m Lulu Leonard Author of the HISTORY of UNION COUNTY Dies at 105 Tilman Maims died at the home of his son, Andrew, in Anna pring and was nearly 106 years old. Tilman was 24 years old when Lincoln and Douglas held their famous debate in Jonesboro and he served in the Union Army during the Civil War. This picture was taken by a Gazette-Democrat photographer on his 105th birthday. CHAPTER t BEFORE IT WAS A COUNTY There is much conjecture among archeologists as to who the first inhabitants of Union County were. It is reasonable to believe that a civilization existed here long before history keeps a record of the first white settlers. The rolling country and the spur of the Ozark Mountains in the northern and western parts of the country were covered by a dense forest full of wild game which flourished because of the plentiful water supply from springs. The watershed along the north- ern boundary of the county protects it from the storms from the north in winter and allows a longer growing season than would be possible if the land were not so protected. It is doubtful that Joliet and Marquette set foot on the soil of Union County, but in the spring of 1673 they did pass down the Mississippi River, which bounds the county on the west. At that time a French mission and trading post was established at Kaskaskia and five years later at Cahokia but it is doubtful that any of the French traders, hunters or trappers ever ventured as far away from these settlements as Union County. The nearest settlement en the Ohio River was Fort Massac, established in 1711. For a number of years this settlement was known as Fort Massacre because the Indians so ruthlessly massacred the white people who settled there. Some of the earliest settlers fled into Union County from these attacks of the Indians. Little immigration came into Illinois before 1812 because of the Indians and the inability of the settlers to gain legal title to land upon which they located. As a result of the treaty ending the war between England and France, signed February 10, 1763, the territory had become English. After the United States wars organ- ized the old French settlers encountered difficulty when they tried, under American law, to have their titles ratified. In 1791, Congress enacted a law providing that Americans who had occupied their lands before 1783 should have their titles confirmed. Each person was allowed title to from four hundred to eighteen hundred acres of land. After that date, land was granted in tracts of not less than four thousand acres. Peace treaties with the Indians and transfer of titles of their * a? , land to the United States government and the end of the War of 1812 with Great Britain opened wide the Illinois doors for settle- ment. In 1810, the white population of Illinois was 12,282 and in 1820 was 55,162. Land was sold to settlers at the rate of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. The original counties existing in Illinois when it came under the rule of the governor of Virginia, who appointed a governor of Illinois territory, were Randolph and St. Clair counties. These counties surrounded the / 7 acres; David Penrod, 80 acres; Levi Patterson, 160 acres; Alex Beggs, Jr., 80 acres; John Borin, 160 acres; Daniel Carriker, 40 acres; Philip Hinkle, 80 acres; Henry Bechtle, 80 acres; John Vine- yard, 160 acres; Thomas S. Hughes, 80 acres; Joseph Barber, 80 acres; Lost Cope, 160 acres, John Cope, 80 acres; Joseph Barbee, 1C0 acres; Isaac Beggs, 160 acres; Lewis Penrod, 160 acres; Jacob Peeler, 40 acres; George Hileman, 40 acres; Alex Beggs, Jr., 240 acres; Tobias Meisenheimer, 120 acres; A. Meisenheimer, 40 acres; Alex Brim, 160 acres; John Edelman, 340.18 acres; Adam Edelman, 1D0.29 acres; Hosea Borin, 320 acres; William Crise, 80 acres; Thomas Mcintosh, 160 acres; Henry Strickler, 40 acres; Alexander Beggs, 125.98 acres; Thomas Lanes, 80 acres; George W. Brown, 80 acres; Daniel F. Coleman, 160 acres; John Hunsaker, 160 acres; Isaac Braggs, 364.87 acres; George Davis, 160 acres; John Uri, 160 acres; John Yost, 206.89 acres; Wilkinson Goodwin, 160 acres; John Hunsaker, 160 acres; Samuel Hunsaker, 40 acres; Adam Clapp, 320 acres; John Miller, Sr., 160 acres; Augustus Post, 40 acres; George Devolt, 80 acres; Andrew Shaffer, 40 acres; Michael Dillow, 80 acres; Wiley I. Davidson, 40 acres; J. Grammer and J. Bradshaw, McLean, 80 acres; Joseph Crite, 40 acres; George Krite, 40 acres; 80 acres; Benjamin Menees, 40 acres; John Dillow, 200 acres; James John Bradshaw, 80 acres; John Saunders, 80 acres and Michael Osman, 40 acres. Stokes Precinct north of Dongola and east of Anna was settled by George Evans, 160 acres; John Mowery, 80 acres; Ben- jamin Menees, 80 acres; William Gwinn, 40 acres; Ambrose B. Rains; George Hileman, 40 acres; William Smith, 80 acres; W. Davidson and T. Throgmorton, 160 acres; John Stokes, 80 acres; George Godwin, 80 acres; Jonathan Boswell, 40 acres; Abner Cox, 160 acres; Richard McGinnis, 160 acres; Caleb Musgrave, 120 acres; Silas Toler, 40 acres; Isaac Bizzel, 160 acres; Isaiah Patterson, 95.36 acres; William Cove, 94.62 acres; John Davis, 95 acres; Daniel Hileman, 80 acres and Moses Shelby, 49.24 acres. —17— The early settlers of Saratoga Precinct were William Owen, 120 acres and Thomas Green, 60 acres. Lick Creek early settlers were John Smith, 80 acres; Thomas D. Patterson, 160 acres; Wyatt Anderson, 40 acres; Zebedee An- derson, 80 acres; Hugh Craig, 160 acres; Heirs of John Cox, 320.25 ; Nathan Musgrave, 80 acres; John Bradshaw, 160 acres; Ben- jamin Menees, 160 acres; George Evans, 160 acres; 1818 Owen Evans, 160 acres, and Nathan Musgrave, 80 acres. There were no settlers in Rich Precinct before 1835. Many people settled near the river, the only means of long distance transportation at that time. Reynolds Precinct, the southwest corner of the county, was settled by McDaniel Dorris, 160 acres; Joseph Smith, 724.38 acres; Daniel Ellis, 80 acres; Stephen Donohoe, 160 acres; David Brown, 80 acres; Jacob Littleton, 319.91 acres; J. Mcintosh, 80 acres; James Brown, Sr., 160 acres; L. W. and J. Smith, 480 acres; Ben- jamin Harris, 308.90 acres; Caleb Casper, 160 acres; Nicholas Long- worth, 160 acres; Benjamin Brooks, 240 acres; Willis James, 40 acres; David Miller, 127.94 acres; Jacob Hileman, 124 acres; Jacob Trees, 206.48 acres and Hithaper A. Same, 80 acres. Meisenheimer Precinct was settled by Quinton Ellis, 80 acres; Cliff Hazelwood, 160 acres; Daniel Knupp, 80 acres; David Meisen- heimer, 80 acres; J. J. Meisenheimer, 80 acres; Andrew Smith, 80 acres; Samuel Hunsaker, 160 acres; John Knupp, 80 acres; Adam Eddleman, 160 acres; Abraham Brown, 120 acres; Legal Represen- tatives of A. Cruse, 160 acres and John Smith, 40 acres. Mill Creek Precinct was settled by George Hunsaker, 160 acres; Peter Lence, 206.89 acres; Peter Cruse, 204.87 acres; George Lawrence, 160 acres; Jacob Hunsaker, 160 acres; Henry Clutts, 202 acres; Christian Miller, 202 acres; James Weaver, 160 acres; Peter Albright, 80 acres; John Harriston, 80 acres; John Kimmel, 80 acres; John Fink, 80 acres; Edmund Holleman, 80 .'acres; Joel M. D. Herring, 80 acres; Peter Albright, 80 acres; Christopher Barn- hart, 40 acres; John Miller, 160 acres; Michael Holshouser, 160 acres; John Hartline, 80 acres; Anthony Lingle, 160 acres; Henry Clutts, 103.36 acres; John Whitaker, 160 acres; John Barger, 160 acres; Philip Shaver, 160 acres; Peter Panless, 80 acres; Philip Panless, 80 acres; William Worthington, 160 acres; Moses Cruse, 160 acres; John Hoffner, 240 acres; George Medlin, 40 acres and Adam Goodman, 80 acres. Union Precinct, west of Jonesboro along the Mississippi River was the most thickly settled district along the river but the majority of the entries were made between 1825 and 1835 after Willard's Landing had become established. Those who entered land here were George Smith, 166.04 acres; George James, 39.70 acres; William James, 40 acres; Franklin M. Bennett, 42.50 acres; John Dougherty, 42.52 acres; Mirian E. Whitaker, 165 acres; James M. Abernathy, 152.81 acres; Thomas H. Harris, 40 acres; Elijah Willard, 1049.90 —18— acres; Lineas B. Sublett, 240 acres; S. M. and J. Smith, 160 acres; William Green, 40 acres; Sarah Robinson, 40 acres; Richard Mc- Bride, 160 acres; John Eaton, 40 acres; L. Lewis and J. Hunsaker, 160 acres; Harrison Ellis, 40 acres; George Kimmel, 40 acres; Vin- cent Robertson, 80 acres; Jonathan Ellis, 80 acres; Thomas S. Cox, 40 acres; Thomas Green, 160 acres; John McBride, 80 acres; Mat- son Green, 120 acres; James Smith, 80 acres; Charles Conaway, 80 acres; William M. Mounts, 40 acres; David Green, 160 acres; Benjamin J. Harris, 969.21 acres; William Willard, 80 acres; Ben- jamin Hall, 240 acres; Mica j ah Littleton, 80 acres; William Little- ton, 80 acres; Joseph Joy, Sr., 120 acres; John Price, 40 acres; John Barker, 40 acres; Caleb and D. Trees, 80 acres; John Summers, 80 acres; Abraham Summers, 80 acres; William Grammer, 80 acres; Abraham Hunsaker, 40 acres; John Grammer, Sr., 40 acres; John H. Grammer, 40 acres; Jacob Rentleman, 320 acres; Calvin Price, 180 acres and Augustus Rixleben, 180 acres. Farther up the river Preston Precinct was settled by Thomas H. Harris, 1111.95 acres; Jacob Crafts, 307.90 acres; Garland Laughlin, 20 acres; John Rorax, 120 acres; John Baltzell, 71.71 acres; Ninian E. Whitaker, 127.86 acres; J. Carp and T. Craft, 88.86 acres; Joseph Smith, 143.07 acres; George W. G. Henson, 160 acres; Benjamin Walker, 206.77 acres; Cyrus S. Freeman, 16.28 acres; John Freeman, 80 acres; William Bittle, 40 acres; Thomas Wright, 40 acres; Henry Lyerle, 80 acres; Wm. Shepard, 40 acres, and George Smith, 40 acres. Alto Pass Precinct was settled by Henry Rendleman, 40 acres; Solomon Penrod, 80 acres; Robert W. Croft, 280 acres; Edward Vancil, 160 acres; Caleb Hartline, 40 acres; John Gregory, 160 acres; Charles Dougherty, 36.89 acres; John Price, 80 acres; Jacob Lingle, 160 acres, John Vancil, Sr., 120 acres and Peter Dillow, 160 acres. 207 of these entries were made before 1820. Many of these settlers entered more land after 1835 and by 1835 some of the above mentioned farms had changed ownership. —19— CHAPTER VH CENSUS OF 1835 AND HAPPENINGS BETWEEN 1830 AND 1845 The census of 1835 showed that there were 4447_ P eisons in Union County, 2,100 males and 2,047 females. Forty-seven «i these were negroes and the remainder white. There was only one person over eighty years old. There were five shoemakers and saddlers; one tailor, William Kaley; two wagon-makers, George Knite and David Masters; two carpenters, one named John Rinehart; one cabinet-maker, a Mr. Bond; two hatters, one of whom was- James Hodge; eleven blacksmiths; three tan yards, one south of Jonesboro owned by Jaccard and one north of Jonesboro owned by Rendlemans; twelve distilleries; two threshing machines, one cotton gin, one wool-carding machine owned by Jake Frick; ono horse and ox mill; 18 horse and ox grist mill; two water saw mills and five water grist mills. In 1836 Willis Willard built the first steam saw and grist mill in the county and in 1838 a steam flour mill was added. The Willard family also built some of the first frame houses in the county and a store building in Jonesboro. By 1835 several stores were doing a flourishing business in Jonesboro. Nimrod Ferguson, Elijah Willard, Winsted Davie and Charles Rixleben were the own- ers of stores during this period. It is evident from the appearance of new business that the community was growing and that agriculture was increasing. All the industries and businesses which sprang up were related to agri- culture and were a source of supply for a growing population. In the courts appear many new names during the decade following 1835. Alexander F. Grant and Justin Halin were presid- ing judges in the Circuit Court and John Dougherty was prosecut- ing attorney. In 1836 Jeptha Hardin presided and in 1837 Walter B. Scates. Wiley Davidson was sheriff and Jacob Grammer was coroner and W. Davies was still clerk. In 1840 Jacob Davis was sheriff and Judge C. Campbell was coroner. In 1841 Willis Allen was prosecuting attorney and another attorney was named Billings. At this term of court, Sidney S. Condon was appointed clerk. In 1842, John A. McClernand appeared among the attorneys, Thomas Hodge was sheriff, S. S. Condon, clerk and H. F. Walker, coroner. W. A. Denning was prosecuting attorney in 1845. In 1844, David Hileman was probate judge. During this period Union County was represented in state government by John S. Hacker, Senator and Brazil B. Craig repres- entative, 1834-36; 1836-38 John Dougherty, representative, 1838-40 John S. Hacker, senator and Jacob Zimmerman, representative; 1^40-42, John Dougherty, representative; 1842-44, John Dough- erty, senator and John Cochran, representative. Between the years 1827 and 1832 the Black Hawk war was waged. Since it was fought in the northern part of the state, Union County was not affected much by it but in 1832 an independent —20— company from this county was mustered into the service of the state. Following is a roster of the company: Captain, B. B. Craig; Fust Lieutenant, William Craig; Second Lieutenant, John Newton; Sergeants, Samuel Morland, Solomon David, Hezekiah Hodges, John Rendleman; Corporals, Joel Barker, Adam Cauble, Martin Uri, Jeremiah Irvine; Privates, Aaron Barringer, John Barringer, John Corgan, Matthew Cheser, Daniel Ellis, William Farmer, Thomas Farmer, Moses Fisher, Abraham Goodin, William G. Gavin, Hiram Grammer, William Grammer, Lot W. Hancock, Daniel P. Hill, Jack- son Hunsaker, Peter Lense, John Langley Moses Lively, A. W. Lingle, John Murphy, P. W. McCall, John Morris, Nimrod Mcintosh, John A. Mackintosh, Washington McLean, Elijah McGraw, John Penrod, John Parmer, John Quilman, W. H. Rumsey, Elijah Shepherd, Daniel Salmons, Preston I. Staten, John Vincent and Jesse Wright. During this period the homes of the farmers in the "bottoms" were destroyed by one of the worst floods in the history of the county. Many homes had been established in Union, Preston and Reynolds precincts because the river afforded the only type of loir^ distance transportation available at that time and all produce had to be hauled in wagons to the river to be sold. It is evident that the men operating trading posts on the river such as Willard's Land- ing, due west of Jonesboro; and Harris' Ferries across the river in the northwest corner of the county probably did more business than the others because by 1835 Elijah Willard and Thomas Harris had entered more land than any other men in Union County. How- ever all this land, fertile when dry enough for a crop, was menaced by floods. The early settlers were fortunate if they were able to harvest a crop one out of three years. The spring floods usually destroyed crops planted the previous fall and prevented the planting of crops in the spring. In 1844 Dr. Brooks described in his diary, the worst flood that had been known since the settlement of this county by white people. Following is his account: "The Mississippi commenced rising on the 18th of May, 1844 and continued rising at the rate of two feet to thirty inches in twenty-four hours until the first of June, at which time it stood within eight inches of the flood line of 1808. By the 10th of June it fell five or six feet, and left the farms in the bottom all free of water. The bottom farms had been more or less covered with water except that of Jacob Trees. On the 11th of June, the waters commenced to rise again, the flood coming down the Missouri and Mississippi rivers, and this time it rose from one foot to eighteen inches in tweney-foiir hours. This rise steadily continued until it overflowed the bottom land in Union County from eighteen to thirty feet deep. This was the depth of the water on the road to Littleton's old ferry, and also to Wil- lard's landing. Stocks, crops, houses and fences were carried away in the raging waters. The people made efforts to save their stock, and called to their aid ferry and coal boats and all floating craft, but soon they found they could only hope to save a few of —21— their household effects, and the stock was left to its fate and the iple fiYc; whiskey, 35 gal. at 40c; 22* ■ bbl. at 25c per gal.; molasses, 35 gal. at 40c, 30 bbl. at 35c per gal.; candle molds, 11 at 15c each, 12 at 18c each; salaratus, 9 lb. 10c; cordage, manilla, 18 lb. at 25c; chickens, 100 doz. at 25c per doz; eggs, 5 doz. at 6c per doz.; linseed oil, 75 gal. at $1.00; turpentine, 87 gal. at $1.00; white lead, 200 kegs, at $2.25; tallon, 6 lb. at 8c; dry hides, 6 at 8c; green, 3 at 4c. The market price for beef cattle and hogs was not given but articles the store wished to buy to sell to traders on the river were priced as follows: feathers, 25c per lb.; ginseng, 20c per lb.; beeswax, 18c per lb.; flaxseed, 80c per lb. In 1846, the United States declared that a state of war exist- ed between this country and Mexico, and Illinois was called upon for thirty companies of men. Union County sent its quota, most of whom were placed in Company F of the 2nd Regiment. The en- listed men were allowed to elect their own officers. This company took part in the Battle of Buena Vista, February 22nd, 1847, which brought about the close of the war and victory for the United States. The following men were enlisted from Union County: Cap- tain, John S. Hacker; First Lieutenant, Sidney S. Condon; Second Lieutenants, John Roberts and John Master; Third Lieutenants, Alphonso Grammer; Sergeants, John C. Hunsaker, Alex J. Nimmo, Abram Hargrave and John Grammer; Corporals, Adam Creese, Wright C. Pender, Henderson Brown, Abram Cover; Musicians, Jacob Greer and George H. Lemley; Privates, Talbot Brown, John Bevins. John Brown, Charles Barringer, John Z. Burgess, Peter Cripps, Peter H. Casper, Elijah Coffman, Scipio A. B. Davie, John Davis, Daniel Dougherty, Simeon Fisher, Charles A. Finley, James Fike, Jessie Gray, Franklin Georgus, James Grammer, Henry Flaugh, William X. Hamby, William Henry, Samuel Hess, Benjamin F. Hayward, Henry C. Hacker, Fielding A. Jones, Silas Jones, John Kerr, Fred- erick King, Adam Lingle, Philip Lewis, John Lingle, Daniel W. I.yerle, Andrew J. Lemons, Daniel Lingle, Chesterfield Langley, John Ifenees, Harrison McCoy, Jefferson Menees, William Miller, John H. Millikin, John Moland, Samuel Martin, Washington L. Mcintosh, —32— John McGinnis, James M. Phelan, Samuel Parker, Garrett Resink, John W. Regan, Franklin Sprey, Amalphus W. Simonds, James A. Springs, Azel Thornton, Reuben Vick and James Walker. Charles A. P'inley in the quartermaster's department, Henry C. Hacker, pital steward and Pitas Martin, surgeon were also in the service. Flex G. Anderson, Alexander Davie and Joseph Ledgerwood ■were wounded in the battle of Buena Vista and died in hospitals after the war. February 12, 1849, the Illinois Legislature passed a law re- vising the method of voting in Illinois, establishing the use of ballots and ballot boxes. The law stated that a general election should be held on Tuesday next after the first Monday in the November preceding the ■expiration of the term of office of each president of the United States. The general election for governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, auditor of public accounts, state treasurer, rep- resentatives to Congress, Senators and representatives to the gen- -eral assembly and county officers, was to be held biennially, Tues- day next after the first Monday in November, except for such offices as were directed to be chosen other than biennially, namely the- governor and other officers who served for terms of four years each instead of two years. There was provisions made for the election of two supreme judges, one from the first district to be elected the first Monday in June, 1852 and a successor every nine years thereafter, the second from the second district to be elected the first Monday in June, 1855, and a successor each nine years thereafter. The judges then in office were to hold their positions until the times set for the next elections. Circuit judges were to be elected in each circuit the first Monday in June 1855 and every six years thereafter. It was provided that if a vacancy should occur in the judge- ship of the supreme court, or circuit court within one year before a scheduled election, the governor of Hlinois should appoint a judge to fill the vacancy until the time of the regularly scheduled election. In case the office of supreme court clerk should become vacant, the supreme judge should appoint a clerk to fill the vacancy until the term of a scheduled election, and the circuit judge should do like- wise in case of a vacancy in the office of circuit court clerk. The governor of the state was to make appointments to fill vacancies in the office of states attorney, state auditor of public accounts, state treasurer or secretary of state. The privilege of voting was given to all white men above the age of 21 who had resided in the state for one year. The method of voting was changed to a ballot system. Blank ballots with no writing or identifying marks were to be used by voters who wrote the names of the candidates of their choice, fold- ed the ballots and gave it to one of the election judges who placed it in the ballot box without unfolding it. —33— After the voting was completed, the clerk counted the number of names of voters on the poll book who had voted and the judges counted the number of ballots in the box. If more ballots were in the box than there were names of voters, a public drawing was held where the judges drew out the number of surplus ballots and de- stroyed them. In counting the votes, if two ballots were found folded together, both were destroyed because this appeared as evi- dence that someone was attempting to cast more than one vote. The clerks and judges were allowed to adjourn until the next day after the votes were cast to count the votes. They were required to hand the results of their count to the county clerk within four days after the election and the county clerk was required to publish the returns. The ballots were returned to the ballot box which was then 3ocked and one election judge kept the key and another the box until the next election if there was no contest. This law repealed all previous laws that had been passed; in regard to elections. —34— CHAPTER XII LAND ENTERED IN UNION COUNTY BETWEEN 1835 AND 1850 Between 1835 and 1850 many newcomers settled in Union County and many of the earlier settlers expanded their holdings In many instances the second generation of the first settlers bought government land near that on which their parents had already settled. Rich Precinct which had had no settlers before 1835 now had a few. In 1836 George Rich for whom the precinct was named and whose house was the voting place, entered 120 acres; later, be- fore 1850 the following entries were made: Wm. H. Latham, 448.88 acres; Wm. Grammer, 121.62 acres; James K. Cochran, 343.27 acres; Simm P. Hiller, 80 acres; Tilford Brooks, 280 acres, and Wm. B. Elmore, 280 acres. In Lick Creek Precinct the following settlements were enter- ed between 1835 and 1850: John M. Cochran, 320 acres; George E. Stokes, 160 acres; Wm. A. Roberts, 200 acres; Larkin S. Brooks, 40 acres; Elijah Brooks, 200 acres; Uriah Anderson, 120 acres; Wiggs and Ashley, 120 acres; Nancy Boswell, 40 acres; Nathan Boswell, 120 acres; Lazarus Wiggs, 80 acres; Jefferson Anderson, 40 acres; Hiram Penoyer, 40 acres; John Anderson, 40 acres; George A.. Goddard, 200 acres; Jeremiah White, 40 acres; Stephen Howard, 40 acres; Permele Anderson, 40 acres; Thomas Boswell, 40.78 acres; Martin Walts, 40 acres; Jacob Trees, 40 acres; Stephen Howard, 40 acres; Rollins Henderson, 40 acres; Arthur Allen, 160 acres; Little- berry Allen, 40 acres; and Henry Hileman, 280 acres. The following settlements were added in Saratoga Precinct: Calvin A. Goodman, 4© acres; Jessie and John M. Owens, 43.72 acres; John Bevans, 226.98 acres; J. W. Owens, 40 acres; Alexander M. Jenkins, 40 acres; Solomon Henry Sitter, 232.78 acres; John Skelton, 40 acres; Wiggs and Ashley, 40 acres; William Miller, 120 acres; Benjamin F. Preston, 40 acres; Wm. H. Reed, 248 acres; Urias Martin, 46.14 acres; Conrad Sitter, 92.29 acres; Hezia Martin, 44 acres; Preston Anderson, 44 acres; Thomas Shearer, 160 acres; Tobias Verble, 44.61 acres; Lewis Bryant, 40 acres; John Worsham, 40 acres; William Miller, 80 acres; Henry C. Hileman, 40 acres; John Lemley, 80 acres; Frederick John- son, 80 acres; Henry Kolpe, 40 acres; Samuel Clutts, 40 acres; Matthias Caraker, 40 acres; Jacob Caraker, 40 acres; Thomas Lingle, 40 acres; George Lemley, 40 acres; John Jumpers, 40 acres; Thomas Stokes, 40 acres; Christian Lookingbee* 40 acres; Jacob Trees, 80 acres; William Miller, 40 acres; Jacob W. Haire, 80 acres; James Kelley, 40 acres; Jacob Lence, 40 acres; Jonathan Rich, 40 acres; Michael Dillow, 40 acres; David Lence, 40 acres; Martin Mull, 40 acres; Henry Lingle, 250.93 acres; Daniel Mull, 80 acres; George Hartland, 40 acres; David Lingle, 80 acres; Jacob Burlman, 40 acres; Joseph Kestler, 40 acres; John J. Lingle, 86.78 acres; Caleb —35— Hartline, 136.29 acres; Henry Mull, 48.15 acres; Alex W. Lingle, 80 acres; David Lentz, 80 acres; Paul Lingle, 40 acres; David Green, 40 acres, and Thomas Rich, 40 acres. Stokes Precinct added George Hileman with 285.06 acres; John Hileman, 80 acres; Daniel Beets, 45.05 acres; John H. Wil- liams, 45.05 acres; John Penninger, 90.43 acres; Edna Stokes, 120 acres; George E. Stokes, 80 acres; Thomas Stokes, 40 acres; Zilpha *■ a, 40 acres; Needham Wiggs, 200 acres; John Stokes, 40 acres; James Williams, 37 acres; Caleb Musgrave, 40 acres; Arthur Allen, 80 acres; William Standard, 80 acres; Thomas Standard, 80 acres; Joel M. Huffman, 206.78 acres; James S. Miller, 80 acres; Daniel Gore, 80 acres; Mary Gore, 80 acres; John McLane, 40 acres; Mor- ?an Bryant, 120 acres; Calvin Bridges, 40 acres; Abner Cox, 120 acres; Henrietta A. Williams, 40 acres; James Bishop, 120 acres; Doctor H. Toler, 40 acres; Jones Stokes, Sr., 240 acres; John Mc- Ginnis, 240 acres; Stephen Toler, 40 acres; Thomas C. Bozier, 80 acres; James I. Toler, 40 acres; Jessie Toler, 520 acres; Jacob Sivia, 40 acres; John Quinn, 40 acres; John Hinkle, 40 acres; William Wiggs, 40 acres; William Penninger, 165.37 acres; Priscilla Frogg, 45.37 acres; Green B. Harrison, 40 acres; Robert Throgmorton, 75 acres; Jacob Verble, 44.55 acres; John Verble, 40 acres; George Davis, 80 acres; Jacob Peler, 40 acres; Clarissa Bishop, 80 acres; Meredith Spence, 252.98 acres; Sylvester Adams, 86.78 acres; Barnett Weaver, 40 acres; Joshua Patterson, 40 acres; Wilson Arnold, 40 acres; Jessie N. Miles, 80 acres; Joshua Peterson, 40 acres; William S. Davis, 87.68 acres; Sylvester Adams, 233.10 acres; Nancy A. Davis, 86.78 acres: Joseph Davis, 40 acres; Francis Brown, 40 acres; Charles Smith, 40 acres, and James H. Rankin, 40 acres. The new landowners of Dongola Precinct were John Davis, 50.13 acres; Henry Verble, 49.04 acres; James Lingal, 98.09 acres; Alex S. Penninger, 80 acres; Daniel Hileman, 40 acres; William Penninerer, 47.50 acres; John Verble, 56.82 acres; George W. Otrich, 107.25 acres; Spence Laws, 105.25 acres; Paul Hofner. 40 acres; Caleb Linger, 40 acres; Henry Kellar, 40 acres; John Corzine, 80 acres; Martin Hoffner, 48.54 acres; Thomas Allen, 49.24 acres; Charles Lence, 49.27 acres; Lewis Misenheimer, 80 acres; John Allen, 80 acres; Terna Misenheimer, 40 acres; Daniel Lingle, 120 acres; Mose Misenheimer, 160 acres; Henry Misenheimer, 80 acres; Silas Jones, 160 acres; Absolom Keller, 120 acres; Francis Brown, 120 acres; James A. Penrod, 40 acres; Daniel W. Jones, 40 acres; Thomas Gore, 40 acres; Morton Cai'ter, 40 acres; Daniel Penrod, 40 acres; John Fink, 80 acres; Winstead Davie, 124.90 acres; Reuben H. Corzine, 80 acres; George Davalt, 120 acres; David Penrod, 40 acres; Robert Baggs, 80 acres; Young D. Garner, 80 acres; Eli Coss, 40 acres; Elias Misenheimer, 80 acres; Rachel Karraker, 40 acres; Eli Corzine, 80 acres; Daniel Karraker, 80 acres; Henry Hinkel, Jr., 80 acres; Sarah Hinkle, 40 acres; William Hinkle, 80 acres; George Corzine, 50.41 acres; Charles Lentz, 100.91 acres; Henry Barringei, 80 acres; David Ernest, 40 acres; John Trexler, 80 acres; Philip — 3G— Hinkle, 40 acres Abner Keller, 40 acres; Elkono Keller, 160 acres; Nancy Karraker, 80 acres; John J. Carter, 80 acres; James Cress, 40 acres; David Beggs, 120 acres; Stephen T. Barton, 200 acres; John Beggs, 80 acres; David Peler, 40 acres; Jacob Peeler, 40 acres; Henry Sticker, 80 acres; Willoughby Gales, 80 acres; Thomas Mc- intosh, 80 acres; Alexander Beggs, 120 acres; Alley D. Boren, 40 acres; A. Misenheimer, 80 acres; Tobias Misenheimer, 40 acres; Hosea Mcintosh, 40 acres; John Mcintosh, 80 acres; John C. Al- bright, 120 acres; Monroe G. W. Lingle, 80 acres; John Hoffner, 160 acres; Bazil Boren, 160 acres; John Knup, 80 acres; Henry Sowers, SO acres; James Noel, 34.92 acres; Elizabeth Noel, 34.92 acres; Daniel Trees, 40 acres; Charles Littlejohn, 40 acres; Harmon F. Whitacre, 40 acres; John J. Denning, 97.03 acres; Thomas Brew- ster, 40 acres; Debar Deming, 40 acres; Hezekiah C. Hardin, 124.23 acres; Napoleon B. Walker, 120 acres; Young J. Vancil, 40 acres; James Warren, 40 acres; William Hagler, 40 acres; John Hagler, 40 acres; William J. Biggs, 40 acres; Timothy Anderson, 40 acres; Alfred Anderson, 44.90 acres; Anslem Guthrie, 340 acres; Henry Hope, 80 acres; Sampson Keith, 40 acres; John O. Daniel, 120 acres; Hezikiah C. Hodge, 80 acres; John Lockard, 120 acres; Robert C. Armstrong, 40 acres; Joseph Battson, 80 acres; Daniel Barringer, 40 acres; Jacob Linsley, 40 acres; John D. Fly, 80 acres; William Oaks, 80 acres; Anna Roberts, 40 acres; Larkin F. Brooks, 240 acres; Henry C. Stout, 200 acres; Evan Roberts, 40 acres; Jefferson T. Denning, 80 acres; James C. Swinford, 160 acres; Henry Casper, 160 acres; James Guthrie, 80 acres; Jacob Simmerman, 400 acres; Phtilip Clutts, 120 acres, William Brocker, 80 acres; Evasmus Hardin, 80 acres; Charles Hagler, 80 acres; James Ferril, 40 acres; Ignatius O'Daniel, 40 acres; Thomas Ferril, 84.77 acres; William Griffin, 44.77 acres; Rebecca Scott, 44.90 acres; Daniel Ireland, 89.80 acres; Reuben A. Morris, 44.90 acres; Jacob Chitts, 80 acres; James L. Wallace, 80 acres; John Fer« rill, 211.92 acres; Singleton P. Tweedy, 45.96 acres; William L. Lamer, 45.97 acres; Ary McGraw, 40 acres; William Neal, 40 acres; Alfred Vancil, 40 acres; Peter Sifford, 240 acres; M. S. Allen, 40 acres; John Lence, Jr., 500 acres; William Rich, 80 acres; Solomon Lence, 120 acres; Nancy Lence, 40 acres; Joseph West, 80 acres; George Snyder, 40 acres; Henry Barrington, 80 acres Peter Rymer, 160 acres; George Sevar, 40 acres; Wiley Davidson, 40 acres; Adam Clapp, Jr., 40 acres; John Dillow, 160 acres; Anthony George, 40 acres; Silas Corzine, 40 acres; Frederick Barringer, 80 acres; Ed- ward Mowery, 40 acres; Pete Barringer, Jr., 40 acres; Alexander H. Corzine, 80 acres; George P. Sheffola, 40 acres; Washington Mc- Lane, 40 acres; Samuel Seals, 40 acres; Henry W. Otrich, 80 acres; Joseph Rinehart, 80 acres; John File, 40 acres; Aaron Barringer, 40 acres; John Peeler, 120 acres; Simon Albright, 40 acres; George Devolt, 40 acres; Andrew Shaffer, 40 acres; George Mowery, 80 acres and Jacob Dillow, Jr., 40 acres. Cobden Precinct increased its occupied area by the settle- —37— ment of Alexander Smith who occupied 40 acres; Moses Trees, 80 acres; Aaron Trees, 120 acres; William Russell, 40 acres; Peter Luce,'4u acres; Mathiaa Caraker, 40 acres; Jacob Caraker, 80 acres; Jacob W. Haire, 40 acres; David Dillow, 40 acres; Abraham Cover, > res; Caleb S. Sitter, 120 acres; Boston Lentz, 75.83 acres; Paul Hofner, 40 acres; Andrew Lence, 40 acres; Peter Lence, 172.96 acres; Calvin Armstrong, 40 acres, Jefferson Menard, 160 acres; Solomon Sitter, 34.53 acres; Conrad Sitter, 103.60 acres; John Bar- ringer, 80 acres; Daniel Barringer, 40 acres; John Beaseley, 40 acres; Jacob Clem, 30.89 acres; Isaac Trees, 40 acres; Eli Beaver, ; David Miller, 28.31 acres; Paul Lingle, 27.82 acres; Charles Lingle, 107.52 acres; Stephen Casper, 40 acres; John Shuesnig, 40 s; Eli Beaver, 80 acres; Isaac Hartline, 66.01 acres; Benedict Mull, 46.50 acres; John Lingle, 160 acres; Henry Ferril, 40 acres; John D. Lamer, 200 acres; Henry Randleman, 200 acres; Samuel Mackey, 40 acres; Mary Renthman, 40 acres; James Holloway, 40 acres; James B. Coulter, 40 acres; Thomas Cox, 80 acres; Frank W. Coulter, 40 acres; David Masters, 80 acres; Jacob Rendleman, 160 acres; Christopher