^^2=^<^^^^^^ NATIONAL GAME.^ MsTHiN jonAthak puiiiiHina Oo., Manhattan iuildins, •NicAao. ITS NAME ITS GUARANTEE. Backed by a House whose Name Has a World Wide Reputation i^ ^^ %^ BICYCLE SUNDRIES BICYCLE WEARING APPAREL GENERAL ATHLETIC GOODS ^ ^ «^ fe^ A. Q. Spalding & Bros. 147=149 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. '?r^ ESTABLISHED 1852. JOHN SNITZER, Tailor^ Dyer^ ^ Pressing 4^ on short notice. ' Scourcr and Repairer^ BOYCE BUILDING, \\2-\\A Dearborn Street CHICAGO, ILL. POWELL^MITH ScCO"^, M0KETTE5 S'CIGAR CLEAR HAVANA FILLER FOR SALE BYALL DEALERS. SCHEDULE OF GflWES ON HOWE GROUNDS. Sanday Games in'Bold Face type. April 30, May 2, 3— St. Louis. July 4, a. m. 4, p. m. 5 — Louisville. May 4, 5, 6 — Brooklyn. July 6, 7, 8 — Baltimore. May 7, 8, 9— Philadelphia. July 9, 10, II — New York. May II, 12, 13 — Boston. July 13, 14, 15 — Philadelphia. May 14, 16, 17 — Baltimore. July 16, 18, 19— Washington. May 18, 19, 20 — New York. July 20, 21, 22 — Boston. May 21, 23, 24 — Washington. July 23, 25, 26 — Brooklyn. June 21, 22, 23, 24 — Cincinnati. July 27, 28, 29 — Pittsburg. June 25, 26, 27 — Pittsburg. Aug. I, 2 — Louisville. June 28 — Louisville. Aug. 3, 4 — Cleveland. June 29, 30 — Cleveland. Aug. 6, 8, 9— St. Louis. July I, 2 — Cleveland. Aug. II, 12, Cincinnati. POf^ IWBfl OfiliV- mmMMMMW^ Bicycle Shoes ALL STYLES ALL COLORS One pplee $2.50 EVBI^Y UIHEEUCQRH SHOOIiD UJEHI^ THEIW Hathaixiay, Soale & Ha^^i^Qton, T. H. CHHlVIBEt?Uir*, Manager. 125 S. CIifll^K STREET 5BiH©N OTHERS PKIL. CONSULT DR. SWEANY Gbicago's Leading Specialist, 323 STTtT© ST. (COR. CONGRESS) Where the sick and afflicted can receive treat- ment from the ablest and most successful specialist of the age. The Doctor is a graduate from the best medical colleges in the world. . DIPLOMAS AND LICENSES hang on the walls of his office. He has had many years of experience in the leading Eastern hospitals, also many years of successful practice ^^""^ CHALLENGES THE WORLD He publishes no names of patients, nor their diseases, but cures them; and anyone in need ol his services desiring relerences can be shown hundreds of genuine testimonials on file in his office which grateful patients have requested him to use. Sick people crowd his office daily, because ^^^ 3n£ONDBR!=UI- CURES he is making have created confidence and delight in the hearts of those who have struggled in vain for years against the ravages of disease until this .successful doctor, whose picture appears above, restored them to health. BUSINE«;S MEN realize the fact that DOCTOR SWEANY can be depended upon to fulfil his promises in every respect, and he now numbers among his patients many of the most prominent business men of this city and vicinity. He treats all curable medical and surgical diseases. Acute and Chronic Catarrh, Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Dyspepsia, Blood and Skin Diseases, Pimples, Scrofula, Blood Poison of every nature, both Primary and Secondary, Tumors, Eczema aud Ulcers. All these diseases completely eradicated from the system forever, restoring health and purity. Kidney and Urinarj^ Diseases, Weak Back, Pa'in in Side, Sediment in Urinei Painful and Frequent Urination, Bright's Disease and all Private Diseases of both sexes perma- nently cured. J NERVOUS DEBILITY