Y.. 1851 Munsells, (Joel) Sons, pub. American Ancestry. 1889-1898, inc. Vols, 4 toll, iuc, 8°. Albany 1889-'98 Murphy. John & Co., printers. Jour- nal of a young lady of Virginia. 1782. 8°. Baltimore 1871 Murray, Hon. Chas. Augustus. The Prairie Bird. 3 vols. 12°. Lon- don 1844 Newberry Library, Chicago. Report trustees for the year 1900. 8°. Chicago 1901. Pam New England Historical and Genea- logical Soc. The New England Bibliopolist, vol. II, No. 3, July. 1900. Pam New Hampshire. Bouton, Nathaniel. History of Concord, 1725-1855. 8°. Concord 1856- New Jersey Historical Soc. Nelson, Win., ed. Archives of New Jersey. Documents relating to colonial history. Vol. 21. The Society, pubs., 1899. 8°. Pater- son, N. J New York Adjutant General of. comp. New York in the Spanish-Ameri- can war. State printer, 3 vols. 4°. Albany 1900' New Yorx Commissioners for monu- ments at battlefields of Gettys- burg and Chattanooga. Final re- port. 4°. Albany 1900- New York State Historical Ass'n. Constitution and by-laws. Pro- ceedings 2d annual meeting N. Y. Historical Ass'n, 1901 NEW YORK. 359 PIERCE. New York State Historian, comp. Pub- lic papers of George Clinton— first governor of New York, 1777-1795, 1801-1804. Vols. 2 and 3. Appen- dix n to 3d annual report. Vol. 4. 8°. Albany 1900 State Historian, Albany, N. Y., State printers, 1900 New York City Public Library. Month- ly bulletins of. Vol. 4, No. 10. to vol. 5,No,5. May, 1901. Paper New York State Library. 82d annual report. 1899. 8°. Albany 1901 — - State Library Bulletin. History No. 4, May. 1900. Slavery in New York. By A. Judd Northup, £..4., H. A . The University pubs. Paper. 8°. Albany 1900 • — Bulletin 54, Dec, 1900, Legislation 13. 11th annual comparison and index. Legislation by states in 1900. University of New York. pubs. Para. 1vol. 8°. Albany. 1900 — Bulletin 53. Dec, 1900. Bibliography 23. Reference list of Connecticut local history. Flagg. University of N. Y. pubs. Pam. 8°. Albany.. 1900 — Bulletin 56. Feb., 1901. Bib. 24. Bib- liography of N. Y. Colonial his- tory. N. Y. State University. pu bs. Paper. 1vol. 8°. Albany. 1901 — Bulletin. 55, Jan., 1901 Lib. School 8. 14th annual report N. Y. State Library School, 1900. University of N. Y. pubs. Pam. 1 vol. 8°. Albany 1901 — Bulletin 52, Jan.. 1901. Bibliography 22. Bibliography of Domestic Economy. R. K. Shaw, comp. University of N. Y. pubs. Pam. 8°. Albany.... 1901 — Bulletin No. 59. China and the far East 1901 — Bulletin No. 61. Taxation of Cor- porations 1901 New York. State University of. Col- lege Department. 2d annual re- port, 1899. Vol. 1. The Univer- sity, pubs. Paper. 8°. Albany 1900 — - 3d annual report, Jan., 1901. 8°. Albany 1901 — - Home Education Bulletin No. 31, May, 1900. Public libraries and popular education, by Herbert B. Adams. Ph. D., L.L.D. The Uni- versity, pubs, Paper. 8°. Albany. 1900 — - Regent's report, 114th annual, 1900. 8°. Albany 1901 Niles. H. ed., later Wm. O. Niles. The Weekly Register, 1811. 1st series to. 5th series 1837. 50 vols. Bal- timore Northern Hospital for the Insane, at Elgin. 16th biennial report of trustees and officers. State Print- ers. Paper. 8°. Springfield.... 1900 Northern Ills. State Normal School, at DeKalb. Biennial report of trustees, Dec. 1. 1900. State print. Pam. 8°. Springfield 1901 Ohio Arch and Hist. Quarterly. Vol. 9. Nos. 1, 2, 3. 4. 1900 1901. 8°. Columbus — State University. 30th annual re- port. Board of Trustees. Uni- versity Bulletin, Series 5. No. 1. Columbus; The University, pubs., 1900. Paper. 8° Oldroyd, O. H., comp. Words of Lin- coln. 12°. Washington 1895 Old South Work. Directors of. Old South Leaflets. Vol. 4. 12°. Bos- ton, n. d Oneida Historical Society. The Wag- ner Memorial. 