Census. Fourteenth cen- Sus of the United Staves: |920...Bul- letin...A Agriculture: Tilinois. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2021 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign https://archive.org/details/fourteenthcensusOOunit_ 7 FOURTEENTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES: 1920 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BULLETIN SB UR EBA UU OF THE CENS U8 AGRICULTURE : ILLINOIS dle Fo © aoe € G « Ro eae ti -3 / SF A Net OR 2 y 4” © © STATISTICS FOR THE STATE AND ITS COUNTIES —— fi 7 as — wl Prepared under the supervision of WILLIAM LANE AUSTIN Chief Statistician for Agriculture CONTENTS. Page Page MARE ESE OPMRUY o.oo <0 cnc ss dicate ob etka toe ce secnecese uf LIVESTOCK, PRODUCTS: sae setts as - fos. eee te oe Ries nce cae acebcsceee 7 Siew MMII MIMUCTIN GS oo0' 5 Scar: woes 1. sakicie mes Py (sche pate Se occ sce ~The RROD ea EC WOR A Be ate ee 5 oa Sen ME Ee win aalc.s Gace obec eaeheaes 9 Number of farms, acreage, and value: ....2..- .. dhs. -. 225-0. eee pee nee eens 3 f SRST AS eS NO eR ein Sie ain IE ae a nine ns = ASCE as Eee » esis obs sare 4 ale a Se AERA MRR UITO De es ob eo oe Bango hid an = akin Fe > anata n ce aie Mc 4 I.—Farms and farm property, 1920, with selected items for 1910 and 1900... .. 12 Farms by sex, race, and nativity of farmer.......................2-.-.---- 5 II.—Live stock on farms and ranges, 1920; and live-stock products, 1919...... 22 PE UMUELE CRORE. oe sco d oe oa cect PERE wham cre cee Shien dh ge eee 5 I1I.—Domestic animals not on farms or ranges: 1920........................--. 22 Farm expenditures for labor, fertilizer, and feed.....................-.---- 5 IV.—Value of all crops, and acreage and production of principal crops: 1919... 32 LIVE STOCK ON FARMS AND ELSEWHERE. ..-....2...5.-..0..00.20222222-.-4- 6 V.—Mortgage debt, 1920; and expenditures for labor, fertilizer, and feed, 1919.. 42 INTRODUCTION. This bulletin presents a statement of the statistics of agriculture for Illinois collected at the census of 1920. ‘The statistics of farms and farm property, in- cluding live stock, relate to January 1, 1920; those of live-stock products, crops, and farm expenditures are for the calendar year 1919. In order to show the | present tendency in agriculture, comparative figures _ for the census of 1910 are given throughout the bul- letin; and to show the general trend of the agricul- tural industry over a considerable period of time, all general farm information available is presented for the | different censuses since 1850. FARMS AND FARM PROPERTY. TaBLE 1.—SUMMARY: 1920 AND 1910. | | | INCREASE.! 1920 1910 | tg (January 1) (April 15) I => See Bec, Tae Amount. Per cent. nN | \| 4 ee INGatsRt OLA TAtINS=> +. wg et ee Fe . 237, 181 | 251, 872 | —14, 691 —5.8 Approximate land area of the state.........-. acres. .| 35, 867, 520 BO, GOL OOF aie: 2m co ce eens am Ue eee = Alislandundarms 2: 22-8 Jat 5, Lesh et acres. .| 31, 974, 775 32, 522, 937 —548, 162 —1.7 Improved land in farms....... ede od eet. acres. -| 27, 294, 533 28, 048, 323 —758, 790 =39; 7 | Woodland in farms... => e..t% 2 oleate or ACKOS... 3, 102, 579 3, 147, 879 —45, 300 | —1.4 Other unimproved land in farms.......- acres. .| 1, 577, 663 1, 326, 735 250,928 | 18.9 | Percent of land area in farms... ..-....2..2.2.-..--.- / 89.1 QO: Temi pees. tye a tes Fee, aes | Per cent of farm land improved........-...-..------ 85. 4 SBR Zin depo < Sasa xe peers. = Pawns i A-verage acreare per farm... ... ds ache <6 fm. 5 SUS 134. 8 129.1 |] 5.7 4.4 Average improved acreage per farm...-...-...--.-..- 415.1 II 4 3.7 33, } | | Watueiof all farm property....2-ten2- 3c. cdnacechanns| $6, 666, 767, 235 $3, 905, 321,075 || $2, 761, 446, 160 70.7 | | (OSE Gta ea ae A SS! gs Ke ada 5, 250, 294, 752 3, 090, 411, 148 | 2, 159, 883, 604 69.9 Tlie l eh aye ee, bn a e , "— ON Aa 747, 698, 814 432, 381, 422 315, 317, 392 72.9 Implements and machinery......-............-- 222, 619, 605 73, 724, 074 148, 895, 531 202. 0 avestockees Se fesse cn2e. 2 ss 2. a eheianter- 446, 154, 064 308, 804, 431 137, 349, 633 44.5 Average value per farm: PSUR PROPCILY seeacc. <= cefo mom 0927) ore 2 pj Cy, S@Urbana : IC Bear stownna NARD} hr} Wap ~ T CASS aoe aie PI uu Ney: ? At be Ss j eee er a Springfield @ * A poustas | | sia ee wor LcA ER ah 2 eer = EDGARS Cay, ' (Sumerinip coves’ ! Paris | e % @Charleston @Mattoon "1 | a” — ee i ! th, i Pana@j SHELBY ae CLARK Ge ; o Bil om; oe ena @ Jersey ville “ayo. 3 dQ + jf JERSEY 1 ‘ at mice i “P— Fayette] © Edwardsville@ Granite City Madison - BCollinsville cLinton | MARIO East St. outs ellevilleg 8 Centralia NST. CLAIRL (Gant? _ se ‘. 3 WASHINGTON | YEFFERSON } f ount Vernon * i uquoin® } FRanxun + wert Be Marion * SALINE ic LLATIN, Carbon’ ale BH vailieion | pore " / JACKSON A ” ‘ AGRICULTURE—ILLINOIS. 3 EXPLANATION OF TERMS. To assist in securing comparability for its statistics of agriculture, the Bureau of the Census provided the enumerators with certain definitions and instructions, the more important of which were essentially as given below. Farm.—aA “farm” for census purposes is all the land which is directly farmed by one person managing and conducting agricul- tural operations, either by his own labor alone or with the assistance of members of his household or hired employees. The term “agri- cultural operations” is used as a general term, referring to the work of growing crops, producing other agricultural products, and raising domestic animals, poultry, and bees. A “farm” as thus defined may consist of a single tract of land or of a number of separate and distinct tracts, and these several tracts may be held under different tenures, as where one tract is owned by the farmer and another tract is hired by him. When a landowner has one or more tenants, renters, croppers, or managers, the land operated by each is con- sidered a “farm.” In applying the foregoing definition of a “farm” for census pur- poses, enumerators were instructed to report as a “farm” any tract of 3 or more acres used for agricultural purposes, and also any tract containing less than 3 acres which produced at least $250 worth of farm products in the year 1919, or required for its agricultural operations the continuous services of at least one person. Farmer.—A “farmer” or “farm operator,’’ according to the census definition, is a person who directs the operation of a farm. Hence owners of farms who do not themselves direct the farm oper- ations are not reported as “farmers.’’ Farmers are divided by the Bureau of the Census into three general classes according to the character of their tenure, namely, owners, managers, and tenants. Farm owners include (1) farmers operating their own land only and (2) those operating both their own land and some land hired from others. The latter are sometimes referred to in the census reports as ‘“‘part owners,’’ the term “full owners’’ being then used for those owning all their land. Manayers are farmers who are conducting farm operations for the owner for wages or a salary. Farm tenants are farmers who, as tenants, renters, or croppers, operate hired land only. They were reported in 1920 in five classes: (1) Share tenants—those who pay a certain share of the products, as one-half, one-third, or one-quarter, for the use of the farm but furnish their own farm equipment and animals; (2) croppers— share tenants who do not furnish their work animals; (3) share- cash tenants—those who pay a share of the products for part of the land rented by them and cash for part; (4) cash tenants—those who pay a cash rental, as $7 per acre of crop land or $500 for the SN. use of the whole farm; (5) standing renters—those who pay a stated © V \ .? 2 amount of farm products for the use of the farm, as 3 bales of cotton or 500 bushels of corn. In some cases the character of the tenancy was not ascertained by the enumerator; such tenants are designated “unspecified.”’ Farm land.—l’arm land is divided into (1) improved land, (2) woodland, and (3) other unimproved land. Improved land includes all land regularly tilled or mowed, land in pasture which has been cleared or tilled, land lying fallow, e a $208.50 || $187.59 | $164.20 $23. 38 $6. 96 ! $13.95 OI s 5:2. a% sem o 120. 08 108. 32 95. 02 13.29 2.27 | 9.49 61. 12 53. 84 46.17 7.67 1,37 | 5.91 48. 45, Free eh ae = 8 a 1.13 | 5.92 37. 12 31. 87 1.07 | 4.18 34.15 28.45 |. 1.07 4.63 23. 85 19. 56 |. 0. 82 3.47 10. 53 7.99 0. 53 2.01 1 Computed gold values, being 80 per cent of the currency values reported, TABLE 6.—NUMBER oF Farms, AGRICULTURE—ILLINOIS. FARMS BY SIZE. BY S1zE: 1920 anp 1910. FARMS BY TENURE. TABLE 10.—NumMBER or Farms, By TENURE: 1920 anv 1910. ————— NUMBER OF PER CENT NUMBER OF PER CENT OF FARMS, INGREASE.t OF TOTAL, FARMS. UNCREASE.! TOTAL. SIZE GROUP. TENURE. 1920 1910 Number. |Percent.|| 1920 | 1910 1920 1910 || Number bas 1920 | 1910 TOTAL 2 2s ctttess 221: 237,181 | 251,872 || —14,691 —5.8 || 100.0] 100.0 == ————— | Totals oss eet se 237,181 | 251,872 || —14,691 | -—5.8 || 100.0| 100.0 Under 20 acres.........-. 16, 710 20, 294 —3, 584 —17.7 7.0 8.1 ee Under 3 acres........ 626 845 —219 | —25.9 0.3 0.3 COWHBER se ttess corona mae 132,574 | 145,107 || —12,533 | —8.6 55.9 57.6 3.to9 acres-.-.. 7,545 9,191 || —1,646 | —17.9 3.2 3.6 Owning entire farm. ...| 100,903 | 107,300 || —6,397 | —6.0 42.5 42.6 10 to 19 acres........ 8,539 10, 258 —1,719 | —16.8 3.6 4.1 Hiring additionalland.., 31,671 | 37,807 —6, 136 | —16.2 13.4 15.0 20 to 49 acres...........- 26,989 33, 322 —6,333 | —19.0 11.4 13.2 Mana SOrsee occa aaticinee ~.2-4 > ssc $79, 383,697 | $36,308,376 || $43, 075, 321 118.6 Amount ti cash, ---. sc. acene 60, 909,392 | 27,989,488 || 32,919, 904 117.6 Value of rent and board fur- nished ate 18, 474, 305 8,318, 888 10, 155, 417 122.1 Fertilizer. . 2,996, 403 | 615, 594 2, 380, 809 386.7 Feed... sss At cok Sees -| 64,528,040 | 13,915,628 || 50,612,412 | 363.7 LIVE STOCK ON FARMS AND ELSEWHERE. (Domestic ANIMALS, POULTRY, AND BEEs.) Domestic animals: 1920 and 1910.—The census of 1920 was taken as of January 1 and that of 1910 as of April 15. Since a great many domestic animals are born during the period between January 1 and April 15 and, on the other hand, a considerable number of older animals are slaughtered or die during the same period, the numbers of the different classes of animals for the two censuses are not fully comparable. In addition to the change in the date of enumeration, there have been certain changes in the age and sex classifications. The 1910 figures presented in the fol- lowing tables are therefore restricted to those classes of domestic animals which are least affected by these changes and for which the figures are fairly compa- rable with the 1920 returns. Dairy cows: 1920 and 1910.—In 1910 the census called for “cows and heifers kept for milk’ and “cows and heifers not kept for milk.”’ The instruc- tions read: ‘‘Report as cows kept for milk those whose milk is used in some form for human food. Cows milked for three months during the year should be reported as kept for milk, although a part of the year they run with their calves.” In 1920 the census called for “dairy cattle” and “beef cattle.” Dairy cattle were defined as those “kept mainly for milk production,” and the following instructions were given the enumerators: “Classify all cattle as beef cattle or as dairy cattle according to the principal purpose for which they are kept.” It is believed that under this rule the fully established dairy and beef breeds have been properly reported, with few errors, and that cattle of the dual-purpose breeds or of no definite breeding have been placed in one class or the other, according to the principal purpose for which they are kept. In states where cattle are raised extensively for beef production the result of this new classification will be to reduce materially the proportion of cows classified as dairy cows, and even in states having few strictly beef cattle the 1920 classification may be expected to give a somewhat smaller proportion of dairy cows than the 1910 classification. In Ilinois the number of “dairy cows,” including heifers 1 year old and over, reported for January 1, 1920, was 1,148,173, as compared with 1,050,223 ‘cows kept for milk” reported for April 15, 1910. | This represents an increase of 97,950, or 9.3 per cent. The number of ‘beef cows” reported for January 1, 1920, was 501,034, as compared with 281,957 “cows not kept for milk” reported for April 15, 1910, repre- senting an increase of 219,077, or 77.7 per cent. “Dairy cows’”’ constituted 69.6 per cent of all cows reported in 1920, as compared with 78.8 per cent for “cows kept for milk”? in 1910. The reduction in this percentage is due partly, if not wholly, to the change in classification mentioned above and should not be taken as indicating a decline in the relative importance of the dairy industry. Farms reporting domestic animals: 1910.—Horses were reported by 235,407 farms in Illinois in 1910, mules by 54,572 farms, cattle by 231,000, sheep by 26,262, and swine by 191,028. In comparing these figures with the 1920 figures given in the table below, due allowance should be made for the fact that the total number of farms in Illinois. decreased from 251,872 in 1910 to 237,181 in 1920. TaBLE 23.—Domestic ANIMALS ON Farms: 1920. i} FARMS | REPORTING. oN Mee | - in CLASS. | Per | | Num- | cent || Num- | yay Aver- ber. | ofall ber. es age farms. value. Motels. - ances eee eree sea 281 744 O07 ea see $420, 213,170 |_...._. Frorses, total... 2b - eter We 217,807 | 91.8 ||1, 296, 852 | 118,708, 874 | $91.54 Colts under 1 year of age...,-.| 47,399 | 20.0 71,008 3,077,446 | 43.34 Colts 1 year old and under 2 ead s, . e BNe Ae ee 57,816 | 24.4 89,926 | 5,317,831'| 59.14 Mares 2 years old and over...) 197,659 | 83.3 650, 248 | 64,037,022 | 98.48 Geldings 2 years old and over.) 179,454 | 75.7 || 479,397 | 44,694,078 | 93.23 Stallions 2 years old and over.| 4,540 1.9 6, 278 1,582,497 | 252.27 Miniles, totals. -+.22--- seer acee eee 59,636 | 25.1 || 168,274 | 20,628,517 | 122. 59 Mule colts under 1 year of age.| 17,263 7.3 29, 224 1,952,793 | 66.82 Mule colts 1 year old and un- | dor 2 years at seceeeeseeeeee 13,291 | 5.6 || 25,779] 2,617,545 | 101.54 Mules 2 years old and over...| 41,649 | 17.6 || 113,271 | 16,058,179 | 141.77 Asses and DUTTOS..cceqeer n-ne 1,231 0.5 2, 554 419,698 164.33 Cattle: total..2--t 2. gece eese es 217,195 | 91.6 |/2,788, 238 | 182,258,690 65.37 Beef cattle, total..........-. 81,155 | 34.2 ||1,283,178 | 81,306,470 | 63.36 Calves under 1 year of age..| 57,732 | 24.3 340,425 | 10,168,409 | 29.87 Heifers 1 year old and under DV GAYS saunas hae 35,653 | 15.0 || 139,125 6,764,899 | 48.62 Cows and heifers 2 years old and over......-.-.-.- 49,416 | 20.8 |) 361,909 | 27,255,751 | 75.31 Steers 1 year old and under SV OAIS a ocg = neem laa 25,953 | 10.9 || 208,533 | 13,224,444 | 63.42 Steers 2 years old and over.| 10,899 4.6 203,591 | 20,540,155 | 100.89 Bulls 1 year old and over...) 25,215 | 10.6 29, 595 3,352,812 | 113.29 Dairy cattle, total........... 184,939 | 78.0 |/1,505,060 | 100,952,220 67.08 Calves under 1 year of age-.| 101,388 | 42.7 || 314,196 7,957,034 | 25.33 Heifers 1 year old and un- Ger 2 Years..ca. 2 -.25 4-22 74,411 | 31.4 || 190,860 9,174,528 | . 48.07 Cows and heifers 2 years old BNO OVERsE aseae. sean os 183,501 | 77.4 || 957,313 | 80,021,373 | 83.59 Bulls 1 year old and over...| 38,974 | 16.4 42,691 3, 799, 285 | 88.99 Sheep, total. avs. se --< e-= ea- ee 26,637 | 11.2 || 637,685 7,946,064 | 12.46 Lambs under 1 year of age....| 15, 226 6.4 181, 671 1,882,665 | 10.36 Ewes 1 year old and over..... 24,195 | 10.2 || 423,199 5,568,000 | 13.16 Rams 1 year old and over....| 13,381 5.6 18, 805 341,443. | 18.16 Wethers 1 year old and over... 837 0.4 14,010 153,956 |; 10.99 Goats, total. .< 2, 788, 238 |2,116,498 || 671,740 ayy Calves under 1 year old on Jan. 1 of GENES: VERT. <. 6. Lek soe ewes noes 654,621 | 512,533 || 142,088 37.7. Cows and heifers 1 year old and over on Jan, 1 of census year....-..---.--- 1,649, 207 |1,332,180 |) 317,027 23.8 Steers and bulls 1 year old and over on Jan. 1 of census year.......------ 484,410 | 271,785 || 212,625 78, Sheep: ; ‘ | - Total, excluding spring lambs re- | ported for 1910.........----------- 637,685 | 658,484 || —20, 799 ca 9 tA minus sign (—) denotes decrease. TaBLE 26.—Domestic AnrimAts Nor on Farms: 1920 anp 1910) ANIMALS. INCLOSURES ns 6s = lee REPORTING. ey ote Nuimber. Increase.! 1920 | 1910 1920 | 1910 Num-| Per (Jan. 1)|(Apr.15)|| (Jan. 1)|(Apr.15)} ber. cent. : 3 zZ | Notas sae tat di 2th st 05, ZOLA ASO AVOH £5. Se AD et es Je OrGps ee eeeet CiccanHieecks 53, 835 106, 719|| 119, 166| 234, 629|—115, 463] —49.2 Horses 1 year old and over on Jan. 1 of census year. .|--------|..---.-- 118, 000) 230, 834/112, 834] —48.9 Muleect eee. Sete; Oo ey 3,122) 2, 730|| 18,630] 10,838) 7,792] 71.9 Mules 1 year old and over on Jan. 1 of census year..|--------|-------- 18,098} 10,438 7,660) 73.4 Asses and burros...........-..- 221 298) 402 412} —10) —2.4 Mattila ces soc bees tes oe pees 40,009, 41,068|| 96,014} 77,255) 18,759] 24.3 Cattle 1 year old and over on Jan. 1 ofcensus year..|......-.|.....-.. 84,078} 57,472} 26,606) 46.3 Slidepssosssecsssts cose S cee: 492 261|| 37,194). 31,069 6,125} 19.7 Opals seraantapncas sia Taa'c 5 1,229} 1,107|| 2,385} 1,900 485} 25.5 DWE cstier casein tas shee coon: 36,283) 11,771|| 215,478) 70,973) 144,505) 203.6 1A minus sign (—) denotes decrease, Not on CLASS, Total. On farms. farina, Horses scretva tele ci ele ,| 1,416,018 || 1,296,852 119, 166 Horses 2 years old and over.............. 1,251,900 || 1,135,918 115, 982 MQ eS y= oer tan ins us.s.ot a eqceis b osaah weave 186, 904 168, 274 18,630 Mules 2 years old and over..........-...- 130, 250 113, 271 16,979 Agses'andiburnos:s Stew lice ble Pd 2,956 2,554 402 Gattley 5418 9h cess soe. cee. aoh 2,884,252 || 2,788,238 | 96,014 SCRE CATO Se nian tuse tcl fe soc am sistema en eget 1,006, 647 957, 313 49, 334 MICO satan egotism wosnenee os peewee +s eee 674, 879 637, 685 37,194 GAPS M425... Aten. 245. VRIES GU LtYs. Figs 12, 362 9,977 2,385 Ri aT a 5d iy en a ie Seg ei 4,854,660 || 4,639,182 215, 478 1 LIVE-STOCK PRODUCTS. Farm value of live-stock products: 1919 and 1909.— The Thirteenth Census schedule called for the total value as well as the total quantity of all live-stock products, whether sold or consumed on the farm. The 1909 values are therefore based directly on the reported figures. But in the Fourteenth Census schedule the question as to value in the case of dairy products, eggs, and chickens was restricted to the amounts sold. The 1919 value of butter made on farms has been computed on the basis of the average value received per pound for butter sold; the values of eggs produced and chickens raised have been com- puted in a similar way. The values of cheese made on farms and of honey and wax produced have been computed on the basis of average values per pound secured through the Bureau of Crop Estimates of the Department of Agriculture. The method of obtain- ing these average values was the same as that used for securing average values for the important crops, which is described in a later paragraph. Dairy products.—It is difficult to secure reports of the total quantity of milk produced during a given year, especially from farmers who keep cows chiefly to supply milk and butter for family use. Since such farmers usually keep no records, they are able to make only rough estimates of the milk production and frequently underestimate the quantity of milk produced for home use. Many farmers, too, either because they are unwilling to make any estimates or for other reasons, fail to report their milk production, even though they report butter or other dairy prod- ucts as well as dairy cows. For several decades past the Bureau of the Census has made estimates for such incomplete reports, where the farmer reported ‘‘cows kept for milk” but failed to report the amount of milk produced, these estimates being based on the average production per cow as shown by the complete reports. Since farmers with first-class dairy herds and up-to-date methods are more likely to make complete reports than those with cows of a lower grade, the estimates obtained in this 8 AGRICULTURE—ILLINOIS. way have probably been somewhat above the actual production. With the new basis of classification for dairy cows in use for 1920, however, as already noted, the estimates should be more satisfactory than here- tofore, since milk will be estimated only for cows kept mainly for milk production. In the table which follows, both the actual reported quantity of milk produced and the estimated total are given. The latter includes, in addition to the milk reported, an estimate of the amount of milk produced on farms which reported dairy cows but failed to report any milk. A certain quantity of milk, on the other hand, was reported from farms which reported no dairy cows. This is included in the total and may represent either milk produced by beef cows milked a part of the year on farms having no dairy cows or milk produced on farms which kept dairy cows some time during the year 1919 but had none on January 1, 1920. It may be safely assumed that the returns for butter and cheese made on farms and for milk, cream, butter fat, and butter sold are much more nearly complete than in the case of milk produced. Hence no estimates have been made for these items. TaBLE 28.—Darry Cows on Farms, 1920; anp Dairy Propucts, 1919 ann 1909. ; FARMS || | REPORTING. | | Number or | aeiny ITEM. | Per | quantity. | Unit. Value. ' Num- | cent || ber. | ofall) | farms. Dairy cows on farms Jan. 1, 1920, i | COtA nase ones cee alate cs ose 183,501 | 77.4 | 957,313 | Head.c|..n2.2--uc0e On farms reporting milk | Produced. ese ees ate 160,062 | 67.5 852,079 } Head... 01. On farms not reporting milk | produced 2...5~ Sees -6s0c0 23,439 | 9.9 | 105, 234 | Head.-|.....—- 4... Average production of milk per | I | | dainywowsl 010 ees St | sce ee jaar | 354 / FOS cera chests a cual aiots | | | Specified dairy products: ’ | Milk, as reported ......- 191 Fleece. Se fe ret 833, 234, 145 |: Gals..c}...2-.0.2.2 Total production of milk, | Wee including estimates. Bit A Tose SHEE weil 370, ap er Gals. WOOO co leis < Wee's aloes as 395, 934, 0 Increase, 1909-19192. ....... ad raed). oe '_ 95,447,090 Per cent of increase 7.25. 2). cece -sele. <->. | —6.4 Butter made...........- 1919. .| 146, 524 | 61.8 || 25,063, 897 | Lbs...'$12, 853, 175 1909. .| 168, 485 | 66.9 || 46,609, 992 | Lbs. ./$10, 493, 217 Cheese made............ 1919_. 855 | 0.4 || 117,830 | Lbs. $45, 959 1909... 379 | 0.2 || 81,918 | Lbs... $8, 396 Milksold:¢..-.24.2/2- 1919..| 37,601 | 15.9 |/159, 578,765 | Gals... .|$42, 349, 483 1909..| 31,674 | 12.6 |158, 031,333 | Gals_. .|$18, 314, 172 Cream sold ie3).jf 222: ; 1919..| 44,350 | 18.7 || 5,626,433 | Gals...) $7,893, 871 1909..| 7,157 | 2.8 || 2,104,352 | Gals...) $1,515,676 Butter fat sold.........- 1919..| 49,930 | 21.1 |) 17,052,544 | Lbs. ..| $8) 855, 845 1909..| 6,649 | 2.6 4,637,745 | Lbs...| $1,210,748 Butter Boidess eecer ty 1919..| 58,060 | 24.5 || 8,734,470 | Lbs...| $4,515, 789 Rina of eae nV eae 114, 723 | 45.5 24, 442,251 | Lbs...) $5, 674, 830 ter fat sold, ‘and of butter and | | cheese made 8............. Het A $71, 998, 333 Bae $31, 542, 209 Increase, 1909-1919............ $40, 456, 124 Per cent of increase......... moans Receipts from sale of dairy Proguchs Ace. se a eed 2 |$63, eg 988 hl] aloe $26, 720, 849 Increase, 1909-1919............ $36, 894, 139 Per cent ofincrease......... SET 1 Based on the 1919 milk production as reported for dairy cows, and the number of dairy cows on hand Jan. 1, 1920. 2 A minus sign (—) denotes decrease. 3 This item represents the total farm value of dairy products, excluding milk and cream consumed as such on the farm where produced. 4 Figures for 1919 do not include “cheese sold,” as that item was not reported for 1919. The value of cheese sold in 1909 was $5,423. TABLE 29,—SHEEP ON Farms, 1920 AND 1910; Goats ON Farms, 1920; AnD Woot AND Mouwartr PropuceD, 1919 AND 1909. WOOL (OR MOHAIR) Num- PRODUCED. ber of Farms | sheep ITEM. report- (or ) ees ing. goats er 0 - on ani- eed Value. hand. mals pounds). shorn. Sheep on farms Jan. 1, 1920, total.| 26,637 | 637,685 On farms reporting wool.....| 18,552 | 484,221 On farms not reporting wool.) 8,085 | 153, 464 Sheep of shearing age! on farms Apr. 151010252 .. emesis. 525 504)|'658,484)||. 2S Ee oeoee eee jireseeecee Wool produced, as reported, / total S. 3o* Sofas aoe 1919.) 1956345) oes os 444,941 | 3,395,470 $1, 795, 536 On farms reporting sheep..-..| 18,552 |........- 414, 636 | 3,178,423 $1, 681, 254 On farms not reporting | | sheep. 222. Sse Aes 1 O82 9. Saae2e | 30,305 217,047 = $114, 282 Total production of wool, in- | | cluding estimates........ 1919.. 4,183,214 |$2, 217, 103 1909. . 4,971,380 |$1, 299, 218 Increase, 1909-1919 2.......... —788, 166 | $917,885 Per cent of increase ?...... —15.9 70.6 Goats raised for fleeces, on farms | | Jats 1S 19203... Rissa ccs a ealaee 194 2/926" lon 25002 Ses 5. esee aaa Mohair produced, as reported, UGLAIE SSIES Fes skbecescs 1919.. 5, 275 $2, 423 1909. . 14, 922 $4, 008 1 Sheep born before Jan. 1, 1910. 2 A minus sign (—) denotes decrease. TABLE 30.—CHICKENS (oR Fow1s) oN FArms, 1920 anno 1910; AND Pourtrry Propucts, 1919 anp 1909. (‘The products shown for 1919 include chicken eggs and chickens only, while the 1909 figures include the products of all kinds of poultry.] FARMS REPORTING. Number or Eee Per || quantity. | Value i: Num- | cent ber. of all farms. Number. Chickens on farms Jan. 1, 1920, total... .| 226,740 | 95.6 || 25,120,643 |..........- On farms reporting eggs produced...| 214,982 | 90.6 || 24, 103,320 |........... On farms a Pa chickens raised..| 201,240 | 84.8 || 23,015, 386 |........... Fowls on farms Apr. 15, 1910............ 237,165 | 94,2 21,409, 835 4aatte own e | ; . |) Dozens. Eggs produced, as reported ....... 1919..; 215, 876 | 91.0 |) 101, 970, 733 '$38, 463, 530 Total production of eggs, including esti- qwintes. A524. Fae ees se cee MAGS ic eaters others 105, 757, 907 | 40, 188, 005 1900 lessee wanclaneeved 100, 119, 418 | 18, 940, 454 202,259 | 85.3 || 70,011, 698 | 26, 387, 664 198, 309 | 78.7 || 62,036,857 | 11,745, 315 é : | Number. | Chickens raised, as reported....... 1919. .| 202,077 | 85.2 | 27, 569, 514 | 25, 308, 422 Total chickens raised, including esti- | INALCS | -- 2 ttt mele cae ew eneeeen nae TQ1O se eeneaame eles ome | 29, 893, 565 | 27, 502, 080 ADOOS eae onl ot | 32, 352, 888 | 15, 404, 028 Chickens sold, as reported......... 1919..| 173,671 | 73.2 || 12,482,811 | 11, 477, 038 1909. .| 178,866 | 71.0 || 12,096,388 | 6,335, 037 TaBLE $31.—Brxrs on Farms, 1920 anp 1910; anv Honey AND Wax Propucep, 1919 anv 1909. PRODUCT. : Farms | Hives ITEM. report- ee Q ‘ie ing. eeS. uanti (pounds). Value. Bees on farms Jan. 1, 1920, total......- 27, 830 | 162,680 ||............ On farms reporting honey........- 15,177 | 202,582 ))) ee oe On farms not reporting honey... .. 12, 653 00; DESI] oon ase oeen cn Bees on farms Apr. 15, 1910........... 29,741 | 155, 846 ||............ Honey produced..........-....- CNR Sao eR ae 1, 896,996 | $436, 310 909 13, 015 -4| 1,428, 640 194, 625 Wax produced sh] 21,908 | — 7,008 26, 240 6, 138 AGRICULTURE—ILLINOIS. 9 CROPS. of fruit trees) and the number of farms reporting are on the whole a better index of the general changes or Summary : 1919 and 1909.—This section summarizes | tendencies in agriculture than either the quantity or the census data relative to all of the farm crops of 1919 the value of the crops, since variations in quantity and 1909, except that it does not include nursery or | may be due mainly to favorable or unfavorable greenhouse products or forest products of farms. seasons, and variations in the value of the crops may In comparing one year with another it should be | result largely from changes in prices between one borne in mind that the acreage of crops (or the number | census year and the next. TaBLE 82.—SUMMARY FOR ALL CROPS: 1919 AND 1909. FARMS REPORTING. ACRES HARVESTED. PRODUCTION. | | Number. oh mae | | Quantity. | Value. CROP. Per | | 1919 | 1900 | cent | Per | | Per 1919 | 1909 | 1919 | 1909 crease.) Unit.| 1919 1909 i | 1919 =| = 1909 bere | crease. crease.! | jie All crops.......-.-.------------++--|-----+-- foestaee hanes ates oe See aes aeeetee pans | Wabaar tas '$364,190,261 137.4 With acreage reports........-.|--------|.---.---|------|------ /220,370,027 |20, 269, 123 -|829, 618, 809 |357, 947,866 | 131.8 With no acreage reports. .....-|-.-.--.-|.-----+-|------]----:- [ator abeatt las 20. came / | 35,119,024 | 6,242,395 | 462.6 = : m SS) CAR beh Seta ee eae il OER a epee ere epee 16, 808, 297 (16,536,457 | 1.6 || Bu.../493, 641,008 (580,954,423 |—15.0 684,753,430 297,523,098 | 130.2 SOT. Sek sire’ 88.0 | 90.1 || 7,908,385 [10,045,839 |—21.3 || Bu...|285,346,031 |390, 218,676 |—26.9 |413,751,746 198, 350, 496 108.6 Dats soo. ease as - 66.6 | 55.2 || 4,291,066 | 4,176,485 2.7 || Bu...}129, 104,668 |150, 386,074 |—14. 2 |103, 283,734 59,693, 819 73.0 Wheat, total 57.4 | 30.3 || 4,103,035 | 2,185,091 | 87.8 || Bu...) 70,890,917 | 37,830,732 | 87.4 155,960,014 | 38,000,712 | 310.4 Winter 46.7 | 29.1 || 3,559,239 | 2,165,513 | 64.4 || Bu...| 62,693,378 | 37,442,094 67.4 137, 925,428 | 37,617,431 266.7 pring 13:8 een | 543,796 19 Sze eee | Bu...| 8,197,539 388, Gas eee | 18,034,586 | 383,281 |....... Emmer and spelt (3) | 0.1 546 1,633 |—66.6 || Bu... il, lll 41,999 |—73.5 | 17,778 | 20,754 | —14.3 IB STIOY Fe seg. oo oe oes 7.4] 2.8 176, 792 63,325 | 179.2 || Bu...| 4,226,911 | 1,613,559 | 162.0 | 5,494,990 | 880,706 | 523.9 RG. ..c452 aa- 8.3 | 1.8 319, 636 58,973 | 442.0 || Bu...} 3,872,621 787,519 | 391.7 | 6,002, 566 | 523, 374'|.-.-..- Buckwheat. ....- 0.2} 0.2 4,138 4,696 |—11.9 || Bu... 52,771 68,125 |—22.5 | 79,171 | 48, 040 64.8 Kafir and milo... (ye Os E 135 415 |—67.5 || Bu... 1, 286 7,739 |—83.4 | 1,800 5,197 | —65.4 Mixed crops 4 ADS) Ws a ott | Ci ah ae, - ae ee Bu... ae Ae i 2 a ey ee 161, 630232; =~ sepee t ee Other grains and seeds with acre- | ) Ape rODUEtant Oral GA soak ee pan... | Sesec esc |seaseulee re: 22, 497 46,607 |—51.9 || Bu...| 135,576 247,971 |—45.3 588,753 | 341,347 | 72.5 Dry edible beans x 931 627 | 0.4] 0.2 1,516 1,153 | 31.5 || Bu... 8,293 6,866 | 20.8 47,273 | 12,842 | 268.1 Soy beans....- Ce eases a eee 9 a ee eee Bu... 88 eae Os eae LEAR TAU | RRR, el ee Ae Dry peas. 1,972} 4,584] 0.8] 1.8 15, 958 41,076 |—61.2 || Bu... 71, 285 185,020 |—61.5 335, 039 273,373 22.6 Peanuts. 51 230 3 0.1 1 109 —84.4 || Bu... 345 1,792 |—80.7 871 2,111 | —58.7 Flaxseed... . = ll 19 3) (3) 105 115 | —8.7 |} Bu... 1,121 1,156 | —3.0 4, 484 1,548 | 189.7 Sunflower seed... .....5-.-...2-.- 226 548} 0.1] 0.2 1,509 3,969 |—62.0 || Bu... 29, 679 49,004 |—39.4 74, 200 44,539 66.6 Seeds with no acreage reports, F | bee Nei ar eae 200 | 1,289,996 | —7.5 | 10,171,691 | 1,914,046 | 431.4 ed clover seed. ........-.-- wie 2,545 5,080, 103 Other clover and alfalfa seed... - 29; 318 } 135, 748: 14 { 791,586 \ 793, 840 | - 640;9 Mimotity seed . =. -==-2---->+---. 218, 668 153,166 | 42.8} 1,202,693 234,055 | 413.9 Other grass seed 765,927 | 1,006,184 |—23.9 | 3,063,708 678,832 ; 351.3 Millet Seed sos. se - = sek 0- 6, 742 14,898 |—54.7 23,601 | 12, 684 86.1 | Hay and forage, total?.......-....-. 184,791 [176,355 | 77.9 | 70.0 | 4,013,476 | 3,349,639 |....... Tons.| 7,063,254 | 4,355,397 |....... 120,790,711 | 40,566,162 |....... All tame or Cultivated grasses. . |... 2. .-]..-.. 5 fee ee leone ee | 2,811,126 | 3,023,371 | —7.0 || Tons | 3,448,863 | 3,832,706 |—10.0 | 84,000,952 | 37,538,685 | 123.8 Timothy alone..........-.-..- 80,873 |109,050 | 34.1 | 43.3 || 1,021,517 | 1,587,219 |—35.6 || Tons.) 1,135,456 | 1,947,572 |—41.7 | 28,954,155 | 20,028, 646 44.6 Timothy and clover mixed..; 52,717 | 46,913 | 22.2 | 18.6 837, 838 827,625 | 1.2 || Tons.| 1,189,588 | 1,123,254 5.9 | 28,550,112 | 11,177,121 155.4 Clover alone... .\. Ss... - 5s 40,409 | 34,037 | 17.0 | 13.5 507, 443 427,957 | 18.6 || Tons. 627, 868 539,790 | 16.3 | 15,696,700 | 4,660,696 | 236.8 Bi fiite sees eee RE. 14,442 3,116; 6.1| 1.2 88, 968 18,344 | 385.0 || Tons. 214, 670 52,284 | 310.6 | 6,440,100 583,476 |--..... Other tame grasses 8. ._....- 20,003" fe ae... BA te tecee 355, 360 162,226 | 119.1 || Tons. 281, 281 169,806 | 65.6 | 4,359,885 | 1,088,746 | 300.5 wes salt, or ior lk es Se 4 nr 6,415 | 1.9) 2.5 - oe 112,978 —43.2 || Tons. oe 128,531 |—49.9 L 158, 120 891,138 30.0 grains cut for hay...-.-.---- 03) 3.8 69,55 24 , 188, 594 0 ete Recipient 3501 \10, 426 { Be Ther. So'eas \ 80,226 | 73.8|| Tons.\{ 59’939 \ 99,828 | 24.4 { 1398300 \ 832, 987 | 208.2 BIBS CYOPSs cose se a- Soon eek soma 24 $8) Ve) Beier 10.0 [esuaas | 321,068 2,325,010 | | 20, 925, 090 Corn cut for forage 7.:....-..---.- 65,347 fessscee. B16 Venznns | 671,285 133) O204e- 22 =<. Tons.|; 1,090,178 293, 974 |. 2... 111,991,958 |} 1,300,772 }......- Kafir, sorghum, etc., for forage..| 1,102 |........ el eee | 5}970 8,689 || i| ’ 121) 646 Root crops for forage. ....-.--.-- DOD ee Aete wo Cg ses | 391 LY |e Tons. 1,997 358 | 457.8 25, 961 2,580 | 906.2 Ep EERGS SOLAS te ee is te ee alm ne bane ad loa eeelcwaucs is alafcte ote ee |e + odin sew tahoe = walls vee pmebe lianas sencglas sp noeine senha cnn 31,351,407 | 16,300, 654 92.3 Potatoes (Irish or white)......-- 151,233 |189,903 | 63.8 | 75.4 86,384 | 138,052 |—37.4 || Bu...| 4,699,134 | 12,166,091 |—61.4 | 11,277,926 | 6,401,598 | 76.2 Sweet potatoes and yams.....-- 26,745 | 19,675 | 11.3 | 7.8 8, 003 10,568 |—24.3 || Bu... 668,845 | 1,050,932 |—36.4 | 1,337,690 506,760 ; 164.0 Other vegetables 9.:............ SEAR Ee 7 A) USL ty Peas a | Pn by Ck be Weta © | 6,330,537 | 9,392,296 }....... Farm garden !9,...............:.|209, 892 |........ FA ee | at ee er ee | eee Fl OS ss ae a ee ares eee ee ee Ren RP Miscellaneous crops, totals. accel co = = oalns oc nena femanye alpen. Ne aa re Near hp MCE AI els ied Pedy. kPa parade ila eee = arcable oiet y ain 2,509,091 -| 2,130,360 17.8 SEAS) stk enone at he ee 1,327 | 1,652} 0.6] 0.7 850 1,313 |—35.3 || Lbs..| 566,260 | 1,029,616 |—45.0 198, 202 | 80,389 | 146.6 Sorghum grown for sirup...--..-- 15,813 | 21,909 | 6.7) 8.7 10, 654 14,846 |—28.2 || Tons. 41,767 89,421 |—53.3 | 765,578 490, 569 56.1 Sugar beets grown for sugar. ...- 607 274) 0.3) 0.1 2,830 1,170 | 141.9 || Tons. 34, 654 14,916 | 132.3 381, 194 77,335 | 392.9 Maple sugar and sirup......-..-- 446 GOT F Ose 0 OD wees costco |. eee ne fete te tha ect toeiy em ee aa Sie leisy oome balls oeraaein | 33, 853 23,502 44.0 Bro0M Conn ees ee a's 1,461 | 1,854 0.6! 0.7 16,409 38,452 |—57.3 || Lbs..| 9,244,739 | 19,309,425 |—52.1 | 1,109,364 | 1,457,172 | —23.9 Siotir eM OL CPOE sie Jone oa Pe ain a ain Wtiaaianslejeameales => <= | |g ie ee Mar aaa Sel artis ==> ot Es SE eee re Bae , 900 1 308 u leo gE Tiegh ART Ae Fa ee Mie eg be a he da Noy Sal PE al PR eee eee 14,572,750 | 5,414,594 | 169.1 BMA Trost... 26s sachs qe ce sa 5 Sy ial © ee se 16.9 Paws’ ‘ ai ? 2 ? x 4,441 | aspberries an anberries...1909..| 8,156 2 | 5 : P eer es 6, Bye egy 84, 387 pega Ee Sea 11,828| 11,469 5.0| 4.6| 180,172| 287,734 Blackberries and dewberries...1919..; 10,876 | 4.6 I 3,061 |} 1,365,223 | 245, 741 1909..| 14 “6 ll: a 7 NES LOU ec seme | eee cena “Eek 6,024 | 35, 666 pope) 14, SESS. © | Sh SIS Bhd Becans tek. cahs. 523 218] 0.2) 0.1 6,024 8, 223 Orprantsees che cate eo. ~ tenes 1919... 1,937 0.8 | 274 103,471 18, 626 poh og ea wis beet Z. 1909...) 3,635) 14) 252 . 265, 858 21, 863 I Ineludes apricots, and (for 1910) quinces and mulberries. Since these fruits were er toe pe 12 1919..| 5,088 | 21 | 597 | 276, 589 41,495 eee called for by the 1920 schedule, the returns for that year are somewhat 1909..}..