iiiirais HfsrniiicAi survey Q. 977. 3393' ♦ I o / 9 Official Book OF THE Fort Armstrong Centennial Celebration 1816 1916 iLiiHiiis mmm mnvi OFFICIAL BOOK OF THE Fort Armstrong Centennial Celebration June 18th-24th, 1916 Rock Island and Moline, Illinois and Davenport, Iowa 1816-1916 Prepared by The Rock Island County Historical Society and The Historical Section of the Davenport Academy of Sciences Rock Island, 111. E. O. Vaile, Jr. 1916 Copyright 1916 E. O. Vaii.e, Jr. Engiav'ings by Photo Art Engraving Co. Rock Island, Illinois Printing and Binding by Fidlar 8c Chambers Davenport, Iowa Copper Axe, covered with cloth Curved-base Stone Pipe Handwork of the JMound Builders Flint Spearhead Ornamental Pot Stone Axe Curved-base Stone Pipe These specimens from local mounds are in the Davenport Academy of Sciences Museum ^.9^7, K i Before the White Man Came liy lulward K. I'liliuiiii JHEN the wliite man "discovered" America, the land was already occupied by a red skinned race now known in a f^eneral way as American Indians. The first whites were pleased to call these people sav- aLjcs, hut in reality thev had a civilization of their own wliicli in four resjions on the two continents had reached a remarkably high standard of culture. These four regions were the AIississip])i and Ohio \'alleys, the home of the so-called Mound lUiilders ; ?iIexico. of the Aztecs: Central America, of the Mayas : and Peru, of the Incas. The region up and down the Mississippi and Rock Rivers within fifty miles of Fort Arm- strong contains hundreds of the earthen mounds built by these early people. Just when they were built is difficult to say ; more than that it was before contact with the whites. I'rom the objects found in these mounds can be gained a good idea of their culture, (jne of the largest collections of these objects is found in the Museum of the Daven])ort Academy of Sciences. The_\- belonged to the stone age, as shown 1)\- their stone axes, flint spear heads and arrow heads, carved pipes, and many other implements and ceremonial objects. They had developed the art of poltery-niaking and also the making of bone and shell articles. They wove clotli and mats. They worked in the native copper by hammering it into form, although they did not understand melting or hardening it. They had developed agri- culture, hunting, and fishing. They were travelers or traders, because in a single mound might Ije found copper from Michi- gan, shells from the (julf of Mexico, mica from Eastern Ten- nessee, and obsidian from the Black Hills. They had a sen,se of the artistic, especirdb; in the use of ornament, and it seems an appreciation of landscape as shown by their selection of high bluff^s with a wide outlook for their groups of mounds. l'rol)abh' a jiart of the same race were tiie Indians who still inhabited the country when settled by the whites. The special tribe of Indians associated with this immediate locality was the "Sacs and h'oxes," or more ]irobably the Sauks and .Meskwakis. The term Reynards or I'oxes was used erroneously by the French. The two tribes were so closely allied as to be regarded as practicalh' one tribe. They belonged to the .\lgonf|uin stock. These Indians had come from the Green Bay region and at the end of the eighteenth century had their large settlement at the junction of the Rock River with the Mississijipi. This was the tribe of Black Hawk, Keokuk, Poweshiek, and many famous chiefs. When finally moved to the Indian Territory and Kan- sas, part of the trilie, chiefly the Meskwakis or Foxes returned to Iowa and now live in Tama Count\-. ■5 — Antoine Le Claire Col. George Davenport To the Pioneers li\ Alice I'iciicIk "Oclciir I'liaiicf^ ;X s\iieral wt- think little i.nriii<;h of the makers of our countiy, the men ami women to whose sacrifices and whose courage we owe our days of luxury. But once in a while our sloth is ])rodded into attention. P'or a little space we remember. Then we recognize something of the innneasurahle debt which we owe to the Pio- neers. A hundred years ago where were our great warehouses and factories, or the mansions and the gardens full of delicate jileasures and beauty which are on every hill? For one moment let us pause to salute the vanished courage and endurance and vision which gave them to us. Let us think of the buiklers of h'ort Armstrong and of the men and women who dared all the perils of the wilderness to raise their log cabins where now are busy streets and marvels of light and transit beyond their dreams of witchcraft. For a moment let us salute the hard hands, the keen eyes, the swift feet, the strong hearts of the past. Do we realize what we owe these strong, inarticulate souls? They did their amazing work unconscious, themselves, how greatly they wrought. In the span of a single century they transformed a wilderness into an empire. Rome had not its power or its wealth. Abraham Lincoln was a type of their sinewy force. He had their l)roaart of our habitual thought. These men often had a rude force of speech : sometimes they rose to heights ; often their appeal was permeated with the noblest and simiilest diction in the W'Orld, that of the Bible. The life of the pioneers was bare and rugged. They had toil, privation, danger. They died unlended in lonely forests: they had no easement of pain in their wounds of battle or am- bush ; there were Init meagre medicaments of herbs for the fevers that came out of the swamp; the ghastly stories of massacre and torture which