and its attending ailments The awful effects of neglected or improperly treated cases, pro- ducing weakness of both body and brain, and other well known sy:ijptoins'unfitting one for steady business or enjoyment of life. All persons who may be afflicted should con- '^'-*-' suit him at once, as his great reputation in the past will guarantee to every one kind, honorable and satisfactory treatment \A/RITF ^°^^ troubles, if away from city. VV 1\1 I L< Thousands cur^d at hot»e bv cor- respondence and medicines sent secure "from observation. A book of important 'information sent free to all sick persons \v*o send their address. Office hours— 9 a. ra. to 8 p m. Sunday, lo a.m. 'o 4 p. m. Address all letters to DR. I=. L. Sin^EKNV, 323 state St. (cor. Cong:ress\ Chicasfo. How 10 Score. The numbers used in scoring are : Pitcher, i; Catcher, 2; First Baseman, 3; Second Baseman, 4; Short St p, 5; Third Baseman, 6 ; Right Fielder, 7; Center, 8; Left, 9. By memorizing the above numbers in connection with the players' posi ions, scoring is made easy and simple. For example : If a ball is hit to third baseman and the runner thrown out at first base, without looking at the score card it is known that the numbers to be recorded are 6-3 ; if from short stop to first, 5-3; if from second base, 4 3. DR. J. G. TRINO'S fDovcment Care 7iO'7i9 Champlain BIdg. ^126 State St.) A systematic and normal method for the relief and cure of many Chronic Forms of Disease, Physical Defects, also Temporary Loss of Strength and Vigor, by the Remedial Application of Manual and Mechanical Motion and Massage in various forms. Constituting a most unique, agreeable and effective remedial system, for wiiich there is no adequate substitute. Over- taxed Professional and Business Men and Women here receive untold benefit. Inspection cordially invited. HOURS : Ladies. 9 A. M. to I P. M. Gentlemen, 2 to 6 P. M. A strike-out K-2, K indicating the strike out. A put out by fly ball caught is indicated by F-7, F-8- F-9 ; the number used being for the player who made the put-out. Base hits are registered in upper right hand corner space by dashes : single, = double, = triple, = home run. Stolen bases by the letters S B. Base on balls by B B. Sent to first by being hit by pitched ball, H P B. Runs are recorded in the diamond spaCv. in center by a • The four squares in each corner repre- sent the bases, and in them can be re- corded how the runner made tlie circuit. BRINK'S c- c- EXPRESS co. Packages, loc. Trunks, 25c. TELEPHONES - EXPRESS 109 110 132-138 W. Monroe St. 88 Washington St. A. P. Brink, Mgr. W. B. Wyne, Supt. I CHICAGO, ILL. Wm. Mangier & Go. RESTAURANT 119 & 121 La Salle Street CHICAGO Private Dining Rooms on the 2d and 3d Floors. TAKE ELEVATOR. M.C.CeOhFr,l>ll«t&N|r 6LUN6HENRY.Trtu«S«t. --.^..--^^^LL n i branches' f iNE Color Work aSpecialt/ SUOVl CAW3.\aUSTRM\0N'i,f0STtRS, ■\0 51M\QMRX TQR ?,^Ny^S WQ BU5\Ht55 HOUSIS. P SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGb. ^^"^ Tel.Main 44-95. 303a305 DeirbomST. L.H. M I LGES, general Solicitor WlH I CAG O. BflTTING RECORD OF THE GttlGflGO TEAM FOR 1895. NAME. No. LANGE EVERETT TRUBY ANSON RYAN GRIFFITH.. .. WILMOT , DECKER DAHLEN DONAHUE.. KITT RIDGE... STEWART TERRY HUTCHISON. MORAN 122 33 122 loS 39 loS 479 353 118 476 443 144 464 299 509 221 209 364 139 122 55 120 12S 17 88 83 20 86 53 107 29 30 51 iS 186 197 40 161 143 46 139 87 139 60 Per Cent. 388 356 339 338 322 319 299 291 273 271 244 244 222 20< O O U 1/3 o 03 • OS J2 O CO r3 X O 03 C> QG « CO ^ a> o v QQCQ =?, >» CTJ €/5 w £_ H w jj a D •< w CQ tt! CU J 1.^. •- (0 CJ o E z as: iS o i^iv^ oo « cc p* 'o5 o LU 1- o _l Ol. 03 -1 < H- m C/> oo z UJ — 1 u -1 (/) o ^ s LJ 3 o O >• -1 z d ■o •6 V ^ 1> c O M c o tn di ^ L. s?; &S id H ^^ S a » ^5 a: bd Z < p a S «X X *>^ Q >J H a u a CB u oa '^ C/5 u 'TIS 3 .id a i^ =3 o u^ o' C/3 n t/5 b S « rt i2 &H b* Main core Indl and... Desp Sts. C=3 a J J K CD it > K I sj9:^spB0J 9q) uo ajoiu 'sisoui 914; uo jaqqnj SS9|— s9[Ais j[E ui DuqEj J9UJIBd •p99;UBJBng 9JB pUB 'SuipU ASB9 pUF J|Bd9J >fDinb 'p99ds JO^ p91Bnb9Un9JBX9U I -0901011103 S9MELU ^^yfc MM ■ M^MMMMM% W 1^^^0 1|B UBqi SJB9A 99jq; ;sBd 9^ u| V^ II I l» II I IP/1 Imperial flQusie Hall. JOHr* CORT, JVIanagef. ■44 J4. Cl»at?I^ STI^EET. LAST WEEK, COMMENCING MAY 11. IDA SIDDONS Big Burlesque Co. Refreshments Served. 50 7=^RTISTS 30 MATINEE DAILY GEN. ADMISSION, 25c. DAILY BA5E HITS Lowe put out the whole side for Chicago in the first inning, retiring three Colts in succession on grounders, and settling the first man up in the second inning the same way. Terry evened up with Griffith for the latter's triple strikeout record Tuesday. He fanned out three Bostons— Harrington, Stivetts, and Bannon — in succession in the second inning. It was the queerest game of the year, and the crowd had its money's worth of fun anyway. Many people don't under- stand how the game ended 3-et. It was plain enough under the rules — there was no doubt that the Co.ts were trying to delay the game. Still, it might have been better to have played out the string, for it was getting dark, and the Colts might have chased in half a dozen runs in the last round. Anyway, they could have made as much dela}' at the bat as in pretending to play while the other fellows were batting, and Keefe might not have declared any forfeit on them. The Brother Jonathan Publishing Co., 315 Dearborn St., will give to the Chicago player having the best batting average for 1896, and having played in 30 games or over, a solid gold watch and chain. Here is a chance to fatten up batting averages and be well paid for it. Anson ought to have let the Bostons go yesterday when they wanted to. They were anxious to quit, and begged to be allowed to catch their train. Uncle wouldn't let them, and^ now he is sorry. The Faultless Chemical Co. gives every player making a home run on these grounds a box of Faultless Pepsin chips. Louisville won a game yesterday, and ever3'body down there is rubbing his eyes and pinchiug himselfto keep from feeling that it was only a dream. Our I5.50 Vici Kid shoes are sold for I7. 