or? PV2)b BOO OF THE mm Public Librar Pana, Illinois, !SsJSS®P‘£ 1903 , ■ w-fR# V >SV, i WjXtw /''; a'.!. »1&* •• . > i. PANA, ILLINOIS, PANA NEWS POWER PRINT, 1903. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/booklistoffreepuOOpana BOOH LIST or THE F ree Public Library Pana, Illinois, 1903 . TANA, ILLINOIS, PANA NEWS POWER PRINT, I903. PANA FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, ORGANIZED MAY 20, 1901. OFFICERS. President - Vice-President - Secretary - J. W. Kitchell. Mrs. D. A. Gilbert. Mrs. J. K. Shaffer. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. w. G. Kitchell. J. H. Miller. H. N. Schuyler. A. Wittmann. J. E. Reese. John. D. Reid. Mrs. J. K. Shaffer. Mrs. 13. A. Gilbert. Mrs. J. Huber. The Library and Reading Rooms are open to the public on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 2 to 9 o’clock p. m., legal holidays excepted. Librarian - Miss Nolle M. Reese. Assistant Librarian - Mrs. Nellie Russell. NOTE TO PATRONS, A written list of books should be prepared giving author and title of books wanted, arranged in the order of preference. Make your list long enough to insure some of them being in; at least twelve or fifteen titles. The attendant will give you the first on the list that is in, returning the list to you for further use. • When returning your book please place card and list on the outside of the book where it will be ready for the attendant. If a book on some special topic is wanted, consult the index or the librarian. 0/7 T/3J> Book List of Pana Free Purmic Library. 3 Rules and Regulations of the Pana Public Library. The Library being established under the provisions of law as a Free Public Library, it is the purpose of the Library Board in prescribing the following rules to avoid all restrictions not essential to the proper custody, control and preservation of the books. These rules, therefore, will be carefully enforced and followed by those having charge of the Library, as well as those participating in its use. Rule 1. The Library shall be under the immediate control and supervision of the Librarian, when appointed, who shall be at liberty to employ one or more assistants, subject to the ap¬ proval of the Board. Rule 2. The following persons shall be entitled to borrow books from the Library for home use upon conditions prescrib¬ ed, viz. (a) All inhabitants of the city of Pana above the age of ten years, upon the filing of an application card. (b) All minors shall furnish a satisfactory guarantor and all other applicants, when required by the Librarian, shall do the same. (c) Residents of the state outside of the city limits, at the discretion of the Board may be entitled to the privileges of the Library by the payment of $1.00 annually. (d) Any stranger or person visiting the city may on being properly guaranteed, receive the benefit of the Library by the payment of ten cents per volume. Rule 3. All inhabitants of Pana conducting themselves properly shall have free access to the Library for consultation during all regular hours. The use of tobacco in any form being strictly prohibited. Rule 4. No books shall be taken from the shelves of the Library by persons not employed in the service of the Library. Rule 5. No person shall have for home use more than one volume at any one time, and no book shall be retained by any person borrowing it more than fourteen days, and no renewals shall be granted until it shall have been returned to the Library and remained there one full Library week. Rule 6. No person who has borrowed a book from the Li¬ brary shall lend it to one not a member of the same household. Rule 7. Any person detaining a volume longer than the regulations permit shall be fined two cents a day; the Librarian being charged with the collection of these and all other dues to the Library. 4 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. Rule 8. Any book detained two weeks beyond the time limited by these regulations shall be sent for by the Librarian and the expenses incurred shall be paid by the person retaining it. Rule 9. Encyclopedia, books of reference and other books to be designated by the Board shall not be taken from the Li¬ brary. Rule 10. A fine of not less than ten cents nor more than the value of the book shall be assessed for all injuries to books beyond ordinary wear, as turning down leaves, soiling by fin¬ ger marks, marking with pencil, etc., and the person liable shall be excluded from the further use of the Library until the same is paid. Rule 11. All books must be returned to the Library at such time before the annual examination as may be required by the Library Board, under penalty of 25 cents for each vol¬ ume detained; but reasonable notice of the time for returning these shall be given by the Librarian in the newspapers of the city. AMENDMENT NO. I. The Library will receive no books from any family when any member of said family has, or has had recently scarlet fever, measles or other contagious disease, and same family shall make good all losses to the Library resulting thereby. Also, no books will be issued to any family in which there is or has been any contagious disease, until a reasonable time after such illness has occurred. ABBREVIATIONS. biog—biography, col —collective, ed—editor, gt—great. Ill—Illinois. juv—juvenile. p. d.—public documents. pp—paper, pph—pamphlet, pseud—pseudonym. pts—parts, ref—reference, U. S.—United States, vol., v—volume. Book List of Pana Free Public Library. 5 REFERENCE. BOORS. American encyclopedic dictionary, 4 volumes Brooks, Great Cities of The World Century dictionary and cyclopedia, 10 volumes Chambers encyclopedia, 10 volumes Cutler, Panorama of Nations Dana, Library primer Dictionary of the Holy Bible Duyckinck, History of the world Encyclopedia Brittanica, 11 volumes Farmer’s complete encyclopedia Growing world Harper, Pictorial history of the Civil War, 2 volumes Hawthorne, (ed) Masterpieces and the history of literature, 10 volumes Houston, Dictionary of electrical words, terms, etc Morton, Quotations Robinson, Bible encyclopedia Routledge, (ed) Wise sayings of the great and good Stephens, Pictorial history of the United States Webster, New Unabridged dictionary Library of valuable information. Stories of: King Alfred—Besant Books—Rawlings The mind—Baldwin Eclipses—Chambers The solar systems—Chambers Stars—Chambers Earth—Seely Earth’s atmosphere—Archibald A piece of coal—Martin The living machine—Conn Germ life—Conn The alphabet—Clodd Primitive man—Clodd The plants—Allen Animal life—Lindsay Life in the seas—Hickson Electricity—Munro The British race—Munro The cotton plant—Wilkinson The art of building—Waterhouse Photography—Story The art of music—Crowest 6 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. Extinct civilizations—Anderson Geographical discovery—Jacobs A grain of wheat—Edgar BOUND MAGAZINES. Eclectic magazine, volume 2 Harper’s new monthly magazine, volumes 6 and 7 lOO PHilosopHy. Niblo, Complete palmist Pryer, Mental development in the child Taylor, Study of the child Hayes, Everyday reasoning Lorimer, Letters from a self-made merchant to his son Blair, Temperance movement Calkins, Substitutes for the saloon Shaw, History of the great temperance reform 200 Religion. Hanson, World’s congress of religions Houghton, Parliament of religions at the Columbian Exposition Schmucker, History of all religions Ely, Social aspects of Christianity Villars, The resurrection life Drummond, Natural law in the spiritual world Haeckel, Riddle of the universe Madeley, Science of correspondences elucidated Cruden, Complete concordance Gibson, Age before Moses Plumer, Truths for the people Swedenborg, True Christian religion Beecher, Life of Jesus, the Christ Geikie. Life and words of Christ Hoyt, Child’s story of the life of Christ (Juv) Henry, Court and cross Thomas, Christianity a fact Gordan, In Christ Knapp, Christ crowned within Boxer, Sacred dramas Book List of Pana Free Public Library. 