355UTW K^Sov- 13AP J CITY OF KEENE. City Ordinances uNIVEftSijy Of iuW(]//sV(N Til AS Revised and Passed March 15 , 1900 f TOGETHER WITH THE City Charter, RULES OF ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCILS, AND LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS FROM 1874 TO 1900. KEENE, N. H. SENTINEL PRINTING COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1900. YA CITY OF KEENE City Ordinances AS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LI Revised and Passed March 15 , 1900 , TOGETHER WITH THE City Charter, RULES OF ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCILS, AND LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS FROM 1874 TO 1900. KEENE, N. H. SENTINEL PRINTING COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1900. 6 1 , 1 °' THE NEW YORK f PUBLIC LIBRARY l w&mmii astos, L£mx pm l TILDEN FOUNDATIONS, f R 1902 L i \ \ X5 a'c (WlVEf? 5 |p, APR or (uwofs f s 6 1916 CITY CHARTER. qo<:*qa;q ^ \j i _i o Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/cityofkeenecityoOOkeen CITY CHARTER WITH AMENDMENTS THERETO. AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE CITY OF KEENE. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened: Section 1. The inhabitants of the town of Keene in the county of Cheshire shall continue to be a body corporate and politic, under the name of the city of Keene. Sect. 2. The said city of Keene hereby is divided into five wards, which shall be constituted as follows, namely : Ward No. 1 shall include all that part of the town of Keene now included within the following limits, viz: bounded northerly by a line drawn easterly from Central square, through the center of Roxbury street and the center of the highway leading by the dwelling houses of Miles S. Buckminster and John W. Nye, to Roxbury; easterly by the town lines between said Keene, Marlboro’ and Swanzey ; and westerly by a line drawn southerly from said Central square through the center of Main street and the road leading to Swanzey Factory Village. Ward No. 2 shall include all that part of said Keene included within the following limits, viz : bounded north- erly by the town lines between said Keene and Gilsum; easterly by the town lines between said Keene, Sullivan and Roxbury ; southerly by the northern limit above described of Ward No. 1 ; and westerly by a line intersecting with said last mentioned line, and drawn thence northerly 6 CITY OF KEENE. through said Central square, the center of Washington street, and the road leading by the dwelling house of E. G. Holman, to Gilsum. Ward No. 3 shall include all that part of said Keene in- cluded within the following limits, viz: bounded northerly by the town lines between said Keene, Gilsum and Surry; easterly by the west line above described of Ward No. 2 ; and westerly by a line drawn northwesterly through said Central square, the center of Court street, and the center of the old road leading by the dwelling houses of Charles Wright and Calvin Randall, to said Surry. Ward No. 4 shall include all that part of said Keene in- cluded within the following limits, viz: bounded northerly by the town lines between said Keene, Surry and Westmore- land; easterly by the west line above described of Ward No. 3 ; southerly by a line intersecting with said last men- tioned line, and drawn thence westerly through Central square, the center of West street, and the center of highway leading from said West street by the dwelling houses of Charles N. Wilder, Josiah Sawyer, Joseph Wilson, Daniel Brown and Isaiah Robbins, to Chesterfield; and westerly by the town lines between said Keene, Westmoreland and Chesterfield. Ward No. 5 shall include all that part of said Keene in- cluded within the following limits, viz: bounded northerly by the south line above described of Ward No. 4; easterly by the west line above described of Ward No. 1; southerly by the town lines between said Keene and Chesterfield and Swanzey. Sect. 3. At the first meeting after the adoption of this act, there shall be chosen in each of said wards, in the man- ner prescribed by law, one alderman, three common coun- cilmen, one assessor of taxes, and one overseer of the poor. Sect. 4. The annual meeting of the legal voters of said city of Keene, for the choice of city and ward officers, shall be held on the second Tuesday of December annually ; and all city and ward officers who are chosen by the people shall hold their respective offices for one year from the first Tues- CITY CHARTER. 7 day of January next succeeding, and until others are chosen and qualified in their stead. Sect. 5. The mayor, aldermen and common council- men shall meet in convention for the purpose of taking the oath of their respective offices on the first Tuesday of Janu- ary in each year, at ten o’clock in the forenoon. Se£t. 6. A police court is hereby established within said city of Keene, constituted in the manner prescribed in section 2, chapter 196 of the General Statutes of this state, with all the powers and made subject to all the duties pre- scribed for police courts in and by said chapter. Sect. 7. All the power and authority now vested by law in said town of Keene in regard to the construction, maintenance and management of water works, is hereby transferred to and vested in the city council, and shall be carried into execution by the appointment of a superin- tendent or board of water commissioners, or such other manner as said city council shall determine. Sect. 8. Within fifteen days after the acceptance of this act by the legal voters of the town of Keene, in the manner hereinafter prescribed, the selectmen of said town, for the purpose of the first election under this charter, shall prepare, revise, correct and post up, in the manner in which select- men of towns are now required to do, an alphabetical list of voters in each ward of the city, and shall issue and serve their warrant for a meeting of the legal voters in their re- spective wards for the choice of all city officers who are elected by the people. Such warrant shall be posted at least fourteen days before the time appointed for said meetings, and shall designate the time and place for the meetings in the respective wards. At said meeting, each of said wards shall choose a moderator, clerk, three selectmen, one aider- man, three members of the common council, one assessor, and one overseer of the poor, and shall also give in their votes for a mayor and such other officers as are then to be voted for. The clerk of each ward shall deliver certifi- cates of their election to the persons elected aldermen and members of the common council, and a copy of the record 8 CITY OF KEENE. of election to said selectmen of the town, certified by him- self, the moderator, and a majority of the selectmen of said ward, within twenty-four hours after the termination of said ward meeting. The selectmen shall, within two days after receiving said returns, examine, compare and record the same, ascertain the result of the election, and give notice in writing to the person chosen mayor of his election. If a mayor shall not have been elected at such meeting, the selectmen shall forthwith issue their warrant for another meeting, as provided in this section, and the same proceed- ings shall be had and repeated until a mayor shall be chosen. Any legal voter in the respective wards may call the first meeting to order, and preside until a moderator shall be chosen. Sect. 9. This act shall be void, unless a majority of the legal voters of said town of Keene shall, by a majority of the voters present and voting thereon by ballot, determine to adopt the same at an annual meeting of the voters of said town. Sect. 10. The selectmen shall issue and serve their warrant as prescribed by law at least fourteen days before said meeting to the legal voters of said town, to see if they will adopt this charter for a city government — said votes to be taken by ballot. Sect. 11. The first meeting of the legal voters of said Keene for the choice of city and ward officers shall be held on the second Tuesday of April following the adoption of this act. The mayor, aldermen and common councilmen then elected shall meet in convention for the purpose of taking the oath of their respective offices on the first Tues- day of May next succeeding. All the city and ward officers elected by the people in April shall hold their respective offices until others are chosen and qualified in their stead. [Approved July 3, 1873.] CITY CHARTER. 9 AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF KEENE. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened: Section 1. There shall be elected in each ward, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November next, by major vote, and at each biennial state election thereafter, one supervisor of check-lists, and the supervisors thus elected shall constitute a joint board whose duty it shall be to canvass each ward, at least twenty days preceding the posting of the check-lists, as now prescribed by law, to ob- tain as near as possible a list of the legal voters, from which they shall make up an alphabetical list of all the legal voters of each ward. Certified copies of said lists shall be given into the hands of the selectmen of the several wards seventeen days previous to every election, which copies shall be posted by the selectmen as now required by law. Sect. 2. Said supervisors shall publish in the news- papers of the city, at least fifteen days previous to every elec- tion, a notice of the time and place of meeting for the cor- rection of said check-lists, and also give notice of the same on the aforesaid copies in the same manner as now provided by law for selectmen, which meetings shall be: the first, not less than five days previous to election (exclusive of Sunday), and the last meeting on the day preceding every election from the hours of two p. m. to six p. m., and from seven p. m. to ten p. m. on each of said days, and no name shall be added to said check-lists after the last meeting, except such name as may have been left off through mistake ; and not then unless the supervisor in attendance, in any ward where such omission occurs, shall have positive knowledge or information that said person has been a resident of the city for the period of one year, and in the ward six months. Sect. 3. The several check-lists, as finally corrected by the supervisors, shall be returned to the selectmen of their 10 CITY OF KEENE. respective wards before the hour of meeting, and shall be used in voting at every election ; and the clerk of each ward shall, within ten days after every election, leave said lists with the city clerk to be preserved. Sect. 4. Said supervisors shall meet and organize by electing one of the board as chairman, said chairman select- ing, with advice and consent of the other members, one of their number to serve in each ward at all elections, said supervisor to serve in another ward than the one in which he was elected, or is a voter, whose duty it shall be to decide all contested cases which may arise by reason of omission as herein before mentioned. Sect. 5. Said supervisors shall be commissioned by the mayor to act as police officers which shall be for election days only ; and they shall remain in attendance at the polls during every election day, unless necessarily absent. Sect. 6. Said supervisors shall have the same powers and be entitled to the same protection by law, while in the performance of their duties, as is now afforded to selectmen while in attendance correcting the check-lists, or otherwise in the performance of their duties, and may require the presence of policemen to preserve order, if necessary. Sect. 7. The mayor and board of aldermen shall have power to fill any vacancy which may occur in the board of supervisors. Sect. 8. The chairman of the board of supervisors shall select the ward canvassers, which shall be not less than two for each ward. Sect. 9. The mayor and board of aldermen shall fix the compensation of the board of supervisors, which shall not be over two dollars and fifty cents per day for actual service. Sect. 10. The board of aldermen shall, on or before the first day of October next, appoint five supervisors, one from each ward, and the persons so appointed shall, upon taking the oath of office by law prescribed, have and shall possess and enjoy all the power vested by law to be performed by such officers for the first meeting held for the election of such supervisors, who shall perform all the duties CITY CHARTER. 11 thereof until others are elected in their places as provided by section first of this amendment. Sect. 11. Said board of supervisors shall, before enter- ing upon the duties of their office, be sworn to the faithful discharge of their duties. Sect. 12. No member of the board of supervisors dur- ing his term of office shall hold the office of selectman. Sect. 13. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect from its passage. [Approved August 16, 1878.] AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF KEENE. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened : Section 1. That section three of the charter of the city of Keene, passed at June session, eighteen hundred and sev- enty-eight, be stricken out, and that the following be insert- ed in its place: “Sect. 3. The several check-lists, as finally corrected by the supervisors, shall be given into the hands of the selectmen of their respective wards before the hour of meeting, and shall be used in voting at every election ; and the clerk of each ward shall, immediately upon the closing of the polls, pass said check-list into the hands of the super- visor in attendance, who shall within ten days pass the same into the hands of the city clerk, to be filed for preser- vation.” [Approved July 18, 1879.] 12 CITY OF KEENE. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF “AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE CITY OF KEENE.” Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened: Section 1. That said act to establish the city of Keene, approved July 3, 1873, and adopted by vote of the town of Keene, be and hereby is amended by striking out all provi- sions therein relating to the election of “ assessors of taxes ” and “overseers of the poor;” but nothing in this act shall affect the rights and duties of the present incumbents of said offices prior to the expiration of their several terms of office. Sect. 2. The city councils being met in convention upon the day appointed by ordinance, shall by joint ballot and by major vote elect one or more overseers of the poor, as may be prescribed by ordinance; and the city councils shall provide by ordinance for the election of assessors of taxes, agreeably to section 9 of chapter 47 of the General Laws of New Hampshire. Sect. 3. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect from its passage. [Approved August 15, 1883.] CITY ORDINANCES* CITY ORDINANCES. REVISED MARCH 15, 1900. CITY OF KEENE. In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred. Be it ordained by the City Councils of the city of Keene as follows : — CHAPTER I. ACCOUNTS, EXPENDITURES AND FINANCES. Section 1. There shall be elected by the city councils in joint convention, by ballot and major vote, immediately after the passage of this ordinance, and at the beginning of each municipal year thereafter, an auditor, to whom shall be presented all claims and accounts against said city by the person or persons to whom such claims or accounts are due, or by some person duly authorized to act in his or their behalf. The auditor shall sit for the transaction of business in the office of the city clerk each Saturday between the hours of two and five and seven and nine p. m., during the year. He shall carefully examine all claims and accounts against the city which are properly presented to him, except salaries of city officers, claims authorized to be paid by the mayor and aldermen or city councils, and judgments or claims required by statute to be differently presented, unless otherwise specially provided. All claims and accounts arising from transactions with the various departments of the city government shall be certified as correct by the proper 16 CITY OF KEENE. officer who authorized the liability to be incurred, before they shall be acted upon by the auditor. He shall approve and allow all claims presented as aforesaid which appear to him to be unquestionably due and owing from the city, and shall enter upon a book kept for that purpose in the office of the city clerk, all claims and accounts by him allowed, giving in each case the amount, the name of the party to whom payable and the date upon which the same was allowed. All doubtful and questionable claims presented to him shall be by him so marked over his signature and returned to the party presenting them, who may then submit them to the board of mayor and aldermen for their con- sideration. Sect. 2. The city clerk shall, under the direction of the board of mayor and aldermen, keep a book or ledger, in which he shall enter the various appropriations made by the city councils, each under its appropriate head, and charge to each the different payments and expenditures which from time to time shall be made therefrom, entering therein the date and amount of every account and claim against the city as finally corrected and allowed by said auditor or board of mayor and aldermen and also the name of the person to whom the same has been allowed, designating the fund or appropriation from which the same shall be paid. Whenever any appropriation shall be expended, the city clerk shall immediately notify the mayor, the city councils, and the auditor ; and the auditor or board of mayor and aldermen shall not pass or allow any claim or account chargeable to any head or appropriation which has been expended, until the city councils shall have provided the means of paying the same. Nor shall any officer of the city or committee of the city councils have power to pledge the credit of the city for any debts they may incur beyond the appropria- tions set apart for the various departments unless thereto specially authorized by vote of the city councils. The city clerk shall also open an account with the city treas- urer, charging him with the amount of loans to the city, and all sums of money paid to him in behalf of said CITY ORDINANCES. 17 city by the collector or other officers or agents of the city, or by any person in any way indebted to the city, and also with all bonds, notes, mortgages, or other securities in the hands of the treasurer, or which may pass into his hands, belong- ing to the city, to the end that the amount and value thereof may at any time be seen on his books. Sect. 3. The city clerk shall certify the amount of salary due all officers of the city when requested so to do, and that claims authorized to be paid by vote of the mayor and aldermen or city councils are drawn in accordance with the vote authorizing the same ; and he shall enter all such claims upon the book which he is required to keep as directed, in the same manner as he enters claims passed upon by said auditor or board of mayor and aldermen. Sect. 4. No money shall be drawn out of the city treasury except upon the written order of the mayor, addressed to the treasurer, payable to order, and counter- signed by the city clerk, and numbered so as to correspond with the account or claim it shall be drawn to pay, provided, however, that the city clerk may disburse to the employes, taking their receipt therefor, the amount of orders so drawn upon the treasury for pay-rolls allowed to said employes in any department. Sect. 5. The mayor is hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the payment of all accounts or claims allowed and certified by the auditor or board of mayor and aldermen as herein before provided, but the mayor shall not draw an order in payment for any services rendered, or any materials furnished for any department, beyond the sum specially appropriated therefor by the city councils. Sect. 6. Any sum of money which shall have been specially appropriated for the payment of principal or interest due on any note or other security of the city, or of the state and county taxes, may be drawn from the treasury and paid by the order of the mayor for the purpose for which it was appropriated without any action on the part of the auditor or board of mayor and aldermen ; and whenever it 3 18 CITY OF KEENE. shall be necessary to pay money in advance on contracts made, or for work begun, but not completed, the mayor, upon being satisfied of such necessity, may draw his order on the treasurer for a sum not exceeding two hundred dollars at any one time, taking security therefor. Sect. 7. Whenever any money shall be drawn from the treasury for the purpose specified in the preceding section, the city clerk shall report the same and the amount thereof to the board of mayor and aldermen at their next meeting, and shall charge the same under the appropriate head of expenditures. Sect. 8. All city officers who shall in their official capacity receive any money on behalf of the city, shall, unless otherwise ordered, pay to the treasurer the amount in their hands at the close of each month, oroftener if required, and report the same to the board of mayor and aldermen monthly, except the collector of taxes, who shall make such payment daily whenever the sum in his hands shall amount to two hundred dollars; and shall make settlements with the city treasurer at such times as the treasurer may request. All other persons who shall at any time have money in their hands belonging to the city, shall forthwith pay the same to the treasurer. Sect. 9. In all cases of the payment of money to the city treasurer, he shall give his receipt for the amount to the person paying the same, which receipt shall be delivered by such person to the city clerk and filed in his office, and the city clerk shall give to the person paying, a certificate as evidence of such payment. All city officers and agents receiving money in behalf of said city, shall deliver to the city clerk, once a month, a report in detail of the amount received, and what disposition has been made thereof, except in cases otherwise provided. Sect. 10. The city treasurer shall, under the direction of the board of mayor and aldermen, keep in a book pro- vided for that purpose, an accurate and true account of all his receipts and payments on behalf of the city, making the same conform in mode of entry as nearly as may be with the CITY ORDINANCES. 19 accounts kept by the city clerk. He shall not pay any money out of the treasury except upon orders of the mayor drawn in the form prescribed in the fourth section. He shall, once in six months, and oftener if required, lay before the city councils a statement of the condition of the treasury, and all moneys received and paid by him on city account during the preceding six months. Sect. 11. There shall be appointed, at the commence- ment of each municipal year, a joint committee on finance, consisting of the mayor, one member of the board of aider- men, and two members of the common council, which com- mittee shall negotiate all loans to the city which shall be authorized by the city councils, and shall report the amounts to the city treasurer. Sect. 12. The committee on finance shall annually, in the month of December, prepare and lay before the city councils an estimate of the amount of money necessary to be raised for the ensuing financial year, under the various heads of appropriations and the various means for raising the same, and shall also prepare and lay before the city councils a statement of all receipts and expenditures of the preceding financial year, giving in detail the amount of appropriation and expenditure for each department; and said statement shall be accompanied with a schedule of property, real and personal, belonging to the city, and the value thereof, and the amount of the city debts. Sect. 13. The committee on finance shall, at the close of each financial year, and as much oftener as they shall deem it expedient, examine and audit the accounts of the city treasurer, and for that purpose shall have access to all the books and vouchers in his possession or in possession of the city clerk or any other officer of the city. Said committee shall not only compare said accounts with the vouchers thereof, but shall ascertain whether all moneys due the city have been collected and accounted for. They shall also examine all bonds, notes and securities in his hands belong- ing to the city, and make report thereof to the city councils. 20 CITY OF KEENE. Sect. 14. The city treasurer shall make up his accounts to the first day of December, and the financial year shall begin and end on the first day of December, in each year. CHAPTER II. CITY MARSHAL AND POLICE. Section 1. The mayor and aldermen shall, at the com- mencement of every municipal year, appoint a city marshal, who shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take, before the mayor and aldermen, the oaths prescribed bylaw, and shall give bond in the sum of three hundred dollars, with sureties to be approved by the mayor and aldermen, for the faithful performance of the duties of said office. Sect. 2. The city marshal shall at all times have com- mand over the police officers of the city when acting together in the same service or when directed by the mayor. They shall aid and assist the city marshal in executing the duties of his office when requested by him, or directed by the mayor so to do. But when the city marshal shall not be present, said officers shall have power to act in his stead, taking precedence in the order of their appointment. Said marshal shall have command over the constables of the city when needed for police duty. Sect. 3. The city marshal shall perform the duties of a policeman day and evening, and devote his whole time to the police service, and shall, from time to time, pass through the streets and highways of the city, and take notice of all nuisances, obstructions and impediments therein, and on the sidewalks thereof, and cause the same to be forthwith removed, and the authors thereof to be prosecuted according to law. He shall observe all defects and wants of the high- ways and streets, and give immediate notice thereof to the mayor and aldermen, to the end that the same may be amended. He shall, to the utmost of his ability, preserve the public peace, and prevent all riots, disorders and unlaw- ful practices within the city. He shall carry into execution CITY ORDINANCES. 21 within the city the laws of the state and all the ordinances of the city, and be vigilant to detect and bring to punish- ment all violation thereof. He shall obey and execute all the commands of the mayor and aldermen, relating to the interest or security of the city. He shall receive all com- plaints made to him of any violation of the laws, or any ordinances of the city, and shall, in behalf of the city, cause all offenders against such laws and ordinances to be promptly prosecuted before the police court of the city of Keene, and shall attend, on behalf of the city, at their trials. He shall lay before the mayor and aldermen, once in three months, and oftener if required, a statement of all offences against the laws of the state, and the ordinances of the city, which have come to his knowledge, of all prosecutions instituted by him in behalf of the city, and the result of the same. Sect. 4. The marshal shall, under the authority and control of the mayor and aldermen, carry into execution all rules and ordinances which shall, from time to time, be made by the city councils relative to the causes of sickness, nuisances, and sources of filth, which may affect injuriously the health or comfort of the inhabitants ; and shall cause all such nuisances, sources of filth and causes of sickness to be immediately removed, destroyed, or prevented, con- formably to such ordinances and the laws of the state. Sect. 5. The marshal shall execute and carry into effect all ordinances which shall, from time to time, be made by the city councils to prevent unlawful and injurious practices in the streets and other public places in the city. Sect. 6. The marshal shall, in case of fire, repair immediately to the place where the fire may be, and attend diligently to the preservation of the public peace, and the prevention of thefts, and loss or destruction of property. Sect. 7. The mayor and aldermen may appoint such number of police officers as they may deem necessary, by writing under their hands. Said officers may be appointed at any time during the year, may be removed at the 22 CITY OF KEENE. pleasure of the mayor and aldermen, shall hold their offices, unless removed, until the first Tuesday of January next succeeding, and shall each render to the city marshal every month an account of their services, and of the time spent in the discharge of their official duties. The mayor and aldermen may, whenever they shall deem it expedient, number the police officers, and each police officer shall, when on duty, wear the number designated upon his badge. Sect. 8. If the city marshal shall receive any sum of money for any services rendered, or act done, by virtue of his office, he shall pay over the same to the city treasurer monthly, with all sums received of the police officers, and shall, at the same time, deliver to the city clerk an account in detail of the different sources from which such money was received. Sect. 9. The city marshal shall, under the direction of the mayor and aldermen, from time to time, when in their judgment the public good requires the same, detail one or more of the police officers to act as a night-watch. Said city marshal shall be captain of the watch, and shall obey and execute all rules and orders made and given him in charge in that behalf by the mayor and aldermen. When on the watch, he shall pass in and about the streets and principal inhabited places of the city, to prevent danger by fire, and to see that order is kept, and that all disturbances and disorders are prevented and suppressed ; and, for that purpose, he, as well as any of the watch, shall have authority to examine all persons whom they shall see walking abroad in the night after ten o’clock, and whom they shall have reason to suspect of any unlawful design, and to demand of them their business abroad at such time, and whither they are going ; to enter any house of ill-fame, dram-shop, cellar, or other building, for the purpose of suppressing any riot or disturbance therein, and to arrest any person there found making, or abetting, such riot or disturbance; and all persons so walking abroad and sus- pected of any unlawful design as aforesaid, who shall not give a satisfactory account of their being so abroad, and CITY ORDINANCES. 23 of their business, and all persons so arrested in such house of ill-fame, dram-shop, cellar, or other building, shall be secured by imprisonment, or otherwise, to be safely kept until the next morning, and shall then be taken before the police court, to be examined and proceeded with according to the nature of their offences. Sect. 10. The mayor and aldermen may by vote at any time remove from office the city marshal and appoint a successor. They may also, in case of the death or resig- nation of said officer, or in case a vacancy shall occur in any other way, appoint another in his place. CHAPTER III. ROAD COMMISSIONERS. SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS. Section 1. The city councils shall, in the month of January, 1900, in convention and by joint ballot, elect three road commissioners, to hold office, one for one year, one for two years, and one for three years from the first Tues- day of said January and until others are chosen in their stead, and annually thereafter shall in the month of Jan- uary, in the same manner, elect one road commissioner, to hold office for three years from the first Tuesday of said January and until another is chosen in his stead. When- ever a vacancy shall occur by resignation or otherwise, the city councils shall in the same manner elect a member of said board of road commissioners for the unexpired term. Any member of said board may at any time be removed for cause by the city councils acting in convention and by joint ballot. Sect. 2. Said commissioners shall constitute a board of road commissioners and shall choose from their number a president and clerk, and shall make all such rules and regulations for their government as they may deem con- venient. Sect. 3. Said commissioners shall receive in full for their services and all the duties appertaining to their office, 24 CITY OF KEENE. the sum of twenty-five dollars each, per year, payable in equal semi-annual installments. Sect. 4. Said board of road commissioners shall have the general charge and management of all the highways, streets, lanes, sidewalks, and bridges of the city, and the construction, repair and alteration thereof, and the full power to direct the superintendent of streets in the dis- charge of his duties. Sect. 5. Said board shall on or before the first day of December of each year make a written report of its doings to the city councils together with such recommendations as it may deem advisable for the best interests of the city, and shall transmit to the city councils at the same time, the report of the superintendent of streets. Sect. 6 . The board shall judiciously expend such sums of money, if necessary, as may be appropriated by the city councils for highways, expending the different appropria- tions for the purposes designated by the city councils and not otherwise, and shall approve all bills for labor and materials incurred in their department. The board shall have no power to create any debt against the city for any purpose in excess of the appropriation therefor. Sect. 7. The city councils shall in the month of Janu- ary of each year, and also whenever any vacancy shall occur by resignation or otherwise, elect a superintendent of highways, in convention and by joint ballot, to hold his office until the first Tuesday of January next succeeding his election and until another is chosen in his stead unless removed by the city councils. Sect. 8. The superintendent of highways, under the control and direction of the board of road commissioners, shall have the immediate care and supervision of the said highways, streets, lanes, sidewalks and bridges and shall do all such things in the construction, repair and altera- tion thereof as he may be directed to do by the said board. He shall, under said direction and control, cause the same to be kept in repair so as to be safe and convenient for travelers, with their horses, teams and carriages, at all CITY ORDINANCES. 25 seasons of the year; make all necessary contracts and certify to said commissioners accounts for the supply of any labor or materials he may require in the discharge of his official duty and expend all such sums of money as he may be directed to do by said board. He shall each week file in the office of the city clerk an approved pay roll, setting forth the names of all persons hired, the length of time each has been employed and the amount of compen- sation. He shall also state the localities in which work has been done during the week. He shall have charge of the teams, tools and paraphernalia of the highway depart- ment, and shall see that the same are kept in suitable repair and are properly housed. Sect. 9. Whenever any highway or bridge or street of the city shall, from want of necessary repairs or by reason of any alteration or repairs being made, or of any drain, common sewer or culvert being open or constructed across or through the same, be unsafe . or inconvenient for travel- ers or passengers, said superintendent shall forthwith put up a suitable fence across such highway, street or bridge, and exclude all travelers from passing over the same; or cause the part thereof so rendered unsafe or inconvenient as aforesaid to be enclosed by a sufficient fence, which shall be kept standing so long as the same shall remain unsafe or inconvenient; and he shall also fix one or more lighted lanterns to said fence, to be kept there every night from twilight in the evening and through the whole night so long as said fence shall be kept standing. Sect. 10. Said superintendent shall, under the direction of the joint standing committee on lands and buildings, rent the city pasture, collect the income and deposit the same with the city treasurer, attend to the building or re- pairs of fences, and all other matters necessary for the* preservation and proper management of the property, and at the end of the year report to the board of mayor and aldermen the receipts and expenditures of said city pasture. Sect. 11. Said superintendent shall, at all times subject to any order of the mayor, when requested by the superin- 26 CITY OF KEENE. tendent of water works and sewers, aid and furnish men and teams to perform any unusual and necessary work in that department. Sect. 12. The superintendent shall annually on or before the first day of December make a written report of his doings to the said board of road commissioners, which shall include an inventory of all the property of the city in his custody and control. CHAPTER IV. S PUBLIC LIGHTS AND LAMPS. The joint standing committee on street lights shall change the existing gas, gasoline and arc electric lights wherever such change will be advantageous to the public, under the direction and control of the board of mayor and aldermen, and shall make such further changes as may be ordered by said board. CHAPTER V. WATER WORKS, SEWERS AND DRAINS. Section 1. The general management of the water works, sewers and drains shall be vested in a board of three commissioners, to be elected by the city councils, one of which board shall be elected annually in the month of May to serve for the term of three years from the first day of June next thereafter. Said commissioners shall elect a president and clerk of said board, and may make such rules and regulations for their own government, and in relation to all officers appointed by them, as they may deem expe- dient. Said commissioners may be removed at any time by the city councils. Sect. 2. The board of commissioners, so constituted and organized, shall have and exercise all the powers vested in the city of Keene by an act of the legislature approved July 3, 1873, entitled, “An act to establish the city of CITY ORDINANCES. 27 Keene,” so far as the same shall be delegated to them by the city councils ; but all their powers shall be subject to any limitations and restrictions contained in the ordinances, regulations and orders of the city councils. Sect. 3. The board of commissioners shall, on or before the first day of December in each year, present to the city councils a report containing a statement of the condi- tion of the water works, and of the lands and other prop- erty connected therewith, and of the sewers and drains, with an account of all receipts and expenditures, together with any information or suggestions which they may deem important; and they shall, at the same time, transmit to the city councils the report of the superintendent. Sect. 4. The board of commissioners shall have full power to make all necessary repairs or improvements on said water works, sewers and drains, and to procure new water supply pipes, sewer pipes and all other materials necessary therefor; all hydrants, sewer mains and flush tanks and drains established by the city shall be constructed and kept in thorough repair by said board ; but said board shall have no power to expend any money on extensions, either of water mains, sewers or drains, unless by order of the board of mayor and aldermen. Sect. 5. The board of commissioners is authorized to determine and establish, from time to time, a tariff of water rates, and to enter into special contracts with individuals or corporations for the supply of water for a term not exceeding one year; and it shall be the duty of the super- intendent, under the direction of the board, to visit, once at least in each year, the premises of every water taker, and to exercise a constant supervision over the use of the water. Sect. 6. The board of commissioners shall, at least once in three months, audit the accounts of the city collector so far as they relate to the collection and deposit of water assessments, and semi-annually certify to the accuracy of his books and vouchers. They may also make abatements in water rents in all proper cases. 28 CITY OP KEENE. Sect. 7. No member of the board of commissioners, or of the city councils, and no person appointed to any office, or employed by virtue of this ordinance, shall be interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract, bargain, sale or agreement, except for the use of water, in relation to the water works, sewers, or drains, or any matter or thing connected therewith wherein the city is interested ; and all contracts, bargains, sales or agreements made in violation of this section shall be utterly void as to the city. Sect. 8. It shall be the duty of the board of commis- sioners to keep in the office of the superintendent, a chart or plan upon which shall be represented the highways, streets, and places in and through which the pipes of said water works are laid, and upon which shall be designated, by appropriate figures and characters, the exact length of the pipes, the precise location in such highways, streets, or places of each pipe, hydrant, gate or point of junction of the service pipe; and whenever any extension of the main pipes shall be made, or additions or changes of, or in, hydrants, gates, or service pipes, the same shall be, from time to time, accurately designated upon said chart or plan. They shall also keep in said office a similar detailed plan of all sewers and drains and the connections therewith, and of all Ys, Ts, hand-holes, man-holes, flush tanks, or branches upon the mains. Sect. 9. The board of commissioners is authorized to make all such regulations in regard to the use of the water and of the service pipes, and for the protection of the main pipes and other property appertaining to the water works and sewers, as they may deem reasonable and proper. Sect. 10. The immediate care and supervision of the water works, sewers and drains shall be vested in a super- intendent, who shall be elected by the city councils in joint convention, whenever a vacancy in said office may exist, and shall hold his office until the first Tuesday of January next succeeding, or until another shall be qualified in his stead; but said superintendent may be removed at any time by the city councils. CITY ORDINANCES. 29 Sect. 11. The superintendent shall take charge of the reservoirs, aqueduct, lands and other property connected with the water works, and of the sewers and drains, as the board of commissioners may, from time to time, direct, and shall perform all such services in relation thereto as may be required of him by said board, or the city councils ; and he shall annually, on or before the first day of December, present to the board a report of the general condition of the works ; also, a statement of the expenditures, the number of water takers, the number of sewer connections, the num- ber of cases in which the water has been cut off, and such other matters as he or the board of commissioners may deem expedient. Sect. 12. The superintendent shall, before the twen- tieth of May and the twentieth of November, each year, make out a list of the water takers and the amount of the assessment against each, and shall also make an itemized bill of said assessment for each taker in duplicate, and before the first day of June and December next following, shall deliver to the collector of taxes and water assessments said list and said bills, and retain the duplicate bills in his office. He shall in like manner make assessments against those who become takers between said dates, and deliver the same to said collector. Sect. 13. The superintendent shall keep suitable books, in which shall be entered the names of all persons who take water, the kind of building, the name of the street, the nature of the use, the number of takers, the amount charged and amount of abatements as reported to him by the commissioners, which shall always be open to the inspection of the commissioners and any committee of the city councils. Sect. 14. All bills for expenditures for the water works, sewers or drains shall, before they are presented to the auditor, be approved by the board of commissioners, if contracted in making extensions, and by the superintendent if incurred in making repairs. Sect. 15. All moneys received on account of the water 30 CITY OF KEENE. works shall be paid weekly, or oftener, into the city treas- ury, and a receipt shall be taken for the same; and all moneys paid into the treasury on account of said works shall be placed to the credit of the water works, which credits shall be treated as an appropriation for the payment of the interest upon the water debt, the ordinary expenses of the water works and sewer department, and whatever balance shall remain at the expiration of the fiscal year shall be passed to the general fund, excepting five hundred dollars for contingent expenses, and shall not be paid out except under the provisions of chapter I, section 4. Sect. 16. The rent for use of water shall be payable semi-annually in advance, on the first days of June and December in each year, except meter rates, which shall be due monthly, or otherwise, as ordered by the board of water commissioners. All charges for specific supplies, or for fractional parts of a year, shall be payable in advance and before the water is let on. The superintendent shall notify all water takers who are in arrears one assessment that immediate payment is necessary ; and if such payment is not made within thirty days after such notice is given, the superintendent shall then immediately shut off the water from the premises occupied by such persons until the assess- ment is paid in full, with an additional charge of one dollar to cover expenses. Sect. 17. The water, sewer and drain department shall make all water and sewer connections and furnish and lay all pipe and other materials for the same, to the street line, for the following fees: For each house drain to street line, $9 00 For each %-inch connection and pipe to street line, 9 00 For each %-inch connection and 1-inch pipe to street line, 9 50 For each 1-inch connection and 1-inch pipe to street line, 10 00 For each 1-inch connection and 114-inch pipe to street line, 11 00 CITY ORDINANCES. 31 For each l^-inch connection and 1^4-inch pipe to street line, $12 00 In no case shall the water be turned on or the soil pipe used until the fees aforesaid have been paid. Sect. 18. I. There shall be a board of examiners of plumbers who shall be appointed, and whose duties shall be as prescribed by law. Said board shall consist of the number required by law and shall hold their office for one year or until their successors are appointed. Vacancies happening in said board for any reason shall forthwith be filled for the remainder of the term. Whenever any person, firm or corporation registered at the office of said board of examiners as required by law shall change his or its place of business, said person, firm or corporation shall forthwith send to said office a written notice of such change and of his or its new place of business. II. There shall also be an inspector of plumbing who shall be appointed by the board of mayor and aldermen, shall hold his office for one year or until his successor is appointed and who shall inspect all plumbing work for which permits are granted, in process of construction, alteration or repair, at any and all times, and perform such other duties as are herein or may be hereafter pre- scribed and required by law or ordinance. Sect. 19. I. On every street provided with a common sewer, the sewage from each building shall be conducted into the common sewer and no privy vault or cesspool will be permitted on any premises situated on such street unless upon permission of the board of health in writing. II. No fixture by and through which waste water or sewage is used and carried, shall be placed in any building in the city of Keene, except in accordance with plans which shall be approved by the inspector or such person as said inspector may designate ; nor shall any plumbing work be done in said city except in case of repair of leaks without a permit being first issued therefor, as hereinafter provided. III. The inspector shall issue permits to do plumbing work as herein provided; before any such permit shall be 32 CITY OF KEENE. issued the applicant shall file in the office of said inspector plans and specifications of the plumbing and drainage system wherein the work is proposed to be done, showing in such detail as the inspector shall require the pipes, tanks, faucets, valves and other fixtures intended to be placed in said building, and no permit shall be issued until such plans and specifications shall have been approved by the inspector or by such person as the inspector may designate, for that purpose. Every permit shall be issued and accepted upon the condition that it may be revoked at any time by the inspector ; that the firm or corporation to whom the permit is issued shall conform to the statutes of the state and the ordinances and regulations of the city of Keene, and said plans and specifications, and shall indemnify and save harmless the said city of Keene from any damage it may sustain, or be required to pay by reason of doing the work permitted, or by reason of any act or neglect of himself, or any of his employes, relating to such work, or by reason of any violation of any specification in such permit. No person after receiving a permit shall commence any portion of the work thereby authorized at an earlier date than that named in the application for such permit with- out first notifying the inspector in writing, and all work shall be done in a thorough, skillful and workmanlike manner. The plan and specification stated in the applica- tion shall be approved or rejected within five days of the time of filing, and such plans once approved, shall not be altered except by written permission from the inspector. Blank specifications will be furnished to architects, plumbers and others, on application at the office of the inspector. IV. Notification. The plumber in charge of the work shall notify the inspector of plumbing when the main drain, soil, waste or ventilating pipes are in place and before any fixtures are attached, and said plumber shall again notify said inspector when the work is completed CITY ORDINANCES. 33 and ready for final inspection, and all work must be left uncovered and convenient for examination until inspected and approved by the inspector of plumbing. No drainage system shall be considered approved until a certificate of approval has been granted by said in- spector. All plumbing work shall be tested in such manner and on such notice as the inspector may order. If the work does not stand the test, and the same is not remedied within ten days, the water shall be turned off by order of the inspector or his agent, and not let on again until the plumbing has been pronounced satisfactory by the inspector. V. Materials. Every soil, waste or ventilating pipe above the gfound or inside or under the building shall be of metal. Soil pipe shall be of iron, sound, free from sand holes, of a uniform thickness r and four inches in diameter, and waste pipe shall be of iron, lead or brass. The portion of the main drain within the house walls and through to two feet outside the cellar wall, shall be of iron, and shall pass through the walls two inches clear of masonry on the top of both sides, to avoid injury by settlement. Beyond this point it shall be of extra heavy iron pipe or vitrified earthen pipe of suitable size, with a fall of at least one- quarter inch to the foot. VI. Joints and Connections. The inspector shall have authority to make such rules and requirements as he may deem suitable for the materials and manner of construction of all joints, connections with soil or other pipes and changes in the direction of pipes. No saddle hub will be allowed on any plumbing except when permitted by the inspector. VII. Water Closets. Water closet apartments shall be well ventilated and lighted. All water closets shall be furnished with a sufficient supply of water to keep them at all times clean and well flushed, and shall be supplied from a special tank, which shall not hold less than five gallons of water for each closet which it supplies. 5 34 CITY OF KEENE. VIII. Traps. Each fixture shall have an effectual trap as close to it as practical and approved by the inspector. IX. Safes, Overflows and Refrigerators. Waste pipes from safes, and refrigerators, and overflow pipes, from tanks or cisterns shall empty over sink, trapped gully or other- wise as may be approved, but shall not connect directly with the drainage system. No steam exhaust, blow-off, drip pipe or cellar drain or rain water conductor shall connect with the sewer, or with any house drain, soil pipe or waste pipe. X. Cleanouts. Suitable cleanouts shall be provided on all runs of horizontal pipes, at such intervals as the inspec- tor may order; a cleanout shall be provided in the main drain near the cellar wall by means of a Y branch, said cleanout to be calked with the straight end of the Y branch. Ventilation. Soil pipes shall be continued full bore up through the roof in as direct line as possible. All branches of ten feet or more in length shall be continued at full size through the roof or be taken into the soil pipe above the highest fixture. Any branch less than four inches in diam- eter to be carried through the roof, shall, before passing through the roof be enlarged to four inches in diameter. All pipes when carried through the roof shall extend two feet above the roof, and when within fifteen feet of windows or other openings shall extend as high above the top of said windows or opening as the inspector shall require. No cap except a wire basket shall be fixed to the top of a vent pipe. When ventilation pipes other than the continuations of the soil pipe or branches thereof, are put in, they shall be subject to such rules as the inspector may prescribe, as to their size, material and construction and shall be so con- structed as not to allow the formation of a trap and shall not be used as waste pipes. No soil, waste or ventilating pipe, except a local vent pipe, shall be connected with a chimney. No brick, earthemware or sheet metal pipes shall be used for ventilating a soil or waste pipe. XI. Arrangements. Soil, drain, waste and ventilating CITY ORDINANCES. 35 pipes shall be concentrated as much as possible, and on the completion of the work shall be left readily accessible and in view as much as possible. Drain, soil, waste and ventilating pipes should be exposed to view for ready inspection at all times, and for conven- ience in repairing. When necessarily placed within partitions or recesses in walls, soil or waste pipes shall be covered with woodwork so fashioned with screws as to be readily removed. In no case shall they be absolutely inaccessible. Any house drain put in and covered over without due notice to the inspector must be uncovered for inspection at the request or direction of said inspector. XII. Workmanship. The whole drainage and plumbing work in buildings, shall be executed by registered or licensed plumbers. XIII. Lead and cast iron pipes shall be of such weight per foot as the inspector may deem necessary and he may order extra heavy pipe to be used in such places as in his judgment it is required. He shall also make rules for the material, size and number of supports, hangers and clamps for pipes. XIV. Every kitchen sink of an eating house, hotel, restaurant, or other public cooking establishment, shall have a grease trap placed as near as practicable to the sink and easily accessible for cleaning. XV. Old house sewers or drains can be used for new houses only when found by an inspector to conform in all respects to the foregoing regulations governing new sew- ers and drains. All drains now in, as well as soil and waste pipes, shall be reconstructed whenever in the opinion of the inspector it may be necessary. Cesspools. Every building upon a street or passageway not provided with a public sewer shall be connected, when required by the board of health, with a proper cesspool with a capacity to contain at least seventy-five cubic feet below the inlet pipe, and located at least twenty feet from any building and three feet from adjoining property, and shall be suitably vented, and no cesspool or vault shall be 36 CITY OF KEENE. constructed without a permit obtained from the board of health. In such houses the sink shall be provided with a four-inch round trap, where a sink only is used. Where a water closet is used, the plumbing in such house shall con- form to the ordinances relating to plumbing in the city of Keene. Sect. 20. All stop boxes placed in highways of this city, with the upper end at the surface of the street, shall be covered with a suitable iron cover with a drop flange to properly fit the inside of said boxes, of not less than five inches in depth, the whole to be of such weight and construction as not to be displaced by the passage over them of animals or carriages. All gas and water boxes, sewer manholes and flush tanks, with covers designed to be at the surface of the public highways of this city, which may have been thrown up by the frost, or from which the gravel has been worn away, shall be at once brought to grade, either by the replacing of gravel, or by the sinking or shortening of such boxes, and kept in such relation to the streets at all seasons of the year; and it shall be the duty of the commissioners to see that the boxes and covers, whether belonging to the city or individuals, in the public highways of Keene, are made to conform to the require- ments of this ordinance, and kept in such condition. CHAPTER VI. CEMETERIES. Section 1. The joint standing committee on burial grounds shall have the general care and superintendence of all public cemeteries in the city of Keene. Said committee shall have full power to direct the superintendent in the discharge of all the duties of his office. They shall, with the superintendent, appraise the lots in all the cemeteries that are unsold, and have the price marked upon a plan that shall be kept in the custody of the superintendent. Sect. 2. All grades and improvements of avenues, CITY ORDINANCES. 37 pathways or grounds of said cemeteries, shall be under the direction of the committee and superintendent, who shall also have power to enforce all the laws of the state in relation to cemeteries. Sect. 3. In the month of January, annually, or when- ever a vacancy shall occur, there shall be chosen by the city councils in joint convention, a superintendent of public cemeteries, who, in addition to the duties before prescribed in this ordinance shall perform the duties of sexton. He shall dispose of vacant lots at their appraisal, by deed signed by the mayor under the corporate seal of the city; but in no instance shall possession, or a deed for a lot, be given until the whole amount of the appraisal is paid or satisfactory security given for payment. If payment is not made within ninety days after the selection of a lot by a purchaser, the lot shall be subject to sale or re-appraisal as other unsold lots. He shall see that all cemeteries are kept properly inclosed and in a neat and orderly condition. He shall see that all lots for the care of which special funds are held in trust by the city, are kept in as good condition as the interest upon such funds will permit. He shall do such work upon any given lot as he may be paid for doing, by any one interested therein. He shall superintend and execute such improvements and labor upon the cemeteries as the said committee may order. He shall have the power under the direction of said committee to employ all such labor as may be necessary in the discharge of his duties, and shall file each week in the office of the city clerk a pay- roll for the preceding week, approved by said superintendent, setting forth the names of all persons hired, the length of time each has been employed and the amount of the com- pensation of each employe. He shall collect and receive all moneys pertaining to his office as superintendent and sexton, or paid by individuals for special work, and shall deposit the same with the city treasurer, on the last day of each month, taking his receipt therefor, which shall be treated as a fund for the payment of all bills which may be authorized by said superintendent on account of the ceme- 38 CITY OF KEENE. teries. He shall pay no bills of any kind. Under the direc- tion of said committee he shall have the power to contract for such materials and supplies as it may order, and all bills against the city on account of cemeteries, except the weekly pay-rolls, shall be approved by the superintendent and the said committee, and when duly audited shall be paid. He shall receive in addition to the salary provided by ordinance the sum of one dollar and seventy-five cents per day for ser- vices actually rendered as superintendent and sexton, and the sum of one hundred dollars per year for the use of a team. He shall file his account for personal services and use of horse, with the city clerk on the first day of each month, which shall be approved by the said committee, and when audited shall be paid, and at the same time he shall file an itemized statement of all sums received by him dur- ing the preceding month and a voucher that the same have been deposited with the city treasurer. Sect. 4. The superintendent shall furnish such bonds as the mayor and aldermen may direct. Sect. 5. The name “Woodland Cemetery” shall in- clude and cover, not only the cemetery known by that name, but also the land acquired by the city, of the heirs of the late Thomas M. Edwards and of M. J. Sherman, and the name “ Greenlawn Cemetery” shall include all the land conveyed to the city by the Greenlawn cemetery corpo- ration. Sect. 6. The provisions of chapter 40, New Hampshire Laws 1899, regulating the investment of certain trust funds held by towns and cities, are hereby adopted. CHAPTER VII. CITY MESSENGER. Section 1. There shall be elected by the city councils, in the month of January, annually, or whenever a vacancy may occur, a city messenger, who may be removed at the pleasure of the city councils. It shall be his duty to receive, CITY ORDINANCES. 39 deliver and execute all notifications, summonses and pre- cepts issued by the mayor, the president of the common council, the city councils, or either branch thereof, or by any committee of the same, or by the health commissioners, and make due return thereof. He shall prepare and arrange the rooms in which the common council and the board of aider- men shall hold their sessions, and under the direction of the proper officer, provide fuel, lights, and such other things as may be necessary for the accommodation of both branches of the city councils, or any committee thereof. Sect. 2. He shall receive and deliver all notifications to officers elected by the city councils, or by the board of aider- men, and he shall deliver all notifications to committees upon the request of the city clerk, the clerk of the common coun- cil, or the chairman of any committee. He shall have the superintendence of the city hall, and all other rooms belong- ing to the city in said building, except the stores under said hall, and see that they are kept in good condition. He shall also have control of the bill boards at the entrance of city hall, and no posters shall be placed thereon without his permission. Sect. 3. He shall render an account of the receipts arising from the letting of the hall, to the mayor and aider- men at the close of each month, or oftener if required, and such sum as may be in his hands he shall pay to the city treasurer and take his receipt therefor, and deliver such receipt to the city clerk. CHAPTER VIII. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Section 1. There shall be appointed by the board of mayor and aldermen, in the month of January, annually, a chief engineer and assistant engineers, not exceeding five in number, to hold their offices one year, or until others are appointed and qualified to fill their places ; and they shall constitute the board of engineers, and perform all the duties, 40 CITY OF KEENE. and exercise all the powers of firewards, provided, however, that they shall be subject to removal at any time by the mayor and aldermen, who shall have power to fill vacancies. Sect. 2. The by-laws adopted by the board of engi- neers and all rules and regulations that are now in force shall be considered as continuing in force, and the board shall have power to make such other rules and by-laws as may be deemed necessary, provided they shall not be repug- nant to, or inconsistent with, the laws of the state or the ordinances of the city. Sect. 3. Each member of every company in the fire department shall receive for his services at the rate of seven- teen dollars per year in addition to the sum allowed by law ; but no member shall be paid for less than three months’ service, unless sooner discharged from his company by the proper authority for cause other than his own request, nor unless he shall have performed his duties in a manner satis- factory to the company officer, and responded to all calls made upon him, or given satisfactory excuse for any failure to do so. Sect. 4. The foreman of each company in the fire department shall report to the city clerk at the expiration of each quarter, the names of all men who have been active members of his company during the quarter, or any part thereof, giving date of all discharges, and of all elections of new members; and he shall, annually, in September, compute the pay of each member according to the preceding section, and make oath to the correctness of said reports and pay-roll thereon. Sect. 5. The city clerk shall furnish to each foreman proper blanks for his reports and pay-rolls. Sect. 6 . No person shall hereafter erect or cause to be erected, move or cause to be moved, enlarge or cause to be enlarged, any wooden building, or set up or cause to be set up, or used, any steam engine in any building within the limits of the city, mentioned in the following section, without consent of the board of mayor and aldermen, to be first had and obtained after hearing of all parties in CITY ORDINANCES. 41 interest, duly notified by public notice posted at the door of the city hall building, at least fourteen days before the day of hearing, and by further notice given to or left at the last and usual place of abode of the owner or occupants of the land adjoining the premises, where license is asked under this chapter. Sect. 7. The limits of the fire precinct hereby consti- tuted shall be as follows : beginning at the northeast corner of the Cheshire railroad freight house ; thence north- erly to and on west line of St. James street to West street; thence on east line of land of Mrs. C. L. Kingsbury to Winter street, and on west line of Middle street to Summer street; thence easterly on Summer street to Court street, and southerly on east line of Court street to Vernon street; thence easterly on north line of Vernon street to Washing- ton street, and on south line of Spring street to northeast corner of George R. Dinsmoor’s land ; thence southerly on east line of said Dinsmoor’s land to southeast corner of same; thence westerly on line of said Dinsmoor’s land to northwest corner of Josiah T. Colony’s land, and south from said corner on west line of said Colony’s land to Roxbury street; thence easterly on south line of Roxbury street to Norway avenue, and southerly on west line of Norway avenue to Church street, and on east line of Ninety-third street to south line of Railroad street ; thence westerly on said line of said Railroad street to Main street, and westerly from said Main street to the point of beginning. CHAPTER IX. ELECTRIC FIRE ALARM. Section 1. There shall be appointed by the board of mayor and aldermen, in the month of January, annually, or when a vacancy exists, a superintendent of fire alarm, who shall hold his office for one year, or until his removal, or the appointment of another in his stead. The superintendent of fire alarm shall have the care and general supervision of all 6 42 CITY OF KEENE. lines and apparatus connected with the electric fire alarm circuit belonging to the city. In the use of the alarm and sounding of calls thereon he shall be governed by the rules and regulations established by the engineers or by their order, unless otherwise instructed by the mayor and aldermen. Sect. 2. It shall be the duty of the superintendent to keep the circuit and apparatus in good working order, at all times, and to promptly repair or renew all work or inter- ruptions to the circuit or the apparatus connected therewith. He shall see that all electric or other wires are kept at a safe distance from the fire alarm circuit. In cutting or remov- ing such wires or other obstructions, he shall act under the directions of the mayor and aldermen. All material and supplies needed for repairs and maintainance of the fire alarm he shall procure through the committee on fire depart- ment, who shall see that proper supplies for ordinary repairs and maintainance are kept on hand by the city. He shall carefully inspect all portions of the fire alarm circuit and apparatus in the months of April and September, annually, and report all repairs or changes needed, to the committee on fire department. Sect. 3. He shall inspect each fire alarm box and test the same as often as once in every month, keeping a record of all such tests with the date and number of the box tested. He shall make sure that all boxes are in order after severe storms. He shall cause the circuit to be used on Saturday of each week, and a box to be pulled in at noon, as pro- vided by the regulations. The boxes to be pulled alter- nately, and a record kept of the same. Sect. 4. Whoever shall maliciously interfere or tamper with any of the boxes or wires connected with the fire alarm, or shall intentionally ring in any false alarm, shall be punished by a fine of not more than twenty dollars and the costs of prosecution. Sect. 5. Any person or persons giving information which shall lead to the detection and conviction of any person or persons violating the preceding section, shall be entitled to one-half of the fine imposed. CITY ORDINANCES. 43 CHAPTER X. CITY SOLICITOR. Section 1. There shall be elected by the city councils in joint convention and by joint ballot, in the month of January in each year, or whenever any vacancy may exist, a solicitor for the city of Keene, who may be removed at the pleasure of the city councils. Sect. 2. It shall be the duty of the city solicitor to draft all obligations or legal instruments that may be required of him by any ordinance or order of the mayor and aldermen or common council, or which, by any such ordinance heretofore passed or may hereafter be passed by the city councils, are requisite and necessary or may become requisite and necessary to be done and made between the city pf Keene in its corporate capacity and any person contracting with the city, and which by law, usage or agreement, the said city is to be at the expense of drawing ; also to commence and prosecute all suits that may be brought by order of the city, for or on account of any estate, right, claim, privilege, or demand of the city; also to appear in defense, in all actions or suits brought against the city or its officers in their official capacity wherein the rights, estate, privileges, ordinances or acts of the city or any branch thereof may be brought in question, before any court in this state, and shall do all and every other pro- fessional act which may be required of him by the city government or by any committee of the city councils or either board thereof; and when required by the board of mayor and aldermen or common council or any committee of the city councils or either branch thereof, he shall furnish a written opinion of any legal question or subject that may be submitted to him, and he shall also at all times furnish legal advice to any officer of the city who may require his opinion upon any subject touching the duties incumbent on such officer. He shall, when requested by the mayor or city marshal, commence and prosecute before the police court any suit or complaint that may be brought 44 CITY OF KEENE. by the order of either of said officers for the violation of any ordinance of the city or law of the state. Sect. 3. In addition to his salary he shall be entitled to receive a reasonable compensation for service rendered in connection with suits in the supreme court in which the city is a party, and also as a justice of the peace for complaints and warrants the customary fees. CHAPTER XI. CITY PHYSICIAN. Section 1. There shall be elected annually by the city councils, in convention and by joint ballot, a city physician, who shall hold his office for the term of one year, unless removed by the city councils. Sect. 2. It shall be the duty of the city physician to attend, under the general direction of the overseer of the poor, upon all sick paupers and patients under the care of the city authorities, and to report annually, on or before the first day of December, to the city councils, a list of deaths of the previous year; stating the age, sex, and disease of the person deceased; to give to either branch of the city councils, or to any committee thereof, all such professional advice and counsel as they may require of him ; to vaccinate all scholars of the public ^schools who may be sent to him by the school committee for that purpose, free of charge, and generally to perform all such professional services as may be reasonably required of him by the mayor and aldermen, city councils and board of health. Sect. 3. He shall attend upon all cases of disease, and furnish all needed medicines at his own expense, and per- form all the professional services that may be required in the police station or elsewhere by the city marshal. He shall keep a true record of the names of all patients, and date of visits, and present the same to the overseer of the poor once a month. CITY ORDINANCES. 45 Sect. 4. He shall deliver to his successor in office all papers, records and memoranda pertaining to the duties of his office. CHAPTER XII. HEALTH COMMISSIONERS. Section 1. The city councils shall, in the month of January in each year, and whenever any vacancy shall occur, elect by joint ballot and in joint convention, three per- sons, who shall be styled health commissioners, and who shall each of them be invested with all the powers granted by the laws of the state, to execute its laws and the ordi- nances of the city made for the preservation of the health of said city. Sect. 2. It shall be the duty of the health commis- sioners, and each of them within the city, to inquire into all nuisances and other causes of danger to the public health, and in this respect to enforce the laws of the state and the ordinances of the city, that the health of the peo- ple may be carefully protected, and to see that all laws and ordinances relating to the interment and disinterment of the dead are faithfully executed. Sect. 3. No person shall place, or leave or cause to be placed or left in or near any dwelling house, street, alley or public place, any substance that is or is liable to be- come putrid or offensive, or injurious to the public health. Sect. 4. No person shall throw, or cause to be thrown, any animal substance into the water of Beaver brook, so called, or allow any sink water, or any substance that is or may become offensive or injurious to the public health, to flow or be forced into said stream. Sect. 5. Whenever any person is convalescent from any contagious disease, or any person or persons have been exposed to any contagious disease so that in the judgment of the health commissioners it would be dangerous to the health of the people to allow such person or persons to go into the streets or public places of the city, the health 46 CITY OF KEENE. commissioners may order such person or persons to refrain from going into any street or public place until such time as in the opinion of the health commissioners no danger would result from so doing. Sect. 6. Any person who shall violate any of the pro- visions of this chapter, or shall disobey the orders of the health commissioners, made agreeably to the preceding sec- tion, shall be fined not exceeding twenty dollars. CHAPTER XIII. ASSESSORS OF TAXES AND OVERSEER OF THE POOR. Section 1. There shall be a board of assessors of taxes consisting of three members, who shall have all the power and authority of such officers prescribed by the Pub- lic Statutes, one of whom shall be elected in the month of January, each year, by the city councils in joint convention, by ballot and major vote, for the term of three years and until a successor has been elected and qualified. And an assistant assessor shall be elected by said councils in said manner in the month of March, provided such assistant is needed. Sect. 2. The assessors shall distribute the blank inven- tories at the time they examine and appraise the property to be taxed. Sect. 3. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in said board, by death, resignation, removal, or from other cause, the city councils shall elect, in like manner, another to serve out the unexpired term. The removal of an assessor from one ward to another shall not affect his right to hold said office. Sect. 4. The city councils in joint convention, by ballot and major vote, shall elect, in the month of January, each year, one overseer of the poor, for the term of one year, and till a successor shall have been elected and quali- fied. Any vacancy in said office shall be filled in like manner. CITY ORDINANCES. 47 CHAPTER XIV. COLLECTOR OF TAXES AND WATER ASSESSMENTS. Section 1. There shall be appointed annually, in the month of May, by the board of mayor and aldermen, a collector of taxes for said city, who shall have all the powers and perform all the duties prescribed for such officer by the Public Statutes, including the collection of the 10 per cent, interest charge provided for in section 8, of chapter 59, of the said statutes, and shall, on or before October 1st of the year following his appointment, make a full settlement and payment with and to the city of all the taxes committed to him for collection. He shall, in addition to such duties, collect all water assessments which shall be committed to him for collection by the superintendent of water works and sewers, and keep a separate account of all such collections and deposit the same with the city treasurer, taking a sepa- rate receipt therefor. He shall observe such rules and regulations in the collection of said assessments as the board of commissioners shall make, and shall settle his account of such collection with said board once in three months, and oftener, if they request it. CHAPTER XV. PUBLIC LIBRARY. Whereas the Keene Public Library Association has voted “that it is expedient to surrender to the city of Keene the shares and all other property belonging to the Keene Public Library Association whenever the city shall decide to accept the same, and to keep the library in suitable apartments, in good condition for the use of the inhabitants of the city, under suitable regulations, and for the first five years expend a sum not less than three hundred dollars per annum, and thereafterwards a sum not less than five hundred dollars per annum for the purchase and repair of books for the library ; said sums to be raised and expended as above until such time as the library shall have an income of not less than one 48 CITY OF KEENE. thousand dollars per annum derived from other sources the said city of Keene hereby accepts the surrender of said shares and property upon the terms, conditions and limi- tations expressed in said vote, and hereby agrees faith- fully to comply with and perform said terms and condi- tions. Section 1 . The control, government and management of the public library and the buildings and grounds con- nected therewith shall be committed to a board of trus- tees to consist of twelve persons, who shall serve without compensation, six of whom shall be known as permanent trustees and be selected in accordance with the terms of the gift to the city of Keene by Edward C. Thayer under date of May 31st, 1898; of the remaining six trustees (three of whom may be ladies) two shall be appointed by the city councils during the month of January annually, for the term of three years. Any vacancy in said six trus- tees chosen by the city councils shall be filled by said coun- cils for the unexpired term. Sect. 2. The board of trustees may establish such rules and regulations for the government of their body and the management of the public library as they may deem advisable. They shall see that suitable rooms are provided for the use of the library, and the other purposes designated in said gift, shall purchase all books and cer- tify to all bills relating to the same and to the ordinary expenses of the library, and shall make an annual report to the board of mayor and aldermen on the first day of December in each year of the condition of the library, the amount expended for books, repairs, salaries, rent, inci- dental and ordinary expenses, and such other matters re- lating to the library as they may consider of general in- terest. Sect. 3. Nothing in this ordinance shall affect the tenure of officers heretofore chosen. Sect. 4. The board of trustees shall have no power to pledge the credit of the city for any debts that they may incur, but they are hereby authorized to expend such sums CITY ORDINANCES. 49 of money as may be from time to time appropriated by the city councils for the benefit of the public library. All sums of money arising from the sale of catalogues shall be added to the appropriation annually made for the purchase of books and used by the trustees for that purpose, and all sums of money arising from the collection of fines may be used by the trustees for the printing of lists of new books and the balance thereof shall be added to the appro- priation for the purchase of books. CHAPTER XVI. REGULATING THE USE OF THE PUBLIC WAYS. Section 1. All persons engaged in teaming upon the public ways of the city, using chains, clevises, brakes or any other device or appliance for retarding the speed of vehicles, the working of which will result in digging up, destroying or rendering said public ways defective by causing ruts in the road-bed, shall while using such chains, clevises, brakes, or other device for the purpose aforesaid, keep their vehicles to the right of the centre of the traveled part of the highway. Sect. 2. No person shall use any of the appliances above named except as such use shall be rendered reason- ably necessary by the weight of the load carried or the grade of the road. Whoever shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars, one-half of the fine imposed to be given to the person who shall make complaint and furnish evidence sufficient for the conviction of the offender. Sect. 3. No person shall put or place, or cause to be put or placed, within the limits of any street, lane, alley or highway, or other public place in the city, any house dirt, ashes, garbage, shreds, shavings, filth, suds, offal, or other rubbish, except in such places and in such manner as the superintendent of streets may provide and prescribe. Sect. 4. Three or more persons shall not stand in a group or near each other on any foot or sidewalk, so as to 7 50 CITY OF KEENE. obstruct a free passage for foot passengers ; and any person or persons obstructing the foot or sidewalks shall move on immediately after a request is made by any police officer or watchman. No person or persons shall sit, stand, or lounge in or about the doors of passage-ways to any store, church or public building, office, saloon, shop, dwelling house or other tenement, except the owners or tenants thereof, after having been requested by the owner or occupant, or any police officer to depart therefrom. Sect. 5. No person shall wantonly injure or deface any building, fence, wall, sign board, bill board, post, or lamp or lantern thereon, or shall wantonly cut or injure any tree standing in any street, highway or public place, or shall rob any garden or field of fruit or vegetables, or shall, without lawful permission, climb on or over any fence of any garden or yard. Sect. 6 . No person shall occupy any street, lane, or alley of the city for the purpose of selling goods or anything at auction or otherwise, without first obtaining permission from the mayor, and paying therefor such a sum as may be required, for the use of the city. Sect. 7. The tenant or occupant, or if there be uo ten- ant, the owner of any building or lot of land bordering on any street where there is a sidewalk of brick, stone, or con- crete, shall cause all snow to be removed from such sidewalk adjoining his premises, within six hours after the snow shall have ceased to fall, if in the day time, or before two of the clock of the afternoon next succeeding, if the snow shall have ceased to fall in the night. Sect. 8. Any person violating any of the provisions of the foregoing sections shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars. CHAPTER XVII. NUMBERING OF BUILDINGS. Section 1. The board of mayor and aldermen shall, from time to time, as the convenience of the public may CITY ORDINANCES. 51 require, cause numbers in regular series, to be fixed to or inscribed on all dwelling houses and other buildings or parts of buildings, fronting on any street, alley, or public place in said city, and shall also determine the form, size, and material of such numbers, and the mode, place, succession aud order of inscribing and affixing them on such houses or other buildings. The numbers shall proceed continuously from place of beginning, and each number *shall be as nearly opposite its alternate as may be. The buildings fronting upon Central square shall be numbered consecutively, begin- ning with the Bank block on the east side and numbering north to City Hall block ; thence west across the north side from Clarke’s block to Court street ; thence south across the west side from Lane’s block to West street. The six streets radiating from Central square, namely: Main, Roxbury, Washington, Court, Winter and West to be numbered con- tinuously from this point. Streets which are west of Main or Washington, and parallel or nearly so with West, shall be numbered from east to west, and those lying east of Main or Washington and parallel or nearly so with Roxbury, shall be numbered from west to east. Streets lying north of West or Roxbury, and parallel or nearly so with Court or Wash- ington, shall be numbered from south to north, and those lying south of West and Roxbury, and parallel or nearly so with Main, shall be numbered from north to south. In all streets the odd numbers are to be placed on the right hand side, and the even numbers on the left hand of streets. The reservation of a specified length of frontage for each number may be allowed to vary according to the location of the street. Sect. 2. A competent person shall be employed to pre- pare a book containing an outline map or tracing of each street in the city, with the houses thereon, together with the length of frontage allowed for each number distinctly indicated, so that each person can ascertain with conven- ience and certainty the number which belongs to each lot. This book to be kept with the city clerk for reference and the use of the city. 52 CITY OP KEENE. Sect. 3. Any owner or occupant of any building or part of a building, in said city who shall refuse to allow such numbers as may reasonably be required to carry out the purposes of this ordinance, to be affixed to or remain upon his building when requested so to do by the board of mayor and aldermen or their appointed agent, or who shall display upon his building or buildings for more than one day as a street number, any number contrary to the directions of said board of mayor and alderman, shall be fined not exceeding twenty dollars. CHAPTER XVIII. CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. Section 1. No person shall overdrive, overload, drive when overloaded, overwork, torture, torment, deprive of necessary sustenance, cruelly beat, mutilate, or cruelly kill, or cause or procure to be so overdriven, overloaded, driven when overloaded, overworked, tortured, tormented, deprived of necessary sustenance, cruelly beaten, mutilated or cruelly killed, any animal; and no person having charge and cus- tody of any animal, either as owner or otherwise, shall inflict unnecessary cruelty upon the same, or unnecessarily fail to provide the same with proper food, drink, shelter, or protection from the weather. Sect. 2. No owner, possessor, or person having the charge or custody of any animal, shall cruelly drive or work the same when unfit for labor, or cruelly abandon the same, or carry the same or cause the same to be carried in or upon any vehicle or otherwise in an unnecessarily cruel or inhuman manner, or knowingly and willfully, authorize to permit the same to be subjected to unnecessary torture, suffering or cruelty of any kind. Sect. 3. No person shall keep or train any bird, dog, or other animal, with intent that such bird, dog or other animal shall be engaged or used in an exhibition of fight- ing, or shall establish or promote an exhibition of the fighting of birds, dogs or other animals. CITY ORDINANCES. Sect. 4. No person shall be present at any place, building or tenement when preparations are being made for an exhibition of the fighting of birds, dogs, or other animals, with intent to be present at such exhibition ; or be present at, aid in, or contribute to such an exhibition. Sect. 5. No person shall keep or use any live pigeon, fowl or other bird, for the purpose of a target, or to be shot at, either for amusement or as a test of skill in markman- ship, and no person shall shoot at any bird as aforesaid, or be present as a party, witness, umpire or judge at any such shooting of any fowl or bird, and no person shall rent any building, shed, room, yard, field or premises, or shall knowingly suffer or permit the use of any building, shed, room, yard, field or premises for the purpose of shooting any fowl or bird as aforesaid. Nothing contained in this section shall apply to the shooting of any wild game in its wild state. Sect. 6. Any violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be prosecuted agreeably to the laws of the state. Sect. 7. It shall be the duty of the marshal, constables and police officers to prosecute all violations of the pro- visions of this chapter which shall come to their notice or knowledge. Sect. 8. Any and all fines imposed and collected by virtue of the provisions of this chapter shall be paid to the treasurer of such incorporated and organized society to prevent cruelty to animals as shall have caused to be insti- tuted the prosecution resulting in such fines, for the use of such society. CHAPTER XIX. RELATING TO THE BURIAL OF THE DEAD. Section 1. No person shall bury, or cause to be buried or interred, any dead body at any other time of the day than between sunrising and sunsetting, except when other- wise permitted by the health commissioners ; and no person shall inter or cause to be interred any dead body in a grave 54 CITY OF KEENE. which shall be less than four feet deep from the surface of the ground surrounding the grave to the top of the coffin. Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall be fined not exceeding twenty dollars. CHAPTER XX. HABITUAL TRUANTS. Section 1. Any child between the ages of six and sixteen years, without any regular and lawful occupation, who shall, except in case of ill health, habitually neglect to attend school, or become an habitual truant, upon convic- tion thereof shall be fined not less than one dollar nor more than ten dollars, or said child may be sentenced to the Industrial School in the discretion of the court. Sect. 2. The city marshal and police of Keene shall be the truant officers of this city, whose duty it shall be to look after'such truant children, and to report their names to the board of education, and upon request of said board to make complaint of such truants to the police court, and cause such complaint to be prosecuted. CHAPTER XXI. ANIMALS AT LARGE. Section 1. No sheep, goats, swine, horses, mules, jacks, oxen, cows or other cattle, shall be led or driven, except for cleaning ways, or allowed to go upon any side- walk or grass plot in front of sidewalks in this city, or permitted to go at large on any highway, street, sidewalk, grass plot, lane, alley, common, square, or other public place within this city. Sect. 2. Every person permitting any sheep, goats, swine, horses, mules, jacks, oxen, cows or any other cattle, to go upon any sidewalk, or grass plot, or at large, con- trary to the provisions of section 1 of this chapter, shall CITY ORDINANCES. 55 be fined not less than one dollar or more than ten dollars for every such offense. Sect. 3. Any person finding any such creatures so going, may impound and detain them agreeably to law, or he piay make complaint against the person permitting such creatures to go upon sidewalks, grass plots, or at large. CHAPTER XXII. OBSERVING THE LORD’S DAY. Section 1. No person shall keep open his store, cellar, restaurant or bar-room, or shall sell, give, offer or expose for sale any cider, beer, ale or intoxicating liquors of any kind, or fruits, nuts, confectionery, or oysters, or books, pamphlets, newspapers, or merchandise of any kind, on the first day of the week, commonly called the Lord’s day ; nor shall any person use any play or game on that day. Sect. 2. For the purpose of the provisions of the first section of this chapter, the Lord’s day shall be understood to include the time between the midnight preceding and the midnight of said day. Sect. 3. The provisions of this chapter shall not be construed to prevent any baker from delivering bread, or any druggist or apothecary from selling medicine, or the city liquor agent from selling liquors for medicinal pur- poses, under such rules and regulations as may be estab- lished by the board of mayor and aldermen. Sect. 4. No person shall, during any day of the week, keep open his saloon, restaurant or bar-room, nor offer or expose for sale any cider, beer, ale or intoxicating liquors of any kind, between the hours of half past nine o’clock in the evening and five o’clock in the morning, excepting depot restaurants, and the city marshal is hereby in- structed to see that this ordinance is strictly enforced. Sect. 5. Any person offending against any of the pro- visions of this chapter, shall be fined not less than one dollar or more than ten dollars for each offence. 56 CITY OF KEENE. CHAPTER XXIII. RELATING TO DOGS. Section 1. Whenever, in the opinion of the mayor and aldermen, the public safety may require it, they may order that all dogs running at large in the city of Keene, shall be securely muzzled; and after notice of such order shall have been posted up at two or more public places in said city, and said notice published in the daily newspaper, the mayor and alderman may issue their warrant to one or more of the police officers or constables, who shall, after twenty-four hours from the publication of such notice, kill all dogs found unmuzzled or running at large contrary to such order. CHAPTER XXIV. PROTECTION OF THE PEOPLE FROM THE SLIDING OF SNOW FROM BUILDINGS. Section 1. All buildings so situated and with roofs so inclined that snow and ice naturally slide or fall from the same into any public street, walk or thoroughfare, shall be protected with a proper guard or railing upon such roofs, or proper awning projecting under the same, as will pre- vent the snow and ice from so sliding and falling into such street, walk or thoroughfare. Sect. 2. The owner, or agent of any owner of any building, neglecting for thirty days to comply with the fore- going section after being requested by the city marshal to comply therewith, shall be fined not exceeding twenty dollars. CHAPTER XXV. PUBLIC PARKS. Section 1. All the land owned by the city near the octagon reservoir on Beach hill, together with all the land CITY ORDINANCES. 57 surrounding the old reservoir pond on said hill, is consti- tuted a public park to be called “the city park.” Sect. 2. There shall be elected in the month of January in each year, or when a vacancy exists, by the city councils in joint convention and by joint ballot, a park commis- sioner. Sect. 3. It shall be the duty of the park commissioner to take entire charge of all the parks or lands held in trust by the city, unless otherwise provided; to expend, under the direction of the committee on public parks, appropria- tions or other incomes, in ornamenting and protecting said parks; to dispose of dangerous or objectionable trees; to fix bounds, repair fences against pastures, or other lands, and to report to the city councils annually. CHAPTER XXVI. PROTECTION OF SHADE TREES. Section 1. No person shall be allowed to post any bills, advertisements, cards, or notices of any kind, upon any tree, placed or growing for ornament or use, in any yard, street or square, within the limits of the city, without first obtaining the consent of the owners, or permission of the mayor and aldermen. Sect. 2. No person shall be allowed to fasten or hitch any animal to any shade or ornamental tree, standing on any common, square, street, lane or avenue, within the limits of the city, except such as may have a hook or ring in it for the purpose of a public or private hitching place. Sect. 3. No person shall destroy or remove any shade or ornamental tree standing on any common, square, street or lane within the limits of the city, without the permission of the mayor and aldermen, and it shall be the duty of the superintendent of highways to note any infraction of this chapter, and report the same at once to the board of mayor and aldermen. Sect. 4. Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall be fined not exceeding five dollars. 8 58 CITY OF KEENE. CHAPTER XXVII. PUBLIC PRINTING. Section 1. The joint standing committee on printing shall have charge of printing the blanks, reports and other matter to be used in the different departments of the city government; and no bills for printing or publishing shall be audited until approved by them. Sect. 2. All city ordinances, and such joint resolutions as in the opinion of the mayor the public good requires, shall be published in one issue of the New Hampshire Sentinel, the Keene Evening Sentinel and Cheshire Repub- lican, and the clerk shall furnish copies therefor. In the annual city reports shall be published all ordinances and joint resolutions passed during the year. CHAPTER XXVIII. CITY ORDINANCES. Section 1. All ordinances passed by the city councils shall be engrossed or recorded by the city clerk in a fair and legible hand, without interlineation or erasure, and in the order in which they shall be passed, in a book to be kept for that purpose, made of strong linen paper, with proper margin and index, to be lettered “Record of Ordi- nances of the City of Keene,” which book shall be preserved in the office of the city clerk, subject to the inspection of the citizens. CHAPTER XXIX. ELECTION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS. Section 1. The city councils, in convention, shall, in the month of January, annually, or when vacancies occur, elect the following officers : city treasurer, city clerk, sur- veyors of lumber, measurers of wood, weighers of hay, straw and coal, fence viewers, sealer of weights and CITY ORDINANCES. 59 measures, and sexton, who shall hold their office for one year, unless sooner removed, and until others are chosen and qualified. CHAPTER XXX. BILLIARD SALOONS. Section 1. No person shall keep a billiard table in the city of Keene, except for private use, unless a license there- for in writing, specifying the place in which the same is to be kept, under the restrictions provided by the state, shall first be obtained from the board of mayor and aider- men. Sect. 2. Every person shall pay for such license, for the use of the city, ten dollars, and to the city clerk a fee of fifty cents for each license, to be paid by the person to whom it is granted ; and such license shall be revoked and annulled at the pleasure of the mayor and aldermen, and shall be forfeited upon conviction of the violation of any of the provisions of this chapter. Sect. 3. No keeper of a billiard table shall allow or permit any minor to play at billiards, or any other game, in his saloon, or to remain therein, or in any room con- nected therewith, except with the consent of the father, or guardian of such minor; nor permit or suffer any game whatever to be played in said saloon, or any room con- nected therewith, after the hour of ten in the evening of any day. Sect. 4. The person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be fined not more than ten dollars, and shall also be required to keep the peace and be of good behavior. CHAPTER XXXI. OFFICIAL BONDS. Section 1. The following named officers of the city shall not enter upon the duties of their office until they have 60 CITY OF KEENE. furnished bonds, approved by the mayor and aldermen, for the faithful discharge of their duties in the following sums, to wit : treasurer, in the sum of thirty thousand dollars ; superintendent of highways, in the sum of one thousand dol- lars ; superintendent of water works and sewers, in the sum of one thousand dollars; collector of taxes and water rents, in the sum of thirty-five thousand dollars ; city clerk, in the sum of one thousand dollars; city marshal, in the sum of three hundred dollars; city messenger, in the sum of three hundred dollars; constables, in the sum of three hundred dollars each; superintendent of public cemeteries, in the sum of one thousand dollars. Sect. 2. These bonds may be increased, from time to time, at the discretion of the board of mayor and aldermen. CHAPTER XXXII. PROHIBITING THE USE OF FIREARMS AND OTHER EXPLOSIVES. Section 1. No person shall, within the limits of the city, fire or discharge any cannon, gun, pistol, or other firearms, or discharge any rockets, squibs, fire-crackers, grenades, or any preparation of gunpowder, except by permission of the mayor and aldermen, in writing, or shall make any bonfire, or improperly use or expose any friction matches, or knowingly raise or repeat any false cry of fire; or, between the hours of ten o’clock p. m. and four o’clock a. m., shall blow any horn or instrument, ring bells, or in any way disturb the peace. The penalty for violation of this ordinance shall be a fine not exceeding twenty dollars, and costs of prosecution. CHAPTER XXXIII. LICENSING SHOWS. Section 1 . The mayor, or, in his absence, the presi- dent of the common council, shall have power to license all CITY ORDINANCES. 61 public shows, circuses, caravans and concerts, on such law- ful terms and conditions as to him may seem reasonable and just. x Sect. 2. Any person who shall set up, maintain or ex- hibit any public show, circus or caravan without license as aforesaid, or contrary to the terms and conditions of said license, shall be prosecuted and fined agreeably to the laws of the state. CHAPTER XXXIV. RELATING TO THE LETTING OF CITY HALL. Section 1. All applications for the use of the city hall shall be made to the city messenger. Sect. 2. The terms upon which the hall shall be let, from time to time, shall be left with a board to be consti- tuted as follows : the mayor, city messenger, and one member of the common council to be appointed by the president of said council, which board shall establish as uniform and just a scale of prices as possible. Sect. 3. All acts of this board shall be subject to a revision by joint action of the city councils. CHAPTER XXXV. SALARIES OF CITY OFFICERS. Section 1 . The mayor shall receive in full for his ser- vices as mayor, head of the police, and for all other duties appertaining to his office, the sum of five hundred dollars per year, to be paid in equal quarterly payments. Sect. 2. The city clerk shall receive for his services, and all duties connected with his office, the sum of seven hundred dollars per year, to be paid in equal monthly pay- ments, and all fees appertaining to said office. Sect. 3. The city solicitor shall receive in full for his services as city solicitor, and for all the duties appertaining 62 CITY OF KEENE. to his office, not otherwise provided for, the sum of fifty dollars per year, to be paid in equal semi-annual payments. Sect. 4. The city messenger shall receive in full for his services, and all the duties appertaining to his office, the sum of four hundred dollars per year, to be paid in equal quarterly payments. Sect. 5. The city treasurer shall receive in full for his services, and all the duties appertaining to his office, the sum of fifty dollars per year, to be paid in equal quarterly payments. Sect. 6. The superintendent of highways shall receive in full for his services, and all the duties appertaining to his office, the sum of seven hundred dollars per year, and fifty dollars per year for use of driving horse and carriage while in the discharge of his duties as superintendent of highways ; provided, that no horse or carriage owned by or employed for the city shall be used for this purpose ; to be paid in equal monthly payments. Sect. 7. The clerk of the common council shall receive in full for his services, and all the duties appertaining to his office, the sum of fifty dollars per year, to be paid in equal quarterly payments. Sect. 8. The city marshal shall receive in full for the services rendered by him to the city, the sum of seven hun- dred and thirty dollars per year, to be paid in equal monthly payments. Sect. 9. The collector of taxes and water assessments of the city shall receive in full for his services, and all duties appertaining to his office, the sum of eight hundred dollars to be paid as follows: two hundred dollars to be paid on the first day of October, two hundred more on the first day of January during his term of office, and the remainder when said collector shall have made a full settlement of all taxes given him for collection and paid the same to the city. Sect. 10. The regular pay of the police and watchmen shall be two dollars per day while actually employed, pay- able monthly. CITY ORDINANCES. 63 Sect. 11. The justice of the police court shall receive in full for his services as police justice, and for all duties appertaining to his office, the sum of one hundred dollars per year, to be paid in equal quarterly payments, and the usual fees of a justice of the peace, in all cases entered in said court. Sect. 12. The overseer of the poor shall receive in full for his services, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, and twenty-five dollars additional for office rent, per year, to be paid in equal quarterly payments. Sect. 13. Each of the selectmen and the ward clerk of each ward in the city shall receive in full for his services, the sum of five dollars per year, to be paid at the expira- tion of his official year, and said ward clerks shall also receive the fees allowed by the Public Statues for certified reports. Sect. 14. The moderator of each ward shall receive in full for his services, and for all the duties appertaining to his office, the sum of two dollars per year, to be paid at the expiration of his official year. Sect. 15. The chief engineer of the fire department shall receive the sum of fifty dollars, and each of the assist- ant engineers the sum of thirty-five dollars per year in full for their services, and for all duties appertaining to their respective offices, except the regular annual examination of the fire district, for which service they shall receive the sum of two dollars per day for the actual time employed, to be paid at the expiration of their official year. Sect. 16. Each of the engineers of the steamer com- pany shall receive the sum of sixty dollars per year, each of the assistant engineers twenty-five dollars per year, each of the two firemen ten dollars per year, in addition to their regular pay as firemen, in full for all services rendered the fire department, annually on the first day of October. Sect. 17. The water and sewer commissioners shall receive in full for their services, and for all the duties apper- taining to their office, the sum of twenty-five dollars each per year, payable in equal quarterly payments. 64 CITY OF KEENE. Sect. 18. The assessors shall annually receive the sum of one hundred and forty dollars each in full for their ser- vices, payable one hundred and ten dollars on the first day of July in each year, and the balance on the first day of January following. Sect. 19. The assistant assessor shall receive two dol- lars a day for such time as he is actually employed as such assistant, and a statement of the time for which he is entitled to receive said per diem shall be approved by two at least of the assessors before the claim is presented to the auditor for approval. Sect. 20. The superintendent of cemeteries shall receive in full for his services the sum of one hundred dollars, pay- able semi-annually. Sect. 21. The superintendent of waterworks and sew- ers shall receive in full for his services the sum of twelve hundred dollars, payable in equal monthly payments. Sect. 22. The auditfbr shall receive in full for his services one hundred dollars, payable in equal quarterly payments. Sect. 23. The city physician shall receive in full for his services one hundred dollars a year, payable in equal quarterly payments. Sect. 24. The health commissioners shall receive in full for their services, and all the duties pertaining to their office, the sum of seventy-five dollars each per year, pay- able semi-annually. Sect. 25. The superintendent of fire alarm shall receive in full for his services, and all the duties pertaining to his office, the sum of two hundred dollars per year, payable in equal quarterly payments. Sect. 26. The park commissioner shall receive in full for his services, and all the duties pertaining to his office, the sum of twenty-five dollars per year, payable semi- annually. Sect. 27. The city liquor agent shall receive in full for his services, and all the duties pertaining to his office, the sum of one hundred dollars per year, payable annually on the first day of April. CITY ORDINANCES. 65 CHAPTER XXXVI. RELATIVE TO SERVICES OF CITY OFFICERS. Section 1 . No claim against the city for extra services or anything not included in their regular salary, shall be allowed or paid for or to any officer of the city, unless such claim shall be presented to and approved by the board of mayor and aldermen within fifteen days of the expiration of each month, and no claim for services shall be allowed to any special policeman, unless each place and time of ser- vice is particularly specified, and said claim is presented and allowed as above, within fifteen days of the expiration of each month. CHAPTER XXXVII. ASSIGNMENT OF WAGES. Section 1 . No assignment of wages, by any of its officers, on the city, shall be valid unless accepted in writing on the back thereof by the city clerk. And the city clerk is hereby authorized to accept on behalf of the city all such orders. CHAPTER XXXVIII. EXAMINATION OF VOTES FOR MAYOR. Section 1 . The city councils shall annually meet in convention on the third Friday in the month of December, for the purpose of examining the returns of votes from the several wards for mayor, and declaring the result thereof. CHAPTER XXXIX. CITY SEAL. Section 1 . The seal of the city of Keene shall be as follows: a circle one inch and five-eighths in diameter; around the border in capital letters the words “City of 9 66 CITY OF KEENE. Keene” in the upper portion, and the words “New Hamp- shire” in the lower portion; on the disk a figure of Justice seated, with her right arm resting on a circular shield having represented upon it an arm in the act of striking with a hammer ; on the right an inverted horn with coins issuing therefrom ; on the left a toothed-wheel and sheaves of wheat; a railroad train in the background; the figures 1874 underneath within the border. And be it further ordained that these ordinances shall take effect upon their passage, and all ordinances and parts of ordinance inconsistent therewith are hereby repealed. [Passed March 15, 1900.] RULES OF ORDER. RULES OF ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCILS. REVISED MARCH 15, 1900. RULES OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Section. 1. The mayor shall take the chair precisely at the hour appointed for the meeting, and shall call the members to order; if a quorum be present, he shall cause the journal of the previous meeting to be read, and if no objection is made, it shall stand approved. Sect. 2. In the absence of the mayor, the city clerk shall call for the nomination of a chairman pro tern., who, upon being elected, shall preside until the mayor arrives, or during that meeting, and no longer. Sect. 3. The order of business shall be as follows: First. Communications from the mayor. Second. Petitions shall be called for and disposed of by reference, or otherwise. Third. Reports of committees shall be in order. Fourth. The business remaining unfinished at the pre- vious meeting shall be taken up. Fifth. Orders of the day shall be taken up. Sixth. Nominations and appointments shall be made. Seventh. New business may be introduced by any member of the board. Sect. 4. The mayor may express his opinion upon any subject under debate ; and in case any measure or appoint- ment is negatived by his veto, a two-thirds vote shall be required before it can be declared carried, and such action shall be taken before adjournment. 70 CITY OF KEENE. Sect. 5. The mayor shall consider a motion to adjourn as always in order, the time of the next meeting having been agreed on, and the proper notice given to the com- mon council. Such motion shall be decided without debate. Sect. 6. All committees, except such as the board shall determine to elect, shall be appointed and announced by the mayor. Sect. 7. Every member speaking in debate shall con- fine himself to the question under discussion. Sect. 8. No member shall interrupt another while speaking, except by rising to call him to order, or to cor- rect a mistake. Sect. 9. When a motion is made and seconded, it shall be considered by the board. Sect. 10. When a motion is under debate, no motion shall be received but — To adjourn, To lay on the table, To postpone to a day certain, To commit, To amend, To postpone indefinitely. Which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they are arranged. Sect. 11. A motion for the reconsideration of a vote shall be open to debate, but such motion shall not be con- sidered, unless made by a member voting with the majority, nor unless such motion is made at the meeting at which such vote passed, or notice of such motion is given at said meeting, in which case, the motion shall be made at the next meeting ; and only one motion for the reconsideration of any vote shall be permitted. Sect. 12. Standing committees shall be appointed on bills on their second reading, on licenses, and on claims to be disposed of by action of the mayor and aldermen. Sect. 13. All ordinances shall pass through the follow- ing stages before they shall be considered as having received the final action of the board, to wit : first, reading for infor- RULES OF ORDER. 71 mation, and if not rejected or otherwise disposed of, shall be referred to the committee on bills in their second reading by the chair, and after being reported by said committee, shall be again read. After which reading the question shall be on the passage of the same to be engrossed. Sect. 14. The above rules and order of business shall be observed in all cases, unless suspended by a vote of two- thirds of the members present, for a specific purpose. RULES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Section 1. The president shall take the chair precisely at the hour appointed for the meeting, call the members to order s and within ten minutes (or sooner if a quorum be pres- ent) shall cause the roll to be called, and the names of the members present to be recorded. The clerk shall record the names of members coming in after the calling of the roll. Before proceeding to business, he shall cause the minutes of the preceding meeting to be read. In the absence of the president, the clerk shall call the council to order, and pre- side until a president pro tempore shall be chosen by ballot. Upon a ballot for president pro tempore, a plurality of votes shall elect. At every regular meeting of the council, the order of business shall be as follows : First. Such memorials and other papers as shall then be presented shall be acted upon. Second. Papers from the other board shall be taken up and disposed of. Third. The unfinished business in which the council was engaged at the time of adjournment of the last regular meeting, shall be acted upon. Fourth. New business may be introduced by any mem- ber of the council. Sect. 2. The president shall preserve decorum and order; he may speak to points of order in preference to other members, and shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the council, on motion of any member. 72 CITY OF KEENE. Sect. 3. He shall declare all votes; but if any member doubt the vote, the president, without further debate upon the question, shall require first those in the affirmative, and afterwards those in the negative, to rise and stand until counted, and he shall declare the result. Sect. 4. The president may call any member to the chair, provided such substitution shall not continue longer than one meeting. When the council shall determine to go into committee of the whole, the president shall appoint the member who shall take the chair. The president may express his opinion on any subject under debate; but in such case he shall leave the chair and appoint some other member to take it ; and he shall not resume the chair while the same question is pending. But the president may state facts and give his opinion on questions of order without leaving his place. Sect. 5. When any member shall require a question to be taken by yeas and nays, the president shall take the sense of the council in that manner. Sect. 6. He shall propound all questions in the order in which they are moved, unless the subsequent motion shall be previous in its nature ; except that in naming sums and fixing times, the largest sum and the longest time shall be put first. Sect. 7. After a motion is stated by the president, it shall be disposed of by vote of the council, unless the mover withdraw it before a decision or amendment. Sect. 8. The president shall consider a motion to ad- journ as always in order, the time of the next meeting having been agreed on; and the proper notice given to the board of aldermen, unless a member has possession of the floor, or any question has been put and not decided. The motion to adjourn, or to lay on the table, or to take up from the table, shall be decided without debate. Sect. 9. He shall put the previous question in the fol- lowing form: “shall the main question be now put?” and all amendments or further debate of the main question shall be suspended until the previous question be decided. RULES OF ORDER. 73 Sect. 10. When two or more members happen to rise at the same time, the president shall name the member who is first to speak. Sect. 11. All committees, except such as the council determine to elect, shall be appointed and announced by the president. Sect. 12. In all cases the president may vote. Sect. 13. When any member is about to speak in de- bate, or deliver any matter to the council, he shall rise in his place, and respectfully address the presiding officer ; shall con- fine himself to the question under debate, and avoid person- ality. Sect. 14. No member, in debate, shall mention another by his name, but may describe him by the ward he repre- sents, or such other designation as may be intelligible or respectful. Sect. 15. No member speaking shall be interrupted by another, but by rising to call to order, or to correct a mis- take. But if any member, in speaking or otherwise shall transgress the rules of the council, the president shall, or any member may, call him to order; in which case the member called to order shall immediately sit down, unless permitted to explain ; and the council, if appealed to, shall decide on the case without debate. Sect. 16. No member shall speak more than twice to the same question, nor more than twenty minutes at a time, if objection be made, without first obtaining leave of the council ; nor more than once, until all the other members choosing to speak shall have spoken. Sect. 17. When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received but — First. To adjourn. Second. To lay on the table. Third. For the previous question. Fourth. To postpone to a day certain. Fifth. To commit. Sixth. To amend. Seventh. To postpone indefinitely. 10 74 CITY OF KEENE. Which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they are arranged. Sect. 18. Every motion shall be reduced to writing if the president direct, or any member of the council request it. Sect. 19. A motion for the reconsideration of a vote shall be open to debate, but such motion shall not be con- sidered, unless made by a member voting with the major- ity; nor unless such motion is made at the meeting at which such vote passed, or notice of such motion is given at said meeting, in which case the motion shall be made at the next meeting; and only one motion for the recon- sideration of any vote shall be permitted. Sect. 20. No member shall be permitted to stand up, to the interruption of another, while any member is speak- ing; or to pass unnecessarily between the president and the person speaking. Sect. 21. Every member who shall be in the council when a question is put, shall give his vote, unless the coun- cil, for special reasons, excuse him. Application to be so excused on any question must be made before the council is divided, or before the calling of the yeas and nays, and such application shall be accompanied by a brief statement of the reasons, and shall be decided without debate. Sect. 22. The division of a question may be called for when the sense will admit it. Sect. 23. When the reading of a paper is called for, and the same is objected to by any member, it shall be de- termined by a vote of the council. Sect. 24. No standing rule or order of the council shall be suspended, unless three-fourths of the members present shall consent thereto; nor shall any rule or order be re- pealed or amended without a motion therefor be made at a previous meeting, nor unless a majority of the whole council shall concur therein. Sect. 25. Every member shall take notice of the day and hour to which the council may stand adjourned, and shall give his punctual attendance accordingly. RULES OF ORDER. 75 Sect. 26. No member shall be obliged to be on more than two committees of the council at the same time, or to be chairman of more than one. Sect. 27. All memorials and other papers addressed to the council, shall be presented by the president, or by a member in his place, who shall explain the subject thereof; and they shall lie on the table to be taken up in the order in which they were presented, unless the council shall other- wise direct. Sect. 28. Standing committees of this council shall be appointed on the following subjects, viz: on elections and returns, and on bills in their second reading, each to con- sist of three members. Sect. 29. No committee shall sit during the sitting of the council, without special leave. Sect. 30. The rules of proceeding in council shall be observed in committee of the whole, so far as they be ap- plicable, excepting the rules limiting the times of speaking ; but no member shall speak twice to any question, until every member choosing to speak shall have spoken. Sect. 31. All messages to the mayor and aldermen shall be drawn by the clerk, and transmitted by him or otherwise. Sect. 32. Every ordinance and all resolutions impos- ing penalties, or authorizing the expenditure of money, after being once read for information, if not rejected, shall then be referred to the committee on bills on their second read- ing, which committee shall carefully examine said bills, to see that they are in technical form, and that their provis- ions are not repugnant to the laws and constitution of the state, or the charter and ordinances of the city, and make a report of them to the council. After being reported by said committee, they shall again be read, after which second reading, the question shall be on passing the same to be engrossed; and no ordinance shall be amended except on its second reading. All other resolutions shall have two several readings before they shall finally be passed by the council. 76 CITY OF KEENE. Sect. 33. All special committees of the council shall consist of three members, unless a different number be or- dered ; and no report shall be received from any committee, unless agreed to in committee actually assembled; and all reports shall be made in writing. Sect. 34. The clerk shall keep a record of the votes and proceedings of the council, entering thereon all orders and resolutions, except such as it is necessary to engross; he shall notice reports, memorials, and other papers sub- mitted to the council, only by their titles, or a brief descrip- tion of their purport; but all accepted reports shall be entered at length on said record. Sect. 35. All salaried officers shall be voted for by written ballot. Sect. 36. In all elections by ballot, on the part of the council, blank ballots, and all ballots for persons not eligible, shall be reported to the council, but shall not be counted in making up the returns. Sect. 37. It shall be the duty of every committee of the council, to whom any subject may be specially referred, to report thereon at the next meeting of the council, or ask for further time. JOINT RULES OF ORDER. Section 1. The common council itiay at any time when the city councils are in session, give notice by message to the board of aldermen at what time they will be ready to meet in convention, stating the purpose or purposes there- for. The mayor and aldermen shall, as soon thereafter as their convenience will permit, attend in the chamber of the common council ; and on entering the door, the doorkeeper or messenger will announce: “the mayor and aldermen.” The mayor, on assuming the chair, shall announce the convention assembled and its purposes. Sect. 2. The rules of the common council, so far as applicable, shall govern the proceedings of the convention ; and on completion of its business and vote to rise, the mayor and aldermen will retire. \ RULES OP ORDER. 77 Sect. 3. No business shall be done in convention, ex- cept such as shall have been previously agreed upon, unless by unanimous consent. Sect. 4. Messages between the two branches shall be signed by their respective clerks and transmitted by them or otherwise. Sect. 5. All by-laws passed by the city councils shall be termed ordinances, and the enacting style which shall be but once recited in each ordinance shall be: “ Be it ordained by the city councils of the city of Keene.’ ’ Sect. 6 . In case of an amendment of an ordinance agreed to in one board and dissented from in the other, if either board shall request a conference and appoint a com- mittee for that purpose, the other board shall also appoint a committee to confer, and such committees shall, at a convenient time agreed upon by their chairman, meet and confer on the subject matter of the disagreement, and report to their respective boards. Sect. 7. When either board shall concur or non-concur in any ordinance, order or resolution sent from the other, notice of such action shall be transmitted to the other board by message. Sect. 8. No committee shall act by separate consulta- tion, and no report shall be received unless agreed to in committee actually assembled. All reports shall be made in writing and signed. Sect. 9. The report of all joint committees, signed by a majority of the members, shall be made as provided in sec- tion 8, and shall be read first in the board in which the business originated, and afterwards transmitted to the other board if joint action is to be taken upon the subject mat- ter of said report. Sect. 10. The mayor shall be, ex-officio, chairman of any joint special committee of which he is a member. Sect. 11. At the commencement of each municipal year, the following joint standing committees shall be ap- pointed, viz: on finance, on schools, on lands and buildings, on bridges, on streets and drains, on burying grounds, on fire department, on street lights, on water works and sew- 78 CITY OP KEENE. ers, on printing, on engrossed bills, on public parks, on public library. Sect. 12. In all joint standing committees, except that on finance, the member first named in the board of aldermen shall be chairman, and in all joint special committees of which the mayor is not a member, the member first named in the board where the business originated, shall be chair- man, and shall call the committee together. All joint stand- ing committees shall consist of one from the board of aider- men and two from the common council, to be appointed in their respective boards, and every joint committee shall report on matters referred to them at the next stated meeting, or ask for further time. Sect. 13. No committee shall enter into any contract with, or purchase, or authorize the purchase of any article of any of its members. Sect. 14. After the annual appropriation shall have been passed, no subsequent expenditure shall be authorized for any object, without a special appropriation therefor, or by expressly creating therefor a city debt ; and no city debt shall be created, except by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the whole number of each branch of the city councils voting by yea or nay. Sect. 15. Either branch may propose to the other for its concurrence, a time to which both bpards will adjourn, and neither shall adjourn without giving notice to the other board. Sect. 16. When a bill or joint resolution shall have passed the several readings required in each board, it shall be referred to the committee on engrossed bills, who shall cause it to be engrossed by the city clerk, and on finding it correctly engrossed shall report it to the common council, when, without further reading, it shall be signed by the president, and then reported to the board of aldermen, and without further reading, shall be signed by the mayor. Sect. 17. In all elections by ballot, on the part of the city councils in convention, blank ballots and all ballots for persons not eligible, shall be reported to the councils, but shall not be counted in making up the returns. CITY OFFICIALS. CITY OFFICIALS. 81 LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS— 1874. MAYOR I Horatio Colony. ALDERMEN : Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Horatio Kimball. Edward Farrar. Don H. Woodward. Francis A. Faulkner. Reuben Stewart. / Henry S. Martin, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN : Henry H. Darling, President. Ward 1. Ward 3. Alanson S. Whitcomb, Francis French, Franklin J. Ware. Ward 2. Henry H. Darling, Miles S. Buckminster, George W. Holbrook. Ward Joseph R. Beal, James W. Dodge, Nathan G. Woodbury. Ward 4. Frederick H. Kingsbury, Leander W. Cumings, Charles N. Wilder. William Dinsmoor, Oscar J. Howard, Horace Hamblet. Walter S. Whitcomb, Clerk. li Farnum F. Lane, City Solicitor. Henry 0. Coolidge, City Treasurer. 82 CITY OF KEENE. LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS — 1875. MAYOR : Horatio Colony. ALDERMEN. Ward 1. Solon S. Wilkinson. Ward 2. Edward Farrar. Ward 3. Joseph R. Beal. Ward 4. William P. Abbott. Ward 5. Reuben Stewart. Frank H. Starkweather, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN : Frederick H. Kingsbury, President. Ward 1. Ward 3. Francis A. Perry, Asa Fairbanks, William L. Davis. Ward 2. Allen Giffin, William H. Knowlton, Daniel H. Sawyer. Ward 4. George W. Holbrook, Miles S. Buckminster, Asa Smith. Charles N. Wilder, Frederick H. Kingsbury, Charles Shrigley. Ward 5. William Dinsmoor, Reuben Hyland, Horace Hamblet. Charles A. Gale, Clerk. Francis A. Faulkner, City Solicitor. George W.^Tilden^City Treasurer. CITY OFFICIALS. LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS— 1876. 88 MAYOR : Edward Farrar. ALDERMEN : Ward 1. Solon S. Wilkinson. Ward 2. Thomas E. Hatch. Ward 3. Joseph R. Beal. Ward 4. William P. Abbott. Ward 5. Henry S. Martin. Frank H. Starkweather, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN : Charles Shrigley, President. Ward 1. Ward 3. Francis A. Perry, Asa Fairbanks, Samuel O. Gates. William H. Knowlton, Daniel H. Sawyer, William P. Chamberlain. Ward 2. Asa Smith, Orren S. Gleason, Warren W. Mason. Ward 4. Charles Shrigley, Josiah M. Woodward, Gardner C. Hill. Ward 5. Horace Hamblet, Reuben Hyland, Edward C. Thayer. Charles A. Gale, Clerk. Francis A. Faulkner, City Solicitor. George W. Tilden, City Treasurer. 84 CITY OF KEENE. LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS — 1877. MAYOR : Edward Farrar. ALDERMEN : Ward L. George W. Ball. Ward 2. Thomas E. Hatch. Ward 3. Ira F. Prouty. Ward 4. George H. Tilden. Ward 5. Henry S. Martin. Lucius C. Doolittle, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN : Gardner C. Ward 1. Benjamin D. Hutchins, James S. Taft, Luther H. Starkey. Ward 2. Orren S. Gleason, Warren W. Mason, Orlen D. Pratt. ill, President. Ward 3. William P. Chamberlain, Jason French, Harvey Phillips. Ward 4. Josiah M. Woodward, Gardner C. Hill, Joseph Wilson. d 5. Edward C. Thayer, Fred E. Robinson, George F. Sanborn, Charles A. Gale, Clerk Silas Hardy, City Solicitor. Henry 0. Coolidge, City Treasurer. CITY OFFICIALS. 85 LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS — 1878. MAYOR : Reuben Stewart. ALDERMEN : Ward 1. George W. Ball. Ward 2. George K. Wright. Ward 3. Ira F. Prouty. Ward 4. George H. Tilden. Ward 5. Edward C. Thayer. Lucius C. Doolittle, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN ! James S. Taft, President. Ward 1. Ward 3. Benjamin D. Hutchins, James S. Taft, Daniel R. Cole. Jason French, Harvey Phillips, Charles A. Gale. Ward 2. Ward 4. Orlen D. Pratt, James C. Whittle, John W. Nye. Joseph Wilson, Norris G. Gurnsey, Jehiel Harlow. Ward 5. George F. Sanborn, Cheever P. Felch, Laton Martin. Charles H. Whitney, Clerk. Silas Hardy, City Solicitor. Henry 0. Coolidge, City Treasurer. 86 CITY OF KEENE. LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS — 1879. MAYOR : Reuben Stewart. ALDERMEN. Ward 1. Horatio Kimball. Ward 2. George K. Wright. Ward 3. Jason French. Ward 4. Norris G. Gurnsey. Ward 5. Luther P. Alden. Lucius C. Doolittle, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN : James S. Taft, President. Ward 1. Franklin J. Ware, Fred A. Barker, Charles F. Wilson. Ward 2. James C. Whittle, John W. Nye, Caleb Goodnow. Ward 3. Charles A. Gale, Clark N. Chandler, Albert 0. Fiske. Ward 4. Jehiel Harlow, Dexter W. Gilbert, Warren O. Willson. Ward 5. Cheever P. Felch, Laton Martin, James H. Smith. Charles H. Whitney, James E. Parmenter, Clerks. John T. Abbott, City Solicitor. Henry S. Martin, City Treasurer. CITY OFFICIALS. 87 LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS -1880. MAYOR : Horatio Kimball. ALDERMEN : Ward 1. Charles F. Wilson. Ward 2. Cyrus Piper. Ward 3. Jason French. Ward 4. Norris G. Gurnsey. Ward 5. Edward B. Tarbell. Lucius C. Doolittle, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN : Dexter W. Gilbert, President. Ward 1. Ward 3. Hiram Blake, James Spencer, Milton M. Parks. Ward 2. Jerry P. Wellman, Albert 0. Fiske, George W. McDuffee, James H. Fisher. Ward 4. Dexter W. Gilbert, James W. Russell, George H. Richards, Charles W. Buckminster. Charles W. Shedd. Ward 5. James H. Smith, Sylvanus A. Morse, Henry Couillard. James E. Parmenter, Clerk. John T. Abbott, City Solicitor. Henry S. Martin, City Treasurer. 88 CITY OF KEENE. LIST, OF CITY OFFICIALS— 1881. MAYOR I Ira W. Russell. ALDERMEN. Ward 1. Charles F. Wilson. Ward 2. Cyrus Piper. Ward 3. George W. McDuffee. Ward 4. Dexter W. Gilbert. Ward 5. Luther P. Alden. Lucius C. Doolittle, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN. George H. Richards, President. Ward 1. Ward 3. Janies Spencer, James H. Fisher, Milton M. Parks, Clark N. Chandler, Rufus Freeman. Austin E. Howard. Ward 5. Stephen L. Randall, DeLos C. Ball, Henry S. Couillard. James E. Parmenter, Clerk. Ward 2. Ward 4. Jerry P. Wellman, James W. Russell, Henry W. Nims. George H. Richards, Charles W. Shedd, Zebina K. GraYes. John T. Abbott, City Solicitor. Royal H. Porter, City Treasurer. CITY OFFICIALS. 89 LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS- 1882. MAYOR : Ira W. Russell. ALDERMEN : Ward 1. Ralph J. Holt. Ward 2. George B. Twitchell. Ward 3. George W. McDuffee. Ward 4. Dexter W. Gilbert. Ward 5. Luther P. Alden. Lucius C. Doolittle, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN : Stephen L. Randall, President. Ward 1. Rufus Freeman, Albert W. Sheldon, Edwin M. Bullard. Ward 3. Clark N. Chandler, Austin E. Howard, Charles Bridgman. Ward 2. Ward 4. Henry W. Nims, Zebina K. Graves, George L. Burdett, Clement J. Woodward, Charles L. Johnson. Charles H. Hersey. Ward 5. Stephen L. Randall, DeLos C. Ball, Henry S. Couillard. James E. Parmenter, Clerk. 12 Lewis W. Holmes, City Solicitor. Royal H. Porter, City Treasurer. 90 CITY OF KEENE. LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS -1883. MAYOR : Horatio Kimball. ALDERMEN I Ward 1. Silas Hardy. Ward 2. George L. Burdett. Ward 3. George E. Holbrook. Ward 4. Frederick H. Kingsbury. Ward 5. Reuben Hyland. Lucius C. \ Doolittle, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN I Charles H. Hersey, President. Ward 1. Ward 3. James Marsh, Austin E. Howard, Clark F. Rowell, Virgil A. Wright, Daniel C. Howard. Henry N. Stone. Ward 2. Ward 4. Walter W. Glazier, Clement J. Woodward Asa M. Holt, Charles H. Hersey, Franklin H. Fay. Charles Wright. Ward 5. Leonard Wright, Marcus Ellis, Fred A. Barker. James E. Parmenter, Clerk. John T. Abbott, City Solicitor. Joseph R. Beal, City Treasurer. CITY OFFICIALS. 91 LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS — 1884. MAYOR : Horatio Kimball. ALDERMEN : Ward 1. Daniel C. Howard. Ward 2. George L. Burdett. Ward 3. Henry N. Stone. Ward 4. Frederick H. Kingsbury. Ward 5. Reuben Hyland. Lucius C. Doolittle, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN I Virgil A. Wright, President. Ward 1. Ward 3. Martin V. B. Clark, Henry Giffin, Charles S. Coburn, Albert A. Woodward. Harrison R. Ward. Virgil A. Wright. Ward 2. Ward 4. William E. Burdett, Charles Wright, Franklin H. Fay, Abel E. Johnson, John Gould. Charles Abbott, 2d. Ward 5. Fred A. Barker, William H. Elliot, Parker C. Butler. James E. Parmenter, Clerk. John T. Abbott, City Solicitor. Joseph R. Beal, City Treasurer. 92 CITY OF KEENE. LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS — 1885. MAYOR I Alfred T. Batchelder. ALDERMEN : Ward 1. Daniel C. Howard. Ward 2. Franklin H. Fay. Ward 3. Solomon F. Merrill. Ward 4. Caleb T. Buffum. Ward 5. DeLos C. Ball. Samuel Nims, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN : Charles S. Coburn, President. Ward 1. Ward 3. Charles S. Coburn, Martin V. B. Clark, Harrison R. Ward. Ward 2. John Gould, Sylvester Spaulding, Charles R. Nims,* George K. Wright. f Albert A. Woodward, Henry Giffin, Charles Wright, 2d. Ward 4. Joshua D. Stevens, Samuel A. Gerould, Jr. Henry M. Nims. Ward 5. Parker C. Butler, Henry O. Spaulding, Lester K. Stiles. James E. Parmenter, Clerk. Charles H. Hersey, City Auditor. John T. Abbott, City Solicitor. Henry 0. Coolidge, City Treasurer. * Deceased May 3, 1885. f Elected June 27, 1885, to fill vacancy. CITY OFFICIALS. 93 LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS — 1886. Alfred T. Batchelder. ALDERMEN I Ward 1. Edward Gustine. Ward 2. Franklin H. Fay. Ward 3. Solomon F. Merrill. Ward 4. Caleb T. Buffum. Ward 5. DeLos C. Ball. Samuel Nims,* Milton Blake, f City Clerk. Edwin M. Bullard, President. Ward 5. Parker C. Butler, Henry O. Spaulding, Lester K. Stiles. James E. Parmenter, Clerk. Charles H. Hersey, City Auditor. John T. Abbott, City Solicitor. Henry 0. Coolidge, City Treasurer. mayor : COUNCILMEN : Ward 1. Edwin M. Bullard, Dauphin W. Wilson, Azro B. Skinner. Ward 2. John Gould, Ephraim Kendall, Robert B. Munsell. Ward 3. Charles Wright, 2d, George E. Whitney, Albert W. Green. Ward 4. Joshua D. Stevens, Samuel A. Gerould,Jr., Henry M. Nims. * Deceased Aug. 18, 1886. f Elected Sept. 2, 1886. 94 CITY OF KEENE. LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS— 1887. MAYOR : Asa Smith. ALDERMEN : Ward 1. Edward Gustine. Ward 2. Robert B. Munsell. Ward 3. Charles Wright, 2d. Ward 4. Francis C. Faulkner. Ward 5. John Driscoll. Milton Blake, City Clerk. / # COUNCILMEN : Edwin M. Bullard. President. Ward 1. Edwin M. Bullard, Dauphin W. Wilson, Azro B. Skinner. Ward 2. Ward 3. George E. Whitney, Albert W. Green, Addis E. Bennett. Ward 4. Ephraim Kendall, Frank O. Wright, Nelson R. Towne. Ward 5. Frederic A. Faulkner, Calvin W. Far well, Jonas F. Whitcomb. Andrew J. Williams, Albert H. Hamblet, Garrett J. Landers. James E. Parmenter, Clerk. Charles H. Hersey, City Auditor. John T. Abbott, City Solicitor. Henry S. Martin, City Treasurer. CITY OFFICIALS. 95 LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS — 1888. MAYOR : Asa Smith. ALDERMEN I Ward 1. James S. Taft. Ward 2. Robert B. Munsell. Ward 3. Charles Wright, 2d. Ward 4. Francis C. Faulkner. Ward 5. Daniel C. Howard. Milton Blake, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN : George E. Whitney, President. Ward 1. Ward 3. Freeman A. White John M. Farnum, Charles S. Fisher. George E. Whitney, Addis E. Bennett, Fred W. Chase. Ward 2. Frank O. Wright, Nelson R. Towne, George 0. Ward well. Ward 4. Frederic A. Faulkner, Calvin W. Farwell, Jonas F. Whitcomb. Ward 5. Frederic L. Pitcher, Stephen L. Randall, Sylvanus A. Morse. James E. Parmenter, Clerk. Charles H. Hersey, City Auditor. Daniel K. Healy,* Don H. Woodward, City Solicitor. Henry S. Martin, City Treasurer. Resigned. 96 CITY OF KEENE. LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS — 1889. MAYOR I Herbert B. Viall. ALDERMEN : Ward 1. James S. Taft. Ward 2. Eugene W. Greenwood. Ward 3. Fred W. Chase. ' Ward 4. Frederic A. Faulkner. Ward 5. Daniel C. Howard. Jerry P. Wellman, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN : Gardner C. Hill, President. Ward 1. Ward 3. Charles S. Fisher, Frank M. Davis, Freeman A. White, Frank H. Wright, James B. Kellogg. Herbert O. Ward well. Ward 2. Ward 4. George O. Wardwell, Gardner C. Hill, Liberty W. Foskett, Frank W. Nims, Charles W. Morse. Frank H. Whitcomb. Ward 5. Charles P. Pitcher, Andrew J. Williams, James M. Gowdey. James E. Parmenter, Clerk. Charles H. Hersey, City- Auditor. Don H. Woodward, City Solicitor. Royal H. Porter, City Treasurer. / CITY OFFICIALS. 97 LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS — 1890. MAYOR I Herbert B. Vi all. ALDERMEN : Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Oscar J. Howard. Eugene W. Greenwood. Frank G. Dort. Frederic A. Faulkner. Garrett J. Landers. Jerry P. Wellman, City Clerk. i COUNCILMEN : Frank H. Whitcomb, President. Ward 1. Ward 3. James B. Kellogg, Fred H. Willson, Herbert A. Davis. Ward 2. Stephen W. Williams, Elbridge A. Shaw, Herbert W. Keyes. Ward 4. Liberty W. Foskett, Frank W. Nims, Charles W. Morse, Frank H. Whitcomb, Louis M. Richards. Gale C. Shedd. Ward 5. Charier P. Pitcher, James M. Gowdey, George W. Zimmerman. James E. Parmenter, Clerk. 13 Charles H. Hersev, City Auditor. Don H. Woodward, City Solicitor. Royal H. Porter, City Treasurer. 98 CITY OF KEENE. LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS -1891. MAYOR : Horatio Kimball. ALDERMEN : Ward 1. Oscar J. Howard. Ward 2. Liberty W. Foskett. Ward 3. Charles Wright, 2d. Ward 4. Frank H. Whitcomb. Ward 5. Garrett J. Landers. Jerry P. Wellman, City Clerk. Gale C. Shedd, President. Ward 5. George W. Zimmerman, Alexander C. Eustace, William H. Elliot. James E. Parmenter, Clerk. \ COUNCILMEN : Ward 1. Fred H. Willson, Herbert A. Davis, Christopher J. George. Ward 2, Charles W. Morse, George A. Nims, Warren B. Fitch. Gale C. Shedd, Joseph Chase, Fred E. Howe. Ward 3. Frank M. Davis, Herbert 0. Ward well, William J. Sewall. Ward 4. Charles H. Hersey, City Auditor. Don H. Woodward, City Solicitor. Joseph R. Beal, City Treasurer. CITY OFFICIALS. 99 LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS— 1892. MAYOR ! Frederic A. Faulkner. ALDERMEN : Ward 1. Janies H. Wilson. * Francis A. Perry.f Ward 2. Liberty W. Foskett. Ward 3. Frank M. Davis. Ward 4. Frank H. Whitcomb. Ward 5. William H. Elliot. Jerry P. Wellman, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN : Fred E. Howe, President. Ward 1. Ward 3. Christopher J. George, James H. Spencer, Joseph C. Reed. William J. Sew all, William C. Hall, Oscar H. Fay. Ward 2. George A. Nims, Warren B. Fitch, Edwin M. White. Ward 5. Ward 4. Joseph Chase, Fred E. Howe, Frank H. Weeks. William E. Maloney, John J. Colony, Cornelius J. Donovan. Herbert 0. Ward well, Clerk. Charles H. Hersey, City Auditor. Don H. Woodward, City Solicitor. Joseph R. Beal, City Treasurer. * Deceased April 22, 1892. f Elected May 28. 1892. 100 CITY OF KEENE. LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS— 1893. MAYOR : Frederic A. Faulkner. ALDERMEN I Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Francis A. Perry. George A. Nims. Frank M. Davis. Fred E. Howe. William E. Maloney. Jerry P. Wellman, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN I William C. Hall, President. Ward 1. Joseph C. Reed, Fred A. Bowen, Charles W. Wyman. Ward 2. Edwin M. White, Edwin O. Upham, Charles H. Fairfield.* Ward 3. William C. Hall, Oscar H. Fay, Henry E. Lake. Ward 4. Frank H. Weeks, Stephen K. Stone, Sidney C. Ellis. 5 . Cornelius J. Donovan. Svlvanus A. Morse. William Q. Shea. Herbert O. Ward well, Clerk. Charles H. Hersey, City Auditor. Don H. Woodward, City Solicitor. Jerome E. Wright, City Treasurer. Resignation accepted May 18. CITY OFFICIALS. 101 LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS — 1894. MAYOR : Frederic A. Faulkner. ALDERMEN : Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Lewis W. Holmes. George A. Nims. Albert W. Green. Fred E. Howe. William E. Maloney. Jerry P. Wellman, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN I Edwin O. Upliam,* Edwin M. White, f President. Ward 1. Ward 3. Charles W. Wyman, Fred A. Bowen, Frank K. Jewett. Ward 2. Edwin M. White, Edwin O. Upham, Charles H. Fairfield. Ward 5. Henry E. Lake, Frank F. Stearns, Charles A. Nichols Ward 4. Sidney C. Ellis, Leston E. Mason, Walter R. Porter. James H. Smith, Charles Sherman, James J. White. Herbert O. Ward well, Clerk. Charles H. Hersey, City Auditor. John T. Abbott, City Solicitor. Jerome E. Wright, City Treasurer. * Resignation accepted September 6. f Elected President Common Council September 6. 102 CITY OF KEENE. LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS — 1895. MAYOR : George W. McDuffee. ALDERMEN : Ward 1. Christopher J. George. Ward 2. George E. Poole. Ward 3. Albert W. Green. Ward 4. Sidney C. Ellis. Ward 5. William H. Elliot. Jerry P. Wellman, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN : Leston E. Mason, President. Ward 1. Frank K. Jewett, Edward W. Gustine, Milan H. Johnson. Ward 2. Ward 3. Frank F. Stearns, Charles A. Nichols, George H. Giffin. Ward 4. Flavel Beal, Aaron R. Gleason, Charles W. Pierce. Leston E. Mason, Walter R. Porter, Wallace L. Mason Ward 5. Charles Sherman, James H. Smith, Andrew J. Williams. H. O. War dwell, Clerk. Charles H. Hersey, City Auditor. John T. Abbott, City Solicitor. Arthur L. Wright, City Treasurer. CITY OFFICIALS. 103 LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS — 1896. MAYOR .' George W. McDuffee. ALDERMEN .* Ward 1. Christopher J. George. Ward 2. George E. Poole. Ward 3. Charles A. Nichols. Ward 4. Sidney C. Ellis. Ward 5. Garrett J. Landers. Jerry P. Wellman, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN : Walter R. Porter, President. Ward 1. Ward 3. Herschel J. Fowler, George H. Giffin, Edward W. Gustine, Charles H. Mason, Milan H. Johnson. George A. Sherman. Ward 2. Ward 4. Flavel Beal, Walter R. Porter, Aaron R. Gleason, Edward A. Kingsbury, Charles W. Pierce. Robert T. Kingsbury. Ward 5. Andrew J. Williams, Charles T. Colony, Patrick White. Herbert 0. Ward well, Clerk. Charles H. Hersey, City Auditor. John T. Abbott, City Solicitor. Arthur L. Wright, City Treasurer. 104 CITY OF KEENE. LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS — 1897. MAYOR I Francis A. Perry. ALDERMEN Ward 1. Herschel J. Fowler. Ward 2. Flavel Beal. Ward 3. George H. Eames. Ward 4. Walter R. Porter. Ward 5. Lest on E. Mason. Jerry P. Wellman, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN I Milan H. Johnson, President. Ward 1. George F. Little, Warren W. Bissell, Milan H. Johnson. Ward 3. George A. Sherman, Osgood W. Upham, Robert Cuthbert. Ward 2. Ward 4. Charles W. Pierce, Louis A. Nims, Austin A. Ellis. Edward A. Kingsbury, Robert T. Kingsbury, Fred E. Barrett. Ward 5. Cornelius E. Sullivan, Wilson J. Nims, Ezra P. Hardy. Herbert 0. Ward well, Clerk. Charles H. Hersey, City Auditor. John T. Abbott, City Solicitor. Royal H. Porter, City Treasurer. CITY OFFICIALS. 105 LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS — 1898. MAYOR : George H. Eames. ALDERMEN .* Ward 1. Herschel J. Fowler. Ward 2. Flavel Beal. Ward 3. Henry N. Stone. Ward 4. Walter R. Porter. Ward 5. Wilson J. Nims. Jerry P. Wellman,* Frank H. Whitcomb,! City Clerk. COUNCILMEN : Robert T. Kingsbury, President. Ward 1. Ward 3. George F. Little, Warren W. Bissell, George M. Reed. Ward 2. Louis A. Nims, Austin A. Ellis, Samuel Patrick. Osgood W. Upham, George F. Stone, Charles E. Ward. Ward 4. Fred E. Barrett, Robert T. Kingsbury, Myron C. Ellis. Ward 5. Cornelius E. Sullivan, John Driscoll, John Deihl. Herbert 0. Ward well, Clerk. Charles H. Hersey, City Auditor. John T. Abbott, City Solicitor. Royal H. Porter, City Treasurer. * Resigned March 17, 1898. f Elected March 17, 1898. 14 106 CITY OF KEENE. LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS — 1899. MAYOR ! George H. Eames. ALDERMEN : Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Frank K. Jewett. Austin A. Ellis. Albert E. Fish. Fred E. Barrett. William T. Glynn. Frank H. Whitcomb, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN I Samuel Patrick, President. Ward 1. Ward 3. George M. Reed, Orville E. Cain, James E. Marsh. Ward 2. Samuel Patrick, Frederick M. Hamilton, Herbert C. Fairbanks. George F. Stone, Charles E. Ward, Winslow F. Harris. Ward 4. Myron C. Ellis, Jedediah C. Estabrook, Frederick E. Kingsbury. Ward 5. John Driscoll, Walter B. Richardson, Ellery M. Blake. Herbert O. Ward well, Clerk. Charles H. Hersey. City Auditor. John T. Abbott, City Solicitor. Wallace L. Mason, City Treasurer. CITY OFFICIALS. 107 LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS — 1900. MAYOR : Austin A. Ellis. ALDERMEN : Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Frank K. Jewett. Samuel Patrick,* Frederick M. Hamilton.! Edwin O. Upham. Fred E. Barrett. William T. Glynn. Frank H. Whitcomb, City Clerk. COUNCILMEN : Orville E. Cain, President. Ward 1. George M. Reed, Orville E. Cain, James E. Marsh. Ward 2. Frederick M. Hamilton, Benjamin F. Sawyer, James F. Morse. Ward Ward 3. Samuel Whitney, Robert P. Hayward, William P. Carleton. Ward 4. Jedediah C. Estabrook, William H. Woodward, Cadmon D. Robertson. 5 . John Driscoll, Charles Sherman, John J. Donovan. Herbert O. War dwell, Clerk. Charles H. Hersey, City Auditor. John E. Allen, City Solicitor. Wallace L. Mason, City Treasurer. * Resigned Feb. 15, 1900. t Elected Mar. 13, 1900. INDEX PAGE. Abatements of water rates, how made 27 Aldermen, board of, rules of order 69-71 Amendments to city charter 9-13 Animals at large 54-55 Annual meeting of councils for organization 7 for declaring vote for mayor 65 Assessors, election by councils authorized 12 how and when chosen 46 salaries of and when payable 64 Assistant assessor, how and when elected 46 compensation allowed 64 Auditor, election of 15 shall sit weekly 15 shall examine and allow claims 15, 16 salary of 64 Billiard saloons shall obtain license 59 restrictions upon, fines, etc 59 Bonds of city officers required 38, 59-60 Burial grounds. See cemeteries. joint committee on, duties, etc 36, 37, 38 Burial of the dead 45, 53, 54 Cemeteries, care and superintendence of. 36 superintendent of, election, duties, etc 37 salary, bond, etc 64, 60 funds how invested 38 Check lists, how corrected, posted, etc 9, 10 City charter, with amendments to 1900 5-13 City clerk, when chosen 58 general duties other than prescribed by statute 16-17 salary, bond, etc 61, 60 shall report all receipts on account of city 18 City collector, when appointed 47 duties and requirements of 44-47 salary, bond, etc 62, 60 City councils, rules of order 69-79 110 INDEX. PAGE. City hall, how rented, etc 39, 61 City messenger, when elected 38 duties of 39, 61 salary, bond, etc 62, 60 City marshal, to be appointed 20 duties of 20, 23, 54, 55 salary, bond, etc 62, 60 City officers, salaries of 61-65 bonds of, 59-60 extra services of, how paid 65 City officials, list of, for 1874 81 list of, for 1875 82 list of, for 1876 83 list of, for 1877 84 list of, for 1878 85 list of, for 1879 86 fist of, for 1880 87 list of, for 1881 88 list of, for 1882 89 list of, for 1883 90 list of, for 1884 91 list of, for 1885 92 list of, for 1886 93 list of, for 1887 94 list of, for 1888 95 list of, for 1889 96 list of, for 1890 97 list of, for 1891 98 list of, for 1892 99 list of, for 1893 100 list of, for 1894 101 list of, for 1895 102 list of, for 1896 103 list of, for 1897 104 list of, for 1898 105 list of, for 1899 106 list of, for 1900 107 City pasture, care of, etc 25 City physician, when chosen 44 duties of. 44, 45 salary of 64 City solicitor, when chosen 43 duties of. 43, 44 salary of 44, 61, 62 City seal 65, 66 INDEX. Ill PAGE. City treasurer, when chosen 58 salary, bond, etc 60, 62 shall pay out money, how 17-20 shall give receipts in all cases 18 shall keep and make up accounts, how . 20 Claims, committees of, aldermen 70 Collector of taxes, etc. See city collector. Committees, joint standing and standing, annually appointed, 70, 75, 78 special, how appointed v 70, 76 Committees or officers not to incur debt 16 Commissioners. See water works, sewers, health officers and public parks. Common council, rules of order 71-76 clerk of, salary 62 Constables, bonds, etc 60 duties of. 53 Cruelty to animals 52, 53 Dogs, when muzzled 56 Engineers, when and how chosen 39 shall perform duties and exercise powers of firewards 40 may adopt by-laws and regulations 40 salaries of 63 Fence viewers to be chosen 58 Finance, joint standing committee on 19 duties of. 20 Fire alarm, superintendent of, how chosen 41 duties of superintendent 41, 42 salary of superintendent 64 Fire department 39-43 Fire department, engineers of. See engineers. wages of members, how paid 40, 65 pay-roll blanks, how procured 40 salary of officers of steamer company 63 Fire precinct, boundaries of. 41 regulations in regard to buildings in 40, 41 Firearms and explosives, use of prohibited 60 Habitual truants 54 Health commissioners, how chosen 45 duties and powers of 45, 46 salary of 64 Health ordinance 45, 46 Highways, ordinances relating to 56, 49, 50, 57 superintendent of, how chosen 24 duties of superintendent 24-26 salary, bond, etc 62, 60 112 INDEX. PAGE. Joint standing committees. See committees. Joint rules of order 76-79 Library, Keene public, conditions of acceptance by city 47, 48 care and management of 48, 49 board of trustees to be appointed 48 powers and duties of trustees 48, 49 Licenses, for shows 60, 61 Liqupr agent, salary of 64 Lord’s day, observance of 55 Marshal. See city marshal. Mayor, vote for, annually examined and declared 65 authorized to draw orders in certain form 17 , and for certaiji specified sums and purposes 17, 18 salary of. 61 Measurers of wood, how chosen 58 Moderators, salaries of. 63 Money, how drawn from treasury 17 Night watch, provisions relating to 22 Numbering of buildings 50, 51, 52 Ordinances, how engrossed and published 58, 78 Overseer of the poor, election provided for 12 when and how chosen 46 salary of. 63 Parks, public, superintendent of, how chosen and duties 57 salary of. 64 Plumbers, examiners of, to be appointed 31 to give notice of change, when 31 Plumbing, inspector of, and rules 31, 35 ordinance and requirements 30-36 permits for 31 notification 31 materials 33, 35 Police, how appointed 20, 21 duties of. 20, 22, 23, 54, 55 report of services, salaries, etc 22, 62, 65 Police court established 7 justice, salary of. 63 Poor, overseer of. See overseer. Printing, committee on, etc 58 Public lights and lamps, control of. 26 Regulations for house drainage and sewer connections 30-36 Road commissioners, how chosen 23 duties 23, 24 Rules of order, city councils * 69-79 board of aldermen 69-71 INDEX. 113 PAGE. Rules of order, common council 71-76 joint rules 76-79 Salaries of city officers 61-65 Sealer of weights and measures appointed 58 Selectmen, salaries of. 63 Sewers, ordinance relating to, rules, etc 30-36 commissioners of 27, 28 superintendent of. 28, 29, 30 connections, permits for, how obtained 31 rules for drainage and connections 30-36 Sexton, to be appointed 59 Snow, protection from, on buildings 56 Streets. See highways. Superintendents. See proper departments. Supervisors, election and duties of. 9-11 salaries to be fixed by aldermen 10 Surveyors of lumber 58 Taxes, assessors of. 12, 46, 64 collector of. See city collector. Trees, protection of. 57 Truant officers and truants 54 Wages, assignment of 65 Ward clerks, salaries of 63 Water works, charter provisions 7 commissioners to be elected 26 powers and duties of commissioners 26-28 may make repairs, etc ' 27 shall establish water tariff 27 shall keep certain plans and records 28 salary of commissioners 63 superintendent of, how chosen 28 shall have care and supervision of work 29 shall make lists of water takers and rents 29 salary, bond, etc., of superintendent 64, 60 Weighers, to be chosen 58 15 >► ibrcuoo ffo.i'moo ; ^b*0'to 8».i, « - • aSIm Juror a*r . ; V . . v U,/:' ...5s ;:.qgr >tf , , :< ,_•/ >V - • * zaT . . ; • « V /■ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBAN A 352.0742 K250R1 C001 City of Keene. City ordinances as revise 3 0112