'I'LS Illinois Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, Quincy, Illinois. <^e Indelible Photographs «£ «£ J> J> Copyright, 1897, by Illinois Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, Quincy. The Albertype Co., New York. IU7 7f I LI m 7 The Illinois Soldiers’ and vSailors’ Home is located on a tract of 222 acres, adjoining the City of Quincy on the North. The ground is on a plateau, partly wooded, lying between two creeks and affording a beautiful site for such an institution. The Wabash and C. B. & R. R. have a station on the premises. The Home was opened in March, 1887, since which time up to October 1st there have been 4,116 admissions, and there are now on the rolls 1,645 ; 1,332 present and 313 absent. There are seventeen brick cottages. The boiler house, general kitchen, store house, laundry, machine shop and the Administration building are of stone. The hospital is one of the most complete institutions of its kind in the country, built of brick, and has all the modern appliances necessary. The following is a list of the officials of the Home October 1, 1897 : ft jt — jZ — .jZ OFFICERS J*—<£— Wm. Somerville, Superintendent, E. E. Higgins, Adjutant, Dr. R. H. Jones, Surgeon, Dr. C. E Ehle, Ass’t Surgeon. jZ—jZ—jZ BOARD OF TRUSTEES .jZ-.jZ—jZ Col. James A. Sexton, Chicago, Capt. J. W- Niles Sterling. Capt. W. O. Wright, Freeport. &——-jZ OFFICERS OF THE BOARD jZ—jZ—jZ Col. James A. Sexton, President, William Murray, Secretary, E. H. Osborn, Treasurer. Soldiers’ Monument and PIeadquarters Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign https://archive.org/details/illinoissoldiersOOunse Cottage Row and Main Drive. ID'• A VI'.V V'- V < Headquarters Building Guard Station at Town Entrance. 4 '. Old Men’s Cottage Cottage View. * Pension Tree—Wabash & c. B. & Q. R. R, Depot. A Social Game, View toward Quincy—Flower Beds and Main Drive. Assembly Rooms. nmmn^mmmiTy j rmniiiBiniiiiiiHiiiiiTiTinr^ i v „.^rrr --TTTT^lt!!T?1TnTTTl|T!TIllllllW^^^^^^^^^^j ^imnTmiiTTniTiTfi ^rwnwnninn] niinliMjfiff r mm Hospital and Annex View S. W. from Headquarters. View N. W. from Headquarters Flower Beds, Headquarters and Hospital p Quartermaster's, Kitchen, Engine House and Laundry. Bridge and Glen. Kitchen. Cedar Creek, Sewage Basins and Dairy Barn, Carrying Dinner from Kitchen. At Dinner in the Hospital.