Houser, 160 acres; George Smith, 80 acres; Perry Hauser, 160 acres; Nicholas Hunsaker, 90 acres; Andrew Smith, Jr., 40 acres; Adam Smith, 80 acres; David Smith, 80 acres; Moses Fite, 40 acres; Edmund Vancil, 40 acres; Catherine Landrith, bO acres; Joseph Hickman, 40 acres; George Bean, 101.62 acres; George Simpson, 34 acres; and Henry Lyerle, Jr., 97.75 acres. The expansion of Anna Precincts was made by Henry Casper, 45.66 acres; Charles Miller, 45.66 acres; Stephen Casper, 45.66 acras; James Trees, 45.66 acres; Conrad Sitter, 200 acres; Charles Barringer, 160 acres; John Frogge, 120 acres; Henry Trees, 80 acres; Alex J. Nijtnmo, J.20 acres; Charles M. Northern, 40 acres; John Barringer" 80 acres; John Williams, 120 acres; James Fike, 200 acres; Peter Simmerman, 160 acres; Luther Armstrong, 40 acres; Henry Barringer, 40 acres; Benjamin Evans, 40 acres; Ran- som Beaseley, 40 acres; David Armstrong, 80 acres; John Boss, 160 acres; William Murphy, 40 acres; John Ballard, 40 acres; Arthur Frogge, 80 acres; Urias Martin, 40 acres; I. and Wm. Bizzel, 80 acres; Wesley Nimmo, 40 acres; Mary Mills, 80 acres; Basil B. Craig, 80 acres; William J. B. Hanners, 40 acres; Robert Hamilton, 160 acres; Isaac Bizzel, 40 acres; William C. Millis, 160 acres; Walter Bearhope, 40 acres; Joseph M. Spence, 200 acres; Calvin W. Ses- sions, 80 acres; Peter Barringer, 80 acres; William H. Mills, 40 acres; James A. Nash, 40 acres; Thomas Hodges, 80 acres; Samuel T. Hunsaker, 40 acres; William Henry, 160 acres; Aaron Barringer, 40 acres; Richard W. Sessions, 80 acres; Herman Bailey, 40 acres; George Davis, 40 acres; David Spence, 40 acres; Emanuel Davis, 40 acres; John M. McElhaney, 120 acres; Martin Brown, 40 acres; Joseph Martin, 160 acres; James West, 40 acres; Samuel Martin, 160 acres; David Davis, 280 acres; Solomon Davis, 80 acres; Silas Hess, 40 acres; Caleb Frick, 40 acres; Luther Armstrong, 4D acres; John Williams, 40 acres; Cerenthy Barringer, 40 acres; Catharine — SS— Williams, 40 acres; Timothy Goddard, 80 acres; Curtis Stonecipher, 80 acres; Henry Barringer, 40 acres; Preston Anderson, 40 acres; Samuel M. Goddard, 80 acres; Willis Willard, 40 acres; Benjamin Eaves, 160 acres; Richard Henson, 40 acres; Daniel Barringer, 120 acres; Talbert Sainer, 40 acres; Christian Hileman, 120 acres; Win- stead Davie, 80 acres; Jacob Hunsaker, Jr., 160 acres; James Ellis, 40 acres; Caleb Casper, 40 acres; Alison and Daniel Cover, 40 acres; Charles Trees, 165.50 acres; Peter Casper, 40 acres; Alexander Trees, 45.50 acres; W. Willard and J. Rinehart, 181.62 acres; James A. Grover, 49.59 acres; John Rinehart, 45.59 acres; Peter Cruse, 40 acres; Levi Craven, 120 acres; Jacob Hileman, 40 acres; Mary Campbell, 80 acres; Abraham Miller, 120 acres; Solomon Davis, 40 acres; Wiley Davis, 40 acres; Joseph M. Spence, 120 acres; John E. Ranee, 40 acres; Nathan Sames, 80 acres; Samuel T. Hunsaker, 40 acres; John Hess, 40 acres; Jane Hess, 40 acres; Tolbert Sames, 40 acres; Abraham F. Hunsaker, 40 acres; John Rinehart, 80 acres; Elias V. Winget, 200 acres; James B. Powell, 40 acres; Jonathan Woolsey, 40 acres; James A. Smith, 80 acres; Washington McLane, 40 acres; Edward B. Ohusted, 40 acres; Wesley G. Nimmo, 40 acres; Alexander Frick, 40 acres; Michael Craver, 240 acres; Tobias Verbal, 80 acres; David Craver, 40 acres; Joseph Hess, 80 acres; James B. Powell, 80 acres; Leonard Knup, 80 acres; Benjamin W. Brooks, 160 acres; Isaac J. Lyerley, 80 acres; R. V. Marshall, 160 acres; Thomas James, 80 acres; Wiley J. Vinson, 80 acres; Edmund Davis, 40 acres; Benjamin L. Corzine, 40 acres; George Brown, 240 acres; James J. Hunsaker, 120 acres; James I. Alexander, 80 acres; Marion C. Port- haven, 40 acres; Syrian Davis, 80 acres; Martin M. Brown, 80 acres; and Wilson Corzine, 120 acres. Jonesboro Precinct added Jacob Miller, 40 acres; William Rymer, 40 acres; Peter Albright, 80 acres; John Fink, 40 acres; Elizabeth Davidson, 80 acres; Morgan Davidson, 80 acres; William Penrod, 35 acres; Peter Caubb, 80 acres; Jacob Rhodes, 80 acres; John Crowell, 40 acres; John N. Rhodes, 40 acres; George Bean, 40 acres; John Dougherty, 160 acres; William C. Whitlock, 73.74 acres; John Hartline, 40 acres; James Ellis, 160 acres; Drake H. Huddman, 40 acres; John Reynolds, 40 acres; Robert W. Waggoner, 66.94 acres; Charles Crowell, 40 acres; James Morgan, 80 acres; William Louis, 40 acres; George Kimmel, 80 acres; Kenneth Har- grave, 282.04 acres; Hiram Tripp, 40 acres; Elijah McGraw, 40 acres; Crawford Trees, 40 acres; Christian Fromm, 40 acres; John Parmer, 40 acres; David Amundel, 40 acres; William Goodbody, 40 acres; Nicholas Tripp, 80 acres; George Foggart, 80 acres; John Cruse, 40 acres; Andrew Deardorf, 40 acres; Caleb Frick, 40 acres; John J. Grammer, 40 acres; William Tripp, 40 acres; Aaron Gram- mer, 40 acres; Sarah A. Sugar, 40 acres; Willis Willard, 40 acres; Jacob Trees, 40 acres; Lafayette Damron, 40 acres; Robert Har- grave, 200 acres; John C. Sherro, 80 acres; Philip Cruse, 40 acres; Thomas Whitaker, 40 acres; James Morgan, 160 acres; Levi White, 80 acres; John Conkey, 80 acres; Levi Lewis, 80 acres; Joel Barker, —39— 40 acres; Jesse Barker, 40 acres; James H. Whitlock, 36.81 acres; Nancy Goodwin, 40 acres; Andrew Eaves, 40 acres; Jonathan Eaves, 40 acres; Nicholas Hunsaker, 80 acres; George Greer, 40 acres ; Benjamin Vancil, 66.81 acres; Daniel Kimmel, 80 acres; Jacob Frick, 40 acres; William Millis, 40 acres; John Wadkins, 26.81 acres; David Meadow, 26.81 acres; Andrew Braswell, 26.94 acres; Francis H. Brown, 26.94 acres; Laird H. Furguson, 40 acres; Mary Delves, 40 acres; Richard Brotton, 40 acres; and Charles Brown, 24.56 acres. In Misenheimer Precinct additional settlements were made by- John M. Hileman, 40 acres; Henry Lence, 40 acres; John Light, 40 acres; Alfred Misenheimer, 80 acres; Edward Dunn, 40 acres; Peter Dillow, 40 acres; Jacob Dillow, 80 acres; William L. Batner, 40 acres; Willey Stripler, 40 acres; Jacob Miller, 40 acres; Jacob Psizer, 40 acres; Christian Rinehart, 40 acres; Joshua Allen, 80 acres;' John Phitzer, 40 acres; Noah Mowery, 80 acres; Miles Mow- try, 80 acres; Lewis Vick, 40 acres; John Pool, 120 acres; John Mowery, Jr. 80 acres; John Blown, 40 acres; Isaac Brown, Jr., 40 acres; George H. Brown, 80 acres; Alexander Douglas, 120 acres; Barbara Mitchell, 40acres; Oscar P. Montgomery, 40 acres; John Smith, 40 acres; John Brown, 40 acres; James M. Phelan, 40 acres; Christopher Keller, 40 acres; Samuel A. James, 40 acres; Jacob Brown, 40 acres; Christopher W. Teller, 40 acres; Peter Cruse, Sr., 80 acres; Levi Caster, 80 acres; John Knupp, 40 acres; John Weaver, 40 acres; George Smith, 40 acres; Jane Montgomery, 40 acres; Jacob J. Misenheimer, 200 acres; David Misenheimer, 80 acres; Bradford Brown. 40 acres; William C. Nimmo, 38.50 acres; Jonathan Woolsey, 38.50 acres. Mill Creek Precinct added Peter Cruse, Jr., 80 acres; Nath- aniel W. Manville, 200 acres and William Huston, 40 acres. Alto Precinct was increased by settlements made by Philip Cripps, 37.40 acres; Peter Cripps, 152.04 acres; Thomas Craft, 40 acres; Anderson Brown, 40 acres; David Smith, 40 acres; Isaac Miller, 160 acres; Thomas James, 80.16 acres; Wilson James, 80 acres; John Dougherty, 236.44 acres; Simon B. Sublett, 406.34 acres; William James, 204.80 acres; Allen W. Kimmel, 42.40 acres; Jacob Rhoades, 42.40 acres; Parish G. Abernathy, 42.10 acres; William Shurley, 42.10 acres; Franklin M. Bennett, 80 acres; William Green, 240 acres; Andrew Deardorff, 40 acres; Robert H. Bennett, 160 acres; Enoch H. James, 49.61 acres on Island 26; Jeremiah Hutch- inson, 40 acres; Allen W. Kimmel, 42.40 acres; William C. Whit- lock, 120 acres; Levi Lefler, 40 acres; Martin Green, 80 acres; John Eaton, 120 acres; Jacob Rhodes; John Tweedy, 40 acres. Union Precinct added John Smith, 29,75 acres; Mary Smith. 29.75 acres; Henry Sherald, 64.75 acres; Samuel Vancil, 324.25 acres; Daniel Sammons, 74.25 acres; John Warralle, 40 acres; Joseph Kimmel, 40 acres; Jacob Bennett, 40 acres; William D. Craier, 80 acres; Charles Conway, 80 acres; Joseph Joy, Jr., 80 acres; Elijah Willard, 360 acres; Willis Willard, 40 acres; George Kimmel, 80 acres; William Lewis, 80 acres; Charles C. Gatewood, 40 acres; —40— Jessie Barker, 40 acres; Daniel Kimmel, 80 acres; Hugh Penrod, 80 acres; David Kimmel, 80 acres; Jacob G rammer, 40 acres; John Grammer, 40 acres; Joel Barker, 40 acres; Andrew J. Dickinson, 80 acres; Ransom Ledbetter, 40 acres and Winstead Davie, 80 acres. Reynolds Precinct grew more than any other river section during the period between 1835 and 1850. Entries added here were Jessie Barker, 80 acres; William Ballard, 40 acres; Jacob Trees, 83.i:4 acres; Hithiper A. James, 80 acres; Josiah Goodman, 40 acres; David Trees, 41.02 acres; Jonathan Eaves, 41.02 acres; Young E. Brown, 41.08 acres; Josiah Goodman, 40 acres; Jacob Rinehart, acres; Young E. Brown, 41.20 acres; Isaac Frick, 82.80 acres; James M. Phelan, 169.62 acres; Peter Lingle, 80 acres; Robert S. Reynolds, 119.97 acres; Christian Hileman, 80 acres; Adam Hileman, 40 acres; John Yost, 80.32acres; John Dougherty, 160 acres; Samuel Vancil, 89.47 acres, on Island 21; Jacob Littleton, 197.16 acres; Jonathan Madden, 23.58 acres on Island 21; Francis H. Brown, 40 acres; Brad- ford Brown, 40 acres; Jeremiah Brown, 117 acres; Jacob Brown, 36 acres; Lard H. Ferguson, 80 acres; Washington Brown, 40 acres; John G. Wilkins, 127.75 acres; James Brown, Sr., 37.34 acres; Jeremiah and James Brown, 35.84 acres; Daniel Kimmel, 318 acres; Caleb Casper, 80 acres; John C. Shore, 80 acres; Robert S. Rey- nolds, 160 acres; Benjamin W. Brooks, 363.19 acres; Elijah Willard, 40acres; Adam Hileman, 40 acres; James N. Brooks, 36 acres; John M. Johnson, 98.84 acres; John Masel, 126.58 acres; George W. Green, 155.05 acres on Island 24; John M. Lacy, 160 acres on Island 24; P. Whitney and S. Randall, 36.63 acres on Island 24; Thomas and William Johnson on Island 24; William Carter and S. H. Poe, 47 acres on Island 24; Calvin J. Price, 240 acres; George Kimmel. 68.64 acres; Thomas James, 105.30 acres; Wiley J. Sames, 40 acres; Adam Hileman, 160 acres; Allen W. Kimmel, 54.62 acres; Thomas Hamilton, 157.17 acres; Ralph Thornton, 120 acres; John W. Rorax. 293.97 acres; Samuel Ballard, 170.48 acres; John Baltzell, 181.71 acres; John A. Woodry, 40 acres; Jacob N. Nealey, 66.25 acres on Island 25 and Enoch H. James, 97.99 acres. Preston Township added Elijah Willard, 492.20 acres; William Aldridge, 188.12 acres; Lewis Dowd, 40 acres; George W. Henson, 80 acres; Jacob Schwartz, 71.46 acres; David Lively, 40 acres; Wil- liam Noel, 40 acres; Adam Cauble, 186.37 acres; Henry S. Osborn, 80 acres; James Cox, 80 acres; John Rorex, 160 acres; Hiram Free- man, 40 acres; Delila Cauble, 40 acres; James Y. Johnson, 120 acres; Benedict Johnson, 40 acres; William Harris, 40 acres; George Smith, 40 acres; Abraham Williams, 80 acres; Elizabeth Johnson, 40 acres; Nicholas P. Tripp, 40 acres; John Tweedy, 40 acres; William G. Tweedy, 80 acres; James W. Tweedy, 40 acres; Henry Sherrell, 40 acres; Samuel Ballance, 120 acres; Pearl P. McClintock, 240 acres; William C. Whitlock, 160 acres and Charles M. Willard, 40 acres; John Freeman, 240 acres; Esther H. Osborn, 80 acres. It is evident that Anna, Dongola and Reynolds precinct* en- joyed the largest growth during this period. This is probably due to —41— the fact that the bottom land in Union and Preston had previously been occupied and the rolling country away from the river was be- ing cleared first because these fields were more tillable after they were cleared than the hill lands. The bulk of the population was in the western part of the county because river transportation was the most important during that period. The next decade 1850 to 1860 completely changes life in Union county. CHAPTER XIII 1850-1860 A PERIOD OF TRANSITION THE PLANK ROAD From 1850 to 1860 is a transition period in Union County because new methods of transportation were introduced which caus- ed first, another large increase in population; second, immigration from New England and the Northeastern states instead of entirely from the south (Kentucky and Tennessee and the southeastern states) as it had been before this period; third, the introduction of more scientific methods of agriculture; fourth, the growth of new types of crops; fifth, more sale of more products because of increas- ed shipping facilities, and sixsh, establishments of new towns. The new methods of transportation introduced were the Plank Road and the Illinois Central Railroad. Instead of the rugged pioneer we first saw in Union County who came with his family in a covered wagon in which he lived until he could cut enough trees to build a log cabin and plant the cleared space with seeds which would yield something for his fam- ily to eat, making his family practically self-sustaining, we see in 1850 a well developed little community with homes, stores, mills, churches, and schools, in the center of a farming neighborhood located near a river where the settlers and traders exchanged their pro ducts for the articles necessary for the comforts of life, manu- factured in the east and shipped by boat to the landings here. In- stead of the handmill originally used for grinding grain into meal or flour, horse and steam roller mills had been established. Now the farmer took his grain to the mill to be ground and paid for the work either by cash or by giving the miller enough grain to pay for his services. Now, instead of spinning and weaving the flax, wool or cotton into material at home, wool, cotton and flax were sold to the river traders who took it back east to be made into ma- terial and repaid the farmer with new material. Boots and shoes were still made locally as a rule but by cobblers who had established small business of their own, buying their leather from the tanneries and selling their finished product to the people. Before this, the pioneer father had been the cobbler in the home and frequently, the mother had done the work. While most of the people still lived in log houses, saw mills had been established and many houses had been built of sawed lumber. The most pretentious home in Jones- boro at that time belonged to the Willards and is standing today, at present used by Mrs. Moore for a hotel. It is located in the northwest corner of the Jonesboro square but faces the street run- ning parallel to the square. August 9, 1850, William Tripp, St., who immigrated into Illinois August 1, 1811, and settled three miles northeast of old Elvira but who then lived two miles west of Jonesboro, came into court and requested that it be put in writing in the Records of —43— Union County that he was the first man who began building in Jonesboro after the town was laid out in March, 1818. He wished ed that he had lived to see the county change from a dense wilderness into a fine farming community. Business had changed from the small exchanges made by neighbors or from the trips to Fort Mas?ac and the Saline Salt ks for supplies to the purchase price from stores whose owners bought their wares from the farmer and from the traders on the rivers. Some of these storekeepers bought products from the farmers and took them down the river themselves to New Orleans .vhere they exchanged them for wares to sell in their stores. By 1850, Philip Kroh had made a trip east and had brought back the first matches ever seen in Union County. As has been mentioned before, a newspaper had been estab- lished and was available to all families who wished to buy it. Churches had been established and private schools had been taught since 1820. By 1850, one had been taught in the building on the square known as Lincoln Inn, which recently burned, and another in a building which stood across from the present court house. Forty-nine road districts had been established and one laid out in 1850 completed fifty road districts in the county. They were named Littleton's Ferry, Ridge Number Two, Ridge Number Two and One-half, Reed Ferry, Sublett, Freeman, T. C. Jones, Cauble, Vancil, Houser, Parmley, Ridge Number Eleven, Gregory, RendTe- man, Ashburn, Davie, Crise, Arundell, Misenheimer, Brown, Walcker, Paine, Barringer, Dillow, Ferril, Lence, Brockroad, Roberds, Wilder- ness, Owen, Roberts, Evans, Hileman, Pollard, Hoffner, Brady, Fer- guson, Eddleman, Hogan, Cowiker, Earnest, Patterson, Beggs, Abra- ham Miller and Jonesborough, Armstrong, Tripp, Dughill, Campbell and Davis. The roads were usually named for the person who cir- culated the petition requesting the road or for the community it served. Many of these roads were hardly more than trails over which one could ride horseback comfortably and many could be used for wagon travel. There was no machinery in those days to use in grading or leveling ground so the roads were as level or as hilly as the country they traversed and as muddy or dry as the weather permitted. In the Mississippi Bottoms, due to the swamps and overflow, the roads were frequently muddy and since it was necessary to travel over this part of the country in order to take products to the river to be sold or bring back the articles bought outside Union County and shipped in by boat, the mud caused great delay in transportation and some losses. A group of men, interested in transporting pro- ducts across this part of the county, decided to build a road over which they could lay logs split in the middle with the flat surface up. Such a road was built from the east bank of Clear Creek near Dughill to Willard's Landing on the Mississippi River with all places planked where mud interfered with travel. The road became known as the Plank Road. —44— The county donated the right-of-way and a group of men, Henry Dishon, Willis Willard, Caleb Frick, William Green, John E. Naill, Lorenzo P. Wilcox and Sidney S. Condon furnished the money necessary to buy materials and employ labor for the construction of the road and a toll gate with a house for the gatekeeper to live in. The gatekeeper was not paid wages but was charged no rent. He was required to collect a fee from every person who passed thru the gate. This fee was used by the above men to maintain the road and the part not needed was divided among them for their share of the proceeds of the business. The road, four miles and seventy-eight and one-half chains long was to belong to this group of men for thirty years according to their contract with the county, provided they should keep it at all times passable by any type of vehicle or coveyance. In April, 1851, Samuel Hunsaker, John S. Hacker and Joshua Roberts were appointed inspectors of the Jonesboro Plank Road Company by the county board to see that the company kept its con- tract with the county. This road was a great improvement at the time it was built but within a few years a new type of road was to be built which would surpass any type of transportation yet available to Union County, the Illinois Central Railroad. -45 — / CHAPTER XIV LAND ENTERED IN UNION COUNTY BETWEEN 1850 AND 1855 Rich Precinct, which had been sparsely settled enjoyed its first real growth after 1850.. The following land entries were made dur- ing the period 1850 to 1855: John P. Elmore, 80 acres; Daniel Davie, 40.50 acres; Lewis N. Ashley, 360 acres; Simon P. Hiller, 80 acres; Abel Baker, 40 acres; Jonathan Clark, 40 acres; Francis Ashley, 40 acres; Elijah L. Hopkins, 40 acres; Allen Brackenbridge, 80 acres; Finas F. McGinnis, 160 acres; Alanson Courtney, 320 acres; John D. Shoemaker, 80 acres; David Trees, 480 acres; George French, 320 acres; John Cochran, 160 acres; Daniel Osborne, 40 acres; William B. Elmore, 280 acres; Levi Dillow, 144.61 acres; William P. Owen, 127.97 acres; Jessie Owen, 122.85 acres; Sarah Bays, 40 acres; Felix A. Goodman, 199.34 acres; Jeremiah Hiller, 120 acres; Axum D. Farmer, 38.28 acres; Thomas Daniels, 321.94 acres; Alan- son Courtney, 80 acres; Winstead Davie, 53.75 acres; Solomon Sit- ter, 40 acres; Lewis P. Holland, 96.82 acres; Henry Thetford, 31.80 acres; William Whitton, 40 acres; Green Berry West, 40 acres; Lemard Sides, 27.76 acres; Cornelius Anderson, 44.90 acres; Perry Roberts, 40 acres; Joseph Batson, 80 acres; John Roberts, 80 acres; John Lockard, 120 acres; John D. Fly, 40 acres; Joshua Thompson, 40 acres; Lewis Ashley, 80 acres; A. B. Walker, and C. Hagler, 40 acres; Lewis P. Limer, 40 acres; Townsend F. Larkin, 40 acres; Wm. Nesbit, 40 acres; Joshua Thompson, 40 acres; Alfred B. Peaks. 120 acres; Henry Mull, 40 acres; Charles M. Willard, 80 acres; Joe! Zimmerman, 40 acres; John O. Daniel, 160 acres; Allen Bainbridge, 40 acres; Charles Hagler, 80 acres; Isaac Hartline, 45.73 acres; Thomas Hartline, 45.73 acres; George W. Robertson, 40 acres; John Fox, 40 acres and Levi Vancil, 80 acres. Lick Creek Precinct was increased by Absolom W. Coleman, 160 acres; Jones Stokes, 40 acres; John A. Roberts, 120 acres; Lorenzo P. Wilcox, 40 acres; Wilkinson Barringer, 40 acres; John M. Cochran, 40 acres; Thomas M. Hines, 40 acres; Mikola McGinnis, 40 acres; Lewis Ashley, 40 acres; Andrew Lilley, 240 acres; Sarah Bays, 40 acres; William Robaids, 40 acres; Jacob Stonesipher, 320 acres; Silas P. Cochran, 200 acres; William Anderson, 160 acres; John Davis, 40 acres; Andrew J. White, 40 acres; William T. Stokes, 4D acres; Littleberry Butts, 80 acres; James Butts, 120 acres; John H. Grammar, 40 acres; Jessie Roberts, 40 acres; Robert Harris, 80 acres; Bird Wall, 40 acres; Tobias Wiggs, 280 acres; Israel W. Davis, 40 acres; George T. McGinnis, 158.23 acres; James Bruff, 40 acres; Alexander L. Penninger, 120 acres; Browning Wiggs, 120 acres; Wesley Grear, 120 acres; Jessie Miles, 40 acres; Wm. N. Corbitt, 40 acres; Levi Lewis, 80 acres; William Murphy, 160 acres; Thomas R. Johnson, 40 acres; Robert Harris, 40 acres; Joseph Boswell, 40 acres; John Allen, 120 acres; Joshua P. Jenkins, 40 acres; William Morrow, 40 acres; Thomas Boswell, 80 acres; Abraham Halterman, 160 acres; Alexander Thorne, 80 acres; John Davis, 80 acres; Caleb Musgraves, 40 acres; Berry Green, 40 acres; and Wesley Grear, 80 acres. The additions in Saratoga Precinct were Sarah Bays, 40 acres; Elijah Brocks, 40 acres; David Miller, 160 acres; Nathaniel G. Miller, 40 acres; Hams M. Ridenhower, 40 acres; Win. Cole, 40 acres; Bird Wall, 42.18 acres; Stephen Garrett, 84.38 acres; William Thornton, 42.19 acres; John M. Jenkins, 171.68 acres; Harvey Arm- strong, 43.01 acres; Abraham W. Menees, 40 acres; Thomas Ales, 40 acres; Abraham Willenas, 40 acres; John S. Plater, 40 acres; Jacob M. Randell, 40 acres; John Murphy, 160 acres; John H. Beggs, 80 acres; Wm. R. Davis, 40 acres; Thisfield Davis, 40 acres; John Bar- ringer, 40 acres; Abraham Hotteman, 80 acres; John Hotteman, 120 acres; David Culp, 40 acres; William Turner, 40 acres; David Treese, 40 acres; Lewis W. Ashley, 80 acres; Rankin S. Butler, 40 acres; John M. Rich, 120 acres; John Fox, 80 acres; Isaac Hartline, 80 acres; Lard H. Ferguson, 111.20 acres; Catherine Lige, 40 acres; and Charles M. Willard, 160 acres. The additions in Stokes Precinct were George W. Simmer- man, 85.05 acres; John F. Sivey, 240 acres; Wm. Murphy, 80 acres; Berry Green, 120 acres; Alfred Stokes, 80 acres; John M. Toler, 520 acres; Morgan Stokes, 140 acres; William Corbit, 40 acres; Cal- vin M. Beard, 240 acres; Wm. M. Corbitt, 40 acres; Mary Stokes, 40 acres; Miles Pender, 80 acres; Wm. D. Toler, 40 acres; Ethelred Benson, 40 acres; John Pickerel, 120 acres; Piety W. Cox, 40 acres; Silas Toler, 40 acres; Hugh A. Gurley, 40 acres; Joseph M. Spence, 40 acres; Josiah P. Gore, 40 acres; John Jones, 47.31 acres; Charles Robertson, 48.03 acres; John C. Rothbrook, 48.03 acres; William Ballard, 40 acres; and Daniel Lingle, Jr., 40 acres. Dongola added George Davis, 50.14 acres; Caleb Lingle, 40 acres; John Allen, 40 acres; Henry Keller, 48.54 acres; Absolem Keller, 40 acres; Columbus Adams, 40 acres; Archibald Beggs, 120 acres; Abraham P. Buford, 40 acres; James R. Bartin, 40 acres; Caleb Lentz, 40 acres; Abraham Misenheimer, 40 acres; Wilson Wil- kerson, 50.50 acres; John S. Corzine, 40 acres; Jacob Kestler, 40 acres; Elkano Elkins, 80 acres; Philip Hinkle, 80 acres; Monroe G. W. Lingle, 40 acres; and Christopher Lyerly, 40 acres. Cobden added Daniel M. McConnell, 40 acres; Joshua Thomp- son, 40 acres; Butler Treece, 40 acres; Elizabeth Clutts, 40 acres; George W. Burton, 160 acres; William Ingram, 45.19 acres; William Lamer, 80 acres; James P. Craig, 280 acres; John O'Neill, 275.80 acres; Henry Casey, 40 acres; David Vaught, 40 acres; James M. Tweedy, 80 acres; Abram F. Hunsaker, 40 acres; William D. Parker, 40 acres; and Paul Lingle, 40 acres. Jonesboro was increased by Nathan Sams, 33.10 acres; John Walker, 40 acres; Charles Corzine, 40 acres; W. R. Corzine, 120 acres; G. H. W. Lippard, 40 acres; William A. Lippard, 40 acres; Michael Brady, 120 acres; Charles Lence, 40 acres; Noah Corzine, 40 icres; Alfred Holshouser, 40 acres; Peter Lence, 40 acres; John Keeley, 40 acres; Lewis N. Ashley, 80 acres; Wilson Wilkerson, 40 —47— acres; Thomas Rendleman, 71.73 acres; Robert W. Waggoner, 40 acres; Azel Thornton, 34.25 acres; Nathaniel G. Miller, 40 acres; Charles King, 40 acres; Sarah A. Seegar, 80 acres; Isaac N. Al- bright, 40 acres; John C. Shore, 40 acres; Francis H. Brown, 80 acres; and Paul Frick, 24.50 acres. In Anna the newcomers were John W. Watkins, 80 acres; Isaac Treese, 40 acres; Jonas G. Mangold, 40 acres; John Medlin, 40 acres; Noah H. Simmerman, 40 acres; Wm. Eaves, 80 acres; Richard Henson, 80 acres; Wesley Goddard, 40 acres; Christian Hileman, 80 acres; John B. Jones, 80 acres; John M. Spence, 40 acres; James Hammons, 40 acres; Joseph Spence, 120 acres; Zephemia West, 40 acres; Porter Wolcott, 40 acres; Preston Anderson, 40 acres; George Davis, 40 acres; Alexander Frick, 80 acres; Jacob Kanup, 40 acres; John B. Miller, 40 acres; Perry Roberts, 40 acres; George Corzine. 80 acres; James R. Corzine, 40 acres; John Brown, 40 acres; Isaac Brown, 40 acres; Spencer Laws, 39.86 acres; John R. Corzine, 43 acres; John Alms, 40.16 acres; Edmond Davis, 199.17; Edward Lipe, 39.17 acres and Wm. S. Satin, 37.39 acres. Misenheimer Precinct added John Fluck, 320 acres; Hiram J. Walker, 40 acres; Alexander Misenheimer, 80 acres; Syrian and Edmund Davis, 470.30 acres; Jacob Casper, 40 acres; Moses A. Good- man, 40 acres; John Nidermeyer, 40 acres; James Lively, 348 acres ; John N. Misenheimer, 120 acres; Peter Hileman, 80 acres; John L. Hale, 40 acres; John M. Hileman, 40 acres; David Burton, 320 acres; Noah Mowery, 80 acres; John Mowery, 80 acres; Thomas Durham, 80 acres; Hurd Poole, 40 acres and Moses Hutson, 80 acres. Alto Precinct added Robert T. Shipley, 40 acres; Michael G. Smith, 80 acres; Parrish G. Abernathie, 80 acres; John T. E. Gore, 40 acres; John Hoefle, 193.36 acres; John Stone, 120 acres; Joseph- Lamer, 40 acres; Henry Rendleman, 40 acres; George H. Lemley. 40 acres; Christopher Houser, 80 acres; Philip Lewis, 40 acres; Joseph Miller, 120 acres; William Sides, 40.86 acres; Alexander Miller, 40 acres; Caleb Lyerly, 120 acres; John Cauble, 40 acres; Nicholas Hunsaker, 40 acres; Jumatta Wright, 80 acres; William Gregory, 40 acres; Robert Brown, 40 acres. Union Precinct added John Parmley, 120 acres: Andrew J. Lemmons, 72.50 acres; and John Cauble, 40 acres. Reynolds Precinct added Augustus L. Springs, 80 acres; John Parmley, 40 acres; Preston Baston, 40 acres; and Willard Gain, 320 acres. Preston Precinct added Farland Laughlin, 80 acres; John Wright, 80 acres; John Cauble, 160 acres; James M. Goodbread, 27.04 acres; and Matthew Wright, 80 acres. It is noticeable that during this period there was very little expansion in the precincts near the river and the two precincts Rich and Lick Creek had the largest growth in the county. CHAPTER XV THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD After the building of the plank road came the building of the Illinois Central railroad which was to completely change the state of Illinois as well as Union County, In September, 1850, Stephen A. Douglas and Sidney A. Breese, Senators from Illinois, championed a bill in Congress pro- viding for a grant of public land to the State of Illinois to aid in the construction of the Central Railroad. A controversary arose in the Illinois state legislature as to whether the land should be granted by the state to a privately financed company or whether the state should again attempt the enterprise of building the railroad. Every- one remembered the failure of the plan for a state enterprise ir. 1837 which had created a $17,000,000 debt, so after much discussion the decision was made to allow a private company to undertake the job. According to Carlton J. Corliss' "Story of Transportation Progress in Illinois," the charter and 2,595,000 acres of laud granted by the Illinois legislature to a group of promoters com- posed of outstanding business leaders of New York and New Eng- land. The land was to be every other section of land along the right-of-way which had not already been sold to the early settlers In case such land had been sold another section was substituted. The new company included David A. Neal, Boston shipowner and president of the Eastern Railroad of Massachusetts; Robert Schuyler, probably the foremost railway man in his day and president of the New York and New Haven Railroad; Franklin Haven, head of the largest banking house in New England; John F. A. Sanford, noted fur trader and Indian agent; Jonathan Sturges, prominent New York coffee importer; Morris Ketchum, pioneer locomotive manufacturer; Gouverneur Morris, pioneer railway promoter; George Griswold. mer- chantman and importer; Thomas W. Ludlow, American agent of the Dutch banking house of Crommelin; William H. Aspinwall, president of the Panama Railroad and founder of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, and Robert Rantoul, Massachusetts statesman and suc- cessor to Daniel Webster in the United States Senate. The charter granted to these people gave them the authority to build and operate a railroad 705 miles long but made the fol- lowing provisions: 1. That the railroad should be completed within a period of six years. 2. That the railway lands should not be offered fGr sale until the Federal government had disposed of all of its lands within a distance of six miles of the railroad at double the former price. 3. That the railway company would pay into the state treasury 7 cents out of every dollar received for the transportation of passengers, freight, express and mails. 4. That the railroad would transport United States troops —49^ and property at one-half of the standard passenger and freight rates. 