1722-1881. Pam. 8°. Utica 1881 — The Paris Memorial, 1790-1880. Utica, N. Y.; The Society, pubs. n. d Ontario Historical Society. Papers and records. Vol. 3. 8°. Toronto; The Society, pubs. 1901. Paper Parker, C. M., editor. School News, May, 1900. to M*y, 1901, inc. Peri- odical. Taylorville, Ills Peet. Rev. Stephen. History of Pres- byterian and Congregational churches and ministers in Wis- consin. 16°. Milwaukee 1851 Pelletread, Wm. S., A. M. Early wills of Westchester Co.. N. Y., 1664-1784. 8°. N. Y 1898 Phillips, Ron. I. N. John Marshall. Address before Chicago Kent College of Law. 1900. 12°. Paper Pierce, Edward L., comp. Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner. 2 vols. 8°. London. 1893 Pierce, Frederick Clifton. Field gene- alogy; beiug the record of the Field family whose ancestors were in this country prior to 1700. 2 vols. 4°. Chicago 1900 PIONEER. 360 ROGERS. Pioneer Ass'n. Marietta, Ohio. pubs. Ninety-fifth anniversary of the settlement of Ohio at Marietta. 8°. Marietta 1883 Pirtle, Capt. Alfred. The Battle of Tippecanoe. Filson Club, pubs. No. 15. 4°. Louisville 1900 Powell, Col. Wm. H., comp. List of officers of the army of the U. S., 1779-1900. Hamersley & Co., pubs. 8°. N.Y 1900 Pratt, Mara L., M. D. Stories of Illi- nois. Boston Educational Pub. Co. 12°. Boston 1900 Pulsky Francis and Theresa. White, red, black. Sketches of American society. 2 vols. 12°.' N. Y 1853 Putnam, John. Description of Ban- vard's Panorama of the Missis- sippi river. John Putnam, prin- ter. 8° Boston 1847 Railroad and Warehouse Commis- sioners of Illinois. 30th annual report. State Print, 1900. 8°. Springfield Ralph, Julian. On Canada's frontier. 12°.' N.Y 1892 — Our great West. 8°, N.Y 1893. Ramsey, David. M. D. History of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 8°. Lexington. Ky 1815 Raumer, Frederick von. America and the American people. 8°. N.Y.. 1846 Reynolds, Elder John. The myth of the manuscript found. 12°. Salt Lake 1883 Reynolds, Wm., D. D.. ed. Acrelius, Israel, author. History of New Sweden, or the settlements on the river Delaware. Pa. Hist. So- ciety, pubs. 8°. Phila 1874 Ridlle, Albert Gallatin. Recollections of war times, 1860-1865. 8°. N. Y. . 1895 Roberts, J as. A., comp. New York in the Revolution, as colony and state. 2d ed. 4°. Albany 1898 Robinson. G„ printer. Epistles, do- mestic, confidential and official from George Washington. 12°. N. Y 1796 Rogers, Rev. Euclid B.. ed. The Springfield Baptist, 1892-1900. Springfield Cen. Bap. Church 1892- 1990 Rose, Jas. A , comp. Official vote of the State of Ills, general election Nov. 6, 1900. State Printer. 8°. Pam. Springfield 1900 Ross, Harvy Lee. The early pioneers and pioneer events of Ills. 12°. Chicago 1899- Royal Academy, Stockholm, Sweden. See Sweden Royal Arch, Masons. Grand Chapter of Ills. Souvenir of the semi- centennial of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ills. The Grand Chapter, pubs. 8°. Chicago.... 1900 Royal Select Master Masons of Ills. Proceedings of Grand Council of Ills., 1900. 8°. Paper. Peoria.... 1900 Royse, Isaac H. C. History of the 115th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. 8°. Terre Haute 1900 Rupp, Prof. I. Daniel. A collection of 30,000 names of emigrants to Pa. 1727-1776. 12°. Phila 1876 Sabin, Joseph. Bibliographical de- scription of the works of Henne- pin. Paper. 16°. N.Y 1876 Sartain. engraver. Portrait of Abra- ham Lincoln in gilt frame. Sar- tain. Phila 1863 Another engraving by same en- graver, unframed. Seventh Regt. 111. Vol. Inf. survivors, Associaiion of. Proceedings of reunions 1898. 1899. 1900. 8°. Springfield. 1900, 1901. 