00 elsewhere. Is f 1.50 worth saving? Hathaway, Soule & Harrington, 125 Clark Street. Again McBride could not hit the ball, and again he fielded well. Flynn is not laid off, as many think. He has a sprained foot, and is laid up as the result of running against the fence while chasing a foul. Best photos in the city. Stevens & Son Co., McVickers Theatre, and 93 Ashland Bvd. We will do wonders if we get two out of three from the terrible Baltimores. There is a wonderful ball club. And Terry struck out three times when hits would have won the game. A Costly Error ^ sterlings Checked FREE at all games Can be made in purchasing a bicycle as easily as on the diamond. To be perfectly safe, purchase a STERLING BICYCLE " BUILT LIKE A WATCH " ((^ (^* ^* ST&RLING CYCLE, WORKS 274-278 Wf\BflS« flVBNUE. WHEN YOU Take a Bicycle S-f -^^ Take one which is in Every Detail ALL RIGHT With a Plainly Worded GUARANTEE Backed by Financial Strength and INTEGRITY Sold by a House Open for Business EVERY DAY In the Year, Sundays and Holidays excepted. 5uch a Bicycle is the Call and examine or send for Catalogue. Bicycle Riding School on the premises. Purchasers taught to ride FREE. Rambler GORMULLY & JEFFERY MFG. CO. 85 Hadison Street, CHICAGO, ILL. THE y\MERlCA" c^* c?* ^* A Bicycle Riders Appreciate With up=to=date improvements and THKT THKT THKT THKT IS BVJIL-T RUNS . . LOOKS . STKVS . . RIGHT "THE f\M&RICf\ Models include not only the usual vStraight Bar Frames, but the IMPROVED "TRUSS" FRAME, made under the personal super- vision of the Inventor thereof, and under the ORIGINAL "GRAHAM" PATENTS, owned by the flnierica Cycle Manutacturino Go. For prices and terms, call at City Agency, Kkkn & De Lanq, N. n. KENT, nanager. 83 Washington Street. HEBARD'S New Storage Warehouse ^ ^*, Separate Rooms for Household Goods. COVERED VANS FOR MOVING. For Picnics or Parties, we have the cele- brated Columbian Coaches, Tally Hos, Band Wagons, Wagonettes and Omni- buses. First-class teams, careful drivers. HEBARDS, Winchester &,0gdenAve8. and Harrison St. Burlington BEST LINE TO KANSAS Cin TWO TRAINS DAILY RECORD OF 1895, BALTIMORE CLEVELAND PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO BROOKLYN! BOSTON PITTSBURG CINCINNATI ... NEW YORK WASHINGTON ... ST. LOUIS LOUISVILLE .... WON. LOST. PER 87 43 84 46 78 53 72 58 7i 60 71 60 71 61 66 64 66 65 43 85 39 92 35 96 .669 .646 •595 • 554 • 542 • 542 •538 .508 •504 •336 .298 .267 Hflnnis & Co., 113 St 115 State St. CHlCflQO HGEflTS POH THE H^pdy Cycle Co., of fl. V. RHO THE Ouuen IVIfg. Co., of H^ixx Iiondom, Conn. WHHHLtS BXJIliT TO Ot^DEI? Cyele Storage and t^cpaifing ' Drink Chicago Consolidated — Pnttling QO-'S ICE COLD SODA WATER LEMON STRAWBERRY SARSAPARILLA. GINGER ALE 5 CENTS PER BOTTLE Sold b}- the boys on the grounds. STRICTLY HIGH GRADE WHEELS vpry particular. The R.ilXBOW Sl'NSHIN'F. (Ladies') have all the requirements that will win fame for the rider. These wheels arc made of l}4 tubing all around, no stamping: every part of the highest grade material that can be obtained in this or foreign markets. Clio? On all events furnished daily. Your investigation invited know- ing well that a call means a trial. All that we know is known to our clients and recorded for their benefit. Our small charges are totally eclipsed by our incom- parable facilities. No commissions unless you are the gainer by our advice. Write for prospectus or call. Inter-State Turf Association Room 705, 218 La Salle St. CHICAGO «»»%%\x Into tk AN ATTRACTIVE LINE p 9L I vm ■1 TO Fl^OR/Di°r-~ MHorHE vSO^TVrS %■ W' ^: s?**. racks^ iHiinwimmiHu^giMiiiiumiiiinwmiiiii rams^ nAfmnrnmnmnnnunifumiiiRiMiittiiiMi best >iuiihuiiiih£ (l)ka$[odEa$temUM$RR City Ticket Office, 182 So. Clark Street, Chicago. C L. STONE, Gen'I Pass. Agent, Chicagfo. 7} n n n