KiN' THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. library iCo, QZo.q Os \Z j DNIVBRSIT7 r ? ULimOS Please return ^ 9rmerHQ..__ Case /Vo Drawing Ho. 1 Return this bo'^ Latest Date Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. With the exception of three sections of Table II, the present dition embodies all of the matter given in the first volume, iwelve new tables of moments of inertia and squares of radii of |fyration have been added, and the others have been extended so Fihat the total number of sections has been increased from abovit 300 to 1,900. The statement in preface of first edition that “ the centers of gravity of each group are found at the same distance above the center of the web” will apply only to the last four tables of the pre.sent edition. r ^ • The table of values for will much facilitate the use of any r2 form of Gordon’s Formula, and particularly those given in this work. The arrangement of these tables for use of lengths of columns in feet, will, it is believed, meet with approval. The table of square roots has been added principally for the benefit of the advocates and users of the straight line formula, and may be used to obtained the value of r from the tables, or the value of may be first obtained, and then the square root 1*2 extracted, giving the value of _F_ PiTTsiiURcni, Jan., 1889. C. O. TTT PREFACE. The aim of the author of the present work has been to’, supply, partially at least, a need felt by engineers and draughtsmen en- - gaged in structural work in iron and steel. ^ The handbooks of our manufacturers are all quite complete far as the properties of their particular shapes are concerne but there is believed to be no work published, containing a c( lection of built sections of the forms in general use at the prese time. All of. the sections given, are what are known as “ open se tions,” being accessible for examination and painting; acorn tion required by the majority of specifications There will be found a number of sections which do not comply with the quite common specification that “the unsupported width of any plate subjected to compresssion, shall not exceed thirty times its thickness,” the designer to use his discretion as to when these sections are admissible. It is to be noticed' that the sections in each group are so pro- portioned that their centers of gravity are found at the same dis- tanc^above the center of the web. There are no interpolations in any of the tables, each value having been calculated and checked independently, and the fig- ures given, may be relied upon as accurate. F. C. (). Pittsburgh, Feb., 1886. I Ti^BLES Tjib-raw MOMENTS OF INERTIA AND SouARts OF Radii of Gyration; SUPPLEMENTED BY OTHERS ON THE ULTIMATE AND SAFE STRENGTH OF /, WROUGHT IRON COLUMNS BY FRANK C. OSBORN, C. K. M. AM. SOC. C. E. amber of the firm of G. W, G Ferris & Co., Civil Engineers, Inspect- ors of Structural Iron and Steel : and of the firm Robert W. Hunt & Co., Bureau of Inspection, Tests • and Consultation. SECOND EDITION. PUBLISHED BY ENGINEERING NP:WS PUBLISHING CO., TRIBUNE BUILDING, NEW >889. YORK CITY. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1889, by FRANK C. OSBORN, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Stevenson & foster, Printers, Engravers and Electrotypers, Wood St , Pittsburgh, Pa. Tr-ncnirieerfiig i-iS-' CONTENTS. Explanation, ....... Moments of Inertia, Rectangles, Squares of Radii of Gyration, Two Angles, “ “ “ Four Angles, . Moments of Inertia and Squares of Radii of Page. . 7-1 1 . 12-13 14 15 Gyration : Four Angles and One Web Plate, , . . . Two Plates and One Separating Channel, Two Channels and One Top Plate, Two Channels and One Separating I Beam, , Three I Beams, ....... One Web Plate and Two Angles, One Web Plate, Two Angles and Top Plate, Two Web Plates, Two Web Plates and Four Angles, Two Web Plates, Two Side Plates and Four Angles, Two Web Plates, Four Angles and Top Plate, Two Web Plates, Four Angles, Top Plate and Ver- tical Flange Plates, . . . . . Two Web Plates, Four Angles, Top Plate and Hori- zontal Flange Plates, . . . . . . Three Web Plates, Fight Angles and Top Plate, . Values of ........ r2 Ultimate Strength of Wrought Iron Columns, a u (( (( “ a u .. u 16-19 20-25 26-27 28-32 33 34-37 38-39 40-41 42-53 54-55 56-63 64-65 66-67 68-69 70-80 81-83 84-86 87-89 Safe Strength per S(,)Uare Inch of Two Channels Latticed, 'fwo Sfjuare Ends, “ “ “ Pin and Scpiare, “ Two Pin Ends, Table of Square Roots, .... Bending Moments for Various Loads and .Spans, Capacity of Timber Beams, Conventional Signs for Bridge Rivets, . 90-91 . 92-93 . 94-95 . 96-103 . 104 105-107 108-109 5 EXPLANATION. The shapes used in the following tables are those manufactured by the firm of Carnegie Bros.- & Co , Limited, Pittsburgh, Pa. The moments of inertia of sections made up of plates and angles, or of angles only, will not, however, vary materially for shapes of same size and weight made by other manufacturers. Sections made up of channels and I beams will vary some- what in moment of inertia, as there is less uniformity in these shapes, as made by difterent manufacturers, than in angle irons. In all cases calculations have been based on the gross area, and if it is desired to use the sections as beams to resist direct bending due allowance should be made for loss of section from rivet holes in tension flanges. In general when angles with unequal legs are used, the shorter leg is placed against the web. An exception to this rule occurs in sections 155 to 173 inclusive, on page 63. In these sections the angles have the long leg against the web. Atten- tion is called to another feature of these sections, which is, that the center of gravity just l)isects the space on the web between the top and bottom angles, and therefore when the pin is placed in the center of gravity, of the section, as it usually should be, it will also be in the center of the pin plate; any strain, then, which is transferred from the pin plate to the column will be transferred symmetrically. Another advantage in having the center of gravity in this particular position is, that in case it is desired to increase the sections as given in the table, it may be done by adding side plates and without disturbing the position of the center of gravity. The following example will illustrate the general method pur- sued in obtaining the moment of inertia and square of radius of gyration for sections composed of two plates and four angles riveted as shown on page 43 : 2 plates 12X/^=fi-00 sq. ins. 4 angles 23 ^ X 3- 4.4 lbs.=5.28 •12X12“= 72.00 X 5.342=150,56 4X0.74= 2.96 Total, 11.28 sq. ins. 225.52^11 .28=1 9.90=r 2 . 7 The moment of inertia of the plates being in which />>=breadth, <^'=depth, and A the area of the plates, and the moment of inertia of each angle being when a equals the area of the angle, d the distance of its center of gravity from the neutral axis, and f, its moment of inertia about an axis through its own center of gravity perpendicular to the web In the above example, 5.34 inches is the distance from center of gravity of angle to center of web, and 0.74 is the moment of inertia of one angle, about an axis through its center of gravity, as given in Carnegie’s Pocket Companion The aiea of each angle is found from the weight per foot, by multiplying the latter by .3. For trough-shaped sections it is convenient to first determine the position of the center of gravity, which is done as follows : Multiply the area of the top plate, top angles, webs and bottom angles, each by the distance of its center of gravity from the lower edge of web. Divide the sum of these products by the total area of the section, and the result will be the distance of the center of gravity above the lower edge of web: sq, ins. Top plate 15X%= 5.63X1419^ 79.89 2 top angles 3X3— 5.9 lbs.== 3.54X13.14= 46.52 2 web plates 14X%=10.50X 7.00= 73.50 2 bot. angs. 3X3— 10.1 lbs= 6.06 X 0.98= 5.94 25.73 X 8.00=205.85 7.00 5.63X7.19 2=291.05 3.54X6.142=133.46 10.50^12X14^=171.50 6.06X6.022=219.62 + 8.51 824.14 deduct 25.73 X 1.002 = 25 73 1-2=708.41—25.73=31.03. 1=798.41 • Find the moment of inertia of the section about an axis through the center of the web, as follows : Multiply the area of the top plate, top angles and bottom angles, each by the square of the distance of its center of gravity from the center of web; add to these results the moment of inertia of the webs, which may be taken from the table on page 13, and the moment of inertia of each angle about an axis through its center of gravity. From the result subtract the product of the area of the section by the 8 square of the distance from the neutral axis to the center of the web, and the result will be the required moment of inertia of the section about an axis through the center of gi*avity perpen- dicular to the web. The moment of inertia of the top plate about an axis through its center of gravity should, strictly speaking, be added to the above, but its value, in the present instance is so small that the final result is not materially affected. A somewhat easier method, especially when the operation has to be performed without the aid of a slide rule is the following : Top plate 15 5.G3X 7.19=40.48 Top angles 3X3— 5.9 lbs.= 3.54X 6.14=21.74 X 7.19=291.05 X 6.14=133.46 Web plates 14X%=10 50 62.22 liot. angs. 3X3—10.1 lbs = 6.0GX 6 02=36.48 25.73 X 1.00=25.74 deduct 25.73X1.00 2 171.50 X 7.02=219.62 + 8.51 824 14 = 25.73 798.41 This plan avoids the use of s(|uares in getting the moment of inertia and saves one multiplication in getting the position of the center of gravity. The word eccentricity is used in the tables to denote the dis- tance of the center of gravity of the section above the center of the web. In the expression which may be called a coefficient of eccentricity^ T represents the area of the top plate and top angles, B the area of the bottom angles and flange plates, if any are used, and + the total area of the section. This coefficient is used in proportioning for the same eccentricity^ sections similar to those in the tables but of different nreas. Example : Recjuired a section of 53 - 3 *^ stpiare inches, with an eccentricity of inches — Referring to page 6i, section 124, we find 53-^3 1 ^^ rji Ft nearest to that required and its coefficient, .1469 : now if — == A. .1469, 9 we will have T — B=AX14.G9 and T-}-B=A — area of w by addition 2 T and therefore T B=26.30~17.0G =53.30X14.69= 7.83 3=53.30—27.00=26.30 =34.13 =17.0G 9.24 17.06 — 13.13= 3.93=area required in top angles. 