SSO (,n n^ 4- s V \ - RARY OF THE UN IVLRSITY Of ILLINOIS 550.5 FI cop. 2 STORAGE / <_. t i^OA, , Vbl.i. No.l. Field Columbian Museum Publication 3. XjIBK-A-H-Y OIF* Illinois State LABORATORY OF NATURAL HISTO URBANA. ILLINOIS. Geological Series. Vol. 1. No. 1. HANDBOOK AND CATALOGUE OF THE METEORITE COLLECTION. BY Oliver C. Farrington, Ph. D. ip, ■ i. ^rSii-aw Department of Geology. LIBRARY OS* Illinois State IBORATORY OF NATURAL HISTORY, URBANA, ILLINOIS s-HsasS Chicago, U. S. A. August 1895. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM GEOLOGICAL SERIES Volume I. Chicago, U. S. A. 1895-1902 ^ I F£ v. I •n=pj ? TABLE OF CONTENTS. Pages. Handbook and Catalogue of the Meteorite Collection. O. C. Farrington. (Plates I-I V.) 1-66 Observations on Popocatepetl and Ixtaccihuatl, with a Review of the Geographic and Geological Features of the Mountains. O. C. Farrington. (Plates VII-XVIII.) 67-120 The Ores of Colombia, from Mines in Operation in 1892. H. W. Nichols. (Plate XIX.) 121-177 The Mylagaulidae, an Extinct Family of Sciuromorph Rodents. E. S. Riggs 178-187 A Fossil Egg from South Dakota. O. C. Farrington. (Plates XX-XXI.) 188-200 Contributions to the Paleontology of the Upper Cretaceous Series. \V. X. Logan. (Plates XXII-XXVI.) 201-216 New Mineral Occurrences. O. C. Farrington ; . . . . 217-231 Crystal Forms of Calcite from Joplin, Missouri. O. C. Farrington. (Plates XXVII-XXXI.) 232-241 Observations on Indiana Caves. O. C. Farrington. (Plates XXXII-XXXIII.) 242-266 The Dinosaur Beds of the Grand River Valley of Colorado. E. S. Riggs. (Plates XXXIV-XXXIX.) 267-274 The Fore Leg and Pectoral Girdle of Morosaurus, with a Note on the Genus Camarosaurus. E. S. Riggs. (Plates XL-XLII.) 275-281 Meteorite Studies. — I. O. C. Farrington. (Plates XLIII-XLVI.) 282-315 Index 316-323 Field Columbian Museum Publication 3. Geological Series Vol. 1. No. 1. HANDBOOK AND CATALOGUE OF THE METEORITE COLLECTION. BY Oliver C. Farrington, Pil D., Curator, Department of Geology. Chicago, U. S. A. August 1895. .4- c^ PREFACE. The care with which meteorites are treasured and the value they have assumed in the hands of collectors renders it desirable that as full information as possible should be available regarding the whereabouts of each specimen. To furnish this information in re- gard to the collection of meteorites of the Field Columbian Museum has been the principal object in issuing this publication. It is also hoped, however, that a more thorough study of the col- lection will be facilitated by the Catalogue and that that portion of the work called the Handbook, when used in connection with the specimens, will enable any one not previously acquainted with the subject to gain some knowledge of the principal characters of meteorites. Many of the statements of this portion of the work, for which it has not been practicable to give specific credit, have been drawn from authors whose works are mentioned at the end of the Handbook. Prof. L. Fletcher's work, An Introduction to the Study of Meteor- ites, edition 0/1890, has been found especially helpful and its plan of arrangement is so excellent that it has been largely followed by the author. In the difficult matter of names of meteorites and the dates of their fall or find, the data given in Huntington's catalogue have, in the main, been accepted as correct. No attempt at a plan of elaborate classification has been made, as none of the present systems seem to have gained sufficient accept- ance to make them authoritative. The divisions proposed by Maskelyne however, of derosiderites, derosiderolites and aerolites have been found to form so convenient a grouping that they have been followed throughout. Grateful acknowledgments are due Dr. C. F. Millspaugh of this Museum for the generous aid he has given in preparing the photo- graphs for the illustrations of the work, also to Prof. H. A. Newton and Dr. O. W. Huntington for information kindly furnished. July is, 180J. Oliver C. Farrington. 3 I 1301 73 Itolt Utt Libiruif] if html liitiq llknn Fm • • • • SB taH HALL 35. HALL 36. TPALEONTOL|OGY. B* I a_| TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. Arrangement of the Collection 7 Handbook of the Collection 9 Bibliography ^2 Catalogue of the Collection 33 Aerosiderites 35 Aerosiderolites .' 45 Aerolites 49 List of Casts of Meteorites 61 Index to Meteorites 62 General Index . 66 , •'5AI/-6- 10 <\z- :* ■r ti PLAN OP HALL 62. ARRANGEMENT OF THE COLLECTION. The collection of meteorites occupies Hall 62 of the West Annex of the Museum. The number and disposition of the cases in the hall is shown by the accompanying plan. The smaller specimens are arranged in the chronological order of their fall or find, in Cases 1-4 inclusive. They are grouped for convenience, as shown in the Catalogue, into the three classes of derosiderites, (meteoric irons) derosidcrolites^ (meteoric iron-stones) and aerolites (meteoric stones.) The aerosid- erites occupy Cases 1 and 2, the aerosiderolites part of Case 3, and the aerolites, the remainder of Case 3 and Case 4. The place of fall or find of each specimen, usually constituting the name of the meteorite, the date of fall or find and the weight of each specimen are shown by its label. Cases 5 and 6 contain specimens weighing respectively 466 and 345 pounds, of the Kiowa County, Kansas, fall, together with smaller individuals and sections of others of the same fall. In Case 8 are placed a large mass and several hundred smaller fragments of the Phillips County, Kansas, meteorite, the aggregate weight of which is 1184^ pounds. On the pedestal numbered 12, in the center of the hall, are sup- ported two large masses weighing respectively 1013 and 265 pounds, of the Canon Diablo, Arizona, meteorite. See Plate III, Fig. 3. The total number of falls or finds represented by these specimens is 180 and their aggregate weight 4,720.6 pounds, (2, 140.4 kilograms). Cases 7 and 10 are devoted to casts which show the form and size of some of the more notable meteorites, together with speci- mens of pseudo-meteorites, of the Ovifak iron and of other terrestrial minerals which approximate in composition to those of meteoric origin. Pedestals 9 and 1 1 bear full-sized models of the Chupaderos and San Gregorio, Mexico, meteorites, which illustrate the size of these, the largest known bodies of their class. - 8 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. On the wall is a large map of North America showing the places at which meteorites have fallen or have been found in this country. Nearly all of the specimens which now make up the collection have been obtained by purchase from Ward's Natural Science Estab- lishment and Mr. Geo. F. Kunz. A section of the Seneca River meteorite has been kindly loaned for exhibition by Mr. G. Murray Guion of Chicago. It is believed that the collection has already a size and value which entitle it to be considered one of the important ones of this country, if not of the world, and it is hoped that by gifts and exchan- ges its value may be so constantly increased as to maintain this posi- tion, and make it a profitable center for the study of meteorites. HANDBOOK OF THE COLLECTION. (In the following pages the figures in full-faced type refer to those on the specimen labels of the collection. From these, therefore, reference may be made to individual specimens of the col- lection, for the purpose of verifying or exemplifying the statements of the text.) Meteorites are stony or metallic bodies of extra-terrestrial origin which fall to the earth from space. They may fall at any time of the day or of the year and on any part of the earth's surface. Their fall is usually accompanied by luminous phenomena, such as the appearance of a ball of fire, showers of sparks and clouds of smoke and by sounds like those of cannonad- ing, of thunder, or of bellowings and rattlings. Observation of such falls is only occasional, since the larger number of meteorites fall into the sea or upon uninhabited regions. Daubree calculates that the fall of a meteorite upon some portion of the earth's surface is a phenomenon of daily occurrence, yet the record of observed falls for the past century shows an average of only two and a half a year. It is known, however, that such bodies have fallen to the earth since the very earliest periods of human history, because some of the most ancient records known to exist, refer to such phenomena. Being regarded by ancient man and by barbarous tribes as of miraculous origin, they were often carefully preserved, enshrined and worshiped as gods, and thus a knowledge of their existence has come down to us. Thus a stone which fell in Phrygia at a very early period was long worshiped as Cybele, "the mother of the gods" and about 204 B. C. was removed with great ceremony to Rome. It was described as "a black stone in the figure of a cone, circular below and ending in an apex above, " so that it is very probable that it was a meteorite. The Roman historian Livy tells of a shower of stones which took place on the Alban Mount about 652 B. C, by which the senate was so impressed that it held a solemn festival of nine days in honor of the event. The famous Diana of the Ephesians and Venus of Cyprus were probably meteoric stones which were worshiped as gods. io Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. The Moslems sacredly preserve at Mecca a stone whose history goes back beyond the seventh century, the descriptions of which leave little doubt that it was of extra-terrestrial origin. The traveler Pallas found in 1772 a stone at Krasnojarsk (159) in Siberia, which was regarded by the Tartars as a "holy thing fallen from heaven." As it has well marked meteoric characters, their tradition regarding it was probably based upon observation of its fall. A large mass of iron was found in Wichita County (41) Texas, a few years ago, which had been set up by the Indians as a kind of "fetich " or object of worship and revered by them as a body foreign to the earth and coming "from the Great Spirit." It was set up at a point where several trails met and was evidently visited periodically by them. This, too, was found upon examination to have the characters of a meteoric iron, so that it is probable that its fall had been wit- nessed by some member of the race at a previous period. Ornaments made of meteoric iron have also been found upon the altars of mounds in Ohio, indicating that they may have been used as objects of worship by the Mound Builders. The Chinese preserve many accounts of the fall of stones from the sky, the earliest recorded being about 644 B. C. The oldest stone still preserved which is positively of meteoric origin is that of Ensisheim (207) Elsass, Germany. This fell No- vember 16, 1492, between 11 and 12 A. M., making a hole about five feet deep in the ground. The stone weighed 260 pounds. King Maximilian being at Ensisheim at the time had it carried to the castle and after breaking off two pieces, one for the Duke Sigismund of Austria and the other for himself, forbade further damage and ordered it to be suspended in the parish church, where it is said it may still be seen hanging by a chain from the vault of the choir. Although the fact of the fall of stones from the sky seemed thus so well established, the haze of superstition and exaggeration by which the accounts of such occurrences were surrounded was so great that scientific men were slow to believe in the possibility of such a phenomenon. Moreover the advance of knowledge instead of furnishing addi- tional reason for belief that bodies could reach the earth from the universe beyond, in fact made it seem very improbable. The courses of the heavenly bodies were found to be controlled by such immuta- ble laws that any irregularity seemed impossible. The accounts of stones falling from heaven therefore were generally regarded by Meteorite Collection — Handbook and Catalogue. ii scientific men as the delusion of a few badly scared or very credulous observers. As proof of this it may be noted that as late as 1772, three French Academicians, among whom was the renowned chemist Lav- oisier, having investigated the stone which was said to have fallen at Luce, France, in 1768, reported that in their opinion it was only an ordinary one struck by lightning. In the next few years however, meteoric falls occurred under circumstances so accurately defined that their authenticity could not be denied. On the 13th of December, 1795, at Wold Cottage (215) in York- shire, England, a stone weighing 56 pounds fell within ten yards of where a laborer was standing, penetrating 12 inches of soil and 6 inches of chalk rock. It was found when examined to be of different character from any ever before known in that region. No phenomena of sound or light were observed by the laborer, but in the surrounding villages an explosion was heard like the firing of guns at sea and at some points a sound of something unusual pass- ing through the air towards Wold Cottage. Still more unmistakable was the fall which occurred at Krakhut (216, 217) near Benares, India, about 8 o'clock on the evening of De- cember 19, 1798. A ball of fire appeared in a calm and cloudless sky, accompanied by a sound like that of thunder, and then the descent of a number of stones was observed by several Europeans and natives. Finally at L'Aigle (218, 220) in the Department of Orne, France, about 1 P. M. April 26, 1803, occurred a shower of more than a thous- and stones, the circumstances attending which were so unmistakable that even the skeptical French Academicians were obliged to give up their doubts. An exhaustive summary of the facts in regard to this fall having been made by the French physicist Biot, his conclusions led the whole scientific world to believe that from time to time, material bodies having an extra-terrestrial origin do come to the earth. As a result of these conclusions such bodies, which are called meteorites, are now as far as possible carefully preserved and the phe- nomena attending their fall are accurately noted and recorded. The fact that they are the only material bodies which ever reach the earth from the universe beyond it, gives them a peculiar interest, and their study has taught something and may teach yet more of the nature of cosmic matter and forces. While the meteorites of different falls vary in individual particu- lars, they all conform to a common type and possess as a whole characters which serve to distinguish them from any terrestrial bodies. 