Ordinances of the Village of Hilton, ~~ Illinois [as at] 18th of August, 1884 t I UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS 35 Z. 0773 H 56 or 1554 Y 3 . H. £. ! Illinois, Embracing all of the Ordinances in Force on the ' m » 1ST If DAY OF AUGUST, 1884. t - * - - . • " v .1 rraaged and Itevisefl by A. E. M EliCIIA XT, by Authority of the J‘resi¬ dent tmd Board of Trustees, at a Regular Meeting Meld at the Couneil Boom in the Village of Milton, on the 18th day of Aug., 1884. v HERALD PRINT, WASHINGTON, ILL. ORDINANCES i OF THE VILLAGE OF HILTON. At a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Hilton, held in the brick school house in the village of Hilton, on the 18tli day of August, A. I). 1884, the Board of Trustees did employ A. E. Merchant to arrange the ordinances of the village of Hilton for publication in pamphlet form; and for said services said A. E. Merchant was to receive the sum of ten (10) cents for each folio of one hundred (100) words STATE OF ILLINOIS, Tazewell County, Village of Hilton. Office of Village Clerk. I, Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk of the Village of Hilton ^ do hereby certify that the above proceedings were had at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the village of Hilton at a regular meeting held on the 18th day of August, 1884, as appears by the record of the proceedings of said meeting in the journal, of which I am the keeper. Witness my hand and the seal of the Village of Hilton, this 18th day of August, A. D. 1884. Nicholas Slagle, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. ' y 3 ^ ^ ^ I'M ll 35~l'0m3 fj- 5 (o 0 1~ I «S4 OFFICERS 11 j * 1 If 1 11o li V f 11 11.S 1H IH OF THE VILLAGE OF HILTON, ds Declared Elected and Sworn into Office for the Year 188Jf. PRESIDENT, NICHOLAS SLAGLE. VILLAGE CLERK, THOMAS J. FLOYD. TREASURER, JOSEPH MOSEMAN. » TRUSTEES, PETER SCHERTZ. J. G. VOGELGESANG. H. F. CAPPO. EDWARD LANGE. SAMUEL ALLEN. PREFACE TO ORDINANCES. This volume contains all of the ordinances in force in the village of Hilton, on the 18th day of August, A. D. 1884, the same having been adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Hilton, for the government of said village. The village of Hilton, Ill., was incorporated in July, 1884, and the following described lands are included within the limits of said village : The east one half (J) of section thirty-two (32), all of section thirty-three (33), the west one half (i) of the southwest one fourth (I) of section thirty-four (34), the south one half (i) of the southeast one fourth (I) of section twenty-eight (28), and the southwest one fourth (I) of section twenty-seven (27), all in town¬ ship twenty-six (26) north, of range four (4) west of the third (3d) prinicipal Meridian, being in the county of Tazewell and state of Illinois. Nicholas Slagle, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. Adopted August 18th, 1884. An Ordinance in Relation to tlie Ordinances of the Village of Hilton. Be it ordained by tlie President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Hilton. Section 1 . That tlie following code of ordinances shall constitute and be denominated The Ordinances of the Village of Hilton, and when pub¬ lished in book or pamphlet form, properly arranged r and divided into chapters, divisions and sections, with a table of contents and properly indexed, and when the requirements of the Statute of the State of Illinois respecting the publication of ordinances shall have been complied with, and when so published together with the certificate of the Village Clerk under the seal of the corporation, certifying to the authenticity of the same and of their due publication, shall be in force, and shall be received as such in all courts and places without further proof. Sec. 2. All public or general ordinances or parts thereof or resolutions not included herein, are hereby repealed, so far as they may conflict with the provis¬ ions hereof. But no fine, forfeiture, penalty, right, action, suit, debt or other liability whatsoever created, instituted, incurred or accrued, by or under the same, ( ! / l* S' I l / / 1 (I I . f : 1 mm VI ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO ORDINANCES. shall be released, discharged, annulled, repealed, or in any way affected, but may be prosecuted, recovered or enjoined, or any suit or other proceeding, be commenc¬ ed or completed thereon, as fully and in the same manner in all respects as if such ordinance or part thereof had remained in full force. Passed and adopted the 18th day of August, A. I). 1884. i r \ ( , . I Nicholas Slagle, President. \ SEAL j Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. CONSTRUCTIONS. Be it ordained by tlie President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Hilton. Section 1 . That when any ordinance or part of any ordinance shall be repealed or modified by a subse¬ quent ordinance, the ordinance or part of ordinance thus repealed or modified shall continue in force until the due publication of the ordinance repealing or mod¬ ifying the same. Sec. 2. That the word “Court,” when used in any ordinance, shall be construed to mean any court of competent jurisdiction, whether Justice of the Peace, Police Magistrate, or Court of Record. Sec. 3. When in any ordinance words importing the singular number are used in reference to any per¬ son or subject matter, such words shall be deemed to extend to and embrace several persons, matters and subjects; and words used collectively or importing the plural number, shall be deemed to extend to and embrace any singular person, matter or subject, as W31 1 as to several; and when any person or subject matter shall be named, referred to or described by w rds imparting the masculine gender, or by general VI11 CONSTRUCTIONS. terms, females as well as males slrall be deemed includ¬ ed in tlie meaning and terms thereof ; and the word person or persons, or words importing any person or persons, shall be deemed to include incorporations as well as individuals. Sec. 4. The word “month,” when used in any ordi¬ nance shall be construed to mean a calendar month ; and the word “oath” shall Ire deemed to include an af¬ firmation ; and the word “sworn” shall mean sworn or affirmed. Sec. 5. The rules of construction herein prescribed shall apply in all cases unless it shall be otherwise specially provided in the ordinance, or unless there be something in the subject matter or context thereof re¬ pugnant to such construction, and all general terms, provisions, phrases on expressions used in any ordinance shall be liberally construed, in order that the true meaning and intent of the Board of Trustees may be carried out. Sec. 6. When in any ordinance any act shall be re¬ quired to be done within a reasonable time or upon reasonable notice, such reasonable time or reasonable notice shall be deemed to mean such time only as may be necessary in the prompt execution of such duty or compliance with such notice. Sec. 7. All ordinances passed by the Board of Trustees, the provisions of which may be in contra* vention, opposition, or shall in any manner vary from the provisions of any ordinance previously passed by CONSTRUCTIONS. IX tlie Board of Trustees, the ordinance having the latest date shall be in force, and the provisions of the pre- ceeding ordinance conflicting therewith shall be re¬ pealed without any repealing clause. Adopted August 18th, 1884. f \ Nicholas Slaole, President. \ SEAL f Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. RULES OF ORDER OF THE VILLAGE OF HILTON. Rule I. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees. He shall appoint the standing and select committees, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. He shall preserve order and decorum, and shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Board by any one member, on which appeal no member shall speak more than once, unless by permission of the Board. Rule II. A majority of the Trustees elected shall constitute a quorum to do business, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time, and may compel the attend¬ ance of absentees under such penalties as maybe pre¬ scribed by ordinance. Rule III. During the temporary absence or disability of the RULES. XI President, the Board of Trustees shall elect one of its members to act as President pro tern., who during such absence or disability shall possess the powers of the President. Rule IV. The President or any three Trustees may call a spe¬ cial meeting of the Board in the manner provided by ordinance. Rule V. The yeas and nays shall be taken upon the passage of all ordinances and upon all propositions to create any liabilities against the village, or for the expendi¬ ture or appropriation of its money, and in all other cases at the request of any member, which shall be entered upon the journal of its proceedings, and a concurrence of a majority of all the members of the Board of Trustees elected shall be necessary to the passage of any such ordinance or proposition. Pro¬ vided, it shall require two thirds of all the Trustees elect to sell any village property. Rule VI. Questions not requiring the yeas and nays shall be distinctly put, and decided in the usual manner. Rule VII. No vote of the Board of-Trustees shall be reconsid¬ ered or rescinded at a special meeting unless at such special meeting there shall be present as large a num¬ ber of Trustees as were present when the former vote was taken. Xll RULES. Rule VIII. Any report of a committee of the Board shall be deferred for final action thereon to the next regular meeting of the Board, after the report is made, upon the request of any two Trustees present. Rule IX. The standing committees of the Board shall be : Committee on Finance and Claims. Committee on Streets, Sidewalks and Alleys. Committee on Printing. Committee on Judiciary. Each committee to consist of three members each. Rule X. The unfinished business in which the Board was en¬ gaged at its last previous meeting shall be taken up first. Second : Petitions. Before any petitions or me¬ morials or addresses to the. Board shall be received and read at the table, whither the same shall be introduc¬ ed by the chairman or a member, a brief statement of the contents of the petition, address or memorial shall be made verbally by the person introducing the same. RULES. » • • Xlll Third : Petitions being disposed of. Reports first from the standing then from the select committees shall be disposed of. Fourth : Resolutions. Resolutions shall then be called for in the same order, and be disposed of in the same manner. Rule XI. No member shall speak to another or otherwise in¬ terrupt the business while the journal or public pa¬ pers are being read, or while any member is speaking in debate. Rule XII. No resolution for the appropriation of any moneys nor any ordinance shall be put upon its final passage until it has been read at length twice, nor shall any amendment be allowed on the third reading, but a motion to recommit on such reading shall be in order. When such resolution or ordinance is introduced, it shall be read at length. It may then be rejected, laid upon the table or postponed indefinitely, but if no objection is made, it shall be read a second time by its title ; it shall then be in order to amend or refer to appropriate committee. If amendments are offered before reference, the reference shall include the amendment ; all amendments shall be written on sep¬ arate sheets or slips of paper. Upon report of com¬ mittee which may be made at the same meeting by unnanimous consent of the board, the amendment, if any, shall be acted on, and when the matters in such ordinance or resolution are settled, it shall then be XIV RULES. referred to, tlie clerk to he engrossed and shall stand for a third reading which shall he at length, and shall then he put upon its final passage, unless a motion to recommit he put and carried, or unless final action he deferred under rule eight. Rule XIII. Every member when he speaks, shall address the chair, standing in his place, and when he has finished he shall sit down. Rule XIV. Xo member shall speak more than twice in the same meeting on the same question in one debate, wijbhout leave of the hoard. Rule XV. When two members rise at the same time, the chair¬ man shall name the person to speak ; hut in all cases the member who shall rise first and address the chair shall speak first. Rule XVI. When a member shall he called to order by the chair¬ man or a member, he shall sit down until the question of order is decided by the chair, without debate, subject to an appeal to the board, and upon such appeal the yeas and nays shall be taken and the chairman may call for the same of the board or any question of order. RULE XVII. No member shall absent himself from the board RULES. XV without leave first obtained, and in case a quorum shall not convene, the members present are authorized to send the marshal for any and all absentees at their discretion and at the expense of the absent members respectively, unless excused by the Board, when a quorum is convened. Rule XYIII. No motion shall be debated until seconded. Rule XIX. When a motion is made and seconded, it shall be reduced to writing, if desired by the chairman or any member of the Board, and shall be read at the table before it shall be debated. Rule XX. When any question is under discussion, no motions shall be received but to adjourn, to lie on the table, to postpone indefinitely, to postpone to a time mentioned, to commit or to amend, which several motions shall have precedence in the order of their arrangement: but a motion to adjourn shall always be in order, ex¬ cept when taking a vote. The motion to adjourn or to lie on the table shall be decided without debate. Rule XXI. In filling blanks, the largest sum and the longest time shall be first put. XVI 1IULES. RULE XXII. When a question lias been carried in the affirmative or negative, it shall be in order for any member of the majority to move for a reconsideration thereof. Pro¬ vided, said motion shall be made at that or the next succeeding meeting of the Board, and not at the next succeeding meeting unless as many members are pre¬ sent as were present at the meeting at which such vote was first taken. Pule XXIII. A motion to lay on the table and the previous ques • tion shall be decided without debate. Rule XXIV. Xo person other than a member of the Board shall personally present any business before the Board with¬ out permission first obtained. Rule XXV. Xew rules may be made, or any or all of the present rules be annulled, changed-or susi 3 ended at any regu¬ lar meeting of the Board at which three fourths of the Trustees elect are present ; but the vote for such purpose shall be by ayes and nays, and be entered on the journal of proceedings. Adopted August 18th, 1884. Nicholas Slaole, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. VILLAGE ORDINANCES OFFICIAL BONOS. An Ordinance in Relation to Official Bonds of Officers of the Tillage of Hilton. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Hilton. Section 1 . That the officers elected or appointed for said village of Plilton shall, before entering upon the duties of their said offices, give bonds as required by Section four (4) of Article six (6) of Chapter twen¬ ty-four (24) of the Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois of one thousand, eight hundred and seventy- four (1874), with one or more good and sufficient sure¬ ties, conditioned for the faithful performance of their respective duties as such officers, to be approved by the Board of Trustees of the village of Hilton, as fol¬ lows, viz : Sec. 2. The bond of the Village Treasurer shall be in the sum of two thousand dollars, and may be in- 2 BONDS. creased or diminished at the commencement of any fiscal year, as the Board of Trustees may determine. Sec. 3. The bond of the Village Clerk shall be in the sum of five hundred dollars. Sec. 4. The bond of the Village Marshal shall be in the sum of one thousand dollars, which amount shall include the bond for Pound Master, when one person holds both of said offices ; and if the said offi¬ ces are held by different persons, the bond of the Pound Master shall be in the sum of two hundred dol¬ lars. Sec. 5. The Superintendent of Streets, Alleys and Sidewalks shall give bond in the sum of two hundred dollars for the faithful performance of his duties. Sec. 6 . Each Policeman, elected or appointed, shall give bond in the sum of two hundred dollars. Adopted August 18th, 1884. Nicholas Slagle, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. TIME AID PLACE OF MEETING. An Ordinance Fixing the Time and Plaee of Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village ot Hilton, and Providing for the Calling of Special Meetings Thereof. 9 Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trus¬ tees of tlie Village of Hilton. Sec. 1 . That the regular and special meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held at the brick school house in the village of Hilton.The regular meetings of the Board shall be held on Wednesday evenings on or before the full of the moon in each month. That special meet¬ ings of the Board may be called by the President, or any three Trustees, by leaving a written or printed no¬ tice of the time of holding the same, with the Village Clerk, who shall thereupon issue written or printed notices of the time of holding the same for each mem¬ ber of the Board, and President, which notices may be served by leaving the same at the residence or place of business of the President and Trustees respectively, unless the same shall be personally served on them. The services of such notice is hereby made the duty of the Village Marshal or any Policeman of said vil- 4 TIME AND PLACE OP HOLDING MEETINGS. lage, who shall make return to the Village Clerk of how he shall have served the same ; or the Village Marshal may serve a verbal notice on each member of the Board, when ordered by the President to do so. Adopted August 18th, 1884. j Nicholas Slagle, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. FISCAL AND MUNICIPAL YEAR. An Ordinance Fixing the Commencement of the Fiscal and Municipal Year, and the Expiration of Licenses. Be it ordained by tbe President and Board of Trus¬ tees of tlie Village of Hilton. Section 1 . That the fiscal and municipal year of the Village of Hilton shall commence on the first Sec. 2. That all licenses hereafter granted by the Board of Trustees, wherein a shorter period is not specifically fixed, shall expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Provided, that this section shall not be construed to prevent the Board of Trustees from fixing upon a shorter period for the expiration of licenses by them granted. Adopted August 18th, 1884. Nicholas Slagle, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. CREATING CERTAIN OFFICES. An Ordinance Creating Certain Offices, and Providing for Their Being Filled by Appointment by the President. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Hilton. * Section 1 . That the offices of Marshal, Policeman. Pound Master and the office of Superintendent of Streets, Alleys and Sidewalks, are hereby created in said village. Sec. 2. That the President of said village shall have power to appoint by and with the consent of the Board of Trustees or a majority thereof, a Village Mar¬ shal, a special Policeman when necessary, one Pound Master, or Marshal and Pound Master in one and the same person, and one Superintendent of Streets, Al¬ leys and Sidewalks, whose respective terms of office .shall extend for the time specified in such appoint¬ ment. Provided, that the term of office for any said officers shall in no case extend beyond the then fis¬ cal year in which said appointment is made. Provid¬ ed further, that nothing contained in the preceding Section 2 shall be construed to prevent the same per- CREATING CERTAIN OFFICES. son from holding the offices of Marshal, Pound Master and Superintendent of Streets, Alleys and Sidewalks, if said person should be appointed to the same. Shall also appoint a Village Treasurer. Sec. 3. The duties to be performed by such officers so appointed, and the compensation to be received by them, shall be fixed by ordinance or resolution of said Board of Trustees. Sec. 4. That such officers so appointed shall, before entering upon the duties of their respective office, take and subscribe the oath or affirmation required by law, and shall also execute a bond with security, to be approved by the Board of Trustees, payable to the vil¬ lage of Hilton for the use of the citizens thereof, in such penal sum as may by resolution or ordinance be directed, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of said officers, and the payment of all moneys received by such officers according to the law and the ordinances of said village. Adopted August 18th, 1884. Nicholas Slagle, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. CLAIMS. An Ordinance in Relation to Claims Against the Village of Hilton. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Hilton. Section 1 . That all claims against the Village of Hilton may be filed with the Clerk or chairman of Finance Committee, three days before a regular meet¬ ing of the Board of Trustees, and which bill shall be a detailed bill of items, with the date of each ; and it shall be the duty of the Clerk to deliver such bills to the Finance Committee. Nor shall any such bill be allowed at any meeting of the Board of Trustees held within less than one day after such filing, nor at a spe¬ cial meeting of said Board of Trustees. Sec. 2. That upon the allowance of any such bill by the said Board of Trustees, the Village Clerk shall, without unreasonable delay, draw an order upon the Village Treasurer, as in other cases, for the amount al- CLAIMS. 9 lowed, and upon delivery of said order, have such bill receipted in full, and shall file the same in his office. Adopted August 18th, 1884. ,- A -N j SEAL | v y ' Nicholas Slaole, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. VILLAGE SEAL. An Ordinance in Relation to the Seal ot the Village of Hilton. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Hilton. Section 1 . That a Seal with the words Village of Hilton shall be kept by the Village Clerk, to be used by him on all papers necessary to use a seal by a cor¬ poration. Sec. 2. Said seal shall remain in the custody of the Clerk of said Village, to be by him used as provided for in the first Section of this Ordinance. Adopted August 18th, 1884. Nicholas Slagle, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. OFFICIAL DUTIES. An Ordinance in Relation to Official Duties of Officers of the Village of Hilton. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Hilton. ARTICLE I. PRESIDENT. Section 1 . That the President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees, and shall perform all the duties prescribed in Article II, Chapter twenty - four of the Revised Statutes of Illinois, of eighteen hundred and seventy-four; and shall perform such other duties not inconsistent with the general incor¬ poration law as may be pi rescribed by ordinance by the Board of Trustees of said Village of Hilton. ARTICLE II. ATTORNEYS. Section 1 . The President of the Board of Trustees of said Village of Hilton may, with the consent of 12 OFFICERS. the Trustees or a majority of them, employ an attor¬ ney of record or other suitable persons to assist in the prosecution of offenders against the ordinances of the said village ; and said attorney or other person so em¬ ployed shall receive for their services the usual fees, to be paid by the Village Treasurer from the moneys in his hands not otherwise appropriated. ARTICLE III. VILLAGE CLERK. Section 1 . That the Village Clerk shall attend at every meeting of the Board of Trustees, and shall keep a correct record of all the proceedings of said Board of Trustees, and safely keep the corporate seal and use it in all cases where necessary, whenever ap¬ plied to for that purpose. He shall notify all commit¬ tees appointed by the Board of Trustees of their ap¬ pointment and of the business referred to them. He shall notify all judges of election of their appoint¬ ment. He shall prepare orders for special elections. He shall, when needed, prepare bonds or script for loans, and perform all other duties which by usage and custom devolve upon the Clerk or Secretaries of incorporated bodies; and to facilitate the discharge of his duties, he may, and he is hereby authorized, to to procure for said village such books and blank forms as may be necessary for the above purpose, and shall perform such other duties as are hereinafter prescribed. Sec. 2. That the said Village Clerk shall keep all the records, papers, ordinances, votes and proceedings OFFICERS. 13 •** • X Y? ref ■ fc '.it >1 r of the Board of Trustees and of the Village of Hilton during the recess of the Board of Trustees, and all returns of assessments and of elections of the village ■ ' ' ' | ' V ' , t . T ' officers, and shall record in a book kept for that pur- ' a" 1 • ' ; * * I " 4 ' ' i Jt - pose, all ordinances of said village, and all appoint- ments of officers of said village, and shall have all or¬ dinances published or posted immediately after their passage, and shall not suffer any records or papers or other instruments of writing to be taken out of his of¬ fice by any other person than himself, the President, the Village Attorney, or a committee appointed by the Board of Trustees to examine accounts under a penal¬ ty of five dollars, and the further forfeiture of the amount of all damages that may accrue by loss or ob¬ literation of any record or paper of the said village. Sec. 3. That the said Village Clerk shall keep a regular account of debtor and creditor between the village and Village Treasurer, by charging him with all sums received by him as exhibited by his duplicate receipts, and credit him with all village orders paid by him and returned to him ; also to keep a regular account of debtor and creditor when appropriations are made and when expenditures are ordered, either to the committees or disbursing agents. Sec. 4. The said Village Clerk shall index all or¬ dinances by their titles, and shall keep a list of all committees appointed by tlie Board, and of the busi¬ ness respectively, from time to time referred to them, and shall note when the committees report and the date and nature of their report. 14 OFFICERS. Sec. 5. That the said Village Clerk shall attest all deeds, contracts and leases made by the Board, and in conjunction with the President, sign all ordinances, bonds, licenses and orders on the Village Treasurer, and affix the seal of the village thereto, and perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Board of Trustees. Sec. 6. The said Clerk shall procure and keep a large scrap book in which he shall file and preserve printed and written slips of all ordinances passed by the Board of Trustees of said village, together with the certificates of the publisher or publishers thereof. ARTICLE IV. VILLAGE treasurer. Section 1 . That the Board of Trustees shall furnish to the Village Treasurer all the books and blanks re¬ quisite and necessary in keeping his accounts and dis¬ charging the duties of his said office as required by law, and as provided for by this or any other ordi¬ nance of the Board of Trustees, which said books and blanks shall appertain to the office of Village Treasur¬ er, and said books and blanks shall be the property of the village. Sec. 2. The Village Treasurer shall so keep his books of account as to daily and continuously exhibit the exact condition of the finances of the village, and the several funds and appropriations, so far as, and as the same shall come to his hands. OFFICERS. 15 Sec. 3. He shall also keep a separate account in said books of account of all moneys received by him for licenses, and also the money received by him on account of fines and penalties collected, showing in each the date of payment to him, by whom paid, and in case of licenses, the kind of license. Sec. 4. To every person paying money into the vil¬ lage treasury, he shall give a receipt in duplicate, one of which receipts the person to whom it is given shall hand to the Clerk of the Village of Hilton, in order that the Clerk may charge the Treasurer with the amount; and in no case shall any person be released from his responsibility to the village for any money he may at any time have in his possession belonging to the village, until he shall hand over to the Clerk of the village the Treasurer’s receipt for the same. Sec. 5. That the Treasurer shall pay out of the vil¬ lage treasury, upon orders drawn upon him by the Village Clerk of the Village of Hilton, which orders shall state for what purpose the money is appropriat¬ ed, and from what fund, and be signed by the Presi¬ dent of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Hil¬ ton, and countersigned by the Village Clerk of said village, and sealed with the village seal; and the or¬ ders and certificates thus drawn shall be vouchers for the moneys by him paid out, and if there be no funds in the village treasury, the said Village Treasurer shall endorse the day and year in which the same was pre¬ sented, and all orders shall be paid by him in the order in which they were presented to him. 16 OFFICERS. ARTICLE V. VILLAGE MARSHAL AND POLICE. Section 1 . The police force of the village of Hil¬ ton shall be under the control of the President of said village, and shall consist of the Village Marshal and such policemen as the village board shall from time to time appoint. Provided, that such policeman or po¬ licemen, when so. appointed, shall take oath and file bond in the same manner and sum prescribed for the Village Marshal, and shall be subject to the orders of the President of the Board, and shall go on duty only when ordered by the President or called upon by the Village Marshal; and provided further, that in any emergency, the President may appoint one or more special policemen, to hold office until the next meeting of the Board of Trustees, at which time the President shall report his appointments with his reasons there¬ for to the Board for its approval; and it shall also be the duty of the Marshal and Policemen to diligently inquire into and report all violations of village ordi¬ nances in regard to licensing canvassers and peddlers, and to arrest any and all persons found violating any of the village ordinances. Sec. 2. The Village Marshal and Policemen shall execute all process to them delivered, in cases wherein the Village of Hilton is plaintiff. Sec. 3. The Village Marshal and Policemen shall see that all of the ordinances of the Village of Hilton are observed and enforced within the corporate limits OFFICERS. 17 of said village or territory over wliicli the village has or may have jurisdiction ; and it is hereby made their duty to arrest, with or without warrant, any person or persons found breaking the peace, or violating any of the ordinances of said village, or any criminal law of the state of Illinois ; and to hold or commit such person or persons for examination, and, if necessary, detain such person or persons over night or Sunday in the village calaboose until he, she or they can be brought before the proper Magistrate or Justice of the Peace for examination or trial. Sec. 4. Whenever the Village Marshal or Police¬ men shall be informed, or have reason to believe, that any ordinance of said village has been violated, he shall make complaint thereof as by ordinance provid¬ ed ; which complaint shall be verified by affidavit. Sec. 5. The Village Marshal shall attend the regu¬ lar and special meetings of the Village Trustees, and shall attend to the heating and lighting of the coun¬ cil room at the said regular and special meetings. Sec. 6. The Village Marshal and Policemen, when on duty, shall each wear upon their breast, on the out¬ side of their coat or vest, a metal star, to be provided by the Board of Trustees, to be worn in plain view ; and it shall also be the duty of the Village Marshal or Policemen to attend to the street lamps, if any there be, and to clean and light the same. 18 OFFICERS. ARTICLE VI. SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS, ETC. Section 1 . The Village Superintendent of Streets, Alleys and Sidewalks, shall have charge of all work done or directed to be done by the Village Board up¬ on any of the streets, alleys and sidewalks, and shall keep the streets, alleys and sidewalks and crossings in good order and repair, and the crossings as free from mud as possible ; and shall perform all other duties that may devolve on him by ordinance, resolution or order from the Board of Trustees or Street Committee of said village. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Streets, Alleys and Sidewalks to cause all noxious weeds to be cut on all the streets and alleys before the same shall go to seed, if within his power to do so, and there are sufficient funds on hand in the village treasury for that purpose. Adopted August 18th, 1884. * Nicholas Slaole, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. FEES OF VILLAGE OFFICERS. An Ordinance Fixing the Compensation and Fees of Village Officers of the Village of Hilton. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Hilton. Section 1 . That the officers hereafter named shall he paid as full compensation for the discharge of the duties of their respective offices as now defined by law and the ordinance of said village as follows, viz: PRESIDENT. Sec. 2. The President of the Board of Trustees shall receive for his services the sum of fifty cents for each and every meeting of the Board of Trustees in which he attends and juesides over. VILLAGE TREASURER. Sec. 3. The village Treasurer shall receive, as and in full for his services as such officer, the sum of four per cent of all money expended by him by order of the Board of Trustees. He shall receive no compen- 20 FEES. sation or commission whatever, nor shall he receive any compensation for the money paid over to his suc¬ cessor in office. VILLAGE CLERK. Sec. 4. The village Clerk shall receive for his ser¬ vices as such, the sum of one dollar for each and every authorized meeting of the Board of Trustees that he attends; the same to be paid by the village Treasurer, and also the following fees to be collected by him at the time of performing the services from the person or persons for whom the services are performed, to- wit: For each dram shop license one dollar; for issu¬ ing licenses to owners of carts, drays, wagons or other vehicle, and to porters and runners of hotels or eating houses, or other purposes for which a license may be required by the ordinance of said village, to be paid by the person for whom performed, the sum of fifty cents each; for taking bond under any ordinance re¬ quiring the same, except official bonds, the sum of fif¬ ty cents each; for making and certifying copy of or¬ dinance or resolution or other matter in his office, ten cents for every one hundred words, and for attaching the village seal thereto the sum of twenty-five cents; for regestering and issuing certificates of registry to the owner of any dog or other animal required by the ordinances of said village to be registered, the sum of fifty cents each: Provided the said village Clerk shall not be entitled to any of said fees, when the services shall be performed at the request of and for the said village, and for making out and certifying bills and accounts against the said village. And provided fur- FEES. 21 tlier, in case of the absence of the village Clerk the President of the Board of Trustees or the President pro tem. of said Board, is hereby authorized to issue licenses as aforesaid, register and issue certificates of registry when required, and he shall receive the same fees therefor as paid the Clerk: and in case of the ab¬ sence of the village Clerk from any regular or special meeting of the Board of Trustees, the vacancy shall be filled by electing one of the Trustees to act as Clerk pro tem., and the Trustee so acting as Clerk pro tem. shall receive from the village Treasurer the sum of fifty cents for each meeting at which he so served. ATTORNEYS. Sec. 5. The village Attorney, or other person em¬ ployed by the village, shall receive for his services, to be paid out of the village treasury, a fee of five dol¬ lars for each suit actually prosecuted, and three dol¬ lars for each case when the defendants plead guilty of violating the village ordinances: Provided where the defendant or defendants takes a change of venue and the cause removed without the village, then the attorney or other person shall receive the sum of two dollars additional to be paid out of the village treas¬ ury. VILLAGE MARSHAL. Sec. 6. That the village Marshal shall receive for his services the sum of ten dollars per month, to be paid from the village treasury, as a monthly salary; and for services performed by him in the enforcement of the village ordinances by suit or prosecution he 22 FEES. shall receive the same fees as are allowed by the stat¬ ute of Illinois to constables for similar services, to be taxed as part or the costs in such such suit or pro¬ ceeding: Provided, that in no case shall the Marshal be entitled to said fees unless the same are collected from the defendant in the suit. And provided fur¬ ther, that the village Marshal shall attend to the cleaning and lighting of the street lamps belonging to or controlled by said village. SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS, ETC. Sec. 7. The Superintendent of streets, alleys and sidewalks shall receive the sum of two dollars ($2) per day, to be paid out of the village treasury, for each such day actually devoted to the duties of his said office, and he shall report his time, with other matters pertaining to and required by his appoint¬ ment, to the Board of Trustees at each regular meet¬ ing of the Board: Provided, a day’s work shall, for the purpose of this ordinance, be ten (10) hours and at that rate for a fraction of a day. POLICEMEN. Sec. 8. Each Policeman appointed in pursuance of any ordinance of said village shall receive a salary of one dollar and fifty ($1.50) £>er day or fraction of a day, to be paid from the village treasury, and for ser¬ vices performed by him as an officer in any suit for the violation of any of the village ordinances, he shall receive the same fees as allowed by the statute of Illi¬ nois for similar services rendered by constables, to be FEES. 23 taxed as costs in the suit: Provided, that in no case shall such policeman receive such fees unless the same be collected from the defendant in the suit. )[>■ i- TRUSTEES. ».* . ^ J 1 h 3 t , •• ' 7 . t ; Sec. 9. Each trustee of said village shall receive as a salary the sum of fifty cents for each regular and special meeting of the village Board he attends, to be paid from the village treasury, which sum shall be in full for his services as such officer: Provided, the Board of Trustees may in their discretion allow and pay, from the village treasury, a reasonable compen¬ sation to committee men for their services. POLICE MAGISTRATES AND JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Sec. 10. The Police Magistrate, or any Justice of the Peace, before whom actions are tried for the vio¬ lation of any of the village ordinances shall recover the same costs that are fixed by the statutes of Illi¬ nois for the services of Justices of the Peace in similar cases, and in cases where the defendant has been ac¬ quitted, or in cases where the costs cannot be collect¬ ed from the defendant when convicted, the Magistrate or Justice of the Peace may present to the Board of Trustees at any regular meeting thereof, a transcript from his docket showing the costs accrued to him in such cases, which bill the village must pay if in all things found correct and regular. Sec. 11 . Whenever by this ordinance salaries are to be paid out of the village treasury, the same may be FEES. M paid out in equal monthly payments during the time pf so holding such offices respectively. Adopted August 18th, 1884. Nicholas Slagle, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. SPIRITUOUS AND MALT LIQUORS. An Ordinance in Relation to the Tending, by Retail, of Spirit¬ uous, Yinous, Malt or Intoxicating Liquors. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Hilton. Section 1 . That it shall be unlawful for any per¬ son or persons within the limits of the village of Hilton, or within the limits over which the jurisdic¬ tion of said village shall extend, either by himself, herself, themselves or another, as principal or clerk, ser¬ vant or agent, directly or indirectly, to sell or give away any intoxicating, malt, spirituous, vinous, mixed or femented liquors in less quantities than one gallon, or to keep what is termed by the laws of the state of Illinois a “dram shop,” without having obtained a li¬ cense so to do as hereinafter provided. Any and all persons violating the provisions of this section, either as principal or agent, clerk or servant as aforesaid, shall be fined in a sum of not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person or per¬ sons, who may obtain a license under this ordinance 26 DRAM SHOPS. to keep in the village of Hilton wliat is termed by the laws of the state of Illinois a “dram shop,” to al¬ low either by himself, herself, agent, clerk or servant, his, her or their “dram shop” to be open on the Sab¬ bath day, or any general or special election day, or to suffer or permit any persons to frequent the same, or drink therein, or about the same, any of the liquors named in the first section hereof, or sell or give away any of said liquors on the Sabbath day, or on any general or special election day. Sec. 3. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, who may obtain a license under this ordi¬ nance to keep in said village of Hilton a legal “dram shop,” to allow either by himself, herself, agent or servant, his or their “dram shop” to be open after elev¬ en o’clock at night or before four o’clock in the morn¬ ing of any day. Sec. 4. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons who may obtain a license under this ordi¬ nance to keep in said village of Hilton a legal “dram shop” to allow either by himself, herself, agent or ser¬ vant, in or about his, her or their “dram shop,” gam¬ bling of any kind, or riotous, indecent or offensive language or conduct. Sec. 5. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, who may obtain a license under this ordi¬ nance to keep a legal “dram shop” in said village, to allow or permit, either by himself, herself, agent or servant, any minor to frequent or remain at or to play any game whatever in or about the premises occupied DRAM SHOPS. 27 by him, or her, or them, as a “dram shop and a faithful observance of this section shall be a condition in all “dram shop” licenses here¬ inafter issued by said village. Sec. 6. That any person or persons, who shall, eith¬ er by himself, herself, agent or servant, violate any of the provisions of sections two, three, four and five of this ordinance, shall be fined not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense, and the Magistrate or Justice of the Peace be¬ fore whom such conviction is had, shall enter up as part of the judgment a forfeiture of the license held by the person convicted, and such convicted person shall not again be licensed by the said village of Hil¬ ton to sell intoxicating liquors for the term of the then fiscal year. Sec. 7. That whoever, by himself, herself, agent or servant, either directly or indirectly, shall sell or give away any intoxicating, malt, spiritous, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors to any minor without the writ¬ ten order of their parents or guardian, or family phy¬ sician, or to any person who is intoxicated, or who is in the habit of getting intoxicated, or who shall allow either by himself, herself, agent or servant or clerk, his or her house, or place of business, wherein any of the liquors named in Section one (1) are sold or given 28 DRAM SHOPS. away, to be kept open on tbe Sabbath day, or general or special election day, or any minor to frequent the same or remain at the same or to play at any game of any kind therein or at any time, or allow any of the liquors in this section to be sold or given away on the Sabbath day, or on any general and special election day, shall be fined not less than twenty or more than one hundred dollars for each offense, and the Magis¬ trate or Justice of the Peace before whom said con¬ viction is had, shall enter up as part of the judgment, if the person convicted have a license to keep a “dram shop,” a forfeiture of such license, and the person so convicted shall not again be licensed to sell liquors in said village during the then fiscal year. Sec. 8. That license may be granted to keep in said village a legal “dram shop” in which spiritous, vinous, malt and fermented liquors, or beer only, may be retailed in less quantities that one gallon, which license be granted only upon the following conditions: 1st. Said license shall be for a term expiring with¬ in the current municipal year, and at the rate of five hundred dollars per year in advance, payable quarter¬ ly at the option of the licensee. 2d. No license shall be granted by said village under this ordinance, unless the person or persons de¬ siring the same shall first file with the village Clerk his application in writing, setting forth the lot, building, room, or place intend¬ ed to be occupied by him, her or them, and the DRAM SHOPS. 29 receipt of the village Treasurer for the money neces¬ sary to procure such license, and shall execute a bond with one or more sureties to be approved by the Board of Trustees, in the sum of three thousand dol¬ lars, payable to the people of the state of Illinois, for the faithful observance of the law of Illinois, known as the “dram shop” law, and also^a bond of five hun¬ dred dollars, payable to the village of Hilton, with like security for the faithful observance of this ordi¬ nance. The Board of Trustees may grant or reject any or all applications for a license for sufficient cause, but in case of rejection of the license, the mon¬ ey paid shall be refunded to the applicant. 3d. If the Board of Trustees shall vote to approve the bond offered, and grant a license to the applicant, the village Clerk shall enter their action upon the record of the proceedings of the Board of Trustees and prepare a license to keep a “dram shop” to be signed by the President and Clerk, and to be sealed by the village seal, and shall issue to the applicant, who shall thereupon pay to the village Clerk the fees allowed him by ordinance. 4tli. Said license shall state the time for which it is granted, the name of the person or persons for whom it is granted, the house or place that is intend¬ ed to be occupied, and shall contain a condition that a violation of this ordinance, by the person or persons to whom the license is granted, shall cause an imme¬ diate forfeiture of all rights and privileges granted by said license, which shall, from and after the convic¬ tion of the party or parties, or either of them, if the 30 DRAM SHOPS. license is granted to more than one, be absolutely void, and the licensee shall thereafter be alike liable as though no license had ever been granted. 5th. Such license shall not be transferable and shall not authorize the party to whom granted to keep a “dram shop” at more than one place under one li cense. Sec. 9. That all persons taking out license under this ordinance, shall be subject to and governed by the ordinances of the village of Hilton now in force, or that may hereafter be in force, and no person shall be deemed to be duly licensed to sell any of the li¬ quors named in the first section of this ordinance, either by himself, herself, agent, clerk of servant, un¬ less he, she or they have actually paid the amount due for said license, and unless said license has been actually issued and delivered to him, her or them. Sec. 10. The village Marshal, Policeman or other officers of the village shall have the right to enter any licensed “dram shop” or place where liquor is lawfully sold, whenever such place or “dram shop” is open, and if any person or persons licensed by the village Board shall refuse to permit such person to enter his, her or their “dram shop” or place of business, whenever the same is open, he, she or they shall be fined not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dol¬ lars for each offense. Sec. 11 . The giving away of intoxicating liquors, or other shift or device to evade the provisions of this DRAM SHOPS. 31 ordinance, shall be held to be an unlawful selling within the meaning of this ordinance. Sec. 12 . All rooms, taverns, eating houses, restau¬ rants, groceries, drug stores, coffee houses or other places of public resort where intoxicating liquors of any kind or nature, are sold in violation of this ordi¬ nance, shall be deemed a public nuisance, and who ever keeps any such place, by himself, herself, or ser¬ vant, shall, for each offence, be fined not less than ■ > 1 i ■■ • j * ' twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and it shall be part of the judgment, upon conviction of the keeper, that the place so kept shall be shut up and abated until the keeper thereof shall give bond, with sufficient security, to be approved by the court before whom the conviction is had, in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, payable to the people of the state of Illinois, conditioned that he or she will not sell intoxicating liquors contrary to law and the ordi¬ nances of said village, and will pay all fines and costs assessed against him, her or them, for any violation of the ordinances of the village of Hilton. Sec. 13. Permits may be granted by the Board of Trustees of the village of Hilton to druggists to sell intoxicating liquors within the limits of said village, for medical, mechanical, sacramental or chemical pur¬ poses only; applicant to pay for said permit at the rate of twenty dollars per annum, said permits to be signed by the President and village Clerk, but not to run longer than the current municipal year, to be granted only on the written application of the person or per¬ sons desiring such permit, which application shall be 82 DRAM SHOPS. place intended to sell at; for the purpose contemplated in tliis section, such application shall be passed upon by the Board of Trustees and may be granted or re¬ fused, and the action of the Board of Trustees on such application shall be entered up on the record of the proceedings of the Board of Trustees by the village Clerk. Such permits, when issued, shall contain a condition that any violation of this ordinance, or any other ordinance of the village of Hilton, which may hereafter, be in force applicable to the subject of this ordinance, by the person or persons to whom the per¬ mit is granted, shall cause an immediate forfeiture of rights and privileges granted by said permit, and shall, from and after conviction for the violation of this or any other ordinances of the village oij. the same subject matter, be absolutely void. The village Clerk shall be entitled to the same fee for issuing permit as for a li¬ cense to keep a “dram shop.” Adopted August 18th, 1884. Nicholas Slagle, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. MISDEMEANORS. NUISANCES and POLICE. An Ordinance in Relation to Certain Misdemeanors, Nuisances and Police Regulations of the Tillage of Hilton. * Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Hilton. Section 1 . That if any person or persons shall with¬ in the village of Hilton, maliciously or wilfully, dis¬ turb the peace or quiet of any street, avenue, lane, al¬ ley or neighborhood, or of any family or person, by loud or unusual noises, by blowing horns, trumpets or instruments, or engines, by the beating of drums, tamborines, kettles, pans or other sounding vessels, or by loud and bolstering laughing, singing, bellowing, howling or screaming, by using or uttering obscene language or conversation, by making false alarms by crying fire, or by any other device or means whatso¬ ever so as to disturb the peace, or shall be guilty of tumultuous or offensive carriage by swearing, threat¬ ening, quarreling, scolding, hallooing, cursing, chal¬ lenging, assaulting, striking or fighting, under any pretence whatever, every such offender shall be deemed guilty of a breach of this ordinance, and, up¬ on conviction thereof, shall forfeit and pay not less 84 MISDEMEANORS. than one dollar nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of suit for each and every offense convicted of. Section 2. Any person or persons permit¬ ting any disturbance as described in the fore¬ going section, upon any premises owned, occu¬ pied, or possessed by him * or her, shall, up¬ on conviction thereof, forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) for the first offense, and fifty dollars ($50.00) for each subsequent of¬ fense. Section 3. If any person shall be present at any dog fight, where animals meet accidently, and shall, by any gesture or word of encourage¬ ment, set their dogs to fighting, he or they shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay not less than one dollar ($1.00) nor more than twenty- five dollars ($25.00) and costs of suit for each of¬ fense. Sec. 4. Every person found drunk or intoxicated in any street, alley or public place in the village of Hilton, or in any private place or house, without the assent of the occupant, or found asleep in any such place, on conviction thereof shall forfeit and pay not MISDEMEANORS. N 35 less than two dollars nor more than twenty dollars and costs of suit for each offense, and whenever such person shall he arrested while intoxicated, he may be placed in the calaboose, or other place of confinement in the village, there to remain until he, she or they become sober, when he, she or they shall be dealt with according to the ordinance of said village. Sec. 5. Whoever shall, within the limits of the vil¬ lage of Hilton, disquiet or disturb any congregation or assembly met for religious worship, by making a noise, or by any rude, indecent or ungentlemanly be¬ havior, or profane discourse, within their place of worship, or so near to the same as to disturb the order or solemnity of the meeting, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall forfeit and pay any sum not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of suit for each and every offense. Sec. 6 . Whoever shall, in the village of Hilton, disturb or disquiet any lawful assembly or association of people, by rude and indecent behavior, or other¬ wise, shall, upon conviction, forfeit and pay not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars with costs of suit for each offense. Sec. 7. If any person, for the purpose of bathing 36 MISDEMEANORS. or otherwise, shall, by divesting* themselves of his or her apparel or otherwise expose his or her naked per¬ son within the limits of the said village, he, she or they shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense, with costs of suit. Sec. 8. Whoever shall, within the limits of said village, appear in any public place, in a state of nudi¬ ty or in a dress not belonging to his or her sex, or in any indecent or lewd dress, or shall make an indecent exposure of his or her person, or be guilty of any in¬ decent or lewd acts or behavior, or shall exhibit, sell or offer to sell, or dispose of in any manner, any indecent or lewd book or picture, or other thing, or shall exhib¬ it or perform any indecent, immoral or lewd play or other representation, shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of suit for each and every offense. Sec. 9. Whoever shall, within the limits of the village of Hilton, set up or keep any gaming house, table, room, booth, yard, car, or place wdiatsoever, or any gambling device, either by himself, herself, or themselves, clerks, servants or agents, at which any game of chance shall be played for money or other property, or shall suffer such house, table, room, booth, alley, yard or place or gambling device at which any game of chance is played to be set up or used about any tenement in his, her or their posses¬ sion, or under his, her or their control, for the pur¬ pose of gain or profit, or shall permit persons to gam- MISDEMEANORS. 3 hr l ble in, or play at or upon any such house, table, room, alley, booth, yard, place or gambling device, shall, up¬ on conviction thereof, forfeit and pay the sum of fif¬ ty dollars for every offense on each and every game of chance played in or upon any such house, table, room, booth, yard, alley, place or gaming device, and all such gambling instruments shall be seized and de¬ stroyed. %> Sec. 10. It shall not be lawful for any person, in said village of Hilton, to perform or play any trick or sleight-of-hand or anything of like nature with cards,dice,balls,thimbles,figures, numbers or characters, or with any dishonest or fraudulent instrument, ap¬ paratus or thing, where persons are induced to bet, loan, deposit or stake money or other property upon the result of such tricks, or the turning or placing of any such instrument or apparatus, or by any per¬ son. nor to sell or dispose of any lottery tickets, fig¬ ures, numbers or characters, for any prize, gift, pres¬ ent, gift enterprise, gift distribution, or for anything of like name or nature, where money or other proper¬ ty is directly or indirectly pledged or paid for a share or chance in such game, gift, present or enter¬ prise. and any person or persons convicted of any of¬ fense under this section of this ordinance shall forfeit and pay not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars with costs of suit for each offense. Sec. 11. No person or persons shall, within the limits of the village of Hilton, fire or discharge any cannon, musket, rifle, fowling piece, anvil, or other fire arms, or air gun, except it is done in case of necessity 38 MISDEME A1S OKS. or in the performance of a public act or lawful duty, nor shall any person or persons discharge or set off any fire crackers, rockets, torpedoes, squibs, or other fire works in said village, or make or kindle any fires in any of the streets, lanes, avenues, alleys or public grounds of said village without permission first ob¬ tained from the President of the Board of Trustees, and any person or persons violating this section of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay the sum of not less than one dollar nor more than twenty-five dollars with costs of suit for each and every offense. Sec. 12. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons, in said village of Hilton, to hitch, tie or fas¬ ten any horse, mule or other animal to any shade tree or ornamental tree, or the boxing or railing around the same, which may be standing or growing upon any street, sidewalk or public square or public grounds of the village, nor to hitch, tie or fasten any horse, mule or other animal to the fences around any public square or other public grounds of said village, nor to cut, deface, destroy or in any manner injure any fence or shade trees in the streets, alleys or public grounds, or to turn any cattle, horses, or other animals upon the same. Any person or persons violating the pro¬ visions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a sum of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars with costs of suit for each and every offense. Sec. 13. Any person or persons who shall negli¬ gently, wilfully or maliciously break or destroy any MISDEMEANORS. 39 property of the said village of Hilton shall, upon con¬ viction thereof, forfeit and pay a sum of not less than five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars with costs of suit for each and every article broken or de- stroved. «r Sec. 14. It shall be unlawful to place, fasten, or leave standing any horse, mare, gelding, ox, mule or ass on any paved or improved sidewalk in said village, or to leave standing unfastened therein any of the an¬ imals aforesaid, or any team of either, in harness or attached to any wagon, sled, carriage, dray, cart, or other vehicle, so that the same may be liable to run away, or to cause, suffer or allow any of the same to pass through any street or alley or other public place without a suitable driver, or to ride or drive any of the aforesaid animals violently through or along any street, alley, or public place in said village so as to endanger the safety of any person, or to suffer any of the animals as aforesaid to travel or run faster than an ordinary or moderate trot or pace in, upon or over any street, alley or public place in said village, or for the driver of any team to stop the same in any street, lane, alley or other public place, in such a manner as to prevent other teams from passing at all times, ex¬ cept in cases of absolute necessity, or for the driver of any team to stop the same at the regular crossings of the streets so as to prevent free passage for foot pas¬ sengers. Every person or persons who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall, upon con¬ viction, forfeit and pay a sum not less than two dol¬ lars nor more than twenty-five dollars with costs of suit for each and every offense. 40 MISDEMEANORS. Section 15. Any person who shall be guilty of an indecent exhibition of any horse or other animal upon the streets or alleys in said village shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay the sum of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars and costs of suit for each and every offense. Sec. 16. No person shall place, or having placed shall suffer to remain upon any street, alley, sidewalk or public ground, within said village, any lumber, wood, coal, ashes, lime, earth, manure, filth, rubbish, trash or any other article or commodity which may in any wise occupy, obstruct or encumber any of said streets, alleys, sidewalks, or public grounds, or any part thereof, nor shall any person or persons, by dig¬ ging, plowing or otherwise, make or cause to be made any hole, pit, ditch or other excavations in any of said streets, alleys, sidewalks, lands or public grounds without permission from the Board of Trustees; and any person or persons so offending shall, upon ccnvic tion thereof, forfeit and pay a sum of not less than one dollar nor more than fifty dollars with cost of suit for each and every offense: Provided, that when any person or persons shall be about to build or repair any house or other building or improvement in said village, and shall not have sufficient ground con¬ venient to place the necessary material upon for such building or improvement, such material may be put on the nearest part of the street or alley in such a manner as to occupy the least room, and so as not to encumber, occupy or obstruct at any time more than one third of such street, or one half of such alley on which such house or other improvements may abutt. MISDEMEANORS. 41 Provided, further, that all such material and every part thereof shall be removed as soon as the same shall cease to be needed or used in the construction of such building or improvement, or may be removed at any time when, in the opinion of the village Board of Trustees, it is thought necessary to do so, or when the same has remained there a reasonable time, and any person refusing or neglecting to remove the same when notified by the President or Board of Trustees shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay a sum of not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, with costs of suit for each and every offense. Sec. 17. That if any person shall erect, build, place, or construct, or cause, or procure to be erected, built, placed or constructed,or suffer to remain if already built, placed or constructed after the publishing of this ordi¬ nance, upon any street, lane, avenue, alleys, sidewalk, or public ground, of said village, any house, cellar, stable, shed, pen, fence, wall foundation, or other structure whatever, except in the manner provided by the ordinances of said village, the same shall be deem¬ ed and defined and is hereby declared to be a nui¬ sance, and any person or persons who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, forfeit and pay not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and the further sum of ten dol¬ lars for every twenty-four hours he shall permit or suffer any such nuisance to remain upon any such street, avenue, alley, sidewalk or public grounds after his first conviction: Provided, this section shall not apply to awnings placed in front of stores or houses, provided the same are properly constructed and plac- 42 MISDEMEANORS. ed, and not less than eight feet from the ground at the lowest point, and provided further, that this sec¬ tion shall not apply to streets and alleys that have not been 0 £>ened and named for at least one year. Sec. 18. Any person who shall leave open, uncov¬ ered or unguarded, any cellar door, pit, vault, or other subterraneous opening, leading from, into or upon any street, alley, or sidewalk, in the village of Hilton, shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars with costs of suit, and also be liable for any injury caused by such neglect. Sec. 19. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons willfully, maliciously or negligently to cut, deface, impair, pull down or break down any lamp post, bracket or lamp, or to hitch, fasten or tie any horse or other animals to any lamp post on any street, alley, sidewalk or other public place within and be¬ longing to the village of Hilton. Nor shall it be lawful for any person or persons to extinguish or put out any lamp belonging to said village without au¬ thority to do so from the President or Board of Trus¬ tees of said village. Any person guilty of a breach of this section shall, upon conviction, forfeit and pay not less than two dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each and every offense with costs of suit. Sec. 20. It shall be unlawful for any person or per¬ sons, in said village, to inhumanly or cruelly beat, in¬ jure, overload, overwork, insufficiently shelter, poorly feed, turn out to die, or in any manner to abuse any MISDEMEANORS. 43 dumb animal, and every person violating this section shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars with costs of suit for each offense, and it shall be the duty of the village Marshal to strictly enforce this section, and any omission on his part to do so will cause a for¬ feiture of one month’s pay for each time he neglects to do so. Sec. 21. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, in said village, to stick, paste, put up or place upon or against any building,tenement,fence,wall, lamp post or other place, any hand bill, show bill, pic¬ ture or representation, unless done by consent of the owner or occupant of such building, tenement, fence, wall, or other place, nor shall it be lawful for any per¬ son, in said village, to stick, paste up, or place, or cause to be put up, or placed upon or against any wall, fence, building, tenement or other place, in said village, any gross, indecent or lewd written or printed advertisement, hand bill, or notice of professional skill, or remedies for the cure of “secret diseases,” and any person or persons violating this section shall, on con¬ viction, forfeit and pay not less than one dollar nor more than fifty dollars with costs of suit for each offense. Sec. 22. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons, in said village, to write, print or paint with chalk, ink, paint or other material, any obscene words, language, or expression upon any building, tenement, fence, wall, sidewalk, or other place, nor to draw or paint on the same any figures, pictures, representa- 44 MISDEMEANORS. tions, or other thing of an immodest or vulgar charac¬ ter. Every person convicted of a violation of this sec¬ tion shall forfeit and pay not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars with costs of suit for each offense. Sec. 23. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons, in said village, to congregate about or upon any stairway, doorway, window, or in front of any business or dwelling house, theatre, lecture room, church or elsewhere, and by so doing obstruct or in¬ terfere with the free passage of persons entering, de¬ parting from or occupying any such building or prem¬ ises, or their language, conversation or conduct annoy, insult or disturb persons passing along the streets or alleys, or occupying, residing or doing business in any of said houses or places, or seeking ingress to or egress from the same, and every person violating this section shall, upon conviction, forfeit and pay not less than two dollars nor more than fifty dollars with costs of suit for each offense. Sec. 24. It shall not be lawful for any person in said village at any time to kill, trap, net, ensnare, de¬ stroy or torture any robin, blue bird, swallow, martin, mosquito hawk, cuckoo, woodpecker, cat bird, brown thresher, red bird, hanging bird, wren, humming bird, dove, gold finch, mocking bird, blue jay, finch, thrush, lark, cherry bird, yellow bird, oriole or bobolink, nor shall it be lawful to rob or destroy the nests of any such birds, and any person or persons violating this section, shall, upon conviction, forfeit and pay a sum MISDEMEANORS. 45 not less than two dollars nor more than twenty dollars with costs of suit for each offense. Sec. 25. It shall not he lawful for any person or persons, upon any street, alley, lane or avenue, thor¬ oughfare or public place, in said village, to fly kites, throw stones, trundle hoops, play ball, or shoot with bow and arrow, or elastic slings, or to use any sport or exercise likely to frighten horses, injure passengers, or embarrass the passage of vehicles, or to use or ride tricicles or bicycles upon the principal streets or side¬ walks thereon. Any person violating this section shall forfeit and pay not less than one dollar nor more than twenty dollars with costs of suit for each offense. Sec. 26. No person shall, in said village, keep any dog, bitch, whelp, calf or other animal tied up or shut up in any yard, house or other place which, by bark¬ ing, howling or other noise, shall disturb the peace and quiet of any family, individual or neighborhood. Any person violating this section shall, upon convic¬ tion forfeit and pay a sum of not less than one dollar nor more than twenty dollars with costs of suit for each offense. Sec. 27. It shall not be lawful for any person, in said village, to carry concealed weapons, or to display in a threatening manner any pistol, knife, slung shot, brass, steel or iron knuckles, or other deadly weapons at any time,and any person violating this section upon con¬ viction shall forfeit and pay any sum not more than one hundred dollars with costs of suit for each offense: Pro¬ vided. this section shall not apply to peace officers. 46 MISDEMEANORS. Sec. 28 . If any person or persons shall, knowingly and wilfully obstruct, resist, oppose, interrupt or in¬ terfere with the village marshal, or other officer in ar¬ resting an offender, in serving or attempting to serve any lawful process issued by virtue of any of the or¬ dinances of the village of Hilton, or order of the Board of Trustees of said village, or any other legal process whatever, or shall assault or beat any officer of said village, or person or j>ersons duly authorized in serving or attempting to serve or execute the same, or who shall obstruct, oppose, interrupt or interfere with the village Marshal or other officer, anybody or person called upon to assist such officer in the lawful discharge of any duty required by virtue of any ordi¬ nance of said village, every person so offending, on conviction thereof, shall forfeit and pay a sum of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dol¬ lars with costs of suit for each offense. Sec. 29. In all cases of disturbances or breach of the peace, in said village, it shall be the duty of the village Marshal or Policeman, or other officers of the village, who are, by the laws of Illinois, conservators of the peace, upon view thereof, forthwith to appre¬ hend the offender or offenders, and bringing him, her or them before some magistrate or justice of the peace who will proceed forthwith or as soon as practical in the trial of the same: Provided, such trial may be continued for good cause shown. Sec. 30. In all cases under the ordinances of the village of Hilton, the village Marshal, or other officer authorized to execute process under the ordinance of MISDEMEANORS. ,/ i.-f r hiv 47 said village, is authorized to an$ may arrest any per¬ son or persons for actual or alleged breach of the peace, and he may and shall, if necessary, call to his aid or assistance any person or persons that are able- bodied above the age of twenty-one years, and any such person or persons who shall refuse to give assist¬ ance when so called upon shall, upon conviction there¬ of, forfeit and pay a sum of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars with costs of suit for each offense. Sec. 31. That it shall be the duty of the village Marshal and Policeman, and they or any of them are hereby authorized to arrest any suspicious looking person or persons who shall be found loitering about the streets, alleys, lanes, avenues, sidewalks or public grounds of said village after 10 o’clock at night, and who cannot give a satisfactory account of himself, her¬ self or themselves, and convey such person or persons to the calaboose or some safe place of detention to re¬ main until morning, then to be taken before some Magistrate or Justice of the Peace to be dealt with ac¬ cording to section thirty-three of this ordinance. Sec. 32. That any person or persons who shall be found loitering about any of the streets, alleys, ave¬ nues, lanes, sidewalks, public or private grounds, in the village of Hilton, after ten o’clock at night, and who is not upon any lawful or legitimate business, and who fails to give any satisfactory account of him, her or themselves shall, upon conviction, forfeit and pay 48 MISDEMEANORS. not less than two dollars nor more than ten dollars with costs of suit for each offense. Adopted August 18th, 1884. SEAL Nicholas Slagle, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. POLL. TAX. An Ordinance in Relation to Poll Tax. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Hilton. Section 1 . That every able-bodied male inhabitant of the said village of Hilton above the age of twenty- one years and under the age of fifty years (excepting paupers, idiots, lunatics and such others as are, or may be exempt by law, and also excepting the President, village Clerk, and Trustees of the village of Hilton), shall be required to labor on the streets, alleys and avenues of said village two days in each and every year: Provided, that each person assessed for such poll tax, may commute by paying to the village Treas¬ urer, within six days after receiving written notice to perform such labor, the sum of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50). Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of the streets, alleys and sidewalks of said village, to notify, in writing, each able-bodied male inhabitant so liable to a poll tax, six days before such person is re¬ quired to perform such labor, stating in such notices 50 POLL TAX. when and where such labor is to be performed, and what kind of tools or implements, if any, he is re* quired to furnish. Sec. 3. If any person or persons, liable under the first section of this ordinance to labor on the streets, alleys, or sidewalks of said village, shall, after being notified to perform such labor in accordance with the provisions of the last preceeding section (Sec. 2.), re- fuse or neglect to perform the same or pay the com¬ mutation money, provided in section one of this ordi¬ nance, at the time mentioned in said notice, shall, up¬ on conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a sum of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars and costs of suit, for each offense. ,r i Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of the streets, alleys and sidewalks of said village, within the month of May of each and every year, to make and return to the Board of Trustees of said vil¬ lage, a list of the names of all persons liable to a poll tax in said village, and also the names of all persons within the ages mentioned in the first section (Sec. 1) of this ordinance claiming exemption therefrom, and the reason for such exemption, upon the coming in of which report the Board of Trustees or street commit¬ tee may direct the said Superintendent in regard to what disposition to make of such poll tax labor, and as to how and where the same shall be applied; said Superintendent shall report to the Board of Trustees at each regular meeting thereof, the names of all per¬ sons who have paid or worked out their poll tax dur¬ ing the last preceeding month, and the names of any s POLL TAX. 51 wlio have refused or neglected so to do, after being duly notified as provided in section two (Sec. 2) of this ordinance. Adopted August 18th, 1884. f — A — I SEAL Nicholas Slaole, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Olerk. ANIMALS RUNNING AT LARGE. An Ordinance to Prevent Animals from Running at Large in the Tillage of Hilton. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Hilton, Sec. 1 . That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to permit or suffer to run at large within the corporate limits of the village of Hilton, any horse, gelding, mare, mule, ass, colt, sheep, swine, goat, or neat cattle, and any person or persons suffering or permitting any of said animals to run or be at large within the said corporate limits, shall forfeit and pay to the village of Hilton, as is hereinafter provided, and costs of suit and all pound fees allowed by ordi¬ nance of said village shall be taxed as part of the costs: Provided, that nothing contained in this section (Sec. 1 of this ordinance) shall prevent milch cows running at large within the corporate limits of said village between the hours of five (5) o’clock a, m. and eight (8) p. m. of each day, from the first day of May un¬ til the first day of November of each year or until this ordinance is repealed or amended. ANIMALS. 53 Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Pound Master, or in case of his absence the Marshal, of said village, to put up and confine in the village pound, any and all animals found running at large contrary to the provisions of section one of this ordinance. Section 3. When the owner of any animal impounded is known to the officer impounding the same, such officer shall notify the owner, who may thereupon release such animal upon payment of the pound fees and expenses of keeping such animal, but such release shall not affect the liability of the owner of such animal to a civil action for any damage done by said animal while so running at large either by the village or person in* jured. Section. 4. When the owner of any animal so impounded is unknown to the officer im¬ pounding the same, such officer shall, upon so impounding the same, make a statement in writing, signed by him and deliver the same to the Police Magistrate or some Justice of the Peace in the village, of the number and kind of animals so taken up by him, describing them with reasonable certainty, and the time of such taking up and impounding, and that the owner or owners thereof are unknown to him; whereupon the Police Magistrate or Justice of the Peace shall cause to be posted up, in three of the most public places in said village, a notice describing the animals so taken up and the time of such taking up, and notifying the owner or owners thereof to ap¬ pear before such Magistrate or Justice at an hour on 54 ANIMALS. a certain day named therein, not less than five nor more than fifteen days from such posting, then and there to show cause, if any, why judgment should not be rendered against him, her or them in favor of the village of Hilton for the recovery of the penalty and costs according to the provision of section one of this ordinance, to be collected by a sale of said property if not released on payment of penalty and costs by the owner or owners thereof. Sec. 5. The officer posting such notices shall im¬ mediately thereupon make return, upon oath upon a copy of said notice, of the time and place of such posting, and upon such return being made the Mag¬ istrate or Justice shall docket the cause as the village of Hilton against the unknown owners of (describing the property taken up and impounded.) Sec. 6. At the time fixed in such notices, or at any time after the posting of such notices, the owner of any property so impounded may appear before said Magistrate or Justice, and such owner may at the same time release the property so impounded from confine¬ ment, upon the payment of pound fees and the ex¬ penses of keeping the same, and costs of writing and posting the notices, and the costs made by the Magis¬ trate or Justice of the Peace. Sec. 7. If no owner shall appear as aforesaid, the Magistrate or Justice shall order the sale of the ani¬ mal or animals so impounded and unclaimed, and said sale shall be made upon the same notices as is by the statutes of Illinois provided in cases of sales of con- ANIMALS. 55 stables upon executions from Justices of the Peace. Property sold under such executions may be redeemed by the owner thereof from the purchaser, at any time within three months from the time of such sale, by payment to the purchaser of the amount paid by him, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, and the expenses of keeping such property, and of which right of the owner to redeem the officer making such sale shall, at the time thereof, give no¬ tice. Sec. 8. The officer making the sale shall, in his re¬ turn, state the time of sale, the number of animals and kind sold, and specify the amount each animal was sold for. Sec. 9. The proceeds of such sale shall be paid over to the Police Magistrate or Justice of the Peace, as in other cases, and the surplus, if any, over the penalty and costs shall be specified by the village Treasurer in the receipts given by him to the Magis¬ trate or Justice, one of which receipts the Magistrate or Justice shall keep in his office with the other pa¬ pers in the cause. Such surplus shall be paid over to the owner of the property, sold by the village Treas¬ urer, at any time within three years from such sale upon the direction of the village Board of Trustees and order drawn by the Clerk on the village Treasur¬ er for the same as in other cases. Sec. 10. The officer impounding any of the ani¬ mals aforesaid shall be allowed for his services the following fees, less one fourth of the same, which one 56 ANIMALS. fourth shall be paid into the village treasury, to be* _ * come a part of the village fund, viz: For taking into the pound and discharging therefrom, for each horse, gelding, mare, mule, ass or colt, one dollar; for each head of cattle, fifty cents; for each sheep, goat, swine, twenty-five cents. He shall also be allowed for keep¬ ing each horse, gelding, mare, mule, ass or colt, fifty cents per day, and for each head of cattle, twenty-five cents per day, and for each head of sheep, goats or swine ten cents per day: Provided, that a mare with sucking colt, is to count as one, and a cow with suck¬ ing calf to count as one, and for posting the notices required by the fourth (4) section of this ordinance, twenty-five cents for each notice by him posted, and to the Magistrate or Justice of the Peace for prepar¬ ing the notices required by said section four (4), twen¬ ty-five cents for each notice by him prepared, which said fees, unless otherwise paid, shall be taxed as part of the costs. Sec. 11. No person or persons shall permit or suffer any fierce or dangerous dog or bitch to go or be at large within the corporate limits of the village of Hil¬ ton, and any person or persons violating this section of this ordinance shall, on conviction thereof, forfeit and pay, for the first offense, the sum of five dollars, and for any subsequent offense the sum of twenty-five dollars, and it shall be the duty of the village Mar¬ shal to cause the said dog or bitch to be killed and removed without the limits of said village at the cost of the owner or owners thereof. Sec. 12 . That it shall be unlawful for the owner ANIMALS. 57 of any dog or Ibitcli, within the limits of the village of Hilton, to permit or suffer the same to frighten, chase or run after any team while passing upon any of the streets, alleys, avenues or lanes within the cor¬ porate limits of said village. Any person violating this section of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a sum of not less than three dollars nor more than ten dollars with costs of suit and all damages that may accrue by reason of said dog or bitch frightening, chasing or running after said team. The word team as used in this section of this ordinance shall be construed to mean and be de¬ fined as to cover any vehicle of travel not propelled by steam. Adopted August 18th, 1884. Nicholas Slagle, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. An Ordinance in Relation to Health. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Hilton. Section 1 . That it shall be the duty of the village Marshal, of the village of Hilton, to remove from within the limits of said village all offensive sub¬ stances and nuisances which have a tendency to im¬ pair or endanger the health of the citizens there¬ of. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the village Marshal of said village to ascertain the owner or owners of any domestic animals that have died within the limits of the village of Hilton, and to notify such owner or owners to immediately remove the same without the limits of the corporation, and should such owner or owners neglect or refuse to remove the same for four hours after such notice, he, she or they so offending shall, upon conviction, be fined in any sum not ex¬ ceeding five dollars, and it shall be the duty of the village Marshal, Policeman or Pound Master to cause the same to be removed at the expense of such owner HEALTH, 59 or owners, which expense may be recovered by suit as other fines are recovered under the ordinances of said village. Sec. 3. Any person or persons who shall offer for sale, within the limits of said village, any blown, stuff¬ ed, milksick or unsound meat or other article of pro¬ vision, or measly pork, or shall sell or expose to sale any sick or diseased live animal usually made use of for food, for the purpose and design that the same be used as food, knowing or believing the same to be sick or diseased, such person or persons so offending shall, upon conviction, be fined in any sum not ex¬ ceeding fifty dollars with costs of suit for each offense. Sec. 4. Any person or persons who shall use any lot, house, pen, building, shed, or other place within the corporate limits of the village of Hilton, for the purpose of slaughtering animals for sale, and who shall slaughter any neat cattle, calf, hog or sheep therein without permission first obtained of the Board of Trustees of said village, such person or persons so offending shall, upon conviction, be fined in a sum not exceeding ten dollars with costs of suit for each of¬ fense. And any persons or persons who shall erect or occupy any building or buildings within the corpor¬ ate limits of the said village, as an oil mill, a powder house, a soap or candle manufactory, a vinegar fac¬ tory or cider mill without express authority or per¬ mission from the Board of Trustees of said village, shall, for every such offense, pay a fine of not exceed¬ ing ten dollars for each and every day that such building or buildings as aforesaid shall be used as an 60 HEALTH. oil mill, x3owder house, soap and candle factory, vine¬ gar factory or cider mill; and all persons obtaining permission as aforesaid from tlie village Board shall, in all cases and at all times, keep their places of bus¬ iness clean and free from filth of all kinds, as far as possible, and from offensive substances and smells, and a failure to do so will be good grounds upon which the village Board may revoke the said permis¬ sions to operate within the limits of said village, an oil mill, powder house, a soap and candle factory, a vinegar factory or cider mill. Sec. 5. Any person or persons who shall use or occupy any building or buildings within the corpor¬ ate limits of the village of Hilton, as a distillery for the manufacture of ardent spirits, a brewery or tan¬ nery, without first having obtained express permission for that purpose from the Board of Trustees of said village, shall, for each and every offense, upon con¬ viction, pay a fine not exceeding five dollars per day for every day said distillery, brewery, or tannery shall be so used without permission, with costs of suit. Sec. 6. If any person or persons shall obstruct or injure, or cause to be obstructed or injured, any pub¬ lic ground, avenue, street, lane or alley, in the village of Hilton, or shall establish any offensive trade, man¬ ufactory or business therein, or shall continue the same after it has been erected or established, or shall in any wise pollute or obstruct any water course, tile drain, spring, pond or common sewer within the limits of said village, upon conviction, shall be fined not ex¬ ceeding one hundred dollars and costs of suit, and HEALTH. 61 every such nuisance shall, by order of the Board of Trustees of said village, be removed or abated by the village Marshal at the expense of the person or per¬ sons offending, and the village Marshal may sue for and recover the same as other fines and penalties are recovered under the ordinances of said village. Sec. 7. That cellars and ground beneath all houses, within the corporate limits of the village of Hilton, shall be kept free from water and all putrifying vege¬ table or animal matter and aM noxious substances and things, under a penalty of ten dollars for every twenty- four (24) hours such nuisance remains after notice to re¬ move the same, which notice shall be given by the village Marshal on complaint of any citizen to the Board of Trustees, and the Marshal shall cause such nuisance to be removed or abated at the expense of the person or persons occupying the house or prem¬ ises complained against, to be recovered by suit as in other cases under the ordinance of said village. Sec. 8. The Board of Trustees of said village may, during the months of June, July, August and September of each year (or until this section (8) of this ordi¬ nance is repealed), order all cellars within the village to be kept well aired and inoffensive and sprinkled with lime, or otherwise disinfected, and any person or persons refusing or neglecting to comply with such order when made by the Board of Trustees of said village, shall be deemed guilty of maintaining a nui¬ sance and, upon conviction, shall be fined ten dollars and costs for every twenty-four (24) hours said order shall be disregarded, to be recovered as in other cases, 62 HEALTH. from the occupier of the premises, or from the owner, if the premises are tenantless; that each privy or vault, within the limits of said village, shall be kept clean and inoffensive at all times under a penalty of ten dollars, to be recovered of the occupier or owner of the premises to which the same may be attached, to be recovered as in other cases with costs of suit. Sec. 9. That it shall be the duty of the village Marshal, upon his knowledge or the orders of the Board of Trustees of said village, to cause prosecution to be immediately instituted for all offenses against this ordinance before the Police Magistrate or any Justice of the Peace in this village, and upon judg¬ ment being rendered against the defendant or de¬ fendants, execution shall issue forthwith thereon for the fine and costs: Provided, that when the defendant or defendants are non-residents of the state, suit by attachment may be instituted for such fines as in or¬ dinary debt before any court of competent jurisdic¬ tion, in the name of the village of Hilton. Sec. 10. When any nuisance shall have been abat¬ ed by the village Marshal, under the provisions of this ordinance, he shall report the same to the Board of village Trustees at its next regular meeting, with his actions in the premises and the costs and damages therein. Sec. 11 . That all person having small pox, vario¬ loid or other contageous or infectious diseases, in the said village, are hereby required to keep closely con¬ fined within their respective dwellings or places of HEALTH. 63 abode, and tlie village Marshal shall cause suitable notices with the character of the disease printed or written theren in large type or letters, to be posted up in the most conspicuous place on or near such building or dwelling place in which such contagious or infectious disease exists, and require the occupants thereof to maintain such notice thereon until, in the opinion of a competent physician, it may be safely discontinued. Sec. 12 . It shall be the duty of every owner or oc¬ cupant of any house or building, where any person or persons are, or may be, wdio has any disease believed to be contagious, to prevent any and all persons, ex¬ cept the physicians and nurses attending such dis¬ eased persons, from communicating with such dis¬ eased person in any manner whatever. Sec. 13. No person shall leave his or her place of abode and go about the village of Hilton, after the small pox or varioloid eruption has made its appear¬ ance upon him or her; and no person shall be allowed to go about the said village, or visit any house or dwelling in said village, who has had communication or has been in contact with any person or persons ha v¬ ing the small pox or varioloid except the attending or consulting physician. Sec. 14. Any person or persons having the vario¬ loid or small pox may be removed beyond the limits of said village at the direction of the Board of Trus¬ tees of said village, upon the advice of a majority of the practicing physicians of said village, and any per¬ son failing to comply with the requirements of sec- 64 HEALTH. tions eleven (11), twelve (12) and thirteen (13) of this ordinance, or who shall violate any of the provisions of said sections shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars with costs of suit for each offense. Adopted August 18th, 1884. SEAL l Nicholas Slagle, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. NUISANCES. An Ordinance in Relation to Nuisances. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Hilton. Section 1 . That it shall be unlawful for any per¬ son or persons, firm or corporation carrying on or engag¬ ing in the business of keeping or feeding hogs and cattle in pens or enclosures, within, or within one mile of the limits of the said village of Hilton, to allow any offensive substance to remain in or about such pens or enclpsure, either before or after the removal of such hogs or cattle, or while the same remain therein, or to do any other act or thing, or to any oth¬ er business which shall produce an unwholesome, of¬ fensive or nauseous smell, or that shall in any way endanger the health of the inhabitants of any portion of said village, and every person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of committing a nuisance, and upon conviction thereof shall forfeit and pay not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars with costs of suit for each offense, to be collected in the manner provided for the collection of fines and pen- 66 NUISANCE. alties by the ordinances of said village, and each and every day’s continuance of such nuisances shall be deemed a new offense, for which the offender or of¬ fenders may be proceeded against and fined as here¬ inbefore provided for. Sec. 2. Whoever shall engage in or carry on the business of any packing house or slaughtering house, rendery, tallow chandlery, bone factory, glue factory, soap factory or tannery, within, or within one mile of the limits of the village of Hilton, and shall allow to remain in, around or about his or their place of busi¬ ness or premises within, or within one mile of the limits as aforesaid, any offal or other offensive sub¬ stance produced in or about his or their said business, or shall allow to remain in or about his or their said business, within, or within one mile of the limits afore¬ said, any such offal or other offensive substances as hereinbefore mentioned which shall produce any of¬ fensive, nauseous or unwholesome smell, or that shall in any way endanger the health of any portion of the inhabitants of said village, shall be deemed guilty of committing a nuisance, and, upon conviction, shall forfeit and pay not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars with cost of suit for each offense, to be collected in the manner provided for the collections of other fines and penalties in said village, and each day’s continuance of such nuisance shall be deemed a new offense, and the offender or offenders shall be proceeded against and fined as hereinbefore provided. Sec. 3. It shall not be lawful for any person or NUISANCE. 67 u* 0*0 i r.: ' i ‘do > •* • , persons, within the corporate limits of the village of Hilton, to propel with steam any traction or portable engine or locomotive upon the streets, alleys, avenues or lanes of said village or to permit or allow the same, while under their charge and direction, to stand upon any street, alley, avenue or lane so as to endanger passers by, nor to permit the escape of steam, or the % sounding of the steam whistles on said engines, nor to allow or permit said engines or steamers to stand up- *on the streets of said village, but the owner or owners or controllers thereof must run their engines or steam¬ ers into some enclosure or vacant lot, and not obstruct the streets, alleys, avenues or lanes with the same, and any person or persons who shall propel with steam any traction or portable engine or steamer on the streets, alleys, avenues or lanes of said village, or permit or allow the same to stand upon the said streets, alleys, avenues or lanes, or shall let the whis¬ tle sound while thereon shall be deemed guilty of committing a nuisance and, upon conviction, shall for¬ feit and pay not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense with costs of suit, to be collected in the manner provided for the collections of other fines and penalties in said village: Provided, that anything in section three (3) of this ordinance shall not be construed to prohibit the owner or own¬ ers of traction or portable engines or steamers from letting their engines or steamers stand on the streets or I 68 NUISANCE. alleys, next the side walk, to be repaired, so to stand ■Only long enough for repairs needed. Adopted August 18th, 1884. SEAL Nicholas Slaole, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. * BAWDY HOUSES. An Ordinance to Restrain, Suppress and Prohibit Bawdy Houses, Houses of Ill-Fame, and Houses of Assignation and Other Disorderly Houses in the Tillage ©1 Hilton. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Hilton. Section 1 . That it shall not be lawful for any per¬ son or persons to keep within, or within the territor¬ ial limits of the village of Hilton, any bawdy house, house of ill-fame, house of assignation or any other place, building or structure where indecent or lewd practices are done or performed, and each and every person so offending, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not more than one hundred dollars nor less than twenty dollars with costs of suit, and each and every person who stays at, or is harbored at any such house or place shall be presumed to be a keeper thereof, and liable to prosecution and the pen¬ alty in this section contained. Sec. 2. Each and every person who shall be an in mate of, or stay at, or be harbored at any such house or place as is mentioned in section one (1) of this or- 70 BAWDY HOUSES. dinance, upon conviction thereof, shall be lined in any sum of not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars with costs of suit. Sec. 3. Each and every person not an inmate of, nor staying or being harbored at, and not the keeper of any such house or place, as in the first section of this ordinance mentioned, who shall be found at any such house or place between the hours of six p. m. of any day and six o’clock a. m. of the succeeding day, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars with costs of suit. Sec. 4. Each person who shall frequent such house or place, as in the first section (1) of this ordi¬ nance mentioned, whether in the day or night time, oil conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dol¬ lars and costs of suit. Sec. 5. Whenever the village Marshal or Policeman of said village, or a bona fide resident of said village, shall complain, on oath, that any house, place or struc¬ ture within the jurisdictional limits of the village of Hilton, is kept as a bawdy house, house of ill-fame, or house of assignation or place where indecent or lewd practices are done or permitted, the Police Magistrate or Justice of the Peace shall issue a warrant, directed to the proper officer, commanding him to arrest forth¬ with, and cause to be brought before the officer issu¬ ing the writ, all persons found in such house or place at the time of executing the writ, and when, in obe¬ dience to said warrant, the officer executing the same BAWDY HOUSES. 71 shall bring such person t>r persons before the officer issuing the writ, said officer shall hear such legal evi¬ dence as may be offered, either on the part of the vil¬ lage or of any or all persons, and may for this purpose continue the cause for such reasonable time as may to him seem expedient, and, upon hearing the testimony, shall fine each and every one of the persons, according as the testimony shall prove him, her or them to be a keeper of, inmates of, frequenters of or persons found in such house or place, or discharge any or all of such prisoners as the testimony shall prove their guilt or innocence. Adopted August 18th, 1884. _A_. ■\ Nicholas Sl agile, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. VAGRANTS AND VAGABONDS. An Ordinance to Relation to Vagrants and Vagabonds. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Hilton. Section 1 . All persons found in the village of Hil¬ ton who, under section two hundred and seventy (270) of chapter thirty-eight (38) of Revised Statutes of Il¬ linois of 1873, as amended by the laws of Illinois of 1877, in force July 1st, 1877, would be deemed vaga¬ bonds; all idle and disolute persons who go about beg¬ ging, persons who use any juggling or unlawful games or plays, pilferers, common drunkards, common night walkers, lewd, wanton and lascivious persons in speech or behavior, common railers or brawlers, persons who habitually neglect their employment or calling, and who do not provide for themselves and families, and all other idle and disorderly persons, including there¬ in those persons who neglect all lawful business, and who habitually misspend their time by frequenting houses of ill-fame, gaming houses or tippling shops may be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs of suit. VAGRANTS AND VAGABONDS. 73 Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Sheriff, consta¬ ble, village Marshal and police officers of the village of Hilton, to arrest upon view, or at the request of any person who shall have first made a complaint and obtained a warrant from an officer authorized to issue the same, to arrest and bring before the officer issuing such warrant, any such vagabond, wherever he or she may be found for the purpose of an examination, and the officer making the arrest shall make complaint against such vagabond, and the Police Magistrate or Justice of the Peace shall within thirty-six (36) hours thereafter proceed to try the accused of being a vaga¬ bond; and if he or she plead guilty, or are found guil¬ ty, said Justice of the Peace or Police Justice may sentence said vagabond to imprisonment at hard labor upon the streets or highways of said village, or to the jail of said county, or to the calaboose of said village for a term of not less than ten days nor exceeding six months at the discretion of said Justice or Police Mag¬ istrate, or may sentence such vagabond to pay a fine of not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars with costs of suit, and in default of immediate payment of such fine and costs so imposed said vagabond shall be sentenced to the calaboose or county jail, or to labor on the streets or public high¬ ways of said village for a term of not less than ten days nor more than six months. In ail complaints under this act, the complainant shall set forth the name of the offending person or persons if he can ob¬ tain the same, the place and date of offense, and shall also set forth such facts as will, if substantiated by competent witnesses, establish the guilt of the prison- 74 VAGRANTS AND VAGABONDS. er, and tlie complaint shall be signed and sworn to by the complainant. In all cases under this act the Po¬ lice Magistrate or Justice of the Peace shall make a full record of the case, giving the date of the com¬ plaint and the offense, name of the defendant if known, and character of the charge, the names of the witnesses examined, his findings, and when he shall commit any vagabond to the jail or calaboose he shall make out a mittimus, and sign the same, directing the same in the name of the people of the state of Illinois to the Sheriff of the county or to the officer having charge of the county jail or calaboose, as the case may be, which mittimus must show the date of the charge, name of complainant, name of the defendent or de¬ fendants if known, the offense charged, names of all witnesses examined, date and place of trial, the find¬ ings of the court and the sentence imposed; and it shall command the Sheriff or other officer to whom it is directed to receive and keep the body of said de¬ fendant, as the mittimus may provide, until the expir¬ ation of the time specified in the sentence or until dis¬ charged by due process of law; which said mittimus shall be sufficient warrant to the Sheriff or other offi¬ cer therein named to hold the body of said defendant, as by the terms of sentence in such mittimus com¬ manded: Provided, that nothing herein shall be con¬ strued to prohibit the officer, in charge of such jail or calaboose, from compelling such prisoner to work at VAGRANTS AND VAGABONDS. 75 reasonable labor for the benefit of such county, town, city or village wherein said prisoner may have been convicted. Adopted August 18th, 1884. SEAL Nicholas Slagle, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. Auctioneers, Brokers, Peddlers, Theatres, Etc* An Ordinance in Relation to Granting Licenses to Auction¬ eers, Hawkers, Peddlers and Canvassing Agents, Theatres and Shows, Billiard and Pool Tables, and Other Devices for Profit. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Hilton. Section 1 . That any person or persons or venders of goods, wares or merchandise at public auction, ven¬ due or outcry within the corporate limits of the vil¬ lage of Hilton, shall first obtain a license from the village Board of Trustees: Provided, this section shall not apply to any citizen of said village closing out his or her stock of goods at auction. Sec. 2. The license provided for in section one (1) of this ordinance, may be granted for any period of time, less than one year, upon payment to the village Treasurer, if for one day, the sum of two dollars ($2) and at the same rate for any longer time, and said license shall contain a condition that the licensee will observe and obey all the ordinances of the village of Hilton now in force regulating the duties of auction- PEDDLERS. 77 eers: Provided, such license shall not be granted for a longer time than the unexpired fiscal year. Sec. 3. No person shall be allowed to sell property at auction in pursuance of any license granted by vir¬ tue of this ordinance unless the license is granted to the person selling. ’ Sec. 4. -That no person or persons, firm or corpora¬ tion shall sell or vend any goods, wares or merchan¬ dise, within the limits of the village of Hilton, at public auction without first having obtained a license for that purpose in the manner provided in this ordi¬ nance, and any person or persons, or corporation vio lating this section of this ordinance shall forfeit and pay to the village of Hilton, upon conviction thereof, not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars with costs of suit: Provided, that this section shall not apply to officers or others selling property by vir¬ tue of any legal process, or any citizen closing out his own stock of goods. Sec. 5. That hawkers, peddlers and canvassing agents, and all persons before they exhibit any theat¬ rical or other show performance, or amusement for profit or gain in the village of Hilton, shall be re¬ quired to obtain a license for that purpose from the Board of Trustees of the village of Hilton, or from the Clerk thereof, as hereinafter directed; if granted by the Board of Trustees it shall be signed by the President and attested by the Clerk and the seal of said village attached; if granted by the Clerk it shall be under his hand and the seal of the village, and 78 PEDDLEKS. when so granted, shall authorize the person or persons to whom granted to pursue any and all pursuits nam¬ ed therein, for the time named therein. Provided, that this section shall not apply to church fairs, festi¬ vals, or other institutions for church, Sabbath schools or school purposes, or for any literary entertainments. Sec. 6. That whenever any person or persons shall apply to the Clerk for a license for any of the pur¬ poses aforesaid, he may grant the same upon the fol¬ lowing terms, viz: If for the right to vend within the village any goods, wares or merchandise, the sum fixed in section two (2) of this ordinance; if to peddle trav¬ eling on foot two (2) dollars per day; if for a theatri¬ cal exhibition or other show performance or amuse¬ ment of any kind (except circuses and menageries) the sum of two (2) dollars for each exhibition or perform¬ ance; if for a circus or menagerie not less than the sum of (5) dollars for each exhibition; if for the pur¬ pose of selling goods from a wagon or other vehicle, the sum of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per day: Provided, said applicant shall deliver to the Clerk with his application the receipt of the village Treas¬ urer for the amount of money herein fixed for said li¬ cense, or the amount in cash, to the village Clerk, and shall tender to the Clerk his fees for issuing the same, as fixed by the ordinance of said village: Provided, this section shall not include fish peddlers, and pro¬ vided further, that any citizen of said village may ob¬ tain a license for any show or lecture on the following terms, viz: If for one exhibition or lecture, the sum of two (2) dollars; if for more than one exhibition or lec- PEDDLERS. 79 ture, at the rate of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) for each additional exhibition or lecture: Provided the village Clerk shall be entitled to charge his full fee for each license so issued, and provided further, that book and map peddlers or agents canvassing for the same may obtain a license for one day for the deliver¬ ing of their books and maps, and not be liable to any further charges. Sec. 7. That any person or persons or corporation desiring to vend goods, wares or merchandise for a pe¬ riod of time longer than one month, or desiring to es¬ tablish any permanent exhibition or place of amuse¬ ment, may apply to the Board of village Trustees for special terms of license for such purposes, and a li¬ cense may be granted by said Board of Trustees in accordance therewith by resolution or ordinance of said Board of village Trustees. Sec. 8. That if any person or persons, body, poli¬ tic or corporate shall peddle any goods, wares or merchandise, or canvass for or solicit subscriptions for any book, map or other thing, or shall keep and ex¬ hibit any theatrical or other exhibition, or public per¬ formance, or public exhibition for profit or gain, with¬ in the village of Hilton, without having obtained a license therefor in pursuance of this ordinance, such person or persons, body, politic or corporate shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay to the village of Morton, for each offense, a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars with costs of prose¬ cution. Sec. 9. It shall not be lawful for any person or 80 BILLIARDS. persons, within the limits of the village of Hilton, to exercise the trade or business of keeper of a billiard table or pool table, keeper of a nine or ten pin alley, shuffle board, keeper of a bagatelle table or can¬ vassing agent, within the meaning of this ordinance as hereinafter mentioned, without first having obtain¬ ed a license and have paid the tax thereon in the man¬ ner hereinafter described. Sec. .10. That before any license shall be granted for any of the purposes and objects specified in the foregoing section, the applicant or applicants shall pay annually in the village treasury, or at that rate for the unexpired term of the current fiscal year, the following sums per annum: For each billiard or pool table, the sum of fifty dollars per year; for each nine or ten pin alley, the sum of fifty dollars per year; for each shuffle board or bagatelle table, the sum of fifty dollars per year; for each shooting gallery, the sum of fifty dollars per year; to be paid semi-annually in ad¬ vance. Sec. 11. All applications for the purpose specified in section thirteen (13) of this ordinance shall be made to the Board of Trustees, who shall grant or re¬ ject the same at their discretion. Sec. 12 . That any person or persons desiring a li¬ cense for any of the purjjoses specified above, shall state in writing for what purpose or purposes they desire the same, and shall particularly describe the building and room to be used and where situated, and the Treasurer’s receipt for the amount of license BILLIARDS. 81 charged therefor shall accompany the application, and no such license shall authorize the person or persons holding the same to exercise said business or occupa¬ tion in any place other than that designated in said license, and such license shall not be assignable or transferable to any other person. Sec. 13. Before any license under this ordinance is granted to any keeper of a billiard or pool table, nine or ten pin alley, shuffle board or bagatelle table, or any shooting gallery, the applicant shall execute a bond in the penal sum of five hundred dollars ($500), payable to the village of Hilton, with approved se¬ curity, conditioned that he, she or they will keep a quiet and orderly house and close the same at the hour of eleven o’clock p. m. of each day, to remain so closed until the hour of four a. in.; that he, she or they will not permit or allow any gambling or games of chance to be carried on in his, her or their rooms or place of business, or in any adjoining premises under his, her or their control, nor keep or allow his, her or their place of business to be'open on the Sabbath day. Sec. 14. If any keeper of a billiard or pool table, nine or ten pm alley, shuffle board or bagatelle table, shall keep open his, her or their room or place of business later than the hour of eleven o’clock in the evening, or shall permit any person or persons to frequent the same on Sundays, or permit any minors or persons un¬ der the age of twenty-one years to frequent the same or to play upon any billiard table, pool table, shuffle board, bagatelle table, nine or ten pin alley, either in the day or night time, the offender or offenders shall, V 82 BILLIARDS. upon conviction, forfeit and pay to the village of Hil¬ ton not less than twenty-five ($25) dollars nor more than one hundred ($100) dollars for each offence with costs of suit. Sec. 15. If any person or persons shall violate any of the provisions of section nine (9) of this ordinance by exercising the business or avocation therein speci¬ fied without first being duly licensed to exercise the same, he, she or they shall forfeit and pay for each offense the sum of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars together with costs of suit. Sec. 16. That the keeper or keepers of all tables or devices by whatever name the same may be called, and all devices and schemes however construct¬ ed, used or kept by any person or persons, in said vil lage, for the purpose of the playing of games, for the gain or profit, direct or indirect, to such keeper shall be and are hereby declared to be subject to the same rules and regulations, penalties and forfeitures as are provided in this ordinance in relation to the keepers of billiard tables. Adopted August 18th, 1884. Nicholas Slaole, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. RAILROADS. An Ordinance in Relation to the Use and Other Management of Railroads and the Speed of Trains on the Same in the Tillage of Hilton. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Hilton. Section 1 . That it shall not be lawful for any rail¬ road company, or person or persons owning, using or operating any railroad, to obstruct travel or passage across any of the streets, alleys, avenues, lanes or sidewalks, in said village, by placing or leaving there¬ on any locomotive, railroad car or freight for a longer period than five minutes at one time: Provided, that nothing in this section shall be construed so as to pre¬ vent any person or corporation, operating a railroad in said village, from using its side tracks in making up its trains, for which purpose a longer time will be allowed if necessary to enable said person or corpora¬ tion to complete its business or make up its trains; but in no case shall any street crossing be occupied by any locomotive engine, coach or car or freight for more than fifteen minutes, nor shall any such engine, loco¬ motive, coach, car or freight remain upon any street, 84 RAILROADS. aveime, alley or lane more Ilian five minutes unless in motion. Sec. 2. It sliall not be lawful to run, drive or pro¬ pel any locomotive, engine, tender or railroad car, pro¬ pelled in whole or in part by steam or by any other means or agency, within the limits of said village, at* a greater rate of speed than six miles per hour (except passenger trains, which shall be allowed to run at the rate of ten miles per hour and no faster). Sec. 3. That all railroads, companies or persons now operating railroads or that may hereafter operate railroads within, or through the limits of the village of Hilton, crossing any street, alley, avenue or lane of said village, shall prepare,construct and maintain safe, commodious and convenient crossings across the rail¬ roads operated by them respectively, at the intersec¬ tion of said streets, alleys, avenues or lanes, and shall also make sufficient and proper conduits and gutters to carry off all water under the railroad tracks of such companies respectively, and shall keep the said cross¬ ings, conduits and gutters in good repair and renew the same when necessary. Sec. 4. That it shall be unlawful to blow or sound the whistle or permit the escape of steam from a rail¬ road locomotive, within the limits of the vilage of Hilton, except for the safety of said locomotive and for necessary signals. Sec. 5. That it shall not be lawful to run or cause to be run, any locomotive engine, in said village, RAILROADS. 85 without having placed on the top of the chimney thereof, a bonnet or spark catcher sufficient to prevent all accidents by fire from the sparks of such locomo¬ tive. Sec. 6. The bell of such locomotive engine shall be rungat all times when such locomotive engine is in motion within the limits of said village. Sec. 7. Any railroad company, or any agent, ser¬ vant or employe of any railroad company, who shall violate any of the pro - visions of the foregoing sections of this ordinance by doing any of the acts therein de¬ clared to be unlawful, or omitting, from any cause, to perform any act therein required, shall, upon convic¬ tion thereof, forfeit and pay not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense, with costs of suit. Adopted August 18th, 1884. Nicholas Slagle, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONES. An Ordinance in Regard to Telegraphs and Telephones and Regulating the Same. Be it ordained by the 'President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Hilton. Section 1 . That all persons or corporations desiring to erect and operate any telegraph and telephone lines, or either of the same within the limits of the village of Hilton, shall make application in writing to the President or the Board of Trustees (if the Board be in session), stating upon and over what street or streets, alley or alleys such line is desired to be constructed, which application, if made to the Pres¬ ident, shall be by him presented to the Board at its next meeting. Sec. 2. The village Board of Trustees shall consid¬ er the petition or application and act upon the same, and may grant or refuse the same as may seem best for the interest of said village, or may designate some change of route. Sec. 3. All telegraph or telephone poles hereafter TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONES. 87 erected within the limits of said village shall he erect¬ ed or placed by direction of the street committee of said village, under the supervision of the Superin¬ tendent of streets and alleys, and the person or cor¬ poration erecting the same shall pay to said Superin¬ tendent of streets and alleys the sum of two ($2) dol¬ lars per day for his services, and pay to the village the sum of one dollar for each pole erected within the limits of said village, to be paid to the village Treas¬ urer before any of said poles are erected: Provided, nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prevent persons from erecting telephone lines from their residences to their places of business, or from one family to another without paying the village or Super¬ intendent the amounts above stated. Adopted August 18th, 1884. j SEAL V Y Nicholas Slagle, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. FIRE DEPARTMENT. An Ordinance to Establish and Regulate the Fire Depart¬ ment ot the Tillage of Hilton. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Hilton. * Section 1 . That there shall be a fire department in the village of Hilton which shall consist of a Chief Engineer, Assistant Engineer, and such lire engine men, hose men, hook and ladder men, ax and saw men, as shall compose the company or companies organized for the charge of and working of their respective ap¬ paratus. Sec. 2. That the Chief Engineer and Assistant Engineer of the said lire department shall be elected annually by the Board of village Trustees: Provided the lire company or companies composing said depart¬ ment, may nominate said Chief and Assistant Engi¬ neers, subject to the approval of the Board of Trus¬ tees; said Chief Engineer and Assistant Engineer shall be subject to removal from office by the said Board of Trustees for neglect of duty or incompetency. The first election for such officers shall be held at FIRE DEPARTMENT. 89 such time as the Board of Trustees may, by ordinance or resolution, direct, and annually thereafter on the first Wednesday in May and shall be by ballot, and in case of a vacancy in either of said offices from any cause, the Board of Trustees shall fill the same by ballot. Sec. 3. In case of fire within the village limits, the village Engineer shall have sole control and com¬ mand over all members of the fire department, and in all other operations necessary in extinguishing fires or in preventing the spread thereof, except that no build¬ ing shall be torn down, destroyed or blown up at a fire unless by authority of the President of the village, or, in his absence, of the fire and water committee of the village, and the Chief Engineer is empowered in case of fire, to command the aid of all able-bodied cit¬ izens to extinguish or prevent the spread of the same, and any citizen so liable who, upon being so command¬ ed, shall refuse to render such aid shall, upon convic¬ tion thereof, be fined not less than one dollar nor more than one hundred dollars with costs of suit. It shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer to report to the village Board of Trustees semi-annually at their regu¬ lar meeting in May and November of each year the condition of the apparatus of the company or com¬ panies composing such fire department, and also of the building in which the same are kept, and he may rec¬ ommend such alterations and improvements in said apparatus or buildings, as he may from time to time deem expedient, and also to see that said company or companies keep their apparatus in order for instant use, and in case of failure of the company or compan¬ ies so to do the Chief Engineer shall cause the same 90 FIRE DEPARTMENT. to be done and report the same in his semi-annual re¬ port. Sec. 4. The Assistant Engineer shall assist the Chief Engineer, and obey his orders for the extin¬ guishment and prevention of the spread of fires, and, in the absence of the Chief Engineer, the Assistant is hereby clothed with all of his powers and authority and shall discharge all his duties. Sec. 5. The members of the fire department shall form into a company or companies, the name or names of such company to be designated by the company, except that no two companies shall be named alike; and each company shall have the sole charge of the engine or apparatus and all things pertaining thereto committed to its care and custody, subordinate, however, to the Chief and Assistant Engineers, and be responsible, for the proper care and safe keeping of the same, and each company shall consist of so many members as may be necessary for the control of the engine or ap¬ paratus and the discharge of its duties, and the officers shall be distinguished by some conspicuous sign or badge, and the members, whenever called out for re¬ view, parade or duty, shall be clothed in some distin¬ guishing uniform or dress, with the full name or initial letters of the company upon the frontispiece of the hat or cap or belt, and no engine or fire apparatus shall be given to any company until they have organ¬ ized in accordance with the provisions of this ordi¬ nance. Each company shall, by its officers, have the sole and absolute control of its own engine or other fire apparatus, except as they may be subordinated to FIRE DEPARTMENT. 91 the Chief and Assistant Engineers and except as the village Board of Trustees may by ordinance provide, and in case of fire each company shall be controlled by its own officers, and they are hereby empowered and authorized to keep away from their engines and other apparatus all persons intermeddling or interfer¬ ing in any manner with the same, or with the company; and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to drive or run any vehicle of any kind soever over the hose of any engine when in use or displayed on review, or to interfere in any way with the fire company, or the engine or apparatus when going or returning from a fire; and any person or persons guilty of a violation of this section of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars for each offense, with costs of suit. Sec. 6. Upon an alarm of fire it shall be the duty of the different companies organized under the pro¬ visions of this ordinunce to immediately repair to the scene of the fire with their engine or apparatus, and there act in implicit obedience to the orders of the Chief Engineer and Assistant Engineer, and in case of the * absence of both of the aforesaid officers, then in obedience to the foreman or first or second assistant foreman of the company on the ground, and no com¬ pany shall remove from the place where they are sta¬ tioned without the express order of the acting Chief, nor shall any company refuse to obey his orders, and in case of wilful refusal to obey the orders of the Chief or acting Chief Engineer, the Board of the vil¬ lage Trustees may take from the company failing in 92 FIRE DEPARTMENT. their duty the engine or the fire apparatus and all other property belonging to the village; and if the Chief Engineer shall in his semi-annual report, or at any other time, state that any company has so failed to obey his orders, or neglect to keep in good repair and ready for instant use, the fire engine and appara¬ tus entrusted to it, or that the company has not suffi¬ cient members for the proper and efficient working of the same, the Board of village Trustees shall take from such company the engine and apparatus entrust¬ ed to it. Sec. 7. The Chief Engineer shall include in his semi-annual report the number and names of all mem¬ bers in each company, and whether such number is ■«% sufficient for the purposes for which said company was organized, as also the names of the officers of each company; and each company is hereby required to al¬ low the Chief Engineer, or in case of his absence the Assistant Engineer, free access to their books, records, buildings, for the purpose of inspection and making of his report. 9 Sec. 8. The Chief Engineer shall cause at least two public parades or reviews of the fire department in each year at such times as may be agreed upon be¬ tween him and the officers of said companies, when the same may be inspected by the President and Board of Trustees: Provided said Chief Engineer shall notify the President and Board of Trustees at a regular meet¬ ing of said Board when such review or parade will take place; and it is hereby made the duty of each company to turn out in full uniform, with their differ- FIRE DEPARTMENT. 93 ent engines and apparatus, upon such parade or re¬ view, and a neglect so to do shall be treated in the same manner as provided in case of wilful neglect or disobedience of orders in case of fire. The Chief En¬ gineer is hereby empowered and authorized to inspect all buildings and flues, and report any and all defects discovered in the same to the President of the village, who shall take such action in the premises as may be necessary to insure the safety of the village. Sec. 9. All active members of said fire company or companies in good standing in their said company shall be exempt from poll tax in said village of Hil¬ ton. Adopted August 18th, 1884. v Nicholas Slagle, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. ENFORCEMENT OF ORDINANCES. An Ordinance in Relation to tlie Institution and Prosecu¬ tion ot Suits for the Violation of Village Ordinances. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trus¬ tees of tlie Village of Hilton. Section 1 . Actions for the violation of any ordi¬ nance of the village of Hilton may be prosecuted be¬ fore tlie Police Magistrate of said village, or before any Justice of the Peace having his office in said vil¬ lage. Sec. 2. Such action may be instituted by any offi cer of said village, or by any individual making com¬ plaint in writing, which complaint, when made by an officer or other person, shall be signed and sworn to by the person making the same. The complainant shall specify the ordinance violated, the particular ENFORCEMENT OF ORDINANCES. 95 wherein the same is alleged to have been violated, and may be substantially in the following form: STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) TAZEWELL COUNTY, ^ SS. Village of Hilton. J I, (the name of the officer or person making the complaint) by way of complaint to (name the Police Magistrate or Justice of the Peace) state that (name of person or persons charged) has (or have) been guilty of a breach of an ordinance of the village of Hilton, entitled, an ordinance in relation to (title of ordinance) by (set out the particular breach) in said village of Hilton in the county aioresaid, on the .... day of ., or between the .... day of.A. D. 18. ., and the .... day of., A. D. 18. . Village of Hilton, this .... day of., A. D. 18.. Signed,. Jurat. And no objection shall be taken to the form of words, if such complaint shall substantially set forth forth the nature of the offense committed. Sec. 3. If such complaint is made by an officer, and is not sworn to, the Magistrate or Justice of the Peace shall issue a summons in the ordinarv form of summons issued by Justices of the Peace in civil ac¬ tions, except that such summons shall state by its title, the ordinance alleged to have been violated and the particular breach thereof; which summons shall be served, and trial and subsequent proceedings had as in other civil cases before Justices of the Peace. 96 ENFORCEMENT OF ORDINANCES. Sec. 4. When the complaint is verified by affidavit the Magistrate or Justice shall, unless an incorporate company is complained of, issued a warrant for the ar¬ rest forthwith of the person or persons charged, which warrant shall state or recite briefly the allegations of the complaint, and shall be directed for execution to the Sheriff or any constable of Tazewell county, or the Marshal or any Policeman of said village. The officer receiving such warrant shall immediately arrest the person or persons against whom the warrant is issued, and bring such person or persons before the Magis¬ trate or Justice issuing the same for trial, unless such arrest shall be made in the night time or on Sunday, in which case the officer shall, if necessary, detain such person or persons in custody until he, she or they can be brought before such Magistrate or Justice. Sec. 5. Upon the person or persons so arrested be¬ ing produced before him, the Magistrate or Justice shall proceed with the examination or trial without unnecessary delay, and shall immediately upon con¬ viction enter judgment in favor of the village of Hil¬ ton for the amount of the fine or penalty and costs of prosecution, and order such person or persons to be committed to the village calaboose or county jail un¬ til such fine and costs are paid: Provided, such im¬ prisonment shall in no case exceed six (6) months; a copy of which order shall be delivered to the keeper of such village calaboose or county jail, and every prisoner so committed to the village calaboose shall, under the direction of the village Marshal or Superin¬ tendent of streets, sidewalks and alleys of said village, ENFORCEMENT OF ORDINANCES. 97 work at such labor on the streets, alleys and sidewalks as his or her strength will permit, not to exceed ten (10) hours each working day, and for such work the person or persons so worked shall be allowed the sum of one dollar and his or her board for each day work- ed on account of such fine and costs. Sec. 6, Officers in the execution of process coming into their hands, in suits wherein the village of Hil¬ ton is plaintiff, shall, unless otherwise directed by or¬ dinance, proceed according to the statutes of the state of Illinois; and Police Magistrates and Justices of the Peace, unless otherwise directed by ordinance, shall, in cases before them- wherein the village of Hilton is plaintiff, proceed as, by the statutes of the state of Xi- linois, is required of Justices of the Peace in other cases. Sec. 7. For actions brought against an incorporate company for the violation of any ordinance of the vil¬ lage of Hilton, the Police Magistrate or Justice of the Peace, upon complaint being made, shall issue a sum¬ mons and subsequent proceedings shall be had as is provided in section three (3) of this ordinance. Sec. 8. Whenever, upon any execution in favor of the village of Hilton, upon judgment rendered for the violation of any ordinance of the village, the officer in whose hands the same shall be, shall make collection of any money, he shall pay the same over to the Mag¬ istrate or Justice, or his successor, by whom the same was issued, and shall pay to such officer the costs ac¬ cruing upon such execution after its delivery; and 98 ENFORCEMENT OF ORDINANCES. second, shall retain his own costs; third, the costs of any Sheriff or constable of Tazewell connty; fourth, the fees of the witnesses in the case; fifth, the penalty or fine and the interest thereon, and lastly the costs of the village officers in the order in which they accrued; the costs to be paid to the parties entitled thereto, and the penalty or fine to the village Treasurer; he shall also submit to the said Treasurer a written statement showing the cause, the amount of fine or penalty, and the village Treasurer shall give him duplicate receipt stating the same. Sec. 9. Police Magistrates and Justices of the Peace in exercising the jurisdiction conferred upon them by the statutes of the state of Illinois, in dhses wherein the village of Hilton is plaintiff, and Sher¬ iffs, constables, Marshal or Policeman executing pro¬ cess in behalf of the village shall be entitled to the same fees as are allowed to such officers by the statutes of this state, to be taxed as costs of suit. Adopted August 18th, 1884. Nicholas Slagle, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. An Ordinance in Relation to Taxes. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Hilton. Section 1 . That all property, whether real, person¬ al or mixed, within the corporate limits of the village of Hilton, which may be subject to taxation for state and county purposes by the laws of Illinois, shall be liable to taxation for the use of said village of Hil¬ ton as provided by revised statutes of the state of Illi¬ nois. Adopted August 18th, 1884. Nicholas Slagle, President. Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk. A RESOLUTION. Kesolved, That the President and the Clerk be and are hereby authorized and directed to have the ordi¬ nances of said village of Hilton, as adopted by the village Trustees, printed in pamphlet form under the title of “Ordinances of the Village of Hilton,” for the use of said village, not to exceed one hundred copies. STATE OF ILLINOIS,] Tazewell County, vss. Village of Hilton. \ Office of Village Clerk. I, Thomas J. Floyd, Clerk of the village of Hilton, do hereby certify that the foregoing, as corrected in the table of errata, are true, correct and authentic copies of the revised ordinances of the village of Hilton, and that all of said ordinances were duly passed by the President and Trustees of said village of Hilton, and that they were all duly published as required by the act of the Legislature of said state. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and af¬ fix the seal of said village of Hilton this 18th day of August, 1884. Thomas J. Floyd, [seal] Village Clerk. ERRATA. i i ■ . • • On page xiv, Rule xvi, sixth line, should read “board on any question,” instead of “board or any question,” as printed. On page 22, third line, should read “part of the costs,” instead of “part or the costs,” as printed. On page 25, Sec. 1, eighth line, should read “fer¬ mented liquors,” instead of “femented liquors,”, as printed. On page 63, Sec. 14, third line, should read “discre¬ tion of the Board,” instead of “direction of the Board,” as printed. On page 65, Sec. 1, ninth line, should read “to en¬ gage in any,” instead of “to any,” as printed. On page 95, Sec. 2, last line, first word should be omitted. N INDEX. x Page. Actions under ordinances—how brought 94 Where brought .... 94 Air guns—penalty for discharging - 37 Alleys, avenues and streets—powers of Trustees, R. S. 1881 - - - 218 Lay out, establish, vacate, R. S. 1881 218 Regulate, clean, light, prevent and re¬ move obstructions, R. S. 1881 - 219 Prevent injury to, R. S. 1881 - - 219 Name, and change name of, R. S. 1881 219 Require railroads to conform to grade of, R. S. 1881 - - - - 219 Obstructions thereof, punishment for - 40 Amusements, etc.—on Sunday prohibited 34 Animals—cruelty to, prohibited, punish¬ ed . 42 Not to run at large - - - - 51 Penalties for running at large - - 51 Indecent exposure of, punished - 40 104 INDEX. Page. Sec. Animals—must be hitched - - - 39 15 Must not be ridden or driven over side¬ walks ----- 39 15 Appropriations—for village expenses, R. S. 1881 . - - - 224 89 Arrests, who authorized to make - 46 Authority for commitment—ordinance - 96 Assault and battery, fighting and quarrel¬ ing—how punished - - - 33 Asleep or drunk on streets—penalty for 35 Ashes—on streets and sidewalks - - 40 Assembly of people—penalty for disturb¬ ing 35 Assessment and collection of taxes, R. S. 1881 - - - - 228 31 5 1 5 17 7 111 Assignation houses —power to suppress, R. S. 1881 - - - 218HU.. 62 Penalty for keeping or being found at 70 3 Auctioneers—power to regulate and R. S. 1881 - tax, 220 62 Awnings—how constructed - 41 18 Attorney, village—duties of - 11 1 To prosecute suits - 11 1 Badges—firemen shall wear - 90 5 To be worn by Marshal, Policemen, etc 17 6 Bagatelle table—ordinance licensing, and penalty for operating without license 79 9 INDEX. 105 Page. Sec. alty for operating without license * 79 9 Ball playing—on streets, frightening ani* mals, etc.. 45 26 Bathing—prohibited in public places 35 8 Bawdy houses—power to suppress, R. S. 1881. 218 62 Penalty for keeping of - 69 1 Inmate of. 69 2 Bells, horns, etc.—ringing and blowing prohibited ..... 33 1 On railroad cars must be rung 85 6 Billiard tables—power to license and re- strain, R. S. 1881 218 62 Ordinance licensing and regulating 79 9 Minors must not play 81 14 Birds—killing of, and destroying eggs and nests of, forbidden 44 25 Penalty for 44 25 Bonds—of village officers 1 1 to 6 Must be given for liquor license - 28 8 Must be approved by village Trustees 28 8 Must be given by billiard table keepers 81 13 Boundaries of village iv Building material—how to be placed on • streets .... 41 18 Penalty for violation of ordinance 41 18 106 INDEX. Page. Sec. Careless driving—penalty for 39 15 Cars, railroad—speed of, regulated - 84 2 Where they must stand 83 1 Penalty for violation .... 85 7 Constructions • • Vll Creating certain offices 6 Cattle and hogs—ordinance regulating the running at large of 52 1 Calaboose— power to erect, R. S. 1881 - 219 62 Persons may be committed to, on con- viction 96 5 Cemeteries—power to prohibit or estab- lish, R. S. 1881 .... 220 62 Claims against village—time of filing, how paid - 8 1 & 2 Commitment of offenders—ordinance in regard to. 96' 5 Committees of village Board - xii Ruleix Complaints—how and before whom made, form of 94 1 & 2 Concerts, shows, etc.—license ordinance 77 5 Concealed weapons—penalty for carrying 45 28 Confidence men, vagrants and vagabonds 72 1 2 Constables and Sheriffs—may serve pro¬ cess 96 4 INDEX. Courts—Justice of the Peace and Police Magistrate Crossings—teams not to stop on Defendants—committed when drunk May work out fine on streets Destroying village property—penalty for Diseases, contagious—regulated Ordinance in relation to Disorderly conduct—how punished Disorderly houses—who deemed keepers of .... Penalty for keeping of - On Sunday . Assembly of persons .... Religious congregation | m * * Dogs—ordinance regulating the running at large of - - - Encouraging the fighting of, how pun¬ ished .... O - V . • , • > v . 1' : Penalty for causing disturbance of the peace by Must be registered and licensed Dram shops—ordinance in relation to Penalty for keeping without license Page. 107 Sec. 94 1 39 15 35 5 96 5 38 14 62 11 62 11 33 1 69 1 69 1 45 28 i 44 24 34 4 35 7 35 6 56 11 34 3 34 3 56 11 25 1 to 13 25 1 108 INDEX. Page. Sec. Driving and riding over sidewalks—pen- alty for - 39 15 Obstructing streets and crossings, pen- alty for .... 39 15 Druggists—permits to sell liquors 31 13 Drunkenness—how punished 35 5 Elections—when and how held, E. S. 1881 - 240 190 Place of holding election, E. S. 1881 240 190 Special election, notice of, E. S. 1881 240 190 Enforcement of ordinances 94 1 Executions—to whom issued, against cor porations - 96 4 How and by whom returned - 97 8 False alarms—penalty for creating 33 1 Fast and careless driving—penalty for 39 15 Fighting and assaulting—how punished 33 1 Fees of officers—fixed by ordinance 19 Of President. 19 2 Of Treasurer. 19 3 Of Village Clerk .... 20 4 Of Attorneys ..... 21 5 Of Marshal. 21 6 Of Superintendent of streets 22 7 Of Policemen. 22 8 Of Trustees. 23 9 Of Police Magistrates and Justices of the Peace. 23 10 INDEX. Finance of village—power to levy and collect, R. S. 1881 Fines—be worked out on streets, or party committed to jail Duty of Magistrate in regard to Fire department—ordinance in regard to Chief Engineer - * - Chief Engineer to cause public parades Chief and Assistants Who shall nominate and who appoint Active members exempt from poll tax Who shall have control at lire Penalty for refusing to aid at fires Chief to report to Trustees semi-annu¬ ally .... What his ropert shall contain Duties of Assistant Engineer - Who shall have charge of engine and apparatus - How officers shall be distinguished - Penalty for interferring with fire com¬ pany .... Members must obey commanding officer Fiscal year—when to commence Expiration of licenses Funds—must be kept in treasury, each appropriation separately, R. S. 1881 Pace. 109 Secl 216 62 96 96 5 5 88 88 1 92 8 88 2 88 2 93 9 89 3 89 3 89 3 92 7 90 4 90 5 90 5 90 5 91 6 - 5 1 5 2 225 96 110 INDEX. Gambling—ordinance prohibiting Penalty. Guns—penalty for discharging in village Handbills—pasting on houses, etc., pro¬ hibited Indecent, gross, etc. Hawkers—licensed and regulated Health—ordinance in relation to Hitching animals—to what prohibited Hoops—trundling of, prohibited Horses—prohibited from running at large Indecent exhibition of, prohibited - Violent riding of, penalty for Houses of ill fame—prohibited Penalty for keeping - Penalty for being found at Ill fame—houses of, prohibited Penalty for keeping Penalty for being found at - Incumbering streets, alleys and sidewalks Indecent exposure of person—how pun¬ ished .... Killing birds—penalty for Kites—flying in streets prohibited Knuckles—penalty for carrying Page. Sec. 36 10 36 10 37 12 43 22 43 22 77 5 58 38 13 45 26 52 1 40 16 39 15 69 1 69 1 70 3 69 1 69 1 70 3 41 - 18 36 9 44 25 45 26 45 28 INDEX. 9 ■% ill Page. Labor on streets—by defendants in execu¬ tion, etc. - - - 96 By poll tax ... 49 Lamps and lamp post—penalty for injury 42 Lewd conduct—how punished - - 36 Sale of lewd books prohibited - - 36 License—how gaanted, application - 28 Ordinance in regard to liquor - - 25 1 Not transferable - 30 I 11 regard to billiard and bagatelle ta¬ bles, etc. - - - 79 Hawkers, peddlers and auctioneers - 79 What applicant must do to obtain - 80 Not transferable - - - 80 Must not permit gambling, etc. - 26 Must not keep open on Sundays or elec¬ tion days.25 President and Clerk must sign liquor li¬ cense .28 Must be paid to Treasurer - - 28 Liquors—sale of, regulated by ordinance 25 1 Without license, prohibited - - 25 Must not be sold or given away to mi¬ nors or drunkards - - - 27 Penalties for violation of - - - 27 Locomotives—ordinance regulating speed of - - • 84 Sec. 5 1 20 9 * 9 8 to 13 5 9 9 12 12 4 2 8 8 to 13 1 7 7 2 112 INDEX. Page. Sec. Locomotives—blowing whistles, prohibited 84 4 Must be provided with spark catchers 84 5 Lottery tickets—sale of prohibited 37 11 Misdemeaners, nuisances and police regu* i lations—ordinance in relation to 33 1 to 33 Loud and unusual noises, etc - 33 1 Pemitting same. 34 2 Encouraging dog fights 34 3 Being drunk. 34 4 Disturbing religious meetings 34 4 Disturbing congregation - 35 5 Disturbing lawful assembly 35 6 Exposing person bathing 35 7 Indecent exposure or lewd behavior 36 8 Gambling 36 9 Sleight of hand tricks 37 10 Penalty for * - 37 10 Discharging fire arms 37 11 Hitching horses to shade trees 38 12 Penalty for. 38 12 Destroying city property * 38 13 Misdemeanors, etc.—penalty for 39 14 Indecent exhibition of animals 40 15 Placing rubbish, etc., in streets 40 16 Penalty for ..... 40 16 Erecting buildings, etc., in streets 41 17 Leaving cellar doors, etc., open 42 18 Pulling down lamp posts, etc 42 19 INDEX. Misdemeanors, etc.—to cruelly beat ani¬ mals .... Posting show bills on fences, etc. - Post or painting obscene language on fences, etc. Congregating in front of churches, etc Killing birds or robbing their nests In relation to flying kites, trundling . hoops, etc. In relation to keeping animals shut up so as to disturb the j>eace In relation to carrying concealed weap¬ ons ..... In relation to resisting officers - In relation to duties of officers, in breach of peace Marshal authorized to arrest - May call citizens to aid him Officer may arrest loiterers Penalty for loitering - Municipal year and expiration of licences Marshal and police Nine-pin alley may be licensed Nuisances—what declared to be - Buildings in streets declared to be How punished. Oaths—all village officers must take, R. S. 1881 .... 113 Page. Sec. 42 20 43 21 43 22 44 23 44 24 45 25 45 26 45 27 46 28 46 29 46 30 46 30 47 31 47 32 5 1 & 2 16 1 to 6 80 10 65 1 41 17 41 17 222 75 114 INDEX. Page. Sec. Oaths—may be administered by village Clerk, R. S. 1881 224 87 Obscene language—writing and paint- ing, punished 43 23 Obstructing doors, streets and sidewalks 44 24 Officers—their election and appointment, R. S. 1881. 240 190 How appointed, R. S. 1881 240 188 How removed, R. S. 1881 212 20 Penalty for resisting officer 46 29 Penalty for refusing to aid - 46 31 Official bonds of officers 1 1 to 6 Ordinance—x)ower to make, R. S. 1881 - 220 62 How passed, R. S. 1881 - 221 65 Style of, fixed, R. S. 1881 - 240 187 Appropriating money, etc., R. S. 1881 224 89 In relation to animals running at large 52 In relation to x>eddlers, auctioneers, etc. 76 In relation to bawdy houses 69 In relation to billiard and bagatelle ta- bles .... 79 9 to 16 In relation to bonds of officers - 1 1 to 10 In relation to village officers and their duties 11 1 In relation to claims .... 8 In relation to duties of officers - 11 In relation to creating certain offices 6 In relation to enforcement of ordinances 94 INDEX. 115 Page. Ordinance—in relation to fixing time and place of meeting 3 In relation to fixing the commencement of municipal year 5 In relation to seal - - - - - 10 In relation to granting licenses, liquor 25 In relation to health - - 58 In relation to keeping dram shop - 25 In relation to keeping billiard and bag¬ atelle tables - - *79 In relation to poll tax - - 49 In relation to misdemeanors, nuisance, etc. -.33 In relation to nuisances - - - 65 Fixing the fees of village officers - - 19 Fixing the fees of President - - 19 Fixing the fees of village Treasurer 19 Fixing the fees of village Clerk - 20 Fixing the fees of Attorney - - 21 Fixing the fees of village Marshal - 21 Fixing the fees of Supintendent of streets - - - 22 Fixing the fees of Policemen - - 22 Fixing the fees of Trustees - 23 Fixing the fees of Police Magistrate and Justice of the Peace - - 23 Assessing a poll tax 49 Penalty for violating - - - - 50 Sec. 1 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 3 116 INDEX. Page Ordinance—In relation to theatres, shows, etc. -.77 In relation to vagrants and vagabonds 72 In relation to telegraphs and telephones 86 In relation to taxes - - * * 99 In relation to enforcement of ordinances 94 In relation to railroads - • 83 In relation to official duties of village officers.11 Organization under general law * - iv President—elected how and when, R. S. 1881 239 Duties. 11 Power to appoint certain officers, R. S. 1881 - . - - 240 Power to fill vacancies, R. S. 1881 240 Must sign warrants, etc. * - 15 Power over police, R. S. 1881 * -219 Peace—Disturbance of, how punished 33 Justice of, may act in all violations of ordinances, R. S. 1881 - - 671 Permits to druggists to sell liquors - 31 Police department—power to create, R. S. 1881.219 Policemen, powers and duties of - 16 Powers of village Board, R. S. 1881 - 216 117 INDEX. Pag*.* Seoc Premises where liquors are sold—officers may enter - * - . - Privies, etc.—must be kept clean Pound—ordinance in relation to Animals running at large to be im¬ pounded - e Prosecution under ordinances—when com- menced .... Penalties—when and how sued for To be paid to Treasurer Village Attorney to prosecute for Duties of Marshal and Police in regard to violations .... Defendant may be compelled to work out on streets Defendants committed until paid Judgment for, form of ... For obstructing officer in his duties For obstructing streets, alleys and side¬ walks . For neglecting to remove dead animals from village For selling unsound provisions For slaughtering within village For maintaining a nuisance in village For obstructing or injuring public grounds, trees, fences, etc. For erecting and continuing an offen¬ sive trade, manufactory, etc. - 30 10 61 52 8 52 1 94 1 94 9 97 8 11 1 16 3 96 5 96 5 96 5 46 29 41 18 58 2 59 3 59 4 65 1 42 20 58 1 118 LNDEX. Penalty—For polluting water course, spring, etc. - For keeping cellars, etc., filthy For spreading contagious diseases For keeping cattle or hog pens filthy, or allowing offensive substances to collect in or around them For allowing offensive substances to re¬ main about slaughtering houses, etc For selling good at auction without li¬ cense - - - » For selling liquors without license For hawking or peddling without license For exhibiting shows without license For keeping billiard rooms without license. For keeping billiard room open after 11 o’clock p. m., or on Sunday - For permitting minors to frequent sa¬ loons - For permitting minors to frequent bil¬ liard halls ..... For selling or giving away intoxicating liquors without a license - For selling or giving away intoxicating liquors to minors .... For keeping dram shops open on Sun¬ day or any election day For keeping dram shop open after 11 p. m., or before 4 a. m. Page. Sec. 60 6 61 7 63 14 65 1 65 1 77 4 25 1 3 79 8 79 8 82 15 82 15 26 5 81 14 25 1 27 7 25 2 26 3 ITOBX. 119 Pag*. 8 k c. Penalty—For permitting gambling and disorderly conduct in dram shop 26 4 For violating sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 27 6 For allowing minors to frequent and play games - - ' 26 5 For refusing to allow officer to enter 30 10 For selling to minor without order of parents, etc. .... 27 7 For allowing animals running at large contrary to ordinance 52 1 For keeping bawdy houses, etc. 69 1 For being found at 70 3 For being vagrants or vagabonds 72 1 For being drunk and disorderly - 34 4 For disturbing peace of neighborhood 33 1 For disturbing assemblage of people 35 fi For quarreling, fighting, etc., 33 1 For urging dog fights 34 3 For being drunk on streets, etc. - 34 4 For exposing person in bathing 35 7 For indecent exposure of person - 36 8 For indecent dressing 36 8 For lewd acts of behavior 36 8 For exposing for sale lewd books, prints or pictures. 36 8 120 INDEX. Page. Penalty—for discharging guns or fire arms in street - - - - 37 For making or kindling fires in streets 37 For hitching horses, etc., to shade or ornamental trees or fences - 38 For cutting or inj uring shade or orna¬ mental trees or fences - 42 For breaking or destroying village property - - - 38 For leaving horses, etc., unfastened 39 For violent or careless driving - 39 For placing or suffering to remain on the street, sidewalk, etc., any lum¬ ber, coal, wood, ashes, manure, filth, etc. - - - 41 For building or suffering to remain on streets, etc., houses, sheds, cellars, etc. - - - 41 For digging or plowing in streets - 40 For leaving open cellar door, pit, vault, etc. - - • - 40 For congregating about stairways, churches, doors, etc. - - 44 For killing birds and robbing their nests 44 For frightening horses by amusements 45 For disturbing the peace of families by keeping animals shut up - - 45 For loitering about the streets after 10 o’clock.47 Sec. 11 11 12 19 13 14 14 17 17 16 16 23 24 25 26 32 INDEX. 121 Page. Sec. Penalty—for letting railroad cars stand so as to obstruct streets 83 1 For running cars faster than allowed by ordinance - 84 2 Poll tax—ordinance in regard to 49 Every male inhabitant liable to * 49 1 May commute ..... 49 1 Penalty for violating .... 50 3 Railroads—speed of trains regulated - 84 2 Religious worship—penalty for disturbing 35 6 Reports of committees—see rules • • XU Rule x Resisting and interferring with officers 46 29 Riding and driving over sidewalks—pen- alty for ..... 35 15 Riots and disorderly assemblages—how punished. 33 1 Rubbish placed in street—penalty for 40 17 Rules for government of village Board X Salaries of officers—how paid 23 11 Seal—ordinance in relation to 10 Showmen may be licensed 76 2 Sidewalks—must not be obstructed 40 17 Slaughtering—prohibited in the village 65 1 Sleight of hand tricks .... 37 11 Slug shots, etc.—carry, punished 45 28 Speed of locomotives—regulated 84 2 122 IIVDEX. Page. Sec. Spirituous liquors—ordinance in relation to 25 Superintendent of streets, etc.—liis du- ties, etc. * - 18 Suits—how brought .... 94 2 Summons—may issue against corporation 97 7 Sundays and election days—dram shops must be closed .... 25 9 Swine running at large—penalty for 52 1 Special meetings—how called 3 1 Taxes for corporate purposes—Trustees may levy and collect, R. S. 1881 228 111 Ten pin alley may be licensed 80 12 Theatres and shows may be licensed 80 12 Time and place of holding Board meeting 3 1 Trees—penalty for hitching to 38 12 Penalty for breaking or injuring 38 12 Trustees—list of - • • • in General provisions in regard to, R. S. 1881 - 216 62 Number of, terms of office, R. S. 1881 239 185 Qualifications of, R. S, 1881 239 184 Vacancy in office of, R. S. 1881 - 240 188 How elected, and when, R. S. 1881 239 185 At first election classified, R. S. 1881 239 185 Compensation of - 19 1 to 11 Ill; l;/.fi INDEX. 1 MV 1 VIIJSI 123 I. (; / I;/ • Pagi Sec. Trustees — Conservators of the peace. R. S. 1881 .... 224 83 Rules for governing X Majority a quorum - X Rule ii * Shall keep a journal 12 1 Special meeting of, how called xi Rule i v General powers, R. S. 1881 216 62 Style of ordinances, R. 8. 1881 - 240 187 Publication of ordinances, R. S. 1881 221 64 Proof of ordinances, R. S. 1881 221 64 How comprised, R, S. 1881 - 239 185 Treasurer .... 14 Vacancy in village offices—how r filled, R. S. 1881 240 188 Vagrants and vagabonds — who are, and how punished 72 Vault not to be left open 42 19 Village officers — list - • • • in How r elected or appointed, R. S. 1881 239 184 Manner of conducting election of, R. S. 1881 •- - - 216 57 Oath of 7 4 Commission and qualifications of R. s. 1881 - 223 76 Bribery of, penalty for, R. S. 1881 223 79 To be conservators of the peace, R. s. 1881 . 224 83 Duties of, ordinance fixing 11 124 INDEX. Page. Sec. Village officers—compensation of 19 1 to 10 Ordinance creating certain officers 6 Reports of village Treasurer, R. S. 1881 226 97 Seal, ordinance in relation to - 10 Clerk, duties of 12 « / Village—seal of . - 10 Clerk, duties of 12 Boundaries of .... ivO Jurisdiction of, R. S. 1881 216 62 Village Trustees—list of - • • • in General provisions in regard to, R. S. 1881 .... 216 62 Number of, terms of office, R. S. 1881 239 185 Qualifications of, R. S. 1881 239 184 Vacancy in office of, R. S. 1881 - 240 188 How elected, and when, R. S. 1881 239 185 At first election classified, R. S. 1881 239 185 Compensation of 19 1 to 11 Conservators of the peace, R. S. 1881 224 83 Rules for governing X Majority a quorum .... X Rule ii Shall keep a journal 12 1 Special meeting of, how called xi Rule iv General powers, R. S. 1881 216 62 INDEX. 125 Page. Sec. Trustees—style of ordinances, R. S. 1881 240 187 Publication of ordinances, R. S. 1881 221 64 Proof of ordinances, R. S. 1881 - 221 • 64 How comprised, R. S. 1881 * - 239 185 Treasurer - - - - 14 Vote of council—how reconsidered - xiRulevii Warrants—how issued and paid - - 15 5 Magistrate may issue 96 4 Writs—how and when executed - - 96 4