OF THE U N I VERS I T Y Of 1LL1 NOiS So 3 . 1 D 19 ^ * The person charging this material is re- sponsive for its return on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books ^ disci P' inar y action end may result in dismissal from the University. * University of Illinois Library M 1 A L161 — 0-1096 OF THE U N I V LRS ITY Of ILLINOIS 80 8.1 IsCc Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/householdbookofp00dana_0 THE HOUSEHOLD BOOK OF POETRY. , THE HOUSEHOLD BOOK CHARLES A. DANA.. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 443 & 445 BROADWAY. LONDON: 16 LITTLE BRITAIN. 1860. OF COLLECTED AND EDITED BY SIXTH EDITION. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1857 by D. APPLETON & COMPANY, the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York for. i ZP/qh /MO PREFACE. The purpose of this book is to comprise within the bounds of a single volume whatever is truly beautiful and admirable among the minor poems of the English language. In executing this design, it has been the con- stant endeavor of the Editor to exercise a catholic as well as a severe taste ; and to judge every piece by its poetical merit solely, without regard to the name, nationality, or epoch of its author. Especial care has also been taken to give every poem entire and unmutilated, as well as in the most authentic form which could be procured ; though the earliest edition of an author has sometimes been preferred to a later one, in which the alterations have not always seemed to be improvements. The arrangement of the book will be seen to be somewhat novel ; but it is hoped that it may be found convenient to the reader, and not alto- gether devoid of sesthetic congruity. The Editor also flatters himself that in classifying so many immortal productions of genius according to their own ideas and motives, rather than according to their chronology, the nativity and sex of their authors, or any other merely external order, he has exhib- ited the incomparable richness of our language in this department of litera- ture, quite as successfully as if he had followed a method more usual in such collections. That every reader should find in these pages every one of his favorite PREFACE. poems is, perhaps, too much to expect ; but it is believed that of those on which the unanimous verdict of the intelligent has set the seal of indis- putable greatness, none, whether of English, Scotch, Irish, or American origin, will be found wanting. At the same time, careful and prolonged research, especially among the writers of the seventeenth century, and in the current receptacles of fugitive poetry, has developed a considerable store of treasures hitherto less known to the general public than to scholars and to limited circles. Of these a due use has been made, in the confident belief that they will not be deemed unworthy of a place with their more illustrious companions, in a book which aspires to become the familiar friend and companion of every household. New York, August, 1858. INDEX. POEMS OF NATURE. Address to the Nightingale Afar in the Desert Afternoon in February Airs of Spring Almond Blossom Amaryllis ! Angling, Verses in Praise of Angler's Trysting Tree Angler Angler’s Wish April Arab to the Palm Arethusa Autumn Autumn Autumn — A Dirge Autumn Flowers Autumn ’s Sighing Belfry Pigeon Birch Tree Blac*k Cock Blood Horse Blossoms Blow, Blow, thou Winter Wind. Bobolink. Bramble Flower. Brier Broom Flower Bugle Song Canzonet Chorus of Flowers Clouds Come to these Scenes of Peace. . Cornfields Coral Grove Cricket Cricket Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo and Nightingale Cynthia Daffodils Daffodils Daisy Daisy Dandelion Description of Spring Departure of the Swallow Death of the Flowers Dirge for the Year Drinking Drop of Dew Evening Evening, Ode to Evening Star Evening Wind— Spirit that ) breathest. j Page Richard Barnfield 53 Thomas Pringle. . 75 Longfellow 117 Thomas Carew... 10 Edwin Arnold. . . . 13 Bellman 21 Wotton 22 T. T. Stoddart 20 John Chalkhill. . . . 21 Isaak Walton. 23 John Keble 12 Bayard Tailor... 73 Shelley 31 Hood. ... 100 Keats 99 Shelley 99 Mrs. 'Southey 96 T. B. Read 100 Willis 69 Lowell 67 Joanna Baillie 30 Barry Cornwall. . . 77 Herrick 37 Shakespeare 113 Thomas Hill 23 Ebenezer Elliott. . . 43 Landor 44 Mary Hountt 42 Tennyson 103 Camoens 45 Leigh Hunt 46 Shelley 80 Bowles 60 Mary Howitt 95 Percival 88 W. C. Bennett 110 Cowper 110 John Logan 24 Wordsworth 24 Chaucer 25 Ben Jonson 107 Wordsworth 87 Herrick 37 J. Montgomery 39 Wordsworth 40 Lowell 44 I^ord Surrey 10 William Howitt. . . 110 Bryant 96 Shelley 118 Anacreon 81 Marvell 14 Tennyson 104 Collins 105 Campbell 105 Bryant 104 rage Evening in the Alps Montgomery 106 Fancy Keats Ill Fidelity Wordsworth 93 Flower and Leaf Chaucer 3 Flowers Hood 45 Flowers Longfellow 47 Fly Vincent Bourne... 70 Folding of the Flocks Beaumont & Fletcher 103 Fountain Lowell 32 Fringed Gentian Bryant 94 Frost at Midnight Coleridge 113 Garden Marvell. ... 60 Garden Cowley 61 Grasshopper Anacreon 70 Grasshopper and Cricket Leigh Hunt 71 Grasshopper and Cricket Keats 71 Grasshopper, Chirping of Walter Harte 71 Green Linnet Wordsworth 30 Greenwood W. L. Bowles 60 Grongar Hill John Dyer 101 Gulf- Weed C. G. Fenner 87 Hampton Beach Whittier 88 Harvest Moon H. K. White 108 Holly Tree Southey 114 Humble Bee Emerson 71 Hunter of the Prairies Bryant 97 Hunter’s Song Barry Cornwall. . . 98 Husbandman John Sterling 95 Hymn in the Vale of Chamouni. Coleridge 119 Hymn to Pan Keats 66 Hymn to the Flowers Horace Smith 48 Influence of Natural Objects .... Wordsworth 118 Inscription in a Hermitage Thomas Warton .. . 64 Invocation to Eain in Summer.. W. C. Bennet 77 Ivy Green Charles Dickens.. 101 July John Clare 59 Lark Hogg 20 Latter Rain Jones Very 100 Lion and Giraffe Thomas Pringle.. 75 Lion’s Ride Freiligrath 74 Little Beach-Bird R. II. Dana 87 Little Streams Mary Howitt 33 March Wordsworth 11 May Percival 15 Meadows Herrick 94 Midges dance aboon the Burn. .. Robert Tannahill. 81 Midnight Wind Motherwell 112 Moan, Moan, ye Dying Gales... Henry Neele 86 Moonrise Ernest Jones 107 Morning Shakespeare 18 Morning in London Wordsworth. 17 Mother Nightingale Villegas. 57 Mountain Daisy Burns 38 My Heart ’s in the Highlands... Burns 98 Nature Jones Very 35 Nature and the Poets Keats 49 Night is nigh Gone Alex. Montgomery 16 INDEX Pag-e Night Blanco White 109 Nightingale Coleridge 55 Nightingale Drummond 53 Nightingale Gil Vicente 57 Nightingale Maria Visscher .. . 57 Nightingale Milton 53 Nightingale and the Dove Wordsworth 55 Nightingale’s Departure Charlotte Smith. . . 5S Nightingale, Ode to Keats 54 Night Song Claudius 108 November Hartley Coleridge. 101 Ocean J. A. Shea 83 Owl Barry Cornwall. . 109 Owl Anonymous 110 Pan Beaumont & Fletcher 67 Philomela Matthew Arnold.. 55 Pine Tree Lowell 114 Primroses, with Morning Dew. . Herrick 37 Question Shelley. 35 Rain in Summer. Longfellow 79 Eedbreast Drummond 117 Retirement Charles Cotton 64 Return of Spring Pierre Ronsard. . . 10 Reve du Midi Bose Terry 65 Rhodora Emerson 38 Rose Waller 45 Saxon Song of Summer Anonymous 17 Sea Barry Cornwall.. 84 Sea— In Calm Barry Cornwall.. 87 Seaweed Longfellow 86 Seneca Lake Percival 89 Skater's Song Anonymous 118 Skylark Shelley 18 Small Celandine Wordsworth. 36 Snow-Drop Barry Cornwall.. 12 Snow-Storm Emerson 116 Soliloquy on a Grasshopper W. Harte 71 Song-Birds on a Sunday Anonymous 31 Song for September..." T. W. Parsons 93 Song for the Seasons. Barry Cornwall.. 117 Song of the Swallow Anonymous 11 Song: On a May Morning. Milton 14 Song — Phoebus arise Drummond 14 Song to May Lord Thurlow 15 Page Song— The Lark Hartley Coleridge. 20 Song— Pack clouds away Thomas Hey wood. 20 Song — See, O See Lord Bristol ... . . . 30 Song of the Brook Tennyson 34 Song of Spring Edward Tout 41 Song — The Greenwood Tree Shakespeare 60 Song of the Wood Nymphs Barry Cornwall.. 67 Song of the Summer Winds George Darley 81 lecond^ong— To the Same . ! ! ! \ Tennyson 109 Sonnet — Autumn Moon Thurlow 107 Sonnet — To a Bird that haunted ) the waters of Lake Laaken } Thurlow 116 Spice Tree John Sterling 72 Spring Anacreon 13 Spring Beaumont Fletcher 16 Spring Tennyson 11 Storm Song Bayard Taylor . . 85 Stormy Petrel Barry Cornwall.. 84 Summer Longings McCarthy 16 Summer Months ... Motherwell. 17 Summer Storm Lowell 77 Summer Woods Mary Howitt. 68 Tiger William Blake ... . 74 Tis the last Rose of Summer. . . Moore 97 Trailing Arbutus Rose Terry 38 Twilight Longfellow 85 Violets.. Herrick 36 Violets W. W. Story 45 Voices of the Grass Sarah Roberts 59 Wandering Wind Mrs. Hemans 82 Waterfowl Bryant. 58 Water! The Water Motherwell 33 West Wind, Ode to Shelley 82 Wet Sheet and a Plowing Sea. . . A. Cunningham. . . 85 Wild Honeysuckle Philip Freneau .. . 43 Willow Song Mrs. Hemans 69 Windy Night T. B. Read 112 Winter Song Holty 116 Winter Wind Dinah Mvloch.... 115 Woods in Winter Longfellow. 115 Yarrow Unvisited Wordsworth 90 Yarrow Visited Wordsworth. 91 Yarrow Revisited Wordsworth 92 POEMS OF CHILDHOOD. Mrs. Hemans .. 157 Lucy Gray Wordsworth 158 S. Loxer .. 126 Lullaby Tennyson 123 Mrs. Gilman . 161 Morning-Glory Mrs. Lowell 168 IF; C. Bennett ,. 123 Mother's Heart Mrs. Norton 136 IF] C. Bennett . 169 Mother's Hope L. Blanchard 136 J. T. Fields . 164 Mother's Love T. Burbidge 137 IF] Allsion . 156 My Child J. Pierpont 175 D. M. Moir . 174 My Plavmates Anonymous 167 C. Mackay ,. 161 On the Death of an Infant D. Sm its 166 Mrs. Browning . . . 126 On the Picture of an Infant Leonidas 125 Madame deSurville 127 Open Window Longfellow v 168 C. Lamb ,. 159 Pet Lamb Wordsworth .*. 138 Coleridge .. 127 Philip, my King Dinah Mvloch. . . . 125 R. A. Willmott . . . ,. 164 Pied Piper of Hamelin Browning 144 Landor . 133 Reconciliation Tennyson 176 Anonymous ,. 153 Saturday Afternoon Willis 148 W. Blake ,. 162 Schoolmistress . Shenstone 149 M. Lamb .. 124 She Came and Went Lowell 168 C. Lamb .. 124 Shepherd Boy L. E. Landon 142 Simonides .. 156 Three Sons J. Moultrie 169 Fulcher .. 166 Threnodv Emerson 171 John Anster .. 130 To a Child Hood 130 Anonymous .. 140 To a Child J. Sterling 1S5 G. Darley .. 143 To a Child Anonymous 164 C. Lamb .. 130 To a Child during Sickness L. Hunt 182 Wordsworth .. 156 To a Sleeping Child J. Wilson 188 Wordsworth .. 141 To Ferdinand Seymour Mrs. Norton 124 Hood .. 159 To George M 185 Wordsworth .. 128 ToH.C Wordsworth 132 Anonymous To J. II Leigh Hunt 181 T. Westwood .. 163 To my Daughter . Hood 139 W. Blake .. 162 Town Child and Country Child. . A. Cunningham... 127 Anonymous .. 142 Under my Window' , T. Westwood 159 Mary Hotcitt .. 