12 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. * It is therefore possible when any body possessing these characters is found upon the earth, to assert with comparative certainty that it was of meteoric origin though its fall to the earth has not been ob- served. This is called a meteoric " find " in distinction from a meteo- ric "fall" and a large number of the meteorites now in collections have been obtained in this way. This is especially true of the meteorites made up chiefly of iron, since their metallic character preserves them from decay and their weight and difference from ordinary stones make them noticeable to the ordinary observer. On account of the nickel-white color of their interior also, they are often taken by their discoverers for masses of silver and have been preserved for this reason. Of more than one hundred localities of these now represented in collections only nine metallic meteorites have actually been seen to fall. The meteoric stones, on the other hand, unless their fall has been observed, are far less likely to be discovered, since they differ so little from ordinary stones in appearance that they are easily overlooked and under atmospheric influences quickly disintegrate and decay. Hence most of the stony meteorites now in collections have been seen to fall. Over 530 distinct meteoric falls and finds are now known, of which the falls number about 270. It has already been noted that but a small proportion of the meteor- ites which actually reach the earth are ever secured, since numbers of them fall into the sea or upon uninhabited regions. It will there- fore be evident that any conclusions regarding the distribution of meteorites which may be drawn from maps showing where they have fallen must be imperfect and faulty. Such observations as have been made, however, indicate that meteorites are not attracted to any par- ticular portion of the earth's surface and that the point at which they reach the earth is purely a matter of accident. The times both of the year and of the day, at which meteorites fall, seem to be somewhat more regular. A table compiled by Mr. R. P. Greg,* shows that more meteor- ites have fallen in June and July and less in December and January than in the other months. A similar comparison of data by Haidinger,f regarding the times of day at which meteorites fall, shows that more have fallen in the afternoon than in the forenoon. This is a result, as shown by Pro- fessor H. A. Newton, \ of their movement in direct rather than in retrograde orbits, i. e. of their following the earth. "London Phil. Mag., November, 1854. tSitzungsb. d. k., Ak., d, Wissensch., Vienna, 1867. jAm. Jour. Sci., 3rd Ser , Vol. 36, p 1-14. Meteorite Collection — Handbook and Catalogue. 13 Among characters common to all meteorites which distinguish them from bodies of terrestrial origin may be noted, first, the varnish- like crust always found upon their surface. This is the result of heat- ing and fusion of the surface during passage of the mass through the atmosphere. In the meteoric stones it is usually black and contrasts with the gray or brown of their interior (Winnebago Co., 340, Kny- ahinya, 287, Pultusk, 290). Not infrequently, however, it is of the same color as the interior (Kesen, 258, Washington Co., 345, and Phillips Co., 350). It is usually of a dull lustre (Pultusk, 291, Mocs, 324), but occasonally shining (Stannern, 226, Knyahinya, 286). In many individuals it differs in appearance on different portions of the stone, being smooth and compact on one part and on another, rough and slag-like. Such appearances often indicate the position which the stone assumed during its fall, the portion bearing the smooth crust having been in advance (die Brustseite) while the other portion was at the rear (die Ruckenscite), (Winnebago Co., 340, Mocs, 331). On meteor- ites which are largely metallic, the crust appears as a brown (Grand Rapids, 116) or bluish (Estherville, 175) oxidation of the surface, con- trasting with the nickel- white color of the interior. It is never more than a millimeter in thickness (Forsyth, 241, New Concord, 273) and frequently exists only as a smoking of the surface (Winnebago, Co., 34o). Other evidences of surface fusion are seen in the rounded metal- lic beads which stand out over the exterior of most stony meteorites. These are produced by metallic grains which offer a greater resist- ance to heat than the non-metallic portions of the stone. Where the metallic grains are quite small, they give the surface a papillated appearance (Trenzano, 268, Bath, 351) but larger grains produce larger protuberances (Washington Co., 347). Often there are visible on the crust of a meteorite (Stannern, 226) lines of flow, which closely resemble, though on a much reduced scale, the features of a lava stream, and indicate that the surface of the meteorite was in a similar molten condition. The rounding of the solid angles and sharp edges observable in most meteoric individuals (Winnebago Co., 340), even metallic ones (Toluca, 12, 21), is likewise evidence of a former plastic condition of the exterior. A second common characteristic of meteorites is to be found in the shallow pits which indent their surface. These vary much in size and depth, but usually have an appearance much like thai of an impression made by a thumb upon a piece of soft clay or putty. 14 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. t. They are hence often called thumb marks (Phillips Co., 350, Kesen 257, Floyd Co., 154). See Plate V, Fig. 1. In the iron meteorites these are usually of greater size and depth and occasionally perforate the mass (Canon Diablo, 146). See Plate III, Fig. 3. Similar pittings are observed upon partially burned grains of gunpowder picked up after the firing of the heavy guns at Woolwich, also upon the touch-holes of the cannon and upon masses of steel acted upon by an explosion of dynamite. They are due in all these cases to the erosive action of gas re- volving rapidly and moving spirally under high pressure, which bores into a solid mass with which it comes in contact as resistlessly as a gimlet. This mechanical action is, moreover, accompanied by a chemi- cal action resulting from the combustible nature of iron at high tem- peratures. While at first thought it is difficult to realize how a medium so thin as air can offer resistance to the passage of a meteorite sufficient to fuse its surface, it can be better understood by bearing in mind the fact that air is a fluid made up of molecules as real as those of iron, and physically differing from them only in being more widely separated. A solid body, therefore, in moving through the air, com- presses these particles, and by friction against them generates an amount of heat corresponding to its velocity. Experiments made by Joule and Thomson showed that a wire was warmed i° C. by moving through air at a velocity of 175 feet per second, and that a velocity of 372 feet per second gave a rise in temperature of 5.3 C. Suppos- ing, therefore, that the temperature would continue to increase as the square of the velocity, it can be calculated that a velocity of 20 miles per second, which is the average rate at which meteorites strike the atmosphere, would develop a temperature not far from 36o,ooo°C, in a mass of the same character. We may therefore consider a meteorite in its contact with the atmosphere as exposed to a heat capable of melting it as readily as apiece of tallow is melted by being drawn across white hot iron, so that the wonder is, not that it is so easily fused, but that anything is left of it to reach the earth. We are thus able also to understand the phenomena of light, of clouds, of smoke and of sounds like thunder or of an explo- sion, which usually accompany the fall of a meteorite. The intense heat raises to incandescence the surface of the me- teorite, causing it to glow with a light so powerful as occasionally to be visible at noon-day. The heated stratum of air agglomerates be- Meteorite Collection — Handbook and Catalogue. 15 hind the advancing mass in the form of an igneous globe, making a flame shaped like that of a candle, and under the intense heat a large portion of the mass is dissipated into a vapor or smoke. The heat moreover, causes cracking of the surface (Linn Co., 255, Dona Inez, 193) and an unequal expansion of the mass which bursts it, often with explosive violence. In spite of the high temperature to which its surface is raised, however, the substance of the meteorite is so poor a conductor that its interior is often scarcely heated at all. When picked up immedi- ately after their fall, therefore, meteorites are often scarcely more than blood warm and in one remarkable instance, that of the Dhurm- sala (275) meteorite, the fragments were so cold as to benumb the fingers of those who collected them. This is perhaps the only in- stance known in which the cold of space has become perceptible to human senses. Another effect of the passage of a meteorite through the earth's atmosphere is to reduce very greatly its velocity, so that the speed of its fall when near the earth is comparable to that of an ordinary fall- ing body. Hence instead of striking the earth at a velocity of from 10 to 45 miles a second, which is that at which meteorites enter the atmosphere, their force of impact may be very small. This is shown by the fact that several stones of the Hessle (298) fall, struck upon ice which was only a few inches thick and rebounded without either breaking the ice or being themselves shattered. By dissipating, therefore, the smaller stones before they reach the earth and by reducing both the size and velocity of those which do come to it, the atmosphere protects us from what would otherwise be a dangerous bombardment, and makes the chances of injury to life or property from the fall of these bodies exceedingly small. The forms of meteorites are very various and possess little regu- larity. Many are spheroidal (Pultusk, 290), some oblong (Babb's Mill, cast, 383), some tetrahedral (Mocs, 330), some shell-like as if scaled from a spherical mass (Canon Diablo, 373) and many so irregu- lar as to be lacking any definite form. They are as a rule as indefi- nite as to size and shape as the fragments from any block of stone when shattered with a hammer and it is therefore probable that they have been formed by the breaking up of a larger mass. Such a disruption of a meteorite often takes place shortly before it reaches the earth, and as a result many individuals of a meteoric shower possess edges which are still rough and jagged and show little fusion of the surface (Winnebago Co., 34°). Perhaps the most remark- able instance of this. is furnished by the stone of the Butsura (398) 16 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. fall. At the time of fall of this meteorite three distinct reports were heard and five different fragments were picked up at four places several miles apart. Three of these fragments were found to fit together perfectly and at the points of contact to exhibit no crust, though their other surfaces were coated with it. The point of junc- tion of the other two fragments could also be made out, though this surface possessed a crust hardly distinguishable from that of the rest of the mass. It was also found possible to unite all the fragments into one shell-like mass, showing that this was probably a unit as it entered the atmosphere and that the successive disruptions took place during its passage to the earth. Similar variations in crust are observable among the individuals of nearly every meteoric shower, making it seem probable that they are produced by the breaking up of a single individual. It should be noted, however, that some authorities prefer to regard the stones of a meteoric shower as members of a swarm of larger or smaller planetary individuals which had a previous independent ex- istence. In size, meteorites vary from complete individuals no larger than a pea (Winnebago Co., 340) to the enormous mass of Chupaderos, Chihuahua, Mexico (Model 422) whose weight has been variously esti- mated at from fifteen to twenty- five tons. The Phillips Co., Kansas, meteorite (350) if it reached the earth, as is highly probable, in a single mass, is the largest single aerolite in existence, the aggregate weight of the fragments so far found being 1300 pounds. The next largest is an individual of the Knyahinya, Hungary, fall, preserved in the Vienna Museum, having a weight of 647 pounds. Among the aerosiderites or iron meteorites, however, there are many of greater size and weight, as for example the Cranbourne (68) mass now pre- served in the British Museum, which weighs about four tons, the Red River or Gibbs meteorite (34) in the Yale College Museum, weight 1630 pounds, and several Mexican meteorites. The chemical study of meteorites has shown them to be made up of elements such as are common upon the earth and has as yet revealed none new to its constitution. About twenty-five have thus far been recognized, of which iron, silicon, magnesium, nickel, sulphur, phosphorus and carbon are the most important. The following list represents all that are known to occur : Aluminium Chlorine Iron *Nitrogen Sodium Antimony Chromium Lithium Oxygen Sulphur Arsenic Cobalt Magnesium Phosphorus Tin Calcium Copper Manganese Potassium Titanium Carbon Hydrogen Nickel Silicon ♦Recent investigations by Prof. Ramsay have shown that what has been regarded as nitrogen, is largely made up of argon and helium. See Nature Vol. 5?, p. 2Z\. Meteorite Collection — Handbook and Catalogue. 17 These are usually present in combination, but hydrogen and nitrogen occur as occluded gases and carbon in the elementary form of graphite or diamond. The following compounds occur, which in chemical composition and physical properties seem to be wholly similar to terrestrial miner- als of the same name: The silicates, chrysolite (Mg, Fe) 2 Si 4 , enstatite, Mg Si O s , bronzite, (Mg, Fe)Si O s , diopside including diallage, Ca Mg (Si O s ) 8 + Ca (Mg, Fe) (Si 0,)„ augite, Ca (Mg, Fe) (Si 3 ) 2 + (Mg, Fe) (Al, Fe) 2 Si 6 , labradorite, (Na Al Si 3 O s + Ca Al 2 Si 2 O s ) and anorthite, Ca Al 2 Si 2 O s ; the oxides, magnetite, Fe O, Fe 2 3 and chromite, Fe O, Cr 2 O s ; the sulphides, pyrite, Fe S 2 , and pyrrhotite, Fe, S 8 , and the carbonate, breunnerite Mg Co 3 with Fe O. Quartz, (Si 2 ), though so widely distributed upon the earth, is conspicuous by its absence from meteorites. Small crystals have, however, recently been observed in the crust of some of the Toluca irons,* and free silica occurs in several meteorites in the form of asman- ite, a compound believed to be identical with tridymite. Zircon, (Zr Si 4 ) has also been found in one of the Toluca masses, and the presence of orthoclase, garnet and apatite in several meteorites is probable, though not proved. Several soluble salts, such as chloride of sodium, and sulphates of sodium, calcium and magnesium, have been found in meteorites, and the carbonaceous meteorites contain bituminous substances which closely resemble terrestrial bitumens. As occluded gases occur marsh gas and carbon monoxide and dioxide. The soluble salts and breunnerite are regarded by Cohen as of secondary origin, i. e., formed after the entrance of the meteorite in- to the earth's atmosphere, and the same may be true of the gases and bituminous substances. Various other compounds found in mete- orites have from time to time been described as distinct species but their identity with terrestrial minerals has later been established. The following compounds found in meteorites are believed to have no representatives among terrestrial minerals: Various alloys of nickel and iron, including taenite, Fe 6 Ni, kamacite, Fe 14 Ni, plessite, Fe 28 Ni 6 and edmonsonite; chalypitc, a compound of iron and carbon ; cliftonite, a cubic form of graphitic carbon; cohenite, (Fe, Ni, Co) 3 C; schreibersite, (Fe, Ni) 3 P; troilite, Fe S ; oldhamite, Ca S ; osbornite, supposed to be a sulphide or oxysul- phide of calcium and probably titanium; daubr^elite, Fe S, Cr 2 S 3 , and lawrencite, Fe Cl 2 . The chemical character of these compounds indicates that the conditions under which they were formed differed from those which ♦Groth's Zeitscbr fur Kryst. und Min., Bd. 24. p. 485. 18 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. prevail upon the earth, in the absence of air or free oxygen and of water. The lack of the first is indicated by the phosphide of iron, schreibersite, which would, in the presence of oxygen, have been changed to a phosphate ; also by the fact that the iron and nickel are in the elementary condition and not oxidized, as they are upon the earth's surface. The absence of water is proved by the fact that no hydrous minerals are present in meteorites. It is known that either the atmosphere in which the meteorites were formed or one through which they at some time passed, con- tained a large amount of hydrogen, from the fact that it can be ex- tracted in large quantities from some of the metallic meteorites. It was, too, under a much higher pressure than is that of the earth's atmosphere, since Graham obtained from the Lenarto meteorite 2.85 times its volume of mixed gases, of which hydrogen formed 85%. Under the pressure of the earth's atmosphere it is difficult to make iron absorb more than its own volume of this gas. The reducing action of this hydrogen-laden atmosphere must be very great and in gen- eral it may be said that meteorites differ from analogous terrestrial rocks in containing in a reduced state substances which occur as oxides upon the earth. Considered as mineral aggregates, meteorites may be conveniently divided into three classes according as they are made up chiefly of iron, partly of iron and partly of stone or chiefly of stone. The meteorites of the first class have been called by Maskelyne aerosiderites (from dr t p, air, and oifypov, iron) or by Daubree holosider- ites, (8A"?, whole, ottypo?, iron). The term is frequently shortened to siderite but the abbreviation is objectionable on account of the liabili- ■ ty of its confusion with the mineral of the same name. The meteorites of the second class are called by the same authors derosiderolites (dijp, air, oid-qpos, iron, and W<>$, stone) or syssiderites (o&v, with, otiypos, iron). Those of the third class are known as aerolites (typ, air and ).{0o?, stone,) or by Daubree are divided into the two groups of sporado-siderites (o7:opd$ t scattered, oidypo?, iron,) and asiderites (d without, oidijpog, iron.) The aerosiderites, as is indicated by their name, are made up chiefly of iron. This is, however, always alloyed with nickel. The percentage of iron in the mass varies between 87% and 97% and that of nickel from a fraction of one per cent to 15%. Two exceptions to this are known among irons supposed to be meteoric. One is that of Octibbeha Co., Miss., which contains 38% of iron to 60% of nickel and the other that of Santa Catarina, Brazil (97-108) which bears 64%of iron to 34%of nickel. It is possible, how- ever, that the latter is of terrestrial origin. Meteorite Collection — Handbook and Catalogue. 19 The association of iron and nickel in the form of an alloy was long thought to be a peculiarity of meteoric bodies, but at least two terrestrial minerals are now known, which are constituted of such an alloy. One of these, awaruite (361), contains 67% of nickel to 31% of iron, the other, josephinite (367), 60% of nickel to 23% of iron. The iron found in large masses on Disco Island and other parts of West Greenland also resembles the aerosiderites very closely in composition, since it contains from 1 to 6% of nickel and small per- centages of phosphorus and carbon. These occurrences are so isolated, however, that in general, masses of iron alloyed with nickel, when found upon the earth's surface, may be regarded as being probably of meteoric origin, especially if they also exhibit a crust and pitted surface like that described, and etch- ing figures such as will be mentioned later. Other elements commonly occurring in the aerosiderites, though in much smaller quantities, are copper, cobalt, manganese, phosphorus, sulphur and carbon. The phosphorus is usually combined with iron in the form of schreibersite, the sulphur with iron as troilite, while the carbon may be either free in a graphitic form or as minute diamonds, or com- bined with iron. The proportions of the different elements as they commonly oc- cur in the aerosiderites are illustrated by the following analyses of some of those represented in the collection: — Fe. Ni. Co. Cu. P. (1) Toluca (7) 90.72 8.49 0.44 .... 0.18 X .03 =100.46 (2) Braunau (55) 91.88 5.52 53 2.07 .... C, S tr. =100. (3) BatesCo.Mo (95) 89.12 10 02 0.26 0.01 0.12 =99.53 (4) Grand Rapids, Mich. (116) 88 71 10 69 .... 07 20 COO S 03 =99.82' (5) Glorieta Mt, N. M. (122) 87.93 11.15 0.33 .... 0.36 =99.77 (6) St. Croix Co., Wis.. (125) 89.78 7.65 1.33 tr. 0.51 C tr. Sn/r. = 99.27 The specific gravity of the meteoric irons ranges between 5.75 and 8.31, nearly all lying between 7.5 and 7.9. Most meteoric irons present a distinct crystalline structure, the features of which are brought out by etching a polished surface with acids. There then appear upon the surface, bands or lines intersect- ing one another at various angles, according to the direction of the section. These are enclosed in a more or less unindividualized ground mass. (1) Taylor, Am. J.Sc. Vol. 22 p. 374, 1856; (2) Duflos and Fischer, Pogg. Ann. Vol. 72, pp. 170, 475, 18- 47; (3) J- L. Smith, Am. J. Sc. 3rd series, Vol. 13, p. 213, 1877; (4) Riggs, ibid, Vol. 30, p. M2, 1885; (5) Mackintosh, ibid, Vol. 30, p. 238, i88j; (6) D. Fisher, ibid, Vol. 34, p. 381, 1887. For further analyses see Lithological Studies by M. E. Wadsworth, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard Coll., Vol. XI, Part I, Oct. 1884. 2o Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. Upon close examination the bands are found to be made up of a broad, central plate depressed below the surface, which is bounded by narrow ones in relief. These are shown in Figs, i and 2, Plate II. Analysis of these plates by Reichenbach has shown that the broader ones are made up of an alloy of nickel and iron containing a large percentage of iron and hence readily dissolved by the acid. This alloy he called kamacite. The narrow plates, made up of an alloy which he called tacnite, contain a larger percentage of nickel, are less readily dissolved and hence stand out in relief. The ground mass, to which he gave the name of plessite, he considered as having a proportion of iron and nickel between the two. Recent investiga- tions by Davison,* however, indicate that there may be but two alloys present, the plessite representing simply portions of the mass where the bands of taenite are so closely crowded as to protect the kama- cite from the action of the acid. This is rendered more probable by observing the insensible gradations by which the finer lines, called by J. L. Smith Laphamite markings, pass into the ground mass as if there were no real division between them. See Plate II, Fig. 1. The angles at which the bands meet are dependent, as has been stated, upon the direction of the section and also upon their parallel- ism to the faces of either the octahedron, cube or dodecahedron, of the isometric system. All of these planes may occur in one meteorite but commonly only those of one kind appear and give to the iron a characteristic structure, distinguishing them as either octahedral or cubic. The varying thickness of the plates and differences in their angles of intersection produce a variety of figures which characterize irons of different falls. See Plates I, II and III. Since they were first described by Widmanstatten, they are called Widmanstatten figures. They form one of the most striking features of the metallic meteorites and were long thought to be peculiar to such bodies, but are now known to be imitated by the etching figures of steel and of the native iron of Greenland. They have been produced by Daubree upon a mass artificially formed by fusing together iron, nickel and phosphides of iron and nickel. They are, therefore, rather to be con- sidered as indicative of the conditions under which the meteoric mass originated than as representing any distinct property of extra-ter- restrial matter. As examples of coarse etching figures, i. e. those made up of broad bands, may be noted sections of the Toluca (16), Staunton (79), Robertson Co. (83) and Canon Diablo (147), irons. More delicate fig- *Am. J. Sc 3rd ser , Vol. 42, p 64. Meteorite Collection — Handbook and Catalogue. 21 ures, /'. e. made up of narrower bands, can be seen in the Lion River (62), Smith's Mt., N.C. (85), Bear Creek (89), Bates Co., Mo. (96) and Hamilton Co., Texas (131), irons. The finer lines were regarded by Neumann as indicating an essentially different structure from that shown by the Widmanstatten figures and they are hence often called Neumann lines. As pointed out by Huntington,* however, every gradation can be traced between the coarsest Widmanstatten figures and finest Neumann lines, so that there is no reason for regarding them as dis- tinct. In Huntington's view the coarser figures characterize the irons in which there was a large amount of foreign matter to be elimi- nated, the finer, the purer irons. The former moreover tend to an octahedral structure, the latter, a cubic. Most authorities agree that the crystalline structure exhibited in the meteoric irons indicates that they remained for a long time in a fused or viscous state from which they cooled but slowly. Thus Tschermakf states that "the greater number of meteoric irons exhibit a structure which indicates that each formed part of a large mass possessing similar crystalline characters and the formation of such large masses presupposes long intervals of time for tranquil crystallization at a uniform temperature". SorbyJ also regards "the Widmanstatten figures as the result of such a complete separation of the constituents and perfect crystallization as can occur only when the process takes place slowly and gradually. They appear to me to show that the mass was kept for a long time at a heat just below the point of fusion. " Further evidence of this is seen in the curved or bent plates con- tained in some meteoric irons (Stutsman Co., 126), which were probably formed as true planes but, remaining viscous longer than other portions of the mass, suffered subsequent distortion. It should be noted that there are some irons usually regarded as meteoric, which exhibit no trace of the Widmanstatten figures (Chesterville, 56, Allen Co., 92, Maverick Co., 113). Others show only a coarse, irregular network of markings (Seelasgen, 375, Puquois, 124, Silver Crown, 130). These may be considered as having been formed under somewhat different conditions from those which prevailed in the formation of other meteoric irons, or it may be questioned whether they are not of terrestrial origin. ♦Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences, May, i836, also Am. J. Sc, 3rd ser.. Vol. 32, p. 284. tSitz. Wien. Akad., 1875, Bd. 71, pp. 661-673. JNature, 1877, Vol. 15, p. 498. 