uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim CHILLICOTHE and NORTH CHILLICOTHE AS OF THE YEAR 1936 Centennial Edition 19 3 6 niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiitin UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN "'"*•'' -.. ;. • An Illustrated Review of Chillicothe and North Chillicothe OLDEST BUILDING IN CHILLICOTHE The residence located on the corner of First and Walnut streets is the oldest building in Chillicothe. It was erected in 1835 by James W. Brown from Ross County, Ohio, to be used as a tavern for the benefit of travelers on the Chicago to Peoria stage coach lines. The building was named the Dunlap House but later was changed to the American House under which name it has been remembered through the years. The exterior of the building has not been changed from the original but the interior has been altered to suit the con- venience of various tenants throughout the years. This building was undoubtedly the first inn or tavern built in Chillicothe. HUNTER LUMBERC^ HUNTER LUMBER COMPANY Chillicothe, Illinois In 1892, forty-four years ago, Elmer F. Hunter and his father of Henry, Illinois, purchased the lumber and coal business here in Chillicothe from Outright & Russell. The firm name was changed to H. & E. F. Hunter. Mr. E. F. Hunter moved here with his family and conducted the business until his death in 1921. Since that time it has been carried on by his son, R. F. Hunter and his associates. In 1915 the firm name was changed from H. & E. F. Hunter to Hunter Lumber Company. Mr. Elmer F. Hunter was a very aggressive lumber mer- chant and at the time of his death had interest in 25 retail lumber yards in central Illinois. The purchasing headquarters for these yards was here in Chillicothe and this service for the yards is still carried on here. When Mr. Elmer Hunter purchased the business here, Mr. Charles Daugherty was employed as yard foreman. Mr. Daugherty has held this position since, and in July, 1936, ended his 50th year of continuous service in this same yard. C^3f '=-^^-^ • ft .<^«^ <.Ji//A^*^M CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE GHILLICOTHE CITY HALL CHILLICOTHE CITY COUNCIL READING FROM LEFT TO RIGHT BACK ROW: H. F. ATHERTON, PRANK E. BACON, E. E. WEBB, J. E. CORCORAN : SITTING: OSCAR HARVEY, C. F. SCHWAGER, TREASURER, ILION WAIT, CITY CLERK, EDWARD PENNINGTON, MAYOR AND E. M. UDEH. SUNSET CLEANER — SUNSET THEATRE SUNSET BARBER SHOP Sunset Cleaners, owned and operated by Roger Mannering, gives prompt service on cleaning and pressing with one of the most modern equipped plants in central Illinois. Men's Suits and Overcoats Made to Measure. Phone 11 IK. Free Delivery. Frank J. Rolan, manager of the Sunset Theatre, has been operating the present theatre for the past eight years. Always the latest and finest in talking pictures. Mr. Rolan is also the owner of the Palace Theatre, which is now under construction and when finished will be one of the finest and best theatres of any city of like size in central Illinois. The Sunset Barber shop owned and operated by Fred Beaumont for the past ten years. Your Business Appreciated. Leroy Evans assistant. CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE NOHTh CHILLICOTiiE VILLAGE HALL HORTH CHILLICOTHE FIBE DEPARfMEHT BEAD ISO FHOM LEFT TO RIOHT; WALTER EVAHS, ARTHUR BROfH, JOHrHOUSSSHJO© , CHARLES ADAMS, GLEKH ADAMS, HARVEY ADAMS, JAJIES LADD, RALM ADAMS, AKD 'V. L. STILES, PBESIDEKT OP HORTH CHIIJ-IGOTHE BOARD. WOODRUFF BROTHERS, INC. Woodruff Brothers, Inc., have been operating an arti- ficial ice plant at 910 Santa Fe avenue for the past nine years. The plant at the present time is furnishing ice for Chillicothe, Lacon, Dunlap, Rome, Princeville, Mossville and Sparland. The company has nine employees and two trucks in operation the greater part of the year. They also handle all grades of quality coals and furnace oil for oil burners. Woodruff Brothei-s furnish Eastern Kentucky, West Virginia and Southern Illinois coal. Otto Woodruff is the president of the Chillicothe Business Men's Association, a member of the Kiwanis Club and has two children in high school. The officers of the corporation are as follows: Otto D. Woodruff, president; V. A. Woodruff, vice president; L. M. Woodi^uff, secre- tary; William Woodruff, treasurer. CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE PUBLIC LIBRARY WEBB'S INN Thirty-four years ago Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Webb started serving chicken dinners on their farm, later moving into Chillicothe and for the past seventeen years they have been serving chicken dinners in their residence at the corner of Second and Walnut streets. They specialize in Chicken Dinners, Special Dinners, Wedding Parties, Banquets and Sorority Parties. Mr. Webb is a former justice of the peace and is now vice president of the Kiwanis Club. Mrs. Webb is a member of the Woman's Club of Chillicothe. The Kiwanis Club has held its meetings in the dining room for the past twelve years. ^ _ 1 IE 'ii "" ■""■ ?'■ ~n— ' """^1 ■ -■■■;;'■ *":";:;:' '^ir 15 TiJiI"'I^;illIill,__j^ ►P" ■ • • - "; '^ _; ,* ' \m .V, ,v .... ^^^H KELLY'S QUALITY AND STYLE STORE For the past forty-five years Kelly's has been the store of quality and style. M. C. Kelly first opened a store at the present location of the Carlisle Drug store, later moving to the building located on the pres- ent site of the Sunset theatre and has been in the present location the past twenty-three years selling men's and ladies' ready-to-wear clothing. Mr. Kelly has been mayor of Chillicothe for three tei-ms, presidential elector, served as supervisor for fourteen years, member of Old Age Assistance Commission of Peoria County, a member of the Catholic church, and has been a resident of Chillicothe for the past 71 years. CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE fHE COMMIISITY HIGH SCHOOL TliE HEY/ GRADE SCHOOL ^%ss McGRATH SAND AND GRAVEL COMPANY, INC. The McGrath Sand and Gravel Company, operating plants at Chillicothe, Pekin, Forreston, Mackinaw and Duck Is- land, was organized about thirty years ago with the first pit being located at Mackinaw. A few years later the pres- ent pit, located northwest of Chillicothe, was purchased covering 300 acres. The deposit will average 125 feet in depth and is produced with a 15-inch centrifugal pump. The raw material is then elevated and conveyed to the main screening plant and at this point the material is washed and graded to meet all State and Federal specifi- cations that may be required. In addition to the washing plant, there is in operation a road gravel plant for the production of pit run gravel for secondary roads. The company's main office is located at Lincoln, Illinois, and the officers are as follows: J. W. McGrath, president; T. E. McGrath, vice president; Thomas McGrath, secre- tary and treasurer,with the following resident officials: F. J. Larcher, general manager; E. B. Sheets, superin- tendent, and W. C. Carroll, foreman. The Chillicothe plant at the present time has an output of one hundred cars daily and employs approximately sixty men. The company ships to all points in Illinois, Indiana and Iowa territory. CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE CPRjSTJAJSi Sg^HCE CHURCH COHGKEGATIOHAL CHURCH HICKS ELECTRIC CO. The Hicks Electric Company, owned and operated by Robert Hicks, was established August 1, 1935, selling Zenith radios and accessories. They have the agency for Norge refrigerators, washers, ironers and circulating heaters. Mr. Hicks is a graduate of Chillicothe High School, an Odd Fellow, a member of the Business Men's Association and the Methodist Church. ROSS PLACHER'S GROCERY The present building has been used as a grocey store for the past thirty years, having been operated by several persons prior to the time W. S. Placher became owner. For the past six years Ross Placher has been operating the store, selling a staple line of gro- ceries and meats. Mr. Placher is a member of the Kiwanis Club and has been a resident of Chillicothe the past ten years. CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE Om BHlOM HOTBL THE BACON BUILDING DR. GREEN and DR. SUTTON Physicians and Surgeons DR. C. F. CASE DENTIST GALE & WEST ATTORNEYS Office Hours Wednesday and Saturday BETTY READ BEAUTY SHOP Phone 122L Permanent Satisfaction CARROLL REALTY CO. Mrs. L. C. Carroll, Owner All Kinds of Insurance Telephone 249 COFFEE CUP Under New Management Eunice V. Foster PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY of Northern Illinois General Electric Refrigerators and Appliances Frigidaire and Westinghouse Refrigerators Hot Point - General Electric Westinghouse Ranges Thor - Conlon Washers and Ironers BACON ELECTRIC COMPANY Distributors of GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. WORTHINGTON PUMP AND MACHINERY COMPANY LINK BELT COMPANY CATERPILLAR TRACTOR COMPANY POWER UNITS MICRO-WESTCO CORP. Manufacturers of High grade electrical, steam, air, hydraulic and Diesel equipment and supplies Chillicothe, Illinois CHILLICOTHE POST OFFICE Postmaster — Walter T. McCanna Clerks — George Leiner and Marie Stahl; Carriers — George Fleet- wood and Joseph Stewart; Rural Carriers — Richard Large and Lon B. Holman; Substitute clerk — Edward Keiser and substitute carrier — Carl Emerick. LARKIN SERVICE STATION The Larkin Service Station located on Walnut street to the rear of the Bacon building sells Larkin Hammerless Gasoline, Larkin Stove Gasoline, Larkolene Gasoline, Penn 100% pure Pennsylvania oil, Larkin Kerosene, Naphtha, Gear Grease, Firestone Tires and Tubes, Globe Batteries. The station is also equipped to repair tires and tubes. George McLaughlin has been the manager for the past four years.. H^ m AS^m^Sf^^y' JBT ^^^k^i^HI ^^^^^^^n» ^p».jit' . . ^ ......."'::. '^"! SWEENEY'S BEAUTY PARLOR Mrs. Lelia Sweeney, owner of Sweeney's Beauty Parlor, is a Mari- nello operator having taken a course in the Marinello Beauty Cul- ture School of Chicago. Mrs. Sweeney specializes in realistic and machineless permanent waves and all beauty needs. She has been a resident of Chillicothe her entire lifetime, has a daughter in high school and is a member of the Catholic church. CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE : a;: alleu J. W. ULlZ-li CLAYCOMB'S TEXACO STATION L. J. Claycomb, a former employee of the Santa Fe railroad for eleven years, has been operating the Texaco service station at the corner of Fourth and Cedar streets the past fourteen months. The station sells Texaco products, Goodrich Silvertown tires, Aviation stove gas. Kerosene, Havoline Oils, check chart lubrication system with modern equipment. Mr. Claycomb is a member of the Chilli- cothe Business Men's Association, is married and has two children and has been a resident of Chillicothe the past thirteen years. SADIE'S BEAUTY PARLOR Sadie's Beauty Parlor was established in 1930, having been located in the Bacon Building, Sunset Barber Shop, in North Chillicothe for three years and in the present location on Second street the past year. Sadie's Beauty Parlor specializes in Eugene Permanent Waves, finger waving and all kinds of beauty work. Mrs. Sadie Locke, the present owner, received her training in the Liberty Beauty School of Peoria and has had Maxine (Butts) Beaumont as her assistant the past three years. CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE ROLAN AND ROOT GROCERY In 1932 Kenneth Rolan opened a grocery store at 643 Chestnut street and two years later, joining in partnership with Harold Root, moved to the present location. The store is a member of the Royal Blue Food Stores, selling a staple line of goceries and meats. Both members of the firm belong to the Chillicothe Business Men's Asso- ciation. Mr. Rolan has been a resident of Chillicothe for the past twenty-five years and Mr. Root the past eight years. WAIT BROTHERS Wait Brothers were organized January 1, 1914, and for the past twenty-two years they have been conducting a general Plumbing and Heating business in the present location. They handle the Weir Furnace, Crane Plumbing Fixtures and Williams Oil-0-matic Oil Burners. G. W. Wait is a member of the school board, supervisor of Chillicothe Township, an Odd Fellow, Mason and Kiwanis. Mr. Wait is married and has two sons in school, is a member of the Congregational Church and has resided in Chillicothe the past 23 years. CHILXICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE FRED BEAUMOHT LOUIS BEAUMOMT PENNINGTON'S BARBER SHOP E. L. Pennington has one of the leading barber shops of the city, catering to men, women and children. Mr. Pennington is the present mayor of Chillicothe and a member of the Chillicothe Business Men's Association. Guy Camp is his assistant in the barber shop. In busi- ness since 1919. GUNTHER'S SKELGAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY H. A. Gunther, the present owner of Gunther's Skelgas and Electric Company, has been selling Skelgas ranges and Skelgas fuel for the past four years. He is also dealer for Westinghouse Refrigerators and Appliances, A. B. C. and American Beauty Washing Machines and Stoker-ola Furnace Stokers. Mr. Gunther is a member of the Odd Fellows, married, and has been a resident of Chillicothe the past seven years. CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE hih buck V S% MILTOM BROWW DENNIS BUCKLEH Compliments of of the J. C. PENNEY COMPANY Ready-to-Wear — Shoes Clothing and Notions We are striving to make Chillicothe a more desireable place to live by offering merchandise of good quality and style at the lowest possible prices. We invite you to shop at Penney's. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK The First National Bank of Chillicothe was founded in 1900 by B. F. Zinser and associates. Mr. Zinser had previously carried on a private banking business at Benson. In 1926 the People's Building and Loan Association became affiliated with the First National. The Zinser Agency, dealing in insurance and realty, has been associated with the bank for many years. These three organizations form Chil- licothe's largest financial institution with assets in excess of three quarters of a million dollars. CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE REV. H. A. BRfXFORD T. C. BOYD Ill ■iMIllllllllMMMMI STUMBAUGH'S PHILLIPS "66" STATION G. L. Stumbaugh has been operating the Phillips "66" Station at the present location the past eight years, having been employed at the station for the past fifteen years. The station sells Phillips "66" products, Lee Tires and Specialized Lubrication. The motto of the station is "Service with a Smile". VraMAN*S BAKERY JJ VEERMAN'S BAKERY Veerman's Bakery has been supplying Chillicothe and community with the well known Veerman's Bread and a full line of pastries for the past eight years, having opened the bakery in January, 1928. Mr. Veerman is a Mason, member of the Methodist Church and married with two sons in the city schools. Mrs. Veerman is a member of the P. T. A. and a member of the Grade School Board. They have re- sided in the city the past eight years. CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE CHART F.". W. RRRKT:K MRS. ELLEl^ COON HEHRIETTA COLWELL THE BEN FRANKLIN STORE The Ben Franklin Store, owned and operated by Edward L. Smith, is another new and up-to-date store to come to Chillicothe. The store deals in merchandise on the 5c to $1.00 and up plan. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are members of the Baptist Church and have taken up their residence in Chillicothe. THE STOECKER TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE The Stoecker Tire and Battery Service, formerly known as the Burkhardt Service, has been in operation the past fifteen years with L. J. Stoecker, the present owner, operating the garage the past nine years. Mr. Stoecker handles Goodyear Tires, Willard Batteries and gives road service at all hours. CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE MRS, LILLIAN CARHOLL BEK CAKTIR :W*^ L, M. CARROLL GUT CAJ.'F TRUITT-MATTHEWS BANKING COMPANY General Banking Since 1868 Deposits Insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Washin^on, D. C. President O. E. Smith Vice President - - - - J. D. Root Vice President and Ass't Cashier K. E. Mills Cashier L. H. Yeck Assistant Cashier - O. K. Mooney Directors — Russell Hunter, chair- man, O. E. Smith, K. E. Mills, J. D. Root, E. A. Mitchell, Joseph Stakely, James Miller, Fred Fer- guson, Arthur Shepard. ""TF m '[ - Ml, ■ ■ 1 mmm n ft l# 1 - m m li iiiMftiiiilii ■ METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Charles E. Williams, Representative Chillicothe, Illinois Phone 72 P. O. Box 36 Mr. Charles E. Williams, who is one of the newlyweds of Chilli- cothe, now residing in his new home at 809 Cutright street, is the representative of the Metropoli- tan Life Insurance Company, the largest insurance company in the world owned by the policy holders. Mr. Williams was educated in the public schools of Lawrenceville, attended the Indiana Business Col- lege, later graduating from the University of Illinois. He is a member of the Chillicothe Business Men's Association, Kiwanis Club and a member of the Christian Church. CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE HERRT CLE7ELAXD SAMUEL CREW y. 0^1U» UA, JARVIS CHEVROLET SALES On January 15, 1936, R. L. Jarvis opened the Jarvis Chevrolet Sales selling Chevrolet Cars and Service. This is the official service station for the Chicago Motor Club in Chillicothe. The garage sells Skelly Gas, Globe batteries, does welding work, general repairs and wrecker service. Mr. Jarvis has been a resident of Chillicothe the past year, having a son in the schools and is a member of the Congregational church. MATTICE MOTOR SERVICE The Mattice Motor Service has been in the pi-esent location the past nineteen years furnishing ambulance and wrecking service. For the past two years they have handled the Ford sales and service. Mr. Mattice has served as alderman, is a member of the Masons, Consis- tory, Shrine, Congregational Church, is married and has one daugh- ter in the city schools and has been a resident of Chillicothe the past forty-four years. CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE CELIA CALLAHAU LOtJIS C AID WELL TUCKER'S GROCERY P. M. Tucker has been operating Tucker's Grocery the past sixteen years at the present location, having originally started the store in his home prior to the time he built the present building. The store handles a staple line of groceries and meats. Mr. Tucker is married and has two daughters in the high school and has been a resident of Chillicothe the past eighteen years. CARLISLE DRUG STORE Joseph K. Carlisle opened his present Rexall Drug Store April 15, 1933, having been with the Walgreen Stores for eight years. Mr. Carlisle has an up-to-date Prescription department, Paints, Glass, Wallpaper and carries Photo Films and Supplies. Mr. Carlisle is mar- ried and has two girls in the school, is a member of the Methodist Church and has resided here for the past eight years. CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE CHARLES DAUGHERTT F. E. LYNDS, JEWELER F. E. Lynds, Jeweler, has been at the present location the past four years having been established since 1912. Mr. Lynds has a complete jewelry stock and Philco radios. He is a member of the Chillicothe Business Men's Association, the Masonic Lodge, Plymouth Congrega- tional Church. He is married, has one daughter in High School and has resided in Chillicothe the past twenty-four years. SCHWAGER HARDWARE COMPANY The Schwager Hardware company has been at the present location the past eight years having been organized in 1928, handling a com- plete line of Hardware, Perfection Stoves, Paints, Varnish, Window Glass, Sheet Metal Shop, Furnaces and Repairing. C. F. Schwager is the present City Treasurer, a member of the Odd Fellows and has been a resident of Chillicothe the past eight years. CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE E. L. DUQAN ARTISTIC CLEANERS C. T. Leighton, owner of the Artistic Cleaners, has been in the pres- ent location the past seven years. Mr. Leighton has a completely equipped plant for the cleaning and pressing of all kinds of clothing and his motto is, "Satisfaction Guaranteed". WEBER FUNERAL HOME Est. 1852 Distinctive Funeral Service Chillicothe, Illinois Phone 2 - Lady Attendant CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE JOSEPH I. GULLET C.C. OAISPORD .8^3(*i:f ANDERSON FUNERAL HOME 131 S. Fourth St. Twenty-two years of funeral service in CHILLICOTHE Elma Aderson T. C. Anderson Phone 26 THE KROGER GROCERY The Kroger Grocery was established in Chillicothe in 1923, selling a complete line of Groceries and Meats. C. A. Jones is manager of the Grocery department and S. C. Hines has charge of the Meat department. The store is a member of the Chillicothe Business Men's Association. CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE ROT PABMER CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE Chillicothe and North Chillicothe The City of Chillicothe is beautifully located on the west bank of the Illinois river, eighteen miles above Peoria, and on the line of the Bureau branch of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad and the main line of the At- chinson, Topeka and Santa Fe railroads. Think of a bustling mid-western city whose whole existence had been a struggle against merging its identity with a greater neighbor. Think of it as it comes down through years, ever watchful of its own interests, finally to establish itself as a town that stands on its own foundation and owes its position to its own efforts. That is Chillicothe. Almost since the day when the first white settlers came to this garden spot along the Illinois one hundred years ago, Chillicothe has labored to build of itseli and for itself against its natural surge to older and larger cities that has so often engulfed villages and towns with less stamina. First the down- river villages of Allentown and Rome gave promise of reaching the size that would have doomed Chillicothe to a minor place among Illinois municipalities. They had their day and nave gone. Of the former nothing remains but history. Of the latter — a few stores and summer colony. Greater than these clouds on the horizon of Chillicothe's growth was the county seat, Peoria, where white men — soldiers, traders, missionaries and settlers had lived in almost unbroken succession since l^p^^..^v^j^^Bi^B ^^iBHH P 1^^ '? vi^ e^* * H ^^^t^^* KRS. C. L. STEWART ED STK'AART CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE JOSEPH STEWIART CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE CHARLES SCHWBMK CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE JAMES SWEEHKT W. B. STEiNER CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE MRS. A. E. SLINH FRANK SIMONS CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE E. M. UHDEK D, J. VEERMAM CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE - t ELMER TRTMBOIXi MRS. ORA TMOMAS CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE HARRY fiYMAU CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE ADAH WRIGHT i ^l|^M^JHBn| 1 '^S ^^HES^^^' ks^^Bui •'^"T'^^^^^w HARKY WOOD :'i^^':*^-^ L. M. WILKEY GEORGE WOO. WILLIAM WMITLOV/ CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE ROXY WALTERS KlNChESTER P^^ K HBHB^^^S?*.?-"- ,■"<*. -"r,.;"' '^ MRS. ALIOE V,ILSSy CHILLICOTHE AND NORTH CHILLICOTHE inji ^jj, rjiifi JLO- iw.nvr.i.j.a .L BaAmiOMT IN ACKNOWLEDGMENT To the follonving firms and individuals Mrho haye financially helped to make possible this "Pictorial History of Chillicothe and North Chillicothe," the publishers and the members of the Chillicothe Wom- an's Club extend their sincere appreciation: Dr. S. A. Smith Drs. Green and Sutton Gale and West Mrs. Lillian Carroll Public Service Company of Northern Illinois Bacon Electric Company Walter T. McCanna, Postmaster Sadie's Beauty Shop Mattice Motor Company Charles E. Williams Kelly's Quality Store Rolan and Root Grocery Sweeney Beauty Parlor McGrath Sand and Gravel Co. Gunther's Skelgas and Electric Sunset Theatre Kroger's Grocery Stumbaugh's Filling Station Anderson Funeral Home Truitt-Matthe-MTs Banking Co. Carlisle Drug Store Pennington's Barber Shop Ben Franklin Store Dr. S. B. LaDue Dr. C. F. Case Betty Read Beauty Shop The Coffee Cup Larkin Filling Station Webb's Inn Jarvis Chevrolet Garage Ross Placher's Grocery First National Bank F. E. Lynd, Jeweler Hicks Electric Company Hunter Lumber Company Woodruff Brothers Texaco Filling station Sunset Barber Shop J. C. Penny and Co. Tucker's Grocery Sunset Cleaners Veerman's Bakery Wait Brothers Schwager Hardware Company Artistic Cleaners Weber Funeral Home Stoecker Tire and Battery We also w^ish to thank L. E. Clark for the use of a great many of the pictures reproduced in this book 7200-3 5-36 /m/ih^m^* »*t. NO. J.1»I.4M UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA ffiS?H?ANDNORTHa!;LICOTHEASOF 3 0112 025341147