L I B R.AFLY OF THE U N I VERSITY OF ILLINOIS 3TO W35-4I Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library ■ 19 -R 11 I9!i8 tfM>^ j u! i 11 WtA JUN o 3 1983 JUL1 2 1983 C S 2006 L161— H41 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/bibliographyofbi36monr BULLETIN NO. 36 BUREAU OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIBLIOGRAPHIES By Walter S. Monroe Director, Bureau of Educational Research and Ollie Asher Assistant, Bureau of Educational Research PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, URBANA 1927 PREFACE The literature relating to the various phases of education is already enormous and is still rapidly increasing, especially that appearing in periodicals, bulletins, and monographs. A teacher or a graduate student who desires to learn what has been done on a given topic faces a very difficult task in locat- ing pertinent references. Most graduate theses and a number of books contain carefully selected bibliographies and re- cently a number of bibliographies have been published sepa- rately. It is, however, difficult to locate existing bibliogra- phies. In publishing this bibliography of bibliographies the Bureau of Educational Research endeavors to render a service to those who are interested in becoming acquainted with what has been written on various educational topics. The analytical index, together with the annotations, will make it possible for one to estimate the helpfulness of a bibliog- raphy without actually examining it. Walter S. Monroe, Director May 19, 1927 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIBLIOGRAPHIES INTRODUCTION Difficulties encountered in compiling a bibliography. The com- pilation of a bibliography on an educational topic is becoming increas- ingly difficult. The number of periodicals has become very large and many of them include articles on a variety of topics. Hence, if a stu- dent wishes a complete bibliography of the periodical literature on a topic, it is necessary to examine the files of a number of periodicals and in some cases it is necessary to examine practically all of them. How- ever, this task is more time consuming than difficult and an investigator always knows what periodicals he has canvassed. Locating monographs, bulletins, and miscellaneous publications is more difficult. Even when there is an established series, as in the case of the bulletins of the Federal Bureau of Education or Teachers Col- lege, Columbia University. Contributions to Education, an index is seldom prepared. It is more difficult to locate publications that do not belong to a series that is generally known. This is especially true of courses of study and reports of school surveys. When a publication is not issued by a commercial publisher there is frequently no effort made to have it included in a standard book list and to give it publicity, except locally. Hence, some important publications do not come to the atten- tion of librarians. Aids for the preparation of bibliographies. A card catalog of a library, which usually conforms to the Dewey Decimal System of Class- ification, is very helpful in locating such books, monographs, and bulle- tins as the library possesses. When the investigator wishes to extend his bibliography, he may refer to the Library of Congress Card Catalog which includes all books copyrighted in the United States. Most large libraries have a set of the catalog cards issued by the Library of Con- gress which are usually classified by titles, as well as by authors. The United States Catalog, together with its supplements and Cumulative Book Index, affords a complete list of books printed in the United States, classified by subject, author and title. The Book Review Digest, beginning in 1905, furnishes a classified summary of the more important book reviews appearing in the leading periodicals. For the period from [5] 1900-1921 a selected bibliography of books and monographs is available. 1 For a number of educational topics considerable assistance can be secured by consulting the Cyclopedia of Education, 2 but since this work was published in 1913 it naturally affords no assistance in the case of publications since that date. In locating periodical references a student may utilize Poole's Index to Periodical Literature which lists, by subject, articles for the period from 1802-1906. Since 1900 authors' names, titles, and subjects have been listed in The Readers Guide to Periodical Literature. Sometimes additional information can be secured by making use of The Reader's Guide Supplement and the International Index to Periodicals. The bibliographical aids mentioned in the preceding paragraphs cover all fields of knowledge. Since 1913 the United States Bureau of Education has issued A Record of Current Educational Publications. in which books and monographs, as well as periodical literature, are classified under a number of general headings. At first, this publication was issued monthly but during recent years it has appeared less fre- quently. However, any issue usually includes a record of all publications received since the issuing of the preceding record. For the period from 1900-1906 articles from the leading magazines, as well as books and monographs appearing during that period, are listed in the Educational Review bibliographies. These were published on the following dates: April. 1900 and 1901: June. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905; and September. 1906. An annual bibliography of the current literature of psychology and closely related fields is published annually under the title Psycho- logical Index. Lists of graduate theses in Education. Frequently there is impor- tant unpublished material relating to a topic. In most cases such ma- terial is in the form of theses that have been accepted as a partial ful- fillment of the requirements for graduate degrees in Education. Some institutions, notably Teachers College, Columbia University and the University of Chicago, require the publication of doctors' theses and a number of such theses accepted at other institutions are published in some form. Masters' theses, however, are not generally published and are difficult to locate. A number of doctors' theses are published pri- vately by their authors and are not to be found in book lists. Since 1917 the Bureau of Educational Research of the University of Illinois. 'Boltox, F. E. A Selected Bibliography of Books and Monographs in Education. Olympia, Washington: State Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1921. 103 p. "Moxroe, Paul. (Edited by) Cyclopedia of Education. New York: The Mac- millan Company, 1913. [6] has issued a classified list of the titles of both masters' and doctors' theses. Compilations for the following periods have been issued in mimeographed form: January, 1917-June, 1919 January 1, 1919-August 3 1. 1920 September 1, 1920-January 1, 1922 January 1, 1922-November 1. 1923 November 1, 1923-October 15, 1925 These lists are not complete since the needed information was not fur- nished by some graduate departments of Education, but they probably include from 80 to 90 percent of the titles of graduate theses in Educa- tion accepted during the period for which the compilations have been prepared. Existing bibliographies as aids. A number of very carefully pre- pared bibliographies are being published in bulletin or pamphlet form. Many texts and reports of research, such as the Teachers College, Co- lumbia University, Contributions to Education, include bibliographies. Very few of these are exhaustive but frequently they are helpful in pre- paring a bibliography. Hence, in compiling a bibliography on a given topic a student should consult existing bibliographies and capitalize the work that others have done. Comprehensive bibliographies versus selected bibliographies. The literature relating to many phases of education is so extensive that a complete bibliography would include a very large number of titles. For some purposes it is highly desirable that a bibliography be exhaustive, but many of the available references, especially those to minor periodi- cals, frequently afford little or no useful information. Hence, it very frequently happens that a selected bibliography is more valuable than one that includes all available references. Since it is selected, it assists a user by directing his attention to the more important references. Sources canvassed in preparing "A Bibliography of Bibliogra- phies." The purpose of this bulletin is to present in convenient form the information relative to the more important existing bibliographies. In general the authors have tried to list the important bibliographies published independently or appearing as a division of a bulletin, mono- graph, or yearbook. In a few cases bibliographies in books have been included but there has been no attempt to canvass the Teachers College. Columbia University, Contributions to Education, or textbooks in the field of Education. There has been no attempt to include bibliographies relating to the more technical phases of psychology. In general, we have [7] not included lists of current publications or books in which the refer- ences are not grouped about a particular topic. It is likely that a num- ber of important bibliographies were not located, but it is hoped that this bulletin will be helpful to students of Education. Information given. For each bibliography listed an attempt has been made to give accurate information in regard to each of the follow- ing items: 1. Period: 2. Types of sources: 3. Degree of completeness: 4. Annotations : 5. Scope: In case the period covered by the bibliography was not stated by the author an attempt was made to determine it by noting the extreme dates of the references listed. In some instances this procedure undoubtedly has led to an erroneous conclusion because frequently dates were not given. In describing the "types of sources" such terms as the following have been used: books, periodicals, other published materials, unpublished manuscripts, and the like. When the author of the bibliog- raphy made a definite statement in regard to its completeness, this was quoted. In the absence of a statement by the author, an attempt has been made to indicate the degree of completeness but the judgments recorded have not been based upon a checking of the bibliography for this purpose. When a bibliography is described as complete or reason- ably complete this descriptive term is intended to apply only to the types of sources canvassed by the compiler of the bibliography. Under the head of "scope" we have attempted to indicate the scope of topics covered unless this was clearly indicated by the title of the bibliography. Organization. The bibliographies are listed alphabetically by author, except in cases where no author was given. These bibliographies appear in the miscellaneous list at the end. The alphabetical list is sup- plemented by a topical index in which reference is made by number to the various bibliographies. By referring to this topical index one may ascertain existing bibliographies that appear to give promise of assist- ance in preparing a bibliography on a given topic. BIBLIOGRAPHY Abel, J. F. "An annotated list of official publications on consolida- tion of schools and transportation of pupils." U. S. Bureau of Edu- cation Rural School Leaflet No. 9. Washington, 1923. 12 p. 1. Period: 1899-September, 1922. 2. Types of sources: bulletins and pamphlets. 3. Degree of completeness: approximately 90 references. 4. Annotations: brief but critical statements with some references. 5. Scope: classified according to states, bulletins of the department of Agriculture, and bulletins of the U. S. Bureau of Education. Abelson, Joseph. "A bibliography of the junior high school," Edu- cation, 37:122-29, October, 1916. 1. Period: 1902-1916. 2: Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not very extensive. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: wide range of material; no classification. Affleck, G. B. "Selected bibliography of physical training and hy- giene, January-April, 1920," American Physical Education Review, 25:400-06, December, 1920. 1. Period: given in the title. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. " 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: topics covered are such as anthropometry, physical exercise and diag- nosis, athletic sport, camps, child welfare, hygiene, etc. Note: published from time to time in other numbers of this periodical; the topics vary somewhat in the different numbers; some include a miscellaneous list, a directory of publishers, and a list of the periodicals. Alexander, Carter. "Bibliography on educational finance." The Educational Finance Inquiry Vol. 4. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1924. 257 p. 1. Period: 1921-January 1, 1923. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and unpublished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: complete for usable materials. 4. Annotations: brief but comprehensive. 5. Scope: "this bibliography which is classified and indexed, undertakes to include only usable materials and aims to stimulate progress in financing education by affording ready access to the necessary discussions and data;"' discusses aids and apportionment, expenditures, higher education, rural school finance, individual states, etc. [9] 1 V 5. Allen, Frederick J. A Guide to the Study of Occupations. Cam- bridge. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. 1921. 183 p. 1. Period: '"latest and most authoritative material available at the time." 2. Types of sources: general reference books and textbooks: magazine articles not i included. 3. Degree of completeness: selected but critical. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified according to various occupations; includes list of source ma- terial, class and trade journals, and an alphabetical index of the leading oc- cupations treated in this volume. Xote: revised edition — Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1925. 197 p. 6. Almack, John C. "The literature and problems of school buildings," Journal of Educational Research. 12:228-35. 301-10. October. No- vember. 1925. 1. Period: 1898-1925. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified as surveys, reports, codes and regulations, investigations, and current articles. 7. Andrews, Benjamin R. "Housing and education," Teachers College Record. 26:881-91. June. 1925. ("Bibliography," p. 885-91.) 1. Period: 1895-1924. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified as books and pamphlets, magazines, and agencies concerned with housing and town planning. 8. Andrews, Benjamin R. '"The cost of going to college/' Teachers College Record. 27:129-41, October. 1925. ("Bibliography." p. 138-41.) 1. Period: 1894-1924. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, statistics, and unpublished notes. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: quite complete. 5. Scope: unclassified; authors listed alphabetically. c h Andrews, Benjamin R. "Museums of education," Teachers College Record, Vol. 9, September. 1908. ("Bibliography." p. 96-98.) 1. Period: 1895-1908. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: very brief. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: museums of education, and character and purpose of museums in general. [10] 10. Andrews, Fannie Fern. "The promotion of peace." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1913, No. 12. Washington, 1913. ("Bibliog- raphy," p. 61-66.) 1. Period: 1902-1913. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not very extensive. 4. Annotations: some references have very brief annotations. 5. Scope: wide range of topics on the promotion of peace; military drill in schools, teaching patriotism and justice. 11. Baker, Franklin T. "A bibliography of children's reading," Teach- ers College Record, 9:1-65, January, 1908; 9:1-45, March. 1908. 1. Period: one date, 1880, given. 2. Types of sources: books. 3. Degree of completeness: complete list of best books for children. 4. Annotations: not with all references; limited to a critical word or two now and then. 5. Scope: very wide scope of material; old fairy tales, myths, child life, Indian life, travel and adventure, historical tales, stories of western and southern life, biographies, history, animal life, etc. 12. Baker, J. H. "Report of the committee of the National Council of Education in economy of time in education." U. S. Bureau of Ed- ucation Bulletin. 1913, No. 38. Washington, 1913. ("Bibliog- raphy," p. 93-103.) 1. Period: 1891-1912. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified as education waste, shortening vocational training, etc. 13. Baldwin, Bird T., and Mohr, Walter H. "Bibliography of teach- ers salaries." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1914, No. 16. Washington, 1914, p. 440-61. 1. Period: 1883-1914. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: quite extensive. 4. Annotations: very brief. 5. Scope: very wide scope of material on subject; also classified according to for- eign countries. 14. Baldwin, Bird Thomas. "Physical growth and school progress." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1914, No. 10. Washington, 1914. 215 p. ("Bibliography of experimental studies in physical growth," p. 189-212.) 1. Period: 1683-1913. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete; 336 titles. 4. Annotations: brief and critical. 5. Scope: no classification; authors listed alphabetically; wide scope of material on physical growth, and the relation between physical and mental work. Ill] j 15. Barrows, Alice. "Bibliography of the work-study-play, or platoon plan." U. S. Bureau of Education City School Leaflet No. 10. Washington, 1923. 7 p. 1. Period: 1907-1923. 2. Types of sources: U. S. Bureau of Education publications on the subject, ar- ticles, reports, and bulletins "by school officials who have had experience in actually operating work-study-play, or platoon schools," and unpublished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: not complete. 4. Annotations: very brief. 5. Scope: classified, cities. U. S. Bureau of Education publications, and general articles. 16. BengstoNj Caroline. "Vocational guidance-books for pupils," The Chicago Schools Journal, 4:90-91, November, 1921. 1. Period: 1909-1921. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: unclassified: authors listed alphabetically. 17. Betts, George Herbert, and Hall, Otis Earle. Better Rural Schools. Minneapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1914. 512 p. ('•Bibliography." p. 491-97.) 1. Period: no dates given. 2. Types of sources: books, reports, and bulletins. 3. Degree of completeness: not exhaustive. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: authors listed alphabetically. 18. Bloomi ield, Meyer. "The school and the start in life." U. S. Bu- reau of Education Bulletin, 1914, No. 4. Washington, 1914. 146 p. (-Bibliography." p. 133-43.) 1. Period: 1879-1913. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified as books, periodicals, anonymous, etc.; authors listed alpha- betically; covers "English and Scotch literature relating to juvenile labor exchanges, skilled employment committees, and other attempts to deal with the problem of 'blind-alley' employment;"' is "a study of the relation between school and employment in England, Scotland, and Germany." 19. Bloomfield, Meyer. Youth. School and Vocation. Boston: Hough- ton Mifflin Company, 1915. ("Bibliography," p. 262-67.) 1. Period: 1908-1914. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material: British and German vocational pamphlets are listed. 112] °nq.TB tf 3. Degree of completeness: selected; about 90 titles. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified as bibliographies, books, reports, periodicals, and National Ed- ucation Association Proceedings. 20. Boardman, Helen. ''Psychological tests — a bibliography." Bureau of Educational Experiments Bulletin No. 6. New York: Bureau of Educational Experiments, 1918, p. 1-75. 1. Period: 1900-1918. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material; foreign pub- lications included. 3. Degree of completeness: does not cover entire field. 4. Annotations: very brief. 5. Scope: Binet-Simon Scale, mental tests other than the Binet-Simon Scale, and classified bibliography for vocational psychology. 21. Borden, Fanny. "A list of references on college and university gov- ernment and administration, 1819-1920." Vassar College Bulletin, Vol. 10, No. 3. Poughkeepsie, New York: Vassar College, 1921. 39 p. 1. Period: 1819-1920. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: arranged chronologically, followed by an author and institution index. 22. Boykin, James C, and Hood, William R. "Legislation and judi- cial decisions relating to education." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1913, No. 55. Washington, 1913. 304 p. ("Bibliography of recent educational legislation," p. 287-93.) 1. Period: October 1, 1909-October 1, 1912. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not extensive. 4. Annotations: few references have very brief annotations. 5. Scope: school law, school administration, school funds, teachers, persons, health provisions, etc. 23. Branom, Frederick Kenneth. "A bibliography of recent litera- ture on the teaching of geography." Worcester, Massachusetts: De- partment of Geography, Clark University, 1923. 21 p. 1. Period: 1919-1923. 2. Types of sources: books and periodicals. 3. Degree of completeness: fairly complete for period covered. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: includes references for the chief topics which are usually considered in teaching geography such as aims, symbolic material, tests, etc. Note: revised edition — 192S. 32 p. [13 ] 24. Brewer, John M., and Kelly, Roy Willmarth. "A selected bib- liography of vocational guidance." Harvard Bulletins in Education No. 4. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, February, 1917. 76 p. 1. Period: 1906-1917. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: extensive. 4. Annotations: critical and inclusive. 5. Scope: broad scope of material on vocational guidance; classified as general and industry, information concerning occupations, and bibliographies, references, current practices and policies, vocational guidance in commerce •I 25. Briggs, Thomas H. "A -partial bibliography on curricula/' Teach- ers College Record, 27:205-23, November, 1925. 1. Period: practically all since 1915. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not complete; does not cover courses of study for spe- cial subjects, and lists only a few surveys. 4. Annotations: brief; some quoted. 5. Scope: not classified; wide range of usable material. 2"\& \"*\\ 26. Briggs, Thomas H. Junior High School. Boston: Houghton Mif- flin Company, 1920. 350 p. ("Bibliography," p. 329-48.) 1. Period: 1903-1918. ft-u 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: no classification: authors listed alphabetically. \ 27. Brown, J. C. "A summary of some significant conclusions reached by investigators relative to arithmetic," The Elementary School Journal, 25:346-57, January, 1925. ("Selected bibliography on scientific studies in arithmetic," p. 355-57.) 1. Period: 1902-1924. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and unpublished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: selected; 41 references. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: scientific studies in arithmetic, and tests and diagnosis in arithmetic. 28. Brundage, H. D., and Richards, C. R. "A selected bibliography , on industrial education," Journal of Proceedings and Addresses of "2 * / r L ■ . 7 the Forty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the National Education As- sociation, Vol. 48. Winona, Minnesota, 1910, p. 766-73. 1. Period: books published since 1892 and articles from periodicals and society proceedings since 1900; list revised to July, 1909. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and reports. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. [14] V^ 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: wide range of material on subject; arranged according to sources; some foreign references included. 29. Bryner, Edna. "A selected bibliography of certain phases of edu- cational measurement," in "The Measurement of Educational Pro- ducts." Seventeenth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part II. Bloomington, Illinois: Public School Publishing Company, 1918, p. 161-90. 1. Period: 1907-1918. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: nine divisions; references "grouped on the basis of similarity of general content and are arranged alphabetically within each division according to authors." 30. Buckingham, B. R. (Compiled by Margaret Doherty and Joseph- ine Mc Latchy.) "Bibliography of educational and psychological tests and measurements." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1923, No. 55. Washington, 1923. 233 p. 1. Period: January 1. 1918-June 30, 1922. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: "most complete that has yet been prepared."' 4. Annotations: none given. 5. Scope: classified into seven parts; general, references covering particular tests. references concerning the characteristics and uses of tests, uses according to types of schools, a list of tests, supplementary list of more recent tests, and periodicals, including bulletin series, cited in this bibliography. 31. Bunker, Frank Forest. "Reorganization of the public school sys- tem." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1916, No. 8. Washing- ton, 1916. ("Bibliography," p. 177-82.) 1. Period: 1837-1914. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: no classification; covers reorganization, school systems in foreign coun- tries and the United States. 32. Burgess, W. R., Cummings, H. B., and Tomlinson, W. P. "An annotated bibliography of military training in the public school." Teachers College Record, 18:141-60, March, 1917. 1. Period: 1898-1917. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: general references, military training, mental and moral education, physi- cal education, military preparedness, etc. [IS] (H 33. Bl swell, Gly Thomas, and Judd, Charles Hubbard. "Summary of educational investigations relating to arithmetic." Supplement- ary Educational Monographs, No. 27. Chicago, Illinois: The Uni- versity of Chicago, June, 1925. ("Bibliography," p. 166-205.) 1. Period: 1876-1925. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and unpublished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: 320 references. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: no classification; arranged alphabetically and numbered; wide scope of references on arithmetic — the number combinations, psychology of numbers, tests, imagination in arithmetic, etc. 34. Chamberlain, Arthur Henry. Bibliography of the manual arts. Chicago. New York: A. Flanagan Company, 1902. 100 p. 1. Period: apparently about 1839-1902. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: complete. 4. Annotations: brief annotations with some references. 5. Scope: history and philosophy, articles in manual training magazines, methods and practice, titles in foreign languages, periodicals devoted wholly or in part to the manual arts, etc. 35. Clark. Harold F. "A cross-indexed bibliography on school budg- ets." Bulletin of the School of Education, Indiana University, Vol. 2. Xo. 3. Bloomington, Indiana: Bureau of Co-operative Research, January. 1926. 66 p. 1. Period: apparently 1906-26. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and unpublished material. 3. Degree of completeness: not exhaustive. 4. Annotations: very brief. 5. Scope: listed alphabetically by author; covers subject of school budgets — pur- pose, forms, preparation, voting, execution, control, etc.; the best references are starred. 36. Cox, Philip W. L. Curriculum-Adjustment in the Secondary School. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1925. ("Bibliog- raphy," p. 287-306.) CAST'S 1. Period: 1885-1923. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: elaborate. 5. Scope: classified according to the chapters of the book. 37. Cuxliffe, R. B. "A selected bibliography of educational and vo- ^ . cational guidance," in "Vocational Guidance and Vocational Edu- cation for the Industries." Twenty-Third Yearbook of the Xa- V* [16] L tional Society for the Study of Education, Part II. Bloomington, Illinois: Public School Publishing Company, 1924, p. 191-98. 1. Period: 1907-1924. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 5. Degree of completeness: not all-inclusive; magazine references not given. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: principles and practice of guidance, books intended for student use, books of inspiration, and occupational information. 38. Cushman, Frank. "List of publications found helpful in teacher training courses in industrial education," in "Vocational Guidance and Vocational Education for the Industries." Twenty-Third Year- book of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part II. Bloomington, Illinois: Public School Publishing Company, 1924, p. 423-35. 1. Period: apparently 1901-1925. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected; 233 references. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: wide scope of material: no classification; includes discussion of women in industry, and guides to the study of occupations. 39. Day, Mary B., Arrows mith, Mary X., and Stevenson, Idabelle. "An annotated bibliography on safety education," in "The Present Status of Safety Education." Twenty-Fifth Yearbook of the Na- tional Society for the Study of Education, Part I. Bloomington, Illinois: Public School Publishing Company, 1926, p. 355-66. 1. Period: 1918-1925: a few dates as early as 1913. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and unpublished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: not exhaustive. 4. Annotations: very brief. 5. Scope: the safety movement, courses of study and textbooks, illustrative mater- ials, and description of local experiments. 40. Dearborn, Lillian, and Pierce, Louisa. Yearbook of the Council of Supervisors of the Manual Arts, 1907. Seventh Annual Meet- ing, New York, February, 1908. ("Bibliography of manual arts;' p. 139-65.) 1. Period: 1906-1907. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: no classification; authors listed alphabetically. 41. Deffenbaugh, W. S. "Specimen junior high school programs of study." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1923, No. 21. Wash- [17] ington, 1923. ("References on junior high-school courses of study.'' p. 26-28.) 1. Period: 1919-1923. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not extensive. 4. Annotations: very brief with some references. 5. Scope: no classification; wide scope of material on various subjects dealing with courses of study. 42. Deich, Charles, and Jones, Elmer E. "A study of distinguished high-school pupils in Iowa." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin. 1923, No. 46. Washington, 1924. 58 p. ("Bibliography on gifted X ' children," p. 56-58.) 1. Period: 1874-1917. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: about 60 references. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: no classification; references on special classes, bright and dull children, studies of bright pupils, etc. 43. Doherty, Margaret. "Testing in geography: a selected bibliogra- phy." Educational Research Bulletin of the Ohio State University, Vol. 2, No. 7. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University, April 4, 1923, P . 108-09. 1. Period: 1914-1923. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified within as references to published material, and list of geography tests. V 44. Doherty, Margaret. "The selection of textbooks," Journal of Ed- ucational Research, 3:68-70, January, 1921. 1. Period: 1913-1920. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and unpub- lished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: -selected. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified as general references, subjects, and score cards. 45. Douglass, Aubrey Augustus. "The junior high school." Fifteenth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part III. Bloomington, Illinois: Public School Publishing Company, 1916. ("Bibliography," p. 146-57.) N ^ 1. Period: 1893-1916. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and unpublished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: 173 references. 4. Annotations: none. [181 5. Scope: general, historical, physiological age, and references dealing particularly with the junior high school. 46. Eikenberry, Dan Harrison. "Status of the high school principal." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1925, No. 24. Washington, 1926. ("Bibliography," p. 69-70.) 1. Period: 1903-1923. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: very brief; 36 references. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: no classification; covers salaries, training in the United States and for- eign countries, function of the high-school principal, etc. 47. Engelhardt, N. L., Ganders, H. S., and Riefling, Jeannette. "'Bibliography of school records and reports," Teachers College Record, 26:765-81, May, 1925. 1. Period: 1908-1925. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: very extensive but not complete. 4. Annotations: very brief but helpful. 5. Scope: records and reports, recommended systems and forms for village and rural schools, criticisms, annual reports, financial records, studies, activities, accounts, report cards, etc. 48. Evans, Henry R. "Bibliography of industrial, vocational, and trade education." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1913, No. 22. Washington, 1913. 92 p. 1. Period: 1902-1913. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: complete for important references of last few years; 885 references. 4. Annotations: most of references given have annotations; some quite elaborate. 5. Scope: wide range of material; classified as industrial education in foreign coun- tries, associations, legislation, training of teachers, Y. M. C. A. work, contin- uation schools, college entrance requirements, etc. 49. Fling, Harold Pierce. "Some results and correlations of the Al- pha army intelligence test at the University of Nebraska," Ken- tucky High School Quarterly, 7:1-39, October, 1921. ("Bibliogra- phy," p. 36-39.) 1. Period: 1918-1921. 2. Types of sources: books and periodicals. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: no classification; authors listed alphabetically. 50. Foster, William T. Administration of the College Curriculum. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1911. ("Bibliography," p. 341-50.) 1. Period: 1754-1910. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. [19] 3. Degree of completeness: not very extensive. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified as historical, critical, and various phases of administration of the college curriculum. 51. Fowlkes, John Guy, and Carlile, Amos B. "Bibliography on school buildings." Bureau of Educational Research Bulletin No. 6. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin, 1925. 76 p. 1. Period: includes literature that has been written on school buildings during the past twenty years. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: 477 references. 4. Annotations: annotations to most of the references. 5. Scope: material is listed alphabetically, by authors; "'this bibliography attempts to reflect the growth, the present status, and the future trend of most of the phases of schoolhouse planning and construction;" is classified as school buildings — general, elementary, high, normal, and special institutions, rural and consolidated, heating, ventilating, and lighting. "1 52. Fretwell, Elbert K. "Extra-curricular activities of secondary schools," Teachers College Record, 24:60-70, January, 1923. 1. Period: 1909-1922. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: 85 references. 4. Annotations: '*. . . aim rather to guide the reader in finding the concrete ma- terial desired than to evaluate critically the various articles." 5. Scope: deals with pupil participation in the extra-curricular activities of the school; "concerned with the organization and administration of the whole- social life of the school rather than with some one special activity." V 53. Fretwell, Elbert K. "Extra-curricular activities of secondary schools," Teachers College Record, 24:147-58, March, 1923. 1. Period: 1904-1923. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: quite extensive on subject covered. 4. Annotations: with some; brief. 5. Scope: high-school fraternities and sororities: articles arranged according to the year of their appearance. 54. Fretwell, Elbert K. "Extra-curricular activities of secondary schools," Teachers College Record, 25:61-69, January, 1924. 1. Period: 1913-1924. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: very brief. 4. Annotations: very brief. \5. Scope: the high school assemblv. 55. Fretwell, Elbert K. "Extra-curricular activities of secondary- schools," Teachers College Record. 26:59-73, September, 1924. ("High school journalism bibliography," p. 65-73.) 1. Period: 1911-1924; some dates as early as 1903. 2. Types of sources: books and periodicals. [20] 3. Degree of completeness: not complete. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: teaching journalism, student publications, etc. 56. Fretwell, Elbert K. "Extra-curricular activities of secondary schools," Teachers College Record, 27:901-29, June, 1926. (Five bibliographies included in this article.) 1. Period: 1899-1926. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: (1) pupil participation in school government, nearly 100 items; (2) The home room, 35 references; (3) Finances. 30 items: (4) Fraternities and sororities, a continuation of the bibliography in Teachers College Record, 24:147-58, March, 1923; (5) Assemblies, a continuation of a previous bibliography in Teachers College Record. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: wide scope of material in the various bibliographies; school government. the home room, finances, fraternities and sororities, and assemblies. 57. Geyer, D. L. "References on the problem-project method, " Chi- cago Schools Journal, 2:18-19, September, 1919. 1. Period: 1909-1919. 2. Types of sources: periodicals and books. 3. Degree of completeness: not exhaustive. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified as periodical literature and books; authors listed alphabetically. 58. Geyer, Denton L. "Selected references on standardized tests and statistics," Chicago Schools Journal, 8:219-23, February, 1926. 1. Period: 1910-1925. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified as bibliographies, periodicals, books on intelligence tests, ele- mentary statistics, graphs, etc. 59. Gleim, Sophia C. "The visiting teacher." U. S. Bureau of Educa- tion Bulletin, 1921, No. 10. Washington, 1921. 15 p. ("Visiting teacher and home and school bibliography," p. 18-23.) 1. Period: 1849-1920. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not extensive. 4. Annotations: brief with some. 5. Scope: visiting teacher, home work, parent-teacher associations, etc. 60. Glenn, Earl R., and Walker, Josephine. "Bibliography of sci- ence teaching in secondary schools." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1925, No. 13. Washington, 1925. 161 p. " , 1. Period: 1893-1925. 2. Types of sources: periodicals, a few bulletins, and dissertations; no books in- cluded. 3. Degree of completeness: "some entries included for 1925, but list is by no means complete, since only a few months had elapsed when this bibliography was sent to the printer." [21] 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: includes list of titles bearing on teaching of chief science subjects such as general science, biology, chemistry, and physics. 61. Gray, William S. "Selected bibliography upon practical tests of reading ability," in "Minimum Essentials in Elementary-School Subjects — Standards and Current Practices." Fourteenth Year- book of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part I. Chicago, Illinois: The University of Chicago Press, 1915, p. 59-60. 1. Period: 1911-1914. 2. Types of sources: periodicals and a pamphlet. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: very brief. 5. Scope: very narrow; practical tests of reading ability. 62. Gray, William Scott. "Summary of investigations relating to reading." Supplementary Educational Monographs, No. 28. Chi- cago, Illinois: The University of Chicago, June, 1925. ("Bibliog- raphy," p. 215-70.) 1. Period: 1894-July 1, 1924. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and unpublished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: 436 references. 4. Annotations: brief but descriptive. 5. Scope: no classification; authors listed alphabetically; wide range of references relating to reading, such as rapid reading, how children learn to read, psy- chology of reading, etc. V 63. Gray, William Scott. "Summary of reading investigations (July 1, 1924 to June 30, 1925), I", The Elementary School Journal, 26:449-59, February, 1925. 1. Period: July 1, 1924-June 30, 1925. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and unpublished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: complete. 4. Annotations: elaborate. 5. Scope: no classification; includes material on silent reading, materials, etc. 64. Hockett, John A. "The literature of curriculum-making: a se- lected and annotated bibliography," in "Curriculum-Making: Past and Present." Twenty-Sixth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part I. Bloomington, Illinois: Public School Publishing Company, 1926, p. 449-75. 1. Period: 1900-1926. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: 105 references included. 4. Annotations: quite inclusive. [22] 5. Scope: curriculum-making and general problems, technique, descriptions of ex- perimental curriculum-making, scientific investigations and curriculum studies in subject fields, historical development, etc. 65. Harap, Henry. The Education of the Consumer: A Study in Cur- riculum Material. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1924. 353 p. ("Bibliography," p. 335-53.) 1. Period: 1789-1924. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material; foreign pub- lications included. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: bibliographies, food consumption, food purchase and use. housing, house- hold skills, fuel consumption, and clothing consumption. 66. Hawley, Edith J. Roswell. ''Literary geography — a bibliogra- phy." Bulletin of Bibliography Pamphlets, No. 25. Boston: The Boston Book Company, 1917. 28 p. 1. Period: apparently 1839-1914. 2. Types of sources: books and periodicals. 3. Degree of completeness: includes only best known English and American authors. 4. Annotations: brief, with some. 5. Scope: classified according to authors — English and American: literary geog- raphy. 67. Henry, T. S. "Classroom Problems in the Education of Gifted Children." Nineteenth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part II. Bloomington, Illinois: Public School Publishing Company, 1920. 125 p. ("Bibliography on the psy- chology and pedagogy of gifted children," p. 120-25.) 1. Period: 1891-1919. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: fairly comprehensive list of references dealing with questions concerning the mentality of gifted children, as well as their training; listed alphabetically. 68. Henry, T. S. "Annotated bibliography on gifted children and their education," in "The Education of Gifted Children." Twenty-Third Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part I. Bloomington, Illinois: Public School Publishing Company. 1 c >24. p. 389-443. 1. Period: 1910-1924; some dates as early as 1898. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: extensive; over 450 titles. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: wide range of material relating to education of gifted children; classi- fied alphabetically. [23] -ui 69. Herring, John P. "Bibliography of the project method," Teachers College Record. 21:150-74, March, 1920. 1. Period: 1902-1920. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and unpublished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: not complete; project method in agriculture not in- cluded; "titles in other special fields of education have not been exhaustively obtained;" about 174 titles. 4. Annotations: brief; some critical. 5. Scope: works of general interest to the philosophy, the psychology, and the prac- tice of the project method. 70. Herrold, Rose E. "Bibliography of the project method," General Science Quarterly, 4:283-91, November, 1919. 1. Period: includes current literature and books on subject up to May, 1919. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: limited survey; bulletins by various agriculture colleges, those of the United States Department of Agriculture and Bureau of Edu- cation, and biographies and monographs of the masters of research are not included. 4. Annotations: critical and inclusive. 5. Scope: wide scope of material on project method as related to science. 71. Holley, Charles Elmer. "The relationship between persistence in school and home conditions." Fifteenth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part II. Chicago, Illinois: Uni- versity of Chicago Press, 1916. ("Bibliography," p. 112-19.) 1. Period: 1898-1914. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: ". . . attempts to give a complete list of the better- known literature which deals with the qualitative side of retardation and elimination." 4. Annotations: with most references; brief; some critical. 5. Scope: retardation and elimination, truancy and delinquincy, and other ref- erences. 72. Holmes, Henry \\\, and others. "A descriptive bibliography of measurement in elementary subjects." Harvard Bulletins in Edu- cation Vol. 5. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University. June, 1917. 46 p. 1. Period: up to 1917. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: bulletin is not complete nor authoritative; '"limited to field of elementary education and to measurements in the subjects actually taught in school; no references to psychological tests." 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified as the theory of tests and scales, reports on the use of tests in various subjects, and lists of tests and scales; the rest of the classification is according to the various subjects as reading, spelling, etc. [24] 73. Hudelson, Earl. "English composition — its aims, methods and • measurements." Twenty-Second Yearbook of the National Soci- ety for the Study of Education, Part I. Bloomington, Illinois: Pub- lic School Publishing Company, 1923. ("Bibliography," p. 155-57.) 1. Period: 1911-1922. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and unpublished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: not exhaustive. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: available scientific instruments for measuring composition objectively, other scientific or semi-scientific instruments, and references to relevant sci- entific articles. 74. Jenkins, Frederick Warren. "Backward children: a selected bibli- ography." Russell Sage Foundation Library Bulletin No. 57. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1923. 4 p. 1. Period: 1904-1922. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified as bibliographies, general, and periodicals. 75. Jenkins, Frederick Warren. "Medical inspection of schools." Russell Sage Foundation Library Bulletin No. 63. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, February, 1924. 4 p. 1. Period: references represent material issued since 1914. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: brief with some references. 5. Scope: classified as general and magazine references. 76. Jenkins, Frederick Warren. "Juvenile delinquency : a selected bibliography." Russell Sage Foundation Library Bulletin No. 68. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, December, 1924. 4 p. 1. Period: 1920-1924. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: a few references have brief annotations. 5. Scope: general references, magazine references, delinquent boys, and delinquent girls. 77. Jenkins, Frederick Warren. "Provisions for care of the aged." Russell Sage Foundation Library Bulletin No. 75. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, February, 1926. 4 p. 1. Period: 1895-1926. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified as almshouse, homes, institutions, and pensions; "pensions" is divided into general and periodical references, teacher's pensions, and indus- trial pensions. [25] 78. Johnston, Charles H. "Junior high school administration," Edu cational Administration and Supervision, 2:71-86, 1916. ("Refer- ences," p. 85-86.) 1. Period: 1913-1915. 2. Types of sources: periodicals, reports and bulletins. 3. Degree of completeness: not exhaustive. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: no classification. 79. Keator, Maud. "Educationally exceptional children," Connecticut Schools, 6:4-5, October, 1924. 1. Period: until 1924. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: very brief. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: no classification. ■^ 80. Kelley, Truman Lee, Briggs, Thomas H., Tillinghast, Charles C, and others. "Bibliography of tests for use in high schools," Teachers College Record, 23:375-95, September, 1922. 1. Period: 1916-1922. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not exhaustive. 4. Annotations: included with references to tests; quite elaborate, with date pub- lished, purpose, range, publisher, and additional references. 5. Scope: tests for use in high schools — intelligence tests and educational tests in . various subjects such as English, History, etc. 81. Kerr, Willis H., Luther, Jessie, and Hostetter, Anita. "A bib- liography of the project method in the elementary school, the junior I high school, and the high school," in "Second Report of the Soci- ety's Committee on New Materials of Instruction." Twentieth , Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part I. Bloomington, Illinois: Public School Publishing Company, 1921, P . 189-221." 1. Period: 1895-1921. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: quite extensive; 394 references. 4. Annotations: brief but critical. 5. Scope: foundations and definitions, special applications and examples, and subjects of instruction. 82. Kimball, Reginald Stevens. "A selected bibliography of works helpful in teaching the constitution of the Lnited States," The His- torical Outlook, 16:211-16, May, 1925. 1. Period: 1888-1925. 2. Types of sources: books, pamphlets, and bulletins. [26] ^V 3. Degree of completeness: not exhaustive; "no attempt has been made to include all books in print. Preference has been given to those most frequently re- ferred to in the common civics texts, and to those which are most easily ac- cessible." 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified as tex.ts for teachers' reference, advanced texts, secondary and elementary texts, etc. 83. Kohs, Samuel C. "An annotated bibliography of recent literature on the Binet-Simon Scale (1913-1917), Part I," Journal of Educa- tional Psychology, 8:425-38; Part II, 488-502; Part III, 559-65; Part IV, 609-18; September, October, November, December, 1917. 1. Period: 1913-1917. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: seems very complete for recent literature on the sub- ject; 457 references given. 4. Annotations: brief; some quoted, and critical. 5. Scope: very wide range of material on Binet-Simon Scale; listed alphabetically. 84. Koos, Leonard V. "Recent conceptions of the aims of elementary education," The Elementary School Journal, 24:507-15, March, 1924. ("References," p. 514-15.) 1. Period: 1912-1924. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: 22 references. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: not classified; authors listed alphabetically. 85. Krackowizer, Alice M. Projects in the Primary Grades. Phila- delphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1919. ("Bibliography," p. 202-21.) 1. Period: 1906-1918. 2. Types of sources: books and periodicals. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified as material found helpful as sources for teachers, material ac- cepted as desirable for the use of children, and material found valuable in the construction of the book. 86. Krause, Carl A. "Literature of modern language methodology in America for 1917," The Modern Language Journal, 3:21-38, Oc- tober, 1918. 1. Period: 1917. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: complete. 4. Annotations: brief, with occasional comments or criticisms. 5. Scope: classified according to sources; wide scope of material on methodology. Note: this list appears at various intervals in this periodical. [27] 87. Lane, Robert F. '"Getting the 'flavor' of literature," The High School, 3:79-81, May, 1926. ("Bibliography of material useful as aids to visualization in the study of literature," p. 81.) 1. Period: 1905-1923. 2. Types of sources: books. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: not classified; covers a wide range of subjects related to England; auth- ors arranged alphabetically. 88. Ledyard, Mary. "Child-study outline for use in mothers' clubs of the Public Kindergarten of Los Angeles, California." Los Angeles, California: Los Angeles Public Schools, 1900. 32 p. 1. Period: up to 1900. 2. Types of sources: books and periodicals. 3. Degree of completeness: not exhaustive. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: wide scope of material; kindergarten, moral education, children's habits, children's toys, directed and undirected play, etc. 89. Luckey, G. W. A. "References to the life, work, and character of < Comenius," School Life, 6:4, March 1, 1921. 1. Period: no dates given. 2. Types of sources: periodicals and books. 3. Degree of completeness: 38 references. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: not classified; authors listed alphabetically. 90. Lull, Herbert G., and Wilson, H. B. The Redirection of High- School Instruction. Philadelphia: T. B. Lippincott Company, 1924. I i n (^ ("Bibliography," p. 274-82.) 1. Period: 1910-1918. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified as high-school curriculum, vocational guidance, junior high school, and senior high school. 90a. Lyford, Carrie Alberta. "Bibliography of home economics." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1919, Xo. 46. Washington, 1919. 103 p. 1. Period: 1904-1919. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: exhaustive. 4. Annotations: presented only when title does not reveal nature of contents. 5. Scope: classified as bibliographies, bulletins, syllabuses, etc. 1 91. MacCaughey, Yaughan. "Professors' salaries — a concise bibliog- raphy," School and Society, 6:535-38, November 3, 1917. 1. Period: 1883-1917. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. [28] 3. Degree of completeness: concise. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: literature relating to salaries in colleges and universities of the United States; a few references to other countries are included, as are also a few which relate to the general subject of teachers' pay; chronologically arranged. 92. MacDonald, Arthur. "Bibliography of exceptional children and their education." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1912. Xo. 32. Washington, 1912. 46 p. 1. Period: 1890-1911. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete; 622 references. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified as publications in the English language, in foreign languages, etc. 93. Mackie, Ransom A. "The junior high school," Education. 45:1-13. September, 1924. ("Bibliography," p. 10-13.) 1. Period: 1911-1924. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: very brief; 55 references. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: no classification; references on general discussions, types of courses, in- vidual differences, etc. 94. Manahan, J. L. "A bibliography of educational surveys and tests." University of Virginia Record, Extension Series, Vol. 2, Xo. 3. Charlottesville, Virginia: University of Virginia, Xovember, 1916, p. 50-92. 1. Period: up to 1916. 2. Types of sources: surveys and tests. 3. Degree of completeness: the list is by no means complete. 4. Annotations: sufficient data are presented to give a fair idea of the scope and value of each reference. 5. Scope: annotated surveys and tests giving a brief summary of each reference presented; these are of four kinds, (a) school surveys, state, city, and coun- ty, (b) standard tests in school subjects, (c) studies in the application of these tests, (d) tests of mental intelligence and studies in their application. 95. Mangun, Vernon L. "Texts in classroom management," School and Society, 16:386-88, September 30, 1922. 1. Period: no dates given. 2. Types of sources: books. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: not classified; texts relating to school and classroom management; given in table form. [29] 96. Mc Kown, Harry Charles. "The trend of college entrance re- quirements, 1913-1922." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1924, No. 35. Washington, 1925. ("Selected bibliography," p. 163-65.) 1. Period: 1913-1922. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: none given. 5. Scope: no classification; wide variety of material on the subject. 97. Mead, A. R. "A bibliography on supervised student-teaching, ob- servation of teaching, problems of laboratory schools in teacher- preparing institutions, and closely related material." February, 1926. 92 p. (Mimeographed by author.) 1. Period: 1898-1926. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and unpublished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: quite extensive. 4. Annotations: brief and critical; references of which the title clearly indicated the content do not include annotations. 5. Scope: wide scope of material; no classification; listed alphabetically. ^r. 98. Meriam, T. L. Child Life and the Curriculum. Yonkers-on-Hud- son, New York: World Book Company, 1920. ("Bibliography," \A^ p. 515-29.) 1. Period: 1891-1917. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not extensive. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: no classification; wide scope of material on subject as classroom man- agement, formal discipline, the curriculum, causes of withdrawal, industrial education, social education, etc. 99. Merrill, Maud A. "The relation of intelligence to ability in the 'three RY in the case of retarded children," The Pedagogical Sem- inary, 28:249-74, September, 1921. ("Bibliography," p. 273-74.) 1. Period: 1906-1919. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and unpublished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: no classification; includes references on reading tests, psychology of arithmetic, teaching of handwriting, etc. 100. Miao, C. S. "Bibliography of religious education for schools and colleges." China Christian Educational Association Bulletin, No. 13. Shanghai: China Christian Educational Association, 23 Yuen Ming Yuen Road, 1926. 72 p. 1. Period: 1895-1926. 2. Types of sources: books. [30 J 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: elaborate. 5. Scope: classified as curriculum courses, reference books, general outlook books. books on teaching, worship, etc. 101. Mitchell, David, and Ruger, Georgie J. "Psychological tests. Revised and classified bibliography." Bureau of Educational Ex- periments Bulletin, No. 9. New York: Bureau of Educational Ex- periments, 1918. 116 p. 1. Period: apparently 1894-1918. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material; foreign ma- terial included. 3. Degree of completeness: 1428 references. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: wide scope of material; classified, theoretical, historical and general dis- cussions, methodology, apparatus, technique, group tests, and results of ap- plication. 102. Monahan, A. C. "Consolidation of rural schools and transporta- tion of pupils at public expense." U. S. Bureau of Education Bul- letin, 1914, Xo. 30. Washington, 1914. ("Bibliography of consoli- dation of schools," p. 101-104.) 1. Period: 1893-1914. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: very brief. 4. Annotations: brief, with a few references. 5. Scope: no classification; references on consolidation of schools. 103. Monroe, Walter S. "A bibliography of standardized tests for the high school." Bloomington, Illinois: Public School Publishing Com- pany, 1920. 321 p. (Reprinted from the February, March, and April, 1920, Journal of Educational Research.) 1. Period: 1913-1920. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, yearbooks, and tests. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: standardized tests for the high school: ''an elementary school test was included if a published report of its use in high school was favored; under the head 'general references' there is given a selected bibliography which deals with the general topic of educational measurements." 104. Monroe, Walter S. "Making a course of study." University of Illinois Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 2, Bureau of Educational Research Circular No. 35. Urbana: University of Illinois, 1925. ("Bibliog- raphy," P . 18-35.) 1. Period: 1904-1925. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not complete but extensive. [31] V 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: references on special methods, courses of study, standards of attainment, and scientific curriculum studies in the various school subjects. 105. Morgan, B. Q., and Kessler, James. "Bibliography of modern language methodology in America for 1919," The Modern Lan- guage Journal, 5:402-05, April, 1921. 1. Period: 1919. 2. Types of sources: periodicals and books. 3. Degree of completeness: seems complete for period covered. 4. Annotations: brief and critical. 5. Scope: classified according to sources; wide range of topics on methodology in America for 1919. Note: a similar list appears at various intervals in this periodical. 106. Morrison, Dorothy E. "Current bibliography," Mental Hygiene, 9:443-48, April, 1925. 1. Period: December, 1924-March, 1925. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not complete; does not include articles or books "of a clinical or technical nature." , 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: no classification; wide scope of subjects relating to mental hygiene; listed < alphabetically. Note: period from April-June, 1922, covered in Mental Hygiene, 6:666-69, July, | 1922. 107. Mossman, Lois Coffey. "Changing conceptions relative to the planning of lessons." Teachers College Contributions to Educa- tion, No. 147. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University, 1924. ("Bibliography," p. 68-72.) 1. Period: 1840-1924. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: very brief. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified, the history of lesson planning, modern educational theory, and principles of teaching. 108. Nelson, Charles Alexander. "Bibliography of teachers' salaries and pensions." New York: Educational Review Publishing Com- pany, 1907, p. 24-35. (Reprinted from the Educational Review, New York, January, 1907.) 1. Period: 1860-1906. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified as salaries, pensions, and retirement fund. [32] 109. Norton, John K. "Bibliography of current research undertakings in secondary education." U. S. Bureau of Education, Washington, 1926. 47 p. (Mimeographed.) 1. Period: research in progress — 1925. 2. Types of sources: reports, studies, experiments on research of various schools, committees, etc., and unpublished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: limited; "probably fails to include many important research undertakings in the field of secondary education in spite of the fact that 366 investigations are listed; scheme of classification is inadequate." 4. Annotations: very brief annotations with some references; some state problem, source of data, method of attack, purpose, or conclusion. 5. Scope: classified: (1) introductory statement; (2) current research undertak- ings; (3) supplementary list of studies (unclassified); (4) index of authors and (5) index of subjects. Note: a more recent report on this subject of current research undertakings was issued March, 1927, by the National Committee on Research in Secondary Education. It is mimeographed and contains 241 references. 1 10. Noyes, Frederick K. ''Teaching material in government publica- tions." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1913, No. 47. Wash- ington, 1913. 61 p. 1. Period: 1896-1913. 2. Types of sources: government publications. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified as agriculture, economics, geography, etc., with sub-divisions. 111. Odell, Charles W. "An annotated bibliography dealing with the classification and instruction of pupils to provide for individual dif- ferences." University of Illinois Bulletin, Vol. 21, No. 12, Bureau of Educational Research Bulletin No. 16. Urbana: University of Illinois, 1923. 50 p. 1. Period: 1868-1923. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not complete. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: two main divisions; discussions of and provisions for individual differ- ences that involve use of standardized tests of general intelligence or achieve- ment, and references about provisions and discussions that do not involve the use of such tests. 112. Odell, Charles W., and Blough, John H. "An annotated bibli- ography dealing with extra-curricular activities in elementary and high schools." University of Illinois Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 24, Bu- l/ reau of Educational Research Bulletin No. 29. Urbana: University of Illinois, 1925. 40 p. 1. Period: 1920-1925. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. [33 ] ? 3. Degree of completeness: not complete. 4. Annotations: included. 5. Scope: classified as general, assemblies, athletics, citizenship, clubs and socie- ties, finances, honor societies, publications, social life, and miscellaneous. 113. Oliver, T. E. "Suggestions and references for modern language teachers." University of Illinois Bulletin, Vol. 14, No. 43, Univer- sity of Illinois Bulletin, No. 18. Urbana: University of Illinois, 1917. 84 p. 1. Period: 1899-1916. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness:- apparently complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified as the training of the teacher, the teacher outside the class- room, and the teacher in the classroom. 114. Paetow, Louis John. "The arts course at medieval universities 3 A-Ol with special reference to grammar and rhetoric." University of Illi- nois Bulletin, Vol. 7, Xo. 19. Urbana: University of Illinois, 1910. ("Bibliography," p. 113-34.) 1. Period: 1787-1909. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and unpublished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: some rather full annotations are given. 5. Scope: classified as primary sources, and secondary works. 115. Payne, Arthur F. Administration of Vocational Education. New a - York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1924. ("Bibliography," p. 333-43.) 1. Period: apparently 1886-1922. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: quite extensive. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified according to chapters of the book; references included with each chapter given in this general bibliography. 1 16. Pierce, Anna Eloise. Catalog of Literature for Advisers of Young Women and Girls. New York: The H. \V. Wilson Company, 1921. 85 p. 1. Period: apparently 1900-1920. 2. Types of sources: books and periodicals. 3. Degree of completeness: very extensive: about 2000 titles. 4. Annotations: very complete and helpful. 5. Scope: wide scope of material useful for Deans, heads of women's schools, social directors, and the like; takes up every subject — marriage, sociology, girls' clubs, domestic economy, etc. [34] *A 117. Plum, Dorothy Alice. "A bibliography of American college li- brary administration, 1899-1926." New York State Library Bulle- tin Xo. 77. Albany: University of the State of New York Press. 1926. 83 P . 1. Period: 1899-1926. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material; college catalogs, articles in encyclopedias, and year books not included. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: brief; made for all except certain groups of material (buildings. special collections, and handbooks). 5. Scope: bibliographies, general, organization and administration, buildings, and library extension. 118. Prevost, M. L. "A list of books on foreign languages." (Com- piled for the U. S. Shipping Board.) Washington, 1918. 7 p. 1. Period: not given. 2. Types of sources: books. 3. Degree of completeness: selected list of best books. 4. Annotations: very brief with some references. 5. Scope: books for learning Spanish, French. Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Oriental languages. 1 19. Reynolds, Florence E. ''Publications of the U. S. Bureau of Ed- ucation pertaining to rural education." Rural School Leaflet Xo. 36. Washington, December, 1924. 23 p. 1. Period: 1908-1924. 2. Types of sources: bulletins, leaflets, and circulars. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: elaborate. 5. Scope: classified as bulletins, leaflets and circulars, and listed according to year published. 120. Roberts, Alexander C. ''Measuring and testing in education," The Journal of the National Education Association, 13:101-04. March, 1924. (Also in Baltimore Bulletin of Education, 2:252-53. April, 1924.) 1. Period: 1913-1923. 2. Types of sources: books. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified as pioneering books, books of 1922, and books of 1923. 121. Roberts, William E. "Manual arts in the junior high school." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1924, No. 11. Washington. 1924. ("Bibliography," p. 85-89.) 1. Period: no dates given in general references; in selected references, 1918-1923. 2. Types of sources: books and periodicals. 3. Degree of completeness: quite an extensive general list but only title and author given: thirty additional selected references given. [35] 4. Annotations: none given. 5. Scope: wide scope; the junior high school, methods and courses, mechanical drawing, finishing, printing, etc. 122. Ruger, Georgie J. "Psychological tests — a bibliography" (sup- plement to January 1, 1918). Bureau of Educational Experiments Bulletin No. 6, Supplement 1. New York: Bureau of Educational Experiments, 1918, p. 79-111. 1. Period: 1900-1916. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not exhaustive. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified as the Binet-Simon scale, and mental tests other than the Binet-Simon scale. 123. Rugg, Earle. "A selected and annotated bibliography," in "The Social studies in the Elementary and Secondary School." Twenty- Second Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Educa- tion, Part II. Bloomington, Illinois: Public School Publishing Company, 1923, p. 305-09. 1. Period: 1850-1922. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: historical developments, committee reports, question blank investiga- tions, studies in curriculum-making, methods of teaching, and miscellaneous. 124. Rugg, Harold. "Annotated bibliography of recent developments in the use of statistical methods in education," in "The Nature, History, and General Principles of Intelligence Testing." Twenty- First Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part I. Bloomington, Illinois: Public School Publishing Company, 1922, p. 86-91. 1. Period: 1911-1921. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and privately published doctorate dissertations. 3. Degree of completeness: not extensive. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: statistical methods employed in determining reliability of tests, detailed development of the theory of multiple correlation, new formulas for corre- lation, the use of Brown's formula, and short statistical methods. 125. Sands, Irving J., and Blaxchard, Phyllis. "Some of the psy- chological mechanisms of human conduct," Mental Hygiene, 6:498- 521, July, 1922. (Bibliography," p. 520-21.) 1. Period: 1907-1921. 2. Types of sources: books and periodicals. 3. Degree of completeness: not complete. [36] 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: no classification; authors listed alphabetically; included in references are some on the adolescent girl, fundamentals of child psychology, introduc- tion to social psychology, and public-school clinics in connection with a state school for the feebleminded. 126. Schwegler, R. A., and Winn, Edith. "A comparative study of the Intelligence of white and colored children," Journal of Educa- cational Research, 2:838-48, December, 1920. ("Bibliography," p. 847-48.) 1. Period: 1897-1918. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: unclassified; authors listed alphabetically. 127. Sears, J. B. "The literature and problems of public school finance," Educational Administration and Supervision, 7:133-50, March. 1921. ("Bibliography," p. 139-50.) 1. Period: 1866-1921. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: extensive but not complete; study of teachers' sal- aries not included. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified, general works with important bearing on public school finance. the legal basis of public school finance, the practical status of education in public finance, the distribution of school expenditures, credit financiering in public education, accounting and budgeting of public school funds, purchas- ing and business management, and source materials. 128. Sears, J. B. "The measurement of teaching efficiency," Journal of Educational Research, 4:81-94, September, 1921. ("Bibliographv." p. 92-94.) 1. Period: 1905-1921. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: not classified; covers a wide range of subjects as the high school teacher, scholarship, etc.; authors listed alphabetically. 129. Shryock, Richard H. "Guide to the materials in the History Teacher's Magazine and the Historical Outlook, Volumes I to XVI. 1909-1925," The Historical Outlook, 16:355-94, December, 1925. 1. Period: 1909-1925. 2. Types of sources: periodicals. 3. Degree of completeness: very extensive. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified in twenty-two divisions pertaining to teaching and history. [37] V 130. Simons, Lao Genevra. "Introduction of algebra into American schools in the eighteenth century." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1924, No. 18. "Bibliography," p. 77-78.) 1. Period: 1644-1916. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: very brief. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: histories, studies of early colonial algebra, and the college curriculum; no classification. 131. Smith, David Eugene, and Goldziher, Charles. "Bibliography of the teaching of mathematics, 1900-1912." U. S. Bureau of Ed- ucation Bulletin, 1912, No. 29. Washington. 1912. 95 p. 1. Period: 1900-1912. 2. Types of sources: books (excluding textbooks), periodicals, and other pub- lished material. 3. Degree of completeness: not exhaustive, but extensive — 1894 titles. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified as general topics, mathematics in secondary schools, etc. 132. Smith, D. E., Upton, C. B., Reeve, W. D., Breckenridge, W. E., and Ginsburg, J. "A brief list of mathematical books suitable for libraries or high schools and normal schools," Teachers College ; Record, 26:679-90, April, 1925. 1. Period: no dates given. 2. Types of sources: books. 3. Degree of completeness: very brief; no books in foreign languages included. 4. Annotations: brief but critical. 5. Scope: algebra, mathematics, geometry, tests and measurements, etc. 133. Smith, Faith E. "A selected list of books, pamphlets, and maga- zine articles on part-time education." University of the State of New York Bulletin No. 746. Albany: University of the State of New York, 1922. 28 p. 1. Period: "no attempt made to collect references more than three years old, though a few have been included." 2. Types of sources: pamphlets, magazine articles, a few general courses of study, circulars, proceedings, educational publications, bulletins, and Miss Pal- mer's Selected List for Administration and teachers in part-time schools. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: brief, with some references. 5. Scope: classified as general, part-time education including legislative acts in various states and cities, the coordination in part-time education, suggestive courses of study, job analysis, vocational education, etc. 134. Stevenson, P. R. "School building bibliography." Educational Research Bulletin of the Ohio State University, Vol. 2. Columbus, [38] Ohio: Ohio State University, October 17, 31, 1923, p. 257-60; 272-75. 1. Period: 1913-1923. 2. Types of sources: bulletins, circulars, and mimeographed material by state de- partments of education and superintendents. 3. Degree of completeness: not complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified as building codes, building plans and specifications, building programs, school publicity, building surveys, and equipment. { 135. Strayer, George Drayton. "Report of the committee of the Na- tional Council of Education on standards and tests for measuring the efficiency of schools or systems of schools." U. S. Bureau of Educational Bulletin, 1913, No. 13. Washington, 1913. ("Bibliog- raphy," p. 11-23.) 1. Period: 1902-1912. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: 339 titles. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified, measurement in education, retardation and elimination, back- ward pupils, exceptional children, high school problems, etc. 136. Strayer, G. D., Engelhardt, N. L., and others. Problems in Ed- ucational Administration. New York: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1925. 755 p. 1. Period: apparently 1898-1925. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: brief but useful bibliographies at end of each chapter. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: wide range of material on problems in educational administration such as buildings and equipment, records and reports, extra-curricular activities, etc. ^ 137. Teagarden, Florence M. "Bibliography of professional codes of ethics for educators," School and Society, 20:599-601, November 8, 1924. 1. Period: 1910-1924. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: not classified; material relating to ethics for teachers. 138. Terman, Lewis M., and Lima, Margaret. Children's Reading, Part II. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1926. ("Bibliog- raphy," p. 95-278.) 1. Period: no dates given. 2. Types of sources: books. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. [39] A 4. Annotations: elaborate. 5. Scope: classified as picture books, children's literature, fairy tales, myths, Bible stories, and general fiction. 139. Thorndike, Edward Lee. "The teaching staff of secondary schools in the United States." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1909, Xo. 4. Washington, 1909. ("List of references on teacher's sal- aries," p. 53-57.) 1. Period: 1894-1909. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not complete. ('"This list is designed to supplement the bibliography of teachers' salaries and pensions, by Charles A. Nelson, published in The Educational Review. 33:24-35, January, 1907.") 4. Annotations: very brief. 5. Scope: classified as salaries of rural school teachers, minimum salaries, salaries of women teachers, etc. 140. Thurber, Clarence Howe. "Fiscal support of state universities and state colleges." L T . S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1924, No. 28. Washington, 1925. ("Bibliography," p. 160-61.) 1. Period: 1884-1922. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and unpublished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: very brief. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: general, reports and finance, taxation, and surveys. 141. Tohill, Louis I. "A brief basic bibliography for eleventh year American History," The Historical Outlook, 17:122-23, March, 1926. 1. Period: no dates given except for texts. 1922-1925. 2. Types of sources: books. 3. Degree of completeness: very brief. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified as general works, Colonial Period, Early Constitutional Period, biography, special fields, sources, Canada, Latin-America, and recent text- books. 142. Tidyman, Willard F. "The teaching of spelling." School Effi- ciency Monographs. Yonkers-on Hudson, New York: World Book Company, 1919. ("Bibliography," p. 163-76.) < r> 1. Period: 1892-1919. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and unpublished manuscripts; foreign material included. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified, spelling material, the psychology of spelling, the pedagogy of spelling, scaled and standard tests, factors affecting spelling efficiency, and general studies — summaries, discussions, etc. [40] 145. Voegelein, L. Belle. "Selected bibliography on school publicity." Educational Research Bulletin of the Ohio State University, Vol. 3. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University, April 16, 1924, p. 162-65. 1. Period: 1911-1924. 2. Types of sources: bixiks. periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classification within according to sources; wide range of material on school publicity. 144. Voegelein, L. Belle. "An annotated bibliography on adapting schools to individual differences," in "Adapting the Schools to Indi- vidual Differences." Twenty-Fourth Yearbook of the National So- ciety for the Study of Education, Part II. Bloomington, Illinois: Public School Publishing Company, 1925, p. 287-363. 1. Period: 1905-1925: a few dates as early as 1894 included. 2. Types of sources: hooks, periodicals, other published material, and unpub- lished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: not complete, but extensive. 4. Annotations: brief; some critical; not all references have annotations. 5. Scope: four parts; individual instruction, with special sections on the Dalton plan, Decroly method, and Winnetka plan; classification, ability, grouping, and promotion plans; supervised study; differentiated curricula and courses of study. 145. Wagenhorst, Lewis H. "The administration and cost of high school interscholastic athletics." Teachers College Contributions to Education, Xo. 205. New York: Teachers College, Columbia Uni- versity, 1926. ("Bibliography," p, 125-34.) 1. Period: 1909-1926. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: very brief. 5. Scope: classified, historical, philosophical and psychological, general, values, administration, etc. 146. YValkley, Raymond Lowery. "Bibliography of the relation of secondary schools to higher education." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin,' 1914, No. 32. Washington, 1914. 57 p. 1. Period: 1845-1914. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: extensive; includes only discussions of the subject: does not include material relating to particular institutions; "nearly all ma- terial published in the last 10 years included, and the select older article.-." 4. Annotations: recent articles fully annotated; older ones brief. 5. Scope: grouped by subject; in each division arranged chronologically; classified as bibliography, general, entrance requirements, tables, teaching curriculum, special subjects, etc. [41 J 147. Watkins, Ralph K. "Bibliography of project teaching in general science," General Science Quarterly, 8:522-29, March, 1924. 1. Period: 1897-1924. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: totally inclusive for subject. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: wide scope of subjects in general science; no classification. 148. Webb, Florence Savannah. "Bibliography of all-year schools and vacation schools in the United States." U. S. Bureau of Edu- cation Library Leaflet No. 23. Washington, 1923. 15 p. 1. Period: 1876-1922. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not complete. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: wide range of material on all-year and vacation schools; chronological arrangement used. 149. Webb, Hanor A. "The high-school science library," Peabody Jour- nal of Education, 3:85-119, September, 1925. 1. Period: 1910-1925. 2. Types of sources: books. 3. Degree of completeness: selected but very extensive. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified as homes, science, clothing, etc.; wide, scope. 150. Wilcox, George M. "Cost of high-school instruction," Educa- tional Administration and Supervision, 4:445-66, November, 1918. ("Bibliography on cost in relation to education," p. 464-66.) 1. Period: 1912-1918. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: very brief. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: not classified; covers material on public schools of all grades. 151. Wilson, Lewis A. "A list of helpful publications concerning voca- tional instruction." L'niversity of the State of New York Bulletin No. 569. Albany: Division of Vocational Schools, 1914. 41 p. 1. Period: 1885-1913. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified as general reading texts, etc. ^ 152. Wilson, Louis N. "Bibliography of child study for the year 1906," Pedagogical Seminary, 14:329-65, September, 1907. 1. Period: 1906. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: complete for period covered. 4. Annotations: brief. [42] 5. Scope: no classification:; authors listed alphabetically. Note: These bibliographies are published at intervals in this periodical. Also, bibliography of child study for the years 1908-1909 in U. S. Bureau of Ed- ucation Bulletin, 1911, No. 11. Washington, 1911. 84 p. 153. Wilson, Louis R. "Some useful books on the organization and administration of high school libraries," The High School Journal, 6:103, April, 1923. 1. Period: 1917-1922. 2. Types of sources: handbooks and books. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified into groups — high school library standards, handbooks and manuals, classification, cataloging, high school library book list, library sup- plies, and the use of books. 154. Windes, Eustace E. "Government publications useful to teach- ers." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1924, No. 23. Washing- ton, 1924. 34 p. 1. Period: no dates given; to 1924. 2. Types of sources: bulletins, circulars, reports, books. 3. Degree of completeness: complete. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified according to departments of government, and miscellaneous. 155. Windes, E. E., and Greenleaf, W. J. "Bibliography of secondary education research, 1920-25." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1926, No. 2. Washington, 1926. 95 p. 1. Period: 1920-1925. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and unpublished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: brief but inclusive. 5. Scope: classified as administration, curriculum, examinations, finance and costs, guidance, instruction, relation of secondary and higher schools, teachers, tests, etc. 156. Wine, Carolyn I. "Bibliography in the teaching of literature in high school," Virginia Teacher, 6:234-38, October, 1925. 1. Period: no dates given. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: none. J. Scope: has a wide scope, as general suggestions, specific suggestions, anthologies and source books, etc. 157. Witherspoon, Eugenia. "The subnormal child in the rural school," Kentucky High School Quarterly, 7:28-31, January, 1921. ("Bib- liography," p. 31.) 1. Period: 1915-1919. 2. Types of sources: periodicals and books. [43] vWtf / 3. Degree of completeness: 11 references. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: not classified; covers material on backward children, special classes, etc. 158. Wolcott, J. D. "Bibliography on city-school supervision," in "The Supervision of City Schools." Twelfth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part I. Chicago, Illinois: The University of Chicago Press, 1913, p. 106-09. 1. Period: 1891-1911. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not very extensive. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: fairly wide scope of topics relating to city-school supervision. 159. Wright, Edith A. "A list of books for a teacher's professional library." U. S. Bureau of Education Teacher's Leaflet, 1924, No. 17. Washington, 1924. 15 p. 1. Period: 1902-1924. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: 100 titles. 4. Annotations: quite inclusive and critical. 5. Scope: wide range of material, such as history of education, child study, menta] tests, play and recreation, etc. 160. Wright, Edith A. "List of bulletins of the Bureau of Education. 1906-1922, with index by author, title and subject." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1923, No. 35. Washington, 1923. 52 p 1. Period: 1906-1922. 2. Types of sources: bulletins of Bureau of Education. 3. Degree of completeness: complete. 4. Annotations: lists a number of points of discussion under a few of the references 5. Scope: wide scope of educational subjects; listed by years. 161. "A contribution to a bibliography of Henri Bergson." Columbia University Library. New York: Columbia University Press, 1913. 1. Period: 1882-1912. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: complete except for newspaper literature and short book reviews. 4. Annotations: there are a few brief annotations. 5. Scope: classified as works by Bergson, and works about Bergson. 162. "A high school bibliography of the Quarterly Journal of Speech Education," Quarterly Journal of Speech Education, 12:13 l ^-47, April, 1926. 1. Period: 1916-1925. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and oilier published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: articles that have appeared in this journal, compiled by the editor, ar- ranged under topics, classified as curriculum, college entrance credit, aims, standards, etc. [44 1 163. "A selected list of books on the education of early childhood." (Compiled by the Literature Sub-Committee.) U. S. Bureau of Education Kindergarten Circular, 1917, No. 1, Washington, 1917. 14 P . 1. Period: 1891-1916. 2. Types of sources: books and monographs. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: quite complete. 5. Scope: classified as books for parents, for teachers and principals of schools, and for graduate kindergartners. 164. "A short bibliography on Americanization and patriotism," Bulle- tin of High Points, 3:37-40, September, 1921. 1. Period: no dates given. 2. Types of sources: books and bulletins. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: no classification; authors listed alphabetically. 165. "Aids for teaching home-making." Board for Vocational Educa- tion Bulletin No. 30. Springfield, Illinois: Board for Vocational Education, September, 1923. 56 p. 1. Period: 1910-1923. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not complete. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified according to phases of home-making, as art, the house, care of children, etc. 166. "Annotated bibliography of medical inspection and health super- vision of school children in the United States for the years 1909- 1912." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1913, No. 16. Wash- ington, 1913, 136 p. 1. Period: 1909-1912. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: very inclusive; complete list of chief literature on the subject for past four years. 4. Annotations: very elaborate; some include tables, charts, etc. 5. Scope: very wide; classified as medical inspection of eyes, ears, nose, throat. the school nurse, training of medical inspection, medical inspection in indi- vidual localities and institutions, etc. * 167. "Annotated chronological bibliography of publications by E. L. Thorndike," Teachers College Record, 27:466-515, February, 1926. 1. Period: 1898-1925. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete; a few reviews may have been omitted. 4. Annotations: brief; with the most important references. 5. Scope: covers wide range of topics such as animal psychology, mental fatigue, study of children, etc. [45] 168. ''Annotated list of books relating to household arts." Teachers College Technical Education Bulletin, Series A, No. 2. School of Household Arts. New York: Teachers College, Columbia Univer- sity, 1910. 42 P . 1. Period: 1845-1910. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not exhaustive. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified as general education, household arts education, industrial ed- ucation, social economics, etc. 169. ''Annotated list of books relating to industrial arts and industrial education." Technical Education Bulletin No. 6. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University, 1911. 50 p. 1. Period: 1890-1911. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: critical. 5. Scope: covers a wide scope of industrial subjects, such as industrial drawing, industrial mathematics, etc. 170. "Bibliography of educational measurements." Bloomington, In- diana: Bureau of Cooperative Research, Indiana University, May, 1923. 120 P . 1. Period: apparently 1908-1923. 2. Types of sources: tests and measurements. 3. Degree of completeness: rather complete. 4. Annotations: brief statements included with each reference. 5. Scope: classified according to subjects. Note: first revision of "Bibliography of educational measurements." Blooming- ton, Indiana: Bureau of Cooperative Research. Indiana University, May, 1925. 147 p. 171. "Bibliography of education in agriculture and home economics." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1912, No. 10. Washington, 1912. 62 P . 1. Period: 1880-1912. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: complete; 578 references. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified according to sections — geographically — and different types of schools. 172. "Bibliography of salaries" (compiled by Providence Teachers' As- sociation), Journal of Education, 76:155, 159-60, August 15, 1912. 1. Period: 1899-1912. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: no classification; authors listed alphabetically. [46] 173. ''Bibliography on teacher tenure." National Education Association Research Bulletin. Vol. 2, Xo. 5. Washington, November, 1924, p. 167-69. 1. Period: 1904-1924. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: brief. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: no classification; teacher tenure, teacher's term of office, selection of teachers, etc. 1 74. '"Bibliography on vocational guidance — a selected list of vocational or. o guidance references for teachers, counselors, and youths." U. S. Federal Board for Vocational Education Bulletin No. 66. Wash- ington, June, 1921. 35 p. 1. Period: 1910-1920. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not complete. 4. Annotations: many elaborate annotations are given. 5. Scope: no classification; authors listed alphabetically. Note: revised edition, 1925. 175. "Books on curricular problems which have been tried and found helpful." National Education Association Research Bulletin, Vol. 3, Nos. 4 and 5, September and November, 1925. p. 168-78. 1. Period: 1897-1925. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and unpublished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: a complete list of best books. 4. Annotations: none; books are given in tables according to subjects. 5. Scope: a list of the best books in the general field recommended by a group of educators, and lists of recommended books in single subjects. 176. "Books on health — as related to the school child." New York State Library Bibliography Bulletin No. 69. Albany: The Univer- sity of the State of New York, 1921. 37 p. 1. Period: 1897-1921. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not complete; pamplets not listed. 4. Annotations: concise. 5. Scope: hygiene, open-air schools, medical inspection of schools, speech defects, etc.; a list of organizations which publish related material is given at the end of the bibliography, and also a list of periodicals and bibliographies on the subject. 177. "Choosing an occupation; a list of books and references on voca- tional guidance, choice, and training." Brooklyn Public Library. Brooklyn, New York: The Brooklyn Library. 1913. 63 p. 1. Period: 1882-1913. 2. Types of sources: books, bulletins, and other published material. [47 1 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified as bibliographies and lists of books on various vocations. 178. Committee of the American Federation of Teachers of the Math- ematical and the Natural Sciences. "Bibliography of science teach- ing." U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1911, No. 1. Washing- ton, 1911. 21 p. 1. Period: 1893-1910. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified as biology, chemistry, etc. 179. Committee of the Society of College Teachers of Education on Practice Teaching for Secondary Schools. "Bibliography on the training of high-school teachers," in "The Professional Preparation of High-School Teachers." Eighteenth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part I. Bloomington, Illinois: Public School Publishing Company, 1919, p. 355-58. 1. Period: 1901-1918: some dates as early as 1893. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness; seems complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: training of high-school teachers; classified as contributions previous to 1907, contributions since 1907, references regarding training in practice in foreign fields, and articles appearing since committee began work. 180. "Current publications of the Bureau of Municipal Research." New York: Bureau of Municipal Research, 1917. 3 p. 1. Period: 1908-1917. 2. Types of sources: publications of the Bureau. 3. Degree of completeness: complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: budget, city government, education, finance, general government, state government, health, parks, police, tenements, and water. 181. "Educational measurements." University of the State of New York Bulletin No. 734. Albany: University of the State of New York, 1921. 27 p. 1. Period: dates of tests not given. 2. Types of sources: tests. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: a statement of uses to make of the tests, how to order tests, etc.. is includued: annotations given in the form: publisher, cost, accessory ma- terials, and an added note; classified by school subjects. 5. Scope: classified as group intelligence tests and standard achievement tests. 182. "Elementary courses of study published since January 1, 1923." National Education Association Research Bulletin, Vol. 3, Nos. 4 [48 J and 5. Washington: Research Division of the National Education Association, September and November, 1925, p. 183-92. 1. Period: January 1, 1923-1925. 2. Types of sources: elementary courses of study. 3. Degree of completeness: complete for time. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: various subjects, such as kindergarten, arithmetic, art, social studies, general courses, state and county courses, etc.: given in table form, with year, title, and number of pages; some mimeographed sheets included. 183. "Government publications of interest to home economics teachers and students." U. S. Bureau of Education Library Leaflet No. 5. Washington, 1923. 16 p. 1. Period: 1914-1917. 2. Types of sources: government publications. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified according to various bureaus and education — children's, agri- culture, etc. Note: revision of Home Economics Circular No. 5. May IS, 1918. 8 p., and Home Economics Circular No. 5, 1921, 15 p. 184. "Helpful books on elementary and secondary school curricula." National Education Association Research Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 5, November, 1923, p. 338-43. 1. Period: 1900-1923. 2. Types of sources: books. 3. Degree of completeness: selected; list of 58 books given in table form; an addi- tional list is annotated. 4. Annotations: elaborate. 5. Scope: no classifications: books concerned with problem of building courses of study and curricula. 185. "List of references on county and rural school supervision." Re- port of the Commissioner of Education, Vol. 1, 1907, p. 23-25. 1. Period: 1885-1907. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: arranged chronologically. 186. "List of references on education for citizenship." U. S. Bureau of Education Library Leaflet No. 10. Washington, March, 1920. 16 p. 1. Period: 1894-1920. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: a fairly complete list. 4. Annotations: a statement of content included with some references. 5. Scope: classified general, elementary schools, high schools, colleges and univer- sities, community civics, patriotism, and text-books. r 49 1 187. "List of references on education for citizenship." U. S. Bureau of Education Library Leaflet No. 30. Washington, January, 1925. 16 p. 1. Period: 1914-1925. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not exhaustive. 4. Annotations: very brief with some references. 5. Scope: includes material on training for citizenship in general and references on problems of government, political, economic, and social. 188. "List of references on educational tests and measurements." U. S. Bureau of Education Library Leaflet No. 2. Washington, April, 1919. 18 p. 1. Period: 1897-1919. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: extensive. 4. Annotations: very brief with some references. 5. Scope: classified as general, according to special subjects, and bibliographies. 189. "List of references on education of women in the United States." U. S. Bureau of Education Library Leaflet No. 19. Washington, 1923. 7 p. 1. Period: 1894-1923. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: about 125 references. 4. Annotations: very brief with some references. 5. Scope: classified as history, general discussion, higher education, industrial and vocational education, and women in the professions. \/ 190. "List of references on higher education." U. S. Bureau of Educa- tion Library Leaflet No. 28. Washington, 1924. 31 p. 1. Period: 1887-1924. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and unpub- lished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: quite extensive but not complete. 4. Annotations: very brief, with some of the references. 5. Scope: general references, history and description, college teachers and teach- ing, tests and measurements, college and university curriculum, extension work, administration, limitation and attendance, the liberal arts college, the junior college, extra-curricular activities, vocational education, value of higher education, and morals and religion. 191. "List of references on home economics." L T . S. Bureau of Educa- tion Library Leaflet No. 21. Washington, June, 1923. 21 p. 1. Period: apparently 1910-1923. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: fairly extensive but not exhaustive. 4. Annotations: very brief statements included with some of references. 5. Scope: general classification, schools, universities, and special subjects: short bibliography included; periodicals listed. [50] 192. "List of references on the junior high school." U. S. Bureau of Education Library Leaflet No. 5. Washington, 1919. 15 p. 1. Period: 1900-1919. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and typewritten material. 3. Degree of completeness: fairly extensive. 4. Annotations: brief annotations to some of the references. 5. Scope: classified as general, special localities, special subjects, and bibliographies. Also: "List of references on the junior high school." in U. S. Bureau of Education Library Leaflet No. 27. Washington, 1924, 11 p., and Leaflet No. 20. Wash- ington, 1923. 15 p. 193. "List of references on Maria Montessori and her methods." Pre- pared by the Library Division. U. S. Bureau of Education, 1914. Washington, 1914. 6 p. 1. Period: 1904-1914. 2. Types of sources: books and periodicals. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete up to 1914. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: no classification: authors listed alphabetically. 194. "List of references on the economic value of education." U. S. Bu- reau of Education Librarv Leaflet No. 4. Washington, April 1919. 7 p. 1. Period: 1880-1919. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not extensive. 4. Annotations: a few, very brief. 5. Scope: classified as value to the individual, high school education, education and farming, trade and technical education, higher education, and value to the community. 195. "List of references on the money value of education." U. S. Bu- reau of Education Library Leaflet No. 24. Washington, July, 1924. 7 p. 1. Period: apparently 1912-1924. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: complete. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified according to different kinds of education such as vocational, technical, etc., value to the individual, and value to the community. 196. "List of references on moral education." Report of the Commis- sioner of Education, 1909, Vol. 1, p. 30-32. 1. Period: 1907-1919. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: arranged chronologically. [51] 197. '"List of references on mothers' clubs and parent-teacher associa- tions."' Prepared by the Library Division. U. S. Bureau of Edu- cation, 1914. Washington, 1914. 4 p. 1. Period: 1899-1906. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: a few, very brief. 5. Scope: no classification: authors listed alphabetically. 198. ''List of references on moving pictures in education." Prepared by the Library Division. U. S. Bureau of Education. Washington, 1914. 4 P . 1. Period: 1909-1914. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: no classification; authors listed alphabetically. 199. "List of references on play and playgrounds." U. S. Bureau of Education Library Leaflet No. 3. Washington, 1919. 11 p. 1. Period: 1901-1919. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: very brief. 5. Scope: classified in four divisions, general, rural schools, equipment and super- vision, and playground directors. 200. "List of references on the principles and practice of teaching." Prepared by the Library Division. Bureau of Education. Wash- ington, April, 1914. 6 p. 1. Period: 1891-1914. 2. Types of sources: books, bulletins, monographs, and reports. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: wide range; subjects such as school management and school methods, methods in education, the art of study, etc. 201. ""List of references on the project method in education." U. S. Bureau of Education Librarv Leaflet Xo. 17. Washington, 1923. 9 P . 1. Period: 1916-1923. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified as general, agriculture, commercial education, engineering, English, geography, religious education, etc. Note: same subject in U. S. Bureau of Education Library Leaflet No. 9. Wash- ington, 1919. [52J 202. "List of references on rural life and culture." U. S. Bureau of Ed- ucation Library Leaflet No. 26. Washington, August, 1924. 12 p. 1. Period: 1914-1924. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently quite complete. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified according to phases of rural life, such as churches, education, and special localities. Note: references for 1906-1922 in U. S. Bureau of Education Library Leaflet No. 16, 1922. 203. "List of references on rural schools and rural school teaching." Prepared by the Library Division. U. S. Bureau of Education. Washington, 1914. 5 p. 1. Period: 1907-1913. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not exhaustive. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: no classification; authors listed alphabetically. 204. "List of references on secondary education in the Linked States." Prepared by the Library Division. U. S. Bureau of Education, 1913. Washington, 1915. 6 p. 1. Period: 1890-1914. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not complete. 4. Annotations: there are some brief notes on a few books. 5. Scope: no classification; authors are listed alphabetically. 205. "List of references on secondary education in the United States." U. S. Bureau of Education Library Leaflet No. 22. Washington, 1923. 10 p. 1. Period: 1916-1917. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: fairly complete. 4. Annotations: very brief statements included with some of the references. 5. Scope: general references on secondary education, private secondary schools, special localities, and special studies and courses of study. 206. "List of references on student self-government." Prepared by the Library Division. U. S. Bureau of Education, 1914. Washington, 1914. 6 p. 1. Period: 1880-1913. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: very brief. 5. Scope: classified as general, high schools, colleges and universities, and the honor system in colleges. 153] 207. "List of references on student self-government and the honor sys- tem." U. S. Bureau of Education Library Leaflet Xo. 31. Wash- ington, 1925. 6 p. 1. Period: 1913-1925; few dates as early as 1906. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not extensive. 4. Annotations: very brief ones with a few references. 5. Scope: general references, high schools, colleges and universities, the honor system. 208. "List of references on teachers' pensions." Prepared by the Library Division. L T . S/ Bureau of Education. June, 1914. Washington. 1914. 7 p. 1. Period: 1894-1913. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: a few. very brief. 5. Scope: classified as United States and foreign countries. 209. "List of references on teachers' salaries." U. S. Bureau of Educa- tion Library Leaflet No. 8. Washington, 1919. 16 p. 1. Period: 1894-1919. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: fairly complete. 4. Annotations: some references have very brief annotations. 5. Scope: classified as general, special, high schools, colleges and universities. imum salaries, equal pay for men and women, bibliographies. 210. "List of references on visual education." U. S. Bureau of Educa- tion Library Leaflet No. 18. Washington. 1923. 11 p. 1. Period: 1909-1923. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: fairly complete. 4. Annotations: very brief; not included with all references. 5. Scope: general references, lantern slides, and moving pictures. 211. ''List of references on vocational education." U. S. Bureau of Ed- ucation Library Leaflet No. 7. Washington. August, 1919. 16 p. 1. Period: 1905-1919. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and unpublished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified, general, references on elementary schools, high schools, voca- tional training of women, federal and state aid, and vocational surveys. Note: references on this subject also in U. S. Bureau of Education Library Leaf- lets Nos. 25 and 15, November, 1924 and 1922, respectively. 20 and 20 p. 212. "List of references on vocational guidance." L'. S. Bureau of Ed- ucation Library Leaflet No. 32. Washington, October, 1925. 11 p. 1. Period: includes books published since 1913. and articles published since 1916. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. [54] 3. Degree of completeness: not exhaustive. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified as general, high schools, vocational psychology, and choice of occupations. 213. '"Nominations for our teachers' book shelf/' The Journal of the New York State Teachers' Association, 11:78-85, March, 1924. 1. Period: modern; no dates given. 2. Types of sources: books. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: no classification; subjects related to teaching, such as "'talks to teach- ers," etc. 214. "Publications concerning the Gary schools — bibliography." Gary, Indiana: Board of Education, 1915. 10 p. 1. Period: 1912-1915. 2. Types of sources: books, reports, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: no classification; includes a list of articles on the Gary school system. 215. "Publications of the U. S. Bureau of Education on the training and professional status of teachers." U. S. Bureau of Education. Wash- ington, January, 1925. 3 p. (Mimeographed.) 1. Period: 1913-1925. 2. Types of sources: bulletins, circulars, and leaflets. 3. Degree of completeness: probably not complete for years covered. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified according to special training such as agriculture, kindergartens, rural schools, etc. 216. "Publications of the U. S. Bureau of Education of special interest to high-school teachers." U. S. Bureau of Education. Washington, May, 1924. 6 p. 1. Period: 1912-1923. 2. Types of sources: bulletins, leaflets, studies, etc. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified according to subjects, as commercial education, home eco- nomics, etc.. and according to schools, as high, and junior high. Note: a later publication on the same topic has been issued by the Bureau, Jan- uary, 1926. It covers the subjects industrial, vocational, and physical edu- cation, secondary schools, and rural schools for the years 1912-1925. 217. "References in the general field of secondary commercial educa- tion." Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1. Period: up to 1920. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and unpub- lished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. [55] 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified as references in the general field of secondary commercial ed- ucation, and references on special subjects in the secondary school curric- ulum. 218. "References on pre-school and kindergarten primary education."] (Compiled by Nina C. Yandewalker and Harriet E. Howard.) U. S. Bureau of Education Kindergarten Circular Xo. 14. Washington, 1923. 11 p. 1. Period: 1921-1923. 2. Types of sources: periodicals and reports. 3. Degree of completeness: not exhaustive. 4. Annotations: quite elaborate. 5. Scope: general references, pre-school education, and kindergarten-primary ed- ucation. 219. "References on intelligence tests," Chicago Schools Journal, 4:297-1 98, April, 1922. 1. Period: 1912-1922. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: 20 references. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: classified as group tests, journals, and individual tests. 220. "Report of the National Committee on Reading." Twenty-Fourth; Yearbook of the National society for the Study of Education, Part I. Bloomington, Illinois: Public School Publishing Company, 1925. 356 p. (''Bibliography of books and articles on selecting reading materials for children," p. 173-77.) 1. Period: 1903-1925. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, other published material, and unpub-< lished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: small list. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified as references dealing with the general problem of selection of books for children, available lists of books for children, and location of spe- cific poems and stories for children. 221. "Report of the National Committee on Reading." Twenty-Fourth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part I. Bloomington, Illinois: Public School Publishing Company, 1925. ("Reading tests — references," p. 273-74.) 1. Period: 1917-1923. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: very brief. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: references on standard tests and informal tests. 222. "Report of the National Committee on Reading." Twenty-Fourth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, [56] Part I. Bloomington, Illinois: Public School Publishing Company. 1925. ("References on diagnosis and remedial work." p. 288-89.) 1. Period: 1918-1923. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: very brief. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: very limited; diagnosis and remedial work. 123. "Selected bibliography on salaries." National Education Associa- tion Research Bulletin, Vol. I, Xo. 3, July, 1923, p. 115. 1. Period: 1841-1923. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and unpublished manuscripts. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: brief with some references. 5. Scope: no classification: references to articles on teachers' salaries written pre- vious to 1922. '24. "Selected bibliography of current thought on teachers' salaries." National Education Association Research Bulletin, Vol. 3, Xos. 1 and 2, January and March, 1925, p. 71. 1. Period: 1924-1925. 2. Types of sources: periodicals and bulletins. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: references on teachers' salaries; listed alphabetically. -25. "Selected references on teacher retirement systems." Xationai Ed- ucation Association Research Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 3. May, 1924. p. 87-88. 1. Period: 1912-1924. 2. Types of sources: books, bulletins, reports, and proceedings. 3. Degree of completeness: selected. 4. Annotations: inclusive. 5. Scope: no classification: reference on teachers' retirement. 226. "School financial accounting and budgeting." Xationai Education Association Research Bulletin, Vol. 2. January and March, 1924, p. 31-32. 1. Period: 1912-1925. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not extensive. 4. Annotations: brief. 5. Scope: not classified; problems of budgeting and finance; authors arranged al- phabetically. 227. "Social studies in secondary schools." Association of Collegiate Schools of Business. Chicago: The University of Chicago Pre—. 1922. p. 64-112. 1. Period: 1879-1919. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. [57] r> 3. Degree of cumpleteness: not complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified as references in the general field of secondary commercial edu- cation and references on special subjects in the secondary school curriculum. 228. "Statistical books," Journal of the American Statistical Associa- tion, 17:1042-43, December, 1921. 1. Period: 1914-1921. 2. Types of sources: books. 3. Degree of completeness: apparently complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: no classification: includes books of statistics on various subjects as resources, currency, etc. 229. "The Junior high school." Bureau of Reference Research and Statistics Bulletin Xo. 17. New York: Board of Education, 1919. 51 P . 1. Period: 1913-1918. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: not exhaustive. 4. Annotations: elaborate. 5. Scope: classified as the need of reorganization, aims and character of the junior high school, advantages, bibliographies, etc. 230. "Titles of completed research from home economics departments in American colleges and universities, 1918 to 1923." U. S. Bureau of Education Home Economics Circular No. 18. Washington, 1924. 14 P . 1. Period: 1918-1923. 2. Types of sources: periodicals and unpublished material. 3. Degree of completeness: complete. 4. Annotations: none. 5. Scope: classified according to purpose, as theses offered for degree of master of arts and science, etc. Note: this is published from time to time by the Bureau. 231. "Vocational guidance for women — a selection of some of the best books and magazine articles in the University of Illinois Library. 1923." (Compiled by the Reference Librarians for the Vocational Conference for Women, November 19-21, 1923.) University of Illinois, 1923. 12 p. 1. Period: 1909-1924. 2. Types of sources: books, periodicals, and other published material. 3. Degree of completeness: limited to those having a direct bearing on women 4. Annotations: there are a few brief annotations. 5. Scope: classified as general vocational information, bibliographies, and specific vocational information. [58] TOPIC INDEX The numbers are those assigned to the bibliographies in the preceding pages. Advisors of girls, 116. Aims of education, 84. Arithmetic, 27, 33. Assembly, high school, 54. Athletics, administration of. 145. Backward children, 74, 76. 79. 92. 99, 135, 157. Bergson, Henri, 161. Budgets, 35, 226. Children's reading, 11, 138. Child-study, 152. Civics, 82, 164, 186, 187. Classification of pupils, 111, 144. Classroom management. 95, 98. College. See University. College, cost of going to, 8. College entrance requirements, 96, 146. Comenius, 89. Commercial education, 217. Consolidation, 1, 102. Consumer, education of, 65. Course of study. See Curriculum. Curriculum, 25, 31, 36, 41. 64. 65, 84, 90. 98, 104, 123, 146, 175, 182, 184. Delinquency, 76, 125. Economy of time in education, 12. Education, value of, 194. 195. Educational guidance, 37 Educational measurement, 29. 30, 43, 58, 61, 72, 73, 80, 105, 120, 128, 135, 170, 181, 188. Elimination from school, 71, 135. English composition, 73. Ethics, codes of, 137. Extra-curricular activities, 52, 53, 54, 55. 56, 112, 136. Finance, 4, 35, 47, 127, 150, 226. Fraternities, 53, 56. Gary schools, 214. Geography, teaching of, 23, 43, 66. Gifted children, 42, 67, 68, 79, 92, 135. Government publications, 1. 110, 119, 154, 160, 180, 183, 215, 216. Health, 176. Home economics, 90a, 165. 168, 171, 183, 191, 230. Housing, 7. Hygiene, 3. Individual differences, 111, 144. Industrial education. 28, 34, 38, 48, 98, 115, 169. Intelligence tests, 49, 83, 219. Journalism in high school, 55. Judicial decisions, 22. Junior high school, 2. 26, 41, 45, 78, 90, 93, 121, 192, 229. Kindergarten, 88, 163, 218. Legislation, 22. Lesson planning, 107. Library, administration of, 117. 153. Literature, teaching of, 87, 156. Manual arts, 34. 40, 121. Mathematics, 130, 131, 132. Medical inspection. 75, 166. Mental hygiene, 106. Military training, 32. Modern languages, teaching of, 86, 105, 113, 118. Montessori Method, 193. Moral education, 196. Museums, 9. Occupations, 5. Parent-teacher associations, 59, 197. Part-time education, 133. Peace, promotion of, 10. Physical education, 3, 199. Physical growth of children, 14. Platoon plan, 15. Play-grounds, 199. Practice teaching, 97. Principal, high school, 46. Professors' salaries. 91. Project method, 57, 69, 70, 81, 85, 147, 201. Psychological tests. 20. 101, 122, 126. Reading, 61. 62, 63, 220, 221, 222. Religious education, 100. Reorganization of public school systems, 31. Research in secondary education, 109, 155. Retardation, 135. Rural schools, 17. 119, 157, 185, 202. 203. Safety education, 39. School administration, 136, 150. 158. [59] School buildings. 6. 51, 134, 136. School publicity, 143. School records and reports, 47, 136. Science teaching. 60, 149, 178. Secondary education, 146. 204, 205, 216, 217. See also Junior high school, Curriculum, Extra-curricular activi- ties, Research in secondary educa- tion. College entrance requirements. Social studies. 123, 129, 141. 227. Speech-education, 162. Spelling. 142. Statistical methods, 58, 124, 228.. Student-government, 56, 206, 207. Supervision, 158. Surveys, 94. Teachers' pensions. 77. 108, 139, 208, 225. Teachers' salaries. 13, 91, 108, 139, 172, 209. 225. 224. Teacher tenure, 173. Teacher training, 38, 97, 159, 179, 200. 213. 215. Textbooks, selection of, 44. Thorndike, E. L., 167. Trade education, 48. Transportation of pupils, 1, 102. Universities, medieval, 114. Universitv administration. 21. 50. 117. 140, 190. Vacation schools, 148. Visiting teacher, 59. Visual education, 198, 210. Vocational education, 115, 133. 151. 211. Vocational guidance, 16, 18. 19, 24. 57, 90, 115, 174, 177, 212/231. Women, education of. 189. [60]