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University of Illinois Library 2 ee Fe L161—H41 ' (tigoe re oh ey x fs) & ( i 4 at biti ‘i i wv, hits a ARS pa iy f Peis v wy fe MCL AV GLE Se A ty sit vial y ‘ ON Witte a mi ah oy ¢ fl i, 5 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE ETHNOLOGY OF THE KWAKIUTL l Printed by Kartographisches Institut, Vienna (Austria) COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY CONTRIBUTIONS TO ANTHROPOLOGY Edited by Franz Boas VOLUME Iil CONTRIBUTIONS nOmliE ETHNOLOGY OF THE KWAKIUTL BY FRANZ BOAS NEW YORK COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS 1925 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2021 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign https ://archive.org/details/contributionstoe00boas CONTENTS. eRe Cl IOS ne re Picin, Wika wind ho Sed Fu hia enh eie Cada was cms} V RMN See CCS) Pee oie Poe are os ud ot ReRare A iue nal bi Ka gles 2 Peer rOuGrLY Ord InNeritance.. sli. ccc doe stn bvee wares 56 eee truer Lally IOC DEL cde. s eee ee cone cue des teense 56 (Se deh ey wall eS Wee aie PRS en en ge ae oe eae 58 pp DUCCESSION .... 0... cece eee cece eter eee nee cere eee een eens 64 % erty Pe TT PS LOC eas Oh sory sheer. Ada sine WA beet, AS 70 Bee eM ACUUISILION OF NOIMES flict. Sent vess oleae dae tte es 112 Sere the name of the newborn child.........:...5....+: 412 [mune Name O1the ten moons old child .........:... 114 o. T4ASts! save aeWseieny otsY dork halle op ael: 62 gate en een hy mane mr eae 1418 ea TACTIC ELS OTI ies ohn hic os py ale sgh ak um teta.’ wince sateen 120 Ey eye stele Whaley a) She 5 ee ae OSes Rea ee 122 Sam TCL OTN ate eter Can bon ce nisin te « NCW A Vas ee Oke eee 132 fo oiving the winter dance to ‘his own tribe........ 134 MS eGiving away to his own tribe..iiscsc...scsneews ees 134 3 on lhe giving away of property to the tribes ....... 142 J EE ETL CCR ere ct code Ere ee eid cine LE VERE Oe coe bake gw Fore 236 ma Ree UIT CRASS. Of A COPD ET oi ts cues caw si veneer esscreens 282 pao Continuation of the marriage ceremonies........ 288 gAB Diet Vee eaCtiel 6 SiSter Ae 5he ease sone eae 294 Berea 110i, Of 2 NOUSE ao sias one Fleet She as woes ote te 310 SO {es se nh ; Ag OILS Rag - Rar he INTRODUCTION. The following Kwakiutl texts deal with dreams and with information relating to the social organization of the tribe. Since the expense of composition has risen enormously during the last few years, the publication of this material has been possible only by the employment of a photostatic process. The material was obtained from Mr. George Hunt of Fort Rupert, British Columbia, a half-blood Indian who speaks Kwakiutl as his native language, and whom I have trained in phonetic writing. The material, therefore, contin- ues the series of texts in the publication “Kwakiutl Ethnol- ogy” (Thirty-Fifth Annual Report of the Bureau of Americ- an Ethnology) which was collected in the same manner. As stated in the report referred to the phonetie ren- dering of Kwakiutl by Mr. Hunt is not absolutely reliable. He is particularly uncertain in regard to the character of vowels, and when words are unknown to me I cannot decide whether u or wa, E or a are meant. On the whole, howewer, I believe the number of words of this kind is nov very great I do not give a vocabulary accompanying the present texts because a fairly full vocabulary has been published in the Thirty-fifth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, and the additions to the vocabulary are not very numerous. The following list contains previous publications on Kwakiutl ethnology in text: 1. The Social Organization and the Secret Societies of the Kwakiutl Indians. Report of the U. S. National Museum for 1898, pp. 311-738. Washington, Government Printing Press, 1897. (The songs contained in this publication were reprinted in revised form in No. 2 in this list.) 2. Kwakiutl Texts. Publications of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition, Vol. III, pp. 1-832. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1902-1905. 3. Kwakiutl Texts-Second Series. Publications of the Je- sup North Pacific Expedition, Vol. KX, pp. 1-269. Leiden, E.:d. Brill, 1906; 4. Ethnology of the Kwakiutl. 85th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology. Parts I and II, pp. 41- 1437, Washington, Government Printing Office. 1921. 5. The Rival Chiefs, a Kwakiutl Story, by George Hunt. Boas Anniversary Volume, pp. 108-186. New-York, G. E. Stechert and Co., 1906. | VI Kwakiutl Tales. Columbia University Contributions to Anthropology, Vol. II, pp. 1-495. New-York, Columbia University Press. 1910. Kwakiutl, An Illustrative Sketch in the Handbook of American Languages, Part 1. pp. 423-857. Bulletin 40 of the Bureau of American Ethnology. Washington, Govern- ment Printing :-Office, 1911. A Revised List of Kwakiutl Suffixes. International Jour- nal of American Linguisties, Vol. III, pp. 117-131. New- York, Columbia University, 1924. The following alphabet has been used: oO) (oy ’ ’ f > é “ % O> od eel Ol 0) co © 3) O1 Oo cig ? > > “ obscure e, as in flower. are probably the same sound, intermediate between the continental values of i and e. f ‘ag halS oh Gh é e in fell. a has its continental value. ro) German o in voll. fe) are probably the same sound, intermediate between the continental values of o and u. e a somewhat doubtful sound, varying greatly in its pronunciation among different individuals between é and éi. a German 4 in Bar. a aw in law. - indicates that the preceding consonant is pronounced with u position of the mouth. Sonans. Surd. Fortis. Spirans. Nasal. Velar g aq q! me Palatal g(w) k(w) kKI(w) x(w) Anterior palatal of k- k'! x ! n Alveolar (az) ( Po ( as 1) F Labial b p p! m Lateral L L LI Xx } Glottal Stop ms IY, Vv 10 15 20 DREAMS 1. M6éxés WEgwatnakila. Laeng’ék- do6qwaxen kiwitaé&yaxa metsa Lofeng-éda xumdé . Wa, ldengeen hé g*fl déqwase€ win xwaxumt!ayo. Wa, laeng-en d6- x€wacelagéxs qekttsasd. Wa, laengeen doxtwatelaxa dzatwin Axts!- Sq. WA, latmen tstex- fda. | 2. Mexés Tsex€widé. M6xcelék* g°axfengee L6Elalaso&sa Sx°feng*a begwanema qar- ng* enuex¥ 1a handctiaengse Leew6 laeng-exwa avtéx. Wa, laeng-a- Emésen lageéq. Wa, ke 16sfeng:aemésenuexy ategilaxs larng:aé doxtwatelaxa géwas. Laeng*6é wax hant°ideq. Wa, laeng*é yim- x€{d6 hdntemx-d&. Wa, la&men tstexeeida laxéq. 3. Méxés K!wak! wabalasemé. Laeng*ék* tewixeaxa me1x_6 laeng’ex Dzawadé,. Wa, laeng:- en dox€watelaxa ma£x6 melx.d. Wa, laeng-en Hantetdeq. Wa, laengeen wila qlapaq. Wa, laengeen yimrfideg qen Ax&léx yt- xUsematyas gen g°igeaalédaléxa yixusematyé, Wa, laeng*en wite- laxa qafyala laeng-exen Snalatyé. Wa, laengeen doxtwideg. Latng*en doxtwatelaeng*exa ma&ré g-f&la Loma nexwara g°axfeng:- en. Wa, laeng*en hézomala dax:&idxen denw6selaeng*aé gen hSxXET- déxa €nem6. Wa, lacngea&mée XYefla. Wa, laengeen haénreidxa ©ne- méx-dis., Wa, lax.é&mé odzeg-aatelé haniaf®yas. Wa, g°axtengeat- mé dax:€id g-ax€eng-en. Wa, la&men ts!ex-efd laxéq. DREAMS 1. Dream of We gwa&nakila. I went to look after my mink and otter traps. Then the otter trap was looked after by me first. Then I saw that it had fallen. Then I saw that a silver salmon was in it. Then I awoke. 2. Dream of Tsextwid. . I dreamed that I was asked by a handsome man to go hunting with him in the woods. I followed him and we had not gone far into the woods when I saw a deer, I was about to shoot it when my gun burst. Then I awoke. 3. Dream of Kiwakiwabalasemé. I dreamed I was going mountain goat hunting in Knight In- let. Then I saw two mountain goats. Then I shot them. I hit both and I butchered them. I took out the kidney fat and put the kidney fat down on the rock, Then I heard the noise of walking up the river from me. Then I looked there and then I saw two grizzlybears quite near to me. Then I just had time to take up my gun and I hit the one. Then it was dead. Then [I shot the other one. Unfortunately my shot missed it. Then it took hold of me. After that I awoke. et 10 15 20 26 50 4, Méxés Omx- Idd. Laeng*6g*a laxaxa x*Iigqayalacng*’a& ladlaaeng*e laxa Awik: !é- nox¥, Wa, laeng-en lag*aa 14x G-fpla. Wa, laeng-en ts!&sdtsa kak agedzewayo. Wa, hoes idaenaaemeen laengee k*6_a. Wa, laeng*S qlédzAlaeng-en k-Stemaxa mex6k-6. WA, laeng: a€mé 8k-en nfigafyasen laeng*aénatyé héx-fidaem qleydtaxa mexék*Cenga. Wa, laceng*en 6t!6da ts!ex€stendaeng:exen ke6temé. Wa, g°fl&eng-at- mesé wiflatstarng-a Jarngen Axaasé fem kusx-alaeng:éda me xék-é laeng*e ladzOdxen k*é.temé. WA, laengeen kitils€idxa mexék-é la- engeexen k*6temé. Wa, ke f6és€engeatmesen ne goyodex fwasgemasfen- g’asen k*6temaxs laengsaasa gwefyim lddzedeq. wa, laeng-é ma- x-€idéda gwefyfimteng’a. Wa, laengten k-!és hézxSmalaeng*e tsle- x€stendxa Apsex:sfadsa k*S.em g*axteng’e exec id laeng*exen k*6é- Latssé bata. Wa, laengsatmé qepiaratya bate. WA, laeng-a€ma gwetyim Cwlelaeng-e ndx€ wit todxa ke6temé, Wa, la&men tstex* tid 1axéq. 5. Méxés Liat lexewédzemga. Méxelég-asa qiénemfeng-& dzaxtin lacng-ex Dzawadé. Wa, la- eng*anu&x¥ xdtaga xOdayoeng’a laq wiflaqeng:adzanutxu gég: tttst- la xdtaxs lacng*aé qotianu€x¥ xddatsiad xwakiindxa dzaxiin. Laen- g°enu€x4 na&enakwa. Wa, g°flfeng-atmésenutxt lag-aa laeng*exenu- Exh k- {ax-€idxa dzaxtin qacng‘enuex¥ Kk lageaclselaq. WA, laeng:- atmé gotiéda tnemsgems €lapies. Wa, laengse€mé x-fs€elsa dzaxiin laxéqxa Axts!4eng’S laxa €lapiestengsda. Wa, la&men tslex- ida. 6. Mexés Gwagwadaxela. Wa, lacng*en hadmsaxa qiSnema qlendzek¥ laeng*exwa ac!dx Lee— wa qlénemfengsa gwadema, Wa, laeng-en qfeyoLa. Wa, g-axfeng-en hé€laxa mOkwa bébegwanem qa g*axfeng’S S6x.Oitialaq. WA, laeng*a- Emen kiwélats lacng-exwa mosgemakwé Kwageuta. WA, laengeen 6té- da hamsaxa qlemdzek¥, Wa, laengeen ytlkwa. Wa, la&men tslex-fid laxéq. 4. Dream of Omx-fId, I dreamed that I went aboard a steamer and I went to Rivers Inlet. Then I arrived at G-fpla. Then I was given a drift net. Immediately I went fishing. Oh, there were many sockeye salmon in my net. Then my heart was glad because I had at once caught many sockeye salmon. Then I threw my net back into the water. Then as soon as it was in the water I dreamed that the sockeye salmon were splashing and they went into my net. Then I took the salmon out of my net. I had not reached the middle of the extent of my net when a whale went into it. Then the whale swam away. I had no time to throw into the water the other half of the net which was in my boat that’ contained the net. Then the boat cap- sized and the whale pulled out the whole net. I awoke after this. 5S. Dream of tiatlezewSdzemga. I dreamed that there were many olachen in Knight Inlet. We caught them in bag nets. We had not been fishing with bag nets for a long time before the canoe containing the bag net was full of olachen. Then we went home. As soon as we arrived we carried up the olachen and put them on the ground. Then the bole in the ground was full. Then the olachen which had been in the hole dis- appeared. Then I awoke ;+ 6. Dream of Gwagwadaxela. I dreamed I went to pick many salmon berries in the woods and also many inabenrio as I obtained many. Then I asked four men to help me carrying them out of the woods. That was the time when I gave a feast to the four Kwag- ut tribes. Then I went a- gain to pick salmon berries and I hurt myself. After that I awoke. Imis dream signifies that there were many olachen in the river but that the water was so high that the fisherman could not use their bag nets. 10 15 20 25 7. A€6keacengee méxés Haétaflas. Méxelé g°ax gandtasa &x*sokwa tsiedaqfeng’e g°-ax Lé€lalacng’e g°axen qaeng*aenuf&x¥ 16 hdémsaxa gwademengsd. Wa, laeng:a&mésenu&xu laeng*exox a.!axs Tsaxis. A laeng*eg*anu€x4 doxewatelaeng-exa qté- nemEeng’a gwadem Lofeng’éda &feng-atma la getgetiesa EnoxUme sasés AwaxaxLalasteng*axa &noxwa. wa, la@eng* a€mésenu&xu ke $f2ztslo6ts la- eEng*exenu€x¥ hadmeyats:é laclxdengsa. Wa axfengeafwisé qdatitiaen- geanuex4 hdmeyatsié laclxdeng-a. Wa, latmen tstex-€id 1axéq. Wi, laem q!alé Haétatlasaxs lag-aé.é g!uflaz 1axa gwat Senxé 1axéq. 8. Mexés Waridé. Méxelék* la hdmsaxa gek: !aaléeng*a laxwa avc!éx LOfeng* ox Ma- witsax. W&, laengeafmésenu€x¥ arolselaeng*a lagea dox€wacelaen- g°exa sétem, WA, laengeanu€x¥ k-fzxfits, Wa, la&men tstex- ida. 9.Méxés Llaxemégeiflaky, Méxcleg*acng*e hdmsaxa glénemfeng’a nek!tita laeng*ex G*idx. Wa, laeng*en déqtilaxa qlénemfeng*a& hd€non xwélawa laeng’ex was G°idx. Wa, laengeen kwéxasen sek* faganoeng’a laxa hd€none. Wa, laeng*enq.eyorxa nek!axé. Wa, geaxfengeafmen ndtnakwa. Wa, len wégeaa laxen g*Okwaxg*fn lak: tstex-§Ida. ; é 10. Méxés Lfatlaztawidzemga. M6xelék* laeng*e dzékeaxa g*aweqianemfengea laceng*exwa cLlema- is€eng*éx, WA, laengeen dzék-a, Wa, k- !és€eng-atmésen gégflés | dzék*afteng*-a laasen k- !flakwé Axfarelaeng-e laxa telqwa. Wa, g°a- xfeng*6 néxeidéda Swalasteng’S teqiwaxa dzemsgemlisé. Wa, la€men tatex:€fda gaxg*in 4lék- k-fxeidés. | ll. Mé@xés Qaselas Méxelék- laeng*a Laxtwiitia laeng-ex Qlemsexca. Wa, laengeen dzéx*€ida.Wi laeng’é q!lénema g*awéq!anemfeng*&en dzég*anemeng’a. Wa, laengeafmésen gwax dzék-a, Laeng*en wax’ laxsd 4x€édxen dzé- g°ats!é lexatya hdnxsfeng*e laxa Lawats sé xwaxwagum, Wa, laeng*a- 7. Good dream of Haéta®las. I dreamed last night of a pretty woman who came to call me to pick cranberries. We went inland. Then we saw many cranberries and blueberry bushes which were hanging down with many blueberries hanging from the points (of the branches) and so we shook them in- to our berry picking baskets. Then our berry picking baskets were full. I awoke after that. Then Haétatlas knew that she was going to keep alive until the season of cranberry picking. 8. Dream of Watid. I dreamed I was going to pick dogwood berries inland, together with Mawitsa. Then we went inland and I saw a snake. Then we were afraid of it and [I awoke. 9. Dream of Lfatemég-iflaku, I dreamed that I went to pick many salal berries at G°i6x. Then I saw many hump-backed salmon spawning in the river of G*1idx. Then I struck the salmon with my cane. Then I got many salal ber- ries. Then I went home. Before I arrived at home I woke up. 10. Dream of tla. latawidzemga. I dreamed that I was going to dig clams on the beach here. Then I was digging. I had not been digging long before my digging stick struck something soft. Then there came out and showed itself a large squid which had buried itself on the beach. Then I awoke be- cause I was very much afraid of it. ll. Dream of Qaselas. I dreamed I was going seawards to Shell Island. Then I was digging. I had obtained many clams by digging. Then I stopped dig- ging. Then I intended to go to my canoe to get the clam basket, lmis dream signifies that the woman who dreams will live until the salal berries are rive but that she will be sick before that time. 10 15 20 25 men doxwaLelarng*’exen Lawatsié xwaxwagumxs 1laé tslagAla lax gwa- Enftyas Q!emsexta. Wa, laengeatmé g°-txA . Wa, hé€mésen witetem lelaxsefyasteng’é. Wa, héemas laeetfasen Li wine mdx gwex°tid g-a- xen, Wa, laf&men tstexefida. Ala hasela tekiitaxcn mek!aba&tyaqen. 12. Cydkeaengee méxés Legiflas. Qiénemfeng*’aéda wasilaxa aenté wanafyaeng-a méxéx lax-dis Elaq &nax*€idex gadlax-dé. Wa, laeng’é qf@nema aent&eng*dsems g’Okuldta Kwaguré €nék-é Legi€lasaxs laé mA%méxtsia qaen. Wi, héem gwe€ydsa g°alé bakium g°4x tslek- tateléda hayaxic- lagasaxs €yax*se€maéda tstexqidlemta g*axt. qaéda acntaxs hé&maé tstexeq!dlemé yixs méxayas lag-izas ke !éts!énox¥ entlata ts!ex-- qiaixa aenté gqaxs aemsaé 14x entiatseewa aenté gaxs g°f1€maé ent!- ata tslex-qlaxa aente laé héx:€idaem xenzreidéda tslex-qg!a. Wa, hé€mis lag-izas k:flem ha€matya aentasa tslex-q!asa bak! umé. 15. Méxés Waxewidés,. Méxelék- téx’staeng*exg*anutx4 sefyotnakilacng’ék* laxa dxu- sidzafyasa hd&yfim€staengsd., Wa, laengeen &la k°-fx€Ida héemésen la tstex-€fdaase. 14, Méxés Melédé. Méxeléke tiatialax-datnemsa Lasfengea laeng:exwa G.léx. Wa, laeng’en qtacelaemxg*axs €naxwacng*atmaéx qiwéz€idaeng*en xaqéx. Wa, laengten lap!qéqoyosen g°S6kildta Kwag-ur. wi, wég°aalé la- Eng*’exen gokwaxg*fin lake ts!ex-€ida, 15. Méxés Gwagwadaxela. Méxelég:acng*e séx€wid cecwin mokwex sasem. Wa, laeng*é%g°a- nuf&x4¥ laeng*ex Xumdasbé. WA, laeng*enu&x4 lag-aacng-e lax ne gE ~ tiis Plerems leaeng*aasé ptelxelax:€idaxa Alaeng*& genk-a. WA, la- which was in the little clam digging canoe. Then I saw that my clam digging canoe was drifting Buontt north of Shell Island. It was drifting away. Then I shouted in vain. That was the reason why my husband called ma and I awoke. My heart was beating vio- lently. 12. Dream of Legiflas. Much herring-spawn spawned the herrings. This was my dream in the morning when day was almost breaking. There was much herr- ing-spawn for our tribe, the Kwaig-ur, said Legi®las when he told me his dream. This was explained by the ancient Indians as. meaning that the spirits would come and that a bad epidemic would break out at the herring spawning, for the spawn is an epidemic when one dreams of it. Therefore no sick person is allowed to eat herring-spawn, for it has an evil éffect when herring-spam is eaten, for when a sick person eats herring spawn his sickness will increase, Therefore is the eating of herring-spawn a cause of fear for the sick ones among the Indians. 13. Dream of Waxewid. I dreamed I fell into the water while we were paddling at the foot of the mountain in deep water, I was frightened very much, and that was the moment when I awoke. 14, Dream of Mexéd. I dreamed I fell from a tree here (behind the houses) inland. Taen I knew that I had broken all my bones. ‘hen I was dug up by my tribe, the Kwageux. Then had not yet reached my house when I _ awoke, 15. Dream of Gwagwadaxela. I dreamed I was out paddling with my four children. Then we were going to Xumdasbé. When we were opposite P!lelems it became very thick and foggy. Then we were lost in the fog. I was just 10 15 20 25 30 10 engea€menuf€x¥ plelxptelxerayanema. Wa, &engea€mSsen k!wag-aatexs laeng*Enuex2 yayats!a xwaketna. Wa, laeng:a&men gwax sean wa, Seng*aemésenu€x4 la tsietstaxsdeng:a, Wa, laeng’é ganox€ida. wa, laengeen méxfida, Wa, laengen tsiek- fexsdendxenu€x¥ yayatsié xwakitndxs laé qwaxfelyo laengeexe &€winakiwa. Wa, la plelxela- x°sdma. Wa, laengeen k°!és maxtidlaxa A€winak!wa. WH, laeng-é lésfida, Wa, laeng*en martlég-aatelaeng*eqéxs haé Yar!é, wa, la- men tstexe id 1axéq. 16. Méxés claqwadzé. Méxelég-asa takeaeng’ad x*Iqafyala laeng*ex6x LeEladéx. La- eng’é qséx-séda bébegwanem tetwa tslédaxteng’d LéteFlaxen leeng-a qsasoxs pextiméestalaé. Wa, laeng-en hézaqasd&sa mamaza qaeng*éda Enax€nemokwé begwanemen qiasefwasa ne qasgemé dala. Wa, laeng!alaeng*e g*axen LOofeng*en genemé qenuexu 1a hOqawelsa laxa g°Ox¥teng-adsa 16s141é- noxwé, Wa, laengsatmésenufx¥ laxa tiéx-fla qlaqialak- ‘enuxts X-f- 1x€Ité, Wa, laengea€mé Enék-a gqa&sd k-!6s la hGqawels laxwa g°6- kUgenufx4 latméets xek* faxedafx4ro., Enék°S. Wa, g-ax€eng:afmesen- u&xu nétnakwa yixs laengeaé xomateléda 1és1alénoxwe, Wa, héem walas €yax-sem méxafya, Wa, laem tslek- !arelagqéxs Eyax*seemaéda tslex-q!dlemtaxa qléx-saastasa bak!umé xYéxXe£1z. 32, Méxés Lsaqwag: ilayugwa. Méxelég-asen Lalora geaxfengee Létlala g*axfeng-en qenutxe laeng*é séxewid Lofeng*é. Laeng*en melqwalaemgéxs ge Eyoradta xefla, Wa, laengeen fnéx-gexg?fin q!lemsék+. WA, laeng’é fyak-f1I- ta qat€s addex- s€elizaeng-é g°axtengeen. Wa, latmen gwé gwaits&eng-a. Wa, laf&men ts!ex:€fida, 19 the place which they call the beautiful Country, the place where all those gc who are no more. I got ready at once. fMhen I was awakened by a noise. 31. Bad Dream of €nemodktyalis. It was this way, that I and my wife were in a large house with many platforms. Then we were asked by a man to sit down in the house in the rear corner at the right hand side, and so we sat down in the house. Then I saw all those who were dead, many men, some of the late chiefs of the Mamalélegala, that is, the late Giy6ze- las, and thé late Neg-é, who were sitting in the rear of the house, and also many old men. And ona platform made of boards placed over the door of the house, the late Tléqwap was sitting with his late friends. Then Giydtelas spoke and Ti€qwap ridiculed the speech of Giydtelas. Then he killed T!éqwap, and T!éqwap was dead. That was the moment that the late X°f1x€it asked me and my wife to leave the house of the ghosts. We went to the door led by X°fl- x€{t. Then he said, "If you do not go out of this house immediate- ly you will stay here forever." Then we went home while the ghosts were fighting. | This is a great bad dream. It announces that a bad epidemic is going to come and that many Indians will die. 32. Dream of .taqwag:ilayugwa. I dreamed of my late lover who came to call me to go padd- ling with him, and then it occurred to me that he had been dead for a long time. I said to him that I did not care to go. Then he became angry and took hold of me. ‘hen I cried out. ‘Then I awoke. a* 10 18 25 SO 20 33. Méxés K: !amaxalas. Méxelég:a xe&l€eng-ex g&noré laeng*en laydsen k- [ésfeng-a maxt!6zx Sx-Ceng*e tsledaq laeng*exa Sg-eméngwisteng-a afwinagwi-. saxa g°Oktilasasa ts!édaxsemfeng*axa k- fefsaeng:a Enemox4 be gwa- nem bekstgés. Wa, laeng*éda EnemOxUEeng-a& wita g°axtengeen: wix:sOxda a€winagwixéx laxos nfgatyéx, enex-feng-é g-axfeng*en, Wa, laeng*en xUlxiltséqalaeng-e laq. Wa, laengea€mésen nérta- Eng’eq. Wa, laeng’é keadya g*axfengeen, Wa, la&men tsfexefid 14a- X€qe 34.M6xés L!akemégeiflaky. G-axteng*aen Ompfwiita doOqwa g°axtengeen laxen g*Okwéx. Wa, laengeafmésé réflalacngee geaxteng*en gen laden 1ax g*okiilas. Wa, laengeafmésen xwanazSida gen 14 lag-6q. Laeng*ég*a melx&wa- Lelagéxs geyd%adza xeflen Ompewita. WA, laengeen Ala tstenxu- séxs g°axaé LSe1dlaeng:e g*ax€engen gaéda 16slalénoxwé. Wa, la- Emen tslex*€ida, 35. Méxés claqwaz, Laeng*ék* dzég*etiaxa g*awéqlanem laeng*ex Rianddcatees Wa, lacng*a&mésen 6x-fag-alis laeng*exa g*awégadé. Laeng*ék* dox- €watelaxa qfénemé ts!édaqa kliteé€stdlaxa legwisé, Wa, laengee abasewité cetwis Enemox¥E wire L saqwalt €wirs Lefwoxda 14x xentela tatex-q!dx Gaadxstalaséx kiwagelisxa hadyatilagas yixens gwe&yé 16sl8lénoxwa, Wa, laeng*atmé tslésaxa g*awéqlanem gqats ts!ékwéq. Wa, laeng*é Abastwizé Lé&lala g°&xteng*en gen laeng-é ts!ats!é- kiwalaq. Wa, lacng*en 4Lé€sta qen lacng’S k!wag-flisé. Wa, la- eng-en k* !6s mattialaxa wadk¥4 ts!lédaqaxa geyoxewitaxent réxe€la. Wa, laeng’é claqwalzewizé enéx- gen ts!ats!ék!waléxa ts!édzekwé geaweqianema, WA, laeng’é Abas€wizé k-!és€eng-e hérq!alen ts!é- tslékiwalaq " qaxg:fn ke !ésék- €néx- qa g*axés6x g*axens ga hé- x°sh€mésOx qlaplaxoten xtindkwaé 2a€wiinemasox,"™ Enéx-feng-é. Wa, laeng*>atmé Abasfwité fyalaqacng*e g*axen gen g*axé né&fnakwa. Wa, 21 33. Dream of K amaxalas. I dreamed last night that I was dead and I was taken away by a pretty woman who was unknown to me to a nice beach to a village in which there were only women, not a single man among them. Then one of them asked me, "How do you like this beach?'' she said to me. I felt depressed there and I told her so. Then she chased me away. Then I awoke. 34, Dream of UlazemSe-1€laku, In my dream my late father came to see me in my house here. Then he invited me to go to his village, and so I made ready to follow him. Then it occurred to me that my late father had died long ago. I became very angry because he had come on behalf of the ghosts to invite me. Then I awoke. 35. Dream of claqw&z. I dreamed that I was going digging clams on (the island) Avanddzatyé, And so I approached the beach where there are clams. I saw many women sitting around a fire on the beach. There were your late mother and her late friend .faqwaiz, and the sick Gaax- stalas was sitting with the spirits, for that is the way we call the ghosts. They were roasting clams and eating them. Then your mother called me to eat clams with them. I went ashore and sat down. I did not know the other women, but they probably died long ago. Then .!aqwaiz wanted that I should eat roasted clams with them. Your: mother did not permit me to eat clams with them, " for I do not wish her to come to us. She shall remain with my son, her husband,'' thus she said. Then your late mother sent me away home. Then I left them and went aboard my little travelling canoe, Then I awoke, 10 15 20 25 50 22 g°ax€eng*en b&sé gen laxsfeng’6 laxen yafyats!& sek-elisa. WA, latmen tslex*&id 1laxéq. 56. Méxés Gwiyosdédzas,. Méxeléke lareng*ee séxewidayosen gagempewita. Laengeen axfem qfaxfacE~laeng*eqéxs geEyoradta ceflaxg-anuex¥ laeng*ég-a qwésg-ila- _engea. Wa, laengeé aré€sta laeng*ex fg-isbalis. Wa, héeng*a€mésen la baéeng*’es gen g°axfeng’s qasaéselacng-axg*in geaxék* n&éenakwa,. Wa, geaxtengeen lax G°idx. Wa, laengeen k- feds gwaiweclastmg’c 1a- Xa wis G°i6x., Wa, laeng*en waxe gelx- ida. Wa, latngeen £1a8q wée- x°€ena, Wa, hé€mésen la ts!lex*€idaasé. 37. Méxés Ydqawidé. Laeng’ég*a s€xwa lalaaeng’e 1ax Gwadzétyaxa ganutfeng*a. Wa, g-fl€eng*a€mésen lageaa laeng*ex QlemsexLa la&eng- 6k: witaxfalela- engeexa qlék: ald hd&yata sa&ladlaxa €néx-€eng*aé gatyasas; Len yayaéx€alisakeas €nahenk: Jemlisaztxahanhan geiyafya; ha ha yifya ha ha, Eya Sgixs&léhéstchahahan q!wahahats!éné€.a gahahahan* g°lyatya; ha ha yifya ha ha. Wa, ma&xtsemks fendlacngeatmen qiasefwe lacng*ex gafyasfeng*asa sa- lemas hé€yaZaeng’dsa 1éslAlénox¥, Wa, laengeenhé&akiila laeng*ex Gwadzéfyé. Wa, laengeen lag*aaxa laeng’é nafnakila, Wa, latmen tslex-€id laxéq. ; 38. Méxés Tsexewidé, G-axfeng*ék* Léflalaso&sen Ompewita qen laeng*S 14x gwefyds &ke a€winagwisa. Wa, laengea&mésen liig-Sq. wa, laeng*anu&x4 18- gaa 1ax geOxEeng-ats. Wa, laeng-anufx4¥ hogwita laeng-ax g*dkwas. Wa, laeng’é dxk*!ala gen kiwagealIxé. Wa, laeng-atmé néxexs Loe- maé wiwosilaga laxés axas6é, Dox®widasxen kuflélaséx. La men k: !efs mama, laxacen k- !efs héxilatya, nex: feng*é g-axfeng-en. Wa, &engeaemésen raxtulita gen geax®eng’é néfnakwa. Wa, la&men © tstex*fIida. 25 36. Bad dream of Gwityosdédzas. I areamed that I was being paddled about by my late grand- father. I only recollected that he had died long ago after we were far away. Then we landed on a sandy point. I left him and went along the beach and came Honee I came to G-iox. Then I could not get across the river of G-iox. I began to swim and I was al- most drowned. At that moment I awoke, 37. Dream of Yaqawid,. In my dream I was paddling to Gwadzé€at night. As soon as I arrived at Shell Island I heard the voices of many young men who were singing love songs and they said these words: I give it up to win my love in this worlds, ha ha yifya ha ha. Oh, in. another way will go down my crying on account of my loves ha ha yifya ha ha. I learned two lines of the words of the love song of the young men of the ghosts. Then I went right on to Gwadzé® and I arrived there when the day broke. Then I awoke. 58. Dream of Tsextwid. In my dream I was called by my late father to a place which he called the Nice Country. Then I followed him. We came to his house. I entered his house. Then he asked me to sit down on the floor. Then he told me it was a very poor place where he was. (he said), "Look at my bed. TI have no cover, nothing to maintain my- self.'' Thus he said to me. Then I arose and went home. Then I awoke 1 lafter this dream Tsextwid burned two pairs of blankets and food for the soul cf his late father. 10 15 20 25 50 24 39, Méxés Hex*hakiwaédzemga. (Koskimo) Méxaég*intax nég*ex¥ yik-atsé qs6nemx: st aaxwa lak-as tefXaa tsiétsladaxstlaaxwa yik-astiaaxiix Ak+ilayugwadt LO&kwastlaaxwé A- dahdzk*astiaaxwé LOfkwastiaaxwé Llaqwag:ilayugwaditk-astlaaxwé 16- Ekwastiaaxwé Lidl iaqwadiwizék-astiaaxwé, Wad, hék-as€emxat! lak-as geox lakeas €witlak*as réfraa. Wa, lakrastiaaxwé laxstlaax¥ g-a- x€alisk-adzOx lak-astiaaxtx XUtés. Wa, lak-astlaaxwé Ak* ilayugwa Lézfaxrexsak*astiaaxtix Hex*hakiwaédzemga LOEx*stlaaxwé Liaqwaga. Wa, lax-stiaaxwé hoxewatexst saaxy lak: astlaaxtx yatyats!isé ke !6- sk*as&é la abmsk-asa. WA lax+stlaaxwé Lexelésa, Wa, lax* $t faaxwé gagdtak-astiaaxu Léx€édayox’ st aaxwa, G*Axk-asen dox€watelak*asx:- stiaaxUsxé qiénemk-asé mé&mi ek-ax-stiaaxU lak*asx:stiaaxUxé 1 la- sagwisk*atsé gokwax-stiaaxY¥ lak-asex Xités, WH, lax-stiaaxwé tla- tiaqwasdfkwatsé tiéttaqéwénoxuk-asasé GOsg-imox¥k-asé., Wa, 1ak-- astiaaxwé gdqlittakeasé tlatiaqiwaatsiéx-stiaaxwas memanagotk:asa. Wa, lak-as€emxaen tslex*€id lak-asxéq. Wi, yix gwébaiaasasa g*Aalabafyasa méxatyé qa Hex-hak!waé- dzemga Loe Liaqwaga yixs héemaé axés qiwégiiflé, WH, 1& laxsé bexetinayaséx yatyats!adsa bébex®tinafyasa la gata xé4efla, Wa, laem qfaléda méxelaxs le&maé elaq *6xXeFla maflokwe. Wa, 18 elx- Latya méxafyas qiénem k* lotela, wi laem q!flaxs lag?aéLé qlif- lax ldxa k- fotlenxé. 40. Wéxés Ts{Alalizitlak4, Méx'elék: laeng*e Lé€lanemsen OmpEwita lacng*ex Ts!adé., Wa, laeng‘en Lseléwégéxs geyoxradra tefla, Laeng*a&mésen lax g*oxue— eng’asé gen laeng’é kiwaly laeng*ex g*Skwas, Wa, laeng’é yaqleg- a€ta, laeng’é €nék-as; Gélak-as la qtdgwid, €saéten &em néx- qen g°axé héxieldlaxés gwéx-sdemOs gen damodaléxwa tsiétstex*qidlema- qos xalaxwilatya& qaxg*in doqulamég-axs hémenazatmaagds ts!ex-q!a, Enéx*feng’é Gmpewiiten. Wa, laeng*é texomaxdtsés wax’ sOttslanatyé 25 39. Dream of Hex:hak/waédzemga. (Koskimo) At night I dreamed of many dead women, of the late Ak: ila- yugwa, the late Ada, the late .!aqwag-ilayugwa and the late t!a- tiaqwadx. They had all been dead a long time. They came a- shore at Xités. Then Ak: tlayugwa called Hex*hakiwaédzemga and Ltaqwaga to come aboard the canoe. They went aboard the canoe of the supernatural ones. They steered away from shore. After they had been under way for some time I saw many salmon jumping on the beach seaward from the village Xutés. They were speared by the spearsmen of the Koskimo, and the spearsmen's canoes were full. After this I. awoke. This is the meaning of the beginning of the dream for Hex:- hakwaédzemga and Lsaqwaga -- for they were still alive -- whose souls went aboard the Sauce of the souls of those who had died long ago. Then the dreamer knew that these two were almost dead. At the end of the dream about the many salmon, she knew that she would live until the salmon run. 40. Dream of Tsialalizi€laku, I dreamed I was invited by my late father to Ts!a#dé. I had forgotten that he was dead long ago. I entered his house and sat on the floor of his house. Then he spoke and said,"I wish to cure you of your ways and to remove those sicknesses which cause you pain, for I see you are always i11." Thus said my late father. Then with both his hands he squeezed both sides of my head down- wards to the lower end of my back. Then he closed both hands and 10 15 20 50 26 laeng*exg*fin €wax*sand_eméke hadxalaengee 1laxg*fn Odzoxsdék-., Wa, héeng-afmés la telqoxtwidaats 6€efyasfs qa&s meqdstddésa tslexqid- lemé, WA, laeng-é mOpiena hé gwéx-fidé, Wa, g°fl€mésé gwateeng-a laé €yalaqaeng*’e g*axen gen g°axé naé€nakwa, Wa, la&men tsiex-€id 1laxéq. 41. Méxés Q!éqlex-cala. Méxelék* laengee hdnatta laeng*exa mégwaté laeng*ex Mapiegem. Wi, laeng‘en qleyO.xa mégwaté6. Wa, g-axfeng’en nd€nakwa laeng*exox Tsaxiséx. Wa, héx*€idarng*c&mésen ts lex €fdxa mégwattengea. Wa, g°fl€eng-atmésen gwar tslex-aqéxs laeng*ég*a yimreideq. Wa, la- eng*en qiaxa xwéflaeng*d g*its!axa pdxtimsasa walasé mégwata. Wa, laeng’atmen LOgwalaq. Aeng-atmésen la qiwalatideq laeng*exa até. Wa, laeng*’en kiwélasfitsa mégwate larng*exwa Kwakwag*uréx. Wa, g°f1€eng*atmésen gwat kiwélasa. Laeng-ék- tiéx-€aliza. Wa, la- Eng’en mextéda, G-axfeng:éda begwanema k!wag-alft laeng-exen c!fa- salizé, Wa, laeng’é €nék-a, " W8gra ke lés kuflizte ceewis gent- madsaxa mox€tinxta tsdwiinxa atas amétalax qaés LOgwatyadsa xwé8la g°axen, " €néx-feng*6da begwanem g°axfengeen. Wa, latmen tsiex- Cid laxéq. 42. Méxés Alak* ilayugwa. Méxelég*a laeng-e lawit ya€yasclaeng’exa xwaxwagima, WA, ke $6s€engeafmésen neq&téxs laeng*aé ts!aq!wag-flisa. Wa, laeng:- en Latax Nexagadé., WH, lacng-e®mé gipsidaeng-en yatyatsia xwa- xwaguma, WA, laeng*en lasgemdxa xwaxwagumaxs laé qep&lacng’a. Wa, laengeen hdxseméréq. Wa, g°axSeng-éda ts!ék!wa peece fnakila qa€s geaxfeng’é ki wasgemdxa ag*iwatyasa qep&la xwaxwaguma. Wa, laeng?é dax*€idexg*-in a€yasok¥, Wd, laeng-é Axk: ala qenyuex4 ga- qasamakea,. WA, laeng*afmenufx4 lageaa 14x Baas. Wa, laengsa€mé Lé- xs€ala g°dxfengren gen gwayifldlas qaéda €walasta tstex-qdlemtxwa héenxrtex &néxefeng*éxs laeng*eaé hoxewitsa xweflaeng*a. Wa,laeng*é Ax€aLelitsa xw6€1é laxg-fn benbag-asg*in cLlemak!ibanok¥ ga&s Lex. 27 drew up the disease, Four times he did so. After he did so he sent me home, Then I awoke, 41. Dream of Q!éq!lex*tala. I dreamed I was going sealing near Maptegem, There I got many seals. I came home here to Fort Rupert. Immédiately I singed the seals. After I was through singeing I butchered them. Then I found a quartz crystal in the stomach of a large seal, Then I had a treasure. Then I hid it in the woods. Then I gave a feast to the Kwageut tribes with the seals, After I had given the feast I lay down. Then I dreamed that I was asleep. A man came and sat down by my side. towards the middle of the house, Then he said, "You must not lie down with your wife for four years else you will be unlucky, for you have received your treasure, the quartz crystal, from me." Thus the man spoke to me. Then I awoke. 42. Dream of Alak: llayugwe. I dreamed I travelled across the water in a small canoe. I was not half way across when a northwesterly gale began to blow. I steered towards Nexagad, Then my small travelling canoe cap- sized. I climbed out of the small canoe that was drifting upside down on the water. JI lay on it with my chest down. Then a guil came flying and alighted on the bow of the small canoe that was drifting on the water. It took my hand and told me to walk on top of the water. Thus [I arrived at Blunden Harbor. Then he taught me what to do when a great epidemic should come in summer. He said so, and spit out 4 quartz crystal. Then he put the quartz crystal inte my body at the lower end of my sternum and pressed it 10 15 20 25 50 28 octendéq. Wa, laeng’é €nék-a. Wi, laems nanaxts!cewa geaxen qats yadentds qaxs le€maaqds Cwalast péxalatd%, nex: eng: éda tsl6kiwa. wa, lates Légadexts giielentsléseméga 1ax6q, &néx-feng-éda tslé- woe ae, latmen tslex*€fd 1axéq. 43. Méxés Geldédzem. ‘Be H8€méxs laé qléx-séda g-igsegimafyasa endxwa 1sihwataratye geatyala laxa €walasé tsfex’qidlema flu. Wa, la&mésenuexu enaxwa ddqiilax Q&icladé yfxs flafmad lacem xentela tsiexeqia gaxs laé ha- yOlsse em la lexOkiwala, Wa, laxaé hémenwdléda Yenxst6 tendequ lax x°fndzasas. Wa, la tetekiwalis hasatyé, Wa, lat&mé k-és la hdzats!Sla qasa. WA, la&mé tslek- laxelasOxs le€mad qleySkwé 18 wek* {fx-€{da. Wa, la&mé ALebopsemxwats qelgwizxa yix gtne1sas, Wa, 1& yawas€id méxfida. Wa, 1a&laé méxelasa atatmen g°ax g°ax6- La 14x g*Okwas. Wi, 14€1la6 €nék-a atanemaq: Gwakdz&s hé gwég-ilé Qiieldd, gist, qa&s lads 1a€sta laxwa wax gadlata tefwa dzaqwa. | Mo- plenxwatscé €ndlarés héx-demiads gwég-ilaté qa&so 3x-€8dr3 laems ke !6qitilacex mgatsié.a qa&s tséx-fidadsas laxwa wax qa€sd 1az k!wa- Estalistdzt. Wa, lates giqarts!a ewabets!fsa naigats!é 1axds éwanu- Xxawafyagos. Wa, maitexta €wabetsifla nagats:és gixeIidayos 1axds héxk: }6denutxawafyaqos, wi matexLaemxaawis laxs gemxanutxawatyéx, Enéx* feng? ef laéda dianemfeng’ax Qiieldadé. Wa, la&men bawéda ata- Enemé. Wa, héx-fidatmésé Qracladé Axtédxa ragats:6 qats ld g-fl€na-— kala qa&s 14 kiwa€sta laxa wa qa&s tséx-Iidésa nagats!é laxa €wapé qa&s gixeidés laxés hézrk--ddenutxawafyé, Wa, 1a mitpiena hé gwéx-- €idé6. Wa, laxaé h&em gwéx-&idxés gemxanutxawatyé, Wa, 1a gwarexs laé gel€nakilaxs laé laé. laxés g-Okwéxa laem gétak-as ndla qaxs q:6nemaéda bébegwanem doqilagéxs laé kiwa€stalis laxa wa wax-dzala lexAxs kiwastalisa6é; esxeaxat!. Wa, mop.enxwa&s€més Enala hé gwé- g°ilaxs laé Yak!iwémasfida. Wa, ld dxk: !dlaxa €naxwa bébe gwanemxa tstex:qsdsa flu qa Sgwagés la&sta laxa wa. WA, hé€mis €naxwa &x-- 29 in. Then he said, "Now make a rattle in my form (imitate me). Then you will be a great shaman," thus said the gull. '' Now you shall have the name QJiflents!éseméga from now on." Then I awoke 2 43. fyreain of Qeldédzem.” It was at the time that many chiefs of all the tribes died of the great epidemic, influenza. Then we all saw that Q{u&ladd was really sick, for he was coughing all the time and yellow fluid was running all the time from his nose. His breath was short and he was not able to walk. ‘Then he was informed of the death of many people. For seven days he was in bed, I mean Q!i&lad. Then he slept for a short time. Then it is said he had a dream of a wolf which came into his house. Then it is said the wolf spoke to him and said, "Do not act like this, Q!i&ldd, good friend, but go into the water of this river morning and evening. For four days do this if you want to get well, and take a bucket and dip water aS of this river while you are sitting in the water, and pour the water in the bucket over both sides of your neck. Two buckets full of water in the bucket pour over the right side. of your neck, and in the same way two buckets full over the left side of your neck." Thus said the wolf in the dream of Qii&ldd. Then the wolf left. Immediately Qstelkd took a bucket and crawled away to sit down in the water of the river. He took up water with his bucket and poured it over the right side of his neck. ‘Twice he did so. Then he also poured it over the left side of his neck. When he had finished doing so he Grawled back into his house a long time after day had come; and many men saw him sitting in the water of ltmis dream is typical for the initiation of a shaman, The novice dreams in this way of dying persons, of the War-spirit (Winalagsflis) or of other supernatural beings (hayaxilagas). 2,3 a shaman this man had the name Q!Ue1ad. 10 15 20 25 30 50 EL{déda h€ gwéx-fidé watdemas, fnemox¥eme Awalaselat Xetlasa pépe- xalaxa latsta laxa widafsta wa. Hédenulxu lag*-iza xenyasaséxs tsielqwaé &x* k-fatelés Okewinatyasés tstelqwaxa gaalaxs 1s anes sta laxa widafsta wa. Wd, nogwatmés doqgtilaq LO& Melédé 16& Agwi- lagematyé Loe K!wak!iwabalasematyé Le ewa giénemé Sgiila bébe gwanema witnestsg*in watdemk: qa Qiu&lddé. Laem laba. 44, Méxés Togumalis. Wa, héemxadwisé gwala méxatyas Togimalisxa paxela, yixs méxe- laé. G°axfengeéda timinasé Axk-!alaq ga lds la€sta laeng-exa qiewég-alasasa g*Okila laeng*exg*’a Tsaxisek*, yixs laé xentelasa Cwalas tsiex:qidlema flu. Wa, laeng*aemxaen axk: falaso& gen 14 k!wa€sta 1lagéxa gaalaxs g*alaé fnaenakiila qen xdsitésa widafsta €wapa Lefwa la dzaxq!ala. Wa, héx-fidacng*atmésen laeng*a lage 6xa téminasé. Wa, laeng-a&mé tsiatsiemx-sila qen gwég:ilasg-fn. Laeng*ék: la€sta, Wa, hé&mésen lag-ita hé gwég-iléxg-fn lek: le- xOxewida gen héx*fidatmé latsta laxwa qgfewég-alasaxsens g*Okwéx. Wa, hé€mésen lag*ixa k*fés la tslex*qlaénoxwé. Wa, héem paxdla- masa tamIinasax Togimilis. Wa, hé€mis pdxilamasa a.atnemax Qiue- 1adé. 45. Méxés Gwagwadaxecla. Méxelég-asen Abempewita g-axfengee Axk: !ala gen hémenazatmé la qiwaxétasa q!waxé laeng-exa waeng’d laxwa atégeatyaxsens g*6— kilaséxa gégaala Leewa dzadzeqwa. Wa, qa®so héx gwég-ilaré la- eméts k+ !8s tslexeqflaénox¥.d. €néx-Cengraen AbempEwhtée graxe- Engeen. Wa, héxefidatmésen la latsta laxéq. S51 the river coughing all the time while he was sitting there and also sneezing. After he had sone so for four days he became strong. Then he asked the people who were suffering from influenza to go into the water of the river. All those who acted according to his words recovered. Only Awalaselaz died, the only one among the sha- mans who went into the water of the cold river. And this is the reason why we were surprised that the bodies of those who were sick of the fever were steaming in the morning when they went into the cold river, I myself say him, and Meléd and Agwilagemé™ and K!iwa- kiwabalasemé€ and many other men were witnesses of what I say about Qimfldd. Now that is the end. 44, Dream of Togumaélis. This was also the dream of the shaman Togtmalis as he was dreaming: "A squirrel came here and asked me to go into the wa- ter of the pond behind the village of Fort Rupert," for he was very sick of the influenza. " Then I was asked to sit down in the water early in the morning when day broke, and to spray myself with cold water also late in the evening. And I obeyed the squirrel. Then it showed to me what I was to do, and I went into the water. Therefore I do this when I begin to cough. Then I go immediately into the water in this pond behind our house. Therefore I am never sick,'' It was a squirrel that made TOgimAlis a shaman and it was a wolf that made Q!a&1dd a shaman. 45, Dream of Gwagwadaxela. I dreamed of my late mother who asked me to rub my body al- lin the river behind our vill- ways with branches of hemlock trees age in the morning and in the evening, “and if you do this you will never be sick,'' thus said my late mother to me. After that I went immediately into the water. “This is the usual method of ceremonial purification. 10 15 20 25 50 52 46, Méxés maxiilag:flis. Méxelég*asa qlénemfeng’a bebe gwanem ke ftidzfz 1axe g°dxue- eng’den 14 laévasfeng*a, Wa, laengeen Sya&g*itiemfeng-esa g*ige- mafyasxa Slaengsa tawisfengee geaxfengeen, Wa, laengea€mé k-aye.- Walsa g°ax€eng*en. Wa, laeng*en néxasofeng*esa Sgiflatma begwa- nemeng*a. Wa, laeng’é &nék feng-a g-axteng-en: No gwa&menu&xu tsiétséax*qidlema laxenufx¥ enarenemOkiwénatyé begwanema. Latmé- senu€x¥ kiwala gwagwéx*s€dla laxenu€x¥ 1ldlis.axwa h¥enxcéx. Wa, hagea lawalsex, &néx°feng*éda begwanemfeng-a g-axtengeen, WA, la- Eng*€n waxe lawils laxa ti@x-flaeng:dsa twalasteng’a g*Skwa g-a~ x€engeaasa g*flx°dé yayaqientatma begwanema g*axceng*fn qafs qiwés€idésés hézrk: l6xts!ldnatyéeng-a laeng*exg*in hérk: !6denddzé. Wa, laeng’é €nék-a: Yiems geafyalastéda tslex:q!l6lemé la 4x&a- Lela 16L, €néx-feng*é geaxen. WA, laem tsfex: eta 1axéq. 47, €ydkeacenk* méx6s Lek-4sa. Méxelégeas Lagteyostwat g°-axfeng-e kiwaes laeng*ex clasanf- €yasen g°oxutengd, WA, laeng’é Axk- fala qa €wiflésdx 1a&sten g°OkUlotteng’a laxa waeng’den k*!és maxt!éra qaéda fwalasta ts!e- x¢qfdlemxwa héenxtex néx-feng*é g*dxen gaxs hé€maé k-!és k!it!a- Lelatsa tsiex-q!G6lema lata latstaz laxa wa €néx-feng’é g*axen. WH, latmen tslex:€id laxéq gen 18 la€sta laxwa wax. 48. Aenk*eaenke méxés K- fédézxem. Méxelégeasa g°axfengea doqwa geaxfeng*enten Gmpfwiita. La- eng’é Léxsala geax®eng-en qen k: 1856 xenLela notaxts!em qaeng*éda hnéz6engea geaxfeng*en qa&s dadaalé g*axfeng-en gqa&s Eqaeng*é g°a- x€eng*en qaeng*en te&lé, Wa, héengeatmés watlé wazdemfeng asé g°axfengeentaxg’fin. Lak: tslex*€ida,. 49, Méxés “maxwalag:flis, Héeng*ék* qtelsalé &xas Dals. Wa, laeng’é qfGnema togtia s€sak*elés hainamfla laeng-exen Cwax*sétatyéxen k: !é6sa martléexe- engea. Wa, laengeen mattlég-aatelaeng*ex €nemOgwisxa Nak! wax:- SOs 46. Dream of emaxtilag*flis. I dreamed of many men who were sitting in a house. I entered but I was not welcome to the chief who was very angry against me, Then I was addressed by another man who said tc me: '' We are the diseases, every one of us men who are assembled here, and we are discussing where we shall go next summer. Now go out!:''said the man to me. When I was about to go out of the door of the large house the man who had talked to me came and pinched me with his right hand Pay right side, saying, "You are going to die of the sick- ness which has taken hold of you now,'' And then I awoke. 47. Bad Bream of Lek*&sa. I dreamed that the late Lag-ey6s came and sat down on the floor of my house and he asked my whole tribe to go into the water of a river which I did not know, on account of a great eaicsmic which was to come this summer. Thus he said to me,and those would not be infected in the epidemic who would go into the river. Thus he said to me. Then I awoke. Then I went into the water of this river, | 48. Good dream of K: !édézem. I dreamed I saw my late father who advised me not to be care- less and to behave well and that he was going to " take something'# on account of witchcraft practised against me in order to kill me. That was the end of his speech to me and I awoke, 49, Dream of mixwalag:flis. In my dream I was at anchor at Dals. There were many canoes ee’ lwmen a person is bewitched by bringing into contact some ex- cretion of his body with some part of a human skeleton, the witch- craft my be counteracted by " taking" some analogous material and repeating the action of witchcraft. 10 15 20 25 30 34 da&xu, Héeng:aem mak*azxé sakselisas laeng*exen hdnwalasé., Wa, laeng*axaé maxt!ég-aatela geaxteng*en. WA, laeng?& Enékeaz fya, negump, wigeitla yaLi4.cex qadxda hadngécéseewaqens, Ytiem hayazi- lagasLOx yOx gwety4sa qeilsqiitlyaxUddens Winalag-flisa, &néxten- g°exs laé denx*€Iidateng-exés qleltsemé. Wi, wilsomAalaeng-et!é wi- XElis6 qleltsemaséxs laé tsldx*Eidacng*’éda demex°é, WA, laeng:a- Emé qsekwaeng*éda AwAsgemé gelatya. WH, laeng-a€men LO& fnemd- gwisé Avé€sta qenu&x¥ 16 laxa g-dkwé tabne- ex Dals, Wa, ax€eng-- afmésa hayatilagas g-ax®engse séxewid qa&s g*axé mexaLé laeng*exe- “mutex Leasafyaxg-anuexl lak: wielorta laeng’ exenuExY yaéyats!é sésak*elisa, WA, la&men tseex-fId 1axéq. Len 6tsto méxfida, geaxfeng-aasa begwanem g*axfeng-en, Wa, laeng’é n€ék°a: Laems hézaxaxs laéx halabala avté&sta gaxs leemaé xwanaxyeléda hayatilagas qa®&s dag-frayodé lax-datx6., Enéx-fengé gaxtengeen,. Wa, latmen tsfex°€fd 14xéq. 50. Méxés Lek-&sa,. Méxelég-a laeng-e hanatéaxa mégwaté laeng-ex Xwégats:é. Wa, laeng*’en la&g*aala 1ax0x atandé&yaxs laeng*en 1azxtaé laengexen yae- yats!é xwaxwagima gen mo gwandodéq. Wa, laengsen qasfida gen laeng-é laxa ciasanffyas Xwé gats 26. Wa, laengeen dox€watelaxa ma&itsemé iwi mégwat g*efyaeng’e laxa k!wisé. Wa, laeng-en hanac!aq. Wa, len dox€watelaeng’eqgéxs sésetyats!Axa g°flsg*flt!a sefya laeng*ex x°ix-dmsas. Wa, laeng*é bébe gwanemge me gogimacyas. Wa, laeng’a- €men qgifx€acelaeng*egéxs hé€maé cégades begwis. Wa, laeng-en k-f- xela haénxldeq. Wa,g°axftengeen bas, qdeng*entaxg*fin k- fxeidée- gras. Wa, len wégeaa laeng*exen xwaxwagimaxg’in lake tslex: ida. | 51. Méexés Omx-idé. Méxelég-a lacngse qasa coOfengeen “nemGkwe ¥Yax.en. Wa, la- Eng'enu€x lax's& laxa tiex*slaxa wadzO k- fOkiisxa k-/ésé dogii- kas Ggwixtafyé lacngeexa Sk° iE. Wa, g°flfengsa&mésenufx4 1lax-sh- xg-anufx¥ laeng*é6k* dox€watelax genem€otas Yaxcen,yfengsex cla- 35 on both sides on the water and they were not known to me. Then I discovered in his canoe close to me at the place where I was at anchor €nemdgwis, the Nakiwax-datx¥, He said, ''Oh, son-in-law, take care, for these who are at anchor here are the spirits who.are referred to by the people of ancient times as War-spirits," thus he said to me and hauled in his anchor, Before “he had pulled up his anchor a strong tide began to run. Big waves were breaking. Then I and nemogwis went ashore and to the house in Dals. Then the spirits came along paddling and stopped on the water near the place where we had gotten out of our canoes. After that I awoke, Then I went to sleep again and a man came and said, ''You did well to go ashore quickly for the spirits were ready to take you," thus he said to me. Then I awoke. 50. Dream of Lek-4sa. I dreamed I had gone sealing on Xwégatsié. I arrived at the point lying towards the moutn and stepped out of my small travell- ing canoe in order ta place the anchor line on shore. Then I went to the sea side of Xwégatsié. There I saw two large seals lying on a seal-rock and I was about to shoot them. Then I saw that their heads had long hair and they had human faces, I discovered that they were what is called Sea-men. Then I was afraid to shoot them. I went away from them. Now I was afraid of them. I had not arrived at my small travelling canoe when I awoke. 51. Dream of Omz-fa. I dreamed I was taking a walk with my friend Yaxten. We were passing through a door in a wide wall which was standing on the ground, Its upper end was invisible. As soon as we had passed through I saw the late wife of Yaxten, L1a1é%Tlayugwa. Then I saw 3% 10° 15 20 25 30 1ézflayugwoxé, Wa, laeng-anu&x4 doxtwactelaeng*egéxs h&emaaxdr g°Sx¥eengsesa léslAlénoxwé, Wa, laeng-é vsalézilayugwdr 1ée14- laxés xa&winemé Yaxten ga l&és lagéxs ki€lilasteng-é., Wa, laeng-- a€mésen nemOkwé Yaxten ga&s laengé kiilg-afliz laq. Wa, f&eng-a- Emésen la taewita x°itstax*flaeng*eqéxs laé amatAlaengsa. WA, la- eng’S .ialéxilayugwa axk-ialaeng’e g*axen qen g*axé nd€nakwa qaxs la€mék> xek-!ag-fn ta€winemk-, €néx-feng-S,. Wa, la€men ts!ex-€Ida. 52. Méxés Tsdpialé. Laeng*’ék* g&sa laeng*exwa aciasa ke lés€eng- den maxt!éx Aewi- nagwisa, Wa, laengren dox€watelaxa g°OkUld 14x OxUsidzafyasa ne- gedeng’d. WH, laengeen laét laeng-exa g°-Skwé. WA, laeng-é k- !eas kiwalz laq. WA, laeng-en dddeqwalizela lax A€wi€stalizas. Wa, laeng*en dOqiilaxa xazxeqasa begwanemée qiénem Axemts!Axa xéxetsemé. Wi, laengeen &lak:!ala la ts!endekrasé, Wa, latmen ts!ex-€fd 1a- x6q. | 53. Mexés Ke !6dézxemalyé, G-axfeng-aéda hayatilagas®eng:a qiénem daeng*exwa g° igema- €y6x €maxwax. Wi, laeng’Ox qtemsa 14 1aq. Wa, &&mésdx laeng-e boy&. WH, laengsa&mé dag-flxtaléda hayatilagasaxa babagumaxs laa b&engea. Wa, laeng:a€mens g°kildotéex qedk-aeng*exa hayatilagasaxs laa dag: flx.alaeng’exa babagima, Wa, lacng*é k* és qidseewa, Wa, laf&men ts!ex*€{id 1ax6éq. | 54. Méxés Wakeas. (Koskimo ) Méxaék- 1ax-stlaaxu lak*astiaaxY g-ig-flisela lak-asex Madé, Lax* steaax¥ewin dox€watak-astlaax¥xé qtemflax-stlaaxwa bébekumala LOfk-asé tslétsiedaxx*stsaaxwa ladstaalax-stiaaxUk-as lak-asex was Madé, Lak-astiaaxwa alLéx:stJaaxu doxwatak*astiaax" g*axk-a- sen, Wa, lax*stiaaxwé dotieg-a€tk-astiaax¥ geaxk-asen, Wa, la- x*stsaaxwé Enéx-a, Gwak-asla g-ax g°*éqelsa lak-asxo tiex-axs Ha- yatilagas. Hék-astemxat! Hayatilagask*asa lak-as ladstala lak-as-= 37 that this was the house of the ghosts, L!alé%ilayugwa called her husband Yaxten to come to her and to lie down. Then my friend Yaxten went and lay down with her. I was left standing and saw how they were playing together. Then L2aléxflayugwa asked me to go home, ''for my husband is going to stay away,"thus she said. Then: I awoke. 52. Dream of Tsdpialé. In my dream I went inland to a place which I did not know. I saw a house at the foot of a mountain. I entered the house. [I did not sit down on the floor. I looked about in the house. Then I saw human bones, many in boxes. I was frightened. Then I a- 53. Dream of K* !édézem. In my dream many spirits came to get chief emaxwa He, how- ever, did not want to go along. Then he was left by them. When the spirits went away they took along a boy. Then our tribe dis- covered that the spirits had taken along a boy. He was not found. Then I awoke. 54. Dream of Wak-as. (Koskimo ) I dreamed I was walking along the river of Madé,. There I saw many men walking about and also women. They were going up the river of Mad8. ‘The last one (of these people) saw me and spoke to me. He said, ''Do not walk on the ground that belongs to these spirits who are walking along this river, and they intend to bathe in this river.'' Thus the man spoke to me. Then I awoke. 10 15 20 25 30 358 x6-.wa lak*astaxaox g*ig*fzxtalak*asta lak*asx6O wak-as6éx, €néx-- steaaxwa bekumélax-staaxwe g*axkeasen. Wa, lak*asmen tsfak: fee x€ida. 55. Méxés Gayorelas. Loemen k*fx€idaeng-esen méxafyax ganoré, yixg:in méxelék- sé- x€widarng'a Lasgeméx Xwégats!é. Wa, laeng-en €14q lageaala. Las eng’aasa demsx°6é ts!#€lilaeng-a. Wa, laengen Alax-it séx€wida. K: (étstemteng*aémésen lalax-talaxa tsiala. Wa, laeng-atmen Lasge- méx Xwégatsié, WA, Ax-stlaakueeng-a&mé Xwégats.é la cagitsazre g°axen. Wa, laengea€mé geax q!énema tslék!iwé. Wa, laeng*en q!ia- t€acelagéxs qwaxitatyaéda fyag*fmes Xw6 gatsié. Wa, laengten 4la k*fx€itsé, WA, latmen gwéx-€itso&sen genemé laxéq. 56. Méxés Kiwamaxalas. . Latng*ék* dzadzéts!axa dz41é6é larng:exwa tiemaiséx. Wa, la- eng*en lag-aa l&xa Dzddzadé. Wa, laeng-a€mésen dzadzots!ex-€ida. Wa, héeng-atmés At€s mOsgem&engren dzadzots:anemaxs laeng*aé pie- 1x€idaxa 414 genk-aeng-a. Wa, laengsé g*axa 41a &x°sdk¥u begwa- nemeng’a. Wa, laengsé yaqiegsatza. Wa, laeng-é Enék*a: Géla Kiwamaxalas gens 18 laxa q!léq!adaxa dzAlé, €néx-teng-é g-aken. Wa, héx-fidaeng-afmésen laeng*e lasgeméq. Wa, laengren kiés ma- xtid@laxa begwanemeeng?a. WA, laeng-en k!és doqtilaxenuf&xu 1lalad qaxs G@laeng-aé la genk*acng*éda pLEI Xela. Wa, laeng*anu&x¥ ho- gwit laeng*exa Cwalasfengea g*Okwa. Wa, laeng’é &nék*éda begwa- nemeeng:a&: Yiiemen g*SkwOx. NOgwacm Liagwag:ila Lewlilgdmés Q26mo- evé, Wa, latmésen gegsadtos Kiwamaxalas ga lalag-ittsa k- léx-- k+ladzekwaxs LéLam 14x Asa, €néx-feng’é Lidqwagila g-axfeng: in. Wa, laeng*a€mésen Sx-akefengeex watdemas. WA, laengeen YaEwades L!aqwag:ila. Wa, laengeatmé Loma aékeila geaxfengeen. Wa, 1a Enéx*feng*é claqwag*ila g°axfengeens Wageiztla €yac!av.ex gaxs le- Emaéx xeke!8x g*axen. Wa,hé€mésen tsiex-tldg°izé. 39 55. Dream of Gayotelas In my dream I was much afraid last night when I dreamed I was out paddling and steered towards XwSgatsté. I had almost arrived there when a strong tide began to run. Then I paddled hard but I could not make any headway against the tide. I was steering towards Kwégatsié, but it was as though Xwégatsé was pushing me away. Then many gulls came. Now I knew that the sea monster of Xw6gatsié was about to come up, Then I was very much afraid. Then I was awakened by my wife. 56. Dream of Kiwamaxdlas. In my dream I was walking along the beach to get cockles. Then I came to Dzddzad looking for cockles. When I had found four cockles a thick fog came up. Then a very beautiful man came. He spoke and said, "Come, Kiwamaxalas, let us go where there are many cockles," thus he said to me. I followed him at once. I did not know the man, and I did not see where we were going, because the fog was very thick. Then we entered a large house, and the man said, "This is my house. I am cfaqwag-ila, the prince of QiSmogwa.. Now I shall have you for my wife, K!wamaxalas, and these carved posts I shall give to your father," thus said L!a- quag*ila to me. I agreed to his words and I had claqwag:ila for my husband. He was very kind to me. clagwag-ila said to me, "Now take care. You are going to stay with me all the time." And so I awoke, lmis dream signifies that a relative of the dreamer is going to drown. 10 15 20 25 350 40 57. Mxé. Méxelég-a qaqesuls Lefwa Swalasfengd g-fla lax Dzawadé, Hé- eng’ég-a g*okulé. Wa, laeng-atmésen hanadtiaq laeng-aasé Lax€wel- saeng’a gas yaqieg*afxé praxfengeen. Laeng-é €nék-a: Gwala xu- nok¥, Nogwaems Ompfwiidos geayala laxg:fn 14x’ gwéx- sdema, Hag’a laxgeada Eneldzég*asa wax qa&s hads hanreidaasg’a g-flag-as, ©néx-- feng*éda Ewalas g°fla. Wa, laeng*en gqasfida, laengeen doOxewacela- engeexa qlénem€eng’aé g*fla. Wa, laengeen k°fxfits. Wa, laen- geafmen héxrtsiasé., Wa, laeng-en dzelxtla wax°a laengeexg:fn lat- méke 14x na#€naxu€engre laxen geOx¥eeng’a, Wa, ke fés€eng-atien qwésg*ilaeng:exg-in ldgea Stiédaeng*c d6x€watelaxa qlém&ladeng’a g°ila. Wa laxenten 4la k-ix€idaeng-ts lag-iza tsfex*€Iidé. 58, Méxés Hayosdésclasxa cLlaclayadzatyé. Héemaaxg’fin kufléxék* laxenu€x4 g-Okwe 14x Dzawadé ceewin xa- Ewiinemé Warédé, Snék-é Hayosdéselas. Wa, laem maxméxtsiasés msx- afyé g-axen yixs claclayadzayaé Hayosdéselasé. Wa, laxaé clacita- yadzatyé za€winemasé Warédé, Wa, la &nék-a: Héemaaxg*enu€x4 kiitstesfengsék> lax ciasand€yarrg:dsenuex¥ gokwaxa gaadlarng*a toteng*ox Watédéxxa dzadzexwélacnxé. Wa, laen- g°anulx4 witax atelaxa denxk: {alaeng*-a laxa ox€siwatyas was Dzawadé g°axtistalacng-a. Wa gwarelaengsatmesénuex4 qidg-éx qayasfeng:asa qiemdemé denx€alafyoreng*esa denxk+!ala. W8, gea€més qayatsa qlem- demasé grada yix witexas Hayosdéselas tofeng-és raewinemé:s G-ageaxfa nogwa ladtag LOgwalaés mémeyOxwanaé yor LO- gwalaéyahék*asto, hatyo, hatyo, natyo. Gage axfalétk*asEohos LSgwalads méme yOxwanaésg° aho mamenteyés Logwalaés méme yoxwanaé. Wa laeng’é qiwéi€édéda denxeflalaeng*ex ctldsam&fyas g°dkwas Hayosdéselas, laeng*aas Hadyosdéselasé aexenareiene amasgemala tsf- edaxfeng-a geax geax-€idaeng-e 14x denxk: !Alasdasa denxela qie- telaxa héeng-a gwex's az€em mayOlem g*fnanem qa€s laeng*é qlexk: !- 41 o7. A Dream. I dreamed I had gone out and met a large grizzly bear in Knight Inlet. That is where I live. And so I shot at it, and it stood up and spoke to me and said, ''Do not do that, child. I am your late father. I was killed by that which looks the way I look now. Go up the river, and there is a place where you are going to see grizzly bears." Thus said thé large grizzly bear. Then I went and in my dream I saw many grizzly bears. Then I was afraid. I ran away from them intending to run home. I had not gone very far when I saw many more grizzly bears walking about. I woke up , evidently because I was very much afraid. 58. Dream of One of Twins. "T was lying in our house in Knight Inlet with my husband, Wi.éd,"said Hayosdéselas. And then she told me her dream, for Hayosdéselas was one of twins, and her husband, Wavéd, was also one of twins. She said: "T dreamed that we were sitting on the floor of our house, I and Witéd, in the morning at the time when the olachen were runn- ing. We heard the sound of a song at the mouth of the river of Knight Inlet. It was coming up the river. Then we began to un- derstand the words of the song which was being sung." And these are the words of the song heard by Hayosdéselas and her husband: The treasure of the salmon is coming to you, the great treasure. Hafyo, hafyo, hafyo. Beautifully he is coming, the treasure of the salmon, this Mamenzafya of the salmon. Then the singing in front of the house of Hayosdéselas stopped and in her dream Hayosdéselas saw a small woman coming from the place where the sound of the singing had been. In her arms she carried something that was like a new born child, and 10 15 25 50 42 Elgentsa g°finanemé laeng-ex Hayosdéselas. Wa, laeng*é x-fstidé da g*fnanemé laengsex tek: !as Hiyosdéstlas. W&, laengte €nék-é MeyOxwaxsem laeng*ex Hayosdéselas: Laems Léxtédies Mamenzatyé 14xOs Logwafy6x g-axen, €nék-éxs laé x-fstIida. Wa, hé&mis la g°ag-f.telatsen genemé la bewéxewitsdx wisax, nék°é Wa.rédé yfixs laé maiméxtsia qaen. Wa, laem laba laxéq. Wa, g°fl&mésé hézogwila bewekwé Hayosdéselasé laé mayor€itsa babagumé. WA, g*flmésé ganurfida laé 6tléd méxelasa Amisgemala MeyoOxwaxsem-g*axteng*e kiwagsallz 1laxg*fn héxk- !6denddzé1izx talex-€ida. 62. Méxés “maxilag’flis. Laeng*ék* placitlale laeng-exa Sk°!6, Héeng-e gwéx’s lala- dzolits!a dxadsasa t!6t!6 ytxs néxraracng-atmaéda tlotioxa tnala. We, laeng*en naxwa doqiilaxox &€witstaeng-axsens Snalax, Wa, laeng*en wax’ €néx- gen g*axfeng’é bané&sta. Wa, laeng*en k: fefs gwex: i - daasteng*a, Wa, lacng*een @lak: fala k-fzfida, Wa, latmen tslex:e- fd laxéq. 63. Méxés Snax*nag‘em. Méxélég°a laeng*e laxa g*Skwasa m&€sila laeng*ex i lasddésa- sens €nalax, Wa, laeng*en k* és q!ftelaxen lag*izfeng-a 1laq. Wa, laeng*en dodqiilaeng*exen Ompfwita laq. Wa, laeng-é fyak-!ala geaxe- Eng*enmLaxg*’in lak: 14x axas€eng’aes. Wa, laeng’é axk: fala g*ax€engen qen g*axé néfnakwa, Wa, laeng*en melxewatelagéxs geyotadxye teflen Smpewita. Wa, g°axfengeen néfnakwa. Wa, la&men tslex-€ida laxéq. 64. Mé@xés Gwagwadaxela, M6xelégea layOeng*e laxa qwésala &€winagwisa yfeng-asa be gwa- nemaen ke fésfengee martisra, Wa, laeng’a&menufx4 yayaselaxa ogi~’ gata xwakiima. WH, lacngeen €nénk-{6x€id qen watixa be gwineme- Eng?’a lax geayoflasteng-as. Wa, laeng’S yaqleg-atzya. Wa, laen- gS €nékea: Qiftela€mentaxs €nénk: légatyaqios yixs nék-aaqds witads laxen g*aydflasa. Wa, la€mésen néYaco.. NOgwacm mazp!ena- tosaxa Swalasé tiotioxés dégitS€saxa dzaqwa, &néx-feng-Sda begwa- nemé, Wa, laengeen Ala k°fxfits watdemas. Wa, latmen ts!ex-flda len 6tsto méex€ida, 49 "through this (hole) pass the children when they are born, when they come from the upper side of the world. Now pass through it and go home. I am going to help you that it may not be hard for you to pass through." Then I went on, but before I arrived I awoke. 62. Dream of Smaxiilag-flis. In my dream I flew upwards, It was as though I was going to the place where the stars are, for the stars were showing in the daytime. I saw all around our world, Then I wished in vain to go down again, I was not able to do so. I was very much afraid, Then I awoke, 63. Dream of nax-nag-em. I dreamed I was going to the house of the Master of the Sal- mon on the sea side of our world. I do not know why I was going there, There I saw my late father. Then he scolded me because I had gone to the place where he was. He asked me to.go back home. Then I remembered that my late father had died long ago. Then I went home. Then I awoke. 64. Dream of Gwagwadaxela. I dreamed I had been taken by a man unknown to me to a distant place. We were travelling in a strange looking canoe. I thought I would ask the man where he came from. Then he spoke to me and said, "I know your thoughts. You wish to ask me where I come from. I will tell you. I am the great star which goes down twice and which you see in the evening,'' said the man. Then I was afraid on account of his speech. I awoke and I went to sleep again. 10 15 20 25 50 G65. yak-aeng*e méxés Gaaxstalas, Lacng*a laeng*exwa Aciéx senqaxa de fnas Lofeng*en 2aewiinemdo= X6 .Lelélewsk: Swirs. Wa, g°flfeng-atmésenuex4 aceg-ila laeng*aen YSEwinmemOxXS celélewék* Cwit6 Axk-falaceng-c g-axfeng’en qenuéxu kitistelsé. WE, laeng*anuex4 kiisfelsa, WA, laengeafmen melxtwa- Lelagéxs geyoOrtaor rte®la, Wa, laeng’é nékeas ya, adi, coma°- men qlayaqeléds Wa, len &lake fala teng-as ga€s, qlagwid&, Wa, lageanems k* {6s f.atia g°igeaéxfédaénox¥ geaxentaxs laéx xtaewade - sox NOXbafyax. Wa, la&mésen 18% lats!ax laxs bats!&q!ds qen Aba- yadads, €nék°éxs laé x°fstida. Wa, laeng*en gasfida gen ldeng-e laxa wig*exekula gen senxeédé lacng*exa Sx*pléqala dzeseqwa. Wa, laceng’S qsénemfeng*en senganemé defnasa. Wa, laengeen yittsemdeq qen Oxcex°*fidéq. Wa, geaxfengeen na&nakwa lacng*exenufxU g-okwéx. Wa, héxe€idaeng*a€mésen tslek: !axelaeng*exen yaewinemex. Wa, laen- geatmé babalen zxa€winemaxa geyoxewita xefla. Wa, laengsa&mé €né- keen xa€winems gas k° félax°€Idé g-axfeng-en. WA, laeng*en Alax-- €ld k°fxflts lag-ita tslex*eidés laxéq. 