,43or 190S AMENDMENTS TO “The Revised Municipal Code of Chicago of 1905” ( PASSED MARCH 20 , I905) AND New General Ordinances- Passed by the City Council of the City of Chicago from Jan, /, /907, to Sept. /, igoj Supplement Number II. ■■ PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL September : : : : 1907 JOHN R. McCABE CITY CLERK CHICAGO, ILLINOIS V5 Chicat# School of Civtoa and Philanthropy. AMENDMENTS TO • I “The Revised Municipal Code, of Chicago of 1905” ( PASSED MARCH 20 , I905) AND New General Ordinances Passed by the City Council of the City of Chicago from fan, /, /907, to Sept. /, igoy Supplement Number II. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL September : : : : 1907 JOHN R. McCABE CITY CLERK CHICAGO, Il.LINOlS C w ^ . CONTENTS. I I. Amendments to the Revised Municipal Code 17(3 to 21' • .. •• • ’“’ -^. .V,,. -a'::' .';.: - ' •H'.'’-'-' •: r. ■/ V' • "rv.--> ' .•^■ ' . . V . : * . " vA—'-:'-V ■• •■'■*•' . - ,:r--.-' , - • *'•' •'■' ■'■ ’ ■■ ••■‘.V 179 AMENDMENTS, R. M. C., 1905. or corporation to sell or to engage in the business of selling, any ticket of admission to any theatrical, operatic or musical entertainment, ex- cept at the regular ticket office or ticket offices located upon the premises where such entertainment is ‘to be given or held; provided, that nothing in this ordinance shall be held or construed to prohibit the sale of tickets to entertainments, the proceeds of which are to be devoted to charitable or benevolent purposes. It shall be unlawful for any person or corporation to sell or to en- gage in the business of selling at a premium or at a higher price than the price printed thereon, any ticket of admission to any place of amusement, whether such selling be his or its regular business, or be engaged in occasionally or incidentally in connection with some other business. No person or corporation conducting any place of amusement, or ail}' officer, agent, or employe thereof, shall directly or indirectly offer to sell, sell, consent to sell, or permit to be sold, any ticket of admis- sion to any place of amusement to any broker, speculator, scalper, or other person, regularly, occasionally, or incidentally engaged in the business of selling any such tickets of admission for re-selling at an increased price above that printed thereon. Section 1G6. (As amended March 30, 1907, page 372-2, Council Pro- ceedings). 166. License — Fee]. — Any person desiring to have, keep or con- duct any billiard or pool table or any bowling or pin and ball alley for profit in the city, and desiring to be licensed under the provisions of this chapter, shall make written application for such license to the Mayor, setting forth in such application the full name of the applicant and the place at or in which such billiard or pool table or bowling or pin and ball alley is to be kept, used or operated ; and upon payment by such applicant to the City Collector of a license fee of five dollars for each such billiard or pool table and each such bowling or pin and ball alley which such applicant desires to so keep, use or operate, the' ^layor shall issue or cause to be issued to such applicant a_ license attested by the City Clerk authorizing the keeping, conducting or oper- ating of such billiard or pool table or tables or such bowling or pin and ball alley or alleys, as the case may be, at the place described in such application, for and during the term of such license. ISO AMENDMENTS, R. M. C., 1905. Section 2T9. (As amended '^Jnly S, 1907, page 1080, Council Pro- ceedings). '279. Hospitals — Location of, Near Schoolhouses]. — Xo hospital of any kind or description hereinafter erected or established shall be erected or established within four hundred (400) feet of property used for school purposes. Section 293. (As amended Web. 4, 1907, page 2880, Council Pro- ceedings). 293. Buildings, Class IV — Construction of]. — Buildings of Class IV, containing halls of an aggregate seating capacity of not more than eight hundred, may be built of ordinary construction. If such halls have a greater aggregate seating capacity than eight hundred (800) and less than one thousand five hundred (1,500), such building ^hall be built of mill, slow-burning, or fire-proof construction. If such halls have an aggregate seating capacity of one thousand five hundred (1,500) or more, such buildings shall be built entirely of fireproof con- struction, provided that buildings mainly used for exposition or ex- hibition purposes, and not exceeding two stories in height or having for public use only a main fioor and one gallery, and which have their outside walls and structural members of incombustible material and which comply in all other respects with this ordinance may have their temporary seats, boxes, show-cases, platforms, or booths, constructed of combustible material. Provided, that in church buildings not having more than two stories and each floor having its own separate exits and standing free from all buildings, the seating capacity of each floor shall be estimated alone as determining the kind of construction under this article. Distance of said building from any other structure or building, to be at least seven feet on all sides. Sections 401, 404. (As amended Feb. 18, 1907, page 3335, Council Proceedings.) 401. Stair Halls Enclosed in Masonry — Requirements and Ex- ■"■Previouslv amended May 20, 1907, page .343, Council Proceedings. tPreviously amended December 11, 190,5. See page 10 ante. 181 AMENDMENTS, H. M. C., 1905. captions]. — In every new non-fireproof tenement house all stair halls shall be enclosed on all sides, with the walls of solid masonry of the same dimensions and thickness as specified for enclosing walls. All windows in such stair halls shall have metal frames and sashes, glazed,, fire-resisting glass and such windows shall be stationary. This section shall not apply to tenement houses which are not more than three (3) stories and basement high with only one apartment on each floor. 404. Bay Windows — Vent Shafts — Openings]. — All bay windows and all shafts and courts, in masonry constructed new tenement houses, shall have the walls of the bay windows, shafts and courts built of brick or other fireproof construction throughout. This section shall not ap- ply to enclosures about elevators which are in common with a stair- way surrounded and enclosed in masonry walls. Section 414. {Repealed by Section 3 of ordinance of Feb. 18, 4907, page 3336, Council Proceedings) . ✓ Section 421. {As amended Feb. 18, 1907, page 3335, Council Pro- ceedings). 421. Alcoves]. — Alcove rooms must conform to all the require- ments of other rooms, except that in one or two story existing build- ings which it may be desired to raise or alter, every alcove shall be deemed a separate room for all purposes within the meaning of this ordinance, except such an alcove, as adjoining another room, has at least twenty per centum of entire wall surface of alcove opening to another room. Section 471. {As amended ^'July 8, 1907, page 968, Council Pro- ceedings. — Same as Section 680 as amended — same date and page.) 471. Standpipes — Pumps — Axes, Etc.]. — (1). In every building over one hundred (100) feet in height not provided with a three (3) inch or larger inside standpipe, in all buildings hereafter constructed ^Previously amended March 19, 1906. See page 16 ante. 182 AAIENDMENTS, R. M. C., 1905. of a greater height than seventy-five (To) feet (except buildings used for theatre purposes, as herein elsewhere provided for) ; in all buildings used for hospital purposes of a greater height than three (3) stories with accommodations for at least twenty (20) patients; and in all buildings of a greater height than five (5) stories now or hereafter used for hotel or public lodging house purposes there shall be con- structed one (1) or more four (4) inch standpipes which shall extend from basement to roof and which shall be connected at street or alley side of building with two-way Siamese connection for use of fire de- partment, and which shall be provided Avith one hose connection, with fire department thread, on the roof of said building, on each floor and in the basement thereof, with sufiicient hose attached to reach any point thereof. The pattern, (piality, installation, and maintenance of such standpipe, hose and couplings, shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Alarshal. (2) In any of the buildings herein referred to where approved sprink- ler systems are installed and properly maintained, it shall not be necessary to install additional inside standpipe as above provided for. (3) On each floor and in the basement of every building used for hotel, public lodging, or school purposes, three or more stories in height, there shall be two (2) or more portable hand pumps or chemical extinguishers, one or more fire axes and one or more pike poles. In the basement or janitor quarters of all apartment buildings three or more stories in height, the floors of which are divided into two or more apartments, and in the basement of all office buildings four or more^ stories in height there shall be provided one or more portable hand pumps or chemical extinguishers, one or more fire axes and one or more pike poles; all of which shall be installed and maintained subject to the approval and supervision of the Fire Marshal. (4) The interior of all grain elevators and malt houses of a height of fifty (50) or more feet, which are not entirely fire-proof, and which* have a capacity of two hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) bushels or over, and the interior of all cold storage houses of a height of four (4) or more stories, which are not entirely fire-proof and Avhich have a ground floor area of ten thousand (10,000) or more square feet, shall be equipped Avith either a dry or wet sprinkler system to each of which systems there shall be a feeder or riser pipe or pipes not less than four (4) inches in diameter, leading from one or more Siamese steamer connections; all of which shall be installed and maintained subject to the approval of the Fire Marshal. (5) Grain elevators which are equipped with Journal Fire Alarrn 183 AMENDMENTS, U. M. C., 1905. Systems of the most approved pattern and which are left at all times in the most perfect working order, or grain elevators, malt houses 'and cold storage houses, which are now equipped with standpipes of ap- proved pattern and hose with not less than two (2) inch connections which have been installed in accordance with city ordinances and ap- proved by the fire department, each floor of which is approved by said department as being at all times easily accessible to firemen, where fire extinguishers, water barrels and pails are distributed at intervals on all floors on advice and instruction of the Chicago Underwriters’ Association ; where the necessary pump pressure is maintained ; where some approved electric watcli service and fire alarm system is main- tained and watchmen are employed during nights, Sundays and holi- days, pulling such stations not less frequently than once per hour, and which have outside Siamese connections and standpipes not less than two and one-half (2^) inches, shall be exempt from the provisions of this ordinance. Section (132. (As amended "^"February 18, 1907, page 3334, Council, Proceedings.) 632. Doors and Windows — When Required to be Closed [Sta- tionary Sash] — Fire-resisting Glass]. — Wherever the distance between doors and windows in buildings of Classes I., IT., IV., V., VII. and VIII., on opposite sides of alleys or courts shall lie less than thirty feet, or wherever the distance between such doors and windows and any inside lot line of any lot upon which any such building is erected is less than fifteen feet, or wherever the distance between such doors and windows and the alley line (where the alley is less than thirty feet wide) is less’ than fifteen feet, such windows and the glazed por- tion of such doors shall be made of fire-resisting glass, set in frames of incombustible material. Where the windows in buildings of Class I. on lot line courts are less than two feet from the lot line the sashes shall be stationary. The ])rovisions of this section shall not apply to frame buildings of any class. This section shall not apply to buildings of Class I. one story in height and having a floor area of less than twelve hundred and- fifty square feet, nor shall it apply to buildings of Class II. not more than two stories in height. ^Previously amended Oct. 22, 1906. See page 19 ante. ^ -A * Y: ' *v, •\> k \ ■ s6: ! ■ / ' ' ■ A - r -V --'7 ?• ) . ■ * \ ■ ■ • ■» '■ ii-, . ■ .’_ i -/ ";.■ 1 v_ ) V, "•^-v ' V 184 AMENDMENTS, K. M. C., 1905. Section (>52. {See ordinance of Jan. 28, 1907, concerning '‘Shelter Sheds for Fuel and Supply JVagons, Fire Department;’ page 235 post). Section 053. (As amended June 3, 1907, page 48(>, Council I^ro- ccc dings). 