PORTRAITS OF THE Harvard Faculty. 1892. THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Presented in 1923 By Professor Ivarts Boutell Greene Q H'ltu K i I PORTRAITS OF THE t 4 Harvard Faculty. e o W (■ The College Professors and Instructors; the Law School and Divinity School Professors ; the Preachers to the University, and a Group of Eminent ex-Professors. COMPILED BY E. H. Jackson, ’92, and R. W. Hunter, ’93. BOSTON : The art Publishing Co. 1892. COPYRIGHT, 1892, BY E. H. JACKSON AND R. W. HUNTER. PREFACE. C-. W'CC ■' ■ ' ' T his Album is a new publication intended primarily for students, to give them a memento of Harvard and a better acquaintance with the teachers of the Univer- sity. The book, it is hoped, will commend itself as well to Graduates and Professors. As to the contents. It has not been our aim to in- clude the entire teaching force of the University. The large body of Assistants has been omitted ; also some entire departments, such as the Medical and Dental Schools. Portraits of the Rev. Henry Van Dyke, of Prof. Whitney the Geologist, and some four or five Instructors, were not received in time for insertion. With these last exceptions the work as planned is complete. Many favors have been extended to us. We are in- debted to Miss Cary and Mr. Horace E. Scudder for the excellent likeness of Louis Agassiz ; to Prof. Charles Eliot Norton and Mr. Bolles for their kind assistance ; and finally to the students and Professors at large for their cordial cooperation. Ernest h. Jackson, ’92. R. W. Hunter, ’93. 5m 170 JUSTIN WINSOR, LL.D. Librarian of the University. JAMES MILLS PEIRCE, A.M. CHARLES F. DUNBAR, LL.D. Perkins Professor of Math, and Dean of the Grad- uate School. Professor of Political Economy and Dean of the Faculty. CHARLES WILLIAM ELIOT, LL.D. President of the University. N. S. SHALER, S.D. L. B. R. BRIGGS, A.M. Professor of Geology and Dean of the Scientific School. Professor of English and Dean of the College. FRANK BOLLES, LL.D. Secretary of the University. « Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/portraitsofharvaOOhunt ' JAMES B. GREENOUGH, A.B. Professor of Latin. FREDERIC D. ALLEN, Ph.D. Professor of Classical Philology. CLEMENT L. SMITH, LL.D. Professor of Latin. MORRIS H. MORGAN, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Greek and Latin. WILLIAM W. GOODWIN, Ph.D., LL.D., D.C.L. Eliot Professor of Greek. ^ FRANK B. TARBELL, Ph.D. Instructor in Greek and Latin. JOHN WILLIAMS WHITE, Ph.D. Professor of Greek. * % JOHN H. WRIGHT, A.M. Professor of Greek. t 4 ^-' GEORGE M. LANE, Ph.D. Pope Professor of Latin. IE M 'jj HUGO K. SCHILLING, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of German. BENNETT H. NASH, A.M. Professor of Italian and Spanish, EDWARD S. SHELDON, A.B. Assistant Professor of Romance Philology. ROBERT L. SANDERSON. Assistant Professor of French. a FERDINAND BOCHER. Professor of Modern Languages. FREDERIC C. De SUMICHRAST. Assistant Professor of French. ♦ HANS C. G. Von JAGEMANNf Ph.D. Assistant Professor of German. KUNO ^ANCKE, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of German. GEORGE A. BARTLETT. Recent and Associate Professor of German ''7'} I' V ■/'.• 'V'V'v '• '<■:. ' ' .; ':k:'? . :' :< ■ ■■ •’ V;- '■,' ', ■ ", ' •' / . •»' !• I ; ", ■ ''SI iill m iiswiir Of. ftstt _ g y •■. ‘^’X;?'' -V^V \. 'f y .■■'»’■ j-st r* JOSIAH ROYCE, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Philosophy. WILLIAM JAMES, M.D. Professor of Psychology. JOSEPH H. THAYER, D.D. Bussey Professor of New Testament Criticism and Interpretation (Divinity School). FRANCIS BOWEN, LL.D. Alford Professor of Philosophy and Natural Religion. Emeritus, d. 1890. DAVID G. LYON, .Ph.D. Hollis Professor of Divinity (College and Divinity School). FRANCIS G. PEABODY, D.D. Plummer Professor of Christian Morals (College and Divinity School). Preacher to the University. CHARLES C. EVERETT, D.D. Dean of the Divinity School and Bussey Professor of Theology. Preacher to the LLiiversity. GEORGE H. PALMER. A.M. Alford Professor of Philosophy and Natural Religion. :;,v Vi 'fii • *■ EDWARD CHANNING, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of History, ALBERT B. HART, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of History. FRANK W. TAUSSIG, LL. B., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Political Economy. SILAS M. MACVANE, A.B. McLean Professor of History, HENRY WARREN TORREY, LL.D. McLean Professor of History. Emeritus, EPHRAIM EMERTON, Ph.D. Winn Professor of Ecclesiastical History. PAUL H. HANUS, B.S. Assistant Professor of the History and the Art of Teaching. CRAWFORD H. TOY, LL.D. Hancock Professor of Hebrew (College and Divinity School). CHARLES R. LANMAN, Ph.D. Professor of Sanskrit. INSTRUCTORS FREEMAN SNOW, Ph.D., LL.D. International Law. CHARLES GROSS, Ph.D. History. EDWARD CUMMINGS, A.M. Political Economy. WILLIAM M. COLE, A.B. Political Economy. GEORGE BENDELARI, A.M. History. WILLIAM SCHOFIELD, A.M. LL.B. Roman Law. GEORGE SANTAYANA, Ph.D. Philosophy. LEWIS E. GATES, A.B. English. OLIVER W. HUNTINGTON, Ph.D. Chemistry. ROBERT W. WILLSON, Ph.D. Astronomy and Physics. JOHN E. WOLFF, Ph.D. Petrography. HORACE A. DAVIS, A.B. English. THEODORE W. RICHARDS, Ph.D. Chemistry. WILLIAM F. OSGOOD Ph.D. Mathematics. JAMES L. LOVE, A.M. Mathematics. WALLACE C. SABINE, A.M. Physics. JOHN TROWBRIDGE, S.D. Rumford Professor of Physics and Director of the Jefferson Physical Laboratory. JOSEPH LOVERING, LL.D. Hollis Professor of Natural Philosophy, d. 1892. EDWIN H. HALL, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Physics CHARLES L. JACKSON, A.M. Professor of Chemistry. JOSIAH PARSONS COOKE, LL.D. Erving Professor of Chemistry and Director of the Chemical Laboratory. HENRT B. HILL, A.M. Professor of Chemistry, WILLIAM E. BYERLY, Ph.D. Professor of Mathematics. B. O. PEIRCE, Ph.D. Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. C. J. WHITE, A.M. Professor of Mathematics. T(?l ‘UBWiF,? or THE WILLIAM G. FARLOW, A.M., M.D. Professor of Cryptogamic Botany. GEORGE L. GOODALE, M.D., LL.D. Fisher Professor of Natural History and Director of the Botanic Garden. EDWARD L. MARK, Ph.D. Hersey Professor of Anatomy. EDWARD C. PICKERING, LL.D. Paine Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Observatory. FREDERIC W. PUTNAM, A.M. Peabody Professor of American Archaeology and Curator of the Peabody Museum. ALEXANDER AGASSIZ, LL.D. Curator of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. DUDLEY A. SARGENT, A.M., M.D. Director of the Hemenway Gymnasium. HERMANN A. HAGEN, M.D., Ph.D., S.D. • Professor of Entomology. WILLIAM M. DAVIS, M.E. Professor of Physical Geography. wrr%;.u( iii" (iit J'l r r f. W. A. LOCKE, A.M. Organist and Choir Master of the University Chapel. CHARLES F. MASON, A.B. Bursar. MONTAGUE CHAMBERLIN, Recorder. ALBERT A. HOWARD, Ph.D. Tutor in Latin. CHARLES P. PARKER, A.B. Instructor in Greek and Latin. PHILIPPE B. MARCOU, Ph.D. Tutor in French. MAX POLL, Ph.D. Instructor in German. JOHN J. HAYES, Instructor in Elocution. ALFRED B. NICHOLS, A.B. Instructor in Greek and Latin. BYRON S. HURLBURT, A.M. Instructor in English. FRANK W. NICOLSON, A.M. Instructor in Latin. WILLIAM F. GANONG, A.M. Instructor in Botany. JOHN C. WAIT, M.C.E., LL.B. Instructor in Surveying. GEORGE H. PARKER. S.B. ' Instructor in Zoology. LEWIS J. JOHNSON, A.B., S.B. Instructor in Engineering. JAMES G. LATHROP, Instructor in Physical Culture. n- i' S FRANCIS J. CHILD, Ph.D., LL.D. Professor of English. JOHN K. PAINE, A.M., Mus.D. Professor of Music. CHARLES ELIOT NORTON, Litt. D., LL.D. Professor of the History of Art. GEORGE L. KITTREDGE, A.B. CHARLES H. MOORE, A.M. Assistant Professor of English. Assistant Professor of Design in the Fine Arts. A. S. HILL, A.B., LL.B. Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory. BARRETT WENDELL, A.B. Assistant Professor of English. ARTHUR R. MARSH, A.B. Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature. .'v^iS'y.^Rs.s vv UNIVERSITY PREACHERS BROOKE HERFORD, D.D. Boston, Mass. EDWARD EVERETT HALE, D.D. Boston, Mass. ALEXANDER McKENZIE, D.D. Cambridge. LYMAN ABBOTT, D.D. Brooklyn, N. Y. RT. REV. PHILLIPS BROOKS, D.D. Bishop of Mass. ANDREW PRESTON PEABODY, D.D., LL.D. Plummer Professor Christian Morals. Emeritus. REV. GEORGE A. GORDON. Boston. WILLIAM LAWRENCE, D.D. Dean of the Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge. LEIGHTON PARKS, A.M., D.B. Boston. ] THE CHKE THE LAW SCHOOL. JEREMIAH SMITH, LL.D. Story Professor of Law. JAMES BARR AMES, A.M. Bussey Professor of Law. JOSEPH H. BEALE, A.M. Assistant Professor of Law. C. C. LANGDELL, LL.D. Dane Professor of Law and Dean. JAMES B. THAYER, LL.D. Professor of Law. JOHN C. GRAY, A.M. Royal Professor of Law. JOHN H. ARNOLD, Librarian. SAMUEL WILLISTON, A.M. Assistant Professor of Law. TFF CF lM£ (iiiF MX»WliS JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL, D.C.L., LL.D. Professor of Belles Lettres. Emeritus, d. 1891. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES, M.D., LL.D., Litt.D. Professor of Anatomy. Emeritus. HENRY W. LONGFELLOW, A.M., LL.D. Professor of Belles Lettres. d. 1882. LOUIS AGASSIZ, M.D., LL.D. University Lecturer and Curator of the Museum, d. 1873. ASA GRAY, A.M., S.D., LL.D. Fisher Professor of Natural History, d. 1888. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA C.H26UMJ C001 Portraits of the Harvard faculty.