303.66 N21o Official Program of the National Peace Jubilee held at Chicago, Illinois October 16-22, 1898. ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY CHAS. TRUAX, Chairman General Committee QENERAL COMMITTEE JNO. T. SHAYNE, AUSTIN A. BURNHAM. Vive-Chairman General Committee. CLARENCE e. YOUNQ, Corresponding Secmary Chas. Truss, Chairman. Benjamin J. Rosenthal. Chas. P. Qulncy. Jno. T. Shayne. Otto Young. Frederick U . Babcnck. John McNulta. Wm. L. Smith. Howard 5. Taylor J a*. W.Nye. Jno. J. Mitchell. eibrtdgeO. Keith. Chas. I. . Hutchinson. Walter C. Hately. Andrew V.McNally. Bernard A. Eckhart. Albert I' Phtlpot. Chas. H. Wacker. Jno. W. Ela. Aiutin A. Burnham. John B. Sherman. Joseph W. Suddard. Walter H. Chgmbertin. Henry Sherman Vail Volney W. Foster. ErsklncM. Bhelps. Edwin A. Potter- Harry 0. Sel'rldpe. Albert S.aaee. Harlow N. Hlglnbothanv Thos. B. Bryan. thus. A. Stevens. Frank H. Cooper. Chas. T.Yerkes. Abraham M . Rothschild. Chas. H. Schwab. Daniel H. Burnham. Jno. V. Farwell, Jr. Byron L. Smith. Jas. M Eckels. Wm. R. Harper. Daniel M. Lord. Chas. U. Oordon. Horace Tucker, riclvlllc E. Stone. E. R. Bliss. W. H. dray. Dr. Plumer M. Woodworth GENERAL OFFICES OF THE National Peace Jubilee. Suite 535 Chicago Stock Exchange Building. Telephone Main 4433 Chicago, Oct. 8, 1898. To the Public: - This is to certify that the only official Program of the National Peace Jubilee will^be, that issued by Donohue and Henneberry . Chairman General Committee. National Peace Jubilee. Chairman Committee on Publicity & Promotion. ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY Mrs. Potter Palmer, Chairman Frederick B. Tuttle Ball Committee. Mrs. Henry M. Shephard, Vice-Chairman. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Adrian C. Honore loseph Adams John K. Kitchen Austin A. Burnham, Chairman W. L. Bodine Harold 1. Cleveland loseph Brucker I rank D. Cosick Henry Barrett Chamberlain Henry F. Donovan Press Committee. John tckels John F. Finnerty W. C. Gregory H. Gilson Gardner Frank M. Huston Committee on Invitations and Speakers. Wm. R. Harper, Chairman Robert I'. Lincoln Franklin II. Head Tluntington W. lackson Levj M.i\ ei Volnej W i John W i la Petei S < in isscup Alexandei H. Revel! i h.u les I i uax, i Jian man lohn r. Shaj ne, Vice i ha Benjamin I. Rosenthal I ;has. I . Quincy i itto ■> oung i R Babcock Gen lohn McNulta Win. I., smith Howard S las 1< n las. W. Nye lohn I . George B. Swift Nathaniel C. Sears Graham II. Harris lesse Sherw d Henrv Wade Rogers i (liver H. Hi .it. ,n W. I. ( inahan trman i ;has. I.. Hutchinson Walter C. Ilatelv Andrew V. McNall) B \. I ckhart A. h. Philpot Chas. II. Wacker I. \\ . Hla Volney W I I rskine M. Phelps >lm Barton Payne, Vice-Chairma Ralph M. Easley S. P. McConnell J,.hn F. Wolfl Ch.ules FJ. Gordon Howard S. Taylor Wlluii Uixon Harold l. Mel ;ormick General Committee. Austin A Burnham, Secretarj E. A. Potter li G. Selfridge A. s. i lage II. N. Higinbotham B Bryan \ Stevens Franl \ Coi iper Chas. I 1 Marvin Hughitt lohn F. Wallace loseph 11. Wood Benjamin Thomas P I Pettibone Franklin MacVeagh ;\\el\ ille E. Stone C. C. Chapman. Secretary Benj. McCutcheon w Hi. I. Shanks She lb\ M. Singleton • H- h ge VV. Dixon, Secretarj i Iwen F. Aldis Robert A. Waller 1 . Willis Rice Charles Henrotin ( "h.u les r. Quincy Albert S. t iage Walter II, Ch.tmberlin Arthui I. Eddj \ V Rothschild li Scwab Bi ron I . smith las. li. Eckels W. R. Harper D M Lord U. Cordon Horace Tucker lohn B. Sherman i Clarence I "i i iung, Cor. Se< Elbridge ( i. Keith, Treasurer Plumer M W oi >du orth loseph W Suddard I R. Bliss Vielville E. Stone w alter II. i ;haml W. 11. Cra- Henry Shei man Mis Rotter Rainier Mrs. Henry M. Shepard NX\o TH)C Bf Official Program CONTAINING ANNOUNCEMENTS OF ALL PUBLIC MEETINGS, EXERCISES, PARADES, BANQUETS, ETC. m 7—r ^&o / SUNDAY THANKSGIVING SERVICES October 16th, II a. m. In 700 Churches of Chicago. Inspiring Patriotic Music by the Church Choirs of Chicago, supported by Great Organs and Military Bands under Prof. Henry B. Roney, Musical Director. Sacred Conceit-- in all Public Parks in afternoon, weather permitting. The President of the United States, distinguished guests, military heroes and returned soldiers in attendance. N I MONDAY. 8 A. M. to 12 M. , ~. . . , , _ October 17th. Reception ot Distinguished Guests. 1:45 P. M. Public Reception to President Mckinley. 7:30 P. M. Illuminated Bicycle Parade, Dedication of Arches, and Grand Illumination of the Citv, including trolley cars and elevated railway trains in the national colors on this and every evening during the Jubilee. TUESDAY MORNING. AUDITORIUM MEETING. October 18th, at io:3o o'clock Prayer Address Address Address of Welcome address Address The Rev. Frank W. Gunsaulus, D. D., Chaplain of the Meeting By Chairman Charles Truax, introducing Presiding Officer By Hon. Geu. R. Peck, Presiding Officer By Carter H. Harrison, Mayor of Chicago By Archbishop Ireland, of St. Paul By Judge Emory Speer, of Macon, Georgia The President of the United States and members of the Cabinet and Diplomatic Corps will be present. MUSIC By Military Band TUESDAY AFTERNOON. ADDRESSES IN PUBLIC HALLS. October 18, at 3 o'clock Tickets for each meeting to be S' cured from the Vlanagei ol the Hall. Speakers: Presiding ( ifficer, Chaplain, Manager, Music by Military Band. SPEAKERS: Presiding 1 ifficer, Chaplain, Manager, Musi,- hi- MilHarr Baud. sn uci RS: Presiding 1 ifficei . Chaplain, Vlanager, Mii-.i. by Military Band. STUDEBAKER HALL. f Hon. Albert J. Beveridge, Indianapolis, Indiana ( President Cyrus Northrup, University of Minnesota ludge Peter S. Grosscup Rev. Bishop Charles E. Cheney Mr. Harry Knott COLUMBIA THEATRE. ^ Henry M. Duffield, Detroit, Mich. • Gen. Nelson A. Miles, Washington, D. C. ( Booker T. Washington, Tuskeegee, Ala. Ex-Mayi >r Roche Rev. P. s. Henson, D. D. Mr. Ernest Hamil FIRST REGIMENT ARHORV. 1 Gen. Wm. R. Shatter, Washington, D. C. - Secretary James Wilson, Washington, D. C. ( Mayor David A. Rose. Milwaukee, Wis. Hon. 1 ieorge r Adams Rev. F. A. N..ble. D. D. Mr. E. S. Conway TUESDAY AFTERNOON. (Continued) « « « ADDRESSES IN PUBLIC HALLS. October 18, at 3 o'clock Tickets for each meeting to be secured at the Hall SECOND REGIMENT ARMORY. \ Gen. Joseph E. Wheeler, Camp Wikort, L. I. Speakers: - - - - I Hon. Samuel Gompers, Washington, D. C. Presiding Officer, - - Dr. Henry Wade Rogers Chaplain, - " I,iev - Father Edward Kell) Manager,' - w - H - Gra > ■ Music by K Military Band. NORTH SIDE TURNER MALL. \ General Adna R. Clurtee. Speakers: - - ... ( Hon. Chas. Emory Smith. Presiding Officer, ------- . Judge Christian C. Kohlsaat .» - . Ge'>. S. Douglas, Manager, - ------- s Music by Military Band, TUESDAY EVENING. GRAND JUBILEE BALL AT THE AUDITORIUM, Mrs. Pie, Palmer, Chairman FOR THE BENEFIT OF SOLDIERS AND SAll.i >RS. WEDNESDAY PARADE October 19th, 11:00 a. m. Grand Military, Naval and Civic Parade, led by a Platoon of Police and the Chicago Hussars. Gen. Ioseph Stockton, Chief Marshal. Col. Roy B. Harper, Chief ol Staff. First Division -Gen. John C. Black, Grand Marshal; Gen. A.J. Burbank, Chief of Staff. Second Division — Col. E. I). Swain, Marshal; Walter II. Chamberlin, Chief of Staff; Capt. W. L. Ue Reiner. Adjt. General; Capt. Albert B. Capron, Chief of Aids. Third Division -Col. Chas. R. E. Koch, Marshal; Gen. C. S. Bentley, Chief of Staff; Lieut. Win. Brooke, U. S. A.. Adjutant General; George S. Ballard, Chief of Aids. Fourth Division ('.lias. (J. Gordon, Marshal; LeRoj Steward, Chief "i Staff; Ambrose Lammey, Adjutant General; John A. Montgomery, Chief of Aids, First Battalion — General Herman l.ieb. Commandant, Second Battalion— Ch.nel E S. Watts, Commandant. Third Battalion- Captain J. J. Healv, Commandant. Fifth Division— General Fitz-Simons, Marshal; Colonel H. B. Maxwell, Chief of Staff. LINE OF MARCH. From south of Congress street on Michigan avenue, march north i" Van Buren street, west to State street, north U> Randolph street, west to Dearborn street, south to Adams street, west to La Salle street, north t" Washington street, west to Franklin street, south to Jackson boulevard and east past the President's reviewing stand at the Union League Club to Michigan avenue and disband. 6:30 P. M. Grand Complimentary Banquet to the President of the United States and other guests at the Auditorium. Addresses at 9 p. M. iistinguished WEDNESDAY EVENING. « « « AUDITORIUM BANQUET. October 19th, at 9 o'clock. Tendered to the President of the United States and Distinguished Guests. Tickets t< 1 be secured by invitation only from Mr. Henrotin, Chairman 1 if Committee on Banquet. (Room 539 Stock Exchange. 1 Presiding Officer ------- Franklin MacVeagh Chaplain ----- - - Rev. Frank Crane, b. D. TOASTS. " Our Country " The President " The President " Ex-Vice President Adlai E. Stevensson 1 Gen. Nelson A. Miles, Washington, D. C. "The Army" ] Gen. Wm. R. Shatter, Governor's Island, N.Y. City (Gen. Joseph E. Wheeler, Camp Wikoff, L. I. r Admiral Schley " The Navy " - Capt. Mahan, Washington, D. C. [_ Commander Philip, Washington, D. C. " Reunited Cohntry — North and South," Clark Howell, Atlanta, Ga. " International Arbitration ''.... President James B. Angel, University of Michigan 1 Secretary Lyman J. Gage, Chicago "Our Future" .1 Samuel Gompers, Washington, D. C. ( Cyrus Northrop, Pres. University of Minn. ADDRESSES IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Tuesday Afternoon, October 18th, at 1:30 o'clock. tickets can be secured from Principals. DISTRICT No. i. Louis Nettlehorst School, Evanston Ave. and School St. Principal, Maria Clark Presiding Officer, - - Graham H Harris Chaplain, Rev. E. A. Larrabee c n( ,. tpre . j Lieut. Col George V Unman speaicers. ( Capt A]len Uste| . Fowlel . Army Representative — Capt. Jeremiah I. Sisk, 7th Illinois Vol. Navy Representative — Cyrus D. Sorenson, U. S. N. LaSalle School, Hammond and Eugenie Sts. Principal. Homer Bevans Presiding Officer, - - Franklin H. Head Chaplain. Rev J B. Dore c . ( Roger Sherman 5>peaKers:-j &il Edward c y oungi ,, t m. cav. Army Representative — Capt James Kelly, 7th Illinois VoJ. Navy Representative — W. H. Sutter, " Harvard" Augustus M. Burley School, Noble and Ashland Aves. Principal, Cephas H. Leach Presiding Officer, - - Austin 0. Sexton Chaplain, - Rev. F. M Carson. D. D Sneakers- \ Rush C Blltier speakers, j Cart w H McComb Army Representative Capt John T. McCormick, 7th 111. Vol. Navy Representative Harry G. Dodd DISTRICT No. 2. Anderson School, Lincoln and Division Sts. Principal. F. M McKay Presiding I Ifficer, - - Paul O. Stensland Chaplain, - - - - Rev. J. W. Fifield Speakers: ) W. S Elliott, Jr. / Frank Gardner Army Representative McDermott Navy Representative— Arling R. Hansen Franklin School, Goethe and Wells Sts. Principal. William C. Dodge Presiding Officer: Frank K Loesch Chaplain : Rev. W. S. P. Bryan, 1) D. Wak-^'v * Major Lawrence M. Ennis speatcers.^ Renry c Noyes Army Representative Capt John T. Ryan Navy Representative— F. W Welchman Ellen Mitchell School, N. Oakley Av. and N. Ohio St. Principal, Chester C. Dodge Presiding Officer, Zenophile P Brosseau Chaplain, - - - Rev T N. Morrison Wikers ■ * Rev J - p - Brushingham D. D. ^ I Major Frank Alsip, 1st 111. Cav Army Representative— Capt. W. H. Chenoweth, 1st 111. Vol. Navy Representative — Stand Murpln DISTRICT No. 3. Brentano School, Linden Ave. and Diversey St. Principal, Washington D. Smyser Presiding Officer, - - J. H. Strong Chaplain, - - Rev. J. A. Rondthaler Sneakers- * Kobert McM " r dy speaicers. j Ljeut s D | |, M a . 11. s. N. Army Representative Capt. C. T. Wilt, 1st Reg. III. Vol. Navy Representative— Webster T. Smith Bismarck School, Armitage and Central Park Avev Principal, Wm. M. Huberts Presiding Officer, - John T. Keating Chaplain, - Rev. M. M. Parkhurst sneakers- * K ' C Lindlev ' U - S - N ' " l ( Lieut. Col. Daniel Moriarty, 7th 111. Vol. Army Representative— Sergt. Marshall Brewster, 1st 111. Vol. Navy Representative Samuel McEwen Von Humboldt School, Rockwell and Hirsch Streets Principal, Will I. Bartholf Presiding Officer, - - Joseph Schwab Chaplain, - - Rev. Aaron Norden speakerv I ^ J Kavmer ( Major raylor E. Brown Army Representative— Llewllyn A. McCalla, 1st ill. Cav. Navy Representative— George Conrad DISTRICT No. 4. West Division High School, Ogden Ave. and Congress St. Principal, Geo. M Clayberg. Presiding ( itticer, - - D. R Cameron Chaplain, - Rev Walter H Reynolds Sneakers- i Gen. John C. Black, ipeaKers - } Capt A S. Bolte, 1st 111. Vol. Army Representative— Shirley T. High, First Illinois Cav. Navy Represe tative John J. Bradshaw Marshall School, Kedzie Ave. and Adams St. Principal, Louis J. Block. Presiding Officer, - Mrs. Caroline K. Sherman Chaplain, Rev. Franklin C. Southworth Sneakers- 3 Rev W M ' Lawrence ' speaicers. ( £ DeKoven Leffingwell.U S N. Army Representative Lieut lolin Curran. First Illinois Vol Navy Representative— E. A. Burroughs Tilden School, Lake and Elizabeth Sts. Principal, Harriet N. Winchell. Presiding ( itticer, - C R. Walleck Chaplain, - - - Rev. A. C.Wakem.m Sneakers-* H °P e Reed Cod y ■ I" 1 ^- 1 Captain W. H. Wigham, 1st Illinois Vol. Army Representative— Captain Patrick O'Connor, 2d 111. Vol. Navy Representative — Geo. W. Clark DISTRICT No. 5. Thomas Chalmers School, Twelfth St and Fairfield Ave. Principal, Bertha Benson. Presiding Officer, - Christian Meier Chaplain, - - - Rev. Charles E. Morse c . i E. C. Ritsher Speakers : -j Capt £ H >Switzeri , st ni. Vol. Army Repsesentative — Sergt. Major Shirley Philpot, 7th Reg. Navy Representative F. H. Brandt, "Harvard" Medill School, Fourteenth Place and Troop Street. Principal, Stewart B Sabin. Presiding Officer, - Clayton Mark Chaplain, - - Rev. A. A. Lambert c , \ Richard Prendergast speakers: ^ Capt M L c Funk houser, 1st 111. Vol. Army Representative— Sergt. A. D. McBurney, 1st Reg. Navy Representative — R. E. Herrick Froebel School, Twenty-first and Robey Streets. Principal, Henry C. Cox. Presiding Officer, - Dr. W. S Christopher. Chaplain, - - Rev. J. P. Muldoon, Sneakers- S Alfred S " Trude speakers. f Ma j John M Southworth Army Representative — Lieut. James Miles, 1st 111. Vol. Navy Reprepesentative — Geo. H. Ratledge. DISTRICT No. 6. Lake High School, Matteson St. (47th PI.) and Union Ave. Principal, Edward F. Sterns. Presiding Officer Chaplain - - - L. O t Goddard. Rev. YV. F. Black Sneakers- 3 Johl1 A - Henr - y ' speakers. ( Major E _ B -r- oIman> lst Reg. 111. Vol. Army Representative— Cap. E. C. Sturgus, lst 111. Vol. Navy Representative— John A. Welch. Holden School, 3lst and Deering Streets. Principal, Chas. F. Babcock. Presiding Officer - - Thomas Gallagher. Chaplain - Father McGuire. Sneakers- ■» Gea W ' Underwood, speakers. ( Ser g t victor Arnold, 1st Cavalry. Army Representative — Capt. John M. Clasley, 7th Reg. III. Vol. Navy Representative— E. A. Long. Perkins Bass School. 66th and May Streets. Principal, Fulton B. Ormsby. Presiding Officer - ■ Edward C. Carroll. Chapalin Rev. William E. Danforth. 5 .. . ( Robert H. Wiles speakers. | Cap £ } Dimmick, 1st 111. Vol. Army Representative — Capt. Martin Duhig, 7th Reg. 111. Vol. Navy Representative — E. M. Lubeck. DISTRICT No. 7. DISTRICT No. 8. Hyde Park High School. 56th Si., and Kimbark Ave. Principal, 1 'lias. W. French Presiding' Officer, - - Walter C. Nelson 1 haplain, - Re\. W. F. Irwin v Col. Marcus Kavanaugh, ~th Illinois Vol. .. , \ 1.01. iviarcus isa\anaue.n Speakers: ,, «. , , ' / Mr. Sk ne\ 1 .. hastman Army Representative— Capt. 1 VI. Kennedy, 7th Illinois Vol. Navy Representative Cecil Page Forestville School, 15th St. and St. Lawrence Ave. Principal, Florence M. Holbrook Presiding Officer. S. Laim: Williams Chaplain, Rev. Wm. P. Merrill 1 lohn S. Miller 1 > ol. D. Hack Foster. III. Vol. Army Representatives Capt. lames Clark, 7th III. Vol. Navy Representatives Stuart ij. Bradley Speakers George William Curtis School. Stanwood Ave. and ■ State St., Kensington. Principal, Thos. C. Hill Presiding Officer, - - lesse Sherwood ( :haplain, - - - Rev. P. C. Pledger sneakers S Merritt Starr ' l tJK " v , Maj. I. B. Sanborn. 1st. Illionis Vol. Army Representative Lieut. I. D. Laramie, 1st. Illinois Vol. Navy Representative 1 'has. Annett Lewis School, 6lst St.. and Princeton Ave. Principal, Kate S. Kellogg Presiding 1 rfficer, How aid II. I Jross 1 haplain, - - Re\ . Ii iseph stolz \ W. T Underu ood , I W. I. 1 iklei v, < m 'd S P eakerS: (Lieut. II. DorseyP; Patton Army Representative — Capt. Wm. E. Hoineville, 7th Illinois Vol. Navy Representative H. W. Affleck, "Oregon" Phil. Sheridan School, 90th St. and Escanaba, Ave. Si mth 1 Ihicagi Principal, Edward L. C. .Worse Presiding Officer, Mrs. Isabella O'Keefe Chaplain, Rev. I. I, Carroll sn 1 it .,-s I Thomas 1 1. Knight ' ' ' ' / Lieut. Paul Linebarger.lst. III. Cav. Army Representative Adjt. Michael Cassidy, 7th Reg. Navy Representative— Clarence Hardin Douglas School, rhirty-Second St. and Forest Ave. Principal, Lucia Johnston Presiding 1 ifficer, Noble B. Judah 1 'haplain, - - Rev. A. I 1 amtield. D. D. , (1 :ol. Henry 1 . Turner, 1st 111. Vol. P eaKers | Rev. Reverd) C. Ransom Army Representative Capt. J. L. Malley, 7th 111. Vi Navy Representative Ensign Wa ren I. Purdv. Educational Committee. Dr.Henry Wade Rogers, Honorary Chairman Henry Sherman Vail, Chairman Dr. E. B. Andrews Dr. Geo. N. Carmen Albert G. Lane Dr. J. G. K. McClure Dr. F. W. Gunsaulus Henry H. Belfield Dr. H. P. Judson, Vice-Chairman Col. F. W. Parker Geortte Everett Adams Committee on Decorations. Louis M. Stumer, Chairman Chas. A.Stevens, Vice-Ch'm'n S. H. Ettlesi in, Secretary Gorman B. Coffin Hubert Mandel B. Gunther W. M. Kosminski Fred Meyer A. F. Brockman L. D. Heusner Leo. A. L..eb Andrew Work Riley Darnell Jules Ballenberg George D. Milligan I. Keim. F. G. Moulton J. J. Coughlan i ;has. F. Gunther E. I. Novak F. II. Cloidt Fred W. Upham William Mangier J. S. Dunham Win S. Merle Beni. I. Rosenthal, Chairman Clarence E. Young, Secretary H.N.Higinbotham, Vice-Chairman Chas. D. Hutchinson Committee on finance. ice E. Young, Secretary [j. Hutchinsi m Committee on music. John I. Mitchell Byron L. Smith Elbridge G. Keith las. II. Eckels Charles L). Haniill. Chairman Chas. N. Fay Arthur Heurtley, Vice-Chairman John I. Glessner Edward Rosing, Secretary Milward Adams Florence Ziegfeld John P. Byrne John K. Lindgren Albeit D. Philpi i Edward M. Lahifl Daniel M. Lord, Chairman Frank H. ( ;■ n iper, Vice-Chairman Committee on Promotion and Publicity. Chas. A. Stevens Badges. transportation. Ri ibert I. Thompsi »n Austin A. Burnham James W. Nye. Chairman Horace Tucker, Chairman Committee on thanksgiving Services. Rev. H. W. Thomas, D. D., Chairman Rt.Kev. Samuel Fallows, LL. D., Secretary Chas. R. Macloon, Acting Secretary Prof. Henry B. Roney, Director of Music Most Rev. Patrick Feehan Rev. E. M. Stires Rev. Chas. A. Lippincott Rev. E. G. Hirsch.Ph. U., D. D Rev. N. D. Hillis, D. D. Rev. S. P. Brushinnham, D. D. Rev. A. J. Canfield, D. D. Rev. Jas. S. Stone, D. D. Booker T. Washington Rev. Nacv McGee Waters Rev. Rufus A. White Rev. Revercty C. Ransom Rev. Moses H. Jackson Rev. F. A. Noble, D. D. Rev. Jos. Stolz, D. D. Rev. P. S. Henson, D. D. Rev. W. M. Lawrence, D. D. Rev. J. H. 0. Smith Rev. A. S.McGavick Rev. J. D. Severimjhaus, D. D Banquet Committee. John W. Ela, Chairman George B Swift Robert T. Lincoln Peter S. Grosscup Franklin MacVeagh Melville E. Stone John Barton Payne Owen F. Aldis Robert A. Waller F. Willis Rice Chas. Henrotin Marvin Hughitt Ralph M. Easley Chas. F. Quincy John F. Wallace Walter H. Chamberlin Albert S. Gage Arthur J. Eddy Robert G. Clarke Geo. W. Dixon Committee on Bicycle Parade. Simon Mavev, Chairman E. J. Tapper John Si man Adolph Roth ( Iscar Solum W. D. Jaw.rski Sol. H. Hess I. P. Hally James Baird i Irlando Adams E. S. Cay wood A. T. Hey wood H. Ostenarm Fred Graflund C. K. Anderson John Kurtz H. P. Hansen M. J. BmMong H. C. Bietler S. Rosenthal Dr. W. E. Webster C. P. Root Br V H. Schultz Geo. Cawthorne J. H. Chubbuck K. G. Fisher, Chairman Ex T. Raddell Frank T. Fowler John T. Swarthout C. E. Woods E. P. Hearne C. W. Hammer J. A. Carderleaf West Kenneth Mackenzie Jesse J. Smith C. G. Sinsabaugh E. E. Lee L. C. Whitaker Officio Joe Ness C. A. Nathan E. A. Gold A. W. Born F. A. Alden H. W. Musselwhite J. C. Barclay R. L.Welch M. J. Bolstad C. I. Critchett James Lew C. F. Peterson Walter Faraday, Secretary G. G. Greenburi; E. McNeil F. D. McGuire W. F. Reed G. K. Barratt Wm. Altman Geo. K. Herrmann R. R. Phelps Fred W. Wile John H. McCabe UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 031888180