LI-B R.ARY OF THE UNIVERSITY Of .J.LLIN,OI.S 630.7 . 638-65* NON CIRCULATING CHECK FOR UNBOUND CIRCULATING COPY 1 1959 Performance of COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS in nnois By Earl R. Leng G. L Ross ASHKUM STANFORD^ Location of 1959 test fields GALESBURG^ GREENFIELD^ I I BROWNSTOWN Bulletin 651 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CONTENTS PLAN OF THE TESTS 3 GROWING CONDITIONS 6 MEASURING PERFORMANCE 7 CONTRIBUTORS OF SEED 8 RESULTS OF VARIETY TESTS 10 Extreme Northern Illinois: Woodstock 10 Northern Illinois: DeKalb 12 West North-Central Illinois: Galesburg 15 East North-Central Illinois: Ashkum 19 West-Central Illinois: Bowen 21 Central Illinois: Stanford 23 East-Central Illinois: Urbana 26 West South-Central Illinois: Greenfield 30 Southern Illinois: Brownstown 32 Extreme Southern Illinois: Carbondale and Wolf Lake 35 Increased Planting Rates 37 Dwarf Hybrids 40 SUMMARY 42 PEDIGREES OF 60 HYBRIDS 44 INDEX TO TABLES . . .45 Special acknowledgment is due W. C. Jacob and R. D. Seif for processing the data. Acknowledgment is also due the following individuals for assistance with individual tests: A. R. Kemp and Don Teel, farm adviser and assistant in Knox County, for assistance with the test at Galesburg; D. R. Browning for assistance with the test at Wolf Lake; and Carlin Morton and John Abbott for assistance with the tests at Bowen and Ashkum, respectively. Urbana, Illinois January, 1960 Publications in the Bulletin series report the results of investigations made or sponsored by the Experiment Station PERFORMANCE OF COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS IN ILLINOIS, 1959 By EARL R. LENG and G. L. Ross 1 INCREASED CORN ACREAGE and generally favorable growing conditions caused the 1950 Illinois corn crop to be the largest in the state's history. Official estimates placed total production of corn at more than 670 million bushels, almost 80 million bushels above the previous high set in 1958. The average yield was estimated at 67 bushels per acre, 2 bushels below the record high average set in 1958. 2 PLAN OF THE TESTS Number of hybrids and their sources. In 1959, 523 hybrids were grown in seventeen major tests at ten locations in the state. Fifty- five companies and individuals, as well as the Illinois Agricultural Experi- ment Station, furnished seed for the tests. Test fields were located at the same places as in 1957 and 1958. However, in addition to tests of normal hybrids at "regular" planting rates, two new test groups were introduced. These were tests of dwarf corn hybrids, at four locations, and of normal hybrids at increased planting rates, conducted at three test locations. A summary of general information on the tests is presented in Table 1. Representatives of the Illinois Station or of the Illinois Crop Improvement Association collected seed for planting the test fields. Seed was obtained directly from warehouses or seed supplies of the producers entering the respective hybrids. Seed of certain open- pedigreed hybrids was furnished by the Illinois Station. Selection of entries. Each year producers of hybrid seed corn are given an opportunity to nominate hybrids for testing in the various performance trials. A fee is charged for testing the hybrids nominated. For the past several years, all hybrids nominated by the closing date for entries have been accepted and tested in the performance test plots. Occasionally experimental hybrids are nominated by commercial seed firms for inclusion in the performance testing program. These 1 EARL R. LENG, Professor of Agronomy ; G. L. Ross, Crops Testing Tech- nician. 1 Estimates of yield for the state were furnished by the Illinois Cooperative Crop Reporting Service, Illinois State Department of Agriculture, cooperating with the U. S. Department of Agriculture. 4 BULLETIN No. 651 [January, Table 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: Illinois Commercial Hybrid Corn Tests, 1959 Field, county, location, and number of entries Date planted Date harvested Average acre yield Mois- ture in grain Erect plants Stand Dropped ears Normal hybrids, regular planting rate bu. percl. perct. perct. perct. Woodstock: McHenry, Ex. N, 72 May 16 Nov. 12 103.0 21.8 43 94 DeKalb: DeKalb, N, 121. . May 14 Nov. 3 106.5 23.8 91 94 i!6 Galesburg: Knox, WNC, 132. May 7 Oct. 17 112.8 21.1 79 88 Ashkum: Iroquois, ENC, 110. May 25 Oct. 22 89.1 22.0 95 82 Bowen: Hancock, WC, 90. .. May 26 Oct. 15 90.2 23.8 88 89 ".& Stanford: McLean, C, 100. . . May 5 Oct. 10-12 112.6 21.5 93 94 1.1 Urbana: Champaign, EC, 121 May 19 Oct. 27 101.7 22.7 94 87 1.4 Greenfield: Macoupin, WSC, 7 May 9 Oct. 20 94.7 19.0 70 93 Brownstown: Fayette, S, 81 .. June 4 Oct. 31 81.7 23.8 92 92 i'.2 Wolf Lake: Union, Ex. S, 56. May 11 Oct. 1 84.0 20.2 89 90 Normal hybrids, increased planting rate DeKalb: DeKalb, N, 56 May 14 Nov. 3 97.6 23.6 85 91 Urbana: Champaign, EC, 72. .. May 19 Oct. 27 89.2 21.0 90 84 ".& Greenfield: Macoupin, WSC, 49. May 9 Oct. 20 100.5 19.2 54 88 Dwarf hybrids DeKalb: DeKalb, N, 25 May 14 Nov. 3 90.5 24.5 100 93 Urbana: Champaign, EC, 25 ... May 19 Oct. 27 70.7 24.0 99 90 ".6 Greenfield: Macoupin, WSC, 25. May 9 Oct. 20 69.2 19.3 88 94 Brownstown: Fayette, S, 25 .... June 4 Oct. 31 68.1 24.4 99 95 ".& COOPERATORS: EARL HUGHES, McHenry county; RALPH ANDERSON and RALPH HAWTHORNE, Knox county; D. L. PETERSON, Iroquois county; ELDON GOLDEN, Hancock county; ROBERT BUTH, McLean county; CHARLES Ross, Macoupin county; EARL SCHWARM and H. O. LEWIS, Fayette county; SHAWNEE HIGH SCHOOL, Union county. Tests in DeKalb and Champaign counties were located on University of Illinois farms managed by R. E. BELL and C. H. FARNHAM. P. E. JOHNSON, Assistant Professor of Soil Fertility, supervised field operations on the test in Fayette county, and D. R. BROWNING supervised field operations on the Union county test field. have been accepted and tested in the same manner as commercially available hybrids. Experimental hybrids and standard open-pedigreed hybrids produced by the Illinois Station also are included in certain of the tests. The performance of additional experimental hybrids in 1959 and preceding years is reported in Illinois Bulletin 652. Soil characteristics of fields. The test fields usually are medium to high in productivity, and each is chosen to represent a soil type common to the region where it is located. Insofar as possible, each field is selected for uniformity in soil type, productivity, and drainage. Approximate locations of test fields are shown on the map on the cover. Soil characteristics and management are described in Table 2. Field-plot design. The experimental designs used were ran- domized blocks, lattice squares, or lattice designs of the appropriate size, with three replications each. Data were recorded on mark-sense cards and were processed by a combination of procedures on IBM equipment and the Illiac digital computer. Method of planting. All test fields were planted by hand on land prepared in the normal way for corn. All test plots except those 1960] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS at DeKalb, Urbana, and Brownstown were part of larger cornfields and were surrounded by farmers' corn. Individual plots consisted of one row, ten hill-spaces long. Planting simulated "power checking," with one, two, or three kernels being dropped each 20 inches, depend- ing on the planting rate desired. Planting rates of 12,000 plants per acre were used at Brownstown and Wolf Lake and in the "regular rate" test at Greenfield. The planting rate at Woodstock, Galesburg, Ashkum, Bowen, and Stanford and in the "regular rate" tests at DeKalb and Urbana was 16,000 plants per acre. For the "increased planting rate" tests, the rates were 24,000 per acre at DeKalb and Urbana, and 20,000 at Greenfield. The plots were not thinned. Table 2. TEST FIELDS: Soil Characteristics, Management Practices, and Rainfall in 1959 Lime Available Available tvrw rpniiirp nvaiuum rvvdiiduic Soil type re <:/. rc/. percl. Illinois 1555A (Station) ......................... 99.8 23.0 94 93 Hulling 238 ................................... 99.8 24.6 93 86 SuperCrost 440 ......... ...................... 99.6 26.2 91 92 Moews 14A ................................... 99.4 23.9 89 87 DeKalb 423 ................................... 99.1 25.7 95 90 Crow's 402 ............... ..................... 98.5 25.6 94 89 Troyer M12T ................................. 98.4 30.0 98 88 Halting 240 ................................... 98.2 24.2 86 90 Troyer M13T ................................. 98.2 26.7 97 92 Moews 14DR ................................. 97.6 23.3 91 94 Pioneer 325 ................................... 97.2 26.8 96 89 Crow's 487 ..................................... 95.3 25.0 98 83 Troyer MIST ................................. 95.3 26.8 93 85 Troyer E13T .................................. 94.8 25.6 92 89 Sieben S-440E ................................. 94. 7 26.3 90 88 Wyckoff's W10A ............................... 94.1 25.5 94 87 P.A.G. 244 .................................... 93.8 23.9 92 94 Sieben S-440 .................................. 91.7 25.2 92 87 United Hagie UHWW30 ........................ 88.7 26.2 96 87 Average of all entries ....................... 102.6 25.8 93 90 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 .............. 12.0 2.5 9 7 3-5 .................................. 13.4 2.8 10 8 6-10 ................................. 14.3 3.0 11 9 11-20 ...................... . .......... 14.9 3.1 11 9 Over 20 .............................. 15.2 3.2 12 9 1959 RESULTS T e s *-* "as* bu. perct. Perct. perct. perct. AES 702 (Monier) ............................ 109.0 25.0 92 95 .8 Cargill 256. .. 108.3 23.3 94 97 .9 Cargill259 ................................... 95.6 23.4 90 83 1.0 Cargill 270 ................................... 106.0 24.5 93 98 1.7 Cornelius C45 ................................ 113.0 23.2 97 96 1.8 Crow's 260 ................................... 98.6 22.8 92 91 1.0 Crow's 402 ................................... 113.9 23.4 94 94 Crow's 487 ................................... 102.1 23.5 96 90 DeKalb 411... 101.2 22.4 96 95 DeKalb 414 .................................. 103.9 23.2 91 93 .9 DeKalb 423 .................................. 93.9 23.5 97 93 .9 DeKalb 444 .................................. 104.1 24.4 92 98 .9 DeKalb 459 .................................. 101.9 22.9 76 90 DeKalb 633 .................................. 123.0 26.1 90 95 DeKalb 640 .................................. 105.8 25.4 92 97 DeKalb Exp. 7 ............................... 112.2 23.8 93 93 .8 DeKalb X4008 ............................... 119.0 25.4 96 97 1.8 DeKalb X4035 ............................... 105.0 23.5 92 95 .9 DeKalb X4049 ............................... 100.7 25.3 93 91 .9 DeKalb X72-076 .............................. 114.5 25.3 92 95 Frey410 ......... 121.1 23.8 94 93 Frey458 ..................................... 113.2 24.1 95 96 Hulling 235 ........................... 94.3 22.5 77 97 .9 Hulling 238 .................................. 112.2 23.1 94 96 1.8 Hulling 240 .................................. 86.5 23.9 86 93 Hulting242 .................................. 111.3 22.8 95 97 1.7 Hulling 245 .................................. 111.8 22.1 91 94 Hulling 260 SC ............................... 121.1 24.5 93 96 1.9 Hulling 481 .................................. 110.7 24.6 89 97 Hulling 482 .................................. 109.8 23.9 98 91 .9 Hulling 484 .................................. 98.3 24.5 90 94 1.7 Illinois 1277 (Slalion) ......................... 103.5 23.2 91 96 1.7 Illinois 1555 A (Slalion) ........................ 102.3 22.2 90 97 .8 Illinois 1861 (Slation) ......................... 96.0 22.4 79 96 2.6 (Table is continued on next page) 14 BULLETIN No. 651 [January, Table 4. DeKalb continued Entry Total acre yield Moisture in grain at harvest Erect plants Stand Dr e f d 1959 RESULTS continued bu. perct. perct. perct. Illinois 1864 (Station) 98.9 23.1 90 98 Illinois 1936 (Station) 113.7 23.2 96 98 Illinois 3152 (Station) 115.1 22.9 94 90 Illinois 3302A-1 Station 105 .8 23 .4 94 98 Moews 14A. . 