UNIVERSITY OF AGMCUJLTURr NQN CIRCULATING CHECK FOR UNBOUND CIRCULATING COPY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Agricultural Experiment Station BULLETIN No. 148 ON THE MEASUREMENT OF CORRELATION WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SOME CHARACTERS OF INDIAN CORN BY HENRY L,. RIETZ AND LOUIE H. SMITH URBANA, ILLINOIS, NOVEMBER, 1910 CONTENTS OF BULLETIN NO. 148 PAGE. Introduction 291 The Correlation Table 292 Nature of the correlation coefficient r 294 Details of the computation of the correlation coefficient 296 Modification of the method of computing r 301 Probable error 301 Use of the correlation coefficient 301 The regression coefficient 302 Use of the regression coefficient 302 Determination of the correlation coefficients for certain physical characters in corn 303 Source of material 304 Discussion of results 306 Two year rotation corn 306 Illinois corn 307 Appendix on the Mathematical Theory of Correlation 303 Mathematical definition of correlation '. 309 Standard deviation of arrays 311 Correlation surfaces 312 Derivation of the shorter formula for numerical calculation of r 313 OX THE MEASUREMENT OF CORRELATION WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SOME CHAR- ACTERS OF INDIAN CORN BY HENRY L. RIETZ, Statistican, and LOUIE H. SMITH, Assistant Chief, Plant Breeding INTRODUCTION In Bulletin 119 of this station, there are presented methods of dealing with problems involving variability of a single character and these methods are there applied to the study of type and variability of some characters in corn. But the breeder deals with many characters in the same organ- ism, each with its own variability. After treating separate char- acters, what he needs next to know is whether, and to what extent, any bond may exist between characters by virtue of which, if one character varies, other characters of the same organism tend also to move in the same or in opposite directions. If such a bond exists the characters are said to be correlated (co-related), and it is the purpose of this bulletin to describe methods by which such a correlation may be detected if present and the strength of its bond be measured. A second purpose of the bulletin is to present data concerning certain definite correlations for corn bred at the Illinois Station. The great value to the breeder of definite knowledge of corre- lations within a species is that it gives reliable information, enab- ling him to predict from the presence of certain characters the most probable values of associated characters. More technically speaking, when we are dealing with two sys- tems of variable characters in correspondence, we are, in general, much concerned about whether fluctuations of variates in one sys- tem are in sympathy with fluctuations of corresponding variates in the other, and with establishing causal relations between the two series of phenomena. For example, in breeding corn for com- mercial purposes, we are much interested in knowing what charac- ters of the seed ears should be modified or selected to increase the yield ; and, if we should select directly one character, it is im- portant to know to what extent other characters are being se- lected indirectly, because of the tendency of the two to fluctuate in the same or in opposite directions. 291 292 BULLETIN No. 148. [November, These examples illustrate the following technical definition of correlation; Two characters say length and circumference of ears of corn are said to be correlated when with any selected values (.r) of the one character, we find that values of the other character, a given amount above and below the mean of that char- acter, are not equally likely to be associated. As the first and simplest method, it may possibly occur that correlation is so pronounced that it may be necessary merely to look at two sets of figures to note that corresponding values have a tendency to change simultaneously in the same or in opposite directions. The existence of such decided correlation may be known by inspection.. As a second, and somewhat more effective method, one may plot curves for each of two systems of variates, and if correlation is very pronounced, it may sometimes be discovered by noting whether the curves have a tendency to rise and fall together, or if, when one rises, the other falls. Not only do these methods prove inadequate to detect correla- tion unless it is exceedingly pronounced, but they lack precision in that they do not give a measure of correlation. It is not enough to know whether correlation exists, its quantitative measure is usually a matter of importance. Our power to measure the correlations among associated phe- nomena has been enormously increased during the past two dec- ades by methods introduced by Galton and developed by Pearson and those associated with him. An application of these methods has not until very recently been made to problems in agriculture.