3.93“^ .6 = 6.G =lbs. per foot for each top angle. 9.24-^ .6 = 15.4= “ “ “ hot. angle. In the calculation of these sections for moments of inertia sideways, the distance out to out of webs was assumed equal to the width of top plates, less twice the nominal length of leg of top angle. The sections beginning with 127, on page 61, and extending to 154, on page 63, are designed for use in such cases as top chords which support the floor directly and are, therefore, sub- jected to bending strains as well as direct compression. The table for tivo angles^ page 14, is based on the assump- tion that the angles are attached to each other secm-ely enough to act as one member; if the angles are not so connected then the least value of r^ for one angle should be used, and the column considered as two separate members. By means of the table of values of the ultimate strength of any column for which is known, can be readily obtained. Example. Required the ultimate strength of a column 18 feet long, square at both ends, made up as section 22 on page 57. The value of is 33 o and the area 30.00 square inches. Referring to table of — look down the column headed until we come to 33.0 ; then in the same horizontal line, under 18, find 10 for the value of referring now to the tables of ultimate strength, say that on page 84 we find opposite 10 the ultimate strength per square inch of 38462 lbs. The total ulti- timate strength of the column will then be — 38462X30=1153860 lbs. The safe strength will be one-fourth or one-fifth of this amount, depending upon the character of the load to be sus- tained. 10 A ■ — The tables on the safe strength of two channels, latticed, will greatly facilitate the work of proportioning such sections, giving, as it does, the allowable strain per square inch for channels of five to fifteen inches depth, and column lengths of ten to forty feet. The total safe strength of column, given in thousands of pounds, (in small figures above the strain per square inch) ena- bles the designer to select, not only the channels that will answer his purpose, but at the same time the ones that will be most economical in material. The use of the tables of bending moments and capacity of timber beams will be, perhaps, best illustrated by the following : Example. Required the size of joist to support a load of lOO lbs. per square foot, the length of span being i 8 feet and the greatest allowable strain looo lbs. per square inch. Assume the weight of joists and flooring to be 20 lbs. per S([uare foot. From the table of bending moments we find for — 20 lbs. pfir s(iu:irc foot and foot span, 1020 foot lbs. For 100 “• “ “ 18 “ 8100 “ Total bending moin()Qt=0720 ^ Referring now to the table of capacities for 1000 lbs. fiber strain we find that of will answer the purpose, the 3'^X being the most economical in material. 11 MOMENTS OP INERTIA. ^ rX RECTANGLES. Depth Width of Rectangle in Inches. m Inches. X 5 H tV 9 16 X 3 0.56 0.70 0.84 0.98 1.13 1.27 1.41 4 1.33 1.67 2.00 2.33 2.67 3.00 3.33 5 2.60 3.26 3.91 4.56 5.21 5.86 6.51 6 4.50 5.63 6.75 7.88 9.00 10.13 11.25 7 7.15 8.93 10.72 12.51 14.29 16.08 17.86 8 10.67 13.33 16.00 18.67 21.33 24.00 26.67 9 15.19 18.98 22.78 26.58 30.38 34.17 37.97 10 20.83 26.04 31.25 36.46 41.67 46.87 52.08 12 36.00 45.00 54.00 63.00 72.00 81.00 90.00 13 45.77 57.21 68.66 80.10 91.54 102.98 114.43 14 57.17 71.46 85.75 100.04 114.33 128.63 142.92 15 70.31 87.89 105.47 123.05 140.63 158.20 175.78 16 85.33 106.67 128.00 149.33 170.67 192.00 213.33 17 102.35 127.94 153.53 179.12 204.71 230.30 255.89 18 121.50 151.88 182.25 212.63 243.00 273.38 303.75 20 166.67 208.33 250.00 291.67 333.33 375.00 416.67 21 192.94 241.17 289.41 337.64 385.88 434.11 482.34 22 221.83 277.29 332.75 388.21 443.67 499.13 554.58 23 253.48 316.85 380.22 443.59 506.96 570.33 633.70 24 288.00 360.00 432.00 504.00 576.00 648.00 720.00 25 325.52 406.90 488.28 569.66 651.04 732.42 813.80 26 366.17 457.71 549.25 640.79 732.33 823.88 915.42 27 410.06 512.58 615.09 717.61 820.13 922.64 1025.16 28 457.33 571.67 686.00 800.33 914.67 1029.00 1143.33 29 508.10 635.13 762.16 889.18 1016.21 1143.23 1270.26 30 562.50 703.13 843.75 984.38 1125.00 1265.63 1406.25 32 682.67 853.33 1024.00 1194.67 1365.33 1536.00 1706.67 34 818.83 1023.54 1228.25 1432.96 1637.67 1842.38 2047.08 36 972.00 1215.00 1458.00 1701.00 1944.00 2187.00 2430.00 38 1143.17 1428.96 1714.75 2000.54 2286.33 2572.13 2857.92 40 1333.33 1666.67 2000.00 2333.33 2666.67 3000.00 3333.33 44 1774.67 2218.33 2662.00 3105.67 3549.33 3993.00 4436.67 46 2027.83 2534.79 3041.75 3548.71 4055.67 4562.63 5069.58 48 2304.00 2880.00 3456.00 4032.00 4608.00 5184.00 5760.00 50 2604.17 3255.21 3906.25 4557.29 5208.33 5859.38 6510.42 60 4500.00 5625.00 i 6750.00 17875.00 9000.00 10125.00 11250.00 — — >1 12 MOMENTS OP INERTIA. I RECTANGLES. Width of Rectangle in Inches. Depth H 1 3 T6 1 5 1 6 1 m Inches. 1.55 1.69 1.83 1.97 2.11 2.25 3 3.67 4.00 4.33 4.67 5.00 5.33 4 7.16 7.81 8.46 9.11 9.77 10.42 5 12.38 13.50 14.63 15.75 16.88 18.00 6 19.65 21.44 23.22 25.01 26.80 28.58 7 29.33 32.00 34.67 37.33 40.00 42.67 8 41.77 45.56 49.36 53.16 56.95 60.75 9 57.29 62.50 67.71 72.92 78.13 83.33 10 99.00 108.00 117.00 126.00 135.00 144.00 12 125.87 137.31 148.75 160.20 171.64 183.08 13 157.21 171.50 185.79 200.08 214.38 228.67 14 193.36 210.94 228.52 246.09 263.67 281.25 15 234.67 256.00 277.33 298.67 320.00 341.33 16 281.47 307.06 332.65 358.24 383.83 409 42 17 334.13 364.50 394.88 425.25 455.63 486.00 18 458.33 500.00 541.67 583.33 625.00 666.67 20 530.58 578.81 627 05 1 675.28 723.52 771.75 21 610.04 665.50 720.96 776.42 831.87 887.33 : 22 697.07 760.44 823.81 887.18 950.55 1013.92 23 792.00 864.00 936.00 1008.00 1080.00 1152.00 24 895.18 976.56 1057.94 1139.32 1220.70 1302.08 25 1006.96 1098.50 1190.04 1281.58 1373.13 1464.67 26 1127.67 1230.19 1332.70 1435.22 1537.73 1640.25 27 1257.67 1372.00 1486.33 1600.67 1715.00 1829.33 1 28 1397.29 1524.31 1651.34 1778.36 1905.39 2032.42 29 1546.88 1687.50 1828.13 1968.75 2109.38 2250.00 30 1877.33 2048.00 2218.67 2389.33 2560.00 2730.67 32 2251.79 2456.50 2661.21 2865.92 3070.63 3275.33 34 2673.00 2916.00 3159.00 3402.00 3645.00 3888.00 36 3143.71 3429.50 3715.29 4001.08 4286.88 4572.67 38 3666.67 4000.00 4333.33 4666.67 5000.00 5333.33 40 4880.33 5324.00 5767.67 6211.33 6655.00 7098.67 44 5576.54 6083.50 6590.46 7097.42 7604.38 8111.33 46 6336.00 6912.00 7488.00 8064.00 8640.00 9216.00 48 7161.46 7812.50 8463.54 9114.58 9765.63 10416.67 50 12375.00 13500.00 14625.00 15750.00 16875.00 18000.00 60 13 TWO ill ANGLES •t.H- Q o GO (M (M CD lO pH rH CO lO CO lO Cl CO rH CO C6^ iO IfS C50(M 05 005 COrJ 00l>iO(MO'?i< «-HC1CD(M0C5 T^TfnlrH 05 CDO C^i-lCD 05 TtlOCDCOCOrH 05l>CDrH05lO rHrHlOiHCDT^ cicicocoriiT^ cococoio^^^ T^coioiodci iO05C5C1CDpH i-HOOrH05lO rt<05I>rHOOO cOfHpHaiooi> iococii>TiiDpi> 05 i> cicicocicoco c 6 co co rji c 6 id lo tIh oi ph ClCOOlOlOO rHCDCllC)rt-COrH OQOQOiOrfiCO —fOOOdOp COiHpClCOp cirHcicicdco cdcici^r^cd cdid^rjiioSpH rHl>rtiiHCD(M iOOl>COCOTi< I>tJiO I>iOTt*C1005 I>CDt^C 0CDC1 05prHOOt>CO iH rH 01 ci cd ci cicicicdcdcd ciT^^cdooo C0rHdpHOt> rHOOCDCOlOO COdOOQOpHd Tiri
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I r 2 I 1 1 1-2 1 QO X 2 % X 3 4.4 7.28 72.5 9.96 10.3 1.42 2 5.0 8.00 80.3 10 03 12.1 1.51 3 5.8 8.96 90.5 10.10 14.4 1 61 4 6.7 1004 101.4 1010 17.3 1.72 5 7.5 11.00 111.1 10 10 19.8 1 80 6 8.3 11.96 119.9 10.03 22.7 1 89 7 9.0 12 80 127.8 9.99 25.1 1.96 8 8 X^s 2 % X 3 4.4 8.28 77.9 9.40 11.1 1.34 9 5.0 9.00 85.6 9.51 12.9 1.44 10 5.8 9.96 95.8 9.62 15.4 1 55 11 67 11.04 106.7 9.67 18.4 1.67 12 7.5 12 00 116.5 971 21.1 1 76 13 8.3 12.96 125.3 9.67 24.1 1.86 14 9.0 13.80 133.2 9.65 26.7 1.94 15 9 X > 4 " 2 % X 3 4.4 7.53 96.0 12.75 10.3 1.37 16 4.8 801 103.0 12.85 11.5 1.43 17 5.6 8.97 116.1 1294 13.9 1.55 18 64 9.93 129.4 13.04 16.3 1 64 19 7.3 11.01 143 6 13.04 19.2 1.75 20 81 11.97 156.3 13.05 21.8 1 82 21 9.0 13.05 169.6 13.00 25.1 1.92 22 9 X}i 2 % X 3 44 8.66 103.6 11.97 11.1 1.28 23 4.7 9 02 108.7 12.06 12.0 1.33 24 5.5 9.98 122.4 12.27 14 4 1.45 25 6.4 11.03 137.0 12.39 17.4 1.58 26 7.2 12.02 149.4 12.44 20.0 1.67 27 8.0 12.98 162.1 12.49 23.0 1.77 28 8.9 14.06 175.6 12.48 26.4 1.88 29 9.0 1418 177.2 12.50 26.8 1.89 16 1 FOUR ANGLINS Cl 1 L t r i JEL O ONE PLATE. One Web Plate, FOUR ANGLES. Total Area AXIS A B. AXIS C D. Size in Inches. Size in Lbs. Sij^iiare Inches. I r 2 I i Inches. Per Ft. 30 lOxX 2%X3 4.4 7.78 123.2 15.84 103 ' 1.33 31 4.6 8.02 1274 15 89 11 0 1.37 32 5.4 8 98 145.0 16.14 13.2 147 33 6.2 9 94 1621 16.31 156 1 57 34 7.1 11 02 180.5 i6.38 18.5 168 35 7.9 11 98 196.1 16.37 21.3 1.78 36 8.7 1294 212.2 16 40 24.0 i 1.85 37 9.0 13.30 217.9 16 38 25.1 1.89 38 10X>"8 2XX3 4.4 9 03 133.7 14.80 11.1 1.23 39 5.2 9.99 151.3 15.14 13.5 1 35 40 6.0 10.95 168.0 15 34 16.1 1.47 41 6.9 12 03 186.4 15 50 19.2 1.59 42 7.7 12 99 2029 15 62 21.9 1.69 43 8.5 13.95 219.1 15.70 24.7 1.77 44 9.0 , 14.55 228 3 15 69 26.8 1.84 45 12X^ 2%X3 4.4 8 28 189.5 22.89 10.4 1.25 46 5.0 , 9.00 209.3 23 25 12.1 1.34 47 5.8 1 9.96 235.5 23 65 14.4 1 1.45 48 6.7 11.04 264.0 23 92 17.3 ! 1.56 49 7.5 1 12.00 289.5 24.12 19.8 ! 