102.2 22^7 76 92 Moews 14DR 88.2 22.5 91 100 Moews 48 108.6 22.9 97 92 Moews 48A 118.8 24.9 94 93 Moews 58 112.6 22.7 85 94 Moews 500A 118.9 25.5 90 91 Moews 505A 115.1 22.1 95 95 Moews CB65A 117.2 25.3 97 97 Monier6-M-6 116.3 25.5 96 93 Mount] oy M-66 88.4 23.3 93 82 MunsonM-5 104.8 24.5 86 90 Nichols NB43.. 99.5 24.2 90 93 Nichols NB53 89.1 21.7 87 89 Nichols NB63 118.3 , 23.2 96 96 Nichols NB75D 117.9 ' 23.6 84 97 Northrup King KT2 89.9 23 .3 77 92 Northrup King KT5 101.9 24.2 91 91 Northrup King KT6 121 .9 23 .4 89 92 Northrup King KT7 107.2 24.4 94 88 Northrup King 2057 128.7 26.2 96 94 Northrup King 2675 112.3 23.7 82 93 P.A.G. 234... 99.3 23.7 97 89 P.A.G. 244 93.9 22.2 93 95 P.A.G. 253 97.2 22.5 84 89 P.A.G. 277 107.1 23.2 84 96 P.A.G. 305 109.5 24.3 94 93 P.A.G. 323 108.4 23.9 90 98 P.A.G. 15018 127.6 23.8 97 98 P.A.G. Exp. 10437 126.5 24.3 85 98 Pioneer 325 94.0 25.2 92 89 Pioneer 329 119.7 23.7 91 99 Pioneer 345 103 .0 23 .0 89 96 Pioneer 347 106.6 23.1 88 96 Pioneer 350C 103.0 22.7 95 97 Pioneer 371 107.0 21.2 87 92 Producers 326 97.3 23.2 86 88 Producers 341 115.6 23.3 97 95 Producers 363 107.4 24.5 92 95 Producers 520 116.8 24.2 97 93 Sieben S-320 . . 106.4 23.7 91 96 SiebenS-340 118.3 24.1 91 97 Sieben S-360 108.1 24.4 93 97 Sieben S-440 91 .0 23.5 83 88 Sieben S-440E 110.2 22.9 81 93 Sieben S-560 112.1 23.6 91 94 Sieben S-5 80 106.8 24.0 95 98 Steckley's 18 114.0 24.5 92 95 Steckley's Exp. 1995 71.7 21.0 68 88 Steckley's Genetic Giant 1 108.5 22.2 85 98 Steckley's Genetic Giant 3 95 .5 22 .6 85 94 Steckley's Genetic Giant 3A 93.2 22.3 89 95 Steckley's Genetic Giant 6 109.5 21.9 90 94 Steckley's Genetic Giant 10 118.6 24.7 93 89 SuperCrost 438 105 .8 23 .3 95 93 SuperCrost 440 103 .0 24.8 80 99 SuperCrost X4 108.5 23.4 95 94 Tiemann T-62 . . . 107.5 24.6 94 93 Todd 424 114.0 22.8 92 94 Todd611B 108.9 23.3 89 93 Tomco449 105.9 23.4 89 97 Troyer E13T 87.9 23.6 89 86 TroyerL13 112.9 25.1 94 98 Troyer M3T 99.8 24.4 96 95 Troyer MllT 110.0 26.4 97 95 Troyer Ml 2T 106.9 25.5 96 92 perct. .8 .9 .8 2.7 .8 .9 1.0 3.4 .9 .3 1.9 .9 .9 1.8 .8 2.6 2.5 1.7 2.5 2.8 1.7 .9 .9 1.7 4.3 1.0 1.8 .9 1.7 3.1 1.7 .8 1.0 2.5 .9 2.8 1.8 1.9 1.7 3.6 1.8 (Table is concluded on next page) 1960] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 15 Table 4. DeKalb concluded Entry Total acre gra j n a t Erect Stand Dropped y!eld vUriro=t plants ears 1959 RESULTS concluded bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. Troyer M13T 98 . 1 23.7 97 98 .8 Troyer MIST 86.9 24.4 89 88 3.0 Troyer M17T 99.1 25.7 97 93 1.7 Troyer M18 98.1 25.4 97 90 Troyer M19T 92.5 24.3 96 96 1.7 United-Hagie UH39 106.6 22.8 95 85 United-Hagie UH41A 106.7 23.8 84 98 1.7 United-Hagie UHWW30 84.8 23.0 90 93 .9 United-Hagie UHWW40 119.2 24.9 95 94 2.7 United-Hagie UHX138 111.4 22.5 92 93 United-Hagie UHX3H30 95.6 24.2 87 97 1.7 Victor 369 92.8 25.3 94 95 3.5 Wyckoff's W10A... 112.1 23.5 96 94 1.8 Wyckoff's W20 115.5 25.1 94 94 .9 Wyckoff's W25A 104.1 25.1 94 81 Wyffels W-490 124.3 24.6 93 99 Wyffels W-495 113.3 22.9 97 93 1.7 Wyffels W-600 119.1 24.7 99 97 1.7 Average of all entries 106.5 23.8 91 94 1.0 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 16.6 1.3 9 8 3.1 3-5 18.5 1.4 10 9 3.4 6-10 19.7 1.5 11 9 3.6 11-20 20.6 1.5 11 9 3.8 Over 20 21.0 1.6 11 10 3.8 Table 5. WEST NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Galesburg Entrv Total acre Moisture in Erect stand ltry yield grain at harvest plants SUMMARY: 1955-1959 bu. perct. perct. Perct. NullN-83 128.4 20.5 85 93 Schwenk S34 128.3 20.0 88 93 DeKalb 820 126.5 20.5 87 91 Pioneer 329 126.1 19.3 92 91 Whisnand 830 125.2 20.4 92 90 Moews 520 125.0 20.0 82 89 Tiemann T-68 124.6 19.4 90 93 Moews 524 124.2 20.8 91 89 Pioneer 316 124.0 19.9 91 92 Appl A-130 123.1 20.1 84 90 P. A.G. 403 .. 122.5 21.0 92 91 Hulting 380B 121.8 20.1 80 89 Holmes 39 120.6 21.7 82 89 Tiemann T-78 119.7 19.9 84 89 Sieben S-320 119.4 19.6 87 89 DeKalb 837 118.5 20.6 88 88 Appl A-259 118.0 20.4 91 87 Sieben S-360 117.9 20.7 86 91 Huey H-23 117.3 20.5 88 88 Sieben S-340 116.5 19.7 87 89 Crow's 608 115.2 19.7 87 88 Average of all entries 122.0 20.4 92 90 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 10.6 1.5 7 5 3-5 11.8 1.7 8 6 6-10 12.6 1.8 8 6 11-21 13.2 1.9 9 6 (Table is continued on next page) 16 BULLETIN No. 651 [January, Table 5. Galesburg continued Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand SUMMARY: 1957-1959 bu. perct. perct. perct. DeKalb 805 133 .4 22 .2 90 88 NullN-83 132.1 21.5 84 93 McAllister 13A 131.5 20.8 84 88 P.A.G. Exp. 9028 131.1 20.6 84 85 Bear Unicorn X600 130.8 20.0 79 82 Pioneer 329 130.7 20.6 90 91 ApplA-130 129.3 20.7 79 89 SchwenkS34 128.4 20.5 83 93 DeKalb 3x1 127.8 21.8 79 94 Munson M-l 5 127.3 20.4 85 88 DeKalb 820... 127.3 21.3 82 92 Whisnand 830 126.3 20.7 89 89 FreyF57 126.2 21.3 86 90 Stewart S-65 126.2 21.8 84 93 Moews 520 126.0 20.0 76 91 Whisnand 852 125 .9 22 .4 85 90 Pioneer 316 125.7 20.2 89 93 Producers 727 125.7 20.6 89 90 United Hagie UH52B 125.4 21.3 83 86 AES 702 (1957, Station; 1958-1959, Monier) 125.0 , 21.1 86 90 Moews 524 124.8 22.6 86 88 TroyerL13 124.6 21.0 85 93 Moews 524A 124.6 21.3 86 94 DeKalb 812 124.4 20.8 87 89 Moews CB69A 124.3 20.0 93 92 TroyerMllT 123.8 21.1 88 92 Halting 242 123.7 19.7 84 89 Robe 30 123.3 21.3 81 84 Crow's 360 123.2 21.7 84 90 Appl A-259 122.8 21.2 89 91 United Hagie UHWW50... 122.8 21.2 86 92 Halting 684 122.7 21.7 80 90 Steckley's Genetic Giant 13 122.3 20.9 90 90 Frey 892 122.3 21.1 82 91 P.A.G. 403 122.2 21.1 90 90 Tiemann T-68 122.0 20.4 86 91 Steckley's Genetic Giant 14 121 .9 20.4 81 94 DeKalb 837 121.9 20.9 83 89 Huey H-23 120.9 21.4 86 89 Tiemann T-78 120.4 21.2 82 88 Van Horn V.H. 101 120.0 21.5 84 91 Crow's 608 119.7 20.2 60 92 Hulting481 119.5 19.5 86 89 TroyerL14T 119.5 21.1 88 91 SiebenS-320 119.5 21.3 83 90 United Hagie UH55 119.0 21.7 80 91 SiebenS-360 118.2 21.4 79 90 Holmes 39 118.0 22.9 77 92 Munson M-77 117.8 21.4 82 81 Hulling 380B 117.6 21.5 74 88 Sieben S-340 117.3 21.2 72 89 Munson M-13 116.6 21.9 80 92 Munson M-l 19 115.6 22.5 82 91 Troyer M13T 114.9 20.0 87 91 United Hagie UH47A 113.4 21 .9 85 89 Average of all entries 123.4 21 .1 83 90 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 13.4 1.8 18 7 3-5 14.9 2.0 20 8 6-10 15.9 2.1 21 8 11-20 16.6 2.2 22 9 Over 20. 16.9 2.2 22 9 (Table is continued on next page) 1960] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 17 Table 5. Galesburg continued Entry Total acre Moisture in yield grain at harvest Erect plants Stand 1959 RESULTS bu. AES 702 (Monier) 113.9 Ainsworth X-97 108 . 1 Ainsworth X-98 111.2 Ainsworth X-100 '. 116.6 Appl A-130 126.4 Appl A-259 116.5 BearOK33 119.1 Bear OK-96A 134.4 Bear OK-878 119.3 Bear Unicorn X600 121 . 7 Bear Unicorn X606 126.8 Cargill270... 100.7 Cargill 310 114.6 Cornelius C75 108.8 Crow's 360 105.2 Crow's 495 101 . 1 Crow's 608 104.7 DeKalb3xl 119.7 DeKalb 3x4 97.8 DeKalb 633 114.8 DeKalb 640 106.4 DeKalb 661 116.7 DeKalb 662 113 .2 DeKalb 803A 118.6 DeKalb 805 138 .2 DeKalb 812 108.2 DeKalb 814 99 .4 DeKalb 820 112.3 DeKalb 83 7 95 .3 Forster 25 116.5 Forster33 126.6 Forster 44 119.8 Forster 56 116.7 Frey 892 1 04 . 2 Frey F57 115.2 Holmes 39.. 104.2 Holmes 47 113.4 Huey H-23 119.9 Huey H-42 112.1 Hulling 242 99.1 Hulting 260 SC 109 . 1 Hulling 380B 94.7 Hulting 481 97.4 Hulting 482 107 .0 Hulting 484 103 . 7 Hulting 684 106.1 McAllister 13A. . 118.7 McAllisler 22B 119.1 McAllister 33 B 111.3 McAllister 66B 114.9 McAllister IVX1001A 118.4 McAllister X101 Superyield 115.2 Moews 505A 107 .8 Moews 520 112.4 Moews 524 130.0 Moews 524A 114.5 Moews 5097 108.5 Moews CB69A 123.5 Moews CB96A 106.4 Monier 6-M-6 113.7 Morton M-303 105 .5 Morton M-505 119.1 Morton M-606 109.7 Munson M-13 106.0 Munson M-15 106.9 Munson M-77 101 . 1 Munson M-119 116.6 Northrup King KT7. . 92.0 Northrup King KT9 99.7 perct. 21.5 20.3 21.7 22.2 20.9 20.6 23.4 23.4 20.6 21.0 23.1 21.0 20.1 20.1 20.6 20.9 20.8 21.4 21.0 20.4 20.9 20.9 22.0 23.5 22.3 21.9 20.7 21.0 20.5 22.8 22.6 21.0 20.7 21.6 20.7 22.1 21.1 19.2 20.7 20.5 20.1 21.0 21.7 21.5 21.0 21.6 20.8 21.9 20.5 23.3 19.8 21.0 22.1 21.4 20.7 20.9 19.9 21.2 21.6 19.2 19.9 22.1 20.1 21.9 22.8 19.9 20.7 perct. 79 93 80 89 61 84 68 76 79 73 67 71 84 74 67 70 68 71 68 82 83 80 55 61 92 84 62 71 79 85 83 86 77 76 82 66 73 74 72 78 72 59 83 80 71 83 84 91 78 85 94 87 83 74 81 81 85 98 78 80 74 89 91 70 87 69 71 74 78 perct. 86 82 91 87 91 88 89 92 86 78 92 87 86 94 88 87 87 93 94 86 84 87 91 91 86 85 85 89 91 92 89 84 86 96 94 89 92 81 91 82 93 92 92 94 87 91 92 79 80 84 79 89 90 94 87 93 93 87 94 94 79 93 84 88 93 75 76 (Table is concluded on next page) 18 BULLETIN No. 651 [January, Table 5. Galesburg concluded Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand 1959 RESULTS concluded bu. perct. perct. perct. Northrup King 2057 117.9 21.5 88 86 Northrup King 2064 110.0 22.2 76 88 Northrup King 2675 116.4 21.0 74 88 Null N-68 110.8 20.4 86 89 NullN-83 132.2 21.9 85 90 P.A.G. 403 116.1 19.9 85 89 P.A.G. 415 119.7 21.2 62 87 P.A.G. 418 103.7 21.7 61 94 P.A.G. 15009 113.1 19.1 87 83 P.A.G. 15014 128.5 21.2 93 90 P.A.G. Exp. 9028 121.9 20.7 79 87 Pioneer 316 119.1 20.3 87 94 Pioneer 319 127.7 20.2 77 92 Pioneer 329 112.7 19.5 90 94 Pioneer 4549 129.6 21.7 87 97 Pioneer 5625 123.9 21.6 85 93 Pioneer 5757 116.3 21.6 85 85 Pioneer 6117 114.4 21.8 88 88 Prairie Gold D-791 103.5 20.7 87 85 Producers 520 121 .3 . i 21.3 86 90 Producers 716 116.6 21.6 74 86 Producers 727 110.1 20.0 85 92 Producers 953 118.4 21.1 91 86 Robe 30 109.5 22.6 79 72 SchwenkS17L... 123.5 22.4 89 94 SchwenkS34 120.7 19.8 85 90 SiebenS-320 109.8 20.4 74 90 SiebenS-340 106.0 20.4 65 84 SiebenS-360 105.4 20.6 69 86 SiebenS-580 110.8 20.1 83 90 Steckley's Genetic Giant 12 115.6 20.8 80 94 Steckley's Genetic Giant 13 122.6 21.7 81 94 Steckley's Genetic Giant 14 108 .0 21.3 65 96 Steckley's Genetic Giant 15 106 . 7 22 .2 87 79 Steckley's Genetic Giant 20 110.2 23.1 61 91 Steckley's Genetic Giant Exp. 2015B 120.4 21.4 84 95 Stewart S-65 110.8 20.7 79 91 TiemannT-68.. . 118.6 19.7 79 86 TiemannT-78 117.3 21.2 63 90 Troyer L13 112.3 21.0 78 90 TroyerL13T 103.8 21.4 87 83 Troyer L14T 104.2 21.5 82 93 Troyer L2 IT 116.1 19.9 81 93 Troyer M3T 95.8 20.5 75 91 Troyer M9A 105.7 21.1 77 90 Troyer M11T 118.9 21.1 84 94 Troyer M13T 109.8 19.6 76 95 Troyer Ml 4T 110.9 21.0 87 90 Troyer Ml 7T 107.6 21.4 80 87 United-Hagie UH47A 111.7 21.5 76 92 United-Hagie UH52B 110.4 21.6 76 91 United-Hagie UH55 111.2 21.2 84 90 United-Hagie UHWW50 115.3 20.7 88 85 United-Hagie UHX146 114.7 19.3 87 79 United-Hagie UHX3H410 105.0 22.2 77 89 Van Horn V.H. 95-1 101.8 21.5 66 87 Van Horn V.H. 99 A 109.1 20.9 79 82 Van Horn V.H. 101 114.3 21.7 70 89 Whisnand830 120.3 20.4 89 89 Whisnand834 115.8 21.8 81 91 Whisnand 852 118.2 21.7 82 87 Wyffels W-490 111.3 19.7 87 78 Wyffels W-600 103.1 19.2 76 90 Average of all entries 112 .8 21 . 1 79 88 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2.. 16.1 1.5 14 11 3-5 18.0 1.7 16 12 6-10 19.2 1.9 18 14 11-20 20.0 1.9 18 14 Over 20.. 20.2 2.1 19 15 1960] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 19 Table 6. EAST NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Ashkum Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand SUMMARY: 1957-1959 bu. perct. Perct. perct. DeKalb 632 112.7 22 A 97 86 Bear OKSS 109.2 23.6 89 84 Moews CB96 109.0 23.8 83 92 Wyckoff's W20 104.6 22.6 93 82 Trisler T-19B 104.5 20.5 89 90 P.A.G. 234 104.5 23.5 86 86 Munson M-13 101.0 22.0 87 86 Illinois 274-1 (Station) 100.5 23.2 82 89 DeKalb 805 100.4 24.5 93 85 Trisler T-35B 100.2 23.5 69 85 Moews 520 100.1 22.4 75 90 Crib Filler 131 100.0 24.2 90 83 Troyer L14T 99.9 22.1 87 89 Troyer M17T 99.6 22.8 90 90 Tiemann T-68 99.4 22.8 91 86 Troyer M13T 98.2 23.5 94 84 DeKalb 3x2 97.5 24.1 89 86 Producers 921 97.4 21.7 91 91 Hulting 380B 97.4 22.4 83 90 Wyckoff's W46A 97.2 22.5 88 89 Schwenk S27 97.0 21.6 92 91 Hulting 481 96.8 23.5 85 82 Frey 644 95 . 