* It is the purpose of this Bulletin to present in a form useful to agricultural students the methods of correlation measurement with- out presuming more mathematics than is absolutely necessary, and to give the results of our investigations into the correlation of certain characters in corn bred at the Illinois Station. I. The Correlation Table. The first step in the process of measuring correlation is to construct a double, entry table (Fig. i) called a "correlation table" out of the measurements of the characters in a large number of individuals. One mark at the intersection of the proper column and row in the table records a pair of corresponding variates with reference to two characters. Put in tabular form as it appears in the actual work, we have the following (Fig. i) for the correlation table between the num- *Davenport, Principles of Breeding, pp. 452-472, 703-711. Pearl and Surface, Bulletin 166, Maine Agr. Exp. Sta. Clark, Bulletin 2~<), Cornell University Agr. Exp. Sta. SOME CHARACTERS OF INDIAN CORN. 293 Correlation of Circumference and Rows. Number of R ows. Crop 190 7- Plot 401 10 12 14- 16 Id 20 P_Z ^4. $ 500 5.50 5.75 6.00 :6.50 675 125 7.50 7.75 6.00 025 it 1 i i 1 1 in II M 1 MM IN mini mil 1 nan N (,' ;Y'/ ft!! V/ III till IHI IN IHI /WIW//II IH! [Hi IHI IHI Illl III i IHllHJIHIHtl II MINI IHI IHI 1 Ml IN! IV! IHI Illl HI i IHUHIIHIN Ml IN IN IHI IN IN/MM NTH! IN IHI IHI III IWtHIIWIHJ ai mi IHI mi III IHI IHI mil in i IHI III nu mi IHI mi HI IN IHI INI 11 mi IHI mini KNK'tl IH1IH1 mi mi nan mi II IHI IN IHI IN M mi 111 IHIIWfHlN IHItHlltillN IHIIWIHJIHI IHI III tftllHIIHl 11 i IN Illl IHSIHIMIN mi IHI mi nu IHI 'it H U III IN Mil . its nu in IHI III it Ill in II i no. /. 294 BULLETIN No. 148. [November, her of rows of kernels on ears and the circumference of the ears for a certain plat of corn (Plot 401) grown in 1907 at the Illinois Experiment Station. It will be observed that this table consists of a double system of arrays each of which is a frequency distribution as explained in Bui. 119, and has its own mean and standard deviation as has any other frequency distribution. To show, in a concrete way, how such a table is made, suppose an ear of corn has 18 rows of kernels and a circumference be- tween 6.375 an d 6.625 in., a mark is made in the rectangle at the intersection of the column headed 18 and the row of the table marked 6.50. A second table (Fig. 2) exhibits the result of counting the marks in each of the rectangles of Fig. i. Any number in this table, say 43, in the column headed 18 and the row marked 6.50, indicates that 43 ears of the total of 769 ears had 18 rows of kernels and a circumference of class mark 6.50. By adding the numbers in horizontal arrays, we obtain the frequency distribution of the population with respect to circum- ference of ears, and by adding the numbers in columns, we ob- tain the frequency distribution of the population with respect to rows of kernels on ears (See Fig. 3). The mere superficial inspection of a correlation table may sug- gest that a certain amount of correlation exists. For example, ears of corn of circumference 7.50 inches, from this population, are much more likely to have 20 rows of kernels than are ears of circumference 6 inches. It is pretty clear that there is a tendency, in general, for the marks in the table of Fig. i to arrange them- selves in a region along the diagonal from the upper left hand cor- ner to the lower right hand corner of the table. This signifies that a positive correlation exists; that is, in general, for this popula- tion, ears that have a large number of rows of kernels are more likely to be large in circumference than are ears with a smaller number of rows of kernels. But it is not our purpose merely to detect the existence of correlation. What we seek is a statistical coefficient that will serve to measure correlation, and that will en- able us to predict with as high a degree of probability as possible, from an assigned character, the value of the associated character in the related system of variates. The coefficient of correlation, de- noted by r in this paper, is useful for this purpose. 