5. That the railroad would transport the United States mail at 20 percent less than the standard rates. The story is told that there was much difference of opinion in Union County regarding the railroad. There were many who- thought the scheme would fail and placed their faith in future prosperity for the county on the plank road and water transporta- tion and there were those who were forward looking enough to plan their o\vn enterprise so that they could take advantage of the oppor- tunities the new mode of transportation would afford. At a meeting of the board of trustees of Jonesboro, it was decided that since Jonesboro was the only town in Union County that the railroad could pass thru, it would not be necessary to comply with the re- quest of the company to make a survey of the route thru the town and donate their findings to the railroad company. Such a survey- cost fifty dollars. Winstead Davie, a grocer and merchant seemed to think that the request was important so he had a survey made at his expense but rather than having it made thru Jonesboro, he had it made thru some of his farmland a mile east of Jonesboro. Later when the Jonesboro trustees decided that it was necessary to comply with the company's request in order to have the road laid thru their town, the Illinois Central had already accepted the survey presented to them by Mr. Davie. As a result the railroad was laid one mile east of Jones- boro, which at that time was one of three towns along the line to have a population of more than one hundred inhabitants. These towns were Bourbannais on the Kankakee River, with 1,710 inhabit- ants, Urbana in Champaign County with 210 inhabitants and Jones- boro with 584 inhabitants. The building of the Illinois Central Railroad was responsible for the large increase in population between 1850 and 1860 for two reasons. First, the railroad company advertised in newspapers, magazines and their own pamphlets circulated from Maine thru Georgia, Kentucky and Tennessee giving descriptions of the attrac- tive land sites available in Illinois, praising the fertility of the soil and the climate and second, it advertised for workers in all the large eastern cities and Europe to come to Illinois and help build the railroad. It gave preference to men with families in order to get them to remain after they came. The railroad sold its land at $2.50 per acre, but asked only 50 cents down and allowed the rest to be paid over a period of seven years which enabled people to buy larger tracts of land. Union County's first settlers from other parts of the country than the south made their appearance during this period. The first railroad was constructed of wooden rails upon which were fastened thin strips of iron to provide a running surface for the wheels. In the 1850's steel rails were introduced and later re- placed the wooden rails. The first locomotive operated on the Illi- nois Central burned wood for fuel and its headlights burned whale —50— and coal-ofl. It was equipped with two driving 1 wheels and two small pilot wheels on each side, and its most conspicious feature was a balloon-shaped smokestack five or six feet high. When fuliy loaded with wood and water it would take twelve of these "Puffing Billies" to weigh as much as one modern locomotive. Passenger cars used on the Illinois roads in the 1850's would be curiosities today. They were built almost entirely of wood, nar- rower and lighter than the average street car of today. Most of them had four sets of wheels, two at each end. Few cars were equipped with springs, and every bump of the rough unballasted track was immediately transmitted to the passenger. Seats were hard, low-backed and uncomfortable. There were no vestibules on the early passenger cars, and passengers could not walk from one car to another when the train was in motion. The old link-and-pin coupling caused a great deal of slack between cars, adding to the discomfort of the passengers. Sometimes these couplings failed and the train broke apart with disastrous consequences. Cars were lighted by dim whale and coal- oil lamps or flickering tallow candles and were heated in winter by wood-burning stoves. Ventilation was poor and there were no screens. Sleeping cars and dining cars were then unknown. The road was completed from Cairo to Sandoval November 22, 1853 and many people from all points of Southern Illinois came to see the first passenger train pass thru this part of the country. There is a story told that a drouth had occurred that fall and some of the farmers, believing that the newly laid rails drew the moisture out of the air and carried it away, formed a mob which tried to burn a large section of the track while it was yet under construction. It was with much difficulty that these people were persuaded that this could not be true. Following the building of the railroad came more settlement of land and the laying out of Anna, Dongola and Cob den. —51— ^ tf CHAPTER XVf LAND ENTRIES BETWEEN 1855 AND 1861? The growth of laud settlement following the building of the Illinois Central Railroad came to an end in I860 probably due to the Civil War. However between 1855 and 1860 Rich Precinct added Joseph Gaiser, 222.62 acres; Wm. Y. Cochran, 80 acres; William Word, Jr.. 26.87 acres; James K. Cochran, 26.87 acres; James W. Morrison, 120 acres; Jeremiah Hiller, 40 acres; Irvin C. Batson, 40 acres; Wil- liam L. Church, 120 acres; Robert S. Hopkins, 120 acres; Marcus L. Fly, 120 acres; Miles H. Mann, 40 acres; Wm. S. Clark, 40 acres; Joseph W. Helme, 80 acres; Peter Norrix, 42.20 acres; George W. and John M. evens, 42.85 acres; Martha Hedges, 40 acres; Horan F. Whitaker, 158.44 acres; D. S, Davie and N. G. Blaine, 238.44 acres; H. G. Piston and Charles Eginton, 159.08 acres; Jacob Rendle- man, 80 acres; William Martin, 360 acres; Nathaniel S. Sunderland, 183.36 acres; Reuben E. Morris, 80 acres; H. M. H. Taylor and Charles Eginton, 480 acres; John Evans, 80 acres; Joseph Batson, 80 acres; William Deming, 80 acres; Robert C. Armstrong, 40 acres; Alfred B. Peak, 40 acres; William Tripp, 40 acres; Isaac B. Love- lace, 80 acres; John D. Lamer, 40 acres; Daniel McConnell, 40 acres; James R. Davis, 80 acres; Robert W. Ferril, 40 acres; Joseph F. Ashley, 91.47 acres; William Neal, 40 acres; Margaret Robertson, 40* acres; Benjamin Vancil, 80 acres and Daniel Kfmniel, 80 acres. Lick Creek was increased by Daniel S. Osbourne, 120 acres; Elijah Shepard, 40 acres; Absolom Butler, 80 acres; Wm. McGinnis, 40 acres; Hiram N. Wood, 40 acres; John A. Roberts, 220 acres; William Frick, 120 acres; Henry Sands, 40 acres; Andrew Corzine, 40 acres; Brownville Wiggs, 40 acres; Matthew Stokes, 120 acres; and William Woods, Jr., 40 acres. Saratoga added Moses Miller, 40 acres; William Martin, 160 acres; John Murphy, 95.67 acres; John H. Williams, 40 acres; John W. Jolly, 88.72 acres; George H. Maifield, 89.22 acres; John O. Flacket, 44.61 acres; Peter H. Casper, 40 acres; James R. Beck, and John C. Breckenridge, 280 acres; Perry Turner, 40 acres; Aaron Treece, 80 acres; William Pitchie, 40 acres; Jeremiah Johnson, 40 acres; James Tygett, 80 acres; Aztell Miller, 80 acres; Michael Dil- low, 80 acres; William C. Rich, 40 acres; Allen Bainbridge, 40 acres; Matthias Clemens, 80 acres; Abner Cover, 40 acres; Daniel Kar- raker, 40 acres; James H. Wallace, 80 acres; James Maskoe and Charles McAlister, 116.02 acres; D. D. and Samuel Cover, 40 acres; George W. Simmerman, 40 acres; W. C. SwafFord, 80 acres and George W. Wilson, 40 acres. Stokes Precinct added William Woods, Jr., 127.68 acres; Adam Apple, 40 acres; William Fuller, 80 acres; Calvin Fuller, 40 acres; George H. Warfield, 160 acres; William L. Hammer, 80 acres; Ximrod C. E. Adams, 40 acres; William P. Strother, 143.34 acres and Syrian Davis, 80 acres. —52— Dongola added Isaiah B. Heglin, 549.46 acres; James B. Trull, 160 acres; William P. Strother, 240 acres; Simeon P. Ives, 160 acres; Ninian E. Primm, 120 acres; Henry C. Poston, 40 acres; James A. Penrod, 120 acres; Lard H. Ferguson, 40 acres; E. Morgan and Lewis Fowler, 320 acres; David Tompson, 40 acres; John H. Beggs, SO acres; Ebenezer Morgan, 80 acres; Reuben A. Corzine, 80 acres; William Martin, 300.82 acres; H. M. Stratton and C. A. Tuttle, 181 acres; J. J. Pedicord and Lorder Burrows, 80 acres; Elias Misen- heimer, 40 acres; Paul Karraker, 80 acres; George W. Warfield, 200 acres; William C. E. Beggs, 40 acres; Elid Barber, 120 acres; Caleb Keller, 40 acres; William Gales, 40 acres; Cyrenius Wakefield, 280 acers; Thomas Smoot, 40 acres; Andrew J. Shaffer, 40 acres; Jacob Albright, 80 acres; Jones McGinnis, 80 acres; Charles Knupp, 40 acres; Syrian Davis, 160 acres; E. Morgan and Lewis Fowler, 160 acres; George Chrisman, 160 acres. Anna added George Zimmerman, 40 acres; William Murphy, 81 acres; William Weaver, 40 acres; Winstead Davie, 120 acres; Lewis N. Ashley, 45.50 acres; Anson Babcock, 40 acres; Selise Mack, 40 acres; Benjamin Hammond, 40 acres; Abraham Brown, 40 acres and John Dougherty, 80 acres. Jonesboro added C. McAlister and James Mackae, 400 acre; Michael Holland, 40 acres; Peter Kessler, 40 acres; Adam Casper, 40 acres; Savinian H. Vrain, 40 acres; Godfrey Stephens, 40 acres; John B. Cook, 40 acres; Aaron Barringer, 80 acres; Ebeni Leaven- worth, 200 acres; Henry Ritter, 80 acres; Edmund Davis, 40 acres; Richard Vannostrand, 251.52 acres; James M. Cox, 80 acres; Hugh Penrod, 34.25 acres; Butler Trull, 40 acres; Caleb Hartline, 40 acres; Charles Crowell, 200 acres; William Lewis, 40 acres; Aztell Miller, 120 acres; Harris M. Ridenhower, 280 acres; Elijah McGrow, 80 acres; Jonathan Grenleaf, 80 acres; Albert Clark, 160 acres; James Morgan, 40 acres; John Tripp, 40 acres; John Dougherty, 80 acres; James D. B. Salter, 160 acres; George Smith, 40 acres; John Chester, 80 acres; John Walker, 40 acres; Reuben Weaver, 40 acres; Susannah Frick, 59.28 acres; Archilles Cadwalader, 101.48 acres; Nathan R. Chester, 26.18 acres and Stanford A. Lasater, 320 acres. Cobden added Elizabeth Clutts, 40 acres; Joseph Miller, 48.85 acres; William Martin, 120 acres; James T. G. Holmes, 40 acres; Peter Zimmerman, 44.31 acres; Charles Eginton, 880.24 acres; Charles Corgan, 40 acres; Augustus C. Lamer, 44.87 acres; Daniel Williams, 40 acres; William H. Latham, 280 acres; Jacob Rendleman, 40 acres; Thomas H. Hall, 40 acres; John Messamore, 40 acres; Abner Keith, 40 acres; Elizabeth Ferrell, 80 acres; James Mackae and C. McAlister, 760 acres; Ewing C McKinney, 40 acres, and John Dougherty, 80 acres. Alto was increased by Thomas Fleming, 40 acres; Ephriam Durall, 40 acres; William Oberts, 40 acres; Alfred Gregory, 77 acres; Ben L. Wiley and Paul Frick, 80 acres; Charles Eginton, 680 acres; John Bittle, 80 acres; William Martin, 600 acres; Martin —53— Rendleman, 40 acres; William Penrod, 40 acres; John Smith, 64.50 acres; Edwin Phillips, 321.96 acres; Michael Cunningham, 320 acres; James Abernathie, 163.52 acres; Jonas Walker, 80 acres; John Stearns, 80 acres; Christopher Lawrent, 120 acres; Adam Smith, 55 acres; Michael M. Mackerley, 40 acres; Herny Lyerly, 360 acres; John T. Ellis, 119.42 acres; William Gregory, 40 acres; George C. Gibson, 40 acres; Corna Hicks, 250 acres; William Baltzell, 71 acres; David S. Buman, 160 acres; William Jones, 280 acres; Ellis Phillips, 280 acres; Anton Janicke, 200 acres and Adam Hofle, 320 acres. Mill Creek added Cyrenius Wakefield, 362.27 acres; Alonzo B. Smith, 40 acres; Edward Cochran, 200 acres and Jacob Cauble, 40 acres. Misenheimer added Israel F. Posey, 40 acres; Charles Brown, 40 acres; Freak Ulin, 200 acres; Harrison O. Hassey, 240 acres; William A. Latham, 320 acres; John W. Grieb, 40 acres; John Bryson, 80 acres; Nathaniel Eudy, 120 acres; Kenneth Hargrave, 40 acres; William Campbell, 40 acres; John Light, 40 acres and Peter Dillow, 40 acres. Reynolds added George W. Kimmel, 80 acres; Henry G. Pas- ton, 81.83 acres; Jacob Schrader, 33.66 acres; Joseph Baker, 14.23 acres; Jacob Phitzer, 40 acres; Nathan Melvin, 260 acres, and David C. Wallace, 124.13 acres. Union was increased by Montgomery Hunsaker, 40 acres; William and David Douglas, 160 acres; John B. Simoneaux, 240 acres; Lewis Verlin, 240 acres; Harris Phillip, 280 acres, and Wil- liam A. Lewis, 40 acres. Preston was increased by Peter Penrod, 80 acres; Christian Lyerly, 120 acres; George Hazelwood, 80 acres; Charles S. Gibson, 40 acres; Samuel Clutter, 320 acres; James Douglas, 80 acres; Ben Wiley and Paul Frick, 640 acres; Benjamin Walker, 80 acres; James M. Wright, 160 acres and George W. Frogge, 80 acres. By 1860, 154,475.25 acres of land had been settled in Union County. It is interesting to note that after the railroad came through several large tracts of land were entered. Between 1855 and 1860, 27 men entered tracts of land of more than 240 acres each and from 1850 to 1855, there were sixteen such entries. Before 1835 only two men had entered farms of over 240 acres and be- tween 1835 and 1850, twenty such entries were made. The largest single entries were made after 1855. —54— CHAPTER XVII THE BEGINNING OF ANNA, ILLINOIS Anna, like so many other towns along the Illinois Central Railroad, grew to be a large and prosperous town in a few years. In 1853 the line of the Illinois Central roadbed was located and it was the same year that Winstead Davie who then owned most of the land which is now Anna and Colonel Lewis W. Ashley, division engineer, who had come into possession of a portion of this same tract, determined to lay out a town at this point. The proper surveys were made by Francis H. Brown, the county surveyor, and lots were laid out on both sides of Main street and the railroad. Mr. Davie decided to name the town in honor of his wife, Anna, and under this name the plat was entered upon the county records, March 3, 1854. The railroad company had established a station here for the convenience of the laborers and thus a nucleus for the pres- ent city was formed. However, the Illinois Central called the station "Jonesboro Station" until 1873. In the spring of 1853, there were only four buildings on the site of the town of Anna as first incorporated, including a mile square, the east half of section 19 and the west half of section 20. One log house, the home of Basil Craig was located on the hill near the end of what is now East Chestnut street, a house on Main street occupied by Levi Craver and a log store on the back of Lot 132, kept by Charles Pardee. Mr. Pardee built another building in the fall of 1853 so that he could keep boarders. Mr. Pardee ran the first hack between Anna and Jonesboro. In the fall and winter of 1853, Bennett and Scott started a store on Lot 81 which was later owned by Oliver Alden. The fourth original building in Anna was a log house on Lot 143. During 1854 W. W. Bennett built the brick and frame home known as the Lufkin place on Main street, S. E. Scott built a frame house on Lot 5, C. C. Leonard on Lot 14, Isaac Spence on Lot 72, Dr. McVern on Lot 56; Dr. Love on Lot 124, D. L. Phillips built the Europeon Hotel on Lot 105 and Winstead Davie built his "Column Store," a large two-story frame building on Lot 82. In all, about nineteen buildings were erected that year including the first school house in Anna on Lot 45. In 1855, the city progressed rapidly in population and build- ings, the principal structures consisting of several comfortable dwellings, storehouses and the Roman Catholic church. Col. Ashley, E. H. Finch, A. D. Finch, C. M. Wiilard, Walter Willard, D. L. Phillips and John Stiner were among those building homes. John Stiner built the first brick house in Anna on Lot 34 on South street. Most of the people obtained their water supply from cisterns, but in 1856 the town authorities authorized the digging of a public well on Washington street and in 1860 another well at the pottery of C. and W. Kirkpatrick added to the public supply of water. At the incorporation of the town in 1855, D. L. Phillips —55— secured the establishment of a post office in Anna and was appoint- ed the first postmaster. July 19, 1855 an election was held in which 26 votes were cast in unanimous favor for the incorporation of the town, and on July 28, trustees were elected as follows: "At an election held in the town of Anna, County of Union. State of Illinois, on Saturday, July 28, 1855, agreeably to public notice given, for the purpose of electing five Trustees for said town, the following persons having received a majority of all the votes cast, are declared duly elected Trustees for the one year next en- suing from the date of their election, or until their successors are elected: David L. Phillips, C. C. Leonard, W. W. Bennett, W. N. Hamby, and John Cochran." The document was attested by J. L. Spence, Clerk and C. C. Leonard, Judge. Ordinance number one passed by this group August 10, 1855 prohibited the "sale, barter, exchange or giving away of any spirit- uous or malt liquors or wine in any quantity less than one barrel, unless for medicinal purposes ordered by a physician." The second ordinance established the limits of the town as extending "one-half mile from the northeast corner of Lot 14 each way." On September 6, 1858 these lines were extended by ordin- ance as "containing the east half of section 19 and the west half of section 20 in Township 12 of Range 1 west of the Third Principal Meridian. On September 8, 1869 the boundary was extended to include the south half of section 17 and the east half of section 20. and the north half of section 29 and all of the noi'thwest quarter of section 19, not included in the legally established boundaries of the city of Jonesboro, all in Township 12. A third ordinance called for the taking of the census and D. L. Phillips, B. L. Wiley and J. M. Ingraham were appointed census takers. The census was taken during August, 1855, the first official enumeration of the inhabitant of the city of Anna, showed the following heads of families with the number of individuals be- longing to each: M. C. Massey, 4; John Halpin, 4; M. Thorp, 5; W. W. Bennett, 10; Mrs. Bay, 4; S. E. Scott, 3; William Melton, 12; J. E. Ingram, 4; R. Stubblefield, 4; B. F. Mangold, 3; C. Henderson. 2; Mrs. Blackstone, 4; J. Humpter, 4; E. C. Green, 5; Zadoc Elms, 3; C. C. Leonard, 7; M. Freeman, 5; G. B. Harrison, 8; T. Brown, 4; Mrs. Davis, 4 ; J. C. Hacker, 5; W. N. Hamby, 8; D. Love, 6; James Musgrave, 12; A. S. Jones, 2; I. L. Spence, 5; A. S. Barnum, 4; Thomas Green, 7; J. Tripp, 6; James I. Toler, 7; John L. Cochran, 9; James Faulkner, 9; J. B. Jones, 8; John Kerr, 6; D. L. Phillips, (hotel) 25; A. Bartlett, 7; Mrs. Henderson, 6. The total popula- tion of the town was 251. The first society to hold meetings in Anna was the Egyptian Chapter, No. 45, of Royal Arch Masons, October 5, 1858. The Anna Lodge of A. F. & A. Masons, No. 520, was instituted October 1, 1867 and the Hiawatha Lodge, No. 291, I. O. O. F. was established by the Grand Lodge of Illinois, October 11, 1860. —56— The Anna Literary Society and Lyceum was established in 1860. The early churches established in Anna after its incorporation were the Roman Catholic, 1855; the Baptist, 1859; the Reformed Congregational, 1859; the Methodist Episcopal, 1856; the First Presbyterian, 1866; the Episcopal in 1880; and the Campbellites or Christians in 1869. —57— CHAPTER XVIII THE BEGINNING OF DONGOLA, COBDEN, SARATOGA, LICK CREEK, MT. PLEASANT AND PRESTON Dongola was laid out and the plat recorded May 23, 1857. It occupied the north part of Section 25 and the south part of Sec- tion 24, Township 13, Range 1 West. It was located about nine miles south of the town of Anna. The people living near Dongola had patronized the horse mill built by Youst Coke and the water mill built by David Penrod on Cypress Creek. In 1852, Col. Bainbridge had built the first steam mill and this mill and a small store keeping notions, mainly whiskey for the Illinois Central workmen were the only two businesses in uongola before it was laid out as a town. Ebeni Leavenworth, an engineer who worked on the construc- tion of the Illinois Central owned most of the town and was re- sponsible for its origin and original development. He built the first residence and the first store building. The first store was kept by Edmund Davis who had a $3,000 stock of merchandise in 1860 and the second store, by Abraham Misenheimer who carried a $5,000 Btock in 1860. Mr. Leavenworth also owned and operated the Novelty Works, which manufactured wagon hubs, spokes, furniture, feed boxes, wooden bowls, plows, wagons and other wooden articles. This busi- ness was assessed in 1860 under the name of Leavenworth and Reese for $1,500. After much effort, Mr. Leavenworth induced the Illinois Cen- tral to stop trains at Dongola so that it became a shipping center for farmers in that area. The village was incorporated in 1871 and the members of the first board of trustees were L. T. Bonacina, J. R. Peeler, Henry Harmes, W. R. Milans and John Holshouser. Solomon Lombard was appointed clerk. The first school in the village was a frame building near the Novelty Works and in 1873 a large frame building which would house 200 pupils was erected. The Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized in Dongola in 1865 and another church was built by the Methodists, Cumber- land Presbyterians, and Lutherans who took turns using it. The Baptists erected a frame building for their church. Dongola Lodge, No. 581, A. F. and A. M. was chartered October 6, 1868 with J. H. Dodson, Master. Dongola Lodge, No. 343, I. O. O. F. began January 31, 1867 under the leadership of E. Leavenworth. Cobden, originally known as South Pass was laid out in 1857 and upon the completion of the Illinois Central was made a station. The land was then owned by Benjamin L. Wiley, whose wife was Emily, the daughter of Winstead and Anna Davie. The town was located on Section 30 of Township 11, Range 1 West, on the west —58— side of the railroad. The original plat was recorded May 28, 1857, but afterward other additions were made: Buck's addition west of the original plat; Hartline addition, south of Buck's; Frick's addition east of Hartline's and on the east side of the railroad; and Clemens addition, east of Wiley's. Cobden was brought into existence by a real estate com- pany whose office was in Anna. Isaac N. Phillips located here Feb- ruary 1, 1858, as the agent of L. W. Ashley, Benjamin L. Wiley and J. L. Phillips. He occupied a log cabin just back of what be- came known later as the Phillips House. In the summer of 1860, Richard Cobden, one of the owners of the Illinois Central and an Englishman, made a tour of the rail- rord and stopped at South Pass and, because he liked the climate, stayed a few days to picnic and hunt. The town was then named Cobden in his honor and the railroad station was called Cobden. The settlers who came to this part of the county, before 1S50, like the others in the county were originally from North Carolina. However among the settlers who came after the building of the railroad were manj New Englanders, attracted by the suit- ability of this part of the country for growing orchards. In May, 1858, Amus Bulin and Moses Land moved into Cob- den and later in the summer Col. Bainbridge came and bought the Bell farm on Bell Hill east of Cobden. Henry Ede lived in a house built in the Buck Addition and Jerry Ingraham, foreman of the re- pair shop of the railroad lived next to his shop. Thomas Baker built a house which was occupied by Isaac Phillips and later became known as the Roth Hotel. The first store, kept by William Henry Harrison Brown was opened early in 1859. He sold out to Adam Buck because he had been indicted by the grand jury for selling a deck of playing cards. The second store was opened by John Davis and the next by Frick and Lamer. Mathias Clemens came during the time of the con- struction of the railroad and ran a boarding house for the workers. LeBar and Davie built a mill about 1860. The first school built in the town was a brick building cost- ing $10,000. This was one of the first brick schools in the county. Cobden was incorporated as a village April 15, 1859. The first board of trustees were I. N. Phillips, John Buck, Henry Frick, David Green, Mathias Clemens, Dr. F. A. Ross and John Pierce. The Presbyterian, the Congregational, the Methodist Episcopal and the Catholic were the first churches established in Cobden. The Masons and Odd Fellows organized Cobden Lodge No. 466, A. F. and A. M., October 3, 1861 and Relief Lodge, No. 452, I. O. O. F. October 10, 1871. By 1860 four other villages which were never incorporated had been established: Saratoga, Lick Creek, Mt. Pleasant and Preston. Lick Creek had a postoffice and store and five or six dwell- ings. Mangum and Gourley were the first storekeepers and Gourley was the first postmaster. The first school was built near A. J. Man- gum's home. —59— Mt. Pleasant village was laid out in 1858 by Caleb Musgrave and Abner Cox. A few lots were sold but the town did not grow much. The plat was recorded April 9, 1858. There were a church, a store, a postoffice, a saw mill and a few residences there in the beginning. The first store was kept by Thomas Boswell on his farm before the town was laid out. A man named Black opened the first store in Mt. Pleasant and sold it to Leavenworth and Little who sold to John Stokes, Mr. Stokes built a two story brick building for the business. The village of Saratoga was laid out by Dr. Penryer, No- vember €, 1841, on the northeast quarter of Section 1, Township 12, Range 1 West. A mineral spring was the cause of the location of the town here. Dr. Penryer thought the place could be made into a health resort. A boarding house was built near the spring which entertained summer guests for several years but the business grad- ually died. This was owned by Caleb Cooper. Elijah Beardsley owned a saw and grist mill and A. W. Simmons and William Reed opened stores. The old village of Preston was laid out as a town October 27, 1842, by John Garner and for a time was a shipping point but the Mississippi gradually moved in on the town and finally covered the spot where it oace stood. There were many country stores scattered through the county and several mills, but the leading business centers by 1860 were Jonesboro, Anna, Cobden and Dongola. —60— CHAPTER XIX PERSONAL TAXES IN 1860 By 1860 Union County was entering a new epoch in its history. However little development took place in this period until alter the Civil War was completed. In 1860, instead of having only one means of communicat- ing with distant points — the river boat, Union County had overnight access to Chicago and Memphis and New Orleans could be reached in forty-eight hours by mail. Since this widened the market for the farmer's products, large developments in agriculture took place. Since the railroads burned wood for fuel, and used wooden ties and rails, work in timber became a leading industry in the county. With the widening of opportunity, the people were able to achieve a higher standard of living, to have better furniture, better clothing and better houses. Stores carried larger stocks of mer- chandise and more cash savings were accumulated by the citizens. It is significant that while Jonesboro and Anna were the centers of business, many country stores carried a fairly adequate stock of merchandise. This was probably due to the face that roads were difficult to travel in bad weather so that the people in each locality made their purchases as near their homes as possible. The merchants who paid a tax on their stock of goods were William Kinnison, I. M. Randall, Joel Ragsdale, L. Hauser, N. C. Meker, Adam Buck, J. N. Albright, A. B. Agnew, Robert Biick, J. P. Bohanan, J. M. Brisbin, D. D. Cover, E. Cover, S. B. Carut'i, A. N. Dougherty, F. M. Davidson, Winstead Davie, Frick and Lamer, Frick and Glasscock, Moses Goodman, J. Howitz, Moses Hutson, R. Johnson, Charles Clutts, G. A. Kirchner, Gore & Co., McElhaney and Bro., E. McKeeby, G. W. Mumaugh, Marks & Dodds, John E. Naill, James I. Provo, B. W. Sitter, Edward Terpenitz, Silas C. Toler, Thomas Watkins, C. H. Williford, J. H. Williams, Willard & Co., John E. Winn, Williams & Co., Adam Cruse, David Green, John MacConnell, S. P. Whittaker, L. Misenheimer & Co., Moses Fisher, S. E. Davis, A. Aden, Buck Welch, G. W. Frogge, E. Mac- Kinder and Marschalk & Cruse. Of these merchants, nine carried a stock of less than one hundred dollars, five between two and three, five between three and four, one between four and five, four between five and six, two between six and seven, five between one and two thousand dollars, two between two and three thousand, one between four and five, one between five and six, one between six and seven, one ten thou- sand dollar stock and one twelve thousand. There were thirty- three stores with a stock of less than one thousand dollars ard twenty over one thousand. In 1860 horses, cattle, mules and asses, sheep, hogs, wagons and carriages, clocks and watches, pianos, merchandise, manufac- tured goods, moneys and credits, stocks and bonds, and unenumerat- ed properties were assessed. The acreage under cultivation was —61— also recorded. These assessments reveal that the county was de- cidedly an agricultural county with 2848 horses, valued at $134,- G45; 7987 cattle valued at $71,968; 334 mules and asses, $19,433 ; 5406 sheep, $5448; 16,694 hogs, $18,773;. having a total value of $250,287. This stock was mortgaged for $15,047, which means that Bis percent of the livestock was under mortgage. Other assessments included 1127 carriages and wagons valued at $29,897; 1239 clocks and watches, $9169; ten pianos, $1635; merchandise, $78,802; manufactured articles, $3,390; moneys and credits, $140,339; stocks and bonds, $11,000; unenumerated prop- erty, $98,951. 