-222-2]---=--| 613 || 955,184 45,508 2 The 1910 figures include Persian or English walnuts, and also black walnuts and re rs | He severa | other varieties of nuts not called for by the 1920 schedule. TasBie 39. RUITS, GRAPES, AND NUTS: 1919 AND 1909. ee: ae ae -_ ae Oe FARMS REPORTING TREES OR VINES “3 OF BEARING AGE. NUMBER OF TREES ie ae z | OR VINES OF R Pet RS Ae bs. Ate ae | BEARING AGE. | 3 Number. Per cent ofalifarms. | Quantity. Value 5 a. | : i|— a Ls a le ra . 1920 1910 1920 | 1910 | 1920 1910 || Unit. | 1919 1909 1919 1909 a | —} ||; ——~ — i Orchard fruits, total!...........-... 140 PAT Nia veo ve 69.1, es teu 7,370,283 | 15,033,743 || Bu....| 5,728,573 | 4,939,211 | $11,842,290 | $3,857,743 Aplegen fmacdaten aa. 134,414 | 160,215 56.7 63.6 || 5,113,063 | 9,900,627 || Bu...) 4,673,117 | 32093,321 | 9,346,934 | 27111, 866 Peaches :i..os.cse-2.. 55,968 | 114, 165 23.6) 45.3 || 1,011,326 | 2,860,120 || Bu... 449,601 | 1,222,570) 1,191/442 999, 516 Ef Cy ee ees eee 54, 858 68, 556 23.1 | 21.2 435, 707 786,349 || Bu...-. 374,925 249, 365 656, 136 202, 965 Plums and prunes 48,480 69,352 20.4 27.5 273,554 | 600,087 || Bu.... 83,017 78,566 182,638 80, 3384 Gherries?1 mp5 at eben. ae Sa. 87,845 104, 808 37.0 | 41.6 536, 458 843,283 || Bu...- 147, 783 287,376 465,512 453, 474 Grapes sist ch etter eee: 81,474 | 75,818 34.4 30.1 || 1,642,527} 2,170,340 || Lbs...) 10,339,018 | 16,582,785 620,344 426, 468 PUZAC SUOMI, 2 SRS ee OP oak See ewe [Ooo FSP NS one nignw'e SIE seieG so 2 8 [are forse | 25, 289 85,428 || Lbs... 182,347 714, 478 45,592 20,550 Pocus: Sse ete ee 1,339 755 0.6 | 0.3 25,289 28,330 || Lbs... 182, 347 107, 069 45,592 10;301 1 Includes apricots and (for 1910) quinces and mulberries. incom awe sohistinke Since these fruits were not specifically called for by the 1920 schedule, the returns for that year are somewhat ‘he figures for 1910 and 1909 include almonds and Persian or English walnuts, and also black walnuts and several other varieties of nuts not called for by the 1920 12 AGRICULTURE—ILLINOIS. Country Taste I.—FARMS AND FARM PROPERTY, 1920, | THe Stare. | Adams. Alexander. Bond. Boone, Brown. Bureau. Ger aan, em aes | ALL FARMS. \| ° 1 | Pe RE itn Cae 3 ote ier 237,181 || 3, 844 731 | 1,948 1,325 1,352 3, 203 2 | peat seas a {910 251) 872 || 4036 698 | 1,958 1,322 1,516 3, 276 3 1900 | 264, 151 || 4) 224 772 | 1,908 1,321 1, 605 3,214 All farmers classified by sex, 1920: | | 4 Male ees. 5 eek ots ey. ees number... 230, 495 |) 3, 766 701 1, 883 1,302 1,315 3,139 4 Bewales occ, pa ocgce se See, toe oes eee number. .| 6, 686 | 78 30 | 65 23 | 37 64 Color aud nativity of all farmers, 1920: | | ’ 6 Nakewhie ee number. .| 214,177 || 3,643 668 1, 871 932 1, 333 2, 666 7 Horereu=born witite.«.Sesceele.- tee dase-taeseees number...) 22,111 || 194 a 65 393 19 537 8 | Negro and other nonwhite. -......:...........- number. .| 893 | 7 52 | TSAR. | Steel 2 a's cs esiad anf See Ree eet All farms classified by size, 1920: | | | | 9) Under 3 acres. number. . 626 || Es ae 4 2 | 1 5 lu 3 to 9 acres. number. . 7,545 || 124 13 87 28 | 35 65 11 | 10 to 19 acres ..number..| 8, 539 || 173 21 61 31 29 96 12) 2): ¢040 Borage. ss. PENN Lc cee eee, Meee number. . 26,989 | 461 188 285 91 167 174 13 | BO t0:99 acres ack wo ac,- Wee ean sec. Seen eee number. . 51, 920 || 873 190 543 32 339 481 14 | 100 GO 974 SCPOSE SC. c=. Enno s ck wlan ays emaoe tae = te number. . 81, 459 || 1,348 153 605 586 465 1, 242 16 | 173:t0 259 BCraS Aa. ee Bok eee cee eee nee sa number. .| 39, 155 || 561 87 255 215 224 729 16 | 260\t0.400 acres’ 23:4 castes baa ateganr=n sates ot number... 19,031 271 53 100 70 80 386 17 | 500:40.9009 acresec: o Sauteed sere eee eeaoe . number. . 1,733 22 23 ae Oe ee | 11 22 18 1000 Scres.and OVOr .<. A et seer ene aee oc ecens number. .| 184 2 3 He SAREE cal 1 3 LAND AND FARM AREA. | 19 | Approximate land area, 1920...........-.-.2---2-+-++ acres. .| 35, 867, 520 538, 880 144, 640 248, 320 187, 520 190, 080 563, 840 20°! Cand ‘in tarmss-1920 Saco nc oe ae eee = She cee acres... 31, 974, 775 496, 311 96, 642 222, 239 173, 549 177, 844 520, 064 21 | TOLOD sacis 2c ROTORS «ALLEN Oe 32, 522, 937 495, 864 82, 896 223, 286 172, 312 181, 939 524, 455 22 | 1900: 5 Sic ton rn PEL, eee 32, 794, 728 495, 762 89, 758 216, 794 173, 674 180, 953 522, 962 23 | Improved land in farms..1920............-.--.---- 27, 294, 533 373, 183 62, 371 195, 493 143, 537 123, 179 458, 676 24 101052; Meso. oa eee 28, 048, 523 388, 573 49, 893 197, 909 146, 091 132, 464 461,175 25 | TYOO) os ate nc Si. weep 27, 699, 219 387, 497 50,914 186, 184 143, 371 120,575 453, 244 26 Woodland inifarms, 19205: - 2 eee ) NWumberiof, farms- £02072 ~ 0 sncn- Tiesoent ain anabecsede than. 1 af 1 1 hy byitawertitan dos een ee 61 46 15 129 31 19 43 14 | 66 111 40 1 | 34 | 62 36 | 10 28 33 12 36 8 | 41 79 9 19 19 | 63 30 | 9 39 38 18 1 10 19 64 4 10 22 | 64 11, 896 4,428 24, 877 5, 408 2, 986 8, 683 2, 494 | 10, 161 16, 993 6, 886 1,393 | 6,193 | 65 9, 183 3, 199 24,119 4,488 2,351 if 833 2, 102 | 8, 895 13, 350 6, 444 1, 246 | 5, 843 | 66 1,894, 730 | 762, 500 8, 597, 500 iis 279, 700 299, 310 986, 280 210, 140 2, 308, 250 5, 300, 361 764, 220 151, 100 1, 564, 345 | 67 ——————___ ~ 160. 1 157.8 | 31 | Average improved acreage per farm, 1920...........-..---.--- | 97.1 | 79.5 0B ee 108. 3 79.5 | 113.2 | 147.8 143.7 VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY. | | 32 | All farm property . .1920 dollars..| 24,534,943 | 23,117,401 | 25,022,988 | 54,456,549 | 10,216,738 | 77,899,130 | 93,043,543 | 60, 807, 932 33 : 1910 dollars. . 18, 785, 026 16, 930, 000 16, 314, 873 28, 951, 447 | 7,094, 983 42? 381, 366 53, 657, 317 29, 630, 229 34 1900 dollars. . 9, 363, 272 8) 982, 084 8, 645, 065 | 18, 152, 873 | 3,800,940 26) 074; 301 28° 372, 248 15, 316, 625 35 Land in darms?.£1920 8 “<.. s. o Sees e ee dollars. ., 16,457,629 | 15,429,042 | 18,735,719 | 37,715,150 | 6, 263, 53,798, 292 | 73,642,025 | 49, 278, 402 36 dollars. - 13, 480, 561 | 11, 645, 248 1 976, TAL | 20, 075, 943 | 4,477,933 | 29° 237, 261 43) 816, 257 22 870, 721 37 1 6, 330, 500 | 5, 977, 590 6, 160, 630 | 12,415,490 | 2,329,610 | 17, Sil, 560 22? 330, 840 11, 257, 220 38 Farm buildings. . 3 971,295 | 3, 801) 740 2 149) 605 | 8, 441,047 1, 869, 960 13, 27, 479 ile 288) 184 6, 384, 995 39 1 2 539, 769 9 346, 590 | 2,335,999 4,614,100 | 1, 238, 940 , 270 5 416, 307 3, 862, 250 40 1,370, 730 | 1,279,080 | 1,389,390 2, 860, 280 710, 900 | 4 450, 540 | 3 152) 430 2, 246, 660 41 Implements and machinery. . 1, 145, 181 837,940 | 1,028, 447 2, 378, 136 385, 545 3, 099, 388 3, 476, 607 1, 805, 854 42 "479, 246 417, 965 403,972 ” 669, 077 174, 080 i 256, 814 | L 088, 574 794, 674 43 307, 960 274, 300 238,630 | 421, 550 148, 650 ”693) 390 | 649, 580 450, 050 44 Live stock on farms. .1920........-c-4.0-2----+<+ 2,960,838 | 3,048,679 | 2,109,217 5, 9227216 | 1,698,224 | 7,783,971 | 4,636,727 | 3,338, 681 45 [Gees bY cee? BR Re * ADIOS. See be ae 2; 285, 450 | 2 520, 197 | 1,598, 161 3,592,327 | 1, 204, 030 4, 485, 021 a 336, 179 2,102, 584 48 tee We ho MER, «000s. Fees bE 1, 354, 082 L 451, 114 5 2 455, 553 611, 780 3, 118, 811 2 239) 398 if 362, 695 Average values, 1920: 47 ‘ATT property per farm ese 2o.... - 2. Sree seen ee 8, 883 6, 436 18, 292 24, 946 5, 865 34, 653 37,518 50, 254 48 Land and buildings per farm 7, 396 5, 354 15, 998 21, 143 4, 669 29, 811 34, 246 46, 003 49 Land alone per-acretste aes. so.) Sees vace eae 55. 43 4). 47 88. 93 106. 22 32, 44 178. 39 185. 42 258. OL FARMS OPERATED BY OWNERS. F 50 | Number of farms. .1920..........- an BER es Caen a eete oh atl 2, 045 2, 732 827 1,559 1, 363 1,151 1,181 563 51 10108:%, 22 2 oer 2) 042 2) 884 950 1, 654 1) 490 ib 1) 289 634 52 1900... 2) 295 2941 952 1,808 1,567 1,278 1551 729 53 | Per cent of all farms, 1920-. 74.0 76.1 60.5 71.4 78.2 hie 47.6 46.5 64.) Lendsin/ farms (1920. 2-2. Se tack. = 5 tetas 225, 798 246, 514 121, 252 246, 153 149, 296 130, 247 | 178, 339 79, 327 55 Improved land in farms, 1920..........-.-2-.-200- Be 203, 293 216, 368 85, 689 162, 188 109, 454 110, 810 165, 000 73, 001 56 | Value of land and buildings, O20 25-0 Re ook ee ee =} LBs 806, 057 | 14, 828, 410 | 11,852,857 | 31,184,781 | 6, 350, 604 | 29, 263, 415 | 38,444,455 | 22, 891, 182 Degree of ownership, 1920: 57 Farmers owning entire farm..............-.-.-- =! 1,145 2,118 643 1, 424 1, 203 1,016 917 499 58 Farmers hiring additional land % 900 619 184 135 ”160 "135 264 64 Color aud nativity of owners, 1920: 59 Native white owners-2ti els 55. -.2 250.022. tee 1,999 2, 594 747 1,343 1,357 755 970 441 60 Foreign-born white owners.......-....--.- 42 130 78 216 4 395 208 122 61 Negro and other nonwhite owners 4 8 Jit sLaeneeere ees 2 1 ‘3 |Sutocee ncaa FARMS OPERATED BY MANAGERS. | 62) Wumber of farms. 19209. s2... eee nee eee ee 12 20 24 21 16 68 38 8 63 1910 see 8: ct oa oes 3S hosed pos mae 9 16 16 20 18 40 30 13 64 1900 Maen a Oe Ce ee ace eee als eee 4 15 10 25 7 30 34 6 Get hand in farms; 1920. ccc See en vate eee wes 2 one ee acres 2, 744 2, 838 5, 411 4,638 5, 122 14,977 9, 352 1,380 66 Improved jand in farms 1920. . 5 3: Ses ~ 22 Stee acres. 2 282 2,515 3, 503 3, 036 2,981 12, 639 8,329 1, 245 67 | Value of land and buildings, 1920 255-5 Seat ee 2. ee dollars. . 136) 000 194, 950 542,700 919, 270 216, 800 4, 241, 605 1, 912, 905 340, 975 FARMS OPERATED BY TENANTS. | 681) Number of farms. 1920 48205 Jo2-~-patie-~ > - +. eee aaa 705 840 517 603 363 1,029 1,261 639 69 ats Bee ae |) eee ones, 5 SE ee Pi | 787 1,020 538 556 454 1,065 1,092 611 104 re SE LOOUS IRR . oc ce es a eee eee 661 1,109 576 556 506 1, 062 980 584 71 | Per cent of all farms, 1920 t deduce ~cupneis Las =. eRe eee ee 25.5 23.4 37.8 27.6 20.8 45.8 50.8 52.8 72 | Dandiin farms) 1920... .. cei. 2 oR. a ee acres 68, 375 75, 690 84, 025 104, 288 38, 659 156, 350 209, 463 110, 287 7 Improved land in farms, 1920.. /--acres.. 62, 672 66, 756 62, 810 a, 215 26, 092 130, 934 193, 306 99, 686 74 | Value of land and buildings, 1920.................--- dollars..; 4, 436, 867 | 4, 207, 422 | 9, 489, 767 | 14, 052) 146 | 1,565,565 | 33, 510, 751 | 44, 572, 849 | 32,431, 240 Form of tenancy, 1920: 75 | Share tenbnts. 25s Bese cats. ence ones be number. . 455 595 234 214 331 381 489 320 76 Share-cash tenants number. . 86 97 223 13 1 5 257 71 7 Cash teniatits Sy5.<: aie a. oe number. .| 93 142 60 347 18 635 485 230 78 | Unspecified ea. oe). ee Ss number. . 7 21 | 29 | 5 19 26 4 21 18 1,000 'adrés:and over % -<)---—-o-ce Se ee nfs e number. . Zii\ > Weeneee Sees 1 1| 4 2. | nesosss sone 1 LAND AND FARM AREA. f | | = 19 | Approximateland area, 1920.......-.-..---.-20--2-2- acres..| 364, 160 253, 440 355,200 | 153,600! 202, 880 345, 600 248, 960 440, 960 20:) ‘Tanke in farms 1920. - 5. cose =e ees = cee pee 2cres..| 330, 720 225, 635 311, 412 121, 135 186, 514 324, 787 215, 592 408, 165 21 1910 .ccee eee 2 BAF SE oc acres. .| 335, 624 232, 456 304, 226 | 129, 341 192,910 326, 311 208,790 426, 398 22 1900 . SSR Cee... 2 ene = «Lae eee acres..| 328, 734 234, 973 309,182 126, 990 191,761 330, 702 207, 265 433, 555 23 Improved land in farms. .1920.......-..-.-----+--- acres... 280,947 185, 195 269,064 —-94, 147 165, 937 262, 227 164, 030 357, 691 24 TOLO cote te. «gee acres..| 287,048 195, 827 267, 261 | 94, 575 176, 938 271, 415 155, 439 381, 175 25 $600: Sebel osc. ce eee acres..| 269,203} 206, 485 260, 145 | 85, 087 173, 060 258, 074 154, 066 377, 644 26 Woodlandin farms, 3920.4 2.2.5. fovea deka) Jems acres. . 38, 085 29, 068 26, 264 23,615 13, 756 31, 156 43, 265 44, 323 27 Other unimproved land in farms, 1920..---- 22... acres. .| 11, 688 11,372 16, 084 8,373 6, 821 31, 404 8, 247 6, 151 28 | Per cent of land areain farms, 1920...............-...-------- | 90. 8 89.0 ny Are 78.9 91.9 94.0 86.6 92. 6 29 | Per cent of farm land improved, 1920............-.-.--------- } 85.0 82.1 86. 4 | Tied 89.0 80.7 76.1 87.6 30 | Average acreage per farm, 1920............-..-----2222----0-+ 106. 8 | 183.3 199.9 | 101.6 180.6 160, 6 143.9 134, 4 31 | Average improved acreage per farm, 1920............--.------| 90.7 | 150. 4 172.7 79.0 160.6 129.7 109.5 117.8 VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY. | i kee eal Rea 32 | ‘All farm property..1920.. 22. ....-2225.2.6.. 002-0 % dollars. -| 22,387,602 | 59,981,427 | 54,943,840 | 8,976,873 | 47,388,343 | 77,406,404 | 18,769,023 | 61,788, 440 33 1910 .--dollars..) 18,548,141 | 34,664,600 | 33,646,092 | 5,836,898 | 28,395,306 | 43,741,686 | 12,051,162 | 40, 895,179 34 dollars..! 9,673,084 | 17,475,249 | 15,361,896 | 3,257,607 | 13,988,241 | 19,540,874 | 7,979,669 | 19,347, 259 35 Landinfarms... dollars...) 14,967,741 | 49,775,805 | 45,201,825 | 5,719,040 | 38,423,038 | 58,737,473 | 13,312,911 | 47,178,015 36 1 .--dollars..| 13,239,077 | 28,805,397 | 28,113,072 | 3,838,065 | 23,541,830 | 34,141,497 | 8,885,029 | 31,335, 149 37 Arey ---dollars../ 6,393,830 | 13,848,110 | 12,317,100 | 2,138,080 | 10,767,580 | 13,722,830 ; 5,755,110 | 14, 207, 880 . 38 Farm buildings. . ---dollars..| 3, 866, 240 5, 097, 310 5,070,426 | 1,555,470 | 4,397,220 8, 765,208 | 2,752, 852 7, 324, 546 39 1 ---dollars..| 2,558,926 | 2,961,135 | 2,828,115 | 1,031,380 | 2,510,892} 4,570,975 | 1,848,325 | 4, 690, 537 40 900 : dollars..| 1,686, 880 1, 793, 440 1,581,950 | 570,580 | 1,422) 050 2,470,640 | 1, 267,890 2,679, 870 41 Implements and machinery. .1920...........---- dollars. . 963,159 | 1,725,035 | 1,835,629 505,364 | 1,570,105 | 2,432,618 | 1,153,809 | 2,522,957 42 1910... ..-dollars..| 388,238 549, 233 705,791 | 182, 223 364, 288 633, 995 315, 917 844, 450 43 1900... ..-dollars..| 274,190 319, 730 339,270 | 166, 410 252, 360 391, 350 294, 150 422, 530 44 Live stock on farms. -1920............ ..--dollars..| 2, 590, 462 3, 383, 277 2,835,960 1,196,999 | 2,997,980 7,471,105 | 1,549,361 4, 762, 922 45 1910... ----dollars..| 2,361,900 | 2,348,835 | 1,999,114 785,230 | 1,978,296 | 4,395,219 | 1,001,891 | 4, 025, 043 46 LODO e 2, deeeeetes toc eae dollars..| 1,318,184 | 1,513,969 | 1,123,576 | 382,537 | 1,546,251 | 2,956,054 662,519 | 2, 036, 979 | Average values, 1920: | | : 47 (All property: per farm. 242... 2. fees ee eee pom dollars. .| 7, 229 | 48,726 35, 266 | 77531 45, 874 38, 282 12, 529 20,345 48 Land and buildings per farm. . .---dollars. . 6, 081 44, 576 32,267} - 6,103 41, 452 33, 384 10,725 17,946 49 | and slone per acre 7%. 260. Aon. beheteetee nae -hee dollars. . 45. 26 220. 60 145.15 47.21 206. 01 180. 85 61.75 115. 59 FARMS OPERATED BY OWNERS. | a aie eal 50 | Wrastber. of farms 21900 ves.4..0. 2. eed ccs ve ee oboe See 2,364 496 598 | 893 550 1, 086 722 1,704 51 | DO ee earl ae os aoema deo once eietet --| 2, 542 546 661 | 928 598 1,165 882 1, 820 52 Oe ee 55 5- Seen I -: 2, 567 | 618 800 | 935 734 1,321 |- 824 1, 953 53 Per cent of mil farms: 1920226. c60 Seon conc os Soames 76.3 40.3 38.4 | 74.9 53.2 “W 48,2 56.1 54 | Land in farms, 1920-..--.-......... 249, 247 87, 847 119,812, 94, 655 95, 661 164, 716 95, 959 213,313 55 Improved land in farms, 1920... -.-acres..| 210,773 68, 563 100, 813 74, 165 83,613 132, 530 71, 532 180, 246 56 | Value of land and buildings, 1920... ----dollars..| 13,916,089 | 19,892,230 | 18,036,385 5,641,635 | 21,506,153 | 33,304,036 | 7,045,423 | 27, 403, 966 Degree of ownership, 1920: | 57 Farmers owning entire farm... - number. . 1,635 358 375 | 754 385 826 462 1, 259 58 Farmers hiring additional land. number. - 729 138 223 | 139 165 260 260 445 | Color and nativity of cwners, 1920 | 59 | Native white owners.......... number. . 2, 259 418 544 | 802 470 935 668 1, 556 60 | Foreign-born white owner number. . 97 78 54 | 38 80 151 54 144 61 Negro and other nonwhite owners............-- number. - by ane || Sean ec 5S. 1s RO oe | se ee SP es 4 62 | Number of farms. .1920. rif 11 17 5 6 28 3 44 63 1910. 35 : 3 7 5 4 26 5 20 64 ‘ OOD 5 Sheri sob once es eee cues 23 6 16 2 5 24 af 15 G5] Land in farms, 1020. . .so2 Bos 0-45 sate tees os ---Acres. . 5, 200 2,111 5,309 1, 463 1, 153 | 6,741 444 7, 814 66 Improved land in farms, 1920............--.----+-. acres... 4,035 | 1, 520 2,922 834 896 | 5,196 250 7, 256 67 | Value of land and buildings, 1920..................-. dollars. . 414, 380 | 413, 400 519, 800 78, 700 220,214 | 1,287,310 32,600 964, 710 FARMS OPERATED BY TENANTS. = ee 68 | Mumber of farms. .1920- wc .s ek. tae ede «cso gee eee 706 724 943 294 477 | 908 173 1, 289 69 1910...........200+ : 858 | 788 980 342 521 | 847 600 1,383 70 1 See r 779 792 950 314 542 868 |. 743 1,385 G1 || Per cont of all farms,:1920 2s"... Loeeae a -- ss saseevetecsn 22.8 58.8 60.5 24.7 46.2 44,9 51.6 42, 4 72 | Landin ba | 1920 Foil ace, serge ate «.--8Cres.. 76, 273 135, 677 186, 291 25, 017 89,700 | 153, 330 119, 189 187, 73 Improved land in farms, 1920..........-..-...--++. acres. . 66, 139 115, 112 165, 329 19, 148 81, 428 124, 501 7, 29) 170, 189 74 | Value of land and buildings, 1920.................... dollars...) 4,503,512 | 34,567,485 | 31,716,066 | 1,554,175 | 21,093,891 | 32,911,335 | 8, 987,740 , 133, Form of tenancy, 1920: 75 Share‘ wenants 26 coc suck cow sac' howe. canes ees us 394 151 636 254 218 428 525 269 76 Share-cash tenants. . 138 383 253 2 184 237 226 773 77 Cash tenants......... 4 171 173 54 38 75 217 22 175 78 Unspepiied 22: ..).aooew aie sgeamee te tosenes cee 3 3 1 i ei Doe” eee papi | Be ee a QB i Mees owes 72 Color and nativity of tenants, 1920: > 79 Native white: tenants. s. 2.0... tsaecscseccs sed : 613 889 236. 447 839 753 1, 243 80 Foreign-born white tenants........... ‘ 110 54 2 30 69 19 45 81 Negro and other nonwhite tenants F Abie ta cee Fg eS ee one ae eee 1 1 Morgan. 368, 640 337, 657 352, 946 346, 854 297, 178 315, 461 315, 278 23, 293 17, 186 91.6 88. 0 139.5 122.8 79, 076, 154 54, 630, 174 24, 449, 410 63, 128, 212 43, 865, 648 18, 268, 840 8, 396, 631 5, 354, 822 3,019,970 2, 559, 596 36, 513, 941 “1,017 326 1, 248 94 1 42 28 27 7, 381 hee . | ell sal RBS aBerns Cronac 8 BES S3 38 7, 096 1, 725, 800 AGRICULTURE—ILLINOIS. 19 WITH SELECTED ITEMS FOR 1910 AND 1900—Continued. Moultrie. Ogle. Peoria. Perry. Piatt. Pike. Pope. | Pulaski. | Putnam. | Randolph.