LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAICN 510.(54 no. 343-34$, coip. 2 The person charging ''^l\^X;frylrZ latest I>«'«^^^"^P'^^''°"^. .1 ..-..lArlininci of Li6l_O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 Report No. 3h3 COO-IU69-OI42 A DESIGN OF A DISPLAY PROCESSING UNIT IN A MULTI- TERMINAL ENVIRONMENT by Raphael Hostovsky July 30, 1969 Wf mmi OF rii£ ^^G 25 1969 Report No. 3^+3 DESIGN OF A DISPLAY PROCESSING UNIT IN A MULTI-TERMINAL ENVIRONMENT* by Raphael Hostovsky July 1969 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 618OI This work was supported in part by Contract No. U. S. AEC AT(11-1)i1+69 and was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science, July 19^9 . d'lO.i^ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation to Dr. C. W. Gear for help and suggestions "both in the writing and in the supervision of this thesis. Mr. Martin Michel and Mr. Robert Miller also deserve thanks for their advice and encouragement during this project. Ill IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. SYSTEM OVERVIEW ^ III. DPU REGISTER CONFIGURATION 8 IV. DISPLAY PROGRAMS 12 V. DISPLAY COMMANDS 13 VI. MODES OF OPERATION l6 A. Point Mode l6 B. Vector Mode — Incremental Command Generator lo C. Increment Mode 29 VII. INTERRUPTS 31 A. Interrupt Queueing 33 B. Programming Compatibility Problems 36 VIII. DPU~MEMORY— DISK INTERFACE 39 IX. DISPLAY CONTROL ^3 LIST OF REFERENCES k^ APPENDIX h6 ' LIST OF FIGURES Fi gure Page 1 Display System Configuration 7 2 DPU Registers and Controls 10 3 Display Commands lU k Incremental Commands 15 5 Point Mode Operations IT 6 a. Incremental Commands Generation-Algorithm ..... 19 b. Incremental Commands Generation-State Diagram ... 20 7 Approximation of a Vector Between (0,0) and (9,2) by Using the ICG Algorithm 21 8 Incremental Command Generator Arithmetic (Schematic). . 25 9 ICG-Page and Screen Size Control (Flowchart) 26 10 ICG-Page and Screen Size Control (Schematic) 27 11 ICG-Code Generation and Transfer Commands 28 12 Interrupt Queue 3h 13 DPU-Core Memory-Disk Interface i+0 lU Display Control Hi+ I . INTRODUCTION The design of a general purpose graphic interactive modeling and simulation system is now being conducted by a group at the Department of Computer Science at the University of' Illinois. An example of the type of problem that the system will be able to handle is a network analysis. The graphic display will be used to specify a netowrk's elements and connections, and for presentation of output data. Another possible application is simulation of flight control. Tlie ^oser may manipulate controls at a display terminal. A central computer, by using this control information and the flight history, will calculate the new flight status that is to be displayed to the user, The display terminal and a central computer are the basic components of the system. Often systems have displays which are tied directly to central registers of the parent computer. To display a point, its coordinates are first loaded into the central registers of the computer. A display command is then executed which results in a point being flashed on the screen. The problem with this scheme is that the processor is tied up in generating displays. The situation seems even worse when considering the refreshing of a static display. It is a repetative operation that will occupy an entire processor full tim^e. The cost of the display terminal includes the time devoted to it by the general purpose processor. The configuration described above is an expensive one. The cost per terminal is not reduced even when several display units are attached directly to the same general purpose processor. The task of maintaining the pictxire at each terminal consumes most of the processor time. The problem is therefore to try to reduce the cost per terminal but at the same time to maintain the display capability. The solution presented in this paper is the introduction of an intermediate system that will generate and maintain the display at each terminal. The central processor has to generate the picture informtion only once and pass it to the intermediate system. The system includes a Display Processing Unit (DPU) and a memory. The DPU interprets the picture information and generates seq_uences of efficient display commands which are stored in the memory. This information is used to refresh a displayed image. Consequently, the central processor is relieved from the task of picture regeneration and may dedicate