university of illinois library At urbana-champaign The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ^ iH c CO o C •H to 4-1 CO r-H iH o p- in CM W CM 00 CO P-< ,_, CM >— ■■ W P-i Ph at time t does not depend on the derivative vector, x, at time t, but only on values of x and x at previous times. The vector equation x(t) = M(x(t - At), x(t - At),...) describes an explicit integration method. Method M is used to compute the state vector at each time step. The state derivative vector is then calculated directly from the formulation. For this reason the state equations must be explicitly formulated. This means that each equation must have a single state derivative, x., or a single auxiliary variable, y., as its left hand side, and each x. and y. must appear as the left i 11 hand side of exactly one equation. This format allows the state and auxilliary equations to be used as assignment statements which directly compute x(t) and y(t), once they are arranged in the proper sequence. In explicit block-oriented languages, the explicit formulation is handled by the simulation package, which formulates all equations. In explicit equation-oriented languages, the user must supply a set of explicit equations. State derivatives may not appear on the right hand sides of explicit equations unless they are also defined as auxiliary variables. Thus, an explicit state formulation can be represented in vector form as Z(t) = g(x(t), Z(t), t) x(t) = f(x(t), y(t), t) Although the first of these equations is implicit in vector form (X(t) is a direct function of y(t)), explicit methods require that no algebraic loops be present in the formulations of the individual y.. In the absence of any such loops, the equations can be arranged in a fashion which allows direct sequential computation of a solution to the simultaneous equations. This involves sorting the equations so that each auxiliary variable is 23 assigned a value before it is used on the right hand side of another equation. For example, we consider the equations below which define part of the pilot ejection study (see [13]). X = XDOT Y = YDOT XDOT = U*COS(a) - V A. YDOT = U*SIN(a) If executed in the above order, these assignment statements would not compute a simultaneous solution of all equations because the auxilliary variables XDOT and YDOT are assigned values after they are used on the right hand sides of other assignments. It is necessary to sort this sequence into one such as XDOT = V*COS(a) - V X = XDOT YDOT = V*SIN(o) Y = YDOT in order to obtain a simultaneous solution using explicit methods. This sorting process is what is meant by the formulation of a procedure-adequate model. If sorting (of equation or block statements) must be performed by the user, the language is called procedural. If sorting is performed by the package, the language is called parallel. In either case, if sorting can be accomplished it is computationally equivalent to performing appropriate substitutions of functions of x(t) and t only for any y.(t) which appear. Thus, sorting obtains an equivalent state formulation which can be represented as x(t) = f(x(t), t). The sequence of direct computation to be performed at each time step is then x(t) = M(x(t - At), x(t - At),...) x(t) = f(x(t), t) which is clearly explicit. 24 Implicit integration methods perform a computation of x(t) which depends on x(t) as well as on past values of x and X. The vector equation x(t) = M(x(t), x(t - At), x(t - At),...) describes an implicit integration method. These methods are called implicit because they introduce algebraic loops into the computations. Even if the state formulation is sorted, or equivalently is given by x(t) = f(x(t), t) the system of equations which must be solved at each time step is implicit. This system is x(t) = M(x(t), x(t - At), x(t - At),...) x(t) = f(x(t), t) where x(t) is a direct function of x(t) and vice versa. Because of these algebraic loops, implicit integration methods must use iteration rather than direct computation to evaluate x. and x at each time step. In the past, general purpose simulation packages have always used explicit integration methods because the better numerical stability of implicit methods was not thought to justify the higher computation time required for iteration. However, implicit integration can be justified for numerical reasons (see [1]). Therefore, we consider it important to consider the effect of implicit integration methods on the ease with which certain desirable language features can be realized. As a starting point we can observe that the two major restrictions present in explicit equation-oriented modeling — the explicit state formulation and the requirement that the set of equations be sortable — would not be present in an implicit language. Because implicit integration does not rely on sorting and direct computation of the state derivatives, parallelism is achieved without sorting and the set of state equations need not be sortable or explicitly formulated. The state formulation for implicit integration was presented above as x(t) = f(x(t), t) solely for the sake of consistency. State equations for implicit integration can be written in any form and are more accurately represented by the general vector equation g(x(t), x(t), t) = [0] At present the special purpose package ECAP-II is the only widely 2 available package which uses implicit integration exclusively. 25 2.3. Essential Features of Simulation Languages There are certain features which are required of any digital simulation language which is to be useful for simulation studies. These features are summarized below. They are included at this point because they transcend the boundaries of the various language types and have been present in varying degrees in all simulation languages which have been developed. Essential Features of Simulation Languages 1. a facility for formulating state equations, including some logical capabilities; 2. parameterization of the model; 3. control over the simulation — initialization, termination, repeat runs; 4. recording and output of data — printing, plotting; 5. control over the integration — error criteria, stepsizes; 6. accommodation of changes in the above. It is worth restating that most characterization of languages is done in terms of their facilities for state formulation (e.g. equation- oriented vs. block-oriented, parallel vs. procedural). However, the realizations of others of these features will also prove useful as illustrations of shortcomings, high-water marks, and new techniques in simulation languages. In the following we will trace the historical development of goals and features for general purpose simulation languages in some detail. Then we will consider a representative family of special purpose languages (for electrical circuit analysis) . Special purpose languages will be discussed in considerably less detail since they differ dramatically from general purpose languages only in the level of abstraction at which modeling is performed (and in the classes of models which they support) . 2 .A. The First Simulation Languages — Digital Analog Simulators The first simulation packages offered general purpose block- oriented languages. These packages were initially developed to generate check solutions for analog simulations. Later, many were designed and 26 used profitably for problem solving. All were designed very much in the structural fashion of analog simulation--modeling was accomplished in terms of a more or less fixed set of interconnected blocks, including an integrator block to describe differential equations. Analog simulation was well developed while digital computers were still in their infancy. Thus early simulation users were all users of analog simulation. For this reason Brennan and Linebarger observed in their excellent survey [2] that the block-diagram approach to simulation corresponded to the way an engineer visualized a system (at that time) . Engineers familiar with simulation had learned to visualize systems in the form of an analog set- up diagram. Brennan and Linebarger summarize in part by stating that " is of paramount importance to capture the interest [in digital simulation] of analog users in order that their vast experience not be lost as simulation enters a new era." Thus, designers of digital simulation packages and languages initially opted to copy closely the structural design of analog computers. The general purpose block- oriented packages which emerged from this effort have been commonly labeled Digital Analog Simulators or DAS. In terms of providing the essential features, DAS languages were adequate but inconvenient. They so closely resembled analog simulation that they typically reflected the limitations of analog elements in their operator repetoires — i.e. the choice of functional blocks was limited, limits were placed on the number of inputs and outputs a block could have. DAS languages also frequently required block interconnections to be specified in a rigid format. Thus, they were not really a convenient means for general purpose modeling, merely a familiar means. Furthermore logical switching of system structure was generally available only through the use of relay elements and logical control over the simulation was rare. Typical termination logic consisted only of a total time specification. Most DAS languages did accommodate changes in a reasonable fashion, allowing any one of the structure, control, and parameter sections to be altered without affecting the others. 2.4.1. ASTRAL Despite their shortcomings, languages of the DAS family introduced a number of language and implementation features which increased the power, 27 flexibility, and ease of use of digital simulation. One of the most innovative was ASTRAL [3], developed at Convair Astronautics in 1958. ASTRAL is most significant as the first parallel language. The automatic sorting logic required to synthesize a procedure-adequate model from a problem-descriptive or parallel one was first presented by Stein and Rose in [4] and first implemented in ASTRAL. ASTRAL was also the first simulation language to be implemented via a compiler, rather than an interpreter. When digital simulation is used to generate a check case for analog simulation, a program is usually run once and discarded. In this case an interpretive approach is quite efficient. However, when problem solving is the goal, and long runs or many runs with the same configuration are required, a compiler approach is clearly desirable. The ASTRAL compiler achieved further advantage by using FORTRAN as its target language. By using FORTRAN as the intermediate language, a package can avoid having to support features to the machine level via its own software. Efficient code can be produced fairly quickly by exploiting the considerable efforts expended by FORTRAN designers. Since many simulation operations can be programmed quite easily in a small subset of FORTRAN, only minimal effort is required of the simulation package to support these operations. Thus, ASTRAL introduced an excellent concept which reduces the amount of simulation software required at very little cost to the user. In fact, a reliance on FORTRAN is often to the advantage of the user. For example, it was a simple matter for ASTRAL to include a 'special element' block, defined by an ordinary FORTRAN assignment statement which could utilize any standard FORTRAN library function. In this fashion, ASTRAL was the first simulation language to offer an extendible operator set. This represented a first step toward increased operator flexibility for simulation languages 2.4.2. DYSAC DYSAC [5] , which was developed at the University of Wisconsin in 1961, introduced an algebraic block connection language which was the most significant step toward greater ease of use since ASTRAL introduced parallelism. DYSAC used a symbol which consisted of a letter followed by two digits to represent the output of each block. While the letters 28 identified the block types (e.g. N, M, A, P for integrator, multiplier, adder, and potentiometer, respectively), the digits identified the particular block. Thus, N02 represented the output of integrator number 2.DYSAC allowed a sum of products of block outputs to be specified as the input to an integrator. Thus, the single connection statement N02 = P06N02 + P05P07N01 might serve to define the desired output of integrator number 2. In the absence of this algebraic capability, four connection statements to the effect M01 = P06N02 M02 = P05P07N01 A01 = M01 + M02 N02 = A01 would be required, introducing three unnecessary auxilliary variables, M01, M02, and A01 . The observation of Brennan and Linebarger that this algebraic interconnection feature provides 'simplicity and clarity' and shows 'great concern for the user' is very significant in that it shows an early desire for the type of algebraic capability provided by equation- oriented languages. Unfortunately, like the parallelism of ASTRAL, the algebraic capability of DYSAC was not imitated by most DAS languages. DYSAC was also the first language to provide extensive problem- specification error and computational difficulty diagnostics. This feature is very important as program failures without diagnostics are extremely frustrating and have been much too frequent in digital simulation. 2.4.3. JANIS Reliance on FORTRAN for simulation support was carried beyond the level of ASTRAL by another compiler- implemented DAS language, JANIS [6], which was reported at Bell Labs in 1963. JANIS accepted a simple FORTRAN subset as its input, and implemented functional blocks as FORTRAN subroutines, State formulation was specified by a procedural sequence of CALL's to functional block subroutines. Block numbers were used as the arguments of these CALL's to specify the inputs for each block. While this basic structure was no more complicated than most other procedural DAS languages, it permitted two great increases in power for the user conversant with FORTRAN. Operator extension could be achieved by defining new functional 29 blocks as FORTRAN subroutines. Furthermore, powerful logical control over the system state was available by interspersing FORTRAN conditional branching statements among the CALL's. 2.4.4. MIDAS Perhaps the most significant DAS of all is MIDAS [7]. It was developed at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in 1963. MIDAS has been widely credited with popularizing digital simulation, as attested by its use at nearly a hundred installations. Brennan and Linebarger believe this total to exceed the combined useage of all previous simulation packages. The widespread use of MIDAS was made possible by its imple- mentation on the popular IBM 7090. However, it suggests another important feature, portability, which we will have more to say about later. MIDAS was the first parallel language since ASTRAL and thus was also significant in that its widespread use helped to popularize parallel languages, just as tbe parallelism of MIDAS accounted in part for its popularity. MIDAS presented a significant innovation of its own, an element for solving implicit equations. An implicit equation such as x = f(x, y) where x appears on both sides of the equation (that is, as both output and input of the block f) usually requires an iterative method of solution. All simulation packages before MIDAS used explicit integration, and provided no mechanism for iterating implicit equations. Although MIDAS also employed explicit integration, the implicit element provided by MIDAS served to break such algebraic loops, which would otherwise result in sort failures, by iterating the implicit equation without time advance until convergence was attained. It is worth noting that implicit integration algorithms require no special processing in order to handle implicit equations since they handle all equations implicitly. 2.4.5. PACTOLUS PACTOLUS [8], which was developed by Brennan for IBM in 1964, was significant in its interactive approach to digital simulation. This package served to demonstrate that, with an appropriate terminal, digital simulation allows the user the sort of familiarity — that is, interaction — with his model that had previously been restricted to analog simulation. PACTOLUS was developed as an interpreter for the IBM 1620, a small scientific 30 computer. By use of the typewriter, sense switches, and 1627 plotter it allowed the user to interrupt a simulation and alter its configuration, parameters, initial values, or control section while observing the response of the system. PACTOLUS became very popular among the previously untapped audience of small installations. In addition, a completely compatible version was developed for the IBM 7090. Thus, the user who had access to both computers could perform the initial checkout off-line and then switch to the 1627 for fine tuning of the model. PACTOLUS provided a somewhat better capability for implicit equations than MIDAS. PACTOLUS also achieved a degree of operator flexibility previously attained only by JANIS by including nine special elements whose functions could be easily specified by the user. General purpose block-oriented simulation packages — or DAS's — were applied to a wide range of systems. With the first such packages the limited set of available operators and the rigid format requirements of the languages proved great drawbacks. Later languages allowed more flexible operator sets and formats but still exhibited the principal shortcoming of all DAS's — algebraic and differential equations had to be broken down into functional blocks; a tedious and error-prone process. On a superficial level DAS languages seem quite similar to the characterization we have presented of special purpose languages. However, the similarity extends only to the specialized block-oriented structure of each. Whereas special purpose languages can automatically formulate equations for limited applications on a level which is hidden from the user, DAS languages, which were intended for general application, required the user to formulate all equations himself through the tedious medium of blocks which modeled electrical analogues. Thus, it is not surprising that DAS languages have been succeeded in usage by general purpose equation-oriented languages. 2.5. Early Equation-Oriented Languages The environment in which the first equation-oriented languages were developed was well summarized by Clancy and Fineberg [9] in 1965. The trend which they observed was toward extension of the power and utility of simulation programs. Parallelism was recognized as an extremely useful language feature. Clancy and Fineberg state that parallelism "may be an all-inclusive, rational statement of the essential nature (of simulation languages)" and urge that 31 "If the programmer is to 'think parallel 1 , he must be freed of ordering problem statements." Three other features introduced by DAS languages, the compiler approach to implementation, the provision of extendible operator sets, and reliance on FORTRAN support, had also gained widespread acceptance. Meanwhile, the variety and complexity of functions available through the built-in operator sets continued to increase. However, the greatest increase in utility achieved by simulation programs developed during this period came about through the introduction of equation-oriented languages with advanced functional and logical capabilities and through the removal of arbitrary format restrictions and analog holdovers. The need for complex networks to represent algebraic and functional expressions had proved a great inconvenience in the use of DAS languages. So too had restrictive features like absolute rather than symbolic labeling, poor logical capabilities, fixed input card formats, required commas and decimal points, and the lack of numerical literals. Along with improved functional and logical features, the new equation- oriented languages offered the use of literals and symbolic names without reference to arbitrary block numbers. Great progress was also made toward a free problem statement format. In the remainder of this section we will discuss MIMIC and DSL/90, the two most significant equation- oriented languages developed during this period, in some detail. MIMIC and DSL/90 Both MIMIC [10] and DSL/90 [11] are general purpose parallel languages implemented via compilers. Both were developed for the IBM 7090 family of computers and both were released in 1965. MIMIC is the successor of MIDAS and was developed by Petersen and Sansom at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. DSL/90 is a descendant of JANIS and was developed by Syn and Linebarger at the IBM Development Labs. Both MIMIC and DSL/90 are explicit languages. Thus, the state equations must be formulated explicitly and must constitute a sortable set. Within these limitations, MIMIC and DSL/90 allow great functional power in the formulation of the state equations. We will begin this discussion of their most important features by considering the functional capabilities of MIMIC and DSL/90 statements. 32 2.5.1. Functional Capabilities Both MIMIC and DSL/90 allow free use of fully symbolic variable names, numerical literals, and the common infix arithmetic operators +, -, *, and / within any equation. Both allow expressions involving any of the built-in operators to be nested to any level of parenthesis. Together these features provide a great improvement over DAS languages in the functional complexity which can be expressed in a single statement. As we have seen, a single DYSAC connection statement could be used to express a sum of products as the input to an integrator. Another DAS language, DES 1 [12], carried algebraic capabilities to the ultimate by allowing nested sums of products and quotients to be expressed in a single block connection statement, but failed to provide infix operators for the 3 common arithmetic operations. MIMIC and DSL/90 fill this need and provide the full algebraic capability of DES 1. MIMIC and DSL/90 also provide greater functional capability in a single statement by allowing nesting of all built-in operators, not just the common arithmetic operations, The usefulness of nesting built-in operators is evident in the consideration of a solution to a system such as Mathieu's equation x + (a - 2q cos wt)x = where a, q, and w are constants. This equation describes a number of engineering and mathematical systems. To formulate this problem in DES 1 would require three blocks; two integrators and a cosine function generator. Three connection statements would be needed. More connection statements would be needed in any other DAS language because multiplication and addition blocks would be required. However, if x is to be the only output variable, this system can be expressed in a single statement in either MIMIC or DSL/90. These state- ments would be DSL/ 90: X=INTGRL(XO,INTGRL(0.,-X*(A-2*Q*COS(W*TIME)))) MIMIC: X=INT(INT(-X*(A-2*Q*C0S(W*TIME)),0.),X0) where X(0) = XO and X(0) = 0. The nesting of the integration, cosine, and arithmetic operators permits a problem statement which closely resembles the manner in which the user envisions the system — that is, as a single differential equation with initial values. The principle advantage of operator nesting is that it eliminates the need for complex networks to represent expressions which are regarded as single functional elements. This also means that nesting eliminates the need to explicitly formulate most auxiliary variables. 33 There are two important differences in the functional complexity which can be expressed by single MIMIC and DSL/90 statements. The first concerns a restriction on the manner in which the INTGRL operator can be imbedded algebraically in DSL/90. DSL/90 requires that INTGRL be the rightmost term at every level of its usage. This artificial restriction is imposed to facilitate the recursive extraction of implied auxilliary variables from nested occurrences of INTGRL. MIMIC allows the INT operator to be embedded freely at all levels of nesting and is more convenient in this respect. The second important difference concerns the manner in which user-defined functions can be used. DSL/90 allows user-defined function operators to be embedded in expressions as freely as the built-in operators. In this respect DSL/90 is more convenient than MIMIC, which allows no embedding of user-defined functions. 2.5.2. Statement Format With respect to providing a flexible format for problem statements, DSL/90 is clearly superior to MIMIC. In brief, MIMIC can be characterized as requiring adherence to fixed input card fields and strict ordering of data cards. DSL/90, on the other hand, offers a free input card format and unordered, symbolic data entry. This eliminates much of the frustration produced by coding and keypunch slips and allows easier changing of parameter and initial values. 2.5.3. Built-in Operators Both DSL/90 and MIMIC offer substantial improvements over DAS languages in their facilities for supporting essential mathematical, logical, and simulation control operations. The most significant differences between DSL/90 and MIMIC with respect to these built-in operators stem from DSL/90' s heavy reliance on FORTRAN for software support. The DSL/90 compiler uses FORTRAN as its target language and accepts a subset of FORTRAN mathematical and logical operations within its input language. DSL/90 also relies on a user-written FORTRAN program to control the simulation study. In contrast, the MIMIC compiler produces near machine-level function code and all built-in operations must be supported to this level by MIMIC software. Thus, MIMIC logical and simulation control operators are quite different in form from the corresponding FORTRAN operators used in DSL/90. 34 Mathematical Operators As we have seen in the discussion of their functional capabilities, MIMIC and DSL/90 provide significant advances over DAS languages in the ease with which mathematical operations can be programmed. Both languages provide the most frequently used simulation operators, such as integration, differentiation, implicit equation solution, time delay, and zero-order hold. Both also provide the most frequently used function generators, such as absolute value, square root, exponentiation, logarithm extraction, and the trigonometric functions. There are some differences in the more sophisti- cated operators provided by DSL/90 and MIMIC, but most operators not common to both can be implemented relatively easily by the user. The implementation of DSL/90 allows it to offer all standard FORTRAN library functions as built-in operators. Logical Operators As we have mentioned, MIMIC and DSL/90 take quite different approaches to the implementation of logical operations, but both permit much easier logical switching of the state formulation than did any DAS languages except JANIS. DSL/90, like JANIS, relies on FORTRAN conditional branching for support of logical state switching. Since DSL/90 is a parallel language, special procedural blocks are provided for branching operations. Conditional branches are intermixed with FORTRAN and/or DSL/90 statements within procedural blocks. These statements are not resequenced by the sorting process. Instead, the procedural blocks are treated as units in the sorting process, allowing the conditional sequencing inside the blocks to be handled in the FORTRAN step. MIMIC supports state switching by means of logical control variables, or LCV's. An LCV may be attached to any MIMIC statement to control its execution at each time step of the simulation. MIMIC provides a function switch operator to convert arithmetic relations into LCV's and a standard set of Boolean operators to logically combine LCV's. This approach is more elegant than DSL/90' s in that no proceduralism is introduced into the parallel language. 35 Simulation Control Simulation control encompasses three essential operations; establishing the termination conditions for each run, testing of system responses between runs, and generating repeat runs with altered parameter and/or initial values. DSL/90 and MIMIC allow both time and dependent variable termination thresholds to be established. This is an improvement over most DAS languages, which allowed termination to be specified by elapsed time only. As regards response testing and repeat runs, DSL/90 again relies on FORTRAN while MIMIC employs LCV's. DSL/90 supports testing of system responses and repeat runs by allowing the model to be invoked as a subroutine from a FORTRAN main program which is submitted with the model. System responses may be tested and parameter values may be assigned by any FORTRAN procedures. For simple studies very little programming sophistication is required, e.g. DO 10 1=1,5 PARAM=P(I) CALL DSL 10 CONTINUE On the other hand, sophisticated studies can make use of FORTRAN procedures for things such as parameter optimization. DSL/90 was the first language to provide this type of simulation control, which is clearly desirable. MIMIC supports response testing via LCV's. The termination of a run causes a particular LCV to become 'true'. This LCV can be used to cause the execution of a set of MIMIC statements which perform response testing and parameter assignment. Simulation runs are automatically repeated until the supply of data cards is exhausted, so every run must read at least one data card. Input/Output DSL/90 allows parameter and initial values to be assigned symbolically, e.g. PARAM Pl=5. ,P2=7.3E+4 ICON X=0.0 36 These data cards may be placed at any point in the input deck and, with the exception of the label in columns one through five, may be punched in free format. MIMIC data cards must be grouped after the END statement and parameter values must be specified in the order in which the parameters are defined in the body of the program. Data cards are divided into fixed fields, which further increases the likelihood of errors. Trivial errors are also invited by the restriction that data entered in the exponential form must be right-justified in the data field, while data entered in the normal form need not be. DSL/90' s facilities for data entry are clearly easier to use than those of MIMIC or the DAS languages. As concerns output facilities, both DSL/90 and MIMIC provide the same basic set as did most DAS languages: printing, plotting, and the selection of titles and recording intervals. MIMIC provides a wider variety of plot options, including the ability to form cross-plots. Integration Control DSL/90 provides extensive features for controlling the integration process. These include selection of the algorithm to be used (choice of four, or a user-supplied algorithm), selection of the minimum and maximum step sizes to be used, and specification of error tolerances for individual state variables. These are useful features for sophisticated users, but of dubious value for novices. All were present in some DAS languages. MIMIC allows only the specification of minimum and maximum step sizes. 2.5.4. Facilities for Extending the Operator Set User-Defined FORTRAN Subroutines As we have seen, some DAS languages like JANIS allowed user- defined FORTRAN subroutines to be included in a simulation program. Both DSL/90 and MIMIC carry this feature farther than their DAS predecessors, though MIMIC exceeds JANIS in this respect only in allowing expressions as arguments. MIMIC requires adherence to strict format rules in the definition and use of FORTRAN subroutines. At most five of these may be used in any MIMIC program and they must be called by pre-defined names. Each 37 definition must include exactly seven arguments and the single output value must be defined as the seventh argument. User-defined FORTRAN subroutines are implemented as if they were function subroutines (i.e. subroutine SRI is invoked in the form Y=SR1 (arg. , . . . ,arg ) ) but they may not be nested or embedded algebraically in equations. Each reference must be the only term at the highest level of the right hand side, just as if it were a DAS functional block. In DSL/90, the user may define FORTRAN function subroutines. No restrictions are placed on their definition and use, other than those imposed by FORTRAN. Any number of function subroutines with fully symbolic names may be defined. References may be nested and embedded algebraically in any fashion permitted by FORTRAN. Thus, DSL/90 represents the ultimate in usage of FORTRAN function subroutines, being fully as flexible as FORTRAN itself. Of course, this represents no great expense of effort within DSL/90 since FORTRAN is the target language, MIMIC Subroutines and DSL/90 Macros MIMIC also allows extension of its operator set by the use of subroutines written in the MIMIC language. MIMIC subroutines offer few advantages over FORTRAN subroutines, about the only one being that no knowledge of FORTRAN is required. Since MIMIC does not allow use of the integration operator in subroutines, they serve as function generators rather than as a means of defining state variables. Apparently, because MIMIC subroutines are only intended as function generators the statements within a MIMIC subroutine are not sorted with respect to each other. One could argue that a procedural language can be very useful for describing the generation of a complicated function. However, proceduralism in MIMIC subroutines is unnatural because MIMIC statements are otherwise processed in seemingly parallel fashion. Proceduralism for function generation seems better provided by an associated high level procedural language, like FORTRAN. Like the FORTRAN subroutines permitted within MIMIC, MIMIC subroutines may take expressions as arguments but may not be nested or embedded in equations. DSL/90 allows greater extension of its operator set by its introduction of the use of macros in simulation languages. DSL/90 macros 38 may consist of a mixture of DSL/90 and FORTRAN statements. Like MIMIC subroutines they are repeatable procedural blocks with parameter variations. The important difference between the two stems from the in-line generation of macro statements which takes place at each macro invocation in the program. After this preprocessing, the statements generated by macros can be handled like any other statements. Thus it represents no difficulty to support the integration operator within macros. In contrast it would be difficult to support the integration operator within subroutines because normal subroutine linkage does not suffice to establish which arguments are defined as state variables within the body of the subroutine. At the very least, the compiler must inform the integration program which state derivatives are to be integrated and thus the compiler must determine all state variables. Since DSL/90 macros support the integration operator, they can be used to define frequently occurring subsystem states in a hierarchical model as well as to generate functions. This facility makes them much more powerful than MIMIC subroutines. Unfortunately, like MIMIC subroutines, DSL/90 macros are sequenced as blocks and are not sorted internally. This denies the user the advantage of parallelism in defining subsystem states and also fails to take advantage of an important difference in the capabilities of macros and subroutines in parallel languages. Subroutines must, of course, be sequenced as blocks. However, since macros are expanded during pre-processing, it is possible for each statement generated by a macro to be sequenced into the sorted program separately. This facility would be more in keeping with the nature of a parallel language and in some cases would serve to break what would otherwise be algebraic loops. For example, in modeling an electrically controlled, pressurized process, one might define macros to represent the elements of Figure 2.2. E is a voltage which represents a pressure measured in the process S. The pressure transducer converts this signal into the pressure P . The atmospheric adapter adjusts P for the ambient air pressure P . The adjusted pressure is P„ . The transducer converts P~ into a voltage signal, E which is used to control process S. If the two macros are to be sequenced as blocks, they represent an algebraic loop. The input of the atmospheric adapter, P , is determined by the transducer, while one of the inputs of the transducer, V is determined by the adapter. 39 However, if the statements generated by the transducer can be sequenced separately, the loop can be broken by the sequence p i ■ £(E i> P 2 " P l + P E 2 = f" 1 (P 2 ) PROCESS S -O- PRESSUPvE TRANSDUCER ' (E ] .-1 P x = f(E x ) V (P 2 ) -O ATMOSPHERIC ADAPTOR P = P - P 2 1 Figure 2.2. Macros for an electrically controlled, pressurized process, S. Table Functions Both DSL/90 and MIMIC provide another important means of extending their operator sets — the ability to enter tabular data functions, This feature, which allows experimentally observed functions of one or two variables to be included in system model formulations, was not commonly available in DAS languages . 2.5.5. Diagnostics Since the innovations of DYSAC, users have become increasingly concerned with the desire for extensive and easily understandable diagnostics Little information concerning DSL/90 diagnostics is available to this author. Tt is clear that MIMIC does not offer extensive diagnostics at the 40 problem description level. MIMIC does a fine job of reporting format errors and references to undefined variables and operators. However, diagnostics concerning algebraic loops and syntax errors in arithmetic expressions are not input statement specific. They are reported at the near machine code level rather than at the problem description level. This makes problem debugging unnecessarily difficult, and nearly impossible for the user who is unfamiliar with assembly languages. 2.6. Modern General Purpose Languages 2.6.1. General Trends The development of the third generation of general purpose simulation languages was channeled largely by the efforts of the SCi Committee on Simulation Software, which was organized in 1965. During the preceding years, a large number of digital continuous system simulation packages had been reported. The SCi Committee grew out of a general feeling that some sort of control and direction was needed in the area of digital continuous simulation in order to insure orderly development of the field. The Committee's efforts to provide this direction took the form of a set of specifications for a proposed continuous system simulation language (generically called a CSSL) , which was published in 1967 [13]. These specifications were presented in the form of a communication language, with little concern paid to strict detail or to problems of implementation. In this form they inspired a family of languages and paved the way for most of the significant developments which have followed. In the next few pages we will turn to a discussion of the primary goals for language development which were presented in [13]. This discussion, along with some elaboration on the part of this author, will provide the framework for a discussion of the most significant languages and features developed since 1965. SCi Committee on Simulation Software — Goals for Language Development In their survey [9], Clancy and Fineberg had proposed a user- oriented organization for simulation languages, with basic subsets for less sophisticated users and more complex features for experts. In this way the language would not be tied to any particular programmer level. 41 This goal was also emphasized by the SCi Committee, which considered the applicable programmer levels of an ideal language to include the engineer or scientist unfamiliar with digital techniques; the simulation analyst, and the skilled digital applications programmer. To provide such a user-oriented organization the SCi Committee first desired "to provide an extremely simple and obvious programming tool for the novice user with a straightforward task." This implies: 1. a minimal set of operators capable of handling, in a simple manner, most problems involving differential equations ; 2. retention of proven features such as equation-oriented languages and parallelism; 3. a complete set of problem-oriented diagnostics. Second, an attempt was made to provide great power and flexibility for the sophisticated programmer with a major programming task. This led to the requirements: 1. a CSSL should provide an open-ended operator set with simple procedures for generating operators; 2. a CSSL should act as an adjunct to an established procedural language, e.g. FORTRAN, Algol, PL/I; 3. a CSSL should provide a programmable rather than a rigid structure for a simulation study. Open-ended Operator Set — Macros Most of the attention concerning an open-ended operator set was focused on the provision of macros. The SCi Committee observed that "The single most important user feature is the concept of a macro. The user may define macros for individual problems to represent commonly used sets of descriptive information. These macros are referenced in his program exactly as though they were operators of the language. In addition, the user has the capability of creating his own macro library which will appear to the system as an extension of and/or replacement of the system library. Thus, each user may completely alter the semantics |of the language while preserving the syntax and the structure of the operational environment." 42 The macro concept touches on what Clancy and Fineberg considered to be the principle drawback of equation-oriented languages. They felt that there is a loss of familiarity in some problems when common block operators are not emphasized. They further observed that it may be inconvenient to express certain operators in equation form, including control system transfer functions and non-linearities such as hysteresis, dead space, and limiters. These operators are much more familiar as functional blocks. Clancy and Fineberg suggested that the language format be flexible enough to match the natural forms of diverse problems. Equations should be available as a means of directly modeling differential equations and blocks should be available for operators common to popular applications. Clearly, macros provide a convenient means of defining common operators in terms of equations so that they may then be invoked in a form similar to blocks. The SCi Committee considered this optional block notation, available in DSL/90, to be a proven feature which should be retained. Furthermore, nested macros are particularly useful for modeling complex, hierarchical systems. The case for hierarchical modeling techniques is well presented by Clymer in [14] . Since many physical systems are nearly, if not perfectly, hierarchical, it is very important for a simulation language to provide means such as nested macros for structuring models in a hierarchical fashion. Adjunct to an Established Procedural Language We have previously noted the usefulness of an associated procedural language (nominally FORTRAN) for exercising logical control over the system state, extending the function list via user-defined subroutines, and for programmed control over the repetitive execution of the model. For simple problems little or no use of the associated procedural language is required — to the advantage of the user with no programming experience. On the other hand, the associated procedural language provides a very flexible and powerful programming tool for sophisticated programmers and problems. The associated procedural language can be employed to further advantage if it is also the target language of the simulation language compiler. In this case the simulation package can make extensive use of existing software support. It is this 43 dependency on the associated procedural language for programming flexibility and for software support that was advocated by the SCi Committee in stating that the simulation language should act as an adjunct to an established procedural language. Such a structure has the further advantage of allowing the experienced programmer to alter the intermediate model, either to avoid recompiling the simulation language model or to recover from errors in the simulation compiler. Should the simulation package itself be programmed in the associated procedural language, a high degree of package portability can also be achieved. The importance of portability was recognized by the SCi Committee, which considered one of the essentials of an ideal language to be that it be usable on all scientific computers. Programmable Structure The type of facility which is meant by a programmable structure for a simulation study is the ability to embed the simulation model within a procedural program which controls its repetitive operation. This program would typically serve to test system responses from previous executions, alter model and control parameters, and rerun the model until the study, or some part thereof, is completed as a single batch mode job. An example of a simulation study for which a programmable structure is very useful is the calculation of the envelope of safe pilot ejection, which has become a benchmark problem in the area of digital simulation. The purpose of this study is to determine the trajectory of a pilot ejected from a fighter aircraft and to ascertain whether he will strike the vertical stabilizer of the aircraft. Different combinations of aircraft speed and velocity are investigated since the drag on the pilot, which in part causes his horizontal motion relative to the aircraft, is a function of both air density and velocity. Thus, a number of simulation runs with different values of the altitude and velocity parameters are required. It is convenient to be able to program this sequence of runs as a single batch mode job which alters parameter values procedurally between runs rather than reading parameter data for each run. Thus, a programmable structure is quite useful. Furthermore, it is useful for the programmed structure to be conditionally dependent on previous solutions. For example, if ejection is safe at altitude h and velocity V, it will certainly be safe at altitude h for smaller velocities v < V. 44 A programmed structure is conceptually simplified if the model can be invoked as a subroutine. In many cases it is also useful for the controlling program to be able to interface with large, user-supplied programs for such things as parameter identification and optimization. Since only relatively slow algorithms exist for some classes of simulation studies, such as parameter identification and optimization, one can also see the usefulness of interactive control over a simulation. Perhaps the best argument for the provision of a programmable or interactive structure, rather than a rigid structure, is the observation of the SCi Committee that "The language designer's view of simulation is formalized in the structure of his language and subsequent applications are limited to this concept." Thus, flexible facilities for structuring simulation studies should be provided, lest the rigid structure which seemed appropriate to the language designers prove to be a liability to potential users. In the remainder of this section, we will focus on what we consider to be the most significant general purpose languages developed since 1965. These are the SCi Committee-sponsored CSSL-III [15], IBM's CSMP-III [16], DARE-P [17] — developed at the University of Arizona, the Raytheon Company's RSSL [18] dialect of CSSL-III, E. L. Mitchell and J. S. Gauthier's ACSL [19], and A. A. B. Pritsker's GASP IV [20]. Before considering these languages individually we will present a brief discussion of their many common features. These are summarized in the following. Common Features of CSSL-III, CSMP-III, DARE-P, RSSL, ACSL, and GASP-IV 1. all are general purpose, explicit, equation-oriented languages implemented via compilers. All except GASP-IV are parallel languages; 2. all act as adjuncts to FORTRAN. In all cases, FORTRAN is both the associated procedural language and the target language of the simulation compiler; 3. all offer extendible operator sets via user-defined FORTRAN subroutines. All except DARE-P and GASP-IV offer the use of macros; 4. all offer procedural sections and the use of nearly any FORTRAN statements within these sections. This is most useful for logical switching of the system state; 45 5. all except GASP-IV offer nearly free (explicit) equation formats, fully symbolic names and symbolic data input; 6. all offer great functional capabilities by allowing all built-in operators and user-defined functions to be freely nested and embedded in equations; 7. all offer a flexible complement of operators for data recording, printing, and plotting; 8. all offer operators for solving implicit equations; 9. all allow the user to enter tabular data functions; 10. all offer flexible control of simulation studies via programmable structure or interactive operation; 11. all offer a choice of integration methods, step sizes, and error tolerances. 2.6.2. CSSL-III CSSL-III is the product of a line of development at Control Data Corporation which began with the sponsorship of the SCi Committee on Simulation Software in 1967. Like previous versions of CSSL, CSSL-III, which was released in 1971, adheres closely to the specifications presented in [13]. Structuring CSSL-III provides generous structuring capabilities. Simple problem statements may be unstructured by default, consisting of a single DYNAMIC block. Sophisticated studies may be explicitly structured via INITIAL, TERMINAL, and DYNAMIC regions. These codes are executed, respectively, before, after, and at each communication interval of the model simulation. Simple problems are structured by default as one DYNAMIC region. The model equations are specified in the parallel DERIVATIVE subregion of the DYNAMIC region. The remainder of the DYNAMIC region specifies the model termination condition, the integration parameters (method, step size, error tolerance), and any data recording calculations which need be performed only at communication intervals. The explicit equations of the DERIVATIVE subregion are, of course, executed during each time step of the integration. 46 The INITIAL and TERMINAL regions are procedural codes which permit nearly any FORTRAN statements and may invoke any user-supplied FORTRAN subroutines. They can perform response testing and parameter setting. Studies consisting of repeat runs can be specified by condi- tional branches from the TERMINAL region to points within the INITIAL region. A programmed study is invoked by a deck of CSSL run-control cards which must be submitted to the CSSL-III compiler along with the model definition. The CSSL-III executive interprets these cards sequentially at run time. At the very least, a START command must be supplied to transfer control from the interpretive monitor to the INITIAL region. Other run-control commands serve to set or reinitialize parameters and select output variables and formats for the study. A SPARE command is also included to permit linking to any user-supplied FORTRAN subroutine with that name. The run-control language permits no branching or looping, but does permit repetitive, parameterized operation of the programmed study. Each time execution reaches the end of the TERMINAL region, control returns to the executive for subsequent studies. CSSL-III allows further program structuring by means of segments, which are the simulation language equivalent of the closed subroutine of procedural languages. Segments are the highest level blocks within a program. Each segment contains its own INITIAL, TERMINAL, and DYNAMIC regions and performs a complete simulation. Segments communicate to the rest of the program through a user-specified set of variables and their execution is sequenced by FORTRAN statements. CSSL-III segments provide a structure applicable to simulations using multirate integration (through multiple DERIVATIVE subregions) in a single independent variable. This structure also allows a solution to one set of differential equations to be used, for example, to calculate the initial conditions for the solution of another set of equations as part of an iterative algorithm. Operational Environment CSSL-III is designed to facilitate on-line operation from a remote terminal under machines of the CDC 6000 series. The advent of a package with advanced language and computational features which could be run as a batch job or in a very rapid turnaround, time-shared environment was a significant development. The terminal user can perform text-editing 47 and recompilation of the source program on-line and the program can write data on the remote terminal after (though not during) the model execution. Data recorded during a CSSL-III run is routed by the output monitor at the point between reaching the model termination condition and the execution of the TERMINAL region. When running on-line, the user may interrupt the CSSL-III study at any point, but would typically do so only to break long output sequences or to abort a portion of the study. A TELEX operator (peculiar to the KRONOS operating system for CDC 6000 series machines) can be used to specify an address in the TERMINAL region to which control is transferred at an interrupt. If the TELEX instruction is omitted, control is transferred to the executive, which proceeds to interpret the next run- control card. CSSL-III' s on-line operation and interpretive run-control point toward an interactive operation similar to that of less powerful predecessors, like PACTOLUS. For true interaction the features of CSSL-III need only be extended to allow run-control commands to be issued one by one from the remote terminal and to allow monitoring output to be written on the terminal during, rather than after, the model execution. M acro Capabilities CSSL-III provides very powerful macro capabilities. The CSSL-III language includes a macro interpretive language which can be employed in macro definitions. This language includes a powerful set of commands which are interpreted at the macro level. A macro loop, for example, will generate the included statements as many times as the loop is executed. The CSSL-III language also incorporates a symbolic macro library from which previously defined macros can be selected for modeling. User-defined macros can be added to the symbolic library, which also provides a number of system macros for such operations as hysterisis, limited integration, and first order pole. After macro references are expanded by the macro interpreter, all statements generated by macros are sequenced individually into the sorted model. 48 Arrays CSSL-III allows the definition and use of array variables and includes an array integration operator. This represents an advance in functional capability for systems which can be described in part by array operations. However, common operations such as array multiplication and addition must be implemented by user-supplied code. References to particular array elements are supported in one dimension only. For two or three dimensional arrays the user must program the subscript calculations himself. 2.6.3. CSMP-III The IBM CSMP-III package, released in 1971, is very similar to CSSL-III. Like CSSL-III, CSMP-III is the product of a line of development dating back to the SCi Committee on Simulation Software publication [13] , and adheres closely to these specifications. CSMP-III is somewhat less sophisticated than CSSL-III. Here we will focus attention briefly on those features of CSSL-III not available in CSMP-III. Otherwise, the two languages are all but identical in terms of structure, power, and flexibility. CSMP-III does not provide a macro interpretive language. No commands are interpreted on the macro level. Macro expansion consists simply of generating the statements of the macro definition sequentially, with parameter substitutions. CSMP-III does not allow programs to be divided into segments. Thus, any given programmed study may involve the solution of only one set of differential equations. All equations must be integrated by the same method and at the same rate. Finally, CSMP-III apparently includes no special provisions to facilitate on-line operation. Its predecessor, CSMP-S/360 [21], was operated in batch mode only. However, a batch compatible interactive version of CSMP was reported by Fairley [22] in 1971. 2.6.4 RSSL RSSL is an advanced dialect of CSSL-III which was developed by E. L. Mitchell and J. S. Gauthier at the Raytheon Company in 1973. RSSL is designed to accept, without change, any program written in CSSL-III. 49 It includes innovations in the handling of macros, the run control language, syntax analysis and the allocation of interval data space. Macros The RSSL translator uses a stack to handle macro expansions so no artificial limit is imposed on the degree of macro nesting. Furthermore, the user need not avoid the names of system macros and operators in naming macros. The user dictionary is searched first in the symbol look-up procedure. Run-control Language RSSL adds three new operators to the run-control language of CSSL-III. The PROCED command allows the definition of run-control procedures. These are lists of sequential commands which may then be invoked by a single word. The DISPLY command can be used to print the current values of a list of variables. This is a very useful feature in a time-shared environment. The ACTION command can be used to schedule data changes at particular values of the independent variable. This is useful mainly for diagnostic purposes. For example, both RSSL and CSSL-III provide an NDBUG command for snapshot printouts. The command NDBUG=10 causes all problem variables to be printed at the first ten time steps. The ACTION command allows the user to obtain debug listings at points surrounding areas of suspected difficulty by changing the value of NDBUG. The following example illustrates this operation and the form of the ACTION command. ACTION ' VAR '=4.75,' VAL ' =10 , ' LOC ' =NDBUG This command sets the value of NDBUG ('LOC*) to lO('VAL') at time 4.75. This is a somewhat confusing format, but a nice feature for debugging. RSSL run-control also includes provision to overcome the usual problem of high data volume through a remote terminal. Output commands can route monitoring information to the terminal while sending high volume output to a local line printer. Syntax Analysis The RSSL translator performs syntax analysis on the model source code, an improvement over reliance on FORTRAN syntax analysis, which is the 50 policy of CSSL-III where arithmetic expressions are concerned. FORTRAN syntax error messages are confusing to the user, since variable names are changed and parallel statements are rearranged before the FORTRAN step. RSSL does not perform a full syntax analysis, only the first error on any given card is located. Internal Space Allocation All data internal to the RSSL translator is stored in floating tables which can be expanded and compressed as necessary. Thus, no artificial limits exist on any program elements. Previous languages all had fixed limits on the total numbers of such things as parameters, integrators, variables, etc. 2.6.5. DARE-P DARE-P (for Portable) was released in 1975 by Project DARE, under the direction of J. J. Lucas and J. V. Wait at the University of Arizona. In addition to its great portability, DARE-P is significant for its centralized run-control and its flexible features for filing and displaying solutions. Portability The DARE-P language acts as an adjunct to ANSI standard FORTRAN [23] . The DARE-P package is programmed almost entirely in this subset of FORTRAN, resulting in great portability. To further enhance portability by reducing core requirements, the package is modularized into overlays. The amount of machine dependent code is kept to a minimum by the use of a machine-independent filing structure for solution histories and for communications between the overlays, and by techniques such as packing characters two per word rather than using a tighter packing which assumes a word length of more than 16 bits. Machine dependent code is isolated in separate modules, and an implementation guide is available to aid in bringing DARE-P up at new installations. The DARE-P package requires only the most usual sort of hardware Aside from sufficient memory (roughly 17K DEC 10 words or 21K CDC 6400 words, for example) DARE-P requires an input device for entry of a problem specification file, a mass storage device for filing operations 51 and overlay swapping, and an output device capable of printing 132 characters per line. DARE-P can produce CalComp compatible plotter output for installations having a CalComp compatible plotter. Run-control All DARE-P run-control is programmed in the LOGIC block, which invokes the model execution as a subroutine. The default form of the LOGIC block consists of a CALL RUN statement which executes the model once. The user may program the structure of a study by using CALL RUN statements in conjunction with nearly any ANSI FORTRAN statements. Special subroutines are provided for reinitializing the system, adding new output variables, and filing solution histories during runs, and parameter values may be selectively altered by assignment statements. The LOGIC block can invoke any user-supplied FORTRAN subroutines. These features give convenient control with a wide degree of freedom. For example, large codes for parameter optimization can be linked to DARE-P without changing the standard system. The centralized run-control of DARE-P is conceptually simpler than the structure of CSSL-III where branching, looping, and interfaces with FORTRAN routines are programmed in the INITIAL and TERMINAL regions, and the specification of output variables and filing operations are handled in the run-control deck. Furthermore, the notion of INITIAL and TERMINAL codes with the model execution implicitly sequenced between them unnecessarily restricts the manner in which a study must be conceptualized. The user may feel more natural with a structure showing CALL RUN explicitly between the initial and terminal codes, or with several CALL RUN statements spaced throughout the program. However, CSSL-III 's run-control is somewhat more powerful than that of DARE-P, allowing different output operations and formats to be specified for particular invocations of the programmed study. Solution Recording and Display The DARE-P LOGIC block supports a flexible complement of filing operators for recording solution histories and solutions during and after model runs. By default, all state variables are output variables and their solution histories are saved on the TIME file. New output variables may be added via the OUTPUT list command. The automatic recording of all 52 solution histories can be disabled and re-enabled by means of CALL STROF and CALL STRON, respectively. This can reduce the overhead substantially and thus is very useful when a complete solution history is not required. Time histories of selected output variables may be recorded by executing a CALL SAVE list before the model execution. Each CALL SAVE, up to five, uses a different system file to avoid overwriting. Final values of the output variables may be saved after a run by a CALL STORE command. This permits solution files from intermediate runs to be saved and re-entered in subsequent runs via the CALL RESET command. The system STORE file may be used to store end results for subsequent output to magnetic tape or cards, DARE-P also offers a flexible complement of output operators. Conventional printing and plotting of variables against time is supplemented by operators which cross-plot up to seven variables against another and operators which overplot one variable from up to five solution histories. Operators are provided to produce time-plots, cross-plots, and over-plots on the line printer and to produce magnetic tape files for CalComp compatible time-plots, cross-plots, and over-plots. Over-plots are not provided by the CSSL-III and RSSL packages. Equations The equations of a DARE-P model are specified in the DERIVATIVE block. The DARE-P language allows for two DERIVATIVE blocks, permitting segmenting as in CSSL-III. However, it is unclear to this author if the DARE-P run-time overlay presently supports this feature — the first DARE-P release did not. The format of DARE-P equations is somewhat more natural than the formats of other languages. The differentiation operator is represented by a period following a variable name. Differential equations are specified in the form je. = expression rather than in the familiar analog form X=INT (expression) It is worth noting that the use of the differentiation operator rather than the integration operator, together with the ability to formulate equations implicitly, would allow first order differential equations to be presented in their most common form. Therefore, this minor difference is of some importance. 53 DARE-P does not include any macro capabilities, but a version with a macro handler is anticipated at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in [24] . 2.6.6. ACSL ACSL was reported in 1976 by E. E. L. Mitchell and J. S. Gauthier, the developers of RSSL. ACSL incorporates the same structure as RSSL and CSSL-III. An ACSL model consists of INITIAL, TERMINAL, DYNAMIC, and DERIVATIVE regions and is exercised by sequential run-control statements. The important innovation of ACSL is its interactive operation. Like CSSL-III and RSSL, ACSL is designed to be run on-line from a remote terminal. ACSL achieves true interaction in that run-control commands can be issued and executed on-line and data can be displayed during the model execution. ACSL may also be run in batch mode when appropriate. The ACSL run-control language offers all features of RSSL run-control with the exception of the ACTION and SPARE commands. The model execution is invoked by a START command which transfers control to the INITIAL region. The completion of the TERMINAL region or an interrupt from the user transfers control back to the run-control interpreter for the next command. Monitoring output may be routed to the remote terminal during model execution. The monitoring interval may be any integral multiple of the communication interval for solution histories to reduce the frequency of transmissions to the remote terminal. High volume data can be routed to a local line printer or plotter if available. ACSL incorporates all of the advanced features of RSSL. These include its macro interpretive language, dynamic allocation of all internal table space, arrays, and array integration operator. ACSL also performs full syntax analysis at the source level. Some concern is indicated in [19] for making the ACSL model definition section machine independent. Versions of ACSL are reported running on CDC 6000 series and UNIVAC 1108 machines. 2.6.7. GASP IV GASP IV, reported in 1973, represents a different line of development than the languages discussed previously. It is a procedural language in which model definitions are programmed directly in FORTRAN. 54 This package is unfit for the novice user due to its lack of parallelism and symbolic naming capabilities. However, it provides the advantage of efficiency for the sophisticated simulation programmer who considers the overhead associated with advanced features such as sorting to be a hindrance. In addition to continuous models, GASP IV supports discrete and combined models and provides extensive features for discrete modeling. Concerning continuous simulation, GASP IV is considerably less powerful than the languages discussed previously. It provides no macros and only a limited set of built-in operators to aid the user in describing complex continuous models. It does, however, provide the facility for incorporating user-written FORTRAN subroutines in a GASP IV model. A continuous GASP IV model is usually programmed as four FORTRAN subroutines. These specify the initialization procedures, the recording of system status, the output (in addition to the standard GASP IV summary report), and the state equations. Run-control is programmed in a FORTRAN main program which invokes the model execution as a subroutine via CALL GASP. Great flexibility is thus available for response testing and initialization, but the user must take care of such things as dimensioning and allocating COMMON storage for GASP variables. GASP IV is highly portable, being programmed almost entirely in ANSI FORTRAN. 2.6.8. Tabular Summary of Modern General Purpose Features The most important features of the modern general purpose languages which we have discussed are summarized in Figure 2.3. In this author's opinion, ACSL and DARE-P are the most advanced languages to date. ACSL is unsurpassed in modeling features and can be operated interactively. DARE-P is cited for its centralized run-control in the form of a FORTRAN calling program and for its flexible features for recording, filing, and displaying solutions. DARE-P is further recommended for its great portability and nominal cost. 55 CSSL-III RSSL DARE-P ACSL GASP IV CSMP-III iASIC FEATURES Parallel Equation-Oriented Symbolic Naming Associated Procedural Object Language Implemented by Compiler )PERATOR EXTENSION Symbolic Parameter Input Numerical Output Graphical Output Cross-Plots Over-Plots — FORTRAN- Logical Control (via Procedures) * * * * * * User-Defined Subroutines * * * * * * Subroutine Library * * * * *1 * Macros * * 2 * * Macro Library * * * ■k Macro Interpretive Language * A * [NPUT/ OUTPUT DIAGNOSTICS Problem-Level Syntax Analysis PROGRAMMED STRUCTURE Initial and Terminal Codes Procedural Main Program OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT Batch On-Line Interactive Portable Figure 2.3. Table of features of modern general purpose packages The GASP IV package has extensive run-time library routines for discrete simulation, but the routines for continuous simulation are rather limited A version of DARE-P with macro handling capability similar to those of CSMP-III is available from the Swiss Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland . 56 2.7. Special Purpose Languages — Electrical Circuit Analysis Many specialized packages have spun off from the central development scheme of continuous simulation. Applications of these include electrical, structural, and chemical applications, to name a few. These languages are distinguished from modern general purpose languages in that most, if not all, modeling is carried out by selecting and connecting predefined element types which are natural to the intended discipline. These languages provide great convenience for suitable applications, but lack high-level facilities for handling elements and connections outside the intended discipline and for solving user-supplied equations. Here we will concentrate on languages for electrical network analysis, which are a representative family of special purpose languages. We will be concerned with features for network-oriented model formulation rather than with generally applicable features such as run-control and input/output. Advanced run-control and input/output features can be incorporated in special purpose languages as well as general purpose ones, though no existing special purpose packages provide the flexibility of DARE-P , for example, in these respects. The most important specialized features to be presented — graphical modeling, topological macros, and the provision of specialized interdisciplinary modeling capabilities — can be incorporated profitably in special purpose languages for virtually any network applications in the physical sciences. So too can interactive operation, which we have discussed in the survey of general purpose languages. 2.7.1. ECAP ECAP [25] is a linear circuit analysis package released by IBM in 1965. It represents the most basic realization of a special purpose language. All modeling is performed by interconnecting predefined elements which represent the common linear elements of electrical circuits. All equations are specified by the elements and their connections so the user does no modeling at the equation level. However, there is no facility for defining new elements, either in terms of basic elements or in terms of equations. Even in a relatively unsophisticated language like ECAP great modeling power is inherent. In order to model an RLC circuit in a general purpose language such as ACSL, an engineer would be forced to derive an 57 explicit formulation of the state equations. A procedure for this derivation, in which the state variables are a subset of the capacitor voltages and induction currents, is described in [26] among others. This is a tedious and time-consuming process for many engineers, 4 particularly for complex circuits. To model a linear RLC circuit using ECAP, on the other hand, one need only select the elements and specify their parameter values and interconnections. ECAP's inability to handle nonlinear elements, including diodes and transistors, is a severe handicap for circuit analysis. Furthermore, ECAP converts a source language model into a set of nodal equilibrium equations to be solved at each time step of the integration. This technique requires complete recalculation of the equations whenever a parameter is changed, making circuit design with ECAP extremely expensive. 2.7.2 AEDNET AEDNET [28] is a sophisticated but nonportable package for linear and nonlinear circuit analysis reported at the MIT Electronic Systems Lab in 1966. AEDNET operates interactively on a time-shared computer and a CRT display unit, which provides on-line plots of circuit responses. Interactive operation (or extremely rapid batch-mode turnaround) is a virtual necessity for a computer-aided circuit design package. AEDNET was a great improvement over the long turnaround typical of batch mode packages like ECAP. AEDNET models are composed of linear and nonlinear time-varying resistors, capacitors, inductors, dependent and independent sources, and special elements which represent user-written subroutines. These elements are selected and connected graphically at the display unit, providing highly symbolic modeling. AEDNET also provides a macro facility. Topological terminal subnetworks can be defined by equivalent circuits composed of basic elements. These subnetworks can then be represented, selected, and topologically interconnected graphically in the same fashion as the pre-defined elements. 2.7.3. ECAP- I I ECAP-II [29] is an advanced version of ECAP developed by Branin et. al. at IBM in 1971. It incorporates nonlinear analysis and macro 58 capabilities. Nonlinearities can be described by tables, built-in function operators, and user-supplied subroutines. Topological terminal subnetworks can be constructed from basic elements and previously defined subnetworks. ECAP-II was the first widely available package to take advantage of the sparse matrix structure typical of electrical circuits and many other physical systems (see [30]) and to employ an implicit integration method tailored for these typically stiff systems (see [31]). These techniques significantly reduce running time, offering cheaper analysis and somewhat faster turnaround. 2.7.4. SCEPTRE SCEPTRE [32], reported by Bowers and Sedore in 1971, is quite similar to ECAP II. These languages have essentially the same pre-defined elements, features for representing nonlinearities, macro capabilities, and syntax. SCEPTRE has been applied in a variety of disciplines, including pollution studies and biomedical research, in addition to electrical circuit analysis (see [33]). In these applications SCEPTRE integrator elements are used to formulate state, equations as in DAS languages. However, a single SCEPTRE block can be defined to represent many equations, relieving the end-user from explicitly stating each equation. 2.7.5. SUPER*SCEPTRE An advanced version of SCEPTRE, SUPER*SCEPTRE [34], was reported by Bowers and others at the University of South Florida in 1975. SUPER*SCEPTRE includes all features of SCEPTRE and the analysis is performed by the SCEPTRE program. The SUPER*SCEPTRE language also incorporates terminal models for mechanical systems, digital-logic devices, control system transfer functions and nonlinear effects. In each case a generous complement of terminal models are built-in and new ones can be constructed from 'scratch' or from macro subnetworks. Terminal models of all types can be combined conveniently in a single model to describe electro-mechanical and similar interdisciplinary systems. The preceding survey is representative of the current state-of- the art, but is not intended to be complete. A brief list of other modern general purpose languages includes DYNAMO II [35] — popular for economic system dynamics but not generally applicable to engineering problems, SL-I [36] — running only on Xerox installations, FORSIM V — a procedural FORTRAN language which supports partial differential equations, and SLANG [38] and 59 PROSE [39] — two languages developed at TRW, Corp. There also exist packages designed for interactive operation on a dedicated mini-computer, such as CSMP 1130 [40], and DARE-I and II [41]. These packages have limited computational and language features but are very useful for real-time simulations . 60 NOTES 1 Differential equations of explicit form x(t) = f(x(t), t) are often solved by so-called 'implicit' methods such as predictor-corrector methods. In these methods, an explicit predictor, M , is used to predict the next values of x. x P (t + At) = M (x(t), x(t),...) — p — — after which an 'implicit' corrector, M , is used to correct the prediction x(t + At) = M ]; (x(t), f(x P (t + At), t),...) However, these methods are really explicit as they can be rewritten as x(t + At) = M_(x(t), f(M (x(t), x(t),...), t),...) I — p — — 2 3 4 which is an explicit computation. Many packages allow the user a choice of integration algorithms. Some of these offer implicit as well as explicit methods, but require explicit equation formulations to interface with the explicit methods, when used. For example, the nested sum A*B+C/D would be specified as a DES-1 block input by the expression SUM(MPY(A,B) ,DIV(C,D) ) . In fact, this process is quite time-consuming even when performed automatically by packages which derive state equations for explicit integration. See [27], Furthermore, explicit formulation of the state equations is an impossible task for general nonlinear networks. 61 LIST OF REFERENCES - CHAPTER 2 [1] "A User's View of Solving Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations" L. F. Shampine and C. W. Gear Department of Computer Science Report UIUCDCS-R-76-829, University of Illinois at Urb ana-Champaign, 1976 [2] "A Survey of Digital Simulation: Digital Analog Simulators" R. D. Brennan and R. N. Linebarger Simulation 3 (6), pp. 244-258, December 1964 [3] "A Compiler with an Analog-oriented Input Language" M. L. Stein, J. Rose, and D. P. Parker Proceedings 1959 Western Joint Computer Conference , pp. 92-102 [4] "Changing from Analog to Digital Programming by Digital Techniques" M. L. Stein and J. Rose Journal of the ACM 7 (1), pp. 10-23, January 1960 [5] "DYSAC: A Digitally Simulated Analog Computer" J. R. Hurley and J. J. Skiles Proceedings AFIPS Spring Joint Computer Conference 23 , pp. 69-82, 1963 [6] "JANIS, A Program for a General Purpose Digital Computer to Perform Analog-Type Simulations" E. R. Byrne Proceedings ACM National Conference , Denver, Colorado, August 1963 [7] "MIDAS, An Analog Approach to Digital Computation" R. T. Hartnett, F. J. Sansom, and L. M. Warshowsky Simulation 3 (3), pp. 17-24, September 1964 [8] "PACTOLUS — A Simulation Language which makes a Digital Computer feel like an Analog Computer" R. D. Brennan Simulation 3 (2), pp. 13-21, August 1964 [9] "Digital Simulation Languages: A Critique and a Guide" J. J. Clancy and M. S. Fineberg Proceedings AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conference 27, pp. 23-36, 196"S [10] MIMIC DIGITAL SIMULATION LANGUAGE. REFERENCE MANUAL Control Data Corporation, Sunnyvale, California, 1968 [11] "DSL/90 — A Digital Simulation Program for Continuous System Modeling" W. M. Syn and R. N. Linebarger Proceedings AFIPS Spring Joint Computer Conference 28, pp. 165-187, 1966 [12] "DES-I. A Real-Time Digital Simulation Computer" M. Pavelsky and J. V. Howell Proceedings AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conference 24 , pp. 459-471, 1963 62 [13] "The SCi Continuous System Simulation Language (CSSL)" J. C. Strauss, D. C. Augustin, M. S. Fineberg, B. B. Johnson, R. N. Linebarger, and F. J. Sansom Simulation 9 (6), pp. 281-303, December 1967 [14] "The Modeling of Hierarchical Systems" A. B. Clymer Proceedings CSSL Conference on Applications of Continuous System Simulation Languages , pp. 1-16, June 30- July 1, 1969, San Francisco, California [15] CDC Continuous System Simulation Language III (CSSL-III) User's Guide, Form 17304400 Revision A Control Data Corporation, Sunnyvale, California, 1971 [16] IBM Continuous System Modeling Program III (CSMP-III) Program Reference Manual, IBM Application Program File Form SH19-7001-0 IBM Corporation, White Plains, New York, 1971. [17] "DARE-P — A portable CSSL-type simulation language" J. J. Lucas and J. V. Wait Simulation 24 (1), pp. 17-28, January 1975 [18] RSSL Raytheon Scientific Simulation Language User Guide/Reference Manual, BR-7468 Raytheon Data Systems, Turn Norwood, Massachusetts [19] "Advanced Continuous Simulation Language (ACSL)" E. E. L. Mitchell and J. S. Gauthier Simulation 26 (3), pp. 72-78, March 1976 [20] THE GASP-IV SIMULATION LANGUAGE A. A. B. Pritsker John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, New York, 1974 [21] "The System/360 continuous system modeling program" R. D. Brennan and M. Y. Silverberg Simulation 11 (6), pp. 301-308, December 1968 [22] "Continuous System Simulation Languages: Design Principles and Implementation Techniques" R. E. Fairley University of Colorado Report //CU-CS-034-73, December 1973 [23] "American National Standard FORTRAN" ANSI X3.9 American National Standards Institute, New York, New York, 1966 [24] "Continuous System Simulation by Use of Digital Computers: A State- of-the-Art Survey and Prospectives for Development" F. E. Cellier Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 1975 63 [251 1620 Electronic Circuit Analysis Program [ECAP] User's Manual, IBM Application Program File H20-0170-1 IBM Corporation, White Plains, New York, 1965 [261 NETWORK ANALYSIS (2nd Edition) M. E. Van Valkenburg Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1964 [27] "Comprehensive Active Network Analysis by Digital Computer — A State-Space Approach" C. Pottle Proceedings Third Annual Allerton Conference on Circuits and System Theory , pp. 659-668, 1965 [281 "AEDNET: A Simulator for Nonlinear Networks" J. Katzenelson Proceedings of the IEEE 54 , pp. 1536-1552, 1966 [291 "ECAP-II — A New Electronic Circuit Analysis Program" F. H. Branin, G. R. Hogsett, R. L. Lunde, L. E. Kugel IEEE Journal on Solid State Circuits SC-6 (4), pp. 146-166, 1971 [301 "Direct Solutions of Sparse Network Equations by Optimally Ordered Triangular Factorization" W. F. Finney and J. W. Walker Proceedings of the IEEE 55, pp. 1801-1809, 1967 [311 "The Automatic Integration of Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations" C. W. Gear Proceedings IFIP Congress 1, pp. 187-193, 1968 [321 SCEPTRE: A COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS ANALYSIS J. C. Bowers and S. R. Sedore Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1971 [331 "Applying Computer Analysis Programs to New Areas" J. C. Bowers and D. B. Goodrich Proceedings IEEE-ORSA Joint National Conference , October 1971 [341 "Systems Analysis using SUPER*SCEPTRE" J. C. Bowers, J. E. O'Reilly, Jr., G. A. Shaw, and F. R. Tepper Simulation 25 (5), pp. 158-162, November 1975 [351 DYNAMO USER'S MANUAL (2nd Edition) A. L. Pugh MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1963 [36] SL-I Reference Manual Xerox Data Systems, El Segundo, California, 1970 [37] F0RS1M— A FORTRAN Package for the Automated Solution of Coupled Partial and/or Ordinary Differential Equation Systems User's Manual, Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd., Chalk River, Ontario, 1974 64 [38] "SLANG — A Problem Solving Language for Continuous Model Simulation and Optimization" J. M. Thames Proceedings of the 24th ACM National Conference , pp. 23-41, San Francisco, California, 1969 [39] "PROSE — A Problem Level Programming System" J. M. Thames Solveware Associates, San Pedro, California, 1973 [40] 1130 continuous system modeling program Program Reference Manual, IBM Application Program File H20-0282 IBM Corporation, White Plains, New York, 1967 [41] "Project DARE: Differential Analyzer REplacement by on-line digital simulation" G. A. Korn Proceedings AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conference 35 , pp. 247-254, 1969 65 3. THE MODEL LANGUAGE 3.1 . Introduction — Design Goals and Fundamental Features The development of MODEL was motivated by a desire to extend the power and flexibility of modern simulation languages in order to 1. provide very general and easy to use modeling features; 2. facilitate computer aided network design in a wide variety of applications; 3. provide a convenient structure for hierarchical models; 4. support different levels of user sophistication; and 5. offer a flexible environment for simulation studies. No existing general purpose languages provide facilities for network analysis, while existing network analysis languages do not provide the convenient modeling generality which is desired to meet goals 1 and 2. Typically, network analysis languages impose restrictions on network element types and topology due to the manner in which the network equations are formulated. None of these languages provides a convenient facility for defining arbitrary network elements through user-supplied equations. Those user-supplied equations which can be handled must be formulated in block-oriented fashion using the available element types much as in DAS languages. In order to meet goals 1 and 2, MODEL combines and extends the most powerful modeling features of general purpose and network analysis languages. MODEL is a general purpose, equation-oriented language which can also be used in a convenient and powerful block-oriented fashion for a wide range of specific network analysis applications. Features of MODEL incorporated or extended from modern general purpose languages include generalized equation-oriented modeling, equation-based macros, and powerful functional capabilities. Facilities more commonly associated with special purpose network analysis languages include topological constructs which can be tailored for particular applications and symbolically connected to construct network models and (in the local implementation) graphical modeling. The provision of highly symbolic topological macros facilitates computer aided network design by permitting very natural problem statements which allow rapid, high level alteration of the network 66 model during the design process. The provision of generalized features for defining arbitrary topological macros permits MODEL to be applied in a specialized fashion to a wide range of networks, including electrical circuits, structural and mechanical systems, and network flow problems. Equation oriented modeling allows any initial value problems in ordinary differential equations to be conveniently formulated and solved with MODEL. MODEL facilitates hierarchical modeling by providing a structure which allows very simple conversion of macros into models and vice versa. Models may be structured into any number of levels of macros and any macro can be conveniently adapted to stand alone as a model. Conversely, any model may be conveniently used as a macro in the construction of higher level models. MODEL permits macro definitions to be altered independently at each level so subsystem models can be refined and verified independently in 'bootstrapping' a hierarchical model. The local implementation of MODEL allows extensive libraries of macros to be defined and utilized. This is a convenient facility for special purpose modeling in that topological macros for particular applications need be defined only once. Furthermore, topological macros for particular applications can be defined by sophisticated users for use by novices. While some equation-oriented modeling is required to construct basic topological macros for a particular application, very little sophistication is required to construct network models from library macros. When appropriate constructs are present in the macro library, MODEL can take the form of a special purpose language in which all modeling is performed by interconnecting highly symbolic, predefined blocks. In general, MODEL allows equation-oriented and topological modeling to be freely combined in any macro or model. Topological macros for different disciplines may be combined easily in interdisciplinary models. For example, a pressure meter can be modeled by a topological macro which interfaces a water pipe to an electrical control system. MODEL is implemented to allow flexibility in the modeling and model execution environments. Two versions of MODEL will be available soon. Tn the 'local' version, MODEL interfaces to the DRAGON interactive graphical modeling and library support package [1], which is nearing completion. DRAGON acts as a front-end to the MODEL compiler, which has 67 been completed. The input to the MODEL compiler is completely text-oriented and the compiler itself is highly portable, as is the numerical support. Thus, a nongraphical version of MODEL can be used at many other installations. The interactive graphical version of MODEL allows macros and topological connections to be represented graphically at a remote terminal. This permits extremely symbolic modeling which cannot be matched in a text- oriented language. The portable version of MODEL includes nearly every convenience of modern equation-oriented and nongraphical network analysis languages. Some library support may be provided as an extension of the portable version of MODEL in the future. A MODEL simulation is controlled by a user-supplied FORTRAN program which calls the integration procedure as a subroutine. This type of run- control was selected to allow virtually any FORTRAN procedure to be interfaced easily to a simulation study. The MODEL compiler translates a user's model into FORTRAN, which is also the language employed for the compiler and numerical support. The translation and subsequent simulation of a model can be accomplished in any fashion reasonable for a large, FORTRAN-based software package. The package is presently operated as a sequence of jobs or job steps in batch mode. At the local installation it will soon be feasible to invoke these steps on-line from a remote terminal and to receive output from the simulation while it is in progress. The portable version of MODEL could also be used in this fashion at other installations having appropriate hardware/software configurations. Some preliminary thought has been given to extending local support to interactive operation, with run-time interpretation of run-control statements. On-line or interactive simulation is very desirable for computer aided design because it permits rapid evaluation of design alternatives. MODEL also offers the user every opportunity to alter any FORTRAN interfaces to the simulation study without recompiling the model. MODEL is the first simulation language to allow a noninteractive run-control program (the FORTRAN run-control program) to be conveniently altered without recompiling the model as well. MODEL is also significant as the first implicit general purpose language. The use of an implicit integration method was motivated by numerical considerations (see [2]), but is also highly desirable from the language point of view. MODEL equations maybe formulated implicitly. Together with the use of the differentiation operator ('), this permits a very convenient and natural format for first order ordinary differential 68 equations. The use of the differentiation operator is restricted only in that it must be applied to variables, rather than to expressions or derivatives although the organization of MODEL makes it feasible to handle the derivatives of expressions. Higher order derivatives and the derivatives of expressions are currently expressed through the introduction of auxiliary variables although a routine extension to MODEL would allow these types of derivatives to be handled directly. In addition to allowing a freer equation format, the use of an implicit integration method makes the MODEL language inherently parallel. 3.2 . Graphical and Card-Oriented Modeling As we have mentioned, an interactive graphical version and a portable text-oriented version of MODEL will soon be in use. Graphical modeling is performed interactively at a remote terminal under the DRAGON support package whose use is described in [1]. Text-oriented modeling is described here and in the user's manual for MODEL [3]. Any differences between the language description given here and that given in [3] reflect changes in the previous version of MODEL which will be incorporated into our updated user's manual. For the purpose of distinguishing between graphical and text oriented modeling features, we will refer to the DRAGON dialect and the text dialect of MODEL. The principal differences between the two dialects are the manner in which macros are represented and inserted into a model, the manner in which topologies are defined, and the provision of libraries by DRAGON. In the DRAGON dialect, macros are constructed interactively and represented by mnemonic pictures such as those shown in Figure 3.1. Macros are inserted into a model graphically using DRAGON's extensive commands for positioning mnemonic pictures on the display screen. Macro connection points, called terminals, and connections between these terminals are also expressed graphically. These features permit highly symbolic modeling which cannot be matched in a text oriented language. In the text dialect, text statements are used to represent and insert macros into a model and to define and connect terminals . DRAGON maintains three permanent libraries: the element (or macro) library, the terminal (topology) type library, and the FORTRAN library. During an interactive modeling session, temporary libraries are developed through selection of items from the permanent libraries and/or 69 through user-supplied definitions. The temporary libraries are called the element menu, the terminal type menu, and the FORTRAN menu. The items on a menu can be selected for use in modeling by pointing at the name of the desired item in the menu display area. The entire FORTRAN menu is included in the model automatically. The manner in which items are transferred from the permanent libraries to the menus and vice versa is described in [1]. The definition and use of menu items is discussed here as well as in [1] . The only other noteworthy difference between the two dialects of MODEL is the method of identifying problem statements. In the DRAGON dialect, the desired function is selected graphically. In the text dialect, keywords are used to indicate the statement type. With these exceptions all modeling is text-oriented in both dialects and the syntax and semantics of the text strings are identical. Very few restrictions are placed on the order of problem statements and a free format is provided for all text-oriented modeling. There are no fixed column positions. Blanks are significant only as separators and are otherwise ignored . The statements of the text dialect of MODEL are listed in Appendix A, which also describes the order in which the input file must be organized in the text dialect. ^WV o— ///////-o oc DO RESISTOR SPRING PIPE Figure 3.1. Mnemonic pictures for topological macros Terminals are represented by circles 0. 70 3.3. Overall Model Structure — Elements and Subelements The MODEL language makes no distinction between macros and models. In both the DRAGON and text dialects, models are defined in exactly the same fashion as macros. This lack of distinction has the implications that any model can be easily added to the DRAGON' s macro library and any macro can make use of all modeling features of the MODEL language. There are no fixed limits on the depth to which macros may be nested or the number of macros which can be employed in any model. Furthermore, macro definitions may be altered independently at each level of usage. By this we mean that a change in the definition of macro M does not necessarily imply that the definitions of macros which invoke M or are invoked by M must also be changed. This structure was chosen to facilitate the use of the macro library, particularly for modeling hierarchical systems. Subsystem models can quite easily be refined and verified independently in 'bootstrappini a hierarchical model. In the remaining discussion, we will refer to macros as 'elements'. When discussing a particular element, it will often be convenient to refer to those elements which it invokes as its 'subelements'. Topological elements are also sometimes called 'networks' . We use this nomenclature to avoid unnecessary distinction between models and macros and to emphasize the fact that all models are themselves language elements (i.e., macros). The MODEL language processor will expand any number of element references nested to any depth, provided sufficient core is available. MODEL does not, however, provide a macro interpretive language to support macro-level features such as loops, branches, and conditional expansion. Extensive use of features such as these usually leads to excessive compilation times and thus is rarely warranted. These features have not been implemented in MODEL for this reason and out of an attempt to keep core requirements to a minimum in the language processor. A macro interpretive language may be added to MODEL at some future time. 3.4 . Element Definition 3.4.1. Element Modeling Sequence — Parameters and Default Values In the text dialect, the name, parameters, and default parameter values, if any, of an element may be defined in a single statement of the general form 71 ELEMENT e It-name { parm {(d , d )}{ =def-exp ] ;}* This statement begins the definition of the element elt-name . All subsequent statements until the next ELEMENT statement or the end of the element definitions serve to define this element. The statements within any element definition may appear in virtually any order. The only restriction is that statements which specify nondefault parameter values and connections for a subelement must follow the statement which invokes that subelement . Each statement type may be used any number of times. When statements of the same type are grouped together within an element definition, it is not necessary to include the keyword for each statement. Any statement which does not begin with a keyword is assumed to be of the same type as the last previous keyword. When the statement following an ELEMENT statement does not begin with a keyword, it is assumed to be an equation statement. Elements may be defined in any order, regardless of the level at which they are invoked. Thus, MODEL offers the most flexible text-oriented modeling sequence of any language presently available. In the generalized ELEMENT statement above, elt-name is the name of the element being defined. All names defined in MODEL must be alphanumeric strings of eight characters or less and must begin with a letter. Each use of parm represents a parameter name. All parameters and variables defined in MODEL are floating point quantities and may be scalars or arrays of one or two dimensions. Parameters may represent state or auxiliary variables whose behavior is specified by the equations of the element, or they may represent adjustable constants. The dimensions of parameter arrays are defined in the form parm (d_ 13 d-) where d and d are integers. The dimensions may be omitted when the parameter is a scalar. Default parameter assignments may be defined in the form parm (d- s dp) = def-exp . Default values are typically constants, but def-exp may be any well-defined MODEL expression whose variables are known within the element elt-name . Def-exp must have the same dimensions as parm . The permissible forms for scalar and nonscalar MODEL expressions are described in section 3.4.5 which deals with MODEL equations. Default parameter assignments may be omitted when not desired. There is no restriction on the number of parameters an element can have. Many parameter definitions can be included in the ELEMENT statement separated by semicolons. The ELEMENT statement must be a single card image 72 (72 columns), but the DEFAULTS statement may also be used to define additional parameters. This statement has the general form DEFAULTS { parm Ud^, d^)}{ =def-exp };}* Any number of DEFAULTS statements may be used in any element. Because elements may be defined in any order in the text dialect it is necessary for the user to specify which is the highest level element of the model so the language processor can begin the model analysis with that element. This is done by the ANALYZE statement which has the form ANALYZE model-name where mode l-name is the name of the highest level element. This statement precedes the first ELEMENT statement of the input file. If no ANALYZE statement is included, analysis will begin with the element named in the first ELEMENT statement of the input file. In the DRAGON dialect, an element is defined at the end of its interactive construction process. The user selects the SAVE function and types in the name by which the element is to be known, e.g., {SAVE} name This adds the element's definition to the temporary library (called the menu) , allowing it to be used in the construction of other elements or to be passed to the language processor for compilation and execution. The elements of a model may not be defined in arbitrary order in the DRAGON dialect. Before one element can be used in the construction of another some definition of the first element must be present in the menu. However, in most cases a lower level element of a model may be altered without redefining the higher level elements of the model. The operations involved in the construction of an element can be carried out in any meaningful order and may be repeated any number of times. In the DRAGON dialect, the parameters of an element and their default values, if any, are defined prior to SAVEing the element in the menu. Selection of the PARM function allows the user to type in the parameter definitions in the same format as the DEFAULTS statement of the text dialect. Any number of text lines may be entered without reselecting the PARM function. 73 3. A. 2. Global and Local Variables and the Independent Variable In addition to parameter sets, sets of global and local variables may be defined within any element. These are state and auxiliary variables whose behavior is modeled by equations. Local variables are specific to the element in which they are defined. Global variables may be referenced in the equations of the element in which they are defined as well as in the equations of its subelements, their subelements, etc. A variable which is declared as a global in some element E is automatically defined within any subelements of E and need not be explicitly declared in those elements. Like parameters, local and global variables may be scalars or arrays, and no restrictions are placed on the number of variables which can be defined in any element. Variable scoping is a very useful feature for hierarchical models, particularly when subsystem models are to be refined independently. MODEL allows the most flexible variable scoping of any simulation language. Other general purpose languages assume that any variables which appear in the body of a macro and are not among its parameters are local to that macro. Thus, variables can have global scope only if they are parameters of all macro invocations. In the text dialect, global and local variables are defined by the GLOBALS and LOCALS statements whose general forms are . GLOBALS { global {(d , d)};}* LOCALS { local Ud, d_ 2 )};}* Here global and loaal represent variable names and the optional dimensions are represented by (d , d_ ) . Any number of GLOBALS and LOCALS statements may be used in any element . In the DRAGON dialect, global and local variables are defined by selecting either the GLO VAR or the LOC VAR function and typing in the definitions in the same format as the GLOBALS and LOCALS statements of the text dialect. Any number of text lines may be entered without reselecting the function. The independent variable is known by the default name 'TIME' and can be referenced in the equations of any element. The independent variable can be renamed by the statement RENAME ind-var-name where ind-var-name is any legal MODEL name by which the independent variable is to be known. In the text dialect, the RENAME statement must precede the 74 first ELEMENT statement of the input file. In DRAGON, a RENAME statement can be added to the header block of an element by selecting the HEADER function and typing the statement. When an element is sent to the MODEL compiler, its header block is automatically included in the input file. 3.4.3. Topology — Terminals, Terminal Types, Terminal Variables, and the Generalization of Kirchoff's Laws Topological modeling is accomplished through the use of terminals which represent the connection points of an element. Terminals can be used to model a wide variety of connectors, including electrical and flow problem junctions and structural and mechanical joints. We will begin this discussion of topological modeling by considering the manner in which terminals are defined, distinguished, and assigned terminal types. We will then discuss the significance of the terminal variable sets which are associated with each terminal of a given type, and the manner in which terminal variable behavior is defined by terminal connections. The manner in which topological elements are connected into networks is described in the next section. Terminals may be either external or local in scope. Local terminals represent intra-element connection points. The local terminals of an element may be connected only within the definition or construction of that element. External terminals represent inter-element connection points. When a subelement is invoked, each of its external terminals is connected to some terminal in the invoking element. Local and external terminals may be freely interconnected any number of times within any element. The external terminals of an element allow it to be connected as a subelement. Local terminals provide a flexible means of connecting the external terminals of subelements into a network. In DRAGON, local terminals can also enhance clarity in the graphical representation of an element. If this mnemonic picture is complex, it may be inconvenient to represent a desired connection in the usual fashion as a straight line between two terminals. A connection line which would otherwise pass through some part of the picture can be rerouted by the introduction of local terminals. Each terminal within an element is distinguished by a unique integer called its terminal ID number. Terminal ID numbers provide the 75 means of distinguishing terminal variable references in the equations of the element . In the text dialect , terminal ID numbers also provide the means of distinguishing terminal references in connection statements. In the text dialect, terminals are defined by the TERMINALS statement. This statement defines terminals with local scope. Defined terminals are given external scope by the EXTERNALS statement. The basic formats of these statements are the same. Terminals are identified by ID number and may be referenced singly, e.g. TERMINALS 1 ; in consecutively numbered groups, e.g., EXTERNALS 2-5 ; or in any combination of these fashions, e.g., TERMINALS 2-5 10 6-8 EXTERNALS statements may appear either before or after the TERMINALS statements which define the terminals. Terminals need not be defined in the order of their ID numbers and the set of terminal ID numbers defined within an element need not be consecutive. In the DRAGON dialect, selection of the TERM function allows the user to define terminals by pointing at the positions on the screen where terminals are desired. This causes the terminals to be displayed graphically as small circles (0) , and to be assigned ID numbers which can be displayed alongside the terminals. External terminals are specified by selecting the MAKEX command and pointing at the terminals which are to have external scope. MODEL imposes no fixed limits on the number of local or external terminals which can be defined in any element. We have mentioned that MODEL terminals can be used to model a wide variety of connectors. This variety is accommodated by allowing the terminal type of each terminal to be selected from DRAGON 's library of terminal types or defined by the user. We will first describe the manner in which terminal types are associated with the terminals of an element, and then discuss the definition and significance of terminal types. In the text dialect, a terminal type may optionally be associated with each group of terminal ID numbers defined in a TERMINALS statement. Thus, the general form of the TERMINALS statement is TERMINALS { te rm- no - te rrn- no type } * where type represents the terminal type name. For example, suppose CONTROL 76 is the name of a terminal type which models an electrical control junction and FLUID is the name of a terminal type which models a junction in a flow network. Then the statement TERMINALS 1 CONTROL 2 3 FLUID would define terminal 1 with type CONTROL, terminal 3 with type FLUID, and terminal 2 with undefined type. In the DRAGON dialect, selection of the ASG TYPES function allows the user to select a terminal type from the menu and associate this type with terminals of the element under construction by pointing at the desired terminals. In either dialect, it is not necessary to define the type of every terminal. Connections between terminals of different types are not allowed so the MODEL language processor can determine the types of most terminals from the types of terminals to which they are connected. A terminal's type will be undetermined only if no terminal to which it is connected, either directly or indirectly, has been assigned a type. The definition of a terminal type consists of the specification of its terminal type name and of the sets of terminal variables which are to be associated with each terminal of that type. The terminal variables represent generalizations of Kirchoff's voltage and current laws and hence are divided into two sets, called the E-set and the I-set. Terminal variables are automatically 'transmitted' through terminal connections. E-type terminal variables (the members of the E-set) act like voltages transmitted through connections. Each variable of the E-set automatically assumes the same value at all terminals connected in a common node. I-type terminal variables act like currents transmitted into an element through its external terminals and transmitted out of an element through the external terminals of its subelements. Under this sign convention each variable of the I-set automatically sums to zero over all terminals connected in a common node. This insures that I-type variables (e.g., currents) do not accumulate at any node. MODEL imposes no restrictions on the number of terminal types which can be defined or the number which can be used within any element. In the text dialect, terminal types are defined by TYPE statements which precede the first ELEMENT statement of the input file. These statements serve to define terminal types for use within the elements in the input file. 77 In the DRAGON dialect, terminal types are defined by selecting the MOD TYPES command and typing in the definition. This adds the terminal type to the menu and allows it to be selected for use via the ASG TYPES command which we have previously described. The format for terminal type definitions is the same in both dialects. The general form in the text dialect is TYPE type-name E({ ename {(d 3 dj};}*) l({ iname{ (d 3 dj};}*) type-name represents the name of the terminal type, ename and iname represent a terminal variable name. The dimensions of the terminal variables represented by (d , d~) are optional and may be omitted for scalar variables. The terminal type definition must be a single card image, but otherwise MODEL imposes no restrictions on the number of terminal variables which can be associated with any terminal type. Either the E-set or the I-set may be omitted if no terminal variables of one type are required. The TYPE statements of Figure 3.2 illustrate the terminal type definition format and the use of E-type and I-type terminal variables to represent various network junction effects. The symbol % denotes comment text . MODEL is the first language to generalize the application of Kirchoff's laws which are common network principles. The automatic imposition of these laws at each node of the network offers the convenience of topological modeling in a wide variety of applications. Terminal variables can be used to model junction effects such as deflections, forces, stresses, strains, pressures, flow rates, and many more. Topo- logical modeling is conceptually simplified by allowing symbolic names to be selected for terminal types and terminal variables. Interdisciplinary modeling is facilitated by allowing the definition and use of any number of terminal types. Generality is provided by allowing terminal variable behavior to be defined by user-written equations as well as by the automatic application of Kirchoff's laws. Equation modeling of terminal variables will be illustrated in section 3.4.5. First, we will discuss the invocation and connection of subelements. 78 % ELECTRICAL JUNCTION TYPE ELECTRIC E (VOLTAGE) I (CURRENT) % FLUID JUNCTION TYPE FLUID E (PRESSURE) I (FLOW) % CONTROL JUNCTION TYPE CONTROL E (LEVEL) % STRUCTURAL PIN JOINT: MODELED IN TERMS OF % FORCES AND DEFLECTIONS IN THREE DIMENSIONS TYPE PINJOINT E(DEFLX;DEFLY;DEFLZ) I (FORCEX; FORCE Y ;FORCEZ) % STRUCTURAL JOINT :MODELED IN TERMS OF STRESS % AND STRAIN TENSORS IN TWO DIMENSIONS. % STRESS (l)«-a STRAIN (1H£ x x % STRESS (2)«-a STRAIN (2)«-€ y y % STRESS (3)<-t (SHEAR) STRAIN (3)+- Y (SHEAR STRAIN) TYPE S JOINT E (STRESS (3)) I (STRAIN (3)) Figure 3.2. Terminal type definitions. 79 3.4.4. Connections and Subelement Invocation Intra-element connections are specified differently than inter-element connections in both dialects of MODEL. We will first discuss intra-element connections — that is, connections between the local and external terminals of a single element. Then we will consider the manner in which subelements are invoked and connected into a network. In the text dialect, intra-element connections are specified by the CONNECT statement which has the general form CONNECT { tevm-no - term-no }* In the DRAGON dialect, intra-element connections are specified by selecting the CONNECT function and pointing at the pairs of terminals to be connected. Connections appear on the screen as a straight line joining the two terminals. In both dialects, the local and external terminals of any element may be freely interconnected with no topological restrictions. In the text dialect, subelements are invoked by the SUB-ELEMENT statement which has the general form SUB-ELEMENT sub-elt-name { parm=expj }* sub -e It-name is the name of the element to be invoked. The pavm=exp represent a sequence of nondefault parameter assignments for the subelement, They may be specified in any order. Parameter assignments can be any well- defined MODEL expressions whose variables are known within the invoking element. Parameter assignments can be omitted when default values are defined. A single SUB-ELEMENT statement is used for each subelement invocation. When many parameter assignments are needed, the NON-DEFAULTS statement can also be used. This is the complement of the DEFAULTS statement and has the general form NON-DEFAULTS { parm=exp$ * where parm represents a parameter name and exp represents the expression whose value is to be assigned to that parameter. Parameter values may be assigned in any order in the NON-DEFAULTS statement. Any parameters which are not assigned values in SUB-ELEMENT and NON-DEFAULTS statements will assume their default values if these are defined. In order to accommodate multiple invocations of the same element, each NON-DEFAULTS statement must follow the SUB-ELEMENTS statement to which it refers and no other SUB-ELEMENT statements may intercede. 80 The use of the ELEMENTS, DEFAULTS, SUB-ELEMENT, and NON-DEFAULTS statements is illustrated in the following example. The element EX has parameters which are defined by the statements ELEMENT EX PI ;P2=5 ;P3 (4 ,4) DEFAULTS P4=4;P5 It is invoked by an element which includes the statements LOCALS X;Y;A(4,4) SUB-ELEMENT EX P1=X+Y;P3=A NON-DEFAULTS P5=21 For this invocation of EX, PI will be replaced by X+Y . P2 and P4 will be replaced by their default values, 5 and 4, respectively. P3 will be replaced by A which might be an array of state variables whose behavior is defined by EX. P5 will be replaced by 21. In the DRAGON dialect, subelements are invoked by pointing at the desired element name in the menu and then pointing at the terminals to which the subelement is to be connected in the proper sequence. The subelemenr's graphical representation will then be displayed between the terminals to which it is connected. Local terminals can be defined by pointing at vacant areas of the screen rather than existing terminals. If the subelement has no external terminals, the user points at the area of the screen where the subelement' s. graphical representation (which may be only its name) is to appear, and no terminals are defined. Parameter assignments for the subelement are specified by selecting the CH PARMS command. This displays the list of default parameter assignments for the subelement which was entered via the PARMS command. To change a default assignment the user points at and then retypes the text line in question. As in the text dialect, the nondefault parameter assignments may be any expressions involving variables and parameters of the invoking element and global variables. In the text dialect, subelements are connected into a network by the SUB-CONNECT statement. This statement has the general form SUB-CONNECT { term-no }* The term-no represents the ID numbers of the terminals in the invoking element to which the subelement is to be connected. Their order corresponds to the order in which the external terminals of the subelement are defined in its TERMINALS statements. Like the NON-DEFAULTS statement the SUB-CONNECT 81 statement must follow the corresponding SUB-ELEMENT statement with no other SUB-ELEMENT statements interceding. In both dialects of MODEL, subelements may be freely inter- connected through the terminals of the invoking element . MODEL imposes no restrictions on inter-element topology. Many network analysis packages impose such restrictions due to the manner in which they formulate the network equations. Most network analysis packages formulate explicit state equations from the network topology by matrix methods. Many of these packages cannot integrate topologies which involve equivalent state variables (parallel capacitors and serial inductors are frequent examples in electrical circuit analysis) because of resulting matrix singularities. MODEL determines the state variables symbolically from the tableau of implicit equations, and (together with its associated numerical software) automatically removes equivalent variables and redundant equations. Thus, there is no problem with matrix singularities due to equivalent state variables, either in the state formulation or in the integration. The SUB-CONNECT statement can also be used to establish pseudo-ID numbers for the external terminals of subelements. This would be done to allow the equations of the invoking element to reference I-set variables at these terminals. References to E-set variables do not present the same problem because these variables assume the same value at the terminal to which they are connected. However, when two or more external subelement terminals are connected to the same local terminal (which is typically the case) , a reference to an I-set variable at that terminal would not be well-defined. References to I-set variables at local terminals are not allowed due to the lack of a convenient convention for the direction of flow at these terminals. Thus, it may be necessary to reference an I-set variable at an external subelement terminal. A pseudo-ID number to be used for such a reference can be defined by attaching it to the ID number of the connected terminal in the SUB-CONNECT statement. For example, SUB-CONNECT 3 4-1 2 establishes -1 as the pseudo-ID number of the second external terminal of subelement EX. In the DRAGON dialect the PSID function can be used to establish and display a pseudo-ID number. After selecting the PSID function the user identifies the external subelement terminal by pointing at the connected local terminal and typing the subelement name. A generated pseudo- ID number will then appear on the screen. 82 An experimental feature of the text dialect is the strip terminal. Strip terminals allow elements to be used with a variable number of external connections without shorting any connections together. This feature is provided for modeling elements which have a variable number of input lines such as the voltage summer of Figure 3.3. The use of the strip terminal allows the voltage summer to be modeled by a single element regardless of the number of input lines used in each invocation. Any number of terminals may be directly connected to an external strip terminal of a subelement . Each such connection causes MODEL to generate a terminal within the subelement to receive the connection. Strip terminals are defined in the TERMINALS statement by prefixing their ID numbers with the letter S, i.e., TERMINALS SI 2 3 Strip terminals always have external scope and need not be declared as external in an EXTERNALS statement. The external strip terminals of a subelement are connected into a network by CONNECT statements in the invoking element. To permit these terminals to be identified in CONNECT statements it is necessary to define a unique pseudo-ID number for each strip terminal invoked by an element. This is done in the SUB-CONNECT statements by entering Sn in place of a connection to the invoking element. For example, the statement SUB-CONNECT S7 1 2 specifies that the first external terminal of subelement SUMMER is a strip terminal which will be referenced in the CONNECT statements of the invoking element as terminal number 7. The SUB-CONNECT statement does not define a connection to the external strip terminal of SUMMER as it does for the other two external terminals. Connections to the strip terminal are specified in CONNECT statements of the invoking element. The statement CONNECT 3-7 4-7 5-7 6-7 causes the generation of four external terminals in subelement SUMMER. These terminals are connected to terminals 3, 4, 5, and 6, respectively, of the invoking element. This is illustrated in Figure 3.3b. Connections between two strip terminals or between a strip terminal and another terminal of the same element are not allowed. 83 2 -O 3 -O TERMINALS SI CONTROL 2:3 CONTROL EXTERNALS 2:3 EQUATIONS LEVEL(2)=MAX(LEVEL(1)) LEVEL(3)=SUM(NSTRIP(1) ,LEVEL(1)) Figure 3.3a. Voltage summer modeled by the statements SUB-ELEMENT SUMMER SUB-CONNECT S7 1 2 CONNECT 3-7 4-7 5-7 6-7 Figure 3.3b. Voltage summer connected into a network by the statements. Figure 3.3. Voltage summer ({} represents the strip terminal).* *The strip terminal is not presently supported by DRAGON. Thus, the figures above represent conceptualizations of the voltage summer, rather than mnemonic pictures constructed with DRAGON. 84 For strip terminals to be useful there must be some special operators available for referencing the generated terminals in the equations of the subelement. We will continue the example of a voltage summer to illustrate the possibilities which presently exist. The element SUMMER has three external terminals, defined by the statements TYPE CONTROL E (LEVEL) TERMINALS SI CONTROL 2:3 CONTROL EXTERNALS 2:3 The input lines are connected to the strip terminal. External terminals 2 and 3 transmit the maximum and the sum, respectively, of the input levels. This can be expressed in the equations of SUMMER in the form LEVEL ( 2 ) =MAX (LEVEL ( 1 ) ) LEVEL (3 )=SUM (NSTRIP (1), LEVEL (1)) References to strip terminal variables such as LEVEL (1) are treated in a special way when they appear as function arguments. If subelement SUMMER is connected by the statements SUB-CONNECT S7 1 2 CONNECT 3-7 4-7 5-7 6-7 then LEVEL(l) will be replaced in the argument list above by the sequence of arguments LEVEL(3) ,LEVEL(4) ,LEVEL(5) ,LEVEL(6) Here 3, 4, 5, and 6 are the ID numbers of the terminals generated by the connection of terminals 3, 4, 5, and 6 of the invoking element to the external strip terminal of SUMMER. In the first equation above, MAX refers to the built-in FORTRAN library function for the maximum of a variable number of arguments. In the second equation, SUM refers to a user-written FORTRAN function subroutine which forms the sum of a variable number of arguments. NSTRIP is a built-in operator whose value is the number of terminals directly connected to a strip terminal. In this case, strip terminal 1 has four direct connections in the invoking element so NSTRIP (1) is four. It is used to indicate the number of actual arguments in each reference to SUM. The second equation also illustrates that other arguments may precede (or follow) a reference to a set of generated terminal variables. 85 MODEL is the first network analysis language to provide a strip terminal. In other languages, a variable number of input lines can be modeled only by defining many external terminals and connecting only as many as are needed in each invocation. This method can be used in MODEL as well. E-set and I-set variables are set to zero at unconnected terminals. Strip terminals could prove to be a great convenience where applicable. The use of a strip terminal could avoid the necessity of defining a different version of an element for each number of input lines which might be employed. However, the present features for referencing strip terminal variables are only rudimentary. This would be an appropriate area for future development of MODEL, perhaps as a subset of a macro (element)-interpretive language. 3.4.5. Equations MODEL allows the equations of each element to be formulated implicitly. By this we mean that the general form of an equation is simply where eccp and exp r represent arbitrary algebraic or first order ordinary differential expressions involving constants, variables, and parameters known within the element and built-in and user-defined operators. (Parameter assignments are a special case of this form in which the left hand side is a single parameter.) There is no need for the user to derive an explicit state formulation. As the first implicit equation-oriented language, MODEL offers the most flexible and convenient format for equations of any existing language. MODEL is also the first language to allow the differentiation operator (') to be embedded freely in expressions. This obviates the necessity of introducing auxiliary variables in order to reference state derivatives as one must in explicit languages. Any algebraic or first order ordinary differential equation which represents a desired relationship between problem variables and parameters can be entered directly. It is presently necessary to introduce auxiliary variables to represent higher order derivatives and the derivatives of expressions, but a routine extension of MODEL would allow the differentiation operator to be applied to derivatives and expressions as well as to variables and parameters. 86 In addition to allowing a very flexible equation format, the use of an implicit integration method means that no special operator is needed to solve implicit equations. Furthermore, the set of equations need not even be sortable — that is, algebraic loops may be present as is often the case in complex network problems. Thus, MODEL can be used to solve a larger class of problems than can explicit languages. The operators which can be used in MODEL equations and parameter assignments are the differentiation operator, standard infix operators for scalar and array arithmetic, built-in functions, and functions defined by the user or selected from the DRAGON library. All of these operators can be freely embedded in expressions and, with the above- mentioned restriction on the use of the differentiation operator, all can be freely nested to any level of parenthesis. The operators available in MODEL are listed in Figure 3.4 along with the precedences which determine the ordering of operations in expression evaluation. Arithmetic expressions are evaluated in the usual order (the same as FORTRAN) . Parentheses may be freely inserted to change the order of evaluation. Built-in, user-defined, and MODEL library functions all have the same precedences and are grouped together under the heading 'functions'. The built-in functions are' listed in Figure 3.5. User-defined functions are discussed in section 3.5. The relational and logical operators <, >, &, and |, will be discussed in section 3.4.6 which deals with the logical switching of equations. MODEL is the first language to provide infix operators for the common array operations of addition (+) , subtraction (-) , multiplication (*) , and inner product (.). FORTRAN functions defined by the user or selected from the DRAGON library can also operate on arrays, as can the differentiation operator. Dimensioned expressions involving array variables and operators may be embedded in any equation. For example, if F is a 4 x 4 array of coefficients and X is a 4 x 1 state vector, then the single array equation X' = F*X can be used in place of the four associated scalar equations. MODEL does not presently support array indexing in equations. The equations must operate on arrays as indivisible entities. A routine extension of MODEL would permit indexing in equations. Indexing is presently possible at the FORTRAN level in the run-control program and FORTRAN function programs. operator input precedence stack precedence ( function unary- * (array or scalar) / . (inner product) + (array or scalar) - (array or scalar) (relational) (relational) (logical and) (logical or) 13 13 12 12 10 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 4 1 3 2 11 11 10 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 unary+ 1 (differentiation) (not defined)** 1 (not defined)** (not defined) Figure 3.4. MODEL operators and precedences. *The differentiation operator can presently be applied only to variables and parameters and thus is implemented as a suffix to the variable or parameter name . **The unary+ and right parenthesis operators are never placed on the operator stack. The input and stack precedences have usual meanings. In parsing equation syntax, each operator is stacked as it is read and removed from the stack when all of its operands are known. If the input precedence of the operator being parsed is higher than the stack precedence of the operator on top of the stack, the input operation takes precedence and its result is an operand of the stack operator. The input operator is simply pushed on top of the stack. Thus, A+B*C means A+(B*C) and -A**B means -(A**B). If the stack precedence is greater than or equal to the input precedence, the stack operation takes precedence. Operators are popped from the stack until the stack precedence becomes less than the input precedence. The input operator is then pushed on top of the stack. Thus, A*B+C means (A*B)+C and A**B*C means (A**B)*C. If the stack and input precedences of an operator are the same (i.e., *) , the operator associates left to right. If the stack precedence of an operator is less than its input precedence (i.e., **) , the operator associates right to left. 88 function name corresponding FORTRAN ■- ■ iiuiaiy j-uiiui-luu LOG DLOG EXP DEXP SQRT DSQRT ATAN DATAN ABS DABS COS DCOS SIN DSIN MAX DMAX1 MIN DMIN1 SQUARE STEP description natural logarithm of the argument e raised by the argument positive square root of the argument arc tangent (in radians) of the argument absolute value of the argument cosine of the argument (in radians) sine of the argument (in radians) maximum of the arguments minimum of the arguments square of the argument Step function Figure 3.5. MODEL built-in functions. 89 The equations may reference any terminal variable associated with any terminal of the element with the exception of I-set variables at local terminals. Terminal variables are identified by the variable name followed by the terminal ID number in parentheses, i.e., FL0W(2) . If FLOW is an I-set variable, FLOW (2) is the rate of flow directed into the element at external terminal number 2. If the value of FL0W(2) is negative, the simulated fluid is flowing out of the element. When a pseudo-ID number is used to reference an I-set variable at an external terminal of a subelement, the direction convention is the same — the I-set variables represent rates of flow directed into the subelement. Thus, if -2 is the pseudo-ID number of an external subelement terminal, FL0W(-2) is positive if simulated fluid is flowing into the subelement, and is negative if the flow is out of the subelement (and thus into the invoking element) . In the text dialect, equations are entered by the EQUATIONS statement which has the general form EQUATIONS { exp =exp r ; } If the EQUATIONS statement is the first statement within the element definition, it is not necessary to include the keyword EQUATIONS. This permits elements which include only equations to be defined with a minimum of effort. In the DRAGON dialect, equations are entered by selecting the EQUATIONS function and typing in the equations. In any well-defined model, there will be one equation for each variable present. The variables of a model consist of the global and local variables, parameters, and terminal variables of each element which is invoked. In general, each element should include one equation for each global and local variable defined in the element. In some cases a variable is defined in one element while its behavior is defined by an equation of a subelement which references it as a global variable or is invoked with it as a parameter. The behavior of parameters is frequently defined by the parameter assignments used in invoking the element (i.e., P=5, P=X+Y*Z) . Sometimes a parameter represents a state or auxiliary variable whose behavior is defined by an equation of the element. In these cases, the parameter will simply be replaced by a variable of the invoking element (i.e., P=X) and the invoked element will include an additional 90 equation which defines the parameter's behavior. The parameters of the highest level element of the model are assigned values in the run-control language . As concerns terminal variables, each distinct E-type (voltage) and I-type (current) variable of the network must be defined by an equation in some element. The manner in which equations defining terminal variable behavior are associated with elements depends on the meaning of the elements — there is no rigid general rule. The two most common fashions of defining terminal variable behavior are described in the following two paragraphs. Functional elements which have distinct input and output lines typically include one equation for each terminal variable at each external 'output' terminal. In these cases, one and only one 'output' terminal will be connected to each node. The voltage summer of the previous section is an example of such an element. Elements which make no distinction between input and output terminals typically include one equation for each E/I-set pair at each external terminal. There is only one equation for each pair of terminal variables because the terminal variables of a network are not usually distinct — i.e., connecting two terminals essentially equivalences their terminal variables (with a difference in sign for I-set variables) . Thus, equations defining the behavior of the terminal variables of one element are present — in effect — in connected elements. In these cases, an element with M unconnected external terminals, each having P pairs of E/I-set variables, will typically include MP equations defining terminal variable behavior. In elements with multiple external terminals (M>1) there is typically one equation for each I-set variable. This equation relates the values of the I-set variable at all of the external terminals usually by summing these values to zero. For each E/I-set pair the remaining M-l equations relate the values of the E-set variable at the M external terminals. The remainder of this section presents four examples of element definitions which illustrate the use of equations to define terminal variable behavior in the fashion described in the preceding paragraph. These examples come from the areas of electrical, mechanical, fluid, and structural networks. The elements to be modeled are a capacitor, a spring, a reservoir, and a beam. 91 Capacitor A graphical representation of a capacitor and the MODEL text dialect statements which define this element are shown in Figure 3.6. ] 2 O 1 I O TYPE ELECTRIC E(V) 1(1) ELEMENT CAPACITOR C TERMINALS 1:2 ELECTRIC EXTERNALS 1:2 EQUATIONS I(l)+I(2)=0 V(1)'-V(2)'=I(1)/C Figure 3.6. Capacitor. The capacitor has one parameter, C, which is its capacitance. Terminals 1 and 2 are external terminals of type ELECTRIC with E-set consisting of V, the voltage, and I-set consisting of I, the current. The first equation states that any applied current is transmitted through the capacitor. The second equation relates the voltage across the capacitor to the current through it according to the capacitor equation V = 1/C /i dt This equation has been differentiated to yield V = i/C We have expressed this equation as if positive current enters at terminal 1, representing the voltage across the capacitor as V(l) - V(2) and the current through the capacitor as 1(1). This yields the equation V(l)' - V(2)' = I(l)/C. Since 1(1) = -1(2), this is equivalent to the equation V(2) ' - V(l)' = I(2)/C, which is the natural form when positive current enters at terminal 2. The capacitor model could be connected to any similarly modeled electrical elements such as other capacitors, resistors, inductors, voltage and current sources and sinks, diodes, transistors, etc. Spring A graphical representation of a spring and the MODEL text dialect statements which define this element are shown in Figure 3.7. 92 o ///////// — o TYPE MECH E(X) 1(F) ELEMENT SPRING K;L TERMINALS 1:2 MECH EXTERNALS 1:2 EQUATIONS F(l)+F(2)=0 K*(X(2)-X(1)-L)=F(2) Figure 3.7. Spring. The spring has two parameters, K and L, which are its spring constant and its undeformed length, respectively. Terminals 1 and 2 are external terminals of type MECH with E-set consisting of X, the displacement, and I-set consisting of F, the force. The first equation states that applied forces are transmitted through the spring. The second equation relates the deformation of the spring to the force exerted by the spring according to Hooke's law, KAX = F. The positive X axis is assumed to be in the direction from terminal 1 toward terminal 2. Thus, the deformation of the spring is expressed as X(2) - X(l) - L. The associated force exerted by the spring is F(2) whose positive direction is from terminal 2 toward terminal 1. Hence the equation K*(X(2) - X(l) - L) = F(2) This spring model could be connected to any similarly modeled mechanical elements such as other springs, fixed and movable masses, forces, etc. Reservoir A graphical representation of a reservoir and the MODEL text dialect statements which define this element are shown in Figure 3.8. The reservoir has three parameters, AO, Al , and HI, which are the area of the reservoir's surface, the cross-sectional area of the outlet, and the height of the outlet, respectively. Local variables HO, PI, and VI are used to represent the height of the reservoir's surface, the pressure at the outlet, and the velocity of the fluid through the outlet. The outlet is represented by terminal 1. This is an external 93 terminal of type FLUID with E-set consisting of B, the sum of the kinetic, potential, and intrinsic energy of the fluid, and I-set consisting of FLOW, the flow rate of the fluid. ZI o TYPE FLUID E(B) I (FLOW) GLOBALS GAMMA; G ELEMENT RESERVOIR A0;A1;H1 LOCALS H0;P1;V1 TERMINALS 1 FLUID EXTERNALS 1 EQUATIONS HO'*AO-FLOW(1)=0 V1=-FL0W(1)/A1 B(l)=Pl/GAMMA+Vl**2/(2+G)*Hl B(1)-H0 Figure 3.8. Reservoir. The first equation defines the rate of change in the height of the reservoir's surface, HO', in terms of the rate at which fluid flows out of the reservoir which is -FL0W(1) by convention. The second equation defines the velocity of the fluid flow through terminal 1, VI, in terms of the rate of flow. The last two equations define the pressure, PI, and total energy, B(l), of the fluid at terminal 1. They make use of the Bernoulli equations of fluid mechanics applied to a steady flow situation. These equations state that the quantity V 2 /2G + H + P/GAMMA has the same value at any point along a flow line. The variables in this quantity are G the acceleration due to gravity GAMMA the density of the fluid V the velocity of the fluid at the point in question P the pressure of the fluid at the point in question (above one atmosphere) H the height of the point in question 94 The equation B(l) = PI/GAMMA + V1**2/(2*G) + HI relates the total energy at terminal 1, B(l), to the fluid pressure, velocity, and height there. The equation B(l) = HO equivalences the values of the Bernoulli quantity at terminal 1 and at the surface, where the pressure is one atmosphere and the velocity, HO', is too small to affect the Bernoulli quantity appreciably. The reservoir model could be connected to any similarly modeled fluid elements such as other reservoirs, pipes, flow sinks and sources, etc. Beam A graphical representation of a structural beam and the MODEL text dialect statements which define this element are shown in Figure 3.9. The beam parameters and terminal variables represent the following quantities: 2 E Young's modulus, in lbs/ft . This depends only on the material of the beam; I Moment of inertia of the beam about the axis perpendicular to the plane of bending; A Cross-sectional area of the beam; L Length of the beam; DX Displacement of the terminal in the X direction; DY Displacement of the terminal in the Y direction; DTH Angular rotation of the terminal in the XY plane; PX Force applied at the terminal in the X direction; PY Force applied at the terminal in the Y direction; MXY Moment applied at the terminal in the XY plane. The equations of Figure 3.9 model the terminal variables of the beam in a static situation (see [4]). This illustrates the use of MODEL to solve static as well as dynamic systems. Since no derivatives or differential equations are present and the independent variable is not used, a structural network modeled in this fashion will be solved at only one, arbitrary value of TIME. The beam model could be connected to any similarly modeled structural elements such as other beams, loads, and immovable masses. To 95 represent a vertical beam it is necessary to replace PX and DX with PY and DY in the equations and vice versa in order to maintain a single coordinate system. 1 2 \ i i in 1 1 n a 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1. o in in ii 1 1 a i mi in in it i nuii The positive direction conventions for the terminal variables are PX(1) PY(1) Ol 2 o PX(2) PY(2) TYPE STRUCT E(DX;DY;DTH) I(PX;PY;MXY) ELEMENT BEAM E;I;A;L TERMINALS 1:2 STRUCT EXTERNALS 1:2 EQUATIONS PX(1)=(E*A/L)*DX(1) PY(1)=(6*E*I/(L*L))*((2/L)*DY(1)-DTH(1)-DTH(2)) MXY(l)=(2*E*I/L)*((-3/L)*DY(l)+2*DTH(l)+DTH(2)) PX(2)=(E*A/L)*DX(2) PY(2)=(6*E*I/(L*L))*((2/L)*DY(2)-DTH(1)-DTH(2)) MXY(2)=(2*E*I/L)*((-3/L)*DY(2)+2*DTH(2)+DTH(l)) Figure 3.9. Static, prismatic beam in two dimensions. 3. A. 6. Logical Switching of Equations MODEL supports the logical switching of equations via IF, THEN, ELSE IF, and ELSE clauses within EQUATIONS statements. The general form of a conditional equation is IF aond THEN eqn {ELSE IF aond THEN eqn}* ELSE eqn Each use of eqn represents any MODEL equation. Each use of aond represents a condition such as X < Y & Y > Z. The relational operators < (less than) and > (greater than) can be used to define threshold relations between arbitrary scalar expressions. The logical operators & (and) and (or) can be used to define arbitrary conditions consisting of logically combined threshold relations. The logical switching of equations is illustrated by the following example which is an extension of the capacitor model of the previous section 96 This model is an idealized air capacitor to which the additional parameters VMAX and RL have been added. VMAX represents the maximum voltage across the capacitor. When the capacitor voltage reaches VMAX, the air between the capacitor plates ionizes. This establishes a conductive path with resistance RL across the capacitor. The capacitor will then draw a greater current due to its lower impedance in the ionized state. This current may eventually drain the capacitor voltage below VMAX at which point the capacitor resumes its normal operation. This situation can be modeled by replacing the capacitor equation V(l) 1 - V(2)' = I(l)/C with the conditional equation IF ABS(V(1)-V(2)) > VMAX THEN V(l) - V(2) = I(1)*RL ELSE V(l)* - V(2)' = I(l)/C Logical switching of equations is also useful in a spring model to describe the nonlinear operation of the spring when a threshold value of AX is exceeded. In this case we might represent the spring's undeformed length as a local variable whose initial value is specified as a parameter, and add the parameters DELMAX to represent the threshold AX, and C to represent the modulus of stretching. The spring could then be modeled by the equations F(l) + F(2) = K*(X(2)-X(1)-L) = F(2) IF X(2) - X(l) < DELMAX THEN L 1 = ELSE L' = C*(X(2)'-X(1) ') The conditional equation above describes an idealized hysteresis effect. In general, an idealized hysteresis loop with slope S such as the loop shown in Figure 3.10 can be modeled by the conditional equation IF X' > & Y < S*(X-P1) THEN Y' = S*X f ELSE IF X' < & Y > S*(X-P2) THEN Y' = S*X' ELSE Y' = or by the more concise conditional equation IF X' > & Y < S*(X-P1)|X' < & Y > S*(X-P2) THEN Y 1 = S*X' ELSE Y' = Figure 3.10. Idealized hysteresis loop with slope S, In a reservoir model, one might use a conditional equation to describe the situation when the reservoir is drained. For example, if fluid never enters the reservoir through terminal 1, one might add the conditional equation IF HO < HI THEN HO' = ELSE HO' = HO' The ELSE clause is needed only to conform to the syntax of a conditional equation since it obviously has no effect on the system solution. A conditional structure of IF, THEN, and ELSE clauses was chosen over the provision of procedural blocks, and conditional branching statements because the former requires no familiarity with concepts of procedural control and branching. It is this author's opinion that IF, THEN, and ELSE clauses are more natural for the inexperienced programmer than are procedural branching statements. Although a conditional equation is a procedural sequence in which ELSE clauses are executed only when the preceding IF clauses are 'false', it is natural to think of a conditional equation as a single parallel statement. Within this framework users with no procedural programming experience can define models which include logical switching of equations in a quasi-parallel fashion. Any necessary procedural code can be interfaced to the model in the form of FORTRAN subroutines. Presently each THEN and ELSE clause must contain a single equation, A routine extension of the MODEL language would allow parallel blocks of equations to be structured in these clauses. 98 3.4.7. Initial Value Assignment Initial values for MODEL variables, parameters, and their derivatives are specified via the INITIAL statement. In the text dialect this statement has the general form INITIAL { var = eonst-eocp; }* In DRAGON, the INITIAL function is selected and the remainder of the statement is typed in. Each use of var represents a variable, parameter, or derivative of the element. Each use of oonst-exp represents any expression whose operands are constants, parameters of the highest level element of the model, or variables or parameters which are equivalenced to one of these. Initial values may be scalar or higher-dimensioned expressions. They may be passed as parameters to an element allowing different initial values for each invocation. Parameterization of initial values in the highest level element of a model allows initial values to be specified at run time. One initial value may be assigned for each variable/derivative pair in the model. After the initial values specified by the user are assigned, the numerical software will compute initial values for uninitial- ized variables and derivatives which yield a steady initial state of the model. Thus, it is not necessary to specify an initial value for every variable/derivative pair. Some initial values are typically required to begin the simulation from a desired system state. In using the spring and reservoir models of section 3.4.5, for example, one might want to specify the initial displace- ments of the spring endpoints or the initial height of the reservoir's surface. This is facilitated by passing initial values as element parameters. For example, one might add the parameter HINIT and the statement INITIAL HO = HINIT to the definition of the reservoir model. This would allow the initial height to be independently specified for each reservoir used in a fluid network. 3.4.8. Termination Logic The conditions under which the model execution is to be terminated are specified by means of the STOP clause within an EQUATIONS statement. The form of this clause is IF aond STOP {=n) where cond represents any condition as described in section 3.4.6 and n represents an optional 99 constant termination code specified by the user. An ELSE clause is not allowed after the STOP clause. Every model must include at least one termination condition. A termination condition might be a simple threshold on the independent variable , i.e., IF TIME > 10 THEN STOP or it might be a logical combination of thresholds in variables and parameters of the element which represents either normal or abnormal termination. For example, the statement IF V(l) > VMAX THEN STOP = 1 might be included in an element which models a fuse to terminate the simulation if the fuse blows. If this condition arises during the simulation, execution of the model will stop. The termination code '1' will be printed and also assigned to the system variable ISTOP. The printed termination code communicates the termination condition to the user while the system variable ISTOP allows the FORTRAN program which controls the model execution to alter the control sequence according to the termination condition. If no termination code is specified, ISTOP will have the value . A termination code may be a parameter to the element in which the STOP clause is specified provided that this parameter is always replaced by a constant when the element is invoked. This allows a different termination code to be associated with each instance (that is, each copy) of the element invoked in the model. Parameterization of termination conditions allows these conditions to be controlled by the invoking element. Parameterization of termination conditions in the highest level element of the model allows these conditions to be controlled at run time through the assignment of values for the parameters of the highest level element. Simple thresholds on the independent variable can also be specified in the run-control language through the system parameter TSTOP. For example, the assignment TSTOP = 10 in the run-control language has the same effect as the clause IF TIME > 10 STOP 100 3.4.9. Output The variables of an element whose histories are to be recorded for output are specified via the OUTPUT statement. In the text dialect, this statement has the general form OUTPUT {var;}* where var represents a variable name. In DRAGON, the output variables are specified by selecting the OUTPUT function and typing in the remainder of the statement. The output variables are recorded at regular intervals during the integration of the model. The frequency at which values are recorded — or the communication interval — is specified through the COMINT system control parameter. The interval in the independent variable between recording operations is simply the value assigned to the COMINT parameter. The default _2 value for COMINT is 10 . Non-default values are specified in the run-control program, which is discussed in section 3.6. Solution histories can be recorded on any logical unit number between 6 and 90. Unit 6, the standard line printer unit, is used for default. A different logical unit can be specified by means of the UNIT statement, which has the general form UNIT n where n is any integer between 6 and 90. In the text dialect, this statement precedes the first element definition of the model. In the DRAGON dialect, the UNIT statement is entered in the header block. A title for the solution history can be specified via the TITLE statement, which has the general form TITLE title-string where title-string is any character string. Like the UNIT statement, the TITLE statement precedes the first element definition of the model in the text dialect and is entered in the header block in the DRAGON dialect. The user is free to examine and alter the FORTRAN subroutine which is used to record system states so great flexibility in data recording is available at the FORTRAN level. Present plans call for MODEL itself to be extended to provide flexible operators for recording, filing, and restoring solution states at a higher level. A sophisticated plot package [5] will also be interfaced. 101 The FORTRAN subroutine RECORD, which performs the solution recording, is shown for a sample model in Appendix B. RECORD has four arguments, INIT, IUNIT, N, and A. The values of the output variables are passed to RECORD in the vector A whose length is N. IUNIT is the logical unit number specified in the model or the default unit, six. INIT is a flag which is zero when the initial state is recorded and one after the integration begins. When the initial state is recorded, the output title and labels (which are the names by which the output variables are known in the model) are recorded as a header for the solution history. The labels indicate the order in which the values of the output variables appear in the array A. Since these labels appear clearly within subroutine RECORD, it is quite easy for the user familiar with FORTRAN to alter this subroutine to perform more sophisticated recording and output operations. 3.5 . Function Subprograms, Subroutines, and Table Functions The user can define FORTRAN function and subroutine subprograms to evaluate special functions needed in equations, conditions, and initial and parameter values. Scalar functions can be defined as function subprograms while nonscalar functions are defined as subroutines. Within MODEL equations both types of subprograms are referenced as functions. When a subroutine is defined, the vector or array result must be the last dummy argument of the definition. In referencing the subroutine in MODEL equations, this argument is omitted as is the CALL statement. MODEL automatically generates the CALL statement inserting a MODEL-generated address for the result. The result is then automatically inserted into the equation in the place of the subroutine name. This permits the convenience of function-type referencing for both scalar and nonscalar functions — subprogram references may be freely nested and embedded in expressions. No other language allows subroutine references to be nested or embedded in expressions. Each FORTRAN subprogram used in a model must be defined by a FORTRAN source or object subprogram and its syntax must be defined by a MODEL subprogram syntax statement. The MODEL subprogram syntax statement permits MODEL to analyze the syntax of subprogram references and, in the case of subroutines, to perform the automatic insertion of the nonscalar result into the expression which references the subroutine. The FORTRAN 102 subprogram performs the function evaluation during the model execution. It may be defined by passing the FORTRAN source code through MODEL, or by submitting it to the FORTRAN step or compiling it separately and including the object code in the link-load step. The latter two alternatives allow FORTRAN subprograms to be altered without recompiling the model. Standard link-editor commands at most installations permit this approach to be used to replace subprograms whose source code was passed through MODEL. The MODEL subprogram syntax statements have the general forms FUNCTION funo-name n-args SUBROUTINE funo-name n-args {RVECTOR {d-}| CV ECTOR {d }| ARRAY {d d }} where funo-name represents the name of the subprogram and n-args represents the number of arguments used in referencing the subprogram in MODEL equations, Thus, for a subroutine which is defined with M dummy arguments (the last of which is its result), n-args should be M-l since the last argument is omitted in subroutine references within MODEL equations. The optional RVECTOR, CVECTOR, or ARRAY clause is used to specify the extent of the nonscalar result. The RVECTOR clause specifies that the result is a row vector, that is, 1 x n. The CVECTOR clause specifies a column vector, n x 1. The ARRAY clause specifies an array, n x m. If the result always has the same extent, the extent can be specified by the optional integers d and d*. If the extent of the result depends on the actual arguments used in referencing the subroutine, no extents are specified in the subprogram syntax statement. In this case, the extent of the result must be defined as the first dummy argument (for vectors) or as the first two dummy arguments (for arrays) of the subroutine. This allows a single subroutine to be used for an operation such as taking the transpose of a matrix, regardless of the extent of the array. Only integer constants may replace these dummy arguments when the subroutine is referenced in MODEL equations. If the SUBROUTINE statement includes no RVECTOR, CVECTOR, or ARRAY clause, the result is assumed to be an array whose extent is specified in this fashion. In the text dialect, subprogram syntax statements precede the first ELEMENT statement of the input file. In DRAGON, subprogram syntax statements are entered by selecting the HEADER function and typing in the 103 statements. This enters the syntax statements in the header block of the element under construction. When the MODEL compiler is invoked from DRAGON, the statements in the header block of the highest level element of the model are included in the input file passed to the compiler. In the text dialect, any FORTRAN source codes which are passed through MODEL must be placed in a different part of the input file than the model definition — see Appendix A. In DRAGON, a FORTRAN source code is added to the FORTRAN menu by selecting the FORTRAN function and typing in the source code. When the MODEL compiler is invoked from DRAGON, the entire FORTRAN menu is included in the input file passed to the compiler. Any legal FORTRAN subprograms which do not use blank common are allowed. The MODEL compiler allows at most 24 FORTRAN subprograms to be defined for use in MODEL equations. A MODEL subprogram syntax statement must be provided for each of these. A syntax statement is not required for FORTRAN subprograms which are called in the run-control program or in other subprograms but are not referenced in MODEL equations. Any number of these subprograms can be accommodated. The user-supplied FORTRAN code and the FORTRAN code produced by MODEL can be listed by including a FLIST statement either before the first element definition of a text dialect model or in the header block of a DRAGON dialect model. This is useful for diagnostic purposes and for the purpose of altering any of these FORTRAN codes without repeating the MODEL step. MODEL allows empirical data functions of one variable to be defined in tabular fashion. In the text dialect, this is done through the TABLE statement. TABLE statements must follow the last element definition of the input file — see Appendix A. The TABLE statement has the general form 104 TABLE tabno -2 -2 x t — n — n tabno represents a unique integer by which the specific table function is identified. The x_. represent the points at which the function values, _t . , are known empirically. The x. must appear in increasing order. In DRAGON, table functions are defined in the same way as FORTRAN subprograms. Selection of the FORTRAN function allows the user to type the name by which the table function will be known in the library, followed by the TABLE statement. The table function is then added to the FORTRAN menu and automatically passed to the MODEL compiler when it is invoked. Any number of table functions may be defined. They may be referenced in the equations of any element in the form TABLE { tabno , org ) where tabno represents the integer which identifies the specific table function and avq represents the point at which the table function is to be interpolated (or extrapolated) . 3.6. Run-Control The execution of a simulation model is controlled by a FORTRAN run-control program which can utilize system control parameters, system subroutines which invoke the model execution, any any user-supplied FORTRAN subroutines. The parameters and variables of the highest level element can be referenced as FORTRAN variables, permitting parameter adjustment and response testing procedures which are as simple or as sophisticated as the user's understanding of FORTRAN permits. When the run-control program is submitted to MODEL with the model definition, MODEL automatically inserts declarations for these FORTRAN variables, relieving the user of this task. These variables reside in COMMON storage sc the user need not pass them as arguments to the model execution. MODEL also automatically inserts EQUIVALENCE statements which map the names by which these parameters and variables are known in the model into members of the FORTRAN arrays where variables are maintained during the model execution. This permits references at the problem description level in the run-control program. 105 The run-control program need not be submitted to MODEL, however. When desirable, the run-control program can be submitted at the FORTRAN or object step rather than the MODEL step. In these cases, a printed diotioncwy of the parameters and variables of the model can be obtained by including a MAP statement before the first element definition (text dialect) or in the header block (DRAGON dialect) of the model. This dictionary lists, element-by-element, the problem-level names and corresponding FORTRAN array members for each variable and parameter of the model. The dictionary allows the user to insert appropriate EQUIVALENCE statements or to reference model variables directly as members of the FORTRAN arrays. The dictionary for a sample model is shown in Appendix B. When the run-control program is not submitted to MODEL, declarations and COMMON statements for the FORTRAN arrays in which variables are maintained must be inserted by the user. These can be copied exactly as they appear in the default run-control program produced by MODEL. The default run-control program can be printed for this purpose by including an FLIST statement before the first element definition of the model. Appendix B shows the default run-control program for a sample model. 3.6.1. Parameter Assignments Parameter values can be assigned or read by any FORTRAN procedure prior to and between invocations of the model. Parameter assignments are by exception only. Once assigned a value a parameter will keep that value until reassigned. This applies to the parameters of the highest level element and to the system control parameters whose names and meanings are shown in Figure 3.11. Default assignments for the system control parameters are automatically included by MODEL in default run-control programs and in non-default run-control programs submitted to MODEL (see Appendix B) . When the run-control program is not submitted to MODEL, the values of all system control parameters must be assigned by user-supplied code. 106 parameter TSTART TSTOP HMIN HMAX EPS DEL ISTOP COMINT meaning initial value of independent variable (nominally time) terminal value of time minimum time step maximum time step maximum relative error for each time step maximum relative error in system initialization termination code frequency of solution recording default value 10 10 -2 10 -5 10 -5 10 Figure 3.11. MODEL system control parameters 3.6.2. Model Invocation and Response Testing Two system subroutines, RUN and CONTIN, are provided for invoking the model execution. The difference between these subroutines is that RUN establishes an initial state for all variables before beginning the integration while CONTIN proceeds from an established state. Execution of CALL RUN causes the independent variable to assume its initial value (TSTART) and the initial values specified in INITIAL statements in the model to be assigned, after which the values of the non- initialized variables are adjusted to attain a steady initial state of the model. On the other hand, CALL CONTIN causes no such state initialization prior to the integration. Integration proceeds from the last terminal state of the model or from some state which was previously recorded and restored by user-supplied code. The termination prameter(s) must, of course, be altered before continuing from a previous terminal state. Otherwise, CALL CONTIN will cause immediate termination of the model execution. The sequence of calls to RUN and CONTIN in a programmed study is controlled by the FORTRAN code of the run-control program. Any FORTRAN procedures can be used to test system responses (i.e., variable values), alter parameter values, and determine the control sequence between runs. 107 The integer variable ISTOP, which indicates the condition which caused termination, is particularly useful for the latter purpose. The FORTRAN run-control used by MODEL allows great flexibility for sophisticated studies while requiring very little sophistication for simple problems. Non-parameterized models can make use of default run- control (CALL RUN). A non-default run-control program may be as simple as (for example) Pl=5 P2=3.9 CALL RUN or as complex as procedures for parameter optimization. Use of the dictionary allows the FORTRAN run-control program to be submitted after the MODEL step, and standard link editor and loader options permit any of the FORTRAN programs produced by MAP to be altered without recompiling the model. Only the parameters and variables of the highest-level element can be referenced at the problem-description level in the run-control program. Lower-level elements may be invoked many times in a model. Thus, the names of their variables and parameters may not be unique within the model. The use of global variables permits a variable within a lower- level element to be equivalenced to a global variable of the highest level element which can be referenced at the problem-description level. Alternatively, the use of the dictionary allows the user to reference the FORTRAN array member which represents any variable directly. 3.7. Diagnostics MODEL provides extensive diagnostics concerning errors and possible errors in the model definition. MODEL reports all errors in the model definition rather than stopping the model analysis after some fixed number of errors have been found. Highlights of this error checking include a complete source language equation syntax analysis and a complete analysis of terminal connections. MODEL attempts only the most trivial error correction such as the truncation of identifiers whose names are longer than eight characters. More sophisticated error correction is not attempted because the MODEL-to-FORTRAN step is much less expensive than the FORTRAN-to- 108 object and model execution steps which would be useless if MODEL made a wrong correcting assumption. The numerical software produces diagnostics for such computational difficulties as the inability to find a steady initial state, the inability to achieve the prescribed error tolerance within the allowable range of step sizes, and underflow or overflow resulting from the inversion of an ill-conditioned matrix. The diagnostics produced by MODEL are classified as either error messages or warning messages. Error messages describe situations which are certain errors such as an equation with a missing operator or the connection of two terminals of different types. Warning messages describe trivial errors which are corrected by MODEL such as a variable name which is longer than eight characters, and situations which may or may not be actual 2 errors such as an unequal number of equations and variables. A MODEL program is terminated after the model compilation if any error messages are produced. Since warning messages may or may not signal actual errors, two options are available in response to these messages. By default the execution of the model will be attempted if only warning messages are produced by the compilation. Alternatively, the user can cause the execution to be aborted in response to warning messages by including an ABORT statement either before the first element definition of the model (text dialect) or in the header block (DRAGON dialect). Diagnostics may be produced at three distinct points in the analysis performed by MODEL. During the input phase of model analysis, all syntax errors except those in equations and initial values are reported. These messages appear after the source line which is in error and the position within the line at which the error was detected is indicated by the cursor character @. Each specific error in an element definition detected during the input phase is reported only once regardless of the number of times that element is invoked. Thus, these errors do not cause identical messages to be repeated for each instance of an element in the model. During the expansion phase of model analysis, each element instance invoked in the model is expanded into a set of equations. The equation and initial value syntax analysis and connection analysis are performed during this phase. Error and warning messages produced during this phase are specific to a particular element instance. Thus, some such messages may be repeated for each instance of a given element. This is necessary because 109 certain potential errors concerning equations and connections depend on the context of the instance (i.e., the global variables of higher-level elements and the types of externally connected terminals) . Diagnostic messages produced during the expansion phase are accompanied by the element name, qualified by the names of its ancestors in the element invocation tree. These messages are also accompanied by a line of text which clearly identifies the cause of the error such as the equation in error and the position within the equation at which the error was detected. During the output phase of the model analysis, the expanded set of equations which represents the model is translated from an internal representation to a set of FORTRAN subroutines. Error and warning messages produced during this phase concern the set of equations of the model as a whole and are not specific to any particular element or instance. These messages are accompanied by a line of text which clarifies the cause of the error or possible error such as the number of variables and the number of equations if these are different. The format of MODEL error and warning messages is shown in Figure 3.12. Figure 3.12a shows a generalized diagnostic message. The first line indicates the source line cursor position and is used only in messages produced during the input phase. The second line gives the element name and message number. Messages produced during the input and output phases will indicate INPUT and OUTPUT, respectively, as the element name. Messages produced during the expansion phase will indicate the name of the element in error, qualified by the names of its ancestors in the element invocation tree to identify the particular element instance. The message number is included to aid the user in looking up the message in Appendix A of the user's manual [3]. The third line of the message describes the particular error which was detected. Appendix D lists these error descriptions along with the associated error numbers. The fourth line of the message identifies the cause of the error, for example, by listing the equation in error and the position at which the error was detected. The fourth line is not necessary for messages produced during the input phase. Thus, all messages consist of three lines. Figures 3.12b, c and d are sample messages which might be produced by MODEL. Figure 3.12b is the warning message caused by a terminal type name which is longer than eight characters. Figure 3.12c is the error 110 message caused by an equation which has a missing operator. Figure 3.12d is the warning message caused by a difference in the number of equations and the number of variables in the model. {@ indicating source line cursor position } IN ELEMENT name ERROR run description of error { identification of cause of error ) Figure 3.12a (source line) TYPE STRUCTURAL @ E(DX;DY;DZ) I(FX;FY;FZ) IN ELEMENT INPUT WARNING 13 TERMINAL TYPE NAME SHORTENED TO 8 CHARACTERS Figure 3.12b IN ELEMENT RESIST0R(2) .AMP. RADIO ERROR 43 EQUATION IGNORED. OPERATOR MISSING BEFORE @ V(2) - V(l) = 1(1) @ R Figure 3.12c IN ELEMENT OUTPUT WARNING 7 SYSTEM MAY BE SINGULAR. NUMBER OF EQUATIONS _, = NUMBER OF VARIABLES NUMBER OF EQUATIONS: 7, NUMBER OF VARIABLES: 6 Figure 3.12d Figure 3.12. Format of MODEL error and warning messages. Ill NOTES Keywords and delimiters appear in normal type and must appear in the same fashion in specific statements. Italics indicate tokens to be supplied by the user. Braces are used to enclose optional phrases. The asterisk is used to indicate phrases which may be repeated any number of times. The semicolon is used as the delimiter for sequences of phrases. It is not necessary to include a semicolon after the final phrase of any sequence. Analysis of electrical and structural networks frequently leads to one or more redundant node equations and one or more 'floating' variables. For example, the simple electrical circuit below involves four voltages and four currents — one voltage/current pair at each designated terminal. There are eight equations present of which the first four below come from the definitions of the battery and resistor elements and the remaining four come from the two terminal connections. 1. V(1)=V(0)+1.5 2. I(0)+I(1)=0 3. V(3)=V(2)-I(2)*R 4. I(2)+I(3)=0 5. V(1)=V(2) 6. I(l)+I(2)=0 7. V(0)=V(3) 8. I(0)+I(3)=0 However, this system of eight equations in eight variables can be simplified by eliminating the voltages V(l) and V(2) with equations 5 and 7 and eliminating the currents 1(1), 1(2), and 1(3) with equations 2, 6 and 4. This simplification yields the system 9. V(1)=V(0)+1.5 10. V(0)=V(1)-I(0)*R in which one of the voltages is free to 'float', and the redundant node equation 8. I(0)+I(3)=0 which is implied by equations 2, 6, and 4. MAP will automatically perform simplifications like those above and will also recognize and remove redundant equations such as equation 8. Thus, MAP would reduce this trivial network to a system of two equations (9 and 10) in three variables (V(l), V(0), and 1(0)). However, this does not mean that the network model is in error. The numerical software will simply fix one of the voltages at zero, effectively reducing the network to a system of two equations in two variables. 112 It is worth noting that if V(0) is fixed in the model (say at zero), MAP will reduce this network to two assignment statements to the effect V(l)=1.5 I(0) = (V(1)-V(0))/R which need only be executed once. 113 LIST OF REFERENCES - CHAPTER 3 [1] DRAGON User's Manual P. Watterberg M.S. thesis to appear. Currently at Sandia Labs, Albuquerque, New Mexico, [2] "A User's View of Solving Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations" L. F. Shampine and C. W. Gear Department of Computer Science Report UIUCDCS-R-76-829 , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1976 [3] "Simulation Modeling with GRASS and MAP" T. F. Runge Department of Computer Science Report UIUCDCS-R-75-712 , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1975 [4] NON-LINEAR STRUCTURES K. I. Majid John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, New York, pp. 46-48, 1972 [5] "Automatic Curve Fitting for Interactive Display" W. L. Chung Department of Computer Science Report UIUCDCS-R-75-713 , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1975 114 CONCLUSIONS Many of the goals presented in the previous chapters have been accomplished in the present implementation of MODEL, but some desirable features remain to be achieved. In section 4.1 we summarize the present implementation in terms of our language development goals and the extent to which they have been realized. Section 4.2 focuses on desirable features which have yet to be implemented and presents some possible approaches. This section also considers the manner in which certain language extensions are facilitated or restricted by the present implement at ior 4.1. Present Implementation of MODEL The primary short range goal in the development of MODEL was to produce a widely applicable and easy-to-use language for continuous network simulation. Secondary short range goals were to support hierarchical models and different levels of problem and user sophistication conveniently, to allow a large measure of portability, and to permit flexibility in the modeling and integration environments. These goals have been realized to a large extent in the present implementation of MODEL. MODEL'S ability to handle generalized connective properties and to solve any user-written equations make it the most widely applicable network simulation language presently available. MODEL makes the simulation of network models from a great many disciplines possible within a single framework, and the ability to define and employ different terminal types allows interdisciplinary models to be handled directly. Topological modeling features, a free text format, and the implicit formulation of equations make MODEL very easy to use. The local implementation also provides the great convenience of graphical modeling and library support. The portable dialect can be interfaced easily to library support software and in such a configura- tion would be as convenient as any existing nongraphical network languages. Furthermore, the implicit formulation of equations makes MODEL more convenient than existing equation-oriented languages for most non-network applications. The structure of the MODEL language was designed to allow the obvious advantages of hierarchical development and modular design within 115 simulation models. Elements (i.e., modules) may be nested to any depth and may employ flexible variable scoping features. The language makes no distinction between elements which are used at the highest level (e.g., a radio model) and those which are used at lower levels (e.g., an amplifier). Thus, any element can be added easily to the element library for later use as a subelement and lower level elements of a hierarchical model can be adapted easily for independent compilation and simulation. The invocation of a subelement requires only the specification of the parameters and external connections to be used for the subelement instance. Thus, changes in the definition of a lower level element which do not alter the number or type of its parameters and external connections require no corresponding changes in the definitions of higher level elements. These features allow subsystem models to be refined and verified independently in the development of a hierarchical model. MODEL is designed to provide convenient support for both the sophisticated user with a complex problem and the novice user with a simple problem. The experienced simulation user-programmer will find it relatively easy to define behaviors at the equation level and construct new elements representing complicated subsystems. FORTRAN procedures of arbitrary complexity can be interfaced to the model to evaluate special functions needed in equations and to control the repetitive integration of the parameterized model; for example, in a parameter optimization study. On the other hand, very little sophistication is required for models involving only straightforward equations and/or the use of predefined library elements, Users unfamiliar with FORTRAN can employ either default or very simple run-control procedures; for example, PI = expression P2 = expression CALL RUN END The nongraphical dialect of MODEL was developed to allow its use at other installations where graphical modeling support similar to that provided locally cannot be assumed. Portability is not achieved, however, by simply providing a portable mode of input. Concern must also be given to the portability of 116 1. the code which translates the user's model (i.e., the MODEL compiler) , 2. the code into which the model is translated (i.e., the target language of the MODEL compiler) , 3. the code which exercises the translated model (i.e., the numerical software). To enhance portability, American National Standard FORTRAN was chosen as the language in which all of the these codes ultimately will be written. The MODEL compiler produces only ANS FORTRAN and work is underway to remove all nonstandard FORTRAN from the numerical software. The greatest difficulty in achieving the portability of ANS FORTRAN has been experienced in coding the MODEL compiler. FORTRAN is not a convenient language for programs which consist largely of data structure and symbol manipulation. For this reason, the compiler was not coded directly in FORTRAN, but rather in a locally developed language, PLW [1]. PLW is a PL/l-like language which is compiled into more portable FORTRAN. Presently PLW produces some non- standard FORTRAN. However, a future implementation of PLW will employ only ANS FORTRAN, permitting the software package to be distributed more widely. Even the use of only ANS FORTRAN does not achieve great portability where I/O and character manipulation operations are concerned. When MODEL is implemented at a new installation, it will usually be necessary to rewrite the I/O support and character manipulation routines used by the PLW-produced code. The portability of the MODEL compiler produced by the present implementation of PLW is restricted to machines having a word length of 32 or more bits. Efforts are being made to ease the word length restriction, though the numerical software will usually require a precision of 48-60 bits to meet desired accuracy criteria. The subroutines produced by the MODEL compiler employ double precision arithmetic as does the numerical software. A single precision option for machines with sufficient word lengths will be made available in the future. The MODEL compiler is organized into overlays to ease its core storage requirements, but a large amount of program and data space (roughly equivalent to 48K 32-bit words) is still necessary. 117 The portable and structurally simple text file accepted by the MODEL compiler allows flexibility in the modeling environment. This text file can be constructed by the user as a nongraphical model and can also be interfaced relatively easily to graphics and/or library support software, as is done locally. Flexibility in the model execution environment is provided by allowing the translated model and the numerical software to be used in any fashion reasonable for a large, FORTRAN-based software package. The translation of the user's model can be invoked as a separate job or as the initial step of a ' compile-and-execute' job. The integration of the translated model can be invoked as a subroutine from any user-written FORTRAN procedures, which may be executed in batch mode or on-line. Efforts have been made to facilitate the alteration of the translated model, the run-control program, or any other FORTRAN interfaces to the simulation study at the FORTRAN step, without recompiling the model. Listings of the variable dictionary and the default run-control program, which are produced by the MODEL compiler at the user's option, are invaluable when the translated model or the run-control program are to be altered after the MODEL step. Our long-range goal is to further the study of languages for simulation of physical systems. The efforts reported here constitute a certain advancement, but the language has not yet been widely used. It will certainly profit from feedback from users with a variety of types of problems. To reach a wide variety of users it is necessary to distribute the MODEL compiler and numerical support to a number of installations. This will be attempted in the near future. The compiler has been implemented and tested and the testing of the numerical software is nearly complete. Some further programming is required to finish the graphics and library support package so that feedback can also be obtained from users of the local graphical dialect 4.2. Possible Extensions of MODEL 4.2.1. Portable Library Support Library support is invaluable for saving element, terminal type, and FORTRAN function definitions between modeling sessions and for allowing library definitions to be shared by several users. The portable dialect of MODEL presently provides no library support because this software must be rather inefficient to be highly portable. However, portable library support would prove useful for users who cannot or do not wish to code library support software for their particular installation. 118 A portable library support routine (hereafter called an LSR) could be written in PLW and compiled into FORTRAN to act as a front end to the MODEL compiler. The libraries (one each for elements, terminal types, and FORTRAN codes) would consist of text files which could be accessed sequentially and rewound (i.e., tape or disk files). The LSR would read the input file (nongraphical model), recognizing statements such as LIBRARY ELEMENT name LIBRARY TYPE name LIBRARY FORTRAN name which might appear at the beginning of the model or within the element definitions. References to library definitions would be stored internally in tables which could be expanded during the gathering of library element definitions. After constructing the initial tables of requested library definitions, the LSR would read from the element library, checking the name of each library element against the names of the requested elements. Upon finding a desired definition the LSR would copy it into the model and remove the reference from the library element reference table. During this copying operation, the LSR would note any references to other library definitions which occur within the library element and add them to the appropriate table if they are not defined in the model or already present in the table. Any subelements invoked by the library element would also be handled as library element references. Due to this dynamic nature of the library reference tables, a number of passes through the element library may be required. After each pass the element library would be rewound and read again, until all necessary library elements have been found and copied. Any library element references which remained in the table for an entire pass through the element library would be reported as unresolved. After the processing of the library element references, the terminal type and FORTRAN code reference tables would be completed and these libraries would each be read once to copy the necessary definitions into the model. The LSR might also recognize statements such as SAVE ELEMENT name SAVE TYPE name SAVE FORTRAN name within the model and copy any definitions referenced by these statements into the appropriate libraries. 119 4.2.2. Other Terminal Variable Types A natural question concerning terminal variables is whether there should be other types available in addition to E- and 1-types. As previously reported in [2], we have not been able to find any other types which appear to be fundamental. To quote from [2]: "If a variable is not of E-type (usually representing some intrinsic quantity such as voltage, pressure, position) It can often be transformed into an I-type variable. Since the zero sum rule at nodes is a form of a conservation equation, choice of variables that are conserved (e.g., momentum, energy, mass, current) will usually give an I-type variable. For example, we might be tempted to use PRESSURE, FLOW, and TEMPERATURE to characterize a water pipe connection. However, at a junction of more than two pipes, TEMPERATURE is not of either variable type. If instead we use HEATFLOW (= TEMPERATURE*FLOW) , this is an I-type variable because heat satisfies a conservation law in the absence of other energy sources." "The possibility of allowing user-specified equations to characterize the terminal variables associated with nodes was also considered. Since there does not seem to be a need for this generality, and since it is possible to use a connective element which can contain arbitrary equations, this idea was abandoned." 4.2.3. Higher Order Derivatives and Derivatives of Expressions In many cases it would be convenient for the user to refer to higher order derivatives (e.g., y.") and to derivatives of expressions (e.g., g'(y, y ' , _t ) ) directly without having to introduce auxiliary variables (e.g., z = y.' or z = g(y_, y ' , t ) ) . This feature could be implemented in MODEL through a relatively modest programming effort. Auxiliary variables would still be required since the numerical software cannot solve the equations for higher order derivatives or for the derivatives of expressions. However, the introduction of these auxiliary variables could be handled automatically. The MODEL compiler already Includes facilities for internal generation of auxiliary variables and equations, which are sometimes introduced for the sake of efficiency or numerical stability. This makes it quite feasible for the compiler to perform transformations on user-written equations such as f fy_> Z'» S'(v_, y_\ t), t) - -► fOy_, y_ f , z\ t) = and z = g(y_, y_' , t) where g represents an expression or derivative and z is an automatically generated auxiliary variable. 120 4.2.4. Additional Array Operators MODEL provides a number of features in support of array operations such as the use of infix operators for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and inner product of arrays and vectors, an array differentiation operator, and FORTRAN functions which can operate on arrays and vectors and return nonscalar results. The latter allows virtually any other desired array operation to be accomplished at the FORTRAN level. However, some further support by MODEL would be convenient for the user, particularly the provision of subscripting in equations. Implementation of subscripting would require double parentheses for references to subscripted terminal variables. For example, FL0W(1) would refer to the scalar flow at terminal 1 while P(l)(3) would refer to the third element of the vector P at terminal 1. If subscripting is supported in the equations, users will want to take advantage of facilities for repeating an equation several times with varied subscripts. Looping operations could be provided but macro-level operators for the generation of equations with subscript modifications would be more in keeping with MODEL'S parallel nature. These macro operators could be provided as part of a general macro interpretive language for equations, but a general macro interpreter would probably require too much program space in the MODEL compiler to be cost-effective. The provision of two macro-level operators which we will call REPEAT and INSERT would suffice to support array operations conveniently. The REPEAT operator would cause an equation to be generated repeatedly while specified subscripts were varied over a specified range. For example, REPEAT(4 8 1) A(3, $) = would cause the generation of four equations in which the subscript indicated by $ would be stepped through the range 4 to 8 by increments of 1. It would be useful to nest the REPEAT operator in some cases, for example, REPEAT(1 8 1 ; $ 8 1) A($, $$) = (where $ refers to the outer index and $$ to the inner index of repetition) would cause all but the lower triangular members of the 8x8 array A to be set to zero. The INSERT operator would cause terms within a single equation to be repeated while their subscripts were varied over a specified range. For example, INSERT(1 7 2+) B($) = 121 would cause B($) to be repeated while $ was stepped from 1 to 7 by increments of 2. The occurrences of B($) would be separated by the specified operator +. In other words, the expanded equation would be B(l) + B(3) + B(5) + B(7) = 0. The possibility of allowing the dimensions of array variables declared within an element to be passed as parameters to that element was considered. Such dummy parameters would have to be replaced by constants rather than variables, but would allow different dimensions to be used in various instances. However, we have not yet encountered an application which warrants the implementation of this feature. 4.2.5. Additional Strip Terminal Operators Present features for generating equations involving the terminal variables connected to a strip terminal are only experimental and clearly inadequate. The NSTRIP operator is useful for inserting the number of connections to a strip terminal into a function reference, but the available method of inserting the connected terminal variables into a function reference is inconvenient because standard FORTRAN does not support varadic functions. At the very least, an operator which copies these terminal variables into a vector is needed. This would allow a single FORTRAN function to be used — for example, to compute the sum of the connected variables — regardless of the number of connections to the strip terminal. A slightly different form of the REPEAT and INSERT operators described in the previous section would also be useful for the generation of equations involving strip terminal variables. For example, a user might define the summing element of Figure 4.1 using a strip terminal to accommodate any number of input connections without shorting them together. ^vW- ^° Figure 4.1. Strip terminal summing element The equations which define the behavior of this element when terminal 1 is connected to terminals n. , n ~ , . . . , n, are 122 1. VCtij) - I(n 1 )*R = V(0) 2. V(n 2 ) - I(n 2 )*R = V(0) k. VCn^) - I(n k )*R = V(0) k+1. 1(0) + I(n ) + I(nJ+...+ I(n k ) = Equations 1 through k could be generated by the statement REPEAT(STRIP 1) V($) - I($)*R = V(0) which would indicate that the equation is to be generated repeatedly while the terminal ID numbers indicated by $ are replaced first by n-. , then n „ , . . . , n, . Similarly, equation k+1 would be generated by the statement INSERT(STRIP 1 +) 1(0) + I($) = 4.2.6. Logically Structured Blocks of Equations Presently, each conditional THEN and ELSE clause can contain only a single equation. Thus, it is necessary to repeat the same condition several times to define a model in which several equations change at some common threshold state. In such cases it would be convenient to structure blocks of equations in conditional clauses. IF, THEN, and ELSE clauses are recognized in a module of the PLW compiler which calls the equation/condition parser as a subprocedure, so it would be relatively easy to alter this code to accept any number of equations in THEN clauses, followed by a like number in the ELSE clause. 4.2.7. Initial Values and Ranges Presently MODEL allows only one initial value to be specified for each variable/derivative pair in a model, due to the manner in which the steady state numerical support is programmed. However, in some models it is most convenient to specify the desired initial state by giving initial values for both a variable and its derivative. It would also be useful in some cases to specify a range of values in which a variable or derivative is to fall initially; particularly, when the equations of the model are undefined outside a certain range and when more than one mathematical solution to the steady state exists. This type of initial value specification would also speed the calculation of the steady state by providing a first approximation (i.e., the midpoint of the specified range) to the initial 123 value of the given variable or derivative. Both of these features will be implemented in MODEL as soon as they are supported by the steady state software. Minimal effort will be necessary for MODEL but a major rewrite of the steady state routines will be required. 4.2.8. Boundary Values The possibility of extending the numerical support to include parallel shooting methods for the solution of boundary value problems in ordinary differential equations is presently being investigated. If this extension is made, the specification of boundary values will be implemented in MODEL. A boundary value statement would have much in common with an initial value statement. Thus, the implementation of this feature in MODEL should not be difficult. 4.2.9. Additional Output Operators A great deal of output flexibility is presently available at the FORTRAN level, but it would be convenient if high-level operators for recording, restoring, and filing solution histories and states were available without extensive user-supplied FORTRAN codes. These operators could be provided as a set of system subroutines which could be called from the run- control program. For example, FORTRAN subroutines called SAVE, RESTORE, and FILE could be added to the numerical support and called with a logical unit number as their argument. SAVE would write the current system state to the specified unit and RESTORE would read the state on the specified unit into the system. A call to FILE would cause the output from a subsequent integration to be recorded on the specified unit. A plot package interface would also be very useful and is scheduled for implementation. Desirable options include line-printer plots, cross-plots, and over-plots. 4.2.10. On-line Simulation When the DRAGON graphics and library support package is completed, modeling at the local installation will be carried out interactively under a PDP-11 running DRAGON. However, model translations and simulations are presently limited to batch mode due to the nature of the link between the PDP-11 and the IBM 360 on which these programs are currently run. Completed models can be sent from the PDP-11 to the IBM 360 for translation and simulation, and output from the simulation can be routed back to the PDP-11 124 and subsequently to the remote terminal, but the response time in batch mode may be quite lengthy. Work is presently underway to replace the IBM 360 in this configuration with an INTERDATA 732. When a rewrite of the PDP-11-to- INTERDATA 7 32 link driver is completed, the INTERDATA can be used in dedicated fashion to support the simulation package. The model translation, FORTRAN compilation, and simulation steps submitted from the PDP-11 will be handled very rapidly, and output from the simulation will be sent across the link to the PDP-11 during the integration. The PDP-11 will have immediate access to this output, which will be formatted and displayed on the remote terminal on-line. A cursory investigation of the requirements for interactive simulation at the local installation has been conducted. The ability to display solutions on-line will be available soon, as described above. The other principal requirement would be a run-time interpreter capable of altering parameter values and invoking system subroutines (e.g., RUN, CONTIN, SAVE, RESTORE, FILE) in response to commands issued by the user at a remote terminal. The ability to display current values of model variables and to change the output variables at the remote terminal would also be useful. Implementation of these features will depend on detailed studies of their feasibility and cost-effectiveness, which have not yet been made. 1 125 NOTES FORTRAN function subprograms can return only scalar results but MODEL allows FORTRAN subroutines to be referenced as functions to compute non- scalar results. See section 3.5. 126 LIST OF REFERENCES - CHAPTER 4 [1] "The PLW Compiler" W. van Melle and L. Lopez Department of Computer Science Report UIUCDCS-R-74-664, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1974 [2] "A Generalized Interactive Network Analysis and Simulation System" C. W. Gear First USA- JAPAN Computer Conference, pp. 559-566, 1972 127 APPENDIX A MODEL TEXT DIALECT STATEMENTS AND THE ORDER OF THE INPUT FILE 128 The text-oriented input file of the MODEL compiler consists of four sections which must appear in the order below. This is the order in which MODEL text dialect programs must be formulated. Section 1: Specification of the highest level element name, independent variable name, logical unit number and title of the output file, FORTRAN subprogram syntax definitions, terminal types, and MODEL compiler options. The statements in this section can appear in any order. This section may be omitted if default compiler options and assumptions concerning the model name, independent variable name, and output unit number are desired and no output title, user-defined FORTRAN subprograms, or terminal types are required. general form of statement page where described ANALYZE modelname 72 RENAME ind-var-name 73 UNIT unit-no 100 TITLE titles tring 100 FUNCTION func-name n-args 102 SUBROUTINE func-name n-args {RVECTOR {d}\ CVECTOR {d}\ Li ARRAY {d d 2 }} 102 TYPE type-name E({ename{ (d„ . , d 2 )};}*) 77 I({iname{ (d , , d 2 )};}*) FLIST 105 MAP 105 ABORT 108 129 Section 2: Element definitions. The elements can be defined in any order. The statements within an element definition may appear in any order with the exception that NON-DEFAULTS and SUB-CONNECT statements must follow the corresponding SUB-ELEMENT statement. At least one element must be defined. general form of statement ELEMENT elt-name { parm {(d 3 d )}{ =def-exp };}* DEFAULTS { parm {(d , d ) }{ =def-exp } ; }* GLOBAL S { global {(d 3 d 2 )};}* LOCALS { looal {(d £3 d)};}* TERMINALS { term-no - term-no { type }}* J. Cl EXTERNALS { term-no -term-no }* J. Cs CONNECT { term-no - term-no }* SUB-ELEMENT sub-elt-name { parm=exp ;}* NON-DEFAULTS { parm=exp ; }* SUB-CONNECT { term-no }* EQUATIONS {exp =exp r \}* or IF oond THEN exp = exp {ELSE IF aond THEN exp = exp }* ELSE exp = exp or IF oond THEN STOP {=n) INITIAL { v ar=oonst-exp ; }* OUTPUT {var^}* page where described 71 72 73 73 75 75 79 79 79 80 89 95 98 98 100 Section 3: Table function definitions. Table functions may be defined in any order. This section may be omitted if no table functions are required general form of statement TABLE tab-no 2i 2 t 2 page where described 104 x t — n —n 130 Section 4: Run-control program and FORTRAN interfaces. If nondefault run-control is specified, the MAIN statement must be the first statement of this section, and the run-control program must follow. The $DEFAULT statement must be included immediately before the first executable statement of the user's run-control program to allow MODEL to insert COMMON statements variable declarations, and default control parameter assignments into run- control program. When the run-control program is to be compiled separately, these COMMON statements, declarations, and assignments must be copied by the user. FORTRAN subprogram source codes follow the run-control program. Section 4 may be omitted if default run-control is used and no FORTRAN interfaces to the model are required, or if the run-control program and other FORTRAN interfaces are to be compiled separately. general form of statement page where described MAIN 130 non- executable FORTRAN statements of run-control program $DEFAULT 130 executable FORTRAN statements of run-control program other FORTRAN source codes Appendix C shows the IBM 360 job control statements which invoke the compilation and execution of a MODEL program and indicates the positions within the job control program at which the various sections of the input file are to be inserted. Sections 1, 2, and 3 of the input file follow the job control statements for the first (input) step of the MODEL compiler, MAP. Section 4 of the input file follows the job control statements for the second (expansion) and third (output) steps of MAP. The job control statements for the fourth step of MAP and for the FORTRAN and model execution steps follow section 4 of the input file. Any data cards to be read by the run-control program or other user-supplied FORTRAN programs must be inserted at the appropriate point in the execution step job control program. 131 APPENDIX B SAMPLE MODEL AND OUTPUT 132 This appendix shows the MODEL text-dialect formulation of a storm sewer network which is constructed from interconnected elements similar to those described in section 1.3. Figure B.l is a graphical representation of the network. Rainfall enters from the source elements and is collected below the street in two small reservoirs. The water in these reservoirs drains into a large reservoir from which it drains out of the network (e.g., into a stream). The purpose of the simulation is to determine whether the reservoirs overflow during a storm. This can be determined from the values of the variables which represent the heights of the water in the reservoirs. The elements used in this network differ somewhat from those described in section 1.3. The fluid sink equation B(0) = FLOW(0)**2/(2*G*A**2) + H has been rewritten as FLOW(O) = ABS(SQRT(2*G*A**2*(B(0) - H))) to insure that the flow is greater than zero and thus is directed into the sink element. In addition, two new elements are employed. The cap element is used to plug an unconnected outlet by setting the flow through it to zero. The drain element is similar to the sink element but includes another terminal and equation to allow the drainage flow to be directed into another element (e.g., the large reservoir). The MODEL text-dialect formulation of this network and the network dictionary, run-control program, and output subroutine RECORD produced by the MODEL compiler are shown below. The dictionary includes a node map which identifies the nodes of each element by listing the ID numbers of the terminals connected to each node. For each external terminal of the node a different ID number is listed on the following line. This is the ID number by which the external terminal is known in the next higher-level element. These numbers permit the user to trace external connections through 133 the node map for the higher-level element. Since variables on one terminal will be either equivalent to or the negatives of the corresponding variables of a connected terminal, FORTRAN variables are not assigned for every terminal variable of the network. For example, only one FORTRAN variable is assigned for each E-type terminal variable on any connected set of terminals. Thus, the node map is very useful for tracing terminal variables of the network to the corresponding FORTRAN variables of the integration. 134 . 18 2 13, Figure Bl. Storm sewer network. 135 % STORM SEWER NETWORK TEXT DIALECT SOURCE FILE ANALYZE SEWER TYPE FLUID T(B) I (FLOW) MAP FLIST TITLE STORM SEWER LEVELS ELEMENT SEWER GAMMA=62.43 ; G-32. TERMINALS 1-9 FLUID RLOPALS GAMMA ; G SUB-ELEMENT SOURCE OAREA=1000. SUB-CONNECT 1 SUB-ELEMENT SOURCE OAPEA=1000. SUB-CONNECT <" SUB-ELEMENT RESEPV AS=100. ; HINIT-5. "<1 = .75 ; Kl-5. ; A2-.75 ; H2=5. SUB-CONNECT 1 2 3 SUB-ELEMENT RESERV AS=100. ; HINIT-5. A1-.75 ; Kl-5. ; n 2=.75 ; H2-5. SUR-CONNECT 4 5 6 SUB-ELEMENT CAP SUB-CONNECT 2 SUB-ELEMENT DRAIN A-.75 ; H.-5. SUB-CONNECT 3 7 SUB-ELEMENT DRAIN A=.75 ; M-5. SUR-CONNECT 5 7 SUB-ELEMENT CAP SUB-CONNECT 6 SUB-ELEMENT RESERV A c =1000. ; HINIT-O. "1=1. ; Kl-O. ; ^2-1. ; H2-0. SUB-CONNECT 7 8 9 SUB-ELEMENT CAP SUB-CONNECT 8 SUB-ELEMENT SINK A-l . ; H=0. SUB-CONNECT 9 % PRIMITIVE ELEMENTS ELEMENT SOURCE OAREA RAINRATE= ( - . 05*TIME*TIME+360.*TIME ) /7. 776E7 FLOW(0)--RAINRATE*OAREA % THE RAINFALL RATE IS REPRFSFNTFD BY A PARABOLA OPEN TO -Y AXIS 136 c AT TIME=0 1AINRATE=0 % AT TIME=3600 (1 HOUR) MAX RAINRATE OF 6IN./HR. IS REACHFP % AT TIMF=7200 (2 HOURS) RAIMRATE=0 AGAIN TERMINALS FLUID EXTERNALS LOCALS RAINRATE ELEMENT RESERV AS ; HINIT ; A1 ; HI ; 42 ; H2 !IS'*AS=Fl.0W(0)+FL0W(l)+FL0l'(2) V1=FL0W(1)/A1 V2=FLOW(2)/p.2 r(l)=Vl*Vl/(2*G)+Pl/GAMMA+Hl B(2)=V2*V2/(2*G)+P2/GAMMA+H2 R(1)=HS B(2)=HS INITIAL HS=I!INIT OUTPUT HS LOCALS HS ; VI ; PI ; V2 ; P2 TERMINALS 0-2 FLUIO EXTERNALS 0-2 ELEMENT CAP FLOW(0)*0 TERMINALS KLUID EXTERNALS FLEMFNT DRAIN A ; H FL0W(0)+FL0''J(1)=0 FL0W(0HBS(SORT(2*G*A*A*(B(0)-H))) TERMINALS 0-1 FLUIO EXTERNALS 0-1 ELEMENT SINK A ; H FLOW(OKBS(SOPT(2*G*A*A*(B(0)-H))) TERMINALS FLUID EXTERNALS 0/ || L'SER-Sl'PPLIEO MAIN PROGRAM 7, MAIN ".' S^EFAULT % TST0P=7200. m ! J1 V\X=60. Of C0MINT=60. r DEL=1.0-9 01 EPS=l. n »-4 0.' CALL RUN % END % NETWORK DICTIONARY PRODUCED BY MODEL COMPILER DICTIONARY - NODE MAP 137 ELEMENT SEWER. SOURCE (1) NOOE(O): 0, IDENTICAL TERMINALS IN ELEMENT ABOVE: 10, ELEMENT SEWER. S0URCE(2) HODE(O): 0, IDENTICAL TERMINALS If! ELEMENT ABOVE: 11, ELEMENT SEWFP.RESERVfl ) NODE(O): 0, IDENTICAL TERMINALS IN ELEMENT ABOVE: 12, MODE(l): 1, IDENTICAL TERMINALS IN ELEMENT ABOVE: 13, N0DE(2): 2, IDENTICAL TERMINALS IN ELEMENT ABOVE: 14, ELEMENT SEWER. RESERV(2) NODE(O): 0, IDENTICAL TERMINALS IN ELEMENT ABOVE: 15, NODE(l): 1, IDENTICAL TERMINALS IN ELEMENT ABOVE: 16, N0DE(2): 2, IDENTICAL TERMINALS IN ELEMENT ABOVE: 17, ELEMENT SEWER. CAP(l) NODE(O): 0, IDENTICAL TERMINALS IN ELEMENT ABOVE: 18, ELEMENT SEWER. DRAIN(1 ) NODE(O): 0, IDENTICAL TERMINALS IN ELEMENT ABOVE: 19, NODE(l): 1, IDENTICAL TERMINALS IN ELEMENT ABOVE: 20, ELEMENT SEWER. DRAIN (2) f, ODE(D): 0, IDENTICAL TERMINALS IN ELEMENT ABOVE: 21, M 0DE(1): 1, IDENTICAL TERMINALS IN ELEMFNT ^ n VE: 22, ELEMENT SEWER. CAP (2) 138 MODE(O): 0, IDENTICAL TERMINALS IN ELEMENT ABOVE: 23, ELEMENT SEWER. RFSERV(3) NODE(O): 0, IDENTICAL TERMINALS IN ELEMENT ABOVE: 24, NODE(l): 1, IDENTICAL TERMINALS IN ELEMENT AROVE: 25, N0DE(2): 2, IDENTICAL TERMINALS IN ELEMENT ABOVE: 26, ELEMENT SEWER. CAP (3) NODE(O): 0, IDFNTICAL TERMINALS IN ELEMENT AROVE: 27, ELEMENT SEWER. SINK(1 ) MODE(O): 0, IDENTICAL TERMINALS IN ELEMENT ABOVE: 28, ELEMENT SEWER(l) •JODE(l): 1,12,10, N0DE(2): 2,18,13, M0DE(3): 3,19,14, N0DF(4): 4,15,11, N0DE(5): 5,21,16, N0DE(6): 6,23,17, N0DE(7): 7,24,22,20, NODE(B): 8,27,25, NODF( ;; 0: 9,28,26, DICTIONARY - VARIAPLE MAP ELEMENT SEWER(l) GLOBAL VARIABLES OUTPUT NAMFS SAMMA 62.43^0 32. DO T ERMINAL VARIABLES OUTPUT NAMES FLOW(IO) ZT(3) FLOW(ll) ZT(5) FL0W(12) -7T(3) FL0W(13) -0 FL0W(14) ZL(1) 139 FLOW FLOW FLOW FLOW FLOW FLOW FLOW FLOW FLOW FLOW FLOW FLOW FLOW FLOW 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) -ZT(5) ZL(4) -0 -71(1) ZL(1) -ZL(4) ZL(4) ZL(7) -0 ZL(8) -ZL(8) ELEMENT SEWER. SOURCE (1 ) LOCAL VARIABLES RAINRATE PARAMETERS OAREA OUTPUT NAMES ZT(2) OUTPUT NAMES 1000. HO TERMINAL VARIAPLES OUTPUT NAMES R(0) NONE ELFMENT SEWER. S(HIRCE(2) LOCAL VARIABLES PAINRATE OUTPUT NAMES ZT(4) PARAMETERS OAREA OUTPUT NAMES 1000.H0 "ERMINAL VARIAPLES OUTPUT NAMES «(0) NONE ELEMENT SEWER. RESERV(l) LOCAL VARIAPLES CUTPl'T f!A M ES HS 7Y(1) VI ZG(1) PI 7 L(2) V2 7Y(2) P2 7L(3) PARAMETERS OUTPUT NAMES 5.S 100.00 mm 5. n M .75 !1 il Ml 5. JO A2 .7500 140 H2 5.00 TERMINAL VARIABLES OUTPUT NAMES BO) ZY(1) B(2) ZY(1) ELEMENT SEWER. RESERV(2) LOCAL VARIABLES OUTPUT NAMES HS ZY(3) VI 7Y(4) PI ZL(5) V2 ZG(2) P? ZL(6) PARAMETERS OUTPUT NAMES AS 100.00 HIMIT 5.00 Al .7500 HI 5.00 A2 .7500 H2 5.00 TERMINAL VARIABLES OUTPUT NAMES B(l) ZY(3) B(2) ZY(3) ELEMENT SE'-'ER.CAP(1 ) ELEMENT SEWER. 0RAIN(1 ) PARAMETERS OUTPUT NAMES A .7530 H 5.^0 TERMINAL VARIABLES OUTPUT NAMES B(l) NONE ELEMENT SEWER. DRAIN(2) PARAMETERS OUTPUT NAMES A .7500 H 5. JO ELEMENT SEWER.CAP(2) ELEMENT SEWER.?ESERV(3) LOCAL VARIAP1.ES OUT D UT NAMES 141 HS VI n l V2 P2 ZY(7) ZG(3) ZL(?) 7Y(3) ZL(10) PARAMETERS OUTPUT NAMES AS HINIT O.DO M 1.00 HI O.DO A 2 l.DO H2 O.PO T ERMINAL VARIABLES OUTPUT NAMFS B(l) ZY(7) B(2) ZY(7) ELEMENT SEWER. CAP(3) ELEMENT SEWER. SINK(l) PARAMETERS OUTPUT NAMES A 1 . ^0 H O.i^O GENERATED VARIABLES OUTPUT NAMES SUB ZY(5) SUB 7Y(6) SUP ZY(9) % RUN-CONTROL PROGRAM PRODUCFO BY MOPEL COMPILER C0MM0N/VARS/7Y(9),ZD(9),ZDD(7 t 9) t ZL(10),ZT(5),ZG(3) COMMON/SYSPRM/HMIN,HMAX,EPS,DEL,TSTART,TSTOP,COMINT,ISTOP DOUBLE PRECISION ZY("),ZD(9) ,ZDP(7,9) ,ZI (10) ,ZT(5) ,ZG(3) +,HMIN t HMAX t EPS t DEL i TSTART,TST0P i COHINT p*** C*** DECLARATIONS FOR SOURCE NAMES r 'F GLOBAL AMD LOCAL VARIABLES C*** AND n ARAMFTFRS ^F THE HIGHEST-LEVEL ELEMENT APPEAR HFPF WHEN (:*** PRESENT IN THE MODEL AND WHEN NOT EOUAL TO A CONSTANT, p*** C*** FOUIVALENCE STATEMENTS MAPPING SOURCE NAMES TO INTEGRATION C*** VARIABLES APPEAR HERE. ^•** C*** USER'S NON-EXECUTABLE RUN-CONTROL STATEMENTS APPEAR HERE C*** DEFAULT VALUES FOR SYSTEM CONTROL PARAMETERS FOLLOW HMIM=l/)-6 HMAX-1.0-2 EPS-l.D-5 ***• 142 PEL=l. n -5 TSTART=0.HO TST0P=1.H0 C0MINT=1.0-2 ISTOP=0 USER'S EXECUTABLE RUN-CONTROL STATEMENTS FOLLOW TSTOP=7200.PO "MAX=60. r >0 COM I NT= 60. nn PEL=1. P - Q FPS=l.D-4 CALL RUN FF!D % OUTPUT SUBROUTINES PRODUCED EY MODEL COMPILER SUBROUTINE RECORD(INIT,IUNIT,N,A) C RECORD '/RITES THE N OUTPUT VALUES IN ARRAY A TO UNIT C IUMIT WHEN INIT NOT EQUAL ZERO. WHEN INIT EQUAL ZERO C RECORD "RITES THE TITLE AND LABELS DOUBLE PRECISION A(N) IF (INIT."E.O) GOTO 9000 WRITE (IUNIT.l) 1 F0RMAT(1H,29X,49HTITLE STORM SEWER LEVELS + ,23f! ) WRITE(IUNIT,2 ) 2 F0RMAT{1H,9X +.8HTIME ,13X +.8HHS ,13X +.8HHS ,18X +,8HHS ,18X +) RETURN 9000 '!RITE(IUNIT,9100) A 9100 F0RMAT(1H,5026.16) RETURN END SUBROUTINE REP0RT(7G,7T,7L,ZY) C REPORT COPIES THE OUTPUT VARIABLES INTO ARRAY A C AND n ASSES A TO SUBROUTINE "ECORD FOR OUTPUT DOUBLE PRECISION ZG(1 ),ZT(1 ),ZL(1 ),ZY(1 ),A(4) n (l)=7T(l) *.(2)-ZY(l) *• 3)«ZY(3) . r (4) = 7Y(7) CALL PEC0RD(1,£,4,A) RETURN END 143 APPENDIX C IBM 360 BATCH MODE JOB CONTROL 144 This appendix lists and describes an IBM 360 job control program which performs a MODEL compilation, FORTRAN compilation, and model integration as a sequence of steps in a single batch mode job. This job control program is included here to illustrate the steps to be executed, the necessary communication between these steps (i.e., file I/O), and the various input streams for MODEL code, FORTRAN code, and data cards. It is not necessary to adhere to the job control given here to use the MODEL package. For example, the package can be used on other computers, and tape files can be used instead of disk files. It is also possible to perform the necessary steps as a sequence of jobs. In this case the job control program shown here would be split into two or more parts (e.g., one job which performs the MODEL compilation, a second which performs the FORTRAN compilation, and a third which performs the model integration). When this is done, the compiled codes must be written to permanent files instead of temporary ones such as shown here. The job controls used for MODEL compilation, FORTRAN compilation, and model integration are described briefly below. The job control program is listed at the end of this appendix. The job control shown here uses two in-line procedures, WGO and WFORT. WGO invokes the IBM loader to link-edit, load, and execute one or more object decks from the file(s) associated with SYSLIN. WGO is used to execute the MODEL compiler and the numerical software. WFORT invokes the FORTRAN G compiler on the file(s) associated with SYSIN and writes the object deck for these codes to the disk file &&LINKFILE. It is used to compile the output from the MODEL compiler. The MODEL compiler is a four step process. Object decks for the four steps are catalogued in the data set USER.P3503.LMOD under the names MP1, MP2, MP3, and MP4 and are executed by WGO. Object decks 10$ and PLFSUBSX from the same catalogued data set are also included in each step. 10$ contains the 10 support routines and PLFSUBSX contains the character manipulation routines used by the MODEL compiler. The MODEL compiler uses I/O files declared as FORTRAN logical units 5, 6, and 91 through 99. Unit 5 is used for the input streams. The MODEL language input (sections 1, 2, and 3 of the input file as described in Appendix A) follows the first step of the MODEL compiler. FORTRAN code which is passed through the MODEL compiler (section 4 of the input file) 145 follows the third step of the MODEL compiler. The model source listing and any error messages which are produced are written to unit 6. The fixed portions of the MODEL error messages are catalogued as USER. P3503. MACROS (ERMW) and are read as needed from unit 93. Temporary disk files are used for the remaining units. Units 91 and 92 are used for communication between steps. Units 97, 98, and 99 are used as intermediate files during the construction of the FORTRAN output, which is written in final form on units 95 and 96. Unit 95 contains the run-control program, any other FORTRAN submitted by the user, and subroutine RUN. Unit 96 contains the other FORTRAN subroutines produced by MODEL. The model dictionary is produced on unit 94. The dictionary and the FORTRAN codes are copied to unit 6 if requested by the user, The FORTRAN output of the MODEL compiler is compiled by WFORT. The input file, SYSIN, consists of the disk files &&BLK95 and &&BLK96 created by MODEL through FORTRAN units 95 and 96. User-supplied FORTRAN can also be included in this step. The object code produced by the FORTRAN compiler is written to the temporary disk file &&LNKFILE. The object deck representing the model, &&LNKFILE, is linked with an object deck of the numerical software, USER.P3503.LMOD(NSP) , and the model is integrated as the final job step. FORTRAN unit 5 is used for user-supplied data cards and unit 90 is used for temporary disk storage. In the near future the integration step will be replaced by two steps, the first of which will perform the steady state analysis and certain sparse matrix operations and the second of which will perform the integration. 146 //iiodel jo 7 '. /*id ps= ^ame-'usfr' /''•ID CODE= /*ID REGION=200r.,TI?*E= ,IOREQ= ,LIIIES= *** PROCEDURE DEFINITIONS *** //"go r^oc liefil2=Mjser.f3503 j,mod ? ,ppog=tb>!Loadr, // LIBFILE-'RYSIVTCLLIB ' ,OBJBISF=FASS //GO EXEC PGM=&rEOG,REGION=56E,PARM=LET //FT?6F00] DD SYSOUT=/ //SYEEIE DD DS:?=£LIBFIL2,DISP=ST:R // DD D5i:=SYSl.FORTIJB, DISPOSER // DD DSN=SYSl.FORTUOI,DI5P=SER // ?T> DSN=SLIBFILE,DISP=SER //SYSLIN DD DSN=£&LNKFILE,UNIT=DISK, // SPACE=(TPi<:,l),DISP=(MOD,&OEJDISF) // "iD DDSAME-SYSIW //SYSLOUT DD SYSOUT=A //EYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=A // PEND //TORT PROC LEVEL-G //FORT EXEC PGM=UIFORT&LEVEE,REGION=116K //EYSLI1I DD DSN=&&LNKFIEE,DISP=(nOD,FASS) , // SPACE= (TRK, (20,20) ) ,UNIT=BISK,DCB=BLKSIZE=400 //EYEFRINT DD SYSOUT=A //PYSPU1TC!! DD DUIEIY //SYS7DIP DD DSN=&&SYSUT3,UNIT=DISK,SPA.CE=(800,50, , , ROUND) , // DCB=(RECFI!=FB,LRECL=SO,BLEEIZE=SOO) //EYEUT1 DD DSN-S&SYSUT] ,U;a t I7=DIST:,SPACF.= (1050,50, , .ROUND) //SYSUT2 !')D DSN»&&SYSUT2,UNIT=DISK,SPACE-(4096 t 30, , ,ROUND) // PEND *** *** 4 PAES MODEL COMPILATION *** //PI LXEC '7GO,PARM= , LET l EP=PL T .v T f^AIN' ,REGION=125K //SYSLIN DD DSK=USER.P3503.L!!OP(KP1) ,DISP=SKR // DD DSN=USER.P3503.LKOD(IO$),DISP=SI'R // ! D DEN=USFR.P3503.LHOD(PLFEUBSX) ,BISP=SER //I T93F001 DD DSN=USER.F35C3. MACROS (ERMW) , // LABEL=(, ,,III),DISP=SHR,DCE=BUFNO=l //] T96i ooi dd dsnai:e=s&eek96,u:, t it=eyeda,space=(tr:c,(io,2)), // DCB= (PvECFM=FB,LPECL=72,BLKSI2E=1440,EUF:TO=1) , // :)ISP= (NET\ PASS) //FT91F001 DD DSKAMT-&&3LK01,UniT-fiY5T)\,SPACE-(TRK, (10,2)), // DCB=(PJCCFM=VS,BLKSIZE=1230,EiTN0=l),DISF=(NEtf,PASS) //FT92r001 DD DSNAME=a&BLK92,UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK, (10,2)) , // riCE» (EECKi«V£ ,BLKSIZE=3510,Bl FNO=l) ,DISP=(NEU,PASS) //, T05F001 i D * 147 Aft* ft** //?2 exec • //FYSLPJ // // //FT93F001 // //FT94F001 // // //FT91F001 // //FT92F901 // //: s 3 :.xic ■ // r YrLI!I // // //FT?3r001 // //FT94F001 // // //FT?5r001 // // //FT96F001 // // //FT97^001 // // //FTOfjfOO] // // //FT31FQ01 // //FT92F001 // //FTO5V03] *** *** //r4 LXEC ' //SYSLIN // // //FTC5F001 // // // 'T96F001 // // //FT99T'001 // !IODi:L LANGUAGE INPUT STATEMENTS :co !)D DD ;:n ED :D : GO DD DD D DD [JD ID >D DD DD i e: , FARM- ' LET, EF-PL-.JMAIN ' , REGION-200K DSN=USER.P3503.L*fOD(MP2),DISP=SIIR DSN=USER.F3503.LMOD(IO$),DISF=FHR DSW«l'SER.P3503.U-IOD(PLF!5l T ESX),DISP-SIiiE DSN-USER . "'3503 . : IACROS (ERMW) , LABEL- (, , ,!:■:) ,DISP=EUR,DCE=EUFN0=1 DSNAfE=&&ELK94,UNIT=FYSPA , SPACE= (TRK, (l p , 2) ) , rcb- (p.ecfm-fb , lrecl-30 , elkfize-1600 , bufno-l ) , disp=(:tew,paS3) dsname=£sblk91,unit=sysda, space- (trk, (10,2)), DCB- (RECFM-vs,BLKSIZE= 1230, BUF*IO-l),DISP=(OLD, PASS) DSR/\ME=S:&ELK92,UniT=SYSDA, SPACE- (TRK, (10,2) ) , DCE=(IIECFM=VS,BLKSIZF=3 510, BUFNO-1) ,DISP- (OLD, PASS) ,PARlT= , LET,EP=?LvJT'IAIN , ,RECIOK=200K ds!I-user.P3503.lmod(l;p3),disp=she dsimjser.p3503.lmod(io$),disp=sne ds>!=user.p3503.lm0d(plfsuesx) ,dtsp= <: ' ': DSN-USER. E3503. MACROS (ERMU) , LABEL-(,,,IN),DISP=S1IR,DCB=EUFN0=1 DSNAME=&&BLK94,UNIT=SYSDA, SPACE- (TRK, (10,2)) DCB=(RECFM=FB,LPJ:CL=S0,ELKSIZE-1600,EUFNO=l) OISP- (MOD, PASS) DS:iAME=££BLK95,UiIIT=SYSDA, SPACE- (TRK, (10,2)) ?CB=(EECFM=FE,LRECL=72,3Lr.SIZE=1440,BUFI-TO=l) r>ISP«(NE7,PASS) DSNAME=&&BLK96,UNIT=SYSDA,SFACE- (TRK, (10,2)) DCB-(RECFM=FB,LRECL=72,ELKFIZE=1440,BLFNO=1) n isp=0 oo, pas?) DS?7AME=&&BLK97,U1TIT=SYSDA, SPACE- (TRK, (10,2)) DCB=(RECF!I=FE,LRECL=72,BLKSIZE=1440,EUFITO=1) [3ISr=(KEM, DELETE) DSKAME=fx&ELK93,UIUT=SYSPA, SPACE- (TRK, (10,2)) DCE=(RECFT^Fr,LRECL=72,BLKSIZE=1440,BUF 10=1) DSNAME- C .&BLK91 , UNIT-SYSDA , S F \CE= (TRR ,(10,2)), ■)CB=(RECFM=VS,ELKFIZE=1230,EUFnO=l),DISP= (OLD, PASS) DSNAME=S&3LK92,UNIT=SYS1 ■*• , c r ACE- (TRK, (10, 2) ) . ' CE=(RECF?:=VS,3LI'.SIZE=3510,BUF"O=l),DISP- (OLD, PASS) * ER-: UPPLIED FORTRAN r-0,P 1 \PJt= , LET,EP=FL T .7MAIN , ,REGI01J-150E DD DD DD >D DSE-l f?ER.r3503.LMODClP4),DISP-Fnr i" " -USEP.F3503.LMOD(IO$),DISP=SFE DS f-USER.1 3503.LMOD(PLFSUBSX),DISP=SIIR DS:\AME=&&BLK95,Ui:iT-SYSDA, SPACE- (TRK, (10,2)) »CB=(FECFH-FB,LRECL=72,BLKST.ZE=1440,BUFNO=l) L*ISP- (MOD, PASS) DSNAMJE=&&BLK96,U?JIT«SYSDA, SPACE- (TRK, (10,2)) iCB=(PJECFM-FB,LRECL-72,BLKSIZE»1440,BUFNO=l) ISP- (MOD, PASS) DSNAME=&&BIiC99,UNIT-SYSDA, SPACE- (TRK, (10,2)) !>CE=(RECFIt-FB,LRECL=72,BLKSIZF-1440,BUFI\ , 0-l) 148 // DISP= (NEW, DELETE) //FT91F001 V>} DSNANF=£&BLK91,UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK, (10,2)) , // DCB=(RECFtt=VS,3LKSIZE=l 230, BUFNOl) ,DISP= (OLD, DELETE) //FT92F001 DD DSNAME=&&BLK92,m-TIT«SYSDA, SPACE- (TRK, (10,2)) , // '>CB=(RECFM=VS,BLX?IZE=3510,BEFNO=1),DIPS= (OLD, DELETE) *** FORTRAN COMPILATION *** // EXEC T .T0RT,PARM=' !0S0URCE,N0!IAP ' //SYFP; DD DSNAME=£aBLX95,UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE= (TRK, (10, 2) ) , / / ~JCB= (RECF* i=FB , LRECL=7 2 , BLXSIZE=1440 , BUFNO=l) , // ^IPP= (OLD, DELETE) // 9D Dr^;A.ME=^&BLE96 ,UKIT=CYSDA, SPACE= (TRK, (10, 2) ) , // PCB= (RECFM=VB,LRECL=72,BLKSIZE=1440,BUFi;O=l) , // ^ISP= (OLD, DELETE) *** y^d * *** USER-SUPPLIED FORTRAH *** *** MODEL INTEGRATION *** // EXEC VT,0, PARM=' LET, EP= IAIN', REOION=150K //CYPLIN DD DSN= r <&LNKFILE,UNIT=I)ISK,DISP= (OLD, DELETE) // DD DSN=USFR. r '3503.LMOD(nSP),DISP=S!iR //FT C J0V001 DD DSK=U5ER.r3503.TEOT,UNIT=DISK,VOL=SER=UIPUBl, // SPACE=(1024, (25, 10), RLSE),DISr=(NEW, DELETE), // BC3=(KECFI^VBS,LRECL=1020,3LKSIZE=1024) //FT05F001 TO * *** USER-SUPPLIED DATA CARDS /* 149 APPENDIX D MODEL ERROR MESSAGES 150 The descriptions of the various errors and possible errors detected by MAP are listed below along with the associated message numbers. Warning messages are identified by a W in the first column. This character is not printed with the message. Blank error descriptions indicate message numbers which are not used. 151 The descriptions of the errors and possible errors detected by MODEL are listed below along with the associated message numbers. Warning messages are preceded by a V which is not printed when the warning is is- sued. J'.lanl nessa^es indicate Message numbers which are rot used. 1 ERROR IN MODEL. ANALYSIS ABORTED 2 INPUT area overflow;, analysis aborted 3 MODEL NAME HISSING. ANALYSIS ABORTED 4 ELEMENT IF A KUB-FLEMEHT 01' ITSELF. ANALYSIS ABORTED 5 6 MEOFATION IN MUTUALLY IITDEPENDENT VARIABLES ONLY. MAY BE INCONSISTENCY 7 NSYSTEM MAY BE SINGULAR. NUMBER OF EQUATIONS -• ■ NUMBER OF VARIABLES 10 MIE>PROPEP UNIT 'RTMBER. OUTPUT SENT TO UNIT 6 11 JMODEL TAMP SHORTENED TO 8 CHARACTERS 12 TYPE INSTRUCTION IGNORED. TYPE NAME MISSING 13 0TEE/1INAL TYPE NAME SHORTENED TO P CHARACTERS 14 15 16 TERMINAL TYPE HAS NO VARIABLES 17 FUNCTION DEFINITION IGNORED. TOO MtANY FUNCTIONS DEFINED 18 FUNCTION DEFINITION IGNORED. FUNCTION NAMF MISSING VI E'FUNCTION NA* - t SHORTENED TO € C T IAPACTT' P !' 20 "UNCTION DEFINITION IGNORED. IMPROPER ARGUMENT COUNT 21 FUNCTION DEFINITION IGNORED. NO ARGUMENTS 22 TABLF FUNCTION DEFINITION IGNORED. TABLE rtUMBER : r 0T POSITIVE- INTEGER 23 TABLE FUNCTION DEFINITION IGNORED. TABLE NUMBER USED PREVIOUSLY 24 ^'independent variable name seortenfd to 3 characters 25 improper dimension. dimension set to 1 26 element name missing 27 './element name shortened to r characters 28 UMDEFINEE INSTRUCTION IGNORED 29 ' 'SUB-ELEMENT NAM! SHORTENED TO 3 CHARACTERS 30 TERMINAL DECLARATION IGNORED, D1PROPER TERMINAL ID NUMEER(S) 31 '^TERMINAL ID HUNGERS SPECIFIED IN I'RONG ORDER. ORDER REVERSED 32 '.TERMINAL TYPE NAME SHORTENED TO 3 CIIARACTERS 33 TERMINAL TYPE NOT ASSIGNED. TERMINAL TYPE NAME UNDEFINED 34 EXTERNAL TERMINAL DECLARATION IGNORED. IMPROPER TERMINAL IE NUMBEE(S) 35 EXTERNAL TERMINAL DECLARATION IGNORED. TERMINAL NOT DECLARED 36 CONNECTION TO SUB-ELEMENT IGNORED. IMPROPER TERMINAL ID NUMEER(S) 37 CONNECTION 10 SUB-ELEMFNT IGNORED. TERMINAL NOT DECLARED 32 CONNECTIO?] IGNORED. IMPROPER TERMINAL ID NUM3EP(8) 32 CON^LCTION IGNORED. TERMINAL(S) NOT DECLARED 40 EQUATION IGNORED. BUILT IN FUNCTION ARGUMENT 3EF0RE ? l r : r OT SCALAR 41 UNRECOGNIZABLE CHARACTEF LEFORF ? IGNORED ^2 EQUATION IGNORED. OPERAND MISSINC BEFORE ? A3 EQUATION IGNORED. OPERATOR MISSINC BEFORE ? 44 'NA'P; SHORTENED TO 3 CHARACTERS BEFORE ? 45 EQUATION IGNORED. NUMERICAL STRING EEFORE ? T c TOO LONG 46 EQUATION IGNORED. UNDEFINED VARIABLE "VIP BEFORE ? 47 EQUATION IGNORED. UNDEFINED TFRMINAL ID NUMBER BEFORE ? 48 EQUATION IGNORED. THRONG PORN FOR TEFMINAL in NUMBER BEFORE ? 49 ROTATION IGNORED. REFERENCF T n UNTYPED TERMINAL BEFORE ? 152 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 SO 31 32 33 34 85 36 37 38 89 90 91 ?2 PC »/ 96 97 98 99 EQUATION IGNORED. EQUATION IGNORED. EQUATION IGNORED. EQUATION IGNORED. EQUATION IGNORED. EQUATION IGNORED . UNDEFINED TERMINAL VARIABLE NAME BEFORE ? STRIP TERMINAL VARIABLE REFERENCE IS NOT IN FUNCTION TOO MANY FUNCTION ARGUMENTS BEFORE ? TOO FD' T FUNCTION ARGUMENTS BEFORE ? INCOMPLETE FUNCTION REFERENCE BEFORE ? EQUATION EQUATION EQUATION EQUATION EQUATION EQUATION EQUATION EQUATION IGNORED . IGNORED . IGNORED. IGNORED. IGNORED. IGNORED. IGNORED. IGNORED . MISPLACED UNMATCHED UNMATCHED MISPLACED = MISSING ( BEFORE ? (S) BEFORE BEFORE ? BEFORE ? BEFORE ? EXTRA = BEFORE ? IMPROPER FORM FOR PARAMETER ASSIGNMENT INTEGER DIMENSION EXPECTED BEFORE ? UNDEFINED PSEUDO TERMINAL ID NUMBER BEFORE ? IF-TIIEN-ELSE IGNORED. OPERATOR-OPERAND TYPE DISAGREEMENT BEFORE ? EQUATION IGNORED. ILLEGAL USE OF |,&,< t OP > INSIDE FUNCTION IF-TKEN-ELSE IGNORED. IF CLAUSE IS NOT A LOGICAL EXPRESSION ELSE CLAUSE (S) IGNORED. NOT PRECEEDED BY IF-THEN IF-TEEN-ELSE IGNORED. MISSING THEN CLAUSE EQUATION IGNORED. UNMATCHED ( (S) IN ARGUMENT BEFORE ? EQUATION IGNORED. UNDEFINED TABLE FUNCTION NUMBER BEFORE ? EQUATION IGNORED. COMMA MUST FOLLOW TABLE FUNCTION NUMBER INITIAL VALUE ASSIGNMENT IC> T ORED. IMPROPEP FORM EQUATION IGNORED. PRECEEDING EXPRESSION UNDEFINED - IMPROPER DIMENSIONS EOLATION IGNORED. NO TERMINALS CONNECTED TO STRIP TERMINAL ■TERMINAL IS DOUBLY DEFINED WVARIABLE OR PARAMETER NAME SHORTENED TO 8 CHARACTERS DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENT VARIAELF IS NOT NECCESSAEY TERMINAL MAS NOT BEEN ASSIGNED A TYPE LOCAL CONNECTION IGNORED. TERMINAL TYPE MISMATCH EXTERNAL- INTERNAL TERMINAL TYPE MISMATCH EXTERNAL TERMINAL IN OUTER ELEMENT REDECLARED AS EXTERNAL TERMINAL REDECLARED AS A LOCAL. TOO FEN EXTRA CONNECTION (S) TO ELEMENT IGNORED REFERENCE TO UNDEFINED SEE-ELEMENT IGNORED DERIVATIVE OF CONSTANT VARIABLE REPLACED BY ^-^EQUIVALENCE OF WO INDEPENDENT VARIABLES IGNORED "./EQUIVALENCE OF INDEPENDENT VARIABLE AND CONSTANT IGNORED EXTERNAL CONNECTION HAS UNMATCHED STRIP TERMINAL EXTERNAL STRIP TERMINAL NOT ASSIGNED A TYPE CONNECTION OF TWO STRIP TERMINALS IGNORED CONNECTION TO EXTERNAL STRIP TERMINAL IGNORED " "-'' :"- is-:: ignored, else clausi missing after '.'INITIAL VALUE ASSIGNMENT FOR AN INDEPENDENT VARIABLE IGNORED INITIAL VALUE UNKNO'/N AT TIME-TSTART. ASSIGNMENT IGNORED '.INITIALIZED VARIABLE APPEARS IN NO EQUATIONS IMPROPER DIMENSIONS. VARIABLE OR PARAMETER REDECLARED AS SCALAR EOLATION IGNORED. CONTAINS MORI TNA r - r 6 NESTED NON-SCALAR FUNCTIONS A LOCAL CONNECTIONS TO ELEMENT 153 VITA Thomas Fred Runge was born in Madison, Wisconsin, on September 6, 1949. In 1967 he graduated from Gerstmeyer High School in Terre Haute, Indiana, and was named a National Merit Scholarship Finalist. He was elected to the Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi national honoraries while attending the University of Illinois, where he received a Bachelor of Sciences degree in Mathematics-Computer Science in June 1971. He continued at the University of Illinois as a graduate student and research assistant in the Department of Computer Science from June 1971 to May 1977. He has published an article 'A Universal Language for Network Simulation 1 and is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery and of its SIGSIM special interest group. rmAEC-427 (6/68) \ECM 3201 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION UNIVERSITY-TYPE CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATION FOR DISPOSITION OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENT ( See Instructions on Reverse Side ) AEC REPORT NO. COO-2383-0039 2. TITLE A UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE FOR CONTINUOUS NETWORK SIMULATION TYPE OF DOCUMENT (Check one): 2] a. Scientific and technical report ^} b. Conference paper not to be published in a journal: Title of conference Date of conference Exact location of conference Sponsoring organization □ c. Other (Specify) RECOMMENDED ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION (Check one): a. AEC's normal announcement and distribution procedures may be followed. ~3 b. Make available only within AEC and to AEC contractors and other U.S. Government agencies and their contractors. H c. Make no announcement or distrubution. REASON FOR RECOMMENDED RESTRICTIONS: SUBMITTED BY: NAME AND POSITION (Please print or type) C. W. Gear Professor and Principal Investigator Organization Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 ^j&L&Sttf*- Date May 1977 FOR AEC USE ONLY AEC CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS, IF ANY, ON ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION RECOMMENDATION: PATENT CLEARANCE: a- AEC patent clearance has been granted by responsible AEC patent group. LJ b. Report has been sent to responsible AEC patent group for clearance. 1 I c. Patent clearance not required. 3LI0GRAPHIC DATA 5, iET [Tile and Subtitle 1. Report No. UIUCDCS-R-77-866 i UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE FOR CONTINUOUS NETWORK SIMULATION f, uthor(s) 'homas Fred Runge i/crforming Organization Name and Address )epartment of Computer Science Iniversity of Illinois irbana, Illinois 61801 | Sponsoring Organization Name and Address Inergy Research and Development Administration Jashington, DC 3. Recipient's Accession No. 5. Report Date May 1977 6. 8> Performing Organization Rept. N °" UIUCDCS-R-77-866 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract /Grant No. US ERDA/EY-76-S-O2-2380 13. Type of Report & Period Covered thesis research 14. I Supplementary Notes 1 Abstracts The research on which this thesis is based was undertaken as part of the development of a general purpose package for digital simulation of continuous systems based on ordinary differential equations. The overall structure of the package which has been developed is outlined in Figure 1.1. In particular, this research is concerned with continuous simulation modeling languages and with the design and development of MODEL, a 'universal' language for continuous network simulation, for use within this package. Thus, we will be concerned primarily with the processes of Figure 1.1a — that is, with the language features which support the formulation of continuous system models. We will concern ourselves with the implementations of the modeling support, model analysis, and integration processes only to the extent that these implementations facilitate or encumber the provision of desirable modeling language features. 1 Key Words and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors continuous simulation network analysis simulation languages 1. Identifiers /Opcn-Iinded Terms V COSAT1 Field/Group Availability Statement unlimited distribution 19. Security Class (This Report) timri assifii:d 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pages 157 22. Price F 'M NTIS-35 ( 10-70) USCOMM-DC 40329-P71 *fi ! *; jim m lilt