| Richland. | Bei a = _— | — b 1, 501 2, 784 2, 499 1, 775 1, 386 3, 381 1, 587 1, 015 533 2, 324 1,930 | 2,045 | 1 1,613 2 962 2717 2019 1510 3, 544 1, 825 1; 360 537 2, 535 2191 | 1,909 2 1,693 3, 093 2, 813 1, 962 1740 3, 995 1,977 1, 297 567 2, 458 2,187 | 2,058 | 3 1,480 2,742 2, 435 1,712 1, 361 3,279 1, 504 976 523 2, 260 1, 864 | 1,990) 4 39 10 64 66 | 55| 5 1, 484 2, 342 2, 211 1, 600 1, 350 3, 309 1, 541 738 403 2, 130 1, 891 | 1,504 | 6 17 283 165 36 65 16 33 130 171 39 | 449 | 7 eee 2 ee ae 5 a Ee en eR 933 (iat Sea 8 1 1 7 1 1 2 PNR es thine © o.0 205 Tltaesit eee | 361 9 36 41 107 32 33 120 17 rr 7 32 éi 189 | 10 51 54 99 53 39 118 29 79 14 | 43 73 | 109 | i 149 142 199 232 69 422 257 271 40 | 185 309 | 261 | 12 349 444 493 460 181 786 496 282 85 | 493 590 | 423 | 13 493 1, 136 932 643 508 | 1, 036 504 203 190 981 604 | 577 | 14 284 629 429 235 321 | 492 163 80 113 429 212 | 267 | 15 133 313 207 103 198 | 360 95 40 68 154 79 | 161 | 16 5 21 2 12 2 38 23 1B 16 13 2 21 | 17 Pe yds, 4 7 1 ie ers cl aa. - eee Ne 1| 18 216,320, 483, 840 407,040 | 288, 640 288,640} 508,040} 246,400) 121,600 | 110,720 375,680 | 228,480 | ~—«-271, 360 | 19 206, 781 450,722 | 348,711 | 220, 842 262, 071 475,116 | 192, 894 99, 787 91,262; 323,081 | 205,930; 243,773 | 20 207, 249 462, 010 353,206 | 2347 915 274, 937 476,810 | 211,484 | 101,372 92,596 | 393937 | 217,258 | 237, 936 | at 203, 946 467, 723 357,091 | 226, 381 272, 027 491,818 | 204, 920 4 95,405 | 315,857 | 216,634 | 247, 766 | 22 190, 031 382, 446 263,761 | 175, 906 252; 929 375,036} 130, 447 78, 806 67,623 | 247,433 | 186,161 | ‘178, 591 | 23 195, 180 399, 085 283,758 | 188, 305 267, 354 385,253 | 139, 947 77,311 67,887 | 248,154| 194,814) 184,800 | 24 188, 968 399, 175 280,996 | ‘171, 916 262, 714 387,999 | 131, 786 64) 825 73,967 | 240,660 | 187,839 | 185,755 | 25 12, 978 32, 053 925 38, 852 7, 534 63, 638 52, 698 18, 588 17, 232 58, 542 16, 961 35, 807 | 26 3, 772 36, 293 36, 025 6, 084 1608 36, 442 9, 749 2, 393 6, 407 17, 106 2, 817 29, 375 | 27 95.6 93.2 85.7 76.5 90. 8 94.4 78.3 82.1 82, 4 86.0 90.1 89.8 | 28 91.9; . 84.9 75.6 79.7 96. 5 78.9 67.6 79.0 74.1 76.6 90.4 73.3 | 29 137.8 161.9 139, 5 124. 4 189. 1 140. 5 121.5 98.3 171.2 139. 0 106.7 119.2 | 30 126. 6 137.4 105.5 99.1 182.5 110.9 82.2 77.6 126.9 108.5 96.5 87.3 | 31 63, 664, 019 | 101, 206,776 | 81, 407, 265 | 14,963,527 | 97,299,471 | 64, 482, 543 | 7,983,121 | 9,196, 621 | 21, 826, 762 | 24, 058, 163 | 14, 856, 008 | 54,345, 489 | 32 37, 534, 939 | 55,905,993 | 48,830, 949 | 10,471,824 | 54,602,882 | 39,135,794 | 5,227,495 | 6,115, 219 | 12, 080,595 | 17,082, 238 | 13,161,397 | 28, 296,437 | 33 14, 043, 694 | 32,065,684 | 25,447,701 | 5,671,481 | 21,780,415 | 19,580,313 | 3,054,161 | 2,957,706 | 6,390, 631 | 10,745,932 | 7,517,770 | 14,780,475 | 34 54, 369, 761 | 76,545,285 | 63,855,498 | 9,947,420 | 84,807,236 | 47,756,268 | 4,579,130 | 6,167,335 | 17, 237, 752 | 15,795,524 | 9,776,086 | 39, 083, 391 | 35 32, 114, 171 022, 805 | 38,029,668 | 7,193,913 | 47,372,391 | 29,304,031 | 3,113,415 | 4; 038,871 | 9,693,617 | 11,672,200 | 9,309, 303 | 20,931,081 | 36 11, 185, 790 | 23,617,050 | 19,177,020| 3,892,870 | 17,469,810 | 13,951,400 | 1,811,350 | 1,994,370 | 5,038,800 | 7,288,450 | 5,083,430 | 10,401,910 | 37 4, 793,325 | 12,954,483 | 9, 146,871 | 2,576,517 | 6,755,107 | 7,943,120 | 15,597,922 | 1,516,180 | 2,342,485 | 4,313,581 | 2,560,281 | 8,544,020 | 38 2, 645,400 | 7,872,040 | 6, 122,725 | 1,653,013 | 3,530,140 | 4/551,128| °926,755| 1,072,345 | 1,247,560 | 3,005,248 | 1,859,035 | 4,130, 125 | 39 1,326,160 | 4,414,780 | 3,302,920| ’900,260| 2,089,450 2730,530| 548,130 "490,100 | "651,130 | 1,986,550 | 1,250,830 | 2)192370 | 40 1, 672,635 | 3,626,486 | 2,589,906 | 802,724 | 2,397,600 | 2,268,845 | 359,472 | 441,472 | 841,841 | 1,556,270) 720,393 | 1,939,050 | 41 563,450 | 1,205,336 | 1,044,778} 310,044 734, 569 750,471 | 168,755 | 206,571 | 216,204] 559,245| 339,319 580,968 | 42 255, 920 684, 560 567,060 | 217,820 459, 750 437,170 | 138,750 | — 122, 240 87,900 | 425,660| 248,610| 333,740 | 43 2, 828,298 | "8, 080,522 | 5,814,990 | 1,636,866 | 3,339,468 | 6,514,310 | 1,446,597 | 1,071,634 | 1,404,684 | 2,392,788 | 1,799,248 | 4,779,028 | 44 2, 211, 918 4,809,812 | 3 633,778 | 1,314,854 | 2,965,782 | 4,530,164| 1,018,570| "797,432 | 923,124 | 1,845,545 | 1,653,740 | 2,654, 263 | 45 275,824 | 3,349,204 | 2, 400,701 |” 660,531 | 1,761,405 | 2 461,213| 555,931 | 350,996 | 612,801 | 1,045,272) 934,900 | 1,852,455 | 46 42, 414 36, 353 32, 576 8, 430 70, 202 19, 072 5, 030 9, 061 40, 951 10, 352 7, 697 26,575 | 47 39, 416 32, 148 29, 213 7, 056 66, 062 16, 474 3, 892 7, 570 36, 736 8, 653 6,392, 23,290 | 48 262. 93 169. 83 183. 12 45, 04 323, 60 100. 51 23. 74 61. 80 188. 88 48, 89 47, 47 160.33 | 49 —————— 638 1, 336 1, 358 1, 299 444 2, 006 1, 258 688 265 1, 381 1,525 1, 230 | 50 794 1, 524 1, 580 1 379 614 2) 167 1, 368 883 257 1,655 1,712 1, 187 | 51 909 1, 699 1, 687 437 796 2 336 1, 493 784 311 1, 696 1,678 1,353 | 52 42.5 43.0 54.3 oe 32.0 59.3 79.3 67.8 49.7 59.4 79.0 60.1 | 53 77, 291 194, 735 180,672 | 161, 312 68, 042 264,569 | 154, 456 66, 410 45,287| 192,593 | 159,178 | 136, 162 | 54 69, 225 166, 556 132,256 | 128, 920 65, 687 204,719 | 105,308 54, 150 32,440 | 145,587| 143,157 100, 647 | 55 20, 652, 631 | 38, 733, 532 | 36, 783,213 | 9,146,477 | 24,001,965 | 29,738,316 | 4,952,177 | 5,363,425 | 9,186, 707 | 11,434,069 | 9, 555, 147 | 27, 060,161 | 56 304 1, 144 1, 060 947 314 1, 509 1, 129 534 206 1, 030 1087 990 | 57 244 192 298 352 130 497 129 154 59 351 438 240 | 58 629 1, 103 1, 168 1, 134 428 1,952 1, 219 503 199 1, 232 1, 487 973 | 59 9 233 189 159 16 49 16 30 66 137 38 257 | 60 See EP 3 (Pincee aee 5 23 ON ee Tore nea eee es wene) 61 44 58 34 13 87 84 1 8 | 4 10 18 23 | 62 17 40 26 10 40 21 4 4 3 5 25 18 | 63 17 37 21 9 50 35 8 4 3 35 16 26 | 64 7, 918 13, 734 6, 260 5, 500 36, 091 14, 987 120 4, 878 | 1, 088 2, 152 2, 661 4,723 | 65 7, 059 10, 905 3, 877 3, 536 33, 769 11, 432 60 1,539 805 1, 545 2 518 3, 255 | 66 5, 821,640 | 3,223,659 | 1,371,750| 429,530 | 12,563,730] 1, 713, 980 5,000; 314,600! 337,400 | 156,750} 239,960 | 1, 430, 250 | 67 _—————S————————— —————————SSESS —————$—$—$—<—— =| 819 1,390 1, 107 463 855 1, 291 328 319 264 933 387 792 | 68 802 1, 398 Lut 630 856 1, 356 453 473 277 875 454 704 | 69 767 1,357 1; 105 516 804 1, 624 476 439 253 727 493 679 | 70 54.6 49.9 44.3 26.1 61.7 38.2 20.7 31.4 49.5 40.1 20.1 38.7 | 71 121, 572 , 253 161, 779 54, 030 157, 938 195, 560 38, 318 28, 499 44,887 | 128, 336 44,100 | 102, 888 | 72 113, 747 985 127, 628 43, 450 153,473 ; 25, 079 23, 117 34,378 | 100, 301 40, 486 74,689 | 73 35,688,815 | 47, 542,577 | 34,847,406 | 2,947,930 | 54, 996,648 | 24, 247,092 | 1,219,875 | 2,005, 490 | 10,056,130 | 8,518,286 | 2, 541, 260 | 19, 137,000 | 74 374 586 327 364 416 | + 804 275 260 76 802 301 191 | 75 347 203 344 3 348 273 2 78 574 392 63 85 124 44 52 99 45 42 549 | 77 20 27 44 4 6 Te ge eotae fal Peete Fda ta 15 | 14 | 78 sil 1, 183 1, 016 453 835 1, 274 321 228 200 888 386 603 | 79 8 207 “91 6 20 ith | ae 4 64 34 1 187 | 80 pen EG? | Mem es the pay Ty oe 2 7 Sree ipl te 2 ioe 2 | 81 20 AGRICULTURE—ILLINOIS. County TasBLE I.—FARMS AND FARM PROPERTY, 1920, St. Clair. Saline. Sangamon. | Schuyler. Scott. Shelby. Stark. Stephenson. ALL FARMS. | 1 | Number of farms. .1920 3,112 2,105 3,425 1,778 1,089 3,860 1,077 2,794 2 inal 3,145 2,512 3,579 1,979 1,096 4,083 1,107 2,913 3 3, 282 2,934 3,907 2,162 1,131 4, 254 1,164 2,901 All farmers classifie 4 ee sex, 1920: | 4 Male. (ise jen |. usee eee Oe eee Oe number... 3,020 2,032 3,308 1,735 1,056 3,744 | 1,050 | 2,735 5 Fertale ta2,36¢..ck. 2deeseen te. 5 Oe ees eee number. . 92 73 117 43 33 116 | 27 59 Color and nativity of all farmers, 1920: ; 6 Nativesrhitields.<.. owiaestias.5 eae en SUP 2, 840 2,027 3,094 1,767 1,036 3, 740 1,008 2,438 7 Foreign-born white............. 231 31 309 ll 53 120 | 69 356 8 Negro and other nonwhite 41 47 22 Wade, cals cistwtl| shea cet a ee al ge xe en keee ele ae Mae eme ene | ee Dea All farms classified by size, 1920: 9 Under 3 acres Be. eee 14 2 r 8 te eSe ee 10 360.0 AChesunen eee. PE sees... 143 74 268 26 27 92 | 33 85 11 10 to 19 acres 128 74 204 45 34 132 | 20 87 12 20 to 49 acres 323 543 379 177 131 531 | 57 201 13 50 to 99 acres 734 629 561 390 243 1,067 | 138 762 14 100 to 174 acres 1, 285 513 903 628 357 1,343 427 1,176 15 175 to 259 acres. ....:..... 380 176 613 314 192 486 | 256 378 16 260 to 499 acres 102 85 432 185 92 180 | 133 | 101 | 17 500 to 999 acres 9 9 46 1l 10 20 | 9 4 18 1000 nGHes anc Over. oe. ee eee. soak ae numbers Wy eG oan..t 2 Bi Reseo i ewcee 2 bE N MER rr, 19 424, 320 255, 360 560, 640 276, 480 159, 360 494,080 - 185,600 357, 760 20 356, 423 204, 193 496, 782 256,633 | 150,543 452, 369 178, 399 337, 442 21 364, 523 213, 831 520,999 259, 165 150, 586 461,878 175,719 344,921 22 369, 108 219,361 514, 256 262, 884 144,772 465, 341 181, 875 348, 23 Improved land in farms. ..1920............-...---- acres. . 304, 430 177, 288 461, 346 177,569 123,690 405,582 | + 157,447 291,795 24 1910 |e he o>.) eee acres..| 309, 541 183, 740 489, 591 176, 507 122, 163 425, 183 160, 649 306, 882 25 1900). ese os. 1. Sees acres 313, 649 178, 724 478, 809 181, 856 117, 882 407,781 | ~ 155,993 305, 913 26 Woodland-infarms, 1920. 2 S253 Men ke. 5. -acres 39, 137 22,420 24, 363 60, 622 16,023 34, 978 11,399 i, 27 Other unimproved land in farms, 1920............- acres 12, 856 4,485 11,073 18, 442 10, 830 11, 809 9,553 25,103 28 | Per cent ofland area in farms, 1920.............22..2..------ 84.0 80.0 88. 6 92.8 94.5 91.6 96. 1 94.3 29 | Per cent of farm land improved, 1920.............. 85. 4 86.8 92.9 69. 2 82, 2 89.7 88.3 86.5 30 | Average acreage per farm, 1920...................- 114.5 97.0 145.0 144.3 138. 2 1f7. 2 165. 6 120.8 31 | Average improved acreage per farm, 1920 97.8 84, 2 134.7 99. 9 113.6 105.1 | ~ 146. 2 104. 4 VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY. | 32 | All farm property. .1920 dollars ..| 47,464,432 | 18, 163,308 | 126,888, 240 | 42,622,339 | 26,467,510 | 81,302,334 | 51,617,247 | 71,676,345 33 1910 dollars. .| 38, 262, 763 ine 918, 384 85, 743, 114 24 059, 822 16, 138, 842 51, 217, 216 27, 082, 397 40, 298° 733 34 1900 dollars. .| 23,539,718 5, 773, 227 | 39, 773, 334 | 12, 807, 683 8, 157, 227 93; 238, 426 | 13, 334, 195 25, 444 714 35 Land in farms....1920 dollars. .| 34,200,066 | 12,627,384 | 104,592,408 | 32,806,138 | 20,536,871 | 64,089,440 | 41,167,097 | 48,021, 232 36 1910 dollars. . 29° 732,797 8, 528, 511 72,053, 228 18, 136, 897 12; 530, 195 | 40,749,002 i 631, 668 28° 019, 530 37 et 1900 dollars 18, 098; 330 | 3,819,950 31, 376, 790 9, 244) 520 6,089, 640 17, 478,990 10, 212, 930 17, 965, 000 38 Farm buildings. .1920 dollars 6, 942) 463 2 901, 178 the 733, 966 | 5,035,600 | 2,958,827 8, 833, 085 5, 141, 855 13, 014, 350 39 1910 dollars 5,120,135 | 1, 627, 470 7,318,616 2, 957, 615 | 1,866,892 5, 287, 501 2 810, 475 7, 270, 337 40 1900 dollars 3,323, 390 *900, 260 4,145,670 | 1, 660, 510 | 1,059, 210 2 630, 830 1, 619, 990 £ 148, 850 41 Implements and machinery ....1920............. dollars..| 2,786, 200 701,689 | 3,454,536 | 1,597,088 934,997 | 2,669,934 1,299,368 | 3,421,341 42 TOIG ose.) ecm dollars 865, 386 250; 004 if 039, 486 ”538, 457 272, 123 866, 457 41 336 ‘igs 032, 443 43 7 1900 oer. 2m cera dollars 571, 580 217, 090 608, 360 295, 190 151, 330 504, 410 247, 430 "647, 510 44 Live stockionvarms. 251920... Jue weet. oe dollars..| 3,535,703 | 1,933,057 if 107, 330 | 3, 183,513 2,036, 815 5, 709, 875 4, 008, 927 its 219, 422 45 2,544, 445 | ile 512,399 5, 331, 784 2. 426,853 | 1,469,632 4 314. 256 2 218, 918 3,976, 423 46 | i 546, 418 "335, 927 3, 642; S145 5 1, 607, 463 857, 047 2. 624, 146 ibe "253, 845 2, 683, 354 Average values, 1920: AT All propertycper farms, ..>.eekeeeeece cement 15, 252 8,629 37, 048 23,972 24, 304 21, 063 47, 927 25,654 48 Land and buildings per farm. . 13, 221 7,377 33,964 21, 283 21, 575 18, 892 42,998 21, 845 49 hand ‘alone per acres. t-+.. ..c See peewee eee 95. 95 61. 84 210. 54 127. 83 136. 42 141. 68 230. 76 142. 31 FARMS OPERATED BY OWNERS, | ta. BO || Wumber! of farnis 199020. -5) fee. 2) oe ae ee 1,479 1,606 1,793 1,059 573 2, 236 520 1,701 51 JOD oct. aclehaw! 1,612 1,686 1,836 iP 218 614 2,390 556 1,917 52 OOO Foe sto Son, see ne ia ee eee bw 1,690 1,980 2,019 i 419 661 2,687 666 2,001 53 | Per cent of all farms, 1920. egies oasiaic «ea ee 47.5 76.3 52.4 59.6 52.6 57.9 48.3 60.9 oF | /Landsim farms (1920 2° Pes te 2 eee cone. eee ae 162,950 146, 508 Ps, 098 143,792 75,959 241, 846 81,939 188, 530 55 Improved land in farms, 1920...22222222 2222222220 acres. . 135, 662 128) 478 208) 044 98, 190 61, 440 214) 245 72), 467 162, 488 56 | Value of land and buildings, 1920................---- dollars..| 17,616,981 | 11, 020,617 | 53,007,057 | 20,609,108 | 11,861,766 | 35,728,614 | 21, 696,145 | 34, 496,976 Degree of ownership, 1920: 57 Farmers owning entire farm..............-..-.. number. . 1,144 1,274 1,308 860 398 1,579 371 1,552 58 Farmers hiring additionalland.......... rcs number. . "335 329 485 199 175 657 149 149 Color and nativity of owners, 1920: 59 | Native white owners (..-..-<2c-tee0-.2+-+ eee number.. 1,309 1,543 1,539 1,049 531 2,135 486 1, 432 60 | "158 26 240 10 42 101 34 269- 61 | 12 37 TA ee ees salt oes once ale ame oem o se Cael eee een ae ts eee eee 62 15 18 47 14 8 51 30 17 63 | 9 20 53 14 8 37 12 18 Ce oe ee, LUO eee ie ote ieee nee. cae oe ee 15 13 45 22 16 32, a 19 Cag vend in farms yl920" Aa eco: woe aepe ky eeeeeee acres 2,192 4,849 10,780 2,905 1,675 8, 428 6, 966 2,360 66 | Improved land in farms, 1920......... pop marty Base acres. . 1,700 3,909 10, 158 1, 625 1, 336 7, 082 5,719 2,197 67 | Value ofland and buildings, 1920.................... dollars... 576, 700 359,480 | 3,134, 100 : 272; 275 1, 406, 350 1, 725,667 429; 400 | FARMS OPERATED BY TENANTS. — = 68 ij; Number ‘of farms: 1020.2. --osspees Sea ee eee ee 1,618 481 1,585 705 508 1,573 527 1,076 69 | WO1O socio cis So eeee oe ate, oe tee eee ee 1,524 806 1,690 747 474 1,656 539 978 70 | TODS: 2... . Sees a. «eee 1,577 941 1,843 72 454 1,535 494 881 “ie Percent ofall farms) 1920¥.5, 20 2. 2 aoe ee oe ee ee 52.0 22.9 46.3 39. 46.6 40.8 48.9 38. 5 42) sDa nde faritis, 1020 5.” ee. oe 2. eee ree ere acres... 191,281 52, 836 259, 904 109, 936 72,909 202, 095 89,494 146, 552 73 Improved land in farms, 1920..................... acres..| 167,068 44,901 243,144 77, 754 60,914 184,255 79, 261 127, 110 74 | Value of land and buildings, 1920.................... dollars. .| 22, 948) 848 | 4, 148° 465 | 60, 185; 217 | 16, 798, 180 | 11, 361, 657 | 35,787,561 | 22,887,140 | 26,109, 206 | Form of tenancy, 1920: 79 | Bhare LOnanis cusses to-. occ eceeete ote number. - 649 401 564 447 317 729 158 312 76 | Share-cash tenants 593 ‘13 591 144 94 589 262 58 77 | Cash tenants 358 62 342 69 97 168 90 659 73 Unspecified: 39.2 eet 5 oe. cae eee ees, 18 5 88 45 MNSeo eaten § 87 17 47 a | Color and nativity of tenants, 1920: 79 | Native white fenants-.J2 07 2. vescupea te cepuas 1,517 467 1,510 705 497 1,554 493 989 80 Foreign-born white tenants........- 73 4 CY ENE ae ees il 19 34 87 81 Negro and other nonwhite tenants 28 10 8 AGRICULTURE—ILLINOIS. 21 WITH SELECTED ITEMS FOR 1910 AND 1900—Continued. Tazewell. Union. Vermilion. | Wabash. | Warren. ahh: Wayne. White. Whiteside. Will. bs Winnebago.| Woodford. ‘ | 2, 536 2, 006 3, 587 1,053 2, 357 3, 769 2,419 2, 789 3, 385 | 2, 620 2, 185 | 1,903 | 1 2, 625 2, 309 3, 801 1, 118 2, 521 4, 285 2, 592 2, 898 3, 588 2, 781 2, 241 2,082 | 2 2, 840 2, 162 4, 138 1, 139 2, 496 4, 061 2,912 2, 836 3, 584 3, 146 2, 245 | 2,176] 3 2, 475 1,921 3, 486 1, 027 2, 288 3, 624 2, 335 2, 742 3, 302 2, 506 2, 142 | 1,865 | 4 61 85 101 26 69 145 84 47 83 114 43 | 38] 5 2, 232 1, 982 3, 433 1,037 2, 005 3, 735 2, 396 2, 252 2, 775 2, 524 1,714 1,709] 6 302 24 151 16 348 34 16 537 608 81 470 "193 | 7 Pf Roe eek ce Cl eee ee ry eee 7 eect tae. Be 15 1 1} %3 14 1 7 1 1 9 1 3 4 2 8 1 82 63 183 38 31 p 92 77 89 83 92 129 47 93 80 190 37 40 j. 138 96 95 91 114 133 38 171 441 384 133 173 866 455 | 168 178 | 715 158 92 396 595 661 286 458 1, 182 634 | 515 654 893 395 328 971 489 1, 086 358 989 947 666 1, 062 1, 437 591 769 797 547 215 627 125 526 334 308 543 698 148 402 411 240 101 399 64 134 170 162 292 227 58 179 175 20 19 44 10 4 25 17 21 12 7 12 | 13 2 2 6 1 1 6 3 1 9 eee eee 1 414, 080 257, 920 589, 440 140, 800 359, 040 469, 120 324, 480 434, 560 540, 160 287, 360 338, 560 337, 920 | 383, 512 217, 765 519, 338 128, 184 330, 136 390, 343 283, 849 415, 559 488, 230 220, 642 292, 325 292, 978 | 374, 528 227, 405 534, 385 124, 079 329, 135 408, 512 285, 027 416, 465 498, 651 227, 642 303, 080 316, 064 384, 146 193, 933 575, 182 128, 629 327, 200 371, 584 286, 813 425, 231 502, 331 247, 117 315, 761 | 318, 677 | 333, 857 150, 018 479, 152 115, 378 268, 233 349, 079 260, 061 369, 529 431, 039 183, 114 248, 081 | 252, 716 | 2: 328, 563 152, 218 500, 365 110, 871 272, O11 355, 337 262, 627 365, 211 444,611 192, 223 262, 128 278, 248 | 324, 712 135, 820 501, 098 107, 253 258, 835 308, 381 253, 169 371, 229 441, 803 201, 035 271, 245 | 276, 140 | 29, 976 58, 223 31, 269 10, 896 48, 060 38, 026 17, 390 17, 829 25, 608 24, 387 28, 973 26, 391 | 19, 679 9, 524 8,917 1,910 13, 843 3, 238 6, 398 28, 201 31, 583 13, 141 15, 271 13, 871 92.6 84.4 88.1 91.0 91.9 83. 2 87.5 95.6 90. 4 76.8 86.3 86.7 | 87.1 68.9 92.3 90.0 81.2 89.4 91.6 88.9 88.3 83.0 84.9 | 86.3 151.2 108. 6 144, 8 121.7 140. 1 103.6 117.3 149.0 144, 2 84.2 133. 8 | 154.0 | 131.6 74. 8 133. 6 109.6 113. 8 92.6 107.5 132. 5 127.3 69.9 113. 