653. Sheds — Coal, Brick and Salt Sheds along Railroad Tracks and Navigable Streams]. — That open shelter sheds to be used for the storage or liandling of coal, lirick or salt may be erected within the fire limits, iijion, along or adjacent to steam railroad tracks or along navi- gable waters: jirovided such sheds shall have incombustible roofing and shall not exceed thirty-five feet in height from the ground to the highest point of the roofing. If it is desired or intended to inclose any such sheds, inclosing walls thereof shall be covered with incombustible material. Xo such coal or salt sheds shall be built upon any lot or par- cel of ground fronting upon any street within seventy-five feet of any building used exclusively for residence purposes, unless the consent of the owners of the majority of the frontage on both sides of such street between the two nearest intersecting cross streets, shall have first been obtained by the person or corporation desiring to erect and maintain such coal or salt shed. Section (555. {As amended January 2, 1907, page 2492, Council Pro- ceedings) . 655. Lumber not To Be Piled near Planing Mills, Wood-working Establishments or Private Residences]. — No lumber shall be piled for the ])iirpose of storage, seasoning or drying the same, within fifty feet of any planing mill or wood-working manufactory, nor within one hundred feet of any private residence, unless the same has been erected since the establishment of such yard. Section (580. {Amended "^Aidy 8, 1907, page 9G8, Conned Proceed- ings. See Section 471, ]iage 181 ante). ‘"■Previously amended March 19, 190G, See page 20 ante. 185 AMENDMENTS, lE'M. C., 1905. Section (>8(1. {As amended '^Feb. 11, 1907, page 0221, Council Pro- ceedings). 686. Fire Limits of City]. — The fire limits of the City of Chicago shall be and are hereby defined as follows : All that part of the City of Chicago bounded by the following limits: Commencing at the inter- section of the shore of Lake Michigan and a line one hundred and fifty feet north of the center line of Belmont avenue, thence west on said first-mentioned line to the center line of North Halsted street, thence south along said center line of North Halsted street to the cen- ter line of Fullerton avenue, thence west along said center line of Ful- lerton avenue to the center of the North Branch of the Chicago River, thence northwesterly along the center of said North Branch of the Chi- cago River to the center line of Belmont avenue, thence west. along said center line of Belmont avenue to the center line of Kedzie avenue, thence south along said center line of Kedzie avenue to the center line of West North avenue, thence west along said center line of West North avenue to the center line of North Fortieth avenue, thence south along said center line of North Fortieth avenue to the center line of the first alley north of Park avenue, thence west along the center line of said alley to the center line of South Forty-sixth avenue, thence south along said center line of South Forty-sixth avenue to the center line of West Madison street, thence west along the center line of West Madison street to the center line of South Forty-eighth avenue, thence north along said center line of South Forty-eighth avenue to the center line of Kinzie street, thence west along said center line of Kinzie street to the center line of South Fifty-second avenue, thence south along said center line of South Fifty-second avenue to the center line of West Madison street, thence east along said center line of West Madison street to the center line of South Fiftieth avenue, thence south along said center line of South Fiftieth avenue to the north line of the pres- ent right-of-way of the Chicago and Great Western Railroad Company, thence east along the said north line of said right-of-way t6 the center line of South Forty-eighth avenue, thence south along the said center line of South Forty-eighth avenue to the center line of West Twelfth street, thence east along said center line of AVest Twelfth street to the center line of South Forty-sixth avenue, thence south along said center line of South Forty-sixth avenue to the center line of West Twenty- second street, thence east along said center line of West Twenty-sec- ■^^Previously amended: Jan. 22, 190G, pa^e 2322, Council Proceedings; March 5, 190G, page 2821, Council Proceedings; May 7, 190G, page 334, Council Proceed- ings; Jan; 2, 1907, page 2493, Council Proceedings: see page 20 ante. 186 AMENDMENTS, R. M. C., 1905. ond street to the center line of South Fortieth avenue, thence south along said center line of South Fortieth avenue to the center line of the Illinois and ^Michigan Canal, thence northeasterly along the center line of said canal to the center line of South Western avenue, thence south along said center line of South \\^estern avenue to the center line of West Thirty-ninth street, thence east along said center line of A\"est Thirty-ninth street to the center line of State street, thence south along said center line of State street to the north line of \\Tst Forty-seventh street, thence west along said north line of West Forty-seventh street to a line seventy-five feet west of the west line of South Flalsted street, thence south to a line seventy-five feet north of the west line of South Halsted street along said line seventy-five feet west of the north line of est Sixty-third street, thence west along said line seventy-five feet north of the north line of ^^Tst Sixty-third street to the center line of South Ashland avenue, thence south along the center line of South Ashland avenue to the center line of West Sixty-third street, thence east along said center line of West Sixtv^- third street to the center line of State street, thence south along said center line of State street to the center line of East Seventy-fifth street, thence east along said center line of East Seventy-fifth street to the shore of Lake ^Michigan, thence northerly and northwesterly along the shore of Lake INIichigan to the place of beginning. Also, commencing at a point in the center of iManistee avenue, where it intersects the right-of-way of the main line of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad, thence northeasterly and north along the center line of iManistee avenue to the center line of Eight}'-ninth street, thence east along the center line of Eighty-ninth street to tlie center line of Mackinaw avenue, thence south along the center line of i\Iackinaw avenue to the center line of Harbor avenue, thence south- westerly along the center line of Harbor avenue to the center line of Ninety-third street, thence west along the center line of Ninety- third street to the easterly line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad right-of-way, thence south along the easterly line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad right-of-way and Baltimore and Ohio Railroad ex- tended, to the northeasterly line of said Lake Shore and ^Michigan Southern Railroad, thence northwesterly along the northeasterly line of said right-of-way to the place of beginning. ■V 1ST AMENDMENTS, R. M. C., 1905. Section G91. (As afne7ided'^'July 8, 1907, page 1083, Council Pro- ceedings). 691. Hospitals Near Schoolhouses — Location of]. — No hospital of any kind or description hereafter erected or established shall be erected or established within four hundred (400) feet of any property used for school purposes. Sections 705 to 714 inclusive. (As amended January 2, 1907, pages 2484 to 2488, inclusive, Council Proceedings) . ARTICLE XXIII. BILLBOxVRDS^ SIGNBOARDS AND WOODEN FENCES. 705. Billboards or Signboards on Buildings]. — Every billboard or signboard of greater height than two feet and placed on any building shall be faced with iron or other incombustible material with framework. of wood or iron, and shall be securely anchored and fastened to sucly building in such manner as to make the same safe, to the satisfaction and approval of the Commissioner of Buildings. When such billboard or signboard is situated above or upon the roof of any building the - supports and framework for same may be of wood, and the number of such supports and the construction of same and the construction of the framework for same shall be satisfactory to and approved by the said Commissioner. No billboard or signboard anchored to, fastened to, or situated above or upon the roof of any building shall be placed so that the face of same shall come within three feet of the inner plane of the outer wall of such building, nor shall the same be constructed so that the bottom of such billboard or signboard shall be less than one foot or more than three feet above the surface of such roof ; the face of such billboard or signboard shall not exceed ten feet in height, nor shall it exceed twenty-four feet in length for every twenty-five feet of frontage on the building on which it is placed, nor extend beyond the wall of said building; and such billboard or signboard shall have a door in the center of same which can be readily opened and which when so opened will leave a clear space at least four feet in width and seven feet in height from the roof to the top of said door. No billboard or signboard shall be anchored to, fastened to or '•^Previously amended May 20, 1907, page 343, Council Proceedings. 188 A:\lEXD:\fEXTS, R. M. C., 1905. situated above or upon the roof of any building more than two (2) stories in height ; and no billboard or signboard shall be anchored to, fastened to or situated above or upon the roof of any building having other than a flat roof. No billboard or signboard such as is described in', this section, whether anchored to or fastened to any building or situated or lo- cated upon the roof thereof, shall be constructed and put in place unless in accordance with plans and specifications which have been submitted to and ajiproved by the Commissioner of Buildings. 706. Size and Construction of Billboards and Signboards Erected Within Fire Limits Otherwise Than on Buildings]'. — Xo billboards or signboards erected within the fire limits as now defined or as they may hereafter be defined by ordinances of the City (other than signboards and billboards referred to in Sections 105 and T07 hereof) shall exceed twelve (12) feet in height, and the same shall be constructed of tin or galvanized iron or some other equally incom- bustible material, except that the stringers, uprights and braces there- of may be made of wood. All such billboards or signboards shall be securely anchored or fastened so as to be safe and substantial. '•'706a. Height and Distance from Ground of Billboard or Sign- board Erected Within Fire Limits]. — Xo billboard or signboard (other than those referred to in Sections 705 and 707 hereof) shall be constructed within the fire limits at a greater height than seventeen feet above the level of the adjoining street, and the base of the bill- board or signboard shall be in all cases at least five feet above the level of the adjoining street, and in case the surface of the ground upon which such billboard or signboard is erected is above the grade of the adjoining street, the base of such billboard or signboard shall be not less than two feet above the surface of the ground. In case the grade of the adjoining street or streets has not been established, no such billboard or signboard shall be constructed at a greater height than seventeen feet above the level of the street adjoining the ground upon which such billboard or signboard is erected. 707. Wooden Billboards or Signboards — Construction — Size — Exceptions]. — Billboards or signboards not exceeding twelve square feet in area may be built of wood or other combustible material, and such billboards or signboards shall be exempt from the provisions of this article. Signs erected flat against the face of buildings shall also ■"'A new section, added by ordinance of -Jan. 2, 1907, page 2485, Council Pro- ceedings. 189 AMENDMENTS, K. M. C., 1905. be exempt from the provisions of this article, provided that such signs shall be safely and securely fastened to the building. 708. Billboards or Signboards Erected Outside of the Fire- Limits — Construction — Size]. — All billboards or signboards erected outside of the fire limits as now defined or as they mav here- after be defined by the ordinances of the city (other than those re- ferred to in Sections 705 and 707 hereof) shall comply Avith the fol- lowing conditions : If such billboard or signboard be erected or located so that no part thereof is nearer than ten feet to any building, wooden fence, or other structure, such billboard or signboard may be constructed of wood or other combustible material, but no part of same shall exceed seventeen feet in height, and the same shall be so constructed that there shall be a clear space of not less than five feet between the bot- tom of such billboard or signboard and the surface of the ground- upon Avhich such billboard or signboard is erected. If any part of such billboard or signboard shall be within ten feet of any building, wooden fence, or other structure, the size and construction of such billboard or signboard shall be limited as is provided in Sections 706 and 706a for billboards or signboards erected within the fire limits. All billboards or signboards erected outside of the' fire limits as pro- vided for in this section shall be securely anchored or fastened so as to be safe and substantial. 