22 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. Other markings which may be noted upon the etched surfaces of many irons are produced by included nodules of troilite. These may take various forms, such as circular (Orange River,72, Allen Co. ,91), oval (Staunton, 80), elongated (Toluca, 25), radiated (Hamilton Co., 131), or running in veins (Joe Wright Mountain, 121). Occasionally there appear upon the etched surfaces delicate, short, sunken lines running in parallel directions or intersecting at regular angles (Walker Co., 38, Maverick Co., 113, Hex River Mts., 115). According to Brezina these mark also the position of inclu- sions of troilite. Other scattered, irregular flakes of a bronze-like lustre, indicate the presence of schreibersite (Wichita Co., 41, Careyfort, 50, Youn- degin, 118). Together with the crystalline structure • many aerosiderites dis- play well-marked cleavage, usually octahedral (Toluca, 17, Henry Co., 136, Kenton Co. 134) but occasionally cubic (Braunau, 55) or dodecahedral. This structure is also possessed by some irons which exhibit no etching figures whatever, and in general seems to be inde- pendent of the crystalline planes because the cleavage planes fre- quently pass through the crystalline plates, indicating that they are of separate origin. The aerosiderolites consist usually of a spongy mass of nickelifer- ous iron in the pores of which are contained grains of silicates. The silicate most commonly found occurring in this way is chrysolite and its typical mode of occurrence is shown in the Krasnojarsk (159) mete- orite. This meteorite, having been first reported by the traveler Pallas in 1776, is frequently known as the Pallas iron, and the name Pallasite is given to meteorites of this class. Those of Kiowa Co.> (200) are excellent examples. In the Rittersgriin meteorite, (164) the pores of the iron are filled with a mixture of asmanite and bronzite, in that of Atacama (170) with chrysolite mingled with pyroxene and chromite; in that of Estherville (177) with chrysolite, diallage, pyrrhotite and troilite. The aerosiderolites pass so gradually from the aerosiderites on the one hand to the aerolites on the other that their grouping as a dis- tinct class is adopted only for convenience. Occasionally, too, in indi- viduals of the same fall, both classes are represented. Thus some of the Kiowa Co. meteorites are true pallasites (200, 202, 206) while others are entirely metallic(204,205). Among the stones of the Esther- ville (175, 178) fall, can be traced every gradation between aerosidero- lites and aerolites. Meteorite Collection — Handbook and Catalogue. 23 Upon the metallic portions of the aerosiderolites the Widman- statten figures can usually be brought out (Atacama 162. Roclo- wood 184) and, as these are quite similar to those of the wholly metallic meteorites, they indicate the existence of corresponding conditions in the formation of the mass. Analyses of some of the aerosiderolites represented in the collec- tion show the following composition : — (1) (2) (3) (-1) (5) Atacama, Krasnojarsk, Rittersgriin, Carroll Co., Hainholz, Chile. Siberia. Saxony, Ky. Prussia. (160) (157) (164) (180) (165) Si 2 13.60 20.43 26 -79 2 9-5 2 33-24 Fe 60.27 44-° 2 jFe-fNi. 1 20.48 4.12 Fe 2 3 1 50.41IJ 22>2 o Fe O 4.09 6.86 3.53 14.11 3.51 Al 2 3 O.OI JMnO) 0.70 O.72 CaO 1 0.21 f 0# 66 MgO 15.68 23.67 6.31 31.37 30.52 NL... 5.73 5.37 JNa 8 0) 4- 22 LOS Co 0.23 < °-4 8 » 0.28 £ U j 00 , °'° 2 JP J. JCr 2 3 *FeOt Sn }°-°> , FeSl ' °°*< > °5° f H 2 O 1 7 23f 2 .86 Insol 0.20 0.24 99.58 101.07 96.13 100.00 98.72 Sp. Gr.. 6.16 5.44 4.29 4.41 4.61 From meteorites of this class ever}'- gradation can be traced to the aerolites, meteorites in which the stony or siliceous matter predo- minates. These usually contain scattered metallic grains, sporado- siderites of Daubree (Kesen, 257, New Concord, 274, Homestead, 314), but some show no metallic constituents whatever, asiderites of Dau- bree (Alais, 221, Juvinas, 237). The aerolites are made up chiefly of the minerals chrysolite, bronzite, augite, enstatite or some other member of the pyroxene group, anorthite or other feldspar, chromite, nickel-iron and troilite. These are usually crystallized and occur in angular, splintery fragments, but are sometimes developed porphyriti- (1) Von Kobell and Rivero, Korrespondenz-BIatt Vereines Regensberg, 1851 . Recalculated by M. E. Wadsworth on the supposition that the silicates constitute one-third of the mass. (a) J. J. Berzelius, Ann, Phys. u. Chemie 1834, Vol. 33, pp. 123—135. Recalculated by M. E. Wadsworth on the supposition that the silicates compose one-half of the mass. (3) C Winkler, Nova Acta I.eop. Acad. Halle, 1878, Vol. 40, pp. 333, 282. (4) J. B. Mackintosh, Am. J. Sc. 3rd ser , Vol. 33, p. 282. Mar. 1887. Recalculated by ihe author on the supposition that the silicates constitute three-fourths of the mass. (5) C Ranimelsberg, Mon. Berlin Akad., 1870, pp. 322—325. Other analyses may be found in the work of Wadsworth, previously cited. 24 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. cally in an amorphous or crypto-crystalline ground. The occurrence and association of these minerals is similar to that in the eruptive rocks of the earth, and these they closely resemble. Representatives of many of the different varieties of eruptive rocks can indeed be found among the aerolites, so that, in the view of Wadsworth, no distinctions in classification should be made between rocks of terres- trial and extra-terrestrial origin if they resemble one another in con- stitution. Thus the aerolites containing no feldspar and made up chiefly of chrysolite are classed by him with the peridotites, the dif- ferent varieties finding representatives as follows: — Dunite, a rock made up chiefly of chrysolite and chromite, is represented by the meteorite of Chassigny; saxonite, composed of chrysolite and ensta- tite, by those of Homestead (313) Knyahinya (284) and Waconda (389) ; lherzolite, made up of chrysolite, enstatite and diallage, by those of Pultusk (289) and New Concord (274). Similarly the aerolites containing feldspar may be considered as corresponding to the basalts and gabbros in mineralogical constitu- tion ; basalt, made up of augite and anorthite, finding a representative in the stones of the Stannern (225) fall; gabbro, composed of anor- thite and enstatite, in the meteorite of Juvinas (237). While such a grouping is convenient for keeping in mind the mineral constitution of the different aerolites, it is doubtful whether its application should be pushed much farther, since the distinction of origin is one of considerable importance. The classification suggested b}' Tschermak* for the aerolites is as follows : I. Aerolites made up of chrysolite and bronzite with iron subor- dinate, texture mostly chondritic. (L'Aigle, Knyahinya, New Con- cord, Pultusk, etc.) II. Aerolites made up chiefly of chrysolite or bronzite or other pyroxene. (a) Chassignite, composed mostly of chrysolite. (Chassigny.) (b) Amphoterite, composed of chrysolite and bronzite. (Man- ' bhoom.) (c) Diogenite, composed of bronzite or hypersthene. (Ibben- buhren, Shalka.) (d) Chladnite, composed of enstatite. (Bishopville). (e) Bustite, composed of diopside and enstatite. (Busti). III. Aerolites made up of augite, bronzite, and lime feldspar and having a shining crust. (a) Howardite, composed of augite, bronzite and plagioclase, (Frankfort, Lontolaks.) (b) Eukrite, composed of augite with anorthite or maskelynite. (Juvinas, Jonzac, Stannern, Peterborough.) *Ber. Ak. Wien., Bd. 88, pp. 347, 371. 1883. Meteorite Collection — Handbook and Catalogue. 2 5 Following are analyses of some of the the collection : — (1) (2) Pultusk, Iowa County, Poland. Iowa. (289) (313) Si O s 35.85 36.34 A1 2 3 1.96 0.63 Fe 15.55 11. 16 Fe 2 3 3.85 Fe O." 12.12 22.28 CaO 1.56 MgO 24.95 >9-7o Na 2 0.95 1.40 K 2 0.39 tr. Cr 8 3 2.21 Ni Co Li 2 P S Fe S aerolites represented in 99-39 (•■)) Knyahinya, Hungary. (384) Si0 2 44.30 A1 2 3 3-06 Fe Fe 2 3 FeO 16.38 CaO 2.73 Mg O 22.16 MnO Na„ O 1. 00 K 2 0.66 Cr 2 3 0.80 Fe -+-Ni 5.00 p,o 6 s H 2 O FeS 2.22 Ti0 98.31 tr. 100.61 (3) Schonenberg, Bavaria. (4) New Concord, Ohio. (254) (273) 40.13 42.25 5-57 0.28 13.77 9.31 17.12 25-03 2.31 0.02 13.81 21.91 2.20 o.73 ] o-99 0.60 1.30 1.47 1.32 0.08 0.04 tr. 0.36 tr. i-93 0.1 1 5.82 98.71 100. 101.26 (0) (7) (8) Stannern, Juvinas, Bishopville, Moravia. France. S. C. (325) (237) (251) 48.30 49- 2 3 67.14 12.65 I2 -55 0.16 I.48 1. 21 1. 71 19.32 20.33 11.27 10.23 I.82 6.87 6.44 27.12 0.81 tr. 0.62 0.63 0.23 0.12 +FeOo. 54 0.24 0.28 0.09 o. 10 101.61 0.67 99-94 C. Rammelsberg, Mon. Berlin Akad. 1870, pp. 418-452. J. L. Smith, Am. J. Sci. 1875, 3rd ser., vol. 10, pp. 362-363. C. W. Giimbel, Sitz. Munthen Akad., 18 8, vol 8, pp. 40-46. J. L. Smith, Am. J. Sci. 1861, 7nd ser.. vol. 31. pp 87-98. E. H. von Baumhauer, Archives Nlerland, 1872, vol. 7, pp. 146-153. C. Rammelsberg. Ann. Phys. u. Chem., 1851, vol.83, pp. 591-593- C. Rammelsberg, Ann. Phys. u. Chem., 184K. vol. 77, pp. 5*5-590. W. S von Waltershauser, Ann Chem. u. Phar., 1875, vol. 79, pp. 369-374. 26 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. In specific gravity the majority of aerolites range from 3.00 to 3.80, being on the whole heavier than terrestrial rocks of the same nature on account of the greater quantity of metallic constituents. Viewed as to structure the greater number of aerolites are found to be made up chiefly of little spheres, varying in size from those as large as a cherry to those only visible under the microscope. These are called chondri from the Greek %ovdpo? f a ball, and meteorites pos- sessing this structure are said to be chond> itic. The chondritic structure is often discernible by the naked eye, as may be seen in the specimens of Weston (224), Forsyth (240), Pusi- nsko (250), Trenzano (268), Knyahinya (284) and many others. When examined with sufficient magnifying power the chondri can be seen to be composed of angular, crystalline fragments chiefly of chrysolite or some pyroxene. See Plate VI, Fig. 1. These may be present as one individual (monosomatic) or more commonly of several (polysomatic). An eccentric fan-shaped chondrus made up of radiating fibres of enstatite is a very unique and characteristic form. One such may be noted in the section of the Simbirsk meteorite, shown in Plate VI, Fig. 1. Other arrangements of the grains or fibres which may be noted are concentric, reticulated and radiated. The chondrus is frequently enclosed in a shell of metallic grains which gives it a distinct outline and separates it from the ground mass. This is illustrated in Plate VI, Fig. 2. The conditions which have brought about the formation of these' chondri are not well tinderstood though the question has been much discussed and various hypotheses have been suggested. The views of earlier observers were to the effect that the chondri represented fragments of pre-existing rock which by oscillation and consequent attrition obtained a spherical form. Sorby* has regarded them as produced by cooling and aggregation of minute drops of melted stony matter. Tschermakf considers their origin similar to that of the spherules met with in volcanic tuffs, which owe their form to pro- longed explosive activity in a volcanic throat, breaking up the older rocks and rounding the particles by constant attrition. Different views are, however, set forth by BrezinaJ and Wads- worth§, who believe that the chondri have been produced by rapid and arrested crystallization in- a molten mass. *Geol. Mag. 1865 (t) ii, 447. tPhil. Mag. 1876 (5) i, 497-507. JDie Meteoritensammlung in Wien, 1885, p. 19. §LithoIogical Studies, p. no. Meteorite Colisection — Handbook and Catalogue. 