most of its time to general purpose computations. By keeping the cost of the DPU as low as possible and by sharing the memory among several display terminals, the cost per terminal is reduced by a considerable amoimt. The central processor we are using is the PDP-8. In some respects, the Display Processing Unit (DPU) is an emulation of the DEC 338. The main difference between the two is the DPU's capability of driving several display terminals at one time. A head-per-track disk is used as the refresh memory. The paper emphasizes functions and logic circuits (like picture generation and data comm'unication) which are 3 peculiar to the DPU. No details are given on hardware (like 2 3 instruction decoding) which is similar to that of the DEC 338. ' II. SYSTEM OVERVIEW The display system configuration is descrilDecL in Figure 1. The Display Processing Unit (DPU) is the interface "between the PDP-8 memory and the rest of the display system. Because this interface executes programs from memory, because it has an instruction repertoire, and because programs can be written for the display processor, it can be thought of as a computer. It is a peciiliar kind of computer whose capabilities are oriented toward making pictures rather than performing computational tasks. Many of its instructions are descriptive of drawing operations rather than computational operations. Because the DPU operates in conj\mction with a general purpose computer, "general" computing capabilities were not given to it. The DPU retrieves data from the PDP-8 core memory, decodes it and generates picture information. This information is then transferred via a core memory buffer to a track of the central disk buffer, thus releasing the DPU for other tasks. The DPU performs the same functions that the DEC 338 does, with the additional capabilities of controlling and refreshing the picture at as many as l6 display terminals. Program- ming compatibility with DEC 338 is maintained except for two additional lOT's. All commands are transferred to the DPU via the PDP-8 single cycle data-break system. The programmer may specify which terminal he wishes to access at any time. A special hardware scheme is used to generate the incremental commands from the combinations of codes which form lines and characters. 5 The order of execution of all the Control State instructions, PDP-8 display oriented instructions and the picture generation, is determined by a central control xmit. The \mit is composed of several sequential control points which govern the data flow in the DPU. An interrupt queueing scheme controls the data communication between the display terminals and the DPU. A central disk buffer holds the picture information for up to 16 display terminals, with a single track of the disk being dedicated to each of the terminals. Each of the tracks has its own read-head and line driver. The disk rotates at 30 revolutions per second, so the picture on each scope is refreshed at 30-cycle rate. This rate is high enough to give a flicker-free display. The display terminals can be remotely located from the central disk buffer. At the data rate used, 10 points/second are plotted by the display terminal. The picture on each track of the disk is specified in terms of simple 3-bit incremental command. These commands are decoded by a display control at each of the scope terminals where X-Y deflection signals are produced to position and display points. The commands allow the beam to be moved a certain nximber of units in any direction on a 102i+ x 102U grid (left-right, up-down, or diagonally) covering a 10" X 10" area on the scope face. Information corresponding to the initial values of X and Y, four spot intensities, scale factor, P. B. enable, and joystick interrupt-enable are also stored on the disk. Zoom option information is transferred directly to the display terminal, so that frames may be expanded by a factor of two, four, or eight. The operator of the CRT display can communicate immediately with the DPU and the PDP-8 processor by using the incremental joystick or the push-button control box. The DEC 338, in order to generate typical pictures, uses about 30,000 moves per frame, and the picture has to be reconstructed and regenerated 30 times per second to avoid excessive flicker. Also, the 338 may access the PDP-8 via the data-break system only once in three PDP-8 memory cycles, degrading the speed of generating points and vectors which results in lower picture capacity. The DPU disk buffer contains about 100,000 bits or 33,000 instructions in a full track. A track of data corresponds to a picture containing 660" of drawings. This means 66 screen widths of horizontal or vertical lines (in scale of 2) or about 1500 characters, or a proportional mix. Consequently, the DPU disk configuration with its independent picture refreshing capability, easily handles display files like those executed by the DEC 338. o •H u •H Ch c: o o a (U +3 tn >^ w H P^ en •H Q III. DPU REGISTER CONFIGURATION The DPU has l8 internal registers which are of interest to the programmer. (See Figure 2). The DPU also has an arithmetic unit (AU) and registers A, B, and D that are used during the process of generating the incremental commands. The interface of the DPU with its core-memory includes two 3-bit registers, a write buffer register (WBR) and a memory buffer register (MBR) . The WBR is used to hold informtion that is to be sent to the external units through the DPU core memory and the disk. Outlined below is a s\immary of the internal registers of the Display Processing Unit that can be accessed by the programmer, together with the particular fimction of each register. DISPLAY ADDRESS COUNTER (DAC) : The DAC is an up-counter that indicates where the next instruction is to be found in PDP-8 memory and is incremented immediately after an instruction is fetched from memory. It can be set by the INIT instruction, or it may be loaded immediately to affect a JUMP instruction, or its previous value can be pushed to affect a PUSHJUMP instruction. Associated with the DAC is a 3-bit break-field countup register, which allows the DPU to address any of 32K words of core-memory directly. STACK POINTER (PTR) : The PTR is a 12-bit up-down counter that points to the last filled location in a marked stack. In order to push an instruction into the stack, the PTR is incremented and the instruction is written at this location. The stack pointer operates in a manner opposite to that of the DAC, being decremented after it is used to fetch an instruction from memory. This stack is the "basic mechanism for accomplishing subroutining, since PUSHJUMP and POP instructions load and retrieve status data with the aid of the PTR. DX MP DY REGISTERS ; The DX register, containing 12 bits, is the main input register of the DPU. On data break, a data word from the PDP-8 memory is transferred into the DX register. From there it is transferred to one or more of the other registers of the DPU. Some- times, information in the DX register is transferred to the DY register for buffering. X AND Y REGISTERS : These are two lJ+-bit up-down counters containing the coordinates of the beam position at the time the picture is generated. The low-order 10 bits represents the actual beam position while the most significant h bits are used for validity checking in the case of an overflow. X. , ML Y. ^ REGISTERS: At the time of an interrupt at one of the mt int display terminals, the coordinates of the joystick marker on the screen are transferred into these two 10-bit registers. DEVICE ID : This register contains the identification of the display terminal that requested the attention of the PDP-8 and the DPU. X^ AND Y REGISTERS: These are two 3-bit registers containing information about the virtual screen size (page) as specified by the programmer. A page may contain up to 6U (8 x 8) screen sizes called 10 TEBVINAL CONTKOL '" >\ 3 ►MB ll Figiire 2 CPU Registers and Controls 11 sectors. This configuration allows a type of -windowing in which the picture information in each sector may be displayed independently. The other six registers contain information to set up the initial conditions of the DPU, such as enabling interrupts on special flags, setting the drawing size, the amount of intensification, etc. Some of this information will be stored on the appropriate disk track for use at the display terminal. The scale, intensity and PBF registers may also be loaded by the corresponding status information that comes directly from the display terminal. 12 IV. DISPLAY PROGRAMS The display processor produces pictures by executing a program (i.e., a sequence of Display Oriented Computer instructions) fetched from a memoiy of the PDP-8. These PDP-8 instructions are executed as follows: 1. Control State instructions : In this state, instructions are executed in a manner similar to that of computer instructions. Each instruction has an OP code that determines the logic operations to be executed. The information transfer is done through DX and DY registers . 