66. Méxés Ke fasdgwiflaku, Méxelégeagé g°-axfeng’Oxda Smekiilax laeng*exwa bafnéx &€wina- gwisa, Wa, ge: tleeng-atmésd g°axfelsteng*’a g°axaasa begwanema g° fin Kewils€eng*a lax tien&€yasa *mekila. WA, laeng’é Léxstalaxwa Kwageuzéx qa k- {6sés0x Ltécicsapsa LO ga ke léss6x g*ald.apiax dadek*asasés bexaté Lo& qa k* és6s6x X6memax genemasés bexité. Hdemis qa hémenatatmésdx ts!elwaqaxa bekwSlénokwacns qa wax6s6 g°iwala lax-da&xo., néx°feng’éda begwanemasa mekiila. Wa, la- men tslex*€ida, 67. Méxés Melédé. MéxelSk* laeng*ee laxa &k° la afwinagwisaxa alacng’& Skea. Laeng*en déqiilaxa qiénem€eng-axa Cnaxwax-stiaaxema tslédaq. Wi, g°ax€eng*éda Enemdkwés laq gas yadyaqlente’mé g°axfeng-en,. Wa, lacngeaemé Léxsfala g*axfeng-en qen gwatlag:i Lélkiwala qax- o1 65. Bad Dream of Gaaxstalas. In my dream I went into the woods to peel cedar bark, togeth- er with my late husband telélewék*. We were going inland. Then my late husband asked me to lie down with him. Then we lay down. Then it oocurred to me that he had died long ago. Then he said, ''Oh mistress, I am in great trouble for your sake. I long for you very much, mistress. You do not think of me at all since you have NOXb6E for your husband. So I am going to enter your womb that you may become my mother," thus he said and disappeared. Then in my dream I went to a cedar grove and peeled a good many cedar trees. I had a great deal of cedar bark which I had peeled. Then I tied it up and put it on my back. In my dream I came to my house and in my dream I told my husband. Then my husband became jealous on ac- count of the one who had died long ago. In my dream my husband said he would beat me. Then I was afraid and therefore I awoke, 66. Dream of K: laségwiflaku, I dreamed that the Moon came down to our world. As soon as she reached the ground a man stepped out of the side door of the Moon, Then he told the Kwageut not to hate one another and not to steal the property of their fellow men and not to seduce the wives of their fellow men and also this, that they should pray to the Orea- tor of man, "that he may pity you and help you,™ said the moon man. Then I awoke, 67. Dream of Meléd,. I dreamed I was going to the upper world, which was very beau- tiful. Then I saw many people and all of them seemed to be women. One of them came to me and spoke to me and advised me never to lmis dream means that the dreamer Will have a son, but also that her husband will die shortly after the birth of the child. 4* 10 15 20 25 52 geenufx™ qiatelatmé g-Axs hémenaXatmaagos Lélkiwalaxs yaqient !a- laagds laxa k!w6x6 14x3s g°dkwads 1laxa batné Atwinagwisa. Wa, qasd hdx-sd gwék: alaré la&mSts zalawatelacox laxwa g*igemag/cnutx4 qasd dadelit!asdztsGx.: Wa, hé€mis qa&s k-lésads g°flétax dadck-a- gas Cnemwiyots. Wa, héemis qats k-iésads Lsésilaxés bexewitos. Wi, hé€maa qasd nanagég’S Cwlflaxen waxdemi®ldla 14. la.es k- leas k*fElemiox, Enéx°feng’dS g-axtengeen. Wa, laeng-a&mé axk* fala gen geaxé naifnakwa. Wa, laeng’é Axstodaxa tiéx-fldsa dian&fyasa wa- lasteng’i g°Okwa. Wa, laeng*en lawelsa,. we, fengea€mésen hép$- aXto dOxtwarelaxen g°Ox4¥Eeng?&. Wa, latmen tslex*€id laxéq. 68. Méxés maxillag’ilis. Méxelég*fintas Mr, Hall gano.é €nék-s Smaxilag’flis g-axen- Laxa laxenté ma€zenxé tsldwinxas €néx-demas g°axen. WA, la €nék-a: KiwaézEteng’ék° laxa €stengeaé nos g°Skwa laeng*en nanfig&x°- silaeng’exen nfgafyé senaeng’ex g*Ogwaddsa ésfeng-ad Ex geoxue= eng-en 1&i kiwasflastengea, Wa, laeng*’é yaqleg-aftfeng’Sda be gwa- nema laeng*exen a€wap!é6lizs, Wa laeng’é6 €ndéx-fengea; Wa, €ne- mweyot, maxiilag:flis, masos axsewéx laxwa g*Okwéx néx-eng-6, Wa laeng’m mels€ida gqaeng’en doxtwidéq. Wa, laengeen mazrt!ég-a- alElagéxs hSengeaé Mr. A. J. Hall xa lafleladdtas fyflisé, Wa, lacng‘aémS g*fltia ts!dlemeeng’S qléxuts!aeyas dadatelawakwa. WA, laeng’S tsldlemfeng’s tetemtfengsa&s hdbetsema.,. Wa, laeng-é a&mo- ts6estaaxtsa k: Aléda Letem®fengeas. Wa, laeng’é leqé€walaxa k-4- 16 héeng*é gwéx-sa Li6sela. WH, laeng*é genxflaxa gelg-ex*dla k*Alk:fenfengea. Wa, laeng*en Laxeilizteng-a qen saxaeng*ésen hézk: [6tslanatyé, laeng-atmen wax €nék-fengea gen dabatts!anéq. Wa, laeng*’é €nékea ke !é6 k*!6 gqaxg°fn latmé Sgiixeida, qaxg°fn g°a- fmék* LéxsfalayorO. lax Tsaxisé, yixg:fn lak: qiwalax-.tena gaxg*fn la€mék* laxa Skea &€winagwisa. Hé€mésen lag:iza k-!és dabarts!a- nend6t gqaxs k* !6saaqg6s €nemx:€Idalét laxen Léxsalayoxtad. Enéx: b= Eng’6xs laeng*aé x*fstida, Wa, laem labéda méxatyas Smaxtilag: f- speak a lie," for I know that you always lie when you talk about the feasts that you give to your tribe in the country down below. If you go on talking this way you will fare 111 with our chief here when he judges you. And you shall not steal your brother's property and you shall not hate your fellow men. If you obey what I tell you will have no reason to fear," thus she said to me. Then she asked me to go home. She opened the rear door of the house and I went out, and when I looked up I saw my house. Then I awoke, 68. Dream of emaxilag: flis.! "IT dreamed this night of Mr. Hall," said ©maxitlag’flis to me. It may be two years since he told me this dream. He said:— I dreamed I was sitting in a house, not mine, and I thought in my mind who might be the owner of the bad house in which I was sitting. Then a man behind me spoke and said, "Oh brother, &ma- xilag’flis, what are you doing in this house?'' I turned around and looked at him and recognized Mr. Hall, the former missionary at Alert Bay. He wore a long black coat and a biack cap covered his head. His black cap was embroidered all around with gold. On his forehead he wore gold which shone like the sun. Then I arose and stretched out my hand, intending to take his hand. Then he said, "Oh, no! I am now different, for as I used to preach to you at Fort Rupert I am dressed thus because I am now in the world above. I cannot take your hand because you did not obey what I preached to you," thus he said and he disappeared. That was the end of the dream of maxiilag:flis on the twenty-eighth of February. - This man is know as a dreamer. He belongs to the Sént!em. 54 lisaxa ha&ma&%giinarexsag&la Snala laxa February. Wa, 14 €laq labéda Smektilasa April g-axaa k*!ddekwé g°ax-{t 1ax England tsiek-axelas Mr, Hallaxs wék--ifx€6daaxa a.eboxsa- gfila €nalasa €megwab&sa q:éxelaxa February. Wa, léx-aSmSsen 14- geiza Gqitisex méxatyas Smaxiilag:flisé yixs h&x-tida&maé g-ax ma- xrméxtslasés méxatyaxa gadldisés méxelax*demas Mr. Hallé q!walen- kwa. Wi, héem gwe&ydsa bakiumé Alak: fala méxtsiasa LO& aék-aeng-c. 95 When the month of April was almost gone a letter came from England telling of Mr. Hall's death on the twenty-seventh day of the month of February. The only point that makes me‘ believe the dream of €maxiilag’flis is that he came at once and told me about his dream in the morning he had dreamed about Mr. Hall dressed up in this way. That is what is called by the Indians a true dreamer and a good dream. 10 15 20 RANK P?R..O°P-E-ROTSy) Ay ND iy N ee her eh eee Gelp!énoxu Leewa tidgwig’é. Wi, hé€maéxs kiwélasaéda begwanemaxa qiésgemakw6 1élqwdlaca- Eya; wa, g°il€mésé cLidpa tiex¥sdsxa ndxwa hé€madmasa, wa, 1a ax- tsldyowa ha€m#itasa kiw6éxé6 laxa 26elq!iwé; wa, g°fl&mésé6é la €wiEla Axtsteewakwa XSelqiwisa hé€madmasé laas Lax€iliza elkwisa g:Ige- ma€yéxa k!wélasé. Wa, 1& yaqleg:a€z6éda elkwa, Wa, 14 Enék-a; Qi. qgitas hé€maéx gwék: falasé, €x-laxaéten qentdo fem 1ax Lagax*sa-~ x°@idlax6 qadx M&fnakildxwa k- !és€onokwax:sa gelpa qa dwaxaflatsa kiw6éxS laxa €nax€neméxta XY6qiwa. Wa, sd€méts Yaqor!é6qelas laems g°axt tldgwig-exgeada gelpsénoxiike yixg:a M&€nakilak- yiitax k- /é- k* fes€Snokwaaqgdsasa hd gwég°ilé &nék-é yixs g*aydtaé M&Enakiila 1ax €neemémotasa Séniiemé,. Wa, 1&8 geaydx6 Yaqorléqelasé lax €ne&- mémotasa kikwaksimasa Gwétela. WA, héx-€idatmésé M&enakiila Ld ‘Yqorléqelas g*ax lax mexélasasa XOelqiwé qa&s hos®{déq. Hémé MAEnakiila hdsaq lagéxs c!ienqaasa g*fltia tsléstala daaxUs laxa XGelqiwé. Wa, g°f1&mésé neq&xréda tGelqiwa hodsé€s laé Enék°é MA~ Enakiila neqixtafai. Wa, la Ydqouséqelas tidxewidxa nemé 1axés qomaisés héi%k: fotstanafyé laqgéxs Afmaé elxratya tldgwig-atyé Yaqo- Liéqelas yis M&€nakilaxa gelpiénoxwé. Wa, g°fl&més6 maitsemg-u- st@wa XGelqiwé hosés M&€naktila laé €nék-a ma€itsemgeastaai. Wa, la Yaqouséqelasé tiax€widxés ts!emalax-ts!anatyé, Wa, héx-s&€mésé gwéeg-ilé. Wa, g-flemésé yiiduxUsemg:ustawexiéda XOElqiwa laé la Poeenekyo re nO Pee RT Yo CA N D-Ll*NHE RITA NUE Counter and Tally Keeper. When a man gives a feast to different tribes/and when the clover roots or all kinds of food are done,/the food that is to be eaten by the guests is put into the dishes. As soon as all(5)the food has been put into the dishes, the speaker of the chief,/the host, stands up, and the speaker speaks and says:/"Yes, indeed this is the way to speak, However, would it be good, if I should just ask anyone to call out the names?/ For here is M&€nakila, whose hereditary privilege it is to count the number of/guests to each dish. And you, Yaqor!éqe- las, you(10)will come and count with M&€nakila, for you have this/ hereditary privilige of doing so," said he, for M&€nakiila belongs to the/numaym Sénci!em and Yagoréqelas belongs to the/numaym Kikwak!im of the Northerners. Madea nmadtaraay M&€nakiila and/Yaqot!éqelas come to the dishes that are on the floor, and begin to count. It is(15) M&€naktila who counts them pushing with the long tongs which he is carry- ing/the dishes, and after he has counted ten dishes, then MA&nakiila says/ "Ten dishes,’ and Yaqo.féqelas folds under/the thumb of his right hand, for Yaqo.!égelas is the tally keeper/of M&€nakiila, who is the counter. ‘And as soon as twenty(29)dishes have been counted by M&€nakula, he says, ''Twenty dishes," and/then Yaqor!éqelas folds down his first fin- ger, and he continues/doing so, and as soon as there are thirty dishes, 10 15 20 25 350 yadux'piena &nék*éda g*elpiénoxwé neqéx.ta. Wa, lada tlagwig:atyé yix Yigou!éqelas tiaixewidxés €ndlax-tsianatyé. Wa, g°fl&mésé gwaz hosaxa XSElqiwé laé M&&naktila LO& Yeqo.séqelas qasfida qa®s 14 Laxewalizdacx¥ 1ax clasalizasa kiw6éxé. Wa, la M&&nakila ©néx-- xés tlagwigeatyé Yaqocléqelas; Qiéqiatéalatox laxa Sneméxra 16- qgiwa, &nék*éxs 1aé hOsfidxa begwanemé. WéSg-a tidgwig*écex. Enemok4, maflok¥, yuduk¥, mokY¥, sekeJ6k4¥, qeersok¥, Sneméxca 15- qiwa. €nemOk4¥, mafl6k¥, yiiduk¥, mok¥, sek*lOkU, qeeLsoku¥, maxex- La XOelqiwa. €nemdk¥, mafldk4¥, yiiduk¥, moOkY, sek lOk4, qleLsok4, yiiduxtixia YSelqiwa. Wa, hé€mis la tladgwig’ésd&s Yadqo.2éqelas. Wa, héem ke {6k fesfonokwé M&fnakila LO& Yaqo.iéqelatsés gwigwila- g°flflasé g*ig-frela laxa nuxunetmisé lax Qalogwis. Wa, laem ke lefs gwéx-fidaas las 14xés tsiedaqé xtindkwa yfixs k- feAsaé be- gwanems sasemas, wa, hé&misés hénax:fidaats las laxa begwanemé xindxusés tsiatya &naxwa yix M&fnakiila LO& Yaqio.téqelas. Wa, la ke 26s qitinala hédéda €ndlastiegemafyé begwanem xtindx¥sa gel- plénox¥ laats gelpsénox4eénatyasés Smpé yixs hadé q!itinadla laatsa gelp.énoxwa amafyfnxafyas sasemas. Wa, h€emxaawisé gwég-iléda tligwig*6& lax wazdemasa bak!im yfixs €nék*aaq nendlowa ©ndlast!~ Egemafyé sasema. Wa, la €nékeeq nénfgadéda dmatyfinxatyas sase- mas. WA, laem laba. Kiwak!waxsdalaxa q!ap!dénox, Wai, hé&maé Kiwak!waxsdalaxa q!dp!déénoxwasa ne &mémotasa Kiikwakitimasa Gwétela, Wa, laem nemOx€tim qlapiixa d.eboxgema- ke les €nazenetmématsa Gwétela. WA, héem &lak- tala g-dg-f.elé Kiwakiwaxsdala laxa tstetsiaq& 14x Qalogwisxa niixunéemisé. Wa, héem Légemsé 1axés Qldplaénoxwaé Pexematya, yixs laé yadqwasa c!a- gekwé cefwa yasekwe Lec&wa tsidina Leewa qemxwa laxa ©naxwa bébe- gwanema Leewa &naxwa ts!8daga Leewa €naxwa g*fng:fnanema. Wa, ld Légades K+ /&dé laxa baxis. Wa, 1a cégades Tiéqwap yixs laé €wilas k!wélatsa c!é€na 14x Dzawadé, ytxs gegadaéda g-alds K: !&- 59 then(1)the counter says, "Three times ten dishes," and the tally keeper ,/Yaqo.léqelas, then folds under his middle finger, and after/ they finish counting the dishes, M&fnakiila and Ydqor!éqelas go and/ stand at the outer end of the guests and M&€naktila says(5)to his tally keeper, Yadqo.!é6qelas, "There will be six men to each dish," / thus he says while he is counting the men," Now keep the tally. One man, two men, three men, four men, five men, six men. One dish!/ One man two men, three men, four men, five men, six men./ Two dishes! One man, two ae) three men, four men, five men, six men.(10) Three dishes!" Now Yaqor!éqelas keeps tally./ This is the hereditary office of M&&nakiila and Yaqorléqelas that they are doing/beginning from the myth people at Crooked Beach, They/cannot give this to their daughters if they have no/sons, and they mst give it to the son(15) of their younger brothers, both M&€nakiila and Yaqov!éqelas./ Often it is not the oldest son who is a counter, If the father is a counter, then generally/the youngest one of the children will be the counter, and this is also in the same way with/the tally keeper, according to the words of the Indians; for they say that the oldest children are foolish(20)and they say that the youngest children are clever./ That is the end. Kiwakiwaxsdala, the Assembler. And now about Kiwakiwaxsdala, the Assembler of the numayn/of the Kiikwakiimasa of the Gwétela. Hé is the only one who assembles the seven(25)numayms of the Gwétela. And Kiwakiwaxsdala really began/ from the Winter Ceremonial at Crooked Beach of the Myth People./ And his name is Assembler-Chief-Shaman, namely when he distributes/red cedar bark and tallow and charcoal and eagle down to all the/men and all the women and all the children(30). And his name is K-!adé in the secular seapon, and his name is Tléqwap when/he gives a great grease feast in 10 15 20 25 60 dis k*!8dézas Wanukwa, yix Tsietsi@lazé. H&éem baxtis .égems Lem- ke !al16 Wanuku¥., Wa, 14€laé xiingwadex-€Idé K- Adé laxés genemasa babagimé. Wa, la Wanukw6 cégemg’f1xLalax Hayaxk:fné qa Légemsés ts!dxucema. Wi, la&mé Légadéda g-indnemas Hayatk- fné. Wa, 1a&laé 6t!éd xtingwadex’fidesa babagimé. WH, 14&laé Wanukwé Légemg: f1xLa- lax Hi€masiflakwé qa Légemsés ts:oxUcema. Wa, la&mé cégadéda ba- bagtimas H&€masiflak4, Wa, laem geayoOx6 Wanuk4 lax &ne&mémotasa Wawilibatyé, Wa, 14 geayozé genemas yix WaLédé laxa Ene Emémo tasa Wiwomasgemasa Mamaléleqala yixs k°/édézaé Wa.édds Sésaxflas. Wa, g'flémésé qiiilsqilyaxtwidé Hayatk:fin Letwés tsiacyé Haemasiflakwé la héem la ciayowé Hayatk:fnaxés Omp K:!4dé. Wa, laxaé Axtédxa qidp!& ldxa tsléts!éqa. Wa, hé€mis ts!ex-fa.ela lax n&gqatyas tsla- Eyisé Ha€masi€lakw6 gaxs waxaé ax€6xsd qats hédxeédxa qlaplékwé lax k* !6s€Asés Gmpé. Wa, 1d yax-stofsé Hayazk-fnas laxés tslatya, Wa, hé€mis lag-izas Haé&masiflakwé la b&sés Ompé qa&s lad laxés abas- k-!St8, Wa, laemé Axeédxa qldp!anoxu qats 1& q!dp!&énoxUsa Wawi- libatyé €neemémota, Wa, laem qidp!dénox'sa fwalas Kwag-uta 1axéq. Wi, 18 hé€mé Hatmasiflakwé &x&édxa A.ebdgig-iyowé bébegwanem ga aaxsilaxa naxwa dOgutts 1laxés Ompé K- !adé ceewa aaxsilaxa ke adze- kwé dédegemy& ceewa yasek¥ Leewa ts !dina Leewa Léagekwé Leewa qdim- xwa. Wai, laem Légadé Ha€masiflakwas Lemk: ala ldxa ts!étsiéqa 1laxéq. Wa, la&mé geg-adex*fidé Hatmasi&lakwas Gwagwadaxela yix k i6dé%as Yax.renxagay626 lax €ne€mémotasa Hadnién&. Wa, laem xiingwadex:€idé Ha€masiflak¥ Letwis genemé Gwagwadaxelasa babagtmé. Wa, la Yaxven Légemg: f1xralax Hex‘ hake waésagemé qa Légemsés ts.o- xULtema, Wa, 18 &tléd xtingwadex:fidesa babagiimé. Wa, laxaé Yaxven Légemg:T1xralax Tsex€wids qa cégemsés ts!dxUrtema, Wa, hé€misé Tsexewidé la Légades Nux4ne emis 1axés qlap!aénoxwaé, yfixs laé b&- sés Ompé qa&s ld laxés Abask: !oté. Wa, laemxaé axédxa qlap!la qafs Légades Qlaplaénox¥ Pexematya. Wa,1a Légades Nuxunetmis yixs laé €nemOx€tim la qitifla yixs laé wik: !extids K!wak!waxsdalax-dé. 61 Knight Inlet. At first K!&dé(1) had for his wife a princess of Wanuk4, namely Ts!ets!@lax, and the secular name/of temk* tala is Wanuk¥., Then kK: 'ga8 had a child from his wife,/a boy, and then Wanuk"¥ gave the name Hayatk’fn as a marriage name to his/ grandson, and now the child had the name Hayatk’fn. Then(5)he had another child, a boy, and Wanuk™¥ gave the marriage name/H&€masi€lak¥Y as a name to his grandson, and then the boy had the name/Hi€masi€lak’, Now Wanuk"¥ belonged to the nu- maym/Wawilab&tyé and his wife Wi.éd belonged to the numaym of /Wiwomas- gem of the Mamaléleqala, and W&.éd was the princess of Sésax4las.(10) Now as soon as Hayazk*fn and his younger brother Ha&masiflak4 were grown up/Hayark:fn took the place of his father K:!4dé and he also took the/office of Assembler in the Winter Ceremonial, and so his younger brother/Ha€masiflakY became sick at heart for he wished in vain to take the office of Assembler/from the privileges of his father. Then Hayatk*fn did not want to sive it up to his younger brother, (15) and therefore Haitmasiflak¥ left his father and went to his mother's side,/and he took the office of Assembler, and was Assembler of the nu-~- maym Wawilib&tyé, Then he was Assembler of the Great Kwag-uz./ And then Ha€masiflak¥ took seventeen meh to/take care of everything seen by him at (the house of) his father K-!adé. And he took care of the soft cedar bark(20)for wiping the face, and the tallow and the char- coal and the red cedar bark and the down./ And then Ha€masiflaku had the name temk:!ala in the Winter Ceremonial./ Then Hi€masi€lakt had for his wife Gwagwadaxela, the/princess of Yax.ten, who came from the numaym Hadnavéno. Then/H&€masiflak¥ had a child with his wife, Gwagwadaxela, a boy,(25)and then Yaxten gave the marriage name Hex-ha- kewaésagemé€ to be the name of his/grandson. Then he had another child, a boy, and Yaxten/gave the marriage name Tsexewid to be the name of his grandson. And so/Tsex€wid had the name NixUné€mis as Assembler, for he went and left/his father and went to his mother's side, and he also took the office of Assembler,(30) and had the name Assembler-Head-Sha- man, And now he had the name Nix'Uné€mis, for he/was the only one that 10 16 20 25 62 Wi, la k*!le&s sasem q!iflas, wi, la k*tefs mig*ix vétecalas. Wa, hé€mis ligsizas fem x-fstidé Légemas Kiwakiwaxsdalax-dé., Wa, 1la~ xaé héem gwéx-€idé cemk- /A€16%6. Laemxaé Cwitla xerefla lag-itas xk !efs la q!ap!laénox¥sa fwalas Kwageux. Wa, la €nemOxveme Nuixuné&- misé gegira qgitifla. Wa, laf Snemoxetm la qidp!aénox4sa Gwétela LE=- Ewa Q!lémoy&eyé ce€wa Ewilas Kwag-uta. Wa, 1a weke !fx€éda yfx Nu- xunéemisdé, Wa, la&mésé begwanem xindx¥s Hex:hdkiwaésagemaxa Lé- gadis Hiemasiflak¥ yixs xtindkwaé Hi€masif€lakwas Hex*hak/waésagemé Leewis genemé Hex*hakewaédzemga yix tsiedagé xiindx¥s Yaqazrfenlisxa geayoxS 14x neEmemotasa G*éxsemasa Neqemg’flisela. Wa, hé&mésé Hd€masi€lak¥Y la vldyoxés qii€léyoré Nixunetmiswoxé, Wa, laem qiaq pilaénoxwé Ha€masi€lakwé, Laem Légades Nuxtneemisé laxa tslétsléqa. Wa, 14 Légades Omx-fidé laxa baxtsé. Wa, laem tslacyé H¥€masi€lakw- as sAsemas Hex*hikiwaésagemé yixs tsiedaqaé K* ‘dsogwiflax¥xa &ndlas- tiegemafyas sasemas. Wa, 1a k-fe&s gw6x:€idaas 4xtédxa qidp?d qaxs tsfedaqaé. Wa, lata héem la ix€Sdex k!iwatyas Hex: hik.waésageméx* dé yixs laé wik:texeéda yixs waxemaé tstedagqa yix K* !dsogwiflaku. Wa, lafmésta wiqswisé Ha&masi€lak¥ yix tsiacyds K- 'dsogwiflakwé ix€édex kiwatyas Tsex€widéxa la Légades Omx-€idé qaxs k:tefsaé xiindx¥s Om- x°€{d6zx6, yixs tslafyaé Tsextwidds Hex* hak .waésagemafyéxa ma&1oxwé bébegwanem sdsems Yaxtendzé Le€wis genemOzE AdmOoxtEwitExa tsiedagé xindx4¥s WadzeyOzéxa grayOxé lixa €ne€mémotasa Qiemqiemtalaztasa De- nax‘da&x¥, Wa, 14 €néx-sd&xs hé€maé lag-izas Wadzé la qidp!aénox¥sa EneEméemotasa Qlemq!lemtalazaxs la&é Admox bs trie alate q!&p!aénox- wes xa€wadaasé gqaxs k*!e&saé q!lap!d6nox¥sa Denax:da&xwé g°alagwis Admotaxs laé xawades Yaxtené., Wa, laxaé h&em gwaia waidemasa g*a- 1é Kwakugeuz qaéda €ne&mémotasa Wiwomasgemasa Mamaléleqala ga Wa- Lédaxs g*axaé xaewades Wanukwéxa qiptaénoxwasa Wawilibatyé, Wa, lacm€laé qldp!adénoxwé Sésax4lasasa fnemémotasa Wiwomasgem g*ag- f- Lelaxs laé xa€wades k* !6d6%as Wanukwé qaxs k-!eSsaé qidip!aénoxUusa Mamaléleqala g*alagawis WaLédaixs laé 2a€wades Wanukwé . Wa, héem 63 was still alive, for now K!wak!waxsdala died and(1l)he had no child living, and he had no near relatives./ Therefore the name Kiwak!wax- sdala just disappeared. And/the same happened to temk-!ala. They also were all dead, and therefore/there is no Assembler among the Great Kwageur. Only Niix¥ne&mis(5)was still living, and he is now the only Assembler of the Gwétela and/the Qiémoy&&yé and of the Great. Kwag*iut. Then Nixunéemis died/ Now the son of Hex-hak/waésagemé¢/ who had the name/H&i€masi€lak¥, that is, the child H&& masif€lak¥ was the son of Hex*hdk!waésagemé€/and his wife Hex-hikiwaédzemga, the daughter of Yaqoxfenlis(10)who came from the numaym G*éxsem of the Nagemg’flisela. And/Hi€masi€lak¥ changed places with his late un- cle Nixtnéemis. Then/Ha€masif€lak¥Y was Assembler and had the name Nixtné€mis in the Winter Ceremonial,/and his name was Omx-€fd in the secular season. Now Ha&masi€lak¥ was the younger/ sonamong the chil- dren of Hex*hdk.waésagemes, for a woman was K* !dsogwiflak¥,/the oldest (15) one among his children. She could not in any way take the office of Assembler because she was/a woman, but she took the seat of the late Hex*hak/waésagemé&/when he died, although she was a woman, name- ly K: !dsogwitlak¥. Now/her brother, H&€masi€lak¥, that is, the younger brother of K* !asogwi€lakU,took/the seat of Tsexewifd, and he took the name Omx°&{Id, for the late Omx-€Id had no child.(20) For Tsex€wid was the younger brother of Hex*hadkiwaésagemé€ among the two/ sons of the late Yax.ten and his late wife AGm6x%, the daughter/of Wadzé who came from the numaym Q!emq!emtalax of the/Denax-datxu, And it is said that this is the reason why Wadzé became the Assem- bler/of the numaym Q!emq!emtalaz, that AémOx told about the Assembler (25)for the Denax'datx¥ had no assembler before/Aém6x had for her hus- band Yaxten, and also this is the saying of the former/Kwag-uz about the numaym Wiwomasgem of the Mamaléleqala, that/Wa.éd came and had for her husband Wanuk¥, the Assembler of the Wawilibacyé./ Then Sésaxdlas of the numaym Wiwomasgem was Assembler, beginning(30)at the time when the princess of Wanuk¥ took a husband,for there was no Assembler of/the Mamaléleqala before Wit6d took for her husband Wanuk*, This/a disgrace am 10 15 20 25 50 64 qiamisa Denax-da€x¥ tefwa Mamaléleqala laxg’ada Kwakiig*uté qaxs &€mas €nemax:fs LO& g-flo.anemaxés qidptaénoxwé. Wa, laem laba. Succession, HS€maSs witase&wos laxa begwanemaxs qléqiapaé 1axés sasemé Leewis genemé 14x gwizaasas Llaxayig-flisxa la yawas®Iid Légades Hawillkulaz 1ax8g Smpéxa g-ayoxS 14x €neEmémotasa Kikwak!imasa Q!6- mayatyé, Wa, 1a xtmdkwé dbempas .atdyig-flisas Telég-alédzemga- xa tsiedagé xiindx¥s Wanukwéxa g*ayoré lax fneemémotasa Wawiilibatye. Wa, la héx-sdem alataats Liazdyig’fliséda ne€mémotasés Smpa Kikwa- k!tm. Wa, laem Kiikwak!itimaxsemé claztdyig’flisé laxéq. Wa, ld k-!és alata laxa ne&mémotas Wanuk4ewitasa Wawtlibafyé yixs Ayadaé Telé- g°alédzemgé Wanuk¥ewizé, Wa, la Llaxayig-flisé Abayades Telég*al- Sdzemga. Wa, hé€mis lag-izas .tardyig-f1isé Wawalipk?’ !ot!enaxsemé. Wa, 18 k° Ss elg-flgé laxa €ne€mémotasés Abask- {Sta Wawalib&tyé qaxs hdé flak: fala elg-flgayaasa fne€mémotasa Kiikwak/umasa Q!Omoya- EyS lax &netmémotas Smpewitas LlatAyig:flisé yfixs 4€yadaas Hawilkit- laxewazé. WH, hé€mis lag-izas Alak:/ala la Kikwakiimaxsem6 Llara- yigeflisé laxéq. Wa, 14 xtingwadex-€ides Adag-iflakwé. Wa, la Ada- geiflakwé &x€édex kiwatyas Hawilkiilaz laxa ne€mSmotasa Kikwak!ima- sa Qidmoya&yé qitaxs €ndlastiegematyé Adag-iflakwas sasemas 1 /aza- yig*flisé. Wa, 1& wék-!fx€idé Himasagqa yfx wiq!a €ndlas Telég-alé- dzemgaxa xtingwadis L.aMyigtlisé6. Wa, hé€mis lag-itas apsot!enat- yas Adeg*slakwS ax€édex kiwatyas Hamasagoré qaxs fndlawatlizaé Ha- masagoxé, Wa, laxaé €ndlawH#€1IzxS Hawliktilaxewuré. Wa, laxaé Adag-i- Elakw6 Endlaw&&1iz.14xés dbempé clartdyig-flisé. Wa, laxaé abempasée Telég*alédzemga Sndolawael1iz 1axés dbempé Watidé 1ax lag-itas mamalé- lexk: !6temé clatdyig-flisé. WH, hé€maa qo xtingwadé Hamasagds fnemo- kwa g°findnema ladlaxsdé k: !efs gwexfidaas Axtédé Adag-iflakwax kiwa- €yas Hamasagoxé qaxs hé€mélaxé xtindxYlaxas wax*fem tsiatsiadagema lalaxé ax€6dex kiwatyas, Wa, 1a hewdxaem xtingwadex*&Id6 Hamasagoxé, Wa, né€mis lag-izas layowa kiwafyas 1ax Adag-iflakwé yfxs ma&xenxaé 65 for the Denax’da®x¥ and the Mamaléleqala among the Kwag-uz tribes, for/it is just as if they had stolen the office of Assembler, That is the end. Succession, This was asked by you about a man who has many children (5) with his wife in the way (it was) with L!azayIg°flis who for a while had the name/Hawllkilay from her father who came from the numaym Ki- kwak!im of the/Qlomoyf&yS, She was the daughter, the mother of Lla- xayig’flig, Telég°alfdzemga,/the daughter of Wanuk¥ who came from the numaym Wawilib&tyé,/ And really Learayig-flis belonged to the numaym of her father, the Kikwak!im,(10) and Liaztdyig-flis was a Kikwak!im woman after this She did not/really belong to the numaym of the late Wanuk¥, the Wawilibatyé, for Telég*alidzemga had for her father/ the late Wanuk¥, and claztayig’flis had for her mother Te lég-alidzemgs./ Therefore, clazdyig-flis was on one side a Wawilibatyé./ And she did not stay with the numaym of her mother's side, the Wawilibafyé, (15) for she really stayed with the numaym Kikwakiiim of the Q!émoy4tyé,/ the numaym of the late father of Llazdyig-flis, for she had as her father the late HawIlkiilaz./Therefore, _!arayfg-flis was really a Ki- kwakiiim woman/after this, Then she had a child, Adag-iflak¥, and Ada- g*1€lakw/ took the seat of Hawflkiilaz in the numaym Kikwak!im (20) of the Qlémoya&yé, for indeed Adag-iflak¥ was the eldest son among the children of/.!azayig-flis. Then Haimasaqa died, the elder brother of Te l6g°alidzemga ,/who had for her daughter -fazayig’flis, and there- fore, on one side/Adag*i€lak4 took the seat of the late Haémasaga, for the late Hamasaqa belonged to the eldest line of the house, And the late HawIlkiilat also belonged to the eldest line of the house, and.A- dag-iflak¥ (25) also belonged to the eldest line of the house through his mother clazayfig-flis, and also her mother/ Te1ég*alidzemga belonge: to the eldest tine of the house through her mother, WHtid. And there. fore/. fazayig*flis was on one side Mamaléleqala. New if Himasaga had had one/child, there would have been no way for Adag-i€lak¥ to take a) 10 20 25 50 66 ts!dwinxé 4x61é6 L!axAdyig-flisaxa k!wafyasés Smp€witS Hawilktilaz- Ewit6 ce€wa kiwafyasés qstiléeyoré Himasaqozé, Wa, g°fl€mésé nexra- ax°€{id la begwanemé Adageiflak¥ yfx Endlastsegemafyas sasemas tla- réyig’flisaxs laé lafsasa mA&Xé kiwd cefwa maexé LS.egem 1axés xii- nokwé Adag*iflakwé. Wa, laxad lf sas kiwatyas Lek*Asa laxa tsledagé xUnoxUsxa tégadds Watidé. Wa, laem gwagwaaqas laxa Mamaléleqala. Wa, 16x‘a&més la axé€lak¥ las Liatayig-flisé kiwatyas .dqotas®mi- x6 LO& ke f6k*les€as, Wa, lacm ldbawista. Wa, né€maé L_larayig-flis yix k: !6éd6tas Hawilkilazewitéxa wa- x-fem tsiedagqa 14 ax®édex kiwafyasés qitlétyé Hamasaga Letwa dage- mafyé 1G Enaxwée k' $é@k* les€As. WS, g°tl€més6é tee1S Hamasagqoxé 1asé Sgadé .satdyig-flisas Wak-adzé 1axa baxtisé, WAS, 12 Légades tem- om kw’ lala ldxa ts!étsléqa. Wa, laxaG .égades Max€é6nox 1axa glimtyasaxa héxeaxtdyo. Wa, 1d Légades Kwax+sé€staladzé yixs laé kiw6xé 1 laza- yig'flisxa la Légades Wak-adzéxs laé te€1Ss qlilétyoxé Hamasagozé Wa, 1axeé geg-adé ApsOtiematyas Wak:adzisa Légemasés Anés€wite Tsfetsiélaxewizé laxa baxisé, Wa, 14 Légades Qiégemale laxa ts!é- tsiéqa. WA, 1& cégades Kiskis laxa gtimeyasapiaéda hefyatea, Wa, la Légades Tsextila 1axa tsiédaqaxs hé6 gtimafyasap!é6, Wa, matxeu- naitsemé téiegemas ogifla 1axés ts tedagexradyuwé Llazayig*flis qaxs SgiiEla&maé yaqwaseewaxs laé ya€wadesés ta€winems K!wak! wabalasema- €yéxen xlindkwS yfniaxg:fn George Hunt, WA, hé&mésen lag-ikta dla- ke lala qsAtelax gwatyifldlasas *nd€nemsgemagowé Lele gemas . daxdyTe g°flisé 1axéq. Wi, 1@ te£16 Ompas Liaxayig-fliséxa la Légades Wak-adz6 yix Smpasé Hawllktlatewité. Wa, latméda la Légades Wakeadzé ax€édex kiwatyasés Ompdé Lefwa hoqwastAla g*Gkwa., WA, héemis meewx.ra ré- LOqhliza; wa, h€€mis réregemasé Hawilkiilatxa Léxe&layux.atyaséxa hamaxela léelqilaratyas, hé€mis kiwéladzcxLdyasé Kwalix-Alas; née- mis8 tlensélax-Layis Yaqovtadzé, wi, hé€misS héxtax-iayAsé twabidos, wi, hé€misé norematax’ rayasé GeSgedqo.idlag-flis laxa tsiétsieqa. 67 the/seat of the late Hamasaga, for it would belong to his child, even if she Panepeer a girl (30) she would have taken his seat. But the late Himasaqa never had a child/and therefore his ssat went to Adag?iflak¥. Then for two years (1) L!axdyig*flis kept the seat of her late father, the late Hawllkiilaz,/and the seat of her late uncle, the late Himasaga. And when he grew up/to be a man, Adag*iflak¥, the eldest one among the children of LlaztSyag-flis,/she gave over to him the two seats and the two names t6 her son,(5) Adage1iflak¥., And she also gave the seat of Lek*Asto her daughter/who had the name Watid. Then she went over to the Mamaléleqala/and it 1s only kept by vlaza- yig:flis the seat of the late L$aqotas/and his privileges. And so this is the end. - And now clazdyag:flis, that is the princess of the late HawIlki- laz,(10) although she is a woman, took the seat of her uncle Himasaga, and the office of. giving away property/and all his privileges. And when Hémasaga died/.ilarayig*flis had the name Wak: adzé in the secular season; and she had the name/temk* lala in the winter ceremonial; and she had the name Max€Snox¥ for the giving away ceremonial/of the young men, and she had the name Kwaxeséstaladz6é when she went to a feast; she, tlazayfg*flis, (15) who had the name Wak*adzé when her uncle, Himasaga, died./ Now Wakeadzé had as a wife "of the other side!’ the name of her late aunt,/Tsiets!@lat, in the secular season; and she had ' the name Qtégemala in the winter ceremonial;/and she had the name Kiis— kis in the giving away ceremonial of the young men; and/she had the name Tsextiila when the women gave away property to one another, And(20) she had all eight names in addition to her woman's name Liaxdy{erflis. And/it is also given to her besides now that she is married to K!wa- kiwabalasemée,/my son, and I am George Hunt. And that ts how T really know/all about the nine different names of/.lazayle-flis. (25) And now died the father of L!azayfg°flis, whose name was now Wak-adzé, that is/her father, the late Hawflkiilazx, And now she, whose name was Wak‘adzé took the/seat of her late father and the Vom- 5 * 10 15 20 68 Wa, 1axaé geg-adé Spsotienatyas yfixaasés dAnés€witéxa Légada ©max-me- wedzemga. WA, 1a Légades Mentoselas laxa gwégiidza, Wa, laxaé Léga- des Kiwékwés laxa tsiédaqaxs giimfyasapiaé. WA, hé€mésa dagematyé 1a laxa 4x6 Hawilktilaza. WA, g°fl€m6sé €laq nexiaax’€id begwanemé Rdag*iflakwaxa laéda 4x6 Hawilkulazx yix clatayig’tlisé lfsa €wi€lasen la Léteqaflayox Liatdyig:flisé laxés fndlasticgematyé xtimokwé Adag-i- Elakwé; wa, hé€misé kiwatyas Wak-adzé €wi€la 14 lax Adag-itlakwé €wiI- €1é6da L6LeE gems Leewa ts édagexcatyo LéLEgemay wa, hé&mésa ma&xédara digematya, Wa, latmé la ma&xé kiwatyas Adag*iflax¥xa la Légades Wa- keadzé L5e Hawilkulaz. Wa, laemxaé laba 14x6q., Wi, hé€maé clatdyig-flisé yixs tsidtstadagemaéda mak-fldx Ada- g°iflakwéxa la Légades Wak-adzé Loe Hawfliktiarxe Légades WaLidé. Wa, laxaS Llardyig-flisé l&sasés cégem6 Lek-&sa 1axés tsledagqé xiindkwé WiLidé, Wa, laem la tagatyS WALidé laxa €ne&mémotasa Mamalélegq tim 1axéq Loe €wi£lé Lé.egemas tetwa geokwe. Wa, latmé 1 saradyig-flisé 1as Wa.idéxa la Légades Lek-4sa 1lax6s Abask:'6té laxa Mamaléleqala lax kiwafyas Lek-As&oré., Wa, hé€mis la genems Watidéxa la Légades Le- k*Ssaxés dbempé viardyig*flisé. Wi, 1d 1éx-aem dxélaxts .latadyig-f- lisa Légemé Liaqo.as lag*itas babagiixa laxa Mamaléleqala y{x vla%a- yig:flisé, Wa, &€misé Llaxayig-flisé la nodmadziztsés xiindkwé Hawll- kiilar, Wai, laem nemAx-fs 16 nfgég-ilé Liardyig-flisé qaés xtind- kwé Hawilktlax 14xés €ne€mémota Kitkwak!imasa Q!omoyAtyé. Wa, 1axaé héem gwaza laxa ne&mémotasa Wawilibafyé gqaés xtindkw6. Wa, laem 18- ba laxéq. 69 iting Beam house and also the four feasting dishes/and also the dif- ferent names of Hawllkilay, the name for inviting (30) the different tribes; and his feast giving name, Kwakix*alas; and also/his giving away name Yaiqotadz6; and also his young man's name, €wabidde; and al- so/his fool dancer name G-aég*iqo_talag-flis in the winter ceremonial. (1) And now she had as her wife ‘of the other side" the body of her late aunt whose name was Emax: me wedzemga;/and she had the name Menzvo- selas in the gwégtidza, and she also had the name/K!wékwés in the giv- tng away of the young women, And also the office of giving away prop- erty/went to the new Hawilkiilaz, And when Adag:i€lak¥ was nearly a full grown man,(5) then the new Hawilkiilaz, that is claxaylg-flis, she, Leaxadyfg-flis, gave over all/that I have mentioned to her eldest child, Adageif€lak¥,/ And also the seats of Wak-adzé ail went to Ada- geiflak¥, and all/his different names and the different women's nameg and also the two/offices of giving away property. And now Adag*i€laku had two seats, he whose name is now Wakeadzé6 (10) and Hawflkilaz. Now this is she end of this. And now about clatayig-flis and her little girl, the Seat to Adag*i€lak¥/whose name is now Wak*adzé and Hawilkilaz; and her name is WaLid. Now/iatSyig-flis gave the name Lek-4&s to her daughter/ Wi.id. Then Walid had her vlace in the numaym Mamaléleqiam (15) and all her different names and her house. And now L!axayig*flis/gave to Waid whose name is now Lek*4s on her mother's side among the Mamalé- legala,/the seat of the late Lek-&s. And now the wife of Wavtid,whose name is now Lek-&s, is/her mother. And L!azadyig-flis only kept/the name Ltago.as, and that is why Liazayigeflis is a man among the Mama- iélegqala.(20)And clatayig-flis is only the old man of her child Hawfl- kitlax./ csaxdayig:flis is like the counsellor of her child/Hawflkilaz in the numaym Kikwaklum of the Qlimoyffyé,. And it is the same in the numaym Wawiliba&f&yé of her child. Now that is the end. 10 15 20 25 50 70 A Family History Wa, la€men 6ti6dex gwigwéx-stalax laxés k*fatatyds ldxa ate~ boxsfagala nala lixa Eme gwabaétyasa tsalatap!éxa December: Wa, hé&maé emaxUme wesagema’yéxa e°igematyasa ©ne&mémotasa Dzendzenx:qfayo. Wa, 18 geg*ades Lelendzetwék* laxa wiq!&s La- lak‘otsiaxa g°dayor6 14x €ne®mémotasa Mamaléleqidm yixs geg*adaé Lalak*otsia yis Hamdzidéxa tsicdaqé6 xUundx¥s YadqatSanlidzéxa g-a- yors 14x &ne&mémotasa Nax-naxtiflasa QwéqUsotiénox¥, Wa, la&mé k+ seas xtndx¥s Lalak-otsia Letwis genemé Hamdzidé. Wa, la wiq!wd- s6 LelendzeSwek L.efwis raewinems SmaxYmewesagema®ye xtingwadex: Of- tsa babagimé laxgea Tsaxisek>. WA, g°fl1&mésé q!aléda flak: {ala g:igematyé Lalak-otsiaxés wiqiwa Lelendzeewék-axs le&maé ma&yore iq tsa babagumé, wi, la aékefiné nfqafyas Lalak-ots!a qaxs laé q!dla- géxs begwanemaé ma’yo.emas6s3 witqiwa. Lag’itas méxsasa Snaxwa hée- maGmas laxa walasé xwakitina. Wa, g*4xé wawalqdlas laxés qsilésé Emax 4mewesagemalyé, Wa, la Légemg’flxLalax Smaxilag-flis qa Lé6- gems6s LOlétyé, Wa, la&mé Lalak-otsia nétaxés qitilésé &max4mewe- sagemafyé yixs le®maé ax®édetxa g*fnaneméxes Loléty6 gas 1ala- g°ixts gwatelaem ax®SdLex kiwafyas Lalak*otsia laxés ne &mémota Mamaléleqiam &nék°é. WA, &&mis6 enadxwa Ex-fak-a Snemémotasa Dzen- dzenx:qiayo lax wazdemas Lalak-otsia. Wi, laem fem 14x qiwa- qiwaxatex SmAixiilag:fliséxés Loléeyé, Wa, latmé 6t!éd la xiingwa- dex*€Idé Lelendze*wék-asa tsidtstadagem6. WH, 1d héemé &maxYme- wésagemafy6 Léxtéts Swalastala. WA, ma®lokwé sasemas Lelendze€- wéke Leewis XaewinemS CmaxYmewesagematyé. WA, g°flemésé nexlas- x*€{d la begwanemS maxilag’flisé ldas wékifx-€{d6é ompdisé yix EmaxYmewosegemex’dé, WA, latmé SmAxtilag:flis6é Laxst6dxés Smpdé, Wa, laem L6égade maxtlag*flisésas maxYmewesagemafyé6 laxéq. Wa, keéstia gitaxs g*axaéda ©walas xwakiiina g-axfalis qid- laxa bébegwanemé. Wa, hSstaem netmémotsa Mamaléleq!dmxa k!idze- xXSGla 14x €walas xwakitind. Wa, hé&mis lag*alisé clemaisas g°6- 71 A Family History Now I will again talk about your letter of the/twenty- seventh of the Split Moon, that is December;/ It was Smax-mewesagemé® who was chief of the numaym(5) Dzendzenx‘q!fayo. Ne ‘had for his wife Helendzetwék:, the sister of/Lalak*ots!a who came from the numaym Mamaléleq!4m, for Lala- k-otsia had for his wife/Hamdzid, the daughter of YaqatSdnlidzé/ who came from the numaym Nax-naxtifla of the Qwéqtsot!énox*®, Now/ Lalak*ots!a and his wife Hamdzid had no children. And his sister (10) Lelendze&wék and her husband *max-mewSsagem6® had a/son here at Fort Rupert. And as soon as the great/chief Lalak-ots!a fearned that his sister Zelendzecwék* had given birth to a/boy, the heart of Lalak-*otsia was, very glad, for he had found out/ that the newborn child of his sister was a boy. Therefore he loaded with all kinds of(15)food a large canoe and came to give a marriage gift to his brother-in-law/&maxUmewésagemée, And he gave the marriage name maxtilag-flis as a/name to his nephew. Then Lalak-otsia told his brother-in-law &max:mewésagemé&/ that he was going to take the child, his nephew, and that he should/ be ready to take the seat of Lalak*ots!a in his numaym(20)Mama- 1éleq!am. Thus he said, and the whole numaym Dzendzenx*q!layo agreed to/what Lalak-ots!a said, Now he was just waiting for/ fmaxtilag-flis, his nephew, to grow up. Now Lelendzetwék* had another child, a girl, and it was max*mewésagtmé&/who gave her the name walastala. Now they had two children, Zelendze€wéke (25) and her husband ®max-mewésagemé®. As soon as/€maxiilag’flis was a full grown man his father,/€max*mewésagemé€, died, and now tmixiilag’flis took the place of his late father./Then emaxtlag:flis had the name mix-mewésagemé© after this./ It was not long before a large canoe came to the beach with many(3O}men, and they belonged to the numaym Mamaléleq!am, those who were sitting in/the large canoe. And it was there that they came ashore at the beach of the house of(1)him whose name was 10 15 20 25 50 72 kwasa la Légades Smax4mewSsagematyS, Wa, g°axé Swifla hoxtwis- désa laxa clemaisé qa&s 1a hodgwit 14x g-dOkwas ©max¥mewésagematyé qats €wf1s klis€alfz lax A€witeldsa tiex-fldsa g*okwé, Wa, la&- mésenufx4 Ewitla la hogwit Ogwaqa qenu€x¥ ho.éléx lag*izas xXen- Lela xiilsa 14x6s g-axfaléselaé., Wa, 14 Lax®waliza nemOkwé lag xa Légadas Kiwaélask*en yfxs hé&maé elkwasa g*Iigematyé Lalak-otsia yix q!ilétyas &maxUmewSsagematyS, Wai, la yaqlegeaxS Kiwaélask-en, Wa, 18 €nékea, G°ax€men Kwakug*ur, g°axemen &yalagema eyalagemsa Ewalasa g*igematyaxa walasa g*Igemafyaensaxg*ins ha&mateléke 161- qwalatatyaxés mazt!éza6s Kwakiig’utxa qednalad céztela ldvtaxs ha&mate- laéx 1lélqwdlatafya,yfixa la maméexfaializa yixa €walasa g*igama®yé Lalak°ots!a. Wa, hé€mis lag*itasé ydlaqanufx4 qenufx4 graxé dat gigdmé max4mewSsagemé qafs lads k!wast6l6zax4¥ kiwdx-dds, qaxs ke fefgad héx6 ax€Sdex kiwix-dads Ogiifla 14 gigdmée, Wa, xwélaqe~ 1és€emax:fns gens hézts!6qéxs k* féstmaa wityimsfalita, enék-é. Wa, héxeidatmésé Lelendzetwék*é yix Abempasa at SmaxY¥mewé- sagema®ya yaqiegratza. Wa, 18 Enék+a,qa Smaséwétsés waxdemvads, yO.axs Sne&mémotaaxsg*fin xtnokik: qaxs héx*sd&maéx gwartéxa wAx- demasen g*igematya wiiqiw6 Lalak-otsia yix Swalasa Kwax* flandki- matya yixs gwatelatmaa €nék qa yutmésen xtndkwéx Lisyos. Wa, Wag’ax*ins haflifldla mdxsa qens lalag*i hafyarts!aagé nék*d Le- lendzefwék°é, | Wa, héx-€idatmésé Cmoxsasés Smemewala 1laxa xwak stina » Wa, g°f1&mésé Swilxsa laé cexeida. wat, 1a lag*:aa lax Mémk- imlisaxa la elaq &nax-fida. Wa, héx*cidatmésé6 Lelendze®w6k+ Ceewis xtind- kw6 “maxUmewésagemayé la hoxewusdés qa&s la hogwit lax g*dkwasa waw6keieqgié Lalakeotsia, Wa, hé€mis kiwigeallzé €max4mewesagema- Eya mak*ata lax hdOxk-: lO6dendtemalixyasés q!iléfyé Lalak-ots!a. Wa, laem Laap!élixéda qiecyOxw6 Lidqwa, yix Léta laxa wawék-leq!a g*fi- gimafya, WH, 1d Land.emaliza €nemsgemé qleyOx Liaqwaqxa Légadds Qol6ma yfx k*ilk*flwanemas Lalak-ots!a. Wa, ge fl&mésé g-ax Swie- 75 now €max*mew6 sagemés€, And they all came and walked up/the beach and went into the house of Emax*mewé sage m6&/and they all sat down inside by the door of the house. We all/of us went also into the house to listen why(5)those who came to the beach were very downhearted. Then arose one of them/whose name was Kwla- Slask*en, for he was the speaker of chief Lalak-ots!a/the uncle of max*mewésagemé&. Now Kiwaélask*en spoke/and said:;'' I come, Kwag*-ur, I come sent by, sent by the/great chief, our great chief, that(10)it may be known to you, strange tribes, Kwag‘ui, that he who always invited you, strange/tribes, that he is going to sleep in the house, the great chief/Lalak-ots!a. Therefore, he sent us that we should come and get/you, great chief &max-me- wésagemse, that you may» go and sit down in his former seat, for there is/no one who is the right one to take the seat, other than you, chief, Now let us go back(25)that we may reach there be- fore he dies,'' said he. Immediately Lelendze&wék*, the pores of the new &maxmewé- sagemé&/spoke and said: " What can you say/you, numaym of my son here? For always were this way the words of the/great chief, of my brother, Lalak-‘otsia, that Swalas Kwax:flandkamé©€,(20)for he has already said that my son here shall take his place. Now/ let us quickly load our canoes that we may reach him in time,"' thus said/Lelendzetwek:. Immediately they loaded their cargo in the canoe and/when the canoe was loaded they started, They arrived at Mémk~timlis(25) when it was nearly daylight, and immediately Zelendzefwéke and her son,/&max*mewésagemé& went up the beach and went into the house of/the dying Lalak‘ots!a, and there Cmax mewSsagemée sat down/near the right hand side of his uncle, Lalak-ots!a./Behind the head of the dying chief stood the expensive copper Léta(30) and at the side of his head stood another expensive copper named/ Beaver-Face, which had been bought by Lalak-otsla. As soon as the 10 15 25 74 1a6L6 EneSmémotas Lalak‘ots!a ldas yaqieg*afzx6 elkwds Lalak-ots!a yix Kiwaélask-en. Wa, ld €nékea: G-dx€menuex¥ g* i gdm6® g-axeme- nu&xu hela g* igimé. G-ax€mox SmaxUmewSsagemafyéx, geax&mox g*i- gam. Wi, h8em 1la6é walé waxdemas, ldalas6 belasd&s Hamdzidé yix genemas Laélakeotsia. Wa, 1la®laé &nék-6 Wamdzidadxs 1aé yaqiega- ta qaxs le€maé Yené&staéxé Lalak*otsia. Wa, g°OkUlot. Wa, lat- mox, la&mOx 1ladzé&mox x-dyoxwalisa Swalasdéx g*Igdmafyaxen g:{i- qSlaso&x-déx tecwin Ompéxox YaqarSadnlidzéx. Wa, hag-frla g° igaé- md Lalak-ots!a you walas Kwax: flandkimé.hag: ttia ke feAség° fin mayadema gqaxg°’fin 416k* hézaxamas 1laxen g*Iqgélaénoyor g* Igims, Enéx*flaéxs laé dax-fidex Létaxa Cwalasé claqwa Leewa Snemsgema= s& yix Qoléma. Wa, la€laé €nék-as Wa, gélag-a xtinok¥, géla- dz6la yur &max¥mewésagemé yur Swalas Kwax* Llandkiimé qaxs &nédxt~ madx qiuiléx-déx qa&s h€€mads g°-fl .égemé &walas Kwax* flandkima-~ €yé, WH, lacmxaawisé 14.6 kiwax-dasOx 14. g-Igdm6° 16 k- fék- fe- s€dxudis6x qiuléx-déx 1&L, yuemesa g-Oxudixs, wi, g-améség-ada Létegadeke Lédlieqwa laemk* lax 14, &nék-éxs laé tsiAs 1ax &ma- xume wSsagemacyé . Wi, la&mS k-!6s q!aq!8k*elax Lalak:ots!axs le- Emaaxor weke fexfida. Wi, laemia maxYmewésagemafyé axeédxa mafitsemé Liarieqwa qafs g*6xéq laxa Ots{AlizxS. Wa, la €max¥mewésagematyé Axk: lalax K!waSlask*enxa celkwé ga 14s Lé&lalaxa Lawits!és Leewa Madixbé Leewa Denaxeda&x¥ Ltetwa Afwaitela Lefwa Dzawade €nox¥ Leewa Gwa- waénox¥ Lefwa Haxwamis te &wa Qw6qtsdtlénoxu Lewa ©nemgis Leewa Gwétela Lee&wa Qidmoy&Eyé teewa Swalas Kwag-ut Le fwa Qlomk: futie es qa lds €wi€la winemtaxa g-Iigimex-dé Lalak-otséax-dé, Wa, latmé ctex€idéda motsiagé xwaxwak tina qa&s 14 Lté&lalaxa yuduxtse&magig*eyowS lélqwdlareafya, Wa, g°flemisé €wila la LExe- {da lasa wadkwé Aim1exu Mamalelégala hogixs laxa Ogiifla XWAXUXWA= gum gas 1a Gkwax Apsan&fyasa dma®yé Latsemala &mek+A&la lax &na- lanoLemafyas tmémkimlis qa dek*aatsa g-igdméx-dé, WA, g*fl&misé 75 (1) whole numaym of Lalak-Stsia had come in, the speaker of Lalak‘o- ts!a,/Kwaélask‘en, spoke and said, "We come, chief, we come/back, chief. Now max"mewSsagem6& has come, he came, chief."/ And there stopped his speech, for Hamdzid, (5) the wife of Lalak-ots!a, forbade him (to go on). Then Hamdzid said as she spoke that/La- lak-ots!a was already unconscious; "Enough, o tribe, enough! Now the great one will have a rest, the great chief whom I made a chief/together with my father, Yaqazxfanlidzé, here, Now go a- way, chief,/Lalak-ots!a, you, ‘wdlas Kwax-flandkiimé©, go away. There is nothing (10) for me to regret, for I have done well in making you a chief, chief."/ Thus she said, and she took Léta, the great copper,and the other paepere WogveneFane aad she said: Now come, child, come,/‘ou emaxumewésageme®, you Swalas Kwax°f- lanokimS©, for/this your late uncle said that your first name is €walas Kwax+flanokumé®.(15) Now his former seat will also go to you, chief, and the former privileges/of your uncle will go to you, and his house, and also these/coppers which have names will go to you", she said as she gave them to EmaxUme w6 sa gems ,/ She did not know that Lalak-otsia was/already dead.(20) Then €mixUYmew6sagemé& took the two coppers/and put them into the bedroom, Then emax¥me wo sa gems & asked/Kiwaélask*en, the speak- er, to invite the Lawits!8s and the Madizb@/and the Denax+da€xu and the Atwaftela and the DzawadeGnox¥’ and the Gwawadnox¥/and the Haxwamis and the Qwéq¥sdtiénox¥ and the *nemgis and the (25) Gwé- tela and the Q!lémoy4tyé and the walas Kwag-uxX and the Q!omk: !G- t!es/tnat all should go to bury the late chief, Lalak-ots!ax-dé./ Then four canoes started and went to invite the/thirteen tribes,and as soon as they all had started/the other Mamaléleqala who were left behind went in other small canoes (30) to clear one side of the island on the south. side of/Mémktimlis, which is cov- ered with small trees, for the burial place of the past chief. When 10 15 20 25 76 gwax ékwaxs laé g*Okwélaxa g°oxUbidawé, Hayatomalaa gwatamasgéxs k* $8s€maé gedxa lélqwdlaratyé g-axts.& 1ax Mémkumlis, Wa, laemcé= da nénfgadé tiégimg-ila qa sdleg-ayayoxa g‘igaméx-dé. Wa, laem qafyasfents waxapienasas Léztelaxa lélqwadlaratyé Loe waxaplenasas kiwélatsa Lt6tna LO6xs maéatptenaé yag-fLelaxdda LOxs nemplenaé sak: - axOtsa xwaxkitina tOxs qiénemaé tienséladzatyas. Wa, 1& elxratyé qleticdzafyaséxa LiaLicqwa histaem la qa®yasfendafyoxa Liégiimase nénfgadé. Wa, 1a nefwitlalé qa®yasasa €nemsgemé L 6 gum axdsa €ne=- mokw6 nfgadé g*dg*fiela lax g*flg-alisasa g-igdméx-dé g*axfatela lagéxs laé wék- Jex€ida, Liaqiwalayo qa Lalak-ots!a. Hana, hana, hana. La&mé k*oxselésé gelqatawalésdés fnala. Hana, hana, hana. Latmé geltofyak’flisé qeldemx*dés €nala. Hana, hana, hana. La€mé x*oOyoxwalésens g° igdmédzéx:déa. Hana, hana, hana. La&mé 1lax*staalésens g* IgdmSdzéx-déa, Hana, hana, hana, xa hdlag’flédzéx-déa wax: sbendalax:déa ewaewalasdemx’silaxens g*Iigémédz6x*déa, Hana, hana, hana, xa piéptadzeydsdéa g*igdmacyaxa q!iléxree- yatma Lalak°otsiadzéx*déaxa €walasa g* Igimédzéx-déa, Hana, hana, hana, xa &maxtilatdéa g*igdmaSyaxa q!iléxvefyatma Amaxilatdzéx*déaxa €walasa g* igdmédzéx:déa, Hana, hana, hana, xa saék*axddalazdéa g* igématyaxa qiiléxte&- yatma Wixw q&gdmédzéx-déaxa Swalasa g* lgamédzéx-déa, Hana, hana, hana, %a kiwilaselaxdzéx‘déa g*igdmatyaxa q!iléz- LeEfyaema Swalas Kwax*flandkimédzéx*déaxa Cwalasa eg Iigdmaédzéx-déa, at they (1) had cleared it they built a small house and they tried to finish it as quickly as possible/before the tribes came in to Mém- kiimlis. Then/the song makers made a mourning song to sing for the late chief. They/put words into it (saying) how many times he had invited the tribes, and how many times (5) he had given grease feasts, and how many times he had given away property, and the one time he had given away/canoes, and how many times he had given pote latches to hiw own tribe, and last/how many times he had broken cop- pers. All these words were put into the mourning song by the/song makers, And the words of another mourning song were the family his- tory, the work of another/song maker, beginning with the first an- cestors of the chief and coming down (10) to the time that he died. Mourning Song for Lalakots!a. Hana, hana, hana. It broke down, the post of the world./ Hana, hana, hana. It fell down to the ground, the post of the world./ Hana, hana, hana. Our great chief has taken a rest.(15) Hana, hana, hana. Now our past chief has fallen down./ Hana, hana, hana, the great one who continually gave away proper- ty at each end of the year,/who made great potlatches, our great chief./ Hana, hana, hana, the one who made potlatches all the time, the chief whose own name was/Lalak-ots!a, the great chief. (20) Hana, hana, hana, the great chief who danced the potlatch dance, whose own name was/Amaxiilat, the great chief. / Hana, hana, hana, the one who gave the Giving-Away-Canoes dance, the chief whose own name was/WixewligSgems, the great chief./ Hana,hana, hana, the one who gave the Feast-Giving dance, the chief whose own name was (25) Ewadlas Kwax* flandkimé, the great chief, ié] 10 15 20 25 Hana, Hana, Hana, Hana, Hana, Hana, Hana, Hana, Hana, 78 hana, hana, xa 1lax’s€enda*ardzéx-déaxa q!eqleltalazdéa g igamafyaxa qsuléxrefya&ma Lax: s€endalaydzéx: déaxa Cwalasa g*igimédzéx-déa, hana, hana, xa sapstendalardzéx°déa eg igdimafyaxa qiuléx- tefya&ma Nenodlox:déarns Cwalasa eg igdmédzéxdéa 161- qwalacé, hana, hana, xa Liemkwalazdzéx-déa g*igdmafyaxa qiiléx- Lefyaema Yaqaxelag*flisdzéx*déaxa ©walasa g* lgame- dz6x°déa, hana, hana, xa k* /alak*clazdzéx*d6axens g° igama®yaxe qtiilaxtecyatma K*flemgilédzéx-déaxa €walasa g°i- gamédzéx*déa, hana, hana, xa qgotéx-alazdzéx-déaxens g-Igdmatyaxa qit- 16xrefyaema emaxtiyaSlisdzéxdéaxa €walasa g° lgdmé- dzéx*déa, hana, hana, xa ke ;édadaénoxwalatdzéx-déaxens g*igdma- €ya xtuléxretyatma GeLgamédzéx-déaxa €walas€axalisa g°-Igaxalisdzéx-déa, hana, hana, xa tsdkilatdzéx-déaxens g-igdimatyaxa qiilé- xLefyatma Yaqawidalaxdzéx*déaxa walas€axalisa g-I- qaxalisdzéx-déa, hana, hana, xa yag°ftelaxddalazdzéx*déaxens g° Igdmae- yaxg'fns lélqwdlavéxa qstléxtefyaema Laceliralaza Hatmasefyasdzé Hamdzidéadzéx*déaxa Cwalasfaxdalisa g°Iqaxalisdzéx-déaxacns g-igdmatya. Hiladzé lag-a- x°fns g° Igdmédzéx*déa, latmé qelyax:alisa walas- faxalisa g-:igdmatyfins lélqwalaé, hana, hana, nfya. Hana na. wa, néemis g*alabatya mds gemakwé Kwakwag’ulaxs g*axaé fyl€ye- 30 pematés fyaéyatsiixs g’axaé selta%a Garex*ila ndxwaem denxalasés gig? fldzetydla cL lériaqiwala laxés €nalenemsgemakwé. Wa, héem 79 Hana, hana, hana, the one who gave the Property-Destroying dance, the Copper-Breaking dance,/the chief whose own name was Lax*- s€endalaz,/the great chief. Hana, hana, hana, the one who gave the Throwing~-into-the-Water dance, the chief whose own name was Nenolo, the great chief of all the/tribes. (7) Hana, hana’, hana, the one who gave the Giving-Away-of-the-Roof- Boards dance, the great chief/whose own name was Yagaxelag:f- lis, the/great chief.(10) Hana, hana, hana, tne one who gave Striking-to-Kill dance,the great chief/whose own name was Kflemgilis, the great/chief./ Hana, hana, hana, the one who gave the Marriage-Debt-Paying dance, our great chief/whose own name was &maxwayaflis, the great/chief. (16) Hana, hana, hane, he who gave the Paying-for-his Princess dance, our great chief/whose own name was G+ Ladims, the great chief/ who came down from above./ Hana, hana, hana, the one who gave the Canoe-Breaking dance, the great chief whose/own name was Yaqawidalat, the great chief who came/down from above. (22) Hana, hana, hana, the one who gave the Giving-Away-Bad-Things dance, our chief,/tribes, whose own name was Latélitalal, Hamas@é8ya, Hamdzid, the great chief who came down from above, / our chief. Go now, great one, go great past chief. Now he is taking a rest/who was really a great chief, who came down from above, tribes. (28) Hana, hana, hana, nya, Hana na. / The four tribes of the Kwag*ut were the first to come. (30) When their canoes came abreast they approached slowly singing their/ancestral songs for the dead. That is (1) what is re- 10 15 20 25 50 80 gwifySsa g°alé bakium g*6x*gwaflala Lldqiwalé. Wa, g°f1&misé g°axfalisa Kwakwag'uré g*axaasa nemgisé mexaré 1ax tlasé.afyas. Wa, g°axéda Lawits!és mexac6 1ax cias6tatyasa nemgisé, ga gwa- X6g°a, Wa, geflemisé &wifla geax mexarat&- Kwag* ur ya yudux'semagig*cyows lélqwdlatatya laé Enemgis : nawits!lés qiwex.eid €wi€la claqiwala. Wa, hé€mis va- Madixbé f Denax‘da& xu x€iitexs 14x6s €yafyats!6 Neqaptenk:emdzxé. Atwaitela Dzawadeénoxu Wi, la&mé tstelqwaqax &maxYmewésagematyé. Gwawaénoxu Haxwamis Wi, laem crégades walas Kwax*ilandkimé yfx Qwegusdt !énoxu Enemsgemé Légems Lalak-ots.axdé. Wa, g°fl€misé qiilbé tsielwaqlénatyas Neqaplenk-emozx6 laas Laxewitexsa g°igamacyé Hawilkilatwiitéxa xamagematyé g-Igdmésa Ene&mSmotasa Kikwak!iimasa Ql6émoyatyé. Wa, 1axaé ts!elwaqax wae las Kwax-flandkimés. Wa, g°fl€misé g!tilbéd tslelwaq!énafyas lae Laxettexpa g*Igdmatyé Haemasagozé qats tsielwaqax €walas Kwax-f- lanokiimé; yfix Ha&masagozaxs g*ayotaé lax Sneememotasa Wawil{bac- yé. Wa, 18 Cnaxwa naxenemdkwé tsielwaqisa Alak-iala g-ig*ega- mésa €naz€nemsgemakwé laxa léelqwilavatya, HSt.e lagsizas léx-aem tsselwaqéda &lak: !ala g-igeegiméxs wik:.- ex€édaéda Slak+ dla g*igdmaty6 Lalak-otsiax'dé. WA, g*il€misé wik: !ex€{idéda k-!6s8 n&xsAla begwanema, wa, &€misa Alak: !ala gIgimd q!wS.azaxs la6 tslelwagéda k:!6sé n&xsAla begwanemx xiind- xudisa la wik: /ex€ida, Wi, g°fl&misé €wifla gwax tsiclwagéda g:ig-egematyasa 1éel- qwalatatyaxs laé Lézwittofyosa elkwas Swalas Kwax-:flanodkimé yix Kiwadlask-en. Wa, la&mé €wl€la hox€wirtaewa bébegwanem 1axés Eyad’ fyats!é6. Wi, la€mé 142 wiinemtatxa g*Igaiméx-dé laxa la gwa- ta g*Ox¥bido® qaé. Wa, la k- 26s gitéda winemtdxs g-axaé aédaa- qa gaxs le&maé dzaqwa gaxg’in la&méke g*iwala, yfin George Hunt, laxa winemtixa g*Igdmadxé. WA, g*fl®misé geax witléda bébegwa- nemaxs 1laé dxk-ialaso& qa lds &wi€la hogwit 14x g*dkwasa la té- 81 ferred to by the ancient Indians as the mourning song for a lost chief. And when/the Kwag‘ur had come to the beach, there arrived the €nemgis and stopped outside of them/ And then came the Lawi- ts!és and stopped outside the nemgis in Kwag? uz Snemgis this manner./ And when they had all come Lawits!és Madixbé and stopped,(5) the thirteen tribes, then Denax*da&xu Afwatrela they/stopped singing their mourning songs. Dzawade énox¥ Gwawaénoxu Then/Neqap!enk*em arose in his canoe/and Haxwamis Qwéqusdt lénox4 comforted &max4mewésagemée / whose name was €walas Kwax*flamoktms®, the (10) other name of Lalak-ots!a. As soon as Neqgap!enk*em ended his speech,/arose chief Hawil- kiilaxy, the head chief of the/numaym Kikwak!im of the Q!lomoya€tyé, and. he also comforted/€walas Kwax'flanodktimée. And when his com- forting was at an end (15) chief Haimasaga arose and comforted €walas Kwax‘flandkimé®;/Hamasaga came from the numaym Wawilib4é- Eya./ And each of the real chiefs/of every tribe spoke comfort- ing words. The reason why only real chiefs spoke comforting words was that (20) Lalak*otsi!a who died was a real chief. When/a man dies who is not noble, then those who are real chiefs/are silent and only men who are not noble speak comforting words/to the chil- dren of the deceased, As soon as thé chiefs of the tribes had finished speaking their words (25) they were called ashore by the speaker of *walag Kwax’flandkimé£, that is/K!iwaélask*en. Then all the men went a- shore from their/canoes, They were going to bury the chief in the/ small house which was now ready for him, It was not long before he was buried and they came/back for it was evening. And I, George Hunt, (30) helped them burying the chief. When all the men came back/ they were told to go into the house of him (1) whose name was now 6 10 20 30 &2 gades wilas Kwax-flandkiré. Wa, la&mé cLlexwilag:ita ha€mazela léclqwaélacatya., Wa, la&mé héwixa k!w6tladla denx€éda; wa 1axeé héwixa claqiwala. qaxs aBk-*ilaéda g*d41é bakium L!laqwalaxa dzaqwa, yixs €nédk-aéda g°alé baékiumgéxs Cnefmaxilaaxa Llafyaxe la reflaxs Liaiqiwalaéde winemdetela lélqw&lacafyaxa la £laq dzaqwa. Wa, g°fl€misé gwix Llexwide hatmaiela léelqwadlaréxs laé wits la hogqawels 1laxa g*Okwa. Wa, 1éxeatmis k*!és hodqawelsa qlaqlast&sa ha€mazela léelqwdlatatya. Wa, la&mS gwéx€alélems K!waélask-en, yixa elkwa,. WA, 1H Ax€édxa kiwaxid€wé Ex-lax xAseEws gas tslawa- na&gés ldxa qéaqeasto. Wa, 1éda qiaqiasto xOxoxUsfalaxa kiwaxLae- we, WA, g°fl€misé k*dtaq laem héxfalis xéxAfyaxs 1laé K!waélaskeen aixke falaxa gléq!aqiasto qa Snemag-flizés k*atemlizeclasa xdkwé kiwaxté la Létaxwafyasa atogliqeesé naxene’mématsa yiidux4se &magu- geyows léelqwdlaratya. Wa, héemxaawisé waxokwa gléqtaqlastowé yit- dugtig*eyf&6 bébegwanema, Wa, la k-iés gég-flizexs laé gwata. We, 16da celkwé Kiwaélask-en nézax wdlas Kwax- flandkiméxs le€maé gwata qiéqiaqiasto. WH, g-Ax6 Swilas Kwax*flandkimé kiwa- g°afliz qats watanegéxa qléqeaqéastows 14x Awixagewasa Latexwate yasa hatmatela léelqwalatatya, Wa, 14 vréxtidex-da&xix aacebdp.- Enyag*ala qraqeatesgemg*ustala ma€&Xetinalok® la hafwasewak¥ héya- gowa bébegwanemé, WA, latmé axewittializaseewa ma€rplenx: €1dé léxsemx’€fd plelxelasgema qa&s g°axé €mdgwat1litlem laxa héxrk- [6- tiwalixa loOxsemx:Idé, wi, 12 ax®atlitlema loxsemx-Cidé laixa gem» xOtewallZé6. WA, hé€mis la danewésG€sa gléqlaq!astowé ga&s yaqo- més laxés geig°oktlotée, Wi, g°flémisé €willxtofwa fnaxwa kiwékiwalasa hatmatela léel- qwilacafya ld g°f1 Ax€6dex Cyaqtilataxe mak: !exsdatyé €ydqiilaz ple- lxelasgema qa benaétés laé mogwatlizelas laxa neqéwatlizasa g°d- kwé, Wa, 18, Ek {a€lizé péelxelasgemé Cyaqilarxa €nalirelasa gealé la dx€atii€lema, Wa, 1& Sk-lenxafya plelxelasgemé yaqilatxa Gwé- tela. Wa, 14 benafyé6éadxiasa Qloémoyafyé; wi, ld bena€yéaxvtasa Cwa- 835 Swailas Kwax‘flandkiméS, then they gave food to the different/ tribes. They never sang feasting songs and they/never sang mourning songs, for the ancient Indians were careful not to sing mourning songs in the evening/for the ancient Indians said it would bring short life to the one who takes the place of the dead one when(S) they sing mourning songs at the burying by the tribes when it is near evening. . After the various tribes had eaten they alli/went out of the hequse, and the only ones who did not go out were the name-keepers of the/various tribes. They were distributed in the house by K!waé- lask*en,/the speaker. Then he took tedarsticks which split readily and distributed them (10) among the name-keepers. Then the nameo- keepers split up the cedar sticks/and as soon as they thought they had split enough K!waélask-en/told the name-keepers to put down at the same time the split/cedar sticks for the seats of the various numayms of the thirteen/tribes. That is also the number of the name- keepers, who are thirteen (15) men. They did not take long doing this/ Then the speaker, Kiwaélask-en, told €walas Kwax- flandkimé&/ that the name-keepers had finished, Then walas Kwax:flandktimee came and sat down/and asked each of the name-keepers how many seats/ there were in the varios tribes, and they gave the names of (20) six hundred fifty eight seats, counting/all the men. Then they took two/thousand blankets and put them down, on the right hand side/ one thousand, and one thousand on the left hand side./And the name- keepers took them from there and gave them (25) to their tribes, When they-are giving to all the seats of the different tribes,/ they first take the blankets which are to be given to the last one/ so that they are underneath when they put them down in the rear of the house/and on top of them are the blankets which will be given to those next before those that (30) had first been put down, And the top pile of blankets will be given to the Gwé tela/and under them are those for the Qlomoyays, and under them those for the (1)&walas 6* 10 15 20 25 50 84 Ias Kwaguté, wi, 18 henatyédxrasa Qidmk*sutiesas fwailas Kwag-ur, wa, 18 bena®yéaxuasa Snemgis, wa, 1a bena€yéaxtasa Lawitsiés; wi, 148 benatyéaxtasa Madizbés;wa, 18 benafya pielxelasgemix.asa Denax*- dat&xus wi 1a& benatyéax.asa A€waltela, wa, 1a bena€yéaxtasa Qwoqu- s6t!énox’s, wa, 1&4 benaf&yéax.asa Dzawadeénox4s; wa, 1a bena®yéaxtasa Haxwamis, wa, 1& benafyéaxtasa Gwawaénox¥, Wa, héem mag-ix bena- liza Gwawaénox¥ qaxs léx°a&maé clxré &yaxtwitsox laé ©wilxtowa ha- Emaxela léelqwdlaratya, Wa, g°fl&mése gwata q!éqlaqiastéxs laé yawas®id méx€ida qaxs gag-ustawité Switlata hatmaiela léelqwalata- eva. | Wa, g°fl€misé nax:*idxa gadla laé witla tsiex-eidéda ha&ma- tela léelqwarafya, Wa, lad héem gaaxstalis g-Igeaé.elasé. Wa, g*f- l€misé gwazx gaaxstalaxs g*axaé Léeldlaso® qa&s lalag*i hogwéa 1ax g*Skwas Swalas Kwax-flanokimé. W4, lax-da&xwé Switla hogwita. Wi, g°fl€misé wiflaé_a laasé Kiwaélask-enxa elkwax:dds Lalak-‘o- tslax-d6 yaqleg-afza. Wa, la&mé mO€lasa hatmatela léelqwalacéxs laé €wifla hégwira. Wa, 1a gwégemx-£id 1axés g*okilota Mamaléle- gala yixs haé klistazéda Ggwiwatlizasa g*Gkwé. WA, 1A €nék-a; Wagefzla g°Skil6t. Wag-frla ladzaqwatex qa€s ctladq!iwalads yfsa g°ixgwalalatySds g*okul6t, nék-é., Wa, 18 ax€Etseewa g!énemé ke 'és &w& tiésema qa&s 14 ts!awanaédzema maéma&itsem laxa enaxe- nemokwé bébegwanemsa Mamaléleqala, Wa, g*-fl€misé €wilxtosa maéma- extsemé las@layo tiésemsa Lidqiwala laas d&q&lé Ts!dx¥ts/aésoréxa négadisa Qwéqusét.énoxwé, WA, la&mé €naxwa denx€idéda Mamaléleqa- ldsa new6©lalds g*flg-alisas Lalak-otsiax'dé tidqiwala. Wa, g°f1l&- mis6 q!ilbéda newé€lalayo c!dq!wala wi, 1&8 d&q&lé Tsadtsoyalidéxa négadésa EneEmemotasa Mamaléleqidmasa q!iayAladx waxap!enmasas Lére- laxa €naxwa 1élqw&larafya LO& tiensélaaxés g*dkUloté L5& sak: le- dzafyasésa xwaxuk sina laxa naxwa lélqwalavatya Loe waxap!enasas Ls6Enageila K,wélaga LO& wixaplenasas qieltaxa Liaiieqwa Loe waxa- pienasas ctlemkwas saélasés g°dkwé LO& waxaplenasas yawix-:fla gqaéda 85 Kwag-ux, and under them those for the Q!émk:!it!és of the ¢wilas Kwag* uz ,/and under them those for the fnemgis, and under them those for the zawits!8s, and/under them those for the MAdixbé, and under them those for the Denax*da&xU,/and under them those for the Afwal~ Lela, and under them those for the Qwéq¥sotiénox¥,(5) and under them those for the Dzawadeénox¥, and under them those for the/Haxwimis, and under them those for the Gwawaénox¥, and nearest to the floor are those for the/Gwawaénox¥, for they are the last to whom it is given when it is given to all the different/tribes, And when the name~keepers are ready, they/sleep for a little while, for all of the tribes are going to rise early in the morning.(10) —/ As soon as it becomes day in the morning, the various tribes awake/and they eat their breakfast, and after/they have finished taking their breakfast, they are called to go into/the house of ‘wa- las Kwax:flandkimés, and they all go in.(15) And when they were all in Kiwaélask*en, the speaker of the late Lalak-ots!a,/spoke and thanked the various tribes/that they all had come inside. Then he turned his face to his tribe, the Mamaléleqala,/who were sitting in the rear of the house, and he said,/"Now, my tribe, cry and sing the mourning song of/(20) your lost chief, my tribe,"said he, Then were taken many/stones that were not large, and two were given to each/of the men of the Mamaléleqala, and as soon as each had two/ "time keeping stones for the mourning song", then Tsiox¥ts!aéds,/ the song maker of the Qwéq*sdt!énox¥, began a song and all the Ma- mal@leqala sang (25) the family history about the first Lalak-‘ots/a as a mourning song. And when the/family history mourning song was at an end, then Tsatsofyalid/the song maker of the numaym Mamaléleq!- im, began a song counting the number of times he had invited/all the tribes, and given away property to his own tribe, and given awsay/ canoes to all the tribes; and the number of times (30) he had given grease feastes and the number of times he had broken coppers; and the number of times/he had given eway the roof of his house; and 10 15 20 50 86 Enaxwa 1élqwélata®ya LO& waxaplemasas tiensila ydwix-fla, wa, hée. mis waxap!enasas axoOsgema Léxelaxa enems ge ©makwe laxa lélqw&laratyé, wa, hé€mis waxap!enasas azosgema yawix:fla gaéda Enemsgemakwé 1axa léiqwilarat ys; wa, hé&misd waxap!enasas atOsgema sak-axdtsa xwaxt- kétina laxa Snemsgemakwé lélqwdlaratya, wi,hé&misé waxap/enasas axds gems Lis€nageila kiwélas qaéda Enemsgetmakwé 1lélqwdlacatyé,wa, hS€misé waxap.enasas tsemkwax silisés g:Skwé qaéda Enemsge &makwé lélqwilavatya Lefwis Liemk!tidzafyé gaés g°Skildt. Wi, g°flemisé ewitla la qé€yatsa Liaqiwala yixg-ada lak: k°satata, 1aé c1xLé qae €yastendayuwS waxapienasas qotéx-a LO& LaksefyaSyas qiéqieyox Lida Ligqwa LG& waxatsiagasasa kiwaxsalats?é xwixtik:tma. Wi, g°fl&misé CwlElaxs laé fem la qiwSxeidéda denxeladsa Llagqiwalaxa Ala g*flsg°- fitia Lléviagq!wala. Wa, g°flémisé qitilbéde ma®ztsem’ 1é_iaqiwala leas Lax&walizé KiwaSlask*enxa elkwis Lalak-otsiax-dé, Wa, 18 yaqleg:atza, Wa, ld Enékeas Cya, hatmatet léelqw&laré, le&mas witlelax gwalag-ili- dzasasa walasda g° igematyé Lalak*otsiax-d& yfx walas Kwax*fland- kimafya SnékeSxs laé .éeldlax maxYmew6sagemacyé6, yix .51léx-das Lalak-otsiax-dé, Wad, héx-fidatmisé SmaxUmewSsagematys la La &wiino- aQzelizax KiwaSlask-en, W&, 18 KiwaSlask*en Enékea; WEgea dox€wi- dex ha&maxel 1léelqwdla.’, geaxfemke g°axfeng-in g-igdméke alo1lx&- wida. G°axfemgea walasck* Kwax-Llandkiimafya; demk* aldmas®id g°f- gimatyas, d&emk: la Skeg’fn nagék*, ha&maxel léelqwalarai. Lacmtens wix*sadgen L6®& Lalak-otsia 1axéa 14 laasa, WA, lafmésen lax axeé- detxa yaqientp/éqasa g*igdiméx-dil ga ldlageisé lixg-s Swalasek: Kwax’flanokimatya, *nSk°Sxs lad lats!AlIx laxa Sts!A1ixzé. wa, k*iSetia gitaxs g-axaé dalaxa yaqientpséqé LO® goldma t6® Léta qaés 18 ts!&s laxa la Légades Swalas Kwax*flanoktimé, yix ©max'mew6sage- ma®y6. Wa, la €walas Kwax-flanokiimé dax-*{dxa matitsemé Llavieqwa Lefwa ke lSg-edekwS yaqlentpléqa, wi, 18 xactex:®id yaqleg-atra, Wi, 18 nSkeas ya, 1élqwdilarai, wa.Jémasratwésen qen Snemx:fida- 87 the number of times he had given a winter dance to (1) all the tribes; and the number of times he had given a winter dance to his own tribe; and/the number of times he had invited each one of the other tribes;/and the number of times he had given a winter dance to each of the other/tribess; and the number of times he had given eanoes (5) to each of the other tribes; and the numter of times/he head given a grease feast for each of the other tribes;/and the num- ber of times he had given away the roof of his house to each/of the ether tribes; and the number of times he had given away the roof of his house to his own tribe. And/all of this was in the words of the mourning song that is now written down here. ‘hen the last (10) words were the number of times he had paid the marriage debt, and when he had put up an expensive copper as a mast/and when his prin- cess had been sitting in the canoe, And when/all of this was done, only then stopped the singing of the mourning songs, They are really long/the mourning songs for the dead. Ag soon as the two mourning songs were at an end/K!waélask-en, the speaker of Lalak-ots!a, arose, and he epoke and (15) saids ‘0h, tribes, did you Hear what was done/by the great chief, Lalak-ots!a, that Swilas Kwax-flandkiimS®?"/said he as He called °mixumewésagemée, the nephew of/Lalak-otsia, Immediately SmaxUmewSsagemé& went and atood alongside of (20) Kiwaélask-en. Then KiwaSlask-en gaid,"Look at him/tribes, he came, he came, my new chief./ Now come, ewdlas Kwax’flandkimé®, it is only a new chief./ Now my heart feels glad, tribes. Now we are/parted on each side from LAlak-ots!a, from the place where he has gone to. Now I shall go and take the (25) speak- -er's staff of the late chief that it. may go to ewalas/Kwax- Tlandki- mée! " Thus he said and went into the bedroom. It/was not long be- fore he came out carrying the speaker's staff.and the (eoppers) Bea- ver and Léta, and/gave them to him whose name was now €walas Kwax’e@ flandkimée, that is EmaxUme we sa gems ./ Then walas Kwax: flandkimé® took the two coppers (30) and the carved speaker's staff and he spoke 10 20 25 50 xtésen létanemta 1ax gwilag-flidzasasen g-Iigdméx-da qiilétya, enék-é, WH, la&mé qiwéx€id 1lax6q. WA, la&mé Syax@widayowa plelxelasgemé lax€q laxa hatmazela léelqwdlaratya, Wa, la&méda elkwa, yfx Kinaé- lask*’en la elkwas &walas Kwax*flanokiimatyé, wa latmé Kiwad leas kren nétaxa g:igeegdmafyasa hatmazela léelqwilalatés waidemxias La- lak*otslax:dé, yixs laé wawék:!eq!la qaés kék: !es€6x-déxa EwlElaem gwityos qa lés laxa la L6gades walas Kwax*Tlandktimé laxés mag iizdé LO1éeya, Wa, la wucasd&s Neqapienk-ems masé gwifyasen EnemOxudé ga 16s 1axox max4mewesagematyéxwa lax Légades walas Kwax*flandkimé qats €naxwatmads Léteqelaq &nék-é, Wa, hét! Snénak-its Neqaptenk: emoxé yix lag-izas xemtela ts!asata laxés gwékialag:flflas qaxs hé€maé qteltapléts Neqap!enk-emoxé Lalak-ots!6xE lag-izas Snemalasé g:i- qi6énatyas. WH, la&mé Kiwaélaskeenxa elkwa €néx-xa aflizelas wazde- mé€ 1#€1as Lalak-otssax-dé qa 1ésa k-t6k: fes€&s lax €wilas Kwax-- LlanCkiimS Wa, la Kiwa6lask-en yaqeeg’abia,Wa, ld Enékeas Héem gwiit- yasen g*igdméx-da qa 18s 1ax0x ‘walas Kwax'flandkiimafya dagematyé Leewa g*Okwex Leewa LGelqwalizéxwa nanéx XYOqwaliza, yutmésa sise- yucéx xGqwalita, yii€misa tslawéx ZLGqwaliza,yitmsésa dzoOnoqéwax *Oqwa- liza, wi, hé€mis kiwafyas, hé€msa g-ag-Igelaqiila dzdnoqiwala; hée- misa g*ag-igelaqula xaxalolaqwala, hé&misa yaqiadnt!alasa yaq!ent- peéq; héemisa yaélax.ené laxa baxtsé, wi, héemisa qieltelg-fsxa .la- ‘qwasa g*ig*figdmacyé, wi, hé€misa qtapsénox¥ laxa tsiétsiéqa Letwis yiydlaxtené, wi, yiidzé€misdx Létax vefwox QSlomaxwa awafwéx Lia- cleqwa, Liaqwaiztawésen g-igdméex-da, €nék-6é. Wa, la&mé Swdlas Kwax*flanokiimé h&em dageméxés yaqwala plelxelasgema laxa hafmazela léclqwatafya, WA, la&mé yax€witsa plelxelasgemé 1axés cégemé ©ma- xUmewesagema® yé 14xés Enemémota Dzendzenx*qlayo gqaxs hé&maé LégeE— mad daxax k!watyas 1laxés Ene emSmote,. Wi, g°fl€misé g-ax n&€naku laxg:a Tsaxiseke laxaé dagemésés fne&mémota Dzendzenx*qlayax yaqwa- asa pselxelasgemé .6xs kak: {alaé yisa toqiwé ldxa €walas kiwé€la- 89 a few words./He said; “Oh tribes, I shall not be weak,’ that I may equal (1) what was done by my chief, my uncle,' said he./After this he stopped speaking, Then the blankets were given away/to the dif= ferent tribes, Then Kwaélask*en,/the speaker of €walas Kwax- flandkue mé€,(5)told the chiefs of the various tribes the last words of La- lak*ots!a/when he was dying, referring to the privileges and all/he had wished to give to him whose name was now walas Kwax’flandkumé€, the next one in his house,/his nephew, | Then he was asked by Neqapfenk’em; ''What did my past friend refer to (10) that should go to SmaxUmewSsagemé® here, he who is now called walas Kwax’flandkumé, that/you all give him that name," said he. And this was what Neqap!enk-em meant,/the reason why he urged very strongly what he was speaking about was because/Ne qap!e- nk*em was the rival in copper breaking of the late Lalak-ots!a, Therefore their chief's rank was of equal value./ Now Kiwaélask-en, the speaker, told them the various (15) wishes of Lalak-ots!a that his privileges should go to walas Kwax*flandkimé®./ Then K!waélas- k*en spoke and said, "This was referred to/by my past chief, that it should go to walas Kwax’flandkimé® the office of giving away property,/and this house and these house dishes, the Grizzly-Bear house dish and also the Double-Headed-Serpent/house dish, and the Beaver house dish and the Dz6noq!wa dish (20) and also his seat, and the DzOnoq!wa cry and also/the cry of Driving-Away, and also the speaking with the speaker's staff/and also the secret song of the secular season, and also the copper breaking of the coppers/of other chiefs, and the Gatherer of the winter ceremonial, and his/ secret songs, and also this great Léta dnd Beaver, the great cop- pers (25) left behind by my past chief,"/said he. Now €walas Kwax‘- flandkimé€ had the office of giving away property and the giving away of blankets to the different/ tribes. ‘And he gave away blankets to his own name ¢maxUmewésagemd&/in the numaym Dzendzenx*qiayo, that is, his name/in which he holds the seat in his mmaym, As soon as he 15 25 90 tela Llsena, Haisemxaéx mixYmewSsagematy6 k-2és€a geaig*fielaxs g°alaé bekiimg*alisa nixUnemis6. Wa, hdem k* 26s qiimala 14 laxa tsiafyaxa dagematyé qaxs jase atmaéda Endlastiegematyé xindx¥ Axfédxa daigemafyasa ©nazxenemémasasa Enixwa 1Slqwilatatya, wax*fem tsledaga Endlastiegemafyas sasemasa dagematyé, 16 Ax€édaemgéxs wax-fmas tsledaqa. Wa, 14 qlinala wa= Kea begwinemé tssa&yasa SndlastiegematyS tsiedaiq rénema6xsdxa da~ gemafyé 1axés Endla. Wad, 18 &naixwaema g°igeegimafys yadx-stots qaxs k*{ésa8 layo laxa m&k-flaxa Sndlasticgematy8, Wai, 1éx-atmis lax-demsa dagema®yé laxa tsiatyaxs reflaés Endlastiegemacyé. Wa, lacm ke '6s hénax*€Idayo léq. Wa, héem héxedems gwéx &idexs ke 16. saé béxomila xtingwadex:€%d& Cndlasticgematyaséxs laé Xefla. Wa, g°fl€mis héwixa xiingwadex-*idéda dagematyé lad fem xwayenk!wax endlasteegema®yas sasemasés mag*ixé 1écterflaxa naéxs@la be gwanema. Wi, la&mé la wiflasés ke iék-tes&o 1aéq ceewa dagematyé qdtaxs le&— maé xtngwades. Wa, la k° leas yax*’sem wazdems tslatsiatyasa dage = matyS.1axéq. - Wa, la&mé Swalas Kwax-flandkumafyé hatnizalaxa Swalasé g°il- das laxés g°dkwé 18x Mémiktmlis. Wi, g°fl€misé yaqwasd&sa plelxe- lasgemasés g*OkUl6té la té.eLalas ax&édxa yaq!wémis p!elxelasgem gats 13 Axts!léts ladxa Cwalasé g-flidasa. WS, 14 g!tinadla hemé Elkwisé Kiwaélask*en Ax€édex yaqiwémis €walas Kwax*flandkimé qa€s 16 lats!dts laxa Cwadlasé g*fldasa qaxs hé€maé g°Skimts!alizé Kiwaélask*ené g*Skwas €walas Kwaxsflandkimatyé. Wa, héem héxe= dems gwég:ilatséxs g:axa& Swalas Kwax-flanokumatyé lixg-a Tsaxi- seke. WH, g°fl&misé g°ax laxgea Tsaxiseke, wa, 1&4 yaqwanokwé Enetmémotas fwalas Kwax* flanokimatyasa peelxelasgemé lax Mémkum- lis. Wa, 1a hé&mé elkwds, yix Kiwaélask-en dageméxa plelxelas- gemé. Wa, lacm mexUsteewes Swalas Kwax*flandkimafyé .1axéq. wa, 91 comes home (30) here to Fort Rupert he has also the office of giving away property to his numaym Dzendzenx*qéayo when they give away / blankets and when they give feasting dishes ina great grease feast tiv, 616.18 2180 CinfixUme wSsagemée's privilege coming from the /time of the myth people. / This office of giving away property never goes to a younger bro- ther; it is only/the eldest child that takes the office of giving a- way property to all the different (5) tribes. Even if a girl is the eldest one of the children/of.the one whose office is to give away property, she takes it although she 1s a woman. Often/the younger brother of the eldest sister tries to take away/the office of giving away property from his elder sister, but all the chiefs do not agree/ because it never goes to the next one to the eldest, The only time (10) the office of giving away property. is given to the younger bro- ther is when the eldest one dies, then/it cannot be denied nine. The time when this is dome is wher/ the eldest one does not. live long e- nough to have a child before he dies./ When the one whose office ‘is this,to give away property, never had a child, he adopts the/eldest one among the children of his nearest relative, a nobleman.(15) Then all his privileges go to him and also the office of giving away pro- perty, for indeed he is/now his child, Then no bad word is said by the younger brother of him whose office is this to give away proper ty/ after this./ _ Now €wilas Kwax-flandktmse left a very large boz/in his house at Mémkiimlis and when his tribe came to give him blankets(20) then his relatives took the blankets that were given to nim/and put them into the large box, and often it is/the speaker K!waélask*en who takes what is given to walas Kwax:flandkimS® and/puts it into the large box, for/ Kiwaélask-en lives in the house of €walas Kwax:fla- nokiimé®, The time he does (25) this is when walas Kw&xe flandkimé& goes to Fort Rupert./ And when he comes here to Fort Rupert and one of the/numaym of Swalas Kwax-flandkimé® gives away blankets at Mém-= 10 15 20 25 50 92 laxed ha€nita €wilas g-fldas 14x g-dkwas laxg-a Tsaxistke qa Ax- ts!Alats yaq!wémis plelxelasgem laxés Snemsgems cégemé *maxUme - wésagemacyé, 1ax6és Ene tmSmota Dzendzenx qdayowé. Wi, la€men 1&s_ 14x €walas Kwax’flandkumatyaxs laé wikd fe x€- {déda begwanemq:alamdxa Légadis Hawaselazxa g*ayoxs 1ax &ne &mémo- tasa Wiwomasgemasa Mamaléleqala. Wa, la geg-adé Hawastlazas Ha- kiig*iladgwaxa tsiedaiqé xindx¥s TalexewidSxa g-ayoré 1ax &ne&mée~ motasa Sisenrafyasa Mamal6laqala. W&, la sasemnokwé Haklig-ilad- gwasa ylidukwé e€éx-soku tstedaga 1laxés g-alé x1a€wiinem6 Gwatwinaxe geayozxS 14x ne&mémotasa Mamaléleq!idm. Wa, laemxaé be gwanemqla- lamé Gwatwina, WH, la watadé Hawaselatas Haklig-iladgwa. Wa, 4&- mis la kiwatoxsté Hawaselazé cetwis LAalé Hakitig-ilaogwa. Wa, la- émé miwa H&klig:iladgwa teewis yiidukwé ts!édaq sasem 14x g*dkwas Hawaselat lax g°Okwas walas Kwax*flanokimafyé. Wa, la&mé Hawase- lax k- !8s pletsi!énoxwa k-lésxat! k!iwélats!énoxwa. Wa, hé€mis 1la- geitas Léqdlasd€s qsiilsem 14x gwék* salasaxa k*lés kiwélats{énox¥— x6s g°OkulS6ts.Wa,enempenaemelaé plesaxés g-Skiilotaxa Mamaléleqala; lag*itas Légades Hawaselat., Wi, la€mé nfge g-ilag-ittsés kiwatoxs- doté Hakitig:llaogwa, W&, la&mé €nék-é Haklig-ilaogwa qa&s lalag-i Enelk‘ila ladxa Tslamasé yfs6s yudukwé e€Sx-sdk¥ ts!édaga ga las Lletas6€sa mamaz€a gaxs k*fea&s€maé laem xaewadesa yudukwé xiinyfn- g°Ss Hawaselazé, Wi, la€mé 1a laxa Tstimas sek alaxa xwédekwé xwaktiina. WA, la€m6 lag-aa laxa Tsidmas, WA, la€mé Lié.lasgast- idéda yiidukwé e€8x-sOk¥ €nemémagas tsiédaga totmis dbempé Hakli- g*ilaogwa, Wa, Snemxfenxé tsldwinxas héléda TsJamasaxs g°axaé na- Enakwa., Wa, latmé qley6.r@ Hawaselazaxa dala. Wa, héx-fidatmisé k-flxwax Séxfetg-ila Max-tsidlemxa qfeydxwé Léaqwa. WH, laem k-f- lxwé Hikiig-ilaogwa Letwis yidukwé tslédaq sasemxa claqwa. Wa, 18 sep!éts 14x Hawascelax, WH, 14 tslexq!ex-idéda dmatytnxafyasa yidukwé €nemémagasa. Wa, 14 k-lés gaéx qelgwizaxs laé wik: fex€Ida. Wa, laxaé wike textidéda qiayfwéx-dis sasemas Hakifg-iladgwa. Wa, 93 kitlis,/then it is that the speaker Kinaélask*en, performs the of- fice of giving away property with the blankets./ He is the repres- entative of twalas Kwax-flandkimé® in this way. And (1) he also has a large box in his house here in Fort Rupert, to put into it/the blankets that are given to him in his other name EmaxUme wé sa geméE/ in the numaym Dzendxenx*q!ayo./ Now I will pass over from €walas Kwax*flandkiimé&.(5) There died a common man whose name was Hawaselazx, who belonged to the numa ym / Wiwomasgem of the Mamalélegala, Hawaselaz had for his wife Hakli- g*iladgwa/the daughter of Tstex€wid who came from the numayn/Sfsen- Lis& of the Mamalélaqala. Now Haklig:iladgwa had three pretty girls as children from her first husband,Gwatwina, (10) who belonged, to the numaym Mamaléleq!am, and Gwafwina was also a common man,/ Then Hawaselat had Hakitg-iladgwa as his sweetheart, and they just/ lived together, Hawasclaz and his sweetheart Hik!lig-iladgwa. Then/ Hikiug:iladgwa moved with her three daughters to the house of/Hawa- selaz, in the house of walas Kwax-flanodktmé&, And Hawaselaz (15) never gave a potlatch and never gave a feast, and therefore/he was called "clay-face'", as they call those who never give a feast/to their tribe. Only once he gave a potlatch to his tribe,the Mamalé- leqala,/and therefore his name was Hawaselaz, Now he was instructed by/Haklig:ilaogwa with whom he lived,and H&kitg:iladgwa said that they should go (20) south to Victoria with her three pretty girls that they should be/prostitutes among the whites, for none of them had a husband, the three step-daughters/of Hawaselaxy, Now they went to Vic- toria, five in a long-nosed/canoe- Now they arrived in Victoria,and they became prostitutes,/the three pretty sisters and their mother, Hak ftigs ilaogwa. (25) They stayed one winter in Victoria and then they went home./ Now Hawaselazt obtained much money from this and immediate- ly they/bought the expensive copper, 'Dry-Mouth-Maker-Cause-of- Shame.* Then/Hak/iig-iladgwa and her three daughters bought the copper and/gave it to Hawaselat. Now the youngest of the (30) three daughters 10 15 20 25 30 94 laxaéda endlast!egeméx:dé wikelex€ida. Wa, la&mé wl€la xéXe&1Eda yuduxudé ts!édaq sdsems Hakitig-ilaogwa. Wa, la Hadk‘iig-iladgwa we- qewanuxtsa Légadas Tiéqwap. Wa, la&mé Tléqwap néx-qéxs Eqasefwa- 6s LOLralégasdé qaés gwéx-fidaasaxs laé k-flxwax Séxtétg:ila Max: - ts'dlema qa Hawaselaz qaxs 4&maé begwanemq!dlema qaxs k- !ésaéda flak: tala g-ig-egamé héxyqialaxa begwanemg:alemé k*flxwaxa qiéqeée= youwé tiatieqwa. Wa, hé€mis €nénak-itts Tiéqwapaq égekwés totaq légasdé. WA, latmé k-fX%€idé Hawaselaz 1€xéq qaxs le&mad tstex- EME » qsex’Cid Sgwaqa. WA&,la&mé Lé€lalaxés neemémotaxa Wiwomasg Wa, g@°flSmisé g°ax Swiflaéta 1ax g°Okwas €walas Kwax* flandkimayé, wi 18 yAgqeg*aexé Hawaselaz. Wa, la €nékea: Ex-€ma 14x k:!és gira seraxen ladg*iza Lé&lal6t EneemEmot. Heden lag*iza LS€1a16. ga€&s g°axads horélaxg*’fn wardemtek*, nék°éxs laé daxeidex Séxfétg-ila Max:tsiG6lemxés axfem k*flwanem cldqwa. Wa, 1l& &nék*ea: Dodqitlat- maaqos g°axen yur €walatsem &nemémot, yar Wiwomasgemxg:fn k- fe&s- Sk xiindkwa qa Ax€édexgeada €walaseks Légad Lidgqwa. WH, 1éx°a&m- isen dOgtt Exe laatseke laxox Swalaséx Kwax*flandkimaftya Le win Laxwafyé Login Légemg* fn. Wa, gélag-a xUnox4 yuL *walas Kwax-f- landktmé dax**idg-as tldqwag-6s. lLaems Légadexts Sextiqéla 1ax Eneemémotasa Wiwomasgem6, &nék°é. Wa, héx-fidatmisé €walas Kwa- x°flandkimafyé la dax*€fdxa claqwa qa&s m616s waydemas Hawaselazr- xa laem xentela tsiex:qéa. WA, ke léstla gitaxs laé wik: lex€{da. Wa,g°fl&misé z-ax nad€nakwa winemtax Hawaselazdé laé Cwalas Kwax-f- landkiimatyé piesasa pielxelasgemé 1axa Mamaléleqala. Wa, latmé ga Eyog& 1laxés axé ‘ne &mémotaxa Wiwomasgemé. Wa, latmé tégades Séxtiqa- la ldxéq. Wa, la k*lés dagematyé Séxiiqila 1axés yaqtilaxa plelxelas- Ema gqaxs k°!6saé Hawaselardé dadgemésés fnetmEmotasa Wilwomasgemée & q 8 qaxs 4&maé begwanemasalema, yixs haé Neg*d dagemasa &ne&mémotasa Wi- womasgemé. Wa, la&mé yiiduxusemé Létegemas, wi, 14 yiiduxwé kiwékiwa- fyasxens gwityo L6Laxwafya laxa yldux¥sefmakiisé &ndxe€nemémasa. 2 e Wi, la ma€%a dagematyé la daxsilax¥s. Wi, la make !exsdatyé Lax- 95 became sick and she was not long sick in bed before she died,/And then the-second of the children of Hakiig-ilaogwa died, and (1) then the eldest one also died, All died, the/three daughters of Hikiiig:iladgwa. Wow Hiklig*iladgwa/had a brother whose name was T!Sqwap. Mow T!8qwap said his nieces had been bewitched/on account of what they had done in buying the copper, 'Dry-Mouth-Maker-Cause- of-Shame" (5) for Hawaselazx, for he was only a common man and/ the real chiefs do not allow a common man to buy expensive/coppers. That 4s what Tiéqwap meant when he said that his nieces had been bewitch- ed./ Now Hawasclaz became afraid after this, for he became sick/also. Then he called his numaym, the Wiwomas gem, (10) and as soon as they were all in the house of twalas Kwax:flandkimée,/Hawaselaz spoke and said; "It is good that you do not long/ guess the reason why I called you,/that you may come to listen to what I say." Thus he said and took 'Dry-Mouth-Maker-/Cause-of-Shame' , the copper he had just bought, and he said, “Look at me,(15) you great numaym, you Wiwomas- gem, that I have no/child to take this great copper which has a name. Now I shall only/see that it will best go to this twilas Kwax-fland- kiimS®, and/also my seat and my name. Go child, you twalas Kwax-fla- nodkimé€ ,/take hold of your copper. Now your name shall be Séziiqfla -in the (20) numaym Wiwomasgem. ® So he said, and immediately €walas Kwax’Tlanoktmé£/took the copper and thanked for his speech Hawaselaz/ who was now very sick, He was not long in this way before he died,/ And ag soon as those came home who had buried Hawaselaz, then €walas Kwax*flandktmse/ gave away blankets to the Mamaléleqala. He gave these out (25) of his new numayn, Wiwomas gem. And now his name was Séxiigfla/after this. Now Séxlq&la has not the office of giving a- way property when he gives away blankets,/for Hawaselaz had not the office of giving away/property to his numaym, the Wiwomasgem,/for he was only a common man, and it was Neg*a& who had the office of giving away property in the numaym Wiwomasgeme/ Now he had three names and three seats )(30) that we call standing places, in the three 10 15 20 25 50 96 wafyas 1laxe Cne€mémotasa Wiwomasgem, yix Laxwa®yas Hawaselazds. Wa, laem yawas®Id 1aba. Wa, la&mésen gwagwéx*sfalar lax Tléqwapxa g°ayoxS lax ne ems motasa Sf{senilafyasa Mamaléleqala yfx weqiwis Hakitig-lladgwa yfix k!watoxsddtas Hawaselazxdé yfixs ts iacyaé Tiéqwapas Hakitg-iladgwa. Wi, lax°da&xwé sasemsa Légada Hayazk*enxa begwanemg!alemé g*ayox lax tneEmémotasa SIsenrié&, Wa, 1a gegeadé Hayatk*znas Qwaqwané- dzemgaxa &emaxat! tsleddqax:sadla, Wa, latmé Tléqwap nigadés begwa- ne&ménatyé yixs gléqiadaaxa dadek*asé. Wa, 1& héwaxa ge g-adaxés SwatwasdemS begwanema g°axfatelaaéxs laé zefla. Wa, la&misé Tlé- qwapé hémendYeem piesa laxaé hémenazaem babax¥segoliz kéiwélasxa 16- lqwalatafyé, Wa, 18 Légades Tiéqwap laxa kiwélas. Wa, 18 Légades Wamis laxaplesdsa plelxelasgems. Wa, hé€misen lax LSqelayugé Wamisé laxen k*!atiénatyas, WH, laemxaé Wamisé c!édzextsa g*Igre- gama&yasa Mamaléleqala qaxs g*fl®maé ples6éda Snemdkwé laxa g*Ig-ec- gimatyS laé Wamis Ggwaga peesasa peelxelasgemé, h€ gwéx-s aemtaza- sés g*igregematyS laxés gwég*ilasé. Wa, léx-a®més Létetalasa Wa- misé €walas Kwaxsflandkiimafyé, Wi, 14 axila Wamisax K- /a€naxa qieySxwS Lldqwa. WH,1a&laé k*fx°Ldé Wamisas g-Lg-egdmafyasés g-d- kil6taxs hémenaza&maé genatasd€® ga XYe&l6s, Wa, he€mis lag-izas 1é- €141é Wamisaxa Mamaléleqala qa las ©wi®la hogwit lax g*dkwas. Wa, g°fl&misé g-ax Swi®laéia laas hamg*Ilaq. Wa, g°fl&misé gwaz ha&- mapa kiwéteaxs 186 yaqleg*afx6 Wamis. Wa, 1a €nékea:; Wd&entsds ho- Lélaxg-in watdemiek* 1&_, g°okiilot ga gwaiaasasés nénaqayos qaen yixs waxaqgélaag6s gen ke léaxtewide laxwa €nalax,yitaxa gigsegemat. yaaqos. Wa, la &x-tmis WaiageX6s, Snék*éxs la& dax-idxés 1 laqwé K‘fana, WS, 1a €nék-a; Géla xiindk¥, yo. fwalas Kwax* flandktimé* qens g°*axé qiwaé% laxgea, €nék°é. Wa, héx-fidatmisé fwalas Kwax:f- landktimatyé la cafwenddzeliiax Wamisé. Wi, la Wamis ts!fsa claqwa 14x €wilas Kwax:flandkiimafyé., WA, 1&8 Enék°S Wamisax ‘walas Kwax*- “ Bee flandkiimatyé: Wégea dax*€idexg-as k* !6telag-os, g-igdmé laxg-a 97 tribes,/and he had two offices of giving away property to take care of, and his last(1)seat was in the numaym Wiwomasgem. It was the seat of Hawaselat, Now/for a while this is ended,/ Now I will talk about Téqwap who belonged to the numayn/Sisen- L!€ of the Mamaléleqala, who was a brother of Hakiig’tlaogwa who (5) lived together with Hawaselar. Now Tiéqwap was the younger bro- ther of Hakéiige iladgwa/and they were the children of one whose name was Hayatk*en, a common man of the/mimaym Sf{senui6&, And Hayatkeen had for his wife Qwaqwanédzemga/who was also only a common woman. Now T$éqwap was clever in his ways,/for he had much property. And he never had a wife (10) in his lifetime, from the time when he became a man until he died. And then /t!équap always gave potlatches and he also gave feasts to the tribes, although he had no wife./ And he had the name Tiéqwap for the feasts and the name/Wamis for the giving away of blankets, and I shall call him hereafter/Wamis in my writing about him. Now Wamis was also hated by the chiefs (15) of the Mama- 1é6leqata, for when one of the chiefs gave away property/then Wamis also gave away blankets, just as if he were making fun of/the chief in doing so. The only friend of Wamis/was *walas Kwax:flandokimé®. Now Wamis kept Crow,/the expensive copper. Then Wamis- became afraid of the chiefs of his tribe (20) for they kept on threatening to kill him. Therefore,/Wamis called the Mamalélegqala to come all into his house, And/when they were all inside he gave them to eat and after the guests had eaten/Wamis spoke and said: "Now listen/to what I say to you,my tribe, on account of the way your hearts are all against (25) me, for you wish me to disappear from the world, you chiefs./ Now your wish is good, *' said he and he took his copper/Crow and he said: "Come, you child, you €walas Kwax:flandkimé®,/and let us stand here,''said he. Immediately €walas Kwax-flandkimée/stood by the side of Wamis. Tren Wamis cave the copper (50) to €walas Kwax:flandkimé€./ Then Waris said to €walas Kwax*flandkims€; " Take hold of your salmon chief, of this (1) Crow. Now you will go to my seat, which will be 10 15 20 25 30 98 Ke fa€nak*. Laems 1ar laxen Laxwalyé laxés 1at6s neEmémota Sisenrla- €yé, Wi, ld.es 1laxdtexxdx K*fanax qa€s plesadsas k:flwayotaq¥ 1laxés gwifyd.ads qafs plesaso&.o6s. Wa, 1& gwégemx*®id laxa Mamaléleqala,. Wa, g°dkil5t, lafmen Ye&la 1axés watagexSs , g°okulot, Wa, la&men Axeédexgeada g*igdmék- laxg-a Wamiseke qa 16s laxen kiwix-dé. Wa, hétméq, Snék-é. Wa, la&mé mO1lé Swalas Kwax: flanoktimatyas waidemas. Wa, laem la ke leas Laxwés Tléqwapé yixa Légadx-da Wamisé lax6q qaxs la& €wielasés Lldqwax-dé k- lana tetwés Laxwéx-dé 1ax walas Kwax-{- lanokimatyé. Wi, &€misé tslawinx€idexs laé wik-lextidé Tléqwapdé. Wai, la&mé mowé Wiwdictwa ®yassewalac Kwax*flanodktimatys laxéq, yfixs k* $6saé LELeLalé fwalas Kwax: Llanoktimatys lax Tléqapdé yixs 16x*a&mae lag*ixas hé gwéx-fidé gaxs 16.x°af&maé €wilas Kwax: flandkimatyé k- !és momatyalax mizawa pda Wa, laemxaé yawastid laba, Wa, la&mé mOx€widdla kiwékiwatyas €wilas Kwax:flanodkimé laxéq. Wa, len k*iés qiftelax lag-itas la Lagéx &ne€mémotasa Lélefwag*il- asa Dzawadeénox¥ yixs Légadaé fwalas Kwax-flanokimafyas Ydqélasé laxés ne&mémota Léletwag-ila., Wa, laemxaé dagemésa €ne&mémotasa Léletwageila. Hé€mésen lag-iza k*Staqé g° igdmatyé la Laxste &wésds lax €ne&mSmotasa Léletwageila qaxs hé&maé mamaxt!ék: !ésa bak!lima- qéxs g°igimaéda dagemacyaxa €naxwa lélqwalaratya. Wai, la€mS sek: lq ax*€idata kiwatyas €wilas Kwax-flandkimafyé laxéq. Wa, 1a €ndxwaem hax*han®é%a awatwé g-Ilg-fldas laxa g-og-Skwas 14xés &né€ncemémoté qa axtsi@lasex yaqiwémis péelxelasgem tefwa qleng:dxt&la teewa da- légea k*!Skwala. H&em €wi£la la Axts!Alayo lixa g°flg*fldas yixs ke {6saé negésé ©walas Kwax'flanokimé 14x g°oxYdemsasés &naz€ne &mé- masé qaxs hé€maéda g*flge-fldasé cetwa Létegemas daiax k!wék!lwatyas aKa sr Rviok-61date kewékiwis 1axa sek*asgefmakstss &ndxene &mémasa, Wa, la gegradé walas Kwax-flandkimés K-ogwisilaogwa yfx k- fé- dézas G*éxk*enxa g*ayoxé lax ne &memotasa bteuteransmed ENEMEES «, Wa, la xihawddbawet pes babagumé, Wa, la Geéxk-en Légemg’ f1xralax Wasakaas qa Légemsés ts:6x¥cema, WA, la&mé Légemsa babagiimé Wasa- 99 yours in the numaym Sisenc!6&;/and you will sell this Crow to give away the price/to whomever you wish it to be given." And he turned his face to the Mamaléleqala:/ "Now, tribe, now I am dead, according to your wish, tribe. Now I (5) take this chief here, this Wamis,to go to my seat./ ' This is all,' gaid he, iMaraewatna Kwax* flanokiimé€ thanked him for what he had said./ Now T!éqwap had no seat after that, he whose name had been Wamis, for he had given/everything,his copper Crow Snanits seat to ®walas Kwax- tlanoktimé€ ./ When winter came T!éqwap died,(10) and now Swalas Kwax- flanoktiméé had four seats after this, But/twdlas Kwax*flanokimmé© was no relative of Tléqwap. It was only/because walas Kwax-flanokimée did not hurt with words TiSqwap. Now this is at an end for a while. Now “walas Kwax°flanokiime had four seats after this.(15) I do not know why he stands among the numaym Léle€wag*ila/of the Dzawa- deGnox¥, for walas Kwax*flanokiime has the name Yaq4ias/in the nu- maym Lélefwageila, and he has also the office of giving away proper- ty in the /Lélefwag*ila. Therefore I suppose that it was the chief whose seat was given to him/in the numaym Lélefwageila, for it is a sign among the Indians (20) that he is a chief, the one who has the office of giving away property among the tribes. Now/€walas Kwax:f- lanokiimé® had five seats after this, and they/kept large boxes in his houses in nis numayms/and put into them the blankets that were given to him and the button blankets and the silver/bracelets. All these were put into the boxes when (25) €walas Kwax*flanokimé® was not present in the villages of the numayms,/for the boxes are for the names of his different seats/in the five different numayms. Now €walas Kwax:flanokiimS® had for his wife K*Ogwisilaogwa, the princess/of G:xk-en of the numaym Liadcielamin of the €nemgés. (30) Then they had a child, a boy, and G°*éxk*en gave the marriage name/Wasazaas for the name of his grandchild, and the name of the boy was Wasaztaas.(1) Then they had again a child, a girl, and €wa- ahs 10. 15 20 25 30 100 laasd, WH, 18 Stiéd xtingwadex’*{tsa tslatsadagemé, Wa, 14 walas Kwax’flandktima®yé véxeéts Yasekwe laqe Wa, lava G*éxk*ené Légem- g°flxtalax Me&lédé qa Légemsés tsOxY¥cemagasé, WA, la&mé Légemé Me€lédisa tslatsiadagemé. Wa maflokwé saésemas walas Kwax-fland- ktimatyé Lteewis genemé K‘Sgwisilaogwa, Wa, g*fleemrwisé xe&1Lé Ewalas Kwax'flandktimatyé 1acé Wasazaasé wlfla ax€éderxa sek: la- x°€idaza kiwékiwisés Smpé .6€ €naxwa kv lékelestds, Wa, héstaem k* te&s gwéx*fidaats la k* (6sfogilxLés fwalas Kwax*flandkimafyés g°ag*f.ela Létegem laxés g*flg-alisé laxés negtimpé tetwis g*dkwé Lecwa XSelqwalizé, WA, léx-a&mis la k- ésfogilxLéséda k+ {és&dgi~ 1xtatyasés negittmpés 1aq. Wa nSemaé €walas Kwax:flandkimatyé yixs hdacl gwéenakula g°ae g°-ftelaxs g°alaé begwanemx: ©idé Dzenx:q!ayowé lax Tayagwoxé ,yixs hé- waxaé k*!és xtingwadex*€idéda g°alds emx' me wesagemésa Enemokwé baba-~ gimé hé€misa enemokwé tslatstadagemé, WH hétia qétindlatséxs nemoxue= maéda babagimé xiimdxus. WH,g-flemisé maflékwé sdsemas 18 héx-si€ma babagimé Endla. WH, 1d tslatyéda tslatstadagemé qaxs ke {6s€maael Enempfena ma&lék¥ begwanemx-sa& sasemas emaxUme Wesagemacyé yixs @&maé bexuke /ddeqeléda tsitedaqé. Wa, hé€mis héwaxag-ixts x°istidé Légemas gaxs hézomalaé xiingwadex’fidexs k* /és€maé xefla. Wa, la€misen gwagwéx’sSalaz lax walastala, yfx wiq! wis EmaxUmewesagema®yé, yixs laé x+a&wades Hawilkilatxa xamagematyé g°igdmésa €ne€mémotasa Kukwakiimasa QomoyAfyé, WA, 14 xtingwade~ w°€{[tsa babagimé, Wa, 14 Hawilktilax Léx€éts Adag-iflak¥ 1axés xundkwé. WA, laem g:fntextalax Adag-iflak4¥, WA, la &max¥mewésa- gematyé, yix Swalas Kwax-flandkima®yé Légemg*f1xLalax Wabido® qa | Légemsés LO1Ef YE, Wa, la&mé Enemox¥eem xtinoxes Hawllkilaz tefwis genemé walas.ala. Wa, g°fl&misé elaq nexcaax*{d begwanemxs 1aé Hawilkilat véx®its Haxtlyosematyé lax Adag:iflak¥u, WA, laem h&s€em Hawilktilaxé véxtegemiza yfx HaxtiyOsematyé. Wa, ld tstex-qlex-€idé Ewalastala. Wa, 18 wikeJex€Ida, Wa, laxaé tslex-qlex-€idé Haxt- 101 las/Kwax'flanokimé® called her Yasek¥, But G°éxk-en gave the name/ Me€16a as a name for his granddaughter, Then the name/of the girl was Me&léd. Two children had walas Kwax:flanokimé® (5) and his wife, K*Ogwisilaogwa, and when he js dead/that is wilas Kwax:flano- kimé€, then Wasataas will take all the five/seats of his father and all his privileges, but there is/no way for €walas Kwax*flanokimée to give these privileges in marriage to his son-in-law, the names which came down from his ancestors and his house (10) and the house dishes. The only privileges he can give away are the privileges given to him/ by. his’ father-in-laz./ And thus it is about wilas Kwax-flanokimé*, for it is said that it happened this way/from the beginning when first Dzenx*qéayu became a man at Tayagwot, that/never once did &mAax*mewésagemé® have no child, but that he had one boy (15) and also one girl. But gen- erally they had only one/son, and when there were two children, al- ways/the elder one was a boy and the younger one a girl. For not once,/it is said, were both children of max“mewésagemé® boys, but it was/a boy alongside of a girl. And therefore the name has never disappeared,(20) for they came to have children before they died./ Now I shall talk about €wilas.ala, the sister of/ max" mewésa- gemé&, for she had as husband Hawilkiilaz, the head chief/of the numaym Kikwak!iim of the Q!émoy&€y&,. They had a child,/a boy, and Hawilkiilat gave the name Adag-iflak¥ to his (25) child. Now Adag-i- €lak¥ is his child's name. Then &max¥mewSsagemse/that is, €walas Kwax:flanokiimS®, gave the marriage name Wabidd® for/the name of his nephew. Now he was the only child of Hawilkiilaz and his wife, €walastala. Now when he was nearly a grown man,/Hawilkilar gaye Adag*iflak¥Y the name Haxttyosemé®. This (30) Haéxtiyosemé® was Hawfl- kilax's family name. ‘Then €walastala became sick/and she died. Then HaxtiyosemS& became sick (1) and he also died, Then Hawilkilaz 15 20 25 102 yosematyé, Wa, 1laxad wikelexfida. WA, la&mé Hawilkilazé ge gade- x° fits Telégalidzemga, yix k- !édézas Wanuk¥xa gr ayoxé lax &ne&mé- motasa Wawitibayée, WH, la gegadé Wanukwas Wa.idéxa k* !6dézas Lek*fsaxa g*ayors Lax ne tménotasa Mamaléleqidm. Wa, 18 xiingwadé Wanukwas Haémasaqa laxés g-aldia genemé @s!cts!@latxa k: {6dézas Hé- motelasOexa geayoxé 14x EneemEmotasa Dzendzenx*qiayo. Wa, la gE= geadS Himasagds Handsenagaxa tsiedag& xtmdx¥s Lalagandgwiflakwéxa, geayoxé 14x €nefmémotasa Kiikwak!iimasa Qlomoyaé®yé. Wa, la&mé héwi- xa xingwadex*idé Hamasaqozxé tefwis genemOxs Hanosenagorée, Wa, laxaé héwixa xtingwadex:fidé Lek*4soxé tetwis genemozxé Xwelagéias- wixéxa tsiedaqé xindxUs G-aydsdiswitéxa geayoré lax ne &mémotasa Wiwomasgemasa Mamaléleqala. Wa, lata Hawilkitlaz tetwis genems Te- 1ég*alidzemga xtngwadex*€itsa tsiatsladagemé. wa, la Wanukwiizé Légemg:f1xtalax Llazeyig-flisé qa Légemsés tsidxULemagasé. Wa, la- Emé Légemsa ts ats Jadagemé Leaxeyigeflisé 1axéq. Wa, la&mé €nemdx- Etim xtindx¥s Hawllkilazé ciazeylg:flisé., WH, la&mé wik: fex€Idé Wa- mnuxudé, Wa, 1a Hamasaq6zt héem Ax&éd Ewl®lax k* lék- fesfdxudasés Ompde Lo& kiwax-dis, WH, 1axaé wik: lex€Idé Lek-Asax-dé 14x &mémkim- lis. Wa, yixs haé g-alagawé wik- Sex¥idé Wa_idasés Ompdé Lek-&sax-dé, Wa, hé€mis lageizas hé€mé Telégralidzemga Switla axtédex ke !8k lege f&s .efwis kiwacyé, Wa, laem Légadé Telég*alidzemgais Lek*4sa la-~ xéq. Wa, la Hdmasaga tégades Wakeadzé, yix Enemsgemx* dé Légems Wa- nuxudé, Wa, 14 wik-fex€idé Telégealidzemgax:dxa 14x-dé Légades Le- k*Asa 1axés &neemémotasa Mamaléleqidm. Wa, la Llaxeyig-flisé .ax- stOdxés dbempdé lax Lek:4sa 1laxa tne&mémotasa Mamaléleqidm. Wa, lat&mé clazeyig’flisé begixtalax Lek-fsa. Wd, laem wifla Ax€édéda axé Lek-&sax k*ték+lest&s Lek*'asdzé 1O© Légemas, Wa, 14 wik- le- x€idé Wak-adzé, yix Himasaga, laas Lekeasa, yf£x clareylig-flisé fwl€la Axeédex Légemas Himasagqa, yixs Ogiiflatmaé ik !wafyas lax kiwa- Eyas Wanukwix6 14xés €nemémotasa Wawtilibafyé, yfixs g*fl&maé wik: {- Ex€{dS WanukwitS laé Haimasaqa axtédex kiwatyas LO& Snemsgeme Legems j Pay ’ /) Jf : ae a f \/to—l Be ve Van ed) f id HVA pry Cone ecg s, cy 6 a ig X ee relia. ae ee | "el. Baw < ABLE nS ie < iw CAL Oe) t+ Crav Wn, te te ater oe ecb ae aH CWA BRIE 7 id ene BE a / Vode ha Dre Be Sis A YO fort ma: - prwwee 7 j g-axfemgeada x*Omsg*fns nods Enefméemot laxg*a Hawilkiilazek*xg*ada 1lak> ct layewlldlakwaxg: ada aloOmaseke la g*-igdématyaxg-ada axnogwadg*asa neqéwalézasa eeciwe qaxs kiwafya, €n8k-é. Wa, 1a Leplédxa Snemxsa plelxelasgema. Wa, lafmé €nékeas Laem Plelxelasgem qats Gwétel, laem pielxelasgem qats €walas Kwag-ut; laem pielxelasgem gas Qiomk:litics. Laems 109 Now Hawilkitlax wished Adag*iflak¥ should give away property to the Gwétela/and the Q!émoyf&tyé in order to be called &memx*& Hima- saga. Now/one name of Hawflkiilat was to go to her child Adag-i€iakw Then/Hawilkiilat passed over the office of giving away property to her child, whose name was now (5) &memx°& Hamasaga , ald all the privileges of Haimasaqa and the house ./ Now memx+& Himasaga had the office of giving away property to his numaym, Wawilibatyé./ Then Hawilktilaz, that is Llateyig’flis, called her/numaym, the Kikwak!im of the Q!émay&tyé, to come into the house/of the first Hawflkilaz. And as soon as they were all in (10) she gave her numaym to eat. After the guests had eaten,/N6lis, who belongs to her numaym, spoke and said; "Listen/to me, my numaym, to what I am going to tell you here, Indeed/indeed, she has done right, this Hawllkilazt, for she has given birth to this,/her father, a good man, this memx:& Hama- saga. Now (15) Hawflkilaz will give over her name Hawflkiilaz to &memx*& Himasaga,/and her seat and the Vomiting-Beam House, and all the privileges/that are owned by her, and also the office of giving away property. That is all,'/said he./ Now I will stop calling ctlazeyig-flis Hawflkilaz, for she is (20) again only a woman. Now two hundred/blankets were taken and put down at the place where NOlis stood in the house, And/NOlis took up one pair of blankets and held it up as he/called the new Hawillkiilal, that is Adag-iflak¥, the one whose name was now ‘Smemx-4/ Haimasaqa. Then immediately the one who had the name Hawflkiilazr went and stood by the side of (25) NOlis. ‘Then Ndlis spoke and said, "Oh,/numaym, look at him, He came, he came, our head, our/numaym to this Hawi{lkilaz, who has been changed about/and is now a new chief, who owns the rear of. the house/as his seat," said he, Then he unfolded one pair of blankets and (30) said, “Now this is a blanket for you, Gwétela; this is a blanket/for you, €walas Kwag*ut; this is a blanket for you, Q!émk:!ut!es. Now (1) you will come and 10 15 26 25 18) 110 gaxu x°itsiax-flavex WaLidé xtindkwa. Hawilkilat laxg-adexs ma&x- plenyag*ig‘ada ptelxelasgemk>, €nék-6. WA, la€méda axé Hawf1kilaz la xiingwade sés wiigew6 Wa&Lidé qaxs ke !6s€maé xingwadeSnoxwé Hawifl- kilazé, yfxs héé gwég-iléda g°alé bakitima. Wi, g°f1°misé xtingwada laé héem ax€étsetw6s xindkw6 gqa&s 16 yixwa qa pedyds pielxelasgema. Wa, la&mé fnemax-fsa mat&iplenyagei pielxslasgem Loe Elg*aatelotsa Légemé Hawilkulaz 1ax Adag-iflakwé. (&nemax:fs tefwa lebeladdaxs tsdseyodaaxa g*fng*fnanemé ga LégadésSsés Légemé.) WA, héemis tsa- seyOdaénétsa bakitmaxs piesaé yfsa plelxelasgemé qa elg*aacelésa Légem6 laxa g*fnanemé toma g*ig-egdmatyaxa a-t1emad menze{tsés._ g’igext&yo cégema laé ples€itsa plelxclasgemé qa elg-aatelésés gwil- €yd ga&s ax LSgema, Enemax*fs LO& hatagéda laftaxa alomas Légemaxa Enaxwa bébegwanemasa prelxelasgemé qa Légelésésa artsemé Légem liq Wa, la€mé héeméda axe Hawllkitlad dageméxa plelxelasgemaxs 1laé ya- qwas laxa Gwétela Letwa walas Kwag-ut Lreewa Qlomk*litlesé. wa, laem yawas*fd laba,. Wi, hétfaren Sdzagitmé walas Kwax*flandkiimafyé, yfxs sek: !a- x°{ddlaés kiwatyé, Wa, hé€maéxs cégadaas maxUmewSsagemafyé laxa €walas Kwageut, Wa, 1a geg-ades Lelak-enédzemgaxa &em Légem nems- gemsés abempé 1axa baxts. Wa, la Légades X* Its lax: flasdgwiflaku laxa tsiétsiéqa. Wa, la maxYmewésagemafyé tégades Ldflatlak¥ 14- xa tsléts!éqa. Wa, héem lag-izas gegeadesa tégemasés abempée ya- qwaplafmaaxaéda ts!édaqé laxa baxus6, Wa, laxaé yaqwap!aemxaaxs laé tsiétsieqéda Kwakwaig-uté LOxs laé p.sék¥ laxa a6 guxse Emakwé lélqwaélatatya, Wa, la &maxUme we sa gema®y6é Légades €walas Kwax:flandkimatyé laxés a&bask+ {Sta Mamaléleqala. Wa, 14 Légades nemsgemk* fala laxa tstétstéqa. Wa, laxaé geg-adesa Légemé Me&lédéxa 1égemalas dnés&- Witas Ldlak‘ots!6z6. WH, la Légades Tettsiaas laxa tslétsléqa. Wa, laxaé emixume wSsage macys Légades Séxtiqdla laxa Mamaléleqala. Wa, 18 cégades Lax-s€ala laxa ts!étsléqa. Wa, la geg*adesa Légeme ah ie “gee Watid, the child of Hawilkilaz, with/two hundred blankets, "' said he. Now the new Hawilkiilaz/had for his child his sister, Wa.id, for Hawilkiilat was not yet old enough to have children./ For that is the way of the ancient Indians, when (a person) has a child (5) that chila is taken to dance in the Ene wey of blan- kets./ The two hundred blankets are just like fastening/the name Hawllkiilaz on Adag-iflak¥.(This is just like a priest/baptising the children to have their names.) And it is the/baptising of the In- dians; the giving away of blankets fastens (10) a name on a child. And chiefs, when they are tired of/their chiéf's name, they give away blankets to fasten on whatever/new name they want, just as though in obtaining a new name with blankets/all the men were paid to call him the new name./ Now the new Hawilkilaz had the office of giving away property and blankets in the giving away (15) to the Gwétela and the wdlas Kwag*ur and the gtémk: faities - Now this is ended for a while. | Now the subject of my talk will be again ©walas Kwax:- flanoktimé& who had five/seats, Now his name was €maxYmewésagemé€ among the/ €walas Kwageur. And he had for his wife Lelak-enédzemga, that is just another name/of his mother in the secular season, and her name was X°Ttisi!ax-flasOgwiElak¥ (20) in the winter ceremonial. And €ma xU— mewesagemé® had the name Laelaelak¥ in the/winter ceremonial, And the reason why he had for his wife the name of his mother/is that the wo- men give away property to one another in the secular season; and the Kwag-uX also give away property to one another/during the winter cere- monial and when they are invited by other/tribes,/ (25) And &max4me we sa gemé © had the name €walas Kwax- flanokimé€/on his mother's side among the Mamaléleqala. And he had the name €ne- msgemk* {ala in the/winter ceremonial; and he had for his wife the name Me&1éd, the name of an aunt of/Ladlak-ots!a, and her -name is Texts{aas in the winter ceremonial./ And EmaxUmewésagemé€ had the name Séxiq&éla among the Mamaléleqala;,(30) and he had the name Lax:- 10 15 20 112 Lsax_laxelisLladgwa laxa baxtis,; wi, 18 Légades K+ tanaw6ga laxa ts!Stsléqa. WA, laxaé max4mewSsagemafye Légades Wamisé 1laxa Ma- maléleqala. Wa, 14 cégades Wig'flis laxa ts!éts!éqa. Wa, 1a ge geadesa tégem6 Ke sdsogwiflak4 laxa baxtis, wi, 14 cégades MenYGq selas laxa tslétsiéqa. Wa, laxaé €maxYmewésagematyés Légades Ya- qotas laxa ne&mémotasa Téletwag*ildsa Dzawadeénox¥, wa, 1a Léga- des Dzaxvts sala laxa ts!éts!éqa. Wa, la gegradesa Légemé Le €walz~ qsanak¥ ldxa baxiis, wi, 1a Légadés mek-alels laxa tslétsiéqa. Wa, laem laba 1laxéq. Wa, héem gwe°yasa bak! imé geg*adesés Apsdtlénatyé 14x gwata- asas €maxUmewésagematyé, Wa, 14 Alax’€id la geg:ades K-ogwisila- Ogwa. WA, g°fl&misé geg* dex: ides K°Ggwisiladgwa 1laé x-fsirels genembuiaséxa dem végemé Lelak-enédzemga gaxs le®maé Alax-&id ge- grada, Wa, laLeé mosgema LeLEgemM geEgenems. ee ‘* fe = ~~ c eq - = & - Wa, len k°t6s qiatelax gwe gum’ yadzexvrayas Emax mewésagema Sy laxés wixaasé tefwis gegenemé, Wa, laem laba.. The Acquisition of Names, 1. The name of the newborn child, Wa, hS€maaxs g-Alaé macyuré Llax-vfalidzemgdsa babagime, yixs xaewadad Llax*'tialidzemgas Ltaqotasxa xamagema®yé g*igdmésa ©ne°me- mutasa Yaéx-agema®yasa Q!Gmoy&fyé 1ax Tsaxis. Wa, héx-fidatmis Légadéda babagiimas Tsaxis. 113 sala in the winter ceremonial, And he had for his wife the name/ (1) L sar Sazelisflladgwa in the secular season, and she had the name Ke $anawSga in the winter/ ceremonial, And &maxUmewSsagemé& also had the name Wamis among the Mamaléleqala/and his name was Wig‘flis in the winter ceremonial, And he/nad for his wife the name K* !&sog- wiflakY in the secular season, and lier name was Mentoselas/ (5) in the winter ceremonial. And maxUYmewésagemé® also had the name Ya- q6tas/ in the numaym Lélefwag-ila of the Dzawadeénox4, and he had the name Dzaxuts!Sla/in the winter ceremonial, And he had for his wife the name Lefwaltqlanak¥/in the secular season, and she had the name €mek*alels in the winter ceremonial. Now/that is the end of this. (10) This is what is called by the Indians "to have for a wife the other side," namely the way/ &max¥me we sa gems € (had names for wives). Now he really had for his wife K*Sgwisiladgwa./ And when he took K-SgwisilaSgwa for his wife the imaginary wives disappeared./ That is, Lelak-enédzemga was only a name, for now he really had a wife ./ There were still four names as his wives. (15) I do not know the ochre names of &mixUmewésagemée ,/ their whole number, and those of his wives, This is the end. The Acquisition of Names 1. The name of the newborn child, When tsax*téalfdzemga first gave birth to a boy, for/(20) Lia- x*tsalfdzemga had for her husband téaqgotas, the head chief of the numayn/ Yaéx-agemé® of the QsdmoyAeyé at Fort Rupert, then at once/ the child had the name Fort Rupert, 10 15 20 25 3OQ 114 2. The name of the ten moons old child. Wi, laem neqasgemé Emekiilasa babagumé g*ag-fLela lax xA€yutde- mas Lfax*ctalfdzemgis tSgades Tsaxis. Wa, g*fl*misé héxogwilaxs laé Liaqotas, yix Ompas Tsaxis Léflala €witlaxa Kwaikw&; uxé ga lis Ewi€la hogwit 14x g‘Okwasxa nék*a gasa ma&lokwa bébegwanem; G°aq x€memuex4¥ gasaé gains 1é gwagumeyala laxwa héxogwilax, €nék*é 1ax tlex:flids g°ig*Skwasa Kwakwag°uré. Wa, g°fl€misé g-ax €wlflaéia Enaxwa bébegwanem Lefwa hatyarfa tofma g*ing*fnanemé, laas Axk* ia- lase&wéda tsledagé Lé gade AOmOxixa grayoxé 14x &ne&memotasa Hadnati- nfisa Q!émoyffyé qa lds tslex*semdex sefyds x*Smsasa hétogwila baba- gima, gqaxs hé€maé k: !6s&6s Admoxa ts!ex-semdaxa héxogwila g* ing: iné- nema, W&,18 Lé€ldlaseewa Sgifla tsiedaqxa giimsatasa giimsé laxa g:indnemé, Wa, la 1 é€lalase&wa matlokwé k-.ésfonux¥sa kinxwétésa kiimxwédem, W&, hem régadéda Smaflokwé tstédaxs kwékiinxwét /énox4. Wa, 18 végadéda gimselg-fsé tsiedaxs gimselg*fsxa hétogwila. Wa, la Légadéda talex*semdtax scecyis x*dmsasa babagimas tslex*semdel= g°f{sxa hézogwila. Wa, g°f1€misé la €wi€la klis€aliza sek iAkwé tsiédaq laxa Ogwiwaelizasa g*Okwé 14x kéwaélasas Liax-Ltalidzemga, yix abempas Tsaxisxa héxogwila babagtima, wi, 14 AdmOxé Axédxés Tem tartans gemé qaxs g*Gx®maé dalaxa Liemqiax:d xagema Leewa aéke saakwé xoku kiwaxLaewa, Héem Légadéda xdkwé kiwax.aewas tséenanoxa tsiex* semdax sefyisa hétogwila. WH, la Admoxé Axk- !alax Léax*Lealidzemga ga ha- qwatésa g-inanemé 14x Gkwix-afyas. WH, la AdmOxé xaxétsa cLlemqlax-d xagem 14x sefy&s x*Omsasa g*fnanemé qa Snaxwés qiwax*€{déda sefya. Wa, g°fl€misé €ndxwa la qiwaz6da sefya laé Ax€édxa xOkwé kiwaxiaewa qa&s mex*.tendés Obatyas laxa legwizté. Wa, g*fl&misé x-ixeédexs laé dax-fitsés gem€xdxtsanatyé 1axa Léemqeax*d xagema ga&s mak flsalés Oxwifyasa xagemé lax Lsésas hérk- fddendtemafyas x*Omsasa g* inanemés. Wa, laem nénelat&lé sefyasa g*fnanemé 1ax ék+iotx-dyasa xagemé. Wa, hé€mis la tslétstex-atAsd&s Admoré, WH, 18 k-lés gég-flizexs laé 115 2. The name of the ten moons old child. For ten moons the boy, beginning from the time when he wags born by/t faxet falidzemga had the name Fort Rupert. As: soon as he had the right age, (that is ten moons 01d),/ then Liaqouas, the fa- ther of Fort Rupert called all the Kwapg‘uz tribes to go (5) into his house, and the two men who invite said, "We come/to invite you to help to paint this one who is ten moons old.* ‘Thus they said at the/door of the houses of the Kwag*ut tribes. And when all the men had come in/and the young men and also the children, they asked/ a woman whose name is A6m62%, who belongs to the numaym Haanat ino (10) of the Q!émoy&tyé, to scorch off the hair of the head of the ten moons old boy,/for this is the privilege of Admdzx, to scorch off the hair of the ten moons old child./ Then other women were called, the one who was to paint the child with ochre/and the two were called whose privilege it is to put on the leg/and arm-rings. And these two women have the name Mieedraasto=Put-on these two hundred/blankets, if he should go to a feast. And then we will sing (10) the song of the first Léaqotas, when first in the remote past our/grandfather became a man, that we may sing our grandfather s song when G*ixsé€stalf{semé* should go into the house, "/thus said he. When the speeches were finished the name keep- ers/ gave the names for the two hundred blankets among the three/Kwa= geux tribes. Then two men stood (15) each at one end of one pair of blankets. As soon as this was done they all went/out of the house./ As soon as it was day next morning Yaqawid called all/the men of the Q!6moyf&fyé and the walas Kwag*ut and the Q!émk: lit!es,/and as soon as they all came in Yaqawid arose and spoke.(20) He said, % Welcome, Q!émoyafy&é. Welcome €walas Kwag°ur./ Welcome Q!omk: !iities. Now sit well down in your seats which are/well arranged around here," thus said he, and turned his face to the door of his house/ for there all the Gwétela were sitting. Then he said," Yes, this was said/by our grandfathers, my chiefs. We are not yet all come in. (25) Now come,chief Awadé, and Odzé€stalis,and claqwalazr,and H&mdzid./ Go all of you and call again the new chief ,G-Ixséestalisemée,/to sit down in his seat here,*' said he. And immediately/the four chiefs went out of the house. And then LsaqoLas got up/from where he was sitting on the right hand side of the rear of the house and he asked (30) the young men of the Q!émoyAfyé to follow him as he went out and when/he arrived in his house Lidqovas sat down. And then one (1) 10 15 20 25 128 EmoOkwé 1laxa g*igdmatyé yix Awadé yaqiegeafza, Wa, 18 endke ai G*a- xEme nuf&x4 Bts6EstSr g* igamé G-Ixséestalfsems ats lads kiwast6€1{- taxs kiwafyds, Enékeé, WS, g°fl€misé glilbé watdemas laé Léagotas Sx@dxa mA&iexsa pielxelasgem gqa€s tsiawés lax Awadé. Wa, 1axaé tsifsa macrexsa pielxelasgem 1ax Odzé€stalis, hé€misa ma&zexsa 14x Ltaqwajazé, h€&misa ma&zexsa lax Hamdzid6. WH, h¥em régadéda mac—_ xrginatexsa peelxeclasgemas 6ts6€stanemxa g*Alaqa kéwéta, Wa, g°i- 1€misé gwaxé Liagotas tslawanaqasa p-elxelasgemé laxa mokwé étsé~ €atelg*fis g*igeegama®tya las hoquwels laxa g*Okwé qiqdlax G-ixsé ~ Estalisematyé. Wa, la elxiatyéda hatyarea Enaxwa ke lék- lexsaya- pidlaxa pléplelxelasgemé Lo&mé Liagotas, Wa, g*flemisé lag-aéda mokwé geigtegimé€ 1ax Liasanf€yas g*okwas Yaqawldé laas Awadé laét laxa gSkwé, WA, 14 Lax€waliz 14x a€witeldsa tiex-fla. wa, 18 Enék*a + Geaxemgeada g-igdmék- yixg-a G-ixsé®stalisemék-, nék-- exgs laé tadts G*Ixs8€stalisemé 1axa negocewatlitasa g*okwé. Wa, g° f1emise gwaySzele laxés k!wafyé laas Yaqawidé €nék*as Qasak-as g*igimS 1axds ke $6s€O€wllasaqgGs. Wa, g*fl€misé kiwag-alfza g*axa- as g°axeL_é UlBqotas Leewa hatyaxta ga&s 16 ke fex€a€litasa plelxe- lasgem laxa Ogwaflitasa g-Okwé. WA, la&mé LéAaqotasé Axk+ lalaxa Ql6- moyatyé ga ga gasddés denx€éda, Wa, héx-€idatmisa n& gadé d&qg&lasa gwefyAs Lidqgotas qa denxfidayus yfxg-as G*igdmahayin, g*igamahag:fn, g° igamahag’ intos nelahamistala haé ya hw& ya hw& ya hw& ya héya ha. Héxoanen lahax gatasewahasa gag adénahame néxwéhéxwa ne laha- mistala hé ya hw& yé hw& ya hw& ya héya ha, Hézoanen lahax satahasefwahasa sddek!wahame€néxwehéxwa ne&la- hamistala hé ya hw& ya hw& ya hwa ya héya ha, Hézoanen lahax v!ésahase fwahasa L {6s_enahame &néxwédéxwa nela- hamistala hé ya hw& yd hwaé ya hw& ya héya ha. 129 of the chiefs, Avad&, spoke and said,/ "We come now to call you again, chief G-Ixsé&stalisemé, to go and git/in your seat, "he said. And when he had finished his speech, then L saqotas/ took two pairs of blankets and he gave them to Awadé. Then he also (5) gave two pairs of blankets to Odzé£stalis, and also two pairs to/.fadqwalaz, and al- so two pairs to Hamdzid, And the name of the two pairs/of blankets is “calling the first one to receive' again to the feast." And when/t sagotas Soy finished giving the blankets to the four/chiefs who went to call, then G-ixsé&stalisemé went out of the house with them. (10) Then the young men went after them, all carrying on their shoulders/blankets, and also téaqotas (went with them). And when the/ four chiefs arrived outside the house of Yaqawid, then Awadé went ine to/the, house and stood inside the door. And then/he said: “ He has come, this G*{xsé&stalisems, " said he. (15) And they led G-Ixs6¢stal-_ isemé to the middle of the rear of the house, And/as he was going towards his seat Y8qawid said, “ Walk on,/good chief, to the place to which you are entitled in your house.” And as he sat down/1 saéqotas and the young men came and put down the blankets/in the rear of the house, And then téJagotas told the QlémoyAfyé (20) to sing the grand= fathers' song, and immediately the song leaders began to sing/what Lsaqotas had told them to sing, thus: IT am a chief, I ama chief, I am your chief, who is flying about. H& yé hw& ya hwAé ya hw& ya héya ha, I am too great to be bitten by those little flies that are fly- ing about. H& yi hw& yk hw& y® nw& yh héya ha. I. am too great to be desired as food by those little horseflies that are flying about. H& ya hw& ya hw& ya hw& ya héya ha, I am too great to be bitten by those little mosquitoes that are flying about, | H& ya hw& ya hw& ya hwa yi héya ha. 10 15 20 150 We, g°fl€misé qitilbéda qlemdem laas yaqieg*aezxé Liaqotas. Wa, 18 €nék-a: Lefmas wittelaa you eg igregadmé. Hé€men gwasx*ala qfemdem geagefrela laxen g°f€lénatyé bekwélés bekwélénokwacns ©nék-éxs 1aé gwégemx:&id laxa kiwadzélasasa g-igregdmafyasa Qidémoyaeyé. Wa, 14 L6éelalax Awadéxe g*igdmafyasa Kiikwakiim, yfixa €ne&mémotasa Q!émoy&~ Ey. Wa, 14 Awadé Lawanodzatif{iaq qa&s dax-€idéxa €nemxsa plelxe- lasgem. Wa, 1a yaqlegatia. Wa, 1a €nék°asAlesés wardemas g igdmé® Lidqotas qaéda niiydmbalis qiemdema qa &mAsésens watdema, nos g*dki- 16t, €nék-S. WA, 1& dzdxiistddxa €nemxsa plelxelasgema. Wa, 1a ha- sela €nék*as; Laem g&dzosen aldmasé g-Igama®y6é G:ixsé€stalisematyé qa&s Gwétel ma€ipienyag-ak- pielxclasgema, Wa, 18 €t/éd dzoxustéd- Xaaxa €nemxsa peelxelasgema. Wa, laxaé €nékeas Laem g&dzosen ald- masé geigdima®yé G-ixsé€stal{sematyé qa&s walas Kwag-ur lak Jendé peelxelasgema. Wa, laxaé 6tiéd dzuxustddxa €nemxsa peelxelasgema. Wa, laxaé Snékea: Laem qadzosen aldmasé g-igdmatyé G-{xsé€stal{se- mafyé qats Qtomk: sutées lak* sendé peeclxclasgema. Wi, latmésen yaxt- widtasek* lax-datxé., &nék*éxs 1laé hdsta€litaxa lak: Jendexsa plelxe- lasgem qaéda Gwétela.Wi,la hosea&lizaxa sek: sasogwasa pselxelasgem qaéda walas Kwageux., Wa, néemxadwisé ewixaxsa prelxelasgem qaéda Qiomk: fitiesé, Wa, la&mé maémaflokwa bébegwanem laxa €naxenemxsa pielxelasgem laS yaxtwiday&. Wa, héem cégades tataxbatya maflokwé bébegwanemxa €nemxsa plelxelasgema, Wa, g°fl€misé gwaz yaqwasa qi- dz6 plelxelasgema laé €nék-S Awadé: ya, Kwakwageur, k-lés.6 Layux- LALE GeixséEstalisematyé, Héx*sdem Lég*emsg-a G* Iixsé&stalisematyé &&mox elg-aarelodayu laqeke ©nék°6, Wa, la&mé Yaqawidé molas gwéx-- Ejdaasas. Wa, lawis.é hamg*ilax-idxés vé&lanemé. Wa, g°flemisé gwar hatm&paxs laé €wf€la hGquwels ldxa g°Okwé, Wa laem k-le&s gwéx-- Eidaasé G*Ixsé€stalisematyé k°lés la kiwéla. Wa, larm ydawastid laba,. 131 As soon as the song was ended tsaqo_as spoke and/saids “Have you heard, chiefs? That is my song which/comes from the end, be- ginning/when I was first created by our creator." Thus he said as he/ turned his face to the place where were sitting the chiefs of the Qldmoy&éeyé.Then (5) he called Awadé,the chief of the Kiikwak!tm, a numaym of the Q!omoya&yé./ Then Awadé stood at his side and took up one pair of blankets./ He spoke and said; "It is true what you say, chief/.sAqo.as about the song which comes from the most ancient myth, for what should we say, my tribe?" /said he, and ne held up the one pair of blankets and spoke loudly. (10) “'This is the place for him to walk on, my new chief, G-ixsé€stalisemé,/for you, Gwéte- la, two hundred blankets.” And again he held up/one pair of biank- ets. "Mis is for him to walk on, my new/chief, G-Iixséestalisemé, for you, €walas Kwag*ut,/one hundred blankets." And again he held up one pair of blankets (15) and he said again, “This is for him to walk on, my new chief, G-ixsé€stalisemé,/ for you, Qlémk: fat!es, one hundred blankets. Now I am going to give them away to/you,"™ said he as he counted out one hundred blankets/for the Gwétrla. Then he counted out fifty pairs of blankets/for the €walas Kwag-ux and then also the same number of pairs of blankets for the (20) Q!6mk- liti!es, Now there were two men for each pair of/blankets as they were given away. This is called “Two men standing at the ends/of one pair of blankets." Then after the blankets had been given away for/ the place on which he was to walk Awadé said: “Oh Kwag-ur, he will not change his name/G*Iixsé€stalisemé. He still has the name G:Ixsé&- stallsemé, (25) only it has been fastened to him by this," said he, and now Yagawid thanked him for what he had done./ Finally they gave food to the guests and after/they had eaten they all went out of the house, After this/G-Ixsé€stallgaem6 had to go to the feasts./ Now this will be ended for a while./ g* 10 30 132 6. Wi, lax+stlaakwé méxiinxé tstawtinxas Lidgotas x*dsazraxs 1aé séxt- widS G*ixse€stallIsema€yé laxgea Tsaxiseke Wa, g°ax€misé naf&nakwaxs 1a8 gepa yafyatsids laxa k°iés Ltasata qaxg*fn doqtilatmég-aqéxs laé qeplédéda xwaxwagtin6. WA, g°axé Geixsé’stalisematyé g-axs€a, Wi, 18 1Asa@és laxa clemaisé qa&s ld la&t 1axés g°Skwé. WH, g-f1e- misé gwax Llayuts !3axés gwétgwilaxs laé Léagovas fyalaqasa ma&lokw6é bébegwanem qa lds wi€la latfasala 14x g-Ig-dkwasa Gwétela LE Ewa €walas Kwageut Lecwa Qlémk: littes qa Enék*Ss; Dég*itatens Gwétel laxwa gepaxdx Gixsé€stal{[sematyéx, Wa, la &néke laxa €walas Kwa- g°ursDég-itatens €walas Kwageur laxwa qepaxox G:ixsé€stalisematyéx, Wa, la €nék* 1axa Q!omk: lit!es. Dég-itatens Qlomk: lit!es laxwa qe- paxox G-Ixsé€stal{semafyéx., Hadlag-fliztesé, nék°é., Wa, 1a héx-€- idaem la wifla hdgwiLa bébe gwanemasa yiidux'seinakwé Kwakwageut 14x g'Skwas vldqo.asé. Wa, g*fl€misé g-ax fwiflséta laas Lidqotas Axt- wirts!Alizaxa sek lax*sokwé p,selxelasgem laxa OtsAl{zé qa&s g°axé gemxtalftas laxa Ogwiwa€litasés g-Okwé. WA, 14 yaqieg-acza. WA, la €nékea:; wa, gélagea, Kwakwag*ut 1laxwa Légadaxsés Légeméxwa mem- x*tstascla dég-itaxgeada qepag:fin tawelgemék:. Laemk: wax hayaz- kliilasés Axl€lala g°dxens, SnékeSxs laé dax*€idxa €nemxsa plelxe- lasgema. Wa, 18 &nék-as acme dég*itsgeada sek lax*sdékik- p!eixe- lasgem laxa qepé G-Ixséstalf{semafyS, Snék-éxs 1aé Lé6elalaxa qiaq:- astowé ga las Légég°éx Létegemasa ©naxwa bébegwanema. Wa, g°f1&- misé 18 kiwagealfiza q!aqlasto begwanem 14x fmawllasasa p!elxelas- gemé laas €néka qiaqtastowS begwanema; Maémodgwadzewéra bébe gwanem laxwa naz&nemxsax peelxelasgema Enék-6, WH, la&méda qlaqiastowé begwanem LeLaqelax LéLegemasa mOkw6 bébegwanem, Wa, la Leagotas hisala yaqiwdlas lagéxs €nék*aé LiagoLasaxs laé yaqwasa péelxelas~ gemé. Laem dé6ég*idems G*Ixsétstalisematyé laroét Awaxelag-flisal. Laem dég-idems G-Ixsé€stallsematyé lard. Kefmk-aqawidai., Laem dé- g-idems G-Ixsé€stalisematyé lard. Doqwaisai. Laem dég*idems G-ixs6- For about four years Léaqotas took a rest, Then/G-Ixsé€stal- IsemS went paddling at Fort Rupert here, and when he came home/his canoes capsized not far out, for I saw him when (5) the little canoe capsized, Then G*fxsé€stalisemé came ashore/and he went up the beach and went into his house and after/he had changed his clothes LsagoLas sent two/men to go into all the houses of the Gwétela and the/€walas Kwag*ud and the Q!6mk-it!es and they were to say, "We are going to wipe off, Gwétela,(10) the capsizing of G*Ixsé€stalisemé." And then they said to the €walas Kwag-ur,/ “We are going to wipe off, walas Kwag'ux, the capsizing of G*ixsé€stalisemé."/ And then they said ‘to the Qlimk: lat!es, “We are going to wipe off, Q!émk:!it!es, this/cap- sizing of G-Ixsé€stalisem8. Go quickly,™ they said. Immediately/ all the men of the three Kwag*ur tribes went into the (15) house of L?agotas and as soon as they were all in L$aqotas/ took fifty blankets out of the bedroom, and he came and/put them down in the rear of his house, ‘Then he spoke and/said: “Now come, Kwageur, to this that is called/wiping off the shame of’ this capsizing of my prince. In vain (20) the one who made us tried to hurt him,™ he said as he took one pair of blankets./ And he said, “Now I wipe his body with these fifty blankets/on account of the capsizing of G-Ixsé€stalisemé," said he, and called the name-keepers/to name the names of all the men, As soon as/the name-keepers had gone and sat down at the place where the blankets were piled up, (25) the name-keepers said, " There will be four men/for each pair of blankets," said they. Then the name- keepers/called the names of four men and L !agotas/said loudly giving them away,--when Liaqotas was saying that he was giving away the blankets,/--" Now this is the means of wiping the body of G:ixsé€stal- Isemé for you , Awaxelag’flis. (30) Now this is the means of wiping the body of G*Ixsé€staliIseme for you, K*fmk-aqawid. Now this is the means of wiping the body/of G-Ixsé€stalisemS for you, Ddqwais. Now this is the means of wiping the body of G*ixsé&stalisemé 5 10 134 Estalfsemafyé lato. Neg*adzs, Enék*éxs laé Enékeas XwAkox pilelxe- lasgem 141 g:igsegimé, &nék-éxs 1aé x‘ala€lfzasa Enemxsa plelxe- lasgema. WX, léda tsfats!