1888 . TROTTING STOCK LEXINGTON STOCK FIRM LEXINGTON, KY. 0. P. ALFORD, Proprietor. i» > Prepared by ED. A. TIPTON, Lexington, Ky. PUBLISHED BY Transylvania Printing Co., Lexington, Ky. TERMS FOR SEASOI OF 1888. JUDGE SALISBURY 5872. ^100 THE SEASON. With privilege of returning mares that fail to prove vrith foal. BARNEY WILKES 7433. $50 THE SEASON. With privilege of returning mares that fail to prove with foal. r ^J^^Grass and attention for mares being bred, $1.25 per week; grain fed at $2 00 per week. Mares kept bj the year, $60. No responsibility for accidents or escapes. Stock always for sale and correspondence promptly answered. Respectfully, O. P. ALFORD, Lexington Stock Farm, Lexington, Ky. e-to <^flNN0UN6EMENrr.|> (>o • \ N this, mj Second Annual Catalogue, I take pleasure in expressing mj appreciation of the liberal patronage extended to the Lexing- ton Stock Farm during the year just closed; in calling the at- tention of all to the superior breeding of the stock now on the place, and in soliciting the public patronage, which I expect by fair dealing and reasonable prices to hold in the future. With breeding the Lexington Stcck Farm can boast also of the superior quality of the animals in its stud and the young things for sale; for while I believe strongly in blood, yet I want it in horses, not in weeds, and I prefer a good sound horse with little, or no, pedigree to a weed with one as long as the moral law. The stallions in use are Judge Salisbury 5872 and Barney Wilkes 7433. Both have breeding, size, style, substance, finish and are natural trot- ters. The former is too young to have been tested as a sire, but his colts (foals of 1887') have unusual quality, and Barney Wilkes with worse than poor chances in East Tennessee and Georgia has already contributed to the 2:30 list two performers and sired several more winners of colt races. The breeding and appearance of both will bear critical examination. The mares in use are young, sound and highly-bred. I want no others, for it takes the best material to produce the best results in breeding horses. My stables are within 10 minutes walk from the Phoenix Hotel, and to all visitors desiring to see my stock a cordial invitation is extended to visit Lexington Stock Farm. ^ Respectfully, O. P. ALFORD, Proprietor. 867974 vO M Cl n M C ’c o 0) p p lO 3 w -a P '3 £ «i 'oP R.. 12, of an c/3 C/3 P iV J 0) H £ ►— > cu ^ Bh P •- .ti S P 'O WQ'H J 3 P o c o ^ J c 1 1 J p w C w 3 P X cnO o g a 5 HH Q 05 w 0 (M O 00 IC >< P5 W M M Hi <1 CQ W O P P »-5 — ^ C/3 w O P. .y bt3 cJ >- 5 ^ x: • g«=' 5^2 hJ ’T3 ^ C W " ^ 05 9 c^ ° OJ aj U'O 22 S ■x]STALLIONS.tx> No. 1. JUDGE SALISBURY 5872. (Out of a sister to Powers 2:21.) Rich Dark Chestnut Horse, star, hind ankles white; 15^ hands high: foaled 1881. Bred by Monroe Salisbury, Pleasanton, California. BT NUTWOOD 600 . Record 2 : 18 ^. SIRE OF Felix 2:18^, Woodnut 2:19)^, Dawn 2:19)^, and thirteen more in 2:30 or better. 1 dam Kate, trial 2:23 to wagon (sis- ter to Powers 2:21 and to Bess, dam of Camille 2 :25) by Volunteer 55, sire of St. Julian 2:11345 Gloster 2:17, Alley 2:19, Bodine 2:19345 Driver 2:i934» Amy 2:20345 Domestic 2:2o34- 2 dam, Jennie (dam of Powers 2:21) by Seeley’s American Star 14, sire of dams of Dexter 2:17345 Robert McGregor 2:173^5 Nettie 2:18, Joe Bunker 2:19345 Driver 2:19345 Orange Girl 2:20, etc. 3 dam, Dolly Fisher by a son of Cole’s Messenger, by Imp. Messenger. NUTWOOD 2:18^, by Belmont, sire of Wedgewood 2:19, Viking 2 :2o34 5 Dick Moore 2:22345 and sixteen more in the 2:30 list. First dam. Miss Russell (dam of Maud S. 2:08^ and Cora Bel- mont 2:2434)5 by Pilot, Jr., sire of John Morgan 2:2^. Second dam, Sally Russell (dam of Rosalind, dam of Zilcaadi Golddust 2:37^, sire of Whirlwind 2:24), by Boston. Third dam, Maria Russell, by Thornton’s Rattler. Fourth dam. Miss Shepherd, by Stockholder. Fifth dam, Miranda, by Top Gallant. Sixth dam, by Imp. Diomed. 6 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. Seventh dam, by Imp. Medley. Eighth dam, by Imp. Juniper. BELMONT, by Alexander’s Abdallah, sire of Goldsmith Maid 2:14, Rosalind 2:21^, Thorndale 2:223^, etc. First dam. Belle (dam of McCurdy’s Hambletonian 2:263^ and Bicara, dam of Pancoast 2:21^), by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2:183^. Second dam, by Brown’s Bellfounder, sire of Columbus, sire of Lit- tle Mack 2:2834. ALEXANDER’S ABDALLAH, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2:173^1 Nettie 2:18, etc. Dam, Katy Darling. RYSDYK’S HAMBLETONIAN (sire of dam of Trinket 2:14), by Ab- dallah, sire of dam of Goldsmith Maid 2:14 First dam, Chas. Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder,, sire of dam of ' Harry Clay 2:29, sire of dam of Electioneer. Second dam. One Eye, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. MAMBRINO CHIEF (sire of dam of Director 2:17), by Mambrino Pay- master, son of Mambrino. Dam, the dam of Goliah 2:33. BROWN’S BELLFOUNDER, by Imp. Bellfounder First dam, Lady Allport, by Mambrino, son of Imp. Messenger. Second dam, by Tippoo Saib, son of Imp. Messenger. Third dam, by Imp. Messenger. PILOT, Jr, by Old Pilot, Canadian. Dam, Nancy Pope VOLUNTEER, own brother to Sentinel 2:29^ (sire of Von Arnim 2:19^^). by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of George Wilkes 2 :22. First dam. Lady Patriot (dam of a trotter, four sires of trotters and Heroine, the dam ol Shawmut 2:26), by Young Patriot. Second dam, the Lewis Hulse mare. YOUNG PATRIOT, by Patriot, son of Blucher. Dam, by Messenger Duroc. BLUCHER, by Duroc, son of Imp. Diomed. First dam, Young Miller’s Damsel, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Second dam. Miller’s Damsel, by Imp. Messenger. SEELEY’S AMERICAN STAR, by Stockholm’s American Star, son of Duroc. First dam, Sally Slouch, by Henry, son of Sir Archy, by Imp. Diomed. Second dam, by Imp. Messenger. TROTTING STOCK. 7 Judge Salisbury, certainly one of the grandest looking young stal- lions in Kentucky, represents a distinguished ancestry. Nutwood, his sire, by far the greatest sire of speed yet gotten by a grandson of Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, has himself a record of 2:18^, is represented in the 2:30 list by Felix 2:18^, Woodnut 2 :[ 93 ^, Dawn 2:1934, Manon 2:21, Mt. Vernon 2:2134, Menlo 2:2134, and ten more with records ranging from 2:2334 to 2:2934, and in breeding stands second to no horse in the land, being by 'Belmont and out of Pilot, Jr.’s most famous daughter. Miss Russell, the dam of Maud S. 2:0834, Cora Belmont 2:2434, and those rising young sires — Lord Russell, Mambrino Russell and Nutbourne. On Nutwood’s breeding further comment is unnecessary. The dam of Judge Salisbury was fast herself and came from the cross that produced that stout old campaigner, Pov/ers 2:21 and Bess, the dam of Camille 2:25 — Volunteer and Jennie by American Star. As the sire of race horses of the “wear and tear” order — horses with speed, stam- ina and soundness combined with bull-dog courage. Volunteer holds the first place amongst the many great sires whose get have appeared in pub- lic. As a racing tribe their equals have never been seen, and in addition to the qualities that made them great upon the track, they inherited from their sire the clean-cut appearance that distinguished him from any horse of the Hambletonian family. Volunteer has to his credit twenty seven 2:30 horses, and his daughters have produced fourteen, including Amelia C. 2:1934 and Stephen G. 2 : 2 o 34 - Amongst his best was Powers, record only 2:21, but a “stayer” and the winner of seventeen contested races and forty-three hard-fought heats better than 2:30 Powers was an own brother to Kate, the dam of Judge Salisbury, their dam being a speed- producing daughter of Seeley’s American Star, whose daughters have produced forty-three performers with records ranging from 2:1734 to 2:30 and those famous sires Dictator, Aberdeen, Startle, Walkill Chief, Jay Gould, Arthurton, etc. The blood lines then of Judge Salisbury are two crosses of Rys- dyk’s Hambletonian through Alexander’s Abdallah and Volunteer, one of Mambrino Chief, one of Pilot, Jr., and one of American Star, all backed by thoroughbred blood that has been tried and not found wanting. It is a royal pedigree, and in it appear four great producing dams, viz.: Miss Russell, Belle, Lady Patriot and Jennie. Such blood rarely fails to pro- duce trotters. With his breeding Judge Salisbury is a horse of unusual finish and style, good bone and muscle and excellent disposition. He will stand the most critical inspection. Judge Salisbury stands at $100 the season, with privilege of return. HAMBLETONIAN lo. Sire of Dexter Nettie. . 2:1k X! - £2 1 ^ 2 3 M w H Q K-1 ILOT, Jr. Sire of Maud S. P^Q tJ Q u n: 0 Pm PP ^ Pi w z fO Pm C /5 0 Cif ^ >- 8 ^ C /5 0 0 w HH ro lOO LO n r. n c /5 w ;:^ 3 ^ " I— I T3 a t- jx M > o vh — ii > cj o Wc 5 - (V ^ « w :i:o^ o 'o 3 p '4, etc. Dark Bay Stallion; dim star; right fore and left hind ankles white, dotted with black; 15^ hands high; foaled 1875. Bred byB. J. Treacy, Lexington, Ky. SIRED BT GEORGE WILKES 519 . Record 2:22. Sire of Harry Wilkes 2:1314, Guy Wilkes 2 :i 534 ) Wilson 2 :i 634 » Mike Wilkes, pacer, 2:15^, So-So 2 :i 734 > Wilcox, pacer, 2:17^, Rosa Wilkes 2 :i 834 j Joe Bunker 2:1934. Wilton 2:1934, Flora Wilkes, pacer, 2:19)4, and fifty more in 2:30 or better. 1 dam Rosa (dam of Hull, sire of Vespacian 2:2934 and Fred Hull 2:2914) by Roscoe 273, sire of Black Pilot, record 2:30 and sire of Pilot Knox 2:19^, Centurion 2:27)4 and Tinnie B. 2:27)4. 2 dam, Vienna by Vandal, sire of dam of Vanity Fair, dam of Conway, pacer, 2:18% and Convoy 2:22)4. 3 dam, Daisy. by Cracker, son of Boston, sire of dam of Miss Russell, dam of Maud S. 2:08^, Nutwood 2:18^, andCora Belmont 2:24)4. 4 dam, Hymenia (dam of Virgil). . by Imp. Yorkshire, sire of dam of Ashland Chief, sire of Black Cloud 2:1734. 5 dam. Little Peggy. by Cripple, son of Medoc, sire of dam of John Morgan 2:24. 6 dam, Peggy Stewart by Cook’s Whip. 7 dam, Mary Bedford by Duke of Bedford. 8 dam by Imp. Speculator. 9 dam, the Alexander mare by Imp. Dare Devil. 10 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. GEORGE WILKES, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2:173^, Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20. First dam, Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay, sire of Jericho 2:30. Second dam. Old Telegraph, by Baker’s Highlander. Third dam, the Clark Phillips mare. RYSDYK’S HAMBLETONIAN (sire of dam of Trinket 2:14), by Ab- dallah, sire of dam of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. First dam, Chas, Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder, sire of dam of Sayre’s Harry Clay 2:29, sire of dam of St. Julian 2:113^. Second dam, One-Eye, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. ABDALLAH, by Mambrino, son of Imp. Messenger. Dam, Amazonia. MAMBRINO, by Imp. Messenger First dam by Imp. Sourcrout. Second dam by Imp. Whirligig. BISHOP’S HAMBLETONIAN, by Imp. Messenger. First dam. Pheasant, by Imp. Shark. Second dam by Imp. Medley. HENRY CLAY, by Andrew Jackson, son of Young Bashaw. Dam, Surry. YOUNG BASHAW, by Grand Bashaw, Arabian. First dam, Pearl, by First Consul. Second dam. Fancy, by Imp. Messenger. BAKER’S HIGHLANDER, by Paul’s Highlander. Dam, by Young Lion, son of Defiance. PAUL’S HIGHLANDER, by Kellogg’s Highlander. Dam, by Bold Richmond. KELLOGG’S HIGHLANDER, by Sherman Morgan, by Justin Morgan. Dam untraced. ROSCOE, by Pilot, Jr., sire of John Morgan 2:24, Pilot Temple Tattler 2:26, five more in the 2:30 list, and the dams of Maud S. 2:08^, Jay-Eye-See 2:10, Nutwood 2:18^, etc. First dam, the famous Black Rose (dam of Darkness, 2:27^ to pole, Native American 2:32^, Lady Woodlawn 2:37)^, Hermosa, dam of Hermes 2:273^, Primrose, dam of Princeps, etc.), by Tom Teemer, pacer. Second dam, by Cannon’s Whip, by Imp. Whip. Third dam by Robin Grey. PILOT, JR., by Old Pilot, Canadian. First dam, Nancy Pope. TROTTING STOCK. 1 1 Second dam, Nancy Taylor. TOM TEEMER, by Old Tom, pacer. Dam by Old Pilot, Canadian. VANDAL, by Imp. Glencoe. Dam, Alaric’s dam, by Imp. Tranby. CRACKER, by Boston. Dam by Lance, son of American Eclipse. That George Wilkes, all things considered, was the greatest horse that ever lived there can now be no dispute. When seventeen years old he was retired from the track with a combined record of 2:22 to harness, 2:25 to wagon and 2:28 to pole, and did stud service for nine years, from 1873 to 1882, during which short period he sired more trotters than any horse ever sired in any length of time. Though young, twenty-four of his sons have sired fifty-five performers in the list, including Prince Wilkes 2:16, Oliver K. 2:16^^, Phil Thompson 2:163^, Sable Wilkes (the fastest three-year old) 2:18, Rosalind Wilkes 2:18}^, and William H. 2:183^. In fact, no blood has produced as much extreme speed in the same length of time as that of George Wilkes, and none is in greater demand than that of his well bred sons that have demonstrated their merit. Barney Wilkes is certainly well bred enough to satisfy all, and with the poorest of poor chances has demonstrated that he is a great sire. He was foaled in 1875 and sold as a yearling to East Tennessee, where he remained till 1879. colts sired by him there I can find but three, viz.: Champion Wilkes 2:223^, Barry Wilkes, record 2:37, but driven by Mike Bowerman over the Lexington track in 2:27, and a mare always used on the road. From Tennessee he was sold to Georgia, where he was bred to a few mares of indifferent quality and little or no pedigree. From them even he got many winners of stake races, amongst them Lena Wilkes, four year old record 2:29)^. On what was done with him in Georgia I quote from a letter of S. P Salter, from whom I purchased him : “I bought Barney Wilkes in 1879 at Macon, Ga., during the Fair, of young Mr. Calphiss, a nephew of Mr. Brannon’s. He was then four years old. I brought him home and worked him on a half mile track, thrown up in an old field, and trotted him the fall of 1880 at five meetings in Georgia and Florida and won all the races I started him in, except at Al- bany, Ga., and gave him a record of 2:4434- In i 88 r I bred one mare to him, Jin Burner, and in January, 1882, she dropped Mary S. In the spring of 188 [ I sent him to Columbia, Tenn., to Mr. Ed. Geers, the trainer, and he worked him up to June and wrote me that he worked him in 2:36. I brought Barney back to Georgia in the fall of 1881. In the spring of 1882 I bred several mares to him, and some for my neighbors. Only two of LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. the succeeding foals of 1883 have been trained, Lena Wilkes and Jordon Wilkes. In the spring of 18S3 Barnev went to Danville, Ky., to make the season. The only two colts of Barney’s I ever knew of being worked that were bred before I got him is Champion Wilkes 2:223^ and Barry Wilkes 2:37. Mike Bowermah told me he drove Barry Wilkes in 2:27. His next oldest colt is Mary S., the only one he got that year, record 2:4.5, tnade at Jacksonville, Fla, in February, 18S6. over a mean sandy half-mile track, and was able to trot in the fall of 1S86 in 2:30 or better. Lena Wilkes 2 :29i>^ and Jordon Wilkes are his two oldest colts and the only two at that age that were worked. Jordon Wilkes showed me a mile in 2:40 and I sold him. These five are the only ones of Barney’s get that have ever b?en trained, two of them with records better than 2:30, another, Mary S., timed in a race at St Louis better than 2:30, and Barry Wilkes able to trot better than 2:30 when called on. These are four, and the fifth one, Sam Wilkes, full brother to Lena Wilkes, at three years old, with one season’s hand- ling, showed a mile in 2:40.’ I think this is as good a showing as any horse living or dead can make of his first five colts, especially when out of mares that have no pedigree. I drove two of his three-year olds this summer and gave them both records at Athens, Ga., of 2 and both showed that they could trot a mile in 2:40. Those two were Sam Wilkes and Lizzie S. I have never seen one of Barney’s ’ colts in a race that was not level- headed and game to the last. S. P. SALTER.” From the above it can be easily seen that the George Wilkes and Pilot, Jr. blood in Barney Wilkes under the most adverse circumstances has asserted its superior quality; for with everything against him. Red Wilkes, Onward, Alcantara, Ambassador, Alcyone and Young Jim are the only sons of George Wilkes that lead him in 2:30 performers, and we have every reason to believe that several of his get will enter the 2:30 list the coming season. With speed he imparts to his progeny good color, nice finish and excellent gait. No one ever saw a poor gaited colt by him, and his get are dead game. I know of no son of George Wilkes with the equal breeding, to say nothing of his 2:30 performers, standing at less than $100^ ) etl have concluded to stand him during t888 at only $50 the season with privilege of return. o No. 3. CICERO. (Standard, Rule 6.) Bay Colt; foaled May 24, 1885. Bred by Elizur Smith, Lee, Mass.; foal- ed at Lexington. ^IBED BT SOCRATES 281 . Record 2:343^. Own brother to Kisbar 2:27^ and Pickering 2:30, and sire of Socra- tes 2:27)^. 1 dam, Remembrance by George Wilkes 519, record 2:22, sire of Harry Wilkes 2:133^, Guy Wilkes 2:15^, Mike Wilkes, pacer, 2:15^^, Wilson 2:1634, So- So 2:1734, Wilcox, pacer, 2:17^, Rosa Wilkes 2:1834, Wilton 2:1934, Joe Bunker 2:1934, etc. 2 dam, Ellen Dean by Corbeau 98, sire of Billy S. 2:1434, Billy Boyce pacer, 2:19 to harness and 2:1434 under saddle, John Maloney, pacer, 2:2434, Brown Billy, trotter, 2:29. 3 dam. Black Emily by Kinkead’s St. Lawrence, sire of dam of Waterwitch, dam of Mambrino Gift 2:20, Viking 2:2034, Scotland 2:2234* SOCRATES 2:3434, brother to Norwood (sire of Tommy Norwood 2:2634), by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2:1734* First dam. Lady Fallis (dam of Kisbar 2:27^, Pickering 2:30 and grandam of Clingstone 2:14), by Seeley’s American Star, sire of dams of Dexter 2:1734, Robert McGregor 2:1734, etc. Second dam, the Beck mare, by Long Island Black Hawk, sire of Prince 2:2434* The sire of this colt is one of the best looking and best bred repre- sentatives of the Hambletonian-Star cross, and his dam. Remembrance, is by George Wilkes, sire of sixty performers from 2:1334 to 2:30 and the dams of Butterfly 2:19^, Eagle Bird 2:21 and flve more better than 2:30. The underlying crosses come from the best pacing strains. Cicero is of shapely form, good size and muscle. He will do for a stock horse. 14 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. No. 4. SONNY COONS 3(>66. (Out of a half sister to Wilson 2: i 63 >^.) Bay Colt; foaled 1885. Bred by M. C. Alford, Lexington, Ky. SIRED B 2 ' ABDALBRINO 2646 . Brother to Princeps. Sire of Trinket 2:14, Princeton 2:19^, Feme Sole 2:20, and fourteen more in the 2:30 list. 1 dam, Fanny Clay by American Clay 3:), sire of the dams ofGarnet 2:19, Ambassador 2:213^ Ranchero 2 '.22}^, Executor 2 :2434, Judge Hawes 2:24^^, etc. 2 dam, Ohio Clay (dam of Miss Coons, dam of Wilson 2:163^ and Abdallah West, sire of Wilkin 2:273^) by American Clay 34, sire of Gran- ville 2:26, Maggie Briggs 2:27, Ella Clay 2:2734. 3 dam a mare from Ohio, s. t. b. . . .by Brown’s Bellfounder. ABDALBRINO, by Woodford Mamorino 2:2134? sire of Abbottsford 2:1934? Mambrino Dudley 2:19^, Pancoast 2:21^. First dam. Primrose (dam of Princeps, sire of Trinket 2:14; of Maxim, sire of Ida D. 2:2734*? of Rosebush, dam of Chichester 2:2534)? by Alexander’s Abdallah, sire of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. Second dam. Black Rose, by Tom Teemer. ALEXANDER’S ABDALLAH, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2:1734? Nettie 2:18. Dam, Katy Darling. AMERICAN CLAY, by C. M. Clay, Jr , sire of Durango 2:23^. First dam. Conscript’s dam, by Imp. Tranby. Second dam, by Aratus, son of Director, son of Sir Archy. C. M, CLAY, JR. (Strader’s), by Cassius M. Clay, sire of George M. Patchen 2:2334* First dam, by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter 2:27. Second dam, by Lawrence’s Eclipse, son of American Eclipse. Third dam, Chas. Hadley mare, by Imp. Messenger. CASSIUS M. CLAY, by Henry Clay, sire of dam of George Wilkes 2:22. Dam, Jersey Kate, John Anderson’s dam. Sonny Coons is by the full brother to the great Princeps and out of a half sister to the famous trotter Wilson 2:1634. He is large and growthy, but of speedy conformation. With more age he ought to make a trotter. TROTTING STOCK. 15 No. 5. NORTH STAR Sorrel Stallion; big star, running into strip, right fore and both hind ankles white; foaled 1885. Bred bj Hart Boswell, Lexington, Ky. SIRED BT HAMBLETONIAN A/A MERINO 540. Record 2:213=^. Sire of Wild Ral Duquesne 2:17^. 2 dam, Sophy (dam of Nelly B., dam of Mike Wilkes, pacer, 2:15^, Ira Wilkes 2:28, pacing re- cord 2:22^, Adrian Wilkes, sire of Roy, pacer, 2:2034)- • Alexander’s Edwin Forrest 49, sire of dams of So-So 2 :i 734 > Tony Newell 2:1934? Mambrino Dudley 2:19^. 3 dam, Sopronia. by Parker’s Brown Pilot, sire of dams of Rosalind 2:21^, Donald 2:27. 4 dam (bred by Col. Robert Innis) by Bertrand, son of Sir Archy. 5 dam by Lance, son of American Eclipse. HAMBLETONIAN MAMBRINO 2:21^, by Curtis’ Hambletonian, sire of Flora B. 2:2434, Andy Mershon 2:2534, Sunshine 2:2934* Dam, Topsy (dam of Lady Ethan, dam of Qjieen Wilkes 2:23^), said to be by Alexander’s Abdallah. CURTIS’ HAMBLETONIAN, own brother to Milwaukee (sire of Ade- laide 2:18), by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Dam, Dolly Martin (dam of Volney 2:23 and Romeo 2:2934), by Defiance. YOUNG HAMBLETONIAN, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Dam by Hulse’s Hickory, Hambletonian Mambrino, record 2:2134 in sixth heat of a race, got Wild Rake, the best three-year old of t886 . He is a horse of high finish and imparts unusual quality to his get. North Star is one of the very handsomest colts he ever got, is nicely gaited and ought, coming as he does from so great a family on the dam’s side, to make a trotter. i6 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. No. 6. VICTOR HUGO. Brown Colt; hind feet white; foaled 1885. Bred bj A. L. Pinkard, Dan- ville, Ky. S/J?EI) BT BARNET WILKES 7433 . SIRE OF Champion Wilkes 2:223^, Lena Wilkes (4-j. o.) 2:293^. 1 dam bj Dunn’s Kentucky Chief, son of Mambrino Chief ii, sire of the dams of Director 2:17, Piedmont 2:173^, V oltaire 2 :2o3=^, Indianap- olis 2:21, Hambrino 2:213^, Mat- tie Graham 2:21}/^, etc. 2 dam by Bascombe. BARNEY WILKES, by George Wilkes 2:22, sire of Harry Wilkes 2:133^, Guy Wilkes 2:1534^, Wilson 2:i63^. First dam, Rosa (dam of Hull and Wilkie Collins), by Roscoe, sire of Black Pilot 2:30 Second dam, Vienna, thoroughbred, by Vandal, son of Imp. Glencoe. Third dam, Daisy, by Cracker, son of Boston. ROSCOE. by Pilot, Jr., sire of John Morgan 2:24, Pilot Temple 2:243^, Tackey 2:26, etc. Dam, the famous Black Rose, by Tom Teemer. PILOT, Jr., by Old Pilot, Canadian. Dam, Nancy Pope. DUNN’S KENTUCKY CHIEF, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2:18}^, Woodford Mambrino 2:21)4, etc. First dam, by Imp. Tranby, sire of dam of American Clay 34, sire of Granville 2:26, Maggie Briggs 2:27 and Ella Clay 2:2734* Second dam by Tempest. Third dam by Tiger Whip. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliah 2:33. This colt’s blood lines represent George Wilkes, Pilot, Jr, and Mam- brino Chief, upon a thoroughbred foundation through both sire and dam. His sire is one of the best sons of George Wilkes and his dam an excellent individual by a good son of Mambrino Chief He stands close to sixteen hands high and has bone and substance in proportion, is gaited right and will make a grand, big horse. TROTTING STOCK. 17 No. 7. FREEDMAN 5985. Black Colt; foaled 1885. Bred by C. W. Headley, Lexington, Ky. SIRED BT EGBERT 1136. Sire of Emma, pacer, 2:19!^, Egmont 2:23)^, Superior 2:2534, Benefactor 2:2734? Illinois Egbert 2:2934- 1 dam. Belle Scott by Alexander’s Norman 25, sire of Lula 2:15, May Qjaeen 2:20, and the dams of Norman Medium 2:20, Fanny Robinson 2 ': 2 o 34 » Maiden 2:23, Banner Boy 2:2534? Alice Addison 2:2834? 2:30 2 dam, Kate by Conflagration. EGBERT, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2: 1734 - First dam, Camptown, by Messenger Duroc, sire of Elaine 2:20. Second dam. Miss McCloud (dam of Lord Nelson, 3-year old, 2:2634)? by Holbert Colt, son of Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Third dam. May Fly, by Utter Horse, son of Hoyt’s Comet. Fourth dam, Virgo (dam of Virgo Hambletonian, sire of Charley Hogan 2:18^), by Roe’s Abdallah Chief. Fifth dam. Catbird, by Whistle Jacket, son of Mambrino. Sixth dam, Lyon Mare, by the Berlholf Horse, son of Imp. Mes- senger. Seventh dam, by Duroc, by Imp. Diomed. MESSENGER DUROC, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. First dam. Satinet, by Roe’s Abdallah Chief. Second dam. Catbird, by Whistle Jacket, by Mambrino. Third dam, Lyon Mare, by Bertholf Horse, son of Imp. Messenger. Fourth dam by Duroc, son of Imp. Diomed. ROE’S ABDALLAH CHIEF, by Abdallah. First dam by Phillips, son of Cole’s Messenger. Second dam by Decatur. NORMAN, Alexander’s, by Morse Horse, sire of Grey Eddy 2:30. Dam, the Slocum mare, by Magnum Bonum. MORSE HORSE, by European, McNitt Horse First, dam. Beck, by Harris’ Hambletonian. Second dam, Mozza, by Peacock, son of Imp, Messenger. Freedman is by one of Hambletonian’s best sons and out of a mare whose produce promise to go fast. He is himself promising. i8 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. No. 8. TOM PTTOH 8007, Chestnut Colt; a little w’ he oi- both hind feet; foaled May 12, 1886. Bred by O. P. Alford. SIRED RED WILKES 1749. Sire of Prince Wilkes 2:16, Phil Thompson 2:16)^, Wayne Wilkes, pacer, 2:183^ and ten more wiih records ranging from 2:24 to 2:30. 1 dam, Lottie Temple, trial 2 :30 . . . . by Mambrino Temple 586, sire of Billy Boy 2:2634 ^nd son of Pilot Tem- ple 2:2414. 2 darr,, Elsie by Alexander’s Abdallah 15, sire of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. 3 dam. Grey Bacchante (grandam of Minerva, dam of Meander 2:2634 and Nugget 2:26^) . by Downing’s Bay Messenger, sire of dam of Clark Chief 89, sire of dams of Phallas 2:13^, Majolica * 2:15, Wilson 2:1634, 4 dam (the dam of Clifton Pilot, sire of Jack Lewis 2:2834)- • - by Whip Comet. 5 dam. . . . by Grey Messenger. RED WILKES, by George Wilkes 2:22, sire of Harry Wilkes 2:1334- First dam, Qjueen Dido, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2:1834, Woodford Mambrino 2 : 2 i 34 - Second dam, by Red Jacket, son of Comet. MAMBRINO TEMPLE, by Pilot Temple 2:2434. First dam. Maid of Ashland, by Mambrino Chief. Second dam by Woodford, sire of the dams of Wedgewood 2:19, Woodford Mambrino 2:2134, Brignoli 2:29^4* Third dam by Downing’s Bay Messenger. PILOT TEMPLE 2:2434, by Pilot. Jr., sire of the dams of Maud S. 2:08^, Jay- Eye-See 2:10, Nutwood 2:18^. Dam, Madam Temple (dam of Flora Temple 2:19^ and Bland Temple, dam of Nora Temple 2:2734 and Temple 2:30), by Spotted Horse. Tom Pugh is by the reigning king of the Wilkes family and out of a mare that as a three-year old showed a trial in 2:30 and afterwards a mile to road wagon in 2:39. Through George Wilkes and Alexander’s Abdal- lah he inherits two crosses of Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, and from Qjieen Dido and Maid of Ashland he gets two of Mambrino Chief. His dam, with a Pilot top cross is descended from old Grey Bacchante, from which mare descended Bacchante Mambrino, Minerva and other famous brood mares. With his breeding he is fine, solid and substantial. I think him one of the best colts I ever saw. TROTTING STOCK. 19 No. 9. NDIOKI 4806. Brown Colt: foaled May, 1886. Bred by O. P. Alford. SIRED BT RED WILKES 1749. Sire of Prince Wilkes 2:16, Phil Thompson 2:16^, Wayne Wilkes, pacer, 2:1834, Ernestine, pacer, 2:24, Hinder Wilkes (4 y. o.) 2:2534? Reed Wilkes (4 y. o.) 2:2534? Charley Wilkes 2:2534? and six more with records of 2:30 or better. 1 dam, Zoo-Zoo Maid by Dick Hambletonian, often called Hambletonian Star, sire of dam of Bracelet 2:2634* 2 dam. Sister Mac (sister to Lady Mac 2:23) by Whirlwind 2359, sire of Lady Mac 2:23 and Barkis 2:2534* 3 dam. Madonna, breeding untraced. RED WILKES (sire of Prince Wilkes 2:16), by George Wilkes 2:22, sire of Harry Wilkes 2:1334? Guy Wilkes 2:1534* First dam, C)jieen Dido, by Mambrino Chief, sire of the dams of Director 2:17, Piedmont 2:1734* Second dam, by Red Jacket, son of Comet. Third dam, the Robert Patterson mare. GEORGE WILKES, record 2:22, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of dams of Trinket 2:14, Stamboul 2:1734? ^^c* First dam, Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay, sire of Jericho 2:30. Second dam. Old Telegraph, by Baker’s Highlander. Third dam, the Clark Phillips mare. RYSDYK’S HAMBLETONIAN (sire of dam of Duquesne 2 :i7^), by Abdallah, sire of O’Blennis 2:27^. First dam, Chas. Kent mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. Second dam. One- Eye, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliah DICK HAMBLETONIAN, by Hetzell’s Hambletonian, own brother to Volunteer, sire of St. Julian 2:1 134 * Dam believed to be by Seeley’s American Star. HETZELL’S HAMBLETONIAN, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. First dam, Lady Patriot, by Young Patriot. Second dam, the Lewis Hulse mare. This is a nice, big colt and a trotter. 20 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM No. 10. OLIVER WILKES. Standard, Rule 6. (Out of a half sister to Wilson 2:163=^). Black Colt; foaled 1886. Bred bj M. C. Alford, Lexington, Kv. SIRED BJ- COUNT WILKES mi Brother to Gambetta Wilkes 2:26 and The King 2:29)^. 1 dam, Fanny Clay by Ameiican Clay 34, sire of the dams of Garnet 2:19, Ambassador 2:213^, Ranchero 2:223^, etc. 2 dam, Ohio Clay (grandam of Wil- son 2:163^) by American Clay 34, sire of Gran- ville 2:26, Maggie Briggs 2:27, Ella Clay 2:2734, Alta 2:32, Magic 2:33, etc. 3 dam, a mare from Ohio, said to be by Brown’s Bellfounder. COUNT WILKES, by George Wilkes 2:22, sire of So So 2:1734, Rosa Wilkes 2:18^. First dam, Jewell (dam of Gambetta Wilkes 2:26 and The King 2:2934), by Gill’s Vermont, sire of Bonner Boy 2:23. Second dam, the Salter mare, by Cannon’s Whip. GILL’S VERMONT, by Downing’s Vermont, son of Hill’s Black Hawk. First dam, by Barclay’s Columbus Second dam, by Bertrand, son of Sir Archy, by Imp. Diomed. Third dam, by Matchless, a Narragansett pacer. AMERICAN CLAY, by C. M. Clay. Jr., sire of Durango 2:23^. First dam. Conscript’s dam, by Imp. Tranby. Second dam, by Aratus, son of Director, son of Sir Archy. Third dam, by Josephus, son of American Eclipse. Fourth dam, by Columbus, son of Imp. Pantaloon. C. M. CLAY, JR. (Strader’s), by Cassius M. Clay, sire of George M. Patchen 2:2334- First dam, by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter 2:27. Second dam, by Lawrence’s Eclipse, son of American Eclipse. Third dam, Chas. Hadley mare, by Imp. Messenger. CASSIUS M. CLAY, by Henry Clay, sire of dam of George Wilkes 2:22. Dam, Jersey Kate, John Anderson’s dam. Oliver Wilkes is both a nice colt and a good gaited one. Those who see him like him.* TROTTING STOCK. 21 No. 11. JOE LEE 8006. Dark Bay or Brown Colt; big star and snip; left hind ankle white; foaled i886. Bred by J. M. and J. A. Lee, Danville, Ky. SIBBn BT BARNET WILKES 74S3. Sire of Champion Wilkes 2:2234, Lena Wilkes 2:2934* 1 dam Laura B by Lyle Wilkes 4658, sire of Mattie Wilkes 2:30. 2 dam by Alexander’s Norman 25, sire of Lula 2:15, May Qjaeen 2:20. 3 dam by Boner’s Saxe Weimer, son of Old Saxe Weimer. BARNEY WILKES, by George Wilkes, whose sons have sired Prince Wilkes 2:16, Oliver K. 2:1634, Phil Thompson 2:1634, Sable Wilkes (3 y. o ) 2:18, Rosalind Wilkes (5y. o.) 2:1834, and fifty more from 2:1834 2:30. First dam, Rosa (dam of Hull, sire of Vespacian2:2934), by Roscoe, sire of Black Pilot, the sire of Pilot Knox 2:19^. Second dam, Vienna, by Vandal, son of Imp. Glencoe. LYLE WILKES, by George Wilkes 2:22, sire of sixty horses in the 2:30 list, ten of them better than 2:20. First dam, Lou Coons, by American Clay, sire of the dams of Gar- net 2:19, Ambassador 2:2134, Ranchero 2:2234, Second dam, Nokomis, own sister to Ericsson 2:3034 (sire of Rarely 2:2434, Doble 2:28, Eric 2:2834, etc.), by Mambrino Chief, sire of the dam of Director 2:17. Third dam, Mrs. Caudle, grandam of Clark Chief, sire of the dams of Phallis 2:13^, Majolica 2:15 and Wilson 2:i634- AMERICAN CLAY (sire of Granville 2:26), by Strader’s Cassius M. Clay, Jr., sire of Durango 2:23^, Harry Clay 2:23^. First dam (the dam of Conscript, sire of the dams of Flora Wilkes, pacer, 2:1934, John F. Phelps, Jr. 2:26,), by Imp. Tranby. Second dam, by Aratus, son of Director, by Sir Archy. Third dam, by Josephus, son of American Eclipse. Fourth dam, by Columbus, son of Imp. Pantaloon. NORMAN (sire of dam of Norman Medium 2:20), by Morse Horse, sire of dam of Qjiechee Maid 2:25. Dam, the Slocum mare, by Magnum Bonum. Joe Lee is inbred to the great George Wilkes through two highly bred, speed producing sons. With his breeding (which is worthy of care- ful analysis) he is a good individual. 22 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. SALTER. Dark Bay or Brown Colt; right hind ankle white; foaled 1886. Bred by Morehead & Salter, Ducker’s Station, Ga. SIRED BT B ARNE 2- WIEKES 7433. Sire of Champion Wilkes 2:223^, Lena Wilkes 2:293^. 1 dam, Maggie Golddust by Young Rolla Golddust 2752, broth- er to Rolla Golddust, record 2:25. 2 dam Messenger (dam of Emerson Golddust) by Highland Messenger, BARNEY WILKES, by George Wilkes, sire of Harry Wilkes 2:1334, Guy Wilkes 2:1534, Wilson 2:i634- First dam, Rosa (dam of Hull, sire of two in the 2:30 list), by Ros- coe, son of Pilot, Jr., sire of dams of Maud S. 2:08^, Jay-Eye- See 2:10, Nutwood 2:18^. Second dam, Vienna, thoroughbred, by Vandal. Third dam, Daisy, by Cracker, son of Boston. GEORGE WILKES 2:22 (sire of So-So 2:1734), by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian, sire of Dexter 2:1734- First dam, Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay, sire of.the dams of Car- rie C. 2:24, Clay 2:25. Second dam, Old Telegraph, by Baker’s Highlander. Third dam^ The Clark Phillips mare. HENRY CLAY, by Andrew Jackson. Dam, Surry, YOUNG ROLLA GOLDDUST, by Golddust, sire of Lucille Golddust 2 :i 6J4, Fleety Golddust 2:20, Indicator 2:23^, Rolla Gold- dust 2:25. Dam (the dam of Rolla Golddust 2:25), by Mohawk Chief, a fast Canadian pacer. GOLDDUST, by Vermont Morgan. Dam by Zilcaadi, Arabian. HIGHLANDER MESSENGER, by Broken-Legged Hunter, son of Chestnut Hunter, by Kentucky Hunter. First dam (the dam of Edwin Forrest, sire of Billy Hoskins 2:2634), by Watkin’s Young Highlander. Second dam by Duroc, son of Imp. Diomed. Third dam by Imp, Messenger. This colt is bred much like Rosalind Wilkes 2:1834, being by a son of George Wilkes and his darxi by a good son of Old Golddust. TROTTING STOCK. 23 No. 13. WILL DUKE Light Baj Colt; stripe in face; right fore and left hind ankles white; foaled 1886. Bred by Morehead & Salter, Ducker’s Station, Ga. SIRED BT BARNET WILKES 7433. Sire of Champion Wilkes 2:22)^, Lena Wilkes 2:29!^. 1 dam Mattie D by Norman Messenger, son of Nor- man 25. 2 dam, Lottie D by American Boy, son of American Clay 34. 3 dam, Nellie Bly by Frank Randall. 4 dam, Belle by Smith’s Highlander, ^by Park’s Highlander. BARNEY WILKES, by George Wilkes 2:22, sire of So-So 2:171^, Rosa Wilkes 2:183^, Wilton 2:19^^. First dam, Rosa (dam of Hull, sire of Fred Hull 2:2934 and Vespa- cian 2:2934)? by Roscoe, sire of Black Pilot 2:30. Second dam, Vienna, by Vandal, thoroughbred. Third dam, Daisy, by Cracker, son of Boston. GEORGE WILKES, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2:1734? Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:?o. First dam, Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay, sire of Jericho 2:30. Second dam. Old Telegraph, by Baker’s Highlander. Third dam, the Clark Phillips mare. RYSDYK’S HAMBLETONIAN (sire of dam of Trinket 2:14), by Ab- dallah, sire of dam of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. First dam, Chas. Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder, sire of dam of Sayre’s Harry Clay 2:29, sire of dam of St. Julian 2:1 134 - Second dam. One Eye, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. ROSCOE, by Pilot Jr., sire of John Morgan 2:24, Pilot Temple 2:2434, Tattler 2:26, five more in the 2:30 list, and the dam& of Maud S. 2:08^, Jay-Eye-See 2:10, Nutwood 2:18^, etc. First dam, the famous Black Rose (dam of Darkness, 2:27^ to pole, Native American 2:32^, Lady Woodlavm 2:3734? Heimosa, dam of Hermes 2:2734? Primrose, dam of Princeps, etc.), by Tom Teemer, pacer. PILOT, JR., by Old Pilot, Canadian. First dam, Nancy Pope. Second dam, Nancy Taylor. 24 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. No. 14. RED CLAY 8008. Chestnut Colt; hind pasterns white; foaled 1887. Bred by M. C. Alford, Lexington, Ky. SIRED Bl" RED WILKES 1749 . Sire of Prince Wilkes 2:16, Phil Thompson 2:16)^, Wayne Wilkes, pacer, 2:1834, Ernestine, pacer, 2:24, Hinder Wilkes (4-y. o.) 2:2534? Reed Wilkes (4-y. o.) 2:2534? Charley Wilkes 2:2534? ^’^d six more with records of 2:30 or better. 1 dam, Fanny Clay by American Clay 34, sire of the dams of Garnet 2:19, Ambassador 2:2134? Ranchero 2:2234? Execu- ® . tor 2:2434? Judge Hawes 2:2434* 2 dam, Ohio Clay (dam of Miss Coons, dam of Wilson 2:1634 and Abdallah West, sire of Wilkin 2:2734) by American Clay 34, sire of Gran- ville 2:26, Maggie Briggs 2:27, Ella Clay 2:2734. 3 dam a mare from Ohio, said to be by Brown’s Bellfounder. RED WILKES (sire of Prince Wilkes 2:16), by George Wilkes 2:22, sire of Harry Wilkes 2:1334? Guy Wilkes 2:1534* First dam, Qjaeen Dido, by Mambrino Chief, sire of the dam of Director 2:17, Piedmont 2:1734* Second dam, by Red Jacket, son of Comet, Third dam, the Robert Patterson mare. GEORGE WILKES, record 2:22, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of dams of Trinket 2:14, Stamboul 2:1734? etc. First dam, Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay, sire of Jericho 2:30. Second dam. Old Telegraph, by Baker’s Highlander. Third dam, the Clark Phillips mare. AMERICAN CLAY, by C. M. Clay. Jr., sire of Durango 2:2334* First dam, Conscript’s dam, by Imp Tranby. Second dam, by Aratus, son of Director, son of Sir Archy. Third dam, by Josephus, son of American Eclipse. Fourth dam, by Columbus, son of Imp. Pantaloon. C. M. CLAY, Jr. (Strader’s), by Cassius M. Clay, sire of George M. Patchen 2:2334* First dam, by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter 2:27. This is one of the best yearlings on the place, and will make a large, shapely horse. TROTTING STOCK. 25 No. 15. VIOLATOR 8005. Bay Colt, with roan hairs; hind ankles white; foaled 1887. Bred by O. P. Alford. SIRED BT BIRD 5060. % Sire of Eagle Bird (4-year old) 2:21. 1 dam, Violet by Walkill Chief 330, sire of Dick Swiveler 2:18, Great Eastern 2:18, Topsey 2:21^, Billy Burr 2:293^, Valley Girl 2:30. 2 dam, Dolly Hoyt by Seeley’s American Star 14, sire of the dams of Dexter 2 : 173^, Robert McGregor 2:1734, Nettie 2:18, Joe Bunker 2:19)4, Driver 2 :i934. Orange Girl 2:20. 3 dam, untraced. JAY BIRD, by George Wilkes 2:22, sire of Harry Wilkes 2:13)4, Guy Wilkes 2:15)4, Wilson 2:i6)4- First dam. Lady Frank (dam of Early Dawn 2:21)4, at five years old), by-Mambrino Star 2:28)4, sire of Cottage Girl 2:2934- Second dam. Lady Franklin 2:29)4, Cottage Girl 2:2934- MAMBRINO STAR 2:2834, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2:18)4, Woodford Mambrino 2:21)4- Dam, Lady Fairfield, by Red Buck (pacer). WALKILL CHIEF, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2 : 17)4- First dam, Dolly Mills (dam of Orange Girl 2:20 and Augusta, dam of Chanter 2:20)4), by Seeley’s American Star, sire of Widow Machree 2:29. Second dam, Jenny Lewis, by Rogers’ Young Messenger. Third dam. Fan, by Dinwiddie. RYSDYK’S HAMBLETONIAN, by Abdallah. First dam, Chas Kent mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. Second dam. One Eye, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Third dam. Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. AMERICAN STAR, by Stockholm’s American Star, son of Duroc. First dam, Sally Slouch, by Henry, son of Sir Archy. Second dam by Imp. Messenger. This colt, with a Wilkes cross on top, is inbred to both Rysdyk’s Hambletonian and Seeley’s American Star, and traces through his sire to Mambrino Chief. He is large, highly finished and beautifully gaited. oOBROOD MARE8.t>^ No. 16. LOTTIE TEMPLE. Gray Mare; foaled 1874. Bred by C. McLaran, Illinois. SIREB BT MAMBRINO TEMPLE 586 . Sire of Billy Boy 2:263^. 1 dam, Elsie by Alexander’s Abdallah 15, sire of the dams of Jerome Eddy 2:16)^, Conway, pacer, 2:i8X, Favonia 2:19, King Jim, pacer, 2:20, Elsie Good 2:223^, Convoy 2:223^, Katie Middleton 2:23, etc. 2 dam. Grey Bacchante by Downing’s Bay Messenger, sire of dam of Clark Chief 89, sire of dams of Phallas 2:13^, Majolica 2:15, Wilson 2:163^. 3 dam (the dam of Clifton Pilot, sire of Jack Lewis 2:283^) by Whip Comet. 4 dam by Grey Messenger. MAMBRINO TEMPLE, by Pilot Temple 2:24)^. First dam. Maid of Ashland, by Mambrino Chief, sire of the dams of Director 2:17, Piedmont 2:1734* Second dam by Woodford, sire of the dams of Wedgewood 2:19, Woodford Mambrino 2:21^^ Brignoli 2:29^. Third dam by Downing’s Bay Messenger, sire of dam of Lulu F. 2 129. PILOT TEMPLE 2:2434^ by Pilot, Jr., sire of the dams of Maud S. 2:08^, Jay-Eye-See 2:10, Nutwood 2:18^. Dam, Madam Temple (dam of Flora Temple 2:19!^ and Bland Temple, dam of Nora Temple 2:2734 and Temple 2:30), by Spotted Horse. WOODFORD, by Kosciusko, son of Sir Archy. First dam, Melissa, by Hancock’s Hamiltonian. Second dam by Cook’s Whip. DOWNING’S BAY MESSENGER, by Harpinus, son of Bishop’s Hambletonian, son of Imp. Messenger. Dam, of Messenger and Rockingham blood. ALEXANDER’S ABDALLAH, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2:1734^ Nettie 2:18, etc. Dam, Katy Darling. Lottie Temple is as fine as a thoroughbred, remarkably stylish and very fast. Tom Pugh gives evidence of the quality she breeds. Her ped- igree speaks for itself. Bred in 1887 to Judge Salisbury 5872 . TROTTING STOCK. 27 No. 17. AIMEE. Record 2:30. Gray Mare; foaled 1877. Bred by T. H. Jones, Mt. Sterling, Ohio. SIRED BT BA TARD 53. Record 2:31^. Sire of Bliss 2:213^, Emma B, 2:22, Lilly J. 2:253^, Fannie C., pacer, 2:2434? Eagle Plume 2:2934? Modie H. 2:2934* Dam a fast pacer breeding unknown. BAYARD 2:31%, by Pilot, Jr., sire of the dams of Maud S. 2:08^, Jay- Eye-See 2:10, Nutwood 2:18^, Mambrino Gift 2:20, Pilot Boy 2:20, Noontide 2:2034? twenty more from 2:2034 to 2:30. First dam. Bay York, by Adams’ American 2:45, sire of Nelly Hol- comb .2:28. Second dam, by Hill’s Black Hawk, sire of Ethan Allen 2:2534? Lancet 2:2734? Belle of Saratoga 2:29. Third dam, by Hammond’s Magnum Bonum. PILOT, JR., by Old Pilot, Canadian. First dam, Nancy Pope. Second dam, Nancy Taylor. ADAMS’ AMERICAN, by Whitehall, sire of Rhode Island 2:2334 and the dams of Scott’s Thomas 2:21 and Scott’s Chief 2:23. Dam of Messenger blood. WHITEHALL, by North American, sire of the dams of Laura Wil- liams 2:2434? Charley Mac 2:25, Strathmore, sire of twenty two in 2:30 list etc. Dam by Cock of the Rock, son of Duroc, by Imp. Diomed. HILL’S BLACK HAWK, by Sherman Morgan, by Justin Morgan. Dam, a black mare. Pilot, Jr., was one of the greatest of early day trotting sires and the only horse that ever sired the dams of two with records of 2:10 or better. Bayard, by the records, is his best son, and his daughters promise to be- come famous as speed producers. Already with indifferent chances they have produced Jane R. 2:2634 Jerry L 2:2834- Aimee possesses speed, pluck and individual excellence. She started in eight races, five of which she won, was second twice and unplaced once. Her record is far short of her speed, for in October, 1885, she trotted a trial over the Lexington track in 2:26 and repeated in 2:2234* Her first foal is a filly of which any ownet could be proud. Bred in 1887 to Judge Salisbury 5872. 28 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. No. 18. EGLENA. Chestnut Filly; foaled 1884. Bred by Col. R. West, Lexington, Ky. SIRED BT EGBERT 1136. Sire of Egmont 2:23, Superior 2:2534, Illinois Egbert 2:2934, Emma, pacer, 2:1934, Benefactor 2:2734- 1 dam by Mambrino Time 1686, sire of Four Corners 2:2734, Emmet 2:2934, and the dams of Silverone 2:19^, Linnette 2:2934* 2 dam by Alexander’s Edwin Forrest 49, sire of dams of So So 2:1734, Toney Newell 2:1934, Mambrino Dud- ley 2:19^, London 2:2034, ^tc. 3 dam by St. Lawrence. 4 dam by Grey Eagle. 5 dam by Superior, son of Blackburn’s Whip. 6 dam by a son of Imp. Buzzard. 7 dam by Shark. 8 dam by Imp. Union. EGBERT, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2:1734* First dam, Camptown, by Messenger Duroc, sire of Elaine 2:20. Second dam, Miss McCloud (dam of Lord Nelson, 3-year old, 2:2634), by Holbert Colt, son of Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Third dam. May Fly, by Utter Horse, son of Hoyt’s Comet. Fourth dam, Virgo (dam of Virgo Hambletonian, sire of Charley Hogan 2:18^), by Roe’s Abdallah Chief. Fifth dam. Catbird, by Whistle Jacket, son of Mambrino Sixth dam, Lyon Mare, by the Bertholf Horse, son of Imp. Mes- senger. Seventh dam, by Duroc, by Imp. Diomed. MESSENGER DUROC, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. First dam. Satinet, by Roe’s Abdallah Chief. Second dam. Catbird, by Whistle Jacket, by Mambrino. MAMBRINO TIME (own brother to Jeb Stuart, sire of Kitty Patchen 2.2i34), Mambrino Patchen, sire of London 2:2034* First dam. Puss Prall (dam ol Lady Stout 2:29), by Mark Time. Second dam, Cora, by Daniel Webster, son of Lance, by American Eclipse. Eglena is of good size, high finish and remarkable speed. I think she can beat 2:30 with very little handling, and expect to work her during 1888. Her breeding is identical with that of Lynnie, a two year old that in 1887 showed her ability to trot in 2:30. I consider her valuable for a brood mare. TROTTING STOCK. 29 No. 19. KATE STANHOPE, (Out of a half sister to White Socks 2 : 2 oj 4 -) Bay Mare; foaled 1881. Bred by Mrs. Kate Stanhope, Lexington Ky. SIRED BT KING RENE 1278 . Record 2:303^. Sire of Prince Edward 2:243^, Fugue 2 : 2434 > Mist 2:29)^. 1 dam by Frazier’s Mambrino, sire of the dam of Rosewood 2:27. 2 dam, Dixie (dam of White Socks 2:2034) by Rattler 501, sire of Sophia Temple 2:27, Gen. Picton 2:30 and the dams of Keene Jim 2:19341 Alien Almont 2 : 2534 * 3 dam (the grandam of Hylas 2 : 2434 ? Billy Hoskins 2 : 2634 ) ....... by Roebuck, pacer. 4 dam by Sumpter. 5 dam by Stockholder. 6 dam. by Bryant’s Diomed. KING RENE 2:30345 by Belmont, sire of Nutwood 2:18^. First dam, Blandina (dam of Abdallah Pilot, Swigertand Solicitor), by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2 :i 834 « Second dam, the Burch mare (dam of Rosalind 2:21^ and Donald 2:27), bv Parker’s Brown Pilot. BELMONT, by Alexander’s Abdallah, sire of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. First dam. Belle (dam of McCurdy’s Hambletonian 2:2634 and Bicara, dam of Pancoast 2:21}^), by Mfambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2:18345 Woodford Mambrino 2 : 2 i 34 - Second dam by Brown’s Bellfounder. ALEXANDER’S ABDALLAH, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Dam, Katy Darling. BROWN’S BELLFOUNDER, by Imp. Bellfounder. First dam. Lady Allport, by Mambrino. Second dam by Tippoo Saib, son of Imp. Messenger. Third dam by Imp. Messenger. RATTLER, by Stockbridge Chief, sire of dam of Gloster 2:17. Dam by Othello. Like all of the get of King Rene, this mare is fine and beautifully gaited. She inherits her blood from speed-producing sources and will make a good brood mare. Bred in 1887 to Judge Salisbury 5872 . , 30 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. No. 20. CARRIE R. Brown Mare; foaled 1882. Bred by Chas. W. Headley, Lexington, Ky. SIRED BT GOV. SPRAGUE 444. Record 2:20}^. Sire of Kate Sprague 2:18, Mary Sprague 2:21, Gilbird’s Sprague 2:21^, Dixie Sprague 2:25^^ and ten more in 2:30 or better. 1 dam, Cora K by Mambrino Boy 844, record 2:26)^, sire of Lizzie R. 2:23^, Mambri- no Archie 2:24^ and the dam of Orphia 2:29^. 2 dam. Belle Scott by Alexander’s Norman 25, sire of Lula 2:15, May Qjieen 2:20 and the dams of Norman Medium 2:20, Fanny Robinson 2:20}^^ Maiden 2:23, etc. 3 dam, Kate by Conflagration. GOV. SPRAGUE 2:20}^, by Rhode Island 2:23)^, sire of Jim Schriber 2:21)^. First dam, Belle Brandon (dam of Amy 2:203^), by Rysdyk’s Ham- bletonian, sire of dam of Trinket 2:14. Second dam, Jenny, by Young Bacchus. Third dam, the Worden mare, by Exton Eclipse. RHODE ISLAND 2:23^, by Whitehall, sire of the dams of Scott’s Thomas 2:21 and Scott’s Chief 2:23. First dam, Mag Taylor, by Davy Crockett, pacer. Second dam by Bald Hornet, pacer. WHITEHALL, by North American, sire of the dam of Strathmore, sire of Santa Claus 2:1734- Dam by Cock of the Rock, son of Duroc, by Imp. Diomed. MAMBRINO BOY 2:2634* by Mambrino Patchen, sire of the dams of Guy Wilkes 2:1514, Rosa Wilkes 2:1834, etc. First dam. Roving Nelly, by Strader’s Cassius M. Clay, Jr,, sire of Durango 2:23^ and Harry Clay 2:23^4* Second dam by Berthune, son of Sidi Hamet. Third dam by Thornton’s Rattler. Fourth dam by Spread Eagle. Carrie B, is a mare of flne appearance, and bred right to produce speed. Both her and her dam are by trotters that have sired trotters, and every cross calls for speed. Bred in 1887 to Judge Salisbury 5872. TROTTING STOCK. 31 No. 21. ELLA CLAY. Bay Mare; 15 hands 3 inches high; foaled 1882, Bred by H. A. Hicks, Richwoods, Ky. SIRED BT STRADER^S HAMBLETONIAN 668. Sire of Neva 2:2^%, Lottie K. 2:26}^^ Frank H., pacer, 2:26. 1 dam, Ellen Clay by Cassius M. Clay, Jr. 22, sire of Du- rango 2:23^, Harry Clay 2:23^. 2 dam, Ellen Wallace by Imp. Arab Charger. 3 dam by Warfield, son of Grey Eagle. 4 dam by Old Tiger Whip. STRADER’S HAMBLETONIAN (Squire Talmadge), by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Dam, Lady Talmadge, by Seeley’s American Star. RYSDYK’S HAMBLETONIAN (sire of Dexter 2:171^), by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter 2:27. First dam, Chas. Kent mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. Second dam, One-Eye, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. SEELEY’S AMERICAN STAR, by Stockholm’s American Star, son ofDuroc. First dam, Sally Slouch, by Henry, son of Sir Archy, by Imp. Diomed Second dam, by Imp. Messenger. CASSIUS M. CLAY, JR. (Strader’s), by Cassius M. Clay, sire of Geo. M. Patchen 2:23)4. First dam, by Abdallah, sire of Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Second dam, by Lawrence’s Eclipse. Third dam, Chas. Hadley mare, by Imp. Messenger. CASSIIJS M. CLAY, by Henry Clay, sire of dam of George Wilkes 2:22. Dam, Jersey Kate, John Anderson’s dam. HENRY CLAY, by Andrew Jackson. Dam, the trotting mare Surry. Strader’s Hambletonian is in the list with five 2:30 horses and his colts are naturally fast. Ella Clay is herself fast, but I prefer to breed her while young to training her. Bred in 1887 to Judge Salisbury 5872. 32 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. No. 22. FANNY CLAY. Chestnut Mare; foaled 1880. Bred by Thomas Coons, Lexington, Ky. SIRED BT AMERICAN CLAT 34- Sire of Granville 2:26, Maggie Briggs 2:27, Ella Clay 2:2734* 1 dam, Ohio Clay (dam of Miss Coons, dam of Wilson 2 :i 6 J 4 and Abdallah West, sire of Wilkin 2:2734) by American Clay 34, sire of dams of Garnet 2:19, Ambassador 2:2134? Ranchero 2:2234? Executor 2:2434 and Judge Hawes 2:2434* 2 dam a mare from Ohio, said to be by Brown’s Bellfounder. AMERICAN CLAY, by C. M. Clay, Jr., sire of Durango 2:23^. First dam. Conscript’s dam, by Imp. Tranby. Second dam by Aratus. son of Director, by Sir Archy. Third dam by Josephus, son of American Eclipse. Fourth dam by Columbus, son of Imp. Pantaloon. C. M. CLAY, Jr. (Strader’s), by Cassius M. Clay, sire of George M. Patchen 2:2334* First dam bj' Abdallah, sire of dam of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. Second dam by Lawrence’s Eclipse. Third dam, Chas. Hadley mare, by Imp. Messenger. CASSIUS M. CLAY, by Henry Clay, sire of dam of George Wilkes 2 :22. Dam, Jersey Kate, John Anderson’s dam. HENRY CLAY, by Andrew Jackson, son of Young Bashaw. Dam the trotting mare Surry. YOUNG B.\SHAW, by Grand Bashaw, Arabian. First dam. Pearl, by First Consul. Second dam. Fancy, by Imp Messenger. JOSEPHUS, by American Eclipse. Dam the dam of Patsy Anthony. LAWRENCE’S ECLIPSE, by American Eclipse. Dam, Doll, by Algerine, son of Imp. Cormorant. AMERICAN ECLIPSE, by Duroc, by Imp. Diomed. Dam, Miller’s Damsel, by Imp. Messenger. Fanny Clay is a good individual and inbred to American Clay, the best Clay horse ever in Kentucky, and her produce have both appearance and nice action. American Clay mares have produced ten performers with records from 2:19 to 2:30, and their colts by Wilkes horses are very desirable. Bred in 1887 to Red Wilkes 1749. TROTTING STOCK. 33 No. 23. LASSIE. Record 2:34)^. Baj Mare; 153^ hands high; foaled 1873. Bred bj R. S. Strader; foaled the property of L. G. Delano, Chillicothe, Ohio. SIRED B2' STRADER-'S CASSIUS M. CL AT, JR. 22. Sire of Harry Clay 2:23^, Durango 2:23^. 1 dam, Lady Henry, record 2:39. . .by Pilot, Jr. 12, sire of the dams of Maud S. 2:oSJ^, Jay- Eye-See 2:10, Nutwood 2:18^, Mambrino Gift 2:20, Pilot Boy 2:20, Naiad Q^ueen 2:2034, and tw^enty more from 2:2034 to 2:30. 2 dam Fanny Henry by Sir Henry, son of the Garrett Horse, 3 dam, a trotting mare, record 2:38. C ASSIUS M. C LA Y, JR (Strader’s), by Cassius M. Clay, sire of Geo. M. Patchen 2 :23 First dam, by Abdallah, sire of Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Second dam, by Lawrence’s Eclipse. Third dam, Chas. Hadley mare, by Imp. Messenger. CASSIUS M. CLAY, by Henry Clay, sire of dam of George Wilkes 2:22. Dam, Jersey Kate, John Anderson’s dam, HENRY CLAY, by Andrew Jackson. Dam, the trotting mare Surry. ANDRE W JACKSON, by Young Bashaw. Dam, a Canadian pacing mare. YOUNG BASHAW, by Grand Bashaw, Arabian. First dam. Pearl, by First Consul. Second dam. Fancy, by Imp. Messenger. JOSEPHUS, by American Eclipse. Dam, the dam of Patsy Anthony. LAWRENCE’S ECLIPSE, by American Eclipse. Dam, Doll, by Algerine, son of Imp. Cormorant. AMERICAN ECLIPSE, by Duroc, by Imp. Diomed, Dam, Miller’s Damsel, by Imp Messenger Mares by Strader’s Clay have produced Happy Thought 2:2234, Mambrino Boy 2:2634, ^^e more in the 2:30 list, and the daughters of Pilot, Jr. are our greatest producers. La.ssie is fast and a perfect roadster, being gentle, game and nicely gaited Bred in 1887 to Judge Salisbury 5872. 34 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. No. 24. VIOLET. Bay Mare; foaled 1872. Bred by C. Blodgett & Son, Burlington, Ver- mont; passed through hands of W. C. France, Lexington, Ky. SIRED B 2' WALK ILL CHIEF 330. Sire of Dick Swiveler 2:18, Great Eastern 2:18, Topsey 2:21^, Billy Burr 2:2914, Valley Girl 2:30. 1 dam, Dolly Hoyt by Seeley’s American Star 14, sire of dams of Dexter 2:17^, Robert McGregor 2 :i 734 > Nettie 2:18, Joe Bunker Driver 2:1934* 2 dam untraced. WALKILL CHIEF, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2:1734* First dam, Dolly Mills (dam of Orange Girl 2:20 and Augusta, dam of Chanter 2:2034)5 by Seeley’s American Star, sire of Widow Machree 2:29. Second dam, Jenny Lewis, by Rogers’ Young Messenger. Third dam. Fan, by Dinwiddie. RYSDYK’S HAMBLETONIAN, by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter 2:27, Ben Higdon, pacer, 2:27, O’Blennis 2:27^, Frank Forrester 2:30 and the dams of Goldsmith Maid 2:14, Irene 2:203^5 etc. First dam, Chas. Kent mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. Second dam, One-Eye, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. ABDALLAH, by Mambrino. Dam, Amazonia MAMBRINO, by Imp Messenger. First dam by Imp. Sourcrout. Second dam by Imp. Whirligig. BISHOP’S HAMBLETONIAN, by Imp. Messenger. First dam. Pheasant, by Imp. Shark. Second dam by Imp Medley. SEELEY’S AMERICAN STAR, by Stockholm’s American Star. First dam, Sally Slouch, by Henry, son of Sir Archy. Second dam by Imp. Messenger. Violet is by the full brother to Orange Girl 2:20, Ajax and Artemas. She is inbred to Seeley’s American Star through both sire and dam, and is naturally very fast. Bred in 1887 to Judge Salisbury 5872. TROTTING STOCK. 35 No. 25. GEORGIA GIRL. (Trial 2 :36). 1 Baj Mare; 16 hands high; hind ankles white; foaled 1880. Bred bj Mr. Bidwell; foaled the property of L. L. Abbott, Paris, Ky. SIRED B2~ ALMONT, JR. 1764. Record 2:29. Sire of Annie W. 2:20, Judge Lindsey 2:213^, Frank Buford 2:26^^, , Royalmont 2:293^, Almont M. 2:30. 1 dam, Lady Anderson by Ashland 47. sire of Highland Win 2:26, Joe Pettit 2:30, and the dams of Edwin Thorne 2:163^, Jerome 2:25^, Musette 2:293^, etc. 2 dam by Cockspur, pacer. ALMONT, JR. 2:29, by Aimont, sire of Piedmont 2:173^. Dam, Belle Forrest, by Edwin Forrest, sire of the dams of So-So 2:173^, Toney Newell 2:1934, etc ALMONT, by Alexander’s Abdallah, sire of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. First dam, Sally Anderson, bj Mambrino Chief sire of Lady Thorn 2:1834, Woodford Mambrino 2:2134 Second dam, Kate, by Pilot, Jr., sire of John Morgan 2 24. ALEXANDER’S ABDALLAH, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2:1734, Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20. Dam, Katy Darling. RYSDYK’S HAMBLETONIAN, by Abdallah. First dam, Chas Kent mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. Second dam. One- Eye, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. EDWIN FORREST, Alexander’s, by Bay Kentucky Hunter. First dam, by Watkins’ Young Highlander. Second dam, by Duroc, son of Imp Diomed. Third dam, by Imp. Messenger. ASHLAND, by Mambrino Chief, sire of dams of Director 2:17, Pied- mont 2:1734- First dam, Utilla, thoroughbred, by Imp. Margrave. Second dam. Too Soon, by Sir Leslie. Third dam. Little Peggy, by Gallatin. Fourth dam, Trumpetta, by Hephestion. Bred m 1887 to Granby 2:25^. 36 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. No. 26. LUCY LONG. (Standard, Rule 7.) Bay Mare; foaled May 10, 1882. Bred by Rob’t McAlister, Stanford, Ky, SIRED BT WILLIAM WELCH SM Sire of Jeremiah 2:25)^ and Nectarine, dam of Persica 2:23^. 1 dam, Mattie B by Almont Forrest 2863, son of Al- mont 33, sire of Fanny Wither- spoon 2:163^, Piedmont 2:173^, Aldine 2:193^, Early Rose 2:203^, King Almont 2 :2 [ 3 ^. 2 dam. Polyanthus by Todhunter’s Mambrino, son of Mambrino Chief ii, sire of Lady Thorn 2:183^, Woodford Mam- brino 2:2134, North Star Mam- brino 2:2634? Henryk 2:2834? Mambrino Star 2:283^ and Brig- noli 2 : 2934 - 3 dam by McIntyre’s Denmark. 4 dam by Post Boy, thoroughbred. 5 dam by Old Tiger, thoroughbred. WILLIAM WELCH, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of the dams of Trinket 2:14, Stamboul 2:1734, Duquesne 2:1734? Orange Boy 2:1834? Wilton 2:1934? David L. 2:1934? Ruby 2:1934? Prince- ton 2: 1934 - Dam the dam of Roden’s Prince 2:27. ALMONT FORREST, by Almont, sire of thirty-four in the 2:30 list. Dam by Edwin Forrest, sire of dams of So So 2:1734? Tony New- ell 2:1934? Mambrino Dudley 2:1934- ALMONT, by Alexander’s Abdallah, sire of Goldsmith Maid 2:14, Ros- alind 2:2134? Thorndale 2:2234? etc. First dam, Sally Anderson, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2 :i 834 - Second dam, Kate, by Pilot, Jr., sire of the dams of Maud S. 2:0834? Jay-Eye See 2:10. Third dam, the W. H. Pope mare. This mare traces twice to Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, twice to Mambri- no Chief, once to Pilot, Jr., and once to Edwin Forrest. Then she is fine, fast and well gaited. Bred in 1887 to Judge Salisbury 5872 . TROTTING STOCK. 37 No. 27. SILVER EDGE. Gray Filly; foaled 1885. Bred by C. F. Alford, Lexington, Ky. SIRED BT ABDALBRINO 2646 . Brother to Princeps, sire of Trinket 2:14, Princeton 2:19^, Feme Sole 2:20, and fourteen more in the 2:30 list. 1 dam. Silver Hair by Administrator 357, record 2:293^, sire of Catchfly 2:183^, McMahon 2:21, Executor 2:243^. 2 dam. Silver Foil by Jackson’s Flying Cloud 134, sire of dams of Forrest Patchen 2:193^) Rumor 2:24^. ABDALBRINO, by Woodford Mambrino 2:213^, sire of Abbottsford 2:193^, Mambrino Dudley 2:19^, Pancoast 2:21^. First dam. Primrose (dam of Princeps, sire of Trinket 2:14; of Maxim, sire of Ida D.2:27J^, of Rosebush, dam of Chichester 2 : 2534 )j by Alexander’s Abdallah, sire of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. Second dam. Black Rose, by Tom Teemer. WOODFORD MAMBRINO, record 2:2 134, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2:183^. Dam, Woodbine (dam of Wedgewoed, record 2:19), by Woodford, sire of the dam of Brignoli 2:29^. ADMINISTRATOR 2:293^, by Rjsdjk’s Hambletonian. First dam, Dolly Halstead, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Woodford Mambrino 2:21}/^. Second dam, by Arabian Tartar. Third dam, by Duroc Messenger. RYSDYK’S HAMBLETONIAN (sire of Dexter 2:17)^), by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter 2:27. First dam, Chas. Kent mare, by Imp. Bellfounder, Second dam, One Eye, by Bishop’s Hambletonian, Third dam, Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. FLYING CLOUD (sire of Star of the West 2:26)-^), by Hill’s Black Hawk, sire of Ethan Allen 2:2534* Dam by Andrew Jackson, sire of Henry Clay, founder of the Clay family. Silver Edge is full of Mambrino'and Hambletonian blood built upon a Black Hawk and Clay foundation. Is speedy, shapely and stylish; of good size and nice gait. LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. 3S No. 28. MISS HOMER. Brown Mare; foaled 1882. Bred bj O. P. Alford, Lexington, Ky. SIRED B 2 ' HOMER 1235 . Sire of Lelah H (4 y. o.) 2:243^. Dam said to be by Westwind, son of Alexander’s Ab- dallah 15, sire of dams of Jerome .Eddy 2 :i 634 > Favonia 2:19, etc. HOMER, brother to Belle Patchen 2:30^ (dam of Baron Wilkes 2:24^), by Mambrino Patchen, sire of Katie Middleton 2:23. First dam, Sally Chorister (dam of Proteine 2:18 and Belle Bras- field 2:20), by Mambrino Chorister, son of Mambrino Chief. Second dam, Miss Blood, by Blood’s Black Hawk, sire of the dams of Von Arnim 2:19)^, Blackwood, Jr. 2:2234, Almont, Jr. 2:26, Third dam, the Parker Craig mare, by Moore’s Pilot, son of Sam Slick, by Old Pilot, Canadian. MAMBRINO PATCHEN, by Mambrino Chief. First dam (the dam of Lady Thorn 2 :i 834 )> Gano. Second dam, by son of Sir William. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliah, GANO, by American Eclipse. Dam, Betsy Richards, by Sir Archy. AMERICAN ECLIPSE, by Duroc, son of Imp. Diomed. Dam, Miller’s Damsel, by Imp. Messenger. SIR WILLIAM, by Sir Archy, son of Imp. Diomed. Dam, Tiansport, by Virginias, son of Sir Archy. MAMBRINO CHORISTER, by Mambrino Chief First dam, the Montague mare, by Chorister, son of Imp. Contract. Second dam, a Medley mare. BLOOD’S BLACK HAWK, by Hill’s Black Hawk. Dam, thp Loring mare. WEST WIND, by Alexander’s Abdallah. First dam, Velma (sister to Neva, darn of Balsora), by Vincent Nolte. Second dam. Mavis, by Wagner, etc. Bred in 1887 to Judoe Salisbury 5872 . TROTTING STOCK. 39 No. 29. ASTERMOKE. Bay Mare; foaled i8So. Bred by Geo. W. Bowen, Paris, Ky. SIRED BT S ERA THMORE m. Sire of Santa Claus 2 :i 734 , Tucker 2:19, Skylight Pilot 2:19, Secret 2 : 2 o 34 , Strathlan 2:21^, Chestnut Hill 2:223^, and sixteen more in the 2:30 list. 1 dam, Asteria, thoroughbred by Asterisk. 2 dam, Castianira by Imp. Yorkshire. 3 dam. West Florida by Bertrand. 4 dam by Potomac. 5 dam by Imp. Bedford. 6 dam by Matchless. 7 dam by Bacchus. 8 dam by Imp. Emperor. STRATHMORE, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of the dams of Trinket 2:14, Stamboul 2:1734* Duquesne 2:17^, Orange Boy 2:18^, Wilton 2:1934, David L. 2: [ 934 - First dam, Lady Waltermire (dam of Marshal Ney, sire of West- over 2:2634 and Cyclops 2:27), by North American, sire of the dams of Laura Williams 2:24)4 and Charley Mack 2:25. Second dam by Harris’ Hambletonian, sire of the dams of Sea Foam 2:2434, Annie G. 2:28, Panic 2:28, etc. RYSDYK’S HAMBLETONIAN (sire of Dexter 2:17)4), by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter 2:27. First dam, Chas. Kent mare, by Imp Bellfounder. Second dam. One- Eye, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. ASTERISK, by Ringgold, son of Boston, sire of dam of Miss Russell, dam of Maud S. 2:08^, Nutwood 2:18^, Cora Belmont 2:24)4. First dam. Nebula (dam of Asteroid), by Imp. Glencoe Second dam, Blue Bonnet, by Imp. Hedgeford. Third dam. Grey Fanny, by Bertrand. Fourth dam, by Imp. Buzzard. Strathmore is probably the greatest living son of Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian and his daughters are making great brood mares. They have already produced C. F Clay 2:18, Belton 2:2234* Eminence 2:27^, Crick- more 2:29)4. Astermore is fine, good sized and speedy, and her pro- duce show quality. Bred in 1887 to Barney Wilkes 7483. 40 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. No. 30. LELA T. Bay Mare; star; hind feet white; foaled April 6, 1885. Bred by Hutchings & Pope, Danville, Ky. SIRED BE BARNET WILKES 7433. Son of George Wilkes 2:22, sire of dams of Butterfly 2:19^, Eagle Bird 2:21, Fugue 2:2434? Wilkes Brino 2:23, Clifton Boy 2:30, etc. Dam, Lucy Pope, record 2:3534- • - by Onstott’s Telegraph. BARNEY WILKES, by George Wilkes 2 :22, sire of So-So 2: i 734 * Rosa Wilkes 2:1834? Wilton 2: 1934 - First dam, Rosa (dam of Hull, sire of Fred Hull 2:2934 and Vespa- cian 2:2934)? by Roscoe, sire of Black Pilot 2:30. Second dam, Vienna, by Vandal, thoroughbred. Third dam, Daisy, by Cracker, son of Boston. GEORGE WILKES, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2:1734? Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20. First dam, Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay, sire of Jericho 2:30. Second dam. Old Telegraph, by Baker’s Highlander. Third dam, the Clark Phillips mare. RYSDYK’S HAMBLETONIAN (sire of dam of Trinket 2:14), by Ab- dallah, sire of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. First dam, Chas. Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder, sire of dam of Sayre’s Harry Clay 2:29. sire of dam of St. Julian 2:1 134 - Second dam, One-Eye, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. ROSCOE, by Pilot, Jr., sire of John Morgan 2:24, Pilot Temple 2:2434? Tattler 2:26, flve more in the 2:30 list, and the dams of Maud S. 2 :oSJ 4 ? Jay-Eye See 2:10, Nutwood 2:18^, etc. First dam. the famous Black Rose (dam of Darkness, 2:27^4 to pole, Native American 2:32^4? Lady Woodlawn 2:3734? Hermosa, dam of Hermes 2:2734? Primrose, dam of Princeps, etc.), by Tom Teemer, pacer. ONSTOTT’S TELEGRAPH, by Old Telegraph, pacer. First dam by Miller’s Rocky Mountain. Second dam by Medoc, son of American Eclipse. Lela T. is purely gaited and nicely shaped. Think she will make a good brood mare. Bred in 1887 to Judge Salisbury 5872 . TROTTING STOCK. 41 No. 31. MARY ANDERSON. Bay Mare; foaled 1877. Bred by R. Penistan, Lexington, Ky. SIRED BT STANDARD BEARER 5300 . Sire of Banner Boy 2:2534, Marlowe, pacer, 2:15; Contender, pacer, 2:30. 1 dam, Hannah (Polly) by John Dillard, sire of dams of Phil Thompson 2 :i 634 iMcLeod 2:213^5 Wild Rake 2:22^, Olaf 2:22, R. F. C. 2 : 2334 > Mambrino Ar- chie 2:24^, Wick 2 : 2634 > Eric 2:2834, Syenite 2:2934* 2 dam, the Hart Boswell Mare. . . .by Halcorn. 3 dam by Davy Crockett, pacer, STANDARD BEARER, by Volunteer, sire of St. Julian 2:1134, Gloster 2:17, Alley 2:19, Bodine 2:1934, Driver 2:1934* Dam by Roe’s Abdallah Chief, sire of dams of Messenger Duroc, Virgo Hambletonian, Banker, Lysander and other good sires. VOLUNTEER, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2:1734* First dam, Lady Patriot (dam of Sentinel 2:29^), by Y oung Patriot. Second dam, the Lewis Hulse mare. ABDALLAH CHIEF (Roe’s), by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter 2:27. First dam, by Phillips, son of Duroc, by Imp. Diomed. Second dam by Decatur, DECATUR, by Henry, son of Sir Archy, by Imp. Diomed. First dam. Ostrich, by American Eclipse, son of Duroc. Second dam, Garland, by Duroc, son of Imp, Diomed. Third dam. Young Miller’s Damsel, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Fourth dam, Miller’s Damsel, by Imp. Messenger. JOHN DILLARD, by Indian Chief, son of Imp. Chief. First dam, Lady Jackson, by Mack, by Hampton’s Whip. Second dam by Cockspur, pacer. The daughters of both Volunteer and his sons are proving themselves excellent brood mares. Here we have this excellent cross supported by the blood of John Dillard, whose daughters are producing performers of a high class. Bred in 1887 to Judge Salisbury 5872 . 42 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. No. 32. MOLLIE SHEARS. Bay Mare; foaled 1884. Bred by John M. Shears, Danville, Ky. SIRED BV BARNET WILKES 7433 . Son of George Wilkes 2:22, sire of Harry Wilkes 2:133^5 Guy Wilkes 2:1534? Wilson 2:1634? So-So 2:1734? Rosa Wilkes 2:1834? Wilton 2:1934- Dam by Tipperary, thoroughbred. BARNEY WILKES, by George Wilkes 2:22, sire of So-So 2:17)4? Rosa Wilkes 2:1834? Wilton 2:1934- First dam, Rosa (dam of Hull, sire of Fred Hull 2:2934 Vespa- cian 2:2934)? by Roscoe, sire of Black Pilot 2:30. Second dam, Vienna, by Vandal, thoroughbred. Third dam, Daisy, by Cracker, son of Boston. GEORGE WILKES, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2:17)4? Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20. First dam, Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay, sire of Jericho 2:30. Second dam, Old Telegraph, by Baker’s Highlander. Third dam, the Clark Phillips mare. RYSDYK’S HAMBLETONIAN (sire of the dam of Trinket 2:14), by Abdallah, sire of the dam of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. First dam, Chas. Kent mare, by Imp. Bellfounder, sire of the dam of Sayre’s Harry Clay 2:29, sire of the dam of St. Julian 2:1 1 ) 4 - Second dam. One Eye, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by Imp Messenger. ROSCOE, by Pilot, Jr., sire of John Morgan 2:24, Pilot Temple 2:24)4, Tattler 2:26, five more in the 2:30 list, and the dams of Maud S. 2:08^, Jay Eye- See 2:10, Nutwood 2:18^, etc. First dam, the famous Black Rose (dam of Darkness 2:27^ to pole. Native American 2:32^, Lady Woodlawn 2:37)4? Her- mosa, dam of Hermes 2:27)4? Primrose, dam of Princeps, etc.)^ by Tom Teemer, pacer. TIPPERARY, by Ringgold, son of Boston. First dam, Roxana, thoroughbred, by Imp. Chesterfield. Second dam, Levia, by Imp. Tranby. Third dam, Talevia, by Imp. Contract. Bred IN 1887 to Judge Salisbury 5872 . TROTTING STOCK. 43 No. 33. MOLLIE RICE. Bay Mare; foaled 1884. Bred by Waller Rice, Danville, Ky. SIRED BI' BARNET WILKES 74 S 3 , Son of George Wilkes 2 :22, sire of Harry Wilkes 2:13)^, Guy Wilkes 2:15^, Mike Wilkes, pacer, 2:15^, Wilson 2:163^, So-So 2:1']}/^, Wilcox, pacer, 2:17^, Rosa Wilkes 2:183^, Wilton 2:19)^, Joe Bunker 2:193^, Flora Wilkes pacer, 2:1934- 1 dam by Kentucky Black Hawk 839, sire of Gen. Garfield 2:21. 2 dam, thoroughbred. BARNEY WILKES (sire of Champion Wilkes 2 : 2234 )> by George Wilkes, sire of Tom Rogers 2:20. First dam, Rosa (dam of Hull, sire of Vespacian 2:2934 and Fred Hull 2:2934)5 by Roscoe, sire of Black Pilot 2:30, sire of Pilot Knox 2: 1934 - Second dam, Vienna, thoroughbred, by Vandal, son of Imp. Glencoe. Third dnm, Daisy, by Cracker, son of Boston. GEORGE WILKES, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2 :i 734 > Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20. First dam, Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay, sire of Jericho 2:30. Second dam. Old Telegraph, by Baker’s Highlander. Third dam, the Clark Phillips mare. HENRY CLAY, by Andrew Jackson, son of Young Bashaw. Dam, Surry. . ROSCOE, by Pilot, Jr., sire of John Morgan 2:24, Pilot Temple 2:2434^ Tattler]2:26, five more in the 2:30 list, and the dams of Maud S. 2:08345 Jay- Eye See 2:10, Nutwood 2:18345 etc. First dam, the famous Black Rose (dam of Darkness 2:2734 to pole, Native American 2:32345 Lady Woodlawn 2:37345 Hermosa, dam of Hermes 2:27345 Primrose, dam of Princeps, etc.), by Tom Teemer, pacer. KENTUCKY BLACK HAWK, by Smith’s Black Hawk. Dam by King William. This is one of the best young mares on the farm, being large, shapely, splendidly muscled, highly finished and purely gaited. Bred in 1887 to Judge Salisbury 5872 . 44 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. No. 34. LADY MAMBRINO. Bay Mare; foaled June, 1879. by John C. Curd, Lexington, Ky. SIRED BT HAMPTON. (Son of Trojan and Qjieen Ann, Cromwell’s Premium Mare.) 1 dam by Mambrino Patchen 58, sire of the dams of Guy Wilkes 2:153^, As- tral 2:18, Rosa Wilkes 2:183^, El- vira (4y, 0.3 2:183^, Cleora 2:18^, Houri (3 y. o.) 2:19^, Bermuda ' (4. y. o.) 2:22, Alcantara (4 y. o.) 2:23, etc. 2 dam by a son of Blood’s Black Hawk, sire of dams of Von Arnim 2:19)^, Blackwood, Jr. 2:2234, Almont, Jr. 2:26. 3 dam by Berthune, son of Sidi Hamet. 4 dam by Sir Leslie. 5 dam by Winters’ Arabian. 6 dam by Buzzard. 7 dam by Imp. Speculator. 8 dam by Imp. Messenger. MAMBRINO PATCHEN (sire of London 2:2034)) by Mambrino Chief, sire of Woodford Mambrino 2:2 [ 34 - First dam (the dam of Lady Thorn 2 :i 834 )) by Gano. Second dam by a son of Sir William. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliah. MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino. Dam by Imp. Paymaster. MAMBRINO, by Imp. Messenger. Dam by Imp. Sourcrout. Bred in 1887 to Barney Wilkes 7433 . TROTTING STOCK. 45 No. 35. MISS TALKELTON. Bay Mare; i6 hands high; big star, snip; hind ankles white; foaled i88i. Bred by George Talkelton, Danville, Ky. SIRED BT MA MERINO HIPPT. Son of Garrard Chief, sire of Basil Duke 2:2834- 1 dam by Vindex, son of Blood’s Black Hawk, sire of dams of V on Arnim 2: i934> Blackwood, Jr. 2:2234? Almont, Jr. 2:26. 2 dam by Yeiser’s Norman, son of Norman 25, sire of Lula 2:15, May Qjieen 2:20, and the dams of Norman Medium 2:20, Fanny Robinson 2:2034? Maiden 2:23, Banner Boy 2:2534, etc. MAMBRINO HIPPY, by Garrard Chief. First dam, by Waxey, sire of Grafton 2:2234* Second dam by Telegraph, Third dam by Hiatoga, pacer. GARRARD CHIEF (own brother to Cripple, sire of the dam of Lizzie R. 2:2334)? by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2:i834* First dam, Mary Walker, by Frank, son of Sir Charles. Second dam, by Aratus, son of Director. Third dam, by Davis’ Hamiltonian. VINDEX, by Blood’s Black Hawk, sire of Blood Chief, sire of Fanny Robinson 2:2o34- First dam, by Mambrino Chief, sire of dam of Director 2:17. Second dam by Downing’s Bay Messenger, sire of dam of Clark Chief, sire of Croxie 2: 1934- BLOOD’S BLACK HAWK, by Hill’s Black Hawk, sire of Ethan Allen 2:2534? Lancet 2:2734- Dam, the Loring mare. Bred in 1887 to Barney Wilkes 7433. 46 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. No. 36. BLACK SWAN. Black Fillj; star; foaled 1885. Bred by L. Hudgins, Danville, Ky. SIRED nr BARNET WILKES 7433. Sire of Champion Wilkes 2:223^, Lena Wilkes 2:293^. 1 dam by Lumber 1786, sire of Lady Lumber 2:273^ and the dam of Mattie Wilkes 2:30. 2 dam by Jeff. Moore, sire of the dam of Rowena 2:2434. BARNEY WILKES, by George Wilkes 2:22, sire of So-So 2:1734? Rosa Wilkes 2 :i 834> Wilton 2:1914. First dam, Rosa (dam of Hull, sire of Fred Hull 2:2934 and Vespa- cian 2:2934)? by Roscoe, sire of Black Pilot 2:30. Second dam, Vienna, by Vandal, thoroughbred. Third dam, Daisy, by Cracker, son of Boston. GEORGE WILKES, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2:1734? Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20. First dam, Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay, sire of Jericho 2:30. Second dam, Old Telegraph, by Baker’s Highlander. Third dam, the Clark Phillips mare. ^ ROSCOE, by Pilot, Jr., sire, of John Morgan 2:24, Pilot Temple 2:243-^, Tattler 2:26, five more in the 2 :30 list, and the dams of Maud S. 2 o 8J4? Jay-Eye-See 2:10, Nutwood 2:18^, etc. First dam, the famous Black Rose (dam of Darkness 2:27^ to pole, Native American 2:32^, Lady Woodlawn 2:3734? Hermosa, dam of Hermes 2:2734? Primrose, dam of Princeps, etc.), by Tom Teemer, pacer. LUMBER, by Ericsson 2:3034? sire of Rarely 2:2434? Doble 2:28, Eric 2:2834? Dam, by Old Pilot, sire of Pilot, Jr , sire of John Morgan 2:24. ERICSSON, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2:1834. Dam, Mrs. Caudle, grandam of Clark Chief, sire of Croxie 2:1934. Black Swan is fine looking, substantial and beautifully gaited. TROTTING STOCK. 47 No. 37. LAD¥ CAHILL. Bay Filly; left hind ankle and right hind coronet white; foaled 1885. Bred by David Cahill, Lexington, Ky. SIRED BT HAMBLETONIAN MAMBRINO 54O. Record 2:213^. Sire of Wild Rake, three-year old, 2:22^, 1 dam, Lily Cahill by Albert Dudley, son of Darlbay 441, ' sire of R. F. C. 2:2334? Lady Thorne 2:25. 2 dam by Star Davis, Jr., son of Star Davis, by Imp. Glencoe. 3 dam b)' Brown’s Bellfounder. HAMBLETONIAN MAMBRINO 2:2114, by Curtis’ Hambletonian, sire of Flora B. 2:24)4? Andy Mershon 2:25)4? Sunshine 2:29)4 and the dam of Smuggle 2:28. Dam, Topsey (dam of Lady Ethan, dam of Qjieen Wilkes 2 ; 23 ) 4 )r said to be by Alexander’s Abdallah. CURTIS’ HAMBLETONIAN, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Dam, the famous Dolly Martin (dam of Volney 2:23, Romeo 2:29)4 and Milwaukee, sire of Adelaide 2:18), by Defiance. D ARLBAY, by Mambrino Patchen, whose sons have sired Jerome Tur- ner 2:15)4? Joe Davis 2:17^, Lida Bassett 2:20)4? otc. First dam, Puggie, by Brignoli 2:29%, sire of dams of Tom Allen 2:22, King Wilkes 2:22)4? Lady Turpin 2:23, Cascarilla 2:25)4, Troublesome 2:2534* Henderson 2:27)4? Kentuckian 2 : 27 ) 4 * Second dam, Bertha, by Berthune, sire of Waxey, sire of Grafton 2:22)4. Third dam. Hunt’s premium mare, by Scott’s Highlander. BRIGNOLI 2:29)4? by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2:18)4. First dam, Sally Woodford, by Woodford, sire of dam of Wedge- wood 2:19. Second dam, by Hunt’s Commodore, by Mambrino. Lady Cahill was awarded first premium as a yearling at the Trot- ting Horse Breeders’ Association over sixteen of the best colts in Ken- tucky. At the Lexington Fair she won first premium over a large num- ber of yearlings, and in the race for colts of same age she was fourth, and the quarter was trotted in 42 seconds. She is very handsome, perfectly gaited and a natural trotter. o FOALS OF 1885, 1886 AND 1887. No. 38. LEN A POPE. Baj Fillj; star and stripe; foaled April 2, 1885. Bred by Hutchings & Pope, Danville, Ky. SIRED BT BARNET WILKES 7433. Sire of Champion Wilkes 2:22)^, Lena Wilkes 2:293^. 1 dam by Abdallah Pilot, Jr., son of Abdallah Pilot 708, sire of Pickard 2:183^. 2 dam by Frank Wolford, sire of Cuckoo 2:28. 3 dam by Foreigner, son of Imp. Glenjcoe. 4 dam by Grey Eagle. 5 dam by Frank. BARNEY WILKES, by George Wilkes 2:22, sire of Harry Wilkes 2:1334, Guy Wilkes 2:1534^ Wilson 2 :i 634 - First dam, Rosa (dam of Hull and Wilkie Collins), by Roscoe, sire of Black Pilot 2:30. Second dam, Vienna, thoroughbred, bj' V andal, son of Imp. Glencoe. Third dam, Daisy, by Cracker, son of Boston. ROSCOE, by Pilot, Jr., sire of John Morgan 2:24, Pilot Temple 2:2434* Dam, the famous Black Rose, by Tom Teemer. ABDALLAH PILOT, Jr, by Abdallah Pilot, sire of Pickard 2:1834? Red Jim 2:30, Messenger Chief, sire of Maud Messenger 2:1634* First dam, bj^ Gill’s Vermont, sire of Bonner Boy 2:23. Second dam, Puss, dam of Hallie 2:33 and Mark 2:39. ABDALLAH PILOT, by Alexander’s Abdallah, sire of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. First dam, Blandina (dam of Swigert, sire of Moody 2:1834; of King Rene, sire of Fugue 2:2434; of Solicitor, sire of Tiny 2:2934)? by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2: 1834 - Second dam, the Burch mare (dam of Rosalind 2:21^ and Donald 2:27), by Parker’s Brown Pilot GILL’S VERMONT, by Downing’s Vermont, son of Hill’s Black Hawk. First dam, by Barclay’s Columbus. Second dam, by Bertrand, son of Sir Archy, by Imp. Diomed. Third dam, by Matchless, a Narragansett pacer. TROTTING STOCK. 49 No. 39. MATTIE WILKES. Bay Filly; foaled May 25, 1885. Bred by L. Hudgins, Danville, Ky. SIRED BT BARNET WILKES 7433. Son of George Wilkes 2:22, sire of Harry Wilkes 2:13)^, Guy Wilkes 2:15^, Wilson 2:1634, 1 dam by a thoroughbred. 2 dam by Gill’s Vermont 104, sire of dams of Nelly L. 2:2334, Abel 2:2434, Gambetta 2:26, Outlaw 2:2834, The King 2:2934, Pearl 2:30. 3 dam by Copperbottom, pacer. 4 dam a fast pacer. BARNEY WILKES, by George Wilkes 2:22, sire of Harry Wilkes 2:1334, Guy Wilkes 2:1534, Wilson 2:1634. First dam, Rosa (dam of Hull and Wilkie Collins), by Roscoe, sire of Black Pilot 2:30. Second dam, Vienna, thoroughbred, by Vandal, son of Imp. Glencoe. Third dam, Daisy, by Cracker, son of Boston. Fourth dam, Hymenia, by Imp. Yorkshire. GEORGE WILKES, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2:1734, Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20. First dam, Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay, sire of Jericho 2:30. Second dam. Old Telegraph, by Baker’s Highlander. Third dam, the Clark Phillips mare. RYSDYK’S HAMBLETONIAN (sire of dam of Trinket 2:14), by Abdallah, sire of dam of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. First dam, Chas. Kent mare, by Imp. Bellfounder, sire of dam of Sayre’s Harry Clay 2:29, sire of dam of St. Julian 2:ii34* Second dam, One-Eye, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. HENRY CLAY, by Andrew Jackson, son of Young Bashaw. Dam, Surry. ROSCOE, by Pilot, Jr., sire of John Morgan 2:24, Pilot Temple 2:2434, and the dams of Maud S. 2:08^ and Jay-Eye-See 2:10, etc. First dam. Black Rose, by Tom Teemer, pacer. GILL’S VERMONT, by Downing’s Vermont, son of Hill’s Black Hawk. First dam by Barclay’s Columbus. Second dam by Bertrand, son of Sir Archy, by Imp. Diomed. Third dam by Matchless, a Narragansett pacer. 50 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. No. 40. DIRECTRESS. (Out of a sister to Arrow, four year old pacing record 2:1^^.) Brown Fillj; star, hind pasterns white; foaled 1886. Bred by Monroe Salisbury, Pleasanton, Cal. SIB ED BT DIRECTOR 1789 . Record 2:17. 1 dam. Aloha by A. W. Richmond 1687, sire of Ar- row, four year old pacer 2:14^ Romero 2:19)^ and Columbine, * dam of Anteeo 2:163^ and An- tevolo 2:193^. 2 dam, Guadalupe (dam of Arrow 2:14) by Chicton, son of Imp. Glencoe. 3 dam, De Satelo by Argyle, a half thoroughbred. DIRECTOR 2:17, by Dictator, sire of Jay-Eye:See 2:10, Phallas 2:13^. First dam, Dolly (dam of Thorndale 2:223^, Onward 2 : 2534 )> by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2:183^. Second dam, Fanny, by Ben Franklin, son of Hazrack. Third dam, Nance, by Saxe Weimer. DICTATOR (own brother to Dexter 2 :i 734 )> by Rysdyk’s Hambleton- ian, sire of Nettie 2:18. First dam, Clara (dam of Dexter 2:1734, Alma 2:28^ and Astoria 2:2934), by Seeley’s American Star, sire of dam of Robert Mc- Gregor 2: 1734 - Second dam, the McKinstry mare, dam of Shark, saddle record 2:27^. AMERICAN STAR, Seeley’s, by Stockholm’s American Star, First dam, Sally Slouch, by Henry, son of Sir Archy. Second dam, by Imp. Messenger. A. W. RICHMOND, by Simpson’s Blackbird, sire of Blackbird 2:22. Dam by Rattler. BLACKBIRD (Simpson’s), by Camden, son of Shark. First dam by Post Boy. Second dam by Cone’s Bacchus. Third dam by Bay Bolton. Directress is both fine and nicely gaited. We think her che mak- ing of quite a trotter. Her blood is royal and comes from producers of extreme speed. TROTTING STOCK. 5 ^ No. 41. EGRESS. Bay Filly; foaled 1886. Bred by J. P. Chinn, Harrodsburg, Ky. ^ SIRED BE BARNET WILKES 7433 . Son of George Wilkes 2:22, sire of dams of Butterfly 2:19^, Eagle Bird 2:21, Wilkesbrino 2:23, Fugue 2:2434, Clifton Boy 2:30. 1 dam by Collins’ Ericsson, by Ericsson 130, sire of the dams of Omar 2:2534) J. R. Shedd 2:2834, Richwood 2:2914. 2 dam, thoroughbred. BARNEY WILKES, by George Wilkes, sire of Harry Wilkes 2:1334, Guy Wilkes 2:1534, Wilson 2 :i 634 - First dam, Rosa (dam of Hull, sire of two in the 2:30 list), by Ros- coe, son of Pilot, Jr., sire of dams of Maud S. 2:08^, Jay-Eye- See 2:10, Nutwood 2:18^. Second dam, Vienna, thoroughbred, by Vandal. Third darn, Daisy, by Cracker, son of Boston. GEORGE WILKES 2:22 (sire of So-So 2:1714), by Rysdyk’s Hamble- tonian, sire of Dexter 2: 1734 - First dam, Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay, sire of the dams of Car- rie C. 2:24, Clay 2:25. Second dam. Old Telegraph, by Baker’s Highlander. Third dam. The Clark Phillips mare. HENRY CLAY, by Andrew Jackson. Dam, Surry. ROSCOE, by Pilot, Jr., sire of John Morgan 2:24, Pilot Temple 2:2414, Tackey 2 :26, etc. Dam, the famous Black Rose, by Tom Teemer. ERICSSON (Collins’), by Ericsson 2:3034? sire of Rarely 2:2434? Doble 2:28, Eric 2:2834 and others. Dam, by Kavanaugh’s Grey Eagle, sire of dams of Grafton 2:22)4 and Andy Mershon 2:2534- ERICSSON, by Mambrino Chief. Dam, Mrs. Caudle. Egress is large and shapely. In the paddock she shows a big, open gait. She will be close to sixteen hands high, with bone and substance in proportion. 52 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. No. 42. FANNY AGNEW. Brown Fillj; two white feet; foaled 1886. Bred by Wm. Agnew, Lex- ington, Ky. SIRED BT BARNET WILKES 7433. Sire of Champion Wilkes 2:223=^, Lena Wilkes 2:293^. 1 dam, Kate Stanhope by King Rene 1278, sire of Prince Ed- ward 2:2414, Fugue 2:24)4, Mist 2:29)4. 2 dam by Frazer’s Mambrino, sire of dam of Rosewood 2.27. 3 dam (the dam of White Socks 2:20)4) ky Rattler 501, sire of dams of Keene Jim 2:19)4, Aileen Almont 2:25)4. 4 dam (the grandam of Hy las 2:24)4 and Billy Hoskins 2:26)4) . .by Roebuck, pacer. 5 dam by Sumpter. 6 dam by Stockholder. 7 dam by Bryant’s Diomed. BARNEY WILKES, by George Wilkes, whose sons have sired Prince Wilkes 2:16, Oliver K. 2:16)4, Phil Thompson 2:16)4, Sable Wilkes (3 y. o.) 2:18, Rosalind Wilkes (5y. o.) 2:18)4, and fifty more from 2:18)4 to 2:30. First dam, Rosa (dam of Hull, sire of Vespacian 2:29)4), by Roscoe,. sire of Black Pilot, the sire of Pilot Knox 2:19)4- Second dam, Vienna, by Vandal, son of Imp. Glencoe. ROSCOE, by Pilot, Jr., sire of John Morgan 2:24, Pilot Temple 2:24)4, Tackey 2:26, etc. Dam, the famous Black Rose, by Tom Teemer. KING RENE 2:30)4, by Belmont, sire of Nutwood 2:i8)4- First dam, Blandina (dam of Abdallah Pilot, Swigertand Solicitor), by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2:18)4. Second dam, the Burch mare (dam of Rosalind 2:21)4 Donald 2:27), by Parker’s Brown Pilot. BELMONT, by Alexander’s Abdallah, sire of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. First dam. Belle (dam of McCurdy’s Hambletonian 2:26)4 Bicara, dam of Pancoast 2:21)4), by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2:18)4, Woodford Mambrino 2:21)4. Second dam by Brown’s Bellfounder. RATTLER, by Stockbridge Chief, sire of dam of Gloster 2:17, Dam Ijy Othello. Fanny Agnew is of the highest finish, good size and nicely gaited. Her breeding is superb. TROTTING STOCK. 53 No. 43. FANNY HUGUELY. Bay Filly; star, left fore heel, right fore pastern and hind ankles white; foaled 1886. Bred by Jacob Huguely, Danville, Ky. SIRED BT BARNET WILKES 7433 . Sire of Champion Wilkes 2:223^5 Lena Wilkes 2:293^. I dam (bred by Andrew Spears, Danville, Ky.) by Bourbon Chief 383, sire of Calmar 2:22 and the dams of Pickard 2:18^, Alta 2:233^, Oriana 2:29. 2 dam, Puss by Black Hawk Morgan, son of Green Mountain Black Hawk. 3 dam by Oliver, son of Wagner. BARNEY WILKES, by George Wilkes 2:22, sire of Harry Wilkes 2 :i 334 » Guy Wilkes 2:153^, Wilson 2:163^. First dam, Rosa (dam of Hull and Wilkie Collins), by Roscoe,‘sire of Black Pilot 2:30. Second dam, Vienna, thoroughbred, by Vandal, son of Imp. Glencoe. Third dam, Daisy, by Cracker, son of Boston. GEORGE WILKES, record 2:22, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of dams of Trinket 2:14, Stamboul 2:173^, etc. First dam, Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay, sire of Jericho 2:30. Second dam. Old Telegraph, by Baker’s Highlander. Third dam, the Clark Phillips mare. ROSCO'E, by Pilot Jr., sire of John Morgan 2:24, Pilot Temple 2:243^, Tattler 2:26, five more in the 2:30 list, and the dams of Maud S. 2:08^, Jay-Eye- See 2:10, Nutwood 2:18^, etc. First dam, the famous Black Rose (dam of Darkness, 2:27^ to pole. Native American 2:32^, Lady Woodlawn 2:373^, Hermusa, dam of Hermes 2:2734, Primrose, dam of Princeps, etc.), by Tom Teemer, pacer. Second dam, by Cannon’s Whip, by Imp. Whip. Third dam, by Robin Grey. BOURBON CHIEF (sire of dam of Pickard 2:1834), by Mambrino Chief, sire of dam of Piedmont 2: 1734 - First dam. Puss, by Grey Eagle. Second dam by Sir Peter. Third dam by Hambletonian. Here we have Hambletonian, Mambrino Chief, Pilot, Jr. and Clay blood in an excellent individual. 54 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. No. 44. NOLA. Chestnut Filly; foaled May 20, 1886. Bred by J. Grist, Philadelphia, Pa. SIRED BY NUTWOOD 600 . Record 2:18^. Sire of Felix 2:18^, Woodnut Dawn 2:191^, etc., and thirteen more from 2:21 to 2:30. 1 dam Belle Byron by Bowman’s Clark Chief 89, sire of the dams of Phallas 2:13^, Ma- jolica 2:15, Wilson 2:163=^. 2 dam. Belle Hook by Almont 33, sire of Fanny Wither- spoon 2 :i 634 > Piedmont 2 : i 73>^,A1- dine 2 ; i934^,Early Rose 2 : 2 o 34 > ^^c. 2 dam Alexander’s Bay Chief, sire of dams of Monroe Chief 2:18^, Lady McFatridge 2:29. ^ dam by Davy Crockett, pacer. NUTWOOD 2:18^, by Belmont, sire of Wedgewood. First dam, Miss Russell (dam of Maud S. 2:08^ and Cora Belmont 2:2434), by Pilot, Jr., sire of John Morgan 2:2^. Second dam, Sally Russell, thoroughbred, by Boston. BOWMAN’S CLARK CHIEF, by Clark Chief, sire of Croxie 2: 1934 - First dam, by Foreigner, son of Imp. Glencoe. Second dam, by Fearnought. Third dam, by Sir Peter Teazle, son of Sir Archy. Fourth dam, by Blackburn’s Whip, son of Imp. Whip. ALMONT, by Alexander’s Abdallah, sire of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. First dam, Sally Anderson, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2: 1834 - Second dam, Kate, by Pilot, Jr., sire of the dam of Maud S., 2:08^.. Third dam, the W. H. Pope mare. BAY CHIEF, by Mambrino Chief. First dam, by Keokuk, son of Imp. Truffle. Second dam by Stamboul, Arabian. •Nola is certainly a choice individual, being large, sound and hand- some. Her breeding needs no comment. TROTTING STOCK. 55 No. 45. LADY LUMPS. Bay Filly; star, left fore ankle and right hind ankle white; foaled 1886. Bred by David Cahill, Lexington, Ky. SIRED BT LUMPS 3922 . Record 2:21. Sire of Snooks 2:30. 1 dam, Lily Cahill by Albert Dudley, son of Darlbay, sire of R. F. C. 2:23^, Lady|Thorn 2:25, etc. 2 dam by Star Davis, Jr,, son^of Star Davis, by Imp. Glencoe. 3 dam by Brown’s Bellfounder. LUMPS, record 2:21, by George Wilkes, record 2:22, sire of Wilson 2:i6J^. First dam, Mother Lumps, by Pearsall, sire of W. T. Allen 2:29. Second dam, Lady Irwin, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dex- ter 2:173^. Third dam, by Roe’s Abdallah Chief, sire of dam of Messenger Duroc, sire of Prospero 2:20, Elaine 2:20, etc. PEARSALL, by Jupiter, sire of Harry Gilbert 2:24. First' dam, Empress (dam of Lady Emma, wagon record 2:263^), by Abdallah, sire of Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Second dam, Suffolk Qjieen, by Engineer 2d. Third dam, Qjieen Mab. JUPITER, by Long Island Black Hawk, sire of Prince 2:2^%. Dam, Gipsey, by Almack, son of Mambrino. DARLBAY, by Mambrino Patchen, whose sons have sired Jerome Tur- ner 2:1534, Joe Davis 2:17^, Lida Bassett 2:2934, Glendale 2:2034, 6tc. First dam, Puggie, by Brignoli 2:29^, sire of dams of Tom Allen 2:22, King Wilkes 2:2234* Lady Turpin 2:23, Cascan’lla 2:25}^, Troublesome 2:2534, Henderson 2:2734, Kentuckian 2:2734- Second dam, Bertha, by Berthune, sire of Waxey, sire of Grafton 2:22J4, etc. Third dam. Hunt’s premium mare, by Scott’s Highlander. Fourth dam, Fanny, by Hunt’s Brown Highlander. Fifth dam, by Bertrand, son of Sir Archy, son of Imp. Diomed. BRIGNOLI 2:29^, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2 ;i 834 - First dam, Sally Woodford, by Woodford, sire of dam of Wedge- wood 2:19. Second dam by Hunt’s Commodore, by Mambrino. Lady Lumps is neat in form and perfect in action — a trotter sure. 56 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. No. 46. ' LOU WILLIS. Bay Filly; foaled May lo, 1886. Bred by H. A. Hicks, Richwoods, Ky. SIRED BT RED WILKES 1749. Sire of Prince Wilkes 2:16, Phil Thompson 2:1634? Wayne Wilkes, pacer, 2:1834 more with records of 2:30 or better. 1 dam by Strader’s Hambletonian 668, sire of Neva 2:2334? Lottie K. 2:26^, Frank H., pacer, 2:26, etc. 2 dam, Mary Crowder by Tom Crowder, pacer. 3 dam by Black Nose, thoroughbred. RED WILKES, by George Wilkes 2:22, sire of Harry Wilkes 2:1334? Guy Wilkes 2:1534? Wilson 2 :i 634 - First dam, Qjieen Dido, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2:1834? Woodford Marr.brino 2 : 2 i 34 - Second dam, by Red Jacket, son of Comet. Third dam, the Robert Patterson mare. GEORGE WILKES, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2:1734? Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20. First dam, Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay, sire of Jericho 2:30. Second dam. Old Telegraph, by Baker’s Highlander. Third dam, the Clark Phillips mare. STRADER’S HAMBLETONIAN (Squire Talmadge), by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Dam, Lady Talmadge, by Seeley’s American Star. RYSDYK’S HAMBLETONIAN (sire of Dexter 2:1714), by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter 2:27. First dam, Chas. Kent mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. Second dam, One-Eye, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. SEELEY’S AMERICAN STAR, by Stockholm’s American Star, son of Duroc. First dam, Sally Slouch, by Henry, son of Sir Archy, by Imp. Diomed. Second dam, by Imp. Messenger. TROTTING STOCK. 57 No. 47. MISS FOX. Chestnut Filly; foaled April 25, 1886. Bred by H. A. Hicks, Richwoods, Kentucky. SIRED BT RED WILKES 1749. Sire of Prince Wilkes 2:16, Phil Thompson 2 :i 634 > Wayne Wilkes, pacer, 2:18)^ and ten more in 2:30 and better. 1 dam, Sally Fox, fast pacer by Senior’s Davy Crockett, son of Coulter’s Davy Crockett. 2 dam by Legal Tender 1784, sire of Red Cloud 2:18, Legal Tender 2:2734. RED WILKES (sire of Prince Wilkes 2:16), by George Wilkes 2:22, sire of Harry Wilkes 2:1334, Guy Wilkes 2:1534* First dam, Qjieen Dido, by Mambrino Chief, sire of the dams of Director 2:17, Piedmont 2: 1734 - Second dam, by Red Jacket, son of Comet. Third dam, the Robert Patterson mare. GEORGE WILKES, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2:1734* Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20. First dam, Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay, sire of Jericho 2:30. Second dam, Old Telegraph, by Baker’s Highlander. Third dam, the Clark Phillips mare RYSDYK’S HAMBLETONIAN (sire of dam of Trinket 2:14), by Ab- dallah, sire of dam of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. First dam, Chas. Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder, sire of dam of Sayre’s Harry Clay 2:29, sire of dam of St. Julian 21 tV. Second dam. One Eye, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. HENRY CLAY, by Andrew Jackson, son of Young Bashaw. Dam, Surry. LEGAL TENDER, by Moody’s Davy Crockett. Dam, untraced. Red Wilkes is the best son of George Wilkes and his daughters are in demand because of the high breeding and qualities of their sire. 58 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. #- No. 48. MINNIE WILKES. Bay Filly; foaled 1886. Bred by Wm. Collier, Lancaster, Ky. SIRED BT BARNET WILKES 7483. Sire of Champion Wilkes 2:223^, Lena Wilkes 2:2934- 1 dam by Mambrino Prince, son of Garrard Chief, sire of Basil Duke 2:2834* 2 dam by Lee Paul. BARNEY WILKES, by George Wilkes 2:22, sire of So-So 2:17)4, Rosa Wilkes 2:18)4, Wilton 2:19)4. First dam, Rosa (dam of Hull, sire of Fred Hull 2:29)4 and Vespa- cian 2:2934)5 by Roscoe, sire of Black Pilot 2:30. Second dam, Vienna, by Vandal, thoroughbred. Third dam, Daisy, by Cracker, son of Boston. GEORGE WILKES, record 2:22, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of dams of Trinket 2:14, Stamboul 2:17)45 etc. First dam, Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay, sire of Jericho 2:30. Second dam, Old Telegraph, by Baker’s Highlander. Third dam, the Clark Phillips mare. ROSCOE, by Pilot, Jr., sire of John Morgan 2:24, Pilot Temple 2:24)4, Tattler 2:26, five more in the 2:30 list, and the dams of Maud S. 2 :o 8J45 Jay-Eye-See 2:10, Nutwood 2:18^, etc. First dam, the famous Black Rose (dam of Darkness, 2:27^ to pole, Native American 2:32)45 Lady Woodlawn 2:37)45 Hermosa, dam of Hermes 2:27)45 Primrose, dam of Princeps, etc.), by Tom Teemer, pacer. Second dam, by Cannon’s Whip, by Imp. Whip. Third dam by Robin Grey. MAMBRINO PRINCE, by Garrard Chief, sire of Basil Duke 2 : 2834 - First dam by Drennon, sire of dam of Lucy Fleming 2:24. Second dam by Waxey, sire of Grafton 2 : 2234 - GARRARD CHIEF (sire of Basil Duke 2:2834)5 by Mambrino Chief, sire of Woodford Mambrino 2:2i)4- First dam, Mary Walker, bj? Frank, son of Sir Charles. Second dam by Aratus, son of Director. Third dam by Davis’ Hamiltonian. TROTTING STOCK. 59 No. 49. MISS BARNEY. Brown Filly; star, snip, left hind ankle white; foaled 1886. Bred bj Morgan Hudson, Brjantsville, Ky. SIRED BT BARNET WILKES 7433. Sire of Champion Wilkes 2:22)^, Lena Wilkes 2:29)^. Dam by Garrard Chief 2253, sire of Basil Duke 2:283^. BARNEY WILKES, by George Wilkes 22, sire of So-So 2:173^, Rosa Wilkes 2:1834, Wilton 2:1934. First dam, Rosa (dam of Hull, sire of Fred Hull 2:2934 and Vespa- cian 2:2934)? by Roscoe, sire of Black Pilot 2:30. Second dam, Vienna, by Vandal, thoroughbred. Third dam, Daisy, by Cracker, son of Boston. GEORGE WILKES, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2:1734? Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20. First dam, Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay, sire of Jericho 2:30. Second dam. Old Telegraph, by Baker’s Highlander. Third dam, the Clark Phillips mare. RYSDYK’S HAMBLETONIAN (sire of dam of Trinket 2:14), by Ab- dallah, sire of dam of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. First dam, Chas. Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder, sire of dam of Sayre’s Harry Clay 2:29, sire of dam of St. Julian 2:1134* Second dam. One Eye, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. HENRY CLAY, by Andrew Jackson. Dam, the trotting mare, Surry. ROSCOE, by Pilot, Jr, sire of John Morgan 2:24, Pilot Temple 2:2434? Tattler 2:26, five more in the 2:30 list, and the dams of Maud S. 2:0834, Jay -Eye- See 2:10, Nutwood 2:1834, etc. First dam, the famous Black Rose (dam of Darkness 2:2734 to pole, Native American 2:3234? Lady Woodlawn 2:3734? Hermosa, dam of Hermes 2:2734? Primrose, dam of Princeps, etc.), by Tom Teemer, pacer. GARRARD CHIEF (own brother to Cripple, sire of dam of Lizzie R. 2:2334)? by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2:1834. First dam, Mary Walker, by Frank, son of Sir Charles. Second dam by Aratus, son of Director. Third dam by Davis’ Hamiltonian. 6o LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. No. 50. MISS YEISER. Brown Filly; hind feet white; foaled 1886, Bred by A. L. Pinkard, Dan- ville, Ky. SIRED BT BARNET WILKES U^SS. Sire of Champion Wilkes 2:2234, Lena Wilkes 2:2934- 1 dam by Dunn’s Kentucky Chief, son of Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2:1834? Woodford Mam- brino 2:213#, North Star Mam- brino 2:2634? Mambrino Star 2 :2834? etc. 2 dam by Bascombe. 3 dam a fast road mare. BARNEY WILKES, by George Wilkes 2:22, sire of Harry Wilkes 2:1334? Guy Wilkes 2:1534? Wilson 2:i634- First dam, Rosa (dam of Hull and Wilkie Collins), by Roscoe, sire of Black Pilot 2:30. Second dam, Vienna, thoroughbred, by V andal, son of Imp. Glencoe. Third dam, Daisy, by Cracker, son of Boston. Fourth dam, Hymenia, by Imp. Yorkshire. ROSCOE, by Pilot, Jr., sire of John Morgan 2:24, Pilot Temple 2:243#, Tackey 2 :26, etc. Dam, the famous Black Rose, by Tom Teemer. PILOT, Jr., by Old Pilot, Canadian. Dam, Nancy Pope. DUNN’S KENTUCKY CHIEF, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2:1834? Woodford Mambrino 2:213#? etc. First dam, by Imp. Tranby, sire of dam of American Clay 34, sire of Granville 2:26, Maggie Briggs 2:27 and Ella Clay 2:273#- Second dam by Tempest. Third dam by Tiger Whip. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliah 2:33. TROTTING STOCK. 6i No. 51. HAPLESS. Bav Filly; star; foaled 1886. Bred by George Tartenton, Danville, Ky. SIRED BT BARNET WILKES 7433 . Sire of Champion Wilkes 2:223^ and Lena Wilkes 2:29)^. 1 dam, Miss Talkelton . . . . ' by Mambrino Hippy, son of Garrard Chief, sire of Basil Duke 2:28!^, 2 dam by Vindex, son of Blood’s Black Hawk sire of dams of Von Arnim 2:19)^, Blackwood, Jr., 2:223^, Almont, Jr , 2:26. 3 dam by Yeiser’s Norman, son of Alexan- der’s Norman, sire of Lula 2:1c, % May Qjueen 2:20. BARNEY WILKES (sire of Champion Wilkes 2 : 2234 )> by George Wilkes, sire of Tom Rogers 2:20. First dam, Rosa (dam of Hull, sire of Vespacian 2:2934 and Fred Hull 2:2934)? by Roscoc, sire of Black Pilot 2:30, sire of Pilot Knox 2:19^4* Second dam, Vienna, thoroughbred, by Vandal, son of Imp. Glencoe. Third dam, Daisy, by Cracker, son of Boston. ROSCOE, by Pilot, Jr., sire of John Morgan 2:24, Pilot Temple 2:2^}/^, Tattler 2:26, five more in the 2:30 list, and the dams of Maud S. 2:08^, Jay- Eye-See 2:10, Nutwood 2:18^, etc. First dam, the famous Black Rose (dam of Darkness 2:27^ to pole, Native American 2:32^, Lady Woodlawn 2:3734? Hermosa dam of Hermes 2:27)4? Primrose, dam of Princeps, etc.), by Tom Teemer, pacer. MAMBRINO HIPPY, by Garrard Chief. First dam, by Waxey, sire of Grafton 2:22'^. Second dam by Telegraph. Third dam by Hiatoga, pacer. GARRARD CHIEF (own brother to Cripple, sire of the dam of Lizzie R. 2:2314), by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2:18)4. First dam, Mary Walker, by Frank, son of Sir Charles. VINDEX, by Blood’s Black Hawk, sire of Blood Chief, sire of Fanny Robinson 2:2o)4- First dam, by Mambrino Chief, sire of dam of Director 2:17. Second dam, by Downing’s Bay Messenger, sire of dam of Clark Chief, sire of Croxie 2:1914- 62 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. No. 52. AIMEE’S BABY. Brown Fillj; foaled Jane 30, 1887. Bred by O. P. Alford. SIRED B 2 ^ JUDGE SALISBURT 5872 . Son of Nutwood 2:18^. Sire of Felix 2:18^, Dawn 2:19)^, Manon 2:21. 1 dam, Aimee, record 2:30 by Bayard 53, sire of Bliss 2:2i3^r Emma B. 2:22, Fannie C., pacer, 2:2434. 2 dam a fast pacer, breeding untraced. JUDGE SALISBURY, by Nutwood 2:18^. First dam, Kate, sister to Powers 2:21, by Volunteer, sire of St. Julian 2:1134^ Gloster 2:17, etc. Second dam, Jennie (dam of Powers 2:21 and Bess, dam of Camille 2:25), by Seeley’s American Star, sire of dam of Robert Mc- Gregor 2: 1734- Third dam, Dolly Fisher, by a son of Cole’s Messenger. NUTWOOD 2 :i 8J4» by Belmont, sire of Wedgewood 2:19. First dam. Miss Russell (dam of Maud S. 2:08^ and Cora Bel- mont 2:2434)5 by Pilot, Jr., sire of John Morgan 2:2^^.. Second dam, Sally Russell, thoroughbred, by Boston. ^ BELMONT, by Alexander’s Abdallah, sire of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. First dam. Belle (dam of McCurdy’s Hambletonian, five-year old record 2:2634)5 by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2:1814. Second dam, by Brown’s Bellfounder. BAYARD 2:31^, by Pilot, Jr., sire of the dams of Maud S. 2:08^, Jay- Eye-See 2:10, Nutwood 2:iS^, Mambrino Gift 2:20, Pilot Boy 2:20, Noontide 2:20345 and twenty more from 2:2034 2:30. First dam. Bay York, by Adams’ American 2:45, sire of Nelly Hol- comb 2:28. Second dam, by Hill’s Black Hawk, sire of Ethan Allen 2:2534r Lancet 2:27345 Belle of Saratoga 2:29. Third dam, by Hammond’s Magnum Bonum. If this fails to make a good mare, looks and breeding go for nothing. From head to heel she is perfect, and acts like a natural-born trotter. I think her as good a weanling as I ever saw. TROTTING STOCK. 63 No. 53. ALICE WILKES. Dark Bay Fillj; fore pasterns and hind ankles white; foaled June i, 1887. Bred by O. P. Alford. SIRED BT BARNET WILKES 74 S 3 . Sire of Champion Wilkes 2:223^5 Lena Wilkes 2:293^. 1 dam, Astermore by Strathmore 408, sire of Santa Claus 2:1734, Skylight Pilot 2:19, Tuck- er 2:19, Secret 2:20)4, Strathlan 2:21)4. 2 dam, Asteria, thoroughbred by Asterisk. 3 dam, Castianira by Imp. Yorkshire. 4 dam. West Florida .by Bertrand. 5 dam by Potomac. 6 dam by Imp. Bedford. 7 dam by Matchless. BARNEY WILKES, by George Wilkes 2:22, sire of Harry Wilkes 2:1334, Guy Wilkes 2:15)4, Wilson 2:i6)4- First dam, Rosa (dam of Hull and Wilkie Collins), by Roscoe, sire of Black Pilot 2:30. Second dam, Vienna, thoroughbred, by Vandal, son of Imp. Glencoe. Third dam, Daisy, by Cracker, son of Boston. Fourth dam, Hymenia, by Imp. Yorkshire. STRATHMORE, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, the sire of Dexter 2:17)4, Nettie 2:18, etc. First dam. Lady Waltermire (dam of Marshal Ney, sire of West- over 2:26)4), t»y North American, sire of dam of Charley Mac 2:25. Second dam by Harris’ Hambletonian, sire of Lady Shannon 2:28. RYSDYK’S HAMBLETONIAN, by Abdallah. First dam, Chas Kent mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. Second dam, One Eye, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. ASTERISK, by Ringgold, son of Boston. Dam, Nebula (dam of Asteroid), by Imp. Glencoe. Barney Wilkes is a great sire and Strathmore mares are proving themselves good producers, having contributed to the 2:30 list C. F. Clay 2:18, Belton 2:22)4, Eminence (3 y. o) 2:27)4, Crickmore 2:2g}^. 64 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. No. 54. BETTIE WILKES. Brown Fillj; little white on hind feet; foaled 1887. Bred bj Morehead & Salter, Duckers Station, Ga. SIRED BT BARNET WILKES 7433 . Son of George Wilkes 2:22. Sire of Harrj Wilkes 2:1334 and Guy Wilkes etc. 1 dam by Bowyer’s Mambrino Pilot, son of Mambrino Pilot 29, saddle record 2:2734* sire of Hannis 2:17^, Mambrino Gift 2:20, etc. 2 dam, under investigation. BARNEY WILKES, by George Wilkes 2:22, sire of Harry Wilkes 2:1334* Guy Wilkes 2:15)4* Wilson 2 :i 6 ) 4 » First dam, Rosa (dam of Hull and Wilkie Collins), by Roscoe, sire of Black Pilot 2:30. Second dam, Vienna, thoroughbred, by Vandal, son of Imp. Glencoe. Third dam, Daisy, by Cracker, son of Boston. P'ourth dam, Hymenia, by Imp, Yorkshire. GEORGE WILKES, record 2:22, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of dams of Trinket 2:14, Stamboul 2:1734* etc. First dam, Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay, sire of Jericho 2:30. Second dam. Old Telegraph, by Baker’s Highlander. Third dam, the Clark Phillips mare. ROSCOE, by Pilot, Jr., sire of John Morgan 2:24, Pilot Temple 2:2434* Tackey 2 :26, etc. Dam, the famous Black Rose, by Tom Teemer. BOWYER’S MAMBRINO PILOT, by Mambrino Pilot, sire of dams of Skylight Pilot 2:19, Romero 2\\(^y^. Dam, said to be by Pilot, Jr,, sire of John Morgan 2:24. MAMBRINO PILOT (saddle record 2:27)4)* by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2:18)4* Woodford Mambrino 2:2134. First dam, Juliet, by Pilot, Jr., sire of the dams of Maud S. 2:08^, Jay-Eye-See 2:10, Nutwood 2:18^. Second dam, by Webster, son of Medoc, by American Eclipse. Third dam by Cook’s Whip, by Imp. Whip. ' This filly is full of Pilot and Mambrino Chief blood, topped with a cross to George Wilkes. Her full brother has shown his ability to trot in 2:25 and she acts like the making of a trotter. TROTTING STOCK. 65 No. 55. ELLIE H. Bay Fillj; hind coronets white; foaled 1877. Bred bj O. P. Alford. SIRED BT ELBE RON 1504. 1 dam, Miss Homer.. . ! by Homer 1235, sire of Lelah H. 2:2434 2 dam, said to be by Westwind, son of Abdallah 15, sire of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. ELBERON, by Metropolitan 1372. First dam, Lady Worth, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of dam of Trinket 2:14. Second dam, the Stephen Wurt mare, by Abdallah, sire of dam of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. METROPOLITAN, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2:1734 Nettie 2:18. First dam, Hyacinth (dam of Reina Victoria, dam of Princeton 2:19^ and Euclid 2:2834)* Volunteer, sire of St. Julian 2 :ii 34* Gloster 2:17. Second dam, Clara (dam of Dexter 2:1734* Alma 2:28^, Astoria 2:2934)* by American Star, sire of dam of Robert McGregor 2:1714. Third dam, the McKinstry Mare, dam of Shark, 2:27^ to saddle. VOLUNTEER, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. First dam, Lady Patriot (dam of Sentinel 2:29^), by Young Pa- triot. Second dam, the Lewis Hulse mare. HOMER, brother to Belle Patchen 2:30^ (dam of Baron Wilkes 2:24%) by Mambrino Patchen, sire of London 2 : 2034 - First dam, Sally Chorister (dam of Proteine 2:18 and Belle Bras- field 2:20), by Mambrino Chorister, son of Mambrino Chief. Second dam. Miss Blood, by Blood’s Black Hawk, sire of the dams of Von Arnim 2:1934, Blackwood, Jr. 2:2234* Almont Jr. 2:26, etc. Third dam, the Parker Craig mare, by Moore’s Pilot, son of Sam Slick, by Old Pilot, Canadian. WESTWIND, by Alexander’s Abkallah. First dam, Velma (sister to Neva, dam of Balsora), by Vincent Nolte. Second dam. Mavis, by Wagner, etc. Ellie H. is by an inbred Hambletonian, and her dam is by one of the very best inbred Mambrinos. She is a neat filly. 66 LEXINGTON STOCK-FARM. No. 56. KATE SALISBURY. Chestnut Fillj; star, little snip, right hind ankle white; foaled 1887. Bred by Webb Price, Lexington, Ky. SIRED BT JUDGE SALISBURT 5872. Son of Nutwood 2:18^, sire of Felix 2:18^, Woodnut 2:19)^, Dawn 2:193^, and thirteen more in the 2:30 list. 1 dam, Mementris by Administrator 357, record 2:29!^, sire of Catchfly 2:18^, McMahon 2:21, Executor 2:2434» Marcus 2 :2934 j Arbiter 2 :30, and the dams of Wildmont 2:2834, Cashier 2:30. 2 dam, Kate by Stockbridge Chief (sire of dam of Gloster 2:17), son of Hill’s Black Hawk, sire of Ethan Allen 2:2534* 3 dam by Medoc, sire of dam of John Mor- gan 2:24. JUDGE SALISBURY, by Nutwood 2:18^. First dam, Kate (sister to Powers 2:21), by Volunteer, sire of St. Julian 2 :ii 34> Gloster 2:17, etc. Second dam, Jennie (dam of Powers 2:21 and Bess, dam of Camille 2:25;, by Seeley’s American Star, sire of dam of Robert Mc- Gregor 2: 1734- Third dam, Dolly Fisher, by a son of Cole’s Messenger. NUTWOOD 2:18^, by Belmont, sire of Wedgewood 2:19. First dam Miss Russell (dam of Maud S. 2:08^ and Cora Belmont 2:'2434)5 by Pilot, Jr., sire of John Morgan 2:24 Second dam, Sally Russell, thoroughbred, by Boston. BELMONT, by Alexander’s Abdallah, sire of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. First dam. Belle (dam of McCurdy’s Hambletonian, five-year old record 2:2634)> by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2:1834* Second dam by Brown’s Bellfounder. ADMINISTRATOR 2:2934? by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. First dam, Dolly Halstead, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Woodford Mambrino 2:2134* Sfecond dam by Arabian Tartar. Third dam by Duroc Messenger. STOCKBRIDGE CHIEF, by Hill’s Black Hawk. Dam by Sir Charles, son of Duroc, by Imp. Diomed. Kate Salisbury is certainly an advertisement for her sire. No one can see her without admiring her from her gait. TROTTING STOCK. 67 No. 57. FOXIE McGREGOR. Chestnut Filly; foaled 1887. Bred by H. A. Hicks, Richwoods, Ky. SIRED BT ROBERT McGREGOR 647. Record 2:173^. Sire of Bonnie McGregor 2:16, Roxie McGregor 2:20^, Earl McGregor 2:24^. 1 dam, Sally Fox (fast pacer) by Senior’s Davy Crockett, son of Coulter’s Davy Crockett. 2 dam by Legal Tender 1784, sire of Red Cloud 2:18, Legal Tender 2:271^. ROBERT McGREGOR 2:17)^, by Major Edsall 2:29. First dam, Nancy Whitman (dam of Madeline 2:233^), by Seeley’s American Star, sire of dam of Dexter 2:173^. Second dam, Nance (dam of Lady Whitman 2:30), by Young Mes- senger Duroc, son of Messenger Duroc. MAJOR EDSALL 2:29, by Alexander’s Abdallah, sire of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. Dam, by Harris’ Hambletonian, sire of Hero, pacer. 2:2034* ALEXANDER’S ABDALLAH, by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian, sire of Dexter 2:17345 Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20. Dam, Katy Darling RYSDYK’S HAMBLETONIAN, (sire of Dexter 2:171^), by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter 2:27. First dam, Chas. Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. Second dam. One Eye, by Bishop’s Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. SEELEY’S AMERICAN STAR, by Stockholm’s American Star. First dam, Sally Slouch, by Henry, son of Sir Archy. Second dam, by Imp. Messenger. MESSENGER DUROC, by Sir Archy Duroc, son of Duroc, by Imp. Diomed. Dam by Messenger, son of Imp. Messenger. LEGAL TENDER, by Moody’s Davy Crockett. Dam untraced. Robert McGregor 2:1734 great upon the track and is proving himself great in the stud; was a race horse himself, and is getting race horses. We have every confidence in his success on the pacing cross. 68 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. No. 58. HIXIE McGREGOR, Chestnut Filly; foaled 1887. Bred' oy H. A. Hicks, Richwoods, Ky. SIRED BT ROBERT McGREGOR 647. Record 2:1734. Sire of Bonnie McGregor 2:16, Roxie McGregor 2:20^, Earl McGregor 2:2434? McGregor Boy 2:2934? Mark Time 2:30. 1 dam by Strader’s Hambletonian 668, sire of Neva 2:2334? Lottie K. 2:26^, Frank H., pacer, 2:26. 2 dam, Mary Crowder by Tom Crowder, pacer, sire of dams of Doble 2:28 and Frank H., pacer, 2:26. 3 dam by Black Nose, thoroughbred. ROBERT McGREGOR 2:1734? by Major Edsall 2:29. First dam, Nancy Whitman (dam of Madeline 2:23)4)? by Seeley’s American Star, sire of dam of Dexter 2:1734. Second dam Nance (dam of Lady Whitman 2:30), by Young Mes- senger Duroc, son of Messenger Duroc. MAJOR EDSALL 2:29, by Alexander’s Adallah, sire of Goldsmith Maid 2:14. Dam, by Harris’ Hambletonian, sire of Hero, pacer, 2:2034. SEELEY’S AMERICAN STAR, by Stockholm’s American Star. First dam, Sally Slouch, by Henry, son of Sir Archy. Second dam, by Imp. Messenger. MESSENGER DUROC, by Sir Archy Duroc, son of Duroc, by Imp. Diomed. Dam, by Messenger, son of Imp. Messenger. STRADER’S HAMBLETONIAN (Squire Talmadge), by Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Dam, Lady Talmadge, by Seeley’s American Star. Hixie is by a horse that never quit and never got a “quitter,” and she is out of good dam. She is inbred to both Hambletonian and American Star, andjs a superior individual, TROTTING STOCK. No. 59. REDDIE WILKES. Bay Filly; big star; foaled 1887. Bred by O. P. Alford. SIRED BT RED WILKES 1749- Sire of Prince Wilkes 2:16, Phil Thompson 2:161^, Wayne'. Wilkes 2:1834, and ten more in 2:30 list. 1 dam, Carrie B by Gov. Sprague 444, record 2:2034, sire of Kate Sprague 2:18, Mary Sprague 2:21, Gilbird’s Sprague 2:21^. 2 dam, Cora K by Mambrino Boy 844, record 2:2634) sire of Lizzie R.'^ 2:2334).- Mam- brino Archie 2:24%. 3 dam. Belle Scott by Alexander’s Norman 25, sire of Lula 2:15, Mayl^Qjieen 2:20 and * dams of Norman Medium 2.20 and Fanny Robinson 2:2o34- 4 dam, Kate by Conflagration. RED WILKES, by George Wilkes 2:22, sire of Harry Wilkes 2:1334) Guy Wilkes 2:i534) Wilson 2:i634- First dam, Qjueen Dido, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn 2 :i 834) Woodford Mambrino 2:2i34- Second dam, by Red Jacket, son of Comet. Third dam, the Robert Patterson mare. GOV. SPRAGUE 2:2o34) by Rhode Island 2:2334) sire of Jim Schriber 2:2134. First dam. Belle Brandon (dam of Amy 2:2034)1 by Rysdyk’s Ham-' bletonian, sire of dam of Trinket 2:14. Second dam, Jenny, by Young Bacchus. Third dam, the Worden mare, hy Exton Eclipse. RHODE ISLAND 2:23)4, by Whitehall, sire of the dams of Scott’s Thomas 2:21 and Scott’s Chief 2:23. First dam, Mag Taylor, by Davy Crockett, pacer. Second dam, by Bald Hornet, pacer. WHITEHALL, by North American, sire of the dam of Strathmore, sire of Santa Claus 2:1734- Dam by Cock of the Rock, son of Duroc, by Imp. Diomed. NORMAN, by the Morse Horse. Dam, the Slocum mare, by Magnum Bonum. Reddie is one of the best bred and nicest fillies anywhere. Her breeding certainly indicates speed of a^high order. «IGELDINGS> No. 60. BILLY CRAWFORD. Brown Gelding; foaled 1884. Bred bj Chas. W. Headlej, Lexington, Kj. SIRED BT VOLTAIRE 685. Record 2:203^. Sire of Tattler 2:26, sire of Indianapolis 2:21. 1 dam, Ida Lyon by Mambrino Abdallah. 2 dam by Bushwhacker 2:2934- 3 dam a fast pacer. This is a nice gelding and the making of a fast horse. No. 61. RUD MACK. Sorrel Gelding; foaled August, 1885. Bred by C. F. Alford, Lexington. SIRED BT ABDALBRINO 2646. Son of Woodford Mambrino, sire of Abbottsford 2:1934, Mambrino Dud- ley 2:19^, Pancoast 2:21%, Convoy 2:2234, Magenta 2:2434, etc. 1 dam, Mary Anderson by Standard Bearer, sire of Banner Boy 2:2534. 2 dam, Hannah by John Dillard, sire of dams of Phil Thompson 2:1634, Wild Rake 2:22^, Olaf 2:22^, R. F, C. 2:2334, McLeod 2:2434, etc., etc. TROTTING STOCK. 71 No. 62. SILVER COIN. Gray Gelding; three white feet and stripe in face; foaled 1886. Bred by C. F. Alford, Lexington, Ky. SIRED BT ABDALBRTNO 2646. Brother to Princeps, sire of Trinket 2:14, Princeton 2:19^, Feme Sole 2:20, and fourteen more in 2:30 list. 1 dam. Silver Hair by Administrator 357, record 2:2934, sire of Catchfly 2:1834, McMahon 2:21, Executor 2:2434* 2 dam. Silver Foil by Jackson’s Flying Cloud 134, sire of dams of Forrest Patchen 2:1934, Rumor 2:2934* Silver Coin was gelded for no reason except his color. Ile is nicely turned, well gaited and bred right to trot fast. 72 LEXINGTON STOCK FARM. INDEX. STALLIONS. Barney Wilkes. . . 2 Judge Salisbury I COLTS. Cicero 3 Sonny Coons 4 Freedman 7 Salter 12 Joe Lee 11 Tom Pugh 8 North Star 5 Victor Hugo 6 Nimoki • 9 Violator 15 Oliver Wilkes. . . , lO Will Duke 13 Red Clay H BROOD MARES. Aimee 17 Lassie 23 Astermore 29 Lottie Temple 16 Black Swan 3^ Lucy Long 26 Carrie B 20 Mary Anderson 31 Eglena 18 Miss Homer 28 Ella Clay 21 Miss Talkelton • 35 Fanny Clay 22 Mollie Rice 33 Georgia Girl 25 Mollie Shears 32 Kate Stanhope ... 19 Silver Edge 27 Lady Cahill 37 Violet 24 Lady Mambrino. . . 34 FILLIES. Aimee’s Baby .... 52 Kate Salisbury 5^^ Alice Wilkes 53 Lady Lumps 45 Betty Wilkes 54 Lena Pope 38 Directress 40 Lou Willis 46 Ellie H 55 Mattie Wilkes 39 Egress 41 Minnie Wilkes 48 Fannie Agnew . . . 42 Miss Barney 49 Fanny Huguely . , 43 Miss Fox 47 Foxie McGregor . , 57 Miss Yeiser 50 Hapless 5^ Nola ■ 44 Hixie McGregor . . 58 Reddie Wilkes 59 GELDINGS. Billy Crawford . . . . 60 Silver Coin 62 Bud Mack 61 I -T^ A 74=33.