1.65 50 83 12 96 313.4 24.18 22.6 : 1.75 51 9.0 13.80 1 334.6 24 24 25.1 i 1.82 62 12X^ 2XX3 4.4 1 9.78 207.5 21.22 11 1 1.13 53 4.6 10.02 213.9 21.35 11.7 1 1.17 54 5.4 10.98 240.5 21.90 14.2 1 1.29 55 6.2 11.94 266.6 22 32 16.7 1.40 56 7.1 13.02 294.8 22*64 19.8 1 1.52 57 7.9 1398 319.0 22.82 22.7 1.63 58 8.7 14.94 343 7 23 01 25.6 1.71 59 9.0 15.30 352.6 23.04 26 8 1 1.75 17 L t J FOUR.ANG-LES ONE PLATE. r sT One Web Plate, Size in Inches. FOUR ANGLES. Total Area Square Inches. AXIS A B. AXIS C D. Size in Inches. Lbs. Per Ft. I X*2 I 1-2 60 14XX 2%X3 4.4 8.78 272.4 31.02 10.4 1.18 61 46 9.02 281.5 31 21 no 1.22 62 5.4 998 318 9 31 96 132 1.33 63 6.2 10.94 355.9 32.53 15.6 1.43 64 7.1 12 02 396.1 3295 18 5 1.54 65 7.9 12.98 430.8 33.18 21.3 1.64 66 87 13.94 466 1 33.44 24.0 1.72 67 90 14.30 478.9 33.49 25.1 1.75 68 14 X>i 2%X3 44 10.53 300 9 28.58 11.1 1 05 69 48 11.01 319.8 29.05 12.3 1.12 70 56 11 97 356 3 29 77 14.9 1 24 71 6.4 12 93 393 1 30 40 17.4 1.35 72 7.3 14.01 433.2 30 92 20 5 1.47 73 8.1 14.97 468 8 31.32 23.3 1.56 74 9.0 16.05 507.5 31.62 26.8 1.67 75 15XX 2XX3 4.4 9 03 320 3 35 47 ^ 104 1.15 76 52 9.99 364 1 38.45 12 6 1.26 77 6.0 10 95 406.5 37.12 15.1 1.38 78 6.9 12 03 453 6 37.71 18 0 1.49 79 77 12.99 495.6 38 15 20.5 158 80 8.5 13 95 537 1 38 50 • 23 2 1.66 81 9.0 14 55 561.7 38.61 25.1 1.72 82 15 XX 2XX3 44 10 91 355.5 32.60 11.1 1.02 83 45 11.03 361.2 32.76 11.4 1.03 84 5.3 11 99 '404.1 33 72 13.9 1.16 85 6.1 12.95 447.2 34.55 16 4 1.27 86 7.0 1403 494 4 35 25 19.5 1 39 87 7.8 14 99 536 3 35.79 22.2 1.48 88 8.6 15.95 576 4 36.14 25.3 1.59 89 9.0 16.43 596.9 36 34 26.8 1.63 18 FOUR ANGLES L ? J 'r k n ONE PLATE. One Web Plate, Size in Inches. FOUR ANGLES. Total Area Square Inches. AXIS A B. AXIS C D. Size in Inches. Lbs. Per Ft. I X»2 1 I r2 90 lexj-r 2%X3 4.4 9.28 372.8 40.17 10.4 1.12 9i 5.0 10.00 410.3 41.03 12.1 1.21 92 5.8 10.96 460.3 42 00 14.4 1.32 93 6.7 12.04 515 0 42.77 17.3 1.44 94 7.5 13 00 563.7 43 36 19.8 1.52 95* 8.3 13.96 610.5 43 74 22.7 1.62 96 9.0 14.80 651.7 44.04 25.1 1.70 97 icx>i 2XX3 4.4 11.28 415.5 36 83 11.1 0.98 98 5 0 12.00 452.9 37.75 13.0 1.08 99 5.8 12.96 502.9 38.81 15.4 1.19 100 6.7 14.04 557.7 39.72 18.5 1.32 101 7.5 1 5.00 606.4 40.43 21.1 141 102 8.3 15.96 ^'53.2 40.93 24.2 1.51 103 9.0 16.80 694.4 41.33 26.8 1.59 104 17XX 2XX3 4.4 9.53 429.9 45.10 10.4 1.09 105 4.8 10 01 458.7 45.83 11.5 1 15 106 5.6 10 97 515.0 46.95 13.9 127 107 6.4 11 93 571.7 47.92 16.3 1.37 108 7.3 13.01 633.7 4871 19.2 148 109 8.1 13.97 689.0 49.32 21.8 156 no 9.0 15.05 749.3 49.79 25.1 1.67 111 l7X3/i 2 / 2 XS 4.4 11 66 481.0 41.27 11.1 0.95 112 4.8 12 14 509.9 42.02 12.3 1.01 113 5.6 13.10 566.2 43.24 14.9 1.14 114 6.4 14 06 62.3.0 44.32 17.4 1.24 115 7.3 15.14 684 9 45.26 20.5 1.36 116 8 1 16.10 740.2 45.99 23 3 1 45 117 9.0 17.18 1 800.4 46.61 26.8 1.56 19 I Two Plates. Size in Inches. ONE CHANNEL. Total Area, Square Inches. AXIS A B. AXIS C D* bize in Inches. Lbs. Per Foot. I 1*2 1 I 1*2 1 3XX 3 5 0 3 00 6.00 2.00 1.44 0.48 - 2 - 4 5.0 3.00 , 10 48 3 49 1.45 0.48 0 6.5 3.45 17.34 5.03 1.57 0.45 4 3XiV 3 5.0 338 7.18 2 13 1.72 0.51 5 4 5.0 3 38 12.43 3.68 1.73 051 () 5 6 5 3.83 20.23 5.29 1.85 0.48 7 NOO X CO 3 50 3.75 8.45 2.25 2.00 0.53 8 4 5 0 3.75 14.48 3.86 2.01 054 5 6.5 4.20 23.26 5 54 2.13 0.51 10 3V I’j 3 50 4.13 9.80 2.38 2.28 0.55 11 4 5.0 i I 4.13 16.64 4.03 2.29 056 12 1 5 6.5 , 1 4.58 26.41 5.77 2.41 0.53 13 3X% i o o 50 4 50 i 11.23 2.50 2.56 0.57 11 1 4 50 4.50 18.90 4.20 2.57 0.57 J5 ! 5 65 1 4.95 29 69 6.00 2 69 0.54 16 4X'X 3 5.0 i 3 50 7.32 2.09 2 98 0.85 17 i 5.0 3 50 12.74 3.64 2 99 0.85 18 5 6.5 3.85 20.78 5 26 3.11 0 79 19 1 ^ 7.5 > 4.25 31.63 7.44 3.26 0.77 20 ■i-x^ ' o o 50 4.00 8.90 2.22 3.65 0 91 21 j i 4 5.0 4.00 15.33 3.83 365 0.91 22 ^ * 5 6 5 4.45 24.64 5.54 3.77 0.85 23 6 7 5 4.75 37.00 7.79 393 0 83 24 4 X ^ 3 5.0 4 50 10.59 2.35 4 31 0.96 25 4 5.0 I 4.50 18.07 4.02 4.32 0 90 26 5 6 5 i 4 95 28.68 5.79 4 44 0 90 27 6 7.5 ' 5.25 42 59 8.11 4.60 0 88 28 4 X t';j o .) i 5 0 5.00 12.38 2 48 4.98 1.00 29 4 i 5.0 i 5.00 20.94 4.19 4.99 1.00 30 1 6 1 6 5 ' 5.45 32.87 6.03 5.11 0 94 31 i 6 i 7.5 ' 5.75 48.37 8.41 I 5.26 0.92 20 Two Plates. ONE CHANNEL. Total Area, AXIS A B. 1 AXIS C D. Size in Size in Lhs. Per Square Inches. Inches. Foot. Inches. ^ i I 1-2 X*2 32 4X% 3 5.0 5.50 1 4.29 2.60 5.65 1.03 33 4 5.0 5.50 23.96 4.36 5.65 1 03 34 5 6.5 5 95 37.25 6.26 5 77 0.97 35 6 7.5 6.25 54.35 8.70 5.93 0.95 36 oxX 4 5.0 4.00 15.00 1 375 .5.53 1.38 37 5 65 4.45 24.23 j 5.44 5.65 1 1.27 38 6 7.5 4.75 36.52 ’ 7.69 5.80 1 1.22 39 7 8.5 5.05 51.35 ' 10.17 5.89 1 1.17 40 5XtV 4 5.0 4.63 18.24 3 94 6.S3 ; 1.48 41 5 6 5 5.08 29.03 1 5.72 6.95 1 1.37 42 ^ I 7.5 5.38 43.23 1 8.04 7.11 1 32 43 1 7 i ' 1 8.5 5.68 60.25 10.62 7.19 1.27 44 1 j 5 X ^ 4 ! 1 5.0 5.25 21.66 4.13 8.13 1 55 45 ' 5 i 6.5 5.70 34.10 5.98 8.25 i 1.45 46 ; 6 7.5 1 6.00 I 50.22 8.37 8 41 1.40 47 8.5 6.30 1 69.60 11.03 8.49 1.35 48 5 X -/s ' 1 4 1 1 5.0 5.88 25.25 4.30 9.44 1.61 49 5 6.5 6.33 39.34 6 22 9 56 1.51 50 1 6 7.5 6.63 57.43 8.67 9.71 1.47 51 7 8.5 6 93 79.02 11.41 9.80 1.41 52 5XX 1 4 5.0 6.50 29.02 4.46 10.74 1.65 53 ’ 1 5 1 6.5 6.95 1 44.81 6.45 10 86 1.56 54 6 i 7.5 7.25 64 91 8.95 11.01 1.52 55 1 ^ 7 • 8.5 7.55 88.81 11. 76 11.10 1.47 56 •’’X 4 5.0 7.13 32.98 4.63 12.04 1.69 57 5 6.5 7.58 50.51 6.67 12.16 1.61 58 6 7.5 7.88 1 72.66 9.23 12.31 1.56 59 7 : 8.5 8.18 ! 98.92 12.10 12.40 1.52 60 ^ 5x/s ' 4 5.0 7.75 37.13 4 79 13.34 1.72 61 ! 5 6.5 8 20 i 56.42 6 88 13.46 1 1.64 62 1 6 7.5 8.50 1 80.66 9.49 13.62 1 160 63 1 7 ' 8.5 8.80 1 109.32 12.42 13.70 1.56 21 Two Plates. Size in Inches. ONEC EANNEL. Total Area, Square Inches. AXIS A B. AXIS C D. Size in Inches. Lbs. Per Foot. I r2 I r 2 64 5X 4 5.0 8.38 41.48 4.95 1464 1.75 65 5 6.5 8.83 6 ' i.60 7.09 14.76 1.67 66 6 7.5 9.13 88.98 9.75 14.92 1.63 67 7 8.5 9.43 120.08 12.74 15.00 1.59 68 5 X ^ 4 ' 5.0 9.00 46.02 5.11 15.95 1.77 •69 5 6.5 9 45 68.99 7.30 16 07 1.70 70 6 7.5 9.75 97.53 10.00 16 22 1 66 71 7 85 10.05 131.10 13.04 16.31 1.62 72 6XX 4 5.0 4.50 17.26 3.84 9.32 2.07 73 5 6.5 4 95 27.67 5 59 944 1.91 74 6 7.5 5.25 41.40 7.88 9.60 183 75 7 8 5 5.55 57.92 10.44 9.68 1.74 76 8 10 . 0 - 6.00 78.65 13.11 9.88 1.65 77 CXj \ 4 5.0 5.25 21.14 4.03 11.57 2.20 78 5 65 5.70 33 46 5.87 11 69 2.05 79 6 7.5 600 49 45 8 24 11.85 1.97 80 7 8.5 6 30 6S63 10.80 11.93 1 89 81 8 10.0 6.75 92.38 13.68 12.13 1.80 82 6 x . y $ 4 5.0 6.00 25.25 4.21 13 82 2.30 83 5 6.5 645 39.51 6.13 13 94 2.16 84 6 7.5 6 75 57 84 8.57 14.10 2 09 85 7 8.5 705 79 71 11.31 14.'8 2 01 86 8 10.0 7.50 106.53 14.20 14 38 1.92 87 6XxV 4 5.0 6 75 29.56 4.38 16.07 2.38 88 5 6.5 7 20 45.81 6.36 16.19 2.25 89 6 7.5 7 50 66.50 8 87 16.35 2.18 90 7 85 7 80 91.12 11.63 16 43 211 91 8 10.0 8.25 121.01 14.67 16.63 2.02 92 6X % 4 50 7 50 34.08 4.5 4 : 18.32 2 44 93 5 6.5 7 95 52.37 6 59 18 44 2.32 94 6 7.5 8.25 7547 915 18.60 2 25 95 7 85 8 55 102.87 12 03 18.68 2.19 96 8 10.0 9 00 135.95 15 11 18.88 , 210 22 TWO PLATES. ONE CHANNEL. I B I Two Plates, Size in Inches. ONE CHANNEL. Total Area, Square Inches. AXIS A B. AXIS C D. Size in Lbs. Per Inches. Foot. I 1*2 I r 2 97 4 5.0 8 25 38.83 471 20.57 2.49 98 5 6.5 870 59.20 6.81 20.69 2 38 99 6 7.5 9.00 84.77 9.42 20.85 2 32 100 7 8.5 9.30 115.00 12.37 20.93 2 25 101 8 10.0 9.76 151.30 15.52 21.13 2.17 102 4 5.0 9.00 43 80 4 87 22.82 2 54 103 5 65 9.45 66.31 7.02 22 94 243 104 6 7.5 9.75 94.37 9.68 23.10 2 37 105 7 8.5 10 05 127.48 12.68 23.18 2 31 106 8 10.0 10.50 167.04 15.91 23.38 2 23 107 6 X 4 5.0 9.75 49 04 5.03 25 07 2.57 108 5 6 5 10.20 73.72 7.23 25.19 2 47 109 6 7.5 10.50 104.36 9.94 25.35 2 41 no 7 85 10.80 140.40 13.00 25.43 2 35 111 8 10 0 11 25 183.28 1629 25.63 2.28 112 6 X ^ 4 5.0 10 50 54.48 5.19 27.32 2.60 113 5 6.5 10.95 81.38 7.43 27.44 2 51 114 6 7.5 11 25 114.62 1019 27.60 2.45 115 7 8.5 11.55 153.64 13 30 27.68 2 40 116 8 10.0 12 00 199.85 16.65 27.88 232 117 IX'X 5 6.5 1 5.45 1 31.12 5.71 14.73 2.70 118 6 7.5 ! 5 75 ! 46 28 8.05 14 89 2 59 119 7 8.5 ! 6 05 64.49 10.66 14.97 2 47 120 8 100 6.50 87.16 13.41 15.17 2 33 121 9 14.5 7.85 122.27 15.57 16.36 2.08 122 7XA 5 6.5 6.33 37.86 5 98 18.33 2 90 123 6 7 5 6 63 55.68 8.40 18.48 2.79 121 7 85 6.93 76.98 11 11 18.57 2.68 125 8 10.0 7.38 103.17 13.98 18.76 2 54 126 9 14.5 8.73 142.24 16.30 19.95 2.29 127 7X/s 5 6.5 7.20 44 93 6 24 21.88 3.04 128 6 7.5 7.50 65.46 8.73 22 . C 3 2.94 129 7 8.5 7.80 89.91 11 53 22.12 2 84 130 8 10.0 8.25 11968 1451 22.32 2.71 131 9 14.5 9.60 162.78 16.96 23.50 2.45 23 TWO PLATES. ONE CHANNEL. Two Plates, Size in Inches. ONE CHANNEL, i Total j Area, ^ Square * Inches. 1 AXIS A B. AXIS C D. Size in Inches. Lhs. Per Foot. I 2-2 1 I 1-2 132 ^ ^ T% 5 6.5 8.08 52.28 6.47 25.45 3.15 133 6 7.5 8.38 75.56 9.02 25.61 3.06 134 7 8.5 8.68 103.22 11.89 25.69 2.96 135 8 10.0 9.13 136.62 14.96 25.89 2.84 136 9 14.5 10.48 183.80 17.54 27.08 2.58 137 7X% 5 6.5 8.95 59.93 6.70 29.03 3.24 138 6 7.5 9.25 86.04 9.30 29.18 3.15 139 7 8.5 9.55 H6.94 12.25 29.27 3.06 140 8 10.0 10.00 i 54.03 15.40 29.46 2.95 141 .9 14.5 11.35 205.34 18.09 30.65 2 70 142 7Xx\ 5 6.5 9.83 67.90 6.91 32.60 3.32 143 6 7.5 10.13 96.88 9.56 32.75 3.23 144 7 8.5 10 43 131.08 12.57 32.84 3.15 145 8 10.0 10 88 171.92 15.80 33 03 3.04 146 9 14.5 12.23 227.42 18.60 34.22 2.80 147 5 65 10.70 76.21 7.12 36.17 3.38 148 1 6 7.5 11.00 108.11 9.83 36.33 3.30 149 7 8.5 1 11 30 145.68 12.89 36.41 3.22 150 8 10.0 11.75 190.31 16.20 36.61 3.12 151 9 14.5 i 13.10 250.05 19.09 37.80 a .89 152 |7Xi| 5 6.5 i 11.58 84.85 7.33 39.74 3.43 153 1 1 6 75 I 11 88 119.72 10 08 39.90 3.36 154 ! 7 85 1 12.18 160.71 13.20 39.98 3.28 155 ! 8 10.0 i 12.63 209.21 16.57 40.18 3.18 156 1 9 14.5 1 13.98 273 23 19.55 41.37 2 96 157 ,7XM' 5 65 1 1245 93.79 7.53 43.32 348 158 6 7.5 1 12.75 131.70 10.33 43.47 3.41 159 7 8.5 13.05 176 17 13.50 43.56 3.34 160 8 10.0 13.50 2 >8.58 16.93 43.76 3.24 161 9 14.5 14.85 296 94 20.00 44.94 303 162 sxys 6 7.5 8.25 73.06 8.86 32.60 396 163 7 8.5 855 100.09 11.71 32.68 3.82 164 8 10.0 1 9.00 132 81 14.76 32.88 3.65 165 9 14.5 10.35 179.23 17.32 34.07 329 166 10 16.0 ! 10.80 223.96 20.74 34.18 3.17 >b- 24 v1 TWO PLATES. Q Q ONE CHANNEL. 1 Two Platfis, ONE CHANNEL. Total Area, AXIS A B. 1 AXIS C D. Size in Size in 'Lbs. Per Square 1 ! Inches. Inches 1 Foot. Inches. I 1 1*2 I 1 2 167 1 6 ! / o 9.25 84.64 9.15 37.93 4 10 168 7 8.5 9.55 115.32 12.08 38.02 3.98 169 8 1 10 0 10 00 152.20 15.22 38 21 3.82 170 ! 9 ' 14.5 11.35 203.2S 17.91 39.40 3.47 171 10 160 11.80 253.17 2145 39.52 3.35 172 8XX 6 / 0 10.25 96.60 ' 9 42 43.26 4.22 173 7 h.5 10 55 1 30 99 12.42 4335 4.11 174 ; 8 JOO 11.00 172.09 15.64 43.55 3.96 175 9 14 5 12.35 227.89 18 45 44.73 3.62 176 10 16.0 12.80 283.00 22 11 44 85 3.50 177 00 X 6 : 7.5 11 25 ■ 109.00 9 69 48.60 4.32 178 1 7 ' 85 11.55 147.16 12.74 48.68 4 21 179 i ^ 10.0 12.00 192.55 16 05 48.88 4.07 180 : 1 1 : 14.5 13.35 253 12 1896 50 07 3.75 181 10 16.0 13.80 313.50 22 72 50.18 3.64 182 00 X 6 1 7.5 1 12 25 121.83 9.95 53.93 4 40 183 7 i 8.5 12.55 i 16386 13.06 54.01 4.30 184 8 10.0 13.00 213.59 16.43 54.21 4.17 185 9 14.5 14 35 ' 279.00 19.44 55.40 3 86 186 10 16.0 14 80 344 72 23.29 55.52 3 75 187 8XU, , 6 7 5 13 25 135.10 ’ 10.20 59.26 4.47 188 1 i 7 8 5 1355 1 181.04 13 36 59.35 4.38 189 8 10.0 , 14 00 235.18 ‘ 16 80 59.55 4.25 190 9 14.5 1 15 35 305.50 19.90 60 73 3 96 191 i 10 16.0 1 1 15.80 376.65 23.84 1 60 85 3.85 192 8X^ 6 7.5 14.25 148.80 ' 10.44 64.60 4.53 193 7 8.5 1455 198.70 13.66 64.68 4.45 194 1 8 10.0 15 00 257.30 17.15 64.88 4.33 195 j 9 14 5 16 35 332.60 20 34 66.07 4.04 196 10 1 16.0 16.80 i 409.20 24 36 66.18 3.94 25 TWO CHANNELS. A-l h-i-B ONE PLATE TWO CHAMELS. Top Plate, Size in Inches. Total Area, Square Inches. Eccen- tricity. AXIS A B. AXIS C D I Dapth in Inches. Lbs. Per Foot. I 1*2 1 5 6.5 loxX 640 1.03 24.4 3.82 77.4 2 8.5 7.60 0 86 28.1 3.69 90.3 3 9.0 7 90 0.83 32.2 4.08 95.7 4 14.0 10 90 0 60 40 0 367 121.3 5 6.5 12XX 6.90 1.14 25 7 3 73 126.0 6 8.5 8.10 0.97 29 5 3.64 147.9 7 90 8.40 0.94 33.7 4 01 156.0 8 14.0 11.40 0.69 41.9 3.68 202.2 9 6 7.5 lOxX 7.00 1.12 398 5.69 84 3 10 9.5 8.20 0.95 44.8 5.46 96 6 11 10.0 8 50 0.92 50 4 5.91 101.5 12 16.0 12 10 0.65 63.4 5.24 131.2 13 7.5 12XX 7.50 1.25 41 8 5.57 137.4 14 9.5 8.70 1.08 47.0 5.40 158.6 15 10 0 900 1 04 52 8 5.86 166 1 16 16.0 12.60 0.74 66 3 5.26 220.1 17 7 8 5 loxx ' 7.60 1.19 59.1 7.77 87.7 18 10.5 8.80 1.03 68 3 7.76 100.9 19 14.0 10 90 0 83 86 5 7.94 119.2 20 20.0 14.50 0.63 103.0 7 10 143 4 21 8.5 12XX 8.10 1,34 61.9 7.64 144.5 22 10.5 9.30 1 17 71.5 7 69 166.7 23 14 0 11.40 0.95 90.3 7 92 199.2 24 20.0 15.00 0.73 107.3 7.16 245.8 25 8 10.0 12XX 900 1.38 89.1 9.90 159.3 26 12.5 10.50 1.18 105.4 10.04 191.6 27 16 0 12 60 0.98 129.5 1028 222.6 28 28.0 19.80 0.63 172.3 8 70 309 5 29 10.0 14xX 9.50 1 52 92.8 9.77 240.4 30 12.5 11.00 1.31 109.7 997 288.0 31 16.0 13.10 1.10 134.3 10.25 337.0 32 28.0 20 30 0.71 178.3 8.78 481.2 26 ^ « c TWO CHANNELS. aJ- ONE PLATE. J i L TWO CHANNELS. Ton Plate, Size in Inches. Total Area, Square Inches. Eccen- tricity. AXIS A B. 1 AXIS C D. I Depth in Inches. Lhs. Per Foot. I I 1-2 33 9 14.5 12XX 11.70 1.19 142.4 12.17 185.0 34 16.0 12.60 1.10 161.5 12.82 209.6 35 13.0 13.80 1.01 179.7 13.02 236.1 36 30.0 21.00 0 66 224 2 10.68 303.9 37 14.5 HXX 12.20 1.33 148 1 12 14 285.8 38 16.0 13.10 124 167.5 12.78 321.0 39 18'0 14.30 1 13 186.2 13.02 359.9 40 30.0 21 50 0.75 231.9 10.78 480.0 41 10 16.0 14XX 13.10 137 192.3 14.68 304.4 42 17.5 14.00 1.28 220.0 15.71 346.0 43 20.0 15.50 1.16 249 9 16.12 380.4 44 35 0 14X^ 26 25 1.04 366.8 13.97 551.8 45 ]6.0 icxX 1360 1.51 199.0 14.64 438.8 46 17.5 14.50 1.41 227.2 15.67 493 8 47 20.0 16.00 1.28 2")7.6 16.10 544.0 48 35 0 16X^ 27.00 1.15 379.4 14.05 809,9 49 12 20.0 16XA 17.00 1.81 371.8 21.87 502.6 50 22.5 18.50 1.66 418.3 22.61 559.6 51 30 0 23.00 1.34 500.3 21.75 766.6 52 50.0 35.00 0,88 658.4 18.81 1071.1 53 20 0 ISX^ 18.75 2 23 403 2 21.50 726.5 54 22.5 20 25 2 06 4V2.5 22 35 803 4 56 30.0 24.75 1.69 539.7 21 81 1076 5 56 50.0 36.75 1.14 706.9 19.23 1518.8 57 12 20.0 lOxH 1800 2.06 391.8 21.74 523.9 58 22.5 19.50 1.90 439.3 22.53 580 9 59 30.0 24.00 1 55 524 1 21 84 787.9 60 50.0 36 .dO 1.03 687 5 19.10 1092 4 61 20.0 19.88 2.46 422 3 21.25 756.9 62 22.5 21.38 2 29 472 5 22.11 833.8 30 0 25.88 1.89 564 2 21.81 1 106 7 64 50.0 37.88 1.29 737.6 1947 1544.4 27 TWO CHANNELS I— ONE I BEAM TWO CHANNELS. ONE X BEAM. Depth Lbs. Per Area in Depth Lbs. Per Area in in In. Foot. Sq. In. in In. Foot. Sq. In. 1 4 5.0 3.00 3 7.0 2.10 2 4 8.0 2 40 3 5 10.0 3.00 4 6 13.5 4.05 5 4 7.0 4 20 3 7.0 2 10 6 4 80 2.40 7 5 10.0 3 00 8 6 13 5 4.05 9 4 9.0 1 5 40 3 7.0 2.10 10 4 80 2.40 11 5 10 0 3.00 12 6 13.5 4.05 13 5 6 5 3.90 4 8,0 2 40 14 5 10 0 3 00 15 6 13 5 4.05 16 7 18.0 5.40 17 5 9.0 5.40 4 80 2.40 18 ! 5 10.0 3.00 19 6 13 5 4.05 20 7 18.0 5.40 21 5 14.0 8.40 4 8.0 2 40 22 5 10 0 3.00 23 . 6 13.5 4.05 24 7 18.0 5 40 25 6 7.5 4.50 4 8.0 2.40 26 5 10.0 3 00 27 6 13.5 4.05 28 7 18.0 5 40 29 8 22.0 6.60 Total Area, Square Inches. 6.10 6.40 6.00 7.05 6.30 6.60 7,20 8.26 750 7.80 8.40 9.45 6.30 6.90 7.95 9.30 7.80 8.40 9.45 10.80 10.80 11.40 12.45 13.80 6.90 7.50 8.55 9 90 11.10 7.97 8 13 8.50 9.42 10.51 10.67 11.04 11.96 12.11 12.27 12.64 13.56 14.71 15 08 16.00 17.72 21.15 21 52 22.44 24.16 27.41 27.78 28.70 30.42 24 91 25.28 26.20 27.92 28 77 r2 1.56 1.51 1.42 1.34 1.67 1.62 1.63 1.45 1.62 1.57 1.51 1.44 2.34 2.19 2.01 1.91 2.71 2.56 2.38 2.24 2 54 2.44 2.31 2.20 3.61 3.37 . 3.06 2.82 2.69 28 TWO CHANNELS — ONE X BEAM . TWO CHANNELS. ONE X BEAM. Total Area, Square Inches. I r * Depth Lbs. Per in In.'i Foot. Area in Sq. In. Depth in In. Lbs. Per : Foot. , Area in Sq. In. 30 6 10.0 6.00 4 s.o 2.40 8.40 33.91 4 04 31 5 10.0 3.00 9.00 34.28 3.81 32 6 13.5 4.05 10.05 35.20 3.50 33 \. 7 18 0 5 40 11.40 36.92 3.24 34 8 22.0 6.60 12.60 37.77 3.00 35 6 16.0 9.60 4 8.0 2.40 1200 44.71 373 36 5 10.0 3.00 12 60 45.08 3.58 37 6 13.5 4.05 13.65 46 00 3.37 38 7 18.0 5.40 15 00 47.72 3.18 39 8 22.0 6.60 16.20 48.57 300 40 7 85 5.10 5 10.0 3 00 810 38.08 4.70 41 6 13.5 4.05 9.15 39.00 4.26 42 V 18.0 5.40 L 0.50 40.72 3 88 43 8 22.0 6.60 L 1.70 41.57 3.55 44 9 23.5 7.05 . 2.16 42.48 3 50 45 7 10.5 6.30 5 10.0 3 00 9.30 45.88 4 93 46 6 < 13.5 4.05 10 35 46.80 4 52 47 7 18.0 5 40 11.70 48.52 4.15 48 8 22.0 660 12 90 49.37 3 83 49 9 23.5 7.05 13.35 50.28 3.77 50 7 13.5 8.10 5 10.0 3.00 11.10 53.28 4.80 51 6 13.5 4 05 12.15 54.20 4.46 52 7 18.0 5.40 13.50 55.92 4.14 53 8 22.0 6 60 14 70 56.77 3.86 54 9 23.5 ' 7.05 15.15 57.68 3 81 55 7 20.0 12.00 5 10.0 3.00 15.00 76.88 6.13 56 6 13.5 4.05 16.05 77 80 4.85 57 7 18.0 5.40 17.40 79 52 4 57 58 8 22.0 6.60 18.60 80 37 4 32 59 9 23.5 7.05 19.05 81.28 4.27 29 * ^ * TWO CHANNELS — |h ■^E ONE X BEAM. TWO CHANNELS. ONE X BEAM. Total Area, r2 Depth Lbs. Per Area in Depth Lbs. Per Area in Square Inches. JL in In. Foot. S(i. In. in In. Foot. Sq. In. 60 8 10.0 6.00 6 13 5 4 05 10.05 57.20 5.69 61 7 18.0 5 40 11.40 58.92 5.17 62 8 22 0 6.60 12 60 59.77 4.74 63 9 23 5 7.05 13 05 60.68 4 65 64 10 30.0 9 00 15 00 63.14 4.21 65 8 12.5 7.50 6 13 5 4 05 11 55 71 00 6 15 66 7 180 5.40 12 90 7272 5.64 67 8 22.0 6.60 14 10 73 57 5.22 68 9 23 5 7 05 14 55 74 48 5 12 69 10 30.0 9.00 16.50 76.94 4.66 70 8 15.5 9 30 6 13 5 4 05 13 35 80 40 6.02 71 7 180 5 40 14.70 82 12 5 59 72 8 22 0 6 60 15 90 82 97 5 22 73 9 23 5 7 05 16 35 83.88 5 13 74 10 30 .U 9 00 18.30 86.34 4.72 75 8 28.0 16.80 6 13 5 4 05 20 85 131 00 6.28 76 7 18.0 5 40 22 20 132 72 5 98 77 8 22.0 6.60 23 40 133 57 5 71 78 9 23 5 7.05 23.85 134 48 5.64 79 o/\ 10 30.0 9.00 25.80 136.94 5 31 80 9 14.5 8.70 6 13 5 4.05 12.75 96.80 7.59 81 7 18.0 5 40 14 10 98 52 699 82 8 22.0 6 60 15.30 99.37 6.50 83 9 23 5 7 05 15.75 100 28 6 37 84 ]0 30.0 9.00 17.70 102.74 5 80 85 9 16.0 960 6 135 4 05 13.65 114.60 8 40 86 7 18.0 5.40 15 00 116.32 7 76 87 8 22.0 6 60 16.20 117.17 7.23 88 9 23.5 7.05 16.65 118.08 709 89 10 30.0 9 00 18.60 120.54 6.48 30 4 TWO CHANNELS — ONE I BEAM. TVO CIAMELS. 1 ONE X BEAM. Total Area, Square Inches. i I r2 Depth in In. Lbs Per Foot. Area in Sq Tn Depth in In. Lbs 'Per 1 Foot. ' |. Area in Sq Tn 90 9 30.0 18.00 6 13.5 i 4.05 ' 22.05 180.20 8.17 91 7 18 0 ! 5. TO 1 23.40 181.92 7.77 92 8 22.0 1 6.60 24.60 182.77 7.43 93 9 23.5 I 7.05 25.05 183.68 7 33 94 10 30.0 1 1 9 00 27.00 186.14 6.89 95 10 17.5 10.50 6 13.5 4 05 14 55 153.00 , 10.52 96 7 18.0 5.10 15.90 154 72' ' 9 73 97 8 22.0 6 60 17 10 1 j5.57 9.10 98 1 1 9 23.5 7 05 17.55 156 48 8.92 99 10 30.0 9.00* 19.50 158.94 815 100 10 20 0 12.00 6 13.5 4.05 16.05 180 80 11.26 101 7 18.0 5 40 17.40 182 52 11049 102 8 22.0 6.60 18.60 183 37 9.86 103 9 23.5 7.05 19 05 184.28 9 67 104 10 30.0 ' 9.00 2100 186.74 8,89 105 10 35.0 ! 21.00 6 13.5 ' * 4 05 25 05 255.80 10 21 106 7 18 0 5.40 26 A) 2)7.52 9.75 107 8 22 0 6.60 27.60 258 37 9.36 108 9 23.5 7.05 28.05 259.28 9.24 109 10 30.0 9.00 30.00 261.74 8.74 no 12 22.5 13.C0 7 18.0 5.40 1890 283.72 15 01 111 8 22.0 6.60 2010 284.57 14.16 112 9 23 5 7.05 20.55 285.48 13 89 113 10 300 9.00 22.50 287 94 12.80 114 12 42.0 12 60 26.10 291.00 11.15 115 12 30 0 18.00 7 18.0 5 40 23.40 339.72 1452 116 8 22.0 6 60 24 60 340.57 13 84 117 9 23.5 7 05 25 05 341.48 13 63 118 10 30.0 9 00 27.00 343.94 12.74 119 12 42.0 12.60 30.60 347.00 1134 31 TWO CHANNELS — - ONE I BEAM. TWO CHANNELS. ONE Z BEAM. Total Area. Depth in In. Lbs. Per Foot. Area in Sq. In. Depth in In. Lbs. Per Foot. Area in Sq. In. 1 Square Inches. 1 JL A ~ 120 12 50.0 30.00 7 18 0 5.40 35.40 499.72 [ 14 12 121 8 22 0 6.60 36.60 500.57 13.68 122 9 23.5 7.05 37.05 501 48 13.54 123 10 30 0 9.00 39.00 503.94 12.92 124 12 42.0 12.60 42.60 507.00 11.90 125 15 40.0 24.00 8 22.0 6.60 30.60 722 57 2361 126 9 23.5 7.05 31 05 723.48 23.30 127 10 30 0 9.00 33.00 725 94 22.00 128 12 42.0 12 60 36.60 729 00 1992 129 •15 50.0 15.00 39.00 734.30 18.83 130 15 50.0 30.00 8 22.0 6.60 36.60 834.57 22.80 131 9 23.5 7.05 37 05 835.48 22.55 132 10 30.0 9.00 39.00 837.94 21.48 133 12 42 0 1 12.60 42.60 841.00 19.74 134 15 50 0 15.00 45.00 846.30 18 81 135 15 60.0 36.00 8 22 0 i 6.60 42.60 946.57 22.22 136 9 23.5 : 7.05 43.05 947.48 2201 137 10 30 0 i 9 00 45 00 949.94 21.11 138 12 42 0 12.60 48.60 953.00 19.61 139 15 50.0 ! 15.00 i 51.00 958.30 j 18 79 32 33 ONE PLATE. 'D ^ TWO ANG-LES. One Plate, Size in Inches. TWO ANGLES, Total Area, Square Inches. AXIS A B. Eccen- AXIS CD. X*2 Size in Inches. Lbs. Per Foot. I r 2 tricity. 1 6XX 2 X2% 3.5 3.60 10 5 2.93 1.44 0.85 2 2 X3 4.0 3.90 11.1 2.84 1.55 1.33 3 2j4xS 4.4 4.14 11.2 2.71 1.49 1.25 4 3 X3 5.9 5.04 12.3 245 1.50 1.28 5 6X^ 2 X2% 3.5 4.35 14.1 3.23 1.19 0.77 6 2 X3 4.0 4.65 14.9 3.19' 1.30 1.19 7 2XX3 4.4 4.89 14.9 3.04 1.26 1.14 8 3 X3 5.9 5.79 16.1 2.77 1.31 1.20 9 7XX 2 X2K 3.5 3.85 16.2 4 22 1.62 0.80 10 2 X3 4.0 4.15 17.1 4.12 1.74 1.25 11 2XX3 4.4 439 17.1 3.90 1.71 1.18 12 3 X3 5.9 5.29 18.3 3.46 1.77 1.22 13 7xH 2 X2% 3.5 473 21.7 4.59 1.32 0.71 14 2 X3 4.0 503 22.9 455 1.44 1.10 15 2%X3 4.4 5.27 22 8 4.33 1.42 1.06 16 3 X3 5.9 6.17 24.2 3.93 1.52 1.13 17 8Xj^ 2 X3 4.0 4.40 24.9 5.66 1.92 1.18 18 2XX3 4.4 4.64 24.9 5.36 1.90 1.12 19 3 X3 5.9 5.54 26.3 4.75 2.01 1.17 20 3 X4 8.3 6.98 29.3 420 2.30 2.55 21 SX^'s 2 X3 4.0 5.40 33.2 6.15 1.56 1.03 22 2%X3 4.4 5.64 33.2 5.88 1.56 0.99 23 3 X3 5.9 6.54 35.0 5.35 1.70 1.06 24 3 X4 8.3 7.98 39.2 4.92 2.01 2.34 25 9XX 2/4x3 4.4 4.89 34.6 7.07 2.07 1.06 26 3 X3 5.9 5.79 36.4 629 2.23 1.12 27 3 X4 8.3 7.23 40.5 5.60 2.56 2.46 28 3 X4% 8.9 7.59 41.5 5.47 2.65 3.29 34 TWO ANGLES. One Plate, Size in Inches. TWO ANGLES. Total Area, Square Inches, AXIS A B. Eccen- tricity. AXIS CD. X*2 Size in Inches. Lbs. Per Foot. I j X* 2 29 9X^ 2^X3 4.4 6.02 46.1 7.67 1.69 0.93 30 3 X3 5.9 6.92 48.7 7.04 1.86 1.01 31 3 X4 8.3 8.36 54.5 6.52 2.22 2.24 32 3 X4% 8.9 8.72 56.0 6.42 2.30 2.99 33 loxX 2%X3 4.4 5.14 46.5 905 2.23 1.01 34 3 X3 5.9 6.04 49.0 8.11 2.43 1.07 35 3 X4 8.3 7 48 54.3 7.26 2.81 2 38 3G 1 3 X4X 8.9 7.84 55.7 7.10 2 90 3.18 37 10X3^ hxxs 1 4.4 6.39 61.9 9.69 1.79 0 87 38 3 X3 i 1 5.9 7.29 65.5 8.98 2.01 0.95 39 3 X4 1 i 8.3 8.73 73.2 8.38 2.41 214 40 3 X4% 8.9 9.09 75.2 8 27 2.50 2.87 41 3 X3 5 9 6.54 81.9 12.53 2.78 0.99 42 3 X4 ' 1 8.3 7.98 90.8 , 11.38 3.26 2.23 43 1 3 X5 . 9.5 8.70 95.3 1 10 96 3.47 3.88 44 1 i 3%X5 10 2 9.12 95.6 : 10.48 3.45 3.73 45 12X14 1 3 X3 5.9 8.04 109.4 1 13.60 2.26 0.87 4G 3 X4 8.3 9.48 122.3 12.90 2.74 1.97 47 i |3 X5 9.5 10 20 128.7 1 12.62 2.96 3.44 48 I‘5XX5 1 i 10.2 10.62 128.9 1 12.14 2.96 3.33 49 :’> X3 5.9 7.92 148.3 18.73 2 75 0.85 50 1 3 X4 8.3 9.36 165.4 17.68 3.31 1.95 51 1 i3 X5 9 5 1 10.08 173.8 17.25 3.56 3.42 52 1 3XX5 10.2 10.50 174.0 16.58 3.58 3.31 53 14X/s 3 X3 1 5.9 1 1 8.79 169.3 19.26 2.45 0.79 54 3 X4 8.3 > 10 23 188.5 1 18.42 3.03 1.83 55 3 X5 9.5 1 10 95 198.3 1 18.11 1 3.28 3.21 5G 3XX5 10.2 1 11.37 198.6 1 17.46 1 3.31 3.11 35 TWO ANG-LES. One Plate, Size in Inches. TWO ANGLES. Total Area, Square Inches. AXIS A B. Eccen- tricity. AXIS CD. Size in Inches. Lbs. Per Foot. I X*2 57 15X* 3 X3 5.9 8.23 179.9 21.86 2.86 0.82 58 3 X4 8.3 9.67 200.8 20.77 3.46 1.89 59 3 X5 9.5 10.39 211.0 20.31 3.73 3.31 60 3KX5 10.2 10.81 211.3 19.55 3.76 3.21 61 15X>^ 3 X3 5.9 9.17 204.2 22.28 2.57 0.76 62 3 X4 8.3 10.61 228.6 21 55 3.16 1.77 63 3 X5 95 11.33 240.4 21.23 3.42 3.10 64 3>^X5 10.2 11.75 240.9 20.52 3.46 3.02 65 15X% 3 X3 5.9 11.04 249.6 22 61 2.13 0.68 66 3 X4 8.3 12.48 279.6 22.40 2.68 1.58 67 3 Xo 9.5 13.20 294.4 22 30 2 94 2.77 68 4 X5 10.8 13.98 295.4 21.13 3.00 2.65 69 i 5 xy $ 3 X3 5.9 12.92 292.1 22.62 1.82 064 70 3 X4 8.3 14 36 3J6.5 22.75 2.33 1.45 71 3 X5 95 15 08 343.8 22 80 2.57 253 72 4 X5 10.8 15.86 345.5 21.79 2.64 2.44 73 16XA 3 X4 8.3 9.98 240.5 24 10 3 60 1.81 74 3 X5 9.5 10.70 252.6 23.61 3.^9 3.22 75 4 X5 10.8 11.48 253.1 22.05 3.93 3.03 76 4 X6 13.9 13.34 272.9 20.45 4.40 5.13 77 16X^ 3 X4 8.3 10.98 273.7 24.92 3.28 1.71 78 3 X5 9.5 11.70 287.9 24.60 3.56 3.00 79 4 X5 10.8 12.48 288.7 23.13 3.62 2.85 80 4 X6 13.9 14 34 312.2 21.77 4.09 4.85 81 16X% 3 X4 8.3 12.98 334.5 25.77 2.77 1.52 82 3 X5 9.5 13.70 352.1 25.70 3.04 2.67 83 4 X5 10.8 14.48 353 9 24 44 3.12 2.56 84 4 X6 13.9 16.34 384.3 23.52 3.59 4.40 36 ONE PLATE. C TWO ANGLES. O One Plate, Size in Inches. TWO ANGLES. Total Area, Square Inches. AXIS A B. Eccen- tricity. AXIS CD. r 2 Size in Inches. Lbs. Per Foot. I i i r 2 85 16X^ 3 X4 8.3 14.98 390.5 26.07 2.40 1.39 86 3 X5 9 5 15.70 410.9 26.17 2.65 2.43 87 4 X5 10.8 16.48 413.7 25 10 2.74 2.35 88 4 X6 13.9 18.34 450.0 24.53 3.20 4.06 89 18XA 3 X4 8.3 10.61 334 2 31 51 3.86 1.72 90 3 X5 9 5 11.33 351.0 30 99 4.18 3.04 91 4 X5 10.8 12.11 352 5 29.12 4 27 2.87 92 4 X6 13.9 13.97 380.2 27.22 4.80 4.90 93 18X3/$ 3 X4 8.8 1173 379.7 32.36 3.49 1.60 94 3 X5 9.5 12.45 399.2 32.06 3.80 2.82 95 4 X5 108 13 23 4016 30.35 3.90 2.69 96 4 X6 13.9 15.09 434.5 28.80 4 44 4.61 97 18X% o O X4 83 13.98 4«3.5 33.15 2.93 1.41 98 3 X5 9 5 14.70 487.5 33 16 3.22 2.49 99 4 X5 10.8 15.48 491.4 31.74 3,34 2.39 100 4 X6 13.9 17.34 534.2 30.82 3.87 4.15 101 i8x/$ 3 X4 8.3 16.23 540.8 33.32 2 52 1.29 102 3 X5 9 5 16 95 568.5 33.54 2.79 2 25 103 4 X 5 10.8 17^3 574.2 32 39 2.91 2.18 104 4 X6 13.9 19.59 624.6 31.88 3.42 3.80 105 18X^ 3 X4 8.3 18.48 614.2 33.23 2 22 1.20 106 3 X5 9.5 19 20 644.7 33 58 2 46 2.08 107 4 X5 10.8 19.98 651 9 32.63 2 59 2.03 108 4 XG 13 9 21.84 709.0 32.46' 3.07 3.53 37 TWO PLATES. ^ C L ® TWO ANGLES. ) Web Plate, Size in Inches. Top Plate, Size in Inches. TWO ANGLES. Total Area, Square Inches. AXIS A B. Eccen- tric- ity. AXIS CD. r 2 Size in Inches Lbs. Per Ft. I 1?2 1 6XX 7X^ 2XX3 4.4 5.89 14.5 2.46 1.98 2 09 2 7XJ4 6.7 8.15 16.7 2.05 2.15 2.37 3 7XX 9.0 10.40 18.9 1.82 2,24 2.58 4 6X^ 8X^ 4.4 7.89 21.8 2 76 2.00 2.Z3 5 8XX 6.7 10.27 24.5 2 39 2.15 2.97 6 8X>^ 9.0 12.65 27.1 2.14 2.25 3.16 7 7XX 7X'X 3 X3 5.9 7.04 22.9 3 25 2.23 1.93 8 7xH 7.2 8.70 25.5 2.94 2.41 2.19 9 7X% 9.7 1107 28.8 2 60 2.52 2.39 10 7X^ 8X^ 5.9 9.17 33.8 3.68 2 23 2.50 11 8X% 7.2 1095 37.1 3.39 2.40 2.76 12 8X>^ 9.7 13.45 41.0 3.05 2.51 2.95 13 8XX 8XX 3 X3 5.9 7.54 32.9 4.36 2.57 2.27 14 8X^ 7.2 9.32 363 3.90 2.78 2.61 15 8X% 9.7 11.82 40.1 3.39 2.93 2.84 16 8XH 9XH 5.9 9.92 48 8 4.92 2.55 2.99 17 9X% 7.2 11.82 53.1 4.49 2.75 3.32 18 9X>^ 9.7 14.45 57.9 4.01 2 90 3.53 19 9Xjq 9X^ 3 X4 8.3 11 17 60.2 5.39 3.08 3.67 20 9x3^ 11.2 14.03 65.3 4 65 3.27 4.04 21 9XH 14.1 16.90 70.2 4.15 3.39 4.33 22 9xH lOx/g 8.3 12.11 70.2 5.80 2.98 4.12 23 10x% 11.2 15.10 76.2 5.05 3.20 4.55 21 lOx/s 14.1 18.09 81.6 4.51 3.34 4.88 25 1 0 X 10x>^ 3 X4 8.3 11.86 81.3 6.86 3.41 417 26 10x>^ 11.2 14.85 87.6 5.90 3.65 4,58 27 10X>^ 14.1 17.84 93 2 5.23 3.80 4.90 28 10x>^ 12 xH 8.3 13.23 96.1 7.27 3.35 5.49 29 12XX 11.2 16.47 103.8 6.30 3.61 6.06 30 i2xys 14.1 19.71 liO.4 5.60 3.77 6.39 31 loxx i2xy 8.3 15.98 127.0 7.95 3.29 5.73 32 i2xy 11.2 19,22 136.1 ^ 7.08 3.52 6.15 33 12xy 14.1 22.^6 144.1 6.41 3.69 6.49 34 12XA 12XH 3 X5 9.5 13.95 140.0 10.03 4.1616.34 38 y . TWO PLATES. A B TWO ANGLES, C «rW D Web Plate, Size in Inches. Top Plate, Size in Inches. TWO ANGLES. Total Area, Square Inches. AXIS A B. Eccen- tric- ity. AXIS C D. X»2 Size in Inches. ! Lbs. Per Ft. I j y2 35 12XA 12X% 3 Xo 129 17.49 149.4 8.54 446 6.93 36 vzxys 16.2 20.97 157.0 7.49 4.65 7.38 37 12XX 19.5 24 45 164.2 6.71 4.78 7.76 38 12XH Uxy 3XX5 10.2 15.87 165.6 10.43 4.03 7.63 39 14XX 13.7 19.72 177.7 9.01 4.33 8.34 40 14X>^ 17.2 23.57 188.2 7.98 4.53 8.87 41 14XX 20.8 27.48 197.9 7.20 4.68 9.29 42 V2XX 14X1 10.2 26.12 258.9 9.91 4 69 10.17 43 14X1^ 13.7 3522 297.9 8.46 5.21 11.22 44 14X2 17.2 44 32 340.1 7.67 5.59 11.87 45 14X^ lixH 3%X6 11.4 17.34 256 3 14.78 4.63 8.39 46 UxX 15.4 21.49 273.9 12.74 5.00 9.24 47 14X/8 19.3 25.58 288.0 11.26 5.25 9.88 48 14XX 23.3 29.73 300.4 10.10 5.43 1040 49 14XX 14X1 11.4 27.84 392.2 14.09 5.30 10.43 50 14X1J 15.4 37 24 444.5 11.94 5.89 11.55 51 14X2 19.3 46.58 495.1 10.63 6.32 12.25 52 16XJ4 14X^8 3XX8 11.4 18.09 371.2 20.52 5.10 8.04 53 14X>4 15.4 22.24 396.8 17.84 5.56 8.93 54 14X^ 193 26.33 416.6 15.82 5.88 9.60 55 14XX 23 3 30 48 432.7 14.19 6.10 10 15 56 lOXX 14X1 11.4 28.84 563.2 19.53 5.84 10.07 57 14XU !5.4 38.24 631.8 16.52 6.53 11.25 58 14X2 193 47 58 696.5 14.64 7.02 11.99 59 18X^ 14 X^ 3%X6 11.4 18.84 514.9 27.33 5.54 7.72 60 14XX 15 4 22.99 551.2 23.97 6.09 8.64 61 14X^ 19.3 27.08 578.0 21.33 6.46 9 34 62 14XX 23.3 31.23 599.7 19.20 6.74 9 90 63 18XX 14X1 11.4 29.84 776.6 26.03 6.34 9.73 64 14Xli 15.4 39.24 866.7 22.09 7.14 10.96 65 14X2 19.3 48 58 947.8 19 51 7.69 11.75 66 14X1 11.4 32.09 921.4 28.71 5-89 9.12 67 14X14 15.4 41.49 1037.5 25.01 6.75 10.44 68 14X2" 193 5083 1135.4 22,34 7.35 11.30 ^ 39 40 c m S3» THREE PLATES A.--- 1 I 1 -i- 1 i 1 i ‘ 1 I. -P TWO ANGLES. Two Web Plates, Top Plate, TWO ANGLES. Total Area, AXIS A B. Eccen- tric- ity. AXIS CD. 1*2 Size in Inches. Size in Inches. Size in Inches. Lbs. Per Ft. Square Inches. I T 2 36 14XH 16X>^ CO X CO 7.2 20.82 414.2 19 89 3.34 3/ 16Xt*5 8.4 22.54 431.7 19.15 3.62 25.5 38 ^4Xjg 8.4 24 29 484.1 19.93 3.34 39 14XX 16X% 9.7 26 07 505.0 19.37 3.57 25.4 40 9.7 27.82 554.6 19 94 3 35 41 14X}4 16X/8 CO X CO 9.7 29.82 587 6 19.70 3 63 42 14X^ 9.7 33.32 684.6 2055 3 25 43 14X14^ 16XX 122 36 82 731.2 19 86 3.59 24.9 44 122 40 32 828.9 20 56 3.28 45 loX>4 18XX 5.9 15 54 316.2 22.28 3 72 35.4 46 1.5xX 18XA CO X CO 59 16.67 363.5 21.81 4 00 47 15Xr% 5 9 18 54 425.5 22 95 3.59 48 18X^8 7.2 20.45 450.4 22 03 3.93 34.8 49 ISxVs 7.2 22.32 5122 22.95 3 60 50 18Xy*5 8.4 2417 542.2 22 44 3.89 34.7 51 15x 18 Xt*,t CO X CO 8.4 26.04 604.3 23 21 3 60 52 18X>^ 9.7 27.95 624.8 22 36 3.86 34.7 53 15XX 9.7 29.8^? 685.S 23 00 361 54 15X^ 18X^ 9.7 32.07 727.0 22 67 3.93 55 9.7 35.82 849.1 23.70 3 52 56 loX ^ 18xX CO X CO 12.2 39 57 904.6 22 86 3 88 33.9 57 15X^ 12.2 43.32 1026.6 23 70 3.55 58 loxX 20XX 3XX3X 8.3 17.98 433.4 24 10 4.20 43.3 59 20 X 8.3 1923 452.8 23.55 4 46 60 16XA 8.3 21.23 531.5 25.03 4.04 61 1 C X 20XH 6%X3X 8.3 22.48 553 4 24 62 4 28 62 16XJ^ 83 24.48 629.7 25.73 3.93 63 16 X 1*5 20Xx*5 97 26.57 660.0 24 84 4.^3 41.7 64 9.7 28 57 735.8 25.75 3.93 65 20xK 11.2 30.72 767.6 24.99 4.20 41.7 66 IGXX 20X% 3XX3% 11.2 32 72 8132 25 77 3.94 67 16X ^ 20X ^ 127 36.12 897.9 24.86 4.33 41.4 68 14.1 40.96 1058 0 25 83 3 95 41.2 69 20xX 15.6 44.36 1116.6 25 17 4.27 41.2 70 16xX . 17.0 49.20 1274.6 25.91 3.96 41.1 41 TWO PLATES. 1 ? r four angles. jI d I I Two Web Plates, Size in Inches. FOUR ANGLES. Total Area Square Inches. AXIS A B. AXIS C D. Size in Inches. Lbs. Per Foot. I 1 r 2 Out to Out Webs. I 1 8XX 2 X 2 3.1 7.72 66.0 8.55 5.3 66.0 2 33 7.96 68.6 8.62 3 4.2 9.04 802 8.88 4 5.0 10.00 90.3 9.03 5 5.6 10.72 97.2 9.07 5.3 103.6 6 8Xx\ 2 X 2 3.1 8.72 71.3 8.18 5.2 69.1 7 3.3 8.96 74.0 8.26 8 4.2 10.04 85.6 8.52 9 5.0 11.00 95.6 8.69 10 5.6 11.72 102.6 8.75 5.2 105.8 11 8 X ^ 2 x 2 3.1 9.72 76.7 7.89 5.2 74.2 12 3.3 9.96 79.3 7.96 13 4.2 11.04 90.9 8.23 14 5.0 12.00 100.9 8.41 15 5.6 12.72 107.9 8.48 5.2 110.8 16 9XX 2 X 2 3.1 8.22 88.6 10.78 6.1 89.2 17 3.8 9.06 100.8 11.12 18 4.6 10.02 114.0 11.37 19 5.4 10.98 127.0 11.57 20 5.6 11.22 130.1 11.60 6.1 135.7 21 9X* 2 X 2 3.1 9.35 96.3 10.30 6,1 97.8 22 3.6 9.95 105.1 10.56 23 4.5 11.03 120.2 10.89 24 5.3 11.99 132.9 11.08 25 5.6 12.35 137.8 11.15 6.1 144.3 26 9 X ^ 2 X 2 3,1 10.47 103.8 9.92 6.0 102.7 27 35 10.95 110.7 10.11 28 4.4 12.03 125.9 10.47 29 5.2 12 99 139.1 10.71 30 5.6 13.47 145.3 10.79 6.0 148.1 42 »I< - ^ TWO PLATES. Aj jl ? r ‘'T"! ® FOUR ANGLES. 6 IL Two Web Plates, Size in Inches. . FOUR ANGLES. Total Area Square Inches. AXIS A B. AXIS C D. Size in Inches. Lbs. Per Foot. I r2 Out to Out Webs. I 31 loxX CO X \(M H \ (M 4.4 10.28 144.1 14.02 6.5 144.9 32 5.0 11.00 157.1 14.28 33 5.8 11.96 174.4 14.58 34 6.7 13.04 193.0 14.80 35 7.5 14 00 209.6 14.97 36 8.3 14.96 2251 15.04 37 9.0 15.80 238.7 15.11 65 258.7 38 loxA 2%X3 4.4 11.53 154.5 13.40 6.5 455.9 39 4.8 12.01 163.4 13.60 40 5.6 12.97 180.2 13.89 41 6.5 14.05 199.6 14.20 42 1 1 I 7.3 j 15.01 215.6 14.36 43 8.1 ! 15 97 231.8 14.52 44 9.0 17.05 249.2 14.61 6.5 269.7 1 1 45 loxX 2%X3 44 12.78 164.9 12.90 0.5 1 166.4 46 4.6 13.02 169.1 1299 47 5.4 13.98 186.6 13.35 ] 48 1 6.2 14.94 2038 13.64 49 I 7.1 16.02 222.2 13.87 I • 50 7.9 16.98 237.8 14.00 1 51 1 8.7 17.94 253.9 14.15 1 52 9.0 18.30 259.6 14.18 6.5 280.2 53 12XX 2XX3 4.4 11.28 226. 19.99 8.1 227. 54 5.0 12.00 245. 20.44 65 5.8 12.96 272. 20.95 66 1 1 6.7 14.04 300. 21.37 67 1 7.5 15.00 325. 21.70 68 8.3 ,15.96 349. 21.89 59 90 16.80 371. 1 22.06 8.1 383. 43 TWO PLATES. 1 A J C i .... 6 r B FOUR ANGLES. L Two Web Plates, Size in Inches. FOUR ANGLES. Total Area Square Inches. AXIS A B. AXIS C D. Size in Inches. Lbs. Per Foot. I r 2 Out to Out Webs. I 60 12XtV 2 XX 3 44 ]2.78 244. 19.05 8.0 243. 61 4.6 13.02 250. 19 20 62 5.4 13.98 276. 1977 63 6.2 14.94 303. 20.25 64 , 7.1 16.02 331. 20.65 65 7.9 16.98 355. 20.91 66 8.7 17.94 380. 21. 16 67 9.0 18.30 389. 21.23 8.0 396. 68 12x/s 2% X 3 4.4 14.28 262. 18.31 8.0 263. 69 5.0 1500 281. 18.75 70 5.8 15.96 308. 19.27 71 6.7 17.04 336. 19.72 72 7.5 18.00 361. 20.08 73 8.3 18.96 385. 20.33 74 9.0 19.80 407. 20.53 8.0 416. 75 14XX 8 X 3 5.9 14.08 387. 27.5 9.6 386. 76 6.0 14.20 392. 27.6 77 6.5 14.80 413. 27.9 78 7.0 15.40 435. 28.3 79 8.0 16.60 478. 28.8 80 90 17.80 519. 20.2 81 10.0 1900 560. 29.5 82 11.0 20.20 600. 29.7 9.6 611. 83 14 XA 3 X 3 5.9 15.83 416. 26 3 9.6 422. 84 6.0 15.95 421. 26 4 85 6.5 1655 442. 26.7 86 70 17.15 404. 27.0 87 8.0 18.35 506. 27.6 88 9.0 19.55 548. 280 89 10.0 20.75 589. 28.4 90 11.0 21.95 629. 28.6 9.6 646. 44 TWO PLATFS. 1 9 A J B POUR ANGLES. L Two Web Plates, Size in Inches. FOUR ANGLES. Total Area Square Inches. AXIS A B. AXIS 0 D. Size in Inches. Lbs. Per Foot. I r? Out to Out Webs. I 91 14 X ^ 3 X 3 5.9 17.58 444. 25.3 1 ' 9.5 447. 92 6.0 17.70 449. 25.4 93 6.5 18.30 470. 25.7 1 1 94 7.0 18.90 492. 26.1 1 95 8.0 20.10 535. 26.6 96 9.0 21.30 576. 27.1 [ 1 97 10 0 22 50 617. 27.4 1 1 98 11.0 23.70 657. 27.7 1 9.5 669. 99 14 XA 3 X 3 5.9 19.33 473. 24.5 9.5 480. 100 60 ; 19.45 478. 24.6 101 6.5 20.05 499. 24 9 102 7.0 20.65 521. 25.2 103 8.0 21.85 563. 25.8 104 9.0 23.05 605. 26.2 1 105 ilO.O 1 24.25 646. 26.6 1 1 106 11.0 , 25.45 686. 26 9 9.5 701. 107 14 Xj ^ 3 X 3 5.9 21.08 502. 23.8 9.5 512. 108 6.0 21.20 506. 239 109 6.5 21.80 528. 24 2 110 7.0 22.40 550. 24.5 111 8.0 23.60 592. 25.1 112 9.0 24.80 634. 25.6 113 10.0 26.00 674. 25.9 114 . 11.0 27.20 |714. 26.3 9.5 733. 115 15 X'X 3 X 3 5.9 14.58! 459. 31.5 10.4 459. 116 60 14.70 464. 31.6 117 6.5 15 30 !489. 32.0 118 70 15.90 ,515. 32.4 119 8.0 17.10 564. 33.0 120 9.0 18.30 614. 33.5 121 10.0 19.50 662. 33.9 122 ill.O 20.70 709. 342 10.4 714. 45 40 47 TWO PLATES. A J FOUR ANG-LES. Two Web Plates, Size in Inches. FOUR ANGLES. Total Area Square Inches. AXIS A B. AXIS C D. Size in Inches. Lbs. Per Foot. I r 2 Out to Out Webs. I 187 16 XV 3 X 3 5.9 15.08 538. 35.7 11.2 541. 188 6.0 15.20 544. 35.8 1 189 6.5 15.80 573. 36.3 190 7.0 16.40 603. 36.7 191 8.0 17.60 660. 37.5 192 9.0 18.80 717. 38. 1 193 10.0 20.00 773. 38 6 194 11.0 21.20 828. 39.0 11,2 829. 195 16 X?e 3 X 3 5.9 17.08 580. 34.0 11.1 588. 196 6.7 1 18.04 628. 34.8 197 7.5 1 1900 674. 35.5 198 8.3 1996 720. 36.1 199 9.2 21.04 770. 36.6 200 100 22.00 815. 37.1 201 10.8 22.96 860. 37.5 202 11.7 24.04 908. 37.8 11.1 912. 203 16 XV 3 X 3 59 1908 623. 32.7 11.0 631. 204 6.7 20,04 671. 33.5 205 75 21.00 716. 34 1 206 8.3 21.96 763. 34.7 207 9.2 23.04 813. 35 3 208 1 100 24 00 858. 358 209 108 |24.96 903. 36.2 210 11.7 26.04 951. 36.5 11.0 950. 211 lexx’o 3 X 3 5.9 21.08 666. 31.6 10.9 671. 212 6.7 2204 713. 32.4 213 7.5 23.00 759. 33.0 214 83 23.96 805. 33 6 215 j 9.2 25.04 856. 34 2 216 ! 10.0 26.00 901. 34.6 217 I i 10.8 26.96 945. 35.1 218 1 1 11.7 28.04 994. 35.4 10.9 985. 48 TWO PLATES. A I'"] r 6 FOUR ANGLES. jl 1 6 1 L Two Web Plates, Size in Inches. POUR ANGLES. Total Area Square Inches. AXIS A B. AXIS C D. Size in Inches. Lbs. Per Foot. I 1 r2 Out to Out Webs. I 219 lex^ 3X3 5.9 23.08 708. i 30.7 10.9 721. 220 6.7 24 04 756. 31.4 221 7.5 25.00 802 32.1 222 83 25.96 848. 32.7 223 9.2 27.04 898. 33.2 224 10.0 28.00 943. 33.7 225 10.8 28.96 988. 34.1 226 11.7 30.04 1036. [ 34.5 1 10.9 1035. 227 16 X A 3X3 10.0 30.00 j 986. 1 32 9 10.9 988. 228 1 10.8 30.96 ! 1031. 33.3 1 229 16X^ 10.01 32.00 1 1029. 32.2 1 230 1 10.8 i 32.96 1073 32.6 ! 231 iiexii 1 10.0 1 34.00 ; 1071. 31.5 232 1 10.8 34.96 1116 31.9 ! 233 16X^{ 1 10 0 36.00 1114 31.0 234 10.8 36.96 1159 31.4 |10.9 1169. 235 X 00 rH 3X3 5.9 20.58 840 40.8 12.3 834. 236 1 6.3 21.06 871 414 237 i 1 7.1 22.02 932 423 238 ! 7.9 22.98 992. 43.2 239 8.8 '.24.06 1060 44.1 240 9.6 125.02 |1119 44.7 241 10.4 25.98 |1176. 145 3 242 1 1 T1.3 27.06 1242 45.9 12.6 1242. 243 18X% 3X3 5.9 ' 25.08 961. 38.3 12.2 965. 244 6.7 1 26 04 1023 39.3 245 7.5 27.00 1083. 140.1 246 8 3 '27.96 1144 140.9 247 9.2 1 29.04 1210. i41.7 248 iO.O 30.00 1269. 42.3 249 10.8 30.96 1327. 42.9 250 i 11.7 32.04 1391. 43.4 12.4 1384. t 49 - TWO PLATES. A J r 6 FOUR ANG-LES. 1 Two Web Platei, j Siie in 1 Inches. 1 FOUR INGLES. Total Area Square Inches. AXIS A B. AXIS C D. Sise in Inches. Lb6. Per Foot. 1 I r* Gut to Out Webs. I 251 00 X X 3 X3 6.3 30.06 1114. 37.0 12.1 1110. 252 7.1 31.02 1175. 37.0 253 7.9 31.98 1235. 38.6 254 3XX8X 8.8 33.06 1292. 391 1 255 9.6 34.02 1351. 39.7 i 256 104 34.98 1409. 40.3 257 11.3 36.06 1474 40.9 1 258 12.1 37.02 1531 41.4 12.3 1548. 259 18X^ 3;^X3^ 8.3 36.96 1376. 37.2 12.1 1377. 260 9.2 38.04 1443. 37.9 261 10.0 39.00 1502. 38.5 262 10.8 39.96 1559. 39.0 1 1 263 11.7 41.04 1624. 39.6 264 12.5 42.00 1681. 40.0 i 265 13.3 42.96 1737. 40.4 i 266 14.2 44.04 1800 40.9 1 12.3 1 1827. 267 21X% 3XX3X 8.3 30.96 1680 54.3 14.3 1676 268 9.2 32.04 1775. 55.4 269 10.0 33.00 1858. 56.3 270 10.8 33.96 1940 57.1 271 11.7 35.04 2032. i58.0 272 125 36.00 2113 68.7 273 13.3 36.96 2193. 59.3 274 14.2 38.04 2282. 60.0 14.6 2282. 275 21X>^ 3XX3X 8.3 36.21 1873. 51.7 14 2 1877. 276 9.0 37.05 1946. 525 277 9.8 38.01 2029. 53.4 278 10.6 38.97 2113 54.2 279 11.5 40.05 2203 55.0 280 12.3 41.01 2284. 55.7 281 13.1 41.97 2367. 56.4 282 1 14.0 43.05 2454 67.0 14.6 2470. *■ 50 TWO PLATES. 1 A r 6 6 (L FOUR ANGLES. Two Web Plaies, Sis9 in Inchci. FOUR INGLES. Total Area, Square Inches. AXIS A B. AXIS C D. Sii® in Inches. Lbs. Per Foot. I r* Out to Out Webs. I 283 21X^ CO 1 \h bO\ X 05 8.8 42.06 i 2119. 1 50.4 ! 114.2 2133. 284 . 9.6 43.02 2202. 51.2 285 10.4 43.98 2285. 51.9 286 11.3 45.06 12377. 52.8 287 12.1 46.02 I 2458. 53.4 288 12.9 46.98 2539. 54.0 289 13.8 48.06 2629. 54.7 1 290 14.6 49.02 2707. 55.2 14.4 2713. 291 22XX 4x4 9.5 1 33.40 2013. 60.3 15.0 2025. 292 13.4 38.08 2451., 64.4 293 16.7 4204 1 2809.' 66.8 i 294 1 19.5 45.40 3105. 1 i 68.4 il5.3 3139. 296 4X4 9.5 38.90 2235. 57.6 114.8 2231. 298 1 13.4 43.58 2673.| 61.3 1 297 1 16.7 47.54 3031.! 163.8 298 19.5 50.90 3326. 65.4 1 15.1 3333. 299 22X^1 4X4 9.5 44.40 2457. 1 55.3 ;i4.7 2446. 300 13.4 49.08 2895.1 159.0 301 1 1 16.7 53.04 3253. 61.3 302 1 19.5 56.40 3548. 62.9 15.0 3548. 303 22X^ 4X4 9.5 49.90 2679. 53.7 14.7 2682. 304 13.4 54.581 3116. 57.1 , 305 1 16.7 58.54, 3475 59.4 i 306 1 19.5 61.90 3770 60.9 14.9 3746. 307 22X1 4X4 1 9.5 55.40 2900. 52.4 14.7 2908. 308 13.4 60.08 3338. 65 6 : • 309 1 1 1 16.7 64.04 3696. 57.7 ! 310 1 19.5! 1 67.40 3992. 59.2 14.9 3979. 51 TWO PLATES. A J 0 r B POUR ANGLES. Two Web Plates, Size in Inches. FOUR ANGLES. Total Area, Square Inches. AXIS A B. AXIS C D. Size in Inches. Lbs. Per Foot. I r? Out to Out Webs. I 311 22X1X 4X4 9.5 66.40 3344. 50.4 14.7 3334. 312 13.4 71.08 3782. 53.2 313 16.7 75.04 4140. 55.2 314 19.5 78.40 4436. 56.6 14.9 4420. 315 22X1% 4X4 9.5 77.40 3788. 48.9 14.8 3780. 316 13.4 82.08 4226. 51 5 317 18.7 86.04 4584. 533 318 19.5 89.40 4879. 54.6 15.0 4890. 319 24 X^ 4X4 9.5 35.40 2514. 71.0 16.3 2500. 320 13.4 40.08 3046. 76 0 321 16.7 44.04 3483. 79.1 322 il9.5 ! 47.40 3844. 81.1 16.8 3858. 323 24X>^ 4X4 9.5 41.40 2802. 67.7 16.1 2778. 324 13.4 46.08 3334. 72.4 325 16.7 50.04 3771. 75.4 326 19.5 53.40 4132. 77.4 10.6 4133. 327 24X^ 4X4 9.5 47.40 3090. 65.2 16 0 3065. 328 13.4 52.08 3622. 696 329 16.7 56.04 4059. 72.4 330 19.5 59.40 4420. 74.4 165 4429. 331 24XJ^ 4X4 9.5 53.40 3378. 63.3 16 0 3375. 332 13.4 58.08 3910. 67.3 333 16.7 62.04 4347. 70.1 334 19.5 65.40 4708. 72.0 16.4 4706. 335 24X1 4X4 9.5 59.40 3666. 61.7 16.0 3674. 336 13.4 64.08 4198. 65.5 337 16.7 68.04 4635. 68.1 338 19.5 71.40 4996. 70.0 16.4 5023. ■>r 52 TWO PLATES. FOUR ANGLES. Two Web Plates, Size in Inches. FOUR ANGLES. Total Area, | Square 1 Inches, j AXIS A B. AXIS C D. Size in Inches. Lbs. Per Foot. 1 rz Out to 1 Out Webs. ' I 339 24X1X 4X4 9.5 71.40 * 4242. 59.4 16 o|4241. 340 134 76.08 4774. 62.8 341 16 7 80.04 5211. 65.1 342 195 83.40 5572. 66.8 16.3 5556. 343 24X1K 4X4 9.5 83.40 4818. 57.8 16.1 4831. 344 13.4 88.08 I 5350. 60 7 345 16.7 92 04 ,5787. 629 346 19.5 95 40 |6148 64.5 16.46182. 347 27XX 4X4 9.5 38.40 3399. 88.5 18.4 3400. 348, 13.4 43.08 4091. 95.0 349 j 16.7 47.04 4660. 99.1 350 i 1 i 19.5 50.40 5133. 101.8 19.1 5154. 351 27X14' 4X4 9.5 51.90 4219 81.3 18.0 4205. 352 1 1 13.4 56.58 4911. 86 8 353! 16.7 60.54 5480. 90 5 • 354 19.5 63.90 5953. 93.2 18.6 5920. 355 27X1 j 4X4 9.5 65.40 5040. 77.1 18.0 5096. 356 13.4 70.08 5731. 81.8 357 1 16.7 74.04 6301. 85.1 358 1 19.5 77.40 ,6773. 87.5 18.5 6806. 359' 27X1X 4X4 1 95 78.90 5860. 74.3 17.9 5865. 360 13.4 83.58 6551. 78.4 361 16.7 87.54 7121. 81.3 362 19.5 90.90 7593. 83.5 18.4 7615. 363 |27X1>^ 4X4 9.5 92.40 6680 72.3 17.9 6635. 364 i 13.4 97.08 7371. 75.9 365 1 1 1 16.7 101.04 7941. 78.6 366 1 1 19.5 104.40 8413. 80.6 18.4 CO 00 63 POUR PLATES. 4 6 POUR ANGLES. Two Web Plates, Size in Inches. Two Side Plates, Size in Inches. FOUR ANGLES. Total Area in Square Inches. AXIS A B. Out to Out of Webs for Equal I S*?e in Inches. Lbs. per foot. I r2 1 22X X 13XX 4X4 9.5 46.40 2196 47.33 13.2 2 13.4 51 OB 2634 51.57 3 16.7 55.04 2992 54 36 4 19.5 58.40 3288 5630 13.8 5 22X H 13 X A 4x4 9.5 53.53 2441 45.60 13.1 6 13.4 58.21 2879 49 46 7 16.7 62.17 3237 52 07 8 19.5 65 53 3532 53.91 13,7 9 22X ^ 18X>4 4X4 95 60 65 2686 44.28 13.0 10 13.4 65.33 3123 47.81 11 16.7 69 29 3482 50 25 ‘12 195 72.65 3777 51.99 13.6 13 22X Vs 13XH 4X4 9.5 67.78 2930 4323 13.0 14 13.4 72.46 3368 46 49 •15 16.7 76-42 3726 48.76 16 19.5 79.78 4022 50.42 13.5 17 22X1 18X^ 4X4 9.5 74.90 3175 42.39 13.0 18 13.4 79.58 8613 45.40 19 16.7 83.54 8971 47.54 20 19.5 86.90 4267 49.10 13.5 21 22X1^4^ 13X r* 4X4 9.5 87.53 3642 41.61 13.1 22 134 9221 4079 44 24 23 16.7 96.17 4438 46.15 24 19.5 99.53 4733 47.56 13.6 25 22X1% 13XJ^ 4X4 9.5 100.15 4108 41.02 18.2 26 13.4 104.83 4546 43 36 27 16.7 108.79 4904 45.08 28 19.5 112.15 5200 46 36 13.6 54 •T POUR PLATES. A- HI 8 FOUR ANGLES. Two Web Plates, Size in Inches. Two Side Plates, Size in Inches. FOUR ANGLES. Total Area in Square Inches. AXIS A B. Out to Out of Webs for Equal Size in Inches. Lbs. per foot. I r2 29 24X X l')XX 4X4 9.5 50.40 2795 55.46 14.4 30 13.4 55.03 3327 60.40 31 16.7 59.04 3764 63.75 32 19.5 6240 4126 66.15 15.2 33 24X M A 4X4 9.5 58.28 3118 53.50 14.3 34 13.4 62 96 3651 58.00 35 167 66.92 4087 61.08 36 19.5 70.28 4449 63.31 15.0 37 24X U 15X>^ 4X4 9.5 66.15 3441 52.02 14.2 38 13.4 70.83 3974 56.10 39 16.7 74 79 4411 58.97 40 1 i 19.5 78.15 4772 61.06 14.9 41 24X 5-^Xl,V 4X4 9.5 74 03 3764 50.86 14.1 42 13.4 78.71 4297 54.60 43 16.7 82.67 4734 57.26 44 19.5 86.03 5095 59.23 14.8 45 24X1 1->X^ 4X4 9.5 81.90 4088 49.91 14.1 46 13.4 88.58 4620 53.36 47 16.7 90.54 5057 55.85 48 1 19.5 93.90 .5418 57.70 14.7 49 24X1X 1 l‘>X|i! 4X4 9.5 95.78 4699 49.06 14.2 50 13.4 100.46 5231 52.07 51 167 104.42 5668 54.28 52 19 5 107.78 6029 55.94 11.7 53 24X1>^ I l')X'^ 4X4 9.5 109 65 5310 48.43 14.4 54 13 4 114.33 5842 51.10 55 16.7 118.29 6279 53.08 56 1 i 1 9 5 121.65 6610 54 58 14.8 55 AXIS C D. H 05(N0qOOrHTHl0 c6cot-lcioi«o^o (M'T^>0 000(M'^CD COO(MOt'-lOOOCOiC OiiOt^CMOCOt'-ODO COt'^t^OOOOOOXOOCi G) ^1 -3l a5t^c. oooooooo 00coi>wcoTi!o6o>t'!co ioo5COt>.iOt>-OTti(:o cocoi>.i>j:^t^ooc»oo 0 IL Total Area, square inches. Q0C0rH(?^O(MO00 t>rHlO0300C0OTl< i>dd»Hc6Ttic6c6 iH iH cq cq cq (N (M CQ IC 03l> 03 00 00 00 rH C3 0300303Tj^p03l003 OirHr-icqCO^Tj^dd L. ep J 03 C5r>-iccoT-Hoocoo o6o6odo6odi>lt>o6 cqTt^. ooddddddr-Hi-^* •i’ cS t2=< 1-5 rH tH tH tH rH rH 1 -o «al S <=> e-< CO 0? o CO V TH Ir < "1 E-i <=> pq -2 s CO A oi X CO THREE PLATES- p4 Lbs. per ft. 4.9 5.8 OOOOsOtOTHOrJ^ ioi>^ddiodi>^dd CtJ 5z% -Jj P-t C3 E-h Size in inches. X (M X X (M CO X CO Top Plate. Size m inches. X X 1-H X -M X XX X I- rH T— 1 r—i Two Web 1 Plates. Size in inches. xxxxxxxx OT OT 01 Ol Ol OTM T— 1 T— ( T—l r — 1 rH rH rH X X Tt< ^ rH rH t-HO^COtTIlOCOI^CO CiOrHfMCO'^uOCOt^ rHrHrHrHrHrHt-HrH |^^rH.rHCiCirHrHlO00Oi OSt^OlCOCOOOCiTtlOOOOCO rHrHCQ000O0500OC0C00CC00iC000(M00iCl>- 00 CCDt^ 05 QO 05 CO lO rH rH rH rH (M oq 1 -H r- ( rH •— H t-h 1 — < i~* r—> rHrHrHrHrHi-HrHrHrHrHrH rH rH rH t-H rH rH rH OOiOrHOOOirHOOOOOOOOOOO IC rH C5 05 O rH o 00:>00000500po00000000 O O 05 05 p P P rHOrHj— )rHrHO»-H i-HrHrHrHrHrHrHrHi—lrHrH rH rH O O rH rH rH O(NC^C»OOOOrHa)05p^C0TiQ0Ci(MC0 10 CO lO ic CO CQwwNcowNCiNp-iMiHdooioioioiaj lO lO CO CO CO CO CO COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOC^WCsIWCq CO CO CO CO CO CO CO cOi— (u^iLCCsCOt^t^Ot^OiOiiOOiaiCOCOt^i— • CD rH (M (M Tti COOCOiOOOiMCMiOOJrHTttTtHiOQOQOC^ltOiO®^ CO IM lO 05 CO OOCSOiCiCiOOOO — i-HrHr-irHrH(M(MCTtCDOOiOC^t^Q(M CO CO O CO 00 CO oo)OOooooaooaooooa>oo T^^ CO rH o 05 05 O t> 05 O) O ^ (N CO C0iOCDC00005O»-Hr-lC0H CD CO o6 d 05 6 ciOOOiO O CO CO 05 lO C^c^oqoocococ^i>;t>; P P IC CO CO CO CO lo oi>^w6dt-^i-^o6oicot^t^

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Size m inches. X CO rH -E X CO rH \(M H\ X 00 ^ .2 2 O _S2 P! ■ SM c»K -E H \ X X X X X o CO CO CO o ^ 1 cJ 3 rH »— 1 rH r-( OOCJiOi— (OlCO'^iOCOt^OOCiO— OIC'OrJHiLO GOOOCiC50iOiO:>05C505 CDaiOOOOOO 4 60 or^c^io cnioo^O'Mi^TticocooiasOr-H-Ttir^O'M O Oi ‘O »-H CO O OOr^WlOlCCOCOr^COOC9'^ OOqCOQCO o6i>c^i> fH rH w 6 d d o d d 6 1 -< rH d o ci oi> oi r^ioidcod COCOCOCO lO lO lO lO lO lO lO lo lO lo lO lO lO lO cdcocdqdcd »0 000<0 ooooocoOt— icoir^t^t^dcOr-iuooOi— f ococococo di-HCOO COdOr-lOOi— I'^OCOCO*— id'^T-lOCOd OOiOCOr-tOO 0*-HdddCOCOTt^Tt^TttiO»OiOCOCOCOr^ C0050r-trH T-( rH r-( rH d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d i-H rH d d d 'c^(MOOQ 00 (M Oi 1> I-H (1) i-l Oi CO lO Oi (M 00 CO lO t> 0> pH CO Oi OOaO pH a Tti 00 O) lo i> 00 (N 00 o:) rH i> O) O O O ooiOOCi loddoo dd(Nc6Tt‘iodi>o6o6o6ddpHc6'^i6 ddpHcqci Tt< Ti< lO lO lO »0 lO dCQCOCOCO 00 CO Tf »— 1 lCrH,-(d05C0i0di005(drfU0'^d05O lO rH 00 to d CO d CO COHHiOTfiTtliOH^uOiLOiOCOCOiOiCOiOiOCO O rH rH d CO rH rH r—t i—t ^ 1-H rH rH rH rH t— ( rH rH 1 -H rH rH i-H rH rH tH rH rH rH rH rH rH rt> X X X CO 00 CO / CO O Oi Ci 05I>.THt^C0C0C0C0C0C0Od05rHC0C0C0 O5oq©©ooi>. oJ 00 o I0«000t^c005cot^l:^ OOCO':OlLOI:^- OO 05 O r-l d d d CO eo 61 lij j 0 z < a D 0 u. IL io -J o (D LU h < J a UJ UJ I h o *i t? O H -r a. a ll 6h 5- ' 5 ’l!‘ 5 ’^‘^’-^^®’-'OOOOOOOiOO ^iOiOiO^LOiOiOiOto»OiOiO‘ 0 »OTfi»-OiC' «cpCi(©iHiooqN(?qcqacooqoQioiOQOi--| COWo 6 rHC^C^No 6 rHr 4 rH(riOrHrHOi»Oid COCDCOCOCDCDCOCOCDCOCOCOCOCOCOlClOCD 0 »^ 05 QO'^COO-^OiOCit^ 05 t'-tO«OCOOi lO(^^OirHOil^lOC<^lOC<^Oil'^I^lOCOC 5 ^^Ttl rH(MOCOOOOCDrfi-iCOlO oioaqaqqaodoioioooooo c 6 iodc 6 c 6 i>Gia>Oi-iMWT*o 6 oi) COCOCOCOCOCOCOCO^^^^^^Tl^TJ^T^^r^^ oqqc«ocoorHOOioc.Tt.T^ ^- 4 c 4 co 1 -HrH(^ 4 coT^^cIo6ai«ot^’o6<:di>lQo CO X CO Top Plate, Size in inches 1 N« X 00 r— f X 00 T— < X GO -to X OO t-H CO o ^ ra ® • o ^ r~< X h\ 9 T6 ^ 3 s X X X X X o O o o o E-* g (M (M (M (M (NCO'T'LOCOt^OOOsOr-icMCOrj^iOCOt^OOCi COCOCOCOCOCOCOCO'^*^'^'^'^'^'^'^'^'^ • —4 62 O 1- CO I- 0\ lO CO o r— « o> th 'H^ »o o 01 CO CO X iO OO »0 (M O X lO CO CO O r-^ Tt< ‘O r- X GTS CO O O X 04 1-H CO CO Oi O CO I- t— O -fi I CO X 1 - OOO-fl-1- -r CO CO CO CO lO »0 »0 »0 CO »o »0 ‘O *0 »0 »Q CO CO CO »o »o »o CO y—> ?-H f~H 1— ( o o o o o o O O o O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O iO ‘O aO iQ ^ o o o o o o O CS o o o o O O GO O O O o rH r— ( *— ( t-H rH rH rH t-H tH r— t rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH r— ( rH rH T—^ (M CO a 00 1-« (MTj(M (M IfS O rH (M Til 00 O (M rH o (N OS 00 00 00 r> 00 ododosd d O OS OS OS OS l> 00 00 OS 00 00 CO lO lO lO lO ^ CO CO CO CO 10 CO CO CO lo lO ifs Ifs lO IfS 40 40 40 40 4C ^ ^ 00 »0 CO X X 1- X IC O OS Oi» -1" X »0 04 X GTS CO rH Oi CO CO 1—1 GTS CO X rH X OS CO O rH X CO CO X 04 X CO 04 C75 Oi O O »-H X X OS O O rH rH 01 G oa O CO 00 o O 00 00 O 00 O (M 00 00 00 Q CD CD O 00 ooooo I> OS OS o O o OS O (M O O OS rij OS O CD Op O 00 Oi-»(MCOTt< CO I> 00 d rH W ci i6 CO CO CDI>0S0SrHd 40 lO iO 10 lO 10 Tj< lO io lo ifS 10 lO lO lO iC 40 40 40 40 CD CO 00 O ^ G. »q lO iq CO lO CO iq X iq rH O GTS iq oo i>- iq iq iq »c 1-1 00 OS CO os O rH G<1 rH os O rH OS O rH rH os d rH os GTS o* GTS rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH ri rH CO 't- X X X X X Tt^ Tfl X X X X . X X X X X X' X r- r— 1 r-. o? Ol G^ 04 04 04 Nt- r-l-l c• CO O CO O CO ^ TfH uo (M (M (M IL q3 c3 fcQ o \(M H\ X \(N H\ oo H\ X \« |.s Ph (35 I N9 Of >—t o CO * ^ Ph bo I X oH X X f-H t-H (M C-l X oo X 00 (M CO ^ »0 CO 00 X CO ca !z? Lbs. per Foot. CO !>. lO CM i-H T— I CM CO t-H t-H t-H t-H rH 00 00 lO Tti id CO T— ( t-H t-H t-H oq p p o »d co’ id cd t-H i-H t-H t-H S o E-< E-* O PQ Size in Inches, j X \(M CO X CO X CO a> n< 1 » p CM CO CM p r-H r-H O O t-H t-H S M § 00 00 05 O t-H 00 05 00 05 O T-H O t-H rH t-H t— I r— cb tz; 01 \(M ■H .s iH \ h\ tX, o d CO CO CO <=> E-< a X X X o \. X X 05 O <05 O rr 04 X X O O r-( 1 — ( 1 — ( t-H T-H rH t-H ^ r^ rH rH O O rH O rH rH rH rr i— t i 1—1 r— • rH t-H 1 — 1 tH rH rH 1 -H 1 -H rH rH rH 1 -H rH — H rH tH rH rH l—< 1 -H LO uO lO lO ^ lO ^ »0) lO lO iO iO iO iO iC CO lO iO iO i-O iO (M C00 rH (N W d d rHOOO dddd dddd doooooooo 1' ic ic lO ^ lO lO lO IC lO lO 10 IC lO ^ ^ ^ ^ H ^ ' lO 05 X CO CO 05 Ut5 O (M O X 04 O 04 X X HH 04 rH lO O CO lO CO CO Tf O CO (M tH CO (M 05 X 'sf O iO 05 lO rH X 05 05 05 05 O O rH rH C<1 (M X X iO iC iO iO CO t^ CrH ic CO O (M 00 O Oi IH 00 (?q rH CO lO CD 00 O O CD (M 0)0^00 000)0 ® T^oq o o 0 ^ ci q d d CD i> o6 dd Nco CO id d i> > d d iH d cd cd CD lO lO lO lO »o lO CO CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD I>l> X w|o -|n t<5s X XX X X X X X X \(N \>l H H\ ^ . 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CO ^c6 IOOCOOOiOCOI>'^t^COO>rtiCO^ lo iO to ^ so 5^ c ^ $2 ec. f-' cd cooacqojrHjLOOcooococDiocoGvjr-iirooo^^ioos g 10 ^ 10 g >0 3 ^ *0 3 10 ^ to 3 ^ -31 g ^ s tOOSl>'r-iOtO'— '■^COOO'^t^tOGQiOiO^OCOl^cO =0 ^ ^ ^ d ^ ^ 0 22 9S ^ riHgT^g^^rt^gTt^ 3 ^ 3 ^ 3 ^^C 03 c 0 ^ Two 7" Channels. w 20.0 '^05tOf-IGQ(MCO'^00'^CX)tOOO 1 ^ <0 IN* CO r CO ^ fH i£5 00 g 00 g 00 g 00 3 00 3 3 ^ t - 3 t- ^ t- g ^5 -‘ rHGvJi— UO'-tGV2 ocoosoa C^OtOGOCOCOrHcX) OOOO c4 I— 1 0 os l> to ^2 CO Ti 50 g CD g CO to g 3 to 3 t3 3 to ^ >0 3 to ^ Two 8 " Channels. ^ lO ’-od looo'toiotoco^oMO'-Hiooscot'-'^ibocqco CD CO ^0 CD CD CD CD OO CD CD CD tC OO W 12.5 f-l 05 COOiCO-<^OOGQO'^C ^ od Cvi GQ OOt-h OOCOOOcOSCOcO'^t^OCJS C^OCOCX)OS-«!j< •^2^c4::^o*^odS2^Z^’^52cqS2c^?2i>2S'^‘l^ oq;^(MSOcqr^r-HOr-i 05 ,-iqo,-(':Oo^o® 2 oc^ »— ll>— rHi>-r-tJ>-i— (t^i-HCOiHOOiHOO iHOOrHCOrHCO CO (N Jh 05 cqtocqcQ'^co'^oscooscqiOfHcoosiooqT-itoto lO i> CO CD GQ CD ^ CD CD OO CD JN- CD CD • Two 10" Channels. Lbs. per foot. 1 17.5 1 24.0 1 30.0 to <» o 2 (N 05 r-i(;OI> 0 >COOSl>GQO-r-«COiO tC>iOI>COOOtv.oOOO i^Tr*to-j*TH^oq^THQQosOOi>oOtoOOco^T-HSP cocOcotpco;^co^coCQca;^c-t-(iN»rH IS* i— liSTHCDt-lCOt— iCO 0030iS*OS(0 tr^OO'^GVJ— ' t-i oqiS* "^OS OSQO tO og!?os^i^g?!cd'^toC^*^cOc4^r4^(3s*^Q6g? ® ^ ®5 0 o rH is- i—t IS* rH IS- T—l IS- I-H is- -IH IS- I-H IS- I—I £s* CO CO COiOOCO00-<^OS05000 g 3 Two 10" Channels. 1 Lbs. per foot. 1 20.0 1 28.0 1 35.0 CO cotOiO O^CQ-j‘cd'^iOQQco 2 ?rH*^OsQ!?CD<^rW^OqPO CO $0 LO to to to to C<2 to ^ Tfi Ttt 00 Tti fS- T— ( IS- r-l is- 1 — t Is- T — 1 IS- I— 1 IS- *— 1 IS- 1 — i IS- rH CO t — 1 CO i — 1 CO 1 13.0 t0IS*C0lS*O-<-i t-T-tC>JCOl-iS*-tHlS*r-(I>-,— (I^^r-^t^^-^^^r-lCOrHCO 05 — i COCOtOOOIXTQOSOOiOOtOOG'JOCOOStN^OO'*^ c4^-H^o^os2S<3s^od22^^i£?'^'^'^^cdoo IN- IN- IN- IN- iN- IN- £N- IN- IN- CO <£> s=l n cS o E-h Lbs. per foot. 1 22.5 1 26.0 1 30.0 r 2 inches. 1 18.6 tO(OCDOSCOlOtOCO'>*i«^COOaOO)I>CX)’^COOcO OS od t— cd po »d cd i— J os os ^O CO ^ CO $p CO $p CO to CO to CO CO CO M ^ §q lHlS*r-HiS-r-lIS.THlS-rHlS-rHt^rHlS.rHiS-!^IS-^C^ CO t-H r-HCQCO"*;iiS-QO-*:tOSl> 0 >tOOO'^'^ dgaSS§aS£;Ss^25i3SS2S32« rH IS* i-H Is- rH IS* rH iS— rH IS- rH IS- rH iS— i — 1 IS* rH IS- rH IS> OO OcO'^Ol>'rHOOOCMG\ 2 HTi(OJCOOI>'^ 00<:0 00 co" ld^'H^S!^cd 2 S<^o^r^j£Sr-?TI! ot-OosOOod'^ sd -a o Lbs. per foot. 1 30.0 1 40.0 1 50.0 r 2 inches. LO cd ^-4 CD<350SC0OGV3'-iI>-O0000tO'^0ti(M<3Sl>I>-rH.^ SfcSpSpSpS®SM253&”2i2sfe (Nis-cql^cqls-oqr^-ott^(Mt^c5rs_ r^OO'^tO^OOIS-OGVj ■^tOI>'rHOSCOOOSrH t>J' to 55 Tti po cd rH o DO cd th oo qA -rHiS*r-.I>-jHlS- 19.6 C^CMOO'-^OSOQOSJS-COt^l'-'rJtiOCysCOOOOO igsssgigsg§gsgigsg§g c/a 1 LTD O 1 Lbs. per foot. 1 40.0 1 50.0 1 60.0 1 r 2 inches. 1 26.2 “to t-hOJCOOO-;JHCOCMCOCOOSOOOIS-'-hcO tHI>^OOs' rH ^0 Q OO GO ^ to tQ cd c4 to o od cd oo 00 pO oo tS" 1^ IS" t'. IS- h- CO 1 ^ CO to J ^ to CD CD CO -cMls*cQC^cqi:^^t^ ( 27.7 (DSOOScot^OOtOCXXN-^oooOTfiOiOSOSCOtO^OO ^ cd ^ cq g --5 o od t>r ts to ^ is- ^ cv? cq oo CO ^ cq t'^- CO IS- co CO ^ cO ^ tO cq tO N ^ ^ cqis-cqD'-ciis-cqis-cqis-^ls.^t^^t^NlS'Dl^ 29.9 CqCvjHqocDtor^OOt'^lS-l^iOCOOStO>rHCOGVJO< 0 ) 00 s cd to —f5 cd to J 1— I CO ^ t-h — ? 50 00 ^ 00 ^ 00 ^ 00 IS" 00 CO 06 CO 00 CO 00 to § to fS T-HlS-rHlS-rH£^-HlS-rHt^>-HlS-rHr^— .IS-— T-lt^ UT q^Suo]; S ^ 2^ 22 ^ S 22 ^ 92 t»>rjC 505 is.p^'ct~• M ■rt tH rH fH tH rH rH ^ p-i r-H £>• lO CO ^r-H ^ ^ CO CO CO CO CO GQ CQ GvJ CQ Gvi • lO 05 f>- • -erH — TC^5 ■-t GCcQo:'-HGQso-^LOcoi>oooi:oTfiooQC"rtii>(:o->o-!jCOOco o 05 06 cd id cd c 4 o 05 ^ oo COr^C 000005 l>-GQu:)iOC 05 t^COQOOO i>r G'J 00 ijd -d ‘^■j o 05 i> o id ?c o od cd ^ oo iOGQioOtQ<^iOOOiQgPiOiOiOCOrriG^Tri-<^^OrTiOOTti«:pTt< 01 >Gv 200 t>^ 05 GQ^iO-r-i 05 COcqO 1 ^ cd id 'V' c-^ ■^OJOOl-'-GQ'^COCOeoOGvJ t^05l>00050>C id cvj CQ o -C 0 cO^CO 00 i>-O 00 '^coo':i-^— oo'-'coocoo-rf.— lOO Cl 40 1>J id cd r-I oo I'- id I— I id I'- Scoi 2 l 0 S^^HC 0 ^GQSOo 05 S 00 ol>-O^C 540 oGQc 5 <=>CCC 0 I5c0r-lCO;^CO.HCOrHC0THCOr=l4Oi-40r-li0d540 4O 4O 4O -«^ — •'NJ^CD05C5rN.CC-<#l>T-i.— lOO'.^iOQCcOCCGvJi.O'rt^iOGVJ C5O0 wM CO-I-I 00 id^ cd . _ 05 gC 5 ^ 00^5 00 C 4^;5 .-HOO ^ 40 (d 40 -^d CO rq G^^ do 00 OO ^ C^ ^40 40 40 QC CO ^ GQ i-O O 1'^ -r ^ CO U CO ..-' 40 40 40 lOGvJ l> 05 CC05 t^OI rd GV 3 C 5 * G 00 ^^- ic iO <^CO OP iO |d 40 :i>-co CO CO cc 40 l>CV2 cd^ C£> 40 CD ^co ^co cct^ lOGvJ cd id CD GO CD CQ "*^CO CO CO CC O Cl -rtl CO ijd CO ^ GQ CO CD CD CO CO 40 — c» c; C5 —4 T— I -Y' cd CDOO »OGO 40 40 40 Cl CO .HCO 00 lO gq BiSi y-* OO i'; CO C?CO 8^ .—ICO 1—1 CO Cl X cvi od ® id rq -M 05 CO .-(40 '-r'co o o oco rd IN- M OO fd Di OO (M p; CO ^ 40 r-I lO 40 r-I rH r^ r-I r-( r-I r-I u. j rr tl j _ _ _ '^COi.'-I>»C50500C10>OC05'n<00*’OCO Ir-.^CCC00 07 rd iO —4 CO on CO cd 0^ -d GP Di cd cd i r' 40 rHC^S^oiOo-^ocooGi^oCPoq?o.oOo5lN-d5«o -rH TfICO X lO rH lO rH 40 rH 40 -D^IO cco> ci ^ o oo rH HJH ICO r-CO iPiCO rHC0rHCQr-lC0rH40 rH Ci-> rH t—‘ .ii-4 rr rH rH r-i 1 — ( ii J o*ocoooi0'-'40i^'^ *';'^ looocjio rq 05 ^ 05 q 05 g! 05 05 rd id -d OO oo^ SoCN- i^OO ^03 iI;-h co CO CO CO CO CO CO CO I. CCO-Hr:t<‘d)(OO.rJ<'ft^QOOOC100 s oo 05 05 40 40 40 O o l> CO 1C CVJ cd oo o' id o 05 fi oo CO 40 40 ?C CO O -.^1 r^CO 40 l ';00 ■T lO ci o - rHt^ ICO rr ^ OO iO 05 8 - p -r* — ^ cd oo ot^ o<^ rH CO rH CO rH CO is rnco 1 - CV3 Cl GV3 - IN- CO lO OlO 05 -H* CD 05 CD I rH CO — H ICO CC05 • ; o _• o , .oo ot^< I CO dC O ' Gv3 00 IN- rq CO oo CO rH CO =c CO o<^ geo i5co l-H -^Jl C5 oo 4- -rH rd Gv3 cd GO I d 40 I ' 40 00 GC |>- CD GV> rd GV3 o *P3 g f \3 or ^ g 0> rH CO rH CO CO -r-l Cl 05 O 40 I" O 40 I— I O cd ^P cd ^P rH r— I ^ 0^3 —■ C'-3 i -J CO g CO g 40 ID ^ i.c GO GV3 ‘-H .rH rHCOrHCOr-HCO rHCO— COrHCO •OOO 1-GV3 • d ^ ci C5 40 C5 rHCO rHCO Cl 00 05 cd^J CD GO Cl r- CD CO CO cdG^ in Cl GQ 05 CO ^'dco GV3 in -rH l>- cl l>^ ^OO 005 -TOO -’'Seized 52 in p in 05 -H 05 cl cl CO Cl CO rHCO Cl ciS i'^ -r-H cot.- ^2E5 cir>- (T4 PI C4-4 04 Gv 3 CO CO oo cd rH ^ oi Pi -rH — I O o05 Cl IN- Cl C^c^ _p_ I rH CD'^ P’lO |Hf:co2gS :c 40 o CO M rq cdoo CO ^co os' o' CQ CO 93 8000 Safe Strength per square inch of Two Channels Latticed. Pin at both ends. ^ 8 L ^ Total Strength Interlined. . . ■ - ■ qi Two 5" Chan- nels. w 6.5 oi S »^co iCGQ'O-'— *<^»^ l^C'31>COOOOOO'cJ<0?0'-'i:OCO'^ '■ ,n ^ CO 03 O 05 05 (5H CO ^i0^coc5<=>^oocq^^co2;oSoo2H^^H'^ Two 6" Chan- nels. ^ oo COCOCO ^COi> C0-^C<105C30COS OO CO ^ -h ir^ *^<:o CO CO CO CO w 10.5 $2 coco '^■^'^rv.TftOC0O5l>t^30CQCOCX)^’^05T-i lo^co^ — ^05‘^co’ri3'^^c4;2!o^oo|^Lo2E £S« CO CO CO CO CO CO 30 30 30 W 14.0 N ^ f-< {< “coos C0G'iO001>05C03OC5cO363OOC0C0GQr-iO COGQ loO log 30 30^ 30^ 30 0 rflOO Tji ^ Two 8" Channels. ^ LO OI ^ ^ od C5CO 1^30'^?^'— 'COt^'^COT-iQ030'^C005t'-Tfll>- l>ScDt>3oCOrfOoq;^ TH^qgSOoo^CQT-i^j^ CD CO CD CD *0 CD 00 CO CD 30 ^ 30 CQ 30 30 ^tv.^lV.^Jv.^CO CO CO CO CO CO 30 c<. 2 >H fsi 0100COCXDCOOOCOCO(NCO(Ma5,-HT-H05T-HOOOOCDCO 30 30 CO »o oi 1 — H CO 00 05 05 ^ CO 30 00 {S» {>■ IN* CO CO CO CO CO CO CO Two 8" Channels. <=> d I>“ S-* i>- |>CO'^C005C5C030^;t^Oi'^C<3a5'^COCDC01>CXD 03 GVJ ,-H ^ T—I 05 tH 00 — ( CO 0^0 CO 0 0 05 00 ?2tv^!|V rCOr-«CO.-lCOr-iCOJ=-COi=ic0^lO 30 (M 5-1 OS OOCO=OCO'^'JOi-H'^OOC03030'-0 K. CO CD CD CD CD OO CD *>- CD 30 cD CD CQ 30 ‘ tv.^fv. cv. CO CO CO CO CO CO CO Two 10" Channels. Lbs. per foot. § CO o 03 lO r2 inches. OS 05COC3CX)CO-^CO'^C300'— I0505COCD05CSS3o^c4S3oSoo?g3oCO C0;^C000(3DMcqr-tc3Oc3OTc300c3C0rH30,-l'^ wlS-r-ir^r-JiN..— i£^rH£S.rHCO r-lCO,-HCO .—(CO ^CO r- '^COO'«!* r-H £V. tH tH IS- CO CO CO CO COC5l>COOOlS.OO'^OOiOI>T-HLO-,cf'^COC- 1^ 1^^ CO CO CO Two 10" Channels, Lbs. per foot I 20.0 1 28.0 1 35.0 | CO o d f-4 03 30C030t^Tt5>«:J<.-HCO I^GQC3-^l>GvJ’-^r^'^05t^O i^^3o‘Scogt-H‘^o600cD$0(55;^-J;r*oo9S30^ l0 3p30^30C030;;^T^lOTtl^T^(OOT^(£^cc30(^o;^ r-lC^i— (C^I— i|>-rHl>^i— it^rHCOrHCOi— ICCtHCOi— ICO <=> CO C0c0'-jCO3005 1'^r-05O5.-H|N.r-Hr-irHCQOO>OCO CD CO in ri4 ^ rH (35 QQ GQ cD rj' c4 O ^-O^^^COc3GQST-tS<=>SoiSl^22CO^lO ^iN,^2i'^;q£>.2-ir^rHrs.,-(i>^_ico-(COr-(co^co o> r-'C0rH(>3-HiOO'«e<05C)0I>00'^. '^'-t3O0q-r*<'^GQ .-^^or:!o5GS?odS5go2!^3oco..^cOco^.-^;^oO O5iPO53pQ0;^00CO00^0CJ-^00^00$2(X)0O00CV |V- |v- £<- IN. |v- IS* IN* CO CO CO (A § a i E-t 1 Lbs. per foot | I 22.5 1 26.0 J 30.0 | r 2 inches. | <£> 23 0<00510'^COC3C»00|N.W-.^ 1>C0i-HC0'^.,-hCD30 o6f^cD52*o?!2 ■^i2c3^.-5®5(35^o6^cD5^Tj?M CoSP(?OSP(55iP(55;5t<(55^CO^!MM(M;^(MP>(M<^ r--lN*.-'lN*i— iC^I-^lS-rHrN..— (E^(— (|>^fHl>^.-(E^?-(CO CO o> <35tv.05'r^^'35CO^"c^^CDOOCOOOO•^COCOC3COOO(:^J .— (CO—(CO _,ip— H;^r-n;^(^CO,-HGQ.— i;^rHOo<5 ll^— (|V.rHlN*.-(|N*rH|>»r-lt^.— ICO oo o 03 0'!*iC3'^COO'^CQ'^a5'^COCO'';t- .—I IN- 1— i-H IN’ i—( iN IN JN IN IN IN i I Two 12" Channels 1 Lbs. per foot 1 30.0 1 40.0 1 50.0 1 CO CO .2 d lO cd <35 r-t *>|N (55(X)00'«^C3CO'^',^30C030C03030C005 on CO CD 30 In Oi (3i CD co t— t ro t— • <— C t — 1 t— < ^D c^co^iOM^cqcoScoScQNT-HSooCDooo (MlN>'rfO(:0- ^ N CO l> Gvj J> T-< CO 0 CD CD OO IN ,— ( IN .— ' tv. ,-H JN n-( £v. r-i JN T-w IN .— IN cH CO — 1 CO CO os '^IN!M'^OCOI>*«ct O 5 OO r^*30 a> CM OJ^05COTti^CJOOO'— 'GVjeOCQ30030'«!l<30CO:;^ cq^PO^ eoINC2Trco<:o-^cO‘^oiO'^:c^^c;oo!J ^!- v» «/ v» » — - - 5 O'^O'^C 0 t OI^OGC^Ci:Or-iO* 0 (?OCriGQLOOC<)COOGV 2 •r\->— ;«o-^* GQ I> lO ^ '— ’ '*^ L- ' — ' - — ^ oi ly^ iO c 4 1—3 2 ^ o ^ ^ ^iO^cocoTTjcof^coOS'^^H'^^'^^^SH lO 1-0 lO ^ iO lO lO ’^■^’^'CT'^^COCOCOCOCOGVi -«:j^co<;oi^r-Hc:-r^ oqioiOiOC5o>oc-^Oi>^Tt'0>C505i>'^ e-^ T— • ^ CO ci CO > * 05 LO CO '— < ci OC CC "'l^ i— i OO 05 CO 0*0 CQ ^ lO lO ^ ^ ^ ^ CO CO CO CO CO CQ CQ lO lO -^ -^ CO CO CO CO CO CVZ CVi t- <0 ?0 T-I C 5 CO uO-r-t 01 GQC 5 iO^COCO-^}i— iOClC 0 Oi 0 ^C 0 CO CO i(^ 05 ro CQ /vi CO ^ ^O gs QT 05 ^ '-^ CO j(«? 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CO OL^ to (M O I> to 01 o 1 to 00 (M coocoi> rH to rH rH (M (M CO CO CO 1 'TSJ r1 X X O a »— « 00 05 O d rH r-^ • 107 OSBORN'S CODE FOR BRIDGE RIVETS. ADOPTED AS STANDARD BY Union Bridge Co., Athens, Pa. Union Bridge Co., . . _ Buffalo, N. Y. Edge Moor Bridge Works, Edge Moor, Del. Keystone Bridge Co. Pittsburgh, Pa. Shiffler Bridge Works, li Pittsburgh Bridge Co., u Riter & Conley, a Iron City Bridge Works, Chartiers, Pa. Phoenix Bridge Works, Phoenixville, Pa. New Jersey Steel and Iron Co. Trenton, N. J. King Iron Bridge and Manuf. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Variety Iron Works, - U Mt. Vernon Bridge Co., - Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Wrought Iron Bridge Co., Canton, Ohio. Massillon Bridge Co., Massillon, Ohio. Columbus Bridge Co., Columbus, Ohio. Penn Bridge Co., - - - Beaver Falls, Pa. Groton Bridge and Manufacturing Co., Groton, N. Y. California Bridge Co., San Francisco, Cal. Atlanta Bridge and Axle Works, Atlanta, Ga. Chicago Forge and Bolt Works, Chicago, 111. Shailer & Schniglau, Smith Bridge Co. Toledo, Ohio. Decatur Iron Bridge and Const’n Co , Decatur, Ala. Levering & Garrigues, Philadelphia, Pa. G. Bouscaren, Consulting Engineer, Cincinnati, Ohio. S. Diescher, “ “ Pittsburgh, Pa. Morison & Corthell, “ “ New York and Chicago. John W. Berry, Bridge Builder, - Pittston, Pa Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., Baltimore, Md. Richmond & Danville Railway Co., Washington, I). C. Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway, Toledo, Ohio. Louisville Southern Railway, Louisville, Ky. Lake .Shore & Mich. Southern Ry. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. New York Central Railway Co., New York City. > 108 • CONVENTIONAL. SIG-NS FOR BRIDGE RIVETS. Two Full Heads. Shop. Field. O • Countersunk Inside and CMpped. Countersunk Outside and Chipped. Countersunk both Sides and Chipped. Flattened to high or Counter- sunk and not chipped. Flattened to Inside. © Flattened to H" high. Outside. Both Sides, 00 00 Od) The foundation of the above system is the diagonal cross to represent a countersink, the blackened circle for a held rivet, and the vertical stroke to indicate a flattened head. The position of the cross with respect to the circle (inside, outside or both sides) indicates the location of the countersink, and the number and position of the vertical strokes indicate the height and position of the flattened heads. Any combination of held, countersunk and flattened head rivets liable to occur may be readily indicated by the proper combination of the above signs. 109 » r.. ,f I i F;. ■% . f ’S'' 7-V^"- f. ^ ‘-' i ‘ -V V I .' t> 1 } J’.i 1 . t .. *, /■ I ( UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 620.8OS12 C002 TABLES OF MOMENTS OF INERTIA AND SQUARES