2 Pams Scott, Henry W. Distinguished Amer- ican lawyers 8°. N. Y 1891 Scripps, John Locke. The first pub- lished life of Lincoln. (Reprint.) by Grace L. S. Dyche, No. 143 of this edition. 4°. Detroit, Cran- brook Press, 1900 Seventy-third Regt. 111. Inf. Vols. Minutes of proceedings of 14th annual reunion of survivors of. Sept. 27, 1900. Pam. 8°. Spring- field Shaler, N. S. Kentucky, a pioneer commonwealth. 12°. N.Y 1886 SHEA. 361 TANNER. Shea, John G. Catholic missions among Indian tribes of U. S. 12°. N. Y 1857 Sifton. Hon. Clifford, comp. Descrip- tive atlas of western Canada. Ottawa. Minister Interior, pub. 1900. 4°. Paper. 1 vol — Canadian atlas for use in schools. Ottawa. Minister Interior, pub. 1900. 12°. lvol Silliman. Benj. Remarks made on a short tour between Hartford and Quebec, 1819. 12°. N. Y 1856 Simms, W. Gilmore. Beauchamp; or. the Kentucky tragedy. 12°. New Haven 1820 Simpkins & Marshall, pubs. The U. S. of North America as they are. 8°. N. Y 1828 Smkt. See De Smet. — Joseph. The Book of Doctrine and Covenants of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 16°. Liverpool. Orson Pratt, pub., 1854 Smith, Joseph, Jr., trans. The Book of Mormon (Reprinted from 3d American edition). 16°. Lamoni, Iowa, Churcn, J. C. L. D. S-, pubs. 1874 Soldiers' Widows' Home at Wilming- ton. 2d biennial report of trustees and officers, July 1. 1900. State Print. 8°. Springfield 1900 Southern Illinois State Normal Uni- versity. 14th biennial report of board of trustees. Dec. 1. 1900; Pam. 8°. Springfield 1900 South Park Commissioners of Cook county. Annual report of, Dec. 1, 1899 to Dec. 1, 1900, to the Board of County Commissioners of Cook county. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1900 Spalding, M. J., D. D. Sketches of the early Catholic Missions of Ky. 1787-1826. 12°. Louisville. Date of preface, 1844 Spalding, W. W. Copies of Duluth. Minn., Herald. Jan. 1901, contain- ing reminiscences of W.W.Spald- ing. Duluth Weekly Herald 1901 Springfield Baptist Association. Min- utes cf 63rd anniversary at Ston- ington. Ills., Sept. 5 and 6, 1900. Paper. 8°. Springfield 1900 —24 H. L. State Board of Arbitration of Illinois. 5th annual report of, March 1. 1900, State Print, 8°. Springfifleld... 1900 Board of Pharmacy of Illinois. 18th annual report. State print. 8°. Springfield 1900 Executive Committee llls.Y.M.C.A. Twenty years— 1880-1900. Sketch of the work of the Ills. Y. M. C.A. 12 c 1901 — Food Commissioners of Ills. First annual report of. 1899-1900. Al fred H. Jones, commsr. State Print, 8°. Springfield 1900 — Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion Ills. 23d biennial report (ad- vance sheets) 1898-190C. State Print. 8°. Springfield 1900 — - Arbor Day circular, April 26. 1901. Springfield; State Print. 1901. Pam. 8° Steele. Geo. R.,Sec. Local Com. G. A. R. National Memorial Hall at De- catur. 111.. April, 1891. The Com- mittee, pubs., 1891, Paper. 8° Stewart, A. J. D., ed. History of the Bench and Bar of Missouri. The Legal Pub. Co.. pubs. 4°. St. Louis 1898 St. Louis Mercantile Library. 55th an- nual report. St. Louis Mercan- tile Library Assc, 1900. 8°. St. Louis 1901 Stryker. Wm. S.. comp. Official reg- ister of officers and men of N. J. in Revolutionary War. 8°. Tren- ton 1872 Sumner, Charles. Memoir and letters of. Compiled and edited by Ed- ward L. Pierce. 2 vols. 8°. Lon- don 1893 Survivors 73d Inf. Vols. Minutes pro- ceedings 14th annual reunion, Sept. 27, 1900. 8°. Springfield; 1900. Pam Tanner. Gov. John R. National and State issues. Speech in campaign of 1900. Pam. 8°. Chicago 1900 — Thanksgiving proclamation; State of Illinois, 1900. Springfield. Pa- per. 4° 1900 — Biennial message to the 42d Gener- al Assembly. 8°, Springfield, State Print. 