were told at every fireside any time might have ghastly confirmation. There were few pleasures and those of the rudest. Vet on the whole it may be questioned if their life was not happier than ours. It was a full life. It had the joy of work and accomplishment. It was interesting. If it had not the beauty of art, it had the beauty of nature to sweeten it. And it had all the primitive happiness of family love and conn\'ideship. It hail the throbbing excitement of — 7 — Earlv Moline. about 1840 Showing the Sears' mills, the first factories, and the brush dam. the first dam to be built in the Mississippi River combat with man or nature, and the exultant tln'ill of victory. Probably the Pioneers wasted little time or misery on analyzing their own emotions, and less on uplifting their neighbors. Their imagination and their invention took the practical lane of better cultivation of their fields and better ways of travel. When it did wander into the fields of beginning finance and started banks antl paper money which should pay itself out of future prosperity it went th.e usual rapid pace to misfortune. But this is really a later story. In time men of lineage and education came to Illinois and to Iowa. It will be interesting to lowans to learn that Illinois settlements had a sad reinitation, even so early as the days of Richard Flower, who settled in .-Mbion in the first half of the nineteenth century. A lady of Philadelphia said to him : ''Friend Flower, wilt thou take thy family to that infidel and wicked settlement in Illinois?" Nevertheless Flower, an Fnglish gentleman, did settle in Illinois and prospered and was happy. A score of names will instantly come to us, among the later Pioneers, names still honored on both sides of the great river. Clark, the explorer : Edwards, the first Illinois governor : Dun- can, the far-sighted : Ford, who saved the honor of Illinois. Locally there were the Wells. Spencer, the Case families ; Sears, who developed the local water power: Stephens, Deere, \\'eyer- hauser, and Denkmann, great pioneer manufacturers; Buford, the soldier; \'an Sant. Cable, Alitchell, and many more, and over the river the Davenport, Antoine Le Claire, who kept faith alike with while man and red; the Cooks, Price, \'an Tuyl, Grant, Alitchell, Allen, Burrows, Eldridge, Stibolt, Claus- sen, Alueller, (daspell, merchants, hankers, lawyers, statesmen, farmers, alike staunch and true of heart. Xor should we forget the priests and the ministers of religion, the Iowa band of the Congregationalists, the circuit riders of the Methodists, the first Bishops of Illinois and Iowa, Kemper, Lee, Cosgrove, alike soldiers of God whatever their banner, Father IVla- mourgues, the intrepid Sisters of St. IMary — these are but a few of the makers of the three cities. And behind the leaders are the strong and silent manv who fought without flinching, hostile man and liostile nature : and to whose obscure heroism, resoiuTefulness, and self-sacrifice we owe what we have today, not only a material prosperity but in the fiber of soul which beneath our seeming softness has their iron strain, and shall the need come will enable ns like them to give all we have and all we are to our country. Therefore, we, inheritors of their blood or of their works, irratefulh' and reverentlv salute them. — 9 — Fort Armstrong, about 1S45 From a Daguerreot>'pe The Story of Fort Armstrong By On-ill S. Holt h ) propurly coinprelieiid the liistorv of I'ort Arm- strong and the locality in which it stoo;l, one must go back to the time of the discovery of America to get the sequence of events which had to do with its building. Every maritime nation of the world en- deavored to share in the results of the discovery of the new cotitinent. Spain sought treasure, tribute from the natives, and religious concjuest. France sought commerce and religious converts, while colonists from other countries sought homes and escape from persecution. Spain conquered, robbed, and destroyed the natives ; France preached to them, lived with them, and inter- married with them ; while the colonists, who later became known as Americans, ruthlessly pushed the Indians before them, taking their lands for cidtivation and permanent settle- ment. Following a period of discovery, conquest, colonization, and national rivalry, came a time wdien Mexico, including Texas, the Southwest, ami California, was dominated by Spain ; the thirteen original colonies by England ; and Canada and Louisi- ana by France. The territory included in the Louisiana Pur- chase, of wdiich Iowa was a part, after its savage ownership be- longed first to France and then to Spain. Napoleon compelled its relinquishment to France in 1801, but wdien he proposed to — 11 occupy it the L'nited States objected with the result that the United States acquired it by purchase in 1803. After the war with .Mexico another immense piece of former Spanish territory was accjuired by the United States, which included Texas and California and the intervening territory. liut for these acquisi- tions the L'nited States w-ould have been bounded bv the Mis- sissippi River on the west and we should have had a powerful neighbor with whom to divide honors. Hand in hand religious zeal anrl commercial ambition lead the I'^rench priests and explorers. In the wav of the St. LawTence and the Great Lakes, far into the interior of North .America when it was an unknown wilderness to the rest of the world. In 1(108, twelve years before the