umversitt of au»ioii URIAH* REPOR Univ.of 111. Library 53 OF TIIE j l($30 1 1 >•- \ : Oak Street UNCLASSIFIED mm m FOR THE Purchase of Camp Ground AT SEA GIRT. James Smith, Jr., and William L. Dayton, Esqs., AGENTS. TRENTON, N. J. : The John L. Murphy Pub. Co., Printers. J L f REPORT OF TOE STATE AGENTS FOR .THE Purchase of Camp Ground AT SEA GIRT. James Smith, Jr., and William L. Dayton, Esqs., AGENTS. TRENTON, N. J. : The John L. Murphy Pub Co., Printers. REPORT. £ rsl To his Excellency Robert S. Green , Governor , and Hon. E. J. Ander- son , Comptroller of the State of New Jersey : The undersigned agents of the State of New Jersey, appointed by your Excellency to acquire, by purchase, for the public use of the State as a military encampment for the military forces of the State, all that certain tract of land situate at Sea Girt, in the township of Wall, in the county of Monmouth, and State of New Jersey, de- scribed in the act by virtue of which said appointment was made, being an act entitled “A supplement to an act entitled ‘An act to take for public use a tract of land on the Atlantic coast, in the county of Monmouth, and to vacate the streets and ways thereon, and to take and extinguish certain easements thereon and therein/ approved February twenty-first, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight,” which supplemental act was approved May ninth, anno domini one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, immediately after their appointment as such agents, proceeded to perform the duties imposed upon them by said act, and they hereby, on this sixth day of December, anno domini one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, respectfully report that they have been unable to discover and agree with the owners and incumbrancers of and upon the land described in said act, for the purchase thereof, and they further report that there appears upon record in the Court of Chancery of New Jersey, in a suit wherein Elleston P. Marsh et al. are complainants, and The Sea Girt Land Improvement Company are defendants, an injunction granted by said court, on the sixteenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six, perpetually enjoining the said company from doing any act or thing to or towards vacating any of the streets, alleys, public grounds, or any part of the town plot of Sea Girt, and from disposing of the lands which are described in the act aforesaid, for the purpose of a rifle range, &c., or for auy other purpose inconsistent with the establishment of a town or city, and from selling said lands ( 3 ) LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 4 CAMP GROUND AT SEA GIRT. or any part thereof, free from the easements and servitudes of the streets, avenues and alleys shown on a map or plan filed in the clerk's office of the county of Monmouth, including the streets and ways set forth in the said supplemental act, which injunction would seem, at this time, to prevent the owners and incumbrancers from making and executing valid conveyances and releases to the State, to vest the title to said lands in the State free and clear from all incumbrances. JAMES SMITH, Jr., WILLIAM L. DAYTON, State Agents , (fee.