2. Data State instructions : The Mode register is set by Control State instruction before entering Data State and is used in order to interpret Data State instructions since they do not have an OP code. Their purpose is to control the motion of the CRT beam. Information transfer is done through DX and DY registers. A detailed description about the different modes of operation in this state and how they are executed will be given later. 3. Display Oriented Computer instructions : These are instructions that are used by the PDP-8 to commimicate with the display. Any informtion transfer is done through the PDP-8 acciomulator (ACC) where any required data must be before the lOT is given. In addition to the lOT's described in the DEC 338 manual, three others are peculiar to the DPU. The first is used at the head of display file to address the desired display terminal. The second is used when the PDP-8 is interrupted to identify the display terminal that initiated the interrupt request. Upon execution of this lOT, the information is transferred from the DEVICE ID register into the PDP-8 accumulator. 13 V. DISPLAY COMMANDS The DPU interprets the picture represented "by Control State and Data State instructions and translates this description into simple seq^uence of coininands which are passed to the disk. The DEC 338 has seven data state modes, of which the DPU handles six: Point mode (O), Increment mode (l). Vector mode (2), Vector Continue mode (3), Short Vector mode (i+), and Character mode (5). Once the DPU enters Data State, information is obtained from registers DX or DY (or both) and is decoded according to the mode specified before entering this state. An escape bit "l" in one of the data words causes the display to return to Control State. Control State instructions are then executed until the system re-enters Data State by executing Mode or Pop instructions. Each command passed to the disk is a l6-bit word which may be decoded in one of the following ways: Ill 1 DIRECTION DIRECTION DIRECTION DIRECTION DIRECTION 3 h 6 T 9 10 12 13 15 INCREMENTAL COMIVIAND SPARE X 1 15 SET X 1 SPARE Y 1 15 SET Y 1 SPARE SSE f 1 \ SCALE 1 STATUS DATA Ik 15 PB / JOYS'l!S;^CK i^TENSITY ENABLE ENABLE' Fi giire 3 Display Commands If bit 0=1, the word contains five groups of incremental commands. Each command is three bits indicating one of eight directions 15 iOlO /ooi 100 ^ 000 ^'110 Figiire h Incremental Commands If bit 0=0, bits 1 and 2 specify a set X, set Y, or Status Data command. 00 in bits 1-2 means that the X coordinate of the beam is stored in bits 6-15. 01 in bits 1-2 implies that the Y coordinate is stored in bits 6-15. The stati:is data word is transferred to the disk track upon entering Data State. Bits 9, 10, and 11 will set the mask register which enables or inhibits Push-Button and Joystick interrupts at the display terminal. Bits 12 and 13 represent four spot intensities. Bits lU and 15 are the scale factor (l, 2, k, or 8). At the terminal end, all this informtion is read from the disk, and is decoded in order to control the picture on the screen. A detailed description of how each one of the first three words is generated follows. 16 VI. MODES OF OPERATION A. Point Mode This operation requires a pair of 12-bit instruction words for each point presented on the screen. These two words are trans- ferred from the PDP-8 to registers DX and DY in two cycles. The execution during each cycle is described by the following flowchart in Figure 5. B. Vector Mode — Incremental Command Generator Vector, vector continue and short vector modes, and partly also increment mode use the Incremental Command Generator (ICG) logic. In order to approximate a vector the ICG produces a sequence of 3-bit commands. At the terminal end, each command will result in moving the beam in one of the eight directions (Figure h) . The beam is intensified at the end of each move. The sequence of moves represents a vector which is a close approximation of the theoretical (straight) vector. The algorithm employed by the ICG assures that the approx- imation will deviate from the straight vector by an amount not larger than one half unit of the CRT grid (in the scale of l). The end points of the vector are always correct. 1st CYCLE Figure 5 Point Mode Operations 18 The algorithm is described by the flowchart in Figure 6a. First, the region of the coordinate system in which the theoretical vector lies, is defined by the slope of the vector. More explicitly, we would like to know whether the vector is either in octants 1, 8, U, 5, or in octants 2, 3, 6, 7. 19 ♦ ♦ ♦. ♦ o I -p O bO H Hlv(0OIV(II00MI u to a •H P 0) ■p O •H 0) c c5 en O u -p 21 The computational part of the process is the same in both regions. This is accomplished by interchanging the role of the changes in the X and Y directions (AX and AY). The number of commands (or moves) that will approximate the vector must comply with the number of units of the largest between AX and AY. For simplicity, let us follow the computation for a vector which lies in the first octant (its slope is less than or equal to ^5 ' — X = 9, Y = 2). Here nine steps are required and the move in each step is either— -1^ or • . ^ X (0,0) 1 23U5 6t 89 Figure 7 Approximation of a Vector Between (0,0) and (9j2) by Using the ICG Algorithm As stated before, the approximation will not deviate from the straight vector between (0,0) and (9,2) by more than half a unit. This is accomplished by checking at every interval of X whether the Y coordinate of the theoretical vector exceeds a certain threshold level. If it does, the move is diagonal. Otherwise, it is horizontal. The initial threshold level is — , and it is increased by one every time Y is incremented (diagonal move). In this fashion we perform in each interval move, whose end points are the closest to the original vector. At first, we would like to approximate the portion of the vector while <_ X <_ 1. If y(X = l) > p- , a diagonal move is made. 22 Otherwise the move is horizontal. In this exaniple y(X = l) <; — so that a horizontal move is performed. In the second step, the vector in the interval 1 ^ X _^ 2 is approximated "by comparing y(X = 2) with — resulting once again in a horizontal move. In the next step, the interval of interest is 2 <_ X <_ 3. y(X = 3) is greater than — so that a diagonal move takes place and the threshold level is 3 increased to ^ . The process continues in this manner. The resulting approximation is described in Figure 7- The ICG logic is divided into two parts — the first which generates the incremental command and the second which updates registers X and Y and performs additional control functions. (See Figures 8-ll). The hardware for the first part includes an adder, a counter (c), three 10-bit registers (A, B, and D), two control flip-flops (L and G), decoding logic and a 3-bit buffer register. During vector mode, registers DX and DY are loaded with the values of AX and AY. The changes AX and AY, representing a vector, will be converted into a series of moves that will approximate this vector. Also loaded are the signs and intensifying bits of the changes. After the two load cycles, the ICG enters state Fl. (See Figure 6b). The contents of DX is moved to Ml, and that of DY to M2. Subtraction is used to compare the absolute values of the changes in each direction. The existence or absence of an overflow will set or reset flip-flop L. This occurs in state F2. In state F3, the contents of DX (l-i^xl) is transferred to register A or B depending on whether L is "l" or "O". The contents of DY (|Ay|) is moved to B or A following the same condition. Upon entering state fU, register A will contain the largest value between AX and AY. This value is also stored in counter C which will control the number of 23 moves required in order to approximate the vector. Half of the contents of A is stored in register D which will determine later in the process whether a move has to he in a diagonal or horizontal (vertical) direction. In state F5 the counter is checked for zero, and if it is not, the ICG will proceed. to f6. Here the contents of B is added to that of D, and in state FT it is compared with A. This is done in order to find whether the slope of the original vector is smaller or greater than ^ . This fact (G = 0,l) together with the signs of AX and AY (S and S ) and the status of L are the inputs to the decoding logic which in state F9 generates the 3-hit incremental command. This command is stored temporarily in a register. The hardware of the second part includes counters X and Y (lU bits each), scale logic, and two 3-hit registers X and Y,. The two counters simulate the coordinates of the beam as if a real picture is being displayed at the same time the picture information is generated. They are updated as a result of the incremental command in the following manner: During state F9, when the code is generated, it is applied to a combinational logic circ\iit. This circuit decides whether X and Y should be incremented or decremented. This information is fed to scale logic where the scale factor desires (l, 2, k, or 8) has been stored before. The result is that the increment or decrement piilse is applied at state FIO to one of the four least significant positions of the counter. The updated contents of the coimters is checked now to see whether the beam position they are simulating is outside the specified page limits. If it is, an edge interrupt is then issued. The transfer of the incremental command to a second buffer is inhibited if one or more of the following conditions holds: 2k 1. Edge interrupt (HEF or VEF are ON). 