140 Visit from St. Nicholas C. C. Moore 147 L. E. Landon . 143 We are Seven , Wordsworth 100 Wordsworth .. 165 Widow and Child , Tennyson 176 INDEX POEMS OF FRIENDSHIP. And doth not a Meeting like this Auld Lang Syne Ballad of Bouillabaisse Cape-Cottage at Sunset Champagne Rose Come, Send round the Wine. . . . Christmas Early Friendship Farewell ! But whenever you welcome the Hour Fill the Bumper Fair. Fire of Drift-wood Friend of my Soul From in Memoriam Give me the old Pa (re Moore 1S6 Burns 192 Thackeray 189 IF. B. Glazier 183 J. Kenyon 185 Moore 187 Wither 195 De Yere 179 Moore. 18S Moore 186 Longfellow 182 Moore 188 Tennyson 179 R. H. Messing er . . . 1S4 How stands the Glass Around, ) my Boys J Mahogany Tree Night at Sea O Fill the Wine-cup High Old Familiar Faces Saint Peray Sparkling and Bright The Passage To Thomas Moore Under the Holly Bough We have been Friends together. When shall we Three meet again What might be Done Wreathe the Bowl Page Anonymous 187 Thackeray.. 19 L.E. London 19 R. F. Williams . ... 19 C. Lamb 183 T. W. Parsons 191 O. Hoffm an 184 TJ hland 182 Byron 188 C. Mackay 195 Mrs. Norton 183 Anonymous 179 C. Mackay 196 Moore 185 POEMS OF LOVE. Absence. Mrs. Kemble Allan Percy— It was a beau- » M Norton teous Lady richly dressed., f Mr8 ‘ Norton An Earnest Suit Sir T. Wyat Annabel Lee E. A. Poe Annie Laurie Anonymous Annoyer, The N. P. Willis Ask me no more Tennyson At the Church Gate Thackeray Auld Robin Gray Lady A. Barnard Awakening of Endymion L.E. Landon Ballad — Not in Winter Hood Ballad— Sigh on. Sad Heart Hood Beauty Clear and Fair Beaumont & Fletcher Bertha in the Lane Mrs. Browning . . . Blest as the immortal Gods Sappho Blissful Day Burns Bloom hath fled thy cheek, Mary Motherwell Bonnie Leslie Burns Bridal of Andalla Anonymous Bridal Song II. IT. Milman Brook-side, The R. M. MiVnes Burial of Love Bryant. Ca’ the Yowes to the Knowes. . . Burns Canzonet T. Watson Castara W. Habington Changes R. B. Lytton Cheat of Cupid Anacreon Come away, Death Shakespeare Come into the Garden, Maud. . . Tennyson Coming through the Eye Anonymous Crabbed Age and Youth Shakespeare Cupid and Campaspe J. Lyly. Day-Dream Tennyson Deceitfulness of Love Anonymous Discourse with Cupid Ben jonson Disdain Returned T. Carew Dora Te/rvnyson Dream Byron. Epithalamion Spenser Epithalamium J. G. C. Brainard . Eve of St. Agnes KeaU Evelyn Hope Browning Excuse M. Arnold Exequies, The T. Stanley Fair Ines Hood Fairest thin" in Mortal Eyes Charles of Orleans Farewell to Nancy Burns Fireside Nathaniel Colton. . Flower o’ Dumblane R. Tannahill , Florence Yane P. P. Cooke Fly not Yet Moore Fly to the Desert Moore Friar of Orders Gray Bishop Percy Gentle Hugh Herries A. Cunnitt gliam . . . Girl of Cadiz Byron Go where Glory waits Thee .... Moore 283 320 248 828 265 259 296 275 312 281 278 293 250 313 260 340 307 268 226 330 278 328 263 253 252 820 287 257 274 290 284 249 227 288 249 254 238 294 330 336 220 324 821 258 268 328 264 838 266 322 286 269 213 267 262 269 Groomsman to his Mistress Parsons 283 Health, A EC. Pinkney 279 Hear, ye Ladies Beaumont & Fletcher 250 Here’s a Health Burns 263 Hermit, The Goldsmith 216 Highland Mary Burns 324 How sweet it is to Love Dryden 256 If thou wert by my side, my Love Ileber 837 If I desire with pleasant Songs. . T. Burbidge 2SS Indifference M. Arnold 321 In a Year Browning 298 Irish Melody D. F. McCarthy . . . 271 It might have Been IF. C. Williamson. 297 Jeannie Morrison Motherwell 308 Jenny Kissed Me L. Hunt 292 Jock of Hazeldean Sir W. Scott 234 John Anderson Burns 340 Kulnasatz, my Reindeer Anonymous 260 Lady Clare Tennyson 237 Laodamia Wordsworth 325 Lass of Ballochmyle Burns 265 Letters, The Tennyson 240 Lines to an Indian Air Shelley 260 Lochinvar Sir W. Scott 285 Locksley Hall Tennyson 301 Lord Lovel Anonymous 210 Lovely Mary Donnelly W. Allingham. 270 Lover to the Glow-Worms Marvell 251 Love Coleridge 232 Love Anonymous 322 Love Song G. Barley 280 Love Not Mrs. Norton 329 Love’s History C. Swain 323 Love’s Last Message T. L. Beddoes 328 Love’s Philosophy Shelley 261 Love in the Valley G. Meredith 236 Love is a Sickness Daniel 247 Love not Me Anonymous 257 Love Unrequited Anonymous 292 Maid of Athens, ere we Part Byron 261 Maiden’s Choice Anonymous 285 Maid's Lament Landor 292 Mariana in the South Tennyson 299 Mary of Castle Cary II. Macrdel. 229 Maud Muller Whittier 811 Merry may the keel Rowe Anonymous 264 Milk-Maid’s Song C. Marlowe 258 Milk-Maid’s Mother’s Answer.. . Sir W. Raleigh 258 Miller’s Daughter Tennyson 277 Misconceptions Browning 293 Molly Carew Lover 290 Mrs.Eliz. Wheeler Herrick 251 MyNanieO A . Cunningham. . . 267 My Love Lowell 277 My heid is like to rend, Willie. . Motherwell 809 u My Love has Talked ” Tennyson 386 My Wife’s a winsome wee Thing Burns 887 si \ ' H X INDEX Natura Naturans Night Piece Not ours the Tows Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal. . Nun Nut-brown Maid Of a’ the airts the W ind can Blow Old Story One way of Love O ! Tell me Love O, saw ye the Lass O, that 'twere Possible Orpheus to Beasts Panglory's Wooing Song. Phillida and Corydon. Philomela’s Ode Poet's Bridal Song Poet’s Song to his Wife Portrait Bed, Bed Bose Bobin Adair Eobin Hood and Allen-a-dale . . . Eory O’More Eosalie Bose and the Gauntlet Euth Seaman’s Happy Eeturn Serenade Serenade Serrana Shall I Tell Shepherd’s Idyl Shepherd’s Eesolution She is a Maid of Artless Grace . . Sir Cauline Song — To thy Lover Song — Ask me no More Song — The Heath this Night. . . . Song — Love me if I Live Song— Sing the old Song. Song — Day in Melting Purple. . . Song — How Delicious Song — Why so Pale Song — A W eary Lot Song — Strive not, Yain Lover. . . Song— Gather ye Bose-Buds Page A. H. Clough 286 Herrick 253 B. Barton 336 Tennyson 273 L.Hunt 284 Anonymous 204 Burns 264 Anonymous 233 Browning 293 Anonymous 278 Anonymous 267 Tennyson 306 Lovelace 305 G. Fletcher 252 N. Breton 247 Jt. Greene 256 A. Cunningham... 339 Barry Cornwall. . . 339 Anacreon 279 Burns 265 Anonymous 263 Anonymous 211 Lover 289 W. Allston 2S0 J. Sterling 310 Hood 275 Anonymous 219 Hood 276 E. C. Pinkney. 276 Lope De Mendoza . 229 W. Browne 250 Tennyson 273 Wither 285 Gil Vicente 276 Anonymous 199 Crashaw 255 Carew 256 Sir W. Scott 262 Barry Cornwall... 272 A. He Vere 281 Maria Brooks 282 Campbell 284 Sir J. Suckling 285 Sir W. Scott 300 Lovelace 288 Herrick 330 Sonnet- Sonnet- Sonnet — Why art thou Silent. Sweet William’s Farewell to Black-Eyed Susan To- To- To- To Althea — From Prison . , Shakespeare Paso . 241 Sir Pf Sidney . 246 Drummond ~. . 247 Michael Angelo.. . 247 Michael Angelo. . . 261 Wordsworth . 307 Anonymous . 215 leaumont & Fletcher 250 J. F. Waller . 231 Byron . 263 . 316 Anonymous ~. J. Norris. . 255 Gay. . 218 G. Darley . 280 Beaum. & Fletcher 251 Rose Terry . 316 A. Cunnitigham.. . 266 Shelley Wordsworth. ..... . 278 W. R. Spencer.... . 286 Philostrat/u8. . 249 Lovelace Lovelace Lovelace Horace Burns. J. R. Drake . 337 257 248 212 Tomb, The T. Stanley. Triumph of Chavis Ben Jomon Truth’s Integrity Anonymous Waly, Waly. Anonymous Watch Song. Anonymous We Parted in Silence Mrs. Crawford . Welcome, The Thomas Davis. Welcome, Welcome W. Browne Were I but his Own Wife Mrs. Downing 271 When We Two Parted Byron 297 White Bose Anonymous 248 Widow Machree Lover 291 Winifreda. Anonymous 329 You Meaner Beauties Wotton 251 Young Bei chan and Susie Pye.. Anonymous 20S Zara’s Ear-Eings Anonymous ....... 230 231 298 272 259 POEMS OE AMBITION. American Flag Ballad of Agincourt Bannock-Burn Battle-Field Battle of the Baltic Boadicea Border Ballad Bull-Fight of GazuL Cameronian’s Dream Carmen Bellicosum Casabianca Cavalier’s Song. Charlie is my Darling Charge of the Light Brigade at ) Balaklava. f Chevy Chase Covenanter’s Battle Chant Destruction of Sennacherib Excelsior Gallant Grahams Give a Bouse God Save the King Hame, Hame, Hame ! Harp, that once through Tara’s i Halls f Harmodius and Aristogeiton Here’s to the King, Sir ! Here's a Health to them that’s ) Awa’ j Hohenlinden Horatius J. R. Drake 381 M. Drayton 358 Burns 360 Bryant 383 Campbell 387 Cowper 352 Sir W. Scott 372 Anonymous 353 J.Hyslop 367 G. H McMaster.. . . 379 Mrs. Hemans 389 Motherwell 359 Anonymous 369 Tennyson 8S6 Anonymous 355 Motherwell 366 Byron 350 Longfellow 396 Anonymous 368 R. Browning 363 Anonymous 376 A. Cunningham... 374 Moore 874 Callistratus 351 Anonymous 369 Bums 870 Campbell 8S5 Macaulay 843 Horatian Ode How they Brought the Good ) News from Ghent to Aix. . . f Incident of the French Camp. . . Indian Death Song Indian Death Song. It is Great for our Country to Die Ivry Kenmure’s On and Awa’ Korner's Sword Song. Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers. Leonidas Lochaber No More Lochiel’s Warning Marco Bozzaris Memory of the Dead Men of Forty-Eight Naseby Ode— How Sleep the Brave Ode — A State Old Constitution On a Bust of Dante On a Sermon Against Glory “ O Mother of a Mighty Bace ”. . Our State Peace to the Slumberers Pericles and Aspasia. Pibroch of Donuil Dhu Sea Fight Seaman's Song. Shan Yan Yocht. Marvell 368 R. Browning. 376 R. Browning 3S5 Anne Hunter 377 Schiller 378 J. G. Percival. 351 Macaulay. 360 Burns 870 Horner 8S4 Mrs. Hemans 3J8 G. Croly. 352 Allan Ramsay 368 Campbell 871 Halleck 391 J. K. Ingram 893 G. Massey 893 Macaulay. 862 W. Collins 375 Sir W. Jones 394 O. W. nolmes 383 T. W. Parsons 395 Aken8ide 895 Bt'yant. 382 Whittier 8S2 Moore 875 G. Croly 852 Scott 873 Anonymous 8S8 Anonymous 390 Anonymous. 375 INDEX. xi Sonnets Sonnets Song. Song of Marion’s Men . . Song of the Greek Poet. Star-Spangled Banner. . Page Milton 365 ... Wordsworth 394 . . Moore 374 .. Bryant. 380 . .. Byron 390 . . F.S. Key 380 Sun Rises Bright in France Sonnet — To a very Illustrious j Nobleman j Wae’s me for Prince Charlie. . . When Banners are Waving Ye Mariners of England. . ..... Cunningham . Lord Thurlow W. Glen Anonymous . . . . Campbell 374 394 373 366 386 POEMS OF COMEDY. Cologne D evil's Thoughts Diverting History of John Gilpin Essence of Opera Faithless Nelly Gray Faithless Sally Brown Farewell to Tobacco Friend of Humanity and Knife- j Grinder J Good Ale Groves of Blarney.. Hag, The Heir of Linne Hypochondriacus Irishman Lady at Sea Little Brown Man Malbrouck Coleridge 422 Coleridge 422 Cowper 416 Anonymous 425 Hood 429 Hood 429 C.Lamb 426 G. Canning 423 J. Still. 402 It. A. Milliken 436 Herrick 405 Anonymous 399 C. Lamb 426 W. Maginn 436 Hood 432 Beranger 424 Anonymous 405 Massacre of the Macpherson Molony’s Lament Mr. Molony’s Account of the Ball Old and Young Courtier Rail, The Rape of the Lock Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister Song of an imprisoned Student. St. Patrick was a Gentleman St. Patrick of Ireland, my Dear. Table of Errata Tam O’Shanter Take thy Old Cloake about Thee Town of Passage Twenty-Eight and Twenty-Nine What Mr. Robinson thinks | about Governor B j White Squall W. E. Aytoun 419 Thackeray 438 Thackeray 439 Anonymous 403 George H. Clark . . 441 Pope 406 Browning 428 G. Canning 424 II. Bennett 434 W. Maginn 435 Hood 430 Burns 42' I AnonymoxiS 402 Father Front 437 TF M. Praed 440 Lowell 441 Thackeray 432 POEMS OF TRAGEDY AND SORROW. Braes of Yarrow William Hamilton 450 Break, Break, Break Tennyson 520 Bridge of Sighs Hood 496 Bridal Song and Dirge T.L. Beddoes 510 Bridal Dirge Barry Cornwall . . 511 Bonnie George Campbell Anonymous 456 Burial of Sir John Moore Charles Wolfe 514 “Calm is the Night” Henry Heine 518 Castle by the Sea. Uhlamd 519 Child Noryce Anonymous 446 Coronach Sir W. Scott. 506 Cruel Sister Anonymous 452 Days that are no More Tennyson 520 Death-Bed Hood 500 Death-Bed J. Aldrich 501 Desolation II. T. Tuckerman.. 519 Dowie Dens of Yarrow Anonymous 449 Dream of Eugene Aram Hood 485 Dirge Tennyson 507 Dirge W. S. Roscoe 509 Dirge T.L. Beddoes 509 Dirge C. G. Eastman 510 Dirge Mrs. Hemans 511 Dirge of Imogen Shakespeare 507 Dirge of Jephthah’s Daughter. .. Herrick 508 Dirge in Cymbeline Collins 509 Dirge for a Young Girl J. T. Fields 510 Edward, Edward Anonymous 454 Eleuv on Captain Henderson . . . Burns 504 Epitaph on Elizabeth L. II Ben Jonson 512 Fair Annie of Lochroyan Anonymous 447 Fair Helen Anonymous 457 Fishermen C. Kingsley 473 Fishing Song Hose Terry. 519 Funeral Hymn D. Mallett 505 Hester C. Lamb 501 How’s my Boy S. Dobell 483 Hunter’s Vision Bryant 489 Ichabod Whittier 512 InchcapeRock Southey 480 Iphigenia and Agamemnon Landor 470 King of Denmark’s Ride Mrs. Norton 478 Lament Shelley 518 Lament of the Irish Emigrant. . Lady Duffer in 495 Lament of the Border Widow.. Anonymous 456 Lamentation for Celin Anonymous 471 B Last Journey Lord Randal Lord Ullin’s Daughter Lost Leader Lycidas , Mariner’s Dream May Queen Mother’s Last Song Nymph Complaining for the ) Death of her Fawn j On the Loss of the Royal George On the Funeral of Charles the I First j On the Death of George the | Third f O ! Snatched away in Beauty’s j Bloom j O 1 Breathe not his Name Pauper’s Deathbed Pauper’s Drive Peace ! what do Tears Avail ?. . . Phantom Poet’s Epitaph Prisoner of Chillon Rare Willy Drowned in Yarrow Sea Sir Patrick Spens Snow-Storm Softly Woo Away her Breath... Sohrab and Rustum Solitude Song — Yarrow Stream Song — O Mary go Song of the Silent Land Song of the Shirt Stanzas to the Memory of | Thomas Hood j The Moon was A-waning Tom Bowling. Twa Brothers Twa Corbies Very Mournful Ballad Warden of the Cinque Ports When I Beneath Wreck of the Hesperus Young Airly Mrs. Southey 499 Anonymous 454 Campbell 479 Browning 513 Milton 502 W. Dimond 482 Tennyson 490 Barry Cornwall... 497 Marvell 494 Cowper 480 WL. Bowles 513 II Smith 514 Byron 506 Moore 506 Mrs. Southey 49S T. Noel 500 Barry Cornwall . . . 501 Bayard Taylor. . . 511 E. Elliott 517 Byron 474 Anonymous 451 It. II. Stoddard 47S Anonymous 445 C. G. Eastman. . . . 488 Barry Cornwall... 489 M. Arnold 458 11 K. White 518 J. Logan 452 C. Kingsley 457 Sails 498 .Hood 497 B. Simmons 516 J. Hogg 484 C. Dibdin 484 Anonymous 455 Anonymous 456 Anonymous 472 Longfellow 515 Motherwell 517 Longfellow 481 Anonymous 4S7 POEMS OF THE IMAGINATION Ariel's Songs Birth of Venus Comus, a Mask Culprit Fay Djinns, The Fairy Queen Fairy Song Fairy, Song of Fairies’ Song. Fairies, Song of Fairies of Caldon Low | Fairies’ Farewell Fairies Hylas Kilmeny King Arthur's Death Kubla Khan La Belle Dame Sans Merci Page Shakespeare 546 Anonymous 545 Milton 550 J. R. Drake 536 Victor Hugo 581 Anonymous 528 Keats 529 Shakespeare 529 Anonymous 529 Randolph 530 Mary Howitt 535 R. Corbett 544 TV. Allingham 544 B. Taylor 563 Hogg 531 Anonymous 523 Coleridge 578 Keats 530 Lady of Shallott Lorelei Merry Pranks .of Robin-Good \ Fellow ) Midnight Review O ! Where do Fairies Hide ) their Heads ? f Raven, The Rhcecus Rime of the Ancient Mariner. . . Siren’s Song Song — The Fairy Beam Song — A Lake and a Fairy-boat. Song — Hear, sweet Spirit Thomas, the Rhymer Water Lady Water Fay Wee, Wee Man Page Tennyson 548 H Heine 547 Anonymous 527 Zedlitz 568 T. H Bayly 536 Poe 578 Lowell 566 Coleridge 569 TV. Browne 546 Ben Jonson 545 Hood 548 Coleridge 546 Anonymous 525 Hood 547 H. Heine 547 Anonymous 520 POEMS OF SENTIMENT AND REFLECTION. i Abou Ben Adhem Abstract of Melancholy Address to the Mummy at ) Belzoni’s Exhibition j Age of Wisdom Alexander’s Feast All Earthly Joy Returns in Pain Allegro L’ Arrahmore Arsenal at Springfield Balder Barclay of Ury Battle of Blenheim Be Patient Bells, The Bells of Shandon Bucket, The Burns Burns, At the Grave of Canadian Boat Song Contented Mind “ Contemplate all this Work ”, . . Constantia — Singing. Cotter’s Saturday Night Cowper’s Grave Crowded Street Death Death of the Virtuous Death’s Final Conquest Dejection — An Ode Delight in Disorder Deserted Village Each and All Egyptian Serenade Elegy written in a Country ) Church- Yard j End of the Play Epitaph on the admirable Dra- ) matic Poet, W. Shakespeare f Evening Bells Exhortation Fisher’s Cottage Footsteps of Angels Forging of the Anchor Fountain Garden of Love Good-Bye Good, Great Man Good Time Coming Grave of a Poetess Greenwood Shrift Guy Hallowed Ground L. Hunt 591 Robert Burton 661 Horace Smith 589 Thackeray 666 Dry den. 609 William Dunbar. . 585 Milton 646 Moore 681 Longfellow 597 Anonymous 588 Whittier 586 Southey 596 R. C. Trench 686 K. A. Poe 607 F. Mahoney 606 S. Woodworth 598 Whittier 638 Wordsworth 636 Moore 614 J. Sylvester. 650 Tennyson 683 Shelley 613 Burns 6S9 Mrs. Browning 630 Bryant 658 W. E. C banning . . 704 Mrs. Barbauld 710 J. Shirley 699 Coleridge 664 Herrick 615 Goldsmith 600 Emerson 687 G. W. Curtis 614 Gray 710 Thackeray 670 Milton 623 Moore 608 Shelley 645 Henry Heine. 590 Longfellow 706 S. Ferguson 594 Wordsworth 657 W. Blake 6SS Emerson 659 Coleridge 676 C. Mackay 684 Thomas MRler 640 . R.& C. Southey... 702 , Emerson 660 . Campbell 692 Happy Valley .. T. Miller . 680 Happy Life . . Wotton . 693 Harmosan . . R.C. Trench . 587 Heavenly Wisdom . . J. Logan , 694 Hebe . . Lowell 616 Hence all you Vain Delights. . .Beaumont & Fletch er 662 Hermione . . Barry Cornwall.. . 617 Hermit . . Beattie , 700 Highland Girl . . Wordsworth 618 Honest Poverty . . Burns , 6S3 Human Frailty. . . Cowper , 675 Hymn to Intellectual Beauty. . . Shelley . 655 Hymn of the Church- Yard... . . . J. Bethune . 708 If that were true . . Frances Brown. 685 I am a Friar of Orders Gray . . . . J. O'Keefe , 666 Influence of Music . . Shakespeare , 611 Is it Come ? . . Frances Brown . . . 6S4 King Death . . Barry Cornwall.. . 703 Last Leaf .. O.W. Holmes . 669 Life . . Barry Cornwall . . . 703 Life . . H. King 707 Life and Death . . Anonymous 702 Light of Stars .. Longfellow 69S Lines on a Skeleton . . Anonymous . 707 Lords of Thule . . Anonymous 585 Losses . . Frances Brown.. . 676 Lost Church . . Uhland . 688 Lye, The .. Anonymous 651 Macaulay .. Landor . 641 Man .. G. Herbert . 694 Man’s Mortality .. S. Wasted . 707 Margaret Hussey . . Skelton . 616 Means to attain Happy Life. .. . . Lvord Surrey . 646 Mermaid Tavern, Lines on . . Keats . 624 Minstrel, The . . Goethe . 642 Mother Margery . . G.S. Burleigh , . . . . 621 Music .. Dry den . 611 Mutability .. Shelley . 673 My Mind to me a Kingdom is. .. W. Byrd . 652 Night . . Habington . 69S No More . . A. II. Clough . 673 Nymph’s Song .. Wither...' . 622 Ode — Bards of Passion . . Keats . 641 Ode — Intimations of Immortality Wordsworth . 695 Ode — To Himself. . . Ben Jonson . 625 Ode on a Grecian Urn . 645 Ode to Melancholy . . Hood . 662 Ode to Duty . 674 Old . 667 Old Maid ... Mrs. Welby 620 On a Lady Singing . 613 On Anacreon . 623 One Gray Hair . 667 INDEX On the Receipt of my Mother's j Picture ) On the Death of Burns On Chapman’s Homer O ! The Pleasant Days of Old!. . Passions — An Ode Penseroso II Perilla Petition to Time Poet's Thought Poor Man’s Song Problem Psalm of Life Queen of May Qua Cursum Ventus Reply Resolution and Independence. . . Robin Hood Seed-Time and Harvest Sir Marmaduke Sit Down, Sad Soul Slave Singing at Midnight Sleep ~ Sleep, The Smoking Spiritualized Shakespeare She Walks in Beauty “ She was a Phantom of Delight” Shepherd’s Hunting Soldier’s Dream Song — 0 say not that my Heart. SoDg— Still to be neat Song— O Lady Leave Song — Sweet are the Thoughts. Song — What pleasure have great Princes Song— Time is a feathered Thing Song of the Forge Sonnet — ’T is much, immortal \ Beauty ) Sonnet— The Nightingale is mute Page • Cowper . 599 . W. Boscoe . 635 , Heats . 639 , Frances Brown.. . 678 Collins . 611 , Milton . 648 Herrick . 667 , Barry Cornwall.. . 671 . Barry Cornwall.. . 642 . Anonymous . 679 , Emerson . 689 . Longfellow . 706 . G.Darley . 615 . A. H. Clough . 673 . J. Norris . 650 Wordsworth . 643 . Keats . 677 , Whittier . 695 , Colman the younger 666 . Barry Cornwall. . . 705 , Longfellow . 701 , J. Dowland . 702 , Mrs. Browning . . . 701 Anonymous . 661 J. Sterling . 624 Byron . 617 ’ Wordsworth . 619 Wither . 625 , Campbell . C. Wolfe . 596 . 674 Ben JonsO'n . 615 . Hood . 617 II. Green. . 650 j- W. Byrd . 651 ; Anonymous . 671 Anonymous . 593 Thurlow . 616 i Thurlow . 641 Sonnet — Who Best can Paint. . . Sonnet — If Accident Sonnets.— Triumphing Chariots. Sonnet — Sad is our Youth Sonnets Sonnet— Of mortal Glory Soul’s Defiance Stanzas — Thought is deeper Stanzas — My life is like Steamboat, The Strife, The Sturdy rock, for all his Strength Sunrise comes To-morrow Sunken City Sweet Pastoral Sweet is the Pleasure Tables Turned Temperance ; or, the Cheap ( Physician j Thanatopsis There bo Those There are Gains for all our ) Losses f Time’s Cure To My Sister Two Oceans Two Brides Uhland Upon Julia’s Recovery Yerses, supposed to be writ- ) ten by Alex. Selkirk j Victorious Men of Earth Village Blacksmith Virtue Vision, The White Island Who is Sylvia ? Why thus Longing ? Winter being over Woman’s Voice World. The Page Thurlow 642 Thurlow 653 Drummond 654 Aubrey De Vere... 672 Milton 676 Drummond 707 Lavinia Stoddard . 672 C. P. Oranch 656 II. II. Wilde 673 O. W. Holmes 592 Tennyson 700 Anonymous 699 Anonymous 6S2 Muller 659 N. Breton 654 J. S. Dwight 656 Wordsworth 657 Crashaw 660 Bryant 709 B. Barton 687 It. H. Stoddard . ... 672 Anonymous 671 Whittier 619 J. Sterling. 590 B. H. Stoddard 619 W. A. Butler 640 Herrick, 617 Cowper 591 J. Shirley 597 Longfellow 592 G. Herbert. 699 Burns. 632 Herrick 679 Shakespeare 617 Harriet Winslow. . 