DAYID A. WARDE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN HARDWARE. AGEICULTIJSAL !!; 9 OF KFSTFS, At the Old iStasad, No. I EXCHANGE BUILDING ooM'oonxa, asr. lac. Am ii illiliiiiiiil: DR. E. E. WORTHEK IN EXCHANGE BIJILBIXG, OVER I. N. MORTON & CO.'S STORE. A frg, MERRIAM & MERRILL, BoolLsellfcics a-iad Stationeies, OPPOSITE GASS’ AMERICAN HOUSE. Poctet Books, 7J inches, with 2 Pockets. (C a H (( iC 2 iC 4 folds. (r (( 8i U (C 2 (C a a H (( (( 2 i< 4 folds. 6( (( 8i a u 2 Si 4 folds. BANKERS^ CASES, 3 Pockets. CC U Q (( 12 and Lock. 15 and Lock. Express Messengers’ Books; .MMMB €OMBTCTBE§^ BB0I§ LETTER AND BILL FILES, 3x8 inches. “ « « 3J X 8} “ “ “ “ X lOJ “ mmwt %mnm FOR BILLS OR OOLU). DAVID A. WARDE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN HARDWAREJ®^^ i '^ORTflR — AND — AeilClLTURAL SffV:: y . issiiSiiM OF KINDS, At the Old §tassd, No. I EXCHANGE BUILDING 003^J'OCD^t3^, 3Kr. SSI- DR. E. E. WORTHED, IN EXGHAFGE EUILEIXD, OVER I. N. MORTON & CO.'S STORE. A MOORE, GILLEY & CO., IMPORTERS OP AND DEALERS IN ETOLISH AWB AMEISICAM HAEDWARE. SOLE AGENTS IN CONCORD FOR WEI.CM ^ C^KIFFITIFS CEFEBIiATEB CAST STEEL mill anil ^innlar ^afos. IN THEIR EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT MAT ALSO BE FOUND Axles, Nails, Axes, SpriiigSj Glass, Pumps, Malleable Castings, Locks, Plows, Carriage Eolts, Knobs, Cnltivators, Rivets, Buis, Hay-Cutters, Nuts, Hinges, Corn-ShellerS| Washers, Sheet Lead, Scythes, Anvils, Lead Pipe, Snaths, Vises, Zinc, Rakes, Files, Cordage, Rifles, Smiths’ Bellows, Shovels, Hoes, AND A GREAT VARIETY OF OTHER GOODS USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLASS HARDWARE STORE. JAMES MOORE, JONATHAN L. GILLEY, LYMAN A. WALKER. CHAS. A. LOCKERBY, M. D., PHYSICIAN State Street, below West, Late practitioner of New-Orleans and New-York, respectfully solic- its a share of your patronage. C. C. CHESLEY, Manufacturer & dealer in HATS, CAPS, ixxu, lioljfs UMBRELLAS, &c Directly opposite Pkenix Hotel ^ CONCORD, N.*H. *:^*Cash paid for Shipping Furs. J. S. NORRIS, MANUFACTURER OF SODA, BUTTER, WINE, OYSTER, GRAHAM, SU- GAR, PILOT, WATER AND COMMON White, BroAvn and Graham Bread, STEA.At EGA. AYES. ALSO. A VARIETY OP PIES AND CAKES. WEDDING CAKE CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Also, a large assortment of COMMON AND FANCY CANDIES, at reasonable prices, at wholesale and retail. N. B. — All orders thankfully received and promptly at- tended to. M©. 85 Mails Street, OPPOSITE THE FPEIGHT DEPOT, CONCORD, N. H. T. H. BICKFORD, illiittr Jrtss LACES, EMBROIDERIES, WORSTEDS, &c., 9a=CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR SALE. Under the South Church, Main Street, CONCORD, N. H. CHARLES PEARSON, ®Iatt|-|p!thcr, Ittoiler, AND DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. E. WATCHES AND JEWELRY CAREFULLY REPAIRED. fflG8i(I!IG NE4IIY EIBCtTED 4T SHBM NdTIGE. No. 122 MAIN ST., PHENIX BLOCK, NEAR PASSENGER DEPOT, CONCOUD, IST. H. FOE FALL AMD WIITER. HATS, CAPS, FURS, &c., m GREAT VARIETY, AT GROVER’S CITY HAT STORE ! JOSEPH GROVER, at the old and well known stand opposite Gass^ Amer- ican House, having replenished his stock from extensive purchases just made in Boston and New- York, offers to the public an assortment which, in variety, style and price, is uneqaled in Concord. This assortment includes MEN^S AND BOYS’ HATS AND CAI*S, of all qualities and grades, manufactured chiefly under his direct supervision, and consequently war- ranted to stand the test of low prices and ample recommen- dation. F-U.371S9 IB', IF'ii.rjsi ! He has also one of the largest assortments of Ladies’ Furs ever offered in this market, embracing every variety now in fashion, such as STONE MARTIN, SABLE, GERMAN AND RUSSIA FITCH, VICTORINES, CUFFS, BOAS, CAPES, &c. FUfflITUIE, UPHOLSTER! GOODS OF THE LATEST STYLES AND PATTERNS, AT P. GARY, JR.’S STORE, Wo. Maisi Street, OPPOSITE GASS’ AMERICAN HOUSE, OON'CORD, ]sr. H., Can be found every variety of Upholstery Goods, such as Silk and Worsted Damasks, Cotton and Worsted do., Cot- ton do., Plushes, all Wool Lastings, Hair Cloths, Muslin Curtains, Curtain Materials, Pringes, Cords, Gimps, Tassels, Curtain Bands, Gilt Cornices and Bands, of every variety ; Window Shades and Fixtures, Pulpit Trimmings, &c., &c. Furniture, of all kinds, Repaired ; Upholstery, of all kinds, made and repaired; Mattresses, of all descriptions, made and renovated. CARPETS CUT, MADE AND PUT DOWN. Pew Cushions, and all other Cushions, Window Shades, Drapery Curtains, &c., made and put up ; Hour Glass Stands ; Sofas ; Reeess Seats ; Bed Lounges ; Parlor Chairs ; (Sasg Ottomans, CANE SEAT CHAIRS RESEATED. FURNITURE POLISH. This article is manufactured by the subscriber, and war- ranted to remove white spots caused by heat, alcohol, or cologne ; also to restore bruised or scratched furniture, and to remove all greasy substances without the usual hard labor of rubbing that all other kinds require. PHINEAS CAPY, Jr. DRUGS & MEDICINES. Wk JAMES MORGAN, DEALER IN PURE DRUGS, TILDEN & CO.’S Fiiiid Extracts, TRUSSES. SUPPOIITEIS, PATENT MEDICINES, BESSlis. YARNISHES AND MAIN STREET, CONCORD, N. H., Offers for sale a large and ■well selected assortment of ; DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, COLORS, 1 VARNISHES, BRUSHES, &c. All the popular of the d.ay are here found, at the lowest prices. Also, Biirning Fluid, Potasli, and CHEAP FOR CASH. Physicians, Traders, and the public generally, are respect- fully invited to call and see. N. B. Physicians prescriptions carefully prepared. ^ JltFATr^i CLOCKS, JEWELRY, — AT — E. KNIGHT’S JEWELRY STORE, 214 Main Street ^ (opposite Gass^ American House^^ Where may be found constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of the latest styles of Gold and Silver Watches, together with an extensive variety of Jewelry, consisting of the latest patterns of CHAiS, KEYS, SEALS. PINS, RINGS. BRACELETS, KNOBS, AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF — AND — FANCY GOODS, WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES. Please call before purchasing elsewhere. N. B. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry carefully repaired, and warranted. J THE CONCORD^ DIRECTORY, CONTAINING THE NAMES AND BUSINESS OF CITIZENS IN THE COMPACT PART OF THE CITY, iiii: Tfff J^EY THEREOF. 4' fS2u BUSI] SOCIETffisl^BANK^ AND ALSO OF TO WHICH IS ADDED A BUSINESS KEY OF FISHEKVILLE. • e • tf *' BY DAVID WATSON; ASSISTED BY AUSTIN GUERNSEY. • CONCORD: PUBLISHED BY MERRIAM & MERRILL. McFarland & Jenks, Printers. 1856. A2 PREFACE. The former publisher of the Concord Directory being un- able, from his age and other avocations, to perform the labo- rious task of its compilation, contracted with Merriam & Merrill for its publication, with the understanding that he should have a general superintendence of the work ; iSut that a suitable assistant should be employed to collect the names and other statistics. M. & M. have employed for that pur- j pose Mr. Austin Guernsey, who has faithfully performed j his undertaking, having visited for that purpose every house the center village. The work, it is believed, will be found correct as any publication of the kind. The great increase of buildings, with the addition of sev- I new streets, rendered a new numbering necessary, and i City Council, in August last, passed a resolution for that rpose. In accordance therewith, an entire renumbering s made, with which this Directory is in agreement. A ord thereof was made, and remains at M. & M.’s book- r(?,^*foF the inspection of any who may be desirous of Jxihg -the new numbers to their buildings. It would be tifable’to have the needed alteration made as speedily as ;sible. D. W. i. X U) i/f fj I f r* GOVERNMENT OP THE CITY OF COFTCOFO, 1855 - 6 . Kurus Clement,^ Mayor. ALDERMEN. Alb#rt H. Drown, Ward 1 ; Samuel Clifford, Ward 2 ; Moses Humphrey, Ward 3 ; William Prescott, Ward^\ John Brown, Ward 5 ; George B. Chandler, Ward 6 ; Samuel Pease, Ward 7. COMMON COUNCIL. ! Silas G. Sylvester, President. i Kobert B. Hoyt, Jacob B. Kan(I, Ward 1 ; Charles H. I Sanborn, Ephraim S. Colley, Ward 2 ; Moses M. Davis, I Hiram Earnum, Ward 3 ; Joseph P. Stickney, Kufus Mer- I rill. Ward 4 ; Silas G. Sylvester, Peter Dudley, Ward 5 ; , J^athan Farley, David Winkley, Ward 6; James Thomp- son, Charles H. Reed, Ward 7. David Watson, City Clerk. Amos Hadley, Clei'k of Common Council. Woodbridge Odlin,t City Treasurer. L. D. Stevens, City Solicitor. William H. Smart, City Physician. B. F. Gale, ex-officio, Thomas Chadbourne, M. D., and Timothy Haynes, M. D., Health Officers. Mr. Clement died January 13, while the Directory was in press. January 17, John Abbott, Esq. was elected mayor by the City Council to fill the vacancy. t Elected to fill the vacancy of John C. Brown, resigned. 566125 12 CONCORD DIRECTORY. TRUSTEES OF PUBLIC LIBRARY. Abiel Eolfe, Cyrus Robinson, Simeon Abbott, William Prescott, Henry A. Bellows, Lyman D. Stevens, Josiah Stevens. SUPERINTENDING SCHOOL COMMITTEE. Abiel Eolfe, Ward 1 ; Enoch Jackman, Ward 2 ; Simeon Abbott, Ward 3 ; Hiram Whitcher, Ward 4 ; Samuel Kel- ley, Ward 5; A. B. Muzzey, Ward 6; James D. Page, Ward 7. SUPERINTENDING SCHOOL COMMITTEE OF UNION DISTRICT. Artemas B. Muzzey, Henry E. Parker, Amos Hadley, Asa Fowler, Paltiah Brown. FIRE DEPARTMENT. True Osgood, Chief Engineer, ASSISTANTS. David A. Brown, Ward 1 ; Cyrus Robinson, Ward 2 ; John Abbott, Ward 3 ; Beza H. Lincoln, Ward 4 ; A. B. Holt, C. E. Savory, Wardb; Lowell Eastman, Ward.^\ James L. Mason, Ward 7. CHIEF POLICE. Benjamin F. Gale, City Marshal and Collector of Taxes. Wm. H. Buntin, Isaac G. Howe, Assistant Marshals. CONSTABLES. Isaac Clement, John C. Hall, Hiram Simpson, N. P. Web- ster, Moody S. Farnum, Samuel Ames, Cady Clark, Horace H. Holt, William H. Buntin, William T. Locke, Charles I. Elliott, Charles A. Farnum. RAILROADS CENTERING IN CONCORD. CONCORD RAILROAD. This road extends to Nashua, connecting there with the Nashua and Lowell Eailroad to Boston ; also, with the Nashua and Worcester, and Norwich to New-York. At Manchester it connects with the Manchester and Law- rence, for Lawrence, Boston and Salem. PORTSMOUTH AND CONCORD RAILROAD. This road extends from Concord to Portsmouth. It con- nects, at Newmarket Junction, with the Boston and Maine Road for Dover, Great-Palls, Rochester and Portland ; also, with the Eastern Road at Portsmouth. NORTHERN RAILROAD. This road extends from Concord to West-Lebanon and White River Junction, where it connects with the Vermont Central for Montpelier, Burlington, St. Albans, to Rouse^s Point, connecting there ]vith the Ogdensburg Road to the St. Lawrence and lake navigation, for the far west. It also connects at Rouse's Point the road for Montreal and Quebec. At White River Junction it connects with the Passumpsic Road for St. Johnsbury, northy and south with the Railroad to Windsor, Bellows Palls, &c. It connects at Pranklin with the Road for Bristol. BOSTON, CONCORD & MONTREAL RAILROAD. This road extends from Concord to Lake Winnipisseogee, Plymouth and Wells River, Vt., connecting there with the Passumpsic Road ; also, with the White Mountain Road for Littleton. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 14 MERRIMACK AND CONN. RIVERS RAILROAD. This road extends from Concord to Bradford. It con- nects at Contoocookville with the Contoocook Valley Rail- road to Hillsborough Bridge. INSURANCE COMPANIES LOCATED IN CONCORD. PEOPLE^S MUTUAL. Seth Eastman, President; William Prescott, Secretary and Treasurer \ J. P. Johnson, John F. Brown, Rufus Merrill, A. J. Prescott, S. G. Sylvester, William Prescott, Directors. NEW-HAMPSHIRE MUTUAL. Matthew Harvey, President ; William Kent, Secretary and Treasurer; Matthew Harvey, Concord, William Choate, Derry, A. F. Stevens, Nashua, Samuel A. Kimball, Concord, Stephen Brown, Concord, J. Stephens AbboX Concord, Directors. MERRIMACK COUNTY MUTUAL. John H. George, President ; Samuel Morril, Secretary ; Samuel Coffin, Treasurer ; Francis N. Fisk, Samuel Coffin, Richard Bradley, James Wilson, Shadrach Seavey, E. S. Towle, Benjamin Grover, J. B. Walker, John H. George, Directors. EQUITABLE MUTUAL. Timothy Haynes, President; M. Gilmore, Secretary ; R. C. Osgood, Treasurer; Timothy Haynes, Enos Blake, J. H. Pearson, Caleb Parker, Directors. I CONCORD DIRECTORY. 15 UNION MUTUAL. Thos. P. Treadwell, President ; J. E. Lang, Secretary and Treasurer ; Thos. P. Treadwell, Nathan S. Chandler, John Gear, Asa Fowler, Eufus Clement,^ E. T. Stevens, Ezra Carter, Directors. BANKS IN CONCORD. i MECHANICS BANK. Joseph M. Harper, President; George Minot, Cashier; Jo- seph M. Harper, Seth Eastman, Josiah Minot, D. M. Car- penter, Ezra Carter, Geo. B. Chandler, Directors. MERRIMACK COUNTY BANK. Francis N. Fisk, President; E. S. Towle, Cashier; F. N. Fisk, Samuel Coffin, Richard Bradley, Joseph B. Walker, Directors. [Discount day, Monday of each week.] | STATE CAPITAL BANK. I Samuel Butterfield, President; Edson Hill, Cashier; S. j Butterfield, Enos Blake, Abraham Bean, Hall Roberts, Asa | Fowler, Robert N. Corning, Ebenezer Symmes, Directors. | I NEW- HAMPSHIRE SAVINGS BANK. | Francis N. Fisk, President; Samuel Morril, Treasurer ; \ Stephen Brown, David M. Carpenter, Seth Eastman, J. M. i Harper, Samuel A. Kimball, Asa McFarland, Ira Perley, Isaac F. Williams, Shadrach Seavey, F. N. Fisk, Ezra Car- ter, Theodore French, Samuel Herbert, Charles Smart, Benj. Parker, E. S. Towle, J. B. Walker, Trustees. * Deceased. CHARITABLE AND OTHER SOCIETIES. CONCORD FEMALE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIA- TION. Mrs. A. B. M-Vclz^y y first Director ; Miss Mary A. Down^ mgy second Director; Miss Ellen A. Muzzey, /Secretory ; Mrs. Wm. P. Foster, Treasurer. CONCORD FEMALE CHARITABLE SOCIETY. Mrs. R. Bradley, President; Mrs. B. P. Stone, Secretary ; Mrs. N. Stickney, Treasurer. BAPTIST FEMALE CHARITABLE SOCIETY. Mrs. C. W. Flanders, President; Mrs. B. P. Whipple, Secretary; Mrs. Perkins Gale, Treasurer. PLEASANT STREET BAPTIST CHARITABLE SOCIETY. Mrs. E. E. Cummings, PresirfewL* Mrs. D. M. Dearborn, Secretary ; Mrs. C. S. Rogers, Treasurer. SEAMEN^S FRIEND SOCIETY. Mrs. Geo. Hutchins, President; Mrs. S. Coffin, Vice-Pres-. ident; Mrs. James Hill, Secretary; Miss C. French, Treas- urer. 1. 0. 0. F. White Mountain Lodge, No. 5, meets every Friday evening, at their hall, corner of Warren and Main Streets. Officers chosen semi-annually. Penacook Encampment, No. 3, meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, in the hall at the corner of Main and Warren Streets. Officers chosen semi-annually. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 17 METHODIST GENEKAL BIBLICAL INSTITUTE, ESTABLISHED IN 1847. FACULTY. Rev. Stephen M. Vail, A. M., Professor of Biblical and Oriental Literature. Rev. David Patten, D. D., Professor of Revealed and Pas- toral Theology and Sacred Rhetoric. Rev. J. W. Merrill, D. D., Professor of Natural and His- torical Theology j Mental and Moral Philosophy. STUDENTS. Thomas J. Abbot, Derby, Vt. ; Robert J. Andrews, New- ark, N. J. ; James A. Benson,* Montgomery Co., Md. ; Wes- ley C. Best, A. B., Waynsburgh, Pa.; Samuel Call, Pots- dam, N. Y. ; William Cloyd, Mortonville, N. Y. ; Benjamin F. DaCosta, Charlestown, Mass. ; Abram S. Dobbs, Mead- ville. Pa. ; Hanson F. Forrest, Littlestown, Pa. ; George M. Hamlen, Sandwich, Mass. ; Linville J. Hall, Springfield, Mass.; William H. Jones, New York City; James O. Knowles, Lawrence, Mass. ; Joseph Little, Gofifstown, N. H. ; Henry M. Loud^ Bruceville, 0. ; Albert L. Long, Carmi- chaels, Green Co., Pa. ; Jonathan J. Melson, A. B., Sussex Co., Del. ; Edson J. Moore, West Fairlee, Vt. ; William V. Morrison, West Middleton, Pa. ; Henry A. Parmenter, Marl- boro^, Mass. ; George Prentice, Sutton, Mass. ; John Pilking- ton, Saquoit, N. Y. ; Washington I. Pond, A. B., Elizabeth- town, N. Y. ; Barnabas F. Reeve, Southampton, N. Y. ; Henry D. Robinson, Holmes^ Hole, Mass. ; Joseph Scott, Lynn, Mass. ; Gustavus F. Silfersteen, E. Greenwich, R. I. ; Ebenezer A. Smith, Howardville, Pa. ; Ichabod Simmons, Newport, R. I. ; A. R. Sylvester, Bangor, Me. ; Irad Tag- gart, Claremont, N. H. ; Samuel Wilson, Montreal, C. E. ; Thomas Sykes Wilson, Lynn, Mass. ; William F. Ward, Alexandria, Va. ; James A. Winter, Bath, Me. * Deceased. 18 CONCORD DIRECTORY. NEW-HAMPSHIKE ASYLUM FOE THE INSANE. Charles Burroughs, D. D., President, John E. Tyler, M. D., Superintendent and Treasurer, Nathan Call, Assistant Superintendent, Joseph B. Walker, Secretary. board of trustees. Rufus Clement^ and J. B. Walker, Concord ; Warren Lov- ell, Meredith ; Charles Burroughs, Portsmouth; Joseph H. Smith, Dover ; Amos A. Parker, Fitzwilliam ; Samuel Her- bert, Rumney ; Enoch D. Yeaton, Wakefield; John A. Richardson, Durham ; Alvah Smith, Lempster; C. H. Peas- lee, Franklin Pierce. NEW-HAMPSHIRE STATE PRISON. William W. Eastman, Warden ; John Foss, Dep. Warden ; Rev. Caleb Brown, Chaplain; William Prescott, M. D., Physician; Isaac Elwell, Contractor, Cabinet Shop; Joseph French, Contractor, Shoe Shop. STATE OFFICERS RESIDING IN CONCORD. Lemuel N. Pattee, Secretary of State ; Benjamin E. Badg- er, Dep. Secretary ; William Berry, Treasurer; William Carr, Keeper of State House; Ira Perley, LL. D., Chief Justice Supreme Judicial Court; Ira A. Eastman, Asa Fowler, As- sociate Justices; George G. Fogg, State Reporter . COUNTY OFFICERS RESIDING IN CONCORD. ’ Nehemiah Butler, Cleric of Court; John H. George, Solic- .^ itor ; I. A. Hill, Register of Probate; William F. Savory,} Register of Deeds ; Seth Eastman, County Sealer. * Deceased. POST OFFICE, CONCORD, N. H. OFFICE HOURS. OPEN AT 6^ A. M., CLOSES AT 9 P. M. Southern Mail leaves and arrives three times daily, as follows : 1st mail closes at S}/£ P. M. Arrives at lOj-^ A- 2d 9)^ A. M. 3 P. M. 3d “ 3 P. M. “ 8 P. M. The scond mail each way takes no letters for any interme- diate office, except for Lowell. Northern Mail, for all the upper roads, daily, closes at 9j4 A. M., and arrives as follows : On Concord and Claremont Koad, 3 P. M. ; on Boston, Concord and Montreal Koad, 3j;^ P. M. ; on Northern Koad, 3)^ P. M. Pittsfield Mail, daily, arrives at 10 A. M., and closes at 21^ P. M. Portsmouth Mail, twice, daily, via Portsmouth and Concord Kailroad, closes at 9^^^ A. M., and at 3 P. M., and arrives at 2 and 8 P. M. Portsmouth Mail, via Northwood, leaves on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and arrives on alternate days ; — mail closes at 9)^ A. M., and arrives at 5)^ P. M. Gilm ANTON Iron Works Mail, leaves on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and arrives on alternate days. On Thursdays this mail runs to Alton, returning next day. Mail closes at 9)^ A. M., and arrives at 2 P. M. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 20 Dunbarton Mail leaves on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and returns same day. This mail runs to Bow on Saturdays. Mail closes at A. M., and arrives at 7 P. M. Mail closes on Sunday evening at 8 P. M. California Mail closes on the 3d and 18th of each month. Foreign Mail closes on Monday of each week. P. S. A strict adherence to the above hours for closing the mails will be regarded, except in case of sickness. Jacob Carter, Postmaster. NAMES OE STREETS. Allison street Is south of West street, and extends westerly from Turnpike street. Badger street is west of State street, and extends from West to Allison street. Beaver street extends from Cross to Monroe street. Cedar street runs westerly from State street, and is opposite Montgomery street. Center street extend^ westerly from Main street, over Sand Hill, until it intersects Washington street. Chapel Court is on the north side of the Methodist Chapel, and runs easterly from State street. Church Lane extends northerly from Park street, by the Episcopal Church, to Center street. Church street is on the south side of the old North Meeting-house lot, and extends westerly from Main to State street. Court street extends westerly from Main street, by the north side of the Court House, to State street. Cross street extends westerly from Main to South street. Downing street extends westerly from Main street, by J. S. & E. A. Abbots^ shop, to South street. Elm street extends southerly from Wall to Thompson street. Essex street extends northerly from Center to Wash- ington street. Eatette street is north of Thompson street, and ex- tends westerly from Main to South street. Perry street runs easterly from Main street, in front of the North Church, to the interval. Porest street runs westerly from High street. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 22 Fosterville extends easterly from north end of State street, to J'itrrimack and Conn. Rivers Railroad. Franklin street extends westerly from Main street to High street. Fulton street extends westerly from South to Spring street. Green street is west of State street, and extends north- erly from Pleasant to Center street. Hall street extends from Water street to Bow line by the railroad. High street extends from Washington to Franklin st. Hanover street is west of Spring street, and extends northerly from School to Center street. Huntingdon street is west of Rumford, and extends northerly from Warren to Center street. Jefferson street extends southerly from Thompson to Cross street. Liberty street is west of Pine street, and extends northerly from Pleasant to Warren street. Main street extends from the Turnpike road northerly to Horse-shoe Pond. ^ Maple street extends westerly from Union to Spring street. Merrimack street is west of Rumford street, and ex- tends northerly from Pleasant to Center street. Mechanics Row runs easterly from Main street, between the Eagle Hotel and Stickney’s block. Monroe street extends westerly from State to South street. Montgomery street extends westerly from Main to State street. Myrtle street extends southerly from Thompson to Cross street. Orchard street is north of Pleasant street, and extends westerly from Merrimack to Pine street. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 23 i Park street is on the north side of the State-house yard, and extends westerly from Main to State street. Pearl street extends westerly from Main to State street, in front of the State Prison. Penacook street extends from Main street, at Horse- shoe Pond, westerly, by the residence of Kichard Bradley, Esq., to the foot of the hill on Little Pond road. Perlet street is south of Sullivan street, and runs westerly from State street. Pine street is west of Merrimack street, and extends northerly from Pleasant tO' Center street. Pleasant street extends westerly from Main street, by the South Church, to its junction with Washington street, by Mr. Stephen Lang’s dwelling-house. Prince street extends westerly from Green street, by Mr. Isaac Emery’s dwelling-house, to Spring street. Railroad S'quare is between Main street and the Depot. Rumford street is west of Spring street, and extends northerly from Pleasant to Center street. School street extends westerly from Main to Washing- ton street. ^ Short street extends westerly from Spring to Rumford street; South street extends southerly from Pleasant street to Mrs. Benjamin Wheeler’s dwelling-house. Spring street is west of Green street, and extends northerly from Bog Road to Washington street. State street is west of Main street, and extends from the Turnpike road northerly, by the burying-ground, to Wood Brook, on the Boscawen road. Sullivan street is located north of Downing street. SUxMMER street extends north from Winter to Court st. Tahanto street is west of Merrimack street, and ex- tends northerly from Warren to Center street. Thompson street extends westerly from Main to South st. 24 CONCORD DIRECTORY. Thorndike street is south of Monroe street, and ex- j tends westerly from Main to South street. Tremont street is on the north side of the State Prison yard, and extends westerly from State street. Turnpike street extends south-westerly from Main street, by the head of State street. Union street extends northerly from Center to Wash- ington street. Wall street is south of Pleasant street, and extends westerly from State to South street. Walnut street extends northerly from Washington street, by John G. Hookas house, to Franklin street. Warren street is north of Pleasant street, and extends westerly from Main to Washington street. Washington street extends westerly from Main street, by the New North Church, over the hill, until it intersects Pleasant street. Water street extends from the south end of Main street to Concord Bridge. West street is north of Turnpike road, and extends westerly from Main to South street. Winter street is north of Montgomery street, and ex- tends easterly from State street. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 25 DIRECTORY. Abbreviations — b. stands for boards^ and h. stands for house* ABBOTT, Benjamin K., laborer — 13 Union. Abbott, Charles H., blacksmith at Abbots^ — ^h. 6 Monroe. Abbott, Clarissa — Washington. Abbott, David, carpenter — 57 State. Abbott, David 3d, laborer — 20 Rumford. Abbott, David J., painter — Elm. Abbot, Edward A., (J. S. & E. A. Abbot)— h. 8 South. Abbott, Eliza, widow — Pearl. Abbott, George D., painter — 23 South. Abbott, Horace S., carpenter — 15 Union. Abbot, J. Stephens, ( J. S. & E. A. Abbot,) coach manufac- tory, 13 and 15 Main — h. 77 Main. Abbott, Joseph M. — b. David Abbott’s. Abbott, Joseph S. 2d, coach-body builder at Abbots^— h. .7" Thorndike. Abbott, Nathaniel C., blacksmith at Abbots’ — h. 11 Spring. Abbott, Nathaniel P. — b. Eliza Abbott’s. Abbott, Ruth, widow — Hall. Abbott, Walter, (Abbott & Woodward, merchant tailors> 17D Main) — h. Rumford. Abbott, William, laborer — High. Abbott, William B., painter— 41 Pleasant. Adams, Charles H., coach maker at Downings’ — b. Wm. Crockett’s. B CONCORD DIRECTORY. 26 Adams, John L., (Northern Railroad) — b. Pavilion. Aiken, Edmund, plater — b. Union Hotel. Alden, Albert, carpenter — 21 South. Alden, George, shoemaker — b. Union Hotel, Alexander, James G., mechanic — 32 Center. Alexander, Samuel, stone quarrier — 9 Washington. Allen, Benjamin F., marble worker — b. J. O. Allen’s. Allen, C. W., painter — b. J. K. Smith’s. Allen, Daniel C., clerk Northern R. R. office, h. 6 Center. Allen, J. 0., (firm Day & Allen, 10 School) — h. South Arch. Allen, James B., bookbinder — b. Union Hotel. I Allison, Archibald, shoemaker — b. Catharine Allison’s. j Allison, Frederick, bookbinder — 179 State. Allison, Catharine, widow — Turner’s Block. Allison, Ignatius, painter — Mary D. Weeks’. Allison, John, at Abbots’ — ^b. Catharine Allison’s. Allison, William H., 11 Pleasant. Allison, William H., wheelwright at Abbots' — h. 3 Downing. Ames, Maria B., widow — 45 Warren. Anderson, Philena — 100 Spring. Andrews, Charles E., fireman Northern R. R. — 136 Spring. Angell, Charles, carpenter — b. F. Doyn’s. Angier, Samuel, Concord R. R. — h. 54 Main. Annable, Jehiel, upholsterer, 114 Main, h. corner Spring and Pleasant. Arbuncle, Rodney, laborer — b. J. Glines’. Arlin, Charles C., clerk at Fords’ — h. rear 221 State. Arlin, Henry H., mechanic — 7 Green. Arlin, Zachariah, laborer — h. head State. Ash, Sherburne, blacksmith at Downings’ — h. 285 Main. Ash, Nathaniel, laborer — 285 Main. Aspinwall, Charles C., machinist — b. H. A. Joslyn’s. Atwood, Alvin, painter — h. Essex. Austin, Charles, (reed organ and melodeon manufactory, R. R. Square) — h. Pleasant. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 27 Ayer, Christopher P., hatter — b. R. C. Osgood^s. Ayer, James — Penacook. BABB, Henry, machinist — 2 R. R. Square. Babcock, Andrew J., copper-smith — 19 Thompson. Bacon, Orlando J., overseer smith shop, Prison. Batchelder, George H., boot and shoe manufactory, 123 Main — h. Summer. Badger, Benjamin E., dep^y secretary State — b. S. C. Badger’s. Badger, Jacob, blacksmith — 36 South. Badger, Stephen C., attorney at law — 181 State. Bailey, Friend, steward at Asylum. Bailey, George, harness maker — b. P. E. Brownson’s. Bailey, W. H. H. — 59 Warren. Baker, Abel, lumber dealer — 25 Pleasant. Baker, A. J. & G. W., refreshment saloon — 140 Main. Baker & Brother, Daguerreans — 114 Main. Baker, Joseph C., physician — 82 Main. Baker, Nathaniel B., attorney at law, 176 Main — b. Eagle Hotel. Baker, Osmon C., Bishop M. E. Church — 207 State. Ballard, L. Washington, clerk at Stewart’s — b.Mrs. Flanders’. Ballard, William, Northern R. R. — b. Pavilion. Ballou, Oliver jr., musical instrument maker — 78 Spring. Banister, I. J., carriage maker — 5 Center. Barker, Charles, (Moores & Barker, meat market, 195 Main) — h. 20 Washington. Barnes, George S., high school teacher — 227 State. Barnes, Jefferson, laborer — Washington. Barrett, Charles F., engineer Concord R. R. — h. 63 State. Barter, Lewis, flour dealer, Pettingill’s Block — h. 135 State. Bartlett, Charles G., baker — b. J. S. Norris’. Bartlett, William H., attorney at law, 210 Main — b. Eagle Hotel. Barton, Charles F., printer — 4 Green. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 28 Bassett, Parker, barber — 41 Cross. Bates, Walter, mechanic — 20 Washington. Batchelder, Almira, widow — 60 South. Batchelder, Charles W., carpenter — Huntington. Batchelder, David, wheelwright at Abbots’ — h. 49 Downing. Batchelder, James T., painter — b. Mary D. Weeks’. Batchelder, Jeremiah S., blacksmith at Abbots’ — b. Mrs. A. Batchelder’s. Batchelder, Orilla, widow — 17 Wall. Bean, David, laborer — 11 Monroe. Bean, George W., painter at Abbots’ — b. L. L. Mower’s. Bean, J. Wesley, brakeman Concord B. B. — b. H. A. Joslyn’s. Beard, William H., blacksmith at Abbots’ — h. 46 Center. Bell, Charles, piiysician — corner State and Park. Bell, John — 3 Main. Bell, Leonard, cooper — 3 Main. Bell, Leonard jr., painter — 18 Main. Bellows, A. Herbert, attorney at law — b. Phenix Hotel. Bellows, Henry A., attorney at law, 176 Main — h. l4 Pleasant. Bennett, James M., painter — 58 Warren. Bennett, Moses — 42 South. Benson, Lydia A., widow— boarding house, 25 School. Benson, Luke, laborer — Chandler. Benton, Willard H., clerk post-office — h. 241 Main. Berry, James B., laundry man at Asylum. Berry, John, laborer — 58 Main. Berry, Simeon P., painter at Downings’ — h. 4 Tremont. Berry, William, State treasurer — h. 52 Green. Bickford, Andrew, watchman at Depot — h. 34 Cross. Bickford, Daniel Y., musical instrument maker — h. 68 Spring. Bickford, Jerome, engineer Concord B. B. — h. 22 Downing. Bickford, William, fireman Concord B. B. — b. J. Bickford’s. Biddle, Baruch, depot master — h. 22 Pleasant. Bixby, Phin P., printer — h. 81 State. Blackey, John, hostler at Norton’s — b. C. H. Norton’s. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 29 Blaisdell, James D., engineer Northern R. R. — h. 109 State. | Blaisdell, T, K., blacksmith — 10 Warren. Blake, Charles A., blacksmith — East Pleasant. Blake, Enos — 105 State. Blake, Michael, laborer — 27 Downing. Blake, Samuel, butcher — 50 Main. Blake, Thomas, harness maker^b. H. Fessenden’s. Blake, William B., blacksmith at Abbots’ — b. M. Blake’s. Blakeley, Wm. J., blacksmith — 48 West. Blanchard, Amos, groceries, 230 Main — b. B. F. Gale’s. Blanchard, Luther, mechanic — Myrtle. Blanchard, Moses W., teamster — rear 38 Main. Blanchard, Nathaniel, pedler — b. C. D. Shaw’s. Blanchard, Otis, mason — 52 South. Blanchard, Porter, churn manufactory — 211 Main. Blanchard, Sawyer, carpenter — Liberty. Blaney, Stephen, painter at Abbots’ — h. 93 Spring. Blodgett, Eliza — 18 Center. Blodgett, J. T., carriage maker — ^b. Columbian Hotel. Blodgett, John S., carpenter — 5 Maple. Boardman, George L., carriage maker at Downings’ — h. 24 Montgomery. Bodwell, Moses, shoemaker — corner State and West. Bottene, John B., harness maker — b. R. C. Osgood’s. Bouton, Nathaniel, pastor First Cong. Church — h. 276 Main. Bowker, John, painter — 29 Franklin. Boyce, George W., conductor Passump. R. R — h. 105 State. Boyden, George, silver plater — b. George Dame’s. Boynton, Alfred L., carpenter — 8 Monroe. Boynton, Lyman D., shoemaker — 40 Pleasant. Brackett, George, hair dresser under American House — h. Summer. Bradbury, Sophronia, widow, dress maker — h. Cedar. Bradley, Moses H., farmer — Penacook. Bradley, Richard, farmer — Penacook. 30 CONCORD DIRECTORY. Bradley, Sarah 0., widow — 38 West. Brainerd, Duane D., carpenter — 57 Main. Briggs, J. C., civil engineer — b. Phenix Hotel. Briggs, Sherman S., boot maker — 46 Spring. Brisning, John, laborer — 89 Spring. Brown, Abel — b. T. H. Newball’s. Brown, Amasa, clergyman — 19 Rumford. Brown, Betsey A., widow — 75 Spring. I Brown, Caleb, chaplain at Prison — h. 24 Monroe. I Brown, Charles, carpenter — 14 Payette. ; Brown, David, blacksmith — b. Mrs. P. E. Brownson’s. Brown, Horace A., printer at McFarland & Jenks’ — h. 13 Pleasant. Brown, Ira E., butcher — 29 Warren. Brown, Israel G., mechanic — 18 Washington. Brown, Jeremiah, teamster — 65 Spring. Brown, Jesse G., carpenter — 5 Fosterville. Brown, John, laborer — Myrtle. Brown, John, conductor Concord B. R. — h. 126 Spring. Brown, John, (Brown & Young, furniture, 204 Main,) — ^h. 22 Warren. Brown, John C. — 62 Pleasant. Brown, John F., book-keeper at Abbots’ — h. 65 Main. Brown, John L. T., wheelwright at Abbots’, b. A. Estabrook’s. Brown, Joseph, undertaker, 259 Main — h. 25 Franklin. Brown, Josiah— 6 Tremont. Brown, Lewis W., engineer Montreal R. R. — ^h. 3 Thorndike. I Brown, Lorenzo D., (Brown & Noyes, iron and steel, R. R. Square) — h. corner State and School. Brown, Lyman, stone cutter — b. W. M. Carter’s. Brown, Moses T., Northern R. R. shop—h. corner State and Thorndike. Brown, Nathan, Daguerrean, 176 Main — b. R. C. Osgood’s. Brown, Newell R., confectionary and fancy goods, 224 Main — h. 25 South. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 31 Brown, Paltiah, (Liscora, Dearborn & Co.)— h. 44 Center. Brown, Stephen — 17 School. Brown, William, mechanic — 40 School. Brown, William— 22 Warren. Brown, Woodbury, carpenter— 35 Green. Brownhill, William, engineer Northern B. R., h. Chapel Court. Brownson, Phebe E. — 12 Warren. Bruce, George, clerk Eagle Hotel. Bryant, Napoleon B., attorney at law, 238 Main, h. 39 Spring. Bucknam, Mrs. S. A., widow — 57 Spring. Bucknam, Warren F., printer — b. Mrs. S. A. Bucknam’s. Bilker, Lucius, engineer — 26 Monroe. Bullock, Gilbert, dry goods and groceries, Sanborn’s Block — h. 21 Green. Bunker, Andrew, (Bixford & Bunker) — h. 2 Hanover. Bunnell, Lucius D., carpenter — 25 Green. Buntin, William H., carpenter — 26 Warren. Burgess, Abraham, shoemaker — Myrtle. Burgess, James, carriage trimmer at Abbots’ — h. 79 State. Burgin, Hall J. — 24 Fayette. Burk, Daniel, laborer — Turnpike. Burke, John, laborer — 26 Downing. Burke, John J. — 33 Downing. Burgum, John, painter at Abbots’ — h. 39 State. Burnham, Allen, mechanic — Chapel Court. Burnham, Franklin W. — 7 Bumford. Burnham, Jabez W., expressman — 254 Main. Burnham, Noah — 270 Main. Burnett, James — 193 State. Burnside, Charles, currier— b. Enos Blake’s. Burr, Charles H., mason — 142 Spring. Burton, Thomas C., fireman Concord B. B. — h. 11 Monroe. Bussell, John G., carpenter — 10 Walnut. Buswell, George, laborer — b. L. L. Mower’s. Buswell, Gilbert, carpenter— W. H. Ford’s. I CONCORD DIRECTORY. 32 Buswell, James H., time-keeper Northern E. E. — h. 20 Union. Buswell, Jmdith D., widow — 196 State. Butler, Nehemiah, clerk of courts — h. 5 Hanover. Butterfield, Henry — 14 Downing. Butterfield, Samuel, (J. H. Pearson & Co.) — ^h. 258 Main. Butterfield, William, editor N. H. Patriot — h. 4 Center. Butters, Charles, farmer — Turnpike. Butters, Charles H., attorney at law — ^h. 204 State. Butters, Thomas, wheelwright at Downings^ — h. 16 Green. Buzzell, Miles, carpenter — rear 217 State. CADY, George, at steam mill— b.‘ Pavilion. Call, Horace, carpenter — 39 Green, Call, Nathan — 27 State. Call, Nathan, 2d, assistant physician at Asylum. Campbell, Thomas C., painter^iLuther, clerk at Tucker & Co.’s— b. Mrs. Leaver’s. Mugridge,\john Y., attorney at law, 238 Main — b. Joseph Grover’s. Munroe, John — 9 School. Munsey, Amos P., boots and shoes, 8 School— h. Prince. Murphy, Peter, laborer— 91 Spring. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 62 Murphy, Thomas, laborer — Water. Muzzey, Artemas B., pastor Unitarian Church — h. 81 Main. Myres, Joseph, blacksmith at Abbots^ — b. D. Sanborn’s. NAY^LOR, Charles, laborer — b. E. Moresett’s. Neal, Mary N., widow — 75 Main. Nealey, John F., stable keeper, rear Elm House — b. Elm House. Nelson, George S., bookbinder at Merriam & Merrill’s — h. 17 Union. Nelson, Josiah, bookbinder at Merriam & Merrill’s — h. 17 Union. Nelson, J. H., bookbinder at Merriam & Merrill’s-h. 17 Union. Nelson, Nathaniel C., machinist — 17 Union. Nevens, Phineas, teamster — Chapel Court. Newell, Charles D., wheelwright at Abbots’ — h. 31 Main. | Newell, Charles H., machinist — 19 Fayette. Newell, L. Y. B.— b. 8 Main. Newhall, Thomas F., trimmer at Abbots’ — b. T. H Newhall’s. Newhall, Thomas H., horticulturist — 14 Monroe. Nichols, Daniel, painter — b. J. Cofran’s. Nichols, John IL, clerk at Hoyt’s — b. Mrs. E. Moore’s. Nichols, William, stone cutter — 86 Warren. Norton, Charles H., stable keeper, rear Columbian — h. 131 State. Norton, John D., bookbinder — 4 Union. Norton, John D., jr., carriage trimmer at Downings’ — b. J. D. j Norton’s. ! Norris, James S., baker and confectioner — 85 Main. i Nourse, Benjamin, baker — 83 Main. Noyes, Charles H. — b. J. S. Noyes’. Noyes, George, painter at Downings’ — h. 27 Thompson. Noyes, J rson, mason— 24 Union. Noyes, o omiah S., farmer — 76 South. i Noyes, John W., (Brown & Noyes) — b. Phenix Hotel. | CONCORD DIRECTORY. 63 Noyes, Mary A., widow — 56 Warren. Nutter, Eliphalet S., clerk at Edmunds’ — h. 5 Montgomery. Nutter, Enos G., bookbinder — b. Wm. Nutter’s. Nutter, William, laborer— 27 Eranklin. Nutting, Charles, stone cutter — corner State and Thorndike. Nye, George S., carriage maker at Downings’ — h. 11 Green. Nye, William H, printer, 216 Main — h. 165 State. O’BRIEN, Charles, laborer — 30 West. O’Connell, Philip, laborer — 85 Spring. Odlin, Woodbridge, W. I. goods and groceries, 244 Main — h. 268 Main. Oehme, F. G., homoeopathic physician, Rollins’ Block — b. American House. O’Keefe, Arthur, harness maker — 53 State. O’Neal, Owen, laborer — 33 South. Ordway, Albert, mason — 20 South. Ordway, James — 48 Spring. Ordway, John C. — 19 Center. Ordway, Moses, pump repairer — 84 Spring. Ordway, Richard M., mason — 206 State. Oren, Joseph, laborer — h. rear 56 Main. O’Rielly, John, Catholic clergyman — ^li. 29 Pleasant. Orne, Sarah, widow — 83 Spring. Osborn, Daniel, molder — h. 15 Thompson. Osgood, Betsey R. — 80 Main. Osgood, Frank, blacksmith at Downings’ — b. Union Hotel. Osgood, Joseph C., machinist — b. Union Hotel. Osgood, Joseph C., mechanic — 13 Wall. Osgood, Robert C. — corner Main and Center. Osgood, True, printer — 30 Warren. Otis, J. M., wheelwright at Abbots’ — h. 29 State. PACKARD, Z. S., mechanic — 14 Green. Page, Eliza, widow — 57 Pleasant. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 64 Page, Enoch, painter at Abbots’ — h. 35 Thompson. Page, George, carpenter — 75 Warren. Page, James D., wheelwright at Abbots’ — h. Perley. Page, Jeremiah, farmer — Hall. Paige, Benjamin F., laborer — b. L. C. Lull. Paige, Cyrus W. — 265 Main. Paige, James, blacksmith — b. S. Kincaid’s. Paine, John K. — 18 Walnut. Palmer, Benjamin F., printer — b. B. Palmer’s. Palmer, Brackett — 54 State. Palmer, Charles W., printer — b. B. Palmer’s. Palmer, Dudley S. — 145 State. Palmer, George H., machinist — b. Mary A. Palmer’s. Palmer, John — 25 School. Palmer, John B., printing office, 148 Main — b. B. Palmer’s. Palmer, Joseph, spring maker — 18 Thorndike. Palmer, Mary A., widow — Wall. Palmer, Samuel — 10 Thompson. Palmer, Thomas N., printer — b. B. Palmer’s. Parker, Asa, carpenter — 7 West. Parker, Benjamin, land surveyor — 10 Center. Parker, Caleb, coach maker at Abbots’ — h. corner State and Wall. Parker, Henry E., pastor South Cong. Church — b. 47 Main. Parker, Samuel F., key manufacturer — Elm. Parker, William M., asst. supt. Northern R. R. — h. 77 State. Parker, Zebulon — Elm. Parkhurst, Paul K., watchman Concord R. R. — h. 11 Wall. Pattee, Lemuel N., Secretary of State — b. Geo. Dame’s. Patten, David, Prof, at Biblical Institute — h. 202 State. Patten, John, mechanic — 9 Walnut. Patterson, George, clerk at Hutchins’ — b. J. C. Duncklee’s. Paul, Horace F.~261 Main. Peabody, Frank B., attorney at law, 176 Main — h. 10 South. Peacock, Lorenzo K., foreman at Abbots’ — h 42 State. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 65 j Pearson, Charles, watchmaker and jeweler, 122 Main — h. 21 Thompson. Pearson, John H., (J. H. Pearson & Co., R. R. Store) — h. 263 Main. Pearsons, Joseph H., printer — b. Columbian. Pease, John, shoemaker — 47 Pleasant. Pease, Samuel, blacksmith at Abbots^ — h. 14 State. Peaslee, Cyrus, refreshment rooms, 140 Main. Peaslee, Daniel C., clerk at S. Clark’s — h. 20 Washington. Peaslee, Ira, teamster — b. D. S. Webster’s. Pecker, Robert E. — 326 Main. Pelmonty, Peter, laborer — west end Center. Pender, John, laborer — R. R. Square. Perkins, Edward, mechanic — 6 Montgomery. Perkins, H. E., attorney at law — Penacook. Perkins, William, blacksmith — 73 South. Perkins, William W., painter— 107 Spring. Perley. Ira, Chief Justice Supreme Court — 123 Spring. Perry, Coolidge, pressman at McFarland’s — b. J. S. McFar- ! land’s. Perry, Amos, laborer — west end Washington. Perry, George W., shoemaker — 52 Center. Peters, F., baggage master — b. Columbian. Pettingill, Charles B., cabinet maker — h. Claremont R. R. crossing. Pettingill, George D., cabinet maker — 12 Pleasant. Pettingill, Jefferson, laborer — Franklin. Pettingill, John W. — b. J. C. Ord way’s. Peverly, James — 134 State. Philbrick, Edward — 22 Washington. Philbrick, Joseph, laborer — b. A. P. George’s. Pickering, J. L., auction and commission store, 131 Main— — h. 47 State. Pierce, A. C.— 42 Main. Pierce, Albert P. — b, Elias Evans’. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 66 Pierce, Edward C., painter at Abbots^ — b. L. L. Mower's. Pillsbury, George A., wood agent — 33 Center. Pillsbury, John C. — cor. Washington and State. Pillsbury, John C., hard ware and medicine, 129 Main — h. 31 Green. Pillsbury, Joseph J., blacksmith at Abbots' — b. S. H. Mills'. Pillsbury, Levi H., teamster — 99 Spring. Pillsbury, Parker — 30 School. Pillsbury, Thomas W., wood agent — 10 Thompson. Pilren, Oliver, painter — Turnpike. Pinkham, Charles E. — 163 State. Pinkham, Elias — 22 Payette. Piper, Emory — Clinton. Pollard, Daniel A., wheelwright — Court. Popple, Benjamin, shoemaker — 18 Cross. Porter, Edward G., printer — 246 Main. Potter, John, carpenter — 31 Cross. Powers, James W., laborer — b. L. Bell's. Prescott, Abraham — 39 Main. Pratt, Benjamin — 31 South. Prescott, Abraham J., (Prescott & Brothers, piano-fortes and melodeons, 176 Main) — h. 47 Main. Prescott, Greenleaf, machinist— b. C. A. Blake’s. Prescott, James, stable keeper — h. 7 Center. Prescott, Joseph B., (Prescott Bros.) — b. H. B. Poster's. Prescott, Joseph W., musical inst. maker — b. A. Prescott's. Prescott, William, physician — 314 and 316 Main. Prescott, Wm. H., wheelwright at Abbots' — b. J. Goodrich's. Price, James, shoemaker — Washington. Printabel, James, laborer — rear 56 Main. Proctor, Charles H., barber, 97 Main — h. 37 Cross. Proctor, Thorndike, carpenter — 11 Posterville. Proe, Gilbert, laborer— b. E. Moresett's. Puffer, Charles H., shoemaker — b. J. Glines'. Puffer, George, laborer — 41 Center. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 67 Puffer, Warren, laborer — Sand Hill. Purdy, Smith W., hair dresser, 147 Main — b. Columbian. Putnam, Nehemiah, city crier — 68 South. Putnam, William T., gas fixtures, 105 Main — h. Ill Main. QUAID, Thomas J., carpenter — 10 Fosterville. Quimby, Enoch J., stone cutter — 20 Walnut. Quimby, John, fireman Concord R. R. — h. Hall. Quimby, Stephen — 23 Washington. Quinn, Sarah — East Pleasant. RAND, Daniel, carpenter — 9 Union. Rand, Hamilton L., painter at Abbots^ — ^b. L. L. Mower’s. Randall, Achsah H., shirt manufacturer — 155 Main. Randall, Clarissa — Washington. Ranlet, Henry W., coal and ice dealer — ^b.Wm. H. Wyman’s. Raymond, George, laborer— 3 Union. Reed, George L., paper hanger — 46 South. Reed, Hiram, stone cutter — 26 Center. Reed, Orlin, carriage maker — 21 State. Richardson, Charles W., capenter— 28 Green. Richardson, Hiram, carpenter — 7 Franklin. Richardson, John J., shoemaker — b. J. Morrill’s. Riley, William, laborer — 2 Main. Rines, Nathaniel P., pedlar — 68 Warren. Ring, James, machinist — b. T. C. Campbell’s. Rix, Albert W., machinist — b. H. A. Joslyn’s. Rixford, Wm. H., (Rixford & Bunker, doors, sash and blinds,)— h. 185 Main. Robbins, George, painter at Abbots’ — b. L. L. Mower’s. Robbins, Charles E., machinist — 18 Green. Roberts, Hall J. — b. R. H. Sherburne’s. Robinson, Addison — Clinton. Robinson, Edward B., plow maker — h. 34 Washington. Robinson, Eliza B., widow — 47 School. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 68 Robinson, Ellis, teamster — 4 West. Robinson, Fernando S., architect — b. J. L. Foster’s. Robinson, George C., plow maker — h. 26 Union. Robinson, George S., carriage maker at Griffin’s — b. Union Hotel. Robinson, H. M., house builder — corner Spring and School. Robinson, Isaiah S., blacksmith — 24 West. Robinson, J. L., plow maker (rear Moore, Gilley & Co.’s) — h. Pearl. Robinson, John — rear 34 Main. Robinson, Joseph, farmer — 10 West. Robinson, Joseph W., telegraph operator, 192 Main — ^li. Turner’s Block. Robinson, Paul — 18 West. Robinson, Thomas, gilder — b. L. A. Benson’s. Robinson, West, farmer — Hall. Robinson, William, laborer — 36 Cross. Roby, Luther, stone quarry — 273 Main. Roby, Luther, jr. — b. G. W. Ingalls’. Roby, William, stone mason. Rogers, Caleb S. — 38 State. Rogers, Moses F., watchman at prison. Rogers, Reynolds S.— b. C. S. Rogers’. Rolfe, Albert, trimmer at Abbots’ — h. 71 State. Rolfe, Benjamin, watchman at Abbots’ — h. 43 State. Rolfe, Charles F., painter — 145 Main. Rolfe, Henry P., (Rolfe & Marshall) attorney at law — h. 25 Green. Rolfe, Hiram, painter at Abbots’ — h. 49 State. Rolfe, Horace H., painter — b. Union Hotel. Rollins, Edward H., druggist, 196 Main — h. 243 Main. Rollins, Elipbalet O., stone mason — h. 25 South. Rollins, James, mason — b. C. D. Shaw’s. Rollins, John F., clerk at E. H. Rollins’ — b. E. H. Rollins’. Rollins, John S., machinist — Prince. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 69 Rosebush, Moses, painter at Abbots' — b. Mary N. Neal's. Root, C. S., carpenter — 51 Main. Rounsefell, James, painter — Jefferson. Rowe, Daniel, carpenter — 16 Spring. Rowe, David B., carpenter — 46 Warren. Rowe, Lewis, blacksmith at Abbots' — h. 44 Spring. Rowell, Thompson, mason — 18 Downing. Rowley, Harvey, trimmer at Downings' — b. Columbian. Rownon, Richard, wheelwright at Griffin's — h. 257 Main. Runnels, John B., carpenter — 7 Merrimack. Runnels, Hazen — 31 Union. Runnels, Osmyn E., freight depot — b. R. Silver's. Ruslow, Alfred, painter at Abbots' — h. rear 38 Main. Russ, J. S., conductor Montreal R. R. — h. 8 Union. Rust, Asa, laborer — 8 Thorndike. SALTMARSH, Aaron H., stone mason — head Franklin. Saltmarsh, Andrew, molder — Chapel Court. Saltmarsh, Austin G., wood dealer — head Franklin. Sanborn, Abraham S., carpenter — 20 Monroe. Sanborn, Benning W., bookseller, 175 Main — b. American House. Sanborn, Charles H., machinist — 36 South. Sanborn, Daniel, blacksmith — 24 Downing. Sanborn, Henry C., news-carrier — 105 Spring. Sanborn, Jacob, clergyman — 166 State. Sanborn, James, carpenter — 87 State. Sanborn, Jonathan, carpenter — 108 State. Sanborn, George G., ticket master at depot — h. 84 State. Sanborn, Josiah, teamster — 9 Main. Sanborn, Josiah B., clerk at B. W. Sanborn's — b. Eagle Hotel. Sanborn, Mary H., widow — 15 Center. Sanborn, Newell, carpenter — 42 Center. Sanborn, Perley, freight depot — b. R. Silver's. Sanborn, Peter, (Sanborn & Jackson) — h. 63 Main. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 70 Sanborn, Thomas W., clerk at Sanborn & Jackson’s — b. P. Sanborn’s. Sanborn, True, freight depot — b. R. Silver’s. Sanders, George, (George Sanders & Co., 109 and 113 Main)’ — h. 45 Main. Sanders, Clarendon M., (G. S. & Co.) — 113 Main. Sanders, George A., (G. S. & Co.) — h. Cooper. Sanders, S. Luman, (G. S. &> Co.)— b. Ill Main. Sanger, C. Henrj, (Sanger & Sons) — b. C. H. Sanger’s. Sanger, Charles H., (Sanger & Sons, hats, furs, &c., 150 Main) — h. 9 Thorndike. Sanger, George, (Sanger & Sons) — b. C. H. Sanger’s. Sargent, Amos B., musical instrument maker — 26 Green. Sargent, D. W., printer — 58 South. Sargent, J. W., cashier Concord R. R. — h. 86 State. Sargent, James F., physician, 216 Main — h. 8 Maple. Sargent, James G., mason — Cambridge. Sargent, Jonathan, pattern maker — 33 Warren. Sargent, John B., painter at Downings’ — h. Pearl. Sargent, Richard, laborer — 23 Monroe. Sargent, Philip, plane maker — 184 State. Sargent, Sylvester F., mason — 111 Spring. Sargent, Wells, jr., blacksmith at Abbots’— h. Fulton. Savory, Charles E., clerk at G. Main’s — h. 78 Spring. Savory, William F., register of deeds — b. Union Hotel. Sawtelle, Stephen E., engineer Concord R. R. — h. 65 State. Sawyer, John A., trimmer at Abbots’ — h. rear 34 Main. Sawyer, Joshua — 5 Center. Scales, Mary, widow — Clinton. Schenck, Jacob — b. Almira Batchelder’s. Scheuer, Adolph, ( Scheuer & Kramer, dry and fancy goods, 240 Main) — b. American House. Scott, Andrew, trimmer at Abbots’ — h. 11 Thompson. Scribner, Frank B., clerk at G. Walker’s — b. L. B. Morrill’s. Seavey, Hiram, shoemaker — b. C. F. Caswell’s. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 71 Seavey, Shadrach, carpenter — 6 Washington. Seavey, William H., harness maker — b. Mrs. Flanders’. Secomb, Daniel F., musical inst. maker — h. 1 Rumford. Sedgley, James, master mechanic — 28 Pleasant. Severance, A. F., piano-forte maker — b. J. B. Fellows’. Sewall, Stephen, truckman — 54 Warren. Shackford, William, millwright — 188 State. Shallies, Augustus D., harness maker — 44 Rumford. Shanks, Edward, blacksmith at Abbots’— -h. 45 Downing. Shattuck, Henry S., conductor Northern R. R. — h.42 School. Shaw, Augustus D., furnace and range manufacturer, 170 Main — h. 3 Merrimack. Shaw, Charles C., machinist — b. H. Clark’s. Shaw, Clinton D., mechanic — 104 Spring. Shaw, Joseph E., wheelwright at Abbots’ — b. 8 Main. Shaw, Josiah C., attendant at Asylum. Shaw, Nathaniel S., coach maker at Abbots’ — h. 34 Warren. Shaw, Wentworth G., (Lincoln & Shaw, clothing, &c., 164 Main) — h. 44 School. Sherburne, Henry C. — b. Mrs. L. B. Hackett’s. Sherburne, Lorenzo D., teamster — Fulton. Sherburne, Robert H., clerk at A. B. Currier’s — h. 34 Pleasant. Sherman, Lovell J., carpenter — 9 Fosterville. Sheehan, William, trimmer at Abbots’ — h. rear 14 Main. Shute, Samuel, farmer — 28 West. Sibley, Stephen, Esq. — b. C. P. Gage’s. Silver, Joseph B., barber. 132 Main — h. 53 Main. Silver, Roswell, teamster — rear 72 Main. Silsby, George H. H., (Morrill & Silsby, 115 and 117 Main) h. 27 Pleasant. Sinclair, Henry M., restaurant, 136 Main — h. 35 Center. Slader, Byron, printer — 189 State. Sleeper, J. C. — b. Union Hotel. Sleeper, Jeremiah D., painter at Abbots’ — h. 30 Main. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 72 Smart, Abial, truckman — 15 Merrimack. Smart, Charles — 332 Main. Smart, Herman F., baker — b. Wm. H. Smart’s. Smart, Hiram F., printer — b. Wm. H. Smart’s. Smart, Joseph B., mason — 10 Maple. Smart, William H., physician — 73 Main. Smart, William H., jr. — b. Wm. H. Smart’s. Smith, Alfred C., switchman — h. 33 Thompson. Smart, Calvin, section hand, R. R. — h. Pearl. Smith, Christopher, laborer — 7 Warren. Smith, Colmour J., laborer — b. W. H. Ford’s. Smith, Dexter W., teamster — 109 Spring. Smith, Eleazer, clergyman — 203 State. Smith, Everett E., carpenter — b. W. P. Dow’s. Smith, Ezra D., mason — 77 South. Smith, Franklin C., blacksmith — 120 State. Smith, Franklin S., molder — h. rear 221 State. Smith, Henry, laborer — rear 20 Main. Smith, James H., wheelwright at Abbots’ — b. A. Estabrook’s. Smith, Jeremiah, blacksmith — Myrtle. Smith, Jeremiah, shoemaker — b. G. Puffer’s. Smith, John K., blacksmith — 45 Spring. Smith, L. A., (Smith & Walker, silver platers) — b. J. C. Ordway’s. Smith, Morrill B., groceries, 189 Main — ^h. Short. Smith, Richmond — b. Eagle Hotel. Smith, William, stone cutter — Winter. Snowdon, William W., blacksmith at Abbots’ — b. A. Esta- brook’s. Somersworth, Thomas, laborer — 25 Cross. Spain, Michael, laborer — 275 Main. Spain, Thomas, laborer— head State. Spaulding, J. C., printer — b. W. E. Webster’s. Speed, Leonard, hostler at Pavilion. Spelman, John, baker — ^h. corner Cross and Beaver. MERRIAM & MERRILL, MANUFACTURERS OP ALL KINDS OF Ledgers, Day-Books, Journals and Records, Bank Ledgers, Railroad Ledgers, In- surance Companies’ Books, Rec- ords for County and Town Clerks, INVENTORY BOOKS FOR TOWNS, &C., &C., On the best of paper, and of any size or style of binding that may be desired. MERRIAM & MERRILL CONTINUE TO BIND Books, Newspapers, — AND — BE EESIREE. The best of workmen are employed in this branch of their business. Center. MRRIAM & MERRILL’S CirculatingLibrary, CONTAINING OVER 1000 Volumes of Popular Works on Biography, Agriculture and Domestic Econ- omy, Voyages and Travels, Ancient and Modern History, Hovels and Ro- mances, Miscellaneous and Peri- odicals. MOST NEW WORKS ADDED AS SOON AS PUBLISHED. TERIflS BY THE SIIVOEE BOOK. All Books which have been in the Library over three months, six cents per week. 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MERKIAM & MERRILL, Publishers, Booksellers and Stationers, Would call the attention of Schools, Academies, and Coun- try Traders, to their extensive assortment of SCHOOLBOOKS, consisting of all the leading Books used in our Common Schools and Academies, together with a great variety of School Stationery, Drawing Paper, DRAWING PENCILS, &C. 1000 aROSS^EEL FENS, Received from the Manufacturers in Birmingham, England, manufactured expressly for us, consisting of a Complete Assortment of j|@“ Which we warrant to give satisfaction. PLEASE CALL AND TRY I PENS THAT ARE PENS, j ! MERRIAM & MERRILL. | CITY BLANK BOOK ^ The subscribers have constantly on hand the greatest va- riety of BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS That can be found in the State, consisting of Cap, Demy, and Medium LEDGERS; Cap and Demy DAY-BOOKS, wide; Do. JOURNALS, wide ; Do. RE- CORDS, for Towns,Coun- ties, Corpo rations, &c., &c. RECORDS, Svo., Cap, Demy & l^ledium. ‘‘ Quarto, “ “ “ POCKET MEMORANDUMS, 0{ all Sizes, from S^mo., Cap, to 8ro., Demy, in PAPER, CLOTH AND LEATHER BINDING. TUCK MEMORANDUMS, IN ALL THE VARIETY OF STYLES, ! FROM VEST POCKET SIZE TO 8vo., DEMY, ; On the best of paper, and Superior Styles of Binding. I D I R I E S , OP ALL SIZES, CONTAINING BLANKS FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR, , And published annually by the subscribers, in all the variety I of styles. i MERRIAAI & MERRILL. Presentation Booksi — FOR — ALL SEASONS OF THE YEAR. The subscribers have on hand a splendid assortment of BOOKS, of the most splendid styles of binding and finish throughout, among which are the following : Rose of Sharon ; Book of the Boudoir ; The Thought Blos- som ; The Home Annual ; The Diadem ; The Souvenir Gallery ; Friendship's Token ; Ladies’ Wreath ; The White Veil ; A Bridal Gift ; Birds of the Bi- ble ; Jerusalem and its Vicinity, illustrated ; Gem Book of British Poetry ; Lays of Ancient Rome, by Macaulay ; Gray’s Elegy, illustrated ; Arthur’s Advice to Young La- dies ; Do. to Young Men ; Shaks- peare’s, Ben Johnson’s, Byron’s, Burns’, Cowper’s, Hemans’, Moores’, Montgomery’s, Scott’s, Landon’s, Milton’s, Tapper’s, Thompson’s, Pollock’s, Wordsworth’s, Shelley’s, Pope’s, Kirk White’s, Howitt’s, Goldsmith’s and Campbell’s POETICAL W ORKS, IN A VARIETY OF STYLES FOR ALSO, A GREAT VARIETY OF — AND — MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, TOO NUMEROUS TO NAME. MERRIAM & MERRILL. At the City Bookstore. Eeticules, Dressing, Tourist and Cigar Cases; Papier Mache and Morocco Portfolios, Ivory Tablets, Ivory and Dress Combs, Shaving Brushes and Boxes, Portmonaies, Pocket Books, Wal- lets, Bankers’ Cases, Sew- ing Birds, Tea Bells, Fancy Box- es, Eazor Strops, Pearl and Ivory Paper Folders, Needles and Hair Pins. Bear Oil, Verbena and Cologne Water, Hair Re- storative, Rosemary, Balm of Thousand Flow- ers, Musk, Lavender, Tooth Wash, Shav- ing and Fancy Toilet Soap, Smelling Salts, &c., &c. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Bladed Pocket Knives, with Ivory, Pearl Shell and Horn Handles; Pruning, Hunt- ing and Dirk Knives ; Razors, Scissors and Shears, a good variety ; Mathematical Instruments, a good assortment. WRITING CASES AND DESKS. I Rosewood, Mahogany and Ebony; Plain, Brass Band I and Inlaid. Children’s Books. . I MERRIAM & MERRILL,! i — AT THE — I OPPOSITE GASS’ AMERICAN HOUSE, HAVE THE BEST VARIETY OF CHILDREN’S BOOKS f HAS CAH M mm m shi® ssas s: ! AMONG WHICH ARE Uncle Frank’s Boy’s and Girl’s Library;! VACATION STORY BOOKS; | ROLLO BOOKS, By Abbott; THEODORE THINKER’S JUVENILES; ENGLISH TOY BOOKS; AMERICAN TOY BOOKS; ARTHUR’S BOOKS FOR CHILDREN ; THE LUCY BOOKS, By Abbott; THE JONAS BOOKS, By Abbott; BOY’S TREASURY OF SPORTS ; THE GIRL’S OWN BOOK ; COLORED PICTURE BOOKS; A, B, C, BOOKS, Colored. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 73 Spelman, Bridget, widow — 30 Cross. Spiller, Joseph D., mechanic — 4 Tahanto. Spiller, Josiah, jr., mechanic — 6 Tahanto. Spiller, Josiah G., painter — 322 Main. Spokesfield, Joseph, stone cutter — b. M. C. Hadley’s. Stanley, J. B., watchmaker and jeweler, 160 Main— b. W. Gordon’s. Stearns, Charles H., bookbinder — 320 Main. Stearns, Eckley, Northern R. R. office— b. W. E. Webster’s. Stearns, Onslow, Superintendent Northern R. R. — h. 252 Main. Stevens, Benjamin, laborer — b. Columbian. Stevens, Caleb — 14 Thompson. Stevens, Chandler E. — 50 Spring. Stevens, Edward R., laborer — Eranklin. Stevens, Josiah, Justice Police Court — h. Hopkinton road. Stevens, Josiah, jr., engineer — h. Hopkinton road. Stevens, Lyman D., attorney at law, 148 Main — h. 14 Thompson. Stevens, Prescott F., tinman — 28 Green. Stevens, Samuel, keeper Union Hotel — 203 Main. Stevenson, William, blacksmith at Abbots’ — ^h. rear 4 Mkin. Stevenson, William — rear 6 Main. Stewart, Charles F., New-York silk and shawl store, 200 Main — h. 267 Main. Stewart, John H., (T. W. & J. H. Stewart, merchant tailors) h. 154 State. Stewart, Thomas W., (T. W. & J. H. Stewart, 146 Main) — h. 1 South. Stickney, A.— b. W. F. Carr’s. Stickney, Dorcas M., widow — cor. Center and Rumford. Stickney, John, mason — 61 Spring. Stickney, Joseph P. — 250 Main. Stickney, Mary G., widow — 233 Main. Stickney, William W., clerk Phenix Hotel. D 74 CONCORD DIRECTORY. Stockman, John, painter — 55 Main. Stokes, Daniel II., blacksmith at Abbots^ — h. 41 State. Stokes, John, musical instrument maker — h. 61 Warren. Stokes, John K., blacksmith at Abbots^ — b. A. Estabrook’s. Stone, Benj. P., editor Congregational Journal — h. 69 Main. Stone, Orsmus M., carriage maker — b. Mary Neaks. Straw, Samuel E., cabinet maker — h. 138 Spring. Stuart, Thomas, Columbian Hotel — 165 Main. Sturtevant, Edward E., printer — b. W. E. Webster’s. Sturtevant, George H., printer at McFarland & Jenks’ — h. Chapel Court. Sullivan, James, blacksmith at Abbots’ — h. 37 Downing. Summers, Charles T., painter — 4 Fosterville. Summers, Patrick, laborer — 16 South. Swain, Levi, carpenter — 7 Maple. Sweat, Joseph A., blacksmith — 15 Montgomery. Sweatland, William A., machinist — b. H. A. Joslyn’s. Sweetser, Henry, coach trimmer at Downings’ — h.318 Maim Sweney, John, laborer — R. R. Square. Sweney, Timothy, laborer — b. J. Edeley’s. Swett, Stephen S. — 31 Main. Sylvester, Silas G., (Sylvester & Eastman, crockery, &c., 166 Main) — h. 15 School. Symmes, Ebenezer — 74 Pleasant. Symonds, David, harness and trunk manufacturer, 236 Main —h. 175 State. TALLANT, James — 9 Union. Tallant, James, jr., trimmer at Abbots’ — h. 48 State. Tandy, Calvin, stone mason — High. Tandy, David, stone mason — High. Tandy, David R., lather — High. Tandy, Ebenezer, carpenter — 67 Warren. Tandy, Franklin L., well digger — ^Forest. Tandy, Thomas K., stone mason — Washington. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 75 Tarlton, Charles F., barber— h. 6 Cross. Tateum, Thomas E., marble worker— b. Wm. Day’s. Taylor, William W., clerk at post-office — h. 7 Tahanto. Tebaux, Lewis, harness maker — h. 37 Washington. Teel, Betsey, widow — 52 Main. Teel, John D., soap and candle manufactory — h. Bowery Avenue. Templeton, Charles M., mechanic— 41 Warren. Tenney, E. B., tailor — 27 Green. Tenney, Franklin A., pattern maker — ^b. R. G. Wyman’s. Tenney, John E., musical inst. maker— h. 10 Merrimack. Tenney, Nelson, carpenter — 8 Warren. Thatcher, Enoch R., teamster — b. Elias Evans’. Thomas, Henry, attendant at Asylum. Thompson, Charles, physician — Huntington. Thompson, Charles E., mason — 27 West. Thompson, Goin, farmer— Hall. Thompson, James, farmer — Water. Thompson, John, laborer — 3 West. Thorn, Calvin, custom boots & shoes, 146 Main — h. 20 Center. Tidd, Pliny, blacksmith — 3 Maple. Tilton, Gardner, fireman at Asylum. Tilton, Joseph C., painter at Downings’ — h. 266 Main. Tilton, Ransom S., blacksmith at Abbots’ — h. 79 South. Titcomb, John, carriage maker, 286 Main — h. 28 Washington. Todd, George E., master of transportation Northern R. R. — h. Elm. Tomkins, Henry D., blacksmith — b. W. H. Ford’s. Tonkin, Henry, clergyman — 10 Fayette. Towle, Ebenezer S., cashier Merrimack County Bank — h. 209 State. Towle, Jonathan S., clerk at Hardy’s— b. W. P. Hardy’s. Tracy, Luther, piano-forte tuner — Fulton. Tracy, Oren, clergyman — 159 State. Trask, Joseph O., wheelwright at Abbots’ — ^b. A. Lamper’s. 76 CONCORD DIRECTORY. Traverse, George M., carpenter — 36 Rumford. Treadwell, Thomas — 56 State. Treadwell, Thomas P., President Union Fire Ins. Co. — ^h. 46 Green. Trickey, Thomas A., overseer shoe shop at Prison. Trussell, Samuel D., on Concord R. R. — b. Elm House. Tuck, Thomas J., mechanic — 14 Merrimack. Tucker, James, molder — 31 Franklin. Tucker, J. Prentice, (J. P. Tucker & Co., dry goods, 152 Main) — b. Mrs. H. Moore’s. Turcots, Antoine, laborer — 60 Washington. Turner, Oliver, carpenter — 34 Main. Tyler, John E., Superintendent of Asylum for Insane. UNDERHILL, Gilbert, carpenter — b. John Cofran’s. Underhill,- J. T., book-keeper at Brown & Noyes’ — h. 50 Pleasant. Upham, Nath’l G., Superintendent Concord R. R.— h. Park. Upham, Thomas, laborer — 15 Downing. Upton, William, engineer Concord R. R. — h. 114 Spring. YAIL, Stephen M., Prof, at Biblical Institute — h. 235 State. Varney, Edward, machinist — 6 Washington. Vaughn, William, laborer — b. T. Lynch’s. Veazey, William, laborer — 285 Main. Virgin, Charles P., coach maker at Abbots’ — ^h. 82 State. Virgin, John, baker — b. J. S. Norris’. Virgin, Leavitt C., carpenter — 13 Fayette. Virgin, William M., watchmaker — b. J. Whitney’s. Virgin, William W., tailor — 10 Warren. WADLEIGH, George, last maker — b. C. D. Shaw’s. Wadleigh, Thomas, (Johnson & Wadleigh) — b. R. H. Sher- burne’s. Wales, Samuel, watchman at Prison. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 77 Walker, Eliza R., widow — 187 State. Walker, Gust., hard ware, 128 Main — b. Wm. Walker^s. Walker, Joseph B. — 354 Main. Walker, Lyman A., (Moore, Gilley & Co., 212 Main) — h. 214 State. Walker, N. B., (Smith & Walker, silver platers, R. R. Square) — b. Phenix Hotel. Walker, Priscilla C., tailoress — 4 Cross. Walker, Timothy — 281 Main. Walker, William — 144 State. Walker, William, jr. — b. Wm. Walker’s. Wallace, George B., wheelwright at Abbots’ — h. Turner’s Block. Wallace, Mrs. Hannah — Washington. Wg^lace, Jane — 186 State. Wallace, Joseph, laborer — b. Pavilion. Wallace, Luther, watchman at Depot — h. 9 Summer. Walker, Peter — 216 State. Wallace, Samuel, carpenter — Pearl. Wallace, Samuel W., shoemaker — b. Wm. Wallace’s. Wallace, William, teamster — 21 Washington. Warde, David A., hard ware, 180 Main— h. 66 Pleasant. Warren, Alpheus, engineer Northern R. R. — h. Prince. Warren, Amos, clerk Northern R. R. office — b. B. P. Whip- ple’s. i Warren, Benj. S., physician, 216 Main, opposite Americans House — h. 13 Center. Watts, William, tanner — b. Pavilion. Watson, David — 7 Union. Watson, Daniel T., (J. H. Pearson & Co.) — b. P. Pillsbury’s. Watson, Jacob W., lather — b. D. Watson’s. Watson, Samuel W., carpenter — b. E. C. Smith’s. Webster, Albert, (A. & C. C. Webster, groceries, 124 Main) — h. 28 Center. Webster, Benjamin, attendant at Asylum. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 78 Webster, Calvin C., (A. & C. C. Webster) — h. 114 State. Webster, Charles F., engineer Concord R. R. — h. 34 Cross. Webster, Daniel S., teamster — 6 West. Webster, Freeman, conductor Concord R. R. — h. 70 State. Webster, John, blacksmith — 53 Warren. Webster, John S., blacksmith — 53 Warren. Webster, Loren A., carpenter — 9 Tahanto. Webster, Miriam C., widow — 14 Rumford. Webster, Noah P., teamster — 18 West. Webster, Parker, machinist — 18 Fayette. Webster, Stephen, foreman at Abbots’ — ^h. 68 Main. Webster, Warren C., fireman Concord R. R. — b. P. Web- ster’s. Webster, William E., blacksmith at Downings’ — h. 12 Union. Weeks, Henry, machinist — 50 Warren. Weeks, John T., painter — 2 Main. Weeks, Mary D., widow — 15 Center. Weeks, Nathaniel, laborer — 2 Main. Weeks, Nathaniel M., blacksmith at Abbots’ — ^h. 41 Down- ing. Welcom, Joseph, laborer — b. E. Moresett’s. ^ Welcom, Philip, laborer — b. E. Moresett’s. Wench, T., blacksmith at Abbots’ — h. Turnpike. Wentworth, Ephraim, mason — west end Pleasant. Wentworth, David L., butcher — b. P. Webster’s. Wentworth, David L., teacher vocal music — b. Columbian Hotel. Wentworth, Mrs. Paul, widow — 24 Pleasant. West, Charles E., cabinet maker — h. corner Montgomery and State. West, Charles K., machinist — 7 Fayette. West, Hazen K., painter— rear 7 Washington. West, John A., W. I. goods and groceries, 306 Main — h. Pearl. West, Joseph C., merchant — b. J. A. West’s. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 79 West, Ruel, plow maker — 186 State. West, William M., harness maker— 7 Hanover. Wheeler, Giles, carpenter— b. T. W. Whitney's. Wheeler, John, building mover— 29 Center. Wheeler, J. D. C., printer— b. George Puffer's. Wheeler, Jacob P., mechanic— 19 Monroe. Wheeler, Richard, laborer— rear 54 Main. Wheeler, Whitcher, carpenter— 275 Main. Whicher, Simon B., stable keeper— h. 52 Pleasant. Whipple, B. Plummer, (Whipple & Dunklee,) h. 6 Payette. Whipple, John— 272 Main. Whipple, Mary A., dress maker, 264 Main. Whitcher, Hiram, pastor South Preewill Baptist Church— h. 18 South. I Whitcomb, Joseph, tailor— 2 State. White, Curtis, carpenter— 64 Warren. White, Nathaniel, (Cheney & Co.'s Express)— h. 16 School. Whitford, George H., (Carter & Whitford)— h. 70 Spring. Whitney, George L., mechanic— 170 State. Whitney, Hannah, carpet maker— Pearl. Whitney, James K., painter at Abbots’— b.W. G. Whitney's. Whitney, John, blacksmith— b. A. J. Hook’s. Whitney, John, shoemaker— 15 Cross. Whitney, William G., blacksmith at Abbots'— h. 43 West. Whittier, Alvin N., trimmer at Abbots' — b. Miss Blodg- ett's. Whittemore, George P., carpenter— 77 Warren. Whittemore, James C., mason— 348 Main. Whittredge, George P., merchant— 8 Main. Widmcr, Daniel, blacksmith at Abbots'— h. Perley. Wiggin, Augustus H., printer, 160 Main— h. 31 School. Wiggin, Charles S., harness maker— b. J. D. Johnson's. Wiggins, Charles, coach maker at Abbots'— h. Hall. Wilder, Levi, laborer — 31 South. Wilkins, George, carpenter— 1 Main. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 80 Wilkins, John, hatter — 54 Washington. Willard, Charles H., shoemaker — Sand Hill. Willard, Moses T., dentist — 8 Center. Williams, Daniel H., trimmer at Abbots* — ^h. 26 Main. Williams, Isaac F. — 78 Main. Williams, Willard, trimmer at Abbots* — b. J. Goodrich*s. Williamson, William, blacksmith at Abbots* — h. 3 West. Willis, A. S. L., clerk at Bullock*s — b. G. Bullock*s. Willey, Thomas, blacksmith — 42 Cross. Willey, Zebulon, watchman at Depot — h. 32 Washington. Wilson, Oliver C., carpenter — 25 Union. Yfingate, J. C. A., attorney at law, Phenix Block. Winkley, David, (Winkley & Davis, merchant tailors, 156 Main) — h. 41 School. Winslow, Dudley — 15 West. Wise, George, carpenter — 3 Montgomery. Wiser, Nathan, laborer — 88 Warren. Wolcott, Benjamin F., mechanic — 16 Rumford. Wolcott, George, Northern R. R. shop — h. corner State and Thorndike. Wolcott, Josiah, ornamental painter — 5 Merrimack, W ood, Amos — corner Spring and Pleasant. Wood, George, professor of music — 256 Main. Woodbury, Washington — 16 Thompson. Woodman, Alfred, pressman — b. Miss Blodgett*s. Woodruff, Robert, painter at Abbots* — h. 22 Main. Woodward, Ephraim W., (Abbot & Woodward) — h. 40 Green. Woolson, Charlotte H. — b. Sarah 0. Herbert’s. Woods, Dutton, carpenter — 7 Wall. Woods, Edward, laborer — 7 Warren. Worster, George — b. J. Worster’s. Worster, James — 5 Green. Worth, Calvin, laborer — Franklin. Worthen, Ezra E., dentist, 176 Main — b. Mrs. Gault*s. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 81 Worthen, Hannah, widow — 33 Warren. Worthen, Jacob W., baker, 14 School — h. south end South. Wright, J. D., painter — Cooper. Wright, John H., molder— h. 9 Franklin, Wright, William, laborer — 38 Cross, Wyatt, Joseph G,, expressman — 36 Main, Wyman, Horace G., painter — b, R. G, Wyman’s, Wyman, Joseph J., painter — b, R. G. Wyman’s. Wyman, Reuben — 173 State. Wyman, Reuben G., meat market. Pleasant — h. 173 State. Wyman, William H., (Wyman & Mace, meat, vegetables, &c., 118 Main) — h. 43 Green. YATES, Thomas, painter at Abbots’ — b. J. Burgum’s. Young, George W., wheelwright at Abbots’ — ^b. Moses Bod- well’s. Young, Thomas W., (Brown & Young, furniture, 204 Main) — h. 22 Green. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 82 A BUSINESS KEY I OF THE I CITY OF COISrOORoJ i IN WHICH THE TRADES AND PROFESSIONS ARE ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED UNDER THEIR RESPECTIVE HEADS. AGRICULTURAL TOOLS. Moore, Gilley & Co., 212 Main. D. A. Warde, 180 Main. Gust. Walker, 128 Main. ^ A. B. Currier, 107 Main. APOTHECARIES. E. H. Rollins, 196 Main. I. N. Morton & Co., 178 Main. J. C. Pillsbury, 129 Main. J. Morgan, 103 Main. ARCHITECTS. Poster & Robinson, Exchange Block, Main. AUCTIONEERS. J. L. Pickering, 131 Main. Wm. Kent, 126 Main. BATHING ROOMS. Robert C. Osgood, corner Main and Center. BAKERS. J. S. Norris, 85 Main. J. W. Worthen, 14 School. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 83 BEDSTEAD MANUEACTOBY. Isaac Elwell, contractor at Prison. BLACKSMITHS. S. M. Chesley, rear 286 Main. B. Gill, 120 Spring. James Hoit, 4 Warren. BOARDING HOUSES, I John Palmer, 25 School. R. H. Sherburne, 34 Pleasant. Robert C. Osgood, corner Main and Center. Geo. Dame, 229 Main. I BOOK BINDERS, i Merriam & Merrill, 226 Main. Crawford & Chick, 160 Main. Morrill & Silsby, 117 Main, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. Merriam & Merrill, 226 Main. I B. W. Sanborn, 175 Main. ; Crawford & Chick, 160 Main. I Morrill & Silsby, 117 Main. I .G. P. Lyon, 210 Main. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS. Calvin Thorn, 146 Main. Joseph French, Prison store, 197 State. Chase Hill & Son, 149 Main. L. A. Haseltine, 12 School. J. A. Harris, 202 Main. Benj. Gage, 156 Main. Munsey & Gilman, 8 School. Geo. H. Bachelder, 123 Main. BRASS FOUNDER. J. D. Cooper, opposite Freight Depot. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 84 CABINET MAKERS. D. A. Hill & Co., 238 Main. Brown & Young, 204 Main. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. S. Seayey, old Steam Mill. Daniel Fletcher, 6 South. Samuel Wallace, Pearl. Mead & Brothers, North Arch, , Call’s Block. Colby & Dow, 4 Wall. H. M. Moore, 10 Montgomery. CARPETING. Sanborn & Jackson, 206 Main. Horace A. Fay, 174 Main. C. W. Harvey, 140 Main. J. P. Tucker & Co., 152 Main. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORIES. J. S. & E. A. Abbot, 13 and 15 Main. Lewis Downing & Sons, opposite Phenix Hotel. J. T. Blodgett, rear of Low’s Block. 0. G. Ingalls, rear of Sanborn’s Block. S. M. Griffin, 255 Main. John Titcomb, 286 Main. CIGAR MANUFACTORY, James P. Carroll, 121 Main. CLERGYMEN. Osmon C. Baker, D. D., Bishop M. E. Church. S. M. Vail, Professor at Biblical Institute. John W. Merrill, D. D., Professor at Biblical Institute. David Patten, D. D., Professor at Biblical Institute. C. Brown, Chaplain State Prison. N. E. Marble, D. D., Episcopalian. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 85 N. Bouton, D. D., Congregational. H. E. Parker, Congregational. H. A. Kendall, (East Village,) Congregational. B. P. Stone, D. D., Congregational. A. P. Tenney, (West Village,) Congregational. C. W. Flanders, Calvinistic Baptist. E. E. Cummings, D. D., Calvinistic Baptist. E. Worth, (Fisherville.) Calvinistic Baptist, H. Whitcher, Freewill ^gaptist. A. J. Davis, Freewill Baptist. Jacob Sanborn, Methodist Episcopal. A. B. Muzzey, Unitarian. John H. Moore, Universalist. E. Smith, Methodist. Henry Tonkin. Oren Tracy, Calvinistic Baptist. CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. Johnson & Wadleigh, 208 Main. J. H. Hill, 202 Main. Winkley & Davis, 15.6 Main. Abbog & Woodward, 170 Main. T. W. Stewart & Co., 146 Main. J. S. McFarland, 125 Main. A. J. Edmunds, 182 Main. E. E. Harvey, 134 Main. Lincoln & Shaw, 164 Main. J. L. Pickering, corner Main and Warren, COAL AND WOOD. H. W. Ranlet & Co. CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE. Sylvester & Eastman, 166 Main. Sanborn & Jackson, 206 Main. H. A. Fay, 174 Main. Evans & Hill, 167 Main. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 86 COFFIN WARE-HOUSES. D. A. Hill & Co., 238 Main. Joseph Brown, 259 Main. CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT. N. R. Brown, 224 Main. J. H. Morrill, 194 Main. A. J. & G. W. Baker, 140 Main. J. S. Norris, 85 Main. COOPERS. John Hoyt, 288 Main. COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Samuel Fletcher, J. H. George, John Whipple, George G. Fogg, Henry A. Bellows, A. Herbert Bellows, S. A. Kimball, S. C. Badger, Arthur Fletcher, Sylvester Dana, L. D. Stevens, H. P. Rolfe, Amos Hadley, Wm. H. Bartlett, F. B. Peabody, Nehemiah Butler, J. Y. Mugridge, Wm. L. Foster, David Pillsbury, L. T. Flint, Wm. F. Goodwin, # N. B. Bryant, Wm. E. Chandler. J. C. A. Wingate. Anson S. Marshall. DAGUERREAN AND PHOTOGRAPH ARTISTS. J. L. Kimball & Co., 198 Main. Baker & Brother, 114 Main. Nathan Brown, 176 Main. Wm. D. McPherson, Exchange Building. DENTISTS. Dr. M. T. Willard, 8 Center. Dr. J. W. Little, 176 Main. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 87 Dr. E. E. Worthen, 176 Main. Dr. Wm. W. Fletcher, 210 Main. F. M. Emanuel, 15 Center. DOORS, BLINDS AND SASH. Rixford & Bunker, old Steam Mill. DRY GOODS, Johnson & Wadleigh, 208 Main. Scheuer & Kramer, 240 Main. C. F. Stewart, 200 Main. Clark & Currier, 172 Main. James Hazelton, 158 Main. J. P. Tucker & Co., 152 Main. Evans & Hill, 167 Main. Gilbert Bullock, 171 Main. DYER, Cyrus Farrar, East Concord. FURNITURE AND FEATHERS. D. A. Hill & Co., 238 Main. Brown & Young, 204 Main. FLOUR AND GRAIN. W. Odlin, 244 Main. J. H. Pearson & Co., Depot Store, R. R. Square. Geo. Hutchins & Co., New Depot Store, R. R. Square. Lewis Barter, 6 Pleasant. GRO CERIE S, F. A. Fisk, 336 and 338 Main. J. A. West, 306 Main. W. Odlin, 244 Main. Amos Blanchard, 230 Main. M. B. Smith, 189 Main. E. G. Kilbum, 242 Main. 88 CONCORD DIRECTORY. A. & C. C. Webster, 124 Main. J. r. Hoit, 157 Main. Wm. P. Hardy, 95 Main. B. P. Whipple & Co.j 127 Main. GAS PIPES AND FIXTURES. Morse &> Co., 105 Main. GRIST MILL. A. C. Holt & Brothers, at the old Steam Mill. GUN SMITH. James Jones, 191 Main. HAIR DRESSERS. S. J. Carr & Co., Eagle Hotel. G. Brackett, American House. J. B. Silver, 132 Main. S. W. Purdy, 147 Main. Charles Proctor, 97 Main. HARDWARE, &c. Gust. Walker, 128 Main. D. A. Warde, 180 Main. J. C. Pillsbury, 129 Main. Moore, Cilley & Co., 112 Main. HARNESS MAKERS. D. Symonds, 236 Main. J. D. Johnson, 234 Main. J. R. Hill, 153 Main. H. Fessenden, 119 Main. HATS, CAPS AND FURS. J. Grover, 220 Main. C. H. Sanger & Sons, 150 Main. Lincoln & Shaw, 164 Main. C. C. Chesley, 135 Main. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 89 IRON DEALERS. Moore, Gilley & Co., 212 Main. D. A. Warde, 180 Main. Brown & Noyes, R. R. Square. IRON FOUNDERS. W. P. &. T. H. Ford, near old Steam Mill. J. D. Cooper, opposite Freight Depot. JEWELRY AND WATCHES. E. Knight, 214 Main. Carter & Whitford, 184 Main. J. B. Stanley, 160 Main. Charles Pearson, 122 Main. | I. Hall, 262 Main. I LIVERY STABLES. S. B. Whitcher & Co., opposite Phenix Hotel. I Frank Coffin, rear Union Hotel. || J. Prescott & Co., rear Eagle Hotel. |! C. N. Corning & Co., rear Columbian Hotel. ! Dudley & Corning, rear Phenix Hotel. j J. F. Nealey, rear Elm House. | J. S. Moore, rear Union Hotel. LAST MANUFACTORY. J. L. Jackson, R. R. Square, LOOKING-GLASS MANUFACTORY. Sylvester & Eastman, 166 Main. MELODEONS AND REED ORGANS. Charles Austin, R. R. Square. Prescott Brothers, 176 Main. Liscom, Dearborn & Co., 142 Main. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 1 90 I LUMBER DEALERS, j Emerson & Cutting, nearly opposite City Hall, i A. B. Holt, corner School and Merrimack. C. W. Batchelder, Huntington. MACHINE SHOPS. Northern Railroad Shop. Concord Railroad Shop. MARBLE AND GRAVE STONES. Day & Allen, 10 School, i Nathan Earley, 74 Main. MILLINERY GOODS. M. M. Kelsea, 197 Main. Gustine Marshall, 232 Main. Mary C. Herbert, 168 Main. Jane L. Crawford, 161 Main. T. H. Bickford, 89 Main. M. J. & E. A. Hazelton, Main. James Hazelton, 158 Main. MUSIC STORES. I Drew & Jackman, Phenix Block. I Prescott Brothers, 176 Main. I MASONS. H. M. Robinson, corner Spring and School. R. M. Ordway, 206 State. Jefferson Noyes, 24 Union. J. C. Whittemore, 348 Main. J. B. Smart, 10 Maple. Thompson Rowell, 18 Downing. Charles H. Burr, 142 Spring. NEWSPAPERS. New-Hampshire Statesman, 120 Main. State Capital Reporter, 176 Main. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 91 Independent Democrat, 162 Main. New-Hampshire Phenix, 148 Main. New-Hampshire Patriot, 173 Main. Congregational Journal, 175 Main. PKOVISION DEALERS. Moores & Barker, 195 Main. Wyman & Mace, 118 Main. Samuel Clark & Co. ,*138 Main. R. G. Wyman, 4 Pleasant. PHYSICIANS. C. P. Gage, corner Main and Center. E. G. Moore, 84 Main. Alpheus Morrill, 82 Main. Charles Bell, corner State and Park. Ezra Carter, corner Main and Washington. Benj. S. Warren, 216 Main. Timothy Haynes, 216 Main. Thomas Chadbourne, corner Main and Montgomery. William Prescott, 314 and 316 Main. AYilliam H. Smart, 73 Main. James F. Sargent, 216 Main. J. C. Baker, 82 Main. Isaac Colby, 20 Pleasant. Fred. Gust. Oehme, Rollins’ Block. Charles A. Lockerby, 10 State. Joseph J. Farrington, 216 Main — h. 23 Merrimack. PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTORY. Liscom, Dearborn &> Co., 142 Main. PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. Sylvester & Eastman, 166 Main. PAINTERS. Geo. D. Abbott, rear Athenian Hall. S. L. Gale, rear Union Hotel. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 92 James Moulton, 25 Washington. Gilman Cutting, 44 Warren. George Main, 110 Main. PRINTERS. McFarland & Jenks, 120 Main. George G. Fogg, 162 Main. William Butterfield, 173 Main. Barton & Hadley, 176 Main. Mower & Hale, 216 Main. Jones & Cogswell, 160 Main. John B. Palmer, 148 Main. A. H. Wiggin, 160 Main. Morrill & Silsby, 115 and 117 Main. PLOW MAKERS. J. L. Robinson & Co., rear Stickney’sr^lock. W. P. & T. H. Ford, near old Steam Mill, PLANING MILL. A. C. Holt &> Brothers, old Steam Mill. PLANE MAKER. Philip Sargent, 184 State. SASH, BLIND AND DOOR MAKERS. Rixford & Bunker, old Steam Mill. Henry Rolfe & Sons, Fisherville. SAW MILL. Concord Steam Mill Company, Horse Shoe Pond. SIGN PAINTERS. G. D. Abbot, rear Athenian Hall. George Main, 110 Main. SILVER AND BRASS PLATERS. Smith & Walker, R. R. Square. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 93 SILVER SPOON MANUFACTORY. William B. Durgin, 205 Main. SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTORY. J. D. Teel, Free Bridge Road. Moses Critchet, corner Washington and Walnut. STOVE DEALERS. D. A. Warde, 180 Main. A. B. Currier, 107 Main. Geo. Sanders & Co., 109 and 113 Main. C. H. Flanders, 133 Main. SURVEYORS OF LAND. Benjamin Parker, 10 Center. Benjamin F. Gale, 59 Pleasant. S. C. Badger, 181 State. TANNERS. Enos Blake, rear 105 State. Cyrus Robinson, East Village. TELEGRAPH OPERATOR. J. W. Robinson, 192 Main. ^ WHIP MANUFACTORY. J. C. Danforth, Park. UPHOLSTERY. Phineas Cary, jr., 222 Main. Jehiel Annable, 114 Main. UNDERTAKER. Joseph Brown, 259 Main. 94 CONCORD DIRECTORY. A BUSINESS KEY OF THE VILLAGE OF FISHERVILLE, (ward 1 OF THE CITY OF CONCORD.) Post Office address — Fisherville, N. H. BLACKSMITHS. I. G. Howe, John Morrill, Leonard Drown, Hiram Gage. BOARDING HOUSES. J. C. Shepard, Almon Harris, Ira Palmer, Andrew Dow, M. H. Bean, H. Simpson, Mrs. Briggs, Mrs. Mann. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS. J. P. Sanders, Roach & Turner, Charles Smith, Batchelder &, Moody, H. H. & J. S. Brown. CABINET MAKERS. Caldwell, Amsden & Co., William Robinson, J. C. Martin. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Charles Stark. CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE. Amsden & Merriam. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 95 CLERGYMEN. Jesse M. Cross Edmund Worth, Eleazer Smith. CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. Charles Smith, J. P. Sanders, Roach & Turner. CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT. S. G. Noyes, L. A. Shedd. COUNSELLOR AT LAW. A. S. Alexander. DRESS MAKERS AND MILLINERS. H. 0. Swett, Jane Atherton, L. Sabine. DRUGGIST. John S. 'Collins. DRY GOODS. G. W. Wadleigh, Pratt & Allen, H. H. & J. S. Brown. DENTIST. . H. D. White. ^ GROCERIES. L. A. Shedd, John N. Hill, Batchelder & Moody, Luther Gage, H. H. & J. S. Brown. 1 HARNESS MAKER. John A. Coburn. HATS, CAPS AND FURS. J. P. Sanders, Charles Smith. JEWELRY AND WATCHES. S. G. Noyes, Pratt & Allen, G. W. Wadleigh. CONCORD DIRECTORY. 96 LIVERY STABLES. S. B. Hoyt, E. W. Thompson, Healey Morse. LUMBER DEALERS. H. Rolfe & Sons, C. & J. C. Gage, E. E. Elliott. MASONS. H. W. Knowlton, Hiram Simpson. MACHINISTS. J. B. Rand, Hiram Gage, L. & A. H. Drown. MANUEACTURER of PIANO-EORTE HARDWARE. Jacob B. Rand. PEG MANUEUCTURER. S. G. Brett. PHYSICIANS. W. H. Hosmer, S. M. Emery. PAINTERS. A. G. Howe, H. Rolfe & Sons. SASH, BLIND AND DOOR MAKERS. H. Rolfe & Sons. SAW MANUEACTORY. Gage, Porter & Co. STOVE DEALERS. Amsden & Merriam. JAMES HAZELTON, DEALER IN SILKS, SHAWLS, STUFF GOODS, PRINTS AND DOMESTICS. ALSO, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF B00f§, %EQU Am Also, Manufacturer and Dealer in STRAW AND SILK BONNETS. Ribbons, Laces, Flowers & Millinery Goods, Wholesale and Retail. LOW’S BLOCK, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, CONCQ^RD, N. H. Old Bonnets Cleansed, Colored and Repaired. LISCOM, DEARBORN & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN SERAPHINES AND MELODEONS, Adapted for Cliurcli and Parlor use. No. 116 MAIN ST., CONCORD, N. H. Tuning, Exchanging and Repairing will always meet with prompt attention. E J. L. JACKSON, MANUFACTURER OP DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF PASSENOER REPOT, CONCORD, N. H. J. W. LITTLE, M. D., EXCHANGE [Sooozxd DE'loox*,! OVER H. A. FAT^S CROCKERY STORE^ CONCORD, N. H. BR0¥N & YOUNG, DEALERS IN FUENITURE, CHAIRS, Mattresses, Looking-Glasses, &e.. No. 5 STICKNEY’S NEW BLOCK, DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE STATE HOUSE, CONCORD, N. H. JOHN BROWN, THOMAS W. YOUNG. SANBORN & JACKSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in 8 A Crockery, Glass and Britannia Ware, Paper Hangings, TABLE CUTLERY, SOLAR LAMPS, AMERICAN PORCELAIN WARE, &.C., OPPOSITE THE STATE HOUSE, PETER SANBORN, CONCORD, N. H. E. JACKSON. JOHN H. PEARSON & CO., (Successors to Joseph A. Gilmore & Co.,) AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WEST INDIA GOODS, FLOUR, CORN, FISH, SALT, LIME, PLASTER, CEMENT, MOLASSES, TEAS, OILS, NAILS, SPIKES, &c. ALSO, ALL KINDS OF WESTERN PRODUCE. OFFICES : No. 5 Merchants’ Row, Boston, & Depot Store, Concord, N. H. Messrs. J. H. P. & Co. would respectfully call the atten- tion of the trade to their large stock of f OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, which they confidently recommend to purchasers as being NOW IN THE MAKKET. They are also receivers of several of the — or — SOUTHERN AND WESTERN FLOUR, For Bakers’ and Family use, ALL OF WHICH THEY OFFER AT THE iWFOR CASH. "CO CHENEY & CO.’S M M«tKE.aiL The subscribers, having an exclusive contract vrith the Directors of the Concord, Northern, Vermont Central, Pas- sumpsic, and Concord and Claremont Railroads, to run cars with the passenger trains daily on said roads, for the trans- mission of Packages, Money, Merchandise, &c., respectfully give notice that they will forward all articles in their line of business, daily, each way, (Sundays excepted.) Packages will be forwarded to all parts of NEW-HAMPSHIRE, VERMONT, THE Offices at Railroad Exchange, Court Square, Boston ; at Eagle Hotel Block, and at Railroad Depot, Concord^ at J. S. Cheney’s, (opposite City Hall,) Manchester; at Emer- son’s Store, Hanover ; at J. W. Howe’s, Montpelier, Vt. ; at N. Y. Express Offices, Burlington, Vt., and Montreal, Canada ; R. Tubbs, Wells River, Vt. ; S. C. Butler, Stan- stead. The Express Train for Montreal and Stanstead leaves Boston on Tuesdays, and returns on Saturday of each week. N. B. The subscribers are alone responsible for the loss or injury of any articles or property of any description en- trusted to their care, nor is any risk assumed by the railroad companies that are designated. NATHANIEL WHITE, Concord, N. H. B. P. , Railroad Exchange, Court Square, Boston, Cj* concord, n. h., MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE ^ RETAIL DEALERS IN BUFFALO AND FANCY ROBES ; §ttffEil0, toit, Jilpa ©immis; FASHIONABLE DRESS FURS, OF EVERT variety; Gloves, Mittens, Canes, Umbrellas, &e. They would say to all that their stock is one of the and comprises every thing to be found in their line of busi- ness. Especial attention is paid to the manufacture of MOLESKIF HATS, Of the Latest Styles, and of Superior Qual- ities, to which we invite the attention of retail dealers. Particular orders will receive immediate notice. THE HIGHEST PRICES PAID EOR C. H. SANGER & SONS, LOW’S BLOCK, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, CONCORD, N. H. GEORGE MAIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in piirats, ©ils, Jirtisfs llattrials, FANCY GOODS, HAIR WORK, STATIONERY, Etc. A full assortment of OIL PAINTINGS and ENGRAV- INGS. Landscape, Grecian and Oriental Painting taught in the best style of the art. Corner of Main and Hutchins Streets, opposite the Depot, CONCORD, N. H. iig |iair grasin0al0M, EAGLE HOTEL BLOCK, MAIN STREET, CONCORD, N. H. SAMUEL J. CARR & CO.’S F A S H I O IV A B L.'fe HAIR DREEING ROOM. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ^ 61]ohipooli(]0 — ALSO, — CUT AND CUKLED IN THE NEWEST STYLE. RAZORS GROUND AND HONED AT SHORT NOTICE. The best HAIR DYES applied and for sale. On hand — all kinds of HAIR WORK. Wigs dressed over in the best manner. A variety of §rttsl]js, ©flmljs, f erfiiiMg, ©ils, and other Toilet Articles always on hand. Also, an assort- ment of LINEN COLLARS, &c. D:;^ The best Hair Restoratives of the day for sale. w. D. McPherson & co., ARTISTS IN I® -A. T El 3>a- T MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. As we have the right for this County, this is the only place where a genuine Ambrotype can be obtained. CONCORD SHOE STORE. J. A.. HARRIS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in * riflis, ^|0es anir Stickney’s Bloek, a few Doors north of Eagle Hotel, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE STATE HOUSE, CONCORD, N. H. lATOHY HALL HAS FOR SALE GOLD AND SILVER, ENGLISH AND FRENCH LEVER AND CYLINDER WATCHES ; eight day and thirty hour CLOCKS, in great variety; Silver, Table, Tea and Dessert Forks, Silver Spoons, Butter and Fruit Knives, Napkin Rings, Gold and Silver Spectacles, Plated Ware, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. Those wishing to purchase will be satisfied with price and quality, by calling at his store, 262 Main Street^ opposite City Hall, J. F. H O I T, DEALER IN W. India Goods, Groceries and Provisions, PRODUCE, FLOUR, km mkm, 157 jUain St., Concord, N. 11. OSCAR G. lAGALLS ^joluaibiaii Hotel, m. SI. ; i Every branch of the Carriage Manufacturing business is i combined in this establishment. i ttSEYALB. BSfiefflS. SHfflSiSi AND— I ^ (25 $3^ ^ I ON HAND AND FOR SALE, [}Mi^[D)'[i TO @[^©[E[k^ AT SHORT FOTIGE.I EVERETT’S ! PATENT COUPLING] ATTACHED WHEN REQUIRED. | BiPAiliWil I — AND — I F^^TlSr^X'NGrl DONE IN THE BEST MANNER, | — AND ON — I ALL WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE N. R. BROWN, DEALER IN Coi\fec.tioiie,Y'5 Taiic^ Goods, Nuts, Raisins, Dates, Figs, Tobacco, Cigars, &c. ; §ODA WATER, EEMOAABE AND BEER. Oysters by the quart or gallon ; also cooked to order. Ice Cream by the glass, quart or gallon ; also in molds for par- ties, at reasonable prices. ZZotol. j. STEWART McFarland, (Late of the firm of Pillsbury & McFarland,) bailor, AND DEALER IN READY-MADE CLOTHING, §r0aljdotljs, Ciissimcns, iotsliras, ftstinp, GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS, &C. ISTo. 125 AIDIN' ST., OPPOSITE THE PASSEJ^rOER DEPOT, All kinds of Gent’s and Youth’s Garments made to j order at the shortest notice, and warranted to give perfect I satisfaction. I E. E. HARVEY, ~~ DEALER IN Clatji0, IReahj-IHotie ClnthiEg, — AND — fllllSSll f ®0®B, I, €AS>S, 13* BIAIN STREET, CONCORD, N. H. Two Doors north Phenix Hotel. J. G. WHITCOMB, Cutter. — BY — JOHN GASS, CONCORD, N. H. Passengers taken to and from the Depot, El’ee of M. B. SMITH, DEALER IN W. nil GOODS, ®io®sa5s§ AND II>1®¥ISS tlS, Two Doors north, of AMERICAN HOUSE. eit O N ! School Street, C^v\V ' NEAK THE POST OFFICE. (Brown, White, Domestic and Graham,) constantly on hand, J. W. WORTHEN^. Orders from out of town for Crackers, &c., promptly at- tended to. JA.Ad[ES E. HILE, MANUFACTURER OF Coach, Gig, Chaise, Buggy, Stage and Trotting JSBSi. n^SU* JBt^ -B H -S ^ f ranks, falists, €nr^d-§ags, Mlji^s, ^c., No. 153 ilSain Street, .... CONCORD, N. H. Orders respectfully solicited and promptly attended to. GUST. WALKER, (Late Warde & Walker,) IMPORTER AND DEALER IN A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF ENGLISH, GERMAN AND AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Peilifiiiks' Airman Minboto ilass, Nails, Lead Pipe, Copper, Iron, Wood and Chain FUMFS, BIBB CAGES, AT THE XEW STAXB, No. 1 PHENIX BLOCK, few steps from the Kailroad De- pot, and nearly opposite the two large Wholesale West India Goods Stores, OOINCORD, H. Also, agency for Gage, Porter & Co.^s Cast Steel SAWS, which will be sold at the maker’s lowest prices. Particular attention given to Saws to be repaired. Adams’ Chopping I Axes. The Doe and Lion Plows. Self-Heating Smoothing I Irons ; Patent Hammered Horse Nails, made from the very I best quality Nail Rods, and warranted to give satisfaction. I Also, the American Horse Nail Co.’s Pressed Nails. Earl j Smith & Co.’s Cast Steel. Wooden Ware, consisting of at Wholesale. Also, Brooms, Cotton Wrapping, Twine and Wicking, Corn and Cob Crackers, Corn-Shellers, &c. Ev- ery description of All of the above Goods are offered at the lowest wholesale and retail prices. The public are respectfully invited to call, and he will endeavor to make it for their interest to bestow their patronage upon him. Particular attention given to orders by mail or express. PATENT SELF-HEATING SMOOTHINa IRONS. THESE IRONS COMBINE COlMlTs Am ECONOMY, AS ONE CENT’S WORTH OF COAL Is ample Fuel for a whole Day ! RECOMMENDATIONS from the most exprienced house- keepers furnished if required. G-MST. WALKER, (Formerly Warde & Walker,) at the NO. 1 PHENIX BLOCK, nearly opposite the Railroad Depot, Concord, Wholesale and Retail Agent for New-IIampsliire. THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE CONSTANTLY — AND — ^ 22 52 ^ e AMONG WHICH ARE Harper’s Magazine, Godey’s Lady’s Book, Graham’s Magazine, Putnam’s do., Peterson’s do., London Hews, London Art Journal, &c. MERRIAM & MERRIL. DR. R. G. OEHME, flOMfflOPATHIC OFFICE, KOLLINS’ BLOCK, Opposite State House, J. D. TEEL, DEALER IN TALLOW, NEATS-FOOT OIL, Potash, Swine, &c.. Free Bridge Road, CONCOKD, N. H. Cumiet anir Canit. The subscriber has constantly on hand and for sale every variety of BUILDING MATERIALS, SUCH AS flank, Spnglw, inarks, Cla^knarks, Furring, Laths, Finishing Lumber, &c.; of all qualities for fencing, &c., which will be sold low for cash, or approved credit. The subscriber has also for sale a large number of HOUSE LOTS, situated in the most pleasant parts of Concord. ABEL B. HOLT, Corner of School and Merrimack Streets. H. FESSENDEN, SADDLER, AND MANUFACTURER OP Coach; Gig, Chaise, Buggy, Stage and Trotting JEVL IV JfcO Si SiS IBEZ SS 9 ®rttnks, ialists, Car^tl-fags, ^c,, Main Street, opposite Depot, --- CONCORI), N. H. 11^ Orders respectfully solicited and promptly attended to. A. H. RANDALL, MANUFACTURER OP PLAIN AND FANCY SHmTS, 137 Main St., opposite Phenix Hotel, CONCORD, N. H. Also Agent for Wheeler & Wil- son’s Sewing Machines, Main Agency, New-York. NATHAN FARLEY, MANUFACTURER OF — OF — Grave Stones AND lOOTlSITSs 74 MAIN STREET, CONCORD, N. H. J. L. FOSTER, mzi jE3a: is: rmr j pg Office, Mercliants’ Exclianf^e, Cup stairs, > NEARLY OPPOSITE STATE HOUSE, MAIN ST., COIVCORD, N. H. Architectural Drawings, in every variety of style, neatly and promptly executed, for Villas, Cottages, Farm Buildings, Churches, or Public Edifices of every kind, including Plans, Elevations, Sections and De- tail Drawings, together with Specifications, Estimates, Contracts, and such superintendence as may be necessary for the execution of the same. Orders from abroad respectfully solicited. Charges always rea- sonable. J^MES JOISTES, Manufacturer and Dealer in Rifles, Rouble and Single Fowling Guns, PISTOLS, AND SPORTING APPARATUS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ALSO, lispg tobk, fotolitt, fegs, A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Colt’s & Allen’s Patent Pistols CONSTANTLY ON HAND, THREE DOORS NORTH AMERICAN HOUSE, CONCORD, N. H. Repairing of every description done at short notice. J. f. f <1 (E®., (Successors to H. A. Newhall,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN /nrrigii mi Smmraii Irt) ®nnii0, TRIMMINGS AND EMBROIDERIES. Also, Manufacturers of Cloaks & Mantillas, in their season. J. P. T. & Co. are Agents for the Malden Dye-House Co. WILLIAM P. HAKDY, AGENT, DEALER IN W. 1. GOODS AID GROCERIES, Salt, Corn, Fish, Provisions, &c., &c.. Corner of main and Pleasant sts., Directly opposite the South Church and Depot, CONCORD, N. H. Carriage and Harness Makers IN WANT OP Will find it for their interest to call on SMITH ^ WALKED, OPPOSITE THE DEPOT, CONCORD, N. H., Who keep a general assortment, among which may he found Oil-Top and Patent Leather, Enameled Cloth, Carriage Bands, Malleable Castings ; also, a large assortment of Sil- vor-plated and Common Harness Trimmings, and Harness- Makers' Tools. Silver and Brass Plating done in the best manner, and at a reasonable price. Silver Door Plates, the most durable of any in use, made to order. THORlsr, oxTsrroTwx BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURER, MAIN ST., CONCORD, N. H. : Such as Men^s and Boys’ Thick, Kip, Calcutta and Calf Boots and Shoes ; Women’s, Misses’ and Children’s Kid and Leather Shoes and Bootees constantly on hand, or made to order. REPAIRING done at short notice. GEO. SANDERS & 00., j MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Air-Tight, Cook, Office and Parlor Stoves ; AGRICULTURAL TOOLS; Oveii-moiitlis, Asli and Boiler Doors, Copper Boilers, Brass Kettles, Fog Horns ; Tin, Wooden, Japan- ned, Brittannia and Glass Ware, &c., lit and 113 Main street, ) tt Opposite the Passenger Depot, ) OUi'l uUXV-U, i-l. ll. rr. SANDERS, ) 95“C)ash paid for Rags, Copper, Brass, ( s. l. sanders, GEO. SANDERS, j Pewtcr, Lead, &c. | c. m. sanders. BROWN & NOTES, j Importers and Dealers in all kinds of IKON AND STEEL, Manufactured Iron, Boiler and Sheet Iron, Axletrees, Sprin§^!ii, Anvils, Tises, !!!iniitlis’ Bellows, Chains, Stone Hammers, Nuts, Washers, M.a\\ealAe, ijaslings, &c. ALSO, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF FAIRBANKS’ PATENT SCALES, Kail road Square, L. D. BROWN. J. W. NOTES. H. M. ROBINSON, Proprietor of Waterville Aqueduct; ALSO, DEALER IN %ul fetate, Into, SAND, LIME AND BRICKS, OF EVERY QUALITY. ALSO, Morli, ®pe-tos|ing, Colonitg; I Cellars cemented at short notice. COJim OF SPROG & SCHOOL STS., : SI. The undersigned, having made large additions of all sizes of EEADY-MADE COFFINS, at his old stand. Three Doors from the New North Church, is enabled to furnish every size and style of llarli Malmtt, futtermit, auii from $2 to $10, and CHESTNUT and PINE at very re- duced prices, and lined in any style desired. Also, CASKETS for children. ROBES of all sizes fur- nished equally low. JOSEPH BROWN, Superintendent of the North Cemetery. DAY Sf ALLEY, N/IANUFACnrURERS OF ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE MONUMENTS AND GRAVE-STONES, OF ALL PATTERNS AND QUALITIES. Also, SLATE STONE, of the best quality. LETTERS of every variety, cut to suit the fancy of customers. SCHOOL ST., CONCORD, N. H. Dealers in English, French and American Of every description. Also, extensive dealers in ^ Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, NO. 5, MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. D. E. CLARK. Sa Ma T. E. CURRIER. dealer's in ^ ^ W.I.aOODS.eEOCERIES, ¥\ovtr, Covn, Shorts, POStM, LAR1>, HAiniS, &c., No. 2, PHENIX BLOCK, Opposite Passeng^er Depot, MERCHANT TAILORS, AND DEALERS IN Cloths, Ready-Made Clothing, AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Low’s Brick Block, opposite tke Post-Office, D. WINKLEY, I tr JAMES DAVIS, i UwJWUUJAJLf, JWi JSL» Pittsfield ^tage LEAVES EOTU EVERY DAY, AT HALF PAST THREE, Sundays excepted. TRUE GARLAE'D, Driver. Moores & Barker, DEALERS IN BEEF, PORK, LARD, &c., 195 MAIN STREET, CONCORD, N. H. JOHNS' H. HILL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN SSrDatitltiili0, ®a0siinEres, loEakiiw, Ie0ting0, And Oeaitlemen’s Furnistiing^ Goods, India Rubber Clothing, &;c., ■ 1» Mu STICKNEY’S BLOCK, Opposite the State House, Fire & Life''Insurance Agency. SETH eXsTMAN, Agent for the following sound reliable Stock Companies, and continues to atuEB kii SUBS o:& mmmY. Howard, Traders & Mechanics^, at Lowell ; Springfield and Hampden, at Springfield ; Atlantic, American, Roger Williams, Merchants, and Washington, Providence; and Conway and Connecticut, and National Life Insurance Com- panies, with an aggregate of more than $1,200,000 capital. OJice in Low’s Rumford BhcJc, A GREAT WORK ON THE HOESE, BY DR. GEORGE H. DADD, THE CELEBRATED ENGLISH VETERINARY SURGEON. This valuable work, the experience of a life devoted to a favorite science, is now ready. It is entitled Ylorse, Doctor, CONTAINING PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS ON CAUSES, IVature, and Treatment of IN HORSES, embracing the most recent and improved methods, according to an enlightened system of Veterinary Therapeutics, for the preservation and restoration of health, WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS, ENGRAVED EXPRESSLY FOR THE WORK. This elegant book, which is undoubtedly the most thorough and reliable of all the works which have yet appeared, is of- fered to tj^ public with the full confidence that it meets a want long felt in this country : viz., a scientific, accurate, and reliable treatise on the Structure, Training, Disease and Treatment of that noblest of our domestic animals — THE HORSE. Every man who owns a horse should also own Published by John P. Jewett A Co., 117 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. FOR SALE BY MERRIAM & MERRILL, CONCORD, OPPOSITE AMERICAN HOUSE. BROWN’S lagnmeotijpe ROOMS, Exchange Building. CONCORD, N. H. 0:^ The best place to obtain correct, clear and life-like Pictures, and at prices as reasonable as at any other establishment. A great variety of Cases constantly on hand. Also, Gold Lock- ets, Frames, «fcc. T. W. & J. H. STEWART, At this establishment may be found a large and well select- ed assortment of English, French and German Gassimem, Doeskins, &c., which will be manufactured into Garments on the most reas- onable terms, and warranted to give perfect satisfaction. Also, a fine selection of (Kent's Ctujlijs, of every description. A good assortment of CUSTOM READY-MADE CLOTHING constantly on hand, which will be sold cheap for Cash. T. W. & J. H. STEWART. FISHERVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY, AMSDEN & MERRIAM, Manufacturers and Dealers in Office dt]5 Sfobe^, COPPER AND IRON PUMPS, IMK mB FIFi, Ash, Oven and Boiler Months, m, mw, %Emf imoi , AND WOODEN WARE, Wo* 9 Concord Street, opposite Wasliington House, FISHERVILLE, N. H. Particular attention given to Factory Work, and Jobbing of all kinds done to order, at short notice. CALDWELL, AMSDEN & Go., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BUREAUS, SINKS, CARD-TABLES, ^French 13et(!8teahs, Hight ^tanlrgi, TEAPOYS, WASH-STANDS, &c. MAIN STREET, FISHERVILLE, N. H. B. F. CALDWELL. H. H. AMSDEN. S. MERRIAM. F DEALER IN HATS, CAPS, AND No. 1 GRAPHIC BLOCK, El. ROACH & TURNER. — AND — Gent’s Furnishing’ Goods. ALSO, LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S BOOTS AND SHOES. No. 5 Mechanics’ Block, Fisherville, N. H. AND manufacturer OF Coach, Omnibus and Wagon Axletrees, Ms A general assortment on hand, and orders promptly executed. J. IS. DURGlIl, WASHINGTON HOUSE, FishervillCj N. H. Carriages run to and from the Depot. A Good Livery Stable connected with the House. JOHN A. COBURN, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Soiid toather, Boot Top and Common Trunks, VALISES AND CARPET-BAGS, LADIES’ CARPET SATCHELS & DRESS TRUNKS, All of which will he sold very LOW for CASH. No. 5 Coburn’s Block, Fislaerville, N. H. Custom Work done to order, at short notice. A. S. ALEXANDER, Mnrneij utiir €nmmlkt at Iain, BOSOAWEN, N. H. - - - -B :Fisl3LorT7-±llo, Corner of Concord and Canal Streets. H. ROLFE & SONS, MANUFACTURERS OF ¥INDO¥-FKAMES & SHOE BOXES. Also, dealers in The subscribers, having just made extensive additions to their Stock and Machinery, are now prepared to do Having facilities superior to any in this vicinity, we can furnish the above articles cheaper than can be found else- where. Planing^ and Sawing: done at short notice. ALSO, PAINTING AND GLAZING. ShQp near the Depot, - - - - FISHER VILLE, N. H, H. ROLFE, T. C. ROLFE, N, ROLFE, A. ROLFE. MANUFACTURER, AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN FURNITURE, BUREAUS, SINKS, CARD-TABLES, ®0iUts, ikss frames, Irenrl^ ielisteaj&s, Light Shades, Teapoys, Wash-Stands, &c., WATER STREET, PISHERVILLE, N. H. West India Goods, pts anh tofertionerg, of all Mahs ; PERFUMERY AND FANCY SOAPS, Of every description, and STATIONERY, IN DR. LITTLE^S BUILDING, OPPOSITE THE WASHINGTON HOUSE, FISHERVILLE, N. H. L. A. SHEDD. Jfis|eeMIIe piarket ‘§mst JOHlSr HILlL, In the Brick Basement of the Washington Hotel, No. 6 MAIN STREET, Has for sale a large and new assortment of WEST INDIA GOODS AND GROCERIES : Viz., Molasses, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Mustard, Starcli, Tobacco, Bar-Soap, Spices, Ginger, liard and Tal- low, ftwitU a large Stock of Provisibuis, Flour, Corn and Rye Meal, Beans, Rice, Cod and Pollock Fisk, Mackerel, Tongues and Sounds, Halibut’s Fins, Corned Beef, Bag &. Table Salt, Dried Apples, <&>c. All of the above goods will be sold as cheap for cash,- or produce, as can be bought at any other place in the country or city, and warranted as good as recommended ; if not, the goods may be returned, and the money will be refunded. Persons will do well to call and examine before pur- chasing dse where. CHARLES SMITH, Merchant Tailor, AND DEALER IN custom; HATS, PS, -AND — GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS. ALSO, DEALER IN GENT’S BOOTS, SHOES, OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, No. 1 COBURN’S BLOCK, MAIN ST., H. H. & J. S. BROWN, MAUFACTURERS OF im e 4 E5 -sr e 4, 300 liooms and Preparafian. L. & A. H. DROWN, iflachiniists, Manufacturers of Axletrees, Saw- Arbors, Shafting, Bolts, &e. Axletrees made to order, and a good assortment at all times on hand. All kinds of MACHINE WORK done in the most thorough and workmanlike manner. Orders by mail or express will receive immediate atten- tion. Shop connected with the mill of H. H. & J. S. Brown, PISHERVIlLE, h. H. H. & J. S. BROWN, a MANUFACTURERS OF FOR THE Southern and Western Market. J. C. PILLSBURY, AGENT, DEALER IN jFnrrigH anil Imniran Mxlmxt, I Wti MB Burning Fluid and Lamps, Nails, Glass, i COPPER & IRON PUMPS, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, &c., j Cor. Main and Warren Sts., Concord, N. H, —BY— A.LBEIIT FOSTER, m. SI. Patrons of the House taken to and from the Depot free. PR^IsmIiEAlIeB: Beef, Pork, Lard, Hams, &c., FNIOFT BEOOK, I CONCORD, N. H. I ' CONCORD, N. H. i Patrons of the House taken to and from the Depot free. DR. WILLIAM W. FLETCHER, CONCOIID, N. H. Office in Stickney’s Block, over Moore, Gilley & Go’s Store* Particular attention paid to filling decayed Teeth with gold, and inserting artificial Teeth, without clasps or springs. All operations performed in the most thorough manner, and warranted. W. F. GOODWIN, Ettorneg anit (itounselltii: at iLaiu, — AND — Commissioner for Maine and Massachusetts, EXCHANGE BUILDING, IW* JE3C* MRS. M. M. KELSEY, M-iWiiaer, auA Dealer in Has constantly on hand a large and well selected assort- ^ 4 ment of Pillintrjl anh fantg iooliis, dxjnklee’s building, opposite free bridge road, CONCORD, N. H. N. BROWN’S Ittgmmtijpe HOOMS, Exchange Building, CONCORD, N. H. Pictures set in Lockets, Pins, Rings, &c. Copies of other Da- guerreotypes, Paintings, Engravings, &c., executed in the best man- ner, at reasonable prices. DANIEL A. HILL, ]\early opposite American House, Has constantly on hand, of the very best quality^ every article of Household Furniture usually kept in an extensive Furniture Warehouse, among which may be found beautiful rich SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES, &C., manufactured by some of the best workmen in New-England. Common and Mahogany Parlor and Rocking Chairs, Tables, Secretaries, Bureaus, Wash and Hat Stands, Bedsteads, Mattresses, of all kinds, Looking^ Glasses, Looking-Glass Plates j Bed-Ticks, Willow Cradles, Knife Trays, Towel Racks, Palm Leaf Mattresses, Palm Leaf, for filling Beds ; Music Stools, Clocks, Cribs, Crickets, Brooms, &c. Also, Large Gilt Frame Looking-Glasses. oxx IxAxxdf Live Geese & Common Feathers, BED-CORDS, BRUSHES, &c. [CF All of the above Goods he offers for sale, wholesale and retail, at the lowest prices, and warrants as good as can be found in this State. Of all sizes, and oi C£:> OB 2:^ ^ o All orders will be promptly attended to, and respect- fully solicited. Drugs and Medicines- E. H. HOLLIFS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRUGS, MEDICIIES & CHEMICALS; AGENT FOR THE SALE OF ALL And Manufacturer of SUPERIOR FANCY LOZENGES, Soda Water and Syrups, JVo. 154 MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE THE CAPITOE, CONCORD, N. H. General Agent for Kennedj^s Medical Discovery, and Stoners Liquid Cathartic. lET Goods sold as above, at the very lowest rates, and ev- ery article warranted genuine, and as represented. Orders by mail, express, or otherwise, will receive prompt attention. Goods will be carefully packed. ^ OTIOF MUTUAL Jfire Insuraiitt Conipng, CONCORD, N. H., [incorporated in 1 8 4 8,] Insures property on the Losses will be liberally adjusted, and promptly paid. OFFICE IN DUNCKLEES BLOCK J. E. Lang, Secr^y ; Thos. P. Treadwell, President, Directors : Thos. P. Treadwell, N. S. Chandler, John Gass, Asa Fowler, Ezra Carter and E. T. Stevens. The subscribers have added to their extensive Manufac- turing Department the manufacture of Portfolios, Pocket Books, Banker’s Cases, &Ci Portfolios will be done up in all the variety of styles, from seventy-five cents to three dollars and fifty cents. Letter Paper size^ Book CambriC; two Pockets. iC (C four (( Letter size, Morocco, two u a a C( four (C iC cc Turkey Morrocco, four (C Cap Paper size. Cambric, two cc u u (C (C four cc u (( Morocco, four cc The Morocco, and Turkey Morocco, will be done up in a superior style of finish, inside and out. ■' , FOR ENGRAVINGS, FOR PRIVATE! Qm MAY BE DESIRED, FURNISHED AT SHORT NOTICE. ^ MERRIAM & MERRILL. JOSEPH J. FARRINGTON, M. D., PJ)t)0ician ^ Surgeon, 316 HIAI]^ STREET, OPPOSITE GASS’ AMERICAN HOUSE, CONCORD, N. H. B. S. WARREN, M. D., ^ 216 Main street, OPPOSITE GASS’ AMERICAN HOUSE, CONCORD, N. H. Residence No. 13 Center street. 1 INDUX. Asylum for the Insane, . . .18 Banks, .............. 15 Biblical Institute, 17 Business Key of Concord, 82 Business Key of Fisherville, ........ 94 Charitable Institutions, 16 City Government, 11 County Officers, 18 Insurance Companies, 14 Names, 25 Post Office, 19 Railroads, 13 State Officers, * 18 State Prison, 18 Streets, Courts, &c., 21 CORRECTIONS. Ballard, William, carpenter — 246 Main. Bickford, T. H., milliner and dress-maker — 89 Main. Davis, David — 98 State. Edmunds, A. J., merchant tailor — ^h. corner Spring and School. Sanger, Charles H., (Sanger & Sons) — h. 9 Thompson. 1. N. MORIW & CO., AND DEALERS IN SHOULDER BRACES, PHYSICIANS’ INSTRUMENTS, Foreign Leeches, Dye Stuffs and 02. 2 :^ W 2 :;^ 02 'O'o Also, General Ag^ents for all the xt^XjTT^bxjx: PATENT MEDICINES, AND MANUFACTURERS OP GATJITS SCABLET DTE, NO. 2 EXCHANGE BUILDING, Orders from Physicians and others will receive prompt and personal attention. Physicians' prescriptions accurately prepared, from the —BY— IMERRIAM^ MERRILL. I I COLLECTOR’S WARRANTS ; SURVEYOR’S DO. ; I NOTICES OF TAXES; I RECEIPT OF TAXES; I CERTIFICATES OF INTENTION OF MARRIAGE ; [TOWN ORDERS; TAX BOOKS; ! BLANKS FOR COMMITTEES ; i TO PRUDENTIAL SCHOOL COMMITTEES. ID ES ES 33 S. WARRANTEE, HOMESTEAD ACT; i MORTGAGE, QUITCLAIM ; MORTGAGE, PERSONAL PROPERTY ; i WITHOUT DOWER; WITH DOWER; WARRANTEE, WITH DOWER ; WITHOUT DOWER ; DEEDS, OF COMMON FORM ; JUSTICE’S WRITS ; TRUSTEE’S WRITS; EXECUTIONS; I LEASES OF FARMS; I LEASES OF HOUSES ; I BLANK NOTE BOOKS ; j ‘‘ ON TIME ; I TOWN CLERK’S BOOKS, FOR RECORDING, &c. ; j SELECTMEN’S BOOKS, FOR RECORDING, &c. ; ^ SELECTMEN’S INVENTORY BOOKS. HOUSE LOTS FOB SALE! OF PROSPECT HILL, — IN THE — CITY OF OOYOORF. THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING PURCHASED VARIOUS TRACTS OF LAND, WHICH IN PART Compose this Beatiful Location, has thereby been enabled to LAY IT OUT AT RIGHT ANGLES, or in Squares, in a tasty and convenient style, and now OFFERS THE LOTS FOR SALE. As this beautiful eminence is destined to become one of the most Desirable Dwelling Places in the City, NO FAINS HAS BEEN, NOR WILL BE SFAREO, TO M YA K E AFB KEEP I T S 0. The Land is bounded on the westerly side by High street, and land of H. M. Kobinson ; southerly by the Stickney land, or the lot now in contemplation for the City Common ; westerly by land of E. Symmes, Esq. ; northerly by Salt- marsh and D. H. Fay & Cu.m’s land. A plan of the above can be seen by applying tp the subscriber. JOHN G. HOOK. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS, FURNISHING GOODS, And Manufactory of clothing, , Si* J No. 8 STI^K^Y’g BLOCK, r\ M CF* Ttii jPI ❖ I® -»• liriuUHO^^ aMnent conducted by R. McMath. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN French, English and German aitlr Jfantg SILKS, SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, Laces, Collars, Gloves, &e., STICKNEY’S NORTH BLOCK, . Corner Main Street and Free Bridge Road. CONCORD, N. H. THE B^EM — OP — THOUSAND FLOWERS, rOK BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION, AND REMOVING ALL TAN, PIMPLES AND FRECKLES ZE^xrozn. tlxo SJaLixr. As a Dentifrice it is without a parallel y giving to the TEETH a Pearly Whiteness y and leaving a beautifully Perfumed Breath ; what Lady or Gentleman would have a disa- greeable breathy when by using this Balm as a Den- tifrice it would be sweet ? The following is one of the many notices from the high- est authority. FROM GODEY^S LJlDY’S BOOK. For removing all tans, pimples and freckles from the face, for removing grease-spots from clothes or carpeting, for beautifying the skin, for shaving, cleansing the teeth, or curl- ing the hair. This is what this celebrated Balm will do, and we see that the proprietors offer $500 reward to any person who can produce its equal in efficacy. Fetridge & Co., of Boston, are the proprietors of the Balm, and are most enter- prising gentlemen. The price is fifty cents per bottle, and the money to be returned if the article does not prove satis- factorv.^^ FETRIDGE & CO., 100 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. FOR SALE BY MERRIAm MERRILL, At the City Bookstore,