.1 > ‘ I- CITY CHARTER AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BERLIN 1915 - 1916 BERLIN, NEW HAMPSHIRE Published January 1, 1916 y ^ ■ . 'f ' '' ■ • ' ■A < .. .V I t i f- \ III f ''' ^ J '! 1! I « CITY CHARTER » - AND - ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BERLIN 1915 - 1916 BERLIN. NEW HAMPSHIRE Published January 1, 1916 BARNEY-REPORTER PRESS ■! ivuiiTVfif iiifrd V2)A‘^o*u \'?I\C5- City Charter and Ordinances OF THE CITY OF BERLIN, N. H. 1915-1916 r agreement shall have been authorized or ratified by the City Council; but such restriction shall not be construed to prevent the purchase of or¬ dinary supplies from members of the City Council who may be engaged in trade, nor the employment of the members of the City Council in their ordinary voca¬ tion, by duly authorized heads of departments, and no account or claim for the hire of horses of carriage or for any other thing where the credit of the City has been used shall be allowed unless incurred by the authority of the City Council, or with the approval of the Mayor, nor unless proper vouchers therefor shall be presented by the person incurring the debt. Sec. 6. In all bills against the City which shall be presented for payment each item shall be specially set forth, and no claim exceeding ten dollars in amonut shall be allowed and paid unless approved by the City Council. The Mayor is hereby authorized to draw orders on the Treasurer for the payment of all ac¬ counts and claims allowed, as provided in this chapter, but he shall not draw an order in payment of any services rendered or any material furnished for any department beyond the sum specially appropriate therefore by the City Council. Sec. 7. Any sum of money which shall have been specially appropriated for the payment of principal 22 CITY O'F BEELIN or interest due on any note or other security of the City, or for the State and County taxes, may be drawn from the Treasury and paid to the order of the Mayor for the purpose for which it was appropriated, without any action on the part of the Committee on Accounts and Claims; and whenever it shall be necessary to pay money in advance or contracts made, or for work be¬ gun but not completed, the Mayor, upon being satis¬ fied of such necessity, may draw his order upon the Treasurer for a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars at any one time, taking security for the same. 'Sec. 8. Whenever any money shall be drawn from the Treasury for the purpose specified in the preceding section, the City Clerk shall report the same and the amount thereof to the Committee on Accounts and Claims at their next meeting, and shall charge the same under the appropriate head of expenditures. Sec. 9. All City Officers who shall in their official capacity receive any money on behalf of the City, shall pay the Treasurer the amount in their hands, once'’ in three months or often if required. All other per¬ sons who shall at any time have money in their hands belonging to the City shall forthwith pay the same to the Treasurer. Sec. 10. In all cases of the payment of money to the City Treasurer he shall give his receipt to the per¬ son giving the same, which receipt shall be delivered to the City Clerk and filed in his office, and the City Clerk shall give to the person paying a certificate as ‘ ORDINANCES 23 evidence of such payment. All City Officers and agents receiving money in behalf of said City shall de¬ liver to the City Clerk, once in three months a report of the amount received, and what disposition has been made thereof, except in cases otherwise provided. Sec. 11. The City Treasurer shall keep in a book provided for the purpose, a true account of all his re¬ ceipts and payments for the city, making the same conform in mode of entry as near as may be with the ’accounts kept by the City Clerk. He shall not pay any money out of the treasury except upon orders of the Mayor, drawn in the form prescribed in the fifth sec¬ tion. He shall at the end of each six months certify to the City Clerk all amounts by him paid for maturing bonds, interest, state or county taxes, or any other pur¬ pose for which he has not received an order counter¬ signed by the City Clerk and the City Clerk shall en¬ ter each of the said amounts in the ledger under its appropriate head as provided in section four. ■ He shall when required lay before the City Council a statement of the condition of the treasury and of all moneys received and paid by him on city accounts. Whenever he is authorized by the City Council to bor¬ row money on the credit of the city, all notes and certi¬ ficates of indebtedness given therefor shall be signed by the Mayor and the City Treasurer and countersigned by the City Clerk, and all such notes and certificates shall be registered in books kept for that purpose in the office of the City Treasurer and City Clerk respec- 24 CITY OF BERLIN lively, such registers shall describe such notes and cer¬ tificates by number, date and amount, the name of the person to whom payable, where payable and the rate of interest, and the date of ordinance or resolution author¬ izing the same. Sec. 12. There shall be appointed at the commence¬ ment of each municipal year a Committee on Finance, consisting of the Mayor and two members of the Council, which committee shall negotiate all loans to* the City which shall be authorized by the City Council, and shall report the same to the City Treasurer. See. 13. The Committee on Finance shall at the close of each financial year prepare and lay before the City Council an estimate of the amount of money neces¬ sary to be raised for the ensuing financial year, under the various heads of appropriations ,and the ways and means of raising the same, and shall also at the close of each financial year prepare and lay before the coun¬ cil a statement of all the receipts and expenditures of the preceding financial year, and in detail the amount of appropriation and expenditure for each department; and said Committee on , Finance, at the close of each financial year, and before making their annual report of receipts and expenditures, are hereby authorized to transfer from any unexpended balances of appropria¬ tions so much thereof as shall be required to supply such deficiencies as have been created by the necessary overdrawing of the other appropriations of the same ORDINANCES 25 financial year, and said statement shall be accompanied with a schedule of property, real and personal belong¬ ing to the city, and the value thereof and the amount of the city debt. Sec. 14. The Committee on Finance shall at the close of each financial year, and as much oftener as they shall \leem it expedient, examine and audit the accounts of the City Treasurer, and for that purpose shall have access to all the books and vouchers in the possession of the City Clerk or any other officer of the city. Said committee shall not only compare said accounts with- the vouchers thereof, but shall ascertain whether all moneys due the city have been collected and accounted for. They shall also examine all bonds, notes and securities in the Treasurer ^s hands belonging to the city and make report thereof to the City Coun¬ cil. Sec. 15. The City Treasurer shall make up his ac¬ counts on the thirty-first day of January, and the financial year shall begin on the thirty-first day of January in each year. (As amended by ordinance passed January 2nd, 1912.) CITY CLERK Section 1. In addition to his duties prescribed by law the City Clerk shall perform such duties in connec¬ tion with his office as the City Council shall from time to time fix and determine. 26 CITY OF BERLIN CITY SOLICITOR Section 1. The City Solicitor shall act as Attorney for the City in all criminal and civil cases in which the city is* interested. He shall when required by the Mayor and Council or any ofiGicer of the City, advise them on any question of law relating to their official business. • He shall receive for his services as such officer such salary as the City Council may from time to time fix and determine. In all cases where his attendance may be required out of the city, reasonable travelling ex¬ penses shall be allowed him. OVERSEER OF THE POOR Section 1. The Overseer of the Poor shall perform the same duties and be subject to the same liabilities as are now prescribed for and incumbent on Overseers of the Poor of tawns, and perform such other duties as the City Council may prescribe. He shall receive such compensation or salary for his services as the City Council may from time to time fix and determine. HIGHWAY AGENT Section 1. The duties and liabilities of the Highway Agent shall be such as are prescribed by law for High- ORDINANCES 27 way Agents of towns, and such other duties as the Mayor and Council may from time to time require. Sec. 2. The Highway Agent shall receive such compensation for his services as the City Council may fix and determine. CITY CIVIL ENGINEER Section 1. The City Civil Engineer shall be under the direction of the City Council. He shall have charge of all plans of public grounds, streets, sewers and main drain's of the city, except such as pertain to the city system of house sewerage. He shall by himself or assistants for whom he shall be responsible, make all surveys, estimates, measurements and levels, and per¬ form such other duties as may be required of him by the City Council. All books and papers containing files, notes and other memoranda shall be the property of the city. Sec. 2. The said Engineer shall -receive such salary as the City Council may fix and determine. BOARD OF HEALTH Section 1. The Bo^rd of Health shall have and ex¬ ercise all the powers vested in it, and shall perform all the duties prescribed for health officers of towns as provided by law. 28 . ,, I -■ (, CITY OF BERLIN f i ^ ■ Sec. 2. The Board oL Health shall receive such com¬ pensation for their services as the City Council may from time to time fix and determine. COLLECTOR OF TAXES Section 1. The duties of the Collector of Taxes shall be such as are prescribed by law for the Collector of Taxes in towns, and his compensation shall be such as the Mayor and Council may from time to time de¬ termine. SEWERS Section 1. The present system of house sewerage together with any additions to the system which may hereafter be made, shall be under the general charge of an officer to be elected annually by the City Council, to be known as Sewer Commissioner. The said Sewer Commissioner shall be under the di¬ rection and control of the City Council in all matters pertaining to the construction. Care and management of the system of house sewerage of the city. He shall perform such duties connected with his office as the City Council shall from time, to time fix and pre¬ scribe. He may make such-rules and regulations as to the use of said sewers as he shall deem proper, subject to the approval of the City Council. OEDINANCES 29 Sec. 2. He shall receive for his services such salary or compensation as the City Council may fix and de¬ termine.- CITY MARSHAL AND POLICE Section 1. The City Marshal give bonds in the sum of three hundred dollars satisfactory to the City Coun¬ cil for the faithful performance of the duties of his oflBce. Sec. 2. The City Marshal shall perform such duties as are prescribed by law and such further duties as. the Mayor and Council may from time to time require. He shall observe all wants and defects of highways and streets and give immediate notice thereof to the Street Commissioner, to the end that the same may be amended. He shall lay before the Mayor and Coun¬ cil once a month, a statement ‘of all offences against the laws of the State and the ordinances of the City, and all prosecutions instituted by him on behalf of the city, and the result thereof. Sec. 3. The Marshal and all other Police Officers and Watchmen, when on duty, shall wear such badge of their office as the Mayor and Council shall prescribe. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal, in addition of his other duties, to ascertain tho circum- ' stances of all accidents happening in which the City 30 1 CITY OF BEELIN / may have an interest, and all other matters of a similar nature when so directed by the Mayor, and to make a report to the Mayor and City Solicitor of the investiga¬ tion in each case. • Sec. 5. Should any Police Officer or Watchman fail to comply wdth his instructions or be otherwise remiss in his official duties, the City Marshal, at his discre¬ tion, temporarily, may suspend such delinquent, and he shall report the facts in any case to the City Council, and the matter shall, if in their judgment the interest of the city require it, investigate the same without delay, and reprimand or remove from office and Police Officer or Watchman who may be found guilty of such neglect. Passed April 21, 1897. Approved, H. F. MARSTON, Mayor. Attest: J. A. LETOURNEAU, City Clerk. In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven. AN ORDINANCE to regulate the admission of chil¬ dren into the public schools of the City of Berlin. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: That pupils who are five years old and upwards shall be admitted to the primary schools only during the' OKDINANCES 31 first and second weeks of the Fall and Spring terms; but pupils who are qualified to enter existing classes may be admitted at any time during the school year, by applying to the Secretary of the Board of Education. Passed May 11, 1897. ® Approved, H. F. MARSTON, MayorT Attest: J. A. LETOURNEAU, City Clerk. In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven. AN ORDINANCE relating to the Fire Department. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section 1. The Fire Department shall consist of a Chief Engineer and Assistant Engineer, to be denom- imated, first and second Engineer; and a suitable num¬ ber of hose men, not less than twelve nor more than eighteen to form a hose company, and a suitable num¬ ber of hook and ladder men, not less than eight or more than fifteen to form a company. Sec. 2. The Board of Councilmen shall in case of a vacancy in the Board of Engineers, fill such va¬ cancies by appointment and said Engineer shall con¬ stitute the Board of Engineers and shall perform tho duties and exercise the powers of a fire ward. CITY OF BERLIN Ow Sec. 3. Every Hose Company shall have attached thereto a Foreman and Assistant Foreman, also the Hook and Ladder Company shall have attached thereto a Foreman and Assistant Foreman which must be ac¬ ceptable to the Board of Engineers. Sec. 4. No member of the Fire Department shall hold the oflS.ce of Marshal, Assistant Marshal or Police OflScer. Sec. 5. In case of fire the Chief Engineer shall have the sole and absolute control and command over the Assistant Engineer and all other oflScers of the Fire Department. Sec. 6. In the absence of the Chief Engineer the Assistant Engineer next in rank who may be present, shall have all the power and perform the duties of the Chief Engineer. Sec. 7. The Foreman of each Hose Company and the Foreman of the Hook and Ladder Company shall, at least twice in each month, and also in addition thereto within twenty-four hours after every fire, see that such fire apparatus as they may have charge of has * been operated and examined minutely and carefully and report the condition thereof to the Chief Engineers. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the members of the Fire Department upon an alarm of fire to repair to their respective places, place themselves under Captain in command and obey his orders; and upon receiving his permission, return the fire apparatus to their appro¬ priate places in a quiet and orderly manner. ORDINANCES 33 Sec. 9. The Foreman of each Hose Company and Hook and Ladder Company shall cause the fire appara¬ tus entrusted to their care respectively to be thorough¬ ly cleaned, oiled, washed and securely housed. Sec. 10. All species of gaming or playing of games of chance, and all disorderly conduct in any hose house, or hook and ladder house, or any room connected there- ■with, at any and all times is forbidden, and all assemb¬ ling of persons on the Sabbath in any of said houses or rooms, except for the purpose of doing necessary ■work on the fire apparatus belonging to such house or rooms, or of accompanying such fire apparatus to a place of fire or of returning ■with the same, is also expressly forbidden and it shall be the duty of the Chief or the City Marshall to see that the provisions of this section are enforced. Sec. 11. No Hose or Hook and Ladder Carriage shall be taken to a fire out of the city without permis¬ sion of an Engineer, nor shall any apparatus of the Fire Department be taken from the city except in ■'ase of fire, with permission of the Mayor. Sec. 12. The Board of Engineers shall examine into all shops and other places, where shavings and other combustible materials may be deposited or collected and at all times be vigilant in the removal of the same. Whenever in their opinion the same may be danger¬ ous to the security of the city from fires and direct the owners, tenants or occupants of said shop or other places to remove the same, and in case of such owner. 34 CITY OF BEELIN tenant or occupants’ refusal or neglect to do so, such person shall be liable to a penalty not excedding ten dollars ($10) for such neglect or refusal, and when¬ ever, in the opinion of the Board of Engineers any chimney, hearth-oven, stove, stove-pipe, flue or other fixtures, or any explosive or inflammable fluid or other material, or whatever else may give just cause of alarm, shall be altered, repaired or removed, they the said Engineers shall forthwith notify and direct the owner, tenant or occupant of the premises upon which the same are situated to alter, repair or remove the same, as the said Engineers shall direct and in case such ten¬ ant, owner, or occupant shall refuse or neglect to do' so, the person so refusing or neglecting shall also be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars. Any person who shall obstruct the Engineer, or his Assistants in carrying out the provisions of this section shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars. Sec. 13. If any person shall wilfully or maliciously injure any of the apparatus owned by the city or shall ride or drive any animal or carriage across any hose or other apparatus when in use at any fire or any trial thereof he shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars and shall be required to pay all damages by him caused. Sec. 14. All factories, hotels, tenement houses, public halls, school houses and other buildings used as places of public resort in the city shall be provided with ample means of . escape in case of fire and ade¬ quate facilities for entrance and exit on all occasions OllDINANCES 35 ) and be so erected as not to endanger the health and safety of persons who may occupy them. Sec. 15. The Fire Engineers shall constitute a board for the inspection of the buildings and halls mentioned in the preceding section and shall from time to time inspect the same and after notifying and hearing all parties interested may thereupon direct such alterations in any building or hall as may be necessary by the provisions of said section and may "order such building or hall to be closed until such alterations are made. Sec. 16. Every person aggrieved by any decision of such inspectors may appeal therefrom as provided in Sec. 5 of Chapter 116 of the Public Statutes. Sec. 17. Every person who shall let or use any building for the purposes specified in section 14 of this chapter after such building shall have been ordered closed or altered as provided in Sec. 15 of this chapter, until such orders has 'been complied with, or reserved, shall be punished as provided in Sec. 6 of chapter 116 of Public Statutes. Sec. 18. For each absence from fire or neglect of duty the Chief Engineer and Assistant Engineers shall be fined one dollar ($1.00) each and others who are members of the department fifty cents (50c) each; provided however that any fireman liable as above may in case of temporary absence or sickness have power of substitution by giving notice, each Assistant F.Ji- 36 CITY OF BERLIN ( - gineer to Chief, each Captain to an Engineer and each other member to the Captain of his Company. ‘ Passed August 3, 1897. Approved, H. F. MARSTON, Mayor. Attest: J. A. LETOURNEAU, City Clerk. In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven. AN ORDINANCE in relation to Sewers. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section 1. The word ‘ ‘ drain' ’ when used in ordin¬ ances, shall be construed to mean a pipe or conduit for the conveyance of storm or ground water; and the word ‘‘sewer” when so used shall be construed to mean a pipe or conduit for the conveyance of sewage of buildings only. Sec. 2. To the Committee on Sewerage, under the direction of the City Council, shall be entrusted the general management and supervision of the public sewers which are now or may hereafter be constructed and owned by the city, or which may be permitted to be constructed or opened by its authority. The ap¬ propriations for sewers shall be expended under their direction and they shall have full power to make all necessary repairs, extensions or improvements on said ORDINANCES 37 sewers, to procure new sewer pipes and all other neces¬ sary materials, and to make all necessary contracts in connection therewith; but they shall make no contracts nor do any work in excess of the appropriations. Sec. 3. All connections of house sewers, drains and plumbing work with the sewer system of the city of Berlin shall be made in accordance with these rules and regulations, and no plumbing, house drainage or connections shall be done or made in connection with the sewer by any person not licensed to do such work by the Sewer Committee. APPLICATION FOR LICENSES Sec. 4. Any person desiring to do business as a plumber in connection with the ’sanitary sewer system of the City of Berlin, shall file in the ofiice of the Superintendent of Sewers a petition giving the name of the individual and place of business, and asking to be licensed as a plumber. Said petition must be signed by two responsible citizens of the City of Berlin, vouch¬ ing for his business capacity and reputation and that he is willing to be gov^ned in all respects by the rules and regulations which are now or may be adopted by the city. No licenses shall be granted for more than one year, and all licenses shall be granted to expire on the first day of April. The fee shall be two dollars for each license. Sec. 5. Applications for permits to connect with the sewer system or do plumbing work to be connected therewith, must be made in writing by the owner of 38 CITY OF BEELIN the property, or his authorized agent. Permits to make connections with the Sewer System will be issued only when the plumbing in the house or building to be connected is in accordance with the rules for plumb¬ ing hereinafter prescribed; and all work done shall be subject to the inspection of the Superintendent of Sewers, and no alteration shall be made in any plan or in any w'ork without a special permit in v/riting from him. STATEMENT OF WORK DONE Sec. 6. A Plumber shall, on the completion of the work, file in the office of the Superintendent of Sewers, on blanks furnished for the purpose, a correct state¬ ment of the work done under the permit. CESSPOOLS Sec. 7. No open gutter, cesspool or privy vault shall be connected with any sewer or drain. INJURY TO SEWERS . Sec. 8. No person, firm or ccJtporation shall injure, break or remove any portion of any manhole. Hush tank or any part of the sew^er system; or throw or de¬ posit, or cause to be thrown or deposited in any sewer opening or receptacle connected with the sewer system and garbage, offal or dead animals, ashes, cinders or any other thing whatsoever, except faeces urine, the necessary water closet paper, liquid house slops, also roof and cellar water by special permit. • ^ ORDINANCES 39 WATER OR GAS PIPE Sec. 9. Any person, firm or corporation desirinj^ to lay pipes for water, gas, steam or any purpose in any street, alley or property upon which sewers are laid shall give, at least twenty-four hours' notice to the Superinten¬ dent of Sewers and the manner of excavating, laying and backfilling shall be subject to the approval of the Superintedent. All such work shall be planned and executed so that no injury shall occur to any public sew'er or drain, or to any house sewer or drain, con¬ nected therewith. OBSTRUCTIONS Sec. 10. The Superintendent shall have the power to stop and prevent from discharging