LAID OUT IN 1869. 1 6 TRAINS DAILY. A SUBURB OF CHICAGO MAYWOOD COMPANY, ROOM 32 METROPOLITAN BLOCK, COR. LaSALLE AND RANDOLPH STREETS. CHICAGO: LAKESIDE PUBLISHING AND PRINTING COMPANY. 1875- Is on the Galena Division, Chicago and Northwestern Railway, ten miles from the Wells Street Depot, and Jive and one-half miles from the City Limits of Chicago. The Town was laid out in 1869, and all the build- ings now there, more than two hundred in number, have been built since that time. The town site is an elevated plateau more than thirty feet above the Desplaines River, and more than seventy feet above Lake Michigan. These engravings were taken from photographic views, and include but a small portion of the residences, and those shown are no better than those not shown. The growth of Maywood has been steady, without speculation or excitement, as property has always been low, hence the greater inducement to improve it. There are four Schools, five organized Churches, and literary entertainments every two weeks by the Maywood Library Association. MA YWOOD. There is no city or village organization, hence no special taxes or assessment. There are no saloons in Maywood, but stores, shops and markets of all kinds. The town plat is one mile and three-fourths long, by one-half mile wide. Both Lake and Madison Streets pass through Maywood, and are both good drives from the city. These views are all taken from Maywood, and do not include buildings in any of tJie various additions, of which there are several. Sixteen trains daily stop at Maywood. A *- 3D5HJ? 62 MAYWOOO PARK 1 59 60 61 s .* ' C7 &T 63 ti 65 66 68 69 70 i 3 T * ST 78 77 7C 75 2 73 72 71 79 80 81 82 ' 83 j: 84 85 s ST 94 93 92 9! 90 89 88 87 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 S 103 I/O 109 j/07 106 (05 I 104 103 >ll // Ml //* IIS lie 117 //? J" | / in W O .r MA YIVOOD. 35 W "8 I MA YWOOD. .!/./ YWOOD. 37 MA YWOOD. - ^t M fe O o MAYIVOOD. 39 p- V2 W 4 o MA YWOOD. L) MA YWOOD. MAY WOOD. " MA YWOOD. 43 44 MA YWOOD. o - o w 00 E U en MA YWOOD. 45 CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. ON SQUARE 208. The rear part only completed, in which the services are held. 4 6 MA YWOOD. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. ON SQUARE 92. MA YWOOD. 47 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. BK