landing at Plymouth Rock, Champlain planted the first French colony at Quebec. In 1(134 Jean Nicolet, the French explorer, reached Saulte Ste. .Marie at the outlet of Lake Superior. Eventually French priests and explorers endeavored to connect Canada and Louisi- ana by means of a line of forts and missions. Alarquette and Joliet, priest and explorer, opened the way in 1673. when they made their memorable trip from Mackinac through Green Bay and the Fox River, over the portage, and down the Wisconsin River to its mouth. They arrived at the Mississippi River June 17th and must have passed the island of Rock Island a short time after. This explorer and his com])anion priest con- Fort Armstrong', Davenport, Rock island, and Aiolinc 1844 From a paintinfi by J. C. Wild tinned to the mouth of the Arkansas River, and returnin,;;', passed up the Ilhnois River and entered Lake Michigan at the present site of Chicago. In 1681 the ilhistrious I.a Salle traced tlie Mississippi River to its mouth, and with him oriq'inated the idea of circumventing' tlie colonies of iMigland on the Atlantic shore with a band of French territory, which should enable France to possess the great river valleys of the interior and the better part of the continent. In this ambitious purjiose they sought opportunity for missionary work and couuiiercial ad- vantage rather than colonization. England entertained views similar to those of France as to the destiny of the interior. The King of England decreed that it should be the perpetual home of the natives and forbade his subjects to encroach beyond the territory whose waters flowed into the Atlantic. The colonists, however, looked with covetous eyes on the rich agricultural lands west of the Allegheny Moun- tains, and in spite of the King's command began to seek homes beyond the western frontier. The rival claims of England and France to the interior, brought on a clash between the English colonists and the Canadian-I'rench in which the mother coun- tries, being hereditary enemies, naturally joined. When these conflicts finally ended the claim of France to Canada was ex- tinguished and England succeeded to her claims in the North- west. The conquest of Canada by England failed to settle the controversy over the possession of the interior. The Revolu- tionary War broke out soon after and at its termination the English colonists became a new and independent nation, suc- ceeding to England's original claim to the interior, while Eng- land had succeeded to that of b'rance. The same contest con- tinued with a new alignment of parties. — 13 The l'"rench liad fraternized with the Indians aiul generally were at peace with them. When luigland con(|uere(l New b'rance the h'rench frontier-men remained as F.ritish subjects and England succeeded to some extent to the good will of the Indians toward the l-"rench. The .\mericans, however, being colonists and desiring land possessions, were cordially hated and distrusted by the natives. These facts explain to some ex- tent the attitude of the Indians in the controversy which fol- lowed over the possession of the valle}- of the Mississippi in 1812-1814. It was the pro-British attitude of the Indians that called for the building of I'^ort Armstrong. That the territorv now occupied by Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin is a part of the Ihiited States and not of Canada, is due largely to the enteriirise and militar\' skill of Cicn. George Rogers Clark. Ilis success as the representa- tive of the commonwealth of \'irginia in gaining possession of the Illinois country, put America in a position to maintain the ( ireat Lakes as her northern boundary at the close of the next important military event in our history, the second war with (ireat IJritain, the War of 1812. During Clark's conquest of the Illinois territory, which was coincident with the War of the Revolution, Clark sent a detachment under Col. John Mont- gomery in 1780 to sulidue the Sac and Fox Indians which re- sulted in the burning of the Indian town of Saukenuk. This was a local event of the Revolutionary War. In 1805, following the Louisiana 1 'urcha.se of 1803, Zebulon Pike, after whom Pike's Peak was named, made a tour of ex- ploration through the west in the interest of the government. A part of his mission was to conciliate the Indians ;md win their allegiance from Great l!ritain. .\n interesting incident of Alonument on Campbell's Island Major Zachary Taylor In command ai the Battle of Credit Island his trip was the raisin^- of the first .\nierican flag in this part of America, when he -s-isited the Indian town of Sankenuk, near the mouth of Rock River. Here he found the (\a.g of England flying. He presented the Indians with the .Stars and .Stripes, which they consented to raise : hut th.ey refused to take down their British flag, claiming to desire friendship with hoth countries. In this age of rapid transit and instantaneous communica- tion, it taxes our imagination to realize the conditions existing in the days when the west was the subject of controversy be- tween the L'nited .States and Great Britain. It took bravery an! patriotism of a high order to go hundreds of miles into the Indian infested interior with no means of transportation, except canoes and keel boats, with only Indian trails, and no means of communication betwei.n distant points. Tl-ese conditions ex- isted at the outbreak of the War of uSij, two battles of which were fought near the island of Ivo:k Island in 1S14. Governor William Clark, made famous by the Lewis and Clark Expedition to the Pacific coast and a brotlnr of Gen. George Rogers Clark, kft St. Louis in the spring of 1814 with a military expedition for Prairie du Chien, captured that British out-post, and built the first American fort north of Alton. L'poti Clark's return to St. Louis an expedition was started under the command of Capt. John Campbell to reinforce the garrison left at Prairie du Chien. When the expedition got as far as the mouth of Rock River, it fell in with Indians in considerable numbers, who manifested no hostility, .