&@mizxzé héx€a g’ayoX lax enemémotas 1 ia- qoras dax*idxa nemxsa peelxelasgem qafs 1a tsi@s lax Awaxelag’- flisé, WH, la Awaxelag'flisé tstawanaésasa €nazenemé préplelxcte ma 1axés wadgidzatyaxa &nemxsa peelxelasgema. WA, la enaxwaem hé gewex*€idéda bébegwanemS. WA, laem g*wax laxéq. 7. Tlensila Yawfx-ila. Wi, la&mé tiensf{la yawfx-116 .iaqotas. WH, la&mé g-enemasé Lsaxlialldzemga g-dkinS 14xés Omp Lelak:fnisxa xamagemafyé g*f- gamésa €ne€mémotasa Sisentlafyasa LAawits.és, WA, latmé x-fstIdé G-Ixsé€stalisemafyé, WA, geaxé nd€nakwé tiax-tialidzemga. WA, laem mOtsiaqéda dwa€wé xwaxikiiina goqiitéaxa Endxwa hémadmas g°ax wawatqilayus Lelak’fnis tefwis g*Skilota Lawits!és. Wa, la€mé tslé- 15 tslegéda Q!iGmoy&tyé. Wa, 14 ma€Xtseme*Llaxa tmektila x*fsaxé G-ix- séestalisemafyaxs laé k*fmyaso&sa Gwétela Le ewa €walas Kwag? uz been wa QsOmk* satiesé. Wa, laem hamshdmtsiesé G-ixsé€stalisematyé, Wa, laem Légades Yaqoselag:flis, Wa, lara g*alag-awé nan 1axés qeulée- yé Yago.téqela. Wa, la Légades Higdmalag-flis. Wa, la ntitemaza 20 1a8xés gagempé Lelak: fnisxa g*Igdmatyasa Lawits:és. WH, la Légades 25 Sdéyak’ia. Wa, ma&itsemé qlemqlemdemas Yaqoselag:flis ldaéxs hams- hdmtséesaé 1ax6s Gmpé .iagoras. Wad, 14 ma&xeenxé tsiawunxas hams- hamtsecsa laé gwetsé€sta, WA, laem yawis€Iid laba, 8, Tlensfla Plesa. Wa, la&mé tatawelxs{ila L saqo_asasa aLebdpsenyag’é pselxelas- gem qa tlensllafyds G-Iixsé€stalisemafy6 qaxs hé€maé axés lastodé Enaxwa la gwat gwatyiflalats .éaqotasé qaés xiindkwé G-ixsé€stalli- semafyé qa€s Légadés tawelgematyas tsaqotas, Wa, laem tsayuxracé G-Iixsé€stalisemafyé gaxs l&&maé Lawelgax.dlax Yaqotasematyé qaxs ke !saé Lawelgaxtayuwe G°ixsé€stalisematyé, Wa, la&mésen Léqel- 1355 (1)for you,Neg’a,™ said he, And he said, “This blanket is torn/ for you, chiefs," he said as he threw down one pair of blankets./ Then a young man gave out the blankets. He came from the numaym of t$aqo.as./ He took up one pair of blankets and gave it to Awax- Elag*flis (5) and Awaxelag-flis gave to each of his partners one old blanket/for the one pair of blankets, and ali/the men did the same. That is the end of this./ 7. Giving the Winter Dance to His Own Tribe. Now L$Aqotas gave a winter dance to his own tribe, and his wife (10)t fax tal idzemga went to visit the house of her father, Lelak*- fnis, the head chief/of the numaym SIsenc!é& of the Lawits!és, Then/ G-Ixsé€stalisemé disappeared and tlax-tialidzemga came home, Then/ four large canoes were filled with all kinds of food and/were given as a marriage gift by Lelak*fnis and his tribe, the Lawits!és. Now the (15) Q!amoyat€ye had a winter dance, For two moons G*ixsé€stali- semé stayed away,/and then was caught by the Gwétela and the €walas Kwag*urt and the/Q!omk:lit!es. And now G°Ixsétstalisemé was Hamshadm- ts!es and/his name was Yaqoselag*flis. But first he had been a griz- zly bear through his uncle/Yaqo.!@qela, and his name was Hagamalag: - flis, and he had been a fool dancer (20) through his grandfather Le- lak-fnis, the chief of the Lawits!és and his name was/Sayak:!a. And two were the songs of Yaqoselag:flis as Hamshamts!es/ through his fa- ther, tfaqotas. Then for two winters he was Hamshamtsies,/and then he became a member of the sparrow society. And now for a short time this is ended./ 8, Giving Away to his Own Tribe. (25) Now Lsaqotas took care of his prince with seven hundred blankets/to be given away by G*ixsé€stalisemé to his own tribe. For he just repeated/every thing that L Saqotas had already done for his son G-ixsé€stal{semé/that he might be called the prince of 1 ‘aqo.as. Now/G-Ixsé€stalisemé changed his name and now his prince's name is Yagorasemé, for (30) G-ixsé€stalisemé is not a prince's name. And 10 15 20 25 136 aces Yaqorasemafyé laq. WH, la&mé taladakiwalaxa sésck- laxsa p!e- lxelasgem 18x g*ig*egamatyasa Gwétela tefwa Ewdlas Kwageut ceewa Qlémk+iities. Wa, la &nax&nemxsa plelxelasgemé YAaladakiwalanemé laxa bébe gwanemqlalamé, yfxa g° Igeegdimatyé yadekwasa sek faxsa plelxelase gem 1ax Yaqotasematyé, Wi, 1alé Yagotasematyé g-intwasa sek jaxsa péclxelasgem lax Xade gwatyasa g° igama&yé, Wa, la nenqaxsago Le &wa radagwayaxs laé yaxtwidayu laxa g*Igamatyé, Wa, 1laxaé héem gwex* = Tdxa €nemxsa pecelxelasgem tadagwayusa be gwanemglalemé. Laem mafie- xsa ptelxelasgemé yax€widayaq. Wa, g:{l€misé k*!és xadekwéda pg ig- Smafyasa sek‘ Jaxsa peelxe lasgema laé& Sem yuduxwaxsa peelxelasgeméda yaxtwidayaéq. Wa, g°fl&misé k*!és tadakwéda be gwanemq!aldsa fnemxsa pielxelasgema laé yaxewitsosa OxYsaakwé peelxelasgema, WA, gilemisé Ewl€la xExadekwéda Gwétela tefwa Swalas Kwageut Lte€wa Qtomk: titlesé laas Liaqotas axk* fdlaxa n&gadé qa qlemdézés Leewa Qldmoydtyéxa dza- qwa lax 4¢tsema baxti€yala qéemdema, Wa, g°fl€misé dzaqwaxs laéda ma&ldékwé hatyazx€a qlemdiflalaxa Q!lomoyd&€yéxa Enék°-é 14x a€witelasa tlétiex:flaésa g*ig*dkwasa Qlomoyatyé: Ge axemenuexy qéemdiE1lalorai Qlomoyéyat qa Yaqotasemafyal Lawelgema€yas Leagotas Enék°é Wa ,héemis g°fl laé.a nfgadéxa adais Laxs6dalasO&® qa€s denxt{dé qa hérélés LS ¢ LsAqoLasaxa Axtsem6 ax6s qeemdema, WA, hé€mis la €néx-falizaflats L saqoLasasés gwe fyo qa gayatsa qlemdemiasés Lawelgematye Yaqotase-= matyS, Wa, g°fl€misé gwaxa gayasasa aXtsemé qiemdema laasa ma€lo- kwé hafyax€a qatséestaxa Enaxwa bébe gwanemsa Qlémoyaeyé qa g°:axlag*is qlemdéza, WH, la&méda kfwékiwand_ematyasa na gadé la klustallz lax wax'sagawaflitasa nagadé, Wa, la&méda n&gadé k-2és haselaxs 1aé de- nx€ida, Wa, &€misa k!iwékiwandLtemafyas qiwé.aza qaxs qlaq!drlaax 137 now I will call him (1) Yaqotasemé after this. Now he said he would loan out five pairs of/blankets to the chiefs of the Gwétela and the €walas Kwageux and the/Q!omk: lit!es, and he said he would loan outl one pair og blankets to/each common man. ‘The obligation of the chiefs to Yaqotasemé was five pairs of blankets. (5) Then Yaqo.asemé added five pairs of/blankets to the obligation of the chiefs and now the obligation was ten pairs/(of blankets) when these were given to the chiefs. And he did the same/with-the one pair of blankets as an obligation to the common people. Now two pairs of/blankets were giv- en to them. When the obligation of the chiefs is not(10)five pairs of blankets, then only three pairs of blankets/are given to them and when the common people are not obligated with one pair of/blankets then they are given a single blanket. And when/they had all been given, the Gwétela and the €wadlas Kwag-ut and the Qlomk: liites,/ then LsaqoLas told his song=emaker to sing in the house with the Ql6moy4£yé that evening (15) the new secular song. And when evening came/ two young men went to call the Q!émoy&fyé that they should sing in the house. And they said at the/doors of the houses of the Q!lomoyAfyé: “We come to téll you to sing*in the house,/Qlomoyafyé, for Yaqo- Lasemé, the prince of clfaqotas,"’ said they. And the first/to go in was the songemaker, whose name is Laxsodalaso&, and he sang for (20) tsaqotas to hear the new song which he had made. And that was when he was told/by LsaqgoLas what words he wished put into the song per Le prince, Yaqorasemé ./ And when he had finished the words of the new song, then the two/young men went around to call all the men of the Q!omoy&&yé to come and/sing in the house. Then those who sit on each side of the song-leader went and sat down there (25) on each side of the song-leader. The song-leader did not sing loud when he sang/and those who sat on each side of the song-leader just kept quiet 1 This means that the blankets are given out as a loan which had to be accepted and which had to be returned with interest either to the person who makes the loan or his successor, 10 15 20 25 138 qlemtilafyasa ndgadé, Wa, la mOptena lelbendéda nagadé €nemdkiwala denxela. WH, g°fl€misé qiiilbéda la eElxrésa mopiendta, laéda n&gadé Enékea, Wag?fxlax+fns hasOst&t denx€ida gaxs lefmaagds qiAxfatelaxen denxfidayux ©nék*éxs laé dAqflasés qiemtilafyé. Wa, la&mé enaxwa hasela denxeléda bébegwanemé. Wa, a&misa na gadé tséqdodalasa qaqat— yasasés qfemtilatyé qiemdema, Wa, grafmis qlemdemségra tlensila qiemdem. Wa ha ya w& hu wa ha ha : Ladzehema_Ahaxs yawihéx: ilédzévtens g-igamahayéx yahawix:fl- 6sta yayahawingalistdhans g*igdmahayéx lLélqwadlarai, ya wi ha ya. Lahamens yaha x°its!ax:flahataxwaha gwaléhédzéx g*igamahatya- xwa niiyembaliheséx g* [gamahayaxwa Laewelxséestalahadzéx g*I- gimaha®yaxwa g ixsé€stalahadzéx g*Igdmaha®yéx lélqwalahatal; ya wa ha ya. Wa, lahamens g° igdmahatya Léqa°yahahattsés qsléhéxi_atyadzéemék: G-Iixse€stehalisematyé Légehamsen gagahampdzéyutaxa qsaléhéx- Lafyadzé Lsagotadzéyuta, Wa, léhéda q.ifiéhéxrafyadzé 1 taso- tiwahalidzéyuza. Wa, 16héda q !G18héxcatyadzé L sAqocahasema-~ dzéyuta g*igamahatya lélqwdlahatai, ya w&, ylhumen g*{qag*éhé- waha yux lélqwaélahatai, ya wa ha ya, Lahamens ya h6lélazyxens g* [gamahayéx l1élqwalahatai. Lahamox nu- sayahartsés niitahag:iwahayaxa qéiléhéxreyadzé 1 sAqotasa Lla- Leaqwaaladzéyuza g-igimahayaxs lahayuzea lax’ s€endéyahaxa Lé-= gemnux¥dzéyura Nangemahaladzéyuta Lor Légemnuxdzéyura MA= wahak* fahadxéyura Loe Légemnuxdzéyura Létahadzéyura Loe Ls- gemnuxtdzéyura Xngwahaladzéyuza yaéxtenahasehan g* Tg&imahayex lélqwalahatai, yGem citar laqwadsens g* igamahayéx 1élqwadlahatals ya wi ha ya, 139 for they were learning the (1) song made by the song-maker,. Then four times the song-maker went to the end of the song, singing a- lone./ As soon as the last one of the four was at an end, the song- maker/seids: "Now we will sing it loud, for now you have learned this that/I am singing," said he as he started the song he had made, Now all the (5) men sang loud, and the song-maker just called out the words of the/song he had made, And this is his song, the song of/giving away property to his own tribe, / Wa ha ya w& hu wa ha ha The great one will move, this chief. He will move,(10) move about our chief, tribes; ya/wa ha ya. Now we shall look on the great one who was already a chief/at the beginning of mythical times; this chief who is all over a great first-born prince/ who is all over a great chief, this chief, this chief, tribes, (15) ya wa ha ya./ Now our chief will pronounce his own great name,/First=all- over-Chief, the name of my great late grandfather/whose own great name was the great Copper-Place; and also was his own name/Seaside-of-World, and also was his own name From-Whom- Coppers-are-Obtained, (20) this chief, tribes, ya wa , my chief before me,/oh tribes! ya wa ha ya./ We will listen to our chief, tribes' He will/tell the myth of his Fool of olden times, his own, whose name was Copper- Place ,/the Great-One-from-whom-one-tries-to-get-Coppers, the chief, for he broke (25) (the copper) that has the great name Grizzly-Bear-Face, and the one that has the great name/Sea-Lion and the one that has the great name Searching and the one/that has the great name Cloudy, the property of my chief,/tribes. These are the coppers of my chief, tribes!/ ya wa ha ya./ 10 15 20 25 30 140 Wa, g°fl€misé Alak:+!dla €naxwa qlaléda bébe gwanemasa Q!omoyA&_ yaxa &X%tsemé qlemdema las Cwi€la hoqiiwels 14x g*Okwas .saqotas. Wa, la&mS ganux®ida. Wa, g°fl&misé Enax*€fidxa gaaldxs las Switla raxte widéda bébegwanemasa Qidmoya&yé qats Enaxwé halamaxsté gaaxstala. WS, g°fl€misé tiaqgotas k-Staq laem wi€la gwal hatmapa 1loé ®yalaqa- sés qitilyagwita .égadds X°flqflagematyé qa las taxtwels lax Lédsate nfifyag g*Okwas qa x‘Iitslatnatleséxa Kwakug’uzés qa Léqtléséx Qiéx-La- laga Weqswas Yaqotasematyé, Wa, léda qiiilyakwé X°flqilagematyé 1a laweis laxa tiex’fldsa g°okwé qa€s taxtwelsé, Wa, la hasela ©néka: Laems x°itslax-flacétai Gwetelai lax Qs6x*Lalagal xlindkwas Yaqo.ase= mafyé, Laems x*itssax-flard.ai €walas Kwag*utai lax, Qséx-Lalagal xtindkwas Yaqotasematyé. Laems x-itsiax:flacotai Qiémk: Jitlesai 1ax Qs6x*_alagai xindkwas Yaqotasemafyé, Halaxsrasai nék-é. Wa, la héx*€idatma Gwétela Lefwa walas Kwag-ur tcewa Olémk: fatles €wlEla 14 1ax g*Skwas téagdtas gas la Cwitla kss€aliz 1ax wax: sanégwitasa gtdkwé qaxs haatad ketidziza Qlémoyaeya Sgwiwaflizasa g*dkwé. Wa, g°fl€misé €wf€la kifistaliza g*dxaas LJagqoLas x*flqelaxa ma€zaxsa p.e- Ixelasgem qa&s taxewallzé 1ax Lla&sex*'dzam&tyasa Qlomoyatyé. Wa, 1a yageeg*atza. WA, 1d Enék*a: WH, gélag’a Gwétel, wi, gélag-a Cwalas Kwageut, Qi6mk: sfitées. Hérealf{% axa g-Sdkwaxsg*in Lawelgimék’ laxg’a Yaqotasemék-, Endk*exs: laa gwegemx*&Id laxa Qlomoyafyé, Wa, 1d ené- keagaemen telqwasa ma®Xexsa peelxelasgem laxwa nagadéx qaés qlemti- lafyS, &nék°’S., Wa, héx*fidatmisa nf gadé axk* lalaxa Enaxwa bébe gwanem= sa Qlomoyafyé qa qlwag°allzés qa fnaxwés .Aaragemata laxa Ogwiwatlivasa gOkwé. Wa, 14 héx-Sidatma nfigadé déqdlasés qiemtflatyé. Wa, la&mé Snaixwa denxeléda QidmoyAtyé, WA, g:ax&ms yixwS Qléx-Lalaga. Wa,g°axé wigéwasé, yix Yaqorasematyé Laxwémiza, Wa, g°fl€misé gwaza denxela laé Liaqotas yaxewitsa péelxelasgem, WH, g*ftl&misé ewl€1xtdd yaxewi- tsa peelxelasgemé laxa yiidux"se®makwé Kwakwag-ur 1aé €wl€la hdquwels. laxa g°Okw6. Wa, laemxasS yawastid gwaz 1ax6q. 141 (1) And when all the men of the Qlomoy&&yé knew well/the new song, they all went owt of the house of L!Aqotas. Then/night came. When day broke in the morning they all got up,/the men of the Q!/6- moyaé€yé and they all quickly ate their breakfast. (5) When tJaqotas thought they had all finished eating he sent out the/old man of his house, whose name was X* f1qflagemé* to go and stand outside the/house and to call as spectators the Kwageuz tribes and to call the name of Qtéx-Lalaga/ the sister of Yagotasemé®.Then the old man X* flqflagemée/ went out of the door of the house and he stood up and he said out loud: (10) "Now you will be spectators, you Gwétela, for Qséx-1alaga the child of Yaqovasemé yixg-a .fasotiwalisek:. Laems héxAlar6c. qats x*itstax:€idadsaxg’a Lidsotiwalisak’, &nék*éxs laé gwégemx’Id laxa Enadxwa Kwakigeita. WH, 14 €nékea: EfWSgra ? . qiwag*flsax Kwaktigeut qen Léxewelsacntraxwa g°igdématyax qa g*axlaq g°isd doxtwidexgeas cételaktiky, nék°éxs laé hasela Snékea: Gé- lagta g*igdmatya ttasotiwalisa, g*axfemg-as ke lStelag*6sa. Ga x€emk* wilyOqiwax-iwayaa nékeS, Wa, héx-€idatmisé i iaqoras g°a- xawels 18x tiex*flasés geokwé qa&s taxtwels6 laxa tiasanAtyé, Wa, 1a ke fsdaqaztas6s mérk* lL6ttsidnatyS gqa&s dé6qwaxéx mexAlasasa xWa-~ xwaketina. Wa, 1a k*fsaxotsés af&yasows qafs yaqleg-a€xS. Wa, 18 €nékea hasela: Gélagea Lsasotiwalisal, g:ax€rmg-as ke lotelag*o- sai, &nék-exs laé waxakxa naxwa bébegwanem qa lemxexsée°ayisé tsa- qamafyasés g°okwé. Wa, 1a Enaxwatma bébegwanem lemxexség*6sés S€eyasows laxa tsaqamatyasa g*Okwé. Wa, héx-fidatmdsd geax g*ae xawelsé clasotiwalis6 laxa tilex*fla&s6s g*6kw6 qa&s 16 dzelx-ustaé laxa ke ifitela clxcalax tiagotasé qats 16 Lé_Adzawéxa k- laqata. Wa, hé€misé ctagotasés nSkeas Ha hd hai hii wa. WA, 14 moptena hé gweke tegealxé, Wa, la&mé fem negeXtewexés gralé gweke lalae SExXS g°Glaé la mensexs laé gwata k* iftela. Wa, g°axé bané€sta gats Laxewelsé .iaqorasd tefwis xindkwé Lsasotinwalisé 14x Ox¥sidzatyasa k*iftela. WH, la Ltagorasé yaqie= gratia, WA, 1d enékea: Wég-ftla nénfgat qlemtiétea gigayala ke fk: 'ftelak: {ala qlemdema, EnSk°S. WH, hdx-fidatmésa nfigadé d&égélas gwe*yasxa Enékeas 173 bows of their canoes in a straight line, singing their war song/ when they came in sight and they were not going fast when they arrived. When/ they stopped in front of the house of Leagotas they stopped/sing- ing, and the Mamal6leq&la kept quiet. Nobody spoke./ (5) Then Lalak-ots!a arose, who belonged to the numaym Yaéx-agemé&/ of the Q!émoy&&y6 and spoke. He said: "“"Come/Mamaléleq&la, come to this canoe resting place of the forefathers of your/great tribe when they used to be invited by my chief, this t!asotiwalis./ Now you will sit there comfortably to witness t!asotiwalis." ‘Thus he said(10)and he turned his face to all the Kwag*uz tribes and said,/"Stand up, Kwa- geuz, that I may call out of the house this chief that he may come/and look at his guests.” Thus he said and then he said aloud,/"Come, chief .!asotiwalis, now your salmon have come;/they have come in great schools," said he. and immediately ttaqoras came(15)out of the door of his house and stood outside. Then/he put his right hand over his eyes and looked at the canoes that were stopping outside./ Then he put down his hand and he spoke and/said aloud, "Come, .lasotiwalis, your salmon has arrived,"/ said he as he told all the men to beat fast time (20)on the front of his house, ‘Then all the men beat fast time/with their hands on the front boards of the house and immediately/t lasoti- walis came out of the door of his house and ran up/the watchman's pole behind t‘aqotas and he stood on the platform./ Then .!aqovas said "Ha ha ha ha wa.” Four times/(25)he cried this way. ‘Then he did as he had done when he first cried out this way/when he first tried it when the watchman's pole was finished./ Then he came down and ttaqotas and his son/t sasotiwalis stood outside at the foot of the watchman's pole. And then L :aqovas spoke/ and said, "Now song leaders, sing our grandfather's(30)song of the watchman's pole," said he. And immediately the song leaders/ gave out what he referred to which said;/ 10 15 20 25 174 Ha, le&men dox€watela, lahaksas€men d6xtwatela lax mey&. H6 ya& hé ya ha hé&,. G°ax€mox g°axftistahésela qlawaplalahedzék*as q!6éqelanem= keasa ha, H6 ya hé ya h& h&. €yag*-enutasaénétsen 6sdyah& ke fitelayuk*as€s6. Hé ya hé ya h& h&. Wi, g*ax€mé wiiqlds Lidsotiwalis yfix Qtéx-Lalaga Ldraxddex wldsotinalisé L6€ tidqorasé qa&s €nemAlé yix€widaxs laé nexsemé- las denxeléda €naxwa Kwaktig‘uta. Wa, laem yixwiwalé Qs6x*Lagéxa yixwiwatyaxs yixwaé., Wa, g°fl&misé qlilbéda qlemdemaxs 1aé Qséx*Lalaga laét laxa g°dOkwé. Wa, la&mé gemxaweldzema lak: fene dé Deelxelasgema qa&s 16 gemxeldzem 1ax OxUsidzatyasa k: {ftela qaxs néx-si€maé LAx-Losé . sAqotas teewis xundkwé 1 sasotiwalisé. Wa, g*fl&misé g-ax Cwi&la gaémxasa 1ak:+ fendé peelxelasgemxs 1aé yaqeega&xé Léagotasé, Wa, 1a Enék-as Wa, gélag*a Mamaléleqal. Wa, gélagea walas lélqw&lacé. Geaxtems g*axfarela 1axen q!umx-demséx. Laemtas wit 4x€acelaxen gagafyala k: fk: {ftelak:!ala qlemdema., Héem qlemdemsen a€wanfe fyé Yix-adgematyé. WH, g*ax€mésdx Axfétsdsg°fn Lewilgemeék* yfs- g*a Lsasotiwaliseks qa€s x*itslenzSs Mamaléleqal. wa, la€mé ts x°itslandnamaxyg*ada 14k: !endeks Peelxelasgema yiidz&twésds Qléx-= Lalaga xtndkwas vasotiwalisé, Wa, laem 6ax€its ldxa Mamaléle- qala. Wa, laem maémogitdz&ya bébegwanem laxa €nAat€nemxsa p!lelxe- lasgemaxs laé Liaqo.as yaqwaq laqéxs kitidzexsalaé laxa xwaxwak si- na, Wa, g°*fl€misé €wi€la yaxtwitsa plelxelasgemé laé €nékeas Wa sOxwa,. ee ee -= ey = ~~ - e w f a Wa, la cax®titaxsd Guydtelasxa g Igamatyasa Ene Emémutasa 175 Now I see it, now I see it, the salmon./ Hé ya hé ya hé hf./ It is coming up stream with a great wave following, what I obtained by purifying myself./ (5)H& ya hé ya h& hé./ You were overcome by me on account of this watchman's pole. (?)/ Hé ya hé ya h& h&./ Then the sister of Lldasotiwalis, Q!éx-Lalaga, came and stood between/v!asotiwalis and Lsaqoias and they danced together while they were standing together in the middle of(10)all the Kwag-utr who eetecaeina. And Q:éx*talaga had on her head the/dancing- headdress with ermine skins. As soon as they had finished their singing/Q!éx-.alaga went into the house. Then they brought out one hundred/ blankets and put them down at the foot of the watche man's pole/ while Léagotas and his son tlasotiwalis were still standing there.(15)As soon as they had carried out all the hundred blankets/t‘aqo.as spoke and saids/ "Now come, Mamaléleqdla, come great tribe./Now you have arrived at this my rich village site. Now you will hear my/grand- father's song,the song of the watchman's pole,this is the song of my root,(20)Yfx-agamée, Now it comes to be taken by my prince, this/ L!asotiwalis, that it may be seen by you Mamaléleq&la. Now you will receive/for witnessing this the one hundred blankets which were danced upon by Qséx*Ldlaga/ the daugh tertof Lfasotiwalis. ” Then he handed them to the Mamaléleqdla./Now there were four men to each pair of (25) blankets as téaqotas gave them to them while they were still sitting in the canoes./As soon as he had given away the blankets he said:/"Now it is done./"/ Then arose GttyOzelas,chief of the numaym(1)Mamaléleqidm and 1, woman dancing on behalf of a person is always calléd his daughter because it is properly the function of a daughter to dance. 10 15 20 25 50 176 Mamaléleq!am qa€s yaqleg*atxS. Wa, 1a Enékeas Hawadzék-as, ha- wadzék*asOs k* $és&qés, g° Igd&me€ Lfasotiwalis, G*axdzéEmd g*axe Eacela l&txwa k* !8s6x qlindla néz&ida laxwa wiyatetalex Axndgwa= tsoxda k+iftelax. Wag-fzla Awasal g-Ig-egam6& qafnux¥ Sx-fak*é- LGL Enék*éxs 1aS k!wag-aaxexsa, Wa, la&mé Lalak otsia Enék-a: Lafmen vé€lalévai Mamaléle- qilai qa Qféx*talagai xtindkwas Lidsotiwalisai., Laems g°axa texts!az laxg*a g°SkUgwas, Laemk* leqwélakwai, €nék°S. Wi, héx-- Cidatmisé gwétaratya xwaxwakitina yaéfyats!ésa Mamaléleq&la qa&s 18 lemgealis 14x tlemaisas g*ig*Okwasés gwe®y& qa€s g-aé.elasa. Wa, la€méda naxwa Kwakiig*ut &ma &mawalax Emimwalds qa€s 16 Smiwie Lelas laxa g*ig*Skw6. Wa, g°flemisé &wifldsdésa 1laé wattwisdésax xwaxwakeunis. Wa, g*fl€misé twi&la la wadekwa laas héx*fidaem Stsé€stéda q!émfAla hafyareasa Kwaktig'ux6xa plékw6 Mamaléleqdla qa las Llexwa 14x Liasotiwalisé. Wa, la hé&menazaem hég’fliza plékwaxs véywittotsewad gaxs flak: !alaé posq!a. Wa, g°fl&misé geax wlflaé_a laé héx*fida xa&msxas€idxa xa&ma- sé. WA, g*flemisé gwar xdmsxasxa xa€masé laas ax€étseewa mena- ts! qa&s 16 xdms€alflem 14x héZk- lotiwalitas g-SkwS qaxs héé kltidzizida Mamaléleqalé Sewiwalizasa g°Okw6. Wa, g*fl&misé xamsa- 1élema menats:é laas caxfwalizé Lalak-otsiaxa g*ayoxé lax &ne&mé-= motas .saqolaséxa Yaéx-agdmafyé, Wa, 18 yaqtegeatza, Wa, 18 Enék*as Wég*fxla lag*eust&tex Mamaléleqal néxatxens €nalax. Ax- Cmaé.Ox watdema dadenxazg*ulizéx kiwétaxwa Snég-emauxéx laxens wi- womp£wiiza qa kiw6€1a16s denxela nézaxens naladxs k!wérad. Wa, wég°fxla €nék*6xs laé k!wag*fliza, Wi, héx-fidatmisé Laxtwalize Guydtelasxa g-igdmafyasa Ene= Emémutasa Mamaléleq!dm qats yaq!eg*atzx6. Wa, 1A EnSk-as Qal, qacé6s watdemds g*igimé€ Lalak-ots: qitaxs hé€maéx gwaxexwa Léqwi- €ldla xités bekw6lénokwasens 14x ne gerendsc wa, lag*izaens ke {és fem sena gen gwéyiflaésa, €néenak-ixé nods g*dokilot Mamaiéleqdl,. i hg spoke. He said, “Mighty,/really mighty are your privileges, chief Liasotiwalis, which have come/to you, this what is not often shown by those who are unable (to do so although) they are owners of this/ watchman's pole. Go on now, chiefs, you with your father, that we may be kindly disposed towards you,'"(5)said he, and sat down. Then Lalak‘ots!a said; “I invite you, Mamaléleq&la/on account of Qléx-talaga, the daughter of Liasotiwalis. Now come/and warm yourselves in his house here. Now the fire has been built!" said he. Immediately/the canoes of the Mamaléleqla scattered and(10) they went ashore at the beach of the houses of those with whom they wanted to stay./ Then all the Kwag*uz carried up the load and car- ried it/into the houses. As soon as everything had been carried up/ the canoes were hauled up. When they had been hauled up/many young men of the Kwag-ut went to the invited Mamaléleq&la(15)who were to eat after their arrival at(the house of) _!asotiwalis. Gen- erally/the guests go immediately when they are invited, for they are really hungry./ When they had all gone into the house, they ate dried salmor/ and after they had eaten dried salmon, the drum was taken/and was put doei on the right hand side in the rear of the hoyse for(20) the Mamaléleq&la were sitting down in the rear of the house. As soon as they had put down the/drum, Lalak-ots!a arose who belonged to the numayn/of Lfaqoras, the Yaéx-agemé&, Then he spoke and/ said: "Now go on and sing, Mamaléleqdla, and tell our world. It is not a new way that feasters should sing first. This was said long ago to our(25)ancestors to sing a feasting song to tell our world we are feasting. Now/go on,™ said he and sat down./ Immediately arose Giiyételas, chief of the/numaym Mamaléleq!am. He spoke and said: "Indeed/true is your word, chief Lalak-ots!a. Indeed,different ways(30)were marked out by our Creator to be fol- lowed. I do not/ just plan that it should be done in this way. That is my meaning, my tribe Mamaléleqala. (1)Go on and sing 12 10 20 25 178 Wégea lagsust&sen kiwélafyald qiemdema, &nék°é. Wa, héx-fida- fmésa nfgadisa Mamaléleg&la daq&las kiwélatyala qiemdemsxa &né- k*Sde kiwélafyaflayu qlemdems: l. W& hii wa hé yaé ha. Yawehéx*flédzétens g:Igdmatyéx, WidzSlag-a. Yawehé~ x°flésta yayaewéengelésta g*-igdmafyéx lélqwalatai. Ladzetya latmen téqayattsen Légemdzéfyasen gagempazé- €yaxéxs qliléxretyadzétya Kwakwax:flasa, Kwax*’fla~ nokumédzés g°igdmatyas lélqwd&lacai. Lédzefyatmen téqayattsen LSgemdzéeyasen gagempdzé &yaxéxs qstléxrefyadzetya cfaufaqwalaza, vt faqwag’ iladzés g:igdmafyas lélqwalatai. Ladzétyaemen Léqayaitsen Légemdze fyasen gagempdzefyaxa qfiléxretyadzeftya Lax de ndSlata Qfaqlaltalazdzés eg: igémafyas 1élqwalatali. Ladzé€ya&men Léqayat tsen Légemdzefyasen gagempdze *yaxa qitiléxretyadzetya Plépladzayusa Plasdlatdzés g-igé- mafyas lélqwdlacal. Ya w& hu we hatyé, Yiiemya Léregemdzefyasen g°iqageiwatya 1lélqwaélaral. Ya w& hu wa. W& hi wa hé ya. Ladzéem 1a14x Oxwayata dzOnoqwayata dzdnoqgéwagéledzes gigdimafyas lélqwdlarai. Ladzéem 181€x ténageilata qats Ewlewtilsge &makwa 1lée1qwa- tarai lax gwegwila g°flédzé®yasen gagempdzetyaxa qiiléxtefyadzefya Melnasdzéyutas g*igimatyds 1lélqwi- lataixa hamanékwila dzGnoqiwadzetya YSqitl izasen gagempdzefyaxa qitléxretyadzefya Kwax* flanokumédzé Kwakwax*G&lats g*ig&émedzefya léelqwdlarai. 179 our feasting song," said he. Immediately/the song leaders of the Mamaléleqala started the feasting song, and this is what says/ the feasting song:/ 1. WA hu wa h& yd ha./ (5) Now our great chief will begin to movey he will begin to Now (10) Now Now Now move in the world, the chief, tribes./ I shall name the great name of our great grandfather,/ whose own name was Kwakwax*flas, the great Kwax‘fla- nokimé© ,/the chief of the tribes./ I shall name the great name of my great grandfather,/ whose own name is clattaqwalat,the great vfaqwag:ila,/ the chief of the tribes./ I shall name the great name of my great grandfather ,/ whose own name is L&x-stndalat, the great Q!aq!<a- 1ax,(15)the chief of the tribes./ I shall name the great name of my great grandfather ,/ whose own name is Plép!adzcySs, the great plasilaz, the chief/of the tribes./ Ya wi hu wa hayé ./ (20) These are the great names of my chief before me, tribes./ Ya w& hu wa./ 2. WE hii wa ha ya./ Now he will shout the Dz6noq!wa shout of the/chiefs of the tribes./ (25) Now he will give a great grease feast to all the tribes,/ as wag done by my great grandfather/whose own name was Melnas, your chief, tribes;/the great terrifying DzGnogiwa was the feasting dish of my/ great grand- father whose own name was the great Kwax: flandkwme€ ,/ Kwakwax:dlas, the great chief, tribes./ Tee 10 15 20 25 180 Ya w& hu wa ha€yé6, Yiemya ete gemdzefyasen g*iqagiwatya 1élqwalatai. Ya wi hu wa. 3. W& hu wa hg ya ha. Gwazaemx’den k* $ék- fesnSqdla k*ék*aléqalag6x k*ak-ale &ma= yusa k*flemgélédzéx g-Iigdmafya lélqw&larai. Liaex-de- Eyax k* fake $6lak: layasos yflyflkwalag:ilaxwa Légem= nux4dz6 &yax Dent {alayudzefyax yaéx_enasen: g* igimatyé Léelqwalarai. Ya w& hu wa. Wa, g°fl&misé qlilbéda qlemdem denxelayusa k!wSxé Mamaléleqa- la laas Giy6X%elas Oxwa'dzdnoqwa, Wa, 1a yaqéegeatta, Wa, 18 fnékea 1agéxg cafwiitsaimaé 1ax wawasdlilasas denxelayuwé qiemde- mas. Laems n6s g°Okil6t,laemé witaxfarata Etlédaxwa Cwalaséx k!wé- lafyala qlemdemen ga€s Kwakigut 14x Dza@wadé layuig-fn clénag-ila, Enéenak*ixaxg*fn latmék- qasd qa&s Gwétel toes QlomayAfyé 1O&s &wa- las Kwageut Lots Q!émk: !aties yisg-ada xwak stinak- , yftx sek: !ax*so- kiuxwék* péelxelasgema, &nék°é. Wa, latmé kiwag-f11z% 1axéq. Wi, laem &nemsgemddxa qtemdem, wa, 1d Ax€érseewa menatsié qats g*axé xfmsfalillem 14x max‘stAlitasa tiex-flasa p*-Skwe. Wa, latmé héleg*fntsdsa tieqa. Wa, g°fl@misé gwar tiextlaqxa qiwédze- kwé tieqaxs laé yaqtegeafzs Llagotasé. Wa, 14 Enékea: Qér, qi- Las g*igdmé® Giydtelas laxés ldyOs watdemaxwa k- !6séx qlinéné€ watdems g°ighmatya qas6, lag-itas qiénema aétaxaliisa g°igeegaimatya 1aq¥. Xenyasawésenras6s watdemds g*igdmé€ qaxs yiimaaqds 6axéna- €ySxda kiwélaséx g-Igimée, €ndk-éxs laéS nexbag’f1{zxé watdemas 14- xa €naxwa k!wékaxa Mamaléleqdala. WH, 14 €nék-a; Wak-as, g*igte= gimSs Mamaléleq&l. Wik:as lag*agd héztalaqd. Latmd a&k: faakUxwa 181 Ya w& hu wa hatyé./ These are the great names of my chief before me, tribes./ Ya w& hu wa./ 3. W& hii wa h& yd ha./ (5) Already I was scared‘ I was afraid of the/Cause-of-Fear, the great chief, tribes, as he was about/to strike with that which hurts that has the great name/Dent!aflayu, the property of my chief,/tribes./ (10)Ya w& hu wa./ As soon as was finished the song sung by the feasting Mamalé- leq&la,/then Giydtelas uttered the Dzénoq!wa cry. ‘Then he spoke and/ said as he was standing still while they were singing their song:/ "Now, you my tribe, now is heard again this great feasting(15)song for you, Kwageux, at Dzawad6, where long ago I gave a grease feast./ I mean that I promise a feast for you Gwétela,and you QlimoyA€tyé, and you/twalas Kwageuz,and you Qlomk: lit!es,with this canoe which is worth fifty/blankets." ‘Thus he said and sat down after this./ Now they sang one song, ‘Then the drum was taken(20)and put away down next to the door of the honse./ Now they were given as a second course dried berries,and after they had eaten the squeezed berries,/itaqo.as spoke and said;"Indeed,indeed,/chief Giydtelas, true is your word which is not often(25)said by chiefs, 'I promise a feast.’ Therefore many chiefs go down in rank/on oon ene of this. Am I not startled by your speech, chief? For this is your kind of work, the/feast-giving, chief." Thus he said and he directed his speech to/all the feasting Mamaléleqala and he said: "Go on, chiefs/ of the Mamaléleqala, go on with this which is done right. Now it is well dons. (1)This is not a new saying, the giving of three courses 10 15> 20 25 50 182 ke '6s6x Axfem watdemaxa hdleg*fndaisa hasatyés laxés hdmg* Llase Swe yixs nék-aéda qsiilsqitilyaxuda EyAx* SeEmxLaens kiwé€lénafyé laxa e°igdimafyé qaxs héwaxaé héleg-fints Snemsgema waidem g°axens q ite nélaxeden witelaxa ©nék-é, &néenak-izxé wak*as, wakeas, &nék-éxs laé kiwag’f1iza. Wa, 18 k*lés Lax€waliza g*igdmafy8 Yaqazeen- lidzéxa g*dayuxS 14x fne&mémutasa Cwalaséxa k- fés€dnokwasa nafnax= mafyaxa héleg*fndisa yaqlantiala laxa kiw6xzé, WA, 1H fnék-a: Qacés waxdemdos, g igame& L:aqoas, Lafmenufx éx-plaseenasg-as e ° c 6€ldlayug*’Ss g*axen, g*igdmé® gag*as héleg*fndayug’SOsxg°ada éx°= SS take hasatyés, g*Igdméexwa ke léséx Axfem witdem gens gw6ék- fala- saxwa gwaxalamuldx watdemxens g°ig*flemg*flésaxg-fns enaxwék 1lélqwalacafya, gens gwék* {alasa. Wa, yuemésens fem la ne gevené- se €wox. Enéenak’ité Ala Alatasés waidemiflalayds g-igdmé&® &nék-sxs laé gwégemxIda laxa MamalSleqala. Wad, 1M €nékeas Qen Enék-s MamalSleq&l; &x*laxaéta q6 k* leas sebats Sk°é watdemi®ldlasa g:f- gama ys g*dxens. Wa, wa, nék°é, Wa, la&mé €wlela hoqtwelsa kiwéxdé 1axéq. wa, 18 €nax-€idxa gadlaxa tensé, Wa, la&mésé Sxaza qats ne= qaléxs g*axaéda Snemgés tefwa Lawits:6s6 g*axandalax téemaisas g*d- kwas Ltaqorasé,. Wa, laemxas qlapléx-£fd la nafnamuteidéda Gwé- tela tefwa Swalas Kwageut Lefwa Qidémkefutices ceewa Mamaléleqala, wa, hé€misréda Qidmoyatyé, Wa, laem la sek: tasgetmakY 1é1qwala- Lafya la qéapiés lax Oxtafyasa k-ifitela. Wi, &€misé la neqeme’ fX= tewéxSs Cnixwa gwayl€ldlas qaéda Mamaléleqaldxs g*Alaé g*adxalisa .Oxs laé denxelasa qsemdemasa k+iftela. WA, hSemxaadwis gwéx-&idé— da nemgésé cefwa Lawits.és8 yixs tndxenemdkwaSs q&s6 qaéda mos- geemakwé Kwaklg-uta lagéxs g*dlaé la kiwéta., WA, laem gwax denxe- layuwé qlemdemasa ke !ftela laxéq. WA, 1éx*aem Ogiix’fIidatyOs ware demasa Lawits!ésaxs 1a8 kiwé%a, yixs laéda g*igdmatyé Lelak-fnis sepléts Dentldlafyuxa qidydxwé .laqwa 1laxés negiimpé 1 Aqotasé. Wi, la csdqotasé catewelxsfilas Dentialatyu laxés g*Igélase ewes 185 with breath (1.8. a speech) to those who are given to eat,/ for it is said by the old people that very bad is our feasting of a/chief, for never is there one word of piv ioe a third course to us./ I have often heard them say it. I mean,go on,go on,''said he(5)and sat down. ‘Then stood up chief Yaqazxfenlis/who came from the numaym €walas, whose privilege it is to answer the/third course with a speech at the feast. He said:/ “Indeed true is your word, chief L:aqotas. Now we are made happy (sweet) by the/means by which you invite us, chief, for this your third course, this your (10) sweet breath, (i.e. speech) chief. This is not a new: saying, for this is the way we spoke/in the beginning, this word of our ancestors of all the/tribes, This we were to say. And now we just follow this./ I mean this, true, thue is your saying, chief." Thus he said/and turned his face to the Mamaléleqdla and he said: "I say,(15)Mamalé- leqala, would it be good if the kind words of the chiefs did not strike us? Wa wa," said he. And then all the feasters went out of the house/after this./ | Day came the next morning and when it was almost noon/the &nem- gis and the Lawits!és came in front of tne beach of the house(20)ocf Léaqotas. Then assembled the Gwétela/and the €walas Kwag-ut and the Q!émk* !it!es and the Mamalélegala/and also the Q!émoy&ty&. ‘There were five tribes/gathered at the lower end of the watchman's pole, and now they just did/everything they had done for the Mamaléleq&la when they first came to the beach(25)and when they sang the song of the watchman's pole. And the/€nemgis and Lawits!8s each also did the same when they promised a feast for the four/Kwag:ur tribes when they first went to the feast, ‘Then they stopped singing /the song of the watchman's pole after this. And only this was differ- ent in the speech/of the Lawits!és when they. feasted that chief Lelak*enis(30) gave Dentfalatyu, the expensive copper, to his son~« in-law, Ltago.as./ Then Léaqotas treated as a prince with Dentfa- lafyu his prince, whom he was making a chief, (1) clasotiwalis, qn 10 20 50 184 Lawelgdmafyé Lfasotiwalisé, qaxs h8€m6ré 1. fAsotiwalisé k*dqwaxz- xa qtayOxwé v saqwé Dentialafyu qd 14% yaqwasa peelxelasgemé 1axa ylduxse &makwé Léxeflak¥Y lélqwalaratya. Wa, laem dzaqwaxs 1a6 EwlEla hdqtwels laxa LéxeFlatsié g*Skwa. WA, latmé gwazxé graq 1O7)} 1S Ga€xénésa mosgefmakwé Kwaktigeur laxéq: . WH, gefl&mésé fnax*idxa gadla laéda g°igdmatyé Giydte- lasxa Mamaléleq&la ré€lalaxa mosge&makwé Kwaktig-ita qa 1d€s kiw6- Xa, Wa, héx*idatmésa mosgetmakwé Kwaktg-Ut kiwax-fida lax g*d- kwas Ltagoras qats hawarélagélé 1ax qasowéxsdlaxasa Enaxwa g*i- g°egamée 16 dzOxwaéxsdlaxas, qaxs hé€maé qidatsa fnaxwa lélqwa- 1aré, ga&s k*!8s8 walem la kiwéz% ldxa g°A16 k!wélatsa Lézefla- kwé LOxs g*alaé kiw6%a Léxteldxa 1élqwdlaratyé ga&s qasonukwé LO& qa dzoxwésa Snatenemdkwé laxa Snaxenemsge®makwé 1lélqwalacacya, qd k*lefslax qis6 .5© dzdxwas la €nék-a bakiumaq fyagrafyu laxa Lé- Xela teewa kiw6xé, WA, h€€mis lag-ixasa Kwaktig-uxé Léxtsidd 1ax g'Okwas tiagoras aats yaqéentuwésdx. Wa, g°fl&misé €nax&nemodkwa ge igeegdmatyasa mo sge &makwé Kwa- kig:ux ©nékeexs letmaé gas6x laxa k!wélastasa Mamaléleqdla yfx enéenak*itas yixs qidlatmaéda mosge&makwé Kwakig-utaxs €nax&nems- gemaés kiwélalafyuta qfemdem, Wa, hé€mis lag*izas xak!wémas qa mokwés€s gisd. Wa, g*fl&misé gwax6 watdemas 1a6 €wi€la la hogwi- ta laxa k!iwélafyats!6é g°Oxusa g° Igdmatyé Giyotelas. Wa, g°fle Emisé g-ax Sul&laé_a mosge®makwé Kwaktgeiita lagéxs letmaé Ewifla kiwaméta Mamaléleq&la te&wa Snemgésé te&wa Lawits!6sé gaxs hé&maé n&qaxap!Stsa Mamaléleqaléda Gwétela, wi, hé€mis néqazap!létsa Enemgéséda Qiomayatyé;, wi, héemis naqazapdtsa pawits {éséda €walas Kwag’ura, laas A&x€étsefwa menats!6 qa€s 16 x&ms€al6élem laéxa héxrke !Gtiwalfzasa g*Skwé. Wa, la Laxewallia Ompas Giyotelasxa Légadds Kwax:flanokii- matyé, Wa, 18 yaqtegeatza. Wa, 18 Snékea gwégema%a laxa Mama- 1éleqdla, Latmen wég:fX nds geigregdmée 1ax gwék: ialasé 1aq4 185 for his name was to be tfasotiwalis after breaking the/expensive copper Dentéalafyu, when were to be given away blankets to the/ three invited tribes. It was evening when/they all went out of the inviter's house. Then the(5)Kwag*ut tribes finished the first work with this./ As soon as daylight came in the morning, then chief Giiy6ielas/ of the Mamaléledala invited the four Kwag-uz tribes to a feast./ Immediately the four tribes sat down in the house/of tfaqoyas to listen to each other, as to who wanted to promise a feast among all the chiefs,(10)and who wanted to give a potlatch. For it is the custom (lit. support) of all the tribes/that they should not in vain be guests in the first feast, of the invited ones,/and when first the one who invites the tribes gives a feast, then they have someone to promise a feast/and a potlatch, one in each tribe./ If they do not promise a feast and a potlatch, then the Indians say that it is bad treatment in the(15)invitation and at the feast. Therefore, the Kwag*ut were called together in the/house of 1 la- gotas to talk it over ./ As soon as one chief of each of the four Kwag‘ut tribes/said he would promise a feast to the feasters of the Mamaléleqhla,-for this/is what it means, the four Kwag*ut tribes know that they will each(20)sing one feasting song, and this is the reason why they are strong, that / four of them promise a feast; - and after they had finished speaking, then all went into/the feasting house of chief GiyOtelas. As soon as/the four Kwag*uk tribes came in they all went and/sat next to the Mamaléleqila and the €nemgis and Lawi- ts!és, for(25)the Gwétela are paired with the Mamaléleq&la and the Enemgis are paired with the/Qtomoyafyé and the Lawits{és are paired with the/€walas Kwag*u%. ‘Then the drum was taken and was put down/ in the right hand rear corner of the house/ Then arose the father of Giyd%elas, whose name was Kwax*flano- ktimS€ ,(30)and he spoke and said, turning his face to the Mamaléleqala:/ uo 10 15 20 25 186 laxwa kiwélaséx watdema, €nék-exs 1aé gwégemx*€id laxa Sgwi- walitasa g*6kwé gaxs hé6 kfiidziza Gwétela, Wa, 14 hd kfiidzfe Xa QsdmoyAtya hérke l6denSgwit, wi, 14 hé kitidziza twalas Kwa- | geura gem€xddenégwitasa g-Skwé. Laems wég°ato. Gwétel, Q!omo- yawé, €walas Kwageud, Q!omk* fiitles lag-ustf@tax. Laems k!wéela- latSzt qa&s néXadsaxens naladxs k!wélaéx. Ax€maé_ox watdem gens gwék* -alasaxwa 1a qens waxdemaxwa €nég*emaxens Swan&faxg- fns énaxwéke 1élqwalata®yaxs g°aladzéx Enag-alisens €nalax qens €né- k*é Mamaléleqdl, Snemgés, Lawitssés, 1laxox waxdeeménatyéx 1aq4, Enék*Sxs laé k!iwagealita. Wa ,héx+Cidatmisé Qlémogwéxa geayuré 14x &neememutasa Madm= tag*ila Laxewalfza qa&s yaqiegeaczxé, Wa, 14 Enékeas QaL, gd Laxs hé€maéx gwilas@éxens g*axéx gwaélas nee: g°Okwaxsa g*Igde mafyaqos Mamaléleqalax bex®tndlag-ilaéLéda Alakwé g° igdméxs yagtegeatzaéd 1laxwa kiwélastax wazdemax6s waxdemagids g° Lgdmée GiyStelas. €misenlag:izva yax'qedselaz L6&giin g*dr¢g-ekulotak-, Enéenak*iké wég-a lageust&sen kiwéfyalala qlemdema gen talogwa- daé laxa g*igdmatyé &nékeé. Wa, héx-€ida&misé denxeédéda Gwé- telds qlemdemasxa €nék-é: 1. Wa h& ya h& ya ha ha. Ladzéemalax yawix’flésta yayawingelésta waladze gé1é— dzéx g°igdmatyens léelqwalacai, Ladzetmalax geiqdmx*idéSyara SnemOktmalfyéx g*igdma- Eyaxg*ins léelqwalarai. Ya wa hé wi. 2. W& h&é ya h& ya ha ha. Max*tsiageilaflaax gwalag-flédzadzétyaxsens g-Lgdma-— fyéx 1léelqwadlacal. 187 “Now let me go on, my chiefs, according to the way of speaking/in the feasting house," said he, and turned his face to the rear of the/house, for there the Gwétela were sitting down, and the/Q!6imno- yafyé were sitting on the right hand side and the walas Kwag- ut were sitting/on the left hand side in the rear of the house. ‘Now go on, you Gwétela, Qlomoyétyé,(5)ewalas Kwag-ut ,Qlome lGt!es, and sing your feasting songs/and tell our world about this feasting. Is it a new saying that we/ say thus when we are speaking, this say- ing that was said by the ancestors of/all our tribes, when first light came into our world? That is what I say,/Mamaléqdla, enemgis, Lawits!6s, according to the way of saying about this."/10) Thus he said and sat down./ ; Immediately Q!dmogwe who came from the numaym Madmtag: ila/arose and spoke, He said: "Indeed, indeed,/that is the way it is done, the way we are in this house of your chief,/Mamaléleqdla, he who was really made a chief, who made the souls go out(15)when he spoke in this that is called a feast, your word that you say, chief/Gi- yotelas. Why should I be lowered together with my tribe?/ I mean, go on and sing your feasting song that I may obtain a dish/ from. the chief,"said he. And immediately the Gwétela sang/their song which said:/ (20) 1. Wa h& ya h& ya ha ha./ Now this great one will moves he will move ahout this greatest/chief of our tribes./ Now this great one will(show)the face of a great chief, this head chief,/our tribes./ (25) Ya w& ha wit./ 2. Wa ha yi h& yé ha ha./ It is satd they cause people to be ashamed, the ways of our great chief,/tribes./ 10 15 20 29 50 188 Odze gag’ ilaflaax gwalag:flédzadzéeyaxsa Odze gamédedzéx wiilgamatya g*Igamatyéx léelqwalacai. LayOXygrens g*igdmatyéx amaxodéyaxa Légemnuxdzéyatax Létax*tadzéyaxa ct! arfaqwa qats léelqwAlatai. Lay6%g° fns g+ igdmatyéx amaxodéyaxa bE gemnuxddzéyat ax Nengemaladzéyaxa Léateaqwa ga&s léelqwdlarai. LayoOig*fns g° igdimatyéx &maxodéyaxa Légemnuxudzéyat ax Angwailax*cadzéyaxa claciaqwa qats léclqwalatai. LayOtg*ins g*igdmatyéx a&maxodéyaxa LSgemnuxdzéyatax Wax s6€stalax*tadzéyaxa clatiaqwa qa&s 1léelqwailatai. LayStg*fns g*ig&ématyéx Amaxodéyaxa Lé gemnuxudzéyatax Mauak: lax*Ladzéyaxa clatfaqwa gqa&s 16elqwadlarai. LayOtg*fns g*igdmatyéx ntint’édéyak-as tsOlexayak*as xa- yemg? tlaxa Légemnuxudzéyat ax Ademgtléx-_adzéya t!a- tlaqwa qa&s léelqwadlarai. LayOtg*ins g*Iigdmatyéx niint’édéyak*as tsOlexayak*as x-a- yemg* Llaxa L6gemnuxudzéyatax Q616max*tadzéya ila claqwa qa€s léelqwdlacai. Yiemya ctatéaqwa g-isatwésens g-igdimatyéx qa&s léelqwa- lavcai. Ya wi h& way WS h& ya h& ya ha ha. Latmen niisayatas Lé.egemasens g*igdmatyéx qa&s léclqwa- lacai. YUemenya Légemaxg'in qsuléxréyaemek> Emaxtiyalidzé &maxi- lag: flidzée g& Igdmafyds léelqwadlaral, Yiemenya Légemaxgein qsuléxrSyatmék* &max-mewésa mAx+me= wisagaémédzés g° igdmatyos léelqwélacal. Yuemenya régemaxg: fn qialéxréyatmék> Guydtelasa Giyorte = lasemédzés g°igdmatyos léelqwdlaral, (5) 189 It is said he makes people jealous,the great high one who has a face of which people are jealous,/the greatest chief, tribes ./ Long ago this,our great chief,gave away in a potlatch the one that has the name/Léta,the copper for you,tribes,./ Long ago this,our great chief,gave away in a potlatch the one that has the name/Bear Face,the copper for you,tribes./ Long ago this,our great chief,gave away in a potlatch the one that has the name/Cloudy,the copper for you, tribes./ Long ago this,our great chief,gave away in a potlatch the one that has the name(10)Thick-All-Around,the copper for you, tribes./ Long ago this,our great chief,gave away in a potlatch the one that has the name/Sea-Lion,the copper for you,tribes./ Long ago this,our great chief,became extravagant ,broke and made disappear/the one that has the great name Crane, the copper(15)for you,tribes./ Long ago this,our great chief,became extravagant,broke and made disappear/the one that has the great name Beaver- Face,the copper/for you, tribes./ These are the coppers given away by our chief,for you,(20) tribes./ | Ya w& hé wi./ 3, WA h& ya ha y# ha ha./ (25) Now I will tell the myth of the names of our chief, for you,/ tribes ./ This is my name, my own name, Emaxtyalidzé, the great maxt- lag*flis,/your chief, tribes./ This is my name ,my own name, Emax*mewis, the great max*me- wisagadms€,/your chief, tribes ./ This is my name, my own name, Glydtelas, the great Giydtela- semée,/your chief, tribes./ 10 15 20 25 190 Yiemenye LSgemaxgein q:aléxréyatmék- u Saqwag: iladzé Llagdraladzé 1 fat laqwaladzé 1 laqorasemBdzé g- igi mafySs 1éelqwdlarai. Geadz6yacem menmentaxtayu LELEgemas wiwompdzéyaxa qtii- 1éxcéya&m6k* Menlédéya Menlédentizdzé g-igdimatyos léelqwalacrali. Geadzéyaem menmentaxtayu Léregemas wiwompdzéyaxa q tte 16x_6yatméke Kwax*flandkiimS Kwakwax*&ladzé Kwax°= sé€staladzé g*igdmatyos 1Selqwklaval. Yuemya LéLegemdzéyasen g°iqag-iwafyen gagempdzéyaxa q fie 16xréyatmék* Matag’iladzés g-Ig&mafyds léelqwalarai. Ya w& h& wé. Wa, g°flemisé qittlbSda qiemdemé laas Q!G6mogwé xaxalolaqwa lagéxs Lafwéx tsdmaé 14x wawaselilasasa denxela. We, 1a yaqte- geacia, Wad, 1& Enékeaz Wa, wa, laems 6t/6d witaxfarelaxwa ©wae- latyalax qlemdemaxen qiemdem6x gats ha€maxzel 1lélqwdlatai. €né- €nake1x6 latmen qas6 qa®s Mamaléleqdl, €nemgés, Lawits!és, €nék-é, Wa, 1a Laxewal L2é Lalak‘ots!a ga&s yaqleg*atzéxa g*ayuré lax €ne&mémutasa Yaéx-agemafyasa Qlimoyatyé, Wa, 1a Enékas Qa, qétaxs héemas watdeeméné 1aq¥ qacns g*fg*flgowék- Lefwa fwd laséx lélqw&laraSyaxg:fns enéx*sd&mék* yfsens wisdmpfwita gens &Emé ne gextewex tlexsLla€yas gens qastawésefwa laxwa g*axa gens gwaéles léxwa g:dkwaxsa g*igdmatyax GtiyStelaséx. ©néenak*iz6 wa- gea Sk lSqelax Kwakiig’tizx qa€s denx€idadsasen q!emdema, €nék°é. Wa, héx-fidatmisé d&éq&léda n&gadads qiemdemasxa &nék°é, 1. W& h& h& ya, w& h& h& ya, héla ha h& w& ho wa. Ladzé€mal6x Staléstens g* igimatyéx L6laxewarxa. Cwlewels- ge&makwa lélqwalatai. fya wi hé ya xwa Smaxwalazéx g*igdmafyens lélqwalaral. ————— a SS 192 This is my name,my own name,the great claqwag-ila,/the great L!8qorala,the great Liat saqwala,the great L ¢2qotasemse, your chief ,/tribes./ And these are the feast names of my own great ancestors(5), whose own names were Menléd,the great Meniédenuz, your chief ,/tribes./ And these are the feast names of my own great ancestors,/whose own names were Kwax-flanokiim6©,the great Kwakwax:fla,/ the great Kwaxesé€stala, your chief,tribes./ (10) These are the names of my chief before me,my great grandfather/ whose own name is the great Matageila of your chief, tribes./ Ya wh h& wa. As soon as the song was at an end Q!émogwa shouted "ha ha ha!"/ while he was standing still during the time that they were singing. Then he spoke (15)and said: "Wa wa. Now you have heard again the/ great sound of this song,my song for every tribe./ I mean I promise a feast for you, Mamaléleqdla, &nemgis, Lawitsés," said he./ Then Lalak*ots!a arose and spoke. He belonged/to the numaym of the Yaéx-agemé& of the Qidmoyatyé, He said(20) ," Indeed, indeed, that is the speech to(make at)the first meeting of these great/tribes, for we are told by our ancestors that we/are to follow the road they made for us to be walked on. In this way/we come and are in this house of this chief GiyStelas, I mean this,go on/and Pe happy, Kwag°ud,and sing my song," said he.(25)Immediately, the song leaders began the song which said:/ 1.W& h& h& ya, wi h& hé ya, héla ha h& w& ho wa./ Now our chief will be again great when he invites all the/ tribes./ Eva wh hAé ya. The chief,Potlatch Dancer,our tribes./ 10 15 20 25 Eva Eva Eva fya eva 192 wh h& ya xwa LSlatawaéndxudzéx g*igdmafyens 1él- qwalatal. w& h& ya 1ax gw6 gwilag: flédzéyasens wiwompdzéyaxa qfiléxrafyadzé ralétalazdzés g*igdimatyds 1élqwa- latai. wi h& yd Légemdzéyasen wiwompdzéyaxa qiiléx.atya- dzé Plaselaztdzé Plépladzdyudzés g-Ig-egdmaty6s 161- qwalacal. wi ha yi .égemdzéyasen wiwOmpdzéyaxa qiiléx.acya- dz Lak-usa®yadzé Lalak-utséadzés g*Ig-egdmatyos 1é6lqwdlarali. | w& ha ya Légemdzéyasen wiwOmpdz6yaxa q!iléx.atya-~ azé Hastekudzé Hastekiumédzés g° igagdmatyos lélqwa- lacai. wi h& yd yudzéem réregemdzéyasen g*iqag*iwé gates 16lqwalaral,. wA ha hi, 2,WS h& h& yk, w& h& h& y8, héla ha h& w& hod wa. Ladzéma 14x qfayAlara nitisafyatens g° igdmédzésés niiia- g°iwédzéxa qgliléxratyadzé Nendleyodzé Nend16gemé- dzés g*Iig-egdmatyos lélqwalaral. Layuza laxes®endéyaxa Légemnuxudzéyuita Ademgili 1 saqwa- Eya Eva Eva ya gats lélawdlaral,. wa h& ya ladyuta 14x°s€endéyaxa Légemnuxudzéyura t séx- tsiem claqwaya gqa&s lélqwdlatai. wi h& ya layuta 1ax-s€endéyaxa Légemnuxdzéyuta Qie- dat&la tlaqwaya qa&s lélqwalaral. wi h& ya layuta lax-s€endéyaxa Légemnuxudzéyuta Oba- laa tlaqwaya gas lélqwdlarai. £ya fya Eva fya (15) €ya eya 193 wi h@ ya. The great one who always invites our chief,/ tribes,/ wi h&é ya. As it was always done by my great ancestors ,/ whose own name is the great talé_alaz, your chiefs, (5) tribes./ w& ha vik The great name of my ancestors, whose own name was/great Plaselat, the great Plépladzdy6s, your chiefs,/tribes./ wi hé yd. ‘he great name of my ancestors, whose own name was(10)Lak-us , the great Lalakeots!a, your chiefs,/tribes./ wi nh& ya. The great name of my ancestors, whose own name was/Haétak¥, the great Haétakiimé€, your chiefs,/ tribes./ wi h& ya. These are the great names of my chief who lived before me, for you,/tribes./ wf ha ha./ 2. WA h& h& yd, w& hé hé yd, héla ha h& w& h6 was/ Now How ya Eva I will tell the history, the myth of our great chief, of this great extravagant one(20)whose own great name was the eine Nendleyos, Nendlogemée ,/your chief, trives./ long ago he broke the copper which had the name Crane, the copper/for you, tribes./ wa h& yd. Long ago he broke the copper which had the name Sea Lion Flipper,(25)the copper for you,tribes./ wi h€ ya. Long ago he broke the copper which had the name Patched Ear,/the copper for you, tribes./ wi hf ya. Long ago he broke the copper which had the name Point of Rock,/the conper for you, tribes./ 13 10 15 20 25 194 Eya wa h& ya layuta lax-s€cndéyaxa 4égemnuxudzéyura Sewa tfaqwaya qa&s lélqwadlaral. €ya wi ha yd layuta lax*sendéyaxa Légemnuxudzéyura Qolo6ma claqwaya gqats lélqwalarai. €ya wh hé ya layuta lax-stendéyaxa Légemnuxdzéyuta Q!dqlis t!aqwaya qafs 1lélqwdlaral. Eya wi ha ya layuza lax-s€endéyaxa Légemnuxudzéyura Nus6é tlaqwaya gqa&s lélqwdlaral. €ya wh h& ya yudzéem lelaxs€emut clarlaqwayasen wi- wompdzéya qa€s lélqwalatai. Eya wh h& yd yudzéyafmen nittag*iwé qa&s lélqwdlarai. €ya wi ha ha. 3. WA h& h& ya, w& ha hé& ya, héla ha h& w& ho wa. Max- teiag-1lOx k- (és€Ox.ayéx Léregemaxsa fla g-igdma- €yins lélqwalacal. €ya wi h@ yd max-tstagemg’116x k- fés€ofwilas g-Ox¥dzé- yaxsens g*igdmatyens 1é6lqwdlaral. Eya wh haé ya Odzegemg:il6x gwilag: flidgzadzéyaxsens g-1- gimatyens 1lélqwalatai. €ya wi h& yi gwala witemaik-as hayOtelaca witnwiink: (a- larox g*igabewésens g*Igdmatyéx 1élqwa&latai. €ya wi h& ya EnemOxdzéyatmek- Amaxtilax qafs lélqwdlarali. - Eya wi h& ya. Wa, g°f1€misé qiilbé qiemdemas laas La&lak-ots!a dzdnoqwa. Wi, 18 yaqleg-atxa, WA, 1A Enék-as Qa., gita watdemasa qlem~. demxen qlemdem ga&s ham&%el lélqwdlarai. Wa, hé€misen lag*iza: k {6s bensasg*ein watdembidoftek* La. lélqwalatai. Laem hatmax gas Mamaléleqal, €nemgés, Lawits!és laqag’axs lak: lfendék: piel- x«lasgema, €nék*éxs laé kiwaig-fliza. 195 Eya wh hé ya. Long ago he broke the copper which had the name Sewa,/the copper for you, tribes./ €ya wi h& ya. Long ago he broke the copper which had the name/Beaver Face,the copper for you, tribes./ (5) ya wi h€ ya. Long ago he broke the copper which had the name/ Mountain on the Ground,the copper for you,tribes./ Eya wh h& ya. Long ago he broke the copper which had the name/Moon, the copper for you, tribes./ Eya wf hé ya. ‘These are the coppers which were brokeni(10)by my ancestors for you, tribes./ €ya wi hé ya. ‘This is my great extravagant one, who lived be- fore me, for you, tribes./ Eya. wi ha ha./ 3. W& h& h& ya, wa hé ha ya, héla ha h& w& ho wa./ Making Ashamed, this is the privilege name, the names of the true chiefs,(15)our tribes./ Eya wi h& ya. Causing to look ashamed,this is the great privi- lege,the great house of our/chief,our tribes,/ E€ya wi h& ya. Causing the face to look different,this is the manner of our/chief, our tribes./ (20) €ya w& h& ya. Do not try in vain to talk loud and to talk secretly,/you chief under our chief, tribes./ Eya wi hf ya.This is the only potlatch dancer for you, tribes./ fya wi ha ha. As soon as the song was ended Lalak-ots!a uttered the Dz6noqiwa cry.(25) Then he spoke and said; “Indeed,true are the words of the song,/my song for you,(various) tribes. Therefore/I am not ashamed of the little speech that I am going to(address to)you, tribes. In- deed this will be food/for you,Mamaléleqala,€nemgis ,rawits és, these hundred blankets."/ Thus he said and sat down. 13* 10 15 20 25 196 Wa, la@ cax€wallzxé LaxsOdelase&wéxa g*ayute laxa Ene &memutasa Wawulibstyasa Cwalas Kwagrurt. Wa, 18 yaqiegeat%a. Wa, 1l# Enék-ar Wagea denx€étsen qlemdemaxa ewalatyals qeemdemen gqag*ada 1élqwala- LSk* ,€nék°S. Wa, he€x-idatmisa nfgadé daq&lasa &nék-é: 1. Hawflktilatg:fns g*Igimég-fns 1élqwalacai. WA & & h& ho wa ya wa ho wa. Hawflkilatg:ins g-igdmég-fns lélqwadlarai. Wawistalax4dzég*ins g*-igdmég-fns lélqwalarai. Xwa gwatelamuztéx g*igdmésen nuyembalisa qats lélqwalacali. €ya wA ho wa. Lakilatg-ins g*igdmég* tins lélqwaélacai. Wa & & h& ho wa ya w& ho wa. Lakiilatg-ins g°-igamég-fns 1élqwalaral. Aladzéem&la 16x nuyembalis g*igdmétyens g-Igdmatyéx 1élqwa- lacai. NOgwaem céregemalasa g*flovaxalasxés Lécegemosai 1élqwala- Laimenéex¥, N6gwaems k lak: fes€@lasdsal 1élqwalaraimenéexu, Nogwaems clarfaqwalasOsai 1élqwdlaraimené€x4, Ag-ixdzéyatmen dasdalemnux¥ waztdemmené&xwas g* Lg: egammenéx- wasa 16lqwdlarai. Xoxs nék*améeestalaex eg: igdmatyin g-Igdmafyfn. NOgwadzéwésta Alaya g*igdmatyos lélqwalarai. €ya w& ho wa. Hawflktilaxg-fns g-igdémég-fns lélqwalarai. W& & & h& ho wa ya w& ho wa. Hawflkilazg-fins g-igémég-fns 1élqwalarai. G*axdzéemk: Stialisg’ins g:Igdmég- ins lélqwalavai. 197 Then arose Laxsddelaso& who belonged to the numaymn/ Wawilibaé- €yé of the &walas Kwag*ut, He spoke and saids/"Go on and sing my song,my great sounding song,for these tribes.!'/said he. Immediately the song leaders began with thése words:/ (5) df. (10) (20) (25) 3. A sreat cedar Banca is our chief, our tribes./ Wa & & h& ho wa ya w& ho wa./ A great cedar dancer is our chief, our tribes./ It cannot be spanned, our great chief, our tribes./ My chief here from long ago, from the beginning of the myth time, for you, tribes./ €ya wi ho wa. A big (tree) dancer is our chief, tribes,/ Wa& & & h& ho wa ya w& ho wa. A big tree dancer is our chief, our tribes./ It is said truly great is he from the beginning of the myth time, our chief, (15) tribes./ I am the one from whom you took the names, from whom you stole your names,/little tribes./ I am the one from whom you took the crests,little tribes./ I am the one from whom you took the coppers,little tribes./ Therefore I have it as a matter for laughing, the little words you say, little chiefs/of the tribes./ For you say ail around that I ama chief,I ama chief. I am thoroughly great, truly your chief, tribes./ €ya wh ho wit,/ A great cedar dancer is our chief, our tribes./ Wa & & h& ho wa ya w& ho wa, A great cedar dancer is our chief, our tribes./ He comes again,the great one,our chief,our tribes./ 10 15 20 25 198 Laemxaak*e @talista télatawatozr 1lélqwaélacai. Légemq salemrai Légemdzéyasen gagempdzéyaxa qfi1éx.Syadzé- yura Yagouadzéya Yagotalasemédzés g°lg*egamatya qafs lélqwailarai. Gagempq salemten gagempdzéyaxa giiléxiéyadzéyura Yagarfena- ladzé, Yaqarfenlidzés g° igeegdmatya qaf&s lélqwalatai. Gagempglalemeen gagempdzéyaxa qitiléx.éyadzéyuta Yaqawldzé Yaquk-walag-flidzés g-Iig-egdmatya qats lélqwdlarai. Gagempq !@lemten gagempdzéyaxa qiuléx.éyadzéyuta 1. lalidzé Lsalisk-asfodzés g-ip-egaémafya qats 1lélqwalarai. Yuemya LéLegemdzéyasen gagempdzéyaxa K°flemdzé K°ik*f- Yalayudzés g*ig-egdimatyas lélqwalatai. €ya wi ho wa, Wa, g°flEmisé qlilbé qicemdemas 1laé hasela daxfcla. Wa, g*fl- €misé gwax daztalaxs la€ t:dlapsaméxs laé yaqéeg-acta, Wa, 18 €né- keat Hé€men lag*ixa fem dasdaztas watdemasa begwanem, yixs 1aé g*f- 16Laxen LéLE gem gafs 16 temq!ala €néx- gagayatsen gagempé ke Je€saacaz gwefyaé, €nénak-ixé g-Ig*egimés Mamaléleq&l, fnemgis, Lawitstés, ha- Emita ga€s lake tendé pielxelasgema, €nék-éxs 1laé kiwag*aliza. Wa, 1& rax€wa1lixé Kwa gwaenoxa g°ayuré laxa ne &memutasa LéLe- gédisa Qiomk:luties. Wa, 1d yaqtegratzta. WA, 14 €nék-as NOgwacm Kwagwatnaé crézelaénox4 14t hamazel lélqwdlaratya. Wa gea ddqwata g°a- xen. A, maxt!dlag-anemads g*axen hamAyel lélqwilatai. Wagra, 1a-= geust&sen qeemdema €nék*é,. Wa, héx-fidatmésé daqhléda nfigadéxa &né- kea pefldzatyala qlemdems; 1. W8 A & & ay w& w& h& ho wa 4 a ho wa a @ 4 ha, ~ Emax*mewasax Odamuzahax nohogwa,. be) | ~ ~ W& & & & ay w& w& h&é ho wa a a ho waa a aha, Léx*Lelisax Gdamuxahax ndhogws. 199 Now you will be again invited, tribes./ The true name of my great prandfather, whose own name is/Ya- qoras,Yagoradlasemé®,the great chief,for you/tribes./ (5) It is truly my grandfather,whose own name was Vaga%enala,/ Yaqarfenlis, chief,for you tribdes./ It is truly my grandfather, whose own name was YAqawid/Yaqu- kiwalag-flis, chief for you, tribes./ It is truly my grandfather,whose own name was t!Alis,(10) L!alisk-asfo,chief for you, tribes./ These are the great names of my great grandfather,K*flem, K°fk-fXelayu,/chiefs of the tribes./ Eya wh ho wi./ As soon as the song was finished he langhed loud and(15)after he had laughed, he spoke angrily and saids/'Ihis is the reason why I laugh at the words of the man who stole/my names,and who brags, saying that he has for his grandfather my grandfather,but it is not/ (true)what he claims. I mean this, chiefs of the Mamaléleqala,€nem- gis,Lawits!és,/this will be food for you,these one hundred blankets," thus he said and sat down./ (20) Then arose Kwa gwano ,who belonged to the numaym of the té- Legéd/of the QtOmk:stitées, Then he spoke and said, "I am Kwagwaeno, I know/how to invite you,(various)tribes. Now look at me./ Oh, you may Imnow me, all you tribes. Now go on/ sing my song,'' said he. And immediately the song leaders began the words (25)of the song of the ancestors./ 1. Wa & & & a, w& wa h& ho wa & a ho wa a 4 & ha./ Give a potlatch to those who suddenly came to me./ Wa & & & ay w& w& ha ho wa 4 a hé wa @ 4 4 ha./ Invite those who come suddenly to me./ 10 15 20 25 200 Witelagea g*igdimédzé Léqayartsés Légemdzé ‘yusaxs qit- Léx.eya&max Haécek%, Haévekiimédzé. | Watelag-a g*igdém6dzé Léqayartsés Légemdzé yiisaxs q it~ 1éxteya&max Yayagalas, Yeque !Sqeladzé. Witelagea g*Lgaméedzé Léqayaitsés Légemdzé yusaxs qlie 1éxreyatmax Gwagiting-ilalis, Giinaxaladzé. Walelagea g: IgimSdzé Léqayattsés Légemdzé yusaxs qli~ léx.teyafmax Kwag*urdzéyag*fn Kwagwafnodzé. Watelagea g°igdmédzé réqayartsés Légemdzé yusaxs qill- 1éxcreyatmax &naxenag-em, €nax*nag’emgaimé&dz6. Ytemya Léregemdzéyasen wiwompdzéya gats 1éiqwalaral. fya w& héla ha w& ho wa. W& & & & ay wh w& h& ho wa 4 a ho wa & @ a ha, Lafmenya qéeyalattsg-a tsa saqwayasa g*igdmatyéx 14x 16e1- qwalaral. | Geaemg’a Sefwax’tadzé -laqwayasens g° igdima &yéx 1éelqwa&larai. G*aemg°’a Ademgulix*tadzé tlaqwayasens g°igdimatyéx léelqwa~ latal. Geaemg’a LObixilax-.adzé tlaqwayasens g*igdmatyéx 1éelqwa- laral. Geacmg‘a Dentialayux*tadzé tsaqwayasens g-Igdmafyéx 1éel~ qwalacal. Gesaemg*a QOlomax*.adzé t!aqwayasens g°igdmatyéx léelqwa- latai. Geagemgea Qidqsiisx-tadzé taqwayasens g*igimafyéx léelqwa- - latal. Geaemg*a yudux4semdzé Niséx*radzé . Jaqwayasens g° igdmatyéx 1éelqwdlatai. Ytiem t !au faqwayasens g:igdmatyéx, léclqwailacai. €ya w& héla ha w& ho wa. 201 Go on, great chief, call your great name,/your own name, Haétek¥, Haécekimé€ ./ Go on, great chief, call your great name,/your own name, Yayagalas, Yaqut téqela./ (5) Go on, great chief, call your great name ,/your own name, Gwagiting’ilalis, Gtindxalas./ Go on, codex chief, call your great name,/your own name , Kwigtut, Kwagwdno./ Go on, great-chief, call your great name,(10) your own name, Endx*nag*em, €nax*nag+emgaimé€ ./ These are the great names of my ancestors, for you, tribes./ Eya wh héla ha w& ho wa./ 2. WA & & & as wh w& h& ho wa'a a h6 wa a @ & ha, Now I will tell the tale of those coppers of this chief to ‘you, (15) tribes./ | This is named Sefwa, the great copper of our chief, tribes,/ This is named Crane, the great copper of our chief,/tribes./ Tiis is named the Great-House-Emptier, the copper of our chief (20) tribes./ This is named Means-of-Strife, the great copper of our chief,/ tribes./ This {s named Beaver-Face, the great copper of our chief,/ tribes ./ (25) This is named Mountain-on-the-Ground, the great copper of - our chief,/ tribes./ These are the three great ones, named Moon, the great copper of our chief,/ tribes./ These are the coppers of our chief, tribes./ (30) ya w& héla ha w& ho wa. 10 15 20 25 202 3, WA & & & a; wa wh h& ho wa & a ho waa a a ha, Max'tséag¢ila 14x max-tsiagemg-ila 14x Jat Jaqwayaxsens g* igdmatyéx léelqwalacal. Max-tsfag*ila 14x max: tseagemg*ila 14x Léve gemdzéyaxsens g° gama &yéx 1léelqwalarai. Yiemya v fac faqwadzéyasen wiwompdzéyaxa qiiléxréyadzé G*ae laxaak¥ G-Alaxaakwiflakudzé g-Igdmatyéx 1léelqwalatai. NOgwadzéyaem teewelgamésen Ompk-asfowaxa qiiléxréyadzé G-a- yusdéyadzé, G*ayusdéyadzésemé€dzé g°igdmatyéx 1léelqwa- latal. Eya wh héla ha w& ho wa. Wa, g°fl*misé qlilbé qlemdemas laé Kwagwatno xaxalolaqwa qa€&s dzénoqwé. Wa, lf yaqiegeatzta. Wa, 1l& Ené€k-as Le&mas wittelaxen qiemdem. Hé€men qlemdemxg*fin g*aladzyg-fin rétela 14. Mamaléleqal, Enemgés, Lawits.és. Maxtidlag-anemads eiaxens NOgwacm Kwagwaend, qia@telax véxela lar yuduxseemak¥ lélqwdlaté. Nogwaem max’ tsiagei- la g-igdmé® gqa&s hamazel lélqwalaré, Cnénak-ixé latmen qaso gats Mamaléleqal. lLa€men qaso ga®s &nemgés. La&men qaso qats Bawits lés yisgeada lak*!endé plelxelasgema. Wa, wa, ©nék-éxs 1aé kiwagealfla,. Wi, la rax€walizé Giyotelasxa kiwélaséxa g°igdmatyasa Mamalé- leqdla gas yaqieg*aeré, Wa, 1a nékea, Q&t g*igregamés® qai.és waz- demos laxwa creqwifladlax watdems axdnokwasens lax gwafyiflalasa. NOsaétensax* watdemaxwa enék-amdse lay&sens gaagemptwita qens &em nanagaxfenésefwa, Wa, hé€mesens lag-ixa k*le&s atilafya. €né- Enak*1i26 la€mens g*ag-ixsilaxwa atax g*Iigdmafya 1ax6x t tasotiwali- saxds g*igSlasetwaq.ds g*Igimé® ilaqotas. fwa, gélak-as®la Kwaki- geur, ora RaeaOn Ske (6qHgiléxxen XOElqiwéx, €n6k-éxs laé waxaxa ha- Eyarfasa Mamaléleqala Le &wa Enemgss Le Ewa Lawits !é6sé qa keax- fie dés8sa k!wéladzemé laxa Kwakiigeuré. Wa, g°f1&misé fwifla la k-ax°- 203 3. Wa & & & as wi wi h& ho wa 4&4 a hO wa a @ @ ha. This is causing shame, that causes us to look ashamed, the coppers of our/chief, tribes./ This is causing shame, causing us to look shamed, the psreat names of our(5)chief, tribes./ These are the great coppers of our ancestors, whose own names were G:dlaxaak¥,/G-alaxaakwiflak¥, the great chief, tribes./ I am the great one,the prince of my excellent father whose own name is G-iyusdéeyas ,/G-dyusdétyadzésemse, the great chief,(10) tribes,/ €ya wi héla ha w& ho wa, As soon as the song was at an end,Kwagwino cried,"Haha haha," uttering the/Dzénoq!wa cry. Then he spoke and said: ‘Now you have heard my/song. This is my song,this one when I first Caieeniaies Mamaléleqala,(15)€nemgis ,Lawits!és. You may know me. I am Kwa gwano ,/ who knows how to invite you three tribes. I am the/chief who makes ashamed all you tribes. I mean this. I promise a feast to you,/Mama- 1€leqala. Now I promise a feast to you, *nemgis. Now I promise a feast to you,Lawits!és/with these hundred blankets. Wa wa,'' said he and he sat down./ (20) Then Giyételas arose,the host,the chief of the Mamaléleqala/ and he foie and said, "Indeed, chiefs, true are you words,/ these different kinds of words which are the work of him who may do what we are now doing./Are these our words? We were told to do this by our grandfathers of olden times. Wie were just told/to follow it,and therefore it is no new saying, I mean(25)we are treating now as a chief this new chief tfasotiwalis/who is being made a chief by you, chief Lsaqovas. Now thank you,Kwag‘ut./Now come and be happy along- side of my feast dishes." Thus he said and told the/young men of the Mamaléleqala and the fnemgis and the Lawits!és to put down the/feast- ing dishes before the Kwag-ut. And as soon as the(1)dishes had been 10 15 20 25 204 dzatmolizxa 2%Gelqéwé laxa KwaktigeuX, laag €naxwa hamx- ida lagéxs Enemp!enéYatmaé hamgsiléda €walasé k!iwélasa qaxs hé€maé gelokwé kee lxwiisa Lake fends peelxelasgem qa&s kiwéladzema, Wa, la k-!és geldkwa hélaxagawa®yasa lak* fendé pielxelasgem ladxsa kiwéladzemé, wi, héem Layuwa ladxwadisa 1ak- tendé pielxelasgem kiwéladzemsa -g°- g’egimatyaxs Laplaasés kiwélatssedzacfyé teewis plédzatyé retwis qo- téndzafyé Leewis lépeedzatyé. Wa, g°fl€misé gwaz ha€mapa kiwéx6 laas Lax€wallxé Glyotelasé qafs yaqeegsafxé, Wa, 14 Enék-a gwégemaza 14xés gi sictetuanaes leqgdla. Qa, qataxs nég*fmemaox6x laxens wiwompewiZasa g°flg:ilora qa€s pwék: !dlas laxwa créqwifladlasa qen gwayiflalasa. €néenak* ixax- g-ins k* sefsék* azelaya qen waidema. La€mésen héleg* index tsg-ada haséke laxgrada g*Ig-egdméxg-fn célanema, €nék-exs 1aé gwd gemx- Et ldxa 6gwiwaelitasa kiwélayatse g:dkwa, WH, 18 €nék-a, Qa, gat mos ge Emak¥ Kwakiigeurs, ax€mewis6 waxdema gens gwek {alasa laxwa g°ade- xa gens gwaélas lixwa g°Okwéxwa véxsalayf&xens qwésbalisaxs g*ala6- x6x Enag’ilésens Snalax yfs bekwS1énokwasens g°aleme*flisaxg*ens ha- matalék* 1élqw&laratyas; €nénak-ixé, wakeas Gwétel, wikeas Q!lémoyf= Eyé, wakeas €walas Kwageuz, wakeas Q!lomk-litles. Latmd ak: laak-is keaxstalfixax., W&k°as, wakeas, wa, wa, €nék-exs laé k!iwag-alfiza,. Wai, la yaqéegeafxé Awaxelag:flisxa xama gema€yé g* igdmésa Ene= Emémutasa Madmtag*ila. Wad, la Enék- at Sx-€maas waxydemasa g° igdmatyé Giyotelas, Alasés waxdemos &° igdméxwa k* {6séx axilé waxydemaxwa La- ginsaxés kiw6lékwé, (Ma€zé warde €ménatyé LO& hélé¢-findéda kiwélasa- g6s hasatyé 1laxés kiwélékwéxa Ex-pia.) Wa, Lame nuexu &x- plase Ewa g-igdmé®, €nétnak:izxé nods g-OrgeekUlot, Eslaxens Ex*lax q&nsod k* {és- lax sebaslaxs watdemasa g*igimatyé, wa, Wa, ladzAlatmé Cwltla ho~ qiwelsa kiwéxdé 14xéq qaxs lefmaé kiwdg-ila dzaqwa. 205 put down before the Kwag-u%,then all began to eat,as there is/only one course given as food at a great feast,for this is counted/ buying with one hundred blankets the giving of a feast; and it is not/counted less than one hundred blankets,this giving of a feast, (S)and these hundred blankets are exchanged for the feast given by the chief, when they discuss about the number of feasts given and of blankets given and of/marriage-payments and the number of giving away of spread-out blankets./ As soon as the guests had finished eating Gttydtelas avose/ and spoke. He said,turning his face to his tribe,the Mamaléleqdla,/ (10) "Indeed, it is true what was said by our ancestors who first spoke/in the way we speak in the various ways we are now doing. I mean/there is nothing new in what we are saying. Now I give a sece ond course with this/breath(speech)here to these chiefs whom I in-~ vited." Thus he said and turned his face/to the rear of the feast- ing-house, Then he said: "Indeed, it is true,(15)you four Kwaig- ut tribes, Are these new words which we, are saying in this way/ when we come as we are here in this house? This advice was given to us in the far away time when first/daylight came into our world,sent by the one who made our ancestors, our/tribes, ‘This is what I mean. Go ahead,Gwétela, go ahead,Q!émoyAfyé,/go ahead,€walas Kwa- geuz, go ahead Qlomk: latices. Now it is well placed/in front of you. Go ahead. Wa wa,'' said he and sat down./ (20)Then spoke A€waxelag*flis,head chief of the numayn/of the Maadmtag*ila. He said: “Good are your words ,chief/Giydztelas. True it is what you say,chief. For these are not new words, this/ pressing down(the food of)the guests,(which has two names,also the second course is the feastegiving with the(25)breath to the guests, the sweet taste). Now we are treated with sweet things,/chief. I mean this,my tribes; it would not be good if we did not/reply with a speech of a chief. Wa.!’ Finally all the/guests went out after this for now it was late in the evening./ 10 15 20 25 206 (Qas6 qlamax*ts!léxa €naxwaem Alak: lala g-igregaimésa mos ge &makwé Kwakig*uta moOkwé géqas&, yix lag-itas hé gwéx-©idé qaxs xama gema— Eyaé g*igdmatyé Giyotelasasa *naxwa Mamaléleqdla., Wa&, qd begwanem- qialeméda lesisaaes Mamaléleq&la,lalaxé mOdk¥ bébe gwanemq!alemé qa- sfisa mos ge "makwé Kwaktigeuza gaxs Snaxwa&maé qidmdadxa bébe gwanem-= qidlemé. Wa, hé&mis lag-izasa g* igdmatyé GiiyOtelas hé g-fl qasoxs qedlafmaax tsasotiwalisax Swalaséz g-Igdmét qaés Ompe _liqotasaxs flak: lalaé g*igdimésés ne&mémuta Yaéx-agematyasa Qidmoyaeyé., Wa, latmés l&selasés €naxwa gwayifldlatsa ©waewildo. :ax labendalaénatya- sa g*igdmafyaa g°ag-f.elaxs g°alaé mafyoremsés g:iqiédzatyé abempa lag*aa laqéxs laé gwety&sa bakstmé Ewle16x€alisa. €néenak-izé gas q:aladsaq. Wa, gratméségra g-fl&maé g*igdmatya yawix:flisa Gwétela laé neqdgwilé ydwix'flé g-Igdmatyasa QidmoyAfyé. Wi, h&éemxadwisé gwéx*fidéda €walas Kwagrut teewa Qlomksltitiesé. Wa, g*tlemisé be- gwanemq!aleemé ydwix'flasa Gwétela 14 €naxwaem beg@wanemqdalemée ya- wix'fldsa QiomoyAfyé vefwa Cwalas Kwageur reewa Qlomkattesé. wa, g°afmés Loma Ogiiqdta gwégilatsa bakiiimé yixs g-fl&maé babagiixa tsiedaqa qas& Loxs dzoxwaéxa g°ayoxés laxa Gwétela laxaé neqodgwilae sds babagixa tsiedaqsa Qtomoya&yé tetwa Ewalas Kwag*ut Lefwa Q6m= ke iiitiesé, Wa, naxwa hé gwég-iléda €naxwa léelqwilaratya. A€men Enéx* gen tax*dzaqwe gwagwex-staéd 1aq gaxg*in héwaxatméek: gwagwex:— s€ala laq. W&, la€mésen Edzaqwaxtsen hénoma k- fatase wa.) Wi, 18 mopéenxwafsé €naldsa Kwakiigeuré Leewa Mamaléleqala Le- fwa Enemgésé tefwa Lawits sésé gwagwaflaxés kiwéksiilasé, Wa, g°fl- fmisé wi€la gwaza laasé .éaqgotas Léflalaxa qiaqiasto be gwanemsa Mamaléleqala fnemOkwé Lefwa qiaqtasto begwamemsa Enemgésé Lretwa qia- qeastio begwanemsa Lawits!6sé qa 1l#s telqumasa Yadegwafyasa Enaxwa 207 (If you take notice,all the real chiefs of the four/Kwag*ut tribes promise four feasts. This is the reason why they did so,/ that Giiyételas was the head chief of all the Mamaléleqala. If he were a common man,/the Mamaléleqala host,then four common men of the(5)four Kwag-uk tribes would promise feasts,for all the common men own songs./ Therefore chief Giydzxelas was the first to promise a feast/because he knew that tfasotiwalis was to be a preat chief on account of his father ttaqovas,for he was a real chief of the numaym Yaéx-agemS€ of the Qidmoyf€yé. Now/he passed all the rules of one who tries to come to the end of becoming a(10)chtief,begin- ning from the time when he was first born by his mother, who be= longs to a chief's family,/until he comes to what is referred to by the Indians as “having obtained everything", This is what I mean that/you may remember this. And this alsos As soon as a chief of the Gwétela gives a winter ceremonial,/then a chief of the Q!6- moyafyé rivals him in giving a winter ceremonial ,and this is also/ done by the €walas Kwag-ut and the Q/omk:futées, And as soon as (15)a common man of the Gwétela gives a winter ceremonial,then only common men/of the Q!émoy&fyé and the €walas Kwag-ur and the Qtémk tities give each a winter ceremonial, And/this is a very different rule of the Indians: If a/woman who has a man's seat promises a feast or a potlatch,one who belongs to the Gwétela, then also/a woman who has a man's seat among the Q!omoy&fyé does the same,and also of the €walas Kwag-uy and the Q!lomk: !iit!es. (20) They all do this,all the tribes. I only wish/to speak atout this because I never talked about/it. Now I will speak again about what I am really writing about)/ After four days, the Kwig-uk and the Mamaléleqdla and the/ Enemgis and the Zawits:é6s finished-their feasts. As soon as (25) they had all finished,ttaqotas called the tally keeper of the/ Mamaléleqala and the tally keeper of the €nemgis and the/ tally keeper of the Lawits!és to put together the loaned out blankets 10 15 20 25 30 208 bébe gwanemsés geigeokulété6, Wa, g°*flemisé la kéitis€aliz lax g:Skwas L saqoLasé g°axaas Leax*tsalidzemga, yix genemas L saqorasé aalaxa LlavrilaxemS peLtsleewatsa xdkwé kiwaxctawaxa kiwax.awasa xyade gwatyasa Enaxwa bébegwanema. Wi, la&mé teax*tialidzemga kiwagilizaq gats Sxewitts!Aléxa kiwax.tawe qa€s dazéqéxs laéda qlaqlastowé be gwanem LéxeEdex Légemasa kwékwé. Wa, la cfax*t_lalfdzemga Léx€édex waxaasas yadegwatyfs. WH, la Leax*tealidzemga hés€idxa sek*latsiagé laxa kiwaxLawé ga&s tsletwSs laxa qlaqiastowé begwanem. Wa, 18 rexuewae lizyas. We, g*fl&misé Cwi€la la texwiia kéwaxLawé ZYadegwayuisa Ma- maléSleqala laé g*fnwédea qlaqiasto begwanemsa sek-latslaqé kiwax.a- wa laxa sek: !atsiaqé kiwax.ta& xadegwayA. WH, laem neqaxsa pfelxee= lasgemé yaqewémiisa sek :Atsiaqas kiwax.awds yadegwayuwe high 1axéq. Enaxfnemokwa g-igdémé® tadekwasa neqasa peclxelasgema. Wa, 18 mat&ze tsogixsa pielxelasgemé yaqiwémas, nemax-fs LO© gwanaxfida teewis pageafya Xadegwayuwé pielxclasgema, Wa, g°ax€m6da pselxelasgemé qienépoxtwidéda rade gwayu teewa yaq /wéma peelxelasgem qats 14 qa-# tlalflem lagéxs laé 1éx-fena, Wa, héem Légades LeElqumakwa Yade gwa- yu pielxelasgem Leewa héndma yaq!wéma peelxelasgema. Wa, la héx-e sdem gwég* ila labendalax ‘waxaasas bébe gwanemasa €naxwa 1léelqwalae tafya, Wa, Sx emisé gwarxa la gata ganura. Wa, g°fl€misé €nax-€idxa gaadlixs 1laé tiaqotas fyalaqasa qié- Emfla hafyaxfasa QlomoyffyS ga 16s qdsaxa Gwétela Leewa €walas Kwa- geuxr Lefwa Qlémk: latiess qa g°axés wiflaéc.ela 1ax g*dkwas ho&maira~ qéxs yaqumaasa peelxelasgemé 1a4xés Léteflakwa lélqwailaratyé, Wa, 1a wlfla hOquwelsa hafyaxfa 1ax faEwee Lsagoras gafs 16 Laxstol- sax teex:flds g*Okwasa Gwétela, Wa, 1a Snék°a EnemOkwé 1aq, G°ax- &menu&x4¥ qasorai Gwételai qa&s lads ho®m&taxwa yaqumax6x 1 sasotiwa- lisexai laxos Léxeflakwa lélqwdlaratyéx, nSk°é, Wa, 1& fnemadza- qwéda wadkwé hafyazrfa enékea, Halag’flitasai, nék°é ytxs ics !Ss€mad gaaxstaléda Endxwa bébe gwanema. Wa, 18 h#€staem gwék- fala laxa 209 of all the(1)men of their tribes. After they had sat down in the house of/.faqotas,ttax*tialldzemga came,the wife of t $aqotas,car rying a/small basket in which were split cedar sticks,the cedar sticks which were given as a sign of their advance payments by/all the man. Then Liax*t talidzemga sat down among them and(5)she took out the cedar sticks and she held them while the tally keeper/called out the name of the Eagle. Then tsax*tialidzemga named the amount of the/advance payment,and then t tax-t falidzemga counted five/cedar sticks and she gave them to the tally keeper,and he put them down./ And when all the cedar sticks(representing)the advance payments(10) of the Mamaléleqdla had been put down,then the tally keeper added five cedar sticks/to the five cedar sticks of the advance payment. Now there were ten pairs of blankets/to be given for the five cedar sticks of the advance payment after this./Sometimes a chief advances ten pairs of blankets and then/twenty pairs of blankets are to be given in the same way(15)added on to the blankets given in advance. Now the blankets/were gathered together,those that were advanced and those that were to be given./They were pnut down and rolled vp. this is called "pressing together the advanced/blankets and the blankets really given away.!! They kept on/doing this until they came to the end of the total number of men of all the tribes,(20)and they only finished late at night./ As soon as day came in the marning,t saqo.as sent many/ young men of the Qlémoy4€yé to go to call the Gwétela and walas Kzag-ut/ and Q!émk: latices to come into his house to watch when the/blankets were given out to the invited tribes.(25) Then all the. young men went out of the house of Lséaqotas and they stood in the/doors of the houses of the Gwétela,and one of them said,/"We come to call you, Gwétela,to watch the giving out to the names/by t!lasotiwalis/to the invited tribes.!' Thus he said. Then said toge ther the/other young aeartvou are to go quickly," they said,(30)for all the men had not yet eaten breakfast. Now they said this in/all the houses of the 14 10 15 20 . 29 50 210 Enaxwa g*ig'okwasa fwalas Kwag-ur Le&wa Qlémk: litlesé. Wi,g°flemisé ‘EwlElxtolsaxa Snaxwa g°*ig*Okwa g*saxaé addaaqwa qga&s 16 hdgwita has €yar€a lax g*Skwas Leagoras. Wa, 1a &xk: lAlasef&wa ha€yarfa ga 163g laxa 4.!8 sdpsédex motstaga Sx-fen wiswitfen qéwaxasa qa yaéyudux¥- plenk*és &€wisgemasas laxens batax. Wa, héx-€idatmisa héyarfa la dag-flqelaxa sdbayu. Wa, k* !és-~ tié gizaxs grdxaé wiwik-elaxa motsiagé qiwéqiwaxas. Wa, 1a wix-€a- lidas laxa max’st@lizasa tiex'fla qa&s dzodzdxUbendéx cexUbaftyas. Wa, l& &x€6dxa €nemtsiagé 1laxa Lfebemé qiwexasa qaxs hé&maé cégems 3 qafs 16 tag*flizas laxa Sewi€walfzasa g*Okw6 ga€s déx€walizés. WA, laem gadedzays OxtAéfyas lax &&wabafyasa sdldsa g°Okwe.. Wa, g°flemisé gwita las Ax€édxa Cnemtstags LlebemS qéwaxasa qa€s 16 Lag:flizas la- xa Enempéenk’é laxens baLégé A€wAlagftaasas., Wa, 1d &wiSla déxwa- 1ixtsa mOtstaqgé Léebemé qiwéqiwaxasa, Wa, g°fl€misé gwax g-axaas Cwlfla hogwitéda Gwétela Lecwa €walas Kwaruz Leewa Qlomk: litlesé. Wa, e-flemisé geax Cwitlaéta laG héx-fidaem gaaxstala, WA, g°f1&mi- sé gwat naSm&pa laas Lé€lalascfwa yiidukwé gléqlaqlasto bébepwanemsa yadux4se makwé lélqwalaratya. Wa, g*aem taxwaza gweg*ilatsé p-ada- xa qlaqtastowS bepwanema, yf£xs laé peadyaxsdendxa Légemasa Enemox¥tem la mak !exsdésa giinxatyS SneemSmota qa 1é g°frts!& 1axa 1 febemé qiwa- xasa. Wi, 14 LéxeGdex Légemas fnilatyas qa 18 k* ségégratsa plele xclasgemé laxa g°{ltsi&x-d6 hé gweenaktila k+ 6re16da yaéqiwema psel- xelasgem lag-aa 14x Laxiimatyasa Enefméma, WA, s*Llemisé fwilxtowa make fexsd6 €ne&memaxs 1laé kate tytntsa kiwax.aewé lax dkifyatyasa peelxelasgené. Wa, 16da qlaqlastowé be gwanem LExeédex Léfemas bee gwanemé make !exsd6sa nalérela netméma. Wa, 1A ke !fqefyfndayuwa pselxelasgem yaqewomas 1axa kiwaxcaenS la k*até&ySx yaqiwémasa ma- ke sexsdélas neEméma, Wa, héem régadéda kfwax.aews la k* ake tawexa peelxelasgem6 yaéqéwémasa nareneembmasas LO€ afwelgaewe kéwaxrasa yaéqiwémasa Srfaxeneemémas 1ax EnemtslaqustAlaéda peelxe laszemé le tixts!axa tlebemé qiwaxasa neqoatyésa Mamaléleqlla. WH, 1& Encntstia- 211 Ewalas:Kwag*ux and the Q!omk: fit!es,and as soon as/they had gone to all the houses they went back and all the young men went/into the house of Lsaqovas. Then the young men were told to go/inland to chop down four straight young hemlock trees,three fathoms(5)in length./ Immediately the young men went and took along an axe, They had not/been away long before they came carrying the four hemlock poles. They put them down/near the door and they sharpened the butt ends./ Then they took one of the holding hemlock poles,for this is their name,(10)and put it up in the rear of the house and rammed it into the ground./ Then they placed the top under the roof of the house, and as soon as/this was done,they took another holding hemlock pole and put it up/one fathom away from the first one and they drove in- to the ground the/four hemlock poles. When this was done(15)the Gwé- tela came in and the twalas Kwag*ux and the Q!omk: lit!es./ As soon as they were all inside,they had breakfast at once and after/ they had eaten,the three tally keepers/of the three tribes were called, Now this is difficult work for the/tally keeper,for he must begin with the last one of the names of the numaym,(20)the last one at the edge of the numaym,for that goes first between the holding hemlock poles./ [hen he calls the name of the next one above,so that the blanket is put on top/of the one that was put in first. They go on doing this,going up with the blankets to be given away/until they come to the one who stands at the head of a numaym,. As soon as all the names are gone to the/last one in the numaym,they put a cedar stick on top of the(25)blankets. Then the tally keeper calls out the name of the/last man of the next higher numaym, and the/blan- kets to be given away are put on top of tne cedar stick,which is on top of the(blankets) given away to the/last numaym. ‘The name of this cedar stick is "lying between the/blankets to be given away to the numayms"® or "separating cedar stick of the(30) gifts for the numayms'. Toe blankets go up one tier/piled uv ei as of the holding hemlock poles to be given away to the Mamaléleqala. ‘hen another pile of/ 14* 10 15 20 25 212 qust&léda pielxelasgemé la crixts!axa fnemtstagé clebeme q!waxasa neqafyésa Eneme*Ss. Wa, ldxaé héem gwaxé neqatyasa Lawitsiésé, Wa, g°fl€mis® ewi€lxtowa naxwa bébegwanemsa lélqwalaratyé la Liixte la laxa Llebemé qiwaxasa laé Légades Ltebegwélk4 pielxelasgema 1axéq. Wa, lacmé enaxwaem la &k- lenxatyé yadq !wamitsa g°igealaxdsa €naxene} Emémaséxa peelxelasgem6 laxa la ttebegw6lk¥ pielxelasgema. WA, g*fl- Emisé gwata laas L sAqoLas Laxewalita qa°s yaqleg*afzé, Wa, la ené— keas La&md 14dzémo gwara waitdemta qiesa g* igimatyax .fasotiwalisax. Wa, wag*itla mosge&mak¥ Kwaktigs ux ta lek: azavcax gaalata qen yaxewida- g°ixtsa pielxelasgemox laxa lélqwalara®yax qa lalag-ittso n&&nax*tax dzaqwatax Xensta, &nék*6, Wa, la&mésens qlemdizxarxwa ganuréx yfsen lax*€idetma qlemdilema azttsema qlemdema, €nék-S, Wa, laem enaxwa | mo€léda g-igregdmafyas watdemas. WA, la&mé yawas€it hoquwels 1axa g°okwée, Wa, g°fl&misé pledex-fida laasa qlénemé ha&yaxfasa qidmayaeys hoquwS1s 1ax g*Okwas L sagorasé qa&s 1€ qasaxa yiduxUse&makwe Kwa- kigeud ga 16s h6cé6lax waydemiflalaras tldsotiwalisé. Laem k- !és qiemdiléla qaxs &€maé €nék-a EnemOkw6é laxa g&sele-fsé hafyaxrfas G°ax€menufx¥ qasai Gwételai qa&s lads hoOréiax watdemi®lalacas fae sotiwalisé, nék°é, Wa, 1a Snemadzaqwa Snékem ‘hatyarea, Halag-f~ litasai, W&, 1&@ hS€staem gwék- lala laxa Enaxwa grigeokwa. Wi,hdem lag*izasa qaselg*fsé hatyazfa k- és negeltawéxés g*flx°tidd war- demxs g*A&la6 qasaxa Kwakiig*utaxs g*alaé qiemdé%asa axtsemé qlem= demxs ke {6s&maé la vréztelaxa lélqwalatafya gqaxs lef&maé L sagorasé gwagwex*s®alat qaéda mOsgefmakwé Kwakiig-utaxs letmaé k*oqwaixa tan qva qo lar yax€witsa pielxelasgemé 1axa 1élqwilacatyé. (WS, &&men €néx°qa qiatés lag-izas k*lés alemdilaléda ha€yazfaxs laé qdsa.) Wa, e-t1emiss g°ax Swlfla6teda Kwakiig*uxé laas 1 Aqo_asé axe EwH1ix qa&s yaqiegealxé, Wa, 16 En6kras Qt, qétas Kwakig-ut, qa- Laxs héemaéx gwéke (alasé lax watdetménafyaxsens wiwomp€witaxens g°ae= x6x gwaélas laxwa g*Okwaxsa g*igdmafyaé ttasotinalisa, Wi, wégra 213 blankets is piled up inside the other(pair of)holding poles/for the Enemgis ,and then they do the same for the Lawits!6s./And as soon as (the st of)all the men of the tribes have been given and they have been put between/the holding hemlock poles,then this is called after this "blankets piled up between the holding poles in the house.!'t (5)Now everything that is to be given away first to the first numayn/ is on top of the blankets piled up between the holding poles inthe house. And when/ they had finished,t taqoras stood up and spoke. He said:/"Now this great work is done, his word that he will be a chief, this t!asotiwalis./ Now go on, you four Kwag-ut tribes, stay awake early that I may give away the(10)blankets to the tribes that they may go Pomsbsohavbon evening,'' said he. "Now we will learn the song to- night, the/new song that we have been learning,” said he, Then all the/chiefs thanked him for what he had said and for a short time they all went out of the/house./ (15)When it became dark many young men of the Q!dmoy&tys/went to the house of Llaqovas together to call the three/Kwageuz tribes -to bisten to what cfasotiwalis would say. Now they did not/learn the song,for only one of the young men inviters spoke,/"We come to call you,Gwétela,to listen to what c!asotiwalis will say,''(20)said he. Then the other young men said together,"You are to go quickly."/ Then they said the same in all the houses, And this/is the reason why the young men’ inviters did not say the same words they first said/when they went to call the Kwage ur tribes,when they first came to learn the new song/when they had not yet invited the tribes,that now L $aqgotas(25)was going to talk about it to the four Kmaig? ax tribes, that he was going to break a copper/when they were going to give away the blankets to the tribes. (I only/wish it to be known,why the young men did not call to learn the song,when they went to invite.)/ As soon as all the Kwag-ut had come in téaqoras stood up/and spoke. He said,"Indeed, it is true,Kwag°ur.(30) This is truly the way of speaking of our ancestors as we come/to stay in this house 10 15 20 25 214 denx€itsa aZtsema qiemtilafya qa horélésg-ada g-Igdmég-aqé yixg-a clasotiwalisek*, &nék-é. Wa, héx-€idatmisé Omx-fidéxa nfgadé g*ayut laxa ne &mémutasa Haanatenfsa otomoyaeys daqflasés axtsemé qlemtilatya., Wa, la&mé fnaxwa denxfidéda Q!lémoyffyé yfsen 1ax-fideema ke latlédatyé axtsem qiemdema, Wa, g-f1€misé nexsfeg*ilalfz denxelaxs g°axaé 1 lasotiwa- lisé g°axeixts!al{z laxa Sts!aAlizé dalax Dent!aldyuxa cldqwa gats 16 Laraxiighliz retwis Smpé tsaqdtasé. Wa, 18 yixewidex*datxwa. Wa, ke féstia gég*fliz yixwaxs laé Llasotiwalisé 6paxyax benbatyé Gnu» telexsdésa tlaqwa qa benxt&xiséxs yftxwax-sh€maé. Wa, eg: T1emisé qitilbéda qlemdemS laas yaq!legeatzéd Léaqovasé. Wa, 1&8 Enékeas Adzé- keasd. g*igdmé© tlasotiwalis Alatmasét &nék-aa, Aladzé&masé. €néx- qafs yagiindlisadsaxwa Légadé 1 taqwaa 1axdx Dent!aldyudzéx. Wa, wa- g°ftla, qétaxs nitag-itwalaagds laxa héx-dé gwég-ilaxwa Lé_egadéx u fae faqwa. Laem fem ca&wizé .ldgotiwalisé paqidbalitxa tidqwa. Wa, 1a t laqorasé dax*€idxa tlaqwa lax Dent!alayu qa€s xaéxalolaqwé. Wa,la yaqiegeafx8, Wa, la €nékeas WSgea yarlatex g°igeegimés 16lqwala- tafya; k°léstes hayOtelator, dias yaxewitsosg-ada k°Oqwarg°ada g°i- gamék-, yixgea i !asotiwalisg:axg*ada Légaddz6é Dentfalayuk¥, €né- Enak*ixé g-Iigeegadmés Kwaktg-ur. Wa, gélaga g-igdmée A€waxelag*flis (xa xamagdimatyé g*igémésa €ne*mémmtasa Madmtag: ila L6Elalaso€&s), Wa, ld €nék-as Wa gélag*a g*igdméé Neqaplenk-em (xa ximagimatyé g:igd- mésa €ne€mSmutasa Kikwak!iimasa Gwitela); so&maas fla k*Ik-6q!wénox¥- xe LéLegadé Liatiaqwa. Wa, gélagea g*Igdm6® Neg-ddz6 (xa xamag&ma— Eyé g*igdmésa ©ne&mémutasa G-ig>flgdmasa walas Kwag-uzé), s6emaas fla ke Ik-Sq!wenox¥xa LéLegadé .latfaqwa. Wa, gélagea g°igdme® Wa- keadzé (xa xamagamatyé g*Lgamésa Ene €mémutasa Wawulibafyésa fwalas Kwageur), so€maas fla k-Ik+d6q!wénoxUxa LéLegadé tldtiaqwa. Wa, gé- 215 of chief ufasotiwalis. Now go on(1)and sing the new song which-is made,and that they listen to this chief/.ldsotiwalis," he said./ Immediately Omx-€fid the song leader who’ belonged to the nume ayn/ Haanar Eno of the Qlomoy&fyé took up the new song made by him and then(S)all the Qidmoy&fyé sang the new song which I have written down.?/ana when they were half through singing c!asotiwalis/came out of the bedroom carrying the copper Dentlalatyu and/he went and stood with his father .jaqo.ss. Then they danced and/they had not been dancing long before 1 iasotiwalis held with his fingers the lower corner of the(10) copper so that its head was downward while he was Bessie ar after the/song was finished LéaqoLas spoke and saids *ah,you are great,/chief Lfasotiwalis. Do you really wish it? Is it really your great wish/to let it lie dead by the side of the fire, this copper that has a name, this Dent!alafyu? Now/go on with it. In- deed,for you are descended from those who are extravagant,from those who did eat intisiccneerk that had names,""/ Now tsasotiwalis was just standing in the house holding the copper over his chest. Ther/ t !aqoras took the copper Dentlalatyu and cried out,"ha ha", Then/he spoke and said: "Indeed take care, chiefs of the tribes./ Do not talk against me,else you will be giv- en a piece of what will be broken by this chief,(20)tfasotiwalis, this one which has the name Dent lalatyu./ That is what I mean,chiefs of the Kwag-uX. Now come here,chief A€waxalag-flis.''/(The head chief of the numaym Maadmtag-ila "as called by him.)/ Then he said,"'Now come . chief Neqapienk*em,(the head chief of the/numaym Kikwak!im of the Gwétela). You are the true breakers of(25)coppers that have names. Now come,chief Neg*a&dz6,(the head/chief of the numaym G-ig-flgam of the €walas Ewac-ut). You are the/real breakers of coppers that have names. Now come,chief/Wak*as,(the head chief of the numaym Wawjli- batye of the Ewilas Kwag-uz) ./ You are the real breakers of coppers Las See p.- 168 © 10 15 20 25 216 lagea laxg*as k* {Otelag-sds gigregame®, Laems xtiltat6z wadyad g°I- ge game & laxa Dent!@layux¥dek*, €nék-é, Wa, héx-fidaemisa mOkwé g- igre gimée qiwag?f1fz qa€s 18 qiwa- ge flix 1x Laewélasas Llasotiwalisé. Wa, 18 yaqiegatzxé Awaxelagf- lisé, wi, 1&8 &nék-as Qa, qatés watdemos g*igdmé© Lsaqouas, yutaxs semsaagos yisgrada g*igdémék-, ytxGras g°-Iqg6laségwos laxg-a clasoti- walisek*. W&, laems héztaxamasa g° igame® L saqotasxwa ke !6s6x qiina- lea hStaxamatsewa xtindkwaxs laélorfasefwaé gqa€s fwafwildr {6x ke lata- €yas &xinuxvewiitasdxens lalabaaseewéx, fnéenak-izxé g-IgdmSe 1 saso- tiwalidzé, le€mas nendldx g*fgdmée.a. Latmas fla enéx- gas k*d- qwadsaxg-ada Légadek* laxg-a Dentialdyudzé, €nék-s. Wa, 18 naenaxmacyé .tasotiwalisaq. Wa, 1& €nék-as Laf&men wayadagame lkwa. Wég°a &emx g ig-e gimée® xUlt!édeq gen. weg: ik kd qwazgox Yensta, endk*S. Wa, la Neqaplenkeem yaqleg*atta, Wa, 18 Enék-as flavas wate demasa g*igématyéx. Wa, 1a aax*€idex Dentlaldyuxa tlaqwa. Wa; 12 déqiméxa claqwa. Wa&,l# €nékea, NOstawisé n&qatyaxen gwex: Eidaas= Lad. gast Dentlalayudzé qaxgeanuext fméra k* $ak- {8s€oxUsilaxg: anu- ExW k+ (6sfOxUgeada xUltak: k-f6s&& rOgiin yiidukiike €néenemikwa. Wa, hdladzétalag‘a qast Dentlalayudzé, nék-dxs lad paxealizas. wa, 1a klitséestaléda mokwé g*Iig-egiméexa tiaqwa. Wa, la L sdqovasé dalaxa ke fawayu qats 16 Laxewallz lax Llasalizas. Wa, 18 yaqieg*ara, Wa, l& Enékeas Wégea &&mast horélatex g-igregame® Awaxelag-flis, Neqa- plenk*em, Neg*idzé, wi, sdOmSs Wak-adzé, qa lalag-isg-ada nivyie oe sake nanuzx:& ke fawayu xiildayuxa k-OqwasdLé Ufa faqwasen wiwomp wie ta, nék*éxs 1sé ts!fs 18x Neqaplenk-em. Wa, hé€mis la xiltelax | &€wigeatyas Dentlaldyaxa xtiltatyé qa ne get€enésdits qd k-Sqwataq. Wi la&md Leaqo.as kéwagdlizzxa mokwé ge ig-egadmatya qats Léxs€aléxés gwe eyo qa k*Oqoyox 1axa tlaqwa, Wa, la ke leas gwSx- idaasé u faqoe Lasé né%ax €nemdkwa begwanem laxa Kwakigeutasés yax€witso.asa k*O= gikwé Lidqwa, Wa, l&xaé k*le&s Enemok¥ begwanem n&la witaq, wax-= Smads SnaxenemEewydté k+!és qidlaq. 217 that have names. Come(1)to this,your salmon,chiefs. Now you will mark it, unmerciful chiefs, thie Dentfalacyu," said he. Immediately the four chiefs arose and stood/at the place where t!asotiwalis was standing. Then A€waxalag*flis spoke(5)and said; "In- deed,true is your word,chief .faqotas. You are the/mouthpiece of this chief here whom you are making a chief,this t!dasotiwalis./Now you have done well,chief t{aqo.as. For not always/is the child successful when the attempt is made to get for him everything that is marked out in the/rules when we are trying to go to the end, I mean this, chief t!asotiwalis.(10)Will you now become an extravagant chief? Do you really wish to/break this great Dentlalatyu that has a name?' said he./ Then it !asgotiwalis answered and said: "Now/I have been made unmerciful. Go on,chtef,mark it that I may/break it to-morrow, "! said he./ (15) Then Neqaplenk*em spoke and said: !'True is your word/ chief.!' Then he took DentlalaSyu the copper,and/he looked at the face of the copper and said: "Is 1t my wish what I am going to do/ to you,friend Dent!lala&yu? For we are just using our privileges/ this privilege of marking, I and my three friends. (20)Good bye, great friend Dentalafyu," said he. Then he put it down and the/four chiefs sat down around the copper. then Lsaqotas took his/knife and stoo” outside of them. He spole/and said: "Now listen,chief A€waxalag:flis,/Neqaplenk*em,Neg*ddzé and you,Wak- as. Now take this large knife which belongs to the beginning of myth time(25)with the mad edge for marking the coppers that were to be broken by my dances- tors."/ Thus he said,and gave it to Neqaplenk*em. Then he marked a Line/on the back of Dentialafyu,the marks to be guides when it was to be broken./ Then t‘aqoras sat down among the four chiefs to ad- vise then/ what he wanted to be broken off from the copper, ‘Then there was no way in which L s€goras(30) could tell any one man among the Kwagsut to whom he was going to give the/broken copper, and also no man dared ask him./ Even his brothers did not know about it. 10 15 20 25 50 218 Wi, g°fl€misé la xiildekwS Dentlaldyu lad €wi€la q!wag?fliza ‘mokwS g*igseghmafya. Wa, la&mé Neq&ptenk-imé dalaxa Liaqwa. Wa, 1a yaqtegeafxas, wi, ld Enék-as Laemk: xtildek¥g-as 1 laqwag’ds g°I- gamé€ Llasotiwalis, Gi€nd hdlxwa 14xd avanufx¥ max-tslalax. €né- €nakeizé mOsge®mak¥ Kwakug*ut, laems &em Enaxwax gvatararex qa&s g°Sxtwidélaxos qo neqogwilaso 1lax6 gwéx:-fidaas.tasg-ens g*igimsk’, €nék°é. Wa, laem gwaté watdemas 1lax6q. Léx-aem axalxsdé wazdems L saqotasaxs Enék-aé laem gaaxalat yaqwaztsa pseixelasgemé laxa 161- qwalatatyax gadlata, Wa, lawisté gwar laxéq. Wa, la&mé wila ho- quwils laxa g*Skwaxa la giita ganuta. Wi, g°fl&misé &nax-fidxa gaaldxs 1a6 Liaqoras Syalaqasa hd- €yartisa Q!lomoyafyé qa 1és qasaxa Gwétela tefwa Swalas Kwageut Le@ Ewa Qlomk* fiittesé qa g*axés fwi€la tefwa babagiixa tslédaq 14x g°6- kwas, yix lag-izas €nék-S Léaqorasé qa g°axés fwl€laétela lax g*6- kwaséxs €nékeaé qa&s hdwaxeléxa Kwakig*uré qa SnaxwatmSs gwatazasés Liaiteqwa gd k*ak*OgwalasOlaxs yaxewidaastasa k*Sqwas6ias ufaqwa. wa, n’emis lag*izas _ fdqgorasé watag6la qa g*axés wifléda yuduxuse- Emakwé Kwakig*ut 14x g*okwas. Wi, la&mdda hatyax€a gasa. Wa,g°fle- Emisé Swllxtddxa g*ig*Skwé g*axaé aédaaga lagéxs Snék-aéda hafyare fixs laé qasa,G°axemenu&xt qasotai Gwételai qa Lfasotiwalisai. Wa, la €nemadzaqwa ©nék-ea Mao We Halag’flérasai. Enemp!énats!axsta- eEmLenu&xwal, Enéx-daexw6. Wa, g*axé Switla hogwitela laxa g-dkwé, Wa, g°fl&misé geax wiflaéta laas fem naxwa tétek!waléda g°igee- gaimatyé. Wa, laxaé Ogwaga tétek!waléda b3be gwinemg!alems laatas xwanateléda ha®yareax gaaxstérasa g*axé ewfladcela laxa g°Okwé, Wa, g°fl€misé gwaxé ha€méx-silatyasa hdfyaredxs las tuxtsidtyo laxa x6- Elqiwa, Wa, 18 kedgemlélem laxa €naxwa bébegwanema. Wa, g°fl- Emisé twtla la ke agemaliza x6elqiwaxs 1aé h&lemq fes€idéda enaxwa bébegwanema qaxs &naxwatmaé qiéqiaéqela, lag*ita k-fés neqelqelaxs wax°aé ha&mapa. 219 As soon as Dentialatyu was marked,all the/four é¢hiefs arose and ‘then Neqapfenk*em took the copper/and spoke and said: “Now your copper here has been marked,/chief c!adsotiwalis. Do not kill it else we are going to be ashamed.(5)I mean you,four tribes of the Kwag-ux. Indeed you will all be ready to/help if someone should match our chief in what he is going to do."/thus he said. ‘then their speeches were finished after this,only this was the last word of/ttaqoras who said, “Now you will give away the blankets to the/ tribes early in the morning." And at last he finished after this, and then they al1(10)went out of the house late at night./ As soon as it was daylight in the morning, L sagovas sent the/ young men of the Q!omoy&yé to go and invite the Gwétela and. €walas Kwag*ut/and Qidmk: litles to come,all the men and the women who had men's seats,to his house./ The reason why tiaqovas wished that all should come into his house was that he(15)wished to ask the Kwag:ut that all should get ready with their/coppers,in case any should be broken to match him when he should give away the pieces of the cop- per that was-to be broken./ Therefore t!aqotas wished all the three tribes of the/Kwag*uX to come to his house. Now the young men went (to call them) and as soon as/they had been to all the houses they came back again,and the young men said(20)as they went (to call), ‘We come to call you,Gwétela,on behalf of Liasotiwalis,"” and then the others said, "Come quickly,we are calling only once,"/ they said. Then they all came into the house/and when they had all come in,the chiefs joked one another,/and also the common men joked one another ,while(25)the young men got ready the breakfast for those who had come into the house./ As soon as the food cooked by the young men was’ finished,they put it into the dishes/and put them be- fore all the men. As soon Seana dishes had been put in front/of them,all the/men ate quickly,for they had much to think. ‘There- 10 15 20 25 350 220 Wi, g°fl€misé gwazxa 1axés ha€maénatyaxs laéda hafyarfa qia- plég:flizaxa %Gelqiwé qa&s 16 g*6xaq laxa on®égwitasa g*dkwé. Wa, g°f{l€misé. gwata laas Lsago.asé Laxtwalita qa&s yaqteg*afxé, Wa, ld €nékeas Q&t, g&itax hé€maéx gwék- talasé g°ig*egaméexwa héleg: in- disa hésafyé laxés crélanemé 1laxen witexé6 laxens wiwompwiita. Wak-as, wik*asét g*igtegémé&, la&m6 a&k- taakwaxds k-axstalizaq6s g° igre gamee, Wa, wa, nék*’é. Wa, la 6dzaqwa yaqlegsa&ta. Wa, 1& Enék*az Laem L6qwalizten watdem 1a. g*ig-egdme® laxg*fin €nék-ék- qats €naxwa€ma- Os gwaitata qa&s g°oxwidadsasés Leal saqwayos g°axen go k*ak-ogwala laxen yaxewitsof.asa k°S6qoyota 1&x6x Dentlalafyux Enék-é., Wa, hé= Emisa qats. wigtads €naxwa qiwalax:fida LO& gas gims€idads g-dXg°t- kil6t, nék-é. WA, hageaxdx Maématpsengdmafyé Lax€wels laxg-ada Lfasan&fyax qa&s laqwalaxwa lélqwalaratyax, Wa, 18 Léceqelax 6€ax- tsemé Lé_tegemsa nae Siow’ ts!8daq sasems. Wa, héemisé Légemias L6- €16Cyas tiaqovasé. Wa, 14 lawelsé Maémaxpéengdmatyé laxa g*dokwé qa&s 1€ taxtwelsa, yixs g°ayoras lax &ne&mematasa G*ig-flgaimasa QidmoySE&yé. Wa, 18 Enékeas Laems a*itslax-flatai Mamaléleqdlai. lax Qtéx*talagai xtindkwas ‘Taoteertwel. Laems x*Ltslax*flaralt EnemgSsai 14x tdrelitiai xtmokwas Liasotiwalisai. Laems x-its!a- x‘flatai Lawits!ésai lax Giydlselasai xiindkwas tiasotiwalisai. Ha- laxstasai, &nék-é, Wa, h8em k*!6s€ds Maématpsengamafya laqwala qa- 6da plesixa lélqwalarafyé g-ae*ftela 1axés avin es Omaxt!dlarafyé, Wa, g°fl€misé gwaza g*axaé g*axé.a laxa tiex-fla. Wa, 14 €né- keat La&mé lageaelsens watdema, g*igamée Lfasotiwalis, €nék-6é, Wi, la&mé €naxwa qiwalenkwa bébegwanem laxéq. Wa, la&mé kiisfali- ta nénfgadé cefwa 6Faxostaé laxa Ogwiwaflizasa g*dkwé qa&s denxdlésa g°feefldzeyala qlemq!emdemasa Ene Emémo tasa Yaéx-agemalyé, yix €ne- Emémo tas Lidsotiwalisé, Wa, g*fl&misé wicaxfatelsda 1élqwalara- €yaxa denxk: /Alaxs 1aé hogwita wi&la, Wa, héem régades denxden- xitaxa denxr see g°fldzeyala qlemdema laxa plesa. Wi, hé&mis 1é—= Clalayuxa &naxwa lélqwalarafyé qa g*axlag-is hogwit laxa Lézelatsie 221 As soon as they had finished eating,the young men/ gathered up the dishes and put them away in the corner of the house,/and when that was done,tAqotas arose and spoke./ He said: ‘Indeed, it is true,this is the way of speaking,chiefs, this second course with a speech(the(5)breath)for the guests,according to what was learned from our ancestors. Go on/now,go on,chiefs. It is well done,what is placed before you,chiefs./ Wa wa," said he. Then he spoke again and said: ''Now/I shall change my speech to you,chiefs,. I wish all of you to/get ready to help me with your coppers,in case the one may match me(10)to whom I am going to give away the broken copper Dent!alatyu," said he. ‘And this also,/that you go on and dress yourselves and paint yourselves with ochre,tribes,!'/said he. ''Now let Maéma&ipiengemé& go on and stand/outside of the house to call the tribes." Then he named/the two new names of his two daughters, and also the name of the(15)nephew of Liaqoras. And then Maéma&x- psengemé€ went out of the house/and stood outside,for he belonged to the numaym G- Ig: flgan/of the Q!émoyf&fyé. And he said: "Now Mama~ 1éleqdla,you will witness/Q’éx-tdlaga,the daughter of .!asotiwalis. Now nemgis,you will witness Lacrilicéa,the daughter of t!asotiwa- lis. Now(20)Zawitsés, you will witness Giiydlselas, the child of L!asotimalis./Go aboard quickly," said he. This is the privilege of Maématztpiengemé€ , to call the people for the/ potlatch( given) to all the tribes,beginning from his first ancestor ,Omaxtialaré®./ As soon as he had finished,he came into the doorway and said;/ “Now our word has gone, out, great chief tiasotiwalis," said he.(25) Then all the men were dressed after this, The/song leaders and the young men sat down in the rear of the house and they sang/the old songs of the numaym Yaéx-agemée,the/numaym of L!asotiwalis. As soon as the tribes heard the/sound of singing,they all came in. This is called “singing on the. floor," (30)the singing of the ancestral songs in the potlatch,and this is/the means of inviting all the 10 15 20 25 222 g°Skwa, Wa, g°fl€misé g°ax €wiflaéta yiiduxseemakwé lélqwalaratya laas qiwérxfEidéda denxdenxiza,. Wa, 1& cax€walizé Pel€nakiilag-flisxa xamagdma®yé g-igimésa EnefmSmutasa Kukwak!iimasa Q!lémoya€yé qats yaglegaezs. Wa, 1& €neé- kea gwégemaza laxa mos ge ©makwé Kwakigeuza, La&men wag-fz nos g*ie g*egamee® mo&mazk* !alaztsens eg ig*egdmatyaxs g*axaé Swi&laé.a laxwa g°SkwSx nék-6xs 1laé gwégemx:fit laxa kitidzélasasa 1élqwdlaratya wax’ sa&négwiiasa g-Okwé. Wa, la €nékeas Wa, gélag-a Mamaléleqa&ls; wa gélagea €nemgés, wa, gélag-a Bawits!és. Héxfallxy laxwa lax hé- xi€lalakwa qa&s g*ig*egdmék-as lax wazdetménatyé lag’ yfisa Léxelaxa lélqwdlatatyéxwa k-!6séx aXem Ax q&n gwék- salasaxwa waxdemaxsens neniiyembalisaxg*ins naxwék lélqwalatratya, Wa, hé€misens k* le&si- ta azelatya fnéenak-ixé laems hél6.6r .g*ig-egém6©, €nék-exs 1aé gwegemx’€It laxa nénfgadé. Wa, 1é yaqteg:at%a. Wa, 18 Enékeas La- ems nexbag*fl6.6. nénagada laxens g*axéta laxwa g*dkwaxs t /asotiwa- lisé, enskeaxs laé dake talaxa telguma pselxelasgemxa naégadé qaés qlemtélatyas.’ Wa, héx-€idatmisé 1 laqoras tsia@sa sek-laxsa plelxe- lasgem laq. Wa, 1& dax-€idxa ©nemxsa 1laq gats LeEpsédéq. Wa, 18 enékeat La€men telqwaséqai sek laxsak+ plelxelasgema 14t n&gada qaSs qlemtélafyas qag-fin g*igdmék*, €nék-é. Wa, la héx-€idatma enaxwa 6€axastA qiwag’flizva qa€s Lax*Latwix6 gwegemata laxa Ogwiwa- Elfzasa g°okwé. Wa, la&méda nfgadé daqflasés qlemtélatyé axtsem qsemdema (xen 1ax°fidatma hataxdzem lfta qlemdélem6 axtsem qlemde- ma). Wa, la&mé naéxwa denxtédéda Efatost&. WH, g°axé Ltaqoras g°a- lag*iwis ct!asotiwaliséxa dalixa L!aqwa 14x Dent!lalafyu. Wa, 14 ma- k*£16 Qséx-calaga LO& LaLilicia. Wa, 18 Elxtafyé Gitydlselas qats 16é yfpemg*f1IX ldxa clasalizasa 6€az6st&xa denxela. Wa, latmé enema- geliz yfixtwid L5€ vlagoras LO 1 fasotiwaliséxa dalaxa .ldqwa. wa, e:flemisd qlilbéda qtemdemaxs laé clasotiwalisé xaxaldla- qwa. Wad, la&mé yaqleg-atxa. Wa, 1h EnSkeaz Wageaxefn giinx: Ida wiwomp LO€s qew6qsQ16© gen wag? g-fldzaqwa yaqleg*atza. Wa, 1a 225 tribes to come into the feasting(1)house. As soon as the three fribes were in,/they stopped singing on the floor./ Then Pel€nakiilag:flis arose,the head chief/of the numaym Ki- Kwak fim of the Q!dmoyatyé ,and spoke, He said,(5)turning his face to the four Kwagrur tribes, "Now I will go sahead,my chiefs,/and speak gratefully to our chiefs as they all have come into this/house,]!! thus he said as he truned his face to the place where the tribes were sitting/on each side of the house,and he said: "Now come ,Mama-= 1éleqdla,/come €nemgis,come nawits!és. Sit down comfortably in this place(10)which is well prepared for you,chiefs,as is said by the one who invites/the tries This is not new,that we should say so. These are the words of our/myths from the beginning,all our tribes, and we do not make anything/new. I mean this. Now sit down well, chiefs." Thus he said and/turned his face to the song leaders. Then he spoke arid said:(15)"'Now begin what we are here for,song leaders, the reason for which we have come into this house of t sasotiwalis.'!/ Thus he said and he asked for the blankets which were to be a pile low for the song leader for they sonatwiien he had made. Immediately Liaqotas gave five pairs of blankets/to him. Then he took one pair and spread it out and/he said: "I make a soft layer with these five pairs of blankets for you,song leader, (20)for the song you made for my chief here," said he,and immediately/all the young men stood up and they stood on the floor facing the rear/of the house,and the song leader began the new/song. (I have already sent you the new song they made. )/ Then all the young men sang, and L saqotas came (25) leading Lfasotiwalis and carrying the copper Dentialatyu. And next to him were/Q!éx*talaga and tatilitia,and last Giiydlselas. And/they stood in a row outside of the young men who were singing,and now they/danced together with Lsaqotas and .sasotiwalis who was holding the copper, As soon as the song was at an end,tfasotiwalis shouted,"Ha ha!" (30) Then he spoke and said; “Let me now try,/fathers and uncles,to 10 15 25 224 €naxwaema g*ig*egdimatyasa Kwaktigeuzé Snékea, Waigradzélagea g*I- gimé€, Le€maagds wifld_enaktilax qiwaqiuxézasa h’Xaxa g*igdmatya. Q&iaxs Syadaaqésxwa tiex-Llax gas qdqdsiz6s g*igdmée, €nék-a bé- begwanemé. Wa, A€misé Liasotiwalisé la Laewit qa&s ho.él6x wax- demas. Wa, g*fl€misé qlilbé waxzdemas laas i. fdsotiwalisé Sdzaqwa yaqéegeatzta. Wa, 18 nékras Ala, Alasés waxdemds g-igregdimée 1a~ xwa g* igematya qen Gmpa yfx-stlaten LO& Cwiflorax gwayitldlasaxsen g°igdmatyéx Ompax Le k-36s. Wa, lataten giinx: &idaem gasat ‘14x6x tlex*Tlatyaxs qen gastawésefwa, Wa, len k*Otaem labendaemiaq. €né- 'nak*ix6, wa, gélagea g*ig-egadms® Awaxelag’flis LOes Neqapienk*em LO&s Neg*Hdzé, wi, sd&més Wakeadzé. Gélaga qa€s k- élax-€idadsax- g°a Dentealafyu, yuLaxs K+ 'Ss€onukwaagdsas, €nék-é, Wa, héx-€idatmisa mokwé g°ig-egdm6& qéwag*fliz qa&s 16 1ax La- Ewilasas clasotiwalisé qafs qiwafstalaq. Wa, la€méda yuduxse &makwé Laxyelak® lélqwdlaré© Aktifnég-alfza gaxs &laé k°fZelas yax€witséras ie hee wade ae keugekw6 tidqwa. Wad, la&mé Neqapfenk*em dax&Idex Dentialatyu qats yaqiegeaczé, WH, 1H Enékeas Q&L, Awaxelag*flis, Neg*ddzé, wa, so€mis Wakeadzé. Nostawisensax n&gétens gwéx* Sidaas- Laxens Snemox4dzéx 1axdx Dentialafyux. Has&mér_axsOxwaxdxda g° igé- maéx watdema gens ke ake !6s€ox-siléxens k* !6s€6x. EnéEnak*ixé, Wa, weg°axens fem halostiaqa k*!élax-€ideq', nék*Sxs 1laé HNemax~ €ldexs las kitis€aliza. Wa, la ctaqocas tsifsa dzadzax-silafyu qieldayu Letwa dmatyé s6bayu 14x Neqaplenk‘emé, Wa, 18 Sxtétseewa tsleq!tiltsemé t!ésema qa&s 18 mex€walllem lax Liasalizasa mOkwé qiéqieltelg-fsxa t saqwa g*igregamatya. (MAEXE Légemasa qs6qseltelg-is6 1O& k*Sk-oqiilg: fsé.) wa, 1a Atwaxelag*flis dax’€idxa tlaqwa qa&s paxfaflodés laxa qielde- ma tsieqiiiltsem tiésema. Wa, la Neg*adzé dazaxa qieltoymwé. Wa, la Negaptenk*em’ qieltddxa gemxantiiemafyasa Liaqwa. Wa, la Negd- az6 tsiasa qieltiatyé lax Wak*adzé. WH, 1& dax*€idé Neg*ddzaxa Sk lenxafyasa hdzk: {6denutemafyasa claqwa, Wa, 1l&xaé Neqapfenk-em 225 speak my first speech." Then(1)all the chiefs of the Kwag*ux saids 'Go on,great chief./ Now you are obtaining everything. You should grow up well,chief.,/ Indeed you have a father who made a road for you to follow,chief,”said the/men. Now tfasotiwalis was just stand- ing on the floor and he listened to their words.(5)As soon as they had‘ finished speaking,then c!asotiwalis/spoke again and saids"It is true what you say,chiefs,of this/chief my father. I may succeed in obtaining all the different ways of my/chief,my father,or I may not. I shall try hereafter to walk the/way made by him for me to follow. I think I shall go the the end.(10) That is what I mean, Now chiefs A€waxelag*flis and you Neqapfenk-em/and you Neg’&dz6 and you Wakeas, come and strike this/Dentialafyu. You are the owners of this privi- lege," said he./ Immediately the four chiefs stood up and went to the place where/t!asotiwalis was standing and they stood around him. Now the three(15)invited tribes kept quiet,because they were really afraid that/L!asotiwalis would give away the broken copper. Then Negap!en- k*em took/Dentfalafyu and spoke. He said: "Indeed A€waxelag’flis,/ Neg*&dzé and you Wakeas, is it our wish what we do/to our great friend,this Dentialafyu? It is the(20)wish of this chief that we use our privilege. I mean this./ Now let us only be quick and strike him," said he and together they all/sat down./ Taen tfaqotas gave a chisel and a smali/axe to Neqapéenk’em and +hen was taken a diorite stone(25)and put down in front of the four chiefs whose business it was to cut the copper./(They have two names,the "copper cutters"and the "copper breakers!')/ Then A€waxela= g°flis took the copper and laid it down on the/diorite stone on which it was to be cut and Neg*&dzé held what was to be cut/and Ne- gapsenk*em cut off the left hand corner of the copper. Then Neg*a&-= dz6(30)gave the piece cut off to Wakeas and Neg*&dzé took the/upper corner of the right hand side of the copper and Neqap!enk-em(2)qut 10 15 20 25 50 226 qieltddeq. Wa, 1laxaé Hep Rdee tstfasa qleltleeyS lax Wak-eadzé. Wa, 1laxaé Negeadzé6 dax*fidxa hézk: {Odenutsiexsdafyasa tiaqwa. Wa, ld= xaS Neqaplenk*em qleltddeq. WA, 1laxaé Neg-ddzé tslasa qleltie*%yé lax Wakadzé; WA, g°fl€misé lawiyéda yiduxwS qleltoyo laxa v!a- qwa laas AWaxelag’flisé Laxewaliza dalaxa qicldekwé v!aqwa qa&s yaqsegeatza, Wa, 18 €nék-a dzdxwatas: Wa, doxewit, g-Ig-egimés 1lélqwilarai laxg*a lax gwataatsg-a Dentlalatyuku 1axg*ada €wala-~ sek xliselag*flisg*in g*igdmék- laxg-a Lfasotiwalisak:. WA, la&mé-= sen lax g°6xaXqek*, ©nék*éxs laé latsfalizasa qleldekwé t!faqwa qafs 16 &x€Glizas. Wa, k-séstié gitaxs g°ixaé aédaaga qafs 16 Lfageliza- x6s wadkwé, Wa, 1& yaqheg*eafxé Wakeadzé. Wa, 1H EnSkeas H8qle- maaxs gwalasé laxg’fn-k* lés€ok¥ yintaxg*in k* !ésfonukwég°asa dig*a- fyaxa qeeltaseews laxa Lécegadx'dad Llattaqwa g°dg-ftelaxs g*ala6z6 Enag*flisens nalax, ‘€néenak-ité g-Ig-egimés 1écelqwdlatai. €né- €nak*ixé, wi, latmések* 1a%g-ada yiiduxtike qfeltaxoyu 1ax6x Dentla~ lafyux¥dd laxdxda tatwiséx nendlox g*Igimatyox Lfasotiwalidzéx ga wig*isOxwasek* 1axés gwaéxsdaasasesek*, ©nék*éxs 1laé tsias 1ax Lfasotiwalisé. Wa, la&méda mokwé g°igeegamé b&s laxéq qats 16 klis€aliza. wa, latms Lsasotiwalisé la nemox¥tem la tatwita. Wa, 18 yaqtegrafza. Wa, 1a €nékeas fig tamiig- tn negextewétex téex*Llatyasen g*Igimatyéx Omp qen qastewéso tiex*flaxwa nendlOx waydd g*igimatyaxwa k: feaséx ke flem g* igimatyas, &néenak: 1x6 g°-Ig-egamée. Latmen yixs®endexga Dentialatyux¥dek ga&s yidux¥seemakY¥ lélqwdlatai. €néenak-iz6, wa, latmésen yaxewidextsak:, ©nék*éxs laé dzoxwatasés héxke !6ttslanatyé dazaxa Enemé 1Axa qeeldekw6 Lidqwa. Wa, 18 €nékeas Wa, g* igdmafyai Wanidal,€nék°6 tsasotiwalisaxs laé héem la tsifsa qteldekwé gem&xa~ nucemé® 14x Wanid6xa g*ayuzré 1ax &neememutasa Ewalasasa Mamaléleqd~ la. Wa, 18 €nékeé Wanidé, 1laé dax-€idxa yAaxewiday&q qteldek¥ t taq qwat Gélakeas€la g*LgdmS€ Liasotiwalis qaxs k*sésaaqds ke iota yax= Cwitsg-ada g*ayutek* laxwa Légadax Lfaqwa 1laxox Dent lalayudzax. 227 4t off also,and Neg*ddzé gave the piece cut off of Wak-as./ And Ne- g*Sdzé took the right hand lower corner of the copper and/Neqapien- k*em cut it off also and Neg*adz6é gave the piece cut off to Wakcas. As soon as the three pieces were off from the copper(5)A€waxelag:flis stood up and took the copper which had been cut and/spoke. He said holding it up, "Look here, chiefs of the/tribes,at the way in which Dentfalaftyu is,this great/acropolis made by my chief here,t !asoti- walis, Now/I will put this away," said he and he went into the room with the copper that had been cut and(10)put it down there, He had not been away long before he came back and stood/among the others, Tien Wak*as spoke and said; “This is the way/our privilege is used, for I have this privilege of holding the/pieces cut off from the copper that has a name, beginning from the time when/light came ine to our world. I mean this, chiefs of the tribes.(15) I mean this, now these three pieces cut off from Dentialafyu will boven this angry extravagant chief,the great .tdsotiwalis,so that/he may go on and do with this whatever he ute Thus he said and gave them to/ Llasotiwalis./ Now the four chiefs left him and they went and sat down.(20) Then t!asotiwalis was standing alone on the floor and he spoke/and. said: "I am just going to follow the road made by my chief,/my father,the road to walk on,extravagant merciless chief,/the chief who is not afraid of anything. I mean this,chiefs,I have danced to pieces/Dentlalatyu for you,three tribes. I mean this,(25)now I am going to give this away," said he,holding up in his right hand/one of the broken pieces of copper. Then he said, "Now,chief/Wanéd," said .lasotiwalis,and then he himself gave the broken piece/from the left hand side of the copper to Wan6d,who belonged to the numaym €walas of the Mamaléleqdla./ Then said Wanéd,as he took the broken piece of the copper that was given to him,(30)"Thank you, chief ilasotiwalis,that you do not think me too small/to give this that comes from the copper that has a name,Dentlalatyu.(1) Thank you," said 15* 10 15 20 25 50 ' 228 Ewa, gélak-as®la €nék-6, Wa, la Lfasotiwalisé6 6tléd dz6xewata daa. taxa héxk (Odenutssexsdatyasa tiaqwa. Wa, 18 €nék-a: Wa, g*Igama- Eyai Qlomx:flag*flisai, ©nék-6 tfasotiwalisaxs laé h&em la ts!asa qieldekwé héxk: !6denutsiexsdé 14x Qiomx-flag*fliséxa g-ayuzé 14x €neemémutasa Ts !étsselwalagematyasa Cnemgésd. Wa, laxad yaqlegea- Ex6da g°igdmatyS Qidmx-fLlag-flisé. Wa, 1d €nék-az Qa, q&t g-i- g*egamés 1élqwilarai. ©yax-semewlsé yeg-ayAwésa Syaxtwiddsa qiel- dekwS tiaqwa, A€maaxs hdem Syaxtwidaatsa qleldekwé v laqwéda héno- ma g*IgimSsa lélqwilaratya, €né€nak*ixé g-Igdmé: tasotiwalis, Géq= lakeas€la, gélak-as®la, wa, wa, €nék-é, Wi, ta _sdsotiwalisé da. ° taxa qleldekw6 cLfaqwaxa g*ayuxé laxa héxke lGdenurematy&, wa, 1% Enék*as Wa, xamalai, Lef&wageilai (xa gwa€wina gwefy&s). Laems qiw6x€idiot Snék*Gxs laé tslextalizag. We, latmé k*6téda &naxwa bébepwanemx tlasotiwalisé qladlaxa €neemdkwa begwanem ®yax* plaxstaqe (Wi, h&€mis gweeyds xamala Leéwag-ilé.) Wa, la&mS gwata, Wa, la&mé Lfasotiwalisé wixaxa Kwaklig-uté qa Syax€widésésa pielxelasgemé laxa yuduxse&makw6 1é6lqwdlaratya. Wi, héx-€idatmisé Liagoras yaqéegeatza, WA, 14 Enékeas tied, Lied& hSzaxamaswistientaxen g*Iqélaseewa qen xtindkwox 1 lasotiwa- Liséx qa&s ha€mazel léelqwalaré. Snéenak-ixé g-ig-egdmés Kwaktigeut. Laem laten caxwafyé 1axdx .fasotiwaliséx Leewin yaqsdntpségé Gdinas e-isdx yaqlent!ala; wa, hé€mésen dagematys’ 1axen Ene fmemuta Hadna= we end, Wa, S&emtwisen 1ax Laxsdésen Ene &memutasa Ha&nar6ené, wa, g°axlfgeax’i menats:d qidxewaliza qa kiwisgemésdsg-a 1 fasotiwali- sek*, &nék*6é, Wa, 18 Ax€6tse&wa menatslé qa&s 16 quxEwalflem laxa Ggwiwalfe kasa g°Okwé lax tasalitasa nénfgadé, Wa, la ttasotiwalisé k!iwas- gimlizaq. W&, 18 .S€lalascew qlaqiasto begwinemsa Mamaléleqdla, Wa, la kiwag?flfiza qlaqlastowé begwanem 14x hézk- l6tagatwalizas L!asotiwalisé. Wa, léda ha&yazrea Lleposta 1axa clebepwixé plel- xelasgema qats 18 kiwaxtewSq. Wa, 1a léx-axdtsa Enemts!agé qlend- 229 he. Then again tsdasotiwalis held up/the right hand side bottom piece of the copper and he said, "Oh,chief/Q!lomx:flag:flis,!'said Lfasotiwalis,when he gave the/broken piece from the lower right hand side to Qé6mx-flag-:flis,who belonged to the(5)numaym Ts léts!cex- walagemé& of the nemgis. Then spoke/chief Q!omx-flag-flis and said: "'Tndeed,indeed,/chiefs of the tribes,is it not bad,the giving of the/broken pieces of copper, just that they give the broken pieces of copper to the real/chiefs of the tribes. This is what I mean, chief c!asotiwalis,(10) thank you,thank you, Wa wa,!' said he. then t!asotiwalis held up the/broken piece of copper from the right hand upper side and/he said; "Now Orphan, World-Maker,(he meant the Ra- ven) now/you will stop talking,'' said he as he threw it down. Then all the/men guessed that Lfasotiwalis knew that one man had spoken badly of him.(15) (This is what is called horpran World-Maker", ) Now he finished, Then t!asotiwalis told the Kwag-ut/to go ahead and to give away the blankets to the three tribes,/and immediately Ltaqo.as spoke and said, "It is nice./ It is nice. It is well done, what I did in my chief making for my son Leéasotiwalis,(20)for you, tribes. I mean this,chiefs of the Kwag-ut./ Now my seat will go to this t!asotiwalis,and my speaker's staff,for/he will be speaker,and my office of giving away property in my numaym,the Hadnaréno./Now I shall stand at the end of my‘numaym,the Haadnaréno. Now/bring the drum and put it on its side so that Llasotiwalis may sit on it,]' (25) said he, Then the drum was taken and was put on its side in the rear of the/house in front of the song leaders, and then t!asotiwalis sat down on it./ Then they called the tally keeper of the Mamaléleqdla/ and the tally keeper sat down on the right hand side of(30)t!aso-~ tiwalis. Then the young men climbed on the blankets that were piled up/and sat down on top of them. Then they rolled down one(1)bundle 10 15 20 25 30 230 plendla &k*tenxé péelxelasgema. WA, 1léda wadkwé hatyarta dadalag qa&s 16 k*atializtas 14x gem®xagawalizas tsasotiwalisé6. Wa, la qw6rke fewé€stentseewa qtenéplenala péeelxelasgema, Wa, léda tsla~ ts!&méx6 héx€a daxefidxa Snemxsa peelxeldsgem qafs tepséestendéq qats tsiawés 14x _lasotiwalisé Wa, 14 dagemdé .asotiwalisaxa ©nemx= sa prelxelasgem gas tepk*adx-endés, Wa, 1& yaqéegeatza, Wa, 18 Enékeas Qt, Smp Leaqotas, qarés waxdemds, q&itaxs le&maaqds &g°0sod g°axen., Qéataxs le&maagds g*iqéla g°axen gen Léayustolizad: 1axés k: !6sfowllasos k!iwafya, g-Igdémé® omp. Qé&t, qétaxs le&maéx héxfare= lax g*axenxos naxwitlalagos g°axOdzem g°axen. Wa, la&mésen Aem lax nOmadziladtos qa&s A&&mé.os .réxs&alax g*axen gen &k-é6xX g* igdma- fya, E€néenakixé la&men dagenia. Wa, la&mé dzOxwatasa €nemxsa pselxelasgema. Wa, léda qéaqiastows begwanem Léx&édex kwékwasa Enaxwa lélqwalarafyé .asotiwalisasa Enemgés. WH, la 1 sdsotiwalitsa Qiomoya&yé Enék-az wtasotiwalisexai sek éaxsa plelxelasgema. Wa, léda ts!ats!&mizé h&xfa Sx&Sdxa wadkwasa la €yaxewidaya qafs tslex- twaxt!Alizéq 14x la x°flalllats Llasotiwalisaxa €nemxsa pielxelasge- ma. W&, la€méda Ogiiflamé héxfa la Axfalizaxa sek-laxsa plelxelas- gem qa&s 16 Ax€alitas lax tlasalitas ulasotiwalisasa enemgés. (H8em Légades Laxstaliza hétfa la tsiasa fyaqiwéma pielxelasgema.) Wa, héx-sa€més gwég*-ilaxs Eyaqwaé t !asotiwalisaxs Eyaqwaasa plelxelas= gemé. Wa, g°fl€misé Cwilxtowa yudux¥seemakwé lélqwailaratyaxs 1aé €wi€la hdqiwels laxa Lé%eflatsie g-Okwa. Wa, héx*fidatmisé naxwa xwanareida gas 16 witxstendxés xwaxwak!iina qa€s *mdxsésés déda- Emala 1aqe Wa, la&mé wiEla na&€nakwa. Wa, hétia la mOxsa €naldsa lélqwalatafyé la basg*a Tsaxisek: laas L Agorasé €yalagqasa mokwé hafyaxfasés ne &mémuta Yaéx*agematyé qa 1és qasaxa Gwétela tefwa Swalas Kwag-ud cefwa Qlomk: fitéesxa &né- ka qaselg*fs6 moOk¥ haétyaxfa lax Afwirelds tlétilex-flasa g°Iig-Skwa- sa Gwétela, G-ax€menufx¥ gdso.ai Gwételai qaéda lélapmutilace 1la- sotiwalis gqafsai, nék-é, Wai, 16da wadkwas ©nék-as; Halag*flétesai, 251 from the top of the blankets,and then the other young men took hold of it/and put it down on the left hand side of ulasotiwalis. Then/ the bundle of blankets was unrolled. Then the/young man who had to give them out took one pair of blankets and spread it out(5) and gave it to tidsotiwalis, Then t-sasotiwalis took hold of the one pair of/blankets and spread it on his knees and he spoke and/saids "Indeed,father Ltaqoras,true is your word, Truly you brought me up well./ Truly now you made me a chief and I take in exchange your/_ peevises and your seat,chief father. Now it is true,you acted | properly(10) to me in all your ways which you gave to oe Now you — will only be/ the old man of the house,for you will just give me ad-= pee that I may be a good chief./ I mean this. Now I will take hold.! Then he held ws one pair of/blankets Sistine tally keeper named the eagle Sf/ ali eis tribes, «dsotiwalis of the €nemgis. Then tla- sotiwalis(15)of the Q: sOmoyatyé said, "Lids sotiwalis, five pairs of blankets./_ Ten the young man who fo them. out took the others that were now being given away ,and/ threw them out at the place where sotiwalis had put down the one paar: of blankets./ Then anather young man took up from the floor the five pairs of blanke ts/and. put them es in front of ive lasotiwalis of eet RAI (Tis(20)is called "Standing on the floor", namely ‘the young man who gives away the presents of blanke ts J/ And Llasotiwalis continued giving away the blankets./ hs soon as they had been all given to the three tribes, eeeiiwent out of the house into which Shee nennenaindcsatane Rea 2211 oroturcady and pushed thein cances into the water | and loaded them with things , (25)and boniinevawant home ./ Four days after the tribes left had Fort Rupert,/ttaqoras sent four young men of his numaym, the Yaéx-agemsé ,/ to go end call the Gwétela and €wilas Kwag-ur and Qtomk: fities,/and the inviters, the four young mén,said inside the doorways of the houses. of the (30) Gwétela, "We come(to call)you,Gwétela,for tlasotiwalis is emptying for/ you what is left," said he,and the other said,''You will go 10° 15 20 25 252 Enék*exs laé hoquwels qa&s 16 1axa Apsalasé g*Okwa, Wa, &emxaawi- sé negemg*fxtewexés g°flx°dé wazdema. Wa, g¢fl€misé fwilxtolsaxa gigsokwa g*axaé €wl€la aédaaqéda mokwé ha€yar-fa qats 1é Ewlela hogwit lax g*dkwas tlasotiwalis6, Wa, 14 héx-fidatmé t fasotiwali- a. sé &xk-!dlaxa héfyarea qa 1lés axewittialitaxa xéxetsem Leewa Lian Llabate, yix g°-dyimtsiefwasdisa plelxelasgeméxa la yaxtwidayusé- xa yiduxseemakwé lélqwilaratya, WH, g°axmé qitilyaételéda Q!dmo- yatyé qa€s geageawaléxa h&tyaxfay héema xée1ewalyé Leewa sésewayu g*ax Ax€alilems. Wa, g°fl&misé g*ax €wifla axfalilema laasa mokwé ha€yarfa la gqatsé€staxa yudux4se &makwe Kwaktig*uzta,. Wi, g°f1emisé Ewilxtolsaxa g*ig*Okwé g°axaé €wl&la aédaaqgéda mokwé hafyarfa gats 16 ewlela hogwit lax g*Okwas Lidsotiwalisé, Wa, la&mé 6sela qa g°a- x€s €wifla hOgwita bébegwanemasa yldux'se&makwé Kwaktgeuta. Wa, g°fl€misé g°ax €wiflaé.a laas Laxfwalize Lfdsotiwalisé gqa€s yaqle- geafze, Wa, 1a Enékeas Wa, gélagea, yuduxse makwe Kwakiige ux 1ax- wa Légadex, yuem Légades 16lapmutilax yfsa Lézelaxa lélqwdlaratyé, wa, hS€maa genro k- féslax l6lapmutilalax qafs gigr-egamé® lalaxen qitiléx*s€em 14x qtdimég-ila qa qladmésen sAsemlaxa, W2, lalaxen Enéx*sdo&lax wibend labendalaénafyasa gwatyiflalasasa Lételax-daxa lélqwilarafyé, €néenak- ire e-ig-egaime’ Gélagea &x€6dxés Axéxstse- wads laxgeada &mo&magawalizak- 1ax6x gwéewasaxs, &nék*é, Wa, 18 héx-€idatma Endxwa bébegwanem qiwag*fliz qa€s 16 Ax€édxa enazenems- gemé xetsem &xAsa wadkwe tOxs ©naxenemaé 1 abate LOxs enazenemaéd x6 Ewaly6 Loxs Enax€nemexcaé LOq!wis LOxs ax€édaaxa Enaxye€nemextaé kea~ . tsienagé ax€é6tseEwasa wadkwe begwanemaxa sésewayuxa Enaxwa g°6x* gram 64 laxa g°Okwé dag*flx.ésa bébegwanentaxs 1aé hoquwels laxa g°Okwé, Wai, laem Alaks {ala la loptsializa g*Gkwé laxéq. | Wi, g°fl€misé mOxsa €nalas .sasotiwalisé hé gwéx-€idé laé étlé- da €yalaqasa moOkwé hadéfyaxfa ga 16s qdsaxa Gwétela teewa Ewalas Kwa- geur tefwa Qiomk: fiitsesé qa geaxés EwlEla lax g*dkwaséx, laé k*dtaq laem €wi€la gwax gaaxstalaxa gadla. Wi, laemxaé Ogiix€idé waxdemasa 253 quickly.''(1) Thus they said as they went out. And they went to the next house and they just/followed with the same words as before. And when they had been in all the/houses,the four young men went back and they all/went into the house of c!asotiwalis. Then tJaso- tiwalis(5)called the young men to bring out of the room all the boxes and/cedar bark baskets in which the blankets had been that were given away to the/three tribes. Then the Q!omoy&€yé came on their own accord/ to help the young men,and the mats and paddles/ were put on the floor by them. And when they all had been put down on the floor,the four (10)young men went back to call the three Kwag*uz tribes,and as soon as/they had gone to all the houses,the four young men came back again and/went into the house of tlasotiwalis. Now they were waiting for/all the men of the three Kwag*uX tribes to come in,/and as acon aa they had all come and had gone in,t {asotiwa- lis arose. He spoke(15)and said, "Welcome, you three Kwaig*ur tribes,/ to this that has the name, this name “giving away the empty things left over after the inviting of the tribes'./ If I should not give away the empty things left over to chiefs ,T should/bring disgrace upon myself and disgrace on my children, It would be/said that I did not go to the end of our rules of inviting the(20)tribes. I mean this, ehiefs. Come. now and take what is wanted by you/among that which is piled up in the middle of the house,as it is done,’ said he, and/ immediately all the men stood up and each took one/box and others each took a basket and others a mat/and others a dish,and one spoon Mees Gy other nen end padalea® very nine tat’ wad? tn the house was taken by the men as they went out of the house./Now after this the house was really empty./ Now four days after clasotiwalis had done so he sent/again.four young men to go and call the Gwétela and walas Kwag-ut(30)and Qlom- ke Sites, all to go to his house,when they thought/they had finished that morning eating their breakfast. Now it is also different, the word of the(1)oldedst of the young men who said: "We come to call 10 15 20 25 30 254 qialeyakiiiga begwanemsa hétydrfaxa Enék-é; G*Axemenuex¥ qasor Gwétel qa Léasotiwalisxa tfemkwacé qa&s g-igregaim6, ndk-é. Wa, 1# €ff6kea hé€yaxfa, Halag-flirasai. fnempsénatssaxstaemienuex4 | Enék*S. Wa, la héx*sdem gwék* fala laxa €naxwa g*-ig-okwa, Wa,g*fl- Emisé Ewiixtulasaxa g*ig*Okwaxs g*axaé aédaaqa qafs 16 hogwit 1ax g°Okwas tidsotiwalisé. Wa, héx-fidatmésé tAsotiwalisé ©yalaqasa la qteyok¥ hatyareasa QlomoyAfys qa 16s wilg-ustA lax Ogwisasés g°Okwé ga €wi[£lés ség°fxtsemdex sdldsés boca qa wiqtmaxddés6q. Wa, héx-idatmisé la fwilg-ustAwéda ha&yarfa qats ség* fr tsemdéxa silax*disa g°Okwé qa€s wiqtimaxddéq, A€mis la 8k: !dbelsa sadkwé 14x €wax’sanf€yasa gOxudé. Wa, g°fl&misé Cwiflaxaxs g*axaéda hatyarta hoqwaxa. Wa, geaxfem Swl&léda Gwétela tefwa Cwalas Kwag* ut Leewa Qiomk: titiesé kititsies 1ax Lldsanafyas g-oxudds Lidsotiwalisé. Wa, hStéa téagorasé Laxewels qa&s yaqeeg-atxé, WA, 1a Enékeay Wa,g-a— xems g*igregdmés Gwétel, walas Kwageut, Qidmk- tities, Wa, gélag:a géladzélag-a laxwa elxtayaxs gwatyifldlasasa Léxeldxa 1élqwatata- Eyéxwa Légadéx, yuem Légades Ltemkwa yfxox gwSx- €idaasaxsen g gi mafyéx xiindkwa, yiiem k* 26s qitinala gwéx*fidaatsa 1ételaxa 1élqwa- larafyé gaxs Sere chalets Sts6d g°Skw6laxa aXtsemé g*Okwa. néena- ke ize glee gam’. La€men waxaxx6x tsdsotiwaliséx qa doxtwidag: Lsdx laxwa k* tésk* sedétaxsa g*Iigregimafyaxsa lélqw&latatyax qa€s gagak: Ja- sefwa, enéx° Lens Qlomoy&fyé ga g°ax lageixtsé k!iwag-alftra expe Lia- sotiwaliséx. end€nake izé Qsdmoyfeys qats qialadsax gwitaasasen n&- qafyé. Wa, wa, &nék*Exs laé kiwag-aclsa. Wa, 18 Lax€welsé .asotiwalisé qats wagiepeae2s. Wa, 1a €né- keaz Q&t,qéta waxdemasen g*igimafyé Oompa qaxs fnékeaé gen doxtwi- dag*é qen genema. Wa, la&mis &x* laxen nf&qatyé waxdemas. engéna- k°iz6, €né€nak-1x8 Gwétel, &wdlas Kwag-ul, Q!émk: fities, la&men héx= deka. Ladzéemen hS%dek+a laxwa k- !8séx qitindla hé%deg*atsa Lérte= laxa 1élqwdlaratyé. Wa, tear eerncn fwilovex gwety&sen Ompéx gwatyi- Eldlatsa vréxelaxa lélqwalarafyé, La&men gwatxa lolapnutéla, lalasa 2355 you,/Gwétela,for t!asotiwalis who will give away the boards to you, chiefs," said he./ Then the young men said: "You will go quickly,we call only once,"'/said they. They continued saying this in all the houses. As soon as(5)they had been in all the houses,they came back and went into the/house of tfasotiwalis. Immediately t!asotiwalis sent/many young men of the Q!oémoyA&yé to go up to the roof of his/ house and to take off all the roof planks of his house and to push them down./ Immediately all the young men went up,and took off the (10)roof planks of the house and pushed them down. Now the boards stood on end on/each side of the house. As soon as they were all down,the young men/ came down. Now all the Gwétela and walas Kwa- geux and/Q!lomk: Jitles sat down outside of the house of tlasotiwa-+ iS), Now Leaqoras arose and spoke and said: "You have come, (15) chiefs of the Gwétela and Cwalas Kwag°ux and b!omk: litles. Now come ,/come great ones to this,the last of our ways of inviting the tribes,/this which has a name,the name 'poking with boards', That is what is being done hy the chief,/my son. This is not often done by the inviter of the tribes,/for he is not brave enough to make a mew house. I mean this,(20)chiefs. I am going to say to tlasotiwalis to go ahead to look/among the princesses of the chiefs of the tribes to be married./ We are going i say this,Qlomoyaéfyé,that she may come and sit down here in the house with tlasotiwaltis./ I mean this, Qlémoyaeyé , that you may know the ways of my heart./ Wa wa,'’ said he and sat down./ Then .fasotiwalis arose and spoke. He said,/ 'Indeed,true is your word,my chief,father,for he said I should: look/for a wife, Now his word is good in my mind. I mean this./I mean this,Gwétela, &wa- las Kwageut,Q!domk- tities. I have succeeded./ I have succeeded great- ly in this that is not done often by those who invite the(30)tribes. Now I got everything that was mentioned by my father,the different ways in which/he invited the tribes. Now I have finished the giving away of the empty boxes and then finally the(1)poking with boards, 10 15 20 25 30 256 elxtatya ttemkwa. La&mox x*fselsen Léteflatsléx-daixa 1lélqwdlata-= Eyé g-okwa, Wa, hédzéemisa Légadex-daé Dent!laleyudzéx-di. €né- Enak*ixé, La&men labend wi€lorax gwa®yiflalasasa Létela. Wa, wa= g°fzla qiwag*flstex g*igregdmés Gwétel, Swalas. Kwag-ut, Qtomk: fi- tles qa€s &x€édadsaxwa sdldxsen g*Oxud6x, enék-é, qaxs k* ésaé Cya- qitilay& sadkwaxs hide gwéx-idayuwé. Wa, héx-fidatmisé &naxwa qswaie g’flsa bébegwanemé qa&s 1é wix-®idxa fnaxenemxsa sadk¥ gas 1é na- Enak¥ 1laxés g*igeOkwé. Wa, &€misé .asotiwalisé teewis Ompé i ia- qotas la &matwa lax g*Okwasés mag*izé cécetala. Wa laem gwar che Lézeldxa 1élqwdlatatyé 1axéq. 10. Marriage. Wa, la ma&xEenxé tslewinxas tidsotiwalisé x°d6sa%a qaxs le&maé windta g*ayflax Q!6x°Lalagaxa k- {Sdezas A€maxiilataxa g*ayuté lax Enefméemutasa Kikwak!imasa Gwétela, yixs nemge &yaxsemaé Ofmag*ftyé= gaxa Abempas Qséx-talaga, yixs ke !6édéraé O&mag’f-yégas Enemogwisxa xamagemafyé g*Igdmésa ne&mémutasa tsactelaminasa enemgésé, Wa, la ma&zxfenxé tslewiinxas g-ayAlé tlasotiwalisax Qséx-talaga laas Lételéda g*igdma®yasa €ne&mémutasa G* ig: flgamasa Enemgeséxa . Légadds Lelak-fnx-fiddixa mosgefmakwé Kwaktig‘ut tefwa Mamaléleqala teewa Qwequsdtiénoxw6 Lrefwa Lawits/ésé te€wa Madfzbéee ceewa Denax:- da&x¥ ce&wa Aewalvela Lefwa Dzawadesnoxw6 cefwa Haxwamisé., Ma&xitse- megigeeyo léelqwilarafy6 réxelasefwas Lelak*finx’tidé lax fyflisé. wi, g°fl€misé la €wilg-flisa léelqwilaratyé laas héx-€ida€mé 1 faso- tiwalisé xwinat€id qa€s gwégiinéxés g*ig-ta plelxelasgem laxa nax- wa bébegwanema. Wa, g°fl€misé la SwilFla ginéda bébegwanemaxés dé- danemé pselxelasgem lax tsasotiwalisé laas ttasotiwalisé réelalaxa g°axsaxa geayure 1axa Enaxwa lécelqwalarafya qa lés €wi€la lax g°aéq Lelasa 14x g*Gkwas M&enakiilaxa g-ayuzé 14x neemSmutasa Tslétsléex- walagéma®yasa €nemgesé. Wa, ze t1 emi sé g°ax €wllaé_a g-ixsh laas Léaqotas fem kéwaé%tshxs laé yaqlegeafia, Wa, 18 EnSkeas Wa, gé= lagea g*igregamé®. Wa, g°Glag-a laxwa laxwa ke $6s6x ax€em waxydema- 237 Now my feasting house has disappeared,my house for the tribes ,/and this great one that has the name Dentlalafyu./ I mean this. I have gone to the end, I have gone through all the rules of the inviter. Now/go on and stand up,chiefs of the Gwétela,€walas Kwag*ut ,Qiom~ ke lutles,(5)and take the roof of my house,!’ said he,for the/boards are not given away to each singly when they do this. Immediately all the/men stood up and carried on their shoulders each one board, and they went home/to their houses. Only t/asotiwalis and his father Lsaqoras/went into the house of their near relative, Now this is the end of the(10) inviting of the tribes, 10. Marriage Then for two winters Ledsotiwalis took a rest,for he was/se~ cretly engaged to marry Q!éx-Lalaga,the princess of A€maxiilaz ,who belonged to the/numaym Kikwak!iim of the Gwétela. For O&mag: tyéga, (15) the mother of Q!6x-.dlaga was a Mamaléleqdla woman. Ofmag:fyéga was the princess of fnemogwis,/the head chief of the numaym t Jat felamin of the Enemgis ./ After two winters,ttasotiwalis asked Q{éx-talaga in marriage./ Then the chief of the numaym G-Iig-flgam of the €nemgis,/whose name was Lelak*inx-tit invited the four Kwag-ut tribes, the Mamaléleqdla, (20) the Qwéqusdt!énox¥ and the Lawits!és and the Madizxbé€ and the Denax*da€x¥/and the A€waitela and the Dzawadgénox¥ and the Haxwamis. Twelve/tribes were invited by Lelak+fnx-€It at Alert Bay./ As soon as all the tribes had arrived,right away tiasotiwalis/made ready and asked payment of all those who had borrowed blankets from: him. (25) As soon as all the men had paid their debts for the/blankets borrowed from t!asotiwalis,then tlasotiwalis invited/all iieeaitsts belonging to all the tribes,that all should stay/in the house of M&€nakiila who belonged to the numaym Tstétsiétwalagam6€/of the €nemgis. As soon as all the chiefs were in,(30)t saqovas was just sitting down as he spoke. He said: “Now/come,chiefs,come to this which is not a new saying.(1)This was already said by our ancestors,to be said in this 10 15 20 25 350 258 xwa gwalela®muréx waidemxens wiwOmp€wiia qa gwék: {alas laxwa gaga- ke lax watdema. ~€néenak-izé g:igeegaima qaxs 1e&maé gwaxi1anuex wazdemé ceewa grigdmatyaé A€mAxilaxé qaés ke 16d6x6 Qiéx-Lalaga. Wa, la&mSts 1laxeda€x¥ro. g*igregam6® Cyalagemttsg-a t sAsotiwalisek: yalasds Lé_taxsfalakwa 14xOx gwék*talaséx laqu, enék-é, WH, héx-€idatmisé la &wila hoqtiwels laxa g*Okwa g‘axsd qats 16 hogwit lax @-Okwas €nemOgwis. Wa, la&mé Aem ne gextewayé waxde= mas yaqeentsalasa Syalagemé g*axs& laxcn latma ke fatlédayu qatsxa ke fésarax qié€mfla, yixs &€maé mokwa bébegwanem yalagemsa gagak: fa. Wi, hem &nemx*idatasa yuduxewidara Léqwifldlatsaygagak: tax, Wa, yuemis gwefyasa bakstimS waewalatsila k- lés€6Xtienda qadzita qaxs h&€maé Légemse gwéx* &idaastasa g*igeegdmatyasa léelqwalaratyaxs qa- dziré.6 qa Léasotiwalisé, qaxs g*igdmatyaé lag-izas hé RwSx-€1ds aé- xa qié€mAla geixsd la eyalagema lax A€maxtilaxé. Wa, hé€mis la na. . xwaem la €yaxtwitsetwa geaxsdsa Snaxenemxsa pielxelasgems A€maxtilax laé gwaxé waxdemas. Wa, laem héx-fidaem g*ax hoqiwels 1ax g*okwas Enemogwisé qats 16 €wifla n&dnx¢iindlaxa €naz®nemxsa pielxelasgemxs laé hogwit 14x g*Okwas M&€nakiila. Wa, 1a kitis€aliza lax wax-sa€né- gwitasa g*okwé. Wa, 18 Lax€walix6 GiiyOtelaséxa xamagematyé g*Igd- mésa €neemémutasa Mamaléleq!amé. Wa, 14 yaqlegeatza. Wa, 1a fné- keas W8gea héxgimgralizax g-igdm6® 1. {asotiwalis. G°ax&menufx¥ ha-= 1A g*axdzé€menuex¥ qiexelqdlaxg’as genemtg*Os, g*Lgim6&, &nék-6xs laé ke !6xsemdxa €nemxsa peelxelasgem qafs qsexaxéq, he gwareda tste- daqaxs qeexalaaxés xtnokw6é., D&xg°a Qséx*Lalagek*xg-a ke l6édézge-as A€maxtlazé. G*ax€menulx¥ qieXelgdlaxg-as genemg*os, g-igdmée. ené= Enak*izé, wig-iflaens &em qadzétax tensta qaens g*igdmatyox L!aso-= tiwaliséx, enéx- se ewiin gen €nék-ad. g*igdmé&. Wa, wa, ©nék-éxg 1aé k!wag*alfza,. Wi, 18 Lax€walizé tlaqotasé yfx Smpas tsasotiwalisé. wa, 1a yaqtegeafra, Wa, 1&4 Enékeas Adzék-easdr gigregimS®, adzdk-atsés watdemos. Héxtodzélaxas wiyd.aa qadzéy6s A€wawaasagos. K:!e&s ye- 239 way in marry ing ¥/ I mean this, chiefs, for we are agreed in taltke ing together/with chief AK€maxtilax on account of his princess Q!6x*-= Lalaga./ Now go on, you chiefs sent by chief .lasotiwalis,(5)you are already advised what is to be said about this," said he./ Immediately all the chiefs went out of the house and they/went into the house of fnemdgwis. Now they just followed the words of the/speech (that is used) when chiefs are sent, as I have written for you before./ Not many of them went, for there are only four men sent by the one who asks in marriage,(10) and this is one of the three different ways of asking in marriage and/this is called by the Indians "great work in bringing out the privileges in marriage," for/this is the name of what was going to be done by the chiefs of the tribes when they/were about to arrange the marriage for 1. taso- tiwalis,for he is a chief./ Therefore they did so./ Look at the many chiefs that were sent to Aemaxtilax Then each one(15) of the chiefs was given one pair of blankets by A€maxtilax/when they finished their speeches. And immediately they came out of the house of/€nemogwia and “they were wearing each one pair of blankets/as they went into the house of M&€nakiila. Then they sat down on each side of the/house, Then Giyozvelas arose, the head chief(20)of the numaym Mamaléleqiam, and he spoke and said:/ “Turn pitt face this way, chief tlasotiwalis. We come back ,/we great ones come carrying in our arms this, your wife chief," said he, as he folded up one pair of blankets and carried it in his arms in the manner of a/woman carrying her child. “Look at this Qi6x*Lalaga, the princess of (25)A€maxtilaz. We come carrying in our arms your wife, chief./ I mean this. We are just told to go on to marry tomorrow for our chief here, .fasotiwalis,/this I was told to tell you chief. Wa wa," said he and sat down./ Then arose tsagotas, the father of ttasotiwalis, (30)He spoke and said: “You are really great, chief; really great is your/speech. You are so great that you could not help getting there on account of your greatness. For there is nothing (1) impossible for a chief 10 15 20 25 50 240 youanems g*igema®yaxs yaqseg*atzaé. Ya, gelak-as€lax*i waidemas _A€maxilazaxa g*igdma’ya. Enéenak* {re crigeegamé®, lafmen Cnéx- gens e P nanagég*ieméx waidemasa e’igeeghimafyad Atmaxtilaia yixs “nék-aé gens qadzéraeméx Xensia, Wa, la&mésen enix: qats dOqwatads 1axens Axcé- ts6Lta lax Léqwifltla qadzé. sénésens wiwompetwiia 1aqdxs yuduxfwida— raéx, enék’é, Wa, 1% yaqésegeaczé Lelak-fnisxa g-igdmatyasa Lawits,ése, y{x gagempas Ls4sotiwalisé, Wa, la &nékras Héemaxtins gadzéu ténatya ‘€waewalatséla ke {6sfdxrtsend qadzéta, qaen g*ixséestelax ts f6xUcema. énéenak’126 laems g*Ig*egamSs hamazel léclqwdlaré§ néx18€damasiexs k 18k les&3g qaxg*fin ke /8sék* wawattaxa g:Igdmacyé Aemaxtilaxé qsé= qiddaas g°igdmafya. En6Enak? 1x6, laems Acm y&r fArox eg igre gimée gans6 amaqaso 14x6 ©nék*é. Wa, wa, ©nékeé. Wa, la na€&naxmafyé6 New g’aixa xfmagematyé g*igdmésa ne &mémutasa Temt temte 1sasa Mama léleqa- laxa nék°6, Yiiem yudzéemos waxdemagqés eg’ igdmé® Lelaksenis, yixs Enék*aaqgds qa Swl€lés g°ax Lladstarens k* fék- les€&6x laxwa €walasé g°ixsé€stdla g*Igdma®yaxwa qadzétatOx teasotiwalisé, Wi, wi. g*fttlax-ens g*ig*egamé&. Alagea€maxefins gag-ustAx gaailera, nék-s , Wa, la&mS gwax 1lax6q, Wa, la&mé Cwlla hoqiwels laxa 2° Okwé.. Wa, g*fl€misé €nax-fidxa gaala laas fem ésela Leasotiwalisé ya EwlElés gwar gaaxstaléda €naxwa bébegwanema. Wa, g°f1&misé k*Ota Lfasotiwalisaq lacm €wl€la gwax ha€mipa laé tyalaqasa g*ayuxé lax hd- Eyarfsa Q!omoyAfyéS ga 1lés qasaxa na€yazredsa enaxwa 1éelqwalatatya qa g*axés Swifla hoOgwit lax g*Okwas M&€naktila qaxs hé&maé g-aérelé Llasotiwalisé. Wa, g*fl&misé e*ax EwlElaéréda hatyaxfa 1aé 1 lasoti- Walisé 4x€6dxa yasckwé qa€s tstawanagés laxa hadf&yarfa ga yitsekimdds. Wa, g*fl&misé gwax yasektimaxs 1laé Lidsetiwalisé tstasa giimsé qa gum- glimsemdé s . Wa, g*fl€misé gwax giimsa 1aé SxeGdé . $Aqo.asaxés qamxwa= sa kwékwé gas Swiflé gdmxtwidxa hatyareta, Wa, g-T1lemisé gwiza laas Lsagocasé Ogwaqga qewalax*fida qaxs 1aLé qiigéxa hélele-fsré ha&yaxrea, 241 when he speaks. ‘Thank you for the saying of/A€maxiilaz, that great chief. I mean this, chiefs. I wish to/obey what is said by chief Aemaxiilat,as he told us to/ get married tomorrow. Now I wish it to be seen by you what we are going to use,(5) all the different ways of marrying of our forefathers, as there are three ways, "/ said he./ Then spoke Lelak*enis, the chief of the Bawits!és, the/grand- father of L!asotiwalis. He said, "Let this be our way of marry- ing,/'working something great for bringing out the privileges in marriage', for my grandson, this one who is all over a chief,(10) I mean this. Now you chiefs of the tribes, show your/ privileges for I have no mercy on chief A€mAxtilax,/the chief who has much prop- erty. I mean this. Now you will only take caré,chiefs,/if we should be met in sham fight," said he. "Wa wa," said he, Then Ne-~ g°a,/the head chief of the numaym Temttemtels of the Mamaléleqdla, answered and(15)said, "This is your great word, chief Lelak-enis, for/you said that we all should come out and show our privileges for this great one/who is a chief all over, the chief who will be married, t!asotiwalis, Now/let us do it, chiefs, only let us get up early in the morning,” said he./ Then they finished after this and they all went out of the house./ (20) As soon as day eam in the morning, t!asotiwalis just waited for/all the men to finish eating their breakfast, and as soon as/ Lfasotiwalis thought that all had finished eating, he sent young men of the/Q!émoy&fye to go to call the young men of all the tribes/ to come into the house of M&*nakiila,for that was where(25) Liadsoti- walis was staying. And as soon as all the young men were in,t !asoti- walis/took tallow and distributed Lt among the young men to put it on their faces./ And after they had greased their faces, t!asotiwalis gave them ochre to put on their faces,/and when they had finished putting on ochre, L2aqoas took his/eagle down and put down on all the young men and after they had finished(30)t saqoras also dressed himself, for he was going to walk among the young men who were hired./ 10 15 20 .25 30 242 Wa, g°fl€misé gwata 1a6 €wi€la hdqiiwels ldxa g-Okw6, Wa, hé€ndkiila laxa €nelbatyé g*Skwa qa&s €wi&lé hogwit laqe Wa, 1&8 nemadzaqwa Enék*a hatyaxyfa; Hélai, hélai, hélai, hélai. Wa, g°fl&misé qiwéx- €ida laas teaqorasé ©nék-as Laems 1ax €wex6tax g*axentaxg’in i la- gobtealtesion! Enékeé, Wa, g°f1lEmisé qlilba wazdemas LsagoLasaxs 1aé €wl€la hdgiwels ldxa g°Okwé qa€s 16 hogwit 1laxa apsalasé g*6- ‘kwa, Wa, &emxaawisé neqemg*fXtewexés g°flx-dée gwék- salasa. wa, g°fl€misé &wilxtolsaxa g-ig-Okwé laé €wifla la hogwit 14x g*dkwas M&€nakiila. WH, héx*fidafmisé clasotiwalisé Axk*falaxa ha€yaxrea ga —h6sfidéséxa ptelxelasgemé ga sések*laxsaizés gwélizaxa sek: !ap!en- €yag?i plelxelasgem qadzétemt 1ax A€maxtilazé. Wa, g-fl€misé gwara ha€yax€a 1laé kitis€aliza qa€s 6seléxa g*Ig-egdmatyasa léelqwilaratyé qa g°axés hogwita laxa g*Okwé, Héda lageitas gata k*iés g-ax ho gwita g*Igtegdmatyé laxa g*Okwaxs qewalax*aé, WA, g*axtmé hogwite- 1éda g-igregdmafyasa léelqwalarafyéxa hdlsela€m6é k-i6s naxwa xé—- xuge kusa atwatwe Sx*tslem LOxs k*6dzitbalaéda wadkwaxa aédzemé. wa, 14 Enaxwaem dalaxés ylyaqlentpléqé tslitslexemakwa qléqleltieselaxa Lsaqwa., WH, 14 gtimékwa k-fefs qiéqielticdzéxa cldqwa. Wa, 1% €na- xwaem tiétiexealaxés nacnxfiinafyé la witwiség-akwa. Wa, 1a4xa6 €na- xwa qdmdk¥sa qamxwasa kwekwé, Wa, la qéqex*emalaxa laelaxwiwatyé, Wa, laem kiis&aliza 1ax wax: sanégwizasa g°Okw6. Wa, laem k*!@s g-ax kiwigé1{xza wadkwé laxa Gwétela 14q, qaxs laéda wadkw6 1ax g*ékwas Enemogwisé qaxs h&é gaé.elé A€mAxiilaxé g*dkwas. WA, g*fl€misé la Cwi€laéia g*igregima®yé lax g*Okwas M&Endici a laas Lax€walix6 .fa- qo.asé. WH, 18 yaqsegrat%a, WH, 18 Enék-as Wa, gélagea, géladzé- lag’a g-igeegamés léelqwdlaré&, G°axtems laxwa xtiltafyéx gens gwé~ Enakilasa yfsens wilwompfwita, Wd, la€mésens nanagetfenargé 1ax gwéenakiilasasa qadzéLax*tax.NisaéLensaq' watdema, Has&maaxsdxwagé waxdema yix bekwélénukwaens lag*izaens ke les azé6latya,. €néEnak-i- xé grigregdmés léelqwalaré®, Wag-ftla raxewalizrex g-igdmes® Rwaxe~ lag*flisxa xamagematyé g-Igdmésa netmémutasa Madmtag-ila gwe yas, 243 (1) And when they had finished, all went out of the house, and they went straight/to the house at the upper end of the village and they went in. And the/young men said together, "Hire, hire, hire, hire:" As soon as they stopped speaking/then tiaqotas said, "Now you will go and take pity on me,that I am tsasotiwalis,"(5)said he. As soon as L saqoras finished his speech/then all went out of the house and they went into the next house ,/and they just said again the same they had said before, and/after they had gone to all the houses, they all went into the house of/M&€nakila. Immediately c!dsotiwalis asked the young men to (10)count the blankets,for there were in five piles distributed five hundred/blankets meant as a marriage gift to A&ma~ xtilat. After they had done so/ the young men sat down and waited for the chiefs of the tribes/to come into the house. This is the reason that it takes a long time,that the chiefs do not come/to the house, because they were dréssing. And now there came in (15) the chiefs of the tribes simosttall/wearine in their ears large abalone shells and nose ornaments, and others small abalone shells,/and all carry- ing speakers’ staffs, and the faces were blackened of those who had broken/coppers and painted red of those who had not broken any cop- pers, and all of them/having their blankets over one shoulder, and belted, and all (20) covered with down of the eagle, and wearing ker- chiefs around their heads./ Then they sat down on each side of the house. Now/some of the Gwétela did not sit down among them for some of them were in the house of/€nemdgwis, for Aemaxtlaz was staying in his (€nemogwis's) house. As soon as/all the chiefs were in the house of M&Enakila, Lsagotas arose(25)and spoke and said, Now come, come great ones,/chiefs of the tribes. Come that we may thus move on the line marked out for us/by our forefathers. Now we will follow it,as is/done in this marriage name. Will it be our wish? It is what he/ said, he who made us. Therefore we do nothing new. I mean this,(30) chiefs of the tribes, Now stand up, chief A€waxalag’flis/(he meant the head chief of the numaym Madmtag*ila)(1) that you may go and 10 15 20 25 50 244 qa&s lads wataqag:flizela laxa g-Igdmatyaé A€maxitilaza. Wag-ftla Laxewilizrex g*igaimé® Qidqiufyalagtimxa xdmagematyé g-Igdmésa €ne~- Emémutasa Swalasasa Mamaléleq&la gwefy&s, qa&s lads wataqag’flixe- la laxa g*igdmatyaé Kemaxilata, Wag-ftla raxtwalizrex g-Igamé& Qsiimxelag*flisxa xamagema®yé g*Igdém6sa ne &mémutasa G-ig-flgémasa “nemgés gwefyas, qa&s lads waragag’flixela laxa g° igdma yas A&maxt- laxa, Wag*fzla Laxewhlitrex g*igdmé® Odzéestalisxa xamagematyé g-I- gamé sa Enefmémutasa Ninemaseqg&lisasa Lawits!és gwetyas, qats lads wataqag’flizela laxa g*igdmatyaé A&maxtilata. Wa, laems lax ladzé- ems lard. g*igregdmé® 1axds k* 26k* fes€Aqdsa wataqag’flizela. Wa, wa, Snékeé, Wa, hdx-€idatmisa mokwé g*Igregim6® qiwag-fliza qats 18 qiwa- g°flix yfpeml{z laxa Sgwifwalitasa g-Okw6. Wa, 14 yaqiega&xé Awa- Xelag-flisé6, Wa, ld EnSk-a:s Qa, qatés watdemos g° Igamé& Lf2goLas. Qataxs qedlaléstmaagds laxenufx4 k- seoxwa xLaxwataxwa qitindlax yfl- gwasa wataqag’flizela, néenak- ire ‘Lamenuéxu laz, ensicast laé de- noxLaléda modkwé &lakixs laé hoquwels laxa g*Okwé qa®s 16 hogwit 14x g°Okwas €nemdgwisd, Wa, 1a k!lis€aliza ytidukwé gigregamée lax atwi- telaisa tlex-fla., Wa, 146x-acmisé la Lacwizé fwaxelag:flisé dalaxés wig entoleobe Wi, 1# yadqleg-atza, Wa, 14 €ndk-a: Wagea h¥latolecor g°igdm6e A€maxiilat qats hovéladsaxg:anuéx¥ gaits !6nék:, Graxemenuexu g° ig: amée wataqag:flitela g:igimé&, G*axfemk: qeapsageada hélanem- k*g*ada g*axrek* qadzératexs ks EdSLagds, ‘gr Teams, endk-s, Wa, 1a kiwag-flfza laas Laxewiliza g-Igdmatyé Qiaqsufyalagimé. Wa, 1a yaqéegeatra, Wa, 1a Enék*as G*ax&men g*Lgaimée laxwataiecas arélé6 watdema, G*ax&men wataqag’flitela g-igams&.« Laem€laenufexu gaxca qadzétarexs ke !6dézxaqds g°igdmé£ Aemaxtilat ga Lsdsotiwalisé6, €né- fnak*1x6 g*Lgdmee Aemaxtilar qa&s gwalizaos, Enék*6xs laé kiwag-alf- ‘Ya, Wa, la Laxewalizxa g° Igimatyé Qiimx-clag*flis6é, Wa, 14 yaqle= geafxa, WA, 1&8 Enékea, Gedxemen tssdxUrcem AemAxtilax, G*ax€men Wataqag’flizela, g’igim6&, G-ax€men qiaqialazg-eydsg°ada 1ak* qsa~ 245 ask in the house about chief A€mAxiilat. Now/stand up, chief Q!a- qiufyalagim (he meant the head chief of the/numaym walas of the, Mamaléleqdla) that you may go and ask in the house/about chief Kemaxtlazx. Now stand up, chief (5) Qitimx-elag*flis, (Hé meant the head chief of the numaym G°ig- fl gdm of the/€nemgis) that you may go and ask in the house about chief/ A€mixtlazt. Now stand up, chief Odzétstalis (he meant the head chief/of the numaym Ninemaseqg&lis of the Lawits!és) that you may go/ and ask in the house about chief A€maxtlat. Now you will go, great ones, (10) you chiefs who have this privilege to ask in the house. Wa,/ wa." said he,/ Immediately the four chiefs stood up and they stood/ in a row in the rear of the house and then/ A€waxalag:flis spoke and said, "Indeed, true is your word, chief t!aqokas. (15) Indeed you know that these are our privileges which are difficult, for often they are/ hurt who are asked in the house. I mean this. Now we shall go, said he, as they/ went one after another,the four true | men,as they went out of the house and went into the/house of Ene - mogwis, And the three chiefs sat down/ inside the door, Now A€wa- xalag*flis was standing on the floor of the house, carrying his (20) speaker's staff. He spoke and said, "Go on, set your ear right,/ chief A€maxtlar, and listen to the reason why we are walking here, We come ,/ chief, to inquire in your house, chief. Those who have been hired come jointly./ They will come to get married to your princess, chief,”said he./ Then he sat down and chief Q!aq!ufya- lagiim arose and (25) spoke. He said, "Chief, this is not a new way/ of speaking tg come to inquire in the house, chief, Now we will come / to get married to your princess, chief A€mAxtilaz, for chief tiasotiwalis./ I mean this, chief Atmaxiilaz, You will be ready," said he and he sat-down./ Then arose chief QsOmx-flag*flis and (30) spoke and said, 'I come, grandson A€ma- xilax, I come/ to inquire in the house, chief. I come, assembling these (1) who will come to marry your princess, chief A€maxiilaz./ 10 15 20 25 50 246 psétgrada g*axtek> qiadzSracexs k-tédétaqos g-Igimé& A€maxilaz. H3emésen g°axéia togin €néfnemokik: ga temsx:fg-flizésds k: $6dé~ taqg6s g* Tgimse Aemaxiilaz, axSlawises yfxg-in waddemk- 14. g*igd- mé°xg-ada witaqag’f1izelaxg-ada watdemg*asens gaaigempewiza, Wa, wa, €nék°6xs laé kiwig'f1{%a, WA, 14 Laxilita g-Igdmatyé Odzefsta- lis. Wa, 1&8 yaqheg-atta, WH, 1&8 nék-a Yawitslaxsdazaxs yaq!en-— tialad, Geaxtmen g-igdme’, gaxemen waraqag’flizela g- igamée Tene xilaz laxwa Légadé qa Légems qa Légems Wawazk-iné laxa xundx®wid- laxasoOs k- /6dézaqds tetwa g* Lgamatyaé t Jasotiwalisa qaxg:fn qlu- nalék: wittelaxa qldmddéda xomAxeidé tslédaqaxa fnék-axés haydté Sg°anemé geixed wataqag’flfizelax Abasaxés g-AxexOs g:fnanema, WA, yaenaceo Enéenak: 1x6 -g* Lgamée, laemk: wiwilgdme g-ig-e gimé€g-ada g°axek* wataqag’flizela qa temsx-eg’fliztésos k- $édézaqds g° lgimee, Wa, wa, €nék°éxs 1laé k!wagfliza, Wa, 1&8, raxewalizé Odzéestaliséxa g*ayuré lax €neemémutasa Kakwak!aimasa Gwétela yixs hé€maé &neemémuts Afmaxtilaxé6. Wa, 1a yaqiegeatza, Wa, 1A €nSkea: Alasés watdemds gs Lgimae Odzéesta- lisxa Léqéla qa Légemsa ©naxwaemtaens Enak: (adLa xlndx¥ewidlaxasg: in ke $6d6zeEk° LEcwss catwinemiaéda g*igdimatyaé L!Asotiwalisa qitaxs leEmaéx l&.a g*Lgim& laxg-a ke lédéig-fsg-in g*igdmék-, €néenak-1z6 eg igeegimé® €néenak-ixé Enék-6xs laé dax-€idxa nemxsa laxa plelxe- lasgem g°ax axalilems Atmaxilazé. Latm lalg-ada mexstawég°asg°ada k: $6a6xek*. Laems 18% g&qdlazrgdk:, &nék*6xs laéS yax€witsa matzra-~ xsa pselxelasgem 1ax Awaxalag’ flisé.. Wa, la €naxwa mémaézaxsa p.el- xe lasgemé Cyaxtwidayaséxa yudukwé g-Ig*egdmatya ogitla 1ax Awaxala- g°flisé, Wa, g°fl&mis6 gwaz fyaqwaxs tae tenes Odzéestalisé: Wa, wa, gélagea g*Igeegdmé® gadzérax, &nék-6, Wa, h8x- €idatmiséda mokwé g-Lg-e gimé®& qiwag-:fliza qats €naxwé ydlaqwasés yiy#laxtenaxs laé hdgiwels laxa g-Okwe gats 14 hogwit lax g:Okwas °nemdgwisé yiydlagiteewaya ga&s 16 qiwag?flix lax Awi.elasa tiex-fldsa g-Okwé. Wa, la&mS Awaxalag:flisé yaqlegratlaxs laé €nemaxfid 247 This is why I come with our friends to shake off the floor of the house your princess,/ chief A€maxtilar, This 1s no new way of speaking to you, chief,/ this inquiring in the house. It is the way of saying of our grandfathers. Wa (5) wa," said he and sat down. Then arose chief Odzé&stalis/and spoke. He said, speak- ing angrily,/ "I come, chief, I come to inquire in the house, chief Kemaxilaz/ in this which ae a name, the name Wawaxk:fn, when your princess will have a child/ with chief L!Asotiwalis, for I have (10) often heard that a quarrelling woman brought dis- grace when she said to her rival,/ tmay be those who inquired in the house about your mother who was the reason of your being a child, were not chiefs from both sides! /This is what I mean, chief, These are high chiefs/ who come to inquire in the house, to shake from the floor your princess, chief./ Wa, wa", said he and he sat down. (15) Then Odzé€stalis arose. He comes from the numaym/ Kukwa- klim of the Gwétela, for that is the numaym of A€mAxtilaz,and he/ spoke and said, "True, true is your saying, chief Odzé€stalis,/ the giving a name when she expects a child, in case/ your princess here should have for her husband chief t!dsotiwalis, Indeed ,(20) you got her, chief,this princess of my chief here. TI mean this,/ chiefs,I mean this," said he. Then he took one pair of blankets/ and put them down by A€mixtlax “Now this will go to this repre- sentative of this/princess. Now you will let these walk with you,” said he as he gave the/ two pairs of blankets to A€waxalag:flis. Then he gave two pairs of (25) blankets to the three other chiefs beside/ A€waxalag’flis. As soon as he had finished giving away Odzéestalis said,/ "Wa, wa, Come chief, get married now” said he and immédiately/ the four chiefs arose and they all sang their. sacred songs /as they went out of the house, and they went into the house of Enemogwis (30) singing as they were walking. And they stood inside of the door of the house, And now A€waxalag*flis spoke as they e11 (1) stopped singing cn 10 15 20 25 50 248 qhwéx€f{dexe ylydlaqwalaé. Wa, 1@ €nékeas Wag:fxla ho.élacex. e* Lgame® Llasotiwalis, G°ax€menu&x4 qiqelaxg*as genemg’os, Ené- k*6xs laé x'flx€aliiasa mafzaxsa peelxelasgema. DA&qek*, &né&na- k* 1x6 latmens Lélég*és6 gens ldlag:i g*igregime® qadzéraxa ke '3~ aSvasa g* igimatyé Aemaxilazé, Enék*é, Wa, hx €idatmisa enaxwa hai- Eyarea Sxke [dlasdé qa &naxwatmis gamxalaxa s6seke-laxsa plelxelasgem qafs'lé g&mxelsalas 14x L.fdsandfyas g*Skwas nemoOgwisé. Wi,g-fl- Emisé €witlatwelsa gadzérayuré peelxelasgemxs laé wi€la hédqiwelsa Enaéxwa Lé€lqwdlaratya qa&s 16 &witla klistls lax &mddzasasa plel- xE lasgema « Wa, g°fl€misé &wilg-aclsa laas Laxewilsé Lalak-otstaxa xdmagematyé g-igimésa tne&mémutasa Haanaréen&. Wi, laem yayagien- temstasa gadzé.a. Wa, laem k* $6sfonuxusa yayaqientémtsa Cwatwala- tsila qadzéia. Wa, 1& yaqtegeatxa. WH, 14 Enékeas G*a&xdzéEmens gaxarSla g-igtegdimés léelqwalaré laxwa régadéx. Yiiem régades €watwala- tsila qidzéta. Yuem grax nélatsens k:ték*tes€6x qa temsx-eg: f1i- leme k:!6dézasa Alakw6é g°éxsé6€stala g: igdimatya. €né€nak: 146. g*agem- dalaemtentexs Lécaxtimafyagos, néenak-iz6. Wa, gélag-a eg igdmé® 1 Ja qwadzé (xa g*Igimatyasa ne &mémutasa Tst6Xtscexwalagkmatyasa fnem- gésé, yixs h€€maé kwék4sa Enaxwa léelqwdlaratya) qaé&s g°axads Laxe Ewels laxgea Laewasg-asés niiyembalisaé Kiwagaxsatno, h8€maas k* le- As weyd.anemé, €nék-6. Wa, héx-fidatmisé rax®welsé Lfaqwadzé, yfixa macxeidaxas k:fés€6 LO& Ktindsila qats 16 Laxewelsa. Wa, 1a yaqleneee fya, Wa, 14 €nékea; Laten yawas€idia laxen g’Okwa, Qatas 1laqeama- 6x €nékea qa €wl€lés g-ax. néxéidens k*ték- fest, enékeexs laé dzelx- Ewida qa€s 16 laé. laxés g-dkwé. Wa, k«léstlé giitaxs g-Axaé g°h- xawels 18x tlex-ftlis&s g-dkwé ddlaxa Yek!wisé.: WA, 1& Enékea Lé- xatalai, Wa, léda bébegwanemé téxadzewSx tsigemas g*Skwas fnemd- gwisé, Wa, g°axé cfaqwadzs hekwaxa g-fldekilés gaxemisé gilpste- w6xa Xeklwisé hanac!ala. WA, g°ax8 g*ax€atela lax tlex-flisa g°d- kwas €nemOgwisé laé vaxtwelsa, Wa, 1a yaqtegeatza, Wa, 1d, enégre~ 249 their sacred songs, all stopping at the same time. He said, "Now listen to me,/ chief c!dsotiwalis, We come and your wife walked with us,"/ said he as he threw down the two pairs of blankets. "hook at her. I mean this./ Now we have been called to go, chief, to get mrried to the (5) princess of chief A&mixiilaz," said he. Immediately all the/. young men were asked to carry five pairs of blankets/ and to go and put them down owtside the house of fnemd- gwis. As soon/ as all the blankets to be used for the wedding were carried out, all the tribes went out./ They sat down where the blankets had been piled up (10) and when they were all on the ground Lalak-otsia,/ the head chief of the numaym Haadnaténo arose. He was going to be the speaker/for the wedding. He owned the privi-~ lege of being the speaker at the/great wedding./ Then he spoke and said, ‘MWe have come, (15) chiefs of the tribes,to this which has a name, which is named a great/ wedding. This is where we show our privileges, to shake from the floor/ the princess of this one who is through and through a chief. I mean this. I shall/ begin with your head chief for he is standing first among you. I mean this, Now come, chief/ vifaqwadzé,(the chief of the numaym Ts !éztslexwalagamé of the (20) &nemgis, for he ts the eagle among all the tribes) come and/ stand by this place where the one at the beginning of your myth, K!waqaxsatno, stood. For/ there was nothing that he did not overcome," said he, and immediately L a= qgwadz6 arose, for he/has two privileges, also that of Kimésila, and he stood up. ‘Then he/ spoke and said, "Now I will go for a short time to my house. Indeed you wish (25) that we all show our privi- leges," said he and he/ ran into his house. Before long he came out of/ the door of his house carrying a bow and he said,/ “Beat fast time.™ Then. the men beat fast time on the front boards of the house of €nemégwis,/ and c!aqwadzé came stooping with long steps(30) span- ning his bow to shoot. And he came to the door of-the/ house of Enemogwis and stood there. Then he spoke and he (1) said, speaking 10 15 20 25 30 talaxa g*dkwaxs 186 yaqiegrafta, wi la €nékeat G*axtmen, g*ax&men gr Igimé€ A&maxilax Login k* ésfok4xag-ada k*lésck- adms Lekiwisax— grada k+te&sek* weydcanem tekiwitsen Awandeyéda naulak¥ewiiza be- gwanemé Kiwagaxsatnd, €néenak-ixé g-igdm6®, geax€men wawixaliflaxs k: $€dezaqids 1axdx QéxLalagax. G-:ax€men qadzéraq6 qagsada g*Iga- mék- 1ldxg*a Lfdsotiwalisak:, €nék-exs laé gwégemx-f{t laxa naxwa lé6elqwdlarafya., Wa, 1& nékea: La&mé laéten watdema 14x g*Skwasa gigdmafyé A&maxilazé, Wa, lacmias dox€warelaxg-ada naualakuk: Ze- kiwits Kiwaqaxsaenoxa Lore gwalentsléselaxa k- lefsewita k: és yak-4&- matso® laxés doxewitexé, Snék:6. (Hem EnéEnak*ixtsé Tlésemg:ité.) Wa, gil€misé qiilbé watdemas g-axaas Odzétstalis g*axawels laxa tice x*fldsa g*dkwé dalaxa ma&%exsa plelxelasgema., Wa, 1d yaqsegrafza. Wa, 18 €nékeas Wagraamast tataxbalax g-igdm6e, Wa, gélagea, g iga- mé&, g*axaagds g*axaagdos wawixeliflaxg-en k+!6d6%ek- yfsa k- Jéséx adms tek!wis yfsés Awana&tyosé K!iwaqaxsatno. €né€nak-izé 1leEemox qli- néqwalita k-(édétaxsa g-Iigdmatydx A€mAxtilazéx. Latmiseke latg*ada maftaxsa ptelxelasgem qaés hasayos, g*ighme®, €nék-éxs 1laé tslasa ma€taxsa piElxelasgem 14x Liaqwadzé. Wa,latms Odzéestalisé xw6la— git laxa g*Okwé. Wa, gedxé tlaqwadzé kiwag-aclsa, Wi, 18 Lax€welsé Lalak-ots.axa yayaqéentéms, Wa, 1d yaqiegeatia Wa, 1& €nék-as wied&, g-igdmée _!aqwadzé, Hézxolaxaé benyem laxds ewa- lasagos k* s6s€aa, Wa, gélak-as®la gigimé®, néenak-1ixé, wa, gélagea g*igimé Maenakiil qafs lalag*ads wawixeli€lax k {édézasa e* Igdma°yé Kemaxtilazé, enék-é, (yixs g*dyurtaé M&€nakiila 14x €nefmémutasa End- €nelk: {énoxwasa €nemgésé) Wa, h&x*fidatmisé M&enakiila Lax€welsa qats yaqteg’aexé, Wi, 18 nék-a, Wigra hOrélax g-Ig-egdmée qdtés watde- mos, yixs €nék+aéx qa néxefidésens ke 26k: fes€Ox qadzéyfins g*axeXa 14q". NOgwaemiaz nityembalisax Kiindsila. Wa, hétilaren g*ax néz€idamatsdecen k* !6séo laxm aApsdotlenatya Mats!adex, ©nék-exs laé Lé€&lalax . !asabo- lisxa gtayuxé lax Snetmémutas M&enakiila. Wa, lax-datxwé qgasfit , qafs\ 16 hdgwit 14x g*dkwas M&énakila, Wa, k- éstlé gaitaxs g*axaé 251 into the house as he was talking: He said: “I come, I come/ chief Kémaxtilax with my privilege. ‘This 1s no ordinary bow/ for there is nothing that it did not get, the bow of my ancestor, the supernatural/ men Kiwaqaxsano, I mean this chief. I come to lift (5) your princess ylSx-Lalaga. I come to marry ‘her to. this/ chief here, cldsotiwalis." Tous he said and turned his face to all the/ tribes. ‘Then he said? "Now my word has gone into the house of/ chief A€maxilar. Now you have seen the supernatural/ bow of K!waqaxsa€no who long ago obtain- ed supernatural power, for there was nothing that was not vanquished (10) that was seen by him," said he. (This refers to Tlésemg-it.)/ As soon as his speech was finished, Odzé€stalis came out of the/ door of the house carrying two pairs of blankets, and he spoke/ and said y "Stand there for a while, chief. Now come, chief/ and come, and come and try to lift my princess with this (15) supernatural bow of your ancestor, K!waqaxsano. I mean that now the/ princess of this chief Aémaxtilaz is on the floor. Now these/ two pairs of blankets will go for your breath, chief,’ said he as he gave the/ two pairs of blank- ets to c!aqwadzé. Now Odzéestalis went back (20) into the house, and then c!aqwadzé came and sat down, Ten Lalak-otsia arose, the speaker at the wedding. He spoke/ and said, "It is well, chief Ltaqwadzé. Why should you be ashamed of your great/privilege? Now thank you, chief, I mean this. Come/ -chief M&fnakiila and go and lift the princess of chief (25) A€maxt- lax," said he. (For this belongs to M&€nakiila-of the numayn/ €néenele k*sénox¥ of the €nemgis.) Immediately M&€nakiila arose and/spoke. He said; "Now listen, chiefs. True is what you say,/ for you wish that we shall show our privileges, the great ones for which we come here./ I am the one who has at the beginning of his myth Ktinosila. I am go=- ing to show this my (30) privilege from the other side of my body, the M&ts!adex." Thus he said and he called t!asabolis,/ the one who belongs to the numaym of M&fnakiila. Then they walked/and went into the house of M&€nakiila,and they were not long before (1)M&&nakiila 10 15 20 25 252 g’axdwelsé M&tnakiila laxa g:Okwé dalaxa gwa gwék* sayu masta, wa, g°axé Ltdsabolisé e1xré& qtelxtilaxa segeaanatyé denema. Wa, lat- mé Léxedzodéda Enaxwa bébe gwanem 1axa tsagemasa g°Okwas Snemogwisé,. Wa, la M&€nakila €nég-etewexs g*axaé gwasotela,; hé hé hé hé 6, la-~ qéxs sdyak:falaasés gwagwék: fayuwé mAst6 natax tiex*flis g*dkwas €ne- mogwisé, WA, la€mé Lidsabolisé qtelxiilaxa sag-aano denem la mOkwaxé Obatyas 14x Sxratyasa mAstow6, Wa, g-fl@misé lagsaa lax Ltasana- €yasa tiex-flsa g*Gkwé la& hayatplattewabuta géxi€ldlaxés x*Omsaxs laé segtira matmaqtaxtasés mAistowé 14 dak*tendxa denemaxs laaxat: Enékea: hé hé hé hé 6, Wa, 14 gwégemx-fIt laxa léelqwalaratyé qa- Es yaqlegrafxé,. Wa, 18 Enékea; Héem k*$és€Ssen niiyembalisé Tslax-sdte xa Enemox&tim g°fl LOgwalaxg:ada gwa gwék* sayuky mastd 1axa ALAaNneme Wi la€mé h¥xbata sex-Idayfxg’ada ¢walasek: gwefyima, Héem k:lefs weyo- Ldneméda mistd. Latmé lag*aatela lax k+ fédeztasa g:Igimatyaé Aemi- xilaz, &nék*éxs laé néxatwelsaxés mastow6, Wa, g°axé g*dxawelsé Odzéestalisé laxa tlex-fla d&laxa plelxe- lasgemé. WH, 14 yaqtegeatza, WH, 18 nék-ay Wageaamast Laraxbalax g:igimé€ M&aenakil. Wa, gélagea g-igdm6* g*axaaqds g*axaagds wawixeli- Elaxg:in ke iédétek* yisa k*éséx adms gwigwék: fayu misté yfsos dwanf- Eyadsé Tstax*sdt. €néenakeizxé la&mox qiinSquliza k-tédétaxsa g°Igi- matyOx A€maxilazéx, Latmések* 1lat%g:ada matXexsek: plelxelasgem qaés hasayos g*igdmé€, Enék*éxs laé ts!&sa ma&xexsa peelxelasgem lax M&- Enakiila. Wa, 1a Ax®6édxa Sorts prelxelasgem. Wa, 1H Enékea: Laitgea- da &nemxsak: plelxelasgem qaés daanfyaaxa denemé yiit tldsabolis, ©né- k*Sxs laé tsia@sa nemxsa pielxelasgem 1laq. Wa, g°axé MAenakila Loe tlasabolis kitis€elsa. Wa, lat&mé Odzéestalisé xw6la ger laxa g°Okwé, Wa, 1& tax€welsé Lalakotstaxa yayaqient4ms, Wa, 1d yaqiegeafla. Wa, ld €nék-as cte- d&. gigimé€ M&nakil, H&zolaxaé benyem laxds €walasagés k‘ Jés€fa Wa, gélak-as€la gigdmée, fnéenak-ité, Wa, gélagea g ighmé’ €walas Kwax*flandkimé® (xa xama gema&yé eg’ igdimésa &ne&mémutasa TemY temXelsasa came out of the house carrying the whaling harpoon, and/-lasabolis came behind him carrying the colled harpoon line. Then/all the men beat fast time on the boards of the house of €nemdgwis./ Then M&ena- kila said, while he was coming along, "Hé hé hé hé,é,'" (5) as he pre- tended to spear with the whaling harpoon at the door of the house of/ Enemogwis. Then tfasabolis carried the coiled harpoon line which was tied to the/end on the butt end of the harpoon and as soon as he arrived at the outside/of the door of the house he pretended to see distinctly. He bent his head/to one side and he threw the harpoon into the door. He held on to the harpoon line and (10) cried out "Hé hé hé hé, 6," Then he turned his face to the tribes and/spoke,. He said, "This is the privilege of my earliest myth, Tslax-sdt/ the Only one who first obtained a supernatural gift, the whaling harpoon, from the Wolf./ Indeed, my harpoon went right to the end of this great whale. There is nothing that the/ harpoon does not get. Now it has reached the princess of chief A&maxilaz.” (15) ‘Thus he said and then he pulled out his harpoon./ Then Odzé€stalis came out of the door carrying a blanket./ Then he spoke and said, “Now stand here for a while,/ chief M&€naktla. Now come, chief. You will try to lift from the floor/ this princess with this unusual whaling harpoon of your ancestor (20) Tslax*sdt. I mean this. Now has been a earon the floor the princess of/this chief A&maxtilat. Now these two pairs of blankets will go for your/ breath, chief.” Thus he said as he gave the two pairs of blankets to M&€nakiila./ Then he took one pair of blankets and he said,/ “This one pair of blankets will go for your holding the rope, t!asabolis.” (25) Thus he said and gave one pair of blankets to him. ‘Then M&€na- kila and/t!asabolis came and sat down. Now Odzé€stalis went back into the house, Then arose/Lalak*o- tsia, the speaker, and spoke and said,/"It is nice, chief M&fnakila. Why should you be ashamed of your great privilege, (30) Thank you, chief, I mean this. Now come, chief walas/ Kwax-flandkimée, ( The 10 15 20 25 50 254 Mamaléleqala gwe ©yos) qafs lalag*ads wawixel{€lax k- tédezasa gef- gama &yé Aemaxtilaz, ©nék°é. Wi, héx-€idatmisé raxtwelsé €walas Kwax*flanoktmafyé6 ga€s ya- qteg*afxé, Wa, 1a Snékeas Esaé.a Sx-Emaa g-Igdimé& Lalak-otsta, ésaéta Ex°&maa laagos Léxeét gaxen. EwlElaqwé admsen Awandfyé Sgwaqa. €néEnak-ixé latmen 1azx, nék-exs laé qasfida, Wa, hé€mis azés ne gd€yolsa 1ax8s qats!énatyé 14€laa laxa tlex-flads g°dkwas X- emaxiilataxs laé gdmdtiag-a&ia hasela 1ax gwék-tdlasasa 616g-fn (xa f.anemaxs) gdmotaé. Wa, g-flemisé qslbé gdmotiénatyas 1laé €nék-a hid, hid, hid, hid, giyotela 14x teex-flds g-dkwas Atmaxilaxé. Wa, g°f1emisé lag*eaa lax max-st&€yas 1laé yaqlegeafla, Wa, 14 Enka; G-axtmen, g*axemen g*axfatela g*igdmée A€maxilat., G-ax€men wawixe- 1f€laxs k* }édezaqo6s g Lgamée Aemaxilar, yisgeada k-!eAsek: weyOLa- nema yfisen niyemag-iwatyax bak-&é Lefwa Olég-in 1ax Métiap6e&, Wa, 1a hoxtwidéda 616g*fnasa xw6&16 qa€n g*fle-flisaxg-fin €walasék: Kwax*flanokimafya, Wa, yu&misen lag-izta hoxemalaxen €naxwa Axéxs- desc€wa, Wa, wa, Enékeé, WA, g-ax6 Odzé€stalis g*axawels 1axa teex*fla dalaxa maftexsa pielxelasgem. Wa, 14 yaqtegrafta, Wa, la@ €nék°as Wags aamast Lataxbalax g° igame€ Ewalas Kwax* flanokumé€, Wa, gélagea g*igdmé®, geaxaaqgds wawixeliflaxg:in k- édélek- yfsa k* $6s6x aGmsa 61ég*enéx yfsds awan&fyosé walas Kwax- flanokiimafyé. Ené€nak-1x6 la€mOx qtinéqilita k:tédézaxsa g-Igimaf&ydx A€maxtlaxéx. Latmések* laxgeada ma&zaxsek> peelxelasgem qaés hasaty6s, g-igdméee, Enék*éxs laé tsifsa mafzrexsa pselxelasgem laq. WH, la&mé Odzéesta- lis xwélagéi laxa g-dkwé, WA, g*axé €walas Kwax-flanokiimatyé kiwa- geactlsa. (Wa, geaem raxwara wazdemsa bak!imaxs ténamap!aaxés k- !6- s€o.) Wa, hé&maaxs g*dlaé kiwag*aclsé Ewalas Kwax-flanokimafya laas Lax€welsé Wak*asxa g*ayuxé lax neememutas walas Kwax*flanokima. WH, 16 Wak*eas yaqiegeatza, Wa, 14 fnék-as Héden lag-ita Lax€wel- 255 head chief of the numaym TemYtemtels/ (1) of the Mamaléleqdla was the one he referred to.) Now try to lift the princess of chief/ A€maxiilaz ," said he./ Immediately walas Kwax-flandkimé€ arose and spoke./ He said, "Ts it not kind of you, chief Lalak-ots!a? (5S) Is it not good that you name me, Not common is my ancestor/also. I mean this. I will go, 'f said he as he started. He/ walked along only half way towards the door of the house of/ Atmaxulazt, when he howled like a wolf, | loud with a noise like a wolf (a/ eney as he was howling. 4s soon as he had finishéd howling he said, (10) "Hid, hid hid nid," going to- wards the door of the house of A€maxiilax./ When he came near it he spoke and said,/ "I come, I come. I have reached chief A€maxtilaz. I come to lift/ your princess, chief A€maxtlaz,with this that carinot be withstood,/ that belongs to the beginning of my myth that my an- cestor made who lived at Métlaré. (15) Then the wolf vomited the quartz for my first ancestor, &walas/Kwax’flandkumée, and this is why I obtain everything that I want to get./ Wa wa," said he, Then Odzé- Estalis came out of the/ door carrying two pairs of blankets, and he spoke and/ said, "Stand there for a while, chief €walas Kwax:flano- kimée, (20) Come: now, chief, and come and lift my princess by means of the/ supernatural wolf of your ancestor, €walas Kwax: flandkimé€ ./ I mean this, that now has been movéd on the floor the princess of this chief Kemaxtilar ./ Now these two pairs of blankets will go for your breath, chief,"/ said he as he gave the two vairs of blankets to him. Then Odzé€stalis (25) went back into the house and ‘walas Kwae x*flandkimé€ came and sat down/(This 1s the most difficult speech of the Indians, when each one speaks about his/ privileges.) / | And as soon as €walas Kwax:flandkimée had sat down/Wak*as arose, the one who belongs to the nmumaym of €walas Kwax:flandkimé®, (30) and then Wak-as spoke and said; "This is the reason why I arise,/ (1) The writer uses here first the Mamaléleqala term for wolf, then the Kwaige-urt term. 10 15 20 25 256 s6 g*ig*egdmés 1léclqwalacé© gen wiréxwa g-igdmafyox fwalaséx Kwa- x'ilanokumafya, &madzés benyemads g* ig: amée laxens k: !6s€oxa HoLa~ genus laé 1a6é.€ xens awand&yé lax g-okwas HOtagenus 1AxOx Demléwaséx, qaxs fnemweyotalaé HOvagenus LO& fwalas Kwax-Tlanokumafyéxa k: jeasé weyotanema. Enéenak’ 1x6 hdsaaséx Qawadiliqala k* !6stowa 61ég-fn. €néenak?ixé, lacems téxréqwaliza, nék-6éxs laé k:$waigeaclsa. Wa, laémé €walas Kwax-flanokiimafyé h8wixa nafnaxméx waidemas Wak:asxa newé©1énoxwasa Mamaléleqdla. Wa, 18 Lax€welsé Lalak-otsiaxa yayaqientéms. Wa, 1a yaqleg*a- Era, Wa, 18 Enékeag ciledaé gigdmé® &walas Kwaxflanoktimé&, Hézro- laxaé benyem 1axds €wAalasagqds k-iéstfa, Wa, gélak-as€la g-Igimée, Enétnak’ité, Wa, gélag-a g*LgdmS& Qiaqéuyalagum (xa geayuté lax ene- emémutasa Cwilasisa Mamaléleqdla gwetyds.) qa&s ldlag-aés wawixeli~ flax ke lédétasa g-Igdmatyé Aémaixtlax, €nék6, Wa, héx-*idaemisé, Laxewelsé Qidqiuyalaguu. WH, 18 yaqtegacza, Wa, 1d En&k-as Qa, qitaxs hé&na?x gwég*ilaséxwa Lrégadixs twatwatsila qadzé.a, Qav lagla- még*f{ns g°ag*éxsilaxen g°igdmafyax laxdx L sasotiwalisaxwa geg°adlexsa k: 16dStax laxdx Qiéxidlagax. &néenak-izé, latmen 14x laét gen déxewi- déqS laemlax kiwémg:alizlaxd, &nék-°éxs laé qastida qa&s 16 laét laxa teex:flasa g:Okwé, Wd,keséstié gétixs g*axaé g*dxawels laxa téex*f- la qaés Laxtwelsé, Wa, 1X xwakitig-acx lagéxs NenstAliztaas BaxUbaq kwalanuxusiwatyé, Nan, nan, nan, nékeé, Wa, 1@ ydqiegeatza, “Wa, 18 Enékeas WH, h@€men &néenakeizxé gaxg-fn k* leAsék* k*flema. DA&Axm m 1 walasé ladda, néenak-izré, g*Igadme® Lfasotiwalis. Laem ke fanifladla- “Titre QséxLalagak: gras genemt gos, ‘g*igdme®, &nek-é. 09 G°AxS Odzé€stalis g*axawels 1Axa tlex:fla da&laxa sek: faxsa plel- “xelasg°em. Wa, 1&8 yaqlegeatza. Wa, 1# Enék-a, Wageaamasr Laraxbalax g° igdme€ Qiaqsuyalagum, Wa ,gelagea g- Tgame& geaxaaqos g*axaaqgds wawixe- 1i€laxg:fin k:!6détek* yfisa k*}éséx adms Cwalas lédaxwa Nenst&lizaxs 257 (1) chiefs of the tribes, that I may ask this chief ¢walas/Kwax-flano- kimé&, is there any reason, chief why you should be ashamed of our crest/HOvagenus when our first ancestor entered the house of HOv age ~ nus at Demléwas?/ For Hovaganus and €walas Kwix:flandkims€ were bro- thers so that there was nothing (5) that they could not get. I mean this that belongs to Qawadiliqala, the wolf crest./ I mean you have made a mistake,’ said he as he sat down./ Now €walas Kwax: flanoktmée never answered the speech of Wak*as/ for he is the myth keeper of the Mamaléleqila./ Then Lalak‘ots!a arose, the speaker. He spoke (10) and said, "Tt is nice, chief walas Kwax-flandkimée./ Why should you be ashamed of your great crest. Indeed I thank you, chief./ I mean this, now come, chief Qiaqioyalagum., (He belonged to the/ numaym €walas of the Mamalé6leqala, the one to whom he referred.) Now come and try to lift the/ princess of chief A€maxiilaz," said he, Immediately (15) Qsaqéoyalagum arose. He spoke and said, "Indeed/ it is true ‘his is the way it is done in this that has the name great marriage. In- deed,/ now we “are t reating like a chief Sunanntend i!asotiwalis, the one who will have for his wife this/ princess, Q!8x-talaga. I mean this, now I will go- in and look at her/ to see if she has moved,” said he, as he started. He went into the (20) door of the house and Lt was not long .before he came out of the door/ and he stood up and he became excited as a bear of the Cannibal-of=-the-North~-End-of-the- World/ and cried, "Nan nan nan.” Then he spoke/ and said, "This is what I mean, ‘There is nothing that I am afraid of. Look/ at my great dance. I mean this, chief cfdasotiwalis. Now is beginning to move on the ground (25) Qséx°talaga, She will be your wife, chief," said he./ Then Odzéestalis came out of the door carrying five pairs of blankets/and he spoke and said, "Go on,stand there a while/ chief glaqfoyalagum. Come, chief, you come, you come to lift from the floor/ the princess with his supernatural great dance, ‘Grizzly Bear of the 10 15 20 25 50 258 Bax4bakwalanuxdsiwatya yfisds geg*adanemSx laxa g-Iigdmatyaé .faqwa- g°ildsa naualakwé lélqwdlacafya NOxiints!Idexwas Awik:!8noxu, enéc- nak*ix6, laems digqaq 1axés k+fés€os6 Hanaréend 1axés Abask~ {otbsa Hadnaréenasa Qiémoyffyé. Wa, laemxaas dagaxa walasé 14d6 laxés k* !8sfosé6 s{seyuré 14xés Ask*!dtds laxwa Sneemémutaqosa Tem&*temtels laxwa Mamalélexk fé6tlenafyaqds, g*igim6&.enéenak-ixé6, la&mox kiwa- g° flix qiinéqiliza k- édéxaxsa g-Igimatyox A&maxiilaxéx. La€mések: laéxgeada sekeJaxsak* plelxelasgem qaés hasatyds (qaés yaqlantidlayu, Enék-exs €nék*aé qaés hasatyos), g*Iigimé®, Snék*éxs laé tslAsa sek fa- xsa pielxelasgem laqe Wa, latmé Odzéeestalisé Xw6la gér laxa g°okwé,. Wi, geaxé Qlaqiuyalagum kiwag-aclsa, WH, 1&8 Lax€welsé Lalak-otsiaxa yayaqientéms. Wa, 14 yaqleg-a- exa, WA, 18 EnSkeas Liled& g*Igdmée Qlaqluyalagum héXodzélaxaé benyem laxés €wilasaqds lddaaxwa gig*adaneméxwa Légadixs winanemes Wa, gélakeas®la g*Iigime®, néenak-ité, Wa, gélagea g-Ighmé® Odz6- Estalis qa€s lalageads wawixeliflax k- édétasa g:Igdmatyé A€maxtilax Enék*é, WS, héx-fidatmisé raxewelsé Odzéestalis {xa xamagematyé g-igdmésa €ne&mémutasa Ninemase qflitsa Lawits!8se)qa&s yaqleg*a&xé, wi, 18 €nékeas Yiimawistaren watdemten Lofléydx 1 sasotiwaliséxwa gigdmatyéx qa wag*és0x doqwazaxens ©naxwax mayax*alasxox Légemdza- xS laxens 1410LJaasaxwa genemtaqees. enéenak: 1x6, g* Lgimée Lfasoti- walis qa€s awelx*ayatmadsax n&xsflaaqos qafs k*!ésads babakwayosala qaés bexfutos, héemis qats k*iésads temlemsema, h8€mis qats k- lésads nex*sdkw& gaxs hé€maé &x- g:igdmatya &k-alaxa 6axke lalixés g° igedé gaf&s &lads aék-ila g*ag*éxsilasosés gigédés. EnéEnak: 1x6 g* Igimése © qaEnux¥ la gwe gwilag-fldzasa Légéla qa Légemsés xtindx¥laxads Logwada k (édéigrasgeada g*igdimég-a, €néenak-iré g-Igregimés 1éelqwélarée, Nogwaem niiyembalis NOmasa, lag*izasg*in &neemémitek> le guxralax Nune- maseqSlisé, Wa, la&mésen 1a¥ 14xés wazdemods, g° igdime€ Lalak‘otsia, enék*éxs laé hdkwata sék*éagqaxés sék*laganfxs laé k+!é6s yayaenaxs 259 Door of the (1) Cannibal-of-the-North-End-of-the-World, which you ob- tained in marriage from chief vc!aqwag-ila/of the supernatural tribe NoOxints!idex of the Awik: !énox4./I mean this. Now you took first the crest of Haenacéné from your mother's side,/the Hadnaténo of the Qi6- moyafyé. Now you also took the great dance as your (5) privilege, the double headed serpent from your father's side from the numaym TemZtemtels/of your Mamaléleqdla side, chief, I mean now has moved/ quite a distance the princess of this chief A€maxiilaz. Now/these five pairs of blankets will go for your breath, (instead of "for your speech"/said he "for your breath") chief," thus he said as he gave him the five pairs of (10) blankets. Then Odzé€stalis went back into the house/and Q!aqtoyalagum came and sat down./ Then Lalak-ots!a, the speaker arose. He spoke/ and said: "It is nice, chief Qlaqtoyalagum. Why should you be/ashamed of your great dance which you obtained by marriage,and the name that you have ob- tained in war? (15) Now thank you, chief. I mean this, come chief OdzéEstalis/and go now and try to lift the princess of chief A&maxi- 1az,''/ said he, Immediately Odzé€stalis arose (the head/chief of the Ninemaseqg&lis of the Zawits!és) and spoke./ He said, "This will be my speech to my nephew, tasotiwalis, (20) the chief, Let him see that we all respect this his great name/in the way in which we try to get the one who will be his wife, I mean this, chief .!dsotiwalis,/that you may show that you are noble, that you may not look angrily/upon your fellow men and also that you may not speak proudly and that you may not/ be childish,for he is a good chief who is kind, speaking kindly to the people,(25) that you may really be treated nicely like a chief by your people. I mean this, chief,/what we are now doing is giving a name to be the name of your child,this/princess,chief, That is what I mean, chiefs of the tribes./ I have at the beginning of my myth NoOmas,. There- fore, my numaym have the tribe name Ninemaseq&lis./ Now I will do ac- cording to your word, chief Lalak-ots!a,"/said he as he stooped down 10 15 20 295 260 laé q&€nakiila gwey6tela lax tiex:flds g*dkwas A€maxtlazé. Laem na- enaxtsfewax gatsiitssénatyasa noOmasé begwainema, Wa, g°flemise lag*aa laxa tlex-fla 1laé negetoxewit tasa. Wa, ld yaqlegeatza, wa, 14 } Enék*as Geax€men, g°axemen g:axarela 1&t g°igdmé® A&maxtlax. NOo- gwaem Odzé€stalisa, noOgwaem naualak-ustAlis Nomasa. G-axfmen wawi- xeli€laxs k* fédétaqlds, g:Igimee, EnéEnak-ixé g-Lgimée A€maxiilaz, Wig?ixla witg:fdzérla héiqieg-alizaxs k-lédétaqids g-Igimée gen nd- gwaemé 14:q6 qag’fn g° igdimék- laxgea Llasotiwalisek, Enék°é,. WA, g°fl&*misé q!ilbé watdemas g*ax6 Odzéestalisé g*axawels laxa tlex:fla dalaxa matzaxsa peclxelasgem. Wa, 18 yaqlegeafza, WH, 18 En&ék-as Wigeadmas. Lavaxbalax, g-Iigdm6® Odzéestalis. Qa, qdrés wazdemds, gigdmé®, Ala, 4lasés wazdemos yixs laaqos Léxstalaxwa g:ig&matyax 14x6x ciasotiwalisax qa k*{é@s@so©& babakwaydsela qaé6és g-dkil6té 1ax gwég-llasasa &em dwelgqela qats g ighimatyéxa k+ feAsé g-I[qag-iwatyaxa ke se4sé gagempa. Wa, h8em temgé qaés g°oktloté, lag-izas 1. lédzexé6, wix'i niyembalis g-Igdma®ya g- igimecys 1a iat Temaa Lemqag 128, Ené- €nak* 146, wa gélag-a g*Igimé®, g:axaaqds g*axdzéaqos wawixeli€laxgin k !6d6xeke yfsa k*!8séx admsa NOmaséx yisds awan&fy6sé Odzéestalis AGdzitlalag*flis. H8ems ntiyembalis LéLegemé, grigimee, &néenak-ité, la&mox qliinéqwaliza k* .edézaxsa g*Igimatyox A€maxtlaxéx. La€mések laxgeada mafxAxse ke pielxelasgem qaés hasatyos, g*igémé&, €nék-éxs laé ts!fsa ma€ldxsa peelxelasgem lag. WH, 1& Odzé€stalis xwdlagér 1axa g*Okwé, WA, g:ax6 OdzéEstalis k!wag-aelsa. Wi, 18 Lax€welsé Lalak-otstaxa yayaqéentéms, ia, 14 yaqleg-atza. Wa, 1a €nék-a; Lbeda, g* Lgimde OdzéEstalis. Laemxaé doxtwarexaxés Ewalasos k*+!6s€&, HéXolaxaS k-!és yalaxsemyfaxa naualak*ust4lisé 261 carrying his cane. And he did not go fast (1) when he was walking towards the door of the house of A€maxtilat. Then/ he imitated the way of walking of an old man, and when he arrived/ at the door he stood up straight and he spoke and/ said; ''I came, I oame and reached you, chief A€mixtilax, (5) I am Odzétstalis, I am Nomas who came up with supernatural power, I came to try to(lift up/ your princess, chief. I mean this, chief Kemaxtilaz ./ Now go on, go on, great one,let her come right off from the flooy your princess, chief, that I may/ get her for my chief here,for Ltasotiwalis," said he./ And as soon as his speech was ended Odzéestalis: came out of the door (10) carrying two pairs of blankets and he spoke and said,/ “Stand here for a while, chief Odzé€stalis”. Indeed, your word is true,/ chief. It is true, it is true what is said when you give advice to this chief/ tiAsotiwalis that he should not look angrily upon his tribe/ in the way of those who just want to be chiefs and who have no chief ancestors (15) who- have no grandfathers Tey are proud in (their dealings with) their tribe and therefore they are hated./ But if a chief begins from the myth times, then he is afraid to be proud./ I mean this. Now come, chief, you great one, come and lift/this my princess-with the supernatural Nomas, the first ancestor of Odzéestalis,/ Addzitldlag-flis. That is the name at -the beginning of myth time, chief. I mean this, (20) Now has been moved on the floor this princess of chief A€maxtilax. Now/ will go these two pairs of blankets for your breath, chief." ‘Thus he said/ as he gave him the tao pairs of blankets. Then Odzé6estalis ah back/ into the house and Odzé€stalis came and svt down./ — Then Pata oes ating teteaian arose and spoke (25) and said, “It is nice, chief Odzé€stalis., Now has been seen again/your gre xt priv- ilege. Why should you not be proud of the supernatural (1) privilege 1. This is OdzéEstalis of the numaym KYkwak!iim of the Qlémoy&tyé. 2. This is Odzéestalis of the numaym Niinemaseqflis of the Lawitsiés, 16 15 20 25 50 262 niyembalis k*!6s*6s, g*Iigimé®.Wa, gélak-as®la g° igdimé® . &néenak- 176, Wa, gdlagea g*Igimé© Yaxyegas (xa xamagemeys g-igimdsa ne &mématasa Sisen.!ésa Lawitsiés6 gwefyds) qas lalag-ads wawixeli€lax k- $édézasa ge igdmatye Kemaxtlar, &nék-é, Wa, héx-&ida&misé YAXYE gas Laxewelsa, Wa, 18 yaqtegeatta, Wa, 1A © nék-as Qat qétaxs lefmaagos ©nék-a, g° igre gimédzé Awasfl Liagoras Leewa g* igdimedzéex xlinodkwas tfasotiwae lidadxwa 4lak:talax g-Ixsé€stala tewelqi€lak¥ g-Igdmatya, Wa, laems yar farex gigimS® isdsotiwalis, ladzéems yar sA.ex laxgeas g+igédg-ds, eg igdmée, qaxge-anu&x4 latmék* g°ag-éxsila 14, g° igdmé& Ltasotiwalis laxwa k°$8s6x qfindla nétédxwa waewalatsilax k-!éstoxrtien qadzéta Emenmesodes 1axds &walasaqds L6gema g* igamé& Lldsotiwalis, G*-ixsé6é€sta- Lisemée€e, Yaqorasematyé, d&xs 14qg6s 1étanem Léregemdzé, Laems Kiwa- yuta laxés gaqesisés g-Igim6©, Laems g*ik:uttsienda laxa tliexila- Eyasox Adzéx. €né&nak- 1x6 gig-egame®. Latmen laztsg*fn €wilasek* k $8s€Axgeada k:tefseke weyOranem k* t6s&h wawixelllax k- {édézasa g-igdmatyaé Aemaxtlata, *nék-exs laé gdsfida qa&s 16 taxstolsaxa tle- x*flds g*Okwas A€maxilat, Wa, 1a dOgwitelaxa g°dkwaxs laé wa&kiwala 1ax gwék: /alasasa €watsie, €wo,€wo,€wo,€wo,hé 6, €nék-é gaxs ewatsla- 8s k !8s€o, Wa, 18 ydqlegeatza, Wa, 1a EnSk-a; fyA ya, e*igdmé A€ma~ xilar, Graxen wawixeliflaxs k: {6détaqds, g-Lguimée A€maxtilax qag-ada geayflaqoxada g-igdmék-xg-a LsAsotiwalisek:, NOkU K-fada, nodk¥ rarbq licla, noku Yaxyagasg-fn ®ydlagem6k> 141, g-igdmé& Kemixilaz. G°axemen qadzé6taxs k°!8déraqids, nék-6, Wa, gaxé OdzSestalis g-axawels laxa tiex-fla dalaxa sek*faxsa péelxelasgem, Wa, 14, yaqtegeatta, Wa, 1a Enék-ag Wig-admast Lataxbalax g°igimé® Yaxyagas. Wa, gelag-a ge: igdmése g°axaaqos, g*axaagos wawixeliflaxgin k+ !6dézek* yfsa k-!8séx admsa ewa- laséx k*{6s&& €watsléx yisds Awanitydsé K- ids, €néenak-ix6 g-igdimée, latmox k$wig- f1iz Leqiliza k? $6dézaxsa g-Iigimafy6x A€mAxiilazéx., La&mé- sek lazgeada seks faxsak: pielxelasgem dase hasafyos, g*Igimec, Enék:exs laé ts!&sa sek laxsa peelxelasgem laq. Wa, la&mé Odzéestalis xwilagér léxa g°SkwS. Wa, g°Axé Yaxyagasé kiwig-aels. 265 which came up at the beginning of the myth time, chief. Now thank you, chief. I mean this./ Now come, chief Yaxyagas , (the head chief of the nu- maym/Sisen.!é€& of the Lawits!és is the one he meant) and try to lift off the- floor the princess/of chief A€maxiilaz," he said, Immediately arose Yaxyadgas (5) and he spoke and said, "Indeed, it is true. Now you say it,/these are great chiefs,father and son,t‘aqo.as and this great chief your son,the great c.!asotiwalis,/who is really a chief all over, the chief who is made a prince, Now/take care, chief c!asotiwalis, take great care of those who have you as a chief,/ chief,that we may treat you as a chief,chief tiasotiwalis (10) at this great marriage at which the crests are brought out of the woods, which nok often shown,/ which is equal to the greatness of your name, chief .lasotiwalis, G- Ixsé€stalisemé€ ,/Yaqo.asemée, Look at these your great names that you have obtained. Now you got much/that you went out to. get, ohief. Kow you have passed half the road/made by your great father, I mean this, chiefs. Now I will go with my great (15) privilege, the crest which nothing can withstand,and try to lift up the princess of this/ chief ,A€maxiilaz,* Thus he said and he started,and he stood in the door/ of the house of Kemaxiilaz and he looked into the house and he barked in/the way a dog barks,"€wo wo wo €wo,hé 6," said he,for the dog/is his crest, Then he spoke and said,“Oh chief A€maxtilax,(20) I come to lift your princess,chief Aemaxtilaz ,for this one/who wants to marry her, this chief clasotiwalis. I am K°!ad6, I am vélSlicta,/ I am Yaxydgas. I am sent to you, chief A€mixtilaz. I come/ to marry your princess," said he. Then Odzétstalis came out of the/ door carrying five pairs of blank- ets and he spoke and (25) said: 'Stand there for a while, chief Yaxydgas Now come, chief./ You came, you came to lift this princess with the supernatural great/crest, the dog of your ancestor K: !ada6. I mean this, chief./ Now a long way has moved this princess of this chief Aémaxilat. Now/ these five blankets will go for your breath, chief," said he (30) ag he gave the five pairs of blankets to him, ‘hen Odzé€stalis went back/ into the house and Yaxydigas came and sat down./ 10 15 20 25 50 264 wi, 18 vax€welsé Lalak-otsiaxa yayaqientéms. Wa, 1& yaqse~ geatla, Wa, 1a obi Alatas, A&ladzétasés waidemds g:igdmée Yaxyagas, hétolaxaé benyem 1axds Cwalasagés k: $6s4a. D&xdzé 1axds Léregemizagos. Wa, gélakeastla g-Igimee, néenak-ité. Wa, gélag-a g°igdmé& MOkwételasdgwiflaku (xa xamigemay6 g:igimésa ne &mémtasa Qaqawadiliqdla gwefyds) qats ldlag*ads wawixeliflax k- lédézasa ge Lgimacyé Acmaxtilaz, Enék*S, Wa, héxfidatmisé Laxewelsa ge: lgimatyé MdkwS telasdgwi€lakwé qa&s yaqicg:afzxé. Wa, 18 Enékeag Edzék-as, adzék*as g*igeegdmés lélqw&laré. Adzésa ke $6séx g!tindla g*ax néla- tsene k* 26k feseox laxwa waewalatsilax q&dzé.a cégemg-ilg qa Lé= gemtsa xiindx4casa g*igimatyox Lfdsotiwalidzix. Wa, wig:fzla g° igame® Lédsotiwalis, yarsAtex qag*ada g-ig-egimég*asgeada hamatelak* 16- Elqwilarafya. Laem k-te&s giintietsdik: qads ‘walasagds watdema, g°i- gamde. Enéenak*izé, nOgwar Mokwételasogwiflakwa nilyembalisax (Ja- wadiliqdlaxa wilasé tOgwalaxa SnemOx¥emé g-f1 ladanuxusa fwalasaxaa- kwéxa la gwéxfid 14. hamaxel léelqwilaré©, lag-itads nogwaem nanenk!wa- se€wa. Enéenak’izxé, La€men 14%, lafmen 14x gen wawixeli€1éx k- lé= déxasa g-igdimatyé Aemaxilat, nék-éxs laé qistida gats 16 Laxstolsaxa tlex’flas g-Skwas A€mixilat. WA, 18 gimodétalaxa tlex-fla. Wa, g°fl€misé moplendzaqwa gimottegratza laS yaqlegeatia. Wh, 1k fné- keav Wagea hSlatoletor g-Igdme® Afmaxilat. G-*axtmen g°axfarelax~ g-in €walasek* LOgwalaxg-fn MOkwételasogwiflakwék-. Nogwaem g-ay4 1axen niyemagsiwatyé Qawadiliqdla. Wa, g°axemen g*igim6® g-ag-alatq g°iwalaxg’fn walasek* k*!é6és€Axgeada g°flalazitek® wawixall€laxs k+ {6détaqios, g:Igimé® A€maxtilat, €nék-6, WH, g°dxé Odzéestalis g-a- Xawels 1axa tiex:fla dalaxa sek faxsa peelxelasgem. Wa, 1&8 yaqleg:a~ Ya, WH 1h €nékea: Wageaamast Lataxbalax, g* Lgamée MOkwé te lasOgwi- €lak¥, Wa, gélag-a, gigas, g°axaaqgos wawixeliflaxg:in k: !6éd6zxek: yfsa k' !és8x admsaxOx Qawadiliqdla yfsdés dwana&&ydsxa ladenukwasa wa- lasfaxaak¥, Ené€nak:ix6, la&mOx kiwag- flix Léqitiliza k-ledezaxsa g*I- gamafyox A€maxtilazéx. La&mések+ latgeada sek- taxsak: pselxelasgem 265 (1) Then arose Lalakotsi!a, the speaker. He spoke/ and said , "et is true, it is true what you say, chief/Yaxyagas. Why should you be ashamed of your crest? Look at your/ great names. Thank you, chief. That is what I mean. Now come,(5) chief MOkw6 te lasdgwitlaky, (the head chief of the numayn/ Qaqawatiliqala is the one he meant) come and lift the princess/of chief Kemixilaz," said he. Immediately arose chief/Mokwételasdgwiflak¥ and spoke. He said, “Great,/it is great,chiefs of the tribes. Great are these which are not often shown, (10) these crests and this great marriage at which a name is given to | be the/name of the son of this chief,this great Ldsotiwalis. Now go on, chief/i_iasotiwalis, take care. Now on account of this, chiefs of the different/tribes, there is nothing too heavy for your great speech chief./ I mean this.I am MOkwételasogwiflak¥, the one who at the be- ginning of myth time was (15) Qawadiligala, the great supernatural one,the only one who had the dance brought down from above/now scat- tered among you,all you tribes. For this reason I am imitated by yon I mean this. Now I will go. Now I will go and try to lift the princess of/ chief A€maxilaz," thus he said and he went and stood near the/door of the house of A€maxtlat., Then he howled like a wolf in the doorway. _ (20) As soon as he had howled four times, he spoke and said,/ "Now “listen well,chief A&maxilax, I came, I brought/my great supernatural treasure. I am MOkwStelasdgwiflak4, I am he who came/from our first myth, Qawadiliqala. I came, chief, holding before me/ my great crest this G-flalazit,trying to lift up (25) your princess,chief A€maxtilaz ," said he. Then Odzéfstalis came/ to the door carrying five pairs of blankets. He spoke/ and said, “Now stand there for a while, chief Mokwételasdgwitlake./Now come,chief., You came to lift my princess/here with the supernatural Qawadiliqala, your root, the one who has the dance brought down from above, (30) I mean this. Now a long way has moved on the floor the princess of this / chief KEmaxilat. Now these five pairs of blankets (1) will go for your breath, chief." Thus he 10 15 20 25 266 qaés hasdfy6s, g*igim6é®, €nék-exs laé tsifsa sek- faxsa pselxelasgem ldq. Wa, la&mS Odzéestalisé xwélagé6t laxa g-Okwé, WA, g°axé MOkwé- telasOgwiflakwé k!wag-aels, Wa, 18 Lax&welsé Lalak*6ts!axa yayaqientéms., Wa, 1a yaqiegea- Era, WH, 1d Endk-as Lieda g*igamé© MOkwételasdgwitlak4 hsxrodzélaxae, h8xy6dzélaxaé benyem 14x6s €walasaqos k- !és€faxwa Alax g*{ldraxalaso€& 1é., g*igdmé® yfsa g ig*egamatyasa lélqwdlaratyé, d&xé6s Lére&gemdze- yOs g*igdmée, €néenak-ixé. Wa, gélak-as®la g°igdmée, gélaq/anakifla. EnSenak-1iz6, Wa, gélag-a g'igim6& tmaxwaqsdxel qats lalag-aés wa- wixeliflax k:{éd6ztasa g-Igdmatyé A&maxiilat, &nék-6.WH, hdx-€idaemisa & Lgimatyé emaxwaq!ozela Lax°welsa qa&s yaqtegratzvé, Wa, 1a Enékea (xa g-ayuryé 1ax €ne&mémutasa Nax*naxtlasa Qwégusotiénoxu gwe&yds). Qa, qatés wazdemos, g*Igaméé Lalak*6ts!e Laems nax*ndigdliza g Tgame® laagds Léx€ét g*axen, yfinvaxg’in awandélég-axen nuyembalisé vt {at fa- xwasd6xa xtingwadds OdzéEstalis. Wa xitngwadex*fidé Odzétstalisas Ya- qax€anlidzé, HA, gagnto hanaxlax Léqge lax LéLegemdzasen g°igeeqag: iwax- ga, lake Légad EmaxwaqsOtela, néenak-ixé g-Ig-egamés 16elqwalacé6®, Yuemen gwasx*dlag:flis S6atxénatyox laxens €walaséx génatiesa. €néena- k°iz6. Wa&gra &naxwa ya. s&tex g*Iige-egamé© Stens weyorlax. Wa, la€mésen 142 ,€ndk°éxs laé gdstida ga€s 14 Laxstolsaxa tiex:fldsa g*dkwas AEmaxti- lazé, WH, 1& dzdnoqwa 6 5 6 1ax gwebyé gwék: talats Léa saxwasdixs winad, WH, 18 ydqéeg-atia, Wa, 1d SnSk-a: G*axSmen g-igimée, grax Emen g°axfarelasg*in €walasek: k+/6s&& wawixeliflaxs k- /@@élaqds we Tgims® Amaxtlat, NOgwaem niiyembalisax 1 at éaxwasdéxa xiingwadis, OdzSEstaliséxa k* lefisé meySLanema, Enéenak- 1x6, g*Iigdmee A€maxiilaz. Wigeax-Ox ndsila qen nOgw6emé létexs k- édétaqos g-Igim6® qag*ada ge igdimék: laxg-a LsAsotiwalisek-, &nék-6, Wa, g°axd Odzéestalis g-a- xawels laxa tiex:Ylaéea g*Okw6 ddilaxa sek*laxsa pielxelasgem, Wa, 14 yaqeegeafta, Wa, 1& €nékeas Wageaamast Lataxbalax, g:Igimé& &maxwa- qldzel. Wa, gélag-a, wa, gdladzélag-a g:Iigim6®, g-dxaaqds g-axdz&aqos 267 said as he gave the five pairs of blankets/ to him. Then Odzé- Egtalis went back into the house and/MOkwételaséewitlak¥ came and sat down. Then the speaker Lalak-ots!a arose and spoke (5) and said, "It is nice, chief MOkwételasOgwiflak¥, Why should you/ be ashamed of your great crest that has just been stolen from you,/ chief, by the chiefs of the tribes. Look at your great names ,/chief, I mean this, Thank you, chief. ‘Thank you indeed./ I mean this. Now oome, chief Emaxwag soe la and try (10) to lift up the princess of chief Kemaxti- lax,'' said he. Immediately/ chief €mAxwaqidiela arose and spoke and said, / (The one who came from the numaym Nax:naxiila of the Qwéqusd~ t!8nox¥ he referred to)/ !'Indeed, true is your word, chief Lalak-o- ts!a, You hit it, chief,/when you named me. I own as my ancestor at the beginning of my myth L tat faxwas. (15) He had as his child Odzéestalis, and Odzé€stalis had for his child Yaqatfenlis./ Oh, if I should continue to name the great names of my chief-ancestors {/ Now my name is €maxwaq-soxela. i mean this, chiefs of the tribes. This my/work comes from long ago in the great dance that we are Saoryint out. I mean this./ Now go on, take care, chiefs, else we may not get this. Now I will go," (20} said he, ‘Then he started and stood in the door of the house of Aemaxitlar ./ Then he uttered the Dzonog!wa cry, “0 0 0, ° in the way, it is said, L+al ‘axwas eried when he/ went to war. Then he spoke and said, "T have come, chief. I have come./ I reached here with my great crest, and I try to lift your princess,/ chief A€mixtilat, I am the one who is from the beg- inning of myth times L‘a_iaxwas, He had as his child (25) Odzé- Estalis, There is nothing he could not get. I mean this, chief Aimaxiilar ./ Let me be the one to get her so that I may get your prin- cess chief, for this/ chief cfdsotiwalis." Thus he said. ‘Then Odzé- €gtalis came/ out of the door of the house carrying five pairs of blankets,/ He spoke and said, "Stay there for a while, chief &maxwa- qidae1a (30) Now come, now come, great chief. You have come, great 10 15 20 25 50 268 qiwalenk¥sds niiyembalisaqdsxdx cldriaxwasdé, G*axdzilagqés wawixelie« Elaxg:in k* {édé%ek*, yidzésds régemdz&qds, maxwaqsd%el. La&mdx g°ax néx€Sdbs Ewalaséx k-fést&, grigim6&., Enéenak-ité, g-daxdzéemox SxeastOliza laxwa téex*flaxwa k* {6dézaqen g°igimé&, gaxs k+ {ésaaqis admsa, g* igimée, €néenak- 126 latmések* lazgeada sek: faxsak* plelxee lasgem qaés hasé&yds, g°igimee, Enék°éxs 1aé6é tslasa sek: laxsa plelxe-~ lasgem lag. Wa, la&mé Odzé€stalisé xwélag&. laxa g*dkwé. Wi, g°axé emixwaqidtele kéwag-aclsa. Wa, 18 Laxfwelsé Lélak-otsiaxa yayaqientéms. Wa, 1& yaqlegrae ya, Wa, 1& Enékea: Adzék-as, g:igdm6&, adzék-atsés watdemds g°Le gimé€ €mixwaqsOxelxwa qétindlax dOx€watezaxwa ©walasagds k- {6s€&xdx L sat Jaxwasdé. Wa, gélakeas€la, Wa, gélaqéanakuela, g° igéimé&xen Enéenak*ité, g*Lgdimse Emaxwaqsdtel, geax€mé g-axstoliza laéxa tlex-f1é k* lédézasa g*igimafyé A€maxiilaza., €né€nakeii6. Wa, gélaga, g° igé- m6 Qidmoqé (xa xA&magematyé g° igdmé sa Ene Emémutasa G-ig:figemasa Gwa- waénox¥ gwefyds) qa&s lalageads g*ag*axstdli€lax k: l6édétasa g° i gama Eyaé A€mixtlazé, naualakwaxalisaasés g:flg-alesos, g:Igimée, enék-é, Wa, héx-€idamisé Qlomogé Laxtwelsa qats yaqleg'aez6, WA, 1k endk-as Ala, g*igdémée, Alasés waxdemos, g*igamé Lalak‘ots! . Ala€mé naualakwaxa- lisen nuyembalisé ndlanokiimg: iflakwéxa k: leastwiiza k-!6s laasaxa 1éte laét 1léx g-Skwas Qlomogwayé lax Talégwatsié. Wi, la&mé rogwalaxa enaxwa qa’s gwex* sdem yaxtenaxa fyatyag-adelax Le ewa hémaxdélax Leewa fwalasa ke ld€ma, Wa, bSemisen lag-ita cégades isaqwagila 15© Qid~ mogé. Wa, ndgwatmis €ndlanoklimg'i€lakwa. Wi, la€mésen lax, g°igi- mé€ -Lalak-6ts! g°-ag:axstoliflax Qt6x°Ldlagéxa k* [6dézas A€maixtilaza, Enék*éxs laé qas€ida qats 16 laxa tiex:fldsa g*Skwas A€maxtlax, Wa 1@ Ldxstolsaxa tiex-fla. WH, 1@ yaqéeg-atza, Wa, 1& Enék-as Wag'fle hélatolérex g*Igim6& A€maxtilat. Gaxemen geaxfartela 1l4., g-igimée’, Nogwacem Qiomoqg& awanflaxen nuyembalisé €nalandkimg?iflakwéxa xtingwa- d&és Qlémoqfxen 16 Léqaseewa. Enéenak*ité, g-axemen wawixeli€laxs k* f6~ 269 one, (1) dressed in what belonged to the beginning of your myth, L!autaxwas, come great one and try to lift / this great prin- cess with your great name, &mixwaqiozala, Now/ you have come and shown your great crest, chief. I mean this, now/ she has moved near to the door, this princess of my chief, for you are (5) supernatural, chief, I mean this, these five pairs of blankets will go/for your breath, chief.'! Thus he:said as he gave the five pairs of blankets/ to him. Then Odzé€stalis went back into the house, and/ &mixwaqidq tala came and sat down./ Then arose Lalak-ots{a the speaker, He spoke (10) and said, "ah, chief, great is what you said, chief/ ©maxwaqiétala, this what is often seen, your great crest,/ Liat laxwas. Thank you, thank you, indeed, chief./ I mean this, chief mixwaqidtala, she has come towards the door,/ the princess of chief K€mAxiilat. I mean this, Now come, chief (15) Qidmogé (Me head chief of the numaym G-ig-flgim of the Gwawaénoxu¥/was the one he meant.) Come, and make come to the door the princess of chief/A€maxilar. Your ancestors, chief, came down with supernatural power," said he./ Immediately Q!émog& arose and spoke. He said, “True/ chief, true is your. word, chief Lalak-otsia. My ancestor,(20) according to the myth from the beginning, €nalans-~ ktimg? 1&lak4 came down with supernatural power. ‘There was nothing that he went for in vain/when he went into the house of Q!dmogwa at Tslégwats!e., Then he obtained supernatural power/ all kinds of dancing paraphernalia, the sea-monster dance, and the killer-whale dance and the/ great bullhead,and therefore his name was 1 {aqwag: ile and Qsdmog&./ I am €ndlandkimg:iflak¥.. Now I will go, chief (25) Lalakotsia, and try to bring to the door Q!6x-talaga, the princess of A€mixtilar."/ Thus he said and he started to the door of the house of Aemaxtilar ./ Then he stood outside of the door and spoke, He said, "Now/listen well, chief Kemaxtlaz, I have come, I reached you, chief./ I am Q!émoq&. My ancestor at the beginning of my myth was ©na- lanodkimg:1€lak4¥, He had for his child (50) Qiémoq& and I am named thus, 10 15. 20 25 50 270 détaqids g*Iigim6, ga g:Axlag-1s6 g-Axawelsa laxs g*dkwaq6s, g*igi- moe. Geaxemen yalagemsg-ada g° igimék-xg-a .sdsotiwalidzék*xg*as Lewalqotreg’os Qt6x°Lalagaxwa ke $6s6x qiiindla hétaxaaku Lewilgox. en§enak-i26, Wa, gélatlageax’o g-igdmé® A€mixiilaz k- [édétaqtos, Enék°6, WA, g°axé OdzéEstalis g*axawels laxa tlex-fla dalaxa se- ke faxsa ptelxelasgema, Wa, 1d yaqiegeatta, Wa, 1% €nSk-as Wig-ae dmast Lataxbalax, g° igame€ Qlomog4. Wa, gélag:a g*igdmée®, g*axa- aqgos &ne&maenakiila Leewos naualakwag*iwafyaqosox nalanokiumg: 1&la- kw6x, l&g*itads lag*izxads laem l&tg°fn k-f@d@lek’. Tatméseke 1Al- g°ada sek+ Jaxsak- peelxelasgem qaés hasatyos, g-igame®, &nék-éxs laé tsiasa sek-laxsa plelxelasgem laq. Wa, 1&8 &nék°6 Odzétstalisaq: Hag*a nézaxa g° igdma®yaé u saso- tiwalisa ga waigeisé qadzézfida, enék-éqg. WA, hSx°fidatmiséd Qlé- mog& yalaqwas yaélaxtenalas Snalandkiimg: if lak¥twiitaxa €nék-é yixs hé€maé ars h8 Lasé Lldsanffyasa tlex-flis g-Skwas Kemixilaxé: 1, Laxeden bébenadzelédzems lax bébenag&walits lowa, ha wo. 2, Lax*den laétem lax g*Ox4g*dkUlég-is Qsomogwatya, ha wo. 3. Geaxtemx-dtwisen SwI€lérelisaxg-a qlimatayuwahak-ats tla- qwag’ila, ha wo, Enék-exs g*axa6 gwasdtela lax kiitsiedzasa €nixwa lélqwilaratya, Wa, g°fl€misé g°axfarelaxs 1a6 yaqiegeatta. Wa, 1a Enék-a: G-ax- Smen, g*Ligim6€ reAsotiwalis, latmen 1éta 1axés genemés, g°Igamée, Latmens wixaso&® gens qadzé.alag:i, €nék-é, Wa, héx€idatmisé xwanax€idé Lalak-otsiaxa yayaqientémsdé qa&s h&€maé lax hosatxa qadzéremvé peelxelasgema. Wa, latwmé La- lak-otsla dax-fidxa €nemxsa péelxelasgem qafs ceplidéq. Wa, 1a Léldlasefwa glaqiastowd begwanem ga 18s k!wats laixa nexwaitea 1ax Ladzasas Lalak-otséa, Wa, 18 ydqsegeatia yix Lalak-ots!a. Wa, 1a €nék-as Qaitactens g-igeegdmés 1élqwilaré© laxwa Légadé qadzé- Liénacya, Yiiem k-lég qiiindla néx€6dbx,. WA, laf&mens g-dg-éxsila- xwa g*gdmafyox Ltdsotiwaliséx, né€nak-1i6, latmdsens qadzée= 271 I mean this. I come to try to lift your princess,(1) chief, that she may come outside of your house, chief./ I come, sent by this great chief, tlasotiwalis,/who, as a prince, marries your princess, Q:6x*Lalaga. Not often comes down by good luck the marriage between princes./ I mean this. Now, chief A€maxilazx, let your princess come," (5) said he. Then Odzé€stalis came out of the door carrying/five pairs of blankets. He spoke and said,/“Stand there for a while,chief QiS6moq&. Now come,chief, you came/together with your supernatural ancestor, ndlandkimg:i€lak4./ Therefore you have now obtained my princess, Now (10) These five pairs of blankets will go for your breath, chief."' Thus he said/as he gave the five pairs of blankets to him./ Then Odzé€stalis said to him,"“Go now and tell chief L !Asotiwa- lis/that he may be married now," said he to him. Immediately Q!6mo- gf/sang the sacred song of €ndlandkiimg’iflak¥, while (15) he was still standing outside of the door of the house of A€maxiilaz:/ 1." was carried down to the lowest world. Ha wo./ 2. I was taken down into the house of Q!6mogwa, Ha wo./ S. So I obtained everything, this wealth-bringer of/Copper- Maker, Ha wo./ (20) Thus he said as he came towards the place where were sitting all the tribes./ As soon as he reached them he spoke and said, "I have come,/chief .tasotiwalis, Now I got your wife, chief./ Now we are told to get married, said he./ Immediately Lalak:otsla, the speaker, got ready,(25) for he was the one who was to count the marriage gift blankets. Then/La- lak*ots!a took one pair of blankets and spread it out. Then/the tally keepers were called and they went and sat down near/the place where Lalak-otsia was standing Then spoke Lalak-ots!a and/he said, “Now, chiefs of the tribes,in this what is called a great wedding,(30) this is not often shown. Now we shall treat as a chief/this ohief Ltasotiwalis, I mean this. Now we shall get married (1) with this,‘ 10 15 20 25 350 272 Laséqai, &nék-Sxs laé x*flxsayapéentsa €nemxsa pielxelasgem laxa nsrea grax kiwis lax cfdsaflasas Lalak‘otsia. Wa, la€méda q!la- qlastowé begwanem hasela &nék-a, Snemxsa, ma&texsa, yuduxuxsa, mo- xsa, last@ai. Héem hosalatsa qlaqiastowé begwanemgéxs laé Lalak-otsia x°flxsayaptenddlasa ptelxelasgem laxa héxfa, Wa, g°fl€misé sek- faxsa peelxelasgem la x°flxsayap!éxa héxeaxs laé taddaé_as 14x g°dkwas Aemaxilazé, Wa, 18 6tiédé Lalak-otsia dax-fidxa nemxsa pselxelas= gema. Wa, 18 €nék+a, dalaxéqai 1laxaé x°flxsayaplend&lasa sek laxsa pselxelasgem laxa Ogiflatmé héx€a, Wa, 18 Lalak-otsia €nék-a la- st&ai, WA, 13da qlaqtastow6 begwanem Enék°a la ma€itsokwai. Wa, latmS héx-siem waidems Lalak-ots!la, Dalaxégai, laxa pselxelasgem, Wi, Ax€mis6 gwat dalaxaxs la6 €wi€lg:flsa mafiplenyag:i plelxelase gem daaxus, (Ma&zx6é Légemas LO& gadzétem.) Wa, la Lalak-otsia dae x°€fdxa €nemxsa psElxelasgem. Wa, 1@ yaqseg’atta, Wa, li &nék-a: Latmé gwaixa mafiplenyagea poelxelasgem daakwasg*fin g-igimék-, yixg-a Lsasotiwalisek*., ©nénak-izé, g-Iig-egdmés léelqwalarai. Nosatwie sensax watdemaxens gwé &nakulaséx laxwa Sgwaqaiax Cwatwalatsila ga= gaks fa qaxg*ins &€mék- negexenéx tlex:Lla€ya gens ne getfenése wa yisens awan&fy6, €néenakeiz6, La&men rag? flizaséqai lax k- $édézasa g° Lgimatyé Aemixhlat, Enék*6xs laé x‘flxsayap!endalasa sek: laxsa pselxelasgem laxa héxfaxa la taddaétas lax g°Skwas AfmAxtilaré, Wa, la ma&ipjenyag’1l plelxelasgema vagealflemaséx k-6détas A&mAxtilaz. Wa, «g°flémisé wiléda matipsenyag’i raég°flélem plelxelasgema laas Lalak*Gtsia d&x-€Iidxa enemxsa peelxelasgem. Wa, 1laxaé yiglegineee Wa, 1& €n6k-a; QaL, gataxg’fh Lal6t se &mék- laxa k* $6d62x5 qa la€més qigé g-axens g*Ig-egdmés 1éelqw&laré& gdinso lat lax g-Skwasg-in g°I- gimék> laxg-a Lsasotiwalisek*, €n6é€nak-izxé, laf&men .1S&lalaséqat, enék-exs 1a6 x-filxsayapsalasa sek $axsa pielxelasgem laxa héxea, Wa, la, hSx-siem gwék- tala, Axemisé gwitexs lad €wiflg-elsa lak: sends pselxelasgem LSElalay&. WH laem sek: faplenyag’ti higawéda plelxe= Lasgemes 275 said he as he threw one pair of blankets on the shoulders of/ one young man who came and sat down in front of Lalak-otsia, ‘hen tie/ tally keeper said aloud,'!One pair, two pairs, three pairs, four pairs,/ ten!'' (This is what the tally keepers count while Lalak-ots!a (5S) is throwing the blankets on the shoulders of the young man,) and when five pairs of/ blankets were on his shoulders, the young man took them into the house of/ AtmAxtlaz., Then Lalak-ots!a took again one pair of blankets/ and saids “Carry this now," and he threw on the shoulders/ of another young man five pairs of blankets, Then Lalak-otsia said, "Ten!" (10) and the tally keeper said, "Twenty! '/ Lalak-otsia continued saying "Carry this now," about the blankets / and he only stopped saying “Carry this,'' when the two hundred blank- ets were "fall off the ground" and/ carried up. (These are two names for the wedding gift.) Then Lalak:ots!a/took one pair of blankets and he spoke and said,(15)"Now the two hundred blankets are finished which were carried by this my chief, this/ clasotiwalis. I mean this, chiefs of the tribes. Is this not our/ saying that we act thus in the various ways of great works,/ when we are trying to get a wife, for we are only following the road made for us to walk on/ by our ancestors, I mean this. Now I lift from the floor with this the princess of (20) chief A€maxiilaz."' Thus he said and put five pairs of/ blankets on the shoulders of a young man who took them into the house of K€mixtilat./ Now there were two hundred blankets to lift off from the floor the princess of Kemaxtilax./ As soon as all the two hundred blankets for lifting her up were taken in,/ Lala- k-ots!a took one pair of blankets. Then he spoke (25) and said, "Tndeed it is true that I try to get the princess to/ walk among us, chiefs of the tribes, when we go to the house of my chief/ cladsoti- walis, I mean this, with this I call her,'/ said he, as he put the five pairs of blankets on the shoulders of a young man,/ He con tinued saying this and he only stopped when one hundred (30) blankets were all taken away as the means of calling. Now in all there were five hundred/ blankets. 10 15 20 25 SO 274 Wa, la&mé Lalak-otsia nézaxa g° igre gimafyaxs latmé gwaia. Wa, laf&mésens Aemt Olastogwacls., &nék-éxs laé kiwageaelsa, Wa, g*axé Odzéestalis g*axawels laxa tiex-flisa g*Skwas A€mae xtilazé, Wa, 1f yaqieg-atza, WH, 1d Enék-a: Wa, lacms gwiia, la- dzéems gwata, g-ig-egdme®, Wagea hélsex, g° Tg-egimee, laqiama- aqos l&zg-ada k- :édéZek* laxgea Qléx-tAlagak- laxg:a k- lédéig-as- g°in g-igdmék: qen ldlag-i laét vé&lala qag-a genemg’ads, g*igs- m6€ Lsdsotiwalis, €nék-exs 1laé 1laé.é Odzé€stalisé laxa g-dkwas Aemaxtilax, Wa, kesést.é gaételaxs g*dxaé xwelaqawelsa. Wi, la- Emé g°ealabés AEmaxtlare LOe Qséx*Lalagaxa paqidpela Setwaxa q!le- yoxwe ctflaqwa, Wa, la Elxtalaxa g-Ig-egimfEyé plaselax xa xama ge = matyé g-igimésa &néemémutasa Ladlax-s€endayu, wa hé€misé K+ !adéxa gagempas A€maxilazé. Wa, 1a qéwagtacls lax c!asan&fyasa tlex-flisa ge°okwé., Wa, 1& yaqtegsalzxs OdzéEstalisé, WH, la Enékea; Gwitlas hé gw6sé g-Iigdmé& Lidsotiwalis 16€s g*Lgaméé Lsiqotas, wa, sddzé-~ Cemés grig-egimés lélqwilarai , Wig-adz& qiwag-aclsex. G-°ax€emg-as genemg*os g*igdmé® Liasotiwalis, G*axtemk: qhwalenkwa. Laem q!wae lenk4sgea Sefwak-xg-ada wiwenxek tiaqwa 1&. begwanem, ©nék°s, Wa, g°axeméda qlénemé ha€yaxEa fmbewelselaxa yldux4ptenyag:i ptelxelas- gema. Wa, g°fl€misé wiflg*aclsa lads Odzé€stalisé yaqleg-atza. Wa, 14 €nék-a: Wag:fxtla g-Igimé€ Plaselat 14x68 k-!és€Aqds qaxs k- té- saéx ninaxélag*fin Laxwataasek* LeEewWos hosagis Laxwazaasa, g*igdmee, €nék-é, Wa, 1A Plaselazé dax-€Idxa Llaqwa daaxUs Qiéx-talaga. Wa, la yaqteg:atza, Wa, 1d Enékeas Qat, qataxs Snégemaéx laxens wiwomp- €waxea qa k*!efsés alég*fintse€wens laxa Léxsfalatyaq qa Sgwayifla- lats ldxwa ga€gak-tax, WH, la&mésen qidmx-tsléx6s naxwayds gwa- yi€ldlasa g°axbendadlag. W4&, len k:!e&s dogizx alég-endafynsag. Wi, las k-te&s cleléwéseewa, Wa, gélakeas€la g-ig-egamé&. Laems héxaxamasa., ‘néenak-ixt6 g-Ig-egdmé& awasat -LsAsotiwalis te&wox &dzax Lsaqotasax,. Wag*a dox‘widexg-fin daakik: laxg-ada Légadek: geacm Sefwake. Laemk* sayabalagsas genemg*os, g*igadme® L!aso- 275 (1) Then Lalak-ots!a told the chiefs that it was finished./ "Now we shall just wait on the ground,'! said he and he sat down./ Then Odzétstalis came out of the door of the house of K€ma-~ xiilaz./ He spoke and said, "Now you have finished, (5) you have finished a great thing, chiefs. Now sit down well, chiefs./ Now you have got this princess Qtéx-1alaga, the princess/ of my chief here. I will go in and call this your wife, chief/ c!asotiwalis, " Thus he said, and Odzé&stalis went into the house of/Aemaxiilaz. He was not long inside when he came out again (10) leading A&maxiilaz and Qs6x*:alaga, who held lying on her chest Sefwa, the/ expensive copper, and behind them came chief Plaselat (the/head chief of the numaym Ladlax:s€endayu) and also K*!&dé,/ the grandfather of A€mi- xiilazt, Then they stood outside the door of the/ house, and Odzé= Egtalis spoke and said, "Do not sit (15) this way, chief .lasoti- walis, and you,chief ttaqotas, and you, great/ chiefs of the tribes. Row go on and stand up. Now has come/ the wife of your chief Lla- sotiwalis. She comes dressed up. Now/ she is dressed with this Sce€wa, this Wiwiinx copper!, to you, man," said he./ Then many young men came who carried out three hundred blankets, (20) and when they were all on the ground, Odzé€stalis spoke and/ said, “Now ¢o on, chief Plaselaz, according to your privilege, for it is not/ in doubt my standing and your standing, chief,'/ said he, Then Pla- selax took the copper carried by Qtéx-ralaga./ Then he spoke and said, "Indeed, indeed, for this was told to our (25) ancestors for we add on nothing new to what we were advised to/ do when we try to get a wife. Now I notice everything/ that we are doing coming up to this point. There were no new ways added on/ and no- thing was forgotten. Now thank you, chiefs, you/ have done well. I mean this, chiefs, father and son, Lsasotiwalis and (30) great Léaqotas. Now look at this that I am holding, this which has the name/ Sefwa. Now it is the return gift of your wife, chief tla- 23) This designation of the copper is not clear. 10 15 25 276 tiwalis, yisge-a Sefwak-, Wa, gélag’a ge igdmee Ltaqouas, dax:€{d. qeky, &nék-6, Wa, héx-€idatmisé _faqotas la qa&s dax*€idéxa tiaqwa. ‘Wa, 18 yaqleg:afia. WH, 1 €n&k-a ddqiiméxa tiaqwa: Wa, géladzéla Seema, qialax-stiaakut€emsaxg:in séxwaitAyék* winaxa g*ie gimatyé K€mixiilat gen ctaqoréxs& €wdlasas Seewa, €néenak-ité6, g-i- g°egamés 1lécelqwalatai., G*axemgeada Légadek>, gaxtemgra Se&wak-. Laem sayabalayusa g*igdimaSyé A€maxular gates k: !6d6xé Qséx-Lalaga laxwa k+!$6s6x qiifnénatya sayabaldxsa Yadxiila L!aqwa. Héem walle watdemaséxs laé belasds Plaselazé qa qiwexfidamawéstés, Wa, g*il- Emisé qiwereéSda laas Sdzaqwa yaqteg*aexS Plaselaxaxs laé dalaxa €nemxsa pselxelasgema, WH, 18 €nék-az Qataxs h8€maéx gwég: iflatsa EnemOkwé 1axa xentyenx4basaxés k !6déra g-igdmatya, €neenak:1ré g- igeegimés léelqwalat6, Hem lag-izas q$6nema Gtaxasa g°igee= gimafyaxs wax'aéd nanaxtsfeewaxgea lax gwéx-cidaatsgeada g*igd- mik: yfixgea A€maxilazek*, €né&nak*izé g-Lg-egimse awas&l L!aso- tiwalis, sddzéemits Ltaqoras., Laem adxtaatsés genemds g* Igimse Ltasotiwalisxgrada yiiduxYpeenyag’ek* plelxelasgema. Wa, la&mések- largeada Légemk>. Laems tégadex Awidé, g-igimé’. Wa, gélag-a laxg*as genemg’os g° igdms€ Lldsotiwalis gqa€s lads n&€nak¥ 1axés gSkwads, &nék-6, WH, héx-fidatmisé léda qlémfla g*ig-egamée qafs 18 qéwk€stalax Q/éx-Lalaga qa&s 16 tadts 1ax g-dkwas MA&- Enaktila qaxs ha6é g°a6.e16 tldsotiwalisé g*dkwas. Wi, g°fl&misé laéréda g-&xsa la qdyddex Qiéx-Lalaga 1aé Qiéx*talaga A4xk-{alaso® qa&s 16 kiwanddzelftax 1 sasotiwalisaxs &x-sH€maé tiégeit laxés g*Skwaxs laé gadzé.éda €ndxwa 1léelqwa- laté6& qaé, Wa, g°axé wl&la hoOqiwels laxa g*Skwa qayddex-dé g°axsa Qiéx*ralaga, Lax’ dafxwaé xwélaqa kiais€elsa lax ctlasanf- Eyas g°Okwas M&€nakiila, a77 sotiwalis, (1) this Se&wa, Now come, chief ttaqotas and take it, '/ said he. And immediately téaqotas went and took the/ copper. ‘then he spoke and said, looking at the face of the copper:/ ''Now come, great Sefwa., It seems that you know that I am paddling upward to make war on chief (5) A€maxilaz, for me to obtain a copper of the size of Sefwa, I mean this, chiefs/ of the tribes, Come now, this one that has a name. Come now, Sefwa./ Now it is the return gift of chief A&maxilaz, on account of his princess Q!éx-talaga,/ in this that is not often done, the return gift of an expensive copper.'' This was the end/ of his speech, for he was stopped by Pilaselax that he might be quiet for a while. When (10) he stopped speaking P!aselat spoke again, holding/ one pair of blankets. He said, "Indeed, this is the way it is done/ by one of those who really love their daughter, a chief. I mean this,/ chiefs of the tribes. This is the reason why many times the chiefs fall back,/ who try to imitate this that is now being done by this chief, (15) this Aémaxiilat. I mean this, chiefs, father and son,/ 1 sasotiwalis and you, great Leaqgotas, Now this is the carrying strap of your wife, chief/t!asotiwalis, these three hundred blankets. Now/this name will go. Now your name will be Awidé, chief. Now come/to your wife, chief L'dsotiwalis, and go home to your (20) house," said he, Immediately the many chiefs went/and stood around Q!éx°talaga, and they took her to the house of/M&€nakila, for Lidsotiwalis was ¢@taying in his house. / As soon as the reel chiefs had gone in, walking home with Q!é- x*Lalaga, then/ Qtéx-Lalaga was asked to sit down by the side of tidsotiwalis, (25) for he had just been lying on his back in his house while the marriage was arranged by all the tribes/ for him, Then came out of the house again all the chiefs who had taken home/ Qiéx-talaga and they sat down again outside of the/ house of M&- Enakiila./ 10 15 20 25 50 278 Wa, g°tlémisé wifla la klitslesa laas yaqteg*a€z6 t Saqoe Las. Wi, 18 €nék-az Wa, gélaga g* igre gimés 16elqwdlarai, Wae gadz&x-fns gigaséd molasg-ada €walas& watdemxa g-Igdmatyaé Lsa- sotiwalisa, &nék:é, Wa, héx*fidatmisé nagadé dagqfilasa €nék-6é: 1. WA & huwa yéya a a, wi hu wa a @ 4. Ladzé€maha la6x yawix:flahadzétens g°igamahatyéx 161 qwa- laharai. Wa & wi huwa, 2. W& & huwa yéya aa, wh hu wa aa a, Ladzé6€maha ladx 6talehedzé.a rélaxeewahadzétxa Swlewelsge- Emahakw6x lélqwdilahatai, anaxtahdn g-{qag-iwafyahainxa LOgwalayaxa qfomaizag- tlahayaxa baxtlaliziladzéyahax yaéx_ahandzéyasen Ompk*asfowaxa qsiuléxiéyahadzéyarax G-ixséestaliseméedzés g-igdmatyas lélqwdlahatai. Wa & wi huwa. 3S. W& & huwa yéya a a, wh hu wa aa a. Ladzéyahamihdn téqayahaitsen Légemdzéyahasen wiwompdzé— yahaxaha q:iléxréyahadzéya Yaqo.adzé, Yaqovasemédzé, Liaqo.adzé, tsaqorasemédzé, r_iasodéts &naladzé, 1 ia- sotiwalidzé, E€wanuxtdzés g-igimatyas Lélqwdlara.Yue emya LéeLegemdzéyasen wiwompdzéya qa&s lélqwalatai. Wa & wi huwaé, Wa, lacem yixwé Léaqotasé dalax Setwaxa Lidqwa. Wa, g°flemisé qsiilbéda qtemdem laé yaqteg-aezx6 Liagoras. WA, 1a, Snék-as Qa , qalageada €walasek* claqwa g:ax€emk> geaxfatela laxa g*i- gamatyé Ltasotiwalisé, €néenak-1%6 g-ig-egimés léelqwilarée. Waigea mosgeemak’ Kwakug*ut, wag°a qtapiég-aelsex ga hawasifla~ ladsaxwa adxLaaseéx peelxelasgem qa&s wiséx:fidadsasox laxwa 16= Elqwalatatyéx, Enék°é; Wa, hdx-fidatmisé hawasitldlaseewa adm xLaasé plelxelasgema yisa qiéqéaqtasto bebe gwanemsa 16iqwilarafyé, wi, g°fl€misé gwata laas Lalak-otséaxa yayaqtentémsdé Laxewels 279 As soon as they had all sat down, tsaqoras spoke/ and said, “Now come,chiefs of the tribes./ Let us sing the grandfather's song, to thank for the great words, for chief/.i!asotiwalis," said he. And immediately the song leader took up the song which said,/ (5) 1. W& & huwa yéya a a, w& hu wa a a 4./ Now the great one will move,our great chief ,/tribes./ W&,& wh huwa./ 2. Wa & huwa yéya a a, wi hu wa a a 4,/ (10) Now the great one will invite all/the tribes, for my ancestor, the chief,/ obtained as his treasure the Wealth Maker,the great Rising Property/of my excellent father whose own name will be/G*Ixsé€stalisamé®, the great chief of the tribes, / (15) Wa & w& huwa./ 5. WA & huwa, y6ya a a, wa hu wa a a a./ Now I shall call the great name of my forefathers,/ whose own namé is the great Yagoras, the great Ya~ qotasemée,/ the great ttaqotas, the great .tagova- semée, the great tlasddéts fndla, (20) the great Lédsotiwalis, the great Ewanuxudzé, the chief of the tribes./These are the names of mv great ancestors,for you, tribes./ | Wa & w& huws./ Then .faqotas danced carrying Se€wa, the copper, and as soon as/ the song was at an end tlaqotas spoke and saidy (25) "Indeed it is true, this great copper came. Now it came up to/ chief cla- sotiwalis. I mean this, chiefs of the tribes./ Go on, four Kwa- geur tribes, assemble and count/ the packstrap blankets to put a belt about those tribes,"/said he,and at once were counted the (30) packstrap blankets by the tally keepers of the tribes./As soon as they finished Lfalak‘ots!a, the speaker, arose (1) and spoke, 15 20 25 280 qafs yaqseg*aexé dalaxa €nemxsa plelxelasgem, WH, 18 Snék-at Lae men wisék-aroz, g*igeegdime® 1laxox gwilaséx laq4xwa fnalenxayOxsens gigak: Jaénatyé(laqdxs mox€widalaéxens gagak: faénatyéx kiwasaxala Geiitla laxa qiaqeakéwa Leewa dix: sidzendé Leewa xwésa. wa, yuwit- staem Ogaqaia laxwa l&qens gwar watdema Cwaowalatsilax ke {6sEox~ tient qadzé.a. Wa, laem k-Je&s qautéx-a 1laq4 qaéda g*igimatyé Kemixiilataxs sayabalaas Se€wa 14xés negiimpé LiAsotiwalisé, Wa, laem nénaqlex€éd laxéq. K-le&s la qtéqtadgema. Wa, ldlasa dgii- geneme gqa&s qautéx-sefwer¢tsés ne gum- qazaxa qadzé_emxa qadzé.axés g pé, Wa, 1a Lakeeyalaxxa Liaqwa, Héem gaza k- fés ginase€wa qa- dzétem péelxelasgem. Wa, lalasa qagadzétema, Héem ke {6s qfltind- la héxax6 gqaxs k*!ésa6é qfindla qaqoténemasefwa qaqadzétayu. Wa lalasaxa Larék-ewaxa péelxelasgem qa&s qadzé.embuta, Wa, héem qsdmageila qa qédmisés sasem te€wés genem6 gaxs &€maé la twlla aédaagéda qadzéLtembuza peelxelasgemxs las ganuz&ida lax Sxnogwa- dis, né&nak-iz6 mox€widaz6x.) Wa, la&mésen wisék-asg*ada Snem- xsak* péelxelasgem 14L, g*igimé& ilaqwadzé qaxs 1axiimx: fidaagés, g:igimS€, nék-S Lalak-otsia, Wa, la h&€staem gwék- falaxs laé Syaqwasa peelxclasgemé laxa lélqwdlaratyé. Wa, g-flemisé claq Ewfelxtd cyaxewitsetwa Mamaldleqdla, laas yaqieg-azxs 1 laqo.as ddlax Sefwaxa tlaqwa, WH, 18 €nék-at Wag-a hétélaxg-fn waxdem- Lek g°-Lgeepamés Lélqwalaré&xen lag*-izta molasg-a Sefwak*xe-ada sayabalayugwax LsAsgtiwalisa, néenak-ixé, g-Ig-egdmés 1élqniq laré&, Wa, 18 dzOxwatas Sefwa, WH, 18 Snék-as Llén#k qa&s Mam-~ 1éleqdlai,.léna qa&s Enemgésai, Lfénd gqaf&s Lawitslésai, riéni gas Madmtag*ilai, La€men qasoOsg°a Sefwak ga&s moOsgeemak 1éelqwdlarai, yintaxg-fin csasotiwalisék*, Alaxutten laxutiexg:a Sefwa, enék-éxs 281 helding one pair of blankets. He said, ''Now/I put a belt on you, chiefs, for in this way it is done in the greatest way of our/ wooing.!' (For there are four ways of wooing,going downward,/dif- ferent from the "obtaining of a slave,"1l and "taking hold of the foot," and the "exchange marriage." And all of these (5) are different from what we are now finishing, that we call the “great bringing out of the crest/in marriage."' Now there is no repay- ing of the marriage debt in this, for Chief/A€maxiilat gave as a re- turn gift Sefwa to his son-in-law,.!asotiwalis./ Now this is settled after/this. There is nothing now to trouble him, And there is another way/of marrying, when a man marries his wife and the marriage debt is repaid by the father-in-law.(10) Now the copper will stand as a mast, for a long time are not paid back the mar- riage gift/blankets. Then there is the small marriage. This. does not often/come out well for the little marriage debt of the little marriage is not often rapaid./ Then there is borrowing of blankets for the pretended marriage, and/this brings disgrace to the child- ren and wife, for all just (15) go back, the pretended marriage gift blankets when it gets evening, to their owners./ I mean, these are the four ways.) “Now I shall put on the belt with this one pair/of blankets on you, chief L!aqwadzé6,for you had hard work,/ chief," said Lalak-otsia,and he continued to say the same as he/gave out the blankets to the tribes. When they were nearly (20) all given away to the Mamaléleqdla,then spoke L !aqotas/holding the copper Se&wa,. He said, "Now listen to my wort,/chiefs of the tribes. This is the reason that I am glad of this Se&wa,/the return gift to c.lasotiwalis. I mean this, chiefs of the tribes,''/and he held up Se&wa and said, "Grease for you, Mamaléleqdla,(25) grease for you, &nemgis, grease for you, Lawits!6s, grease for you,/Madmtag*ila. Now I promise a feast with this Setwa, for you, four tribes,/I who am w!asotiwalis. Indeed, I shall sell Se&wa," said he (1) as he laid it down in the 1) Terms for different forms of marriages. 10 15 20 25 50 282 laé paxfaliteg laxa Sewiewalizs, Wa, wagea ax€édndkiqek’, &né- k*éxs laé b&s qafs 16 k!iwag*fliza. WA, 1H Laxewalizé g-Igdmatyasa Mamaléleqala yfx GtySxelasé qa&s 16 dag‘alizax SceEtwa gas yaqiegeaezxS, Wa, ld Snék°S: G*ax- emen dax*€idexg*as Llaqwag’ds, g°*igdmé&, Latmésen yaqsentox Leewiin g*Skulotéx qaés watdemds g-igdmée Léaqoras, ©nék-6xs lad. kiwagealfza,. Wi, la&mé Lalak‘otsia 6tiéda fyax€witsa plelxelasgemé laxa Enaxwa bébegwanem. Wa, g°fl&misé wilxtoxs la6é wiltla Sndenak¥ laxés g:ig’Okwé. WH, lacem gwaXa qadzéLa laxéq. ll. Purchase of a Copper. Wi, maStenxélaxa tsldwenxas cfasotiwalis x*6sa%a, laem k* és piesa 1éx-aem gwég-iflatséxs &&maé hémenaza kiwak!wéladzem,. Wa g°dxéda g*ax& 14x Dzdwadéxa g*Ax6 Bxk: falax .fdsotiwalisé reewis Ompé Lsaqoras ga lés lax Dzawadé qaxs le&maé k* flxwasdré Se Ewasa tiéna yfs Laédzéxa gig&émafyasa ne &mémutasa Wiwomasgemasa Mamaq 1léleq&la qaés negtmpé GityOtelas qaxs geg*adaas K* :asogwiflakuxa ks $€dézas raédzé, WH, héx-fidatmisé tlasotiwalis Léttsiodxa mos— geemakw6 Kwakigeux qa 16s €witla hoxtsia lax g-okwas. Wa, g°fl- Emisé g-ax Cwl€laéi.a Kwakiigsutaxs laS Lidqotas tsick: /atelasa g°a- xé diq qa 1és 18x Dzdwadé qaxs latmé k-flxwasoL6 Se€wa yfs raédzé. Wi, g°flemisé gwi2 tslek-tatelaxs la& Lalak-otsla yadqieg-aeza, WE, 1 €nék-as Wa, gélakcas®laxa &k-éx watdem, g°Igimse t ldqoras,. G6laqtanax¥ laxOx, €né&nak-ixé g-Ig-eegdimés Kwakligeut, Wag-ax-fns q!amdéxa k!w6latyald axtsema qiemdemaxwa dzaqwacéx, enék-8, wa, 18 ndxwaem 6x-fak-a bébegwanemax watdemas. WA, g°flemisé gwax6 watdemas laé €wi€ls héqiwels laxa g*Skwé, WA, 1léx-atmés la klu- dziza mokwé nénfgad& qaxs latmé &wintwiindsa denxel@éda fnemokwé nf gadés6s qiemdem g°fX¥tsiala. Wa, la&mé kiwagelizé LsaqoLasag qaxs la6é €néx-fallzelasés gwefyo qa qayatsa aitsemé kiwéCyalala qsemdemtas tsdsotiwalisé, Wa, g-fl€misé Alak- tala la q!dda mokwé nénfgadxa qiemdem laé €wiela hoqiwels lixa g-dkwé. 285 rear of the house. "Now go on, will one of you take it up?" said he/as he left it and sat down./ Then arose the chief of the Mamaléleqdila, Giydtelas./ Then he took up Sefwa and spoke. He said, (5) “Icome and take up this your copper, chief, I shall talk/ to my tribe on account of what you said, chief tsaqoras," said he and/ sat down./ Then Lalak-otsia again gave away blankets to/ all the men and when they had all been given they all went home (10) to their houses. And after this the marriage was at an end./ ite Purchase of a Gopper. Now for two winters Llasotiwalis rested. He did not/ give away property, the only thing he did was always to give small feasts, Then/those came who came out from Knight Inlet and told Ltasotiwalis and his/father,tfaqo.as, to go to Knight Inlet, that Se€wa was going to be bought (15) with grease by Laédzé, the chief of the numaym Wiwomas gem of the Mamaléleqdla,/ for his son-in«law Giy6telas, for he had as his wife K* {fsogwi€laku,/ the princess of Laédzé, Immediately tldsotiwalis called in the four/ Kwig-ux tribes to go into his house. And/as soon as all the steer tribes were in, Léaqoras told them (20) that they had come to get him to go to Knight Inlet, for now Se€wa was to be bought by Laédzé./ As soon as he had finished telling them, Laélak-ots!a spoke/ and said "Thank you for this good word, chief Lsaqoras./ Thank you very much, for I mean this, chiefs of the Kwagsuz. Now go on,/ let us sing in the house a new feasting song this evening," said he./ (25) Then all the men agreed to what he said, and when they had finished/ speaking they all went out of the house and only/the four song leaders sat down, for one song leader sang secretly/the new song that was in him. Then t{aqo.as sat down among them,/ for he told them what to refer to in the words in the new feasting (30) song of Ltasotiwalis. And when the four/ song leaders knew well the song, they wantout of the house. / 10 15 25 284 Wa, g°flemisé dzaqwaxs laas €yalagé L sAgoLasaxa haEyarfa maflokwa ga 16s qasaxa ylduxYsetmakwé Kwaktig:ux Ogufla laxa Qid- moy4tyé qa g*axés CwlEla 14x g:dkwas clasotiwalisé, yfxs &nék*aé- da maflokwé hafyaxea lax A€witelas tiex-fldsa g°*fg°Skwés G*axeme- nuexu giemditlalovai Gwételai qa tfasotiwalisai. Halag-alé.asai, Enék-6. Wa, la h&€staem gw6k- dla laxa €naxwa g-ig*dkwa, Wa, g-fl€misé Cwilxtolsaxa g*ig*Okwaxs g*axda®xwaé aédaaqa qa&s 16 xwélag’ét 14x g°Skwas Llasotiwalisé qats 6xtwidéx awinagwitas. wi, g°fl€misé gwax laé lagolfizaq. Wa, g°fl&misé gwaza g°axaas g’alaé.a mOkwé nénfgada qats 16 ksis€aliz lax neqéewalizasa g-Okwée. Wai, héx-€idatmisé fwuntwindsa denx€étsa axtsemé qéemdema, Wa, g'axemé hogwiteléda kiwékewanutemafyasa nenfigadé qats 16 kiusea- 1iz lax ¢wax-sbalizasa mokwé nén&gadé, Wa, g°f1l€misé g°ax €wf- Elaéta €naxwa bébegwanemsa mosgetmakwé Kwaklg-uta laas Laxewallzé Lalak‘otsia, wi, 18 yaqiegeatta, Wa, 1& nék-az Qét, gil, mosge- Emak¥ Kwakig-ut. Ets!éemawisens 6x-qfesela qaens g*axéx qlaza g°axdzaqens qlazaxa g°Iigdmatyaé taédzaxa ke flxwacex Se&wa L saqwa- sens g*igdmafyadx tfasotiwaliséx., Wa, gélak-as€lax:t waidemasa g°{gamatya, Gé1aq!anak# lax'i waxydemas6, €néenak-izé, g° ig-egimés Kwakug-ut, la€men &néx- qens witlatmé la lax Dzawadé lasgeméxens ge Igimafyox Lasotiwaliséx, €nék*6é, WA, 1d wixaxa nénfigadé qa wé= g-Is denx€étsa aXtsemé k!wélafyala qilemdema. Wa, hdx:idatmisa n&gaaé dfq4lasés qlemtéla*yéxa &nék 6, 1. Ya ha w& yeya ha, Wa €yax*€idg-iladzéyen. Wa €yax*fidg*iladzéyfin g-fn €yax* €idg-iladzéyaq!amé- g°fn yimg-flisé, laé lax g°ag*igdmmenéxwas 1éelqwa- latai. Ya ha w& yeya ha w& huwa. 285 (1) As soon as it was evening Ltaqotas sent two young men/ to walk calling the three Kwag*ui tribes besides the Qtomoyaétyé,/ that all should come to the house of c!asotiwalis. And the/ two young men said inside the doors of the housess 'tWe come (5) to ask you to sing in the house, Gwétela, on behalf of tlasotiwalis. Go there quickly,'Y they said, and they kept on saying the same in all the houses./ As soon as they had been in all the houses they went back again and/ went into the house of t$asotiwalis to clear the floor./ When they had finished, they made a fire in the middle of the house. After this was done (10) the four song leaders came in and sat down in the middle of the rear of the house./ At once they sang secretly the new song./ Now came in those who were sitting on the sides of the song leaders and they sat down/on each side of the four song leaders, As soon/ as all the men of the four Kwag*ur tribes were in, arose (15) Lalak-ots!a and spoke, He said: "Indeed it is true, you four/ Kwag*uzx tribes. Should we not be haopy about this, that we have/learned that chief ta6dz6 will buy Sefwa the coppér/ from our chief cfasotiwalis. Thank you for the words of the/ chief. Thank you indeed for what you have said, I mean this, chiefs (20) of the Kwageur. Now I wish that you all go to Knight Inlet following/ our chief ifdsetiwalis," seid he. Then he told the song leaders to go ahead/ and sing the new feasting song, and immediately/ the song leaders began the song which said,/ 1. Ya ha w& yeya ha./ (25) I am the great one who causes them to be bad »/ I am the great one who causes them to be bad, I am the great one who causes them to be baa ,/to give up, the little chiefs of the/tribes./ Ya ha w& heya ha w& huwa./ 1. That means "to lose in rank,# 10 15 20 25 286 2. Kwag*ucdzemskunfwa. Kwa g* utdzemskin&wa Kwig'uten nék-aéx géxwamefstala lax 16elqwalacals NOgwaems yayagalaso&sé léelqwalaral, Nogwaems clarfaqwaalasdesé 1lécelqwalarai, NOgwaems LaLlégemAlaso&saé léclqwalarai. Nogwaems k* fak: {Ss€4lasd&s& léelqwdlacrai, Ya ha w& yeya ha w& huwa, 5S. Ya ha w& yeya ha. Wa, la&men ya véqafyattsen menmenzexrayasen gagempdzéyaxa qitiléx.éyadzSya Kwakix-Aladzé, Kwax:flandkimé®, g-Lgadmée qa&s 1léelqwilarai. Layuta lax-s€endéyaxa Légemmuxudzé6yaLex Angwalax-vtadzé Llaqwasens gagempazéyaxa qitiléx.éyadzéya Kiwakiwabalas, Kiwakéewabalasemé® g-igdémé& qa&s léelqwalarai, Layuza 1lax*stendéyaxa Légemnuxudzéyat EX Nengemalax-tadzé Ltaqwasen gagempdzéyaxa qiléxréyadzéya Maléde&s g-I-. gimé qa€s léelqwalarai. Layuza lax:stendéyaxa LSgenmuxtdzévai ex Max€énoxx:radzé Lsaqwasen gagempdzéyaxa qeiléxtéyadzéya Ewanux'¥, Ewanu- xudzés g° i€gim& qa€s léelqwalacali. Ya ha w& yeya ha wé huwa. Wi, g°fl€misé naxwa qsAléda bébegwanemaxa Attsemé kiw6e la€yaéla qeemdema, wi, la€&mé gwaz denxela laas Laxewalizé 1 faq qotasé qa€s yaqeeg*alzé, Wa, 14 Enék-a. La&md gwaxtsema qtem- demaxsen g° Lgaimafyéx. Ladzé€mo gwaittsema. Wa, le&mas witelax gig: igexcayasen gaagempewitaxa €naxwa m6 fla €wilE€l6cex qlwaxa- gixasa g-Igimatyé. Wa, gélak-as€lax’ dx wazdemagOs Lax*sodalaso€&, Enéké (véxe6dxa n&gadéxa Axénukwasa kiwélafydla qtemdems gwe &yOs,) Latms héxaxamasa, €né€nak-izx6, g*dtge°Gkulot. Laf&men hawaxel6er qens 16 18x Dzawadé qa hé€mésox vc fénag*ila k!wélas6x 1 !asotiwali- 287 2. I am the great Kwag*ut/ I am the great Kwag*ut/ I, the Kwags-ut say this as you are paddling about among the tribes,(?)/ I am the one from whom property is obtained by the tribes./ (5) I am the one from whom coppers are obtained by the tribes./ I am the one from whom names are obtained: by the tribes./ I am the one from whom crests are obtained by the tribes./ Ya ha w& he ya w& hu wi./ 3. Ya ha w& he ha ha./ (10) Now I will name the feasting names of my great grandfather/ whose own name was Kwakwax-&las, Kwax:flanodkimé&, the chief,/ for you, tribes./ Long ago he broke the copper that had the great name Cloudy ,/ that belonged to my grandfather whose own name was Kiwa- k!wabalas,(15) Kiwakiwabalasemé©,the chief,for you,tribes./ Long ago he broke the conper that had the name Bear Face,/ that belonged to my grandfather whose own name was Malet, the chief,/ for you, tribes./ Long ago he broke the copper that had the name Killer Whale/ (20) that belonged to my grandfather whose own name was Ewanux4, Ewanuxudzé,/ the chief, for you, tribes./ Ya ha w& heya ha wé huwa./ As soon as all the men knew the new feasting/ song, they stopped singing and tHen LsaqgoLas arose (25) and spoke, He said, "Now is finished/ the song of my chief, the great one is finished and you have heard/ the chief-names of my grandfathers, all of which were obtained by/ this chief who has grown up for them, ‘Thank you for these your words, Lax:sodalas6&,'/ he said. (He named the song leader who made the feasting song.) (30) "Now you made it well. I mean this, tribes, I beg you/ to go to Knight Inlet, for this is where tfasotiwalis gave a grease feast (1) Now his feasting name 10 15 20 25 50 288 s6xa la€méx kiw6ladzexralatex Ewanukwé. Wa, la€mésen la&sartsen aLaneméx toqwaliz Lecwa nanéx te&wa mogwatéx, wa, yuemésa tslawéx X6XOqwaré 1axox Ewanukwéx, WA, la€m6sens 1azx €mAlareq¥,Kwakig*ur yixs SkSta €naldx tensta, &ndk’6, (Wa, la&men kiwagelizeq. Wa len ke {6s lasgemxa mOsgeemakw6 Kwakig-utaxs laé 14x Dzawadé qaen Enaxwatmék> doqitlaxen k* {ataseews qaes.) Wa, g°fl&misé gwaré watdemas laé €witla hoquwels laxa g*Okwé qa&s xwanaxeidé. Wa, g°fl&misé &nax-fidxa gaalixs laé witla wi- xUstendxés xwaxwikitina qa&s mdxsésés dédamala liq. Wa, g°fl€misé Ewllxs6 dédamal&s 1la6 1.ex€6da, (WA, la&men k? 6s la 1laqe La&men amléx4 laxg*a Tsaxisek-,) Wi, yayGduxUsemg’ustalé enflasésa qlevtexsa (yfxs &nék-aéda waokwé bakiiima qtetsexsagila €nilis6éxs) g*dxaé hdla laxg-a Tsa- xisek*xa mOsge€makwé Kwakiig'uta, Wa, hd€misé claqoras tsiek- a- telaxs qéetiepienyageaé ke fewelx4sem csénd k* flomax Seewa, Wa, hé€mis la €wilEla k!wélasfidayus clasotiwalisxa la k!wéladzextdlax Ewanukwaxa 1léelqwdlatatyé6, €nék-éxs 1la6é tsiek:!azela g°axen. 12. Continuation of Marriage Ceremonies Wa, ma&x€enxSléxa tsldwiinxé qlapiiixa ydqelaxa plelxelasgemé Lidsotiwalis qaxg:fn héx-sa&métek Léqalayureqés Légemaxs lax-dé LéXelaxa l6lqwdlaraty6. Wa, la&mé fnéx- qats k!waapéxés genemé Qiéx*tdlaga laxés OmpS A€mAxiilaré 15€ g-Lgimatyasa €ne&mémutasa Liacfelaminasa fnemgés6. Wa, g*axtemxaa Lételakwa €naxwa 1é6lqwila- Lés SnemOgwisxa g*ayurxé laxa &ne&mémutasa Sénifemasa Gwetela. WA, 1% Lldsotiwalisd Léxtsi6dxa mosgefmakwé Kwakig-ura qa lés €wiela hogwit lax g*dkwas. Wa, la&mé €nék-a ma€l6kw6é bébegwanemxa qasel= g°fs6: Geaxemenuex4 gasai Gwételai ga&s lads hOLélax waidemas Lfasotiwalis6. Halag’flétasai, &nék-6 14x a€witelds tlex-flasa Enaxwa g*ig*Okwa. WA, g:fl€mis6 wilxtolsaxa g-ig-Okwaxs g*axaé aédaaqa. Wa, g°axé hogwitéda €naxwa bébegwanem., Wa, g° {1€misé ge ax EwlElaéta laas Laxewallzé Lalak*otsia qa€s yaqiegafz6, Wa, la €nék-as Wa, gélagea mosge&maku Kwakig-ut. Wa, gélak-as®laxs 289 will be Ewanuk¥, Now I will turn over/my Wolf house dish, and the Bear and the Seal and also the Beaver/house dish to Ewanuk¥. Now we will take them there, Kwag-ut/if it is a good day tomorrow, "' said he, (I was sitting among them, but (5) did not follow the four Kwag*uzt tribes when they went to Knight Inlet, for/ I saw all that has been written by me for you.)/ After they had finished speaking, then they all went out of the house/ and got ready, and as soon as it got day in the morning, they all/ launched their canoes and they loaded them with their goods and when (10) all the goods were aboard they started. (Now I did not go there, T stayed/ at home here at Fort Rupert.)/ Now there were six of the third ten days, as they say,/(or as other Indians say, six between twenty days, twenty-six). Then they came back to Fort Rupert,/ the four Kwag-ut tribes, and Llae goLas reported (15) that six hundred coal ofl tins of grease had been paid for Sefwa,/ and this was all given in a feast by t!asoti- walis, whose feasting name/ was Ewanuk¥, to all the tribes, said he as he told me the news./ 12. Continuation of Marriage Ceremonies. For two winters c!asotiwalis collected property, namely blank- ets/ (for I will continue to call him by this name after (20) he had invited all the tribes}. Now he wished to “sit under" his wife/gléx-Lalaga, on account of her father, Aemaxilaz, and the chief of the numa ym/ claclelamin of the Enemgis, Now also came all the tribes invited/ by €nemdgwis who belongs to the numaym Sé- nufem of the Gwétela . / Taen tfdsotiwalis invited in the four Kwa- geux tribes to go (25) into his house, and two men, the inviters, said,/ "We come walking, Gwétela, that you may go and listen to the words of/t!asotiwalis, You will go quickly,''said they in the door- ways/ of all of the houses, And after they had been to all the houses they went/ back, Then all the men came into the house, and as soon «3 (30) they were all in,Lalak-ots!a arose and spoke./ He said,'Now 15 20 25 50 290 g°axaéx g'axécelaxwa walasés g:Okwa, g*Okwaxsg'fn g*igdimék- laxg-a tlasotiwalisek: laxg-ada Snékfk: qa®s Ewaewiflor léx xUltafya ga labendalasa g° igimatyé gag ftelaxs galas matyo- Lemsés AbempS. €néenak-1t6 g*Igregimée 6eng*a LfAsotiwalisek: LOgwas genemg*ég-a QeSx* talaga. Latmésox k*!as&la, Len k*tés Enéx* qa xek-laxaplésox, fnéenakizé, la€mésens 14x kiwaap qaxs latmen g*Igdima&yox Lldsotiwaliséx kjwaapazx6s genemé qaéda ge ga- k: !Gmas Leewe €yak: $elwasé qaxs leemaé Snék-a g-igdmatyéx qa’s giinx’€{dé lalévia qaés €yag-ftelaxddé qag*ada léelqwalaratya. Wa, la&mésens lax g igeegamés mo 3 ge &mak¥ KwakigsuX kiwaapaxa genemas Lidsotiwalis, Wa, hagea g*{gim6& &maxtyalisemée®, opiédxa g*Igi- mafyaé A€maxiilat, nézaqéxg:fns la&mék* 14x kiwaapatex genemasox Lfdsotiwaliséx. Wa, la&mé emixtyal isematyéxa geayuré lax enemémutasa Ha= énavé€nasa QldmoyatyS, Wa, k-léstia gizaxs g:axaé aédaaqa. wa &emisé enék-exs le&maé Afmaxtlaré Gem la nake!azaq qa 16s hali- Eldla kiwaapax genemas .!asotiwalis,. Wai, héx-€idatmisa qlénemé héfyaxfa sések- laxsenkiilaxa peelxelasgemaxs 1la6 hoqitwels laxa g-Okwas Liasotiwalisé qa&s 16 ke fex€elselas lax Lflasanftfyas g*dkwas A€maxtlazé6, Wa, 18 &wifla lasgematyé bébegwanemag qa&s 16 kiiistels lag. Wa, h8emxadwisé Lalak‘otséa tax€wels qa€s yaqéegeaexé, Wh, 18 €nék-as G*ax€men, g:igdmée A&maxtlax, G-axtmen g:axfacela g*igegimee Atmaxtilax soazéemés g-Lgimée Enemogwis, G-axemenraxg-in t fasotiwalisék- kiwaipaxen genemax 1axOx Qi6xLalegix ke $6déraq!os, g Lgaimee Kmaxiilax, €né€nak-1x6, enék-exs 1a6 Lé€lalaxa qiaqiastowé be- gwinema qa 1lés hddz6g-éxa plelxclasgemé, WA, g°fl€misé kiwa~ gaclsa q!aqfastowé begwanem 14x gem€xagawalasas Lalak-Otsla laé Lalak*Otsia dax-idxa enemxsa peelxelasgem lax naxwaemd sések*-axsasa axfosgemalsa losemx: €1dé prelxelasgem kiwaabayos 291 come, you four Kwag:ut tribes. Thank you (1) for coming inside this great house, the house of this your chief/ tlasotiwalis, for he said that he will do all/ that is marked down for a chief to go through to the end, beginning from the time when he was first born/by his mother, I mean this, chiefs. Now have quarreled tlasotiwalis (5) and his wife, Q/éx-Lalaga, and now they will part. I do not/ wish them to part for good, I mean this. Now we will go and 'sit be- low,' for/ my chief c!asotiwalis will ‘sit under’ (his wife) on account of his wife's property/and 'trifles, "for now this chief says that he will/try to obtain 'trifles' to be given away to these tribes. Now (10) we shall go, chiefs of the four Kwageuz tribes and 'sit under' the wife of/.‘asotiwalis. Now go, chief ‘maxiiyali- semée, whisper to chief/A€maxtilat, and tell him that we shall now go and 'sit under' the wife of/.!asotiwalis.'V/ Then &maxiyalisemé®, who belongs to the numaym Hadnacénd (15) of the Q!omoy&fyé went, and it was not long before he came back and/ he just said that A€maxiilat was just waiting for them to go quickly/ and "sit under" the wife of cfdsotiwalis./ Immediately many young men carried each five pairs of/ blank- kets as they went out of the house of tlasotiwalis, and (20) they put them down outside of the house of A€maxitilaz. All the/ men foll- owed them and sat down there outside, and/ L&lak-otsia also stood up outside and spoke. He said, "I have come,/chief A€maxtilaz, I have come up, chief A€mixiilax,/ and you, great chief tnemdgwis, I come that L{asotiwalis (25) may ‘sit under' my wife, Qiéx-Lalaga here, your princess here, chief/ Atmaxitlaz,. I mean this," said he as he called the tally keeper/ to count the blankets. As soon as the/ tally keeper sat down at the left hand side of Lalak-ots!a,/ Lala- k*otsia took up one pair of blankets. And they were all in (30) five pairs in each pile on the ground, one thousand blankets, the — 1} All property except blankets is called “trifles," literally "bad things.” 292 Lsasotiwalisaxés genemd, WA, 1& €ndk-é Lalak-otsia dzdxustodxa Enemxsa pselxelasgem: La&men Kiwadpaséqi laxen genemax 141, g°i- gimé& Aemaxtilaz sek*faxsa péelxelasgem, nék-é, Wa, 1éda héz€a gemxe 1saxa sek’ faxsa plelxelasgem qa&s 16 gemxé.as 1éx g-dkwas 5 Kémaixilat, WA, 1% hdx-siem gwék-talaxs laé witléda sek apien- yag’i pelxelasgem kiwadbem 14x Atmaxiilat. Wa, g*fl&misé &wi- €1éda sek {aplenyag’i péelxelasgemxa kiwaabemax Kemaxtlaz 1axaé Lalak‘otsia daix-€{[dxa €nemxsa plelxelasgem. Wa, 14 ydqseg-a&tza. Wa, 18 €nékea dzSxustddxa fnemxsa ptelxelasgem: Latmen kiwadpa- 10 s6qé laxen genemax 1a. g*{gdmé® Cnembgwis, seke faxsa peelxelasgem , Enék°S, WA, 1éda hét€a gemxelsaxa sek- saxsa peelxelasgem qats 16 gemxéras lax g*Okwas K€maxtlax qaxs hé€mae g*aérelé nemdgwiséd. Wa, 18 hSx;sdem gwék- [alé lag-aa laqSx laaxat? ewl€léda sek: fa- plenyag’i peelxelasgemxa kiwaabemax SnemOgwis. Wa, gig’ egdmse 15 Kemixiilaz s6dzé&m6 g-igdmS& fnemOgwis. HAloxsemx:€idgoxda kiwa- Abeméx pselxelasgem 14. g-igregimé®, Wa, wa, nék-exs laé kiwa- g°aclsa, Wi, g°&x6 Pldselat g*dxawels laxa g-Okwas A€mixtilaz qa&s Lax€welsé lax Llasanftyasa tiex-fla, Wa, 1M yaqlegeatzea, Wa, 20 1é Enékeas Qé&t, qitadzéxaés wiidemos, g-LgimS€, yin 1 tasotiwa- lis. Ladzéemxaé gwata, Wagraxen qia@lax6s gwefyAis qats 1416- Lsasds laxg-a negiimpeks qats g*Igdmé€ _fasotiwalis qaxs le&mé Sefwa 14., g°igimee, ©nék-é. wi, 1& Lax€wels6 Lsaqotas, y{x Ompas LlAsotiwalisé ans ya- 25 qteg*atzé, Wa, 1& Enékeat Ex-més waxdemos, g: Lgamde Plaselaz, Gla grax€md Setwa, g°ixdzéeméxa 1é LfSnaxasg-in g*{gimék-. Wa, latmé laxa, Wa, héteen la gwefyd qa&s lalé.iasdsa g-ig*egima- fyaxox A&maxtilazax todzéya g*igdmatyax fnemOgwisaxa dpsatyas Sefwaxa gégak- /Omasa Leewa Eyaik: felwasa, €nék-ég°a t !asotiwa- 350 lisek*, qa&s ©yagea_elaxodé qadmtda léelqwilatafyéx nék°é, Wa, ld tatsaé&ma laas 6dzaqwa yaqsegafxé Plaselax, WH, 1d €nég-é- 295 means of (1) cfasotiwalis of "sitting under®™ his wife. Then Lala- k*ots!a said holding up/one pair of blankets, ‘*Now with this I ‘sit under' my wife, for you, chief/A&maxiilat, five pairs of blankets," said hee Then a young man/took up the five pairs of blankets and carried them into the house (5) of A&maxtilaz. He kept on saying this until all five hundred/blankets,the means of “sitting under" Kemaxtilat, were at an end, And when the/five hundred blankets, the means of "sitting under” A&maxilax were at an end, then/Lala- k*cts!a took up one pair of blankets. He spoke/and said, holding up one pair of blankets, “Now I sit (10) with this under my wife, for you, chief nemdgwis, five pairs of blankets,'/said he. Then the young men took up five pairs of blankets and/carried them into the house of A€maxtilat, for that was where €nemogwis was living./ And he kept on saying this and taking up again the five hundred/blankets given to “sit under™ €nemogwis. TIt is done, chiefs (15) A&maxiilal and you also, great chief Snsmogwis. These in all are one thousand blankets as a means of sitting under/you chiefs. Wa wa," said he and/sat down./ Then came Plaselaz out of the house of A€mxiilat and/he stood outside of the door. He spoke (20) and said, “Indeed, it is true what you say, chief csasotiwalis./ Now this great thing is finished. Now go on,that I may know what you want to get/from your father-in- law,chief .!asotiwalis,for/Se€wa has gone to you,chief, said he./ Then arose Lsaqotas, the father of .!dsotiwalis. He spoke (25) and said, “God is what you say, chief P!laselax./ It is true. Se€wa came, the great one came that had been sold for grease by my chief here./ Now it has been sold. Now I wish to get from you, chiefs ,/ great A€maxtilax, and you, great chief €nemOgwis,the other part of/ Sefwa, the wife's property and the 'trifles’"" He said this,(.!aso- tiwalis),(50) that he would give away trifles to the tribes, said he./ Now he was standing still, and while he was there Plaselax 10 15 20 25 350 294 Lelax tlex-flasa g°Gkwas A€maxilazé: Waigea hdlatAlaxtex g-Ig-e= game © Kemaxtilart LOdzés g-igdmée nemogwis. Laems wawark:inala gigtegimé€, Laems qautéx-ard. fyig-atelaxddezt lag-a negimpé Kemixilat, Laemlas laloutetxa gégakésOmasa tetwa Cyak- felwas, gigregamé<, Enék°é, Wi, la&mé gw&x6 watdemas lax6q. WA, la&mé wiela la -nkq €nakwa bébegwanem 1laxés g*ig’dkwé, Wi, laem hewixa 6ené t sasotiwalisé tecwis genems Qs6x°La- laga qaxs &&maé Légades Sen gaxs €nék-aé 1 fasotiwalisé qaés k wadpéxés genemé Snemax-fs LO 6ti6d6 qddzd.axés genems 1axés gwéx*€idaas6é gaxs le&maé glinatyS Setwa laxa g*alé qadzécem pdel- xelasgem sek-taplenyagsa. Wa, la Légemsa kiwaapixés genemé ga hérzaxartsi!clés waidemasa yaqient!alaxa enékeaq 6enéda begwanem Leewis geneméxa k:f6sarat Gena, WA, hBtia qsénema g-ig*e gimcy6— xwa ax6x €nala gadz6étasa g°infla laxa 16xsemx-€idé pselxelasgem lax sueesa genemé, Wa, lax ré6Ew6nukwa genemasa sek- faxsugiig’6- yuw6é pielxelasgem qa wis6k*alaxa ©naxwa bébe gwanemxa hélanemé qa gadzé.ax genemasa g*igdmatyé6, Wa, 1&4 &naxenempiena sek: fa- xenxé ts!ewinxas k*iés qautéx*éda begwanemax6és negimp. Wa, laem Lak eyalaxa Lfaqwa. Wa, laem Ggiiqd%a laxa sadyabalisa 1 laqwaxe Gem la ginasa Ltaqwa laxa qadzé.emé péelxelasgema. Wi, laem &em la 8k hayasek’A1é tiasotiwalisé teewis genemé Qséx'talaga 1laxéq. Laem héwixea k-fas&. Wa, laem 6sc16 Lt taso- tiwalisaxa mOx®iinx6 tséewiinx qa qautéx-adems A€maxilaxé L6& enee mo gwisaqe 13. Maturity of the Chief's Sister, Wi, la ma&lokwé tsiédaqé6 wiwaqiwas .tdsotiwaliséxa Légadiis Qléx-Lalaga Leewa Amacyfnxatyé raréliria. Wa, hétla t agoras k* {6dades Qtéx*talaga qaxs €ndla6. WA, laem hé qadzé.asé 1 a— golasax Qiéx*Lalaga. Wa, laem gautéx-ax XYaewiinemasé Giyotelasxa g°igamatyasa Mamaléleqdla, Wa&, la .fasotiwalisé k!lédades-taréq 295 spoke again, He talked (1) into the door of the house of A€maxiile:. "go on and listen chief/ A€mAxiilaz, and you great chief nemdgwis. Now by luck you got everything,/great chiefs. Now you will pay the marriage debt, he will give away trifles, your son-in-law,/ Kemaxtilaz. Now you will try to get the wife's property and the trifles, (5) chiefs,” said he./ Then they finished their speeches after this and all/ the men ‘went home to their houses,/ Now .lasotiwalis and his wife Q%éx-tdlaga never quarrelled/ for it,is only called quarreling between husband and wife, for tsaso- tiwalis wished to (10) “sit under" his wife, just as if he was marry- ing again his wife in the/ way he did, for they had already paid with Setwa the first/ five hundred marriage blankets. And this is named "sitting under" the wife, so that/ the words of the speaking may be right, they say that the man quarreled/ with his wife, but they did not really quarrel, And there are many chiefs (15) in recent days who give in marriage more than a thousand blankets/ to the father of the wife, and the wife has as a mat one hundred and fifty/ blank- ets and as a belt for all the men who are hired/ for marrying the wife of a chief, And sometimes it takes five/ winters for a man to repay the marriage debt to his son-inelaw and then (20) they use as a mast the copper. And this is different from the return gift of the copper,/ when they just pay back with the copper the marriage blankets./ Now teasotiwalis was just well married after this, with his wife/ Qléx-Ldlaga, and they never parted. Now cfasotiwalis was waiting/ four years to be paid back by A€maxilaz and (25) &nemdgwis./ 15. Maturity of the Chief's Sister, ifasotiwalis had two sisters who were named /Q6x°tala ga and the other taLélirta. Now tiaqoras had/ for his princess Q6x-ralaga for she was the elder one, Now she was given in marriage by t!a-~ qgotas, that is Q2éx-Lalaga, and he paid back the marriage debt to her husband Giyotelas, (3C) the chief of the Mamaleleqala. Then 10 15 20 25 296 liciaxés amatyfnxatyS weqiwa qaxa ke fefsaé xundxs Letwis genemé Qséx*talaga. Wa, hé*mis lag izas !asotiwalisé la k*édades Larélitia, WA, la&mé Sxenté racélicia. WH, la héx*fidatmé ct faso- tiwalis gwégigwanaxés g°iged&taxa €naxwa bSbe gwanemaxa tslotsio- xd&matsie Leewa dzédzex*sem Leewa x6xetsem teewa k-ak-Atslenagé Leewa xEXOqewa teewa L6Elewalyés Leewa k-Okwaxtala tefwa pielxe- lasgemé teewa hanexats!e, Wa, g°flemisé ewifla gunasetwa dédanem- x°d6é, wa, g°f1&misé mOpenxwatsé Enala g°*dag*frela lax g*f1x°de- mas 6xent!6d6 rarélicia laas tJdsotiwalisé vréxtslsdxa Qlomoy&- €yaxa gafla qa lés €wl&la 14x g*Okwas, WH, ma®lokw6 ©yalagemas hd€yaxea qa 16s L6€lalaxa Qlomoyatyéxa nék-Ss Qasanuex¥ ga t saso- tiwalis qins 16 hawa.élaga&la lax g:Okwas qadxda 6xentax. Halag-f- 1étasai, &nék°é. Wa, la Alaem h8x-fidaem lax-da&xu €wlfla hogwé- ta Qlomoyfeyéxa begwanemx’s&, W&, g°fl&misé g-ax fwlflaéta laas Lax€walizé Lalak-otsfa qa€s yaqieg’a&%6 Wa, 18 Enék-as Wa, gélaga Q!Smoyiews laxwa k-!éséx Amita watdemaxwa k: talapLlax*tax qag*ins g*igdmé® laxg-a tidsotiwalisek*. Laemke g°axalixtsdgma LaL6litiake ke $édtg-asOx ttasotiwaliséx, €néenak-iz6 g*Lg*egamee. La&mé sox ke sAlapiflayura 1&q6s dogwaz meewix qagtada Gwétela, €walas Kwageul tefwa Qlomk: sutées, fnéenak-izé, WH, la&mésen hSlax ga 16x gdsaxg*ada yluduxYseemakugra, fnék*exs laé hasela €nékea dalaxa €nemxsa plelxelasgems : La€men hélorai, g-{gimftyalt Awadai, qa&s lads qasaxa Gwétela, €walas Kwageur, Q!6mk: lit!es qag’ada gtigimék* ufdsotiwalis g°ax@liztsugwa k* fédéxg'as, Latmits wiség-adextsa Snemxsa péelxclasgem, €nék-exs laé x-flxfalizas, Wa la dax:€idxa 6giflamaxat! €nemxsa pielxelasgema, wa, 1a €nek-a: La€men hélorai g*igdimafyai Omx-fidai qa&s lads qasaxa Gwétela, &wa- las Kwag-ul reewa Qeomk: fitées qageada g*Lgimék 1 lasotiwalis gax4littsogwa k° lédéigras, Latmits wiségadextsa fnemxsa plel~ xelasgema €nék-exs laé x-flxfalizas, Wa, 1d €nékea: Hagea g-i- geegdmé®, Héems waxdemréda, Qasanuex4 Gwétel qaens gi gama yox 297 L'asotiwalis had for his princess Latélitia,(1) his younger sister, for he had no child with his wife/ Qléx-talaga, and therefore 1 :a- sotiwalis had for his princess/ carélit!a. Now tarélicia grew up andimmediately tldsotiwalis/ asked all the men to pay their debts, wash basins (5) and buckets and boxes and spoons/ and dishes and mats and button blankets and blankets/ and looking glasses. When they had paid their debts/ then after four days from the beginning of her/menstruation Llasotiwalis invited in the Q!émoy&€y6 (10) in the morning to come into his house, and two/ young men were sent to invite the Qlimoya®ys, saying "We walk for t!asotiwalis,/ that we discuss in his house on account of his sister who is menstruat~ ing. You will come quickly,"/ said they, and really immediately went in all the/men of the Q!lémoy&fyS, As soon as they were all in (15) Lalak-ots!a arose and spoke, He said, "Now/come, Q!6mo- yatyé, to this speech which is not surprising, which is called ‘making steam underneath'/ for our chief tlasotiwalis. Now has grown up tacélicia, the princess of clasotiwalis. I mean this, chief. Now this is the means of 'making steam underneath,' what is seen by you heaped up on the floor for the Gwétela (20) and the €walas Kwageux and the Qlomk: ff&ities, I mean this. Sow/ I will hire you to go and call these three tribes.'* Thus he said and he said aloud/ holding one pair of blankets "I hire you, chief/ Awadé to go and call the Gwétela, €walas Kwageuzt and Q!omk:luit!es/on behalf of this chief ridasotiwalis, and the maturity of this princess. Now/ (25) you wear as your belt this one pair of blankets," said he as he threw it down./ Then he took up another pair of blankets and said,/"“With this I hire you,chief Omx-€{Id to go and invite the Gwé- tela/and €walas Kwageut and Q!émk:!it!es for this chief,t !asotiwa- lis/and the maturity of this princess. You will have as your belt one pair of blankets,"(30) he said as he threw them down. Then he said, "tao, chiefs./ You will say, ‘We walk to call you, Gwétela for 10 15 20 29 50 298 c'dsotiwalis6x g°axalixttsetwox carélitcfax k: !édézaxs t lasotiwalis. Halag:flivasal, Enéx*tas Snék°é Lalak*otsia Léxsfalax Awadé qa waxdems Wa, la ma&l6kw6 hélanemas g: Tere gimse qa 1és qasa. Wa, g*fl Emisé la hoqiwels 1laxa g°Okwé Awads Loe Omxeidé, laas Lalak-otsia Enéx° ga az€osgemg’ f1izésa fnaxwa qats gwéx:sde&ma. Wa, la- Eméda ha&yaxfa €naxenemSxwarela lax waxaédataasa Syaqilataxa yu- duxtseemakwé Kwakigeuta. Wa, g-fl€misé la naxwa q-éapsqiapsa- 6a Cnatenemx:€idaza laas Lalak’ots!a Axk-!&laxa mOKwe h&ityarea qa 16s gatsé€staxa yuduxuse’makwé Kwakiig’ ura. Wa, la&m6éséda mo-= kwé hayaxfasa Qsdmoyatyé hogiwels laxa g*dkwe qa&s 16 hogwit laxa g*Okwasa mekimafya Gwétela. Wa, 18 €nékea Enemdkwé laxa qa~ ts6€stelg*{s6 hityareas G-dxemenuexY gétséesta Gwétel ga tiaso~ tiwalis, €nék*6, Wa, 1& €nék*a yiidukwé hdtyaxfas Halag*flirasai, Enéx*datxwéxs laé hoqiwels laxa g°okws. Wa, 1& héx-sdem gwek: 2a laxs 1alaé_iaé laixa ©ndxwa geigedxusa yliduxtse’makw6 Kwakig-uta. Wa, g°fl€misé Swiflxtolsaxa g*Okilaxs g-axa6é aédaaga gqa&s 16 ho-~ gwé. lax gedkwas. WA, g*AxemS hogwé.eléda Gwétela qats 16 klis- Ca1ix lax Sgwi€walfzasa g’Okwé. Wi, g°dix6 hogwiteléde ewalas Kwigeuk ga&s 16 kitis€aliz laxa h¥zk- {6denSgwitasa g°dkwé. Wa, g°Gx6 hSgwiteldda Qlémk-!itirss gas 16 klisS11z laxa gemexd- denégwitasa g’Okwé. Wa, 14 gwaxa bébegwanemé reewa bababagiixa tsiédaq hOgwitela laasé Lalak-otsia Eyalaqaxa mOkw6 ha&yaxfaxa qaselg*fsd6 qa 16s dadoqgi€max k-!és€emlaxa g-axsa g*ayurd begwae nemsa yudux€seemakwé Kwakigeuza, Wa, laxaéda mokwé hafyar axa ; la Légades dadogitmelg-fs hoqiwels laxa g-Okwé qats 16 hogwéer lax g’Okwasa Gwétela. W&, la&mé Snaxwacm nex*da’xwas G*axe Emenufx4 dadaqi®ma Gwétel, lax k-lés€emlaxa la huxtts!a@ 1laxdx g°Okwaxsa g*Iigdéma€ydx Ledsotiwaliséx, &néx-datxw6, Wa, 1& la- g°aa lax g*Okwasa ‘wilas Kwageut. WA, g*fl€misé hogwéer laxa tiex¢fldisa g’Okwé laaxaas Snéx-datxwa, G*ax€menu&x4 dadogtitma 299 our chief, (1) L !asotiwalis,and the maturity of Lacélicia, clasoti- walts' princess./ You will come quickly,’ thus you will say," said Lalak-ots!a, giving instructions to Awadé what/he was to eay./ Then the two chiefs who were hired went inviting. (5) As soon as they had gone out of the house, Awadé and Omx*fid, Lalak-otsla / said that all the things were to be put in separate piles./ Then the young men piled up separately the whole amount that was to be given to the/ three Kwag*ut tribes, and when each kind was gathered up,/ then Lalak-ots!a told four young men (19) to go to call the three Kwageut tribes and/ the four young men of the Qlémoy@tyé went out of the house into/ the house of the head tribe, the Gwétela, and one of the/inviting young men said, "Now we come to invite you,Gwé- tela for .!asotiwalis."/ Thus he said, and then the three young men said, “Come quickly,"(15) Thus they said as they went out of the house and they kept on/ saying this as they entered all the houses of the three Kwag-ut tribes./ As soon as they had gone into all the houses they went back and entered/ his house. Then the Gwétela came in and sat down/ in the rear of the house and the €walas Kwag* ut came in (20) and sat down in the right hand corner of the house and/ the Q!omk:!it’es came in and sat down in the left hand corner/ of the house. When the men and the women with men's seats/had all come into the house, Lalak-ots!a sent for the four young men/ who had been inviting (the people) to look for the qiiat: one (to look for a face of) the one who had not yet come of the men who belonged to the (25) three Kwag*uz tribes. Then the four young men went again/ those that were now called “sent to look for a face." They went out of the house and entered/ the house of the Gwétela. Then they all said, “We come/to ‘look for a face,' Gwétela. that may not have gone into the/ house of chief c!asotiwalis,''they said, Then they arrived (30) at the house of the Cwalas Kwag*ux and went into the/ door of the house and they said again, ''We come to ‘look for a face,’ 10 15 20 25 50 500 Ewalas Kwageut 14x ice !és€emlaxa hOx¥tsia 14x6x g*Skwaxsa g-i- gama &yox Ltasotiwaliséx, Enéx-datxwé, WH, 1& hoqtiwels laxa geOkwé qa&s 16 hOgwit lax g*6kwasa Qlomk: tiittesé. Wai, 1laxaé Enéx-dafxwas Graxemenuex4 dadogii€ma Qiémk: littes lax k:lés- Cemlaxa la hOxtsé& laxdx g*Okwasa g*igimafyox t iasotiwaliséx, Endx*daexw6, Wa, g:flemisé €wl®ltolsaxa g*Okilixs g*axda®xwad aSdaaqa qa&s 16 hogwit lax la wi®laétetsa yudux4se’makwé Kwa- kigeuza. W&, g°fl&mis6 hogwiztdaexwa laé Snéx-datxwa: La&mdox CwiElaéta lélqwdlatafyéx, ©néx-da&xwé, WH, 1% Lax€walizé Lalak-otsia qa€s yaqteg*a&xé, Wi, 18 enék-a gwégemaza laxa Qiémoyftyaxs hS6 kiiudzéxa AEwitelasa teex*fl&sa g-Okw6, La€men nds g*igeegamée yaqientialaz qen mo- melke {a16sa g° ig-egdma&yaxsa yuduxtse&makwé Kwakigeutexs g°axaé &yalfra, &nékeexs laS gwegemx®It laxa Ogwitwalizasa g-Okw6é qats yaqsegeaezé, WH, 18 enékeas Wa, gélag-a Gwétel, Swalas Kwag-ur, Qiémk* fitses. Wa, gélagea laxwa ladzéxwa k- !6s6x qtiindla néreid laxa k*{édadé g-igdmatyaxwa Légadiixs k- talapodixa g-axaliittseewés ke !6a6x8 qaxs wayats!61%a6 waxaasas x*fdzexmatyas laxa fyXk: felwasé qaxs xek*laé, k* 6s xwaxwégalasd€sa Cyaqnma ldxa plesisa plelxelas~ gemé tecwa €yageerelaxodé, Wa, léx-atme néxfidaatsdx qd ga xALliXtsdcds ke lék-{6dStaqds geigregdim6&, fnéenak-i2%6, nék-exs laS dax:€idxa fneméxca tslotslixofmats!a&. Wa, 1& hasela Enék-as Geaem tslotsfoxotmats!sa g*axdlixtseew6 cacrélicia k: !éd6zas t la- Botiwalisé lak: fendé, €nék-exs 1laé hdngas 1axés wadkwé,. Wa 1a dax:€{idxa €neméxta dzex*sem. Wi, 1& hasela EnSk-ae G*aem kwadzats!6sa geaxliztse®w6 rarélicia k!6dézas t!asotiwalis lak-Sendé. Laem 1a% 14., Gwétel, Ewilas Kwageuz, Q!omk: ities, Enék-exs laé hangqas lax6s wadkw8., Wi, 14 dax-€idxa Enemsgemés xetsem. 8, 1& hasela nék-a: G-aem tlemyats!e qaéda geaxéliz- tsefwe Larslitia k: [édézas u!lasotiwalisé lak-!endS.,. Laem Jaz 1é., Gwetel, wales Kwag-ut, Qlomk: fiittes, €nék-exs laé hAngas 501 (1) €walas Kwageut, that may mot have gone into the house of chief/ ciasotiwalis,'?they said, They went out of the/ house and they went into the house of the QJomk:!iat‘ies and/ they said, “We come to look for a face , Q!6mk:!it!les, that may not have gone (5) in- to the house of chief t!asotiwalis,'Y they said. And as soon as they had gone into the houses they came/ back and went into the house in which the three Kwag-ul tribes had gone./ And when they had all gone in, they said, "Now/ the tribes are all inside," they said./ (10) Then arose Lalak-ots!a and spoke./ He said, turning his face to the Q!émoy&£y6é who were sitting down inside of the/ doore way of the house, ‘'Now, my chiefs, I shall speak and/ I shall speak gratefully of the chiefs of the three Kwag-ur tribes, for they have come/ quickly,'’ said he as he turned his face to the rear of the house, And (15) he spoke and said, “Now welcome, Gwétela, €walas Kwag-ut,/ Qlomk:!it!es. Welcome to this that is not often shown/ for the princess of a chief, what is called "taking out the steam,' the maturing of / the princess, for they cannot stand the amount it costs of trifles given away/for they are never returned when a man gives a potlatch with blankets (20) and trifles. It ig only shown when/ the princesses of chiefs grow up, IT mean this,'' said he/ as he took up a wash basin. And then he said aloud,/ “mis is the wash basin for the maturing cacé6litia, the princess of tlasotiwalis/ one hundred," said he as he put it down among the others, (25) Then he took up one kettle and he said aloud, "this is/ the wash basin for the maturing LaLé6licia, the princess of t!'asotiwalis/ one hundred. Now this is for you Gwétela, &walas Kwageut, Q!omk:!aities,'Y thus he said as he put it down among the others. Then he took one/box and he said aloud, "This is the recep- tacle for time beating for the maturing (30) carélicia, the prin- cess of L:asotiwalis, one hundred, Now this is going to you, Gwé- tela,€walas Kwageut,Q!omk: fiites,". he said as he put it down (1) 10 15 20 25 tA ] ae) laxds wadkw6, Wa, 1& dax-fidxa Sneméxts keatsienaq. Wa, 18 hdsela €nékea: Geaem yuyatsie k-atslenaqsa g*axalixtse ewe earSlicia ke lédétas clasotiwalis, sek fax*sok-fla, Laem lax 14L, Gwotel, ©walas Kwag-ut, Qlémk: faties, nék-exs laé hdnqas laxés waokw6. Wa, 1l& dax-€idxa €nemexra xOqiwa, Wa, 1a@ hasela enék-ea: Geacm hamaats!e xoqiwasa grax@liztseewe Laréliria k- 2é- ddtas cfasotiwalis sek: fax-sdgugeeyu.e Laem 1ax 18. Gwétel, walas Kwig'ut, Qlomk:!itles, &ndk-exs 1la6 hangas 1axés waokwé. Wa, 1a adaix:€idxa €nemxsa t6ewatya, Wa, 1& hdsela Snékea:r G*aem kiwa- az&elixtsdsa g*ax@lixztsieews rarélicéa k- 2édézas Lidsotiwalis se= k- Jasgemgsustaxsa. Laem lax 14 ', Gwetel, &walas Kwag*uz, Q26mk: tu- ties, enék-exs laé paqidqas 1axés wadkwé. WH, 1& dax-€fdxa fnemxsdxat: xXé6Ewatyaxa Sgiigéxeme laxa g°fl- xa6 wazdems. Wa, 18 hasela ‘nékea. G*aem kwddzedzosa g*axAliz- tseews LaLSlitia k* {édézas Ltasotiwalis sek: lasgemg*ustaxsa. Laem 14x 18L, Gwétel, Swalas Kwageur, Qiomk* fitées, &nék-exs laé pla- qfagas 14xés wadkwé. Wi, 14 dax*€idxa &nem6 k*eukwaxtfla. Wa, 1a €nék-as G-*aem Enexftinésa geaxdlixttseewe craréliria k: fédézas tlasotiwalis, ma&i- tsOgigeeyu. Laem lax 14t, Gwétel, walas Kwag-ut, Qlomk: !lit!es, Enék-exs laé x-flqteqas 1axés wadkwe. Wi, 1% dax-€idxa €nemxsa pielxelasgema, WH, 1% Enék-a: Geaem dem k*adzek¥sa g°axflixtseew6 crarélicia k: !éd6zas 1 la- sotiwalis sek*tax*s0k-fla plelxelasgema. Laem lax 1@t., Gwétel, €walas Kwag*ut, Qi6mk* fiitees, ©nék-exs laé x-flqédqas laxés wad- kw6, Wai, 1% dax-fidxa €nemé hantxatsie, Wi, 1d Enéke-a: G-eaem hinxela hain€xats!lésa geaxAlizttseewé rarélitia k- lédé6ézxas tlasoti- walis ma&zitsogiig-cey6., Laem lax 1&t, Gwétel, Swalas Kwag*ut, @!dm- ke faties, enéke@xs las piqidqas 1ax6s wadkwé, 503 among the others. Then he took up one spoon and/said aloud, "This is the spoon for eating of the maturing/Laté6élitifa, the princess of tfasotiwalis. One hundred and fifty. Now it 1s going/ to you Gwétela, walas, Kwag-ut, Qiomk: fitles."' Thus he said and put it down (5) among the others, Then he took up one (wooden)dish and said aloud,/ ‘This is the eating dish of the maturing Lavélicia the princess/ of cfasotiwalis, one hundred and fifty. Now it goes to you, Gwétela, walas/ Kwag*ut,Qlomk: Jities."! Thus he said and put it down among the others, Then/ he took a nat and said aloud, 'This is (10) the seat of the maturing tatéliria, the princess of w!asotiwalis,/ fifty. Now it goes to you, Gwétela, Ewalas Kwag-ut,Q!omk: fiit!es./ Thus he said and he put it down | among the others./— Then he also took one mah from another pile different from the one/ just mentioned and he said. aloud, “This is the mat on which washes herself the maturing (15) tat6lit!a, the princess of t!asoti- walis, fifty. Now/it goes to you, Gwétela, walas Kwag-ur, Q!6m- k* itit¢es." Thus he said and/he put it down among the others./ Then he took a button blanket and he said, "This is/ the blanket of the maturing tacrélitia, the princess of LiAsotiwalis. (20) One hundred and twenty. Now it is going to you, Gw6étela, Ewalas Kwag-ur, Q!omk-!ities."/ Thus he said and put it down among the others./ Then he took one pair of blankets and he said,/ "This is the cedar bark napkin of the maturing Lacé6litia, the princess of 1 la- sotiwalis,/two hundred and fifty blankets. Now it is going to you, Gwétela,(25) walas Kwag-uz, Q!6mk: !Gtes.” Thus he said and he put it down among the/others./ Then he took a lookingeglass and he said, “This is/ the looke ingeglass of the maturing tacélitia, the princess of tfdsotiwalis./ One hundred and twenty. Now it will go to you, Gwétela, walas Kwageut, Qidmk:faties (30) Thus he said and he put it down among the others./ 10 15 20 25 350 504 Wa, 1g dax-fidxa “nemé xegeme WA, 1& €nékeat Graem xaqela XEgemsa g°axAlixztseew6 rarélicia k- [édézas .tasotiwalis sek: ias- gemg-ust&. Laem lax 1A., Gwétel, Swalas Kwag-ut, Q!domk: iiittes, Enék-exs laé paqidqas 1laxés wadkwé. Wa, 18 dax-fdxe qgerlets$aqd xdku kiwaxratwa, Wa, 1& Enék-s: Geaem dzSgrats.e xwakiiinasa g-axAlittseewé LaLélicia k- !édézrasg Lldsotiwalis qle.letstaqa xwaxwdktiina sések- tax-sdk:ux pielxelas- gem, Lacm 1a 14t, Gwétel, *walas Kwag-ut, Q!dmk:liitles, &nék-exs 1a6 xwélaga Loxewaliteq. WA, 1&@ dax:€idxa séwayu. WH, 1a €nék-a: G-*aem séxiila séwa- yusa g’axAliztscewé carélicia k: lédéxas .tdwotiwalis Laziit/aaxa g°Gwéqianemé, yuduxlsemg-usta sésewayé. Laem lax 14., Gwétel, Ewalas Kwageur, Qi6mk-fities, &nék-exs laé paq!aqas laxés wadkwé. Wa, 1& dax-€idxa gw6t gwilaxa saxsdayé tefwa haxa gwe€yos gwétgwila, Wi, 1a Enék-a, Gsaem qidxtelef&w6sa geax@lixtsecwé Lacélicia k- lédéxas LfAsotiwalisé, sek- fax‘ sogig*cydk¥ sésaxsda- Eya tefwa héhaxa reEwa tételgwabaeyé retwa ts létaletsicselaxsi- dz6& retwa tlétiebayu. Laem 1a 18, Gwdtel,fwilas Kwag-ut, Q/6m- k: fiitles, Snékeexs laé x-flqiadqas laxés wadkwé, Wi, 18 dax:eidxa Enemsgemé kwh&lSg-a k-idkula. WH, 1A enék-as Gaem géqax‘tslané dalég*a k* !dkiilasa g-axAlittseewé rarélicia k: $6d62%as clasotiwalisé, ma€&xtsem kwékwelég-a k- lOkila g°atméség-a sek tasgemgflak: déda&lég-a k:sOkitla, Laem lax 1AL, Gwétel, malas Kwag?ur, Qlomk* fiities, enék-exs laé g:Iqas laxés wadkwée. Wa, 1& dax-€idxa Enemd kiskweela gasgerta WH, 18 €nék-as G-aem mOsmaflasa graxflixtseew6 rarélitia k: !édéxas usasotiwa- lisé, sek: !@k!iwSma kiskw&la gdsgect{a Laem 1ax 14t, Gwétel, fwalas Kwag'ut, Qlomk: lities, nSk-exs laé g-Iqas laxés waokwé,. Wa, l& dax-fidxa fnemé dasd&laa téstekiwa (ma&x6 Légemas LO& tslartsiemaqta). Wi, 1# &nékea:s G-aem tslattslemaqiasa graxGliztseewé Larélitia k: fédé%as tlasotiwalisé, yuduxYsemg: usta 505 {) Then he took up a comb and he said, “This is the comb/ of the maturing Ltaréliria, the princess of tfasotiwalis, fifty./ Now it will go to you, Gwétela,€walas Kwag*ut,Q!omk: fities,'Y Thus he said and put it down among the others./ (5) Then he took up six split cedar sticks and he said,/ “These are the clam digging canoes of the maturing LaLélitia, the princess/ of t!asotiwalis, Six canoes, ’each valued at fitty blank- ets./ Now they are going to you, Gwétela, walas Kwag-uz, Ql6mk: Ji- ties." Thus he said/ and put them down./ (10) Then he took up a paddle and he said, "This is the paddle used/by the maturing Lacélicia, the princess of t iasoti- walis, when she goes out/ after clams, thirty paddles. Now they are gning to you, Gwétela,/ wilas Kwag:urt, Qlomk- ities.” Thus he said and put it down among the others./ Then he took up clothing (skirts and women's shirts are ree ferred to (15) as clothing) and he said, "This is worn by the maturing/tarélitia, the princess of .Jasotiwalis, one hundred and fifty skirts/ and petticoats and undershirts and stockings/ and shoes. Now they are going to you, Gwétela, walas Kwag-ut, Q!am- kK: {iittes.'/ Thus he said and he put them down among the others./ (20) Then he took up one gold bracelet and he said,/ "This is the silyer bracelet of the maturing ta.élitta/the princess of L!asotiwalis. Two gold bracelets and/twenty-five silver bracelets. Now they are going to you, Gwétela, fwilas/Kwag-ux,Qiomk- ities," And he put it down among the others./ (25) Then he took up one gold earring and he said,/ “This is the ear ornament of the maturing tatélicia, the princess of .!a-= sotiwalis,/ five pairs of gold earrings, Now they are going to you Gwétela,/ €walas Kwag-ur, Q!omk: lit!es,"™ said he and put them down among the others./ Then he took up one silver ear ornament (they have two names,/ (30) also "ear icicles") and he said, “These are the ear icicles of/ 10 15 20 25 50 3506 dasdilaa téstekiwa, Laem 14% 14t., Gwétel, ©walas Kwag-ur, 23m ke faties, ©nék-exs laé g*fqas 1laxés wadkwé. Wa, 18 dax-fidxa €nemé Ex-tslema. Wa, 1& ©nék-a: G*aem x6- xoqila 6x-tslemsa g*axAlixtseewé cirélicia k* !édéxas 1. lasotiwalisé, matzginaxtsemg*ust& kiwéma, Laem 1ax 14., Gwétel, walas Kwag-ut, Q!omk: faties, &nék*exs laé g°Iqas 1ax6és wadkwé. : Wa, l&@ dax-€idxa fnem6 tloxek¥ k*flx’sem yasek¥sa cnc TxUCwel Wa, 18 €nékea: G*aem yasekiila yasek¥sa g-ax&lixtsetwé Larélircia k* '6déxas ctidsotiwalisé, sek: !ax-sdgiig‘ceyu Ll6xekwa. Laem 1ax 14L, Gwétel, walas Kwaigeuz, Qiomk: fit!es, &nék-exs laS-Ax&qas 1axés wadkweé,. WH, 1& dax-&idxa €nemé dégem&y&. Wa, 1° €nékeat Geaem keakeadzekimeyu k*ddzek¥sa g*axAlixttseewe rarélitia k- !édézas Lsasotiwalisé, lak-lendé dégem&y&, Laem 14% 14t, Gwétel, &walas Kwageur, Q!omk: fittes, Snék°exs laé x-flqfdqas 1a4x6s wadkwé. Wa, 1@ yaqleg:atzxa. Wa, la Enékeas Wa, wadzésox wazdem- Lexsg'{n g-igdmék-xwa k-.6séx qiQnala néxfid 14xa wadkwé g:{- gegdmafya qaés k* /édétaxs graxalittseewaé. We, yiiem Légades ke !€lapod&xés k* !éd6ztaxs g*dlaé 6xenta, Ladzéemé Ewllg-flixzaxen LéLe ge lase &wexa ke f€@lapotdayutexg*ada g°axAlizxtsokuxg’a LaLléli- clak: k* lédézg-as . Sasotiwalisxg-ada Lawilsé€stala g*fgdmatya. EnéEnak?iz6, Wagra Qlomoyiwé6. wilg:fl{zclacmds tslawanaésa emixwax qa&s Sgwégix’sdem laxwa yiduxYse&makwé gaxs k- tefsaé Létegems6x laxwa k*!alapélax. Wi, la k* leas qlemdem 1aq¥, enék*é, Wa, héx-fidatmisa &naxwa bébé gwanemsa Qlomoyaeys ainaerte 1ix qa&s 16 dx&édxa Snaxwa qa&s gwéx-sdeema qa&s 16 tslawanaésas laxa Gwétela g°ala qaxs hé€maé mektimésa Snaxwa 16lqwalarafya, Wa, g°flemisé ewllxtoxs laé tslawanaésasetwa walas Kwageur. Wa g°flemisé wilxtoxs laé Laxfwalizé Lalak-otsia qa&s édzaqwé yaqle- geafxa, Wa, 18 Enékea: Cya, gigre gimés Gwétel, Swalas Kwag-ut, 307 LaL@élit!a, the princess of t!Asotiwalis, thirty (1) silver ear orna- ments. Now they are going to you, Gwétela, walas Kwag-ur, Q!6mk: !i- ties."/ Thus he said and put them down among the others./ _ Then he took up one abalone shell and he said, "This is/ the head Broniient of the maturing LaLcélitia, the princess of t!asotiwalis (5) eighty pairs. Now they are going to vou, Gwétela, €walas Kwag-ut ,/ Q!omk: !Gttes.' Thus he said and put them down among the others./ Then he took up one cake of tallow of the mountain goat/ and he said, "This is the tallow for prenming (the face) of the maturing Lacélitia/ the princess of tfasotiwalis, one hundred and fifty cakes. Now they are going (10) to you, Gwétela,€walas Kwageut,Qlomk: lities," Thus he said and put them down/ among the others./ Then he took up one towel and he said, "This is/ the cedar bark face towel of the maturing cacélicta, princess of/ L!Asotiwalis, one hundred towels. Now they are going to you, Gwétela, (15) €walas Kwa-~ g°ur, Qiomk fittes.'' Thus he said and put it down among the others./ Then he spoke and saidj “Now this is the great word/ of my chief, this that is not often shown by other chiefs/ when their princesses mature, This is named/ ‘taking out the steam of his princess when she menstruates the first time,’ Now it is at an end (20) what I have named taking out the steam of this maturing Lacélitia/ the princess of Lfasotiwalis, this chief who is all over first born./ I mean this, Qlémoyafyé. You shall all go and give out/ all these kinds of things to the three tribes,'' (for they do not/ use the names for this "taking out of the steam"! and there is no song with it)(25) said he ./ At once all the men of the Qlémoy&tyé arose/ and took up all the kinds of things and distributed them/ among the Gwétela first, for they are the nead of all the tribes,/ and when they had finished with them they distributed them among the €walas Kwag-ux (30) and when they had finished with them, Lalak‘otsia arose and spoke again./ 10 15 20 25 508 Q!omk: !it!es. Wigea, doqwataxwa €walas&x k- !alapd€dayuxa g-a- x@lixtseew6s rarélicia k* lédézas Lldsotiwalis. né&nak-1xé yiduxuse&mak¥ Kwikiigeur, laems téqelates Latélitiadzé laxa geaxflixtseewS racdlitiaxa k: $6déxielakwéxa k- l6déxtséestala qa Axisgea lake ke [édadeség-fn g:Igimék-xgra i tasottnaee eee Enéenak*1x6 g°Ig*egdimés yuduxse&mak¥ Kwakig-ul, 16x*adzaemacn hé gw6x° s6xg°fn nanukwég*asa 6xentemda tetemttsa geaxdlixtse ewe LarSlirtiadzé6, &nékS. WH, héx-fidatmisé clasotiwalisé raxewaliza qa&s yaqsegatzxé, WH, 14 nékea. WaxqsUnéxstéda Léretemta. Hag~a ix®SdqS laxa 6tsi411x8, endk-s. Wi, 16da had€yax€a lats!@lizx laxa Stsi411x%6 qa&s g*ax6 dalaxa sek: lasgemg*ust& Letemt qa&s g°axé Emo gi€lizas lax tatwilasas Lalak‘otsia, Wi, h&8x-fidatmisé yaq qieg°afzé Lalakeots!a WA, 18 Enék-as Cwalastwist!a L!cléxawa €yaéxg°ada Sxentem%ek* tetemta. Wa, gelakeas®lax-en laénatye melx€watelagek* qaxs Swalasélaxsdé q.dmésens ne&memuta Yaéx-ae gemafyS, néenak’iz6. Geaem Sxenbemt cetemitsa geaxalixttse&w6 LaL@lit sadzé k- {édétas Liasotiwalisé, sek- Jasgemg-ust& véretemta. Laem lat 14., g*ig*egimés Gwétel, €walas Kwagut, Qiomk: titles, Enék-exs laé g*Iqasa Snemsgemé lax-dd daak¥s, Wi, 1& ©nék-a: Wa- gea 6ti6d tssawanadsax Qlomoyiws, &nék-exs lad k!iwag-aliza, Wa, latmS tstawanaésascewa Q!omk: lutiles. Wa, g-flmisé wiela tsla- wanaSsasefwa Qlomk: !itilesé6 laas Ax€étseEwa Létetemrs ga&s 16 tstawanaddzem ldxa g*ig’egdimatyasa yliduxuseemakwé Kwakiig-uta,. WA, g°flemisé ewlfla tsiawainaédzema Léretemré laxa g*ig*egama- €yasa yliduxtseemakwé Kwakig-uta laas nemax'fs LO& tslex*idéda g*igegimafyasa yiiduxuseemakwé Kwakigeuta, Wa, la&mé yaéqienta- 16da k* falapddé qaés k* léd6zaxs g*dlaé g°axAliztseewa., Wa, laem né€nas yaqsentiala, Wa, 1l& k*f%ela yaqlent!aléda héwaxa q!lase- laxés k* !6dézaxs g*ax@lixttsecwaé, Wai, h¥em gweeySsa bakiumé wix:sa& g*igimafyé wax-€maS plesasa peelxelasgem lax6s g*Okil6té. WH, wax-femxaawisé Lréxelaxa enaxwa 309 He said, "Oh chiefs of the Gwétela,&walas Kwagsut,(1) Qtomk: lities, look at this great ‘taking out the steam'/of the maturing vatélic a, the princess of .!asotiwalis. I mean this,/ chiefs of the three Kwag'ut tribes. Now you will call her great carélicita,/ the matur- ing tatélit!a who has been made a princess, who is a princess all over (5) on account of what has ‘been done by the one who has now a princess, my chief t!asotiwalis here./ I mean this, chiefs of the three Kwageux tribes. Now there is only/one thing that is missing, the menstruation hat of the maturing/great purarimea,” said hes tm mediately t!dsotiwalis arose/and spoke. He said, “I forgot the hats. Now (10) get them from the bedroom," said he. Then the young men went into the/bedroom and they came carrying fifty hats and they/put them down where Lalak-ots!a was standing. Immediately/Lalak:ots!a spoke and said, "Very great is/this menstruation hat which was for- gotten by you. Now thank you.(15) For it occurred to me that it would be a great disgrace for our numaym,the Yaéx-agemé&./ I mean this, this the menstruation hat of the great maturing/tacélitia, the princess of .!asotiwalis,fifty hats./ Now they are going to you, Gwétela, €walas Kwag°uz,Q!omk: !it!es."/ Thus he said and put down the one that he was holding. Then he said,(20)“Go on,Q!lomoy@fyé, and dis- tribute them,'' said he as he sat down, / Then they were distributed among the Q!omk: ities, ané as soon as all/ the Q!omk: futies had been given, then the hats were taken and/ distributed among the chiefs of the three Kwag*ut tribes./ And as soon as all the hats had been distributed among the chiefs (25) of the three Kwag*ut tribes, then it was as though had waked up/the chiefs of the three Kwag-uz tribes and now were talking/ those who had "taken out the steam'! for the princess who had grown up. Now/ they dared to talk. Those are afraid to talk who do not take notice/ of their princess when she grows up./ (30) This is referred to by the Indians as "chiefs not going through"), although they give away/ blankets to their tribes and also 10 15 20 25 30 510 1élqwalavatya, wh, g°ilemisé k- /és k+ 'dlapodda qats k- {édézaxs galas geax&littseewa, wi, la&mé Légades wix-s& g-igim& laxéq. Wa, laxaé h¥em gwita watdemé qaéda k* és qautéx-ax ra€winemasés k* !8d6x6, Laemxaa Légades wix-saé g*igdmafya laxéq. Wa, hé&mis Légades xamagem& €wlelérelés gL gimatyé tfasotiwalisé qd lax twiElO.ex qiwaxag*iztasa watag6la qa&s negextodéx gwilag:flidza- $2368 gagempaxa qwésela €nalaxa Enaxwa ma EwlElotex wax°a Légwe- tsdsa g*igregdmaty6 qa&s wile laétantmaxen 1ax k: latasefwaxa gwatela&ma wiilgdmé g*igaméeeg-flisé Yix-dgematyéxa Aewandlisas Lsasotiwalisé lax tex-s{watyé., Wa, la&laé naxwacm x6xama gemd eg igregdmafyéda la Léayos geig-frela lax Yix-dgemacy6, geaxfa = Lela lax Lfasotiwalisé. WH, héemis lag-i€%as ttdqorasé taklw6- mas €néx- ga halabalésés tewelgamafyé LsAsotiwalis Cwaewiflo— tfax gwayi€l#lasasa ©nék-6 ga&s xamagema®yé g-igdmatya., Wa, latmisé kiway6teq. K°!8s6 la qléx:€idazé 1l& 1416. !asés i la- sotiwalisé go lax &lak:talat xamagaimé® Swl€lo.elés g-igamée laxéq. WE, la&mé wi€la hoqtwelsa yudux¥seemakwe Kwakigeut 14x6q. Wai, lata carélirciadzé kiwatsialiitsiem laxés 6xendatsié g:aélas laxa onégwitas g*Skwas Llasotiwaliséxa dmatyé g-okwa, Laem 1816. a qa&s mOpiené kwisaxés qiaztmosé gwayifldlasaxa g°a1é Sxenta tsiatsiadagema, WH laem laba laxa gwagwéx:sala laxa g°alé 6xenta. Héem gwe&y6sa g°axré bak!um g°axdlittse twa, 14. Building of a House, ' WH, la&mé tlasotiwalisé &néx- qa&s g*dkwS16x g°dkwa qats wigei ctéXelaxa lélqw&latatyas gqauténayuLes RKemaxtlazt 1o& ene= mOgwisag. WAH, la€&m6 réxts!dd6 i. lasotiwalisaxés g-d6kuléta Qlémoy&tyé. WH, g-fl&misé g-ax €wlElaéta laas nétaxés g°dkui- 15taxs le&maé nak: fataxés negiimpé Amaxiilaré L5& Enemogwiséxa g°igima®yasa Snemgés6. Laem gwatata qa&s qautéx'éq. Wa, hé- Emisen lag*ita &néx: gen g*dkw6léx g*dkwa gen véxeflatsiexa 141- 511 although they invite all the (1) tribes, tf they do not "take out the steam” for their princess/when she grows up, then they have the name “chief not going through"* after that./ That is the same word as for one who has not paid thé marriage debt to the husband of his/ princess. He also has the name ''chief who does not go through" after that. But this is (5) the name of the head chief, “the one who went through everything, chief c!asotiwalis, if he/ob- tains everything, he, who grows up according to those who wish him to follow the ways/ of his grandfathers of long past days, who all obtained everything/ that chiefs try to pbtain what has been written by me, about the/ one who is made the highest chief, Yf- x*agemé&, the ancestor (10) of Lfasotiwalis at Lex:siwé&, They all were head / chiefs and they took the place of Yfix-agemé€ com- ing down/ to Lidsotiwalis, and therefore 1 taqotas wished strongly / that his prince t!asotiwalis should quickly try to get all the ways / of those who wished that he should become head chief. (15) Now he got almost all, not many more were tried for by Llasotiwalis / when he really was going to be head chief/after this./ Now all the three Kwag-ut tribes went out after this/and then the great Lacélitia was sitting still in her menstruation room in (20) the corner of the house of t!asotiwalis, the small house. Now/she tried to get the four washings, about which you know, the doings of the/ girl who menstruates for the first time. Now this is the end of talk- ing about the/maturing girl. This is called by the Indians g-axaliztsd€./ ' 14. Building of a House Now tfasotiwalis wished to build a house to (25) invite the tribes when the marriage debt was paid by A€maxiilaz and nemogwis./ Then t{asotiwalis called his tribe/ the Q!lomoy&€yé into his house and as soon as they were all in, he told his tribe/ that he was ex- pecting his father-in-law, A€maxiilax and €nemOgwis/ the chief of the Enemgis, who was ready to pay the marriage debt to him. "And (30) this is why I wish to build a house as an inviting house for the }0 15 20 25 50 312 qwalacatyé, WA, la€méts doqwatat qa gwataatsés wazdemtads, g°okul6t, nék-exs laé kéiwag-fliza. Wi, 14 Lax€walizé Lalak-otsia qa&s yaqsegeacxé. Wi, 18 €nék*ar Qéaétagea waidemg’asg’ens g Lgaiméek-, Qiomoyiw6, Laem Enéx* gas g*okw6l6x azewakwa g*Okwaxwa k* !ésé6x nénéda g*dkwi- laxa azewakwé g*Okwa ga x°edzexmafyas laxwa dadek*as6x qaéda hélanemca gfénem bébegwanemt. €En6Enak-1xé6 Qlomoyiiwé, gwalaxens g* Lgdima&yox Liasotiwaliséx héla g-axens qa ladns Gaxelaxa gw6x ga latasa atewexYia g°ox_ gaxs qiéx:fiddizué Eaxelasdrasa hé€lanema, Enétnak? 1x6 Qlomoyiwé. Hag*a haf yaxSas Qlomoyuwé, haga qasaxa Gwétela ceewa Cwdlas Kwagut ceewa Qlomk: lattes qa graxés EwlEla hovcSlax6ox waxdemaxsens g° igamafyox ctfdsotiwaliséx. Aemres &néx-- LoL, ha&yaeras Qasanuexu Gwétel qa&s lads héLélax waxydemas Ledasotiwalisé, Halag-flétesai, néx*tes, &nék-6da Léxs€aldxa ha€yaxfa qa. waxdems.e We, h&x-Cidatmisé la héqiwels laxa g:Gkwas tladsotiwalisé qats 16 hogwit lax g°Okwasa Gwétela. WA, la&mé €nék°eas Qasa- nu&x4 Gwétel gqa&s lads h6Lélax wazdemas t!lAsotiwalisé, Halag:f16é- Ltasai, €nék-exs laé hoqiwels laxa gOkwé. Wa, &x-sdmisé hé gwé- k-!alea laxa €naxwa geigsokwa. Wa, g°fl&misé wilxtolsaxa g:i- g°okwasa Gwétela teewa Ewalas Kwagrud Lefwa Qiomk: littes g-adxaé aédaaga qa&s 16 hOgwit lax g*Okwas Liasotiwalisé, Wa, 1a €né- x*da&x¥, Laemx:denu€x4 ewllxtolsaxa g*dktila, ©nék-exs laé ktiis- Caliza. WE, la&mé Lalak-otsia €néx* qa gwatelatmisé 1 Jasotivalisé Léreqgela LéLegemasés hé€lanemia laxa yudux4seemakwe Kwakig*uta. Wa, hé€mis qa Snaxwatmisé Lréqelax 6a€xénétas lax gw6igwhlasa g°ox4¥.a, Enékeé, Wa, héx-fidaemisé .lasotiwalisé nézas waxiigwas - tasé bébegwanemé hé&lanemva. 513 (1) tribes, Now you will see what you will say,/ tribes,'t said he as he sat down./ Then arose Lalakots!a and spoke./ He said, !True is the saying of our chief, Qlomoy&tyé,(5) He says he wants to build a new house. This is not dared (by all),the building / of a new house on account of the disappearance of property among/ those who are hired, many men. I mean this, Qtdmoy&yé, do not let our/ chief t!asotiwalis hire us to work on the timbers (10) of the new house, for there are many kinds of work to be done by the hired men./ I mean this, Q!omoyf&y6. Go on, young men of the Qiémoy&&y4 go now and call the/ Gwétela and the walas Kwag-ut and the Q!iém- k-!aities to come/ and listen to the words of our chief, t{asotiwa- lis. You will just say/ young men, ‘We invite you, Gwétela, to go and listen to the words of (15) t$asotiwalis. Come quickly,' you shall say,'' said he, giving advice to the/ young men-as to what they were to say./ Immediately they went out of the house of tfasotiwalis/ and went into the houses of the Gwétela and they said: "We invite you,/ Gwétela, to listen to the words of tldsotiwalis. You shall come quickly," (20) said they as ties went out of the house, And they just continued saying this/ in all the houses, and when they had been to all the/ houses of the Gwétela and €walas Kwag‘ut and Qlémk: lattes they went/ back and entered the house of tlasotiwalis,. Then they said:/ "We have been to all the houses," said they as they (25) sat down. Then Lalak-ots!a said that ct!dsotiwalis should be ready/ to name the names of those whom he would hire among the three Kwag- ut tribes,/ and also that they should name all those who should work at the timbers of the/ house, said he. Immediately t!asotiwalis told him how (30) many men would be hired./ 10 15 25 30 314 Wai, g°fl€misé gwazé watdemas laé fyalagema ha€yazrfa qa 1és qatsé€sta, Wa, héx-fidatmisa hatyazxfa la hoqtwels laxa g*6- kw6 qa€s 16 hogwit 1ax g:Okwasa Gwétela, WH, 1& Enék-as G-axe Emenufx¥ qatséesta Gwetel., cexewit, texewit, texewit, wi, wi, wi, Enék-exs laé hOqiwels laxa g*Okwé, Wa, 14 héx-sdem gwék- fala laxa €naxwa g°igsOkwa, Wa, g-fl&misé Cwllxtolsaxa g-ig*Skwaxs g°axaé aédaaqa qa€s 16 hogwit lax g*Okwas t.dsotiwalisé. Wa, g°ax- Emé hogwiteléda bébegwanemé laxa g°Okwé gqats k!lis€alixelé lax wax’saenégwitasa g*Okwé, Wa, g°flemisé geax wielaéta bébegwane- masa yUduxuseemakwé Kwaklgeutea laas taxfwalizé Lalakrotsia, Wa, ld yaqiegeacta, Wa, 1h Enék-a} Wa, gélag-a Gwétel, wa, gélagea Ewalas Kwigeut, wa, gélagea QlOmk flitées laxwa ladzSéxwa €walaséx watdemsg*fn g*igdmék-xg°a t sasotiwalisek*xgeada laemk: €néx* qats g°Okwéléx aztéwakwa g°Skwaxwa k*!6s6x nénéda qa x-‘edzexmatyas lain Kwa yaqelax, lag*izas k-ftlema g*Skwélaxa aldwakwé g-Skwa, Wa, la- €mésen hélaz 14, yudux'¥semak¥ Kwakiigeut qa 6axdléséxa gwéitgwé- latasa g°OxUra, Cnék-exs laé Axk*tdlax tidsotiwalisé qa ax€wit- tlalizéséxa pielxelasgem laxa Otsi4lizéxa hdlagemtaxa Cwaewifla- Laxa ma&itsiaqra wilk¥ qa k-ik-atéwétdsa g°dxUra. Wi, héx-Cidaemisa hatyazeisa QlomoyAfyé6 la Emoxtslalizelaxa plelxelasgemé laxa Ots{Alizé qats g:axé mogilizas 1ax tawilasas Lalak*ots!a lax OgwitwalfYasa g-Okwé. Wa, g°-fl€misé g°-ax fwil- g-fliza pielxelasgemé laas 6dzaqwa yaqleg*afzxé Lalak:!ots!a. wa 1a €nékeaxs la@ dax*fidxa Snemxsa peelxelasgema. Latmen wag*fl hélaz 14. Gwétel ga®s lads &xtexa 1lée1x-entasa g*Oxtasg*in g:iga- mék:, nék-exs laé hds€idxa neqaxsa péelxelasgem, Wa, 14 €nék-a’ Latmen hélot cfaqwag’il qa&s lads sopsédxa enemtslaqa k-atewatya megaxsak* pselxelasgemg*as telxtsianéig°os, g*Igdimse, enék-é, Wa, 1éda geayuzé lax naeyaxtdsa Q!lomoyAfyé ax€alizaxa n€qaxsa ptel- xelasgem qa&s 16 €mOgwalizas 1ax kiwiélasas Ltaqwag*ilaxa xamage~ matyé g-Lgdmésa €ne&mémutasa Madmtag-ila, 515 (1) When they had finished talking, the young men were sent to/ invite again, and immediately the young men went out of the house/and went into a house of the Gwétela. They said, "We come/ to invite again, Gwétela. Get up, get up, get up! Wu wu wu,* (5) said they as they went out of the house. And they continued saying this/ in all the houses. And as soon as they had been to all the houses/ they came back and went into the house of t!asotti- walis, Then/ the men went into the house and sat down on/ each side of the house, And when all the men of the (10) three Kwag*uz tribes were in, Lalak-ots!a arose/ and spoke. He saide "Come, Gwé~ tela, come,/Ewalas Kwag-ur, come, Q!omk: Sites to (hear this) great / word of my chief t!asotiwalis, who wishes to/ build a new house, which nobody dares on account of the property that is lost by it. (15) Therefore people are afraid to build a new house./ Now I will hire from among you, three Kwag:ut tribes, (men) to work on the timbers of the/ house that is to be,'' said he, and he asked tla- sotiwalis to bring out/ of the bedroom the blankets which were to be paid to those who were going to get/ two cedar trees for the beams of the future house./ (20) Immediately the young men of the Q!émoy&fyé brought out the/ blankets from the bedroom and put them down in front of/ La- lak-ots!a in the rear of the house. When/ the blankets were piled up, Lalak-ots!a spoke again/ and said, as he took up one pair of blankets, “Now let me (25) hire you, Gwétela, to get the thick posts of the future house of my chief,“/ said he counted out ten pairs of blankets. Then he said,/“Now Ithire you, c!aqwag*ila to go and chop down one beam./ Ten pairs of blankets as a protection for your hands, chief," said he,/ and a young man of the Q!dmoyA€yé took up ten pairs of blankets (30) and put them down at the place where was sitting t!aqwageila, the head/chief of the numaym Madmtag-ila./ 10 15 20 25 30 316 WE, la 6tlédé Lalak-otsia hds€idxe meqaxsa peelxelasgem, Wa, 18 €nékea. La€men hé16. Wadzé ga€s lads soOpiédxa Snem- tslaqa k*dtawafya, neqaxsek* pselxelasgemg*as telxtslanéig-os, gLgimée, “nék-é, Wa, 1éda geayuxé laxaax héxeksa QlomoyAtyé Ax€alizaxa neqaxsa pielxelasgem gas 16 €mOgwalizas 14x k lwaé- lasas Wadzéxa grayuré lax €neemémutasa Dzendzenx-qtayasa ewalas Kwag°ut,. Wi, la 6tiédé Ldlak-otsia hds€idxa neqaxsa peelxelasgem, Wa, la €nékeat Lafmen hélét Tsloxutslaésgaimée qats lads sdpiédxa ma= €xtsiaqa LéLama,neqaxsak* p.elxelasgemg‘as telxtstanézg:6s,g*igames €nék-é. Wa, 1léda héxfa axfalizaxa neqaxsa peelxelasgem qa&s 16 Emo gwalizas 14x k}waélasas Ts2OxUtsiaésagemafyéxa g-ayuré lax Ene emémutasa Kiikwak!imasa Gwétela. Wa, la 6tééedé Lalak-otsia hosfidxa neqaxsa péelxelasgem. Wa, 14 €nékeas La&men hélot Pengwit qa&s lads sOptédxa mafxtsiaqa Lé- Lama ,neqaxsake peelxelasgemg*as telxtslanézeg-is, g°igdmee, enék-6, We, 1léda hézxfa ax€alizaxa neqgaxsa peelxelasgem qats 16 mogwalfzas lax kiwaélasas Pengwidéxa gayuzé lax ne&mémutasa Dzendzenx:qla- yasa walas Kwag*utr6é, Wa, la 6t26d6 Lalak-otséa hOs€idxa neqaxsa péelxelasgem, 14 Enék-a; La€men hélot, G-Lgamée qa&< lads k- 6xax , lax gaalata qa&s g°axemeLos enaxwa dapelacqéx dzaqwatas Zensta, Ené- k-6, Wa, g°fl&misé gwaxé wazdemas laé wi. Laemk: hélnakila laxwa k*!6s6x qtindla hétdeg-asa g*Okwélaxa aXewexYsemé g*dkwa. Enéenak 1x6, g*Igregdmé®, wig-itla tsiek*atax gadlata qa&s wag-i- Los clelazxwa k-6k*atéwafyax xYensta qa&s haliflalafméetos gwaxama s— xwa Léte€latss6réx g*OxYtesg’in g:igimék-, £nék*éxs laé kiwag-all- ya, Wa, latmé Cwl€la hoqiwelsa Kwaktig-uxé laxéq. Wi, g°fl&misé €nax*fidxa gaaladxs laé héx-idatma mokwé hatya- xEasa Qedmoyaeys la Lé&lalaxa yliduxseemakwé Kwakigeut qa g°axés héyasela 18x g*Gkwas tfasotiwalisé. Wa, g:fl&misé €willxtolsaxa g-ig*Okwasa yudux“se&mak¥ Kwakig*uraxgs g*axaé aédaaqa qafs 16 ho- gwit lax g:dkwas tidsotiwalis qa&s 16 g-ag*awalaxa ha€méx-silax héyadz6ta@sa yidux"seemakw6 Kwakigeuta., WA, g*axemé qitilyaéceléda yudux4se&makwé Kwaluigeuta. Wa, la halemqses€it hamx-€ida, Wa, g'fl€misé gwataaxs laé twi€la hoquwels laxa g*Okwé qa&s 16 héem g°f1 Lemgeacldzemséda motstagé Létama, WA, latmé Sem gwételsa €naxwa bébegwanem Gaxelaxés gwe®yO gas 6axelaseewa, Wa, g°fl- Emisé €naxwa la Lax*tasa mots fagé Létam laas ifelx:€idxa matrtsla- qé k-6k*atéwatyé, 3335 so that it all came off. (1) Then they chopped off the crooked parts so that the beam might be straight, and when/ all the sap was off they took their small adzes and adzed what was going to be/ the beam. Sometimes it takes four days adzing/ before it is finished./ (5) As soon as the adzers finished, other men dug/holes in which the four posts were to stand, When all the/ four holes had been dug, where the posts were to stand, then the four fitters/ were going to place on top of the four poles the beams./ Then all the men rolled the four posts so that they were ready (10) near the place where they were to stand, and they were ready on the ground when day came/ the following morning. And when they had finished working ulasotiwalis called/ all the men to his house to eat after working. And after they had finished eating Lalak*ots!a arose and spoke/ and said, "Come, you three Kwag*ur tribes. Now you see clearly (15) this my chief Liasotiwalis, who is going on in the right way./ Not often this building of a new house comes out in the right way./ I mean this, chiefs. ‘Now wake up in the morning and/ place the beams tomorrow that you may finish in one day/ what will be the inviting house of my chief here." Thus he said and sat down. (20) Then all the Kwag-ut tribes went out after this./ As goon as day came in the morning four young men of the/ Q!6= moy&&y6 went out to call the three Kwag-ur tribes to come/ to eat breakfast in the house of Lsdsotiwalis. When they had gone into all the/ houses of the three Kwag-ut tribes, they came back and went (25) into the house of tlasotiwalis to go and help cooking the/ breakfast for the three Kwag-ut tribes. Now the/ three Kwag-ux tribes came in of their own accord, and they ate hurriedly./When they had finished they all went out of the house and/first they nut up the four posts and then (30) all the men scattered, each going to work at his work, and after/the four posts had been put up, then they raised the two/ beams./ 10 15 20 50 554 Wa, la moptenxwaesé €nalas €axelagéxs laé gwata g:dkwé Enaxwa teewis sila, Wa, g-{lemisé gwaza la Lalak-otsia axkia- laxa €naxwa bébegwanem qa kils®alizés laxa atewex4semé g-dkwa. Wa, g°flemise Swifla “liscalize laas Lalak-otsia axk*!alaxa ha-~ Eyaxedsa Qlomoy&eyé qa 16s gemxaxa pielxelasgemé qa g*ax€és gem- x6Las laxa atewextsems g-okwa, Wa, la Cwi€léda ha&yaxea hoqtwels. Wa, ke lést2é gizaxs g°axaé hOgwita, enaxwaem gemsefyaptelaxa peel xelasgemé® qa&s 1é gemx€alizas laxa Ogwiwaliztasa g*Okwé gaxs héé Lawixé Lalak-otsa, Wa, g°fl€misé g-ax €wilg:dliza plelxelasgemaxs laS Lalakeots!a Axk:!alaxa had€yazxfa qa hos€alixésé6x qlet lex: fidaé- ta naengaxsa peelxelasgema, WH, h&emis moOxtwidaéta sések: faxsaézt plelxelasgema, Wa, g°fl€misé gwita h&¢yava hdsealizelaxa plelxe- lasgemé laas yaqlegeafx6 Lalakeots!ia. Wa, 1& Enékeas Qat, qataxs gwazela&madz6x watdemxens wiwompfwiita ga gwayiflatlats laxwa 1a- dzéxwa g*Okwélaxa azewex®sem g-Okwa, Wa, hé&mis la nanagel&ené= sosg-in g*ig&émék-, yixg-a Liasotiwalisek* ga Enaxwé sox nézx€Ldxwa xiltafyéx ga gwayifladelatsa g°Okwéla, xen €n@enak*ités Latmen telxtsfanentsg*ada neqaxsak: pselxelasgem 1a., &néx- LSx€édex Lb= gemasa k- {fmk- Semi énoxwasa Gwétela, yix Haemidé, Wa, 1léda héxea- sa Qiomoyaeyé6 gemxel{zaxg’a neqaxsak~ peelxelasgem ga&s 16 gemx~ Eglizas lax kiwaélasas Hai€midé. Wa, 1laxaé Lalak-ots!a €nekeas La- Emen telxts!anentsg*ada neqgaxsak: peelxelasgem 1a, Ts OxUtsiaésa- gimé®, nék-é, Wa, laxaéda héx€a gemxelizaxa neqaxsa pselxelasgem gas 18 gemx€alTzas 18x kiwaélasas Ts.OxUtsiaésagema, Wa, laem Ewi€la la telgekwa Gwétela, WH, la Lalak-otsia €nékeas La€men telxts/anentsg-ada neqaxsak: ptelxelasgem 181, WadzS, €nék-é, Wi, laxaéda hér€a gemxelizaxa neqaxsa péelxelasgem qafs 16 gemxfalitas lax k!iwaSlasas Wadzé. Wa, la Lalak-ots!a €nék-at La€men telxts!a~ nentsg*ada neqaxsak: peelxelasgem lat, Gayusdas, €nék-é. wa, laxaéda héxEa gemxe litaxa ne qaxsa peelxelasgem qats 1é gemxfalfq tag 1ax k!wadlasas Geayusdis. Wa, 13 Sgwaqa telxtsianentsa naen- 555 (1) For four days they worked and then the house was entirely finished, /also the roof. When they had finished, Lala- keots!a asked/all the men to sit down in the new house./ And when they were all seated Lalak-otsia asked all the young men (5) of the Qlomoy&fyé to bring the blankets and come and put them/ in the new house, Then all the young men went out/ and it was not long before they came in all carrying blankets on their shoulders/ and they put them down in the rear of the house, for there/ Lalak‘ots!a was standing. And when the blankets had been put down (10) Lala- k*‘ots!a asked the young men to count six piles/ each of ten pairs of blankets, and also four piles each of five pairs of /blankets and when the young men had counted the blankets,/ Lalak’ots!a spoke and said, "Indeed/ it was rightly said by our forefathers what to do about this (15) great building of a new house, and this is the way it has been followed/ by my chief here, L!asotiwalis, for all this shows/ the way that has been marked down for the house build- ing. I mean this,/ I give these ten pairs of blankets as a protec- tion for your hands to you,” said he as he called the name of the/ adzers of the Gwétela, Hitmid. and then a young man of the (20) Q!6- moy&tyé took ten pairs of blankets and put them down/ at the place where Hatmid was sitting, and then Lalak-otsta said again, ''Now/ I give these ten pairs of blankets as a protection for your hands to you, Tssox’tsiaésagemée,"/ said he, Then a young man took up ten pairs of blankets/ and put them down at the place where was sitting Tasox4tsiaesagemée,/ Now (25) all the Gwétela had been softened {i.e. given a protection for the hands ), Then Lalak-ots!a said, “Now I give these ten pairs of blankets as a protection for your hands to you,Wadzé," said he/and again a young man carried the ten pairs of blankets and put them down/at the seat of Wadzé. Then La- lak*otsta said, “Now/I give these ten pairs of blankets as a pro- tection for your hands to you,G*ayusdds," said he.(30)Then a young man took up again ten pairs of blankets and put them down/at the 10 15 20 25 50 336 qaxsa prelxelasgem 1axa k+ .fmk: emt ¢6noxwasa Q!iomk: titeséxa ma- El6xUmaxat! bébegwinema. Wa, laxaé Lalak-Ots!la telxts!dnentsa sések: laxsa peelxelasgem 1axa qséect&kwé bébegwanem £16€lapele*fs- Xa Lax*tadzasasa Lé ame. ee Wi, g°fl€misé gwaza 1aé wisék-asa mAmoptenyag-aldsa ma€%tso- kw6 peelxelasgem laxa yidux4se’makwé Kwakigeuta. WA, laem LaLex= batya maflokwé bébegwanemxa €nemxsa péelxelasgema lax gwék: ,alasas Lalak*ots!axs laé wisék°axés la €ydqwasdsa prelxelasgemé, yixs €né- keaaxs laé dzOxwazasa nemxsa peelxe lasgema; Laems wiség-atsé qai fwaxelag*flisai LaLEXbvEs Loe Llaqwagsila, €nék-é. Wa, héx-s#€misé gwék-talaxs fyaqwaé, Wa, g*fl€misé gwala laéda &naz€nemdkw6 14x g'Igtegdma€yasa Gwétela Lefwa Swalas Kwageur Leewa Qtomk: fiitles yaqieg*atza EnaxEenemok!imk*eaxa €nék°axés g*Skil6té qa wig-és séx°- Eldxa g*Okwé qa halabalés gwata qaxs leemaé fwitla tlelkwa k-é- kratewafyé ve ewa ke $6k* (Okiwaxpatyé, wi, héemé qa g°axés Gaxelas sadkwa 14x L:asotiwalisé ga s&lasés g:dkwé, &nék-a g-igregdmafya- x6s grigsOkuloté. Wa, g°fl€misé gwata lae €witla hoqiwels laxa g°okwé. : Wa, g°fl€&misé €nax:idxa gaaldxs laé twifla halamaxsta gaaxs- taléda bébegwanem6 laxés g*ig*Okwé. Wa, g*fl&misé gwaza laasa enaxwa bébegwanem lag*ds 1axés g*ig-Okwé qa€s wiqwaxddéxa 41a la Awidzd sadkwa. W&, laem &naxyenemxsa sadkw6é la wigrekU¥sa naxene-~ mokwé bébegwanemxs laé laxa g‘Ok¥ies tldsotiwalisé qa€s 16 pax&-= elsas laq. Wa, héx-fidatmisé la Saxeléda x61Akwé bébegwanemxa pépixubala qa&s 1é keatemg*aatelots 1laxés k°ék*atelatelasré. Wa, g°fl€misé gwaxa laasa wadkwé bébegwanem k-adég*endalasa séx-demala 1axa pépixubala. WH, g°flemisé gwata laéda wadkwé bébe gwanem wi- qustédxa sadkwé. Wa, la&mé séx*fidayuxs laatéda wadkwé bébe gwanem q:wiSstentsa qewi€sta sadkU¥sa g*dkwé tefwa qewagematyas, Wa, g*fl- €misé elaq dzaqwaxs laé gwaia g°Okwé. 357 seat of G*ayusdis. Then he also (1) gave ten pairs of blankets as a protection for the hands to the adzers of the Q!6mk: lites,/also two men, and Lalak‘otséa gave also / five pairs of blankets as a protection for the hands to the six men who had dug the/ holes for erecting the posts./ (S) As soon as this was finished he used as a belt the three hundred and twenty/ blankets for the three Kwag-uX tribes, and now/ they made two men stand at the ends of each pair of blankets, accord- ing to the way in which/ Lalak*ots!a spoke when he gave the blankets out as a belt, and as he gsaid/ when he was holding up one pair of blankets, “This you will have as a belt (10) A€waxalag:flis. You stand at the ends with c!aqwag-ila,'’ said he, and he kept/ on say-= ing this as he was giving them out. When he had finished, one/ chief each of the Gwétela, and €walas Kwag-ut and Q!éomk*!it!es/ spoke, one laxga Lsasotiwalisek*, &nék-s, Wa, héx:€idatmisé xwanareidéda hadtyaxea qats 16 Laxtimg*aclas 1ax €mddzasasa qleng*axtAla qa€s g°axd tsias laxa hoselgis. WH, 1a Enékeat Laem Snex€tinésés genemds, yidux'plenyag?i qteng:axtala, Laem l&x¥semk:Jenésés genemOs, sek-tax*sOk¥ lax4sema, Laem Kiskw&- Elasés genemos, ma€xtsemg*ust&k!wéma kuiskw&&la, Laem kwékwAflég-a ke sOkilasés genemOs, ma&itsemg-ust& kwékw&€lég'a, Laem dasdalaasés genemos, sek iagAlokiwéma ddsdalaa, Laem da&lég-a k*tokitlasés ge- nemOs, sek sAsgemgeust& da&légra ke {Okiila, Laem 6selasés genemos, sek {asgemg:ust&k:wéma Ex-tsiema. Laem SElk* Sexawés6s genemos SE~ k* {ax-sdgtixsa selke lalaxwiwatya, Laem denxtsiewax¥sés genemds ne qasgem denxtsiewakwa, Laem mesinsés genemos, mamOsgemg-ustalasa sek jasgem mesina, Laem g*fldatsés genemos, ache taxeace ee g°fle g:fldasa., Laem hanxasiwadlasés genemos, mosgemg*ust& hanxasiwala, Laem yfxwiwésés genemos, sek asgemgala yixwiwatya,. Laem yf{xtixs- dég-és6s genemOs, sek- Jaxsag&la yfixiixsdég-afya, Laem kiwaxsaflatsie- sés genemos, seketatsiqq&la xwaxwakiiina, Laem kiwaxsa€lats.esés ge- memos, sek*tatseageg-eya sésak-flisa, W&, la&mé Elxtatya k* J6sfowa- tsbe g-fldasa, Wi, la&mé ré€lalase€we tlasotiwalisé qa 16s xamax-€id Ax€édeq. Wa, la€misé qas€idé rlasotiwalisé Ax€édxa k°léstowatsle g-fldas gats 16 laétas laxés g°Okwé, Wa, 1& hdngealizyas laxa Ogwitwalizasés g°5~- kwaxs g’axaé xwélaqewelsa, Wa, la&mé denx&édéda mosgetmakwé Kwaki- g°uxtsa molx**{idek-!ala qlemdema, Wa, g°fl&misé q!iilbaxs laé xa- ciex*€{d yaqleg:af&ré Lalak:ots!a moélasa qauténayo. Wa, 16 nézaxa enaxwa g ig-egadmésa lélqwilaratyaxs latmé Syaqomatesa enaxwa yaa ke tel€wasax gaalata, nék-é, Wa, laem gwaz 1axéq. 553 down by our forefathers to go by. Now (1) we are just following the road made for us. I mean this,/ go ahead, chiefs, nemogwis and Kemaxiilaz, according to your great speech/addressed to my chief here, tlasotiwalis,” said he./ At once the young men made themselves ready and stood at the sides of the (5) pile of button blankets and they came and gave them to the counter and/ said, "This is the blankets of your wife, three hundred button blankets./ These are the shawls of your wife, fifty shawls, These are the gold ear ornaments/of your wife, twenty pairs of gold ear ornaments, These are the gold/ bracelets of your wife, twenty gold bracelets, These are the silver ear ornaments of your (10) wife, twenty-five silver ear ornaments. These are the silver bracelets of your wife/ twenty-five silver bracelets, These are the abalone shells of your wife,/ fifty pairs of abalone shells, These are ths silk kerchiefs of your wife,/ fifty pairs of silk kerchiefs. These are the phonographs of your wife/ ten phonographa, These are the sewing machines of your wife thirty-five (15) sewing machines, These are the boxes of your wife, two hundred and fifty/ boxes. These are the dressers of your wife, forty dressers./ These are the dancing masks of your wife, fifty dancing masks. These are the dancing/ aprons of your wife, two hundred and fifty dancing aprons. These are the canoe seats/ of your wife, twenty five canoes./ These are the boat seats of your wife (20) fifteen boats, And now last the crest/box,'/ Now 1. $dsotiwalis was called to go himself and take it/ and Lla- sotiwalis went and took the crest box, and/ he went into his house and put it down in the rear of his house. (25) Then he came out again, Now the four Kwag*ut tribes sang/ thanksgiving songs, and when they were at an end/ Lalak*ots!a spoke a few words thanking for the payment of the marriage debt and he told/ all the chiefs of the tribes that he was going to distribute all of the/ trifles in the morning. Then this was finished./ 10 15 20 25 50 554 Wi, la€mé €mefwerelaty& naxwa qa&s gwéx+sdemxa gwefyo yaks tel- Ewas 14x g*Okwas Ltasotiwalis. W&, la&mé €naxwaem la qiapqtapsaéza €naz€nemx:fidata laxés gwégwax*sdem lax aéwistalizasa g-Okwé, Wa, g°il€misé €nax-fidxa gadlaixs laé .asotiwalis véelala ewielaxa enaz— Enemokwe qglaqlastésa neqasge&makwé lélqwilara®ya, Wa, la&mé klis&a- liza neqSkwé bébegwhnem qlaqlastowa, WA, 18% haélamaxsta hdmx- ida. Wa, g°fl€misé gwaz ha®mapaxs laé Lfasotiwalisé .r6€lalaxa fnaxwa Kwa- kigeuX qa g*axé6s SyHqumasa Sydke fel€wasé laxa €naxwa lélqwdlarafya. Wa, la&mé hé g°-fl &y&qumasSséda Mamaléleqdla. WH, la&mé qlaqlastosa Mamal€leq&la Légég-éx Létegemasa Mamaléleq&la laxés kiwékiwatyé., Wi, lanaxwéda ha&yarfa axeédxa Cyaqiw6maté gqa€s 16 Ax€alizyas. Wa, 18 denwizé €yaq!iwémasa kwékwekwé, Wa, 14 makfléda ne €mémutasa Tem*temr~ tels. WA, 18 mak-fléda &ne&mémutasa Wiwomasgem. WA, 1léda ©ne&mé- mutasa €walas, wa la elxtatyé &ne&mémutasa Mamaléleq!am, hé gwéena- kU1l6 fyiqimaé. Wa, hSemxaawisé gwaézré Cy#qimatyé qaéda Snemgésé Leewa Lawits:ésé tefwa Madixbatyé, WA, 1& &naxenemptena ma€%pien = xwasé €nalis Cy&qtimasa Sydk*teltwasé gaxs hé&maé cégemsé. Wi, g°fl- Emisé gwatxa la dzaqwaxs laé wf{fla hOqiiwelsa bébegwanemé 1axa g°o- kwas Ltfdasotiwalis qa&s 16 €wf€la ni€naku 1lax6e g°ig-Sdkwé, Wi, g°fl€misé €naxfidxa gadlaxs laé Liasotiwalisé yalaqasa h&- Eyaxfa qa lés g&saxa Gwétela teewa Swalas Kwa ge ur ‘Le€wa Qfomk: fi- tiesé qa g°axés lax g°-Skwas,. WH, 18 h€x*€idaem €wlfla g*axa yiidux- Esefmakwé Kwakigsuta, Wa, g°fl€misé g°-sx CwlElaétexs laé héx-fidaem héyaselax-fida, Wi, g°fl€misé gwatp laB €wiela qiwalax-fida, Wa, léda wadkwé giims®ida, Wa, g-fl&misé gwata laé yalagema ma&1lokwé qtiilsqiil€yak¥ bébegwanem qa 16s qiwag*acls lax ttdsanftyasa fyag-f- telaxddaatsie g-Skwa. Wa, lax:da€xwé néqiwels laxa g-Skwé qa€s q!iwa- g°aclsé, WH, 1éda nemok¥ ©nék-a hasela: Laems x°Itslax-flatorai Mamaléleqdlai laxg°ada fyag*etelax6tg°ai laxgea tarelit!fag-ai xundkwas Lsasotiwalisai. Wa, héx-s&emisé gwék: tala laxtOdalaxa neqasge &makwé lélqwalatatya, Wa, 1& &néx:naxwéda fnemokwé qtil€yak4¥asg Halaxstesai, 355 (1) Now they took all the different kinds of trifles referred to into the house of .!asotiwalis and they gathered up/each kind by itself all around the house./ As soon as day came in the morning L!asotiwalis called all the (5) tally keepers of the ten tribes and the/ ten tally keepers sat down. They ate breakfast quickly and after/ they had eaten tlasotiwalis called all the Kwag-ut tribes/ to come and distribute the trifles among all the tribes./ They were first given to the Mamaléleqéla, Then the tally keeper of the (10) MamajleTeqdla gave out the names of the Mamaleléq&la according to their seats,/ and the young men went and took what was given to each and put it down, and now/ what was given to the eagles was standing in a row, Next the numaym Tem&temtels/ and next the numa- ym Wiwomasgem and then the numaym/ €walas and last the numaym of the Mamaléleq!4m, In this way they (15) distributed them and that is also the way in which they were distributed among the €nemgis,/ Lawits!és, and Madixbé®, Sometimes it takes two/days to distribute the trifles, for that is the way they are called. When/they finish in the evening then all the men went out of the house/ of t!agotiwa- lis and they went home to their houses./ (20) When day came in the morning i !asotiwalis sent the young men/ to go to invite the Gwétela and €walas Kwag-ut and Q!émk: ti- ties/ to come into his house, and immediately the three/ Kwag* ut tribes came in and when they were all inside/ they ate before start ing their work, After they had done so they all dressed and (25) others painted themselves with ochre and when this was done two/ old men then were sent to stand in front of the house in which the trifles were being given away./ They went out of the house and stood outside./ Then one of them Said aloud, “Now you will witness,/Mama- léleq&la, this giving away of trifles for Lacélir!a, the child of (30) tldsotiwalis," and he continued saying this going through the ten/ tribes, and then the other old man said, "Come quickly," (1) 10 15 20 356 Enék°6, WH, g°fl&misé &wflxtodxa neqasge&makwé lélqwalaratya g:ax- dafxwas hogwita laxa g*dkw6 qdi€s néxéxa Cnaxwa g-ig-egdméxs le&maé Ewl€la €laqilaxa lélqwalaratyé, Wa, héx-Cidatmisé nenfigadé denx®i- tsa g*fldzefydla qlemqiemdemsa g*ala €ne&mémutsa Yaéx*agematyasa QlomoyatyS. WA, geixems ewLEla hogwiteléda naxwa lélqwadlaratya. WH, g°fl€misé geax *wilaéra laasé Laxewalizé6 Lalak*otsia qats yaq qsegeaczé, Wa, 18 Enékeas Gélagea lélqwdlaté, gélagea héx&aliz laxwa g*Okwaxsg*fn g* igdmék- laxgea Llasotiwalisek*. La&md héxi- €ldlakwa qa&s g*Iig*egamés hamaztel 1lélqwadlarée, &nék-éxs laé wixaxa nena gadé qa gagasodés denx€{da, Wa, la€méda nfgadé denx€itsa g*fldzefyala qlemdemsa g*ala fyag:frelaxdtsa Sne&mémotasa Yaéx-agematyé. Wa, g-axemé wiq.nds cidsotiwalisé yfx tatelitia yfixwa, WH, g°fl&misé gwaza laas Syax- Ewidayowa Sya&k-tetwas laxa €naxwa lélqwdlaratya, Wa, g-fl€misé ewi- Ela Cyaxewidayoxs laé Cwifla hoOqiwelsa bébegwanem laxa g°Skwas tlaq sotiwalisé6, Wa, laem gwax laxéq. Wa, héem régades léx6la Syag-f- Lelaxodé. Wa, la&mé CwlEla n&€nikwa lélqwilacatyé 14xés g-ayfmolasé. Wi, laxenté moxfiinxé tsleewinxas 1laé c!asotiwalisé €néx- gats qautéx*éxés q.tlésé Cwalasxa g*ayoré lax ©nemémotasa Hadnaréend. Wa, la€més qautéx’aq yfsa héemaxat! wax6 qautéx*fidayas Enemoewisag Loe Aemaxularé. Wi, la€mé riasotiwalisé végades Swilozfalis g-igamé& lax qiwa- qewaxizasa g:6xsé€stala g-igdmatya, Wa, héemis nem crégemsé tslen- degeem w{€loxEalis g*igdmafya, Wa, laem laba 1ax6éq. 357 said he, As soon as they had called the ten tribes, they came/ into the house and they told all the chiefs/ that they had called all the tribes and immediately the song leaders sang the/ ancestral songs of the first numaym Yaéx-agemé& of the (5) QtémoyaeyS, and all the tribes came in./ As soon as they had all come in Lalak‘otsi!a arose and spoke/ and said, “Now come, tribes, come tribes, come and take a good seat/ in this house of my chief tlasotiwalis here, Now/ it is well prepared for you, chiefs of all the different tribes," said he, and he told the (10) song leaders to go ahead and sing the grand- fathers' song./ Then the song leaders sang the ancestral song of the first/ giving away of trifles of the numaym Yaéx-agemée, Then came the sister of/ Lsdsotiwalis,racelivia, and danced, and after she had finished they gave away the/ trifles to all the tribes and when all (15) had been gjven away, the men went out of the house of t!asotiwa- lis./ Now it was finished after this, and this is called the"big (round) giving away of trifles.Y Then all the tribes went home to the places to which they belong./ I think it was four years that tlasotiwalis wished to/ pay the marriage debt to his brother-in-law walas, who belonged to the nu- maym Hafinateno. (20) Then he paid his marriage debt to him with the same amount that was paid by €nemOgwis/ and A€maxilaz./ Now .fasotiwalis had the name "chief who obtained everything" after/ he had grown up to be a chief in every way. There is another name, “feared,"/for the chief who has obtained everything. Now this is the end, he Gna v 5s vives one VN At th i a on iva 1 de oh UA vs Md! ae }. \ ' +, : i J ; 24 4 TT . ' ‘ . ‘ ] Oy bo ; S a iv ] de i) ie ; iv i Wy | y 1 ? ‘ PTV ajipay’ yy 4 ’ A j Pr ia’ _ y : sy de pene 1 agate DY ah Pees PGs gee ee... Mi ye Aer oe Mi yk Gaal ih ae Rae oe titi A, ty ty ty / Yj Ys ty Yj Yj Yj YY jj ; ty YtlZfyyypy thy ty tj Yj Yj Yt Yj V2 Ys iy . A \ XG . MGS RAVy RMA \ WS WAV RAK Yj ~ ‘ we S S WS SS | Yh 5 Ly ty Yyij4p Yj CL Yj fy Z \ \ AS OY \ MK SS \\ \\ SS \ \ SLL tH tj Ly ~ SS SS Ys S y Yes Wy _ fy YH). zdérnnnoyuuusw Yi Y Y, Uy is “Yi Z Véitiyyy