5 132.8 111, 606, 644 | 17, 390, 558 | 141, 257, 663 | 18, 613, 187 | 91, 785, 698 | 27, 056, 081 | 28, 228, 829 | 31,011,414 | 95,736,455 | 110, 380, 527 | 14, 378, 347 | 61,500,169 | 98, 704, 283 65, 152, 531 | 10, 440,684 | 87,092, 954 | 10, 862, 120 | 52, 135, 736 | 16,245, 414 | 20, 954, 467 | 20, 445,316 | 50, 172,923 | 67,538, 743 | 10, 594,473 | 34,444,174 | 57, 535, 274 31, 966, 188 | 6,061,780 | 41, 982, 950 | 5, 885, 850 | 25,686,257 | 9, 497,970 | 10, 950, 764 | 10,672,051 | 27,846,953 | 42,795,242 | 6, 583, 254 | 21, 492) 591 | 27, 148, 667 91, 744, 463 | 10, 867, 366 | 118, 505, 480 | 14, 355, $48 | 73, 401, 112 | 18,071, 332 | 18, 871,675 | 23, 347,954 | 72,039,781 | 83,875,024 | 8,507,181 | 43,460,406 | 84, 783,399 54,010,010 | 6, 777, 082 us, 199, 266 | 8, 486, 206 | 42’ 399, 171 | 11,195,917 | 14, 554, 714 | 15, 801,246 | 37, 888,347 | 51,897,974 | 6,967,599 | 24,627,929 | 48, 759, 324 25, 651,620 | 4, 214, 190 597,900 | 4, 247, 060 | 19, 283,510 | 6,580,520 | 7,297,440 | 7,873,990 | 19,837,530 | 33,525,720 | 4, 307,630 | 15, 123,440 | 21, 451, 200 10,919, 725 | 3,765, a i? 323 672 | 2/052, 425 | 8) 507,150| 4) 424 580| 4’ 463,371 | 3/807,818 | 12,018,897 | 15,382,179 | 3,091,149 | 10,195,500 | 7,315,077 6, 058, 970 | 2) 050, 54 6,812,900 | 1/239,570| 4) 436,372 | 2605, 900 | 2'948,847| 2/ 248/280 | 6,762,730 | 9,222,419 | 1,797,580 | 5,775,493 | 4,658, 990 3,477, 450 ” 954, 340 a 025, 500 934, 090 2 649,940 | 1,566,450 | 1/684,740| 1/259,150| 3,939,240 | 5,327,990 | 1-085, 750 | 3,653,910 | 3, 240, 760 | 3, 456, 986 835,663 | 3, 914, 463 934,936 | 2,468,600 | 1,943,400 | 1,073,796 | 1,252,773 | 3,395,899 | 4,348, 166 582,908 | 2,338,877 | 2,579, 268 ; 306,105 | 1, 155, 818 216, 182| ”791,202| ”522,210| 510,984 | 7 410,046 | 1,014,565 | 1,628, 357 257, 834 904, 015 825, 508 574, 380 225, 580 858, 930 164, 120 440, 180 308,140} 304, 200 344, 460 "673, 720 ”911, 690 277, 320 505, 250 515, 340 5,485,470 | 1,871,924 | 6,314,048 | 1,269,978 | 7,408,836 | 2,616, 769'| 3,819,987 | 2,602,869 | 8,281,878 | 6,775,158 | 2,197,109 | 5,504,386 | 4, 026, 539 4, 084, 439 x 308, 951 4, 924, 970 920, 162 | 4) 508,991 | 1, 921, 387 2; 939,922 | 1,985,744| 4, 507,281 | 4,789,993 | 1,571,460 | 3, 136, 737 3) 291, 452 2, 262,738 | 667,670 | 3, 490, 620 540, 580 | 3,312,627) 1,042,860 | 1/604,384| 17 194,451 | 3/396,463| 3,029,842 "912,554 | 2,209,991 | 1, 941,367 44, 009 8, 669 39, 380 17, 676 48, 334 11,479 7, 490 12, 820 34, 326 32, 609 5, 488 28, 147 | 51, 868 40, 483 7, 295 36, 529 15, 582 43, 132 9, 544 6, 191 11, 226 30, 139 29, 323 4,427 24, 557 | 48, 396 239, 22 49. 90 928, 19 111. 99 230. 11 54. 74 48. 35 82, 25 173. 36 171.79 38. 56 148. 67 289. 38 1,277 1, 367 1, 706 654 963 1, 443 2, 772 1, 485 1, 187 1, 780 2,035 1,212 860 1,219 1, 440 1, 898 718 1, 009 1,601 3, 185 1, 587 1,377 2, 102 1, 959 1, 339 | 991 1, 438 1, 357 2, 269 814 1,179 1, 658 3, 106 1, 743 1, 521 2, 185 2, 283 1, 375 985 50. 4 68. 1 47.6 62. 1 50.7 61.2 73.5 61.4 42.6 52.6 era 55. 5 | 45.2 180, 506 140, 924 200, 882 78, 339 155, 302 194, 586 283, 034 169, 624 150, 569 243, 253 165, 130 136, 911 131, 314 155, 226 99, 328 180, 457 70, 820 128, 717 154, 313 257, 055 154, 681 135, 760 214, 477 138, 758 120, 302 109, 600 49, 830, 601 | 9,050,926 | 50,117,921 | 9, 854, 813 | 39, 283, 886 | 12, 675, 827 | 17, 538,126 | 15,710,776 | 31,974,695 | 49,033,853 | 8, 780, 525 | 25, 989,784 | 38,610, 960 937 1, 283 1, 184 401 691 1,015 2, 335 1,079 1,034 1, 389 1, 825 1,018 605 340 84 "522 253 272 ” 498 "437 406 153 391 210 "194 255 1, 085 1, 345 1, 589 642 868 1, 142 2, 742 1, 469 924 1, 429 1, 985 932 753 190 22 115 12 94 297 30 14 263 351 39 279 106 Al ie a pb PF on Ree cme 1 i te eae eee WEE con acc cam eeoecoee see 11 1 1 29 32 67 12 11 8 11 24 36 33 20 27 20 34 19 23 2 91 9 24 6 26 38 4 15 19 20 13 24 8 26 7 19 13 23 32 8 21 1 5, 297 4, 710 16, 913 1, 716 2, 310 831 2, 697 5, 020 7, 122 6, 216 3, 660 5, 362 4, 424 4, 233 3, 084 14, 517 1, 498 2,017 735 1, 736 4, 390 6, 516 4, 790 | 3, 048 4, 378 3, 154 1, 219, 909 693,770 | 4, 824, 022 171, 000 785, 400 108, 000 163, 160 534,450 | 1,282,490 | 1,312,600 | 211, 880 929,445 | 1, 435, 790 _————————— ————————— —————————S=—=_———————— | 1, 230 607 1, 814 387 925 906 986 910 1, 566 1, 572 565 946 1, 023 1, 272 850 1, 880 398 921 911 1,076 999 1, 495 1, 448 | 818 887 1,072 1, 382 792 1, 845 317 952 831 "936 1, 156 1, 292 1, 367 | 855 849 1, 180 48.5 30.3 50. 6 36. 8 48.7 38. 4 26. 2 37.6 56. 1 46.4 | 21.6 43.3 53.8 197, 709 72, 131 301, 543 48, 129 161, 372 134, 719 104, 612 109, 205 257, 868 238, 761 | 51, 852 150, 052 157, 240 | 174, 398 47, 606 284, 178 43, 060 139,868 113, 185 90, 288 100,990 | _ 227, 253 211,772 | 41,308 123,401 | __ 139, 962 | 51, 613, 687 | 4, 888,275 | 76,087,209) 6, 382, 460 | 41,838,976 | 9,712,085 | 5,633, 760 | 10,910,546 | 50,801,493 | 48,910,750 | 2,605, 925 | 26,737,677 | 52, 051, 726 612 533 664 337 384 469 717 850 544 see 415 492 283 375 16 839 11 197 364 51 23 "158 12 34 427 220 32 276 37 340 66 145 26 | 823 1, O72 121 383 276 23 26 35 2 4 7 13 11 41 5 | 17 37 37 | | 1, 18 606 1,778 383 854 | 856 982 903 1, 294 1,317 519 763 938 112 1 35 4 71 50 4 2 272 254 2 183 85 Pees cess onl ceca ee cesee Meet cc 5c et aeeetoaalesnslee dade oa|~< - Ceeeeeere BU ce ens eee ee SEI eS, coe. seek OE on on = 22 AGRICULTURE—ILLINOIS. Country Taste I¥.—LIVE STOCK ON FARMS AND RANGES, THE STATE. ‘Adams. Alexander. Bond. Boone. Brown. Bureau. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: 1920. 1 | Farms reporting domestic animals...-...-..-------- number. . 231, 744 3, 750 710 1, 860 1, 284 1,321 3,164 2 | Value of all domestic animals............-..-.------- dollars. . 420, 213, 170 5; 945, 531 746, 951 2, 169, 633 3; 349, 204 2, 225, 808 9,592,172 Horses: 3 Motalmumber pcx ac sccackaces iecbe ca~-casanesee eaeeee eee 1, 296, 852 17,741 1,476 8, 844 7,973 7,189 24,033 4 Colts under 1 year of age. ........-------------+------ 71,008 ” 889 59 566 379 474 1,114 5 Colts 1 year old and under 2 years........-..--------- 89, 926 1, 237 79 796 505 592 1,710 6 Mares 2 years old and over....----.-.-.---2---------- 650, 248 8) 654 785 4,708 3, 838 3, 669 12,139 7 Geldings 2 years old and over. ..-..:-..-------------- 479, 397 6, 881 547 2,733 ai 219 2, , 960 8 Stallions 2 years old and over.-....-.....-.-.--------- 6, 273 80 6 41 32 110 9 Total valivete. cot Meee kee oem ome = oy coe dollars. . 11s, 708, 874 1, 471,053 155,530 578,303 660, 944 596, 444 2, 387, 584 Mules: 10 Total number... 5st. sese ees bee enone s+ sagen eee = | 168, 274 2,670 1,679 1,334 83 854 1,621 ll Mule colts under 1 year of age......--..-..------------ 29, 224 621 92 436 8 225 "173 12 Mule colts 1 year old and under 2 years.........------ 25,779 450 142 327 11 222 140 13 Mules 2 years old and over.....-...------+-+++------- 113, 271 1,599 1,445 571 64 407 _ 1,308 14 Total Valutes,....--ceateea = saijen seater ee eee ae dollars. . 20, 628, 517 363, 297 242, 599 129, 752 9,740 100, 300 193, 141 Asses and burros: 15 Total mumver: of -delsoesaae ss oe eee ce oe eee seem se 2,554 26 12 37 8 7 16 Total VAlBOR ase. ase es. ee wee teeeice pple c= agers dollars. . 419, 698 3,940 1,540 5,985 200 4,208 1,875 Cattle: 17 Totalmumber....-.3. 2222 a+ ch see s+ -ninoe i= <2 ete wae oe 2,788, 238 39, 800 3, 216 17,087 27,104 13,336 62,879 18 Totalivalues.. . :gmoeeanerne sateen « scree dollars. . 182, 258, 690 2,324, 839 170, 866 1, 228, 093 2,043,931 814, 155 3,940, 787 Beef cattle— 19 Total MaUMbEr. sce sos a Men ees 0 0'e «ae ere = ae | 1, 283,178 23,947 1,348 860 3,803 9, 796 40, 869 20 Calves under 1 year of. age *310, 425 7, 872 493 171 573 3,298 10, 693 21 Heifers 1 year old and under 2 years....---.------ | 139, 125 2,322 193 149 369 1,019 &, 800 22 Cows and heifers 2 years old and over-..--.------ 361, 909 7, 857 487 306 1, 083 3,714 11,977 23 Steers 1 year old and under 2 years. ....---------- | 208, 533 || 3, 183 107 95 656 1, 149 6,010 24 Steers 2 years old and over.....--- ee} 203, 591. 2,165 36 109 1,042 369 7 434 25 Bulls 1 year old and over.......-------------++--- 29,595 548 32 30 80 247 "955 26 Total Walwe:..< s5oc. eee. ee eNs - - Sana dollars. . 81, 306, 470 1,341,454 62,819 57, 102 285, 254 550, 943 2,608, 890 Dairy cattle— 27 Totabmumber .. 2.22. 00. . 2... SESS See ae oe 2 ee eye 1,505, 060 15, 853 1, 868 16,227 23,301 3,540 22,010 28 Calves under 1 year of age. .......-------+++------ 3H, 196 3,601 530 2,626 3,356 545 6, 803 29 Heifers 1 year old and under 2 years...----------- 190, 860 2,012 243 2,447 3,019 315 2,347 30 Cows and heifers 2 years old and over. .-.--------- 957, 313 9, 854 1,059 10,682 16,188 2,638 12, 296 31 Bulls 1 year old and over.......-------+----+------ 42,691 386 36 472 738 42 | 564 32 : Totalivalue:.. 02 Se aie se ecco ete ee dollars. . 100,952, 220 983, 385 108, 047 1,170,991 1,758,677 263, 212 1,331,897 heep: 33 Pobal number: oss Fs os oss a aoe eee se ee eee eee 637,685 || 13,611 569 4,860 6,353 7,340 | 13,371 34 Lambs under J year of age. - - 181,671 2,749 321 1,110 2,028 il 282 | 5,470 35 Ewes 1 year old and over..........---------+-++--++++ 423, 199 || 10,075 225 3, 557 4,006 5,717 | 7,602 36 Rams 1 year old and over... 18,805 357 10 191 105 213 | 270 37 Wethers 1 year old and over...........------4-------= 14,010 430 13 2 214 128 | 29 38 Totaliv alae. on. ean ott. geateeet eons dollars. . 7, 946, 064 148, 229 4,314 60,957 73,187 84, 058 178, 318 Goats: 39 Total npmiber ecb. oP. es Se Shs dente sete 9,977 119 17 4 52 109 59 40 A Dota VS NIG tee cack ee SUS Mee sate lta ee oer oles dollars. - 48, 291 607 315 25 188 501 362 wine: 41 Total nuimberiss: .../2Aehe 5b: ats eas.U.- «dee eee == 4,639, 182 93,629 11,527 12, 220 23,988 38,007 118, 282 42 Pigs under 6 months old. .......-2.--..---++2--22---- 1, 887, 329 45,968 5,098 7, 631 7,002 19, 657 | 27,060 43 Sows and gilts for breeding, 6 months old and over... 929, 826 17,673 1,373 2) 093 5,661 6, 495 | 28, 557 44 Boars for breeding, 6 months old and over.....------- 76, 148 1,365 143 O11 565 ”516 1,947 45 All other hogs, 6 months old and over ......---------- 1,745,879 28” 623 4,913 3, 285 10, 760 11,409 | 60,718 46 otal value. Sees. «Ue cto ae Tee Ces = ee dollars. . 90, 203, 036 1, 633, 566 171, 787 166, 518 561,014 626, 142 | 2,890, 105 “ POULTRY AND BEES: 1920. ST dG GKOns =. seh EPPO L: «> ana eet bees tee ate number. - 25, 120, 643 380, 845 40, 346 234,008 133, 841 144,685 | 375,212 AS Other poultry. ce. + -seeve oes number... 743,915 || 9, 484 2,208 7,399 4, 206 ; 13, 407 49 Walue ofall ponltryeec-cc.-.. so taeeeanee + coe tege dollars. - 25, 234, 061 381,791 39, 962 219, 229 142,922 145, 620 | 393, 443 BO '| TORS? 2 ae Mee te cnet Sone 3 ae me number of hives 162, 630 8: 718 923 318 a 056 . 51 Total VAlO.e osm. detepass oeo eee ees eee ollars 706, 833 17, 246 1,967 3,936 1,350 3. 669 9,494 LIVE-STOCK PRODUCTS: 1919. j Dairy products: 52 Milk produced (as reported)..-..........-------+ gallons. . 333, 234, 145 3,358, 064 315, 676 4,998, 526 7, 211,047 844, 369 3,926, 796 538 MPU ROU ses Seek oa eater Seri cee Seis ree - 159, 578, 765 "462? 567 38, 804 4, 583, 481 6, 878, 146 9,576 "346, 250 54 COPE eek (0) (6) eee eh APNEA, < hchll oa F : 5,626, 433 95.543 3,708 3,637 8, 19. 19,975 95, 879 55 Butter fat. suldie.c since ene 30 Jeter eases ae : 17,052,544 229,642 9,476 450 4512 52,404 193, 393 56 Butter made on farms. 5 25, 063, 897 392; 275 85, 500 40,751 15, 894 119,910 557, 849 57 Bitter SOle sest eer ses «awe e z 8,734, 470 157,612 29,113 18, 946 8, 285 25,198 179,509 58 Cheese made on farms....-.... ~he Ce ee ee ee pounds. .| | 117, 830 TTY 6 cn a fd Mi g(t Siar 8 115 8,195 59 Value.of dairy products). on. ones ec eecceee eae dollars. - 71,998, 333 || 609, 182 63,559 1, 107,079 1,813,916 114, 156 609, 672 60 ; Receipts from sale of dairy products. . dollars. . 63,614, 988 || 486, 557 38,174 1,095, 906 1, 809, 523 66, 699 421° 900 61 Average production of milk per dairy cow.....-.. gallons. . 354 330 308 480 438 318 295 Eggs and chickens: 62 Eggs produced (as reported).............--.---+- 101, 970, 733 , 499, 485 165, 121 1, 110, 090 518, 271 601, 166 1,505, 521 63 pre SOLOS. to. separ eh emic tgs eee ees see 70,011,698 1,007, 566 83,050 920, 288 330, 741 453, 347 "932; 043 64 Chickens raised (as reported)...............-.-- 27, 569, 514 522,653 47, 846 233° 342 131, 132 162, 230 405, 924 65 CHicktris sold stp re ceees soot eee ees meee 12, 482,811 || 220, 352 16, 392 107, 139 74, 162 68,036 216, 582 66 Value of chickens and eggs produced............. Z 63,771, 952 1, 040, 876 98,724 547,771 313, 838 375, 405 951,971 67 Receipts from sale of chickens and eggs...... dollars. . 37) 8647 702 ” 574, 696 43, 180 393, 552 189, 353 230,010 552, 502 Honey and wax: | 68 Honey, produced ’— teense. oe see meave< ace eee pounds. . 1,896,996 49,087 6,044 2,700 5,003 22,337 30,054 69 Wai DiOCICOd S22 teen Sei cele satoae pounds. . 21,908 247 8 70 30 382 244 7 iratt Vahre of honey and wax..... 2.0 te0-0-2<2000 dollars. . 443,318 11,369 1,393 643 1,161 5, 260 6,990 ool: 71 Shepp shorie 1.2 --s05- ence eenemereee eee number.. 444,941 || 9,143 159 3,354 4, 200 4,815 6, 872 72 Wool produced (as reported) .......-..........-- pounds. . 3,395, 470 68, 534 1, 438 26, 245 297 719 35, 983 58, 407 73 Wahtin <= scee atyentonn .:.= le eeetee. Sune gallons. . ee 1, 709, 949 9,530, — 1,956, 519 790, 660 2, 762, ee Bip sat = 5 ilk so. 62,19 65, 487 9 119,17 222, 250 | 28, 390 1, 441,31 = ven mr’ spd eears Lie toon eee ee One 42,210 28,703 £817 39,361 | 14, 413 62, 859 "70,014 55 Birtber feb sold eet se See o> eee a ney 139,010 182,322 1) 558 82,943 124,788 148, 018 253, 456 | 56 Butter made on farms.............---- 208, 016 228, 393 46, 385 279,047 | 87, 217 104, 933 222, 504 eee ae | OR MS) ee eee 5. | ‘ = Value of dairy products! : 262, 834 285, 480 2,509, 797 307, 437 | 139, 364 568, 884 682, 291 60 Receipts from sale of dairy products..........dollars 182, 855 196, 946 oy 497, 719 219,455 | 108, 452 530,515 | 599, 659 61 Average production of milk per dairy cow....... gallons 273 336 ” 484 304 | 362 301 | 307 Eggs and chickens: \ 62 Fees, pieae (aseported): jo eease sas57 oo ee eg 644 725, 664 758, 634 894,327 804, 096 1, 402, pee aes ie 63 PES SOLD.» ss emits ae isan a Saisie ae Ble SK ozens. 67, 812 407,715 455, 851° 590,717 | 720, 438 1, 181, 22 7 £88, 64 Chickens raised (as Toportied) . ete sas ese. Aue number. 203, 231 935) 543 164; 064 357,351 | 167, 417 204, 448 398, a 65 Jhickens SOlOs ee mamme ns = - segs eer ms - ces een eee a wanes number. . 16, 355 6, O41 ry 660 6, 098 1, 663 9, 151 10, 697 49 Value efall poultry .ss: coc. bol Laoge gackinn: .--.-dollars. .| 360, 172 306, 110 131) 299 | 229° 988 | 91, 672 263; 646 | 293) 634 50: | SBOS vc oo dE pen een ioe ener em ere ane number of hives. .) 3, 200 3,555 619 2 246 | 1, 436 ” 667 L 257 51 TGtAL VaRIG. <5 25... alaage gs < oeeustee ieee enn «Sanne dollars. . 11, 887 12 800 2, 524 | 9, 654 4, 684 2,913 5, 466 LIVE-STOCK PRODUCTS: 1919, | i Dairy products: H 1 52 | Milk produced (as reported).......-..-.--.-....- gallons... 1,778,718 | 3,091,119 | 1,344,663 | 5,822,728 1, 253,796 | 15,388, 151 3, 383, 811 53 | MING SOMeE. << cane fader nce sees osse eo eee z 39, 601 ” 128) 377 977, 920 3) 080, 883 16, 080 14, 949, 873 931° 730 54 | CresaiegGcesosicpeeveng=== >> sagas <= sc > Jae 2 30, 527 131, 197 49, 379 151, 834 19, 528 17, 814 63, 313 55 BUttOnr RY S010 2. hace. tee =i ee eee eae - 259, 827 | 503, 120 105, 371 493, 240 211, 925 31, 143 190, 294 56 Butter made on farms..........-.. «| 2297 244 268, 307 161, 050 120, 004 175, 892 61, 362 441) 657 57 | BSULGCr SOM. ian eens se ae =| 35, 254 | 43, 636 58, 019 50, 598 33, 396 23, 833 168, 310 58 | Cheese miade On TaTi8. so... snp cae cocuemauk -| 990 110 20 175 pacecsates 125 171 59 | Value of dairy products ! 4} 323, 122 653, 190 309,434 | 1,182,338 222, 237 3, 807, 636 688, 257 60 Receipts from sale of dairy products. alt 212) 266 538, 493 258) 975 is 146, 955 156, 653 3, 787, 730 557, 043 61 | Average production of milk per dairy cow....... gallons... "97 | 303 "279 ”348 319 522 272 | Eggs and chickens: | 62 | Eggs produced (as reported).....-...-.---.....2+ dozens..| 1,677,541 1, 545,972 479,669 | 816, 358 391, 884 824,377 995, 424 63 WSS RaROId -, . - ccatemelfemy~ + o= ieeehcean tna = sae dozens. il 319, 327 | 1,296,185 311, 175 581, 644 263, 517 464, 805 576, 332 64 | Chickens raised (as reported)............-.....- oumper ” 352) 057 | 291, 956 161, 543 218, 238 98, 746 219, 706 307, 852 65 | Chickens:s0ld' bee seaienen er 3, 210 1, 291 2, 100 409 332 1,019 383 794 3 | Mules, total number ...............- 6, 045 405 361 79 63 97 358 13 4 Asses and burros, total number 16 if 27 LON eenescaenae Serene a Peers { 5. Cattle, total: mumber. 2.202. ..05- 0 be abecciescsenabesaricie sine ote 5, 586 1,719 1,158 432 240 1, 234 233 304 6 Dairy COWS: 55555 Cates os an ce ese reac ent pee cmarece ce 962 1, 184 824 249 128 784 164 236 7 | Sheep, total number..............- 8, 754 9 10 SO NRe oo tweens 12 47 9 8 | Goats, total number. 106 5 25 1 8 2 4 13 9 | Swine, total number............. 23, 200 3, 166 3, 522 1, 158 848 2, 706 541 528 AGRICULTURE—ILLINOIS. 31 1920; AND LIVE-STOCK PRODUCTS, 1919—Continued. Tazewell. | Union. | Vermilion. | Wabash, | Warren. Yastg- Wayne. White. | Whiteside. Will. W son ‘Daso.” Wood ford. 2,502 1,964 3,511 1,016 1, 875 2,310 3, 689 2,352 2,735 3, 298 2,551 2,094 1,867 | 1 5,216,500 | 1,767,330 | 5,962,750 | 1,161,955 | 7,203,514 | 2,369,143 | 3,374,120 | 2,390,579 | 7,919,033 | 6,377,548 | 2,040,542 | 5,284,259 | 3,817,520 | 2 17, 809 4,648 23, 522 4,032 14, 406 9, 874 13, 634 7, 326 19, 213 | 21,197 5, 833 | 12,101 13,593 | 3 1,067 235 1, 255 205 ” 895 512 887 430 744 | 1, 082 260 | ”531 | gi6 | 4 1,377 253 1,715 251 1,097 631 1,024 492 1,062 | 1) 264 318 | 648 1,045 | 5 9, 147 2,382 12) 076 1, 854 7,210 | 5,015 6,978 3,300 10,119 | 10,559 3,062 | 5, 839 6,908 | 6 6, 085 1,749 8) 359 1, 704 5,071 3, 687 4,693 3,057 7, 239 | 8,218 2,153 | 5,008 4,741} 7 133 29 117 18 "133 | 29 52 |. 47 49 | 74 40 | 75 83 | § 1,963, 444 476,643 | 2,135,509 368,057 | 1,418,881 | 775,499 | 1,006, 267 662,165 | 1,582,149 | 1,967,586 542,868 | 1,038,196 | 1,348,978 | 9 1,344 3,628 25158 1,024 1,046 | 2,694 3,002 3,164 590 | 468 3, 750 100 542 | 10 158 355 438 111 "167 585 794 387 84 45 "551 9 93 | 11 204 429 271 107 150 508 761 498 66 91 583 23 64 | 12 982 2, 844 1,444 806 729 1,601 1,447 2,279 440 | 332 2,616 68 385 | 13 167,081 428,181 264, 678 122, 888 148,619 322,306 277,174 405, 859 64,989 | 54, 805 470, 867 10,001 62,500 | 14 8 53 52 16 12 49 104 37 5 | 4 | ree Se 54 | 15 1,940 7,530 10,579 2, 480 2,600. 