2. Nature of the coefficient r. A discussion of the mathemat- ical theory of correlation will be given in the Appendix to this Bulletin, but the general character and common sense significance of r may well be stated here. The value of the coefficient is within the limits i and +i. If r=i, there is said to be perfect positive SOME CHARACTERS OF INDIAN CORN, 295 Correlation of Circumference and Rows. Number of Rows. Crop IQ07-Pht40L 10 12 14- 16 16 20 22 CO 00 -C o C c: ^> i. 6 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 6.00 2 1 1 / 1 i 3 6 2 5 i a 15 13 6 / 7 23 34 24 3 / 22 4! 24 7 1 1 / 26 66 43 16 3 / d 42 50 Id 5 a 5 2d 40 26 15 'a / 9 25 23 5 a 3 12 13 6 a 3 3 4 i 1 a 1 1 FIG. a. 2 96 BULLETIN No. 148. [November, correlation ; that is, for any assigned value of the character in one system, the value for each corresponding individual of the related system is known, and the ratio of the deviations of any two vari- ates of a pair from their mean values is a constant for all pairs. In other words, perfect correlation (r=i) indicates complete cau- sation in the sense that the two characters go together perfectly. If r= i, there is said to be perfect negative correlation. In this case, the ratio of the deviations from mean values are negative and constant for all pairs. If no correlation exists, the two characters appear indifferent to each other, and this fact is expressed by r=o. In a general way, we may say that the correlation should be judged, in any application, by the value that r takes between i and +i. For our applications to characters in corn, there is usually a posi- tive correlation, and the amount of correlation is measured by the value of r between o and i. The correlation coefficient may be defined as the mean product of deviations of corresponding variates from their mean values in units of the standard deiiations. The meaning of the standard deviation of a frequency distri- bution is shown in Bulletin 119 of this Station. If a variate is below the mean, its deviation is negative; while if it is above the mean, it is positive. Hence, if each individual of a pair of variates is above the mean of the system to which it belongs, or if each of the pair is below, the pair tends to contribute to positive correla- tion. On the other hand, if one variate of a pair is below the mean of its system and the other above, the product is negative, and such a pair tends to contribute to negative correlation. While it appears from this that the coefficient of correlation, as defined above, has a common sense justification, we shall require the math- ematical methods of the Appendix to see more fully how this co- efficient with the standard deviations of the two systems of vari- ates are descriptive of the correlated population exhibited on a correlation table such as is shown in Fig. i. 3. Details of the computation of r. In algebraic form r = - - - - (1) where Sxy means the sum of the products of the deviations of corresponding variates from their mean values ; and 70)( X(0.2 5 ) 2X42 0X50 2X18 4X5 6X2 This gives I3-5O- 300 BULLETIN No. 148. [November, Treat all arrays in this manner, and divide the sum of the products thus obtained (that is, 432.00) by the number of variates 769. This gives of formula (6) and equals 0.5618. Xext, we subtract from this the product of our two corrections in finding means. That is, C B C C = 0.071 5. To subtract this negative number, we must add 0.0715. This gives 0.6333 f r tne numerical value of c R - C C C R r = Cerre/of'on of Circumference and_Rows. Number of Rowa of Kermis'. O = 0.501. Crop 1907- Plot 401. 3 4 /7 37 9/ 97 157 126 IIQ 65 38 4 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 -20 -66 -in 97 (06 100 272 333 - 564 97 126 472 565 608 275 144 49 30 5 (44 196 76 -27 52 61 I2& 70 -6 7 / -496 126 152 55 7 795 769299 . 2 2 2 2 i o = *|i 76 & o * \j oo Vj Oj ?