Univ.of jii. Library 51 _ THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY AND THE EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK Trustee 3rust Agmmpnt Dated March 1, 1921 $15,000,000 TEN YEAR SIX AND ONE-HALF PER CENT GOLD DEBENTURES h C7 (Ks ~ THIS AGREEMENT, dated March 1, 1921, between The Atlantic Refining Company, a corporation organ¬ ized and existing under the laws of Pennsylvania (here¬ inafter called the Company), party of the first part, and The Equitable Trust Company of New York, a cor¬ poration organized and existing under the laws of New York, as Trustee (hereinafter called the Trustee), party of the second part, WlTNESSETH : Whereas the Company is authorized to borrow money for its corporate purposes and to issue debentures as hereinafter provided; and Whereas the Company desires to borrow money for such purposes and, to that end, pursuant to and in ac¬ cordance with resolutions duly adopted by its Board of Directors, has determined to make an issue of deben¬ tures, to be known as its Ten Year Six and One-Half Per Cent. Gold Debentures, in the aggregate principal amount of Fifteen Million Dollars ($15,000,000) in denomina¬ tions of $100, $500 and $1,000; to be dated March 1, 1921, and to mature on March 1, 1931; to bear interest at the rate of six and one-half per cent. (6U>%) per annum from March 1, 1921, payable semi-annually on March 1 and September 1 in each year; to be payable, both principal and interest, in gold coin of the United States of America of or equal to the standard of weight and fineness exist¬ ing on March 1, 1921, at the principal office of the Trustee in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New 2 York, without deduction for any Federal income tax not exceeding two per cent. (2%) in any year and with¬ out deduction for any Pennsylvania personal prop¬ erty tax not to exceed four mills on each dollar of principal amount in any year, which the Company or the Trustee may be required or permitted to pay thereon or retain therefrom under any present or future laws of the United States of America and/or of the Com¬ monwealth of Pennsylvania respectively; and to be re¬ deemable in whole and redeemable in part (by lot in parcels of $500,000 or more), at the option of the Com¬ pany, on any interest payment date, on not less than thirty (30) days notice, at the principal amount thereof, together with accrued interest, plus a premium of three and one-half per cent. (3y>%) of such principal amount, if redeemed on or before March 1, 1922, and thereafter at a premium of one-quarter of one per cent. 0/4%) of such principal amount less for each half year elapsed after March 1, 1922, until a premium of one-half of one per cent. (y 2 %) is reached, and thereafter at a premium of one-half of one per cent. (M>%); Whereas the Company, in and by said resolutions of its Board of Directors, and by vote of a majority in interest of its stockholders has duly authorized the exe¬ cution and delivery of this agreement; and Whereas the text of all of said debentures and of the coupons to be annexed thereto (appropriate inser¬ tions as to face amounts, etc., to be made therein) and of the Trustee’s certificate of authentication to be en¬ dorsed thereon is to be substantially as follows: 3 (Form of Debenture.) No. $ United States of America THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY Ten Year Six and One-Half Per Cent. Gold Debenture The Atlantic Refining Company, a corporation of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (herein called the Company), for value received, hereby promises to pay on March 1, 1931, at the principal office of The Equitable Trust Company of New York, in the Borough of Man¬ hattan, City and State of New York, to the bearer hereof or, if this debenture be registered, to the registered owner hereof Dollars in gold coin of the United States of America of or equal to the standard of weight and fineness existing on March 1, 1921, and to pay in like gold coin, interest thereon from March 1, 1921, until paid, at the rate of six and one- half per cent. (6yo%) per annum, payable at said office semi-annually on March 1 and September 1 in each year. Until maturity of this debenture such interest shall be paid only upon presentation and surrender of the an¬ nexed interest coupons as they severally mature. Both the principal of and the interest on this deben¬ ture shall be paid without deduction for any Federal in¬ come tax not exceeding two per cent. (2%) in any year, which the Company or the Trustee under the Trust Agreement hereinafter mentioned may be required or permitted to pay thereon or retain therefrom under any present or future law of the United States of America. The Company agrees, as provided in said Trust Agree¬ ment, to reimburse to the holder, or if registered to the registered owner hereof, any and all taxes, (other than succession or inheritance taxes) which may be imposed upon this debenture or upon such holder or registered owner by reason of his ownership hereof under any 4 present or future law of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl¬ vania, or of any county, municipality or taxing authority in said Commonwealth but not in excess of four mills per annum on each dollar of the principal amount of this debenture. Both principal and interest of this debenture are payable without deduction for said taxes. This debenture is one of an authorized issue of cou¬ pon debentures of the Company in the aggregate prin¬ cipal amount of Fifteen Million Dollars ($15,000,000), issued under and subject to the provisions of a Trust Agreement dated March 1, 1921, between the Company and The Equitable Trust Company of New York, as Trustee, to which Trust Agreement reference is hereby made for a statement of the rights of the holders of the debentures and coupons issued thereunder. This debenture shall pass by delivery, unless regis¬ tered in the holder’s name at the office of said Trustee in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, such registration being noted hereon; after such registration no transfer hereof shall be valid unless made at said office by the registered owner in person or by his duly authorized attorney and similarly noted hereon; but this debenture may be discharged from registration by being in like manner transferred to bearer, whereupon trans¬ ferability by delivery shall be restored; and this deben¬ ture may again from time to time be registered or trans¬ ferred to bearer as before. Such registration, however, shall not affect the negotiability of the coupons, which shall continue to be transferable by delivery. If an event of default as specified in said Trust Agree¬ ment shall occur, the principal of said debentures may become or lie declared due and payable in the manner and with the effect in said Trust Agreement provided. The debentures of this issue are subject to redemp¬ tion in whole, or in part by lot in parcels of $500,000 or more, at the option of the Company, on any interest pay¬ ment date, on not less than thirty (30) days notice given as provided in said Trust Agreement, at the principal amount thereof, together with accrued interest, plus a 5 premium of three and one-half per cent. (3^2%) of such principal amount, if redeemed on or prior to March 1, 1922, and thereafter at a premium of one-quarter of one per cent, of such principal amount less for each half year elapsed after March 1, 1922, until a premium of one-half of one per cent, is reached and thereafter at a premium of one-half of one per cent. Said Trust Agreement also provides for the payment by the Company to the Trustee, for the purpose of a Sink¬ ing Fund, on March 1, 1922, and on March 1 of each year thereafter, of the sum of $500,000 to be used in the pur¬ chase and retirement of debentures, at prices not in ex¬ cess of par and accrued interest, in the manner therein provided. If in any year sufficient debentures can not be so purchased within four months after such payment is made, the unexpended balance of such payment will revert to the general funds of the Company. No recourse shall be had for the payment of the prin¬ cipal of or the interest on this debenture or for any claim based hereon or otherwise in respect hereof or of said Trust Agreement against any incorporator or any past, present or future stockholder, officer or director of the Company, either directly or through the Company, by virtue of any constitution, statute or rule of law or by the enforcement of any assessment or otherwise; any and all liability of any incorporator, stockholder, officer or director of the Company being, by the acceptance and as part of the consideration for the issue hereof, expressly released. This debenture shall not be valid or obligatory for any purpose until the certificate endorsed hereon shall have been signed by the Trustee under said Trust Agree¬ ment. In witness whereof The Atlantic Refining Com¬ pany has caused this debenture to be signed in New York City by its President or one of its Vice-Presidents and by its Treasurer or an Assistant Treasurer and its corpo- 6 rate seal to be hereunto affixed and coupons, bearing the facsimile signature of its Treasurer, to be annexed here¬ to as of the first day of March in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-One. The Atlantic Refining Company, By Vice President. Treasurer. (Form of Coupon.) No. $. On 1, 19 , upon the surrender hereof, The, Atlantic Refining Company will pay to bearer, at the principal office of The Equitable Trust Com¬ pany of New York, in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, Dollars in United States Gold Coin, without deduction for any Federal in¬ come tax not exceeding two per cent. (2%) or for any Pennsylvania property tax not exceeding four mills on each dollar of principal in any year, being six months interest then due on its Ten Year Six and One-half Per Cent. Gold Debenture, No. unless said de¬ benture shall have been called for previous redemption. Treasurer. (Form of Trustee’s Certificate.) This is one of the Debentures referred to in the within mentioned Trust Agreement. The Equitable Trust Company" of New York, Trustee, By Assistant Secretary. 7 and Whereas the Trustee has power to enter into this agreement and to accept and execute the trusts hereby created; and Whereas all things have been done and performed, which are necessary to make said debentures (herein¬ after called the Debentures), when executed by the Com¬ pany and authenticated by the Trustee, valid and binding legal obligations of the Company and this agreement a valid agreement for the uses and purposes herein set forth; Now, therefore, in consideration of the premises and of the purchase and acceptance of the Debentures by the holders thereof and of the sum of One Dollar ($1) to the Company duly paid by the Trustee at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the Company covenants and agrees with the Trustee, for the equal and propor¬ tionate benefit of all present and future holders and reg¬ istered owners of the Debentures and of the coupons thereto appertaining, as follows, to wit: ARTICLE FIRST. Form, Execution and Registration of Debentures. Section 1. The Debentures and the interest coupons appertaining thereto shall be substantially of the tenor and purport above recited, the words “unless said de¬ benture shall have been called for previous redemption” to be omitted from the coupon maturing on September 1, 1921. The aggregate principal amount of all Debentures which may be issued and outstanding under this agree- 8 ment at any time shall not exceed Fifteen Million Dollars ($15,000,000), except as provided in Section 7 of this Article in respect of lost or destroyed Debentures. The Debentures shall be dated March 1, 1921, and shall be payable March 1, 1931, unless they shall be called for pre¬ vious redemption as herein provided. Section 2. The Debentures shall be of the denomina¬ tions of $100, $500 and/or $1,000. The Debentures of the denomination of $100 shall be numbered Cl and con¬ secutively upward, those of the denomination of $500 D1 and consecutively upward and those of the denomination of $1,000 Ml and consecutively upward. Every Debenture for $1,000 shall bear endorsed there¬ on a legend reciting that the holder thereof may, at his option, and on surrender and cancellation thereof, to¬ gether with all unmatured coupons appertaining there¬ to, and on payment of the charges hereinafter mentioned, receive in exchange therefor Debentures for a principal amount aggregating $1,000, in denominations of $100 and/or $500 and having numbers not contemporaneously outstanding; and may contain such further specifications as may be required to conform to any rule of the New York Stock Exchange and/or other Exchanges and any usage with respect thereto. Whenever any Debenture of the denomination of $1,000, together with all unma¬ tured coupons appertaining thereto, shall be so surren¬ dered to the Trustee, the Company, upon payment of such charges, shall execute and the Trustee shall authenticate and deliver in exchange therefor Debentures for a prin¬ cipal amount aggregating $1,000, in denominations of $100 and/or $500 as the holder may request, having num¬ bers not contemporaneously outstanding and having ap¬ propriate coupons annexed. 