CATALOGUE onnecticut State Prison lij STlNETj 1907 CONNECTICUT STATE PRISON PRISON RULES INDETERMINATE SENTENCE LAW PAROLE REGULATIONS LIBRARY CATALOGUE The Monthly Record Press Wethersfield, Conn* Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates 0 Tl. bit eisp CONNECTICUT STATE PRISON DIRECTORS James W. Cheney Thomas D. Wells Willie O. Burr Frank C. Sumner Wilson C. Reynolds Frederick M. Salmon Edward A. Fuller WARDEN Albert Garvin DEPUTY WARDEN George E. Baisden CLERK Melvin O. Fry PHYSICIAN Edward G. Fox CHAPLAINS Timothy C. Craig, Protestant. Jeremiah J. Duggan, Catholic. INDEX General Rules. .... I Indeterminate Sentence Law VIII Rules Governing Parole X Good Time Allowance XI Library Rules .... . XII Arts, Applied Science, Mechanics 103 Addenda ..... . 135 Biography .... 1 Books of Reference . 88 Classification .... 135 Educational ..... 9 General Literature 11 Fiction ..... 18 Foreign ..... 116 History . 67 Humor ..... 79 Nature Books .... . 114 Philosophical and Scientific 81 Poetry ..... . 83 Periodicals .... 120 Religion ..... . 90 Social Science . 100 Travel and Adventure . 106 GENERAL RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF PRISONERS Your attention is directed to the following rules, for only by observing and obeying them can you make a good record as a prisoner and secure that diminution of your sentence which the law allows. Rule 1. Your first duty is strict obedience to all rules and reg¬ ulations, and the orders of the officer under whose charge you may be placed. Rule 2. You must observe strict silence in all departments of the prison, and while marching through the yard. Rule 3. You must not speak to, give or receive from visitors anything except by permission of the warden or deputy. Gazing at visitors or strangers passing through the prison is strictly for¬ bidden. Rule 4. You are expected to apply yourself faithfully and dil¬ igently to whatever labor you are assigned, and, after reasonable teaching, to perform the same amount of work as would be requir¬ ed of you on the outside. Rule 5. At every signal to “fall in” for marching, take your place in line promptly, march with military step, attend to and promptly obey the orders of the officer. Rule 6. You must not leave the line or place of employ¬ ment without permission. If sick or unable to work, make it known to the officer in charge and act as he may direct. Rule 7. You will be required to keep your person clean, and your clothing tidy and in good order. You must not make any alterations in your clothing, or cut your shoes. If they do not fit, or need repairing, report to your officer. You must not carry knives, tools of any kind, pencils, paper, or any material whatever from the shop to your cell without permission in writing from the warden or deputy. Finding any of these articles in your posses¬ sion will be a proof that you have violated this rule. Writing to another convict or carrying news from one convict to another is strictly forbidden. Rule 8. You are not allowed to have any money on your per¬ son or in your possession, neither are you permitted to trade or purchase any article whatever. All your business must be done through the warden. Rule 9. You must approach an officer in a respectful manner, always saiuting before speaking. You must confine your conver¬ sation with him strictly to the business in hand. You must not RULES ii address an officer on matters outside the prison. Insolence in any form to an officer, foreman, or to a fellow convict will not be tol¬ erated. On entering the office of tlie board of directors, warden, or deputy, you must uncover unless your duties are of such a na¬ ture that you have special permission to remain covered. Rule 10. You are not compelled to attend religious services, but you are specialty requested to do so, believing that the moral support of religious instruction is necessary for all. Rule 11. You are required to bathe once a week unless ex¬ cused by the prison physician, warden, or deputy. Rule 12. You are permitted to receive such weekly papers and magazines as the warden may approve. No daily papers or sen¬ sational publications of any description will be admitted. Rule 13. In case of special letters, written permission must be obtained from the warden or deputy. All letters written or re¬ ceived will be first examined under the direction of the warden, before being sent or delivered, except as provided by law. List of Offenses Altering clothing. Assaulting an officer, instruct¬ or or inmate. Absence from shop without proper cause. Breach of trust. Bad work. Bed not property made. Clothing not in proper order. Communicating by signs. Carelessness in work. Coat not buttoned in line or chapel. Defacing anything. Dilatoriness. Dirty cell or furnishing. Disorderly cell. Disobedience of orders. Disturbing cell house by any act. Fighting. Hands in pocket. Hands or face not clean. Hair not combed. Having contraband articles in possession or cell. Insolence to officer, foreman, or fellow prisoner. Inattentive in line or school. Looking about shop. Malicious mischief. Not out of bed promptly. Not at door for count. Not wearing outside shirt. Not promptly out of cell when brake is drawn. Not promptly in bed when lights are extinguished. Not wearing dickey as direct¬ ed. Out of place in shop or line. Profanity. Quarrelling. Refusal to work. Spitting upon the fioor. Staring at visitors. Stealing. Talking from cell to cell or in corridor. Trading. Talking in chapel. Talking at work. Talking in line. Vile language. Wasting food. Ill RULES Shop Rules Rule 1. On entering the shop you will go directly to your place, remove your coat, put on your apron and go promptly to work. If you have any cause for complaint, whether from the keeper, foreman, or others, you will be allowed to make application for an interview without giving your reasons, if of a personal or private nature, through your officer at any time, to the board of directors, warden, or deputy. Rule 2. Communication between prisoners is strictly prohibit¬ ed and will not be allowed at any time, except by permission of the officer in charge, and then only when absolutely necessary. Rule 3. In talking with your foreman you will be required to confine your conversation strictly to your shop duties. You are not allowed to talk with him upon matters pertaining to outside news. You must respectfully listen to and faithfully carry out all instructions given you by your foreman pertaining to your work. Rule 4. You will be required to give your undivided attention to your work. Gazing about at visitors passing through the shop, or at prisoners, will not be allowed. Rule 5. Careless or wilful injury of your work or tools will promptly be reported. You will not be allowed to press against a fellow-convict in passing, to get in each other’s way or trespass on the rights of another so as to provoke ill feeling. You must always salute an officer on entering or retiring from the shop. If you desire to see the physician give your name to your officer im¬ mediately after entering the shop in the morning. Rule 6. All trading or bartering of whatsoever kind between prisoners or between officers, foremen, citizens, and prisoners is strictly forbidden. You will not be allowed to give to, or receive a present from either of them under any condition. Rule 7. If it becomes necessary to use a lead pencil, apply to your officer, and he w ill supply you. Pencils must be returned to the officer when required. You will not be allowed to cut off or appropriate any part of the pencil. Only reasonable wear will be allowed. Rule 8. You are permitted to go to the closet twice each half day, more frequently if necessary, by special permission of the of¬ ficer or on the order of the prison physician. Cell House Rules Rule 1. At the sound of the morning bell you must turn out, dress, make your bed neatly, wash, comb your hair, have your shoes polished (if in the first grade) and be ready for marching out. On returning to your cell step in, close the door without slamming, keep it firmly closed, remain standing with your right hand on the door until locked and the count is made. Cells will be swept on RULES v the morning of working clays only. Rule 2. Upon returning to cell house at noon, after securing your dinner, march promptly to your cell, close the door after you without slamming, and remain standing with right hand on the door until the count is made. The same rule will apply in the evening, and when the. count is correct you will be notified by the sound of the bell. Rule 3. You will be required to keep your library and school books and cell furniture clean and in good order. Marking on the walls, spitting on the cell floor, corridors, or flags will not be al¬ lowed. Neither are you permitted to lounge on the bed with your shoes on nor place your feet against the cell w T all or door. Rule 4. You will be required to scour your cups, keep your wash-basins and closets clean and in proper condition at all times. You must not waste any food. Bread not consumed must be left on the table in good condition. Rule 5. Strict silence must be observed in the cells at all times. Talking, laughing, reading aloud, shuffling of feet, drawing chairs across cell floor, or talking from cell 1o cell is strictly prohibited. You must not tamper with your electric light. If it does not burn properly, report the fact to the officer on duty. Rule 6. All prisoners attending night-school will be required to give close attention to their studies in the schoolroom, and in their cells throughout the entire term unless excused by the war¬ den or physician. Ruie 7. At tiie sound of the gong three times in the evening, you must undress quietly and immediately retire. If you have oc¬ casion to call the night officer, tap on the cell door lightly; but this privilege must not be used unless absolutely necessary. Chapel Rules Rule 1. On entering the chapel you will march erect with your arms by your side, keeping step with the music, and take your seats promptly as designated by the officer in charge. Rule 2. The signal for rising and being seated will be the sound of the deputy warden’s bell. When the signal is given you will rise promptly, and remain standing until notified to be seated. Rule 3. Strict attention must be given to the services. You must not gaze around the room at visitors or fellow convicts. No lounging will be tolerated. You must sit erect in your seats fac¬ ing the speaker. Rule 4. Reading, spitting on the floor, shuffling the feet or mak¬ ing any other unnecessary noise is strictly forbidden. Rule 5. Should you be taken sick during the services, or if it becomes necessary for you to retire, raise your right hand to the officer nearest you and act as he may direct. Rule 6. In marching to and from the chapel, you will be re¬ quired to keep in close order with face front and in as quiet and VI RULES orderly manner as possible. Any wilful violation of these rules will be promptly reported. Hospital Rules Rule 1. The same rules governing convicts in other depart¬ ments of the prison shall be observed here, except that prisoners who may be detailed to act as nurses are permitted to talk with prisoners who are in the hospital for treatment, when the nature of their work or duties requires them to do so. Rule 2. Under the direction of the prison physician, cleanli¬ ness must be observed at all times. The physician’s orders in re¬ gard to medical treatment, diet, etc., must be strictly and care¬ fully adhered to. Waste and refuse matter must be immediately removed from the hospital. Rule 3. Meals will be served at the same hours that they are to other inmates of the prison. The day and night officers in the hospital will see that the prison physician’s instructions are care¬ fully carried out at all times. Grade Rules Sec. I. The warden shall cause each convict committed to the state prison to be classed in one of the three grades, to be known and designated as first, second, and third grade. The first being the highest, the second the intermediate, and the third the lowest. Convicts in the first grade will be clothed in a suit of blue; those in the second grade, gray; and those reduced to third grade, black and white stripe. All convicts on arrival shall be entered in the second grade and may earn nine credit marks each month and shall be marked on conduct, work, and mental advancement. Promotion from the second to the first grade shall be conditioned upon the earning of fifty out of the possible fifty-four credit marks, within six consecu¬ tive months. The loss of more than two marks in any one month shall cause the convict so offending to be reduced to the next lower grade. Prisoners may lose their grade: First, by such violation of pris¬ on rules as shall necessarily subject them to solitary confinement. Second, for general disorderly conduct. Third, for habitual lazi¬ ness, untidiness, or negligence. First Grade Sec. II. The first grade men shall be entitled to the following privileges: To write one letter every week, to receive visits from friends every two weeks, to receive such letters, weekly papers and periodicals as the warden may approve, and from time to time such additional privileges and immunities not herein enumerated, as may be considered safe to concede as a special reward for mer- RULES VII itorious conduct, having at all times in view the best interests of discipline and good order. First grade men reduced to the second grade for any cause shall earn their promotion in the same man¬ ner as a new commitment. Second Grade Second grade men shall receive visits from friends once a month, receive such letters, weekly papers and periodicals a3 the warden may approve, and write once a month. Third Grade Third grade men shall be deprived of the following privileges: To receive from friends or by purchase any article whatever, visits from friends, newspapers, periodicals, or tobacco, write (ex¬ cept as provided by law), or receive letters except on matters of the greatest importance, and then only by permission of the warden, and may draw one selected library book each week. Con¬ victs reduced to the third grade, by maintaining a perfect record for thirty days shall be promoted to the middle grade. The loss of a mark will compel them to remain in the grade thirty days lon¬ ger, promotions in all cases dating thirty days from the last report. Sec. III. The warden may, for meritorious conduct, promote a man from either the second or third grade, without regard to previous conduct. The warden shall submit to the board of directors each month at its regular meeting a report in writing showing the grade changes for the previous month, giving the names of all convicts, with the date on which they were degraded or promoted in their respective grades, and such other information as may be considered necessary to give the board a more perfect knowledge of the discipline and general management of the prison. VIII INDETERMINATE SENTENCE LAW Extracts from State Laws Sec. 1885. —The Board (State Board of Charities) may inspect all almshouses, homes for neglected or dependent children, asylums, hospitals and all provisions or institutions for the care or support of the dependent or criminal classes ; and they shall inspect all institutions in which persons are detained by compulsion, to ascertain whether the inmates are properly treated, and, except in cases of de¬ tention upon legal process, to ascertain whether any have been unjustly placed, or are improperly held therein, and may examine witnesses, and send for per¬ sons and papers and-correct any abuses found to exist, in such manner as not to conflict with any personal, corporate, or statutory right% acting, so tar as practi¬ cable, through the persons in charge of such institutions, and with a view to sus¬ tain and strengthen their rightful authority; and no measure shall be adopted without the assent of the persons so in charge, except at a meeting of the board, at which at least four members shall be present, or by a written order, signed by a majority of the board. An appeal may be taken to the governor from any act¬ ion of the board, by the persons in charge of such institutions. Sec. 1886.—The State prison, the State reformatory, and industrial schools, and State insane asylum shall be visited as often as once a month, (amended by chapter CCCXI of public acts of 1895 by substituting the words “once in three months” for “once a month ”), and by at least one member of each sex; no previous notice of such visit shall be given to the persons in charge of the institu¬ tion visited, and at every such visit an opportunity shall be offered to each inmate for private conversation with some member of the board. Any communication directed to said board, or to any member thereof, by any inmate of said institutions, shall be immediately forwarded, postpaid, to the postoffice by the persons in charge, without inspection; and any inmate of said institutions may personally deliver to any member ot said board, and any member of said board may receive, any com¬ munication without interference or inspection of the person or persons in charge. The inmates of said institutions shall be informed of of their rights under this sec¬ tion by the persons in charge, to the satisfaction of said board, or any visiting member thereof. Connecticut Prison Association A committee of this Association visit the institution once each month and inter¬ view all inmates whose terms expire the succeeding month. Their object is to aid and assist any prisoner, so far as they can, by providing work, tools, transpor¬ tation or whatever they, in their judgment, deem for your best interest, “and do so without advertising you as a discharged convict.” INDETERMINATE SENTENCE LAW An Act Concerning Indeterminate Sentences Be it enacted by the Senate and House oj Representatives in Gen¬ eral Asseynbly convened: Sec. 1. When any person shall for an offense hereafter com¬ mitted be sentenced to the state prison, otherwise than for life or in connection with a sentence of execution for a capital offense, the court imposing the sentence shall not fix a definite term of imprisonment, but shall establish a maximum and minimum term for which said convict may be held in said prison. The maximum term shall not be longer than the maximum term of imprisonment prescribed by law as a penalty for such offense, and the minimum shall not be less than one year; provided, however , that, when any INDETERMINATE SENTENCE LAW IX person so sentenced shall have twice before been convicted, sen¬ tenced, and imprisoned in a state prison or penitentiary, the court shall sentence said person to a maximum of thirty years; and provided further, that in case a person is sentenced to the state prison for two or more separate offenses, where the term of im¬ prisonment for a second or further term is ordered to begin at the expiration of the first and each succeeding term of sentence named in the warrant of commitment, the court imposing said sentences shall name no minimum term of imprisonment except under the first sentence, and the several maximum terms shall, for the pur¬ poses of this act, be construed as one centinous term of imprison¬ ment. Sec. 2. Any person so sentenced to the state prison, after hav- ingbeen in confinement within said prison for a period notlessthan said minimum term, may be allowed to go at large on parole in the discretion of a majority of the board of directors of said prison and the warden thereof acting as a board of parole, if in their judg¬ ment said prisoner will lead an orderly life if set at liberty. Sec. 3. Authority is hereby conferred upon said board of parole to establish such rules and regulations as it may deem necessa¬ ry, upon which such convict may go upon parole, and to enforce such rules and regulations, and to re-take and re-imprison any convict upon parole, for any reason that shall seem sufficient to said board of parole. Sec. 4. The request of said board of parole, or of any person authorized by the rules of said board, shall be sufficient warrant to authorize any officer of said prison, or any officer authorized by law to serve criminal process within this state, to return any convict on parole into actual custody; and it shall be the duty of police offi¬ cers, constables, and sheriffs to arrest and hold any paroled convict when so requested, without any written warrant, and, for the per¬ formance of said duty, the officer performing the same, except officers of said prison, shall be paid by the board of directors of said pris¬ on, out of the prison funds, such reasonable compensation as is provided by law for similar services in other cases. Sec. 5. Any paroled convict, who shall be returned to said pris¬ on for violation of his parole, may be retained in said prison for a period equal to the unexpired term of his sentence at the date of the request or order for his return, or may be again paroled by said board of parole. Sec. 6. If it shall appear to said board of parole that any con¬ vict on parole will continue to lead an orderly life, then said board by a unanimous vote of all the members present at any regular meeting thereof may declare said convict discharged from said prison, and shall deliver to him a written certificate to that effect under the seal of the board of prison directors and signed by its secretary and the warden. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of the Connecticut Prison Asso¬ ciation and of said board of parole to make all reasonable efforts to secure employment for any convict paroled or discharged. X BOARD OF PAROLE RULES Sec. 8. The power of the board of pardons to grant paroles is hereby limited to cases of convicts now in the state prison, or who shall be confined therein for offenses committed prior to the time this act shall take effect. (In force August 1, 1901.) Approved , June 17 , IDOL BOARD OF PAROLE RULES 1. No prisoner eligible to parole under the indeterminate sent¬ ence law of 1901 can be paroled until he has served the minimum term for which he was sentenced. 2. No prisoner will be paroled unless he has been a member of the first grade for a continuous period of six months. 3. In determing the question of the parole of a prisoner the Board of Parole will consider his conduct, history, career and char¬ acter, but will not be governed by outside influence. 4. Definite and final action on applications and cases for parole which may be submitted to the Board of Parole at any meeting will not be taken until the next meeting of the Board. 5. No prisoner, able to work, will be paroled until suitable em¬ ployment has been guaranteed him by responsible parties. No pa¬ roled prisoner cah change his place of employment except by the authority of the warden or of some other authorized agent of the Board of Parole. 6. Every prisoner on parole is required to submit to the warden on the first day of each month a report in accordance with a form to be furnished by the warden. 7. Unauthorized change of employment, or failure on the part of a paroled prisoner to conduct himself honestly and lawfully, to avoid evil associations and to abstain from the use of intoxicating liquors will be deemed a violation of his parole and will render him liable to be re-imprisoned. While on parole a prisoner is still in the legal custody of the Board of Parole and is liable to be re¬ taken and again confined within the inclosure of the State Prison for any reason that shall be deemed sufficient to the Board of Pa¬ role. 8. The members of the Board of Parole take a friendly inteiest in the welfare and honorable success of a paroled prisoner, and he is at liberty to communicate with any of them at any time. 9. Final and absolute discharge may, at the discretion of the Board of Parole and upon the unanimous vote of its members, be granted to a paroled prisoner prior to the expiration of his maxi¬ mum sentence. STATE AND FEDERAL COMMUTATION LAWS XI GOOD TIME LAW Section 3341, General Statutes of Connecticut.—“Be it enact¬ ed that for each calendar month of actual confinement in the pris¬ on, during which time it appears by such record that said person has rendered prompt and cheerful obedience to the rules of the prison, five days shall be deducted from his term; provided that any serious act of insubordination or persistent refusal to conform to prison regulations occurring at any time during his confinement in said prison.shall subject the prisoner, at the discretion of the Warden and Board of Directors, to the loss of all or any portion of the time previously gained by good conduct;and provided, that this provision shall not apply to prisoners sentenced to confine¬ ment. in said prison for less than one year. REVISED GOOD TIME LAW Revision General Statutes of Connecticut. In Force July 21, 1902. Prisoners sentenced to 12 months or less receive no ‘good time.* „ „ from 12 months to 5 years receive as ‘good time’ 60 days per year and pro rata for a part of a year. Prisoners sentenced for the sixth and subsequent years receive as ‘good time’ 90 days per year and pro rata for a part of a year. UNITED STATES COMMUTATION LAW Commutation of Sentence of U. S. Civil Prisoners Sen¬ tenced after July 21, 1902. sentence. good time earned. Not less than 6 mos. nor more than 1 year...... 5 days per month. More than 1 year and less than 3 years... 6 „ Not less than 3years and less than 5 years... 7 Not less than 5 years and less than JO years... 8 For 10 years and over.10 XII LIBRARY RULES Rule 1. In ordering books the following directions must be carefully observed: Write plainly upon your library slate your name, register number and cell number. Underneath place the number of ten or fifteen books you prefer to read. Always take your library book with you when moving from one cell to another. Remember that all books are charged to you, and that you will be held strictly responsible for their preservation and safe return. Rule 2. The library catalogue and all books charged to you must be accounted for on the day of your parole or discharge from the prison. No exchange of library books with other prisoners will be permitted. You are accorded the utmost liberty in the selection of your reading matter, and it will be expected by the management that the library record will show that you have ex¬ ercised due diligence and regard for your best interest in the select¬ ion of books. The warden, chaplains or other officers will gladly advise you about the proper reading matter. Rule 3. Books will be issued twice each week, Mondays and Fridays. Place the book you have read on your table on change days. Books may be held for two weeks, but no longer. The latest additions to the library are marked with an asterisk ( * ). I BIOGRAPHY Aiken, Aunt Lizzy, Story of. Mrs. G. Anderson . 1 Alfred the Great. Thomas Hughes. 2 Allen, Ethan, Life and Deeds of. C. W. Erown. 3 American Immortals in the Hall of Fame. G. C. Eg¬ gleston. .,. 4 American Men of Letters Series; C. D. Warner, Editor:— Washington Irving. C. D. Warner. 5 Noah Webster. Horace E. Scudder. 6 Henry D. Thoreau. F. B. Sanborn. 7 George Ripley. O. B. Frothingham. ..... . 8 J. Fenimore Cooper. T. R. Lounsbury... 9 Margaret Fuller Ossoli. T. W. Higginson. 10 Ralph Waldo Emerson. O. W. Holmes. II Edgar Allen Poe. G. E. Woodberry. 12 Nathaniel P. Willis. H. A. Beers. 13 Benjamin Franklin. J. B. McMaster. 14 William Cullen Bryant. John Bigelow. 15 W. Gilmore Simms. W. P. Trent. 16 George William Curtis. Edward Cary... 17 Bayard Taylor. A. H. Smyth. . 18 Nathaniel Hawthorne. G. E. Woodberry. 19 Henry W. Longfellow. T. W. Higginson. 20 American Statesmen Series; John T. Morse, Jr., Editor:— George Washington. H. C. Lodge. Vol. 1. - „ „ 11 . Ai .exander Hamilton. H. C. Lodge. (Two copies.). Daniel Webster. H. C. Lodge. (Two copies.). John Quincy Adams. J. T. Morse, Jr. (Two copies.)... Thomas Jefferson. J. T. Morse, Jr. Benjamin Franklin. J. T. Morse, Jr... John Adams. J. T. Morse, Jr. Gouverneur Morris. Theodore Roosevelt. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2 BIOGRAPHY American Statesmen Series, Continued:— Thomas H. Benton. Theodore Roosevelt. (Two copies) 30 John C. Calhoun. H. von Holst. (Two copies). 31 Andrew Jackson. W. G. Sumner. (Two copies). 32 John Randolph. Henry Adams. (Two copies). 33 James Monroe, D. C. Gilman. (Two copies). 34 Albert Gallatin. J. A. Stevens. (Two copies). 35 James Madison. S. H. Gay. (Two copies). 36 John Jay. George Pellew. 37 Lewis Cass. A. C. McLaughlin. 38 William H. Seward. T. K. Lothrop-. 39 John Marshall. A. B. Magruder. (Two copies.). 40 Samuel Adams. J. K. Hosmer. (Two copies). 41 Salmon P. Chase. A. B. Hart. 42 Charles Sumner. Moortield Storey. 43 Henry Clay. Carl Scliurz. Vol. I. (Two copies.). 44 » » » » 45 Patrick Henry. M. C. Tyler. (Two copies.). 46 Martin van Buren. E. M. Shepard...,. 47 American Religious Leaders:— Jonathan Edwards. A. V. G. Allen. 48 Henry Boynton Smith. L. F. Stearns. 49 Francis Wayland. J. O. Murray. 50 Charles G. Finney. G. F. Wright.. 51 Mark Hopkins. Franklin Carter. 52 Dr. Muhlenberg. W. W. Newton. 53 Wilbur Fisk. George Prentice. 54 American Biography; Jared Sparks, Editor:— Vol. 1. John Stark. Edward Everett. Charles Brockden Brown. W. H. Prescott. Richard Montgomery. John Armstrong. Ethan Allen. Jared Sparks... 55 Vol. II. Alexander Wilson. W. B. O. Peabody. Captain John Smith. G. S. Hibbard. 56 Vol. III. Benedict Arnold, Life and Treason of. J. Sparks. 57 Vol. IV. Anthony Wayne. John Armstrong. Sir Henry Vane. C. W. Upham. 58 Vol. V. "John Elliott. Francis Convers. 59 Vol. VI. William Pinkney. Henry Wheaton. William Ellery. E. F. Channing. Cotton Mather. W. B. O. Peabody. 60 BIOGRAPHY 3 American Biography, Continued:— Vol. VII. Sir William Phips. Francis Bowen. Israel Putnam. W. B. Oliver. Lucretia M. Davidson. Hope Leslie. David Rittenhouse. James Renwick.. 61 Vol. VIII. Jonathan: Edwards. Samuel Miller. David Brainerd. W. B. O. Peabody... 62 Vol. IX. Baron Steuben. Francis Bowen. Sebastian Cabot. Charles Hayward. William Eaton. C. C. Felton.. 63 Vol. X. Robert Fulton. James Renwick. Joseph Warren. A. H. Everett Henry Hudson. H. R. Cleveland. Father Marquette. Jared Sparks.. 64 Arnold, Benedict. G. C. Hill.. 65 Bainbridge, Commodore. James Barnes. 66 Banim, John. P. J. Murray. 67 Beecher, Henry Ward. Lyman Abbott. 68 Beecher, Henry Ward. J. H. Barrows. 69 Biography of Musicians:— Mozart Louis Nohl. 70 Beethoven. „ „ 71 Hayden. „ „ 72 Wagner. ,, „ 73 Liszt. „ „ 74 Biographical Series:— Frederick the Great. Lord Macaulay. 75 William Pitt. „ .... 76 Columbus. A. de Lamartine . 77 Mary Stuart. „ 78 Oliver Cromwell. „ 79 Hannibal. Thomas Arnold.. 80 Julius Caesar. H. G. Liddell. 81 Robert Burns. Thomas Carlyle. 82 Mahomet. Edward Gibbon...... 83 Joan of Arc. Jules Michelet. 84 Martin Luther. K. J. von Bunsen. 85 Vittoria Colonna, T. A. Trollope . 86 Peter the Great. O. W. Wright, Editor. Vol. 1. 87 - „ „ II. 88 Bismark, Some Secret Pages of IIis History. Moritz Busch. Vol. 1. 89 „ II. 90 4 BIOGRAPHY Boleyn, Anne: Memoirs. Miss Benger.. Boone, Daniel. Cecil B. Hartley. Boone, Daniel. W. H. Bogart.. Boys’ Heroes. E. E. Hale. .. Brainerd, David. Jonathan Edwards.. Bronte, Charlotte and Her Sisters.* .. Brooks, Phillips. Life and Letters of. A. V. G. Allen. - Vol. 1.... Bull, Ole: A Memoir. Sara C. Bull...... Bunyan, John. His Life, Times, and Work. John Brown. Bunyan, John. Life of. Edmund Venables ..... . Bushnell, Horace. T. T. Manger. (Two copies.). Chalmers,Thomas, Life and Writings. W. Hanna. Voi. I. Champlain, The Founder of New France. E. A. Dix... Cicero. Anthony Trollope. Vol. I.. — „ „ n... Clay, Henry. David Mallory. Vol. I. >> » . Cleveland, Grover and His Cabinet. C. B. Norton.... Columbus, Christopher. A. G. Knight.... Columbus, Life and Voyages of. Washington Irving... Crockett, David. Anonymous. Crowther, Samuel. Jesse Page. Cuyler, Theodore. Recollections of a Long Life. Dale, General Sam. Life and Times. J. F. H. Claiborne. D’Ars, The Cure. Alfred Mon n in . Davis, Jefferson, and Stonewall Jackson. Anonymous. Descartes.* Elizabeth S. Haldane. Douglas, Stephen A. Life and Speeches. H. M. Flint... Drummond, Henry. G. A. Smith. Dubayet, Aubert. Charles Gayarre. Duggan, W. B. Life and Work.* G. Lewis. Emerson, Ralph Waldo: A Memoir. J. E. Cabot. Vol. I. — „ „ ii. Emerson in Concord. E. W. Emerson... Evans, Robley D. A Sailor’s Log.. Evarts, Jeremiah. E. C. Tracy. ... Famous Men. H. C. Page .. Farragut and Our Naval Commanders. J. T. Headley.. Farragut, Admiral. A. T. Mahan. Faraday, Michael. Walter Jerrold. Female Sovereigns, Memoirs of Celebrated. Mrs. Jameson. Vol. I... Finney, Charles G. Memoirs 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 BIOGRAPHY 5 Fox, George. S. M. Janney... Fox, William; and John Raikes. J. G. Power. Franklin, Benjam n, The Autobiography of. Franklin, Young Benjamin. Henry Mayhew. Fritz of Prussia: Lucy Taylor. . Galileo, The Private Life of. Sister Maria Celeste_ Girls Who Became Famous. Sarah K. Bolton.... Gladstone, William Ewart. G. W. E. Russell. Gladstone, W. E. His Characteristics. James Bryce. Gladstone’s Life, The Story of. Justin McCarthy. Glyndwr, Owen; and the Last Struggle for Welsh Independence. A. G. Bradley. Goldsmith, Oliver; and Mahomet. Washington Irving. Gordon, Chinese. Archibald Forbes. Gough, John B. Carlos Martyn. . Grant, Ulysses S. His Life and Character. Hamlin Garland.. Grant, Ulysses S. 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The Rambler, Adventurer, Idler* Rasselas.. -Biographical Essays, Reviews, etc. Kipling, Rudyard.* From Sea to Sea. Vol. I.. Tjr - „ „ IL**’**’** Klein, Felix.* In the Land of the Strenuous Life. Lamb, Charles. Letters; Controversy with Southey, etc... - Essays and Popular Fallacies..".. -Rosamond Gray, Essays, Poems, etc. -Letters and Life. T. II. Talfourd. Vol. I. - Essays of Elia.... . Lamb, Charles and Mary. Tales from Shakespeare. Le Gallienne, R* How to Get the Best out of Books. 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 ESSAYS NON-FICTION GENERAL LITERATURE 15 Le, Gallienne R* The Religion of a Literary Man. Lippincott.* The Writers’ Handbook. Lodge, Lee Davis. A Study in Corneille . Lover, Samuel. Legends and Stories of Ireland. Lovell’s Library. Seekers after God. Lowell, James Russell. 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C80 Thoreau, Henry D.* Familiar Letters. 681 Thorndike, A. H.* Elements of Rhetoric. 682 Train, George Francis.* My Life in Many States and Foreign Countries..... 683 Trench, R. C.* The Study of Words. 684 Trail, Florence. Studies in Criticism. 685 The Charles Dickens Parlor Album of Illustrations. 686 Van Dyke, Henry. The Poetry of Tennyson. 687 -* Essays in Application . 688 - The Blue Flower. 689 - Fisherman’s Luck. 690 - Little Rivers. 691 - The Ruling Passion . 692 Vincent, L. H.* American Literary Masters. 693 Wagner, Charles.* The Simple Life. 694 Walton, Izaak; and Charles Cotton. The Complete Angler. 695 W arner, Charles Dudley. Backlog Studies. 696 - My Summer in a Garden. 697 -* In the Levant. . 698 - Being a Boy. 699 Wells, H. G.* A Modern Utopia. 700 White, Richard Grant.* Words and their Uses. 701 - * Every-Day English. 702 White, Percy.* System. 703 Whipple, E. P. Literature of the Age of Elizabeth. 704 Wilde, Oscar.* De Profundis. 705 Willmott, R. A. A Journal of Summer Time in the Country. 706 Winchell, Alexander. .Characteristic Men. 707 Wood, Eugene.* Back Home.• 708 Peabody, F. G.* Religion of an Educated Man . 709 Masterpieces and the History of Literature.* Edited by Julian Hawthorne. Volume VII. 710 -* “ VIII. 711 i8 FICTION Abbott, Rosa. Tommy Hickup. 714 Abbott, Jacob. Granville Valley. 715 About, Edmond. Story of an Honest Man. 716 - The Mother of a Marquis . 717 Adams, Andy. Log of a Cowboy. 718 - A Texas Matchmaker. 719 Adams, Davenport. Days of Chivalry. 720 Agnew, Cora. Peerless Cathleen . 721 Ainsworth, W. II. Old Court. 722 - Hilary St. Ives . 723 - Cardinal Pole. 724 - John Law. 725 - Constable de Bourbon. 726 - Lord Mayor of London. 727 Ajxott, Louisa M. Moods. 728 Alden, W. L. Cruise of the Ghost. 729 - Cruise of the Canoe Club. 730 Aldrich, T. B. A Sea Turn and Other Matters. 731 Alexander, Mrs. At Bay. 732 - Broken Links. 733 - A Life Interest. 734 - By Woman’s Wit . 735 Allen, Annie S. Merry Hearts. 736 Allen, Willis B. Cleared for Action . 737 -* Navy Blue. 738 - The Lion City of Africa. (Two copies.) 739 - The Red Mountain of Alaska. 740 - The Mammoth Hunters. 741 - The Great Island. 742 - Gulf and Glacier. 743 - Lost on Umbagog. 744 Allen, Grant.* An African Millionaire. 745 - * The Great Taboo . 746 Allen, James Lane. Aftermath. 747 - The Choir Invisible . 748 - A Kentucky Cardinal. 749 - Flute and Violin. 750 - The Reign of Law. . 751 - The Mettle of the Pasture. 752 FICTION 19 \lger, Jr. Horatio. Young Adventurer. (Two copies.). 753 The Young Miner. 55 • 754 The Young Explorer. • 755 — Ben’s Nugget. 55 • 756 _ Young Circus Rider. 55 # 757 _ Do and Dare. 55 758 _ Hector’s Inheritance. 55 # 759 Helping Himself. 760 Bob Burton. 55 761 _ The Store Bov. 55 762 Luke Walton. 55 763 Struggling Upward. 55 • 764 — Brave and Bold. 55 • 765 Jack’s Ward. 55 766 -,— Shifting for Himself. 55 767 _ Wait and Hope. 55 768 — Frank’s Campaign. Paul Prescott’s Charge. 55 • 769 — 55 • 770 Charlie Codman’s Cruise. 55 # 771 — Digging for Gold. 55 • 772 — Facing the World. 55 • 773 — In a New World. 55 # 774 — Ragged Dick. 55 • 775 Fame and Fortune. 55 776 — Mark the Match Boy. 55 777 — Rough and Read}\ 55 • 778 — Ben, the Luggage Boy. 55 • 779 — Rufus and Rose. 55 # 780 — Tattered Tim. 781 — Paul the Peddler. 55 # 782 — Phil the Peddler. 55 # 783 — Slow and Sure. 55 # 784 Julius the Street Boy. 55 # 785 The Young Outlaw. Sam’s Chance. 55 . 786 55 787 The Telegraph Boy. 55 . 788 — Luck and Pluck. 55 789 Sink or Swim »5 # 790 — Strong and Steady. (Three copies.). 791 -- Strive and Succeed. 792 — Try and Trust. (Two copies.). 793 —- Bound to Rise. 55 794 — Risen from the Ranks 55 # 795 — Herbert Carter’s Legacy 55 796 Altsheler, J. A. In Hostile Red. 797 The Wilderness Road. 798 Andersen, Hans C. The Sand Hills of Jutland 799 Andrews, Jane. Ten Boys. 800 Andrews, Mary R. S.* Bob and the Guides. 801 Andrews, Fanny. Prince Hal . 802 20 FICTION Antrobus, Susanne.* The King’s Messenger. 803 Antrobus, C. L. Quality Corner.. 804 Anstey, F. Vice Versa .. 805 Archibald, J. F. J. Blue Shirt and Khaki. 806 Armstrong, F. C. The Young Middy. 807 - The Young Commander . 808 Atherton, Gertrude.* Senator North. 809 - * The Conqueror. 810 Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. 811 - Sense and Sensibility. (Two copies.). 812 Austin, Jane G. Betty Alden. 813 -- A Nameless Nobleman. 814 - The Desmond Hundred. 815 - Standish of Standish. 816 - Dr. Le Baron and His Daughters. 817 A vary, M. L. A Virginia Girl in the Civil War. 818 Augusta, Clara.* Patience Pettigrew’s Perplexities. 819 A Yellow Aster.* Anonymous. 820 Babcock, W. H. Tower of Wye. 821 Bacheller, Irving. D’ri and 1. 822 - Darrel of the Blessed Isles . 823 - Eben Holden. 824 -* Silas Strong. 825 -* Vergilius. 826 Bain, F. W.* A Digit of the Moon. 827 Bagot, Richard. Love’s Proxy. 828 -* The Passport. 829 Baker, G. M. Running to Waste. 830 Baker, Sir Samuel. Cast Up by the Sea. 831 Ballantyne, R. M. Gascoyne. 832 - The Walrus Hunters . 833 Balch, Elizabeth. Zorah. 834 Balzac, Honore de.* Cousin Pons. 835 -* The Chouans... 836 Bangs, John Kendrick.* Mrs. Raffles. 837 -* Raffles, Holmes, and Company. 838 - Paste Jewels. 839 Banks, Nancy H. Oldfield. 840 Banim, John. The Bit o’ Wrilin’. 841 - The Peep o’ Day—Crohoore. 842 - Mayor of Wind Gap—Canvassing. 843 - Peter of the Castle—The Fetches. 844 - Last Baron of Crana. 845 - Father Connell. 846 - The Ghost Hunter. 847 - The Croppy. 848 - Boyne Water. 849 Barbour, R. II. Captain of the Crew. 850 Barnes, James. Midshipman Farragut. 851 - Loyal Traitor. 852 FICTION 21 Barnes, James. A Princetonian. 853 - The Son of Light Horse Harry. 854 - Yankee Ships and Yankee Sailors. 855 Barr, Robert.* In the Midst of Alarms. 856 -* Jennie Baxter, Journalist. 857 Barr, Amelia E.* The Belle of Bowling Green. 858 -* The Bow of Orange Ribbon . 859 - A Singer from the Sea. 860 - Thyra Varick. 861 Barrett, Wilson. The Sign of the Cross. 862 Barrie, J. M.* When a Man’s Single. 863 - The Little Minister. 864 - Auld Licht Idylls. 865 - A Window in Thrums. 866 -* An Edinburgh Eleven. 867 - Sentimental Tommy. 868 - Tommy and Grizel. 869 -* A Tillyloss Scandal . 870 Barry, W. The Wizard’s Knot. 871 Bartlett, F. O. Jean of the Alley. 872 Barton, W. E. A Hero in Homespun. 873 - Pine Knot. . 874 - When Boston Braved the King. . 875 Bates, Lizzy. Stories from the Moorland. (Two copies.)... 876 Bates, Oric.* A Madcap Cruise. 877 Beach, Rex E.*' The Spoilers. 878 Beaconsfield, Lord. Lothair. 879 - Cunigsby. 880 Bechard, Frederic. Maurice. 881 Beecher, Henry Ward. Norwood . 882 Bellamy, Edward.* The Duke of Stockbridge. 883 -* Miss Luddington’s Sister. 884 Belise, D. W. The American Family Robinson. 885 Bennett, James. Barnaby Lee. 886 Bennett, Robert Ames.* For the White Christ. 887 Bernstein, H.* Contrite Hearts. 888 Berton, Guy.* Art Thou the Man. 889 Besant, Sir Walter.* The Ivory Gate. 890 -* A Fountain Sealed. (Two copies.) 891 - All Sorts and Conditions of Men. 892 - The Lady of Lynn. 893 - The World Went Very Well Then. 894 - Children of Gibeon. 895 - For Faith and Freedom. 896 - Arinorel of Lyonesse. 897 - The Demoniac. 898 Biart, Lucien. An Involuntary Voyage. 899 Bjbbins, R. M.* Mammy Mongst the Wild Nations of Europe. 900 Bigelow, Edith E. Beautiful Mrs. Thorndyke . 901 22 FICTION Bishop, W. H. A Pound of Cure. 902 Black, Alexander. Richard Gordon. 903 - A Capital Courtship. 904 Black, William. Sunrise.. 905 - A Princess of Thule. 906 - In Far Lochaber. 907 - White Wings. 908 - Shandon Bells.. 909 - Maeleod of Dare. 910 - In Silk Attire. 911 - Judith Shakespeare. 912 -* Strange Adventures of a Phaeton. 913 Blackmore, R. D. Lorna Doone. (Two copies.). 914 - The Maid of Sker . 915 -* Slain by the Doones. 916 - Pariel. 917 Blanchard. Amy E. A Gentle Pioneer. 918 - Two Maryland Girls. 919 Bliss, E. J. The Perils of Oliver Sargent. 920 Bonner, Sherwood. Suawnee River Falls. 921 Boothey, Guy.* Dr. Nicola. 922 Borrow, Geo. W.* Lavengro. 923 -* The Romany Rye. 924 Boyle, Virginia F.* Serena. 925 Brady, Cyrus T.* Woven with the Ship. 926 -* When Blades are Out and Love’s Afield. 927 -* My Lady’s Slipper. . 928 - The Grip of Honor. 929 - For Love of Country. 930 - For the Freedom of the Sea . 931 -* The Two Captains. . 932 -* Hohenzollern. 933 - The Bishop . 934 - A Little Traitor to the South. 935 - Sir Henry Morgan, Buccaneer... 936 - The Southerners. 937 Braddon, Mary E. The Golden Calf. 938 -* Vixen... 939 Bradford, Gamaliel.* Between Two Masters. 940 Braeme, Charlotte M. From Out the Gloom. 941 - The Duke’s Secret. 942 - Repented at Leisure. 943 Bresciani, Antonio. Lorenzo. 944 Brooks, E. S. L T nder the Allied Flags. 945 - A Boy of the First Empire. 946 Brooks, Noah. The Boy Settlers . 947 - The Boy Emigrants. 948 - The Fairport Nine. 949 - Tales of the Maine Coast. 950 Bronte, Charlotte.* Villette.. 951 FICTION 23 Bronte, Charlotte. Shirley. 952 - The Professor. (Two copies.). 953 - Jane Eyre. 954 Bronte, Emily and Anne. Wuthering Heights. 955 Brown, Alice.* Paradise.,.. 956 - Judgment. 957 Brown, C. G.* Ramrod Jones. 958 Brown, Anna R. The Millionaire’s Son. 959 Brown, Caroline. Knights in Fustian. 960 Brush, Mary E. Paul and Persis. 961 Buchanan, Robert. Come Live With Me and Be My Love. 962 - The Wedding Ring. 963 - The Shadow of the Sword. . 964 Bumstead, S. J. The Riversons. 965 Burch, Harriet. Stella Rae. 966 Burnham, Clara L. Young Maids and Old. 967 - Jewel, A Chapter in Her Life. 968 - Miss Pritchard’s Wedding Trip. 969 Burgess, Gelett.* A Little Sister of Destiny. 97C Burnett, Frances Hodgson. A Fair Barbarian. 971 - Little Lord Fauntleroy. 972 -* The Dawn of To-morrow. 973 -* Through One Administration . 974 -* Surly Tim. 975 -* In the Closed Room.- 976 - In Connection With the DeWil- - loughby Claim.. 977 - Making of a Marchioness. 978 Burton, C. P * The Boys of Bob’s Hill. 979 Butterwortii, H. R. The Treasure Ship. 980 - True to His Home. 981 - The Wampum Belt. 982 Bynner, E. L. Nimport. 983 - Triton. 984 Byr, Robert. The Cipher Despatch. 985 Cable, George W.* Bylow Hill..,. 986 - The Cavalier. 987 - Dr. Sevier. 988 - Old Creole Days. 989 - The Grandissimes. 990 Cahan, A. Yekl. 991 Caine, Hall.* The Eternal City. 992 -* r p} ]e p r odigal Son. 993 - A Son of Hagar. 994 - The Bondman. (Two copies.). 995 - The Christian. „ . 996 - The Deemster. „ . 997 - The Manxman. 998 - The Little Manx Nation.*. 999 Caller, Alma. Miriam’s Heritage. 1000 24 FICTION O Cameron, Mrs. H. L. A Daughter’s Heart. 1001 - Two Cousins and a Castle. 1002 Campbell, Sir Gilbert. A Fair Free Lance. 1003 Cape, H. F.* The Bonanza Bible Class. 1004 Capes, Bernard.* Bembo. 1005 - * Diana Please. 1006 Carey, Bosa N. The Highway of Fate. 1007 - Heriot’s Choice. 1008 - Wee Wifie—Merle’s Crusade. .... 1009 - Robert Old’s Atonement. 1010 - For Lilias—Aunt Diana. 1011 - Barbara Heathcote’s Trial . 1012 - Nellie's Memories. 1013 - Basil Lyndhurst. 1014 - Wooed and Married.. 1015 - Queenie’s Whim.. 1016 - Uncle Max. 1017 - Not Like Other Girls. 1018 Carey, Charles.* The Suydam Sapphires. 1019 Carleton, Will. Willy Reilly. (Two copies.). 1020 - Tales of the Irish Peasantry. 1021 Carling, J..R. The Shadow of the Czar. 1022 Carroll, Lewis.* Alice’s Adventures. 1023 - * Through the Looking Glass. 1024 Carryl, G. W. The Lieutenant-Governor.... . 1025 -* Far From the Maddening Girls. 1026 Carson, N. H. Hester Blair. 1027 Caskoden, Edwin. When Knighthood Was in Flower.. 1028 Castle, Agnes and Egerton. The Star Dreamer. 1029 -* The Pride of Jennico.. 1030 -* Rose of the World . 1031 -* The Heart of Lady Anne. 1032 Castle, Egerton. La Bella and Others. 1033 -* The Light of Scarthey.. 1034 Castleton, D. R. Salem. 1035 Castlemon, Harry. Tom Newcomb. (Two copies.). 1036 - Go Ahead. „ 1037 - No Moss. „ 1038 - Joe Wayring. ,, 1039 - Snagged and Sunk. „ 1040 - The Steel Horse. „ 1041 - Don Gordon’s Shooting-Box. „ 1042 - Young Wild-Fowlers. „ 1043 - Rod and Gun Club. „ 1044 - The Boy Trapper. „ 1045 - The Mail Carrier. „ 1046 - The Buried Treasure. „ 1047 - Snowed Up. „ 1048 —— 4 Frank in the Forecastle. „ 1049 - The Boy Traders. „ 1050 FICTION 25 Castlemon, H. Frank Among the Rancheros. (Two copies.) - Frank in the Mountains. „ - Frank at Don Carlos’ Ranch. „ - Frank the Young Naturalist. „ - Frank in the Woods. „ - Frank on the Lower Mississippi. „ - Frank on a Gun Boat. „ - Frank Before Vicksburg. „ - Frank on the Prairie. „ - True to His Colors. „ - Rodney the Overseer. „ - Marcy the Refugee. „ - Rodney the Partisan. „ - Marcy the Blockade Runner. „ - Sailor Jack, The Trader. „ - Sportsman’s Club Among the Trappers. - Sportsman’s Club in the Saddle. - Sportsman’s Club Afloat. Catherwood. Mary H. Lazarre. - Daj's of Jeanne D’Arc. Castaigne, Andre* Fata Morgana. ... Chamberlain, N. H. Autobiography of a New England House. . Chambers, Julius. A Mad World and its Inhabitants... Chambers, R. W. Lorraine. - The Maid-at-Arms. - The Maids of Paradise. Chambers’ Journal, Tales From. Volume I. - „ II... - „ HI .. Chamblain, Jean.* Lady Bobs, Her Brother, and I. Champaigne, Mildred. Love Stories from Real Life. Champney, Elizabeth W. Six Boys... Chartrain, Erkmann. The Conscript. . Cheever, H. A. Gipsy Jane. Chellis, Mary D. A Jolly Time.. - Fife and Drum . Cheney, Mrs. E. D. Sally Williams, the Mountain Girl. Chessnut, C. W.* The Colonel’s Dream. Chesterton, Gilbert K.* The Club of Queer Trades... Cholmondeley, Mary. Moth and Rust. Christie, Nimmo. Black Chanter, and Other Highland Stories. Church, Alfred J. Stories of the Magicians. - Lords of the World. .. - Stories of the Old World. Church, S. II. John Marmaduke. Churchill, Winston. The Crossing. (Two copies.). -* Coniston. - Richard Carvel. (Two copies.).. 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1C87 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 26 FICTION Churchill, Winston. The Crisis. (Three copies.). 1099 --* The Celebrity. 1100 Clark, F. T. The Mistress of the Ranch. 1101 Clark, Mary E. A Rambling Story. 110*2 -- Yarns of an Old Mariner. 1103 Clark, Natalie R. Blake Redding. 1104 Clifford, Mrs. VV. K. A Wild Proxy. 1105 ClodfDlter, N. J. Snatched From the Poorhouse.. 1106 Cobb, James F. Watchers On the Longships. 1107 CobdeN, Paul. Take a Peep. 1108 Cody, W. F. Adventures of Buffalo Bill. 1109 Coffin, Charles C. Winning His Way. 1110 - Following the Flag. 1111 - Daughters of the Revolution. 1112 Collins, Mabel. A Debt of Honor. 1113 Collins, Wilkie. No Name. 1114 - Man and Wife. (Two copies.). 1115 - My Miscellanies. 1116 -- Armadale.. 1117 - Antonina. 1118 - Basil. 1119 - Hide and Seek. (Two copies.). 1120 - Poor Miss Finch. 1121 - The Queen of Hearts. 1122 - The Two Destinies . 1123 —-— The Law and the Lady. 1124 - The Dead Secret. 1125 - The New Magdalen . 1126 - % The Woman in White . 1127 - After Dark. Stories. (Two copies.). 1128 - The Moonstone. 1129 Comfort, Lucy R. Folks and Faces. 1130 Comstock, S. C.* Marcelle, the Maid. 1131 Cone, John A. The Man Who Pleases and the Woman Who Charms. 1132 Connor, Ralph. Glengarry School Days. 1133 - Black Rock. (Three copies.). 1134 -* The Man From Glengarry. 1135 - The Sky Pilot. (Two copies.). 1136 Connolly, J. B.* The Deep Sea’s Toll.. . 1137 -* On Tybee Knob. 1138 Conrad, Joseph.* Nostromo. 1139 - Youth, and Two Other Stories . 1140 Conscience, Hendrik. Blue House and Fatal Duel. 1141 - The Poor Gentleman . 1142 - Count Hugo. 1143 —-— Ludovic and Gertrude. 1144 - The Village Inn-Keeper. 1145 - The Lion of Flanders. . 1146 - The Merchant of Antwerp. 1147 FICTION *7 Conscience, Hendrik. Veva, or the War of the Peas- - ants . 1148 Converse, Florence.* Diana Victrix..... 1149 - * The Burden of Christopher. 1150 Conway, Hugh.* Called Back. 1151 - Dark Days.... 1152 Cooke, John Esten. The Virginia Bohemians. 1153 - Fairfax. 1154 - Stories of the Old Dominion. 1155 Cooke, Jane G.* The Ancient Miracle. 1156 Cooper, J. Fenimore. Wyandotte. 1157 - Last of the Mohicans. (Two copies.)... 1158 - Satanstoe. 1159 - Precaution. 1160 - Pioneers. 1161 - Prairie. 1162 - Bravo. 1163 - Pilot. 1164 - Crater. 1165 - Monikins. 1166 - Deerslayer. 1167 - Pathfinder. 1168 - Headsman. 1169 - Heidenmauer. 1170 - Water Witch. 1171 - Two Admirals. 1172 - Chainbearer. 1173 - Miles Wallingford. 1174 - Lionel Lincoln. 1175 - Afloat and Ashore. 1176 - Homeward Bound . 1177 - Home as Found. 1178 - The Ways of the Hour. 1179 - Wing-and-Wing. 1180 - The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish . 1181 - Redskins. . 1182 - Red Rover. 1183 - Jack Tier. 1184 - Sea Lions. 1185 - Oak Openings. 1186 - Mercedes of Castile. 1187 Coppee, Francois. Ten Tales. . 1188 Corelli, Marie. The Master Christian. 1189 - Thelma. 1190 - Romanceof Two Worlds. (Twocopies.) 1191 - A Mighty Atom. 1192 -* The Sorrows of Satan. 1193 -* Ardath. 1194 -* Wormwood. 1195 -* Barabbas. 1196 28 FICTION Corwin, C. E. Onesimns. Couch, A. T. Quiller.* The Shining Ferry. - Adventures of Harry Revel. -* Shakespeare’s Christmas, and - Other Stories. Couperous, Louis. Footsteps of Fate. Cox, Maria M. Raymond Kershaw. Craddock, Charles Egbert. In the Clouds . - The Mystery of Witch-Face Mountain.... - In the Tennessee Mountains. - The Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains. - Where the Battle Was Fought. - The Despot of Broomsedge Cove . - The Story of Keedon Bluffs. - Down the Ravine. - His Vanished Star. - The Juggler. . - A Spectre of Power. -* The Storm Centre. Cram, George F. Minnette. Crane, Stephen. The Red Badge of Courage. Craven, Mrs. Augustus. A Sister’s Story. Crawford, F. M.* Fair Margaret. - Via Crucis. - Katherine Lauderdale. Vol. I. — „ „ ii. - The Ralstons. Vol. I. - Saracinesca... - Sant’ Ilario. - Don Orsino. - A Cigarette-Maker’s Romance . - Cecilia. - The Heart of Rome. (Two copies.). - Marietta, A Maid of Venice. - In the Palace of the King. Creelman, James. Eagle Blood. - On the Great Highway. Crim, Matt. In Beaver Cove and Elsewhere. Crockett, S. R.* The Lilac Sunbonnet. -* Fishers of Men. .... -* Red Cap Tales. -* The Cherry Riband. - The Stickit Minister. - The Stickit Minister’s Wooing.. - The Adventurer in Spain. - Black Douglas. - Cinderella. . Croker, B. M.* Beyond the Pale . Croly, George. Tarry Thou Till I Come. 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1200 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 FICTION 29 Crothers, S. M. 4 The Pardner’s Wallet. 1246 Custer, Elizabeth B. Boots and Saddles. 1247 - Tenting on the Plains. 1248 - Following the Guidon. 1249 Cutting, Mary S. Heart of Lynn. ... 1250 Dacre, Lady Winifred.. 1251 Dahlgren, Madeleine. The Lost Name. (Two copies.) 1252 - South-Mountain Magic. 1253 Dahn, Felix. A Captive of the Roman Eagle. 1254 Dall, Caroline H. Patty Gray’s Journey. 1255 Daring, Hope. Entering Into His Own. 1256 Daskam, Josephine. Middle Aged Love Stories. 1257 Daudet, Alphonse. Rose and Ninette. 1258 -* Port Tarascon. 1259 - 4 Tartarin of Tarascon. 1260 Davis, Richard Harding. Bar Sinister. 1261 - Captain Macklin. 1262 - Ranson’s Folly. 1263 - The Exiles and Other Stories. 1264 - Van Bibber and Others.. 1265 - Soldiers of Fortune. 1266 Davis, Rebecca Harding. Kent Hampden.. 1267 Davis, William. God Wills It. 1268 Davies, Theodore. Losing to Win..:. 1269 De Alarcon, Pedro Antonio. The Three-Cornered Hat. 1270 Dearborne, M. Bethsaida. 1271 Debans, Camille. Gabriel’s Vocation. 1272 De Cervantes, Miguel. Don Quixote . 1273 Deeping, Warwick. Uther and Igraine. 1274 Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. (Two copies.). 1275 Deeping, Warwick . 4 The Slanderers. 1276 - 4 Bess of the Woods. 1277 Deland, Margaret . 4 John Ward, Preacher. 1278 - 4 Old Chester Tales. 1279 - 4 The Awakening of Helen Richie. 1280 - 4 The Common Way. 1281 Delpit, Albert. As ’Tis in Life. 1282 De Mille, J. 4 The Dodge Club. 1283 - 4 Cord and Creese. 1284 De Navery, Raoul. The Martyrs of a Secret. 1285 Deveraux, Mary. Lafitte of Louisiana. 1286 Denison, MARy A. Old Ship Warehouse. 1287 De Segur, Countess. The Inn of the Guardian Angel.. 1288 Despard, Matilda. Kilrogan Cottage. 1289 De Stolz, Madame. The House On Wheels. 1290 Diary of a Bride . 4 Anonymous. 1291 Dickens, Charles. Barnaby Rudge . 1292 - David Copperfield. 1293 - Doinbey and Son. (Two copies.)... 1294 - Great Expectations. 1295 30 FICTION Dickens, Charles. Christmas Stories. 1296 - Martin Chuzzlewit. (Two copies.).. 1297 - Nicholas Nickleby. (Three copies.). 1298 - Old Curiosity Shop. 1299 - Our Mutual Friend. 1300 - Tale of Two Cities. 1301 - Pickwick Papers. 1302 - Bleak House. 1303 - Little Dorrit.(Two copies.)... 1304 - Oliver Twist. „ ... 1305 - Cricket—Chimes—Carol. ,, ... 1306 - Uncommercial Traveler and Child’s History of England. (Two copies.)... 1307 Dickinson, Anna E. A Ragged Register. 1308 Dickson, Harris. The Black Wolf’s Breed. 1309 Dieudonne, Florence C. Rondah; or Thirty-three Years in a Star. 1310 Dillon, Mary A.* The Rose of Old St. Louis. 1311 Diltz, Hanson P. Dunleath Abbey. 1312 Dix, Beulah M.* The Fair Maid of Graystones . 1313 Dix, E. A. Deacon Bradbury. 1314 Dixon, Thomas. The Leopard’s Spots. 1315 - The One Woman. 1316 Dodd, Anna B. Glorinda. 1317 Dorsey, Sarah A. Panola. 1318 Dorsey, Anna H. The Old Gray Rosary. 1319 - Tangled Paths. 1320 - Coaina. 1321 - Palms. 1322 - Adrift. 1323 - Tears on the Diadem. 1324 - The Sisters of Charity . 1325 Douglas, George.* The House With the Green Shutters... 1326 Douglas, Lady Gertrude. Linked Lives. 1327 . Douglas, Amanda M. In the Ranks. 1328 - In the King’s Country. 1329 - Osborne of Arrochar.. 1330 - Lost in a Great City. 1331 Donnelly, Ignatius.* Atlantis. 1332 Doyle, A. Conan.* Return of Sherlock Holmes. 1333 -* The Hound of the Baskervilles. 1334 -* The Sign of Four . 1335 -—* Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. 1336 - Beyond the City. 1337 - The Adventures of Gerard. 1338 ,- The Green Flag and Other Stories. 1339 - A Desert Drama. 1340 - The Stark Munro Letters. 1341 - Rodney Stone. (Two copies.). 1342 - Round the Red Lamp. 1343 FICTION 3i Doyle, A. Conan. The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard. - The White Company. (Two copies.).. - The Refugees. - The Great Shadow. - Micah Clarke. (Two copies.)... - Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. „ . Dowie, Menie M. Gallia. Drake, S. A. Captain Nelson. Dromgoole, W. A.* The Heart of Old Hickory. Duchess, The. A Born Coquette. - Beauty's Daughters. (Two copies)_ Du Maurier, G.* Peter Ibbetson. - The Martian. Dumas, Alexandre. The Man in the Iron Mask . -* Count of Monte Cristo. - The Three Musketeers. - Twenty Years After. -* Dame Monsoreau. Duncan, Norman.* Dr. Luke of the Labrador. -* Dr. Grenfeld’s Parish. - The Way of the Sea. Dupuy, Eliza A. All for Love. Dye, Eva A. The Conquest. Earle, Annie R. Her Great Ambition. Ebers, George. In the Desert. . - Uarda. - Joshua—The Burgomaster’s Wife. - Homo Sum—Gred of Nuremburgh. - Only a Word—The Sisters.. - An Egyptian Princess . - The Emperor—Serapis. . - The Bride of the Nile. Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie Von. Beyond Atonement.... Eckerson, Margaret H. By a Strange Path. Edwards, Amelia B. The Ladder of Life. — My Brother’s Wife. Edwards, Annie. A Point of Honor. Egan, Maurice F. The Life Around Us. - Stories of Duty. Vol. I.. — ,, „ 11. - How They Worked Their Way. - The Success of Patrick Desmond. Eggleston, Geo. C. Camp Venture .>.. - Dorothy South. - The Master of Warlock. Eggleston, Edward. Duffels. -The Hoosier Schoolmaster. (Two copies.).. -The End of the World . - The Circuit Rider. (Two copies.). -The Graysons... 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 32 FICTION Eggleston, Edward. Roxy.... 1394 - The Faith Doctor. . 1395 -* The Mystery of Metropolis. 1396 Ellis, Edward S. Footprints in the Forest. (Two copies.). 1397 —— Through Forest and Fire. „ . 1398 -The Great Cattle Trail „ . 1399 -Ned in the Block House. „ . 1400 -Ned in the Woods. „ . 1401 -Ned in the River. „ . 1402 -Hunters of the Ozark. ,, . 1403 -Camp in the Mountains. „ . 1404 -The Last War Trail. „ . 1405 -Camp-fire and Wigwam. „ . 1406 -* Deerfoot in the Forest. 1407 - The Lost Trail . 1408 -* Deerfoot in the Forest. 1409 -* Plucky Joe. . 1410 Ellis, J. B.* Stork’s Nest. 1411 - Adnah. 1412 Eliot, George. Middlemarch. 1413 - Spanish Gypsy—Poems, etc. 1414 - Daniel Deronda. (Two copies.). 1415 - The Mill on the Floss—Silas Marner... 1416 - Romola—Theophrastus Such. 1417 - Scenes of Clerical Life—Adam Bede. 1418 - Felix Holt, the Radical. 1419 - Scenes of Clerical Life—Silas Marner... 1420 Eliot, Anne. An Hour’s Promise. 1421 Emerson, Nannette. Little Folk’s Letters. 1422 Erskine, Payne.* When the Gates Lift L T p their Heads. 1423 Eschstruth, Nataly yon. The Erl Queen. 1424 Everett-Green, Evelyn. Mrs. Romaine’s Household... 1425 Eyre, Archibald.* The Custodian . 1426 Farjeon, B. L. The Last Tenant. 1427 - The Pride of Race. 1428 Farrar, F. W.* Julian Horne . 1429 Fenn, Geo. Manville. Menhardoc. 1430 - The Haute Noblesse. 1431 - The Story of Antony Grace. 1432 Field, Marie E. The Wings of Courage. 1433 Field, Roswell.* Little Miss Dee. 1434 Flammarion, Camille. Urania. 1435 Flaubert, Gustave.* Salammbo. 1436 Fleming, Keith. At the Eleventh Hour. 1437 Fleming, George. The Head of Medusa. 1438 Fleming, Mary A. Edith Percival. 1439 Flower, E.* Delightful Dod. 1440 Flynt, Josiah. The Rise of Ruderick Clowd. 1441 Foote, Mary Hallock.* Cceur D’Alene. 1442 -* The Led Horse Claim. 1443 FICTION 33 Foote, Maiiy IIallock.* The Exile and Other Stories.... 1444 _The Cup of Trembling . 1445 Ford, Sewell. Horses Nine. 1446 Ford, Paul Leicester. The Honorable Peter Stirling.... 1447 - The Story of an Untold Love... 1448 - Wanted, a Chaperon... . 1449 - Janice Meredith. 1450 Forrester, I. A. Kook’s Nest.*. 1451 Foster, W. B. With Ethan Allen at Fort Ticonderoga. 1452 Fothergill, Jesse. The Lasses of Leverhouse. 1453 - Kith and Kin.. . 1454 Fouque, de La Motte.* Undine—Sintram. 1455 Fox, John Jr, The Kentuckians. 1456 - Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come. 1457 -* Following the Sun-Flag. 1458 Francis, L. H. Schoolboys of Kookesbury. 1459 Francis, Mary C. A Son of Destiny. 1460 Francis, Mary E.* Wild Wheat.. . 1461 Franklin, A. Amehne Du Bourg. 1462 Fraser, W. A. The Blood Lilies. (Two copies.). 1463 - Thoroughbreds.. 1464 -* Brave Heart. 1465 Frederic, Harold. The Deserter and Other Stories. 1466 - • The Market Place. 1467 -■* The Damnation of Theron Ware_ 1468 Freeman, Mary E. W.* The Debtor. (Two copies.).... 1469 Frenssen, Gustave.* Jorn Uhl. 1470 Frith, Walter. The Sack of Monte Carlo. 1471 Frothingham, E, B. The Turn of the Road.. 1472 Frothingham, Jessie P. Sea Fighters from Drake to Farragut. 1473 Fullerton, Georgiana. Tales of Mount St. Bernard. 1474 Fuller, R. II.* The Golden Hope. . . 1475 Furney, Elliot E. Culture: A Modern Method. (Two copies.). 1476 Gaines, C. K. Gorgo. 1477 Gardenhire, S. M. Lux Crucis. 1478 Garland, Hamlin. Captain of the Gray-Horse Troop... 1479 - The Eagle's Herat. 1480 -* The Trail of the Gold Seekers. 1481 -* Hesper. 1482 - A Little Norsk . 1483 Garrett, Edward. Her Object in Life. 1484 Garvice, C. The Earl’s Heir. 1485 Gaskell, Mrs. Cranford. 1486 Gasparin, Madam De. Under French Skies.-. 1487 Gautier, Theophile. Juancho the Bull-Fighter. 1488 Ghosii, S. K.* The Verdict of the Gods. 1489 Gibbons, William F. Those Black Diamond Men. 1490 Gibbon, P.* Vrow Grobelar. 1491 34 FICTION a. Q? d Giberne, Agnes. Father Aldur... Gilman, Caroline. Recollections of a Southern Matron. Gilman, Bradley.* Ronald Carnaquay. Gilson, R. R.* Miss Primrose .. -* The Flower of Youth. -* In the Morning Glow. Gissing, George.* The Crown of Life.. Glasgow, Ellen. The Battle Ground. - The Deliverance. Glyn, Elinor. Visits of Elizabeth. Goodwin, Maud W.* Four Roads to Paradise. Goodloe, Carter.* At the Foot of the Rockies . Goff, Harriet N. K. Who Cares. Goldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield—The Traveller —The Deserted Village. Gordon, H. II. Pontiac, Chief of the Ottawas. Goss, Charles F. The Redemption of David Corson.... Grand, Madame Sarah. The Heavenly Twins. Grant, James. The Romance of War. Grant, Robert.* An Average Man . -* Jack Hall: School Days of an American Boy. -* Unleavened Bread. -* The Law Breakers. . -* The Bachelor’s Christmas. -* The Orchid. Gras, Felix. The White Terror. Gray, Barry. Castles in the Air and Other Fantasies.. Gray, Maxwell. The Last Sentence. (Two copies.).... - In the Heart of the Storm. - An Innocent Impostor and Other Stories. — 1 — The Reproach of Annesley. —— A Costly Freak. - The Silence of Dean Maitland. Gray, D.* Gallops I. Green, Anna Katharine. The Sword of Damocles. -* The Leavenworth Case... ——* Miss Hurd: an Enigma.. - The Filagree Ball . Greene, Sarah McL.* Vestry of the Basins. Greene, Homer.* Pickett’s Gap.. Greene, Sarah P.* Deacon Lysander. Greenfeld, W. T.* The Harvest of the Sea. -* Off the Rocks. Greville, Henry. A Noble Woman. —— The Princess Ogerhoff. Griffis, W. E. In the Mikado’s Service. - Pathfinders of the Revolution . Grigorovitch, D. The Cruel City... Grinnell, G. B. Punishment of the Stingy. 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 FICTION 35 I. II. Gunter, Archibald C.* _* _ * Gunsaulus, F. W. Monk and Knight. Vol. Mr. Barnes of New York.. Mr. Potter of Texas. Susan Turnbull... Ballyho Ben.*. Gwinne, Paul.* The Bandolero. Gwynn, Stephen.* John Maxwell’s Marriage. Hadley, H. H.* The Blue Badge of Courage. Haggard, H. R. and Andrew Lang. The World’s Desire. Haggard, H. Rider.* The Brethren. (Two copies.). - Pearl-Maiden. —— : * She. -* Allan Quatermain. -* Allan’s Wife... -* King Solomon’s Mines. . -* Ayesha. Haines, T. J.* The Strife of the Sea. Hake, St. E. Within Sound of the Weir. Hale, Edw. Everett. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. - Our Christmas in a Palace . - The Man Without a Country. - Philip Nolan’s Friends. - In His Name. - Four and Five. .. - Susan’s Escort... Halevy, Ludovic. The Abbe Constantin. Hall, C. W. Adrift in the Ice-Fields. - Drifting Round the World. Hall, R. Golden Arrow.. Hammond, L. H.* The Master Word. Hannan, Charles. A Swallow’s Wings: A Tale of Pekin. Hapgood, Hutchins. The Spirit of the Ghetto. Harden, W. N.* Abner Daniel. * Ann Boyd. * Pole Baker. Hardy, Thomas. A Pair of Blue Eyes. (Two copies.) - The Woodlanders. .... - Tess of the D’Urbervilles.. - Far from the Madding Ciowd. - The Mayor of Casterbridge. -* Life’s Little Ironies. -* Jude the Obscure.... -* The Well-Beloved.. Hardy, A. S. His Daughter First.. Harland, Henry. The Cardinal’s Snuff-Box. IIarland, Marion. Alone—The Hidden Path. Harley, Dr. The Young Crusoe. (Two copies.). Harraden, Beatrice. Ships that Pass in the Night. Harris, Joel Chanler. Gabriel Tolliver. 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 36 FICTION Harris,-Joel Chanler.* Told by Uncle Remus. 1591 -A Little Union Scout. 1592 _Free Joe and Other Georgian sketches.. 1593 -On the Wing of Occasion. 1594 Harris, A. L. The x Fatal Request.*. 1595 Harris, M. C. Richard Vandermarck. 1596 Harrison, Mrs. Burton. The Story of Helen Troy. 1597 Harrison, F.* Theophano. 1598 IIarte, Bret. Trent’s Trust and Other Stories. 1599 - Condensed Novels. (Two copies.) . 1600 - Gabriel Conroy. 1601 _ The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Sketches. (Two copies.). 1602 - Tales of the Argonauts. (Two copies.)... 1603 Hatch, Mary R. P. The Missing Man. 1604 Housman, Lawrence.* Story of Sabrina Warhain. 1605 Hawkins, Willis B. Andy Barr .. 1606 Hawthorne, Hildegard. A Country Interlude . 1607 Hawthorne, Julian. Love—or a Name. 1608 Hawthorne, Nathaniel The Marble Faun. 1609 _. The Dolliver Romance and Other Pieces. 1610 - Twice-Told Tales. 1611 - The Scarlet Letter. 1612 - The House of the Seven Gables. 1613 _ Mosses from an Old Manse. 1614 - Fanshawe and Other Pieces. 1615 Hay, Mary Cecil. Victor and Vanquished. 1616 Healy, Mary. A Summer’s Romance.. 1617 Hearn, Lafcadio.^ Youma..• 1618 Helps, Arthur. Casimir Maremma. 1619 Heimburg, W. Gertrude’s Marriage. 1020 - Lucie’s'Mistake. 1621 - Magdalen’s Fortunes. 1622 - For Another’s Wrong. 1623 _ Two Daughters of One Race. 1624 Henderson, C. H. John Percyfield. 1025 Henderson, W. J. Afloat With the Flag. 1626 Henry, Mrs. S. M. I. Mabel’s Work. 1627 Henry, Oliver.* Cabbages and Kings,. 1628 _* The Four Million. 1629 Henry, Arthur.* Unwritten Law. . 1630 _* Lodging in Town. 1631 Henty, George A. Maori and Settler. 1632 _ Under Wellington’s Command. 1633 _— Out with Garibaldi. 1634 _ Bravest of the Brave. 1635 _ Won by the Sword. 1636 _ A Roving Commission. 1637 _ In the Irish Brigade. . 1638 _ At Aboukir and Acre. 1639 FICTION 37 Henty, George A. The Cat of Bubastes. 1640 - Both Sides the Border.... 1641 - With Frederick the Great. 1642 - A March on London..... 1643 - Through Russian Snows.. 1644 - When London Burned. . 1645 - Wulf the Saxon .. 1646 - St. Bartholomew’s Eve... 1647 - Beric the Britain. 1648 - Bonnie Prince Charlie. 1649 - By England’s Aid.. 1650 - By Pike and Dyke. 1651 - Facing Death... 1652 - In Freedom’s Cause...... 1653 - The Lion of the North.. 1654 - A Tale of Waterloo. (Two copies.). 1655 - Orange and Green.. 1656 - St. George for England... 1657 - Jack Archer..„. 1658 - Sturdy and Strong. 1659 - The Cornet of Horse. 1660 - Tales of Daring and Danger. 1661 - The Young Carthaginian.. 1662 - With Clive in India. 1663 - With Wolfe in Canada. 1664 - The Lion of St. Mark. 1665 - In the Reign of Terror. 1666 - The Dash for Khartoum. 1667 - A Chapter of Adventures. 1668 - For the Temple. . 1669 -- A Final Reckoning.. 1670 - Captain Bayley’s Heir*.:,;. 1671 - Held Fast for England. 1672 - By Sheer Pluck . 1673 -- In Greek Waters ..;.. 1674 - With Cochrane the Dauntless.. 1675 - The Tiger of Mysore. 1676 - True to the Old Flag. 1677' Herbert, Lady. Love, or Self-Sacritice... 1678 Herbert, Will. Not His Daughter. 1679 Herrick, Huldah. Ginsey Kreider.. 1680 Herrick, Robert.* The Web of Life. 1681 -* The Common Lot. (Two copies.).. 1682 Hewlett, Maurice. The Queen’s Quair. 1683 -* The Fool Errant. 1684 - -* The Forest Lovers. 1685 -* Little Novels of Italy. 1686 --* New Canterbury Tales. 1687 -* Richard Yea and Nay. 1688 Hickman, W. A. The Sacrifice of the Shannon.. 1689 38 FICTION Hillern, Wilhelmine von. On the Cross. 1690 Higginson, Ella. A Forest Orchid.,. 1691 - From the Land of the Snow-Pearls... 1692 - Mariella of Out West.. 1693 Higginson, Thos. W.* Part of a Man’s Life. 1694 Hill, Frederick T. The Minority. 1695 -* The Web. 1696 Hillis, Newell D.* The Quest of John Chapman. 1997 Hobbes, John Oliver.* A School for Saints. 1698 -* Love and the Soul Hunters 1699 -* The God’s, Some Mortals, and Lord Wickenham. 1700 Hoffman, Mary I. Agues Hilton. 1701 Holland, J. G. Seven oaks. 1702 - Nicholas Minium. 1703 - Arthur Bonnicastle.,. 1704 Holmes, Mary J. The English Orphans. 1705 - Darkness and Daylight. 1706 - Edna Browning. 1707 - Hugh Worthington. 1708 -* Lena Rivers . 1709 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Elsie Venner. 1710 -- The Guardian Angel. 1711 Hope, Anthony.* The King’s Mirror. 1712 --* Phroso. . 1713 - The Heart of Princess Osra . 1714 -* The Prisoner of Zenda. 1715 -- The Intrusions of Peggy. 1716 -* Rupert of Hentzau. 1717 - Tristram of Blent. 1718 -* Quisante. 1719 -* Comedies of Courtship. 1720 -* Double Harness. 1721 - Father Stafford. 1722 - A Change of Air. 1723 Hope, A. R. Patriotism at Home. 1724 Hopkins, W. J.* The Airship Dragonfly. 1725 -The Clammer. 1726 Horn, George W. Count Silvius. 1727 Hornung, E. W. Irralie’s Bushranger. 1728 -* Stingaree. 1729 Horton, George. Like Another Helen. 1730 - The Long Straight Road. 1731 Hough, Emerson.* Heart’s Desire. 1732 Howe, E. W. The Mystery of the Locks. 1733 Howard, Blanche Willis. One Summer. 1734 Howells, W. D. A Chance Acquaintance. 1735 - A Foregone Conclusion.. 1736 - The Undiscovered Country. 1737 - Their Wedding Journey. 1738 FICTION 39 Howells, W. D. The Lady of the Aroostook. 1739 - The Landlord at Lion’s Head. 1740 - Questionable Shapes.*. 1741 -* The Quality of Mercy. . 1742 -* A Woman’s Reason. 1743 -* The Coast of Bohemia . 1744 -* The Rise of Silas Lapham. 1745 --* Indian Summer. 1746 -* The Kentons. 1747 -* Dr. Breen’s Practice. 1748 -* The World of Chance. 1749 -* The Son of Royal Langbrith. 1750 -* Letters Home. 1751 Hudson, W. H:* The Purple Land. ... 1752 Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown’s School Days.. 1753 - Tom Brown at Oxford. (Two copies.). 1754 Hugo, Victor. Les Miserables. (Two copies.). 1755 - Notre Dame de Paris. „ 1756 - Toilers of the Sea. 1757 - Ninety-Three. 1758 Hulbert, A. B. The Queen of Quelparte . 1759 Hungerford, Mrs.* The Professor’s Experiment. 1760 Huntington, J. V. Rosemary. 1761 Huntington, L. S. Professor Con ant. 1762 Huntington, Faye. Those Boys. 1763 Hutton, Bettina yon.* Pain. 1764 Hutton, Baroness von. Our Lady of the Beeches. 1765 Hyde, Henry M.* The Buccaneers. 1766 Hyde, Solon. A Captive of War. ... 1767 Hyne, Cutcliffe.* The Lost Continent. 1768 - * Atoms of Empire. 1769 Inca-Ptncho-Ozollo. The Lost Inca. 1770 Ingelow, Jean. John Jerome. 1771 Inman, Henry.* The Ranche on the Oxhide. 1772 -* The Great Salt Lake Trail. 1773 -* The Old Santa Fe Trail . 1774 Iron, Ralph. Story of an African Farm. 1775 Irving, Washington. Astoria, Salmagundi, etc. 1776 Irving, Fanny. Six Girls. . . 1777 Irwin, Wallace.* At the Sign of the Dollar.... 1778 Isham, Frederick S. The Strollers. 1779 - Under the Rose. .. 1780 Jackson, Helen Hunt. Zeph. 1781 - Ramona. 1782 - Between Whiles. 1783 Jackson, G. E.* Adventures of Tommy Postoffice. 1784 Jacobs, W. W. Odd Craft . 1785 - At Sunwich Port. 1786 -* Captains All. 1787 -* Many Cargoes. 1788 40 FICTION James, Henry. The Better Sort. 1789 James, Henry. Confidence. 1790 - Washington Square. 1791 - The Siege of London . 1792 -* Tales of Three Cities. 1793 -* The Wheel of Time. 1794 -•* The Portrait of a Lady. 1795 -* The Private Life... 1796 -* The Awkward Age . 1797 -* Daisy Miller. (Two copies.).... ... ...... 1798 James, G. P. R. Arrah Neil. 1799 —-■— Corse de Leon. . 1800 - Henry of Guise. 1801 - The Man-at-Arms... 1802 - The Ancient Regime. 1803 - One in a Thousand.. 1804 - Mary of Burgundy... 1805 - Henry Masterton. 1800 - John Marston Hall. 1807 - Richelieu. 1808 - Darnley.. 1809 - De L*Orme . 1810 - Agnes Sorel . 1811 Jamison, Mrs. C. V. Lady Jane.....* 1812 Janvier, Thomas A. The Aztec Treasure House.. 1813 -* In-the Sargasso Sea... 1814 Jenkins, Edward. A Paladin of Finance. 1815 Jerome, J. K.* Paul Kelver... r ...... 1816 - * Tommy & Co. 1817 Jewett, Sarah Orne. The Tory Lover. 1818 Johnston, Mary. Prisoners of Hope. (Two copies.)_ 1819 - To Have and To Hold. „ . 1820 - Sir Mortimer. 1821 -* Audrey. 1822 Johnson, Anna F.* The Little Colonel in Arizona. 1823 Johnson, Rossiter. Short Stories. 1824 Johnson, Evelyn Iy. Tangles Unravelled. 1825 Jokai, Maurice.* Tales.:...,. 1826 - A Modern Midas. 1827 - Pretty Michal. . 1828 Jordan, Kate. The Other House. 1829 Jordan, E. G. Tales of the Cloister. 1830 Judd, Sylvester. Richard Edney. 1831 Kelly, J. D. J. A Desperate Chance. 1832 Kelly, Myra.* Little Citizens. 1833 Kellogg, Elijah. The Spark of Genius. 1834 -- Good Old Times...... 1835 - The Live Oak Boys. 1836 —— A Strong Arm. 1837 -- The LTnseen Hand. 1838 FICTION 41 ‘ 1 Kennedy, & It.* The Lodestar.... ....1839 Keon, M. G. Dion and the Sibyls...AV.......... 1840 Ker, David. Cossack and Czar. .. 1841 -Into Unknown Seas...... ... 1842 Keyworth, Thomas. Granny’s Boys. 1843 Kildare, Owen.* My Mamie Rose...f. ! 1844 King, Charles. Cadet Days. 184b - Between the Lines......... f.... __.... 1846 - A War-Time Wooing. J ..;:. : .iJ 1847 - -.Foe^an v4^fcnsh'.,.^ v 7>.bJVl.. 1848 - A .Garrison Tangle.... .A):^C.v:2 . ..ul... 1849 - The General’s Double..A................• 1850 -* Ray’s Daughter. .’;.!i...v. ... 1851 -Found in the Philippines..... . ......... 1852 -* The Colonel’s Christina'sf...... ; 1853 King, Katherine. The Queen of the RegiinbntjA;7;L AV.. 1854 Kingsley, Henry. The Harveys.........: A..... ..... 1855 Kingsley, Florence Morse. Paul...... 1856 - Titus 1857 -— Stephen . 1858 -- The Singular Miss Smith.. 1859 Kingsley, Charles. The Hermits. 1860 - Here ward. 1861 - Hypatia. 1862 - Yeast. 1863 -r- Westward Ho! (Three copies.).. 1864 - Alton Locke. 1865 - Two Years Ago. 1866 Kingston, W. H. G. The Cruise of the Frolic. 1867 - The Young Foresters and Other Tales. 1868 - Mark Sea worth. 1869 - Dick Onslow. 1870 -- Anthony Waymouth. 1871 - Schoolboy Days. 1872 .- True Blue. 1873 - The Midshipman. 1874 Kipling, Rudyard. Captains Courageous.,. 1875 -Plain Taies from the Hills....\. 1876 - Kim. 1877 --* The Light that Failed..'.. 1878 -* The Brushwood Boy. 1879 -Stalkey & Co. (Two copies.). 1880 -Many Inventions. 1881 -Soldiers Three; a Collection of Stories. 1882 -Phantom Rickshaw and Other Tales. 1883 Knight, \V. A.* St. Abigail of the Pines . 1884 Koch, Rosalie. Holly and Mistletoe; Tales. 1885 Laforest, Debut. Renee and Colette. 1886 Lakeman, Mary. Pretty Lucy Merwyn. 1887 - Ruth Eliot’s Dream. 1888 42 FICTION Lane, Elinor M.' Lane, John. Thi Laut, Agnes C.* _* Lawrence, G. A. All for the Love of a L£dy Ms. in a lied Box. Vikings of The Pacific. Lords of the North. Guy Livingston. Barren Honour. The Wolverine. Americans. Fold. Lawrence, A. L.* Led yard, Laura W. Very Young Lee, Minnie M. Strayed from the Lee, Mrs. R. The African Crusoes. Lee, Jeannette.* Uncle William.. Lever, Charles. Tom Burke of “Ours.” - Fortune of Glen core. - Charles O’Malley. - Sir Jasper Carew. - The Bramleighs.. - Sir Brook Fossbrooke. - One of Them. - A Day’s Ride. - The Daltons. - Harry Lorrequer. - Paul Goslett’s Confessions.... - Maurice Tiernay. - Davenport Dunn. Vol. I. — „ „ n - The Martins of Cro’ Martin. (Two copies.). Vol. I.... II Le Queux W.* The Signs of the Seven Sins. Lewis, Alfred H. The Boss .. - Peggy O’Neal . - Wolfville. - Wolfville Days. Lewis, Harriet. The Belle of the Season. Liljencrantz, Ottilie A.* The Ward of King Canute. Randvar the Songsmith. Through the Long Nights. Red-Head. Scroggins . Stringtown on the Pike. Etidorhpa.: The Soldier of the Valley. The Sea-Wolf. (Two copies.). Tales of the Fish Patrol. A Daughter of the Snows. The People of the Abyss. Sixty Jane and Other Stories . Heimweh. -* Miss Cherry Blossom of Tokyo... ——* Madame Butterfly. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Hyperion. Linton, Mrs. Lynn. Lloyd, John Uri.* Lloyd, Nelson. London, Jack.* # Long, John L, * 1889 1890 1891 1892 1898 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1908 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 FICTION 43 Lorimer, G. H. Master of Millions... -•* Old Gorgon Graham. Loti, Pierre. The Book of Pity and of Death Louis, Arthur. “Dollars or Sense.”. - An Exile’s Romance. Lowell, Robert. A Story or Two . Lubbuck, Basil.* Jack Derringer. Ludlow, James. Captain of the Janizaries. - King of Tyre. Ludlow, Park. Nick Hardy. - Nick Hardy at College. Lush, C. K. The Federal Judge. Luther, Mark Lee.* The Mastery.. - The Henchman. Lyall, Edna. We Two. (Two copies.).. - Hardy Norseman. - Donovan. - Wayfaring Men. Lyons, A. E.* Mister Bill. Lytton, R. B. The Ring of Arnasis. Lytton, E. Bulwer. Leila.. - Rienzi. - Zanoni. - Pelham. - Lucretia. - Harold. - Devereux. - Godolphin........ - The Caxtons. - The Parisians. . - The Disowned. - Eugene Aram... - The Last of the Barons.. - The Last Days of Pompeii. - Ernest Maltravers. - Night and Morning. - Kenelin Chillingly.. - My Novel. Yol. I. — „ „ ii. - What Will He Do With It.... - Pausanias the Spartan. - A Strange Story. Vol. I. — „ „ ii. Maartens, Maarten. God’s Fool. - Dorothea. . -* The Healers. -* My Poor Relations. - The Greater Glory. Mabie, Hamilton. Norse Stories. MacDonald, George. Wilfred Cumbermede ... 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 44 FICTION MacDonald, George. Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood. 1989 —— The Seaboard Parish. 1990 -Warlock O’Glen warlock. 1991 -David Elginbrod. 1992 -The Vicar’s Daughter. 1993 -Robert Falconer . 1994 - Donald Grant. 1995 -Paul Faber, Surgeon. 1996 -Thomas Wingfold, Curate . 1997 -Weighed and Wanting. 1998 -There and Back . 1999 —•— What’s Mine’s Mine. 2000 -Sir Gibbie . 2001 MacFaulane, Annie R. Children of the Earth . 2002 Maclaren, Ian. Young Barbarians. 2003 - Our Neighbors. 2004 Maclure, David. David Todd. 2005 Macphail, Andrew. The Vine of Sibmah. 2006 Maitland, J. A. The Old Patroon. 2007 Major, Charles. The Bears of Blue River.. 2008 - The Forest Hearth.. 2009 —-•—* Yolanda 2010 - Dorothy Vernon. 2011 Malot, Hector. Conscience. 2012 Manley, R. M. The Queen of Ecuador. 2013 - Some Children of Adam... 2014 Marbourg, Dolores. “I Will Ne’er Consent.”.. 2015 Marciimont, A. W. The Greatest Gift. 2016 - A Moment’s Error. 2017 - Sir Jaffray’s Wife. 2018 - * A Dash for a Throne. 2019 -* By Right of Sword. 2020 --* The Queen’s Advocate. 2021 Marlitt, E. A Brave Woman. 2022 -The Owl’s Nest. 2023 -The Bailiff’s Maid.,. 2024 Marryatt, Florence. A Scarlet Sin. 2025 Marshall, Beatrice.* The Queen’s Knight Errant. 2026 Marsh, C. L. Not on the Chart.. 2027 Marston, L. Miss Mollie and Her Boys.. 2028 Martin, Mrs. H. For a Dream’s Sake. 2029 Martin, H. R.* Sabina. 2030 Martin, George Madden.* Emmy Lou. 2031 -* The House of Fulfilment. 2032 Marryatt, Captain. The Pacha of Many Tales. 2033 - Frank Mildmay and Other stories. 2034 - Jacob Faithful and Other Stories . 2035 Mason, Caroline A. A Minister of the World. 2036 - The Minister of Carthage. 2037 Mason, A. E. W. The Four Feathers. (Two copies.). 2038 FICTION 45 Mason, A. E. W.* The Truants. . 2039 Mason, Caroline A. Holt of Heatbfield. 2040 - A Wind Flower. 2041 - A Lily of France. 2042 - The Quiet King. 2043 Masson, Tom.* A Corner in Women. 2044 Mathews, Frances A.* Billy Duane. ... 2045 - My Lady Peggy Goes to Town. 2046 Matthews, Brandee.* A Confident To-morrow.. 2047 - A Secret of the Sea and Other Stories.... 2048 - A Tale of Twenty-Five Hours. 2049 - Vignettes of Manhattan. 2050 - His Father’s Son. 2051 - The Royal Marine. 2052 - The Story of a Story. ... 2053 - In the Vestibule Limited. 2054 - Outlines in Local Color. 2055 May, Sophie. Joy Bells. 2056 - Little Grandmother . 2057 - Little Grandfather. 2058 - Flaxie Growing Up. 2059 - Aunt Madge’s Story. 2060 McCall, Sidney. Truth Dexter.*. 2061 McCarthy, Justin H. Maurice Tyrone. 2062 - Marjorie. 2063 -* If I Were King. 2064 -* The Flower of France. 2065 McCutcheon, G. B.* The Purple Parasol.. 2066 McCrackan, W. D.* The Fair Land Tyrol. 2067 McDougall, W. II. The Hidden City. 2068 McElgun, John. Annie Reilly. 2069 McElroy, John. The Red Acorn. 2070 McGrath, Harold. The Grey Cloak. 2071 - The Puppet Crown. 2072 McHugh, H.* You Can Search Me . 2073 McKnight, Charles. Captain Jack the Scout. 2074 McLean, Sarah P. Some Other Folks... 2075 McLennan, William. Spanish John. 2076 McNeil, E.* The Lost Treasure Cave. 2077 Melville, Herman. Mardi. Vol. 1. 2078 - „ „ II... 2079 Meredith, George.* Adventures of Harry Richmond... 2080 -* Lord Ormont and His Aminta. 2081 -* The Ordeal of Richard Feverel. 2082 -* Diana of the Crossways. 2083 -* The Egoist. . 2084 -* The Amazing Marriage. 2085 Mekriman, Henry S.* The Sowers. 2086 - Barlasch of the Guard . 2087 - The Velvet Glove. 2088 46 FICTION Merriman, Henry, S. The Vultures.;. 2089 -* The Last Hope. 2090 Merwin, Samuel. His Little World. 2091 - The Whip Hand. 2092 Michelson, Miriam. The Madigans.. . 2093 Mighels, P. V.* Chatwit, the Man-Talk Bird... 2094 - The Inevitable. 2095 Miles, G. H. Loretto. 2096 - The Governess. 2097 Miller, Joaquin. Memorie and Rime.. 2098 Miller, Elizabeth. The Yoke. 2099 Mitchell, S. Weir.^ Constance Trescot. 2100 -* A Diplomatic Adventure. 2101 -* Far in the Forest. 2102 -* When All the Woods are Green. 2103 - Hugh Wynne. (Two copies.). 2104 - The Autobiograph}' of a Quack. 2105 - The Adventures of Francois. 2106 - A Comedy of Conscience. 2107 Mitchell, J. A. Amos Judd.. 2108 Mitchell, Donald G. Doctor Johns. 2109 Monroe, Mrs. M. C. Sir Thomas More. 2110 Montauban, G. de. The Cruise of a Woman Hater. 2111 Montgomery, Walter. The Boys of the Sierras. 2112 Montresor, F. F. False Coin or True. 2113 - The One Who Looked On. 2114 - Into the Highways and Hedges. 2115 - The Alien.*. 2116 —..—* The Celestial Surgeon. 2117 Moore, John T. A Summer Hymnal. 2118 -* The Bishop of Cotton town. 2119 Moore, George.* The Lake. 2120 Moraine, Paul. Shining Hours . 2121 More, E. Anson.* A Captain of Men. 2122 Morgan, Henry. Life Struggles. 2123 Morris, Clara.* A Pasteboard Crown . 2124 Morrison, Arthur. The Red Triangle. 2125 - Martin Hewitt: Investigator. 2126 Mott, Lawrence.* Jules of the Great Heart. 2127 Mowbray, J. P.* Tangled Up in Beulah Land. 2128 - The Conquering of Kate. 2129 - A Journey to Nature. 2130 Muiilbach, Louise. The Daughter of an Empress. 2131 - Prince Eugene. 2132 - The Merchant of Berlin. 2133 - Louisa of Prussia. 2134 - Frederick the Great and His Court. 2135 - „ and His Family. 2136 - „ and His Friends. 2137 Mulock, D. M. John Halifax, Gentleman. 2138 FICTION 47 Munchausen, Baron; His Travels. 2139 Munn, C. C. Uncle Terry... 2140 - Rock Haven. 2141 _.* The Girl from Tim’s Place. 2142 -* The Hermit. 2143 Munroe, Kirk. The Painted Desert. 2144 - The Fur Seal’s Tooth. 2145 - Snowshoes and Sledges. 2146 - The Flamingo Feather. 2147 - Crystal, Jack, & Co. 2148 - Wakulla. 2149 - Raftmates. 2150 - Canoemates . 2151 —-— Campmates. 2152 - Dorymates. 2153 - The Ready Rangers. 2154 - Under the Great Bear. 2155 Murray, C. A. The Prairie Bird. 2156 Nason, Frank L.* The Blue Goose. 2157 - * To The End of the Trail. 2158 Naylor, James B. Ralph Marlowe. 2159 Needell, Mrs. James H. Lucia, Hugh, and Another .. 2160 Nelson, Henry L. John Rantoul. 2161 Nesbit, E. The WouldBeGoods. 2162 -* Nine Unlikely Tales. 2163 -* The Phoenix and the Carpet . 2164 Nesbit, Wilbur.* The Gentleman Ragman. 2165 Newberry, F. E. Everyday Honor. 2166 Newman, John H. Callista. 2167 Nieritz, Gustave. The Bears of Augustusburg. 2168 - Tne Dumb Boy of Fribourg. 2169 Nickolson, Meredith. The Main Chance. 2170 -* The House of a Thousand Candles.. 2171 Niemann, August. The Baroness Blank. 2172 Noble, Francis. Gertrude Mannering. 2173 Noble, Pimenoff. Before the Dawn. 2174 Norris, W. E* The Credit of the County... 2175 - Marcia. 2176 - Miss Shafto. 2177 Norris, Frank. A Deal in Wheat and Other Stories.. . 2178 - The Octopus. 2179 - The Pit. 2180 Norton, C. L. Midshipman Jack.. 2181 - Jack Benson’s Log. . 2182 - A Medal of Honor Man. . 2183 - A Soldier of the Legion. 2184 - The Queen’s Rangers. 2185 Ober, Frederick A. Under the Cuban Flag. 2186 -* The War Chiefs. 2187 O’Brien, Richard B. Ailey Moore . 2188 4 8 FICTION O’Connor, W. D.* Heroes of the Storm... Ogden, G. W.* Tennessee Tod. O’Higgins, H. J * The Smoke-Eaters. Ohnet, Georges. The Soul of Pierre. Ollivant, Alfred. Bob, Son of Battle . Oppenheim, E. P.* A Maker of History. Optic, Oliver. Drifting and Steering. - Up and Down the Nile. - Outward Bound. . - Shamrock and Thistle.. - Red Cross. - Palace and Cottage.. - Down the Rhine. - Up the Baltic. —— Northern Lands.'. - Cross and Crescent. (Two copies.). - Sunny Shores. - Vine and Olive. - Isles of the Sea. - Going West.(Two copies.)... - Out West. „ - Lake Breezes.. . „ - Going South. „ - Down douth. „ — Up the River. „ - The Soldier Boy..^. „ — The Sailor Boy. „ - The Yankee Middy . „ - The Young Lieutenant... • „ - Fighting Joe. „ - Brave Old Salt . „ - Try Again. „ O’Reilly, John Boyle. Moondyne Joe. „ Orcutt, W. D. Robert Cavelier.;. Orczy, Baroness.* The Scarlet Pimpernel. . Osborne, Duffield. The Lion’s Brood . . Osbourne, Lloyd.* Wild Justice. Otis, James. Larry Hudson’s Ambition. - With Rogers on The President. - With the Treasure-Hunters. .... - The Castaways. -The Search for the Silver City. - A Runaway Brig.. - With Perry on Lake Erie. \ OlTIDA.* _ * _ * _ * Under Two Flags. Wanda. Two Little Wooden Shoes. A Dog of Flanders. The Massarenes. The Waters of Edera. 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 FICTION 49 Ouida.* Chandos....... 2239 -* Puck. 2240 ——* Tricotrin. 2241 -* Moths. 2242 Overton, Gwendolen. The Golden Chain. 2243 Pain, Barry.* Lindley Kays. 2244 Paine, Ralph D.* The Praying Skipper. 2245 Page, Thomas Nelson. Bred in the Bone. 2246 - A Captured Santa Claus. 2247 - Gordon Keith. 2248 —— Marse Chan. . 2249 —-— Red Rock . 2250 - Among the Camps. 2251 - In Ole Virginia. 2252 -* Elsket, and Other Stories. 2253 ——* Two Prisoners. 2254 ——* On Newfound River. 2255 ——* The Burial of the Guns. 2256 Payson, W. F.* Debonnaire. 2257 Palmer, Frederick. The Vagabond..,. 2258 Palmer, Lynde. One Day’s Weaving. 2259 —— .Where Honor Leads. 2260 Pansy. Doris Farrand’s Vocation. 2261 - Eighty-Seven. 2262 -- Yesterday Framed in To-day. 2263 - Sidney Martin’s Christmas. 2264 -Household Puzzles. 2265 -Four Girls at Chautauqua . 2266 - Miss Priscilla Hunter. 2267 -Links in Rebecca’s Life. . 2268 -Wise and Otherwise. 2269 -A New Graft on the Family Tree . 2270 -Mrs. Solomon Smith Looking On. 2271 -From Different Standpoints. 2272 -Cunning Workmen. 2273 -Grandpa’s Darlings. 2274 -Ruth Erskine’s Crosses. 2275 -The King’s Daughter. . 2276 -The Pocket Measure. 2277 - The Man of the House.. 2278 -Modern Prophets. 2279 -Three People.. 2280 - Tip Lewis and His Lamp.. 2281 - Ester Ried. 2282 -Divers Women. 2283 - Julia Ried. 2284 -What She Said. 2285 - The Randolphs. 2286 -Dr. Deane’s Way. 2287 -Next Things. 2288 50 FICTION Parker, Frances. Marjie. 2289 Parker, Gilbert. Donovan Pasha. . 2290 ——- The Right of Way.... 2291 A Romany of the Snows. 2292 -* The Translation of a Savage. 2293 — The Trail of the Sword. 2294 —*— The Seats of the Mighty..... 2295 - The Battle of the Strong. 2296 Parr, Louisa. Dorothy Fox.. 2297 Parrish, Randall. When Wilderness Was King......... 2298 Parsons, Mrs. et al. Wrecked and Saved.—Fernando... 2299 Patch, Kate W. Middle way.. 2300 Paterson, Arthur. The Daughter of the Nez Perces.... 2301 Paton, F. H. L. Lomai of Lenakel. 2302 Paull, Mrs. G. A. Christie’s Home-Making... 2303 —7 - Christie’s Next Things. 2304 Payne, Philip. The Mills of Man.. 2305 Peattie, E. W.* The Edge of Things. 2306 Peake, E. E. et al* Stories of the Railroad. . 2307 Pemberton, Max. A Daughter of the States. 2308 -* The Iron Pirate. 2309 -* The Impregnable City. 2310 People of the Whirlpool. Anonymous. 2311 Peppergrass, Paul. Mary Lee. 2312 ——^ Shandy M’Guire. .. 2313 Perce, Elbert. The Last of His Name. 2314 Perry, A. The Schoolmaster’s Trial. 2315 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart.* Trixie. (Two copies.)..., 2316 —— A Singular Life. 2317 Philips, Melville. The Devil’s Ilat. 2318 Phillips, David Graham.* The Fortune-Hunter. 2319 - Golden Fleece. 2320 - The Master-Rogue. 2321 Phillpotts, Eden. The American Prisoner.. 2322 -* Children of the Mist. 2323 —-* The Secret Woman. 2324 -* Knock at a Venture . 2325 -* Lying Prophets. 2326 -* The Portreeve. 2327 ——* Sons of the Morning. 2328 —* The River. 2329 Pickering, Sidney. The Key of Paradise. 2330 Pickthall, Marmaduke. Said, the Fisherman. 2331 Pidgin, Charles F.* A Nation’s Idol. 2332 - Blennerhaosett. 2333 - Quincy Adams Sawyer. 2334 Pollock, Walter H. A Nine Mens’ Morrice. 2335 Poole, Ernest.* The Voice of the Street. 2336 Porter, Jane. The Scottish Chiefs. 2337 - Thaddeus of Warsaw. (Two copies.)... 2338 FICTION Si Porter, Admiral. Adventures of Henry Marline. 2339 Post, Melville D* The Man of Last Resort. 2340 _— * Dwellers in the Hills. 2341 Post, Emily.* The Flight of a Moth. 2342 Potapeako, N. H. A Russian Priest.... 2343 Potter, Margaret.* The Genius... 2344 Pratt, Mary E. Rhoda Thornton’s Girlhood. 2345 Preston, S. H. The Abandoned Farmer.. 2346 Pyle, Howard.* Men of Iron.. 2347 Putnam, George I. In Blue Uniform. 2348 —r— On the Offensive. 2349 Quincy, J. P. The Peckster Professorship. 2350 Raimond, C. E. The Magnetic North. 2351 Ralph, Julian. An American with Lord Roberts. 2352 -- People We Pass. 2353 Rand, E. A. Christinas Jack. 2354 Raphael, Dr. Enthralled and Released. 2355 Rathborne, St. George. The Boy Cruisers. 2356 - Saved by the Sword. 2357 Raymond, James T. The Lost Colony. 2358 Raymond, Evelyn. The Sun Maid. 2359 Read, Opie P. Len Gansett. 2360 —— A Kentucky Colonel. 2361 - A Tennessee Judge.,. 2362 -* The Carpetbagger. 2363 -* Emmet Bonlore. 2364 -* The Jucklins. 2365 -* On the Suwanee River. 2366 -* The Starbucks. 2367 --* My Young Master. ^2368 -* An Arkansas Planter. 2369 -* A Yankee from the West. 2370 -* The Hark riders. 2371 Reade, Charles. A Perilous Secret. 2372 -The Cloister and the Hearth. (Two copies.). 2373 —r- ,: ■ A Simpleton. „ . 2374 —- Griffith Gaunt. „ . 2375 -It Is Never too Late to Mend „ . 2376 ■ —— Put Yourself in His Place.. „ . 2377 —- White Lies. 2378 -— Hard Cash. 2379 —— A Terrible Temptation. 2380 Reed, Myrtle.* The Master’s Violin. 2381 Reed, Andrew. No Fiction. . 2382 Reichenbach, Moritz von. The Eichhofs. 2383 Reid, Mayne. The Desert Home. 2384 ■ .. . Afloat in the Forest.(Two copies.). 2385 -The Boy Slaves. „ . 2386 —*— Bruin . „ . 2387 -The Young Yaegers. „ . 2388 52 FICTION Reid, Mayne. The Flag of Distress. „ . 2389 -The Plant Hunters. „ . 2390 -The Forest Exiles. „ . 2391 -The War Trail.....*.... „ . 2392 -The Quadroon . „ . 2393 -The Maroon. . „ . 2394 -The White Gauntlet. „ . 2395 -The Wild Huntress. „ . 2396 -The Hunter’s Feast. „ . 2397 -Lost Lenore. „ . 2398 -Wild Life.(Three copies). 2399 -The Giraffe Hunters. 2400 -Stories About Animals. 2401 -The Boy Tar. 2402 -The Ocean Waifs. 2403 -The Cliff Climbers. 2404 -The Young Voyageurs. 2405 -The Tiger Hunters. 2406 - The Wood Rangers. 2407 -The Scalp Hunters . 2408 -The Boy Hunters. 2409 -Man Eaters. 2410 -- Bush Boys. 2411 - Osceola the Seminole... 2412 -Rangers and Regulators. 2413 Remington, F.* The Way of an Indian. 2414 Rice, Alice Hegan.* Sandy. (Two copies.). 2415 Richardson, Norval.* The Heart of Hope. 2416 Richards, L. E. Captain January . 2417 Rives, Amelia.* Selene. 2418 Rives, Hallie E. Hearts Courageous. 2419 Roberts, Morley. The Mate of the Vancouver. 2420 - The Promotion of the Admiral. 2421 - The Fugitives. 2422 Roberts, Ina Brevoort. The Lifting of a Finger. 2423 Roberts, C. G. D. Around the Camp-Fire. 2424 —-—* The Prisoner of Mademoiselle. 2425 - Barbara Ladd . 2426 - The Marshes of Minas. 2427 - The Forge in the Forest. 2428 - The Heart of the Ancient Wood.... 2429 Robertson, Morgan. Masters of Men . 2430 - Shipmates . 2431 -* Down to the Sea. 2432 Robinson, Edith. A Puritan Knight Errant. (Two copies.).. 2433 Roche, Regina M. Children of the Abbey. 2434 Roche, J. J.* The Sorrows of Sap’ed. 2435 Roe, E. P. Barriers Burned Away. (Two copies.). 2436 -A Knight of the Nineteenth Century. „ . 2437 -Near to Nature’s Heart. „ . 2438 FICTION 53 Roe, E. P. From Jest to Earnest. (Two copies.). 2439 - Driven Back to Eden. „ . 2440 -Opening a Chestnut Burr. 2441 -The Earth Trembled. 2442 - He Fell in Love with His Wife. 2443 -An Original Belle. 2444 -His Sombre Rivals. 2445 -A Face Illumined. 2446 -A Day of Fate. 2447 - Without a Home. 2448 -A Young Girl’s Wooing. 2449 -Nature’s Serial Story. 2450 —_ What Can She Do?. 2451 - Taken Alive.... . 2452 - Miss Lou. 2453 Roe, A. S. Time and Tide. 2454 - A Long Look Ahead... . 2455 -- Looking Around. 2456 - The Cloud on the Heart. 2457 - Like and Unlike. . 2458 - Resolution. 2459 Root, E. C.* Huntington Jr. 2460 Rouse, Mrs. L. L. Duncan Kennedy’s New Horae. 2461 Rowcroft, Charles. The Australian Crusoes. 2462 Rowland, H. C.* In the Shadow. 2463 -* The Wanderers... 2464 Runkle, Bertha. T1ip Helmet of Navarre. 2465 Russell, W. Clark. The Captain’s Wife..... . 2466 -* The Mate of the Good Ship York...... 2467 -■* Captain Jackman... .. 2468 -The Tragedy of Ida Noble... 2469 -The Wreck of the Grosvenor. .. 2470 -The Good Ship Mohock. 2471 -* An Ocean Free-Lance.... 2472 -* The Emigrant Ship. 2473 -* List, Ye Landsmen. 2474 -* The Romance of a Transport. .. 2475 -A Sea Queen.:. 2476 -The Mystery of the Ocean Star. 2477 Rydberg,. Victor. The Last Athenian . 2478 Sadlier, Mrs. James. Maureen Dhu. 2479 -The Old House by the Boyne. (Two copies.) 2480 -Life in Galway. „ . 2481 - Willy Burke. 2482 - Con O’Regan. 2483 - The Blakes and Flanagans. 2484 -Elinor Preston. 2485 - The Hermit of the Rock. 2486 -Confessions of an Apostate . 2487 - The Fate of Father Sheehy. 2488 54 FICTION Sadlier, Mrs. James. The Confederate Chieftains. 2489 -MacCarthy More.,. 2490 -Bessy Conway. 2491 -Old and New. 2492 -Aunt Honor’s Keepsake. 2493 -The Heiress of Kilorgan. 2494 Sadlier, Anna T. Ethel Hamilton. 2495 - The Monk’s Pardon. 2496 Sangster, Margaret E. Janet Ward. 2497 Samuels, Adelaide F. Daisy Travers. 2498 Sardou, Victorien. Madam Sans Gene.. 2499 Savage, Charles W.* A Lady in Waiting. 2500 Savile, Frank. Beyond the Great South Wall. 2501 Sawyer, Josephine C. Every Inch a King. 2502 Schwartz, Marie S. Gerda; or the Children of Work... 2503 Schmid, Canon. Tales. 2504 Schubin, Ossip. Asbein. 2505 -* Peterkins. 2506 Scott, J. W. Jack Hardin’s Arabian Knights. 2507 Scott, J. R.* A Colonel of the Red Huzzars. 2508 Scott, Michael. Tom Cringle’s Log. 2509 Scott, Sir Walter. Ivanhoe. 2510 -The Chronicles of the Canongate. (Two copies.) 2511 -Woodstock. „ . 2512 -Kenilworth. „ . 2513 -The Abbot... „ . 2514 -Rob Roy... . „ . 2515 -The Red Gauntlet. „ . 2516 - The Monastery. „ . 2517 - The Antiquary.. „ . 2518 -Anne of Geirestein. „ . 2519 -The Bride of Lammermoor. „ . 2520 -The Heart of Mid-Lothian. „ . 2522 -Waverly.,. 2523 -The Pirate . 2524 - Guy Mannering. 2525 -Quentin Durward... 2526 -Fortunes of Nigel. 2527 -Saint Ronan’s Well. 2528 -The Fair Maid of Perth. 2529 -- Count Robert of Paris. 2530 -Black Dwarf—Old Mortality..... 2531 -The Betrothed—The Talisman... 2532 -The Talisman—Castle Dangerous . 2533 Sears, Hamblin. A Box of Matches. 2534 - None But the Brave. 2535 Seawell, Mollie E. The Fortunes of Fifi. 2536 -The History of the Lady Betty Stair. 2537 -Francezka . . 2538 FICTION 55 Seawell, Mollie E. The Rock of the Lion. 2539 Seeley, C. S. The Spanish Galleon. 2540 - The Lost Canyon of the Toltecs. 2541 Seton, William. The Shamrock Gone West. 2542 - The Pride of Lexington . 2543 - Romance of the Charter Oak. 2544 Seymour, Mary H. Recompense. 2545 Shackleton, Robert. The Great Adventurer. 2546 Shafter, Sara A. Beyond Chance of Change. 2547 -* Day Before Yesterday. 2548 Shaw, W. J. Solomon’s Story.. 2549 Shaw, J. W.* Uncle Sam aud His Children. 2550 Sheard, Virna.* By the Queen’s Grace. 2551 Sheehan, P. A. Geoffrey Austin, Student. 2552 - My New Curate. (Two copies.). 2553 Sheldon, Mrs. Georgie. Queen Bess. 2554 Sheldon, Charles M. Robert Hardy’s Seven Days. 2555 - The Crucifixion of Philip Strong. 2556 - In His Steps. 2557 - Malcolm Kirk. 2558 - His Brother’s Keeper. 2559 - The Twentieth Door. 2560 Shelton, W. H.* Three Prisoners. 2561 Sheppard, A. T.* The Red Cravat.., . 2562 Sherwood, Margaret.* The Coming of the Tide. 2563 Shikl, M. P.* Lord of the Sea. .. 2564 - The Lost Viol. 2565 Short Stories by American Authors. In Ten Volumes. Volume I. Bishop, W. H. One of the Thirty Pieces. Davis, R. II. The Ballacchi Brothers. Matthews, Brander; and H. C. Bunner. The Doc¬ uments in the Case. Webster, Albert. An Operation in Money . 2566 Volume II. Eddy, John. A Dinner Party. Jacobi, Mary P. A Martyr to Science. “J. S.” of Dale. Mrs. Knollys.. . Stockton, Frank R. The Transferred Ghost. ... Spofford, Harriet P. The Mount of Sorrow. Tincker, Mary Agnes. Sister Silvia. 2567 Volume III. Burnett, Frances H. A Story of the Latin Quarter. Hale, Lucretia P. The Spider’s Eye... Lathrop, George P. Two Purse-Companions. Lloyd, David D. Poor Ogla-Moga. Matthews,' Brander. Venetian Glass. 56 FICTION Volume III. Continued. Thaxter, Celia. A Memorable Murder. 2568 Volume IV. Brooks, Noah. Lost in the Fog. Bunner, H. C. Love in Old Cloathes. DeForest, J. W. An Inspired Lobbyist. Foote, Mary Hallock. Friend Barton’s Concern. Willis, Nathaniel P. Two Buckets in a Well. Woolson, C. F. Miss Grief . 2569 Volume V. Arnold, George. Why Thomas Was Discharged. Benjamin, Park. The End of New York.. James, Henry. A Light Man. Miller. F. D. Yatil. Mitchell, E. P. The Tachypoinp . 2570 Volume VI. Champney, L. W. The Heartbreak Cameo. Fairfax, L. R. Misfortunes of Bro’ Thomas Wheatley. Frederic, Harold. Brother Sebastian’s Friendship. Hayes, A. A. The Denver Express . Webster, Albert. Miss Eunice’s Glove. White, C. H. The Village Convict. . 2571 Volume VII. Bellamy, Edward. Lost. Floyd, Margaret. From the Journal of a Social Wreck. Johnson, Virginia W. The Image of San Donato_ McKay, James T. Stella Grayland . Stockton, Louise. Kirby’s Coals of Fire. Thanet, Octave. The Bishop’s Vagabond. 2572 Volume VIII. Adee, Alvey A. The Life-Magnet..... Beers, Henry A. Split Zephyr. DeForest, J. W. The Brigade Commander. Phelps, Eliz. Stuart. Zerviah Hope. Stoddard, Eliz. D. B. Osgood’s Predicament . 2573 Volume IX. Coffin, Roland T. How Old Wiggins Wore Ship.... Gage, Charles S. Mr. Bixby’s Christmas Visitor. Kipp, Leonard. “-Mas Has Come’’. Page, Thomas Nelson. Marse Chan.......... Shinn, M. W. Young Strong of “The Clarion.” White, C. H. Eli . 2574 FICTION 57 Volume X. Boyesen, H. H. A Daring Fiction. DeKay, Charles. Manmat’ha. ' Janvier, Thos A. Pancha. Mitchell, E. P. The Ablest Man in the World. Schayer, Julia. The Story of Two Lives.. Stephens, C. A. Young Moll’s Peevy .i... 2575 Short Stories by English Authors. Volume I. Stories of England. Edwards, Amelia B. The Four-Fifteen Express. Collins, Wilkie. Mr. Lismore and the Widow. Hardy, Thomas. The Three Strangers. Hope, Anthony. The Philosopher in the Apple Orchard. Lewis, Angela. The Wrong Black Bag. Reade, Charles. The Box Tunnel. Robinson, F. W. Minions of the Moon. 2576 Volume II. Stories of Scotland. Aytoun, Professor. The Glenmutchken Railway. Barrie, J. M. The Courting of T’nowhead’s Bell..... Crockett, S. R. “The Heather Lin tie.”. Maclaren, Ian. A Doctor of the Old School. Scott, Sir Walter. Wandering Willie’s Tale. Stevenson, Robert Louis. Thrawn Janet. 2577 Volume III. Stories of Germany. Black, William. Queen Tita’s Wager. Harraden, Beatrice. The Bird on its Journey. Ouida. A Dog of Flanders. Stevenson, Robert Louis. Markheim. Winter, John Strange. Koosje, a Study of Dutch Life. 2578 Volume IV. Stories of France. Collins, Wilkie. A Terribly Strange Bed....... Ouida. A Leaf in the Storm. Stretton, Hesba. Michel Lorio’s Cross. Stevenson, Robert Louis. A Lodging for the Night. Weyman, Stanley J. A Perilous Amour. 2579 Volume V. Stories of Italy. Norris, W. E. Bianca. Oliphant, Laurence. The Brigand’s Bride Payn, James. A Faithful Retainer. Robinson, Mary F. Goneril.. Trollope, Anthony. Mrs. General Talboys 2580 58 FICTION Volume VI. Stories of Africa. Doyle, A. Conan. The Mystery of Sasassa Valley. Haggard, H. Rider. Long Odds. Hemingway, P. Gregorio. . % Landers, J. King Bemba’s Point. Scully, W. C. Ghamba. 2581 Volume VII. Stories of The Orient. Beaumont, Mary. The Revenge of Her Race. Douglas, R. K. A Chinese Girl Graduate.. Kipling, Rudyard. The Man Who Would Be King.. Mitford, Miss. Tajima... Roberts, Morley. King Billy of Ballarat. Syrett, N. Thy Heart’s Desire. 2582 Volume VIII. Stories of London. Anstey, F. The Black Poodle. Barrie, J. M. The Inconsiderate Waiter. Corelli, Marie. The Hired Baby . Harraden, Beatrice. An Idyl of London. Morrison, Arthur. That Brute Simmons. “Q” The Omnibus. Zangwill, I. A Rose of the Ghetto. 2583 Volume IX. Stories of the Sea. Anonymous. “Petrel” and the “Black Swan”. Anonymous. The Rock Scorpions. Anonymous. Vanderdecken’s Message Home. Allen, Grant. Melissa’s Tour... Besant, Walter. Quarantine Islands .. Russell, W. Clark. Adventure of a Chief Mate. O’Halloran, G. B. The Master of the “Chrysolite” . 2584 Volume X. Stories of Ireland. Anonymous. The Banshee....,. Banim, John. The Rival Dreamers. . Barlow, Jane. A Lost Recruit.. Carleton, William. Neal Malone,.... Jessop, George H. The Emergency Men. Lover, Samuel. The Gridiron. . 2585 Short Stories From Scribner’s Magazine. Stories of the South. 258b Stories of the Railway. 2587 Stories of the Army. 2588 Stories of the Sea. 2589 Stories of New York. 2590 Stories of Italy. 2591 Shute, H. A.* A Few Neighbors. 2592 FICTION 59 Sidney, Margaret. Five Little Peppers. 2593 Sienkiewicz, Henryk. Quo Vadis. 2594 -* On the Field of Glory. . 2595 - Knights of the Cross. Vol. 1. 2596 - „ „ „ II. 2597 Silberrad, U. L. Petronilla Heroven. . 2598 Simms, W. Gilmore. Mellichampe. 2599 - The Wigwam and the Cabin. 2600 -Vasconselos. 2601 - Beauchampe. 2602 - Woodcraft. 2603 - Yemassee. 2604 - The Partisan. 2605 - The Foragers. 2606 —— Border Beagles. 2607 —— K'utaw. 2608 - Charlemont. (Two copies.) . 2609 - Confession. 2610 Sinclair, Upton.* The Jungle. 2611 -- * Manassas.. ... . 2612 Sinclair, May.* The Divine Fire.. 2613 - * Superseded.. 2614 Blosson, Annie T. Fishin’ Jimmie. (Two copies.). 2615 - Aunt Abby’s Neighbors. 2616 - Story-Tell Lib. 2617 -* Dumb Foxglove. 2618 Smart, Hawley. Two Kisses. 2619 Smith, A. C. The Turquoise Cup. 2620 Smith, M. P. W. The Young Puritans of Old Hadley.... 2621 Smith, Mrs. F. B. The Prairie School. 2622 Smith, Alice P.* Off to the Highway. 2623 Smith, John Talbot. Solitary Island . 2624 - His Honor the Mayor and Other Tales.. 2625 - Doubting Castle. 2626 - A Woman of Culture. 2627 Smith, F. Hopkinson. Colonel Carter’s Christmas. 2628 -- The Fortunes of Oliver Horn . 2629 -The Under Dog. 2630 _Caleb West. 2631 -* The Tide of Barnegat. 2632 -* The Wood Fire in No. 3. 2633 -* Colonel Carter of Cartersville. 2634 -* Tom Grogan. 2635 -* The Other Fellow. 2636 -* At Close Range. 2637 -* Colonel Carter’s Christmas. 2638 Smollett, II. T. Peregrine Pickle. 2639 Somerset, Lady Henry.* Under the Arch. 2640 Sommers, Lillian. Jerome Leaster. 2641 Sousa, John P. The Fifth String. 2642 6o FICTION South worth, Mrs. E. D. N.* Ishmael. 2643 -* Self-Raised. 2644 Spearman, F. H. Daughter of a Magnate. 2645 Spenser, M. C. Brinka, an American Countess. 2646 Stables, Gordon. In Ships of Steel. 2647 - Off to the K1 on dyke... 2648 - Remember the Maine. 2649 Stanley, C. A. Order No. 11 . 2650 Steell, Willis. Isidra.. 2651 Stephens, C. A. The Ark of 1803 . . 2652 Stephens, R. N. A Gentleman Player. 2653 - Philip Win wood. 2654 - Mystery of Murray Davenport. 2655 Stephens, Ann S. Mary Derwent. 2656 - Fashion and Famine. 2657 Stevenson, Robert Louis. St. Ives. 2658 -The Strange Case of Dr. Jekell and Mr. Hyde. 2659 -* The Black Arrow. 2660 -* The Ebb Tide. 2661 -* Weir of Hermiston. 2662 - The Silverado Squatters. 2663 - The Wrong Box. 2664 -The Wrecker. 2665 -The Dynamiter: Tales. 2666 -David Balfour. 2667 -Island Night’s Entertainment—Tales. 2668 -Master of Ballantrae—Stories. 2669 -Treasure Island—Prince Otto. 2670 Stewart, Agnes M. Grace O’Halloran. 2671 Stimson, F. J.* In Cure of Her Soul . 2672 Stockton, Frank R. The Captain’s Toll-Gate. 2673 - Casting Away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine. 2674 - Amos Kilbright and Other Stories. 2675 - The Great Stone of Sardis. 2676 - Kate Bonnet.,.. 2677 - A Story-Teller’s Pack. 2678 -- Rudder Grange. 2679 -Rudder Grangers Abroad. .. 2680 - Pomona’s Travels. 2681 - A Bicycle of Cathay . 2682 -The Squirrel Inn.2683 Stoddard, Elizabeth. Temple House. 2684 - The Morgesons. 2685 Stoddard, William O. The Red Mustang. . 2686 - The Voyage of the Charlemagne. 2687 -r- The Talking Leaves**..,. 2688 - The Lost Gold of the Montezumas. 2689 Stoddard, C. W.* The Island of Tranquil Delight. 2690 Stoker, Bram.* The Mystery of the Sea. 2691 Stowe, Harriet Beecher. The Mayflower. 2692 FICTION 61 Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Poganuc People. 2693 •-— The Minister’s Wooing.;.. 2694 - Uncle Tom’s Cabin. (Two copies.). 2695 - Oldtown Folks.... 2696 Strang, Herbert.* Kobo. 2697 -— * Adventures of Harry Rochester. 2698 Stratemeyer, E. Campaign of the Jungle..*..... 2699 Streeter, J. W. Doctor Tom......... .. 2700 Stretton, Hesba. Half Brothers.. .‘(Two copies.). 2701 -- A Man of His Word........ 2702 Stringer, Arthur.* Lonely O’Malley,... 2703 Stuart, Ruth McE. In Simpkinsville. ............... . 2704 - Napoleon Jackson....... 2705 -— Sonny. .. 2706 Sturgis, Julian. Dick’s Wanderings.... 2707 Surbridge, Agnes. Confessions of a Club Woman. 2708 Sutphen, van Tassel. The Gates of Chance..... 2709 Swinburne, Algernon Charles. Love’s Cross-Currents. 2710 Symington, Maggie. Marion Scatterthwaite ................. 2711 Swift, Dean. Gulliver’s Travels.. 2712 Tarkington, Booth. The Gentleman From Indiana ..... 2713 -— Monsieur Beaucaire. 2714 - The Two Vanrevels. 2715 - Cherry .... . j... ..> 2716 -_* The Conquest of Canaan. 2717 -- * The Beautiful Lady...... ___A...... 2718 -—* In the Arena .... . 2719 Taylor, H. W. The Lost Heiress. 2720 Taylor, Bayard. Hannah Thurston.2721 - Beauty and the Beast, and Tales of Home. 2722 -- The Story of Kennelt... 2723 - Joseph and Ilis Friend. 2724 - John Godfrey’s Fortunes. 2725 Tefft, B. F. The Shoulder-Knot. 2726 Thackeray, William M. Henry Esmond..... 2727 - History of Pendennis Vol. I. 2728 —- „ „ II..-... 2729 Miscellanies. 5 ) • >} Vol. >> I II III IV V, -— Adventures of Philip. -— The Newcomes... - The Virginians. -— Vanity, Fair... Thanet, Octave. The Missionary Sheriff -* The Man of the Hour. Tiieamba, Inshta. Ploughed Under. Thebaud, A. J. Louisa Kirkbride....... 2730’ 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 62 FICTION Thjckstun, Frederick. A Mexican Girl. Thomas, Annie. False Colours. - Sir Victor’s Choice. Thompson, A. R.* Shipwrecked in Greenland. Thompson, Maurice.* The King of Honey Island.. - Alice of Old Vincennes. - The Ocala Boy.. - Rosalynde’s Lovers. Thompson, D. P. The Green Mountain Boys. Thwing, Eugene.* The Man from Red Keg. - The Red Keggers. Thurston, E. T.* The Apple of Eden. - The Bishop’s Shadow... Tilford, Tilden. Butternut Jones. Tolstoi, Lyof N.* Anna Karenina. - The Long Exile and Other Tales. - Sevastopol and Other Military Tales. Tomes, Robert. My College Boys.. Tomlinson, Everett T. Three Colonial Days. - A Lieutenant Under Washington _ - In the Cainp of Cornwallis. - The Winner. . - With Flintlock and Fife. Tompkins, E. S. An Honest Hypocrite. Tooker, T. T.* Under Rocking Skies. Tourgee, Albion W. Button’s Inn . - John Eax and Other Tales. - A Royal Gentleman... .. - Figs and Thistles.. -- Hot Plowshares. - Bricks Without Straw. -- A Fool’s Errand. - Murvale Eastman.. - Black Ice.. .... Townsend, Virginia F. Only Girls. . - Darryll Gap.... Townsend, G. A. The Entailed Hat... Travis, Elm a A.* The Pang-Yanger. Trollope, Anthony. The Eustace Diamonds. - Lotta Schmidt and Other Tales. - Tales of all Countries.. - Ralph the Heir.. -— The Prime Minister. . -* Orley Farm. Vol. I. _* IT r» T> AA ***. _* TIT r> » A1A . . Trowbridge, J. T.* Cudjo’s Cave. -* The Drummer Boy. -* The Three Scouts. -* Lawrence’s Adventures. 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 FICTION 63 Trowbridge, J. T. .Jack Hazard and His Fortunes. 2793 - The Young Surveyor. 2794 - Fast Friends. 2795 - Doing His Best. 2796 - A Chance for Himself.-. 2797 - Adventures of David Vane. 2798 Trumbull, Annie E. A Christmas Accident. 2799 Tupper, M. F. The Twins—The Crock of Gold-Heart... 2800 Turgenieff, Ivan. S. Liza. 2801 - Dimitri Roudine. 2802 - Virgin Soil. 2803 - Father and Sons. 2804 - Smoke . 2805 Turley, Charles.* Maitland Major and Minor. 2806 Twain, Mark.* Adventures of Tom Sawyer. 2807 -* Tom Sawyer Abroad. 2808 Tybout, Ella M.* Poketown People. 2809 Tynan, Katharine.* Dick Pentreath. 2810 Vachell, Horace.* Brothers. 2811 Vaile, C. M. Wheat and Huckleberries. 2812 Valentine, Jane. Time’s Scythe. 2813 Vandegrift, Margaret. The Queen’s Body-Guard. 2814 Vance, Elmer E. Nellie Harland. 2815 Van Zile, E. A. Don Miguel and Other Stories . 2816 - The Last of the Van Slacks. 2817 Van Vorst, Marie.* Amanda of the Mill. 2818 -* The Sin of George Warrener. 2819 Verne, Jules. Michael Strogoff. 2820 - Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. (Two copies.). 2821 - The Tour of the World in Eighty Days... 2822 - Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon... 2823 - . From the Earth to the Moon . 2824* - Claudius Bombarnac . 2825 - * The English at the North Pole. 2826 - The Mvsterious Island. 2827 -* The Field of Ice. 2828 - The Cryptogram. 2829 -* A Journey to the Centre of the Earth... 2830 - The Fur Country. (Two copies.). 2831 - Hector Servadoc... „ . 2832 Voynich, E. L. The Gadfly. 2833 - Olive Latham. ... 2834 - Jack Raymond. 2835 Walford, L. B. Cousins. . 2836 Wall, Annie. Sordello’s Story. 2837 Wallace, Lew. Ben Hur. (Two copies.) . 2838 - The Fair God. 2839 - The Prince of India. Vol. 1. 2840 6 4 FICTION Wallace, Dillon.* The Lure of the Labrador Wild. .. 2842 Walsh, G. E.* The Mysterious Beacon Light.. 2848 Walton, Mrs. O. F. Christie’s Old Organ. 2844 Waltz,, Elizabeth Cherry. Pa Gladdem.... 2845 Ward, Mrs. Humphrey. Eleanor.............. 2846 -* The Marriage of William Ashe.». 2847 -.* Lady Rosa’s Daughter. .j.. 2848 -* Fenwick’s Career. 2849 «*——* Marcella. . ......... 2850 -—* Robert Elsmere. 2851 -—* The History of David Grieve. 2852 Warden, Florence. A Perfect Fool.. ....... 2853 - A Prince of Darkness.. 2854 Warden, Gertrude. The Secret of a Letter.. 2855 Wardman, Erwin.* The Princess Olga.. 2856 Ware, William. Zenobia... 2857 -— Julian: or Scenes in Judea. 2858 Warmai*, Cy. Short Rails. 2859 -— The White Mail... 2860 -- Tales of an Engineer. 2861 Warner, Annie.* Susan Clegg .... 2862 Warner, Fannie. Beech Bluff. 2863 Warner, C. D. A Little Journey in the World. 2864 Warner, Susan. Queechy..... 2865 -- The Wide Wide World. 2866 Wasson, G. S-. Cap’n Simeon’s Store...... 2867 Watanna, Onoto.* A Japanese Blossom. 2868 -— * Daughters of Nijo..... 2869 Watson, A. C. Beyond the City Gates.. 2870 Watson, PIenry C. The Bell of Independence. 2871 Webster, H. K. Roger Drake. (Two copies.). 2872 Webster, Merwin. Calumet “K”..^....,.... . 2873 Webster, Jean. When Patty Went to College. 2874 --* The Wheat Princess............ 2875 Wells, A. R. Foreman Jennie.. 2876 - Elisha Tone, Citizen.... 2877 Wells, H. G.* Kipps.....>...... 2878 -* Twelve Stories and a Dream . 2879 -_* The 1 ood of the Gods........ .. 2880 Wells, Carolyn. The Staying Guest... 2881 Werner, E. Clear the Track... 2882 Westcott, Edw. Noyes, David Harum, (Two Copies.) 2883 Westrupp, M.* The Young O’Briens... . 2884 Weyman, Stanley J. Sophia. .... .... 2885 - Under the Red Robe... 2886 -- A Gentleman of France... 2887 -* The Castle Inn. 2888 --* The Abbess of Vlaye.... 2889 -* The Long Night.. 2890 --* , Shrewsbury. . 2891 FICTION 65 White, Eliza O. John Forsyth’s Aunts. 2892 —— A Browning Courtship and Other Stories. 2893 White, Stewart Edward. The Conju’-er’s House. 2894 - The Blazed Trail. 2895 - The Westerners. 2896 -* The Mountains... 2897 -* The Forest. 2898 -* The Silent Places . 2899 -* The Claim Jumpers. 2900 -* The Magic Forest.,. 2901 White, W. A.* In Our Town. 2902 White, Percy.* The System. 2903 Whiting, Richard T. The Yellow Van. 2904 Whitson, J. H. With Fremont the Pathfinder...,. 2905 Whittaker, Herman. * The Probationer. 2906 Whyte-Melyille, G. J. The White Rose. 2907 Wiggin, Kate Douglas. Penelope’s Progress. 2908 - A Cathedral Courtship... 2909 - Polly Oliver’s Problem. 2910 - Penelope’s Irish Experiences . 2911 - Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. 2912 -* Timothy’s Quest . 2913 -* The Village Watch-Tower. 2914 - * , The Story of Patsy. 2915 -* The Diary of a Goose Girl. 2916 -* Marm Lisa. 2917 Wilkins, Mary E. Jerome, a Poor Man. 2918 - The Portion of Labor. (Two copies.)_ 2919 - The Jamesons . 2920 Williams, Churchill. The Captain. 2921 - J. Devlin—Boss. 2922 Williams, Margery. The Price of Youth. 2923 Williamson, C. N. and A. M.* The Princess Passes.... 2924 -The Lightning Conductor. (Two copies.)... 2925 Williamson, Mrs. C. N. 4 My Lady Cinderella. 2926 Wilson, Augusta E.* St. Elmo. 2927 - A Speckled Bird. 2928 Wilson, H. L. The Spenders. 2929 -* The Boss of Little Already. 2930 Winter, John Strange. Wedlock. 2931 Winthrop, Theodore. Edwin Brothertoft. . 2932 Wiseman, Cardinal. Fabiola. (Two copies.) . 2933 Wistek, Owen. Lin McLean. 2934 - The Virginian. 2935 - Red Men and White. 2936 - The Jiminyjohn Boss. 2937 - 4 Lady Baltimore. 2938 -* Philosophy Four. 2939 Wood, Mrs. Henry. Victor Serenus. 2940 Wood, Mrs. Henry. Danesbury House . 294! 66 FICTION Wood, Chas. S. The Sword of Wayne.. 2942 - On the Frontier with St. Clair. 2943 Wood, Edith E. The Spirit of the Service. 2944 Woollam, Wilfred. With the Help of the Angels. 2945 Wraxhall, Sir Lascelles. Golden Hair. . 2946 Wright, Julia M. The House on the Bluff. 2947 Wright, H. B. That Printer of Udell’s. (Two copies.). 2948 Wylie, Edna E.* The Ward of the Sewing-Circle. 2949 Wyss, Rudolph J. The Swiss Family Robinson. 2950 Yates, Edmund. A Waiting Race . 2951 Yeals, S. L. Chevalier d’Auriac. 2952 Young, Rose E. Henderson. 2953 - Sally of Missouri. 2954 Zangwill, I. Merely Mary Ann. 2955 Anonymous. Arabian Night’s Entertainments. 2956 - A Year of Wreck. 2957 - A Saturday’s Bairn . 2958 - A Romance of Perfumed Lands. 5959 - Counter-Currents. 2960 - Emerald Gems. 2961 -- From Dawn to Dark in Italy. 2962 - Father Oswald. 2963 - Father Rowland . 2964 - Geraldine. 2965 - His Second Campaign. 2966 - I Saw Three Ships. 2967 - Lotta Eames . 2968 - My Discontented Cousin. 2969 - My Mother in-Law. 2970 - May Templeton. 2971 - Mrs. Leslie and Mrs. Lennox. 2972 - Mag. 2973 - Maurice Dering . 2974 - Marmorne. 2975 - Nellie Netterville.... 2976 -- Robert and Other Stories. f .. 2977 - Society Rapids. 2978 - The Hasheesh Eater. 2979 - The Rose Garden. 2980 - The Colonel’s Opera Cloak. 2981 - Tancred. 2982 - The Dilemma. 2983 - The House of York. 2984 - The General’s Daughter. 2985 - The Rainbow Creed . 2986 - The Bobbin Boy. 2987 - Under the Ban. 2988 - Victorie. 2989 - Aimee’s Marriage. 2990 - People of the Whirlpool. 2991 6 ; HISTORY Abbott, Jacob. Richard the Second. 2992 - Richard the Third.. 2993 - Charles the First .. 2994 - Charles the Second. 2995 - Henry the Fourth. 2996 - Alexander the Great. 2997 - Darius the Great. 2998 - William the Conqueror. 2999 - Joseph Bonaparte. 3000 - Louis Fourteenth. 3001 —— Lomis Philippe. 3002 - Empress Josephine. 3003 - Hortense...... 3004 - Hernando Cortez. 3005 - Genghis Khan. 3006 - King Alfred. 3007 - King Philip. 3008 - Romulus.. 3009 - Pyrrhus. 3010 - Xerxes... 3011 -tt Mary Quetn of Scots. 3012 - Queen Elizabeth. 3013 - Julius Caesar... 3014 -- Cleopatra...„. 3015 Abbott, W. J. Battlefields of ’61. .. .. 3016 - The Blue Jackets. 3017 Abbott, A. O. Prison Life in the South. (Two copies.). 3018 Alison, Archibald. History of Europe. - Vol. I. French Revolution to the Empire in France. 3019 -„ II. Alliance of England and Prussia. 3020 - „ III. Peninsular War. 3021 -„ IV. Russia and France. 3022 68 HISTORY American Common wealths. Horace E. Seudder, Editor. Virginia. John E. Cooke. (Two copies.). Oregon. William Barrows. „ . Maryland. W. H. Browne. „ . Kentucky. N. S. Shaler. „ . Michigan. T. M. Cooley. „ . Kansas. L. W. Spring. ,, . California. Josiah Rovce. „ . Connecticut. Alex. Johnston. „ . New York. E. H. Roberts. Vol. I. (Two copies.). “ V II* ?? Missouri. Lucien Carr. Indiana. J. P. Dunn, Jr. Ohio. Rufus King. Vermont. R. E. Robinson. Texas. W. P. Garrison. 3028 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 Andrews, E. B.* Institute of General History. 3038 Austin, O. P. Steps in the Expansion of Our Territory. 3039 Avaky, Myrta.* Dixie After the War. 3040 Bandelier, A. F. The Gilded Man: Early Spanish- American History. 3041 Banvard, J. First Explorers of North America. 3042 -Soldiers and Patriotsof (he American Revolution. 3043 -Pioneers of the New World. 3044 -Plymouth and the Pilgrims.. 3045 -Southern Explorers and Colonists. 8046 Barnwell, R. G. The Russo-Turkish War. 3047 Barrett, Walter. The Old Merchants of New York City. 3048 Bartlett, W. H. History of the United States. Vol. I. 3049 - „ „ II. 3050 ' 55 55 XXX. Berk, M. A. History of the Jews. 3052 Besant, Sir Walter. London . 8053 Beverage, A. J. The Russian Advance... 3054 Biart* Lucien. The Aztecs. (Two copies.). 3055 Blanchard, R. Rise and Fall of Political Paities in the United States. 3056 Bolton, C. K. The Private Soldier Under Washington. 3057 Brady, Cyrus T. Colonial Fights and Fighters . 3058 - American Fights and Fighters. 3059 -* Indian Fights and Fighters. 3060 -* Revolutionary Fights and Fighters. 3061 -* Border Fights and Fighters.. . 3062 Brooks, E. S. The Story of the American Soldier. 3063 - The Story of King Arthur. 3064 - The Century Book for Young Ameri¬ cans. (Two copies.) .. 3065 - The Century Book of Famous Americans.. 3066 - Century Book of the American Revolution. 3067 HISTORY 69 Brown, Rebecca Wj Great Events of the World. 3068 Brown, John. The Pilgrim Fathers of New England..,. 3069 Bryce, James.* The Holy Roman Empire. 3070 -* American Commonwealths. (Abridged.)... 3071 Burgess, J. W. Civil Rights and the Constitution. Vol. I. 3072 - „ „ II. 3073 Burke, Edmund. Conciliation With the Colonies . 3074 Burke, T. N. Ireland’s Case Stated. 3075 Butterworth, Hezekiah. South America. 3076 Cannon, J. P. Inside of Rebeldom. 3077 Carlyle, Thomas. History of the French Revolution_ 3078 - The Battles of Frederick the Great. 3079 Carrington, H. B. Battles of the American Revolution. 3080 Champlin, J. D. Jr. Young Folks’ History of the War... 3081 Clement, J. Noble Deeds of American Women. 3082 Coffin, C. C. Old Times in the Colonies. 3083 -My Days and Nights on the Battlefield. 3084 -The Story of Liberty. 3085 -Building the Nation. 3086 -- Drum-Beat of the Nation....-. 3087 -Marching to Victory. lf .. 3088 -Freedom Triumphant. 3089 -The Boys of ’76. (Two copies.). 3090 - „ ’61. „ . 3091 Connecticut, Record of the State of. Vol. I.. 3092 „ „ „ II..... 3093 Connecticut in the Columbian Exposition. (Two copies.) 3094 Connecticut Historical Society. Vol. VIII. 3095 - „ IX. 3096 Connecticut, History of the First Artillery. 3097 Connecticut, History of the Fifteenth Volunteers... 3098 Connecticut Men in the War of the Rebellion. 3099 Collier, W. F. History of the British Empire. 3100 Coolidge, Susan. History of Philadelphia. 3101 Cooke, J. Esten. Hilt to Hilt. On the Shenandoah. 3102 Crabtree, J. B. The Passing of Spain. 3103 Creasy, E. S. The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World. 3104 Cronholm, N. N. History of Sweden. Vol. 1. 3105 - „ „ II. 3106 Daniel, George. Merrie England in the Olden Time. 3107 Davis, Richard Harding. The Cuban and Porto Rican Campaign. 3108 Davis, W. T. The New England States. Vol. 1. 3109 - „ „ II. 3110 - „ „ HI. 3111 - „ „ IV. 3112 Dayton, A. C. Last Days of Knickerbocker Life in New York. 3113 Defoe. Daniel. A Journal of the Plague Year. 3114 De Lessees, Ferdinand. The Suez Canal.. 3115 HISTORY 7,0 De Nadaillac, Marquis. Prehistoric America.... 3116 Dexter, Morton and Henry.* The England of Holland and the Pilgrims........ 3117 Dickson, M. S. A Hundred Years of Warfare. 1689-1789. 3118 Dill, Samuel. Roman Society in the Last Century of the Western Empire. 3119 -* Roman Society from Nero to Aurelius. 3120 Dodge. N. S. Stories of a Grandfather About American History..... 3121 Dole, Nathan H. Young People’s History of Prussia.... 3122 Doubleday, Abner. Reminiscences of Forts Sumpter and Moultrie........ 3123 Doyle, A. Conan. The Great Boer War.... 3124 Dulcken, H. W. Worthies of the World.. 3125 Duruy, Victor. History of France... . 3126 Earle, Alice M. Colonial Days in Old New York... 3127 -Curious Punishments of Bygone Days. 3128 - Costumes of Colonial Times,......... 3129 -The Sabbath in Puritan New England. 3130 Edgar, John G. Great Men and Gallant Deeds. 3131 Eggleston, George C. A Rebel’s Recollections. 3132 -* Our First Century . . 3133 Eggleston, Edward. Young Folk’s History of the United States. 3134 - The Transit of Civilization... __ 3135 Elson, H. W.* School History of the United States. 3136 Emerson, E. History of the Nineteenth Century. Vol. I. 3137 - „ „ II. 3138 - „ „ III. 3139 Epochs of Ancient History, G. W. Cox and C. San- key, Editors. Troy—Its Legends, History, and Literature. S. G. W. Benjamin..... 3140 The Greeks and The Persians. G. W. Cox.. 3141 The Athenian Empire. G. W. Cox. . 3142 The Spartan and Theban Supremacies. Chas. Sankey. 3143 Rise of the Macedonian Empire. A. M. Cartels_ 3144 Early Rome. W. Ihne. 3145 Rome and Carthage. R. B. Smith... 3146 The Gracchi, Marius, and Sulla. A. H. Beesley. 3147 The Roman Triumvirates. Charles Merivale.. 3148 The Early Empire. W. W. Capes.. 3149 The Age of the Antonines. \V W. Capes. 3150 Epochs of Modern History. Edvv. E. Morris, Editor. The Beginning of the Middle Ages. R. W. Church... 3151 The Normans in Europe. A. II. Johnson.. 3152 The Crusades. G. W. Cox... 3153 The Early Plantagenets. William Stubbs. 3154 HISTORY Epochs of Modern History, Continued. Edward III. W. Warburton... The Houses of Lancaster and York. J. Gairdner. (Two copies.). The Era of the Protestant Revolution. F. Seebohm. The Early Tudors. C. E. Moberly . The Age of Elizabeth. M. Creighton... The Thirty Years War. S. R. Gardiner. (Two copies.)__ __. ___ _... The Puritan Revolution. S. R. Gardiner. The Fall of the Stuarts. Edward Hale... The English Restoration and Louis XIY. Osmond Airy .... The Age of Anne. Edw. E. Morris. . The Early Hanoverians. Edw. E. Morris. Frederick The Great. F. W. Longman. French Revolution and First Empire. W. O’C. Morris. The Epoch of Reform, 1830-1850. Justin McCarthy.. Fay, T. S. The Three Germanies. Yol. I . — „ „ ii.. Feudge, Fanny R. India... Field, Henry M. The Story of the Atlantic Telegraph. Fiske, John. New France and New England... - The Discovery of America. Yol. I.. — . „ ii. -The Beginnings of New England.. - The American Revolution. Yol. I. — „ . ii . -The Critical Period of American History.. -Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America. Yol. I. — „ „ ii. -Old Virginia and Her Neighbors. Vol. I.... - „ „ II.... -The War of Independence.. -History of the United States. . Fletcher, J. The History of Poland.... . Forbes, Archibald. Czar and Sultan........ ....... - The Afghan Wars.......,.. - The “Black Watch.” . Fowler, W. W. Women on the American Frontier. Fraser, John F. The Real Siberia..... Frost, John. Pioneer Mothers of the West. Froude, J. A. The English in the West Indies...... - Oceana; or England and Her Colonies... Garner, J. G., II. C. Lodge.* History of the U. S. Yol. I. _* TT )V 5> AA< _* Til _* TV Gordon, John B. Reminiscences of the Civil War. 7 i 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 72 HISTORY Greeley, Horace. The American Conflict. Yol. 1. 3200 - „ „ II. 3201 Green, Geo. W. The American Revolution. 3202 Green, John R. History of the English People. - Yol. I. 449—1461. 3203 - „ II. 1461—1603. 3204 - „ III. 1603 — 1683. 3205 - „ IV. 1683—1815. 3206 Gordy, W. F. A History of the United States. 3207 Griffis, W. E. The Pilgrims in Their Three Hornes.. . 3208 - Japan: in History, Folk-Lore, and Art. 3209 - Brave Little Holland. 3210 Guizot, Francois P. G. History of England. —-— Yol. I. From Earliest Times to Henry VI.... 3211 -„ II. Henry YI. to Charles 1. 3212 -,, III. Charles I. to Queen Anne. 3213 - „ YI. Queen Anne to Accession of Victoria.. 3214 -„ V. Time of Victoria to Gladstone Ad¬ ministration. 3215 Guizot, F. P. G. History of Civilization in Europe. 3216 Halstead, Murat. America’s New Possessions. 3217 Hart, A. B. Foundations of American Foreign Policy... 3218 - Source-Book of American History. 3219 Headley, P. C. Island of Fire: History of Ireland. 3220 Headley, J. T. The Imperial Guard of Napoleon. 3221 Heard, I. V. D. History of the Sioux War. 3222 Henderson, E. F.* A Short History of Germany. 3223 Hill, Alice P. Tales of the Colorado Pioneers. 3224 Hildreth, Richard. History of the United States. -Yol. I. Colonial Period . 3225 -„ II. Adams’ and Jefferson’s Admin¬ istration. 3226 -„ III. Madison and Monroe . 3227 Historian’s History of the World. W. II. Smith, Editor. Egypt and Mesopotamia . 3228 Israel, Persia, India, Phoenicia. 3229 Greece to the Peloponnesian War. 3230 „ „ Roman Conquest . 3231 The Roman Republic. 3232 The Early Roman Empire . 3233 The Later „ „ .. 3234 Arabs, Crusades, Papacy .. 3235 Italy . 3236 Spain, Portugal . 3237 France. 843—1715. 3238 „ 1715—1815... 3239 „ 1815—1904. Netherlands . 3240 HISTORY 73 Historian’s History of the World, Continued. Netherlands, Germanic Empires. .. 3241 Germanic Empires. . 3242 Scandinavia, Switzerland to 1715. 3243 Switzerland, Russia, Poland. 3244 England to 1485. 3245 „ 1485—1642. 3246 ,. 1642—1791. 3247 Scotland, Ireland, England since 1792... 3248 British Colonies, United States. 3249 United States, Spanish America. 3250 Turkey, Poland, Minor Eastern States, China, Japan. 3251 Index to Foregoing Series.... 3252 Howard, J. Q. History of the Louisiana Purchase . 3253 Howe, D. W. Civil War Times. 3254 Irving, Washington. Alhambra, Conquest of Granada, and Spain . 3255 James, G. P. R. History of Chivalry. 3256 Johnston, Henry P. The Yorktown Campaign, 1781. 3257 Johnson, W. H. French Pathfinders in North America... 3258 Johnson, W. F. A Century of Expansion. 3259 Josephus, Flavius. Antiquities of the Jews. (Two copies.) 3260 Joy, James R. Twenty Centuries of English History.... 3261 Judson, H. P. Europe in theXIXth Century. (Twocopies.) 3262 Keightley, Thomas. History of Greece.. 3263 - History of Rome. Vol. 1. 3264 —— „ „ II. 3265 Kennan, George. Campaigning in Cuba. 3266 Kendall, E. K. Source-Book of English History. 3267 Kirkland, Frazar. Anecdotes of the Rebellion. 3268 Knight's History of England. - Volume I. Part 1. 3269 - „ „ II. 8270 - „ „ III . 3271 _ „ IV. 3272 - Volume II. Part I . 3273 — »» II. . 3274 — Ill . . 3275 — » » IV. . 3276 Volume III. Part I. . 3277 — »> II. . 3278 >5 Ill. . 3279 — v IV . . 3280 — Volume IV. Part I . . 3281 — II . . 3282 — rv Ill . . 3283 — IV . . 3284 Knox, Thomas W. 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The Interest of America in Sea Power. -The Influence of Sea Power Upon History. —— Lessons of the War with Spain and Other Articles. —-The Problem of Asia. Martin, W. A. The Siege in Pekin. Marvin, Charles. The Russians at the Gates of Herat. McCarthy, Justin H. An Outline of Irish History. -— A Short History of Our own Times. - A History of Our own Times. Vol. I. — ,, „ n. McElroy, John. Andersonville. McMaster, John B. History of the People of the United Volume • 1.. . 11.. Ill 3286 3287 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294 3295 3296 3297 3298 3299 3300 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3307 3308 3309 3310 3311 3312 3313 3314 3315 3316 3317 3318 3319 3320 3321 3322 3323 3324 3325 3326 States. 33271 3328 3329 HISTORY 75 McMaster, John B. History of the United States. Continued. _ „ IV. 3330 _- „ V. 3331 Mead, L. A. Milton’s England. 3332 Merritt, Wesley. The Armies of To-Day. 3333 Miles, Nelson A. Military Europe.. 3334 Molke, Count von. 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The Jesuits in North America. 3353 -„ III. La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West..... 3354 -„ IV. The Old Regime in Canada un¬ der Louis XIV. .. 3355 -„ V. Count Frontenac aud New France under Louis XIV. 3356 -„ VI. A Half Century of Conflict. Vol. I. 3357 ~- „ VII. „ „ II. 3358 — „ VIII. Montcalm and Wolfe. Vol. 1. 3359 „ XI. „ „ „ II. 3360 -„ X. Conspiracy of Pontiac. Vol. I... 3361 „ XI. „ „ „ II... 3362 -„ XII. The Oregon Trail. 3363 Pellison, Maurice. Roman Life in Pliny’s Time. 3364 Pollard, E. A. The Lost Cause. 3365 76 H ISTORY Porter, Admiral. Incidents of the Civil War. 3366 Prescott, William H. The Conquest of Peru. —- Yol. I. View of Civilization of the Incas... 3367 -„ II. Conquest Concluded. 3368 Prescott, William H. The Conquest of Mexico. -Volume I. Aztec Civilization—Discovery of Mexico. 3369 - * „ . II. March and Occupation of Mexico. 3370 -„ III. Siege and Surrender of Mexico.... 3371 Prescott, William H. Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. —— Vol. I. Castile Before the Fifteenth Century. 3372 -„ II. Conquest of Granada—Columbus, etc. 3373 -„ III. Italian Wars—Death of Isabella, etc. 3374 Prescott, William H. History of the Reign of Charles V. -- Vol I. Society in Europe—Birth of Charles, etc. 3375 „ II. I nsurrections—Reformation—etc. 3376 -„ III. War upon Magdeburge—Turks in Europe—etc. 3377 Putnam’s Story of the Nations. Assyria. Z. A. Iiagozin. 3378 Alexander’s Empire. J. P. Mahaffy, (Two copies.).. 3379 Ancient Egypt. George Rawlinson. 3380 Chaldea. Z. A. Ragozin. ,, . 3381 Carthage. A. J Church. 3382 Early Britain. A. J. Church. 3383 Early France. Gustave Masson. 3384 Greece. J. A. Harrison. 3385 Germany. S. Baring-Gould. (Two copies.). 3386 Hungary. A. Vambery. „ . 3387 Ireland. Emily Lawless. 3388 Mexico. Susan Hale. 3389 Media, Babylonia, and Persia. Z. A. Ragozin. 3390 Norway. H. H. Boyesen. 3391 Persia. S. G. W. Benjamin,, (Two copies.). 3392 Phcenicea. George Rawlinson. 3393 Rome. Arthur Gilman. (Two copies.). 3394 Russia. W. R. Morfill.*. . 3395 Spain. E. E. Hale. (Two copies.). 3396 Scotland. John Mackintosh. 3397 Switzerland. Stead and Hug. (Two copies.) . 3398 Turkey. S. Lane-Poole. .. 3399 The Goths. Henry Bradley . 3400 The Jews. J. K. Hosmer. 3401 The Normans. S. O. Jewett.. 3402 The Saracens. Arthur Gilman. (Two copies.) . 3403 The Moors in Spain. S. Lane-Poole. . 3404 HISTORY Putnam’s Story of the Nations. Continued. The South Americans Republic. T. Dawson. Vol. I. » _ » >> The Story Of Japan. David Murray. . Quesada, Gonzalo de. Free Cuba. . Ragozin, Z. A.* Vedio India. Rawlinson, George. The Origin of Nations... -* The Seven Great Monarchies. Vol. I. —* „ ,, n. —* „ . „ hi. Reed, Simpson, and Kelley. Modern Ships of War. Rhys Davids, T. W.* Buddhist India. Rice, Harvey. Pioneers of the Western Reserve. Roi.lin, Charles. Ancient Historv. Vol. I. - „ „ II. v .... Roosevelt, Theodore. The Rough Riders. (Two copies.) - Winning of the West. 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Its Origin to the War of 1812.. 3463 - „ II. Essex, Constitution, etc, . 3464 - „ III. New Orleans, Barbary Pirates... 3465 - „ IV. Mexican and Civil War, New Navy, etc. 3466 Spears, John R. Our Navy in the Spanish War. 3467 Speer, William. China and the United States . 3468 Stead, W. T. The Americanization of the World. 3469 Stevenson, R. L. A Footnote to History . 3470 Sullivan, A. M. New Ireland... 3471 Thatcher, O. J. A Short History of Mediaeval Europe. 3472 Thayer, W. R.* A Short History of Rome. 3473 Thompson, Maurice. The Story of Louisiana . 3474 Thompson, Joseph P. The United States as a Nation... 3475 Tolstoi, Leo. Napoleon’s and the Russian Campaign. 3476 Tomlinson, E. T. The Boy officers of 1812. 3477 - The Boy Soldiers of 1812 . 3478 Walker, F. A. The Making of a Nation. 1783—1817. 3479 Walsh, Thomas. Ecclesiastical History of Ireland. 3480 Wendell, Barrett. Literary History of America. 3481 White, T. Glimpses of the Orient; China, Japan, Korea. 34*2 Whitman, Sidney. 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G. Bitter-Sweet... Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Poetical Works.. Howett—Mil&an—Keats. Poetical Works. Ingelow, Jea^t. Poems. Ingoldsby, Thomas. Ingoldsby Legends. Lanier, Sidney. Select Poems,. Longfellow, H. W. Poetical Works. (Two copies.).... Lowell, James Russell. Poetical Works. McGee, Thomas D. Poems. Melville, Herman. Battle Pieces. Mowbray, Morris.* The Poets’ Walk. Newman, J. H. Verses on Various Occasions. Page, Thomas Nelsoil “Befo’ the War.” . Palmer, G. H. Translations of the Odyssey of Homer.. —— The Antigone of Sophocles. Pearre, O. F. Poems of Nature. . Pope, Alexander. Poetical Works .. Proctor, Adelaide A. Poems. Riley, J. Whitcomb. Child-Rhymes with Hoosier Pic¬ tures. - Book of Joyous Children. - Farm Rhymes. Ruskin, John. Poems of Architecture, etc. Sangster, Margaret E. Poems of the Household. Saxe, John G. Political Works. Schaff and Gilman. Library of Sunday Poetry. Schiller. Poems. . Scott, Sir Walter. Poetical Works..». 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 3735 3736 3737 3738 3739 3740 3741 3742 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 86 POETRY AND THE DRAMA Shakespeare, William. Complete Works. (Two copies). 3755 - Complete Works. Globe Edition. 3756 - Complete Works. Volume 1. 3757 - „ „ II . 3758 - „ „ HI. 3759 Shakespeare’s Works with Notes. W. J. Rolfe, Editor. Titus Andronicus—King Henry VI. Part 1. 3760 King Henry VI. Parts II. and III. 3761 King Richard III—Love’s Labor’s Lost . 3762 The Comedy of Errors—Two Gentlemen of Verona_ 3763 A Midsummer-Night’s Dream—Romeo and Juliet . 3764 King John—King Richard II.. 3765 The Merchant of Venice—The Taming of the Shrew... 3766 King Henry IV. Parts I. and II. 3767 King Henry V.—Merry Wives of Windsor. 3768 Much Ado about Nothing—Twelfth Night. 3769 As You Like It—All’s Well that Ends Well. 3770 Measure for Measure—Troiius and Cressida.. 3771 Hamlet—Julius Caesar.. 3772 Macbeth—Othello. 3773 King Lear—Antony and Cleopatra... 3774 Coriolanus—Tim on of Athens . 3775 Pericles—Tbe Tempest. 3776 Cymbeline—The Winter’s Tale.... 3777 King Henry VIII.—The Two Noble Kinsmen # . 3778 Poems—Sonnets. 3779 Shakespeare’s Works. The Tempest. Two Gentlemen of Verona... Merry Wives of Windsor. Twelfth Night. Measure for Measure. Much Ado About Nothing. Midsummer Night’s Dream.. Love’s Labor’s Lost.. A Winter’s Tale. Comedy of Errors. Macbeth. King John. Merchant of Venice. As You Like It........ . All’s Well that Ends Well The Taming of The Shrew_ King Richard II. King Henry IV. Part I. King Henry V.. Antony and Cleopatra 3780 3781 3782 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 3790 3791 3792 3793 3794 3795 3796 3797 3798 3799 3800 POETRY AND THE DRAMA 87 Shakespeare’s Works, Continued. Othello. . King Henry VI. Part I... King Richard III.. . King Henry VIII ... Troilus and Cressida, Timon of Athens. Coriolanus. Julius Caesar. Cymbeline___ .. Titus Andronicus. Pericles. , King Lear. Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet. Poems and Sonnets..., Life of Shakespeare, Topical Index. 3801 3802 3803 3804 3805 3806 3807 3808 3809 3810 3811 3812 3813 3814 3815 3816 3817 3818 3819 Sheehan, P. A. Cithara Mia .,... 3820 Shoemaker, J. W. Dialogues.... 3821 Smith, C. W. Dramatic Scenes..,.... 3822 Starrett, L. F. Poems and Translations from theGerman. 3823 Steele, Silas. Drawing Room Plays........, 3824 Taylor, Bayard. Poetical Works... .. 3825 Tennyson, Alfred. Poems. (Two copies.). 3826 - Idyls of the King. 3827 Whittier, J. G. Poems. (Two copies.). 3828 88 BOOKS OF BEFEBEKCE Anson, W. S. W.* Who Wrote That?. 3829 Appleton’s Cyclopedia of American Biography. - Volume I. Aaron—Crandall . 3830 - „ II. Crane—Grimshaw. 3831 - ., III. Grinnell—Lockwood.. 3832 - „ IV. Lodge—Pickens. 3833 - „ V. Pickering—Sumter . 3834 - „ VI. Sunderland—Zuriter. 3835 Appleton’s Universal Encyclopedia. — Volume I. A—Bha. . 3836 — „ II. Bhag—Cles .. . . 3837 — „ m. Clev—Eid. . 3838 — » iv. Eif—Fyz. . 3839 — „ v. G—Holo. . 3840 » vi. Hols—Kys. . 3841 — „ VII. L—Mich. . 3842 — » VIII. Mich—Opta. . 3843 — >, IX. Opti—Iial . . 3844 — „ X. Rale—Sodi. . 3845 „ XI. Sodo—Twis . . 3846 — „ XII. Tyb—Zy. . 3847 — » XIII. Table of Contents. . 3848 Bartlett. 4 Familiar Quotations. . 3849 Ballou, Maturin M.* A Treasury of Thought. 3850 -* Edge Tools of Speech. 3851 Bent, S. A. Familiar Short Sayings of Great Men. 3852 Biographical Dictionary, R. Parsons.. 3853 Brewer.* Header’s Handbook. 3854 Calver, M. J. Every-Day Biography. 3855 Carleton. Treasury of Universal Knowledge. 3856 Curtius, George. Greek Etymologv. Vol. 1. 3857 - „ * „ II. 3858 Cruden. Concordance of the Bible. (Two copies.). 3859 REFERENCE 89 Encyclopaedia Americana. _ Volume I. A—Battle... 3860 II. Battle—Catholic.. 3861 — III. Catholic—Cranmer. 3862 IV. Crantara—Eve. 3863 — V. Evelyn—Grecourt. .. 3864 _ VI. Greece—Indian. 3865 _ VII. Induction—Lee. 3866 VIII. Linnaeus—Mica. 3867 — 55 IX. Monotheism—Peccary . ... 3868 _ 99 X. Pen—Porto Rico. 3869 99 XT. Revelation—Spotted Fever 3870 _ *9 XII. Steuben—Unitarian. 3871 — 9*> XIII. Visigoths—Zetland.. 3872 — 99 XIV. Supplementary Volume.... 3873 Encyclopaedia Brittanica. _ Volume I. A—And. 3874 — 55 II. And—Can. . 3875 — 5? III. Can—Dan.. 3876 55 IV. Dan—Fra. 3877 V. Fra—Hor . 3878 _ 55 55 VI. Ilor—Lib. 3879 — 55 VII. Lib—Obs. 3880 — 55 VIII. Obs—San. 3881 — 55 IX. San — Tri. 3882 — 55 X. Tri — Zym. 3883 Grahame.* Synonymes. 8884 Handford. Two Thousand and Ten Choice Quotations. 8885 Harper’s Latin Dictionary. 8886 Haydn.* Dictionary of Dates. 8887 Liddell and Scott. Greek-English Lexicon . . 8888 Smith. Bible Dictionary. (Two copies.). 38*9 Soldier’s Handbook. 3890 Webster’s Dictionary. (Fifteen copies.). 3891 Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. 3892 90 f RELIGION Abbott, Lyman.* The Great Companion . A Kempis, Thomas. Of the Imitation of Christ. - The Following of Christ. Alexander, Mrs. Frances. Translation of II Libro D’Oro. Alleine, Joseph. An Alarm to Unconverted Sinners_ Andrews, E. B. Eternal Words, and Other Sermons. Arthur. S. Advice to Young Men. Balfour, Arthur J. Foundations of Belief. Bamforth, R. The New Testament in the Light of the Higher Criticism. - The Old Testament in the Light of the Higher Criticism. Barault, The Abbe. The Elevation of the Soul to God. Barber, J. W. The Picture Preacher. Barrows, E. P. Companion to the Bible. Barrows, J. H. I Believe in God. . - Lectures. Bartoli, Daniel. History of St. Ignatius Loyola. Yol. I. - „ ,, II. Baxter, Richard. Saint’s Rest.. - A Call to the Unconverted . Beardslee, J. W. The Bible Among the Nations. Becker, William. Christian Education . Beecher, Catherine E. An Appeal to the People. Beecher, Henry Ward. Sermons. Volume I. Bierbaum, Ewald. Devotion to the Sacred Heart. Bird, Robert. Jesus, the Carpenter of Nazareth.. Boardman, G. D. The Problem of.Jesus. Bradford, A. H. # The Inward Light. Bonar. Horatius. How Shall I Go to God . Boyd, James P. Story of the Crusades. ... 3893 3894 3895 3896 3897 3898 3899 3900 3901 3902 3903 3904 3905 3906 3907 3908 3909 3910 3911 3912 3913 3914 3915 3916 3917 3918 3919 3920 3921 3922 RELIGION 9i Brooks, Phillips. The Influence of Jesus. 3923 Brown, C. R. Two Parables. 3924 Brownell, H. M. God’s Way: Man’s Way. 3925 Bullen, Frank T. Apostles of the Southeast... 3926 Burke, J. J. Characteristics of the Early Church. 3927 Burke, T. N. Lectures and Sermons. 3928 Bushnell, Horace. The Character of Jesus... 3929 Businger, L. C. and J. G. Shea. Catholic Church History. 3930 Butler, Alban. Movable Feasts and Fasts of the Church. 3931 Butterworth, H. The Story of the Hymns. 3932 Cahill, D. W. Lectures, Sermons, etc. 3933 Chalippe, C. Life of St. Francis of Assisi. 3934 Challoner, Bishop. The Catholic Christian.. 3935 —.— History of Old and New Testaments. 3936 - Sick Calls. 3937 - Think Well On’t. 3938 Charles, E. The Early Dawn: Christian Life in England. 3939 Charles, Mrs. Bundle. Three Martyrs of the Nine¬ teenth Century: Livingston, Gordon, Patterson. 3940 Chapman, J. W. Kadesh-Barnea. 3941 - Received Ye the Holy Ghost?. 3942 Clark, J. B. Leavening the Nation. . 3943 Clark, James H. The Road to Heaven. 3944 Cobbe, Francis P. Religious Duty. 3945 - Broken Lights. . 3946 CobbeYt, William. History of the Reformation. 3947 Coe, George A. Religion of a Mature Mind. 3948 Coleman, Ambrose. The Friars in the Philippines. 3949 Collot, P. Doctrinal Catechism . 3950 Conybeare and Howson. The Life and Epistles of St.Paul. 3951 Crafts, W. F. The Sabbath for Man. 3952 Crossley, H. T.* Practical Talks on Important Themes.. 3953 Cuyler, Theodore L. Golden Thoughts. 3954 - Stirring The Eagle’s Nest. 3955 - God’s Light on Dark Clouds. 3956 Davies, E. Great Thoughts on Great Truths. 3957 De Concilio, J. Catholicity and Pantheism. 3958 De Courcy, H. and John Shea. History of the Cath¬ olic Church in the United States. 3959 De Goesbriand, L. The Labors of the Apostles. 3960 Dods, Marcus.* The Bible, its Origin and Nature. 3961 Dodge, Alice A. Rebe’s Common Sense. 3962 Donovan, J. The Catechism of the Council of Trent... 3963 Doss, P. A. von Thoughts and Counsels for Catholic Young Men. 3964 Downing, H. A. Anecdotes for the Family. 3965 Drummond, Henry. Addresses . 3966 - Addresses. 3967 - The Ideal Life. 3968 Earle, A. B. Bringing in the Sheaves. 3969 92 RELIGION Edersheim, Alfred. Jesus the Messiah. England, John. Fifty Reasons for the Catholic Religion. Edwards, Henry. The Internal Mission of the Holy Ghost. Faber, F. VV. All for Jesus. - The Foot of the Cross. (Two copies.)... - Growth in Holiness . . - The Blessed Sacrament. - Creator and Creature. (Two copies.). - Bethlehem .. Farts, W. W. The Children of Light.. Farrar, F. W. The Life of Christ. - The Life and Work of Paul. Feudge, Fanny R. Enlisted for Life . Finney, G. The Way of Salvation . Fish, H. C. and D. W. Poor. Select Discourses. Fisher, George P. Manual of Christian Evidences. -Manual of Natural Theology. -The Grounds of Theistic and Christian Belief. Fleetwood, John. Light in the East. Fouard, Constant, at. Paul and His Missions. -St. Peter and the First Years of Christianity.. -The Last Years of St. Paul. Gahan, William. Sermons for Every Sunday. Gallitzin, D. A. A Defense of Catholic Principles. Geikie, Cunningham. The Life and Words of Christ... - Hours With the Bible. Old Testament. Yol. I. » » u IF - „ „ „ HI- - „ „ „ iv. _ v _ vi -New Testament Hours. Vol. I. - „ „ II. - „ HI. - * „ IV. Genung, J. F. The Epic of the Inner Life. Gerbert, The Abbe. The Lily of Israel. Gibbons, Cardinal. The Ambassador of Christ. - The Faith of Our Fathers. - Our Christian Heritage.. Gigot, Francis E. General Introduction to the Study of the Scriptures . Giles, Henry. The Month of May . .... Gladden, W. Seven Puzzling Bible Books. Gordon, John. Three Children of Galilee. Granada, F. L. de. A Memorial of a Christian Life.... Gueranger, Prosper. Life of Saint Cecilia . Gunsaulus, F. W. The Transfiguration of Christ. Hall, C. C.* Christian Belief Interpreted by Christian Experience . . 3970 3971 3972 3973 3974 3975 3976 3977 3978 3979 3980 3981 3982 3983 3984 3985 3986 3987 3988 3989 3990 3991 3992 3993 3994 3995 3996 3997 3998 3999 4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 4010 4011 4012 4013 4014 4015 4016 4017 RELIGION 93 Hall, C. CL* Redeemed Life After Death. - 4 Universal Elements of the Christian... Religion... Hall, Newman. Atonement. Hamon, E. Beyond the Grave... Harnack, A. What Is Christianity?. Havergal, Francis R. Royal Gems. Hay, Bishop. The Devout Christian. - The Sincere Christian. Hay, George. Catechism Made Easy. - Scripture Doctrine of Miracles Displayed. Headley, P. C. The Women of the Bible. -* The Reaper and the Harvest. Hepworth, Geo. H. Hiram Golf’s Religion. - Herald Sermons. Yol. I. Herman, Nicholas. Brother Lawrence. Hillis, Newell D. A Man’s Value to Society. - Influence of Christ in Modern Life. -Great Books as Life’s Teacher’s. (Two copies.) -The Investment of Influence.. -Foretokens of Immortality. -How the Inner Light Failed. -Right Living as a Fine Art.... -* Influence of Christ in Modern Life. Hocking, Joseph. The Chariots of the Lord. Hue, Abbe. Christianity in China, Tartary,Thibet. Yol. I. — „ „ ii. Hughes, Bishop. Complete Works of. Hughes, Thomas. The Manliness of Christ.. Hyde, W. DeWitt. Jesus’ Way. Ignatius, Father. The Christian Armed. . - The School of Jesus Crucified. Ingraham, J. H. The Throne of David . •- A Prince of the House of David. Iota. Adventures of a Protestant in Search of a Religion. Jay, William. Evenings With Jesus . Jefferson, C. E. Things Fundamental... . Keble. John. The Christian Year. Kelman, John. The Faith of Ii. L. Stevenson. Kent, C. F.* The Origin and Permanent Value of the Old Testament. .. Kinane, T. H. The Dove of the Tabernacle. Kingsley, Charles. The Hermits. - Westminster Sermons . Kinkead, T. L. Explanation of the Baltimore Catechism. Krebs, J. A. How to Comfort the Sick. Krummacher, F. W. David, King of Israel. Lacordairk, Pere. God aud Mari. Laforet, N. J. Why Men Do Not Believe. 4018 4019 4020 4021 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4030 4031 4032 4033 4034 4035 4036 4037 4038 4039 4040 4041 4042 4043 4044 4045 4046 4047 4048 4049 4050 4051 4052 4053 4054 4055 4056 4057 4058 4059 4060 4061 4062 4063 4064 4065 94 RELIGION Lambert, L. A. Notes on Ingersoll. Lang, C. J.* Parables of Jesus. Lankton, Arba. His Life, Sermons, etc. La Salle, J. B. de. The Duty of a Christian Toward God. Lasserre, Henri. Our Lady of Lourdes. Lee, G. S. The Shadow Christ. Lee, Samuel. The Bible Regained. Lentz, F. G. Lectures. Library of Choice Religious Reading. -Vol. I. A Royal Exile. . -„ II. All of Grace, etc. -„ III. Good Things, etc. - „ IV. The Way of Life, etc. -„ V. Point and Purpose in Story and Saying. Liguori, A. M. Christian Rule of Life. . -Christian Virtues. -Clock of the Passion of Our Lord. --Confessions of St. Augustine. -Love of Jesus Christ. - Prayer. —— Spiritual Works... ... Louvigny, B. The Interior Christian. Light on Life’s Pathway. Lowell, A. C. Seed-Grain for Thoughtand Discussion. Vol. I. „ II. Macduff, J. R. The Footsteps of St. Peter. Macleod, X. D. Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.... Maclaren, Ian. The Potter’s Wheel. - The Upper Room . MacPhilpin, John. The Miracles at Knock . Manning, H. E. Four Great Evils. - The Internal Mission of the Holy Ghost. . . - Sin and its Consequences . - The Temporal Mission of the Holy Ghost... - The Vatican Council and Its Definition. - Sin and Its Consequences. .- The Glories of the Sacred Heart. - The Temporal Mission of the Holy Ghost... - Pictures of Christian Heroism. Man of Galilee.. March, Daniel. Walks and Homes of Jesus... Marshall, T. W. M. Christian Missions. Vol. I. Martinet, Abbe. Religion in Society. Me Erlane, D. The Church of Christ the Same Forever_ McGill, Bishop. Creed of Catholics. (Two copies.). Meagher, Mrs. All For the Sacred Heart. Merriam, G. S. A Living Faith. Merivale, Charles. The Conversion of the Roman Empire. 4066 4067 4068 4069 4070 4071 4072 4073 4074 4075 4076 4077 4078 4079 4080 4081 4082 4083 4084 4085 4086 4087 4088 4089 4090 4091 4092 4093 4094 4095 4096 4097 4098 4099 410Q 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 4110 4111 4112 4113 RELIGION 95 Milner, John. The End of Religious Controversy. 4114 Meyer, F. B. Tried by Fire. 4115 - Christ in Isaiah... . 4116 - Paul: a Servant of Jesus Christ..... 4117 - The Way Into the Holiest. 4118 - The Psalms: Notes and Readings. 4119 - The Life and Light of Men . 4120 Meyer, F. B. Old Testament Heroes. - Volume I. Moses. 4121 - „ II. Abraham.>... 4122 - „ III. Elijah. 4123 - „ IV. Jeremiah. 4124 - „ V. Zechariah. 4125 - „ VI. Joshua...... 4126 - „ VII. Joseph. 4127 - „ VIII. David... 4128 - „ IX. Israel. 4129 Miles, Geo. H. The Truce of God. 4130 Miller, J. R. Silent Times. 4131 Montalembert, Count de. The Life of St. Elizabeth... 4132 Montgomery, J. F. My Walk with God. 4133 Moody, Dwight L. Heaven... 4134 - The Way to God. 4135 - Weighed and Wanting... 4136 - Notes From My Bible. 4137 Moore, E. C. The New Testament in the Christian Church.. 4138 Morgan, G. C. God’s Methods with Man. 4139 - Wherein Have We Robbed God. 4140 Moriarty, J. J. Stumbling Blocks. 4141 Morris, H. W. Natural Laws and Gospel Teaching. 4142 Mountford, William. Miracles Past and Present. 4143 Mueller, Michael. The Prodigal. (Two copies.). 4144 - God theTeacherofMankind. (Three copies.) 4145 - Prayer the Key of Salvation. 4146 - Golden Rules . 4147 Murray, Andrew. Abide in Christ... 4148 - With Christ in the School of Prayer. 4149 Murray, John. Little Lives of Great Saints. 4150 - Catholic Pioneers of America. 4151 - Catholic Heroes and Heroines of America. 4152 Nelligan, W. II. Rome; the Capital of the Christian World. Newman, J. H. Biblical and Ecclesiastical Miracles. - Development of Christian Doctrine. -Difficulties of Anglicans. Vol. I. — . „ „ ii. - Discourses to Mixed Congregations. - Grammar of Assent. - Oxford University Sermons. 4153 4154 4155 4156 4157 4158 4159 4160 9 6 RELIGION Newman, J. H. Parochial and Plain Sermons. Vol. I. 4161 »> IT. 4162 - „ „ HI. 4163 - » „ IV. 4164 - „ 5> V. 4165 - „ „ VI. 4166 - „ „ VII. 4167 - „ „ VIII. 4168 -Selections from Sermons. 4169 -Sermons on Subjects of the Day. 4170. -Sermons on Various Occasions. 4171 -Present Position of Catholics. 4172 -Arians of the Fourth Century. 4173 -Via Media. Volume 1. 4174 - „ „ II. 4175 —— Doctrine of Justification . 4176 -Treaties of Athanasius. Vol. 1. 4177 - „ „ II. 4178 -Theological Tracts. 4179 -Meditations and Devotions. 4180 - Apologia pro Vita Sua . 4181 -The Story of a Convert. 4182. Newton, Richard. The Giants and IIow to Fight Them. 4183 Noethen, Theodore. A History of the Catholic Church. 4184 Nordhoff, Charles. God and the Future Life. 4185 Northcote, J. S. Celebrated Sanctuaries of the Madonna. 4186 O’Farrell, M. J. A Popular Life of St. Patrick. 4187 O’Kearney, N. Prophecies.. 4188 O’Leary, J. Bible History. 4189 O’Leary, P. J. Brooksiana.. 4190 O’Mallon, P. Catholic Faith and Morals. 4191 O’Reilly, A. J. The Victims of the Mamertine. 4192 - The Martyrs of the Coliseum. 4193 O’Reilly, Bernard. Rovissima. 4194 - True Men as We Need Them. 4195 - Illustrious Women of the Bible. 4196 - Where Do Our Departed Go?. 4197 Pallen, C. B. What is Liberalism?. 4198 Pansy. The Prince of Peace.. 4199 Patrignani, J. A. Devotion to St. Joseph. 4200 Paulist Fathers. Five-Minute Sermons for Low Masses. 4201 Peabody, F. G. Jesus Christ and the Social Question... 4202 -* The Christian Character ....... . 4203 Pellico, Silyio. On the Duties of Young Men.. 4204 Phelps, Austin. The' Still Hour. 4205 Pierson, A. T. Many Infallible Proofs. 4206 Pius IX. Grounds of the Catholic Doctrine. 4207 Pollard, Josephine. Young Folks’ Life of Christ. 4208 Preston, T. S. Gethsemane. 4209 - Watch on Cavalry. 4210 RELIGION 97 Preston, T. S. Divine Sanctuary. - Divine Paraclete. . - Protestant Reformation. - Protestantism and the Bible. - God and Reason. - Ark of Covenant. - Lectures on Reason and Revelation.. - „ „ Christian Unity. Preston, W. S. The Blessed Sacrament. Price, E. Sick Calls . . Proctor, J. The Catholic Creed. . Prout, S. G. “Never Say Die.”. Ramsay, W. M. Was Christ Born at Bethlehem.. Raymond, Father. The Life of St. Catharine of Sienna. Redford, R. A. Four Centuries of Silence. Reynolds, J. W. Heart Chords . Ricard, J. D. Catholic Christianity and Modern Unbelief... Richmond, Leigh. The Dairyman's Daughter. Robinson.* Writings of St. Francis of Assisi.. ... Robertson, F. W. Select Sermons. Rodriguez, A. Practice of Christian Perfection. Vol. T. Roeggl, A. The Confessional. Rogers, U. F.* Love Divine; the Life of Jesus. Rolfus, H. Illustrated Explanation of the Commandments. - „ Sacraments. - „ Creed. Ronayne, M. Religion and Science. (Two copies.). Ropes, J. H* The Apostolic Age. Rosegger, P* A Prisoner’s Story of the Cross. Sadlier, Mrs. J. Catechism of Sacred History. - The Devil.:.. - Catholic Anecdotes . Salle, J. B. de La. Duty of a Christian. Sangster, Margaret E.* The Joyful Life. Saunders and Kent. Messages of the Bible. Yol. I... Schaff, Philip. The Person of Christ. Schenck, F. S. Bible Reader’s Guide. Schouppe, F. X. Ceremonies of The Holy Mass Explained. Sears, E. H. Foregleams and Foreshadows. Seiss, J. A.* A Miracle in Stone. Shadlier, F. J. The Beauties of the Catholic Church... Shea, J. G. Catholic Missions Among the Indians of the United States. Sheldon, C. M. In His Steps. . Smith, G. A. Modern Criticism and Preaching of the Old Testament. (Three copies.) .. Smith, J. II. Gilead. . 4211 4212 4218 4114 4115 4216 4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 4229 4230 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 4251 4252 4253 4254 4255 4256 4257 4258 y8 RELIGION Smith, H. W.* The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life.. 4259 - Living in the Sunshine. 4260 Smith, J. P. How God Inspired the Bible . 4261 Spalding, J. L. Lectures and Discourses. 4262 Speer, R. E. Studies of the Man Christ Jesus. 4263 - Studies of the Man Paul. 4264 Spurgeon, C. H. John Ploughman’s Talks... 4265 Stalker, James. The Life of Christ. (Two copies.).... 4266 - The Life of St. Paul. (Two copies.). 4267 - Men and Morals. 4268 - The Trial and Death of Jesus Christ_ 4269 Stanley, Arthur P. Christian Institutions... 4270 Stoddard, C. W. A Troubled Heart. 4271 Stone, Jas. K. The Invitation Heeded . 4272 Stretton, Hesba. Life of Christ and the Apostles. 4273 Stimson, H. A* The Right Life . 4274 Swing, David. Motives of Life. 4275 Talmadge, T. DeWitt. Crumbs Swept Up. 4276 Taylor, W. M. Elijah the Prophet. 4277 - Peter the Apostle. 4278 - The Lost Found. 4279 - The Wanderer Welcomed. 4280 - The Parables of Our Saviour. 4281 Tenney, E. P. Our Elder Brother. 4282 Thomas, H. J. One Hundred Short Sermons. 4283 Thompson, E. H. Life of St. Charles Borromeo. 4284 Tolstoi, Leo. The Kingdom of God is Within You. 4285 Treacy, James J. Conquests of Our Holy Faith. 4286 Trowbridge, C. M. Victory at Last. 4287 Trumbull, Henry Clay. Shoes and Rations for a Long March . 4288 - A Lie Never Justifiable. 4289 Tullock, John. Beginning Life: Religion, Study, Business. 4290 Tyrrell, George. External Religion. 4291 - Hard Sayings. 4292 - Nova et Ventura... 4293 VanDyke, Henry. Joy and Power. 4294 - Open Door . 4295 -• Sermons to Young Men. 4296 Vaughan, R. B. Science and Religion. 4297 Vassar, T. E. Uncle John Vassar. 4298 Vaughan, J. S. Thoughts for All Times. 4299 Veuillot, L. Stephanie, the Christian Maiden. 4300 Walworth, C. The Gentle Skeptic. 4301 Wells, A. R. Little Sermons for One. 4302 Walsh, R. H. Plain Facts. 4303 Weininger, F. Easter in Heaven. 4304 - Catholicity, Protestantism, and Infidelity.. 4305 Wiseman, Cardinal. Sermons. 4306 - „ 4307 RELIGION 99 Woods, P. Guide to True Religion....,. Wright, W. B. The World to Come. Yonge, Charlotte M. Young Folks’ Bible History Young, John. The Christ of History. The Face of Jesus. . The Story of the Bible.. The Object of Life.. The Cross Bearer. The Rise and Fall. The Life of Jesus Christ.... The Alcoran of Mohammed. Cross and Shamrock . Faith, Hope, and Charity. Good Things. . Life’s Battle.. .. Lyntonville. Life’s Morning. . Philochkistus.. Paul of Tarsus. Sketches from Life . Story of the Gospels ... Watch and Pray . Exposition of Christian Doctrine. Yol. I. Volume I II. Ill IV. 4308 4309 4310 4311 4312 4313 4314 4315 4316 4317 4318 4319 4320 4321 4322 4323 4324 4325 4326 4327 4328 4329 4330 4331 4332 4333 4334 4335 Clifton Tracts. IOO SOCIAL SCIENCE ■ % Addams, Jane. Democracy and Social Ethics. 4386 Banks, L. A. The Saloon-Keeper’s Ledger. 4337 Barton, Clara. Story of the Bed Cross . 4338 Bellamy, Edward. Equality........ 4339 - Looking Backward. 4340 Bigelow, P. Children of the Nations. 4341 Black, Hugh. Work...... . 4342 Bloch, I. S. * The Future of War... 4343 Bolton, S. K. Social Studies in England. 4344 Booth, Maude B. After Prison, What?. ... 4345 Bradford, A. H. Heredity and Christian Problems. 4346 Brierly, J. Problem of Living... 4347 Brinton, Dan’l. G. Basis of Social Relations. 4348 Brooks, John G. The Social Unrest. 4349 Cable, Geo. W. The Silent South. 4350 Calkins, R. Substitutes for the Saloon. 4351 Campbell, Sir George. Black and White in the U. S.. 4352 Carnegie, Andrew. Triumphant Democracy. 4353 -* The Empire of Business. 4354 -* The Gospel of Wealth. 4355 . Clinton, H. L. Celebrated Trials. (Two copies.). 4356 Clews, Henry.* The Wall Street Point of View. 4357 Coggins, P. H. Law and Hovy to Keep Out of It. 4358 Crafts, W. F. Practical Christian Sociology. 4359 Cunningham, W. The Use and Abuse of Money. 4360 Ely, R. T.* The Labor Movement in America. 4361 -* The Evolution of Industrial Society . 4362 - The Coming City.. 4363 Ferri, Enrico. Criminal Sociology.. 4364 Fiske, John. Civil Government in the United States. 4365 Forbish, W. B.* The Boy Problem.. 4366 Gladden, Washington. Working People and Their Employers . 4367 - Social Facts and Forces. 4368 SOCIAL SCIENCE IOI Goodrich, C. L.* First Book of Farming. 4369 Gunton, George. Wealth and Progress. 4370 Hadley, Arthur T. Education of the American Citizen. 4371 Hall, P. F.* Immigration. 4372 Harrison, Benjamin. This Country of Ours. 4373 Henderson, C. R. The Social Spirit in America. 4374 Henderson, C. Hanford. The Children of Good Fortune. 4375 Hepburn, A. B. Contest for Sound Money. 4376 Howe, Julia Ward. Sex and Education. 4377 Jackson, Helen Hunt. A Century of Dishonor. 4378 Jenks, J. W. The Trust Problem. 4379 Kay, David. Education and Educators. 4380 Kelley, Lieut. J. D. J. The Question of Ships. 4381 Kennedy, John. The School and the Family. 4382 Kidd, Benjamin. Social Evolution. 4383 Lange, F. C.* The Industrial Crisis. 4384 Lanin, E. B. Russian Traits and Terrors. 4385 Lieber, Francis. Property and Labor . ... 4386 Lloyd, II. D. Newest England. . 4387 Macy, Jesse. Our Government. 4388 McClure, A. K. Our Presidents and How We Make Them. 4389 Meyer, H. R.* Municipal Ownership in Great Britain... 4390 Mitchell, John. Organized Labor. . 4391 Moody, D. L. Talks on Temperance. 4392 Mulford, E. The Nation. 4393 Newcomb, Simon. The Labor Question. 4394 Palmer, Charles F. Inebriety. (Two copies.). 4395 Parkhurst, Chas. LI. Our Fight With Tammany. 4396 Parton, James. Topics of the Time. 4397 Parsons, Frank.* The Story of New Zealand. 4398 Peck, George. Our Country; Its Trials and Triumph... 4399 Peters, Madison C. Jr.stice to the Jew. 4400 Richards, E. H. The Cost of Food.... 4401 Richardson, Benjamin. Ten Lectures on Alcohol. 4402 Rus, Jacob A. How the Other Half Lives. (Two copies.) 4403 - The Children of the Poor. 4404 Ruskin, John. The Crown of Wild Olive. 4405 -Arrows of the Chace. 4406 -Sesame and Lilies. 4407 Letters to the Workingmen of.England. Vol. I. 4408 „ „ II. 4409 „ „ IIL 4410 „ „ IV. 4411 Ryan, J. A. A Living Wage. 4412 Sarasvati, Pundita. The lligh-Caste Hindu Woman... 4413 Scott, J. E. In Famine Land. 4414 Shaler, N. S. The Neighbor. 4415 Shinn, C. H. Mining Camps. Frontier Government. 4416 Smith, J. Warren. Training for Citizenship. 4417 Smytiie, W. E.* The Conquest of Arid America. 4418 102 SOCIAL SCIENCE Spargo, J.* The Bitter Cry of the Children. (Two copies.). 4419 Steffins, Lincoln. The Shame of the Cities. 4420 Stickney, Albert. The Political Problem. 4421 - A True Republic. 4422 Stone, Mrs. C. H. One of “Berrian’s” Novels. 4423 Strong, Josiah. The New Era. .,. 4424 -* Social Progress. 4425 - Expansion Under New World-Conditions. 4426 -* Social Progress, 1905 . 4427 St. Maur, Kate V.* A Self-Supporting Home. 4428 Sweet, Erank H. Going into Business . . 4429 Taylor, H. C.* Agricultural Economics. . 4430 Tolstoi, Count Leo. Master and Man. 4431 Vincent, J. M.* Government in Switzerland. 4432 Wilcox, D. F. # The American City. 4433 Wilson, Woodrow. The State. 4434 Wingate, C. F. What Shall Our Boys Do for a Living?... 4435 Woods, Robert A. Americans in Process. 4436 Wright, Carroll D. Industrial Evolution in the U. S. 4437 Wyckoff, W. A. The Workers; East. 4438 - The Workers; West. 4439 - A Day with a Tramp and Other Days.... 4440 The Original Mr. Jacobs. 4441 The Long Day.*. 4442 io 3 APTS APPLIED SCIENCE MECHANICS Alsop, F. C.* Practical Electric Bell Fitting . 4443 Appleton’s Series. Story of Photography. .... 4444 - „ Eclipses. 4445 - „ Geographical Discovery.... 4446 - „ The Solar System. 4447 - „ Animal Life. 4448 - „ The British Race. 4449 - „ Electricity. 4450 - „ The Art of Building. 4451 Axon, William E. The Meclianic’sFriend. (Two copies.) 4452 Bacon, Gertrude.* Balloons, Airships, etc. 4453 Ball, R. S. Star-Land. 4454 Bayne, S. G. The Pith of Astronomy . 4455 Beard, D. C. The American Boy’s Handy-Book. 4456 Benjamin, Park. The Age of Electricity. 4457 Blinn, L. J. Tin and Sheet Metal Worker. 4458 Bottome, S. R. Radium and All About It. 4459 Brackett, C. F. Electricity in Daily Life. 4460 Brannt and Wahl. Techno-Chemical Receipts. 4461 Brown, Walter L. Manual of Assaying. 4462 Buckley, A. B. Life and Her Children. 4463 Burr, E. F. Long Ago . 4464 - Ecce Coelum. 4465 Byrn, E. W. Invention in the Nineteenth Century. (Two Copies.). 4466 Castle, Frank.* Machine Construction and Drawing.... 4467 Combe, Andrew. Principles of Physiology... 4468 Conway, M. D. Travels in South Kensington, etc. 4469 David, T. Practical Lettering. 4470 Davies, P. J.* Standard Practical Plumbing. Vol. I.... 4471 Dawson, J. W. Eden Lost and Won. 4472 - The Story of Earth and Man. 4473 - The Meeting Place of Geology and History. 4474 - Relics of Primeval Life. 4475 Desmond, C. Electricity for Beginners. 4476 104 ARTS APPLIED SCIENCE MECHANICS De Vinne, T. L.* Modern Methods of Book Composition. 4477 - * Correct Composition . 4478 Draper, John W. Human Physiology. 4479 Edwards, Emory. Practical Steam Engineer’s Guide. 4480 Flammarion, Camille. Lumen. 4481 - Wonders of the Heavens.. 4482 Fiske, B. A. Electrical Engineering. \ . 4483 Giberne, Agnes. The Starry Skies. 4484 - The Ocean of Air. 4485 - The World’s Foundation. 4486 - Radiant Suns. . 44 III. Lebanon, Damascus, and Beyond the Jordan. 491 J 1 Thoreau, Henry D. Cape Cod . 4912 - The Maine Woods. 4913 -- A Yankee in Canada. 4914 - A Week On the Concord and the Mer- rimae Rivers. (Two copies.). 4915 Trafton, Adelaide. An American Girl Abroad. 4916 Tristram, H. B. The Land of Moab. 4917 Tyson, G. E. Arctic Experiences . 4918 Verne, Jules. Exploration of the World. -Volume I. The Great Navigators of the Eight¬ eenth Century. 4919 - ,, II. Famous Travels and Travellers... 4920 - „ III. Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century. 4921 Waddell, L. A. Among the Himalayas. 4922 Wallace, Susan E. The Repose in Egypt: Eastern Travel. 4923 Wallace, A. R. The Malay Archipelago. 4924 Waller, II. Livingston’s Last Journal. (Two copies.)... 4925 Warburton, Eliot. The Crescent and the Cross. 4926 - Hochelaga: American Travel. 4927 Warner, Charles D. Saunterings. 4928 - My Winter On the Nile. 4929 - In the Levant. 4930 - In the Wilderness. 4931 - Our Italy . 4932 - Baddeck and That Sort of Thing. 4933 Weiborg, F.* A Commercial Traveller in South America. 4934 Wildman, R. Tales of the Malayan Coast. 4935 Willoughby, LI. L. Across the Everglades. 4936 Wilson, John A. Adventures of Alf. Wilson. 4937 Winship, Geo. P. The Journey of Coronado . 4938 Wood, W. M. Fankwei: Voyage to China, India, Japan.. 4939 Wiiympek, Edward. Amongst the Great Andes of the Equator. 4940 Young, Egerton R. My Dogs in tlie North Land. 4941 Zogbaum, R. F. Horse, Foot, and Dragoon. 4942 Anonymous. A Yachtman’s Holidays. 4943 -Eothen: The French in Algiers. 4944 - Life in a Whaler. 4945 -Diary of the Besieged Resident in Paris.... 4946 -Through the Light Continent: America. 4947 -Picturesque Chicago. 4948 -Twelve Nights in a Hunter’s Cainp. 4949 -Pictures arid Portraits of Foreign Travel... 4950 -Old Merry’s Travels. 4951 NATURE BOOKS Abbott, Charles C. The Freedom of the Fields. 4952 A.llen. Nature Studies. 4953 Allen, Grant.* Flashlights On Nature . 4951 Arnold, Augusta F.* The Sea Beach at Ebb Tide. 4955 Bailey, L. H.* Plant-Breeding. (Two copies.). 4956 - Talks Afield About Plants. 4957 Ballard, J. P.* Among the Moths and Butterflies. 4958 Bamford, M. E. Up and Down the Brooks. 4959 - The Look-About Club. 4960 Blanchan, Neltje.* Bird Neighbors. 4961 Bradford, Charles. The Wild-Fowlers . ... 4962 Buel, S W. Sea and Land . 4963 Bullen, Frank T.* Denizens of the Deep. 4964 -* Deep-Sea Plunderings. 4965 Burroughs, John.* Far and Near. 4966 -* Ways of Nature. 4967 - Birds, Bees, etc. 4968 - Squirrels and Other Fur Bearers. 4969 - A Year in the Fields. 4970 Chambers. R. W. 4 Outdoor-Land. 4971 -* Orchard-Land . 4972 -* River-Land. 4973 Champlin, J. D.* Encyclopedia of Natural History.._ 4974 Creevey, C. A.* Flowers of Field, Hill, and Swamp.. . 4975 Dickerson, Mary C.* The Frog Book. 4976 Dugmore, A. R.* Bird Homes. 4977 NATURE BOOKS 115 Eastman, C. A.* Red Hunters and the Animal People. 4978 Eckstrom, Fannv H. The Woodpeckers. 4979 Findley, Samuel.* Rambles Among Insects. 4980 Flowers and Ferns in Their Haunts.*. . 4981 Fraser, W. A. Mooswa. 4982 Friend, II. Flowers and Flower Lore . 4983 Gibson, W. II.* Camp Life in the Woods. 4984 Gray, Asa. How Plants Grow. (Two copies.). 4985 Harwood, W. S.* New Creations in Plant Life. 4986 Harwood, W. F.* The New Earth. 4987 Heilprin, A.* The Animal Life of Our Sea-Shore. 4988 Hill, Mary E.* Nature Studies. 4989 Holland, W. J.* The Butterfly Book. 4990 -* The Moth Book. 4991 Howard, L. O. Mosquitoes. 4992 -* The Insect Book. 4993 Hubert, P. G. Liberty and a Living. 4994 Ingersoi.l, E.* The Life of Animals. 4995 Kipling, Rudyard. The Jungle Book. 4996 - The Second Jungle Book. 4997 Kirby, M. E. Stories About Birds. 4998 Kingsley, Charles. Madam How. and Lady Why. 4999 Langstroth.* The Hive and Honey Bee . 5000 Laut, Agnes C.* The Story of the Trapper. 5001 Lee, Mrs. R. Anecdotes of Animals. 5002 London, Jack. The Call of the Wild. 5003 - The Son of the Wolf. 5004 Long, W. J.* Northern Trails. 5005 Lubbock, John.* Ants, Bees, and Wasps . 5006 Maeterlinck, M.* The Life of the Bee. 5007 Matthews, F. S.* Familiar Trees and Their Leaves. 5008 - Familiar Features of the Roadside. 5009 McCullough-Williams, Martha. Next to the Ground. 5010 Miller, Olive Thorne. Bird Ways . 5011 Morley, M. W. Wasps and Their Ways. 5012 - The Bee People. 5013 Parsons, Frances T. According to Season . 5014 - How to Know the Ferns. 5015 Paine, A. B.* The Hollow Tree and Deep Woods Book.. 5016 Roberts, C. G. D. The Watchers of the Trails. 5017 - Earth'S Enigmas. 5018 - The Kindred of the Wild. 5019 Rogers, Julie. The Tree Book. 5020 Sandys, Edwin. Trapper Jim . 5021 Skton, E. Thompson. Woodmyth and Fable. 5022 - Lives of the Hunted. . 5023 - Animal Heroes. 5024 - Wild Animals I Have Known. (Three copies) . 5025 - The Biography of a Grizzly. 5026 ii6 Reton, E. Thompson. The Trail of the Sand-Hill Stag.. 5027 Scott, M. E. D. Story of a Bird Lover... 5028 Sharp, Dallas Lore. A Watcher in the Woods. 5029 - Wild Life Near Home. 5030 Slosson, Margaret.* How Ferns Grow. 5031 Thoreau, Henry D. Walden. Essays on Nature. 5032 - Excursions. 5033 Torrey, Bradford.* Nature’s Invitation. 5034 - Birds in the Bush. 5035 - Clerk of the Woods. 5036 - Footing it in Franconia. 5037 Underwood, L. M.* Moulds, Mildews, and Mushrooms. 5038 Ward, J. J.* Minute Marvels of Nature. 5039 Winslow, Helen M.* Concerning Cats. 5040 Wells, A. R. Sermons in Stones and Other Things. 5041 White, Stewart E.* Blazed Trail Stories. 5042 Wood, J. G. Pet-Land Revisited: About Animals. 5043 - Illustrated Natural History...... 5044 Wright, M. O.* Flowers and Ferns in Their Haunts.... 5045 Bostock, Frank C.* The Training of Wild Animals..» 5046 Overton, Frank.* Nature Study. . 5047 BOOKS IK GERMAN TEXT Dippold.* A German Grammar. (Two copies.) Dittman, Heinrich. Die Weitgeschickte. Ebers, George. Arachne. Freytag, Gustav. Soil und Haben. Band I. IIeyse, Paul. Kinder del* Welt. Band I ... — „ „ n.... IIeinburg, W. Dazumal. - Die Andere. - Herzenskriaen. —■— Leben Meiner Alten Freunden Jacobson and Cramer.* Two German Tales. Klopstock’s Gesammelte Werke. Band I. . — » n. - „ hi. — „ iv. Lessing’s Werke. Band 5 > I II III IV 5048 5049 5050 5051 5052 5053 5054 5055 5056 5057 5058 5059 5060 5061 5062 5063 5064 5065 5066 5067 FOREIGN TEXTS 117 Lessing’s Werke. Band V. - * VI . Lodeman.* Fischer’s Germany of the Germans. Lutz.* Elementary German Reader. Copy I. _* II Marlitt, E. Goldelse .. -Thueringer Erzaehlungen. . Moody, D. L. Der Weg zu Gott. Muller, David. Geschichte des Deutschen Yolkes. Scheffel, J. Y. Ekkehard... Schubin, Ossip. Schatten. Smith.* German Principia. Part I. . _* II >> >> AA . Spielhagen, Friedrich. Susi... - Hammer und Amboss. Band I. - „ II-. - Problematische Naturen. Band I. — . „ „ n. Uhland. Gedichte und Dramen . Wildenbruch.* Letze..... -* Das Edle Blut. Werner, E. Am Altar. . -Glueck auf!. -Gesprengte Fesseln. Wolff, Julius. Der Suelfmeister. Band I... — „ „ 11. Wolzogen, Ernest von. Der Thronfolger. - Die Kuehle Blonde. Young, J. It. Der Krieg der Vereinigten Staaten mitSpanien. Die Abendlust. Band XII. - „ XIII. - „ XIY. Deutsche Monatschrift. Band XY. - „ XYI. - „ XYII... - „ XVIII... — „ XIX. — „ XX. — „ XXI. - „ XXII. Wesseley.* German-English Dictionary. 5068 5069 5070 5071 5072 5073 5074 5075 5076 5077 5078 5079 5080 5081 5082 5083 5084 5085 5086 5087 5088 5089 5090 5091 5092 5093 5094 5095 5096 5097 5098 5099 5100 5101 5102 5103 5104 5105 5106 5107 5108 118 BOOKS IK ITALIAX TEXT Ambrosoli, F. Letteratura Italiana. Balbo, C^esare. Vita di Dante. Barrili, A. G. Val d’ Olivi. - L’ Undecimo Corninandamento .. Barrucchi-Manassero, L. Figlie del Colonnello Battelli, G. Rosa Mistica. Biaggi, Antonio. I Prosatori Italiani. Bonifaccio, G. Album Poetico. Botta, Carlo. Storia d’ Italia. Tomo I......... Caccianiga, Antonio. II Convento. - II Bacio Della Contessa Savina. Capranica, Luigi. Maschere Sante. Castelnuoyo, Enrico. Alla Finestra. - Dal Primo Piano alia Soffitta. - II Professore Romualdo. Castino, Lina. Nemici. Dante. La Divina Commedia. De Amicis, Edmondo. Cuore. - La Vita Militare., De Maupassant, Guy. Mont-Oriol. Escalona, Rocco. Garibaldi Revoluzione della Due Sicilie. Farina, Salvatore. Ii Signor Io. Gallina, Giacinto. Gli Occhi del Cuore. Gradgent.* Italian Composition. . . Grossi, Tomasso. Marco Visconti. Guidi, Tommasina. Vano Amore. - Riconciliazione. —— Una Nidiata di Rondini. . Insabato, Enrico. Fallimento. Luanto, Regina di. Tocchi in Penna . Manzoni, Alessandro. I Proniessi Sposi. Morandi, Luigi. Prose e Poesie Italiane. Ohnet, Giorgio. Nero e Rosa. Olivieri, A. Select Italian Stories. Roberto, F. Storia dell’ Arnore. ... Rosini, Giovanni. Luisa Strozzi. Tomo I. „ II. „ HI. „ IV. 5109 5110 5111 5112 5113 5114 5115 5116 5117 5118 5119 5120 5121 5122 5123 5124 5125 5126 5127 5128 5129 5130 5131 5132 5133 5134 5135 5136 5137 5138 5139 5140 5141 5142 5143 5144 5145 5146 5147 5148 FOREIGN TEXTS 119 Sacchetti, Franco. Novello. Tomo I - ...” ” 11 Smith.* Italian Principia. Sauer, C. M. Conversation Grammar . Tasso. La Gerusalemme Liberata.. Verga, Giovanni. II Marito di Elena.. Wesselly.* Itaiian-English Dictionary. * * * 59 99 9 > 5149 5150 5151 5152 5153 5154 5155 5156 5157 5158 5159 5160 5161 SC ANDIN AVIAN Moody, D. L. Fovbogad Kraft. - Segervinnande Bon. - Vagan till Gud. —.— Seirende Bon. Swedish . 5162 „ 5163 „ 5164 Danish . 5165 FRENCH Douay, Gaston.* Elementary French Reader... Hugo, Victor.* Les Miserables. -* Notre Dame de Paris. Lamartine, A. de.* Jocelyn. Smith.* French Principia. Vol. I. _* II Whitney, W. E.* French Grammar. France, Anatole.* Monsieur Bergeret a Paris Flaubert, Gustave.* Salammbo. Heath.* French-English Dictionary. 5166 5167 5168 5169 5170 5171 5172 5173 5174 5175 SPANISH Ford, J. M.* A Spanish Anthology. 5176 Knapp, W. I.* A Spanish Grammar. 5177 - * Spanish Readings .'... 5178 DeTornos Alberto de.* Spanish Method. 5179 POPISH Droga.* Do Spokoynosci Sumienia. 5180 Rok.* Chrystusovvy. 5181 Zywot.* Chrystusa ./. 5182 To Czyn a Bedziesz Zyl.* Vol. II. *. . 5183 -* ,. Ill. 5184 123 PERIODICALS Atlantic Monthly. Yol. 1. ’58. — jj 2. ’58 — 55 3. ’59. — 55 4. ’59 — 55 5. ’60. — 55 6. ’60. — 55 7. ’61. — 55 8. ’61. — 55 9. ’62. — •5 10. ’62. — 55 11. ’63. — 55 12. ’63. — 55 13. ’64. — 55 14. ’64. — 55 15. ’65 — 55 16. ’65. — 55 17. ’66. — 55 18. ’66. — 55 19. ’67. — 5 » 20. ’67. — 55 21. ’68. — 55 22. ’68. — 55 23. ’69. — 55 24. ’69 — 55 29. ’72 — 55 30. ’72. — 55 67. ’06. American Illustrated Magazine. Yol. 61. ’06 .. — „ 62. ’06 .. Appleton’s Bookloyer’s Magazine. Yol. 6. ’05... Art Album, Ave Maria. Yol. 60. ’05, 61. ’05, 5185 5186 5187 5188 5189 5190 5191 5192 5193 5194 5195 5196 5197 5198 5199 5200 5201 5202 5203 5204 5205 5206 5207 5208 5209 5210 5211 5212 5213 5214 5215 5216 5217 5218 5219 PERIODICALS 121 Bentley’s Miscellany Vol. 11 11 11 11 11 11 }> >1 5? 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 51 15 11 1 > 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 ft 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 2. ’37. 5220 3. ’38. 5221 4. ’38. 5222 6. ’40. 5223 12. ’42. 5224 13. ’43. 5225 14. ’43. 5226 17. ’45. 5227 18. ’45. 5228 19. ’46. 5229 21. ’47. 5230 22. ’47. 5231 23. ’48. 5232 24. ’48. 5233 26. ’49. 5234 27. ’49. 5235 28. ’50. 5236 29. ’51. 5237 30. ’51. 5238 31. ’52. 5239 32. ’52. 5240 33. ’53. 5241 34. ’53. 5242 35. ’54. 5243 36. ’54. 5244 37. ’5 5. 5245 38. ’55. 5246 39. ’56. 5247 40. ’56. 5248 41. ’57. 5249 42. ’57. 5250 43. ’58. 5251 44. ’58. 5252 45. ’59. 5253 47. ’60. 5254 48. ’60. 5255 49. ’61. 5256 50. ’61. 5257 51. ’62. 5258 52. ’62. 5259 53. ’63. 5260 54. ’63. 5261 55. ’64. 5262 56. ’64. 5263 57. ’65. 5264 58. ’65. 5265 59. ’66. 5266 60. ’66. 5267 61. ’67. 5268 62. ’67. 5269 PERIODICALS 122 Bentley’s Vol. 63. ’68. . 5270 Blackwood’s. Vol. 28. ’30. . 5271 — »» 29. ’31 . . 5272 — 30. ’31. . 5273 — 31. ’32. . 5274 — 32. ’32. . 5275 — '>•> 33. ’33. . 5276 — ?> 34. ’33. . 5277 — 55 35. ’34. . 5278 — 55 36. ’34. . 5279 — 55 37. ’35. . 5280 — 55 38. ’35. . 5281 — 55 39. ’36. . 5282 — »» 40. ’36. . 5283 — 55 41. ’37. . 5284 — 5 J 42. ’37. . 5285 — 55 43. ’38. . 5286 —- 55 44. ’38. . 5287 — 55 45. ’39. . 5288 — 55 46. ’39. . 5289 — 55 47. ’40. . 5290 — 55 48. ’40. . 5291 — 1 ) 49. ’41 . . 5292 — 50. ’41. . 5293 _ 55 51. ’42 . . 5294 — 55 52. ’42 . . 5295 — 55 53. ’43. . 5296 — 55 54. ’43...*.. . 5297 — 55 55. ’44. ..*. 5298 — 55 • 56. ’44 . . 5299 — 55 57. ’45. . 5300 _ 55 58. ’45. . 5301 — 55 59. ’46 . . 5302 _ 55 60. ’46 . . 5303 _ 55 61. ’47. . 5304 _ 55 62. ’47. . 5305 _ 55 63. ’48. .. 5306 _ 55 64. ’48 . . 5307 _ 55 65. ’49. . 5308 _ 55 66. ’49. . 5309 _ 55 67. ’50 . . 5310 _ 55 68. ,50 . . 5311 _ 55 69. ’51 . . 5312 _ 5 ) 70. ’51. . 5313 _ 55 71. ’52 . . 5314 _ _ 55 72. ’52 . . 5315 _ 55 73. ’53. . 5316 _ 55 74. ’53. . 5317 _ 55 75. ’54. . 5318 — 55 76. ’54. . 5319 PERIODICALS 123 Blackwood’s. Vol. 77. .— » 78. — »» 79. — 11 80. — 11 81. — 11 82. — •} 83. — 11 84. — 11 85. — 11 86. — 11 87. — 11 88. — 11 89. — 11 90. — »> 91. — 11 92. — 11 93. _ 11 94. — 11 95. _ 15 96. — 51 97. — 15 98. — 11 99. — „ : 100. Booklover’s Magazine. Vol. Cassell’s Magazine. » Vol. 1. — >1 2. — 51 3. — 11 4. — >1 5. 6. 5? 7. — 11 — 11 8. Cassell’s Home Reading. Cassell’s Fireside Reading.. Century-Scribner. Yol. 1. — 51 2. — 11 3. — 11 4. — 11 5. — 11 6. — 11 7. — . 11 8. — 11 9. — 11 10. _ • 11 11. — 11 12. — 11 13. ’55. 5320 ’55. 5321 ’56 . 5322 ’56 . 5323 ’57. 5324 ’57. 5325 ’58. 5326 ’58. 5327 ’59. 5328 ’59. 5329 ’60 . 5330 ’60. 5331 ’61. 5332 ’61 . 5333 ’62. 5334 ’62 . 5335 ’63 . 5336 ’63 . 5337 ’64 . 5338 ’64. 5339 ’65. 5340 ’65. 5341 ’66. 5342 ’66 . 5343 1. ’03. 5344 2. ’03. 5345 3. ’04. 5346 ’84. 5347 ’85 . 5348 ’86. 5349 ’87. 5350 ’88. 5351 ’89 . 5352 ’90. 5353 ’91. 5354 . 5355 . 5356 ’71. 5357 ’71. 5358 ’72.,. 5359 ’72. 5360 ’73. 5361 ’73. 5362 ’74 . 5363 ’74. 5364 ’75.. 5365 ’75 . 5366 ’76. 5367 ’76 . 5368 77. 5369 124 PERIODICALS Ckntury-Scribnkr. Vol. 14. ’77. . 5370 — >» 15. ’78. . 5371 — >> 16. ’78. . 5372 — 17. ’79. . 5373 — >> 18. ’79. . 5374 — }» 19. ’80. . 5375 -1- 20. ’80. . 5376 — 5) 21. ’81. . 5377 — 1? 22. ’81. . 5378 — J» 23. ’82. . 5379 — 24. ’82. . 5380 — 1J 25. ’83. . 5381 — J7 26. ’83. . 5382 — 27. ’84. . 5383 — 55 28. ’84. . 5384 _ 55 29. ’85. . 5385 — 55 30. ’85. . 5386 — 55 31. ’86. . 5387 _ 32. ’86. . 5388 _ 33. ’87. . 5389 _ 34. ’87. . 5390 _ 35. ’88. . 5391 _ 5? 36. ’88 . . 5392 _ ?> 37. ’89;. . 5393 _ 38. ’89. . 53.94 _ 39. ’90. . 5395 _ 99 40. ’90. . 5396 _ 99 41. ’91. . 5397 _ 99 42. ’91. . 5398 __ 99 43. ’92 . . 5399 _ 99 44. ’92. . 5400 _ 99 45. ’93. . 5401 _ 99 46. ’93 . . 5402 _ 99 47. ’94 . . 5403 9 ) 48. ’94 . . 5404 - 99 49. ’95. . 5405 _ 9) 50. ’95.:.. . 5406 99 51. ’96 . . 5407 - 99 52. ’96... . 5408 _ 9 j 53. ’97 5409 - 99 54. ’97. . 5410 _ 99 55. ’98. . 5411 _ 99 56. ’98. . 5412 _ 9 ) 57. ’99. . 5413 58. ’99 5414 _ 59. ’00 .... 5415 _ 60. ’00. . 5416 _ 99 66. ’03.:... . 5417 - 99 67. ’04. . 5418 — 99 68. ’04. 5419 PERIODICALS 125 Chautauquan. Vol. 7. ’87.. — 8. ’88. . 5421 — >> 9. ’89 . . 5422 — )> 10. ’90 . . 5423 — 11. ’90. . 5424 — 12. ’91.. . 5425 — 0 13. ’91. . 5426 — >> 14. ’92. . 5427 — 0 15. ’92. . 5428 Connecticut Magazine. ,, 2. ’96. . 5429 — 0 3. ’97. . 5430 — 4. 98. . 5431 — 5. ’99. . 5432 Cornhill Magazine. »> 2. ’60. . . 5433 — 3. ’61. . 5434 — 4. ’61 . . 5435 — 5. ’62. . 5436 _ 6. ’62. . 5437 — 7. ’63. . 5438 r — 8. ’63. . 5439 — )* 9. ’64. . 5440 — )» 10. ’64. . 5441 — » 11. ’65 . . 5442 — 12. ’65. . 5443 — » 13. ’66. . 5444 — )* 14. ’66. . 5445 Cosmopolitan. 1. ’86. .. 5446 — 51 2. ’86. . 5447 — >1 3. ’87. . 5448 — » 4. ’87. . 5449 — )) 5. ’88...;. . 5450 — »} 6. ’88. .. 5451 — >1 7. ’89. .. 5452 — 11 8. ’89. . 5453 — 11 9. ’90. . 5454 — 11 10. ’90. . 5455 — 15 11. ’91. . 5456 — }> 12. ’91. . 5457 — 11 13. ’92. . 5458 — f J 14. ’92. . 5459 — J» 15. ’93. . 5460 — 11 16. ’93. . 5461 — 11 17. ’94. . 5462 — >» 18. ’94. . 5463 — 19. ’95. . 5464 — ») 20. ’95 . . 5465 — M 21. ’96. . 5466 — »> 22. ’96. . 5467 — »» 23. ’97. . 5468 — »» 24. '97. . 5469 126 PERIODICALS Cosmopolitan. Vol. 25. ’98. . 5470 — 28. ’99. . 5471 — y > 29. ’00 . — 31. ’01 . . 5473 — 32. ’01. — 33. ’02 . . 5475 — 35. ’03. . 5476 — 36. ’03 . . 5477 — 38. ’04. . 5478 — 39. ’05. . 5479 Current Literature. „ 34. ’03. . 5480 — 35. 03. . 5481 — 36. ’04 . . 5482 — >» 37. ’04. . 5483 Everybody’s. J) 8. ’03. . 5484 — V 9. ’03 . . 5485 — 55 12. ’05. . 5486 Forum, The. ’98. . 5487 — ’98.. . 5488 — ’99. . 5489 — ’99. . 5490 — ’99. . 5491 — ’00 . . 5492 Four Track News. ’05. . 5493 Harper’s. Vol. 1. ’50. . 5494 — 2. ’51. . 5495 — > > 3. ’51. . 5496 — 4. ’52. . 5497 — )» 5. ’52 . . 5498 — 6. ’53 . . 5499 — 7. ’53. . 5500 — >» 8. ’54 . . 5501 — 55 9. ’54 . . 5502 — >j 10. ’55 . . 5503 — 55 11. ’55 . . 5504 — 55 12. \56. . 5505 — 55 13. ’56 . . 5506 — 55 14. ’57 . . 5507 — 55 15. ’57. . 5508 — n 16. ’58. . 5509 — 55 17. ’58. . 5510 — 55 18. ’59. . 5511 — 55 19. ’59. . 5512 — 55 20. ’60. .. 5513 — >5 21. ’60 . . 5514 — 55 22. ’61 . . 5515 — 55 23. ’61 . . 5516 — 55 24. ’62 . . 5517 — >» 25. ’62 . .. . 5518 — 26. '63 . . 5519 PERIODICALS 127 Harper’s. Vol. 27. ’63. . 5520 — 28. ’64. . 5521 — . 29. ’64. . 5522 — 55 30. ’65. . 5523 — 55 81. ’65. . 5524 — 55 32. ’66. . 5525 — 55 33. ’66. . 5526 — 55 34. ’67. . 5527 — 55 35. ’67. . 5528 — 55 36. ’68. . 5529 — 55 37. ’68. . 5530 — 55 38. ’69. . 5531 — 55 39. ’69. . 5532 — 55 40. ’70. . 5533 — 55 41. ’70. . 5534 — 55 42. ’71 . . 5535 — 55 43. ’71. . 5536 — 55 44. ’72. . 5537 r — 55 45. ’72. . 5538 — 55 46. ’73. .. 5539 — 5' 47. 73. . 5540 — 55 48- ’74. . 5541 — 55 49. 74 . . 5542 — 55 50. 75 . . 5543 — 55 51. 75 . . 5544 — 55 52. 76. . 5545 — 55 53. 76. . 5546 — 55 54. 77. . 5547 — 55 55. 77. . 5548 — 55 56. 78 . . 5549 — 55 57. 78. . 5550 — 55 58. 79. . 5551 — 55 59. 79 . . 5552 — . 55 60. ’80 . . 5553 — >5 61. ’80 . . 5554 — 55 62. ’81. . 5555 — 55 63. ’81. . 5556 — 55 64. ’82 . 5557 — 55 65- ’82. . 5558 — J> 66. ’83. . 5559 — 67. ’83. . 5560 — »> 68. ’84. . 5561 — )* 69. ’84 . . 5562 — ») 70. ’85. . 5563 — » 71. ’85 . . 5564 — JJ 72. ’86 . . 5565 — 73. ’86. . 5566 — 74. ’87. . 5567 — 75. ’87. . 5568 — 76. ’88. . 5569 128 PERIODICALS Harper’s. Vol. 77. — » 78. — 79. — » 80. — 81. — 48 88. — 44 90. — 44 91. — 44 92. — 44 93. — 44 94. — 44 95. — 44 96. — 44 97. — 44 98. — 44 99. — 44 100. — 44 101. — 44 102. — 44 103. — 4* 105. — 44 106. — 44 108. — 44 109. — 44 110. — 44 111. Harper’s Bazaar. 44 33. — 44 33. — 44 33. — 44 33. — 44 34. Junior Munsey. 44 8. 9. 10. - 44 44 Leslie’s. >4 49. Lippincott’s. 44 73. — 44 74. Literary Digest. 44 19. — 44 20. — 44 21. Mo Clure’s. 44 11. — >4 12. — 44 13. — 4 ) 14. — 44 15. — 44 16. — 44 17. — 44 19. _ 44 20. — 44 21. ’88. 5570 ’89. 5571 ’89 . 5572 ’90. 5573 ’90 . 5574 ’94. 5575 ’95. 5576 ’95. 5577 ’96. 5578 ’96. 5579 ’97. 5580 ’97. 5581 ’98. 5582 ’98. 5583 ’99. 5584 ’99 . 5585 ’00. 5586 ’00. 5587 ’01. 5588 ’01. 5589 ’02. 5590 ’02. 5591 ’03 . 5592 ’04. 5593 ’04 . 5594 ’05 . 5595 ’00. . . 5596 ’00. 5597 ’00. 5598 ’00 . 5599 ’01. 5600 ’00. 5601 ’01 . 5602 ’01 . 5603 ’99. 5604 ’04. 5605 ’05. 5606 ’99 . 5607 ’00. 5608 ’01 . 5609 ’98. 5610 ’98. 5611 ’99 . 5612 ’99. 5613 ’00 . 5614 ’00 . 5615 ’01. 5616 ’02. 5617 ’02. 5618 ’03. 5619 PERIODICALS 129 McClure’s Vol. 22. ’04. — 55 23. ’04. — 55 24. ’05 — 55 25. ’05 — 55 26. ’06 — \ 55 27. ’06 Munsey’s 55 11. ’94. — 5) 12. ’94. — 55 13. ’95. — 55 14. ’95. — 55 15. ’96. — 5) 16. ’96. — 55 17. ’97 — 55 18. ’97. — 55 19. ’98 — 55 20. ’98 — 55 21. ’99 r — 55 22. ’99 — 55 23. ’00. — 55 24. ’00. — 55 25. ’01. — 5» 26. ’01. — 55 27. ’02 — 55 28. ’02. — 55 29. ’03. — 5> 30. ’03. — • > 31. ’04. — 55 32. ’04 — >5 33. ’05. — 55 35. ’06. New Scribner’s 5) 1. ’87. — >5 3. ’88 — 55 4. ’88. — 55 5. ’89. — 55 6. ’89 — 55 7. ’90. — 55 8. ’90. — 55 10. ’91. — 55 11. ’92. — 55 12. ’92. — 55 13. ’93. — 55 14. ’93. — 55 15. ’94 — 55 16. ’94. — 55 17. ’95. — 55 18. ’95 — 55 19. ’96. — 55 20. '96 — 55 21. ’97 — 55 22. ’97. 5620 5621 5622 5623 5624 5625 5626 5627 5628 5629 5630 5631 5632 5633 5634 5635 5636 5637 5638 5639 5640 5641 5642 5643 5644 5645 5646 5647 % 5648 5649 5650 5651 5652 5653 5654 5655 5656 5657 5658 5659 5660 5661 5662 5663 5664 5665 5666 5667 5668 5669 130 PERIODICALS New Scribner’s Vol. 24. ’98. . 5670 — n 25. ’99. .5671 — n 26. ’99. — »» 27. ’00. . 5673 — >> 28. ’00. . 5674 — n 29. ’01. — 11 30. ’01. . 5676 — 11 33. ’03. — 11 34. ’03. . 5678 — 11 35. ’04. . 5679 — 11 36. ’04. . 5680 Northfield Echoes. 11 5. ’98. .. 5681 — >5 6. ’99. . 5682 Outing, The. >> 1. ’82. . 5683 — 11 2. ’83. . 5684 — 11 3. ’83.... . 5685 — 11 4. ’84. . 5686 — 11 5. ’84. . 5687 — 11 6. ’85. . 5688 — » 7. ’85. . 5689 — »» 8. ’86. . 5690 — 11 9. ’ ’86. . 5691 — 11 10. ’87. . 5692 — 11 11. ’87. . 5693 — 11 12. ’88 . . 5694 — 11 13. ’88. . 5695 — 11 14. ’89. . 5696 — 11 15. ’89. . 5697 — 11 16. ’90. . 5698 — 11 17. ’90 . . 5699 — 11 18. ’91. . 5700 __ 11 19. ’91. . 5701 — 11 20. ’92 . . 5702 — 11 21. ’92 . . 5703 — 11 22. ’93 . . 5704 — 11 23. ’93. . 5705 — 11 24. ’94. . 5706 — 11 44. ’04 . . 5707 Outlook, The. 11 58. ’97. . 5708 _ 11 59. ’98. . 5709 _ 11 60. ’98. . 5710 — 11 67. ’01. . 5711 — 11 68. ’01 . . 5712 — >) 69. ’01. . 5713 — » 73. ’03 . . 5714 _ 11 75. ’03 . . 5715 _ 11 79. ’05. . 5716 _ 11 80. ’05. . 5717 — 11 81. ’05. . 5718 Pearson’s. 11 8. ’00. . 5719 PERIODICALS Pearson’s. Puritan, The. Quaker, The. Quarterly Review. 131 Yol. >> if H if ff >5 if if if ff if if if if a if if a if if V a a a v a if a a if a a if if a » »» a 11 » a a >> a a ff a 9. ’00. 5720 11. ’01. 5721 5. ’98 . 5722 8. ’99 . 5723 7. ’99. 5724 8. ’00. 5725 9. ’00. 5726 5. ’99. 5727 6. ’99. 5728 7. ’00. 5729 1. ’09. 5730 2. ’09. 5731 3. ’10 . 5732 4. ’10. 5733 5. ’ll . 5734 6. ’ll . 5735 7. ’12 . 5736 8. ’12 . 5737 9. ’13. 5738 10. ’13. 5739 11. ’14. 5740 12. ’14. 5741 13. ’15 . 5742 14. ’15. 5743 15. ’16. 5744 16. ’16. 5745 17- ’17. 5746 18. ’17 . 5747 19. ’18. 5748 20. ’18. 5749 21. ’19. 5750 22. ’19 . 5751 23. ’20. 5752 24. ’20. 6753 25. '21 . 5754 26. ’21. 5755 27. ’22. 5756 28. ’22. 5757 29. ’23. 5758 30- ’23. 5759 81. ’24. 5760 32. ’25. 5761 33. ’25 . 5762 34. ’26. 5763 35. ’27. 5764 36. ’27 . 5765 37. ’28. 5766 38. ’28 . 5767 39. ’29. 5768 40. Index...-.. 5769 l 3 2 PERIODICALS Quarterly Review. Vol. 41. ’29. . 5770 _ 42. ’29. . 5771 —. j? 43. ’30. — r> 44. ’31. . 5773 — >» 45. ’31. . 5774 _ 46. ’31. . 5775 _ r> 47. ’32. . 5776 _ y> 48. ’32. . 5777 _ >5 49. ’33. . 5778 _ 50. ’33. . 5779 _ 51. ’34. . 5780 _ » 52. ’34. . 5781 _ 53. ’35. . 5782 _ )) 54. ’35. .. 5783 _ »} 55. ’35. . 5784 _ 55 56. ’36. '5785 _ 55 57. ’36. 5786 _ 55 58. ’37. "87 _ 59. ’37. . 5788 _ 55 60. Index. . 5789 _ 5 ’ 61. ’38. . 5790 _ 55 62. ’38. . 5791 _ 55 63. ’39. . 5792 _ »5 64. ’39. . 5793 _ 55 65. ’39 . . 5794 _ 55 66. ’40. . 5795 _ 55 67. ’40. . 5796 _ 55 68. ’41. . 5797 _ 55 69. ’41. . 5798 _ 55 70. ’42 . . 5799 . 55 71. ’42. . 5800 _ 55 72. ’43. . 5801 _ 55 73. ’43 . . 5802 _ 55 74. ’44 . . 5803 _ 55 75. ’44. . 5804 _ 55 76. ’45. . 5805 55 77. ’45.:. . 5806 _ 55 78. ’46 . . 5S07 _ 55 79. ’46. . 5808 55 80. Index. . . 5809 _ 55 81. ’47. . 5810 _ 55 82. ’47. . 5811 _ 55 83. ’48 . . 5812 _ 5 ) 84. ’48. . 5813 _ 55 85. ’49 . . 5814 _ 55 86. ’49. . 5815 _ 55 87. ’50. . 5816 _ 55 88. ’50. . 5817 )5 89. ’51. . 5818 — 55 90. ’51. . 5819 PERIODICALS 133 Quarterly Review. Vol. 91. ’52. . 5820 — 92. ’52. . 5821 — 93. ’53 . . 5822 — 94. ’54. . 5823 — 95. ’54. . 5824 — 55 96. ’55... . 5825 — 55 97. ’55. . 5826 — 98. ’56. . 5827 — 99. ’56. . 5828 — 100. Index. . * 5829 — 55 101. ’57. . 5830 — 55 102. ’57. . 5831 — 103. ’58. . 5832 — • >5 104. ’58. . 5833 - 55 105. ’59.. . 5834 « 106. ’59. . 5835 55 107 . ’60 . . 5836 55 108. ’60. — 55 109. ’61. — 55 110. ’61. — 5> 111. ’62 . -r— 5» 112. ’62 . — 55 113. ’63 . — 55 114. ’63 . Review of Reviews, 55 5. ’92. . — 55 6. ’92. . — ,, 7. '93. . — 55 8 . ’93 . — 55 9. ’94 . — 55 10. ’94 . — 55 11. ’95 . — »5 12. ’95 . — 55 13. ’96 . . 5852 — 55 14. ’96. — 55 15. ’97 . . 5854 — 55 16. ’97. . 5855 — 55 17. ’98 . . — 55 .21. ’00 . . 5857 — 55 22. ’00. . 5858 — 55 23. ’01 . .. 5859 — 55 24. ’01 . . 5860 — 55 25. ’02. . 5861 — 55 26. ’02 . . 5862 — 55 28. ’03 . . 5863 — 55 29. ’04. . 5864 — 55 30. ’04 . . 5865 — 55 31. ’05 . . 5866 — 55 32. ’05 . . 5867 — 55 33. ’06 . . 5868 134 PERIODICALS Rosary, The. Vol. 17. ’00. . 5870 Sailor’s Magazine. 44. ’91. . 5871 _ 42. ’92. . 5872 — 55 48. ’93. . 5873 Scientific American. „ 58. ’88. . 5874' — 55 56. ’88. . 5875 _ 60. ’89. . 5876 _ 61. ’89. . 5877 _ 62. ’90. . 5878 _ 55 68. ’90. . 5879 — 55 64. ’91. . 5880 — 55 65. ’91. . 5881 — 55 76. ’97. . 5882 — 55 77. ’97. . 5883 _ 55 78. ’98. . 5884 _ 55 79. ’98 . .. .5885 _ 80. ’96. . 5886 _ 55 81. ’99. . 5887 _ 82. ’00. . 5888 _ 55 83. '00. . 5889 St. Nicholas. »» 83. ’95. . 5890 __ 55 23. ’96. . 5891 _ 55 24. ’9(5 . . 5892 _ 55 24. ’97. . 5893 _ 55 25. ’97 . . 5894 _ 55 25. ’98 . . 5895 _ H 26. ’98. . 5898 _ 55 28. ’00.;. . . 5897 _ H 28. ’01. . 5898 Sunday Magazine. 55 1. ’69 . . 5899 _ 55 2. ’69. . 5900 _ 55 3. 70. . 5901 _ 55 4. ’71 . . 5902 _ 55 5. ’72 . . 5903 _ 55 6. ’73. . 5904 _ 55 7. ’74. . 5905 _ 55 8. ’75. . 5906 _ 55 9. ’76 . . 5907 _ 55 10. ’77.... . 5908 _ 55 11. 78. . 5909 World’s Work. 55 5. ’02.. . 5910 _ M 6. ’03. . 5911 _ 55 8. ’04 . . 5912 _ 5) 9. ’04. . 5913 _ 55 10. ’05. . 5914 World’s Weapons. 55 , ’86 . . 5915 _ n , ’87. . 5916 — >» . ’87. . 5917 1 J5 ADDENDA Browning, Robert. Saul .,. 5918 Brooks, Phillip. Lenten Readings. 5919 Caesar’s Civil Wars. ........ 5920 De Quincy, Thomas. Confessions of an Opium Eater... 5921 Haggard, Rider. Eric Brighteyes. 5922 - The Brethren. . 5923 James, D. H. Comedy of Courtship. 5924 Thurston, Katherine C. The Masqueraders.. 5925 School Books Arithmetics. 50 First Readers. 80 Second „ 70 Third „ 50 Fourth ,, 35 285 Bibles. (Thirty Douay Version.). 650 CIj assific atio^ Biography. 311 Educationai. 87 Essays and General Literature. 315 Fiction. . 2286 History . 582 Philosophical and Scientific. 77 Poetry and the Drama . 178 Reference. 64 Religion... 443 Social Science. 107 Arts and Mechanics. 127 Travel. 382 Nature Books .. 96 * Foreign Texts. 137 Periodicals. 733 School Books. 285 Bibles. 650 Duplicate Volumes. 471 Total 7331 2 061925704