* 7693535 , 4.594 C=ai5i a' ? IDA -33 697 33 1.1235 -0.1450 C, /.T. CROPS 1907, 1908, 1909 Value of r for length and circumference Value of r fo circumference and rows Value of r for leiio*^ 1 an d rows Value of r for length and weight Crop 1907 High protein . Low proein . . High oil 0.202 0.031 0.368+0.028 0.317+0.029 128+0.035 0.4900.026 0.520+0.025 0.431+0.027 0.5620.024 -0.051+0.032 0.0170.034 0.822+0.013 0.725+0.016 0.838+0.009 0.7270 017 Crop 1908 High protein . Low protein . . High oil 0.310+0.027 0.293+0 027 132+0.027 0.435+0.025 0.488+0.024 0.464+0 022 0.106+0.030 0.017+0.031 0.776+0.012 0.809+0.012 673+0 015 Low oil Crop 1909 High protein . Low protein . . High oil 0.569+0.020 0.183+0.030 0.437+0.022 299+0.025 0.459+0.025 0.592+0.021 0.305+0.029 0.335+0 026 0.081+0.035 0.868+0.007 0.681+0.016 0.770+0.011 769+0 013 Low oil . 0.255+0.024 0.480+0.020 0.675+0.014 APPENDIX ON THE MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF CORRELATION. 1. Mathematical function. A variable y is said to be a mathematical function of a variable x if they are so related that to assigned values of x there correspond definite values of y. Thus, if y=2x+4, y is a function of x; since, for any assigned value of x, we can compute y. Those who are familiar w r ith ana- lytic geometry know that a curve is useful for representing and following the variations of a mathematical function. \Ye shall assume, in the present treatment of correlation, a knowledge* of the use of a system of co-ordinate axes to represent numbers and functions. In order to place the notion of correlation on a precise basis, we lay down the following special 2. Definition. t TWo measurable characters of an individual or of related individuals are said to be correlated if to a selected scries of sizes of the one there correspond sizes of the other zvhose mean values are functions of the selected values. The word "sizes" is used in the sense of numerical measure, and the function is to be different from zero for some of the selected values. To be concrete, we may think, for example, of measuring the correlation between length and circumference of ears of corn, or the correlation of fathers and sons with respect to stature. To render the above definition in symbolic language and to develop the methods of determining the function mentioned in the definition are the first points in the application of mathematics to the theory of correlation. For this purpose, let x and y be variables such that y=f(x) gives the mean value of a system of variates which correspond to a selected x. Suppose the following system of corresponding values results from measurement: (x', y'), (x", y"), . . . , (x (n) , y (n) ), where n is a large number indicat- ing the total number of pairs observed. These observations are said to form a total population or universe of observations. As it is more convenient to deal with the deviations of the observations *See Davenport's Principles of Breeding, pp. 687, 689. ^Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Vol. i8~A, pp. 256-257. .'11 312 BULLETIN No. 148. [November, from their mean values than with the observations themselves, let ( x i> yi)> ( X 2> V 2)> > ( x n> y n ) represent the deviations of the observations from their mean values. These deviations may be conveniently represented with respect to co-ordinate axes (Fig. 5). The origin then represents the mean of the two characters. In fact, we may think of the co-ordinate axes as passing through the mean of the table and drawn parallel to arrays. The vertical par- allel lines of the figure may then be looked upon as separating the observations into arrays. The values of the y's which correspond to a given class mark x are said to form a y-array. Suppose there are s such arrays. x-*- Y FIG. 5. Let the crosses ( X ) in Fig. 5 represent the means of the y's in each of the ^-arrays. If correlation exists, these means do not lie at random over the field, but arrange themselves more or less in the form of a smooth curve called the "curve of regression." This curve is a crude picture of the function which defines the correla- tion of the ^-character relative to the .^-character. Experience has shown that, in many sets of measurements, this line is approxi- mately a straight line. For this reason, and for simplicity, the line subjected to the condition that the sum of the squares of the devia- tions (measured parallel to the ^-axis and weighted with number of points in array) of the means from it shall be a minimum, is called the "line of regression." When the means lie exactly on the line, the regression is said to oe "truly linear." /p/o.] SOME CHARACTERS OF INDIAN CORN. 313 Let y=mx+b be the function which represents the line of re- g>ression, then the problem of determining the line is that of de- termining m and b by means of the above minimal condition. The algebraic details of subjecting a line to this minimal condition are well known to those familiar with the method of least squares or the method of moments. The equation of the resulting line is y = r^Lx, (1) ff x where o- x is the standard deviation of the population with respect to the x-character, cr y is the standard deviation with respect to the y-character, and r is the correlation coefficient given by S xy r where the summation is extended to every pair of corresponding variates of the population. Similarly, the regression of the x char- acter on the y character is given by x = r_!l y (2) y It should be noted that (2) cannot be obtained by solving (i) for x, for the reason that the correspondence is one between se- lected values and means. 3. Standard deviation of arrays. Suppose that regression is truly linear, so that the means of the y-arrays fall on the line a ; y = r_il x j ; and, for the present, assume that the standard devi- ations of arrays are equal. Then the standard deviation of an array is given by n where the summation extends to the entire population. = r + r T * 2 r z a y y 314 BULLETIN No. 148. [November, Hence, the standard deviation of a y-array is obtained from the standard deviation o- y by multiplying v y by i/i-r 2 If the standard deviations of parallel arrays are unequal, then n (T G x y where x and y represent deviations from the means, and the sum- mation extends to every pair of corresponding variates. Let G x and G y represent class marks near the means of the sys- tems of variates indicated by subscripts, and C x , C y corrections to these class marks which give the correct mean values so that M y = G y +c y . Let x', y' be deviations from G x and G y which correspond to deviations x, y from the mean. Then '- C x 2y'+ 2 C x C y , C y 2x'y' C C /xy = ( - - V n This is a formula whose computation is shown on pp. 297-301. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Agricultural Experiment Station BULLETIN No. 148 ABSTRACT ON THE MEASUREMENT OF CORRELATION WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SOME CHARACTERS OF INDIAN CORN BY HENRY L. RIETZ AND LOUIE H. SMITH URBANA, ILLINOIS, NOVEMBER, 1910 The bulletin is a technical presentation of the methods of de- termining the correlation coefficient for associated characters, to- gether with considerable tabular matter giving the correlations for various strains of Indian corn. It is the purpose of this abstract to present the leading thought of the bulletin devoid of technical terms, and, omitting all reference to methods of cal- culation, to discuss briefly the meaning of the correlation coeffi- cient, present the data involved, and assist the non-mathematical reader to an understanding of its significance. Anyone desir- ing to pursue the subject farther, particularly as to methods of calculation of the correlation coefficient, can secure the complete text upon request to the Agricultural Experiment Station. Any one, who has at all considered the matter, is conscious that there is correlation of some characters, both in animals and plants. That is to say, that the different characteristics that go to make up the individual animal or plant do not ex'st indepen- dently of one another, but on the contrary are more or less co- related, or bound together by such physiological bonds as com- pel them to move more or less with reference to each other. Among those who have not studied the matter carefully, but rely merely upon personal impressions derived from unsystematic observation, it appears that a notion prevails pretty commonly that characters are either perfectly correlated or entirely uncor- related, the conception being that the characters are either ab- solutely bound together or else they move with complete inde- pendence. The truth is, however, that characters are seldom per- fectly correlated, just as they are seldom independent. The math- ematician follows accurate methods in determining precisely what correlations exist between characters in large populations. He has no method of determining the bond between two or more characters from a single or even a few individuals. He deals only w 7 ith large numbers, and by his methods, he is able to dis- tinguish very clearly whether, in general, two characters tend to move together or in opposition to each other, and approximately to what extent. If they move together, correlation is said to be positive. If they move in opposite directions, the one tending to increase proportionately as the other decreases, the correlation is said to be negative. The present bulletin treats the precise methods of measuring this correlation. It is measured by a single number called the correlation coefficient, denoted by r, which may take values from -i to i, depending on how fluctuations in the two characters take place. If, in general, the characters fluctuate together, say either above or below the type, the value of (r) lies between o and i depending upon how closely the characters are correlated. If, in general, two corresponding characters fluctuate in opposite direc- tions, the correlation is between o and -i. The values r=+i, and -i, indicate respectively perfect positive correlation, and per- fect negative correlation, while indifference of the characters to each others fluctuations leads to the value r=o when very large numbers are used. The general reader is not concerned with the methods by which these values are obtained. He is concerned only with the results, which are significant and extremely valuable, and which with a little practice become easily apprehended by the non-mathe- matical reader. But a single further word of introduction is nec- essary, and that has reference to the so-called probable error, a decimal always following the correlation coefficient, and preceded by the + or sign. This probable error has no reference to mis- takes which might be made in computation. It has reference to the fact that any value which may be determined would probably have been different if a larger number of individuals had been involved. For example, if it is desired to ascertain what is the weight of mature draft horses of a given breed, it could be ob- tained approximately by weighing 100 such horses. It could be ascertained with greater accuracy by weighing 1000 such horses, but there is no absolutely accurate w r ay of determining the actual weight until every draft horse of that age in the world has been weighed. The so called probable error of a result is a number that enables us to set limits within which we may reasonably ex- pect the result to be found if we should use larger numbers in establishing a result. For a more complete statement of the mean- ing and applicability of the probable error, see Bulletin 119 of this station. The bulletin treats the correlations among four characters of ears of corn length, circumference, weight, and number of rows of kernels. The practical bearing of such information, as is con- tained in the results, lies in the facts, ( I ) that in the selection of parents for one character, we should know how this tends to change other characters; (2) that the problem of the correlation of char- acters and yield requires, for its solution, in case of a selected parentage, a knowledge of the correlation of the characters among themselves in the general population from which parents are se- lected; (3) that the problems of inheritance of these characters requires a knowledge of these correlations. The following tables give the correlation coefficients and prob- able error for a large number of determinations that have been made at the Agricultural Experiment Station, and if the reader will take the pains to compare the different correlation coefficients, TABLE 1. CORRELATION AMONG CERTAIN CHARACTERS OK EARS OF CORN 400 SERIES. CROP 1907. SEED: Low PROTEIN BY MECHANICAL SELECTION Yield * Value of r for length and circum- ference Value of r for length and rows Value of r for circumference and rows 401 68.4 0.423+0.019 0.044+0.024 0.5010.019 402 69.9 0.438-1-0.019 -f 0.007+0. 024 0.446+0.020 403 69.4 0.312+0.020 0.484+0.018 404 75.9 0.4624-0.018 0.548+0.017 405 66.6 0.452 -HO. 018 0.5020.019 406 84.6 0.403+0.019 0.470+0.018 407 68.6 0.282+0.021 0.440+0.020 408 84.1 0.278+0.021 0.554+0.016 409 71.4 0.203+0.021 0.487+0.019 410 95.6 0.411+0.017 0.432+0.018 Value of r for Value of r for Value of r for * length and weight rows and weight weight and circum- ference 401 0.781+0.008 0.275+0.023 0.768+0 009 405 0.786+0.009 0.223+0.024 0.721+0.011 * Computed at 80 Ib. per bushel of ear corn. TABLE 2. CORRELATION AMONG CERTAIN CHARACTERS OF BARS OF CORN 5 SERIES. CROP 1908. SEED: HIGH PROTEIN BY MECHANICAL SELECTION Yield * Valus of r for length and circum- ference Value of r for length and rows Value of r for circumference and rows 501 37.5 0.590+0.014 0.090+0.025 0.514+0.019 502 45.0 0.528+0.015 0.061 0.026 0.506+0.019 503 33.1 0.562+0.015 0.120+0.027 0.432+0.022 504 39.3 0.526+0.016 0.486+0.021 505 39.6 0.519+0.016 0.6080.017 506 76.1 0.422+0.015 0.480+0.016 507 46.1 0.385+0.018 0.444+0.020 508 74.1 0.360+0.016 0.517+0.016 509 39.8 0.4440.017 0.5280.019 510 75 0.344+0.017 0.497+0 015 Value of r for length and weight Value of r for rows and weights Value of r for weight and circum- ference 501 0.855+0.006 0.345+0.021 0.771+0.009 505 0.871+0.005 0.348+0.021 0.763+0. 09 * Computed at 80 Ib. per bushel of ear corn. TABLE 3. CORRELATION AMONG CERTAIN CHARACTERS OF EARS OF CORN 400 SERIES. CROP 1909. SEED: L,ow PROTEIN BY MECHANICAL SELECTION Yield * Value of r for length and circum- ference Value of r for length and rows Value of r for circumferences and rows 401 46.2 0.548+0.016 0.004+0.027 0.452+0.021 402 38.6 0.623-1-0.016 0.027+0.034 0.466+0.026 403 48.4 0.453+0.118 0.044+0.026 0.514+0.022 404 43.6 0.534+0.016 0.463+0.022 405 47.2 0.461+0.018 0.487+0.022 406 57.6 0.506+0.017 0.482+0.019 407 46.0 0.443+0.019 0.524+0.020 408 58.8 0.432+0.018 0.428+0.021 409 51.6 0.409+0.019 0.458+0.022 414 72.6 0.539+0.012 0.425+0.018 Value of r for length and weight Value of r for weight and rows Value of r for weight and circum- ference 401 0.818+0.008 0.216+0.025 0.840+0.007 402 0.844+0.008 0.225+0.032 0.746+0.012 403 0.815+0.008 0.178+0.027 0.648+0.013 404 0.801+0.010 0.212+0.029 0.757+0.012 405 0.810+0.008 0.229+0.027 0.728+0.011 406 0.791+0.008 407 0.800+0.008 008 0.798+0 008 409 0.785+0.008 410 0.843+0.005 * Computed at 50 Ib. per bushel. Shelled corn (dry substance). he will learn something of the way corn behaves under a variety of conditions. The material for this study is furnished by the crops obtained from a number of the regular experiment plots that are being conducted for different purposes. These plots belong to two dif- ferent groups, one of which is devoted primarily to soil investi- gation (Tables 1-3), and the other to experiments in corn breed- ing (Table 4). The soil plots are designated as the 400 and 500 series. They are devoted to a two year rotation consisting of corn alternating with oats, that is to say, corn occupies the 400 series one year and the 500 series the next year. Each series is divided into ten plots, and various soil treatments are applied. For a detailed account of the arrangement and the soil treatment of these plots, the reader is referred to the bulletin of which this is an abstract, or to Bulletin 125 of this station. TABLE 4. CORRELATION AMONG CERTAIN CHARACTERS OF EARS OF CORN CORN. CROPS 1907, 1908, 1909 Value of r for length and circumference Value of r for circumference and rows Value of r for length and rows Value of r for length and weight Crop 1907 High protein . Low pro ein . . High oil . . . . Low oil .... 0.2020.031 0.368+0.028 0.3170.029 128-1-0.035 0.4900.026 0.5204-0.025 0.431 0.027 562 024 -0.051 4-0. 032 0.0170.034 0.8224-0.013 0.7254-0.016 0.8384-0.009 727 017 Crop 1908 High protein . Low protein . . High oil 0.3104-0.027 0.2930.027 132-f-0.027 0.4354-0.025 0.4884=0.024 0.4644-0 022 0.1064-0.030 0.0170.031 0.7764-0.012 0.8094-0.012 6734-0 015 Low oil 0.5694-0.020 0.459-(-0 025 0.8684-0.007 Crop 1909 High protein . Low protein . . High oil 0.1830.030 0.4374=0.022 0.2994-0.025 0.5924-0.021 0.3054-0.029 0.3354-0.026 0.081 035 0.6814=0.016 0.7704-0.011 0.769-t-0.013 Low oil . ... 