5 7 7 < t -a REMOTE STORAGE § A CO L-4 New York State Library School PERIODICALS IN ENGLISH FOR THE BLIND compiled by Minnie M. Beal Eased on list of periodicals in the Library of Congress, In general the yearly subscription price is given. New York point Catholic transcript for the blind (monthly) Xavier free publication society for the blind, 27-29 W.16th st. New York Cl *50 x Christian record (monthly) Office of Christian record, College View Neb. k Milwaukee weekly review J.Gockel, 334 36th st. Milwaukee Wis. $2 .'50 Point print standard (monthly) J.E.Cobb, 2440 N.26th st. Philadelphia Pa $3 Sunday school weekly American printing house for the blind, Louisville Ky Work and welfare (quarterly) A.M.Shotwell , Station A, Lansing Mich. $1 Line (raised letter) Kneass* Philadelphia magazine for the blind (monthly) J.B.Cob'b, 2440 N.26th st . Philadelphia Pa $2.50 Sunday school weekly American printing house for the blind, Louisville Ky r Starred entries indiqate New York state library periodicals for blind currently received by Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/periodicalsinengOOnewy American Braille ji Christian record (monthly) Office of Christian record, College View Neb. Current events (weekly) Michigan school for the blind, Lansing Mich. Subscrip- tion price on application Work and welfare (quarterly) A.M.Shotwell , Station A, Lansing Mich, f-1 English Braille Braille weekly Edinburgh Id’ a number Channels of blessing* a free devotional magazine for the blind Edwin Norris* SI St Peter 's road, St Leonards-on-Sea Church messenger Miss Langton, 2 Percy Villas, Campden Kill W. . Is a number Craigmiller harp; musical magazine (quarterly) Royal blind asylum and school, West Craigmiller Edinburgh Hampstead magazine (monthly) London society for'teaching the blind, 10 Upper Avenue road, Hampstead i. . V. . 'Is a number; by post Is 3d Hora jucunda (monthly) Royal blind asylum and school, best Craigmiller Edinburgh Progress ( interpolated; monthly ) 206 Greet Portland st. London V.’« 6s England; 3s foreign Quarterly intercession paper Miss B.Blyth, 101 Shepherd's Bush road, Hammersmith 3s Recreation ( interpolated; monthly ) 206 Great Portland st . London W. 10s England; 12s foreign Starred entries indicate periodicals currently received by New York state library for blind 3 Santa Lucia (monthly) J.M.E. & E .K •Hodgkin , Childwall, Richmond-on-Thames Weekly summary E.R.Scgtt i. L.T.Eloxam, Eitham, Kent 2d a number; annual subscription 3s 8d Moon type Moon magazine for the blind Kiss Moon, 104 Queen* s road, Erighton, Sussex 1 guinea N5-150