STATE OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM G STRATTON, Governor GROUNDWATER GEOLOGY IN SOUTHERN ILLINOIS A Preliminary Geologic Report by Wayne A. Pryor Service activities concerning groundwater arr „. r ,o,,,> ,, *. „„ MS 5KK % eoh9l ;:r sZ,7Z"Z Illinois State Water Survey DIVISION OF THE 'o^ N c 0l fRr S E TA J5„ GEOL06ICAL SURVE * rnit, Lnief URBANA CIRCULAR 212 l956 ILLINOIS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY URRARY MM 31 1956 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign GROUNDWATER GEOLOGY IN SOUTHERN ILLINOIS A Preliminary Geologic Report by Wayne A. Pryor ABSTRACT The likelihood of finding groundwater for private, municipal, and industrial supplies in southern Illinois ranges from poor to ex- cellent. This report summarizes, in general, the geologic condi- tions controlling the occurrence and availability of groundwater and suggests efficient ways to obtain it under prevailing conditions. Maps indicate probable occurrence of (1) water -yielding sand and gravel deposits, (2) water -yielding bedrock formations, and (3) un- developed groundwater sources that may be suitable for private, municipal, industrial, and water -flood supplies. The best potential sources of large supplies of water are sand and gravel deposits in the major valley systems. Unfavorable con- ditions generally prevail elsewhere because water -yielding sand and gravel is absent, the bedrock formations are tight, or the avail- able groundwater is of poor quality. INTRODUCTION Expansion of the economy of any area is dependent in large part on the availability of water for domestic supplies, farms, municipalities, and indus- tries. Large quantities of water for these users are obtained from streams and lakes, but in southern Illinois even larger quantities are taken from wells. Water obtained by wells is called groundwater. The availability, quantity, and quality of groundwater is controlled by the geologic conditions beneath the earth's surface. In some areas groundwater is readily available for all purposes and in others very little, if any, ground- water is available. Any groundwater supply, whether for small domestic needs or for the large requirements of municipalities or industries, can be obtained only under suitable geologic conditions. The physical characteristics of the strata underlying the surface control the availability of groundwater for well supplies; that is, where the strata are water -transmitting or permeable, suc- cessful wells can be constructed, but where the strata are not water -transmit- ting or relatively impermeable, it is impossible to construct successful wells. Knowledge of the distribution and character of water -yielding strata in any area is necessary in developing groundwater resources properly. This report provides information on the availability of groundwater supplies for private, municipal, and industrial purposes and discusses principles of ground- water occurrence and development. The Illinois State Geological Survey is co- operating with the Extension Service of the Agricultural Engineering Depart- [i] ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY KEY DETAILED REPORTS (- Previously published In progress GENERAL REPORTS A\\\ Previously published This report In progress Fig. I.- Index map of reports on groundwater geology in published since 1950 or in progress ment, University of Illinois, in a program aimed toward improving water si - plies on Illinois farms. This report is the fourth in a series; the region de scribed is Agricultural Extension District 5. District 3 is described in Geological Survey Circular 192, "Water Wei] for Farm Supply in Central and Eastern Illinois. " The eastern part of Dis- trict 1 is described in Circular 198, "Groundwater Possibilities in Northea - ern Illinois," and the western part of District 1 is described in Circular 20' "Groundwater in Northwestern Illinois."* This report provides information on the occurrence and character of water -yielding strata in the following 21 counties: Alexander, Edwards, Fr;k lin, Gallatin, Hamilton, Hardin, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Massac, Perr^ Pope, Pulaski, Randolph, Saline, Union, Wabash, Washington, Wayne, White, *A11 available without charge from the Survey in Urbana, GROUNDWATER IN SOUTHERN ILLINOIS 3 and Williamson. These counties comprise the region designated as southern Illinois (fig. 1). Southern Illinois has an area of about 8,460 square miles and a population of over 450,000. I wish to acknowledge the helpful assistance given by the drilling contrac- tors of southern Illinois. They have materially contributed to this study, both by discussing the occurrence of water -yielding strata with the Survey staff in the field and by their cooperation in providing large numbers of records of water wells for the files of the Geological Survey. James E. Hackett and Rob- ert C. Parks assisted me in the field, and Robert E. Bergstrom, Merlyn B. Buhle, James E. Hackett, George B. Maxey, and Lidia Selkregg, all members of the Groundwater Geology Division, provided many helpful comments and criticisms. OCCURRENCE OF GROUNDWATER The surficial material and underlying bedrock that form the crust of the earth are filled with water from a shallow depth to thousands of feet. The water occurs in the pores in rocks, and in joints, fractures, and solution chan- nels and is called groundwater. Though the occurrence of groundwater has a relatively simple scientific explanation, it has long been considered something nysterious. Throughout the history of man many fanciful myths and legends ;ave sprung up about the occurrence and distribution of groundwater, some of vhich are still believed today. Our present knowledge of the source, move- nent, and occurrence of groundwater is shown diagramatically in figure 3. Groundwater is nearly all supplied by precipitation in the form of rain or now. Not all precipitation reaches open spaces in the ground. Much of it falls ito the oceans or is intercepted by vegetation before it reaches the land sur- ice, some runs off in streams, and some is returned to the atmosphere by vaporation and transpiration. Of the water left on the land surface, some evaporates quickly, some pene- ates the soil and is held in the unsaturated portion, and the remainder filters owly down into the ground until it reaches a level below which all available >enings are filled with water. This level is the top of the zone of saturation, -jcause there is replenishment by precipitation, groundwater is a renewable ] source and is "mined" only when the quantity removed from the zone of sat- iation exceeds the quantity replenished. Groundwater flows slowly through rocks because of the friction between U water particles and the pore or crack surfaces. It moves always under the iluence of gravity or in response to other natural pressure differentials to- urd the point of lowest pressure, which is nearly always natural or artificial d charge. The upper surface of the zone of saturation in ordinary permeable soil or ri.k is called the water table. If a well is drilled it remains dry until the zone Saturation is penetrated. The position of the water table is shown by the |°4jel at which water stands in the well. This is normally only several feet be- lo the land surface in southern Illinois, although it varies with topography. e Tl water table is not a level surface but conforms more or less with the prin- " id features of the land surface. Where the water table is intersected by the Hi surface, groundwater is discharged in the form of springs, which feed per- ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Fig. 2.- Principal geographic and geologic features. GROUNDWATER IN SOUTHERN ILLINOIS 1 R.IOE. 14 13 R.I2W. Fig. 2. (continued). 6 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ennial streams, lakes, and swamps. The water table does not remain station- ary but fluctuates in response to the loss or gain of groundwater. Groundwater is said to be under water-table conditions where the top of the zone of saturation is free or not confined under pressure other than sur- face atmospheric pressure. Under these conditions and under the control of gravity, groundwater moves freely, hindered only by friction, in the direction of the slope of the water table. Groundwater is said to be confined or under artesian conditions where the saturated permeable aquifer is overlain by a less permeable material which restricts the upward movement of the groundwater. Under these conditions the water in the confined strata has a natural pressure which causes the water in a well to rise above the top of the aquifer. Where sufficient pressures are encountered in an artesian well, the water may rise above the land surface, causing the well to flow without pumping. To supply a pumped or flowing well, groundwater must move through the earth materials toward the well. Under water-table conditions, pumping lower the water table in the vicinity of the well and induces the flow of groundwater toward the well from adjacent areas. Under artesian conditions, pumping causes a reduction of hydrostatic pressure in the vicinity of the well, which in- duces the flow of groundwater toward the well. The depression in the water table or in the artesian pressure surface resulting from pumping is in the forn of an inverted cone with the well at the center and is called the cone of depres- sion (fig. 3). Although water is to be found everywhere below the top of the saturated zone, it is not everywhere available for withdrawal. Successful wells can be constructed only where strata are present that will easily transmit and yield water. Water -yielding strata are known as aquifers. The capacity of earth materials to absorb, store, and yield water depends on the abundance, the size and shape, and the degree of interconnection of the openings in them. These physical characteristics, together with distribution and extent, are controlled by local geologic features. Some earth materials, such as sand, gravel, and sandstone, are permeable and are good aquifers. Other materials, such as clay and shale, may contain as much or more water per cubic foot than sand and gravel, but they are relatively impermeable because the openings in the clay and shale are relatively small and water does not move readily through them. The most important aquifers in southern Illinois are deposits of sand and gravel, sandstone, limestone, chert, and dolomite (a rock similar to limestone but rich in magnesium). Sand and gravel deposits are water -yielding because of their relatively high porosity and permeability. Porosity and permeability are related to the grain size and degree of sorting of the sand and gravel particles in an aquifer. A good sand and gravel aquifer should have a grain size that is coarser than granulated sugar, without much mixed silt and clay. When silt and clay are present in sand and gravel they occupy the space between the larger particles and retard the flow of water. Sand and gravel aquifers in southern Illinois are from several inches to over 100 feet thick. GROUNDWATER IN SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Fig. 3- Source, movement, and occurrence of groundwater The v/ ate r -yielding characteristics of sandstone, like those of sand and gravel, are dependent upon grain size and sorting, but sandstone sometimes has a cementing agent that binds the grains together and reduces the porosity and permeability. The sandstone strata in southern Illinois are generally fine- grained and cemented and have relatively low permeabilities. Limestone, dolomite, and chert generally have low porosities and perme- abilities and yield water only from interconnected cracks and crevices. The success of a well drilled into these rocks depends upon the well bore encoun- tering the water-bearing openings. Because the occurrence of these openings in limestone and dolomite is irregular, their presence at any specific location is difficult to predict. GEOLOGY The landscape of southern Illinois has been shaped and modified princi- pally by two geologic agents - running water and glacial ice. Running water is the more important agent in southern Illinois. It is modifying the surface today by cutting into the land, carrying soil and rock particles away, and de- positing them in stream and river bottoms. This erosion has occurred, almost without interruption, for hundreds of thousands of years. The features pro- luced by glacial ice in the northern part of this area (see boundary of glacial idvance in figs. 2 and 6) were developed long ago when great continental gla- :iers covered much of northern United States. The ice sheets advanced from enters of snow accumulation in Canada, carrying abundant rock debris which /as deposited as the ice melted, leaving an irregular deposit that thinly covers luch of the bedrock north of the glacial boundary (figs. 2 and 6). Both during advance and retreat of the glaciers, sediment-laden melt- 'ater coursed down the valleys that led away from the glaciers and partially lied them with outwash of sand, gravel, and finer deposits. Between periods f flooding these outwash fills, barren of vegetation, were subject to wind ero- ion, and great quantities of silt and sand were picked up and deposited on the )lands adjacent to the valleys. These wind-laid silt deposits are called loess. ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SYSTEM SERIES OR GROUP PLEISTOCENE 0- 20Q' GRAPHIC LOG FORMATION OR AQUIFER NAME / WATER-YIELDING CHARACTERISTICS; DRILLING AND WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Water-yielding characteristics variable. Thick deposits ot sand ond gravel in major stream valleys present possibilities for municipal and industrial supplies. Normolly requires well screens and careful development. 0-495 J_A FAYETTE WILCOX PORTERS CREEK CLAYTON Water-yielding characteristics variable. Thick deposits of sand present excellent possibilities for domestic and farm supplies and locally possibilities for municipal ana industrial supplies. Normolly requires well screens ond careful development. <7T 0-300" MC NAIRY -Water-yielding characteristics voriable. Thick deposits ot sand present excellent possibilities for domestic and farm supplies and locally possibilities for municipal and industrial supplies. Normally requires well screens and careful development. McLeansboro 0-1100 Carbondale 0-300' Water- yielding characteristics extremely variable; locally over a widespread area domestic and farm supplies are obtained from sandstone and limestone beds. Water quality is an important aspect of the sandstone aquifers. Moy require casing of caving shales and heaving underlays. Tradewater- Coseyville 0-1300' Chester 0-1400 KINKAID DEGONIA CLORE PALESTINE MENARD WALTERSBURG VIENNA TAR SPRINGS GLEN DEAN HARDINSBURG GOLCONDA CYPRESS PAINT CREEK BETHEL RENAULT AUX VASES Yields water from sandstone and limestone strata . Widespread and used chiefly for farm and domestic supplies. Water quality variable. Caving shale requires cosing or liners. Water-yielding characteristics of sandstone variable-, locally municipal and industrial supplies are obtained. Water quality variable. Valmeyer 0-450' ¥¥¥¥& Kinderhool 0-400 r k\ STE. GENEVIEVE ST. LOUIS SALEM -WARSAW OSAGE GROUP CHOUTEAU NEW ALBANY Widespread and dependable aquifer for domestic and farm supplies; locally a source of water for municipal and industrial supplies. Some trouble keeping a straight line in faulted oreas. St. Louis limestone very cherty and generally well creviced. Small supplies locally available from thin limestone strata. Caving shale requires casing or liners. 0-I40C' DUTCH CREEK CLEAR CREEK Widespread and dependable aquifer for domestic and farm supplies; locally a source of water for municipal and industrial supplies. Locally trouble is encountered with crooked holes. Chert may cause drilling difficulties. 0-400' Dependable aquifer for domestic ond farm supplies in local area from creviced limestone and dolomite. MAQUOKETA < w. O r> o Not considered a dependable source of groundwater. Caving shales require casing or liners. 570-1300' A source of groundwater for small supplies in a small areo in Alexander County from sandstone and fractured limestone and dolomite. LOWER ORDOVICIAN AND CAMBRIAN STRATA ™^£ ] Zttii£$5!£! ° nd "^ qUQ "' ,y Unkn ° Wn ^ sands,ones ' Fig. 4. - Rock units in southern Illinois. GROUNDWATER IN SOUTHERN ILLINOIS tt; T~~~~ ■ ■'■>"• X ^ j Fig. 5.- North-south cross section through southern Illinois showing structure of the bedrock in the bosii (Modified from Geologic Mop of Illinois, 1945.) Loess covers the bedrock in most of southern Illinois with maximum thickness in places exceeding 80 feet. The bedrock, at the surface or beneath the glacial materials and loess, consists of layers of shale, sandstone, limestone, dolomite, and chert arranged one upon the other like the pages of a book (figs. 4 and 5). Although most of them are firm, solid rocks now, they were deposited originally as loose sedi- ments and precipitates in shallow seas that invaded the continent. Subsequent burial and compaction hardened them into solid rock during the hundreds of millions of years after the seas retreated from the continent. The layers of rocks or strata were later warped and broken, so that today they are not hori- zontal as they were when deposited as sediment on the sea floor. The rock strata have been warped into the form of a basin in southern Illi- nois. The rocks on the western side of the area dip eastward, in the southern part dip northward (figs. 5 and 7), in the eastern part dip westward, and in the northern part dip southward. The central and deepest part of the basin is in the White County area where the same rock formations exposed at the surface along the Mississippi River north of Cairo lie several thousand feet below the surface. The bedrock strata have been fractured as well as tilted and folded. Frac- tures along which there has been a sliding movement of the rocks are called faults. One of the most striking areas of faulting in Illinois is in the south- eastern part of this area (fig. 2). This long fault zone - the Shawneetown fault zone - extends southwestward through the eastern part of the area. Movements along the fault zone have resulted in rocks being displaced as much as 3500 feet. Another long fault - the Rattlesnake Ferry Fault - occurs in the western part of the area and trends southeastward through Jackson and Union counties. In Hardin County, in a structure called Hicks Dome, the strata dip away in all directions from a high central area (fig. 2). Underlying the layered strata are ancient crystalline rocks which form the basement. The crystalline rock is chiefly granite, as is indicated by a few very deep borings in Illinois. An oil-test well in Monroe County, near East St. Louis, encountered granite at a depth of 2560 feet. This crystalline rock can oe observed at the surface in the Ozark Mountains in Missouri and is estimated o occur at a depth of about 12,000 feet at Carmi, 111. DISTRIBUTION OF AQUIFERS Sand and gravel deposits occur with other unconsolidated materials that ave been deposited by running water or glacial ice. The sandstone, limestone, 10 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY R.IOW. ■Xvlv! Good to excellent : highly permeable and widely distributed ^V-V-V.V-.v'q Fair to good: variable in permeability scattered and discontinuous Poor : sand and grovel deposits generally absent Limit of glaciation SCALE 5 10 Fig. 6. - Probabilities of occurrence and distribution of sand and gravel aquifers. GROUNDWATER IN SOUTHERN ILLINOIS 11 R.I E 2 3 4 5 6 7 _ 8 9 __ I ] T" l T' T 'xl R l0E '4 13 RI2W W A Y N W ( p J 1i 4i i$m$&- L_ J E ^J 7 E R s N 5 IrOlt'L I N i 10 Wl LLIAMSO N***! s£n?* J H NSON 111' Fig. 6. (continued). 12 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY dolomite, and chert aquifers occur in the solid bedrock. Figure 4 shows the sequence of aquifers and other earth materials in southern Illinois and indicate their occurrence and water -yielding characteristics. Sand and gravel deposits are limited chiefly to areas along the courses of streams and in the Tertiary and Cretaceous uplands. Figure 6 shows the prob- abilities of occurrence of sand and gravel aquifers. The area designated "good to excellent" is underlain by unconsolidated materials containing thick perme- able deposits of sand and gravel. Groundwater is obtained with little difficulty for domestic and farm supplies in this area from small-diameter wells in thes< deposits. Probabilities for municipal and industrial supplies are good to ex- cellent, although test drilling is needed to locate the more permeable aquifers. The areas labeled "fair to good" in figure 6 are underlain by moderate thicknesses of unconsolidated materials filling minor valleys or bordering the main valleys and have some thin or discontinuous deposits of sand and gravel. Groundwater for domestic and farm supplies is locally obtainable in this area from drilled wells in sand and gravel, but in some places good water -yielding deposits are absent and wells are drilled into the bedrock. The probabilities for obtaining supplies of groundwater for municipal and industrial purposes art poor to fair, and extensive geophysical and test-drilling explorations for sand and gravel deposits are necessary. The area labeled "poor" is principally upland where glacial drift is thin oi absent. Wells generally penetrate bedrock because sand or gravel deposits ca pable of supplying appreciable quantities of groundwater are rare. The areas labeled "Tertiary and Cretaceous" in figure 7 are underlain by semiconsolidated materials containing thick deposits of sand and are included in the "fair to good" areas in figure 6. Groundwater for domestic and farm su- plies is obtainable with little difficulty from these rocks. Municipal and indus trial water supplies may be found in parts of the area, but test drilling is nece- sary to locate the best formations and sites for the construction of high-capacif wells. Figure 7 shows the distribution and water -yielding characteristics of the bedrock formations that crop out at the surface or lie directly beneath the gla- cial and alluvial materials. The areas within the Pennsylvanian boundary, which are shown as favorable for groundwater, are underlain by sandstone aqu- fers in which the possibilities for domestic and farm water supplies are fair t, good. Suitable groundwater supplies for domestic purposes may be derived fron Chester rocks underlying the Pennsylvanian rocks in a narrow strip around th edge of the Pennsylvanian (fig. 7). The supply probabilities are generally fair to good within the arcuate band of Chester outcrop. The probabilities are poo: to fair in the southern part, whereas in the western part they are fair to good, and several municipal wells withdraw supplies from lower Chester rocks. The thick limestones of the Mississippian Valmeyer series (figs. 4, 5, an< 7) are generally well creviced, and probabilities for obtaining domestic and farm supplies of water are good to excellent. The limestone and chert formations of the Devonian system (figs. 4, 5, an 7) are well creviced throughout the outcrop area and where they underlie Ter- tiary, Cretaceous, and Valmeyer rocks. The groundwater probabilities here W GROUNDWATER IN SOUTHERN ILLINOIS 13 domestic and farm supplies are good to excellent and for municipal and indus- trial supplies, fair to good. Where the well-creviced Silurian and Ordovician limestones (figs. 4, 5 and 7) underlie the Mississippi River alluvium and the outcrop area of Devonian rocks, probabilities of obtaining domestic and farm supplies of groundwater are good to excellent and for municipal and industrial supplies, fair to good. GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS THAT AFFECT GROUNDWATER DEVELOPMENT Development of water supplies from groundwater sources is closely re- lated to the geologic conditions that prevail in any locality. In southern Illinois two broad classes of aquifers are present: 1) unconsolidated deposits, primarily glacial or alluvial in origin, containing areally restricted sand and gravel de- posits interbedded with finer materials, and 2) bedrock deposits that range wide- ly in permeability but that are distributed over broad areas. However, just the presence of permeable aquifers does not assure a satisfactory supply of ground- water. Care must be taken to select the appropriate type of well for any given aquifer so that the aquifer may be most efficiently developed. Water quality and temperature vary considerably from place to place and depend primarily on geologic conditions. These factors should be considered carefully before a well site is selected. Unconsolidated Deposits Where water -yielding sand and gravel deposits are present in an area, at- tempts should be made to develop wells in them rather than in the underlying bedrock. Some of the advantages of utilizing sand and gravel wells are shallow- er water levels, colder water, generally greater water yield in a specific well, and in some areas water of better mineral and bacterial quality. The disadvan- tage of sand and gravel wells is the special construction needed to take full ad- fantage of the water -yielding capacity of the aquifer. Sand and gravel wells require the use of screens, which allow the free flow )f water into the bore and exclude intrusion of sand and gravel. It is important n the development of sand and gravel wells that the size of the screen openings )r slots be chosen on the basis of the size of the material to be screened. There 'ore it is necessary that samples of the aquifer be obtained and analyzed for (article size to determine the correct screen-opening size. Development necessarily follows construction of a sand and gravel well, "or proper development, the finer -grained materials in the immediate vicinity f the well bore should be removed, which will leave a natural graded filter that -ill reduce or prevent pumping of sand and silt. Better results and yields may e obtained from some sand and gravel deposits by placing an "envelope" or pack" of selected gravel or coarse sand between the deposit and the screen, he grain size of the particles in the gravel pack must have a proper relation- iip to the grain size and sorting of the formation and to the screen slot size to :hieve the best results. Sand and gravel deposits vary more in their physical and water -yielding laracteristics than do bedrock aquifers. Because of the extreme variation Lthin short distances, it is often desirable to make test borings to locate the -tter parts of the formation prior to well design and construction. In areas in 14 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Tertiary: sand, gravel, silt, and clay ; water-yielding characteristics of sand and gravel shown in fig. 6 Cretaceous: sand, gravel, silt, and clay, water-yielding charctenstics of sand and gravel shown in fig. 6 Pennsylvaman: shale, sandstone, limestone, and coal; generally not water-yielding except for small supplies available from sandstone strata in areo indicated by double pattern Mississippi- Chester: sandstone, limestone, and shale, water-yielding from sandstone and creviced limestone strata and believed to yield fresh water beneath the Pennsylvanian strata in areo indicated by triple pattern Mississippian-Volmeyer-Kinderhook: limestone and shale, limestone generally well creviced and water-yielding Devonian: limestone, chert, sandstone,and shale; limestone and chert generally well creviced and water- yielding Silurian: limestone, dolomite, shale, and sandstone, limestone and dolomite generally well creviced ond water-yielding SX[ Ordovician: limestone, dolomite, shole, and sandstone; limestone C^i ond dolomite generally creviced and water-yielding SCALE Fig. 7. - Areal distribution of bedrock and Cretaceous- Tertiary units ( excluding Lafayette gravel); type and water-yielding characteristics. GROUNDWATER IN SOUTHERN ILLINOIS 15 R.IOE. 14 13 R.I2W. WW' ^ Fig. 7.- (continued). 16 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY which the presence and distribution of suitable aquifers is in doubt, a test-dril. ing program is necessary to determine whether suitable deposits for the spe- cific need are present and, if present, the best location for the well site. Test drilling is generally done by drilling small-diameter holes with ro- tary or cable tool (percussion) equipment. The test-driller's report is an im- portant part of the development program and should include the following infoi mation when obtainable: 1) driller's log of formations penetrated, 2) static water levels and changes in level during drilling, 3) drilling time per interval (2 to 5 feet) of the individual formations, 4) weight and viscosity of drilling fluid, 5) amount of drilling fluid lost during drilling, and 6) approximate depth of hole at time of fluid loss. Samples of drill cuttings should be saved at regu lar intervals of five feet or less and at changes in formation. Conditions favorable for drilled wells in sand and gravel in southern Illi- nois are generally restricted to partially buried valley areas and to the Creta ceous -Tertiary uplands. Drilled wells are the most satisfactory for sand and gravel deposits, and their use is recommended wherever geologic conditions permit. Drilled wells produce water directly from the aquifers, and therefore their production cannot exceed the water -transmitting capacity of the aquifers One disadvantage of a drilled well is the small amount of storage space in the well bore. Driven wells are the quickest and most economical method of well con- struction. They are practical where only small supplies of groundwater are ; needed and where such supplies may be available from sand and gravel at sha- low depths. Conditions are suitable for driven wells in the bottomlands of the Mississippi, Ohio, Wabash, and Cache rivers. The "sand hills" area in Galla tin County, west of Shawneetown, is particularly favorable for this type of wel construction. Large -diameter dug wells are most suitable in areas where the unconsol dated materials are fine-grained and cannot yield water readily to a drilled o driven well; therefore they are used widely throughout much of the area in which glacial material is thin and tight and is underlain by impermeable Penr sylvanian rocks. Large -diameter wells are excavated by hand, power auger, shovel, or bucket and can be excavated to depths up to 100 feet. In areas in which conditions are favorable for drilled or driven wells, the use of large- : diameter dug wells is not recommended because of the difficulty of keeping them free of pollution. The chief advantage of a large -diameter well (2 to 5 feet in diameter) is that it can store large quantities of water. Short intermii tent pumping of a large -diameter well does not require immediate release of water from the surrounding materials, and the well can refill slowly in sever, hours. Special sanitary precautions should be taken with large -diameter wel.. (See Circular 14A, Illinois State Department of Public Health, Springfield.) Bedrock Deposits Wells constructed in bedrock aquifers are usually less difficult to design because the well bore is generally left uncased and because the water -yieldin strata are more consistent over wider areas than are the sand and gravel aqi- fer s . GROUNDWATER IN SOUTHERN ILLINOIS 17 Many conditions must be considered when designing and constructing wells in bedrock in southern Illinois. These include: 1) depth and thickness of the aquifer and depth to the water level, and 2) permeability, kind, and structure of the rock in the aquifer. For example, many rocks are friable, poorly con- solidated, or tend to flow, and therefore must be supported by a casing or liner. Some formations yield mud, silt, and sand when the well is pumped, and others are very difficult to penetrate with a straight hole, primarily because of struc- ture within the rock. Creviced limestone, dolomite, and chert normally do not require casing or lining. However, there is danger of bacterial pollution where groundwater sup- lies are obtained from creviced formations with a thin unconsolidated cover. Open crevices provide very little filtering action and polluted water may travel long distances through the openings. Normal procedure when developing bedrock aquifers is to install surface casing to firm bedrock and to continue with open hole into the bedrock. Where bedrock formations are too weak to sustain open hole or where "heaving for- mations," such as underclay, are encountered, it may be necessary to continue the surface casing through the weak formations to a more competent underlying formation or to set liners opposite the weak or heaving formations. The caving formations that most require casing or liners are the weak shales and heaving underclays associated with coal beds in the Pennsylvanian system, the Kinder - hook shales, and the Maquoketa shales (fig. 4). The tendency of holes to become crooked during drilling, especially in the Valmeyer, Devonian, and Silurian limestones, presents drilling difficulties that normally cannot be avoided. Pumping some mud, silt, or sand in high-capacity wells cannot always be avoided. Remedial measures must be taken when the pumping of fine materials becomes excessive. The State Geological Survey frequently assists in the solu- tion of this problem by identifying the source and approximate depth of the mate- rials, so that by installing casing or liners at the proper positions the discharge Df materials may be slowed down or halted. The most common sources of mate- rials pumped with water are: 1) silt and clay from overlying glacial deposits, :aused by leaks in surface casing or improperly seated surface casing, 2) silt md clay from weak shale or underclay zones that have been left uncased or are mproperly cased, 3) clay and silt from open crevices and caves in the lime- stone, which is quite common in some areas, and 4) silt and fine sand from frac- ured sandstones. Conditions are generally favorable in southern Illinois for drilled wells in edrock. In areas in which the bedrock formations are water -yielding, drilled /ells are the most satisfactory method of obtaining water for most purposes. Driven wells are difficult to construct in solid bedrock and are seldom used »ug or augered wells also are difficult to construct in solid bedrock and should e used only where geologic conditions are unsatisfactory for drilled wells. ROLE OF THE DRILLING CONTRACTOR The success of any well depends upon the competence of the drilling con- actor. A drilling contractor has certain duties and obligations to his custom- 's, which are here summarized briefly. 18 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1. The driller should provide an accurate log of the boring at the time it is completed. The log should include a description of the formations, information on the static water level, basic construction features of the well (length and siz of well casing and screen, etc.), and an indication of the capacity of the well as determined from a pumping test. In accordance with the Mining Laws of Illinoi, copies of the driller's log must be filed with the State Geological Survey and th< State Water Survey. Log books may be obtained by drillers without charge froi the State Geological Survey. 2. The well should be constructed in accordance with accepted sanitary practices. The top of the well should be constructed to prevent surface pollu- tion from entering the well or seeping down around the casing. It is also desir able that well construction allow for measurement of the depth to water without requiring removal of the pumping equipment. 3. The driller should endeavor to take full advantage of any water -yielding formations he may encounter. In areas where groundwater conditions are gen- erally unfavorable, it takes a skillful and imaginative driller to obtain the max: mum amount of water from a poor formation. Where sand or gravel aquifers are used as a source of groundwater, the driller should select a well screen or the basis of the size and sorting of the aquifer material. After construction th< well should be properly developed. A properly screened and developed well in sand or gravel will not pump significant amounts of sand or silt during service Use of slotted pipe or open-bottom casing should be avoided except in very coast gravel where the ability of the well to yield water far exceeds the demand. 4. For municipal, industrial, irrigation, water -flood, and school well con- struction, it is particularly desirable to save samples at regular 2- to 5 -foot intervals for the total depth of drilling. The State Geological Survey studies ai files samples of drill cuttings received from drillers. The samples may be set to the Survey express collect. Information obtained from samples is vital in e fective rehabilitation of old wells. UTILIZATION Domestic and Stock Supplies Geologic conditions in most of southern Illinois are favorable for obtainin, small supplies of groundwater for private purposes. Deposits of water -yieldir sand and gravel are limited to certain well-defined areas (fig. 6). Throughout most of the area where sand and gravel is absent, water -yielding bedrock forn.- tions are present at sufficiently shallow depths to be within the reach of privat wells. Shallow drilled wells obtain water from bedrock sandstones throughout most of the central part of southern Illinois. In areas of thin drift and low-pe? meability sandstones, construction of shallow large -diameter dug or augered wells may be necessary to obtain satisfactory supplies. Subsurface geologic conditions will generally vary little within the limited area of an individual homesite or farm. However, there may be great variatic in geologic conditions with depth. Information on depth of aquifers is valuable in planning the type, depth, and size of the intended well. Perhaps the most important considerations in locating private wells are sanitation and convenience of location. Wells should be located with regard to geologic conditions, surface drainage, topography, and land usage so as to pro GROUNDWATER IN SOUTHERN ILLINOIS 19 .at' ™r Um Pr ° teCtl0n ^^ ^^^ ba — - °~* objectionable inorganic suppi ^e following suggestions may be helpful in p i anning for individual ^ ^ 1. Inventory the water requirements - rh^rV ™ «, mations at your location The m=,„. • .u- "" of w ater -yielding for- mental understand" of th OC c" " H l^ "" d68igMd l ° *™ a f ^a- lormations in this area o tha t I \ ^ dl " t » buti <> n of the water -yielding If additional, more specific informat" T ^ ^ ° f ^ Can be ^^ Survey, Urbana, Hlino * fesTen lal ^IT ' — ^ ^ ^ ^"l 1 " 1 given by section, township ^«* "T™" ° f ^ ^^ be supply, make an estimate ^f the quantUvdes/ V ^"^ USe ° f the Water existing w^ on the property ^^^1^ ^^^^ °" uavete^t'Ad^ ^t^ubTiVee^Mt '^J- *" *""*"«* """ - erly handling the types of a " fer he ma """ ^^ '" Capable ° f P r °P" is to be finished ".^J^Z.^ HrTll " ^ l0Cati ° n - * the ™ U screens. gravel, select a driller experienced in setting well 4. Check with the State Department of Public H Pa 7.h t ? estions on proper well construction and lofation and re g ul ^ons and sug- 5. Make periodic bacterial anaW. Tf P ° Per pUmp ho «""g. nore difficult to keep sanita" than *"*" ^^ ° Ug Wells are .rilled into c^ceTl^S.?^ "—• *•"■ ible to bacterial pollution, particular^ when the T,' hoWever ' SUSCep " fy thin deposits of overburden. creviced formation is overlain lunicipal, Industrial. Irrigation, and Water-Flood Supplies ^^Sorp^rreX:s^2 r municipai - industriai - —«- -d on all ava ilabfe geologic^ t^HT^T ^ ^^ M, their extent, thickness denth Hi., w YP6 ° f aa - uifers P"s- aracteristics ^^^Z^^^^Z*' "f r"" ,Wdl " i kter may be estimated but a l.„ f available quantity of ta, such as yield of existing n PUrP ° SeS ° f WeU Constr -tion. Hydrologic Lie. of drill cuttLgs from I, 6 "*""""« includin g drillers, logs and I available for ^Tyl'rellZ £ ?>.•**<*** data « formation characteristics J water quality ^^^^^^^5^^^ ^ ^ ^ " COUNTY GROUNDWATER SUMMARIES Detailed information on groundwater supplies in the counties of southern te 20 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Illinois is given in the following pages. These discussions supplement the geo- logic information shown in figures 5 and 6. Alexander County Shallow and deep sand and gravel deposits are potential groundwater sourcs in much of Alexander County. Sand and gravel deposits underlie the ground su- face at most places in the southern part of the county. The bottomlands of the Mississippi, Ohio, and Cache rivers contain thick deposits of water -yielding m rial (fig. 6). Successful sand and gravel wells have been constructed in the bot tomlands at depths greater than 50 feet. Wells have been constructed also in some places in the uplands in semiconsolidated Cretaceous and Tertiary sandsi In the uplands in the northern part of the county, where the unconsolidated material is thin, the Mississippian, Devonian, and Silurian limestones, dolomis and cherts are creviced and water -yielding. Most domestic wells obtain watei from these formations at depths less than 200 feet. These creviced formation are potential sources of groundwater for municipal and industrial supplies. Edwards County The glaciated uplands north and south of Albion contain thin glacial deposs with poor possibilities for successful drilled wells in sand and gravel. Thin d- posits of sand and gravel occur in the Bonpas Creek and Little Wabash River bottoms on the eastern and western sides of the county, respectively. The Pennsylvanian sandstones are water -yielding in much of the county. Most domestic wells obtain water from these sandstones at depths greater tha 100 feet. Franklin County The glacial deposits are generally thin and are not water -yielding. The thickest unconsolidated material is in the valley of the Big Muddy River, whei the deposits of silt and clay attain a maximum thickness of about 120 feet. Tbi scattered deposits of sand and gravel are locally present in the lower part of the valley fill. Most private wells in the Big Muddy River bottoms go through the unconsolidated material into bedrock. Pennsylvanian sandstones are water -yielding in the northern and southea:- ern parts of Franklin County. Most domestic wells obtain water from these ' , sandstones at depths ranging from 100 to 200 feet. Gallatin County Thick permeable sand and gravel deposits are present in the Wabash VaJjy in the eastern part of the county and conditions are favorable for driven sand points. Thin sand and gravel deposits are locally present in the valley of the Saline River. Sandstone aquifers of the Pennsylvanian system are present and water- yielding in most of the county. Most domestic wells range in depth from 150 to 250 feet. "on Hamilton County C] The glacial deposits are thin; sand and gravel wells are constructed only GROUNDWATER IN SOUTHERN ILLINOIS 21 the valley fill of the Saline River and Skillet Fork, where thin scattered deposits are present. These valleys contain considerable amounts of fine-grained de- posits. Most domestic wells obtain water from Pennsylvanian sandstones. These sandstones are 200 to 400 feet deep and have low permeabilities. Hardin County Thin sand and gravel deposits occur in a narrow band along the Ohio River. The uplands are essentially bare of glacial deposits, and rocks of Pennsylvanian and Mississippian age are exposed at the surface in many places. Domestic wells obtain water from thick Pennsylvanian sandstones in the northern part of the county. Most wells in the southern part of the county are finished in the faulted and creviced Mississippian (Valmeyer) limestones, espe- cially the St. Louis limestone. Where the Valmeyer limestones are overlain by thin Chester rocks, it is common practice to penetrate the Chester rocks and drill into the Valmeyer limestones. Jackson County Excellent sand and gravel aquifers suitable for municipal and industrial groundwater supplies are present in southwestern Jackson County. These thick permeable deposits are concentrated in the bottomlands of the Mississippi River. Some thin scattered deposits of sand and gravel suitable for farm and domestic supplies are present in the partially buried bedrock valley of the Big Muddy Riv- er in the eastern part of the county. Groundwater from bedrock aquifers can be obtained with little difficulty throughout most of the county. As shown in figure 7, the bedrock is Pennsylvan- ian in the northeast, where the sandstone aquifers are present, and Mississippi- an (Valmeyer) in the southwest, where creviced limestones are present. Ches- ter rocks are favorable for groundwater supplies for several miles east of the Pennsylvanian boundary. In the southeastern part of the county, wells obtain water from the Kinkaid limestone and the Degonia sandstones at depths of 500 o 600 feet. In the extreme southwestern part of the county, Devonian limestones ie directly beneath the valley fill and are water -yielding. Jefferson County Glacial deposits are thin throughout most of the county, and Pennsylvanian >edrock crops out in many places. Water -yielding sand and gravel deposits are hin and are restricted to the deeper parts of the Big Muddy River and its tribu- aries (fig. 6). Groundwater is available from sandstone strata in the upper part of the 'ennsylvanian system in Jefferson County, but, as shown in figure 7, the sand- tones have irregular distribution. Domestic supplies from the sandstone strata re available at depths ranging from 150 feet to 350 feet. ohnson County Glacial deposits are thin or absent in Johnson County, and bedrock is ex- )sed over much of the area. Water -yielding sand and gravel deposits are re- 22 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY stricted to the Cache River Valley, where they are very thick and permeable and suitable for the development of municipal and industrial supplies. Thin scattered deposits of sand and gravel are sometimes present in the valleys trib. utary to the Cache Valley. Groundwater is obtainable from sandstones in Pennsylvanian bedrock at depths below 100 feet. Chester shales, limestones, and sandstones, which crop out in a series of east-west trending ridges in the southern part of Johnson County, are water -yielding in the lower part and drilling is usually carried to depths of 300 to 400 feet. In the area south of Vienna, little difficulty is encoun tered in obtaining water supplies from creviced Valmeyer limestones. Massac County Sand and gravel deposits in the Cache and Ohio river valleys are thick and permeable and suitable for municipal and industrial developments. Extensive deposits of Cretaceous sand on the uplands are potential sources of groundwatei for municipal and industrial supplies. In the northern part of Massac County and underlying the Cretaceous deposs lower Chester rocks and Valmeyer limestones are water -yielding, and many do mestic wells are finished in them. The Valmeyer limestones are extensively faulted and creviced and are potential sources of groundwater for municipal and industrial supplies. Perry County Glacial deposits throughout most of Perry County are thin, and bedrock cros out in many places. Thin water -yielding sand and gravel deposits are restrictei to deeper parts of the Beaucoup Creek Valley and the Little Muddy River Valley and are suitable only for domestic water supplies. The thin sand and gravel de- posits in these valleys are concentrated in the lower part of the fill and are gen erally below a depth of 40 feet. In northern and eastern Perry County, groundwater is obtained from shallo Pennsylvanian sandstones (fig. 7) at depths less than 100 feet. In the southwest- ern part of the county, permeable Pennsylvanian sandstones occur at depths ranging from 300 to 600 feet. Pope County Bedrock is exposed in much of Pope County. Thick permeable deposits of sand and gravel are restricted to the Cache and Ohio river valleys. Cretaceous sands are water -yielding along the southwestern border of the county. Thick de posits of sand and gravel in the valley bottoms are potential sources of ground- water for industrial and municipal purposes. Sandstone strata in the Pennsylvanian system in northern Pope County are sources of groundwater for domestic supplies. Faulting and crevicing make the Chester rocks better sources of groundwater in Pope County than they are far- ther west in Johnson County. Where the Chester rocks are not water -yielding, it is common practice to drill through them into the creviced Valmeyer lime- stones, which in some areas are potential sources of groundwater for municipal and industrial supplies. GROUNDWATER IN SOUTHERN ILLINOIS 23 Pulaski County In Pulaski County the thickest, most permeable sand and gravel deposits are in the Cache and Ohio river valleys. Thick deposits of Tertiary and Cretaceous sand are present on the uplands in central and eastern Pulaski County. These sand and gravel deposits are excellent sources of groundwater, especially in the valleys . Underlying the unconsolidated deposits, the well-creviced Valmeyer lime- stones are water -yielding and good sources of groundwater for municipal and industrial supplies. The creviced Devonian limestones, dolomites, and cherts in southern Pulaski County are sources of groundwater for municipal and indus- trial supplies although they generally are deep, as much as 900 feet deep north of Mound City and deeper at Cairo. Randolph County The upland in Randolph County contains thin glacial deposits unfavorable for drilled wells in sand and gravel. Thick permeable sand and gravel deposits oc- cur in the Mississippi Valley and are favorable for sources of industrial and municipal groundwater supplies. Some favorable deposits also may be present in the Kaskaskia Valley in the northwestern part of the county. Thin discontinu- ous deposits of sand and gravel are present in the valley fill of Marys River. Drilled wells in the upper bedrock obtain groundwater from Lower Pennsyl- vanian sandstones in the northeastern half of Randolph County. The depth to these thick sandstones ranges from less than 100 feet along the western border of Pennsylvanian outcrop (fig. 6) to over 600 feet east of Sparta and Percy. Ches ter rocks are water -yielding for a slight distance east of the Pennsylvanian bor- der, but the distribution of these water-bearing strata is not well known. Aux Vases sandstone is water -yielding in the northwestern part of the county and is a source of water for industrial and municipal supplies in restricted areas. Do- mestic supplies are obtained without difficulty from Chester beds where they underlie the glacial deposits. Saline County Glacial deposits are thin in Saline County. Sand and gravel wells are con- •structed only in the valley fill of the Saline River, where some thin discontinuous deposits are present. Most domestic wells obtain water from sandstone strata in the Pennsylvan- ian system. These water -yielding sandstones are at depths below 100 feet in the area north of Harrisburg. South of Harrisburg water -yielding sandstones are at lepths below 300 feet. Jnion County Sand and gravel deposits in the Mississippi Valley are thick and permeable ind suitable for municipal and industrial water supplies. Some possibilities xist for obtaining domestic supplies of groundwater from thick deposits of La- ayette gravel (fig. 4) in an area southeast of Jonesboro (fig. 6). Some thin con- inuous deposits of sand and gravel are present in the streams tributary to the lississippi River. 24 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The sandstones and limestones of the Chester series, which form a series of southeast-trending ridges in the northeastern part of Union County, are wat< - yielding. Most domestic wells are finished in the Chester at depths below 100 feet. Little difficulty is encountered in obtaining domestic water supplies fron the well-creviced and fractured Valmeyer, Devonian, and Silurian limestones in the southwestern part of Union County. In areas where Devonian limestones are near the surface (fig. 7), they are well-creviced and potential sources of water for municipal and industrial supplies. Wabash County Glacial deposits in central Wabash County are thin and are not suitable fo sand and gravel wells. South of Mt. Carmel, in the Wabash River Valley, groui- water possibilities are excellent in thick sand and gravel deposits. Thin scatt-e deposits of sand and gravel are present in the valley of Bonpas Creek. Pennsylvanian sandstones are water -yielding throughout most of Wabash County, and most domestic wells obtain water from these sandstones at depths of 100 feet or more. Washington County Glacial deposits are generally thin and are not water -yielding in most of Washington County. Good possibilities exist for the occurrence of sand and gravel in the Kaskaskia River bottoms along the northern border of the county (fig. 6). Water -yielding Pennsylvanian sandstones occur in the central part of the county. They range in depths from 70 feet in the northeast to over 500 feet in the central part of the county. Wayne County Thick permeable deposits of sand and gravel that are potential sources oi groundwater for municipal and industrial supplies are present in the eastern part of Wayne County in the bottomlands of the Little Wabash River. Thin dis continuous deposits of sand and gravel are locally present in Skillet Fork VaJJy in the southern part of the county. Domestic supplies are obtainable in most of the county from sandstone aci- fers in the upper 250 feet of the bedrock (fig. 7). White County In the bottomlands of the Wabash and Little Wabash Rivers, thick deposit of permeable sand and gravel are sources of water for municipal and industrit supplies. Some thin sand and gravel deposits occur in the Skillet Fork Valley Groundwater is available from sandstone strata in the upper part of the Pennsylvanian rocks in White County. Most wells obtain domestic supplies frm the upper 300 feet of the bedrock without much difficulty. Williamson County The glacial deposits are thin and are not water -yielding. The thickest va- ley-fill material is in the Big Muddy Valley, where thin sand and gravel depo;t* are locally present within thick sections of silt and clay. GROUNDWATER IN SOUTHERN ILLINOIS 25 Sandstone aquifers in the Pennsylvania^ system are water -yielding through- out most of the county. Domestic water supplies are obtained with little diffi- culty at depths ranging from 50 feet to 800 feet. SUGGESTED READING Bedrock topography of Illinois: Leland Horberg, Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 73, 1950. Cisterns: Illinois Dept. of Public Health Circ. 129, 1949. Disinfection of water: Illinois Dept. of Public Health Circ. 97, 1950. Individual water supply systems: recommendations of the Joint Committee on Rural Sanitation, U.S. Public Health Service Publication 24, 1950. Public ground- water supplies in Illinois: compiled by Ross Hanson, Illinois Water Survey Bull. 40, 1950. Significance of Pleistocene deposits in the groundwater resources of Illinois: J. W. Foster, Econ. Geol., v. 48, no. 7, November 1953. The story of the geologic making of southern Illinois: Stuart Weller, Illinois Geol. Survey Educ. Series 1, 1927. 'Yell, dug, drilled, driven: C. W. Klassen, Illinois Dept. of Public Health Circ. 14, 1951. list of State Geological Survey publications is available upon request. uadrangle topographic maps are available for the area covered by this report. Most of them are on a scale of about 1 inch to the mile but for some areas they are on a scale of about 2 1/2 inches to the mile. They are printed by quadrangles and can be obtained from the Illinois State Geological Survey, or from the U.S. Geological Survey, Washington 25, D. C. for 20 cents each upon request. Index maps showing the topographic coverage of the State are free. nnnnni CIRCULAR 212 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY URBANA .14