C47b 192 te iiimiiimiiiiiiimniMiiiimiiinnmniHiiiiiiirt A Book of COMMANDMENTS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE Church of Christ ORGANIZED ACCORDING TO LAW, ON THE 6th of April, 1830 ZION: PUBLISHED BY W. W. PHELPS 6- CO. 1833 ' U. 'iilliillilliiiiiiiillilliniliniiiiilillriniliiliHi i V \. y \ X 2^6 ^11 b ilAnois HiSTOimi :'j3vw ) I I t \ \ \) ■ ' \ j I I ■ ) . ’ V: ' y ■ ‘ I ft "<-• • , T ? Vf-y'"A- -/!'*• y n ?'3.. A •. - • -t i^k' >?■-v:; r ■ L. A Book of COMMANDMENTS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE Church of Christ ORGANIZED ACCORDING TO LAW, ON THE 6th of April 1830 ZION: PUBLISHED BY W. W. PHELPS 6- CO. 1833 It has been asserted that this book was never finished. This reprint was made from a complete volume of 160 pages. This second page contained only this line in Italics: '‘Copy Right Secured according to Law” CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTNESS I hereby certify that we have carefully compared the fol¬ lowing pages with the original Book of Commandments, printed in Jackson County, Missouri, in 1833, by W. W. Phelp & Co., and that it is an exact reproduction of the same, in chapters, paragraphs, words and punctuation. MELVINA RITCHISON DANIEL MACGREGOR. Proofreaders. REPRINTED VERBATIM BY CHARLES F. PUTNAM and DANIEL MACGREGOR I S I’lY C H iJr / r/ ^ CHAPTER I. 1 A Preface or instruction unto the Book of Command- • ments, which were given of the Lord unto his church, through him whom he appointed to this work, by the voice of his saints through the prayer of faith: This church being organized according to the will of him, who rules all things, on the sixth day of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty: HEARKEN, O ye people of my church, saith the voice of Him who dwells on high, and whose eyes are upon all men; yea, verily I say, hearken ye people from afar, and ye that are upon the islands of the sea, listen together; for verily the voice of the Lord is unto all men, and there is none to escape, and there is no eye that shall not see, neither ear that shall not hear, neither heart that shall not be penetrated; and the rebellious shall be pierced with much sorrow, for their iniquities shall be spoken upon the house¬ tops, and their secret acts shall be revealed; and the voice of warning shall be unto all people, by the mouths of my disciples, whom I have chosen in these last days, and they shall go forth and none shall stay them, for I the Lord have commanded them. 2 Behold, this is mine authority, and the authority of my servants, and my Preface unto the Book of my Com¬ mandments, which I have given them to publish unto you, O inhabitants of the earth:—Wherefore fear and -i, tremble, O ye people for what I the Lord have decreed, in them, shall be fulfilled; And verily I say unto you, that they v/ho go forth, bearing these tidings unto the inhab¬ itants of the earth, to them is power given, to seal both on earth and in heaven, the unbelieving and rebellious; yea, verily, to seal them up unto the day when the wrath i 3 of God shall be poured out upon the wicked, without measure, unto the day when the Lord shall come to re- compence unto every man according to his work, and measure to every man according to the measure which he has measured to his fellow man. 3 Wherefore the voice of the Lord is unto the ends of the earth, that all that will hear may hear: Prepare ye, prepare ye for that which is to come, for the Lord is nigh; and the anger of the Lord is kindled, and his sword is bathed in heaven, and it shall fall upon the inhabitants of the earth; and the arm of the Lord shall be revealed; and the day cometh, that they who will not hear the voice of the Lord, neither the voice of his servants, neith¬ er give heed to the words of the prophets, and apostles, shall be cut off from among the people: For they have strayed from mine ordinances, and have broken mine everlasting covenant; they seek not the Lord to estab¬ lish his righteousness, but every man walketh in his own way, and after the image of his own god, whose image is in the likeness of the world, and whose substance is that of an idol, which waxeth old and shall perish in Baby¬ lon, even Babylon the great, which shall fall. 4 Wherefore I the Lord, knowing the calamity which should come upon the inhabitants of the earth, called upon my servant Joseph, and spake unto him from heav¬ en, and gave him commandments; and also gave com¬ mandments to others, that they should proclaim these things unto the world, and all this that it might be ful¬ filled, which was written by the prophets: The weak things of the world should come forth and break down the mighty and strong ones; that man should not counsel his fellow man, neither trust in the arm of flesh, but that every man might speak in the name of God, the Lord, even the Savior of the world; that faith also might in¬ crease in the earth; that mine everlasting covenant might be established; that the fulness of my gospel might be proclaimed by the weak and the simple, unto the ends of the world; and before kings and rulers. 5 Behold I am God and have spoken it: these command- 4 ments are of me, and were given unto my servants in their weakness, after the manner of their language, that they might come to understanding; and inasmuch as they erred, it might be made known; and inasmuch as they sought wisdom, they might be instructed; and inasmuch as they sinned, they might be chastened, that they might repent; and inasmuch as they were humble, they might be made strong, and blessed from on high, and receive knowledge from time to time: after they, having received the record of the Nephites; yea, even my servant Joseph might have power to translate through the mercy of God, by the power of God, the book of Mormon: And also, those to whom these commandments w^ere given, might have power to lay the foundation of this church, and to bring it forth out of obscurity, and out of darkness, the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth, with which I the Lord am well pleased, speaking unto the church collectively and not individually, for I the Lord can not look upon sin with the least degree of al¬ lowance: Nevertheless he that repenteth and doeth the commandments of the Lord, shall be forgiven, and he that repenteth not from him shall be taken even the light which he hath received, for my Spirit shall not al¬ ways strive with man, saith the Lord of hosts. 6 And again, verily I say unto you, O inhabitants of the earth, for I the Lord am willing to make these things known unto all flesh, for I am no respecter of persons, and willeth that all men shall know that the day speed¬ ily cometh, the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand, w^hen peace shall be taken from the earth, and the devil shall have power over his own dominion; and also, the Lord shall have power over his saints and shall reign in their midst, and shall come down in judgment upon Idumea, or the world. 7 Search these commandments, for they are true and faithful, and the prophecies and promises which are in them shall all be fulfilled. What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself, and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass 5 away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice, or by the voice of my servants, it is the same: For behold, and lo, the Lord is God, and the Spirit bear- eth record, and the record is true, and the truth abideth forever and ever: Amen. CHAPTER 11. 1 A Revelation given to Joseph, in Harmony, Pennsylvania, July, 1828, after Martin has lost the Manuscript of the forepart of the book of Mormon, translated from the book of Lehi, which was abridged by the hand of Mor¬ mon, saying: THE works, and the designs, and the purposes of God, can not be frustrated, neither can they come to nought, for God doth not walk in crooked paths; neither doth he turn to the right hand nor to the left; neither doth he vary from that which he hath said: Therefore his paths are strait and his course is one eternal round. 2 Remember, remember, that it is not the work of God that is frustrated, but the W’ork of men; for although a man may have many revelations, and have power to do many mighty works, yet, if he boasts in his own strength, and sets at nought the counsels of God, and follows after the dictates of his own will, and carnal desires, he must fall and incur the vengence of a just God upon him. 3 Behold, you have been intrusted with these things, but how strict w^ere your commandments; and remember, also, the promises which were made to you, if you did not transgress them; and behold, how oft you have trans¬ gressed the commandments and the laws of God, and have gone on in the persuasions of men: for behold, you should not have feared man more than God, although men set at naught the counsels of God, and despise his words, yet you should have been faithful and he would have ex¬ tended his arm, and supported you against all the fiery darts of the adversary; and he would have been with you in every time of trouble. 6 4 Behold thou art Joseph, and thou wast chosen to do the work of the Lord, but because of transgression, if thou art not aware thou wilt fall, but remember God is merciful: Therefore, repent of that which thou hast done, and he will only cause thee to be afflicted for a season, and thou art still chosen, and wilt again be called to the work; and except thou do this, thou shalt be delivered up and become as other men, and have no more gift. 5 And when thou deliveredst up that which God had giv¬ en thee sight and power to translate, thou deliveredst up that which was sacred, into the hands of a wicked man, who has set at nought the counsels of God, and has broken the most sacred promises, which were made before God, and has depended upon his own judgment, and boast¬ ed in his own wisdom, and this is the reason that thou hast lost thy privileges for a season, for thou hast suffered the counsel of thy director to be trampled upon from the beginning. 6 Nevertheless, my work shall go forth and accomplish my purposes, for as the knowledge of a Savior has come into the world, even so shall the knowledge of my people, the Nephites, and the Jacobites, and the Josephites, and the Zoramites, come to the knowledge of the Lamanites, and the Lemuelites and the Ishmaelites, which dwindled in unbelief, because of the iniquities of their fathers, who have been suffered to destroy their brethren, because of their iniquities, and their abominations: and for this very purpose are these plates preserved which contain these records, that the promises of the Lord might be fulfilled, which he made to his people; and that the Lamanites might come 'to the knowledge of their fathers, and that they might know the promises of the Lord, and that they may believe the gospel and rely upon the merits of Jesus Christ, and be glorified through faith in his name; and that through their repentance they might be saved: Amen. CHAPTER III. 1 A Revelation given to Joseph, the father of Joseph, in Harmony, Pennsylvania, February, 1829, saying: 7 NOW, behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men, therefore, O ye that em¬ bark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day: Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God, ye are called to the work, for behold, the field is white already to harvest, and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same lay- eth up in store that he perish not, but bringeth salvation to his soul, and faith, hope, charity, and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualifies him for the work. 2 Remember temperance, patience, humility, diligence, etc., ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you: Amen. CHAPTER IV. 1 A Revelation given to Joseph and Martin, in Harmony, Pennsylvania, March, 1829, when Martin desired of the Lord to know whether Joseph had, in his possession, the record of the Nephites. BEHOLD, I say unto you, that my servant Martin has desired a witness from my hand, that my servant Joseph has got the things of which he has testified, and borne record that he has received of me. 2 And now, behold, this shall you say unto him:—I the Lord am God, and I have given these things unto my servant Joseph, and I have commanded him that he should stand as a witness of these things, nevertheless I have caused him that he should enter into a covenant with me, that he should not show them except I command him, and he has no power over them except I grant it unto him; and he has a gift to translate, the book, and I have commanded him that he shall pretend to no other gift, for I will grant him no other gift. 3 And verily I say unto you, that woe shall come unto the inhabitants of the earth, if they will not hearken unto my words, for, behold, if they will not believe my words. 8 they would not believe my servant Joseph, if it were pos¬ sible that he could show them all things. O ye unbeliev¬ ing, ye stiffnecked ‘generation, /mine anger is kindled against you! 4 Behold, verily I say, I have reserved the things of which I have spoken, which I have intrusted to my ser¬ vant, for a wise purpose in me, and it shall be made known unto future generations: But this generation shall have my words, yea and the testimony of three of my servants shall go forth with my words unto this genera¬ tion; yea, three shall know of a surety that these things are true, for I will give them power, that they may be¬ hold and view these things as they are, and to none else will I grant this power, to receive this same testimony among this generation. And the testimony of three wit¬ nesses will I send forth and my word, and behold, who¬ soever believeth in my word, them will I visit with the manifestation of my Spirit, and they shall be born of me, and their testimony shall also go forth. 5 And thus, if the people of this generation harden not their hearts, I will work a reformation among them, and I will put down all lyings, and deceivings, and priest¬ crafts, and envyings, and strifes, and idolatries, and sor¬ ceries, and all manner of iniquities, and I will establish my church, like unto the church which was taught by my disciples in the days of old. 6 And now if this generation do harden their hearts against my work, behold I will deliver them up unto sa- tan, for he reigneth and hath much power at this time, for he hath got great hold upon the hearts of the people of this generation: and not far from the iniquities of So¬ dom and Gomorrah, do they come at this time; and be¬ hold the sword of justice hangeth over their heads, and if they persist in the hardness of their hearts, the time cometh that it must fall upon them. Behold I tell you these things even as I also told the people of the de¬ struction of Jerusalem, and my word shall be verified at this time as it hath hitherto been verified. 7 And now I command my servant Joseph to repent, and 9 walk more uprightly before me, and yield to the persua¬ sions of men no more; and that he be firm in keeping the commandments wherewith I have commanded him; and if he doeth this, behold I grant unto him eternal life, even if he should be slain. 8 And now I speak again concerning the man that de- sireth a witness: behold I say unto him, he exalteth him¬ self and doth not humble himself sufficiently before me, but if he will go out and bow down before me, and humble himself in mighty prayer and faith, in the sincerity of his heart, then will I grant unto him a view of the things which he desireth to know: and then he shall say unto the people of this generation, behold I have seen the things and I know of a surety that they are true, for I have seen them, and they have been shown unto me by the power of God and not of man. And I command him that he shall say no more unto them, concerning these things, except he shall say, I have seen them, and they have been shown unto me by the power of God. 9 And these are the words which he shall say.—But if he deny this he will break the covenant which he has be¬ fore covenanted with me, and behold he is condemned. And now except he humble himself and acknowledge unto me the things that he has done, which are wrong, and covenant with me that he will keep my commandments, and exercise faith in me, behold I say unto him, he shall have no such views, for I will grant unto him no views of the things of which I have spoken. And if this be the case, I command him that he shall do no more, nor trouble me any more concerning this matter. 10 And if this be the case, behold I say unto you, Jo¬ seph, when thou hast translated a few more pages thou shalt stop for a season, even until I command thee again: then thou mayest translate again. And except thou do this, behold thou shalt have no more gift, and I will take away the things which I have intrusted with thee. 11 And now, because I foresee the lying in wait to de¬ stroy thee: Yea, I foresee that if my servant humbleth not himself, and receive a witness from my hand, that he 10 will fall into transgression; and there are many that lie in wait to destroy thee from off the face of the earth: And for this cause, that th}’’ days may be prolonged, I have given vnto thee these commandments; yea, for this cause I have said, stop and stand still until I jCommand thee, and I will provide means whereby thou mayest accom¬ plish the thing which I have commanded thee; and if thou art faithful in keeping my commandments, thou shait be lifted up at the last day:—Amen. CHAPTER V. 1 A Revelation to Oliver, given in Harmony, Pennsyl¬ vania, April, 1829, when employed a scribe for Joseph, while translating the look of Mormon. A GREAT and marvelous work is about to come forth unto the children of men: behold I am God, and give heed unto my word, which is quick and powerful, sharp¬ er than a two edged sword, to the dividing asunder of both joints and marrow:—Therefore give heed unto my words. 2 Behold the field is white already to harvest, therefore whoso desireth to reap, let him thrust in his sickle with his might and reap while the day lasts, that he may treasure up for his soul everlasting salvation in the kingdom of God: Yea, whosoever will thrust in his sickle and reap, the same is called of God; therefore, if you will ask of me you shall receive; if you will knock it shall be opened unto you. 3 Now as you have asked, behold I say unto you, keep my commandments, and seek to bring forth and establish the cause of Zion: seek not for riches but for wisdom, and behold the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto you, and then shall you be made rich. Behold he that hath eternal life is rich. 4 Verily, verily I say unto you, even as you desire of me, so shall it be unto you; and, if you desire, you shall be the means of doing much good in this generation. Say 11 nothing but repentance unto this generation; keep my commandments and assist to bring forth my work ac¬ cording to my commandments, and you shall be blessed. 5 Behold thou hast a gift, and blessed art thou because of thy gift. Remember it is sacred and cometh from above; and if thou wilt inquire, thou shalt know mysteries which are great and marvelous: therefore thou shalt exer¬ cise thy gift, that thou mayest find out mysteries, that thou mayest bring many to the knowledge of the truth; yea, convince them of the error of their ways. Make not thy gift known unto any, save it be those which are of thy faith.—Trifle not with sacred things. If thou wilt do good, yea and hold out faithful to the end, thou shalt be saved in the kingdom of God, which is the greatest of all the gifts of God; for there is no gift greater than the gift of salvation. 6 Verily, verily I say unto thee, blessed art thou for what thou hast done, for thou hast inquired of me, and behold as often as thou hast inquired, thou hast received instruction of my Spirit. If it had not been so, thou wouldst not have come to the place where thou art at this time. 7 Behold thou knowest that thou hast inquired of me, and I did enlighten thy mind; and now I tell thee these things, that thou mayest know that thou hast been en¬ lightened by the Spirit of truth; yea, I tell thee, that thou mayest know that there is none else save God, that know¬ est thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart: I tell thee these things as a witness unto thee, that the words or the work which thou hast been writing is true: 8 Therefore be diligent, stand by my servant Joseph faithfully in whatsoever difficult circumstances he may be, for the word’s sake. Admonish him in his faults and also receive admonition of him. Be patient; be sober; be tem¬ perate; have patience; faith, hope and charity. 9 Behold thou art Oliver, and I have spoken unto thee because of thy desires, therefore, treasure up these words in thy heart. Be faithful and diligent in keeping the com- 12 mandments of God, and I will incircle thee in the arms of my love. 10 Behold I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I am the same that came unto my own and my own received me not. I am the light which shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not. 11 Verily, verily I say unto you, if you desire a further witness, cast your mind upon the night that you cried unto me in your heart, that you might know concerning the truth of these things; did I not speak peace to your mind concerning the matter?—What greater witness can you have than from God? And now behold, you have received a witness, for if I have told you things which no man knoweth, have you not received a witness? And behold I grant unto you a gift if you desire of me, to translate even as my servant Joseph. 12 Verily, verily I say unto you, that there are records which contain much of my gospel, which have been kept back because of the wickedness of the people; and now I command you, that if you have good desires, a desire to lay up treasures for yourself in heaven, then shall you as¬ sist in bringing to light, with your gift, those parts of my scriptures which have been hidden because of iniquity. 13 And now behold I give unto you, and also unto my servant Joseph, the keys of this gift, which shall bring to light this ministry; and in the mouth of two or three wit¬ nesses, shall every word be established. 14 Verily, verily I say unto you, if they reject my words, and this part of my gospel and ministry, blessed are ye, for they can do no more unto you than unto me; and if they do unto you, even as tiiey have done unto me, blessed are ye, for you shall dwell with me in glory: but if they reject not my words, which shall be established by the testimony which shall be given, blessed are they; and then shall ye have joy in the fruit of your labors. 15 Verily, verily I say unto you, as I said unto my dis¬ ciples, where two or three are gathered together in my name, as touching one thing, behold there will I be in the midst of them: even so am I in the midst of you. Fear not 13 to do good my sons, for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap: therefore, if ye sow good, ye shall also reap good for your reward: 16 Therefore fear not little flock, do good, let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my Rock, they cannot prevail. Behold I do not condemn you, go your ways and sin no more: perform with soberness the work which I have commanded you: look unto me in every thought, doubt not, fear not: behold the wounds which pierced my side, and also the prints of the nails in my hands and feet: be faithful; keep my commandments, and ye shall inherit the kingdom of heaven: Amen. CHAPTER VI. 1 A Revelation given to Joseph and Oliver, in Harmony, Pennsylvania, April, 1829, when they desired to know whether John, the beloved disciple, tarried on earth. Translated from parchment, written and hid up by him¬ self. AND the Lord said unto me, John my beloved, what de- sirest thou? and I said Lord, give unto me power that I may bring souls unto thee.—And the Lord said unto me: Verily, verily I say unto thee, because thou desirest this, thou shalt tarry till I come in my glory: 2 And for this cause, the Lord said unto Peter:—If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? for he desirest of me that he might bring souls unto me: but thou desirest that thou might speedily come unto me in my kingdom: I say unto thee, Peter, this was a good desire, but my beloved has undertaken a greater work. 3 Verily I say unto you, ye shall both have according to your desires, for ye both joy in that which ye have desired. CHAPTER VII. 1 A Revelation given to Oliver, in Harmony, Pennsylvania, April, 1829. 14 OLIVER, verily, verily I say unto you, that assuredly as the Lord liveth, 'which is your God and your Redeem¬ er, even so sure shall you receive a knowledge of what¬ soever things you shall ask in faith, with an honest heart, believing that you shall receive a knowledge concerning the engravings of old records, which are ancient, which contain those parts of my scripture of which have been spoken, by the manifestation of my Spirit; yea, behold I will tell you in your mind and in your heart by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart. 2 Now, behold this is the Spirit of revelation:—behold this is the Spirit by which Moses brought the children of Israel through the Red sea on dry ground: therefore, this is thy gift; apply unto it and blessed art thou, for it shall deliver you out of the hands of your enemies, when, if it were not so, they would slay you and bring your soul to destruction. 3 O remember, these words and keep my command¬ ments. Remember this is your gift. Now this is not all, for you have another gift, which is the gift of working with the rod: behold it has told you things: behold there is no other power save God, that can cause this rod of nature, to work in your hands, for it is the work of God; and therefore whatsoever you shall ask me to tell you by that means, that will I grant unto you, that you shall know. 4 Remember that without faith you can do nothing. Trifle not with these ^things. Do not ask for that which you ought not. Ask that you may know the mysteries of God, and that you may translate all those ancient records, which have been hid up, which are sacred, and according to your faith shall it be done unto you. 5 Behold it is I that have spoken it, and I am the same which spake unto you from the beginning:—^Amen. CHAPTER VIII. 1 A Revelation given to Oliver, in Harmony, Pennsylvania, April, 1829. 15 BEHOLD I say unto you, my son, that, because you did not translate according to that which you desired of me, and did commence again to write for my servant Joseph, even so I would that you should continue until you have finished this record, which I have intrusted unto you: and then behold, other records have I, that I will give unto you power that you may assist to translate. 2 Be patient my son, for it is wisdom in me, and it is not expedient that you should translate at this present time. Behold the work which you are called to do, is to write for my servant Joseph; and behold it is because that you did not continue as you commenced, when you begun to translate, that I have taken away this privilege from you. Do not murmur my son, for it is wisdom in me that I have dealt with you after this manner. 3 Behold you have not understood, you have supposed that I would give it unto you, when you took no thought, save'it was to ask me; but behold I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right, I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you: therefore, you shall feel that it is right; but if it be not right, you shall have no such feel¬ ings, but you shall have a stupor of thought, that shall cause you to forget the thing which is wrong: therefore, you cannot write that which is sacred, save it be given you from me. 4 Now if you had known this, you could have translated: nevertheless, it is not expedient that you should translate now. Behold it was expedient when you cammenced, but you feared and the time is past, that it is not expedient now: for, do you not behold that I have given unto my servant Joseph sufficient strength, whereby it is made up? and neither of you have I condemned. 5 Do this thing which I have commanded you, and you shall prosper. Be faithful, and yield to no temptation. Stand fast in the work wherewith I have called you, and a hair of your head shall not be lost, and you shall be lifted up at the last day: Amen. 16 CHAPTER IX. 1 A Revelation given to Joseph, in Harmony, Pennsyl¬ vania, May, 1829, informing him of the alteration of the Manuscript of the fore part of the book of Mormon. NOW, behold I say unto you, that because you delivered up so many writings, which you had power to translate, into the hands of a wicked man, you have lost them, and you also lost your gift at the same time, nevertheless it has been restored unto you again: therefore, see that you are faithful and go on unto the finishing of the remainder of the work as you have begun. Do not run faster than you have strength and means provided to translate, but be diligent unto the end, that you may come off conquerer; yea, that you may conquer satan, and those that do up¬ hold his work. 2 Behold they have sought to destroy you; yea, even the man in whom you have trusted, and for this cause I said, that he is a wicked man, for he has sought to take away the things wherewith you have been intrusted; and he has also sought to destroy your gift, and because you have de¬ livered the writings into his hands, behold they have taken them from you: therefore, you have delivered them up; yea, that which was sacred unto wickedness. And behold, satan has put it into their hearts to alter the words which you have caused to be written, or which you have trans¬ lated, which have gone out of your hands; and behold I say unto you, that because they have altered the words, they read contrary from that which you translated and caused to be written; and on this wise the devil has sought to lay a cunning plan, that he may destroy this work; for he has put it into their hearts to do this, that by lying they may say they have caught you in the words which you have pretended to translate. 3 Verily I say unto you, that I will not suffer that satan shall accomplish his evil design in this thing, for behold he has put it into their hearts to tempt the Lord their God; for behold they say in their hearts. We will see if God has 17 given him power to translate, if so, he will also give him power again; and if God giveth hint power again, or if he translate again, or in other words, if he bringeth forth the same words, behold we have the same with us, and we have altered them: Therefore, they will not agree, and we will say that he has lied in his words, and that he has no gift, and that he has no power: therefore, we will destroy him, and also the work, and we will do this that we may not be ashamed in the end, and that we may get glory of the world. 4 Verily, verily I say unto you, that satan has great hold upon their hearts; he stirreth them up to do iniquity against that which is good, that he may lead their souls to destruction, and thus he has laid a cunning plan to destroy the work of God; yea, he stirreth up their hearts to anger against the work; yea, he saith unto them. Deceive and lie in wait to catch, that ye may destroy: behold this is no harm, and thus he flattereth them and telleth them that it is no sin to lie, that they may catch a man in a lie, that they may destroy him, and thus he flattereth them, and leadeth them along until he draggeth their souls down to hell; and thus he causeth them to catch themselves in their own snare; and thus he goeth up and down, to and fro in the earth, seeking to destroy the souls of men. 5 Verily, verily I say unto you, woe be unto him that lieth to deceive, because he supposeth that another lieth to deceive, for such are not exempt from the justice of God. 6 Now, behold they have altered those words, because satan saith unto them. He hath deceived you, and thus he flattereth them away to do iniquity, to tempt the Lord their God. « 7 Behold I say unto you, that you shall not translate again those words which have gone forth out of your hands; for behold, they shall not lie any more against those words; for behold, if you should bring forth the same words, they would say that you have lied; that you have pretended to translate, but that you have contra¬ dicted your words; and behold they would publish this, and satan would harden the hearts of the people, to stir 18 them up to anger against you, that they might not believe my words: thus satan would overpower this generation, that the work might not come forth in this generation, but behold here is wisdom, and because I show unto you wis¬ dom, and give you commandments concerning these things, what you shall do, show it not unto the world until you have accomplished the work. 8 Marvel not that I said unto you, here is wisdom, show it not unto the world, for I said, show it not unto the world, that you may be preserved. Behold I do not say that you shall not show it unto the righteous; but as you cannot always judge the righteous, or as you cannot al¬ ways tell the wicked from the righteous: therefore, I say unto you, hold your peace until I shall see fit to make all things known unto the world concerning the matter. 9 And now, verily I say unto you, that an account of those things that you have written, which have gone out of your hands, are engraven upon the plates of Nephi; yea, and you remember, it was said in those writings, that a more particular account was given of these things upon the plates of Nephi. r 10 And now, because of the account which is engraven upon the plates of Nephi, is more particular concerning the things, which in my wisdom I would bring to the knowl¬ edge of the people in this account: therefore, you shall translate the engravings which are on the plates of Nephi, down even till you come to the reign of king Benjamin, or until you come to that which you have translated, which you have retained; and behold, you shall publish it as the record of Nephi, and thus I will confound those who have altered my words. I will not suffer that they shall destroy my work; yea, I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil. 11 Behold they have only got a part, or an abridgement of the account of Nephi. Behold there are many things en¬ graven on the plates of Nephi, which do throw greater views upon my gospel: therefore, it is wisdom in me, that you should translate this first part of the engravings of Nephi, and send forth in this work. And behold, all the 19 remainder of this work, does contain all those parts of my gospel which my holy prohpets; yea, and also my disciples desired in their prayers, should come forth unto this people. And I said unto them, that it should be granted unto them according to their faith in their prayers; yea, and this was their faith, that my gospel which I gave unto them, that they might preach in their days, might come unto their brethren, the Lamanites, and also, all that had become Lamanites, because of their dissensions. 12 Now this is not all, their faith in their prayers were, that this gospel should be made known also, if it were possible that other nations should possess this land; and thus they did leave a blessing upon this land in their pray¬ ers, that whosoever should believe in this gospel, in this land, might have eternal life; yea, that it might be free unto all of w'hatsoever nation, kindred, tongue, or people, they may be. 13 And now, behold, according to their faith in their prayers, will I bring this part of my gospel to the knowl¬ edge of niy people. Behold, I do not bring it to destroy that which they have received, but to build it up. 14 And for this cause have I said, if this generation harden not their hearts, I will establish my church among them. Now I do not say this to destroy my church, but I say this to build up my church: therefore, whosoever be- longeth to my church need not fear, for such shall inherit the kingdom of heaven: but it is they who do not fear me, neither keep my commandments, but buildeth up churches unto themselves, to get gain; yea, and all those that do wickedly, and buildeth up the kingdom of the devil; yea, verily, verily I say unto you, that it is they that I will dis¬ turb, and cause to tremble and shake to the centre. 15 Behold, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God: I came un¬ to my own, and my own received me not. I am the light which shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehend- eth it not. I am he who said other sheep have I which are not of this fold, unto my disciples, and many there were that understood me not. 16 And I will show unto this people, that I had other 20 sheep, and that they were a branch of the house of Jacob; and I will bring to light their marvelous works, which they did in my name; yea, and I will also bring to light my gospel, which was ministered unto them, and behold they shall not deny that which you have received, but they shall build it up, and shall bring to light the true points of my doctrine: Yea, and the only doctrine which is in me; and this I do, that I may establish my gospel, that there may not be so much contention: Yea, satan doth stir up the hearts of the people to contention, concerning the points of my doctrine; and in these things they do err, for they do wrest the scriptures, and do not understand them: therefore, I will unfold unto them this great mystery, for behold, I will gather them as a hen gathereth her chick¬ ens under her wings, if they will not harden their hearts: Yea, if they will come, they may, and partake of the waters of life freely. 17 Behold this is my doctrine: whosoever repenteth, and cometh unto me, the same is my church: whosoever de- clareth more or less than this, the same is not of me, but is against me: therefore, he is not of my church. 18 And now, behold whosoever is of my church, and en- dureth of my church to the end, him will I establish upon my Rock, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against them. 19 And now, remember the words of him who is the life and the light of the world, your Redeemer, your Lord and your God: Amen. CHAPTER X. 1 A Revelation given to Hyrum, in Harmony, Pennsylvania, May, 1829. A GREAT and marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men: behold I am God and give heed to my word, which is quick and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword, to the dividing asunder of both joints and marrow: therefore, give heed unto my word. 21 2 Behold the field is white already to harvest, therefore, whoso desireth to reap, let him thrust in his sickle with his might, and reap while the day lasts, that he may treasure up for his soul everlasting salvation in the kingdom of God; yea, whosoever will thrust in his sickle and reap, the same is called of God: therefore, if you will ask of me, you shall receive; if you will knock, it shall be opened unto you. 3 Now as you have asked, behold I say unto you, keep my commandments, and seek to bring forth and establish the cause of Zion. Seek not for riches but for wisdom, and behold the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto you, and then shall you be made rich; behold he that hath eternal life is rich. 4 Verily, verily I say unto you, even as you desire of me, so shall it be done unto you; and, if you desire you shall be the means of doing much good in this generation. Say nothing but repentance unto this generation. Keep my commandments, and assist to bring forth my work ac¬ cording to my commandments, and you shall be blessed. 5 Behold thou hast a gift, or thou shalt have a gift, if thou wilt desire of me in faith, with an honest heart, be¬ lieving in the power of Jesus Christ, or in my power which speaketh unto thee: for behold it is I that speaketh: behold I am the light which shineth in darkness, and by my power I give these words unto thee. 6 And now, verily, verily I say unto thee, put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good: Yea, to do justly; to walk humbly; to judge righteously; and this is my Spirit. 7 Verily, verily I say unto you, I will impart unto you of my Spirit, which shall enlighten your mind, which shall fill your soul with joy, and then shall you know, or by this shall you know, all things whatsoever you desire of me, which is pertaining unto things of righteousness, in faith believing in me that you shall receive. 8 Behold I command you, that you need not suppose that you are called to preach until you are called: wait a little longer, until you shall have my word, my Rock, my church, and my gospel, that you may know of a surety my doctrine; and then behold, according to your desires. 22 yea, even according to your faith, shall it be done unto you. 9 Keep my commandments; hold your peace; appeal unto my Spirit: Yea, cleave unto me with all your heart, that you may assist in bringing to light those things of which have been spoken: Yea, the translation of my works: be patient until you shall accomplish it. 10 Behold this is your work, to keep my commandments: Yea, with all your might, mind, and strength: seek not to declare my word, but first seek to obtain my word, and then shall your tongues be loosed; then, if you desire you shall have my Spirit, and my word: Yea, the power of God unto the convincing of men: but now hold your peace; study my word which hath gone forth among the children of men; and also study my word which shall come forth among the children of men; or that which you are trans¬ lating: Yea, until you have obtained all which I shall grant unto the children of men in this generation; and then shall all things be added thereunto. 11 Behold thou art Hyrum, my son; seek the kingdom of God and all things shall be added according to that which is just. Build upon my Rock, which is my gospel; deny not the Spirit of revelation, nor the Spirit of prophecy, for wo unto him that denieth these things: therefore, treasure up in your hearts until the time which is in my wisdom, that you shall go forth: Behold I speak unto all who have good desires, and have thrust in their sickles to reap. 12 Behold I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God: I am the life and the light of the world: I am the same which came unto my own, and my own received me not: but verily, verily I say unto you, that as many as receiveth me, them will I give power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on my name: Amen. CHAPTER XI. 1 A Revelation given to Joseph (K.,) in Harmony, Penn¬ sylvania, May, 1829, informing him how he must do, to be worthy to assist in the work of the Lord. 23 A GREAT and marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men: behold I am God, and give heed to my word, which is quick and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword, to the dividing asunder of both joints and marrow: therefore, give heed unto my word. 2 Behold the field is white already to harvest, therefore whoso desireth to reap, let him thrust in his sickle with his might, and reap while the day lasts, that he may treasure up for his soul everlasting salvation in the kingdom of God: Yea, whosoever will thrust in his sickle and reap, the same is called of God: therefore, if you will ask of me you shall rceeive; if you will knock it shall be opened unto you. 3 Now as you have asked, behold I say unto you, keep my commandments, and seek to bring forth and establish the cause of Zion. 4 Behold I speak unto you, and also to all those who have desires to bring forth and establish this work, and no one can assist in this work, except he shall be humble and full of love, having faith, hope and charity, being temperate in all things, whatsoever shall be intrusted to his care. 5 Behold I am the light and the life of the world, that speaketh these words: therefore, give heed with your might, and then you are called: Amen. CHAPTER XII. 1 A Revelation given to David, in Fayette, New York, June, 1829. A GREAT and marvelous work is about to come forth I unto the children of men: behold I am God, and give heed to my word, which is quick and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword, to the dividing asunder of both joints and marrow: therefore, give heed unto my word. 2 Behold the field is white already to harvest, therefore, whoso desireth to reap, let him thrust in his sickle with his might, and reap while the day lasts, that he may treas¬ ure up for his soul everlasting salvation in the kingdom of 24 God: Yea, whosoever will thrust in his sickle and reap, the same is called of God: therefore, if you will ask of me you shall receive; if you will knock it shall be opened unto you. 3 Seek to bring forth and establish my Zion.—Keep my commandments in all things, and if you keep my com¬ mandments, and endure to the end, you shall have eternal life; which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God. 4 And it shall come to pass, that if you shall ask the Father in my name, in faith believing, you shall receive the Holy Ghost, which giveth utterance, that you may stand as a witness of the things of which you shall both hear and see; and also, that you may declare repentance unto this generation. 5 Behold I am Jesus Christ the Son of the living God, which created the heavens and the earth; a light which cannot be hid in darkness: wherefore, I must bring forth the fulness of my gospel from the Gentiles unto the house of Israel. And behold thou art David, and thou art called to assist: Which thing if ye do, and are faithful, ye shall be blessed both spiritually and temporally, and great shall be your reward: Amen. CHAPTER XIII. 1 A Revelation given to John, in Fayette, New York, June, 1829. HEARKEN my servant John, and listen to the words of Jesus Christ, your Lord and your Redeemer, for behold I speak unto you with sharpness and with power, for mine arm is over all the earth, and I will tell you that which no man knoweth save me and thee alone: for many times you have desired of me to know that which would be of the most worth unto you. 2 Behold, blessed are you for this thing, and for speak¬ ing my words which I have given you, according to my commandments: 3 And now behold I say unto you, that the thing which 25 will be of the most worth unto you, will be to declare re¬ pentance unto this people, that you may bring souls unto me, that you may rest with them in the kingdom of my Father. Amen. CHAPTER XIV. 1 A Revelation given to Peter, in Fayette, New York, June, 1829. HEARKEN my servant Peter, and listen to the words of Jesus Christ, your Lord and your Redeemer, for behold I speak unto you with sharpness and with power, for mine arm is over all the earth, and I will tell you that which no man knoweth save me and thee alone: for many times you have desired of me to know that which would be of the most worth unto you. 2 Behold, blessed are you for this thing, and for speak¬ ing my words which I have given you, according to my commandments: 3 And now behold I say unto you, that the thing which will be of the most worth unto you, will be to declare re¬ pentance unto this people, that you may bring souls unto me, that you may rest with them in the kingdom of my Father. Amen. CHAPTER XV. 1 A Revelation to Joseph, Oliver and David, making known the calling of twelve disciples in these last days, and also, instructions relative to building up the church of Christ, according to the fulness of the gospel: Given in Fayette, New York, June, 1829. NOW behold, because of the thing which you have de¬ sired to know of me, I give unto you these words: 2 Behold I have manifested unto you, by my Spirit in many instances, that the things which you have written are true: 26 3 Wherefore you know that they are true; and if you know that they are true, behold I give unto you a com¬ mandment, that you rely upon the things which are writ¬ ten; for in them are all things written, concerning my church, my gospel, and my rock. 4 Wherefore if you shall build up my church, and my gospel, and my rock, the gates of hell shall not prevail against you. 5 Behold the world is ripening in iniquity, and it must needs be, that the children of men are stirred up unto re¬ pentance, both the Gentiles, and also the house of Isreal: 6 Wherefore as thou hast been baptized by the hand of my servant, according to that which I have commanded him: 7 Wherefore he hath fulfilled the thing which I com¬ manded him. 8 And now marvel not that I have called him unto mine « own purpose, which purpose is known to me: 9 Wherefore if he shall be diligent in keeping my com¬ mandments, he shall be blessed unto eternal life, and his name is Joseph. 10 And now Oliver, I speak unto you, and also unto David, by the way of commandment: 11 For behold I’command all men everywhere to repent, and I speak unto you, even as unto Paul mine apostle, for you are called even with the same calling with which he was called. 12 Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God: 13 For behold the Lord your God suffered death in the flesh: wherefore he suffered the pain of all men, that all men might repent and come unto him. 14 And he hath risen again from the dead, that he might bring all men unto him on conditions of repentance. 15 And how great is his joy in the soul that repenteth. 16 Wherefore you are called to cry repentance unto this people. 17 And if it so be that you should labor in all your days, in crying repentance unto this people, and bring save it be 27 one soul only unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father? 18 And now if your joy will be great with one soul, that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy, if you should bring many souls unto me? 19 Behold you have my gospel before you, and my rock, and my salvation: 20 Ask the Father in my name in faith believing that you shall receive, and you shall have the Holy Ghost which manifesteth all things, which is expedient unto the children of men. 21 And if you have not faith, hope and charity, you can do nothing. 22 Contend against no church, save it be the church of the devil. 23 Take upon you the name of Chirst, and speak the truth in soberness, and as many as repent, and are bap¬ tized in my name, which is Jesus Christ, and endure to the end, the same shall be saved. 24 Behold Jesus Christ is the name which is given of the Father, and there is none other name given whereby man can be saved: 25 Wherefore all men must take upon them the name which is given of the Father, for in that name shall they be called at the last day: 26 Wherefore if they know not the name by which they are called they cannot have place in the kingdom of my Father. 27 And now behold, there are others which are called to declare my gospel, both unto Gentile and unto Jew: Yea, even unto twelve: 28 And the twelve shall be my disciples, and they shall take upon them my name: 29 And the twelve are they which shall desire to take up¬ on them my name, with full purpose of heart: 30 And if they desire to take upon them my name, with full purpose of heart, they are called to go into all the world to preach my gospel unto every creature: 28 31 And they are they which are ordained of me to bap- i tize in my name, according to that which is written; and 1 you have that which is written before you: 32 Wherefore you must perform it according to the 4 words which are written. 33 And now I speak unto the twelve: j 34 Behold my grace is sufficient for you: You must walk I uprightly before me and sin not. j 35 And behold you are they which are ordained of me to I ordain priests and teachers to declare my gospel, accord¬ s' ing to the power of the Holy Ghost which is in you, and f according to the callings and gifts of God unto men: 36 And I Jesus Christ, your Lord and your God, have i spoken it. 37 These words are not of men, nor of man, but of me: 38 Wherefore you shall testify they are of me, and not of I man; for it is my voice which speaketh them unto you: 39 For they are given by my Spirit unto you: 40 And by my power you can read them one to another; and save it were by my power, you could not have them: 41 Wherefore you can testify that you have heard my voice, and know my words. 42 And now behold I give unto you, Oliver, and also unto David, that you shall search out the twelve which shall have the desires of which I have spoken; and by their de¬ sires and their works, you shall know them: 43 And when you have found them you shall show these things unto them. 44 And you shall fall down and worship the Father in my name: 45 And you must preach unto the world, saying, you must repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ: 46 For all men must repent and be baptized; and not only men, but women and children, which have arriven to the years of accountability. 47 And now, after that you have received this, you must keep my commandments in all things: 48 And by your hands I will work a marvelous work among the children of men, unto the convincing of many 29 of their sins, that they may come unto repentance; and that they may come unto the kingdom of my Father: 49 Wherefore the blessings which I give unto you are above all things. 50 And after that you have received this, if you keep not my commandments, you cannot be saved in the kingdom of my Father. Behold I Jesus Christ, your Lord and your God, and your Redeemer, by the power of my Spirit, have spoken it. Amen. CHAPTER XVI. 1 A commandment of God and not of man to you, Mar¬ tin, given (Manchester, New York, March, 1830,) by him who is eternal: YEA, even I, I am he, the beginning and the end: Yea, Alpha and Omega, Christ the Lord, the Redeemer of the world: 2 I having accomplished and finished the will of him whose I am, even the Father: 3 Having done this, that I might subdue all things unto myself: 4 Retaining all power, even to the destroying of satan and his works at the end of the world, and the last great day of judgment, which I shall pass upon the inhabitants thereof, judging every man according to his works, and the deeds which he hath done. 5 And surely every man must repent or suffer, for I God am endless: 6 Wherefore, I revoke not the judgments which I shall pass, but woes shall go forth, weeping, wailing and gnash¬ ing of teeth: 7 Yea, to those who are found on my left hand, never¬ theless, it is not written, that there shall be no end to this torment; but it is written endless torment. 8 Again it is written eternal damnation: wherefore it is more express than other scriptures, that it might work up- 30 on the hearts of the children of men, altogether for my name’s glory: 9 Wherefore, I will explain unto you, this mystery; for it is mete unto you, to know even as mine apostles. 10 I speak unto you that are chosen in this thing, even as one, that you may enter into my rest. 11 For behold, the mystery of Godliness how great is it? for behold I am endless, and the punishment which is given from my hand, is endless punishment, for endless is my name: 12 Wherefore— Eternal punishment ) Endless punishment is God’s punishment: f is God’s punishment: 13 Wherefore, I command you by my name, and by my Almighty power, that you repent: repent, lest I smite you by the rod of my mouth, and by my wrath, and by my anger, and your sufferings be sore: 14 How sore you know not! 15 How exquisite you know not! 16 Yea, how hard to bear you know not! 17 For behold, I God have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer, if they would repent, but if they would not repent, they must suffer even as I: 18 Which suffering caused myself, even God, the great¬ est of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, both body and spirit: 19 And would that I might not drink the bitter cup and shrink: 20 Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men: 21 Wherefore, I command you again by my Almighty power, that you confess your sins, lest you suffer these punishments of which I have spoken, of which in the smallest, yea even in the least degree you have tasted at the time I withdrew my Spirit. 22 And I command you, that you preach nought but re¬ pentance; and show not these things, neither speak these things unto the world, for they cannot bear meat, but milk they must receive: 31 23 Wherefore, they must not know these things lest they perish: 24 Wherefore, learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit and you shall have peace in me, Jesus Christ by the will of the Father. 25 And again: I command you, that thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife. 26 Nor seek thy neighbor’s life. 27 And again: I command you, that thou shalt not covet thine own property, but impart it freely to the printing of the book of Mormon, which contains the truth and the word of God, which is my word to Gentile, that soon it may go to the Jew, of which the Lamanites are a rem¬ nant; that they may believe the gospel, and look not for a Messiah to come which has already come. 28 And again: I command you, that thou shalt pray vocally as well as to thyself: 29 Yea, before the world as well as in secret; in public as well as in private. 30 And thou shalt declare glad tidings; yea, publish it upon the mountains, and upon every high place, and among every people which thou shalt be permitted to see. 31 And thou shalt do it with all humility, trusting in me, reviling not against revilers. 32 And of tenets thou shalt not talk, but thou shalt de¬ clare repentance and faith on the Saviour and remission of sins by baptism and by fire; yea, even the Holy Ghost. 33 Behold this is a great and the last commandment which I shall give unto you; 34 For this shall suffice for thy daily walk even unto the end of thy life. 35 And misery thou shalt receive, if thou wilt slight these counsels; Yea, even destruction of thyself and prop¬ erty. 36 Impart a portion of thy property; Yea, even a part of thy lands and all save the support of thy family. 37 Pay the printer’s debt. 38 Release thyself from bondage. 32 39 Leave thy house and home, except when thou shalt desire to see them. 40 And speak freely to all: Yea, preach, exhort, declare the truth, even with a loud voice; with a sound of rejoicing, crying hosanna! hosanna! blessed be the name of the Lord God. 41 Pray always and I will pour out my Spirit upon you, and great shall be your blessing; 42 Yea, even more than if you should obtain treasures of earth, and corruptibleness to the extent thereof. 43 Behold, canst thou read this without rejoicing, and lifting up thy heart for gladness; or canst thou run about longer as a blind quide; or canst thou be humble and meek and conduct thyself wisely before me: 44 Yea, come unto me thy Savior. Amen. CHAPTER XVII. 1 A Revelation to Oliver, given in Manchester, New York, April 6, 1830. BEHOLD I speak unto you, Oliver, a few words. 2 Behold thou art blessed, and art under no condem¬ nation. 3 But beware of pride, lest thou shouldst enter into temptation. 4 Make known thy calling unto the church, and also before the world; and thy heart shall be opened to preach the truth from henceforth and forever. Amen. CHAPTER XVIII. 1 A Revelation to Hyrum, given in Manchester, New York, April 6th, 1830. BEHOLD I speak unto you, Hyrum, a few words; 2 For thou also art under no condemnation, and thy heart is opened, and thy tongue loosed; 33 3 And thy calling is to exhortation, and to strengthen the church continually. 4 Wherefore thy duty is unto the church forever, and this because of thy family. Amen. CHAPTER XIX 1 A Revelation to Samuel, given in Manchester, New York, April 6th, 1830. BEHOLD, I speak a few words unto you, Samuel: 2 For thou also art under no condemnation, and thy calling is to exhortation, and to strengthen the church. 3 And thou art not as yet called to preach before the world: Amen. CHAPTER XX. 1 A Revelation to Joseph, the father of Joseph, given in Manchester, New York, April 6th, 1830. BEHOLD I speak a few words unto you, Joseph: 2 For thou also art under no condemnation, and thy calling also is to exhortation, and to strengthen the church. 3 And this is thy duty from henceforth and forever. Amen. CHAPTER XXI. 1 A Revelation to Joseph (K.,) given in Manchester, New York, April 6th, 1830. BEHOLD. I manifest unto you by these words, that you must take up your cross, in the which you must pray vocally before the world, as well as in secret, and in your family, and among your friends, and in all places. 2 And behold it is your duty to unite with the true church, and give your language to exhortation continually, that you may receive the reward of the laborer. Amen. 34 CHAPTER XXII. 1 A Revelation to Joseph, given in Manchester, New York, April 6th, 1830. BEHOLD there shall be a record kept among you, and I in it thou shalt be called a seer, a translator, a prophet, an \ apostle of Jesus Christ, an elder of the church through the 1 will of God the Father, and the grace of our Lord Jesus t Christ; 2 Being inspired of the Holy Ghost to lay the founda- ) tion thereof, and to build it up unto the most holy faith; 3 Which church was organized and established, in the i year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and thirty, in the ( fourth month, and on the sixth day of the month, which is called April. 4 Wherefore, meaning the church, thou shalt give heed [ unto all his words, and commandments, which he shall / give unto you, as he receiveth them, walking in all holiness ; before me : 5 For his word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience and faith; 6 For by doing these things, the gates of hell shall not prevail against you : 7 Yea, and the Lord God will disperse the powers of darkness from before you; and cause the heavens to shake ifor your good, and his name’s glory. 8 For thus saith the Lord God, him have I inspired to rnove the cause of Zion in mighty power for good; and his diligence I know, and his prayers I have heard: 9 Yea, his weeping for Zion I have seen, and I will cause that he shall mourn for her no longer, for his days of rejoicing are come unto the remission of his sins, and the manifestations of my blessings upon his works. 10 For behold, I will bless all those who labor in my vineyard, with a mighty blessing, and they shall believe on his words, which are given him through me, by the Comforter: 11 Which manifesteth that Jesus was crucified by sinful men for the sins of the world; 12 Yea, for the remission of sins unto the contrite heart. 13 Wherefore, it behooveth me, that he should be or¬ dained by you, Oliver, mine apostle; 14 This being an ordinance unto you, that you are an elder under his hand, he being the first unto you, that you might be an elder unto this church of Christ, bearing my name; 15 And the first preacher of this church, unto the church, and before the world; yea, before the Gentiles: 16 Yea, and thus saith the Lord God, lo, lo, to the Jews, also. Amen. CHAPTER XXIII. 1 A Commandment unto the church of Christ, which was established in these last days, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty: Given in Fay¬ ette, New York, April, 1830, in consequence of some de¬ siring to unite with the church without re-baptism, who had previously been baptized. BEHOLD I say unto you, that all old covenants have I caused to be done away in this thing, and this is a new and an everlasting covenant; even that which was from the beginning. 2 Wherefore although a man should be baptized an hundred times, it availeth him nothing; 3 For you cannot enter in at the straight gate by the law of Moses, neither by your dead works; 4 For it is because of your dead works, that I have caused this last covenant, and this church to be built up unto me; even as in days of old. 5 Wherefore enter ye in at the gate, as I have com¬ manded, and seek not to counsel your God.—Amen. 36 CHAPTER XXIV 1 The Articles and Covenants of the church of Christ, given in Fayette, New York, June, 1830: THE rise of the church of Christ in these last days, be¬ ing one thousand eight hundred and thirty years since the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in the flesh: 2 It being regularly organized and established agreeable to the laws of our ocuntry, by the will and commandments of God in the fourth month and on the sixth day of the month, which is called April: 3 Which commandments were given to Joseph, who was called of God and ordained an apostle of Jesus Christ, an elder of this churchy 4 And also to Oliver, who was also called of God an apostle of Jesus Christ, an elder of this church, and or¬ dained under his hand: 5 And this according to the grace of our Lord and Sav¬ ior Jesus Christ, to whom be all glory both now and for¬ ever. Amen. 6 For, after that it truly was manifested unto this first elder, that he had received a remission of his sins, he was entangled again in the vanities of the world; 7 But after truly repenting, God ministered unto him by an holy angel, whose countenance was as lightning, and whose garments were pure and white above all whiteness, and gave unto him commandments which inspired him from on high, and gave unto him power, by the means which were before prepared, that he should translate a book; 8 Which book contained a record of a fallen people, and also the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gen¬ tiles; 9 And also to the Jews, proving unto them, that the holy scriptures are true; 10 And also, that God doth inspire men and call them to his holy work, in these last days as well as in days of old, that he might be the same God forever. Amen. 37 11 Which book was given by inspiration, and is called the book of Mormon, and is confirmed to others by the ministering of angels, and declared unto the world by them: 12 Wherefore having so great witnesses, by them shall the world be judged, even as many as shall hereafter re¬ ceive this work, either to faith and righteousness, or to the hardness of heart in unbelief, to their own condemnation, for the Lord God hath spoken it, for we, the elders of the church, have heard and bear witness to the words of the glorious Majesty on high; to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. 13 Wherefore, by these things we know that there is a God in heaven, who is infinite and eternal, from everlast¬ ing to everlasting, the same unchangeable God, the maker of heaven and earth and all things that in them is, and that he created man male and female, and after his own image, and in his own likeness created he them; 14 And that he gave unto the children of men command¬ ments, that they should love and serve him the only being whom they should worship, but by the transgression of these holy laws, man became sensual and devilish, and be¬ came fallen man. 15 Wherefore, the Almighty God gave his only.begotten Son, as it is written in those scriptures which have been given of him, that he suffered temptations, but gave no heed unto them; 16 That he was crucified, died, and rose again the third day, and that he ascended into heaven to sit down on the right hand of the Father, to reign with Almighty power according to the will of the Father. 17 Therefore, as many as would believe and were bap¬ tized in his holy name, and endured in faith to the end, should be saved; 18 Yea, even as many as were before he came in the flesh, from the beginning, who believed in the words of the holy prophets, who were inspired by the gift of the Holy Ghost, which truly testified of him in all things, as well as those who should come after, who should believe in the gifts and callings of God, by the Holy Ghost, which beareth 38 record of the Father and of the Son, which Father and Son and Holy Ghost, is one God, infinite and eternal, without end. Amen. 19 And we know, that all men must repent and believe on the name of Jesus Christ, and worship the Father in His name, and endure in faith on His name to the end, or they cannot be saved in the kingdom of God. 20 And we know, that justification through the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is just and true; 21 And we know, also, that sanctification through the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is just and true, to all those who love and serve God with all their mights, minds, and strength, but there is a possibility that men may fall from grace and depart from the living God. 22 Therefore, let the church take heed and pray always, lest they fall into temptation; 23 Yea, and even he that is sanctified also. 24 And we know, that these things are true and agree¬ able to the revelation of John, neither adding to, nor di¬ minishing from the prophecy of his book; 25 Neither to the holy scriptures; 26 Neither to the revelations of God which shall come hereafter, by the gift and power of the Holy Ghost; 27 Neither by the voice of God; 28 Neither by the ministering of angels, and the Lord God hath spoken it; and honor, power, and glory, be ren¬ dered to his holy name both now and ever. Amen. 29 And again, by way of commandment to the church, concerning the manner of baptism; 30 Behold whosoever humbleth himself before God and desireth to be baptized, and comes forth with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, and witnesseth unto the church, that they have truly repented of all their sins and are will¬ ing to take upon them the name of Christ, having a deter¬ mination to serve him unto the end, and truly manifest by their works that they have received the Spirit of Christ unto the remission of their sins, then shall they be received unto baptism into the church of Christ. 39 31 The duty of the elders, priests, teachers, deacons and members of the church of Christ. 32 An apostle is an elder, and it is his calling to baptize and to ordain other elders, priests, teachers and deacons, and to administer the flesh and blood of Christ according to the scriptures; 33 And to teach, expound, exhort, baptize, and watch over the church; 34 And to confirm the church by the laying on of the hands, and the giving of the Holy Ghost, and to take the lead of all meetings. 35 The elders are to conduct the meetings as they are led by the Holy Ghost. 36 The priest’s duty is to preach, teach, expound, exhort and baptize, and administer the sacrament, and visit the house of each member, and exhort them to pray vocally and in secret, and also to attend to all family duties; 37 And ordain other priests, teachers and deacons, and take the lead of meetings; but none of these offices is he to do when there is an elder present, but in all cases is to assist the elder. 38 The teacher’s duty is to watch over the church always, and be with them, and strengthen them, and see that there is no iniquity in the church, neither hardness with each other, neither lying nor back-biting, nor evil speaking; 39 And see that the church meet together often, and also see that all the members do their duty; 40 And he is to take the lead of meetings in the absence of the elder or priest, and is to be assisted always, and in all his duties in the church by the deacons; 41 But neither the teachers nor deacons have authority to baptize nor administer the sacrament, but are to warn, expound, exhort and teach, and invite all to come unto Christ. 42 Every elder, priest, teacher or deacon, is to be or¬ dained according to the gifts and callings of God unto him, by the power of the Holy Ghost which is in the one who ordains him. 43 The several elders composing this church of Christ, 40 are to meet in conference once in three months, or from time to time as they shall direct or appoint, to do church business whatsoever is necessary. 44 And each priest or teacher, who is ordained by a priest, is to take a certificate from him at the time, which when presented to an elder, he is to give him a license, which shall authorize him to perform the duty of his calling. 45 The duty of the members after they are received by baptism. 46 The elders or priests are to have a sufficient time to expound all things concerning this church of Christ to their understanding, previous to their partaking of the sacrament, and being confirmed by the laying on of the hands of the elders; 47 So that all things may be done in order. 48 And the members shall manifest before the church, and also before the elders, by a godly walk and conversa¬ tion, that they are worthy of it, that there may be, works and faith agreeable to the holy scriptures, walking in holi¬ ness before the Lord. 49 Every member of this church of Christ having chil¬ dren, is to bring them unto the elders before the church, who are to lay their hands upon them in the name of the Lord, and bless them in the name of Christ. 50 There cannot any one be received into this church of Christ, who has not arrived to the years of accountability before God, and is not capable of repentance. 51 And baptism is to be administered in the following manner unto all those who repent: 52 Whosoever being called of God and having authority given them of Jesus Christ, shall go down into the water with them, and shall say, calling them by name: 53 Having authority given me of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. 54 Then shall he immerse them in the water, and come forth again out of the water. 55 And it is expedient that the church meet together oft 41 to partake of bread and wine, in remembrance of the Lord Jesus; 56 And the elder or priest shall administer it, and after this manner shall he do, he shall kneel with the church, and call upon the Father in mighty prayer, saying: 57 O God the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who partake of it, that they may eat in remembrance of the body of Thy Son, and witness unto Thee O God the Eternal Father, that they are will¬ ing to take upon them the name of Thy Son, and always remember him, and keep his commandments which he hath given them, that they may always have his Spirit to be with them. Amen. 58 The manner of administering the wine: 59 Behold they shall take the cup and say, O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this wine to the souls of all those who drink of it, that they may do it in remembrance of the blood of thy Son, which was shed for them, that they may witness unto thee, O God the Eternal Father, that they do always remember him, that they may have his Spirit to be with them. Amen. 60 Any member of this church of Christ, transgressing or being overtaken in a fault, shall be dealt with according as the scriptures direct. 61 It shall be the duty of the several churches, compos¬ ing this church of Christ, to send one or more of their teachers to attend the several conferences, held by the elders of this church, with a list of the names of the several members, uniting themselves to the church since the last conference, or send by the hand of some priest, so that there can be kept a regular list of all the names of the mem¬ bers of the whole church, in a book kept by one of the elders; 62 Whomsoever the other elders shall appoint from time to time: 63 And also, if any have been expelled from the church, 42 so that their names may be blotted out of the general church record of names. 64 Any member removing from the church where he re¬ sides, if going to a church where he is not known, may take a letter certifying that he is a regular member and in good standing; 65 Which certificate may be signed by any elder or priest, if the member receiving the letter is personally acquainted with the elder or priest, or it may be signed by the teachers or deacons of the church. CHAPTER XXV. 1 A Revelation to Joseph, and also to Oliver, given in Harmony, Pennsylvania, July, 1830. BEHOLD thou wast called and chosen to write the book of Mormon, and to my ministry: 2 And I have lifted thee up out of thine afflictions, and have counseled thee, that thou hast been delivered from all thine enemies, and thou hast been delivered from the powers of satan, and from darkness! 3 Nevertheless, thou art not excusable in thy transgres¬ sions; nevertheless, go thy way and sin no more. 4 Magnify thine office; 5 And after thou hast sowed thy fields and secured them go speedily unto the church, which is in Colesville, Fay¬ ette and Manchester, and they shall support thee; and I will bless them both spiritually and temporally; 6 But if they receive thee not, I will send upon them a cursing instead of a blessing. 7 And thou shalt continue in calling upon God in my name, and writing the things which shall be given thee by the Comforter; 8 And expounding all scriptures unto the church, and it shall be given thee in the very moment, what thou shalt speak and write; 9 And they shall hear it, or I will send unto them a cursing instead of a blessing: 43 10 For thou shalt devote all thy service in Zion. 11 And in this thou shalt have strength. 12 Be patient in afflictions, for thou shalt have many: 13 But endure them, for lo, I am with you, even unto the end of thy days. 14 And in temporal labors thou shalt not have strength, for this is not thy calling. 15 Attend to thy calling and thou shalt have wherewith to magnify thine office, and to expound all scriptures. 16 And continue in the laying on of the hands, and con¬ firming the churches. 17 And thy brother Oliver shall continue in bearing my name before the world; and also to the church. 18 And he shall not suppose that he can say enough in my cause; 19 And lo I am with him to the end. 20 In me he shall have glory, and not of himself, whether in weakness or in strength, whether in bonds or free: 21 And at all times and in all places, he shall open his mouth and declare my gospel as with the voice of a trump, both day and night. 22 And I will give unto him strength such as is not known among men. 23 Require not miracles, except I shall command you; except casting out devils; healing the sick; and against poisonous serpents; and against deadly poisons: 24 And these things ye shall not do, except it be required of you, by them who desire it, that the scriptures might be fulfilled, for ye shall do according to that which is written. 25 And in whatsoever place ye shall enter, and they re¬ ceive you not, in my name, ye shall leave a cursing instead of a blessing, by casting off the dust of your feet against them as a testimony, and cleansing your feet by the way- side. 26 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall lay their hands upon you by violence, ye shall command to be smitten in my name, and behold I will smite them accord¬ ing to your words, in mine own due time. 44 27 And whosoever shall go to law with thee shall be cursed by the law. 28 And thou shalt take no purse, nor scrip, neither staves, neither two coats, for the church shall give unto thee in the very hour what thou needest for food, and for raiment, and for shoes, and for money, and for scrip: 29 For thou art called to prune my vineyard with a mighty pruning, yea, even for the last time. 30 Yea, and also, all those whom thou hast ordained. 31 And they shall do even according to this pattern. Amen. CHAPTER XXVI 1 A Revelation to Emma, given in Harmony, Pennsyl¬ vania, July, 1830. EMMA, my daughter in Zion, a revelation I give unto you, concerning my will: 2 Behold thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou art an elect lady, whom I have called. 3 Murmur not because of the things which thou hast not seen, for they are withheld from thee, and from the world, which is wisdom in me in a time to come. 4 And the office of thy calling shall be for a comfort upon my servant Joseph, thy husband, in his afflictions with consoling words, in the spirit of meekness. 5 And thou shalt go with him at the time of his going, and be unto him for a scribe, that I may send Oliver whithersoever I will. 6 And thou shalt be ordained under his hand to expound scriptures, and to exhort the church, according as it shall be given thee by my Spirit: 7 For he shall lay his hands upon thee, and thou shalt receive the Holy Ghost, and thy time shall be given to writing, and to learning much. 8 And thou needest not fear, for thy husband shall sup¬ port thee from the church; 9 For unto them is his calling, that all things might be 45 revealed unto them, whatsoever I will according to their faith. 10 And verily I say unto thee, that thou shalt lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better. 11 And it shall be given thee, also, to make a selection of sacred Hymns, as it shall be given thee, which is pleasing unto me, to be had in my church. 12 For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart: Yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me. 13 And it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads. 14 Wherefore lift up thy heart and rejoice, and cleave un¬ to the covenants which thou hast made. 15 Continue in the spirit of meekness, and beware of pride. 16 Let thy soul delight in thy husband, and the glory which shall come upon him. 17 Keep my commandments continually, and a crown of righteousness thou shalt receive. 18 And except thou do this, where I am you cannot come. 19 And verily, verily I say unto you, that this is my voice unto all. Amen. CHAPTER XXVII 1 A Revelation to Joseph, Oliver and John, given in Har¬ mony, Pennsylvania, July, 1830. BEHOLD, I say unto you, that you shall let your time be devoted to the studying of the scriptures, and to preach¬ ing, and to confirming the church at Colesville; 2 And to performing your labors on the land, such as is required, until after you shall go to the west, to hold the next conference; and then it shall be made known what you shall do. 3 And all things shall be done by common consent in the church, by much prayer and faith; 4 For all things you shall receive by faith. Amen. 46 CHAPTER XXVIII. 1 A Commandment to the church of Christ, given in Har¬ mony, Pennsylvania, September 4, 1830. LISTEN to the voice of Jesus Christ, your Lord, your God and your Redeemer, whose word is quick and pow¬ erful. 2 For behold I say unto you, that it mattereth not what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, when ye partake of the sacrament, if it so be that ye do it with an eye single to my glory; 3 Remembering unto the Father my body which was laid down for you, and my blood which was shed for the remission of your sins; 4 Wherefore a commandment I give unto you, that you shall not purchase wine, neither strong drink of your enemies : 5 Wherefore you shall partake of none, except it is made new among you, yea, in this my Father’s kingdom which shall be built up on the earth. 6 Behold this is wisdom in me, wherefore marvel not, for the hour cometh that I will drink of the fruit of the vine with you, on the earth, and with all those whom my Father hath given me out of the world: 7 Wherefore lift up your hearts and rejoice, and gird up your loins and be faithful until I come:—even so. Amen. CHAPTER XXIX. 1 A Revelation to the church of Christ, given in the presence of six elders, in Fayette, New York, September, 1830. * LISTEN to the voice of Jesus Christ, your Redeemer, the Great I AM, whose arm of mercy hath atoned for your sins; 2 Who will gather his people even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, even as many as will 47 hearken to my voice, and humble themselves before me, and call upon me in mighty prayer. 3 Behold, verily, verily I say unto you, that at this time your sins are forgiven you; therefore ye receive these things: 4 But remember to sin no more lest perils shall come upon you. 5 Verily I say unto you, that ye are chosen out of the world to declare my gospel with the sound of rejoicing, as with the voice of a trump; 6 Lift up your hearts and be glad for I am in your midst, and am your advocate with the Father; and it is his good will to give you the kingdom; 7 And as it is written. Whatsoever ye shall ask in faith, being united in prayer according to my command, ye shall receive; 8 And ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect, for mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts: 9 Wherefore the decree hath gone forth from the Father, that they shall be gathered in unto one place, upon the face of this land, to prepare their hearts, and be prepared in all things, against the day when tribulation and desola¬ tion are sent forth upon the wicked: 10 For the hour is nigh, and the day soon at hand, when the earth is ripe: 11 And all the proud, and they that do wickedly, shall be as stubble, and I will burn them up, saith the Lord of Hosts, that wickedness shall not be upon the earth: 12 For the hour is nigh, and that which was spoken by mine apostles must be fulfilled; for as they spoke so shall it come to pass; 13 For I will reveal myself from heaven with power and great glory, with all the hosts thereof, and dwell in right¬ eousness with men on earth a thousand years, and the wicked shall not stand. 14 And again, verily, verily I say unto you, and it hath gone forth in a firm decree, by the will of the Father, that mine apostles, the twelve which were with me in my 48 ministry at Jerusalem, shall stand at my right hand at the day of my coming in a pillar of fire, being clothed with robes of righteousness, with crowns upon their heads, in glory even as I am, to judge the whole house of Israel, even as many as have loved me and kept my command¬ ments, and none else; 15 For a trump shall sound both long and loud, even as upon Mount Sinai, and all the earth shall quake, and they shall come forth; 16 Yea, even the dead which died in me, to receive a crown of righteousness, and to be clothed upon, even as I am, to be with me, that we may be one. 17 But behold, I say unto you, that before this great day shall come, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall be turned into blood, and the stars fall from heaven: 18 And there shall be greater signs in heaven above, and in the earth beneath; and there shall be weeping and wail¬ ing among the hosts of men; 19 And there shall be a great hailstorm sent forth to de¬ stroy the crops of the earth: 20 And it shall come to pass, because of the wickedness of the w’orld, that I will take vengeance upon the wicked, for they will not repent: 21 For the cup of mine indignation is full; for behold, my blood shall not cleanse them if they hear me not. 22 Wherefore I the Lord God will send forth flies upon the face of the earth, which shall take hold of the inhabi¬ tants thereof and shall eat their flesh, and shall cause maggots to come in upon them, and their tongues shall be stayed that they shall not utter against me, and their flesh shall fall from off their bones, and their eyes from their sockets: 23 And it shall come to pass, that the beasts of the for¬ est, and the fowls of the air, shall devour them up: 24 And that great and abominable church, which is the whore of all the earth, shall be cast down by devouring fire, according as it was spoken by the mouth of Ezekiel the prophet, which spoke of these things, which have not 49 come to pass, but surely must, as I live, for abominations shall not reign. 25 And again, verily, verily I say unto you, that when the thousand years are ended, and men again begin to deny their God, then will I spare the earth but for a little season; 26 And the end shall come, and the heaven and the earth shall be consumed, and pass away, and there shall be a new heaven and a new earth; 27 For all old things shall pass away, and all things shall become new, even the heaven and the earth, and all the fulness thereof, both men and beasts; 28 The fowls of the air, and the fishes of the sea, and not one hair, neither mote, shall be lost, for it is the workman¬ ship of mine hand. 29 But behold, verily I say unto you, before the earth shall pass away, Michael mine archangel, shall sound his trump, and then shall all the dead awake, for their graves shall be opened, and they shall come forth; yea, even all; 30 And the righteous shall be gathered on my right hand unto eternal life; 31 And the wicked on my left hand will I be ashamed to own before the Father: 32 Wherefore I will say unto them, depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. 33 And now behold I say unto you, never at any time, have I declared from mine own mouth, that they should return, for where I am they cannot come, for they have no power; 34 But remember, that all my judgments are not given unto men; 35 And as the words have gone forth out of my mouth, even so shall they be fulfilled, that the first shall be last, and that the last shall be first in all things, whatsoever I have created by the word of my power, which is the power of my Spirit; 36 For by the power of my Spirit, created I them: 37 Yea, all things both spiritual and temporal: 50 38 Firstly spiritual, secondly temporal, which is the be¬ ginning of my work: 39 And again, firstly temporal, and secondly spiritual, which is the last of my work; 40 Speaking unto you, that you may naturally under¬ stand, but unto myself my works have no end, neither beginning; but it is given unto you, that ye may under¬ stand, because ye have asked it of me and are agreed. 41 Wherefore, verily I say unto you, that all things unto me are spiritual, and not at any time have I given unto you a law which was temporal, neither any man, nor the chil¬ dren of men: 42 Neither Adam your father, whom I created; behold I gave unto him that he should be an agent unto himself; 43 And I gave unto him commandment, but no temporal commandment gave I unto him; for my commandments are spiritual; 44 They are not natural, nor temporal, neither carnal nor sensual. 45 And it came to pass, that Adam being tempted of the devil, for behold the devil was before Adam, for he re¬ belled against me saying. Give me thine honor, which is my power: and also a third part of the hosts of heaven turned he away from me because of their agency: 46 And they were thrust down, and thus came the devil and his angels; and behold, there is a place prepared for them from the beginning, which place is hell: 47 And it must needs be that the devil should tempt the children of men, or they could not be agents unto them¬ selves, for if they never should have bitter, they could not know the sweet. 48 Wherefore, it came to pass, that the devil tempted Adam and he partook the forbidden fruit, and trans¬ gressed the commandment, wherein he became subject to the will of the devil, because he yielded unto temptation. 49 Wherefore, I the Lord God, caused that he should be cast out from the garden of Eden, from my presence, be¬ cause of his transgression; 50 Wherein he became spiritually dead; which is the first 51 U. Lit ILL Lib death, even that same death, which is the last death, which is spiritual, which shall be pronounced upon the wicked when I shall say, Depart ye cursed. 51 But behold I say unto you, that I the Lord God gave unto Adam and unto his seed, that they should not die as to the temporal death, until I the Lord God should send forth angels to declare unto them repentance and redemp¬ tion, through faith on the name of mine only begotten Son: 52 And thus did I the Lord God appoint unto man the days of his probation; that by his natural death he might be raised in immortality unto eternal life, even as many as would believe, and they that believe not, unto eternal damnation, for they cannot be redeemed from their spirit¬ ual fall, because they repent not, for they will love dark¬ ness rather than light, and their deeds are evil, and they receive their wages of whom they list to obey. 53 But behold I say unto you, that little children are redeemed from the foundation of the world, through mine only Begotten: 54 Wherefore they cannot sin, for power is not given un¬ to satan to tempt little children, until they begin to become accountable before me; 55 For it is given unto them even as I will, according to mine own pleasure, that great things may be required at the hand of their fathers. 56 And again I say unto you, that whoso having know¬ ledge, have I not commanded to repent? and he that hath no understanding, it remaineth in me to do according as it is written. And now, I declare no more unto you at this time. Amen. CHAPTER XXX. 1 A Revelation to Oliver, given in Fayette, New York, September, 1830. BEHOLD I say unto you, Oliver, that it shall be given unto thee, that thou shalt be heard by the church, in all 52 things whatsoever thou shalt teach them by the Comfor¬ ter, concerning the revelations and commandments which I have given. 2 But behold, verily, verily I say unto you, no one shall be appointed to receive commandments and revelations in this church, excepting my servant Joseph for he receiveth them even as Moses: 3 And thou shalt be obedient unto the things which I shall give unto him, even as Aaron, to declare faithfully the commandments and the revelations, with power and authority unto the church. 4 And if thou art led at any time by the Comforter to speak or teach, or at all times by the way of commandment unto the church, thou mayest do it. 5 But thou shalt not write by way of commandment, but by wisdom: 6 And thou shalt not command him who is at thy head, and at the head of the church, for I have given him th keys of the mysteries and the revelations which are sealed, until I shall appoint unto them another in his stead. 7 And now, behold I say unto you, that you shall go unto the Lamanites and preach my gospel unto them, and cause my church to be established among them. And thou shalt have revelations but write them not by way of com¬ mandment. 8 And now behold I say unto you, that it is not revealed, and no man knoweth where the city shall be built, but it shall be given hereafter. 9 Behold I say unto you, that it shall be on the borders by the Lamanites. 10 Thou shalt not leave this place until after the confer¬ ence, and my servant Joseph shall be appointed to rule the conference by the voice of it, and what he saith to thee, that thou shalt tell. 11 And again, thou shalt take thy brother Hyrum be¬ tween him and thee alone, and tell him that those things which he hath written from that stone are not of me, and that Satan deceiveth him: 53 12 For behold these things have not been appointed unto him: 13 Neither shall any thing be appointed unto any of this church contrary to the church covenants, for all things must be done in order and by common consent in the church, by the prayer of faith. 14 And thou shalt settle all these things according to the covenants of the church before thou shalt take thy journey among the Lamanites. 15 And it shall be given thee from the time that thou shalt go, until the time that thou shalt return, what thou shalt do. 16 And thou must open thy mouth at all times declaring my gospel with the sound of rejoicing.—Amen. CHAPTER XXXI. A Revelation to David, given in Fayette, New York, Sep¬ tember, 1830. BEHOLD I say unto you, David, that you have feared man and have not relied upon me for strength, as you ought: 2 But your mind has been on the things of the earth more than on the things of me, your Maker, and the min¬ istry whereunto you have been called: and you have not given heed unto My Spirit, and to those who were set over you, but have been persuaded by those whom I have not commanded: 3 Wherefore you are left to inquire for yourself, at my hand, and ponder upon the things which you have re¬ ceived. 4 And your home shall be at your father’s house, until I give unto you further commandments. 5 And you shall attend to the ministry in the church, and before the world, and in the regions round about. Amen. 54 CHAPTER XXXII. A Revelation to Peter, given in Fayette, New York, Sep¬ tember, 1830. BEHOLD I say unto you, Peter, that you shall take your journey with your brother Oliver, for the time has come, that it is expedient in me, that you shall open your mouth to declare my gospel: 2 Therefore, fear not but give heed unto the words and advice of your brother, which he shall give you. 3 And be you afflicted in all his afflictions, ever lifting up your heart unto me in prayer, and faith, for his and your deliverance: 4 For I have given unto him to build up my church among your brethren, the Lamanites. 5 And none have I appointed to be over him in the church, except it is his brother Joseph. 6 Wherefore give heed unto these things and be diligent in keeping my commandments, and you shall be blessed unto eternal life. Amen. CHAPTER XXXIII. A Revelation to John, given in Fayette, New York, Sep¬ tember, 1830. BEHOLD I say unto you my servant, John, that thou shalt commence from this time forth to proclaim my gospel, as with the voice of a trump. 2 And your labor shall be at your brother Phillip’s, and in that region round about: 3 Yea, wherever you can be heard, until I command you to go from hence. 4 And your whole labor shall be in my Zion, with all your soul, from henceforth; yea, you shall ever open your mouth in my cause not fearing what man can do, for I am with you. Amen. 55 CHAPTER XXXIV. A Revelation to Thomas, given in Fayette, New York, Sep¬ tember, 1830. THOMAS, my son, blessed are you because of your faith in my work. 2 Behold you have had many afflictions because of your family: nevertheless I will bless you, and your family: 3 Yea, your little ones, and the day cometh that they will believe and know the truth and be one with you in my church. 4 Lift up your heart and rejoice for the hour of your mission is come; and your tongue shall be losed; and you shall declare glad tidings of great joy unto this generation. .5 You shall declare the things which have been revealed to my servant Joseph. 6 You shall begin to preach from this time forth; yea, to reap in the field which is white already to be burned: 7 Therefore thrust in your sickle with all your soul; and your sins are forgiven you; and you shall be laden with sheaves upon your back, for the laborer is worthy of his hire. 8 Wherefore your family shall live. 9 Behold, verily I say unto you, go from them only for . a little time, and declare my word, and I will prepare a place for them; yea, I will open the hearts of the people and they will receive you. 10 And I will establish a church by your hand; and you shall strengthen them and prepare them against the time when they shall be gathered. 11 Be patient in afflictions, and in sufferings, revile not against those that revile. 12 Govern your house in meekness, and be steadfast. 13 Behold I say unto you, that you shall be a physician unto the church, but not unto the world, for they will not receive you. 14 Go your way whithersoever I will, and it shall be given you by the Comforter what you shall do, and whither you shall go. 56 15 Pray always, lest you enter into temptation, and loose your reward. 16 Be faithful unto the end, and lo, I am with you. 17 These words are not of man nor of men, but of me, even Jesus Christ, your Redeemer, by the will of the Father. Amen. CHAPTER XXXV. A Revelation to Ezra, and Northrop, given in Fayette, New York, October, 1830. BEHOLD I say unto you, my servants Ezra, and Northrop, open ye your ears and hearken to the voice of the Lord your God, whose word is quick and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword, to the dividing asunder of the joints and marrow, soul and spirit; and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 2 For verily, verily I say unto you, that ye are called to lift up your voices as with the sound of a trump, to de¬ clare my gospel unto a crooked and a perverse generation: 3 For behold the field is white already to harvest; and it is the eleventh hour, and for the last time that I shall call laborers into my vineyard. And my vineyard has be¬ come corrupted every whit; and there is none which doeth good save it be a few; and they err in many instances, be¬ cause of priestcrafts, all having corrupt minds. 4 And verily, verily I say unto you, that this church have I established and called forth out of the wilderness: 5 And even so will I gather mine elect from the four quarters of the earth, even as many as will believe in me, and hearken unto my voice: 6 Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, that the field is white already to harvest: 7 Wherefore thrust in your sickles, and reap with all your might, mind, and strength. 8 Open your mouths and they shall be filled; and you shall become even as Nephi of old, who journeyed from Jerusalem in the wilderness: 57 9 Yea, open your mouths and spare not, and you shall be laden with sheaves upon your backs, for lo I am with you: 10 Yea, open your mouths and they shall be filled, saying Repent, repent and prepare ye the way of the Lord, and make his paths strait: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand: 11 Yea, repent and be baptized every one of you, for a remission of your sins; yea, be baptized even by water, and then cometh the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost. 12 Behold, verily, verily I say unto you, this is my gospel, and remember that they shall have faith in me, or they can in no wise be saved: 13 And upon this Rock I will build my church; yea, upon this Rock ye are built, and the gates of hell shall not pre¬ vail against you; and ye shall remember the church arti¬ cles and covenants to keep them: 14 And whoso having faith you shall confirm in my church, by the laying on of the hands, and I will bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost upon them. 15 And the book of Mormon, and the holy scriptures, are given of me for your instruction; and the power of my Spirit quickeneth all things: 16 Wherefore be faithful, praying always, having your lamps trimmed and burning, and oil with you, that you may be ready at the coming of the Bridegroom; for be- i hold, verily, verily I say unto you, that I come quickly; i even so: Amen. CHAPTER XXXVI. A Revelation to Orson (P.) given in Fayette, New York, November, 1^30. MY son Orson, hearken and hear and behold what L the Lord God shall say unto you, even Jesus Christ your Redeemer, the light and the life of the world: 2 A light which shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not: 58 3 Who so loved the world that he gave his own life, that as many as would believe might become the sons of God: 4 Wherefore you are my son, and blessed are you be¬ cause you have believed, and more blessed are you because you are called of me to preach my gospel; to lift up your voice as with the sound of a trump, both long and loud, and cry repentance unto a crooked and perverse genera¬ tion; preparing the way of the Lord for His second com¬ ing: for behold, verily, verily I say unto you, the time is soon at hand, that I shall come in a cloud with power and I great glory, and it shall be a great day at the time of my I coming, for all nations shall tremble. 5 But before that great day shall come, the sun shall :be darkened, and the moon be turned into blood, and the [stars shall refuse their shining, and some shall fall, and ■great destructions await the wicked: ^ 6 Wherefore lift up your voice and spare not, for the I Lord God hath spoken. 7 Therefore prophesy and it shall be given by the ^ power of the Holy Ghost; and if you are faithful behold I ram with you until I come: 8 And verily, verily I say unto you, I come quickly. 9 I am your Lord and your Redeemer; even so: Amen. CHAPTER XXXVII. A Revelation to Joseph, and Sidney, given in Fayette, New York, December, 1830. LISTEN to the voice of the Lord your God, even Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, whose course is one eternal round, the same today as yesterday and forever. 2 I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was crucified for the sins of the world, even as many as will believe on my name, that they may become the sons of God, even one in me as I am in the Father, as the Father is one in me, that we may be one. 59 3 Behold, verily, verily I say unto my servant Sidney, I have looked upon thee and thy works. 4 I have heard thy prayers and prepared thee for a greater work. 5 Thou art blessed for thou shalt do great things. 6 Behold thou wast sent forth, even as John , to prepare the way before me, and before Elijah which should come, and thou knew it not. 7 Thou didst baptize by water unto repentance, but they received not the Holy Ghost; but now I give unto thee a a commandment, that thou shalt baptize by water, and they shall receive the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, even as the apostles of old. 8 And it shall come to pass, that there shall be a great work in the land even among the Gentiles, for their folly and their abominations shall be made manifest, in the eyes of all people: I 9 For I am God and mine arm' is not shortened and I will show miracles, signs and wonders, unto all those who believe on my name. 10 And whoso shall ask it in my name, in faith, they shall cast out devils; they shall heal the sick; they shall cause the blind to receive their sight, and the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak, and the lame to walk: 11 And the time speedily cometh, that great things are to be shown forth unto the children of men: 12 But without faith shall not any thing be shown forth except desolations upon Babylon, the same which has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. 13 And there are none that doeth good except those who are ready to receive the fullness of my gospel, which I have sent forth to this generation. 14 Wherefore, I have called upon the weak things of the world, those who are unlearned and despised, to thresh the nations by the power of my Spirit: 15 And their arm shall be mine arm, and I will be their shield and their buckler, and I will gird up their loins, and they shall fight manfully for me: 60 16 And their enemies shall be under their feet; and I will let fall the sword in their behalf; and by the fire of mine indignation will I preserve them. 17 And the poor and the meek shall have the gospel preached unto them, and they shall be looking forth for the time of my coming, for it is nigh at hand: 18 And they shall learn the parable of the fig-tree: for even now already summer is nigh, and I have sent forth the fulness of my gospel by the hand of my servant Jo¬ seph: 19 And in weakness have I blessed him, and I have given unto him the keys of the mystery of those things which have been sealed, even things which were from the foun¬ dation of the world, and the things which shall come from this time until the time of my coming, if he abide in ; me, and if not, another will I plant in his stead. 20 Wherefore watch over him that his faith fail not, and : it shall be given by the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, that knoweth all things: 21 And a commandment I give unto thee, that thou shalt I write for him: 22 And the scriptures shall be given even as they are in s mine own bosom, to the salvation of mine own elect: 23 For they will hear my voice, and shall see me, and ; shall not be asleep, and shall abide the day of my coming, I for they shall be purified even as I am pure. And now I say unto you, tarry with him and he shall journey with you; forsake him not and surely these things shall be I fulfilled. : 24 And inasmuch as ye do not write, behold it shall be i given unto him to prophesy. 25 And thou shalt preach my gospel, and call on the I holy prophets to prove his words, as they shall be given r him. 1 26 Keep all the commandments and covenants by which ye are bound, and I will cause the heavens to shake for your good: 27 And satan shall tremble; and Zion shall rejoice upon 61 the hills, and flourish; and Israel shall be saved in mine own due time. 28 And by the keys which I have given, shall they be led and no more be confounded at all. 29 Lift up your hearts and be glad: your redemption draweth nigh. 30 Fear not little flock, the kingdom is yours until I come. 31 Behold I come quickly; even so: Amen. CHAPTER XXXVIII. A Revelation to Edward, given in Fayette, New York, December, 1830. THUS saith the Lord God, the mighty One of Isreal, behold I say unto you, my servant Edward, that you are blessed, and your sins are forgiven you, and you are called to preach my gospel as with the voice of a trump; and I will lay my hand upon you by the hand of my servant Sidney, and you shall receive my Spirit, the Holy Ghost, even the Comforter, which shall teach you the peaceable things of the kingdom: 2 And you shall declare it with a loud voice saying. Ho¬ sanna, blessed be the name of the most high God. 3 And now this calling and commandment give I unto all men, that as many as shall come before my servant Sidney and Joseph, embracing this calling and command¬ ment, shall be ordained and sent forth to preach the ever¬ lasting gospel among the nations, crying repentance, say¬ ing, Save yourselves from this untoward generation, and come forth out of the fire, hating even the garment spot¬ ted with the flesh. 4 And this commandment shall be given unto the elders of my church, that every man which will embrace it with singleness of heart, may be ordained and sent forth, even as I have spoken. 5 I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God: 6 Wherefore gird up your loins and I will suddenly come to my temple; even so: Amen. 62 CHAPTER XXXIX. A Revelation to Joseph and Sidney, given in Canandaigua, New York, December, 1830. BEHOLD I say unto you, that it is not expedient in me that ye should translate any more until ye shall go to the Ohio; and this because of the enemy and for your sakes. 2 And again, I say unto you, that ye shall not go until i ye have preached my gospel in those parts, and have ^ strengthened up the church whithersoever it is found, and 1 more especially in Colesville: 3 For behold they pray unto me in much faith. 4 And again a commandment I give unto the church, 1 that it is expedient in me that they should assemble to¬ il gether at the Ohio, against the time that my servant Oliver I shall reurn unto them. 5 Behold here is wisdom, and let every man choose for I himself until I come; even so: Amen. , CHAPTER XL. j; A Revelation to the churches in New York, commanding ! them to remove to Ohio, given in Fayette, New York, January, 1831. ? THUS saith the Lord your God, even Jesus Christ, the I Great I AM, Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end the same which looked upon the wide expanse of eter- r nity, and all the seraphic hosts of heaven, before the world j was made, the same which knoweth all things, for all ■ things are present before mine eyes: I 2 I am the same which spake and the world was made, I and all things came by me: J 3 I am the same which hath taken the Zion of Enoch into mine own bosom: 4 And verily I say, even as many as have believed on my name, for I am Christ, and in mine own name, by the 63 virtue of the blood which I have spilt, have I plead before the Father for them: 5 But behold the residue of the wicked have I kept in chains of darkness until the judgment of the great day, which shall come at the end of the earth, and even so will I cause the wicked to be kept, that will not hear my voice but harden their hearts, and wo, wo, wo is their doom. 6 But behold, verily, verily I say unto you, that mine eyes are upon you; I am in your midst and ye cannot see me, but the day soon cometh that ye shall see me and know that I am: 7 For the vail of darkness shall soon be rent, and he that is not purified shall not abide the day: 8 Wherefore gird up your loins and be prepared. 9 Behold the kingdom is yours and the enemy shall not overcome. 10 Verily I say unto you, ye are clean but not all; and there is none else with whom I am well pleased, for all flesh is corruptible before me, and the powers of darkness prevail upon the earth, among the children of men, in the presence of all the hosts of heaven, which causeth silence to reign, and all eternity is pained, and the angels are wait¬ ing the great command, to reap down the earth, to gather the tares that they may be burned: 11 And behold the enemy is combined. 12 And now I show unto you a mystery, a thing which is had in secret chambers, to bring to pass even your destruction, in process of time, and ye knew it not, but now I tell it unto you, and ye are blessed, not because of your iniquity, neither your hearts of unbelief, for verily some of you are guilty before me; but I will be merciful unto your weakness. 13 Therefore, be ye strong from henceforth; fear not for the kingdom is yours: 14 And for your salvation I give unto you a command¬ ment, for I have heard your prayers, and the poor have complained before me, and the rich have I made, and all flesh is mine, and I am no respector to persons. And I 64 have made the earth rich, and behold it is my footstool: wherefore, again I will stand upon it: 15 And I hold forth and deign to give unto you greater riches, even a land of promise; a land flowing with milk and honey, upon which there shall be no curse when the Lord cometh, and I will give it unto you for the land of your inheritance, if you seek it with all your hearts: 16 And this shall be my covenant with you, ye shall have : it for the land of your inheritance, and for the inheritance of your children forever, while the earth shall stand, and ye shall possess it again in eternity, no more to pass away: 17 But verily I say unto you, that in time ye shall have 1 no king nor ruler, for I will be your King and watch over ) you. 18 Wherefore, hear my voice and follow me, and you j shall be a free people, and ye shall have no laws but my j laws, when I come, for I am your Law-giver, and what • can stay my hand. 19 But verily I say unto you, teach one another accord- I mg to the office wherewith I have appointed you, and let ! every man esteem his brother as himself, and practice i virtue and holiness before me. 20 And again I say unto you, let every man esteem his brother as himself: 21 For what man among you, having twelve sons, and is no respecter to them, and they serve him obediently, and he saith unto the one, be thou clothed in robes and sit thou here; and to the other, be thou clothed in rags and sit thou there, and looketh upon his sons and saith I am just. 22 Behold, this I have given unto you a parable, and it is even as I am, I say unto you, be one; and if ye are not one, ye are not mine. And again I say unto you, that the enemy in the secret chambers, seeketh your lives: 23 Ye hear of wars in far countries, and you say in your hearts there will soon be great wars in far countries, but ye know not the hearts of them in your own land: 24 I tell you these things because of your prayers: 25 Wherefore, treasure up wisdom in your bosoms, lest 65 the wickedness of men reveal these things unto you, by their wickedness, in a manner which shall speak in your ears, with a voice louder than that which shall shake the earth: 26 But if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear. 27 And that ye might escape the power of the enemy, and be gathered unto me a righteous people, without spot and blameless: 28 Wherefore, for this cause I gave unto you the com¬ mandment, that ye should go to the Ohio: and there I will give unto you my law, and there you shall be endowed with power from on high, and from thence, whomsoever I will shall go forth among all nations, and it shall be told them what they shall do, for I have a great work laid up in store: 29 For Israel shall be saved, and I will lead them whith¬ ersoever I will, and no power shall stay my hand. 30 And now I give unto the church in these parts, a com¬ mandment, that certain men among them shall be ap¬ pointed, and they shall be appointed by the voice of the church; and they shall look to the poor and the needy, and administer to their relief, that they shall not suffer; and send them forth to the place which I have commanded them; and this shall be their work, to govern the affairs of the property of this church. And they that have farms, that can not be sold, let them be left or rented as seemeth them good. 31 See that all things are preserved, and when men are endowed with power from on high, and are sent forth, all these things shall be gathered unto the bosom of the church. 32 And if ye seek the riches which it is the will of the Father to give unto you, ye shall be the richest of all peo¬ ple, for ye shall have the riches of eternity: 33 And it must needs be that the riches of the earth is mine to give: 34 But beware of pride, lest ye become as the Nephites of old. 35 And again: I say unto you, I give unto you a com- 66 mandment, that every man both elder, priest, teacher and also member, go to with his might, with the labor of his hands, to prepare and accomplish the things which I have commanded. 36 And let your preaching be the warning voice, every man to his neighbor, in mildness and in meekness. 37 And go ye out from among the wicked. Save your¬ selves. « 38 Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord; even so: Amen. CHAPTER XLI. A Revelation to James (C.,) given in Fayette, New York, January, 1831. HEARKEN and listen to the voice of him who is from all eternity to all eternity, the Great I AM, even Jesus Christ, the light and the life of the world; a light which shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not: 2 The same which came in the meridian of time unto my own, and my own received me not; but to as many as received me, gave I power to become my sons, and even so will I give unto as many as will receive me, power to become my sons. 3 And verily, verily I say unto you, he that receiveth my gospel, receiveth me; and he that receiveth not my gospel, receiveth not me. 4 And this is my gospel; Repentance and baptism by water, and then cometh the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost, even the Comforter, which showeth all things, and teacheth the peaceable things of the kingdom. 5 And now behold I say unto you, my servant James, I have looked upon thy works and I know thee: 6 And verily I say unto thee, thine heart is now right before me at this time, and behold I have bestowed great blessings upon thy head: 7 Nevertheless thou hast seen great sorrow, for thou 67 hast rejected me many times because of pride, and the cares of the world: 8 But behold the days of thy deliverance are come. 9 Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, call¬ ing on my name and you shall receive my Spirit, and a blessing so great as you never have known. And if thou do this, I have prepared thee for a greater work. 10 Thou shalt preach the fulness of my gospel which I have sent forth in these last days; the convenant which I have sent forth to recover my people, which are of the house of Isreal. 11 And it shall come to pass that power shall rest upon thee; thou shalt have great faith and I will be with thee and go before thy face. 12 Thou art called to labor in my vineyard, and to build up my church, and to bring forth Zion, that it may rejoice upon the hills and flourish. 13 Behold, verily, verily I say unto thee, thou art not called to go into the eastern countries, but thou art called to go to the Ohio. 14 And inasmuch as my people shall assemble themselves to the Ohio, I have kept in store a blessing such as is not knowm among the children of men, and it shall be poured forth upon their heads. 15 And from thence men shall go forth into all nations. 16 Behold, verily, verily I say unto you, that the people in Ohio call upon me in much faith, thinking I will stay my hand in judgment upon the nations, but I can not deny my word: 17 Wherefore lay to with your might and call faithful laborers into my vineyard, that it may be pruned for the last time. 18 And inasmuch as they do repent aad receive the ful¬ ness of my gospel, and become sanctified, I will stay mine hand in judgment: 19 Wherefore go forth, crying with a loud voice, saying. The kingdom of heaven is at hand; crying Hosanna! bless¬ ed be the name of the most high God. 20 Go forth baptizing with water, preparing the way be- 68 fore my face, for the time of my coming; for the time is at hand: 21 The day nor the hour no man knoweth, but it surely shall come, and he that receiveth these things receiveth me; and they shall be gathered unto me in time and in eternity. 22 And again, it shall come to pass, that on as many as ye shall baptize with water, ye shall lay your hands, and they shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and shall be looking forth for the signs of my coming, and shall know me. 23 Behold I come quickly; even so: Amen. CHAPTER XLII. A Revelation to Joseph, and Sidney, given in Fayette, New York, January, 1831, explaining why James (C.,) obeyed not the revelation which was given unto him. BEHOLD, verily I say unto you, that his heart was right before me, for he covenanted with me, that he would obey my word. 2 And he received the word with gladness, but straight¬ way satan tempted him; and the fear of persecution, and the cares of the world, caused him to reject the word: 3 Wherefore he broke my covenant, and it remaineth in me to do with him as seemeth me good. Amen. CHAPTER XLIII. A Revelation to the church in Kirtland, Ohio, and also the calling of Edward to the office of bishop, given February, 1831. HEARKEN and hear, O ye my people, saith your Lord and your God, ye whom I delight to bless with the greatest of blessings, ye that hear me: 69 2 And ye that hear me not will I curse, that have pro¬ fessed my name, with the heaviest of all cursings. 3 Hearken, O ye elders of my church whom I have called; 4 Behold I give unto you a commandment, that ye shall assemble yourselves together to agree upon my word, and by the prayer of your faith ye shall receive my law, that ye may know how to govern my church, and have all things right before me. 5 And I will be your Ruler when I come: and behold, I come quickly: and ye shall see that my law is kept. 6 He that receiveth my law and doeth it the same is my disciple; 7 And he that saith he receiveth it and doeth it not, the same is not my disciple, and shall be cast out from among you: 8 For it is not meet that the things which belong to the children of the kingdom, should be given to them that are not worthy, or to dogs, or the pearls to be cast before swine. 9 And again, it is meet that my servant Joseph should have a house built, in which to live and translate. 10 And again, it is meet that my servant Sidney should live as seemeth him good. 11 And again, I have called my servant Edward, and give a commandment, that he should be appointed by the voice of the church, and ordained a bishop unto the church, to leave his merchandise and to spend all his time in the labors of the church; to see to all things as it shall be ap¬ pointed unto him, in my laws in the day that I shall give them. 12 And this because his heart is pure before me, for he is like unto Nathaniel of old, in whom there is no guile. 13 These words are given unto you, and they are pure be¬ fore me: 14 Wherefore beware how you hold them, for they are to be answered upon your souls in the day of judgment; even so: Amen. 70 CHAPTER XLIV. A Revelation given to twelve elders assembled in Kirtland, Ohio; and also the law for the government of the church, given in the presence of the same, February, 1831. HEARKEN, O ye elders of my church who have as¬ sembled yourselves together, in my name, even Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, the Savior of the world; 2 Inasmuch as they believe on my name and keep my commandments; 3 Again I say unto you, hearken and hear and obey the law which I shall give unto you: 4 For verily I say, as ye have assembled yourselves to¬ gether according to the commandment wherewith I com¬ manded you, and are agreed as touching this one thing, and have asked the Father in my name, even so ye shall re¬ ceive. 5 Behold, verily I say unto you, I give unto you this first commandment, that ye shall go forth in my name, every one of you, excepting my servants Joseph and Sid¬ ney. 6 And I give unto them a commandment that they shall go forth for a little season, and it shall be given by the power of my Spirit when they shall return: 7 And ye shall go forth in the power of my Spirit, preaching my gospel, two by two, in my name, lifting up your voices as with the voice of a trump, declaring my word like unto angels of God: 8 And ye shall go forth baptizing with water, saying. Repent ye, repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. 9 And from this place ye shall go forth into the regions westward, and inasmuch as ye shall find them that will re¬ ceive you, ye shall build up my church in every region, until the time shall come when it shall be revealed unto you, from on high, when the city of the New Jerusalem shall be prepared that ye may be gathered in one, that ye may be my people and I will be your God. 71 10 And again, I say unto you, that my servant Edward shall stand in the office wherewith I have appointed him. 11 And it shall come to pass that if he trangress another shall be appointed in his stead; even so: Amen. 12 Again I say unto you, that it shall not be given to any one to go forth to preach my gospel, or to build up my church, except he be ordained by some one who has au¬ thority, and it is known to the church that he has author¬ ity, and has been regularly ordained by the hands of the church. 13 And again, the elders, priests, and teachers of this church, shall teach the scriptures which are in the bible, and the book of Mormon, in the which is the fullness of the gospel; and they shall observe the covenants and church articles to do them; and these shall be their teachings. 14 And they shall be directed by the Spirit, which shall be given them by the prayer of faith; and if they receive not the Spirit, they shall not teach. 15 And all this they shall observe to do, as I have com¬ manded concerning their teachings, until the fulness of my scriptures are given. 16 And as they shall lift up their voices by the Comfort¬ er, they shall speak and prophesy as seemeth me good; for behold the Comforter knoweth all things, and beareth rec¬ ord of the Father, and of the Son. 17 And now behold I speak unto the church: 18 Thou shalt not kill; and he that killeth, shall not have forgiveness, neither in this world, nor in the world to come. 19 And again, thou shalt not kill; he that killeth shall die. 20 Thou shalt not steal; and he that stealeth and will not repent, shall be cast out. 21 Thou shalt not lie; he that lieth and will not repent, shall be cast out. 22 Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and shall cleave unto her and none else; and he that looketh upon a woman to lust after her, shall deny the faith, and shall not have the Spirit, and if he repent not, he shall be cast out. 23 Thou shalt not commit adultery; and he that commit- 72 teth adultery and repenteth not, shall be cast out; and he that committeth adultery and repenteth with all his heart, and forsaketh and doeth it no more, thou shalt forgive him; but if he doeth it again, he shall not be forgiven, but shall be cast out. 24 Thou shalt not speak evil of thy neighbor, or do him any harm. 25 Thou knowest my laws, they are given in my scrip¬ tures, he that sinneth and repenteth not, shall be cast out. 26 If thou lovest me, thou shalt serve me and keep all my commandments; and behold, thou shalt consecrate all thy properties, that which thou hast unto me, with a coven¬ ant and a deed which can not be broken; and they shall be laid before the bishop of my church, and two of the elders, such as he shall appoint and set apart for that purpose. 27 And it shall come to pass, that the bishop of my church, after that he has received the properties of my church, that it can not be taken from the church, he shall appoint every man a steward over his own property, or that which he has received, inasmuch as is sufficient for himself and family: 28 And the residue shall be kept to administer to him who has not, that every man may receive according as he stands in need: 29 And the residue shall be kept in my storehouse to administer to the poor and needy, as shall be appointed by the elders of the church and the bishop; and for the pur¬ pose of purchasing lands, and the building up of the New Jerusalem, which is hereafter to be revealed; that my cove¬ nant people may be gathered in one, in the day that I shall come to my temple: 30 And this I do for the salvation of my people. 31 And it shall come to pass, that he that sinneth and repenteth not shall be cast out, and shall not receive again that which he has consecrated unto me: 32 For it shall come to pass, that which I spake by the mouths of my prophets shall be fulfilled; for I will conse¬ crate the riches of the Gentiles, unto my people which are of the house of Isreal. 73 33 And again, thou shalt not be proud in thy heart; let all thy garments be plain, and their beauty the beauty of the work of thine own hands, and let all things be done in cleanliness before me. 34 Thou shalt not be idle; for he that is idle shall not eat the bread, nor wear the garments of the laborer. 35 And whosoever among you that are sick, and have not faith to be healed, but believeth, shall be nourished in all tenderness with herbs and mild food, and that not of the world; and the elders of the church, two or more shall be called, and shall pray for, and lay their hands upon them in my name, and if they die, they shall die unto me; and if they live they shall live unto me. 36 Thou shalt live together in love, insomuch that thou shalt weep for the loss of them that die, and more especial¬ ly for those that have not hope of a glorious resurrection. 37 And it shall come to pass, that those that die in me shall not taste of death, for it shall be sweet unto them: and they that die not in me, wo unto them; for their death is bitter. 38 And again, it shall come to pass, that he that has faith in me to be healed, and is not appointed unto death, shall be healed. 39 He who has faith to see, shall see; he who has faith to hear, shall hear; the lame who have faith to leap, shall leap; and they who have not faith to do these things, but believe in me, have power to become my sons, and inas¬ much as they break not my laws, thou shalt bear their in¬ firmities. 40 Thou shalt stand in the place of thy stewardship: 41 Thou shalt not take thy brother’s garment: thou shalt pay for that which thou shalt receive of thy brother. 42 And if thou obtainest more than that which would be for thy support, thou shalt give it into my storehouse, that all things may be done according to that which I have spoken. 43 Thou shalt ask and my scriptures shall be given as I have appointed; and for thy safety it is expedient that 74 thou shouldst hold thy peace concerning them, until ye have received them: 44 Then I give unto you a commandment that ye shall teach unto all men; and they also shall be taught unto all nations, kindreds, tongues and people. 45 Thou shalt take the things which thou hast received, which thou knowest to have been my law, to be my law, to govern my church; and he that doeth according to these things shall be saved, and he that doeth them not shall be damned, if he continue. 46 If thou shalt ask, thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries, and the peaceable things of the king¬ dom; that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eter¬ nal. ‘ 47 Thou shalt ask and it shall be revealed unto you in my own due time where the New Jerusalem shall be built. 48 And behold, it shall come to pass, that my servants shall be sent both to the east, and to the west, to the north, and to the south; and even now let him that goeth to the east, teach them that shall be converted to flee to the west; and this in consequence of that which is to come on the earth, and of secret combinations. 49 Behold, thou shalt observe all these things, and great shall be thy reward. 50 Thou shalt observe to keep the mysteries of the king¬ dom unto thyself, for it is not given to the world to know the mysteries. 51 The Iws which ye have received, and shall hereafter receive, shall be sufficient for you both here, and in the New Jerusalem. 52 Therefore, he that lacketh knowledge, let him ask of me and I will give him liberally and upbraid him not. 53 Lift up your hearts and rejoice, for unto you the king¬ dom has been given; even so: Amen. 54 The priests and teachers, shall have their stewardship given them even as the members; and the elders are to assist the bishop in all things, and he is to see that their families are supported out of the property which is con- 75 secrated to the Lord, either a stewardship, or otherwise, as may be thought best by the elders and bishop. 55 Thou shalt contract no debts with the world, except thou art commanded. 56 And again, the elders and bishop, shall counsel to¬ gether, and they shall do by the direction of the Spirit as it must needs be necessary. 57 There shall be as many appointed as must needs be necessary to assist the bishop in obtaining places for the brethren from New York, that they may be together as much as can be, and as they are directed by the Holy Spirit; and every family shall have a place, that they may live by themselves.—And every church shall be organized in as close bodies as they can be; and this for a wise pur¬ pose:—even so. Amen. CHAPTER XLV. A Revelation to the elders of the church, assembled in Kirt- land, Ohio, given February, 1831. O HEARKEN, ye elders of my church, and give ear to the words which I shall speak unto you: 2 For behold, verily, verily I say unto you, that ye have received a commandment for a law unto my church, through him whom I have appointed unto you, to receive commandments and revelations from my hand. 3 And this ye shall know assuredly, that there is none other appointed unto you to receive commandments and revelations until he be taken, if he abide in me. 4 But verily, verily I say unto you, that none else shall be appointed unto this gift except it be through him, for if it be taken from him he shall not have power, except to appoint another in his stead: 5 And this shall be a law unto you, that ye receive not the teachings of any that shall come before you as revela¬ tions or commandments: 6 And this I give unto you, that you may not be de¬ ceived; that you may know they are not of me. 76 7 For verily I say unto you, that he that is ordained of me shall come in at the gate and be ordained as I have told you before, to teach those revelations which you have re¬ ceived, and shall receive through him whom I have ap¬ pointed. 8 And now behold I give unto you a commandment, that when ye are assembled together ye shall note with a pen how to act, and for my church to act upon the points of my law and commandments, which I have given: 9 And thus it shall becom.e a law unto you, being sanc¬ tified by that which ye have received, that ye shall bind yourselves to act in all holiness before me; that inasmuch as ye do this, glory shall be added to the kingdom which ye have received. 10 Inasmuch as ye do it not, it shall be taken even that which ye have received. 11 Purge ye out the iniquity which is among you; sanc¬ tify yourselves before me and if ye desire the glories of the kingdom, appoint ye my servant Joseph and uphold him before me by the prayer of faith. 12 And again, I say unto you, that if ye desire the mys¬ teries of the kingdom, provide for him food and raiment and whatsoever thing he needeth to accomplish the work, wherewith I have commanded him: 13 And if ye do it not, he shall remain unto them that have received him, that I may reserve unto myself a pure people before me. 14 Again I say, hearken ye elders of my church, whom I have appointed: 15 Ye are not sent forth to be taught, but to teach the children of men the things which I have put into your hands by the power of my Spirit: and ye are to be taught from on high. 16 Sanctify yourselves and ye shall be endowed with power, that ye may give even as I have spoken. 17 Hearken ye, for behold the great day of the Lord is nigh at hand. 18 For the day cometh that the Lord shall utter his voice out of heaven; the heavens shall shake and the earth 77 shall tremble, and the trump of God shall sound both long and loud, and shall say to the sleeping nations: 19 Ye saints arise and live: 20 Ye sinners stay and sleep until I shall call again: 21 Wherefore gird up your loins, lest ye be found among the wicked. 22 Lift up your voices and spare not. 23 Call upon the nations to repent, both old and young, both bond and free; saying. Prepare yourselves for the great day of the Lord: 24 For if I, who am man, do lift up my voice and call upon you to repent, and ye hate me, what will ye say when the day cometh when the thunders shall utter their voices from the ends of the earth, speaking in the ears of all that live, saying. Repent, and prepare for the great day of the Lord; 25 Yea, and again, when the lightnings shall streak forth from the east unto the west, and shall utter forth their voices unto all that live, and make the ears of all tingle, that hear, saying these words: 26 Repent ye, for the great day of the Lord is come. 27 And again, the Lord shall utter his voice out of heaven, saying: 28 Hearken, O ye nations of the earth, and hear the words of that God who made you. 29 O ye nations of the earth, how often would I have gathered you, together as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, but you would not? 30 How oft have I called upon you by the mouth of my servants; and by the ministering of angels; and by mine own voice; and by the voice of thunderings; and by the voice of lightnings; and by the voice of tempests; and by the voice of earthquakes; and great hail-storms; and by the voice of famines, and pestilences of every kind; and by the great sound of a trump; and by the voice of judgment; and by the voice of mercy all the day long; and by the voice of glory, and honor, and the riches of eternal life; and would have saved you with an everlasting salvation, but ye would not? 78 31 Behold the day has come, when the cup of the wrath of mine indignation, is full. 32 Behold, verily I say unto you, that these are the words of the Lord your God: 33 Wherefore, labor ye, labor ye, in my vineyard for the last time: 34 For the last time call ye upon the inhabitants of the earth, for in mine own due time will I come upon the earth in judgment: 35 And my people shall be redeemed and shall reign with me on earth: 36 For the great Millennial, which I have spoken by the mouth of my servants, shall come; 37 For satan shall be bound; and when he is loosed again, he shall only reign for a little season, and then cometh the end of the earth: 38 And he that liveth in righteousness, shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye; 39 And the earth shall pass away so as by fire; 40 And the wicked shall go away into unquenchable fire; and their end no man knoweth, on earth, nor ever shall know, until they come before me in judgment. 41 Hearken ye to these words; behold I am Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. 42 Treasure these things up in your heart, and let the solemnities of eternity rest upon your minds. 43 Be sober. 44 Keep all my commandments; even so: Amen. CHAPTER XLVI. A Revelation to Joseph, and Sidney, given in Kirtland, Ohio, February, 1831. BEHOLD thus saith the Lord unto you my servants, it is expedient in me that the elders of my church should be called together, from the east and from the west, and from the north and from the south, by letter or some other way. 70 2 And it shall come to pass, that, inasmuch as they are faithful, and exercise faith in me, I will pour out my Spirit upon them in the day that they assemble themselves to¬ gether. 3 And it shall come to pass that they shall go forth into the regions round about, and preach repentance unto the people; 4 And many shall be converted, insomuch that ye shall obtain power to organize yourselves, according to the laws of man; 5 That your enemies may not have power over you, that you may be preserved in all things; 6 That you may be enabled to keep my laws, that every band may be broken wherewith the enemy seeketh to destroy my people. 7 Behold I say unto you, that ye must visit the poor and needy and administer to their relief, that they may be kept until all things may be done according to my law which ye have received: Amen. CHAPTER XLVII. A Revelation to seven elders of the church, assembled in Kirtland, Ohio, given February 1831. EVERY person who belongeth to this church of Christ, shall observe to keep all the commandments and covenants of the church; 2 And it shall come to pass, that if any persons among you shall kill, they shall be delivered up and dealt with according to the laws of the land; 3 For remember, that he hath no forgiveness; 4 And it shall be proven according to the laws of the land. 5 But if any man shall commit adultery, he shall be tried before two elders of the church or more, and every word shall be established against him by two witnesses of the church, and not of the world. 6 But if there are more than two witnesses it is better: 80 7 But he shall be condemned by the mouth of two wit¬ nesses, and the elders shall lay the case before the church, and the church shall lift up their hands against them, that they may be dealt with according to the law. 8 And if it can be, it is necessary that the bishop is present also. And thus ye shall do in all cases which shall come before you. 9 And if a man shall rob, he shall be delivered up unto the law. 10 And if he shall steal, he shall be delivered up unto the law. 11 And if he lie, he shall be delivered up unto the law. 12 If he do any manner of iniquity, he shall be delivered up unto the law, even that of God. 13 And if thy brother offend thee, thou shalt take him between him and thee alone; and if he confess, thou shalt be reconciled. 14 And if he confess not, thou shalt take another with thee; and then if he confess not, thou shalt deliver him up the church, not to the members but to the elders. 15 And it shall be done in a meeting, and that not be¬ fore the world. 16 And if thy brother offend many, he shall be chastened before many. 17 And if any one offend openly, he shall be rebuked openly, that he may be ashamed. 18 And if he confess not, he shall be delivered up unto the law. 19 If any shall offend in secret, he shall be rebuked in secret, that he may have opportunity to confess in secret to him whom he has offended, and to God, that the breth¬ ren may not speak reproachfully of him. 20 And thus shall ye conduct in all things. 21 Behold, verily I say unto you, that whatsoever per¬ sons among you having put away their companions, for the cause of fornication, or in other words, if they shall testify before you, in all lowliness of heart, that this is the 2ase, ye shall not cast them out from among you: 22 But if ye shall find that any persons, have left their 81 companions, for the sake of adultery, and they themselves are the offenders, and their companions are living, they shall be cast out from among you. 23 And again I say unto you, that ye shall be watchful and careful, with all inquiry, that ye receive none such among you, if they are married. 24 And if they are not married, they shall repent of all their sins, or ye shall not receive them. Amen. CHAPTER XLVIII. A Revelation to the church, given in Kirtland, Ohio, March 1831. HEARKEN, O ye people of my church to whom the kingdom has been given: 2 Hearken ye and give ear to him who laid the founda¬ tion of the earth; who made the heavens and all the hosts thereof, and by whom all things were made which live and move and have a being. 3 And again I say, hearken unto my voice, lest death shall overtake you: 4 In an hour when ye think not, the summer shall be past, and the harvest ended, and your souls not saved. 5 Listen to him who is the Advocate with the Father, who is pleading your case before him: 6 Saying Father behold the suffering and death of him who did no sin, in whom thou wast well pleased; behold the blood of thy Son which was shed, the blood of him whom thou gavest that thyself might be glorified: where¬ fore Father spare these my brethren that believe on my name, that they may come unto me and have everlasting! life. 7 Hearken O ye people of my church, and ye elders listen together, and hear my voice while it is called to-day, i and harden not your hearts: 8 For verily I say unto you that I am Alpha and: Omega, the beginning and the end, the light and life of thej 82 world, a light that shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not: 9 I came unto my own and my own received me not: 10 But unto as many as received me, gave I power to do many miracles, and to become the sons of God, and even unto them that believed on my name gave I power to ob¬ tain eternal life. 11 And even so I have sent mine everlasting covenant into the world, to be a light to the world, and to be a standard for my people, and for the Gentiles to seek to it: 12 And to be a messenger before my face to prepare the way before me. 13 Wherefore come ye unto it, and with him that com- eth I will reason as with men in days of old, and I will show unto you my strong reasoning; 14 Wherefore hearken ye together and let me show it unto you, even my wisdom, the wisdom of him whom ye say is the God of Enoch, and his brethren, who were sepa¬ rated from the earth, and were reserved unto myself, a city reserved until a day of righteousness shall come, a day which was sought for by all holy men, and they found it not because of wickedness and abominations, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth; 15 But obtained a promise that they should find it, and see it in their flesh. 16 Wherefore hearken and I will reason with you, and I will speak unto you and prophesy as unto men in days of old, and I will show,it plainly as I showed it unto my dis¬ ciples, as I stood before them in the flesh and spake unto them saying: 17 As ye have asked of me concerning the signs of my coming, in the day when I shall come in my glory, in the clouds of heaven, to fulfill the promises that I have made unto your fathers; 18 For as ye have looked upon the long absence of your spirits from your bodies to be a bondage, I will show unto you how the day of redemption shall come and also the restoration of the scattered Israel. 19 And now ye behold this temple which is in Jerusalem, 83 which ye call the house of God, and your enemies say that this house shall never fall. 20 But verily I say unto you, that desolation shall come upon this generation as a thief in the night, and this people shall be destroyed and scattered among all nations. 21 And this temple which ye now see, shall be thrown down that there shall not be left one stone upon another. 22 And it shall come to pass, that this generation of Jews shall not pass away, until every desolation which I have told you concerning them, shall come to pass. 23 Ye say that ye know, that the end of the world com- eth; ye say also that ye know, that the heavens and the earth shall pass away; and in this ye say truly, for so it is; 24 But these things which I have told you, shall not pass away until all shall be fulfilled. 25 And this I have told you concerning Jerusalem, and w’hen that day shall come, shall a remnant be scattered among all nations, but they shall be gathered again; but they shall remain until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. 26 And in that day shall be heard of wars and rumors of wars, and the whole earth shall be in commotion, and men’s hearts shall fail them, and they shall say that Christ de- layeth his coming until the end of the earth. 27 And the love of men shall wax cold, and iniquity shall abound; and when the time of the Gentiles is come in, a light shall break forth among them that sit in darkness, and it shall be the fulness of my gospel; but they receive it not, for they perceive not the light, and they turn their hearts from me because of the precepts of men; and in that generation shall the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled: 28 And there shall be men standing in that generation, i that shall not pass, until they shall see an overflowing | scourge; for a desolating sickness shall cover the land: 29 But my disciples shall stand in holy places, and shall j not be moved; but among the wicked, men shall lift up their i voices and curse God and die. 30 And there shall be earthquakes, also, in divers places, - and many desolations, yet men will harden their hearts il 84 1 against me; and they take up the sword one against an¬ other, and they will kill one another. 31 And now, when I the Lord had spoken these words unto my disciples, they were troubled; and I said unto them be not troubled, for when all these things shall come to pass, ye may know that the promises which have been made unto you, shall be fulfilled: 32 And when the light shall begin to break forth, it shall be with them like unto a parable which I will show you: 33 Ye look and behold the fig-trees, and ye see them with your eyes, and ye say when they begin to shoot forth and their leaves are yet tender, ye say that summer is now nigh at hand; 34 Even so it shall be in that day, when they shall see all these things, then shall they know that the hour is nigh. 35 And it shall come to pass that he that feareth me shall be looking for the great day of the Lord to come, even for the signs of the coming of the Son of man; and they shall see signs and wonders, for they shall be shown forth in the heavens above, and in the earth beneath; and they shall behold blood and fire, and vapors of smoke; 36 And before the day of the Lord shall come, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon be turned into blood, and stars fall from heaven; 37 And the remnant shall be gathered unto this place; and then they shall look for me, and behold I will come; and they shall see me in the clouds of heaven, clothed with power and great glory, with all the holy angels; 38 And he that watches not for me shall be cut off. 39 But before the arm of the Lord shall fall, an angel shall sound his trump, and the saints that have slept, shall come forth to meet me in the cloud. 40 Wherefore if ye have slept in peace, blessed are you, for as you now behold me and know that I am, even so shall ye come unto me and your souls shall live, and your redemption shall be perfected, and the saints shall come forth from the four quarters of the earth. 41 Then shall the arm of the Lord fall upon the nations, 85 and then shall the Lord set his foot upon this mount, and it shall cleave in twain, and the earth shall tremble and reel to and fro, and the heavens also shall shake, and the Lord shall utter his voice and all the ends of the earth shall hear it, and the nations of the earth shall mourn, and they that have laughed shall see their folly, and calamity shall cover the mocker, and the scorner shall be consumed, and they that have watched for iniquity, shall be hewn down and cast into the fire. 42 And then shall the Jews look upon me, and say. What are these wounds in thine hands, and in thy feet? 43 Then shall they know that I am the Lord; for I will sa}" unto them, These wounds, are the wounds with which I was wounded in the house of my friends. 44 I am he who was lifted up. 45 I am Jesus that was crucified. 46 I am the Son of God. 47 And then shall they weep because of their iniquities; then shall they lament because they persecuted their King. 48 And then shall the heathen nations be redeemed, and they wliich knew no law shall have part in the first resur¬ rection; 49 And it shall be tolerable for them; and satan shall be bound that he shall have no place in the hearts of the chil¬ dren of men. 50 And at that day when I shall come in my glory, shall the parable be fulfilled which I spake concerning the ten virgins: 51 For they that are wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived; 52 Verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day, and the earth shall be given unto them for an inheritance: 53 And they shall multiply and wax strong, and their children shall grow up without sin unto salvation, for the Lord shall be in their midst, and his glory shall be upon them, and he will be their King and their Lawgiver. 54 And now, behold I say unto you, it shall not be given 86 unto you to know any farther than this, until the new testament be translated, and in it all these things shall be made known; 55 Wherefore I give unto you that ye may now trans¬ late it, that ye may be prepared for the things to come; 56 For verily I say unto you, that great things await you; 57 Ye hear of wars in foreign lands, but behold I say unto you they are nigh even unto your doors, and not many years hence ye shall hear of wars in your own lands. 58 Wherefore I the Lord have said gather ye out from the eastern lands, assemble ye yourselves together ye elders of my church; 59 Go ye forth into the western countries, call upon the inhabitants to repent, and inasmuch as they do repent, build up churches unto me; and with one heart and with one mind, gather up your riches that ye may purchase an in¬ heritance which shall hereafter be appointed unto you, and it shall be called the New Jerusalem, a land of peace, a city of refuge, a place of safety for the saints of the most high God; 60 And the glory of the Lord shall be there, and the ter¬ ror of the Lord also shall be there, insomuch that the wicked will not come unto it: 61 And it shall be called Zion: 62 And it shall come to pass, among the wicked, that every man that will not take his sword against his neigh¬ bor, must needs flee unto Zion for safety. 63 And there shall be gathered unto it out of every na¬ tion under heaven: 64 And it shall be the only people that shall not be at war one with another. 65 And it shall be said among the wicked, let us not go up to battle against Zion, for the inhabitants of Zion are terrible: 66 Wherefore we can not stand. 67 And it shall come to pass that the righteous shall be gathered out from among all nations, and shall come to Zion o.nging, with sons of everlasting joy. 68 And now I say unto you, keep these things from going 87 abroad unto the world, until it is expedient in me, that ye may accomplish this work in the eyes of the people, and in the eyes of your enemies, that they may not know your works until ye have accomplished the thing which I have commanded you: 69 That when they shall know it, that they may consider these things, for when the Lord shall appear he shall be terrible unto them, that fear may sieze upon them, and they shall stand afar off and tremble: and all nations shall be afraid because of the terror of the Lord, and the power of his might; even so: Amen. CHAPTER XLIX. A Revelation to the church, given in Kirtland, Ohio, March, 1831. HEARKEN, O ye people of my church, for verily I say unto you, that these things were spoken unto you for your profit and learning; 2 But notwithstanding those things which are written, it always has been given to the elders of my church, from the beginning, and ever shall be, to conduct all meetings as they are directed and guided by the Holy Spirit: 3 Nevertheless ye are commanded never to cast any one out from your public meetings, which are held before the world: 4 Ye are also commanded not to cast any one, who be- longeth to the church, out of your sacrament meetings: 5 Nevertheless, if any have trespassed, let him not par¬ take until he makes reconciliation. 6 And again I say unto you, ye shall not cast any one out of your sacrament meetings, who is earnestly seeking the kingdom; 7 I speak this concerning those who are not of the church. 8 And again I say unto you, concerning your confirma¬ tion meetings, that if there be any that is not of the church, that is earnestly seeking after the kingdom, ye sh:.ii not cast them out; 88 9 But ye are commanded in all things to ask of God who giveth liberally, and that which the Spirit testifies unto you, even so I would that ye should do in all holiness of heart, walking uprightly before me, considering the end of your salvation, doing all thinks with prayer and thanksgiv¬ ing, that ye may not be seduced by evil spirits, or doctrines of devils, or the commandments of men, for some are of men, and others of devils. 10 Wherefore, beware lest ye are deceived! and that ye may not be deceived, seek ye earnestly the best gifts, al¬ ways remembering for what they are given; 11 For verily I say unto you, they are given for the bene¬ fit of those who love me and keep all my commandments, and him that seeketh so to do, that all may be benefitted, that seeketh or that asketh of me, that asketh and not for a sign that he may consume it upon his lusts. 12 And again, verily I say unto you, I would that ye should ahvays remember, and always retain in your minds what those gifts are, that are given unto the church, for all have not every gift given unto them: for there are many gifts, and to every man is given a gift by the Spirit of God; 13 To some it is given one, and to some is given another, that all may be profited thereby; 14 To some it is given by the Holy Ghost to know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that he was crucified for the sins of the world; to others it is given to believe on their words, that they also might have eternal life, if they continue faithful. 15 And again, to some it is given by the Holy Ghost to know the differences of administration, as it will be pleas¬ ing unto the same Lord, according as the Lord will, suit¬ ing his mercies according to the conditions of the children of men. 16 And again it is given by the Holy Ghost to some to know the diversities of operations, whether it be of God, that the manifestations of the Spirit may be given to every man to profit withal. 17 And again, verily I say unto you, to some it is given by the Spirit of God, the word of wisdom; to another it 89 is given, the word of knowledge, that all may be taught to be wise and to have knowledge. 18 And again, to some it is given to have faith to be healed, and to others it is given to have faith to heal. 19 And again, to some it is given the working of miracles; 20 And to others it is given to prophesy, and to others the discerning of spirits. 21 And again, it is given to some to speak with tongues, and to another it is given the interpretation of tongues: 22 And all these gifts cometh from God, for the benefit of the children of God. 23 And unto the bishop of the church, and unto such as God shall appoint and ordain to watch over the church, and to be elders unto the church, are to have it given unto them to discern all those gifts, lest there shall be any among you professing and yet be not of God. 24 And it shall come to pass that he that asketh in spirit shall receive in spirit; that unto some it may be given to have all those gifts, that there may be a head, in order that every member may be profited thereby: 25 He that asketh in the spirit, asketh according to the will of God, wherefore it is done even as he asketh. 26 And again I say unto you, all things must be done in the name of Christ, whatsoever you do in the spirit; 27 And ye must give thanks unto God in the spirit for whatsoever blessing ye are blessed with: 28 And ye must practice virtue and holiness before me continually; even so: Amen. CHAPTER L. A Revelation to Joseph and John, given in Kirtland, Ohio, March, 1831. BEHOLD it is expedient in me that my servant John should write and keep a regular history, and assist you, my servant Joseph, in transcribing all things which shall be given you. 90 2 Again, verily I say unto you, that he can also lift up his voice in meetings, 'whenever it shall be expedient. 3 And again, I say unto you, that it shall be appointed unto him to keep the church record and history continually, for Oliver I have appointed to another office: 4 Wherefore it shall be given him, inasmuch as he is faithful, by the Comforter, to write these things; even so: Amen. CHAPTER LI. A Revelation to the bishop, and the church in Kirtland, given in Kirtland, Ohio, March, 1831. IT is necessary that ye should remain, for the present time, in your places of abode, as it shall be suitable to your circumstances; 2 And inasmuch as ye have lands, ye shall impart to the eastern brethren; 3 And inasmuch as ye have not lands, let them buy, for the present time, in those regions round about, as seemeth them good, for it must needs be necessary that they have places to live for the present time. 4 It must needs be necessary, that ye save all the money that ye can, and that ye obtain all that ye can in righteous¬ ness, that in time ye may be enabled to purchase lands for an inheritance, even the city. 5 The place is not yet to be revealed, but after your brethren come from the east, there are to be certain men appointed, and to them it shall be given to know the place, or to them it shall be revealed; and they shall be appointed to purchase the lands, and to make a commencement, to lay the foundation of the city; 6 And then ye shall begin to be gathered with your families, every man according to his family, according to his circumstances, and as is appointed to him by the bishop and elders of the church, according to the laws and commandments, which ye have received, and which ye shall hereafter receive; even so: Amen. 91 CHAPTER LII. A Revelation to Sidney, Parley, and Lemon, given in Kirt« land, Ohio, March, 1831. HEARKEN unto my 'word, my servant Sidney, and Parley, and Lemon, for behold, verily I say unto you, that I give unto you a commandmemnt, that you shall go and preach my gospel, which ye have received, even as ye have received it, unto the Shakers. 2 Behold I say unto you, that they desire to know the truth in part, but not all, for they are not right before me, and must needs repent: 3 Wherefore I send you, my servants Sidney and Par¬ ley, to preach the gospel unto them; and my servant Lemon shall be ordained unto this work, that he may reason with them, not according to that which he has received of them, but according to that which shall be taught him by you, my servants, and by so doing I will bless him, otherwise he shall not prosper: 4 Thus saith the Lord, for I am God and have sent mine only begotten Son into the world, for the redemption of the world, and have decreed, that he that receiveth him shall be saved, and he that receiveth him not, shall be damned: 5 And they have done unto the Son of man even as they listed; 6 And he has taken his power on the right hand of his glory, and now reigneth in the heavens, and will reign till he descends on the earth to put all enemies under his feet: 7 Which time is nigh at hand: I the Lord God have spoken it: 8 But the hour and the day no man knoweth, neither the angels in heaven, nor shall they know until he come: 9 Wherefore I will that all men shall repent, for all are under sin, except them which I have reserved unto myself, holy men that ye know not of: 10 Wherefore I say unto you, that I have sent unto you mine everlasting covenant, even that which was from the 92 beginning, and that which I have promised I have so ful¬ filled, and the nations of the earth shall bow to it; 11 And, if not of themselves, they shall come down, for that which is now exalted of itself, shall be laid low of power: 12 Wherefore I give unto you a commandment, that ye go among this people and say unto them, like unto mine apostle of old, whose name was Peter: 13 Believe on the name of the Lord Jesus, who was on the earth, and is to come, the beginning and the end; 14 Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, according to the holy commandment, for the remission of sins; 15 And whoso doeth this, shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, by the laying on of the hands of the elders of this church. 16 And again, I say unto you, that whoso forbiddeth to marry, is not ordained of God, for marriage is ordained of God unto man: 17 Wherefore it is lawful that he should have one wife, and they twain shall be one flesh, and all this that the earth might answer the end of its creation; and that it might be filled with the measure of man, according to his crea¬ tion before the world was made. 18 And whoso forbiddeth to abstain from meats, that man should not eat the same, is not ordained of God; 19 For behold the beasts of the field, and the fowls of the air, and that which cometh of the earth, is ordained for the use of man, for food, and for raiment, and that he might have in abundance, but it is not given that one man should possess that which is above another: 20 Wherefore the world lieth in sin; and wo be unto man that sheddeth blood or that wasteth flesh and hath no need. 21 And again, verily I say unto you, that the Son of man cometh not in the form of a woman, neither of a man traveling on the earth: 22 Wherefore be not deceived, but continue in stead¬ fastness, looking forth for the heavens to be shaken; 93 23 And the earth to tremble, and to reel to and fro as a drunken man; and for the valleys to be exalted; and for the mountains to be made low; and for the rough places to become smooth: 24 And all this when the angel shall sound his trumpet. 25 But before the great day of the Lord shall come, Jacob shall flourish in the wilderness; and the Lamanites shall blossom as the rose: 26 Zion shall flourish upon the hills, and rejoice upon the mountains, and shall be assembled together unto the place which I have appointed. 27 Behold I say unto you, go forth as I have command¬ ed you; 28 Repent of all your sins; ask and ye shall receive; knock and it shall be opened unto you: 29 Behold I will go before you, and be your rereward; and I will be in your midst, and you shall not be con¬ founded: 30 Behold I am Jesus Christ, and I come quickly; even so: Amen. CHAPTER LIII. A Revelation to the elders of the church assembled at Kirt- land, Ohio, given May, 1831. HEARKEN, O ye elders of my church, and give ear to the voice of the living God; and attend to the words of wisdom which shall be given unto you, according as ye have asked and are agreed as touching the church, and the spirits which have gone abroad in the earth. 2 Behold verily I say unto you, that there are many spirits which are false spirits, which have gone forth in the earth, deceiving the world: 3 And also satan hath sought to deceive you, that he might overthrow you. 4 Behold I the Lord have looked upon you, and have seen abominations in the church, which profess my name; 94 5 But blessed are they who are faithful and endure, whether in life or in death, for they shall inherit eternal life. 6 But wo unto them that are deceivers, and hypocrites, for thus saith the Lord, I will bring them to judgment. 7 Behold verily I say unto you, there are hypocrites among you, and have deceived some, which has given the adversary power, but behold such shall be reclaimed; 8 But the hypocrites shall be detected and shall be cut off, either in life or in death, even as I will, and wo unto them who are cut off from my church, for the same are overcome of the world: 9 Wherefore, let every man beware lest he do that which is not in truth and righteousness before me. 10 And now come, saith the Lord, by the Spirit, unto the elders of his church, and let us reason together, that ye may understand: 11 Let us reason even as a man reasoneth one with another face to face: 12 Now when a man reasoneth, he is understood of man; because he reasoneth as a man; even so will I the Lord reason with you that you may understand: 13 Wherefore I the Lord asketh you this question, unto what were ye ordained? 14 To preach my gospel by the Spirit, even the Comfort¬ er which was sent forth to teach the truth; and then re¬ ceived ye spirits which ye could not understand, and re¬ ceived them to be of God, and in this are ye justified? 15 Behold ye shall answer this question yourselves, nevertheless I will be merciful unto you: 16 He that is weak among you hereafter shall be made strong. 17 Verily I say unto you, he that is ordained of me and sent forth to preach the word of truth by the Comforter, in the spirit of truth, doth he preach it by the spirit of truth, or some other way? and if by some other way, it be not of God. 18 And again, he that receiveth the word of truth, doth 95 he receive it by the spirit of truth, or some other way? if it be some other way, it be not of God: 19 Therefore, why is it that ye can not understand and know that he that receiveth the word by the spirit of truth, receiveth it as it is preached by the spirit of truth? 20 Wherefore, he that preacheth and he that receiveth, understandeth one another, and both are edified and re¬ joice together; and that which doth not edify, is not of God, and is darkness: 21 That which is of God is light, and he that receiveth light and continueth in God, receiveth more light, and that light groweth brighter and brighter, until the perfect day. 22 And again, verily I say unto you, and I say it that you may know the truth, that you may chase darkness from among you, for he that is ordained of God and sent forth, the same is appointed to be the greatest, notwithstanding he is least, and the servant of all: 23 Wherefore he is possessor of all things, for all things are subject unto him, both in heaven and on the earth, the life, and the light, the spirit, and the power, sent forth by the will of the Father, through Jesus Christ, his Son; 24 But no man is possessor of all things, except he be purified and cleansed from all sin; 25 And if ye are purified and cleansed from all sin, ye shall ask whatsoever you will in the name of Jesus, and it shall be done: 26 But know this, it shall be given you what you shall ask, and as ye are appointed to the head, the spirits shall be subject unto you: 27 Wherefore it shall come to pass, that if you behold a spirit manifested that ye can not understand, and you re¬ ceive not that spirit, ye shall ask of the Father in the name of Jesus, and if he give not unto you that spirit, then you may know that it is not of God: 28 And it shall be given unto you power over that spirit, and you shall proclaim against that spirit with a loud voice, that it is not of God; 29 Not with railing accusation, that ye be not overcome; 96 neither with boasting, nor rejoicing, lest you be siezed therewith: 30 He that receiveth of God, let him account it of God, and let him rejoice that he is accounted of God worthy to receive, and by giving heed and doing these things which ye have received, and which ye shall hereafter receive: 31 And the kingdom is given unto you of the Father, and power to overcome all things, which is not ordained of him: 32 And behold, verily I say unto you, blessed are you who are now hearing these words of mine from the mouth of my servant, for your sins are forgiven you. 33 Let my servant Joseph (W.) in whom I am well pleased, and my servant Parley, go forth among the churches and strengthen them by the word of exhortation; 34 And also my servant John (C.,) or as many of my servants as are ordained unto this office, and let them labor in the vineyard; 35 And let no man hinder them of doing that which I have appointed unto them; 36 Wherefore in this thing my servant Edward is not justified, nevertheless let him repent and he shall be for¬ given. 37 Behold ye are little children, and ye can not bear all things now; ye must grow in grace and in the knowledge of the truth. 38 Fear not, little children, for you are mine, and I have overcome the world, and you are of them that my Father hath given me; 39 And none of them which my Father hath given me shall be lost: 40 And the Father and I are one; I am in the Father and the Father in me: 41 And inasmuch as ye have received me, ye are in me, and I in you: wherefore I am in your midst; and I am the good Shepherd; 42 And the day cometh that you shall hear my voice and see me, and know that I am. 43 Watch, therefore, that ye may be ready; even so: Amen. 97 CHAPTER LIV. A Revelation to the elders of the church assembled in Kirtland, Ohio, given June, 1831. BEHOLD, thus saith the Lord unto the elders whom he hath called and chosen in these last days, by he voice of his Spirit, saying, I the Lord will make known unto you what I will that ye shall do from this time until the next conference, which shall be held in Missouri, upon the land which I will consecrate unto my people, which are a rem¬ nant of Jacob, and them who are heirs according to the covenant. 2 Wherefore, verily I say unto you, let my servants Joseph and Sidney take their journey as soon as prepara¬ tions can be made to leave their homes, and journey to the land of Missouri. 3 And inasmuch as they are faithful unto me, it shall be made known unto them what they shall do: 4 And it shall also, inasmuch as they are faithful, be made known unto them the land of your inheritance. 5 And inasmuch as they are not faithful, they shall be cut off, even as I will, as seemeth me good. 6 And again, verily I say unto you, let my servant Ly¬ man (W.,) and my servant John (C.,) take their journey speedily: 7 And also my servant John (M.) and my servant Hy- rum, take their journey unto the same place by the way of Detroit. 8 And let them journey from thence preaching the word by the way, saying none other things than that which the prophets and apostles have written, and that which is taught them by the Comforter, through the prayer of faith. 9 Let them go two by two, and thus let them preach by the way in every congregation, baptizing by water, and the laying on of the hands by the water side: 10 For thus saith the Lord, I will cut my work short in righteousness: ♦ 11 For the days cometh that I wnll send forth judgment unto victory. 98 12 And let my servant Lyman beware, for satan desireth to sift him as chaflF. 13 And behold, he that is faithful shall be made ruler over many things. 14 And again, I will give unto you a pattern in all things, that ye may not be deceived, for satan is abroad in the land, and he goeth forth deceiving the nations: 15 Wherefore he that prayeth whose spirit is contrite, the same is accepted of me, if he obey mine ordinances: 16 He that speaketh, whose spirit is contrite, whose language is meek, and edifieth, the same is of God, if he obey mine ordinances. 17 And again, he that trembleth under my power, shall be made strong, and shall bring forth fruits of praise, and wisdom, according to the revelations, and truths which I have given you. 18 And again, he that is overcome and bringeth not forth fruits, even according to this pattern, is not of me: 19 Wherefore by this pattern ye shall know the spirits in all cases, under the whole heavens. 20 And the days have come, according to men’s faith it shall be done unto them. 21 Behold this commandment is given unto all the elders whom I have chosen. 22 And again, verily I say unto you, let my servant Thomas, and my servant Ezra, take their journey also, preaching the word by the way, unto this same land. 23 And again, let my servant Isaac and my servant Ezra (B.,) take their journey, also preaching the word by the way unto the same land. 24 And again, let my servant Edward and Martin take their journey with my servants Sidney and Joseph. 25 Let my servant David and Harvey, also take their journey, and preach by the way unto this same land. 26 Let my servants Parley and Orson (P.) take their journey, and preach by the way, even unto this same land. 27 And let my servants Solomon and Simeon, also take their journey unto this same land, and preach by the way. 99 28 Let my servants Edson and Jacob (S.,) also take their journey. 29 Let my servants Levi and Zebidee, also take their • * journey. 30 Let my servants Reynolds and Samuel, also take their journey. 31 Let my servants Wheeler and William (C.,) also take their journey. 32 And let my servants Newell (K.) and Selah, both be ordained and also take their journey: 33 Yea, verily I say, let all these take their journey unto one place, in their several courses, and one man shall not build upon another’s foundation, neither journey in another’s track. 34 He that is faithful, the same shall be kept and blessed with much fruit. 35 And again, I say unto you, let my servant Joseph (W.) and Solomon (H.,) take their journey into the east¬ ern lands. 36 Let them labor wdth their families, declaring none other things than the prophets and apostles, that which they have seen, and heard, and most assuredly believe, that the prophecies may be fulfilled. 37 In consequence of transgression, let that which was bestowed upon Heman, be taken from him, and placed upon the head of Simonds. 38 And again, verily I say unto you, let Jared be or¬ dained a priest, and also George be ordained a priest. 39 Let the residue of the elders watch over the churches, and declare the word in the regions among them. 40 And let them labor with their own hands, that there be no idolatry nor wickedness practiced. And remember in all things, the poor and needy, the sick and the aflPlicted, for he that doeth not these things, the same is not my dis¬ ciple. 41 And again, let my servant Joseph and Sydney and Ed- w^ard, take with them a recommend from the church. 42 And let there be one obtained for my servant Oliver, also: 100 43 And thus, even as I have said, if ye are faithful, ye shall assemble yourselves together to rejoice upon the land of Missouri, which is the land of your inheritance, which is now the land of your enemies. 44 But behold I the Lord will hasten the city in its time; 45 And will crown the faithful with joy and with rejoic¬ ing. 46 Behold I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and I will lift them up at the last day; even so: Amen. CHAPTER LV. A Revelation to Sidney (G.,) given in Kirtland, Ohio, June, 1831. BEHOLD I say unto you, my servant Sidney, that I have heard your prayers, and you have called upon me, that it should be made known unto you, of the Lord your God, concerning your calling, and election in this church, w’hich I the Lord have raised up in these last days. 2 Behold I the Lord, who was crucified for the sins of the world, giveth unto you a commandment, that you shall forsake the world. 3 Take upon you mine ordinances, even that of an elder, to preach faith and repentance, and remission of sins, ac¬ cording to my word, and the reception of the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands. 4 And also to be an agent unto this church in the place which shall be appointed by the bishop, according to com¬ mandments which shall be given hereafter. 5 And again, verily I say unto you, you shall take your journey with my servants Joseph and Sidney. 6 Behold these are the first ordinances which you shall receive; 7 And the residue shall be made known unto you in a time to come, according to your labor in my vineyard. 8 And again, I would that ye should learn that it is he only who is saved, that endureth unto the end; even so: Amen. 101 CHAPTER LVI. A Revelation to Newel (K.,) and the church in Thompson, given in Kirtland, Ohio, June, 1831. BEHOLD, thus saith the Lord, even Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, even he who was crucified for the sins of the world. 2 Behold, verily, verily I say unto you, my servant Newel, you shall stand fast in the office wherewith I have appointed you: 3 And if your brethren desire to escape their enemies let them repent of all their sins, and become truly humble before me and contrite: 4 And as the covenant which they made unto me, has been broken, even so it has become void and of none effect; 5 And wo to him by whom this offence cometh, for it had been better for him that he had been drowned in the depth of the sea; 6 But blessed are they who have kept the covenant, and observed the commandment, for they shall obtain mercy: 7 Wherefore, go to now and flee the land, lest your enemies come upon you: 8 And take your journey, and appoint whom you will to be your leader, and to pay moneys for you. 9 And thus you shall take your journey into the regions westward, unto the land of Missouri, unto the borders of the Lamanites. 10 And after you have done journeying, behold I say unto you, seek ye a living like unto men, until I prepare a place for you. 11 And again, be patient in tribulation until I come: 12 And behold I come quickly, and my reward is with me, and they who have sought me early, shall find rest to their souls; even so: Amen. CHAPTER LVII. A Revelation to William, given in Kirtland, Ohio, June, 1831. 102 4 BEHOLD thus saith the Lord unto you, my servant William; yea, even the Lord of the whole earth, 2 Thou art called and chosen and after thou hast been baptized by water, which if you do with an eye single to my glory, you shall have a remission of your sins, and a reception of the Holy Spirit, by the laying on of hands: 3 And then thou shalt be ordained by the hand of my servant Joseph, to be an elder unto this church, to preach repentance and remission of sins by way of baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God; 4 And on whomsoever you shall lay your hands, if they are contrite before me, you shall have power to give the Holy Spirit. 5 And again, you shall be ordained to assist my servant Oliver to do the work of printing, and of selecting, and writing books for schools, in this church, that little children also may receive instruction before me as is pleasing unto me. 6 And again verily I say unto you, for this cause you shall take your journey with my servants Joseph and Sid¬ ney, that you may be planted in the land of your inherit¬ ance, to do this work. 7 And again let my servant Joseph (C.) also take his journey with them. 8 The residue shall be made known hereafter; even as I will: Amen. CHAPTER LVIII. A Revelation to the church, and certain elders, given in Kirtland, Ohio, June, 1831. HEARKEN O ye people which profess my name, saith the Lord your God, for behold mine anger is kindled against the rebellious, and they shall know mine arm and mine indignation in the day of visitation and of wrath upon the nations. 2 And he that will not take up his cross and follow me, and keep my commandments, the same shall not be saved. 103 3 Behold I the Lord commandeth, and he that will not obey shall be cut off in mine own due time: 4 And after that I have commanded and the command¬ ment is broken, wherefore I the Lord command and revoke, as it seemeth me good; and all this to be answered upon the heads of the rebellious saith the Lord: 5 Wherefore I revoke the commandment which was given unto my servants Thomas and Ezra, and give a new commandment unto my servant Thomas, that he shall take up his journey speedily to the land of Missouri; 6 And my servant Selah shall also go with him: 7 For behold I revoke the commandment which was given unto my servants Selah and Newel, in consequence of the stiffneckedness of my people which are in Thompson; and their rebellions: 8 Wherefore let my servant Newel remain with them, and as many as will go may go, that are contrite before me, and be led by him to the land which I have appointed. 9 And again, verily I say unto you, that my servant Ezra must repent of his pride, and of his selfishness, and obey the former commandment which I have given him concerning the place upon which he lives; 10 And if he will do this, as there shall be no divisions made upon the land, he shall be appointed still to go to the land of Missouri; 11 Otherwise he shall receive the money which he has paid, and shall leave the place, and shall be cut off out of my church, saith the Lord God of hosts: 12 And though the heaven and the earth pass away, these words shall not pass away, but shall be fulfilled. 13 And if my servant Joseph must needs pay the money behold I the Lord will pay it unto him again in the land of Missouri, that those of whom he shall receive may be re¬ warded again, according to that which they do. 14 For according to that which they do, they shall re¬ ceive; even in lands for their inheritance. 15 Behold thus saith the Lord unto my people, you have • many things to do, and to repent of: 104 16 For behold your sins have come up unto me, and are not pardoned, because you seek to counsel in your own ways. 17 And your hearts are not satisfied. 18 And ye obey not the truth, but have pleasure in un¬ righteousness. 19 Wo unto you rich men, that will not give your sub¬ stance to the poor, for your riches will canker your souls! and this shall be your lamentation in the day of visitation, and of judgment, and of indignation. 20 The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and my soul is not saved! 21 Wo unto you poor men, whose hearts are not broken, whose spirits are not contrite, and whose bellies are not satisfied, and whose hands are not stayed from laying hold upon other men’s goods, whose eyes are full of greediness, who will not labor with their own hands! 22 But blessed are the poor, who are pure in heart, whose hearts are broken, and whose spirits are contrite, for they shall see the kingdom of God coming in power and great glory unto their deliverance: 23 For the fatness of the earth shall be theirs: 24 For behold the Lord shall come, and his recompense shall be with him, and he shall reward every man, and the poor shall rejoice; and their generations shall inherit the earth from generation to generation, for ever and ever. 25 And now I make an end of speaking unto you; even so: Amen. CHAPTER LIX. A Revelation to the elders of the church, assembled on the land of Zion, given August, 1831. HEARKEN O ye elders of my church, and give ear to my word, and learn of me what I will concerning you, and also concerning this land unto which, I have sent you: 2 For verily I say unto you, blessed is he that keepeth my commandments, whether in life or in death; 105 3 And he that is faithful in tribulation the reward of the same is greater in the kingdom of heaven. 4 Ye can not behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow, after must tribulation. 5 For after much tribulation cometh the blessings. 6 Wherefore, the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory, the hour is not yet but is nigh at hand. 7 Remember this which I tell you before, that you may lay it to heart, and receive that which shall follow. Behold, verily I say unto you, for this cause I have sent you that you might be obedient, and that your hearts might be pre¬ pared to bear testimony of the things which are to come; 8 And also, that you might be honored of laying the foundation, and of bearing record of the land upon which the Zion of God shall stand; 9 And also, that a feast of fat things might be prepared for the poor; 10 Yea a feast of fat things, of wine on the less well re¬ fined, that the earth may know that the mouths of the prophets shall not fail; 11 Yea, a supper of the house of the Lord, well prepared, unto which all nations shall be invited. 12 Firstly the rich, and the learned, the wise and the noble; 13 And after that cometh the day of my power. 14 Then shall the poor, the lame and the blind, and the deaf, come in unto the marriage of the Lamb, and partake of the supper of the Lord, prepared for the great day to come. 15 Behold I the Lord have spoken it. 16 And that the testimony might go forth from Zion; yea from the mouth of the city of the heritage of God: 17 Yea, for this cause I have sent you hither; 18 And have selected my servant Edward and appointed unto him his mission in this land: 19 But if he repent not of his sins, which are unbelief and blindness of heart, let him take heed lest he fall. 106 20 Behold his mission is given unto him and it shall not be given again. 21 And whoso standeth in this mission, is appointed to be a judge in Israel, like as it was in ancient days, to divide the lands of the heritage of God unto his children; and to judge his people by the testimony of the just, and by the assistance of his counsellors, according to the laws of the kingdom which are given by the prophets of God: 22 For verily I say unto you, my laws shall be kept on this land. 23 Let no man think that he is ruler, but let God rule him that judgeth, according to the counsel of his own will: 24 Or in other words, him that counselleth, or sitteth upon the judgment seat. 25 Let no man break the laws of the land, for he that keepeth the laws of God, hath no need to break the laws of the land: 26 Wherefore be subject to the powers that he, until He reigns whose right it is to reign, and subdues all enemies under his feet. 27 Behold the laws which ye have received from my hand, are the laws of the church; 28 And in this light ye shall hold them forth. 29 Behold here is wisdom. 30 And now as I spake concerning my servant Edward: this land is the land of his residence, and those whom he has appointed for his counsellors. 31 And also the land of the residence of him whom I have appointed to keep my storehouse: 32 Wherefore let them bring their families to his land, as they shall counsel between themselves and me: 33 For behold it is not meet that I should command in all things, for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant: 34 Wherefore he receiveth no reward. 35 Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness: 107 36 For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. 37 And inasmuch as men do good, they shall in no wise lose their reward. 38 But he that doeth not anything until he is command¬ ed, and receiveth a commandment with doubtful heart, and keepeth it with slothfulness, the same is damned. 39 Who am I that made man, saith the Lord, that will hold him guiltless, that obey not my commandments? 40 Who am I, saith the Lord, that have promised and have not fulfilled? 41 I command and a man obeys not, I revoke and they receive not the blessing: 42 Then they say in their hearts, this is not the w’ork of the Lord, for his promises are not fulfilled. 43 But wo unto such, for their reward lurketh beneath, and not from above. 44 And now I give unto you further directions concern¬ ing this land. 45 It is wisdom in me, that my servant Martin should be an example unto the church, in laying his moneys be¬ fore the bishop of the church. 46 And also, this is a law unto every man that cometh unto this land, to receive an inheritance; 47 And he shall do with his moneys according as the law directs. 48 And it is wisdom also, that there should be lands purchased in Independence, for the place of the storehouse: 49 And also for the house of the printing. 50 And other directions, concerning my servant Martin, shall be given him of the Spirit, that he may receive his inheritance as seemeth him good. And let him repent of his sins, for he seeketh the praise of the world. 51 And also let my servant William stand in the office which I have appointed him, and receive his inheritance in the land. 52 And also, he hath need to repent, for I the Lord am not pleased with him, for he seeketh to excell, and he is not sufficiently m.eek before me. 108 53 Behold he who has repented of his sins the same is forgiven, and I the Lord remembereth them no more. 54 By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins. 55 Behold he will confess them and forsake them. 56 And now verily I say, concerning the residue of the elders of my church, the time has not yet come for many years, for them to receive their inheritance in this land; except they desire it through prayer, only as it shall be appointed unto them of the Lord. 57 For behold they shall push the people together from the ends of the earth: 58 Wherefore assemble yourselves together, and they who are not appointed to stay in this land, let them preach the gospel in the region round about; 59 And after that, let them return to their homes. 60 Let them preach by the way, and bear testimony of the truth in all places, and call upon the rich, the high, and the low, and the poor, to repent; 61 And let them build up churches inasmuch as the in¬ habitants of the earth will repent. 62 And let there be an agent appointed by the voice of the church, unto the church in Ohio, to receive moneys to purchase lands in Zion. 63 And I give unto my servant Sidney a commandment, that he shall write a description of the land of Zion, and a statement of the will of God, as it shall be made known by the Spirit, unto him; and an epistle and subscription, to be presented unto all the churches, to obtain moneys, to be put into the hands of the bishop, to purchase lands for an inheritance for the children of God, of himself or the agent, as seemeth him good, or as he shall direct. 64 For behold, verily I say unto you, the Lord willeth that the disciples, and the children of men, should open their hearts, even to purchase this whole region of country, as soon as time will permit. 65 Behold here is wisdom; let them do this lest they re¬ ceive none inheritance, save it be by the shedding of blood. 66 And again, inasmuch as there is land obtained, let 109 there be workmen sent forth, of all kinds, unto this land, to labor for the saints of God. 67 Let all these things be done in order. 68 And let the priveleges of the lands be made known from time to time, by the bishop, or the agent of the church. 69 And let the work of the gathering be not in haste, nor by flight, but let it be done as it shall be counselled by the elders of the church at the conference, according to the knowledge which they receive from time to time. 70 And let my servant Sidney consecrate and dedicate this land, and the spot of the temple, unto the Lord. 71 And let a conference meeting be called, and after that, let my servant Sidney and Joseph return, and also Oliver with them, to accomplish the residue of the work, which I have appointed unto them in their own land: 72 And the residue as shall be ruled by the conferences. 73 And let no man return from this land, except he bear record by the way, of that which he knows and most as¬ suredly believes. 74 Let that which has been bestowed upon Ziba be taken from him: 75 And let him stand as a member in the church, and labor with his own hands, with the brethren, until he is sufficiently chastened for all his sins, for he confesseth them not, and he thinketh to hide them. 76 Let the residue of the elders of this church, which are coming to this land, some of whom are exceedingly blessed even above measure, also, hold a conference upon this land. 77 And let my servant Edward direct the conference, which shall be held by them. 78 And let them also return, preaching the gospel by the way, bearing record of the things which are revealed unto them: 79 For verily the sound must go forth from this place into all the world; 80 And unto the uttermost parts of the earth, the gospel must be preached unto every creature, with signs following them that believe. 81 And behold the Son of man cometh: Amen. no CHAPTER LX. A Revelation to the church, given in Zion, August, 1831. BEHOLD, blessed saith the Lord, are they who have come up unto this land with an eye single to my glory, according to my commandments: 2 For them that live shall inherit the earth, and them that die shall rest from all their labors, and their works shall follow them, and they shall receive a crown in the mansions of my Father, which I have prepared for them; 3 Yea, blessed are they whose feet stand upon the land of Zion, who have obeyed my gospel, for they shall receive for their reward the good things of the earth; 4 And it shall bring forth in its strength: 5 And they also shall be crowned with blessings from above; 6 Yea and with commandments not a few; 7 And with revelations in their time: 8 They that are faithful and diligent before me: 9 Wherefore I give unto them a commandment, saying thus: 10 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy might, mind, and strength: 11 And in the name of Jesus Christ thou shalt serve him. 12 Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. 13 Thou shalt not steal. 14 Neither commit adultery, nor kill, nor do anything like unto it. 15 Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things. 16 Thou shalt offer a sacrifice unto the Lord thy God in righteousness. 17 Even that of a broken heart and a contrite spirit. 18 And that thou mayest more fully keep thyself un¬ spotted from the world, thou shalt go to the house of prayer and offer up thy sacraments upon my holy day: 19 For verily this is a day appointed unto you to rest from your labors, and to pay thy devotions unto the Most High; 111 20 Nevertheless thy vows shall be offered up in right¬ eousness on all days, and at all times; 21 But remember that on this, the Lord^s day, thou shalt offer thine oblations, and thy sacraments, unto the Most High, confessing thy sins unto thy brethren, and before the Lord. 22 And on this day thou shalt do none other thing, only let thy food be prepared with singleness of heart, that thy fasting may be perfect, or in other words, that thy joy may be full. 23 Verily this is fasting and prayer; or, in other words, rejoicing and prayer. 24 And inasmuch as ye do these things with thanksgiv¬ ing, with cheerful hearts, and countenances, not with much laughter, for this is sin, but with a glad heart, and a cheerful countenance; 25 Verily I say, that inasmuch as ye do this the fulness of the earth is yours; 26 The beasts of the fields, and the fowls of the air, and that which climbeth upon the trees, and walketh upon the earth: 27 Yea, and the herb, and the good things which cometh of the earth, whether for food or for raiment, or for houses, or for barns, or for orchards, or for gardens, or for vine¬ yards: 28 Yea, all things which cometh of the earth, in the sea¬ son thereof, is made for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye, and to gladden the heart: 29 Yea, for food and for raiment, for taste, anjd for smell, to strengthen the body, and to enliven the soul. 30 And it pleaseth God that he hath given all these things unto man: 31 For unto this end were they made, to be used with judgment, not to excess, neither by extortion: 32 And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his WTath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments. 33 Behold this is according to the law and the prophets: 34 Wherefore trouble me no more concerning this mat- 112 ter, but learn that he who doeth the works of righteousness, shall receive his reward, even peace in this world, and eter¬ nal life in the world to come. 35 I the Lord have spoken it and the spirit beareth re¬ cord. Amen. CHAPTER LXI. A Revelation to the elders of the church, given in Zion, August, 1831. BEHOLD, thus saith the Lord unto the elders of his church, who are to return speedily to the land from whence they came. 2 Behold it pleaseth me, that you have come up hither; 3 But with some I am not well pleased, for they will not open their mouths, but hide the talent which I have given unto them, because of the fear of man. 4 Wo unto such, for mine anger is kindled against them. 5 And it shall come to pass, if they are not more faith¬ ful unto me, it shall be taken away, even that which they have, for I the Lord ruleth in the heavens above, and among the armies of the earth; 6 And in the day when I shall make up my jewels, all men shall know what it is that bespeaketh the power of God. 7 But verily I will speak unto you concerning your jour¬ ney unto the land from whence you came. 8 Let there be a craft made, or bought, as seemeth you good, it mattereth not unto me, and take your journey speedily for the place which is called St. Louis, 9 And from thence let my servants Sidney and Joseph and Oliver, take their journey for Cincinnati: 10 And in this place let them lift up their voice, and de¬ clare my word with loud voices, without wrath or doubting, lifting up holy hands upon them. 11 For I am able to make you holy, and your sins are forgiven you. 12 And let the residue take their journey from St. Louis, 113 two by two, and preach the word, not in haste, among the congregations of the wicked, until they return to the churches from whence they came. 13 And all this for the good of the churches; for this in¬ tent have I sent them. 14 And let my servant Edward impart of the money which I have given him, a portion unto mine elders, which are commanded to return: and he that is able, let him re¬ turn it by the way of the agent, and' he that is not, of him it is not required. 15 And now I speak of the residue which are to come unto this land. 16 Behold they have been sent to preach my gospel among the congregations of the wicked: 17 Wherefore, I give unto them a commandment, thus: 18 Thou shalt not idle away thy time: 19 Neither shalt thou bury thy talent that it may not be known. 20 And after thou hast come up unto the land of Zion, and hast proclaimed my word, thou shalt speedily return proclaiming the word among the congregations of the wicked. 21 Not in haste, neither in wrath, nor with strife: 22 And shake off the dust of thy feet against those who receive thee not, not in their presence, lest thou provoke them, but in secret, and wash thy feet as a testimony against them in the day of judgment. 23 Behold this is sufficient for you, and the will of him who hath sent you. 24 And by the mouth of my servant Joseph, it shall be made known concerning Sidney and Oliver. 25 The residue hereafter; even so: Amen. CHAPTER LXII. A Revelation to eleven elders, given upon the bank of the Missouri river, August, 1831. BEHOLD, and hearken unto the voice of him who has 114 all power, who is from everlasting to everlasting, even Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. 2 Behold, verily thus saith the Lord unto you O ye elders of my church, who are assembled upon this spot, whose sins are now forgiven you, for I the Lord forgiveth sins, and am merciful unto those who confess their sins with humble hearts: 3 But verily I say unto you, that it is not needful for this whole company of mine elders, to be moving swiftly upon the waters, whilst the inhabitants on either side are perishing in unbelief: 4 Nevertheless, I suffered it that ye might bear record: 5 Behold there are many dangers upon the waters and more especially hereafter, for I the Lord have decreed, in mine anger, many destructions upon the waters; 6 Yea, and especially upon these waters; 7 Nevertheless, all flesh is in mine hand, and he that is faithful among you, shall not perish by the waters. 8 Wherefore it is expedient that my servant Sidney (G.) and my servant William be in haste upon their errand and mission: 9 Nevertheless I would not suffer that ye should part until you are chastened for all your sins, that you might be one; 10 That you might not perish in wickedness; 11 But now verily I say, it behooveth me that ye should part; wherefore let my servants Sidney and William, take their former company, and let them take their journey in haste that they may fill their mission, and through faith they shall overcome; 12 And inasmuch as they are faithful, they shall be pre¬ served, and I the Lord will be with them. 13 And let the residue take that which is needful for clothing. 14 Let my servant Sidney take that which is not needful with him, as you shall agree. 15 And now behold, for your good I gave unto you a commandment concerning these things; and I the Lord will reason with you as with men in days of old. 115 16 Behold I the Lord in the beginning, blessed the waters, but in the last days by the mouth of my servant John, I cursed the waters: 17 Wherefore, the days will come that no flesh shall be safe upon the waters, and it shall be, said in days to come, that none is able to go up to the land of Zion, upon the waters, but he that is upright in heart. 18 And, as I the Lord in the beginning cursed the land, even so in the last days have I blessed it, in its time, for the use of my saints, that they may partake the fatness thereof. 19 And now I give unto you a commandment, and what I say unto one I say unto all, that you shall forewarn your brethren concerning these waters, that they come not in journeying upon them, lest their faith fail and they are caught in her snares: 20 I the Lord have decreed, and the destroyer rideth upon the face thereof, and I revoke not the decre: 21 I the Lord was angry with you yesterday, but today mine anger is turned away: 22 Wherefore let those concerning w^hom I have spoken, that should take their journey in haste: 23 Again I say unto you, let them take their journey in haste, and it mattereth not unto me, after a little, if it so be that they fill their mission, whether they go by water or by land: 24 Let this be as it is made known unto them according to their judgment, hereafter. 25 And now, concerning my servants Sidney, and Joseph, and Oliver, let them come not again upon the waters, save it be upon the canal, while journeying unto their homes, or in other words they shall not come upon the waters to journey, save upon the canal. 26 Behold I the Lord have appointed a way for the jour¬ neying of the saints, and behold this is the way: 27 That after they leave the canal, they shall journey by land, inasmuch as they are commanded to journey and go up unto the land of Zion; and they shall do like unto the children of Israel, pitching their tents by the way. 116 28 And behold this commandment, you shall give unto all your brethren; nevertheless unto Avhom it is given power to command the waters, unto him it is given by the Spirit to know all his ways: 29 Wherefore let him do as the Spirit of the living God commandeth him, whether upon the land or upon the waters, as it remaineth with me to do hereafter; 30 And unto you it is given the course for the saints, or the way for the saints of the camp of the Lord, to journey. 31 And again, verily I say unto you, my servants Sidney, and Joseph, and Oliver, shall not open their mouths in the congregations of the wicked, until they arrive at Cincinnati; 32 And in that place they shall lift up their voices unto God against that people. 33 Yea, unto him whose anger is kindled against their wickednes; a people which is well nigh ripened for de¬ struction; 34 And from thence let them journey for the congrega¬ tions of their brethren, for their labors, even now, are wanted more abundantly among them, than among the con¬ gregations of the wicked. 35 And now concerning the residue let them journey and declare the word among the congregations of the wicked, inasmuch as it is given, and inasmuch as they do this they shall rid their garments, and they shall be spotless before me; 36 And let them journey together, or two by two, as seemeth them good, only let my servant Reynolds, and my servant Samuel, with whom I am well pleased, be not separated until they return to their homes, and this for a wise purpose in me. 37 And now verily I say unto you, and what I say unto one I say unto all, be of good cheer little children for I am in your midst, and I have not forsaken you, and inas¬ much as you have humbled yourselves before me, the blessings of the kingdom are yours: 38 Gird up your loins and be watchful, and be sober, looking forth for the coming of the Son of man, for he cometh in an hour you think not. 117 39 Pray always that you enter not into temptation, that A^ou may abide the da}" of his coming, whether in life or in death: even so: Amen. CHAPTER LXIII. A Revelation to certain elders, while journeying to the land of Zion, given on the bank of the Missouri river, August, 1831. % BEHOLD and hearken, O ye elders of my church, saith the Lord your God; even Jesus Christ your advocate who knoweth the weakness of man and how to succor them who are tempted: 2 And verily mine eyes are upon those who have not as yet gone up unto the land of Zion: 3 Wherefore your mission is not yet full: 4 Nevertheless ye are blessed, for the testimony which ye have borne, is recorded in heaven for the angels to look upon, and they rejoice over you; and your sins are forgiven you. 5 And now continue your journey. 6 Assemble yourselves upon the land of Zion, and hold a meeting and rejoice together, and offer a sacrament unto the Most High; 7 And then you may return to bear record; 8 Yea, even all together, or two by two, as seemeth you good; 9 It mattereth not unto me, only be faithful, and declare glad tidings unto the inhabitants of the earth, or among the congregations of the wicked. 10 Behold I the Lord have brought you together that the promise might be fulfilled, that the faithful among you should be preserved and rejoice together in the land of Missouri. 11 I the Lord promised the faithful, and cannot lie. 12 I the Lord am willing, if any among you desireth to ride upon horses, or upon mules, or in chariots, shall re- 118 ceive this blessing, if he receive it from the hand of the Lord, with a thankful heart in all things. 13 These things remain with you to do according to judg¬ ment and the direction of the Spirit. 14 Behold the kingdom is yours. 15 And behold, and lo I am with the faithful always; even so: Amen. CHAPTER LXIV. A Revelation given in Kirtland, Ohio, August, 1831. HEARKEN O ye people, and open your hearts, and give ear from afar: 2 And listen, you that call yourselves the people of the Lord, and hear the word of the Lord, and his will concern¬ ing you: 3 Yea, verily I say, hear the word of him whose anger is kindled against the wicked, and rebellious; who willeth to take even them whom he will take, and preserveth in life them whom he will preserve: 4 Who buildeth up at his own will and pleasure; and destroyeth when he please; and is able to cast the soul down to hell. 5 Behold I the Lord uttereth my voice, and it shall be obeyed. 6 Wherefore verily I say, let the wicked take heed, and let the rebellious fear, and tremble. 7 And let the unbelieving hold their lips, for the day of wrath shall come upon them as a whirlwind, and all flesh shall know that I am God. 8 And he that seeketh signs shall see signs, but not unto salvation. 9 Verily I say unto you, there are those among you, who seeketh signs; and there have been such even from the beginning. 10 But behold, faith cometh not by signs, but signs follow those that believe. 119 11 Yea, signs cometh by faith, not by the will of men, nor as they please,but by the will of God. 12 Yea, signs cometh by faith, unto mighty works, for without faith no man pleaseth God: and with whom God is angry, he is not well pleased: 13 Wherefore, unto such he sheweth no signs, only in wrath unto their condemnation. 14 Wherefore I the Lord am not pleased with those among you, who have sought after signs and wonders for faith, and not for the good of men unto my glory: 15 Nevertheless, I gave commandments and many have turned away from my commandments, and have not kept them. 16 There were among you adulterers and adulteresses; some of v^hom have turned away from you, and others re¬ main with you, that hereafter shall be revealed. 17 Let such beware and repent speedily, lest judgments shall come upon them as a snare, and their folly shall be made manifest, and their works shall follow them in the eyes of the people. 18 And verily I say unto you, as I have said before, he that looketh on a woman to lust after her, or if any shall commit adultery in their hearts, they shall not have the spirit, but shall deny the faith and shall fear: 19 Wherefore I the Lord have said that the fearful and the unbelieving, and all liars, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie, and the whoremonger, and the sorcerer, should have their part in that lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. 20 Verily I say, that they shall not have part in the first resurrection. 21 And now behold, I the Lord saith unto you, that ye are not justified because these things are among you, never¬ theless he that endureth in faith and doeth my will, the same shall overcome, and shall receive an inheritance upon the earth, when the day of transfiguration shall come; 22 When the earth shall be transfigured, even according to the pattern which was shown unto mine apostles upon the mount: 120 23 Of which account the fulness ye have not yet received. 24 And now, verily I say unto you, that as I said that I would make known my will unto you, behold I will make it known unto you, not by the way of commandment, for there are many who observe not to keep my command¬ ments, but unto him that keepeth my commandments, I will give the mysteries of my kingdom, and the same shall be in him a well of living water, springing up unto ever- everlasting life. 25 And now, behold this is the will of the Lord your God concerning his saints, that they should assemble them¬ selves together unto the land of Zion, not in haste, lest there should be confusion, which bringeth pestilence. 26 Behold the land of Zion, I the Lord holdeth it in mine own hands: 27 Nevertheless, I the Lord rendereth unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s: 28 Wherefore I the Lord willeth, that you should pur¬ chase the lands, that you may have advantage of the world, that you may have claim on the world, that they may not be stirred up unto anger: 29 For satan putteth it into their hearts to anger against you, and to the shedding of blood: 30 Wherefore the land of Zion shall not be obtained but by purchase, or by blood, otherwise there is none in¬ heritance for you. 31 And if by purchase behold you are blessed; 32 And if by blood, as you are forbidden to shed blood, lo, your enemies are upon you, and ye shall be scourged from city to city, and from synagogue to synagogue, and but few shall stand to receive an inheritance. 33 I the Lord am angry with the wicked; 34 I am holding my Spirit from the inhabitants of the earth. 35 I have sworn in my wrath and decreed wars upon the face of the earth, and the wicked shall slay the wicked, and fear shall come upon every man and the saints also shall ha^'dly escape: 121 36 Nevertheless, I the Lord am 'with them, and will come down in heaven from the presence of God, and con¬ sume the wicked with unquenchable fire. 37 And behold this is not yet, but by and by: 38 Wherefore seeing that I the Lord have decreed all these things upon the face of the earth, I willeth that my saints should be assembled upon the land of Zion; 39 And that every man should take righteousness in his hands, and faithfulness upon his loins, and lift a warning voice unto the inhabitants of the earth; 40 And declare both by word and by flight, that desola¬ tion shall come upon the wicked. 41 Wnerefore let my disciples in Kirtland, arrange their temporal concerns, which dwell upon this farm. 42 Let my servant Titus, who has the care thereof dis¬ pose of the land, that he may be prepared in the coming spring, to take his journey up unto the land of Zion, with those that dwell upon the face thereof, excepting those whom I shall reserve unto myself, that shall not go until I shall command them. 43 And let all the moneys which can be spared, it matter- eth not unto me whether it be little or much, sent up unto the land of Zion, unto them whom I have appointed to re¬ ceive. 44 B.ihold 1 the Lord, will give unto my servant Joseph power, +hat he shall be enabled to discern by the Spirit those who shall go up unto the land of Zion, and those of my disciples who shall tarry. 45 Let my servant Newel retain his store, or in other words, the store yet for a little season. 46 ^ ev**riheless let him impart all the money which he can impart, to be sent up unto the land of Zion. 47 Beheld these things are in his own hands, let him do ac-.'Oiding to wisdom. 48 Verily I say, let him be ordained as an agent unto the disciples ihat shall tarry, and let him be ordained unto this power. 49 And now speedily visit the churches, expounding these things unto them, with my servant Oliver. 122 50 Bebiold this is niy will, obtaining mone 3 's even as I have directed, 51 He that is faithful and endureth shall overcome the world. 52 He that sendeth up treasures unto the land of Zion, shall receive an inheritance in this world, and his works shall follow him; and also, a reward in the world to come; 53 Yea, and blessed are the dead that die in the Lord from henceforth, when the Lord shall come and old things shall pass away, and all things become new, they shall . rise from the dead and shall not die, and shall receive an inheritance before the Lord, in the holy city, and he that liveth when the Lord shall come, and have kept the faith, blessed is he: 54 Nevertheless it is appointed to him to die at the age of man: 55 Wherefore children shall grow up until they become old, old men shall die; 56 But they shall not sleep in the dust, but they shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye: 57 Wherefore, for this cause preached the apostles unto the World, the resurrection of the dead: 58 These things are the things that ye must look for, and speaking after the manner of the Lord, they are now nigh at hand; 59 And in a time to come, even in the day of the coming of the Son of man, and until that hour, there will be foolish virgins among the wise, and at that hour cometh an entire separation of the righteous and the wicked; 60 And in that day will I send mine angels, to pluck out the wicked, and cast them into unquenchable fire. 61 And now behold, verily I say unto you, I the Lord am not pleased with my servant Sidney, he exalted him¬ self in his heart, and received not counsel, but grieved the Spirit: 62 Wherefore his writing is not acceptable unto the Lord, and he shall make another; 63 And if the Lord receive it not, behold he standeth no longer in the office which I have appointed him. 123 64 And again: verily I say unto you, let those who de¬ sire in their hearts, in meekness, to warn sinners to re¬ pentance, let them be ordained unto this power; 65 For this is a day of warning, and not a day of many words. 66 For I the Lord am not to be mocked in the last days. 67 Behold I am from above, and my power lieth beneath. 68 I am over all, and in all, and through all, and search- eth all things. 69 And the days cometh that all things shall be subject unto me. 70 Behold I am Alpha and Omega, even Jesus Christ. 71 Wherefore let all men beware, how they take my name in th^ir lips: 72 For behold, verily I say, that many there be who are under this condemnation; 73 Who useth the name of the Lord, and useth it in vain, having not authority. 74 Wherefore let the church repent of their sins, and I the Lord will own them, otherwise they shall be cut off. 75 Remember, that that which cometh from above is sacred, and must be spoken with care, and by constraint of the Spirit, and in this there is no condemnation; and ye receive the Spirit through prayer: 76 Wherefore without this, there remaineth condemna¬ tion : 77 Let my servants Joseph and Sidney, seek them a home as they are taught through prayer, by the Spirit. 78 These things remain to overcome, through patience, that such may receive a more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; 79 Otherwise, a greater condemnation: Amen. CHAPTER LXV. A Revelation to the elders of the church, given in Kirtland, Ohio, September, 1831. 124 BEHOLD, thus saith the Lord your God unto you, O ye elders of my church, hearken ye, and hear, and receive my will concerning you: 2 For verily I say unto you, I will that ye should over¬ come the world: 3 Wherefore I will have compassion upon you. 4 There are those among you who have sinned; 5 But verily I say, for this once, for mine own glory, and for the salvation of souls, I have forgiven you your sins. 6 I will be merciful unto you, for I have given unto you the kingdom: 7 And the keys of the mysteries of the kingdom, shall not be taken from my servant Joseph, while he liveth, in¬ asmuch as he obeyeth mine ordinances. 8 There are those who have sought occasion against him without cause; 9 Nevertheless he has sinned, but verily I say unto you, I the Lord forgiveth sins unto those who confess their sins before me, and ask forgiveness, who have not sinned unto death. 10 My disciples, in days of old, sought occasion against one another, and forgave not one another in their hearts, and for this evil they were afflicted, and sorely chastened: 11 Wherefore I say unto you, that ye ought to forgive one another, for he that forgiveth not his brother his tres¬ passes, standeth condemned before the Lord, for there re- maineth in him the greater sin. 12 I the lord will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men; 13 And ye ought to say in your hearts. Let God judge between me and thee, and reward thee according to thy deeds. 14 And he that repenteth not of his sins, and*confesseth them not, then ye shall bring him before the church, and do with him as the Scriptures saith unto you, either by com¬ mandment, or by revelation. 15 And this ye shall do that God might be glorified, not because ye forgive not, having not compassion, but 125 that ye may be justified in the eyes of the law, that ye may not ofiFend him who is your Lawgiver. 16 Verily I say, for this cause ye shall do these things. 17 Behold I the Lord was angry with him who was my servant Ezra (B.); 18 And also, my servant Isaac; for they kept not the law, neither the commandment: they sought evil in their hearts, and I the Lord withheld my Spirit. 19 They condemned for evil, that thing in which there was no evil: 20 Nevertheless I have forgiven my servant Isaac. 21 And also my servant Edward, behold he hath sinned, and satan seeketh to destroy his soul; 22 But when these things are made known unto them, they repent of the evil, and they shall be forgiven. 23 And now verily I say, that it is expedient in me that my servant Sidney (G.) after a few weeks, should return upon his business, and to his agency in the land of Zion; 24 And that which he hath seen and heard may be made known unto my disciples, that they perish not. 25 And for this cause have I spoken these things. 26 And again, I say unto you, that my servant Isaac may not be tempted above that which he is able to bear, and counsel wrongfully to your hurt, I gave commandment that this farm should be sold. 27 I willeth not that my servant Frederick, should sell his farm, for I the Lord willeth to retain a strong hold in the land of Kirtland, for the space of five years, in the which I will not overthrow the wicked, that thereby I may save some; 28 And after that day, I the Lord will not hold any guilty, that shall go, with an open heart, up to the land of Zion: 29 For I the Lord requireth the hearts of the children of men. 30 Behold now it is called today, and verily it is* a day of sacrifice, and a day for the tithing of my people; 31 For he that is tithed shall not be burned; for after today cometh the burning: 32 This is speaking after the manner of the Lord; 33 For verily I say, tomorrow all the proud and they that do wickedly shall be as stubble: and I will burn them up, for I am the Lord of hosts; 34 And I will not spare any that remaineth in Babylon. 35 Wherefore, if ye believe me, ye will labor while it is called today. 36 And it is not meet that my servants. Newel and Sid¬ ney (G.) should sell their store, and their possessions here, for this is not wisdom until the residue of the church, which remaineth in this place, shall go up unto the land of Zion. 37 Behold it is said in my laws, or forbidden to get in debt to thine enemies; 38 But behold it is not said at any time, that the Lore should not take when he please, and pay as seemeth him good: 39 Wherefore as ye are agents, and ye are on the Lord’s errand; and whatever ye do according to the will of the Lord, is the Lord’s business, and it is the Lord’s business to provide for his saints in these last days, that they may obtain an inheritance in the land of Zion: 40 And behold I the Lord declare unto you, and my words are sure and shall not fail, that they shall obtain it; 41 But all things must come to pass in its time; 42 Wherefore be not weary in well doing, for ye are lay¬ ing the foundation of a great work. 43 And out of small things proceedeth that which' is great. 44 Behold the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind; 45 And the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days; 46 And the rebellious shall be cut off out of the land of Zion, and shall be sent away and shall not inherit the land: 47 For verily I say that the rebellious are not of the blood of Ephriam. 127 r-T# , ■> . -.v. 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