.1 (W^^^LM . » r Y n Hidolgo,6 Hidalgo />i |T/ *'l • Oil and Gas Developments in Illinois, 1987 [Rose Hill /> / H.dolqo S Newton N I gwrv Bryan G. Huff A * ■^Kiewtof' [ I w 7f4i * \ * tj, i»j; ' "#* Kenner * xema Bogot "/*< Sprsngs N / 'A ■ WAYNE Excho ,V|)uko S 1994 Illinois Petroleum 144 th N^ iifiv, ih. v nge W v --, De Ulfl 1 § « *^-'- — #f^T7j m 144 I 7t. ,tn S ^•^cTo> epartment of Energy and Natural Resources Illinois state geological survey '» ■t%t I N E/^honge I NiKe U'E j " '»'; V ! ' <•% hordvifTBJ 7 £\ Coif\ ■■.onviile / ufiiwe Maple - vJ/l eenvilTe F x ~ --'* /,Tv \ Johnson Woynd City .¥;^' flit 4 lAHSft1!E!}3!flPUac«. Oil and Gas Developments in Illinois, 1987 Bryan G. Huff 1994 V Illinois Petroleum 144 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Morris W. Leighton, Chief Natural Resource Building 61 5 East Peabody Drive Champaign, IL 61820-6964 The information in this report was compiled by the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) as a service to the public and pursuant to 225 Illinois Compiled Statutes 730/1 et seq. Much of the original data, compiled from several sources, was developed by persons neither employed by nor under contract to the ISGS. The ISGS, which has not been able to verify the accuracy of the data, assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information nor liability for any damage or injury that may result from relying on the information in this report. Printed by authority of the State of Illinois/1994/800 printed on recycled paper using soybean ink Contents Abstract 1 Oil Production and Value 1 Discoveries 1 Exploration and Development 3 Fields Revived and Abandoned 3 Geologic Column 3 Productive Acreage 3 Gas Production 3 Liquified Petroleum Gas: Underground Storage 3 Natural Gas Underground storage 3 Surface storage 5 Acknowledgments 5 Tables Oil production by county 1 Oil production by field 1 1a Summary of oil and gas drilling activity and production in 1987 6 1b Summary of underground natural gas storage drilling activity in 1987 7 2 Discovery wells of three new fields in 1987 7 3 Discovery wells of 10 new pay zones in fields in 1987 7 4 Discovery wells of 18 extensions to fields in 1987 8 5 Selected unsuccessful deep tests in 1987 9 6 Underground storage facilities for liquified petroleum gases in Illinois 9 7 Illinois oil field statistics, 1987 10 8 Illinois gas field statistics, 1987 66 Figures 1 New field and pay zone discovery wells of 1987 and major tectonic features of southern Illinois 2 2 Generalized geologic column of southern Illinois 4 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/oilgasdevelopmen144huff Oil and Gas Developments in Illinois, 1987 Abstract Illinois produced 24,096,428 barrels of crude oil in 1987. The value of this crude is estimated to be $421.7 million. New test holes reported for oil and gas num- bered 1 ,728, a 30% decrease from the number reported in 1986. The tests resulted in 823 oil wells, 46 gas wells, and 859 dry holes. For oil and gas exploration and development, the total footage drilled in 1987 was 3,578,268, down from the total of 4,992,289 feet reported in 1986. One new oil field, two new gas fields, ten new pay zones, and 18 extensions to fields were reported in 1987. Of the 1 ,728 new holes reported as oil and gas tests in 1 987, 356 were Vz mile or more from production (wildcats); 28 of these were complet- ed as producers, a success ratio of 7.9%. Of the wildcat tests, 241 were drilled more than Vh miles from production (wildcat fars); they resulted in five producers, a success rate of 2.1%. A total of 66 service wells (e.g. water input, salt-water disposal) was reported in 1987. Oil Production and Value In 1987, Illinois produced 24,096,428 barrels of crude oil, 1 1 .5% less than the 27,244,736 barrels produced in 1986. Table 1a lists the number of holes drilled, the footage drilled, and the amount of oil produced in each county during 1987. Production data and other data for each oil field in Illinois appear in table 7. Crude oil production data for each field are supplied by one source, and those for the state as a whole, by another. The statewide data, con- sidered more accurate, were used to calculate total production for the state. The discrepancy between the two totals amounts to 1 ,702,000 barrels of crude oil, for which county and field as- signments are not known (tables 1a and 7). Nine counties produced more than 1 million barrels of oil each in 1987. Their combined pro- duction accounted for 65.9% of the total in Illi- nois. The combined total from fields that each produced more than 200,000 barrels of oil in 1987 accounted for 65.5% of the state's produc- tion. Estimated from an average price of $17.50 per barrel, the total value of crude oil produced in Illinois in 1987 was $421.7 million. Oil production by county 1987 production % of County (bbl) state total Lawrence 2,584,432 10.7 White 2,222,825 9.2 Marion 2,197,996 9.1 Crawford 1,936,134 8.0 Wayne 1,920,121 8.0 Fayette 1,364,941 5.7 Clay 1 ,274,099 5.3 Jefferson 1 ,264,547 5.2 Wabash 1,141,870 4.7 Total 15,906,965 65.9 Oil production i by field 1987 production %of Field* (bbl) state total Clay City C 2,657,573 11.0 Lawrence 2,495,708 10.4 Salem C 2,315,319 9.6 Main C 1,886,504 7.8 Louden 1,383,250 5.7 New Harmony C 1,002,533 4.2 Sailor Springs i 3 600,427 2.5 Phillipstown C 468,248 1.9 Allendale 403,859 1.7 Herald C 346,819 1.4 Roland C 292,856 1.2 Albion C 332,982 1.4 Divide C 289,250 1.2 Benton 241 ,540 1.0 Mill Shoals 224,940 0.9 DaleC 216,909 0.9 Goldengate C 214,132 0.9 Storms C 206,511 0.9 Parkersburg C 208,052 0.9 Total 15,787,412 65.5 * C = consolidated Discoveries One new oil field, two new gas fields, and ten new pay zones in existing fields were reported in 1987 (fig. 1, tables 2 and 3). Also reported during the year were 18 extensions to fields (4 gas, 14 oil; table 4). One new field produces from Missis- sippian strata and the other two, from Silurian rocks. Of the ten new pay zones in fields, nine produce from the Mississippian and one from the Pennsylvanian. \ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ; ■!v!vX'!v!v!' • 1-3 New field, discovery well (table 2) 04-13 New pay zone, discovery well (table 3) Fault, downthrown side indicated Anticline Monocline Syncline 40 mi 50 km Figure 1 New field and pay zone discovery wells of 1987 (tables 2 and 3) and major tectonic features of southern Illinois (modified from J.D. Treworgy 1981). All of the new fields are small and extensive development is not anticipated. Exploration and Development Of the 1 ,728 new oil and gas tests reported in 1987, 322 were extensional or new field wildcats (Vz mile or more from production). Of the wild- cats, 26 were completed as producers, a success rate of 8.1%. Of the 115 wildcats drilled between Vz and Y/z miles from production (wildcat nears), 23 were producers (5 gas, 18 oil), a success rate of 20.0%. The 207 wells drilled more than V/z miles from production (wildcat fars) resulted in three producers (2 gas, 1 oil), a success rate of 1.5%. The deepest new pay discovery was Mara- thon Oil Company's well, Johnson "A" no. 20, in Thackeray Field, Section 10, T5S, R7E, Hamilton County. This well was completed with an initial daily production of 14 barrels of oil and 45 bar- rels of water from a newly discvered Salem Lime- stone zone at 4,273 feet. In 1987, 21 holes were reported drilled to a total depth of 4,500 feet or greater. Nineteen of these tested the Devonian, one the Silurian, and one the Ordovician strata. Ten of the deep tests were completed as producing wells. The deepest hole was Henry Energy's Devonian test drilled to a depth of 6,000 feet in Dale Consolidated field, Hamilton County. The Minnie Lockwood no. 1 , which tested dry in the Devonian, was completed as an oil well producing from the Salem Lime- stone (Valmeyeran). In 1987, 57 wells were reported with initial production of at least 100 barrels of oil per day (BOPD); 1 1 of these had an initial production of 200 BOPD or more. The highest initial production reported during the year was 760 BOPD from Legion Energy Corporation's Charles Reid no. 2 well in Albion Consolidated field, Section 5, T2S, R14W, Edwards County. This well, drilled to a total depth of 3,083 feet, produces from the McClosky Limestone (Valmeyeran). Fields Revived and Abandoned Five fields were reported revived by successful drilling in 1987: Boulder in Clinton County, Broughton South in Saline County, New Douglas South in Bond County, Rushville in Schuyler County, and Ste. Marie East in Jasper County. Two fields were reported abandoned in 1987: Cordes North in Washington County and Samsville North in Edwards County Geologic Column Figure 2 is a generalized geologic column of southern Illinois. It does not show the Pleistocene deposits that cover much Illinois bedrock, the Tertiary and Cretaceous rocks that form a belt across the southern end of the state, or approxi- mately 8,000 feet of Ordovician and Cambrian rocks that occur between the base of the St. Peter Sandstone and the top of the Precambrian basement. Pay zones are indicated on the geo- logic column by solid dots. Productive Acreage In 1987, the total area proven productive of oil was 723,720 acres, an increase of about 7,120 acres over the 1986 total. The total area proven productive of natural gas was 39,820 acres, an increase of about 580 acres over the 1986 total. These estimates of acreage and those listed in tables 7 and 8 are based on known completed wells, their spacing and surface geometry. These figures are not indicative of the physical limits of a reservoir. In Illinois the normal spacing pattern for oil wells that produce from depths of less than 4,000 feet is 10 acres per well in sandstone and 20 acres per well in limestone. For wells produc- ing from depths btween 4,000 and 6,000 feet, the spacing is 40 acres per well, and from depths greater than 6,000 feet, 160 acres per well. Gas Production A total of 1,371.0 million cubic feet of natural gas was produced and marketed in 1987, as com- pared with 1887.5 million cubic feet in 1986. Estimated from an average price of $2.24 per thousand cubic feet, the total value of this gas was $3.07 million. Liquified Petroleum Gas: Underground Storage Twelve caverns produced by mining shale or limestone provide storage for 3,174,000 barrels of liquified petroleum gases in Illinois (table 6) The gases stored are propane, butane, propyl- ene, and ethane. Natural Gas Underground storage At the end of 1987, 39 underground natural gas storage facilities in Illi- nois were in operation, in development, or under study for their capacities to store gas. Gas is now stored in rocks of Pennsylvanian through Cambri- an age at depths from 350 to 4,000 feet. These THICKNESS: ABOUT 2000 FT xTO oTTT xY MATTOON I I ill BOND MODESTO I I I T~} LX KXJJJLXJlx CARBONDALE Includes Anvil Rock, Cuba, U. Dudley, Dykstra, Joke C , Jamestown, Pleosanlview, 1st or u Siggms SPOON Incl Bellair 500, Bridgeport, Brpwning,Cloy- pool, L. Dudley, Isobel, Kickopoo, Petro, Robinson, 2nd or L.Siggms, Wilson ABBOTT Incl Bellair 800, Burtschi, Casey, Mansfield, Dagley Partlow, 3rd, 4th Siggins CASEYVILLE Includes Biehl, Buchanan, Jordon, Pottsville, Ridgley THICKNESS- ABOUT 1300 FT GROVE CHURCH KINKAID • DEGONIA =r* \« PALESTINE WALTERSBURG XD— VIENNA • TAR SPRINGS GLEN DEAN HARDINSBURG £5 r~ r s^a* RENAULT ( L.Ren. AUX VASES STE GENEVIEVE -Aux Vases lime Ohoro Spar Mountain ( Rosidare) HANEY (Golconda lime) FRAILEYS(Gol sh Big Cliffy, Jackson BEECH CREEK (Barlow, basal Gol ) CYPRESS Weiler, Kirkwood, Carlyle , Bellair 900, Lindley RIDENHOWER(U.P.C ) Somple (P. Cr. Sd.,E.IIU • BETHEL _ (Paint Cr Sd.,W. Ill ) DOWNEYS BLUFF (L. PC, U.Ren YANKEETOWN Benoist Figure 2 Generalized geologic column of southern Illinois. Solid dots indicate oil and gas pay zones. Formation names are in capital letters. About 4,000 feet of lower Ordovician and upper Cambrian rocks under the St. Peter Sandstone are not shown. Series names are abbreviated: Kinderhookian = K., Niagaran = Niag., Alexandrian = A., and Cincinnatian = Cine. storage facilities could hold as much as 1 .6 tril- lion cubic feet of gas. Ultimately about 1.2 trillion cubic feet of gas storage will be used. Approxi- mately one-third of stored gas is working gas readily available for withdrawal and delivery to customers; two-thirds is cushion gas. Since 1977, one of the major operating com- panies has curtailed its release of data on stor- age capacities and withdrawals. Consequently, we have not collected data since 1982. An unre- vised table containing summary statistics for natural gas storage facilities was published in the annual reports for 1981 to 1985 (ISGS Illinois Petroleum 124, 125, 126, 127, and 128). Surface storage A facility for the liquification and storage of natural gas at the Manlove Gas Storage field in Mahomet, Illinois, is being oper- ated by the Peoples Gas Light and Coke Com- pany. Two above-ground tanks are each capable of containing, as liquified natural gas, the equiva- lent of 1 billion cubic feet of pipeline natural gas measured at standard temperature and pressure. Acknowledgments Many individuals in the oil and gas industry fur- nished data for this report, and I appreciate their cooperation. I also thank Jianzhong Xu for his assistance with table 7. Table 1a Summary of oil and gas drilling activity and oil production in 1987 County Footage New Footage Total Permits Total New holes D&A drilled ser- drilled Struc- Total Oil to comple- to production vice service ture footage prod. drill tions Prod D&A prod." tests wells" wells tests drilled (bbl) 14 58 2(5) 51 32,150 . 32.150 2.779 7 10 4 6 - 16,878 - - - 16.878 68,572 11 107 6 101 - 71,691 • - - 71.691 70,045 2 2 . 1,845 - - . 1.845 2 4 4 - 2,080 - - - 2.080 - 14 16 8 8 - 26,305 - - - 26.305 346,893 47 48 26 22 - 49,243 1 425 - 49,668 233,090 64 94 47 47 - 297,554 1 3,036 - 300,590 1,274.099 29 16 8 8 - 35,119 - - 35,119 264,453 9 15 9 6 - 37,467 - - 37,467 209,381 427 255 198(4) 53 - 286.629 57 59,017 - 345,646 1.936,134 9 3 1 2 • 7.130 - - 7.130 7,449 6 2 2 . 1,250 - - . 1,250 48,466 6 10 4 6 19,747 - - - 19,747 7,129 10 4 4 - 4,085 - - - 4,085 62,574 67 60 40 11 - 197,199 - - - 197,199 634,631 11 7 3 4 - 17,813 - - - 17,813 294,654 10 8 3 5 - 18,432 - - - 18,432 1,364.941 56 54 37 17 - 188.982 - - - 188,982 875,728 2 2 - 1,523 - - - 1,523 - 22 37 23 14 . 93,417 . . . 93,417 353,374 8 8 - 3,689 - - - 3.689 - 31 28 15 13 - 106,758 - - 106.758 370,924 7 12 8 4 - 5,832 1 410 - 6,242 143 3 3 - 8,410 - 8,410 7,917 56 73 37 36 - 194,290 - - 194,290 763,189 86 92 5 44 38 5 . 287,397 2,154 1 2,200 ■ 289,597 2,154 1,264,547 124 80 61 19 - 152,847 3 5.158 - 158,005 2.584,432 - 1 - 1 - 303 - - - 303 - - 1 - 1 - 3,002 - - - 3.002 - Adams Bond Brown Cass Champaign Christian Clark Clay Clinton Coles Crawford Cumberland De Witt Douglas Edgar Edwards Effingham Fayette Franklin Fulton Gallatin Greene Hamilton Hancock Jackson Jasper Jefferson Jersey Lawrence Lee Livingston McDonough McLean Macon Macoupin Madison Marion Menard Monroe Montgomery Morgan Moultrie Perry Piatt Pike Randolph Richland St. Clair Saline Sangamon Schuyler Scott Shelby Wabash Washngton Wayne White Will Williamson Production location unknown Total 3 1 8 4 8 42 7 2 7 14 8 96 36 3 25 61 25 135 88 2 23 9 4 47 5(16) 6 2 46 11 5 5 7 5 2 34 -(9) 6 2 76 58 8 35 17 6 1 65 5(12) 12 2 28 13 23 9 100 57 62 37 2 1 1728 823(46) 23 5 26 4 35 1 7 3 25 4 18 8 18 5 48 1 10 15 14 39 25 2 1 859 13,540 19,050 27,724 6.169 132.881 1.100 2,389 10.698 2,646 1 1 ,297 20,032 16,188 243,890 10,414 107,013 10,265 42,938 500 26,909 72,924 58,282 363,517 203.745 302 2.634 13.540 1.329 2.922 75,258 19,050 77,590 27,724 17,660 6,169 100.483 132,881 2.197.996 1,100 2,389 5,906 10,698 3,046 2.646 465 3,331 11.297 8.617 158 20.032 - 16.188 9.128 243.890 771,154 10,414 21,516 109.103 297.881 10,265 73.592 42,938 2.587 500 - 26.909 63.112 72,924 1.141.870 58.282 382.551 363.517 1.920.121 206.667 2.222.825 302 2.634 25.819 1.702.147 3.653.526 24,096.428 * Gas in parentheses. " No oil well conversions or recompletions of dry holes as injection wells were reported during the year Table 1b Summary of underground natural gas storage drilling activity in 1987 County Permits issued Total completions Injection and withdrawal wells New wells Conversions Service wells New wells Conversions McLean Table 2 Discovery wells of three new fields reported in 1987 County Operator, Daily prod. and location, well no., oil/water BBL Map no. Sec-Twp-Rng and farm Field gas MCF 1 Adams 4-3S-7W Jansen & Mason Speckhart no. 1 Adams S 600 MCFG 2 Schuyler 33-3N-2W Longhorn Resources Lundberg no. 1 Littleton S 264 MCFG 3 Wayne 27-2N-5E IL Basin Exploration Bryan no. 1 Zenith NW 15/15 Pay zone Prod. Total Com- depth depth pletion (ft) (ft) date Silurian Silurian 404 608 McClosky 2,945 404 3,030 9/23/86 666 12/14/83 12/4/84 Table 3 Discovery wells of 10 new pay zones reported in 1987 County Operator, and location, well no., Map no. Sec-Twp-Rng and farm Initial daily prod. oil/water BBL Field gas MCF Pay zone Prod. Total Corn- depth depth pletion (ft) (ft) date Remarks 10 12 13 Gallatin 10-9S-10E Hamilton 10-5S-7E Hamilton 16-7S-6E Jefferson 6-2S-4E Lawrence 28-2N-11W Marion 29-2N-4E Marion 16-3N-4E Saline 21-7S-6E Saline 20-7S-7E Saline 27-7S-7E E.S. Investments Scates no. 2 Marathon Oil Co. Johnson "A" no. 20 B & J Resources Inc. Carter no. 1 Leonard Fields Schultz-Chambliss no. 1 Clarence Catt, Jr. Jones no. 2B Ab LakeS 50/0 McClosky 2,878 2,902 12/19/85 Thackeray 1 4/45 Salem Long Branch 217/0 Ohara Divide S 20/100 Salem St. Francisville 5/1 1 Elmer Oelze, Jr. luka S Schautz & Blank no. 1 Claude Rose Rose no. 2-A G. W. Pyramid Slykhuis no. 4 Brown Enterprises Lewis no. 1 Wilpro Craig no. 2 Omega 12/0 15/0 Long Branch 75/0 Broughton S 10/40 Francis Mills 30/1 20 4,273 5,710 11/26/86 3,151 3,312 3/1/86 3,157 3,301 5/30/86 St. Louis 2,061 2,793 10/20/82 I.P. includes Benoist production. Renault 2,479 2,758 10/1/86 St. Louis 2,290 3,058 1/27/87 I.P. includes Paint Creek, Renault, and McClosky production. Biehl 1,755 3,350 12/24/86 Cypress 2,778 3,415 1/7/87 Also field extension. Aux Vases 2,962 3,178 10/6/86 Table 4 Discovery wells of 1 7 extensions to fields reported in 1 987 County and location, Sec-Twp-Rng Operator, well no., and farm Field Initial daily prod. oil/water BBL gas MCF Pay zone Prod, depth (ft) Total depth (ft) Com- pletion date Remarks Adams 31-2S-6W Mason & Jansen Oitker no. 1 Adams 700 MCFG Silurian 413 449 9/24/86 Brown 6-2S-3W Dallas Drilling & Prod. Parn no. 1 Buckhom C oil well Silurian 532 574 10/4/84 Effingham 35-6N-7E Shakespeare Oil Co. Flinn no. 1 Sailor Springs C 8/11 McClosky 2,910 2,926 4/6/86 Hancock 26-4N-5W Whited Corporation Hayden no. 1 -W Colmar-Plymouth 1/10 Hoing 416 442 3/15/87 Jasper 20-6N-14W Larry C. Neely Nix no. 1 Ste. Marie E 90/35 McClosky 2,691 2,740 11/18/86 Jasper 7-8N-14W Energy Investments Huddlestun no. 1 Yale 25/50 McClosky 1,568 1,649 1/16/86 I. P. includes Rosiclare production. Jefferson 32-3S-4E Petro Venture Oathout no. 1 Belle Rive SW 150/0 McClosky 3,158 3,341 3/3/87 Macoupin 9-8N-8W Sierra Energy Blackburn University no. 1 Plainview gas well Pottsville no report 454 1/25/86 Shut in gas well. Pike 26-4S-3W Michael Jackson Connour no. 1 Griggsville gas well Edgewood no report 450 7/20/82 Richland 30-2N-11E Bunn & Bunn Oil Co. Harrison no. 1 Parkersburg C 35/50 Cypress 2,960 3,185 6/28/87 Richland 36-3N-14W Bunn & Bunn Oil Co. Parker no. 1 Parkersburg C 20/60 Rosiclaire 3,337 3,348 9/3/87 Saline 20-7S-7E Brown Enterprises Lewis no. 1 Broughton S 10/40 Cypress 2,778 3,415 1/7/87 Also new pay in field. Schuyler 6-1N-1W Precision Oil Prod. Bartlow no. 1 Rushville Central 15/0 Silurian 650 691 9/22/87 Schuyler 3-2N-2W Two Rivers Petrol. Co. Mundt no. 1 Rushville NW gas well Silurian 576 630 - Schuyler 4-2N-2W Longhom Resources Boyd no. 2 Littleton S 175 MCFG Silurian 542 555 9/22/84 Wayne 22-1 S-9E Art Buchannon Borah no. 2 Half Moon oil well Rosiclaire 3,337 3,348 12/30/86 Wayne 5-2S-8E Gordon Jenkins Boster no. 1 Clay City C 50/80 Aux Vases 3,208 3,361 11/5/87 White 21-6S-8E Quad "B" Oil Inc. Whipple-Starr Comm. no. 1 Roland C 29/30 Cypress 2,785 3,256 8/10/87 Table 5 Selected unsuccessful deep tests in 1987 County Operator, Deepest Depth Total Com- and location, well no., Field or strata to top depth pletion Sec-Twp-Rng and farm wildcat tested (ft) (ft) date Coles Jewell Oil & Gas Mattoon Shakopee 4,875 4,987 8/1 8/87 10-11N-7E Sprengel-Wadell no. 1-B Hamilton Farrar Oil Co. Wildcat Warsaw 4,097 4,421 8/1 2/87 20-5S-5E Carlton no. 1 Hamilton Henry Energy Dale C. Devonian no 6,000 11/28/85* 14-6S-5E Minnie Lockwood no. 1 report Marion Dunhill Expln. Exchange NC Devonian 4,254 4,600 10/4/87 18-1N-4E Halfacre no. 1 * Deeper pool test completed as a development producer. Table 6 Underground storage facilities for liquified petroleum gases in Illinois, January 1, 1987 Company Location Type of Depth storage (ft) Stratigraphic unit Capacity (bbl) General Facilities Inc. Wood River, Madison Hydrocarbon Transportation Inc. Morris, Grundy County Hydrocarbon Transportation Inc. Lemont, Will County' Mid-America Pipeline Co. Phillips Petroleum Co. Shell Oil Co. Tuloma Gas Products Farmington, Peoria County Kankakee, Kankakee County Wood River, Madison County Wood River, Madison County U.S. Industrial Chemicals Co. Tuscola, Douglas County Warren Petroleum Corp. Crossville, White County Mined limestone 400 Valmeyeran (Mississippian) 80,000 Mined shale 1,450 Eau Claire (Cambrian) 1 50,000 Mined shale 304 Maquoketa 250,000 Mined shale 538 Maquoketa (Ordovician) Mined shale 260 Pennsylvanian 440,000 Mined shale 300 Maquoketa (Ordovician) 260,000 Mined limestone 430 Valmeyeran (Mississippian) 500,000 Mined limestone 232,000 Mined limestone 400 Valmeyeran (Mississippian) 190,000 Mined limestone 50,000 Mined limestone 350 Pennsylvanian 350,000 and siltstone 800,000 Mined shale - Pennsylvanian 52,000 Table 7 Illinois oil field statistics, 1987: explanation of abbreviations and symbols Field N = north, S = south, E = east, W =west, C = consolidated, Cen = central. Fields located in two or more counties have county names listed in order of oil discovery. Age PC = Precambrian, Cam = Cambrian, Ord - Ordovician, Shk = Shakopee, Stp - St. Peter, Tm = Trenton, Sil = Silurian, Dev = Devonian, Mis - Mississippian, Pen - Pennsylvanian. Rock type D = dolomite, DS = sandy dolomite, L = limestone, LS = sandy limestone, OL = oolitic limestone, S = sandstone. ABD Field abandoned. REV Field revived. Structure/trap A = anticline, C = stratigraphic trap, D = dome, F = faulting, H = strata horizontal or nearly horizontal, L = lens, M = monocline, R = reef, T = terrace, U = unconformity. Combinations of letters are used when more than one factor applies. + Field listed in table 8 (gas production). * Field has been or is under waterflood. ++ Illinois portion only. # Acreage is included in the immediately preceding figure, x Correct entry cannot be determined. 10 Table 7 Illinois oil field statistics, 1987 Number of wells Pool , county location by township and range Pay zone Name and age Ab Lake, Gallatin, 8S, 10E Production (1000 bbls) year Area of proved To end Depth dis- in During of (ft) covery acres 1987 1987 Character of oil Pay zone Deepest test Com- Pro- pleted Re- ducing to port- Aban- end Sul- Thick- end of ed doned of GR. fur Rock ness Struc- Depth 1987 1987 1987 year API (%) type (ft) ture Zone (ft) Pennsylvanian Palestine, Mis Waltersburg, Mis Renault, Mis Aux Vases, Mis McClosky Ab Lake South, Gallatin, 9S, 10E Aux Vases, Mis *Ab Lake West, Gallatin, 8-9S, 9-10E 1947 120 805 1957 40 1835 1954 10 2000 1957 40 2735 20 2770 50 2878 1985 30 2798 1959 20 143.9 0.0 3. ABD 1963, REV 1984 Pennsylvanian Waltersburg, Mis Tar Springs, Mis Cypress, Mis Aux Vases, Mis McClosky, Mis 1950 460 725 1954 50 2020 1956 300 2075 1958 30 2425 1954 10 2735 180 2830 20 551.3 17 3 9 M 4 35 S 10 M 1 36 S 5 MF 3 37 s 10 M 2 35 L 8 MF 5 4 35 s 9 MF 3 3 L C 5 2 16 M 3 35 S 10 ML 9 2 37 S 20 ML 2 38 S 10 ML 1 36 s 9 ML 8 36 s 6 ML 2 38 L 2 MC 2953 Mis •Aden C, Wayne, Hamilton, 2-3S, 7E 1938 2540 Aux Vases, Mis 3200 1938 1620 Ohara, Mis 3290 1943 2130 Spar Mt . , Mis 3320 1943 # McClosky, Mis 3350 1938 # Salem, Mis 3735 1948 90 Ullin, Mis 4132 1959 80 Lingle, Dev 5182 1968 10 Dutch Creek, Dev 5318 1959 30 22.2 13740.9 141 63 A 68 39 S 10 A 12 35 L 7 A 6 35 LS 5 AC 84 35 L 4 A 12 36 L 16 AC 7 39 L 16 AC 1 S 10 3 40 S 10 A Dev 5450 Aden East, Wayne, 2S, 7E McClosky, Mis 'Aden South, Hamilton, 3S, 7E 3434 1961 10 0.0 ABD 1961 Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis Salem, Mis 1945 3245 1946 3310 3330 3395 1945 4190 1983 380 170 380 * # 10 1.0 868.6 32 9 A 10 39 S 8 AL 3 37 L 7 AC 8 37 LS 8 AC 18 38 L 9 AC 1 L 4 Mis 3552 5500 *Akin, Franklin, 6S, 4E 1942 770 Cypress, Mis 2840 1942 220 Aux Vases, Mis 3100 530 Ohara, Mis 3100 1956 70 McClosky, Mis 3270 1943 # 3.1 2484.5 60 14 41 4 10 A 35 0.14 S 10 AL 37 0.12 S 22 AL 38 L 18 AC 38 L 9 AC Mis 4300 Akin West, Franklin, 6S, 4E Cypress, Mis Ohara, Mis Spar Mt. , Mis McClosky, Mis Salem, Mis Ullin, Mis 1948 160 2715 1950 30 3050 1948 110 3080 1948 # 3130 # 3663 1962 10 3994 1962 20 3.2 278.4 11 2 3 2 3 1 2 35 37 39 38 37 A s 8 AL L 10 AC L 12 AC L 4 AC L 10 L 10 Albion Cen, Edwards, 2S, 10E 1955 140 Ohara, Mis 3350 1955 140 Spar Mt . , Mis 3427 1982 # McClosky, Mis 3395 * 11 10 1 1 •Albion C +, Edwards, White, 1-3S, 10-11E, 14W 1940 10200 Mansfield, Perm 1650 2190 Bridgeport , Penn 1900 # Biehl, Penn 2000 1944 # Degonia, Mis 2125 20 Waltersburg, Mis 2365 1949 760 Tar Springs, Mis 2460 1944 200 Hardinsburg, Mis 2635 70 Cypress, Mis 2860 1390 (Continued on next page) 36 815.3 852 20 7 30 178 4 3 74 12 6 107 5 28 S 5 MF 29 0.16 S 15 MF 37 0.16 S 15 MF 35 S 9 MF 36 S 16 AL 37 S 5 AL 36 S 10 A 37 S 15 A Dev 5200 11 Table 7 continued Number of wells Pool , county location by township and range Pay zone Name and age •Albion C +, Edwards, White, 1-3S, Production (1000 bbls) Year Area o£ proved To end Depth dis- in During of (ft) covery acres 1987 1987 Character of D il Com- Pro- pleted Re- ducing to port- Aban- end Sul- end of ed doned of GR. fur 1987 1987 1987 year API (%) Pay zone Deepest test Thick- Rock ness Struc- Depth type (ft) ture Zone (ft) Paint Creek, Mis Bethel, Mis Benoist, Mis Renault, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis Salem, Mis Ullin, Mis 10-11E, 14W 2926 1984 20 2960 1420 3000 1020 2988 1980 300 3045 1942 2850 3110 1943 4070 3130 # 3200 1940 # 3310 1983 40 3596 1980 100 3968 1980 70 (Continued from previous page) 2 S 4 98 3 36 S 14 AF 79 2 34 S 13 AF 29 5 S 8 201 8 37 S 18 AF 43 40 L 5 AC 35 2 38 L 10 AC 185 2 37 L 12 AC 4 L 6 8 L 8 7 L 10 •Albion East, Edwards, 2S, 14W Cypress, Mis Bethel, Mis Benoist, Mis Renault, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis 1943 1620 2800 340 2920 170 2925 250 3001 1980 50 3020 410 3100 1943 890 3125 1947 # 3155 * 3260 1983 20 132 1 27 11 27 3 30 1 17 26 22 2 32 38 38 34 38 7 6 10 8 17 7 7 7 1 A A AL AC AL A A A Mis 3982 Albion Northwest, Edwards, IS, 10E 1967 210 Ohara, Mis 3280 1984 210 McClosky, Mis 3300 1967 * 16 5 12 5 6 2 Albion West, Edwards, 3S, 10E 1953 40 Ohara, Mis 3230 1976 40 McClosky, Mis 3375 1953 # ABD 1953, REV 1976 3 2 1 •Allendale, Wabash, Lawrence, 1-2N, 11-13W Pleasantview, Penn Bridgeport, Penn Buchanan, Penn Biehl, Penn Jordan, Penn Waltersburg, Mis Tar Springs, Mis Hardinsburg, Mis Cypress, Mis Sample, Mis Bethel, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis Salem, Mis Ullin, Mis 1912 10930 403.9 25825.4 1292 14 8 407 AM 660 6880 S 30 AM 1070 # 4 S 12 AM 1290 # S 15 AM 1450 # 759 1 5 33 S 20 AM 1490 # 30 S 10 AM 1540 380 33 31 S 15 AM 1600 330 29 30 S 20 AM 1780 10 2 34 S 10 AM 1920 2120 114 1 34 S 10 AM 1769 1340 13 35 S 10 AM 2010 # 106 1 35 s 10 AM 2280 180 14 37 s 12 AM 2300 1550 33 1 L 10 AM 2300 # 22 4 LS 5 AM 2300 # 55 8 1 36 L 8 AM 2275 1967 50 5 39 L 15 2774 1966 120 10 2 39 L 10 2806 1966 40 3 39 L 12 Ord 5143 Alma, Marion, 4N, 2E Cypress, Mis Benoist, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis Amity, Richland, 4N, 14W Aux Vases, Mis Spar Mt. , Mis McClosky, Mis 1941 130 6.7 1805 10 1945 1942 80 2065 1982 60 2085 1941 40 2196 1986 10 ABD.REV1982 1942 90 1.8 3060 1977 10 2940 1983 90 2960 1942 # 1 1 5 A 1 35 S 7 AL 9 1 36 S 8 AL 3 1 S 3 3 1 36 0.26 L 10 AC 1 L 6 7 10 10 6 36 S S OL 10 6 5 3873 Amity S, Richland, 4N, 14W 1953 400 6.6 197.7 27 1 Spar Mt . , Mis 2890 1953 90 27 1 McClosky, Mis 2905 1981 1 1 ABD 1953, REV 1979 12 Table 7 continued Pool, county location by township and range Pay zone Name and age Year of Depth dis- (ft) covery Production (1000 bbls) Area proved To end in During of acres 1987 1987 Number of wells Character of ii Com- Pro- pleted Re- ducing to port- Aban- end Sul- end of ed doned of GR. fur 1987 1987 1987 year API (%) Pay zone Deepest test Thick- Rock ness Struc- Depth type (ft) ture Zone (ft) Amity W. Richland, 4N, 14W Aux Vases, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis •Ashley, Washington, 2S, 1W 2925 2953 1953 1953 1981 40 0.0 C 10 30 ABD 1954, REV 1981 Benoist, Mis 1430 Trenton, Ord 4210 1953 1953 1983 220 210 10 5.6 548.0 3 1 10 2 1 16 15 1 12 5 S 7 L 34 Mis 3145 Trn 4335 •Ashley E, Washington, 2S, 1W Benoist, Mis 1636 Ashmore E, Coles, 13N, 14W 1969 Pennsylvanian 415 Ashmore S +, Coles, Clark, 12N, 10-11E, 1956 60 0.2 67.5 60 0.0 0.8 ABD 1957, REV 1962 1958 350 Pennsylvanian 420 1958 350 Mississippian 475 1963 20 0.2 59.7 25 24 1 4 30 24 38 14 Mis 2030 Dev 1228 Trn 2260 Assumption Cen, Christian, 13N, IE Cypress, Mis Benoist, Mis St. Louis, Mis Devonian •Assumption C, Christian, 13-14N, Benoist, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis Lingle, Dev 1961 220 59.3 188.0 18 1176 1985 10 1 1220 1984 190 14 1430 1986 10 1 2433 1961 E 20 ABD 1961, REV 1984 2 1948 2630 63.8 10945.6 208 5 1050 1949 630 52 5 1170 1949 220 17 2300 1948 2430 141 16 36 40 38 10 7 4 4 13 4 Sil 2566 A Ord 3070 A AL A Assumption S, Christian, 12N, IE Lingle, Dev 15 Sil 2800 1916 Ava-Campbell Hill +, Jackson, 7S, 3-4W Cypress, Mis 780 Baldwin, Randolph, 4S, 6W Silurian 1535 1954 140 0.0 25.0 16 ABD 1943, REV 1956, ABD 1957 30 0.2 36 18 A Trn 3582 x R Trn 2234 Bannister, Marion, 2N, 3E Aux Vases, Mis •Barnhill, Wayne, White, 2-3S, 8-9E 2570 1973 10 0.0 ABD 1978 Cypress, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis Spar Mt. , Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis Salem, Mis Ullin, Mis 1939 3130 133.6 7315.0 267 4 2962 1985 10 10 3325 1943 1390 112 1 3370 1770 23 1 3400 # 24 3450 1939 # 89 1 3520 60 6 3795 760 44 1 4215 30 3 5 Dev 4226 A Dev 5560 S 4 39 S 15 AL OL 6 AC LS 9 AC 38 0.17 OL 15 AC 38 L 7 AC 39 L L 8 11 AC •Bartelso, Clinton, 1-2N, 3W Cypress, Mis Silurian 1936 620 19.7 4399.1 117 985 1936 420 76 2420 1939 440 42 42 A Stp 4212 36 0.20 S 15 D 42 0.27 L 12 R •Bartelso E, Clinton, IN, 3W Silurian 220 3.4 1011.6 7 R Sil 2900 13 Table 7 continued Production Pay zone (1000 bbls) Pool, county Year Area location of proved To end by township Depth dis- in During of and range Name and age (ft) covery acres 1987 1987 Number of wells Character of oil Deepest Com- Pro- Pay zone test pleted Re- ducing to port- Aban- end Sul- Thick- end of ed doned of GR. fur Rock ness Struc- Depth 1987 1987 1987 year API (%) type (ft) ture Zone (ft) Bartelso S, Clinton, IN, 3W Devonian Bartelso W, Clinton, IN, 3-4W 2475 1942 60 0.0 ABD 1962 1945 290 Cypress, Mis 960 1945 290 Silurian 2439 1961 10 113.0 22 5 19 5 1 40 0.15 L 3 A Dev 2652 6 A Sil 2600 36 S 15 A 40 L 7 A •Beaucoup, Washington, 2S, 2W 1951 280 Clear Creek, Dev 3050 1951 280 Trenton, Ord 4095 1952 10 0.2 389.8 14 10 14 39 1 39 A Trn 4192 L 12 AU L 5 A 'Beaucoup S, Washington, 2S, 2W Benoist, Mis 1430 1951 3.2 1102.2 22 12 35 S 9 AL Ord 4170 •Beaver Creek, Bond, Clinton, 3-4N, 2-3W Benoist, Mis 1130 1942 17 4 34 0.25 S 6 A Sil 2558 Beaver Creek N, Bond, 4N, 3W Benoist, Mis 1115 1949 •Beaver Creek S +, Clinton, Bond, 3-4N, 2-3W 80 0.0 0.7 6 ABD 1954, REV 1958, ABD 1964 1946 600 Cypress Mis 1005 20 Bethel, Mis 1076 1974 10 Benoist Mis 1140 1946 570 55 26 A 2 36 S 20 A 1 S 7 52 35 S 5 A Sil 2606 Beckemeyer Gas +, Clinton, 2N, 3W Cypress, Mis •Bellair, Crawford, Jasper, 8N, 14W Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian Mississippian Cypress, Mis Benoist, Mis Renault, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis Carper •Belle Prairie, Hamilton, 4S, 6-7E McClosky, Mis 3420 1940 1070 r 1956 10 0.0 ABD 1958 1907 2420 x 560 2210 815 # 885 # 950 120 1000 440 830 30 800 220 860 110 1436 1982 # 1654 1985 10 1748 1969 50 568 1 94 AM 316 1 29 S 30 AM 82 37 S X AM 190 37 s X AM 9 36 s 4 AM 6 36 s 10 AM 6 37 s 6 AM 12 38 s X AM 2 37 L 4 A 9 L 12 1 L X 4 s 14 SEE CLARK COUNTY DEV. FOR PRODUCTION 4.6 1139.9 Sil 2730 2732 38 0.12 L 6 AC Dev 5483 Belle Prairie W, Hamilton, 4S, 5E 1959 160 14.9 227.4 16 3 Salem, Mis 4120 1980 130 12 1 Ullin, Mis 4206 1959 50 ABD 1960, REV 1980 5 2 'erson, 3S, 4E 10 1943 200 3.2 467.1 Aux Vases, Mis 2980 1984 10 1 McClosky, Mis 3085 1943 110 6 Salem, Mis 3838 1982 50 3 Ullin, Mis 3981 1980 20 3 Devonian 4932 1980 20 2 12 10 6 Dev 5445 7 Dev 5200 S 10 37 0.50 L 6 AC L 7 L 4 L 14 Belle Rive S W, Jefferson, 4S, 4E 1982 60 McClosky, Mis 3304 1982 60 Salem, Mis 3651 1982 10 6 5 6 5 10 L 6 L 11 Mis 4120 14 Table 7 continued Number of wells Pay zone Pool, county location by township and range Name and age Year of Depth dis- (ft) covery Area - proved in acres Production (1000 bbls) Com- pleted to end of 1987 Re- port- ed 1987 - Aban- doned 1987 Pro- ducing end of year During 1987 To end of 1987 Bellmont, Wabash, IS, 13-14W 4 1 3 39 8 35 1 1 Bethel, Mis Ohara, Mis •Beman, Lawrence, 3N, 11W 2650 2840 1951 1951 1951 30 0.0 10 20 ABD 1972 73.0 Aux Vases, Mis Ste. Gen. , Mis 1805 1850 1942 1942 630 100 540 7.5 427.9 11 Character of oil Pay zone test Sul- Thick- GR. fur Rock ness Struc- Depth API (%) type (ft) ture Zone (ft) M 7 ML 7 MC 20 7 A AL AC Dev 3410 Beman E, Lawrence, 3N, 10W Aux Vases, Mis Ste. Gen. , Mis Bennington S, Edwards, IN, 10E 1947 140 2.3 120.8 11 2 1805 1947 50 6 10 1860 1947 110 7 10 ABD 1960, REV 65, ABD 69, REV 80 McClosky, Mis 'Benton, Franklin, 6S, 2-3E Pennsylvanian Tar Springs, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis Salem, Mis Ullin, Mis 3240 1944 10 0.0 ABD 1946 1941 2840 241.5 1700 20 2100 1941 2360 2752 1959 530 2804 1959 420 2770 1983 # 2906 1960 # 2990 1960 20 3530 1984 50 3705 1960 150 41729.5 38 38 20 7 A AL AC 294 11 61 AC 2 33 S 9 AL 249 38 S 10 AC 36 6 38 S 15 A 22 3 L 8 A 2 1 S 16 8 1 37 OL 4 AC 3 1 38 L 6 A 5 3 L 5 10 7 38 L 5 A Mis 2519 'Benton N, Franklin, 5-6S, 2E Cypress, Mis Paint Creek, Mis Bethel, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis Salem, Mis Ullin, Mis 1941 970 44.7 2460 1944 100 2501 1962 400 2600 1942 # 2685 210 2730 510 2775 1941 # 2800 I 3062 1979 60 3285 1984 40 3640 1984 40 4359.4 93 1 12 A 14 38 S 17 A 15 38 S 8 21 38 0.15 S 20 AL 17 39 0.15 S 10 A 13 38 0.70 L 8 A 11 36 0.15 S 6 A 20 34 L 10 A 6 L 10 2 L 29 2 1 L 14 'Berry, Sangamon, 15N, 3W 1961 660 Devonian 1743 1962 60 Silurian 1736 1961 660 45 2 43 38 38 4 35 *Berryville C, Wabash, Edwards, Richland, Lawrence, 1-2N, 14W 1943 1110 Cypress, Mis 2680 1984 40 Bethel, Mis 2771 1983 10 Ohara, Mis 2900 1943 830 Spar Mt . , Mis 2850 1943 # McClosky, Mis 2890 1947 # St. Louis, Mis 2960 1982 120 Salem, Mis 3370 1975 100 Ullin, Mis 3605 1975 20 19.9 1960.4 75 3 7 3 1 1 2 1 18 2 1 15 20 1 10 1 7 1 2 1 35 39 36 M Mis s 5 s 4 L 6 MC L 12 MC L 10 MC L 4 L 10 L 10 3921 Bessie, Franklin, 6S, 3E Hardinsburg, Mis Ohara, Mis St. Louis, Mis Ullin, Mis 1943 430 122.6 1208.5 26 2 24 2367 1986 20 2 S 2 2895 1943 10 1 ' 39 0.15 L 10 3159 1980 40 4 L 26 3825 1979 380 20 2 L 6 Black Branch, Sangamon, 15N, 4W 1600 1967 350 3.7 644.6 26 10 Black Branch E +, Sangamon, 15N, 4W Silurian 1720 1969 10 0.0 ABD 1974 2.8 15 Table 7 continued Pool , county location by township and range Pay zone Production (1000 bbls) Name and age Year of proved To end Depth dis- in During of (ft) covery acres 1987 1987 Area - proved Number of wells Character f ii Deepest Com- Pro- Pay zone test pleted Re- ducing to port- Aban- end Sul- Thick- end of ed doned of GR. fur Rock ness Struc- Depth 1987 1987 1987 year API (%) type (ft) ture Zone (ft) •Blackland, Macon, Christian, 15N, 1E-1W Silurian 1935 1953 2.9 533.6 46 12 MU Ord 3780 Blackland N, Macon, 16N, IE Silurian 1948 1960 Blackland S, Macon, Christian, 15N, 1W Silurian Black River, White, 4S, 13W 1986 1982 Degonia, Mis Palestine, Mis Renault, Mis McClosky, Mis Blairsville W, Hamilton, 4S, 6-7E 680 13.5 359.5 5.6 124.1 Aux Vases, Mis Spar Mt. , Mis McClosky, Mis Salem, Mis Ullin, Mis 1952 210 11.7 309.5 17 1865 1952 190 14 1944 1981 10 1 2816 1982 10 1 2973 1980 10 ABD 1974, REV 1978 1 1948 310 11.6 506.6 20 1 3250 1948 60 5 1 3345 210 2 1 3405 1951 # 12 1 4170 1981 40 2 4340 1981 30 4 L 11 M Sil 2164 Sil 2160 S 6 S 3 S 8 OL 3 L 6 AC L 8 AC L 10 L 10 Mis 3225 Dev 5605 Bluford, Jefferson, 2S, 4E McClosky, Mis 30 0.9 166.9 Mis 3833 Bogota, Jasper, 6N, 9E 1943 360 4.1 586.9 22 Spar Mt. , Mis 3090 360 5 McClosky , Mis 3110 1943 # 17 39 A Mis 3486 L 4 AC L 7 A Bogota N, Jasper, 6N, 9E McClosky, Mis Bogota S, Jasper, 5-6N, 9E 3080 1949 20 0.0 0.0 ABD 1950, REV 1973 1944 400 4.2 572.5 30 Spar Mt. , Mis 3081 1984 80 5 McClosky, Mis 3075 1944 320 25 1 37 Mis 3647 6 MC Mis 3787 L 5 37 L 8 MC Bogota W, Jasper, 6N, 9E McClosky, Mis 308 •Bone Gap C, Edwards, IS, 10-11E, 14W 150 7.8 75.1 ABD 1967, REV 1985 1941 1850 24.9 2987.1 112 3 2 52 A Pennsylvanian 2110 1952 10 1 32 S 8 AL Waltersburg, Mis 2310 1951 180 18 35 S 20 A Cypress, Mis 2710 1947 130 10 37 S 10 A Bethel, Mis 2880 1952 180 12 39 S 14 AL Aux Vases, Mis 3020 1947 230 14 36 S 9 AL Ohara, Mis 3040 1948 1200 19 2 2 34 L 5 AC Spar Mt . , Mis 3045 1947 # 9 35 L 5 AC McClosky, Mis 3200 1941 # 32 1 38 0.33 L 6 AC Sil 4931 Mis 4251 Bone Gap E, Edwards, IS, 14W Ohara, Mis McClosky, Mis Salem, Mis Bone Gap W, Edwards, IS, 10E Ste. Gen., Mis 1951 210 4.0 145.6 2980 1951 70 3050 # 3555 1974 120 ABD 1956, REV 1974 3290 1954 200 1.1 80.6 ABD 1975, REV 1964 •Boulder +, Clinton, 2-3N, 2W Benoist, Mis (Continued on next page) 1941 1190 1942 580 0.5 8120.5 500 16 1 6 1 10 1 13 56 33 8 36 M Mis 4000 L 10 MC L 5 MC L 4 Mis 4151 A Trn 3813 S 20 D 16 Table 7 continued Number of wells Character Production of oil Deepest (1000 bbls) Com- Pro- Pay zone test Year Area pleted Re- ducing of proved To end to port- Aban- end Sul- Thick- Depth dis- in During of end of ed doned of GR. fur Rock ness Struc- Depth (ft) covery acres 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 year API (%) type (ft) ture Zone (ft) Pay zone Pool, county location by township and range Name and age •Boulder +, Clinton, 2-3N, 2W Geneva , Dev Silurian 2630 1941 470 2700 1963 40 ABD 1965, (Continued from previous page) 23 1 28 0.33 40 Boulder E +, Clinton, 3N, 1W Devonian 2.4 210,0 6 39 Dev 2946 •Bourbon C, Douglas, 15N, 7E 1956 1090 Aux Vases, Mis 1512 1980 20 Spar Mt . , Mis 1600 1956 1050 McClosky, Mis 1715 1976 # Chouteau, Mis 2471 1986 60 6.2 1839.9 102 2 94 5 1 32 S 4 LS 12 AC L 5 L 5 Sil 281E Bourbon S, Douglas, 15N, 7E Spar Mt . , Mis 1693 1960 50 0.0 9.6 ABD 1964, REV 1976 2 34 12 AC Mis 1780 Bowyer, Richland, 5N, 14W Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis 1958 2883 1958 2876 1971 100 0.2 16.1 6 100 3 # 3 ABD 67, REV 71, ABD 72, REV 81 36 Mis 3499 •Boyd, Jefferson, IS, 1-2E 1944 1490 6.4 15006.8 128 40 A Benoist, Mis 2060 1944 1450 114 35 0.14 S 19 A Aux Vases, Mis 2130 1944 660 48 37 S 15 A Ohara, Mis 2230 1945 30 24 39 L 2 AC Trenton, Ord 5000 1967 80 6 X Trn 5400 Brocton, Edgar, 15N, 14W Pennsylvanian 210 1984 1 S 5 Pen 769 Brooklyn, Schuyler, 3N, 3W Devonian 460 1983 540 1.3 164.9 38 L 15 U Ord 996 Brooklyn N, McDonough, 4N, 3W Silurian 590 1984 10 0.1 2.5 1 L 38 U Ord 1009 Brooklyn NW, McDonogh, 4N, 3W Silurian 1 L 3 U Sil 650 Broughton, Hamilton, 6S, 7E McClosky, Mis Salem, Mis Ullin, Mis Broughton N, Hamilton, 6S, 7E Aux Vases, Mis 1951 3275 1951 4024 1978 4190 1977 13.7 390 210 20 160 ABD 1954, REV 1977 400.7 3214 1980 40 1.6 20.6 23 11 3 9 L 5 L 35 L 10 Mis 4446 Mis 4330 Broughton S, Saline, 7S, 7E Tar Springs, Mis Cypress, Mis McClosky, Mis •Brown, Marion, IN, IE Cypress, Mis 1951 30 2315 1974 10 2778 1987 10 3215 1951 10 1.6 0.7 3 10 110 10 ABD 1952, REV 1974, ABD 1976, REV 1987 120 1.6 171.9 Mis 3300 S 7 S 6 L 4 S 4 A Mis 2036 •Browns E, Wabash, 1-2S, 14W 1946 900 Pennsylvanian 1844 1963 10 Cypress, Mis 2570 1946 790 Spar Mt. , Mis 2950 1977 70 Salem, Mis 3420 1976 50 6.8 3018.3 80 6 1 75 6 3 5 32 36 S x S 13 ML S 5 L 20 Dev 5083 17 Table 7 continued Pool, county location by township and range Pay zone Name and age Year Area - of proved Depth dis- in (ft) covery acres Number of wells Character Production (1000 bbls) To end During of 1987 1987 Pay zone Deepest test of D il Com- Pro- pleted Re- ducing to port- Aban- end Sul- Thick- end of ed doned of GR. fur Rock ness Struc- Depth 1987 1987 1987 year API (%) type (ft) ture Zone (ft) Brubaker, Marion, 3N, 3E 1973 190 Spar Mt . , Mis 2341 1975 60 McClosky, Mis 2395 1975 # St. Louis, Mis 2550 1976 40 Salem, Mis 2765 1974 20 Devonian 3820 1973 70 26.2 513.4 13 2 2 3 2 4 Sil 5200 s 20 OL 5 L 46 D 7 1 Rd Buckhorn C, Brown, 1-2S, 3-4W Silurian D 3 U Sil 722 Buckner, Franklin, 6S, 2E 1963 240 Aux Vases, Mis 2601 1963 220 Ohara, Mis 2660 1984 10 4.6 254.6 17 16 2 2 2 S 12 L 3 Dev 4594 Bulpitt S, Christian, 13N, 3W Devonian 1911 1962 60 0.0 ABD 1969 3.4 DvS 1990 •Bungay C, Hamilton, 4S, 7E 1941 3590 57.3 14971.8 280 2 1 86 A Renault, Mis 3270 560 23 1 39 S 10 AL Aux Vases, Mis 3295 1941 3020 215 2 39 0.24 s 15 AL Ohara, Mis 3335 420 6 L 8 AC Spar Mt . , Mis 3400 1943 * 4 L 8 AC McClosky, Mis 3425 1943 # 21 36 0.24 L 8 AC Ullin, Mis 4190 1959 10 1 38 L 10 AC Dev 5566 Burnt Prairie S, White, 4S, 9E 1947 80 Aux Vases, Mis 3330 20 Ohara, Mis 3415 1947 70 McClosky, Mis 3460 # 7 2 2 37 S 24 1 38 L 6 4 L 4 3600 Burnt Prairie SW, White, 4S, 8E 1979 370 20.4 Aux Vases, Mis 3336 1979 90 Ohara, Mis 3436 1979 280 Spar Mt. , Mis 3451 1979 # McClosky, Mis 3513 1979 # 5 2 16 S 6 L 8 S 4 L 6 Calhoun Cen, Richland, 2N, 10E Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis 1950 3245 3280 1950 30 0.0 0.5 3 30 2 # 10 ABD 1952, REV AND ABD 1959 M 6 MC 3 MC •Calhoun C, Richland, Wayne, 2-3N, 9-10E 1944 2200 7.8 4246.8 130 1 24 A Ohara, Mis 3140 1944 2200 25 39 OL 9 A Spar Mt . , Mis 3160 # 30 1 37 OL 6 A McClosky, Mis 3180 1944 # 74 39 0.15 OL 10 A St. Louis, Mis 3370 1967 10 1 39 L 9 Salem, Mis 3730 1967 40 3 39 L 8 Sil 5645 •Calhoun E, Richland, 2N, 10-11E 1950 410 33.2 442.0 29 Spar Mt . , Mis 3294 1985 # 12 McClosky, Mis 3265 1950 410 20 Ullin, Mis 4099 1985 10 ABD 1977, REV 1980 1 Calhoun N, Richland, 3N, 10E 1944 60 Spar Mt . , Mis 3155 1944 60 McClosky, Mis 3170 1944 * 88.0 4 10 4 36 A LS 10 A OL 11 A 18 Table 7 continued Pool, county location by township and range Number of wells Character Pay zone Production (1000 bbls) Pay zone of ii Com- Pro- Year Area — — pleted Re- ducing of proved To end to port- Aban- end Sul- Thick- Depth dis- in During of end of ed doned of GR. fur Rock ness Struc- Name and age (ft) covery acres 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 year API (%) type (ft) ture Deepest test Depth Zone (ft) •Calhoun S, Wayne, Richland, Edwards, 1-2N, 9E 1953 750 30.6 847.8 47 2 Benoist, Mis 3137 1984 10 1 1 Aux Vases, Mis 3175 1953 30 3 Ohara, Mis 3232 1963 730 8 1 Spar Mt . , Mis 3224 1962 * 22 McClosky, Mis 3209 1961 # ABD 1953, REV 1961 27 1 22 37 S 4 L 5 L 8 L 5 OL 6 Mis 4152 Carlinville +, Macoupin, 9N, 7W 380 1909 Carlinville N +, Macoupin, ION, 7W 40 0.0 ABD 1925, REV 1942 Pottsville, Penn 440 1941 100 0.0 1.9 ABD 1954, REV 1982 20 2 26 S 6 A 4 20 0.35 S 10 Mis 1380 Trn 1970 Carlinville S, Macoupin, 9N, 7W Pennsylvanian •Carlyle, Clinton, 2N, 3W 539 1958 10 0.0 ABD 1964 Golconda, Mis Cypress, Mis 1911 1330 25.7 4426.3 216 2 900 1952 10 7 1035 1911 1320 214 2 40 A 35 L 10 AC 35 0.26 S 20 AL Pen 1020 Stp 4120 Carlyle E, Clinton, 2N, 2W Benoist, Mis •Carlyle N, Clinton, 3N, 3W Benoist, Mis 1197 1963 30 0.0 1.5 2 ABD 1972, REV 1978, ABD 1985 1150 1950 550 11.4 1037.3 34 31 34 S 6 AL Mis 1245 Dev 2558 Carlyle S, Clinton, IN, 3W Cypress, Mis •Carmi, White, 5S, 9E 1075 1951 40 0.0 4.2 ABD 1983, REV 1982 Pennsylvanian Cypress, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis 1940 1210 2800 3145 3170 1984 3150 1940 350 3.4 429. 10 150 90 120 # ABD 1949, REV 1952 *Carmi N, White, 5S, 9E Cypress, Mis Benoist, Mis Aux Vases, Mis •Casey, Clark, 10-11N, 14W 1942 2940 3080 1954 3270 1942 130 30 20 100 9.4 364.1 Pennsylvanian 265 Pennsylvanian 300 Casey, Penn 445 St. Louis, Mis 410 Carper 1300 28 1 11 1906 3070 x x 2760 # # # 280 SEE CLARK COUNTY DIV. FOR PRODUCTION 11 2 2 8 525 1 4 43 96 1 4 375 21 •Centerville, White, 4S, 9E 1940 260 Aux Vases, Mis 3240 1953 20 Ohara, Mis 3310 240 Spar Mt. , Mis 3370 # McClosky, Mis 3370 1940 # Ullin, Mis 4120 1983 10 Centerville E, White, 3-4S, 9-10E 1941 1400 Palestine, Mis 2225 1950 20 Tar Springs, Mis 2500 830 Hardinsburg, Mis 2615 1950 40 Cypress, Mis 2915 1941 660 Bethel, Mis 2990 1942 220 Aux Vases, Mis 3075 530 (Continued on next page) 8758.5 150 2 8 2 36 1 2 1 49 3 20 1 39 4 233 35 32 38 37 35 s 10 ML s 15 ML s 8 ML s 3 OL 6 MC A 38 s 13 AF 37 S 12 AF 36 0.14 s 14 AF AM 32 s X AM 30 s X AM 35 s 10 AM 9 6 A 2 37 s 6 AL 6 38 L 10 AC 5 L 8 AC 8 37 0.17 OL 4 AC 1 L 21 A 35 S 3 ALF 38 0.20 S 24 ALF 36 S 22 ALF 37 S 6 ALF 38 S 20 ALF Mis 3546 Mis 3452 Trn 2608 Dev 5990 19 Table 7 continued Pay zone Area - proved in acres Production (1000 bbls) To end During of 1987 1987 Number of wells Char; icter oil Pay zone Deepest test Pool , county location by township and range pleted Re- ducing to port- Aban- end end of ed doned of GR. 1987 1987 1987 year API Sul- fur (%) Name and age of Depth dis- (ft) covery Thick- Rock ness type (ft) Struc- ture Depth Zone (ft) *Centerville E, White, 3-4S, 9- 10E (Continued from previous 9 11 36 2 21 37 110 10 page) OL LS OL L L 5 6 7 4 12 ACF ACF ACF Ohara, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis Salem, Mis 3175 3185 3230 3337 1987 3998 1982 420 # # 10 10 Centerville N, White, 3S, 10E Bethel, Mis 2990 1947 10 0.0 0.0 ABD 1948 Centerville N E, White, 3S, 10E Bethel, Mis 3055 1955 10 0.0 5.6 ABD 1959 •Central City, Marion, IN, IE Pennsylvanian 826 1964 130 1.5 95.9 10 10 13 S 13 ML Mis 3332 Mis 3407 9 33 S 10 Mis 1942 •Centralia, Clinton, Marion, 1-2N, IE, 1W 1937 2980 Petro, Penn 765 1958 30 Cypress, Mis 1200 1530 Benoist, Mis 1355 1937 2510 Devonian 2870 1939 2610 Trenton, Ord 3930 1940 1100 76.6 58401.1 1023 1 6 4 57 577 6 321 1 59 A Ord 4170 32 S x A 37 0.20 S 12 A 38 0.17 S 20 A 40 0.38 L 9 A 40 L 22 A Centralia W, Clinton, IN, 1W 1940 90 Cypress, Mis 1308 1960 10 Benoist, Mis 1440 1940 90 10 1 A 1 35 S 4 A 9 38 0.17 S 9 A Chesterville, Douglas, 15N, 7E Spar Mt . , Mis 1 39 •Chesterville E, Douglas, 14-15N, 7-8E Spar Mt. , Mis 1720 1957 Christopher S, Franklin, 7S, IE Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis Claremontt, Richland, 3N, 14W 400 0.0 1164.4 ABD 1974 Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis Clark County Div, Clark, Coles, Crawford, Cumberland, Jasper 1964 30 1 2620 1964 30 2690 1964 10 ABD 1969 1950 120 1 3200 1950 120 3218 1969 # ABD 1971 1900 27410 290.5 89189.9 62->5 25 2026 38 37 AC Mis 1785 Mis 2820 Mis 4065 INCLUDES BELLAIR;CASEY; JOHNSON N,S;MARTINSVILLE; SIGGINS; WESTFIELD; YORK •Clarksburg, Shelby, ION, 4E 1946 110 Bethel, Mis 1779 1981 10 Aux Vases, Mis 1770 1946 100 14 2 1 13 2 36 Dev 3206 •Clay City C, Clay, Wayne, Richland, Jasper, 1-7N, 1-2S, 6-11E 1937 108910 2657.1 i 344036.5 7852 87 87 3052 A Waltersburg, Mis 2175 1952 20 2 36 S 6 AL Tar Springs, Mis 2560 1949 130 8 38 S 15 AL Cypress, Mis 2635 1937 9210 662 3 6 36 S 15 AL Bethel, Mis 2800 450 36 39 S 15 AL Aux Vases, Mis 2940 1942 35230 2433 41 23 38 S 15 AL Ohara, Mis 3020 73950 322 2 6 38 OL 5 AC Spar Mt . , Mis 3030 # 775 3 13 38 LS 8 AC McClosky, Mis 3050 1937 « 3593 30 46 39 OL 10 AC St. Louis, Mis 3025 1949 3990 333 6 3 38 L 3 A Salem, Mis 3590 1950 12950 837 32 13 39 L 10 A Ullin, Mis 3600 1952 710 57 2 40 L 17 A Carper 3806 1979 80 5 s 6 Devonian 4350 1949 140 9 39 L 10 A 20 Table 7 continued Number of wells Production Pay zone (1000 bbls) Pool, county Year Area location of proved To end by township Depth dis- in During of and range Name and age (ft) covery acres 1987 1987 Character Pay zone Deepest test of Q il Com- Pro- pleted Re- ducing to port- Aban- end Sul- Thick- end of ed doned of GR. fur Rock ness Struc- Depth 1987 1987 1987 year API (%) type (ft) ture Zone (ft) Clear Lake E.Sangamon, 16N.4W Silurian 40 0.2 26.5 25 Clifford, Williamson, 8S, IE Aux Vases, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis •Coil. Wayne, IS, 5E Aux Vases, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis Salem, Mis 1957 40 0.0 2380 1957 40 2470 1957 20 2540 1957 # ABD 1965 1942 560 14.6 2910 1942 380 3018 1982 20 3065 1942 # 3021 1967 100 3510 1977 100 15.0 2 2 1 1 40 26 1 1 6 9 38 38 S LS L S S OL L L 10 4 15 9 14 2625 Mis 3756 •Coil W, Jefferson, IS, 4E 1942 630 Aux Vases, Mis 2720 1944 180 Ohara, Mis 2790 1942 230 Spar Mt . , Mis 2805 # McClosky, Mis 2880 1942 * St. Louis, Mis 3040 1967 160 Salem, Mis 3346 1961 280 18.6 1469.1 57 15 11 2 14 15 20 38 39 37 15 7 7 8 7 10 A AL AC AC AC Mis 3751 Collinsville, Madison, 3N, 8W Silurian 1305 1909 •Colmar-Plymouth, Hancock-McDonough,4-5N, 4-5W Hoing, Dev 450 1914 2560 40 0.0 ABD 1921 1.6 5152.3 31 35 0.38 20 ML Stp 2177 AL Shk 1095 Comer, Macoupin, ION, 8W Pennsylvanian 444 1982 10 0.0 1 1 S 8 ABD 1986 •Concord C, White, 6S, 10E 213 88 1942 2290 55 .8 9066.4 A Tar Springs, Mis 2270 1943 350 26 36 S 11 AL Hardinsburg, Mis 2510 1954 350 30 36 s 7 A Cypress, Mis 2625 1944 270 19 37 s 10 AL Aux Vases, Mis 2905 1942 710 53 36 0.15 s 14 AL Ohara, Mis 2930 1943 1100 3 L 8 AC Spar Mt . , Mis 3035 # 4 L 8 AC McClosky, Mis 2990 # 56 37 L 10 AC St. Louis, Mis 3370 1976 250 18 L 7 Salem, Mis 3790 1981 10 1 L 8 Ullin, Mis 3900 1975 530 30 L •Concord E C, White, 6-7S, 10E 43 16 1942 470 4 .6 927.8 A Degonia, Mis 1900 1984 10 1 s 6 Waltersburg, Mis 2140 40 4 33 s 10 A Tar Springs, Mis 2175 80 6 36 s 4 A Cypress, Mis 2540 210 20 38 s 6 A Renault, Mis 2800 20 2 36 L 6 A Aux Vases, Mis 2825 70 7 36 s 12 A Ohara, Mis 2895 120 3 L 6 AC Spar Mt . , Mis 2895 # 6 s 5 AC McClosky, Mis 2965 # 4 37 L 2 AC •Cooks Mills C +, Coles, Douglas, 13-14N, 7-8E 260 2 72 1941 3230 6 .6 3166.9 A Cypress, Mis 1600 1955 10 1 39 s 20 A Aux Vases, Mis 1765 1941 10 2 37 s 15 A Spar Mt . , Mis 1800 1946 3170 253 2 37 s 9 A McClosky, Mis 1840 1955 # 2 L 4 A Osage, Mis 2285 1985 10 1 s Carper 2700 1963 20 1 38 s 5 Devonian 2867 1963 40 5 37 L 3 524 5313 21 Table 7 continued Pay zone Pool, county location by township and range Name and age Number of well! Production (1000 bbls) Com- Year Area pleted Re- of proved To end to port- Aban- Depth dis- in During of end of ed doned (ft) covery acres 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 Character of oil Pro- ducing end Sul- of GR. fur year API (%) Deepest Pay zone test Thick- Rock ness Struc- Depth type (ft) ture Zone (ft) Cooperstown W, Brown, IS, 2W Silurian L 45 Sil 684 •Cordes, Washington, 3S, 3W Benoist, Mis 1260 1939 1640 25.6 10524.7 156 33 36 0.19 S 14 A Ord 3880 Cordes N, Washington, 2S, 3W Devonian Cordes N E, Washington, 3S, 2W 10 0.0 ABD 1987 Cypress, Mis Benoist, Mis 1983 1200 1983 1392 1985 20 10 10 2 1 10 1 10 S 9 S 3 Ord 3850 Mis 1225 'Corinth, Williamson, 8S, 4E 1957 370 Aux Vases, Mis 2885 1957 320 Ohara, Mis 2929 80 Spar Mt . , Mis 2985 1957 # McClosky, Mis 3075 1984 # 22 17 Ord 7250 19 38 S 10 2 38 L 10 2 38 L 10 1 OL 5 Corinth E, Willaimson, 8S, 4E McClosky, Mis Corinth N, Williamson, 8S, 4E Aux Vases, Mis 3035 1957 10 0.0 10.6 10 ABD 1960 2935 1957 10 0.0 3.7 10 ABD 1960 Corinth S, Williamson, 9S, 4E Cypress, Mis Cottage Grove, Saline, 9S, 7E Ohara, Mis Coulterville N, Washington, 3S, 5W Silurian 2350 1972 10 0.6 10.0 10 2770 1955 10 0.0 12.5 10 ABD 1963 3£ 38 L 10 L 8 Mis 3350 Mis 3180 Mis 2820 Mis 2977 2290 1958 50 0.6 42.0 5 L x R Ord 3204 •Covington S, Wayne, 2S, 6E 1943 730 Ohara, Mis 3290 1984 640 McClosky, Mis 3310 1943 « St. Louis, Mis 3361 1962 10 Ullin, Mis 4148 1960 90 33 14 AC Dev 5300 2 L 6 27 36 0.18 L 5 AC 1 36 L 4 6 36 L 12 AC Craig, Perry, 4S, 4W Trenton, Ord Cravat, Jefferson, IS, IE Benoist, Mis 3650 1948 10 0.0 2.9 2 ABD 1951, REV 1965, ABD 1967 120 0.6 389.3 L 20 A Ord 3750 6 34 0.23 S 10 A Dev 3850 Cravat W, Jefferson, IS, IE 1956 140 Pennsylvanian 1045 1956 130 Bethel, Mis 2070 1960 10 145.3 15 14 10 14 32 S 10 S 10 Mis 2390 Crossville, White, 4S, 10E 1946 130 Bethel, Mis 2880 1948 40 Aux Vases, Mis 3030 1956 30 Ohara, Mis 3100 100 McClosky, Mis 3120 1946 # Salem, Mis 3640 1982 10 13 1 M Mis 4135 3 38 S 9 ML 3 37 s 20 ML 1 L 3 MC 5 38 L 5 MC 1 L 14 ABD 52, REV 56, ABD 58, REV 81 22 Table 7 continued Number of wells Character Pool, county location by township and range Pay zone Name and age Production of oil (1000 bbls) Com- Pro- Year Area pleted Re- ducing of proved To end to port- Aban- end Sul- Depth dis- in During of end of ed doned of GR. fur (ft) covery acres 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 year API (%) Pay zone Deepest test Thick- Rock ness Struc- Depth type (ft) ture Zone (ft) •Crossville W. White, 4S, 10E Cypress, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis Salem, Mis Ullin, Mis 1952 300 2.9 406.0 2810 1973 10 3030 1952 160 3110 1958 160 3150 1958 # 3185 1956 # 3985 1983 60 4110 1983 80 ABD 1953, REV 1956, ABD 1975, REV 1982 28 11 M 1 S 18 11 37 S 8 ML 1 37 L 8 M 3 L 8 M 11 38 L 8 MC 4 L 4 6 L 10 4225 Dahlgren, Hamilton, 3S, 5E McClosky, Mis Ullin, Mis 1941 620 3300 1941 620 4110 1956 10 1.0 1225.5 45 2 A 44 37 0.16 L 11 A 1 39 L 15 A 5299 Dahlgren S, Hamilton, 4S, 5E Salem, Ullin, Mis Mis 1982 3836 1982 4258 1982 20 10 10 2 1 1 17 13 Mis 4366 Dahlgren S W, Jefferson, 4S, 4E Ullin, Mis 10 0.0 ABD 1986 0.5 Dahlgren W, Jefferson, 4S, 4E Ullin, Mis 4019 1960 30 0.0 32.3 3 ABD 1966, REV 1980, ABD 1985 Dev 5245 •Dale C, Franklin, Hamilton, Saline, 5-7S, 4-7E Tar Springs, Mis Hardinsburg, Mis Cypress, Mis Bethel, Mis Renault, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis Spar Mt. , Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis Salem, Mis Ullin, Mis Dawson, Sangamon, 16N, 3W Silurian 1940 2430 1943 2480 2700 1940 2975 3245 1984 3150 1945 3110 3130 3150 1940 3163 1965 3991 1980 4168 1978 19575 480 120 1580 3480 10 17260 4120 « # 310 695 330 216.9 102642.5 1636 1971 240 6.0 235.5 ABD 1972, REV 1982 1772 8 10 41 12 127 286 1 1 1356 5 6 114 2 16 165 1 1 28 1 1 46 2 1 23 A 36 S 25 A 38 S 10 A 39 S 15 A 38 0.19 S 18 A S 6 37 0.15 S 20 A 38 0.22 L 10 A 38 LS 7 A 36 0.19 L 7 A 39 L 7 L 6 L 10 14 PC 13051 10 MU Sil 1800 Decatur, Macon, 16-17N, 2E Silurian 2000 1953 240 3.5 20.3 ABD 1959, REV 1983 18 MU Ord 2800 Decatur N, Macon, 17N, 3E Silurian •ranklin, 7S, 3E 2200 1954 10 0.0 ABD 1955 Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis McClosky, Mis Ullin, Mis 1957 2810 1957 2851 1985 2913 1963 3748 1985 130 3.0 80 40 30 10 10 6 1 2 1 10 MU Sil 2240 S 20 S 4 OL 4 L 13 Dev 5000 Deering City E, Franklin, 7S, 3E McClosky, Mis 2965 1974 10 1.5 20.0 10 10 L 7 Mis 3117 Deland, Piatt, 19N, 5E 1225 1981 60 0.2 4 4 L 4 Sil 1255 Divernon, Sangamon, 13N, 5W Silurian 1643 1982 340 5.6 188.9 18 1 16 LOU Ord 2200 23 Table 7 continued Production Pay zone (1000 bbls) Pool, county Year Area location of proved To end by township Depth dis- in During of and range Name and age (ft) covery acres 1987 1987 Number of wells Character of D il Deepest Com- Pro- Pay zone test pleted Re- ducing to port- Aban- end Sul- Thick- end of ed doned of GR. fur Rock ness Struc- Depth 1987 1987 1987 year API (%) type (ft) ture Zone (ft) •Divide C, Jefferson, IS, 3-4E 1943 5785 289.3 12982.3 399 24 2 224 A Aux Vases, Mis 2620 1947 170 11 38 S 10 AL Ohara, Mis 2700 1944 2890 9 1 L 10 AC Spar Mt . , Mis 2700 1945 # 24 38 LS 6 A McClosky, Mis 2750 1943 # 177 37 0.21 L 6 AC St. Louis, Mis 2840 1955 460 46 1 1 37 L 7 AC Salem, Mis 3190 1960 3115 203 22 1 37 L 10 AC Ullin, Mis 3502 1981 10 1 L 10 Dev 4700 Divide S, Jefferson, 2S, 3-4E McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis Salem, Mis Dix S, Jefferson, IS, 2E Benoist, Mis Renault, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis Salem, Mis •Dollville, Shelby, 12N, 2E 1948 310 0.1 499.0 18 1 2880 1948 300 16 2990 1984 10 1 3157 1986 10 1 1 1941 230 64.4 200.9 21 1 1950 1941 20 2 2049 1985 20 2 2144 1985 120 6 1 2253 1985 # 5 2438 1985 80 7 ABD 1946, REV 1985 Bethel, Mis Dubois Cen, Washington, 3S, 1W 1509 1961 310 35.0 145. 1954 140 Benoist, Mis 1335 1955 110 Spar Mt. , Mis 1530 1954 80 20 16 37 10 10 Mis 3935 Mis 5036 Mis 1800 13 7 Dev 3100 12 30 S 12 4 35 L 8 •Dubois C, Washington, 3S, 1-2W Cypress, Mis Benoist, Mis 1939 1570 27.6 2634.6 132 1230 1947 500 44 1325 1939 490 43 A 5504 37 S 10 AL 30 0.26 S 10 AL Dubois S, Perry, 4S, 1W Benoist, Mis •Dudley, Edgar, 13-14N, 13W 1310 1984 Upper Dudley, Perm 310 Lower Dudley, Penn 410 1948 5.7 900 57.5 2901. 900 # 4 129 24 105 25 24 Mis 1319 M Stp 2997 S 20 ML S 50 ML Dudleyville E, Bond, 4-5N, 2-3W 2370 1954 20 0.0 2. ABD 1961 Dupo, St. Clair, IN, IS, 10W Trenton, Ord 700 1928 960 15.5 3074.4 Eagarville E, Macoupin, 8N, 6W Pennsylvanian 621 1980 110 7.0 22.5 Eberle, Effingham, 6N, 6E Cypress, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis Edinburg, Christian, 14N, 3W 1947 200 0.0 152.4 2475 1947 110 2680 110 2820 1947 # ABD 1967, REV 1973 Lingle, Dev Edinburg S, Christian, 14N, 3W 1810 1949 10 0.0 2.3 ABD 1951 Hibbard, Dev 1795 1955 40 1.1 23.0 ABD 1963, REV 1983 2 15 2 9 2 2 4 Ord 3397 326 28 33 0.70 L 50 A Cam 3111 Trn 745 3 8 4 2 39 A Mis 2882 S 10 AL LS 5 AC L 7 A 100 38 L2A Dev 1853 LS 13 S Sil 1902 24 Table 7 continued Year of Depth dis- (ft) covery Area - proved in acres Production (1000 bbls) Number of wells Character of oil Pay ; cone Deepest test Pay zone Pool, county location by township and range Name and age Com- pleted to end of 1987 Re- port- ed 1987 Aban- doned 1987 Pro- ducing end of year GR. API Sul- fur (%) To end During of 1987 1987 Thick Rock ness type (ft) Struc ture Depth Zone (ft) •Edinburg W, Christian, Sangamon, Devonian Silurian Elba, Gallatin, 8S, 8E 14N, 3-4W 1954 1660 1954 1690 1954 2120 270 1880 16.7 3304.8 153 24 131 15 1 3 1 5 5 40 2 37 2 91 2 19 41 41 37 36 36 38 38 30 35 37 S L S S L S L S L L 6 8 10 3 5 11 3 3 20 A A A Rd Rd Rd Rd Ord 2285 Cypress, Mis Bethel, Mis Renault, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis •Elbridge, Edgar, 12-13N, 11W 2617 2660 2770 2780 2820 1955 1958 1955 1955 250 5.9 53.6 10 80 10 120 80 ABD 1960, REV 1980 Mis 3000 Pennsylvanian Fredonia, Mis Devonian 760 950 1950 1949 1950 1949 1949 440 10 430 20 4.2 15467.3 Trn 3300 •Eldorado C +, Saline, 8S, 6-7E Degonia, Mis Palestine, Mis Waltersburg, Mis Tar Springs, Mis Hardinsburg, Mis Cypress, Mis Sample, Mis Benoist, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis 1941 3940 37.9 12546.6 321 2 4 114 A 1700 1976 40 3 S 16 1920 1950 500 34 1 36 S 20 AL 2125 1954 1960 148 1 38 S 25 AL 2200 1955 280 19 37 S 15 AL 2350 1953 300 31 1 38 s 8 AL 2575 1954 300 22 37 s 8 AL 2680 1954 70 6 37 s 18 AL 2778 1962 t 2 s 10 2900 1954 1110 80 3 37 s 12 AL 2900 100 3 L 5 AC 2900 # 3 LS 4 AC 2975 1941 # 2 39 0.14 L 5 AC •Eldorado E +, Saline, Gallatin, 8S, 7-8E Pennsylvanian Palestine, Mis Tar Springs, Mis Cypress, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis 1953 640 530 1981 80 1915 1954 30 2190 1954 40 2515 1954 170 2885 1953 350 2918 1982 40 2975 1954 « 2990 1984 # 46 20 A 6 S 8 2 36 S 10 AL 3 35 S 10 AL 11 37 S 20 AL 21 38 S 6 AL 1 L 4 1 38 L 4 AC 2 OL 4 Mis 4183 Eldorado W +, Saline, 8S, 6E Palestine, Mis Renault, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis Spar Mt. , Mis McClosky, Mis 1955 360 1940 1956 80 2910 1955 40 2960 1955 150 2966 1982 150 2994 1982 # 3031 1982 # 9.8 323.0 28 1 22 8 30 S 18 3 1 37 L 6 11 38 L 6 3 L 4 3 S 13 2 L 10 Elk Prairie, Jefferson, 4S, 2E Spar Mt. , Mis McClosky, Mis Salem, Mis Elkton, Washington, 2S, 4W Bailey, Dev 1938 230 79.3 715.3 16 2775 1984 230 12 2735 1938 # 4 3076 1960 10 1 ABD 40, REV 60, ABD 70, REV 81 2340 1955 40 0.0 ABD 1960 Elkton N, Washington, 2S, 4W Hardin, Dev 14 37 L 37 L 2320 1971 160 1.6 Dev 4600 U Dev 2485 Ord 3275 Elkville, Jackson, 7S, 1W Benoist, Mis 2000 1941 10 0.0 4.0 1 36 0.22 S 10 Sil 3914 25 Table 7 continued Pool, county location by township and range Pay zone Name and age •Ellery E, Edwards, 2S, 10E Number of wells Character Production of oil (1000 bbls) Com- Pro- Year Area pleted Re- ducing of proved To end to port- Aban- end Sul- Depth dis- in During of end of ed doned of GR. fur (ft) covery acres 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 year API (%) Pay zone Deepest test Thick- Rock ness Struc- Depth type (ft) ture Zone (ft) (Continued from previous page) 1952 480 Aux Vases, Mis 3180 1953 260 Ohara, Mis 3255 1952 300 Spar Mt . , Mis 3255 # McClosky, Mis 3260 1978 # Ullin, Mis 4218 1979 10 40 10 M 25 36 s 35 ML 11 37 L 6 MC 4 L 4 MC 3 L 6 1 L 9 Ellery N, Edwards, Wayne, 2S, 9-10E Bethel, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis Ellery S, Edwards, 2-3S, 10E 1942 160 3100 1954 20 3230 1954 20 3300 1972 130 3345 # 3420 1942 # 3438 10 ABD 1943, REV AND ABD 1951, REV 1954 1943 250 Aux Vases, Mis 3200 1947 50 Spar Mt . , Mis 3316 1985 10 McClosky, Mis 3300 1943 190 Ullin, Mis 4156 1978 10 13.6 246.5 22 7 1 15 1 36 ABD 1952, REV 53, ABD 59, REV & ABD 60, REV 78 Elliottstown, Effingham, 7N, 7E Spar Mt . , Mis Elliottstown E, Effingham, 7N, 7E 2730 1947 10 0.0 13.7 ABD 1951 39 35 12 4 M ML ML ML MC Dev 5425 M Mis s 15 ML s 3 L 9 MC L 10 1954 90 1.6 145.5 7 1 Cypress, Mis 2485 1954 10 1 35 S 5 HL Spar Mt . , Mis 2750 1962 80 3 L 10 McClosky, Mis 2771 1962 # 3 37 L 8 8 HL Mis 2884 Mis 3292 ABD 1956, REV 1962 •Elliottstown N, Effingham, 7N, 7E 1953 Cypress, Mis 2430 1953 Aux Vases, Mis 2710 1966 Spar Mt., Mis 2666 1964 McClosky, Mis 2738 1964 310 0.0 271.2 20 10 270 # ABD 1958, REV 1964, ABD 1985 19 2 36 S 4 1 37 S 2 2 L 3 14 37 OL 17 Mis •Energy, Williamson, 9S.2E Aux Vases, Mis 16 Mis 2694 •Enfield, White, 5S, 8E Paint Creek, Mis Bethel, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis McClosky, Mis Salem, Mis Ullin, Mis Enfield N, White, 5S, 8E Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis McClosky, Mis Ullin, Mis 1950 750 29.7 1571 3140 1984 10 3163 1985 50 3250 1950 390 3310 310 3385 1950 1 4196 1985 10 4320 1977 40 ABD 1951, REV 1952 1976 470 28.5 655 3320 1976 440 3400 1976 30 3470 1983 # 4385 1977 10 57 2 1 3 26 1 7 18 1 1 5 35 31 3 1 1 39 37 25 12 10 10 AL 4 AC 8 AC 4 19 12 6 4 Mis 4657 4500 Enfield S, White, 6S, 8E 1961 70 Aux Vases, Mis 3174 1961 50 Spar Mt . , Mis 3265 10 McClosky, Mis 3277 1961 50 ABD 1963, REV 1980 7 5 4 39 S 2 1 S 5 4 38 L 6 Mis Erwin, Schuyler, 2N, 3W Silurian 415 1983 50 920 26 Table 7 continued Year of ■\ dis- covery Area - proved in acres Production (1000 bbls) To end During of 1987 1987 Number ol '. wells Character of oil Pay zone Deepest test Pay zone Com- pleted to end of 1987 Re- port ed 1987 • Aban- doned 1987 Pro- ducing end of year GR. API Sul- fur (%) location by township and range Name and age Deptl (ft) Thick- Rock ness type (ft) Struc ture Depth Zone (ft) Evers, Effingham, 8N, 7E 6 3 2 1 2 39 L L L 7 4 4 A AL AC Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis Salem, Mis 2610 2660 3126 1948 1948 1975 80 0.5 133.3 70 * 10 ABD 1949, REV 1953 Ord 5370 Evers S, Effingham, 7N, 7E 1 38 LS 8 AC Spar Mt . , Mis 2650 1948 10 0.0 2.4 ABD 1951 Mis 2783 Ewing, Franklin, 5S, 3E 12 3 1 7 1 1 2 38 36 S S L L L 8 10 7 5 6 A AL A Aux Vases, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis Ullin, Mis 2835 2950 2970 3170 3790 1944 1947 1981 1944 1981 1981 220 2.4 554.4 40 10 # 10 40 ABD 1971, REV 1976 Mis 3951 Ewing E, Franklin, 5S, 3E 50 1 6 8 40 7 1 2 6 2 2 43 38 L L L L 10 8 14 6 Ohara, Mis St. Louis, Mis Salem, Mis Ullin, Mis 3010 3265 3546 3880 1956 1956 1976 1978 1976 700 10 70 90 700 72.6 1083.9 Ord 9511 Exchange, Marion, IN, 3E 54 23 1 4 16 19 2 2 1 44 37 37 L S L L L 10 5 8 5 15 M MC MC Ohara, Mis Spar Mt. , Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis Salem, Mis 2695 2715 2730 2951 3171 1943 1983 1943 1978 1975 780 21.7 528.8 60 * # 620 220 ABD 1967, REV 1975 Sil 4908 •Exchange E, Marion, IN, 4E Ohara, Mis Spar Mt. , Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis Salem, Mis 2775 2780 2840 2940 3310 1955 1955 1955 1955 1982 280 230 # # 20 30 1.9 585.6 21 1 8 6 2 3 5 37 38 L s L L L 14 11 4 8 10 Dev 4644 •Exchange N C, Marion, IN, 3-4E 39 6 25 5 9 BD 1959, 2 REV 1965 27 37 37 L L L L 3 6 6 11 MC MC MC Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis Salem, Mis 2682 2763 2946 3080 1951 1967 1951 1972 1967 430 9.3 959.4 330 # 40 100 ABD 1952, REV 1955, A Sil 4900 •Exchange W, Marion, IN, 3E Ohara, Mis Spar Mt. , Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis Salem, Mis 2540 2570 2650 2720 2860 1957 1966 1966 1957 1967 1983 320 230 # # 160 30 311.2 26 1 10 11 9 1 8 37 38 L S L L L 7 6 6 11 4 Mis 3309 •Fairman, Marion, Clinton, 3N, IE, 1W 62 44 19 19 38 0.27 40 S L 10 20 A A A Benoist, Mis Trenton, Ord 1435 3950 1939 1939 1957 610 480 300 7.8 2183.3 Ord 4100 Fancher, Shelby, ION, 4E Benoist, Mis 1749 1962 10 0.0 0.0 ABD 1962 10 34 S 3 Mis 1965 Fayetteville, St Clair, 2S, 6W Cypress, Mis 540 1984 10 0.0 0.0 ABD 1986 10 S 8 Mis 605 Fehrer Lake, Gallatin, 9S, 10E Aux Vases, Mis 2672 1963 10 0.0 4.7 ABD 1966 10 36 L 8 Mis 2862 27 Table 7 continued Pool , county location by township and range Pay zone Name and age Year of Depth dis- (ft) covery Area - proved Production (1000 bbls) To end During of 1987 1987 Number of wells Character of Q il Com- Pro- pleted Re- ducing to port- Aban- end Sul- end of ed doned of GR. fur 1987 1987 1987 year API (%) Pay zone Deepest test Thick- Rock ness Struc- Depth type (ft) ture Zone (ft) Ferrin, Clinton, 2N, 1W Devonian Trenton, Ord Ficklin, Douglas, 16N, 8E Spar Mt. , Mis 1976 10 1 2840 1976 10 3930 1976 10 ABD 1980 1470 1969 70 1 1 1 1 L 1 L 18 S 8 Ord 3956 Cam 5301 Fitzgerrell, Jefferson, 4S, IE Benoist, Mis Aux Vases, Mis 1944 2760 1944 2800 10 10 10 ABD 1952 0.0 •Flora S, Clay, 2N, 6E Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis Salem, Mis Ullin, Mis Flora SE, Clay, 2N, 6E McClosky, Mis 1946 2962 1982 2985 1946 3300 1983 3493 1982 3698 1982 320 26.6 457 270 # 70 60 10 ABD 1961, REV 1982 1 1 1 21 6 9 5 5 1 37 37 79.8 7 S 5 S S 8 L AC L 4 L 7 L 9 L 5 Mis 3012 Dev 4900 Dev 5030 Forsyth, Macon, 17N, 2E Silurian Francis Mills, Saline, 7S, 7E 1200 24.9 1952 Tar Springs, Mis 2258 1985 Cypress, Mis 2675 1952 Aux Vases, Mis 2962 1986 40 17.0 10 20 10 Francis Mills S, Saline, 7S 7E Ohara, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis 1955 3010 1955 3042 1962 84 4 10 10 2 110 20 0.0 5.6 2 20 2 # 10 ABD 1957, REV AND ABD 1962 Freeburg +, St. Clair, 1-2S, 7W (Now Freeburg Gas Storage Project Cypress, Mis Freemanspur, Williamson, 8S, 2E Aux Vases, Mis Friendsville Cen, Wabash, IN, 13W 20 0.0 0.0 2 NOW FREEBURG GAS STORAGE PROJECT 2500 1968 60 0.0 4.0 3 ABD 1971, REV 1975, ABD 1979 37 Bethel, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis •Friendsville N, Wabash, IN, 12-13W Biehl , Penn Bethel, Mis Ohara, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis S 2 S 5 S 6 L 11 L 6 Ord 2890 Mis 3180 S 30 C Ord 2008 Mis 2779 1946 250 0.0 178.2 18 7 Mis 3400 2330 1946 50 5 35 S 15 MC 2585 1980 10 1 S 5 2597 1972 200 8 L 8 2629 1972 # 4 S 4 2656 1 1980 * ABD 1956, REV 1972 1 OL 3 1946 340 1.7 300.6 33 3 10 MC Mis 3221 1620 1946 220 21 1 34 S 12 MC 2308 1959 20 2 1 35 S 11 M 2485 1984 100 6 L 5 2555 1984 1 1 S 6 2500 1984 # 3 1 OL 3 Frogtown, Clinton, 2N, 3-4W Cypress, Mis •Frogtown N, Clinton, 2-3N, 3-4W 90 0.0 x 14 ABD 1933, REV 1949, ABD 1956 32 1951 440 8.8 2197.8 37 3 18 St. Louis, Mis 1200 1951 60 5 1 35 Devonian 2250 1951 410 32 2 35 S 3 ML Trn 3290 Rd Sil 2456 L 10 Rd L 8 Rd 28 Table 7 continued Pool , county location by township and range Number of wells Character Pay zone Name and age Galatia N, Saline, 7S, 5E Year of Depth dis (ft) covery acres Area - proved Production (1000 bbls) To end During of 1987 1987 Pay zone Deepest test of Q il Com- Pro- pleted Re- ducing to port- Aban- end Sul- Thick- end of ed doned of GR. fur Rock ness Struc- Depth 1987 1987 1987 year API (%) type (ft) ture Zone (ft) Aux Vases, Mis Spar Mt. , Mis 1980 3216 1980 3391 1980 60 50 10 4 3 1 ••Gards Point C, Wabash, IN, 14W 1951 1340 Ohara, Mis 2870 1951 1000 Spar Mt . , Mis 2880 1981 # McClosky, Mis 2905 1976 * Salem, Mis 3375 1980 390 Ullin, Mis 3698 1975 10 48.1 1386.7 79 1 56 1 1 2 25 1 L S OL L L Gays, Moultrie, 12N, 6E Aux Vases, Mis Carper Devonian 1946 1970 1946 2963 1963 3205 1955 100 3.3 130.3 80 20 30 ABD 1950, REV 1955 8 5 2 2 2 36 37 38 S S L 5 16 3 M ML MC :linton, 1-2N, 4W 36 1 2 29 40 L 30 Silurian 2350 1956 520 7.3 2085.0 R 3305 *Gila, Jasper, 7-8N, 9E McClosky, Mis 510 0.1 1053.0 35 1 39 MC Sil Gillespie-Wyen, Macoupin, 8N, 6W Pennsylvanian 650 1915 90 1.9 T Ord 2560 Glenarm, Sangamon, 14N, 5W Silurian 130 0.0 61.1 9 ABD 1957, REV 1959, ABD 1960, REV 1961 *Goldengate C, Wayne, White, Edwards, 2-4S, 9-10E 1 40 Devonian Grayson, Saline, 8S, 7E 2000 1984 10 0.1 2.3 1957 90 1.5 37.1 Tar Springs, Mis 2200 1983 10 8 4 10 (Continued on next page) MU Sil 1939 9340 214 .1 19971 .9 699 7 8 325 A Dev Cypress, Mis 2942 1960 100 5 36 S 8 A Bethel, Mis 3110 1951 390 24 37 S 11 HL Aux Vases, Mis 3180 1944 4100 232 3 40 0.14 S 15 AL Ohara, Mis 3250 1943 6110 87 5 1 39 OL 6 AC Spar Mt . , Mis 3275 # 116 38 LS 7 AC McClosky, Mis 3310 1939 # 231 1 3 36 0.19 OL 7 AC St. Louis, Mis 3430 1952 90 7 40 L 10 HL Salem, Mis 4130 1975 480 134 3 L 30 Ullin, Mis 4125 1961 480 31 2 39 L 9 A Dutch Creek, Dev 5346 1961 380 18 1 39 S 10 A Goldengate E, Wayne, 3S, 9E 9 6 4 1951 80 3 .9 54 Mis Ohara, Mis 3290 1951 80 2 37 L 3 Spar Mt . , Mis 3340 1976 # 1 S 4 McClosky, Mis 3360 1984 # 3 OL 5 ABD 1957, REV 1968 •Goldengate N C, Wayne, 1-2S, 8-9E .9 126 2 1 102 M 1945 1700 46 .8 1287 Mis Bethel, Mis 3095 1952 10 2 38 S 3 ML Renault, Mis 3220 1984 10 1 S 36 Aux Vases, Mis 3235 1948 710 59 39 s 25 ML Ohara, Mis 3300 1945 1170 22 2 37 L 4 MC Spar Mt . , Mis 3325 1945 # 34 37 L 5 MC McClosky, Mis 3350 # 43 1 39 L 6 MC Salem, Mis 4010 1983 50 4 L 8 Ullin, Mis 4315 3 40 3 L 7 Grandview +, Edgar, 12-13N, 13W ,7 10 8 30 S 10 M Pennsylvanian 560 1945 100 .4 10 Ord Grantfork, Madison, 5N, 5W 5572 Sil Mis 29 Table 7 continued Pay zone Name and age Year of Depth dis- (ft) covery Area - proved in acres Production (1000 bbls) Number of wells Character Pay zone Deepest test Pool, county location by township and range pleted Re- ducing to port- Aban- end Sul- end of ed doned of GR. fur 1987 1987 1987 year API (%) To end During of 1987 1987 Thick- Rock ness Struc- type (ft) ture Depth Zone (ft) Grayson, Saline , 8S, 7E (Continued from following page) 2 37 S 10 38 L 10 S 3 37 L 6 4 6 Cypress, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis 2515 1957 2913 1961 1981 2920 1957 30 10 50 # ABD 1972, REV 1981 Greenville Gas Bond, 5N, 3W Lingle, Dev Griggsville, Pike, 4S, 3W 2240 1957 10 0.0 0.0 ABD 1958 Silurian Hadley, Richland, 4N, 14W 400 1983 10 0.0 0.0 ABD (OIL) 1986 Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis 1976 2970 1976 3253 1985 250 2.3 26.9 240 10 10 36 16 1 15 1 10 L 5 A Trn 3184 Ord 820 S 10 L 3 Mis 4415 •Half Moon, Wayne, IS, 9E 1947 1310 Aux Vases, Mis 3190 1951 20 Ohara, Mis 3280 1280 Spar Mt . , Mis 3280 1947 # McClosky, Mis 3300 1947 # Salem, Mis 3985 1977 20 3.5 3309.9 71 2 19 M 1 38 S 18 ML 41 2 40 L 11 MC 11 L 4 MC 22 37 L 10 MC 2 L 6 Half Moon E, Edwards, IS, 10E McClosky, Mis 3375 1982 3465 *Harco +, Saline, 8S, 5E 1954 1500 116.6 Waltersburg, Mis 2183 1985 170 Tar Springs, Mis 2290 1984 240 Hardinsburg, Mis 2330 1956 30 Cypress, Mis 2618 1959 60 Sample, Mis 2675 1954 30 Aux Vases, Mis 2860 1010 Ohara, Mis 2965 1956 240 Spar Mt., Mis 2970 1956 # McClosky, Mis 3174 1986 40 29 5 69 15 4 S 6 22 S 8 1 36 S 6 5 38 S 8 4 39 S 8 78 2 41 S 15 7 L 10 9 39 LS 10 1 L 23 •Harco E +, Saline, 8S, 5E 1955 330 Cypress, Mis 2575 1955 120 Aux Vases, Mis 2865 1956 220 Ohara, Mis 2880 1955 40 1.0 390.5 30 7 Mis 3900 12 38 S 20 13 38 s 8 4 39 L 14 •Harrisburg +, Saline, 8S, 6E 1952 100 0.7 295.3 Waltersburg, Mis 2020 1955 90 Tar Springs, Mis 2115 1952 10 ABD 1971, REV 1981 Harrisburg S, Saline, 9S, 6E Cypress, Mis Harrisburg W, Saline, 9S, 6E 2300 1955 10 0.0 ABD 1956 Tar Springs, Mis 1944 1974 30 0.0 7.3 Harristown, Macon, 16N, IE Silurian Harristown S, Macon, 16N, IE 2050 1954 1570 25.9 806.9 Silurian 2140 1975 120 1.2 139.5 Hayes, Douglas, Champaign, 16N, BE Trenton, Ord 893 1963 480 0.0 154.7 10 9 10 38 37 37 S 14 S 6 Mis 2967 Mis 2352 Mis 2903 L 3 MU Sil 2200 L 20 MU Sil 2219 Cam 3430 30 Table 7 continued Year of Depth dis- (ft) covery Area ■ proved in acres Production (1000 bbls) Number of wells Character of oil Pay Deepest sone test Pay zone Pool, county location by township and range Name and age Com- pleted to end of 1987 Re- port- ed 1987 Aban- doned 1987 Pro- ducing end of year GR. API Sul- fur (%) During 1987 To end of 1987 Thick Rock ness type (ft) Struc- Depth ture Zone (ft) Helena, Lawrence, 2N, 13W 8 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 1 3 L S L L L 4 18 3 5 5 Ohara, Mis Spar Mtn, Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis Salem, Mis 1969 2914 1985 2902 1984 2899 1985 2978 1969 2822 1984 90 10 30 20 90 40 0.5 6.3 Mis 3609 C ABD 1973, REV 1984 'Herald C +, White, Gallatin, 6-8S, 9-10E Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian Degonia, Mis Clore, Mis Palestine, Mis Waltersburg, Mis Tar Springs, Mis Cypress, Mis Bethel, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis Spar Mt. , Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis Salem, Mis Ullin, Mis 1940 8590 1060 420 1500 1940 # 1750 # 1881 1985 # 1927 1985 # 1920 1947 80 1965 60 1940 20 2240 1947 530 2260 1944 940 2660 1947 2870 2790 240 2920 1943 3540 2965 850 3005 # 3010 1945 # 3234 1981 600 3870 1976 20 3960 1977 330 346.8 20297.1 735 2 4 367 A 1 29 S 10 AL 23 36 S 15 AL 6 29 S 18 AL 1 S 4 1 S 10 3 36 S 12 AL 2 36 S 10 AL 3 34 S 20 AL 46 33 s 10 A 74 38 0.24 s 13 A 228 1 1 35 0.22 s 14 A 25 37 s 11 AL 271 2 38 s 6 AL 18 37 L 6 AC 19 1 L 4 AC 37 35 L 10 AC 35 L 7 2 L 5 25 1 L 12 Dev 5285 Herrick S, Fayette, 8N, 2E Devonian Herrin, Williamson, 8S, 2E Cypress, Mis Hersman, Brown, IS, 3W Silurian 60 10 0.0 ABD 1972 S 9 30 Dev 3200 Mis 2682 Ord 1170 •Hickory Hill, Marion, IN, 4E Cypress, Mis Benoist, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Spar Mt. , Mis Salem, Mis 2478 2645 2770 2833 3220 1964 1964 1964 1985 1964 1982 90 0.0 10 20 10 30 10 ABD 1972, REV 25.7 1978, ABD 8 1 2 1 3 1 1981, REV 1985 1 36 37 37 S S S S L 10 7 4 6 15 Dev 4750 Hidalgo, Jasper, 8N, 10E 22 21 1 1 1 13 37 0.20 L L 4 MC 4 Dev McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis 2575 2641 1940 1940 1980 260 2.4 250 10 ABD 1952, REV 75.9 1965 4332 Hidalgo E Jasper, 8N, 10E 52 3 1 50 2 2 2 2 44 37 S S D 4 4 6 Mis Aux Vases, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis 2264 2342 2467 1966 1979 1979 1966 790 2.2 40 750 # 267.7 3048 Hidalgo N Cumberland, 9N, 9E 21 11 13 14 37 37 S OL 12 9 Mis Spar Mt. , Mis McClosky, Mis 2655 2676 1946 1946 1959 300 2.0 300 # 99.2 2807 Hidalgo S Jasper, 8N, 10E 189 1 21 170 1 8 8 4 4 1 152 37 S S D L 6 34 4 3 Dev Aux Vases, Mis Spar Mt. , Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis 2680 2660 2628 2721 1964 1981 1981 1964 1986 2970 67.3 10 2970 # 10 ABD 1973, REV 925.5 1978 4231 Highland, Madison, 4N, 5W 1 37 S 7 U Dev Hardin, Dev 1941 1960 10 0.0 ABD 1962 0.0 1983 31 Table 7 continued Pay zone Pool, county location by township and range Name and age Production (1000 bbls) Year Area of proved To end Depth dis- in During of (ft) covery acres 1987 1987 Number of wells Com- pleted Re- to port- Aban end of ed doned 1987 1987 1987 Deepest Pay zone test Character of oil Pro- ducing end Sul- Thick- of GR. fur Rock ness Struc- Depth year API (%) type (ft) ture Zone (ft) Hill, Effingham, 6N, 6E 1943 90 Aux Vases, Mis 2530 1978 20 Spar Mt . , Mis 2547 1977 80 McClosky, Mis 2565 1943 # 0.5 70.0 8 2 2 4 ABD 1950, REV 1970, ABD 1972, REV 1977 *Hill E, Effingham, 6N, 6E 1954 500 Cypress, Mis 2460 1955 290 Aux Vases, Mis 2650 1957 10 Spar Mt . , Mis 2660 1954 260 McClosky, Mis 2700 1954 # St. Louis, Mis 2929 1966 10 2.0 1319.9 39 26 1 2 10 1 37 37 4 5 A S 8 S 10 Mis 2963 Dev 4500 Hillsboro, Montgomery, 9N, 3W Lingle, Dev Hoffman, Clinton, IN, 2W 2012 1962 30 0.0 ABD 1967 0.2 1939 360 Cypress, Mis 1190 190 Benoist, Mis 1320 1939 240 5.1 901.5 3 54 16 39 Dev 2153 31 A Dev 2914 36 SUA 33 0.21 S 7 A Holliday, Fayette, 9N, 3E Devonian Hoodville E, Hamilton, 5S, 7E McClosky, Mis *Hord, Clay, 5N, 6E 3150 1977 10 0.0 0.0 ABD 1978 10 3365 1944 40 0.0 0.6 2 ABD 1944, REV 1979, ABD 1982 1950 330 Aux Vases, Mis 2702 1959 120 Ste. Gen., Mis 2800 1950 280 1.9 620.1 S 6 Dev 3237 L 3 A Mis 4461 23 4 M Mis 2954 9 38 S 10 M 14 37 L 5 M Hord N, Effingham, 6N, 6E 1958 60 Cypress, Mis 2430 1958 40 Aux Vases, Mis 2633 1959 30 2.4 208.3 6 4 Mis 2938 3 33 S 14 3 38 S 10 •Hord S C, Clay, 5N, 6E Aux Vases, Mis Ste. Gen., Mis Hornsby Nw, Macoupin, 9N, 6W Pennsylvanian 1942 410 3.3 1828.8 30 1 2 :735 1955 70 4 1 37 :790 1942 390 ABD 1945, REV 1951 27 36 A Mis 3460 S 8 A L 7 AC S 30 Pen 666 Hornsby S, Macoupin, 8N, 6W Pennsylvanian Hoyleton W, Washington, IS, 2W Clear Creek, Dev Huey, Clinton, 2N, 2W Benoist, Mis Huey S, Clinton, 1-2N, 2-3W 640 1956 60 0.0 0.0 5 ABD 1957, REV 1959, ABD 1960, REV & ABD 2895 1955 10 0.0 3.7 ABD 1964 1260 1945 120 0.0 7.7 ABD 1974, REV 1982 1953 310 Cypress, Mis 1080 1953 190 Silurian 2585 1956 110 1.4 298.4 Hunt City, Jasper, 7N, 10E 1945 60 0.2 10.8 Spar Mt., Mis 2540 1945 60 McClosky, Mis 2525 1980 # ABD 1950, REV 1980 1 23 17 6 6 1 2 4 1 34 40 37 Pen 715 Sil 2965 S 6 AL Dev 2851 S 5 L 10 S 10 ML OL 33 Sil 2675 Mis 3020 32 Table 7 continued Year of r> dis- covery Area - proved in acres Production (1000 bbls) Number ol 1 wells Character of oil Pay zone Pay zone Com- pleted to end of 1987 Re- port- ed 1987 Aban- doned 1987 Pro- ducing end of year Deepest [ GR. API Sul- fur (%) location by township and range Name and age Dept (ft) To end During of 1987 1987 Thick- Rock ness type (ft) Struc ture Depth Zone (ft) Hunt City E, Jasper, 7N, 14W 70 1 8 8 53 2 7 1 6 8 1 7 1 7 2 5 1 1 54 2 40 39 38 S L S L D S L 5 3 8 6 20 6 4 Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis Fredonia, Mis St. Louis, Mis Hunt City S, Jasper, 7N, 14W 1634 1840 1958 2000 2187 1952 1986 1984 1985 1952 1966 990 56.7 659.4 10 120 50 780 40 ABD 1954, REV 1965 Sil 3660 Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis Hutton, Coles, UN, 10E 2392 2341 1966 1980 1966 110 30 1 0.4 26.0 Dev 4024 Pennsylvanian 530 1939 20 0.0 ABD 1946 1.9 Illiopolis, Sangamon, 16N, 2W Silurian 1765 1977 60 0.3 17.3 2 2 30 2 Ord 3437 Sil 1823 *Ina, Jefferson, 4S, 2-3E Renault, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Spar Mt. , Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis Salem, Mis 1938 430 2725 1954 150 2682 1958 30 2775 1957 110 2775 # 3000 1938 90 3210 1957 40 0.0 ABD 1946, REV 1954, ABD 1977 28 A Dev 4630 7 36 S 14 AL 3 36 S 26 A 3 S 10 A 4 35 L 10 A 8 37 20 L 4 AC 4 37 L 9 A Ina N, Jefferson, 4S, 3E McClosky, Mis 2940 1949 10 0.0 ABD 1950 Inclose +, Edgar, Clark, 12N, 13-14W Isabel, Perm 345 1941 110 0.4 3.9 15 30 Mis 3689 AL Dev 1604 •Ingraham C, Clay, 4N, 8E Tar Springs, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis Spar Mt. , Mis McClosky, Mis Salem, Mis 'Inman E C, Gallatin, 7-8S, 10E 1942 2360 2332 1969 10 2920 360 3015 1982 2130 3000 # 3075 1942 # 3500 1981 50 62.1 5061.3 174 1 29 2 61 85 5 ABD 42, REV 43, ABD 44, REV 50, ABD 68, REV 69 Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian Degonia, Mis Clore/ Mis Palestine, Mis Waltersburg, Mis Tar Springs, Mis Hardinsburg, Mis Cypress, Mis Renault, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Ohara, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis St. Louis, Mis 1940 5110 780 110 1450 # 1690 90 1725 1942 50 1840 1942 90 1980 1942 1280 2080 1940 1900 2135 1943 310 2390 2470 2675 1967 20 2715 930 2795 1947 190 2790 1 2800 # 2960 1957 40 70.1 22910.6 491 7 3 4 6 4 95 165 20 171 2 60 3 2 9 6 10 5 7 M Dev 4844 ML MC MC A 38 S 10 AF S 4 AF 37 s 10 AF 36 s 8 AF 35 s 13 AF 37 s 18 AF 37 0.24 s 13 AF 34 s 10 AF 37 0.23 s 14 AF 36 s 5 AF 37 s 8 AF L 5 AF L 7 AF 39 L 8 AF 38 L 10 AF •Inman W C, Gallatin, 7-8S, 9-10E Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian Biehl, Perm Palestine, Mis Waltersburg, Mis Tar Springs, Mis Hardinsburg, Mis Cypress, Mis Sample, Mis Renault, Mis Aux Vases, Mis (Continued on next page) 1940 4290 925 220 1630 1 1750 # 1765 1947 40 2080 140 2140 1943 1370 2300 1947 310 2475 1942 2440 2610 50 2775 1949 40 2790 1949 1100 106.4 9927.0 8 5 9 4 9 96 1 2 23 1 87 3 6 1 4 88 4 1 35 35 37 36 32 37 36 37 37 T S 8 AL s 5 AL s 12 AL s 13 AL s 10 TL s 8 TL s 10 TL s 10 T s 30 T L 7 T s 15 TL 33 Table 7 continued Pay zone Area - proved in acres Production (1000 bbls) To end During of 1987 1987 Number of wells Character of oil Deepest test Com- pleted to end of 1987 Re- port- ed 1987 Aban- doned 1987 Pro- ducing end of year Pool, county location by township and range Name and age of Depth dis- - ^ 66 Table 8 Illinois gas field statistics, 1987 Pool, county location by township and range Number of wells Produc tion (1000 bbls) Com- Pro- Year Area pleted Re- ducing of proved To end to port- Aban- end Depth dis- in During of end of ed doned of Name and age (ft) covery acres 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 year Pay zone Deepest Pay zone test Thick- Rock ness Struc- Depth type (ft) ture Zone (ft) 490 1983 140 0.0 0.0 12 20 0.0 0.0 Adams, Adams, 2S, 6-7W Silurian Adams S, Adams, 3S, 7W Silurian 404 1986 •Albion C, Edwards, White, 1-3S, 10-11E, 14W Pennsylvanian 1490 1940 50 0.0 9.4 Alhambra, Madison, 5N, 5W Pennsylvanian 600 1974 20 0.0 0.0 •Amity S, Richland, 4N, 14W Spar Mt., Mis 2910 1981 10 0.0 0.0 •Ashmore E, Coles, 13N, 14W Pennsylvanian 367 1973 20 0.0 0.0 *++Ashmore S, Coles, Clark, 12N, 10-11E, 14W 1958 460 0.0 x Pennsylvanian 430 1958 440 Osage, Mis 385 1963 20 •Ava-Campbell Hill, Jackson, 7S, 3-4W Cypress, Mis Ayers Gas, Bond, 6N.3W Benoist, Mis Beardstown, Schuyler, IN, 1W 780 1916 370 0.0 23 22 1 20 ABD 1943, REV (OIL) 1956, ABD 1957 940 1922 325 0.0 298.7 ABD 1950 Devonian Silurian •Beaver Creek N, Bond, 4N, 2-3W Benoist, Mis 1132 1965 40 0.0 0.0 ++Beaver Creek NE Bond, 4N, 2W Benoist, Mis 1126 1961 70 0.0 x •Beaver Creek S, Clinton, Bond, 3-4N, 2-3W Cypress, Mis 1015 1946 280 0.0 0.0 •Beckemeyer Gas, Clinton, 2N, 3W 1956 90 0.0 0.0 Cypress, Mis 1070 1956 80 Benoist, Mis 1155 1975 10 ABD 1958; REV 1975 •Bellair, Crawford, Jasper, 8N, 14W Carper 1722 1970 Beverly Gas, Adams, 3S, 5W Silurian s, 3S, 5W Silurian , Sangamon, Silurian on, 2-3N, 21 Geneva , Dev •Boulder E, Clinton, 3N, 1W 10 0.0 0.0 ABD (Gas) 1986 0.0 Silurian 450 1957 80 0.0 Beverly S, Adams, 3S, 5W Silurian 550 1984 20 0.0 Black Branch E+, Sangamon, 15N, 4W Silurian 1695 1969 20 0.0 •Boulder, Clinton, 2-3N, 2W McClosky Devonian 2630 1941 320 0.0 ABD 1965 2840 1957 1981 1957 90 0.0 10 80 21 1983 230 0.0 0.0 19 4 452 1983 170 13 1 568 1985 60 6 3 12 L 5 MU Sil 560 L x MU Ord 450 S 6 MF Dev 5185 s 6 Sil 2005 s 3 Mis 3071 s 22 Dev 1228 A Trn 2260 s X A s X S 18 A Trn 3582 S 5 A Ord 3044 S 23 S 13 L 6 L 2 Sil 677 L 4 L 4 S X Sil 2615 S 5 Sil 2487 S 20 A Sil 2606 Sil 2730 Dev 2732 Stp 840 Sil 610 L 23 MU Sil 1755 D 7 Rd Trn 3813 Sil 2946 L 5 L 12 67 Table 8 continued Production (1000 bbls) Pool, county Pay zone Year Area location of proved To end by township Depth dis- in During of and range Name and age (ft) covery acres 1987 1987 Number of wells Com- Pro- pleted Re- ducing to port- Aban- end end of ed doned of 1987 1987 1987 year Deepest Pay zone test Thick- Rock ness Struc- Depth type (ft) ture Zone (ft) 'Brooklyn, Schuyler, 3N, 3W Silurian *Carlinville, Macoupin, 9N, 7W Pennsylvanaian *Carlinville N, Macoupin, ION, 7w Pottsville, Penn ♦Carlyle, Clinton, 2N, 3W Cypress, Mis ♦Casey, Clark, 10-11N, 14W Casey, Penn Claremont, Richland, 3N, 14W Spar Mt . , Mis 10 0.0 0.0 365 1909 60 0.0 0.0 ABD 1925, REV 1942 440 1941 40 0.0 0.0 ABD 1954, REV 1982 1015 1958 20 0.0 3200 1950 160 0.0 0.0 ABD 1971 *++Cooks Mills C, Coles, Douglas, 13-14N, 7-8E Cypress, Mis Aux Vases, Mis Spar Mt . , Mis McClosky, Mis 1941 960 0.0 1895.4 1600 680 1800 40 1765 450 1844 1983 10 10 2 x 24 14 10 6 10 516 1977 Cooperstown, Brown, IS, 2W Silurian Corinth S, Williamson, 9S, 4E Hardinsburg, Mis 2232 1970 ♦Dubois C, Washington, 3S, 1-2W Cypress, Mis ♦Dudley, Edgar, 14N, 13W Pennsylvanian ♦Dudley West Gas, Edgar, 13N, 13W Pennsylvanian ♦Eagarville E, Macoupin, 8N, 6W Pennsylvanian ++Eden Gas, Randolph, 5S, 5W Cypress, Mis ♦Eldorado C, Saline, 8S, 6-7E 30 0.0 0.0 30 60 0.0 147.4 4 1220 1939 400 0.0 0.0 10 300 1948 170 0.0 380 1953 130 0.0 0.0 5 4 0.0 0.0 875 1962 1000 0.1 381.7 15 Pennsy 1 vani an Palestine, Mis Waltersburg, Mis Tar Springs, Mis Hardinsburg, Mis Cypress, Mis 1941 1620 1984 1920 2055 2225 2353 1962 2460 300 10 120 80 40 120 80 18.8 4015.7 ♦Eldorado E, Saline, Gallatin, 8S, 7-8E Palestine, Mis Tar Springs, Mis Cypress, Mis ♦Eldorado W, Saline, 8S, 6E 1900 2135 120 80 20 10 5.1 1138.5 #6 Coal, Penn Palestine, Mis Ficklin, Douglas, 16N, 8E Spar Mt . , Mis Fidelity, Jersey, 8N, 10W St. Louis, Mis 390 1978 1923 1960 20 29.4 312.4 10 10 19 1 3 2 4 4 2 10 5 5 1 1444 1966 40 0.0 0.0 S x x Mis 1380 S 10 x Trn 1970 S x AL Stp 4120 S x AM Trn 2608 L 5 MC Mis 4065 s io S 8 S 15 L 4 A Trn 3840 AC A AC A L 6 x Trn 931 Mis 2823 S 10 AL Ord 4217 S 20 M Stp 2997 S 11 x Pen 513 S x x Pen 674 A Mis 4004 20 0.0 0.0 s X X s 20 AL s 20 AL s 17 AL s 5 s 20 X A Mis 4183 s 30 AL s 20 SL s C X Mis 3220 s 27 s 20 Cam 5301 L 10 Trn 1500 68 Table 8 continued Number of wells Production (1000 bbls) Pool, county location by township and range Pay zone Com- Pro- Year Area - — pleted Re- ducing of proved To end to port- Aban- end Depth dis- in During of end of ed doned of Name and age (ft) covery acres 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 year Deepest Pay zone test Thick- Rock ness Struc- Depth type (ft) ture Zone (ft) Fishhook Gas, Adams, Pike, 3-4S, 4-5W Edgewood, Sil 450 1955 7260 201.1 2331.5 71 1 *++Freeburg, St. Clair, 1-2S, 7w Cypress, Mis 380 1956 700 0.0 x 29 NOW FREEBURG GAS STORAGE PROJECT ++Gillespie-Benld (Gas) , Macoupin, 8N, 6W Pennsylvanian 540 1923 Gillespie W, Macoupin, 8N, 7W Pennsylvanian 525 1958 80 0.0 135.1 ABD 1935 10 0.0 0.0 ABD 1976 Grandview- Inclose, Clark, Edgar, 12-13N, 13-14W Pennsylvanian Salem, Mis 'Greenville Gas, Bond, 5N, 3W Lindley, Mis •Griggsville, Pike, 4S, 3W Silurian 1941 1460 57.5 400 1420 570 40 72 71 1 925 1910 180 0.0 990.0 4 ABD 1923; REV 1957; ABD 1958 360 1982 500 0.0 227.2 ABD (OIL) 1986 0.0 2646.0 •Harco, Harco E, Harco S, Saline, 8S, 5E Mississippian 360 1954 j •Harrisburg, Saline, 8S, 6E Tar Springs, Mis 2085 1952 160 0.0 93.2 •Herald C, White, Gallatin, 6-8S, 9-10E 1939 1080 0.0 x Anvil Rock, Pen 700 Pennsylvanian 17 50 Waltersburg, Mis 2240 Tar Springs, Mis 2315 360 120 120 480 •Hornsby NW, Macoupin, 9N, 6W Pennsylvanian 600 1982 150 0.0 0.0 *Hutton, Coles, UN, 10E Pennsylvanian 620 1965 80 0.0 0.0 •Jacksonville Gas, Morgan, 15N, 9W Pennsylvanian 330 1910 1320 0.0 x •Johnston City E, Williamson, 8S, 3E Tar Springs, Mis 1930 1965 80 0.0 998.0 Kansas Gas, Edgar, 13N, 14W Pennsylvanian 410 1958 30 0.0 x •Keenville, Wayne, IS, 5E Salem, Mis 3620 1978 x 141.2 1649.4 •Lawrence, Lawrence, Crawford, 2-5N, 11-13W 1975 Spar Mt., Mis 2092 1986 McClosky, Mis 2050 1975 Littleton S, Schuyler, 3N, 2W Silurian 608 1984 •Livingston E, Madison, 6N, 6W Pennsylvanian 540 1951 •Livingston S, Madison, 6N, 6W Pennsylvanian 530 1950 20 0.0 0.0 10 10 20 0.0 0.0 60 0.0 0.0 19 9 3 3 4 1 17 1 33 8 11 13 L 5 AU Trn 1033 S 30 C Ord 2008 S x A Pen 620 S x x Pen 565 M Ord 2694 S ML L 2 ML S x A Trn 3184 L 20 AU Ord 820 Mis 4440 S 6 x Mis 2967 A Dev 5285 S 25 AL S 18 AL S 10 A S 6 AL S 15 Pen 666 40 0.0 0.0 1 S x x Ord 3437 LS 5 ML Ord 1390 S 10 x Mis 2997 S x x Mis 778 L 8 C Dev 5050 A Cam 9261 S 4 A L 10 A L 18 MU Ord 840 S 12 x Mis 815 S 2 ML Ord 2480 Table 8 continued Number of wells Production Deepest (1000 bbls) Com- Pro- Pay zone test Pool, county Pay zone Year Area pleted Re- ducing location of proved To end to port- Aban- end Thick- by township Depth dis- in During of end of ed doned of Rock ness Struc- Depth and range Name and age (ft) covery acres 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 year type (ft) ture Zone (ft) *++Louden, Fayette, Effingham, 6-9N, 2-4E 1906 1780 x x 16 15 A PC 8616 Burtschi, Penn 1000 320 5 S 20 AL Tar Springs, Mis 1170 1440 9 S 2 AL Devonian 3150 1981 30 3 L 12 Macoupin Station, Macoupin, 9N-8W Pennsylvanian 337 1985 10 0.0 0.0 1 1 S18 Pen 355 •Main C +, Crawford, Lawrence, Jasper, 5-8N, 10-14W 1906 x 0.0 x x 4 x Stp 5317 Robinson, Penn 1000 x x 4 S ML Hardinsburg, Mis 1075 160 10 S 40 ML Cypress, Mis 1425 320 2 S 6 ML Benoist, Mis 1500 x 10 Renault, Mis 1570 1980 10 10 S 9 Aux Vases, Mis 1527 1959 70 9 S 8 ML •Marion E, Williamson, 9S, 3E Aux Vases, Mis 2406 1966 40 0.0 0.0 10 S 4 x Mis 2642 •Marissa W, St. Clair, Randolph, 3-4S, 7W Cypress, Mis 241 1960 60 0.0 x 7000 S25 Ord 2413 •Mattoon, Coles, 11-12N, 7-8E Devonian 3124 1948 1160 x 10576.4 38 1 15 L 4 A Shk 4915 CUMULATIVE THROUGH 1986. PRODUCTON HELD CONFIDENTIAL AT OPERATORS REQUEST SINCE 1987. Mt . Olive +, Montgomery, 8N, 5W Pottsville, Penn 605 1942 100 0.0 x4000 S6A Sil 1878 New Athens, St. Clair, 2S, 7W Cypress, Mis 250 1961 250 17.0 562.0 10 3 •New Harmony C, White, Wabash, Edwards, IN, 1-5S, 13-14W Pennsylvanian 764 1974 10 0.0 0.0 1 •New Hebron E, Crawford, 6N, 12W Robinson, Penn 866 1968 30 0.0 0.0 3 •Old Ripley, Bond, 5N, 4W Cypress, Mis 785 1981 10 0.0 0.0 10 •Omaha, Gallatin, 7-8S, 8E 1940 130 0.0 221.4 5 Palestine, Mis 1865 1973 20 2 Tar Springs, Mis 1900 1940 120 3 •Panama, Bond, Montgomery, 7N, 3-4W s 13 Mis 400 s 12 Shk 7682 s x Mis 1571 s 8 Ord 3085 D Dev 5320 s D s 15 D A Ord 2950 s 30 A s 12 A 1940 280 0.0 x 7 Pennsylvanian 575 160 4 Benoist, Mis 865 120 3 •Phillipstown C, White, Edwards, 3-5S, 10-11E, 14W Bethel, Mis 1939 10 0.0 0.0 1 Sx x Dev 5350 Pittsburg, Williamson, 8S, 3E Tar Springs, Mis 1920 1962 40 7.3 200.1 4 2 S 12 x Mis 2570 •Pittsburg N, Williamson, 8S, 3E Hardinsburg, Mis 2151 1962 20 0.0 10.0 2 S 6 Mis 3070 Pittfield, Pike, 5S, 4-5W Niagran, Sil 265 1886 8960 0.0 x 68 L 10 A PC 2226 •Plainview, Macoupin, 8N, 8W Pennsylvanian 441 1961 330 0.0 0.0 23 14 23 S 20 x Dev 1322 •Plainview S, Macoupin, 8N, 8W Pennsylvanian 450 1984 40 0.0 0.0 5 Sil x Pen 642 •Prentice, Morgan, 16N, 8W Pennsylvanian 260 1953 310 165.0 x 7 S 15 x Ord 1513 70 Table 8 continued Pool, county location by township and range Number of wells Production (1000 bbls) Com- Pro- Year Area pleted Re- ducing of proved To end to port- Aban- end Depth dis- in During of end of ed doned of Name and age (ft) covery acres 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 year Pay zone Deepest Pay zone test Thick- Rock ness Struc- Depth type (ft) ture Zone (ft) •Raleigh, Saline, 7-8S, 5-6E 1962 Waltersburg, Mis 2307 1962 Aux Vases, Mis 2988 1983 60 50 10 0.0 585.5 •Raleigh S, Saline, 8S, 5-6E Waltersburg, Mis 2014 1955 160 59.4 x 19 (INCLUDES 10 OIL WELLS) 0.0 •Raymond E, Montgomery, ION, 4W Pennsylvanian 604 1983 20 0.0 Redmon N, Edgar, 14N, 13W Pennsylvanian 365 1955 50 0.0 0.0 ++Richwood, Crawford, 6N, 11W Pennsylvanian 612 1959 160 0.0 28.6 •Roland C, Gallatin, 7S, 8E Waltersburg, Mis 2150 1940 160 0.0 0.0 •Rushville, Schuyler, 2N, 1W Silurian 1986 10 0.0 0.0 Rushville NW, Schuyler, 2N, 2W Silurian 576 1986 110 0.0 0.0 •Russelville, Lawrence, 4-5N, 10-11W 1937 1810 0.0 7081.6 Bridgeport, Penn 760 Buchanan, Penn 100 ABD 1949 *St. Jacob E, Madison, 3N, 6W Hardin, Dev St. Libory, St. Clair, IS, 6W 1840 1980 10 0.0 29.7 1964 280 38.4 594.4 Cypress, Mis 622 1965 40 Benoist, Mis 754 1964 40 Aux Vases, Mis 825 1964 160 Silurian 160 •Siloam, Brown, 2S, 4W Silurian 658 1983 Spanish Needle Creek, Macoupin, 9N, 7W Pennsylvanian 305 1915 •Sparta, Randolph, 4-5S, 5-6W Cypress, Mis 850 1888 •Staunton, Macoupin, 7N.7W 10 0.0 0.0 80 0.0 14.4 ABD 1934 160 0.0 ABD 1900 Pennsylvanian 460 1916 430 0.0 1050.0 ABD 1919, REV 1987 •Stiritz, Williamson, 8S, 2E Tar Springs, Mis 1951 1971 Stolletown, Clinton, 3N, 3W Pennsylvanian Cypress, Mis •Storms C, White, 5-6S, 9-10E 1973 1983 970 1973 10 0.0 68.1 90 167.7 589.0 10 80 1939 440 0.0 0.0 Pennsylvanian 1090 170 Waltersburg, Mis 2230 280 •Stubblefield S, Bond, 4N, 4W 1962 280 0.0 419. Pennsylvanian 590 1971 60 Cypress, Mis 920 1962 220 18 19 14 6 17 61 19 42 8 1 1 4 4 S 7 S 10 Dev 5511 Mis 4400 Mis 1008 Mis 450 Pen 1001 S 19 AL Dev 5271 S 3 L 6 S 8 L 3 S 14 S S x S 40 S 15 S x S x Trn 975 Ord 755 A Dev 3133 S 15 AL s 12 AL Ord 2 600 R Sil 1997 S 11 Rd S 22 Rd S 10 Rd L R Sil 726 S x D Trn 2070 S 7 D Trn 3130 S x A Ord 2371 Dev 4669 Dev 4669 A Dev 5308 AF AL Dev 2455 71 Table 8 continued Pool, county location by township and range Production (1000 bbls) Number of wells Pay zone Com- Pro- Year Area - •- pleted Re- ducing of proved To end to port- Aban- end Depth dis- in During of end of ed doned of Name and age (ft) covery acres 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 year Deepest Pay zone test Thick- Rock ness Struc- Depth type (ft) ture Zone (ft) 40 0.0 0.0 20 0.0 0.0 0.0 50 0.0 0.0 •Sumner S, Lawrence, 3N, 13W Aux Vases, Mis 2566 1959 •Tamaroa, Perry, 4S, 1W Cypress, Mis 1120 1942 ++Tilden N, Washington, St. Clair, 3S, 5-6W Cypress, Mis 780 1961 Time, Pike, 6S, 3W Silurian 336 1984 •Waggoner, Montgomery, UN, 5W Pottsville, Penn 523 1959 10 12.5 138.9 *++Wamac E, Marion, IN, IE Petro, Penn 856 1958 90 0.0 x *++Waverly, Morgan, 13N, 18W 1946 900 0.0 0.0 Pennsylvanian 250 160 Devonian 1000 700 Trenton, Ord 1513 1963 40 *Westfield E, Clark, 12N, 14W Pennsylvanian 400 1947 60 0.0 0.0 Woodburn N, Macoupin, 7N, 8W Pennsylvanian 381 1986 10 0.0 0.0 Totals for Illinois (estimated) 39,820 42,538.8 1039 46 15 1,371.0 1 247 S 10 Mis 3100 S 13 AL Trn 4287 S 25 C Ord 2810 S 2 x Sil 1945 S x M Dev 3405 A Ord 2070 S 13 AL L 10 A L x S 11 NL Mis 795 72 i» O CJ> z — Q. ZT — *■ CD « » SB 3 m 3 o CO •o 0) (A CO 92. CA 3 (/> 8 3FIT OST AID o _ r- £§ m S