1900 THATCHER. 362 Thatcher, Capt. Marshall P. A hun- dred battles in the West. 1861-'65. 8°. Detroit 1884 Thayer, Rev. E. W. Sequel to the "Bloody sacrifice." 8°. Spring- field, n. d. Pam Thwaites. Reuben G. Afloat on the Ohio. 12°. Chicago 1897 — ed. Jesuit relations and allied doc- uments. Vol. 71. 8°. Cleveland: Burrows Bros., 1901 — Biographical sketch of Lyman C. Draper. 8°. Madison 1887 Twain. Mark (Mark Twain.) Life on the Mississippi. 8°. Boston 1883 U. S. Gov't. Pubs. History of the U. S. Capitol. By Glenn Brown. Vol. 1. The Old Capitol. Folio. Wash- ington 1900 — Harper's Ferry Invasion. Senate 36th Cong., 1st session. Report Com. No. 278. 8°. Washington. U. S. Govt. Pubs. n. d University of Ills. Pubs. The Univer- sity of Ills. Catalogue. 1900-1901. 8°. Urbana. The University, pubs 1901 University of Wisconsin. Bulletin No. 46, April, 1901. Gen. series No. 7, part 4. School of History. 8°. Madison 1901 Vandawalker, D. M. & Co.. pubs. World's Columbian Exposition and guide to Chicago and St. Louis. 8°. St. Louis 1893 Vanderslioe, John M. Gettysburg, then and now. 12°. N. Y 1899 Von Raumer, Frederick. America and the American people. 8°. N. Y.. 1846 Walker, Jas. B. Pioneer life in the West. 12°. Chicago 1881 Warvelle, Geo. W., comp. and ed. A compendium of free masonry in Illinois. 4°. Chicago, 1897. 2 vols — LL. I). A sketch of capitular masonry in Illinois. 8°. Chi- cago 1900 Washington State Historical Society. The, Washington Historian, Vol. 2, No. 1, Oct. 1900. Vol. 2, No. 2. Jan, 1901. Tacoma. The Society, pubs. 1900-1901. 8°. Paper Weems. M. L. Life of George Wash- ington. 12°. Phila. 1817. Mathew Carey, pub Welles, Gideon. .Lincoln and Seward, 12°. N. Y 1874 Wells, H. W. Schools and the teach- ers of early Peoria. 12°. Peoria,. 1900 Western Pub. Co., pubs. Holland's Alton City Directory for 1868-1869. 8°. Chicago 1868 Western Reserve Historical Society, pubs. The archaeological collec- tion of the Western Reserve. Cleveland. The Society, pubs. 1901. 8°. Paper West Virginia Hist, and Ant. Society, pubs. The W. Va. Historical Quarterly, Vol. 1. No. 1. Jan. 1901. Charleston. The Society, pubs. 1901. 12°. Paper Whittlesey, Chas. Fugitive essays, relating to the early history of Ohio. 12°. Hudson. 1852 Wilson, James Grant, editor. Memo- rial history of the city of New York, from first settlement to 1892. 4 vols. 4°. N. Y 1892 Wilson, Joseph T. The Black Pha- lanx. A history of the negro sol- diers of the U. S. 8°. Hartford.. 1888- Wilson & St. Clair, pubs. Biographi- cal sketches of the leading men of Chicago. 8°. Chicago 1868 Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical history of America. 8°. Boston. (Copyright) 1889. 8vols State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Collections of the State Hist, Soc. of Wis. Vol.15. 8°. Madison. State Printer. 1900 Wisconsin, University of. Bulletin No. 35, April, 1900. General series No. 3, Pt. 9. Catalogue of the Univer- sity, 1899-1900. 12°. Madison. Uni- versity Wis. pubs. 1900 — Bulletin No. 35. General series No. 3. Pt. II, March, 1900. School of Commerce. 12°. Madison. Univer- sity Wis., pubs., 1900. Paper Wood, David W. History of the Repub- lican Party; Illinois Volume. 4°. Chicago 1895 Wortley, Lady Emmeline S. Travels in the U. S.. 1849 and 1850. 3 vols. 12°. London 1851 Wright, Fanny. Views of society and manners in America, 1818, 1819 and 1820. 8°. N.Y 1821 Young, Rev. Jacob. Autobiography of a pioneer. 12°. N.Y 1881 363 ERRATA. Page 242.— Palmer, John M. for 17th Governor of Illinois, read 15th Governor of Illinois. Note.— The printer was unable to procure the type for accenting French vowels where capital letters were required. Hence their omission.