into the sewer system any private sewer or drain through which sub¬ stances are discharged which are liable to Injure the sewer or obstruct the flow of the sewage. Before any private drain or sewer shall be connected with the sys¬ tem, the owner of the private drain or sewer shall prove to the satisfaction of the Superintendent that it con¬ forms in every respect to these rules and regulations. PLUMBING RULES See. 11. Each and every connection with the public Sewer shall be first quality salt Glazed, Vetrified pipe not less than four inches internal diameter, which may extend from the sewer to within three feet of the house; and from thence the house drain shall be of cast iron pipe satisfactory to the Superintendent of 40 CITY OF BEELIN Sewers and shall extend upwards full size so that its upper terminus shall communicate directly with open air in a manner which shall secure perfect ventilation. No brick, sheet metal, earthern ware or chimney flue shall be used as a sewer ventilator nor to ventilate any trap, drain, soil or waste pipe. EVERY FIXTURE SHALL BE EFFECTUALLY TRAPPED Sec. 12. No trap or any manner of obstruction to the free flow of air through the whole course of the drain and soil pipe will be allowed. Every fixture shall be effectively trapped. Traps to be as near fixtures as possible and no traps shall be more than three (3) feet from the fixture which it is to serve. Every fixture having a waste pipe shall be furnished with a Sanitas Anti Syphon trap or be vented by special air pipe (of a size not less than the waste pipe when there is more than six (6) feet of said waste pipe) between trap and said pipe. Star or Battle traps and four (4) inch water closet traps may be used with¬ out venting if placed on pipe extending through roof if not more than six (6) feet away. All vent pipes from the inside of the roof must be at least four (4) inches in diameter. No pan closet to be allowed and all water closets must have a seat vent of not less than two inches into the kitchen chimney when practicable. Sec. 13. All soil and waste pipes shall be as direct as possible and all parts of the work shall be so ar- ORDINANCES 41 ranged that they may be at all times readily examined and repaired. When necessary placed within partitions or in the recessess of walls, soil and waste pipes must be covered with w'ood-work so fastened with screws as to be readily removed. Sec. 14. All joints in iron drain pipes, soil pipes and waste pipes, except when screw joints are used, must be so filled with oakum and lead and hand caulked as to make them gas tight. All connections of lead pipes with iron pipes must be made with a brass or lead sleeve, or ferruled as large or larger than the lead pipe put in the hub of the branch of the iron pipe and caulked with oakum and lead. The lead pipe must be attached to the ferrule by a wiped or overcast Joint. Sec. 15. The least inclination that can be allowed for house drains .is one (1) in sixty (60) without the written permission of the Superintendent of Sewers. The ends of all pipes not to be immediately connected must be securely closed, water tight, with imperish¬ able material. The inside of every drain after it is laid must be left smooth and clean throughout its en¬ tire length. Sec. 16. The backfilling over drains must be puddled of rammed, all water and gas pipes protected from in¬ jury or settling and the surface of the street made good within forty-eight hours after the completion of that part of the drain lying within the public way. 42 CITY OF BEELIN See. 17. Any person violating any of the provisions of these rules and regulations shall upon conviction thereof, be fined not exceeding twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for the use of the City of Berlin, and any plumber or drain layer violating these rules and regula¬ tions shall forfeit his license. Sec. 18. The above rules and regulations shall take effect when adopted by the City of Berlin. Passed September 7, 1897. Approved, H. F. MAESTON, Mayor. Attest: J. A. LETOUENEAU, City Clerk. In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven. AN OEDINANCE in relation to the inspection of build¬ ings. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section 1. The inspector shall examine all buildings in the Course of erection or alteration as often as prac¬ ticable and make a record of all violations of the laws herein. / Sec. 2. Hereafter in the City of Berlin no public building damaged' by fire -or other casualty shall be repaired or restored to its former condition and no ORDINANCES 43 work which impairs the strength or increases the fire risk of any wall, structure or building shall be done except upon a permit from the inspectors. Sec. 3. No woodwork will be allowed to be put within one inch of any chimney. Section 4. All buildings over twenty feet high shall have permanent means of access to the roof from the inside. The opening shall be not less than eighteen inches by thirty inches. Sec. 5. Any building which by defect, accident or decay or overloading is unsafe shall be vacated forth¬ with if and when the inspector shall so order. Sec. 6. No smoke pipe in any building with wooden or combustible floors or ceiling shall hereafter enter any flue unless the said pipe shall be at least twelve (12) inches from either the floor or ceiling and in all cases where smoke pipes pass through stud or wooden partitions of any kind whether the same be plastered or not. They shall be guarded by either a double collar of metal with air space or by at least four (4) inches of brick between pipe and wood. • Sec. 7. Every structure and every part thereof; and appurtenances thereto within the City of Berlin shall be BO constructed and maintained in such repair as not to be dangerous, and the owners of any premises within the said city upon notice from the inspector that such premises are dangerous shall forthwith remedy the cause of danger by removal or repair. 44 CITY OF BEELIN Sec. 8. No shanties or cheap buildings will be al¬ lowed to be built or moved on to any lot in any of the principal streets of the City of Berlin without a permit from the Inspector. Section 9. No chimney shall be started or built upon any floor or beam, and in no case where the breast of a chimney shall project more than four (4) inches shall it be commenced in any wall, but shall be started from the foundation. No chimney in buildings already erected or hereafter to be built shall be cut off below or in part and supported by wood but shall be wholly supported by stone, brick, or iron. ' Section 10. The City Council may by ordinance at any time make such requirements in addition to these contained in this act as they may deem expedient in relation to the erection and alteration of buildings. Sec. 11. Any person who shall build or alter any building or other structure or part thereof in viola¬ tion of any provisions of this act or who shall after twenty-four hours’ notice from the Inspector maintain or use any such building or other structure or part thereof so built or altered as shall violate any provi¬ sions of this act, shall be punished by a fine not exceed¬ ing one hundred dollars to be paid into the Treasury of the City of Berlin. Passed August 2, 1898. Approved, H. F. MAESTON, Mayor. Attested: WM. W. BUELINGAME, City Clerk. OKDINANCES 45 In the year, of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight. AN ORDINANCE in relation to the inspection of the public streets and ways of the City of Berlin.’ Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section 1. No person or corporation shall dig up any public street, public way or public ground in said City of Berlin, for the purpose of laying water pipes, sewer pipes, or other structures therein, or for the purpose of repairing the same, without first obtaining the con¬ sent of the Mayor and City Council of said city. Sec. 2. In case any person or corporation, after having obtained the consent of the Mayor and City Council as aforesaid, shall dig up any public street,- public way or public ground for any of the purposes mentioned in Section 1 of this ordinance, he or it shall restore the same to the same order and condition in which the premises were in before said digging was commenced, without unnecessary delay, and shall take all necessary precautions to protect the public from injury by their acts. Sec. 3. Nothing herein contained shall be construed in such manner as to relieve any person or corporation 46 CITY OF BEELIN from liability for damages resulting in the performance of any work here in mentioned, for which they are by law liable. Passed August 2, 1898. Approved, H. F. MARSTON, Mayor. Attest; WM. W. BURLINGAME, City Clerk. In the year of our Lord nineteen hundred. AN ORDINANCE in relation to the inspection of teams on the business streets of the City of Berlin. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: No truck team, hack, carriage or other team or vehicle shall be placed or left on any business street in said city by any person longer than is necessary to accomplish the work the owner or driver thereof is at the time engaged in. Any violation of the foregoing ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars. Passed May 1, 1900. Approved, FRANK L. WILSON, Mayor. Attest: WM. W. BURLINGAME, City Clerk. OKDINANCES 47 In the year of our Lord nineteen hundred. AN ORDINANCE in relation to the inspection of waste materials in the streets of the City of Berlin. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin. No person shall place or leave on any street in said city any animal or vegetable matter, any wooden or metallic substance, or other material in any form what¬ ever. Any violation of the foregoing ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars. Passed May 1, 1900. Approved, FRANK L. WILSON, Mayor. Attested: WM. W. BURLINGAME, City Clerk. In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one. AN ORDINANCE in relation to the inspection Hack¬ ney, Carriages and Job Teams. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section 1. The City Council may from time to time, at their discretion, grant licenses upon such terms and to such persons as they may deem expedient, to set up. 48 CITY OF BEELIN employ, or use hackney carriages, or other vehicles for the conveyance of persons for hire from place to place within the limits of the city, which license tnay be revoked at any time for any violation of the provi¬ sions of this ordinance; and a record of such licenses shall be kept by the City Clerk. Sec. 2. No person or persons shall set up, employ, or use any hackney coach, cab, or other vehicle for the conveyance of passengers, for hire, from place to place within the limits of the city, without a license from the City Council. Sec. 3. Every carriage licensed as aforesaid shall be conspicuously marked with the number assigned to it by the City Council, in metallic figures, not less than one and a half inches long, and the name of the owner, the number of the carriage, and the rates of fare duly established, shall be conspicuously posted on a printed card in every such carriage. Sec. 4. No license shall be sold, transferred, or as¬ signed, without the consent of the City Council, and no carriage shall be driven by a minor under the age of eighteen years, unless he be especially licensed by the City Council. Sec. 5. Every person licensed according to the pro¬ visions of this chapter shall give bonds, with sufficient surety or sureties, to be approved by the City Council, in such sum as they may order, conditioned for the safe conveyance of passengers and their baggage, ac¬ cording to the provisions of this chapter. ORDINANCES 49 Sec. 6. No license granted as aforesaid shall apply to any carriage, owner, or driver, except the particular one designated therein by its number, or otherwise made certain. See. 7. The City Council may establish the fare for the conveyance of passengers in any such hackney car¬ riage, and revise or change the same at pleasure; and every such license shall expire on the first day of April next after the date thereof, unless previously revoked. Sec. 8. No o'v^'^ler, driver, or other person having charge of any hackney carriage, for the conveyance of passengers, licensed as aforesaid, shall demand or re¬ ceive a higher rate of fare than that established by the City Council. Sec. 9. Every person licensed agreeable to the pro¬ visions of this ordinance shall pay for said license the sum of two dollars. Sec. 10. Every owner of carriages licensed as afore¬ said shall be responsible for the acts of the driver thereof, and any person licensed as aforesaid who shall violate any -of the provisions of this ordinance, or any person who shall set up, empoly or use hackney car¬ riages for the conveyance of persons, for hire, from place‘to place, within the limits of the city, without license shall be fined not exceeding twenty dollars or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. 50 CITl OF BEELIN Sec. 11. No person or persons shall set up, employ, or use any job team, wagon or other vehicle for the conveyance of goods, wares, merchandise or other per¬ sonal property, for hire, from place to place within the limits of the city without first obtaining, for each vehicle so used, a license from the City Council, who shall at their discretion grant such license upon applica¬ tion, under such restrictions and regulations as they may prescribe, and they shall assign to each vehicle so licensed a number and a record of such license shall be kept by the City Clerk. Every person obtaining such a license shall pay therefor the sum of one dollar for the use of the city. Such license may be revoked at any time by the City Council for any violation of the provisions of this section or of the rules and regula¬ tions prescribed by the City Council. Every wagon or other vehicle so licensed shall be conspicuously marked with a number assigned to it by the City Coun¬ cil in metallic or painted figures, and the name of the owner shall be plainly displayed on the wagon or other vehicle. Sec. 12. Any person who shall set up, employ, or use any job team, wagon or other vehicle as aforesaid with¬ out first obtaining a license as aforesaid, and any per¬ son so licensed who shall violate any provisions of sec¬ tion eleven of this chapter shall be fined not exceeding ten dollars. Passed November 6, 1901. Approved, F. M. CLEMENT, Mayor. Attested: WM. W. BUELINGAME, City Clerk. ORDINANCES 51 In the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and two. AN ORDINANCE relating to Sidewalks. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin, as follows: Section 1. Whenever any owner or owners of land abutting upon any street or highway in the compact part of the City of Berlin shall make application to the City Council for new sidewalks to be built in front of or adjoining said land, and the City Council vote to construct them, then the said City Council shall forth¬ with proceed to complete said sidewalk and assess upon the abutting owner or owners, a sum equal to one- third the entire expense of constructing said sidewalk or sidewalks, and any assessment thus made shall be valid and binding upon the owners of such land, and shall be a lien thereon for one year after the same shall have been made and notice thereof given to the person assessed, and said lands may be sold for non-payment thereof as in case of non-payment of taxes on resident lands. The land owner shall have the same right of appeal, with the same procedure, as in other cases. Sec. 2. Said petition^ or petitioners shall, as a condition to the granting'thereof of their application, consider their signatures to said petition as a contract with the City to pay their assessment of one-third the cost for building and maintaining such sidewalks. Sec. 3. All sidewalks in the compact part of the city shall be kept free from snow, ice and dirt, by the abutting owners or occupants of the land adjoining said sidewalks. 52 CITY OF BEELIN Sec. 4. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as making it obligatory on the part of the City Council or any committee or agent thereof, to furnish and build such sidewalks; and no petition shall be granted ujoless the appropriation for such purposes is sufficient to war¬ rant the expense incident thereto. Passed January 7, 1902. DANIEL J. DALEY, For the Committee F. M. CLEMENT, Mayor. Attest: WM. W. BUELINGAME, City Clerk. AN OEDINANCE granting location and construction of the Berlin Street Eailway Co. (as amended by an ordinance passed December 9, 1902, and further amended by an ordinance passed November 19, 1908.) Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin, as follows: The following location is ^*anted to the Berlin Street Eailway Company along Main |3treet, in the City of Berlin: Beginning at the plimping station of the Ber¬ lin Water Company, the track of said Eailway Com¬ pany shall run along the Easterly side of Main Street as close to the limits as possible to a point near the Berlin Mills Company's store at that point the track shall swing to the middle of the street, and run in th^ middle of the street a short distance past said ORDINANCES 53 Derlin Mills Company’s store, where it shall swing again to the extreme Easterly side of the street and run along said extreme Easterly side to a point nearly op- jiosite the William Wilson homestead. Along that part of the street between said Berlin Mills Company’s store and said Wilson homestead, which is commonly called ^‘The Narrows” the said street Railway Company shall widen the street so as to make room for its tracks out¬ side of the travelled road, as the same now exists, for such a distance as shall be approved by the Mayor and Street Commissioner. At said point nearly opposite the M^'iHiam Wilson homestead said track shall swing again to the middle of the street ana shall run along said middle of the street, as now used, to Post-office Square, where it shall swing again to the extreme Easterly side of the street and run along said Easterly side of the street to a point just below C. N. Hodgdon’s house; the street to be widened where necessary to make said street a safe and sufficient thoroughfare as the Mayor and Street Commissioner may direct. At said point just below said C. N. Hodgdon’s house said track shall swing to the extreme Westerly side of the street, and run along said Westerly side, as much out of the travelled portion of the street as possible, to the Gorham town line. But if said Railway Company or other persons interested, shall apply to the Mayor for a change of said location at any time during the building of said road, the Mayor may, if he deems best, make such change. 54 CITY OF BEELIN The side tracks and turn-outs along said location, above granted, shall be located at such points as shall be consented to by the Mayor and Street Commissioner. The grade shall be in uniformity with the present grade of the street, except in such places as the Mayor and the Street Commissioner may direct it to be cut or filled in anticipation of future improvements; ex¬ cept that said Eailway Company may, with the consent of the Mayor and Street Commissioner, cut or raise the grade at other places along its location than those where they are directed to, but at all such places where the grade is thus cut or lowered with the consent or ac¬ quiescence of the Mayor and Street Commissioner, but not by their direction said Eailway Company shall at its own expense forthwith cut or fill the grade of the street to a level with the track as laid; and if it shall fail or neglect to do so, the said City may do said cut¬ ting or filling and said Eailway Company shall reim¬ burse it for all the expense of so doing. The rails shall be laid on a level with the street grade. Wherever there is a liability that surface water will collect or be obstructed on account of the construction of the track, or tracks' of said Eailway Company or wherever it is so collected or obstructed hereafter by said track, or tracks, said Company shall at its own expense construct such drains and culverts, or take such measures to divert such water as the Street Com¬ missioner shall direct. ORDINANCES 55 Tlie poles and posts necessarily used in the construc¬ tion of said railway and in the proper maintenance of the same, shall be approved by the Mayor and Street Commissioner, and in the business portion of said Main Street, said poles shall be round, straight, hard chest¬ nut, free from bunches and bark and shall be painted a uniform color to be determined upon by the City En¬ gineer. And all of said poles shall be placed in the edge of the sidewalk, outside that part or part of the street used by vehicles, as the electric light poles are now placed. • Trolley wires, feed wires and all other wires shall be maintained not less than eighteen (18) feet above the grade of the rail and guard wdres shall be placed over said trolley wire whenever the Mayor and Council may from time to time so order. If the style of rails used by said Railway Company shall hereafter prove unsatisfactory to the Mayor and Council, the said Railway Company shall, upon six (6) months’ notice from the Mayor and Council, put in rails known as the Girder rails, or such other rails as the Mayor and Council may direct. The said Railway Company shall at its own expense clear the snow from the tracks, and shall not, except with the consent of the Street Commissioner, deposit it in the Street along-side the track, but shall draw the same away, and if the removal of said snow from said railway track shall render the street so uneven, incon¬ venient, or dangerous; as to necessitate the removal of 56 CITY OF BERLIN snow from portions of the street not covered by said tracks, said railway company shall also at its own ex¬ pense remove said snow at the direction of the Street Commissioner. Said Railway Company shall not, between the pump¬ ing station above mentioned and said Wilson home¬ stead, run its cars at a greater rate of speed than ten miles an hour; and between said Wilson homestead and Post-office Square, it shall not run at a greater rate of speed than six miles an hour; and from said Post- office Square tn a point near the transformer station of the Cascade Electric Light and Power Company, it shall not run its cars at a greater rate of speed than ten miles an hour. If at any time it shall be necessary, in the laying of sewer pipes or water mains, or other under-ground con¬ structions, or in the laying out and making of new streets, or in the doing of any public work, temporarily to remove any of the tracks, or appurtenances of said Railway Company, said Railway Company shall at the request of the ' Mayor and Street or Sewer Commis¬ sioner, and at its own expense, remove said tracks and appurtenances, and, if it shall delay such removal, the said City may remove the same and the expense of such removal shall be repaid to it by said Railway Company. Said Railway Com^pany shall save said City harmless from all loss, costs, damage and expense in consequence of, or in any way arising out of the construction, main¬ tenance and operation of said railway; and said Rail- ORDINANCES way Company shall leave all of- the streets in which it shall construct its tracks in as good condition as the same were before the construction of said tracks, and if it shall fail or neglect so to do, said City may itself put the same into such condition, and the said Rail¬ way Company shall repay and reimburse it for all the expense of so doing. And under no circumstances shall said Railway Company ever have or maintain any claim against said City on account of any interference with said Railw'ay, its tracks, appurtenances, or traffic, which shall be rendered necessary by the construction or maintenance of any public work. The foregoing requirements and provisions are in the nature of restrictions, subject to which said location is granted, and all of said restrictions are made strictly the conditions of said grant, and said Railway Com¬ pany shall not build its tracks upon, nor operate its line of railway along any portion of said location, except upon a full and complete acceptance of said conditions and restrictions, and such building or opera¬ tion by said Railw'ay Company shall have the effect of, and shall be a complete assent to, and acceptance of, said restrictions and conditions. Passed May 14, 1902. Approved, JOHN B. GILBERT, Mayor. Attest: W. A. BOOTHBY, Citv Clerk. 7 CITY OF BEELIN 58 ' In the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and two. AN OEDINANCE relating to animals running at large in the City of Berlin. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section 1. No person shall permit or allow his swine, neat cattle, horses, sheep or other creatures to be at large upon any of the streets of the City of Berlin. See. 2. Any person violating the foregoing section shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars ($20.00), or by imprisonment not exceeding sixty (60) days. Passed June 6, 1902. Approved, JOHN B. GILBEET, Mayor. Attest: W. A. BOOTHBY, City Clerk. In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and two. 9 AN OEDINANCE in relation to muzzling vicious dogs. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: No person who is the owner of a dangerous or vicious dog shall suffer the same to run at large within the city limits unmuzzled; and any owner or keeper of a ORDINANCES 59 dangerous or vicious dog who shall suffer the same to run at large unmuzzled, after being directed by the City Marshal to cause the same to be muzzled, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars. Passed August 5th, 1902. Approved, JOHN B. GILBERT, Mayor. Attest: W. A. BOOTHBY, City Clerk. In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and three. AN ORDINANCE in relation to the use of sleighs and sleds upon public streets. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section 1. No person shall, either by himself or agent, drive any sleigh, sled or vehicle upon runners of any description upon any public street within the limits of the City of Berlin, without having-attached to the same, or to the horses or other aminals drawing the same, such number of bells as shall give suitable W'arning of the approach of said vehicle to the persons who may be using said street. Sec. 2. Any violation of the provisions of this or¬ dinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding ten dollars. 60 CITY OF BEELIN Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect. from its passage. Passed February 3, 1903. JOHN B. GILBEET, Mayor. Attest: W. A. BOOTHBY, City Clerk. In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and three. AN OEDINANCE relating to the licensing of Employ¬ ment Offices. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section 1. All licenses granted to keepers.of Intelli¬ gence Offices under the provisions of an Act passed by the Legislature of 1901, approved March 7th, 1901, entitled ‘ ‘ An Act to regulate Employment Offices, ’ ’ shall be signed by the City Clerk, and shall be recorded by him in a book kept for that purpose before being delivered to the licensee. Such licenses shall set forth the name of the person licensed, the nature of the business, and the building or place in which it is ^to be carried on, and shall continue in force until the • first day of May next, ensuing, unless sooner revoked. Sec. 2. The license fee shall be ten dallors ($10) and shall be paid to the City Clerk before the license is issued. , ORDINANCES 61 Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Passed May 5, 1903. Approved, JOHN B. GILBERT, Mayor. Attest: W. A. BOOTHBY, City Clerk.' In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and three. AN ORDINANCE relating to the use of the public streets. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section 1. It shall not be lawful for any person to move any building into, along or across any street in the City of Berlin, unless he shall first obtain from the City Council a written permit therefor. No permit shall be granted by the City Council to any person to move any building into, along or across Main Street, nor any other street when by so doing the public service furnished by railroads, telegraph, telephone or electric light companies shall be unrea¬ sonably interferred with. It shall be a condition of every such permit to move any building into, along or across any street that the 62 CITY OF BERLIN person obtaining the same shall be liable anji he shall agree to become liable for all damages that may be caused by the moving of such building, and the City Council shall before granting such permit be satisfied that the person applying for the same is financially able to pay any and all damages that may be caused to the City of Berlin, or to any person by moving such building in accordance with such permit. Sec. 2. Any person convicted of a violation of Sec¬ tion 1 of this ordinance shall be fined not more than ten dollars $10), or may be imprisoned not more than sixty days. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Passed May 14th, 1903. Approved, JOHN B. GILBERT, Mayor. Attest: W. A. BOOTHBY, City Clerk. In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and four. AN ORDINANCE compelling attendance at school by children between the ages of six and sixteen years. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: ORDINANCES C3 Section '1. Any child in this district between the ages of six and sixteen years, without a regular and lawful occupation, who shall, except in case of ill health, be abserft from school for more than one day during the space of any one month, unless excused by the School Board, shall be fined not exceeding ten dol¬ lars for each offence. Passed March 1st, 1904. Approved, JOHN B. GILBERT, Mayor. Attest: W. A. BOOTHBY, City Clerk. In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and six. AN ORDINANCE to prohibit minors under sixteen years of age from loitering on the streets of Berlin after eight o’clock at night. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City.of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section 1. No minor under sixteen years of age shall without a good excuse, be allowed to remain on the streets of said Berlin after eight o ’clock at night, un¬ less accompanied by parent or guardian. Sec. 2. Any minor violating this ordinance shall be fined not exceeding ten dollars ($10.00.) Passed Jaunary 2nd, 1906. Approved, G. E. HUTCHINS,. Mayor. Attest: M. E. YOUNG, City Clerk. 64 CITY OF BERLIN In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and six. AN ORDINANCE relating to Milk Dealers. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section 1. Provisions of Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of Chapter 127 of the Public Statutes of New Hampshire are hereby adopted to be in force in the City of Berlin. Section 2. The following is added thereto: The fee for each license granted shall be fifty cents for each year, or in same proportion for any fractional part thereof. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Passed June 5th, 1906. Approved, G. E. HUTCHINS, Mayor. Attest: G. WERTHEIM, Deputy City Clerk. In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eight. AN ORDINANCE relating to the erection and main- tainance of telegraph, electric, telephone, street rail¬ way, and all other poles within said City of Berlin. ORDINANCES ... ‘i>'i Or Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber-^. lin as follows: Section 1. All telegraph, electric light, telephone, street railway and all other poles now or which may “ hereafter be erected upon any street, alley, lane, avenue or highway within the limits of said city shall be round, perfectly straight, free from bunches and bark, and shall be painted a uniform color, to be determined ui)on by the City Engineer. All poles now standing within the limits of said City shall be painted within thirty days of the passage of this ordinance. Sec. 2. No person, corporation, or company shall erect a pole or poles upon any street, highway, avenue, alley or lane within the limits of said City, without first obtaining a permit from the City Council, and such pole or poles shall be erected under the supervi¬ sion of the City Engineer, and shall be painted within fifteen days of such erection. Sec. 3. Any person, company or corporation violat¬ ing any of the provisions of the foregoing ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty ($20) dollars for each offense. . Section 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in¬ consistent with this are hereby repealed. Passed November 19, 1908. Approved, F. D. BARTLETT, Mayor. Attest: P. J. SMYTH, City Clerk. 66 CITY OF BERLIN In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred' and eight. AN ORDINANCE relating to the collection of taxes of the said City of Berlin. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section 1. On the fifteenth day of December, 1908, and on said date during every year thereafter, the tax collector of the said City shall furnish to the City Solicitor of the said City, a full and complete list of all delinquent taxpayers, both poll and real estate. Sec. 2. Upon receipt of such list, it shall be the duty of the City Solicitor to notify by mail all persons, companies or corporations in arrears. Sec. 3. Said City Solicitor shall receive as com¬ pensation for such special work, a sum not to exceed twenty-five dollars with necessary postage and sta¬ tionery. Sec. 4. This ordinance ’ shall take effect' upon its passage. Passed November 27, 1908. ' Approved, F. D. BARTLETT, Mayor. Attest: P. J. SMYTH, City Clerk. Ill yt ORDINANCES I'UlHi/ i . i> In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and ft' nine. AN ORDINANCE relating to' public streets, billard and pool rooms in said City of Berlin. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section 1. * -- Sec. 2. * Sec. 3. No person shall stand or loaf upon any bridge, street corner, sidewalk or other public way to the annoyance of others. Sec. 4. Any violation of the above provisions shall .be punished by^ a fine not exceeding twenty ($20) dol¬ lars. Sec. 5. Air ordinances or part of ordinances incon- •sistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed March 25, 1909. Approved, F. D. BARTLETT, Mayor. Attest: P. J. SMYTH,* City Clerk. (* repealed) i f.i i •'■i , ^ i68; : \ i i ^ ■ CITY OF BEELIN i lu^tlie 'year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nine. AN ORDINANCE relating to the lieensiug of shows and exhibitions. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Berlin as follows: Section 1. No showman, tumbler, rope dancer, ven¬ triloquist, or other person shall for pay exhibit any feats of agilty or horsemanship, or slight of hand, rope dancing or feats of cards, or any animals, wax figures, puppets, or other show or shall perform, or ex¬ hibit any theatrical or dramatic representation in this City, nor give any musical perfornu^nce or exhibition of singing or dancing or other exhibition or amusement of any kind with or without pay unless a license or permit thereof in writing, specifying the time and object for which such license was granted, shall first be obtained from the Mayor and City Clerk, or in the ab- scence of the Mayor, the City Solicitor. Sec. 2. Every such person shall pay for such license for the use of the City the following sums: For each circus or show where feats of agility, horsemanship, slight of hand or rope dancing are performed and for manegeries where wild beasts are exhibited, the sum of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) for each band, or troupe or company of minsfrrels or comedians, and for all other theatrical and dramatic exhibition, and for each show where feats or ventriloquism, slight of hand ORDINANCES 69 or jugglery are performed, and for each panorama, mirror, stereoscopic, moving pictures or other views, the sum of not m.ore than five dollars and not less than one dollar for each exhibition; for each and all other shows, exhibitions, concerts or performances the Mayor and City Clerk shall fix the amount to be paid as license not less than one dollar and not more than five dollars, and in the absence of the Mayor the City Clerk and' City Solicitor shall fix the amount to be paid as a license. Sec. 3. Theatres or places of amusement of a per¬ manent character may be licensed for a period of. twelve months from the first day of May of each year. The sum of such yearly license shall be one hundred dollars, payable six months in advance. This license shall designate the location of said theatre or place of amusement, be made in the name of the proprietor or proprietors thereof, and shall not be transferrable. Sec. 4. All halls, theatres or places of amusements must be properly equipped and constructed under the direction of the Chief of the Fire Department of the City, and the application for license therefor be ac¬ companied by their recommendation and approval. Sec. 5. If any person holding a license shall desire to transfer to and carry on such business in other premises in said City than those designated in the ori¬ ginal application and in the license, upon the making and filling of a new application said Board shall grant the same, subject to the same regulations qnd require¬ ments as governed the original license. 70 CITY OF BEELIN Sec. 6. At any time after a license has been issued to any person the same may be revoked and cancelled by said licensing board if the performances shall vio¬ late any of the criminal or moral statutes or ordinances, be conducted in a building which does not conform with the fire statutes, ordinances, or regulatins of Fire Warden, or the place licensed be used for criminal or immoral purposes. But before any license is revoked or cancelled the holder shall be entitled to a hearing by said licensing board and to five days previous notice thereof in writing, except that licenses of artemporary character may be revoked at any time by'said .Idcfens-t ing board without notice inv their descretion. v Sec. 7. The Mayor may- at any time appoint a- com- mittee of the Cityv Council to enter on the premises licensed under this ordinance at reasonable time to as¬ certain the manner, in which, said license is exercised. Sec. 8. All licfehses'or revocations thereof shall be subject to the ratification by the City Council of the City' of Berlin. Sec. 9. All concerts,"shows,"exhibitions or perform¬ ances originating in this city, and of a purely local character, shall be exempt from license or tax. Section 10. If any 'person shall violate any of the provisions of this character, he or she shall, for every offense,‘be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dol--! lars,;.nor less than fifteen dollars. ordina:n'ces 71 Sec. 11. 'All -ordinances or parts of ordinances in¬ consistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed May 6, 1909. Approved, F. D. BARTLETT, Mayor. ^ • Attest: P. J, SMYTH, City Clerk. In the year of ouf Lord one thousand nine hundred and nine. AN ORDINANCE regulating the sale and care of milk. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section 1. . The' condition under which every cow is kept whose milk is sold or exposed for sale in the City of Berlin shall be made known to the Board of Health if said Board «hall deem it necessary. Sec. 2. No milk shall be sold or offered'for sale un¬ less the cow is free from disease dangerous to the public health. Sec. 3. No ‘milk kept for s^ale shall be stored,’ strained, cooled or mixed in any room used in wdiole or in part for sleeping purposes or for the stabling of horses or cattle or other animals or for the storage of manure, offal or other offensive matter. 72 CITY OF BEELIN Sec. 4. All rooms in which milk is stored, cooled, strained or mixed shall be kept constantly clean. Proper apparatus shall be provided for washing or sterilizing all utensils used in handling milk and such utensils shall be washed with boiling water or sterlized with steam after being so used. Sec. 5. No urinal, water closet or privy shall be lo¬ cated in the rooms mentioned in the preceeding sec¬ tions, or so situated as to pullute the atmosphere of said rooms. * Sec. 6. All milk produced for the purpose of sale shall be strained and cooled as soon as it is drawn from the cow. Sec. 7. Milk kept for sale shall at all times register on test a temperature not higher than 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and shall be stored in a covered cooler, box or refrigerator. Sec. 8. All cans, bottles or other vessels of any sort used in the sale or handling of milk shall be cleaned or sterlized before they are used again for the same purpose. Sec. 9. N.o person shall use a milk vessel as a con¬ tainer for any substance other than milk. Sec. 10. Every person engaged in the production, storage, transportation, sale, delivery or distribution of milk immediately on the occurence of any case or cases of infectious diseases, either in himself or in the ORDINANCES 73 family or amongst his employees or their immediate associates or winthin any building or premises where milk is stored, sold or distributed, shall notify the Health Officer. See. 11. No person having an infectious disease or having recently been in contact with a person having an infectious disease shall milk or handle cows, measures or other vessels used for milk intended for sale or in any way take part or assist in handling milk intended for sale until all danger of communicating such disease to other persons shall have passed. Sec. 12. No vessels which have been handled by per¬ sons suffiering from such an infectious disease shall be used to hold or convey milk until they have been thor¬ oughly sterilized. Sec. 13. No bottle, can or receptacle used for the reception or storage of milk shall be removed from a private house, apartment or tenement wherein a person has an infectious disease. Sec. 14. No person, by himself or by his servant or agent or as the servant or agent of any other person, firm, or corporation shall bring into the City of Berlin for the purpose of sale, exchange or delivery, or sell, exchange or deliver any milk, skimmed milk or cream which contain 500,000 bacteria per cubic centimeter or which has a temperature higher than fifty degrees Fahrenheit. 74 7' CITY OF BERLIN " Sec. 15. The Board of Health shall keep a record of all inspections made under or by virtue of this ordin¬ ance and of the results of such inspections; and shall make a report each month to the City Council showing all inspections made, and the results of such inspec- tionfe, during the preceeding month. Sec. 16. Whoever violates the above regulations is liable to a fine not exceeding ten ($10) dollars. Sec. 17. All ordinances or part of ordinances incon- " sistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Passed October 28, 1909. Approved, F. B.'BARTLETT, Mayor. ... Attest: P. J. SMYTH, City Clerk. In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nine. AN ORDINANCE adopting the provisions of Chapter 124 of the Public Statutes and Chapters 76 of the Session Laws of 1905 'as amended: by an Act ap¬ proved March 22nd, 1907, entitled ‘‘An Act in amendment of Chapter 124 of the Public Statutes (as amended by Chapter 76, Session Laws of 1905)' relating to the dealers in old metals. 7’ ORDINANCES 75 Be it Ordained' by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section 1. The provisions of Chapter 124 of the Public Statutes and. Chapter 76 of the Session Laws of 1905, as amended by an act of the legislature ap¬ proved March 22, 1907, entitled ‘^An Act in amend¬ ment of Chaj)ter 124 of the Public . Statutes, (as amended by Chapteur 76, Session Lawsr.of. lOOS)” re¬ lating to dealers in old metals” are hereby adopted to be in force in the City of Berlin. Sec.'2. The'fees for each dieense granted shall be ten dollars per year or any . fractional.part, thereof. Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in¬ consistent with this are hereby repealed; and this Ordin¬ ance shall take .effect upon its passage... j Passed November 18, 1909.'';; Approved, P. D. BARTLETT, Mayor. ; Attest: P. J. SMYTH,'City Clerk. MEMORANDUM The following sections of an ordinance passed Novem¬ ber 6th, 1901, entitled ‘‘AN ORDINANCE relating to junk^ealers” being unrepealed by the above ordin¬ ance, are still in force. 7G CITY OF BERLIN Section 4. Every person to whom a license has been granted shall apply for the same to the City Clerk. Every license shall be conspiciously displayed upon the hat of the licensee. Sec. 5. The City Clerk, after every issuance of a license, shall send a record of the same to the City Marshal containing the name, residence and number of the licensee. In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twelve. AN ORDINANCE relating to pawnbrokers. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section 1. That sections one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten of Chapter 129 of the Session Laws of 1909, State of New Hampshire, be and hereby are adopted to be in force in said City of Berlin. Sec. 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances incon¬ sistent with this are hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Passed February 29, 1912. Approved, DANIEL J. DALEY, Mayor. Attest: P. J. SMYTH, City Clerk. ORDINANCES 77 In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twelve. AN ORDINANCE to prevent the keeping of swine in the compact part of the city. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall keep any pigs or hogs within the compact part of the city. Sec. 2. The compact part of the City shall mean any part of the city where the houses are situated within a distance of two hundred feet of one another. Sec. 3. Any violation of the provisions of this or¬ dinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding ten dollars ($10.00) for each offense. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Passed April 25, 1912. Approved, JOHN T. MORAN, Acting Mayor. Attest: P. J. SMYTH, City Clerk. In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. AN ODRINANCE establishing a new fire district, and relating to the construction and repair of buildings in the City of Berlin, N. H. 78 CITY OF'BEELIN Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section l.>-« For the purpose of preventing excessive damage by fire in said City^ a fire district is hereby es- ^-tablished, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Railroad Track known as the Berlin Mills Branch of the Grand Trunk Railway, said point being where the center line of Success street, produced, intersects the said tracks; thence running Westerly along said track to the point where it is crossed by the center line of School street;' thence southwesterly along the center line of School street, to the point where it is intersected by the center line of Mason street; thence Southeasterly. along said center line of Mason street to the point where it is inter¬ sected by the center line of Cole street;- thence South¬ westerly along the said center line of Cole street,* and said line produced to the point where it is- intersected by the center line of Mechanic street thence'Westerly along the center line of Mechanic street and said line produced to the point where it would intersect the said Berlin Mills Branch; thence Southerly along the tracks of said Berlin Mills Branch to the point where it con¬ nects with the Main line track of the Grand Trunk Railway; thence in a Southerly direction along said Main Line track to the point where it is intersected by the Northerly property line of the International Paper Company; thence Southeasterly along said property line to a point in the center line of Glen avenue, where ORDINANCES 79 it is crossed by the track of the Glen Junction Trans¬ fer Company; thence to and along the high picket fence which marks the limit of the International Paper Com¬ pany’s Mill yard, in a general Easterly direction to the point where said fence intersects the bank of the Canal; thence Easterly to and along the center line of said Canal to the point where it leaves the Androscog¬ gin river; thence Northeasterly along the center dine of the Androscoggin “river to the pomt where it is in¬ tersected by the center line of Success street produced; thence along said center line of Success street produced to the point or place of beginning. WALLS Section 2. The external and party walls of all build¬ ings hereafter erected within the above described limits shall be of stone, brick, concrete, or other hard and non¬ combustible material; and all such walls shall be bonded and solidly built, and laid in mortar composed of Portland cement, lime and sand; they shall rest on foundations of stone or concrete, not less than eight (8) inches wider at the top of the foundation wall, than the base width of the w^all resting upon it. All foundation walls shall be battered on the exterior faces (where it is necessary to resist the earth pres- .sure), and of proper width at the base, as approved by the inspector; and shall be carried down to’and rest on ledge or hardpan. Brick walls for building one story, two stories, or three stories in height shall not be less than'twelve 80 CITY OF BEELIN (12) inches thick, and all properly bonded with a course of headers every eighth course, or other bond approved by the Building Inspector; (12 inch walls shall be limited to forty-five feet in height.) For all brick walls of buildings four (4) stories in height (limited to a total height of sixty feet) the first story (not less than fifteen feet) shall be sixteen (16) inches thick, and walls above this twelve (12) inches thick. Buildings five (5) stories high shall have walls twenty (20) inches thick to second floor, sixteen (16) inches thick from second floor to third floor, and twelve (12) inches thick for remainder of the height of the building; (5 story buildings limited under above con¬ ditions, to eighty feet total height.) PARTY WALLS In all buildings hereafter built, within the fire dis¬ trict, party walls shall be built through and at least twenty (20) inches above or distant from the roof boarding, at the nearest point; shall be covered at the top with stone tile, concrete or metal, securely fastened and corbelled to the outer edge of all projections. Floor and other timbers entering party walls shall enter the wall not less than four (4) inches, and the said walls must have at least four (4) inches of solid masonry between the ends of any and all timbers; openings or doorways in party walls, or in partition walls shall not exceed two (2) openings on either floor; and the combined area of such openings on each floor shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet. ORDINANCES 81 Each opening must be provided with two (2) sets of metal covered doors, separated by the thickness of wall, liiing to rabbeted iron frames or to iron hinges in brick, stone, concrete or iron rabbets. « The planking and sheathing of the roof shall not ex¬ tend across or over the party wall in any case. Vaulted Walls Shall contain, exclusive of withes (air space,) same amount of material (brick) as solid walls. Walls on either side of air space shall not be less than eight (8) inches thick, and air space shall cease above level of the ceiling of the upper story of the building, and be carried up solid to top of walls. CONCRETE BLOCK WALLS The thickness of walls for any building where hollow concrete blocks are used shall not be less than is re¬ quired by the ordinance relating to brick walls. The figures given in the following table represent the per¬ centage of such hollow space for the different height of walls: Stories First Second Third Fourth Fifth 1 and 2 33 p c 33 p c 33 p c 33 p c 3 and 4 25 p e 33 p c 25 p c 33 j) c 33 p c 5 20 p c 25 p e Where the face only is of hollow concrete building block and the backing is of brick, the facing of hollow concrete blocks shall be strongly bonded to the brick. 82 CITY OF BEELIN either with headers projecting four (4) inches into the brickwork, every fourth course being a header course, or with approved ties; no brick backing to be less than eight (8) inches. Where the walls are made entirely of hollow concrete blocks but where said blocks have not the same width as the walls, every fifth course shall extend entirely through the wall, forming a secure bond; all walls where blocks are used shall be laid in Portland cement mortar. All hollow concrete building blocks before being used in the construction of any building in the fire district of the City of Berlin, shall have attained the age of at least three (3) weeks. Wherever girders or joists rest upon the walls so that there is a concentrated load of over two (2) tons, the blocks supporting the girders or joists must be made solid. When such concentrated load shall exceed five (5) tons, the blocks for two (2) courses below and for a distance extending at least eighteen (18) inches on each side of said girders shall be made solid. Where the load from the girder exceeds seven (7) tons, the blocks for three (3) courses beneath it shall be made solid. Wherever the walls are decreased in thickness the top course of the thicker wall is to be solid. All piers and buttresses that support loads in excess of five (5) tons, shall be built of solid concrete blocks for such a distance below as the inspector may require. ORDINANCES 83 Any steel rods in a manner satisfactory to the Build¬ ing Inspector, and any lintels spanning over four (4) feet six (6) inches in the clear shall rest on solid con¬ crete blocks. The manufacturer and user of any such hollow con- ' Crete building blocks as are mentioned in this ordinance shall at any and all times have made such tests of the cement used in making such blocks, or further tests of the completed blocks, or each of these, at their own . expense and under the supervision of the Building In¬ spector, as he may require. A copy of result of such test will be given the manu¬ facturer and user of the blocks. ‘ The cement used in making such blocks shall be American Portland cement of any standard manu¬ facture, and of good fresh quality. ASHI^AR Ashlar less than eight (8) inches shall not be con¬ sidered in thickness of wall, but in all cases the wall, including backing, shall not be less than tTvelve (12) inches thick. Sec. 3. The roofs of all buildings and additions to buildings within said fire district hereafter erected shall be properly and securely covered with slate, tin, iron or other non-combustible materials approved by the Inspector of Buildings. 84 CITY OF BERLIN Sec. 4. No buildings now erected or hereafter to be erected within said fire district, shall be altered, raised, • roofed, enlarged, or otherwise added to or built upon in any way until the requirements of Section 2, 3, and 4 have been complied with, and a license granted by the City Council; and no roof of any such buildings now covered wdth shingles or other Combustible ma¬ terial shall be re-covered, except with slate or other- non-combustible materials. See. 5. No wooden building shall be moved from one lot to another in said district nor from without said . district into said district, nor from place to place on the same lot witMn said district, without a special license first obtained from the City Council. No •wooden building outside of the above described limits - of said fire district shall be moved a distance of more than fifty (50) feet without first obtaining a special license from the City Council. See.' 6. When any building built wholly or in part of wood, standing within said district, shall be dam¬ aged by fire, or other cause, to an amount exceeding fifty (50) per cent of its value, it shall not be repaired or rebuilt of wood or any combustible material. Sec. 7. It shall not be lawful to build upon the front walls of any building-within said district, any portic o, porch, bay window, balcony, or any other projection over the sidewalk or street. ORDINANCES 85 Sec. 8. No awning shall be affixed to any building so as to project over the sidewalk unless the same is .seven (7) feet in the clear^ above sidewalk, and does not project beyond the curb line, and no such awning shall be attached to any building unless a permit has first been obtained from the City Council. See. 9. Any person or corporation desiring to erect a new building or to alter or add to a present building within said district shall fill out and present a printed application, furnished by the Inspector of Buildings, and submit plans and descriptions giving strength of construction, alteration and modes of egress in case of fire, to said Inspector of Buildings; and no alterations or additions to present buildings shall be commenced until the owner shall file a copy of all plans and specifi¬ cations with the Inspector and such have been approved by the Inspector of Buildings and a license granted by the City Council. Sec. 10. All persons or corporations desiring to erect new^ buildings or to alter or to add to present buildings upon any public street, alley, or lane outside of the district described in Section 1, shall fill out and present applications furnished by the Inspector of Buildings, and submit plans or descriptions of said buildings, al¬ terations, or additions to the Building Inspector; and no person or corporation shall commence operations on said buildings until said Inspector of Buildings has ap- j)roved the same and granted a permit in writing. A copy of all plans or descriptions must be filed with 86 CITY OF BEELIN the Inspector. All permits granted by the City Council under Sections 9 and 10, shall expire in 30 days froijt date, unless work thereunder is in good faith begun before the expiration of such period. «5 FIEE STOPS Sec. 11. In all buildings within the limits described in Section 1, hereafter erected, fire stops must be placed as follows: At the bottom of all partitions, and between the studding, to be closely filled in with brick, or concrete eight (8) inches high, closely fitted into partitions and bedded and laid in cement mortar. Sec. 12. The Inspector of Buildings by giving sixty (60) days’ notice, may order suitable fire escape placed on any building of two (2) stories, or over, in height which is used as a hotel, tenement house, hall, or other public resort, whether within, or without the district described in Section 1. Sec. 13. All applications under this Ordinance shall first be submitted to the Inspector of Buildings as pro¬ vided in Section 10, and he shall examine the premises and make a report, either recommending the granting of licenses, or otherwise, and his report shall be pre¬ sented with the petition to the City Council. If the report of the Inspector be adverse the petition shall only be granted by an aflrmative vote of two-thirds of the full council. ORDINANCES 87 CHIMNEYS (WITHIN CITY LIMITS) Sec. 14. No chimney shall be corbelled from a wall more than the thickness of the wall, nor rest upon a wall less than twelve (12) inches thick, nor rest on wood in any case. All chimneys shall be built of brick, concrete, terra cotta, or other non-combustible material, approved by the Inspector. All brick chimneys shall have glazed tile flue linings backed with four (4) inches of brickwork. The inside of.all flues shall have stuck joints and not be plastered on the inside wall with cement or mortar, but be left free and clean from all projecting mortar. All brickwork and tile flue lining in chimneys shall be laid up in Portland cement and sand (4 to 1) mortar, and all chimneys shall be topped out at least three (3) feet above the highest point of contact with the roof. No woodwork or framing shall come within one (1) inch of the outside o‘f any smoke flue, and no nails shall be driven into chimneys to support woodwork, etc. Where smoke flues or pipes enter chimneys or pass through plastered partitions, they shall be constructed as follows:—The opening in partition shall be framed square, leaving an opening at least (4) inches greater in diameter than the diameter of the smoke flue or pipe on each side, and the smoke flue or pipe shall have a ventilated metal collar; this collar shall not come in 88 CITY OF BEELIN contact with the woodwork, and all plastering shall be on metal lath or wire securely nailed to the square? opening. All smoke openings into chimney flues shall be so placed that the top of the frame opening shall be at least fifteen (15) inches below the floor joists above. ACCESS TO ROOF Sec. 15. All buildings over twenty (20) feet high shall have permanent means of access to the roof from the inside through an opening not less than 24x30 inches. CUTTING OF TIMBERS, ETC. Sec. 16. Floor joists and supporting girders shall not be cut out for piping, etc., the pipes must pass by and around in all cases and where steam pipes pass through floors, ceilings, or partitions, a clear space of at least one-half (^/^) inch must be left all around pipes. Sec. 17. Any person or corporation, whether owner, lessee, contractor, workman, or agent, who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be liable to a penalty of not more than twenty ($20) dollars for each offense. Sec. 18. All ordiances, or parts of ordinances, here¬ tofore passed by the City Council inconsistent herewith, and an ordinance entitled ‘‘An Ordinance Relating to Building and Repairing Buildings in the City of Berlin, ORDINANCES 89 N. H.,’’ passed May 17, 1906, and any amendments thereto are hereby repealed, and this Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Passed March 20, 1913. Approved, DANIEL J. DALEY, Mayor. Attest: P. J. SMYTH, City Clerk. In the vear of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and' V thirteen. AN ORDINANCE relating to the collection and dis¬ posal of garbage in said City. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section 1. It shall be the duty of all persons resid¬ ing within the garbage district of the City of Berlin to place all garbage or other refuse matter in suitable receptables of galvanized iron, with tight covers which shall have been approved by the Board of Health, and place the same near the sidewalk or street on those days designated by the Board of Helath as Collection Days. Sec. 2. Both wet and dry garbage may be placed in the same receptable when of the above description. Sec. 3. All receptables shall be kept in good condi¬ tion at all times, and shall be cleansed when deemed necessary by the Board of Helath. 90 CITY OF BEELIN Sec. 4. All wet garbage shall be thoroughly drained of water and wrapped in paper before being placed in receptables. Sec. 5. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to prevent those persons who desire to sell, give or otherwise dispose of their wet garbage to private in¬ dividuals or collectors provided receptables satisfac¬ tory to the Board of Health are maintained and kept in satisfactory condition at all times. Such persons shall also provide suitable receptables with covers for the disposal of dry refuse. Sec. 6. All teams or other vehicles used by private collectors shall be covered and shall be kept in a cleanly condition at all times. Sec. 7. The Street Department shall have charge of the collection and disposal of garbage and other refuse material, under such rules and regulations not incon¬ sistent with the provisions of the other sections of this ordinance as the said Board may from time to time make relating to this subject, including the designation of certain days for the collection of such garbage and refuse, to be known as Collections Days. Sec. 8. Any violation of the provisions of this ordin¬ ance, or of the rules and regulations made by the Board of Health in pursuance hereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding ten ($10) dollars for each offense. ORDINANCES 91 Sec. 9. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Passed May 22, 1913. Approved, DANIEL J. DALEY, Mayor. Attest: P. J. SMPTH, City Clerk. In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. AN ORDINANCE relating to the keeping for hire of billard tables, pool tables, bowling alleys, shooting galleries, and penny arcades. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section 1. No person shall keep for hire any billiard table, pool table, bowling alley, shooting gallery, or penny arcade in the City of Berlin unless a license therefore in writing specifying the place in which it is to be kept shall first be obtained from the City Council. The moral fitness of such person to hold said license shall first be investigated by the Police Commissioners of said City. Sec. 2. No person keeping any billiard table, pool table, bowling alley, shooting gallery, or penny arcade under such license or who is employed in and about any such place of business, who shall be convicted wdthin a year of gambling, or keeping a gambling 92 CITY OF BEELIN house, or of intoxication or of the illegal sale of intoxi¬ cating liquors, or who shall without conviction thereof, show or display any lewd, indecent, or immoral pictures in such place of business shall be deemed a fit person to conduct or be employed in such business. The con¬ tinuance in such business of any such person shall be cause for the revoking and forfeiting of said license. . Sec. 3. No person exercising a license under Section One shall permit or allow, in hiS place of business any minor less than eighteen (18) years of age, or any person who is intoxicated, or who is using profane, vulgar, or indecent language; neither shall he permdt or allow the use of spirituous or intoxicating liquors in said place. Sec. 4. Every person shall pay for such license, for the use of the City, the sum of ten ($10.00) dollars on each billiard table, pool table and bowling alley and for each shooting gallery and penny arcades, or either a license fee of ten ($10.00) dollars for the use of the city; the said license fee to be paid on or before the first day of May annually, such licenses may be revoked or annulled at the pleasure of the Mayor and Council. Sec. 5. All places mentioned in the preceding sec¬ tions shall be closed at the hour of eleven of the clock at night of each day and shall be closed on Sundays. Sec. 6. All licenses granted under the preceding section shall be valid until the first day of May next after the granting thereof, unless sooner revoked. ORDINANCES 93 Sec. 7. All licenses shall be recorded in the office of the City Clerk, Mdio shall be entitled to a fee of fifty cents for each license to be paid by the person to whom it is granted. Sec. 8. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding ten ($10) dollars for each offense. Sec. 9. All ordinances, or part of ordinances incon¬ sistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall take effect on its passage. Passed May 22, 1913. Aproved, DANIEL J. DALEY, Mayor. Attest: P. J. SMYTH, City Clerk. In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifteen. AN ORDINANCE relating to the erection and main¬ tenance of billboards. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section 1. No person shall erect, or maintain any bill board within ten feet of the street line or the front building line of the next building adjoining, farthest 94 CITY OF BERLIN from the street line, that is used as a public building, dwelling, tenement house, hotel, office or store build¬ ing. Sec. 2. All billboards shall be independently sup¬ ported bn substantial posts and be thoroughly braced and anchored a^inst wind pressure. Said billboards shall be erected on said posts at a distance of not less than three feet from the ground. Sec. 3. No person shall erect or maintain any bill¬ board in accordance with sections one and two without a license from the City Council for that purpose. • Section 4. All applications shall be in writing and signed by the petitioner. They shall designate the places where said billboards are to be erected and shall containOsuch conditions and restrictions as the City Council may require. All licenses shall continue in force for one year from the first day of each April un¬ less sooner revoked. Sec. 5. If any person shall violate any of the provi¬ sions of this ordinance he shall be punished by a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than ten dollars for each offence. Passed July 6th, 1915. Approved, GEO. F. RICH, Mayor. Attest: C. M. DAVIDSON, City Clerk. ORDINANCES 95 In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifteen. AN ORDRINANCE relating to the erection of certain structures on the street lines. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ber¬ lin as follows: Section 1. No person shall build or erect any fence, retaining wall, or other structure on the line between his property, and any street highway, or other public property of the City of Berlin without having first ob¬ tained from the City Engineer a written permit to build or erect such structures. See. 2. If any person shall violate any provision of the preceding section he shall be punished by a fine not exceeding ten dollars for each offense. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Passed September 28th, 1915. Approved, GEO. F. RICH, Mayor. Attest: C. M. DAVIDSON, City Clerk. INDEX Page Charter of the City of Berlin . 3 All Aineiidineiit to Charter creating Board of Police Comniissioners .13 ORDINANCES Adinit^sion of Children into Public Scliools.30 Aniendinent of Chapter 124 of P. S. relating to • dealers in old metals .74 Animals riiniiing at large in the City.58 Collection of Taxes ..06 Collection and disposal of garbage in said City ....89 Chim])elling attendance at school by children between 6 and 16 years .62 Erection of certain structures on the street lines ... .95 Erection and maintenance of billboards . ....93 Erection and maintenance of telegraph, electric, telephone, street railway, and all other poles with¬ in said City .64 Establishing new fire district, and relating to the construction and rei^air of buildings .77 Access to Eoof .88 Ashlar .83 Chimneys (within City limits) Concrete Block Walls . Cutting of Timbers, etc. Fire Stops . Party Walls . Vaulted Walls. Walls . Fire Department . General Provisions . Board of Health . 87 81 88 86 80 81 79 31 16 27 City Civil Engineer . . . City Clerk . City Marshal and l^olice City Seal . City Solicitor . 25* 29 18 26 Collector of Taxes .28 Finances and Accountability in Expenditures ..18 Highway Agent .26 0^■erseer of the I’oor .26 Sewers 28 Granting location and construction of Berlin Street Railway Co. Hackney Carriages and Job Teams Ins}»ectioii of Buildings . •. .47 . .42 for hiro of billiard tables, pool tables, bowl¬ ing alleys, shootinj^ j»alleries, and penny an-ades. .91 Licensino^ of Kin})loyinent Ofliees .90 Licensing of Slu)\vs and Exhibitions .(58 ..Milk Dealers .Gd Muzzling vicious dojL>s .58 Pawnbrokers .79 Preventing the kee})ing of swine in the coinj)a(‘t jiart of the Pity .77 Prohibiting minors under sixteen from loitering on the Streets after eight o’clock at night .9.‘1 Public Street, Billiard and Pool rooms in said City..97 Public Streets and ACays .45 Sale and C[ire of Milk .71 Sewers..‘>9 Apjdication for Licenses.57 Cesspools .58 Fixtures Trai)ped .40 Injury to Sewers .58 Obstructions .59 Plumbing Rules .59 Statement of Woi-k Done .58 Water or Gas Pipe .59 Sidewalks .ol Teams on Business Streets .49 Use of Public Streets .91 Use of sleighs and slmls uj)on Public Streets .59 INDEX Page Charter of the City of Berlin . 3 An Anieiniinent to Charter creating Board of Police Coinniissiouers .13 ORDINANCES Admission of Children into Public Schools.30 Amendment of Chapter 124 of P. S. relating to dealers in ohl metals .74 Animals running at large in the City.58 Collection of Taxes .‘.0(3 Collection and disposal of garbage in said City ....89 Compelling attendance at school by children l)etween 0 and 16 years .62 V Erection of certain structures on the street lines ... .95 Erecti-on and maintenance of billboards .93 Erection and maintenance of telegraph, electric, telejdione, street railway, and all other poles with¬ in said City . 64 Establishing new fire district, and relating to construction and repair of buildings . Access to Eoof .: . . Ashlar .... Chimneys (within City limits) . Concrete Block Walls . .. Cutting of Timbers, etc. Fire Stops . Tarty Walls . Vaulted Walls . Walls . Fire Department . General Provisions . Board of Health . City Civil Engineer . City Clerk . City Marshal and Police . City Seal . City Solicitor .. the • ... 77 ...88 . . . .8i5 . . .87 . . .81 . . .88 . . .86 . : . 80 . .81 . .79 ! .01 . .16 . .27 29 18 26 Collector of Taxes .28 Finances and Accountability in Expenditures ..18 Highway Agent ..26 Overseer of the Poor .26 Sewers ...28 Granting locatioii and construction of Berlin Street Kail way Co.52 Hackney Carriages and Job Teams Inspection of Buildings . 47 42 .•'fiiirr Kot‘j>inj>- for liiro of billiard tables, pool tables, bowl¬ ing alleys, shooting jialleries, and penny arcades..1)1 Licensing of Eniploynient Otlices ()() Idrensinjr of Shows and Exhibitions .()8 JNlilk Dealers .(54 Mn/.zlinj^ vicious doj^s .58 Pawnbrokers .7(5 Preventino- the keei)ing of swine in the compact }>art of the Critv ..77 Piohibitin^ minors under sixteen from loiterinj*- on the Streets after eight o’clock at night .(5.‘> Pul)lic Street, Billiard and Pool rooms in said City..67 Public Streets and Ways .45 Sale ami Care of Milk .71 Sewers. .3(5 A}>jdi('ation for Licenses.37’ Cess})ools .38 Fixtures Trai)i)ed .40 Injury to Sewers . <'"^77 ..38 Obstructions .31) IMumbing Kules ..39 Statement of Work Done .38 Water or Gas Pipe . ' .39 Sidewalks .51 Teams on Business Streets .4(5 I'se of Public Streets .61 Use of sleighs and sleds upon Public Streets .59 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 098431734 BARNEY-REPORTER PRESS BERLIN. N. H. 17590