LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 510.84 lJ?(£>v- ho. 2.2-59 COI Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS GRADUATE COLLEGE DIGITAL COMPUTER LABDRAT r INTERNAL REPORT N0 o $6 MODIFICATION OF TELETYPE EQUIPMENT for use with ILLIAC Or RoE. Miller March 11, 19^ MODIFICATION OF TEIETTFE EQUIPMENT FOR USE WITH THE ILLIAC I INTRODUCTION Various modifications of the teletype equipment are required to make this equipment suitable for use in connection with the IlliaCo These changes are nc ,rert the equip- ment from operation with the teletype code to that of the coded binary code U3ed for input and output from the I Iliac, This report will describe the required conversion from standard, teletype units to a uniform 3et of equipment for processing input and output tapes H TELETYPE PERFERATOR KEYBOARD MODIFIC ATION MODEL GPE 33 BB •MMt TmrT ■ — iw — i m — i M — rr i i i i - m -|- r~ r r i i i r iinmni - i ji rmnj _.i »■ i ■ ■ i . - - ■ t r The perferator key levers are rearranged as shown in Figure 1A and IB to provide convenient single hand operation for punching sexadecimal digits, space, and carriage return and line feed characterSo Figure 1A shows the teletype letters code in the rearranged positions c This corresponds directly to Figure IB which shows the I Iliac code for this key lever arrangement o The changes to accomplish this arrangement in teletype code are: (1) R,T,0,P,E f Y,U,S,A,0,H,J,K,F,Z, Fig, M, Line Feed, V, B, and X keylevers are changed in position, (2) Car« Reto, Space, N,C,D,I,L and B3ank key lever combs are removed and rearranged so that the combs are riveted to the key levers as shown in Table 1 COMB KEY IEVER Car* Ret© I HLank Space Space D D Blank L N N L I C C Car* Ret, Table 1 REARRANGEMENT OF KEY IEVER COMBS TELETYPE CODE (3) Extensions and bars for the Blank key lever containing the teletype D code and the teletype Letters Shift key lever, as shown in Figure 2, are constructed and riveted to these key levers* These provide a Carriage Return arid Line Feed bar on the left of the Zero bar and a Space bar on the right of the 2ero bar for the Illiac code as shown in Figure 1B„ (U) The key levers are placed in position as in Figure 1A, and the keytops are then placed to correspond to Figure 1B» Re-lettering of key 5 * tops is done where requiredo (5) The ! ension for the carriage return and line feed and space key lever springs must be increased to the same value as the zero key lever spring to over balance the added weight of the extension bars The punch block top plate does not allow the last character punched to be visible for checking. The top plat3 is therefore removed and 0O6O inch from the tape output edge is removed with a surface grinder* The chad chute is also reshaped to allow easier checking of the tape* ©©©©©©©©©© 0009000000 © © © © ©@© © © © f BLANK J Fig. 1A. ©©©©0®®©©© ©0©®©©©©©® Q©f ®@©©@^®@ ( CR ♦ LF J C P Q ) C SPACE J Figo IB r SPACE BAR Mat'li Bakelite Mx28DrilL Or/// fo.eo -f-J* LEVER EX TENSION XL. MatL : SresLjlotv Car* . oso THICK [1 w •l# JL T> I if •Dr*//fCo*/ M A 2 Holes A/0.43 ""'" BAR MOUNT ^ I cm Mat'l • Aluminum Drill 4 Tip 6-3Z FIQ. 2 o, ^ I-DCov>e Bar Rework as Sho wn FI G 3 Ill TELETYPE PRINTER MODIFICATION MODEL 1$ TELETYPE TYPE ARRANGEMENT 69 The type pallets must be changed to different type bars 30 ss to give the code on the type bar positions as shown in Table 2„ TYPE PAR POSITION TYPE FIGURE SHIFT PALLET TTER 3 $ D U X Z 5 ( B 6 J J 7 s V 8 7 U 9 9 H 10 9 11 5 T 12 3 E 13 N N 1U 6 r 15 p 16 1 Q 17 8 I 18 M 19 + K 20 2 W 21 F F 22 ) A 23 ■ G 2U - S IS L L 26 8 C 27 / X 28 u Table 2 R To obtain those combinations on the type pallets one each of the special type pallets in Table 3 are needed for each printer being modifiedo A ) B \ H 8 L L N N F E G a Z X J s + TELETYPE PALLET PART N0 o TYPE MP POSITION TO RE USED OK 82289 99188 11808U 122831* 122883 122351 120938 122351 7U318 89&7 TABLE 3 SPECIAL TYPE PALLETS To obtain the J J combination on type bar 6* two pallets are cut using the J from each pallet. Cutting is also necessary to form the K * combination on position 19o The pallets to go on positions 7, 21, 23 and 2U are modified by filing part of the characters off to give the desired combination,, The X/ on type bar 27 is the only pallet not to be changed o 22 5 9 25 13 21 23 h 6 2k -7- Ths printer code bar must be reworked as shown in Figure 3o The printer may be equipped with either an automatic carriage return and line feed on space mechanism or a tabulator mechani.sai© Since both of these special features are designed to use the same function lever position it is not feasible to have both features on the same printero For the tabulator mechanism the teletype sets of parts No„ 87860, Tabulate on Upper Case "Z", and No. 39992, used to stop the transmitter distributor while the printer carriage is moving in response to a tabulation signal, should be installed in accordance with the installation instructions as supplied with the part sets e The function levers, carriage return Pos 2, and lino feed Pos e 12 are modified to have the code profile as shown in Figure Uo This is done by grinding off some of the existing tangs and riveting on a correctly formed 1/16" tool steel piece e The wiring necessary between the printer and transmitter distributor for the No 39992 set of parts is shown in the Wiring Diagram for Receiving Only Printer Figure $<, If installation is made on a Table 19 set the correct interconnection i3 shown in Table Uo For the automatic carriage return and line feed mechanism, the teletype set of parts 11^751 should be installed with the position 6 and 12 function levers being reworked as shown in Figure 6 and the position 2 function lever being reworked as shown in Figure Uo A function lever is placed in position 7 to cause a delay of the printer on the txvo delay codes c . This function lever is 7A, teletype part number 7U932 modified as shown in Figure 7o >&= CONNECT -WIRE FROM TO TD Slip contact number 8 Table Terminal B - 39 TD Slip contact number 9 Table Terminal B - 38 Table Terminal B - 39 Table Terminal A - !.j2 Table Terminal B - 38 Table Terminal B • 37 Printer Base Terminal 26 Printer Base Terminal 21 Breen Wire of Printer Cord Printer Base Terminal U3 TABLE k WRING INTERCONNECTION FOP. TABUIATE MECHANISM TO DELAY TRANSMITTER-DISTRIBUTOR ON A TABLE NO* 19 INSTALLATION The signal bell mechanUrai is disabled by either removing the mechanism or placing the bell hammer to the rear of the bello The letters position function lever is removed and a modified function lever as shown in Figure 8 is used for the letters shift function lever,, IV Perforato r T ransmitter Modif ication - Ty pe Model 1$ A new set of selector bars, as shown in drawing number L?36, re- places the original selector bars fot the keyboard« This gives a keyboard arrangement as shown in Figure 1B The key-tops should be changed to conform to this arrangment Levers are added to the keyboard for the carriage return and line feed and space The parts needed to attach these levers are shown in Figure 9o a,-j carra/6e r sturm $ Line Feed Func tion Lever Pxofil e t/OTE: . All DtMBN$fo*f& 2 gz FIG. 4 •10- u ft: ^ IS u Hi o g Ml O »4 Q ^» =11- PoGtTiON 6 r— - , *§^e^i^iS* ' a ■/* — 3^«* PtVKY AS SHOtvAJ Mat'l: j% Stock Toot. SrseL PoStTtOM (2 Rework or Fc/NcrtoN Levers for Automatic C.P. $ LrT Mechanism F/6. 6 Pes/r/oN *7 \ *32 f?£Mo\/£TAMQ8 Delay Fufitcr/ON Lever F/G. 7 -12- R&Mova Tan 9 Po S I T / O A/ 4~ Pagt No. 74-/38 Fox Pes. // LerrcR Shift 'FUNCTION Levzt? FIG. 8 8-32 VniLt. 4 TAP £4 Drill. feoerp -12 /Each Mat'l.i Stjcsl. .2SOD/A. F/G. 9 < T* — *>;>