7 23.1 93 85 Moews CB60A 95.4 21.1 96 87 Schwenk S26 95.3 22.0 95 83 Trisler T-33 94 . 1 22.5 92 85 Crow's 607 93.6 22.0 90 87 Wyckoff's W25A 92.6 21.4 95 92 Trisler T-32B 92 . 1 21.4 94 86 Hulting 684 91.6 20.0 95 83 Frey 692 90.7 22.2 86 87 Troyer M11T 89.9 25.1 92 82 Hulting 242 , 89.3 20.3 92 86 Van Horn V.H. 100 89 . 1 23.7 90 84 Pioneer 301B 88.3 20.7 88 85 Moews 524A 87.7 22.0 84 84 Troyer M18 86.8 22.7 93 89 Frey 892 86.5 23.7 91 85 Crow's 495 81.1 22.8 95 86 Average of all entries 96.6 22.6 89 86 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 14.6 2.2 14 8 3-5 16.2 2.5 15 9 6-10 17.3 2.6 16 9 11-20 18.1 2.7 17 9 Over 20 18.4 2.8 17 10 1959 RESULTS Ainsworth X-97 89.6 21.7 98 78 Ainsworth X-98 110.4 22.8 100 89 Ainsworth X-100 84.2 24.0 94 85 Bear OK33 82.4 22. S 96 80 Bear OKSS 102 . 1 22.6 100 83 Bear OK96 91.1 23.7 93 76 Bear OK96A 98.2 21.4 94 83 Bear Unicorn X600 97.8 19.6 94 84 Cargill285... 79.2 20.8 96 78 Cargill330 81.2 22.4 97 88 Cargill335 82.6 23.9 93 73 Crib Filler 62 83 . 1 21.5 97 79 Crib Filler 77 104.8 22.8 95 87 Crib Filler 131 92.3 23.5 99 78 Crow's 495 55.6 21.4 91 78 Crow's 607 95.2 22.2 95 87 Crow's 805 80.2 23.0 94 82 DeKalb 3x2 ... . 85.1 22.6 90 84 DeKalb 632 96.2 23.6 98 88 DeKalb 633 106.4 21.5 95 84 DeKalb 640 88 . 1 19.9 99 84 DeKalb 660A 101.9 23.7 98 81 DeKalb 803 A 95.4 22.9 95 82 (Table is continued on next page) 20 BULLETIN No. 651 [January, Table 6. Ashkum continued Entry Total acre Moisture in yield grain at harvest Erect plants Stand 1959 RESULTS continued bu. percl. perct. percl. DeKalb 805 110.7 21.6 99 80 DeKalb 814 81.9 21.6 92 90 DeKalb837 87.0 23.4 97 77 DeKalb854 72.7 22.4 94 76 DeKalb 869. ...* 79.2 22.9 94 63 DeKalb X82-030 93.9 22.6 94 83 Frey644 74.7 21.3 95 84 Frey692 78.9 21.1 94 79 Frey892 107.1 22.2 90 93 Hulting242.. . 65.9 19.2 97 70 Halting 260 SC 88.5 21.2 95 90 Hulling 380B 91.5 22.8 89 83 Hulting481 76.9 19.9 89 78 Hulting482 79.3 22.1 99 76 Hulting484 81.4 21.8 96 83 Hulling 684 80.2 20.9 97 86 Illinois 274-1 (Station) 101.4 25.2 94 86 McAllister 23 A.. .80.9 21.7 96 62 McAllister 33 B 80.6 , 23.2 95 77 McAllister 77 A 90.8 ' 20.4 98 83 Moews 520 81.2 22.1 97 77 Moews524A 100.8 22.2 97 80 Moews525 80.8 23.7 93 77 Moews 5097 88.3 21.8 95 88 Moews CB60A 102.4 22.5 90 93 MoewsCB96 107.2 22.3 92 92 Moews CB96A 112.3 20.3 100 89 Monier 6-M-6 96.0 21 .4 92 85 MunsonM-13 114.2 22.4 99 83 Northrup King KT7 . . .68.1 19.6 98 72 Northrup King KT9 84 .0 22 . 1 98 83 Northrup King 2057 76.4 23 .2 95 82 Northrup King 2064 88.7 22 .4 92 87 Northrup King 2675 88.6 22.3 97 80 P.A.G. 234 69.1 20.6 97 77 P.A.G. 305 87.7 20.2 94 88 P.A.G. 415 87.1 22.5 97 81 P.A.G. 418 86.1 22.8 90 88 Pioneer 301B 76.6 21.6 96 87 Pioneer 312A 89.5 24.2 94 75 Pioneer 319 90.5 22.2 92 70 Pioneer 4549 106.9 23.9 98 93 Pioneer 5625 80.5 22.6 98 81 Pioneer 5757 77.6 22.5 99 83 Pioneer 6117 96.4 22.8 96 81 Producers 520 90.4 21.3 96 79 Producers 716 68.9 21.5 93 69 Producers 727 97.5 22.1 98 89 Producers 921 88.6 23.4 99 88 Schwenk S26 .96.2 23 .4 97 86 Schwenk S27 87.9 22.1 100 73 Southern States Munsee 95 .0 23 . 1 97 88 Southern States New Jersey 8 90.3 21.0 94 81 Southern States Shawnee 79 .3 21.2 92 78 Steckley's Genetic Giant 9 108.5 19.8 94 87 Steckley's Genetic Giant 10 100.8 22 .2 99 89 Steckley's Genetic Giant 12 100.9 21.5 95 74 Steckley's Genetic Giant 15 65.9 22.9 93 76 Steckley's Genetic Giant Exp. 2015B 87 .9 23 .8 94 88 SuperCrost 660 85.0 21.4 97 92 SuperCrostX6 97.5 21.4 99 72 SuperCrost X88 113.0 21.5 99 88 TiemannT-68 . 100.0 20.8 96 87 Todd424 97.5 19.1 97 94 Todd611B 71.6 20.2 99 78 Trisler T-19B 81.2 20.2 97 82 TrislerT-32B 93.8 22.5 96 84 Trisler T-33 98 .3 23 .2 93 75 Trisler T-33B 101 .3 22 .8 93 85 Trisler T-35B 106.6 20.8 100 77 Troyer L13 100.5 22.2 94 83 (Table is concluded on next page) 1960] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 21 Table 6. Ashkum concluded Entry Total acre yield Moisture in grain at harvest Erect plants Stand 1959 RESULTS concluded bu. perct. perct. perct. Troyer L14T 89.8 22.4 94 85 Troyer M3T 63.3 21.6 97 78 Troyer M9A 92.1 23.2 97 83 Troyer M11T , 95.9 22.0 92 83 Troyer M13T 103.5 21.5 97 89 Troyer M14T 92.5 22.1 98 74 Troyer Ml 7T 78.8 22.0 92 87 Troyer M18 92.8 22.8 99 87 Troyer Ml 9T 67.4 20.2 92 69 Van Horn V.H. 86. .. 72.4 20.6 92 84 Van Horn V.H. 97 113.5 21.4 96 78 Van Horn V.H. 100 84.7 22.2 90 73 Victor 371 65.9 20.7 95 84 Wyckoff's W20... . 85.0 21.7 100 91 Wyckoff's W25A 97.3 22.9 86 89 Wyckoff's W46A 80.8 22.1 99 71 Average of all entries 89.1 22.0 95 82 Number in range 2 3-5 6-10 29.5 11-20 30.9 Over 20 . 31.4 Difference necessary for significance 24.9 2.0 6 18 27.1 2.3 7 20 2.5 7 21 2.6 8 22 2.6 8 23 Table 7. WEST-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Bowen Entry Total acre yield Moisture in grain at harvest Erect plants Stand SUMMARY: 1957-1959 bu. perct. perct. perct. Whisnand852 119.0 24.6 90 92 DeKalb3xl 113.0 21.5 94 88 Pioneer 312A 111.6 25.4 98 94 Plymouth P-97 107.9 22.0 96 92 Plymouth P-3 7 107.7 20.0 86 92 Munson M-119 107.4 21.3 90 91 Munson M-15 107.3 21.6 93 90 McAllister 13A 107.3 21.9 91 87 Moews520 106.5 21.2 95 94 Moews524 104.9 21.8 96 87 P.A.G. 444 104.1 25.2 96 88 Canterbury 420 104.0 21.4 90 92 DeKalb 803A 103 .9 24 .0 92 89 Whisnand 830 103.9 24.3 96 87 Halting 684 101.9 21.9 96 94 P.A.G. 323 101.6 22.0 93 87 Producers 946 101 . 1 20.6 92 88 Canterbury 400 101.0 21.0 94 90 Huey H-106 100.3 22.0 97 89 Prairie Gold D-821 100.3 22.7 94 85 Morton M-70 100.0 22.4 90 91 DeKalb 812 98.8 22.3 96 93 Huey H-235 98.5 23.0 90 88 Morton M-12A 97.9 23.7 96 89 DeKalb 3x2 96.9 22.2 93 92 Morton M-404 95.7 23.4 98 90 Average of all entries 104.0 22.4 93 89 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 13.5 1.8 6 8 3-5 14.9 2.0 7 9 6-10 15.6 2.1 8 9 11-26... 16.1 2.2 8 10 (Table is continued on next page) 22 BULLETIN No. 651 [January, Table 7. Bowen continued Entry Total acre yield Moisture in grain at harvest Erect plants Stand Dropped ears 1959 RESULTS bu. perct. perct. perct. perci. AES 805 (Station) 81.3 23.0 82 98 1.7 Ainsworth X-14-3 101.4 24.4 87 97 Ainsworth X-98 89.0 24.2 94 87 1.0 Ainsworth X- 100 94.0 25.2 88 93 BearOK69... ... 103.0 22.9 89 91 BearOK96A 98.7 24.8 93 95 Bear OK878 85.0 25.7 92 87 Bear Unicorn X600 113.0 23.6 86 93 Bear Unicorn X606 102 .3 25 .5 86 90 Canterbury 400. . . 89.0 21 .0 83 88 Canterbury 420 93.2 23.4 80 93 Cargill335 86.1 23.8 78 93 1.8 Cargill5741 93.6 24.8 91 98 Cargill5752 78.7 24.6 88 89 2.0 DeKalb3xl.. . 98.5 23.4 88 83 1.1 DeKalb3x2 78.0 22.8 83 73 DeKalb3x4 94.4 25.0 88 83 1.2 DeKalb633 102.9 .25.3 94 88 DeKalb 640 103 . 7 '22.7 97 93 DeKalb 660A 90.8 25 .9 95 92 DeKalb 803 A 93.3 27.5 88 92 DeKalb 805 84.4 24.4 91 89 3.3 DeKalb 812 73.8 22.1 91 88 1.8 DeKalb 814 76.5 24.2 86 76 DeKalb 854 72.2 23.4 72 82 DeKalb X82-030 114.0 23.6 88 93 HueyH-51... . 92.4 25.9 91 88 Huey H-106 94.2 22.5 92 92 1.0 Huey H-235 ' 86.3 24.1 81 85 1.0 Hulting 242 83.0 21.4 93 84 Hulting482 99.3 24.1 97 86 Hulting 684 86.9 22.4 94 93 Illinois 1349 (Station) 82.2 25.2 78 95 1.8 Illinois 1511 (Station) 83.1 22.1 84 89 2.9 Illinois 1857 (Station) 88.0 26.1 87 83 1.0 Illinois 1868 (Station) 90.8 22.2 90 89 2.2 Illinois 1921 (Station) . 98.9 22.0 92 93 .9 Illinois 1996 (Station) 97.0 21.5 99 90 .9 Illinois 3049 (Station) 94.0 25.5 94 94 Illinois 6021 (Station) 78.6 23.1 69 94 1.7 Illinois 6052 (Station) 53 . 7 23 .3 52 84 McAllister 13A 97.9 22.4 78 91 1.0 McAllister 33B 79.8 25.8 94 85 Moews520 96.7 23.4 92 95 1.7 Moews524 91.1 23.5 92 83 1.0 Moews525 82.5 23.5 86 95 Moews5097 102.3 23.0 92 93 Moews CB96A 93.1 24.2 96 92 Morton M-6xl 82.8 23.3 90 85 4.9 Morton M-12A 90.6 25.1 92 94 Morton M-70 94.2 22.2 84 91 Morton M-404 83 .4 24 .0 95 94 Munson M-15 91.3 22.4 87 89 MunsonM-119 99.3 23.1 89 91 1.8 NullN-83 85.4 24.1 94 87 .9 P.A.G. 323... . 76.3 23.8 94 80 1.3 P.A.G.415 98.1 24.1 93 93 1.0 P. A. G. 418 102.2 23.0 96 93 P.A.G. 434 98.1 26.7 89 91 1.0 P.A.G. 444 83.1 26.8 90 87 Pioneer 306B 89.3 23.6 89 76 2.4 Pioneer 312A 97.1 28.3 94 95 Pioneer 319 89.1 23.2 92 95 .9 Pioneer4549 115.5 22.8 90 91 Pioneer 5625 87.8 24.8 91 90 1.9 Pioneer 5757 89.3 24.4 90 86 Pioneer6117 100.5 23.0 97 86 .9 Plymouth P-3 7 90.7 21.3 71 92 2.8 Plymouth P-97 90.7 22.8 96 87 (Table is concluded on next page) 1960} COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 23 Table 7. Bowen concluded Entry Total acre yield Moisture in Stand Dr Pf d 1959 RESULTS concluded bu. Perct. perct. perct. perct. Prairie Gold D-821 81.1 23.4 82 83 Prairie Gold D-83 7 92.9 22.8 95 84 2.1 Prairie Gold D-896 101 .3 22 .9 90 93 Producers 727 * 86.4 22.6 93 93 Producers 946 82.7 22.8 85 89 2.8 Steckley's Genetic Giant 10 92 .0 22 .0 93 88 3.7 Steckley's Genetic Giant 12 87.4 24.2 89 91 .9 Steckley's Genetic Giant 15 76.7 24.8 81 80 1.1 Steckley's Genetic Giant 20 86. 1 24.2 85 93 1.0 Steckley's Genetic Giant Exp. 2015B 85.3 24.0 85 88 1.2 TroyerLU.. . 89.6 24.2 93 90 1.0 TroyerL13T .. 82.0 25.6 86 90 Troyer L14T 76.7 22.7 92 84 Troyer M9A 86.4 23.8 91 90 2.9 Troyer M11T 95.6 24.8 89 94 Troyer M13T 79.1 22.2 91 84 3.8 Troyer Ml 4T 88.4 21.5 77 82 1.1 Troyer M17T 80.8 22.2 93 87 U.S. 13 (Station) 82 .9 22 .4 82 86 .9 Whisnand 830. . . . 94.0 25.0 91 92 Whisnand852 111.7 24.9 84 93 Average of all entries 90.2 23.8 88 89 .8 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2.. 17.0 2.9 11 14 1.0 3-5 18.9 3.2 12 16 1.1 6-10 20.1 3.4 13 17 1.2 10-20 21.2 3.5 13 17 1.2 Over 20.. . 21.4 3.6 13 18 1.3 Table 8. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Stanford Entry Total acre Moisture in yield grain at harvest Erect plants Stand SUMMARY: 1957-1959 bu. Pioneer 309A 123.1 Bear Unicorn X600 123.0 Bear OK24 118.6 Tiemann T-81 118.5 Pioneer 302 118.3 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-396 117.8 Van Horn V.H. 95-1 117.3 Moews524 116.9 Pioneer 329 116.1 Moews CB90A 116.1 Moews CB69A 116.1 P.A.G. 444 115.8 Whisnand 830 115.1 DeKalb 692 114.5 Ainsworth X-14-3 114.5 DeKalb 803A 114.4 DeKalb 837 114.3 Producers 921 1 12 .9 Trisler T-32B 112.8 Troyer L14T 112.6 Frey F-57 111.5 DeKalb 812 111.5 Moews CB60A 111.5 Troyer M11T 111.3 Van Horn V.H. 100 110.6 Frey 892 110.6 perct. 20.6 22.1 23.3 22.4 21.7 20.5 18.7 20.5 20.5 22.3 20.3 20.1 20.3 21.6 21.6 19.0 20.4 20.2 20.4 21.4 22.3 20.8 19.9 20.0 perct. 94 89 96 90 93 94 93 96 97 96 95 90 94 94 92 93 87 95 94 94 92 94 95 91 94 95 perct. 93 89 90 91 94 93 91 96 95 96 91 89 90 93 95 94 94 94 93 92 92 92 95 91 91 94 (Table is continued on next page) 24 BULLETIN No. 651 [January, Table 8. Stanford continued Entry Total acre yield Moisture in grain at harvest Erect plants Stand SUMMARY: 1957-1959 concluded Canterbury 400 Tomco 812 Trisler T-35B Troyer L21T Canterbury 420 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-600. . Troyer L13 Illinois 1919 (Station) Van Horn V.H. 98 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-300A . Tiemann T-78 DeKalb 3x1 Hulting 684 Appl A-130 Trisler T-19B Mountjoy M-33 Van Horn V.H. 97 Canterbury 404 Average of all entries bu. 110.3 110.2 110.0 110.0 109.3 109.0 108.2 108.0 108.0 107.0 106.9 106.2 106.0 105.4 105.4 104.8 104.3 100.6 111.9 perct. 18.9 20.2 19.4 21.7 19.4 20.3 19.6 19.5 19.6 20.8 19.3 19.3 20.3 18.6 19.6 20.2 20.2 18.9 20.5 perct. 88 96 94 97 93 87 96 90 94 92 93 86 98 95 93 94 93 92 93 perct. 94 96 88 90 93 86 96 95 91 92 92 91 92 95 92 93 91 93 92 Number in range 2 3-5 6-10 11-20 Over 20 . . Difference necessary for significance 11.3 1.7 6 12.5 1.9 7 13.2 13.7 13.7 2.1 2.1 2.2 1959 RESULTS Entry Total acre M i s ^ re f in Erect Stand Dropped ears bu. perct. perct. perct. AES 702 (Monier) 103.4 21.1 86 95 AES 805 (Station) 99.4 22.9 95 98 Ainsworth X-14-3 116.2 21.3 89 98 Ainsworth X-98 109 .3 22.3 91 96 Ainsworth X-100 92.0 23.0 94 96 Appl A-130 109.1 21.2 93 97 ApplA-400 98.7 21.2 89 93 BearOK24... 116.6 21.4 96 94 BearOK96A 119.8 22.5 89 95 BearOK878 112.2 21.8 98 98 Bear Unicorn X600 126.7 21 .9 85 93 Bear Unicorn X606 112.6 24.6 96 93 Canterbury 400 98.7 20.8 89 95 Canterbury 404 99.0 21.0 88 98 Canterbury 420 103.6 21.6 97 93 Cargill310 111.2 21.3 88 96 Cargill 5035 103.8 21.8 91 88 DeKalb 3x1.. 100.3 18.6 84 88 DeKalb 633 119.4 22.0 91 98 DeKalb 640 120.9 21.0 97 95 DeKalb 660A 119.9 22.4 95 94 DeKalb 803A 109 .5 22 .9 86 94 DeKalb 805 134.2 22.2 97 93 DeKalb 812 111.5 22.1 91 94 DeKalb 814 105.5 19.4 90 93 DeKalb 837 120.5 22.9 85 98 DeKalb 854 105.7 22.3 81 96 DeKalb 869 118.5 18.9 94 88 DeKalb X82-030 125.3 21.8 90 92 Frey692 113.3 20.1 93 99 Frey 892 114.6 21.3 96 96 FreyF57 109.0 19.3 93 98 Hulting 684 99.1 21.0 100 93 Illinois 274-1 (Station) 93.5 23.7 83 91 Illinois 972A-1 (Station) 110.9 20.6 84 97 Illinois 1421 (Station) 130.2 21.0 90 98 perct. 3.5 5.1 .9 1.7 .9 3.6 .9 .9 .9 2.7 .9 1.7 1.8 .9 1.7 .9 1.8 3.9 .9 2.7 1.7 2.8 1.7 1.7 1.0 .9 (Table is concluded on next page) 1960] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS Table 8. Stanford concluded 25 Entry Total acre vest Erect P lants Stand Dropped Ears 1959 RESULTS concluded bu. perct. perct. percl. perct. Illinois 1813 (Station) 102.4 22.8 96 94 Illinois 1919 (Station) 112 .3 20.6 93 96 Illinois 1936 (Station) 112.8 19.9 98 98 Illinois 1996 (Station) 122 .9 20.4 95 98 Illinois Exp. (Station) 109.9 20.4 91 96 3.4 MoewsS24 109.1 21.1 99 95 .9 Moews5097 111.8 20.2 99 93 1.9 MoewsCB60A 103.1 22.7 98 98 2.5 MoewsCB69A 113.6 22.6 99 98 .9 MoewsCB90A 119.9 22.3 97 98 .8 Moews CB96A 114.4 20.7 98 97 .8 Monier 6-M-6 109.9 20.8 96 93 Mountjoy M-33 105.3 20.5 95 94 Mountjoy M-100 110.4 21.5 95 98 1.7 Mountjoy M-444 102.9 20.4 97 90 1.0 P.A.G. 415... 113.2 22.4 94 93 P.A.G.418 112.4 20.4 91 96 P.A.G. 444 121.7 22.6 90 93 .9 P.A.G. 15009 110.5 18.4 96 94 .9 P.A.G. 15014 128.2 21.5 97 93 2.8 Pioneer 302 134.5 24.0 94 98 Pioneer 309A 135.6 24.7 95 96 Pioneer 309 B 123.4 25.9 92 93 Pioneer 319 112.4 21.3 92 98 Pioneer 329 116.4 20.1 95 96 Pioneer 4549 133.0 22.5 96 98 Pioneer 5625 118.7 22.7 95 98 1.7 Pioneer 5757 116.9 19.9 99 98 .9 Pioneer 6117 120.0 21.6 100 98 2.6 Producers 727 118.7 21.1 90 90 Producers 921 112.7 20.5 96 96 Producers953 119.1 21.3 94 95 2.7 SchwenkS17B... 107.9 21.2 97 98 SchwenkS27 112.9 22.2 94 89 SiebenS-320 105.3 20.3 94 87 1.2 Sieben S-340 99.1 20.1 88 88 SiebenS-360 112.5 21.2 91 96 3.5 Sieben S-580 113.8 20.5 96 93 1.8 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-300A 110.7 22.6 95 93 3.7 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-396 117.5 22.3 96 95 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-600 117.0 21.9 96 94 TiemannT-78... 103.0 22.2 90 93 4.6 TiemannT-81 128.9 22.6 95 98 .9 Todd 635 126.1 20.5 98 97 Todd840 120.8 22.6 95 95 .9 Tomco812 112.5 21.2 97 98 Tomco 838 123.1 21.9 93 96 TrislerT-19B 105.7 21.0 90 92 TrislerT-32B 106.9 21.3 90 93 1.8 Trisler T-35B 116.3 20.9 92 92 .9 TroyerLl3 99.0 20.2 98 93 .9 Troyer L13T 109.4 20.6 95 92 .9 Troyer L14T 108.6 19.9 95 94 1.7 Troyer L21T 106.5 20.6 94 94 Troyer M9A 102.2 21.6 96 91 1.9 Troyer Ml IT 105.7 22.7 91 94 1.7 Troyer Ml 4T 106.3 22.4 91 90 Troyer M17T 96.8 22.1 95 91 Van Horn V.H. 95-1 115.7 22.0 91 96 Van Horn V.H. 97 102.3 21.5 90 96 6.2 Van Horn V.H. 98 104.0 20.4 90 93 3.6 Van Horn V.H. 100 106.9 21.8 92 93 Whisnand 830 121.1 21.9 94 90 .9 Whisnand 852 129.4 23.5 92 93 Average of all entries 112.6 21.5 93 94 1.1 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 19.3 2.1 8 7 2.5 3-5 21.5 2.4 9 8 2.8 6-10 22.9 2.5 9 8 3.0 11-20 23.9 2.6 10 9 3.1 Over 20 24.4 3.7 10 9 3.2 26 BULLETIN No. 651 [January, Table 9. EAST-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Urbana p, . Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand SUMMARY: 1955-1959 bu. perct. perct. Perct. Bear OK96 128.7 21.3 91 88 Appl A-159 126.9 19.6 90 92 Holmes 39 124.8 20.1 82 93 Whisnand 851 124.6 21.5 90 89 Frey 692 124.1 19.1 87 92 Canterbury 420 123.6 18.5 91 93 Whisnand 830 123.4 19.8 94 89 Frey 892 122.6 18.9 91 92 Appl A-130 122.0 18.3 87 92 P.A.G. 444 121.8 22.7 92 90 Trisler T-32B 120.6 20.1 92 91 Trisler T-33B 120.4 19.8 91 90 Munson M-119 119.7 19.5 87 89 Pioneer 316 119.3 19.4 90 94 Moews 523 119.3 19.7 84 91 Canterbury 400 119.2 18.9 88 92 Hulting 380B 118.7 19.6 85 93 Moews 520 118.0 19.2 86 92 AES 805 (1955-1957, 1959, Station; 1958, Stone). . . 117.9 20.4 94 93 Trisler T-19B 116.9 , i 18.8 88 88 Tiemann T-72 116.9 19.2 93 89 Canterbury 404 116.7 18.3 85 94 Ainsworth X-14-3 116.0 19.6 87 91 Crow's 608 115.0 18.4 88 89 Trisler T-33 114.9 20.8 88 91 Average of all entries 120.5 19.7 89 91 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 7.3 1.2 7 5 3-5 8.2 1.3 7 6 6-10 8.7 1.4 8 6 11-25 9.1 1.5 8 7 SUMMARY: 1957-1959 Whisnand 852 129.1 23.7 93 95 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-600 127.9 21.3 93 91 Bear OK96 127.6 23.8 99 88 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-396 127.4 23.8 98 90 Appl A-159 127.0 21.8 96 93 Moews 524A 125.9 22.7 98 93 Illinois 1893 (Station) 124.9 20.3 97 95 Appl A-130 123.7 19.8 96 93 Frey 692 123.1 20.7 96 92 Crib Filler 131 122.9 23.3 96 93 Pioneer 312A 122.9 23.8 96 93 Frey 892 122.5 21.4 98 94 Holmes 39 122.5 22.2 95 94 Canterbury 420 122.2 19.4 98 92 DeKalb 3x1 122.1 21.3 97 92 Whisnand 830 121.5 22.1 97 89 Canterbury 400 120.4 20.5 95 92 Pioneer 309A 120.3 23.9 98 91 Whisnand 851 120.0 23.6 93 90 Illinois 1421 (Pfeifer) 119.8 21.8 97 94 Van Horn V.H. 97 119.7 20.9 97 94 Hulting 684 119.5 20.5 98 92 Trisler T-32B 119.5 21.9 98 92 Moews 523 119.0 21.4 93 90 Crow's 805 118.6 21.1 96 92 Van Horn V.H. 95-1 118.6 23.9 98 89 Illinois 1332 (Pfeifer) 118.5 19.9 97 94 Van Horn V.H. 100 118.3 20.8 96 88 Illinois 972A-1 (Station) 118.2 20.8 92 90 Frey F57 118..1 22.7 96 95 Troyer M11T 118.0 22.0 94 93 Munson M-l 19 117.8 21.2 95 92 DeKalb 803A 117.8 22.3 96 90 Trisler T-35B 117.7 21.7 96 92 (Table is continued on next page) 1960] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 27 Table 9. Urbana continued Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants SUMMARY : 1957-1959 concluded bu. perct. perct. perct. Hulting380B .................................. 117.6 21.3 92 93 TrislerT-33B .................................. 117.3 21.6 96 92 TroyerL14T ........... .................... ... 117.3 21.9 97 92 Ainsworth X-14-3 ....... .* ...................... 117.0 20.8 95 91 P.A.G. 444 .................................... 116.5 24.3 98 89 AES 805 (1957, Station; 1958-1959, Stone) ........ 115.7 22.0 97 95 Moews520 .................................... 115.6 20.6 94 92 Pioneer 316 ................................... 115.6 21.7 98 95 TrislerT-19B ................. ................ 115.5 20.5 97 91 Crow's 608 .................................... 115.4 19.8 95 88 DeKalb837 ................................... 115.3 22.3 97 90 Tiemann T-72 ................................. 114.8 20.9 97 91 DeKalb812 ................................. '.. 114.6 22.9 97 90 TroyerLU ................................... 114.4 20.8 97 91 Canterbury 404 ................................ 114.0 19.6 93 96 TroyerL2lT .................................. 113.3 23.2 98 92 Illinois 1813 (Pfeifer) ........................... 112.4 22.9 97 91 TrislerT-33 ................................... 111.2 23.2 94 91 Van Horn V.H. 98 ............................. 110.0 20.9 96 92 Average of all entries ....................... 119.3 21.8 96 92 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2. . ................... 10.6 1.6 4 7 3-5 .................................. 11.9 1.8 5 7 6-10 ................................. 12.6 1.9 5 8 11-20 ................................. 13.2 2.0 5 8 Over 20 .................... .......... 13.4 2.0 6 8 1959 RESULTS "as" bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. AES 705 (Station) ............................ 108.8 21.1 97 82 AES 805 (Station) ............................ 101.8 22.4 96 93 4.4 AES 805 (Stone) .............................. 86.7 22.9 95 92 7.3 Ainsworth X-14-3 ............................. 99.8 22.3 92 89 1.8 Ainsworth X-98 .............................. 99.4 22.1 92 84 Ainsworth X-100 ............................. 95.5 23.2 96 93 .9 ApplA-130 .................................. 115.6 21.6 86 95 2.6 ApplA-159 .................................. 117.8 22.6 95 91 Appl A-400 .................................. 110.6 21.8 93 88 5.6 BearOKSS... 104.3 22.5 98 74 BearOK69 ................................... 102.0 22.5 94 83 Bear OK96 ................................... 96.1 24.0 99 74 3.5 BearOK96A ................................. 109.1 23.5 95 85 2.0 Bear OK878 .................................. 116.3 22.6 98 95 1.8 Bear Unicorn X600 ........................... 129.7 22.8 92 90 Bear Unicorn X606 ........................... 121.3 22.5 97 92 1.9 Canterbury 400 ............................... 107.1 21.4 93 89 .9 Canterbury 404 ............................... 94.6 21.7 87 94 2.7 Canterbury 420 ............................... 102.2 22.0 97 83 Cargill 733 ................................... 102.0 21.4 97 86 1.2 Cargill 5752 .................................. 107.9 23.4 94 88 1.0 Crib Filler 77 ................................ 106.9 23.5 94 79 Crib Filler 124 ............................... 99.2 22.8 96 84 .9 Crib Filler 131 ............................... 104.8 23.6 93 90 4.4 Crow's 608 ................................... 100.8 22.1 91 89 .9 Crow's 805 ................................... 107.8 23.0 93 92 1.0 DeKalb3xl ........................ 107.8 22.4 95 86 DeKalb 633 .................................. 107.8 22.4 84 86 DeKalb 640 .................................. 111.0 21.4 100 92 1.8 DeKalb 660A ................................ 109.2 23.4 95 89 .9 DeKalb 803A ................................ 93.8 23.7 92 83 1.1 DeKalb 805 .................................. 119.6 22.1 100 91 4.5 DeKalb 810 .................................. 129.5 23.3 88 92 DeKalb 812 .................................. 99.9 23.4 98 86 1.1 DeKalb 814 .................................. 87.5 21.8 92 83 2.1 (Table is continued on next page) 28 BULLETIN No. 651 [January, Table 9. Urbana continued Entry Total acre M $" 1 * in Erect harvest P lants Stand Dropped ears 1959 RESULTS continued bu. perct. perct. perct. DeKalb837... 96.8 23.0 94 82 DeKalb854 90.0 23.2 74 89 DeKalb 869 93 .6 23 .2 93 83 Frey692... 103.2 22.3 95 90 Frey892 103.9 22.2 97 86 FreyFS7 96.0 22.4 91 90 Holmes 39 110.5 23.3 95 94 Hulting380B 109.3 22.6 84 93 Hulling 684 111.4 21.6 100 88 Illinois 274-1 (Station) 94.0 24.7 94 87 Illinois 972 A- 1 (Station) 98.6 21.7 79 81 Illinois 1332 (Pfeifer) 100.0 21.8 94 88 Illinois 1421 (Pfeifer) 110.4 21.8 97 93 Illinois 1813 (Pfeifer) 89.5 23.0 95 86 Illinois 1893 (Station) 104.6 21.5 95 91 Illinois 1919 (Station) 95.5 22 .2 92 94 Illinois 1921 (Station) 113.1 21 .9 93 95 Illinois 1992 (Pfeifer) 111.6 21.9 96 93 Illinois 1996 (Pfeifer) 115.5 22.6 97 93 Illinois 3049 (Station) 83 .8 23 .2 99 77 Illinois 6021 (Station) 87.8 21.5 85 84 Illinois 6052 (Station) 62.6 24.5 77 81 Moews 520 91.6 21.9 90 90 Moews523 102.6 21.0 91 84 Moews 524A 105.1 23.2 99 91 Moews 525 93.4 23.3 96 88 Moews 5094 91.9 24.2 92 88 Moews 5097 117.2 21.7 94 90 Moews CB96A 105.7 21.5 99 90 Monier6-M-6 110.2 22.4 92 90 MunsonM-119 95.7 21.3 91 91 P.A.G. 415... 98.6 22.1 94 87 P.A.G. 418 109.9 23.7 95 91 P.A.G. 444 100.4 25.5 98 88 P.A.G. 15014 98.6 21.5 98 91 P.A.G. Exp. 11497 99.6 22.1 96 89 Pioneer 309A 93.4 26.3 97 87 Pioneer 309B 92.4 26.9 99 90 Pioneer 312A 103.6 24.2 93 91 Pioneer 316 98.2 22.5 97 95 Pioneer 319 101.9 21.9 94 89 Pioneer 4549 106.0 22.7 98 93 Pioneer 5625 114.8 23.4 98 94 Pioneer 5757 96.2 22.9 96 94 Pioneer 6117 91.2 23.3 99 88 Producers 520 101.2 21.9 98 84 Producers 727 95.5 22.3 97 90 Producers X969 107 .4 23 .4 98 83 Robe 30 90.5 23.0 85 88 Schenk's S-60 . . 91.9 22.7 95 83 Schenk's S-70 90.6 23.0 98 61 Southern States Catawba 105 .6 23 .6 94 90 Southern States Cherokee 112.9 24.8 97 93 Steckley's Genetic Giant 12 114.3 22 .0 99 88 Steckley's Genetic Giant 15 95.2 22.7 95 83 Steckley's Genetic Giant 20 93 .0 23 .8 88 80 Steckley's Genetic Giant Exp. 2015B 105.9 22.3 91 90 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-396 112.7 24.1 100 87 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-600 107.1 21.9 92 88 Stone 1996 106.4 22.3 96 92 SuperCrost C1F 97.7 23.3 94 78 Perct. 2.2 1.0 2.0 2.9 .9 .9 2.0 1.1 2.8 .9 1.1 2.8 2.5 .9 .9 .8 2.8 1.1 .9 .9 1.9 2.6 .9 3.0 .9 2.8 2.1 1.0 1.0 1.8 1.0 1.0 1.9 1.0 1.0 (Table is concluded on next page) 1960] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 29 Table 9. Urbana concluded Entry Total acre M E r ^ r | t in Erect y idd harvest P lanta Stand Dropped Ears 1959 RESULTS concluded bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. Tiemann T-72 99.4 21.6 96 88 Todd620B 89.0 21.0 93 82 Todd635 ? 97.6 23.0 97 78 2.4 Trisler T-19B 97.3 20.9 94 83 1.2 TrislerT-32 101.4 21.7 93 87 1.0 Trisler T-32B 101.3 22.3 95 90 1.0 Trisler T-33 99.9 23.1 94 88 2.8 Trisler T-33B 88.9 23.0 94 71 3.5 Trisler T-35B 99.3 21.7 93 83 1.9 TroyerL13 96.1 22.7 96 88 4.0 Troyer L13T 87.2 23.1 93 88 2.8 Troyer L14T 89.9 22.9 97 87 3.0 Troyer L21T 95.0 22.0 99 87 1.0 Troyer M9A 102.6 22.5 90 90 5.5 Troyer M11T 100.8 22.7 89 94 2.7 Troyer M14T 86.0 22.9 96 71 Troyer M17T 97.5 23.1 96 91 Van Horn V.H. 95-1 .. 96.7 24.0 96 81 Van Horn V.H. 97 101.2 22.0 96 87 6.7 Van Horn V.H. 98 88.4 22.2 94 86 6.2 Van Horn V.H. 100 95.0 22.2 91 75 Van Horn V.H. Ill 111.9 22.5 84 93 2.6 Whisnand 830. . . 114.1 23.0 94 81 1.9 WhisnandSSl 105.1 25.1 92 85 Whisnand 852 119.6 24.1 86 92 Average of all entries 101.7 22.7 94 87 1.4 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 18.4 1.3 8 12 3.6 3-5 20.1 1.4 9 13 4.1 6-10 21.9 1.5 10 14 4.3 11-20 22.9 1.6 10 IS 4.5 Over 20 23.3 1.6 10 15 4.6 30 BULLETIN No. 651 [January, Table 10. WEST SOUTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Greenfield Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect ctanrf yield grain at harvest plants SUMMARY: 1957-1959 bu. perct. perct. perct. Pioneer 309B 98.8 23.4 91 91 Moews 524 98.3 18.5 90 89 Moews 523 96.8 18.5 87 91 Bear OK878 96.0 18.5 83 88 Bear OK96 95.9 19.4 91 89 Pocklington P-78A 94 . 1 19.9 87 87 Pioneer 316 92.6 17.8 89 87 Whisnand 834 92.6 18.8 90 85 Pioneer 302 92.6 20.7 88 92 Pioneer 301B 91.6 17.0 89 91 Moews CB69A 91.5 17.6 94 88 P.A.G. 454 90.7 21.4 88 94 Canterbury 400 88.8 16.9 88 89 Ainsworth X-14-A 88 . 7 20.1 77 92 Moews CB60A 88.5 19.7 88 88 Pocklington P-75A 88 . 1 18.3 85 84 Crow's 805 87.7 18.4 87 90 Whisnand 830 86.7 17.3 90 82 DeKalb803A 86.7 19.4 80 86 Whisnand 852 86.0 19.3 85 77 Van Horn V.H. 95-1 85.5 ' 19.2 87 86 Canterbury 420 84.6 16.8 88 86 Crow's 821 84.5 16.8 88 86 Van Horn V.H. 97 79.1 18.4 85 83 Average of all entries 90.3 18.8 87 87 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 11.0 1.6 10 9 3-5 12.1 1.7 11 10 6-10 12.7 1.8 12 11 11-20 13.0 1.9 12 11 Over 20 13.0 1.9 13 11 1959 RESULTS Ainsworth X-14-A 86.0 20.4 57 93 Ainsworth X-98 88.4 19.4 67 89 Ainsworth X-100 89.2 20.1 85 96 Bear OK93 . 103.5 18.2 72 94 Bear OK96 98.2 20.2 80 92 Bear OK878 107.9 19.0 78 91 Bear Unicorn X600 91.4 19.3 47 92 Bear Unicorn X606 108.3 21.5 76 90 Canterbury 400 . 90.1 17.9 74 94 Canterbury 420 101.6 16.2 67 98 Cargill320 99.0 17.4 80 91 Cargill 335 88.5 20.1 61 90 Crow's 805 84.0 18.6 69 97 Crow's 821 91.0 18.0 71 92 (Table is concluded on next page) 1960] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 31 Table 10. Greenfield concluded Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand 1959 RESULTS concluded bu. perct. perct. perct. DeKalb3x4 96.2 18.7 60 89 DeKalb633 92.8 19.3 58 93 DeKalb640 104.5 18.7 87 93 DeKalb660A .' 93.3 18.4 74 92 DeKalb 803A 90.7 20.0 49 90 DeKalbSOS 107.5 19.2 68 94 DeKalb 812R 91.6 20.0 60 93 DeKalb 814 91.9 17.9 77 91 DeKalb 854 82.9 19.3 68 88 DeKalb 869 108.8 18.8 68 98 DeKalb 925(W) 92.6 20.4 62 92 DeKalb X72-194 96.0 20.0 62 89 Embro 33 88.5 19.7 68 90 Embro33A 83.8 19.9 78 89 HueyH-50... . 88.1 17.7 65 94 HueyH-75 75.7 17.2 62 88 Illinois 2214(W) (Station) 113.3 20.0 71 98 Moews 523 95.5 19.4 75 94 Moews 524 103.2 18.1 84 94 Moews 525 81.4 19.1 64 88 Moews 5094 94.2 19.1 72 99 Moews 5097 86.6 17.7 65 87 Moews CB60A 87.3 19.5 66 88 Moews CB69A 95.3 17.7 85 93 Moews CB96A 100.6 16.3 70 96 P. A. G. 403 . 83.7 17.8 86 96 P.A.G. 415 86.1 17.7 86 90 P.A.G. 434 103.5 18.5 68 97 P.A.G. 454 97.0 23.3 78 96 P.A.G. 15014 100.2 18.4 57 91 Pioneer 301B 88.6 18.1 75 96 Pioneer 302 94.9 21.1 71 96 Pioneer 309B 97.4 24.2 75 92 Pioneer 312A 105.0 20.7 70 93 Pioneer 316 93.4 18.4 70 92 Pioneer 319 104.7 17.3 64 96 Pioneer 4549 113.0 19.9 67 97 Pioneer 5625 95.1 19.3 88 94 Pioneer 5757 83.0 20.0 74 84 Pioneer 6117 93.4 19.1 86 80 Pocklington P-75A 93.7 18.6 58 88 Pocklington P-78A 97.8 19.9 78 91 Princeton 660 79.5 17.9 75 97 Princeton 685 99.4 18.8 76 91 Producers 995 112.0 20.3 56 99 Producers X984 99.3 18.4 65 97 Steckley's Genetic Giant 12 89.2 17.6 77 91 Steckley's Genetic Giant 15 80.1 18.5 64 92 Steckley's Genetic Giant 20 88.4 19.7 68 90 Steckley's Genetic Giant Exp. 2015B 103.3 18.5 78 96 Stone 1996 107.4 17.6 70 97 Van Horn V.H. 95-1 .... .93.2 19.1 70 94 Van Horn V.H. 97 79.2 17.6 62 91 Van Horn V.H. 100 97.6 17.5 68 90 Van Horn V.H. Ill 103.0 18.6 39 92 Whisnand 830 94.5 17.8 75 91 Whisnand 834 95.6 18.4 74 93 Whisnand 852 98.1 19.4 62 90 Average of all entries 94.7 19.0 70 93 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 13.4 1.8 16 8 3-5 14.8 2.0 18 9 6-10 15.7 2.1 19 9 11-20 16.4 2.2 20 10 Over 20 16.5 2.2 20 10 32 BULLETIN No. 651 [January, Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Brownstown Total acre Moisture in Erect c yield grain at harvest plants SUMMARY : 1955-1959 bu. perct. percl. perct. P.A.G. 631W . 84.4 27.6 65 92 Producers 13-1 . 83.9 23.3 64 93 Canterbury 400 . 83.4 25.2 70 92 Canterbury 420 . 82.6 22.4 74 91 DeKalb 925(W) . 82.6 28.8 65 93 Illinois 1511 (1955, Appl; 1956-1959, Station) . 82.0 22.3 64 90 Bear OK69 . 81.9 24.1 79 91 Tiemann T-72 . 80.4 23.3 71 91 Tiemann T-78 . 79.9 21.6 76 88 Munson M-119 . 79.3 24.8 69 89 Pioneer 302 78.7 27.0 72 90 Moews CB70A . 78.4 23.9 79 89 Pioneer 312A . 77.5 27.4 79 87 Whisnand 830 . 76.8 26.4 78 87 Ainsworth X-14-3 . 76.2 22.6 73 92 Trisler T-33B . 76.1 24.6 69 90 Trisler T-32B . . 75.2 25.8 72 88 Trisler T-33 . 72.4 24.4 67 90 Average of all entries . 79.5 24.7 71 90 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 8.8 3.6 9 6 3-5 9.8 4.0 10 7 6-10 . 10.4 4.3 11 7 11-18 . 10.8 4.5 11 7 SUMMARY : 1957-1959 Canterbury 420 . 86.1 26.3 80 91 P.A.G. 631W . 85.3 24.2 71 92 Producers 13-1 . 84.2 28.4 69 93 DeKalb 925(W) . 84.1 36.2 70 92 DeKalb 803A . 83.0 30.9 78 93 Illinois 1511 (Station) . 82.9 26.7 69 88 Pioneer 319 . 82.2 29.9 90 94 Canterbury 400 . 81.5 32.0 77 90 Bear OK69 . 81.2 28.8 83 91 Pioneer 309B . 81.2 36.4 77 88 Tiemann T-78 . 79.6 26.2 82 89 Moews 523 . 79.5 27.1 81 91 Bear OK878 . 79.4 30.2 77 93 Tiemann T-72 . 79.2 28.4 78 91 Van Horn V.H. 76 . 78.4 28.8 74 91 DeKalb 3x1 . 78.3 30.0 70 91 Whisnand 830 . 78.3 32.1 81 92 Ainsworth X-14-3 . 77.1 26.8 77 92 Pioneer 302 . 76.9 32.0 78 91 Munson M-119 . 75.9 31.1 75 85 Moews CB70A . 75.6 28.8 85 92 Trisler T-32B . 75.6 31.4 79 92 Trisler T-33 . 74.0 29.7 73 90 Crib Filler 131 . 73.8 30.1 85 89 Van Horn V.H. 100 . 73.8 30.1 79 88 Pioneer 312A . 73.5 32.3 87 88 Trisler T-33B .72.6 29.7 78 86 Whisnand 852 . 72.3 33.6 78 88 Trisler T-35B . 71.0 28.8 88 89 Illinois 1851 (Station) . 70.4 33.7 78 92 Average of all entries . 78.2 29.8 78 90 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 12.0 10.7 14 6 3-5 . 13.4 11.9 15 6 6-10 . 14.2 12.6 16 7 11-20 . 14.8 13.1 17 7 Over 20 . 14.8 13.2 17 7 (Table is continued on next page) 1960} COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS Table 11. Brownstown continued 33 Entry Total acre *??** Erect Stand Dr PPed ears 1959 RESULTS bu. perct. perct. percl. perct. AES 805 (Station) 72.0 24.1 93 91 1.1 Ains worth Goldline 378 96.2 23.6 91 99 2.2 Ainsworth X-14-3 t 73.0 23.0 94 94 2.3 Ainsworth X-98 69.8 24.5 97 86 1.2 Ainsworth X-100 97.5 25.1 96 92 1.2 BearOK69... . 83.3 23.6 99 88 BearOK96A 82.8 24.2 89 92 3.5 BearOK878 78.4 23.7 96 96 Bear Unicorn X600 96.3 23.0 96 97 Bear Unicorn X606 68.6 24.2 100 94 Canterbury 400... . 97.9 22.9 91 90 2.4 Canterbury 420 92.7 21.6 92 96 1.1 Cargill310 74.5 22.6 89 91 CargU15752 80.8 24.4 93 97 1.1 Crib Filler 123 68 .3 23 .5 94 89 Crib Filler 124 80.6 22.7 97 87 Crib Filler 131 69.7 21.9 96 93 1.2 DeKalb3xl... ... 80.4 23.5 88 93 DeKalb 3x4 69.6 23.3 83 94 DeKalb660A 67.8 25.4 93 96 DeKalb 803A 91.5 25.2 95 92 1.1 DeKalb 805 80.2 23.5 99 92 7.3 DeKalb 814 67.4 23.2 95 92 2.4 DeKalb 854 80.9 23.8 91 94 1.1 DeKalb 856 89.6 23.0 84 96 DeKalb 869 75.3 24.5 92 92 1.3 DeKalb925(W) 102.1 24.5 85 98 DeKalb 82-013 74.5 24.8 81 81 4.3 DeKalb 82-019 83.7 24.3 97 96 2.3 Illinois 1349 (Station) ... .81.6 23.8 94 96 Illinois 1511 (Station) 87.4 22.1 82 92 Illinois 1851 (Station) 67.1 23.5 92 96 2.4 Illinois 1875 (Station) 80.5 23 .0 93 93 4.8 Illinois 3355 (Station) 81.2 24.8 99 91 1.2 Illinois 3360 (Station) 81.9 24.1 87 96 1.1 Illinois 3362 (Station) 79 . 7 25.3 95 89 Moews 523 79.6 22.8 93 94 1.2 Moews525 78.6 24.3 94 91 1.3 Moews 5094 76.7 24.4 92 91 1.2 Moews 5097 80.7 22.5 97 97 1.2 Moews CB70A 78.2 23.8 98 92 Moews CB96A 83.8 22.9 97 91 1.3 Mount j oy M-l 03 85.0 23.4 94 98 MunsonM-119 91.7 22.8 89 90 1.2 P.A.G. 434 . 89.4 24.3 92 92 2.3 P.A.G. 631W 97.4 26.3 94 94 1.2 P.A.G. 633W 104.5 26.2 80 94 Pioneer 302 84.1 25.2 90 92 Pioneer 309A 89.7 27.2 96 93 1.2 Pioneer 309B 95.5 30.9 92 94 Pioneer 312A 81.6 24.9 99 89 1.3 Pioneer 319 87.9 22.6 95 94 Pioneer 4549 93 .0 23 . 7 94 97 Pioneer 5757 73.3 23.8 91 89 2.3 Pioneer 6117 83.2 23.5 99 90 Princeton 660 56.3 22.8 84 94 1.2 Princeton 685 85.7 23.4 97 89 3.7 Princeton 888 81.3 23.2 95 91 Princeton 890 75.2 24.2 89 92 Princeton 990W 81 .8 23 .0 86 82 5.2 Producers 13-1 93.9 22.8 89 93 3.8 Producers 995 96.0 24.1 98 90 1.2 Producers 1066 95 .3 24 .4 94 94 (Table is concluded on next page) 34 BULLETIN No. 651 [January, Table 11. Brownstown concluded Entry Total acre Mature in fives' Stand Dropped ears 1959 RESULTS concluded bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. Steckley's Genetic Giant 12 86.5 22 .9 93 93 Steckley's Genetic Giant 15 61 .4 22 .8 76 96 Steckley's Genetic Giant 20 76.7 24.6 76 89 Steckley's Genetic Giant Exp. 201 SB 75.9 24.4 92 90 2.4 Stull 100Y 96.3 23.5 91 93 Stull 101Y 89.9 24.7 94 96 SuperCrost C2F 82.8 24.1 90 90 1.3 TiemannT-72 82.8 23.1 98 92 1.3 Tiemann T-78 78.7 23.4 87 89 TrislerT-32B 83.9 23.5 99 92 1.2 TrislerT-33 71.8 24.4 85 91 4.8 Trisler T-33B 66.9 22.4 87 86 2.7 Trisler T-35B 69.8 23.1 98 90 Van Horn V.H. 76. .. . 85.0 23.0 89 96 2.3 Van Horn V.H. 95-1 75.6 24.2 88 92 2.4 Van Horn V.H. 100 76.2 22.9 96 84 2.7 Whisnand830... .81.1 23.3 93 94 1.2 Whisnand 852 83 .0 ' 23 .6 96 91 Average of all entries 81.7 23.8 92 92 1.2 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 16.0 1.6 10 9 3.3 3-5 17.8 1.8 11 10 3.7 6-10 19.0 1.9 12 10 3.9 11-20 19.8 2.0 12 11 4.1 Over 20 20.2 2.1 13 11 4.2 1960] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 35 Table 12. EXTREME SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Carbondale 1955, Wolf Lake 1956-1959 r Total acre Moisture in Erect Entry yield grain at harvest plants Stand SUMMARY: 1955-1959 bu. perct. perct. perct. Stull400W >... 105.9 17.5 95 91 Ainsworth X-14-A 102.4 17.2 91 91 Whisnand 830 97.8 17.5 97 90 DeKalb 925(W) 96.6 18.9 97 89 P.A.G. 631 W 96.2 18.8 96 89 Whisnand 851 96.0 18.3 97 92 Illinois 1570 (Station) 94.4 16.9 94 91 Pioneer 302 90.8 17.8 98 93 Tiemann T-72 87.4 16.5 93 88 Tiemann T-78 87.0 17.2 95 92 Average of all entries 95.5 17.7 95 91 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 9.7 1.0 6 6 3-5 10.9 1.1 7 (J 6-10 11.4 1.2 7 7 SUMMARY: 1957-1959 Stull 400W 104.2 17.9 96 92 Illinois 1851 (Station) 104.1 16.9 97 91 Pioneer 309A 101.9 19.0 97 92 Van Horn V.H. 55W 100.6 18.4 89 88 Ainsworth X-14-A 100.1 17.4 96 93 Pioneer 302 98.1 18.2 100 92 Pioneer 309B 98.0 16.7 97 94 Whisnand 852 97.5 17.9 97 89 DeKalb 1023 96.7 19.3 90 92 Whisnand 830 95.9 17.7 97 91 Illinois 1570 (Station) 95.5 16.8 98 93 Whisnand 851 95.1 18.1 98 93 DeKalb 925(W) 93.0 18.4 96 90 P.A.G. 485 92.8 17.9 97 97 Illinois 2214(W) (Station) 92.3 17.8 90 91 Moews CB100 91.3 18.8 96 89 P.A.G. 631W 89.1 18.3 95 92 Tiemann T-72 83.5 17.0 91 89 Tiemann T-78 80.5 17.4 92 90 Average of all entries 95.3 17.9 95 91 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 13.5 1.7 9 6 3-5 14.9 1.8 10 7 6-10 15.8 1.9 10 7 11-19 16.4 2.0 10 8 (Table is concluded on next page) 36 BULLETIN No. 651 Table 12. Wolf Lake concluded [January, Entry harvest P lants Stand Leaf blight" 1959 RESULTS bu. perct. perct. perct. score Alnsworth X-14A 93.1 19.4 93 94 3.5 Ainsworth X-100 90.0 20.3 96 91 3.6 DeKalb 805... ... 90.1 20.7 92 91 2.3 DeKalb814 54.7 20.2 88 83 3.9 DeKalb 854 81.9 19.3 85 93 2.7 DeKalb 856 82.5 17.6 82 89 3.9 DeKalb 869 92.0 19.6 96 90 3.7 DeKalb 898A 69.2 19.6 81 89 3.6 DeKalb 925(W) 81.2 20.7 91 87 2.8 DeKalb 1023 80.0 23.0 71 86 3.1 DeKalb 1028 91.6 22.8 87 94 1.7 DeKalb X72-159 100.7 21.0 93 94 2.6 DeKalb X82-028 93.2 18.7 90 90 3.2 DeKalb X82-029 107.9 20.6 87 93 3.8 Illinois 1570 (Station) .. . 90.5 18.2 96 96 3.4 Illinois 1851 (Station) 96.2 20.6 91 93 2.8 Illinois 2214(W) (Station) 67.1 21.2 77 88 1.6 Moews5094... 72.3 ' 20.9 79 93 3.1 Moews5097 86.8 19.0 100 93 3.3 Moews CB96A 98.2 18.7 100 94 3.0 MoewsCB98W 85.8 21.7 100 96 2.6 Moews CB100 88.0 20.2 95 92 2.6 P.A.G. 434 91.1 20.0 91 93 2.7 P.A.G. 485 69.6 22.5 90 90 1.6 P.A.G. 631(W) 59.2 21.8 88 83 2.3 Pioneer 302 87.7 19.7 95 94 2.1 Pioneer 309A 95.9 21.2 100 91 1.8 Pioneer 309 B 97.9 23.5 93 89 1.3 Pioneer 316 88.4 18.2 92 92 3.0 Pioneer 319 95.3 18.3 93 92 2.8 Pioneer 4549 74.1 19.6 89 81 3.4 Pioneer 5757 75.2 20.3 95 93 2.7 Pioneer 6117 82.1 19.9 93 89 2.9 Princeton 660 52.7 18.4 71 80 3.8 Princeton 685 80.7 20.1 93 90 3.1 Princeton 888 97.8 19.7 89 91 3.1 Princeton 890 70.6 20.5 70 92 3.0 Princeton 990W 69.9 20.5 91 78 1.8 Producers 995 80.0 20.8 87 88 3.0 Producers 1066 83.1 22.1 87 87 2.8 Schenk'sS-80. . . 86.7 19.9 99 91 3.0 Schenk's S-90W 76.2 20.9 91 90 1.8 Stull 100Y 87.1 20.3 91 82 2.5 Stull 101Y-B 89.0 19.9 93 89 2.3 Stull 400W 87.5 21.0 87 84 2.6 Stull 400W-C 88.8 20.9 94 86 2.0 Stull 400W-R 92.9 21.2 89 93 2.5 Tiemann T-72 . . . . 71.3 18.1 74 88 4.0 TiemannT-78 70.5 19.5 77 90 3.6 Tiemann T-81 87.9 20.6 91 89 3.3 Van Horn V.H. 55W .. . 88.0 21.4 87 91 1.5 Van Horn V.H. 100 70.2 18.6 88 92 3.5 Whisnand 830. . . . 89.9 19.0 93 93 3.2 Whisnand 851 89.2 20.2 95 86 2.5 Whisnand852 92.2 19.9 94 89 2.4 Whisnand 917W 90.6 19.3 91 87 2.1 Average of all entries 84.0 20.2 89 90 2.8 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 23.1 1.5 15 10 1.0 3-5 25.7 1.6 16 11 1.1 6-10 27.2 1.7 17 12 1.2 11-20 28.2 1.8 18 12 1.2 Over 20.. 28.5 1.8 18 12 1.2 1 Leaf blight ratings are on a scale from 1 (most resistant) to 5 (completely susceptible). 1960] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 37 Table 13. INCREASED PLANTING RATES: 1959 Results Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand NORTHERN ILLINOIS: DeKalb 24,000 plants per acre bu. perct. perct. perct. DeKalb 221 87.0 22.2 70 89 DeKalb 251 84.1 22.6 86 91 DeKalb 253 84.3 22.4 88 92 DeKalb 400 101 .0 23 .9 90 95 DeKalb 411 84.6 22.6 95 97 DeKalb 414 83.6 22.7 86 92 DeKalb 423 89.2 21.7 90 92 DeKalb 440 116.4 23.5 88 91 DeKalb 444 88.6 24.1 88 94 DeKalb 633 100.1 25.4 85 91 DeKalb 640 120.7 24.6 85 91 DeKalb Exp. 7 102.5 23.5 83 91 DoubetD413 111.8 24.6 88 83 Doubet D435 105.0 24.4 95 91 Holmes 47E... 102.1 24.8 76 90 Hulting238 91.7 22.4 79 90 Hulling 242 100.6 23 .0 81 90 Hulling 245 98.3 21.4 87 91 Illinois 1277 (Stalion) 81.9 22.8 83 93 Illinois 1421 (Slalion) 108 .5 24.6 75 96 Illinois 1996 (Slalion) 109.5 24.5 81 95 Illinois (Hy2xOh7) 99.2 24.0 79 92 Illinois (WF9xC103) 42.2 24.5 90 93 Moews 14DR 89.0 22.4 89 94 Moews48 109.6 22.2 87 89 Moews 48A 122.9 24.8 86 95 Moews 500A 94.4 24.6 88 88 Moews 505A 110.5 22.1 87 95 P.A.G. 234 113.6 22.8 85 95 P.A.G.305 98.2 23.5 87 95 P.A.G. 323 75.7 24.6 81 95 P.A.G. 15018 118.9 24.5 85 88 Pioneer 325 79.0 24.2 83 97 Pioneer 329 99.7 23.8 83 91 Pioneer 345 105.8 23.2 79 95 Pioneer 347 99.0 22.2 73 93 Pioneer350C 100.3 23.1 87 94 Pioneer 352 93.0 22.2 80 90 Pioneer 371 114.7 20.5 86 90 Pocklington P-20 90.8 25.5 86 94 Pocklington P-48 93.9 24.4 81 87 Pocklington P-50 92.2 24.5 85 85 Pocklington P-62 101.5 24.6 86 88 Sieben S-320 85.0 23.2 81 92 Sieben S-340 91 .2 23 .3 83 93 Sieben S-360 93 .4 24.4 86 89 Sieben S-580 103.7 23.9 87 87 Sleckley's Genelic Giant 4 98.8 21.6 88 87 Slewart S-82 85 .3 24 .3 93 78 Todd424 109.2 23.6 91 93 Tomco449 99.4 23.4 87 98 Tom co 619 113.7 24.9 91 96 Tomco678 102.4 24.5 89 90 Trover M3T 78.1 24.7 90 86 Troyer M17T 91.8 24.3 88 88 Wyffels W-600 120.2 23.5 85 97 Average of all entries 97.6 23.6 85 91 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 19.2 1.2 10 7 3-5 21.3 1.3 11 8 6-10 22.5 1.4 11 8 11-20 22.6 1.5 12 8 Over 20 23.6 1.5 12 8 (Table is continued on next page) 38 BULLETIN No. 651 Table 13. Increased Planting Rates continued Entry Total acre yield Moisture in grain at harvest Erect plants Stand Dropped Ears EAST-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Urbana 24,000 plants per acre bu. perct. perct. percl. perct. Bear OK69 105.2 20.7 89 85 .7 Bear Unicorn X710 117.2 21.4 93 83 Crib Filler 70,116,123 DeKalb633... 94.3 20.1 84 78 .2 DeKalb640 99.0 19.0 95 87 DeKalb 650 85.8 18.8 89 87 .6 DeKalb 660A 109.2 20.6 90 86 .1 DeKalb 803A 91.9 21.3 72 86 DeKalb 805 84.2 19.6 97 89 1.6 DeKalb 810 94.1 23.7 89 88 DeKalb 812 97.5 23.7 97 86 .7 DeKalb 812R 91.1 23.6 96 83 1.4 DeKalb 814 80.3 21.4 91 83 3.2 DeKalb Exp. 2 84.7 21.5 96 83 .1 DeKalb Exp. 6 83 . 1 23.4 98 84 Doubet D413 87.9 22.5 83 82 5.2 Doubet D435 86.0 21.1 99 85 .7 Frey 692H 85.8 , 20.7 99 84 .1 Frey 892 93.6 22.1 90 86 .7 Holmes 47 96.0 20.2 95 89 1.3 Illinois 1332 (Station) 107.5 19.3 93 92 1.3 Illinois 1421 (Station) 98.9 21.6 72 90 .7 Illinois 1731 A (Station) 71.6 21.6 83 81 .1 Illinois 1851 (Station) 83.0 22.1 83 91 Illinois 1893 (Station) 55.3 19.6 92 84 2.2 Illinois 1936 (Station) 85.4 20.3 90 89 Illinois 1996 (Station) 92 . 7 22.0 91 84 Illinois 3049 (Station) 87.1 21.3 86 88 .6 Illinois 3152 (Station) 83.5 21.1 94 87 .5 Illinois (Hy2xOh7) 114.6 20.8 85 88 .1 Illinois (WF9xC103) 59.7 19.9 85 78 5.6 McAllister 77A 98.1 20.5 97 86 1.2 McAllister E.X. Al 91.7 20.1 89 85 1.9 McAllister E.X. Bl 42 . 1 20.1 97 82 .1 Moews 520 69.1 21.0 86 89 .5 Moews 524A 87.8 22.5 97 85 .6 Moews 525 79.4 20.4 91 91 3.5 Moews 5094 76.0 20.4 86 90 .1 Moews CB96A 71.5 21.1 93 82 .6 Morton M-6X 97.0 20.8 83 93 .1 Mountjoy M-55 100.2 20.3 94 81 P.A.G. 415 90.7 21.6 96 88 P.A.G. 418 101.0 21.1 91 95 P.A.G. 15009 104.4 20.0 97 78 .1 P.A.G. 15017 103.1 17.2 100 78 .1 Pioneer 302 88.1 21.3 87 93 Pioneer 309A 77.4 23.1 95 85 Pioneer 309B 74.0 25.2 82 87 .1 Pioneer 312A , 66.3 21.6 95 88 Pioneer 316 92.5 21.6 98 92 1.9 Pioneer 319 97.8 20.7 95 87 5.1 Pioneer 4549 101.5 20.7 85 81 1.1 Pioneer 5625 85.2 20.6 97 89 3.8 Pioneer 5757 91.2 20.0 90 89 Pioneer 6117 75.7 20.0 96 80 Pocklington P-62 88.9 20.0 91 82 .6 Pocklington P-70 97.6 20.2 86 79 .7 Pocklington P-75A 82.0 21.7 83 85 .1 Pocklington P-78 101.0 21.9 92 69 .1 Pocklington P-78A 90.2 22.0 91 73 .1 SchwenkS27B 100.1 19.1 98 88 .6 Steckley's Genetic Giant 12 101.2 20.9 94 78 .6 Tiemann T-72 97.9 22.4 89 82 1.6 Todd 635 92.5 21.2 92 78 .6 Troyer M3T 64.6 20.5 97 71 .1 Troyer M17T 80.2 21.4 96 87 U.S. 13 (Station) 82.9 20.1 81 83 1.9 Van Horn V.H. 100. .. 85.1 21.3 87 76 2.9 Van Horn V.H. 101 93.2 21.2 85 80 1.4 Van Horn V.H. Ill 92.0 20.2 72 84 .1 Inadvertently omitted from test. (Table is concluded on next page) Table 13. Increased Planting Rates concluded Entry Total acre vest Erect " lants Stand Dropped ears East-Central Illinois: Urbana concluded bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. Whisnand 830. .. 91.5 20.3 91 76 .1 Whisnand852 99.6 22.7 83 83 .1 Whisnand Exp. 850 112.6 21.4 79 83 .2 Average of all entries 89.2 21.0 90 84 .8 Number in range 2 3-5 6-10 11-20 Over 20 Difference necessary for significance 18.1 1.9 10 11 20.2 2.1 11 12 21.4 2.3 12 13 22.4 2.4 12 13 22.7 2.4 12 14 1.1 WEST SOUTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: 20,000 plants per acre Greenfield Entry Total acre Moisture in yield grain at harvest Erect plants Stand bu. perct. Perct. perct. BearOK69 131.3 19.3 64 88 Bear Unicorn X710 91.2 21.0 39 88 DeKalb633... 110.4 19.1 61 87 DeKalb640 103.3 16.9 56 94 DeKalb650 94.7 17.1 45 83 DeKalb660A 99.2 19.2 53 87 DeKalb803A 95.3 20.7 35 87 DeKalbSOS 104.2 19.1 48 91 DeKalbSlO 108.8 18.6 46 93 DeKalb 814 98.2 17.8 50 89 DeKalb854 77.9 18.8 38 82 DeKalb 869 98.6 19.3 56 88 DeKalb 898A 81.4 18.9 35 90 DeKalb 925(W) 92 .8 20.8 50 89 Doubet D413 107.4 19.3 62 87 Doubet D435 69.6 18.0 42 93 Illinois 1332 (Station) .. 116.3 16.9 52 85 Illinois 1421 (Station) 104.1 19.6 44 86 Illinois 1893 (Station) 108.3 17.8 45 90 Illinois 1996 (Station) 96.7 18.0 41 89 Illinois (Hy2xOh7) 102.8 18.6 25 89 Illinois (WF9xC103) 73.3 16.1 77 94 Moews523 105.1 18.2 67 89 Moews525 103.2 19.2 72 85 Moews CB60A 105.3 19.3 67 95 Moews CB69A 109.6 18.7 78 96 Moews CB96A 109.7 16.1 64 90 P.A.G. 415... 103.0 18.5 61 89 P.A.G. 418 91.8 20.1 44 87 P.A.G. 444 95.8 21.6 54 87 Pioneer 301B 97.4 18.7 59 85 Pioneer 302 99.0 22.2 54 90 Pioneer 309 B 113.7 23.7 59 94 Pioneer 316 96.8 18.4 44 86 Pioneer 319 114.5 18.4 56 82 Pioneer 4549 123.6 19.5 59 89 Pioneer 5625 77.1 20.9 55 73 Pioneer 5757 98.7 18.9 75 89 Pioneer 6117 96.9 19.3 67 83 Pocklington P-62 94.3 18.5 52 87 Pocklington P-70 86.6 18.3 59 87 Pocklington P-75A 93.4 19.0 47 86 Pocklington P-78 98.3 19.6 68 83 Pocklington P-78A 109.7 19.9 64 86 Pocklington P-84 105 . 7 22 .6 51 84 Whisnand 830 104.2 18.5 64 82 Whisnand 852 96.4 19.7 50 87 Whisnand Exp. 850 109.5 20.0 48 82 Average of all entries 100.5 19.2 54 88 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 23.4 1.3 23 11 3-5 26.0 1.4 25 12 6-10 27.6 1.5 27 13 11-20 28.8 1.6 28 13 Over 20 28.9 1.6 28 13 40 BULLETIN No. 651 [January, Table 14. DWARF HYBRIDS: 1959 Results Entry Total acre larvest Erect <> lants Stand Dropped ears NORTHERN ILLINOIS: DeKalb bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. DeKalb (D3xE) .. . 100.4 26.5 100 97 DeKalb (D4xA) 79.4 25.9 100 90 DeKalb (D4xB) 78.3 27.0 100 94 DeKalb (D4xC) 90.1 26.8 99 92 DeKalb (D4xD) 83.1 26.8 100 95 Eastern States Dwarf 602 90.7 24.6 100 91 Illidwarf 506A (Station) 85.4 26.3 100 93 Illidwarf 513 (Station) 99.2 23.8 95 95 Illidwarf Exp. 59-023 (Station) 100.3 23 .9 99 96 Illidwarf Exp. 59-025 (Station) 90.4 23 .2 100 87 Illidwarf Exp. 59-027 (Station) 92 .3 23 . 7 100 89 Illidwarf Exp. 59-028 (Station) 98.1 23.5 99 88 Illidwarf Exp. 59-030 (Station) 92 .6 23 .8 100 92 Illidwarf Exp. 59-031 (Station) 93.2 24.7 100 92 Illidwarf Exp. 59-032 (Station) 91.2 23 . 7 99 95 Illidwarf Exp. 59-059 (Station) 92 .0 26 .0 100 82 P.A.G. Exp. 12030.. . . 100.0 22.6 100 93 P.A.G. Exp. 12058 94.9 ,'23.5 99 93 P.A.G. Exp. 12073 92.8 22.7 100 96 P.A.G. Exp. 12079 87.6 22.9 100 95 Pocklington P.D. 6 84.9 24.9 100 89 Pocklington P.O. 7 90.6 24.3 100 100 Pocklington (1x7) 77.7 25.8 100 95 Pocklington (9x1) 70.1 23.3 100 94 Pocklington (9x8) 107.8 24.1 100 91 Average of all entries 90.5 24.5 100 93 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2.. . 25.0 2.8 3 12 3-5 27.6 3.0 4 14 6-10 29.0 3.2 4 14 10-25 29.8 3.3 4 15 EAST-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Urbana Bear Cub 66 76.4 23.8 100 94 .9 Bear Unicorn Cub 94.8 26.9 99 95 DeKalb (D3xE) .. . 54.0 24.8 100 89 DeKalb (D4xA) 51.8 24.6 100 88 DeKalb (D4xB) 51.2 23.4 100 89 DeKalb (D4xC) 58.3 25.2 99 90 DeKalb (D4xD) 52.4 23.8 100 84 1.0 Eastern States Dwarf 602 71 . 2 22 .3 99 91 .8 Illidwarf (R906xR91 7) (Station).. . 84.7 25.6 99 83 Illidwarf 500 (Station) 89.2 22 .4 92 88 Illidwarf 501 A (Station) 79.9 23.8 96 92 Illidwarf 505A (Station) 74.4 22.0 100 85 1.0 Illidwarf 506A (Station) 77.6 24.5 100 93 2.8 Illidwarf 510 (Station) 66.9 23.7 100 98 Illidwarf 513 (Station) 80.4 22 .3 99 89 2.9 Illidwarf Exp. 6374 (Station) 64.5 24.3 99 89 P.A.G. Exp. 12030. .. . 86.3 19.9 99 89 1.9 P.A.G. Exp. 12035 52.8 23.4 100 94 P.A.G. Exp. 12036 86.2 22.0 100 97 P.A.G. Exp. 12060 67.4 22.6 100 95 Pocklington P.D. 6 78.4 24.1 100 86 Pocklington P.D. 7 63.2 24.6 100 90 .9 Pocklington (1x7) 92.5 24.5 99 91 Pocklington (9x1) 94.9 22.6 99 84 1.0 Pocklington (9x8) 69 .4 22 .9 97 86 1.0 Average of all entries 70.7 24.0 99 90 .6 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 19.1 2.7 5 12 2.7 3-5 21.0 3.0 5 14 2.9 6-10 22.1 3.1 6 14 N.S. 10-25 22.6 3.2 6 15 N.S. Note: "N.S." indicates that differences are not great enough to be statistically significant. (Table is concluded on next page) 1960] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 41 Table 14. Dwarf Hybrids concluded Entry Total acre yield Moisture in grain at harvest Erect plants Stand Dropped Ears WEST SOUTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Greenfield bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. Bear Cub 66 . 83.9 18.8 90 91 Bear Unicorn Cub 93.3 22.0 96 96 DeKalb (D3xE) . 46.1 20.8 98 100 DeKalb (D4xA) 36.2 19.8 93 93 DeKalb (D4xB) 42.4 19.5 89 99 DeKalb (D4xC) 50.8 20.1 91 96 DeKalb (D4xD) 63 . 6 19.2 95 99 Illidwarf (R906xR917) (Station) 53.4 18.2 60 87 Illidwarf 500 (Station) 63.4 18.1 84 96 Illidwarf 501 A (Station) 64.4 18.6 89 91 Illidwarf 505A (Station) 81.7 18.6 94 93 Illidwarf 506A (Station) 71.7 19.4 91 97 Illidwarf 510 (Station) 74.6 19.1 87 94 Illidwarf 513 (Station) 74 . 7 17.2 94 99 Illidwarf Exp. 6374 (Station) 57.6 18.5 82 96 Illidwarf Exp. 6417 (Station) 60.8 21.2 85 86 P.A.G. Exp. 12034 , 76.4 21.6 85 97 P.A.G. Exp. 12064 99.9 19.7 79 96 P.A.G. Exp. 12065 79.1 19.2 93 99 P.A.G. Exp. 12084 70.7 20.5 79 93 Pocklington P.D. 6 73 . 7 19.9 85 92 Pocklington P.D. 7 74 . 7 19.3 87 90 Pocklington (1x7) 87.1 20.1 86 94 Pocklington (9x1) 73.2 17.0 89 93 Pocklington (9x8) 65.9 17.2 94 94 Average of all entries 69.2 19.3 88 94 Number in range 2 23 3-5 26 6-10 27 11-25... . 28 Difference necessary for significance .7 1.8 16 14 2 2.0 18 15 5 2.1 19 16 1 2.1 20 16 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Brownstown Bear Cub 66 . 63.9 23.7 100 96 3.5 Bear Unicorn Cub 69.2 26.2 100 94 DeKalb (D3xE) . . . 64.0 25.7 100 94 2.3 DeKalb (D4xA) 52.3 25.6 99 100 1.1 DeKalb (D4xB) 59.5 24.9 100 88 4.9 DeKalb (D4xC) 60.0 25.6 100 94 DeKalb (D4xD) 65.0 26.3 100 98 2.3 Illidwarf (R906xR917) (Station). , 79.3 24.0 100 92 Illidwarf 500 (Station) 73.3 22.1 98 95 Illidwarf 501 A (Station) 71.6 22.2 98 92 Illidwarf 505A (Station) 65.5 25.3 99 95 1.2 Illidwarf 506A (Station) 81.4 23.9 100 97 Illidwarf 510 (Station) 57.9 22.0 98 89 Illidwarf 513 (Station) ' 76.0 20.8 98 95 Illidwarf Exp. 341 7 (Station) 69.0 24.0 99 99 Illidwarf Exp. 6374 (Station) 63.2 23.7 98 87 Illidwarf Exp. 6417 (Station) 65 . 1 25.9 100 93 Illidwarf Exp. 371 (Station) 71.3 25.3 100 100 Illidwarf Exp. 471 (Station) 73.0 26.0 100 95 1.1 P.A.G. Exp. 12034.. . 77.9 27.4 99 97 1.1 P.A.G. Exp. 12042 49.0 20.8 100 95 P.A.G. Exp. 12083 76.9 25.2 98 100 P.A.G. Exp. 12084 85.0 25.1 98 99 1.1 Pocklington P.D. 6 67.4 24.3 100 90 1.3 Pocklington P.D. 7 65.0 23.6 100 100 1.1 Average of all entries 68.1 24.4 99 95 .8 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2. . 22.7 2.8 N.S. 12 .7 3-5 25.0 3.1 N.S. 13 .7 6-10 26.2 3.3 N.S. 14 .8 10-25 27.0 3.4 N.S. 14 .8 Note: "N.S." indicates that differences are not great enough to be statistically significant. 42 BULLETIN No. 651 [January, SUMMARY In 1959, 523 hybrids were grown in seventeen tests on ten test fields in Illinois. Yields were generally excellent, although lower than usual at Ashkum, Urbana, and Wolf Lake. Machine harvesting was successfully employed in all tests, and yields reported in this bulletin may be considered representative of actual farming conditions in the respective locations. 1959 yields. As was true in 1958, the Galesburg test field in west north-central Illinois had the highest average yield, 112.8 bushels per acre of machine-harvested shelled corn. This was closely followed by the Stanford test field, with a yield of 112.6 bushels per acre. Average yields of "normal" hybrids at normal planting rates on the other test fields were: Woodstock 103.0, DeKalb 106.5, Ashkum 89.1, Bowen 90.2, Urbana 101.7, Greenfield 94.7, Brownstown 81.7, and Wolf Lake 84.0. The average yield of all normal hybrids tested at normal planting rates was 97.6 bushels per acre. This compares very favorably with previous hand-harvested average yields on these same test fields, which were 101.7 bushels per acre in 1957 and 101.4 bushels per acre in 1958. Moisture. Grain moisture at harvest was at a satisfactory level at all test locations. The average moisture percentage of all entries ranged from 19.0 percent at Greenfield to 23.8 percent at DeKalb, Bowen, and Brownstown. Data on this characteristic were analyzed, and differences between hybrids were found to be statistically signifi- cant at all test locations. Lodging. Lodging was moderate to light at seven of the ten test locations. More than 20 percent lodging was observed at Gales- burg, 30 percent at Greenfield, and more than 55 percent at Woodstock. Differences between hybrids in lodging were found to be statistically significant at all test locations except Ashkum. Stand. Stands were good to excellent at nine of the ten test locations. Uneven germination and seedling emergence resulted from planting in a wet seedbed at Ashkum, where the average final stand was 82 percent. In the normal planting rate tests, the average stand for all ten test locations was 90.3 percent. This was somewhat higher than the average stand in 1957 and 1958. Statistically significant differences between hybrids in stand percentage were found in the tests at DeKalb, Galesburg, Ashkum, Bowen, Urbana, and Greenfield. 1960] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 43 Dropped ears. Ear droppage was higher than usual at several test locations. Data were recorded for this characteristic at DeKalb, Bowen, Stanford, Urbana, and Brownstown. A few hybrids showed rather severe amounts of ear droppage, but the average amount of dropped ears did not exceed 1.5 percent at any test location. Leaf blight reaction. A severe epidemic of Helminthosporium leaf blight occurred in extreme southern Illinois. Reactions to this disease complex were recorded for the Wolf Lake test location. Scored on a scale from 1 (resistant) to 5 (completely susceptible), the hybrids included in this test showed mean ratings ranging from 1.3 to 4.0. Differences between hybrids for leaf blight reaction were found to be statistically highly significant. Increased-plant-population tests. Separate tests were conducted of increased planting rates at DeKalb, Urbana, and Greenfield. Plant populations tested were 24,000 plants per acre at DeKalb and Urbana, and 20,000 plants per acre at Greenfield. Direct comparisons cannot be made between average performance of hybrids in the "normal" and increased planting rate tests, since the same hybrids were not always included in both tests at a given location. In general, however, the increased planting rates at DeKalb and ! Urbana produced somewhat lower average yields and slightly higher lodging percentages than did the normal planting rates. At Greenfield the average yield at the increased rate was higher than the average yield at the normal planting rate, but lodging was much more severe at the higher plant population. Dwarf hybrids. Dwarf hybrids of the brachytic-2 type were tested at DeKalb, Urbana, Greenfield, and Brownstown. In general, yields of the dwarf hybrids were much lower than yields of normal hybrids at the same test locations. At each location, a few dwarf hybrids produced yields that compared very favorably with the average yield of the normal hybrids. Many dwarf hybrids produced very low yields of machine-harvested corn. These low yields resulted at least partly from very low ear placement in the dwarf hybrids, which caused excessive ear losses in the harvesting operation. 44 BULLETIN No. 651 [January, PEDIGREES OF 60 HYBRIDS Following is a list of open-pedigree hybrids whose performance is shown in this bulletin: Normal hybrids AES 702...(WF9XHy2)(C103XM14) AES 705 ... ( WF9 X B 14) (C 103 X Oh43) AES 805. . .(WF9X38-ll)(C103XOh45) N.J. 8 (WF9XHy2)(C102XC103) U.S. 13....(WF9X38-ll)(Hy2XL317) 111. 274-1. ..(WF9XHy2)(Oh7X 187-2) 111. 972A-l.(WF9XOh7)(Hy2XL317) 111. 1277. . .(WF9XM14)(187-2XI. 205) 111. 1332. . .(WF9X38-ll)(Hy2XOh7) 111. 1349. . .(38-11 XMo940)(K155XK201) 111. 1421 . . . (WF9XHy2)(P8XOh7) 111. 1511 ... (WF9XHy2)(38-ll XL304A) 111. 1555A..(WF9XOh51A)(I.224XOh28) 111. 1570. . .(WF9X38-ll)(Hy2XOh41) 111. !731A..(WF9XC103)(Hy2XOh7) 111. 1813. . .(WF9XHy2)(C103XOh45) 111. 1851. ..(C103X38-ll)(Oh7XCI.21E) 111. 1857 . . . (K201 XCI.21E)(38-11 XOH41) 111. 1861 . . . (WF9XM14)(I.224XOh28) 111. 1863. . .(WF9XM14)(I.205XOh43) 111. 1864...(WF9XM14)(Oh43XW22) 111. 1868 (WF9XHy2)(C103XOh43) 111. 1875 (WF9XHy2)(38-llXC103) 111. 1893 (C103 X38-1 l)(Oh7B XOH2S 111. 1919 (WF9X38-11)(R130XR156 - 111. 1921 (WF9 X38-11)(R71 X R105) ' 111. 1936 (WF9XHy2)(M14XB14) 111. 1959 (W64AXM14)(B14XA297) 111. 1960 (W64AXM14)(B14XA545) 111. 1992 (WF9XOh7A)(B14XC103) 111. 1996 (Hy2XOh7)(B14XC103) 111. 2214(W).(R30XKy27)(H2lXK64) \ 111. 3049 (WF9XHy2)(R71XR109B) 111. 3152 (WF9XM14)(B14XOh43) 111. 3302A-1..(W64AXM14)(B14XR172) 111. 3355.. ..(H49XH51)(R71XR109B) 111. 3360 (H49XH51)(R101XOh41) 111. 3362 (H49XH51)(CI.42AXOh7) 111. 6021 (R75XR76)(R84XK4) 111. 6052 (R78X38-11)(R84XK4) 111. Exp (WF9XB14)(Hy2XL.E. 2A Dwarf hybrids Illidwarf 500. . . . (R909XR938)(R904XR917) Illidwarf 501A (R909XR906)(R902XR917) Illidwarf 505A (R909XR901)(R902XR917) Illidwarf 506A (R909XR901)(R938XR917) Illidwarf 510 (R906XR902)(R904XR917) Illidwarf 513 (R909XR938)(R902XR917) Illidwarf Exp. 371 (br2 CI.21EXR938)(R901XR917) Illidwarf Exp. 471 (br2 CI.21EXR904)(R901XR971) Illidwarf Exp. 3417 (br2 C103XR904)(R901 XR917) Illidwarf Exp. 6374 (R906XR938)(R904XR917) Illidwarf Exp. 6417. . Illidwarf Exp. 59-023. Illidwarf Exp. 59-025. Illidwarf Exp. 59-027. Illidwarf Exp. 59-028. Illidwarf Exp. 59-030. Illidwarf Exp. 59-031. Illidwarf Exp. 59-032. Illidwarf Exp. 59-059. ,(R906XR904)(R901XR917) .(R909XR914)(6r2 Oh43X6r2 OH51A) .(R909XR914)(6r2 Oh43X6r2 W22) ,(R909XR914)(6r2 Oh51AX&r2 Pa54) (R909XR914)(fcr2 Pa54X6r2 W22) (R909XR902)(6r2 Oh43X6r2 W22) (R909XR902)(ir2 Pa54Xftr2 W22) (R909XR902)(&r2 Oh51AX*r2 Pa54) (R909XR901)(6r2 Oh43Xir2 OH51A) 1960} COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 45 INDEX TO TABLES Several of the tables are divided into two or more sections, and an entry may appear in several places in a table. Five-year or three-year summaries are shown first in each table, followed by the 1959 results for the particular test location. Hybrids are ranked according to their yield in the summaries, but are listed alphabetically in the 1959 results. AES 702 (Monier) 4, 5, 8 DeKalb 3x1 5, 7, 8, 9, 11 AES 705 (Station) 9 DeKalb 3x2 6, 7 AES 805 (Station) 7, 8, 9, 11 DeKalb 3x4 5, 7, 10, 11 AES 805 (Stone) 9 DeKalb 82-013 11 Ainsworth Goldline 378 11 DeKalb 82-019 11 Ainsworth X-14-A 10, 12 DeKalb 221 13 Ainsworth X-14-3 7, 8, 9, 1 1 DeKalb 222 3 Ainsworth X-97 5, 6 DeKalb 251 3, 13 Ainsworth X-98 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11 DeKalb 253 3, 13 Ainsworth X-100 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11. 12 DeKalb 400 3, 13 Appl A-130 5, 8, 9 DeKalb 406 3 Appl A-159 9 DeKalb 409 3 Appl A-259 5 DeKalb 411 3, 4, 13 Appl A-400 8, 9 DeKalb 414 3, 4, 13 DeKalb 423 3, 4. 13 Bear Cub 66 14 DeKalb 440 3, 13 Bear OK24 8 DeKalb 444 3, 4, 13 Bear OK33 5, 6 DeKalb 459 4 Bear OK55 6, 9 DeKalb 632 6 Bear OK69 7. 9, 11, 13 DeKalb 633 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 Bear OK93 10 DeKalb 640 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 Bear OK96 6, 9, 10 DeKalb 650 13 BearOK96A 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 DeKalb 660A 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11, 13 Bear OK878 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 DeKalb 661 5 Bear Unicorn Cub 14 DeKalb 662 5 Bear Unicorn X600 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 DeKalb 803A 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 Bear Unicorn X606 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 DeKalb 805 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Bear Unicorn X710 13 DeKalb 810 9, 13 DeKalb 812 5, 7, 8, 9, 13 Canterbury 400 7, 8, 9. 10, 11 DeKalb 812R 10, 13 Canterbury 404 8, 9 DeKalb 814 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Canterbury 420 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 DeKalb 820 5 Cargill 180 3 DeKalb 837 5, 6, 8, 9 Cargill 255 3 DeKalb 854 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Cargill 256 4 DeKalb 856 11,12 Cargill 259 4 DeKalb 869 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Cargill 270 4, 5 DeKalb 898A 12, 13 Cargill 285 6 DeKalb 925(W) 10, 11, 12, 13 Cargill 310 5, 8, 11 DeKalb 1023 12 Cargill 320 10 DeKalb 1028 12 Cargill 330 6 DeKalb 4049 4 Cargill 335 6, 7, 10 DeKalb D3xE 14 Cargill 680 3 DeKalb D4xA 14 Cargill 733 9 DeKalb D4xB 14 Cargill 5035 8 DeKalb D4xC 14 Cargill 5741 7 DeKalb D4xD 14 Cargill 5752 7, 9, 1 1 DeKalb Exp. 2 13 Cornelius C45 4 DeKalb Exp. 6 13 Cornelius C75 5 DeKalb Exp. 7 4, 13 Cornelius C404B 3 DeKalb X72-076 4 Crib Filler 62 6 DeKalb X72-159 12 Crib Filler 77 6, 9 DeKalb X72-194 10 Crib Filler 123 11 DeKalb X72-312 3 Crib Filler 124 9, 11 DeKalb X82-028 12 Crib Filler 131 6, 9, 11 DeKalb X82-029 12 Crow s 201 3 DeKalb X82-030 6, 7, 8 Crow s 205 3 DeKalb X4008 4 Crow s 260 3, 4 DeKalb X4035 4 Crows 360 5 Doubet D413 13 Crow s 402 3,4 Doubet D435 13 Crow s 487 4 Crow s 495 5. 6 Embro 33 10 Crow s 607 6 Embro 33A 10 Crow s 608 5.9 Crow s 805 6, 9, 10 Forster 25 5 Crows 821 ..10 Forster 33 5 BULLETIN No. 651 [January, Index to tables continued Forster 44 5 Illinois 1992 (Pfeifer) 9 Forster 56 5 Illinois 1996 (Pfeifer) 9 Frey 410 4 Illinois 1996 (Station) 7, 8. 13 Frey 458 4 Illinois 2214(W) (Station) 10, 12 Frey 644 6 Illinois 3049 (Station) 7.9, 13 Frey 692 6, 8, 9 Illinois 3152 (Station) 4, 13 Frey 692H 13 Illinois 3302A-1 (Station) 4 Frey 892 5, 6, 8, 9, 13 Illinois 3355 (Station) 11 Frey F57 5. 8, 9 Illinois 3360 (Station) 11 Illinois 3362 (Station) 11 Holmes 39 5,9 Illinois 6021 (Station) 7, 9 Holmes 47 5, 13 Illinois 6052 (Station) 7,9 Holmes 47E 13 Illinois Exp. (Station) 8 Huey H-23 5 Illinois (Hy2xOh7) (Station) 13 Huey H-42 5 Illinois (WF9xC103) (Station) 13 Huey H-50 10 Huey H-51 7 McAllister 13 A 5,7 Huey H-75 10 McAllister 22B 5 Huey H-106 7 McAllister 23A 6 Huey H-235 7 McAllister 33B 5, 6, 7 Hulting 235 3,4 McAllister 66B 5 Hulting 238 3, 4, 13 McAllister 77A 6, 13 Hulting 240 3, 4, 13 McAllister E.X.A1 13 Hulting 242 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 McAllister E.X.B1 13 Hulting 245 3. 4, 13 McAllister IVX1001A 5 Hulting 260SC 4, 5, 6 McAllister X101 Superyield 5 Hulting 380B 5, 6, 9 Moews 14A 4 Hulting 481 4, 5, 6 Moews 14DR 3. 4, 13 Hulting 482 4, 5, 6, 7 Moews 14E 3 Hulting 484 4, 5, 6 Moews 15 3 Hulting 684 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Moews 48 3. 4, 13 Moews 48A 3. 4. 13 Illidwarf 500 (Station) 14 Moews 58 4 Illidwarf 501A (Station) 14 Moews 500A 3. 4, 13 Illidwarf 505A (Station) 14 Moews 505A 4, 5, 13 Illidwarf 506A (Station) 14 Moews 520 5, 6, 7. 9, 13 Illidwarf 510 14 Moews 523 9, 10, 11, 13 Illidwarf 513 14 Moews 524 5, 7, 8, 10 Illidwarf Exp. 371 (Station) 14 Moews 524A 5, 6, 9, 13 Illidwarf Exp. 471 (Station) 14 Moews 525 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13 Illidwarf Exp. 3417 (Station) 14 Moews 5094 9. 10. 11. 12, 13 Illidwarf Exp. 6374 (Station) 14 Moews 5097 5. 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Illidwarf Exp. 6417 (Station) 14 Moews CB60A 6, 8, 10, 13 Illidwarf Exp. 59-023 (Station) 14 Moews CB65A 4 Illidwarf Exp. 59-025 (Station) 14 Moews CB69A 5, 8, 10, 13 Illidwarf Exp. 59-027 (Station) 14 Moews CB70A 11 Illidwarf Exp. 59-028 (Station) 14 Moews CB90A 8 Illidwarf Exp. 59-030 (Station) 14 Moews CB96 6 Illidwarf Exp. 59-031 (Station) 14 Moews CB96A 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 12, 13 Illidwarf Exp. 59-032 (Station) 14 Moews CB98W 12 Illidwarf Exp. 59-059 (Station) 14 Moews CB100 12 Illinois 274-1 (Station) 6, 8, 9 Monier 6-M-6 4. 5. 6, 8. 9 Illinois 972-1 (Station) 8,9 Morton M-6X 13 Illinois 1277 (Station) 3, 4, 13 Morton M-6X1 7 Illinois 1332 (Pfeifer) 9 Morton M-12A 7 Illinois 1332 (Station) 13 Morton M-70 7 Illinois 1349 (Station) 7, 11 Morton M-303 5 Illinois 1421 (Pfeifer) 9 Morton M-404 7 Illinois 1421 (Station) 8,13 Morton M-505 5 Illinois 1511 (Station) 7, 11 Morton M-606 5 Illinois 1555A (Station) 3,4 Mountjoy M-33 8 Illinois 1570 (Station) 12 Mountjoy M-55 13 Illinois 1731A (Station) 13 Mountjoy M-66 4 Illinois 1813 (Pfeifer) 9 Mountjoy M-100 8 Illinois 1813 (Station) 8 Mountjoy M-103 11 Illinois 1851 (Station) 11, 12, 13 Mountjoy M-444 8 Illinois 1857 (Station) 7 Munson M-5 4 Illinois 1861 (Station) 3, 4 Munson M-13 5, 6 Illinois 1863 (Station 3, 4 Munson M-15 5. 7 Illinois 1864 (Station 3 Munson M-77 5 Illinois 1868 (Station 7 Munson M-119 5, 7, 9, 11 Illinois 1875 (Station 11 Illinois 1893 (Station 9, 13 Nichols NB43 3,4 Illinois 1919 (Station) 8. 9 Nichols NB53 3, 4 Illinois 1921 (Station) 7, 9 Nichols NB63 3,4 Illinois 1936 (Station) 4, 8, 13 Nichols NB75D 3, 4 Illinois 1959 (Station) 3 Northrup King 2057 4, 5, 6 Illinois 1960 (Station) 3 Northrup King 2064 5. 6 1960] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 47 Index to tables continued Northrup King 2675 4, 5. 6 Pocklington P-78A 10. 13 Northrup King KO4 3 Pocklington P-84 13 Northrup King KT 3 Pocklington P.D. 6 14 Northrup King KT1 3 Pocklington P.D. 7 14 Northru* King KT2 3, 4 Pocklington (1x7) 14 Northrup King KT5 3, 4 Pocklington (9x1) 14 Northrup King KT6 3, 4 Pocklington (9x8) 14 Northrup King KT7 3, 4. 5, 6 Prairie Gold D-791 5 Northrup King KT9 5, 6 Prairie Gold D-821 7 Null N-68 5 Prairie Gold D-837 7 Null N-83 5. 7 Prairie Gold D-896 7 Princeton 660 10, 11, 12 P.A.G. 62 3 Princeton 685 10, 11. 12 P.A.G. 234 3, 4. 6, 13 Princeton 888 11. 12 P.A.G. 244 4 Princeton 890 11, 12 P.A.G. 253 3, 4 Princeton 990W 11, 12 P.A.G. 277 4 Producers 13-1 11 P.A.G. 305 3. 4, 6, 13 Producers 326 .% 3, 4 P.A.G. 323 3, 4, 7, 13 Producers 333 3 P.A.G. 403 5, 10 Producers 341 4 P.A.G. 415 5, 6, 7. 8, 9. 10, 13 Producers 363 3, 4 P.A.G. 418 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, 13 Producers 520 4, 5, 6, 9 P.A.G. 434 7, 10, 11, 12 Producers 716 5, 6 P.A.G. 444 7, 8, 9, 13 Producers 727 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 P.A.G. 454 10 Producers 921 6, 8 P.A.G. 485 12 Producers 946 7 P.A.G. 631W 11, 12 Producers 953 5, 8 P.A.G. 633W 11 Producers 995 10, 11. 12 P.A.G. 15009 5, 8, 13 Producers 1066 11, 12 P.A.G. 15014 5. 8, 9, 10 Producers X984 10 P.A.G. 15017 13 Producers X969 9 P.A.G. 15018 4, 13 P.A.G. Exp. 9028 5 Robe 30 5, 9 P.A.G. Exp. 10437 4 P.A.G. Exp. 11497 9 Schenk's S-60 9 P.A.G. Exp. 12030 14 Schenk's S-70 9 P.A.G. Exp. 12034 14 Schenk's S-80 12 P.A.G. Exp. 12035 14 Schenk's S-90W 12 P.A.G. Exp. 12036 14 Schwenk S17B 8 P.A.G. Exp. 12042 14 Schwenk SI 7L 5 P.A.G. Exp. 12058 14 Schwenk S26 6 P.A.G. Exp. 12060 14 Schwenk S27 6. 8 P.A.G. Exp. 12064 14 Schwenk S27B 13 P.A.G. Exp. 12065 14 Schwenk S34 5 P.A.G. Exp. 12073 14 Sieben S-320 4. 5, 13 P.A.G. Exp. 12079 14 Sieben S-340 4, 5, 13 P.A.G. Exp. 12083 14 Sieben S-360 4, 5, 13 P.A.G. Exp. 12084 14 Sieben S-440 4 Pioneer 301B 6. 10, 13 Sieben S-440E 4 Pioneer 302 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 Sieben S-560 4 Pioneer 306B 7 Sieben S-580 4, 5, 13 Pioneer 309A 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 Southern States Catawba 9 Pioneer 309B 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Southern States Cherokee. . 9 Pioneer 312A 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13 Southern States Munsee 6 Pioneer 316 5, 9, 10, 12, 13 Southern States New Jersey 8 6 Pioneer 319 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Southern States Shawnee 6 Pioneer 325 4, 13 Steckley's 18 4 Pioneer 329 4, 5, 8, 13 Steckley's Exp. 1995 3, 4 Pioneer 345 4, 13 Steckley's Genetic Giant 1 3, 4 Pioneer 347 4, 13 Steckley's Genetic Giant 3 3, 4 Pioneer 350C 3, 4, 13 Steckley's Genetic Giant 3A 3, 4 Pioneer 352 3, 13 Steckley's Genetic Giant 4 3, 13 Pioneer 354 3 Steckley's Genetic Giant 6 3, 4 Pioneer 371 3. 4, 13 Steckley's Genetic Giant 9 6 Pioneer 380 3 Steckley's Genetic Giant 10 4, 6, 7 Pioneer 380B 3 Steckley's Genetic Giant 12. .5. 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13 Pioneer 4549 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12. 13 Steckley's Genetic Giant 13 5 Pioneer 5625 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 13 Steckley's Genetic Giant 14 5 Pioneer 5757 5. 6, 7. 8, 9. 10, 11, 12. 13 Steckley's Genetic Giant 15 5, 6, 7, 9. 10, 11 Pioneer 6117 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Steckley's Genetic Giant 20 5, 7, 9, 10, 11 Plymouth P-37 7 Steckley's Genetic Giant Plymouth P-97 7 Exp. 2015B 5, 6, 7, 9, 10. 11 Pocklington P-20 13 Stewart S65 5 Pocklington P-48 13 Stewart S82 13 Pocklington P-50 13 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-300A 8 Pocklington P-62 13 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-396 8. 9 Pocklington P-70 13 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-600 8, 9 Pocklington P-75A 10, 13 Stone 1996 9. 10 Pocklington P-78 13 Stull 100Y 11. 12 48 BULLETIN No. 651 Index to tables concluded Stull 101 Y 11 Stull 101 Y-B 12 Stull 400W }2 Stull 400WC 12 Stull 400WR 12 SuperCrost 438 3, 4 SuperCrost 440 4 SuperCrost 660 6 SuperCrost GIF 9 SuperCrost C2F 11 SuperCrost X4 4 SuperCrost X6 SuperCrost X88 6 Tiemann T-62 -4 Tiemann T-68 5,6 Tiemann T-72 9, 11, 12, 13 Tiemann T-78 * 5,8, 11, 12 Tiemann T-81 . 12 Todd 424 4, 6, 13 Todd 611B 4. 6 Todd 620B 9 Todd 635 8, 9, 13 Todd 840 8 Tomco 449 4, 13 Tomco 619 13 Tomco 678 13 Tomco 812 Tomco 838 - Trisler T-19B 6, 8, 9 Trisler T-32 9 Trisler T-32B 6, 8, 9, 11 Trisler T-33 6, 9, 11 Trisler T-33B 6, 9, 11 Trisler T-3SB 6, 8, 9, 11 Troyer E13T 4 TroyerL13 4,5,6, 7,8,9 Troyer L13T - -5, 7,8, 9 Troyer L14T 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Troyer L21T - . .5. 8. 9 Troyer M3T 4, 5 6 13 Troyer M9A 5. 6, 7, 8, 9 Troyer M11T 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9 Troyer M12T . - .4 Troyer M13T 4, 5, 6, 7 Troyer M14T 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Troyer MIST 4 Troyer M17T 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13 Troyer M18 4, 6 Troyer M19T 4, 6 United-Hagie UH39 fr 4 United-Hagie UH41A 4 United-Hagie UH47A 5 United-Hagie UH52B 5 United-Hagie UH5S 5 United-Hagie UHWW30 4 United-Hagie UHWW40 4 United-Hagie UHWW50 5 United-Hagie UHX138 4 United-Hagie UHX146 5 United-Hagie UHX3H30 4 United-Hagie UHX3H410 5 U.S. 13 (Station) 7, 13 Van Horn V.H.S5W 12 Van Horn V.H.76 11 Van Horn V.H.86 6 Van Horn V.H.9S-1 5, 8,9. 10. 11 Van Horn V.H.97 6, 8, 9, 10 Van Horn V.H.98 8, 9 Van Horn V.H. 99A 5 Van HornV.H.100 6,8,9. 10, 11, 12, 13 Van Horn V.H.101 5, 13 Van Horn V.H.I 11 9, 10, 13 Victor 316 3 Victor 316A 3 Victor 369 4 Victor 371 Whisnand 830 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Whisnand 834 5, 10 Whisnand 851 9, 12 Whisnand 852 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Whisnand 917W 12 Whisnand Exp. 850 13 Wyckoff's W10A 4 Wyckoff's W20 4, 6 Wyckoff's W25A 4, 6 Wyckoff's W46A 6 Wyffels W-490 *. 5 Wyffels W-495 4 Wyffels W-600 4, 5, 13 13M 1-6070050 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA