"5 UNIVERSITY OF iLLINGiS LIBRARY AT UR3ANA-CHAMPA1GN AGRICULTURE Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/poultryhouses1403unit_0 p COOPERATIVE FARM BUILDING PLAN EXCHANGE PLAN NUMBERS 6195, 6248 0 ^|*oultry Houses V/03l^l no. ^'''53 j* aof- ^ CIRCULATING COPY AGRICULTURE LIBRARY In recent years, rural homeowners have developed an interest in backyard poultry operations. These two poultry house plans give basic tips for meeting needs of individual operations. Plan 6195 features a partially raised floor system with feed and water placed on the raised section. Wire mesh in this location allows the manure to be separated from the birds^ living areas and reduces the amount of litter required. Plan 6195 is built on grade and offers a pressure-treated rodent barrier around the base perimeter. Although not foolproof, this barrier is generally effective. Plan 6248 has a tongue-and-groove wooden sheathing floor and the structure is set on and anchored to concrete block. Both poultry house plans feature natural (nonmechanical) ventilation. Each house can accommodate 40 to 50 birds. Optional clean-outs may be incorporated into both plans for periodic manure removal with minimum disturbance of the birds. Complete working drawings may be obtained from the Extension agricultural engineer at your State land-grant university. A small charge may be made to cover cost of printing. If you do not know the location of your State land-grant university, send your request to Agricultural Engineer, Extension, Science and Education Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Your request will be sent to the appropriate university. Order plan 6195, "Poultry Housing 40-50 Birds"; or 6246, "Poultry House 10' X 12"'. 2’-0lcl0-0‘ FIBERGLASS WINDOW (CLEAR) PLAN 6195 Issued February 1981 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE MISCELLANEOUS PREPARED BY PUBLICATION SCIENCE AND NUMBER 1403 EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION ro *D i-c «■ O X *r »* o xy. o