y. * f j$f? ‘ 1 f J' # y/^ > * J demote storage ©miDEsr^sroisffl & ^CKS OFFICE OF THE ®3‘ ©3^®®©^®©WSg , a WITH A TABLE OP CONTE NTS. Printed by order of the Corporation . Georgetown , I?. <'. 1838 . ORDINANCES OF THE CORPORATION OF GEORGETOWN An ORDINANCE declaring that the election of all officers of the Corporation shall be made with closed doors. Approved 31st December, 1821. Be it ordained by the Boards of Aldermen and Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That, from and after the passage of this ordinance, the election of all officers of the Corporation shall be made with closed doors, and in joint meeting of the two boards. An ORDINANCE respecting the Penitentiary, Approved 31st December, 1821, Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and the Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That, from and after the first Monday of January next, the captain of the watch, for the time being, shall reside in, and be the keeper of the penitentiary ; and shall ap- propriate a part of the house for the accommodation of the watch. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That all suspicious persons found in the streets after ten o’clock at night, shall be taken up and lodged in the penitentiary, and the next morning carried before the Mayor, or some justice of the peace within the Corporation, to be dealt with ac- 4 cording to law ; and the keeper of the penitentiary shall not be entitled to receive any pay or compensation for the performance of these duties. A RESOLUTION to reduce the salaries of the watch- mem Approved 11th January, 1822. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That, from and after the first day of February next, the sala- ries of each of the watchmen shall be two hundred dol- lars per annum, and no more ; and the salary of the cap- tain of the watch shall continue, as heretofore, to be three hundred dollars per annum. An ORDINANCE appointing commissioners to settle the accounts of Jacob Mountz, late collector. Approved 25th January, 1822. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That Thomas Corcoran, sen. and James A. Magruder, be appointed commissioners to audit and settle the ac- counts of Jacob Mountz, late collector; the said com- missioners shall settle the said accounts on principles of equity, and shall have power to allow credits for all such sums as could not have been collected in consequence of insolvencies, injunctions, or other legal impediments, which, in their opinions, should, in justice, be credited to him. Sec, 2. And be it further ordained, That, in all cases where the said commissioners shall disagree, the same 5 shall be submitted to the Mayor, whose decision shall be final ; and, before entering upon the duties of their office, the said commissioners shall take an oath or affirmation, to decide on all the cases which shall come before them, to the best of their knowledge and judgment. An ORDINANCE for locating a fish market, and pro- viding for renting the wharf property belonging to the Corporation. Approved 21st February, 1822. Be it ordained by th 5 Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That, hereafter, the fish market, during the season of fishing for shad and herrings, shall be held on the Cor- poration wharf, lying south of Market space, including that part formerly leased to Samuel Turner, jr. s and with- in such limits as the Mayor may direct \ and the Mayor shall lay out on said property as many stands as he may deem advisable ; at which stands it shall be lawful for any person having a tavern license within the Corpora- tion, to sell liquors during the fishing season, which shall be construed to commence on the first day of April, and to terminate on the first day of June in each year. Sec. 2. And be it farther ordained , That all fresh fish brought to market during the fishing season, shail be landed within the limits aforesaid ; and that no person shall clean any fish at the said market, except on boards or platforms, so constructed that the blood and offal shall be discharged into the water. Sec. 3. And be it farther ordained , That the Mayor shall advertise, and sell to the highest bidder, by the first Monday of March ensuing, the use of the aforesaid wharf, for a term not exceeding two years, requiring of the pur« chaser or renter, satisfactory security for the punctual payment, quarter-yearly, to the clerk of the corporation, 6 of the rent that may he agreed upon ; and, also, that the said wharf shall, during the fishing season, be used ex- clusively for the fish market ; and the Mayor shall grant to the said purchaser or renter, all the privileges herein- before named, with the right to collect twelve and a half cents wharfage on every hundred shad, and the like sum for every thousand herrings that may be landed thereon, and no more; and the further right of using the said wharf, after the fishing season, for ordinary purposes. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That every person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars for each offence, to be recovered before the Mayor, or any justice of the peace for the county of Washington, one-half to be paid upon recovery, to the informer, and the other half for the use of the corporation. Sec. 5 And be it further ordained , That it is hereby made the duty of the second police officer to attend gen- erally, during the fishing season, at the said fish market* and take care that the provisions of this ordinance be ob- served, and report to the Mayor any infractions that may take place ; and it shall also be his duty, under the di- rection of the Mayor, to see that the canal be kept clean, by having the sediment, &c. throwui out, and removed a§ often as it accumulates in any quantity. Sec. 6. And be it further ordained , That the Mayor is hereby authorized to have the said wharf property gradu- ated and well gravelled, before the fishing season com- mences, and his orders on the clerk for all such expenses are hereby ordered to be paid, and charged to the wharf ; and it is made the duty of the clerk to credit the said ac? count with all the rents that may be collected* 7 An ORDINANCE to repeal part of an Ordinance, ap- proved the 10th of February, 1821, entitled “An Or- dinance for the better regulating of the market in Georgetown,” and for other purposes. Approved 8th March, 1822. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council oj the Corporation of Georgetown That, from and after the passage of this ordinance, the eighth and ninth sections of the above-mentioned ordi- nance be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That it shall not he lawful for any person or persons, who follow the busi- ness of a huckster, or any person employed by him, her, or them, to purchase, or cffer to purchase, contract or bargain for, in any way or manner whatever, any kind of fruit, vegetables, dead meat, wild fowl, poultry, butter, lard, tallow, eggs, meal, or fresh fish, within the limits of the market, or which may be coming to market, and within the jurisdiction of this corporation, during market hours, in greater quantity than may be sufficient for the maintenance of his, her, or their family, for tw*o days; under a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars for each and every offence, one half to the informer, and the other half to the use of this corporation. An ORDINANCE providing for the redemption of the coiporation bills. Approved 22d March, 1822. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and the Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That John Kurtz, of the Board of Aldermen, and John Marbury and Samuel McKenney, of the Board of Com- 8 mon Council, be, and they are hereby, appointed a com- miitee, with authority, and they are requested to cause two thousand impressions to be printed from the plate lately engraved for the use of this corporation, and to der liver the same, when prepared, to the Mayor, in such sums as may appear to said committee necessary and proper, to be by him signed, taking his receipt for the same ; and, when the said notes are so signed, the Mayor shall return the same to the committee, and his receipt thereupon returned, to be by them delivered to the clerk, they taking his receipt therefor; and that the said notes shall be countersigned, dated, and numbered, by the clerk, and that the clerk shall enter in a book, to be kept for the purpose, an accurate register of the date, denomination, and number of each note, by him issued, as hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty of the clerk, when the said notes have been signed, dated, numbered, and registered as aforesaid, to make a special deposit of the same in the Bank of Co- lumbia, to the credit of his official account, to be drawn by him exclusively for the redemption of the old issues oi bills of this corporation, in his own, or the hands of third persons, and for no other purpose: Provided , hoic- ever, when the said notes shall have come to the treasury, by the redemption of old bills in the hands of the clerk, pr in payment of public dues, they may be re-issued by the Clerk, in payment of the appropriations of this cor- poration. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained , That the said com- mittee shall have power to cause such additional number of impressions to be printed from the said plate as they shall find necessary, to effect the complete redemption of the old bills of this corporation, and to deliver the same to the Mayor and Clerk, to be signed, numbered, dated, registered, issued, and re-issued, in manner aforesaid, taking receipts as before : Provided , however , that the 9 said committee shall not have power to put into circula- tion, at any time, a larger sum of said notes than twenty thousand dollars. Sec. 4 . And be it farther ordained j That the clerk shall assort, and put up in bundles of fifty dollars each, the old notes of this corporation, when redeemed as aforesaid, to be delivered by him, monthly, to the said committee, to be by them re-counted and burned ; and that the said committee grant receipts to the clerk for such amount of said notes as shall be by them destroyed, from time to time ; that the said plate, and all impres- sions from the same, remaining in the hands of said com- mittee, and the receipts of the clerk for such as may be delivered to him, from time to time, shall be deposited by the said committee, and kept in some place of safety, to be delivered over by them, annually, to such persons as the corporation shall appoint to succeed them in the discharge of duties hereby imposed on said committee. Sec. 5. And be it farther ordained , That the sum of two hundred and seventy-five dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated for the payment of the expense of engraving said plate, and printing and issuing the said notes, to be paid to the order of the Mayor, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. A SUPPLEMENT to the Ordinance relating to Dogs. Approved 29th March, 1822. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That, instead of the present tax for a license to keep an animal of the dog kind, the following tax be paid for such li- cense, that is to say : five dollars for each and every male of the dog kind, and for each and every female ani- mal of the dog kind, twenty dollars ; and all parts of 10 former ordinances, inconsistent with the provisions of this supplement, and only such parts, be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Sec. 2. And be it ordained , That it shall be the duty of the police officers to call on all persons owning, or having in their custody, or suffering to be about their premises, any animal of the dog kind, for the keeping of which a license has not been taken out, and to demand of such person or persons the delivering up of any and every such dog ; and any such person failing or refusing so to deliver up such dog or dogs to said police officers, shall, for each and every offence, forfeit and pay a fine not exceeding twent) dollars, to be recovered before the Mayor, or any justice of the peace for the county of Washington. RESOLVE respecting the vending of spirituous liquors on the fish wharf, contrary to law. Approved 22d April, 1822* Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Coancil of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, requested to ascertain whether any person or persons have been guilty of vend- ing spirituous liquors on the fish wharf, contrary to the provisions of the ordinance granting tavern license ; and* if any such violation shall hereafter occur, to punish the same as the aforesaid ordinance directs ; and that he in- struct the police officers to attend at the said wharf on the Sabbath, and prevent the sale of liquors to citizens on that day, and to prevent all kinds of disorder on said whaif, and particularly improper assemblages of negroes. ii A RESOLUTION authorizing John Mason to remove his Fe ry. Approved 7th May, 1822. Whereas application hath been made to this corpora- tion, by John Mason, the proprietor of the ferry kept across the Potomac, at Georgetown, stating that he is about to ply at said ferry a boat, or boats, propelled by horses, of recent invention ; that, from the experience had in boats of that description, there is cause to believe that the reason which induced the removal of the said ferry some years ago, (as, among other things, provided for in a deed of indenture, made between him and the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, and Common Council of Georgetown, on the first day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and five,) will, because of the superior speed of such boats, no longer exist ; that the passage of boats will not, at certain times, be so injuri- ously affected at the place where the ferry was formerly kept, as where it is now kept; and that, on this account, it may be as w^ell to the pubdc convenience and to his interest, that it should be carried back to the place where it was formerly kept ; that he is willing to make the ex. periment at his own expense, provided such removal shall not be construed to lessen the rights and privileges vested in him, or to affect the stipulations entered into with him by the corporation, in the before- mentioned deed of in- denture ; and provided, for the time being, the same rights and privileges, as to the landing place, and the passage of the boats, be extended to him for the place contemplated to make the experiment : And whereas the corporation are willing to yield every reasonable facility toward the object contemplated : Therefore, Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the said John Mason and his representatives be, and they are hereby, authorized to remove the said ferry from the 2 12 present passage, between the island and the end of Wa- ter street, (n< w called High street,) to the former pass- age between the main land and the end of Frederick street, without, in any degree, lessening the rights and privileges vested in him, or affecting the stipulations en- tered into with him, bv the corporation, in the herein- before mentioned indenture; and that he and they shall there have and enjoy the same rights and privileges that he now possesses at the present passage and landing place ; and particularly, that he and they shall have the right of occupying and improving, as to him or them may seem fit, for the convenience of landing and taking off passengers, protecting the boats, and the easy access of carriages, the whole width of Frederick street, from the south side of Water street, so far as the same can be done without contravening any of the acts of the State of Maryland, or of Congress ; and further, that, if, on trial, it shall not be found, in the opinion of the said John Mason, or his representatives, to the advantage of the said ferry to continue to keep it at the aforesaid passage from the main land to the end of Frederiek street, then, and in such rase, he or they shall be at liberty, at any time within three years from the date of this Resolution, and not after, to bring the said ferr) hack to ils present situation, and there to continue to ply the boats as here- tofore : Provided, that during the time that the said ferry shall be kepi at the passage between the main land and the end of Frederick street, the Corporation shall have all the rights, and enjoy all the advantages, of the pro- perty on High street ; and if, on trial, it should be found, in the opinion of the said John Mason, or his represen- tatives, to the advantage of the said ferry to keep it at the aforesaid passage from the main land to the end of Frederick street, more than three years from the date of this Resolution, that then he shall execute to the Corpo- ration a release of so much of his contract as relates to the present landing ; and the Corporation shall grant to 13 him all the rights in the landing on Frederick street, sub- ject to the restrictions of said acts of Assembly and of Congress, which he now has in the present landing. And be it further Resolved , That the assent, in writ- ing, of the said John Mason, to the conditions of the aforegoing Resolution, shall be lodged with the Mayor, precedent to the extension of his privileges to Frederick street, made therein ; and that the said assent, in writing be handed over by the Mayor to the Clerk of the Corpo- ration for safe keeping. And be it further Resolved , That the aforegoing pre- amble and Resolutions shall be substituted for, and taken in lieu of, the resolutions approved the nineteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, in relation to the same subject ; and that the said last men- tioned resolutions be, and the same are hereby, repealed. An ORDINANCE for repaving Bridge, High and Water streets, including Market Space. Approved 16th May, 1822. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , that at the first meeting of the Corporation after the passage of this Ordinance, there be appointed, by joint ballot of the two boards, a superintendant on each of the follow- ing streets, that is, Bridge, High, and Water streets, in- cluding Market Space with Water street, each of whom shall receive, for their services, two dollars and fifty cents per day, while employed in the work of superintending the repaving; removable, however, at the pleasure of this Corporation ; and, in the event of a vacancy, it shall be filled by the Mayor, during the recess of the Corpo- ration. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That each of the said superintendants be, and they are hereby authorized 14 and required to cause the street on which he is appointed superintendent to be repaved, where, in his judgment, it is necessary, and repaired on those parts where it can be advantageously done, so that the work shall be done in a substantial, durable, and workmanlike manner; and that the sum of ten thousand dollars be, and the same is here- by, appropriated to defray the expenses of the said work. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty of each of the said superintendants to purchase all necessary materials, and to have all the work, relative to the said streets, done by skilful persons, to be engag- ed by him in behalf of this Corporation, and employed under bis immediate superintendarice : Provided , however 9 that neither of the said superintendants shall employ his own hands, horses or carts, or any in which he may be interested ; or be concerned, directly or indirectly, in any contract, or contracts, whereby a profit may accrue for work to be done, or materials to be found, under his di- rection or superintendance, as officers of this Corpora- tion, under a penalty of twenty dollars for each and every offence, to be recovered as other small debts are, for the use of this Corporation. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained , That each of the said superintendams shall keep a book, in which he shall enter the names of all laborers, and the number of horses and carts, employed by him, together with the number of days they are employed in each week, and their daily pay ; and shall, on the afternoon of Saturday in each week, make out and subscribe the proceedings of the past week, in he following form: What work or employ- ment. Labor- ers’ names. Carts and horses. Monday. Tuesday JO Vj: s D £ Thursday. eO £ Saturday. Rate of wages Ain’t of wages •’ * ‘ which said weekly account, subscribed by the sqperin- tendants, shall be delivered to the Mayor, who, being satisfied as to its fairness and correctness, shall thereupon draw an order, or warrant, on the Clerk of the Corpora- tion, for the payment of the amount thereof to the said superintendant, and the same shall be filed in the Clerk’s office, as a voucher for the amount of money thereupon paid *, and each of the said superintendents shall, at the expiration of the time of his employment, deposit said original book with the Clerk, to remain in his office as other public documents. Sec. 5. And be it farther Ordained , That, for the pay* ment of all materials purchased by said superintendents on account of the said work, they shall certify each res- pective debt or claim to the Mayor, who, being satisfied as to the fairness and justness thereof, shall thereupon draw an order or warrant, on the Clerk of this Corporation for the payment of the amount thereof to the respective holders ; which said warrant, when paid, shall be filed iq the Clerk’s office, as a voucher for the amount of money thereupon paid ; and the said superintendents, before entering upon the duties of the said office, shall take an oath or affirmation, and g;ve bonds, in the penalty of five hundred dollars each, for the faithful performance of the duties of the said office. Sec. 6. And be it further Ordained , That the Mayor, Daniel Kurtz, Romulus Riggs, and Clement Smith, are hereby appointed commissioners, and are authorized and requested to open books, for a loan of ten thousand dol- lars, at an interest not exceeding six per centum per an- num, payable quarter-yearly at the Bank of Columbia, for the use of this corporation ; which said loan shall he irredeemable (unless with the consent of the lenders) for ten years from the passage of this ordinance; and, for the purpose of facilitating said loan, the Mayor is author- ized to issue certificates of stock, under his hand and the seal of this corporation, for sums of money not less than 16 fifty dollars, or exceeding one thousand, upon the terms aforesaid ; and the said stock shall be transferable on the books of this corporation, in person, or by attorney. Sec. 7. And be it further Ordained , That the faith and funds of this corporation are hereby pledged for the punc- tual payment of interest, and reimbursement'^ principal , and the clerk is hereby directed to pay the interest as it may become due, out of any money in his hands not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 8. And be it further ordained That the clerk shall place the sum of four thousand dollars to the credit of Bridge street, three thousand dollars to the credit of High street, and three thousand dollars to the credit of Water street and Market space ; and that the price for labor and materials to be used on said streets, shall be the same on each. An ORDINANCE levying a general tax for the year eighteen hundred and twenty-two. Approved 17th May, 1822. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown^ That there be levied and imposed a tax of thirty-seven and a half cents on every hundred dollars worth of real and personal property within the jurisdiction of the Cor- poration, according to the assessment made in pursuance of an ordinance passed on the tirst day of July, eighteen hundred and twenty, or which may be included in any additional assessment, embracing improvements made, and property acquired, and brought within the limits of the town, since the last assessment of the tirst of July, eighteen hundred and twenty. Sec. 2 Be it further ordained, That William Thom, son, jr., appointed collector on the first Monday of Jan- uary last, be, and he is hereby, required to collect the 17 tax imposed by this ordinance, on or before the first day ol September next, and pa) r the same over to the Clerk of the Corporation, as it shall be collected ; and, if any per- son shall refuse or negiect to pay the tax hereby imposed, and the same shall remain unpaid on the first day of No- vember it shall and may be lawful for the collector to execute the property of such defaulter for the amount due, including his execution fee of two dollars, first giving at least thirty days public notice, in one of the newspapers of the towm, to persons residing within the District of Columbia, and sixty days notice to persons residing without the District of Columbia, of the time and place of sale, before any such sale shall take place : Provided , that it shall be the duty of the collector to deliver to each individual, if to be found within the town, an account o* the said tax, at least twenty days before the same shall be demanded. Sec. 3 And be it farther Ordained , That, before the said Collector shall commence the execution of his of- fice, under this Ordinance, he shall give bond and secur- ity, to be approved by the Mayor, in the sum of twenty thousand ollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the dudes that are, or may be, imposed on him as Col- lector, by this or any other Ordinance that has been, o r may be, passed by this Corporation, during the continu- ance of sa.d Collector in office ; and that he will well and truly pay over the Tax to he collected in virtue of thi s Ordinance, and all other Taxes, of whatever nature or description, that he may be authorized to collect, accord- ing to the terms and conditions, and within the time or times limited in this, or any other ordinance that has been, or may be, passed during his continuance in office. Sec. 4. And be it farther ordained , That it shall be the duty of the said collector to exhibit a clear and satis- factory account of his proceedings in the collection afore- said, and finally to adjust and settle his accounts for the collection aforesaid, with the said clerk, on or before the first day of February next. 18 Sec. 5. Be if further ordained , That if, by means of insolvencies, or other legal impediments, the said collec- tor shall be prevented from collecting the whole of the tax imposed by this or any other ordinance, on or before the said first day of February next, ii shall be the duty of the collector to render to the Ma; yor a list of such de- linquents, noting hereon the amount of tax due by each of them, together with the causes which may have pre- vented the collection thereof; and if the said Mayor, to- gether with two members of the Board of Aldermen, shall be satisfied therewith, they shall thereupon direct the Clerk to credit the said collector with the amount of tax due by such delinquents respectively, and which could not, for the causes before stated, be collected. Sec. 6 . Be it further ordained, That the said collector shall also collect all front foot taxes, whether for the im- provement of streets or otherwise, and all other taxes which he may be, by the Corporation, directed to collect ; and the said collector shall perform the said services, and be subject to the like penalties, and be entitled to all the power and privileges, that are provided in the ordinance of the seventeenth of May, eighteen hundred and two, or any subsequent ordinances on the same subject, so far as relates to the collection of such from foot taxes, and ac- counting for the same ; and that, when all the accounts of the said collector shall be finally settled and passed, by the Mayor and any two members of the Board of Al- dermen, his bond shall be given up, and considered can- celled. Sec. 7. And he it farther Ordained , That the said Collector, for his services, shah be allowed to retain in his hands the following rates of commissions, that is to say : for collecting the general tax hereby imposed, five per centum, and for collecting front foot taxes, three per centum. Sec 8. And be it further Ordained , That the Collec- tor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to allow i9 a discount of three per centum on all the general taxes paid him, on or before the first day of July next. Sec. 9. And be it further Ordained , That where taxes are due from the same person on several lots, and re- main unpaid after the periods herein limited, it shall be the duty of the Collector to advertise and sell for the taxes due upon the whole lots at one time ; and, for the collection thereof, he shall be allowed but one execution fee, and no more. An ORDINANCE providing for the settlement of all arrears of Taxes due prior to the year eighteen hun- dred and twenty. Approved 15th June, 1822. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That Jacob Mountz, late Collector, be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to receive from any persons in arrears for Taxes due the Corporation prior to the year eighteen hundred and twenty, the amount of such arrears in promissory notes, payable as follows ; for all sums under twenty dollars, in nine months; over twenty, and not exceeding forty dollars, in six and twelve months ; and if over forty dollars, in six, twelve and eighteen months, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, which are hereby understood and declared to be secured by the property Which is now bound for the pay- ment of said taxes. Sec. 2. Be it further Ordained , That the said Col- lector pay over to the Clerk of the Corporation, monthly all such notes as maj be by him received for the Taxes aforesaid, in lieu of money, and grant him the usual re- ceipts therefore, to be allowed in any settlement of ac- counts with the said Collector. 3 20 Sec. 3. Be it further Ordained, That three months be allowed the said Collector to complete the collection in the manner herein provided ; and that a final settlement of his accounts be made in six months from the passage of this Ordinance, with the Clerk, under the superinten- dence of the Mayor; Sec. § 4. And be it further Ordained , That, where per- sons do not avail themselves of the indulgence hereby allowed, by passing their notes to the said Collector, within three months from this time, he be, and is hereby, authorized and directed to collect the taxes due, by sale of the property, first giving the usual notice, Sec 5. And be it farther ordained, That the Resolu- tion ordering the said Collector to suspend his collections approved the third of June, eighteen hundred and twenty two, be and the same is hereby, repealed. A SUPPLEMENT to the Ordinance, entitled “an Ordi- nance for repaving Bridge, High and Water Streets, including Market Space.” Approved 15th June, 1822. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to con- vey the wharf property at the bottom of Market Space, to secure the payment of the principal of the loan au- thorized by the Ordinance of this Corporation, entitled “An Ordinance for repaving Bridge, High and Water streets, including Market Space,” approved the sixteenth of May, eighteen hundred and twenty two; and that the rents of the said wharf, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and they are hereby, set apart and pledg- ed to pay the interest of the said loan. 21 A RESOLUTION authorizing the erection of a Fire- proof Tobacco Warehouse, for the Corporation. Approved 3d July, 1822. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Mayor, John Kurtz, and James Dunlop, Jr of the Board of Aldermen, and Samuel McKenney, and Jere* miah W. Bronaugh, of the Board of Common Council, be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered to contract with any person or persons for a suitable lot for a Fire-proof Tobacco Warehouse ; and the', are hereby further authorized to contract for building the same, of a capacity to contain two thousand hogsheads of *obacco, upon such terms as will best comport with the interests of the town ; the designation of the scite, and the con- tracts for its purchase, and for building the Warehouse; to be submitted to the Corporation for their approval, and not to be binding till approved and confirmed. An ORDINANCE providing for the settlement of cer- tain accounts, standing open on ihe books of the Cor- poration. Approved 8th July, 1822. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That some fit and proper person be elected, by joint bal- lot of the two Boards of this Corporation at the next meeting after the passage of this Ordinance, who shall, under the superintendence of the Mayor, audit and settle all accounts, including street commissioners’ accounts, standing open and unsettled on the books of the Corpo- ration, in such maimer as may appear to be just and proper. 22 Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That the person so elected, before he enters upon the duties, shall take, before the Mayor an oath that he will settle all accounts that lie may be required to settle under this Ordinance, according to the best of his skill and judgment ; and, if he should find any difficulty in the settlement of any ac- count, that he shall report the same to the Corporation for their consideration. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained , That the said person, so elected, shall receive such compensation for his services as the Corporation may hereafter determine. A RESOLUTION for the purchase of lots, and for building a public Tobacco Warehouse. Approved 17th August, 1822* Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That, the committee appointed on the subject of the Tobacco Warehouse, together with Doctor Magruder and General Smith, be authorized to raise, by loan, the sum of five thousand dollars, for which there shall be issued, to the lenders, a like sum of six per cent, stock, redeemable in five years, the interest to be paid to the holders quarter- yearly ; and, as soon as the said sum is raised, by the issue of stock as aforesaid, the committee are hereby au- thorized to contract wilh ihe Bank of Columbia for the purchase of their lot on High street, at and for the price of three thousand dollars payable in six per cent, stock, redeemable in five years, the interest to be paid quarterly; and to contract, on like terms, and for the same price per front foot, with Burnett and Rigden, for their lot adjoin- ing the lot of the Bank of Columbia: Provided , the said committee are satisfied that good titles can be procured for said lots ; and the said committee are further author- 23 ized, as soon as the said loan and purchase are effected, to advertise for, and to receive proposals for, building a fire-proof warehouse on said lots, capable of containing two thousand hogsheads of tobacco. And be it further resolved , That the said committee shall determine upon the proposals offered, and enter into such contracts for the building of a fire-proof warehouse, as to them shall appear most to the advantage of the town, and forthwith to commence and complete the warehouse; and, when completed, they shall report to the Corporation, and render vouchers for the payments made by them. And be it further resolved , That the Mayor be author- ized to issue stock to an amount not exceeding ten thou- sand doMars, to carry into effect the purposes of this Or- dinance; and that he be further authorized to pledge the property, and the rents and profits thereof, for the punc- tual payment of the interest, and for redeeming the prin- cipal of said stock, at the expiration of the time limited for its redemption. And be it further resolved , That a majority of said committee shall be competent, at all times, to act upon, and to decide, all matters committed to them by this Resolution. A SUPPLEMENT to the Ordinance, entitled “an Or- dinance for licensing and regulating Auctions within the limits of Georgetown.” Approved 21st September, 1822. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That from and after the passing of this Ordinance, every person exercising the trade or business of an Auctioneer, within the limits of this Corporation, and obtaining li- 24 cense as such Auctioneer, shall, for each and every such licence, instead of the sum required by the sixth section of the Ordinance to which this is a supplement, pay to the Clerk of the Corporation, the sum of five hundred dollars, to be paid quarter-yearly in advance : Provided , that if any Auctioneer or Auctioneers shall, at the end of any quarter, fail to pay for the next quarter in advance, as aforesaid, his or their license shall thereupon cease, and become void, and he and they become liable to all the fines and penalties to which others are subject, who carry on the business of Auctioneers without license : And provided further , that this supplement shail not affect the rights of any person or persons now holding licen- ses under the Ordinance to which this is a supplement, during the continuance of such licenses ; but all such persons, during the periods for which their licenses have been granted, shall be subject to all the terms, condi- tions and regulations, prescribed in the act to which this is a supplement : And provided , lastly , that any person or persons now having licenses, as Auctioneers, may, at their option, surrender the same, upon taking out new licenses, conformably to the provisions of this supple- ment. Sec. 2. And he it further ordained , That the bond re- quired by the first section of the act to which this is a supplement, shail be made payable to the Corporation in their corporate name, and shall be approved by the Mayor ; and any bond executed by an Auctioneer or Auctioneers, and his or their securities, as is provided for in this act, and the act to which this is a supplement, shall be recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Cor- poration; and any person conceiving him or herself in- terested in the faithful execution of said bond, shall be entitled to, and have a copy of such bond, and a certifi- cate from the Clerk, under his hand and the seal of this Corporation ; upon which copy and certificate an action may be maintained, in the name of the Corporation, for 25 the lise of the party interested, and judgment may be re- covered upon such action for the damage actually sus- tained ; and the like recovery may be had upon said bond by the Corporation, in their corporate name, against any Auctioneers and their securities. Sec. 3. And be it further Ordained , That so much of the ordinance to which this is a supplement, as requires a per centum on sales to be paid to this Corporation, and so much only as may be inconsistent with the provisions of this supplement, be, and the same is hereby, repealed. RESOLVE authorizing a further loan to erect a Tobacco Warehouse. Approved 18th October, 1822. Resolved , That, for the purpose Of raising a sum fully adequate to build the new tobacco warehouse, and to purchase the necessary machinery, the commissioners for building said house be, and they are hereby, authorized to borrow, on the terms of the former loan, a further sum not exceeding two thousand dollars. A SUPPLEMENT to an ordinance, entitled c% An Or- dmance licensing retailers of porter, ale, and strong beer,” approved the 23d ot December, eighteen hun- dred and twenty. Approved 25th January, 1823. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council oj the Corporation of Georgetown , That, instead of the sum of forty dollars for a license to retail, or in any wise sell, porter, ale, or strong beer, in a smaller quantity than five gallons, as required by the 26 ordinance to which this is a supplement, any person or persons shall only pay the sum of ten dollars ; and that, on payment of the sum of ten dollars, a license shall be granted by the Mayor in the same manner that such li- censes have heretofore been granted, under the ordinance to which this is a supplement. RESOLVE for making public a pump on Olive street. Approved 25th January, 1823. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to take an assignment from Messrs. Burgess, Dixon, and Trun- nell, of their pump on Olive street, near the corner of Green street ; and that the same hereafter be kept in re- pair at the expense of the Corporation; RESOLUTION appointing Judges of Elections. Approved 15th February, 1823. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That Thomas Corcoran, sen. Darius Clagett, William S. Nich- olls, John L Stull, and Thomas Hyde, or any two of them, in conjunction with the Mayor, be, and they are hereby, appointed judges of all elections of members of the Corporation, which may be necessary to be holden, until the fourth Monday of February, eighteen hundred and twenty-four* i 27 A RESOLUTION respecting the new Tobacco Ware* house* Approved 25th March, 1823. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That we approve the decision of the commissioners for building the Tobacco Warehouse, in changing the location of the warehouse, and in determining to erect it on the rear of the lot ; and a sum sufficient to cut down and remove the earth throughout the whole extent of the lot, is hereby appropriated, to be disbursed under the direction of the commissioners. And be it further resolved , That the said commission- ers have the authority of this Corporation to make such alterations in the thickness of the walls, under the exist- ing contract, and in the number of stories, as to them may seem expedient ; and tne faith of the Corporation is here- by pledged to meet the expenditures incurred in the al- terations to be made. 4 28 EXTRACTS OF *f*V aCT OF COJYGRESS, ENTITLED An ACT supplementary to the Act “ to incorporate the inhabitants ot the City of Washington” passed the fifteenth of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty, aiid for other purposes. Approved May 26, 1824. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That public notice of the time and place of sale, of any real property charge- able with taxes in Georgetown or Alexandria, in all cases hereafter, shall be given, once in' each week, for twelve successive weeks, in some one newspaper printed in each of said places, and in the National Intelligencer,' in which shall be stated the number of the lot or lots, or parts of lots thereof, intended to be sold, and the value'' of the assessment, and the amount of the taxes due and owing thereon. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted , That if, before th® day of sale, advertised as aforesaid, the owner, his agent, cr attorney, shall not pay the amount of taxes, with all Costs thereon assessed, said lots, or so many as may be sufficient to discharge the same, shall be sold, for cash, and to the highest bidder, paying therefor ; a certificate fiom the' proper officer shall be issued, setting forth that he is the purchaser, and the amount paid by him, and if, at the expiration of twelve months from the day of sale, the owner shall not appear, and pay to the officer who sold the same, the Mayor, or the purchaser, the amount of the purchase mone), and costs, and taxes accruing’ subsequent to the sale, arid ten per centum interest per annum on the purchase money, it shall and may be lawful lor a title, in fee simple, at the expiration of 29 gaid time, to be made to the purchaser : Provided, that jio sale of real estate shall be made but where the owner or tenant of the property has not sufficient personal estate out of which to enforce a collection of the debt due, and where he has personal property, it shall be law- ful tq collect said taxes by distress 4od sale thereof. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted , That, on or before the first day of April next, and eyery five years thereaf- ter, each of the Cor orations of Washington, Georgetown , and Alexandria, shall cause three respectable freeholders, resident in said city and towns, respectively, being pre- viously sworn to assess and value, and make return of all and ever) species of property by law tax ible, in said Corporations ; and in making their said valuations, they shall determine it agreeably to what they believe it to be worth, in cash, at the time of the valuation. Sec. 10. And be it further enacted , That where any taxes have fallen due, and yet remain unpaid, or where any real estate has been sold by the Corporation of Georgetown or Alexandria, which sale, from any defect of proceeding in relation thereto, has been declared or is considered void, said Corporation may proceed, and are hereby authorized, to collect s lid taxes by sale of the real estate, liab'e, agreeable to the provisions of this act, in relation to other cases of collecting taxes hereafter to fall due ; Provided , That, where any person, without notice of the out standing taxes, has made a bona fide purchase from the legal owner of any real estate, pre- vious to the fifteenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty four, said real estate, so acquired, shall pot be liable for the taxes due and owing previous to said purchase. Sec. 11. And' be it further enacted , That all titles to property conveyed, as aforesaid, on sales for taxes made in either of said places, shall be by deed from the Mayor under the seal of the Corporation, which said conveyance shall be effectual, in law, to convey the title, the requisi- tion of this act having been complied with. 30 Sec. 12. And be it further enacted , That on any lot or lots, or part of a lot, liable for taxes as aforesaid, being sold, the amount, over and above the tax, costs and charges, due upon the same, shall be paid over, on application, to the owner of said property. Sec. 13. And be it further enacted , That, where the payment of any taxes shall be limde or enforced against any tenant, it shall not be lawful for the owner of said property, so made liable for the taxes, to recover of the tenant any rent for the property ; but the same shall re- main in his possession a lien for the debt, until such time as the rent accruing shall have discharged the same ; and the said tenant shall be entitled to charge twenty five per centum against the landlord, on the amount of the taxes so paid, or enforced against him, except w T here he may have been previously in arrears for his rent. RESOLVE appointing a joint Committee to superintend the Issue of Change. Approved 30th May, 1823* Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation oj Georgetown , That John Kurtz, of the Board of Aldermen, and Messrs. Marbury and Corcoran of the Board of Common Coun- cil, be and they are hereby appointed a joint committee, to superintend the issue of change by this Corporation; and that they be authorized to purchase paper, cause im- press ons to be made, to perform the duties of the com- mittee appointed under the ordinance of 22d March 1822, and to exercise all the necessary powers to promote the regular issue of the change of this Corporation, as pro- vided for by law ; and that said committee shall hereafter be a joint standing committee. 31 A SUPPLEMENT to the Ordinance respecting Corpo- ration Bills, approved 22d March, 1822. Approved 31st May, 1823. Be it ordained by the Board of . ^ Idermen and the Board, of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That ihe eommitiee appointed under the ordinance to which this is a supp'emept, be, and they are hereby au- thorized and directed to cause an issue of Corporation bills to amount of seven thousand dollars, in addition to the issue previously authorized bv said ordinance. Sec. 2. And be it Jurther ordained , That said com- mittee shall, after getting the same signed by the Mayor, and countersigned by the Clerk, have the same deposited in the Bank of Columbia, and shall pay the same over to the Clerk as it may be required, for paying the float- ing debt of the Corporation, taking his receipts for the same, as directed by the ordinance to which this is a supplement. An ORDINANCE for granting Licences to Non-resi- dents to hire their Slaves within this Corporation. Approved 21st June, 1823. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , that all non-residents who may hire slaves tp do work within the jurisdiction of this Corporation, after the first day of August next, shall first obtain a licence for that purpose from the Clerk of the Corporation, and shall pay for such license at the time ot receiving the same, for the use of the Corporation, as follows: viz. For every male slave from the .age of eighteen to forty-five years, twenty dol- lars ; on every male slave of twelve to eighteen years of 32 age, twelve dollars ; and on every female slave between fifteen and forty-five )ears of age, twq dollars ; which licence shall be in force for one year and no longer. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That if any non- resident as aforesaid, shall hire a slave or slaves to do labor or service within this Corporation, either by the year or shorter period, without first having taken out a license as aforesaid, he, or she, shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars for each and every such offence; and any person or persons, who may hire any slave or slaves, belonging to non-residents, for whom the said licenses have not been obtained, shall in like manner for- feit and pay the sura of twenty dollars , for each and every slave so hired, and if such person shall continue to employ such slave, he, or she shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars lor every month he or she shall con- tinue to employ such slave. Sec. 3. And be it farther ordained , That if any person resident or non-resident of this Corporation, shall by a fictitious bill of sale or otherwise, attempt to evade the provisions of this ordinance, he or she, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence, the sum of twenty dollars in addition to the other penalties imposed by the same. See. 4. And be it further ordained , That every person bringing or sending any slave or slaves into this Corpo- ration, to hiie or to reside therein, shall, within twenty days thereafter, cause the said slave or slaves to be re- corded in a book, which the Clerk of the Corporation shall keep for that purpose, and shall deposite with said Clerk an affidavit, that such slave or slaves are bona fide his or her property ; and every person neglecting or re- fusing so to do, shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars for every slave so brought in, who shall not be found on said hook of record ; and the Clerk shall be entitled to receive for registering each and every such slave a fee of twenty Jive cents y to be paid by the person causing the same to be done. 33 Sec. 5. And be it further ordained , That all fines, penalties, and forfeitures, imposed by this ordinance* shall be recovered with cbsfs, before the Mayor, or any Justice of the Peace f6r the County of Washington, having competent jurisdiction’ ; oiie half for the informer, and the other half for the use of this Corporation. RESOLVE appropriating $2250 in Change to the To- bacco Warehouse. Approved 28th June, 1823. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen arid Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the change committee be, and they are hereb), authorized to issue the sum of two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars of the change of this Cor {'oration, in the manner and under the provisions of the ordinance regulating the issue of change of this Corporation; and that the same fee applied under the direction of the commissioners for building the Tobacco Warehouse, to that purpose. RESOLUTION providing for the Preservation of the Records of the Town. Approved 19th July, 1823. Resolved by the Boa/rd of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereb), requested to provide some safe and convenient house for the accommodation of this Corporation, and the preservation of the records and pa- pers belonging to the Town ; and that the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars per annum, be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to pay the rent of the said house, as long as it shall be occupied by the Corporation. 34 And be it further resolved , That a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, he and the same is hereby appropri- ated, to defray the expence of necessary fixtures, to he expended under the direction of the Presidents of the Boards of Aldermen and Common Council. A RESOLUTION to provide for extending the Pave- ment on Water Street. Approved 2d August, 1823. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , that a sum not exceeding fourteen hundred dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated, to defray the ex pence of paving Water street from the east side of Fayette to the east side of Lingan street. And be it further resolved , that a Commissioner be ap- pointed to superintend the work, and carr^ into effect the obj.cts of this resolve, whose duty it shall be forthwith to bring said street to its proper graduation, and set the curb stone; and if the Ma^or and Commissioner shall be of opinion, that said street shall be in a fit condition to be paved during the present year, then the Commisioner shall complete the pavement: otherwise the paying of the street shall be postponed till the summer of 1824. And be it further resolved , That the Commissioner shall receive two dollars per day as a compensation for his services, and shall be appointed, and take the oath, and perform the duties, and in all things comply with the regulations prescribed for the Commissioners appointed by the ordinance, entitled an ordinance* for repaving Bridge, High and Water streets, including Market space, approved 16ih May, 1822. 35 An ORDINANCE levying a General Tax for the year eighteen hundred and twenty-three. Approved 20th September, 1823. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Corrimon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That there be levied and imposed a tax of Twenty-five bents on every hundred dollars worth of Real and Per- sonal Property, within the jurisdiction of the Corpora- tion ; and that the Collector be, and he is hereby requir- ed to collect the tax, imposed by this Ordinance, on or before the first day of December next, and pay the same over to the Clerk of the Corporation, as it shall be collected. And if any person shall refuse or neglect to pay the tax hereby imposed, and the same shall remain unpaid on the first day of February next, it shall and may be lawful for the Collector to execute the property of such defaul- ter for the amount due, including his execution fee of two dollars, first giving at least thirty days public notice in the Newspapers of the Town, to persons residing within the District of Columbia, and sixty days notice to persons residing without the District of Columbia, of the time and place of sale, before any such sale shall take place ; Provided , that it shall be the duty of the Collec- tor, to deliver to each individual, if to be found within the Town, an account the said tax, at least twenty days before the same shall be demanded. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That before the said Collector shall commence the execution of his office under this ordinance, he shall give bond and security, to bb approved by the Mayor, in the sum of fifteen thousand dollars , conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties as Collector Sec. 3. And be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty of the said Collector, to exhibit a clear and sa- tisfactry account of his proceedings in the collection 5 36 aforesaid, and finally to adjust and settle his accounts for the collections aforesaid, with the said Clerk, on or before the first day of June next. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained , That if by means of insolvencies, or other legal impediments, the said Collector shall be prevented from collecting the whole of the tax imposed by this or any other Ordinance, o,i or be- fore the said first day of June next, it shall be the outy of the Collector to render to the Mayor a list of such delin- quents, noting thereon the amount of tax due by each of them, together with the causes which may have prevent- ed the collection thereof ; and if the Mayor, together with two members of the Board of Aldermen, shall be satisfied therewith, they shall thereupon direct the Clerk to credit the said Collector with the amount of tax due by such delinquents respectively, and which could not for the cause before stated be collected. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained , That the said Col- lector shall also collect all front foot taxes, whether lor improvement of streets or otherwise, and all other taxes which he may be by the Corporation directed to collect; and the said Collector shall perform the said services, and be subject to the like penalties, and be entitled to ail the power and priwlges, that are provided in the Ordi- nance of the seventeenth May, eighteen hundred and two, or any subsequent Ordinances on the same subject, so far as relates to the collection of such front foot taxes,- and accounting for the same ; and that when all the ac- counts of the said Collector shall be finally settled and passed by the Mayor and any two members of the Board of Aldermen, Ids bond shall be given up and cancelled; Sec. 6. And be it further ordained, That said Collec- tor, for his services, shall be allowed to retain in his hands the following rates of Commissions: that is to say, for collecting the General Tax hereby imposed jive per centum, and for collecting front foot Taxes, Three per centum 37 Sec. 7. And be it further ordained , That the Collec- tor be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to allow a discount of fve per centum , on all General Taxes paid him on or before the first day of November next, and of three per centum on all paid him after the first of November, and before the first day of January next. Sec. 8. And be it further ordained , That where taxes due from the same person on several lots, and remain unpaid after the periods herein limited, it shall be the duty of the Collector to advertise and sell for the taxes d ie upon the whole lots at one time ; and for the collec- tion thereof shall be allowed but one execution fee, and no more. RESOLVE for opening the new Warehouse for the in- spection of Tobacco. Approved :20th Sept. 1823. R esolvedbij the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, a d he hereby is requested to have the public Warehouse opened for the inspection of Tobacco, so soon as he may deem it expedient ; after which time it shall not be lawful to inspect Tobacco within the limits of the Corporation, except in said public Ware- house. An ORDINANCE providing for the prompt Payment of Interest of the Corporation Stock. Approved 20th Sept. 1823. Be it ordained, by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That so much of the indirect revenue of this Corpora- 38 ti$n as may be sufficient, be and the same is hereby set apart and appropriated exclusively to pay the interest on the funded debt of this Corporation, and it shall be the duty of the Clerk, in each and every quarter, to reserve so much of the said revenue as will pay the interest on said debt due at the end of the quarter, before he dis- burses any part of said revenue in payment of the or- dinary appropriations of this Corporation, A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT to the Ordinance enti- ' tied u An Ordinance for licensing and regulating Auc- tions within the limits of Georgetown.” Approved 3d December, 1823. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, the sum to be required for license shall be fifty dollars per quarter, payable always in advance ; and that all Ordi- nances or parts of Ordinances, inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. t 1 ;* RESOLUTION fixing the number of Police Officers for, the year 1824. Approved 5th January, 1824. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That for the year 1824, there shall be appointed four Police Officers. 39 An ORDINANCE reducing the Compensation for sweeping Chimneys. Approved 5th January, 1824. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That, from and after the passage of this Ordinance, the compensation to be paid for sweeping chimneys, shall be reduced to six and a quarter cents for each story, for eve- ry flue or chimney swept. An ORDINANCE fixing the number of Watchmen for year 1824. Approved 5th January, 1824. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That immediately after the passage of this Ordinance, the number of Watchmen, exclusive of the Captain, shall be reduced to four, who shall each receive at the fate of two hundred dollars per annum, payable monthly. An ORDINANCE fixing the Salaries of the Officers of the Corporation for the year 1824. Approved 5th January, 1824. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the following sums be paid quarter yearly, viz : To the Mayor at the rate of Clerk of the Corporation Police officers each Clerk of the market $000 per annum. 1000 do 100 do 225 do 40 Inspector of Tobacco 400 do Keeper of the Powder Magazine 50 do Keeper of the Penitentiary, ) and Captain of the Watch \ 250 do Clerk of the Board of Common ) Council, ) 150 do Messenger of the two Boards 75 do RESOLUTION appointing Judges of Elections. Approved 18th February, 1824. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That, Thomas Corcoran, Sen. William Marbury, Daniel Kurtz, John I. Stull and Joseph Brewer, or any two of them in conjunction with the Mayor, be, and they are hereby, appointed Judges of all elections of members of the Corporation, which may be necessary to be holden, until the fourth Monday in February eighteen hundred and twenty five. RE SOLVE making an Appropriation on Account of the Ship Channel. Approved 8th March, 1824. Resolved by the Board oj Aldermen and Board of Com - mor Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That a surn not exceeding forty dollars, be appropriated to be expended under the direction of the Mayor, for defraying the expense of Staking out the Ship Channel of the River Potomac, north of the Long Bridge, as deepened by the Mud Machine. / RESOLVE exempting certain School Property from all General Taxes. Approved 15th March 1824. Resolved by the Board 6f Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That? so much of Lot No 57, in Peters, Beatty, Threlkeld’s, and Deakins addition to Georgetown, fronting 70 feet on First Street, and 63 feet oil Fayette Street, and the House erected thereon, be exempt from all General Taxes imposed by this Corporation, during the time the same shall be occupied as a Seminary of Learning, and the Trustees thereof educate a number of children without charge. RESOLUTION authorising the Mayor to rent the Fish Wharf* Approved 17th March, 1824, Resolved 6y the Board bf Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be and he hereby is authorised and requested to advertise and sell to the highest bidder, by the 20th of March inst. the use of the Fish Market, for a term not exceeding one year, subject to all the limitations and re- strictions, and entitled to all the privileges, of the Ordi- nance for locating a Fish Market, approved 21st Februa- ry 1822, excepting so much thereof as permits the Sale 6t Liquors within the limits of said Market during the Wishing Season. 42 RESOLUTION for Staking out the Ship Channel. Approved 29th March, 1824. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of jeorgeiown, That the Mayor be authorised to contract with Joel Crultenden for staking out the ship channel, as deepened by the mud machine, and that in addition to forty dollars appropriat- ed Stii inst. to defray the expense, the said Joel Crutten- den shall be entitled to the use of the Corporation wharf, at the foot of High street, for the year 1824, provided, he continues to keep the channel properly staked out du- ring the same time, and not otherwise, reserving however the use of said wharf to the Corporation, when wanted for public purposes. An ORDINANCE directing the Corporation Deposites to be made in the Farmers and Mechanics Bank. Approved 29th March, 1824. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , that so much of the third section of “ An Ordinance for as- certaining the duties of the Clerk of the Corporation,” approved June 3d, 1805, as directs him to make the Bank of Columbia the place of deposite for the funds o the Corporation, shall be, and the same is, hereby re- pealed. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Clerk, and he is hereby required to make all his deposits of Corporation funds, and to keep his public account, in the Farmers and Mechanics Bank. RESOLUTION *to provide tor the Safe of the Mad Machine. Approved 29th Ma ch, 1824. Resolved by Ike Board of Aldermen and Board bf Com* mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor, together with Daniel Bussard and John Rickrell, or a majority of them, be and they are hereby authorized to sell the rnud machine, with all its appendages-, and .pay over the amount of the sale, deducting expenses, 10 4he Clerk of the Corporation. RESOLUTION respecting the Gauger and Inspector of Spirituous Liquors, and the Flour Inspector. Approved 29th March, 1824. Resolved by fh* Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of t'w Corporation of Georgetown , That from the 1st of April ensuing, instead of twenty-five dollars per quarter, heretofore required to be paid by the Gauger and Inspector of Spirituous Liquors, he shall be required to pay only twenty dollars per quarter, in ad- vance. And be it further resolved , That from and after the passage of this resolution, all domestic spirituous li- quors, whether distilled of foreign or domestic materials, brought to Georgetown for sale, shall be subject to the provisions of the ordinance, entitled “ An ordinance regulating the gauging and inspection of Spirituous li- quors, approved 19th June, 1819 ” And be it further reso hed* That from the first day of April ensuing, instead of five per centum , heretofore re- quired to be paid by the flour inspector, he shall be re- quired to pay thirty dollars per quarter always in advance^ 6 44 A SUPPLEMENT to tie Ordinance respecting the Penitentiary. Approved 5th April, 1824. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and the Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That ail such parts of the several ordinances of this Cor- poration respecting the Penitentiary, as makes this Cor- poration in any instance or respect liable to pay the fees for entrance and discharge of persons committed to, and discharged from, the Penitentiary, be, and the same are hereby repealed — Provided , that nothing herein shall be taken oi understood to acquit this Corporation from their liabii ty to pay the fees for board and maintenance, of such persons as the inspectors report to be unable to pay their own fees. SUPPLEMENT to an Ordinance concerning the Mar- ket, approved the 13th July, 1819. Approved 5?h April, 1824. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of George own , that from and after the pa sage of this ordinance, a market may be hi Id on Saturday evening, of each and every week, to commence about one and an half hours before, and continue until half an hour after the setting of the sun, to be determined by the market-master, and to be under the same regulations as are prescribed by the ordi- nance to which this is a supplement. See. 2. And be if further o duined, That so much of thp ordinance approved the 13th July, 1819, as may be inconsistent with the provisions of this, be and the same is hereby repealed. 45 A SUPPLEMENT to an Ordinance entitled, c< An Or- dinance to regulate VY eights and Measures,” appiov- ed 5th July, 1805. Approved 19th April, 1824. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , that from and after the 1st May 18 ?4, it shall be the duty of the Inspector of Weights and Measures, to inspect all scales and scale-beams, and patent balances, that may be in use within the limits of the Corporation of George- town, and adjust and stamp the same with the letters G. T. and the owners thereof shall p ay to the Inspector for adjusting every beam of 12 indies in lengih and under .... 12| cents Fcr every beam over 12 and under 18 inches ISf “ For every beam over 18 and under 24 indies 25 u For every beam over 24 and under 36 inches 37J ; the Corporation, and the other for the benefit of the informer. 46 * RESOLVE directing certain Credit&to be passed to the Accounts of Jacob Mount z, late Collector. Approved 26th April, 1824. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk credit the accounts of Jacob Mountz, former Col- lector of the Corporation Taxes, with all sums to which- he is entitled under the report of the commissioners ap-, pointed to settle the accounts of said Mountz, by an or- dinance, entitled **An ordinance appointing commission- ers to settle the accounts of Jacob Mountz, late collec- tor,” approved 25th January, 1822. RESOLVE extending the time for collecting the Taxes of 1823, conditionally. Approved 3d May, 1824. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com • mon Council of the Corpora lion of Georgetown , That the time limited for the collection of the taxes tor the year 1823, he, and the same is hereby, extended to the first d -y of August next: provided , the collector of the taxes renews his bond in the same penally, and subject to the same condition, as now required by law. An ORDINANCE respecting the Payment of Officers. Salaries. Approved 3d May, 1824. Bexolved by the Board of Aide men and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , '1 bat the salaries of ail officers appointed by this Corporation, shall be paid quarter annually, on the first day of Janua- 47 ry, April, July, and October, in each and every year, and nut otherwise. And it shall be the duty of the Treasurer, before he pays any such salary, to examine the account of the officer entitled to receive the same, and if it shall appear that such officer is indebted to this Corporation, or that any tax properly chargeable to such officer for the year preceding is due, — the Treasurer shall, and he is hereby ordered an 1 directed, to apply so much of the salary due, to the credit of such officer on his account, either for debt or tax due, until the account of such officer be settled. RESOLVE suspending the Collection of Taxes due: from certain Persons. Approved 7th June, 1824. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That, the collection of the taxes due from Elisha VV. Williams, Henry Meyer, Thomas Corcoran, sen. and the Importing and Exporting Company, be and the same is hereby sus- pended, until their several claims on the Corporation shall be adjusted. An ORDINANCE to provide for the Collection of the Arrears of Taxes for the years 1821 and 1822. Approved 6th July, 1824. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation if Georgetown , that Willi nn Thompson Jr. Collector of the Taxes levied for the years 1821 and 1822, be, and he is hereby, directed 48 fo give public notice in the Metropolitan newspaper ia this Town, requiring all persons in arrears for taxes for the years 1821, and 1822, to pay the same on or before the fifteenth day of September next. Sec. 2. And be it further ord ined, That in every in- stance, where persons in arrear for said taxes for the ye irs 1S21 and 1822, shall fail to pay the same on or before the said fifteenth day of September, it shall arid may be 1 iwfu-1 for said Collector, and he is hereby requi- red, to proceed to enforce payment of said taxes by dis- tress and sale of any person d property belonging to the person properly Chargeable with said taxes, wherever found within said Town; and if no such personal pro- perty be found, then by distress and sale of su< h personal property as may be found on the premises chargeable with said tax. s, in which distress and sale shall be included and recovered the sum of one dollar for the costs and trouble of the Collector in making such distress and sale; and it shall be the duty of said Collector before ’.he sale of any personal property, so distressed, to give twenty days notice m the time and place of sale, and the amount of taxes due thereon, in some -Newspaper published in Georgetown. Sec. 3 And be it f urther ordained , That when there is no personal property liable as aforesaid for the payment of any tax chargeable on any lot or lots, or parts of lots, whether the same be the property of a resident or non- resident proprietor, and the s id tax shall he unpaid on the da} before mentioned, it shall be the duty of the C< l- lector, and he is hereby required to enforce the payment of said tax, by the sale of such lot or lots or parts of lots, or so man- thereof as may be necessary, and the course of bis proceeding shall br- as follows : — He shad adver- ts >e the property for public sale in the National Intelli- gencer, and in some one newspaper published in each of tiie towns of George own and Alexandria, once a week for twelve succ* ssive w< j eks previous to the day of sale, in each of said newspapers, in which advertisements 49 shall be sfa f ed the time an 1 place of sale, the number of the lot or 101 s or parts thereof, intended to be sold* the value of the assessment, and the amount of taxes due and owing thereon * and if before the day of sale, adver- tised as aforesaid, the owner* his agent or attorney, shall not pay the amount of taxes, with all costs thereon as- sessed the said Collector shall sell the said lot or lots or parts thereof, or as many as may be sufficient to dis- charge said taxes, for cash, and to the highest bidder, paying therefor; a certificate shall be issued by the Col- lector, oettirig forth that such person is the purchaser, and the amount paid b) him, and if at the expiration of twelve months from the day of sale, the owner shall not appear and pay to the Collector, the Mayor, or the pur- chaser, the amount of the taxes and costs* and taxes ac- cruing subsequent to the sale, and ten pnr centum interest per annum on the purchase money, it shall and may he lawful for the Mayor, and he is hereby required at the expiration of said time, to convey the title, in fee simple , of said property, to the purchaser, by deed under his hand and the seal of the Corporation Sec. 4. And be it farther ordained , That the said Collec- tor shall forthwith pay over to the Clerk of the Corpora- tion for their use, all money received by him from pur- chasers at tax sale^j and that there shall be charged and assessed to the delinquent who>e property is soffi or ad- vertised for sale, the cost of the advertisements, and a fee to the Collector of one dollar for his trouble and Services. Sec. 5. And be it farther ordained , That it shall be the duty of the Collector at all times hereafter, when payments are made by him to the Clerk of the Corpora- tion on account of his collections, to furnish to the said Clerk a list of the persons from whom said collections were made, and the amount paid by each person respec- tively ; and it shall be the duty of the Clerk to record the said list in a Book to be kepi for that purpose. Sec. 6. Am l be it further ordained , That on any lot Or lots, or part of a lot liable for taxes as aforesaid, being Bold pursuant to the third section of this ordinance, the amount over and above t lie tax, cost and charges due upon the same, shall be paid over by the Clerk of the Coi poratioir, on application, to the owners of said pro- perty. An ORDINANCE levying a direct Tax for the Year Ib24, and providing for the Collection thereof. Approved 10th July, 1824. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , T at there shall be and hereby is levied a direct tax, of sixteen and two third cents on every hundred dollars wor'h of real and personal property within the limits of this Corporation, according as the same Stands valued on the last assessment. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That the said Tax shall be collected by John Holtzman the present Collec- tor, who, before be enters upon the duties required of linn by this Ordinance, shall give a bond and security to be approved by the Mayor, and any two Aldermen, in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars , conditioned for the due and faithful performance of the duties required of him by this Ordinance, and for the punctual payment of the monies which he may collect, or for which he may be liable under the same —That he shall within sixty days after the passage of this Ordinance, make out an account for the amount of the tax chargeable to all real and per- sonal property under this Ordinance, and shall within the last ahovemeutioned period, deliver the same respec- tively to the proprietors of the said property, if he or she be a resident within the limits of the Town, and demand 51 payment thereof ; and when any proprietor shall be a non resident, the Collector shall deliver the said accounts respectively, in the case of real property, to the tenant or occupant of the lot or lots on which the same may be chargeable, if such property be let or occupied ; and in the case of personal property, to the person or persons in whose use or possession ihe same may be, and demand payment of the same from such tenant, occupant, or possessor, in the same manner and within the same period. Sec. 3 And be it farther ordained , That in every instance in which any tax chargeable under this Ordi- nance shall be unpaid by the first day of November next, the said account having been presented and payment de- manded as is herein before required, the said Collector is hereby authorised and required to proceed to enforce the payment of said tax, by distress and sale of any per- sonal property belonging to the person properly chargea- ble with said tax, wherever found within said town, and if no such personal property be found, then by distress and sale of such personal property as may be found on the premises chargeable with said tax, except such pro- perty as is exempt by the Act of Congress extending the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace for the District of Columbia, in which distress and sale shall also be inclu- ded and recovered, the sum of one dollar, for the cost and trouble of the Collector, in making such distress and sale ; and it shall be duty of the Collector, before the sale of any perso >ai property so distressed, to give twenty days public notice in some Newspaper published in Georgetown, of »he time and place of sale, and the amount of tax due thereon. Sec. 4. And be it farther ordained , That when there is no personal property liable as aforesaid, for the pay- ment of any tax chargeable on any lot or lots or parts of lots, whether the same be the property of a resident or non-resident proprietor, and the said tax shall be unpaid on the day before mentioned, it shall be the duty of the 7 52 Collector, and be is hereby required to enforce the pay- ment of such tax by The sale of such lot or lols or parts of lots or so many thereof as may he necessary, and the course o his proceeding shall be as follows : — he shall advertise the property for public sale in the National In- telligencer and in some one newspaper published in each of the tovtns of Georgetown and Alexandria, once a week for twelve successive weeks previous to the day of sale, in each of said newspapers, in which advertise- ments shall be stated the time and place of sale, the number of the lot or lots, or parts thereof intended to be sold, the value of the assessment, and the amount of taxes due and owing thereon ; and if before the day of sale, advertised as aforesaid, the owner, his agent or attor- ney, shall riot pay the amount of taxes with all costs thereon assessed, the said Collector shall sell the said lot or lots, or parts thereof, or as many as may be sufficient to discharge said taxes, for cash, and to the highest bid- der paying therefor. A certificate shall be issued by the Collector setting for h that such person is the purchaser, and the amount paid by him, and if at the expiration of twelve momhs from the day of sale, the ow r ner shall not appearand pay to the Collector, the Mayor, or the pur- chaser, the amount, of the taxes and costs, and taxes ac- cruing subsequent to the sale, and ten per centum interest per annum on the purchase money, it shall and may be lawful for the mayor, and he is hereby required at the expiration of said time, to convey the title, iri fee simple of said property to the purchaser, by dted under his hand and the seal of the Corporation. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained , That the said Col- lector shall for- h with pay over to the Clerk of the Corpo- ration, for their use, all money received by him from pur- chasers at tax sales. Sec. 6. And be it further ordai ed , That it shall be the duty of the said Collector to exhibit a clear and satisfactory account of his proceedings in the collection aforesaid, and finally to adjust and settle his accounts for 53 said collections, with the Clerk, on or before the first day of April next. Sec. 7. And belt further ordained , That if by means of insolvencies and other legal impediments, the said Collector shall be prevented from collecting the whole of the tax imposed by this ordinance, by the d >y fixed for the final settlement of his accounts, he shall render to the Mayor and two Aldermen, a list of the delinquents, noting thereon the amount of tax due from each, with the causes which have prevented the collection thereof; and if the Mayor with the said two Aldermen, or a majority of them, shail be satisfied therewith, they shall thereupon direct the Clerk to credit the account of the Collector with the amount of the tax due from such de- linquent, or so much thereof as they shall see fit; and if the said Collector shall have performed the duties requir- ed of him by this ordinance to the satisfaction of the Mayor and the said two members of the Board of Aider- men, his bond shall be delivered up to be cancelled — and the said Collector shall be allowed for his pay and com- pensation to retain five per cent on the amount collected and paid by him to the Clerk, and no more. Sec. 8 And be it further ordained y That when taxes are due from the same person ou more lots than one, and shall be offered for sale as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of (he Collector to advertise and sell for the taxes due on the whole number of lots at the same time, and for the collection thereof, he shall be allowed but one execu- tion fee and no more, and the execution fee of the Col- lector in each case shall be one dollar ; which said fee, with all other expences of distress, advertisement, and sale, shall be raised and paid out of the property sold, in the same manner and at the same time that the taxes are raised and paid. 54 A RESOLUTION for the relief of John Pickrell. Approved 10th July, 1824. Resoled by the Board of . Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of jeorgetou^n , That the Mayor he, and he is hereby, directed to cause to be issued to John Pickrell, a note or certificate lor the sum of four hundred and eighty five dollars and twenty cents, bearing interest from the 22d day of April, 1823, being the balance due for work done on the Corporation wharf by Joseph Ratcliffe, and assigned to said Pickroll, con- ditioned to be paid when the Claim of Samuel Turner’s heirs to that part of the Corporation Wharf, now in dis- pute, shall be finally settled by a Court of Chancery, or otherwise, and provided the matter now in dispute, relat- ing to the said property, shall be decided in favor of the Corporation, and their title completely established. RESOLVE appointing a Committee to revise and report an Amendment to the Charter. Approved 10th July, 1824. Resolvedby the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Recorder, the President of the Board of Common Council, Mr. Marbury and Mr. McKenney, be a com- mittee to revise the Charter, and report an amendment to the same, relieving the property in Georgetown from taxation by the Levy Court ; said amendment to be re- ported to the Corporation by the first November next for their approval. 55 An ORDINANCE to provide for the Collection of the Arrears of Taxes for the year 18^:3. Approved 26th July, 1824 Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , that John Holtzman, Collector of the Taxes levied for the year 1823 be, and he is hereby, directed to give public notice in the Metropolitan newspaper in this Town, requiring all persons in arrears for taxes for the year 1823, to pay the same on or before the fifteenth da) of September next. Sec. 2. And be it further ord lined. That in every in- stance, — where persons in arrears for taxes for the year 1S23, shall fail to pay the same on or before the said fifteenth day of September, it shall and may be lawful for said Collector, and he is hereby requi- red, to proceed to enforce payment of said taxes by dis- tress and sale of any person J property belonging to the person properly chargeable with said taxes, wherever found within said Town; and if no such personal pro- perty be found, then by distress and sale of such personal property as may be found on the premises chargeable with said taxes, in which distress and s, le shall be included and recovered the sum of one dollar for the costs and trouble of the Collector in making such distress and sale; and it shall be the duty of said Collector before the sale of any personal property, so distressed, to give twenty days notice of the time and place of sale, and the amount of taxes due thereon, in some Newspaper published in Georgetown. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained , That when there is no personal property liable as aforesaid for the payment of any tax chargeable on any lot or lots, or parts of lots, whether the same be the property of a resident or non- resident proprietor, and the said tax shall be unpaid on 56 the day before mentioned, it shall be the duty of the Col- lector, and he is hereby required to enforce the payment ot said tax, by the sale of such lot or lots or parts of iots, or so many thereof as may be necessary, and the course of his proceeding shall be as iollows : — He shall adver- tise the property for public $ale in the National Intelli- gencer, and in some one newspaper published in each of the towns of Georgetown and Alexandria, once a week for twelve successive weeks previous to the day of sale, in each of said newspapers, in which advertisements shall be stated the time and place of sale, the number of the lot or lots or parts thereof, intended to be sold, the value of the assessment, and the amount of taxes due and owing thereon ; and if before the day of sale, adver- tised as aforesaid, the owner, his agent or attorney, shall not pay the amount of taxes, with all costs thereon as- sessed the said Collector shall sell the said lot or lots or parts thereof, or as many as may be sufficient to dis- charge said taxes, for cash, and to the highest bidder, paying therefor; a certificate shall be issued by the Col- lector, betting forth that sucji person is the purchaser, and the amount paid by him, and if at the expiration of twelve months from the day of sale, the owner shall not appear and pay to the Collector, the Mayor, or the pur- chaser, the amount of the taxes and posts, and taxes ac- cruing subsequent to the sale, and ten per centum interest per annum on the purchase money, it shall and may be lawful for the Mayor, and he is hereby required at the expiration of said time, to convey the title, in fee simple , of said property, to the purchaser, by deed under his hand and the seal of the Corporation. Sec. 4, And be it further ordained , That the said Collec- tor shall forthwith pay over to the Clerk of the Corpora- tion for their use, all money received by him from pur- chasers at tax sales, and that there shall be charged and assessed to the delinquent whose property is sold or ad- 57 vertised for sale, the cost of the advertisements, and A fee to the Collector of one dollar for his trouble and services. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty of the Collector at all times hereafter, when payments are made by him to the Clerk of the Corpora- tion on account of his collections, to furnish to the said Clerk a list of the persons from whom said collections were made, and the amount paid by each person respec- tively ; and it shall be the duty of the Clerk to record the said list in a Book to be kept for that purpose. Sec. 6. And be it further ordained , That on any lot or lots, or part of a lot liable for taxes as aforesaid, being sold pursuant to the third section of this ordinance, the amount over and above the tax, cost and charges due upon the same, shall be paid over by the Clerk of the Corporation, on application, to the owners of said pro- perty. RESOLVE making an appropriation to defray the Con- tingent expenses of the Boards of Aldermen and Common Council. Approved 26th July, 1824. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of one hundred dollars be, and the same is here- by, appropriated to defray the contingent expenses of the Boards of Aldermen and Common Council; which shall be paid by the Clerk of the Corporation out of any money not otherwise appropriated, to the joint order or orders of the Presidents of said Boards. 58 RESOL v E authorizing the expenditure of an unexpen- ded Balance standing to the credit of Olive Street. Approved 26th July 1824. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the unexpended balance standing to the credit of Olive Street, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same is hereby authorised to be expended under the direction of Richard Burgess and James Dunlop, who are required to render an account of their expenditures to the Clerk of the Corporation, on or before the first day of October next. RESOLVE for the removal of the Tobacco from Lowndes’ to the Public Warehouse. Approved 26th July, 1824. Resolved by f h * Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Tobacco Inspector be, and he is hereby directed, forthwith to remove all the Tobacco now lying inLowndes’ warehouse to the public warehouse, and to pay one dol- lar per hogshead for outage and warehouse rent to the proprietor, reserving however as much as will defray the expense of drayage. An ORDINANCE respecting Dogs. Approved 3d August, 1824. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the following Tax be levied and collected, annually on all animals of the Dog kind, to wit : on the first dog 59 of the male kind, owned by any person or family, one dollar and fifty cents ; on the second three dollars ; and on all over two, owned by the same person or lamiJy, six dollars each; on the first of the female kind five dol- lars, on the second ten dollars , and on all dogs of the female kind over and above two, owned by the same per- son or family twenty dollars each. Sec. 2. And be it farther ordained , That it shall be the duty of every person or persons, residing wi hin the jurisdiction of this Corporation, owning or possessing any animal of the dog kind, to enter such dog or dogs with the Clerk of the Corporation, on or before the fif- teenth day of August inst. and on or before the fiiteenth day of August yearly, and every year ; and pay to the Clerk, the annual tax herein and hereby imposed. And it shall be the duty of the Clerk tc make regular entries, describing the dog or dogs so entered ; to issue a license to such person, or persons, so entering, authorising him her or them, to keep such dog or dogs within the jurisdic- tion of the Corporation until the fifteenth day of August in the ensuing year. And any person or persons, resid- ing as aforesaid, who shall own or possess any animal of the dog kind as aforesaid, and shall fail to make the en- try, pay the tax, and obtain the license as aforesaid such person or persons shall forfeit and pay a sum not ex- ceeding ten dollars ; to be recovered by vrarrant before the Mayor of the Corporation, or any Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Washington, the one half for the said Corporation, and the other half to the use of the informer. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained , That if any per- son or persons residing as aforesaid, shall at any time after the fifteenth of August in any year, become the owner or possessor of any animal of the dog kind, such person or persons shall, within ten days after so becom- ing the owner or possessor, enter such animal with the Clerk of the Corporation, paying the tax in proportion to the time that may remain of the year, and obtain a 60 license as aforesaid, so that all licenses granted for keep- ing dogs within the jurisdiction of this Corporation, shall cease and expire on the fourteenth day of August every year. And if any person or persons so becoming the owner or possessor, shall fail to make such entry, pay the tax, and obtain such license, such person or persons shall for every such neglect, forfeit and pay the like sum of ten dolars, to be recovered as aforesaid, for the uses aforesaid Sec. 4. And be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty of the Constables to give notice of the provis- ions of this ordinance to anv person or persons removing to, or settling within, the jurisdiction of this Corpora- tion. And any person or persons so removing or settling and owning or possessing any animal of the dog kind, and having received such information, and shall fail to make such entry and pay the tax as aforesaid, shall for every such offence forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding ten dollars , to be recovered as aforesaid, and for the uses aforesaid. Sec. 5. And be it ordained, That it shall be the duty of every person or persons owning or possessing any animal of the dog kind, and having entered and obtain- ed a license, agreeably to the provisions of this ordi- nance, to place a collar round the neck of such animal, with the owner’s name, under the penalty of one dollar , to be recovered as aforesaid, for the uses aforesaid. Sec. 6. And be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Corporation, yearly and every year, and within twenty days after the fifteenth day of August, to furnish the Constables with a correct list of the owners, description and number of dogs enteted in pursuance of this ordinance, and it shall be the duty of tl e Constables to make diligent enquiry and give infor- mation to the Mayor o the Corporation of any viola- tions or offences committed against this ordinance, and the Mayor shall forthwith issue warrants for the fines and 61 penalties herein and hereby imposed, the one half to the use of the Corporation, as aforesaid, and the other half for the use of the informer. Sec. 7. And be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Corporation to keep a fair and regular account of all entries and licenses made and granted in pursuance of this ordinance, and all sums re- ceived by him for taxes or fines, and shall after retaining a commission of ten per centum, account for ihe residue as money of the Corporation. Sec. 8 . And be it further ordained , That the Mayor may, and he is hereby authorized to issue his proclama- tion whenever he may think the safety of the citizens demand it, requiring all owners of dogs to keep the same securely confined for any period he may order, and any person disregarding said proclamation shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding twenty dollars ; the one half for the use of the informer, and the balance to the Cor- poration. Sec. 9. And be it ordained , that all former ordinances and resolutions on this subject be, and they are hereby repealed. RESOLUTION respecting certain Notes, the property of the Corporation. Approved 30th October, 1824. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby requested to cause certain notes, the property of this Corporation, which are lying over, to be presented for payment, and in case the draw- ers should be unable to pay the principal and interest, to demand payment of the interest, and renewals for the principal; and in case of the refusal or neglect of the drawers to comply, that suits be forthwith commenced. 62 RESOLUTION relating to the Rockville Turnpike Road. Approved 30th October, 1824. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com • tnon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby requested to ascertain from the Directors of the Rockville Turnpike Company, the lowest per cent, they will agree to receive on their Stock in lieu of the tolls now paid on said road, and that the Mayor give information to this Corporation on the sub^ ject as early as possible, embracing also the shortest period of time for which the said Directors will agree to sell the right of said road. RESOLUTION respecting Fire Crackers. Approved 13th December, 1824. Resolved by h* Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- tnon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That any person or persons who shall vend or otherwise dis- pose of the article usually denominated fire crackers, or any other fire works, within the limits of this Corpora- tion, from and after the 20th instant, shall forfeit and pay a fine not exceeding ten dollars for each and every offence. And any person using the said articles to the annoyance of persons passing tne streets and highways, shall be considered an offender against the pe«;ce of the town, and be subject to such penalty as may be imposed, in the discretion of the Mayor; if by fit e, not exceeding five dollars , and if by confinement in the penitentiary, not exceeding forty eight hours : tne a of t e n imposed by this ordinance for the use of li e mlorme;, the oilier half for the Corporation, to be warranted for and recov- ered before the Mayor of the town- 63 An ORDINANCE directing a new Assessment of the- reat and personal property within the limits of the Corporation of Georgetown. Approved 28th December, 1824, Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetoivn , That an assessment shall be made of all the real and V personal property within the jurisdiction of the Corpora- tion, except as hereinafter particularly excepted ; which assessment shall be commenced immediately after the passage of this ordinance, and shall be completed on or before the first day of April next. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That each of th e assessors appointed by virtue of this ordinance, shall, before they enter upon the duties of their office, take before the Mayor the following oath, or affirmation: “I do solemnly swear, or affirm, that i will well and faithful- ly execute the duties imposed on me by the ordinance directing a new’ assessment of the real and personal pro- perty wdthin the limits of the Corporation of George" town, and that I will justly and impartially assess and value, and make return of all and every species of pro- perty by law’ taxable, agreeably to the said ordinance, according to the best of my skill and judgment. So help me God.” And for the discovery of the real and personal property liable to assessment in pursuance of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of every person when thereunto required by the assessors, to give to them a full and particular account of his or her personal proper y within the jurisdiction of the Corporation, incluuing such as may be in his or her possession, or under his or her care or management, together with the name or names of the person or persons to whom the same shall respec- tively belong ; ^nd if any pers n shah, after due and rea- sonable nouce, to be adjudged oi by the assessors, lefuse 64 or neglect to give such account on being called on there- for, he or she so refusing or neglecting, shall forfeit and pay, for the use of the town, the sum of ten dollars, to be recovered before the Mayor, with costs. And the asses- sors shall, upon such refusal or neglect, proceed to value from their own knowledge, and such other information as they shall be able to obtain, all the property belonging to, or in the care, or under the management of such person liable to assessment. Sec. 3. And be it farther ordained , That the said as- sessors shall, by all expedient and lawful means, inform themselves of the existence of all real and personal pro- perty, subject to assessment in pursuance of this ordi- nance, and shall thereupon proceed to value the same ; and in making their said valuations, they shall determine it agreeably to what they shall believe it to be worth in cash, at the time of the valuation ; and they shall make out and return to the Mayor, on or before ?he first day of April next, a complete list or schedule of the real and personal property liable to assessment by this ordinance, designating and separating on the same schedule or list the real from the personal property, and extending the value of each, together with the aggregate value of both. And the names of the owners or possessors of property shall be put down in the said list or schedule, in alpha- betical order, and the same shall afterwards be entered of record, and the original carefully filed and preserved in the office of the Clerk of the Corporation. It shall also be the duty of the assessors to return with the said list or schedule, a book containing the names of the owners, and the numbers of the lots assessed, in numerical order, which book shall also be filed in the Clerk’s office of the Corporation. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Corporation to furnish every person whose property shall be assessed under this ordi- nance, within thirty days after the returns shall be made 65 in manner aforesaid to his office, a statement of the valua- tion of his or her real and personal property, and of such as may be in his or her possession, or under his oi her care or management. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained , That in case any person shall think him or herself aggrieved by the valua- tion of the assessors, such person may, within twenty days after being notified by the Clerk in manner afore- said, appeal to the Mayor, Recorder, President of the Board of Common Council, a member of the Board of Aldermen, and a member of the Board of Common Council, for redress of such alledged aggrievances ; a majority of whom, after full investigation of the subject^ shall, if in their judgments it shall appear right and pro- per, direct such alterations to be made in tie valuation of the property of the person complaining, as in their opin- ion shall be consonant to reason and justice, and their decision shall b^ final. And the said Board of Appeal shall set once a week, or oftener, as they deem it neces- sary, for three weeks from the expirai on of the time al- lowed the Clerk to notify the persons assessed under this ordinance, to hear appeals; and they shall give full and sufficient notice, by publishing in the newspaper of the town the time when and the places where there sessions will be held. Sec. 6. And be it further ordained , That where any tax shall be laid or imposed predicated upon this assess- ment, it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Corpora- tion, and he is hereby required, to furnish to the Collec- tor who shall be appointed to collect the said tax by a majority of the votes of the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council on joint ballot, a true and fair copy of the list or schedule herein directed to be de- posited and recorded in the Clerk’s office, with such alterations as the Board of Appeals may have directed, to the end that the said collector may be governed in making his collections by the valuations therein respec- tively put down. Sec. 7. And be it further ordained $ That the follow- ing described property shall be, and the same is hereby, exempted from assessment under this ordinance, that is to say : churches and burial-grounds, public semina- ries of learning and the ground necessary and immediate- ly appertaining thereto, philosophical apparatus, articles of merchandize, the tools and implements of mechanical trade, and all personal property held by persons not hold- ing more than one hu idred dollars in value: provided, they are not holders of real property. Sec. 8. And be it further ordained , That three persons free holders within this Corporation, shall be appointed by joint ballot of the two Boards assessors under this ordinance, a majoiity of whom shall be competent to fix the valuation of any property which they are directed to value. Sec. 9. And be it further ordained , That when the assessors shall have accomplished all the duties required of them by this ordinance, and have made their returns in the time and manner aforesaid, the Corporation shall as early as may be thereafter, appropriate to each one of them such sum of money as shall be in their judgment full compensation for the services* A RESOLUTION fixing the number of Police Officers for the year 1825. Approved 4th January, 1825. Resolvedby the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetovm , That for the year 1825, there shall be appointed four Police Officers. 67 An ORDINANCE fixing the Salaries of the Officers of the Corporation for the year 1825. Approved 4th January, 1825. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the following sums be paid quarter-yearly by the Clerk, out of any unappropriated money in the Treasu- ry, viz : — To the Mayor at the rate of Clerk of the Corporation, Police Officers, each, Clerk of the Market, Inspector of Tobacco, Keeper of the Powder Magazine, Keeper of the Penitentiary and ) Captain of the Watch, ] Clerk of the Board of Common ) Council, $ Messenger of the two Boards, $600 per ann. 1000 do 100 do 225 do 400 do 50 do 250 do 150 do 75 do An ORDINANCE to procure a Town Bell. Approved 24th January, 1825. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby authorized and di- rected to procure for the use of the town a cast-steel bell, from the persons proposing to furnish it by their commu- nication of the 17th of December last. Sec 2. And be it ordained , That the Mayor have the necessary fixtures for having the same prepared, on the house now occupied by the Corporation; and that the 9 68 sum of eighty-nine dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated, to be paid by the Clerk out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. An ORDINANCE permitting brick or stone warehouses, without cellars, to be erected on the south side of Watei street, west A Frederick street. » _ ^ Approved 7th February, 1825. '.v. ■■ . ~y Be it or K do.ined by the Board of •Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the consent of the Corporation is hereby given to the proprietors of lots fronting on the south side of Water street, west of Frederick street, to erect thereon brick or stone warehouses, without cellars ; and no warehouse having a cellar shall be erected, under tHe penalty of twenty dollars per day, to the use of the Corporation, for every day such cellar shall remain, to be recovered before the Mayor of the Corporation, as other fines and forfei- tures are. An ORDINANCE directing the repair of a Pump at the intersection of Fayette and High streets, and for other purposes. Approved 7th February, 1825. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby requested to have the pump at the intersection of Fayette and High streets, and on the east side of said street, repaired ; and that said pump, now the property of Samuel Pauley and George Riffle, shall forever hereafter be considered the 69 property of the Corporation : provided, that before the said repairs are made, the present proprietors make over to the Corporation their right and interest in said pump® RESOLUTION appointing Judges of Elections. Approved 7th February, 1825. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com \ mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That Thomas Corcoran, senior, John I. Stull, William S. Nicholis, William Marbury, and William Mackey, or any two of them, in conjunction with the Mayor, be, and they are hereby appointed judges of all elections of members of the Corporation, which may be necessary to be holden until the fourth Monday in February 1826. RESOLVE appointing Francis Lowndes on the Change Committee. Approved March 8th, 1825. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That, Francis Lowndes, Esq. of the Board of Common Coun- cil, be a member of the Change Committee, under the ordinance of 22d March, 1822, in the place of John M.rbury, Esq. RESOLUTION for marking out the channel, and for renting the public wharf at the foot of High street. Approved 2d April, 1825. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com • mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That 70 the Mayor be, andlie is hereby, requested to employ some suitable person to stake out the channel made with *he mud machine, and to keep it staked out for the year 1825 ; and for the cost thereof, he is hereby authorized to draw upon the treasury of the Corporation. And be it further resolved , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby requested to rent the public wharf at the termination of High street, to the highest bidder, for the year 1825. A RESOLUTION in favor of John Logan. Approved 9th April, 1825. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That, on John Logan’s relinquishing his claim to the property of Thomas Corcoran, on First street, purchased by him at a collector’s sale for pump taxes, the Clerk be, and he is hereby, directed to pay to said Logan the sum of twen- ty-four dollars and eighty-five cents, in full reimburse- ment. RESOLUTION in favor of William Hoyt. Approved 9th April, 1825. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorised to draw on the Clerk for the sura of forty dollars, to be advanced to William Hoyt on his contract for erecting a town bell : provided, the said Hoyt deposites such security for the same as may be satisfactory, according to his letter of th^ 7th March last. 71 An ORDINANCE to provide for leasing the fish wharf, and supplementary to the ordinance entitled “An ordi- nance for locating a fish market, and providing for renting the wharf property belonging to the Corpora- tion,” approved 21st February, 1822. Approved 9th April, 1825. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorised and di- rected to lease to John W. Baker the fish wharf, for the term of five years, commencing the 31st March, 1825, at the rate offered by said Baker in his communication bearing date the 1st of April, 1825, subject to all the re- strictions and regulations prescribed in the ordinance to which this is a supplement, and the further restrictions and regulations herein after provided. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That the said J. W. Baker shall, at his own expense, during the lease aforesaid, cause the canal to be cleansed and kept clean, and that all gaming, card playings, dancing, fiddling, or any other disorder, be prohibited on said wharf, under a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars for each offence ; and, for the effectual enforcement of all the regulations relating to the fish wharf, the police officers shall have free and uninterrupted access to ail the apartments of the booths erected thereon ; and any person obstructing or resisting any police officer, in an attempt to enter as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding twenty dollars. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained , That in the event of the acceptance by the said John W. Baker of the terms offered to him by this ordinance, that the contract entered into by him on the 25th of March, 1825, for renting the fish wharf for one year, be annulled, and is hereby declared void : and that the resolution of the 23d of March, 1825, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 4. And be it farther ordained , That all fines and forfeitures incurred under this ordinance, shall be recov- erable before the Mayoi ; one half to the use of the Corporation, the other to the informer. An ORDINANCE respecting the sweeping of chimneys within the jurisdiction of the Corporation of George- town, and providing for the appointment of a super- intendant of sweeps. Approved 30th April, 1825. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and the Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown i That the superintendent of sweeps shall be appointed by joint ballot of the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council, yearly, and every year, on the first Monday in January, or at the first meeting of the Corpo- ration thereafter. Sec. 2. And be it ordained , That it shall be the "duty of the said superintendent, once in every three months from the first day of April to the first day of October, in every year, to notify the persons who are house-keepers within the said jurisdiction, that he, or some person em- ployed by him, will, within three days after such notice, call between the hours of five and nine in the morning, or at such other hours as may be agreed upon by him and the said house' keepers, for the purpose of sweeping the flue or chimney of the fire-place used in cooking, and for the general purposes of the family ; and it shall also be his duty to call in like manner, once in every two months from the first day of October to the first day of April following, in every year, and give notice as afore- said that he will, within three days thereafter, call to sweep the flues or chimneys of the fire-places then gen- 73 ©rally used : which several calls shall not vary more than ten days from the period hereby fixed at each succeeding call. Sec. 3. And be it ordained, That as a compensation for sweeping such chimneys, the said superintendent shall be entitled to receive from the occupier of the house where such chimneys are, the sum of ten cents for each story for every flue or chimney so swept. Sec. 4. And he it ordained , That it shall be the duty of the superintendent to attend and sweep any chimney within the jurisdiction of the said Corporation, within three days after receiving a written requisition for that purpose from the occupier of the house where such chim- ney is ; and in case of his refusal or neglect to call and sweep the chimney within the time aforesaid, or his ne- glecting or refusing to call at the time required by the second section of tins ordinance, he shall forfeit and pay to the person complaining, a sum not exceeding five dol- lars, to be recovered, with costs, before the Mayor. Sec. 5. And be it ordained, That if any house-keeper shall refuse to have his or her chimney swept at the times herein prescribed, and on the call of the superintendent, or such other person as he may employ, such house- keeper shall forfeit and pay to the Corporation not ex- ceeding five dollars, to be recovered as aforesaid : pro- vided, that such call is not to be made earlier than the times mentioned in the second section of this ordinance. Sec. 6, And be it ordained, That if the soot in any flue or chimney so swept by the superintendent, shall, before his next call for the purpose of sweeping, or within two months from the last sweeping thereof, take fire so as to blaze from the top of the funnel of said chimney, the said superintendent shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding ten dollars, one half to the informer, and the other half to the use of the Corporation, to be recovered as afore- said ; but if any chimney shall take fire which has not been swept by the superintendent within the time speci- 74 fled by thi*s ordinance, through the neglect or refusal of the occupier of the house in which such chimney shall take fire, such occupier shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding ten dollars, to be recovered as aforesaid for the use of the Corporation. Sec. 7. And be it ordained , That from and after the passage of this act it shall not be lawful for any person or persons, who may build a chimney or chimneys with- in the juiisdiction of tins corporation, to make any of the flues thereof of less dimensions than fourteen inches square, nor shall any alterations be made in the said flues after they have been built, that will prevent their being swept, under a penalty of twenty dollars for each and every flue so built or altered; and the superintendent is hereby authorized and empowered to prosecute and re- cover from the owner or builder of said chimney for the same; the one half for the use of this Corporation, the other half for the superintendent prosecuting therefor, before the Mayor. Sec. 8. And be it farther ordained , That the Ordi- nance entitled “ An Ordinance respecting the sweeping of Chimneys within the jurisdiction of the Corporation of Georgetown,” approved 8th September 1807 — the Ordinance entitled “ A Supplement to an Ordinance res- pecting the sweeping of Chimneys” approved 22d July, 1818, and an Ordinance entitled u An Ordinance reduc- ing the compensation for sweeping Chimneys,” approved 5th January, 1824, be, and the same are hereby repeal- ed. Sec. 9. And be it further ordained , That John Elder- kin be, and he is hereby appointed and declared to be the superintendent of sweeps for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty five, and Until a successor be appointed. An ORDINANCE supplementary to an Ordinance en» titled “An Ordinance for the better regulating of the Market in Georgetown, and for extending the limits of the same,’’ approved 10th February, 1821. Approved 30th April, 1825. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That all Licenses now held by Butchers for stalls, sham- bles, or benches, within the Market of this Corporation, shall determine and expire on the 30th day of June next ensuing* Sec. 2* And be it further ordained , That all Licenses thereafter issued to Butchers for any stall, shamble, of bench in the Market aforesaid, shall be at the follow • ing rates, viz : for six months, Seven Dollars, and for twelve months, Twelve Dollars— always payable in ad- vance. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained , That if any Butch- er 4 should have paid for a License for a longer period than the 30th of June next ensuing, the Clerk be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to refund to such Butcher the money for the balance of the time. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That the provis* ions of any ordinance inconsistent with the above pro- visions be, and the same are hereby repealed. A SUPPLEMENT to an Ordinance entitled cc An Or- dinance for the better regulating the Market in George- town, and for extending the limits of the same. Approved 30th April, 1825. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, Ubat from and after the passage of this Ordinance, it 10 76 shall not be lawful for any person or persons to sell, ex- pose for sale, or cause to be sold or exposed for sale within the limits of the market, during market hours, any articles of tin, copper or brass ware, without first obtaining from the Mayor a License, for which such per- son or persons shall pay at the rate of ten dollars, quar- terly in advance, under the penalty of forfeiting for each and every violation of this ordinance a sum not exceed- ing ten dollars, to be recovered and applied in the man. ner prescribed in the twenty-fourth section of the Ordi- nance to which this is a Supplement. RESOLVE for furnishing the office of the Mayor with 4 fixtures and furniture. Approved 18th June, 1825. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of l he Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of ninety-four dollars and ninety-three cents be, and the same is hereby appropriated for furnishing the office of the Mayor with such fixtures and furniture as may be needful, and that the Clerk of the Corporation pay the aforesaid sura to the order of the Mayor, out of any money not otherwise appropriated. RESOLVE respecting General Lafayette. Approved 1st September, 1825. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That as an evidence of the grateful sense entertained for the invaluable services rendered our country by General La- fayette, and the deep regret felt at his departure from a- mong us, it be recommended to the citizens of the town 77 to form a 'procession to be regulated and conducted by Marshals, to be appointed by the Mayor, to attend him on Wednesday next to the st$am boat, preparatory to his leaving tb£ American shores ; and that to afford an ap- portunity to all to participate in this last tribute to the distinguished virtues and eminent services of the great and good Lafayette, it be further recommended, that the citizens close their stores and shops, and that there be a general suspension of business during the morning of said day. RESOLVE respecting General Lafayette. Approved 1st September, 1825; Resolvedby the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That in maifestation of the respect this Corporation entertains for General Lafayette, a committee be appointed to consist of the President, Jeremiah W. Bronaugh and James A. Magruder of the Board of Aldermen, and the President and Francis Lowndes and Daniel Kurtz, of the Board of Common Council, in conjunction with the Mayor, to at- tend General Lafayette on Wednesday next until he em- barks on board the United States frigate Brandywine. RESOLVE making an appropriation to F. S Key, W. Jones and the Recorder. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - men Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay out of any monies in his hands not other- wise appropiiated, to Francis S. Key, Walter Jones, and the Recorder, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars — for legal services rendered this Corporation as per their ac* count rendered. An ORDINANCE for repairing the foot pavements in Georgetown. Approved 3d September, 1825. Be it ordained by the fioard of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , that all breaches of the foot pavements on any of the paved or gravelled streets in Georgetown, be and they are here- by, declared an inconvenience and annoyance, aud that the Mayor cause notice of all such nuisances to be given to the owner or occupier of any lot or part of a lot requir-i ing the repairs necessary to be made, within ten days after such notice, and in case of failure by refusal or peglect to comply with the Mayor’s requisition, the owner or occupier of any such lot or lots as aforesaid, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding twenty dollars — for every week such inconvenience or annoyance may Continue — to be recovered by warrant, of the Mayor, for fhe use of the Corporation, An ORDINANCE laying a front foot tax on part of Congress Street. Approved 3d September, 1825. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, that for reducing to its proper graduation and for otherwise improving by paying or gravelling that part of Congiess street between West and Road streets, there be, and is hereby, levied and imposed a Tax of Two Dollars per front foot, on all the lots and parts of lots fronting on either side of said street, within the limits aforesaid-- whereof twelve and a half cents per front foot, shall be pow collected by the Collector of the general tax. 79 Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. , That the Collector pay over to. the Clerk the amount of tax hereby author- ized as the same may be collected by him, deducting his Commission of five per centum, and that lie complete the same and close his accounts within sixty days from the passage of this Ordinance, and that the same powers be, and is given him for enforcing the collection as has been given in similar cases. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That the Clerk pay the amount hereby directed to be placed in his hands to the orders of C. Smith, 0. Bussard and S. McKenney who are appointed commissioners to expend the same within the limits aforesaid, under the general superinten- dence of the Mayor, Sec. 4. U furthci ordained, That the Commission- ers render to the Clerk an account of their expenditures with proper vouchers on or before the fir-t Monday in December next-^-to be by him submitted to this Corpora- tion with his next quarterly accounts. Sec. 5, And he it f arther ordained, That the Ordi- nance, entitled c, An Ordinance laying a front foot tax on part of Congress street” approved the 25th March 1819, be, and the same is hereby, repealed. A RESOLUTION providing for Ihe redemption of the Corporation Change. Approved 17th September, 1825. Ttesolred by the Board of Aldermen, and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corpora lion oj Ceorgetown, That for Ihe purpose of redeeming the change of the Corporation the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to borrow from time to time at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent, per annum, a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars, 80 An ORDINANCE levying a direct Tax for the Year 1825, and providing for the Collection thereof. Approved 17th September, 1825. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That there shall be and hereby is levied a direct tax, of sixteen and two third cents on every hundred dollars worth of real and personal property within the limits of this Corporation, as ascertained and valued under the Ordinance, entitled, “An Ordinance directing a new as- sessment of the real and personal property, within the limits of the Corporation of Georgetown,” Approved 28th December, 1824 ; except so much as has been abat- ed by the Board of Appeal. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That the said Tax shall be collected by John Holtzman the present Collec- tor, who, before he enters upon the duties required of him by this Ordinance, shall give a bond and security to be approved by the Mayor, and any two Aldermen, in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars , conditioned for the due and faithful performance of the duties required of him by this Ordinance, and for the punctual payment of the monies which he may collect, or for which he may be liable under the same — That he shall within sixty days after the passage of this Ordinance, make out an account for the amount of the tax chargeable to all real and per- sonal property under this Ordinance, and shall within the last abovementioned period, deliver the same respec- tively to the proprietors of the said property, if he or she be a resident within the limits of the Town, and demand payment thereof ; and when any proprietor shall be a non resident, the Collector shall deliver the said accounts respectively, in the case of real property, to the tenant or occupant of the lot or lots on which the same may be chargeable, if such property be let or occupied ; and in 81 the case of personal property, to the person or persons in whose use or possession the same rnay be, and demand payment of the same from such tenant, occupant, or possessor, in the same manner and within the same period. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained , That in every instance in which any tax chargeable under this Ordi- nance shall be unpaid by the first day of March next, the said account having been presented and payment de- manded as is herein before required, the said Collector is hereby authorised and required to proceed to enforce the payment of said tax, by distress and sale of any per- sonal property belonging to the person properly chargea- ble with said tax, wherever found within said town, and if no such personal property be found, then by distress and sale of such personal property as may be found on the premises chargeable with said tax, except such pro- perty as is exempt by the Act of Congress extending the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace for the District of Columbia, in which distress and sale shall also be inclu- ded and recovered, the sum of one dollar, for the cost and trouble of the Collector, in making such distress and sale ; and it shall be the duty of the Collector, before the sale of any personal property so distressed, to gi ve twenty days public notice in some Newspaper published in Georgetown, of the time and place of sale, and the amount of tax due thereon. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained , That when there is no personal property* liable as aforesrdd, for the pay- ment of any tax chargeable on any lot or lots or parts of lots, whether the same be the property of a resident or non-resident proprietor, and the said tax shall be unpaid on the day before mentioned, it shall be the duty of the Collector, and he is hereby required to enforce the pay- ment of such tax by the sale of such lot or lots or parts of lots, or so many thereof as may be necessary, and the course of his proceeding shall be as follows : — he shall advertise the property for public sale in the National In- 82 telligencer and in some one newspaper published in each of the towns of Georgetown and Alexandria, once a week for twelve successive weeks, previous to the day of sale, in each of said newspapers, in which advertise- ments shall be stated the time arid place of sale, the number of the lot or lots, or parts thereof intended to be sold, the value of the assessment, and the amount of taxes due and owing thereon; and if before the day of sale, advertised as aforesaid, the owner, his agent or attor- ney, shall not pay the amount: of taxes with all costs thereon assessed, the said Collector shall sell the said lot or lots, or parts thereof, or as many as may be sufficient' to discharge said taxes, for cash, and to the highest bid- der paying therefor. A certificate shall be issued by the Collector setting forth that such person is the purchaser, and the amount paid by him, and if at the expiration of twelve months from the day of sale, the owner shall not appearand pay to the Collector, the Mayor, or the pur- chaser, the amount of the taxes and costs, and taxes ac- cruing subsequent to the sale, and ten per centum interest per annum on the purchase money, it shall and may be lawful for the mayor, and he is hereby required at the expiration of said time, to convey the title, in fee simple f of said property to the purchaser, by deed under his hand and the seal of the Corporation. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained , That the said Col- lector shall forthwith pay over to the Clerk of the Corpo- ration, for their use, ali money received by him from pur- chasers at tax sales. Sec. 6. And be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty of the Collector at all times herereafter, when payments are made by him to the Clerk of the Corpora- tion, on account of his collections, to furnish to the said Clerk a ‘list of the persons from whom said collections were made, and the amount paid by each person respec- tively, and it shall be the duty of the Clerk to record the said list in a book to be kept for that purpose. 83 Bee. 7. And be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty of the said Collector to exhibit a clear and satisfactory account of his proceedings in the collection aforesaid, and finally to adjust and settle his accounts for said collections, with the Clerk, on or before the first day of August next. Sec. 8. And be it further ordained , That if by means of insolvencies and other legal impediments, the said Collector shall be prevented from collecting the whole of the tax imposed by this ordinance, by the day fixed for the final settlement of his accounts* he shall render to the Mayor and any two Aldermen, a list of the delinquents* noting thereon the amount of tax due from each, with the causes which have prevented the collection thereof \ and if the Mayor with the said two Aldermen, or a majority of them, shall be satisfied therewith, they shall thereupon direct the Clerk to credit the account of the Collector with the amount of the tax due from such de- linquent, or so much thereof as they shall see fit; and if the said Collector shall have performed the duties requir- ed of him by this ordinance to the satisfaction of the Mayor and the said two members of the Board of Alder- men, his bond shall be delivered up to be cancelled — and the said Collector shall be allowed for his pay and com- pensation to retain 7 and \ per cent 4 on the amount col- lected and paid by him to the Clerk, and no more. Sec. 9 And be it further ordained , That when taxes are due from the same person on more lots than one, and shall be offered for sale as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the Collector to advertise and sell for the taxes due on the whole number of lots at the same time, and for the collection thereof, he shall be allowed but one execu- tion fee and no more, and the execution fee of the Col- lector in each case shall he one dollar ; which said fee, with all other expenses of distress, advertisement, and sale, shall be raised and paid out of the property sold, in the same manner and at the same time that the taxes are raised and paid. 11 84 An ORDINANCE regulating the mode of hiring the slaves of non-residents within this Corporation, and to repeal an Ordinance approved June 21, 1823. Approved 17th December, 1825. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That all non-residents who may hereafter hire a slave or slaves within this Corporation, shall within ten days thereafter cause the name and age of each slave to be registered by the Clerk of the Corporation, and obtain from him a license for that purpose, for which he or she sn T pay as follows, viz : for each male slave two dollars, and for each female slave one dollar, which licence shall be in force for one year only. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That if any non- resident as aforesaid, shall hire a slave or slaves to do labor or service within this Corporation either by the year or shorter period, without first taking out a license as aforesaid, he or she shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five dollars, for each and every such offence, and any person or persons who may hire any slave or slaves belonging to non-residents for whom the said license or licenses have not been obtained, shall in like manner forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five dollars, for e ch and every slave so hired, and if such person or persons shad continue to employ such slave, he or she shall forfeit and pay the sum of two dollars, for every month he or she shall continue to employ such slave. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained , That if any resi- dent or non-resident of this Corporation shall by a ficti- tious bill of s de or otherwise attempt to evade the pro- vision^ of this Ordinance, he or she shall forfeit and pay for every such offence, ten dollars in addition to the other penalties hereby imposed. 85 Sec. 4. And be it further ordained , That the Clerk shall be entitled to receive twelve and one half cents for each slave registered as aforesaid, and that all fines and forfeitures imposed by this Ordinance shall be recovered with costs before the Mayor or any Justice of the Peace of the county of Washington, one half for the informer* and the other half for the use of this Corporation. Sec. 5. And be it farther ordained, That the Ordi- nance entitled u An Ordinance for granting licenses to non-residents to hire their slaves within this Corpora- tion,” be, and the same is hereby repealed. RESOLUTION for the relief of John Hoye. Approved 31st December, 1825. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Collector suspend the collection of the taxes claimed of John Hoye on his own account, and those claimed on the property of William and Francis Deakins, for which he is agent, until further order of this Corporation. A SUPPLEMENTARY ORDINANCE respecting Bil- liard Tables, Approved 4th January, 1826. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the license required for the privilege of keeping a Billiard Table for profit or gain within the Corporation be and the same is hereby reduced to seventy five dollars per annum. 86 Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That if it shall appear to the Mayor that any gambling or other grossly immoral practices are allowed at any licenced Billiard Table, he is hereby authorised and empowered to revoke gaid license, refunding to the proprietor such amount of the license money paid, as shall be in proportion to the term for which he may be deprived of the privilege. ORDINANCE regulating tie number of Police Officers and Watchmen. Approved 14th January, 1826. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown y That the Resolution approved 4th January, 1826, for reducing the number of Police Officers and Watchmen, and for abolishing the office of Scavenger be, and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That the number of Police Officers be limited to two, and that the number of Watchmen be limited to four, exclusive of the captain. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That Henry Trun- nel and Aquila K. Arnold be, and they are hereby, con- firmed as Police Officers for the year 1826, at a salary of one hundred dollars per annum each, payable quarterly. A RESOLUTION giving assent to the extension of the limits of Georgetown. Approved 20th January, 1826. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the consent of the Corporation is hereby given to have 87 the limits of this town extended between Seventh and Eighth streets, so as to extend westwardly from Fayette street three hundred feet, provided. , that all expenses im- mediate or remote, for surveys, alterations of plats, &c. incident to said extension, be defrayed by the person pe- titioning therefor. SUPPLEMENT to the Ordinance entitled « An Ordi- nance to regulate the Inspection of Tobacco. Approved 4th February, 1826. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , that from and after the passing of this Ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Tobacco Inspector to cause to be broken in at least five places, every hogshead of Tobacco offered for inspection. RESOLUTION respecting Wax Figures. Approved 4th February, 1826. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That from and after the passage of this Resolution the Mayor may license any proprietor of Wax Figures to exhibit the same in this Corporation at the following rates — to wit, for one month the sum of ten dollars, for any shorter period thre& dollars per week, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. 88 RESOLUTTION appointing Judges of Elections. Approved 4th February, 1826. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Co ncil of the Corporation of Georgetown , That, Thomas Corcoran, Sen. John I. Stull, William S, Nich- olls, William Marbury and William Mackey, or any two of them, in conjunction with the Mayor, be and they are hereby appointed judges of all elections of members of the Corporation which may be necessary to be hidden until the fourth Monday of February, eighteen hundred and twenty seven. RESOLUTION to erect a Pump on Congress street. Approved 11th February, 1826. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of the Mayor a sum not ex- ceeding fifty dollars, to defray the expense of erecting a pump on Congress street in the well lately sunk by Jesse Scott and others. A SUPPLEMENTARY ORDINANCE relating to Hackney Carriages. Approved 11th February, 1826. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the license required for Hackney Carriages to be employed for carrying persons for hire within the Corpo- ration, be, and the same is hereby, reduced to five dollars. 89 An ORDINANCE directing the mode of cleaning the Streets. Approved 25th February, 1826. % Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , that hereafter it shall be the duty of the Mayor to cause the paved and gravelled streets and public alleys of the town to be cleaned once in two months from April to Septem- ber, and once in three months from October to March, and as much oftener as any street or alley aforesaid shall require it. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That for the above purpose the Mayor shall hire such number of carts and laborers as may be required, at fair and proper wages per day, and that the Clerk shall keep a correct account of each item of expeuce attending the work aforesaid, and return the same with his quarterly accounts to the Corpo- ration. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained , that all the manure and filth of every kind taken from the streets and alleys aforesaid, shall be deposited in some convenient parts of the town to be selected by the Mayor, where it shall be sold to the highest bidder at public auction, and the money shall be paid over to the Clerk, for the use of the Corporation, the sale of said manure shall be held at the following stated periods— viz : in March, July and Octo- ber, and the Mayor shall give three weeks public notice of the time and place of such sale. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty ot the purchaser of said manure to cause the same to be removed within twenty days after the sale, under a penalty or one dollar for each day the same shall remain thereafter, and if any person shall remove or cause to be taken away any of the dirt, or manure de- posited as aforesaid, except a purchaser, he or they shall 90 forfeit and pay a tine not exceeding five dollars for each and every offence, one half for the use of the infoimer, and the other for the Corporation. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained , That it shall he the duty of either of the Police Officers when required b> the Mayor, to direct and superintend the work of cleaning the streets and alleys, and depositing the manure and filth as aforesaid, to see that all the persons employ- ed therein faithfully discharge their duty, and to render to the Mayor in writing a just and fair account of the time each cart and horse has been employed and each person has labored, and to report to the Mayor any per- son who shall not faithfully perform his duty, pro- vided that no horse or cart or laborer belonging to the Police Officer so superintending shall be employed in the work aforesaid. Sec. 6. And be it further ordained , That if any Police Officer appointed under the provisions of this ordinance shall not faithfully discharge the duties hereby required of him, and shall neglect properly to superintend the work aforesaid, or shall render an unfair account of the time, the persons, horses or carts have been employed, he shall for the first offence forfeit and pay a sum not ex- ceeding twenty dollars, one half to the informer, the other for the use of the Corporation, and for the second offence he shall forfeit his appointment of Police Officer. Sec. 7. And be it further ordained , That the Clerk shall return with his accounts, the accouut of labor which the superintendent is herehy required to render to the Mayor, and he is hereby authorized to pay to the order of the Mayor the amount required to pay for said labor. Sec. 8. And be it further ordained , That the Ordinance providing for cleaning the streets in Georgetown, ap- pproved 18th April, 1818, be and the same is hereby re- pealed. Sec. 9. And be it faither ordained , That a sum not ex- ceeding one hundred dollars be, and is hereby appropri- 91 ated, to be paid by the Clerk out of any unappropriated money in the Treasury, to the orders of the Mayor, to be applied by him as compensation for the services' re- quired and to be renderable by the Police Officers as su- perintendents aforesaid. Sec. JO. And be it further ordained, That all fines and forfeitures under this ordinance shall be recoverable before the Mayor. An ORDINANCE fixing the Salaries of the Officers of the Corporation for the year 1826. Approved 25th February, 1826. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board Of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the following salaries for the year the same are hereby established, viz : To the Mayor at the rate of Clerk of the Corporation, Police Officers, each, Clerk of the Market, Inspector of Tobacco, Keeper of the Powder Magazine, Captain of the Watch, Clerk of the Board of Common ) Council, J Messenger of the two Boards 1826 , be, and $600 per anm 1000 do 100 do 225 do 400 do 50 do 200 do 150 do 75 do yearly by the in his hands. 12 92 A SUPPLEMEMT to an Ordinance entitled “An Ordi- nance respecting the Penitentiary,” approved 31st December, 1821. Approved 25th February, 1826. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That so much of the Ordinance to which this is a sup- plement as requires that the Captain of the atch for the time being shall reside in, and be Keeper of the Penitentiary, be and same is hereby repealed ; and that the Inspectors of the Penitentiary shall, immediately after the passage of this Ordinance, appoint a Keeper of the Penitentiary, who shall hold his office without salary du- ring the pleasure of said Inspectors, unless removed by this Corporation ; and said Inspectors shall at all times fill any vacancy in the office of Keeper of the Penitentia- ry, to hold his office as aforesaid. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That a room be re- served in the Penitentiary for the accommodation of the Night Watch. ORDINANCE declaring the fishing Season to commence on the 15th March instead of the 1st of April. Approved 7th March, 1826. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, that the Fishing season shall be deemed to commence the present year and henceforward on the 15th day of March instead of the first of April as heretofore, with all the privileges and subject to all the penalties now in force. 93 RESOLVE for an Assessment of Property not hereto- fore assessed. Approved 20th March, 1826. Resolved , That James A. Magruder, Thomas Corco- ran and Daniel Renner be, and they are hereby, appoint- ed assessors to assess the real and personal property in Georgetown not heretofore assessed, in such manner and subject to such regulations as were prescribed in the Or- dinance entitled “ An Ordinance directing a new assess- ment of the real and personal property within the limits of the Corporation of Georgetown,” approved 28th De- cember, 1824, RESOLUTION authorising a Loan, Approved 1st April, 1826. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorised to borrow from the Farmers and Mechanics Bank, for the purpose of retiring the circulation of the Corporation, a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars, to be paid out of the first monies which may come into the Treasury. RESOLVE respecting the Collector for the years 1821 to 1823 inclusive. Approved 1st April, 1826. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That Messrs. Jewell, Hayman, and Nixdorff of the Board of Common Council, and Messrs. Kurtz and Bronaugh of t he Board of Aldermen, be a Committee to obtain from 94 the Collector for the years 1821 to 1823 inclusive, a s eU tlement of his accounts, and that they have power to adopt and pursue such legal measures as on due enquiry may to them appear necessary to secure to the Corpora- tion the payment of any deficiences of taxes due by the said Collector for the years aforesaid. RESOLVE increasing the Salary of the Messenger of the two Boards. Approved 15th April, 1826. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of twenty-five dollars be, and is hereby allowed the Messenger to the two Boards of this Corporation in ad- dition to his present salary, and that the Clerk pay the same out of any fuuds in his hands not otherwise appro- priated, one half on ihe first day of July, and one half •pn the first day of January next. An ORDINANCE for the purchase of one or more town Bulls. Approved 15th April, |826. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That a sum not exceeding thirty dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to be paid by the Clerk of the Corporation out of any money not otherwise appropriat- ed, to the order of the Police Officers for the purchase of one or more bulls for the use of the town. 95 An ORDINANCE for the improvement of a part of West Street. Approved 13th May, 1826. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Comm n C until of the Corporation of Georgetown , that for the improvement of West Street, from Washington Street to the eastern limits of Holmead’s addition to Georgetown, there be collected by the present collector, a further sum of twelve and an half cents per front foot on all the lots and parts of lots of ground situate and fronting on either side of said street, within the limits aforesaid, the nett proceeds of which shall be expended under the direction of Daniel Bussard, Joseph Brooks, and Ninian Beall, who are hereby appointed Commis- sionets for that purpose, a majority of whom may act. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That the Collector aforesaid shall, after having given bond with security, to be approved by the Mayor, proceed to make the collections aforesaid, with the like powers, and under the same reg- ulations and restrictions which are granted and prescrib- ed by the Ordinance of this Corporation entitled An Ordinance levying a direct tax for the year 1825, and providing for the collection thereof,” approved 17th Sep- tember, 1825, and he shall pay over the whole amount, except his commission to the Clerk of the Corporation, on or before the 4th day of July next, which commis- sion shall be six per cent, on the amount collected by him. Sec. 3, And be it further ordained , That the collec- tions aforesaid shall be paid over by the Clerk of the Corporation to the Commissioners aforesaid, or a majori- ty of them on their order, who shall account for the same to the said Clerk on or before the first day of October next, who shall lay the same before the Corporation at their first meeting thereafter. 96 RESOLVE directing the collection of part of the Taxes due from F. Fenwick’s estate, to be suspended. Approved 3d June, 1826. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That, the Collector be, and he is hereby directed to suspend so much of the collection of the (axes due from the estate of Francis Fenwick, as amounts to the account of said estate against the Corporation — the amount of said account being five dollars. RESOLVE for the purchase of Engine Hose. Approved 3d June, 1826. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase for the use of the town, five hundred feet of Engine Hose, at a price not exceeding sixty-five cents per foot, and that the Clerk pay for the same to the order of the Mayor, out of any funds in his hands not otherwise ap- propriated. And be it further resolved , That a further sum of Fifty Dollars be, and is hereby appropriated to defray the ne- cessary expenses of freight of the same, and for provid- ing a suitable place for the keeping thereof, to be paid also by the Clerk to the order of the Mayor. An ORDINANCE for building an additional Tobacco Warehouse. Approved 3d June, 1826. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown > 97 That John Laird, Walter Smith, John Kurtz, Joseph Brooks and John Baker be, and they are hereby appoint- ed Commissioners to cause to be built an additional To- bacco Warehouse, on the warehouse lot, of such dimen- sions as they may deem expedient, with suitable fixtures provided that the whole cost thereof shall not exceed two thousand dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That to defray the cost thereof, a sum not exceeding two thousand dol- lars be and the same is hereby appropriated, to be paid by the Clerk out of any unappropriated money in the treasury, to the order of a mojority of said commission- ers, who shall determine upon the proposals offered, and enter into such contracts for the building said addition as to them shall appear most to the advantage of the town, and forthwith to commence and complete the same and who are required to settle their accounts for the same on or before the first day of September next A SUPPLEMENT to the Ordinance entitled “An Or- dinance directing the mode of cleaning the Streets,” approved 26th February, 1826. Approved 17th June, 1826. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown y That the manure and filth now collected, or such as shall hereafter be collected in cleaning the streets and alleys of the town, may be sold either at public or private sale, at such times and upon such terms and conditions as shall be prescribed by the Police Officer superintending the work, under the direction of the Mayor — any thing in the Ordinance to which this is a supplement to the contrary notwithstanding. RESOLUTION repealing the Ordinance for building an additional Tobacco Warehouse. Approved 5th August, 1826. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the the Ordinance entitled u An Ordinance for building an additional Tobacco Warehouse,” approved the third day of June 1826, be, and the same is hereby repealed. RESOLUTION authorizing an addition to the Tobacco Warehouse to be built. Approved 5th August, 1826. Resolved by the Board bf Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be and is hereby authorised and required to have forthwith erected, as an addition to the Tobacco Warehouse, two Sheds, one on the south side of the pre- sent Warehouse, and one on the west side of the whole length of the same, to be covered with good shingles, and secured at the ends by gates with proper fastenings ; and otherwise arranged so as to make them places of safety for storing Tobacco, when necessary to be used as such. Sec. 2. Aud be it further resolved , That for defraying the expenses of the aforesaid improvement, there be, and is hereby appropriated a snm not exceeding four hundred dollars, to be paid by the Clerk to the orders of the Mayor, out of any unappropriated money in the Treasury ; and which shall be accounted for the usual way by account, with proper vouchers, on or before the first Monday in December next, to be then submit-; ted by the Clerk to the Corporation with his quarterly accounts. RESOLUTION increasing the number of the Change Committee. Approved 5th August, 1826. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com •< mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Change Committee shall hereafter consist of five members, two from the Board of Aldermen, and three from the Board of Common Council ; and that Jere. W. Bronaugh and Thomas Turner be added to said Commit- tee ; any two members of which shall be competent to act. An ORDINANCE for making a Free Road to Mont* gomery County, in the State of Maryland. Approved 5th August, 1826. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars be, arid the same is hereby, appropriated to make a Free Road from this Town to some convenient point on the River Road, between Tennallytown and the farm of George B. Magruder. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the Mayor; C. Smith, John Threlkeld, Daniel Bussard, and William Hayman, be, and they are hereby appointed Commis- sioners to survey, locate, and construct the road afore- said, on such a route as they, the said Commissioners, may deem most suitable, keeping in view the beginning and termination as hereinbefore described. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained , That the Commis- sioners aforesaid be, and they are hereby, authorized and requested to obtain as early as practicable, the consent of the owners of the land through which it may be found 13 100 most desirable to locate the Road aforesaid, and to pro- cure a full and complete legal surrender of so much of the land aforesaid as they, the said Commissioners, may deem sufficient for the purpose aforesaid. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained , That the aforesaid sum of one thousand dollars, or any part thereof, shall not be expended for the purpose aforesaid until the Com- missioners aforesaid shall have succeeded in procuring such legal surrender of the land aforesaid as shall be ap- proved by the Recorder. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained , That the Road aforesaid, when completed, shall always be and remain? to all intents and purposes, a Free Road. Sec. 6. And be it jurther ordained , That the Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorised to pay to the order of a majority of the Commissioners aforesaid, the said sum of one thousand dollars, or so much thereof as they, the Commissioners, may deem necessary for the purpose aforesaid. RESOLYE respecting William Thompson, late Collec- tor. Approved 19th August, 1826. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Committee appointed by this Corporation to effect a settlement with William Thompson, late Collector, be, and they are hereby instructed to institute suits on the bonds of the said Collector, if a satisfactory settlement cannot be be obtained on or before the first of October next. 101 An ORDINANCE respecting the Penitentiary, Approved 19th August, 1826. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , that so much of the second section of “An Ordinance res- pecting the Penitentiary,” approved December 31,1821, as provides that the Keeper of the Penitentiary shall not be entitled to receive any pay or compensation for the care of such disorderly and suspicious persons as may be lodged by the Watch in the Penitentiary, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That all persons taken up by the Watch and confined in the Penitentiary, shall be liable to, and pay the same fees and charges, as those committed by the Police, unless the same shall be remitted by the Mayor or Justice of the Peace by whom such persons shall be discharged. An ORDINANCE levying a direct Tax for the Year 1826, and providing for the Collection thereof. Approved 19th August, 1826. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That there shall be and hereby is levied a direct tax, of twenty cents on every hundred dollars worth of real and personal property within the limits of this Corporation, as ascertained and valued under the authority of the Corporation. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That the said Tax shall be collected by John Holtzman the present Collec- tor, who, before he enters upon the duties required of him by this Ordinance, shall give a bond and security to 102 te approved by the Mayor, and any two Aldermen, iq the penal sum of ten thousand dollars , conditioned for the due and faithful performance of the duties required of him by this Ordinance, and for the punctual payment of the monies which he may collect, or for which he may be liable under the same — That he shall within sixty days after the passage of this Ordinance, make out an account for the amount of the tax chargeable on all real and per- sonal property under this Ordinance, and shall within the last abovementioned period, deliver the same respec- tively to the proprietors pf the said property, if he or she be a resident within the limits of the Town, and demand payment thereof ; and when any proprietor shall be a non resident, the Collector shall deliver the said accounts respectively, in the case of real property, to the tenant or occupant of the lot or lots on which the same may be chargeable, if such property be let or occupied ; and in the case of personal property, to the person or persons in whose use or possession the same may be, and demand payment of the same from such tenant, occupant, or possessor, in the same manner and within the same period. Sec. 3. dlnd be it further ordained , That in every instance in which any tax chargeable under this Ordi- nance shall be unpaid by the first day of October next, the said account having been presented and payment de- manded as is herein before required, the said Collector is hereby authorised and required to proceed to enforce the payment of said tax, by distress and sale of any per- sonal property belonging to the person chargeable with said tax, wherever found within said town, and if no such personal property be found, then by distress and sale of such personal property as may be found on the premises chargeable with said tax, except such pro- perty as is exempt by the Act of Congress extending the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace for the District of Columbia, in which distress and sale shall also be inclu- ded and recovered, the sum of one dollar, for the cost 103 and trouble of the Collector, in making such distress and sale ; and it shall be the duty of the Collector, before the sale of any personal property so distressed, to give twenty days public notice in some Newspaper published in Georgetown, of the time and place of sale, and the amount of tax due thereon. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That when there is no personal property liable as aforesaid, for the pay- ment of any tax chargeable on any lot or lots or parts of lots, whether the same be the property of a resident or non-resident proprietor, and the said tax shall be unpaid on the day before mentioned, it shall be the duty of the Collector, and he is hereby required to enforce the pay- ment of such tax by the sale of such lot or lots or parts of lots, or so many thereof as may be necessary, and the course of his proceeding shall be as follows : — he shall advertise the property for public sale in the National In- telligencer and in some one newspaper published in each of the towns of Georgetown and Alexandria, once a week for twelve successive weeks, previous to the day of sale, in each of the said newspapers; in which adver- tisements shall be stated the time and place of sale, the number of the lot or parts thereof intended to be sold — the value of the assessment — the names of the persons so assessed, and the amount of taxes due and owing thereon; — and if before the day of sale — ad- vertised as aforesaid — the owner — his agent or attorney, shall not pay the amount of taxes with all costs there- on assessed — the said Collector shall sell the said lot or lots, or parts thereof, or as many as may be sufficient to discharge said taxes, for cash, and to the highest bid- der paying therefor. A certificate shall be issued by the Collector setting forth that such person is the purchaser, and the amount paid by him, and if at the expiration of twelve months from the day of sale, the owner shall not appear and pay to the Collector, the Mayor, or the pur- chaser, the amount of the taxes and costs, and taxes ac- 104 erning subsequent to the sale, and ten per centum interest per annum on the purchase money, it shall and may be lawful for the mayor, and he is hereby required at the expiration of said time, to convey the title, in fee simple, of said property to the purchaser, by deed under his hand and the seal of the Corporation. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained , That the said Col- lector shall forthwith pay over to the Clerk of the Corpo- ration, for their use, all money received by him from pur- chasers at tax sales. Sec. 6 . And be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty of the Collector at all times herereafter, when payments are made by him to the Clerk of the Corpora- tion, on account of his collections, to furnish to the said Clerk a list df the persons from whom said collections were made, and the amount paid by each person respec- tively, and it shall be the duty of the Clerk to record the said list in a book to be kept for that purpose. Sec. 7. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the said Collector to exhibit a clear and satisfactory account of his proceedings in the collection aforesaid, and finally to adjust and settle his accounts for said collections, with the Clerk, on or before the first day of April next. Sec. 8 . And be it further ordained, That if by means of insolvencies or other legal impediments, the said Collector shall be prevented from collecting the whole of the tax imposed by this ordinance, by the day fixed for the final settlement of his accounts, he shall render to the Mayor and any two Aldermen, a list of the delinquents, noting thereon the amount of tax due from each, with the causes which have prevented the collection thereof \ and if the Mayor with the said two Aldermen, or a majority of them, shall be satisfied therewith, they shall thereupon direct the Clerk to credit the account of the Collector with the amount of the tax due from such de- linquent, or so much thereof as they shall see fit; and if 105 the said Collector shall have performed the duties requir- ed of him by this ordinance to the satisfaction of tj^e Mayor and the said two members of the Board of Alder? men, his bond shall be delivered up to be cancelled — and the said Collector shall be allowed for his pay and com- pensation to retain 7 and \ per cent , on lfie amount col- lected and paid by him to the Clerk, and no more. $ec. 9 And be it further ordained, Thqt when taxes are due from the same person on more lots than one, apd shall be offered for sale as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the Collector to advertise and sell for the taxes due on the whole number of lots at the same time, and for the collection thereof, he shall be allowed but one execu- tion fee and no more, and the execution fee of the Col- lector in each case shall be one dollar ; which said fee, with all other expenses of distress, advertisement, and sale, shall be raised and paid out of the property sold, in the same manner and at the same time that the taxes are raised and paid. Sec. 10. And be it further ordained , That the Collec- tor be, and is hereby authorised and directed to allow a discount of five per centum on all general taxes paid him on or before the first day of October next, and of three per centum on all paid him by the first day of De- cember next. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor, John Mason, Walter Smith, John Threlkeld, Thomas Corcoran, senior, John Laird, William Marbury Leonard Mackall, Clement Smith, Charles King, James S. Morsell, Charles Worthington, and Charles A. Beatty, be, and they are hereby appointed a Committee to make a:rangements, and to adopt measures expressive of the deep regret felt for the death of the illustrious Jefferson and the respect entertained for his memory by the citi- zens of Georgetown. 106 Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Committee of Citizens appointed on Friday last, to make suitable arrangements to pay due respect to ihe memory of Thomas Jefferson, be, and they are hereby requested, to adopt measured testifying the respect which the Citizens of Georgetown entertain for the virtues, patriotism, and eminent national services, which distin- guished the long and eventful life of John Adams. @®s!j sssrsso 1821 Page, An Ordinance declaring that the Election of all officers of the Corporation shall be made with closed doors. 3 An Ordinance respecting the Penitentiary, 3 J 822 A Resolution to reduce the Salaries of the Watchmen. 4 An Ordinance appointing commissioners to settle the accounts of Jacob Mountz, late Collector. 4 An Ordinance for locating a Fish Market, and providing for renting the Wharf Property be- longing to the Corporation. 5 An Ordinance to repeal part of an Ordinance, approved the 10th of February, 1821, enti- tled “ An Ordinance for the better regulating of the market in Georgetown,’ and for other purposes. 7 An Ordinance providing for the redemption of the Corporation bills. 7 A Supplement to the Ordinance relating to Dogs. 9 Resolve respecting the vending of spirituous liquors on the fish wharf, contrary to law. 10 A Resolution authorizing John Mason to re- move his Ferry. 11 An Ordinance for re-paving Bridge, High and Water streets, including Market Space. 13 An Ordinance levying a General Tax for the year eighteen hundred and twenty-two. 14 16 n 1822 Page An Ordinance providing for the settlement of all arrears of Taxes due prior to the year eigh- teen hundred and twenty. 19 A Supplement to ihe Ordinance, entitled “ An Ordinance for repaving Bridge, High and Water Streets, including Marke; Space.” 20 A Resolution authorizing the erection of a Fire-proof Tobacco Warehouse, for the Cor- poration. 21 An Ordinance providing for the settlement of certain accounts, standing open on the books of the Corporation. 21 A Resolution for the purchase of lots, and for building a public Tobacco Warehouse. 22 A Supple t ent to the Ordinance, entitled “ An Ordinance for licensing and regulating Auc- tions within the limits of Georgetown.” 23 Resolve authorizing a further loan to erect a Tobacco Warehouse. 25 A Supplement to an Ordinance, entitled “ An 1823. Ordinance licensing retailers of porter, ale, & strong beer,” approved the 23d of December eighteen hundred and twenty. 25 Resolve for making public a Pump on Olive Street. 26 Resolution appointing Judges of Elections. 26 A Resolution respecting the new Tobacco Warehouse. 27 Extracts of an act of Congress entitled An act supplementary to the act u to incorprate the inhabitants of the City of Washington” pass- ed the fifteenth of Mav, one thousand eight hundred and twenty, and for other purposes. 28 Resolve appointing a joint Committee to su- perintend the Issue of Change. 30 Ill 1823 A Supplement to the Ordinance respecting* Corporation Bills, approved 22d March, 1822. An Ordinance for granting Licences to Non- residents to hire their Slaves within this Cor. p oration. Resolve appropriating $2250 in Change to the Tobacco Warehouse. Resolution providing for the preservation of the Records of the Town. A Resolution to provide for extending the Pave- ment on Water Street. An Ordinance levying a General Tax for the year eighteen hundred and twenty-three. Resolve for opening the new Warehouse for the inspection of Tobacco. An Ordinance providing for the prompt Pay- ment of Interest of the Corporation Stock. * F “ r, l !t ‘ r Supplement to the Ordinance enti- 6-4. tied “ An Ordinance for licensing & regulat- ing Auctions within the limits of Georgetown. Resolution fixing the number of Police Offi- cers for the year 1824. An Ordinance reducing the compensation for sweeping Chimneys. An Ordinance fixing the number of Watchmen for the year 1824. An Ordinance fixing the Salaries of the officers of the Corporation for the year 1824. Resolution appointing Judges of Elections Resolve making an Appropriation on account of the Ship Channel. Resolve exempting certain School Property from all General Taxes. 1 * 31 31 33 33 34 35 37 37 ’ 38 38 39 39 5 4( 40 41 IV 1824 Page Resolution authorizing the Mayor torent the Fish Wharf. 41 Resolution for Staking out the Ship Channel. 42 An Ordinance directing the Corporation Depo- sites to be made in the Fanners and Mechan- ics’ Bank. 42 Resolution to provide for the Sale of the Mud Machine. 43 Resolution respecting the Gaug r and Inspector of Spirituous Liquors, and the Flour Inspector. 43 A Supplement to the Ordinance respecting the Penitentiary. 44 Supplement to an Ordinance concerning the Mar- ket, approved the 13th July, 1819. 44 A Supplement to an Ordinance entitled, u An Ordinance to regulate Weights and Measures, 5 approved 5th July, 1805. 45 Resolve directing certain credits to be passed to the Accounts of Jacob Mountz, late Collector. 46 Resolve extending the time for collecting the Taxes of 1823, conditionally. 46 An Ordinance respecting the Payment of Offi- cers Salaries. 46 Resolve suspending the Collection of Taxes due from certain Persons. 47 An Ordinance to provide for the Collection of the Arrears of Taxes for the years 1821 and 1822. 47 An Ordinance levying a direct Tax for the year 1824, and providing for the Collection there- of. 50 A Resolution for the relief of John Pickrell. 54 Resolve appointing a Committee to revise and report an Amendment to the Charter. 54 V ljS24 Page An Ordinance to provide for the Collection of i he Arrears of Taxes for the year 1823. 55 Resolve making an appropriation to defray the Contingent expenses of the Boards of Aider- men and Common Cotrnoil. 57 Resolve authorizing the expenditure of an un- expended Balance standing to the credit of Olive Street. 58 Resolve for the removal of the Tobacco from Lowndes’ to the Public Warehouse. 58 An Ordinance respecting Dogs. 58 Resolution respecting certain Notes, the prop- erty of the Corporation. 61 Resolution relating to the Rockville Turnpike Road. 62 Resolution respecting Fire Crackers. 62 An Ordinance directing a new Assessment of the real and personal property within the limits of tiie Corporation of Georgetown. 63 A Resolution fixing the number of Police Officers ’25. for the year 1S25. 66 An Ordinance fixing the Salaries of the Officers of the Corporation for the year 1825. 67 An Ordinance to procure a Town Bell. 67 An Ordinance permitting brick or stone Ware- houses, without cellars, to be erected on the south side of Water street, west of Frederick street. 68 An Ordinance directing the repair of a Pump at the intersection of Fayette and High streets, and for other purposes. 68 Resolution appointing Judges of Elections. 69 Resolve appointing Francis Lowndes on the Change Committee. 69 VI 1825. P age Resolution for marking out the Channel, and for renting the Public Wharf at the foot of High street. 69 A Resolution in favor of John Logan. 70 Resolution in favor of William Hoyt. 70 An Ordinance to provide for leasing the fish wharf, and supplementary to the ordinance en- titled u An Ordinance for locating a fish mar- ket, and providing for renting the wharf prop- erty belonging to the Corporation, 5 * approved 21st February, 1822. 71 An Ordinance respecting the sweeping of chimneys within the jurisdiction of the Cor- poration of Georgetown, and providing for the appointment of a superintendent of sweeps. 72 An Ordinance supplementary to an Ordin «.nee entitled “ An Ordinance for the better regulat- ing of the Market in Georgetown, and for ex- tending the limits of the same, 55 approved 10th February, 1821 . 75 A Supplement to an Ordinance entitled u An Ordinance for the better regulating the Market in Georgetown, and for extending the limits of the same. 75 Resolve for furnishing the office of the Mayor with fixtures and furniture. 76 Resolve respecting General Lafayette, 76 Resolve respecting General Lafayette. 77 Resolve making an appropriation to F S. Key, W. Jones and the Recorder. 77 An Ordinance for repairing the foot pavements in Georgetown. 78 An Ordinance laying a front foot tax on part of Congress Street. 78 vii 1825 Page. A Resolution providing for the redemption of the Corporation Change. 79 An Ordinance levying a direct Tax for tl e year 1325 and providing for the Collection thereof. 80 An Ordinance regulating the mode of hiring the Slaves of non-residents within this Corpo- ration, and to repeal an Ordinance approved June 21, lb 23. 84 Resolution for the relief of John Hoye. 85 A Supplementary Ordinance respecting Billiard 18 id. Tab.es. 85 Ordinance regulating the number of Police Officers and Watchmen. 86 A Resolution giving assent to the extension of the limits of Georgetown. 86 Supplemen t to the Ordinance entitled £C An Or- dinance to regulate the Inspection of Tobacco. 87 Resolution respecting Wax Figures. 87 Resolution appointing Judges of Elections. 88 Resolution to erect a Pump on Congress street. 88 A Supplementary Ordinance relating to Hack- ney Carriages. 88 An Ordinance directing the mode of cleaning the Streets. 89 An Ordinance fixing the Salaries of the officers of the Corporation for the year 1826. 91 A Supplement to an Ordinance entitled u An Ordinance respecting the Penitentiary,” ap- proved 31st December, 1821. 92 Ordinance declaring the fishing Season to com- mence on the 15th March instead of the 1st of April. 92 Resolve for an Assessment of Property not heretofore assessed. 93 VUl 1.826 Paire Resolution authorizing a Loan. 93 Resolve respecting the Collector for the years 1821 to 1823 inclusive. ' 93 Resolve increasing the Salary of the Messen- ger of the two Boards. 94 An Ordinance for the purchase of one or more town Bulls. 94 An Ordinance for the improvement of a part of West Street. 95 Resolve direting the collection of part of the Taxes due from F. Fenwick’s estate, to be sus- pended. 90 Resolve for the purchase of Engine Hose. 96 ' An Ordinance for building an additional To- bacco Warehouse. 96 A Supplement to the Ordinance entitled u An Ordinance directing the mode of cleaning the Streets,” approved 26th Febriary, 1826. 97 Resolution repealing the Ordinance for build- ing an additional Tobacco Warehouse. 98 Resolution authorizing an addition to the To- bacco Warehouse to be built. 98 Resolution increasing the number of the change Committee. 99 An Ordinance for making a Free Road to Mont- gomery County, in the State of Maryland. 99 Resolve respecting William Thompson, late Col- lector. 100 An Ordinance respecting the Penitentiary. 101 Ad Ordinance levying a direct tax for the year 1826, and providing for the Collection thereof. 101 Resolve respecting Thomas Jefferson. 105 Resolve respecting John Adams. 106