92.9.3 DSfch i /vj/}*<£ /Mv/tA o n o ! DS, o 1820, .'ILLS, (A T IACTS) i" - : : . L'l BRAHY OF THE UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS 929-3 IUI0IS HISTORICAL SURVEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/hamiltoncountyohOOdick HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO MARRIAGE RECORDS 1808 - 1820 and WILLS (Abstracts) 1790 - 1810 Marie Dickore Natalie Thornburgh HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO MARRIAGE RECORDS 1808-1320 and WILLS (ABSTRACTS) 1790-1810 Compiled by MARIE DICKORE and NATALIE THORNBURGH Cincinnati, Ohio 1959 COPYRIGHT 1959 by MARIE DICKORE All Rights Reserved Published by Marie Dickore Cincinnati, Ohio 72?- 5 zll. H>$+. s^ve/ FOREWORD Although Cincinnati was of the utmost importance in the westward migration after the Revolutionary War no effort has been made to publish marriage records preserved here in the Probate Court. In many other com- munities such vital statistics have been made available to the genealogist and historian and more are being pub- lished. Of course, Hamilton County records have been subjected to two fires of which the one set by rioters in March 1884, was the more destructive. Few of the early marriage records are to be found but many have been restored from other sources. Benjamin Stltes,of New Jersey, made the first per- manent settlement in November 1788, on the Ohio river at the mouth of the Little Miami, calling his place "Columbia". It is now part of Cincinnati. A few weeks later, in December 1788, the site of Cincinnati was settled by a group under leadership of Robert Patterson, John Filson and Mathias Denman. Here Fort Washington, the outpost against the Indians, was established in 1789- When the region was organized as the Northwest Ter- ritory provision was made for marriage licenses to be is- sued and the right to perform the marriage rite was granted to ministers and justices of the peace. Unfortu- nately, these officials did not always make a return of their records to the court house. It has been felt for some time that the marriage records now in the Probate Court of Hamilton County, Ohio, should be made available, and, with the consent of Judge Chase M.Davies, we have set ourselves this task. Mrs.Nat- £ alie Thornburgh, a deputy in this court, retired recently <^ and I am very happy to have her expert assistance. At the same time we are publishing the first 98 wills recorded for Hamilton County, giving all names mentioned in each will and the relationship when indicated. The names of contracting parties, men and women, are given in alphabetical order, as are the makers of the <5 wills, hence no index is needed. This is a limited edit- ed ion. Marie Dickore ■ June 1959 3411 Clifton Ave. Cincinnati 20, Ohio Bacon, Jacob and by Harriet Kerr D.Hayden, M.G. Oct. 28, 1819 Baker, John and by Miss Longs table Joab Comstock,J.P. Oct. 1, 1817 Balangy , James and by Elizabeth Davis J.Mahard, J. P. Jan. 17, 1818 Baldwin, Amos S. and Kerziah Turner Jas.Sisson, J. P. Dec. 9, 1819 " , Ebenezer and by Ruth Carson J.Williamson, M.G. May 2,1819 " , Philander and by Perlina Green J.Williamson, M.G. Nov. 21, 1819 Ball , Hannah see James Kir by Bamn , Sarah and by James Owey, J. P. Oct. 2, 1817 Barbour, Charles V. and by Nancy E.Smith Wm. Burke, M.G. Apr. 8, 1819 Bard, John and by Mary J.Quinn, M.G. (Dec.) 22, 1818 Barker , Hiram and by Rebecca Brown Wm. Dixon, Dec. 22, 1819 Nancy see Elisha Wood Barnard, Lydia see Charles Clasby Barnard , Za c heu s and by Eunice Lawrence J.L.Wilson,. M.G. Feb. 7, 1819 Barnes, Rachel see Murwine *li&i**>* " , Zacheus and by Rachel Stilwell S.Halstead, J. P. Jan. 31, 1819 Barrett, Nancy see Joseph McDougal Bartolet, Catharine see John Winter Bassett, Dorcas see Isaac Fruddenburg M , Olive see Russel Green Batchelor, Patty see David Sargent Bateman, Anna see John W.Grant Bates, Asahel C. and by Meeky Bobo D.Hayden, M.G. Apr. 16, 1818 Baughman, Margaret see John Knapp M , Mary see David T.Harrison Bavin, William Baymlller, Jacob Beach, Patty Beamon, Justus Beckwlth, Traviee Bel , Benjamin Belany , Daniel Bell, Ann Bell, Eliza Bennefield, William Bennet, Druce Betts, Frances Bickle, Sarah Bigford, Adonisum Bills , Mary Bishop , Ada " , Lavina Black, David " , Elizabeth M , Jane Blackburn, David Blaekwell , May Blake, Thomas C. Blen, Douglass Bloe , Joseph and Hannah Westo by Wm.Lamdin, — and Ann L.Pearson by J.L.Wilson, M.G. see George Kit© and Sally Jones by Wm. Thompson, M.G. and Rebecca Vanbar by J.L.Wilson, M.G. and Rebecca Clark by John Mahard, J. P. and Sarah Turner by J.Quinn, M.G. see James Henry see Levi Buckingham and Jane Eain by see James Brooks see William W.Wade see M.C.Lilley and Sarah H.Hopkins by Truman Bishop, — see Hardy Culpeper see Chester Ingels see Thomas C.Blake and Celia Thompson by J.Crosby, J. P. see George Connor see Aaron Applegate and Cars a Spurrier by E.Stone, J. P. see Archibald Wood and Lavina Bishop by T. Bishop, M.G. and Chary Jones by J. Palmer, J. P. and Fanny Aughter by Rev. Thompson, M.G Dec. 8, 1819 Sep. 7, 1819 July 30,1818 Mar. 26, 1818 Nov. 12, 18 17 Oct. 9, 1819 Apr. 8, 1819 Mar. 25, 1819 Feb. 20, 1818 Feb. 9, 1819 Oct. 12, 1819 Dec. 25, 1817 Aug. 15, 1817 Bloom, Nancy see Samuel Jones Bobo , Meeky see Asahel C.Bates Bogert, Elizabeth see James Summens " , Mary see John Lord Bolter, Samuel and by Elizabeth Hodgson Wm. Burke, M.G. Mar. 1,1819 Bo oram, Lydla see Daniel Ertel Borden, Samuel and by Sarah Y A.Denniston, M.G. July 14,1819 Born, Cllona and by Patrick Ethan Stone, J. P. Apr. 7,1818 Boroff, Samuel and by Sarah Brooks Wm. Burke, M.G. Sep. 3, 1818 Bosson, Catharine M. see Benjamin F. Powers Bo wen, David and Abagail Brooks by Wm. Stevens, M.G. Nov. 20, 1819 " , Mary see Jacob Fowble Boyce, Elizabeth see Thomas J.Gazlay Boyer, John and by Ester Moris J.Qulnn, M.G. Dec. 30, 1819 Bramble, Major and by Margaret Stltes James Jones, M.G. Mar. 19, 18 18 Brecount, Gideon and by Jane Humes J.Pittman,J.P. Dec. 31, 1818 Breedland , Thomas and by Ellender Foley P.Williams, J. P. Dec. 19, 1819 Brocaw, Catharine see John Williams Brokaw , Sarah see John J.Walker Brooks , Abagail see David Bo wen " , James and by Druce Bennet Wm. Burke, M.G. July 21,1818 " , John and by Rachel Foster Jas.Lyon, J. P. Jan. 14, 1819 ■ , Maria see John Canaan Brooks , Sarah see Samuel Boroff Brothers, Mary see Richard Thyer Brown, Alexander and by Phoebe Peck P.Williams, J. P. Apr. 21, 1819 Brown, Annis see Edward Taylor ti i Hannah and by , J. P. Apr. 6, 1819 it Jane see Robert Phares n » John and by Hannah Storm Joslah Crosley, J. P. Nov. 11, 1817 it » Margaret see Henry Palmer n > Margaret see Samuel Smith ti ( Nancy H. see Daniel Greely ii » Rebecca see Hiram Barker ti » Robert and by Elizabeth Murphy J.L.Wilson, M.G. Mar. 25, 1818 Bruce, Joseph and by Margaret Riston J.Thompson, M.G. Aug. 17, 1819 Brumer, Susanna Bryon, Mary see Abraham Zabrisky see James Mann Buch, Jacob and Sarah Ritter by J. Pitman, J. P. Aug. 5, 1819 Buchanan, William and Mary Myrlck by John Ruyan, J. P. Oct. 27, 1817 Buckanan, Joseph and Susan Teater by Wm. Burke, M.G. Nov. 25, 1819 Buckingham, Levi and Eliza Bell by D. Hay den, M.G. Dec. 3, 1818 Budd, Huldah see Robert Hoys Bun , Maria see John Carpenter Burk, Nancy see David Malory Burke, William W. and Mary N.Rees by Wm. Burke, M.G. Sep. 16, 1818 Burley, Frances see Aaron G.Gano " , Margaret and J by J.L.Wilson, M.G. Oct. 21, 1817 Burnes, James and Margaret Stewart by A. Cummins, M.G. July 23,1818 Burnltz, George W. and Charlotte Moore by Truman Bishop, -- Apr. 15, 1819 Burroughs, Rebecca and Nuton by Rev. , M.G. June 2,1818 6 Burrows, Charlotte W, w , Nancy Burt, Ann " , Sarah Busheart, Nancy Butt, Anna Butterfield, James Buxton, Jane Byetinowe, Sally By field, Hetty By rne , El 1 z abe th Byrum, Vanette B , Maria B- , Ruth Ca , Henry Campbell, Elizabeth Camron, Daniel Canaan, John Carell, Mary Carpenter, John Carran, Susan Carro , Mary Carroll, Jane Carson, Ruth Carter, Polly Casled, Nathaniel see Walker Yeatman and James by A. Cummins, M.G. see H.Silsbee see Henry Hughs see Cyrus Cropper see Henry Connel and Hannah Rasher by A.Denniston, M.G. see Nathan Monroe see John Wade see George McGaughey see Daniel Kine see Thomas McCormick see Benjamin Dumas s see Isaac Cooplen and Romela Andrus Rice by J.L.Wilson, M.G. and by J.Comstock, J. P. and Sarah Haines by Wm. Thompson, M.G. and Maria Brooks by Wm. Burke, M.G. and by Wm. Burke, M.G. and Maria Bun by J.Jones, M.G. and John way by Jas.Orry, J. P. and Benjamin by John Mahard, J. P. see Amos S. see Ebenezer Baldwin see William Scudder and Mary Knabb by J.Crosley, J. P. Mar. 21, 1818 Aug. 19, 1819 June 18,1818 Feb. 28, 1818 Jan. 29, 1818 Oct. 20, 1819 (Dec.) 15, 1817 Sep. 23, 1819 June 30,1818 Oct. 14, 1817 Dec. 2, 1819 Catton, Israel and by Nancy Kertenon J.Comstock, J. P. Feb. 26, 1818 Chambers, James and by Mary Collins P.Smith, J. P. Oct. 21, 1819 " , Margaret see John Custard Chancy , Andrew and by Sophia Mott P. Williams, J. P. Mar. 29, 1819 Chandler, John W. and by Margaret Cunningham W.Burke, M.G. July 4,1819 Chandler, Mary see Nathan Plttman n , Sarah and by E.Stone, J. P. Oct. 1,1818 Charlton, Nancy see Benjamin Moore , Rebecca see William Herrin Chase, Martha see Samuel Hewit Cheevers, John M. and by Helen Harp Wm. Burke, M.G, Feb. 13, 1818 Chllders, Miss see Isaac Wortman Clam , Samuel and by Maria Whitesides D.Hayden, M.G. Feb. 5, 1818 Clark, Elizabeth see Is am Gains M , Elizabeth see Garrett Hansford " , John and by Chris tena Reed J.Crosley, J. P. Apr. 23, 1818 " , John and by Almira Scoby D.Hayden, M.G. Aug. 10, 1819 " , Mary and by William J.Mahard, J. P. Apr. 20, 1818 " , Nancy see David Lee 11 , Nathan and by Margaret Taylor J.Junney, J. P. Sep. 12, 1818 " , Rebecca see Benjamin Bel Clasby, Charles and by Lydla Barnard Ethan Stone, J. P. Oct. 25, 1818 Clayton, Anderson John and by Sarah Sattsman Robt.Merrle, J. P. June 16,1818 " , Mary see Daniel Augur Cochran, Mary see Daniel Ramley a Codington, Benjamin Cole, Adam Collard, James Collins, Mary Colton, Nancy Colvln, Nancy Corns tock, Thankful Conklin, Ann H , Elizabeth " , Mary M , Richard Conn, James Connel, Henry Connely, Bridget Connet, Lot D. Connor, George " , Sarah Conrad, Elizabeth Conuty, Nelly Cook, George Cook, Jesse S. " , Rebecca Cooper, Edmund Cooplen, Isaac Copeland, Eliza Corban, William