11,975 24,127 4,673 310 | 525 eth ee pe 5,600 | 16 26, 398 10, 846 31, 395 7, 486 38, 743 | 19, 832 31,014 15,937 61, 448 | 43, 893 14,966 40, 831 | 25,093 | 17 1, 940, 128 561,280 | 2,088, 423 389,850 | 3,150,056 | 1,101,474 | 1,642, 806 816,731 | 4,229,877; 3,344,374 | g24/913 | 2,871,442 | 1,515,829 | 18 11,217 3,344 13, 776 2,910 30,563 3,197 16, 444 8,061 25, 455 | 13,319 | 3,967 | 14, 665 13,371 | 19 2, 822 1,141 3)817 793” 6,917 810 4, 486 2, 783 5,111 | 1,614 1,103 3,585 4,167 | 20 1, 475 "381 1) 389 | 424 2,029 | 506 2,478 1, 223 2) 325 819 "699 1, 738 1,625 | 21 4,044 1,157 3,218 | 809 7, 024 1,332 5,254 2,591 5, 861 2,335 | 1, 290 | 4,564 3, 764 | 22 1, 299 "411 2) 708 515 5, 228 231 2) 950 969 4° 930 1,917 614 2, 352 | 1, 828 | 23 1,270 144 2; 369 | 278 8,924 166 1 - 227 6, 762 | 6,384 126 2,131 1,646 | 24 307 110 "275 91 441 152 268 466 | 250 135 295 | 341 | 25 868, 367 159, 638 954,478 | 155,120 | 2,559, 461 131, 857 808, 332 360,789 | 1,731,900 | 1,219,584 201,805 | 902,591 | 787,089 | 26 15,181 7, 502 17, 619 4,576 8,180 | 16, 635 14,570 7, 876 35, 998 | 30,574 10,999 | 26, 166 11,722 | 27 3,453 1,975 4, 302 1,110 1, 880 2, 885 2,917 1, 874 8,029 | 4,972 2,568 4, 801 2,531 | 28 1, 959 1,106 2,234 556 1} 001 2,472 1, 694 953 5,033 | 3, 669 1, 484 | 3, 654 | 1, 403 | 29 9, 282 4,291 10, 689 2, 827 5,048 10, 661 9,751 4, 882 21, 828 | 20, 667 6,789 | 16,916 7,411 | 30 487 130 394 83 251 617 208 167 1, 103 | 1) 266 160 795 377 | 31 1,071, 761 401,642 | 1,133,945 234, 730 590, 595 969, 617 834,574 455,942 | 2,497,977 | 2, 124, 790 623,108 | 1,968, 851 728, 740 | 32 | 6, 705 1, 647 19,547 1,261 7,280 1,018 10, 094 4,624 6,107 3,196 1,541 | 9, 995 4,436 | 33 1, 480 315 12, 891 219 2} 350 | 236 2,310 759 1,974 | 1,145 263 3,049 1,295 | 34 4,972 1,199 5, 719 988 4) 444 718 7, 366 3, 679 3,978 | 1,905 1, 216 6, 661 2,938 | 35 182 125 223 54 157 61 387 189 143 127 56 | 216 | 189 | 36 71 8 714 | 5 329 3 31 6 12 | 19 6 | 69 | 14 | 37 80, 120 21, 680 213.797 13,025 82, 671 10, 806 130, 961 57, 364 80,005 | 37, 481 19,527 | 150,919 60,926 | 38 9 143 68 10 216 74 | ° 87 85 26 | 8 20 | 10 310| 39 1 696 487 63 1,214 229 169 209 298 | 59 111 | 64 | 2,547 | 40 | 50, 368 19,741 69, 333 18, 761 105, 679 12,11 27,344 30, 849 85,927 | 47, 262 13, 994 47, 441 39, 309°| 41 22) 672 117971 33, 630 10, 493 27, 384 8, 038 17, 796 15, 014 16,316 | 15, 087 8,931 | 12, 448 12,740 | 42 10, 780 2) 753 12,198 2, 499 24, 600 1,797 4, 406 5,219 22, 621 | 8,247 2, 225 | 12, 733 9,053 | 43 950 265 1,325 248 1,532 141 "281 "497 1, 464 | Cee 140 | 878 | 724 | 44 15, 966 4, 752 22,180 5,521 52,163 2, 635 4, 861 10,119 45, 526 | 23,102 2,698 | 21, 387 | 16,792 | 45 1,063, 736 271,320 | 1,249,277 265,592 | 2,399,473 146, 854 292) 616 443,578 | 1,961, 405 | 972.718 170,870 | 1,213,637 821,149 | 46 266, 789 111, 348 326,174 112, 449 196, 629 281, 811 458, 853 220, 538 343, 651 370, 200 152,185 | 192,735; 214,087 | 47 6, 728 2,841 12, 161 2,357 3,907 7,922 10, 608 6, 728 9,921 | 13, 707 4, 263 | 5,198 5,706 | 48 2€1, 829 100, 132 343, 090 104, 953 200, 993 241 128 433, 410 205, 334 354,914 | 392, 686 147, 919 213,022 | 204,177 | 49 1, 372 1,358 1, 867 863 1,010 1) 409 3; 853 2, 746 1, 757 | 1, 393 2, 425 | 1,177 790 | 50 7, 141 4,462 8, 208 3,070 4, 329 6,498 12) 457 6,956 7,931 4,924 8, 648 / 7,105 | 4,833 | 51 2,601,462 | 1,429,522 | 3,859,100 798,242 | 1,742,497 3, 687,011 | 2,524;246 | 1,330,415 | 7,286,272 6,48 ,.99 | 1,914,551 | 6,455,084 | 1,561,797 | 52 |” 638; 267 43,014 909; 642 40, 422 157,267 | 2)501) 884 51,528 42,568 | 5, 713, 136 | 3,93.,297| "168,509 | 6,066, 622 151, 199 | 53 107, 106 34,949 80, 000 15, 703 48, 567 54, 259 37, 726 | 45, 292 5, 600 | 63, 391 | 28, 108 41,089 83, 305 | 54 105; 911 164, 905 253, 838 113, 381 180, 545 80, 498 326,236, 133,976 or 714 | 124,750 | 227374 74, 373 179, 787 | 55 310,619 179, 214 546, 066 67, 972 252,001 81, 129 296, 387 160, 173 247; 687 | 482, 282 411, 208 | 90, 827 195, 483 | 56 138, 051 58, 653 214,574 15, 603 72, 237 29, 456 40, 621 23,791 112) 402 | 251,386) 200,551 | 62, 800 59,248 | 57 5, 663 25 1,130 4G ee ee aes 351 20 125 25 1,775 624 1, 300 2,229 | 58 544, 782 229, 314 849, 437 129) 282 342, 630 832, 832 401, 603 225,176 | 1,804,767 | 1, 472, 625 416,151 | 1,602,737 255,855 | 59 452, 266 173,970 669, 382 103,211 256, 189 803, 733 258, 271 163,802 | 1,724,608 1,344,174 310,282 | 1)587,569 188,075 | 60 293 "311 351 "297 317 350 227 260 367 | 336 294 | 396 | 240 | 61 970,146 378,230 | 1,217,616 527, 628 781,276 | 1,375,237 | 2,247,180 829,612 | 1,395,370 | 1,406, 710 683,871 | 700,454 757, 333 | 62 517, 852 237, 677 644, 914 377, 742 473,821 | 1,100,567 | 1,800,869 664,013 "919, 331 934,389 | 447,604 | 464,083 493,000 | 63 287, 635 133, 965 441, 046 | © 135,154 223,823 | 277/331 | 7384,382| 275, 724 299) 825 379,491 | 209, 819 191,217 231,617 | 64 132, 727 53, 632 181,200 61, 836 108,002 136, 445, 175, 493 120, 430 162,910 | 178, 223 72, 472 95, 789 112, 827 | 65 645, 858 265, 162 922° 627 309) 844 500, 648 697,537 | 1,191,002 521, 972 828, 923 | 942,175 450, 340 456, 745 520,028 66 327, 729 141, 320 436, 204 193,180 276, 786 499, 708 850, 335 331,587 515, 153 | 547,094 243) 314 272) 564 3017690 | 67 12,477 5,454 13, 307 8, 619 9, 305 11,000 29, 399 7, 202 42, 861 | 15, 798 12, 568 30, 749 15,524 | 68 349 134 32 76 20 "979 30 3 523 | 414 167 576 94 | 69 2, 982 @), 297 3,071 2,006 2,146 2,619 6, 772 1, 657 10, 025 | 3, 766 2,944 | 7, 256 3,601 | 70 4,026 1,516 14, 038 1,318 4,340 648 6, 953 3, 091 3, 841 | 1,779 1,017 6, 725 3,093 | 71 31,374 11,992 94, 480 9911 33, 631 5,333 47,919 23, 205 33, 731 12,994 7, 781 56, 715 22,935 | 72 15, 497 5,934 52, 092 4,778 18, 130 2,921 26, 909 12, 835 18, 066 6,774 3, 865 26, 020 11,097 | 73 : J NOT’ ON FARMS OR RANGES: 1920—Continued. 802 642 2,922 487 559 560 589 (ne 623 1,140 2, 828 964 428 | 1 827 489 2, 447 329 514 564 582 637 755 1,302 1, 499 3,110 420 | 2 102 243 471 7 10 105 91 109 14 21 926 2,066 39 | 3 seeabetste = vas 3 9 1 3 Ap): . 2. aeeeee Me is Pn ee emer ce om 18 Tg Ree 4 487 517 2,147 228 375 666 639 726 357 761 2, 220 463 516] 5 346 409 1, 634 199 277 489 444 447 274 591 1,793 266 302} 6 27 35 52 2 11 12 5 50 8 4 11 106 22453 8 7 20 4 10 > S : Sees 11 6 35 28 16 9|/ 8 1,323 1,109 4,978 1,676 978 688 654 2,013 593 830 3, 493 267 1,009 | 9 32 AGRICULTURE—ILLINOIS. County Taste TV.—VALUE OF ALL CROPS, AND ACREAGE THE STATE. Adams. | Alexander. : Bond. Boone. Brown. | | VALUE OF ALL CROPS. 14} Me) eae A a Me IR dollars. -| 864, 737, 833 || 11, 997, 072 1, 723, 555 | 3, 137, 996 5, 516, 248 3, 677, 734 9: Ceredlso- ck cc ee ces as sa taebcetenece sete seneencanen dollars. .| 684, 753, 430 |) 9, 151, 447 1, 054, 867 1, 976, 249 3, 470, 692 2, 859, 847 34) Other grains'and.ceeds). > ge sgsc.a- 25 aga naee bese seee dollars. . 10, 760, 444 191, 655 1, 290 | 5, 251 23, 552 75, 199 4 Hay and {0rgee. cen. s.> cseeenca. cece vaee eter eeseeeee dollars. .| 120, 790, 711 1, 426, 549 492, 329 819, 099 1, 805, 413 536, 323 5... Vegotabless.. 52. -se> a. sca asec ncec. Chava eusceacacoane dollars... 31, 351, 407 636, 959 130, 903 220, 422 161, 889 109, 056 6 | Fruits and nuts... 2 dollars. . 14 572, 750 |) 556, 525 28, 265 111, 654 27, 052 166 7 (All other cropes sat o.<. crcketeces oaceaecsostecnpeceas dollars. . 2, 509, 091 |) 33, 937 15, 901 5, 321 27, 650 13, 152 SELECTED CROPS (acres harvested and production). Cereals: 8 Total. ceee.. . ceca tenes cok Soe eea es ae acres 16, 808, 297 |) 220, 919 36, 088 87, 246 85, 048 68, 179 9 bushels. 493, 641, 008 6, 293, 772 639, 995 | 1, 351, 060 2, 576, 258 1, 934, 399 10 Corn A. Petese eos eee ean A ee ee acres 7, 908, 385 || 94, 498 20, 535 18, 959 28, 263 34, 655 11 bushels 285, 346, 031 3, 594, 497 436, 571 161, 520 1, 135, 446 1, 299, 694 12 Oats). PHC... 5 Bee ens om Peon iereinae nasties acres 4, 291, 066 || 45, 498 1, 176 26, 357 25, 223 11, 347 13 bushels. - 129, 104, 668 | 1, 403, 422 18, 135 | 596, 687 789, 934 291, 735 14 Wheat isk ce. Ow 2. So eee eee eee acres. 4, 103, 035 |) 75, 525 14, 307 35, 936 20, 0: , 15 bushels. 70, 890, 917 || 1, 244, 029 184, 819 531, 948 375, 092 324, 286 16 Barley Scetasencs code cones aa nas eur ecere te esee ae acres. 176, 792 TQ0.) .oscmatrcskenct 5 9, 460 81 17 bushels. 4, 226, 911 || LVSONE . shes enmecst 35 240, 552 1, 756 18 ROL, 5 Sha ews «sR UT ana s IMR eh eka a cae re acres. 319, 636 | }, 242 70 5, 982 2; 1, 666 19 bushels. 3, 872, 621 49, 381 470 | 60, 577 34, 469 15, 984 20 Buck wheahoct .° 2s aee toro eee we < cae acres 4, 138 |) BLN... oc ewegc| = ca, ences 17 101 21 bushels 52, 771 ee eee ee MPR mes. Res 195 944 Other grains and seeds: i 22 Soy beansiw82 oct. Cee oe ee eee. - wa eae acres... 3, 288 208 Ness oda csas ccs Dees ael sa Seat ees 133 23 bushels. 23, 812 24 Dry PeasSeeese sdb cece. Cee ac cnn. coe acres. . 15, 958 25 bushels. . 71, 285 Hay and forage: 26 Totaled Gi ake v..cincs.ctra seers ose sc SNe acres. . 4, 013, 476 51, 828 8, 667 34, 785 43, 126 19, 906 27 7, 063, 254 76, 369 17, 969 45, 159 145, 814 27, 254 28 All tame or cultivated grasses 2, 811, 126 39, 433 7, 869 21, 222 18, 200 18, 662 29 3, 448, 863 43, 781 16, 497 21, 451 26, 697 17, 350 30 Timothyrslone.sie oe eee Coe eeees wc cee 1, 021, 517 11) 286 1, 585 17, 647 7, 675 3, 511 31 i 135, 456 12, 615 1, 966 17, 395 9, 756 3, 981 32 Timothy and clover mixed.................... acres... 837, 838 19, 246 473 712 8, 252 5, 473 33 tons. 1, 189, 588 21, 257 592 821 13, 102 7, 678 34 Cloveralone: ic: U6... 2.) 2285s. Jase. Sees acres. . 507, 443 2, 283 1, 689 4, 483 35 tons. 627, 868 2, 319 2, 627 5, 338 36 Al falta cos sot sect = ec Pee eanio cae Cane acres... 88, 968 280 321 165 37 tons. 214, 670 | 623 789 311 38 Other tame or cultivated grasses. ............- acres. 354, 360 3 300 263 30 39 tons... 281, 281 293 423 42 40 Wild;isalt, tor prairie'srasses:. .ges-.s-c.+.5- sees acres... 64, 176 5 432 25 41 tons 64, 340 5 505 65 42 Smallgrains ent foray: 2. -ceeseadase 6 esaccs comes acres. . 69, 557 1,998 77 283 43 tons... 64, 247 2, 186 99 280 44 |. Annual legumes cut for hay..-...............---+- acres... 69, 903 2, 228 50 95 45 59, 930 | 1, 491 90 84 46 Silage cropssesen se - ecg. cose oes cee ees Doce a: 321, 068 2, 367 9, 296 458 47 2, 325, 010 10, 447 85, 008 2, 921 48 Corn cut for forage 671, 285 6, 865 14, 995 5, 270 49 1, 090, 178 9, 446 33, 186 6, 399 50 Kafir, sorghum, etc., for forage............-..000-< acres. . 5, 970 100 73 98 51 tons... 8, 689 133 198 129 52 Root crops: tor dotageiee cs... cos asee renee. wc eco acres... B01 Weta t ~ AOU on ce peamemne as aaa Seema eee 3 15 53 tons 1, GOT t te nO cca noeereme mins nme Dewees ae 31 26 | Vegetables: 54 Potatoes (irish or white). - cases eeen eee. seen mee acres. . 86, 384 477 931 306 55 bushels. . 4, 699, 134 39, 134 35, 916 12, 542 56 | Sweet potatoes and yams................0cceccece acres. . 8, 003 | 40) | caceeawa tenses 7 57 | bushels 668, 845 LSB hull sces wdc ws 518 58 Othervepotabiess. - cseree ack. c+. abe tees: mere acres. 60, 705 25 408 ll Miscellaneous crops: 59 STOO], COMMS a te ois cmcuew scrmideebes come ce ane acres... 16, 409 5 5 8 60 pounds... 9, 244, 739 4, 292 2, 216 8, 000 61 SOrshumiprown {OL SUP ssc. acc -seeeee ac seeeeeeee acres. . 10, 654 | 376 109 108 62 tons. . 4l, 767 || 2, 266 628 444 63 | Sirup jnadon- eae skeee cscs coerce tee e sees gallons. . 527, 981 || 22, 232 10, 757 | 7, 970 FRUITS Small fruits: | 64 Totalecs teas. Shae cmenas ate ne cae tebes co fe lcceeee acres... 11, 215 | 233 47 97 43 39 65 quarts. 10, 591, 818 |) 470, 494 34, 949 32, 207 45, 298 23, 541 66 Strawberries. 2... Sssassscaew as Semmens as, meee acres... 4, 985 || 115 33 19 15 13 67 quarts. . 6, 901, 199 316, 877 32, 102 12, 004 29, 405 13, 610 68 RRASPDOILIGS; -co4 cee eRe een ose aoe acres. . iy OP ae cofactors aes + 19 7 69 quarts. . 1, 945, 336 112, 482 24 2, 620 12, 347 3, 405 70 Blackberries and dewberries..............-.-..-.-- acres. . 3, 061 || 37 14 69 3 18 71 quarts. . 1, 365, 223 | 20, 969 2, 761 15, 295 899 5, 368 Orchard fruits: 72 Wotal See stds epee tenet trees not of bearing age. . 8,111, 211 || 31, 656 12, 965 12, 592 4, 944 (y 843 73 trees of bearing age... 7, 370, 283 156, 221 il, 210 97, 380 19, 152 28, 078 74 bushels harvested. . 5, 728, 573 225, 115 9, 309 48, 880 8, 148 36, 573 75 PAD DIOS = a) Soa dac~cteretenes eae trees not of bearing age. . 1, 825, 836 | 23, 317 6, 014 4, 927 3, 067 4, 059 76 trees of bearing age. . 5, 113, 063 || 128, 499 4, 712 82) 419 12, 364 18, 846 77 bushels harvested. . 4, 673, 117 202, 630 3, 961 40, 392 5, 894 29, 463 78 Peaches. . Stes ocscsccecostae seas trees not of bearing age.. 839, 712 || 3, 529 5, 927 4, 029 56 1, 381 79 trees of bearing age. . 1, O11, 325 |) 7, 996 5, 065 7, 101 59 3, 035 80 bushels harvested. . 449, 601 1, 712 3, 797 3, 956 il 1, 857 81 POAIS. 6. tocayemanay-sanetens tne trees not of bearing age. . 148, 810 1, 152 257 568 508 313 82 trees of bearing age. . 435, 707 7, 768 440 2, 535 1, 242 1, 682 83 | bushels harvested. . 374, 925 || 13, 734 1, 162 2, 872 1,116 2, 446 84 Cherries. c- accs- hese doneneeens trees not of bearing age. . 217, 124 || 2, 873 541 2, 361 810 900 85 trees of bearing age... 536, 458 |) 8, 241 456 2, 996 4, 626 2, 835 86 bushels harvested... 147, 783 |, 5, 463 81 783 1, 033 1, 814 BY) GLAPCS?< bccn a. on ec seoeee ce cuemes vines not of bearing age.. 180, 172 |) 1, 366 379 1, 560 332 311 88 vines of bearing age. . 1, 642, 527 18, 728 2, 154 11, 087 1, 825 2, 611 89 pounds harvested. . 10, 339, 018 140, 626 6, 150 83, 027 12, 953 & Bureau. AGRICULTURE—ILLINOIS. 33 AND PRODUCTION OF PRINCIPAL OROPS: 1919. Calhoun. Carroll. Cass. Champaign.|! Christian. Clark. Clay. Clinton, Coles. Cook. Crawford. poner De Kalb. s | : . Rares b Bes Hea ag Bre ) 4,021,237 | 7,647,054 | 6,134,736 | 23,800,535 | 14,653,557 | 5,206,081 | 3,586,434 | 4,692,282 | 9,562,436 | 11,470,714 | 3,503,145 | 3,376,986 | 15,247,978 | 1 1,715,533 | 5,314,601 | 5,384,424 | 22)484°803 | 12/985,642] 3,542,170 | 1,588,095 | 3,392,398 | 7,907,982 | 4/652,415 | 2)435,369 | 1/848/743 | 11,911,930 | 2 30, 214 151,140 |” 71) 485 76,316 | 85, 510 33,596 |’ 698, 865 79, 270 19) 266 1331 17,515 15,871 72,895 | 3 297/814 | 1,900}622, 4347 251 837,981 | 1,158,392 | 1,258,597 | 740,176 | 835,741 | 824044 | 29027369 | 900,704 | 990,395 | 3,048,153 | 4 147) 534 952) 426 | 186, 236 320, 224 327,599 | 204,751 | 201,891) 313,115 | 201,499 | 3/535, 251 141,188 | 113, 966 162,849 | 5 1,819, 987 26, 114 50, 715 77,605 91,478 | 129,760) 335, 595 69, 167 88, 662 63, 440 90,854 | 200,615 36,153 | 6 ; ; ; ; 9: i 21, 812 2,591 | 520,983 315, 908 7,515 | 207,396 15,998 | 7 | | ) | 5 222 |, A231) 28l,046 | 117, 806 1,115 | 137,783 | 172,303 142, 657 87, 316 73, 875 235,175 | °8 8 : ; 1,187,083 | 2,124 5,545,945 | 3,754,121 | 1,652,555 | 1,358,252 | 8,893,990] 9 "54,506 | 261,931 | 140,347 |” 57,745 |” 42,405 | ’ 29,590| ” 98,981 ”"54,259 | ' 46,280] ” 39,323 109; 839 | 10 2,110,142 } 11,112,029) 5, 208, 961 1,612,811) 480,612 | 314,397 | 3,885,515 | 1,485,835 | 1,110,218 | 901,204 | 5,085,706 | 11 | ; 54, 331 | : 25, 75 : 33, 481 56, 196 16, 448 f 4, 453,575 | 5,150,053 1,342,986 | 494/298 | 463/722 | 743,441 | 974708 | “1, 682/ 981 253; 601 327,468 | 2,529,138 | 13 2 ? | 44975 55,396 95, 458 27, 735 21, 592 74, 128 38, 463 25, 105 21,992 13, 473 47,330 | 14 829,083 | 1,017,166 | 1,975,634 | 335,891 | 2937525 | 1,059/384| 666,757 426,749 | 270,047 | 1227 101 933,640 | 15 50 19 | 240 200 127 116 343 5,377 110 i 10, 852 | 16 $30 384 | 5, 669 3,637 1, 669 1, 391 7, 745 131, 703 1,477 17 299) 257 | 17 Be) ee ao tases | ampee| eee baal ett “Ess 39 8) 451 5,871 10, 582 25,775 16,618 6,5 44 8: a , | > 2 fy ? ’ ’ > , ? | Eyal tes ed ae cd aes eS 22 72 73 5 20 | 20 396 SE Same ieee 2, 441 104 Wie i Rech 388 828 594 76 373 | 21 Pe aoe 237 22 31 (ova ie eee ee Ses Sees u 16 ew ee * 22 cee eee 4, 109 170 88 460 |... : 212 | 11 | A ees es 23 ee ae eee | ed cd ee ae ees ft | Bh) | se Pane ep 37 415 leg. 2 ee a 360 | 304: |e ea 14, 597 | | 15,922 24,475 | 37, 921 54, 722 59, 636 32, 374 23, 569 95, 928 34,829} 44,677 62, 586 | 26 1s) 009 113,896 | 29; 871 40,628 | 63, 182 62, 158 44, 125 47,272 41, 077 179, 832 45,083: 49,346 213,370 | 27 5, 549 35, 959 6, 543 21, 937 | 28) 372 39, 883 50, 401 21) 348 20, 490 | 51, 844 28/540, 35, 054 39, 279 | 28 6,611 53, 769 | 7, 137 28) 994 34, 642 41, 458 34, 522 23) 582 27,721 | 72, 032 29,053 | 32, 166 69,164 | 29 2) 021 5, 833 | 1,759 8, 409 14, 215 30, 817 8,799 10,970 8) 691 | 24° 004 19, 161 297 680 8) 213 | 30 2.351 7,675 | 1) 966 10, 241" 16, 076 29, 133 72M 10,262 | 10, 439 | 31,351 17, 273 25, 339 12,670 | 31 355 | 25, 002 | 609 3, 446 | 6, 987 6, 085 1) 93 655 6,655 | 19, 408 5, 424 3,764 28,073 | 32 391 37, 596 783 5, 483 9, 225 8) 563 1, 233 630 10, 043 27, 259 6,234 | 3,965 50,691 | 33 2, 807 £752 | 3, 686 9) 139 | 6,496 2) 049 559 8, 413 4, 269 1791 1} 500 531 2/115 | 34 3; 067 7,761 3) 474 10, 226 | 7, 877 2) 516 614 11) 370 5, 283 2) 627 1) 991 | 654 3,617 | 35 253 240 352 801 549 603 55 250 810 2) 165 993 | 837 838 | 36 587 561 825 2,071 1,307 934 41 428 1, 841 4) 884 2, 358 1, 908 2,127 | 37 ‘ | 5 329 39, 757 1, 06 65 | 4) 476 1) 462 4: 215 176 89 273 | 157 312 25, 423 g92 115 5.911 1, 197 | 300 59 | 39 80 1, 030 (5a ee ey See (eee tees | 1, 644 100. |e 15, 870 | 15 | 32 293 | 40 2 1,623 | Gla eee gig aga ag 956 {13: [Ree 12) 366 20 | 28 459 | 41 2 ) 76 4 406 501 2,107 1, 655 341 | 415 592 397 145 209 60 262 | 408 362 879 1, 240 317 | 427 552 | 247 156 | 43 524 | 1,196 | — 8 47 121 399 76 17 113 726 93 4 576 15 | 685 284 | 53 120 310 638 | 36 | 118 704 75 112 | 45 313 4,604 542 1,027 | 1, 802 1,745 | 823 3, 644 1,425 9, 387 1, 698 2, 424 14, 023 | 46 1,644 42) 835, 3, 502 8,953 | 14,589 8) 982 3, 598 15,236 | 112009 68, 231 8,788 | 10,646 119, 490 | 47 7, 932 7, 548 7, 460 1,053 | 7, 285 12) 300 4130 4) 925 1, 280 18, 084 3, 236 6, 612 8,794 | 48 8, 881 15, 368 18, 353 2, 805 | 13) 481 11) 054 3)652 6) 419 1, 984 25, 819 5, 941 6,113 23, 882 | 49 50 172 132 2 16 67 32 83 30 9 182 208 38 1 189 25 71 107 | 51 3 Cy ee Ra eee an rt Saleen ye. Some S| ive tole Ses tale Cie ~losicidet- Poteectaleiem ~ oS wlan SR at orate | V5: |b ooo 755 (RS A Se = 5 Avol oer pic Peer ee: ele raena (ES Denn A 3 Soest april ee 0 aa 150) (Sy Mee lien ae a 415 1, 048 364 849 578 364 494 7 485 5, 690 300 230 906 | 54 28, 633 39, 692 25, 037 47, 935 51, 756 19, 455 24, 526 75,614 | 27,259 90, 530 18, 681 11, 314 20, 501 | 5 18 137 33 35 38 4 9 ay ie Daren ae 993 719 11, 020 1, 542 3, 016 778 2,717 2, 459 1, 263 27 2, 934 588 140 | 57 2 pa 609 ”898 4 : "136 ats "150 crogit 19, 275 ‘ 56 287 | 58 Be Se ad 3 | 2 ee A 195 ch Lae 6,640. eer: 6 3, BBS pbrev 211 e3480 126 1, 450 500 10, 400 120 87, 260 124380 Wide... osu 4, 267, 251 50 Drak ite 1, 685,745. [sc ccee eee 60 107 ait 113 BL 89 *289 "172 BTabs tne 15 * 64 5 1 | 61 562 80 414 ul 284 1, 062 748 124 379 | 48 257 272 3 | 62 6, 888 1, 284 5,188 1, 467 3, 292 17, 470 11, 201 1,687 3, 404 628 3,476 4, 539 33 | 63 17 75 63 88 107 76 154 97 124 | 122 96 127 48 | 64 10, 306 57,347 36, 748 71, 095 120, 974 50,633 | 138, 111 38,583 | — 127,500 | 42, 155 44,379 74, 817 41,092 | 65 5 32 39 26 37 19 67 21 42 | 44 25 15 ~” 98 | 66 5, 160 35, 230 25, 333 30,977 63, 887 20,270 | 107, 904 14, 130 66,640 | 23, 238 20, 078 31, 499 31, 219 | 67 4 29 4 30 36 16 2 1 39 4 9 17 10 | 68 2, 859 14, 569 2, 094 22, 331 25, 525 7, 893 | 1,362 | * 414 28, 849 3, 750 4,629 10, 005 7,100 | 69 2, 02 6, 059 9, 12 15,287 28, 190 20, 03 | 19, 438 22, fi 24, ei? 42 16, 580 | 26, 807 1,185 | 71 393, 183 5, 741 8, 576 18, 635 15, 265 21, 210 38, 280 25,174 18, 243 | 26, 874 14,666 | 18,190 8,758 | 72 307, 399 24 546 25, 453 60, 655 61, 400 72,557 | 218, 417 46,073 41,663 | 99,059 | 109,432 | 95, 052 36,906 | 73 902) 646 5, 884 19) 382 29, 191 26, 637 55,426 | 151, 257 29; 570 28,107 | 21,145 | > 38,941) 89, 428 12,813 | 74 385) 156 3,988 3,659 117538 5, 658 12) 387 21; 723 9, 988 7, 865 16, 893 6,815 10, 934 5,536 | 75 294, 920 | 17,703 13,503 40, 046 41018 49,097 | 186,577 30, 663 29,949 63, 631 96, 433 TT, 285 25, 847 | 76 891) 317 | 4 693 12) 882 98) 550 18, 657 48,351 | 139, 191 17,217 24) 765 16, 548 34, 906 83, 807 11,291 | 77 3).993 27 2) 747 4,938 4, 855 4,981 10, 667 10, 364 5, 997 | 1,993 4919 4, 266 399 | 78 6, 304 176 5,778 9, 404 8,609 4765 19, 208 5, 848 5, 526 2, 809 5, 874 11 148 694 | 79 6,704 5 2) 004 93 2; 808 1, 805 46 © 2 1,300 | 5 : 1) 542 252 507 - 794 ” 663 644 2) 908 1, 534 "760 3, 685 "533 437 496 | 81 U 758 575 1,672 2,743 2, 503 11, 959 7, 400 4666} . 1,481 7, 501 1,796 2, 233 | 1,466 | 82 1) 918 120 2 434 71 1, 635 2) 937 6, 426 7,929 » 2 1,517 1,194 1, 667 1213 | 83 2) 001 875 1) 162 485 2) 922 2} 583 2) 241 21 1,855 | 3) 225 4, 426 2) 670 5, 955 6, 385 4112 2) 003 9) 393 2).979 23, 507 3,349 2) 732 6,858 | 85 2/053 | 964 1) 421 265 2) 857 1) 207 369 502 657 2) 944 127 682 1, 155:| 86 796 749 897 3, 580 1, 158 613 628 2, 514 1,417 | 3, 804 563 974 895 | 87 4,914 8, 988 5, 287 16, 590 14) 745 7, 579 7, 326 12) 851 6,996 27, 693 4,434 6, 938 5,957 | 88 31; 030 30, 823 40, 409 77,749 162,780 | 119, 921 88) 954 31,833 | 101,351) 169, 326 49, 785 91) 452 20, 325 | 89 & 3 34 AGRICULTURE—ILLINOIS. County TasLE TV.—VALUE OF ALL CROPS, AND ACREAGE ] | | De Witt. Douglas. Du Page. Edgar. Edwards. | Effingham. Fayette. | | VALUE OF ALL CROPS. | 1 Total an es. 1. - See tas. he ee eee dollars 8, 378,519 11, 407, 652 4, 997, 371 12, 040, 449 2, 064, 131 3, 262, 920 5, 189, 222 2 | Cereals. 22.. Ste Beis ob--h deeded. sno Ch ee b= oe dollars 7, 754, 967 10, 655, 556 2,718, 147 10, 931, 161 1, 433, 453 1, 884, 798 3, 368, 021 3.| Othergrainsand.seeds...- 5 d+ 3. fhe nto ~ oneal dollars 23,160 25, 509 9,139 35, 024 59, 239 144, 890 41, 080 4 | Hayand: forages .oce.....¢. Jah 250s... 3 dollars 434, 589 420, 897 2,025, 976 797, 081 445, 859 845, 517 1, 184, 995 5 | Vegetables .c-setuni!.-< cael dee ot See eee coe dollars 123, 255 129, 810 195, 499 199, 603 84, 304 211, 464 329, 324 6)| Eruits.and nuts: . 5.. ..5 22 Fa) .<-- 2 -GEe is RE SEES <--> = ae acres. . 92, 860 127,178 24, 263 124,258 21, 936 42,763 54,9 11 bushels. . 3, 722, 205 5, 513, 040 681, 201 5,198,115 447,055 444,261 608, 391 12 Oats... tet gies. aak BE eee ee ee acres. . 48,515 46, 385 26, 515 79, 969 10, 962 36, 139 43, i¢| Wheat pupores..| ”-ar'7as|’-30'088| “dred | aa’osy | “aass| aettia| baa 15 : fe a bushels. . 542) 135 664, 126 360, 760 530, 216 286, 780 304, 035 764, 007 inte (ae tee pee ee i ar 4, 364 7 993 2, 607 2,176 18 Ryo... heehee nether ee ad -. Cres... ” 335 "326 1,791 11) 736 19 bushels. . 3, 899 4,026 14, 693 101, 660 20 Buckwheat... je ces ¢lepa nso ona ee «ni acres. . 9 22 123 | 18)... See eeseees 24 201 21 Oe ae bushels. . 115 345 2,974 B40} 2. Seems 243 1,146 3 . | 22 Soy Deane... 20 ER asens eteas os eee Brest a) Ay Siete s.. Saal eo: oe 94 2 52 25 23 bushels. . LOO) heres: os 5< toe Se eee eee 818 8 | 171 56 24 Dry POSSseee 2b. - own 8 ee oe eae ee SS aches: 2)! Gee .- 05.08 We eee 8 so cra RAMI ote ene a Pat a 12 59 113 25 Dushels. .\! eo. so... co ea 5 ed tee Cd tee ee 86 66 1, 660 Hay and forage: | 26 ObG] i: Sieg. 8 ge ee. cee Se 5 ee acres 13,613 11, 860 55, 259 26, 187 21,364 | 50,071 59, 098 27 ; tons 21,617 21, 261 148, 560 41,628 27, 445 — 45, 788 67, 211 es Alltame or cultivated grasses......:..22......-.2%. aren. i, a | yer 27, 419 os 859 16, ay | te 0 ee ons 1 4 14,0 39,388 25, 567 17,119 | 3 32, 46 30 Timothy alone...‘ Ase ugh-..-qckee-e-2----: Be acres. ry 223 3,680 12, 565 10, 246 2, 087 32, 5a 30, 307 ons 5 4, 786 16, 871 12, 768 2,478 2 24 32 Timothy and clover mixed................-..- acres 2,136 | 2 409 8477 5, 494 L 600) 1 83 2} 740 | e ons. 676 3, 082 12,951 | 6, 754 2,070 | 1,721 3,4 34 Cloveralone. s.52n -p5,-<.2 pete «ei ae acres 4) 854 3) 504 2} 304 4} 957 2) 323 943 2}010 35 Aine tons 5, 632 4,507 3, 595 | 5, 706 3,054 | 1,065 2, 269 C1 eee eee came ot) Bl) ul RBS) Bl 38 Other tame or cultivated grasses..............- acres 63 "386 2 815 / 19 10, 233 313 1,648 39 tons 90 | 443 2, 280 | 20 9, 482 232 1,054 40 Wild, salt, or prairie grasses........¢..::......-...- aes. 1 Wash: oe One 2, 332 | 163 30 a ORS.) PE a 4 SR. Se ee 2,324 | 13§ 2, 1 42 Surall grains cut for Waye.2 00. 2 bes... - ee acres. . 31 74 ee | 47 797 531 43 tons... 31 65 566 | 29 | 703 537 44 Annualleguines cut fomhay.-: =. iateess:- cx ee acres... 21 31 2 | 331 422 663 45 tons 37 |} 56 2 302 | 343 521 46 Pilaze Cropge.f. ~~ -'< sue - ssi tence - < xs 1s eee acres... 545 627 12, 500 1,109 2,519 2, 802 47 tons 4,264 5, 912 86, 727 5, 200 | 10, 307 12, 299 48 Gorn cut {orkOrsge - -. - =... seen eno one acres. . 5 53 tons ll Vegetables: 54 Potatoes (Irish or white)... ..2..2..ge@.---.----aeeee acres. . 261 350 1,570 463 297 662 799 55 bushels 17, 164 18, 161 22, 783 22,930 12,401 36, 634 54, 734 56 Sweet potatoes and yams. -...................+ass- acres. . 14 O42 aon eee 40 31 57 66 57 bushels. . 761 SO50|-6 2. 2. Be | 1, 859 2,566 2,904 3,755 58 Other vegetables=<. ae... 2.2 - J2oRee ae J 2-0 cee acres. . 40 ll 604 429 143 68 Miscellaneous crops: | 59 Broom Come wee. 3... alig= 22 cee ee = eee oc acres. . 5 W089) sie - sm sees 95 1 504 174 60 ; . ; pounds 3, 440 O79 87801. -- 25-0 79, 740 460 261,527 38, 753 61 Sorghum grown for Signup. <2... 2seeen 2-25 acres 34 Gail. 285. soso 60 37 253 316 62 ¥ tons... 137 7h) 2) ae = 153 215 634 972 63 Siruppriade-¢ ..2 Bie... eee ae gallons 2, 082 SAN: Oot od Son See 2,554 3,574 7,130 11,926 FRUITS. Small fruits: 64 Tota) SIRS «35 er ee ee Beaches Ce acres 52 61 40 115 | 32 66 65 quarts 50, 302 41,059 32,160 136, 947 23, 537 54, 585 557, 651 66 Strawberries. 2s... =o et Pere eo ee acres 5 27 25 43 | "17 73 a 67 } quarts 32,743 24, 489 23, 842 90, 710 16, 706 45, 052 506, 325 68 Raspberres-c.- 5 7ameieo ane sce See 2s Oe), ee acres 13 15 (eu 24 | ext reco <7 69 ; quarts 8,005 6, 476 5, 193 18, 845 | 2,134 1, 438 6,128 70 Blackberries and dewherries.....................-- acres. . 13 11 1 45 | "9 he 13 "799 7 aes A quarts... 8,565 8,591 451 23,084 3,541 4, 869 38, 766 : te. 72 Tol Sree ck 2 oe st merge erie trees not of bearing age... 6,424 11, 199 12, 084 12,961 14, 722 25,519 38,579 73 trees of bearing age... 24, 456 25, 647 53, 805 41, 988 25, 961 95,969 | 160, 146 74 bushels harvested. . 10, 472 3, 325 11,568 13, 874 13,034 56, 980 | 177 B Apples; Bete. ssc eet trees not of bearing age... 2) 839 4) 127 7,103 5,310 | 4312 13, 381 17,557 76 trees of bearing age. . 13, 743 15, 989 37,617 27; 951 15, 343 80,935 123} 045 77 bushels harvested... 8) 681 2} 393 8, 754 12) 108 6,619 51, 359 483 78 Peaches: <<. 2838-5. cc oat trees not of bearing age... 1, 943 4 378 1) 206 3,967 8) 192 8) 349 | 14) 382 79 trees of bearing age... 3,171 4 400 L071 5, 162 4931 5,768 | 17, 235 80 bushels harvested... “349 137 eae "787 3;309 1) 410 5, 116 81 POSIS. eee trees not of bearing age. . 343 462 1, 288 831 - "998 *319 L 269 82 trees of bearing age. . 1,355 1,331 3,376 | 1, 860 1, 400 3,789 9,506 83 ! bushels harvested . -| 351 87 953 "986 13057 2,790 12,798 S84 Cherries 329) 1-252 Se oe ete trees not of bearing age. . 843 1, 494 1,710 1, 826 ie 454 2) 125 3, 888 85 trees of bearing age. . 4, 308 2, 469 10, 453 4,877 2,061 2, 694 5, 862 86 bushels harvested. . 909 124 1, 821 550 526 434 806 87 1 (Grapes... 2 Aee ..2<~ so -beeace ace . vines not of bearing age. . 580 724 2, 056 1,170 501 353 1, 200 88 vines of bearing age. . 5, 890 7,116 23,942 4,980 4,198 10, 275 13, 847 89 pounds harvested. . 107, 588 47, 875 90, 276 70, 280 | 34,514 67,126 82,039 } —~_ Ford. 10, 474, =a 9, 673, 66 Re vee SS a PA 8 bo, a PN 8 o Franklin. AGRICULTURE—ILLINOIS. 35 AND PRODUCTION OF PRINCIPAL CROPS: 1919—Continued. Fulton. Gallatin. | Greene, Grundy. | Hamilton.| Hancock. Hardin. |Henderson.| Henry Iroquois. Jackson. 13, 537,507 | 3,099,727 | 9,075,936 | 8,205,682 | 2,787,378 | 13, 112,058 855,705 | 5,952,819 | 15,746,081 | 21,474,008 | 4,675,271 | 1 10,538,908 | 2/549,620 | 7,279,383 | 7,557,706 | 1,541;200 | 10,551,329 478, 575 | 5,192,713 | 12,852,323 | 19,938,468 | 2,763,808 | 2 379, 779 20, 711 22) 0: 55,738 | 131, 187 277, 730 38, 269 77, 923 67, 005 70,368 | 3 2, 193, 581 340,261 | 1,222, 462 522, 847 816,550} 1,683, 590 241, 025 572,499 | 2,504,494] 1,098,451 965,237 | 4 277, 439 117, 424 271, 224 59, 157 148) 136 280, 190 75, 640 110, 216 262, 826 333, 676 480,243 | 5 137, 521 59, 520 276, 245 10, 099 129, 441 305, 373 45, 716 36, 739 39, 604 33, 410 371,606 | 6 10, 279 12,191 4, 576 135 20, 864 13, 846 12) 966 2, 383 8,911 2,998 24,009 | 7 218, 247 78, 380 157, 698 180, 843 74, 366 237, 154 16,981 | . 113, 243 260, 884 | 503, 779 110,028} 8 7,066,377 | 1,581,414 | 4,386,242 | 5,672,113 990,388 | 7,463, 897 322,374 | 3,667,834.| 9,747,124 | 16,676,770 | 1,550,831 | 9 105, 853 40, 71,970 87,321 35, 004 102, 612 14,173 | ” 62,535 146, 430 254) 005 34, 10 4,464,008 | 1,003/559 | 2,770,951 | 3,306, 486 491,991 | 4,065,339 289,570 | 2,563,050] 6,587,017| 9,047,521 536,358 | 11 37, 306 7, 007 7,67 55, 662 12; 600 50, 362 703 19, 504 75, 295 215, 664 10, 306 | 12 1,151, 674 125, 030 203} 544 | 1,713,317 189, 185 1, 865, 165 9, 559 618, 833 2, 449, 223 7, 084, 186 174, 270 | 13 70,111 30, 503 77, 055 33, 26, 483 60, 714 2) 086 19, 425 22, 423 | 28,701 | 65,067 | 14 1, 382, 041 450,637 | 1,400,847 590, 511 304,089 | 1,216, 445 23, 110 355, 146 4247981 | 478,633 837, 812 | 15 311 25 13 392 48 S412 PS oak 528 6,515 "645 91 | 16 7,651 590 239 8, 745 687 14,108: |): ewe 11, 044 143) 884 14, 362 868 | 17 4,513 175 968 4, 301 231 22,743 19 11, 239 10, 189 4 634 200 | 18 58, 810 998 10, 461 51, 449 1, 436 303, 230 135 119, 521 140; 972 49, 950 1,488 | 19 1 70 LOGIN. Premise sienna. tS sdaces endo s- "126 3 | 20 2 LOO ii OMNES COCR 2 ee So oe 1,950 25 | 21 101 1205 eek tect 17 67 26 | 22 436 80; eer. 2 154 538 | 97 | 23 20 84 81 Ee certwicke wo 785 | 24 | 153 159 420 7. eee © ee 1,813 | 25 62, 700 13, 151 | 35, 437 | 16, 023 49,298 | 51, 344 10,969 | 16,799 60, 185 35, 381 | 34,491 | 26 109,785 15,356 87, 583 30, 743 46, 142 91, 715 11, 590 29, 192 143, 593 | 59, 277 | 15,144 | 27 48, 007 11, 580 | 15, 728 10, 863 36, 156 41, 579 7,710 13, 739 48, 763 29, 688 | 26,909 | 28 73, 551 12, 512 20, 912 13,677 33, 174 | 52, 826 8) 180 ) 18, 303 74, 964 34, 328 31, 848 | 29 8, 267 3, 482 9, 981 2,932 | 6, 348 9, 036 2) 048 +, 864 10, 763 11, 093 8,733 | 30 10, 947 3,956 11, 736 3, 420 | 6,938 11,049 2,184 5, 840 14, 926 12, 031 | 9, 874 | 31 21, 217 1,576 2, 427 3,091 | 1, 439 20, 981 2,291 5, 962 27, 301 8, 033 | 6,043 | 32 35, 015 1,800 | 4,124 3, 694 1, 867 26, 622 2, 689 | 8, 849 41, 966 12, 113 | 7,001 | 33 16, 863 5,102 | 2, 464 3, 570 3, 299 11,010 1,035 2,514 9, 157 9, 421 | 9,691 | 34 23; 491 5, 243 2965 £515 3,399 | 14,019 1,101 2) 898 13, 933 | 8, 446 10, 873 | 35 1, 496 163 715 | 982. 173 486 212 | 348 1, 440 | 837 1,250 | 36 3, 843 356 1,928 | 1, 808 358 1,042 462 | 667 3, 960 | 1, 413 2,969 | 37 164 1, 257 141 | 288 24, 897 66 2,124 51 102 304 1,192 | 38 255 1,147 159 | 240 20, 612 94 | 1, 744 | 49 179 325 1,131 | 39 9 29 10 | 2,340 330 7 | 9) 89 645 | 312 297 | 40 23 38 25 | 2,028 297 11} 6 140 930 | 290 197 | 41 481 268 477 | 55 1,513 210) 1,178 | 193 148 | 240 856 | 42 501 268 561 66 1,479 303 | 941 156 291 | 261 888 | 43 48 444 302 30 | 2,725 14 | 863 | 395 76 | 109 2,610 | 44 61 365 343 23 | 2,153 14 | 769 | 708 92 | 124 2,281 | 45 2,311 172 3,357 | 2, 061 375 3, 379 | 229 921 6, 887 2,460 2,066 | 46 18, 233 914 26, 091 13; 533 | 1,320 25, 341 | 828 | 6,221 59, 037 | 19, 020 7,392 | 47 - 11,640 585 15, 545 | ”566| + 7,987 3, 624 2, 490 1,721 | 48 17,151 1, 165 39,621 | 1, 243 7,517 8, 223 5,089 2,499 | 49 204 73 18 108 212 38 | 82 32 | 50 265 94 30 | 173 202 43 165 39 | 51 oe Ot eee te SODREOA |oe OSES Set cc SS eae SPREE ee glee See Odes wll Oe = ROC e REE | SoA SSS ee Be 52 b Bey See | Saas Soe 735 219 642 151 234 938 977 1,146 | 54 40, 830 17, 167 49, 153 4, 309 13, 270 38, 501 28, 334 80, 495 | 55 42 25 45 | 1| 82 14 24 462 | 56 2, 125 2,133 2, 848 34 7,347 550 892 34,884 | 57 80 204 70 294 5 839 | 3, 952 455 | 58 1 1 Ses Gh AO Weeden Ser 72 | 59 453 317 3,927 60 32, 220 55 28,339 | 60 132 77 305 173 67 39 266 | 61 529 415 926 645 5 236 227 1, 239 | 62 5, 544 5, 144 11, 797 8, 567 8, 187 1,631 3, 449 2,025 13,611 | 63 208 9 72 17 55 180 4 47 124 71 132 | 64 144,771 6, 369 55, 427 8,949 23, 631 316, 213 2,185 71, 001 128, 393 52, 126 82,673 | 65 73 2 22 7 8 122 1 25 60 31 76 | 66 73, 444 1,796 27, 607 5, 380 5, 454 | 269, 387 524 54, 205 91, 261 36, 290 58, 698 | 67 75 1 | 2 1 SA eeE ee 12 48 17 14 | 68 40, 952 734 13, 342 1, 965 673 38, 574 276 12, 736 27, 881 8,003 10, 820 | 69 48 F 4 32 | 3 29 | 20 1 7 13 17 40 | 70 25,616 2,859 11, 572 | 725 9, 362 | 6, 436 175 | 2, 882 7, 364 | 767 11,070 | 71 | | 32, 122 11, 854 34, 250 | 2,607 20, 209 19, 600 10, 695 2, 543 16,094 | 11, 469 126, 890 | 72 96, 464 22,120 80, 508 12) 628 89, 469 | 95,639 | 23,791 20,977 55, 636 56, 973 124, 513 | 73 48, 312 26, 357 127, 252 3, 238 58,979 55,018 | 19, 750 10, 609 4, 507 | 7, 753 162,323 | 74 13, 432 5, 872 19, 864 1,065 5, 552 | 11, 583 5, 637 1,773 8, 469 | 4,313 58,779 | 75 55, 724 14, 982 61, 222 7, 258 68, 258 61, 214 12, 912 16, 212 36, 778 | 36, 138 76,515 | 76 34, 213 22) 154 113, 712 2, 369 49, 302 36, 354 12, 287 8, 574 2,715 6,771 116, 282 | 77 7, 539 * 842 10, 215 383 10, 833 3,718 | 3, 209 342 2,342 3, 728 62, 504 | 78 15, 700 4, 490 10, 449 707 13, 534 10, 275 7, 257 737 4, 632 7, 639 35,311 | 79 115 2,207 8) 034 2 6, yi 82 5, 083 25 42 97 |- 23, 432 | 80 1,615 164 574 262 1,474 395 100 1,395 998 1, 234 | 81 6, 270 410 1, 887 1,825 1, 308 8, 501 859 1, 229 2) 399 3,701 6,400 | 82 8, 221 683 2 333 361 ” 398 10, 359 964 1,278 342 355 17, 737 | 83 7,694 684 2 742 706 2, 455 | 2) 034 1,191 241 2,921 1,935 2,915 | 84 12, 376 1, 100 4 398 2,100 3, 174 9, 847 1,517 1,602 8, 714 7,610 3,012 | 85 4,355 421 2) 091 494 ” 809 6,114 626 647 1, 382 406 1, 821 | 86 2,135 131 8, 085 417 811 7,447 379 104 1,722 1,079 5,377 | 87 11, 423 5,275 6, 028 3, 374 7, 220 372, 680 1, 946 2,318 , 800 13, 472 9,698 | 88 144, 065 17, 816 48, 055 23,152 36, 362; 2, 148) 662 15, 987 18,713 61, 046 122, 325 44,914 | 89 36 NDAOP ON Kendall. 7,189, 192 6, 201, 118 37, 872 50, 669 12,521 248 AGRICULTURE—ILLINOIS, County Taste IV.—VALUE OF ALL CROPS, AND ACREAGE Jasper. Jefferson. Jersey. Jo Daviess. | Johnson. Kane. Kankakee. VALUE OF ALL CROPS. | Total 20240. .U.... eee eek, TS eae dollars 4,302,194 | 3,309,861 | 4,462,927 7,027,932 | 2,210,447 | 10,878,566 | 12,150, 883 Goreals .o.,. eee Set 29. REA ds Sa ee dollars. 2,122,334 | 1,507,719 | 3,534,347 | 4,056, S61 986,686 | 7,065,379 | 10,379, 719 Other grains and geeds..5 Jose. e-- == = obec meee dollars. ..| 320, 508 170,719 5,953 201, 664 4,408 12, 642 49, 126 | Hay and forage....... ee -dollars..| 1,334,429 | 1,079,334 573,409 | 2,438, 233 630,991 | 3,489,130 | 1,372,709 Vegetables....... i -dollars. 195, 014 310, 669 164, 248 272, 636 226, 351 254,225 270, 718 Fenitsiand nuts.aic......e.20- =0250 Seek -dollars..| 252,576 297, 846 175, 439 25, 111 314, 148 57, 157 43, 217 Alliother cropatos. «2.5. ne16 8: se ees eee dollars. . 77, 333 13,574 9, 531 33, 427 47, 863 33 35, 394 =" === SS —————————— SELECTED CROPS (acres harvested and production). Cereals: | Total: 2: 5508. sfc. Jes: -. Sa ee; . 2: sede sok REE Son eee acres... 69 56 6 4S70 ene, ae 13,978 1,089 bushels. - | 859 733 794 100) 372) ea. See 388, 759 24,716 Rye: 2) See .k zo. CR eae eee eee he oe acres. .| 7, 076 460 230 841 24 4,270 12, 439 tee bushels. . 54, 388 2,561 2, 436 11,525 139 97, 791 135, 550 ack WHGAL. 222 se '..5 Ak ok oS eae © oe eps een ee acres. .| OW Raab oaeie ack esee PE Baek > epee i 43 bushels. -| 167 eee: os eee BYU) Beal ieee 656 3,703 | Other grains and seeds: . | Soy-beansei 2: =. 222 Sass 5. .stekeeee tens > car aneee acres. . 177 86)! See anon Lh eaeeeess =| eee Eile ape iaiars 1 bushels 962 82" |c Fee eee eae Co Rp a ee De Ss as Sega 5 Dry DOsSeneaa ests Paine 02 2 = eee a 3 Cate ae acres. - 222 178 | oe ee at 98 i on meee see ee ee sae bushels. . 806 725 | By he a ae 624. |, cee ara aenawe| heed an nde Hay and forage: | Totals, MWeRE. <2. 3 pee seee scene ae. Ae ee eee 69, 383 72, 455 | 23,534 66, 509 27, 092 65, 843 miese ons. . 68, 220 62,044 | 37,643 125, 938 30, 907 266, 853 84,645 All tame or cultivated grasses........2.2.2-2-2-202- acres. . 53, 942 48, 937 8, 708 54, 068 20,090 | 35,130 | 26, 884 ms tons.. 44,115 38, 790 9, 698 81,579 2, 812 63, 350 | 34, 549 | Timouity alone .\.. eee Ms 10,195 tons... 4,351 2, 531 | 1,128 54, 556 6, 202 34,913 | 15,340 | Clover alonels, -.¢ Sss-p-- taseoe bee eo = Seems acres. . 844 711 1,658 6, 665 830 3,228 2, tons 939 715 | 1,549 11, 434 1,063 6, 123 | 2,734 | AN TaNTGe - 2 o5 a2 eS aeeeee Sees on Sere eee = = Pee ee ny 13 | 651 is 62 2, 258 a ons. 371 21 | 1,408 2,794 97 5,361 | 1,861 Other tame or cultivated grasses............... acres. . 8,151 | 29,523 | * 84 538 5,164 "164 "240 | tons. 5,153 20,771 | 99 704 4,435 235 886 | | Wild, salt; or prairie grasses... .--25;:--2+--2...8.: pi = os 3, cS 2) are 357 2,051 571 4, 460 ons... ra) 543 1,665 724 4,134 Small grains cut for hay..............---.-2 20.202. acres. 438 | 23.039 285 353 1,143 95 "258 ons. - 308 1,582 | 566 554 1, 206 144 257 Annual legumes cut for hay. -.....---.-------.-+-6 acres. .| 1,300 2,607 | 2,564 12 1,371 6 16 3 tons... 853 2,038 | 2, 466 19 1,167 9 20 Rilace crapsie:...'s oo. Sees nin a pepe sees oe ee ee 15, 847 2,021 4, 235 25, 842 3,798 14, 340 10, 076 4,045 | SELECTED CROPS (acres harvested and production). Cereals: 8 Totelsee.ee- =... SES Aa... . Pe og ee acres. .) 98, 767 136, 909 209, 736 87, 435 119, 655 146, 398 106, 681 9 bushels..| 1, 261,535 4,705,111 | 4,852,034 648, 573 33 515, 377 5,488,288 | 1, 900, 745 10 Corn . $7a58. 88 -. RL AS. 2. SEE 3 tte acres. .| 32, 052 70, 985 82,731 18, 116 51, 623 94, 080 22; 335 11 | bushels..| 285, 994 2,910, 829 2, 680, 066 408, 628 2, 031) 301 4,099, 112 560, 738 12 Oats... Gi HES 2 oe en. 2 ee See eee acres... | 33, 059 49,184 24,771 2,889 17,540 |.’ 34/082 8,464 13 bushels. - 578, 532 1,479,755 552, 279 51, 204 506, 467 1, 035, 235 205, 312 14 | Wheat: ape ote... Late ge. Se ee acres 30, 638 15,630 83, 226 16, 268 49, 548 12, 364 74,645 15 bushels 371,056 301, 288 1 , 425, et 187, 892 964, 032 273,868 | 1,117,187 16 Barleyieer. 222. 2= es is. bos eames coe <> ES >. Acres. .| 31 152 | Ut eee ae 1,986 421 17 | bushels 240 2,767 | ne 213 330] Sos, eee 39,358 8,130 18 Ry GH Pee. sos Me Ie me acres 2,987 958 | 18, 827 158 904 3, 827 805 19 | bushels. . 25,713 10, 472 191} 372 816 12, 297 39, 795 9, 142 20 Buckwheat oo 5,6 tenes cea eaten sels acres. .|-... eRe sepa tl SAN a cicleratecie ers 100 | Be ass seed = --aetee 5 21 DUSHELS. 31 Pe Eos ass) Me ee iTS. Sse SIS 2] i Other grains and seeds: | 22 Soy beans: 958.3540 os coe eee ae nicl sac ines HCROS Al Fey 2 al dee eeeeme oes 24 | LIA. feo 23 Hushels dae se a eee noe ees | 144 Lal See ae 24 IDLY: PGRSE. once as ceases ene eee eee eee acres. - C44 Se Bc hos | 2,372 5449 (PR ai << beeen ese 25 bushels 208 SR eee toes 10, 881 8) 282) 1 eee ae. . eee ee be Hay and forage: 26 Totqlaee.e): <. Cpe... Sen ee.” > Cage acres 62, 692 17, 499 19,770 18, 532 14,102 27 tons. - 55,325 28,005 24, 557 25, 309 24,681 28 All tame and cultivated grasses. ................-- acres. . 48, 593 16,471 7,143 13, 430 8,488 29 tons... 37,714 22,605 10, 862 16, 638 10, 816 30 Timothyalone. 25u.25--.< 2; eee pee. ---- aaa acres. . 13, 403 3,683 1, 884 3,525 2,917 31 tons 11, 522 5,051 2,301 4,752 3,945 32 Timothy and clover mixed......:...-....42.-- acres... 2,546 7,382 2,359 2,222 1, 823 33 tons 2,779 10, 105 3,069 3, 209 2,170 34 Cloveralone:. {Si 3.0.2... ee =. once eee. acres. . 346 4,692 1,040 1,699 3,400 35 tons. . 415 6, 004 1,205 2,161 3,911 36 AUG « o-. -. ob aeO- shins ooo pee eee wee Sees acres. . 114 689 1,724 175 280 37 tons.. 195 1,393 4,160 380 711 38 Other tame or cultivated grasses...........-.- acres. . 32,184 25 136 5, 809 68 39 tons... 22, 803 52 127 6, 136 79 40 Wild, salt, or prairie grasses.............----..22-- acres. . 413 25 202 bl ae See rae 41 tons.. 652 25 367 DBD ERE ceed 42 Small grains cut for hay... 25.2 0g) -...2..-. 288.2 acres. . 1,200 39 3,881 695 44 43 tons 1,277 41 2,351 951 38 44 Annual legumes cut for hay-..-.........-......2.-- acres. . 1,072 10 6,081 1, 842 44 45 tons. 846 20 4,119 1,892 47 46 Silage erepse-- =... SoU. -.-<-.. poke eee.- = eee acres. . 819 693 745 386 634 47 tons 3, 250 4,568 3, 887 1,680 4,253 48 Corn CHEMOr Orage | cae t. -.- 2c aera «2-1. die ba dase eek oeeee eesti e acres. .| 1, 520 876 1, 041 ” 267 ~ 717 504 380 1, 270 tons 4,051 1, 421 2,416 634 1,879 1, 054 1, 024 2, 644 Other tame or cultivated grasses.......-.....- acres 332 %622 364 47 73 340 4) 825 tons 301 7,150 469 57 87 439 69 1,140 Wild, salt, or prairie grasses... ..2.0..-.--.-.2th.< Cres LAhE 22 8 oo Ss 640 it | i ee 2 12 ll 9 755 tons. pets: Ad 632 OSG fo ee Oe) 12 10 12 1,153 Small grains cut for hays... ..02 th... <.~: =. 2ebse- acres. . 1, 101 764 1, 103 61 296 395 54 186 tons.. 1, 303 664 1, 338 58 271 291 52 230 Annual legumes cut for hay.....2:.-....---.-s---+ acres. . 288 1, 686 284 83 122 OO eon oan fee 92 tons. 273 1, 949 336 84 126 OR ee esos eee 134 Silaze €nopsite-at 2: Seber oem c dodges sean cs See acres. - 1, 476 342 2, 269 1,169 258 3, 469 758 7, 543 tons.. 6, 881 1,472 15, 878 8, 070 929 16, 693 7, 704 64, 357 Corn cut for forage -...-. Manele «tate ta- eins eeeeee acres. . 18, 210 2,730 8,474 9, 284 10,316 6, 639 554 13, 256 tons. 27, 636 5, 955 17, 693 15, 240 9,518 8,411 1,341 21, 692 Kafir, sorghum, etc., for forage...-.......--.------ acres. . 188 ito eee 63) | See eae 28 66 21 88 tons 211 RE Soe eerie CD eee 22 113 16 160 Root crops for LOraPerc..:..copvrisaseeasaesace eee ee acres. . yap 28 3: a ee ee OF nc cabn cn temp Oa eNEeee eee mee 8 tons 30.)|2. eee |” gente LOW saves a2. scp Peecekeake sapien eee aes 125 Vegetables: Potatoes (Irish or white). -.. 36. s89s<-.2<.-lneeee acres. . 4, 893 425 1,387 311 271 839 2 1, 807 bushels. . 456, 393 27, 089 87, 743 24, 453 20, 923 50, 211 10, 236 105, 0OL Sweet potatoes and yams........ rigs sas . , DEE ee esl oie gallons. . 7,221 11,101 2,742 10, 555 3, 058 6, 430 1, 207 5, 703 FRUITS Small fruits: | Tetal-fean- 2322s pumec sree nse filers nia ~aeo baal acres... 112 143 285 | 58 45 78 46 68 quarts. . 75, 204 51, 696 255, 611 52, 745 33, 960 74, 105 32,105 93, 813 Straw berriles..2.0<¢ Mt = 2-2 ese Oi woe. «a Se acres. 31 22 92 26 6 17 22 ‘ quarts... 46, 147 13, 999 117, 668 18, 112 66, 804 Rasp benries 2s: : 222. 4ep tess tee debos dose ee tere acres. . 5 58 16 31 | quarts 5, 281 1,549 46, 870 10, 795 19, 829 | Blackberries and dewberries...:.........-...-.---- acres. . 69 101 11 13 | quarts 19, 569 30, 117 80, 189 2, 030 6, 303 | Orchard fruits: Total sg3.99-5-% «Sage ation ss ore trees not of bearing age. . 40, 916 30, 497 15, 519 3, 784 10, 678 | trees of bearing age. . 80, 027 69, 497 75, 715 18, 353 41, 706 | j bushels harvested. . 126} 789 80, 071 48, 684 ‘ 14, 144 Apples. seize: Lae eee -k trees not of bearing age. - 15, 742 9, 927 6, 255 1,985 7, 894 trees of bearing age. . 41, 212 53, 350 43, 801 11,104 28, 639 | bushels harvested. . 79, 512 66, 884 31, 595 890 11, 593 | Peaches. PPS a avis fo EE esac trees not of bearing age. . 11, 784 15, 059 4221 741 160 trees of bearing age... 14, 091 9, 492 7, 652 1,614 89 bushels harvested. . 15, 048 8, 640 2, 094 96 5 (PORTS: Cire. ee eee oe trees not of bearing age. . 1,654 425 865 361 418 trees of bearing age... 7,357 923 7, 295 1, 034 784 bushels harvested. . 21, 565 1, 065 8, 874 123 411 Chorrieseaa. 5.2.05 - Gtk em sede trees not of bearing age... 9, 531 3, 926 3, 073 513 1,474 trees of bearing age.. 8, 695 3,052 13, 975 2,789 7,471 bushels harvested. . 4,351 1, 232 5, 235 | 666 1, 675 (AGT aDOS-s: (Aeon sedges. wane vines not of bearing age. . 4,719 3, 867 3, 891 266 860 | vines of bearing age. . 59, 751 4, 708 26, 272 3, 850 4, 891 pounds harvested. . 193, 406 30, 854 239) 807 18, 656 33,927 a) AGRICULTURE—ILLINOIS. 41 AND PRODUCTION OF PRINCIPAL CROPS: 1919—Continued. Tazewell. Union. Wabash. Warren. Waging Wayne. White. | Whiteside. Will. Williamson.) Winnebago.| Woodford. 13, 532,607 | 4,588, 036 2,491,956 | 10,685,058 | 5,027,645 | 5,266,925 | 4, = 826 | 13,519,381 | 14,395,161 | 2, ot, 905 | 8,231,256 ® 713,523 | 1 07 | 1 * 76, 74 7 45: 73,939 | ” 76,064 1,248,113 | 913,356 417, 327 960,958 | 749,902 | 13248,952| 600,462 | 2,330,085 | 2,386,976 | 820,909 | 2,317,385 | si9,710| 4 373, 520 | 1, 167’, 748 91) 161 153, 047 280,868 | 213, 456 518, 829 233,492 | 347,756 | 498,926 | 253,940 | 5 200,833 | 7 917; 494 35, 612 37,275 | 142}094| 170,767 84) 43 41,119 45, 730 ; 83, 892 55,197 | 6 8; 801 19, 576 £008 636 4 265 16, 586 13,140 4) 849 3; 860 20, 693 3, 204 6,469 | 7 245, 580 55, 161 : 68, 109 173,595 | 167,997 | 100,925 | 137,176 224, 806 306, 459 56,709 | 130,326 | 186,177| 8 8,062,817 | 968,879 | 12,186,541 | 1,298,343 6,911,297 | 2,193;326 | 1,532,024 | 2,351,579] 7,781,021 | 9,237,313 | 825,363 | 4,103,807 | 6,698,880 | 9 114, 237 32; 059 185, 60: 30, 491 102) 797 30, 0: 56, 550 ? 957 110, 537 129) 404 32, 593 53, 184 94, 10 4,877,547 | 663,182 | 7,041,008 | 689,075 | 4,884,830 | 251,689 | 909,658 | 1,302,754 | 4,796,574 | 4,271,101 | 510,674 | 2,086,811 | 4,112,186 | 11 57, 198 2; 780 127, 195 9 32,619 21; 734 14, 894 57, 632 112; 028 ? 298 46, 822 72, 524 | 12 1,752, 880 54,109 | 4,350,740 | 184,586 | 1,483,879 | 646,038 | — 363,945| 244,308 | 1,869,165 | 3,790,775 | 106,827 | 1,333,915 | 2,235,263 | 13 69, 210 19, 930 40, 638 27, 174 23,273 | 104, 598 22; 218 59, 586 26, 397 54,175 17,529 16, 443 16, 14 1,379,840 | 247, 995 712,778 | 350, 426 483,605 | 1,288,587 | 255,729 | 797,025 615,726 954,452 | 205,896 | 260,762 | 320,314 | 15 213 39 361 |... Meee 1, 287 (i ae ae 24 8, 864 6, 281 30 11 050 197 | 16 4,602 576 Srl. :. een e 28) 193 TOI et. 447 199, 270 161, 560 488 | 245,926 3,916 | 17 352 715 9 4175 259 11,170 2} 080 | 18 1, 901 6, 955 291) 213 54, 345 1,478 | 157,311 25,040 | 19 yal ee ee 277 364: eye eee 85 18 | 20 750%, ae Se ae 4, 208 | ZW Pade 1, 186 215 | 21 234 | 8 6 | 0 eee acre ny Rone ee aoe ee .| 22 557 54 42 AN nies iteliewint 6 [orton sas e i} 23 838 SO he Ae eee oa 2 cS ore ea aia Di as 24 4,253 | DAB ae Goer | 25 hth ree ox - | Aa 11} 25 i 92, 870 29, 593 55, 229 83, 153 38, 331 62, 327 20,996 || 26 ij i 8 ; 76,641 32; 984 151,120| 152,873 38,528} 170,025 39, 649 || 27 26, 214 25, 26, 920 12,320 24, 125 20, 565 78, 018 22) 420 935 44, 493 28) 957 31, 725 18,861 | 28 40, 304 31, 747 30, 908 14,278 31, 158 20, 568 59, 849 22) 511 58, 027 55,905 28; 704 43, 335 98, 313 || 29 5,958 12,103 13, 745 2} 587 ” 993 10, 688 6,012 3,419 8, 946 20, 761 16,923 9,732 4,325 | 30 7, 358 12; 983 16, 113 2770 4) 848 10, 372 6,323 3, 458 12, 460 24, 937 16, 735 11, 269 5,912 | 31 9,615 7,631 : 22; 782 17,727 37292 16, 413 5,573 | 32 14,029 9,015 36, 089 21; 150 3, 436 92° 987 8,125 | 33 8) 017 3) 369 4,437 3) 312 1,308 3,552 8/140 | 34 11, 492 4) 433 7,565 £013 1,342 5,346 12, 084 | 35 2) 558 1,649 588 1) 984 74 1,369 790 | 36 7,353 4579 1,610 5,113 214 2) 736 2,148 | 37 66 843 182 709 7,360 659 33 | 38 72 737 303 692 6,977 997 44 | 39 1 232 2,042 5, 253 287 1, 806 10 | 40 14 206 2 442 5,625 253 2) 345 20 | 41 110 1,808 249 221 1,626 312 98 | 42 102 23193 302 214 1) 655 321 26 | 43 a) be | aa Mee ae ea 1,905 ” 396 7,700 11, 235 ” 67 10, 862 1,298 | 46 18,71 1,761 70, 044 64, 968 369 83; 034 9,568 | 47 955 1,001 8,218 21,700 3, 380 17, 548 742, | 48 2, 502 1, 139 20, 202 25, 868 3,979 40, 872 1,644 | 49 a, By he ba oe eh. Le 7 21 Se ea 1 I |... ‘ 1 awa free “gates pa gale meee Basi ae ace MY ee 1, ae ia oe a ae ihe re 2 umber with mortgage debt .............---..eccee- 3 Number with no mortgage report 12) 643 124 80 208 70 9 105 2 For farms consisting of owasd land only: | 4 Number of farms reporting amount of debt.............--- 36, 663 762 139 281 274 309 514 260 5 Value ofland and buildings.........-.....-.-..-. dollars..!| 775,394, 589 || 12,700,213 | 1,140,414 | 2,199,946 | 6,791,761 | 4,040,265 | 21, 625, 966 3, 068, 715 6 Amount Ofmorteace dst... sce aren. eae dollars../ 197, 211, $4 3, 530, 748 325, ip Lb 7,088, £82 | 1,185,658 5,345, = 925, 340 7 atioof debt toivalue.—-—. <2 2. -.-25-- 4k = per cent. .| 25. 4 | 4 28. 5 | . Hl . y 8 Average rate ofinterest paid...............-.... per cent...) 5.5 | 5.5 6.4 | 5.8 5.4 | 5.7 5.3 6.0 | FARM EXPENDITURES FOR LABOR, FERTILIZER, | H AND FEED: 1919. | H Labor: | 9 Warmsreponting-<.: he Ao. ee ee ee 151, 300 | 2, 511 406 887 911 763 2,387 737 10 Total expenditure...... -| 79,383,697 || 1,004, 588 213,341 196, 193 482, 842 245,439 | 1,623, 522 265, 953 WW Amount in cash . - 60, 909, 392 794, 438 185,171} 155,923 336, 857 194,392 | 1,151,797 220, 126 12 | dee Value of rent and board furnished. .....-..... dollars. .) 18, 474, 305 | 210, 150 28, 170 | 40, 270 - 145, 985 51, 047 471, 725 45, 827 | Fertilizer: 13 | PaTMSTeEpPOvEN yg. ...: Fake ccc 2c <2 eee ches ok oe Hee number. . 22, 488 | 149 23 116 51 16 121 50 14 | - peste Bepend od. Seo. Perea hse 55 ee dollars. .) 2,996, 403 15, 371 5, 841 15, 098 13, 407 | 1,726 20, 286 3, 865 eed: | 15 | arms reporting: -:t = 302 3-—; soe es ~ = 6 be ee number. . 158, 180 | 2, 499 385 | 1, 589 | 892 866, 2,141 768 16 | Amoun texponded 25554. ck. ..o cee. «os enh Sele dollars. .' 64, 528,040 | 1,363, 435 78, 469 751, 022 260,065 | 512,341 833, 346 242, 807 | Carroll. | Cass. Champaign.| Christian. Clark. Clay. Clinton. Coles. | . = : Shp Ee 5 Pee a |} —-—__—— = ee _ MORTGAGE DEBT REPORTS: 1920. For all farms operated by owners: | | ; 1 Number free from mortgage debt...-.......-...-.----+---| 369 | 368 729 680 1,084 979 550 664 2 Number with mortgage debt...........-- 512 285 517 380 697 625 184 552 3 Number with no mortgage report 94 10 70 118 199 53 122 48 For farms consisting of owned land only: 4 Number of farms reporting amount of debt 471 218 308 231 417 395° 123 361 5 Value ofland and buildings -............. oe ae dollars... 10,589,749 | 6,071,075 | 16, 846, 435 7,205,312 | 3,282,527 | 2,446,205 | 1,140,305 8,023, 210 : emouss of morvence sent See eee A pie 3; alegre: | gelbik lire wee LE me ay ig BS sa 6 i 1, 731, 533 atio.of-debt to value... ... snus -p.-.-c2eeee per cent.. 3.3 | 27.3 | . . 5 24.5 ° . 8 Average rate of interest paid.........-..-.------ per cent... 5.5 | 5.4 5.3 | 5. 5. 6.0 6.1 5.1 5.6 i | 1 | FARM EXPENDITURES FOR LABOR, FERTILIZER, ‘ | AND FEED: 1919. | | | Labor: | 9 | Faring RODOREIDG . . eed: ..- . -2eeee o's Sanaa. --.7- Sere dollars... 37,362 38, 106 17,891 23,226 69, 245 12,110 22,010 21, 580 47,755 Feed: | 15 Farmgneporting acct... 22 - eet oee- - = 5. 28e number. .| 1,901 1,682 1, 042 1,531 1,781 1,053 1,921 2,512 16 rAmouitexpended ss. Shs .22. Sow... SETS dollars. .| 470, 152 879, 327 250, 680 389, 440 436,728 361; 482 | 1,328,292 | 1, 370, aL 1, 144) 684 | i a as -=-=4-- 284 233 982 434 529 569 413 488 213 Value of land and buildings. ...............--..- dollars. .|11, 860, 805 | 1,733, 028 | 6, 088, 520 | 3, 543, 508 | 15, 501, 943 | 18, 867, 226 | 1,690, 890 |10, 230,390 | 8,751, 012 Amount of mortgage debt ................------- dollars. .| 2, 809, 386 451, 135 | 1,329, 201 924, 142 | 4,526,169 | 4,825, 876 527, 737 | 2,987,171 | 1, 768, 910 Ratio of debt to value. ...........-/.-.-...-- per cent... 23.7 26.0 21.8 26.1 29. 2 25.6 31.2 29. 2 20. 2 Average rate of interest paid............-...--. per cent... 5.6 4.9 6.3 6.1 5.4 5.4 6.5 5.5 5.4 FARM IAS es FOR LABOR, FERTILIZER, D FEED: 1919. | Labor: Farms reporting............. ena veewes oandaennim 1, 534 1, 532 1,110 1, 942 2, 261 813 1, 329 1, 410 otal expenditure <2. _.2aeUsas.. 20. t0ces 314,943 | 227,632 | 341,679 | 1,197,127 | 1,206,665 113, 783 677, 945 | 1,145,526 ‘Amount in Gash. (2.0. -555-aciecicet= = 237, 810 195, 603 284, 516 890, 925 982, 620 | 95, 589 492, 255 | 870, 708 : Value of rent and board furnished 77,133 32, 029 57, 163 306, 202 224, 045 | 18, 194 185, 690 274, 818 ertilizer: WEIS PEDOREM sn. on pees sar = - macs oases ssa =a a 708 416 266 340 170 | 227 123 | 157 = or ee MEPONGGGs 2. See. See tee se csdanae soe 70, 910 28, 347 24,832 34, 196 36, 043 | 21, 664 11, 663 | 19, 666 ‘eed: | Wars KEDOFeIP seas te. cote toc oe taxes e525 t de TRE. 7m ee *% + e a Pa oe 4 = 3 i ‘ . Ne tows at ey og ee Ve ame a >. atid . t Ao oe ae pat ys . i ae r on 4) 7 i i , cake é oe Bid... 75 5 bs ew on [oe a a "14 ; : oo txt ie DBT mat ESS 1 eek SIA ee : fot 00 vi t ‘ ; . § my art Bit. 7% ae kt eee >i we, i # M oe re NLT i " ‘ bus ent oe > = Ce +25 2E9 ah te Ue ow ao FM aes Ee Port Ts, = oF eee “F- Sutil EP ee - Pee § at in} Yi ap -rexc & a rae ?} - + ‘L¥. wet 2 ) Rak : ry _ iy Ais ee ey eas ie : ; iyi as — 7) i op bee nus Stee Cains ie aed > oe m “ + ny 3 : an k ; 4 7 ; : * a r we 4 LS guns Soe vnn haber yt ey ‘ F : uc “t aan & wa J aay * ‘ Li ; ibe eee! Batis mk a ds i fi ‘ ¥ t ae ; eee ie a _etinb. rd ie bayer : : Fam: sake va (Loe 19g = oder apt ono aa - : “yy oar a Yu i ’ ABET 9 A tog ‘ Sea 72 ee or) ; EASLIVTASY | ab q45 nygenaget an >) wenn a ome } - ‘ea ¢ pie: ae Sper « aay ; ; : ' 7 ie prea telah. co, ae / Ke Bee ‘ . 1, pe % Ra. ~ “ 71K . . - ass x *) Tragie. - a. | --aek ost ah ° > , saad 4 s . r . ‘y a | Bey | ae or Fe 4 me S wy . ut eran, : ¢ Le | | | ? ee eae bea - |. EERIETE Za we : xs i. .. © 4 = ee ei a . ae Cito ar ’ ‘ AB Shey, “tt "1 , 6 ne cm “ic hes” Fics - . ponent _ , r . Ae nm : wr! bf ba hg’ whe ft re al . ' I eer LY 19 fa oe io K@ i- 7h wick fe t ‘ by) eer i etre aa rE ay Pe S 4 JA = ae Tb ad pik OR tar ta =p po ; 7 i ‘ ‘ ‘ bake tabaatal i tt e ma £5 Sas Ae ; are Saati ota’ ae ei Be ty Mt fifa pit Mat Oss 4 . fey te ‘ts evs" Piss 7m é te :