709. No Billboard or Signboard Shall Be Erected Without Permit]. — Xo billboard or signboard such as is described in this arti- cle shall be erected or maintained Avithin the City unless a permit shall first haA'e been secured by the person desiring to erect or main- tain such billboard or signboard from the Commissioner of Buildings, to Avhom application for such permit shall be made ; and such appli- cation shall be accompanied by such plans and specifications of the proposed billboard or signboard as are necessary to fully adAUse and acquaint the said Comniissioner Avith the construction of such pro- posed billboard or signboard. If the plans and specifications accom- panying such application shall be in accordance with the proAusions of this article, said Commissioner shall thereupon issue a permit for the erection of such billboard or signboard, upon the payment by the applicant of a fee as hereinafter fixed ; proAuded, hoAveA^er, that none of the provisions of this article shall apply to or effect any billboard erected upon land abutting the right-of-Avay of any railroad Avhere such billboard does not come Avithin tAventy-fiA^e feet of any public n I ■ ■' . - i'. - i» < • \ •}. •• ' / V :/ \ i- { -V'- ■ .5 t -".r ; :: V ' r=-A> -i ' ■ N ‘ '■ :: ¥ 1 . <'* ' ' r < ■ <»v - ■' -t :• ' ’■ ■'- '..'’a -4 -'- '- - • ' : .'■-■►■ 190 AMENDMENTS, E. M. C., 1905. highway and where the bottom of such billboard is not less than three feet from the ground and the same is situated more than fifty feet from any building. 710. Alteration and Repair of Billboards and Signboards], — No material alteration of any billboard or signboard shall be made except upon a written permit issued by the Commissioner of Buildings au- thorizing such alteration ; and such permit shall lie issued upon appli- cation in VvTiting made to such Commissioner by the owner of such billboard or signboard or by the person in charge, possession, or con- trol thereof accompanied b}^ a plan or statement of the ]iroposed alterations to be made; which, if satisfactory to and approved by th^ Commissioner of Buildings, shall authorize such applicant to receive a permit upon the payment of a fee therefor as hereinafter fixed ; but such alteration shall not l)e construed to apply to the changing of any advertising matter of any billboard or signboard, nor the refacing of the framework supporting same. 711. Billboards Now Existing to Be Altered to Comply With the Provisions of This Article]. — Every now existing billboard or signboard, whether erected upon or above the roof of any building or attached or fastened to the wall or walls of any building, or stand- ing upon or erected upon any lot or premises, which is now erected or which is now maintained contrary to the provisions of this article shall be forthwith removed or altered, changed, or cut down so as to fully comply with such provisions ; and any billboard or signboard now existing and not complying with the provisions of this article which shall not have been removed or torn down or so altered and changed within nine months from and after the passage of this ordi- nance as to be brouglit into conformity with the provisions of this article by the owner thereof or by the person in charge, possession, or control thereof, shall be torn down by the Commissioner of Build- ings and the cost and expense of tearing down such billboard or sign- board shall be charged to the owner of such billboard or signboard or the person in charge, possession, or control thereof, and shall be recovered from such person for the use of the city by an}^ appropriate proceeding therefor. 712. Duty of Commissioner — Owner’s Name to Be Placed on Top of Billboard]. — It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Build- ings to inspect all plans and specifications submitted in connection with the erection or construction or the alteration or repair of any 191 AMENDMENTS, E. M. C., 1905. billboard or signboard and to approve same if the method of construc- tion and provisions made for fastening, securing, anchoring, and main- taining such billboards or signboards are such as will serve to protect the public and to render such billboards or signboards safe and sub- stantial. It is further made the duty of the Commissioner of Buildings to exercise a supervision over all billboards and signboards erected or being maintained under the provisions of this article ; and whenever it shall appear to said Commissioner that any such billboard or sign- board has been erected in violation of this ordinance or is in an unsafe condition or has become unstable or insecure or in such a condition as to be a menace to the safety of the public, he shall thereupon issue or cause to be issued a notice in writing to the owner of such billboard or signboard or the person in .charge, possession or control thereof, if the whereabouts of such person is known, informing such person of the violation of this ordinance and the condition of such billboard or signboard and directing him to make such alterations or repairs there- to or to do such acts or things as are necessary or advisable to place such billboard or signboard in a safe, substantial, and secure condition, within such reasonable time as may be stated in said notice. If the person so notified shall refuse, fail, or neglect to comply with and conform to the requirements of such notice, said Commissioner shall, upon the expiration of the time therein mentioned, tear down or cause to be torn down such billboard or signboard and shall charge the expense of such tearing down to the per- son so notified. If the owner of such billboard or sign- board or the person in charge, possession, or control thereof can- not be found or his whereabouts is not easily ascertainable, the Com- missioner shall attach or cause to be attached to such billboard or signboard a notice of the same import as that required to be sent to the owner where such owner is known ; and if such billboard or sign- board shall not have been made to conform to this ordinance and placed in a secure, safe, and substantial condition, in accordance with the requirements of such notice, within thirty days after such notice shall have been attached to such billboard or signboard, it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Buildings to thereupon order such bill- board or signboard torn down ; provided that nothing herein con- tained shall prevent the Commissioner of Buildings from adopting such precautionary measures as may be necessary or advisable in case of imminent danger in order to place such billboard or signboard in a safe condition, the expense of which may be charged to and recov- ered from the owner of same in any appropriate proceeding therefor. No permit shall be issued to any applicant for permission to erect a 192 AMENDMENTS, R. M- C., 1905. billboard or signboard unless such applicant shall agree to place and maintain on the top of such billboard or signboard 'the name of the person or corporation owning same or who is in charge, possession, or control thereof. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Build- ings to see to it that the name of the person or corporation owning or in possession, charge, or control of such billboard or signboard is placed upon such billboard or signboard forthwith upon the erection thereof and is kept thereon at all times whil^e such billboard or sign- board is maintained ; and in case the owner of such billboard or sign- board or the person in charge, possession, or control thereof shall fail or refuse to place and maintain such name on the same after due notice from the Commissioner of Buildings he shall be subject to the penalty hereinafter provided for. 713. Fees for Permits]. — The fee to be charged for permits is- sued for the erection or construction of billboards or signboards or for the alteration thereof shall be two dollars ($2.00) for each bill- board or signboard. 714. Penalty]. — Any person or corporation owning, operating, maintaining, or in charge, possession, or control of any billboard or signboard within the city, who shall neglect or refuse to comply with the provisions of this article, or who erects, constructs, or maintains any billboard or signboard that does not comply with the provisions of this article, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense ; and each day on which any such person shall permit or allow any billboard or signboard- owned, operated, maintained, or controlled by him to be erected, con-' structed, or maintained in violation of any of the provisions of this article shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. Section 715. {Embodied, without change, in ordinance of Jan. 2, 1907, whieh see, pages 2484 to 2488, inclusive, Council Proceedings) . Section 717. {See ordinance of March 11, 1907, concerning ^^GaMEXTS, R. M. C., 1905. Sections 924 to 930 incluswe, and Sections 932, 933, 935, 937, 938 and 940. {As amended by Seetions 1 to 13 of ordinance of January 21, 1907, pages 2765 to 2768, Council Proceedings) . 924. Duty to Test Meters]. — It shall be the duty of such In- spector to examine and test any gas meter furnished to any consumer of gas by any gas company furnishing illuminating gas in this city whenever requested to do so by such consumer. Said inspection upon the request of a consumer shall be made substantially in accor- dance with the following requirements : Whenever any consumer of illuminating gas furnished by a gas company furnishing gas in the city shall make a request for such inspector to have any meter or meters so furnished and installed by such gas company on the prem- ises of such consumer inspected for the purpose of ascertaining wheth- er such meter registers accurately and correctly and pays the fee as hereinafter fixed, said inspector shall proceed to make a test of such gas meter. Before making any such test the inspector shall give notice to the person making application for such test, and also to the gas company whose meter is about to be tested, of the time and place where he intends to test such meter. Notice to the company shall be given in writing sent by mail to such gas company at its principal office in the city, and notice shall be sent to such applicant in writing by mail addressed to the premises described in the application for such test. Such notice shall be mailed at least twenty-four hours before the time set for the test of such meter. The test of such meter shall be made by the inspector or his duly authorized agent or agents, at such place as he may designate in such notice or notices, and shall be made in such manner as to thoroughly test such meter with a view of ascertaining whether it registers accurately. 925. Testing of Meters — Unit of Measure — Pressure at Which Test Is to Be Made — Standard Meters — Variations Allowed]. — The unit of measure to be employed by the inspector in making the test of meters herein provided for shall be the cubic foot containing 62,321 pounds of rain or distilled water at a temperature of sixty-two degrees Fahrenheit, and at a barometric pressure of thirty inches. All meters shall be tested at a pressure which will balance a column of water five-tenths of an inch in height, and the accuracy of such meter shall be determined by the use of standard meter provers designed and constructed for the purpose. There shall be maintained in the office of the Inspector of gas meters and gas at least three standard gas meters which have been tested, sealed and certified by the United States Bureau of Standards. 194 AMENDMENTS, K. M. C., 1905. The meters so maintained shall be used as standards for the purpose of checking- the working provers which are used by said Inspector in checking and testing meters used by consumers of gas. Any con- sumer’s meter tested by said Inspector shall be deemed to be correct if it registers not to exceed two per cent above or two per cent below accuracy. Any meter found to be either fast or slow as herein defined shall be adjusted by the gas company owning same so as to bring it as close as practical to accuracy within the limits herein specified before again being placed in service. % 926. Inspection Conclusive]. — The inspection herein provided for to be made by such Inspector shall be conclusive both upon the gas company owning such meter, and the consumer in or upon whose premises such meter was installed, and the amount of gas flowing through such meter for a period of six months before the close of the month in which such meter shall be inspected shall be adjudged to be as if such meter were during such six months in the same condition it was at the time such inspection was made. 927. By Whom Fee Is to Be Finally Paid]. — If the result of any such inspection shall show any meter so inspected to be inaccurate as herein defined, and to have registered in such a manner as to show a greater consumption of gas than was actually consumed or than ac- tually flowed through such meter, the amount advanced by the person desiring such test shall be forthwith returned- to such person, and such inspection shall be made without any cost or expense of any kind to him, the cost of making such inspection of any meter so found to be inaccurate shall be paid by the company furnishing gas through the same, and by whom or for whose benefit such meter was installed, and the amount of the fee as herein fixed for such inspection shall be paid by such company upon a bill being presented to it by the In- spector with his certificate showing that such meter was found by him to be inaccurate. If the result of any inspection of any meter shall show such meter to be registering accurately as herein defined or to have registered a smaller amount of gas than actually flowed through such meter, in such case the expense of such inspection shall be paid for out of the fee required to be advanced by the person, firm or corporation making application for such inspection, and no part of such fee shall in any case be returned to such applicant. 928. Fees]. — Any person, firm or corporation desiring the inspec- tion of any gas meter within the city as provided in Section four (4) hereof shall accompany the application for such inspection with a fee 195 AMENDMENTS, R. M. C., 1905. of one dollar which shall be paid to the City Collector, and for which such applicant shall obtain a receipt from the City Collector, show- ing such payment, which receipt shall describe the location of the gas meter to be inspected and shall contain the name of the person, firm or corporation for whose benefit said gas meter was installed, said receipt when presented to the Inspector shall be his authority for making the inspection herein provided for. 929. Disconnection of Meters to Be Inspected]. — Whenever a request shall be made to inspect aii}^ meter which is installed in any premises, the Inspector of Gas Meters and Gas shall have the right, upon giving the notices hereinbefore provided for, to require the gas company owning the same to disconnect and detach such meter and convey the same to such place as he may direct for the purpose of making his inspection, the said gas company installing another meter in place of the one so removed for inspection and test. 930. Office Hours — Apparatus]*. — Said Inspector shall keep an office in the City Hall, where he shall be found during all business hours of each business day, except when absent on business connected with his official duties. He shall keep in his office a standard one hundred inch bar photo- meter, with the ordinary and usual accessories of the same. 932. Records to Be Kept]. — Said Inspector shall keep a register or registers in his office, in which he shall record the number and de- scription of each meter inspected by him, and the time when it^vas tested by him, together with* a record of all notices sent or given by him, and all other proceedings of his office. Such records shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Mayor, any member of the City Council, and the head of any department, or any citizen of the City of Chicago. 933. Duty of Inspector to Test Quality of Gas]. — Said Inspector shall from time to time make photometric tests of the quality of illu- minating gas furnished by the various gas companies or persons en- gaged in the business of furnishing and supplying gas to consumers in the city, and he shall communicate to the City Council the result of such tests. If at any time he shall discover that the quality of illuminating gas being furnished or supplied to the city or to any consumer by any person or corporation engaged in the business of furnishing or supplying gas, either as to purity or illuminating pov/cr, is below the standard required by the provisions of this ordinance, and 'V 196 .UlENDMEXTS, R. M. C., 1905. any and all other sections of the Revised Municipal Code of Chicago of 1905, he shall forthwith report such fact to the City Council with a record showing the tests made by him. 935. Monthly and Annual Report]. — Said Inspector shall imme- diately after the first day of each month prepare and submit to the Comptroller a report of the number of meters inspected during the previous months. Said Inspector shall annually on or before the first day of May in each year report in writing to the City Council the transactions of his office during the preceding year, with such other information as he may deem necessary and proper. 937. Purity of Gas].— Any person or corporation engaged in, car- rying on, or conducting the business of furnishing or supplying illuminating gas in the city to any consumer or consumers shall be and hereby is required to furnish and supply such gas which shall l)e so far free from sulphuretted hydrogen that it shall not discolor a test paper imbued with acetate of lead when such test paper is ex- posed to a column of gas issuing for thirty seconds under a pressure - of five-tenths of an inch of water, and so that one hundred cubic feet of such gas shall not contain more than twenty grains of sulphur, and so that one hundred cubic feet of such gas shall not contain more than five grains of ammonia. All tests to be made for the purpose of establishing the percentage of sulphur in illuminating gas furnished by any person or corporation furnishing gas in the city, shall be made or conducted with the Tut- weiller Sulphuretted Hydrogen Apparatus, and the sulphur in other forms shall be determined by means of the Gas Referees Sulphur- determining Apparatus, and methods ordinarily employed in the use of the same. 938. Illuminating Power]. — Any person or corporation engaged in, carrying on or conducting the business of furnishing or supplying il- luminating gas in the city to any consumer or consumers' shall be and hereby is required to furnish and supply gas of an illuminating power of not less than twenty-two candle power. The gas while being tested shall be burned by means of a No. .07 Bray Slit-Union low pressure burner when used in connection with the photometer and accessories hereinbefore specified. The unit and standard of light shall be that volume of light which is produced in a horizontal direction by one standard English can- dle burning at the rate of one hundred and twenty grains of sperm per hour. 197 AMENDMENTS, E. M. C, 1905. 940. Penalty]. — Any person or corporation engaged in, carrying on, or conducting the business of furnishing or supplying illuminating gas in the city to any consumer or consumers, who shall furnish gas of a lower standard of jiurity or of less illuminating power than that required in and by the provisions of this article, or who shall violate any other provision of this article, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense; and each and every day on which any such person or corporation shall furnish or supply illuminating gas to any person in the city in vio- lation of any of the provisions of this article shall be deemed a sep- arate and distinct offense. And any person or corporation who vio- lates, neglects, or refuses to comply with, or who resists or opposes the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. rf: * "^'Section 14. New Meters]. — ^All new meters installed by any gas company after the passage of this ordinance shall be examined and tested under the supervision of the Inspector of Gas Meters and Gas previous to the installation of same, and said Inspector shall seal the same with some suitable seal or stamp indicating that said meter has been examined and tested under the supervision of such Inspector and found to be registering accurately and said seal shall specify the date under which said inspection was made. No gas company fur- nishing gas in the city shall after the passage of this ordinance install any meter unless the same has been examined, tested and sealed as herein provided, and all meters disconnected for inspection and test as herein provided, or for repairs after the passage of this ordinance shall also be examined, tested and sealed in the same manner as is required in the case of new meters before the same shall again be connected or re-installed. ^Section 15. Representative of Company at Test]. — Any company supplying gas to the city or its inhabitants, or any gas consumer, may at his or its option be represented at any and all tests made of the gas meters, supplied or used by the said company or person. ^"Section 16. Penalty].— ^ Any gas company, corporation or vendor of gas within this city, who shall furnish or use any meter contrary to, or in violation of the provisions of this article, shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every oflfense. *New provisions contained in ordinance of Jan. 21, 1907. concerning the inspec- tion of gas meters and gas; see pages 2768 and 2769, Council Proceedings. 198 AMENDMENTS, R. M. C., 1905. Section 1103. (As amended "^Jiily S, 1907, page 1082, Council Pro- ceedings) . 1103. Inquiry — License — Fee — Construction]. — It shall be the duty of the said Commissioner of Health upon the presentation of such application to make or cause to be made strict inquiry into the facts set out in such application, and if upon such inquiry he shall find such hospital is or is intended to be so constructed as to afford proper accommodations for the care of the persons received or pro- posed to be received therein, and that the chief physician or surgeon, or intended chief physician or surgeon, or board of physicians or surgeons thereof, gives or is under agreement thereafter to give such attendance therein as does or will render him or them responsible', professionally, for the medical or surgical treatment given or to be given to any and all persons therein, and that such chief physician or surgeon, or board of physicians or surgeons is regularly authorized to act as such under the laws of the State of Illinois; then the said Commissioner of Health shall recommend to the Mayor that a license be issued in the name of the City of Chicago to such applicant to open, conduct, manage or maintain for the current municipal year a hospi- tal at the place, in the manner, and for the purpose in such application set forth. Such license shall be issued by the City Clerk on notice from the City Collector that a license fee at the rate of one hundred dollars per annum has been received from the applicant. Provided, That if any hospital comes within any one of the classes of hospitals which may be required by ordinance to obtain the written consents of certain property owners before it may be maintained, conducted or managed in a designated locality, then an exact copy of such consents shall be filed with the Commissioner of Health, as a further requirement, before a license under this ordinance shall issue to the hospital. Provided, further that if an affidavit is made by the applicant for such hospital license that the said hospital during the previous cal- endar year has given not less than twenty per cent (20%) of its gen- eral average capacity of bed days free for such calendar year without charge of any sort (by bed days being meant the use of one bed and its proportionate use of equipment and cost of maintenance including food, medicine and care of nurses and physicians), then an inquiry shall be made into the facts set forth in such affidavit by the Commis- sioner of Health, upon whose recommendation the license fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) may be remitted. ^Previously amended Feb. 2G, 1906. See page 29 ante. AMENDMENTS, \l. M. C„ 1!)()5. KM) Section 1144. (As amended March 4, 1907, page 3402, Council Pro- ceedings). 1144. Dairy — Refuse Matter — Offal — Closing of Same When Unsanitary]. — Every person or corporation owning or keeping a dairy in the city shall maintain the premises thereof free from any accumu- lation of refuse matter or offal. Any person or corporation failing to comply with this section shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense ; and if any dairy within the city shall be found to be in an unsanitary condition by reason of the violation of the ordinances of the city or the refusal or neglect to comply with the rules and regulations of the Department of Health, or if, in the opinion of the Commissioner of Health, there is danger of the spread of a contagious or infectious disease through such dairy or the products of same, or that the public health would be endangered by a supply of milk and cream from same, then in the dis- cretion of said Commissioner, he may order such dairy closed, and the same shall be kept closed until all the provisions of this chapter shall have been complied with and until all danger to the health of the pub- lic shall have been removed. Sections 1535 to 1543 inclusive. (Repealed by ordinance of April 15, 1907, concerning “Oils, Bond of Inspector off’ which see, page 233 post). Section 1814. { Re-cinbodied, without change, in ordinance of July 1, 1907, page 830, Council Proceedings) . Section 1815. (Amended July 9, 1906: see page 47 ante. Re- embodied, as amended, in ordinance of July 1, 1907, page' SSO, Council Proceedings) . Sections 1816 to 1826, and Sections 1832 to 1835, inclusive. (As amended July 1, 1907, pages 830 to 834, inclusive. Council Proceedings) . 1816. Appointment of Poundmaster and Deputy Pound- masters]. — The General Superintendent of Police, without additional J ■r^ ■ ’■ 200 AMENDMENTS, R. M. C., 1905. bond, and without compensation for the same, shall be, and is, hereby constituted ex-officio poundmaster of the City of Chicago with power to enforce the provisions of this chapter, and he shall have power to appoint deputy poundmasters for each of the several districts named in this chapter. 1817. Location of Pounds]. — The City Comptroller is hereby di- rected to designate in each district above described a place in which shall be located one good and suitable pound, to be maintained under the care and direction of the deputy poundmaster for such district. 1818. Bonds]. — Each deputy poundmaster shall before entering upon his duties execute a bond with sureties to be approved by the Comptroller, in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office. 1819. Duties]. — It shall be the duty of each and every deputy poundmaster to take up and impound any such animal or animals known to him to be running at large within the aforesaid pound limits of the districts of said city in which the pound kept by him is situated ; to make out and deliver to the poundmaster within two days a written report of each and every such animal taken up or impounded ; and for each neglect or failure to do so he shall forfeit and pay to the City of Chicago a penalty of five dollars. 1820. Who May Impound — Fee]. — It shall be lawful for any person over eighteen years of age to take up such animal or animals running at large contrary to the provisions of Section 1814 of this chapter and take the same to the pound in the district where such ani- mal or animals may be taken up, and for so doing he shall receive from the deputy poundmaster an impounding fee of fifty cents for each ani- mal so taken up and impounded by him. And it shall be the duty of the deputy poundmaster to enter upon a proper form to be furnished by the Comptroller, forthwith, the name and residence of the person so taking any such animal to the pound and receiving such fee. 1821. Fees — Sustenance of Animal — Redemption]. — There shall be charged for each animal impounded an impounding fee of fifty cents, and also fifty cents for each day or part of a day for providing sustenance for each animal impounded, in addition to the penalty of three dollars hereinbefore provided for. At any time before the sale of any animal impounded, the owner or owners thereof may redeem the same by paying to the deputy poundmaster the penalty prescribed in Section 1814 of this chapter, together with the impounding fee and costs of sustenance as prescribed herein ; and in case proceedings ;. . ' r'"'* Z ' .V '' ■. ‘.- ■• - - |t/V • ’{■• ■'■•• • 4?^i' V- ' 'V^-;- . ; * •■' .■'1/'^ ■■'^ri.S' ■■■ -i- - , ... p;.; •" v. r'*7. ■ s i.y > :• ' ^ ---y r. :i '■-^^ - ' a-'-V •;.;p. -'jj -.■<■{ :.: '■' r'- ''' . . ■ -'t- .:^5-.' 6.;?^-: <%.'■■-•*' ^^^ V ■:.= :-. V-:y;-.V .-i- ^ ,■■..•-■ ,' - ,V .:• ..'• r . " -'. ' - . i V.-> -I' ;'Vc_ . V. ^ .- -. -■- ■; ■' „.. . ^- I,. ., ■■■ •• "■ : ■■••• ■•'■^■-■A f' 5 ‘ ■ -.v"., ■ - , v.;,\^' '- . •• -7 201 AMENDMENTS, R. M. C., 1905. shall have been instituted before a judicial officer, the cost of such proceedings and the amount of the judgment, if judgment shall have been recovered under this chapter, together with subsequently ac- crued costs of sustenance, shall be the redemption money to be paid. All moneys collected by any deputy poundmaster under the provisions of this chapter shall be paid over to the City Collector daily. 1822. Proceeding as to Impounded Animal]. — When any animal shall be impounded as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the keeper of the pound where such animal is impounded, forthwith to make com- plaint before some judge of the ^Municipal Court of the said city against the owner or owners of such animal, if known, and thereupon a warrant shall be issued, and upon the return thereof executed, or the defendant having appeared, it shall be the duty of the judge of the ^Municipal Court to incpiire whether the defendant has been guilty of a violation of this chapter ; and, if the defendant be found guilty, judgment shall be rendered against him for the penalty, impounding fee, and cost of sustenance herein prescribed and the costs of. suit, and an order shall be entered that the animal shall be sold to satisfy such judgment, in case the same shall not be paid forthwith. Such order shall describe the animal and state the time and place of im- pounding. 1823. Proceedings — Owner Unknown]. — When the owner of any animal impounded shall be unknown, it shall be the duty of the deputy poundmaster in the district where such animal shall be im- pounded to make complaint, as provided in the last section, against the unknown owner of such animal, describing it, and thereupon the Judge of the [Municipal Court before whom such complaint shall be made shall issue a notice in substance as follows, to-wit: POUND NOTICE- Whereas, Complaint has this day been made before the [Municipal Court, that the unknown owner of the following de- scribed animal, to-wit : impounded at on the day of , A. D. 19.., 'has permitted the same to run at large, contrary to the provisions of the ordinance of the City of Chicago prohibiting the running at large of certain animals therein mentioned, within the city. Xozu, Therefore, notice is hereby given that a trial will be had upon the said complaint, before the Municipal Court of the City of Chicago, on the day of 20 ? AMENDMENTS, E. M. C., 1905. A. D., 19. . at the hour of m., when and where the unknown owner may appear and defend, if he sees fit so to do. Witness Clerk, of our said court, and the seal thereof, at Chicago aforesaid, this day of , A. D., 19 . . , , Clerk. The day named in such notice for trial shall not be less than five nor more than fifteen days from the time of issuing the same. And it shall be the duty of the deputy poundmaster making the complaint forthwith to post three copies of such notice, one at the pound where the animal is impounded, one at the office of the Clerk of the Municipal court, and one on a board provided for that purpose within the hall of the County Court house in said city, and to return such notice into the court issuing the writ, with the time, place and manner of said posting. 1821 . Docket Entry]. — The Judge of the Municipal Court issu- ing such notice shall enter the cause upon his docket, as follows, to-wit : The City of Chicago vs. The Unknown Owner of (here specify the animal) . And upon the return of the notice prescribed in the last section, like proceedings shall be had as in the case of personal service or ap- pearance. 1825 . Jury Trial]. — In all trials for violation of this chapter the' accused shall have the right of trial by jury, conferred by the Munici- pal Court Act. 1826 . Execution of Judgment — Sale — Notice]. — Upon the rendition of any judgment, as provided in Section 1822 of this chapter, the Clerk of the Municipal Court shall issue forthwith to the keeper of the pound where the animal is impounded an order which shall be in the following form as nearly as may be : The People of the State of Illinois, to . . .^ , Deputy Poundmaster. We command you, that of the following described animal, to-wit: , the property of , you make the sum of dollars and cents debt, and dollars and cents costs, which the City of Chicago lately recovered in the Municipal Court of the City of Chicago, against the said , and make return of this writ, with endorsement thereon in what manner you shall have executed the same, in ninety days from the date hereof.' Witness, . Clerk, of our sakl court, and the seal 203 A^^IEXBMENTS, R. M. C., 1905. thereof, at Chicago aforesaid, this day of ,A. D., 19.... Clerk. Upon the receipt of such order, the deputy poundmaster shall im- mediately post three notices in like places as provided in Section 1823 of this chapter in substance as follows : POUND NOTICE. Taken up and impounded in the city pound of the division of the City of Chicago at , the following described animal; which, unless redeemed, will be sold at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at said pound at the hour of o’clock, m., on the day of 19. .. Deputy Poundmaster. The day of sale mentioned in such notice shall be the third day after posting the same, exclusive of Sundays, holidays and election days, and if such animal is not redeemed, the deputy poundmaster shall sell it in accordance with said notice. It shall be the duty of the deputy poundmaster receiving such order as is prescribed in Section 1826 of this chapter to return the same Avithin twenty days from its date to the officer issuing it, with an indorsement showing when and how such order was executed. '=T832. Vehicles or Harness Attached to Estrays]. — Any vehicle, harness or other equipment attached to any animal impounded shall be removed forthwith from such animal and turned over by the deputy poundmaster to the Department of Police. 1833. No Perquisites] . — No deputy poundmaster shall receive any other compensation or perquisite than his salary, which shall be fixed by the City Council in the annual appropriation bill. 1834. Deputy Poundmaster to Keep Pound Clean]. — No deputy poundmaster shall allow his pound or any animal therein, by reason of any want of care, food, ventilation or cleanliness, or otherAvise, to be or become dangerous or detrimental to human health. 1835. The General Superintendent of Police — Power to Rernove Deputy Poundmasters]. — Each and CA^ery deputy poundmaster shall be subject to remoA^al from office by the General Superintendent of Police AvheneA^er he shall deem the interests of the city require such remoA^al. ^Sections 1827 to 1831, inclusive, re-embodied, without change, in ordinance of July 1, 1907, pages 833 and 834, Council Proceedings. 204 AMENDMENTS, R. M. C., 1905. Section 1873. (As amended May 13, 1907, page 231, Council Pro- ceedings) . 1873. Office Created — Appointment — Duty]. — There is hereby created the office 9! Deputy Commissioner of Public Works. He shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, and shall have authority, under and subject to the order, direction and control of the Commissioner of Public Works, to sign or act for the Commissioner of Public Works, and shall perform such duties as may be required by him by said Commissioner. Section 1924. (Sec ordinance of April 4, 1907, concerning '‘Stands at Street Corners, for Nezospapers/' page 241 post). Section 1991. (As amended April 4, 1907, page 37GG, Council Pro- ceedings) . 1991. Flagmen at Crossing]. — Every person or corporation owning or operating a steam railway, whose track or tracks cross or intersect at the street level, any street car track or tracks, or any street or highway ivithin the City of Chicago, shall station, keep and main- tain from the hours of six o’clock A. M. to seven o’clock P. M. of each day, without expense to the city, at each and every such crossing or intersection, a flagman whose duty it shall be to signal all persons of the approach of any engine, or any car or train of cars, and also to warn them of any existing or impending danger. Section 2030. (As amended March 4, 1907, page 3396, Council Pro- ’ ceedings. — See also ordinance of March 4, 1907, concerning auctioneers' and second-hand dealers license, page 219 post). 2030. Dealing Without License Prohibited]. — No person shall \ keep a place for the purchase or sale of second-hand clothing, second-' hand household goods, second-hand counters, shelving, showcases, store and office fixtures, boilers, engines, belting, pulleys, motors, dynamos, electrical apparatus, machinery, watches, jewelry, precious stones, typewriters, cash registers, bicycles, furs, or other second- hand article of any kind or description, nor shall any person trade, barter, deal in, or carry on the business of dealing in any such second- 1 f ( c' / V /> ,. ; -V V' . 7j V. '■r 205 AMENDMENTS, R. M. C„ 1905. hand articles as hereinbefore described without being specially licensed for such purpose ; and any license issued under the provisions of this article shall designate the house or place in which the person so li- censed shall carry on the business for which he is licensed; and such business shall not be carried on or conducted in any other place than that designated in and by such license ; provided, however, that the provisions of this article shall not apply to any dealer who takes an old article in exchange as part payment for a new article of a similar character which is of greater value than the old article exchanged; and provided, further, that the provisions of this article shall not ap- ply to any dealer whose transactions in second-hand goods are limited to articles originally sold by him and taken back, with or without pro- cess of laAv, by reason of the non-payment of the purchase money. No person licensed under the provisions of this article shall be per- mitted to solicit business in any of the articles named herein upon any street or public highway in the city. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than fifty dol- lars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. Section 2083. {See ordinance of April 4, 1907, concerning ''Stands at Street Corners, for N ezospapcrs,” page 241 post). Section 2187. { As amended March 4, 1907, page 3396, Conncil Pro- ceedings) . 2187. License]. — No person or corporation shall carry on the business of manufacturing soap within the city or within one mile of the limits thereof, without first having obtained a license for such business as hereinafter provided for each soap factory conducted by such person or corporation. The term ‘"soap” shall include scourene, soap powder, liquid soap or any chemical compound in domestic use for washing and cleansing made by the union of certain fatty acids with a salifiable base. Section 2189. (As amended March 18, 1907, page 3580, Conncil Proceedings ) . 2189. Fee — Notice of Change of Location — Condition]. — Upon compliance with the foregoing section and the payment to the City Col- lector of an annual license fee of one hundred and fifty dollars, any 206 AMENDMENTS, R. M. C„ 1905. such applicant shall be entitled to a license to carry on said business. If any change is made in the location of the place of business covered by any license issued hereunder, notice thereof shall be given to the City Collector. No license shall be issued to any person who is now indebted to the City of Chicago in any sums whatever by reason of the non-pay- ment of license fee or fees as provided in any and all ordinances here- tofore passed by the City Council of the City of Chicago governing the manufacture of soap. This ordinance shall in nowise apply to or affect the amount of the license fee or fees provided for in Section 1210 of the Revised ^Municipal Code of Chicago of 1905, relating to slaughtering and ren- dering. ( Section 2210. {Repealed by Section 25 of ordinance of Jidy 8, 1907, i concerning ''Smoke Inspection, Department of, Established,” zvhich see, page 241 post). Section 2211. {As amended "^Duly 8, 1907, page 1088, Council Pro- j cce dings ) . ] \ 2211. Board of. Inspectors of Steam Boilers and Steam Plants — To Inspect City and Board of Education Boilers]. — The depart- ment of steam boilers and steam plants shall have the same power over all steam boilers and steam plants owned or oper- - ated by the city or board of education as over all other steam boilers and steam plants in said city; and all steam boilers or steam plants owned, operated or controlled by the city or the board of edu- cation of said city shall be subject to the requirements of this chapter; and it shall be the duty of said department to inspect at least once in - each year all of such steam boilers and steam plants as are owned, oper- ated or controlled by the city or said board of education, and also to j preserve a record of the condition of such steam boilers or steam plants as shown by such inspection. No fee shall be charged or paid to said department nor to any employe under said department for the inspec- ^ tion of any steam boiler or steam plant or for the certificate of inspec- tion issued by said department for any steam boiler or steam plant owned, operated or controlled by said city. "Previously amended Feb. 5, 1906. See page 74 ante. 207 AMENDMENTS, K. M. C., 1905. Secitox •2*^1.*^. {As amended July 8, 190 <, page 1088, Council Pro- ceedings). 2212. Duties of the Board]. — It shall be the duty of the depart- ment to inspect all boilers, tanks, jacket kettles, generators or other apparatus used for generating or transmitting steam for power, or using steam under pressure for heating or steaming purposes, and all other tanks, jacket kettles, and reservoirs under pressure of what- soever kind, except as hereinafter provided, as often as once in each and every year, liy making a hydrostatic pressure test where such tests shall be deemed necessary ; Provided, that the hydrostatic pressure used in such test shall not exceed the maximum working pressure of said apparatus by more than fifty per cent; and by making a careful external and internal examination. In all cases where hydrostatic ])ressure test is used an internal examination of said apparatus shall afterwards be made. In certifying the working pressure allowed on each steam 1)oilei% steam generator or other apparatus the same shall be determined by multiplying one-fifth of the lowest tensile strength of any jdate in the cylindrical shell of said steam boiler or steam gener- ator or other apparatus by the lowest efficiency of joint in such cylin- drical shell expressed in decimals, and by multi})lying the product by the thickness, expressed in inches or parts of an inch, of the thinnest plate in the same cylindrical shell and divide by the radius, also ex- pressed in inches. This sum will be the pressure allowable per scpiare inch of surface. Any boiler, tank, jacket kettle, generator or reservoir having been in use eight years or more and its condition being such that in the opinion of the inspector the same should be drilled in order that the ex- act thickness and condition may be ascertained, he shall report the same to the chief inspector of steam boilers, who shall serve the owner or agent with a written notice to show cause to the chief inspector within five days why such boiler, tank, jacket kettle, generator or reservoir should not be drilled. If, after the owner or agent has been heard, or at the end of five days, the chief inspector deems it necessary that the boiler, tank, jacket kettle, generator or reservoir be drilled, then the boiler, tank, jacket kettle, generator or reservoir may be drilled at points near the water line, and at the bottom of shell of boiler, or such other points in the boiler, tank, jacket kettle, generator or reservoir as the inspecting officer may direct, and the thickness of said material shall be deter- mined thereafter at such annual ijispection as the inspecting officer mav deem necessary, and the steam pressure or other pressure allowed 20S AMENDMENTS, R. M. C., 1905. shall be governed by such ascertained thickness and 'general condition of boiler, tank, jacket kettle, generator or reservoir. And the drilling and plugging of said holes shall be done at the expense of the owner. Any boiler may be tested and rated in accordance with the United States iMarine Inspection Law governing the inspection of steam boil- ers. But no boiler, tank, jacket kettle or jacket constructed or recon- structed of boiler plates hereafter, where the same are required shall have stay bolts of less than seven-eighths of an inch in diameter and pitched more than seven inches apart. All stationary boilers, tanks, jacket kettles or jackets carrying a pressure of one hundred pounds or over to the square inch, the construction of which requires stay bolts, shall be equipped with hollow stay bolts. All boiler heads made of boiler plate shall be braced with braces, the sectional area of which shall not be less than one square inch each, so pitched that a greater strain than six thousand pounds per square inch of section shall not be carried by any one brace or stay bolt. In computing the strain on braces in flat surfaces the diameter of brace rivets shall be considered. In computing the strain on shells having dished heads the pressure will be figured according to the radius of the heads. It shall be the duty of the department to see that the boiler or boilers, boiler setting, means of producing draft, smoke connections and furnace or fire box of each boiler inspected by it are of sufficient capacity or so constructed as with proper management to avoid the is- suance or emission of dense smoke from any chimney or smokestack connected therewith. Section 2213. (Amended Jan. 2, 190G : see page 75 ante. — Repealed | by Section 25 of ordinance of July 8, 1907, concerning ‘'Smoke Inspection, | Department of, Established,’' zvhich see, page 230 post). ^ j Section 2215. (Repealed by Section 25 of ordinance of July 8, 1907, concerning “Smoke Inspection, Department of. Established,” zvhich see, page 236 post). Sections 2216, 2217, 2223, 2225, 2228, 2231, 2232. (As amended July 8, 1907, pages 1089 to 1092, incluswe. Council Proceedings) . 2216. Permits for New Plants — Plans Etc.]. — No new plants, nor any reconstruction of any old plants, for pro- ducing pOAver and heat, or either of them, shall be erected or ‘ -'i //',;• r>'. <;• ' ^••■_; '',;C?vv iK ■'-': .‘v ^ :■ \ “ -■‘ •iV. ;f .'^ .^ f , ■ :f} , * ■ s , ■•■ -, ; ■ ' ' ' ' ' • ' L $■'“ ■ -..• .'• ^’ v-. - 4 V. -» ■• ’■.?•«»»» •! , ■ , >• * * -. : * -*>• i< ~ • vt • ^ -V ■ ' '• V . ;!Vs / " / , ‘-'V Li V / r - . ' -.r-M-r . ,r? V*'.' ; ' , '■ ' , |>iL^ V, >1 vnr^~ ■; ;V’ ' /<* ■f- ,;. ■: '■*^i . i. %-/ >., ' ' -• fei'r “SV - <■ 1:^‘‘ • :v V ’ ' ■Wl J > *1 1 - . ■• ■• t- •% '■ ^'■< ■' : ■ -'•'v-'‘->''.. i -A.' L ' r-J r - '• s ' / ‘ ■ A‘‘ ■. :,j. • .,>■ s ..'.'c^/.i • I .4. ..".V • C-'";' • -tiv; V ...^ . v-vif .. ■ '•'jJ’-m.l' :>S U/:‘r: t ‘V'-!' ». ■> V..-V wi' / y ^^■..^'4"''^^ •' ■ ".I ."■■■ y 4 y -yy4 c- y . ^ ' . ■• =• ' ■■ •' ■ ^ .’^Vl > ': - -t ^c: V ■• - v -?^-. ^ ? ’ ■'*-' ''■-*■'• 4-4 "ly V 'W V L<^-■*. •1 .4lf\ 1 . \r :-. .-.4 S ■ S"^v' /- •■ ’V' V— - I ■>ic'^'-‘.'- - -. -^J .. . V. ■■ -.. , • - 1 rt... '\h V''-. V'-.-i •»■';.;> : -•: ‘,r‘*-. % >,ff. .-'■ y ■-■ . ... ' . ' '•. • ^ ^ .NMKXD.'UKN'i'S, W. M. .. r3()0 maintained in the city until the plans and specifications of the same have been filed in the office of and approved and a permit for such erection or construction issued by the chief inspector of steam boilers and steam plants, which plans and specifications shall show the amount of work and the amount of heating to be done by such plant and all the appurtenances thereto, including provisions for the complete com- bustion of the fuel to be used and a statement of the kind of fuel pro- posed to be used. Such plans and specifications shall also show that the room or apartment in which such plant shall be located is provided with doors, windows, air-shafts, fans, and other means of ventilation sufihcient to prevent the temperature of such room, apart- ment, basement or other portion of such building wherein such steam ])lant or apparatus is to be used, from rising to a point higher than one hundred and twenty degrees Fahrenheit, or that the atmosphere of any such apartment wherein such apparatus may be located may be entirely renewed every ten minutes. Upon approval of such plans and - sj)ecifications, a duplicate set of which shall be left on file in said office, and the payment of fees as hereinafter provided, and upon the presenta- tion to the 'department of a permit issued by the department of smoke inspection, said chief inspector shall issue a permit for the installation of such plant or such reconstruction. Such permit shall state the maxi- mum amount of steam pressure to be carried. As soon as the depart- ment hereby created has examined the plans and specifications sub- mitted for a new steani ]3lant in a new building and has issued a permit ■ for the installation of same it shall notify the Commissioner of Build- - ings to see that the execution of the construction work on the building \ in which such ])lant is to be installed is carried out in conformity with j the ]3lans and specifications of the proposed steam plant for the execu- tion of which a permit has been issued, with special reference to the amount of s})ace to be used for such appurtenances, the size and con- struction of the chimney or chimneys to be used, and the provisions for ventilation and proper temperature in the engine and boiler room. ^ It shall be the duty of the supervising mechanical engineer and chief deputy inspector of steam boilers and steam plants to examine in detail all plans and specifications that may be submitted to the - - department, and to report u])on the same for approval by the depart- ment. ! 