20 Report OF THE Missouri State Normal School Fourth District Springfield, Missouri TO THE Forty-Eighth General Assembly OF THE State of Missouri 1913-14 *r i i-'x-Y Or TK“ 2 Missouri State Normal School BOARD OF REGENTS J. J. Schneider, Springfield. I _ _ W. S. Candler, Mountain Grove. } Term 6XplreS Ja " uary ’ I9,9 ‘ W. Y. Foster, Nevada. ) T C. A. Lockwood, Lamar. [ Term eXp ' reS Ja " uary ’ I917 ‘ I. Glaser, Springfield. J. P. McCammon, Springfield. W. P. Evans, State Superintendent Public Schools, Ex-Officio. OFFICERS. J. J. Schneider, Springfield, President of Board. W. Y. Foster, Nevada, Vice-President of Board. Frank C. Mann, Springfield, Secretary of Board. John T. Young, Springfield, Treasurer of Board. W. T. Carrington, President of the School. COMMITTEES. Organization and Teachers Committee. W. Y. Foster, J. P. McCammon, W. S. Candler W. P. Evans, State Superintendent Public Schools. J. J. Schneider, Ex-Officio Chairman. Executive Committee. W. S. Candler, C. A. Lockwood, I. Glaser J. J. Schneider, Ex-Officio Chairman. Term expires January, 1915. Fourth District, Springfield, Mo. 3 BIENNIAL REPORT FOURTH DISTRICT NORMAL SCHOOL SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI To His Excellency , Elliott W. Major , Governor , and Members of the Forty-eighth General Asse?nbly of Missouri. Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit for your consideration the biennial report of the Fourth District Normal School, covering the years 1913 and 1914, as they have been prepared and submitted to me by the president of the faculty, the bookkeeper and treasurer of the institution. The report contains a statement of the enrollment and attendance of the students, the number of graduates in the different courses, and a statement of what these students are now doing, and much other infor- mation to give a pretty clear idea of the amount and character of the work that is now being done. The report of the treasurer will show a detailed statement of all the receipts and disbursements of moneys. The members of the board, without any financial compensation, have given much valuable time and thought to the development of the institution. I am pleased to report that the faculty has been selected with great care and that they are keeping abreast with the best educa- tional thought. Members of the faculty seem to work together with the common purpose of advancing the best interests of the public school system of Southwest Missouri through a better preparation of the teachers. 4 Missouri State Normal School BIENNIAL EXPENDITURES APPORTIONED. The state auditor has prescribed a system of bookkeeping designat- ing the names of different accounts for the several educational institu- tions to follow. The Fourth District Normal School has undertaken to carry out the auditor’s directions in detail. The following will show the expenditures in the six different general accounts prescribed: Educational salaries $120,481.87 Includes salaries of teachers, librarian and as- sistants, dean of women, physical directors. Operation of buildings and grounds 20,461.04 Wages of engineer, firemen, and janitors, coal, water, lights, and all supplies of engineer and janitor. Administrative and general expense Salaries of president of the faculty, of all board officers, and help in the office ; ex- penses of board meetings, publishing bul- letins, advertising and insurance. Educational supplies and expense Supplies and expense in all the educational departments not including permanent equip- ment. Maintenance of buildings and equipment Repairs to buildings and equipment and re- newals of equipment. Additions to property A water system and addition to library, scientific equipment and furniture. Total expenditures for two years $182,510.79 17,399.81 8,501.45 6,060.29 9,606.33 Fourth District, Springfield, Mo. 5 THE SCHOOL’S NEEDS. The present payroll amounts to $6,250 per month. To maintain the present payroll it will be necessary to receive $150,000 for the biennial period. The board has planned to increase a few salaries and add two new members to the faculty, one in the department of Latin and another in the department of education. The increase in attendance in the spring and summer terms makes it necessary to add additional members of the faculty temporarily each year. During the past biennial period about $12,000 of the incidental fund has been used in paying salaries. With an appropriation of $160,000 for salaries for the next biennial period it will be necessary to use at least $10,000 of the inci- dental fund for salaries if the board provides what it thinks is absolutely necessary for the best interests of the school. The incidental fund has been carefully husbanded and spent for the best interests of the institution. During the past year a complete water system has been installed at an expense of $5,600. We have a deep well (1,000 feet) and a large tank, and pump the water by motor. We are saving more than $600 a year on our water bill. At the last meeting of the board the following budget was agreed upon. It is hoped that the general assembly may provide this institution, which we believe is doing so much for the state, with the following necessary funds: For salaries of teachers and officers $160,000 For the erection of a new building, department of education and training school ,. v - 100,000 For library, books and equipment 5, 000 For vocational departments, agriculture, home eco- nomics, and manual arts 2,000 For science departments, apparatus and supplies 2,000 For the department of physical training, equipment and supplies 2,000 For repairs and additions to power plant 2,000 For sewer tax and interest on same, ordered by city council 5,500 Total .$278,500 6 Missouri State Normal School Until the city established a district sewer including the Normal School the institution depended upon cesspools. The above amount asked for sewer tax has been assessed against the state for its part of the district sewer. During the regular session the present building does not furnish adequate accommodations. In several instances there are now two teachers doing their work in one room. Last summer it was necessary to have continuous session from 7 A. m. to 5 p. m. with from two to four teachers using the same room. Members of the faculty tell me that it is impossible for them to organize the training school in the present quarters so as to give proper training in practice teaching to the mem- bers of the graduating class. We urge upon you the necessity of appro- priating $100,000 for a new building. Yours respectfully, John J. Schneider, President Board of Regents. STUDENT STATISTICS. During the biennial period we have operated the school ninety-two weeks divided into eight terms. The smallest enrollment by terms was 537 in the fall of 1913, and the largest was 1,608 in the summer of 1914. The average enrollment by terms has been 885, with an average daily attendance of 815. The total enrollment by terms has been 7,081, but the actual number of individuals attending during the biennial period, not counting anyone twice, has been 3,118. Of these 3,118 different students attending during the biennial period, 221 have been granted the diploma; 374 have been granted the regents’ certificate, and 216 have been recommnded for the rural cer- tificate. Of the 2,166 individuals enrolled in the Normal School from Sep- tember, 1913, to August, 1914, 45 are now superintending and directing education in county, city, or town; 87 are teaching in high schools; 437 are teaching in graded schools of city or town ; 720 are teaching in rural schools, and 397 are now attending school. Of the 810 students who have been granted diplomas and cer- tificates during the biennial period 37 are now superintending and direct- ing schools in county, city or town; 91 are teaching in high schools; 176 are teaching in the graded schools of city or town ; 347 are teaching in rural schools, and 172 are now attending school. Fourth District, Springfield, Mo. 7 AN ADDITIONAL BUILDING. There is not another state educational institution that does not have nearly a hundred per cent more room for its enrollment than has the Fourth District Normal School. The other four normal schools have adequate accommodations for good training school purposes. The Fourth District Normal School has wholly inadequate opportunities for observation and teaching on the part of its students. The training school is truly the laboratory of the department of education. During the present year there will be 120 graduates in the full course and more than 200 to complete the regents’ certificate course. There are enough other advanced students who should be doing observation and practice teach- ing to make the total number 400, who should have opportunity to teach some during the school year. At present we are offering opportunities to about 40 each day. That would give on an average only 23 days each with an average of 20 minutes. Anyone acquainted with the situation would say that each student should have not less than 100 days for observation and teaching and from an hour and a half to three hours each day. This is individual work which cannot be done in groups or classes. From the above it is easily calculated that for the very best opportunities our training school should offer five times the opportunities we now have. A modern fireproof stone building, of the same architecture as the main building, has been planned to accommodate the entire depart- ment of education, where all the theoretic pedagogy will be taught to Normal students, and where all of the practical pedagogy, including observation and practice teaching, will be conducted. This building will be 78x128, three stories high, and contain six suites of rooms for the first six grades, and a children’s gymnasium ; four school rooms for the department of education, and a large demonstration room ; the third floor will be devoted to a junior high school containing one large study hall and eight recitation rooms. Such a building with its furnishings will cost $100,000 or more. It is not only needed, but the school must have it if it would meet the demands made upon it by the public school interests of Southwest Missouri. 8 Missouri State Normal School STUDENTS ENROLLED SEPTEMBER, 1913, TO AUGUST. iQiJL. FROM TWENTY-TWO COUNTIES OF Barry 54 Barton - 34 Cedar 43 Christian 75 Dade 71 Dallas 39 Douglas 27 Greene, County 154 Greene, Springfield 3 77 Howell 82 Jasper 149 Laclede 76 Lawrence 70 NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 4. McDonald 53 Newton 70 Ozark 6 Polk 48 Stone 22 Taney 28 Texas 78 Yernon 19 Webster 94 Wright 84 Total... 1752 FROM OTHER COUNTIES IN MISSOURI. Callaway 1 Caldwell 1 Camden 21 Cape Girardeau 1 Carter 7 Cass 4 Chariton 1 Clay 1 Cole 3 Cooper 7 Crawford 22 Bates 11 Benton 2 Bollinger 1 Butler 5 Davies 2 Dent 21 Dunklin 2 Franklin 7 Gasconade^®. 3 Harrison 2 Henry 20 Hickory 12 Jackson 8 Jefferson 1 Johnson 1 Lincoln 3 Linn 2 Livingston 3 Maries — 8 Montgomery 1 Moniteau 2 Miller 10 New Madrid 1 Oregon 23 Osage 2 P'helps 19 Pulaski 33 Ray 1 Reynolds 6 Ripley 3 Saline 2 Shannon 26 Shelby 2 St. Clair 21 St. Charles 2 St. Francois - 1 St. Louis --- 7 Stoddard 3 Washington 2 Wayne 2 Total 352 FROM OTHER STATES. Arkansas 23 California 1 Illinois 1 Kansas 9 Oklahoma 24 Number Training Students enrolled for yi Number Normal Students enrolled for y< Montana 1 Texas 3 Total 62 r 178 .2166 Total. .2344 Fourth District, Springfield, Mo. 9 SALARIES FUND. The last general assembly appropriated $130,000 for salaries of teachers and officers. This amount was paid out on warrants drawn to pay teachers and officers for 24 months from January 1, 1913, to De- cember 31, 1914. The parties to whom these warrants have been drawn, with the amounts, are indicated in the following: W. T. Carrington, President, 24 months - . $ 7333.38 C. E. Marsion, Geography, 24 months 4233.33 Norman Freudenberger, Latin, 24 months 4133.34 Clyde M. Hill, Mathematics, 24 months 4000.00 M. A. O'’ Rear, Education, 19 months 3425.00 J. W. Shannon, History, 23 months ~ 3480.00 A. F. Temple, Science, 24 months 3640.00 W. A. Daggett, Librarian, 24 months 3640.00 F. F. Thompson, Education, 24 months. 3640.00 D. T. Kizer, Science, 24 months 3540.00 A. G. Fletcher, Agriculture, 20 months - 3000.00 C. B. Gentry, Agriculture, 4 months. .. 600.00 Virginia J. Craig, English, 18 months 2740.00 Lillian G. Barker, Drawing, 24 months 3050.00 Theo. W. H. Irion, Education, 24 months 3100.00 A. W. Briggs, Physical Training, 24 months 3100.00 C. P. Kinsey, Music, 24 months 3000.00 W. H. Lynch, Visitor, 24 months 3400.00 S. J. Phelps, Mathematics, 19 months 2475.00 T. J. Walker, History, 19 months 2375.00 J. D. Delp, Bookkeeper, 7 months 800.00 Estelle Hinton, Education, 24 months 2716.67 Anna L. Blair, German, 19 months 2000.00 Mary Davis, English, 24 months 2500.00 Elizabeth Faulkner, English, 23 months 2390.00 Stella C. Harris, Manual Arts, 19 months 1975.00 Sue S. Perkins, Mathematics, 24 months....- -- 2500.00 Elizabeth Park, Dean of Women, 24 months 2066.67 Christiana Hyatt, Reading, 24 months 2500.00 Margaret Williams, Domestic Science, 17 months 1745.00 Adah Lewis, Domestic Science, 7 months 720.00 Blanche Skinner, Education, 20 months 2000.00 Theodosia Callaway, Education, 4 months 400.00 Elizabeth Bragg, Education, 24 months 2286.66 Adda M. Starrett, Education, 20 months 2000.00 Elsie Greathead, Education, 4 months 400.00 Glenn Johnson, Manual Training, 16 months 1600.00 Mary Woods, English, 19 months 1750.00 Dorothy Jessup, Physical Training, 16 months 1293.34 Romaine Roach, Domestic Art, 7 months 525.00 Louise Nixon, History, 8 months 680.00 Mrs. C. P. Kinsey, Music, 12 months 1200.00 Mrs. Agnes Cowan, Music, 12 months 1200.00 S. F. Myers, Music, 12 months 600.00 Grace Palmer, Librarian, assistant, 24 months 945.00 Mildred Covington, Secretary to President, 24 months 1200.00 Florence Dunlap, Registrar, 16 months 560.00 Martha Finch, Correspondence Secretary, 16 months 560.00 Henry Meyer, Engineer, 16 months 1600.00 W. H. Hart, Engineer’s Assistant, 15 months 750.00 io Missouri State Normal School R. B. Greene, Engineer’s Assistant, 9 months 540.00 H. D. Kelly, Farmer, 6 months 310.00 F. A. Crosby, Helper, 9 months 450.00 L. A. Golden, Helper, 7 months 350.00 John Miller, Helper, 3 months 120.00 Joe Barbee, Janitor, 14 months 700.00 Grant Wollard, Janitor, 15 months 750.00 John Yoekum, Janitor, 3 months 150.00 W. S. Smith, 8 months 400.00 Frances Gleason, English, 44 weeks 1390.00 Azalea Badgley, Drawing, 24 weeks 395.00 Zoa Thralls, Education, 16 weeks 320.00 Susie Rabourn, History, Spring and Summer, 22 weeks 490.00 Sara Rabourn, Mathematics, Spring and Summer, 22 weeks 490.00 Mary Murphy, Drawing, Spring and Summer, 22 weeks 440.00 W. H. Hayes, Education, Spring and Summer, 17 weeks 637.50 Mrs. F. F. Thompson, English, Spring and Summer, 24 weeks 630.00 B. A. Taylor, Mathematics, Spring and Summer, 17 weeks 275.00 W. W. Thomas, Education, Spring and Summer, 20 weeks 800.00 F. S. Puckett, Agriculture, Spring and Summer, 12 weeks 480.00 E. J. Knight, Mathematics, Summer, 10 weeks 250.00 Myrtle Teter, Mathematics, Spring and Summer, 20 weeks 400.00 Mrs. A. W. Lincoln, Drawing, Spring and Summer, 20 weeks 200.00 Nellie Sneed, History, Summer, 10 weeks 40.00 J. A. Hylton, Mathematics, Spring and Summer, 20 weeks 350.00 Nellie Redding, Music, Spring and Summer, 20 weeks 350.00 Jessie Clark, Domestic Science, Summer, 10 weeks 150.00 Bertha Wells, Latin, Spring and Summer, 20 weeks 400.00 W. J. Osborne, Education, Summer, 10 weeks 400.00 G. H. Boehm, Education, Summer and Spring, 17 weeks 560.00 J. E. McPherson, Agriculture, Summer, 10 weeks 350.00 F. L. Barton, Education, Summer, 10 weeks 300.00 Flora Parsons, English, Summer, 10 weeks 300.00 Anna L. Blauvelt, Art Craft, Summer, 10 weeks 300.00 Fred Park, History, Summer, 10 weeks 300.00 L. F. Thomas, Geography, Summer, 10 weeks 300.00 Clara Schwieder, English, Spring and Summer, 16 weeks 320.00 Ida Knepper, Mathematics, Spring and Summer, 16 weeks 480.00 Lucas Campbell, Science, Summer, 10 weeks 200.00 Geo. P. Ryan, Mathematics, Summer, 10 weeks 150.00 Fred Irion, Education and Languages, Summer, 8 weeks. 80.00 Eva Allen, Education, Summer, 10 weeks 50.00 J. A. Wilson, Penmanship, Summer, 10 weeks 50.00 F. J. Highfill, Penmanship, Summer, 10 weeks 50.00 F. J. Burney, History, Summer, 10 weeks 100.00 Mrs. R. H. Love, Drawing, Summer, 10 weeks 70.00 Elgin A. Ray, Languages, 16 weeks 96.00 Student Help, in Library, for 2 years 232.00 Student Help, Teaching, 2 years 735.00 Student Help, in office, for 2 years 348.00 Student Help, Janitor Service, 2 years 494.00 Overdraft from 1912 99.16 Total $130,000.00 Fourth District, Springfield, Mo. ii LIBRARY, APPARATUS, AND SUPPLY FUNDS. The following accounts have been allowed out of the above-named funds during the years 1913 and 1914: 1913 April 8 Narragansett Machine Co., gymnasium supplies $ 115.20 April 8 Fred Medart Mfg. Co., steel lockers . 669.63 April 8 Standard Plumbing Co., bathing equipment 90.94 April 8 Sanitary Plumbing Co., shower bath material 105.52 April 8 Springfield Planing Mill, library tables. 194.10 April 8 Browne Bros., magazines 1913... 200.00 April 8 Ward Bros., rebinding 241.65 April 8 H. W. Wilson Co., Year Book and Encyclopedia 30.26 Aug. 31 A. C. McClurg & Co., library and scientific equipment 135.43 Aug. 31 A. A. Nystrom & Co., library and scientific equipment 18.00 Aug. 31 Gaylord Bros., library and scientific equipment.... 92.56 Aug. 31 A. Y. Ross, library and scientific equipment.. 63.13 Aug. 31 Seeley Photo Supply Co., library and scientific equipment 58.59 Aug. 31 A. P. Temple, scientific equipment 65.20 Aug. 31 D. T. Kizer, scientific equipment 18.15 Aug. 31 Electric Equipment Co., library and scientific equipment... 36.72 Oct. 7 Rand-McNally & Co., library and scientific equipment.. 70.60 Oct. 7 C. E. Marston, library and scientific equipment 13.60 Oct. 7 Rogers & Baldwin Hardware Co., library and scien. equipment 31.33 Dec. 6 Central Scientific Co., laboratory supplies 183.85 Dec. 6 S. A. Dixon, library slips 58.95 Dec. 6 The J. J. Duck Co., supplies physics department.. 12.79 Dec. 6 W. M. Welch Mfg. Co., supplies physics department 102.68 1914. Jan. 6 Browne Bros., magazine' subscriptions 200.00 Jan. 6 E. H. Sheldon & Co., benches 175.22 Jan. 6 A. C. McClurg & Co., library books.. 453.62 Feb. 6 Frances E. Sabin, Latin supplies 5.00 Feb. 6 Marine Biological Laboratory, supplies biological dept 4.00 Mar. 5 Springfield Seed Co., manual training supplies 5.94 Mar. 5 Ward Bros., binding library books 164.42 Mar. 5 Gaylord Bros., library supplies 12.35 Mar. 5 McClurg & Co., library supplies.. 797.50 Mar. 5 Medart Mfg. Co., gymnasium supplies.. 119.30 Mar. 17 A. F. Fine, domestic science supplies 29.43 Mar. 31 Past Exploration Society, lantern slides 18.20 Mar. 31 Walker-O’Byrne, gymnasium supplies 12.00 Mar. 31 Narragansett Machine Co., gymnasium supplies 1.30 April 4 A. F. Fine, domestic science supplies 18.55 April 4 D. T. Kizer, biology supplies 9.41 April 4 The Hankins Co., drawing boards 4.50 April 4 William H. Rau, lantern slides 9.90 April 15 A. G. Fletcher, agricultural supplies 86.87 May 1 A. F. Fine, domestic science supplies 54.24 May 1 Springfield Seed Co., manual training supplies. 9.93 May 1 Davis Planing Mill Co., manual training supplies 17.0C May 1 Browne Book and Stationery Co., 11 gal. ink 11.50 May 14 Library Bureau, library supplies 214.00 May 14 Springfield Planing Mill Co., engineer’s supplies 6.55 May 14 The Sanitary Market, domestic science supplies 3.10 May 14 Merchants Ice & Fuel Co., domestic science and Irvington Hall supplies 18.00 June 6 World Book Co., library books (>.36 12 Missouri State Normal School June 6 Cross Specialty Co., domestic science supplies 2.75 June 6 Springfield Seed Co., manual training supplies 6.29 June 6 T. E. Henderson, agricultural supplies 15.45 June 6 McGregor-Noe Hardware Co., domestic science supplies 9.00 June 6 Bausch & Bomb Optical Co., geography supplies 22.13 June 6 William H. Rau, geography supplies 41.40 June 6 Rand McNally Co., geography supplies.. 27.60 June 6 F. Jay Haynes, geography supplies 11.90 June 6 Library Bureau, geography supplies 21.00 June 30 Hoover Bros., manual training supplies... 20.37 June 30 A. F. Fine, domestic science supplies 20.95 June 30 C. E. Denton, domestic science supplies 1.75 June 30 H. & B. Dept. Store, domestic science supplies 7.40 June 30 Hankins Dental & Surgical Supply C >., domestic training supplies 2.50 June 30 Welch Mfg. Co., agricultural supplies — 18.50 July 24 H. W. Wilson Co., subscription Readers’ Guide 6.00 July 24 McClurg & Co., library books 36.56 July 24 Ward Brothers, binding books 140.91 July 24 Hinds, Noble & Eldridge, binding books 2.40 July 24 The Century Co., books.... 37.13 Aug. 10 Gaylord Brothers, library supplies 38.99 Aug. 10 A. C. McClurg & Co., library supplies 3.25 Aug. 10 Library Bureau, library supplies 64.79 Aug. 10 H. & B., Dept. Store, manual training supplies 1.60 Aug. 10 Conrad Slide & Products Co., lantern slides 35.00 Aug. 10 A. Y. Ross, supplies physics department... 103.46 Aug. 10 W. M. Welch Mfg. Co., supplies physics dept, and office 69.46 Aug. 10 Hulburt Sheppard Co., supplies physics dept 30.89 Aug. 10 Central Scientific Co., supplies physics dept 165.67 Aug. 10 D. T. Kizer, supplies physiology dept 13.90 Nov. 6 Wright & Ditson, gymnasium supplies 18,71 6074.78 POWER HOUSE FUND. The following accounts have been allowed out of the Power House Fund during the years 1913 and 1914: 1913. Jan. 9 St. L. & S. F. R. R. Co., beam for stokers $ 28.72 Jan. 9 W. T. Carrington, freight on stokers 127.80 Jan. 9 United Iron Works Co., repairs on power house 19.22 Jan. 9 Kirby & Naber, repairs on power house — 16.00 Jan. 9 Marblehead Lime Co., brick for power house repair 61.45 Jan. 9 John H. Shackleford, repair on power house — 12.50 Jan. 9 R. G. Johnson, insurance - 34.50 Jan. 9 J. W. Fairbanks, insurance 46.00 Jan. 9 Martin & Co., insurance - - 27.60 Feb. 14 Chas. Lloyd, member of board of arbitration 10.00 Feb. 14 W. H. Killbuck, member board of arbitration 5.00 Mar. 8 Richesin & Long, insurance - - 35.00 Mar. 8 Williams Lumber & Mfg. Co., repair power plant 130.75 April 8 Greene Engineering Co 1403.08 April 8 Investor Realty Co., insurance, $2000.00 27.60 April 8 E. W. Phillips & Son., insurance, $1000.00 - 13.80 April 8 Johnson Heat Regulating Co., repair material 14.20 1914. Jan. 8 H. W. Rowden, boring well, on account... 50.00 Jan. 23 H. W. Rowden, boring well, on account 50.00 Fourth District, Springfield, Mo. 13 Feb. G H. W. Rowden, boring well, on account 50.00 Feb. 6 Harry Cooper Supply Co., engineer’s supplies...- 65.34 Mar. 4 H. W. Rowden, boring well, on account 50.00 Mar. 5 Harry Cooper Supply Co., engineer’s supplies 139.63 Mar. 23 H. W. Rowden, boring well, on account ------ 50.00 April 18 H. W. Rowden, boring well, on account — 100.00 April 25 H. W. Rowden, boring well, on account 100.00 May 1 Harry Cooper, engineer’s supplies, on account of well — . 92.91 May 11 H. W. Rowden, boring well, on account. - 200.00 May 20 Albert C. Moore & Co., engineer water plant 100.00 May 20 H. W. Rowden, boring well, on account 350.00 Oct. 5 Wiederhildt Construction Co., chimney, power house - 750.90 $ 4162.00 MUSIC FUND. For the 20 months, January, 1913, to September, 1914, the music account was kept separate from the incidental fund, and the following expenditures were made out of that fund and the balance transferred to the incidental fund : Mrs. C. P. Kinsey, teaching music $1500.00 Mrs. Agnes Dade Cowan, teaching music - - 817.30 Sydney F. Myers, teaching music ----- -- 905.35 Miss Henrietta Keller, teaching music 1001.40 Miss Florence Smith, teaching music — — . 60.00 Martin Bros., rent on pianos _. 150.00 L. E. Lines, rent on pianos - 62.50 Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra ----- - 230.00 Advertising, Music — - 97.06 Musical Instruments, purchased - - 66.38 Tuning Pianos — - - 24.50 Total expenditures — $4914.49 INCIDENTAL FUND. The following amounts have been allowed out of the Incidental Fund during the years 1913 and 1914: 1913 Jan. 1 Virginia J. Craig, prizes in oration...... — $ 25.00 Jan. 1 W. T. Carrington, student help, Dec 24.00 Jan. 1 Mabel Rathbone, taxes, Greenwood 63.08 Jan. 3 Margaret Williams, salary for Dec ------ 100.00 Jan. 3 Elizabeth Bragg, salary for Dec 83.33 Jan. 3 Elizabeth Park, salary for Dec.... 83.33 Jan. 3 W. S. Smith, salary for Dec 50.00 Jan. 3 Mildred Covington, salary for Dec 50.00 Jan. 3 Henry Meyer, salary for Dec - 100.00 Jan. 3 W. H. Hart, salary for Dec 50.00 Jan. 3 F. A. Crosby, salary for Dec 50.00 Jan. 3 R. B. Green, salary for half of Dec.. 30.00 Jan. 3 John Miller, salary for Dec 40.00 Jan. 3 Joe Barbee, salary for Dec 50.00 14 Missouri State Normal School Jan. 3 Grant Wollard, salary for Dec... 50.00 Jan. 3 W. T. Clopton, student help.... 18.00 Jan. 3 Ira Wilson, student help 18.00 Jan. 3 F. C. Hemphill, student help 15.00 Jan. 3 Aden Rogers, student help 15.00 Jan. 3 Malinda McDonald, student help 10.00 Jan. 3 Martha Mellor, student help 10.00 Jan. 3 Onita Woody, student help 10.00 Jan. 3 Grace Palmer, student help 10.00 Jan. 9 W. I. Rhodes, 2 cars coal 245.52 Jan. 9 Springfield Gas & Electric Co., Dec. service 47.84 Jan. 9 Mo. and Kan. Telephone Co., service for Dec 8.89 Jan. 31 Gardner Office Supply Co., office supplies 11.65 Feb. 8 Springfield Gas & Electric Co., service for Jan 71.93 Feb. 8 Mo. & Kan. Telephone Co., service for Jan... 5.84 Feb. 8 John Deere P'low Co., supply agricultural dept 18.85 Feb. 8 W. P. Evans, Board Meeting, Jan. 22 40.00 Feb. 8 M. B. Clarke, Board Meeting, Jan. 22 22.50 Feb. 8 J. M. Earp, Board Meeting, Jan. 22 15.00 Feb. 14 W. T. Carrington, student help... ........ 35.60 Feb. 14 Walker-0 ’Byrne Elec. Co., fixtures for auditorium 1000.00 Feb. 14 Henry Meyer, horse for Dec. and Jan.. 30.00 Feb. 14 W. T. Carrington, trip to Jefferson City 26.40 Mar. 8 Inland Printing Co., bulletins, programs, etc 539.05 Mar. 8 J. I. Holcomb Mfg. Co., brushes 32.25 Mar. 8 Banner Electric Works, electric lamps 9.60 Mar. 8 E. Speaker, repairs, Greenwood furnace 18.00 Mar. 8 Tucker & Ferguson Transfer Co., hauling 2.50 Mar. 8 Rogers & Baldwin Hardware Co., screens and supplies 102.44 Mar. 8 Springfield Water Co., supply for Nov., Dec., Jan., Feb 398.08 Mar. 8 St. L. & S. F. R. R. Co., freight on 2 cars coal 71.92 Mar. 8 Central Coal and Coke Co., 2 cars slack 131.10 Mar. 8 Gordon-Fulbright, hauling 2 cars coal 43.70 Mar. 8 Chas. A. Howell, 21160 lbs coal.... 37.00 Mar. 8 Springfield Coal and Material Co., 6 loads of coal 35.95 Mar. 8 Springfield Stone and Fuel Co., 2 cars coal.... 303.32 Mar. 8 W. M. Welch Mfg. Co., office supplies 59.60 Mar. 8 American Seating Co., desks for Greenwood 67.50 Mar. 8 W. T. Carrington, student help and postage 48.50 Mar. 8 Springfield Gas & Electric Co., service for Feb 107.91 Mar. 8 W. T. Carrington, expenses trip to Jefferson City 25.30 Mar. 8 Mo. and Kan. Telephone Co., service Feb 6.89 Mar. 12 A. F. Fine, domestic department supplies.......... 35.55 Mar. 12 Springfield Mo., Republican, advertising 100.00 Mar. 12 Springfield, Mo., Leader, advertising 100.00 Mar. 12 Springfield Paper Supply Co., general supplies 92.98 Mar. 12 Springfield Seed Co., manual training supplies 15.09 Mar. 12 Harry Cooper Supply Co., engineer’s supplies 43.59 Mar. 12 E. M. Wilhoit Oil Co., oils.. 34.53 Mar. 12 Gardner Office Supply Co., office supplies 7.05 Mar. 12 Worrell Mfg. Co., disenfectants 20.00 Mar. 12 W. I. Rhodes, 2 cars coal 165.42 Mar. 12 Menry Meyer, horse for Feb. and March 30.00 April 8 Mo. and Kan. Telephone Co., April service 14.09 April 8 Springfield Gas & Electric Co., service for March 72.63 April 8 W. P. Evans, Board Meeting March 24 40.00 April 8 W. Y. Foster, Board Meeting March 24 20.00 April 8 C. A. Lockwood, Board Meeting March 24 15.00 April 8 Keet & Rountree Dry Goods Co., balance acct 9.92 April 8 McGregor-Noe Hardware Co., hardware for new building 371.87 April 8 W. I. Rhodes, 3 cars coal 343.37 Fourth District, Springfield, Mo. 15 April 8 Springfield Stone & Fuel Co., car — 3 wagons coal 160.73 April 8 Geo. A. McCollum, 9V 2 months secretary board — 39.52 April 8 A. W. Briggs, gymnasium supplies 29.25 April 16 Theo. W. H. Irion, expenses in extension course 37.25 May 9 Clyde M. Hill, expenses in extension course 41.83 May 9 Springfield Gas & Elec. Co., April service 74.15 May 31 Mo. Kan. Telephone Co., April service 13.35 May 31 Springfield Water Co., service March and April 238.87 May 31 Walker-O’Byrne Electrical Co., lighting conductors.. 85.15 May 31 Johnson Heat Regulating Co.,, supplies 14.20 May 31 J. E. Martin Furniture Co., 140 Chairs — 356.70 May 31 Electrical Equipment Co., electrical supplies 14.00 May 31 Buxton & Skinner, Sec. hook 9.20 May 31 Keet & Rountree Dry Goods Co., towels 4.50 May 31 C. H. Heer Dry Goods Co., domestic science supplies 4.87 May 31 Springfield Paper Supply Co., paper and towel supplies 48.16 May 31 G. D. Milligan Grocer Co., sweeping compound 36.00 May 31 Blain-Seamans Grocer Co., mops and soap 9.00 May 31 A. B. Duncan, picture and frame 20.00 May 31 Harry Cooper Supply Co., supplies.... 11.83 May 31 Rogers & Baldwin Hardware Co., supplies 15.48 May 31 Widbin & Fox Paint Co., supplies 5.75 May 31 Marblehead Lime Co., fire clay 2.00 May 31 E. Speaker, repairs to furnace, Greenwood 2.00 May 31 Schweitzer Bros., engineer’s supplies — - 2.79 May 31 Gardner Office Supply Co., supplies 3.05 May 31 M. M. Williams, domestic supplies 26.79 May 31 Stella C. Harris, manual art supplies 9.17 May 31 Mrs. L. G. Barker, drawing supplies 3.90 May 31 A. C. McClurg & Co., library supplies 102.57 May 31 Ward Bros., library binding - 67.66 May 31 S. A. Dixon, library supplies 54.63 May 31 Gaylord Bros., library supplies - 6.65 May 31 H. W. Wilson, library supplies 6.00 May 31 Fred Medart Mfg. Co., gymnasium supplies 306.65 May 31 J. C. Liker, 31 sq. yd. paving at $2.28 70.68 June 30 Henry Meyer, horse April, May 30.00 June 30 Springfield Gas & Electric Co., service for May 46.49 June 30 E. E. E. McJimsey, trip to Jefferson City 19.20 June 30 W. Y. Foster, Board Meeting, June 20.00 June 30 C. A. Lockwood, Board Meeting, June .. 15.00 June 30 W. S. Candler, Board Meeting, June. - 15.00 June 30 Springfield, Mo., Republican, flags 28.70 June 30 Hoover Bros., crayon and erasers - 14.50 June 30 A. F. Fine, domestic supplies 16.39 June 30 St. Louis Republic, advertising in 1912 125.00 June 30 Springfield Furniture Co., 3 dozen chairs 22.50 June 30 Inland Printing Co., books and programs — 83.00 June 30 Mo. and Kan. Telephone Co., June service 13.49 June 30 Chas. H. Heer & Co., domestic supplies .. 4.40 June 30 St. Louis & San Francisco R. R., R. L. Mov 1.68 June 30 Pioneer Floral Co., plants for campus 14.00 June 30 Norman Freudenberger, lantern and slides 105.78 July 31 Springfield Gas & Electric Co., June service 51.21 July 31 Mo. & Kan. Telephone Co., June service 12.28 July 31 Springfield Water Co., May and June service 188.05 July 31 Midland Chemical Co., scrubbing compound and polish 75.00 July 31 Hickman-Waddell Grocer Co., bill of July 22 2.90 July 31 Springfield Seed Co., manual training supplies.... 6.30 July 31 United Iron Works, flag pole 25.24 July 31 Springfield Planing Mill, Lumber & Con. Co 4.75 16 Missouri State Normal School July 31 Standard Plumbing Co., engineer’s supplies 11.10 July 31 Widbin & Fox Paint Co., engineer’s supplies 9.25 July 31 Williams Lumber & Mfg. Co., engineer’s supplies 118.40 July 31 Springfield Stone & Fuel Co., engineer’s supplies 9.46 July 31 A. F. Fine, domestic science supplies 31.34 July 31 Bessie A. Knox, stenographic work 4.00 July 31 Springfield Coal and Material Co., coal for dormitory 9.25 July 31 Harry Cooper Supply Co., engineer’s supplies 2.32 July 31 Gardner Office Supply Co., office supplies 18.55 July 31 Merchants’ Ice & Fuel Co., domestic supplies 16.00 July 31 Rogers & Baldwin Hardware Co., engineer’s supplies 21.36 July 31 Springfield Paper Supply Co., paper supplies 42.00 Aug. 31 Margaret M. Williams, home economic supplies 16.02 Aug. 31 Colonial Hotel Co., banquet for alumni 126.00 Aug. 31 Hy. Meyer, horse for June and July 30.00 Aug. 31 Springfield Leader, advertising 6.24 Aug. 31 Springfield, Mo., Republican, advertising 7.02 Aug. 31 H. & B. Dept. Store, domestic science supplies... 3.75 Aug. 31 Schneitter Bros., engineer’s supplies 8.93 Aug. 31 G. D. Milligan Grocer Co., janitor’s supplies 12.00 Aug. 31 Inland Printing Co., Bulletin cuts, programs, etc 1088.25 Aug. 31 Springfield Gas & Electric Co., July service 39.59 Aug. 31 Mo. & Kan. Telephone Co., August service 10.36 Aug. 31 W. M. Welch Mfg. Co., diplomas and invitations 377.70 Aug. 31 E. B. Hall, engraving cups 2.58 Aug. 31 W. T. Carrington, stamps and postage 50.00 Aug. 31 Mildred Covington, exchange typewriter 20.00 Sept. 10 Springfield Security Co., insurance on Greenwood 84.00 Sept. 10 Springfield Furniture Co., 4 tables 12.00 Sept. 10 Springfield Stone & Fuel Co., 1 car Kansas lump coal 134.18 Sept. 10 Widbin & Fox, engineer’s supplies 5.20 Sept. 10 Diffenderffer Implement Co., repairs to mower 1.70 Sept. 10 Cash Dry Goods Co., office supplies 7.70 Sept. 10 H. Proserpi, granitoid walks 222.75 Sept. 10 Mo. & Kan. Telephone Co., Sept, service 9.08 Sept. 10 Harry Cooper Supply Co., engineer’s supplies. .. 17.79 Sept. 10 W. M. Welch Mfg. Co., commencement invitations 75.00 Sept. 10 Springfield Water Co., June and July service 168.40 Sept. 10 C. E. Marston, laboratory supplies 13.90 Oct. 7 Martin Furniture & Carpet Co., furniture supplies 37.00 Oct. 7 Heer Furniture & Carpet Co., teachers’ desks 114.00 Oct. 7 Remington Typewriter Co., new typewriter 50.00 Oct. 7 Williams Lumber & Mfg. Co., engineer’s supplies 47.50 Oct. 7 Springfield Gas & Electric Co., Aug. and Sept, service. 29.34 Oct. 7 Springfield City Water Co., Sept, service 90.00 Oct. 7 E. M. Wilhoit, oil 2.00 Oct. 7 Hawkeye Compound Co., liquid compound 31.60 Oct. 7 Singer Sewing Machine Co., repairs to 6 machines 6.00 Oct. 7 Schweitzer Bros., engineer’s supplies 3.95 Oct. 7 Sanitary Plumbing & Heating Co., engineer’s supplies 18.20 Oct. 7 Gardner Office Supply Co., office supplies 5.40 Oct. 7 Springfield Seed Co., manual training supplies 5.48 Oct. 7 Davis Planing Mill Co., manual training supplies 19.80 Oct. 7 Rogers & Baldwin Hardware Co., engineer’s supplies 20.60 Oct. 7 Springfield Paper Supply Co., tablets and office supplies 13.34 Oct. 7 Henry Meyer, horse for Aug. and Sept 30.00 Oct. 7 Carrie L. Hopwood, notary acknowledgments 3.25 Oct. 7 Mo. & Kan. Telephone Co., Oct. service 9.35 Oct. 7 Greene Engineering Co., freight on stoker repairs 1.73 Oct. 31 Midland Chemical Co., disinfectants 45.00 Oct. 31 Imperial Brush Co., brushes 27.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 24 24 24 24 29 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 15 15 15 19 19 19 19 19 19 30 4. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Fourth District, Springfield, Mo. 17 Inland Printing & Binding Co., bulletins 158.50 Springfield Gas & Electric Co., October service 46.09 Springfield City Water Co., October service 94.21 E. M. Wilhoit Oil Co., oil science 7.15 McGregor-Noe Hardware Co., domestic supplies 18.11 J. E. Martin Furniture and Carpet Co., chairs for pri. dept.. 8.40 Conrad Slide and Projection Co., department of botany 36.00 A. F. Fine, domestic science supplies 11.43 The Globe-Wernicke Co., filing cabinet 77.50 Missouri & Kansas Telephone Co., October service 9.25 Harry Cooper Supply Co., engineer’s supplies 29.03 Widbin & Fox P'aint Co., engineer’s supplies 14.65 Rogers & Baldwin Hardware Co., engineer’s supplies 14.35 St. Louis & San Francisco R. R. Co., engineer’s supplies 1.32 The Walker-O’Byrne Electric Co., engineer’s supplies 2.30 Springfield Planing Mill Const. Co., engineer’s supplies 13.40 Springfield Paper Supply Co., janitor’s supplies 19.25 Williams Lumber & Mfg. Co., engineer’s supplies 25.15 W. P. Evans, Board Meeting Nov. 18 40.00 W. Y. Foster, Board Meeting Nov. 18 20.00 C. A. Lockwood, Board Meeting Nov. 18 15.00 W. S. Candler, Board Meeting Nov. 18 15.00 Springfield Seed Co., manual training supplies 4.71 Kirby & Naber, engineer’s supplies 21.50 Springfield Gas & Electric Co., November service 65.29 Schweitzer Brothers, engineer’s supplies 3.25 Harry Cooper Supply Co., engineer’s supplies 15.33 Groblebe Lumber Co., engineer’s supplies 5.00 Rogers & Baldwin Hdw. Co., engineer’s supplies 18.90 Springfield Stone & Fuel Co., 7 cars coal 898.35 Springfield City Water Co., November service 100.50 Missouri & Kansas Tel. Co., November service 9.83 American Seating Co., book-holders in auditorium 37.50 Gardner Office Supply Co., office supplies 3.50 J. E. Martin Furniture & Carpet Co., domestic science supplies. 5.92 A. F. Fine, domestic science supplies 27.38 The Sanitary Market, domestic science supplies 9.20 Blain-Seamans Grocer Co., janitors’ supplies 4.50 G. D. Milligan Grocer Co., sweeping compound 12.00 The Worrell Mfg. Co., disinfectants 10.00 Arch Jones, repairs to Greenwood 30.00 Henry Meyers, horse for October and November 30.00 W. T. Carrington, janitor-student help October and November 30.20 Green Engineering Co., engineer’s supplies 21.80 Standard Plumbing Co., engineer’s supplies 19.30 W. T. Carrington, traveling expenses 37.70 W. T. Carrington, student-janitor help, December 25.60 M. A. O’Rear, traveling expenses 8.36 Inland Printing & Binding Co., report cards 7.00 Chas. H. Heer Dry Goods Co., ribbons 1.50 Davis Planing Mill Co., engineer’s supplies 4.30 Williams Lumber & Mfg. Co., engineer’s supplies 13.20 Lawson Williams, helping engineer 36.75 A. G. Fletcher, agricultural supplies 37.60 Widbin & Fox Paint Co., engineer’s supplies 7.35 The H. W. Wilson Co., subscriptions 11.00 Springfield Stone and Fuel Co., one car coal 132.83 A. F. Fine, domestic science supplies 16.15 Hoover Brothers, crayon 32.00 Springfield City Water Co., December service 124.08 1 8 Missouri State Normal School Jan. 6 J. I. Holcomb Mfg. Co., janitors’ supplies 49.40 Jan. 6 H. & B. Dept. Store, domestic science supplies....- 1.80 Jan. 6 Harry Cooper Supply Co., engineer’s supplies 106.62 Jan. 6 Williams Lumber & Mfg. Co., engineer’s supplies 36.81 Jan. 6 E. M. Wilhoit Oil Co., engineer’s supplies 6.25 Jan. 6 Springfield Planing Mill & Const. Co., engineer’s supplies 6.15 Jan. 6 Rogers & Baldwin Hardware Co., engineer’s supplies 16.50 Jan. 6 Henry Meyer, horse for December and January 30.00 Jan. 6 Missouri and Kansas Telephone Co., December service 8.33 Jan. 6 Springfield Gas & Electric Co., December service 39.05 Jan. 6 Azalia Badgley, salary for November, 1913 20.00 Feb. 6 Gardner Office Supply Co., office supplies 19.50 Feb. 6 Missouri and Kansas Telephone Co., January service 8.13 Feb. 6 Springfield City Water Co., January service 80.34 Feb. 6 Springfield Gas and Electric Co., January service 55.13 Feb. 6 American Seating Co., desks 120.00 Feb. 6 Heer Furniture and Carpet Co., 8 window shades 8.80 Feb. 6 Widbin & Fox Paint Co., engineer’s supplies 4.80 Feb. 6 Springfield Stone and Fuel Co., 7 cars coal 288.38 Feb. 6 Sanitary Plumbing and Heating Co., engineer’s supplies 24.00 Feb. 6 E. M. Wilhoit, engineer’s supplies 22.86 Feb. 6 Williams Lumber & Mfg. Co., engineer’s supplies 16.61 Feb. 6 Blain-Seamans Grocer Co., mops 2.25 Feb. 6 Heer Dry Goods Co., domestic art supplies 2.69 Feb. 6 The Sanitary Market, domestic science supplies 4.50 Feb. 6 Singer Sewing Machine Co., domestic art supplies 48.00 Feb. 6 C. E. Marston, traveling expenses 4.35 Feb. 6 Springfield Paper Supply Co., office supplies 36.10 Feb. 6 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., exchange adding machine 146.00 Feb. 6 Rogers & Baldwin Hdw. Co., engineer and manual training supplies 71.53 Feb. 6 Inland Printing and Binding Co., bulletins 124.16 Feb. 6 A. F. Fine, domestic science supplies 24.09 Feb. 28 Knox Bell, library help 12.00 Feb. 28 Edw. West, janitor help 15.00 Feb. 28 Earl Burton, janitor help 20.00 Feb. 28 Lawson Williams, 38 days in January and February 66.50 Mar. 5 Gardner Office Supply Co., office supplies 3.85 Mar. 5 Inland Printing and Binding Co., program cards and coupons 37.00 Mar. 5 Springfield Stone and Fuel Co., 16 cars coal 566.95 Mar. 5 Rogers & Baldwin Hardware Co., engineer’s supplies 24.19 Mar. 5 United Iron Works, engineer’s supplies 3.50 Mar. 5 Johnson Heat Regulating Co., engineer’s supplies 8.25 Mar. 5 Schweitzer Brothers, engineer’s supplies 3.00 Mar. 5 Wilhoit Oil Co., engineer’s supplies 6.25 Mar. 5 E. Speaker, engineer’s supplies 21.50 Mar. 5 Greene Engineering Co., engineer’s supplies 17.89 Mar. 5 Springfield City Water Co., February service 120.07 Mar. 5 Springfield Gas & Electric Co., February service 77.98 Mar. 5 Wizard Products Co., sweeping compound 5.25 Mar. 5 Widbin & Fox, engineer’s supplies 4.05 Mar. 5 Missouri and Kansas Telephone Co., February service 11.33 Mar. 5 Henry Meyer, horse for February and March 30.00 Mar. 14 H. W. Rawden, boring well account 50.00 Mar. 31 Henry Meyer, salary for March 100.00 Mar. 31 H. D. Kelley, salary for March 50.00 Mar. 31 W. H. Hart, salary for March 50.00 Mar. 31 L. A. Golden, salary for March 50.00 Mar. 31 Joe Barbee, salary for March 50.00 Mar. 31 Grant Wollard, salary for March — 50.00 Mar. 31 Jean Sayler, custodian 25.00 Mar. 31 W. T. Clopton, bookstore 25.00 Fourth District, Springfield, Mo. 19 Mar. 31 Knox Bell, library help 15.00 Mar. 31 Edw. West, janitor help 15.00 Mar. 31 Earl Burton, janitor help . 20.00 Mar. 31 Mildred O’Neal, library help 10.00 Mar. 31 Ella Ehlert, library help . 10.00 Mar. 31 Frank C. Mann, secretary of school board 60.48 Mar. 31 John Young, treasurer of school board 50.00 Mar. 31 Standard Oil Co., oil 3.80 Mar. 31 United Iron Works, rollers 5.00 Mar. 31 American Seating Co., engineer’s supplies 5.04 Mar. 31 Martin Furniture Co., curtain in auditorium 194.75 Mar. 31 Milligan Grocer Co., janitor’s supplies 8.45 Mar. 31 Lawson Williams, helper 45.50 April 2 Marblehead Lime Co., 5 loads sand. 14.00 April 4 Wilhoit Refining Co., engineer’s supplies 6.25 April 4 Williams Lumber Co., engineer’s supplies 21.95 April 4 Widbin and Fox Paint Co., engineer’s supplies 1.85 April 4 Springfield Stone and Fuel Co., 10 cars coal.. 352.82 April 4 Walker-0 ’Byrne Electric Co., gymnasium supplies 11.35 April 4 Springfield City Water Co., service for March 144.01 April 4 Springfield Gas & Electric Co., service March 52.76 April 8 Mo. and Kan. Telephone Co., service for March 11.88 April 30 Henry Meyer, salary for April 100.00 April 30 H. D. Kelley, salary for April 50.00 April 30 W. H. Hart, salary for April 50.00 April 30 L. A. Golden, salary for April 50.00 April 30 John Yocum, salary for April 50.00 April 30 Grant Wollard, salary for April 50.00 April 30 Jean Sayler, custodian, April 25.00 April 30 W. T. Clopton, bookstore, April 25.00 April 30 Knox Bell, library help 12.00 April 30 Edw. West, janitor 15.00 April 30 Earl Burton, janitor 10.00 April 30 Oren Johnson, janitor 10.00 April 30 Mildred O’Neal, library help 10.00 April 30 Ella Ehlert, library help 10.00 April 30 Lawson Williams, help for April 45.50 April 30 Mary Davis, expenses extension class at Joplin 68.00 May 1 Martin Furniture & Carpet Co., matting 5.00 May 1 Browne Bros., registers, Greenwood 3.00 May 1 Keet & Rountree, engineer’s supplies 2.35 May 1 Rogers & Baldwin, engineer’s supplies 16.08 May 1 American Oil & Disinfectant Co., janitor’s supllies 12.05 May 1 Milligan Grocer Co., janitor’s supplies 3.19 May 1 Heer Dry Goods Co., janitor’s supplies 1.20 May 1 The Sanitary Market, domestic science supplies 1.05 May 1 H. & B. Dept. Store, drawing supplies and rent on dishes 6.10 May 1 Springfield Paper Supply Co., paper supplies 11.27 May 1 Springfield City Water Co., April service 92.62 May 1 Springfield Gas & Electric Co., April service 45.18 May 14 Springfield Paper Supply Co., 5 cases sanitary paper 32.50 May 14 Widbin & Fox Paint Co., engineer’s supplies 9.30 May 14 International Harvester Co., engineer’s supplies 2.09 May 14 Sanitary Plumbing & Heating Co., engineer’s supplies 1.50 May 14 Harry Cooper Supply Co., engineer’s supplies 5.71 May 14 Williams Lumber Co., engineer’s supplies 35.55 May 14 Rogers & Baldwin Hardware Co., engineer’s supplies 28.88 May 14 Springfield Stone & Fuel Co., 5 loads coal 41.44 May 14 Flummer-Adams Co., roller '2 days 12.00 May 14 Mo. and Kansas Telephone Co., April service 9.49 May 14 Ross Book and Stationery Co., framing 6 pictures 29.00 20 Missouri State Normal School May 14 Henry Meyer, horse for April and May 30.00 May 30 W. Y. Foster, expenses Board Meeting May 19.-. 20.00 May 20 C. A. Lockwood, expenses Board Meeting May 19 15.00 May 20 W. S. Candler, expenses Board Meeting May 19 15.00 May 31 Henry Meyer, salary for May 100.00 May 31 H. D. Kelley, salary for May 50.00 May 31 W. H. Hart, salary for May 50.00 May 31 L. A. Golden, salary for May 50.00 May 31 John Yoekum, salary for May 50.00 May 31 Grant Wollard, salary for May - 50.00 May 31 Jean Sayler, custodian 25.00 May 31 W. T. Clopton, bookstore 25.00 May 31 Knox Bell, library help ....' 15.00 May 31 Edw. West, janitor help 15.00 May 31 Earl Burton, janitor help 12.00 May 31 Oren Johnson, janitor help 12.00 May 31 Mildred O’Neal, library help 10.00 May 31 Ella Ehlert, library help 10.00 May 31 Lawson Williams, salary for May 45.50 June 6 Carrie L. Hopwood, acknowledgment and stenographic work 12.10 June 6 Gardner Office Supply Co., office supplies 6.15 June 6 Martin Furniture & Carpet Co., desks 90.00 June 6 Diffenderffer Buggy Co., engineer’s supplies 2.25 June 6 Springfield Stone & Fuel Co., engineer’s supplies... 9.44 June 6 International Harvester Co., engineer’s supplies 5.50 June 6 Sanitary Heat and Plumbing Co., engineer’s supplies 26.95 June 6 Imperial Brush Co., janitor’s supplies 30.00 June 6 Rogers & Baldwin Hardware Co., engineer’s supplies 16.76 June 6 Summerfield Floral Co., drawing supplies 1.70 June 6 Springfield Gas & Electric Co., May service 49.39 June 6 Springfield City Water Co., May service 78.76 June 6 Mo. and Kan. Telephone Co., May service 13.23 June 6 F. F. Thompson, traveling expenses 25.74 June 6 Springfield Furniture Co., chairs 15.50 June 6 W. T. Carrington, traveling expenses 64.25 June 6 M. A. O’Rear, traveling expenses 31.63 June 6 Inland Printing & Binding Co., office supplies 97.25 June 6 Office Equipment Co., office supplies 3.50 June 22 The Springfield Leader, advertis ng 100.00 June 22 Springfield Republican, advertising 100.00 June 22 W. P. Evans, Board Meeting June 11, expenses 40.00 June 22 W. Y. Foster, Board Meeting 20.00 June 22 C. A. Lockwood, Board Meeting 15.00 June 22 W. S. Candler, Board Meeting - 15.00 June 30 W. T. Clopton, bookstore - 25.00 June 30 Jean Sayler, custodian 25.00 June 30 Knox Bell, library help 15.00 June 30 Mildred O’Neal, library help - 10.00 June 30 Ella Ehlert, library help - - 10.00 June 30 Edward West, janitor help 15.00 June 30 Oren Johnson, janitor help 12.00 June 30 Henry Meyer, salary for June... 100.00 June 30 H. D. Kelley, salary for June 50.00 June 30 W. H. Hart, salary for June 50.00 June 30 Robert Stewart, salary for June - 50.00 June 30 Lawson Williams, salary for June ------ 45.50 June 30 Grant Wollard, salary for June 50.00 June 30 John Yoekum, salary for June - 50.00 June 30 Ira Wilson, library help - 15.00 June 30 Walter Barlow, bookstore help - 15.00 June 30 S. H. Wickiser, picture senior class 15.00 Fourth District, Springfield, Mo. 21 June 30 J. C. Dysart Mule Co., use of 2 horses 2.00 June 30 G. D. Milligan Grocer Co., janitor’s supplies 13.18 June 30 Marblehead Lime Co., sand for tennis court 25.40 June 30 Williams Lumber & Mfg. Co., lumber 4.70 June 30 Widbin & Fox Paint Co., paint 5.75 June 30 Harry Cooper Supply Co., well and tennis courts 53.94 June 30 Springfield Paper Supply Co., paper supplies 2.65 June 30 A. T. Quisenberry, insurance 34.50 June 30 J. W. Fairbanks, insurance 41.40 June 30 Savings Trust Co., insurance 25.00 June 30 J. A. Fairbanks, insurance 15.00 June 30 E. V. Horner, insurance 27.60 June 30 Springfield Security Co., insurance 41.40 July 3 Springfield City Water Co., June service — 103.68 July 3 Springfield Gas & Electric Co., June service 51.89 July 3 Hunt-Riddick Co., domestic science supplies 9.12 July 3 The Sanitary Market, domestic science supplies 10.15 July 3 A. F. Fine, domestic science supplies 34.55 July 3 New Phoenix Foundry & Machine Co., tower and tank... 1062.35 July 31 Henry Meyer, horse for June and July 30.00 July 31 Mo. and Kan. Telephone Co., June service 15.82 July 31 W. H. Hart, salary for July 50.00 July 31 Roscoe Stewart, salary for July 50.00 July 31 Lawson Williams, salary for July ----- 45.50 July 31 Grant Wollard, salary for July — 50.00 July 31 John Yoekum, salary for July 50.00 July 31 Horton Stone Co., stone tennis court 24.35 July 24 Merchants Ice & Fuel Co., domestic science supplies 24.00 July 24 Model Dry Goods Co, gymnasium supplies - 1.49 July 24 Welch Mfg. Co., diplomas 70.00 July 24 Rogers & Baldwin, engineer’s supplies 44.40 July 24 Marblehead Lime Co., stone tennis court 30.80 July 24 St. Louis Brush Co., floor brushes 27.00 July 24 Holcomb Mfg. Co., paper towels... 10.00 July 24 Clyde M. Hill, traveling expenses, extension course... 44.04 July 24 A. P. Temple, supplies physics department - 66.92 July 24 Williams Lumber Co., engineer’s supplies 140.99 July 31 W. T. Carrington, student help 18.00 July 27 Merkle-Hines Machine Co., pump and motor 931.65 Aug. 10 Springfield City Water Co., July service,. 93.32 Aug. 10 Springfield Gas & Electric Co., July service 41.76 Aug. 10 The Springfield Leader, advertising 3.00 Aug. 10 Mermod, Jaccard & King, commencement invitations 90.00 Aug. 10 Inland Printing Co., catalogs and office supplies 1076.75 Aug. 10 Gardner Offipe Supply Co., office supplies 6.65 Aug. 10 G. D. Milligan Grocer Co., janitor supplies 21.20 Aug. 10 Harry Cooper Supply Co., well supplies 28.83 Aug. 10 Schweitzer Bros., well supplies 1.15 Aug. 10 Sanitary Plumbing Co., well supplies 4.55 Aug. 10 Williams Lumber & Mfg. Co., well supplies 61.55 Aug. 10 W. T. Carrington, student help and labor 18.00 Aug. 10 W. T. Carrington, freight and drayage on cement 44.76 Aug. 10 W. T. Carrington, postage on bulletins 20.00 Aug. 10 The Sanitary Market, domestic science supplies 5.25 Aug. 10 A. F. Fine, domestic science supplies 47.77 Aug. 10 Hickman-Waddle, drawing supplies 3.48 Aug. 10 Vaughan’s Grocery, domestic science supplies 4.50 Aug. 10 Hunt-Riddick Co., domestic art supplies 10.01 Aug. 10 Mo. and Kan. Telephone Co., July service 9.48 Aug. 10 Springfield Seed Co., manual training supplies 43.49 Aug. 10 W. T. Carrington, freight and drayage on pump and motor '69.60 22 Missouri State Normal School Aug. 31 H. D. Kelley, salary for August 60.00 Aug. 31 W. H. Hart, salary for August 50.00 Aug. 31 Robert Stewart, salary for August .. 50.00 Aug. 31 Lawson Williams, salary for August 45.50 Sept. 14 New Phoenix Foundry and Machine Co., tower and lank 1062.35 Sept. 14 New Phoenix Foundry and Machine Co., beam for tower 24.60 Sept. 30 Mildred Covington, secretary to president 50.00 Sept. 30 Florence Dunlap, registrar 35.00 Sept. 30 Martha Finch, correspondence secretary 35.00 Sept. 30 Mildred O’Neal, library assistant „ 20.00 Sept. 30 Knox Bell, library assistant 20.00 Sept. 30 Walter Barlow, bookstore 20.00 Sept. 30 Finis Engleman, custodian 15.00 Sept. 30 Henry Meyer, engineer -... 112.50 Sept. 30 W. H. Hart, engineer assistant 50.00 Sept. 30 Roscoe Stewart, engineer assistant 50.00 Sept: 30 Lawson Williams, engineer assistant 45.50 Sept. 30 Grant Wollard, janitor 50.00 Sept. 30 John Yoekum, janitor 50.00 Sept. 30 Mrs. C. P. Kinsey, music, piano 108.33 Sept. 30 Mrs. Agnes Cowan, music, voice 100.00 Sept. 30 Sydney Myers, music, band and orchestra '. 50.00 Sept. 30 Henrietta Keller, music, piano assistant 50.00 Sept. 30 Carl Bajor Lightning Conductor Co., lightning conductors cn chimney 162.00 Sept. 30 W. T. Carrington, student janitor help... 45.00 Sept. 30 H. D. Kelley, Sept, salary 60.00 Sept. 30 Springfield City Water Co., Aug. service 73.41 Oct. 1 Springfield City Water Co., Sept, service — 63.09 Oct. 1 Springfield City Water Co., Sept, service, Greenwood 2.63 Oct. 1 Henry Meyer, horse for August and Sept 30.00 Oct. 5 American Disinfectant Co., disinfectants for janitor 15.00 Oct. 5 Anslinger Sheet Metal Works Co., skylight for well... 9.00 Oct. 5 Davis Planing Mill Co., engineer’s and manual supplies 5.05 Oct. 5 Educational Exhibition Co., science supplies 35.00 Oct. 5 Gardner Office Supply Co., bookkeeper’s supplies and furnishings.. 82.95 Oct. 5 Inland Printing Co., bulletins and library supplies 234.25 Oct. 5 G. D. Milligan Grocer Co., janitor supplies 15.06 Oct. 5 Mehl & Anderson Dry Goods Co., domestic supplies 18.55 Oct. 5 Midland Chemical Co., scrubbing compound .— 60.00 Oct. 5 Peter Henderson & Co., agriculture supplies.. 1.45 Oct. 5 Rogers & Baldwin Hardware Co., engineer’s supplies 28.94 Oct. 5 Ross Book & Stationery Co., art supplies 2.45 Oct. 5 Springfield Paper Supply Co., art supplies and paper 8.80 Oct. 5 Meyer & Meyer Drug Co., Agri. dept, supplies 6.95 Oct. 5 G. E. Stechert & Co., Latin dept, supplies 6.53 Oct. 5 Springfield Planing Mill, material for library... 6.05 Oct. 5 D. Appleton & Co., supplies for library 3.00 Oct. 5 United Iron Works Co., engineer’s supplies 12.05 Oct. 5 Walker-0 ’Byrne Electric Co., supplies for gymnasium 7.70 Oct. 5 Mo. and Kan. Telephone Co., Sept, service 6.85 Oct. 5 F. J. Dodson, repair and tuning piano - 15.00 Oct. 5 Springfield Seed Co., art department supplies 2.80 Oct. 5 Ben Lippman, athletic printing 28.25 Oct. 5 L. E. Lines Music Co., piano rent to Oct 9 .... ... 5.00 Oct. 5 Martin Piano Co., piano rent — — 7.50 Oct. 5 Widerholdt Construction Co., chimney power house 104.34 Oct. 5 Laclede Christy Clay Products Co., brick for power house 78.68 Oct. 5 Electric Equipment Co., physics supplies 164.16 Oct. 5 Groblebe Lumber Co., well material 21.90 Oct. 5 Keystone Driller Co., machine to test well 26.00 Fourth District, Springfield, Mo. 23 Oct. 5 John H. Shackelford, material repair power house 41.40 Oct. 5 New Phoenix Foundry & Machine Co., smoke stack 42.70 Oct. 5 Springfield Gas & Electric Co., Sept, service 41.48 Oct. 5 A. F. Fine, home economics supplies 14.41 Oct. 5 Merchants Ice & Fuel Co., home economics supplies 12.00 Oct. 5 Newton Grain Co., agriculture supplies 13.60 Oct. 5 C. B. Gentry, agriculture supplies 7.85 Oct. 5 F. A. Davis Co., library supplies 2.70 Oct. 5 Lea & Febiger, library supplies ---- 5.00 Oct. 5 Widbin & Fox Paint Co., material gymnasium 58.85 Oct. 5 Horton Stone Co., stone for well 13.30 Oct. 5 A. C. Moore, well engineer 150.00 Oct. 31 Mildred Covington, secretary to president 50.00 Oct. 31 Florence Dunlap, registrar 35.00 Oct. 31 Martha Finch, correspondence secretary .• 35.00 Oct. 31 Mildred O’Neal, library assistant 20.00 Oct. 31 Henry Deatherage, library assistant 14.00 Oct. 31 Finis Engleman, custodian 25.00 Oct. 31 Henry Meyer, engineer 112.50 Oct. 31 W. H. Hart, engineer assistant 50.00 Oct. 31 Roscoe Stewart, engineer assistant 50.00 Oct. 31 Lawson Williams, engineer assistant 45.50 Oct. 31 Grant Woolard, janitor 50.00 Oct. 31 John Yoekum, janitor 50.00 Oct. 31 Mrs. C. P. Kinsey, music, piano 108.33 Oct. 31 Mrs. Agnes Cowan, music, voice 100.00 Oct. 31 Sydney Myers, mhsic, band and orchestra 50.00 Oct. 31 Henrietta Keller, music, piano assistant 50.00 Oct. 31 George Danenhour, janitor assistant 15.00 Oct. 31 Roy Rine, janitor assistant 15.00 Oct. 31 W. T. Carrington, student help •# 15.00 Oct. 31 H. D. Kelley, farmer 60.00 Oct. 31 Inland Printing Co., grade cards 30.00 Oct. 31 Rand, McNally & Co., history department supplies 35.24 Oct, 31 Vaughan’s Grocery, domestic science supplies 8.19 Oct. 31 Gardner Offipe Supply Co., office supplies 12.95 Oct. 31 Henry Meyer, horse, October and November 30.00 Nov. 6 Eugene Dietzgen Co., manual training supplies 48.73 Nov. 6 A. F. Fine, home economics supplies 9.82 Nov. 6 H. & B. Dept. Store, home economics supplies 1.75 Nov. 6 A. C. McClurg & Co., library supplies 6.75 Nov. 6 J. E. Martin Furniture & Carpet Co., engineer’s supplies 2.90 Nov. 6 .Latin Game Co., Latin supplies 2.49 Nov. 6 Springfield City Water Co., October service 8.63 Nov. 6 Springfield Gas & Electric Co., October service 56.89 Nov. 6 Springfield Seed Co., agri. and home economic supplies 15.46 Nov. 6 The Sanitary Market, home eponomic supplies 5.00 Nov. 6 Springfield Paper Supply Co., janitor and office supplies 17.60 Nov. 6 United Iron Works Co., engineer’s supplies 1.50 Nov. 6 Mo. and Kan. Telephone Co., October service 7.90 Nov. 6 Vaughan’s Grocery, home economics supplies 12.19 Nov. 6 E. M. Wilhoit Oil Co., oil supplies 7.32 Nov. 6 Wizard Products Co., sweeping compound 7.00 Nov. 6 Groblebe Lumber Co., gymnasium supplies 3.50 Nov. 6 Chas. A. Howell, coal 272.55 Nov. 6 Martin Bros. Piano Co., piano rent to Nov. 15 22*50 Nov. 6 L. E. Lines Music Co., piano rent to Nov 17.50 Nov. 6 Rogers & Baldwin Hardware Co., engineer’s supplies 61.08 Nov. 30 Mildred Covington, secretary to president 50.00 Nov. 30 Florence Dunlap, registrar 35.00 Nov. 30 Martha Finch, correspondence secretary 35.00 24 Missouri State Normal School Nov. 30 Mildred O’Neal, library assistant 20.00 Nov. 30 Henry Deatherage, library assistant 12.00 Nov. 30 Finis Engleman, custodian 20.00 Nov. 30 Henry Meyer, engineer ....... 112.50 Nov. 30 W. H. Hart, engineer assistant 50.00 Nov. 30 Roscoe Stewart, engineer assistant 50.00 Nov. 30 Lawson Williams, engineer assistant - 50.00 Nov. 30 Grant Wollard, janitor — 50.00 Nov. 30 John Yoekum, janitor - 50.00 Nov. 30 Mrs. C. P. Kinsey, music, piano 108.33 Nov. 30 Mrs. Agnes Cowan, music, voice 100.00 Nov. 30 Sydney Myers, music, band - 50.00 Nov. 30 Henrietta Keller, music, piano assistant 50.00 Nov. 30 Geo. Danenhour, janitor assistant - - 15.00 Nov. 30 Ben Foster, janitor assistant 15.00 Nov. 30 H. D. Kelley, farmer 60.00 Nov. 30 A. C. Moore, engineer, well 14.34 Nov. 30 Merkle-Hines Machine Co., p\imp and motor 602.78 Dec. 5 Hiram Lloyd Building & Construction Co., final settlement on contract, addition to building — 483.46 Dec. 5 W. T. Carrington, traveling expenses - 39.00 Dec. 7 W. Y. Foster, Board Meeting Nov. 10. .. 20.00 Dec. 7 C. A. Lockwood, Board Meeting Nov. 10 15.00 Dec. 7 C. A. Lockwood, Executive Meeitng Dec. 4 15.00 Dec. 7 W. S. Candler, Board Meeting Nov. 10... 15.00 Dec. 7 W. S. Candler, Executive Meeting Dec. 4 15.00 Dec. 7 W. P. Evans, Board Meeting Nov. 10 40.00 Dec. 7 Harry Cooper Supply Co., engineer’s supplies 49.94 Dec. 7 A. F. Fine, home economics 13.97 Dec. 7 Groblebe Lumber Co., engineer’s supplies 19.23 Dec. 7 Gardner Office Supply Co., office supplies 3.00 Dec. 7 Chas. A. Howell, coal 253.21 Dec. 7 E. B. Hall, jeweler, engraving cups 3.08 Dec. 7 H. & B. Department Store, home economics 2.10 Dec. 7 Inland Printing Co., Greenwood supplies 6.25 Dec. 7 L. E. Lines Music Co., piano rent to Dec 6 7.50 Dec. 7 Martin Bros. Piano Co., piano rent to Dec. 15 7.50 Dec. 7 Mo. and Kan. Telephone Co., Dec. service 7.15 Dec. 7 Meyer & Meyer Drug Co., agri. supplies 2.20 Dec. 7 G. D. Milligan Grocer Co., mops and gold dust 6.18 Dec. 7 Springfield Paper Supply Co., home economics supplies 3.66 Dec. 7 Springfield Gas & Electric Co., Nov. service 81.61 Dec. 7 Springfield Paper Supply Co., toilet paper 19.50 Dec. 7 Springfield Seed Co., agriculture supplies 18.35 Dec. 7 The Sanitary Market, home economics supplies 3.30 Dec. 7 Yaughan’s Grocery, home economic supplies 14.40 Dec. 7 E. M. Wilhoit Oil Co., engineer’s supplies 23.76 Dec. 7 W. M. Welch Mfg. Co., science supplies 3.00 Dec. 7 Browne’s Book & Stationery Co., art supplies 1.90 Dec. 7 Browne Bros., magazines for 1915 200.00 Dec. 7 Mehl & Anderson D. G. Co., home economics supplies 2.65 Dec. 7 Rogers & Baldwin Hdw. Co., department supplies 21.04 Dec. 7 Wright & Ditson, athletic goods 60.00 Dec. 7 J. B. Ross Book Co., office supplies and name plates 5.45 Dec. 31 Mildred O’Neal, library assistant - - 20.00 Dec. 31 Henry Detherage, library assistant 12.00 Dec. 31 Finis Engleman, custodian 20.00 Dec. 31 Lawson Williams, engineer assistant 50.00 Dec. 31 Grant Wollard, janitor 50.00 Dec. 31 John Yoekum, janitor 50.00 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 Fourth District, Springfield, Mo. 25 Mrs. C. P. Kinsey, music, piano 108.34 Mrs. Agnes Cowan, music, voice 100.00 Sydney Myers, music, band 50.00 Henrietta Keller, music, piano assistant 50.00 H. D. Kelley, farmer 60.00 John J. Schneider, telephone and well 5.50 Widerholdt Construction Co., smoke stack 1000.00 Widbin & Fox Paint Co., engineer’s and agri. supplies 14.00 Inland Printing Co., office supplies 6.50 Newton Grain Co., agricultural supplies 10.85 Hawk-Eye Compound Co., engineer’s supplies 23.36 Henry Meyer, horse, Dec. and Jan 30.00 J. D. Delp, petty cash accounts 715.60 $37468.68 26 Missouri State Normal School REPORT OF JOHN T. YOUNG, TREASURER BOARD OF REGENTS, STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, DISTRICT NO. 4, SPRINGFIELD, MO. DECEMBER 19th, 1912, TO JANUARY 6th, 1915 Report of John T. Young, Treasurer, Board of Regents, State Normal School, District No. 4. Springfield, Missouri. From December 19th, 1912, to January 6th, 1915. GYMNASIUM FUND. December 19th, 1912. Cash on hand $ NONE Receipts. April 8th, 1918. State Auditor $1000.00 Total $1000.00 Disbursements. Vouchers, 1876 to 1879, 2518. Aggregating $1000.00 Total $1000.00 Report of John T. Young, Treasurer, Board of Regents, State Normal School, District No. 4. Springfield, Missouri. From December 19th, 1912, to January 6th, 1915. POWER HOUSE AND SMOKE STACK FUND. Receipts. December 19th, 1912. Insurance collected for damage to smoke stack by lightning $2400.00 April 8th, 1913. State Auditor $2000.00 $4400.00 Total - , $4400.00 Disbursements. Vouchers, 1785, 1812 to 1820, 1828 to 1829, 1834 to 1835, 1872 to 1875, 2103 to 2104, 2107, 2115, 2133 to 2134, 2158, 2197, to 2198, 2231 to 2232, 2249, 2253, 2458, aggregating $4400.00 Total .$4400.00 Fourth District, Springfield, Mo. 27 Report of John T. Young, Treasurer, Board of Regents, State Normal School, District No. 4. Springfield, Missouri. From December 19th, 1912, to January 6th, 1915. LIBRARY, SCIENTIFIC AND EQUIPMENT FUND. December 19th, 1912. Cash on hand $ 15.16 Receipts. March 8th, 1912. State Auditor $1500.00 February 28th, 1914. State Auditor 2000.00 April 3rd, 1914. State Auditor - 1500.00 September 30th, 1914. W. T. Carrington, to cover overdraft at bank 59.62 $5059.62 Total $5074.78 Disbursements. Vouchers, 1880 to 1883, 1972 to 1978, 1982, 1995 to 1996, 2014, 2063 to 2064, 2067 to 2068, 2088 to 2089, 2100, 2124 to 2125, 2145, 2152 to 2155, 2157, 2179 to 2181, 2184 to 2187, 2196, 2222, 2226, 2229 to 2230, 2234 to 2236, 2246, 2282 to 2291, 2320 to 2325, 2363 to 2367, 2377 to 2385, 2405, aggre- gating $5074.78 Total $5074.78 Report of John T. Young, Treasurer, Board of Regents, State Normal School, District No. 4. Springfield, Missouri. From December 19th, 1912, to January 6th, 1915. RENT FUND. December 19th, 1912. Cash on hand 28.10 Receipts. Receipts NONE Total $ 28.10 Disbursements. July 31st, 1913. Transferred to Incidental Fund by order of Board of Regents $ 28.10 Total .$ 28.10 28 Missouri State Normal School Report of John T. Young, Treasurer, Board of Regents, State Normal School, District No. 4. Springfield, Missouri. From December 19th, 1912, to January 6th, 1915. INCIDENTAL FUND. December January March March April April June June July September September September September October November December December December December December December December January March March April April April May May May June June June June June September September September September September September September October October October November December December 19th, 1912. 6th, 1913. 8 th, 1913. 12th, 1913. 10th, 1913. 17th, 1913. 13th, 1913. 30th, 1913. 31st, 1913. 9 th, 1913. 17th, 1913. 20th, 1913. 23rd, 1913. 4th, 1913. 28th, 1913. 2nd, 1913. 6th, 1913. 6th, 1913. 9th, 1913. 11th, 1913. 15 th, 1913. 20th, 1913. 8th, 1914. 9th, 1914. 11th, 1914. 4th, 1914. 21st, 1914. 23rd, 1914. 15th, 1914. 21st, 1914. 23rd, 1914. 1st, 1914. 3rd, 1914. 5th, 1914. 12th, 1914. 19th, 1914. 1st, 1914. 9 th, 1914. 11th, 1914. 12th, 1914. 16th, 1914. 19th, 1914. 23rd, 1914. 8th, 1914. 10th, 1914. 23rd, 1914. 27th, 1914. 1st, 1914. 3rd, 1914. Cash on hand $ Receipts. Tuitions $1000.00 2000.00 “ - 1000.00 “ 200.00 “ 800.00 “ 4000.00 “ 3000.00 Transferred from rent acct 28.10 Tuitions 2000.00 350.00 160.55 157.04 589.75 145.60 787.75 291.00 121.30 354.20 627.70 234.38 332.45 467.50 784.90 1846.55 537.50 675.65 307.75 237.06 242.50 83.00 1222.80 3741.95 1741.10 705.06 319.00 410.45 1067.75 691.65 201.25 646.00 270.00 299.20 56.72 150.00 100.00 105.55 571.00 366.70 305.88 Fourth District, Springfield, Mo, 29 December 5th, 1914. * ‘ 563.48 December 9th, 1914. ‘ ‘ 405.58 December 11th, 1914. ‘ ‘ 87.50 December 15th, 1914. • ‘ 125.65 December 26th, 1914. ‘ ‘ 115.60 $ 37.326.16 Total.....— $ 37,632.04 Disbursements. Vouchers, 1756, 1783, 1786 to : L811, 1821 to 1827, 1830 to 1833, 1836 to 1871, 1884 to 1967, 1969 to 1971, 1979 to 1981, 1983 to 1994, 1997 to 2013, 2015 to 2018, 2020 to 2033, 2035 to 2050, 2052 to 2061, 2065 to 2066, 2069 to 2087, 2090 to 2099, 2101 to 2102, 2105 to 2106, 2108 to 2114, 2116 to 2123, 2126 to 2132, 2135 to 2144, 2146 to 2151, 2156, 2159, 2 160 to : 2173, 2182 to 2183, 2188 to 2195, 2199 to 2225, 2227 to 2228 2237 to 2245, 2247 to 2248, 2250 to 2252, 2254 to 2281, 2292 to 2319, 2326 to 2362, 2368 to 2376, 2386 to 2404, 2406 to 2457, 2459 to 2517, 2519 to 2578, 2579 to 2597, aggregating $ 37,479.25 Cash on hand Janaary 6, 1915. 152.79 Total $ 37.632.04 Report of John T. Young, Treasurer, Board of Regents, State Normal School, District No. 4. Springfield, Missouri. From December 19th, 1912, to January 6th, 1915. TEACHERS’ FUND. December 19th, 1912. Cash on hand $ NONE Receipts. January 3rd, 1913. State Auditor $3400.60 March 25th, 1913. “ “ 9000.00 April 18th, 1913. “ “ . 5000.00 May 1st, 1913. “ “ 5000.00 May 29th, 1913. “ “ 5200.00 July 1st, 1913. “ “ 7000.00 July 29th. 1913. “ “ 7000.00 September 4th, 1913. “ “ - 5000.00 October 2nd, 1913. “ “ 5000.00 November 3rd, 1913. “ “ 5000.00 December 2nd, 1913. “ “ 5000.00 January 2nd, 1914. “ “ 5000.00 February 3rd, 1914. “ “ 5000.00 March 2nd, 1914. “ “ 5000.00 April 3rd, 1914. “ “ . 5000.00 May 2nd, 1914. “ “ 6000.00 June ' 4th, 1914. “ “ 5800.00 July 2nd, 1914. “ “ 7000.00 August 1st, 1914. “ “ 8000.00 September 2nd, 1914. “ “ 5000.00 October 3rd, 1914. “ “ 5000.00 November 4th, 1914. “ “ 5000.00 December 1st, 1914. “ “ 5000.00 December 31st, 1914, “ “ 5000.00 $133,400.60 Total $133,400.60 30 Missouri State Normal School Disbursements. December 19th, 1912. Overdraft due Union National Bank, Springfield, Missouri $ 141.42 Vouchers, 2389 to 2723, 2726 to 3293, 3295 to 3430, 3432 to 3649. Aggregating $133,259.18 Total $133,400.60 Report of John T. Young, Treasurer, Board of Regents, State Normal School, District No. 4. Springfield, Missouri. From December 19th, 1912, to January 6th, 1915. RECAPITULATION. December 19th, 1912. Cash on hand ...$ 207.72 $ December 19th, 1912. Due Union National Bank, Spring- field, Mo., overdraft from Teachers’ Fund.. $ 141.42 $ 349.14 Receipts. Gymnasium Fund $ 1,000.00 Power House and Smoke Stack Fund 4,400.00 Library, Scientific and Equipment Fund 5,059.62 Incidental Fund 37,326.16 Teachers’ Fund — 133,400.60 $181,186.38 Total Disbursements. Gymnasium Fund Power House and Smoke Stack Fund Library, Scientific and Equipment Fund Rent Fund Incidental Fund Teachers’ Fund $181,535.52 ; 1 , 000.00 4,400.00 5,074.78 28.10 37,479.25 133,400.60 $181,382.73 Cash on hand January 6th, 1915. In Incidental Fund $ 152.79 $181,535.52 John T. Young, Treasurer Board of Regents, State Normal School, District No. 4, being duly sworn on his oath says, that the above state- ment of receipts and expenditures, showing all moneys received and ex- pended from December 19th, 1912, to January 6th, 1915, is correct and true to the best of his knowledge and belief. John T. Young, Treasurer. I, George D. McDaniel, Cashier of The McDaniel National Bank, of Springfield, Mo., hereby certify that the balances as shown above cor- respond with the amounts to the credit of The State Normal School, of which John T. Young is Treasurer in the above bank, January 6th, 1915 - Geo. D. McDaniel, Cashier.