27 The principal objection to the first view, pointed out by Wads- worth, is that fragments of pre-existing rock ought to show the con- stitution of the rock as a whole instead of a specialized structure. That to the second, pointed out by Merrill* in the case of the San Emigdio meteorite at least, is that the great variety of forms under which the minerals of a single stone often appear, make it impossible to conceive of them as crystallizing from a single magma. It is evident that no positive answer can be given to the question as yet and it may be that the conditions under which the various structures have been produced have been essentially different. The matrix or mass of the stone in which the chondri are imbed- ded is usually made up of consolidated mineral splinters such as might have been produced by the breaking down of the chondri them- selves. It is occasionally, however, of a glassy or amorphous nature. The structure of aerolites not chondritic is frequently brecciated (Weston, 223, Taborg, 335) i. e.,made up of rock fragments cemented together, while others seem to have undergone metamorphism subse- quent to their consolidation (Chantonnay, 232). Evidence of physical change subsequent to consolidation is given by the slickensided surfaces observable in many meteorites (Linn Co., 255, Kesen, 267, Bath, 351). These are smooth, polished surfaces seen in different portions of the mass and are analogous to those found along faults in terrestrial rocks. They indicate a slipping or gliding of one portion of the rock on another after it had become cooled and solidified. In the Puquios meteorite, which has a mass wholly metallic, a distinct faulting was observed by Howell. As some of the Toluca irons were found to become extremely friable on heating, it is prob- able that this faulting might have taken place during the passage of the mass near the sun or some other hot body. Veins are found penetrating the mass of many meteorites (Char- son ville, 230, Waconda, 310, Mocs, 323). These are frequently filled with metal (Schonenberg, 254, Washington Co., 327, a) and in this case may have been produced as suggested by Preston by flowing of the molten metal into fissures made by cracking of the mass during its passage through the air. Others, however, contain opaque, graphitic or amorphous substances which probably segregated previous to the entrance of the meteorite into the earth's atmosphere. A class of meteorites in the formation of which igneous agencies could have played little part are those known as carbonaceous. These are black, very friable bodies having a specific gravity not over 2.00 •Proc. U. S. N- If. No. 11, 1888. 28 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. and containing carbon compounds closely resembling terrestrial bitu- mens. Notably in the Cold Bokkeveld meteorite (246) occurs a sub- stance much like bitumen from which a wax-like hydrocarbon can be dissolved out by alcohol. Other examples of carbonaceous meteorites, are those of Alais (221), Orgueil (282), Entre Rios (320), and Kaba. As these carbon compounds seem to exist only in the pores of the stone, it has been suggested by Maskelyne that they may have been absorbed during its passage through the atmosphere, but this is not certain. Besides the carbon compounds, some meteorites of this class contain soluble alkaline salts which act as a cement to consolidate the meteorite, but when moistened with water cause it to completely dis- integrate. These salts are sulphates of sodium, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Having thus traced in outline the principal characters of meteor- ites there remains for answer the interesting question as to what has been the probable origin of these bodies. While it is not the prov- ince of this Handbook to enter into any elaborate discussion of the question, a study of meteorites can hardly be considered complete without a mention of some of the different theories which have been proposed to account for their origin. It is evident, as has been said, from the chemical character of the substances found in meteorites, that water and air must have been absent from the laboratory of nature in which they were formed. It is apparently true also that life had nothing to do with the formation of the substances which meteorites contain. The consti- tuent substances most likely to have been of organic origin are the hydro-carbons previously mentioned, which resemble terrestrial bitu- mens. The latter are generally regarded as being one of the products of the decomposition of vegetable matter, but that they may have had a mineral origin as well is not denied, so that the presence of similar substances in meteorites is no proof of previous life. The close resemblance which aerolites bear to volcanic terres- trial rocks has led many to seek their origin in material ejected from the volcanoes of the earth or moon. This view has had many able supporters, notably the astronomer Laplace and the mineralogist J. Lawrence Smith. A careful study however of the amount of projectile force required to throw the me- teoric bodies beyond the attraction of the terrestrial or lunar sphere and of the amount of matter which must have been thus ejected in order to furnish the number of meteorites that have been observed, shows both to be far beyond any probable quantity. Meteorite Collection — Handbook and Catalogue. 29 It may also be urged against this view that the volcanoes of the moon are not now active and the chances are exceedingly few that matter thrown from them in times past, once missing the earth, would ever reach it again. Also that from terrestrial volcanoes no substances like those forming the metallic meteorites have ever been ejected, and that, while in general the aerolites resemble volcanic rocks, they are in fact so distinct as to be readily distinguished from them. Another view which has been seriously urged is that meteorites have had a solar origin. Such a hypothesis, however, requires that solid bodies, some of them combustible, should come from the hot sun, and further that their paths should be in a line parallel to the ecliptic. The latter is not the case with the paths of many meteorites. By another hypothesis meteorites are regarded as having come from a shattered planet. It is evident from the facts just stated that such a planet could have had no atmosphere. The supposition how- ever that it ever existed is purely an arbitrary one, as is also that of any internal force which could rend it in pieces. Moreover, from such a body we should expect fragments varying more in size than do those which have thus far come to us. We must therefore look to some other source for the answer to our question. The preponderance of opinion at the present day seems to be that it may be found in those strange, erratic bodies, the comets. We know that these are worlds without water, with a strange and variable envelope which takes the place of an atmosphere, worlds which travel repeatedly out into the cold of space and back to the sun and slowly go to pieces in the process. Such conditions corres- pond closely with those which we have already seen probably pre- vailed in the formation of meteorites. Still stronger evidence of the cometic origin of meteorites is to be found in the similarity between the orbits of groups of meteors and those of certain comets. In 1866, Schiaparelli, having calculated the orbit and motion of the meteorites which produce the annual August star shower, found that they corresponded exactly with those of an observed comet. Later the orbit of Tempel's comet was found to accord with that of the meteors of the November star shower and other parallelisms were noted for smaller showers. More remark- able still is the evidence afforded by the history of Biela's comet. This comet, discovered in 1826 by Captain Biela, was found to have a period of revolution of 6.6 years and to regularly come into view 30 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. at these intervals. It had previously been seen in 1772 and 1805 and returned to the solar system in due order in 1832. Being in an un- favorable position in 1839 it could not be seen, but at the time of its next appearance in 1846 it was found to have separated into two por- tions, which kept drifting - farther apart during the time in which the comet remained visible. At its next appearance in 1852, the frag- ments were seen to be smaller and still more widely separated. In accordance with its times of revolution the comet should have reap- peared in 1859, 1866, 1872, 1879 and 1885, but though carefully looked for, ,it has never been seen again. On November 27, 1872, however, occured a meteoric shower extraordinary for the number and brilliancy of the meteors which flashed through the air. The orbit of these proved to be exactly that of Biela's comet. On the same date in 1885 occurred another remark- able shower of meteors, having the same orbit and radiant point as those of 1872. During this shower an iron meteorite weighing about 8 pounds fell at Mazapil in Mexico. The manifest conclusion, there- fore, is that sometime between the years 1852 and 1872, Biela's comet was shattered in pieces and some of these meteors were the resulting fragments. These fragments being small, were mostly burned up in their passage through the upper part of the earth's atmosphere, but had they been larger, numbers of meteorites would probably have fallen to the earth. The fact, however, that so few meteorites have fallen to the earth during the star showers has been urged by some authorities as proof that the meteors producing stones are of a different nature from those which we see only as shooting stars. Since however, every grada- tion may be traced from one to the other and astronomically they are all alike, there is little reason, in the view of many authorities, to doubt their similarity. Attention has already been called to the fact that though upon the earth's surface iron is rarely found uncombined, there are masses found in the basalt of Greenland which are altogether metallic and which in composition and structure closely resemble the meteoric irons. Though other views as to their origin have been advanced, many facts point to the conclusion that these iron masses have been brought up with the basalt and therefore indicate the existence of metal of this character in the deep interior of the earth. It has long been known that the matter constituting the interior of the earth must be more dense than that of the rocks which form its crust, since the specific gravity of the earth as a whole is 5.5, while that of the rocks of the crust is not more than 2.7. Professor Dana has shown Meteorite Collection — Handbook and Catalogue. 31 that if the interior were iron up to within 500 miles of the surface it would give to the earth its present density, and the outflow of iron at Greenland makes such a constitution seem very probable. Since this material, too, so closely resembles the meteoric irons in constitution, and since basalts and peridotic rocks are found upon the earth which are analogous in constitution to many of the aerolites, it further seems probable, as pointed out by Daubr£e, that the dif- ferent meteorites represent in epitome the structure and constitution of the earth as a whole and that study of these is equivalent to pene- trating by a side glance into the inaccessible depths of our own sphere. Certainly, so far as present investigations have gone, a wonder- ful similarity in the constitution of the bodies of the universe is indi- cated, which may well lead to the belief that all knowledge gained regarding extra-terrestrial bodies but increases our sources of inform- ation concerning the history and structure of the earth itself. BIBLIOGRAPHY. For information in greater detail in regard to the subjects dis- cussed in the foregoing pages, the reader will find the following works useful. For lists of meteorites with localities and dates, see : Catalogue of All Recorded Meteorites, with a Description of the Speci- mens in th" Harvard College Collection. O. W. Huntington. Reprinted from Proc. Am. Acad, of Arts and Sci., 1887. Die Meteoriten in Sammlungen, ihre Geschichte, mitieralogische und chemische Beschaffenheit. Otto Buchner, Leipzig, 1863. Die Meteoritcnsammlung des k. k. mineralogischen Hofkabinetcs in Wien, am 1 Mai, 1885. Aristides Brezina, Vienna, 1885. An Introduction to the Study of Meteorites, with a List of the Meteorites Represented in the Collection of the British Museum. L. Fletcher, London, 1890. Guide dans la Collection de Me'tiorites du Museum d'Hisloire Naturelle. Paris. Paris, 1889. The Meteorite Collection in the U. S. National Museum. F. W. Clarke. From the Report of the vSmithsonian Institution, 1885-86. Catalogue of the Collection of Meteorites in the Peabody Museum of Yale College. E. S. Dana. American Journal of Science, Ap- pendix to Vol. 32, 1886. 32 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. On the classification of meteorites, and the subject in general, see: Beschreibung und Eintheiluug der Meteoriten, &*c. G. Rose. Abhand- lungen Ak., Berlin, Vol. 23, 1863. Mitioritcs. S. Meunier, Paris, 1884. Lithological Studies. M. E. Wadsworth, Mem. Mus. Zool., Cam- bridge, 1884. Die mikroskopische Bes chaff enheit der Meteoriten. G. Tschermak, Stuttgart, 1883-85. Meteoritenkunde. E. Cohen, Stuttgart, 1894. On the chemical constitution of meteorites and their relations to terrestrial rocks, see : Handbuch der Mineralchemie, pp. 901, 952.' C. Rammelsberg, Berlin, i860. Die chemische Natur der Meteoriten. Same author. Abh. Ak., Ber- lin, 15, 1870 and 1, 1879. Etudes Synthdtiqnes de Geologic Experimental e. A. Daubree, Paris, 1879. Cours de Ge'ologie Compare'e. S. Meunier, Paris, 1874. Original Researches in Mineralogy and Chemistry by J. Lawrence Smith. Edited by J. B. Marvin, Louisville, Ky., 1884. Article on "Iron," System of Mineralogy. E. S. Dana, New York, 1893. For the astronomical relations of meteorites, their spectra, origin, etc., see papers by J. Norman Lockyer in Nature 1888, vol. 37, pp. 55, 80; by H. A. Newton in Nature, 1879, vol. 19, p. 315, Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci.Vol. 35. 1886, Am. Jour, of Sci., Feb. and June 1886, and July 1888; and by R. S. Ball, Nature 1879, vol. 19, p. 493. Descriptions of most American meteorites published soon after their fall or find are contained in the volumes of the American Jour- nal of Science. CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION. M EXPLANATORY. The following abbreviations are used in this Catalogue . W. f., Widmanstatten figures. W., Purchased of Ward's Natural Science Establishment. K., Purchased of Geo. F. Kunz. * Specimens available for exchange. Cat. No., Numbers under this heading refer to those marked upon Museum labels. CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION. AEROS1DERITES OR IRON METEORITES. Cat. No. Date of Fall or Find, NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Weight in gramsf 11 12 13 11 15 16 17 •J() 81 2'2 29 Fell 1400 ? Recognized 1811. Found 1780. Found 1784. Found 1784. Elbogen, Bohemia. Etched fragment showing W. f. (W.) Descubrldora, Catorce, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Polished and etched slab. W. f. in long parallel bands crossed at intervals by others nearly at right angles. (W.) Bembdego, Bahia, Brazil. Scalings from crust, showing magnetite. (W.) *Irregular fragment, one surface polished Octa- hedral cleavage well exhibited. (W.) Large slab showing natural and etched surfaces. The etched surface exhibits a coarsely crystal- line structure with imperfect W. f. Etched slab showing imperfect W. f. , elongated nodules of troilite and a group of schreibersite inclusions. (W.) Xiquipilco, Toluca, Mexico. ♦Complete individual. Form spheroidal. (W. ) ♦Complete individual. Irregular form. Octahedral cleavage well exhibited. (W.) ♦Complete individual. Spheroidal form. Surface apparently water-worn. (W.) Complete individual. Apparently water-worn surface. (W.) ♦Complete individual. Spheroidal form. (W. ) Spheroidal individual with oneetched face showing the typical, coarse W. f. and nodules of troilite. (W.) Complete individual showing distinct octahedral cleavage. (W. ) ♦Polished slab. (W.) Crescent shaped mass with surface 20x40 cm. etched. Shows coarse W. f. and nodules of troilite of various shapes and sizes. (W.) Similar to above specimen but smaller. (W. ) Broken fragment showing well developed cleavage planes. (W.) ♦Complete individual. (W.) Complete individual, spheroidal. Surface very smooth. (W. ) Complete individual, hemispheroidal. Cleavage planes well marked. (W. ) Complete individual. Hemispheroidal. Shallow pits appear on the surface, (W.) 2.5 35 32 1,132 855 464.5 99.5 263.5 251 227 816 112.5 225.5 16,665 6,160 1.997 1.880 1,107 28,038 46.040 + i gram equals i$% grains ; 1000 grams equal 3.205 pounds. 35 3<5 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. AEROSIDERITES OR IRON METEORITES. Cat. No. Date of Fall or Find NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Weight in grams. Found 1784. Xiquipilco, Toluca, Mexico. 24 Complete individual, spheroidal. Surface smooth and pitted. (W.) 18,025 25 Thin slab, etched. The W. f . are very distinct and regular. Nodules of troilite of various shapes are included. See Plate I, Fig. 1. (W.) 1,900 26 Like previous specimen, but W. f. less distinct. (W.) 2,423 27 Complete individual, crescentic in form. Shows strong tendency to scaling and decomposition. Drops of lawrencite appear on the surface. (W.) 19,954 370 *Section of flattened individual with etched surface. The latter shows coarse, well marked W. f. and several irregular nodules of troilite. Natural surface deeply pitted. (W.) 4,535 371 *Full-sized slab, etched. Shows the usual W. f. and coarse, vein-like masses of troilite. (W.) 792 372 *Complete individual showing pittings and natural surface. Form pyramidal. (W.) 2,506 Found 1784. Ixtlhuaca, Toluca, Mexico. 18 Complete indiviaual. Surface pitted and covered with crust. (K.) 3.000 19 Scalings from previous specimen. (K.) 00 Found 1792. Zacatecas, Mexico. 28 Thin fragment, etched. No W f. (W.) 5.7 Found 1793. Cape of Good Hope, Africa. 29 Polished slab of brilliant nickel-white color. (W. ) 27 Found 1802. Albacher niihle, Bitburg, Rhenish Prussia. 30 Polished slab Shows large pores and slag-like surface, due to its having been passed through a furnace (W.) 70 31 *Fragment, three sides polished. The natural sur- face appears to be altering to limonite. (W.) 72 32 Known 1804. Misteca, Oaxaca, Mexico. Porous slab, etched. W. f. quite distinct. (W.) 86 Known 1804. Charcas, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. 33 Thin slab, etched. Well marked W. f. (W.) 62 Found 1808. Cross Timbers, Red River, Texas. 34 Chiseled fragment, one end etched. W. f. well brought out. (W.) 55 Found 1814. Lenarto, Saros, Hungary. 35 Square slab showing crust on one side and one etched surface. No W. f. (W.) 47 Found before 1819. Burlington, Otsego Co., New York. 36 Triangular slab, etched on one surface. Very del- icate W. f. (W.) 32 Meteorite Collection — Handbook, and Catalogue. 37 AEROSIDERITES OR IRON METEORITES. Cat No Date of Fall or Find. NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Weight in grams. Known 1827. Sancha Estate, Santa Rosa, Coahuila, Mex- 37 ico. Thin, polished slab, a portion etched, but no W.f. brought out. (W.) 70 90 Turnings. (K. ) 10 Found 1832. Walker County, Alabama 38 Thin, polished slab. The etched surface bears in- tersecting short straight lines similar to those regarded by Brezina in the Hex River Moun- tains iron, as plates of troilite. (W. t 25.5 39 Fell Aug. 1, Worked mass. ( W . ) 128 1835. Charlotte, Dickson Co., Tennessee. 40 Thin slab, one surface etched. Typical W- f (W.) 7 Known 1836. Wichita County, Texas. 41 Full-sized slab, etched. Shows coarse W.f., nod- ules of troilite and scattered flakes of schrei- bersite. (W.) 1,396 Found 1837. Butcher Irons, Desert of Mapimi, Coahuila, Mexico. 42 Large, thin slab, a portion etched. The latter shows a stippled surface intersected by num- erous short, straight lines, probably of troilite, also nodules of same. (W.) 2.140 43 Large segment showing natural, polished and etched surfaces. Natural surface very smooth. Etched surface like that of previous speci- men. (W.) 3,402 Found 1839. Putnam County, Georgia. 44 Cleavage pieces showing octahedral form, separ- ated by thin plates of taenite. (K ) Found 1840. Magura, Arva, Hungary. 4o Etched slab showing delicate but very distinct W.f. The plates intersect at angles of 109°. (W ) G 40 ♦Irregular fragment. Cleavage structure promi- nent. (W ) 137 47 Fragment showing natural and etched surface. No W. f. (W.) 166.5 Described 1840. Cosby 's Creek, Cocke Co., Tennessee. 48 ♦Several irregular fragments, all showing octahe- dral cleavage. (W.) 40 49 Irregular fragment, cleavage structure prominent. The tin-white plates are taenite. (W.) 42.5 Found 1840. Carey fort, De Kalb Co., Ten n esse e. 50 Thin slab, one surface etched but showing no W. f. Troilite nodules and flakes of schreibersite appear on the etched portion. (W.) 55 3« Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i, AEROSIDERITES OR IRON METEORITES. Cat. No. Date of Fall or Find. NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Weight in grams Found 1840. Coney Fork, Carthage, Smith Co., Tennessee. 51 Rectangular slab, polished. (W.) 50 52 Thick slab showing natural, polished and etched surfaces. Coarse W. f. are dimly outlined on the latter. The lines of taenite are very del- icate. (W. ) 78 Found 1845. Sevier County, Tennessee (Identical with Cocke Co.) 53 *Five fragments of about 20 grams each, cleaving in octahedrons, which are separated by bright plates of taenite. (W. ) 114 Fell 1846. Deep Springs Farm, Rockingham Co., North Carolina. 87 Thfn slice showing sawed and etched surfaces. No W. f. (W.) 7 Fell 1817. Braunau, Hauptmannsdorf, Bohemia. 55 July 14, 3:45 A. M. Sawed block showing natural surface with pits. The lustre of the natural surface is like that of blued steel. (K.) 47 54 *Block showing polished and torn surface. (W. ) 8.5 Found 1847. Chesterville, Chester Co., SouthCarolina- 50 Thin slab, etched. The etching brings out a net- work of irregular lines on the surface but shows no W. f. (W. ) 6 Found 1847. Seelasgen, Brandenburg, Prussia. 57 Chiseled fragment. No cleavage structure visible. (W.) 41.5 375 Etched slab, containing large nodule of troilite. The iron is seen to be made up of large irregular plates but no W. f. appear. (W.) 12.5 Found 1847. riurfreesboro, Rutherford Co., Tennessee. 58 Etched slab showing distinct W. f., the plates of which run principally at right angles. (W.) 20.5 Found 1850. Seneca Falls, Seneca River, New York. 60 Sawed section showing natural surface and frac- ture. Octahedral cleavage very distinct. One surface partially etched, bears an initial of the name of the first owner, Mr. L. C. Part- ridge. Loaned by G. Murray Guion. 300 Known 1853. Lion River, Great Namaqualand, South Africa. 61 Sawed slab, one surface polished. (K.) 49.5 62 Etched slab, with crust. Beautiful W. f. are dis- played, the plates being narrow and very dis- tinct. See Plate III, Fig. 2. (W.) 62.5 376 *Like No. 62, but W. f. less distinct. (W.) 44 Found 1853. Union County, Georgia. 63 Cleavage fragments with surface considerably ox- idized. (W.) 1.5 Meteorite Collection — Handbook and Catalogue. 39 AEROSIDERITES OR IRON METEORITES. Cat No. Date of Fall or Find. NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Weight in grams Found 1853. Knox vi lie, Tazewell Co., Tennessee. G4 Slab showing natural and polished surface. (W.) 17 Found 1854. Madoc, Hastings Co,, Ontario, Canada. 83 Spheroidal fragment showing natural surface with pittings. (W. ) GO Thin, sawed slab with natural surface. (K.) 5 Found 1854. Emmitsburg, Frederick Co., Maryland. 67 Etched slab with natural surface. W. f. well brought cut. (W.) '28.5 Found 1854. Cranbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 08 Irregular fragment much decomposed. A portion altered to limonits. Silvery plates of taenite are numerous through the mass. (W.) 31.2 09 Cleaved fragment, octahedral structure prominent. (W.) 4.5 Found 1854. . Yarra Yarra River, Victoria, Australia. (Prob- ably identical with Cranbourne.) 70 Thin slab showing natural and etched surface. Crystalline structure is indicated on the etched surface, but no distinct W.f. are shown. (W.) 15 Known 1856. Orange River, Garib, South Africa.. 71 Sawed section with natural surface, smooth and deeply pitted. (K.) 114 ~o Etched slab showing typical W. f. and nodule of troilite. (W.) 95 5 Found 1856. Nelson County, Kentucky. 73 Apparently a large scaling slightly oxidized. (W.) 23 Known 1856. Denton County, Texas. 74 Thin, sawed fragment. Along an old fracture are numerous parallel grooves which are probably lines of decomposition. (W.) 3 Found 1857. Laurens County, SouthCarolina. 76 Thin slab, etched, showing beautiful W. f. The delicate bands, silvery white in color, and inter- secting in equilateral triangles, stand out in sharp contrast to the dull gray of the ground mass. See Plate III, Fig 1. (W.) 13 Found 1858. Staunton, Augusta Co., Virginia. 78 Full-sized slab, polished and etched. S hows typ- ical W. f. and large nodule of troilite (W.) 1,599 79 Slab with crust, etched. The crystalline plates have an ovoid form and intersect very irregularly. (W.) 665 80 *Slab with crust, polished and etched on two sur- L_ faces. Beautiful, broad and distinct W. f.(W.) 100.5 40 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. AEROSIDERITES OR IRON METEORITES. Cat No. Date of Fall or Find. NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Weight in grams Found 1858. Trenton, Washington Co., Wisconsin. 81 Thin slab, etched, showing typical W. f., the plates of which intersect at angles of 35°. (W.) 137 82 *Specimen similar to foregoing, but smaller. (W. ) 46 Known 1860. Coopertown, Robertson Co., Tennessee. 83 Thin slab, etched. The W. f. are made up of broad plates, 5mm. in thickness. (W.) 82.5 Found 1860. Lagrange, Oldham Co., Kentucky. 81 Sawed section with crust and etched surface. W.f. only slightly indicated. (W. ) 47 Recognized 1866. Smith's flountain, Rockingham Co., North Carolina. 85 Thin slab with crust, etched. Well marked W. f. Some of the bands are of oval shape. (W.) 17 86 *Similar to previous specimen. (W.) 13 Found 1866. Bear Creek, Denver Co., Colorado. 88 Fragment showing crust, Octahedral cleavage well displayed. (W. ) 43.5 89 Thin slab, etched. Well marked W. f. , the plates of taenite being very distinct. (W. ) 27 Found 1866. Juncal, Pay po te, Chile. 140 Thin slab with crust, etched. Shows well marked W. f., the plates of taenite being very distinct. (W.) 60 Found 1867. Allen County, (near S:ottsville) Kentucky. 91 Full-sized slab, etched. Contains a circular nodule of troilite. The etched surface has the appear- ance of a network of delicate, straight lines overlaying a granular base. (W.) 364 Found 1867, Auburn, Macon Co., Alabama. 92 Sawed fragment showing crust on all surfaces but one. (W ) 5 Found 1873. Chulafinnee, Cleburne Co., Alabama. 94 Thin slab, etched. Broad W. f, are dimly out- lined. (W.) 29 Found 1874. Butler, Bates Co., Missouri. 95 Etched slab. W. f very distinct. The plates of the latter seen with a lens appear to be made up of a number of smaller ones, which anasto- mose. There are also comb-like markings, made up of innumerable fine lines. (K.) 75.5 96 Same as previous specimen but containing nodule of troilite. (W.) 71.5 Known 1875. Santa Catarina, Rio San Francisco do Sul, Brazil. 97 *Spheroidal mass, having the well known limonite yellow color of the Santa Catarina irons. More or less honey-combed by decay. (W.) 217 Meteorite Collection — Handbook and Catalogue. 41 AEROSIDERITES OR IRON METEORITES. Cat. No. Date of Fall or Find NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Weight ingrains Known 1875. Santa Catarina, Rio San Francisco doSul, Brazil, 99 Similar to previous specimen, except that one sur- face is polished, showing a compact, metallic interior. (W. ) 921 100 Similar to No. 97. (W.) 2,579 103 Similar to No. 9/. ' (W.) 4,252 98 Mass only slightly altered, of iron black color and metallic lustre. (K.) 261 101 *A number of fragments of various sizes, appar- ently altered to limonite, but, according to Derby, portions of a porphyritic crust. (K.) 1,814 102 ♦Similar to No. 97. (K.) 766 104 (K.) 3.344 105 (K.) 10,884 100 (K.) 11,576 107 * (K.) 3,174 108 • (K.) 1,577 Found 1876. Cleveland, Green Co., Tennessee. 109 Polished slab, etched. No W. f. brought out by etching. (K. ) 100 Found 1877. Dalton, Whitfield Co., Georgia. 110 Thin, etched slab showing coarse, typical W. f. and crust. lW.) 81 Found 1880. Lexington County, South Carolina. 111 Thin slab, etched. Etching divides the surface into irregular grains, but no regular structure is visible. (W.) 23.5 Found 18S0. Ivanpah, San Bernardino Co., California. 112 Chiseled fragment. No evidence of cleavage. (W.) 3 Found 1882. riaverick County, (Fort Duncan) Texas. 113 Thin slab with reddish crust, etched. The etched sur- face has a stippled appearance, and shows a net- work of short, straight lines, probably represejt- ing plates of troilite. Small grains of troilite are also present. (W. ) 104 Found 1882. Jenny's Creek, Wayne Co., West Virginia- 114 ♦Three chiseled fragments showing cleavage octa- hedrons, separated by bright plates of taenite.(K ) 16.5 Found 1882. Hex River Mountains, Cape Colony, So. Africa. 115 Sawed slab, one surface etched. Neumann lines are partially discernible, but more prominent are the parallel systems of troilite plates descri- bed by Brezina. These are beautifully shown in this specimen. (W. ) 448 Found 1883 Grand Rapids, Michigan. 116 Full-sized slab, polished and etched. Shows very distinct and striking W. f made up of thin plates packed together in bundles. (W.) 1.160 5 42 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i, AEROSIDERITES OR IRON METEORITES. Cat. No. 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 877 12G 127 128 Date of Fall or Find Found 1883. Found 1881. Found 1884, Found 1881. NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Found 1884. Found 1885. Found 1885. Described 1885. Described 1886. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Full-sized, thick section, polished and showing \V. f. like previous specimen. (W.) Youndegin, Western Australia. Full-sized, elongated slab, showing pittings, crust, polished and etched surface. The W. f. are very coarse, many of the plates being 1.5-2 cm. in thickness. They are also crossed by a series of finer lines nearly at right angles. Troilite and schreibersite are present. (W.) ^Polished fragment with crust. (W ) Joe Wright Hountain, Independence Co., Arkansas. Thin slab, etched, showing nodules of troilite and typical W. f. The arrangement of plates about one of the troilite nodules suggests a spherulite. (W.) Etched slab, showing markings like previous speci- men except that the troilite occurs in interlock- ing veins. (K.) Glorieta Mountain, Santa Fe Co.,N e w Mexico. Thin lab with crust, polished and etched. The well known W.f. of this iron are fully displayed. (W.) Square slab, etched, showing both coarse and fine W. f. (K.) Hammond, St. Croix Co., Wisconsin. Thin slab, showing one etched and one polished surface. The W. f. have a peculiar, shagree- ned appearence, due to their grouping in smaller and larger squares and to scattered flakes of schreibersite. (W ) Like previous specimen except that the W. f. are more distinct and the crust attains in some places a thickness of 1 mm. (W. ) Puquios, Chile. Full-sized slab, etched. Irregular W. f. are dimly brought out by the etching, also flakes of schrei- bersite. ( W. ) Stutsman County, NorthDakota. Thin fragment, one surface etched. W. f. are but dimly outlined. Many of the plates appear bent. (W.) The Lea Iron, Tennessee. Large thin slab, showing crust, polished and etched surfaces. Typical W. f, (W.) Thunda, Windorah, Queensland, Australia. Sawed slab, one surface etched. W. f. distinct and regular. (W.) Weight in grams. 7,881 1,087 20.5 98.5 33 1,271 152 35 20 154 234 154 Meteorite Collection — Handbook and Catalogue. 43 AEROSIDERITES OR IRON METEORITES. Cat No. Date of Fall or Find NAME AND DESCRIPTION. We Split ingrains 125) 130 154 378 181 Found 18S7. Found 1887. Found 1887. Found 1888. 132 133 134 189 13G 137 138 139 Found 1888. Found 18S9. Found 1889. Found 1890. Found 1890. Found 1890. Chattooga County, (Holland Store) Georgia. Thin fragment with crust. Polished surface. (W.) Silver Crown, Laramie Co., Wyoming. Etched slab with crust. Structure coarsely crys- talline, with a few rectilinear figures. Lines of taenite very distinct. (W. ) Floyd County .(Indian Valley Township,)Vi r g i n i a. Nearly complete individual, with natural surface. Crust yellowish-brown. Pittings broad and shal- low. (K.) Scalings from previous specimen, also highly pol- ished fragment. (K.) Hamilton County, Texas. Full-sized, thin slab, showing polished and etched surfaces The W. f. appear as beautifully dis- tinct and delicate lines running parallel in two directions throughout the mass. Troilite is dis- tributed in radiating veins. See Plate I, Fig 2, and Plate II. (W.) Welland, Ontario, Canada. Segment, showing etched and natural surfaces. W. f. distinct and regular. Scattered grains of troilite are present. A marked tendency to octa- hedral cleavage is apparent. (W.) K.-nton County, Kentucky. About one-third of the original mass, showing crust and polished surface. Contains nodules of troilite. (W.) Full-sized slab, etched. W. f. very distinct and regular. Shows marked cleavage and tendency to separate along the cleavage planes. Very per- fect octahedrons can be cleaved out from the mass. (W. ) *Full-sized slab. Both sides polished. (W.) Henry County, Virginia. Cleavage pieces, (octahedral) much oxidized. (K. ) Bridgewater, Burke Co., North Carolina. Thin slab with natural and etched surfaces. Ex- hibits well marked W. f. (W. ) Kendall County, Texas. Thin slab with natural, sawed and etched surfaces. The etched surface exhibits a coarsely granular structure, crossed by a network of delicate.straight lines. Shows numerous nodules of troilite. (W.) Nagy-Vazsony, Hungary. Thin slab showing natural, etched and polished surfaces. Typical W. f. (W.) 28 71 13,142 3,400 715.5 30. GOO 9,312 12,231 19 118 37 44 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. AEROSIDERITES OR IRON METEORITES. Cat. No. Date of Fall or Find NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Weight in grams. 153 141 142 143 144 145 140 147 148 149 150 151 152 373 430 Described 1890. Found 1891. Found 1893. Ellenboro, Rutherford Co., North Carolina. Spheroidal mass showing natural and etched sur- faces and fracture. The latter shows the iron to be highly crystalline, and to possess octahe- dral cleavage. (W.) Canon Diablo, Arizona. *Three complete individuals apparently scaled off from a larger mass. All show the smooth sur- face and characteristic pits of this iron. (W.) *Complete individual, ovoid in form. Crust and pits like No. 141. (W.) Complete individual, weight, 1013 pounds. (See PI. Ill, Fig. 3.) Besides the shallow pits shown in the figure the mass is indented by deeper cyl- indrical ones, three to four cm. in depth. (W. ) Full-sized slab with polished and etched surfaces. The W. f. are very coarse, arranged in approx- imately parallel bands. Large nodules of troilite and flakes of schreibersite are scattered through the mass. (W.) *Small, complete individual, like No. 141. (W. ) Complete individual weighing 265 pounds. (See PI. Ill, Fig. 3.) The chain by which it is suspended passes through a natural perforation about 3 cm. in its smallest diameter. (W. ) *Full-sized slab showing polished and etched sur- faces like No. 144. (W.) Nearly complete individual showing deep and shal- low pits. One etched surface exhibits nodules of troilite and indications of crystalline struc- ture. (W.) Complete individual, sub-cylindrical in form. Ex- hibits the characteristic pittings. (K.) Thick slab, polished, showing nodules of troilite. (K.) Hemispheroidal mass. One polished surface shows troilite nodules. (K. ) *One large and several small fragments with natu- ral surface. (K.) *Complete individual showing pits and natural sur- face. Apparently scaled from a larger mass. (W. ) El Capitan Mts., New Mexico. Slab showing crust and polished surface. (By exchange with E. E. Howell.) 1,506 814 552 460,304 2,934 165 120,657 4,309 23,590 90,898 26,047 24,489 1,814 670 214 Meteorite Collection — Handbook and Catalogue. 45 AEROSIDEROLITES OR IRON-STONE METEORITES. Cat. No. Date of Fall or Find. NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Weight in grams. Found 1749. Medwedewa, Krasnoyarsk, Siberia.( The Pal- las Iron.) 157 Fragment of the iron matrix with a little olivine. (W.) 9 158 Chiseled fragment showing both iron and olivine. (K.) 12.5 159 ♦Several fragments, composed of iron and olivine. (K.) 76.5 Found about Imilac, Desert of Atacama, South America. 160 1800. Fragment of iron matrix, most of the stony filling having decomposed and dropped out. (W.; 12.5 161 ♦Like previous specimen. (W.) 28.5 162 Thick slab, polished and etched. The metallic portion exhibits occasional W. f. Its sponge-like pores are filled with olivine, more or less decom- posed. (W ) 205 Found 1847. Rittersgriin, Erzgebirge, Saxony. 164 Thin slab, polished. The stony portion exceeds the metallic. (W.) 33.5 Found 1856. Hainholz, Minden, Westphalia. 165 Thin chip, showing natural and polished surface. The metallic grains are small, and scattered through a brownish mass of asmanite and bron- zite. (W.) 10.5 267 ♦Fragment from interior. Black, fine-grained. (W.) 1.3 75 *Like No. 165, but more decomposed. (K.) 19 Found 1857. fliney , Taney Co., Missouri. 166 Slab showing natural and polished surfaces. The natural surface has the peculiar glaze charac- teristic of this meteorite. (K.) 60 167 Sawed slab showing natural and polished sur- faces. The metallic and non-metallic minerals are about equally abundant. (W.) 395 168 ♦Like previous specimen except that the olivine is gathered in large nodules in certain portions. (W.) 209 77 ♦Fragment with natural surface." (W.) 4 Found 1861. Breitenbach, Flatten, Bohemia. 169 Thin, polished slab. Resembles the Rittersgriin specimens very closely. (W.) 1 Found 1862. Sierra de Chaco, Desert of Atacama, South America. 170 Fragment with crust. Structure fine-granular, with metallic and non-metallic minerals about equally distributed. (W. ) 17.5 171 Similar to No. 170, except that the surface appears glazed and shines in iridescent colors. (W.) 14.5 4 6 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. t, AEROSIDEROLITES OR IRON-STONE METEORITES. Cat No. Date of Fall or Find NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Weight in grams. 172 175 176 177 178 180 182 183 184 183 180 187 374 Found 1874. Fell 1879, May 10. 5 P.M. Found 1880. Found 1885. Found 1887. Mejillones, near Desert of Atacama, South America. Thin, polished slab. The nickel-iron is distributed in a fine" network and occasional nodules through an amorphous ground-mass. (W.) Estherville, Emmett County, Iowa. Four complete individuals, varying in size from that of a pea to that of a walnut. The surface shows rounded knobs, and is partly of the color of blued steel and partly nickel-white. (K.) Irregular fragment, much oxidized. (W. ) Full-sized slab, polished. The iron appears in large nodules, irregular flakes and a long, narrow vein, distributed through a greenish-black, struc- tureless ground-mass. (W.) ^Thirteen complete individuals, varying in size from that of a pea to that of a walnut. Surface like No. 175. (W.) Carroll County, (Eagle Station), Kentucky. Sawed slab showing natural surface deeply pitted, and polished surface. The iron matrix encloses nodules of olivine, some a centimeter in diam- eter, transparent, and of brilliant lustre. (K. ) Grains of olivine, separated from the iron, some coarse and some in a powdered state. (K.) Pavlodar, Semipalatinsk, Asiatic Russia. Polished fragment, made up principally of olivine enclosed in an iron matrix. Also some loose grains of olivine. (W.) Rockwood, Cumberland Co., Tennessee. From Mass No. 1 . Thin slab showing natural and etched surfaces. The metallic grains are small and about evenly distributed, except for three large nodules, one of which, having a diameter of 1.5 cm. shows well marked W. f. The metallic portion serves as a matrix to hold the siliceous grains. (W.) Mass No. 2. Complete individual. The crust is reddish-brown and cracked in several places. No well-marked pits are seen. (W ) From Mass No. 3. One-half of the original find, with natural and polished surface. General struc- ture like No. 184, but the specimen shows a larger proportion of the non-metallic minerals, and these occur occasionally in large nodules. (W.) From Mass No. 1 (?). Large segment showing nat- ural and polished surfaces. Structure like No. 186. (W.) *Segment of complete individual, showing natural and polished surfaces. Structure like No. 184. (W.) 37 2,721 47 106 96 13 40.5 4,351 801 6,151 670 Meteorite Collection — Handbook and Catalogw . 