2. An attempt is made to position the "beam outside the screen limits. 3. The beam in its new position inside the screen should "be OFF. In cases 2 and 3, the PM flip-flop is set to inhibit the transfer. Consequently, the nonintensified moves, or moves beyond the screen limit will not be recorded on the disk. If the conditions mentioned above do not exist, the PM flip-flop is checked to see if it is in "l" state. If it is, this means that the previous move was not recorded on the disk. In this case the beam has to be brought to a position where the display will start. This is done by transferring the updated values of X and Y counters to the disk rather than the incremental command of the last move. Otherwise the transfer of the incremental command is enabled by a p\ilse TIC. At Fll the three bits are moved to the Direction Buffer Register (DBR) and the ICG goes back to state F5 . In order to gain speed when translating the vector representa- tion into a series of incremental commands, many of the operations starting at state F5 may overlap. When the first command has to be generated, the ICG enters state F5 and performs the operations as described above. States f6 and FT will follow if the contents of counter C is not zero. At that time, an additional attempt to generate another move is initiated by checking the contents of C and proceeding in the same way as the first time. A third attempt is made in state F9. From there on the ICG will perform three different operations in parallel. While in state FIO , for example, the updating of the X,Y 0Y(I.2).(7,81 25 o^>== (E t- S U 3 rrj CH ^^>— C^=' " =rfiy 3 ' o 5 Figure 8 Incremental Coimnaiid Generator Arithmetic (Schematic) 26 Figure 9 ICG-Page and Screen Size Control (Flowchart) 27 O u 3 3 m JTO iD 1) r-- r^ feu <: l< < l< -I> 043- _ IT £ ? o " Sk 3 t f^> 3 d rr T>-^r •H e CO H o 3 o H O D is performed for the third one. Once counter C is found to he zero, say while the ICG is in FT, the operations will continue until the ICG reaches state F5. The normal sequence will be terminated, and the ICG goes to state F12. Any transfer to the DPU core buffer is inhibited. If the escape bit is off, the ICG will return to state Fl; otherwise, the next PDP-8 instruction will not be implemented as a data state instruction. C. Increment Mode Instructions in this mode are executed by part of the ICG hardware. The sequence of operations is as follows: State Fl: The contents of register DY, bits 3-5, is transferred to a 3-bit register, and bits 1-2 (number of moves) to counter C. State F9: The 3-bit direction code is gated to a second register. This is the same one used in vector mode to store the incremental command. A flip-flop H is set to indicate that the first half of the instruction is being executed. The code representing the direction of the move, as stated by the programmer, will be treated in the same manner as the incremental command generated by the ICG. 30 States FIO and Fll: 'LTie ICG will function the same way as described above. The ICG proceeds to state F5 and the counter C is decremented. If it is greater than zero, the next state is FIO; otherwise, the next state is F9. Flip-flop H is reset, and information of the second half of the instruction is gated as in state Fl. The execution of the second part of the instruction is terminated when the counter C, which is checked in state F5 , is zero. The ICG then proceeds to state F12. 31 VII . INTERRUPTS One or more display terminals may require the attention of the PDP-8 and consequently that of the DPU. There are several conditions , most of them related to the position of the "beam on the screen or to operator initiative at a partic\alar display tenninal, that will set display flags that can interrupt the PDP-8. The states of display flags are sensed by lOT skip instructions. The flags used have the same interpretation as in DEC 338: 1. Edge violation. 2. External stop. 3. Joystick (light-pen). k. Push button hit. 5. Manual interrupt. Unlike the DEC 338, it is not necessary to stop the display after an interrupt. Flags 1-U may be cleared by one of the following PDP-8 instructions: RESl, RES2, and CFD. Unlike its use in \isual PDP-8 programs, internal stop command must be at the logical end of the display program. It signals the DPU to terminate the display file for which it is now generating incremental commands. The DPU then interrupts the PDP-8 with this information. Violation of the screen edge is detected while generating the incremental commands. The programmer is expected to determine the size of the page by specifying the value of bits U, 5, 6, and T in SIC instruction. This information is decoded into two 3-bit registers X^ and Y^: d d 32 000 - 9.375" (10 bits) 001 - 18.75" (11 bits) Oil - 37.5" (12 bits) 111 - 75.0" (13 bits) The updated counters X and Y are checked every time to see that their values do not exceed the indicated page size. The operation is described by Figure 9 and the logic circuit for it is in Figures 10 and 11. As described above, one of three cases may exist: 1. The limits of the page were violated. A vertical or horizontal edge flag or both will be set, causing an interrupt. 2. The screen limits were violated but the coordinates as specified by X and Y registers are still within the page size. The incremental command which represents the current move will not be transferred to the disk. This process continues until the designated position of the beam is found to be once again inside the screen. Its coordinates, rather than the last increment code, will be stored on the disk for display. In this way, space on the disk track is saved by not storing nondisplayed picture information. 3. Neither of the previous conditions exist. The coordinates represent the beam position within the screen, and the incremental command is moved to the DPU core-memoiy and later to the disk. The manner in which other flags are detected will be described later in this section. 33 A. Interrupt Queueing The PDP-8 may "be interrupted by various I/O devices or conditions internal to the processor. The interrupt request is issued via the PDP-8 interrupt bus. The processor may then determine the cause of the interrupt by sensing the flags , including those mentioned before. In the mult i -terminal configuration we are facing here, the PDP-8 first has to realize that the interrupt call comes from the DPU or one of its affiliated display terminals. Secondly, it must identify the terminal causing the interrupt, and then sense the various flags associated with that display terminal. More than one display terminal may try to interrupt the PDP-8 at one time. It is the responsibility of the DPU to queue those requests and enable the PDP-8 to respond to them one at a time. A special interrupt queueing scheme is devoted to this task. The logic circuit is shown in Figure 12. Each display terminal contains an Interrupt Flip-Flop (IFF). When a particular condition has occurred (joystick hit, push-button, manual interrupt), the IFF is set. There is also a mask register (not shown in the figure) which can inhibit certain classes of interrupts. The mask register, which may be loaded by a SIC instruction or altered by commands on the disk, allows the user to determine which terminals are to respond to particular conditions. The setting of any terminal IFF will set the Central IFF (CIFF). If the PDP-8 is not busy servicing another interrupt request, all the IFF's will be scanned sequentially by a logic circuit. 3k POP 6 INTERRUPT BUS (.LOCK PULSE GENERATOR CENTRAL INTERRUPT TO INSTRUCTION DECODER (END OF INTERRUPT! L, TERMINAL — — 1_J c. Make no announcement or distrubution. 5. REASON FOR RECOMMENDED RESTRICTIONS: 6. SUBMITTED BY: NAME AND POSITION (Please print or type) C. W. Gear, Professor and Principle Investigator Organization Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 ^""""" ^J^^^ 9^- Date July 30, 1969 FOR AEC USE ONLY '■ l^' rr.?: '°^''''""^™"'' "°^'^^'^"^' -^ ^^^- °^ ^«°-^ announcement and distribution RECOMMENDATION: 8. PATENT CLEARANCE: D a. AEC patent clearance has been granted by responsible AEC patent group. U b. Report has been sent to responsible AEC patent group for clearance. LJ c. Patent clearance not required. -- -W;.^ N^ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-UHBANA 510 84 IL6R no C002 no 343 348(1969 Internal raport/ 3 0112 088398653 '.'^A VI *i 'i/