19,704 acres of land were producing wheat, 22,207 acres- producing corn and 39S7 acres other products, making a total of 45,898 acres or less than one-fifth of the total area of the county in cultivation. It is interesting to notice that more cash was assessed than any other item, horses coming second. Apparently only $15,047 of this cash had been loaned with mortgages for security and only two persons in the county had anything invested in stocks and bonds, Willis Willard, $10,000 and Charles M. Willard, $1,000. The Wheat Growers Bank, the only bank in the county, was listed as having $5G02 in cash. Pianos were owned by E. Harwood, Willis Willard, Charles M. Willard, John Daugherty (then Lieutenant Governor of the State of Illinois), John Humphrey, E. McKinder, P. Baxter, J. L. Freeze ?.nd Allen Bainbridge. J. N. Albright, M. Krentz, Adam Miller & Co., Amos W T . Bar- num, Paul Frick, Jacob Green, Goodall & Co., Finch and Shick, Ignatius Brooks and Daniel L. Nusbaum were assessed for manu- factured articles. Most of the manufacturers owned saw and grist mills. Finch and Shick owned what is now the Anna Stone Co. There were 2149 taxpayers. There were thirty-two persons in the county who had more than $1,000 cash in addition to their real estate and other personal property. By 1860 Union County was divided on the question of slavery. Jonesboro had been the site of one of the famous Lincoln and Douglas debates and John Daugherty who owned the Jonesboro Gazette and his editor Marschalk had broken their partnership and Marschalk had started the Democrat in Anna because of their dif- ference in view regarding slavery. In 1824 when the question of slavery had been submitted to the people of Illinois for a vote regarding the Illinois stand on the question, Union County was evenly divided. However there were few colored people in the county. The people who had come before the railroad had not been wealthy. Most of them had settled less than eighty acres of land at a cost of $1.25 per acre and few had more than the wagon in which they had come with a horse, cow, sheep and pig and a few personal belongings. — C2— The WillaTds who had become the wealthiest family in the ■county had arrived with little more than their bare hands, a meager •education and much foresight. The persons running ferries were the first to accumulate more wealth than two or three hundred dollars. Then business men prospered next but no great amount of speculation in land, etc. took place until after the established fact that the railroad would be built. The pioneers lived a rugged life and accumulation of per- sonal belongings was gained only through hard work and persever- ance. The land was always poor because it was thought by the earliest settlers that they would be able to stay only two or three years and move on because the fertility of the soil would be de- pleted by that time but they found that by a system of crop rota- tion they could make the soil continue to produce. For this reason we see Union County develop into a predominantly agricultural area. However, because the soil was and is not the highest type of soil in the state, after the more fertile regions were accessible on account of railroads, the county has not grown in population as several other agricultural counties have, in spite of the fact that it hegSLa its growth early. —63— CHAPTER XX UNION COUNTY IN THE CIVIL WAR Union County from the beginning to the end of the Civil War gave about 3000 men to the Union Army. This county at all times filled their quotas by using enlisted men and not resorting to drafting soldiers. This county sent five hundred more men than the average county. This is a remarkable record for the county since it was definitely shown in the poll of 1824 that one half of the vote3 were for slavery. There is evidence however that there were many southern sympathizers in the county which is not at all strange since the settlers in the county before 1850 were entirely of south- ern extraction. However it was not the wealthy cotton planter but the poor man who came to southern Illinois to make his home. In looking over the entries it is evident that the average settler came with seldom over $100 in his pocket and settled less than one hundred acres of land. A study of the population shows that there were comparatively few colored people ever came to the county. When it is considered that the population of Union County in 1860 was 11,181, there could not have been many more men in the county available for service. About three-fifths of the 3000 soldiers or 180O of them were killed in action or died in hospitals or prison camps. This means that Union County lost between one- sixth and one-seventh of its total population during the Civil War. This, of course, was no greater loss than that of other counties. It was at this time that women appeared in business and profes- sions, largely teaching and millinery. The records show that Union County in addition to the full One Hundred and Ninth Regiment furnished Captain Mack's com- pany as well as a number of men to the Eighteenth Regiment, one company, Captain Reese, to the Thirty-first Regiment. A portion of the Sixtieth Regiment was enlisted here. This regiment rendez- voused in this county and filled its vacancies with Union County men. The county also furnished a large number of men to the Sixth Calvary, in addition to Captain Warren Stewart's Company. Many Union County men were enlisted in the Thirty-first Infantry which was organized at Cairo under John A. Logan. The battle which was nearest to Union County was the battle of Belmont, Mo. Many of our citizens were inspired with patriotism and rushed to the defense of their homes when battle came within hearing distance of the residents of Union County. Fol- lowing is an account of the part of the Thirty-first Regiment played in the war. With less than two month's drill, the Regiment took part in the battle of Belmont, Mo., November 7, 1861, cutting its way into the enemy's camp, and with equal valor, but less hazard, cutting its way out again. On the 7th of February, 1862, the Regiment —64— was at Fort Henry, Tenn., and after emerging from the muddy environments of that stronghold, it traversed the hills of Fort Donel- son, and there, amid whiter snows, on the 15th of the same month, it lost 260 men killed and wounded — the Regiment having per- formed, in this engagement the difficult evolution of a change of front to rear on tenth company in the heat of the battle, among tangled brush and on uneven ground. From Donelson, the Regi- ment was transported by steamer to Shiloh, Tenn., and thence it moved towards Corinth, Miss., with the main body of the army, and reached that place only to find it evacuated by the enemy. From Corinth, the 31st marched to Jackson, Tenn., and the summer of 1362 was spent in guarding railroads, skirmishing in the country of the Forked Deer River, and scouting in the direction of Memphis, to Brownsville and beyond. Ordered to the support of General Ro^ecrans, at Corinth, the Regiment reached that place in time to follow the retreating foe to Ripley, Miss., where the men fed on fresh pork, without salt, or crackers, or coffee. On this expedition it was engaged in the skirmishes of Chewalla and Tuscumbia, end- ing the 6th of October, 1862. The Regiment was with Grant in the first campaign against Vicksburg, sometimes called the Yokona expedition, and passed through Holly Springs to Coldwater, at which place the men, destitute of rations in consequence of the capture and destruction of supplies at Holly Springs by the enemy, showed their characteristic adaptability by carrying out at once the suggestion of Logan to convert the timber into ashes, and by means of the ashes, the corn of the surrounding country into hominy. Upon the termination of this campaign the regiment, with Ce army under Grant, was transferred to a new field, that of the operations which finally resulted in the downfall of Vicksburg. On the 15th of January, 1863, it set out for Lagrange, Tenn., and thence went to Memphis, by way of Colliersville. Leaving Memphis March 10, 1863, it embarked for Lake Providence, La.; and after assisting in the attempts to open a route by water to a point be- low Vicksburg, in moved, upon the abandonment of these attempts to Milliken's Bend, and thence to Wanesborough. Having crossed the Mississippi below Grand Gulf, April 30, 1863, the next day the Regiment, without waiting for rations, though hungry and weary enough, hurried forward to the support of the comrades then en- gaged in battle at Thompson's Hill, near Port Gibson, and quickly forming on McClenand's left, under the eyes of Generals Grant and Logan, it moved up the right wing of the enemy at the charge step, routing him completely, and helping to secure a speedy victory. Governor Yates, in civilian garb of swallow-tail coat and high shirt collar, and overflowing with enthusiasm and patriotism, witnessed this charge. After crossing the Bayou Pierre, the 31st again met and dispersed their foes at Ingram Heights, May 3, 1863, and push- ed on to Raymond where on the 12th the Regiment hunted from its —65— front the fragments of a brigade which the enemy had thrown against the advance of Grant. Moving onward in almost ceaseless march, it took part in the battle of Jackson, Miss., May 14, 1863, and thence at midnight, on the 15th, through drenching rain, it marched toward Vicksburg, to meet the enemy anew. About ten o'clock in the morning of the 16th the men spread their catridges to dry in the sun, in an old field about five miles from Champion Hills, from which latter point was soon heard the sound of battle. The men hastily gathered up their ammunition and seized their muskets, and the Regiment followed the head of the column at double-quick effecting a formation with its brigade on the right of our embattled line where it rested for a moment, the men lj on their faces while the hostile shells whistled and shrieked and exploded above them. At the command "Attention," the line stood erect, with bayonets fixed; the Brigade Commander, General John E. Smith, gave the word; McPherson said with a smile, "give in Jessie!" and Logan shouted: "remember the blood of your mammies! give 'em hell!" and then the brigade sprang forward, broke and routed the two column formation over which waved the Confederate flag, capturing the opposing battery, turned its guns upon the re- treating enemy, and took as many prisoners as there were men in the charging brigade. In this encounter there was crossing of bayonets and fighting hand to hand. Sergeant Wick of Co. B used his bayonet upon his foe and Sergeant Hendrickson of Company C, clubbed his musket in a duel with one of the men in gray. From this point the Regiment, with the main army, followed the retreating enemy to his entrenched lines at Vicksburg, where it took part in the bloody assaults of the 19th and 22nd of May; its gallant Lieut. Colonel Reece, meeting death by the explosion of a hand grenade while planting the Regimental Colors upon the rampants. Here the flag received 153 bullets and the staff was shot asunder in four places. During the siege the Regiment took a prominent part in the operations against Fort Hill; and when the Fort was blown up : on the 25th of June, by the explosion of a mine beneath it, there came a time that tested the stuff the men were made of. Hero is the night, in that crater remembered as the "slaughter pen" the soldiers fighting by reliefs, and within an armslength of the enemy — some had their muskets snatched from their hands — under a shower of grenades and of shells lighted by port-holes, while the voices of Pearson, Goddard, Morningham and others rising at times above the terrific din of combat, cheered on their men — were deeds of valor performed which would adorn the heroic page. On the morning of July 4, 1863, the place of honor having been assigned to the Brigade, the Thirty-first Regiment marched proudly across the rents and chasms of Fort Sill into Vicksburg. UNION COUNTY IN THE CIVIL WAR Having made the expedition to Monroe, La., under General Stephenson, the Regiment went into camp at Black River, Miss., —66— the scene of Lawler's splendid victory, and here, on the 5th of January, 1864, three-fourths of the men again enlisted in the ser- vice. That night the men, formed in line, with lighted candles held in the shanks of their bayonets, marched to the quarters of General Force, commanding the Brigade, who appeared before his tent and catching the splendor from the candles full in his face, cried out with enthusiasm, "Three cheers for the 31st!" But the "boys" were not going to cheer for themselves and there were no others present to do it, so they stood in their ranks silent and with military air, and cheered not nor stirred; whereupon the General shouted, "Cheer yourselves boys, hip! hip!" and then the cheers were given with a . followed by a "tiger" for the Union, and three groans for the Confederacy. The Regiment was with General Sherman in the campaign against Meridian, Miss., after which the re-enlisted men, the "veterans", took their furloughs, starting for home the 19th of March, 1864. Having returned to the front, by way of Cairo, the Regiment camped from the 6th to the 15th of May at Clinton, on the Tennessee River, and thence marching by way of Rome, Georgia, sometimes collecting, herding and driving beef cattle, and sometimes skirmishing with the enemy, it joined Sherman's army at Ackworth Station. It was in the skirmish at Big Shanty, and at Brush Mountain, the assault upon Kenesan on June 27, 1864; j?-eo in the battles around Atlanta on the 21st, 22nd, and 28th of July, of which that on the 22nd was the most terrible, the men tins: sometimes on one side of the earthworks, sometimes on the cher. The Regiment was also engaged in the battles of Love- joy Station and Jonesborough, and was with Sherman in the mock pursuit of Hood upon his invasion of Tennessee. Retracing their steps, the Regiment reached Atlanta on the 13th of November and the 15th it there began with Sherman the triumphant march to the sea, and on it marched with that magnificent army, cutting roads through tangled forests, bridging streams for the passage of troops, tearing up railroad tracks, twisting the rails "as crooked as ram's horns," discovering and devouring sweet potatoes and other pro- vender surging over the country from Atlanta to the sea, "shouting the battle-cry of freedom," and proceeding by way of Millen, it arrived on the 10th day of December, 1864. at Savannah. Here the regiment went into camp on the rice plantation of Dr. Owen, where the rice was consumed for food, the husks being beaten off by means of wooden mortars and pestles appropriated from the slave quarters nearby. One of the incidents of the day was the en- countering of a battery mounted on a flat car, pushed along the railroad by a locomotive. On the 4th of January, 1865, the 31st bade farewell to Sa- vannah, and shipped on the steamer Harvest Moon, and after the novel experience and sights of a sea voyage, disembarked at Beaufort, S. C, where it remained enjoying the luxury of fresh oysters at low prices until the 13th. To this succeeded some skirmishing of Fort Pocotaligo — "Poke-'em-till-they-go' 7 , as the men called it which was evacuated by the enemy. On the 30th of Janu- ary the march began thru the Carolinas, by way of Salkahatchie, Orangeburg — which was captured, after some fighting by the Regi- ment's skirmishings — Columbia — scourged by destroying flames — Wirsborough, Cherau, Fayetteville, captured by foragers — and Bentonville — scenes of the last great struggle of Johnston's army, and the Regiment came out of the swamps, out of the pine forests, "out of the wilderness," the men ragged, dirty, and many of them barefooted, to Goldborough, N. C, where it arrived the 24th of h, 1865, and when letters from home and news from the world were received. These and the prospects of the nearing of the end were cheering and refreshing to the men who for 54 days had been without communication with home or the world, and were weary with long marching and fighting. On the 14th of April, 1865, the Regiment was with the army at Raleigh, N. C. Signs of the ruin of the Confederacy and the dispersion of its armed forces were apparent on every hand. Soon came the surrender of Johnson's army, the only force which could oppose the onward march of the Union troops to Richmond, and *he Regiment formed a part of the host to which that army sur- rendered. On the 9th of May the Regiment was at Richmond, on the 19th at Alexandria; and on the 24th of May, with faded and tattered uniforms, but with martial step and bearing in column of company, eyes front, it marched through the principal avenues of the capital, in that grand review of the returning armies in presence of the great leaders, civil and military, of the Republic, the most magnificent and imposing spectacle ever witnessed by the city of Washington. The end had been attained! Soon afterwards the Regiment moved to Louisville, Ky., arriving at that place on the 11th of June, when it was assigned to provost-guard duty. On the 19th of July, 1865, it was mustered out of the service, by Lieut. Aug. P. Noyes, A. C. M., 3rd Div. 17 Corps. It was then moved to Springfield, 111., where it arrived on the 23rd of July, 1865; and there on the 31st of the same month, the men received their final discharge and separted for their homes — those who were left of them. At the time of the discharge there were present 25 officers, and 677 enlisted men. When first organized, the Regiment num- bered 1,100 men. It had recruited 700. The casualties, including men discharged before final musterout, amounted to 1,128. In the course of its existence the Regiment had been commanded by four Colonels, and had had five Lieut. Colonels and six Majors. Of the 25 officers discharged at the final muster-out, all save the chaplain had risen from the ranks. In the campaigns of Sherman this Regiment had marched 2,076 miles. This part of its history is included in that of the Brigade to which it belonged — the 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 17th —68— Corps, Army of Tennessee. The Regiment marched 2000 miles under Grant and on expeditions other than those of Sherman. It served in the hostile states of Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. Before January 1, 1863 the history of the Regiment is comprised in that of the 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, Reserve Army of Tennessee. Always efficiently commanded, and evincing soldierly quali- ties in its first battle, the Regiment became in the days of its veteran existence one of the best drilled in the service. It was while encamped at Black River, Miss., after the Vicksburg cam- paigns, that the regiment under the skillful management of Lieut- Colonel Pearson, attained that high degree of discipline and pro- ficiency in drill for which it became known, and toward which it had been directed under Logan and White in the earlier days of the war. The latter fell at Donelson and deserved the title "the brave.-t of the brave." Col. Pearson had been in service under General Prentiss before the organization of this Regiment, and early showed an aptitude for tactics and drill which made him a favorite with the field and staff, while his soldierly qualities displayed at Henry and Donelson endeared him to the rank and file. Hen>; he rapidly rose from the ranks, being promoted to Commissary Sergeant March 1, 1SG2; to Adjutant, May 16, 1862; to Major February 4, 1863, by the unanimous vote of the officers; to Lieut. Colonel July 1, 1863, and to Colonel September 26, 1864. On the 13th of March, 1865, he was breveted Brigadier General of Volunteers, for gallantry during the war. Many of the soldiers and officers of the Regiment deserve special mention and lasting remembrance, but the space alloted for- bids a more extended account. To some of the men were awarded medals for gallantry; among them Sergeant George C. White of Company C, who, severely wounded in the battle of Atlanta, July 22, 1864, resolutely and persistently refused to be carried to the rear. The fighting qualities of this Regiment were displayed in 14 battles and 25 skirmishes of various degrees of importance. It witnessed the surrender of Buckner and the garrison at Donelson, the capitulation of Pemberton and his army at Vicksburg, the humiliation of Johnson and his force at Bentonville, and their final surrender near Raleigh. And a brilliant gem in its crown of glory is the fact of its organization as a "veteran" Regiment, at a time when the Union cause stood so much in need of trained and tried soldiers to complete the overthrow of armed rebellion and to establish upon the ruins of anarchy and slavery a "government of the people, by the people and for the people." -69- CHAPTER XXr LAND ENTRIES FROM 1SS0 TO 1320 After the Civil War was completed, the settlement of new .and continued in Union County until 1920 when the last tract of land belonging to the government was bought by Mr. Daisy. Rich Precinct added John Davie, 26.46 acres; John J. Dem- 26.46 acres; Jacob Bradshaw, 26.46 acres; Wm. J. Stout, 71 acres; Lorenzo D. Stout, 60.72 acres; Henry C. Stout, 20.72 aeres; George W. Owen, 20,72 acres; R. E. Henderson, 40 acres; William J. Shepard, 40 acres; William Terry, 200 acres; Pleasant Henley, 40 acres; Fannie Saddler, 40 acres; James N. Sanders, 129.36 acres; Jefferson Pvendleman, 47 acres; Wm. V. Sanders, 47.06" teres; Jasper W. Damrcn, 40 acres; Marcus L. Fly, 40 acres; James E. Hiller, 40 acres; Jasper N. Damrcm, 120 acres; James Watson, 27. "2 acres; John D. Watson, 27.92 acres; John W. Killer, 129.68 acres; John D. Watson, 27.92 acres; Lewis P. Holland, 30 acres; William Rhodes, 71.29 acres; Wm. H. Dodge, 40.40 acres; Daniel Matloek, 40.40 acres; Orvil W. Bargs, 40.40 acre;; Lucy L. Fuller, 40 acres; David Bargs, 40 acres; John Watson, 49 acres; Solomon Sitter, SO acres; Robert Elmore, 40 acres; Frank M. Agnew, 80 ;::res; Jessie Watson, 40 acres; Enoch Hack, 40 acres; Irvin C. Eatson, 40 acres; Franklin Roach, 40 acres; Henry Culp, 40 acres; Abel Baker. 40 acres: Daniel S. Davie, 40 acre?; P.obert S. Hopkins, 40 acres: T. J. McBride, 80 acres; Jessie G. Lindsay, 40 acres: Jacob G. Hunsaker, 40 acres; William Hudson, 120 acres; Jasper W. Damron, 40 acres; Pleasant Henley, 80 acres; David Fries. 40 acres; Elisha and Zach Hughes, 40 acres; Charles P. Coleman, 40 acres; W 7 illiam W. Inscore, 80 acres; Benjamin F. Green, 80 acres; John L. Coleman, 40 acres; Richard Gist, 40 acres; John Carter, 40 acres; John Gist, 40 acres; Marion C. Coleman, 80 acres; Ab- solom W T . Coleman, 40 acres; Lawrence D. Coleman, 40 acres; George Johnson, 40 acres; Elizabeth Smith, 40.40 acres Susan Vancil, 41.20 acres; WnTam Sladden, 42.21 acres; Lavina W T . Hen- derson, 80 acres; James O. Hale, 40 acres; Christ Landis, 40 acres; John Randall, 120 acres; John Freeze, 40 acres; Wm. A. Harris, 40 acres; E. D. Turner, 40 acres; Pleasant P. Peeler, 80 acres; William Rendleman, 174.39 acres; Joshua Thompson, 31.36 acres; Mary Robinson, 40 acres; Charles D. Bush, 40 acres; Daniel Sifford, 40 acres; Richard W. Lisk, 40 acres; David Gow, 240 acres; Henry E. Clarke, 40 acres; Wlliam H. Kerr, 40 acres; Peter A. Stout, 40 acres and Larkin F. Brooks, 40 acres. Additional lands entered in Lick Creek Precinct were: Gail Herson, 40 acres; Marion C. Coleman, 40 acres; Joseph Lingle, 40 acres; William Hudson, 40 acres; John S. Jones, 120 acres; George H. Jones, 40 acres; Elizabeth Trees, 40 acres; William A. Johnson, 40 acres; Matthew Brooks, 40 acres; Lewis Jones, 40 acres; Marshall Jones, 40 acres; Pleasant Henley, 40 acres; L. D. Coleman, 40 acres; Edwin Wiggs, 40 acres; Wm. T. Hood, 40 acres; James H. Kirby, 40 acres; Andrew J. Gourley, 40 acres; Hiram N. Hood, 80 acres; —70— Thomas A.. Hogg, 40 acres; George T. McGinnis, 40 acres; Thoma Gourley, 40 acres; William Roberts, 77.38 acres; John H. Bosweli, 77.91 acres; James H. Gallegly, 38.69 acres; Andrew L. Giu.^ ■39.23 acres; Wra. H. Corbitt, 39.24 acres; Francis F. ! acres; Isaac W. Davis, 40 acres; Austin A. O'Neill, 120 a a Powell Toler, 40 acres; Hezekiah O'Naal, 4^ acres; James Co. 40 acres; James A. Brown, 41.72 acres.; Solomon H. Sitter, 41.73 acres; John S. Grugett, 83.56 acres; F. E. Scarsdale, 120 acres; Thomas J. Jolly, 40 acres; Henry Plater, 40 acres; Lexander W. Ximmo, 40 acres; W. J. Rudick, 40 acres; Eva McLane, 40 acres; Wdliam C. Brasel, 40 acres; Winstead Davie, 120 acres; Harrison Elkins, 40 acres; Sylvester Hileman, 40 acres; David W. McGinnis, 40 acres; John H. Bosweli, 280 acres; James F. Dick, 80 acres and Jam os Miller, 40 acres, Saratoga Precinct added William B. Todd, 40 acres; John Hunter, 40 acres; R. M. Dawson, 40 acres; James D. Brooks, 87.49 acres; Susan Mannenger, 43.74 acres; Marion J. Sitter, 44.96 acres; John Highland, 44.96 acres; Franklin W. Carothers, 40 acres; Jessie R. Brown, SO acres; Henry C. George, 240 acres; James B. Hall, 40 acres; Esan Griffith, 40 acres; Wm. N. Corlis, 40 acres; Elizabeth M. Todd, 40 acres; John W. Williams, 40 acres; James B. Wall, 40 acres; Ben Vancil, 40 acres; Peter Williams, 40 acres; John N. Penninger, 160 acres; Williams Murphy, 200 acres and Lafayette Murphy, 40 acres; George Clutts, 40 acres; Peter Norrix, 80 acres; Frederick Baker, 40 acres; D. M. Sisk, 40 acres; William J. Harkley, 40 acres; William J. Stout, 40 acres; John Randall, 40 acres; Joseph Lingle, 40 acres; Elijah Beckwith and John C. Fuller, 40 acres; Florence K. Baker, 40 acres; Andrew Duckshied, 40 acres; John Stephens, 40 acres; J. W. Hambleton, 40 acres; Rhoda A. Reward, 40 acres; J. B. Coulter, 40 acres; Garrett H. Baker and Wm. Chase, 45.54 acres; Henry Ede, 45.54 acres; Garrett H. Baker, 45.54 acres; I. N. Phillips, 45.85 acres; Eliza B. Finley, 45.85 acres; Lewis N. Ashley, Ben L. Wiley and David L. Phillips, 40 acres; Matthias Clemens, 40 acres; Christian Nordling, 40 acres; Joseph Metz, 40 acres; Alexander, Johnston, 40 acres; John M. Rich, 40 acres; Samuel C. Walker, 40 acres; Thomas H. Bean, 40 acres; Wm. J. Jones, 40 acres; Susannah Barringer, 40 acres; Daisy and Gertrude Buck, 40 acres; Joseph Bigler, 35.84 acres; Adam Buck, 35.84 acres; Charles Howenstein, 35.83 acres; Ephriam M. PowelJ, 40 acres; George W. Williams, 40 acres; Joseph Williams, 40 acres and Richard H. Davis, 40 acres. Stokes Precinct was increased by John Emerson, 40 acres; Iva Green, 40 acres; Henry M. Halterman, 40 acres; John Earn- hadrt, 40 acres; Henry G. W. S. Cline, 40 acres; J. F. Halterman, 40 acres; James P. Wiggs, 40 acres; Richard T. Wiggs, 40 acres; M'les M. Arnhart, 40 acres; William D. Toler, 80 acres; John B. Stokes, 40 acres; George A. Stout, 40 acres; Samuel O. Stout, 40 acres; Samuel O. Slocet, 120 acres; William Homes, 40 acres; Henry —71 — Mangold, 40 acres; John C. Mackey, 40 acres; George Penmnger, 336 11 acres; Charles Sommers, 40 acres; David Davis, 165.37 acres; John W. Speck, 80 acres; Edmond H. Hileman, 40 acres; James C. Lingle, 40 acres; William T. Boswell, 40 acres; Polly Ann Conder 40 acres; William Stodder, 40 acres; Henry Mangold, 49 acres- James W. Woodward, 80 acres; John Ballard, 40 acres; Jonathan Boswell, 89.79 acres; James Mclntire, 80 acres; Wilhelm Kazemann, 80 acres; Elizabeth Newton, 80 acres; James T. Mackey, 40 acres; Elizabeth Newton, 40 acres; Francis M. Henard, 40 acres; D. M. Jones, 40 acres; James W. Clifford, 93.34 acres; James T. Hughes, SO acres; John G. Sherwood, 80 acres; James F. Hood, 40 acres; John H. Pool, 40 acres; James A. Penrod, 40 acres; James Ballard, 48.79 acres; Nathan Karraker, 88.79 acres; Adaline Pen- rod, 4s'.79 acres; Joseph Conder, 49.74 acres; William and Een A. Conder, 49.74 acres; William Hinkle, 49.74 acres; William George Davis, 49.74 acres; John Smoot, 40 acres; Thomas Smith, 40 acre?; Adam F. Hoffner, 80 acres; John Ballard, 40 acres; and George W. Sheffer, 40 acres. Dongola added Peter Veruie, 56.82 acres; Henry W. Otrich, G6.S6 acres! William T. Smoot, 40 acres; James H. Kelley, 40 acres; James A. Penrod, 40 acres; Lucinda Keller, 80 acres; Michael D. Clifford, 40 acres; Daniel Keller, 40 acres; Riley Daywalt, 40 acres; Meredith Keller 40 acres; Joseph M. Clifford, 80 acres; John P. Daywalt, 40 acres; Robertson C. Corzine, 40 acres; James T. Hughes,' 40 acres; John Clifford, 40 acres; J. K. Adams, 40 acres; Sylvester A iams, 160 acres; Levi Penrod, 200 acres; Josiah E. Brown, 40 acres; Daniel C. Boggs, 40 acres; James A. Penrod, 80 acres; Barbara Penrod, 280 acres; David Penrod, 80 acres; G. D. Corzine, 40 acres; Mary Ann Lence, 49.16 acres; Peter Lence, 49.16 acres; Mon-roe Dillow, 89.50 acres; Jacob C. Dillow, 49.50 acres; Frederick Schluter, 129.50 acres; Simeon D. Corzine, 45.50 acres; Samuel B. Poor, 120 acres; S. A. D. Rogers, 40 acres; John C. Keller, 40 acres; Jacob Douglas, 40 acres; Henry Meisenheimer, 80 acres; Stephen T. Baston, 160 acres; Thomas E. Carlock, 40 acres; James A. Karraker, 40 acres; Jacob Beggs, 120 acres; John F. Beggs, 40 acres; Jacob Peeler, 40 acres; James W. Hogan, 80 acres; Mo^es O. Felker, 40 acres; Henry Hess, 40 acres; John R. Casper, 40 acres; Daniel F. Beggs, 80 acres; Thomas Misenheimer, 40 acres; Sarah C. Wilhelm, 40 acres; Robert Harris, 80 acres; Thomas Smoot, 40 acres; Jacob Graham, 40 acres; William Gifford, and Benjamin Ladd, 131.03 acres; Joseph Minnie, 50.62 acres; Lewis Misenheimer 50.51 acres; Adde Aden, 130.51 acres; R. H. Kinkead, 50.62 acres; Henry C. George, 50.62 acres; Edward Cohl, 80 acres; Andrew T. Mulcahy, 40 acres; Rebecca A. Patrick, 40 acres; William W. Sheffer, 40 acres; Rufus M. Lingle, 40 acres; W. E. Simpson, 40 acres; John H. Taylor, 40 acres; William Hinkle, 40 acres; Miles E. Kestler, 40 acres; Caroline Aden, 40 acres; Rufus Monroe. 40 acres; Elizabeth Sherfley, 40 acres; Levi Mcintosh, 80 acres; George Eller, 40 acres; Giles C. Casper, 40 acres; Jacob D. Benton, —72— 40 acres; Peter Lence, 40 acres; Robert Dickson, Jr., 40 acres; Joseph Schlegel, 40 acres; Anthony Peeler, 40 acres; Maurice B. Lawrence, 40 acres; Samuel Lence, 40 acres; William S. Hammers, 40 acres; Julia A. Littel, 40 acres; Jessie Peeler, 40 acres; Susan Davalt, 40 acres; N. G. Miller, 40 acres and John Peeler, 40 acres. Anna precinct added Robert Chatham, 40 acres; James M. Williams, 40 acres; Wm. W. Kirkpatrick, 40 acres; Jacob Hileman, 80 acres; Edward Ryan, 40 acres; Andrew Eaves, 80 acres; Joshua Thompson, 40 acres; Edward Robinson, 40 acres; Tilman Manus, 40 acres; Peter F. Williams, 80 acres; J. H. Goddard, 40 acres; Lucinda M. Finley, 40 acres; Sarah A. Underwood, 40 acres; Joseph Wood, 40 acres; David A. Parker, 80 acres; John L. Freeze, 40 acres; John Corzine, 41.75 acres; William F. Otrich, 41.75 acres; Benjamin J. Keith, 83.25 acres; Martin V. Brown, 40 acres; Thomas Dale, 40 acres; Adam Verble, 40 acres, and James Whalen, 80 acres. Cobden was increased by Joshua Thompson, 28.27 acres; Augusti Bailston. 28.77 acres; Thomas L. Bailey, 57.40 acres; George C. Hanford, 28.70 acres; Young J. Vancil, 28.70 acres; William Har- per and Ulrich Esyinger, 40 acres; William Trickier, 40 acres; Frederick Schelker, 40 acres; Rebecca O'Donnel, 40 acres; Daniel Sullivan, 40 acres; Francis M. Smith, 25.37 acres; V. M. Foley, 145.01 acres; Sylvanuss J. Morris, 47.82 acres; James T. Wallace, 28.90 acres; J. P. Hodges, 44.23 acres; Joel Nance, 44.23 acres; John Parmley, 40 acres; John Lamkins, 40 acres; Claude Perrie, Jean Boyce, Charles Banerd and Andrew Thomas, 120 acres; Albert J. Hanford and Joseph Carpenter, 40 acres; John P. Reese, 40 acres; Charles W. Pelton, 40 acres; John Lockard, 40 acres; Alonzo DuBois, 40 acres; Matthew Stokes, 40 acres; Sanford and Mary Topping, 40 acres; Napoleon B. Walker, 40 acres; William C. Rich, 40 acres; H. W. McKile and James W. Sweitzer, 40 acres; Lewis P. Holland, 40 acres; Lazarus B. Andrey, 40 acres; R. B. Thompson, 80 acres; John T. Calvert, 40 acres; Samuel Kasht, 40 acres; Alfred H. Brooks, 40 acres; John Davie, 40 acres; Thomas L. Bailey, 40 acres; Ephriam Kimmel, 40 acres; Peter Clutts, 40 acres; John Ferrill, 40 acres; John Clutts, 40 acres; Marian Murphy, 40 acres; Edward C. Lawrence, 40 acres; Judy Hopkins, 40 acres; David L. Davie, 40 acres; Philander Bird, 40 acres; Persis Holcomb, 40 acres; William L. Wilkinson, 40 acres; George Snyder, 40 acres; Spencer Sammons 40 acres; Silas Sifford, 40 acres; John Buck, 40 acres; Daniel Sifford, 40 acres; Richard W. Lisk, 40 acres; David Gore, 240 acres; Henry E. Clark, 40 acres; William H. Kerr, 40 acres; Peter Clutts, 40 acres; Cynthia A. Stout, 40 acres; Larkin F. Brooks, 40 acres; William L. Lence, 40 acres; Josiah J. Morefield, 40 acres; John H. Barringer, 40 acres, John Buck, 120 acres; Anton Blessing, 30.90 acres; Anton Smukowski, 30.89 acres; Nathaniel Green, 118.69 acres; Sherod Wiggs and John C. Hill, 40 acres; James C. Hill, 40 acres; Peter Bechta, 40 acres; John Kerr, 40 acres; Samuel M. Brown, 46.50 acres; Franz Petsch, 204.93 acres; Cornelius Anderson, —73— 40 acres; Susan S. Launer, 80 acres; Elias Dilday, 40 acres; John S. and Susan S. Launer, 40 acres; John and Adam Buck, 40 acres; u.orge Walker, 100 acres; Edwin N. Blanchard, 20 acres; Benjamin F. Ross, 40 acres; Elize A. Brown, 40 acres; William A. Kirby, 40 acres; Edward Daniel, 80 acres and John Limbert, 40 acres. Additions to Alto Precinct were Jacob F. Blessing, 42.93 acres; Willis Lamer, 47.24 acres; Alexander Smith, 42.93 acres; William R. Martin, 44.31 acres; Anna Corgell, 40 acres; David Smith, 40 acres; Philip Zimmerman, 40 acres; Charles M. Corgell, 40 acres; Benjamin F. Holmes, 40 acres; Elias Dilday, 40 acres; Simon P. Casey, 40 acres; James C, Mary W., and Nettie H. Hawk- ins, 40 acres;* Cyrus Herald, 135.44 acres; Alfred Klutts, 49.19 acres; Thomas M. Sturgian, 45.06 acres; William Martin, 45.06 acres; Moses Emery, 40 acres; Robert M. Jennings, 176.48 acres; Daniel Bellow, 41.50 acres; James A. Batson, 41.49 acres; John Buck, 41.49 acres; James M. Gulley, 34.09 acres; Zachariah Lyerle.. 34.09 acres; Frankie Dodge, 34.09 acres; Joseph E. Frost, 40 acres ; James M. Partel, 40 acres; William Butcher, 40 acres; John Starnes. 40 acres; Joseph Minton, 40 acres; Benjamin F. Scott, 40 acres; Mark Aldridge, 40 acres; John M. Robinson, 40 acres; Charles F. Walker, 40 acres; Napoleon B. Collins, 40 acres; Wm. R. Purtle, 40 acres; Walter K. Underwood, 40 acres; Jessie Mayfield, 40 acres; Moses Laning, 80 acres; Wm. R. Lee, 40 acres; George H. Staton. 40 acres; Henry C. Freeman, 40 acres; Wm. R. Abernathie, 40 acres; Joshua Lewis, 40 acres; Michael McDamott, 40 acres; Joel Manning. 120 acres; Isaac S. Plott and John C. Fuller, 40 acres; Walter R. Underwood, 40 acres; Jacob R. Rhodes, 34.18 acres; Ann W. Smith, 80 acres; William Stadden, 80 acres; Harris Rendleman, 80 acres; A. J. Miller, 80 acres; Mary Underwood, 40 acres; Henvy Rendleman, 40 acres; James Corbitt, 40 acres; Geo. W. James, 40 acres; G. W. James, 40 acres; Wm. Lilley, 40 acres; James Simp- son, 40 acres; Mary M. Houser, 40 acres; Jessie Glasco, 40 acres; Rebecca C. Gregory, 40 acres; George W. Abernathie, 40 acres; Emma Hillyer, 40 acres; Roland W. Purdue, 40 acres; David B. F. Myers, 40 acres; David S. Rendleman, 40 acres; William Balch Todd, 440 acres; George H. Vancil and William B. Todd, 80 acres; William F. Bittle, 40 acres; Lewis F. Bittle, 40 acres; John J. Mc- Roberts, 60 acres; George F. Myers, 40 acres; Andrew Smith, 80 acres; Herman E. Schnenyd, 80 acres; Benjamin Ogle Taylor, 2147.95 acres; Zachariah Lyerley, 120 acres; Louisa Dobschutz, 80 acres; Adam Smith, 40 acres; Henry A. Fite, 80 acres; James H. Esher, 40 acres; Wm. H. Green, 320 acres; Jackson Carter, 80 acres: Jacob Rendleman, 80 acres; Frank A. Grisert, 40 acres; Jessie G. and Isadore L. Lindsey, 43.18 acres; Thomas A. E. Holcomb, 43.18 acres; Cornelius King, 80 acres; John Cauble, 40 acres; Charles Bridgeman, 40 acres; Mortimer Hunsaker, 80 acres; Perry D. Riley, 120 acres; Janitta Green, 40 acres and William H. Finch, 40 acres. —74— LAND ENTRIES FROM 1860 TO 1920 Jonesboro is increased by Henry A. Reixel, 31.73 acres; William W. Kirkpatrick, 96.37 acres; Cornwall Kirkpatrick, 32.91 acres; Eliza Dobschets, 72.91 acres; James Y. Carenip, 32.91 acres; John Cassel, 40 acres; Sylvia Austin, 40 acres; Cyrus S. Freeman, 40 acres; Adam Buck and John S. Buck, 40 acres; Edwin Saddler, 40 acres; John W. Whitans, 62.76 acres; Mary T. Kelley, 31.37 acres; James A. Vance, 40 acres; James Costigan, 299.03 acres; Jacob R. Rhodes, 75 acres; Henry Sherrill, 40 acres; John Lyerle, 200 acres; Ephriam F. McLafferty, 40 acres; Francis Klein, 40 acres; Andrew Lyerly, 80 acres; William S. Brown, 40 acres; Wil- liam Postlewait, 80 acres; James E. Brown, 40 acres; Henry Nicholas, 40 acres; Charles Daugherty, 40 acres; Harrison Saddler, 40 acres; Peter Casper, 40 acres; William Winn, 40 acres; William Stadden, 40 acres; George W. Lyerle, 33.50 acres; Lafayette Rich, SO acres; Dennis Batson, 40 acres; James W. Batson, 40 acres; Zachariah H. Corzine, 80 acres; Ezekiel Pitts, 40 acres; Jacob Veil. . 40 acres; Jessie Ware and Lafayette Rich, 40 acres; James Morgan, SO acres; Jessie Ware, 40 acres; Samuel Dodds, 40 acres; Herman L. Frick, 40 acres; Anson B. Codding, 40 acres; John Brown, 40 acres; John Winchester, 80 acres; Kate Kratzinger, 150.43 acres; Martin V. Ussery, 80 acres; John R. Cover, 120 acres; Narcissa Roberts, 80 acres; James R. Reynolds, 40 acres; F. W. Pott, 160 acvres; Sameul H. Tripp, 40 acres; Isaac L. Axley, 80 acres; Zelpha Alice Aikman, 40 acres; Isaac W. Albright, 40 acres; Mary E. Barber, 40 acres; J. B. Barber, 40 acres; Charles W. Olsen, 40 acres; Mrs. Mary A. Walter, 80 acres; Charles W. Olson, 40 acres; Moses Lingle, 40 acres; Soren C. Jenson, 40 acres; Michael Corrils and Hay Schmits, 40 acres; David and Hiram Myers, 40 acres; Joseph Duschl, 36.94 acres; Paul Frick, 80 acres and Winstead Davie, 40 acres. Mill Creek added Solomon Dillow, 40 acres; Jacob Barnhart, 80 acres; Michael Heilig, 51.68 acres; Joseph Rymer, 51.68 acres; Solomon Miller, 51.27 acres; John M. Miller, 51.27 acres; Amanda Hams, 51.27 acres; Horace F. Chrisenberry, 40 acres; Robert Mays, 40 acres; Stephen Smitty, 40 acres; Richie J. Brown, 40 acres; John A. Dillow, 40 acres; Sidney Cruse, 40 acres; George H. Rimer, 40 acres; Anthony Peeler, 80 acres; Daniel K. Holshouser, 40 acres; and Alfred Cauble, 40 acres. Misenheimer Precinct added Elijah W. Anderson, SO acres; Martin V. Eaves, 80 acres; Adolphus A. Fulenwider, 40 acres; Izetta M. Fulenwider, 80 acres; George W. Brown, 40 acres; Fred Seegar, 320 acres; Michael Hehenberger, 40 acres; James M. Good- man, 40 acres; Jacob Webber. 40 acres; John Kamm, 40 acres; Johan Meyer, 40 acres; Wm. H. Goodman, 40 acres; Peter Weaver, 40 acres; John M. Grieb, 80 acres; John Becker, 40 acres; Alfred Misenheimer, 120 acres; The Silica Co. of Chicago, 440 acres; John Scott Hileman, 40 acres; William R. Hileman, 40 acres; John Light, 40 acres; Henry Dillow, 40 acres; John N. Misenheimer, 40 acres; —75— Paul Dillow, 40 acres; Peter Dillow, 80 acres; Joseph Dillow, 40 acres; Henry Rimer, 40 acres; Charles Dillow, 40 acres; M. W. Clutts, 80 acres; Elijah Miller, 40 acres; Wiley Dillow, 80 acres; William R. Hileman, 40 acres; George Mowery, 40 acres; Elijah Mowery, 40 acres; Jeff Lingle, 40 acres; Samuel Hargrave, 40 acres; Joseph Simpson, 40 acres; Jacob H. Poole, 160 acres; Herman Schmidtke. 40 acres; Eliza Bell, 80 acres; Joshua C. Vick, 40 acres; end Rudolph Kesserman, 603 acres. Reynolds Precinct added Henry Rymer heirs, 80 acres; Wil- liam W. Cummins, 40 acres; E. Abernathie and A. T. Sams, 200 acres; Joseph Baker, 14.13 acres; Coswell Brimm, 40 acres; Levi A. Dillard, 120 acres; William Humphrey, 40 acres; Walter Jones, K0 acres; Alfred Misenheimer, 40 acres; J. L. Misenheimer, 80 acres; Wm. R. Reynolds, 80 acres; William J. Harrison, 40 acres; John T. G. Linn, 79.70 acres; Cornelius Perry, 40 acres; Reid Green, 120 acres; John C. KelJey, 80 acres; Samuel H. Frost, 40 acres; Henry A. Fite, 40 acres; Jessie E. Lentz, 40 acres; Nath- aniel G. Miller, 40 acres; Giles M. Misenheimer, 41.20 acres; Michael Canes, 41.20 acres; Jacob T. Misenheimer, 200 acres; Joseph A. Fulenwider, 80 acres; Jacob M. Hileman, 80 acres; Jacob E. Brady, 40 acres; Henry Rendleman, 40 acres; Charles Dillow 120 acres; W instead Davie, 40 acres; Kenneth Hargrave, 162.04 acres; Jessie Ware, 120 acres; Lydia E. Sanders, 40 acres; Jessie Lentz, 120 acres; and Alfred Lence, William H. Walker, George W. Day, Fhiletas E. Hileman, Tilman M. McNeeley, George J. Andrews, John D. Wilson, Charles Walker, David Kimmel and Jacob Brady, 40 acres. Union Precinct was increased by A. J. Parmley, 40 acres; Andrew J. Lyerle, 40 acres; John L. Shirley, 120 acres; Charles C. Smith, 80 acres; Frank Petsch, 40 acres; Harvey A. DuBois, 80 acres; David W. Karraker, 80 acres; Daniel W. Brown, 80 acres; Andrew J. Daisy, 480 acres (in 1920); Wm. H. Green, 80 acres; Wm. C. Rich, 80 acres; Francis Lingle, 32.50 acres; Andrew J. Lemmons, 32.50 acres; Adam Lyerle, 32.50 acres; and Benjamin Ogle Taylor, 34.75 acres. Preston added James McCann, 38.68 acres; George W. Smith, 43.95 acres; Charles E. Anderson, 120 acres and William Wright, 40 acres. George W. Fithian entered 8346.97 acres in 1904 in the hill-lands of the county. Between the row of hills running north and south in the western part of the county and the river was a number of small lakes and much swamp land. In 1857 part of this land was sold for from 5c to $1.00 per acre, for $278.00. In 1867 the remaining swampland in the county was sold for $11,770.71, making a total of $12,048.71 for about 30,000 acres of land. Most of this land was around Clear Creek and what was once known as the lake sections in Reynolds, Union and Preston Precincts. About 1000 acres of swampland was located in Stokes and Dongola Precincts. This part —76— was purchased by H. Williams of Cairo, Morgan Stokes, Isaac Davis and James Miles. The rest of the land along the river was sold to H. Williams, Cairo, 111.; Jacob McClure, Jonesboro; Caleb Trees, Union County; John Daugherty, Jonesboro; James Luse, St, Louis, Mo.; James Chadwick, St. Louis, Mo.; George Kimmel, Union County; G. W. Morgan, Union County; C. Hileman, Union County; W. C. Pender, Jonesboro; I. W. McClure, Alexander County; John Baltzell, Union County; Sarah J. Hampton, Union County; J. E. Null, Jonesboro; A. L. Spring and brother, Preston, 111.; John Stearns, Jonesboro; W. H. Norris, Union County; Robert Sublett, Union County; B. DeWitt, Union County; T. C. James, Union County; Davie and Sublett, Union County; William Green, Union County; Isaac Miller, Union County; P. D. Kelley, Illinois; M. Hunsaker, Jonesboro; G. W T . Lemly, Union County; R. B. Merriman, Jonesboro; W. C. Pen- der, Union County; James Evans, Union County; Sarah E. Mc- Kinney, Union County; Jessie Ware, Union County; and Hugh An- drews, Silas Hess, Charles Barringer, J. H. Samson, W. C. Rich, M. M. Goodman and Caleb M. Lyerly, all of Union County. These lakes and swamp lands were used for hunting, trapping and fishing grounds for many years. A later chapter will show how the lakes and swamps were drained to make the land available for agriculture. —77— CHAPTER XXIf THE GROWTH OF POPULATION AFTER 1860 According to the United States Census Reports, Union Coun- ty had a population of 11,145 in 1860, 16,370 in 1870, 17,830 in 1880, 21,549 in 1890, 22,610 in 1900, 21,856 in 1910, 20,249 in 1920 and 19,883 in 1930. It will be interesting to see what the re- sults of the present census will be since two large new industries have been established here since 1930. These figures indicate that the population increased steadily until 1900 since which time it has gradually decreased. In the first ten years of this century it decreased as much as it had grown the the preceding ten years. Many factors caused this change in population. After the building of the Illinois Central railroad the government was not the only agency promoting land settlement because, since the rail- road had been granted large tracts of land by the government, the railroads also maintained land offices and paid horticulturists to study the soil and help the settlers decide what crops would be the most profitable and the most suitable for the soil. These horti- culturists were probably the forerunners of our farm bureaus of today that have developed. Settlers from many parts of the United States were attracted by the reports of their horticulturists. Another reason for the increase in the population was the availability of markets by means of more rapid transportation. Transportation facilities have been related to the growth in agricul- ture and also in the more recent developments in manufacturing. The St. Louis and Cairo Railroad was built through the county passing through Jonesboro. When the city of Jonesboro was asked to aid in the development, it responded by buying bonds amounting to $100,000 but later cancelled $57,000 worth of the bonds because the road was not completed at the agreed time. It seems that the person, or president of the company who sold the rails to the railroad died and because his estate was tied up by litigation, the rails were not delivered at the agreed time. The building of the two railroads, the Illinois Central and the St. Louis to Cairo roads furnished not only work for the per- sons constructing the roads but also subsidiary industries appeared. At first almost all the farmers sold most of their surplus lumber they acquired from clearing their fields to the railroads for making ties, rails and also for stove wood because for many years the trains were heated and driven by wood for fuel. Several years after the first line of the Illinois Central was built through Union County, the "Mud Line" of this company was built through the county passing thru Wolf Lake and Ware. Until the 1920's the railroads provided most of the means of transportation in the county. Then as hard roads began to be com- pleted all over the state, truck lines developed. Union county has not been affected much by the introduc- tion of air transportation. —78— It is interesting to study population figures in the census showing that population decreased in the rural areas and increased in the towns after 1900 when population began to decline. Accord- ing to the census report Alto Pass Precinct decreased from 1 in 1910 to 1304 in 1920 and 1298 in 1930, Alio. Pass village de- creased from 551 in 1910 to 500 in 1920 and 435 in 1930. A: Precinct increased from 5,979 in 1910 to 5,986 in 1920 and 6,561 in 1930. The city of Anna increased from 2,809 in 1910 to 3,019 in 1920 and 3,436 in 1930. Balcom Precinct deceased from 523 in 1920 to 514 in 1930. Cobden Precinct decreased from 3,200 in 1910 to 2,560 in 1920 and increased to 2,712 in 1930. The village of Cobden had 9S8 population in 1910, 944 in 1920 and 1036 in 1930. Dongola Precinct decreased from 2,545 in 1910 to 2,106 in 1920 and 1,910 in 1930. The village of Dongola decreased from 702 in 1910 to 600 in 1920 and 635 in 1930. Jonesboro Precinct decreased from 2,561 in 1910 to 2,278 in 1920 and increased to 2,356 in 1930. The village of Jonesboro decreased from 1,169 in 1910 to 1,090 in 1920 and increased to 1,241 in 1920. Lick Creek Precinct decreased from 797 in 1910 to 694 in 1920 and 514 in 1930. Mill Creek Precinct decreased from 627 in 1910 to 583 in 1820 and 508 in 1930. The village of Mill Creek decreased from 221 in 1910 to 209 in 1920 and 173 in 1930. Meisenheimer de- creased from 403 in 1910 to 353 in 1920 and 296 in 1930. Preston increased from 341 in 1910 to 352 in 1920 and 375 in 1930. Rey- nolds Precinct increased from 601 in 1910 to 678 in 1920 and de- creased to 503 in 1930. Rich Precinct was decreased from 591 in 1910 to 414 in 1920 and 292 in 1930. Saratoga Precinct de- creased from 902 in 1910 to 749 in 1920 and 657 in 1930. Stokes Precinct decreased from 896 in 1910 to 748 in 1920 and 512 in 1930. Union Precinct increased from 911 in 1910 to 941 in 1920 and decreased to 875 in 1930. The city of Anna had the largest increased in population and Rich Precinct had the largest decrease in population. As time went on the mode of living of the people became less and less difficult. Houses were more comfortable, furniture fur- nishings of the home grew from the bare necessities to the comforts and beauty of many of our present homes. One thing that made life easier for the farmer was the establishment of rural free delivery. Mr. "Dick" Grear who is still living was our first mail carrier. He be°:an his work in 1900 for $365 per year. He says that he could live comfortably on that amount of money in those rHvs because it cost him very little to feed his horse and maintain his carriage. At the time he became the carrier of route on there were onlv 1200 rural mail routes established in the United States. At that time he was allowed also to deliver groceries and other packages to the farmer as well as the mail. As time went on life became more comfortable in this county with the introduction of modern conveniences, electricity, water- works, paving, etc. —79— CHAPTER XXIII THE HISTORY OF AGRICULTURE When Union County was first settled the ground was covered with a heavy forest. Gradually the settlers cleared the more level acres and began to till the soil. Agriculture had not developed far until after the Illinois Central Railroad was built. The fact that Union County is situated just south of the only true mountain range in Illinois, the spur crossing the state from the Ozark Mountains and traceable to Kentucky, makes it more suitable for agriculture than counties north of here. This range of hills of mountains protects it from the severest part of the "blizzards that visit every portion of the west each winter and gives warmth to the soil that enables fruit, potatoes and garden vegetables to be grown early in the year. A few facts gathered from various scientific sources will further describe and classify the soil and agricultural resources of Union County. This county belongs to the southern or fruit and vegetable area of Illinois. In 1930, forty-eight and six-tenths of its population lived on farms. In 1930, seventy-seven and eight-tenths percent of the area of this county was farm land with farms one hundred fourteen and five-tenth acres per farm and one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two farms in county. In 1935 these figures had changed to eighty and seven-tenths percent of the land area in farms with one thousand nine hundred eighty-three farms averag- ing one hundred five acres per farm. The following table shows: Total acres in County 357,920. 1934 acres 1929 acres 1924 acres 1919 acres Total land in farms ....208,184 200,672 206,741 21 7,765 Crop land total 108,386 105,293 111,283 Crop land harvested.. 82,610 68,374 84,384 Pasture land total 52,895 44,321 43,948 Pasture land plowable 17,141 20,826 26,320 Pasture land, woods.. 18,165 16,390 10,171 Pasture land, other.... 17,589 7,105 7,457 Woodland, not past'd 28,850 28,896 28,954 Other land on farms 10,053 22,162 22,556 Farming is the leading industry of the county in spite of the poor soil. In grading the most productive soil, type No. 1 and the poorest type No. 10, Union County soil grades, type No. 6, 16%; type No. 7, 4%; type No. 8, 20.77%; type No. 10, 56.6%; and the type containing water and gravel pits 2.7%. A study of the soil showed that 308,862 tons of limestone are needed to correct the original acidity of this area. Limestone depletion was not cal- culated. Between 1923 and 1934, 58,071 tons were applied. In 1953, 250,791 tons were still needed. It is estimated that there are 122,880 acres or 47.6 % of the soil which suffers from destructive erosion; 67,200 acres or 26.1% from serious erosion; 10,240 acres or 4.0% from fiarm" —80— erosion; 57,600 acres or 22.2% from negligible erosion. The term destructive erosion means that the land is suited only to timber. This group includes the rough, broken hilly land with slopes of such a nature that the land is not well adapted for cultivation or pasture. These slopes would produce but little pas- ture and if the land were cultivated would erode badly even with the best of care. The term serious erosion means that this type of land is suitable for special types of agriculture. This group includes the rolling hilly land which is well adapted for pasture, orchard and some vegetable crops but which has slopes too steep to permit con- tinued cultivation, except in some instances where terracing might permit some cultivatiotn. The term harmful erosion includes the undulating or rolling crop land which under conditions of average good farming is sub- ject to harmful sheet washing or gulleying, destroying the natural fertility of the soil. Erosion in this group can be controlled well enough by special rotation or terraces to permi; a more or less permanent type of agriculture. The term negligible erosion includes the land which is gently undulating or level which does not erode under conditions of aver- -age good farming. Some types in this group may show some ero- sion or continued cultivation with poor rotation. The above facts show that only 26.4% of the land in Union County is suitable for general farming in spite of the fact that in 1934, 80.7% of the land was used for this purpose and in 1929 77.8 9c of the area was farmland. There are no statistics available to show how much the land has depreciated since its early settlement and cultivation buc it is significant that an early historian said that our earliest settlers look- ed over the land and decided that the soil was so thin they would be able to stay only one or two seasons then move on to more fertile soil. These settlers found, however, that by crop rotation the soil was restored to its original fertility. After the building of the Illinois Central Railroad land agents and horticulturists experimented to find the type of crop best suited to the type of soil in the county. It was soon determined that strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries and apples, peaches and pears were the best crops to raise. Vegetables such as beans, tomatoes, peas, cucumbers, etc., were found suitable and melons, especially cantaloupes were especially adapted. The horticulturists went further in their experiments to learn which type of apple, peach, etc. afforded the best crop. Statistics of 1870 show that there were then 75,832 acres of improved land; 83,606 acres of woodland and 5,300 acres of other land in the county. The total value of farmland was $3,333,201 and of farm implements and machinery was 5183,457. The total amount of farm wages paid that year including value of board was $133,472. —81— There were 1,986 farms in the county, 3 under three acres; 237 over 3 and under 10 acres; 494 over 10 and under 20 acres; 804 over 20 and under 50 acres; 318 over 50 and under 100 acres; and 130 over 100 and under 500 acres. The 1870 census shows that in Union County there were 7,778 acres of improved land in Anna precinct; 9,938 in Casper; 11,731 in Dongola; 9,719 in Rich; 7,466 in Ridge; 11,995 in Stokes an 5,170 in Union. The values of farms and farm implements in 1870 was $407,303 in Anna Precinct; $558,200 in Casper Precinct; $723,460 in Dongola Precinct; $457,920 in Rich Precinct; $408,928 in Ridge Precinct; $327,042 in Stokes Precinct, and $123,381 in Union Pre- cinct.. From these figures it seems that Dongola Precinct had the most valuable farms and Union the least. Live stock was valued at $68,719 in Anna Precinct; $80,015 in Casper Precinct; $92,004 in Dongola Precinct; $81,005 in Rich Precinct; $56,732 in Ridge Precinct; $84,063 in Stokes Pre- cinct, and $80,340 in Union Precinct. The value on all productions in Union County in 1870 was $116,425 in Anna Precinct; $215,080 in Casper Precinct; $158,618 in Dongola Precinct; $223,911 in Rich Precinct; 133,040 in Ridge Precinct; $168,000 in Stokes Precinct; and $100,505 in Union Pre- cinct. It is interesting to note that while Rich Precinct was settled later than any other section of the county, the value of its products surpassed all other parts of the county. It was during the period of 1875 to 1910 that the Rich family accumulated the wealth that made them at one time one of the wealthiest families in the county. Much lumber was sold from this section of the county. Of the 164,738 acres of farmland in Union County in 1870, 75,832 acres was improved, 83,606 acres was woodland and 5,300 acres was unimproved. These figures do not include the land which still belonged to the government. The farms had a total cash value of $3,383,201, with $183,- 457 worth of farm implements and machinery. Total farm labor wages paid in 1870 was $133,472 including value of board. There were 1,986 farms, 3 under 3 acres; 237 over 3 and under 10; 494 over 10 and under 20; 804 over 20 and under 50; 318 over 50 and under 100, and 130 over 100 and under 500 acres. The average size of farms was 100 acres. In 1880 the picture had changed a little. There were 1673 farms, 19 under 10 acres of which 12 were cultivated by the owner, two rented for a fixed money rental and five used by share croppers. Of the 40 farms of over 10 acres and less than 40, 22 were culti- vated by the owner, two by renters and 16 by share croppers. Of the 528 farms of over 20 acres and less than 50, 370 were cultivat- ed by the owner, 23 by renters and 155 by share croppers. Of the 487 of over 50 acres and less than 100 acres, 370 were cultivated by the owners, 12 by renters and 105 by share croppers. Of the 680 farms over 100 acres and less than 500, 446 were cultivated —82— by the owners, seven by renters, and 113 by share croppers. Of the eight farms of over 500 acres and less than 1000 acres, six were cultivated by the owner and two by share croppers and of the five over 1000 acres, three were cultivated by owners and two by share croppers. By 1919 when all the land had been settled the picture of farming changed somewhat. In 1919, 217,765 acres were farmland; in 1924, 206,741 acres were farmland; in 1929, 200,672 acres were farmland, and in 1934, 208,184 acres were farmland. In 1924, 111,283 acres of the land was cropland, of which 84,384 was har- vested leaving 26,899 acres idle. In 1929 of the 105,283 acres of cropland, 68,374 was harvested leaving 36,919 acres idle, and in 1934, of the 108,386 acres of cropland, 82,610 acres were harvested, leaving 26,776 acres idle. It has always been necessary to rotate crops and leave part of the crop land idle each year to build up the fertility of the soil. 43,948 acres of land was in pasture in 1924, 68,374 in 1929 and 82,610 in 1934. In 1924, 26,320 acres of the 43,948 was plow- able, 10,171 acres was woodland and 7,457 acres was ordinary pas- tureland. That same year there was 28,954 acres of woodland and 22,556 acres of other land not suitable for pasture or cultiva- tion. In 1929, of the 68, 374 acres of pasture land, 20,826 was plowable, 16,390 was woodland, and 7,105 acres, ordinary pasture- land and 22,162 acres of other land which was neither usable for pasture nor cultivation. In 1934 of the 52,895 acres of pastureland, 17,141 acres were plowable, 10,141 were woodland and 17,589 acres ordinary pasture- land. There was also 28,850 acres of woodland and 18,053 of other land not suitable for pasture nor cultivation. Of the 208,184 acres of farms in Union County in 1930, 58.2% were cultivated by the owner, 3.5 % by a paid manager, 3.7% by a renter and 34.6% by a share cropper. On 22% of the farms the renter or share cropper was related to the owner. The average value of a Union County farm in 1930 was $5,063: $3,308 land value, $1,755 value of buildings and $1,000 value of dwelling. These values are higher than those in the surrounding counties with the exception of Jackson and Alexander counties. In 1930, 35.1% of the farmland in Union County was mort- gaged. The average debt was $1,693 or about one-fourth the value of the farm. The mortgages averaged $15 per acre. An average interest rate of 6.9% was paid and an average of 75 cents per acre tax was paid in 1929. In 1930 there were 1,222 farmers owning automobiles, 286 owning motor trucks and 337 owning tractors. In 1929, 14.2% of the land in Union County produced corn, 4.8% produced winter wheat, 1.3% produced spring grains, 12.3% produced hay, and 13.1% produced other crops. 29.6% of the farmland was pastureland and 24.7% was idle, fallow or failed to —83— produce. The percentage of failure was higher than usual in 1929 1 because of weather conditions. The following table shows: Ten-Year Average Crop Yields (1924-1933) and Crop Yield Index Corn, bushel, per acre 30.0 Oats, bushel, per acre 25.6 Winter Wheat, bushel, per acre 15.2 Spring Wheat, bushel, per acre 15.0 Barley, bushel, per acre 29.0 Rye, bushel, per acre 10.9- Soybeans, bushel, per acre 12.4 Tane hay, bushel, per acre 1.18 * Crop yield index 87.0% The crop yield index means that Union County produced IS^e less than the- average crop yield for the State of Illinois. The following table shows: Percentage of Farms of Specified Types in Union County in 1929: General 41.4; Cash Grain 5.3; Crop Specialty 3.1; Fruit 12.3? Truck 11.0; Dairy 7.1; Animal Specialty 3.7; Poultry .7; Self- sufficing 11.5; part time 3.4; others .5. Between the years 1924 and 1934 there was an acreage of 25,160 acres of corn raised in Union County; 7,678 acres of winter wheat; 2 acres of spring wheat; 15 acres of barley; 2400 acres of oats; 23,770 acres of tame hay; 454 acres of soybeans; 1,184 of alfalfa and 735 acres of sweet clover seeded. During the same period there was an average of 10,137 cattle on the farms of Union County; 4,969 milk cows; 15,715 hogs; 1,601 sheep and 6,173 mules. Livestock production in the County in 1929 were: gallons of milk, 1,903,898 with 117,838 gallons sold, 2,258 gallons of cream sold, and 414,513 pounds of cream sold as butterfat. The total value of dairy products sold was $213,188. Poultry products were 160,113 chickens raised and 76,028 sold; 482,399 dozens of eggs produced and 303,271 dozens of eggs sold. Chickens and eggs produced were valued at $266,365, and $150,300 worth of them were sold. 32,859 baby chicks were bought from hatcheries in 1929. 7,274 pounds of wool and 7,860 pounds of honey were produced the same year. Commodity prices in 1934 were: apples, per bushel, $1.33; barley, 66^c per bushel; beef cattle, $5.10 per 100 pounds; butter- fat, 22 a /£c per pound; chickens, ll^c per pound; red clover seed, $8.57 per bushel; corn, 58c per bushel; eggs, 17.1c per dozen; hay, $11.58 per ton; hogs, $4.38 per 100 pounds; horses, $86.30 per head; lambs, $6.66 per 100 pounds; milk cows, $35,17 per head; oats, 39c per bushel; potatoes, $1.00 per bushel; rye, 65c per bushel; sheep, $2.88 per 100 pounds; soybeans, $1.00 per bushel; veal calves, $5.46 per 100 pounds; wheat, 85c per bushel, and wool, 21c per pound. The ten year crop yield average for 1924-1933 in Union County was 30 bushels of corn per acre; 25.6 bushels per acre; —84— 15.2 bushels of winter wheat per acre; 15 bushels of spring wheat per acre; 29 bushels of barley per acre; 10.9 bushels of rye per acre; 12.4 bushels of soybeans per acre, and 1.13 tons of hay peF acre. The following statistics compiled by the State Board of Agri- culture show the following facts to have been true in this county in 1880: 19,941 acres in the county produced 698,256 bushels of corn? 26,081 acres produced 287,999 bushels of wheat; 102 acres pro- duced 643 bushels of spring wheat; 4,056 acres produced 51,927 bushels of oats; 1,825 acres produced 1,214 tons of Timothy hay;. 4,046 acres produced 5,265 tons of clover hay; 3,800 acres produced 149,591 bushels of apples; 543 acres produced 48,690 bushels of peaches; 142 acres produced 3,904 bushels of pears; 2,573 acres of other fruits and berries produced $56,040 worth of products. At that time there were 4,164 acres in the county in pasture, 31,865 acres in woodland and 3,216 acres uncultivated. There were 475 acres in cities and towns. In 1880 there were 661 fat sheep sold for $342; 182 killed by dogs and 9,643 pounds of wool sold. There were 1,899 cows in the county and 42,169 pounds of butter were sold; 1100 gallons of cream and 5,125 gallons of milk were sold. 951 fat "attie were sold and 2,721 fat hogs sold. 2,187 hogs died of the cholera that year. Fruit growing, while it comprizes only 12.3 'c of the farm- ing in the county is one of its leading industries. Union County leads the state in the production of peaches saving 312,000 peach trees in 1938 compared to 307,000 in Marion and Jefferson counties- combined. Illinois ranks as one of the leading fruit states in the United States. The first shipment of peaches from this county to the north- ern markets were so superior that they attracted great attention, both to the fruit and to the section where they were produced. As a natural consequence, the hill lands of Union County rapidly rose in public estimation and price. Men of experience and men of in- experience came here and engaged in the raising of fruit. Horti- cultural societies were formed, the mails brought newspapers and agricultural periodicals, and the greatest interest was manifested in the new enterprise. The small and poor seedling apples were quickly superceded by the improved kinds and every department of fruit culture made rapid progress. In 185S, the shipments of fruit to Chicago began to assume importance. The earliest fruit grower on the Cobden range was George Snyder who came there in 1857. He purchased land one mile north of the Cobden station and planted apple, pear and peach trees as soon as he had cleared away the forest. Allen Bainbridge,. who lived on Bell Hill was another prominent fruit grower from 1850 to i860. E. N. Clark and G. H. Baker came in 1858 to estab- lish fruit farms. Benjamin Vancil started the first nursery for supplying trees of improved variety and later James Bell, A. M. —85— Lawner, J. A. Carpenter & Co. also had nurseries. In 1866 it became necessary to run special trains daily to carry the fruit to Chicago from this section. About that time and later George Snyder, J. J. Keith, Jacob Rendleman and H. C. Free- man were leading fruit growers. In 1860 the first strawberries were shipped to Chicago. By 1867 the strawberry crop demanded a fast train each day to get the berries to the market early the next morning in Chicago. Leading strawberry growers in the early day of the strawberry in Union County were Parker Earle, A. D. Finch, E. Babcock, J. W. Fuller, S. D. Casper, Caleb Miller, D. H. Rendleman, J. G. Page, S. Martin and F. A. Childs. Parker Earle later moved to Crystal Springs, Miss., where he established a vegetable area similar to that of Union County. Parker Earle invented the first refrigeration for shipping ber- ries. It consisted of a large crate with a compartment for ice around the boxes of berries. By 1880 the refrigerator car had been developed. By 1883 cooling houses were built at shipping points. The cooling house in Anna was built by P. Earle and Sons and the one in Cobden by the Refrigerator and Shipping Company. Early in the history of fruit growing "The Cobden Fruit Grower's Association," also known as "The People's Line" was or- ganized to facilitate the cheap transportation and delivery of fruit. Members of this organization were given the same rate for one case or bushel of fruit that was charged for a carload. Parker Earle, Col. Peebles, James Bell and a Mr. Spaulding organized this ship- per's association which was one of the first organized in the United States. The same organization exists today (1940). It was a co- operative shipping association. Tomatoes were first raised in the county by David Gow at Cobden in 1858. Later Willis Lamer, E. N. Clark, J. T. Whelpley, J. Metz, Green and Venerable, A. R. Buckingham and A. H. Chap- man became large tomato growers. Horace Eastman began the production of watermelons and cantaloupes in 1870. I. C. Piersol, E. G. Robinson, J. A. Noyes, Asa Harmon and J. B. Miller became the leading melon farmers at Anna and G. H. Baker at Cobden. Rhubarb, asparagus, spinach and sweet potatoes soon took their places as important products shipped from Union County. Amos Poole, M. A. Benham, A. Buck and E. Leming and Co. began the asparagus raising and A. Poole was the first rhubarb shipper. Union County is also a large producer of truck farming pro- ducts, although only 119c of our farmers are engaged in this type of farming. —86— CHAPTER XXIV THE DRAINAGE DISTRICT. THE FARM BUREAU As the use of land increased in Union County and good land became less and less available, new methods of providing for more and better crops were improvised. In the "Bottoms" three drainage districts were organized to reclaim the land that was swampy and to drain the numerous small lakes which existed there. The first attempt which was made to organized the citizens of this area to carry out the above project failed and was super- ceded by another organization. The second time the project was orgnized, 1913 to 1916, the plans were carried through. Three drainage districts were established, Preston, Clear Creek and Miller Pond. Directors of each district were elected by the land owner. Each land owner had so many votes per forty acres so that a man owning 400 acres was allowed ten times as many votes as a man owning 40 acres. Preston district which com- prised 8,806.18 acres of land elected Mr. Tom Rixleben, Mr. Will J. Rendleman and Mr. Harry Verble, directors. Clear Creek com- prising 17,313 acres, elected Mr. Dan Davie, Mr. James Reynolds and Mr. Russell Corlis, directors, and Mill Pond which comprised 4200 acres elected Mr. Ed Karraker, Mr. Henry Sifford and Mr. John Lingle directors. The citizens then petitioned the court to recognize these men as duly authorized commissioners to represent the land owners of their respective districts in all business trans- actions. Part of the minutes of the meeting petitioning the court were as follows: "The lands aforementioned, lying within the boundaries and comprising the territory hereinafter mentioned and described, are exceedingly fertile and productive in character and thereby are well adapted to all purposes of agriculture which can be employed and utilized in this latitude and locality, nevertheless, they are of the character and description known as 'bottom' lands, are of gen- erally low elevation and be adjacent to the Big Muddy and Missis- sippi Rivers, in consequence of which they, to a large extent, are subject to overflow and inundation from said streams in time of flood, by reason of which their tillage in their natural unprotected state is rendered precarious and cannot be undertaken and present- ed with safety or assurances of ability to mature and garner crops grown therein. Moreover, a large portion of said lands are swampy, covered by small lakes and ponds in which the surplus water from floods and surface water from rains and melting snow and ice col- lects and remains standing and stagnant during the greater or less portion of every year, whereby is produced noxious weeds and rank vegetation, which in decaying, causes vile and noxious vapors, mos- quitos and other poisonous and disease bearing insects also breed and thrive because of stagnant and noxious vegetation. By reason of all which the lands require a combined system of drainage and protection from overflow, which, as the petitioners believe and —87— .allege, can be accomplished within the limits of reasonabh cost and expenses. After the districts were set up, taxes of approximately twenty-two dollars per acre were levied to carry on the project. This money was to be paid in partial payments ever a period of several years. An engineer was then employed to survey the territory and make plans for ditches and levees. Then the work was completed. By this means approximately 30,000 acres of land was reclaimed for use in agriculture. The bonds have been retired and the project has been suc- cessful in a way but the ditches have not been maintained as was originally planned and in many places they have been filled by soil erosion and growth of brush until now there is need for another project in oil reclamation. The Federal government made an appropriation in 1934 of $300,000 fur the repair of the back levee along the Mississippi in Preston and Clear Creek Districts but so far the directors hava not petitioned the government for the use of the money and if this is not done within a definite period the money will revert to the treasury. Some of the farmers were forced to sell their land in order to meet the cost of the drainage project but in most instances this was due to the fact that the land was heavily encumbered before the assessment for drainage was made. Three destructive floods occurred, 1922, 1925, and 1927, which broke the levee and did much damage to the land. Much sipe water soaks through under the levee when the river is high which still prevents the use of some of the land. The present commissioners of the district are: Preston, Mr. Tom Eixleben, Mr. W. J. Rendleman and Mr. Ralph M. Springs; Clear Creek: Mr. Dan Davie, Mr. James Reynolds, and Mr. Russell Corlis. Mr. John Lingle is the secretary of these two districts. The commissioners of Miller Pond district are Mr. Edwin Lingle, Mr. Ed Karraker and Mr. A. M. Wilson and Mr. Perl Zwahlen is secre- tary. In 1917 the Farm Bureau was organized to help the farmer take advantage of the benefits in education and other constructive projects carried on by the United States Department of Agriculture through the University of Illinois. Part of the expenses of the bureau was to be paid by the Department of Agriculture and the remainder the fees collected for membership in the county. Exten- sion work was put into the county with the understanding that a farm adviser would be appointed. The first meeting of a temporary organization was held October 19, 1917. It was known as the Union County Improvement Association and the officers elected were: Charles Ware, president; Claude Rich, vice-president; L. G. Richardson, secretary and Rooney Dillow, treasurer. —88— The first meeting of the permanent and present organization was held March 1, 1918. This organization became known as the .Farm Bureau of Union County. The officers elected were: A. A. Fasig, president; Claude Rich, vice-president; L. G. Richardson, secretary; and Clyde Harris, treasurer; with C. F. Keist, E. B. Walton, 0. J. Penninger, L. L. Casper and W. W. Davie serving on the executive committee. The present board is made up of Ernest Vincent, president; Ralph Williams, vice-president; Charles Eddleman, secretary and treasurer, and Ray Guthrie, Ed Wiggs, N. M. Gurley, T. D. Dillow, Ernest Newbold, 0. H. Clutts, Mark Otrich, Elbert Miller, D. L. Miller and Ike Knight serving as directors. The first farm adviser, Mr. C. E. Durst came to Union County early in 1920. In June, 1920, he was succeeded by Mr. Doerschuk, who remained until February 15, 1923. Mr. E. A. Bierbaum, the present adviser worked with Mr. Doerschuk as assistant adviser in 1921. Mr. Foote became adviser in February, 1923 and was fol- lowed by Mr. Fager in April, 1925. He was followed by Mr. Brock, June 4, 1927 and in 1929 Mr. Bierbaum returned, this time as ad- viser and has remained since that time. The Parm Bureau was primarily organized as a farm organ- ization to sponsor agriculture extension work in the county but since the time of organization it has taken under its super?' rion other Activities. The Farm Bureau now acts as liason betw**_i the acti- vities of the Illinois Agricultural Association. From year to year new activities have developed in this organization and have become available to the local unit. Under the educational activities of the I. A. A. comes the Information and Publicity Department, which keeps the membership informed by means of I. A. A. records and news releases. This was established in 1919. Next comes the Cor- porate Secretary who is responsible for the corporate records of the I. A. A. and affiliates. Under the Corporate Secretary comes the Department of Safety, established in 1935 to encourage farm, home and highway safety, and the Department of Soil Improvement, estab- lished in 1937 to encourage and develop soil building, and the De- partment of Office Management which supervises 300 employees. The third department of the I. A. A. is the Treasury which is responsible for the funds of the I. A. A. and nine affiliates. Within the department is the Assistant Treasurer whose respon- sibility is to supervise all investments for the I. A. A. and affiliates, •established in 1935. Next comes the comptroller, which supervises budgets and accounting for the I. A. A. and affiliates. This was established in 1927 when the organization had developed into a large corporation. The fifth department is that of Field Secretary Mch main- tains organization relations with farm bureaus and affJ. - es. Within this department are the department of organization, e.tcblished in 1919 to assist with membership acquisition and maintenance; the de- partment of young people's activities, established in 1936 to develop —89— future leadership; the department of grain marketing, established in-. 1920 to develop cooperative grain marketing; the department of pro- duce of cream marketing, established in 1921 to develop crop pro- duce and cream marketing; the department of livestock marketing established in 1920 to develop cooperative livestock marketing; the department of fruit and vegetable marketing, established in 1921 to develop cooperative fruit and vegetable marketing; the depart- ment of milk marketing, established in 1920 to develop cooperative milk marketing. The sixth department of the I. A. A. is the Field Service established in 1937 to assist county Farm Bureaus with special pro- jects. Next comes the Department of General Counsel established in 1921 as legal adviser. Under the Department of General Coun- sel comes the Legal Department, established in 1919 to give legal" service to the organization and its affiliates, and the Transportation Department, established in 1919, which oversees transportation and utility matters. The Taxation and Statistics Department, established in 1921, handles tax problems and economic studies. Organizations which have become corporations growing out of I. A. A. activities are the Illinois Agricultural Service Company, which provides management service for affiliated companies respon- sible to the respective boards of directors including: (1) The Illinois Farm Supply Company, established in 1927, which serves 138 farnt cooperatives and paid dividends of $1,418,800 in 1938; (2) the Illi- nois Farm Bureau Service Association, established in 1924, which serves 87 county Farm Bureaus and paid dividends of §62,000 in 1938; (3) the Illinois Agricultural Auditing Association, established' in 1924 which provided 470 audits at cost for 353 cooperatives in 1938; (4) the Illinois Grain Corporation, established in 1930, a statewide marketing cooperative for local elevators; (5) the Illinois Producer's Creameries established in 1930, having nine member creameries which produced 7,000,000 pounds of butter in 1938; (6) the Illinois Livestock Marketing Association, a statewide agency for cooperative livestock marketing, established in 1931; (7) the Coun- try Life Insurance Company established in 1928 which is a company having 83,000 policies with a value of $133,000,000 in force; (8) the Illinois Agricultural Holding Company which holds all capital 1 stock of the Country Life Insurance Company; (9) the Illinois Agricultural Mutual Insurance Company which has 80,000 policies of auto employer's liability, accident and 4-H Calf Club; (10) the Farmer's Mutual Reinsurance Company which has in force $231,- 000,000 worth of fire, wind and hail insurance policies. A second affiliated organization is the Illinois Fruit Growers Exchange established in 1921. Through this fruits and vegetables were marketed in 18 states and Canada during 1938. Another agency is the Illinois Milk Producer's Association with 23 members doing cooperative marketing of $3,700,600 worth of milk annually. Through the Farm Bureau all the above services are avail- —90— able to its members. The Farm Bureau also works with the Farm Security Ad- ministration, the Soil Conservation Administration and the Farm Credit Association, three departments of the Federal government i which loans or grants money to the farmer. The farm security administration will be discussed in a later chapter on Relief in Union County. Soil Conservation is a large program in this county. It is organized under the Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act passed by the Federal government in 1936 and revised in 1938. Its purpose is (1) to conserve the natural resources of the soil, (2) control production, and (3) help the farmer obtain his fair share of the national income. The first program of this type was established in 1933 and was known as the corn-hog-wheat program and its purpose was to pay the farmer's benefits for reducing hog and corn production to get rid of surpluses, to stabilize the market and to increase the price. This program was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States. The committee which supervised the corn-hog-wheat program were Charles Eddleman, Odie Bridgeman, John Orr, J. R. Montgomery, Guy Johnson and Fred Dillow. The first committee administering the soil conservation pro- gram was J. R. Montgomery, chairman, Dan Davie, vice-chairman . and secretary, and L. L. Flamm. The present committee is Dan Davie, chairman, L. L. Flamm, vice-chairman, P. D. Dillow and Elaine Rushing, secretary, treasurer and office manager. This com- mittee distributes the allotments paid by the Federal government ' to the farmers for conforming to the program of soil conservation. —91— CHAPTER XXV THE CITY MARKETS OF COBDEN AND ANNA THE HORSE AND MULE MARKET As agriculture developed and as new modes of transportation, became available, the shipper's association and various civic and. farmer groups became interested in developing new modes of mar- keting produce. As long as only rail and water transportation was available for shipping, produce was sent to distributing centers such as Chi- cago, Memphis, New Orleans, etc. Brokers had headquarters in these centers and bought most of the produce which came in to sell to th<™ retailers in various parts of the country. The farmer paid for the packing and shipping of the produce to these centers and frequently when there was a market break the additional loss of these handling charges served a hardship on the farmer. With the advent of hard roads and trucks the picture of marketing changed. In Anna, in 1934, a Municipal Market was constructed where- the farmers could bring their produce to be sold directly to brokers or other buyers. This project was the result of efforts of the Union County Farm Bureau to provide a place for cooperative marketing. The Anna Chamber of Commerce became interested and donated $2,000 toward the construction of the market. The City of Anna donated $500, and $17,500 was obtained from the Civil Works Ad- ministration, making a total of $19,800. The $2500 provided most of the material used and the C. W. A. allowance provided for the labor and part of the material. The following is a report of the committee in charge of the building of the market: "At a cost of approximately $20,000, Anna constructed for the farmers of Southern Illinois, a market place that is second to none. The facilities offer to the producer an excellent and orderly method of disposing of his fruits or vegetables in season. "The market fills a long needed facility," says Mr. J. L. Fuller, one of the older and more experienced fruit growers of the' community, "a facility that offers direct selling with car loading and truck loading platforms and a fruit and vegetable shipping: association which makes the way of disposing of products varied and many enough to suit the most particular seller or buyer." With $3,500 for materials and a substantially larger amount for labor in construction the community offers ideal surroundings for fair dealings between buyer and seller. Early in the development of the project a small committee of Farm Brr au members met with their Farm Adviser and worked out skeletc* :ed plans for the project but due to lack of ready capital, w*^ lot able to have the project put under way with farm- er owned c„ A -tal. When the C. W. A. developed, the project merit- —92— ed consideration by that administration and with funds from that source, later funds furnished by the Anna Chamber of Commerce, the project was completed and made ready for operation May 15, 1934. Under the able management of Mr. Woodward, who had twelve years of experience in similar market facilities at Benton Harbor, Michigan, the project has proceeded with surprising success. The actual operation of the market is under the direction of a market commission consisting of Mr. J. L. Fuller, Mr. P. M. West and Mr. R. L. Shannon. The Illinois Central Railroad, seeing the advantage of such facilities to the growers of the territory spent some $8,000 in im- proving their car loading facilities adjacent to the market. In short, the market offers ideal opportunity to all fruit and vegetable growers of Southern Illinois to dispose of produce on an F. 0. B. basis. The market employs a market master and checker. The local farmer is charged 10c per load for what he sells in the market. If a man comes from another state to sell his produce he is charged one dollar per load. Several brokers and buyers pay $50.00 per year for stalls where they operate their business and day buyers pay $1.00 per day for the use of the market facilities. In cooperation with the market, the City of Anna passed an ordinance prohibiting house to house peddling so that all produce can be sold thru the regular market channels. The project has been self-supporting and a small surplus has been accumulated. The Cobden market, called the People's Fruit and Vegetable Shipper's Association was built by the shippers of Cobden and donations solicited from other residents. This market was built at a cost of $10,000 in 1935. It is maintained for approximately $150 per year. It serves the same purpose that the Anna market serves. Mr. Melvin Caraker is manager of the People's Fruit and Vegetable Shipper's Association and Mr. Frank A. Rendleman is manager of the market. They work together at the market Fees are charged if the market sells produce for the farmer but any farm- er is allowed to sell his own produce there free of charge. These markets in strawberry and peach marketing seasons are interesting spectacles. Almost any market day through the sum- mer finds them busy but these two seasons find them especially so. Both towns are over-run with trucks at these times which bear license plates from practically every state in the United States. Another interesting market in Union County is the W. H. Bishop Horse and Mule Auction. This market is not the result of the expansion of horse and mule raising in the county but it could well be the cause of the development of the industry especially —93— since so much of the Union County land is more adapted to pasture than to crop raising. The Bishop Auction is rather, the result of the long exper- _snce Mr. W. H. Bishop has had in the marketing of horses and mules. He felt that such an enterprise would be a paying business so he invested his own capital of several thousand dollars in the equipment to run this market. He began in 1933 with one barn where he carried on a retail business in horses and mules. By 1939 he had added two retail barns and the large building housing the horse and mule auction, the office and lunch room. This building is air conditioned, modern and convenient in every respect. This is the largest industry in Union County owned and operated by one individual. Every Tuesday buyers from all parts of the country assemble to bid on the horses and mules led into the auction ring. Animals are brought from all parts of the country to be sold here. There is established fees for the selling of each animal and regular fees are charged for keeping animals to be sold. Assisting Mr. Bishop in his business are his brothers, John and Noble Bishop, his sister, Mrs. Mamie Biggs and his nephew, Luther Davis, Jr. Mr. Harry C. Kearney is the auctioneer. —94— f CHAPTER XXVI THE FORESTS OF UNION COUNTY THE REFORESTATION PROGRAM Like all other parts of the United States when dense forests prevailed when the white man settled, our trees were cut and Stumps pulled out so that we are no longer a heavily wooded area. In the beginning the trees were cut and small spaces clear- ed to build homes and make available enough land to grow the crops necessary for family life. As population increased more land was cleared. Rail fences were built and later plank roads. ' With the coming of the railroad the timber industry grew for two reasons, first the railroad provided a means of shipping the logs away and second the trains burned wood for fuel and used wooden ties and rails, that is a wooden rail with a piece of steel nailed to it, for a number of years. Large tracts of forest land were bought for the purpose of supplying this demand. For many years the packages in which our produce -wafB shipped away were made of native wood but now we have onjy twe package manufacturers operating. During the 1920's timber sold at a high market price so that during that time much timber was cut. At one time as many as as thirty- two saw mills operated in the county. In 1929 the price of lumber was reduced to such an extent that the timber industry has been greatly reduced. It is the one large industry in the country which employed nearly 500 people in the 1920's which now employs less than 100 people. Aside from the people regularly employed in the various oc- cupations connected with timber, most farmers spent their winters cleaning woodlands and selling logs and cord wood. As soon as crops were gathered the hired men were put to work cutting wood and the farmer had an income from his wood of from fifty to five hundred or more dollars. Since this form of occupation has prac- tically disappeared in the county, many farmers do not employ labor during the winter months. While our early homes were built of native wood and saw mills sold their products straight to the consumer in early days, that type of industry has disappeared. We now have our lumber companies which are jobbers. They buy the finished product from the manufacturer and sell to the builder. The same change has taken place in the fruit package industry. All but two of our fruit package dealers are now jobbers, buying their packages from manufacturers and selling to the farmer. More paper packages than were formerly used are now in use. In order to prevent the promiscuous misuse of the forests and to conserve the young trees and to preserve forests in general the federal government purchased land and established forest preserves. The United States Department of Agriculture gives the fol- —95— lowing information regarding the work of the United States Forest Service : "Forest depletion, which went on in the United States prac- tically unchecked for more than one hundred years received its first real curb at the turn of the twentieth century. "The need for a conservation policy had been felt for a long time, but it was not until increasing demands of a rapidly expanding civilization sharply accelerated the rate of forest use — and misuse — and emphasized this need tremendously that public opinion called for Federal action to halt the destruction of the forest resources. "It was apparent that things were happening to the forests. They were being logged without thought of future timber require- ments; uncontrolled fires and excessive cutting were destroying the remaining timber, preventing natural reproduction of trees, and stripping important watersheds of their protective covering. In short, it was clear that the public itself, through its Federal Government should take steps toward the proper management of areas of great- est influence upon public welfare and exert every effort toward ex- tension of sound principles to forest management and use. "At this time also, it was evident that a great advance had been made in the development of scientific forestry. Public spirited citizens wished to apply this new knowledge in order to restore and maintain the usefulness of the country's forest lands. "During the 15 years, beginning with 1890, the trend toward public forestry moved swiftly, culminating in 1905 with the creation sf the United States Forest Service in the Department of Agri- zulture. The forest reserves, as national forests were then called — . areas withdrawn from the remaining timbered regions of the west- ern public domain — were placed under the management of the Forest Service. "The Secretary of Agriculture at that time commissioned the Forest Service so to manage these Federal properties that they would provide the greatest good to the greatest number of people 'in the long run.' This cardinal principle has been steadily adhered to in the ; r administration through the years. "Forestry, as applied by the Forest Service, is concerned with the perpetuation and development of forests that they may continue their many benefits to mankind — furnishing wood and other products for man's use; preventing erosion of soil and regulating stream flow and water supply for irrigation; for power, for domestic use, and for control of floods; harboring wildlife; providing abund- ant opportunity for outdoor recreation. All these contribute to to what is perhaps most important of all — steady, gainful employ- ment for a sizeable portion of the country's population, resulting in stabalized communities. "Instead of being handled under scientific methods as a crop, timber is often 'mined.' When forestry is practiced in timberland management, the mature trees are used as 'earned interest,' while —96— younger growing trees are left intact as the 'capital stock.' The economic and soil-protective values represented by a forest in a healthy growing condition are thus permanently maintained. Since 1905 the area of the national forest system has more than doubled and has been exfended to the Lake States, and the East and South. Equally important to placing this increased area under intensive protection and administration, is the work of the Forest Service in cooperation with States and private timberland owners in the operations of forestry, range management, and wood utilization; and the provision of employment on a large scale in times of economic depression. "There still remains a vast amount of forestry work to be done in addition to managing the National forests already establish- ed. Recent studies indicate that more than 200,000,000 acres of timberland are so depleted, or so located, or of such value for public service that private management reasonably cannot be ex- pected to meet tha requirement of public interest therein, at least not without undue subsidy. Public acquisition and management of these lands, therefore, appears to be the most feasable course. A fair share of this job for the Federal Government, considering the financial ability of the states, appears to be a little more than half of the entire job. "Moreover, it becomes increasingly clear that Federal aid to State and private forest owners, and perhaps some degree of regulation, are needed to meet adequately, the interest of the na- tion as a whole in the management of other forest lands as well. "Throughout the forest areas there is a large task of making the forests contribute more fully to the solution of the problem of rural poverty and to the development and maintainance of a satisfy- ing rural culture. Integration of forest work with part-time farming to provide an adequate livelihood for people living on the small farms of the forest regions is an example of this type of adjust- ment. "In summary, the work of the Forest Service is directed toward determining and apply measures for making our woodlands and related wild lands contribute in fullest degree to the lives of our people and to the solution of various national problems." —97— CHAPTER XXVII THE SHAWNEE PURCHASE— THE C. C. C. CAMP The Shawnee Purchase which now includes what was former- ly known as the Illini and Shawnee Purchases was forest land dut- chased under the Clark McNary Act which provides for the purchaser of lands for watershed protection primarily and for the preservation of natural and timber resources. The land was also purchased in 1933 for the purpose of making use of the recreational possibilities, wild life and timber possibilities. It includes most of the hill land in Jackson, Union, Alexander, Massac, Hardin, Pope, Johnson and Saline counties. It comprises a total of about 794,900 acres. In Union County the Shawnee Purchase includes the high hills in the north and west parts of the county. In acquisition of large blocks of timberland small acreage which is suitable for cultivation or timberland is often acquired. This causes the government to accumulate a problem of providing for the former tenants of such land. In most instances the tenant is glad to sell to the government so he may move nearer to a hard road or a town. However, about twenty tenants have remained on the land in Union county. These people come under the rehabilitation program of the Department of Agriculture. They are given tenure permits and where the land is good enough pay an annual rental of one to three dollars and fifty cents. Rent of the buildings amounts to about ten dollars per year and all buildings remaining on the land are repaired and put into a usable condition. If persons are attempting to re- main on land which is too poor for cultivation, they are encouraged to move to a better location. If the land is too poor to yield a livelihood the tenants are assisted by the government until they have moved to better ground. The tenants are required to work under a crop rotation plan. As soon as the land became the property of the government, foresters examined the timber marking trees suitable for timber now, and planting new trees of short leaf pine, tulip poplar and black walnut. The shortest rotation timber crop production is black locust fence posts which requires a growing period of seven or eight years. Next comes pulpwood and next soft timber which requires thirty or thirty-five years to mature. As soon as the trees are inspected and the amount of salable timber ascertained, a sale is advertised and individuals make pur- chases of this timber. The one who purchases it is required to use a method of selective logging, that is, he is allowed only to cut trees that are marked and they must be felled in such a way that younger trees around them are protected. Since government land is not taxable, it has been agreed that the county shall receive 25 percent of all revenues derived from the sale of materials produced on forest preserves which are —98— .given to the state to be distributed to the county. The Forest Service also maintains a fire protection program. Approximately thirty or forty guards are employed part time espec- ially during the fire season of September to November and Febru- ary to April fifteenth. Towermen are employed during all seasons to man the towers which overlook the forest area. A central dis- patcher is kept on duty to relay messages from the tower men to .fire fighters. The reforestation program is supposed to eventually restore the land to a point where the timber industry can be revived and continued. Natural resources in this area are also protected and leases are made to prospectors for oil, silica, fluorspur and other minerals, also for gravel deposits. The land was purchased under the emergency relief pro- gram and for this reason, fourteen Civilian Conservation Corps Camps were established in the area in order to give employment to a large number of young men and also to utilize the available labor in carying on the reforestation program. There were three types of camps in the area, soil conserva- tion, forest service and state forest preserve. The state and federal government cooperated in their program. Each camp had a quota of 200 men with a supervisory force of eight men. The supervisory force was composed of a camp superintendent, a forester, three foremen, a chief mechanic, an en- gineer and a truck trail locater. Five rangers, members of the permanent forest service set- up were asigned to each camp. There was also a military force in each camp for the purpose of maintaining order. This consisted of two officers from the regular army or the reserves. These C. C. C. Camps provided labor for soil erosion projects, for fire fighting and for road and other construction projects in the forest preserve. Three large recreation facilities were developed, Giant City, Camp Dixon Springs and a picnic ground near Robbs, Illinois. After the C. C. C. Camps were diminished, the W. P. A. completed the work that had been started. There are now only five camps in the whole Shawnee Purchase area and only one of these is in Union County. One development carried on by the C. C. C. Camp in co- operation with the state forest preserve was the building of a nursery where young trees are grown. These trees have been used by various programs in the state, such as highway landscaping, re- forestation of forest areas, and sale to private concerns. One of the largest projects attempted by this program is the Crab Orchard Lake Project in Williamson County, Union County's neighbor. This project is planned as a flood control measure and -will affect Union County inasmuch as the northern part of the —99— county is a watershed and some of our creeks which overflow each spring causing much damage to our crops will be protected by the large reservoir. The permanent improvements made by the C. C. C. labor in Union County are landscaped areas in the Stale Forest Preserve, the building of the forest service headquarters in what was former- ly the Jonesboro fairground and the Lodge and picnic grounds at Giant City which is partly in Union County. The roads of these spots were also built by C. C C. labor. - 100— CHAPTER XXVIII MANUFACTURING AFTER THE CIVIL WAR Manufacturing in Union County had been moved from the homes to small individually owned concerns by the time the Civil War was over. During the following forty years an even greater change took place. Building was one of the leading industries so that saw mills, brick kilns, etc., came into being. By this time flour was manufactured by steam and roller mills and lime was manufactured from our large limestone deposits. To take care of the barrelling of lime and flour, a cooperage plant was in operation. In 1856 David Davie and Daniel Goodman were operating the largest and most extensive mills in this part of the state, The Flora Temple mills. This mill changed hands several times during the ensuing years. Other mills were in operation during this period which manufactured less than 100 barrels of flour per day. In 1856, Jessie Lentz and James DeWitt built an extensive wagon, plow and repair shop in Anna where they manufactured and repaired wagons, plows and farm implements. Later on the Wil- loughby-Seger wagon and repair shop was in business, also the Stokes Company. Since horses were used for farm work these were among the leading businesses of the county . In 1879, J. W. Dandridge started a saddle and harness factory here. These busi- nesses were of great importance in the community until the decade following 1910 when motor driven vehicles replaced the older types of conveyances, etc. R. B. Stinson carried on an extensive barrel factory near the railroad into Anna where he employed 30 men and manufactured 50,000 barrels per year and other packages for shipping fruit and vegetables. Later names connected with box factories were F. P. Anderson and James Wood. At present three such factories are operating in the county, the Randall L. Lawrence Box Factory in Cobden; the H. A. DuBois Box Mill in Cobden, and the Fruit Grow- ers Package Company in Jonesboro. The firm of Finch and Shick manufactured lime for com- mercial purposes manufacturing as much as 300 barrels per day. In 1879 Hunsaker and Richardson, Edwards and Carmack and J. E. Lufkin all had lime kilns. *^n In 1859, the Kirkpatrick Brothers had a pottery where they manufactured all kinds of stoneware, tiles, vases, pottery and fire brick. There has never been a pottery in Union County since the death of W. Kirkpatrick who was an artist in this line of work. No person sufficiently skilled in this art to carry on the work has come to the locality since that pottery has gone out of existence. M. M. Henderson and Son began a cotton gin in 1866 but there was not sufficient need for this plant to enable it to stay in business so it was later changed to a planing mill. —101— From 1S65 to 1875, F. A. Childs and Bro. had a drain tile factory in operation. Unlike today with our large packing house centers, the local supply of meat was killed and cured within the community. Since the Anna State Hospital was located in Union County, the demand for meat was large and the largest dealer in this industry was M. V. Ussery. During the year July 1881 to July 1882, he slaughtered 642 beeves, 156 sheep and 56 hogs and purchased 150 dressed hogs which he resold. He sold 32,000 pounds of hides from these animals. While the same general industries, namely agriculture and its subsidiary enterprises still exist since 1900, many changes in manu- facturing have come into being. With the use of more machinery and less hand work in manufacturing, most of these industries have become concentrated into industrial centers and finished products shipped into Union County to be sold. The Green Brick Yard was probably the last industry of its kind in the community and it was discontinued because they could not manufacture their products cheaply enough to compete with larger manufacturers. As mentioned before, manufacturers of fruit packages have become jobbers or retailers buying their stock from manufacturers in other centers. Packing companies have moved to larger places and meat is distributed to local dealers by these large companies. Clothing is bought in industrial centers by our retail mer- chants and the same is true of manufactured foods. The 1900 tax lists show that 139 persons were taxed as manu- facturers of various products. Of these only five, the Defiance Box Co., W. P. Messier & Co., Bruchhauser Bros., T. A. Carlile, and the St. Louis Stone and Lime Co., valued their machinery at over $1,000. Modern manufacturing has shown another change also, that of individual ownership to ownership by corporations or companies. The 1939 tax list shows that the small manufacturer has completely disappeared in the county and only six manufactures whose personal property is assessed at from $2,000 to $35,500. These are the Anna Quarries, the Fruit Growers Package Company of Jonesboro, The Fruit Growers Package Co. of Anna, the Interna- tional Shoe Company, the Phoenix Flour Mills and the Atlas Powder Company. The Anna Quarries has grown to large proportions since the beginning of the better road program in Illinois. It manufactures crushed rock, lime and building stone made from a very high grade of limestone of which there is a large deposit where the plant is located. While there were several mills in the county in the past, the only one remaining is the Phoenix Flour Mills. It is interesting to consider that much flour and feed is shipped into Union County —102— for consumption from mills as far away as Minneapolis and Kansas City. The Atlas Powder Company is located in the northwest part of the county near Wolf Lake. It is located in this spot because of its isolation rather than any other reason. It manufactures ex- plosives used mainly in mining and all materials used in its products are shipped into the plant to be mixed. None are produced locally. Most of the people of the village of Wolf Lake earn a livelihood at this plant and its employees are probably the highest paid people in the county due to the hazards of the work and the skill neces- sary to produce the powder, etc. The International Shoe Company is located in Anna, Illinois. It was placed here when the community raised funds to provide a building for the company. Five hundred people are employed here and few of them work less than eleven months each year. The salaries are in keeping with those of other such industries but it can be generally stated that each of the five hundred empolyees earns a living wage which is in keeping with the general standard of living of the county. During 1940 an addition to the factory is to be com- pleted which will employ an additional 150 persons. During the World War period kaolin was taken from tho Mt. Glen area in large quantities and shipped to users in other parts cf the country. Since that time a small amount of clay has been ship- ped away but now plans are complete for a kaolin mill which will refine the clay which will in turn be sold to manufacturers of rubber tires, pottery, stoneware, whitewash, high grade tile, paper filling and coating, linoleum, oil cloth, paint of all kinds, cement, fire bricks, foundries, steel manufacturing, asbestos, enameling, and other clay products. Large deposits of the highest grade of kaolin clay are available in this area and the company expects to install a $75,000 plant which will employ about fifty people. In 1939 the Vulcan Heel Co. put a factory in Anna which employs an average of seventy-five persons annually in much the same manner the International Shoe Company employs its help. There are still natural resources in the county which are not in use such as silica, fluorspar, possibly oil and many building materials. — 1 (!.'{ — CHAPTER XXIX THE HISTORY OF EDUCATION IN UNION COUNTY The early development of schools has been discussed in a previous chapter. There is no record available in Union County showing just when public schools became prevalent in the County. The "Jones- boro Gazette" published an article advocating improving public schools in 1850 but it is definitely known that private schools and subscription schools were in existence even after 1900. In 1866, 53 teacher's certificates were recorded in the County records. They were for Sarilda Houser, D. E. Gallegly, Mary A. Anderson, William G. Riser, Elizabeth F. Sams, John A. Treese, Solomon R. Turney, John Mowery, Amanda McElfresh, William C. Lence, Samantha Rich, Francis Marion Reed, James P. Baggott, W. C. Moreland, Thomas W. Ferril, Thomas J. Plater, Luella Barlow, Olive Love, L. T. Linnell, E. Caveness, John W. Tracy, Hezekiah A. Jones, W. S. Day, P. S. Vancil, Albert C. Rossiter, Thomas L. Bailey, Wilson Brown, Kate King, Lafayette Corgan, Edward Lipe, Benjamin Babcock, O. P. Hill, Came Mitchell, Maggie E. Doyle, W. P. Jones, John H. Horine, Augusta E. Swain, Eva Kratzinger, C. W. Collins, Ellen E. Dodson, John S. Millikin, Maggie Clark, Laura Walker, John F. Little, P. M. Hagler, George B. Boomer, James B. Roberts, Lecher Lott, George Barringer, Elijah Miller, R. T. Rines, E. P. Harris and Joseph A. Coker. These people were listed as being natives of almost all parts of the United States so that the school children of Union County were getting a varied type of culture. The earliest annual school report available, that of the school year 1886 and 1887 showed that 6645 children in the county be- tween the ages of six and twenty-one, 5492 were enrolled in public schools. There were 70 ungraded schools and 8 graded schools at that time and 131 teachers. There were two brick school building, 65 frame buildings and 10 log buildings in use that year for school houses. Twelve were built during the year. The average wage of the male teachers was $48 per month and that of female teachers was $31 per month. Taxes amounting to $22,896.39 were levied for school pur- poses and school property was valued at $61,780.00 with $365 in- vested in libraries and $15.99 in school apparatus. The school district treasurers that year were W. S. Gallegly, Lick Creek; J. H. Boswell, Mt. Pleasant; W. W. Karraker, Dongola; A. J. Miller, Cobden; M. V. Eaves, Anna; Jasper A. Dillow, Don- gola; Napoleon B. Collins, Alto Pass; Fred W. Metzger. Jonesboro; Levi A. Dillow, Springville; Calvin A. Smith, Cobden; Arthur A. Brown, Jonesboro; O. P. Baggott, Jonesboro; and John Wilkins, Grand Tower. In 1900, of 7801 people between the ages of six and twenty- one, 5512 were enrolled in the public schools. At that time the length of he school year had been extended to six months or more and there was only one school in the County which was in session —104— for a shorter period of time. There were 67 ungraded schools and 10 graded schools in the county. There were three high schools established by that time. Four of the school buildings were brick, seventy-three were frame and one was log. Only one new building was erected during that year. There were two private schools, Union Academy and the parochial school in Cobden having 92 pupils and five teachers in the county in 1900. In the public schools there were 112 teachers, the highest salaried man being paid $100 per month. The lowest salaried man was paid $25, the highest salaried woman, $40 per month and the lowest salaried woman $20 per month. Teachers who had graduated from the Southern Illinois Normal University were Daniel B. Fager, Joseph Gray, Mattie O. Alexander, Henry W. Karraker and Maggie Bryden. Teachers who were teaching but still attending the Normal were W. A. Wall, Taylor Dodd and Thomas J. Anderson. The other teachers had not attended college but had obtained their certificate by examina- tion. The tax levy for school purposes in 1900 was $35,277.25 as compared with $22,896.39 in 1866. The value of school property had increased to $80,080 with $931.80 invested in libraries and $"4374 in apparatus. The fonded indebtedness was $11,790. There were three four year high schools in the county, one supervised by Anson L. Bliss, an eight month school, where the teachers were paid an average wage of $40.83 per month and the cost of maintaining the school was $19.62 per pupil; one by John W. Jenkins, a seven month school where the teachers were paid an average of $62.50 per month and the cost for maintaining the 'school was $19.89 per pupil! and a third taught by William L. Toler, a seven month school where the per capita cost per pupil was $34.91 per year. In 1937 the total number of pupils enrolled in public schools -was 4,349, a decrease since 1900 which is in the same proportion as the decrease in population. 915 of these pupils were enrolled in Tiigh schools. There were about 131 teachers in the county as com- pared with 112 in 1900 and all but seven had training above a four year high school. Thirty-one had bachelor degrees and two had •masters degrees. The salaries ranged between $400 and $1400 per year with one exception which was a salary between $2200 to $2400 per year in elementary schools and in high schools only one teacher •was paid less than $1000 and the others all received between $1000 ^ind $1600 per year except one who received between $2700 and $3000 per year. This made an average annual salary in the county •of $997.42 or more than $100 per month. $195,499 in taxes were levied for school purposes in 1936. The districts owned school property valued at $593,800 with $104,- 245 worth of library equipment and school apparatus. The bonded indebtedness of all the districts was $152,000. In 1937 there was only one private school in the county, the parochial school in Gobden which had 38 pupils and three —105 — teachers. There were 78 schools in Union County in 1937 and no new ones were erected. The enrollment of pupils- in high schools has increased over 40 per cent during the last ten years and the number of tuition pupils in high school during that period has increased over 80 per cent. Over the rural schools is a county superintendent of schools who is elected by a vote of te people. At present Russell D. Rendle- man holds the position. He coordinates the work of the schools in the county and is quite active in state organizations. During the past year the health program which he sponsors had made rapid strides in progress. Medical and dental examinations have been provided for all pupils and if defects are found, the pupil is advised to go to his personal physician or dentist. The work was accomplished through the cooperation of the County Medical Society, all dentists in the county, approximately twenty-five volun- teer workers, the National Youth Administration, the Anna City School Nurse, nurses from near-by counties, the County Superin- tendent of Schools and the County School Nurse. 3765 children were examined and 2021 were found to have defects. Of these defects 1505 were throat defects, 302 gland de- fects, 2S0 trachoma suspects, 131 nose defects, 80 nutrition defects, 79 nose defects, 71 athlete foot, 65 skin defects, 57 posture defects, 41 thyroid defects, 38 lung defects, 29 orthopedic defects, 22 ner- vous defects and mental defects and 18 scalp defects. A comprehensive health program is planned for 1940 and 1941. — 10ft— CHAPTER XXX HISTORY OF PUBLIC ASSITANCE IN UNION COUNTY BEFORE 1830 Since the earliest organization of the state in 1818, provision •was made for the care of the poor. There were only nine instances ■of public relief recorded in Jonesborough Township during the first ten years after 1818. Public assistance in Union County up to 1870 fell into two types: outdoor relief, relief given to the family or per- son in his own home; or boarding home care, relief given in the form of cash payment to some other person for caring for the needy person. The latter type of care was known as "bidding off" paupers. It was advertised throughout the county that a pauper would be "bid off" at the court house door and the person making the lowest bid was allowed to keep the needy person in his home for periods of from three months to a year. At the end of the agreed period the pauper was again "bid off." The amount paid to the person for keeping such poor persons ranged from seventy- five to one hundred fifty dollars per year. Outdoor relief included medical care, nursing care, burial expenses, food and clothing for the person or family in need in his own home. The amounts allowed for this type of care varied from small amounts given at irregular intervals to amounts given quarterly or even annually for care. Children were usually "bound out" rather than "bid off." These procedures differed in that the person to whom the chiid was bound was expected to provide for the child until it reached ma- turity and he was not paid by the county for the care of the child. In some cases, relatives were ordered to support the needy person by the court. In case of the death of a needy person his personal property was sold to meet his burial and other expenses. Each year, overseers of the poor were appointed. It was not until 1876 after the old poor law was revised that definite rules regulating procedures to be followed by the overseers were set up by the County Board of Commissioners. After 1870 and until 1913 outdoor relief including medical care, clothing, food, nursing and burial expenses, indoor relief or county farm care, and institution care provided by the state were the methods used to provide for the poor in the county. One overseer's annual report, typical of other such reports ■during the one hundred years preceding 1930, records 24 cases re- ceiving assistance. One to seven orders were given in each case, the orders averaging three dollars each, varying in amount from one to nine dollars. No record was kept as to how many members there were in each family receiving help. THE COUNTY FARM In 1869, three men were appointed to select a suitable site for a "county poor house." A two hundred acre tract of land about the central part of the county was selected 80 acres of which was —107— sold before 1900 and 80 acres remained in use as the "county farm" until 1939 when the farm was discontinued by the county and the land sold. Before this "county poor farm" was established, poor per- sons had been "bid off" as mentioned before and later, groups of them had been "bid off" to one person for care. The county farm cared for the group of needy persons who had heretofore been "bid off" to one person and individual cases were still cared for in their homes or on their farms with special permission of the super- intendent of the poor farm. At first the agent in charge of the county farm paid rent of three hundred dollars per year for the use of the farm and was given a per capita payment for each, person sent to him for care and later the agent, or superintendent, was paid a salary and the pro- ceeds derived from the farm products were used by the county for maintenance of the farm and care of the inmates. Additional grants were made by the County Board when necessary. A system of record keeping for the farm was established and the book originally used for this purpose is still available. Parts of it have been destroyed and the accuracy of what remains depend- ed upon the ability of the superintendent to make accurate entries. A few of the superintendents could not write welT enough to keep a record. After the name of each person in the record, space was provided for the age, sex, color, occupation, civil condition, birth- place, parentage, residence, health habits, date of admission, prop- erty, authority for admission, supposed cause of pauperism and date of discharge. It was interesting to note that between 1875 and 1900 sev- eral names of county officials appeared on the record as having entered for short periods of time and under the heading "health habits" were written such notations as "chills and fever," "sore throat," epilepsy," etc. This indicates that the county farm was used as an infirmary or hospital as well as a place for paupers to live. From 1875 to 1930 there was an average of approximately twenty inmates on the county farm. Usually about one hundred" people were admitted annually. Each quarterly report showed from one to five deaths as the reasons for dicharge of the case. A few illegitimate child births were cared for during this period. One quarterly report showed that eleven inmates under ten years of age, three between ten and twenty, eighteen between twenty and thirty and fifteen over thirty were admitted. The annual expense for maintenance of the "county farm"" and care of the poor persons there was $2,000 in 1900, $1,400 in 1910, $3,700 in 1920, $1,250 in 1925, and $1,100 in 1930. The County Farm was disbanded and sold in 1939 because the per capita cost of caring for the few inmates there was so much higher than the average cost of relief cases in the county. —108— MEDICAL CARE FOR POOR Before 1874 many items recorded in the County Record showed that medical care was given to the poor by many doctors who were paid for the individual cases they attended. In 1874 this procedure was changed by order of the County Board. Bids were taken for the care of the poor and the lowest bidder became the "county doctor." Some years the physician was paid on a per call basis and some years the agreement for payment was made on an annual wage basis. Many items recorded since 1874 showed that physicians other than the "county doctor" were paid for their ser- vices in caring for the poor persons. In addition to the care of the sick the "county doctor" was directed by the County Board to recommend to the agent in charge of the county farm, the discharge of all persons sheltered there whom he deemed physically able to support themselves. "* It is difficult to make any estimate of the amount of per capita relief which was given in individual cases because grocery orders were recorded according to the total amount owed to a par- ticular grocer for "furnishing paupers" and clothing orders were recorded in the same manner. Itemized statements of doctors were paid.. It would also be difficult to estimate how many cases were given assistance, however, using the overseer's report quoted above as typical of the amount per order given and using the figure $3000 as the amount of outdoor relief given in 1930, a fair estimate may be that there were between six hundred fifty and seven hundred people receiving aid during the year 1930. Again as- suming that the number of case may be computed on this basis, the number of cases cared for in 1920 was double the number cared for in 1930. All relief with the exception of aid to mothers and relief for the blind was administered by the County Board or their ap- pointed agents or overseers in accordance with the law passed in 1874 known as "An Act to revise the law in relation to paupers, approved March 23, 1874." AID TO THE BLIND In 1903 the state of Illinois passed a law providing relief or pensions to all blind persons in the state. These pensions were to be paid by the counties. The law provided that all persons over 18 years of age declared to be blind should receive a benefit of $250 per year payable quarterly upon warrants properly drawn upon the treasurer of the county where such blind person resides. Those eligible for the benefits of this law are blind persons who are not charges of institutions, or who do not have an income of more than $250 per year, who have resided in the state for ten consecutive- years and in the county for three years immediately preceeding the date of applying for the benefit. The blind person may make application in the office of the county clerk who will send him to the medical examiner appointed by the County Board. The medical officer will send his report to* —109— the County Board who then allow the benefit or reject the applica- tion as the case may be. This act was amended in 1935 to allow a pension of $365 per year and to allow the blind person and spouse to have an income of $1000 per year or less. If the applicant has more than a $1000 income he is not eligible for the benefit. In spite of the fact that relief to the blind was allowed in Illinois as early as 1903, there was none allowed in Union County until after July 1, 1915. In 1915, six persons applied for pensions and six were allow- ed pensions. In 1916, 30 applied and 25 were pensioned; in 1917, six applied and four were pensioned; in 1918, eight applied and seven were pensioned; in 1919, four applied and one was pensioned; in 1920, four applied and three were pensioned; in 1921, three ap- plied and three were pensioned, in 1922 three applied and three were pensioned; in 1923, six applied and five were pensioned; in 1924, six applied and three were pensioned; in 1925, three applied and two were pensioned; in 1926, eight applied and five were pen- sioned; in 1927, nine applied and five were pensioned; in 1928, 12 applied and eight were pensioned; in 1929, 11 applied and three were pensioned; in 1930, 14 applied and seven were pensioned; in 1931, 25 applied and 14 were pensioned; in 1932, no applications were taken; 15 applied between the years 1933 and 1937, and of these, four were allowed in 1936, 10 in 1937 and one in 1938; in 1939, 21 applications were made and 21 pensions allowed. From the year 1933 to 1937 the medical examiner interpreted She law to mean only totally blind people were eligible for a pen- sion and since then the law has been interpreted that those indus- trially blind, that are not able to work on account of sight defects were eligible for a pension. Of these applicants 8 men were between the ages of 21 and 30; 22 were between 30 and 40; 15 between 40 and 50; 35 between 50 and 60; 39 between 60 and 70; 39 between 70 and 80; 22 be- tween 80 and 90 and seven of unkown ages. 82 of these applicants were over 65 years of age. AID TO MOTHERS AND CHILDREN An act to provide for the partial support of mothers and for the probationary visitation, care and supervision of the family for whose benefit support was provided was passed by the state legislature June 30, 1930 and in force July 1, 1913. In September, 1913 the first "mother's pension" was allowed in Union County. The law provides that "a woman whose husband is dead and who was a resident of the state at the time of his death, or whose husband has become permanently incapacitated for work by reason of physical or mental infirmity and became so incapacitated while a resident of the state, or whose husband being the father of her child or children under sixteen years of age has abandoned her and said child or children and neglects or refuses to maintain or provide for them, and who has fled from this state or secrets himself so that he cannot be apprehended and prosecuted for wife and child aban- —110— donment, may file application for relief under this act. The mother must have resided in the county for three years before the applica- tion is made. The probation officer is then to make an investigation into the needs of the mother and recommend to the County Judge that the pension be granted or refused. Then the Judge in a court hear- ing renders his decision concerning the granting of the pension. This county have given amounts ranging from two to three dollars per child and at the present time gives three dollars per child. In many instances the mother is permitted to work away from her home in order to help provide for her family. Orders are called for monthly by the mothers. In 1938, sixty-six mothers were receiving aid under this act including one hundred twenty children. In larger counties this act is administered in a much different manner. Larger amounts are allowed to the mother according to her need and few mothers with children under 14 are permitted to work away from home. In most cases in those counties the allowance is adequate for the needs of the family. In Union County, several cases have been given relief by the County Relief Agency because the aid to mothers was inadequate to meet their needs. The history of public assistance in Union County up to 1939 may best be summarized by the following figures: 1868 For Care of paupers $ 934.14 1869 Care of paupers 1,654.96 1871 Care of paupers 1,414.67 1881 For care of paupers 1,346.61 For paupers in state institutions 138.25 $ 1,484.86 1882 For care of paupers 1,604.92 For paupers in state institutions 219.71 1,824.63 1883 For care of paupers 1,525.22 For paupers in institutions 149.16 1,674.38 1884 For care of paupers 2,968.73 For paupers in institutions 330.42 3,299.15 1886 For care of paupers 1,500.00 For paupers in institutions 600.00 2,100.00 1890 For care of paupers 1,500.00 For paupers in institutions 600.00 2,100.08 1900 For paupers outside county farm 300.00 For poor farm and expenses 2,000.00 For paupers in institutions 300.00 2,000.00 1910 For paupers in institutions 1,650.00 For paupers at county farm 550.00 For paupers outside county farm 1,375.00 For expense of county farm 400.00 Salary of Supt. of county farm 450.00 4,425.0$ 1920 For paupers in institutions 500.00 For paupers at county farm 1,800.00 For maintaining county farm 700.00 For paupers outside county farm 6,000.00 9,050.00 — Ill — 1922 For paupers at institutions 500.00 For paupers at county farm 500.00 For maintaining- county farm 1,000.00 For paupers outside county farm 5,000.00 M. D.'s fees for insane inquisitions _ 100.00 For relief of blind 4,950.00 13,050.00 1924 For paupers in institutions 500.00 For paupers at county farm 500.00 For maintaining county farm 750.00 For paupers outside county farm 5,000.00 M. D. fees for insane inquisitions 150.00 For relief of blind 8,000.00 For physicians examining- blind 25.00 For mother's pension fund 1,500.00 16,425.00 1926 For paupers in institutions 500.00 For paupers at county farm 500.00 For paupers outside county farm 5,000.00 For maintaining county farm 750.00 M. D. fees for insane inquisitions 150.00 For relief of blind 8,000.00 M. D. fees for examining blind 25.00 14,925.00 1528 For county farm salaries 600.00 For paupers in institutions 700.00 For paupers at county farm 500.00 For maintaining county farm 3,000.00 M. D. fees for insane inquisitions 150.00 For relief of blind _ 9,000.00 For mother's pension fund 3,500.00 17,950.00 1930 For paupers in institutions 600.00 For paupers at county farm 500.00 For maintaining county farm 600.00 For paupers outside county farm 3,000.00 M. D. fees £or insane inquisitions 200.00 For relief of blind _ 7,500.00 M. D. fees for examining blind 50.00 For mother's pension fund 2,000.00 14,450.00 1932 For paupers in institutions 600.00 For paupers at county farm 500.00 For maintaining county farm 1,000.00 For paupers outside county farm 3,000.00 For relief of blind 18,000.00 M. D. fees for examining blind 50.00 23,150.00 1984 For paupers in institutions 200.00 For paupers at county farm _ 500.00 For paupers outside county farm 4,500.00 For relief of blind 18,200.00 M. D. fees for examining blind 50.00 For mother's pension fund 5,000.00 27,050.00 1936 For salary of supt. of county farm _ 600.00 For care of paupers outside co. farm 6,500.00 —112— For maintenance of county farm 1,200.00 M. D. fees for insane inquisitions 200.00 For relief of blind 13,500.00 For expense of old age security board 200.00 For mother's pension 4,000.00 State and Federal funds for relief ...151,794.52 Work projects 31,626.96 209,621.38 1938 For care of poor and indigent persons 30,000.00 For maintenance of county farm 1,000.00 For relief of blind 15,000.00 State and Federal relief funds 70,386.37 Old age assistance 118,084.60 W. P. A. labor (adm. excluded) 420,000.00 *629,470.37 * This total does not include farm relief given by the U. S. De- partment of Agriculture. ►113- CHAPTER XXXir PUBLIC ASSISTANCE AFTER 1930 In 1930 only $14,450 was spent in Union County for public- assistance and of this amount $7500 was for blind pensions and $2000 for mother's pensions. There were five methods then used for caring for the poor: care at the county farm, outdoor relief administered by the county commissioners through overseers of the poor in each precinct, relief for the blind, aid to mothers and care in a state institution. The population of Union County had increased from 18,100 persons in 1880 to 20,?.49 in 1920 and decreased to 19*883 in 1930. The total cost of relief had increased from $1484.16 in 1880 to <;<>,000 in 1920 and to $14,450 in 1930. The increase which took place between 1920 and 1930 was due to the increase in the num- ber of blind pensions allowed. The increase from 1880 to 1920 was either because there was more assistance needed or more needs were cared for. A County Commissioner who- was in office in 1930 gave the following informatiotn. "We always helped our paupers who came to us for help. Most of the able bodied people could support themselves. A few had to have an order or two during the winter. We always helped the old, the sick, the children and widows-. The average order was two dollars per week for a family because most of them were able to get what they needed from friends or the farmers they worked for. These grocery orders were issued for staple foods only. The poor did not fool us any because we knew all of them. Clothing and books were provided for poor children in school and medical care for the sick. Very little assistance was given through the summer months because it was not needed. We thought we met the needs adequately and there did not seem to be any complaint about the assistance given. '* The school teachers played an important role in the care of the poor at that time. They reported children who needed clothing and books and often food. Aside from the above types of assistance given by public agencies in 1930, there was a private agency known as the Associat- ed Charities which gave a small amount of assistance. The secBetary of this organization, Mr. Thomas Rixleben of Jonesboro, gives the following account of it. "The Associated Charities was organized in 1910 by three churches in Jonesboro, Illinois, the Baptist, Meth- odist and Lutheran churches. A Thanksgiving service was held in each church in rotation. A voluntary offering was taken amounting to about twenty dollars per year which was given to the Associated Charities. The merchants of the town added about thirty dollars to the collection and all the citizens who wished donated used clothing and shoes which were given to the poor. The needs of the poor were few because neigbors and relatives contributed to those in need without being asked to do so." At this time it was customary for farmers and landlords who —114— !had tenants on their farms to supply this tenant with a house, a pig -or two, the use of a cow and all -'the fresh vegetables and fruit ha wished to can. If sickness or any circumstance occurred which ■caused the tenants to need more money than their usual thirty dol- 3ars a month salary, the landlord either provi Seal care or ''stood behind" the credit of the person in need. In the summer, ".lie poor who did not live on farms were usually told through their grocers or friends that certain farmers would allow them to pick the fruit and vegetables too ripe to be shipped to market yet in ex- cellent condition for canning or eating. It was only unusually lazy people who did not avail themselves of these opportunities, and thes? people were so criticized by their neighbors that many people ac- cepted the gifts to avoid having a reputation of being lazy. Thrifty housewives usually saw that their poor neighbors, relatives and friends had enough cans for their fruit and vegetables and enough second hand clothes to be presentable. These opinions of the people in charge of giving aid to the poor in 1930 have been quoted in full in order to show that drastic -contrast that has taken place during the last ten years when our public assitance has increased from $14,450 in 1930 to $629,470.37 in 1938 in spite of the fact that a large factory employing 500 people was opened up during that period. This $629,470.37 does not include large amounts of money that have been loaned to the farm- ers and home-builders, it represents only the amount of money that was give outright to the people of the county who said they were unable to earn a livelihood for themselves and would have to be supported by the government. One drastic change that has taken place since 1930 is the fact that the citizens who do not need help have taken the attitude that the government should help the poor and the individual citizen need no longer give the attention he formerly gave to his tenant, his neighbor or his poor relative. A second drastic change that has take place is that the poor person no longer feels that he is being helped but demands support as a civil right. Most recipients of W. P. A. jobs do not consider this a form of relief and demand that their political friends use their influence to obtain this type of job for them. There is not room here to enumerate instances where citizens who consider themselves honorable have abused the privilege of be- ing aided by the government by demanding help when they might be able to devise ways to help themselves. This is not true alone of Union Coupnty but of most of the counties in the whole United States. Since the appropriation for this assistance comes from the federal and state governments mainly, all needs are estimated at a maximum rather than minimum extent so that by the time all esti- mates are totalled it makes a tremendous amount of money neces- sary to meet the estimated needs and after the money is appro- priated it seems that few places make an effort to use as small an amount of money as possible and let the surplus revert to the treasury of the county, state or federal government. When one —115— stops to consider that Union County has only 4500 taxpayers and over $600,000 was given away in the county and also considers that this is happening all over the country, then one realizes that better programs for administering public assistance must be used in the future. THE ILLINOIS EMERGENCY RELIEF COMMISSIONS ADMINISTRATION IN UNION COUNTY By the end of 1933, representatives of the Illinois Emergency Relief Commission, which had been appointed by the governor to help with the growing relief problem in the state, had made con- tacts with the chairman of the county board of commissioners, Mr. Clem C. Baggott, and appointments were made of an Emergency Re- lief Committee for Union County. Mr. R. Wilkins, Alto Pass; Mr. Ed Karraker, Jonesboro; Mr. Claude Rich, Cobden; Dr. C. R. Walser, Anna; Harvey Hinkle, Dongola, and Ed Hargrave, Anna, were ap- pointed to serve with Mr. Clem Baggott as chairman. Later Mr. Baggott and Dr. Walser resigned and the final committee which nerved was made up of Ed. L. Karraker, Jonesboro; T. P. Sifford, Anna; R. S. Diilow, Dongola; Claude W. Rich, Cobden; Dan R. Davie, Ware; Ed S. Hargrave, Anna, and Roy Wilkins, Alto Pass. Since there had been no unusual requests for aid in the county at the time, the chairman of the committee and the county clerk sent letters to the principals of city schools and to teachers of country schools asking for a list of names of needy persons in the school districts. From these lists the first allocations of money was computed. Later as the availability of money became publicized requests became numerous. In February, 1934 the representatives of the I. E. R. C. told the local members that in order to continue to receive money in Union County an administrator of certain qualifications should be appointed. Since the board knew of no one in the county who could meet the requirements set up by the I. E. R. C. they accepted the suggestion of the commission and appointed Mrs. Bertha Mont- gomery who describes herself as the "bitter pill the committee had to swallow in order to obtain funds from the commission." Under Mrs. Montgomery's supervision the office was organized which at one time employed 32 workers to investigate cases and otherwise administer relief in Union County. Requests for relief increased and eventually this office was taking care of most of the mother's aid cases and blind pension cases. Work relief in the county was first organized in this office which was later to be taken over by the Civil Works Administration of the federal government and later by the Works Program Administration. In 1936 the legislature took the power of administration of relief away from the I. E. R. C. because there had been too much friction between the administrators and many of the county boards. This was due mainly to the scarcity of available administrators who had the requisite training and background and those who had to be used were learning their jobs themselves instead of being able —116— to teach the boards and their employees what needed to be done. As a result of this act the relief was turned back to the county board and the I. E. R. C. acted only as a certification agefit to approve of the applicants for the Works Progress Administra- tion, the Public Works Administration, the Rural Resettlement Ad- ministration, the Civilian Conservation Corps, the National Youth Administration and other related services. The I. E. R. C. also provides the funds for the counties to distribute and since 1938 has had the power to supervise the administration of these funds. A third duty the I. E. R. C. retains is the distribution of surplus foods in the counties. Surplus foods are supposed to be foods and pro- ducts bought in areas where there is a surplus supply and distributed by the government, thus keeping the surplus off the market. All but one of the members of the local I. E. R. C. committee expressed themselves as believing they should have used their own ideas of limiting the amount of money spent in Union County rather than listening to the representatives of the commission who con- tinually pointed out that this county might as well get all the money they could since the other counties were doing the same thing In contrast to their opinion in the opinion of economists who study the problem at large and in measuring the standard of living Union County find that it is lower than most counties in Illinois. Therefore it was their constant advice to give more assistance to make the standard of living comparable to other counties. THE COUNTY RELIEF ADMINISTRATION In 1936, in accordance with the amendement passed by the legislature, the administration of relief passed from the hands of the I. E. R. C. to the County Board of Commissioners. Mrs. Clyde Treece was appointed administrator and she was given four assist- ants. Under this administration only direct relief was cared for in this office. All able bodied men or heads of families were referred to the I. E. R. C. for certification for one of the federal programs, W. P. A., N. Y. A. or C. C C. In spite of the fact that these programs and the new Old Age Assistance Administration took care of approximtely 70 per cent of the cases given assistance in the county, this office spent $4,028.80 in June, 1938 in comparison to $6,612.75 which included all relief work and old age assistance and other cases in June, 1936. Due to the fact that the cost of relief was increasing all over the state at a tremendous rate of speed, the legislature again amended the law providing aid to the needy in 1937, giving the I. E. R. C. the right to supervise the county offices beginning July, 1938 to the extent that the county officers provide the state office with complete records of each case and offices not complying with the standards set by the I. E. R. C. were to have funds withdrawn from the county until such time as the rules were carried out. In 1939, Miss Edith Hess was made the administrator and has carried on the work of the office since that time. —117— THE OLD AGE ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION According to a law passed in 1935 providing for old age assistance to be given to all needy persons 65 years of age or over, County Judge E. S. Alden appointed a board to supervise the administration of pensions in Union County. This board made up of Mr. J. D. R. Brown, Mrs. Kate Coffman and Mr. Nathan T. Lawr- ence appointed Mrs. Nettie Glasscock administrator. By April of 1939, 1217 applications had been made for assist- ance. 743 of these had been accepted and 67 were pending investi- gation. The others had been rejected, withdrawn or died. The office had two employees and a stenographer loaned by the National Youth Administration until the State Administration began a review of cases. In July, 1938, the employees became civil service employees and the Old Age Assistance Administration was changed for the supervision of the board to that of the State Department of Public Welfare. When the review of cases was begun additional helpers were employed in the office. All persons who are over 65 years of age not having an income of $40 per months (this was increased from $30 during the extra session of the legislature in 1940) or not having children able to support them are eligible for assistance. This assistance is given on the basis of need, that is if the aged person has a place to live, rent is excluded from his grant, etc. In April, 1940, there were 758 persons receiving old age assistance in Union County. THE NATIONAL YOUTH ADMINISTRATION The National Youth Administration has two separate pro- grams in Union County, the student aid program and the projects under the supervision of the County N. Y. A. Superintendent Cleatus Smith. The former program is supervised by the principals of the high schools in the county and provides aid to needy students. In this county the need for aid is determined by an investigation made by the local relief office at the request of the principal who has received the application. One high school superintendent stated that more children from the poorer areas of the county have been able to obtain a high school education since this program has been in effect. The pupils receiving this aid do not have to belong to relief families. The latter program includes three projects, a book-binding project sponsored by the County Superintendent, a picnic ground project sponsored by the Home and Garden Club of Alto Pass; and a desk reconditioning project sponsored by the public schools of Cobden, Illinois. In earn project the sponsor furnishes the material for the work and provides the space where the work is to be done and labor is furnished by the National Youth Administration. The N. Y. A. program probably has a larger turnover of workers than any other in the county because the workex'S are un- married persons between 16 and 24 years of age. Many of these people are able to obtain private employment because they have pained a little experience and because the N. Y. A. is constantly —118— ftii the outlook for jobs for its clients who come from relief fa. : THE CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS The work of the C. C. C. Camps has been di: under the National Forest Service Program. The C. C. C. Camps employ youths between th< of 16 and 24 who are not in school nor gainfully employed. 1 do not have to come from relief families. THE ANNA STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE The mentally ill patients of Union County and tw other southern Illinois counties are eared for in the Aj Hospital for the Insane. This institution was established by a vote of the I in 1869, the board of commissions appointed consisting ol ant Governor John Dougherty of Jonesboro; Benjamin L. Jackson County; Dr. G. L. Owens, of Marion; II. W. Hall i Leansboro, and D. R. Kingsbury of Centralis. These commissioners selected the present site of the institution and a large buildi:. erected. Since that time the number of building iicaUy increased until the hospital has grown from a capacity of 150 to one of nearly 300 patients with all necessary hospital facilities and farm equipment for the almost 500 acres of land. Originally water was obtained from cisterns and a spring, but now a large dam has been constructed below Jonesboro making a lake from which v. : pumped to a large reservoir north of Anna for the use of the hospital. The institution gives employment to over 300 people. One of the recent additions to the institution is a diagnostic center where patients are received for observation and diagnosis which facilitates the patient's stay in the hospital. Many are re- turned to their homes from this part of the institution shortly alter their admission. The custom is rapidly growing among county judges to send patients is as guests for observation and commit them after it has been recommended by the diagnostician. This cuts down the expense of inquisitions of persons who would be discharged without psychosis. The first managing officer was Dr. Dewey of the Elgin State Hospital who stayed about two months and was succeeded by Dr. Barnes who remained five years. Most superintendents since have remained from 4 to 8 years. The County sends its feeble-minded to Lincoln State School and Colony and some few may get as far away as the Dixon State Hospital; its blind, its deaf and dumb to the Jacksonville Sc for those purposes and its tubercular patients to Springfield. There are inadequate facilties in Illinois for the care of the tubercular patient. THE TRACHOMA CLINIC One of the five trachoma clinics belonging to tLe Bouthcm district of Illinois is located in Jonesboro. This is a cooperative agency supervised by the Society for the Prevention of Blindness, —119— staffed by the Department of Public Welfare of the State of Illi- nois and all olher help furnished by the W. P. A. The Society for the Prevention of Blindness made a survey of the needs of the trachoma areas in the state in 1934. They were aided by the Department of Public Health which gave the services of one nurse and funds for the expense of the survey. All eye cases needing treatment in this area had been sent to the Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary in Chicago before this time. Railroad and bus fares were expensive so as a result of the survey made in 1934, area clinics were established. The first year the clinics were paid for by the Society for the Prevention of Blindness and the Illinois State Department of Public Health. In 1935 the legislature made an appropriation to the Department of Public Wel- fare to carry on the work for one year then the present set-up was arranged. At present, the Society for the Prevention of Blindness fur- nishes a nurse who supervises the work of the clinic and the area it serves. The Department of Public Welfare furnishes one nurse and a doctor for each clinic. The W. P. A. furnishes all other help: nurses aids who assist the nurse in the clinic and make home calls to follow up the cases treated in the clinic or to urge new cases which have been reported to come to the clinic for treatment; field work- ers, men who are trained to do the same as the nurses aids in the homes; a clerk to arrange schedules and appointments and give in- formation on days when the regular clinic staff is not present; and janitors and laundress. The clinic cares for eye cases only and gives treatment only to trachoma cases but in case an examination discloses another type of eye defect, the case is referred to a local physician for care. If the persons examined is dependent, the case is sent to the Eye and Ear Infirmary in Chicago. The clinic is open three times a week for examinations and treatment. The doctor is present every Thursday and every other Saturday he cares for surgical cases. Anesthetics for operations are paid for by the relief agency for the individual patient. From June, 1934 to April, 1939, 533 positive trachoma cases and 380 suspected cases had been treated in the clinic. Many others have been examined. The average monthly case load is 200 cases. The load is heavier in summer, sometimes reaching 300 cases be- cause dust causes flare ups in old cases. —120— CHAPTER XXXHi ROAD BUILDING IN UNION COUNTY Road building- is the oldest type of public work ia Union County. In the beginning trails were blazed by hunters axes and later came wagon trails. All the men in a vicinity worked together gratis on a road leading to trading posts and other sources of supply. Later as more roads were needed a small wage was paid the men who worked on the road and later men worked out their poll taxes on the roads. Plank roads came into use about 1850. This road is discussed in a previous chapter. Following this dirt roads were used. These roads were graded and made wide enough for conveyances to pass each other. Later came gravel roads and finally paved roads. The first gravel roads were made and maintained by a toll collected from each conveyance which traveled over them. Toll gates were located between Jonesboro and Ware on that gravel road and one south of Anna on another road. The County Highway Department began the building and maintenance of roads about 1915. State Aid roads began in 1915. These were established through a resolution by the County Board of Commissioners designating certain roads to be added to the State Aid system because there was more traffic on these roads than others. When the location of a road was designated by the County Board, the plan of the road was sent to the State Department of Public Works and Buildings thru its district office at Carbondale for approval. When the state accepted responsibility for granting state aid to these roads, the county was required to pay one-half the cost of maintaining the road. Two roads, one two miles east from Dongola and one one mile east from Cobden were laid out under this plan and the rest of the roads were maintained by county funds. In 1927 the motor fuel tax law was enacted which allowed the county one cent of each three collected. Since then the county has had approximately $18,000 per year from this fund to construct and maintain roads which are designed to meet the state highway qualifications. Money can be spent by counties either for contracts or for day labor work disbursed through the road commissioners. Up until 1936 much work was done through contracts. Since 1936 the county has done its own construction work. The county has spent much of its money for equipment which it rents to the state highway department at a rate which practically pays for the original purchase price and upkeep of the machinery. The mach- inery is then available after being used by the state for use on the county roads. The road districts have their own machinery for work within the district. Union County now has eighteen miles of road Built with motor fuel tax funds. A year ago it was decided by the government that federal aid road constructed by the government and turned back to the county for maintenance could be maintained by motor fuel tax —121— fttnds. Within the last year eight miles of road have been com- pleted and peven more miles are planned and right-of-way condem- nations are being held in court to carry out this plan. There are six hundred miles of ordinary public roads in Union County, one hundred twenty-seven miles of state aid road and fifty- six miles of concrete roads. Four miles of black-top road is being built out of state reforestation funds connecting Cobden with the Black Diamond Trail. This is a scenic view road. The concrete roads were built and are maintained by the state. In 1940 the county road commissioners were Mr. Landis, Mr. Mcintosh, Mr. Thornton, Mr. Casper, Mr. Stegle, Mr. Barringer, Mr. Norton, Mr. Lingle, Mr. Bauer, Mr. Orr and Mr. Rendleman. There are eleven districts in the county. Mr. Loren Hinkle is county Superintendent of Highways. Each commissioner hires a clerk and a laborer. The rest of the work is done by W. P. A. and relief labor. The county owns $20,000 worth of machiney and if this machinery were not used as it is by the state, the county income from motor fuel tax would not be sufficient to maintain the county roads. This income would not much more than keep up the bridges. Two W. P. A. gravel pits are in operation in the county. One novamlite pit is in operation near Alto Pass, but this gravel is used in Jackson county. The gravel from the W. P A. pits is loaded into county owned equipment and hauled to all the road districts. Each district pays fifty-four cents per yard loading cost. Few counties keep a Highway Commissioners reports but Mr. Hinkle has compiled a very complete reports which shows just how much money has been spent and how much work has been completed in each road district each month and how much money is available to complete the work of the districts during the year. A tax levy is made the first of each September to obtain money to be expended for construction of roads and bridges, the maintainance of roads and bridges, road drag funds, purchase of machinery, repairs for machinery, oiling of roads, prevention and extripation of weeds, buildings, administration and contingencies. All tax warrants are listed in the report so that each district knows just where it is with reference to the budget all during the year. A record of all bank receipts and balances is kept, tax money and private work pay, etc., is listed. Also anticipation warrants are listed to be counted against future income so that the county knows just how much is available at all times for road work. During the last twenty-five years the towns of Union County have improved their streets. Few streets in any of the towns are without gravel and many are paved. Most of the towns have also put in water systems. —122- CHAPTER XXXIV PERSONAL TAXES IN UNION COUNTY AND CONCLUSION The study of personal taxes reveals a number of things, the prosperity of the county, the standard of living, the percent of people well-to-do or poor, the types and number of businesses, etc- Since 1860 personal taxes have increased. In 1860 when the population was 11,145 there were 2149 persons paid personal taxes which indicates that all these people had furniture, livestock, stock in trade, etc., amounting to more than fifty dollars. In 1900, when Union County reached it peak, 22,610 in population, 3,296 people paid personal taxes. In 1939 when population was 19,883, there were 4,539 people paid personal taxes. This indicates that there has been a raising of the standard of living for almost one-fourth of the taxpayers. Significant also is the change in the amount of personal prop- erty the well-to-do class pays. In 1900, eleven individuals paid taxes on between $10,000 and $20,000 worth of personal property and three paid on $20,000 or more. In 1939 only one individual listed personal property exceeding $10,000. Corporations such as the Central Illinois Public Service Corporation, the Bell Telephone Company, the Western Union Telegraph Company and several chain grocery stores and oil companies and other companies paid taxes on over $10,000 worth of personal property. Since it is a well known fact that more than one individual has more than $10,000 worth of personal property which may or may not be taxable, it would be inaccurate to leave the impression that individual wealth has decreased as much as the comparison in taxes between 1900 and 1939 indicates. Since the assessor is only able to list what he sees if the taxpayer does not choose to tell him what he owns, many things may be missed in compiling tax lists, and since taxes have increased, people are more inclined to conceal their wealth than they were in the past. The county assessor made the statement that if an accurate assessment could be made, the rate of taxation would be about one-fourth the amount that is now levied. In listing personal taxes for businesses, in 1900 seventy-six business houses listed personal property of over $1,000 and six manufacturers had over $1,000 worth of personal property. The largest manufacturer listed property worth $5,459. This practice does not exist in Union County alone. In 1939 four manufacturers listed personal property of over $8,000 and one company paid taxes on $35,505. Fifty-six places of business listed over $1,000 worth of personal property and there were almost three times as many businesses listed in 1939 as in 1900. It is possible for many businesses to operate now on a small amount of stock because of the availability of new stock to replenish what is sold almost over night. A discussion of farm taxes was given in the chapter on the history of agriculture. —123— Types of businesses have changed to meet the times. Instead of the- old general merchandise stores there are specialized stores, ready-to-wear, groceries, notions, etc. The harness and wagon manu- facturers have been replaced by garages, automobile and farm im- plement sales companies. The sale of gasoline is one of the most numerous of businesses in the county. In conclusion, let it be said that Union county, altho handi- capped by rather poor soil, has arisen above its handicaps and has hare of business and comforts. While there are no extremely wealthy people in the county there are many people who live well. Our poor people are fewer than in our neighboring counties, Alex- ander, Pulaski, Jackson, Williamson and Johnson. The county has produced its share of brilliant people who have made names for themselves in the fields of business, politics and education. Union County is above all, a consistent county. When a leader is chosen he is backed for long periods of time. This is indicated by the long tenure of office enjoyed by Monroe C. Craw- ford, who was county judge for thirty-two years. Judge Crawford was a very fine type of man which indicates that Union County stands behind officials of high calibre. In going over the county records, it is found that most of our officials served for long period* Of time. Most of the pastors in the county serve their churches for a number of years and there is not a radical amount of change among teachers. Many of our business houses belong to people whose fath- ers and' grandfathers were in the same business before them. On the whole our citizens are law abiding. We do not have any more arrests in proportion to our population than other counties have. On the whole we are an average county considering the fact that we excel in some things and do not do so well in others. Most salesmen visiting the county express themselves as finding Union County the best business county in this end of the state. Our county was born of courage and hardship. It grew on the fearless spirit of the pioneer and has become what it is today. ^124— I LEE IMPLEMENT CO. ALLIS CHALMERS I SALES AND SERVICE FARM EQUIPMENT State Truck Testing Machine Operating Since 1911 in Union County Phone 260 128-129 W. Davie St. ANNA, ILLINOIS y WILLY'S Eccr Store I SCHOOL SUPPLIES New and Used School Books Operating Since 1890 in Union County Telephone 145 317 S. Main St. i THE RITZ THEATRE I COBDEN, ILLINOIS 1 The Best In Moving Picture Entertainment. Your patronage will be appreciated. "In the Heart of Union County" I ! BLUE WILLOW CAFE "Located in the Heart of Dongola" Always Ready to Serve both Young and Old THE BEST IN FOODS— FOUNTAIN SERVICE * KENNETH CORZINE, Manager TUTHILL OIL CO. IN THE HEART OF ANNA BARNSDALL PRODUCTS Quaker Stale and Pennzoil ' Telephone 350 Norris & Son - FURNITURE & FUNERAL SERVICE Linoleum — Rugs — Radios Hotpoint Refrigerators — Wall Paper Established 1898 Jonesboro, Illinois •^» -^^ •^^fe^— ^9^.^ .-^^fe, ♦ -..^^fe>c^fts..J\[P^a^ty<>u knowC%is Worth _. a western sc Nations may fall He, since he i s with Gogs^/lT' ] i J§( isofusdii. M-^4 We bring you U % Verse that is wet upith tears /9 Where all r^pjesVeep. Ben H. Smith of Jonesboro, has been recognized nationally for his fine poetry. Above is his poem on Abraham Lincoln that has been published throughout the United States. He contributes a regular weekly column to The Gazette- Democrat. International Shoe Factory Leading industry in Union County is the International Shoe Factory in Anna. It has been in operation here for the past 10 years. Hale-Willard Hospital Formerly a private institution when this picture v. The Hale-Willard hospital is now operated by the City of Z % Hi— TIBIIII WBE.Jit ) ,. J .AIWL...nSMK^SME^SWI Dr. H. B. Shafer 4 4 Dr. Jas. F. Wahl A —DENTIST— Optometrist Anna 4 Dr. H. Phillips $ ♦ Dr. Roy Keith {j Physician & Surgeon | 4 — DOCTOR — Anna Anna . -dB*. -- «*- "gMSi IHTSBMIBl '-*«►- 1 Dr. Don Stewart g 1 Dr. Berry Rife L —DOCTOR— a —DOCTOR— 4 Anna 1 J Anna | Dr. E. V. Hale | f Dr. C. R. Walser " —DOCTOR— | I —DENTIST— 1 - t 1 Anna Y Anna ^ ^^ b _ |M ^J I __ ;; ^ j| Dr. O. E. Johnson 11 J. C. Kincaid 1 i DENTIST— I The Chiropractor Anna f{ j| Anna Dr. H. O. Taylor Medical Doctor Anna THE JOINER FURNITURE STORE Established For Over 20 Years Invite3 you to come into our large shew room, and y see our wonderful display of furniture. a y. We have furniture to fit every need at prices to y make it more appealing. A "For the Best In Furniture See Us" j, North Main St. Anna, Illinois * WILKINS' GARAGE Your CHEVROLET Dealer Telephone 5S-R2 Cobden, Illinois I ■ ft Would you like to trade your old car for a later A model? If so see us and save money. We have J . cars to please any buyer. Phoettis: Fleur Mills, Iziq. A Manufacturer* of FLOUR, MEAL AND FEEDS Distributors of the celebrated Purina Feeds Dealers in HAY, OATS AND STRAW y A Full Line of Field Seed We have installed a Clipper Seed Cleaner. Bring us your Seeds for cleaning. W. H. BISHOP HORSE & MULE AUCTION SAVE with SAFETY at GEO E PARKS HoUJl DRUGGIST 206-8 S.MAIN ST. ANNA, ILL. PHONE 122 93BSS9SSBG30!S?V95» 1 T*