EXERCISES FOR TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION IN WOOD-WORKING. DESIGNED AND DRAWN BY H. JAY, TECHNICAL INSTRUCTOR, NOTTINGHAM SCHOOL BOARD. ARRANGED BY E. R. KIDSON, F.G.S. SCIENCE DEMONSTRATOR, NOTTINGHAM SCHOOL BOARD. SET I.- Plates. I London: LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. AND NEW YORK : 15 EAST 16* STREET. 1891. Price One Shilling in cloth case. Designed and drawn by H. Jay , Technical Instructs under Nottingham School Board Arranged by E. R. Kidsom, F.G.S., Science Demonstrator under Nottingham School Board PEEPABATION FOE CUBES Gauge each prism of Plate 3 across the grain into five equal parts ; saw to the marks and trim with chisel to form cubes Designed and drawn by H. Jay , Technical Instructor under Nottingham School Board Arranged bij'E. It. Kidson, F.G.S., Science Demonstrator under Nottingham School Board CUBES PEEPAEATION POE MODEL BEICKS Use the strips from Plate 5, Gauge each across the grain into 3 equal parts ; saw to the marks and trim with chisel Designed and drawn by II. Jay , Technical Instructor under Nottingham School Board ric 2. Arranged by E. R. Kid son, F.G.S., Scietice Demonstrator under Nottingham School Board MODEL BEIGES PROJECTION OF PLAIN NAILED BOX Designed and drawn by H. Jay, Technical Instructor under Nottingham School Board Arranged by E. R. Kidson, F.G.S., Science Demonstrator under Nottingham School Board PLAN OF PLAIN NAILED BOX EXERCISES IN SAWING SAWING ACROSS THE GRAIN EXERCISES IN SAWING OBLIQUELY EXERCISES IN SAWING AND TRENCHING EXERCISES IN CHAMFERING Use two of the strips from plates 1 and 2. Designed, and drawn by H. Jay , Technical Instructor under Nottingham School Board Arranged by E. R. Kidson, F.G.S., Science Demonstrator under Nottingham School Board PEISMS Prepare wood 6| x 1^ v 1±; set out figures on the end, and line out down the whole length. Plane to the marks. Finish the cylinder with glass-paper PRISMS Prepare wood 6f x 1^ x 1£ ; set out figures on the end, and line out down the whole length. Plane to the marks. Finish the cylinder with glass-paper CYLINDER AND PRISMS HALF-LAP SPLICE JOINT Designed and drawn by H. Jay , Technical Instructor under Nottingham School Board Arranged by E. R. Kidson, F.G.S., Science Demonstrator under Nottingham School Board CORNER HALF-LAP JOINT PLATE 18. SCALE o Designed md drawn by H. Jay, Technical Instructor under Nottingham School Board FIQ3 o 2 o to Arranged by E. R. Kidson, F.G.S., Science Demonstrator under Nottingham School Board HALF-LAP DOVETAIL SPLICE JOINT CORNER HALF LAP DOVETAIL JOINT PROJECTION OF CORNER HALF-LAP AND HALF-LAP DOVETAIL JOINTS Designed and drawn by IT. Jay , Technical Instructor under Nottingham School Board Arranged by E. R. Kidson, F.G.S., Science Demonstrator under Nottingham School Board PLAN OF FRAME WITH HALF-LAP JOINTS, OR WITH HALF-LAP DOVETAIL JOINTS Prepare a piece of wood 8f x x lj and saw into two — 4.V and respectively. On longer set out lap at centre, and on the shorter at the end, as in figs. 3 and 4. Saw exactly to the marks, and take out centre lap with chisel CENTRE HALF-LAP JOINT Designed and drawn by H. Jay , Technical Instructor under Nottingham School Board Arranged by E. R. Kidson, F.G.S., Science Demonstrator under Nottingham School Board PROJECTION OF CENTRE HALF-LAP JOINT PLATE 24. SCALE o> Jp 5 o JO Designed and drawn by H. Jay, Technical Instructor under Nottingham School Board 7 DU -A | ,B ^ p p fcO cd P P x >_q O ^ - S £ 00 ^ i— co ! - CD s-l 0!.r? s-Tof p 3 2 o D FIG 3. Arranged by E. R. Kidson, F.G.S., Science Demonstrator under Nottingham School Board . HALVED NOTCHED JOINT PROJECTION OF HALVED NOTCHED JOINT Designed and drawn by H. Jay , Technical Instructor under Nottingham School Board Arranged by E. R. Kid son, F.G.S., Science Demonstrator under Nottingham School Board FKAME WITH HALVED NOTCHED JOINTS (OXFORD FRAME) MITRE JOINT under Nottingham School Board under Nottingham School Board FEAME WITH MITEE JOINTS OPEN MORTISE AND TENON JOINT PROJECTION OF OPEN MORTISE AND TENON JOINT FRAME WITH OPEN MORTISE AND TENON JOINTS Designed and drawn by H. Jay , Technical Instructor under Nottingham School Board FIG. 3. Arranged by E. R. Kidson, E.G.S., Science Demonstrator under Nottingham School Hoard MITRED MORTISE AND TENON JOINT