0.2554=0.024 0.4804-0.020 0.6754-0.014 The variety of corn grown upon these plots has been two strains of Learning which has been under selection for high pro- tein and low protein content respectively. In 1907 and 1909 the seed corn planted was low in protein content while in 1908 it was high in protein. The corn breeding plots from which the material for Table 4 was taken, represents four lines of selection that have been un- der way since 1896 for high protein content, low protein content, high oil content and low oil content. With a set of four characters under consideration, there are six pairs of characters, between each pair of which the correla- tion can be determined. From the results of the tables, it will be observed that the correlations for some plots are given for each of these six pairs of characters. The tables include the re- sults of 141 determinations of correlation, and should give a good general notion of the values of these correlations for the corn un- der consideration. In Table i are given, correlations between length and circum- ference, length and number of rows, circumference and number of rows, length and weight, weight and rows of kernels, weight and circumference, for some plots of low protein corn, differently treated, crop of 1907. A careful study of this Table shows, first of all, a considerable tendency for length and circumference to move together, that is, for long ears to be large in circumference, but that this correlation varies greatly in the different plots, rang- ing all the way from 0.203 to 0.462. Second, there is practically no correlation between the length of ear and the number of rows it contains, that is to say, one is no index whatever to the other. Third, there is a fairly high positive correlation between circum- ference and the number of rows, which means that the large ears have in general more rows than the small ears. However, the correlation in no case approaches very near to i.o, which means that the large ears have not only more rows than the smaller ones, but the kernels are larger. There is a high correlation for length- weight, and weight-circumference, but a rather low correlation between weight and rows of kernels. In Table 2 are also shown ten plots of high protein corn, dif- ferently fertilized, crop of 1908. The same general traits are maintained as in the former table, excepting that the correlation runs somew r hat higher between length and circumference ; and, that there is perhaps a slight positive correlation between the length of the ear and the number of rows that it contains. Table 3 exhibits the correlation for the same series as shown in Table i, but for the crop of 1909, and a more complete list of correlations between length-weight, weight-number of rows, and weight-rows of kernels. In these later determinations, we find what we should now 7 expect, namely, a high correlation be- tween length and weight and between weight and circumference, and a rather low 7 correlation between weight and the number of rows. Table 4 exhibits certain correlations for the so called Illinois corn, which, as stated above, consists of four strains bred for chemical composition. A gross comparison of this table will show that the correlation in any two characters varies in the same strain of corn in different years as it does by different methods of treatment. For example, the correlation between length and circumference in high protein corn, crop of 1907, was 0.202. The next year it was 0.310, and the next, 0.183. The reader will be interested in making this same sort of comparison for other strains of corn and for other characters. Arranging the pairs of characters in descending order as to correlation, we have the following order : 1 i ) Length and weight. (2) Circumference and weight. (3) Circumference and rows of kernels. (4) Length and circumference. (5) Weight and rows of kernels. (6) Length and ro\vs of kernels. 8 . For this arrangement, the odds are pretty large except in the case of (3) and (4), and possibly of (i) and (2). As a sort of general conclusion, we may say that correlations for length-weight and circumference-weight are high. The cor- relation for circumference-rows of kernels and length-circumfer- ence are fairly high. The correlation of weight-rows of kernels is low, \vhile that of length-rows of kernels is probably, in general, insignificant. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA