lUiooie. Univ. — Gregory h&U La/Cog of* -the corner- etone ... June ict *<2>©e>. The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. University of Illinois Library Ml 17 I j. it NOV 1 2 Wfi JAN 3 JUH10 998 JUN 16 1)38 APR 2 3 m APR 3 2002 L161— O-1096 LAYING OF THE CORNERSTONE OF GREGORY HALL THE LIBRARY OF THE OCT 10 1939 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SATURDAY MORNING JUNE TENTH NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE ELEVEN O'CLOCK JpcJiM/ , ^M,wtc4v i/ver/ory FIRST PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I 8 6 7 - I 8 8 O Some Excerpts from Dr. Gregory' 's Addresses i 868 It is much easier to learn and remember, than to investigate and think. 1873 I have only one wish to gratify — the wish for the prosperity and well- being of the University. 1879 Great numbers of students prove nothing unless they are attracted by the presence of great teachers. It is the aim of a University to lead well-prepared students to the summits of learning, rather than to collect and conduct great numbers of immature minds along the lower and elementary paths. c PROGRAM Charles Wham, '12, President of the Alumni Association, Presiding (Radio Broadcast by Station W I L L) Invocation The Reverend Paul E. Alden Minister of the University Baptist Church Introduction of President Willard and Trustees of the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, M. T. McClure of the Dean of the College of Education, Thomas E. Benner of the Director of the School of Journalism, Lawrence W. Murphy of the Architect of the Building, Ernest L. Stouffer, '18 The Gregorians Dr. S. C. Stanton, '79 Chairman of the Gregorian Reunion Greetings from the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works Joseph Guandolo, '31 Regional Counsel The Laying of the Cornerstone Alfred Gregory, '78 Son of Dr. J. M. Gregory Address Alfred Gregory The University Anthem Sung by a mixed quartette under the direction of Professor LeRoy Hamp of the School of Music Benediction The Reverend Paul E. Alden JOHN MILTON GREGORY A.B. Union College, 1846; LL.D. Univer- sity of Michigan, 1866; b. July 6, 1822, Sand Lake, N. Y. ; s. Joseph (b. Sand Lake, N. Y.) and Rachel (Bullock) Greg- ory (b. West Sand Lake, N. Y.) ; prepared in public schools and Dutchess County Academy; graduated Union College 1846; studied law, Schenectady, N. Y., 1846-47; pastor Baptist Church, Hoosick Falls, N. Y., 1847-50; ordained 1848; pastor Akron, O., 1850-52; principal Classical School, Detroit, 1852-59; editor and pub- lisher, Mich. Journal of Education, 1854- 59 ; superintendent of public instruction for Michigan, 1859-64; president, Kala- mazoo College, 1865-67; regent (presi- dent) Illinois Industrial University, 1867- 80; U. S. Commissioner, Vienna Exposi- tion, 1873 '•> judge, educational department, Philadelphia Centennial, 1876; Illinois State Commissioner to Paris Exposition, 1878; member and president, Illinois State Board of Health, 1878-83 ; member, U. S. Civil Service Commission, 1883-85 ; professor-emeritus of political economy, University of Illinois. Author: School Laws of Michigan; numerous articles and addresses on edu- cational subjects; Handbook of History and Map of Time; A New Political Economy ; Seven Laws of Teaching. Married: Julia Gregory, Sept. 6, 1848 (died June 3, 1877) ; Louise Catherine Allen, June 17, 1879 (died May 1, 1920^. Children: Mary, b. Jan. 7, 1850 (died Aug. 25, 1937) ; Walter, b. Dec. 1852 (died Sept. 9, 1855) ; Helen, b. June 4, 1856; Alfred, b. Aug. 17, 1858; John, b. Dec. 30, 1859 (died May 20, 1865) ; Grant, b. Sept. 9, 1864; Julia, b. Jan. 22, 1866; Allene, b. Dec. 7, 1888. Died, Oct. 20, 1898, Washington, D. C. THE LIBRARY OF THE OCT 10*1939 UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS THE UNIVERSITY ANTHEM (Written by Dr. Gregory and sung at the inaugural exercises of the University, March 11, 1868) We hail thee! great Fountain of learning and light. There's life in thy radiance, there's hope in thy might. We greet now thy dawning, but what singer's rhyme, Shall follow thy course down the ages of timer O'er homes of the millions, o'er fields of rich toil; Thy science shall shine as the sun shines on soil, And Learning and Labor — fit head for fit hand, Shall crown with twin glories our broad prairie land. And as generations, in the grand march of time, Shall fill the long ages with numbers sublime, Thy portals shall throng with the lowly and great; Thy science-crowned children shall bless all the state. Then hail thee! blest Fountain of learning and light, Shine on in thy glory, rise ever in might; We greet now thy dawning; but ages to come Must tell of thy grandeur and shout Harvest Home.