675 Ann Collins 653 K Arnold 614 t Tones Very 686 POEMS OF RELIGION. All Well Another’s Sorrow Bee, The Believers, For Call, The Centennial Ode Charity Charity and Humility Christmas Christmas Hymn Christ Dying, Rising, and 1 Reigning J Christ’s Message Chorus Complaining “ Come unto me ” Creator and Creatures Darkness is Thinning Dead Christ Death Dedication of a Church Delight in God Only Desiring to Love Dirge Divine Ejaculation Divine Love Dying Christian to his Soul Each sorrowful Mourner Early Rising and Prayer Easter Easter Hymn Elder Scripture Emigrants in Bermudas Epiphany “Eternal beam of Light Di- vine” H Bonar 770 W. Blake 785 II. Vaughan 717 C. Wesley 756 G. Herbert 733 J. Pierpont 752 J. Montgomery 756 Henry More. 747 Tennyson 743 A. Dommeti 743 Watts 730 Doddridge 727 Milman 787 G. Herbert 735 Mrs. Barbauld 737 Watts 782 St. Gregory 715 Mrs. Ilowe 742 C. Wesley 762 Drummond 749 F Quarles 790 C. Wesley 757 Croly 762 J. Quarles 788 Tersteegen 757 Pope 759 PrudenUus 764 II. Vaughan 715 . G. Herbert 731 . T. Blackburn 782 . Keble 718 . Marvell 745 . Heber 725 j- C. Wesley 789 Example of Christ Exhortation to Prayer. Fasting. Feast, The Field of the World Flower, The For New-Year's Day For those that wait for full ) Redemption j For a Widower or Widow “ Friend of All” Future Peace and Glory of ) the Church f Gethsemane Gethsemane God God in Nature God is Love God’s Greatness Heavenly Canaan Heaven, Of “ How Gracious and How ) Wise ” ) Humility Hymn — On the Nativity Hymn — To the Saviour Hymn — When our Heads Hymn — Drop, drop, slow Tears. Hymn of the Hebrew Maid Hymn — For anniversary Mar- ) riage Days ) Hymn — When the Angels Ily mn-When rising from the bed Hymn of Praise Hymn from Psalm CXLVIII... Hymn — When all thy Mercies. . Watts 737 Margaret Mercer. . 754 F. Quarles 746 Vaughan 784 J. Montgomery 752 G. Herbert 736 Doddridge 718 C. Wesley 756 Wither 763 C. Wesley 740 Cowper 769 Joseph Hart 729 J. Montgomery 730 Derzhavin 792 Doddridge 718 Anonymous 786 Breithaupt 791 Watts 765 Jeremy Taylor 769 Doddridge 7S6 J. Montgomery 748 Milton 722 Damascenus 732 Milman 741 P. Fletcher 742 Sir W. Scott 745 Wither 748 Nicholas Breton... 754 Addison 761 Tersteegen 772 Ogilvie 780 Addison 788 XIV INDEX Page Hymn — Brother, thou art Gone. Miiman 761 In a clear, starry Night Wither 721 IS Build Time t0 Plant and \ KebU 748 Jesus Newton 737 “ Jesus, Lover of my Soul ” C. Wesley 738 my Strength C. Wesley 739 Laborer’s Noon-day Hymn Wordsworth. 745 II. King 707 Cowper 783 Life Light Shining out of Darkness Lines, on a celebrated Picture. .. C. Lamb 728 Little While H. Bonar 765 Living by Christ Gerhard 740 Litany Sir B. Grant. 741 Litany to the Holy Spirit Herrick, 758 Lord, the Good Shepherd J. Montgomery... 772 Love Watts 755 Mary Tennyson 755 “ Mark the soft-falling Snow ” Doddridge 719 Messiah Pope 726 Missionary Hymn Heber 753 My God, I love Thee St. Fran. Xavier. . 732 New Jerusalem Anonymous 766 Ode — The Spacious Firmament. . Addison 719 Ode — How are thy Servants Addison 782 Odor, The G. Herbert 734 On the Morning of Christ’s Na- tivity On a Prayer Book sent to Mrs. M. E _ O yet we trust Tennyson 755 O! Fear not thou to die Anonymous 758 Passion Sunday Fortunatus 729 Peace II Vaughan 769 Philosopher’s Devotion . Milton 722 Grashaw 750 H. More 716 Poet's Hymn for Himself Wither 773 Praise for Creation and Provi- ' dence _ Praise to God Mrs. Barbauld... 771 Praise, The Wither Prayer, Living and Dying Toplady Priest, The . Psalm XIII Watts 720 771 773 736 N. Breton 749 F. Davison 774 Psalm XYIII T. Sternhold. Psalm XIX 774 Watts. 775 Psalm XX Psalm XXIII Psalm XXIII Psalm XXX. Psalm XL VI Psalm LXV Psalm LXVI Psalm LXXII Psalm XCII Psalm C. . Psalm CXVII Psalm CXXX Psalm CXLVIII Keign of Christ on Earth Eesignation Safe Stronghold Search after God Sincere Praise Sonnet — In the Desert Sonnet — The Prayers I make . . . Sonnet — How orient is thy ) Beauty J Spirit Land Stranger and his Friend .St. Peter's Day Sun, Moon, and Stars praise ye | the Lord J They are all gone Thou art gone to the Grave “ Thou, God, seest Me ” Thou, God, unsearchable Time past, Time passing, Time | to come ) To keep a true Lent True use of Music Twelfth Day, or the Epiphany. . . Universal Prayer. Valediction Veni, Creator Walking -with God Watchman’s Keport Weeping Mary What is Prayer ? “ When I can read my Title clear ” Wilderness Transformed Pag* C. Wesley 775 F. Davison., 776 Merrick 776 Davison 776 Watts 777 Watts 778 Sandys 778 Watts 779 Sandys 779 Tate and Brady.. 779 Watts 780 P. Fletcher 780 Sandys 781 J. Montgomery... 728 Chatterton 786 Luther 783 T. Hey wood 7S4 Watts 721 Anonymous 742 Michael Angelo.. 772 F. Quarles 735 Jones Very 716 J. Montgomery . . . 733 Keble 744 Watts 720 H. Vaughan 764 Heber 761 J. Montgomery. . . 789 C. Wesley 791 J. Montgomery... 791 Herrick 746 C. Wesley 751 Wither 727 Pope 7S8 Bichard Baxter.. 759 St. Ambrose 771 Cowper 785 J. Bowring 738 J. Newton 731 J. Montgomery... 753 Watts 769 Doddridge 77G INDEX OF AUTHORS l Page ADDISON, JOSEPH, Born in Wiltshire, Eng., May 6, 1672 ; died in Lon., June 17, 1719. Ode — The Spacious Firmament 719 Hymn — When Rising from the Bed 761 Ode — How are thy Servants 782 Hymn— When all thy Mercies 783 AKENSIDE, MARK. Born atNewcastle-upon-Tyne, Nov. 9, 1721 ; d. June 23, 1770. On a Sermon against Glory 395 ALDRICH, JAMES. Born in Orange Co., N. Y., July 10, 1810. A Death-bed 501 ALLINGHAM, WILLIAM. Born in Ireland ; lives at Bullyshnnnon ; published “The Music Master, and Day and Night Songs.” London, 1855. Lovely Mary Donnelly 270 The Fairies 544 ALLSTON, WASHINGTON. Bom in S. C., Nov. 5, 1779 ; d. at Cambridge, Mass., July 9, 1843. Boyhood. 156 Rosalie 280 AMBROSE, ST. (Latin.) Born at Treves, a.d., 340; died at Milan, April 3, 397. Yeni Creator. {Dry den' 8 Paraphrase.) 771 ANACREON. (Greek.) Born at Teos, Greece ; died there 476 b. c. Spring. {Moore's translation.) 13 On the Grasshopper. ( Cowper's translation.) 70 The Grasshopper. {Cowley's translation .). . . 70 Drinking. {Cowley's translation.) 81 The Portrait. {Pay's translation.). 279 Cheat of Cupid. {Per rick's translation.) 287 ANGELO, MICHAEL. (Italian.) Burn in Tuscany, March 6, 1474 ; died in Home Feb. 17, 1563. Sonnet. {P. Coleridge's translation.') 247 Sonnet. {P. Coleridge's translation.) 261 Sonnet. {S. Wordsworth's translation.) 772 ANSTER, JOHN. Born in Ireland about 1795 ; is Professor of Civil Law in Trinity College, Dublin. The Fairy Child 130 ANTIPATER OF SIDON. (Greek.) Lived in Greece about 100 B. c. On Anacreon. {T. Moore's translation.) 623 ARNOLD, EDWIN. Son of Dr. Arnold of Rugby; brother of Matthew Arnold. Almond Blossom 18 Woman’s Voice 614 AYTOUN, WILLIAM E. Born in Fifeshire, Scotland, in 1813. Editor of “ Blackwood.’ Massacre of the Macpherson Page 419 BAILLIE, JOANNA. Bom in Lanarkshire, Scotland, in 1762; died at Hampstead, near London, Feb. 23, 1851. The Black Cock 30 BARBAULD, ANNA L.ETITIA. Born in Leicestershire, Eng., June 20, 1743; died near London, March 9, 1825. Death of the Virtuous 710 “ Come unto Me.” 737 Praise to God 771 BARNARD, LADY ANN. Born in Scotland, Dec. 8, 1750; died May 8, 1825. Auld Robin Gray 312 BARNFIELD, RICHARD. Born in Staffordshire, Eng., in 1574 ; died about 1606. Address to the Nightingale 53 BARTON, BERNARD. Born near London, Jan. 31, 1784 ; died Feb. 19, 1849. Not ours the Vows 336 There be Those 687 BAXTER, RICHARD. Born in Shropshire, Eng., Nov. 1615 ; died Dec. 8, 1691. Valediction 759 BAYLY, THOMAS HAYNES. Bern in Bath, Eng., in 1797 ; died in 1839, 0 1 Where do Fairies hide their Heads ? 536 BEATTIE, JAMES. Born in Kincardineshire, Scot., Oct. 20, 1735 ; died Aug. 18, 1803. The Hermit 700 BEAUMONT and FLETCHER. Were connected as writers in London from about 1605 to 1615. Francis Beaumont, b. in Leicestershire in 1586 ; d. March 9, 1616 ; John Fletcher, b. in Northamptonshire in 1576 ; d. in Lon. in 1625. Spring To Pau Folding of the Flocks Speak, Love Beauty Clear and Fair Hear, Ye Ladies Hence all you Vain Delights. 16 67 103 250 250 250 662 BEDDOES, THOMAS LOVELL. Bom near Bristol, Eng., in 1802 ; died in Germany in 1849. Love’s Last Message 828 Dirge 509 Bridal Song and Dirge 510 ARNOLD, MATTHEW. B .m at Lab-ham, Eng., Dec. 24, 1822; elected Professor of Poetry at Oxford in 1857. Philomela 55 Excuse 321 Indifference 321 Sohrab and Rustum 458 BELLMAN, C. M. (Swedish.) Born at Stockholm, Sweden, in 1741 ; died in 1795. Up, Amaryllis. (M. Jlowitt's translation.)... 21 BENNETT, HENRY. Born in Cork, Ireland, about 1785. St. Patrick was a Gentleman 434 XVI INDEX OF AUTHORS Page BENNETT, WILLIAM C. Lives iu London. Invocation to Eain in Summer. 7T To a Cricket 110 Baby May 123 Baby’s Shoes 169 BEKANGER, PIERRE JEAN DE. (Fbench.) Bom in Paris, Aug. 19, 1180 ; died July 16, 1857. Little Brown Man. ( Anonymous translation.) 424 BETHUNE, JOHN. Born in Fii'eshire, Scotland, in 1812 ; died Sept. 1, 1839. Hymn of the Church-yard 708 BLACKBURN, THOMAS. Author of “ Hymns and Poems for the Sick and Suffering.” Easter Hymn 732 BLAKE, WILLIAM. Born in London, Nov. 28, 1757 ; died Aug. 12, 1828. The Tiger 74 Chimney Sweeper 162 The Little Black Boy 162 The Garden of Love 688 Another’s Sorrow 785 BLANCHARD, LAMAN. Bom at Great Yarmouth, Eng., May 15, 1803 ; diedFeb. 5, 1845. Mother’s Hope 136 BONAE, HORATIUS. Bom in Scotland about 1810. Min. of the Free Church in Kelso. A Little While 765 All W ell 770 BOURNE, VINCENT. An usher in Westminster School ; bom about 1695 ; died Dec. 2, 1747. The Fly 70 BOWLES, WILLIAM LISLE. Bom in Northamptonshire, Sept. 24, 1762; died April 7, 1850. Come to these Scenes of Peace 60 The Greenwood 60 On the Funeral of Charles the First 513 BROWNING, ELIZABETH BARRETT. Bora in England about 1809. The Child and Watcher 126 Bertha in the Lane 313 Cowper’s Grave 630 The Sleep 701 BROWNING, ROBERT. Bom near London in 1812. Pied Piper of Hamelin 144 One Way of Love 293 Misconceptions 293 In a Year 298 Statue and Bust 316 Evelyn Hope 324 Give a Rouse 363 How they brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix 376 Incident of the French Camp 385 Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister 428 The Lost Leader 513 BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN. Bom at Cummington, Mass., Nov. 3, 1794. To a Waterfowl 58 The Fringed Gentian 94 Death of the Flowers 96 The Hunter of the Prairies 97 The Evening Wind 104 Burial of Love 328 Song of Marion’s Men 3S0 O! Mother of a Mighty Race 382 The Battle-field 3S3 The Hunter's Vision 4S9 The Crowded Street 658 Thanatopsis 709 BURBIDGE, THOMAS. Bom in England; published “Poems, Longer and Shorter.” Lond. 1838. Mother’s Love 13T If I desire with Pleasant Songs 288 BURLEIGH, GEORGE S. Bom at Plainfield, Conn., March 26, 1821. Mother Margery 621 BOWRING, JOHN. Bom at Exeter, Eng., Oct. 27, 1792. Watchman’s Report 738 BRAINARD, JOHN G. C. Born at New London, Conn., Oct. 21, 1796; died Sept. 26, 1828. Epithalamium 336 BREITHAUPT, JOACHIM JUSTUS. Bom in Hanover in 1658 ; died March 16, 1132. God’s Greatness. ( John Wesley's translation.) 791 j BRETON, NICHOLAS. Bom in England in 1555 ; died in 1624. Phillida and Corydon 247 A Sweet Pastoral 654 Priest 749 Hymn 754 BRISTOL, LORD. (Geobge Digby.) Born in Madrid in 1612 ; died at Chelsea, March 20, 1616. Song '. 30 BROOKS, MARIA. Bora at Medford, Mass., about 1195 ; died in Cuba, Nov. 11, 1845. Song 282 BROWN, FRANCES. Bom in Ireland, June 16, 1818. Losses 676 O ! the Pleasant Days of Old 678 Is it Come? 684 If that were True 6S5 BROWNE, WILLIAM. Bora in Devonshire in 1590 ; died in 1645. Shall I tell? 250 Welcome, Welcome 259 The Siren’s Song 546 BURNS, ROBERT. Born near Ayr, Scotland, Jan. 25, 1759 ; died July 21, 1796. A Mountain Daisy SS My heart’s in the Highlands 98 Auld Lang Syne 192 Ca’ the Yowes to the Knowes 263 Here’s a Health to Ane 263 Farewell to NanGy 264 Of a’ the airts the Wind can Blaw 264 Lass of Ballochmyle 265 Red, Red Rose 265 Bonnie Leslie 268 Highland Mary 324 To Mary in Heaven 825 My Wife’s a VTinsome Wee Thing 337 John Anderson 340 Blissful Day 340 Bannock-Burn 360 Here's a Health to them that’s Awa’ 870 Kenmure's on and Awa’ 870 Tam O’Shanter 420 Elegy on Captain Matthew Henderson 504 The Vision 632 Honest Poverty 6S3 The Cotter’s Saturday Night 689 BURTON, ROBERT. Bora at Lindley, Eng., in 1576 ; died in 1639. Abstract of Melancholy 661 BUTLER, WILLIAM ALLEN. Bom in Albany, N. Y., in 1825. Uhland 640 BYRD, WILLIAM. An English musical composer — lived about 1600. Song 651 My minde to Me a Kingdom is 652 INDEX OF AUTHORS XVII Page | BYRON, LORD. Born in L< nion, Jan. 22, 1788 ; died April 19, 1824. To Thomas Moore 188 Maid of Athens, ere we Part 261 Oirl of Cadiz 262 Stanzas for Music 263 Dreams 294 When we two Parted 297 Destruction of Sennacherib 350 Song of the Greek Poet 390 The Prisoner of Chillon 474 O! Snatched away in Beauty’s Bloom 506 She Walks in Beauty 617 CALLISTRATUS. (Greek.) Lived in Greece about 500 b. c. Harmodius and Aristogeiton. ( Lord Denman's translation.) 351 COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR. Born in Devonshire, Eng., Oct. 21, 1772 ; died July 25, 1834. The Nightingale 55 Frost at Midnight 113 Hymn, before Sunrise 119 The Child in the Wilderness 127 Love 232 Cologne 422 Devil’s Thoughts 422 Song — Hear Sweet Spirit 546 Rime of the Ancient Mariner 569 Kubla Khan 578 Dejection: anOde 664 The good great Man 676 COLLINS, ANN. Lived in England about 1650. Winter being Over 653 CAMOENS, LUIS DE. (Portuguese.) Born in Lisbon about 1524; died in 1579. Canzonet. ( Boscoe's translation.) 45 CAMPBELL, THOMAS. Born in Glasgow, July 27, 1777 ; d. at Boulogne, June 15, 1844. To the Evening Star 105 Song. 284 Lochiel's Warning 371 Hohenlinden 385 Ye Mariners of England 386 Battle of the Baltic 3S7 Lord Ullin’s Daughter 479 The Soldier’s Dream 596 Hallowed Ground 692 CANNING, GEORGE. Bom in London, April 11, 1770 ; died at Chiswick, Aug. 8, 1827. Friend of Humanity, and the Knife-Grinder.. 423 Song of an Imprisoned Student 424 CAREW, THOMAS. Bom in Devonshire, England, in 1589 ; died in 1639. The Airs of Spring 10 Song. 256 Disdain Returned 256 CHALKHILL, JOHN. A friend of izaak Walton ; lived in the 17th century. The Angler 21 CHANNING, WILLIAM ELLERY, Jr. Bom in Boston, Mass., Nov. 26, 1818. Death 704 CHATTERTON, THOMAS. Born at Bristol, England, Nov. 20, 1752 ; killed himself, Aug. 25, 1770. The Resignation 786 CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. Bom in London in 1328; died Oct. 25, 1400. Flower and the Leaf 3 The Cuckoo and the Nightingale 253 CLARE, JOHN. Bom in Northamptonshire, England, July 13, 1793. July 59 CLARK, GEORGE H. Lives at Hartford, Conn. The Rail 441 CLAUDIUS, MATTHIAS. (German.) Bom near Lubeek, Germany, in 1743; died in 1815. Night Song. (C. T. Brooks' translation.) 108 CLOUGH, ARTHUR HUGH. Natura Naturans 286 No More 673 Qua Cursum Yentus 673 COLERIDGE, HARTLEY. Born near Bristol, Eng., Sept. 19, 1796 ; died Jan. 19, 1849. Song — The Lark 20 November 101 COLLINS, WILLIAM. Bom nt Chichester, England, Dec. 25, 1720 ; died in 1756. Ode to Evening 105 Ode— How Sleep the Brave 375 Dirge in Cymbeline 509 The Passions 611 COLMAN, GEORGE, “ The Younger.” Bom in London, Oct. 21, 1762 ; died Oct. 26, 1836. Sir Marmaduke 666 COOKE, PHILIP PENDLETON. Born at Martinsburg, Va., Oct. 26, 1816; died Jan. 20, 1850. Florence Yane 322 CORBETT, RICHARD. Born in Surrey, England, in 1582 ; died in 1635. The Fairies’ Farewell 544 CORNWALL, BARRY. (B. W. Procter.) Born in Wiltshire, England, about 1798. The Snow-Drop 12 Song of the Wood Nymphs 67 The Blood Horse 77 The Sea 84 The Stormy Petrel 84 The Sea — In Calm 87 The Hunter’s Song 98 The Owls 109 A Song for the Seasons 117 Song — Love me if I Live 272 Poet’s Song to his Wife 339 Softly Woo away her Breath 489 The Mother’s Last Song - 497 Peace ! What do Tears Avail ? 501 Bridal Dirge 511 Hermione 617 Poet’s Thought 642 Petition to Time 671 King Death 703 Life 705 Sit down, Sad Soul 905 COTTON, CHARLES. Born in Derbyshire, England, in 1630; died in 1687. The Retirement 64 COTTON, NATHANIEL. Born at St. Albans, England, in 1721 ; died in 1788. The Fireside 254 COWLEY, ABRAHAM. Born in London in 1618 ; died July 28, 1667. The Garden 61 COWPER, WILLIAM. Bom in Hertfordshire, Eng., Nov. 15, 1731 ; died April 25, 1800. The Cricket 110 Boadicea 352 Diverting History of John Gilpin 416 On the Loss of the Royal George 480 Verses, supposed to be written by Alex. Selkirk 591 On the Receipt of my Mother’s Picture 599 Human Frailty. 675 Future Peace and Glory of the Church 769 Light shining out of Darkness 788 Walking with God 785 xvm INDEX OF AUTHORS Page CEANCH, CHRISTOPHER PEAESE. Bum iu Alexandria, D. C., March 8, 1813. Stanzas — Thought is Deeper 656 CRASHAW, EICHAED. Bom in Cambridgeshire, Eng., about 1600 ; died in 1650. Song — To thy Lover 255 Temperance, or the Cheap Physician 660 On a Prayer-Book. 750 CRAWFORD, HES. J. An Irish lady ; wrote for the “ London New Monthly.” We parted in Silence 293 CEOLT, GEORGE. Bora in Dublin about 1785. Leonidas 352 Pericles and Aspasia 352 Dirge 762 CUNNINGHAM, ALLAN. Bom at Blackwood, Scotland, Dec. 17, 1784 ; died Dec. 29, 1842. A Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea 85 The Town Child and Country Child 127 Thou hast Towed by thy Faith, my Jeannie. . 266 Gentle Hugh Herries 267 My Nannie, 0 267 Poet’s Bridal-day Song 339 Hame, Hame, Hame 374 The Sun rises bright in. France 374 CUETIS, GEOEGE WILLIAM. Bum in Providence, R. I., in 1824. Egyptian Serenade 614 DAMASCENES, ST. JOANNES. (Greek.) Born in Damascus ; died about 756. Hymn. (E. B. Browning' 8 translation.) 732 DANA, EICHAED HENEY. Bom at Cambridge, Mass , Nov. 15, 1787. The little Beach-Bird. 87 DANIEL, SAMUEL. Bora in Somersetshire, Eng., in 1562 ; died Oct. 1619. Love is a Sickness 247 DAELEY, GEOEGE. Bom in Dublin in 1785 ; died in London in 1S49. Song of the Summer Winds 81 Gambols of Children 143 Sylvia 2S0 Love Song 280 The Queen of May 615 DATIS, THOMAS. Bern in Mall w, Ireland, in 1814 ; died in Dublin, Sept. 16, 1845. The Welcome 272 DAYISON, FEANCIS. Bom in Norfolk, England, about 1575 ; died about 1618. Psalm XIII 774 Psalm XXIII 776 Psalm XXX 776 DE YEEE, AUBEEY. Born in the county of Limerick, Ireland, Dec. 16, 1S14. Early Friendship 179 Song— Sing the old Song 281 Sonnet 672 ! DEEZHAYIN, GAB’L BOMANO WITCH. (Russian.) Burn in Kasan, Russia, July 3, 1743; died July 6, 1816. God. (J. Bowring' s translation.) 792 DIBDIN, CHAELES. Bum at Southampton, England, in 1745 ; died in 1814. Tom Bowling 4S4 DICKENS, CHARLES. Born at Portsmouth, England, Feb. 7, 1812. Ivy Green 101 ! DIMOND, WILLIAM. A theatrical manager ; bora in Bath, Eng. ; died in Paris, Oct. 1837. The Mariner's Dream 482 DOBELL, SYDNEY. Bora at Peckham Rye, England, in 1824. How’s my Boy ? 4S8 DODDRIDGE, PHILIP. Bom in London, June 26, 1702 ; died Oct., 1751. “ Mark the Soft-falling Snow ” 710 For New Year’s Day 718 God in Nature 718 Christ’s Message 727 Wilderness Transformed 770 “ How Gracious and how Wise ” 786 DOMMETT, ALFRED. Bora in England about 1815 ; lives in New Zealand. Christmas Hymn 748 DOWLAND, JOHN. An English musical composer; lived about 1600. Sleep 702 DOWNING, MAEY. Bora in Cork, Ireland, about 1830. Were I but His own Wife 271 PEAKE, JOSEPH RODMAN. Bom in New York, Aug. 7, 1795 ; died Sept., 1820. To Sarah 337 American Flag 3S1 The Culprit Fay 536 DRAYTON, MICHAEL. Bora in Warwickshire, England, in 1563; died in 1631. Ballad of Agincourt 358 DRUMMOND, WILLIAM Bom in Scotland, Nov. 13, 1585 ; died Dec. 1649. Song — Phoebus arise 14 To the Nightingale 53 To the Redbreast. 117 Sonnet — I know that All 247 Sonnets 654 Sonnet— Of Mortal Glory 707 Dedication of a Church 749 DEYDEN, JOHN. Bom in Northamptonshire, Eng., Aug. 9, 1631 ; died May 1, 1700. How Sweet it is to Love 256 Alexander’s Feast 609 Music 611 DUFFERIN, LADY. Formerly Mrs. Blackwood ; grand-daughter of R. B. Sheridan ; sister of Mrs. Norton ; bom in Deland about 180S. Lament of the Irish Emigrant 495 DUNBAR, WILLIAM. Bom in Scotland about 1465 ; died about 1 530. All Earthly Joy returns in Pain 5S5 DWIGHT, JOHN SULLIYAN. Bom in Boston, Mass., May 13, 1813. Sweet is the Pleasure 656 DYER, JOHN. Bom in Wales in 1700 ; died in 1758. Grongar Hill 101 EASTMAN, CHAELES GAMAGE. Born in Fryeburg, Me. June 1, 1816. A Snow Storm 4SS Dirge 510 ELLIOTT, EBENEZEE. Bora near Sheffield, Eng., March 17, 1781 ; died Dec. 1, 1849. The Bramble Flower 43 Poet’s Epitaph 517 EMERSON, RALPH WALDO. Born in Boston, Mass., in 1803. The Ehodora 38 To the Humble Bee 71 The Snow Storm 116 Threnody 171 Good-bye 659 Guy 000 Each and All 0S7 The Problem 669 INDEX OF AUTHORS Xli. Page FENNER, C. G. Born in Providence, R. I., Dec. 30, 1822; died in Cincinnati, Jan. 4, 1S47. Gulf Weed 87 FERGUSON, SAMUEL. Born in the north of Ireland about 1805— is a Barrister in Dublin. Forging of the Anchor 594 Page HABINGTON, WILLIAM. Bom in Worcestershire, England, in 1605 ; died in 1645. Castara 252 Night 698 HALLECK, FITZ-GREENE. Born at Guilford, Conn., in Aug. 1795. Marco Bozzaris 391 FIELDS, JAMES T. Boru in Portsmouth, N. H., about 1815. Ballad of the Tempest 164 Dirge for a Young Girl 510 FLETCHER, GILES. Born lu Kent, England, about 1550 ; died in 1610. Panglory's Wooing Song 252 FLETCHER, PHINEAS. Bom in Loudon in 1584 ; died about 1650. Hymn — Drop, Drop, Slow Tears 742 Psalm cxxx 780 FORTUNATUS, YENANTIUS. (Latin.) Saint of the Latin Church; bom near Venice in 530; died about 600. Passion Sunday. {Anonymous translation.) . . 729 FREILIGRATH, FERDINAND. (German.) Bora at Detmold, Germany, June 17, 1810. The Lion’s Ride. {Anonymous translation.) . 74 FRENEAU, PHILIP. Bom in New York, Jan. 13, 1752 ; died Dec. 18, 1832. The Wild Honeysuckle 43 FULCHER, GEORGE WILLIAMS. Died in Sudbury, England, in 1855. Dying Child 166 GAY, JOHN. Born in Devonshire, England, in 1688 ; died Dec. 11, 1732. Black-Eyed Susan 218 GERHARD, PAUL. (German.) Bora in Saxony in 1606 ; died June 7, 1676. Living by Christ. {J. Wesley's translation.).. 740 GILMAN, CAROLINE. Born in Boston, Mass., in 1794. Annie in the Grave-yard 161 GLAZIER, W. B. Lives in Gardiner, Me. Cape Cottage at Sunset 183 HAMILTON, WILLIAM. Born at Bangour, Scotland, in 1704 ; died in 1754. Braes of Yarrow 450 HART, JOSEPH. An English Dissenting Clergyman ; lived in London in 1759. Gethsemane 729 HARTE, WALTER. Bom in 1700 ; died in Wales in 1774, Soliloquy 71 HEBER, REGINALD. Bom in Cheshire, England, April 21, 1783 ; died April 3, 1826. If thou wert by my Side 337 Epiphany 725 Missionary Hymn 753 Thou art gone to the Grave 761 HEINE, HEINRICH. (German.) Bern at Dusseldorf, Germany, Jan. 1, 1800; died in 1856. “ Calm is the Night.” {Leland's translation.) 518 The Lorelei. {C. P. Cranch's translation.). . . 547 The Water Fay. {Leland's translation.) 547 The Fisher’s Cottage. {Leland's translation.) 590 HEMANS, FELICIA. Born in Liverpool, England, Sept. 25, 1794 ; died May 18, 1835. Willow Song 69 The Wandering Wind 82 The Adopted Child 157 Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers 378 Casabianca 389 Dirge. 511 HERBERT, GEORGE. Born in Wales, April 3, 1593 ; died in Feb. 1632. Man 694 Virtue 699 Easter 731 The Call 733 The Odor 734 Complaining 735 The Flower 736 GLEN, WILLIAM. A native of Glasgow, died about 1824. Wae’s Me for Prince Charlie 373 GOETHE, JOHANN WOLFGANG YON. (German.) Born at Franklort-on-the-Main r Aug. 29, 1749 ; died at Weimar, in 1832. The Minstrel. {J. C. Mangan's translation.) 642 GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. Born in the county of Longford, Ireland, Nov. 29, 1728; died April 4, 1774. The Hermit 216 The Deserted Village 600 GRANT, SIR ROBERT. Born in Scotland in 1785 ; died July 9, 1838. Liturgy 741 GRAY, THOMAS. B( rn in London, Dec. 20, 1746 ; died July 30, 1771. Elegy written in a Country Church-yard 710 GREENE, ROBERT. Born at Norwich, England, abou iJ560 ; died Sept. 5, 1592. Philomela’s Ode TvTT. 256 Song — Sweet are the Thoughts 650 GREGORY THE GREAT, ST. (Latin.) Burn iu Rome about 540 ; died 604. Darkness is Thinning. {J. M. Neale's transla- tion.) 715 HERRICK, ROBERT. Born in London in 1591 ; date of death unknown. To Violets 36 To Primroses 37 To Blossoms 37 To Daffodils 37 To Meadows 94 Mrs. Eliz. Wheeler 251 Night Piece 253 Gathering Rose-buds 330 The Hag 405 Dirge of Jephthah’s Daughter 508 Delight in Disorder 615 Upon Julia’s Recovery 617 To Peri 11a 667 The White Island 679 To keep a true Lent 746 Litany to the Holy Spirit 758 HEY WOOD, THOMAS. Lived in England, under Queen Elizabeth and Charles I. Song — The Lark 20 Search after God 784 HILL, THOMAS. Born in New Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 7, 1818. The Bobolink 23 HOFFMAN, CHARLES FENNO. Born in New York in 1806. Sparkling and Bright 184 XX INDEX OF AUTHORS. Page HOGG, JAMES. ii tii hi Kitrick, Scotland, Jan. 25, 1172; died Nov. 21, 1S35. The Lark 20 The Moon was a Waning 4S4 Kilraeny 53* LMES, OLIVER WENDELL. .. II »' Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 29, 1809. The Old Constitution 3S3 The Steamboat 592 The Last Leaf. 669 HOLTY. LUDWIG. (German.) Born near Hanover, Germany, Iter. •> , 1"43; died Dec. 1,1176. Winter Song. ((?. T. B oake n translation.).. 116 HOOD, THOMAS. Bom in London in 1798 ; died May 3, 1845. Flowers 45 Autumn 100 To a Child embracing his Mother 130 To my Daughter 139 I Remember, I Remember 159 Fair Ines 268 Ruth 275 Serenade 276 Ballad— Not in Winter 278 Ballad— Sigh on, Sad Heart 293 Faithless Nelly Gray 429 Faithless Sally Brown 429 A Table of Errata 430 Lady at Sea 432 Dream of Eugene Aram 485 Bridge of Sighs 496 Song of the Shirt 497 The Death-bed 500 The Water Lady 547 Song — A Lake and a Fairy Boat 548 Song — O, Lady, Leave 619 Ode to Melancholy 662 HORACE. (Latin.) Born in Apulia, Dec. 8, B. c. 65 ; died Nov. 27, b. c. 8. To Thaliarchus. {Dry den 8 translation.) 259 HOWE, JULIA WARD. Born in New York about 1820. The Dead Christ 742 HOWITT, MARY. Bom at Uttoxeter, England, about 1800. Little Streams 33 Broom Flower....... 42 Summer Woods 68 Cornfields 95 Little Children 140 Fairies of Caldon Low 535 HOWITT, WILLIAM. Bom in Derbyshire, England in 1795. Departure of the Swallow 110 HOYT, RALPH. Bom in New York about 1812. INGRAM, JOHN KELLS. Bom in Ireland about 1820 ; is a Fellow of Trin. Coll., Dublin. The Memory of the Dead 393 JONES, ERNEST. A leading Chartist ; lives iu England. Moonrise 1117 JONES, SIR WILLIAM. Bom in London, Sept. 28, 1746 ; died April 27, 1794. Ode — What Constitutes a State JONSON, BEN. Bom in London, Jane 11, 1574; died Aug. 16, 1637. To Cynthia Triumph of Charis * ’ ’ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ Discourse with Cupid ' ’ " ' Epitaph on Elizabeth L. H Song— The Fairy Beam upon You Song Ode — To Himself. * " ' KEATS, JOHN. Bom in London in 1796 ; died Feb. 24, 1821. Nature and the Poets. Ode to a Nightingale Hymn to Pan On the Grasshopper and Cricket ! ' To Autumn Fancy Eve of St. Agnes * " " ' Fairy Song. * La Belle Dame sans Merci Lines on the Mermaid Tavern On first looking into Chapman's Homer Ode — Bards of Passion Ode on a Grecian Urn ” " ' Robin Hood 394 107 248 249 512 545 615 625 49 54 66 71 99 111 220 529 530 624 639 641 645 677 KEBLE, JOHN. Vicar of Hursley, near Winchester, England ; bom about 1800. April 12 The Elder Scripture ’ 718 St. Peter’s Day ’ 744 Is This a Time to Plant and Build ? 74S KEMBLE, FRANCES ANNE. Bom in London about 1811. Absence 283 KENYON, JOHN. Died in London in 1857 Champagne Rose 185 KEY, FRANCIS SCOTT. Bom about 1790 ; died at Baltimore, Jan. 11, 1843. Star-spangled Banner 330 KING, HENRY. Biahop of Chichester, England, bom in 1591 ; died in 1669. Life 707 KINGSLEY, CHARLES. Bom in Devonshire, England, June 12, 1819. Song— O, Mary, Go and Call the Cattle Home. 457 The Fishermen 473 Old. 667 HUGO, VICTOR. (French.) Bom at Besan^on, France, Feb. 26, 1802. TheDjinns. ( O'Sullivan's translation.) 581 HUNT, LEIGH. Bom in Middlesex, England, Oct. 19, 1784. Chorus of Flowers 46 Grasshopper and Cricket 71 To J. II. — Four years old 131 To a Child during Sickness 132 The Nun 284 Jenny kissed Me 292 Abou Ben Adhem 591 HUNTER, ANNE. Bom in Scotland in 1742 ; died in 1821. Indian Death-song 877 HYSLOP, JAMES. Bom in Scotland, July, 1798 ; died Dec. 4, 1827. Cameronian’s Dream 367 KORNER, KARL THEODOR. (German.) Bom in Dresden, Sept. 23, 1791 ; died Aug. 26, 1813. Korner’s Sword Song. {Charley's translation.) 3S4 LAMB, CHARLES. Bom in London, Feb. 18, 1775; died Dec. 27, 1S34. The Christening. 124 The Gipsey’s Malison ISO Childhood 159 Old Familiar Faces 3 S3 Farewell to Tobacco 426 Hypochondriacus 426 Hester 501 Lines on a Celebrated Picture 728 LAMB, MARY. Bom in London in 1765 ; died May 20, 1847. Choosing a Name 124 LANDOR, WALTER SAVAGE. Bom in Warwickshire, England, in 1775. The Brier 44 Children 138 INDEX OF AUTHORS xxi Ptige Maid’s Lament 292 Iphigenia and Agamemnon 470 To Macaulay 641 One Gray Hair 667 LEONIDAS, OF ALEXANDRIA. (Greek.) Born in the year 59 ; died in 129. On the Picture of an Infant. (. Rogers's trans- lation^) 125 LOGAN, JOHN. Born in Scotland in 1748 ; died in Dec. 1788. To the Cuckoo 24 Song — Yarrow Stream 452 Heavenly Wisdom 694 LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH. Born in Portland, Me., Feb. 27, 1807. Flowers 47 Rain in Summer 79 Twilight 85 Seaweed 86 Woods in Winter 115 Afternoon in February 117 The Open Window 168 The Fire of Driftwood 182 Excelsior 396 Wreck of the Hesperus 481 Warden of the Cinque Ports 515 The Village Blacksmith 592 The Arsenal at Springfield 597 The Light of Stars 698 The Slave Singing at Midnight 701 Psalm of Life 706 The Footsteps of Angels 706 LOVELACE, RICHARD. Born in Kent, England, in 1618; died in 1658. To Lucasta 253 To Althea, from Prison 254 To Lucasta 254 Song— Strive not, Vain Lover 288 Orpheus to the Beasts 305 LOVER, SAMUEL. Born in Dublin in 1797. The Angel’s Whisper : 126 Rory O’More 289 Molly Carew 290 Widow Machree 291 LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL. Born at Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 22, 1819. The Fountain 32 To the Dandelion 44 The Birch Tree 67 Summer Storm 77 To a Pine Tree 114 She Came and Went 168 My Love 277 What Mr. Robinson Thinks 441 Rhcecus 566 Hebe 616 LOWELL, MARIA WHITE. Born at Watertown, Mass., July 8, 1821 ; died Oct. 27, 1853. Morning-Glory 168 LUTHER, MARTIN. (German.) Born at Eisleben, Saxony, Nov. 10, 1483 ; died Feb. 18, 1546. A Safe Stronghold. (T. Carlyle's translation.) 783 LYLY, JOHN. Born in Kent, Eng'nnd, about 1554 ; died about 1600. Cupid and Campaspe 249 LYTTON, ROBERT BULWER, Only son of Sir E. liulwer Lytton, published “ Clytemnestrn and other Poems” in 1854, under the name of Owen Meredith. Changes 320 MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON. Bom at Rothley Temple, England, in 1800. Horatius 843 Ivry 860 Naseby 862 McCarthy, dennis Florence. Bom in Cork, Ireland, about 1810. Summer Longings 16 Irish Melody 271 MACKAY, CHARLES. Born at Perth, Scotland, in 1812. Child and the Mourners 161 Under the Holly Bough 195 What Might be Done 196 The Good Time Coming. 684 MACLEAN, L. E. (Miss Landon.) Bora at Chelsea, Eng., in 1802 ; died in Africa, Oct. 16, 1838. The Shepherd Boy 142 Little Red Riding Hood 143 Night at Sea 192 Awakening of Endymion 281 McMASTER, GUY HUMPHREY. Born at Bath, Steuben County, N. Y., in 1829. Carmen Bellicosum 379 MACNIEL, HECTOR. Born at Rosebank, Scotland, Oct. 22, 1746 ; died March 15, 1818. Mary of Castle Cary 229 MAGINN, WILLIAM. Born in Cork, Ireland, about 1793 ; died Aug. 20, 1842. St. Patrick, of Ireland, my Dear 435 The Irishman 436 MALLETT, DAVID. Born in Scotland about 1700 ; died April 21, 1765. A Funeral Hymn 505 MARLOWE, CHRISTOPHER. Born at Canterbury, England, Feb. 26, 1564 ; d. June 16, 1593. Milk-Maid’s Song. 258 MARVELL, ANDREW. Bora at Kingston-upon-Hull, England, Nov. 15, 1620; died Aug. 16, 1678. A Drop of Dew 14 The Garden 60 The Lover to the Glow-worms 251 Horatian Ode 363 The Nymph Complaining 494 Emigrants in Bermudas 745 MASSEY, GERALD. Born near Tring, England, in May, 1828. The Men of Forty-eight 393 MENDOZA, LOPE DE. (Spanish.) Born in Corrion de los Condes, Spain, Aug. 19, 1398; died March 26, 1458. Serrana. (7! Hoscoe's translation.) 229 MERCER, MARGARET. Born at Annapolis, Md., in 1791 ; d. at Belmont. Va., Sept. 19, 1847. Exhortation to Prayer 754 MEREDITH, GEORGE. Lives at Weybridge, England ; published a volume of Poems in 1851. Love in the Valley 236 MERRICK, JAMES. Bom in England in 1720: died in 1769. Psalm XXIII 776 MESSINGER, ROBERT HINCKLEY. Born in Boston about 1807. Give me the Old 184 MILLER, THOMAS. Bora in Gainsborough, England, Aug. 31, 1809. To George M 135 The Grave of a Poetess 640 The Happy Valley 6S0 MILLIKEN, RICHARD ALFRED. Born in the county of Cork, Ireland, in 1767 ; died in 1815. Groves of Blarney 436 MILMAN, HENRY HART. Born in London, Feb. 10, 1791. Bridal Song 830 Hymn— When our Heads 741 Hymn — Brother, thou art Gone 761 Chorus 787 MILNES, RICHARD MONCKTON. Bora in Yorkshire, England, in 1809. The Brook-Side 279 INDEX OF Page MILTON, JOHN. Born in London, Dec. 9, 1608 ; died Nov. 8, 1674. On a May Morning 14 To the Nightingale 53 Sonnets 365 Lycidas 502 Comus; a Mask 550 Epitaph on Shakespeare 623 L ’Allegro 646 II Penseroso 648 Sonnets 676 On the Nativity 722 MOIR, DAYID MACBETH. Bom at Musselburgh, Scotlaud, Jan. 5, 1798 ; died July 6, 1851. Casa Wappy 174 MONTGOMERY, ALEXANDER. Born in Ayrshire, Scotland, before 1550; died about 1611. Night is Nigh Gone 16 MONTGOMERY, JAMES. Born at Irvine, Scotland, Nov. 4, 1771 ; died April 30, 1854. To a Daisy 39 Evening in the Alps 106 Reign of Christ on Earth 728 Gethsemane 730 Stranger and his Friend 733 Humility 748 Field of the World 752 What is Prayer 753 Charity 756 The Lord the Good Shepherd 772 “ Thou, God, seest me ” 789 Time Past, Time Passing, Time to Come 791 MOORE, CLEMENT C. Born in New York, July 15, 1779. Yisit from St. Nicholas 147 Bom in Dublin, May 28, 1779 ; died Feb. 25, 1852. The Last Rose of Summer 97 Wreathe the Bowl 185 Fill the Bumper Fair 186 And doth not a Meeting like This 186 Come send round the Wine 187 Friend of my Soul 188 Farewell ! but whenever youWelcome the Hour 188 Go where Glory waits thee ! 269 Fly to the Desert 269 Fly not Yet 286 The Harp that Once through Tara’s Halls 374 Song. 374 Peace to the Slumberers 375 O ! Breathe not his Name 506 Those Evening Bells 608 Canadian Boat Song 614 Arranmore 681 Bom at Grantham, England, in 1614 ; died in 1687 Philosopher’s Devotion 716 Charity and Humility 747 MOTHERWELL, WILLIAM. Bom in Glasgow, in 1797 ; died in 1835. They Come, the Merry Summer Months 17 The Water! The Water. 33 Midnight Wind 112 The Bloom hath fled thy Cheek, Mary 307 Jeanie Morrison 308 My Heid is like to Rend, Willie 309 Cavalier’s Song. 359 Covenanter’s Battle-chant 366 When I beneath the cold, red Earth am Sleeping 517 MOULTRIE, JOHN. A Clergyman of the Church of England ; born in Eng. in 1799. The Three Sons 169 MUELLER, WILHELM. (German.) Born at Dessau, Germany, Oct. 7, 1794 ; died Oct. 1, 1827. The Sunken City. ( Mangan's translation .). . 659 NEELE, HENRY. Born in London in 1798 ; died (by hia own band) Feb. 7, 1828. Moan, moan, ye Dying Gales 86 AUTHORS. NEWTON, JOHN. e Born in London in 1725 ; died there in 1807. Weeping Mary 731 Jesus 737 NOEL, THOMA.S Author ot “ Rhymes and Roundelays,” London, 1841. The Pauper’s Drive 500 NORRIS, JOHN. Bom in England, 1657 ; died in 1711. Superstition 255 The Reply 650 NORTON, CAROLINE. Bom at Hampton Court, England, in 1808. To Ferdinand Seymour 124 Mother’s Heart 136 We have been Friends together 183 Allan Percy 320 Love Not 329 The King of Denmark's Ride 478 OGILYIE, JOHN. Bom in Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1733 ; died in 1814. Hymn from Psalm CXLYIII 780 O’KEEFE, JOHN. Bom in Dublin, June 24, 1747 ; died Feb. 4, 1833. I am a Friar of Orders Gray 669 ORLEANS, CHARLES, Duke of. (French.) Born in Paris, May 26, 1391 ; died Jan. 4, 1465. Fairest thing in Mortal Eyes. {R. Cary's translation) 328 PARSONS, THOMAS WILLIAM. Bom in Boston, Mass., Aug. 18, 1819. Song for September 93 Saint Peray 191 The Groomsman to his Mistress 283 On a Bust of Dante 395 On a Lady Singing 613 PERCIYAL, JAMES GATES. Bom in Berlin, Conn., Sept. 15, 1795 ; died May 2, 1856. May 15 The Coral Grove 88 To Seneca Lake 89 It is Great for our Country to Die 851 PERCY, THOMAS. Bora in Shropshire, Eng., in 1728 ; died as Bishop of Dromore, Ireland, in 1811. Friar of Orders Gray. 213 PHILOSTRATUS. (Greek.) Born in Lemnos, Greece, about 182. To Celia. (B. Jonson's translation.) 249 PIERPONT, JOHN. Born at Litchfield, Conn., April 6, 1785. My Child 175 Centennial Ode 752 PINKNEY, EDWARD COATE. Bom in London, Oct., 1802 ; died in Baltimore, April 11, 1828. Serenade 276 A Health 279 POE, EDGAR ALLAN. Bom in Baltimore, Jan., 1811 ; died Oct. 7, 1849. Annabel Lee 323 The Raven 578 The Bells 607 POPE, ALEXANDER. Bom in London, May 22, 1688 ; died May 30, 1744. The Rape of the Lock 406 Messiah 726 Dying Christian to his Soul 759 Universal Prayer 788 PRAED, WINTIIROP MACKWORTH. Bom in London in 1802 ; died July 15, 1839. Twenty-eight and Twenty-nine 440 PRINGLE, THOMAS. Born at Blacklaw, Scotland, Jan. 5, 1789 ; died Dec. 5, 1831. Afar in the Desert 76 The Lion and Giraffe 75 INDEX OF AUTHORS XX111 Page PROUT, FATHER. (Francis Mahony.) born in Ireland about 1805. Town of Passage 437 The Bells of Shandon 606 PRUDENTIUS, AURELIUS. (Latin.) Born in Spain, 348. Each Sorrowful Mourner. {J. M. Neale's trans- lation.') 764 QUARLES, FRANCIS. Born at Stewards, near Rumford,Eng.,in 1592 ; d. Sept. 8, 1644. Sonnets 735 Fasting 746 Delight in God only 790 QUARLES, JOHN. Son of Francis Quarles ; born in Essex, England, in 1624 ; died of the Plague iu 1665. Divine Ejaculation 788 RALEIGH, SIR WALTER, Born in Budley, England, in 1552; beheaded Oct. 29, 1618. Milkmaid’s Mother’s Answer 258 RAMSAY, ALLAN. Born in Crawford, Scotland, in 16S5; died in 1758. Lochaber no More 368 RANDOLPH, THOMAS. Born in Badby, England, in 1605 ; died March 17, 1634. Song of Fairies 530 READ, THOMAS BUCHANAN. Bom in Chester county, Penn., March 12, 1822. Autumn’s Sighing 100 The Windy Night 112 ROBERTS, SARAH. Bom in Portsmouth, N. H., lives in one of the Western States. The Voice of the Grass 59 RONSARD, PIERRE. (French.) Bom in Venddmois, France, in 1524; died in 1585. Return of Spring. ( Anonymous translation.) 10 EOS COE, WILLIAM. Born at Mount Pleasant, near Liverpool, 1753; died June 30, 1831. On the Death of Burns 635 ROSCOE, WILLIAM STANLEY. Born in England in 1782; died October, 1843. Dirge 509 SALIS, JOHANN GAUDENZ VON. (German.) Born in Grisons, Switzerland, in 1762. Song of the Silent Land. ( Longfellow's trans.) 49S SANDYS, GEORGE. Bom in Bishopsthorpe, England, 1577 ; d. in Kent, March, 1648. Psalm LX VI 778 Psalm XCII 779 Psalm CXLVJII 781 SAPPHO. (Greek.) Bom in Lesbos in the sixth century before Christ. Blest as the Immortal Gods. ( A . Phillips' translation.) 260 SCHILLER, FREDERIC. (German.) Bom in Marbnch, Germany, Nov. 10, 1759 ; died May 9, 1805. Indian Death Song. (Frothingham's trans.). . 378 BCOTT, SIR WALTER. Born in Edinburgh, Aug. 15, 1771 ; died Sept. 21, 1832. Jock of Ilazeldean 234 Lochinvar 235 Song — The Heath this Night 262 Song 300 Border Ballad 372 Pibroch of Donuil Dhu 373 Coronach 506 Hymn of the Hebrew Maid 745 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. Bom in Stratford-on-Avon, England about April 23, 1664 ; died April 23, 1616. Morning 18 Song— The Greenwood Tree 60 Page Blow, blow thou Winter Wind 113 Sonnets 241 Take, O take those Lips Away 251 Come away, Death 257 Crabbed Age and Youth 284 Dirge of Imogen 507 Song of the Fairy 529 Ariel’s Songs 546 Influence of Music 611 Who is Sylvia? 617 SHEA, JOHN AUGUSTUS. Born in Cork, Ireland, Nov. 1802; died in Suffield, Conn., Aug. 15, 1845. The Ocean 83 SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE. Born in Field Place, England, Aug. 4, 1792 ; died July 8, 1822. To the Skylark 18 Arethusa 31 The Question 35 The Cloud 80 Ode to the West Wind 82 Autumn, a Dirge 99 Dirge for the Year 118 Lines to an Indian Air 260 Love’s Philosophy 261 To 261 Lament 518 To Constantia Singing. 613 An Exhortation 645 Hymn to Intellectual Beauty 655 Mutability 678 SHENSTONE, WILLIAM. Born in Hales-Owen, England, in 1714; died Feb. 11, 1763. The Schoolmistress 149 SHIRLEY, JAMES. Born in London, about 1594 ; died Oct. 29, 1666. Victorious Men of Earth 597 Death’s final Conquest 699 SIDNEY, SIR PHILIP. Born in Penshuvst, England, Nov. 29, 1554; died Oct. 7, 1586. Sonnets 246 SIMMONS, B. Author of “ Legends, Lyrics and other Poems,” Edinb’h, 1843. Stanzas to the Memory of Thomas Hood 516 SIMONIDES. (Greek.) Born in Julis, island of Cos, b. c. 554; died b. c. 469. Danae. {8. Peter's translation.) 156 SKELTON, JOHN. Born in Cumberland, England, toward the latter part of the 15th century; died June 21, 1529. To Mistress Margaret Hussey 616 SMITH, CHARLOTTE. Bom in Sussex, England, in 1749 ; died in 1806. The Nightingale’s Departure 58 SMITH, HORACE. Bom in London, Dec. 31, 1779 ; died July 12, 1839. Hymn to the Flowers 48 On the Death of George the Third 514 Address to the Mummy at Bclzoni’s Exhibition 589 SMITS, DIRK. (Dutch.) Bom in Rotterdam, June 20, 1702 ; died April 25, 1752. On the Death of an Infant. ( Anonymous translation.) 166 SOUTHEY, CAROLINE B. Bom in England, Dec. 6, 1786 ; died July 20, 1854. Autumn Flowers 96 The Pauper’s Death-bed 498 The Last Journey 499 SOUTHEY, ROBERT. Born in Bristol, England, Aug. 12, 1774; died March 21, 1843. The nolly Tree 114 The Inchcape Rock 480 Battle of Blenheim 596 SOUTHEY, R. and C. Greenwood Shrift 702 INDEX OF AUTHORS xxiv SPENCER, EOBERT WILLIAM. Born in England in 1770 ; died 1834. “ Too late I staid ” 2S6 SPENSER, EDMUND. Born in London in 1553 ; died Jan. 16, 1599. Epithalamion 330 STANLEY, THOMAS. Born at Cumberlow Green, Eng., in 1625; died April 12, 1678. The Tomb 257 The Exequies 25S STEELING, JOHN. Born at Kaines Castle, Scotland, July 20, 1806; died Sept. 18, 1844. The Spice Tree 72 The Husbandman 95 To a Child 135 Rose and the Gauntlet 310 The Two Oceans 590 Shakespeare 624 STEENHOLD, THOMAS. Bom in Hampshire, England ; died Aug. 1549. Psalm XYIII. Part first 774 STILL, JOHN. Bora in Grantham, England, in 1543 ; died in 1607. Good Ale 402 STODDARD, LAVINIA. Bom in Guilford, Conn., June 29, 1787 ; died in 1820. Soul’s Defiance 672 STODDARD, RICHARD HENRY. Bom in Hingham, Mass., July, 1825. The Sea 478 The Two Brides 619 There are Gains for all our Losses 672 STODDART, THOMAS T. Author of “ Songs and Poems,” Edinburgh, 1839. The Angler's Trysting Tree. 20 STORY, WILLIAM W. Bom in Salem, Mass., Feb. 19, 1819. The Violet 45 SUCKLING, SIR JOHN. Bom in Whitton, England, in 1609; died May 7, 1641. Song— Why so Pale 285 SURREY, LORD. Bom in England about 1516 ; died Jan. 21, 1547. Description of Spring 10 The Means to attain Happy Life 666 SUEVILLE, CLOTILDE DE. (French.) Bora in Vallon-sur-Ardeche, France, about 1405; died in 1495. The Child Asleep. (Longfellow's translation.) 127 SWAIN, CHARLES. Bom in Manchester, England, in 1803. Love's History 323 SYLVESTER, JOSHUA. bom in England in 1563 ; died in 1618. Contented Mind. 650 T ANN AH ILL, ROBERT. Bom in Paisley, Scotland, June 3, 1774; died May 17, 1810. Midges Dance above the Burn 81 Flower o’ Dumblane 266 TATE and BRADY. Nahum Tste, bom in Dublin in 1652; died Aug. 12, 1715; Brady, bom in Bandon, Ireland, Oct. 28, 1659 ; died May 20, 1726. Psalm C 779 TAYLOR, BAYARD. Bora in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, Jan. 11, 1825. The Arab to the Palm 73 Storm Song 85 The Phantom 511 Hylas 563 TAYLOR, JEREMY. Bom in Cambridge, England, in 1613; died Aug. 13, 1667. Of Heaven 769 TENNYSON, ALFRED. Bom in Lincolnshire, England, in 1810. Spring 1_» Song of the Brook 34 Bugle Song 103 Evening 104 Song— The Owl 109 Second Song, to the same 109 Lullaby 123 The Reconciliation 176 Widow and Child 176 From “In Memoriam” 179 Day Dream 227 Lady Clare 237 Dora. 238 The Letters 240 Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal 273 Shepherd's Idyl. 273 Come into the Garden, Maud 274 Miller’s Daughter 277 Ask me no More 296 Mariana in the South. 299 LocksleyHall 301 O, that it were Possible 306 My Love has talked 336 Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaklava 3S6 The May Queen 490 Dirgp 507 Break, Break, Break 520 Days that are no More 520 Lady of Shallott 545 Contemplate all this Work 6S3 The Strife 700 Christmas 743 Mary 755 O yet we Trust. 755 TERRY, ROSE. Bom in Hartford, Conn., where she now lives. Trailing Arbutus 38 Reve Du Midi 65 Then 316 Fishing Song 519 TERSTEEGEN, GERHARD. (German.) Bom in Westphalia, in 1697 ; was a ribbon weaver. Divine Love. (J. Wesley's translation.) 757 Hymn of Praise. (J. Wesley's translation .) . . 772 THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE. Bom in Calcutta in 1811. Ballad of Bouillabaisse 189 The Mahogany Tree 194 At the Church Gate 275 White Squall 432 Molony's Lament 438 Mr. Molony’s Account of the Ball 439 Age of Wisdom 666 End of the Play 670 THURLOW, LORD. Bom June 10, 1781 ; died June 3, 1829. Song to May 15 Sonnet — Autumn Morn 10S Sonnet — To a Bird that Haunted Lake Laaken 116 To a very Hlustrious Nobleman 394 Sonnet — Immortal Beauty 616 Sonnet — The Nightingale is Mute 641 Sonnet — Who Best can Paint 642 Sonnet — If Outward Accident 653 TOPLADY, AUGUSTUS MONTAGUE. Bom in Famham, England, in 1740; died Aug. 11, 1778. Prayer, Living and Dying 786 TRENCH, RICHARD CHENEVIX. Bom in England, Sept. 9, 1807. Harmosan 587 Be Patient 6S6 TUCKERMAN, HENRY T. Bom in Boston, Mass., April 20, 1813. Desolation 519 UHLAND, LUDWIG. (German.) Boro in Tubingen, Germany, April 26, 1787. The Passage. ( Anonymous translation.) . . 1S2 The Castle by the Sea. ( Longfellow's trans.). 519 The Lost Church. (J. C. Siangan's trans.).. . 688 t INDEX OF AUTHORS XXV Page VAUGHAN HEXRY. Born in Newton, England, in 1621 ; died in 1695. Early Rising and Prayer 715 The Bee 717 The Feast 734 They are all Gone 764 Peace 769 VERT, JONES. Born in Salem, Mass., about 1812. Nature 35 The Latter Rain 100 The World 686 Spirit Land 716 VICENTE, GIL. (Portuguese.) Bom in Portugal, about 1482 ; died about 1537. The Nightingale. {J. Bowring's translation.) 57 She is a Maid. {Longfellow's translation.). . . 276 VILLEGAS, MANUEL DE. Born in Najera, Spain, in 1598 ; died in 1669. The Mother Nightingale. {T. Roscoe's trans- lation.).,. 57 VISSCHER, MARIA TESSELSCHADE. (Dutch.) Born in Amsterdam, in 1594 ; died June 20, 1649. The Nightingale. {J. Bowring's translation.) 57 WALLER, EDMUND. Bom in Coleshill, England, March 3, 1605 ; died Oct. 21, 1687. The Rose 45 WALLER, JOHN FRANCIS. A Barrister of Dublin ; bom about 1810. Spinning-Wheel Song 231 WALTON, ISAAK. Born in Stafford, England, Aug. 9, 1593 ; died Dec. 15, 16S3. The Angler’s Wish 23 WARTON, THOMAS. Bom in Basingstoke, England, in 1728 ; died May 21, 1790. Inscription in a Hermitage 64 WASTELL, SIMON. Bom in Westmoreland, England, about 1560 ; died about 1630. Man's Mortality 707 WATSON, THOMAS. Born in London ; died in 1591 or 1592. Canzonet 253 WATTS, ISAAC. Born in Southampton, England, July 17, 1674; d. Nov. 25, 1748. Praise for Creation and Providence 720 San, Moon, and Stars, praise ye the Lord 720 Sincere Praise 721 Christ Dying, Rising, and Reigning 730 Example of Christ 737 Love 755 Heavenly Canaan 765 “ When I can Read my Title Clear” 769 Psalm XIX 775 Psalm XLVI 777 Psalm XL V. Second Part 778 Psalm LXXII. First Part 779 Psalm CXVII 780 Creator and Creatures 782 WELBY, AMELIA B. Born in St. Michaels, Maryland, in 1821. The Old Maid 620 WESLEY, CHARLES. Born in Lincolnshire, England, in 1708; died in 1788. “Jesus, lover of my Soul” 738 “ Eternal Beam of Light Divine ” 739 Jesus, my Strength, my Hope 789 “Friend of All ” 740 True Use of Music 751 For Believers 756 For those that Wait for full Redemption 756 Desiring to Love 757 Death 762 Psalm XX 775 Thou God Unsearchable 791 WESTWOOD, THOMAS. Author of “ Berries and Blossoms,” — London, 1850. Under my Window 159 Little Belle 163 WHITE, BLANCO. Born in Spain, about 1773; died in England, May 20, 1840. To Night 109 WHITE, HENRY KIRKE. Born in Nottingham, March 21, 1785 ; died Oct. 19, 1806. To the Harvest Moon 108 Solitude 518 WHITTIER, JOHN GREENLEAF. Born iu Haverhill, Mass., in 1808. Hampton Beach 88 Maud Muller 311 Our State 382 Ichabod 512 Barclay of Ury 5S6 To my Sister 619 Burns 638 Seed-Time and Harvest 695 WILDE, RICHARD HENRY. Bom in Dublin, Sept. 24, 1789; d. in N. Orleans, Sept. 10, 1847. Stanzas, My Life is Like 673 WILLIAMS, ROBERT FOLKSTONE. Author of “Shakespeare and his Friends,” — London, 1838. O, fill the Wine-cup High 1% WILLIAMSON, W. C. Born in Belfast, Me., Jan. 31, 1831. It Might have Been 297 WILLIS, NATHANIEL PARKER. Bom in Portland, Me., Jan. 20, 1807. Belfry Pigeon 69 Saturday Afternoon 148 The Annoyer 2S9 WILLMOTT, ROBERT ARIS. Author of various Religious Works ; also of “Poems,” — Lon- don, 1850. Child Praying 164 WILSON, JOHN. Born in Paisley, Scotland, in 1788 ; died April 4, 1854. To a Sleeping Child 133 WINSLOW, HARRIET. Born in Portland, Me., about 1824. Why thus Longing 675 WITHER, GEORGE. Born in Bentworth, England, June 11, 1588 ; died May 2, 1667. Christmas 195 Shepherd’s Resolution 285 The Nymph’s Song 622 The Shepherd’s Hunting 625 In a Clear Starry Ntght 721 Twelfth Day, or the Epiphany 727 Hymn — For Anniversary Marriage Days 748 For a Widower or Widow 763 Poet’s Hymn for Himself 773 Praise 773 WOLFE, CHARLES. Born in Dublin, Dec. 14, 1791 ; died Feb. 21, 1823. Burial of Sir John Moore 514 Song— O say not that my Heart 674 WOODWORTH, SAMUEL. Bom in Scituate, Mass., Jan. 13, 1785; died Dec. 9, 1842. The Bucket 598 WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM. Born in Cockermouth, Eng., April 7, 1770; died April 23, 1850. March 11 Morning in London 17 The Cuckoo 24 The Green Linnet 80 To the Small Celandine 86 INDEX OF AUTHORS. Page Daffodils 37 To the Daisy 40 To the same Flower 40 Nightingale and the Dove 55 Yarrow Unvisi ted 90 Yarrow Visited 91 Yarrow Eevisited 92 Fidelity 93 Influence of Natural Objects 118 Kitten and Falling Leaves 128 To H. C. six years Old 132 The Pet Lamb 138 Idle Shepherd Boys 141 Her Eyes are Wild 156 Lucy Gray 158 We are Seven 160 Lucy 165 To 278 Sonnet 307 Laodamia 325 Sonnets 394 To a Highland Girl 618 “ She was a Phantom of Delight ” 619 Burns, at the Grave of 636 Eesolution and Independence 643 The Fountain 657 The Tables Turned 657 Ode to Duty 674 Ode — On Immortality 695 Laborer’s Noonday Hymn 745 WOTTON, SIE HENEY. Born in Boughton Hall, Eng., March 30, 1568 ; d. Dec. 1639. Verses in Praise of Angling 22 Ye Meaner Beauties 251 Happy Life 693 WYAT, SIE THOMAS. Born in Allington Castle, England, in 1503 ; died Oct. 11, 1512. An Earnest Suit 243 XAVIEE, ST. FEANCIS. (Latin.) Bom in Xavier, Navarre, in 1506 ; died Dec. 2, 1552. My God, I Love Thee ( Edward Caswell's translation .) 732 YOUL, EDWAED. A writer in “Howitt’s Journal,” — London, 1847-’8. Song of Spring 421 ZEDLITZ, JOSEPH CHEISTIAN. (German.) Born in Austrian Silesia, Feb. 28, 1790. The Midnight Eeview. {Anonymous trans.). 5GS ANONYMOUS. Song of the Swallow. {Greek.) 11 Saxon Song of Summer. {12th Century.) 17 To Song Birds on a Sunday. (19 th Century , English.) 31 The Owl. (17 th Century.) 110 A Winter Wind. {12th Century , American.).. 115 The Skater’s Song. (19 th Century.) 118 Philip, my King. {12th Century , English.) . . 125 Children in the Wood, {yith Century , Eng.).. 135 Fancy about a Boy. (19?A Century, English.) . 140 Little Boy Blue. (19 th Century, English.) 142 Lady Ann Bothwell’s Lament. (17 th Century , Scotch.) 155 My Playmates. (19^t Century , English.) 161 To a Child. {12th Century , English .) 164 When shall we Three meet Again. (1S2A Cen- tury , English.) 179 How stands the Glass Around. (18M. Century , English.) 187 Sir Cauline. (14 th Century , English.) 199 Nut-Brown Maid. (15th Century , English.) . . 204 Young Beichan and Susie Pye. {15th Cen,, Eng.) 208 Lord Lovel. (15th Century , English.) 210 Eobin Hood and Allen-a-dale. (152A Century , English.) 211 Truth’s Integrity. (16*/t Century , English.) . . 212 Spanish Lady’s Love. {15th Century , English.) 215 Seaman’s Happy Eeturn. (17th Century, Scotch.) 457 Lamentation for Celin. ( Spanish , Lockhart's translation.) 471 Very Mournful Ballad. {Spanish, Byron's translation.) 472 Young Airly. {i8th Century, Scotch.) 4S7 King Arthur’s Death, {loth Cen., English.) . . . 522 Thomas the Khymer. (16 th Century, Scotch.) 525 The Wee, wee Man. (15 th Century, Scotch.). 526 Eobin Good Fellow. (11 th Century, English.) 527 Fairy Queen. (17*A Century, English.) 52 8 Song of Fairies. {11th Century, English.) 529 Birth of Venus. (192A Century, English.) 545 Lords of Thule. {German, anonymous trans- lation.) 585 Balder. {12th Century, English.) 5SS Song of the Forge. (19*A Century, English.). 593 The Lye. {11th Century, English.) 651 Smoking Spiritualized. (11th Cen., English.). . 661 Time is a Feathered Thing. {11th Cen., Eng.). 671 Time’s Cure. {12th Century, English.) 671 Poor Man’s Song. (19