9 Every Debenture for $500 shall bear endorsed there¬ on a legend reciting that the holder thereof may, at his option, and on surrender and cancellation thereof, to¬ gether with all unmatured coupons appertaining there¬ to, and on payment of the charges hereinafter mentioned, receive in exchange therefor Debentures for a principal amount aggregating $500, in denominations of $100 and having numbers not contemporaneously outstanding; and may contain such further specifications as may be re¬ quired to conform to any rule of the New York Stock Exchange and/or other Exchanges and any usage with respect thereto. Whenever any Debenture of the denomi¬ nation of $500, together with all unmatured coupons ap¬ pertaining thereto, shall be so surrendered to the Trustee, the Company, upon payment of such charges, shall exe¬ cute and the Trustee shall authenticate and deliver in exchange therefor Debentures for a principal amount aggregating $500, in denominations of $100, having num¬ bers not contemporaneously outstanding and having ap¬ propriate coupons annexed. Every Debenture for $100 and every Debenture for $500 shall bear endorsed thereon a legend reciting that the holder thereof may, at his option, and on surrender and cancellation thereof with other Debentures aggre¬ gating $1,000 in principal amount, together with all un¬ matured coupons appertaining thereto, and on payment of the charges hereinafter mentioned, receive in exchange therefor a Debenture having a number not contempo¬ raneously outstanding, of the denomination of $1,000; and may contain such further specifications as may be required to conform to any rule of the New York Stock Exchange and/or other Exchanges and any usage with respect thereto. Whenever Debentures of the denomina- 10 tions of $100 and/or $500, aggregating- $1,000 in principal amount, together with all unmatured coupons appertain¬ ing thereto, shall be so surrendered to the Trustee, the Company, upon payment of such charges, shall execute and the Trustee shall authenticate and deliver in ex¬ change therefor a Debenture of the denomination of $1,000, having a number not contemporaneously outstand¬ ing and having appropriate coupons annexed. Every Debenture for $100 shall bear endorsed there¬ on a legend reciting that the holder thereof may, at his option, and on surrender and cancellation thereof with other Debentures aggregating $500 in principal amount, together with all unmatured coupons appertaining there¬ to, and on payment of the charges hereinafter men¬ tioned, receive in exchange therefor a Debenture having a number not contemporaneously outstanding, of the de¬ nomination of $500; and may contain such further specifi¬ cations as may be required to conform to any rule of flic New York Stock Exchange and/or other Exchanges and any usage with respect thereto. Whenever Debentures of the denomination of $100 aggregating $500 in principal amount, together with all unmatured coupons appertain¬ ing thereto, shall be so surrendered to the Trustee, the Company, upon payment of such charges, shall execute and the Trustee shall authenticate and deliver in ex¬ change therefor a Debenture of the denomination of $500, having a number not contemporaneously outstanding and having appropriate coupons annexed. Upon every exchange of Debentures of one denomina¬ tion for Debentures of a different denomination as pro¬ vided in this Section, the Company may require the payment of a sum sufficient to reimburse it for any stamp tax or other governmental charge connected therewith. 11 and also a further sum not exceeding one dollar ($1) for each new Debenture issued upon such exchange. In every case of such exchange the Trustee shall forthwith cancel any surrendered Debentures and coupons and shall, upon its written request, deliver the same to the Company. Section 3. The Debentures shall be signed in the name and on behalf of the Company by its President or one of its Vice-Presidents and by its Treasurer or an Assistant Treasurer and its corporate seal shall be af¬ fixed thereto. They shall then lie delivered to the Trus¬ tee for authentication by it, whereupon, as provided in Article Second hereof and not otherwise, the Trustee shall authenticate and deliver the same. In case any of the officers who shall have signed or sealed any of the Debentures shall cease to be such officer or officers of the Company before the Debentures so signed or sealed shall have been authenticated and delivered by the Trustee such Debentures may, nevertheless, be au¬ thenticated and delivered by the Trustee and, upon such authentication and delivery, shall be as binding upon the Company as though those who signed and sealed the same had continued to be such officers of the Com¬ pany. Only such of the Debentures as shall bear thereon endorsed a certificate in the form hereinbefore recited, executed by the Trustee, shall be issued under or en¬ titled to the benefit of this agreement, and such certifi¬ cate of the Trustee shall be conclusive evidence and the only evidence that the Debentures so authenticated have been issued hereunder and are entitled to the benefit of this agreement. The coupons to be annexed to the Debentures shall bear the facsimile signature of the present Treasurer of the Company or the facsimile signature of any future 12 Treasurer thereof and the Company may adopt and use for that purpose the facsimile signature of any person who shall have been its Treasurer, notwithstanding the fact that he may have ceased to be such at the time when any of the Debentures shall be authenticated, delivered or issued. Section 4. The Company will keep at the office of the Trustee in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, a sufficient register or registers for the registration and transfer of the Debentures; and, upon presentation at such office for such purpose, the Company will, under such reasonable regulations as it may prescribe, register as to principal any of the Debentures. The holder of any Debenture may have the ownership thereof registered at such office, such registry being noted on the Debenture by the Registrar, after which reg¬ istration and notation, no transfer shall be valid, unless made at such office by the registered owner in person or by his duly authorized attorney and similarly noted on the Debenture. Upon presentation at such office of any such Debenture registered as to principal, accompanied by delivery of a written instrument of transfer in form approved by the Registrar, executed by the registered owner in person or by his duly authorized attorney, the same may be transferred upon such register by the reg¬ istered owner in person or by his duly authorized attor¬ ney and such transfer shall be noted by the Registrar on the Debenture. The registered owner of any De¬ benture registered as to principal shall also have the right to cause the same to be transferred and regis¬ tered as payable to bearer, in which case transferability by delivery will be restored and thereafter the principal 13 of such Debenture, when due, shall be payable to the per¬ son presenting the same; but any Debenture registered as payable to bearer may be registered again in the name of the holder with the same effect as a first registration thereof. Successive registrations and transfers, as afore¬ said, may be made from time to time as desired and each registration of a Debenture shall be noted thereon. The registration of a Debenture shall not affect the nego¬ tiability, by delivery merely, of the coupons appertain¬ ing thereto, but every such coupon shall continue to pass by delivery and shall remain payable to bearer as therein provided and payment thereof to bearer shall fully dis¬ charge the Company in respect of the interest therein mentioned, whether or not such Debenture be registered as to principal. For any such transfer or registration of a Debenture the Company may require the payment of a sum sufficient to reimburse it for any stamp tax or other governmental charge that may be imposed thereon. The Trustee is hereby appointed Registrar for the purpose of registering as to principal and thereafter transferring any of the Debentures as herein provided. Section 5. The Company and the Trustee may con¬ sider and treat the person, in whose name any Debenture issued hereunder shall be registered as to principal, as the owner thereof for all purposes, except that interest thereon shall be payable only to the bearers of the cou¬ pons appertaining thereto, and neither the Company nor the Trustee shall be affected by any notice to the con¬ trary. The Company and the Trustee may consider and treat the bearer of any Debenture, which shall not at the time be registered as to principal, and the bearer of any coupon for interest on any Debenture, whether or not 14 such Debenture shall be so registered and whether or not such Debenture or coupon be overdue, as the absolute owner of such Debenture or coupon for all purposes whatsoever, and neither the Company nor the Trustee shall be affected by any notice to the contrary. Section 6. The Company has heretofore executed, sold and delivered Interim Certificates in the principal amount of Fifteen Million Dollars ($15,000,000) dated February 14,1921, countersigned for the purpose of iden¬ tification by said The Equitable Trust Company of New York, in denominations of $100, $500 and $1,000, which entitle bearers thereof upon surrender of said Interim Certificates at the office of the Trustee hereunder to re¬ ceive an equivalent principal amount of Debentures to be issued under this trust agreement, when authorized by the stockholders of the Company. As soon as Debentures can be engraved and prepared and upon surrender of any of such Interim Certificates for exchange, the Company at its own expense shall execute and the Trustee shall au¬ thenticate and deliver in exchange for such Interim Cer¬ tificates engraved Debentures for the same aggregate principal amount as the Interim Certificates surrendered. Until so exchanged, the said Interim Certificates shall in all respects be entitled to the same benefits under this agreement as the engraved Debentures to be issued and authenticated hereunder and interest, when and as pay¬ able, shall be paid on presentation of such Interim Cer¬ tificates and notation of such payment shall be endorsed thereon. After engraved Debentures are ready for ex¬ change no new Interim Certificates shall thereafter be countersigned or issued by the Trustee, under any cir¬ cumstances, whether by interchange of denominations, or 15 in replacement of lost, mutilated or destroyed Interim Certificates, or otherwise, nor shall any interest be paid or noted on any Interim Certificates, but upon presenta¬ tion and surrender of such Interim Certificates for ex¬ change (or in cases where Interim Certificates have been lost or destroyed, upon such proof, indemnity and pay¬ ment of expenses as would have entitled the owner there¬ of to receive new Interim Certificates as herein pro¬ vided) the Trustee shall issue Debentures of like prin¬ cipal amount with all coupons attached thereto corre¬ sponding to interest thereon since March 1, 1921, not theretofore paid upon said Interim Certificates, but any coupon appertaining to any Debenture and corresponding to interest theretofore paid upon the Interim Certificate or Certificates surrendered in exchange therefor shall be detached and cancelled by the Trustee on such ex¬ change. The Trustee may treat the bearer of any of such Interim Certificates as the owner thereof and shall not be affected by any notice to the contrary. All Interim Certificates exchanged for Debentures as herein provided shall be cancelled by the Trustee and returned to the Company. Section 7. If any Debenture issued hereunder shall become mutilated, the Company, at the expense of the owner of said Debenture, shall execute and the Trustee shall thereupon authenticate and deliver a new Deben¬ ture of like tenor, bearing the same number and with proper coupons annexed, in exchange and substitution for the Debenture so mutilated, but only upon surrender to the Trustee of the Debenture so mutilated for can¬ cellation and the furnishing to the Trustee of indemnity satisfactory to it. If any Debenture issued hereunder shall be lost or destroyed, evidence of such loss or de- 1G struction may be submitted to the Company and the Trustee and, if such evidence be satisfactory to both and indemnity satisfactory to them shall be given, the Com¬ pany, at the expense of the owner, shall execute and the Trustee shall thereupon authenticate and deliver a new Debenture of like tenor and of the same maturity, bearing the same number (if the same be known) as the lost or destroyed Debenture and with proper coupons annexed. The provisions of this Section 7 so far as appropriate shall apply to the execution, countersigning and delivery of new Interim Certificates in place of mutilated, lost or destroyed Interim Certificates issued by the Company as aforesaid prior to or after the date of execution of this agreement, but after engraved Debentures shall be ready for exchange no new Interim Certificates shall be issued, but Debentures shall be issued in lieu thereof as herein¬ above provided. ARTICLE SECOND. Authentication and Issue of Debentures. The Trustee, forthwith upon the execution and deliv¬ ery of this agreement and the execution and delivery to it by the Company of the Debentures, as hereinbefore provided, and without any further action on the part of the Company, shall authenticate the Debentures and upon the surrender to the Trustee of any of the Interim Certificates hereinbefore referred to, and in exchange therefor, the Trustee shall deliver to the bearers of such Interim Certificates, Debentures for the same aggre¬ gate principal amount as the Interim Certificates sur¬ rendered, in such authorized denominations as such 17 bearers may request, without any duty on the part of the Trustee to inquire as to the ownership of such Interim Certificates or the right of such person or persons to re¬ ceive Debentures in exchange therefor. ARTICLE THIRD. Particular Covenants of the Company. The Company Covenants and Agrees: Section 1. All real estate, plants and other property of every kind and description owned by the Company and its subsidiary companies (as hereinafter defined in Section 2 of Article Twelfth) at the date hereof are free and clear of mortgages, pledges or other liens, except (a) mortgages in the sum of $61,000., (b) current taxes and trade acceptances and (c) pledges of quick assets to secure current loans in the ordinary course of business. Section 2. The Company will punctually pay the principal of and the interest on the Debentures issued hereunder at the times and in the manner specified in the Debentures and in the coupons annexed thereto, accord¬ ing to the true intent and meaning thereof, both in gold coin of the United States of America of or equal to the standard of weight and fineness existing on March 1, 1921, and without deduction for any Federal income tax not exceeding two per cent. (2%) in any year, which the Company or the Trustee may be required or permitted to pay thereon or retain therefrom under any present or future law of the United States of America. The Company agrees to reimburse to the holder, or if reg¬ istered to the registered owner hereof, any and all 18 taxes, (other than succession or inheritance taxes) which may be imposed upon this Debenture or upon such holder or registered owner by reason of his ownership hereof under any present or future law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or of any county, municipality or tax¬ ing authority in said Commonwealth but not in excess of four mills per annum on each dollar of the face amount of this Debenture. Both principal and interest of this Debenture are payable without deduction for said taxes. When and as paid, all Debentures and all coupons shall be surrendered to the Trustee and shall forthwith be cancelled. Section 3. Until all of the Debentures shall have been paid, the Company will maintain an office or agency at the principal office of The Equitable Trust Company of New York, in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York for the payment of the principal and interest there¬ of, and where notices, presentations and demands with respect to the Debentures and Coupons may be served and made. In default of any such office or agency, presentation and demand may be made and notices may be served at the office of the Trustee in said Borough of Manhattan. Section 4. Until all of the Debentures shall have been paid, the Company will and will cause every subsid¬ iary company to (a) diligently preserve its corporate or¬ ganization (except as otherwise permitted by this agree¬ ment) and all of the other franchises and rights to it granted or upon it conferred, in so far as in the opinion of the Board of Directors of the Company they continue to be advantageous to the Company or to such subsid¬ iary company; (b) promptly pay and discharge all taxes, 19 assessments and governmental charges lawfully levied or imposed upon it, its property, or any part thereof, or upon its income or profits, or any part thereof, or upon the interest of the Trustee hereunder or moneys in pos¬ session of the Trustee pursuant to the provisions hereof, as well as all lawful claims for labor, materials and sup¬ plies, which, if unpaid, might by law become a lien or charge upon its property; provided, however, that it shall have the right in good faith to contest any such tax, assessment, charge or claim and, pending such contest, to delay or refuse payment thereof; and in so far as in the opinion of the Board of Directors of the Company it shall be advantageous (c) maintain and keep its plants and other properties and every part and parcel thereof in good condition, repair and working order and supply and keep the same supplied with all necessary equipment and make all necessary repairs, renewals and replacements and actively conduct and carry on its usual business, ex¬ cept as and to the extent that it may be prevented from so doing by circumstances beyond its control. Section 5. Until all of the Debentures shall have been paid the Company will not create or suffer to be created, nor will it permit any subsidiary company to create or suffer to be created (except to the Company) any mortgage, pledge or lien other than (a) purchase money mortgages, (b) mortgages or liens existing on property at the time of the acquisition thereof, (c) pledges of quick assets for current loans in the ordinary course of business, (d) mortgages or liens on real es¬ tate situate in Philadelphia acquired as a site for an office building owned by it and on buildings erected thereon, (e) obligations secured by marine or other trails- 20 portation plant and/or equipment acquired subsequent to the date hereof for all or part of the purchase price of such marine or other transportation plant and equip¬ ment, upon any properties owned by the Company or by any subsidiary company, without making effective provi¬ sion in and by such new mortgage or other instrument creating such pledge or lien whereby all of the Deben¬ tures shall be directly secured equally and ratably with the bonds or other obligations issued and to be issued un¬ der such new mortgage or other instrument creating such pledge or lien. Until all of the Debentures shall have been paid the Company agrees that it will not issue, create or assume debentures and/or other funded debt, including all mortgages, liens and pledges (but not including mortgages, liens and pledges of the character set forth in Clauses (b), (c), (d) and (e) of this Section 5, pro¬ vided, however, that mortgages and liens of the char¬ acter set forth in said clause (b) shall be‘included if the Company assumes the same or becomes otherwise liable therefor), which taken together with all the Debentures and other funded debt of the Company, as above defined, then outstanding, will aggregate at the time of such is¬ sue, creation or assumption, more than 50% of its net assets. The words “funded debt” as used in this Section 5 with reference to debt of the Company shall be con¬ strued to mean all Debentures and other funded debt as defined in the preceding sentence, issued, created or as¬ sumed by the Company. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the Company from acquiring property subject to any extent whatsoever to mortages, pledges or liens, provided that the Company does not assume or otherwise become liable for such mortgages, pledges or liens, nor 21 shall anything herein prevent the Company or any sub¬ sidiary company from acquiring all or any portion of the capital stock of any other company whose properties are subject to mortgages, pledges or liens, or which may have outstanding other funded debt to any amount what¬ soever. In case of any acquisition of the character speci¬ fied in the preceding sentence the mortgages, pledges or liens not assumed by the Company and/or the mort¬ gages, pledges, liens or other funded debt of the company whose capital stock is acquired, as the case may be, shall not be considered as part of the funded debt of the Com¬ pany in computing the amount of the permissible funded debt of the Company under the provisions of this para¬ graph, but the value of the equity in any property so ac¬ quired by the Company or any of its subsidiaries subject to mortgages, pledges or liens and/or the actual cost or fair value (whichever is less) of any capital stock of any other company so acquired, as the case may be, shall be included in computing the net assets of the Company for the purpose of this agreement. From time to time, when requested by the Trustee, and in any event at least annually, without such request, not later than the date of the current annual stockholders’ meeting of the Company, the Company shall promptly furnish to the Trustee (1) a balance sheet of the Com¬ pany, (2) a statement of its debentures and other funded debt then outstanding, and (3) a statement of its net as¬ sets, as defined in this Section 5, all in such form and reasonable detail as shall be satisfactory to the Trustee and all certified by a certified public accountant or firm of certified public accountants selected by the Company and satisfactory to the Trustee in its uncontrolled discre¬ tion (who may also be an accountant or firm of account- 22 ants employed by the Company) and also certified by the President or a Vice President and by the Treasurer or an Assistant Treasurer of the Company. The value of the assets of the Company as stated in such certified balance sheet, shall be based upon the book value there¬ of on the books of the Company on December 31, 1920, plus the actual cost or fair market value on the date as of which the particular balance sheet is made (which¬ ever is less) of any assets acquired subsequently there¬ to, and with reasonable allowance for depreciation since December 31, 1920, in the case of assets owned by the Company on that date, and for depreciation since such subsequent acquisition in the case of assets subsequently acquired. The words “net assets” as used in this Sec¬ tion 5 for the purpose of determining the right of the Company at any time to issue, create or assume addi¬ tional funded debt, shall be construed to mean the value of the total assets of the Company at that time com¬ puted as required in the case of said certified balance sheet (including the cash or, in the case of any consid¬ eration other than cash, the fair market value of such consideration, to be received by the Company as con¬ sideration for the issue, creation or assumption of such additional funded debt), less all funded debt (includ¬ ing the funded debt so about to be issued, created or as¬ sumed) and also all accounts and bills payable and other indebtedness of the Company, secured or unsecured, whether or not presently payable, and all other liabilities of the Company of any nature whatsoever, shown, or which, in accordance with the usual accounting practice of corporations conducting a business similar to that of the Company, should be shown upon the books of the Company, excepting capital stock and surplus. The Trustee may rely upon the truth and accuracy of any statement contained in any such balance sheet, statement 23 of Debentures and other funded debt or statement of net assets so furnished and certified; but the Trustee may, in its discretion and at its option and at the expense of the Company, make an independent investigation into the truth or accuracy of any facts stated therein. Noth¬ ing contained in this Section 5, however, shall take from the Trustee the absolute protection herein conferred upon it in case it shall accept as conclusive, without fur¬ ther investigation, any statement so furnished and certi¬ fied. Section G. Until all of the Debentures shall have been paid, the Company will insure and keep insured for a fair value so much of its property and will cause every subsidiary company to insure and keep insured for a fair value so much of its property as is of a character customarily insured by companies engaged in similar business, against loss by fire and from other causes cus¬ tomarily insured against by similar companies or, in lieu thereof, at its option, the Company will maintain and will cause every subsidiary company to maintain a system of self insurance which will accord with the approved prac¬ tices of corporations maintaining such systems and, in such case, will maintain and will cause every subsidiary company to maintain an adequate insurance reserve. Section 7. Until all of the Debentures shall have been paid, the Company will not sell or lease all or sub¬ stantially all of its properties, or consolidate with any other corporation, unless such sale, lease or consoli¬ dation shall be upon such terms that the purchaser, lessee or company resulting from such consolidation, shall as¬ sume and agree to pay the Debentures and coupons, ac¬ cording to the terms thereof and of this agreement, and shall assume and agree to perform the terms, covenants and provisions of this agreement and of the Debentures 24 and coupons nor, unless also, such purchaser, lessee or such consolidated company, shall duly execute and de¬ liver to the Trustee, simultaneously with such sale, lease or consolidation, an instrument in writing, in form sat¬ isfactory to the Trustee, whereby it shall agree to make all such payments and to perform all such terms, cove¬ nants and agreements hereof and of the Debentures and coupons, with the same effect and to the same extent as if the maker of such instrument had been the party of the first part hereto; and no such sale, lease or consolidation shall be made to or with another cor¬ poration which has outstanding any obligations secured by mortgage (other than purchase money mortgages), unless simultaneously therewith or prior thereto (if the Debentures are not already secured pursuant to the pro¬ visions of Section 5 of this Article by a lien upon all the real property and plants of the Company) effective pro¬ vision shall be made for the securing of the Debentures by lien upon all of the real property and plants of the Company owned by it immediately prior to such sale, lease or consolidation, subject only to the liens upon such property and plants of mortgages, pledges or liens per¬ mitted by Section 5 of this Article, in so far as such liens attach to said real property and plants. Section 8. Until all of the Debentures shall have been paid, the Company will not permit any subsidiary company to (a) sell or lease (except to the Company or to a subsidiary company) all or substantially all of its properties, or (b) consolidate with any other corporation (except the Company or a subsidiary company) unless such sale, lease or consolidation shall be upon such terms that the purchaser, lessee or the company resulting from 25 such consolidation, shall thereby become a subsidiary company; provided, however, that any subsidiary com¬ pany may sell any property which shall be deemed by the Board of Directors of the Company to be no longer profitable or advantageous in the conduct of the busi¬ ness of such subsidiary company or of the Company, whether or not such property constitutes the whole or substantially the whole of the assets of any such subsidi¬ ary company. Section 9. In order to prevent any accumulation of coupons or claims for interest after maturity, the Com¬ pany will not, directly or indirectly, extend or consent to the extension of the time for the payment of any coupon appertaining to or claim for interest on any of the De¬ bentures and will not, directly or indirectly, be a party to or approve any such arrangement by purchasing or funding said coupons or claims for interest or in any other manner. In case any such coupon or claim for interest shall be extended or funded, whether or not with the consent of the Company, such coupon or claim for in¬ terest so extended or funded shall not be entitled in case of an event of default hereunder to the benefits of this agreement, except subject to the prior payment in full of the principal of all of the Debentures then outstanding and of all coupons and claims for interest, which shall not have been so extended or funded. No purchase of any coupon or claim for interest nor any advance or loan thereon by or on behalf of the Company or by or on be¬ half of any person or corporation, which by agreement with the Company shall have become obligated to pay the same, shall keep such coupons or claims for interest alive, except after the prior payment in full of the prin- 2G cipal of all of the Debentures and of all coupons and claims for interest not so purchased or funded. Section 10. The Company agrees that from time to time, upon the written request of the Trustee, it will execute, acknowledge and deliver all such further and additional instruments and will take all such further ac¬ tion as may be reasonable or may be required to carry out the intention of this Agreement, and to provide for the payment of said Debentures and interest coupons is¬ sued hereunder, according to the intent and purpose herein expressed. ARTICLE FOURTH. Sinking Fund. Section 1. The Company covenants and agrees that on March 1, 1922 and on March 1 of each year there¬ after, until all of the Debentures issued hereunder shall have been redeemed and paid, or the moneys to redeem and pay the same shall have been deposited with the Trustee as herein provided, it will pay to the Trustee as a Sinking Fund to be applied as hereinafter provided in the purchase of said Debentures, Five hundred thousand dol¬ lars ($500,000) in gold coin of the United States of America of the standard of weight and fineness existing March 1, 1921, or its equivalent. Section 2. Upon receipt of any such payment, the Trustee shall immediately advertise for tenders of Deben¬ tures issued hereunder for purchase for the Sinking Fund, by notice published at least once a week for three suc¬ cessive weeks in two daily newspapers of general circu- 27 lation, published in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, State of New York, and in two similar news¬ papers published in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsyl¬ vania, which notice shall state the amount of money then on hand in the Sinking Fund, and shall invite sealed offers to be made to the Trustee for the sale of Deben¬ tures on or before the date specified in such notice (which date shall be not less than twenty-one (21) days nor more than thirty (30) days subsequent to the first publication of such notice) and shall also state briefly that in the event sufficient Debentures shall not be offered on the date specified at prices not to exceed par and interest, any unexpended balance of the Sinking Fund will be ap¬ plied thereafter, as far as possible, by the Trustee, in the purchase of additional Debentures at prices not to exceed par and accrued interest. From the Debentures so offered, if any, the Trustee shall purchase for the Sinking Fund, on the date specified in such notice or as soon as practicable thereafter, an amount of Debentures sufficient to exhaust, so far as possible, the amount of money then on hand in the Sinking Fund, at the lowest price or prices at which such Debentures shall be offered, but at prices not exceeding par and accrued interest. Should there be two or more proposals at the same price aggregating more than the amount which the Trustee has available for investment after having accepted all pro¬ posals at the lowest price, such proposals shall be ac¬ cepted (as nearly as in the opinion of the Trustee shall be practicable) pro rata, provided, however, that no pro¬ posal shall be accepted by the Trustee at a price exceed¬ ing par and accrued interest. If from the Debentures so offered in response to such advertisement, the Trus¬ tee shall be unable to purchase as above provided at 28 prices not to exceed par and accrued interest enough De¬ bentures to exhaust the fund then in its hands, the Trus¬ tee shall from time to time thereafter continue to make purchases either in the open market or at private sale, wherever the same may be obtainable, at prices not to exceed par and accrued interest until such fund shall he exhausted; provided, however, that if in any year suffi¬ cient Debentures can not be so purchased during the four months next succeeding the actual receipt by the Trustee of the full amount of said Sinking Fund payment to ex¬ haust the payment for that year the unexpended balance of the payment for that year shall forthwith be repaid to the Company and revert to its general funds. Section 3. The Company shall have the right to pur¬ chase Debentures issued hereunder in the open market and offer the same to the Trustee for purchase for the Sinking Fund in competition with other holders of such Debentures. Section 4. All Debentures purchased for the Sinking Fund shall be cancelled by the Trustee, together with all unmatured coupons thereto attached, and when so can¬ celled, shall be delivered to the Company, and no De¬ bentures shall be issued in place thereof. ARTICLE FIFTH. Redemption of Debentures. Section 1. The Company may, at its election, on any interest payment date, pay off and redeem the Debentures as a whole, or in part by lot in parcels 29 of $500,000. or more at the principal amount thereof together with accrued interest plus a premium of three and one-half per cent ( 314 %) of such principal amount if redeemed on or prior to March 1, 1922, and thereafter at a premium of one-quarter of one per cent of such principal amount less for each half year elapsed after March 1, 1922, until a premium of one-half of one per cent is reached and thereafter at a premium of one-half of one per cent. If the Company shall elect to exercise such right of redemption, it shall give notice thereof by publication at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the interest payment date on which such payment and redemption is to be made (the first publication to be made not less than thirty (30) days nor more than forty (40) days prior to such re¬ demption date) in two daily newspapers of general cir¬ culation regularly published and issued in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, and in two similar news¬ papers published and issued in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, stating such election on the part of the Company and specifying, in case less than all of the De¬ bentures are to be redeemed, the numbers of the Deben¬ tures to be redeemed (which, previously to the publica¬ tion of such notice, shall have been designated by lot under the direction of the Trustee), stating that the inter¬ est on the Debentures in such notice designated for re¬ demption shall cease on such redemption date and requir¬ ing said Debentures to be presented on said date for pay¬ ment and redemption. A similar notice shall be mailed by the Company, postage prepaid, at least thirty (30) days prior to said date fixed for redemption, to all registered owners of Debentures to be redeemed whose addresses shall appear upon the transfer register of the Company. 30 Notice having been so given, the Debentures so desig¬ nated for redemption shall on the interest payment date designated in such notice become and be due and payable at the redemption price aforesaid; and from and after the date of redemption so designated (unless the Com¬ pany shall make default in payment of the Debentures) interest on the Debentures so designated for redemption shall cease to accrue and, upon surrender at the office of the Trustee in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, in accordance with said notice, of the Debentures specified therein, together with all coupons thereto ap¬ pertaining, maturing after said date of redemption, the Debentures shall be paid by the Company at the principal amount thereof plus the redemption premium aforesaid, and the accrued interest shall be paid by the Company upon the surrender of the coupons therefor, subject to the provisions of Section 9 of Article Third and of Section 1 of Article Seventh hereof. If not so paid upon presenta¬ tion for surrender thereof as aforesaid, said Debentures shall continue to bear interest at the rate therein ex¬ pressed until payment. Section 2. On the deposit with the Trustee of the amount necessary so to redeem all of the Debentures out¬ standing and on delivery to the Trustee of (1) proof satisfactory to it that notice of redemption thereof on a specified redemption date has been given as aforesaid or (2) proof satisfactory to the Trustee that arrange¬ ments have been made insuring to its satisfaction that such notice will be so given or (3) a written in¬ strument, executed by the Company under its cor¬ porate seal and expressed to be irrevocable, authoriz¬ ing the Trustee to give such notice for and on behalf of the Company and, on payment to the Trustee of all costs, 31 charges and expenses in relation thereto and all other sums payable hereunder by the Company, the Trustee shall cancel and satisfy this agreement. The Trustee shall apply the moneys so deposited with it to the pay¬ ment at the redemption price aforesaid of the Deben¬ tures so called for redemption, but shall in no event be liable beyond the amount so deposited with it. Any moneys so deposited remaining unclaimed by the holders of Debentures and coupons for six years after the speci¬ fied redemption date,' shall be paid by the Trustee to the Company, and such holders of Debentures and coupons shall thereafter be entitled only to look to the Company for payment thereof; provided, however, that the Trustee, before being required to make any such payment to the Company, may, at the expense of the Company, cause notice that said moneys remain unclaimed as aforesaid and that after a date named therein they will be returned to the Company to be published once a week in each of four successive weeks in two daily newspapers of general circulation regularly published and issued in the Bor¬ ough of Manhattan, City of New York, and two similar newspapers in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Section 3. All Debentures redeemed or paid, pursu¬ ant to the provisions of this Article, and the appurtenant coupons shall be canceled and shall be delivered to the Company on its written request and no Debentures shall be issued in place thereof. The Company, however, re¬ serves the right to purchase at public or private sale all or any part of the Debentures not so redeemed or paid under the provision of this Article for less than the price specified herein for redemption at the time of any such purchase, and Debentures so purchased may be resold, or otherwise disposed of as the Company may elect. ARTICLE SIXTH. Events op Default. The following events shall be events of default under this agreement and the term “event of default’’ or “events of default” shall mean, wherever the same is used in this agreement, one or more of the following events, (a) If default shall be made in the payment of any part of the principal (including, in case of redemption, the redemption premium) of any of the Debentures, when and as the same shall become due and payable, whether by the terms thereof, by proceedings for the redemption thereof, by decla¬ ration or otherwise; (b) If default shall be made in the payment of any interest on any of the Debentures, when and as the same shall become due and payable as there¬ in expressed, and such default shall have con¬ tinued for a period of thirty (30) days; (c) If default shall be made in the payment of any instalment of the Sinking Fund, and such de¬ fault shall have continued for a period of sixty (60) days; (d) If default shall be made in the observance or performance of any other of the covenants, conditions or stipulations on the part of the Com¬ pany to be performed, as in this agreement or in the Debentures is provided, and such default shall have continued for a period of sixty (60) days after written notice to the Company from the Trustee or from the holders of not less than a ma¬ jority in principal amount of the Debentures then outstanding specifying such default and requiring the same to be remedied; .33 (e) If, by the decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, the Company shall be adjudicated a bankrupt or, by order of such a court, a receiver or receivers shall be appointed of the property of the Company upon the application of any cred¬ itor in an insolvency or bankruptcy proceeding or other creditors’ suit, and any such decree or order shall have continued unstayed on appeal or otherwise and in effect for a period of sixty (60) days; or (f) If the Company shall file a petition in vol¬ untary bankruptcy or shall make an assignment for the benefit of creditors or shall consent to the appointment of a receiver or receivers of all or any substantial part of its property. ARTICLE SEVENTH. Remedies of Trustees and Debenture Holders. Section 1 . No coupon or claim for interest belong¬ ing to or appertaining to any of the Debentures, which in any way at or after maturity shall have been trans¬ ferred or pledged separate and apart from the Deben¬ ture to which it relates, shall, unless accompanied by such Debenture, be entitled, in case of an event of default hereunder and distribution by the Trustee, to any benefit by or from this agreement, except after the prior payment in full of the principal of all of the Debentures and of all coupons and claims for interest not so transferred or pledged. Section 2. If any one or more of the events of de¬ fault shall occur, then and in every such case the Trus¬ tee, by notice in writing to the Company, may and, upon O A the written request of the holders of a majority in prin¬ cipal amount of the Debentures then outstanding, shall declare the principal of all of the Debentures then out¬ standing and the interest thereon, if not already due, to be due and payable immediately and, upon any such declaration, such principal and interest shall become and be immediately due and payable, anything in this agree¬ ment or in the Debentures contained to the contrary not¬ withstanding. If, however, at any time after the prin¬ cipal of all of the Debentures shall have been so declared due and payable, such Debentures as shall have become due and payable by proceedings for the redemption thereof and all arrears of interest upon all of the De¬ bentures, with interest on overdue interest at the rate of six and one-lialf per cent. (G 1 /^) per annum, and all payments herein required to be made to the Trustee in respect to the Sinking Fund, shall have been paid or pro¬ vided for and all other existing events of default shall have been remedied and made good or provision therefor satisfactory to the Trustee shall have been made, then and in such case the holders of a majority in principal amount of the Debentures then outstanding, by written notice to the Company and to the Trustee, may waive such event or events of default and the consequences thereof and rescind such declaration upon such terms, conditions and agreements, if any, as they may deter¬ mine; but no such waiver or rescission shall extend to or affect any subsequent default or impair any right conse¬ quent thereon. Section 3. If one or more of the events of default shall happen, the Trustee, directly or by attorney, in its discretion may proceed to protect and to enforce its 35 rights and the rights of Debenture holders under this agreement by suit or suits in equity or at law, whether for the specific performance of any covenant or agree¬ ment contained herein or in aid of the execution of any power herein granted or for the enforcement of any other appropriate legal or equitable remedy, as the Trustee being advised by counsel learned in the law, shall deem most effectual to protect and enforce any of its rights or duties hereunder. Section 4. If one or more of the events of default shall happen, upon the written request of the holders of a majority in principal amount of the Debentures then outstanding hereunder, it shall be the duty of the Trus¬ tee, upon being indemnified to its satisfaction, to take all steps so requested for the protection and enforcement of its rights and the rights of the holders of the Deben¬ tures and coupons and to take appropriate judicial pro¬ ceedings, by action, suit or otherwise, as shall be re¬ quested by said holders; and anything in this agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, to such extent as shall be lawful, the holders of a majority in principal amount of the Debentures then outstanding hereunder shall have the right to direct and to control the method and place of conducting any and all such proceedings. To such extent as shall be lawful, the holders of the majority in principal amount of the Debentures may at any time and from time to time, in respect of all of the Deben¬ tures, waive any default or any event of default then existing hereunder, other than in respect of the payment of the principal of any of the Debentures at the maturity thereof or when designated for redemption and/or the payment of interest thereon as the same becomes due, 36 irrespective of such prior written request of holders of a majority in principal amount of the Debentures then outstanding. Section 5. The Company covenants that (1) If default shall be made in the payment of any interest on any of the Debentures at any time outstanding, when and as the same shall be¬ come due and payable, and such default shall have continued unremedied for a period of not less than thirty (30) days, or (2) If default shall be made in respect to any payment herein required to be made to the Trus¬ tee for the purpose of the Sinking Fund, herein¬ before provided for, and such default shall con¬ tinue unremedied for a period of not less than sixty (60) days, or (3) If default shall be made in the payment of any part of the principal (including in case of re¬ demption, the redemption premium) of any of the Debentures, when and as the same shall become due and payable, whether upon maturity by the terms thereof, by proceeding for redemption, upon declaration as authorized by this agreement or otherwise, then upon demand of the Trustee, the Company will pay to the Trustee, for the benefit of the holders of the Debentures, the whole amount which then shall have become due and payable on all such Debentures for interest or principal or both, including the redemption premium on any Debentures designated for redemption, with interest upon the overdue principal and premium, if any, and instalments of interest at the rate of six and one-half per cent. (6y>%) per annum or will 37 pay to the Trustee the amount of all payments due in respect to the Sinking Fund, as the case may be, and in addition thereto such further amounts as shall be suffi¬ cient to cover the costs and expenses of collection, includ¬ ing a reasonable compensation to the Trustee and any expenses or liabilities paid or incurred by it hereunder. And in case the Company shall fail to pay the same forth¬ with upon such demand, the Trustee, in its own name and as trustee of an express trust, shall be entitled to sue and recover judgment for the whole amount so due and un¬ paid. All rights of action under this agreement or upon any of the Debentures or coupons may be enforced by the Trustee without the possession of any of the Debentures or coupons or the production thereof on any trial or other proceedings relative thereto. Any moneys collected by the Trustee under this agree¬ ment shall be applied by the Trustee, first, to the payment of the costs and expenses of the collection thereof and the liabilities, expenses, disbursements and compensation of the Trustee and, then (except in the case of any moneys collected in respect to the Sinking Fund), towards pay¬ ment of the amounts then due and unpaid upon such De¬ bentures or upon the coupons, in respect of which or for the benefit of which such moneys shall have been collected, ratably and without any preference or priority of any kind (subject to the provisions of Section ( J of Article Third hereof and Section 1 of this Article), according to the amounts due and payable upon such Debentures or coupons respectively, at the date fixed by the Trustee for the distribution of such moneys, upon presentation of the several Debentures or coupons and stamping such pay¬ ment thereon, if partly paid, and upon surrender thereof, if fully paid. 38 Any moneys collected in respect to the Sinking Fund under the provisions of this section shall he applied by the Trustee (after payment of the costs and expenses of the collection thereof and the liabilities, expenses, dis¬ bursements and compensation of the Trustee, as afore¬ said) in the manner provided in Article Fourth hereof, including the repayment to the Company of any balance of such Sinking Fund moneys so collected but not ex¬ pended in the purchase of Debentures during the four months next succeeding the actual receipt by the Trustee of Sinking Fund moneys so collected; provided that if, prior to the completion of such application, the principal amount of the Debentures issued hereunder shall have be¬ come due and payable at the date of maturity therein ex¬ pressed, or by declaration as herein provided, then the moneys so collected in respect to the Sinking Fund and not previously applied shall be applied by the Trustee to the payment of the whole amount then owing and un¬ paid upon the Debentures issued hereunder and then outstanding for principal and interest, with interest on any overdue installments of interest at the rate of six and one half per cent ( 614 %) per annum, without pref¬ erence or priority of any kind (subject to the provisions of Section 9 of Article Third hereof and Section 1 of this Article) ratably to the aggregate of such principal and interest, upon presentation of the several Debentures and coupons and stamping such payment thereon, if partly paid, and upon surrender thereof, if fully paid; and pro¬ vided further, that if prior to the exhaustion, in the man¬ ner provided in Article Fourth hereof, of any moneys so collected in respect to the Sinking Fund, any event of default shall happen other than non-payment of the prin¬ cipal of any of the Debentures at maturity at the date * 39 specified therein, or by declaration as herein provided, no moneys so collected for Sinking Fund purposes and not theretofore expended in the purchase of Debentures shall be returned to the Company or revert to its general funds as provided in Section 2 of Article Fourth hereof, until such default is cured to the satisfaction of the Trus¬ tee, but such unexpended moneys shall be held by the Trustee until such curing of default, for the equal and pro rata benefit and security of all the Debentures and Cou¬ pons thereto appertaining, issued hereunder and out¬ standing (subject to the provisions of Section 9 of Arti¬ cle Third hereof and Section 1 of this Article). Section 6 . No holder of any Debenture or coupon shall have any right to institute any suit, action or pro¬ ceeding in equity or at law for the execution of any trust hereunder or for the appointment of a receiver or for any other remedy hereunder, or to enforce said Debenture or Debentures or said coupon or coupons, unless the holders of a majority in principal amount of the Deben¬ tures then outstanding previously shall have given to the Trustee written notice of an event of default and unless the holders of a majority in principal amount of the Debentures then outstanding shall have made written request upon the Trustee and shall have afforded it a reasonable opportunity either to proceed to exercise the powers herein granted or itself to institute such action, suit or proceeding and the Trustee shall have failed or neglected so to proceed; nor unless also they shall have offered to the Trustee security and indemnity satisfac¬ tory to it against the costs, expenses and liabilities to be incurred therein or thereby; and such notification, re¬ quest and offer of indemnity are hereby declared in 40 every case, at the option of the Trustee, to be conditions precedent to the execution of the powers and trusts of this agreement and to any action or cause of action for the appointment of a receiver or for any other remedy hereunder or upon the Debenture or coupons; it being understood and intended that no one or more holders of Debentures shall have any right in any manner whatever by his or their action to enforce any right hereunder or with respect to the Debentures or coupons, except in the manner herein provided, and that all proceedings at law or in equity shall be instituted, had and maintained in the manner herein provided and for the equal benefit of all holders of all of the Debentures then outstanding similarly situated; provided, however, that nothing in this Article or elsewhere in this agreement or in the De¬ bentures or in the coupons contained shall affect or im¬ pair the obligation of the Company, which is uncondi¬ tional and absolute, to pay at the date of maturity there¬ in expressed the principal of the Debentures to the re¬ spective holders or registered owners of the Debentures at the time and place in the Debentures expressed, or af¬ fect or impair the right of action, which is also absolute and unconditional, of such holders or registered owners to enforce such payment; and that, in case of the desig¬ nation for redemption of a part but not all of the De¬ bentures, the holder or registered owner of any Deben¬ ture or Debentures so designated, without reference to the consent of the Trustee or the request of the holders of other Debentures, may individually enforce payment of his Debentures, so designated, by any appropriate legal proceedings. Section 7. The Company for itself, its successors and assigns, hereby expressly covenants to and with the 41 Trustee that at and immediately upon the commence¬ ment of any action, suit or other legal proceeding by the Trustee, as provided in Section 5 of this Article, to obtain judgment for the principal of or interest upon any of the Debentures or for both, the Company or its succes¬ sors or assigns shall and will, severally waiving the is¬ sue and service of process, enter its or their voluntary appearance in such action, suit or proceeding and consent to the entry of judgment for such principal (and prem¬ ium if any) and interest and interest upon overdue prin¬ cipal (and premium if any) and instalments of interest and for the lawful costs and expenses and compensation of the Trustee and of its agents and attorneys and for such other relief as the Trustee may be entitled to here¬ under and that at and upon the commencement of any such action, suit or proceeding the Company and its suc¬ cessors and assigns shall and will, if required by the Trustee, consent to the appointment of a receiver or re¬ ceivers of its property and business and of the earnings, income and profits thereof, with such powers as the court making such appointment shall confer. Section 8 . Upon any sale made under or in accord¬ ance with any direction contained in or based on any judgment for the recovery by the Trustee or by Deben¬ ture holders for the ratable benefit of all Debenture hold¬ ers similarly situated of any indebtedness evidenced by the Debentures or coupons or recovered hereunder, any purchaser shall be entitled in making any payment of the purchase price of the property purchased to present to the person or persons authorized to receive the payment of such purchase price and to turn in and use any of the Debentures and coupons issued hereunder and then pay- 42 able, said Debentures or coupons or both being computed for that purpose at a sum equal to and not exceeding that which shall be payable out of the net proceeds of such sale to such purchaser as the holder thereof for his just share and proportion of said net proceeds; and, if the proportion so payable in respect of such Deben¬ tures and coupons shall be less than the amount for which the Company may be liable thereon, then the re¬ ceipt endorsed thereon under direction of any person so authorized to receive payment of the purchase price for the amount to be so allowed or credited thereon shall constitute such partial payment and shall be con¬ clusive proof of the amount thereof. At any such sale the Trustee, as such, or any Debenture holder or De¬ benture holders may bid for and purchase the property sold and may make payment therefor as aforesaid and any Debenture holder or Debenture holders so purchas¬ ing any such property, upon compliance with the terms of sale, may hold, retain and dispose of such property without further accountability. Section 9. The receipt of the person or persons au¬ thorized to receive payment of the purchase price shall be a sufficient discharge for the purchase money to the purchaser or purchasers of the property sold as afore¬ said and no such purchaser or purchasers or his, their or its representatives, vendees, grantees or assigns, after the payment and acceptance of such purchase money, shall be bound to see to the application thereof upon or for any trust or purpose of this agreement or in any manner whatsoever be answerable for any loss, misappli¬ cation or non-application of such purchase money or any part thereof or be bound to inquire as to the authoriza¬ tion, necessity, expediency or regularity of any such sale. 43 Section 10. Upon the happening of any of the events of default, the Trustee shall be entitled, if it so elect, as a matter of right, forthwith and without declaration of maturity of the Debentures or after declaration of maturity of the same, to the appointment of a receiver of all the property, interests, rights and business of the Company and of all of the earnings, rents, issues and profits thereof, with such powers as the court making such appointment shall confer. Section 11. The Company for itself, its successors and assigns, so far as it lawfully may, hereby agrees to and does hereby absolutely and irrevocably waive and relinquish the benefit and advantage of any and all valua¬ tion, stay, appraisement, extension or redemption law or laws now existing or which may hereafter be enacted, which, but for this agreement and waiver, might be ap¬ plicable to any sale made under any judgment, order or decree based on any of the Debentures or coupons or this agreement; and the Company for itself, its successors and assigns, so far as it lawfully may, hereby agrees to and does hereby absolutely and irrevocably waive any and all rights of redemption which it might or could otherwise have or be entitled to under any present or future law in respect of any sales of the properties, in¬ terests and rights of the Company or any part thereof under any judgment or any direction contained in any decree entered upon any of the Debentures or coupons issued hereunder or for the enforcement hereof or of any provision hereof and the Company hereby, so far as it lawfully may, agrees that it, its successors or assigns will not in any manner set up or seek to take any benefit or advantage of any such present or future valuation, stay, 44 appraisement, extension or redemption law to prevent or hinder or delay such absolute and irredeemable sale of said properties, interests and rights as might, but for such law, be directed or decreed by a court of competent jurisdiction. If any law such as is hereinabove in this Section men¬ tioned or referred to and now in force, of which the Com¬ pany or its successor or successors might take advan¬ tage despite the provisions hereof, shall hereafter be repealed or cease to be in force, such law shall not there¬ after be deemed to constitute any part of the contract contained herein or to protect the Company against the operation or application of the provisions of this Section. Section 12. Except as herein expressly provided to the contrary, no remedy herein conferred upon or re¬ served to the Trustee or to the holders of the Debentures is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy or reme¬ dies, and each and every such remedy shall be cumula¬ tive and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise. Section 13. If the Trustee shall have proceeded to enforce any right under this agreement or under or with respect to the Debentures or coupons by suit or otherwise and such proceedings shall have been discontinued or abandoned because of waiver or for any other reason or shall have been determined adversely to the Trustee, then and in every such case the Company and the Trustee, as the case may be, shall severally and respec¬ tively be restored to their former position and rights hereunder, and all rights, remedies and powers of the 45 Trustee shall continue as though no such proceedings had been taken. Section 14. No delay or omission of the Trustee or of any holder of Debentures to exercise any right or power accruing upon any event of default shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver of any such event of default or an acquiescence therein; and every power and remedy given by this Article to the Trustee or to the Debenture holders or any of them, respectively, may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient by the Trustee or by the Debenture holders, respectively. No waiver of any default hereunder shall extend to or affect any subsequent default or impair any rights or remedies consequent thereon. ARTICLE EIGHTH. Immunity of Officers and Directors. No recourse under or upon any obligation, covenant, stipulation or agreement contained in this agreement or in any Debenture or coupon issued hereunder or be¬ cause of the creation of any indebtedness hereby author¬ ized shall be had against any incorporator, stockholder, officer or director, past, present or future, of the Com¬ pany or of any successor corporation, either directly or through the Company, by the enforcement of any assess¬ ment or by any legal or equitable proceeding by virtue of any constitution, statute or other rule of law howsoever established; it being expressly agreed and understood that the Debentures and this agreement and the obliga- > 46 tions hereby created are solely corporate obligations and that no personal liability whatever shall attach to or be incurred by the incorporators, stockholders, officers or di¬ rectors of the Company or of any successor corporation or any of them, because of the incurring of the indebted¬ ness hereby authorized or under or by reason of any of the obligations, covenants, stipulations or agreements contained in this agreement or in any of the Debentures or coupons issued hereunder or implied therefrom; and that any and all personal liability of every name and nature and any and all rights and claims against every such incorporator, stockholder, officer or director, whether arising at common law or in equity or created by any constitution, statute or other rule of law, how¬ soever established, are hereby expressly released and waived as a condition of and as a part of the considera¬ tion for the execution and delivery of this agreement and the issue of the Debentures and coupons. ARTICLE NINTH. Debenture Holders’ Acts and Apparent Authority. Any request or other instrument required or pro¬ vided by this agreement to be signed and executed by Debenture holders may be in any number of concurrent instruments of similar tenor and may be signed and executed by such Debenture holders in person or by agent appointed in writing. Proof of the execution of any such request or other instrument or of a writing appointing any such agent and of the holding by any person of any of the Debentures transferable by do- 47 livery shall be sufficient for any purpose of this agree¬ ment and shall be conclusive in favor of the Trustee and the Company with regard to due action taken by them or either of them under such request or other instru¬ ment, if made in the following manner: The fact and date of the execution by any person of any such request or other instrument or writing may be proved by the certificate of any notary public or other officer authorized to take acknowledgments of deeds to be recorded in the place where such acknowledgment is taken, that the person signing such request or other in¬ strument acknowledged to him the execution thereof or by an affidavit of a witness to such execution. The amount of Debentures transferable by delivery held by any person executing any such request or other instrument as a Debenture holder and the amounts, and issue numbers of the Debentures held by such person and the fact that he holds the same on any particular date may be proved by a certificate executed by any trust company, bank, bankers or other depositary (wherever situated), if such certificate shall be deemed by the Trus¬ tee to be satisfactory, showing that at the date therein mentioned such person had on deposit with or exhibited to such trust company, bank, bankers or depositary the Debentures described in such certificate. For all pur¬ poses of this agreement and of any proceeding for the enforcement hereof such person shall be deemed to con¬ tinue to be the holder of such Debentures until the Trus¬ tee shall have received notice in writing to the contrary, subject, however, to the provisions of Section 5 of Article First hereof. The ownership of Debentures registered as to prin¬ cipal shall be proved by the register of such Debentures. 48 ARTICLE TENTH. Concerning the Trustee. Section 1 . The Trustee may employ agents and at¬ torneys in the execution and administration of the trusts hereunder and shall not be answerable for the default or misconduct of any agent or attorney appointed by it in pursuance hereof, if such agent or attor¬ ney shall have been selected with reasonable care; nor for anything whatever in connection with this trust, except its own wilful misconduct. The Trustee shall not be re¬ sponsible for the recitals herein or in the Debentures contained (except the certificate of the Trustee en¬ dorsed on the Debentures), all of which (except as afore¬ said) are made by the Company alone, nor shall it be concerned with or accountable for the use or appropria¬ tion by the Company of the Debentures or the proceeds thereof. The Trustee shall be reimbursed and indemni¬ fied by the Company against any liability or damage it may sustain or incur in the premises. The Trustee shall be protected in any action taken by it upon any notice, resolution, vote, request, consent, certificate, affidavit, statement, Debenture, coupon or other paper, document or instrument believed by it to be genuine and to have been signed by the proper parties. The Trustee shall have no responsibility for the validity of this instrument or for the validity of the execution or acknowledgment hereof by the Company or for the validity of any of the Debentures. Except as herein otherwise expressly pro¬ vided the Trustee shall not be bound to recognize any person as the holder of a Debenture issued hereunder, uidess and until his Debenture is submitted to the Trus- 49 tee for inspection, if required, and his title thereto satis¬ factorily established, if disputed. The Trustee shall be under no duty or obligation in respect of any taxes which may be assessed against or imposed upon this agree¬ ment or imposed upon the Trustee or the Company or the owners or holders of the Debentures issued hereunder. The Trustee shall be under no duty to file, register or record, or cause to be filed, registered or recorded, this or any supplemental or additional instruments, or to re¬ file or re-record or renew the same, or to procure any further, other or additional instruments. Section 2. The Trustee shall not be under any obli¬ gation to take any action towards the execution or en¬ forcement of the trust hereby created, which in its opin¬ ion would be likely to involve it in expense or liability, unless one or more of the holders of the Debentures, as often as required by the Trustee, shall indemnify it to its satisfaction against any such expense or liability. The Trustee shall not be required to ascertain or inquire as to the performance of any of the covenants or agree¬ ments on the part of the Company. The Trustee shall not be required to take or be deemed to have notice of any event creating or constituting a default hereunder unless it shall have been specifically notified of such de¬ fault in writing by the holders of not less than a majority in principal amount of the Debentures at the time outstanding; or be required to take action in respect of any default, unless requested to take action in respect thereof by a writing signed by the holders of not less than a majority in principal amount of the Debentures at the time outstanding and tendered satisfactory indem¬ nity as aforesaid, anything herein contained to the con- 50 trary notwithstanding; hut the foregoing provisions of this Section are intended only for the protection of the Trustee and shall not be construed to limit or to affect any discretion or power hy any provision of this agree¬ ment given to the Trustee to determine whether or not it shall take action in respect of any default or any power or discretion of the Trustee to take action in re¬ spect of any default without such notice or request from Debenture holders. Any action taken by the Trustee upon the request of any person who at the time is the owner or holder of any Debenture or Debentures shall be conclusive and binding upon all future owners and holders of the same Debenture or Debentures. Section 3. Any request, notice, authorization, opin¬ ion or direction to the Trustee by the Company, except as elsewhere in this agreement otherwise provided, shall be evidenced by a copy of a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company, certified by its Secretary or one of its Assistant Secretaries under its corporate seal. In any instance where the Trustee may require evidence preparatory to taking or refraining from taking any action under this agreement at the request or direction of the Company or otherwise, the Trustee may, except where herein otherwise provided, accept the certificate of the President or one of the Vice-Presidents and the Secretary or one of the Assistant Secretaries of the Com¬ pany as conclusive evidence of any pertinent fact, and such certificate shall be full protection to the Trustee for any action taken or omitted by it upon the faith thereof. Section 4. The Trustee may, in its discretion, ad¬ vise with counsel to be selected and employed by it at the 51 expense of the Company, and anything done or suffered in good faith by the Trustee, in accordance with the opinion of counsel, shall be conclusive evidence in favor of the Trustee and binding upon the Company and all holders of Debentures and coupons at any time issued and outstanding hereunder. Section 5. The Trustee shall be entitled to reason¬ able compensation for all services rendered by it in the execution of the trust hereby created and the Company agrees to pay such compensation as well as all expenses reasonably incurred or disbursed by the Trustee here¬ under, from time to time upon demand; and for payment of such compensation and expenses and proper indemnifi¬ cation the Trustee shall have a right prior to the right of the Debenture holders hereunder for such compensa¬ tion, expenses and indemnity. Any moneys received by the Trustee under any provision of this agreement may be treated by it, until it is required to pay out the same conformably herewith, as a deposit, without any liability for interest, save such as during that time it agrees with the Company to pay thereon. The Trustee shall be under no duty at any time to record, file or re-file this agree¬ ment or to give any notice to anyone of the existence thereof. The Trustee may acquire or hold Debentures and coupons in the same manner, to the same extent and with like effect as though it were not Trustee hereunder. Section G. The Trustee may resign the trust hereby created and become and remain wholly discharged from all further duty or responsibility hereunder, except as hereinafter provided, upon giving thirty days notice in writing to the Company or any officer thereof or such £ 1 a Of ILL. UB. i shorter notice as the Company may accept as sufficient. Service of such notice by mail, addressed to the Company, at its office in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, shall be sufficient service thereof. Such resignation shall take effect on the day specified in such notice, unless previously a successor trustee shall have been appointed as hereinafter provided, in which event such resignation shall take effect immediately upon the appointment of a successor trustee. Section 7. The Trustee may be removed at any time by an instrument or concurrent instruments in writing delivered to the Trustee and the Company and signed by the holders of a majority in principal amount of the Debentures then outstanding. Section 8. In case at any time the Trustee or any trustee or trustees hereafter appointed shall resign or shall be removed or be dissolved or otherwise shall be¬ come incapable of acting, a successor may be appointed by the holders of a majority in amount of the Debentures then issued and outstanding by an instrument or concur¬ rent instruments in writing signed by such Debenture holders or by their attorneys in fact duly authorized; provided, nevertheless, and it is hereby agreed and de¬ clared, that in case at any time there shall be a vacancy in the office of trustee hereunder, the Company by instru¬ ment executed by order of its Board of Directors may appoint a trustee to fill such vacancy until a new trustee shall be appointed by the Debenture holders as herein authorized. The Company shall publish notice of any such appointment by it made once in each week for two consecutive weeks in a daily newspaper of general circu¬ lation. regularly published and issued in the Borough of 53 Manhattan, City of New York, and in a newspaper simi¬ larly published and issued in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and any new trustee appointed by the Company shall immediately and without further act be superseded by a trustee appointed by the Debenture holders in the manner above specified, provided that such appointment be made prior to the expiration of six months from the date of the first publication of notice as in this Section hereinabove provided for. Every such trustee appointed by the Debenture holders or by the Company shall always be a bank or trust company in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, in good standing having a capital, surplus and undivided profits aggregating not less than three million dollars. Any new trustee appointed hereunder shall execute, acknowledge and deliver to the Company an instrument accepting such appointment hereunder and thereupon such new trustee, without any further act or deed, shall become fully vested with all the rights, powers, trusts, duties and obligations of its predecessors in the trusts hereunder with like effect as if originally named as trus¬ tee herein; but the trustee ceasing to act shall neverthe¬ less, on the written request of the Company or of the new trustee and at the cost and expense of the Company, execute any and every instrument necessary or conve¬ nient to transfer to such new trustee, upon the trusts herein expressed, all the rights, powers and trusts of the trustee ceasing to act and all moneys and securities in its possession in respect thereof, thus fully relieving and discharging the trustee so ceasing to act from all further liability or responsibility either to the Company or to the holder of any of the Debentures or coupons is sued hereunder. 54 ARTICLE ELEVENTH, Cancellation of Agreement, Section 1. If and when all of the Debentures, both principal and interest, and all other sums payable here¬ under, shall be well and truly paid, at the times and in the manner therein and herein expressed according to the true tenor and effect thereof and hereof, this agree¬ ment shall cease and determine and, upon proof being given to the reasonable satisfaction of the Trustee that all of the Debentures and coupons have been paid or sat¬ isfied and upon payment of the costs, charges and ex¬ penses incurred or to be incurred by the Trustee in rela¬ tion thereto or in carrying out any and all of the pro¬ visions of this agreement, the Trustee shall cancel this agreement. Section 2. If, at or prior to the maturity of the De¬ bentures, the Company shall deposit with the Trustee for the benefit of the holders thereof the amount of the principal of all of the Debentures and of all of the coupons then outstanding, together with all costs, charges and expenses incurred or to be incurred by the Trustee in relation thereto or in carrying out any and all of the provisions of this agreement, the Trustee shall cancel this agreement. The Trustee shall apply the moneys so deposited to the payment of the Debentures and/or coupons, but shall in no event be liable beyond the amount received. Neither the Company nor the Trustee shall be required to pay interest on any moneys so deposited; and any such moneys remaining unclaimed for six years after the date of the maturity of all of the 55 Debentures shall be repaid by the Trustee to the Com¬ pany and such holders of Debentures and coupons shall thereafter be entitled only to look to the Company for payment thereof; provided, however, that, before being required to make any such payment to the Company, the Trustee may, at the expense of the Company, cause to be published once a week for four successive weeks in a daily newspaper of general circulation regularly pub¬ lished and issued in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, and in a similar newspaper regularly pub¬ lished and issued in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsyl¬ vania, notice that said moneys remain unclaimed and that, after a date named in said notice, the balance of such moneys then unclaimed will be returned to the Company. ARTICLE TWELFTH. General and Miscellaneous Provisions. Section 1. All the covenants, stipulations, promises and agreements in this agreement contained by or in behalf of the Company shall bind and enure to the bene¬ fit of its successors and assigns, whether so expressed or not. Section 2. Except when otherwise indicated, the words “the Trustee” or “said Trustee” or any other equivalent term, as used in this agreement, shall be held and construed to mean the trustee or trustees hereunder for the time being, whether original or successor. The words “Trustee”, “Interim Certificate”, “Debenture” and “Debenture holder” shall, unless the context other¬ wise requires, signify the plural as well as the sin- 56 gular number and the term “majority” shall signify “majority in amount”, whether or not so expressed. The word “Debenture” or “Debentures” shall be held and construed to mean a Debenture or Deben¬ tures and the word “coupon” or “coupons” to mean a coupon or coupons appertaining to a Debenture or Debentures issued under and pursuant to the provisions of this agreement. The words “subsidiary company” or “subsidiary”, or the plural thereof, as used in this agree¬ ment, shall be held and construed to mean any corporation or corporations, over 50% of the outstanding voting stock whereof is at the time owned, legally or equitably, by the Company and shall also mean any corporation over 50% of the outstanding voting stock whereof is at the time owned, legally or equitably, by the Company and/or by any subsidiary or subsidiaries of the Company and so on to the remotest degree. Section 3. Nothing in this agreement or the De¬ bentures or coupons expressed or implied is intended or shall be construed to confer upon or to give to any per¬ son or corporation, other than the parties hereto and the holders of the Debentures and coupons issued here¬ under, any legal or equitable right, remedy or claim un¬ der or by reason of this agreement or of the Debentures or coupons or of any covenant, condition or stipulation hereof or of the Debentures or coupons; and all of the covenants, stipulations, promises and agreements in this agreement or in the Debentures or coupons contained are and shall be held to be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the parties hereto and of the holders of the Debentures and/or coupons. 57 Section 4. The Equitable Trust Company of New York, Trustee, party hereto of the second part, hereby accepts the trusts in this agreement declared and pro¬ vided, upon the terms and conditions hereof. Section 5. The Atlantic Refining Company doth here¬ by constitute and appoint John H. Stone to be its attor¬ ney for it and in its name and as and for its corporate act and deed to acknowledge this agreement before any person having authority by the laws of the Common¬ wealth of Pennsylvania to take such acknowledgment to the intent that the same may be duly recorded. Section 6. The Equitable Trust Company of New York doth hereby constitute and appoint J. Y. Robbins to be its attorney for it and in its name and as and for its corporate act and deed to acknowledge this agreement before any person having authority by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to take such acknowledg¬ ment to the intent that the same may be duly recorded. This agreement and the Debentures issued hereunder, have been executed and delivered by The Atlantic Re¬ fining Company, at the office of the Trustee in the City of New York, State of New York, and are to be construed and governed according to the laws of the State of New York. In witness whereof, The Atl-antic Refining Com¬ pany, party of the first part, has caused these presents to be executed in New York City in the State of New York by its President or a Vice-President and its cor¬ porate seal to be hereunto impressed, attested by its Secretary or an Assistant Secretary, and The Equitable 58 Trust Company of New York, party of the second part, has caused these presents to be executed by its President or a Vice-President and its corporate seal to be here¬ unto impressed, attested by its Secretary or an Assistant Secretary, as of the first day of March, 1921, in six counterparts. The Atlantic Refining Company, By W. M. Irish, [Seal] Vice-President. Attest: E. J. Henry, Assistant Secretary. The Equitable Trust Company of New York, By Lyman Rhoades, [Seal] Vice-President. Attest: J. Y. Robbtns, Assistant Secretary. The requisite Federal Revenue Stamps have been affixed to Counter¬ part No. 1 and duly cancelled. 59 State of New York, ) V cci • County of New York,} 00 ' * In New York City on this 20th day of April, in the year 1921, before me personally came W. M. Irish, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in Philadelphia, Pa.; that he is Vice- President of The Atlantic Refining Company, one of the corporations described in and which executed the foregoing instrument ; that he knows the seal of said cor¬ poration; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Director of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. J. T. IIelmstadt, Notary Public, No. 406 New York County, Ctf. No. 2421, Filed in Register’s Office, [Seal] Commission expires March 30, 1922. State of New York, ) County of New York,] 00 ' ' On this 20th day of April in the year 1921, before me personally came Lyman Rhoades, to me known who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in Town of Sharon, Conn.; that he is a Vice- President of The Equitable Trust Company of New York, one of the corporations described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said in¬ strument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Trustees of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. J. T. IIelmstadt, Notary Public, No. 406 New York County, Ctf. No. 2421, Filed in Register’s Office, Commission expires March 30, 1922. [Seal] GO State of New York County of New York I hereby certify that on this 20th day of April, in the year of our Lord 1921, before me, the subscriber, a notary public in and for the County and State of New York, aforesaid, personally appeared John H. Stone, the attorney named in the foregoing agreement as attor¬ ney for The Atlantic Refining Company, and by virtue and in pursuance of the authority therein conferred upon him, acknowledged the said agreement to be the act of the said The Atlantic Refining Company. Witness my hand and notarial seal the day and year aforesaid. J. T. Helmstadt, Notary Public, No. 40G New York County, Ctf. No. 2421, Filed in Register’s Office, [Seal] Commission expires March 30, 1922. State of New York County of New York 1 hereby certify that on this 20th day of April, in the year of our Lord 1921, before me, the subscriber, a notary public in and for the County and State of New York, aforesaid, personally appeared J. Y. Robbtns, the attorney named in the foregoing agreement as attor¬ ney for The Equitable Trust Company of New York, and by virtue and in pursuance of the authority therein conferred upon him, acknowledged the said agreement to be the act of the said The Equitable Trust Company of New York. Witness my hand and notarial seal the day and year aforesaid. J. T. TTelmstadt, Notary Public, No. 406 New York County, Ctf. No. 2421, Filed in Register’s Office, [Seal] Commission expires March 30, 1922. [ 932 ]