2217. Duty of Owners]. — It shall be unlawful for any person to use any steam boiler, or any tank or tanks subject to pressure other than city pressure, until he shall have first procured a certificate from said chief inspector that such apparatus may be safely used, and, that the boiler or 210 AMENDMENTS, R. M. C., 1905. l)oilers, boiler setting-, means of producing draft, smoke connections, and furnace or fire box are of such size and capacity that they will do the work required, and be capable of being so managed for the purpose of generating steam that no dense smoke sha'll be emitted from the chimney connected with such furnace or fire box. If such owner, agent or person using a steam boiler or tank shall fail to notify said chief inspector of his intention to make any altera- tion, repairs or enlargement of such steam plant, and shall fail to file plans and specifications for the enlargement or alterations of the same, and shall proceed to make such alteration, repairs or enlargement without a permit therefor, he shall be liable to a fine of twenty-five dollars for each day on which he shall liave prosecuted such alteration, repairs or enlargement without said ])ermit, and each day’s violation shall constitute a separate ofifcnse. Provided, however, that minor necessary or emergency repairs which do not increase the capacity of such apparatus or involve any substantial alteration of structure may be made by or under the engineer in charge of such apparatus without permit or report thereof. If at any time when inspecting a steam boiler, generator or other apparatus used for generating steam for power or heating purposes the inspector of boilers shall find that the furnace or fire box in which fuel is used for the purpose of generating steam is so constructed or operated as to cause the emission of dense smoke from the chimney connected therewith he shall report to the department of smoke inspec- tion the condition of such plant. ^ Provided, that any boilers for heating purposes only, in which the ])ermit specifies that not more than ten pounds of steam pressure to the square inch shall be carried shall be knoAvn as “low pressure boilers.” After the next inspection of such low pressure boilers shall have been made following the adoption of this ordinance, inspections there- after shall be made once in every three years. But all of such low pres- sure plants may be inspected at any time thereafter and without charge, with reference to the provisions for draft, complete combustion or de- gree of combustion of fuel and prevention of the emission of smoke. 2223. Exemptions — Charitable, Religious and Educational In- stitutions]. -Said chief inspector may, and he is hereby directed and in- structed to, remit all inspection fees charged, or that may hereafter be charged, against any and all charitable, religious, and educational s ■'■ "-V ■^/;='^.--r-'?-; . -S '••*”•• . ■5 y!^'- ,v ■'.> . ■ yi ' ' - !^;<‘'^;yy vyy ; .• ^^y ,„y■ ■/ ^'■:,y-. 0;-^ .;^ ' , ■ * •' - y - . , f' V . ^*'1 ,'. - - ^ y y - V ■ •, ' y-y'ry-- ■ •Z' h - ' «y/'y ' -' '■ -y-^ .'•:y''yy- ■'cA^^iy ■- 'yfyyyv. ■,. -'-f-.r"-; ,y ,J •/ ■'■ -' ' ''M V . '.. x '':. =.-* .V _ ;.T^ ■ V T- ■- -. y ^ ^ '■'■ y^y-'-yV-'y yry'yy;;i.yXy:y- ; ■- ?•. - y y ^ .yy . '•. - - ■ 'y " v ^v, : " f .. ■ '»• yr •; - . • ■■■ ■ )i:S: ■■-■•> ■ . . . ,^'\-'s -i yy i-‘.,ry,'..' 'r -- y ' ■ ■■• y ■ ‘ ' y y''y.v'- yyyy-i'y^-’ y - ;■, ^-' --.^y ■■■,.. •■ ,'•• y; - • yy .. •■y'’^'^-'y ''-yy:'y yyy*yy",:/' .v.: ■; - ■-■ ‘y-\ ,yj'‘.y s-ay^^^yy. ' ' yy^-y'.'y^y yy . ycy^‘ '^yy3 . V V'* ‘ • . -s' . y 'c ' \va'- ^ ■ -y ■yy-'^y •‘^'■•' yv:.-V/ jr,, -s' • *• y ' -H V*' • •' • / ■"'' *• ' - yyl-y.-y'^yy / . 'Jiy-yy-" yy"“#' K( ) 1 1 1 1 ri’ [( )x I ) I STR I c'rs. 247 of a saloon or dram-sliop within that district of the City of Chicago de- scril)cd and hounded as follows : Beginning- at the center line of the intersection of Leavitt street and Afontrose avenue, and running thence north to a ])oint dOO feet north of the north line of Sunnyside avenue, thence west and parallel with Sunny- side avenue to the center line of Western avenue thence south along Western avenue to the center line of Montrose avenue, thence east to the place of beginning. Section 2. The territory lying within the houndaries described in • Section 1 hereof, shall be deemed and known as a prohibition district, within which it shall not he lawful for any license to be granted to keep a saloon or dram-shop. Section o. This ordinance shall take elTect and be in forct^ from and after its passage and approval. Prohibition District Bounded by Jackson Park avenue, the right of way of the Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, Mar- quette avenue and 94th street. Passed April 4, 1907, page 47()0, Council Proceedings. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: Section 1. That no license be hereafter issued to keep a saloon or dramshop within that portion of the City of Chicago described as follows, to-wit : Commencing at the intersection of the south line of 94th street produced and center line of Jackson Park avenue ; thence north along the center line of Jackson Park avenue to the southwesterly line of the righL of-way o4 the Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad : thence south- _ easterly along the said southwesterly line of the right-of-way to the center line of Marquette avenue ; thence south along the center line of Marquette avenue to the south line of 94th street ; thence west along the south line of 94th street produced, to the place of beginning ; all the said lines being intended tO' form continuous boundaries, and running across streets and alleys so as to form such continuous lines, whether so specified in the fore- going description or not. Section 2. The territory lying within the boundaries above men- tioned shall be deemed and known as a prohibition district within which it shall not be lawful for any such license to be granted. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its pas- sag-e. 248 PROHIBITIOX DISTRICTS. Prohibition District Bounded by 95th street, Cottage Grove avenue, Burnside avenue, the right of way of the Belt Railway and St. Lawrence avenue. Passed May 6, 1907, page 196, Council Proceedings. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago : Section 1. That no license be hereafter issued to keep a saloon or dramshop within that portion of the City of Chicago described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at a point where St. Lawrence avenue intersects 95th street, thence running east in the center of 95th street to the center of Cottage Grove avenue, thence running north in the center of Cottage Grove avenue to the center of Burnside avenue, thence running west along the center of Burnside avenue 100 feet, thence running due north to the right of way of the Belt Railway, thence running west along the right of way of the Belt Railway to the center of St. Lawrence avenue, and thence running south along the center of St. Lawrence avenue to the place of beginning. Section 2. The territory lying within the boundaries above men- tioned shall be deemed and known as a prohibition district within which it shall not be lawful for any such license to be granted. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Prohibition District Bounded by South Leavitt street, alley 125 feet south of West Madison street, Oakley boulevard and West Van Buren street. Passed May 6, 1907, pages 196 and 197, Council Proceedings. AN ordinance Creating a prohibition district. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago : Section 1. That hereafter no license shall be issued for the keeping of a saloon or dramshop within that district of the City of Chicago de- scribed and bounded as follows : Commencing on the north line of West Van Buren street ait the intersection with the west line of South Leavitt street, thence north along the west line of South Leavitt street to the alley 125 feet PllOl 1 IHITION DrSTRICTS. 249 south of West Madison street, thence west along said alley to the east line of Oakley boulevard, thence south along the east line of Oakley boulevard to the north line of West Van Buren street, thence east along the north line of West Van Buren street to the place-of beginning. Section 2. This ordinance shall tak^^ effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Prohibition District Bounded by Hamlin avenue, Kinzie street, a line 125 feet east of North 40th avenue and Ohio street. Passed May 6, 1907, page 197 Council Proceedings. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago : Section 1. That no license be hereafter issued to keep a saloon or dramshop within that portion of the City of Chicago described as follows, to-wit : Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Ohio street and center line of Hamlin avenue, thence south along the center line of Hamlin avenue to the center line of Kinzie street north of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company’s tracks, thence west along the center line of Kinzie street north of the Chicago and Xorth-^ western Railway Company’s tracks to a point 125 feet east of the east line of North Fortieth avenue, thence north on a line 125 feet east of the east line of North Fortieth avenue to the center line of Ohio street, thence east along the center line of Ohio street to the place of beginning. All of said lines being intended to form contin- uous boundaries and running across streets and alleys so as to form such continuous lines, whether so specified in the foregoing descrip- tion or not. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Prohibition District Bounded by Albany avenue, Kedzie avenue, Madison street, Washington boulevard, Spaulding avenue, Mon- roe street, etc. Passed June 17, 1907, pages 707 and 708, Council Proceedings. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago : Section 1. No license shall be issued for keeping of a dram-shop at PKOH IBITK )X DISTRICTS. 2r)U any place, within that portion of the City of Chicago, bonnded by the line beginning at the intersection of the south line of West Monroe street with the west line of Albany avenue, and running thence north on the west line of Albany avenue to the center of the alley between Monroe street and Madison street and thence west on the center line of said alley to a point two hundred (200) feet east of the east line of Kedzie avenue and thence north parallel with the east line of Kedzie avenue to the center line of ]\Iadison street, thence east on the center line of Madison street to a point twenty-five (25) feet west of the west line of Albany ave- nue, thence north to the center line of the alley between Madison street and MMrren avenue, thence east to the center of Albany ave- nue, thence north along the center line of Albany avenue to the center line of Washington boulevard, thence west along the center line of Washington boulevard to the center line of Kedzie avenue, thence along the center line of Kedzie avenue to the center line of Madison street, thence west along the center line of INIadison street to the center line of Spaulding avenue, thence along the center line of Spaulding avenue to the south line of IMonroe street, thence east along the south line of Monroe street to place of beginning. ^ Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Prohibition District Bounded by Throop street, West Monroe street, Laflin street, alley south of West Madison street. Photo place, alley West of South Centre avenue, etc. Passed July 1, 1907, pages 954 and 955, Council Proceedings. AN ORDINANCE To prohibit the licensing of saloons or dram-shops within certain territory therein described, adjacent to the improved park known as ’Jefferson Park, in the City of Chicago. _ Be it ordained by the City Couneil of the City of Chieago : ■ , Section 1. That no license shall hereafter be issued to keep a saloon or dramshop within that portion of the City of Chicago bounded as follows, to-wdt : Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Throop street with the center line of West Monroe street, thence west along the center line of West Monroe street to its intersection with the east line of Laflin street ; thence north along the east line of Laflin street to its intersection piioirmiT[OX msTRTCT.s. 251 with the center line of an alley running east from Laflin street and being the first alley north of West Monroe street ; thence east along the center line of said alley one hundred and thirty-seven feet, more or less, to its intersection, with the center line of an alley running north ; thence north along the center line of said last named alley sixty-six and sixty-five one-hundredtjis ((iO.Oa) feet, more or less, to its intersection with the center line prolonged of an alley running east ; thence east along the center line of said last named alley prolonged to its intersection with the center line of an alley running north ; thence north along the center line of said last named alley sixty-six and sixty-five one-hundredths (OG.Go) feet, more or less, to its intersection with the center line of an alley running east and being the first alley south of West Madison street; thence east along the center line of said last named alley one hundred and thirty-seven (IdT) feet, more or less, to its intersection with the west line of Loomis street ; thence in a southeasterly direction across Loomis street to the intersection of the east line of Loomis street with the center line of an alley, also known as Photo place, running east from Loomis street between M"est Madison street and West Monroe street ; thence east along the center line of said last named alley to its intersection with the west line of Throo]) street ; thence in a northeasterly direction across Throo]) street to the intersection of the east line of Throo]) street with the center line of an alley running east from Throop street and being the first alley south of M>st iUadison street ; thence east along the center line of said last named alley one hun- dred and twenty-four (12d) feet, more or less, to its intersection with the center line of an alley running south ; thence south along the center line of said last named alley seventy-four ( Td) feet, more or less, to its inter- section with the center line prolonged of an alley running east ; thence east along the center line of said last named alley prolonged to to its intersection with the center line of an alley running south ; thence south along the center line of said last named alley, being the first alley west of South Cen- tre avenue, to the intersection of the center line of said alley with the center line of West jMonroe street ; thence west along the center line of W^est IMonroe street to its intersection with the center line prolonged of an alley running south from A\"est Monroe street and being the first alley east of Throop street; thence south along the center line pro- longed of said last named alley to a point on the center line of said last named alley one hundred and seventy (170) feet south of the south line of West Monroe street ; thence west along a line running parrallel with and one hundred and seventy (170) feet south of the south line of West Monroe s.treet to the center line of Throop street ; thence north along the center line of Throop street to its intersection with the center line of West Monroe street, being the place of beginning.. 252 PROHIBITION DISTRICTS. Section 2 . The territory lying within the boundaries above described shall be deemed and known as a prohibition district within which it shall not be lawful for any such license to be granted. Section 3. This ordinance shall fake ei¥ect and be in force from and after its passage. AMENDED SECTIONS OF “THE CHICAGO BUILDING ^ORDINANCE OF 1905.” Corresponding Amended Sections of the Revised Municipal Code of Chicago of 1905 np to September 1, 1907. [NOTE Page numbers refer to pages of this supplement and the supplement OF DECEMBER, 1900]. R. M. C. 1905. iuiLDiNG Ordinance — 1905. Page. Section 209 Section 14 • 5 229 41 5 230 42 6 231 43 6 235 48 ■ 7 t[238a] t[-31a] 7 255 105 8 274 206 8 279 211 180 293 405 10 and 180 338 519 11 390 ( 609 1 613 12 401 624 180 404 627 181 407 630 13 410 633 13 t[414] t[637] 181 421 644 181 457 709 14 458 710 15 464 716 i6 471 723 16 and 181 617 1030 18 632 1049 19 and 183 652 1070 184 653 1071 184 655 1073 184 657 1075 19 679 1098 20 680 1099 20 and 184 686 1105 20 and 185 688 1107 22 691 1110 187 694 1113 23 ■ 705 to 714 1124 to 1133 187 to 192 717 1136 192 *Passed March 13, 1905; embodied in Sections 199 to 738, inclusive, of the Re- vised Municipal Code of Chicago of 1905. tA new section. tRepealed. 253 INDEX Page. Amendments to building ordinance of March 13, 1905; list of 253 Amendments to the Revised Municipal Code of Chicago of 1905 176 to 218 Amusements — Roller coasters; license reouired {tenth class) ; amending Section 99. . . .176 to 178 Scalping of tickets forbidden ; amending Section 121 178 Auctioneers; not required to be licensed as second-hand dealers. [Section 20301.. 219 Banks as city depositaries; bonds of; amending ordinance of Nov. 26, 1906 222 Bathing, boating and fishing beaches; licensing and regulating 219 Bench monuments; establishing No. 83 to No. 96, inclusive 223 Billboards and signboards; amending Secs. 705 to 711 inclusive, and adding Sec. 706a 187 Billiard and pool tables; license fee; amending Sec. 166 17^ Boating beaches; licensing and regulating 219 Board of Local Improvements; to repair pavements guaranteed by contractors; when. 221 Boats (launches) steam, electric and naphtha, and row boats; licensing..^ 242 Bonds, Official — City Treasurer (for current term) 222 City Clerk 232 .Mayor 232' Oils, Inspector of; repealing Sections 1535 to 1543, inclusive 233 Superintendent and Inspectors, House of Correction 243 Brick, salt and coal sheds along railroad tracks and navigable streams ; amending Section 653 184 Buildings — ' . Alcoves; amending Section 421 181 Bay windows, shafts and courts; amending Section 404 ISI Billboards and signboards ; amending Secs. 705 to 714, inclusive, and adding Section 706a 187 Class IV.; construction of; amending Section 293 180 Commissioner; salary of 233 Doors' and windows; when required to have fire-resisting glass; amending Sec. 632 183 Fire limits; defining; amending Section 686 18o Hospitals; location near school buildings; amending Secs. 279 and 691. . . .180 and 187 Lumber; piling of; amending Section 655 184 Sheds, brick and salt, along railroad tracks and navigable streams ; amending Section 653 184 Sheds (shelter) for fuel and supply wagons. Fire Department; size of [Sec. 652].. 235 Stair Halls; enclosure of; amending Section 401. . 189 Standpipes, pumps, axes, etc.; amending Secs. 471 and 680 181 Tanks for storage of gasoline [Section 717] 227 Business Agent ; salary of 233 Cab and Hack Stands; changing location of No. 4; amending Section 2288 212 City Clerk; bond of 232 City Clerk; salary of ^ 233 City Collector; salary A)f 233 City Comptroller; salary of 233 City depositaries; bonds of; amending ordinance of Nov. 26, 1906 222 City Electrician ; salary of 233 City officials; fixing salaries 233 City Physician; salary of 233 City Treasurer; bond — amount of for current term [Section 52] 222 254 INDEX. 1’A(;k. Ci(y Treasurer; salary of 23.‘{ Commissioner of Buildings; salary of 233 Commissioner of Health ; salary of 233 Commissioner of I’ublic Works; salary of 233 Corporation Counsel ; salary of 233 Dairies; Commissioner of Health empowered to close when unsanitary; amending Section 1144 199 Deceit or fraud (in weight, etc.,) in the sale of commodities; amending Sec. 2478.... 217 Department of l‘olice ; General Superintendent; salary of 233 Department of 1‘ublic Works; Deputy Commissioner; City ('ouncil to api)rove ap- pointment of; amending Section 1873 2U4 Depositaries (City) ; bonds of; amending ordinance of Nov. 2(i, 190G 222 Deputy Commissioner of Ihiblic Works ; City Council to approve appointment of ; amending Section 1873.... 204 Duplicate, etc., payments, and erroneous assessments in Water Office; amending Section 2453 (Cashier’s petty cash fund) 217 Elevated railroad tracks (steam) ; trespassing forbidden 220 Exemptions from water rates; what institutions exempt; amending Section 2402.... 210 Explosives; sale of to minors forbidden 220 Finance, Committee on; salai-y of chairman 233 Fire Department; shelter sheds for fuel and supply wagons; size of [Section 052J . . 23.5 Fire limits; delining; amending Section 080 185 Fire Mar.shal ; salary of 233 Fishing beaches ; licensing and regulating 219 Flagmen at steam and street railway crossings ; amending Section 1991 204 Gas; inspection of meters, etc.; amending Sections 924 to 930, 932, 933, 935, 937, 938 and 940; also Sections 14 to 10 of new ordinance 193-7 Gasoline; storage of in tanks; regulating 227 General ordinances amending and supplementing the Bevised ^Municipal Code of Chicago of 1905 (passed between .Ian. 1, 1907 and Sept. 1, 1907) 219 to 252 5 Health— '. Commissioner empowered to close unsanitary dairies; amending Section 1144.... 199 ‘ Hospitals; license fee remitted when; amending Section 1103 198 Hospitals; location near schools; amending Sections 279 and 091 180 and 187 Hotels; licensing and regulating 230 •; House of Correction; bonds of Superintendent and Inspectors 243 Inspection of gas meters and gas; amending Sections 924 to 930 inclusive, and Sec- tions 932, 933, 935, 937, 938 and 940 193-7 /Inspection of steam boilers and steam plants; amending Sections 2211, 2212, 2216, ( I 2217, 2223, 2225, 2228, 2231 and 2232 200-212 ^Launches (for carrying passengers for hire) ; licensing 242 r' (Licenses — » Auctioneers; not required to be licensed also as second-hand dealers [Sec. 2030] 219 ( Hospitals; fee remitted when; amending Section 1103 198 Hotels 230 t Roller coasters (tenth class amusements), amending Section 99 170 to 178 ' Row boats, sail boats, launches and steam pleasure yachts 242 Second-hand dealing; exemptions; amending Section 2030 .. 204 V Soap manufacturing; license fee; amending Section 2189 205 ' Soap manufacturing; “soap” to include what; amending Section 2187 205 Lumber, piling of;; regulating; amending Section 655 184 Mayor ; bond of 232 ■ Mayor; salary of 233 ; Meters, gas ; inspection of ; amending Sections 924 to 930, inclusive, and Sections 932, 933, 935, 937, 938 and 940 : Meters (water) ; City to provide and install; amending Section 2394 215 Newspaper stands at street corners; regulating [Sections 1924 and 2083] 241 Norwood Park ; sale of liquor forbidden in 245 Oils, Inspector of; bond of 233 Pavements, where guaranteed by contractors; authorizing Board of Local Improve- ments to repair 221 ! Police, General Superintendent of; salary fixed 233 256 INDEX. Page. Pouuds (for estrays) ; placing under jurisdiction of Department of Police; amend- ing Sections 1816 to 1826 inclusive, and Sections 1832 to 1835 inclusive 199-203 Prohibition districts; establishing 245 to 252 Prosecuting Attorney; salary of 233 Public Works; Deputy Commissioner of; City Council to approve appointment of; amending Section 1873 204 Railroads — Flagmen at street railway crossings;; amending Section 1991 204 Repair of guaranteed pavements ; authorizing Board of Local Improvements to undertake . — 221 Roller coasters; license required (tenth class amusements); amending Section 176 to 178 Salaries of City officials; fixing 233 Sale stables; pro-rating license fee; amending ordinance of Dec. 3, 1906 234 Salt, brick and coal sheds along railroad tracks and navigable streams ; amending- Section 653 184 Sawdust, shavings, etc.; accumulation and storage of [Section 876] 235 Smoke Inspection, Department of; establishing 236 Smoke Inspector; office created 236 Soap manufacturing; license fee; amending Section 2189 205 Soap manufacturing; “soap” to include what; amending Section 2187 205 Stands for newspapers; regulating [Sections 1924 and 2083] 241 Steam boilers and plants ; inspection of ; amending Sections 2211, 2212, 2216, 2217, 2223, 2225, 2228, 2231 and 2232 206-212 Steam, electric or naphtha launches and row boats; licensing 242 Superintendent and inspectors. House of Correction; bonds of 243 Second-hand dealing; license required ; exemptions; amending Section 2030 204 Service pipes; users to keep in repair; amending Section 2391 215 Shavings, sawdust, etc.; accumulation and storage of [Section 876] 235 Sheds, coal, brick and salt; along railroad tracks and navigable streams; amending Section 653 184 Sheds (shelter) for fuel and supply wagons. Fire Department; size of; [Section 652]. . 235 Shut-off boxes; owners, etc. to provide; amending Section 2383 214 Tanks; storage of gasoline in; regulating 227 Tickets (theatre, etc.) ; forbidding scalping; amending Section 121 178 Trespassing on elevated (steam) railways; forbidding 226: Watei’ — • - - I Cashier’s petty cash fund; amending Section 2453 217’ Duplicate, wrong property, and over payments, and erroneous assessment refunds ; amending Section 2453 217 Exemptions ; charitable, municipal, religious and educational institutions ; amending Section 2402 216 Meters; city to provide and install; amending Section 2394 215 Service pipes ; users to keep in repair ; amending Section 2391 . 211 Shut-off boxes; owners, etc. to provide; amending Section 2383 214 Weights and Measures — Deceit or fraud in the sale of commodities; amending Section 2478 217 JOHN F. HIGGINS PRINTER AND BINDER 279-285 MONROE ST. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS