X I B OF THE. UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS 30.7 no.499-513 cop- 2. ACMICULTURE The person charging this material is responsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Underiinin 9 of book reasons for discipli- may result in dismissal from the University To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 IARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN LI61 O-I096 Collect of* MOLASSES AND MOLASSES FEED on By R. J. Webb and Sleeter Bull Bulletin 510 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION 487 PLAN OF THE EXPERIMENT 487 RESULTS 488 Rate and Economy of Gains 488 Dressing Percentages 489 Grades of Slaughter Steers and of Carcasses 490 Market Grades of Ribs 490 Fat in Ribs 491 Texture of Lean of Rib Eyes 491 Marbling of the Rib Eyes 493 Firmness and Color of Fat 493 Firmness of Lean 493 Color of Lean 494 SUMMARY 495 CONCLUSIONS.. 496 OTHER ILLINOIS PUBLICATIONS ON FACTORS AFFECTING QUALITY OF BEEF The experiment reported in this bulletin is part of a larger study which this Station is making of factors generally believed to affect the qual- ity of beef. Other phases of the study have been published under the following titles: Effects of Sex, Length of Feeding Period, and a Ration of Ear-Corn Silage on the Quality of Beef. By Sleeter Bull, Fred C. Olson, and John H. Long- well. Bui. 355. 1930. Effect of Pasture on Grade of Beef. By Sleeter Bull, R. R. Snapp, and H. P. Rusk. Bui. 475. 1941. Effect of Exercise on Quality of Beef. By Sleeter Bull and H. P. Rusk. Bui. 488. 1942. Wartime Beef Production: What Grade of Feeders? What Finish? By Fred C. Francis, Sleeter Bull, and W. E. Carroll. Bui. 501. 1944. Effect of Pregnancy on Quality of Beef. By R. R. Snapp and Sleeter Bull. Bui. 507. 1944. Beef for the Table. By Sleeter Bull, R. J. Webb, and R. C. Ashby. Cir. 585. 1944. Urbana, Illinois May, 1945 Publications in the Bulletin series report the results of investigations made or sponsored by the Experiment Station Effect of Molasses and Molasses Feed On Quality of Beef By R. J. WEBB and SLEETER BULL* MOLASSES and molasses^ feed in the beef-cattle ration have been shown by experiments to be inferior to corn from the standpoint of rate and economy of gains. 2 Yet some cattle feeders, especially the feeders of show cattle, claim that the generous feeding of molasses produces a more highly finished carcass and a brighter and firmer lean. Some packers, on the other hand, claim that molasses produces a soft underfinished carcass that cuts dark. A recent experiment at the University of Illinois provided answers to many of the questions concerning the value of molasses and of mo- lasses feed in the beef-cattle ration. PLAN OF THE EXPERIMENT Thirty choice yearling grade Hereford feeder steers were fed in three lots of 10 each for 150 days beginning April 14, 1937. The ration fed to each lot is listed below. (1) Molasses, no grain Cane molasses, full-fed, poured over 20 to 22 pounds of corn silage a head daily 1 pound soybean oilmeal to 5 pounds molasses 2 pounds whole alfalfa hay ~y\s pound limestone daily (2) Molasses feed full-fed 200 pounds ground shelled corn 200 pounds ground oats 400 pounds cane molasses 150 pounds soybean oilmeal machine-mixed 200 pounds cut alfalfa 10 pounds limestone 10 pounds salt 20 pounds corn silage a head daily (3) Corn Shelled corn, full-fed 1 pound soybean oilmeal to 7 pounds corn 20 pounds corn silage a head daily 2 pounds whole alfalfa hay a head daily Yio pound limestone 1 R. J. WEBB, Superintendent, the Dixon Springs Experiment Station, and SLEETER BULL, Chief in Meats. 2 Report of Tenth Annual Cattle Feeders' Meeting, Sept. 17, 1937 (mimeo.). 487 488 BULLETIN No. 510 [May, At the end of the feeding period the cattle were graded and sold on the Chicago market. After slaughter, the carcasses were graded, and a wholesale rib cut from each carcass was returned to the Station for further study. The wholesale rib cuts were graded by the investigators, using A. H. Form 353, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. The 9th, 10th, and llth rib cuts of each carcass were dissected, and the rib eyes were analyzed chemically for dry substance and fat. The color of the rib eye at the 12th rib was measured with the spec- trophotometer. 1 RESULTS Rate and Economy of Gains The results of the feeding experiment, together with shrinks during shipment to Chicago, and dressing percentages, are shown in Table 1. It will be noted that the average daily gain (2.1 pounds) of the steers that were fed molasses was considerably lower than the average gains (2.5 pounds daily) of those on molasses feed or those on corn. Further- more to produce a hundred pounds of gain, the steers on molasses re- quired 31 percent more concentrates (14 percent more dry substance), 28 percent more silage, and 20 percent more hay than the steers that were fed corn. The steers fed molasses feed required 3 percent less concentrates (7.6 percent less dry substance) than was required by the corn-fed steers, the same amount of silage, but 50 percent more hay. Altho the costs of gains of the three lots were not greatly different, there was a marked difference in return above cost of cattle and feed. The steers in the corn lot reached a higher degree of finish and hence sold at a higher market price, $18.25 a hundred. They made a return of $69.35 a head over cost of cattle and feed. The molasses-feed lot sold for $16.75 a hundred and showed a return of $54.50 a head; and the molasses lot sold for $16 a hundred and made a return of $41.09 a steer. No hog gain is credited to the lots that were fed molasses and molasses feed, because the rations fed to these two lots did not provide enough feed for hogs following cattle. 'For a description of the method and the interpretation of the results see 111. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 355, pp. 219-225. 1945} EFFECT OF MOLASSES AND MOLASSES FEED 489 TABLE 1. RATE AND ECONOMY OF GAINS, SHRINKS, DRESSING PERCENTAGES, SELLING PRICES, AND RETURNS (10 steers per lot; all figures are averages) Molasses full- Molasses feed Corn full- fed, no grain full-fed fed Ib. Ib. Ib. Initial weight per steer 754 750 753 Final weight at Urbana 1 066 1 127 1 130 Daily gain .' . 2.1 2.5 2.5 Final weight at Chicago 1 000 1 055 1 089 Shrink 66 72 41 Shrinkage, percent 6.2% 6.4% 3.6% Feed eaten per day, first 60 days Ib. Ib. Ib. Corn 2.4* 11.1 Oats 2.4 Molasses 10.9 4.6 Soybean oilmeal 2.2 1.8 1.7 Total concentrates 13.1 11.2 12.8 Alfalfa hay 2.0 2.4 2.0 Corn silage 20.1 20.0 20.0 Feed eaten per day, last 90 days Corn 3.3 14.2 Oats 3.3 Molasses 15.0 6.8 Soybean oilmeal 3.0 2.5 2.0 Total concentrates 18.0 15.9 16.2 Alfalfa hay 2.0 3.3 2.0 Corn silage 22.0 20.0 20.0 Feed per hundredweight of gain Corn lit* 516 Oats 121 Molasses 642 241 Soybean oilmeal 129 90" 74 Total concentrates 771 573 590 Corn silage 1 021 796 796 Alfalfa hay 96 120* 80 Feed cost per hundredweight of gain b $ 14.85 $ 13.25 J 15.09 ' Cost per steer in lots at 9.10 per hundredweight. . . $ 68.61 $ 68.25 $ 68.55 Feed cost per steer 46.30 49.96 56.84 Cost of cattle and feed 114.91 118.21 125.39 Selling price per hundredweight $ 16.00 $ 16.75 $ 18.25 Average return above cost of cattle and feed 41.09 54.50 69.35 Dressing percentages Based on Chicago live weights 62.4% 61 .9% 62.9% Based on Urbana live weights 58.6% 57.9% 60.7% Ib. Ib. Ib. Hog gains per steer None None 30.5 Computed from the percentage in the mixture which was fed. b Feed prices used in calculations were: corn, $1.12 a bushel; oats, 40 cents a bushel; molasses. $25 a. ton; soybean oilmeal, $45 a ton; alfalfa hay, $15 a ton; silage, {6.25 a ton; grinding corn, 8 cents a hundredweight; grinding oats, 9 cents a hundredweight; grinding alfalfa, 2.50 a ton; mixing molasses feed, 5 cents a hundredweight. The total cost of grinding and mixing the molasses feed was 32.90 a ton. Dressing Percentages The dressing percentages are figured in two ways: (1) on the Chi- cago live weights, with a 2-percent shrink on the hot-carcass weight; and (2) on the Urbana live weights, with a 2-percent shrink on the hot- carcass weight. Figured on the Chicago live weights, the dressing per- centages were not significantly different. The corn steers dressed 62.9 490 BULLETIN No. 510 [May, percent; the molasses-feed steers, 61.9 percent; and the molasses steers, 62.4 percent. The shrinks of the three lots were: molasses lot, 6.2 percent; molasses- feed lot, 6.4 percent; and corn lot, 3.6. Figured on the home live weights, the molasses lot dressed 58.6 percent; the molasses-feed lot, 57.9 percent; and the corn lot, 60.7 percent. The difference in favor of the corn lot is significant and is due to less shrink in shipment. Grades of Slaughter Steers and of Carcasses The individual Chicago live weights, live grades, and carcass grades of the steers are given in Table 2. The corn steers graded considerably higher than the molasses- feed steers; the molasses steers graded lowest. A summary of the live grades follows: Prime Choice + Choice Choice Good-f- Good Good Corn steers 1 2 5 i / . 2 Molasses-feed steers . . . . 3 4 1 ... Molasses steers .. 1 1 6 1 1 The carcass grades of the corn steers were highest, as was expected judging from the live grades; the grades of the molasses- feed steers were next; and those of the molasses steers were lowest. The differ- ences among the three lots were largely due to differences in degree of finish. There were no noticeable differences in conformation and quality. A summary of carcass grades follows: Prime Choice + Choice Choice Good+ Good Good- Corn carcasses 1 2 4 1 2 Molasses-feed carcasses .. 3 4 1 .. 2 Molasses carcasses. ... . . 1 1 6 1 1 Market Grades of Ribs The grades of the wholesale rib cuts and descriptions of their tex- ture of lean, marbling, color of fat, firmness of fat, and firmness of lean are given in Table 3. The ribs of the corn lot graded highest. The ribs of the molasses-feed lot graded relatively higher than the carcasses, being almost as good as the corn ribs. The molasses ribs graded dis- tinctly lower than the ribs of the other lots. A summary of the market grades of ribs follows: Choice + Choice Choice Good+ Good Good Medium Corn ribs 2 3 3 2 Molasses-feed ribs. .232111 Molasses ribs 1 3 2 2 1 1 1945] EFFECT OF MOLASSES AND MOLASSES FEED TABLE 2. LIVE AND CARCASS GRADES 491 Steer Live weight Live grade Carcass grade Molasses lot Ib. 131 1067 Good+ Choice- 132 993 Good+ Good-f 133 1027 Good Good+ 134 -. 1 027 Good -I- Good+ 135 953 Good-H Good + 136 893 Good-f- Good- 137 1063 Choice Good+ 138 953 Good- Good 139 1027 Good-f- Good + 140 1 013 Choice- Choice Molasses-feed lot 121 1 061 Good - Choice- 122 1061 Good-f Choice- 123 1 081 Choice- Choice 124 921 Good- Good- 125 1011 Choice- Choice- 126 1 181 Choice- Choice- 127 961 Choice- Good-f- 128 -1 091 Choice Choice 129 1 161 Choice Choice 130 1021 Choice Good- Corn lot 141 1135 Choice+ Choice 142 1 056 Good+ Good + 143 1 026 Choice Choice+ 144 1 125 Choice+ Prime- 145 1 077 Good + Choice- 146 1 135 Choice Choice 147 1 225 Prime- Choice-f 148 997 Choice Choice 149 1 097 Choice Choice 150 1017 Choice Good+ Fat in Ribs Since the fat content of the 9th, 10th, and llth ribs is a fairly accurate measure of the relative finish of the carcass, these ribs were separated with a knife into lean, fat, bone, and tendon. The percent- ages of fat are given in Table 3. The ribs of the molasses carcasses contained an average of 32.6 per- cent of fat considerably less than was contained in the rib cuts of the other carcasses. The fat content of the ribs of the molasses-feed car- casses averaged 36.8 percent and of the corn carcasses, 35.8 percent. The difference between these two latter lots is insignificant. Texture of Lean of Rib Eyes Differences in rations did not affect texture of lean. All but two of the rib eyes were graded "fine." The two exceptions were one from the molasses lot and one from the corn lot. both "slightly coarse" in texture. 492 BULLETIN No. 510 Hi i c ^ E~* .b E 1 " .is E >- *-> O (3 3*" O cn n (5 , to .S Sj^ O rt_2 H fe -c g J S ! I 3 a a CO H II 1 E O I cn . v . .'. . .. 1 II 1 E E "0*0 "o 3 3_3 > M M _3 E E I !** E i- 1- E 15E 3 on a* S ! &B JR & & S E Sggg EEE ES g EEE EEE|E 333 33 3* 3 EEEE t- u " h: u - w-^j-^j*j3j-^j-^-w >E^EE "_ '-^ "J 1. "_ - 1. ^ - 1 W _.J ^ -W ^ W *J ^ _*-* ^j ||tgg|;!!!| |||EE|E||| EEEEEEEE UOUOOCJwOOO uoouuuoouo OUUOOUUUCJU ccc^ccnccc; Molasses-feed lot 133 S-S 33^ ^orn lot 222222-32^2 "o c e ca"o c ca c C *S CCCCC^CCCB O O O O O O 0) O Jjj O S dcccccccc . 1,1, . 1 g S + S + ' 8.3, . ooooooo'Soo fi O -3 O O O V OJ3 uooooouSou i.UDl+t tl (L+lti Lt + oooooooooo OCJUOOUOUUU 3$ oooooooo uOuoooudocS : i i i i ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : : ; ; ; ; ; ;a a* BO 1945} EFFECT OF MOLASSES AND MOLASSES FEED 493 Marbling of the Rib Eyes According to the graders, the ribs from the corn lot and from the molasses- feed lot were about equal in marbling (Table 3). Of the mo- lasses-feed lot, 5 had plentiful marbling, 3 had moderate amounts, and 2 had only traces. Of the corn lot, 1 had abundant marbling; 1, plentiful; and 8, moderate amounts. The ribs of the molasses lot had distinctly less marbling; 6 were moderately well marbled and 4 had only traces. As a check on the amounts of marbling as observed by the graders, the percentages of fat (Table 3) in the rib eyes of the 9th, 10th, and llth ribs were determined chemically. There was little correlation be- tween the amounts of marbling as noted by the graders and the amounts of fat in the rib eyes as determined by the chemists. Chemical analysis showed the average fat content of the three lots to be prac- tically the same. Firmness and Color of Fat The corn ribs had the firmest fat. Six were very firm and 4 were firm. Of the molasses-feed ribs, 5 were very firm, 4 were firm, and 1 was soft. Of the molasses ribs, 2 were very firm, 6 were firm, and 2 were medium firm. Differences in rations had no effect on color of fat. One carcass from the molasses lot had slightly yellow fat. The fat of all other carcasses was creamy white. Firmness of Lean According to the graders, the corn ribs had also the firmest lean; the molasses- feed ribs were next; and the molasses ribs were much the softest. The ribs of the three lots were graded as follows on firmness of lean. Corn: 1, very firm; 2, firm; and 7, medium firm. Molasses-feed: 2, very firm; 4, firm; 2, medium firm; 1, soft, and 1, very soft. Molasses: 4, medium firm; 3, soft; and 3, very soft. The percentages of dry substance in the rib eyes as determined chemically (see Table 3) showed no significant differences due to ration. There were only slight correlations between the degree of firmness as noted by the graders and the percentage of dry substance as determined chemically. 494 BULLETIN No. 510 {.May, Color of Lean Color measurements of the lean of the rib eyes are given in Table 4. Little difference was shown in the desirability of the colors of the molasses ribs and of the corn ribs. One molasses rib, No. 136, was decidedly off-color being medium-dark purple. Another, No. 137, was medium-dark red. Of the corn ribs, No. 148 was medium-dark purple and No. 150 was medium-light purple. The other ribs of these two lots were excellent in color, being a bright red. The ribs of five of the molasses- feed steers were decidedly off- color. One, No. 123, was dark purple; four Nos. 125, 126, 129, and 130 were medium-dark purple; and one, No. 128, was medium-dark red. The others were bright red. Since the ribs from the steers receiv- TABLE 4. COLOR OF RIB EYES Steer Brightness Dominant wave length Purity Molasses lot perct. 131 13.9 132 13.9 133 13.7 134 12.7 135 13.2 136 12.1 137 11.8 138 14.1 139 14.1 140 14.6 Average 13.4 Molasses-feed lot 121 15.4 122 14.1 123 9.0 124 13.7 125 11.4 126 12.0 127 12.4 128 12.9 129 12.2 130 12.0 Average 12.5 Corn lot 1 13.3 42 15.6 1" 13.4 44 14.2 Bt:::::: : }}? l :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: \l:l B::::::::::: U1 150 :;:;;; Average 137 mil. 620 642 660 610 620 494C 700 607 617 610 615 607 493C 605 495C 493C 606 700 495C 495C 645 617 640 616 617 627 622 494C 605 493C perct. 12 10 16 13 12 15 15 21 8 19 16 20 7 22 12 13 17 14 13 13 5 12 10 12 12 11 10 15 21 15 1945} EFFECT OF MOLASSES AND MOLASSES FEED 495 ing molasses and no grain had good colors, with one exception, it seems unlikely that the poor colors in the molasses-feed ribs were due to the comparatively small amount of molasses in the ration. SUMMARY Thirty choice yearling grade Hereford steers were full-fed in three lots of 10 each for 150 days as follows: (1) blackstrap molasses, soy- bean oilmeal, corn silage, and alfalfa hay; (2) molasses feed, consisting of a mixture of corn, oats, molasses, soybean oilmeal, cut alfalfa hay, and corn silage; and (3) shelled corn, soybean oilmeal, corn silage, and alfalfa hay. Rate and economy of gains. The average daily gains of the three lots were as follows: (1) molasses, 2.1 pounds; (2) molasses-feed, 2.5 pounds; (3) corn, 2.5 pounds. To produce 100 pounds of gain, the molasses steers required 31 percent more concentrates (14 percent more on the dry basis), 28 per- cent more silage, and 20 percent more hay than the corn steers. The molasses- feed steers required 3 percent less concentrates (7.6 percent less on the dry basis) than was required by the corn, the same amount of silage, but 50 percent more hay. Altho the differences in feed costs were small, the corn lot sold for $18.25 a hundred and made a return of $69.35 a head over the cost of the cattle and feed; the molasses-feed lot sold for $16.75 a hundred and showed a return of $54.50 a head; and the molasses lot sold for $16.00 a hundred and made a return of $41.09. Grades and dressing percentages. The live grades of the corn lot (1 Prime , 2 Choice+, 5 Choice, and 2 Good+) were higher than those of the molasses- feed lot (3 Choice, 4 Choice, 1 Good+, and 2 Good). The molasses lot graded lowest (1 Choice, 1 Choice , 6 Good+, 1 Good, and 1 Good). The dressing percentages of the three lots (see page 489}, as figured on the Chicago live weights, were not significantly different. As figured on the home live weights, there was a significant difference in favor of the corn lot. The corn-carcass grades (1 Prime, 2 Choice + , 4 Choice, 1 Choice, and 2 Good-f) were higher than those of the molasses-feed carcasses (3 Choice, 4 Choice , 1 Good + , and 2 Good). The molasses carcasses graded lowest (1 Choice, 1 Choice , 6 Good + , 1 Good, and 1 Good). The differences in carcass grades were due 4% BULLETIN No. 510 largely to differences in finish. This observation of the graders was verified by a physical determination of the fat content of the 9th, 10th, and llth ribs. " The molasses- feed ribs were graded almost as high as the corn ribs. The molasses ribs graded distinctly lower. Quality of fat and lean. In texture of lean and color of fat there were no differences due to rations. The rib eyes of the corn carcasses and the molasses- feed carcasses were about equal in marbling and were considerably better than those of the molasses lot. The corn ribs had the firmest fat and lean, the molasses-feed ribs were next, and the molasses ribs were last. In fact the lean of the molasses ribs was distinctly inferior, ranging from very soft to medium firm. Eight rib eyes of the corn lot and eight of the molasses lot had excellent color. Five of the molasses-feed ribs were poor in color, ranging from medium to dark purple; one was medium-dark red. Off- color was not attributed to the molasses in the ration. CONCLUSIONS In the ration of fattening yearling steers, the substitution of molas- ses for all the corn reduces the rate of gain and increases the amounts of concentrates and roughage to produce 100 pounds of gain. It also re- duces considerably the market grade of the slaughter cattle, increases the shrink, decreases the dressing percentage, and lowers the market grade of the carcasses about one-third to two-thirds of a grade. The substitution of molasses feed for corn, soybean oilmeal, and alfalfa hay has no effect on the rate of gain or the amounts of con- centrates and silage to produce 100 pounds of gain, but does increase the hay requirement 50 percent. It lowers the market grade of the cattle, increases the shrink, decreases the dressing percentage, and lowers the market grade of the carcasses about one-third of a grade. (The molasses feed used in this experiment consisted of cane molasses 40 parts, ground corn 20 parts, ground oats 20 parts, soybean oilmeal 15 parts, cut alfalfa 20 parts, limestone 1 part, and salt 1 part.) 10,0505-4529875 SERSITYOFILUNUIS-URBANA