and Isabella Whitroh by D.Hayden, M.G. and Elizabeth Shull by P.Smith, J. P. and Mary Thorn by J.Quinn, M.G. see James Chambers see George Waten see Anthony J anally see John Green see David Wade see Samuel D.Whipple see Clarkson Ker and Margaret by J.Thompson, J. P. and Hannah Hurdus by Wm. Burke, M.G. and Anna Butt by Jones, M.G. see Robert Nelson and Elizabeth Mann by J.Jones, M.G. and Elizabeth Black by D.Bailey, J. P. see John Mulalley see James Smith see James Lynes and Harriet German by James Jones, M.G, Hv.orfc and Eliza Ann Thioo -' by A. Dennis ton, M.G. see William Mitchell and Mary Sewards by Wm. Thompson, M.G. and Ruth B by Wm. Burke, M.G. see John Finch and Ann Hey by A.Kurdus, M.G. Dec. 24, 1818 Feb. 13, 1818 Sep. 16, 1819 Sep. 17, 1818 Nov. 16, 18 17 Mar. 16, 1819 Dec. 30, 1819 Sep. 2, 1819 Nov. 6, 1817 Sep. 12, 1819 Mar. 21, 1818 Sep. 23, 1819 Mar. 23, 1819 Corbley, Elizabeth see Crosley H f — — - and by Mary Mills --- Robb, M.G. June 11,1818 Corwaln, Henry and by Margaret Maddox Jas.Ward, M.G. Apr. 15, 1819 Cory, James M. and by Eliza Ann Stagg J.L.Wilson, M.G. Aug. 14, 1818 Cottle, Susan see Joslah Hardin Cox, Margaret see Edward DeSerisy Craven, Mary see Thomas Wooley ii and By Cinthia Markland Jan. 21, 1819 Crist, Elizabeth see John Veil Cropper, Cyrus and by Nancy Busheart Jas.Quinn, M.G. Mar. 4, 1819 Crosley, Hannah see Joseph Whetty M and by Elizabeth Corbley Rev. Robb, M.G. May 7,1818 Cross, Joshua and by Martha Hole I.Smead, M.G. Sep. 12, 1819 Crozier, Mr. and by Abijah Enyart Wm. Burke, M.G. June 14,1818 Culpeper, Hardy and by Mary Bills A.Llndley, J. P. July 29,1818 Cumberland, Martin and by Anna French Wm. Thompson, M.G. Dec. 27, 1817 Cummins , Jane and by James L.Tillotson, J. P. June 11,1818 " , Louisa and by Richard Z. Biggs, J. P. Feb. 5, 1818 Cunningham, Arthur and by Mary Goldtrap J.Thompson, M.G. Mar. 4, 1819 , Margaret see John W. Chandler " , Samuel and by Mar J. Pitman, J. P. Dec. 30, 1819 Curtis, John and by Mary Tibbets I.Smead, M.G. Sep. 2, 1819 " , William and by Eliza Addis Wm. Burke, M.G. Nov. 11, 1819 Custard, John and by Margaret Chambers Z. Biggs, J. P. May 21,1818 10 C 1 Joseph C , William J Dale, Richard C. Daly, David Davis, Abraham " , Eliza Ann " , Elizabeth Davis, Elizabeth " , Margaret w , P Dawson, Elizabeth Day , Phoebe " , Samuel De , Rachel Dean, Harriet Debolt, Henry DeCamp, Sarah Deevit, G.V.H. Demeorls, Jacob Demnd, Sarah DeSeriBy, Edward Dllle, Squire Doans, William Dodge, Eery and Jemima Fox July 9,1816 by Daniel Hayden, Minister and Elizabeth McKlnsey Aug. 19, 1817 by John Mahard, J. P. and Sophia Mason Mar. 2, 1819 by Wm. Burke, M.G. and Hannah Faudree Aug. 13, 1818 by L.Tillotson, J. P. and Elizabeth Morris Aug. 12, 1819 by H.Price, J. P. and Reason Nov. 20, 1817 by L. Armstrong, J. P. see James Balangy see John Youtsey and May 7,1818 by Ethan Stone, J. P. see Peter Ruhl and George Jan. 2, 1818 by A.Cummlngs, M.G. see Solomon Slayback and Eliza Stephens June 19,1819 by O.Langdon, M.G. see John Marshal see Alexander Vance and Rachel Gerard Oct. 22, 1818 by L.Armstrong, J. P. see J.W.Frlsble and Mary Pearson May 19,1819 by J.L.Wilson, M.G. and Rebecca Parks Feb. 23, 1819 by D.Bailey, J. P. see John Pam and Margaret Cox July 10,1818 by I.Smead, M.G. and Mary Feast Apr. 2 1,1818 by J. Mahard, J. P. and Eliza Smith Jan. 20, 1819 by Wm. Jones, -- and Thomas Aug. 25, 1818 by John Palmer, J. P. 11 Dodge, Susanna see Levi Miten Doren, Peter and Polly Hill by P. Smith, J. P. Nov. 25, 1819 Dougherty, Richard and Mary by Wm. Burke, M.G. Oct. 12, 1819 Douglass, William W. and Catharine Shewrer by J.Crosby, J. P. Sep. 24, 1818 Dufoce, Letty see Abel Huttoce — Dumas s , Ben J amin and Maria B by T. Bishop, M.G. Oct. 14, 1819 Dunbar, Annanias and Phoebe Meeker by D.Hayden,M.G. Jan. 8, 1819 " , Lydia see Jacob McNeal Dunlap, Josephenia see James Ludlow Dunn, Jeremiah and Elizabeth Robinson by Daniel Hayden, M.G. Sep. 25, 1817 ■ , Mary see Clark Scudder Durkey, Betsey see Mr. Philips Dusheef, Betsy see John Phillips Eadons, Joseph and Anna Mclntyre by J.Mahard, J. P. Mar. 19, 1818 Easley, Mary see Andrew Harradeth Edda , Ann see William Stone Eden, William and Polly Stoneslffer by J.Thompson, M.G. Feb. 25, 1819 Edlngton, Mary see John Hale Edmundson, Edward and Ruth Richardson by E.Stone, J. P. July 29,1813 Edwards, Isaac and Alice Lawyer by L.Armstrong, J. P. Apr. 1,1819 Elliott, Simon and Maria Robinson by Jas. Jones, M.G. Feb. 12, 1818 Elvlll, Elizabeth see Samuel Luke Emers — , Andrew M. and Amy How by L.J.Wilson, M.G. Dec. 25, 1817 Emmltt, James and Isabella Audrey by T. Bishop, M.G. July 8,1819 English, Jeremiah and Nancy Ross by Truman Bishop, -- May 29,1819 12 English, Job S. Enyart, Abljah " , Thomas Epperson, William Ernot, Sabrina Ertell, Daniel " , Valentine Ervin, Mary Este, David K. Estill, Betsy Evans, William Evins, Benjamin Ewing, Rody E , Sophia Fagley, Jemima Fall, Mary Faren, Charles 0. Faudree , Hannah Feast, Mary Felter, Amanda Fenton, Jacob Ferrel, Paulina Ferris, Rachel " , Solomon Ferry, Cynthia and Laome Stathard by John Clarke, M.G. Feb. 23, 1819 see Mr.Crozler and Mary by Wm. Burke, M.G. Oct. 14,1819 and Sarah McCormick by Ben Ayres, J. P. Oct. 30, 1817 see Samuel Tillard and Lydia Booram by H. Price, J.F. Sep. 30, 1819 and Catharine Sutten by H. Price, J. P. Mar. 10, 18 18 see George McCowen and Lucy S.H by Wm.Zambain, -- Sep. 30, 1819 see Jepthah Johnson and Mary Stllwell by S.Halstead, J. P. July 1,1819 and Elizabeth Gilmore by Wm. Burke, M.G. July 29,1819 see William B.Sheldon see Reason Williams see Casper Rerenger and James by John Mahard, J. P. Sep. 26, 1817 and Sarah by Wm. Burke, M.G. May 6,1819 see David Daly see Squire Dllle see Godfrey Shober and Sarah Wright by J.Owry, J. P. Apr. 22, 1819 see Seneca Foster see William Riker and Miss Stites by James , M.G. July 9,1818 . Oct. 1,1817 by William Burke, M.G. 13 Ferry, Cynthia Ann see Stephen Hall Filson, Elizabeth see John Shaman Fin, Mary see Cyrus Hlggins Finch, John and by Eliza Copeland Wm. Stevens, M.G-. Jan. 13, 1819 Fisher, James and by Margaret Parker Wm . Burke , M . G . Sep. 17, 1818 Fisk, Nathan and by Hannah Willis B.Ayres, J. P. Sep. 6, 1818 Flint, Daniel and by Mary Arthur J.L.Wilson, M.G. Apr. 1,1819 Foley, Ellender see Thomas Breedland Folger, J e thro and by Margaret Macy J.L.Wilson, M.G. July 16,1818 Folger, John and by Emma Swain John Thompson, M.G, No-v ,13,1817 Forber, John and by Emily Sisson J.L.Wilson, ^l.G. Aug. 6, 1818 Forde , Mary see White Foss, Joseph and by Harriet Fowble Wm.Lynes, M.G. Dec. 12., 1818 Foster, Bellnde and by Sep. 14, 1819 J.L.Wilson, M.G. " , Rachel see John Brooks " , Seneca and by Paulina Ferrel J.Thompson, M.G. Apr. 29, 1819 Fowble, Harriet see Joseph Foss " , Jacob and by Mary Bowen W.Burke, M.G. July 21,1819 Fox, Jemima see Joseph C Margaret see James P.Wilson Frazer, William and by Jemima Kltchell J.Mahard, J. P. May 6,1819 Freeland, Eliza see Joseph French French, Anna see Martin Cumberland M Elizabeth see Isaac Spinning Joseph and by Eliza Freeland S.Bailey, J. P. Sep. 22, 1818 14 Friable, J.W. Frost, Anna and Sarah DeCamp by J.L.Wilson. M.G, see James Simmonds July 14,1819 Fruddenburg, Isaac and by Dorcas Bassett J. Mahard, J. P. Aug. 11, 1313 Frylor, Henry and by Mary Smith James Crry, J. P. May 18,1818 Fuller, Daniel and by Elizabeth Johnson W.Thompson, M.G. Dec. 31, 1818 Fullerton, Elizabeth and by D J • Mahard , J . P . Dec. 30, 1817 Furguson, Daniel and by Henrietta W.Jones, M.G. Apr. 11, 1819 F ■-, Thomas and by Abigail Jackson John Williams, Minister Nov. 13, 1817 Gains, Isam and by Elizabeth Clark J.Quinn, M.G. Dec. 16, 1819 Gallaspie, and by David Abner Applegate, J. P. Oct. 12, 1817 Gano, Aaron G. and by Frances Burley Wm. Burke, M.G. May 12,1818 ti » Stephen and by Pamelia Rufner B.Ayres, J. P. Mar. 27, 1819 Garrison, Leah see John Rook Gaston, , Hugh and by Margaret Gordon D.Hayden, M.G. Mar. 19, 1818 it Phoebe see Thomas Harrison Gates, Uriah and by Susanna Gaunt J . Mahard , J . P . Jan. 29, 1818 Gaunt , Susanna see Uriah Gates Gazlay , Thomas J . and by Elizabeth Boyce J.W.Langdon, M.G. Mar. 2 1,1819 George , Maha a see Abijah Reed Gerard j Rachel see Henry Debolt German , Harriet see George Cook Gest, Joshua and by Sarah B.Ayres, J. P. (Dec. )9, 1818 Gest, Reuben and by Rachel Phillips Jas. Jones, M.G. Mar. 11, 1819 Glbbs, Hannah see John Gibbs Gibbs, John and by Gibson, Ann see Gilbert, Hannah see Gill, and by Gllman, Ichabod and by Gilmore, Elizabeth see Given, Rebecca see Gladman, Archibald and Glason, Sally and by Goer, Henry and by Goldtrap, Mary see Gombey, James and by Gonly, William and by Goodloe, James and by Gordon, Margaret see Gowdy, Samuel and by Grady, Nancy and by Graham , George and by " , Sarah see " , Thomas and by Grant, John W. and by Grass, Joseph and by Gray, Catharine see " , Elizabeth see " , Nancy see Hannah Gibbs J.Jones, M.G. David Wilson Lamburn Me a c ham Kezlah Runyan Isaac Sparks, J. P. Lydia Weddocks L.Armstrong, J. P. Benjamin Evins Henry Rislngsun Mary Ha Jas.Lyon, J. P. Reuben Rev. , M.G. Mary Kelly T.Adams, M.G. Arthur Cunningham Barbara Newcumleker Jas.Oury, J. P. Hannah West I.Smead, M.G. Marian Neaver Wm. Burke, M.G. Hugh Gaston Rachel Williamson P.Williams, J. P. Pere-- Wm . Burke , M . G . Joanna Johnson D.Hayden, M.G. Joseph Grass Elizabeth Sym^es J.L.Wilson, M.G. Anna Bateman Ethan Stone, J. P. Sarah Graham I. Sparks, J. P. John Whitehead William Rick Henry Jones 15 Apr. 30, 1819 Apr. 12, 1818 May 7,1818 Jan. 14, 1819 Sep. 11, 1817 Sep. 9,1819 Dec. 3, 1818 Sep. 9, 1819 Nov. 11, 1819 Mar. 12, 18 18 Feb. 14, 1818 Feb. 18, 1819 Sep. 29, 1819 Dec. 17, 1818 Apr. 30, 1819 16 Gray, Sarah see William Ryan it » Susanna see John Rennlcks Greely, Daniel and by Nancy H.Brown D.Hayden, M.G. Oct. 8, 1818 Green, Charlotte and by Cornelius J.Mahard, J. P. Apr. 21,1818 it » Jacob and by Caturie Adler J.Mahard, J. P. June 10,1819 ii » John and by Thankful Corns tock J.Comstock, J. P. Dec. 31, 1818 ti Perlina see Philander Baldwin ii > Prudence Ann see John B.Slmmonds ii RusBel and by Olive fiassett Jas. Jones, M.G. July 8,1819 Greger, George and by iiudy Leeds J . Mallard , J . P . Mar. 27, 1818 Griggs, Matty see Joseph Lake Gross, Elizabeth and by Christopher --arnel John Mahard, J. P. Aug. 11, 1817 Guilford, Nathan and by Eliza Wm. Burke, M.G. Oct. 28, 1819 Guthrie, Nancy see Richard Perry Gwaltrey, Samuel and by Sarah Wheaton L.Armstrong, J. P. Dec. 5, 1819 Gw lnup , , George and by Margaret Marshall A.Burdsall, M.G. Sep. 16, 1818 Ha - , Mary see Archibald Gladman Habls , Mary Ann see John Taylor Haines j , Sarah see Daniel Camron Hair, Jacob and by Susan Hunt Wm. Burke, M.G. Mar. 4, 1819 Hale, Julia see Robert C.Reed Hale- -, John and by Mary Edington J.Crosby, J. P. Aug. 23, 1818 Hall, Stephen and by Cynthia Ann Ferry J.L.Wilson, M.G. May 13,1819 Halstead, Abiah see Enos C. Hunter Hansford, Garrett and by Elizabeth Clark A. Cummins, M.G. (Dec.) 15, 1819 17 Hardesty, Drusy Hardin, Josiah Haritan, Susan Harp, Helen Harradeth, Andrew Harris , Benjamin Harrison , David T it , Joseph it , Nancy it , Richard ii , Sarah n , Thomas Hartman, Sophia C. Harvey , Lydia Harvy, Martha Hatfield, Elizabeth Hauck, John Hauey, Daniel Hawkins, Sarah Hayden, Drusllla Heaton, Isaac He igh ty , Ro s anna Helmeth, Margaret Hendricks, David , Leonard A see John Malane and Susan Cottle by Wm. Burke, M.G. see William House see John M.Cleevers and Mary Easley by Wm. Burke, M.G. and by J.L.Wilson, M.G. and Mary Baughman by J.Comstock, J. P. and Sarah Harrison by Wm. Burke, M.G. see James Ron — and by Miss Lamier Ethan Stone, J.P, see Joseph Harrison and by and by and by and by and by see see and by ana by and by Phoebe Gaston D. Hayden, M.G. , M.G, Abraham A. Gumming, M.G. John Terry Peter An Catharine Rodocker Z. Biggs, J.P. Catharine McCain J.L.Wilson, M.G. Samuel Hutchinson Mecandsi P.Leavenart Jane Kell-- P. Williams, J.P. Anthony Linck Fedock Truet Mary M J.Mahard, J.P. Catharine Riddle Z. Biggs, J.P. Dec. 30, 1819 May 14,1818 Sep. 30, 1819 Mar. 3, 1819 May 16,1819 Apr. 27, 1818 Dec. 17, 1818 Aug. 19, 1819 Jan. 2, 1818 Mar. 14, 1819 Nov. 19, 1818 May 18,1819 July 2,1819 Sep. 26, 1818 18 Henrie, Caroline see William Logan Henry , James and Ann Bell by J.P.Amon, J. P. Sep. 14, 1819 " , William and by Sally Mansfield E.Stone, J. P. July 15,1818 Herakle, Lydla see Eli F.Rlttenhouse Herider, Jacob and by Nancy Vantreese P.Smith, J. P. Aug. 27, 1818 Herrln, William and by Rebecca Charlton John Mahard, J. P. July 19,1817 Hewit, Samuel and by Martha Chase Jas. Jones, M.G. Dec. 30, 1819 Hey,. Ann see William Corban Higgins, Cyrus and by Mary Fin Z. Biggs, J. P. Aug. 6, 1819 Hill, Adam and by Ann Hopwood J .Mahard, J. P. Oct. 10, 1819 ■ , Elizabeth see Jubale Wile " , Horrls and by Elizabeth Shellenberger May 4,1819 P.Smith, J. P. w , Nathan and by Elizabeth Miller L.Armstrong, r .P. Oct. 18, 1818 " , Polly see Peter Doren " , Susan see Burd Weston Hilton, John and by Margaret Lamburn Jas. Jones, M.G. Oct. 31, 1819 " , Theophilus and by Lydia Porter J.L.Wilson, M.G. Nov. 20, 1819 Hines, John and by Catharine Shane J.L.Wilson, M.G. Oct. 10, 1819 Hinman, Conrad and by Elizabeth Jeltz R.Merrie, J. P. Aug. 19, 1819 Hodge, Thomas and by Hannah Thompson P.Smith, J. P. Mar. 10, 1818 Hodgson, Elizabeth see Samuel Bolter Hoffman, Miss see Joseph Avy Hole, Cazlah and by Dunham W.Thompson, M.G. Apr. 16, 1818 11 , Martha see Joshua Cross H , Phoebe see John Rosebone 19 Holt, Aaron and by Hood, Rowly and by Hoogland, Mary see Hopkins, Sarah H. see 11 , William and Jane Sayres Wm. Thompson, M.G. Elizabeth Wright I.Smead, M.G. Benjamin Pine Adonisum Bigford Aug. 11, 1819 Dec. 25, 1819 " , William and by Lucy Winters Wm. Jones, M.G. May 3,1818 Hopwood, Ann see Adam Hill Horton, Susan see Jacob Wiltberger House, William and by Susan Harltan J.Mahard, J. P. Apr. 15, 1819 How , Amy see Andrew M.Emers-- Howard, Elizabeth see Tennat This ton Hoys , Robert and by Huldah Budd A. Cummins, M.G. June 18,1818 Hubbell, Nathaniel S. and by Eliza McChesney Wm. Burke, M.G. Aug. 6, 1818 Huddleston, William and by Margaret Robinson L.Armstrong, J. P. Oct. 14, 1817 Hughs , Henry and Sarah Burt by Alexander Denniston, Minister Sep. 11, 1817 Hugunin, Rachel see John McMahan Humes, Jane see Gideon Brecount Hunt, Joshua and by Mary Maybal C.Crain, M.G. Aug. 14, 1819 " , Susan see Jacob Hair Hunter, Enos C. and by Abiah Hal stead R.Bigelow, M.G. Dec. 17, 1818 " , Phoebe see John Williams ii and by Polly Vaneuter J.Crosley, J. P. Oct. 28, 1819 Hurdus , Hannah see James Conn Hutchinson, Asa and by Susanna Rude Hezekiah Price, Justice July 20,1816 " , Samuel and by Sarah Hawkins J.Crosley, J. P. Apr. 14, 1819 Huttoce — , Abel and by Letty Dufoce C.Labusky, J. P. Mar. 5, 1818 20 H H- H H H Jemima Joseph Lucy 3. William William Iliff, Eliza " , Samuel Iir , Barbara Ingels, Chester Irwin, Alexander " , Sarah see David F.Randolph and Susanna Thompson by A. Cummins, M.G. see David K.Este and Martha Patterson by John Thompson, M.G and Margaret Robinson by L.Armstrong, J. P. see Richard Vanzant and Catharine Robeson by Wm.Hanel, J. P. see Jacob Saylor and Ada Bishop by Jas.Quinn, M.G. and Sarah Irwin by J.Mahard, J. P. see Alexander Irwin Feb. 16, 1818 Jan. 1,1818 Oct. 23, 1817 Oct. 20, 1819 Feb. 8, 1819 Mar. 10, 1818 Jackson, Abigail " , Charles " , Harriet Jacobs, Catharine Janally, Anthony Jeltz, Elizabeth Jenlng--, Harriet Jerys, Esther Johnson, Elizabeth " , Jepthah 11 , Joanna Jones, Castilla " , Chary " , Elizabeth see Thomas F~- ■- and by Wm. Burke, M.G. and John by B.Lawrence, M.G see David Thorp and Nancy Colvin by J . Mahard , J . P . see Conrad Hinman see David Muchmore see John Springer see Daniel Fuller and Betsy Estill by J.Mahard, J. P. see George Graham and Patsy Wilson by J.L.Wilson, M.G. see Douglass Blen see Francis Parker June 8,1819 June 28,1818 Oct. 2, 1819 Mar. 22, 1819 Sep. 17, 1818 Jones 21 Henry and by Nancy Gray B.Ayres, J. P. Feb. 25, 1819 Isaih and by Leah Slaughter D.Hayden, M.G. Sep. 1,1819 Maria see Benjamin Millspaugh Mary- see Littlefleld Rachel see William Vanslckle Sally see Justus Beamon Samuel and by Nancy Bloom S.Halstead, J. P. Sep. 2, 1819 and Ann Welmington Oct. 2, 1817 by L.Armstrong, J. P. Jonlin, Nancy Elizabeth see Watson Lewis Kain, Jane see William Bennefield Kay, James and by Rebend Newton A.Denniston, M.G. Dec. 15, 1818 Kell — , Jane see Isaac Heaton Kelley, Clarissa see Nathan Moore M , Mary and by L.Armstrong, J. P. Nov. 13, 1817 Kelly, Mary see Henry Goer Ker, Clarkson and by Mary Conklin J.Thompson, M.G. Feb. 19, 1818 Kerley, Rhodah see Jacob White Kerr, Harriet see Jacob Bacon Ker tenon, Nancy see Israel Catton Kine, Daniel and by Elizabeth Byrne J.Mahard, J. P. Jan. 7, 1819 Kinsey, Hannah J. see Joshua V. Robinson Kirby, James and by Hannah Ball Wm.Lynes, M.G. Oct. 14, 1819 Kitchell, Jemima see William Frazier Kite, George and by Patty Beach A.Denniston, M.G. Sep. 4, 1819 Kizer, William and by Nancy Williams Jas.Quinn, M.G. Feb. 25, 1819 Knabb, Elizabeth see Michael Scheurer " , Mary see Nathaniel Casled 22 Knapp, John " , Martha Knox, John Lake, Joseph Lamburn, Margaret " , Mary Lamere , Nicholas Lamier, Miss Lampher — , Eliza Lancaster, Mallnda H , William Lane , El 1 z abe th " , Herman Langdon, James D. " , Olive Larue, Michael Lawrence, Eunice Lawyer, Alice Layboyteaux, Catharine " , Paul Leavenart, Mecandsi P. Lee, David Leeds, Rudy Legg, William C. Lempler, William and Margaret Baughman by E.Stone, J. P. and Timothy by Oliver Lay , M.G, and Nancy Nalor by I. Sparks, J. P. and Matty Griggs by D.Bailey, J. P. see John Hilton see John Powell and Fanny by J.Mahard, J. P. see Richard Harrison see Joshua Way see William Lancaster and Mallnda Lancaster by J.Mahard, J. P. see James Tate and Isabella Long by D.Hayden, M.G. and Sally Ph^-£ S by 0. Langdon, M.G. see Joseph A.Reeder and Polly Nichols by I.Smead, M.G. see Zacheus Barnard see Isaac Edwards see Jacob McGill and Betsy Ann Tetherland by Wm. Thompson, M.G. and Drusilla Hayden by J.Comstock, J. P. and Nancy Clark by D.Hayden, M.G. see George Greger and Lydia Myers by Benjamin , M.G. and Elizabeth Waldsmith by Zach Biggs, J. P. Dec. 29, 1819 Sep. 20, 1817 Nov. 11, 1819 Aug. 11, 1819 May 14,1818 Apr. 30, 1819 June 11,1818 Dec. 23, 1818 May 27,1819 July 18,1818 Sep. 28, 1819 Dec. 31, 1818 Jan. 1,1818 Nov. 27, 1817 23 Lerrin, Caleb Lewis, Ebenezer ■ , John n , Simon M , Watson Lilley, M.C. Linck, Anthony Lion, Moses Little, Patty Llttlefleld, Logan, William Long, Isabella " , Lucinda Longs table, Miss Lord, Charles W. " , John n , Ruth Ludaw, John Ludlow, James Ludlum, Tilphid Luke , Samuel Lupe, Catharine Lyle, Mary Ann Lynes , James and Keziah Strong June 7,1818 by L.Armstrong, J. P. and Hannah Selers Apr. 23, 1818 by Peter Yost, M.G. and Ruth Lord Sep. 12, 1818 by J.Mahard, J. P. and Miss Babcock. Feb. 9, 1818 by A. Cummins, M.G. and Nancy Elizabeth Jonlin Sep. 1,1819 by T. Bishop, M.G. and Sarah Bickle Apr. 2, 1818 by Benajah, J. P. and Rosanna Heighty Dec. 21, 1819 by J.Mahard, J. P. and Eliza Ross Nov. 13, 1818 by Samuel West, -- see Jacob Rudislll and Mary Jones Dec. 11, 1817 by J.McGilllard, J. P. and Caroline Henrie Dec. 24, 1818 by T. Bishop, M.G. see Herman Lane see John Wills see John Baker and Susan West Oct. 1,1818 by G.Hildreth, M.G. and Mary Bogert Dec. 9, 1819 by J.Quinn, M.G. see John Lewis and Hetty Nlles June 18,1818 by A. Cummins, M.G. and Josephenla Dunlap Mar. 30, 1819 by J.L.Wilson, M.G. see Nehemiah Wescot and Elizabeth Elvill Apr. 29, 1819 by J.Mahard, J. P. see Powuel Smith see Ralph Thompson and Nelly Conuty Sep. 14, 1818 by A. Cummins, M.G. 2k L f Mary see Edwin V.Lee Page i«iacy, Margaret see Jethro Folger Madarg, William and by Mary Walker Wm. Burke, M.G. Nov. 24, 1819 Maddox, Margaret see Henry Corwaln Mahew, Olive see Charles Paddock Malane , John and by Drusy Hardosty L. Armstrong, J. P. Feb. 4, 1818 Malory, David and by Nancy Burk J.L.Wilson, M.G. Aug. 30, 1819 Man , Samuel and by Lucretla Williamson Wm. Thompson, M.G. Mar. 19, 18 18 Mann, Elizabeth see Lot D.Connet " , James and by Mary Bryon J.Jones, M.G. Dec. 30, 1819 Mansfield, Sally see William Henry Markland, Cinthla see Craven 11 , Thomas and by Bathsheba Richardson G.Hlldreth, M.G. May 27,1819 Markley, Elizabeth see Stephen Woodruff Marsh, Timothy and by Elizabeth Pursel J.L.Wilson, M.G. Apr. 1,1819 Marshal, John and by Rachel De Jas. Jones, M.G. Oct. 14, 1819 Mar s ha 1 1 , Fanny see Tedrick , Margaret see George Gwlnup Martin, Richard and by Nancy Wallace Wm. Thompson, M.G. Mar. 28, 1818 ■ , Sarah see John Stevenson Mason, Levi and by Louisa J.L.Wilson, M.G. Dec. 20, 1818 " , Sophia see Richard C.Dale Matthews, John C. and by Mary Persons J.Quinn, M.G. Mar. 17, 1819 " , Matilda see Samuel Totton Maybal — , Mary see Joshua Hunt Meacham, Lamburn and by Hannah Gilbert J.Mahard, J. P. Nov. 11, 1819 25 Meeker, Eunice see John Owin Owin N 1 Phoebe see Annanias Dunbar Meisener, Gabriella R. see Terrel Mentonye, Zachariah and Sarah Shuff by Daniel Hayden, Minister Aug. 22, 1816 Merle, Margaret and Andrew — Alp in by Joshua L.Wilson, M.G. Mar. 12, 1817 Merrle, Jane see McCullock Meynek, John H. and Catharine Smith by A. Cummins, M.G. July 23,1818 Miller, Elizabeth see Nathan Hill ii John and Temperance Norris by L.Armstrong, J. P. Oct. 18, 1818 it » Mary see Joseph Potter ii * Mary see John Snider Mills, Mana see Ephralm D.Williams ii i Mary see Corbley Millspaugh, Benjamin and Maria Jones by D. Hayden, M.G. July 29,1819 Mllner, Jonathan and Lovina Wilsey by J.Comstock, J. P. Feb. 3, 1819 Mitchell, William and Rebecca Cook by Jas.Owry, J. P. Apr. 25, 1819 Miten, Levi and Susanna Dodge by Wm. Benson, J. P. Nov. 4, 1819 Mole, Blandina see Abraham Rose Monday , Samuel and Polly McBride by A.Denniston, M.G. Aug. 2 6, 1819 Monroe , Nathan and Jane Buxton by Jas. Jones, M.G. May 20,1819 Moore, Benjamin and Nancy Charlton by A.Burdsall, M.G. Sep. 24, 1818 ti Charlotte see George W.Burnltz ii i Maria see Augustus J .B.Schwartze it » Nathan and Clarissa Kelley by P.Williams, J. P. Sep. 1,1818 Mo ores , John D. and Abigel Alston by R.Ayers, J. P. Apr. 5, 1818 26 Morgan, Isaac and Eliza F.Wood by Wm. Burke, M.G. Nov. 13, 1817 " , Margaret see William G.Stulson Moris, Ester see John Boyer Morris, Elizabeth see Abraham Davis Mott, Sophia see Andrew Chancy Muchmore, David and Harriet Jening — by J.Qulnn, M.G. Oct. 30, 1819 Mulalley, John and Sarah Connor by Wm.Lynez, M.G. Oct. 20, 1817 Murphy , El 1 z abe th see Robert Brown " , Elizabeth see Caleb Thompson 11 , James and Mary Parent Dec. 3, 1818 ti James and by Mary Parent Z. Biggs, J. P. Dec. 3, 1818 ti > Jane and by P.Williams, J. P. Apr. 9, 1818 Murray , Sarah see Jesse S. Smith Myers, Daniel and by Elizabeth Slmmonds Wm. Burke, M.G. Aug. 30, 1818 ti Lydia see William C.Legg it » Samuel and by B.Ayres, J. P. Mar. 11, 1819 My rick, Mary see William Buchanan M , Mary see David Hendricks Mc Bride, Polly McCain, Catharine McCarthy, Agnes Johnson McChesney, Eleanor " , Eliza McClellan, Hannah W. Samuel Monday Daniel Hauey John Southward Nathan Poland Nathaniel S.Hubbell Ephraim Pittman " , William and Mary What son by J. Pitman, J. P. Mar. 5, 1819 uskey, Joseph W. and Elizabeth McCoy by J.L.Wilson, M.G. June 18,1818 rmlck, Sarah see William Epperson " , Thomas and Vanette Byrum by J.L.Wilson, M.G. Sep. 28, 1817 27 McCowen, George McCoy, Elizabeth McCullock, McDougal, Joseph McGaughey , George McGlll, Jacob Mc In tyre , Anna McKee , John " , Joseph " , Mary Me Kins ey, Elizabeth Mc Knight, Ann " , Josiah McMahan, John McNeal, Jacob Mc , Hannah Mc , Martha Ann and Mary Ervin by Robt.Merrle, J. P. see Joseph W.McCluskey and Jane Merrie by J.L.Wilson, M.G. and Nancy Barrett by J.L.Wilson, M.G. and Hetty Byfield by D.Hayden, M.G. and Catharine Layboyteaux by W.Thompson, M.G. see Joseph Eadons and Mary Stewart by W.Thompson, M.G. and Drue ilia Tom by Jas.Lyon, J. P. see Daniel Stirge see William J.C and Robert by J.Mahard, J. P. and Martha Ann Mc by P.Williams, J. P. and Rachel Hugunin by J.Quinn, M.G. and Lydia Dunbar by Jas. Jones, M.G. see John G.Pendergast see Josiah McKnight May 27,1819 July 29,1819 July 9,1818 May 14,1818 Apr. 10, 1818 Mar. 26, 1818 Feb. 4, 1819 June 13,1818 Feb. 11, 1819 June 25,1819 June 24,1819 Nalor, Nancy Neaver, Marian Nelson, Bridget ■ , Elizabeth " , Robert Newcumleker, Barbara Newton, Rebend Nlcholdson, John see John Knox see James Goodloe see Andrew Patterson and William by A. Cummins, M.G. and Bridget Connely by A.Denniston, M.G see James Gombey see James Kay and Mary Thompson by P.Williams, J. P. June 1,1818 Sep. 18, 1819 Mar. 11, 1819 28 Nichols, Polly " , Samuel Nlles, Hetty Noble, Margaret Noe, Job Norholtz, Elizabeth Norris , Temperance see Michael Larue and Charlotte Wayman by Wm. Burke, M.G. see John Ludaw see Alvan Washburn and Ebelind Tibbets by J.Mahard, J. P. see Asa Phillips see John Miller July 4,1818 Dec. 26, 1818 Oaks on, Demis Ollis, Mathias Oneal, Elizabeth Ore, Margaret see David Wallace and Elizabeth Stokes by W.Burke, M.G. see Abraham Acher see Nathaniel Williams Apr. 12, 1819 Orr, Jane and by Peter Bell, J. P. Nov. 20, 1817 Owin, John Owin and Eunice Meeker by Jas.Quinn, M.G. Apr. 27, 1819 Paddock, Charles and Olive Mahew by John McGilliard, J. P. Oct. 8, 1817 Page, Edwin V.Lee and Mary L by Wm. Burke, M.G. Sep. 28, 1819 Palmer, Almlra and Paul by John Palmer, J. P. Oct. 12, 1817 " , Henry and Margaret Brown by A . Cummings , M.G. Feb. 2, 1818 Pain t John and Sarah Demnd by Jas. Curry, J. P. Apr. 27, 1818 Parent, Mary see James Murphy Parker, Francis and Elizabeth Jones by P. Smith, J. P. Jan. 18, 1818 " , Margaret see James Fisher Parks, Rebecca see Jacob Demeoris Pars el, Mary and by __- Oct. 30, 1817 Patterson, Andrew and Bridget Nelson by Jas.Quinn, M.G. Feb. 25, 1819 , James and Sarah Whltcomb by D.Hayden, M.G. Sep. 23, 1819 29 Patterson, Martha Pay ton, Rebecca Pearson, Ann L. " , Mary Peck, Phoebe Pendergast, John G. Pendry , Ruth Perry, Richard Persons, Mary Ph&.l££ Sally Phares , Robert Phelps , John Phllherber, Elizabeth Philips, Mr. Phillips, Asa " , John n , Rachel Pierce, Eunice Pine, Benjamin Pipet, Ann Pittman, Ephraim " , Nathan Poland, Nathan Pollock, John Porter, Elizabeth " Lydia see William H see Josiah Spain see Jacob Baymiller see G.V.H.Deevit see Alexander Brown and Hannah Mc by J.L.Wilson, M.G. see Vorhees and Nancy Guthrie by Wm. Thompson, M.G. see John C.Matthews see James D.Langdon and Jane Brown by J.Comstock, J. P. and Mary Shaw by L.Armstrong, J. P. see Abraham Sears and Betsey Durkey by and Elizabeth Norholtz by R.Merrie, J. P. and Betsy Dusheef by D.Hayden, M.G. see Reuben Gest see Daniel W.Wheeler and Mary Hoogland by I. Sparks, J. P. see Job Stratten and Hannah W.McClellan by J.McGllliard, J. P. and Mary Chandler by Wm. Burke, M.G. and Eleanor McChesney by J.L.Wilson, M.G. and Rachel Rude by Daniel Hayden, M.G, see George Taylor see Theophllus Hilton Nov. JO, 1818 Dec. 25, 1817 Apr. 9, 1818 Dec. 3, 1318 June 11,1818 Oct. 3, 1819 June 18,1918 Apr. 30, 1819 Feb. 19, 1818 Nov. 11, 1818 Dec. 26, 1817 Oct. 16, 1817 30 Fotter, Joseph Powell, John Powers, Benjamin F. Preston, Abljah Prisco, Rosanna Pulk, Peter and Mary Miller by J.McGilliard, J. P. and Mary Lamburn by Wm. Jones, M.G. and Catharine M.Bosson by Win. Burke, M.G. and Patsy Roll by ¥. Thompson, M.G. see Daniel Shaffer and Sarah Whitmore by P.Smith, J. P. Purel (or Sussel) , Joseph and Mary Ross by A.Denniston, M.G Pursel, Elizabeth Ramley, Daniel Ramsey, Simon Randolph, David F. Rasher , Hannah Ray, James B. see Timothy Marsh and Mary Cochran by H.Price, J.P, and Margaret by B.Ayers, J.P. and Jemima H- by Cyrus Crsin, M.G. see James Butterfield and Mary Riddle by J.L.Wilson, M.G. Jan. 21, 1819 Apr. 30, 1818 Nov. 6, 1918 Sep. 23, 1818 June 6,1818 Sep. 9, 1818 Oct. 19, 1818 Nov. 18, 1818 Dec. 24, 1818 Dec. 10, 1818 Read, Mary and by Hanson ainard Wm. Burke, M.G. Oct. 19, 1817 Ready , Leah and by Peter Peter Bell, J.P. Apr. 3, 1818 Reagen , David and by Cyntha Roberts I.Smead, M.G. Jan. 18, 1818 Redish , Mary and by Thomas tington John Clark, M.G. Mar. 2 6, 1818 Reed, . kbijah and by Mahala George Wm. Burke, M.G. May 27,1819 it » Chris tena see John Clark n James and by Feb. 25, 1819 ti Robert and by Elizabeth Abbott Wm. Burke, M.G. July 29,1819 Reed, Robert C. and by Julia Hale Wm. Burke, M.G. May 17,1818 Reeder, , Joseph A. and Olive Langdon Apr. 2, 1818 by Wm. Burke, M.G. 31 Reea, Mary N. Rennicks, John Repshe— , Mary Ann Rerenger, Casper Rice, Romela Andrus Richardson, Bathsheba " , Ruth Riche, John T. Rick, William Ricket, John Riddle , Catharine M , Mary " , Thomas Riker, William Rislngsun, Henry Riston, Margaret Rlttenhouse, Ell F. Ritter, Sarah Robbins, Lucy W. Roberson, Sarah Roberts, Celia , Cyntha Robe 8 on, Catharine Robinson, Elizabeth M , Joshua V. " , Margaret M , Maria see William W.Burke and Susanna Gray by D.Hayden, M.G. see Daniel Troy and Jemima Fagly by H.Evinger, — see Henry Ca see Thomas Mark land see Edward Edmunds on and Parmela Walker by and Elizabeth Gray by B.Ayres, J. P. and Nancy Williams by Wm. Burke, M.G. see Leonard A.Hendricks see James B.Ray and Catharine Tice by Z. Biggs, J. P. and Rachel Ferris by D.Hayden, M.G. and Rebecca Given by J.Mahard, J. P. see Joseph Bruce and Lydia Herakle by A.Hurdus, M.G. see Jacob Buch see Samuel J. Alder see Moses Russell see Charles Ruckle see David Reagen see Samuel Illff see Jeremiah Dunn and Hannah J.Kinsey by Wm.McCance, J. P. see William Huddleston see Simon Elliott Feb. 24, 1819 May 4,1819 May 29,1819 Mar. 25, 1819 Dec. 24, 1818 Dec. 1,1818 Apr. 16, 1818 Nov. 2 6, 1818 Nov. 17, 1818 Jan. 19, 1819 32 Robinson, Peggy " , Samuel Rodgers, Ann Eliza Rodocker, Catharine Roll — , Patsy Ron , James Rook, John Rose, Abraham Rosebone, John Ross, Eliza " , Mary Ross, Nancy Ruckle, Charles Rude , Rachel " , Susanna Rudisill, Jacob Rufner, Pamella Ruhl , Peter Runyan, Abiah M , Keziah Russell, Moses Ryan, William Rynolds, Daniel see Ephraim Atwood and Mary Sears Mar. 5, 1818 by J.Thompson, M.G. and Isaac May 7,1818 by Wm. Burke, M.G. see John Hauck see Abijah Preston and Nancy Harrison Apr. 14, 1818 by J.McGilliard, J. P. and Leah Garrison Dec. 1,1819 by Wm. Benson, J. P. and Blandina Mole Feb. 4, 1819 by D.Hayden, M.G. and Phoebe Hole Nov ,11, 1819 by J.Thompson, M.G. see Moses Lion see Joseph Purel (or Sussel) see Jeremiah English and Celia Roberts Dec. 10, 1818 by Wm.Lynes, M.G. see John Pollock see Asa Hutchinson and Patty Little Mar. 11, 1819 by J.McGilliard, J. P. see Stephen Gano and P Davis Aug. 24, 1819 by J.Mahard, J. P. see George Smith see Gill and Sarah Roberson June 28,1818 by Wm.Harrell, J. P. and Sarah Gray Mar. 18, 1819 by J. Thompson, M.G. and Milly Taylor Mar. 21, 1819 by J.L.Wilson, M.G. Sabb, John Sanaey, Frederick and Aug. 7, 1817 by Joslah Crosley, J. P. and Mary Whipple Mar. 15, 1818 by W.Burke, M.G. 33 Sargent, David Sattsman, Sarah Saylor, Jacob Say res , Jane Scheurer, Michael Schwartze, Augustus J.B, Scoby, Almira Seogin, Ruth Scudder, Clark M , William Sears, Abraham " , Mary Selers, Hannah Seran, Mary Sewards, John B. " , Mary Shaffer, Daniel Shaman, John Shane , C a thar ine Shaw , Mary M , Mr. Sheldon, William B. Shellenberger, Elizabeth Shelton, Ruthy Shepherd, George and Patty Batchelor by J.Mahard, J. P. Jan. 7, 1819 see Anderson John Clayton and Barbara Im by Andrew Zeller,-- Mar. 11, 1819 see Aaron Holt and Elizabeth Khabb by Josiah Crosley, J. P. Nov. 11, 1817 and Maria Moore by Wm. Burke, M.G. Feb. 4, 1818 see John Clark see John Thompson and Mary Dunn by Jas. Jones, M.G. Sep. 28, 1818 and Polly Carter by J.Crosby, J. P. Nov. 12, 18 18 and Elizabeth Philherber by E.Stone, J. P. July 29,1819 see see Samuel Robinson Ebenezer Lewis and J by Alexander , M.G. Nov. 10, 1817 and Mary W. Swallow by Wm. Thompson, M.G. Feb. 7, 1818 see Edmund Cooper and Rosanna Prisco by J.Mahard, J. P. Feb. 3, 1818 and Elizabeth Filson by J.McGllllard, J. P. Feb. 26, 1818 see John Hines see John Phelps and Sally Tice by Z. Biggs, J. P. Apr. 2, 1818 and Rody Ewlng by J.Mahard, J. P. Aug. 27, 1818 see Horris Hill see Frank Smith and Sarah Stibbins by J. Thompson, M.G. Jan. 26, 1819 34 Sherman, Ida and fey Amelia Sq I.Smead, M.G. Mar. 24, 1819 Shewrer, Catharine see William W.Douglass Shober, Godfrey and toy Amanda Felter D.Hayden, M.G. Dec. 8, 1819 Shoemaker, Nicholas and toy Sarah Snider Jas. Jones, M.G. Sep. 30, 1819 Shuff, Sarah see Zacharlah Mentonye Shulenberger, and toy John P.Smith, J. P. Nov. 21, 1817 Shull, Elizabeth see Adam Cole Shuwan, Horatla G. and toy Ruth Shuwan J.Mahard, J. P. Oct. 9, 1819 Shuwan, Ruth see Horatla Shuwan Silsbee, H. and toy Ann Burt J.L.Wilson, M.G. Apr. 22, 1819 Slmmonds, Elizabeth see Daniel Myers " , James and toy Anna Frost Wm.McCance, J. P. Mar. 16, 1819 11 , John B. and toy Prudence Ann Green Robt.Merrie, J. P. Mar. 26, 1818 Sisson, Emily see John Forber Skillman, Catharine see Amos Williamson " , Theodore and toy Catharine Albright J. Pitman, J. P. Dec. 31, 1819 Slaughter, Leah see Isaih Jones Slay back, Margaret see Israel Stewart " , Solomon and toy Phoebe Day J.Thompson, J. P. Apr. 16, 1818 Sloan, Isaac and toy Elizabeth J.Mahard, J. P. Feb. 19, 1819 Sloop, Catharine see William Arnold Smith, Catharine see John H.Meynek " , Catharine see Ebenezer Waldon " , Eliza see Williams Doans " , Frank and toy Ruthy Shelton J.L.Wilson, M.G. June 25,1818 " , George and toy Abiah Runyan Wm. Burke, M.G. Apr. 9, 1819 35 Smith, James " , Jesse S. ■ , Lydla M , Mary M , Nancy E. " , Powuel " , Rachel ■ , Samuel Snider , John " , Sarah Sorter, Arther S Southward, John Spader , Mary Spain, Josiah Sparks, William Spencer, Patty Spinning, Isaac Springer, John Spurrier, Cars a " , Ruth Sq 1 Amelia Stagg, Eliza Ann Stagman, Jacob Stake, Mary Stan, Abner and Elizabeth Conrad Apr. 5 .1819 by Jas.Owry, J. P. and Sarah Murray May 14,1818 by L.Armstrong, J. P. see Robert Swain see Henry Fry lor see Charles V.Barbour and Catharine Lupe Feb, 2, 1818 by A.Cummings, M.G. see Lewis Williams and Margaret Brown Sep. 5, 1818 by W.Lynes, M.G. and Mary Miller Feb. 2, 1819 by H.Price, J. P. see Nicholas Shoemaker and Fanny Tucker Nov. 2 6, 1819 by J.Jones, M.G. and Agnes Johnson McCarty May 28,1818 by A.Applegate, J. P. see John D.Vanklrk and Rebecca Pay ton May 30,1819 by Wm. Burke, M.G. and Jane Wiggins Oct. 14, 1819 by J.Quinn, M.G. see Jacob Welsh and Elizabeth French Mar. 5, 1818 by J.Thompson, M.G. and Esther Jerys Sep. 3, 1818 by J.Crosby, J. P. see David Blackburn see Timothy Symmes see Ira Sherman see James M.Cory and Mary Stake Apr. 15, 1819 by J.L.Wilson, M.G. see Jacob Stagman and Ann Whitehead Aug. 5, 1819 by P.Smith, J. P. 36 Stansbury, Mor — Staten, Joseph Stathard, Laome Stephens, Eliza Stevenson, John Stewart, Benjamin " , Esther Stewart, Israel " , Margaret " , Mary Stibbins, Sarah Stiles, Benjamin Stllwell, Joseph , Mary " , Rachel Stingsley, Thomas Stirge, Daniel Stites, Margaret " , Miss Stokes, Elizabeth Stone, William Stonemetz, Ann Stonesiffer, Polly Storm, Hannah Stratten, Job and Fanny Thornton by E.Stone, J. P. and Clndrla Torrence by L.Tlllotson, J. P. see Job S. English see Samuel Day and Sarah Martin by Wm.Hanel, J. P. and H by J.Quinn, M.G. and Elijah by J.Comstock, J. P. and Margaret Slayback by John Thompson, M.G, see James Burnes see John McKee see George Shepherd and Sarah by A. Dennis ton, M.G. and Mary Thompson by J. L. Wilson, M.G. see William Evans see Zacheus Barnes and Catharine Wiley by J.Comstock, J. P. and Mary McKee by D.Hayden, M.G. see Major Bramble see Solomon Ferris see Mathias Ollis and Ann Edda by Ethan Stone, J. P. and by Joshua , M.G. see William Eden see John Brown and Ann Pipet by H.Price, J. P. Aug. 27, 1818 May 21,1818 Oct. 14, 1819 Sep. 21, 1819 Nov. 23, 1817 Oct. 30, 1817 Aug. 5, 1819 Aug. 1,1818 June 20,1819 Apr. 1,1819 Jan. 30, 1819 Aug. 28, 1817 June 10,1818 Strong, Keslah ••• Caleb Lerrln 37 Stuison, William G. Sturge, Martha Summens , James Surln, Joseph Sussel (or Purel) , Joseph Sutten, Catharine Swain, Emma ■ , Robert Swallow, Mary W. Swoup, Joseph Symmes, Elizabeth M , Timothy S , Amos Taphs , El 1 zabe th Tate , James Taylor, Edward " , George " , John 11 , Margaret Taylor, Milly Teater, Susan Tedrlck, Teople, Sarah Terrel, and Margaret Morgan by . J. P. and Alexander by A. Cummins, M.G. and Elizabeth Soger t by Jas.Quinn, M.G. and Sarah Babach by P.Williams, J. P. and Mary Ross by A.Denniston, M.G. see Valentine Ertell see John Folger and Lydia Smith by J.Thompson, M.G. see John B. Seward s and Mary Tucker by J.Pittman, J. P. see Thomas Graham and Ruth Spurrier by A.Denniston, M.G and Jane Carroll by A. Cummins, M.G. Aug. 11, 1818 June 1,1818 Feb. 8, 1819 Aug. 19. 1819 Sep. 9, 1818 Nov. 12, 1818 Jan. 5, 1819 Oct. 1,1818 June 18,1818 see Hugh Wright and Elizabeth Lane Oct. 16, 1817 by John Thompson, M.G. and Annis Brown Dec. 9, 1819 by Jas.Quinn, M.G. and Elizabeth Porter Sep. 16, 1819 by A.Denniston, M.G. and Mary Ann Habis Oct. 10, 1818 by Ethan Stone, J. P. see Nathan Clark see Daniel Rynolds see Joseph Buckanan and Fanny Marshall Oct. 28, 1816 by William , J. P. see Cornelius Williamson and Gabrlella R.Meisener Dec. 25, 1810 by Joab Comstock, J. P. 38 Terry, John and Martha Harvy by T. Bishop, M.G. Sep. 2, 1819 Tetherland, Betsy Ann see Paul Layboyteaux Thatcher, Henry Ike** Thi-es, Eliza Ann and Sarah Wakefield by John Clarke, M.G. see Jesse S.Cook Nov. 20, 1817 Thiston, Tennat and Elizabeth Howard by Samuel West, — Nov. 5, 1818 Thorn — , , Mary see James Collard Thomas , , Harriet and William by John Thompson, M.G. Dec. 18, 1817 Thompson, Benjamin and Ann Magdolen Vantrees by P.Smith, J. P. Dec. 18, 1817 n , Caleb and Elizabeth Murphy by Daniel Hayden, Minister Nov. 2, 1817 n , Celia see David Black it , Hannah see Thomas Hodge ii , John and Ruth Scogln by Wa.McCance, J. P. Mar. 16, 1819 it , John S. and Rachel Alk — by E.Stone, J. P. Dec. 5, 1818 it , Mary see John Nicholdson ii , Mary see Joseph Stilwell ti , Ralph and Mary Ann Lyle by J.L.Wilson, M.G. Feb. 25, 1819 it , Susanna see Joseph H Thornton, Fanny see Mor Stansbury Thorp , David and Catharine Jacobs by I.Smead, M.G. May 10,1818 ii » Sarah and Henry by A.Cummlngs, M.G. Jan. 2, 1818 Thyer, Richard and Mary Brothers by J.Wilson, M.G. Dec. 30, 1817 Tlbbets , Ebelind see Job Noe it , John and Sarah Wharton by J.McGilliard, J. P. Oct. 23, 1817 ii , Mary see John Curtis Tice, Catharine see Thomas Riddle ii » Sally see Mr. Shaw Tillard, Samuel Todd , Samuel Tom , Drucilla Torrence, Cindrla Totton, Jasper w , Samuel Townley, Eliza Troy, Daniel .Truet, Fedock Tucker, Fanny " , Mary " , Susanna Turner, Kerziah " , Sarah Vanbar, Rebecca Vance, Alexander Vaneuter, Polly Vankirk, John D. Vansickle, William Vantreese, Nancy Vanzant, Richard Veil, John Ventrees, Ann Magdolen Vorhees, and Sabrina Ernot by I.Smead, M.G. and Henrietta H.Wallace by J.L.Wilson, M.G. see Joseph McXee see Joseph Staten and Sarah by A.Applegate, J. P. and Matilda Matthews by A.Applegate, J. P. and Jo by Peter Bell, J. P. and Mary Ann Repshe — by A.Burdsal, M.G. and Margaret Helmeth by W.McCance, J. P. see Arther S. Sorter see Joseph Swoup and Jacob , Jr. by J.McGilliard, J. P. see Amos S.Baldwin see Daniel Belany see Travice Beckwith and Harriet Dean by Jas.Lyon, J. P. Hunter and Mary Spader by W.Thompson, M.G. and Rachel Jones by C.Labusky, J. P. see Jacob Herlder and Eliza Iliff by J.L.Wilson, M.G. and Elizabeth Crist by D.Hayden, M.G. see Benjamin Thompson and Ruth Pendry by J.Thompson, J. P. 39 July 19,1818 Sep. 8, 1818 Oct. 13, 1818 Aug. 9, 1819 Aug. 19, 1817 Oct. 1,1818 Oct. 28, 1819 May 14,1818 May 6,1819 Jan. 7, 1819 Jan. 29, 1818 Dec. 20, 1818 Nov. 21, 1819 Apr. 23, 1818 ko Wade, David and by Ann Conklln J.L.Wilson, M.G. Oct. 15, 1818 " , John and by Sally Byetinowe P. Smith, J. P. Mar. 17, 1818 Wade, William W. and by Frances Betts J.L.Wilson, M.G. Aug. 23, 1818 Wakefield, Elizabeth see George B.W " , Sarah see Henry Thatcher Waldon, Ebenezer and by Catharine Smith W.Thompson, M.G. Oct. 8, 1818 Waldsmlth, Elizabeth see William Lempler Walker, John J. and by Sarah Brokaw J.Thompson, M.G. Oct. 31, 1818 " , Mary see William Madarg " , Parmela see John T.Rlche Wallace, David and by Demls Oakson J. Sparks, J. P. Mar. 31, 1818 " , Henrietta H. see Samuel Todd " , Nancy- see Richard Martin Ward, Polly and by Mar. 11, 1819 Ware, Ablgal see George Warren Warren, George and by Abigal Ware Wm. Burke, M.G. Aug. 19, 1819 Washburn, Alvan and by Margaret Noble William Burke, M.G. May 11,1808 Waten, George and by Nancy Colton J.Comstock, J. P. Aug. 12, 1819 Way, Joshua and by Eliza Lampher — A. Cummins, M.G. Mar. 25, 1819 Wayman, Charlotte see Samuel Nichols Y/eddocks , Lydia see Ichabod Gilman V/elmington, Ann see Jones Welsh, Jacob and by Patty Spencer J.Carnahan, J. P. Aug. 26, 1819 Wescot, Nehemiah and by Tllphid Ludlum I.Snead, M.G. Feb. 11, 1819 West, Hannah see William Gonly " , Susan see Charles W.Lord 4i Westo — , Hannah Weston, Burd Wharton, Sarah Whatson, Mary Wheaton, Sarah see William Bawin and by see Susan Hill O.Langdon, M.G. John Tibbetts William McClellan Samuel Gwaltrey Sep. 26, 1818 Wheeler, Daniel W. and by Eunice Pierce Wm. Burke, M.G. Oct. 30, 1817 Whetty, Joseph and by Hannah Crosley Wm.Bell, J. P. Dec. 21, 1817 Whipple , Mary see Frederick Sanaey " , Samuel D. and by Elizabeth Conklln J.L.Wilson, M.G. Oct. 14, 1819 Whitcomb, Sarah see James Patterson White, Jacob and by Rhodah Kerley John Mahard, J. P. Nov. 24, 1817 it » -— — and by Mary Forde P.Smith, J. P. June 25,1818 Whitehead, Ann see Abner Stan " , John and by Catharine Gray J.Comstock, J. P. July 30,1818 Whltesldes, Maria Whltmore, Sarah Whltroh, Isabella Wickersham, Catharine Wiggins, Jane Wile, Jubale Wiley, Catharine Wilkinson, John W. Williams, Ephraim D. " , John " , John " , Lev/ is see Samuel Clam — see Peter Pulk see Benjamin Codington see Martin Agur see William Sparks and Elizabeth Hill by P.Smith, J. P. see Thomas Stingsley and Anna by J.Thompson, M.G. and Mana Mills by J.L.Wilson, M.G. and Catharine Brocaw by J.L.Wilson, M.G. and Phoebe Hunter by E.Stone, J. P. and Rachel Smith by J.Garrard, J. P. Feb. 25, 1819 July 1,1819 Dec. 25, 1818 May 11,1819 Aug. 7, 1818 May 27,1819 kz Williams, Mary- see Richard Ashburn it , Nancy see William Kizer it , Nancy see John Rickel ii , Nathaniel and Margaret Ore Peter Bell, J. P. Sep d3, 1818 ii , Pardon and by Miss Ethan Stone, J. P. Jan. 3, 1819 ii , Reason and by Sophia E G.Hildreth, M.G. Nov. 5, 1818 Williamson, Amos and by Catharine Skillman J.Thompson, M.G. Feb. 12, 1818 n , Cornelius and by Sarah Teople Wm. Thompson, M.G. July 9,1818 ti , Lucretia see Samuel Man — Willlai nson, Rachel see Samuel Gowdy Willis , Hannah see Nathan Fisk ii , Mary see David Wood Wills, John and by Luclnda Long Ethan Stone, J. P. Aug. 24, 1818 Wilsey , Lovina see Jonathan Milner Wilson , David and Ann Gibson by A. Cummins, M.G. June 1,1818 it , Hannah and by William Rev. Sep. 3, 1816 it , James P. and by Margaret Fox J.W.Langdon, M.G. May 25,1818 Wlltberger, Jacob and by Susan Horton J. L. Wilson, M.G. June 6,1818 Winter , John and by Catharine Bartolet Wm. Burke, M.G. Dec. 17, 1818 Winters, Lucy- see William Hopkins Wood, Archibald and by May Blackwell I.Smead, M.G. Nov. 11, 1819 H David and by Mary Willis John Palmer, J. P. Sep. 3, 1817 II Ellsha and by Nancy Barker J.Mahard, J. P. Jan. 22, 1818 II Eliza and by John , J. P. Sep. A, 1817 it Eliza F. see Isaac Morgan Woodruff, Stephen Wooley, Thomas Worrel, Lydla Wortman, Isaac Wright, Elizabeth " , Hugh H , Sarah W , George B, W ilJfcn£P," Murwine Yeatman, Isabella M , Walker Youtsey, John Y , Sarah Zabr i s ky , Abraham and Elizabeth Markley by C.Labusky, J. P. and Mary Craven by Wm. Jones, M.G. and — by , J. P. and Miss Childers by John Mahard, J. P. see Rowly Hood and Elizabeth Taphs by J.Comstock, J. P. see Jacob Fenton and Elizabeth Wakefield by J. Mahard, J. P. and Rachel Barnes by John Runyan, J. P. see Thomas Anderson and Charlotte W. Burrows by J.L.Wilson, M.G. and Elizabeth Davis by L.Armstrong, J. P. see Samuel Borden and Susanna Brumer by J.Crosby, J. P. 43 Jan. 11, 1818 May 1,1818 Nov. 27, 1817 Aug. 16, 1817 Dec. 3, 1819 Dec. 13, 1817 Dec. 16, 1817 Dec. 9, 1818 May 10,1818 Feb. 19, 1818 kk. ks HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO WILLS (ABSTRACTS) 1790-18 lO he 47 RICHARD ALLISON , Surg. Gen. U. S .A . Will made 1-7-1794. Prob. 3- -1816. Rec.Bk. 4, p. 230. Heir - wife: Rebekah Wit: A.W.Dunn, Geo. Wilson, John Pratt PETER ATHERTON Will made 12-15-1806. Prob. 12-29-1820. Rec.Bk. 1, p. 491, Heirs - wife: Phebe dau: Mary, Elizabeth, Nancy Hawk (John Hawk) sons: David, Charles, Elijah, Amos Exec: wife Phebe and son David Wit: Robert Slmmonds, John Cleaver Jr., Richard Simmonds ELISHA AYERS Will made 9-15-1809. Prob. 12-13-1809. Rec.Bk. 10, p. 397. Heirs - wife: Catharine bro : Samuel fath-in-law: John McCormlck Exec: John McCormick Wit: John Thomson, Samuel Johnson JOSHUA BACKUS Will made 10-3-1806. Prob. 12-2-1806. Rec.Bk. 25, p. 492, Heirs - wife: Hannah eld. dau: Mary G. Marsh yng.dau: Eunice only son: Marvin Exec: son Marvin, Goab Comstock Wit: Ezra Spencer, Charles Cone EDWARD BAMPTON of Nantucket, Mass . Will made 8-14-1809- Prob. 5-2-1816 in Mass. Prob. 11-29-1847 in Ham. Co. Ohio. Rec.Bk. 5, p. 120. Heirs - Paul Coffin III of Nantucket Exec: Paul Coffin III Wit: Isaac Coffin, Silvanus Ewer, Davis Whlppey, Lydia Coffin ROSWELL BARTLETT Will made 2-27-1805- Prob. 3-21-1805. Rec.Bk. 25, p. 495. Heirs - wife: Elisabeth ( Coons )Bartlett children: minors, not named (cont.) 48 ROSWELL BARTLETT (cont.) Exec: wife Elisabeth, James McHenry,Enos Huvin Wit: Jacob Stewart, James Hill, Frederick Coons WILLIAM BLAIR, Cpl.U.S.A. Will made 5-23-1793. Prob. 8-30-1793. Rec.Bk. 4, p. 249. Heir - Cpl. Thomas Aikens Wit: Sgt. Richard Greer JOHN BOYER Will made 10-17-1809. Prob. 12-5-1809. Rec.Bk. 25, p. 493 Heirs- wife: Eve sons: Adam, George, John dau: Barbary Harmon (Adam Harmon) Elizabeth Exec: son Adam and Frederick Redlnbock Wit: John Ludlow, Henry Bryan, Ambrose Huffman JAMES BRADFORD, Cap t. U.S. A. Nun-cup. will made 11-4-1791. Prob. 12-12-1791. Rec .Bk, 4, p. 242. Heirs - wife: Margret unborn child Will made during the Indian War when he was mortally wounded. Dictated to Robert Buntin EDMUND BUXTON Will made 7-19-1806. Prob. 9-26-1806. Rec .Bk. 25, p. 490, Heirs - wife: Lydia sons: Charles, David, dau: Ann Mosses Jane sons: John M. , Aaron, William, McVay Exec: wife Lydia and James Baxter Wit: James Lyon, William Jones, John Pryer RICHARD BUTLER, Maj .Gen. U.S.A. Nun-cup. will made 11-4-1791. Prob. 12-10-1791. Rec. Bk. 25, p. 504 Heirs - wife: not named children: not named Will dictated at Ft. Washington to Charles Brown, Surgeon to 2nd Regiment of Levies, after he was mortally wounded. k9 CORNELIUS CAMPBELL Will made 12-27-1804. Prob. 5-26-1805. Rec.Bk. 5, p. 296, Heirs - nephews: Cornelius and John Campbell bro: William Rebeca Johnston Exec: Edward Johnston Wit: John R.Gaston and John Campbell HENRY CARSON Will made 10-16-1802. Prob. 11-4-1802. Rec.Bk. 25, p. 500 Heirs - wife: Agnes also Bk. 6, p. 490 sons: David and Hugh dau: Hannah, Elizabeth, Mary Raddorks Margaret Giffen Jenny Andrews gr.son: John, son of David nephew: Henry Carson Andrews Exec: wife Agnes and son-in-law James Giffen Wit: H.Gowans, William Cooper, Robert Thompson JOHN CHAPMAN Nun-cup. will made 8-11-1802. Prob. 8-19-1802. Rec.Bk. 6, p. 492. Heirs - nephew: John Chapman of Newcastle Co., Del. Exec : Isaac Anderson Dictated to Dr. John Cranmer and John Miller EBENEZER COOLEY Will made 6-26-1809. Prob. 8-4- 1809. Rec.Bk. 6, p. 482. Heirs - wife: Qulaner (or Julaner) sons: John Thomas, David Findlay & Ruben dau: Lally and Eliza Exec: son David and wife Qulaner Wit: James Mar shall, Stephen Moore, John Thomas JABEZ COOLEY Will made 12-29-1807. Prob. 8-6-1808. Rec.Bk. 9, p. 486. Heirs - sons: William, Thaddeus, and Ebenezer dau: Margaret Brinton (Samuel Brinton) Martha Davis Hannah Waldron gr.sons: John, James, Thomas & Samuel Brinton gr.dau: Martha Brinton Exec: son-in-law Samuel Brinton Wit: Ogden Ross, Cornelius W.Hall, Matthew G.Wallace 50 ISAAC CRANE Will made 1-24-1801. Prob. 12-25-1801. Rec.Bk. 25, p. 497 Heirs - wife: Mary sons: Gabez, Hezeklah, Benjamin, Isaac Exec: brother Joseph and William McMlllen Wit: John Armstrong, John Whitworth, Tabltha Armstrong LEVI CRANE Will made 4-4-1808. Prob. 8-5-1808. Rec.Bk. 6, p. 483 Heirs - wife: Polly dau: Sally son: John Exec: wife Polly, uncle John Miller, brother, William Crane Wit: Ephraim Crane and James Walker BENJAMIN CUTTER (or CUTLER) Nun-cup. will made 12-6-1806. Prob. 4-10-1807. Rec.Bk. 9, p. 490. Heirs - children: not named Wit: Thomas Kain and Margret Kain Bequeathed all his personal estate "to my present housekeeper, Sarah Shrives, for the rearing of my children" . JAMES DEVINE, Cpl.U.S.A. Will made 4-22-1794 at Ft. Washington Prob. 11-26-1794. Rec.Bk. 4, p. 250. Heir - Sgt. Samuel Perkins Wit: Joseph Strong, Wm.McConnell, David Glody JAMES EADS Will made 11-6-1808. Prob. 4-9-1809. Rec.Bk. 5, p.294, Heirs - wife: Hanna son: Wm.H. youngest sons: Elijah and Thomas Exec: wife Hanna and son Wm.H. Wit: William Mayer, Jonas Crane, Jery Johnson JAMES ELLIOTT Will made 5-5-1799- Prob. 7-2-1799. Rec.Bk. 8, p. 286. Heirs - wife: Marey eldest son: William son: Jame3 ( cont. ) 51 JAMES ELLIOTT (cont.) sons: John and Samuel, minors dau: Mar ey, Margaret, J enney Exec: wife and son James Wit: James Dunn and John Scott THOMAS FEE Will made 2 -18-1790. Prob. 6-20-1800. Rec.Bk. 6, p. 492. Heirs - wife: Sarah eldest son: George dau: Mary Jackson Ruth Owens sons : John and Thomas dau: Sarah Gaskins Rachel Thrasher sons: William, James, Samuel, Elias, Elijah, Elisha, Jesse Exec: wife Sarah Wit: John Aldridge, Joseph Lakin, Samuel Lakin Previously lived in Frankland Twp, Washington Co. Pa ISAAC FELTY Will made 1-17-1799. Prob. 1-26-1799. Rec.Bk. 25, p. 501. Heirs - wife: Mary sons: John and Joseph youngest sons: Isaac and Thomas dau: Elizabeth, youngest child Exec: wife Mary and Thomas Gibson Wit: Samuel Dick and Isaac Anderson SETH FIELDS Will made 12-1-1804. Prob. 8-7-1805. Rec.Bk. 10, p. 408 Heirs - wife: Sidney son: David, a minor dau: Lydia, a minor Exec: wife Sidney and John Smith Wit: James Clark, Lydia Davis, Ellze Torrence BROWNLOW FISHER Will made 1-21-1808. Prob. 4-7-1808. Rec.Bk. 10, p. 405 Heirs - wife: Elizabeth dau: Alvira, Mirza son: Brownlow dau: Sophia, Zelinda son: Alfred Exec: wife, Benjamin Mason and Robert Merrie Wit: John W.Browne, Philip Price, and Thomas Williams 52 DAVID FLIN Will made 9-29-1797. Prob. 4-5-1815. Rec.Bk.l, p. 513- Heirs - wife: not named married daughters : Lydy and Susana sons-in-law: John Jones and James Baxter son: Stephen dau: Abijah, Elizabeth, & Martha Joshana son: Benjamin Exec: John Jones and James Baxter Wit: William Baxter, Andrew Baxter, Samuel Gray WILLIAM FLINN Will made 8-22-1795.Prob.8-28-1795.Rec,Bk.6,p.498. Heirs - sons: James and Daniel grandchildren: Abraham, James, Elizabeth, Susana, Rachel, Mary, all children of dau. Elizabeth & John Barnet. Samuel, son of dec'd son William William, Thomas, Jacob & Elizabeth, chil- dren of dec'd son Thomas Exec: sons James and Daniel Wit: William Goforth, William Giffen, Ann Carpenter HEZEKIAH FLINT, SR. Will made 3-5-1807. Prob. 12-2-1812. Rec.Bk. 10, p. 389. Heirs - wife: Anna son: Hezekiah dau : Fanny Rebecca Pope (Pearly P.Pope) Tamer Blancham (Josiah Blancham) Parmella Eaton (William Eaton) sons: Samuel, Isaac Osgood dau: Esther St .Glair (George St. Clair) youngest sons: Daniel, William youngest dau: Lucy and one not named, born after will was made but mentioned in codicil. Exec: wife Anna and Capt. Joseph Prince Wit: John W. Browne and Hannah Furnace GERSHOM GARD Will made 12-25-1806. Prob.— — 1806. Rec.Bk. 5, P. 296, Heirs - sons: Seth and Job dau: Elizabeth, Ruth, Betsey, Jemima, Eunice, Hannah (cont. ) 53 GERSHOM GARD (cont.) Exec: son Seth Wit: Peter Laboyteaux and Peter Laboyteaux, Jr JOSEPH GERARD Will made 4-4-1792. Prob. 8-2-1792 .Rec.Bk. 25, p. 503 Heirs - wife: Elizabeth eldest son: Reece, a minor youngest son: William, a minor daughters: Rachel and Joanna, minors Exec: Jesse Gerard and William Gerard Wit: Ellas Gerard, Henry Debolt, George Shinn GEORGE GIBSON, Lt. Col. U.S.A. Will made 11-12-1791. Prob. 1-10-1792. Rec.Bk. 18, p. 472, Heirs - wife: Anne eldest son: Francis West Gibson other sons: George Patrick Henry Gibson William Chisney Gibson Matthias John Bannister Gibson nephew: Robert Calender Exec: wife Anne Wit: Maxwell Binus, Mahlon Ford, Thomas Doyle He was Lt. Col. Commandant of the 2nd Reg. of the U.S.Livies and formerly served in Cumberland, Pa. and in Virginia. ROBERT HANES Will made 6-15-1804, Prob. 10- -l804.Rec.Bk.2,p.481 Heirs - wife: Elizabeth sons: Daniel, a minor Israel, the youngest, under 14 only dau: Sarah, a minor Exec: Stephen Reeder and Ogden Ross Wit: John Ray, James Charters, James Andrew RICHARD HANKINS Will made 4-5-1808. Prob. 3-29-1824. Rec.Bk. 7, p. 3^7 Heirs - wife: Rachel son: William dau: Sarah, Elizabeth and Jane Wm.VanDike Exec: son William and Isaac Sparks Wit: Ephraim Brown and John Runyan 51* ABRAHAM HART Will made 9-8-1805. Prob. 9-15-1818. Rec.Bk. 6, p. 475. Heirs - wife: Lyddia son: John Exec: wife Lyddia and son John Wit: Thomas Alston, Thomas Baxter, Anthony Burns Previously lived in Butler County, Ohio. ADAM HATFIELD Will made 10-22-1795. Prob. 12-15-1795. Rec.Bk. 1, p. 516 Heirs - wife: Margrate eldest son: John other sons and daughters, all minors, not named . Exec: wife Margrate and son John. Wit: John Gibson and Timothy Lyons SAMUEL HILDITCH Will made 8- -1810. Prob. 12-4-1810. Rec.Bk. 3, p. 7. Heirs - wife: Hannah wife's sister: Lydla Corn Exec : wife Hannah Will written on a scrap of paper but not witnessed; but verbal statements as to same content made to William Jones and James Matthews. SAMUEL HILDITCH Will made 3-22-1800. Prob. 8-28-1822. Rec.Bk. 6, p. 451. Heirs - wife: Hannah Wit: John Ladbury and Thomas Starkey Will made when he was living in Birmingham, Warwick County, England, but he had previously lived in Ham- ilton Co., Ohio. Appointed his brother Richard of Birmingham to recover his estate bequeathed him by his mother Hannah Hildltch,a widow, late of Shrews- bury, England. The signatures of the witnesses were verified 3-25-1822 by the U.S. Consul at Birmingham in Bristol. JOHN HILL Will made 1-4-1803. Prob. 1-22-1803. Rec.Bk. 4, p. 235- Heirs - sons: Benjamin, Philip, and Samuel grandchildren, (chil.of son, Joseph, dec 1 d) Exec: sons Philip and Samuel Wit: Benjamin Moore, William Wasson,Theo.Slmonton 55 JOHN HOLE,SR. Will made 5-31-1808. Prob. 12-7-1808. Rec.Bk. 4, p. 246. Heirs - wife: Catharine sons: Walter (Phebe) Barna (Jane) John (Isabella) dau: Uphama Pierson (Abraham Pierson) Exec: wife Catharine and Ogden Ross Wit: Matthew G.Wallace, William Slaback, Robert Moore HUGH HUGHES, Capt.U.S.A. Will made 12-13-1793- Prob. 2-11-1794. Rec.Bk. 4, p. 249. Heir - Capt.Mahlon Ford Wit: D.Stevens and John H.Bennett JOHN JESSUP Will made 2-3-1804. Prob. 3-6-1804. Rec.Bk. 3, p. 77 Heirs - wife: Judith eldest son: Stephen other sons: John, Daniel, David dau: Judith Miles (Abiezer Miles) of Brush Valley , Northumberland Co . , Pa . younger dau: three, not named Exec: wife Judith Trustees & guardians: son Stephen & Ephralm Brown Wit: John W.Browne, Dr. John Cranmer, Ephralm Brown DAVID KIRKWOOD Will made .8-15-1796. Prob. 9-11-1796. Rec.Bk. 8, p. 287. Heirs - wife: not named son: Joseph another child: not named sisters: Martha and Mary Exec :bros.- in-law George Galaspy,Jr.& Samuel Dick Wit: Benjamin Griffith and James Gillespie LUTHER KITCHEL Will made 1-7-1805. Prob. 1-18-1805. Rec.Bk. 4, p. 234. Heirs - wife: Mary (Glover) Kitchel son: Joseph dau: Margaret Exec: Peircy Kitchel, Manas sah Brown, James Connor Wit: James Connor, Mary Ann Connor, Elizabeth Parker, Catharine Coons 56 ASA KITCHELL Will made 10-29-1807. Prob. 11-25-1816. Rec.Bk. 6, p. 476, Heirs - wife: Rhoda sons: Wickliff, a minor Joseph and Benajah dau : Triphene Wit: Othniel Looker, Tom Smith, Grace Ford DANIEL LAMBERT Will made 1-27-1803- Prob. 5-8-1804. Rec.Bk. 3, p. 37- Heirs - wife: Mary son: John second son: Benjamin youngest dau: Charlotte Exec: son Benjamin and William Brown Wit: Dorothea Meeks, Robert Morris, Alener Applegate JOSEPH BOWMAN LEIBERT Will made 7-14-1806. Prob. 8- -1806. Rec.Bk. 4, p. 241. Heirs - father: John, of Germantown, Pa. wife: Sidney son: John Stapler Exec: wife Sidney, James W.Sloan, John Nimmo Wit: Peter McNicoll, Mennessier, Robert J.Merrie JESSE LEONARD Will made 8-17-1801. Prob. 12-15-1807. Rec.Bk. 7, p. 402. Heirs - sons : David and Luther dau: Lydia Voorheese Hulda Flack Elizabeth Lord Exec : sons David and Luther Wit: William Go , Jonah Vandervort, Thomas — ning, John Jones, James Jones COBUS LINTHECOME Will made 1-29-1794. Prob. 3-5-1794. Rec.Bk. 11, p. 378 Heirs - wife: Lydia dau : Polly son: David Exec: wife Lydia, Jonathan Pitman, Henry Weaver Wit: John McCashen and James McCashen 57 BENJAMIN LOCHWOOD, Cap t. U.S. A. Attest of Heirs Made 12-13-1809. eldest dau: Madalaine Julia, at St. Joseph ' s, Canada son: Anthony Wayne, in Newport dau: Martha Washington Lockwood, Maria Washington Lockwood, Matilda D.Washington Lockwood, and Missouri Washington Lockwood, all in Newport Guardian: 12-21-1809 John Cleves Symmes appointed guardian for these minors, all under 14. DAVID LOWRY, SR. Will made 4-20-1800. Prob. 1-14-1801. Rec.Bk. 3, p. 38. Heirs - John Lowry and his son David dau: Nancy Titus sons: Archabald, David, Thomas & Robert dau: Letis Gillson Elinor Jason grandchildren: David Titus, son of Nancy Letis Lowry, daughter of Archabald Letis Gillson, daughter of Letis John Jason, son of Elinor Exec: David Lowry and Thomas Scot Lowry Wit: William Donnel and Hugh Cameron JOHN LOWRY Will made 9-21-1801. Prob. 10-28-1801. Rec.Bk. 3, p. 39 Heirs - wife: Elizabeth eldest son: John 2 youngest sons: Abraham & Flemming 5 daughters, not named wife's sister: Mary Fleming Exec: William Gaudy, John Bigger, Jr. , John Sterrett Wit: James Barrett, Robt. Warwick, Henry Bowlen DRAKE MANNING Will made 4-30-1794. Prob. 4-4-1796. Rec.Bk. 4, p. 251. Heirs - brothers: Erick, Samuel, Daniel Exec: brother Samuel and Charles Mannon Wit: Ross Crosley and Gardner Sutton PHILIP MASON Will made 2-25-1801. Prob. 10-11-1804. Rec.Bk. 2, p. 492 (cont.) 58 PHILIP MASON (cont) Heirs - wife: Mary eldest son: Samuel son: John younger sons: William and Richard youngest son: James dau: Elizabeth Smith Catharine Seward Exec : wife Mary Wit: James Matthews, Philip Highfill, Mary Davis He owned land in Tyrone Twp., Fayette County, Pa, JOHN MATSON, Capt.in U.S.A. Will made 6-24-1804. Prob. 10-11-1804. Rec.Bk. 2, p. 483 Heirs - wife: Jane sons: James, John, Thomas, Isaac, Enoch dau: Ann Cox Elizabeth Matson Mary Janes (Joseph Janes) Exec: wife Jane and son John Wit: Thomas Smith and George Anderson AARON MERCER Will made 11-17-1800. Prob. 1-7-1801. Rec.Bk. 2, p. 488. Heirs - wife: Elizabeth son: Edward dau: Ann Brown (Thomas Brown) Sarah Miller ( Ichabod Benton Miller) grandchildren: David Mercer Miller and Han- nah Miller Exec: son Edward and the two sons-in-law Wit: Benjamin Stites,John Whetstone, Ignatius Ross JESSE MERRITT Will made 7-26-1808. Prob. 8-2-1808. Rec.Bk. 6, p. 484. Heirs - wife: Margaret sons: Calvin and Luther, both minors dau: Hannah and Charlotte, both minors Exec: John Allen and Joseph Kitchell Wit: Henry Chris tman, Vincent Jackman, Rachel Kitchell The clothing of first wife to be divided be^ween the two daughters. 59 JOHN MILLS, MaJ.in U.S.A. Will made 7-6-1795 .Prob. 7-14-179 6. Rec.Bk.l, p. 517. Heirs - father: John brothers : William, Samuel , Zachariah, Charles , and Benjamin sisters: Sarah and Abigail Exec: brother William Mills and Winthrop Sargent Wit: H.VanderBurgh, Henry Landers, John George Leth- radge JOHN READING MILLS Will made 3-21-1808. Prob. 7-1-1810. Rec.Bk. 2, p. 469. Heirs - wife: Mary bro : William son: William R.Philips Mills, a minor dau: Rebecca Ogden Mills Mary Reading Mills Phebe Halstead Mills Exec: wife Mary, Gen. James Findlay, Col. John S.Wallac< Atty: Jacob Burnet Wit: Jacob Burnet, Christopher Hamel,John W.Browne THOMAS MOORE Will made 7-27-1791. Prob. 3-31-1800. Rec.Bk. 2, p. 487. Heirs - bro: John Moore, of Ireland Ephrcim Johnson, of Franklin County, Pa. Exec: James Findlay and William McClennon Wit: Abner M.Dunn, Ezra Freeman, Thomas Welch HENRY MORTEN Will made 8-27-1808. Prob. 11-29-1824. Rec.Bk. 6, p. 415 Heirs - wife: Mary eldest son: Thomas, of Amer sham, England other sons: Henry, John, Joseph, Richard Exec: wife Mary Wit: James Findlay, John Bruce, Geo.P.Torrence SAMUEL MUCHMORE Will made 6-9-1806. Prob. 8-6-1811. Rec.Bk. 2, p. 475. Heirs - wife: Sarah eldest son: Benjamin sons: Stephen and Daniel youngest sons: David and John, minors dau: Esther and Elizabeth other dau: Mary and Sarah, minors (cont.) youngest dau: Fanny, minor 6o SAMUEL MUCHMORE (cont.) Exec: son Benjamin and John Jones Wit: Phlneas Bower, George James, John Jones JOHN MC ADAMS Will made 9-8-1809. Prob.8-6-1817.Rec.Bk. 6, p. 469. Heirs - wife: Ann sons: Ephraham, John, James, Thomas, William, Hamilton, Armstrong, Sutor dau: Cathrine Boner Exec: wife Ann, Samuel Hlldltch, I.B.Miller Wit: John Armstrong, Henry Ulery, William Nevill DAVID MC CASH Will made 8-21-180?. Prob. 10-9-1807. Rec.Bk. 6, p. 486. Heirs - wife: Martha sons: William, James, John, a minor dau: Army, Margaret, Elizabeth, minors Mary and Isabella Exec: James Findlay and William Ruff in Wit: Zebulon Brown and Samuel Seward THOMAS MC CLELLAN Will made 7-10-1800. Prob. 10-15-1800. Rec.Bk. 2, p. 490. Heirs - wife: Mary sons: James, Thomas, John, Daniel dau : Matty Agnes Tounsley Polly Mason Anny Smith Exec: wife Mary, son John, and Robert Townsley Wit: Lycurgus Holmes, Isaac Morris, John Morris Also owned land in Pennsylvania. JOHN MC CULLCUOH Will made- 3- 7-1803. Prob. 11-21-1803. Rec.Bk. 7, p. 374. Heirs - wife: Elizabeth sons: Thomas and John, minors dau: Martha, a minor Exec: David Zeigler and Stephen Reeder Wit: Alexander Meeks,Levi McClain,Hugh McCollom n The bound boy, John Thompson, to go free". 61 GEORGE MC DOWEL Will made 11-9-1794. Prob. 2 -2 -1795. Rec.Bk. 11, p. 374. Heirs - cousins: uncle John Tait f s children sister: June Mc Dowel uncle: David Tait Exec: Wm.Tait of Kentucky and John Johnston of Pittsburgh Atty: William Cribb Wit: James Conner and Wm.McConnell Owned property in Pittsburgh. John Clark is to be sent to Wm.McElroy's to be schooled. JOSEPH MC HENRY Will made 8-25-1806. Prob.- .Rec.Bk. 6, p. 489 Heirs - wife: Hannah sons: Enoch and Van dau: Euphan Williams Rebecka granddaughter: Hannah Cox Exec: sons Enoch and Van Wit: John Ludlow, Andrew Myers, Robert Hill JOHN MC LAULING Will made 10-2 6-1808. Prob. 4-12 -1809. Rec.Bk. 2, p. 474 Heirs - wife: Phebe son: Price, a minor dau : Susannah son: David other children, not named Exec: wife Phebe and Price Thompson Wit: Benajah Ayres and Joseph Megie WILLIAM MC MILLAN Will made 2-9-1802. Prob. 5-8-1804. Rec.Bk. 7, p. 383* Heirs - wife: Constance brothers and sisters, not named William Corry Exec: wife Constance and William Corry Wit: Jacob Burnet, Arthur St. Clair, Jr, Samuel Robb George Husler, bound to him till 21, to be given $320 and his freedom. 62 ALLEN OLIVER Will made 10-13-1799. Prob. 10-28-1799. Rec.Bk. 8, p. 285 Heirs - wife: Mary sons : Ezekiel and Allen dau: five, not named Exec: Moses Miller and Thomas Wells Wit: John Riddle, Isaac Bates, Jacob Williams DANIEL OSBORN Will made 12-23-1797 in Sou thold, Suffolk Co.,N.Y. Prob. there 10-7-1800. Prob. in Hamilton Co., Ohio 2-23-1833 & 10-29-1846. Rec.Bk. 5, p. 248 & Bk. 14, p. 557. Heirs - sons: Daniel and Hull other sons: Thomas and Barnabas, minors dau: Abigail and Mehitable, minors four other children, not named Exec: sons Daniel and Hull Wit: Sy Lester, Hellen Osborn, Sally Petty LINEUS PIERSON Will made 7-13-1807. Prob. 8-10-1807. Rec.Bk. 4, p. 245. Heirs - brothers: Ludlow and Jonathan sister: Mary Doty niece: not named, dau. of dec'd sister Elizabeth Boyle s & Solomon Boyles Exec: uncle William Ludlow, brother Ludlow Pierson, both of Ohio, and Solomon Doty of Morris Co. N.J. Wit: James Colwell, Anthony Highland, Ephr aim Scud- der Benjamin Ludlow and Solomon Doty to be trustees and guardians for the niece. WILLIAM PRESTON Will made 9-22-1802. Prob. 1-4-1803. Rec.Bk. 2, p. 486. Heirs: dau: Abigail Long Susan McGilliard son; Joseph Preston Abijah Preston Exec: John McGilliard Wit: Henry Weaver, James Steel, Amos White HENRY REED Will made in Louisville, Ky. 9-11-1793. Proved 11-27-93 (cont. ) 63 HENRY REED (cont.) Will prob.in Philadelphia 6-22-1831 and in Hamilton County, Ohio 8-15-1834. Rec.Bk.4,p.l32. Heirs - Bro: James Reed, of Derry County , Ireland Eleanor Elliott, Louisville Martha Pat ton, Louisville Elizabeth Wise, Louisville sons: James Reed, a minor (by Elea. Elliott) Henry Reed, a minor (by Martha Pat ton) Robert Reed, a minor (by Ellz.Wise) Exec: George Wallace of Pittsburgh and Andrew Kennedy of Philadelphia Wit: Thomas Boyde, Bar-- Mc Shane, James McNutt JOHN ROLL Will made 9-11-1807. Prob. 5-18-1808. Ree.Bk. 6, p. 488 Heirs - present wife: Lydia sons: John, Mathias and Abraham dau: Rachel Badgeley son: Edward Exec : William Ludlow and son Mathias Roll Wit: David Burnet, Enoch Mc Henry, Pheby Burnet DANIEL SEWARD Will made 1-15-1794. Prob. 10-9-1794. Rec.Ek. 11, p. 377 Heirs - wife: Mary dau: Milley, Mehitable sons: Malen, John, Samuel Exec: wife Mary, Rev. John Smith, Jacob White Wit: Henry Taylor, Thomas Gavin, Lebbeous Marshall SARAH SHAW Will made 10-1-1805. Prob. 12-5-1805. Ree.Bk. 9, p. 487. Heirs: husb: John, deceased dau: Salla Hlldah Rood sons: John, Knoles, Albin Exec: Judah Willey Wit: Ellas Hedges and Israel Willey ABRAHAM SMITH, SR. Will made 9-25-1808. Prob. 10-12-1808. Rec.Bk. 4, p. 243 Heirs - wife: Ellener 8 on: Abraham (cont. ) 64 ABRAHAM SMITH, SR. ( cont. ) dau : Barbary , Catherine , Ruhany , Prise ilia granddaughter: Suff ranee sons: Edward and Isaac Exec: sens Edward and Isaac Wit: John Jones, Henry Roseboom, Edward Smith BALLARD SMITH, Major U.S.A. Will made 3-13-179*. Prob. 4-29-1794. Rec.Bk. 11, p. 372 Heirs - mother: Elizabeth Smith of Hanover Co.,Va. natural son: Francis Smith, alias Sprankle (by Barbary Sprankle) Exec: Capt.John Preston, brother William Smith, mother Elizabeth Smith, Anthony Smith Wit: George Gordon, Joseph Prince, Robt. Mitchell Owned property in Jefferson County, Ky. JOHN STALL Will made 11-26- 1808. Prob. 12-7-1813. Rec.Bk. 7, p. 372 Heirs - wife: Frances children: not named nephew: John S.Lytle Exec: wife Frances, Edward H. Stall, William Lytle Wit: William Lytle and Roger W. Waring THOMAS STEAD Will made 7-19-1808. Prob. 8-3-1812. Rec.Bk. 9, p. 489 Heirs - wife: Margaret niece: Sarah Highfill Exec: wife Margaret , Thomas Williams, Samuel Best Wit: John Mahard, Andrew Brannon, John Lain DANIEL STORMS Will made 7-10-1803. Prob. 2-6-1804. Rec.Bk. 2, p. 480 Heirs - sons : Jacob and Daniel dau: Eve, Ullana, Elizabeth, Chrlstena, Catharlna Exec: Hartman Vantreese and Emmanuel Vantreese Wit: Dennis Clark and Andrew Shirk JOHN STOUGHTON Will made 8-10-1799. Prob. 4-23-1802. Rec.Bk. 7, p. 385- Heirs - wife: Lydda brothers: Samuel, William, Joseph (cont.) 65 JOHN STOUGHTON (cont.) Exec: wife Lydda and John Ludlow Wit: Abner Boston, Samuel Woods, Kennedy Morton CALEB SWAN Will made 3-24-1807. Prob. 12-19-1809 in Wash. Prob. 4-10-18 10 in Ham. Co. , Ohio. Rec.Bk. 10, p. 457- Heirs - wife: Maria (pregnant) nephew: Nathaniel Frey,Jr. Exec: wife Maria and Phillip Barton Frey,of George- town, Md. or his nephew Francis S.Frey Wit: Thomas Patterson Born in Massachusetts in 17 60. Married 8-18-1806 to Maria Henrietta Abert, eldest daughter of John Abert of Shepherds town, Jefferson Co.,Va. Paymaster of the Army of the U.S.A. Owned property in Washington, also in Cincinnati and near the Muskingum River in Ohio. A codicil dated 6-7-1809 mentions the child, sex not stated. JOHN TERRY Will made 1-19-1791. Prob. 5-27-1795. Rec.Bk. 11, p. 379. Heirs - wife: Ruth sons: Enos, Reuben, Robert, John, William, Judah dau: Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah Wit: William McMillon, James Butler, Hannah Danalds GEORGE TETRICK Will made 7-30-1804. Prob. 9-15-1804. Rec.Bk. 25, p. 489. Heirs - wife: Mary sons: Joseph, Henry, John dau: Betsey, Mary, Catharine Exec: wife Mary and brother Peter Wit: George Carpenter, Thomas Ellis, Catharine Ellis Previously lived in Maryland. TUNIS VOORHIES Will made 7-15-1794. Prob. 11-25-1794. Rec.Bk. 3, p. 42 Heirs - Dr. Joseph Strong, surgeon's mate, 2nd Legion William Hlggison,prlv. dragoon of Capt.Robt M. Campbells Troop Wit: Dr. Richard Allison, Noah P.Hopkins, Thomas Woodley . Sgt.of Capt. Pratt's Co., 1st Sub Legion of the U.S. Will made in Hospital at Fort Washington. 66 JAMES WALLACE Will made 8-10-1803-Prob. 18— .Rec.Bk. 25, p. 496. Heirs - dau: Margret Hill Alice Shepherd Sarah Goudy aon: John grandchildren, all minors: Martha Vance, Henrietta Hill Wallace, James Pierson Wallace, Harriet Scott Wallace Exec: son John Wallace Wit: John R.Mills and Mary Mills JAMES WALLACE Will made 11-16-1801. Prob. 10-3-1818. Rec.Bk. 25, p. 468. Heirs - wife: not named son: David dau: Agnes and Catrine Exec: James Armstrong and David Wallace Wit: William £elley,John Bailey, Catharine Wallace EBENEZER WARD Will made 6-18-1795- Prob. 3-21-1796. Rec.Bk. 11, p. 375. Heirs - wife: Phebe granddaughters: Mary Brundage Jemima Brundage, dec'd grandson: Ebenezer Ward Finney greatgrandsons : Stephen Brundage , William Brundage , Edward Brundage and Joseph Brundage grand son- in- law: Benjamin Fisher greatgrandson- in-law: Jonathan Miller, son of Mary Fisher, now Mary Miller, wife of Jonathan Miller, Sr. Exec: Rev. John Smith Wit: Thomas Boone, John Fagin, Levi Buckingham REBAKAH WELLE Will made: 9- 24-1799. Prob. 10-4- 1799. Rec.Bk. 3, p. 40. Heirs - husb: William, dec f d, of Fayette Co., Pa. sons: William, Jesse, Thomas dau: Elizabeth David (Daniel David) Abigail Brown (Joseph Brown) Frances grandchildren : Rebecca & William Brown, chil. of Abigail (cont.) William & Rebecca Wells, chil. of David 67 REBEKAH WELLS (cont.) grandchildren : William & Rebecca David, chil. of Eliz.& Daniel William Wells, son of Thomas William & Rebeca Palmer, chil. of Thomas Palmer Mary & Rebecca Wells, chil. of Jesse Sarah Brown Exec: sons Jesse and Thomas Wells Wit: Moses Miller, Jacob Reeder, William Espy JAMES WESTFALL Will made 12 -7-1800. Prob. 1-9-1801. Rec.Bk. 9, p. 492. Heirs - wife: Anne children: not named Wit: Philip Petro and Jacob Shaver STEPHEN WHEELER Will made 8-28-1806. Prob. 9-20-1806. Rec.Bk. 4, p. 239. Heirs - wife: Rhoda son: Jacob dau: Rhoda and Abigail youngest son: Stephen grandchild: Phebe Wheeler Reeder, a minor Exec: wife Rhoda and son Jacob Wit: Abram Tier ig, Manas s ah Brown, Thomas Henderson FRANCIS WILLSON Will made in Pittsburgh, Pa. 10-20-1807. Prob. there 11-2 -1807. Prob. in Ham. Co. ,0.10-9-1841. Rec.Bk. 18, p. 368. Heirs - wife: Mary sister: Mary Willson Gault nephews: James, Peter and John Willson nieces: Jane Beard, Rachel Johnston, Mary Willson Armstrong, Sarah Willson great-nephew: John Armstrong, son of Mary sister-in-law: Martha Neil Stewart others: Mathew Stewart, Mary Willson Wigfleld, Elizabeth Willson Shaw, George Willson, Francis Willson, Thomas Willson. Exec: Matthew Stewart, wife Mary Willson, Thomas Willson Wit: Robert Steele, John Irwin, Rd. Graham Owned property in Cincinnati, Ohio, Newport, & Indiana 68 WILLIAM WILSON Will made 5-15-1793-Prob.in Pittsburgh, Pa. Prob.in Ham. Co. , Ohio 5-22-1845. Rec.Bk. 7, p. 273- Heirs - wife: Ann natural son: William Wilson (by Elllnor House) nephews : Andrew Boggs William Wilson, son of bro. Robert Exec: wife Ann, James Brison,and nephew Andrew Boggs Wit: John Scull and John Moury Also owned property in Virginia LEWIS WOODRUFF Will made in Elizabeth, N.J. 7-23-1801. Prob. there 3-9-1816. Prob.in Ham. Go. Ohio 11-23-1844. Rec.Bk. 11, p. 178. Heirs - wife: Hannah John Cook Exec : wife Hannah and Aaron Lane Wit: Geo. C.Barber, Jonathan Hampton, Gabriel Woodruff COMFORT WRIGHT Will made 3-17-1807. Prob. 4-— 1807. Rec.Bk. 25, p. 453- Heirs - granddaughter: Nancy Post, daughter of Josiah Post,dec'd son Nancy Henderson, "late the widow of my affd. son of Josiah Post" Exec: Jabez Perclval of Lawrenceburg Wit: William Cherry, John Perine, Isaac Polke i _ 828M5 r Rs,TvoF r o,suRMNr 12 025350171 *M