\fter Campbell had passed on up the river, a messenger from the British com- mander in the north arrived and notified the Indians that it was their duty as British allies to comijly with their promise to pre- vent an\- Americans from ascending the river. Thereupon Black Hawk and his band followed Campbell's boats, and over- took them at an island about five miles above the island of l\(jck Island, which, from this circumstance, has since been known as Canipbell's Island. Finding the boats hampered by the swift cm-rent of the ra]>ids and a high wind, one boat having been driven ashore, the Indians attacked and defeated them, destroy- ing one of Campbell's three boats, killing sixteen men. and wounding others, including the commander, and compelleil their return to St. Louis. U]ion their arrival, another and larger expedition came up the river under command of Major Zachary Ta}lor. who afterwards attained distinction in the Mexican ^^'ar and as President of the United States. The purpose of this expendition, which, consisted of 334 men in nine keel-boats, was to jHinish the Indians for their attack on Campbell's i)art\- and to establish a fort near the Indian village, which should keep the Indians in check, and the line of communication open to points u|) the river. In the meantime the British had re- captured the post at Prairie du Chien and Lieut. c;raham had descended to the island of Rock Island with British soldiers and several cannon, to assist the Indians in blockading the river at that point. When Major Taylor's expedition reached the mouth of Rock Ri\Tr it encountered a wind storm so severe as to make it necessary for him to l;ind. He chose as a landing place a willow island near the Io\v;l shore about two miles be- low the island of Rock Island, and about sixty yards above Credit Island, now known as Suburban Island. Lieut. Gra- ham, of whose presence 31ajor Taylor was ignorant, taking- advantage of the storm and the darkness of the following night, removed his men and canunn across the main channel of the ■15 — rt 5 o o o - ri\cr, tlirou,t;h what is now the husiiK'ss section of Davenport, to an advanta,<;'eous point for an attack at e was a rectangular parallelogram with its four corners presented to the four points of the com- pass. It measured 270 feet on each of its sides. It was pro- tected on the north, east, and south angles by block houses, the east one being the largest. The south one has now been re- stored on its original location as the principal feature of this celebration of its one hundreth anniversary. The block houses were constructed of hewn timbers cut near the site of the fort. They were two stories in height, the upper story being set so that its sides came over the angle of the story below, thus pre- senting fronts in eight directions. Each story was provided with port holes for cannon and muskets, and their hipped roofs were surmounted bv observatories or lookouts. The lines between the north, east, and south block houses were occupied bv barracks and other buildings in shed form with the high point to the outside, so that the sloping roof could be protected from within the enclosure. The spaces between these build- ings and the block houses were closed by stone walls about four feet high which were surmounted by hewn timbers placed one ui)on the other to the height of the barracks buildings. The other two sides of the enclosure were the precipitous shores of the island. The west angle of the enclosure was occupied by the headquarters building, lliis was about 20x30 feet in size, and two stories high, flanked on each end by immense outside stone chinmeys and outside of these were small one-story wings. On the east and west fronts were large porches. The one on the west, two stories high, afforded a beautiful view, with tile liroad Mississippi in the foreground, .\side from the building already described there were others for officers' quart- ers and hospital purposes, also a stone powder magazine about gxi2 feet insiile. It was sunken partly into the ground so that the natural rock\ ledge formed its floor. A stone arched roof covered it. In the center of the enclosure was a tall flag-staff. Tliere were two sally ports opening on to the island to the northeast and southeast. When the soliders arrived, the island was covered bv a heavy growth of timber, but in the vicinity of the fort it was all cleared away for the double pur- pose of procuring material for the buildings and removing shelter that might he used by the Indians in case of an attack. With the troops that came to build the fort was Col. George Davenport in the capacity of sustenance contractor's agent. He built a house on the island which still stands. He became an Indian trader and had his first trading post on the island. In 1824 Russell Farnham arrived on the scene and entered into partnership with Col. Davenport. In 1826 they built a build- ing on the main shore, at the present junction of 29th Street and the C. K. I. & P. R. R. tracks as a trading post. This was the first Iniilding on the main land and later was known as the "House of John Barrel." In it was the first postoffice, hotel, and stage station. Here were held the first court, first election, and the first meeting of the county board. The settlement that sprung up around it came to be known as Farnhamsburg, and was the "metropolis" of the locality until the town of Stephenson came into existence in 1835. This gave place to the city of Rock Island in 1841. Col. Davenport continued to live on the island of Kock Island until his mm-der on July 4, 1845. Col. Davenport's two sons, George L. and Bailey, also passed their lives here and reached prominence as citizens and land owners on both sides of the Mississippi. ■20 — AiitoiiK' Le L'lairc \v:is aiKjthcr of the party that landed in i8t6, and stayed after the fort was ahandoned to become a hitjlily respected and pictnresque member of the community at Davenport. He was of Frencli and Indian blood (Potta- wattamie). He was educated in languages at the expense of the government to serve as official Indian interpreter, in which capacity he was employed at bort Armstrong. His home was in Davenport, which he laid out and named for his friend the Indian trader. A part of the city of Davenport is laid out on a section of land which was reserved by the Indians from the tract conveyed by the treaty of 1832. This section of land the Indians presented to Mrs. ^Vntonie Le Claire, the granddaughter of a .Sac chief, and the wife of their trusted friend. In Col. Davenport's employ was a Frenchman named Antoine Goucpie, who was the first permanent settler in this vicinity. He was a hunter and trapper who was here when die troops arrived, having come down the river from the neighbor- hood of Prairie du Chien. In dress, habits, and appearance he was an Indian, but he w;is of [lure French blood. His wife was a full blooded Fox Indian, fat and good natured, and very popular with the whites. Couque and his family lived on the island on land afterwards included within the military prison enclosure during 1863-65. Fort Armstrong, although no l:)attle ever was fought there, occupied a prominent place during the Indian troubles of 1831 and 1832, and was the refuge of the early settlers from their first arrival in 1828 until the close of the lilack Hawk War. It would retpiire far more space than is here available to write a history of this war. The causes of the Pilack Hawk War were the refusal of lilack Mawk and his band to recognize the vali(lit\' of the treaty of 1804. in which refusal tliey were to some extent justified, and the love for their homes which they and their ancestors had occupied for more than a century and their veneration for the burial place of their dead. To this was adiltd resentment of the impositions by the early white settlers, who in violation of justice and treaty obligations crowded in upon their fields, destroyed their crops, desecrated the graves of their dead, and took possession of their bark houses, while thousands of unoccupied acres of other land lay open for settlement. There were five white settlers within the Indian town of Saukenuk. when there were but two where the city of Rock Island now stands, but one in iMoline, and none in Davenport : all of these settlers being on land previously oc- cupied bv the Indians, and at a time when miles of unoccupied territory surrounded the Indian village in every direction. When in 1831 the Indians resented the encroachments of the whites on their village, and P.lack Hawk resented the demoral- ization of his young men by the sale of whiskey to them by the whites, some friction arose. The white settlers complained to the (Governor of Illinois and the I'nited States authorities, and the Indians were ordered to move across the i\Iississippi, which thev refused to do. Thereupon the Governor of Illinois en- listed 1,600 militia who joined with the I'nited States regulars under Gen. Gaines, from St. Louis, to drive the Indians from their ancient home. The Indians evaded the issue of battle by ([uietlv slipping across the river in the night. Thinking the trouble was over the militia were disbanded and the regulars returned to Jefferson liarracks, but before doing so burned the Indian town. In 1832 I'llack Hawk anil the I'.ritish band, grieving over the 21 — Outline of the Foundation of tlie I'.lock House on the East Angle ot 1-nu The depression in the foreground is plainly to be seen Armstrong, 1916 loss of tliL-ir olrid,L;e, Aloline.- tabin site of Joel Wells, Sr., the lirst settler where Moline is now located. .\t b'irst .\veiuie ,e, aloii;;" the river bank, .Moline. .Site of home of Stei)luns, and his twent\ net'ro sla\'es; the onI\- sl;i\'es held in Rock Is- land ("ounty. At \\'alker .Station in .\ Inline. .Monument on t/ampbell's Island, e(immemor,itin.L; the b.ittle there in July, l1\ of \vbiskc\'. Past of .Main road across Islaml. (jrax'e of I'.Iack Hawk's two children, and site of the caliiu where he fasted and motnned tlieir — 37 — Tuesday June 20th I (katli for two years. Al Uk- extreme west end aiiil hiyliest ])oiiit of Watch Tower bluff. l-'roin same point niav be seen the site of "Rock Island City," a purely western "boom" town of the early days, 1S36. The first water jiower of this vicinity ( \andruff's) and the site of the first permanent water ' power dam across the south channel of Rock River: the remnants of the state canal of 1837; the ^\ll^w Hanks trail: the .Maklen trail: where the Rock River rant;;ers and re^nlars slielled \ an- dniff's Island in 1831 : the location of a prehistoric pottery : the location of the legend of the JM-ench fiddler : the location of the legend of the Indian lovers' spring; the location of Lincoln's camp. All may be seen from the ^^'atch Tower Inn. AFTF.RXOOX (lymnastic Exhiljitiun by the Voun^- Alen's Clu-istian Associations of Davenport. Rock Island, and Moline. ("■rand Entry and Maze Run. I'arallel liars. Massed Dumb Hell Drill. Tumbling. Relay Races. The Cn-cy Zouaves. Elejihant Work. Wall Scaling and I-'inale. EX'EXIXri Electric-iIly Illuminated .Xiglit .S])cclacular Pageant. PROGRESS \n allegorical presentation of historical and industrial e\ents 1)_\- an electrically illuminated pageant on. ten cars. These ])ass in review Ijefore the grandstand on Main .\venue. C \R I. Tin; Elicht 01^ the r.U'!ii .Simi;it Ttr.STnlurAL NOIR There is a cave under the island of Rock Island about 150 feet in depth, the moutii of which is now closed bv the abutment of the Government Bridge which spans the main channel of the Alis- sissipjii River, .\ccording to Indian tradition this cave was inhabited by a white, l>inl-like spirit of immense size. The Indians believed this to be their good, spirit and were wont to worsliip it. ^\ liile it was not often seen b\- them its oceasion;d appearance in tlie spring time pres.aged good — 39 — y Tuesday j^ne 20th I crops ami, intlii.' aiiUimu time, successful Inuits ;uiil an alnuxlaucc of oanic. ^Vith the establish- lueut of the fort immediately over the cave the bin! spirit uever returned, and it was their belief that the presence of the soldiers and their warlike activities caused it to tl\- awax'. With its de- l)arture the tables of their fortune were turned. The harvests grew less plentiful, the qanie be- came scarce, and in a few years their I;ind and tlieir homes were claimed by the whites. This legend is depicted with a great white bird in the foregrciund rising in lliglu. r.eldw and on either sie()iile tlie wialth of his- toric interest of our own immediate vicinity. It was resolved at this meeting that the block house which stood at the south angle of Fort Armstrong should be restored, and that the President of the Historical .Society, S. W. Searle, should ap- point two men from each of the cities of Davenport, Iowa, Mo- line and Rock Island, Illinois, who. with himself as chairman, should prepare plans for a celebration and report back to the Board of Directors within a month. ( )n tliis committee were appointed Edward \-l. Putnam and Harry T-^. Downer, repre- senting the Historical Section of the 1 )a\cn|)ort .\cademy of Sciences ; William A. J.Ieese and Judson D. Metzgar, of Moline, and ( )rrin .S. Holt and John H. Hauberg, of Rock Island. Their report to the P^oard of Directors of the Rock Island County Historical Society, as adopted, contained the following recom- mendations : That a celebration be held the last full week of June, 1916, on Rock Island, if permission could b.? had ; that an organization of one hundred men be effected ; that such proposed organization be incorporated : that one of the block houses be restored ; that a feature be made of soldiers of the U. S. Army and of the National Cniard of Illinois and of Iowa: that an historic pageant be staged ; that speakers of national prominence be secured ; that civic, fraternal, and commercial bodies be invited to participate ; that we have parades, water ca.rnivals, and fire- works, and that a general home-coming for the three cities be held. It was necessary to have permission of the proper Cnited States authorities to erect the block house; to hold the celebration on the Island, and to secure L'nited States troops. (lur communications in this behalf received in turn the endorsements of George W. I'.urr. Lt.-Col. Ordnance Department, Commanding: ^\"illiam Crozier, I'rig.-Gen., Chief of Ordnance. C S. A.: W. M. Wright, .\djutant-General ; E. H. Crowder, Judge Advocate-General: and by order of the Secretary of War, W. C. Piennett, .Adjutant-Gen- eral, and E. P.. Babbitt. Col. Ordnance Department, U. S. A. Permission to build the block house and to stage the celebration on the Island was granted, and it was understood that United States troops in considerable force would be sent if foreign relations [jermitted. ■65- Xow that the way was clear, the committee of one hundred was called to attend a banquet at the Rock Island Club, where, after a number of stirrings addresses, a petition was signed for incorporation, not for pecuniary profit, under the laws of the state of Illinois, and a board of twenty directors elected to take control of the activities of "The Fort Armstrong Centennial As- sociation." Thursday of each week, dating from January lo, 1916. has seen a meeting of this I'.oard, augmented week after week by the addition of members of committees. George D. Benson, of Chicago, was engaged as director-general, and as the plans de- veloped, the organization increased in momentum and in promise of success. The personnel of officers and committees, who gave of their best that this might he the greatest celebration ever attempted by the three cities jointly, is as follows : Alfred C. Alueller Joe R. Lane C. A. Ficke Col. Geo. W. French W. D. Petersen A. F. Dawson P. T. Walsh J. J. Richardson E. "p. Adler Dr. G. E. Decker Henry ^"ollmer W. J.McCullough Paul Lagomarcino H. E. Weeks Oswald Becker Judge \\'m. Theophilus Judge J. \\". Bollinger R. H. Harned N. D. Elv C. X. \'oss COMMITTEE 'AVEXPORT Harry E. Downer Edward K. Putnam Henry Karwarth Fred Lischer \\". T. ^^'aterman William Korn Carl E. Schlegel John F. Dow J. W. Bettendorf J. Clark Hall Geo. M. Bechtel I. C. Norwood C. E. Harrison C. W. Pinneo S. H. Moorhead Capt. W. A. Shirk William Heuer Judge Nathaniel French T. H. Hass Charles Shuler OF ONE HUNDRED Col. Geo. W. Burr Col. Cooper ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL Maj. D. M. King Capt. A. D. Minnick I'hil Mitchell H. S. Cable Prank ]Mixter Morris S. Heagy John G. Huntoon F. K. Rhoads B. D. Connelly Chas. J. Larkin Chas. Esplin H. H. Cleavelanil F. C. Denkmann S. S. Davis C. E. Sharpe David Sears, Sears, 111. W. J. Spencer, .Sears. Ill ROCK ISLAND Geo. H. Richmond E. C. Fisher E. H. Guyer Gustav Andreen J. T. Marron S. W. Searle Orrin S. Holt John H. Hauberg 'w. S. AlcCombs W. J. Sweeney K. T. Anderson W. F. Ammerman H. W. Horst J. L. \'ernon A. A. Buffum, Edgington, 111. Lewis Guldenzopf, Milan, 111. — 66 — MOMNE W 111. Butterwortli G. A. Stephens M. R. Carlson O. F. Anderson A. T. Foster R. S. Hosford A. G. Abraham W. A. ]\Ieese J. D. ;\Ietzgar Mauritz Jolmson Dr. W. E. Taylor Lowrie Bland ing Geo. W. Mixter C. P. Skinner P. S. r^IcGlynn Harrv Ainsworth C. S. Kerns \V. H. Whiteside R. S. Haney AI. J. McEniry J. B. Oakleaf" Geo. W. Ross. East Moline A. Ik Johnson, East Moline Dr. W. R. I'reek, Cordova E. E. Morgan Henry Gripp G. H. Schorbeck R. S. Woodburn Geo. W. McMurphy, Hillsdale J. W. .Simonson, Port I'.yron Dr. \\'. 11. Lvford, Port llvron OFFICERS. i;().\RD OF DIRECTORS, AXD COMMITTEES President — I. L'. Norwood, l^avenport. \'ice-President— H. S. Cable. Rock Island Vice-President — A. F. Dawson, Davcniiorl. Secretary — J. H. Hauberg, Rock Island. Treasurer — I. T. Marron, Rock Island. H. E. \\'eeks A. F. Dawson E. K. Pntnam D.WE.XPORT I. C. Norwood F. B. Yetter D.WENPORT W. J. McCullongh R. H. Harned I. C. Norwood UOC'K ISIA.M) E.XECUTIVE COMMITTEE H. H. Cleaveland FI.N'AXCE COMMITTEE H. \V. Cozad BOARD OF DIRECTORS MOLINE G. A. Stephens E. E. Morgan Win. Butterworth COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN ROCK I.SL.\ND S. S. Davis H. S. Cable S. W. Searle J. T. JMarron Chas. Esplin J. H. Hauberg MOLI.XE MOLINE DAVENrOKT UOCK I.SL.\ND BLOCK HOUSE COMMITTEE E. E. Morgan W. J. ]\lcCullough Phil .Mitchell G. A. Stephens IIOME-COMIXG .\XD INF0RM.\TI0N COMMITTEE M. J. Mcl'Iniry E. P. Adler H. P. Simpson E. E. Morgan — 67 — DAVEXPORT BOCK ISLAND DAVEXPOIIT ROCK ISLAND IIOLINE PAGEAXT .AMD PROGRAM COMMITTEE H. E. Downer O. S. Holt C. P. Skinner E. K. Putnam S. \\". Searle J. H. Haubersf PRESS AXD PUP.I.ICITV COMMITTEE F. D. Throop H. H. Cleaveland P. S. McGlynn YOUXG AMERICA DAY COMMITTEE F. L. Smart E. C. Fisher L. A. ^Mahoney INDUSTRIAL COMMITTEE Sam T. White C. E. Sharpe A. C. Barber FLORAL COMMITTEE Mrs. H. E. \\"eek;s Mrs. Frank Mi.xter .Mrs. G. .\. Stephens John Berwak' FR.VTERNWL COMMITTEE Fred \\'ernentin. Jr. Tames McXamara Martin R. Carlson PRE.MIUMS .\XD PRIZES COMMITTEE H. E. Srharff I. J. Green M. J. Copeland TR.\ XS rORTATIOX COM M ITTEE Chairman at Large — J. G. Huntoon. T. F. Halliffan \\". A. Rosenfield A. R. Ebl MUSIC COMMITTEE G. Decker French M. E. Stricter ^^'. H. ^^"hitsitt COXCE.SSIOXS COMMITTEE J. H. Schaefcr H. A. Clevenstine G. S. Fitzgibbons IXVITA.TIOX CO.MM ITTEE \\"m. McConochie Martin R. Carlson n n D Corner-stone of the Rebuilt Block House The corner-stone of the rebuilt block house on the site of the soutli angle of Fort .\rmstrong was laid under the auspices of Augustana College and Theological Seminary. May lo, 1916, this date being the centenary of the landing of Gen. T. .A.. Smith, Col. \MlIiam Lawrence, and the United States troops. — 68 — I '1/3 1699 1762 1763 1780 i7i^3 1801 1803 CHRONOLOGY □ n D June. Marquette and Joliet come down the Mississippi, 1804 Xov. 3. First Sac and Fox treaty cedes to United States passing the island of Rock Island. territory between the [Mississippi and Illinois Rivers. (Alxiut). French occupy Mississippi X'alley. 1803 August. Lieutenant Zebulon Pike ascends Mississippi River, carrying the American flag and visits the Sac FRENCH .AND iNDi.\i\ WAR Indians. France cedes to Spain territory west of ^Mississippi war of 181 2 R^^'^''- 1814 May. General William Clark passes up the river to es- England wins from France the territory east of Missis- tablish a fort at Prairie du Chien. Skirmish with Sac sippi River. and Fox Indians. REVOi.UTiON.XRY w.\K >^'4 .T"'.''' "'• I'^^ttle of Campbell's Island. Captain John Campbell defeated bv Indians with Pritish sympathies. A detachment of American troops under Lt.-Col. John Montgomery destroys the Sac village of Saukenuk 1814 Sept. 5. Battle of Credit Island. Zachery Taylor, llre- at mouth of Rock River. This was a part of the George vet Major, defeated by British and Indians. Rogers Clark expedition that saved the Northwest to „ n .. r c 1 t- .= ,,.1.^ fi,..;,- ),„,„, „., -vr;--^,,,-; ° . .... ... 1815 Part of Sacs and roxes make tlieir lionie on Alissoun the colonies. Illinois at this time was a count v of \'ir- „. River, ginia. T, ., , , , . ,, r. 1 .• \\- ^1 r- -^ 1 181 s Sept. 8. Eighth U. S. Infantry, in command of Col. R. Liv the treaty closmg the Rexolutionarv W ar. the L mted - ' , , , -, ^ ■ , ,• , r t^ , ^' ■ r ' T- 1 . .1 . ■ ■. . r .1 G. Nichols, left St. Louis to establish a fort on Kock States secures trom Lngland the territory east of the ,,-■•• -D- ' ■ Island. Mississippi River. Spain cedes back to France the territory west of the 'SiS Sept. 13-14. Treaties with the Missouri River Sacs and Mississippi River. Foxes at St. Louis. Treaty of 1804 confirmed. France sells to the United States the territory west of 1815 Expedition to build fort on Rock Island goes into winter the Mississippi River — the Louisiana Purchase. quarters at site of Warsaw. — 69 — i8i6 May lo. L'nitetl States troops land on Rock Island to establish F"ort Armstrong. Rrevet General T. A. Smith with Rifle regiment and Eighth U. S. Infantrj- under Lt.-Col. William Lawrence. 1818 Illinois admitted as state. 1823 First steamboat arrived. 1825 Col. (ieorge Davenport commissioned postmaster. 1826 First house built on Illinois side by Col. George Daven- port and Russell Farnham. Afterward known as "John Barrel House." 1827 Ferry established between Fort Armstrong and Iowa shore by Col. Davenport. 1828 Eight settlers arrive on Illinois side in winter. 1828 Keokuk and followers go to live on Iowa River. nl-.ACI-; HAWK WARS 183 1 Spring. Black Hawk warns settlers to leave. 183 1 April 30. Settlers petition Governor of Illinois for pro- tection from hostile Indians. 1831 June 20. Illinois militia and U. S. soldiers shell \'an- druff's Island, opposite Black Hawk's Watch Tower. 1831 June 26. Saukenuk burned. 1831 June 30. Treaty at I'ort Armstrong with Black Hawk, who agrees to remain west of the Mississippi River. End of the first Black Hawk War. 1832 1832 1832 1832 1833 1833 1S34 1834 1835 1S36 1836 1836 April 6. Black Hawk and his band cross the Mississippi River at Yellow Banks on their way to Rock River. Aug. 24. Battle of Bad Ax and capture of Black Hawk ends second Pilack Hawk War. Sept. 15. Treaty with Winnebagoes at Fort Armstrong. Sept. 21. Treaty with Sacs and Foxes on what is now Davenport cedes eastern portion of Iowa, the "Black Hawk Purchase," to the United States. Antoine Le Claire built "Treaty Site" house in Daven- port. First frame house built in Davenport by George L. Dav- enport. Dr. John Emerson, post surgeon, brings his slave. Dred Scott, to Fort Armstrong from St. Louis. Ferry between Illinois and Iowa shores established by Antoine Le Claire. Town of Stephenson founded. Settlement had earlier been known as Farnhamsburg. Xame changed to Rock Island in 1841. ^lay 4. Fort Armstrong evacuated. Troops removed to Fort Snelling. Town of Davenport founded. Sept. 28. Treatv with Sacs and Foxes at Davenport. Sale of Keokuk reserve, on Iowa River in Southeastern Iowa. — 70 — 1837 ^^ ater power developed 1)\ D. 11. Scars between island of Rock Island and Illinois shore. 1845 J"'.^ 4- ^o'- George Davenport mnrdered at his home on Kock Island by the 'T.anditti of the Prairie." 184') Iowa admitted as a state. 1854 I'eb. 22. Chicago & Rock Island Railroad completed. 1854 Oct. 8. Barracks and one block honse of Fort Arm- strong bnrned. 1855 Oct. 7. Another portion of Fort Armstrong burned. 1856 April 21. First train crosses first Mississippi bridge. ' 1858 John Brown comes to Davenport. Underground rail- way. 1859 Alay 23. Ofificers' quarters. Fort Armstrong, destroyed b\- fire. 1861 .Sept. 25. Death of Antoinc Lc Claire. civil. WAK 1862 July 1 1. Congress makes appropriation to build national arsenal on island of Rock Island. \\ Hrk commenced on first arsenal building following year. 1863 Dec. 3. Arrival of the first detacliment of Confederate prisoners confined on Rock Island. These were captured at Lookout .Mountain. Total number during the war was over 12,000. 1865 Present shops of Rock Island .-\rsenal planned by Gen. T. J. Rodman. 1872 (Jet. 2. Second Mississippi bridge completed. 1895 Second bridge replaced b_\' present structure. Black Hawk's Tomahawk Owned by the Rock Island County Historical Society -71 — Gen. Winfield Scott, Commander of United Stales troops in the Black Hawk Wars, with headquarters on the island of Rock Island Under Many Flags n □ □ Iowa Side Illinois Side Mouinl liuiklers. Indians. Before 1762. France. 1 762- 1 80 1. Spain. 1801-1803. France. Since 1803. United States. 1803-1804. "Louisiana Purchase.'" 1804-1805. Indiana Territory. 1805-1812. Louisiana Territory. 1812-1821. Missouri Territory. 1821-1834. I'norganized territory. 1832. Ceded by Sacs and Foxes. 1834-1836. Michigan Territory. 1836-1838. Wisconsin Territory. 1 838- 1 846. Iowa Territory. Since 1846. Iowa State. .Mound Builders. Indians. Before 1763. France. 1763-1783. England. Since 1783. United States. 1783-1788. Claimed Ijy X'irginia, Connecticut, and New ^'ork. Ceded to I-'etleral GoveruuKiit.. 1788-1800. Xorthwest Territory. 1800-1809. Indiana Territory. 1S04. Ceded by Sues and Fo-ves. i8o<>i8i8. Illinois Territory. Since 1818. Illinois State. 73- The John A. Dix. Sevmth En.G:ine of the Mississippi 8z Missouri Raih-oail Taken over the river on the ice in the winter of 1855 Commandants of Rock Island Arsenal n □ n MAJ. C P. KINGS BERY i863-i8fi5 GEN. THOMAS J. RODMAN 1865-1871 COL. D. W. FLAGEER 1871-1886 r( )L. THOMAS G. BAYLOR 1886-1889 COL. J. x\L WHITTEMORE 1889-1892 COL. A. R. Bl'FFINGTON 1892- 1897 CAPT. S. !•:. P.LUNT 1897-19)7 LT.-COL. F. E. H( )\\\\S 1907-191 1 LT.-COL. GEORGI'. W. lU'RR 1911 ■75- Official Photographer J. B. Hosteller Davenport, Iowa UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA Q 977 3393R590 0001 OFFICIAL BOOK OF THE FORT ARMSTRONG CENT ini<:-iiRRiiii 1