7 Chapman, “And Peter” and other sermons Simons, fevenings with Moody and Sankey Swing, Sermons Farrar, Early days of Christianity Hyde, Story of Methodism Foster, Story of the Bible (Juv) 2Q0 Non-CHristian Religions Including Mythology. Abbott, History of Romulus Bullfinch, Age of fable Legge, Confucius, Mencius, Chinese classics Kingsley, Greek heroes, or fairy tales, (Juv) Hawthorne, Tanglewood tales, (Juv) Hawthorne, Wonder book, (Juv) Strong, New era 300 Sociology. 320 Political Science. Sismondi, History of Italian republics Shattuck, Woman’s manual of parlimentary law Skottowe, Short history of parliament 330 Political Economy. Atkinson, Distribution of products Burton, Financial crises and depressions George, Progress and poverty Mill, Principles of political economy, 2 volumes Smith, Wealth of nations Riis, How the other half lives Turgot, Formation and distribution of riches Bonham, Industrial liberty 340 haw and Constitutional History Cox, Lessons in law for women 8 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. 331 Administration. Leupp, How to prepare for a civil service examination Me Waters, Detectives of Europe and America 370 education. Hillis, Great books as life teachers Investment of influence Marden, Pushing to the front, or success under difficulties . Sweet, Methods of teaching Smith, Kindergarten in a nutshell Clarke, Self culture Hamerton, The intellectual life Smiles, Self help Duty Morgan, People and the railways 390 Customs, FolKlore s Cuyler, Mother, home and heaven Percival, Sweet home Bullfinch, Age of chivalry Harris, Uncle Remus and his friends, (Juv) Nights with Uncle Remus, (Juv) Bernard, Legends of the Rhine Candee, How women may earn a living Houghton, Women of the Orient Rayne, What can a woman do 300 Natural Science. Andrews, Stories mother nature told her children, (Juv) Van Dyke, Nature for its own sake Librarv of universal literature. Science Origin and species —Darwin Descent of man — Darwin Journal of researches - Darwin Fragments of science—Tyndall Sound Science of education—Huxley Data of ethics—Spencer First principles—Spencer Book List of Pana Free Public Library 9 Critique of pure reason, Kant Philosopny of history, Hegel Electricity and modern life, Treuzelmann Other worlds than ours, Proctor The microscope, Gosse Newcomb, Astronomy for everybody Giberne, Starry skies (Juv) Proctor, Other worlds than ours Allsop, Induction coils and coil making Ruskin, Ethics of the dust Deucalion, Arrows of the chace Rossiter, Story of a living temple, (Juv) McKim, Heredity and human progress Lankester, Halfhours with the microscope Buel, Story of man 580 botany. 1 Blanchan, Nature’s garden Dana, How to know wild flowers Ruskin, Proserpina, St. Mark’s rest, etc Keeler, Our native trees 590- Zoology. Lucas, Animals of the past Pierson, Among the farmyard people (Juv) Among the meadow people (Juv) Among the night people (Juv) Roberts, Kindred of the wild Seton Thompson, Biography of a grizzly Lives of the hunted Trail of the Sandhill stag Wild animals I have known Wallace, Island life Gosse, Wonders of the great deep Materlinck, Life of the bee Blanchan, Bird neighbors Miller, Bird ways In nesting time Samuels, Among the birds (Juv) 600 Useful y\rts G10 Medicine. Meyer (von), Organs of speech 10 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. Cornell, How to enjoy life, or physical and mental hygiene Checkley, Natural method of physical training Eddy, Miscellaneous writings Science of health with key to the scriptures 630 Domestic Animals. Winslow, Concerning cats 6-4'C) Domestic Economy. Wilson, Domestic science and household arts Buckeye cookery Commerce, Manufactures, Trades. Tewksbury, Complete manual of the Edison phonograph Allsop, Telephones, their construction Cary, How to make and use the telephone Patented telephony Pilkington, Mechanics own book Architectural designs 700 Fine Arts Architecture, Painting and Sculpture. Ruskin, Two paths, Mornings in Florence, etc Bullock, History and rudiments of architecture Earned, Churches and castles of mediaeval France Ruskin, Seven lamps of architecture, etc Singleton, Turrets, towers and temples Gibson, Beautiful houses Convenient houses f Book of a hundred houses Ruskin, Stones of Venice and poems, 3 volumes in 2 Shedd, Famous sculptors and sculpture Clark, Hicks & Prang, Prang course in form-study and drawing Dow, Composition Ruskin, Laws of fesole, modern paintings, 5 volumes in 3 Singleton, Great pictures described by famous writers Van Dyke, Art for art’s sake How to judge of a picture Book List of Pana Free Public Library. 11 Hepworth, Photography for amateurs 780 Music. Elson, National music of America Haweis, Music and morals My musical memoirs Lillie, Story of music and musicians, (Juv) Mara, Thoughts of great musicians Upton, Standard light operas 790 Amusements Beard, What a girl can make and do, (Juv) Gibson, Camp life in the woods 800 Literature. Hearn, Stray leaves from strange literature Shaw, New history of English and American literature Knight, Half-hours with the best authors, 6 volumes Hamill, Easy lessons in vocal culture and vocal expression Russell, Use of the voice in reading and speaking Hazeltine (ed), Orations from Homer to McKinley, 25 volumes Peerless speaker Starrett, Letters to a daughter Lee, Comic reciter 7 v Maud, Heroines of poetry 811 American Poetry. Carleton, City legends Dunbar, Poems of cabin and field Lyrics of the hearthside Emerson, Poems Field, Little book of Western verse Songs and other verse Holland, Bitter sweet Katrina, Mistress of the manse Holmes, Poetical works Lincoln, Cape Cod ballads Longfellow, Complete poetical works Voices of the night ballads and other poems Lowell, Complete poetical works Poems 12 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. Poe, Poems Riley, Afterwhiles Armazindy Book of joyous children Child-world Neighborly poems and dialect sketches Whittier, Complete poetical works Poems Wilcox, Custer and other poems 81^f American Essays. Channing, Works, 6 volumes Crawford. Romance of old New England rooftrees, (Little pil¬ grimage series.) Eliot, American contributions to civilization Emerson, Essays, (1st and 2nd series) Holland, Lessons in life Holmes, Pages from an old volume Lowell, Fireside travels Mathews, Great conversers and other essays Roosevelt, The strenuous life, essays and addresses Van Dyke, Counsel upon the reading of books Whipple, Success and its conditions Higginson, Old Cambridge 817 -American Satire and Humor. Burdette, Rise and, fall of the mustache Byrn, Repository of wit and humor Holmes, Autocrat of the breakfast table Over the tea cups Poet at the breakfast table Poems, (see poetry) Professor at the breakfast table Irving, Alhambra Astoria Bonneville Knickerbocker history of New York, Mahomet, 2 volumes Rip Van Winkle and other sketches Sketch book Tales of a traveler, Washington, 5 volumes Nye, Baled hay Book List of Pana Free Public Library 13 Remarks Twain, (pseud for S. L. Clemens) English as she is taught Warner, Being a boy 818 American Miscellany. Field, Love affairs of a bibliomaniac Mabie, Under the trees and elsewhere Marvel, (pseud for D. G. Mitchel) Dream life Thoreau, Walden, or life in the woods Wheeler, Content in a garden Wilcox, Men, women and emotions 820 ILnglisH Literature. Shaw, Complete manual of English literatnre Field, Yesterdays with authors, (see biography) Griswold, Home life of great authors, (see biography) 821 English Poetry. Bickersteth, Yesterday, today and forever Coleridge, Poetical and dramatic works Collins, Gray & Beattie, Poetical works Croly, Beauties of British poets Eliot, Poems Famous authors, Love poems Hemans, Poetical works Meredith, Lucile Milton & Young, Poetical works Milton, Paradise lost Moore, Poetical works Lalla Rookh Pope, Poetical works Shakespeare-, Poems and sonnets Tennyson, Princess and other poems Tupper, Proverbial philosophy White, Poetical works 14 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. Drama. Fleming, How to study Shakespeare 2 volumes Shakespeare, Comedies Histories and poems Tragedies Merchant of Venice Shakespeare’s complete works, (ed by Clark & Wright:) Comedy of errors Much ado about nothing Love’s labor lost Midsummer night’s dream King Henry V Henry VI, 1st and 2nd parts Henry VI, 3rd part Richard III Henry VIII Merchant of Venice As you like it Taming of the shrew All’s well that ends well Macbeth Hamlet King Lear Othello Antony and Cleopatra Cymbeline Pericles Poems Richard II Henry IV, 1st and 2nd parts Romeo and Juliet Timon of Athens Julius Caesar Tempest Two gentlemen of Verona Merry wives of Windsor Measure for measure Troilus and Cressida Coriolanus Titus Andronicus Twelfth night Winter’s tale King John Shakespeare, his life and times Glossary, concordance, index to chapters, etc Book List of Pana Free Public Library. 15 82^ LnglisH Essays. Bacon, Essays De Quincey, Biographical essays Dickens, Old lamps for new ones Disraeli, Curiosities of literature, 4 volumes Froude, Short studies on ^reat subjects Hume, Essays Jeffries, Story of my heart Lamb, Essays Lubbock, Pleasures of life Macaulay, Essays Buskin, Sesame and lilies Crown of wild olives Ethics of the dust Fors clarigera, 4 volumes in 2 Stevenson, Familiar studies of men and books Thackeray, Four Georges Buskin, Hortus inclusus, etc, Praeterita EnglisH Satire and Humor and Eng'lisH Miscellany. Jerome, Three men in a boat Idle thoughts of an idle fellow Arnuin, Elizabeth and her German garden Solitary summer Wilson, Noctes ambrosianae, 5 volumes Thackeray, Irish sketch book Paris sketch book Foreign Literature. Goethe, Faust Dante, Divine comedy, 3 volumes, translated by Longfellow Euripedes, Works, volume 2, translated by Potter Homer, Works, volume 3, translated by Pope Perry, Boys I lead, (Juv) Boys Odyssey, (Juv) Omar Khayyam, Bubaiyat 16 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. 910 Travel and Description. Allen, Scenes abroad Amicis, On blue water Barr, Unchanging east, 2 volumes Beecher, Star papers Bucke, Ruins of ancient cities Dana, Two years before the mast James, Transatlantic sketches Jameson, Visits and sketches, 2 volumes Kippis, Cook’s voyages around the world Taylor, Vacation days in Hawaii and Japan Train, My life in many states and in foreign lands Stuart & Revett, Antiquities of Athens 91^ Europe. Field, From the lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn Kirwan, Men and things in Europe Nuide, We two alone in Europe Taylor, Views afoot Bayne, On an Irish jaunting car Carnegie, American four-in-hand in Britain Hawthorne, Our old home Barlett, London by day and night Howitt, Art student in Munich Our European neighbors series German life in town and country—Dawson French life in town and country—Lynch Italian life in town and country—Villari Spanish life in town and country—Higgin Stoddard, Across Russia Troutbeck, Westminster abbey Du Chaillu, Land of the midnight sun, 2 volumes Pfeiffer, Madame Ida Pfeiffer’s visit to Iceland Horton, In Argolis 9l 3 -Asia. Hue, Travels in Tartary Stanley, Sermons and travels in the east Gale, Korean sketches Hue, Journey through the Chinese empire Lee Yan Phon, When I was a boy in China Book List of Pana Free Public Library. 17 Martin, Cycle of Cathay Bishop, Among the Thibetans Bishop, Unbeaten tracks in Japan Alcock, Three years in Japan Steevens, In India Field, Among the Holy hills Prime, Tent life in the Holy land Leonowens, English governess at the Siamese court 916 Africa. Du Chaillu, My Apingi kingdom, (Juv) Country of the dwarfs, (Juv) Lost in the jungle, (Juv) Stories of the gorilla country, (Juv) Wild life under the equator, (Juv) Oodbey, Stanley in Africa Stanley, Stanley’s story, or through the wilds of Africa Curtis, Nile notes of a Howadji America. United States, Etc. Walker, Ocean to ocean Allen, Rocky mountains Finck, Pacific coast scenic tour Laut, Story of the trapper Warner, On horseback in Virginia Clark, Picturesque Ohio Thwaites, Down historic waterways, (Ill. and Wls. rivers) Dacus, Tour of St. Louis Seton Thompson, (G. G.) Woman tenderfoot Winthrop, Canoe and saddle De Windt, Through the gold fields of Alaska to the Bering Straits Spangles, Civilization in Chili, past and present 919 Oceanica. Ballou, Under the Southern cross Bishop, Six months in the Sandwich Isles 18 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. 920 Biography, Collective. Boyhood of great men Brooks, Historic boys, (Juv) Buel, Lives of James G. Blaine and John A. Logan Celebrated men, Mahomet, Luther, Columbus, Pitt, Burns Douglas, Blackwood group, (Famous Scots series) Drake, Our world’s great benefactors Lives of eminent men Higginson, Contemporaries Lord, Beacon lights of history Warriors and statesmen American statesmen Nineteenth century writers Jewish heroes and prophets Antiquity Middle ages Renaissance Great generals, Hannibal, Julius Caesar, Cromwell, Frederick the great Habberton, Poor boys’ chances, (Juv) McCabe, Great fortunes and how they are made Parton, Famous Americans of recent times Plutarch, Lives of illustrious men, translated by Dryden, 3 vol Pratt, De Soto, Marquette and La Salle, (Juv) Prescott, Ferdinand and Isabella Walton, Lives of Donne, Watton, Hooker, Herbert and Sander¬ son, 2 volumes Williams, Boys of the Bible, (Juv) Brooks, Historic girls, (Juv) Ellet, Queens of American society Hubbard, Little journeys to the homes of famous women Little journeys to the homes of American statesmen Little journeys to the homes of eminent painters Little journeys to the homes of good men and great Little journeys to the homes of American authors Parton, World’s famous women Frost, Presidents of the United States from Washington to Fillmore Stratton, Lives of the presidents Crowest, Great tone poets Hamm, Eminent actors in their homes Hughes, Contemporary American composers Tytler, Old Masters Modern painters Strang, Famous actresses of the day in America Book List of Pana Free Public Library. 19 Fields, Yesterdays with authors Griswold, Home life of great authors Personal sketches of recent authors Hideing, Boyhooi of famous authors, (Juv) Winslow, Literary Boston of today 920 biography, In dividual Adams, J. Q. Life—by Seward Amerioan men of letters, Bryant—by Bigelow Cooper—by Lounsbury Curtis—by Cary Emerson—by Holmes Franklin—by McMaster Irving—by Warner Ossoli (M Fuller)—by Higginson Poe—by Woodbe-ry Pope — by Stephe Ripley—by Frothingham Simms -by Trent Taylor—by Smyth Thoreau—by Sanborn Webster—by Scudder Willis—by Beers Bainbridge, Edwin, Memoir—by Darlington Bull, Ole, Memoir—by Bull Charlemagne,—by Davis Clay, Henry, Monument to the memory of—by Carrier Crocket, Col David, Life—by Ellis Custer, G A, Tenting on the plains—by Custer Following the guidon—by Custer Dreyfus, Five years of my life English men of letters Addison—by Courthope Bacon—by Church Bentley—by Jebb Bunyan—by Froude Burke—by Morley Burns—by Shairp Byron—by Nichol Chaucer—by Ward Coleridge—by Traill Cowper—by Smith Defoe—by Minto De Quineey—by Masson 20 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. Lickens—by Ward Dryden—by Saintsbury Fielding—by Dobson Gibbon—by Morison Goldsmith—by Black Gray—by Gosse Hume—by Huxley Johnson—by Stephen Keats—by Colvin Lamb—by Ainger Landor—by Colvin Locke—by Fowler Macaulay—by Morison Milton—by Pattison Scott—by Hutton Shelley—by Symdnds Sheridan—by Oliphant Sidney—by Symonds Spenser—by Church Southey—by Dowden Sterne—by Traill Swift—by Stephen Thackeray—by Trollope Wordsworth—by Myers Evans, Sailor’s log Fisk, Wilbur, Life—by Holdich Franklin, Autobiography and essays Garfield, James, Life—by Balch Life and works—by Ridpath Grant, Personal memoirs, 2 volumes Hanks. Nancy—by Hitchcock Hunt, Autobiography Joan of Arc, Life—by Bartlett Josephine, History—by Abbott Kingsley, Charles, Letters and memories of his life Kossuth, Louis, Life—by Headley Lamb, Charles, Works and his life—by Talfourd, 2 volumes Lincoln, Abraham, Life—by Barrett Story of-by Cravens, (Juv) Memorial album -by Oldroyd Abraham—by Thompson Livingstone, Life history and wonders of Africa David, Life—by Montefiore Lyon, Mary, Life and labors—Hitchcock, ed McAuley, Jerry. His life and work—Offord, ed Marion, General, Life of Book List of Pana Free Public Library. 21 Mary, Queen of Scots—by Meline Mowatt, Autobiography of an actress Muhammed and his power—by Johnstone Napoleon Bonoparte, Life—by Lockhart Nessima, Joseph Hardy, Life and letters—by Hardy Newton, Sir Isaac, Life—by Summers Paton, Autobiography Plato—by Ritchie Phyrrhus, History of—by Abbott Prescott, William H, Life—by Ticknor Quinn, James, Life and labors—by Wright Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Life and writings—by Cunningham Sheridan, Memoirs, 2 volumes Spurgeon, C H, Essex lad—by Smith, (Juv) Wagner, Richard, His life and dramas—by Henderson Washington, George, Life—by Sparks Washington, B T, Up from slavery—by Washington Webster, Daniel, Life—by Smucker Wellington, Arthur, duke of, Life—by Gleig Whittier, John G—by Underwood Whitman, Marcus—by Mowry Women of Colonial and Revolutionary times Dolly Madison—by Goodwin Eliza Pinckney—by Ravenal Catharine Schuyler— by Humphreys Martha Washington—by Wharton Margaret Winthrop—by Earle Zwingli, Ulrich, Life—by Simpson 900 General History. Brooks, Chivalric days, (Juv) Story of the nineteenth century, (Juv) Creasy, Fifteen decisive battles of the world Emerson, History of the nineteenth century, 3 volumes Eggleston, Strange stories from history, (Juv) Lord, Beacon lights of history Antiquity, volume 1 Middle ages, volume 2 Renaissance and reformation, volume 3 Warriors and statesmen, volume 4 (see biog) American statesmen, volume 7 (see biog) Nineteenth century writers volume 8 (see biog) Jewish heroes and prophets, (see biog) Strickland, True stories from ancient history, (Juv) Book List op Pana Free Public Library. True stories from modern history, (Juv) Washington, Footprints of the ages and the great exhibition 930 Ancient History. Baldwin, Prehistoric nations Rollin, Ancient history, 4 volumes Josephus, Works, 3 volumes Gibbon, Decline and fall of the Roman empire, (Nations of the world) 6 volumes Laing, Brief history of Rome, (Juv) Schmitz, History of Rome Steele, Brief history of Rome Greene, History of Greece Grote, Greece, 12 volumes (Nat of the world) Schmitz, History of Greece (Juv) 94*0 Europe. Hallam, Middle ages 94d-9^2 HritisH Isles. Chambers, Domestic annals of Scotland Chambers, W and R, Young folks Scottish tales (Juv) Scott, Scotland, 2 volumes (Nat of the world) Thebaud, Ireland, past and present, (Nat of the world) Dickens, Child’s history of England, (Juv) Froude, History of England, Green, England, 4 volumes (Nat of the world] Short history of the British people Hume, History of England, 5 volumes McCarthy, History of our own times, 2 volumes Macaulay, History of England, I 9^f3 Germany and Hungary. Menzies, History of Germany, (Juv) Menzel, Germany, 4 volumes (Nat of the world) Abbott, Austria, its rise and present power, (Nat of the world) Book List of Pana Free Public Library. 23 »944 France. Carlyle, French revolution, 2 volumes Guizot, France, 8 volumes (Nat of the world) Lamartine, History of the Girondists, volume o Menzies, History of France, (Juv) Italy. Abbott, Italy, (Nat of the world) 946 Spain and Portugal. Pearce, History of Spain and Portugal Wilberforce, Spain and her colonies (Nat of the world) 947-948 Russia and Scandinavia. Buel, Russian nihilism and exile life in Siberia Gossip, History of Russia, (Juv) Ramboud, Russia, 2 volumes, (Nat of the world) History of Norway, Sweden and Denmark Sorensen, Norway, (Nat of the world) Nilsson, Sweden, [Nat of the world) 949 Minor European Countries. Pearce, History of Holland and Belgium Grattan, Holland, the history of the Netherlands, (Nat of the world) Motley, Rise of the Dutch republic, 2 volumes Stories from Swiss history Clark, Turkey, (Nat of the world) 95 O- 96 O Africa and Asia. Boulger, China, (Nat of the world) Dickson, Japan, (Nat of the world) Pearce, History of India, (Juv) Wheeler, India, 2 volumes (Nat of the world) Kitto, Palestine, (Nat of the world) McCoan, Egypt, (Nat of the world) 24 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. 970 America and tHe Indians. Triplett, Conquering the wilderness Jackson, Century of dishonor Eastman, Indian boyhood, (Juv) 972 Mexico. Ober, Young folks history of Mexico, (Juv) Prescott, Conquest of Mexico, 3 volumes Wilson, Mexico and its religion Wilson, Mexico, its peasants and its priests Davis, Cuban and Porto Rican campaigns Halstead, Story of Cuba Keunau, Campaigning in Cuba 973 U. S. History . Bancroft, History of the United States, 6 volumes Barnes, Popular history of the United States Harrison, This country of ours Hawthorne, United States, 3 volumes (Nat of the world) McMaster, History of the people of the United States, 5 vol 973.1-973.2 Period of Discovery and Colon¬ ial Period. Anderson, America not discovered by Columbus Parkman, Pioneers of France in the new world La Salle and the discovery of the great West Earle, Child life in colonial days Hawthorne, Grandfather’s chair, (Stories from N Eng history) 973.3 History of American Revolution. Fiske, Critical period of American history Gilmore, Advance guard of Western civilization Book List of Pana Free Public Library. 25 973.7 Civil War. Famous adventures and prison escapes of the Civil war Headley, Great rebellion Livermore, My story of the war Pinkerton, Spy of the rebellion McElroy, Andersonville, story of Southern prisons 973.89 War WitH Spain. Hobson, Sinking of the Merrimac Roosevelt, Rough riders 974 The States. Janvier, In old New York Johnson, History of the Johnstown flood Ames, Ten years in Washington Gobright, Men and things in Washington Hosmer, History of the Louisiana purchase Walker, Mississippi valley Dye, McLoughlin and old Oregon Illinois. Mason, Chapters from Illinois history Mather, Making of Illinois 98 O SoutH America. Hawthorne, Spanish America, (Nat of the world) 990 o ceanica. \ Young, Real Hawaii 26 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. FICTION. Ade—Fables in slang Aguilar—Mother’s recompense Ainsworth—Windsor castle Alcott—Modern mephistopheles Aldrich—Old town by the sea Allen—Choir invisible Allen—Kentucky cardinal Allen—Reign of law Anstey—Vice versa Arnim—Benefactress Arthur—Bar-rooms at Brantley Arthur—Ten nights in a bar-room Atherton—American wives and English husbands Atherton—The conqueror Austen—Sense and sensibility Austen--Pride and prejudice Austin—Betty Alden, (Sequel to Standish of Standish) Austin—Standish of Standish Babcock—Tower of Wye Bacheller—D’Ri and I Bacheller—Eben Holden Balzac—Celibates —Bachelor’s establishment —Cousin Betty —Cousin Pons —Caesar Rirotteau —Beatrix —Country doctor —Quest of the absolute —Deputy for Arcis —Middle classes — Distinguished provincial Book List of Pana Free Public Library. 27 —Lost illusions — Eugenie Grandet — Country Parson — Father Goriot — Ursule Mirouet —Harlot’s progress — Hated son — Jealousies of a country town —Thirteen — Muse of the department — Prince of Bohemia —Marriage contract — Modeste Mignon — Lily of the valley —Peasantry — Catharine de Medici —Seraphita — Woman of thirty — Seamy side of history — Wild ass’ skin —Chouans Bangs—The bicyclers — Coffee and repartee and the idiot —Heuseboat on the Styx — Pursuit of the houseboat —Olympian nights Banks—Oldfield Barr, A E—I thou and the other one — Bow of orange ribbon —Jan Yedder’s wife —Lion’s whelp —Maid of Maiden Lane --Remember the Alamo — Song of a single note- — Trinity bells — Was it right to forgive Barr, R—Telka Barrie—Margaret Ogilvy —Little minister —Little white bird — Sentimental Tommy —Tommy and Grizel — Window in Thrums Bell--Love affairs of an old maid --Expatriates 28 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. Bell—Hope loring Bellamy—Looking backward Besant—All sorts and conditions of men Black, A—Captain Kodak Black, W— In silk attire —Madcap Violet Blackmore—Slain by the Doones —Lorna Loone Boldrewood—Sealskin cloak Bolton— Stories from life Bottome—Life the interpreter Braddon—Fatal marriage Braeme—Dora Thorne Bremer—The neighbors Bronte—Jane Eyre Brown—Rab and his friends Brush—Colonel’s opera cloak (No name series) Buchanan—Father Antony Buck—Under the sun or the passing of the Incas Bulwer-Lytton—Alice or the mysteries (Sequel to Earnest Maltravers) Bulwer-Lytton—The Caxtons —Zicci —Eugene Aram —Ernest Maltravers —Last days of Pompeii Bunyan—Pilgrims progress Burnett—Fair Barbarian —In connection with the DeWilloughby claim —Making of a marchioness —Methods of Lady Walderhurst (Sequel to making of a marchioness) —Through one administration —That lass o’Lowries Burnham—Miss Bagg’s secretary —The right princess Cable—Doctor Sevier —Bona venture —Cavalier —Grandissimes —John March, Southerner —Old Creole days Caine- Son of Hagar —Captain Davy’s honeymoon —The Christian Book List of Pana Free Public Library. 29 Caine—The deemster —The eternal city —The Manxman —Shadow of a crime Carey—Only the governess —Averil —Aunt Diana —Barbara Heathcote’s trial — Merle’s crusade —Mrs Romney —Not like other girls —Our Bessie —Uncle Max Carleton-Willie Reilly Carlyle—Wilhelm Meister’s apprenticeship, fr German of Goethe Carter—North Carolina sketches Caskoden—(pseud of Chas Majors) When knighthood was in flower Castle, A and E—Bath comedy —Pride of Jennico —Secret orchard Catherwood- Old Kaskaskia —Lazarre —Story of Tonty Cervantes—Don Quixote , Chambers—Ashes of empire Charles, Mrs—Conquering and to conquer —S chonb erg-C otta fami 1 y Christmas stories Churchill—The celebrity — The crisis --Richard Carvel Clark, H S—The legionaries Clark, I—God’s puppets Clay—On her wedding morn Cody (ed) — World’s greatest short stories Collins—Fallen leaves —Heart and science —I say no — Legacy of Cain —My miscellanies —Man and wife —Moonstone — Woman in white Comstock—Tower or throne 30 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. Connor—Black rock —Glengarry school days —Man from Glengarry —Sky pilot Cooper — Leather stocking tales — 1 Deerslaver c / — 2 Last of the Mohicans — 3 Pathfinder — 4 Pioneers — 5 Prairie — Spy Corelli - Ardath —Barabbas — Master Christian —Romance of two worlds — Thelma —Temporal power Cotes —Those delightful Americans Craddock—Mystery of Witch-face mountain Crane—Two circuits Crane, S—Active service —George’s mother Crawford—Cecelia — Casa Braccio, 2 v — In the palace of the king — Katharine Lauderdale, 2 v — Marietta —Roman singer —Via crucis Creelman—Eagle blood Crockett— Galloway heard —Lilac sunbonnet —Stieket minister — Tales of our coast Croly — Tarry thou till I come C u m m ins—L amp 1 i gh te r Curtis—Prue and I Daskam — Whom the gods destroyed Davis, R FI — Cinderella and other stories — Captain Macklin — Princess Aline — Ransom’s folly —Soldiers of fortune Davit, W S — Friend of Caesar — Belshazzar Book List of Pana Free Public Library. Deland, M—John Ward, preacher Dickens--Barnaby Budge. Hard times —Bleak house --Christmas books. Great expectations --Child’s history of England. Edwin Drood --David Copperfleld --Dombey and son -•Little Dorrit --Martin Chuzzlewit ' --Nicholas Nickleby --Old curiosity shop —Our mutual friend --Oliver Twist. American notes --Pickwick papers —Tale of two cities — Uncommercial traveler Dickson—Black wolf's breed Dix, B M—Making of Christopher Ferringham Dix, E A—Old Bowen’s legacy Dixon-—Leopard’s spots Doyle—Micah Clark — Adventures of Sherlock Holmes —Hound of the Baskervilles — Study in scarlc* — Sign of the four —White company Drummond—King’s pawn Duchess—Airy fairy Lilian — Mollie Bawn —Phyllis Dumas—Twenty years after — Count of Monte-Cristo — Forty-five — Marguerite de Valois — Three musketeers — Vicomte de Bragelonne, 3 v Dunne—Mr Dooley’s philosophy Dye—Conquest Ebers—Cleopatra, 2 v —Egyptian princess —Uarda E d ge w o r t h—R osamon d Egglestone, E—Circuit rider — Hoosier schoolmaster Eggleston, G C — Carolina cavalier 32 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. Eggleston--Dorothy South Eliot, Geo—(pseud of Mrs M A, Lewes, Cross) Adam Bede —Clerical life. Silas Marner, and other stories —Daniel Deronda, 2 v —Felix Holt —Middlemarch, 2 v — Mill on the Floss —Romola —Theophrastus Such. Essays Ellis—Brewer’s family Embree—Dream of a throne Feuillet—Romance of a poor young man Ford—Great K & A train robbery —House party —Honorable Peter Sterling —Janice Meredith —Story of an untold love Fothergill—First violin Fowler—Concerning Isabel Carnaby —Farringdons From timber to town Froude—Two chiefs of Dunboy Garland—Hei mountain lover --Captain of the gray horse Gaskell, Mrs--Cranford Gates—Biography of a prairie girl Glovatski—Pharoah and the priest Goldsmith—Vicar of Wakefield Goodloe—College girls Grahame—Golden age Grand—Heavenly twins —Babs, the impossible Grant—Unleavened bread Gray—Four-leaved clover —In the heart of the storm Gunsaulus —Monk and knight Habberton—Helen’s babies Haggard—King Solomon’s mines —Lysbeth Hale—In his name —Brick moon, and other storie* — Man without a country Hamblen—On many seas Harben—Abner Daniel Harding—Gate of the kiss Book List of Pana Free Public Library. 33 Hardy—Under the greenwood tree Harland, H—Cardinal’s snuff box Harland, M—Helen Gardner —Judith —Sunnybank Harraden—Ships that pass in the night Harris, F B—Road to ridgeby’s Harris,J C—Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann — Free Joe —Gabriel Tolliver Harrison—Princess of the hills Harte—Luck of roaring camp —Tales of the Argonauts — Under the redwoods Hawthorne, N—Marble faun —Scarlet letter —Twice told tales Hegan, Alice—(now Mrs Rice) —Mrs Wiggs of the cabbage patch —Lovey Mary Henderson—Diomede, the Centurion Henry, A H—By order of the prophet Henry, Arthur—Island cabin Hewlett—New Canterbury tales —Richard Yea-and-Nay Hill—The minority Hillern, W von—Only a girl Hobbs—(pseud of Mrs Craigie) —Herb-moon Holland—Arthur Bonnicastle —Bay-path —Miss Gilbert’s career —Nicholas Minturn —Seven oaks Holley, (Josiah Allen’s wife, pseud) —Samantha at Saratoga —Samantha in Europe Holmes, M J—Lena Rivers —English orphans —Homestead on the hillside —Mill bank — Meadow-brook —Tempest and sunshine Holmes, O W—Elsie Yenner —Guardian angel 34 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. — Mortal antipathy Hope—Phroso —Prisoner of Zenda —Rupert of Hentzau (sequel to Prisoner of Zenda) —Simon Dale —Tristam of Blent. Hornung — Peccavi Horton—Tempting of Father Antony Hough—Mississippi bubble Howells—Day of their wedding —Rise of Silas Lapham — Their wedding journey —Woman’s reason Hughes, T—Tom Brown at Oxford, 2 v Hughes, R —Whirlwind Hugo—Novels, 4 v —Dramas Husband’s story Ingraham—Prince of the house of David Isham—Strollers Jackson—Ramona Jericho road Jewett—Country of the pointed firs Johnston—To have and to hold —Audrey —Prisoners of hope Kauffman—Things *hat are Caesar’s Keightley - Last recruit of Clare’s King—Off the rocks Kingsley—Westward ho! — Hypatia Kipling—Day’s work Korolenko—Blind musician Koven, Mrs R de—By the waters of Babylon Le Sage—Oil Bias Lever— Harry Lorrequer Liljencrantz—Thrall of Leif, the lucky Lillie—Colonel’s money Lloyd—Stringtown on the pike —Warwick of the knobs Longfellow—Hyperion Luther Henchman L/all, E—(pseud of A E Bayly) —Donovan —Doreen Book List of Pana Free Public Library 35 —Hardy Norseman —Hinderers — In spite of all — In the golden days —Knight-errant — We two —Won by waiting Lysaght— Marplot McCall—Truth Dexter McCarthy—Mononia McCutcheon - Graustark McGrath—Puppet crown McKeever—Nothing but leaves Maclaren, Ian—(pseud of Rev John Watson) — Beside the bonnie brier bush —Kate Carnegie Mag ruder—Violet Major—Dorothy Vernon of Haddon hall — When knighthood was in flower Marlitt, E—(pseud of E John) — Old Manrselle’s secret —At the Councillor’s —Bailiff’s maid —Countess Gisela —Gold Elsie — In the Schillingscourt —Lady with the rubies —Owl’s nest —Princess of the moor —Second wife Marriott—Love with honor Mathews—My lady Peggy goes to town Maurier—Trilby Maxwell —Three old maids in Hawaii Meade —Soldier of fortune Meredith, E—Master-knot of human fate Meredith, I G—Old house on Briar hill M erriman—V ultures —Isle of unrest Mitchell- Adventures of Francois —Circumstance — Hugh Wynne Morris—Pasteboard crown Mowbray—(pseud of A C Wheeler) Journey to nature — Tangled up in Beulah land. (Sequel to Journey to nature) 36 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. Muhlback—Frederick the great and his court —Goethe and Schiller Muller—Memories: a story of German love Mulock—John Halifax, gentleman Naylor—Ralph Marlowe Norris—Pit —Octopus Oliphant—House in Bloomsbury —Margaret Maitland Ollivant—Bob, son of battle — Danny Ouida—Under two flags Page—Red Rock —Old gentleman of the black stock Pansy—(pseud of Mrs I M Allen) — Chautauqua series — 1 Four girls at Chautauqua —2 Chautauqua girls at home —3 Ruth Erskine’s crosses —4 Judge Burnham’s daughters — Eighty seven —Aunt Hannah, Martha and John —By way of wilderness —Esther Reid —Endless chain —Esther Reid yet speaking —Household puzzles —Hall in the grove —John Remington, martyr, (Sequel to Aunt Hannah, Martha and John) —Julia Reid — King’s daughters —Mrs Solomon Smith looking on —New graft —Randolphs —Three people —Tip Lewis and his lamp —Unto the end —Wise and otherwise (Sequel to King’s daughters) Parker—Right of way —Donovan Pasha —Lane that had no turning —Seats of the mighty Pemberton—Puritan’s wife Phelps, E S—(Now Mrs Ward) —Avery Book List of Pana Free Public Library 37 — Singular life Pidgin—Blennerhassett —Quincy Adams Sawyer Poe—Gold bug and other tales Porter—Scottish chiefs —Thaddeus of Warsaw Potter—House of de Mailly —Istar of Babylon —Uncanonized Prentiss—Stepping Heavenward —Flower of the family Rushkin—Marie: a story of Russian Love Raine—Daughter of Raasay Ralph— Millionairess Read, 0— Carpetbagger —In the alamo —Jucklins —Kentuckv colonel —My young master —On the Suwanee river — Starbucks — Yankee from the west Reade —White lies. Perilous secret —Cloister and the hearth —Foul play — Griffith Gaunt —Hard cash. The wandering heir 2 v —Put yourself in his place. White lies 2 v Reid—Woman of fortune Richards—Geoffry Strong Rives—Hearts courageous Roberts—Barbara Ladd Roche—Children of the abbey Roe—Barriers burned away — Day of fate —Driven back to Eden —Earth trembled —Face illumined —From jest to earnest —Knight of the 19th century —Near to nature’s heart —Opening a chestnut burr — Original belle —What can she do —Without a home —Young girl’s wooing A 38 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. Rose Lind Rose Garden Runkle—Helmet of Navarre Russell—Flying Dutchman —Marooned — Master Rockafeller’s voyage —Mrs Line’s jewels Saint Pierre—Paul and Virginia Sangster—Janet Ward Scott—Bride of Lammermoor —Ivanhoe —Kenilworth —Monastery —Peveril of the peak 2 v — Quentin Durward —Rob Roy —Waverley Sheldon—In his steps Sheppard—Charles Auchester 2 v Sherlock—Your Uncle Lew Sienkiewicz—After bread —In vain — Quovadis Slosson—Aunt Abby’s neighbor Smith, F H—Fortunes of Oliver Horn Smith, W H—Evolution of Dodd Sousa—Fifth string Southworth—Allworth abbey Spearman—Held for orders —Dr Bryson Stephens—Philip Winwood Stevenson—Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde —Master of Ballantrae —Prince Otto —Treasure island Stillman—Fool’s gold Stockton—Rudder Grangers abroad Stoker—Mystery of the sea Stowe—Uncle Tom’s cabin Stuart—Moriah’s mourning and other half hour sketches Sue—Wandering Jew 2 v Tarkington—Monsieur Beaucaire — Gentleman from Indiana —Two Vanrevels Taylor—Lost heiress Thackeray—Book of snobs. Denis Duval Book List of Pana Free Public Library. 30 — Adventures of Philip 2 v — Burlesques — Barry Lyndon —Christmas books —Hoggarty diamond —Henry Esmond —Newcomes 2 v —Pendennis 2 v — Roundabout papers —Virginians 2 v — Vanity fair 2 v — Yellowplush papers Thanot—FL art of toil Thinks I to mys;Tf Thompson—Alice of old Vincennes —King of Honey island — Milly Tournee—Fool’s errand Twain—(pseud of S L Clement) —Man that corrupted Hadley burg —Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Tynan — Daughter of the fields Vaile — Wheat and huckleberries * —Orcutt girls —Sue Orcutt (Sequel to Orcutt girls) Van Dyke—Ruling passion —Blue flower Verne—Around the world in eighty days —From the earth to the moon and around the moon —Mysterious island —Underground city Villars—Stories of home and home folks Voynich—Gadfly —Jack Raymond Wallace—Ben Hur —Fair God —Prince of India 2 v Ward, Mrs H—Eleanor —Lady Rose’s daughter — Sir George Tressady 2 v Ward, J M—Come with me into Babylon Warner, A — Dollars and cents Warner, S—The word. House of Israel — Queechy —Wide, wide world Watanna — Wooing of Wistaria 40 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. Watts-Dunton— Aylwin Werner—She fell in love with her husband Westcott—David flarum —Teller Weyman—Count Hannibal — House of the wolf —Under the red robe Wharton—Valley of decision Wheaton—Russells in Chicago Wiggin—Penelope’s Irish experiences —Timothy’s quest Wilkins—Jamisons —People of our neighborhood (short stories) —Portion of labor —Understudies (short stories) Williams—J Devlin-boss Wilson A E—At the mercy of Tiberius —Beulah —Infelice — St Elmo Wilson, A M—Star in prison Wilson, H L—Spenders Wister—Virginian Wolff—Robber count Wood—Ease Lynne Wyckoff—Workers-the East — Workers-the West Yonge—Dove in the eagle’s nest —Heir of Redclyffe Zola—Doctor Pascal Book List of Pana Free Public Library. 41 JUVENILE Juvenile History, Travel, RiograpHy, Science, FolKlore and MytHolog? . Andrews—Stories mother nature told Beard—What a girl can make and do Boyhood of great men Brooks—Chivalric days —Historic boys —Historic girls --Story of the 19th century Chambers, W and R—Young folks Scottish tales Dickens—Child’s history of England DuChaillu—Country of the dwarfs —Lost in the jungle —My Apingi kingdom —Stories of the gorilla country —Wild life under the equator Eastman—Indian boyhood Eggleston, G C—Strange stories from history Foster—Story of the Bible Giberne—Starry skies Gossip—History of Russia Habberton—Poor boys’ chances Harris—Nights with Uncle Remus — Uncle Remus and his. friends Hawthorne—Grandfather’s chair (Stories from New England history) —Tanglewood tales — Wonder book Hoyt—Child’s s*ory of the life of Christ Kingsley—Greek heroes, or, fairy tales Laing—Brief history of Rome Lincol n—Cravens Lillie—Story of music and musicians Menzies—History of France —History of Germany Ober—Young folks’ history of Mexico 42 Book List of Pana Free Public Library Pearce—History of India Perry—Boy’s Iliad —Boy’s Odyssey Pierson—Among the farmyard people —Among the meadow people —Among the night people Pratt—De Soto, Marquette and La Salle Rideing— Boyhood of famous authors Rossiter, F and M—Story of a living temple Samuels—Among the birds Spurgeon—Essex lad; by Smith Strickland—True stories from ancient history —True stories from modern history Williams—Boys of the Bible * juvenile: eviction, Aesop—Fables Alcott—Aunt Jo’s scrap-bag series - 1 Shawl-straps —2 My boys —4 My girls — Eight cousins Jack and Jill —Joe’s boys (Sequel to Little men) —Little men (Seq to Little women) —Little women —Old fashioned girl —Rose in bloom (sequel to Eight cousins) — Silver pitchers —Under the lilacs Alger—Young circus rider American Tract —Frolic at Uncle Will’s, Butts —Frolic at Maplegrove, Butts —Gretchen —Hard to win, Cupples —Hillside farm, Ridley —His servants who serve, Grant —Joyfully ready Book List of Pana Free Public Library 43 —Lilian —Mary Jones and her Bible, Hopes —Night and a day, Stretton — Rose, or the little comforter —Signal Hag —Satisfied,Trowbrid ge — Two buzzards, Palmer —Victory won —Winter’s folly, Walton Andersen—Fairy tales —Wonderful tales from Denmark Andrews—Each and all (Sequel to Seven little sisters) — Seven little sisters —Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago till now Arabian night’s entertainment Atwater — How Sammy went to Coral-land Auerbach — Little barefoot Bangs—Mollie and the unwise man Barbour — For the honor of the school —Behind the line — Captain of the crew —Half-back Barnes—Midshipman Farragut Baum—Master key (An electrical fairy tale) Bayliss—Lolami, the little cliff-dweller Birdsall-^-Jacks of all trades Blanchard—Betty of Wye — Daughter of freedom — Girl of ’76 -Heroine of 1812 — Revolutionary maid —Thy friend Dorothy — Three pretty maids — Two girls Boylan—Kids of many colors Brooks, E S—In defence of the flag — Under the allied flags Brooks, A — Dorothy Dainty Burnett—Little Lord Fauntleroy — Sara Crewe. Little Saint Elizabeth Carey — Esther Carpenter — Story of Joan of Arc Carroll—Alice in wonderland — Through the looking glass Castlemon — -Frank on the gunboat 44 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. —Frank before Vicksburg — Frank the young naturalist Champney—Witch Winnie —Witch Winnie in Holland —Witch Winnie in Versailles Cheever—Doctor Robin Children’s carnival. (Short stories) Coolidge—Just sixteen —Little country girl Davis, Mrs R H—Kent Hampden Davis, R H—Stories for boys Defoe—Robinson Crusoe Deland, E D—Alan Ransford —Oakleigh — Successful venture Dickens—Oliver and the Jew Fagin Dix—Little captive lad Dodge—Donald and Dorothy Doubleday—Cattle ranch to college Douglas—Little girl in old Boston —Little girl in old Philadelphia —Little girl in old Washington — Whom Kathie married Drysdale—Beach patrol —Cadet Standish of the St Louis —Fast mail — Treasury club —Young consul —Young reporter —Young supercargo Du Chaillu—Land of the long night Eggleston—Hoosier school boy —Stories of great Americans for little Americans Ewing—Flatiron for a farthing —Jan of the windmill —Six to sixteen —We and the world Fairy land Field—Mixed pickles Finley — 1 Elsie Dinsmore — 2 Elsie’s holiday at Roselands —3 Elsie’s girlhood —Old fashioned boy Ford — Dr Dodd’s school Greene—Legends of King Arthur and his court Greenwood—Stories for home folks Book List of Pana Free Public Library. 45 Grimm—Popular Fairy tales —Household fairy tales Hamblen—We win —Story of a Yankee boy Harland—When Grandmamma was new Hemyng—Jack Harkaway’s school days —Jack Harkaway after school days —Jack Harkaway at Oxford 2 v —Jack Harkaway afloat and ashore —Jack Harkaway around the world —Jack Harkaway in America and Cuba — Jack Harkaway in China —Jack Harkaway in Greece 2 v Henty—By right of conquest — Boy knight —By England’s aid — By pike and dike —Dragon and raven —For the temple — In the reign of terror — In times of peril —Jack Archer —Knight of the white cross — Lion of the north —Lion of St Mark — Maori and settler —No surrender -—St George for England —Treasure of the Incas — Under Drake’s flag —With Lee in Virginia — With the British legion —With Kitchener in the Soudan —With Roberts in Pretoria — Wulf, the Saxon —With Wolfe i Canaa —Young colonists —Young Carthagiman Holbrook—Book of nature myths Hugessen—Forest fairy Hughes—Tom Brown’s school days —Tom Brown at Oxford Husted—Stories of Indian children Hyne—Master of fortune Irving— Six girls Jackson—Nelly’s silver mine 46 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. James—Tom Winston *‘Wide Awake” Jamison—Seraph, the young violiniste —Toinette’s Philip Jayne—White mustang Jewett—Betty Leicester Johonnot—Friends in feathers and fur King—Cadet days Kingsley, C—Madame how and lady why —Water-babies Kingsley, F M—Wings and fetters Kingston—From powder-monkey to admiral —Young foresters Kipling—Just so stories —Second jungle book Knapp—Boy and the Baron Lang — Blue fairy book Lincoln (Jennie Gould) Genuine girl — Marjorie's quest McClelland—Daughter of two nations Mackie—Ye lyttle Salem maide Marshall—Master Martin Martin—Emmy Lou May, S—(pseud of S R Clarke) —Doctor’s daughter —Quinnebasset girls —In old Quinnebasset Meade—Children’s pilgrimage —Catalina, art student —Girl in ten thousand —t’olly, a new fashioned girl —Palace beautiful — Sweet girl graduate — World of girls —Young mutineer Merry heart—(Short stories) Moles worth—Tapestry room Mother Goose’s nursery rhymes Moulton—Bed time stories Mulock—Adventures of a brownie Munroe—Son of Satsuma Old fashioned fairy tales Otis—With Perry on Lake Erie —Cruise of the Enterprise —When Israel Putnam served the King Ouida—Dog of Flanders —Nurnberg stove Page—Two little confederates Book List of Pana Free Public Library. 47 Patterson—Dickey Downey Patteson—Pussv Meow c/ Perry—Flock of girls and boys Phelps—Loveliness Raymond—Yankee girl in old California Reed, H L—Brenda’s cousin at Radcliffe —Brenda, her school and club —Brenda’s summer at Rockley Reid—Ran away to sea Rhoades—Little girl next door Richards—Captain January —Melody —Some say —Three Margarets —Quicksilver Sue Rouse—Deane girls Saunders—Beautiful Joe Schwatka—Children of the cold Sewall—Black Beauty Sidney—(pseud of M Lathrop) —1 Five little Peppers and how they grew —2 Five little Peppers midway —3 Five little Peppers grown up —4 Joel Pepper —5 Stories Polly Pepper told —6 Phronsie Pepper —7 Five little Peppers abroad —Gingham bag Smith, N A—Three little Marys Smith—Under the cactus flag Stables—Wild adventures around the pole —Cruise of the Snowbird Stevenson—Tommy Remington’s battle for an education Stoddard—Dispatch boat of the Whistle —Little Smoke — Lost gold of the Monezumas Stowe—Little Pussy Willow —Queer little people Stratemeyer—Between Boer and Briton —Bound to be an electrician -Lost on the Orinoco —Marching on Niagara —Minute boys of Bunker Hill —Minute boys of Lexington —Young volcano explorers Swett—Mate of the “Mary Anne” A 48 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. Swift—Gulliver’s travels Taggart—Wyndham girls Thompson, A E—Brave heart Elizabeth Thurston—Bishop’s shadow —Captain of the cadets Tomlinson—Boys of old Monmouth —Boy officers of 1812 —Boy soldiers of 1812 — Camping on the St Lawrence —In the camp of Cornwallis —Jersey boy in the Revolution —Tecumseh’s young braves —Under colonial colors Tot, Tom and Toby Trowbridge—Cudjo’s cave —His own master —Prize cup —Satin-wood box — Two Biddecut boys Twain—(pseud of S L Clemens) —Prince and the pauper Wade—Our little Cuban cousin —Our little Philippine cousin Walton—Christie’s old organ Wells—Eight girls and a dog Wesselhoeft—Foxy the faithful Whitney—Patience Strong’s outing —Faith Gartney’s girlhood Wiggin—Bird’s Christmas carol —Story of Patsy Wilkins—Young Lucretia and other stories Winslow—Concerning Polly Wright—Three colonial maids Wyss—Swiss family Robinson Young America’s own book Zollinger—Widow O’Callaghan’s boys INDEX. Administration. Adventure. Africa, History. Africa, Travel. Alaska, Travel. America, History . America, Travel. American Literature. Amusements. Ancient Hi story. Animals. Architecture. Asia, History. Asia, Travel. Astronomy. Bible . Biography, Collective Biography, Individual Birds. Botany. British Isles. China History . China, Travel. Civil War. Colonial Period. Commerce. Customs. Discovery . Domestic Economy. Drama, English. Education. Egypt, History. England History. England Travel . English Literature. Essays, American. Essays, English.. .15 Europe, History . . .22 Europe, Travel. .16 Fiction . .26 Fiction, Juvenile. . . .42 Fine Arts. .10 Folk-lore . .8 Foreign Literature. .15 France, History.... .23 France, Travel . . .16 General History . . . .21 Germany, History. .22 Germany, Travel . .16 Greece, Hist >ry . . . .22 Hawaii. .22 History. .21 Holland, History. . . .23 Illinois, History... .25 India, History. .23 Indians... ..24 Ireland, History... .L . 22 Italy, Historv. .23 Italy, Travel . .16 Japan, History. .23 Japan, Travel . .17 J uveniie W orks. . . . .41 Law. . 7 Literature. .11 Magazines, Bound . 6 Mexico, History. . . . .24 Middle Ages. .22 Minor European Countries History.23 Miscellany, Amt rican.13 Msscellany, English.15 Music. II 8 16 23 17 17 24 17 11 11 22 9 10 23 16 9 7 18 19 9 9 22 23 16 25 24 10 , 8 .24 .10 14 . 8 23 22 16 13 12 50 Book List of Pana Free Public Library. Mythology. 7 Na'ural Science .8 Netherlands. History.23 Non-Christian, Religions.... 7 Norway, History.23 Oceaniea, Travel .17 Orations and Addresses..... .11 Painting.10 Photography.11 Philosophy. 6 Poetry, American..11 Poetry, English.13 Political Science & Economy. 7 Portugal, History.23 Recitations and Selections.. .11 Reference Books.5 Religion. 6 Revolution, American.24 Rome, History.22 Russia, History.23 Russia, Travel. 16 Satire and Humor, Americanl2 Satire and Humor, English. . 15 Scandinavia, History.23 Science. 8 Scotland, History.22 Sculpture... .10 Sociology. 7 South America.25 Spain, History.23 Spain, Travel.16 Spanish American War.25 States, History.25 States, Travel.17 Temperance. 6 Trades .10 Travel and Description.16 Turkey, History.23 United States, History.24 United States, Travel.17 Useful Arts. 9 Voyages... .16 Women.8 Zoology. 9