47 AEROSIDEROLITES OR IRON-STONE METEORITES. Cat. No. Date of Fall or Find NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Weight in grams 33G 188 180 190 191 192 193 194 195 190 197 198 199 200 201 202 Found 1887. Found 1888. Found 1888. Found 1890. Powder flill Creek, Crab Orchard Mts., Tenn- essee. (Identical with Rockwood.) Irregular fragment, one surface polished. Metallic grains small and evenly distributed. (K. ) Llano del Inca, Desert of Atacama, So. America. *Dark-brown mass, with natural and polished sur- faces. Metallic grains appear only on one edge. Complete individual, intersected by the cracks so characteristic of this meteorite. A few large grains of olivine are enclosed in cavities on the surface. (W.) Thick slab, polished on two surfaces. No metallic grains are visible. (W.) Dona Inez, Desert of Atacama, So. America. Thin slab, showing natural and etched surfaces. Tne stony matter, dark-brown in color, largely predominates. One nodule of iron about the size of a pea, shows delicate W. f. (W.) *Hemispheroidal mass, one surface polished. The peculiar cracked surface characteristic of these meteorites is well exhibited. (W.) Complete individual, described by Howell as look- ing like "a lump of dried, red mud cracked by shrinkage and covered with spots of green mould (nickel) in places " (W. ) Similar to No. 192, but larger. (W ) Kiowa County, (Brenham Township), Kansas. One-half of a complete individual one surface pol- ished. Composed chiefly of iron, with olivine filling the sponge like pores. (W. ) Thin slab, polished. The central portion for a width of about 5 cm. is solid metal, but on either side the mass is porous, the pores being filled with olivine. (W.) Full-sized slab, polished, showing a sponge-like mass of iron, with olivine filling the cavities. See Plate IV, Fig. 1. (K.) Similar to No. 197, but thicker. Some of the olivine nodules are beautifully transparent and highly refracting. (K ) *Smaller piece, similar to No. 197. (K. ) 4G6 pound mass, entire. The form is flattened, somewhat heart-shaped. The surface is covered with pittings, and considerably oxidized. The grains of olivine are readily discernible over the surface. See Plate IV, Fig. 2. (K.) ♦Full-sized slab, showing structure like No. 197. (K.) 18 pound mass, entire. Form, hemispheroidal.the surface covered with pittings. Structure porous, pores filled with olivine. See Plate IV, Fig. 3. (K) 80.4 38 54.5 148 48.5 103 741 245 2,061 1,248 2,048 8.117 227 !18,847 5,895 8.G19 4 8 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. AEROSIDEROLITES OR IRON-STONE METEORITES. Cat. No. 203 204 205 200 Date of Fall or Find Found 1890. NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Kiowa County, (Brenham Township), Kan s as. Section of complete individual, showing natural and polished surface. The structure is like that of No. 197. (K.) 345 pound mass, entire. This is almost wholly iron of the Caillite variety. Form, kidney or arch- shaped, with a projection extending from the concavity of the arch. See Plate IV, Fig.3.(K.) 36 pound mass, entire. Spheroidal in form, surface covered with pittings. Entirely metallic. See Plate IV, Fig. 3. (K.) 40 pound mass entire. Form, cylindrical, with one projecting point. Surface pitted. Composed almost wholly of iron, but occasional grains of olivine are visible. See Plate IV, Fig. 3. (K.) Weight in grams. 8,490 155,473 16,091 17,687 Meteorite Collection — Handbook and Catalogue, 49 Aerolites or stone meteorites. Cat. No. £07 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 815 216 217 21 S >19 221 222 224 Date of Fall or Find. Fell 1492, Nov. 16. 11:30 P. M. Fell 1753. July 3 8 P. M. Fell 1768, Nov. 20, 4 P. M. Fell 1785, Feb. 19. Fell 1790, July 24, 9P, M. Fell 1795. Dec. 13, 3:30 P. M. Fell 1789. Dec. 13, 8 P. M. Fell 1803. April 26, 1 P. M. Fell 1806, Mar. 15, 5 P. M. Fell 1807, Dec. 14, 6:30 A. M. NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Ensisheim, Elsass, Germany. Fragment from interior. Dark-gray, fine-grained, smooth and shining in portions. (W. ) Similar to previous specimen. (W.) Krawin, Tabor, Bohemia. Fragment from interior. Light-gray with rusty iron spots. (W.) Mauerkirchen, Austria. Irregular fragment. Light-gray with black crust, 1 mm. in thickness. (W.) Fragment with crust. Two polished surfaces show scattered metallic grains and well marked chon- dri. (K.) Wittmess, Eichstadt, Bavaria. Two fragments from interior, showing a gray, coarse ground-mass containing rusty iron grains. (W.) Barbotan, Landes, France. Fragment from interior, one surface polished, showing numerous, minute, metallic grains. (W. ) Fragment with crust, showing pitted surface. Much discolored by age. (K. ) Wold Cottage, Thwing, Yorkshire, England. Three polished chips, showing chondri and metallic grains, both coarse and fine. (W.) Krakhut, Benares, India. Powder, showing crust and individual chondri. (VV. ) Fragment with crust. One surface polished, show- ing scattered metallic grains. (W ) L'Aigle, Normandie, Orne, France. Gray powder. (W. ) Fragment with crust The latter thin, reddish brown, smooth. Interior grayish-brown, compact, porphyritic in appearance. (W.) Fragment with crust and polished surface. The polished surface showsafew fine, metallic grains. Through a dark, amorphous ground-mass are min- gled grayish-white nodules of various sizes. (K.) Alais, Gard, France. Coarse, brown-black powder, resembling an earthy coal. Very friable. (W. ) Interior fragment like previous specimen. (K.) Weston, Fairfield Co, , Connecticut. Fragment with crust. The latter^ thin, dull-black. The yellowish and bluish-gray portions of the interior are distinctly separated. The chondri, of which the mass is largely made up, give it the appearance of a fine conglomerate. (W. ) Weight in grains. 22 4 .06 17.5 110 1.7 6 32 .71 .25 111 60 1 0.4 5° Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i, AEROLITES OR STONE METEORITES. Cat. No. Date of Fall or Find. NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Weight in grams. Fell 1808, Stannern, Iglau, Moravia. 225 May 22, Fragment from interior. Light-gray. Structure 6 A. M. coarse-granular, not chondritic. (W.) 7.5 226 Fragment with crust; the latter glossy-black, veined. Interior greenish-black, brecciated. Shows one large grain of troilite. (W.) 23.5 227 *Fragment from interior, similar to No. 225. (W.) 1.5 Fell 1810, Hooresfort, Tipperary, Ireland. 228 Aug.. 12 M. Fragment with crust. • Crust black, somewhat shining. Interior, compact, ash-gray. Shows coarse, metallic grains and white chondri. (K ) 7 Fell 1810, Charsonville, near Orleans, Loiret, France. 229 Nov. 23, Fragment from interior. Light-gray, with rusty- 1:30 P. M. brown spots, due to the oxidation of the abun- dant metallic grains. (W.) 22 230 Thin chip, polished. Like previous specimen, but traversed by a delicate, black vein. (W.) 2 Fell 1812, Erxleben, flagdeburg, Prussia. 231 Apr. 15, Fragment from interior. Dark-gray, compact, 4 P. M. made up of siliceous grains with a vitreous lustre, and numerous fine, metallic grains. (W. ) 2.5 Fell 1812, Chantonnay, Vendee, France. 232 Aug. 5, Thin chip, highly polished. Almost black, with 2 A. M. few metallic grains. Structure not discernible megascopically. (W. ) 2 Fell 1813, Limerick, Adare, Ireland. 233 Sept 10, Thin chip, polished. Dark-gray, with thickly dis- 6 A. M. tributed rusty iron flakes. (W. ) 1.5 Fell 1814, Alexejewka, Bachmut.Ekaterinoslav, Russia. 234 Sept. 15, Fragment with crust and polished surface. Crust Noon. dull black. Interior light-gray, with a few rusty grains. (W. ) 12 Fell 1814, A gen, Lot-et-Garonne, France. 235 Sept. 5, Fragment from interior, showing white chondri Noon. and metallic grains distributed through a darker ground mass. (W.) 0.5 Fell 1819, Politz. near Gera, Reuss, Germany. 236 Oct. 13, Fragment from interior. Dark gray, with metallic 8 A. M. grains. (W. ) 0.5 Fell 1821, Juvinas, Ardeche, France. 237 June 15, Three fragments from interior. Dark-gray. Structure 3:30 P. M. not well denned. No metallic grains visible. (W ) 12 Fell 1825, Nanjemoy , Charles Co. , Maryland. 238 Feb. 10, Fragments from interior. Light-gray, fine-grained, 12 M. somewhat friable. Metallic particles thickly distributed. (W.) 0.5 Meteorite Collection — Handbook and Catalogue. 5i AEROLITES OR STONE METEORITES. Cat No. Date of Fall or Find NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Weight in grams. Fell 1828, Richmond, Henrico Co., Virginia. 239 June 4, Fragment from interior. Composed chiefly of 8:30 A. M. dark, angular, vitreous and coarse metallic grains. (W. ) 2 Fell 1829, Forsyth, Monroe Co., Georgia. 240 May 8, Thin chip, polished. Ground mass brownish-gray, 3.30 P. M. containing chondri of lighter color, and scat- tered fine metallic grains. Also smaller fragments. (W.) 5 241 Fragment with crust. Crust black, dull and thick. Interior like previous specimen. (K.) 34 Fell 1831, Vouille, Poitiers, Vienne, France. 242 July 18. Fragment with crust. Interior, gray, compact, flecked with rusty iron grains. Several delicate, black veins, apparently filled with metal, trav- erse the specimen. Smaller fragments. (K.) 53 243 *Thin chip, polished. Well-marked chondri make up the larger part of the mass. Fine metallic grains are numerous. (W.) 3 Fell before Simbirsk, Partsch, Russia. 354 1838. Micro-section. See PI. VI, Fig. 1. (W,) Fell 1838, Chandakapur, Beraar, India. 245 June 6, Three fragments from interior, two of them pol- Noon. ished, showing a dark-gray stone, containing numerous rusty iron grains. (W.) 3.5 Fell 1838, Cold Bokkeveld, Cape of Good Hope, Africa. 246 Oct. 13. Fragment from interior. Dull-black, with white 9 A. M. specks. Resembles a piece of graphite or bitu- minous coal. (W.) 1 Fell 1841, Chateau Renard, Loiret, France 249 June 12, Fragment from interior. Gray, compact, trav- 1:30 P. M. ersed by black, delicate veins. Metallic grains small and bright (W. ) 57 248 *Like previous specimen. (W.) 7 247 ♦Like No. 249. (W.) 5 Fell 1842, Pusinsko Seio, Milena, Croatia. 250 Apr 20, Fragment from interior. Light-gray, with coarse 3 P. M. and fine metallic grains. Shows distinct chond- ritic structure. (W.) 6 Fell 1843. Bishopville, South Carolina. 251 March 25. Fragment from interior. Light-gray, with white nodules of the chladnite of Shepard. Rusty brown spots show the presence of metallic grains. (W.) 1 252 Like previous specimen, but showing vitreous crust. (W.) 2 253 Fragments of chladnite. (K.) 5 5 2 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. AEROLITES OR STONE METEORITES. Cat No Date of Fall or Find. NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Weight in grams. Fell 3846, Schonenberg, Swabia, Bavaria. 254 Dec. 25, Fragment with crust. The latter is thick, some- 2:45 P. M. what shining and scoriaceous. The interior is dark-gray, shows metallic grains and light and dark chondri, and is traversed by narrow, branch- ing veins of nickel-iron. (K ) 17 Fell 1847, Hartford, Linn Co., Iowa. 255 Feb. 25, Mass with crust. The crust, thick and dull black, 2:45 P. M. is intersected by numerous cracks. Interior pearl- gray, abounding in minute iron grains. Delicate lines of fracture, which traverse the specimen, seem to mark slipping zones with slicken-sided surfaces. (W. ) 128 Fell 1849, • rionroe, Cabarras Co., North Carolina. 256 Oct. 31. Fragment from interior. Dark-gray, with white, 3 P. M. rounded chondri and numerous metallic grains. Compact. (W.) 4 Fell 1850, Kesen, Iwate Prefecture, Japan. 257 June 13, Mass showing crust and interior. The crust sur- face differs little from the interior, except that the metallic grains of the former have been black- ened by fusion, and broad, shallow pits appear on this surface. oThe interior is dark-gray, com- pact and plentifully sprinkled with rusty iron grains A portion of the surface is smoothed and grooved, indicating slipping along these planes. (W. ) 1,286 258 Similar to previous specimen, but showing elon- gated pits on the crust surface. (W. ) 1.211 Fell 1852, Yatoor, Nellore, Madras, India. 259 Jan. 23, Fragments from interior. Gray, with dark chondri 4:30 P. M. and rusty iron grains. (W.) 1 Fell 1852, Fekete, Mezo-Madaras, Transylvania. 260 Sept. 4, Polished fragment from interior. In the dark-brown 4.30 P. M. ground-mass are sharply outlined gray and white chondri, interspersed with bright, minute grains of nickel-iron. (W.) 2 261 Like previous specimen, but showing rough, dull- brown crust, not sharply separated from the interior. (W.) 4 Fell 1852, Borkut, Marmaros, Hungary. 262 Oct. 13, Individual chondri, spheroidal, dark -green in color. 3 P. M. (W.) 0.12 Fell 1853, Girgenti, Sicily. 263 Feb. 10, Polished fragments from interior. Gray, very fine- 11 P. M. grained, with bright, metallic grains. (W.) 1.1 Meteorite Collection — Handbook and Catalogue. 53 AEROLITES OR STONE METEORITES. Cat. No. Date of Fall or Find. NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Weight in grams. Fell 1855, Island of Oesel, Kaande, Livland, Baltic Sea. 264 May 11, Fragments with crust. Interior light-gray with 3:30 P. M. rusty and bright metallic grains. Friable. Crust • .5 mm. thick, dull-black, papillated. (W.) o Feil 1855, Gnarrenburg, Bremervorde, Hanover. 265 May 13, Fragment from interior. Through a light, fine- 5 P. M. grained ground-mass are scattered coarse parti- cles of a greenish-black mineral. Few metallic grains. (W.) 0.5 Fell 1856, Trenzano, Brescia, Italy. 268 Nov. 12, Cubical fragment, with crust on two surfaces. The 4 P. M. latter shining, black, only slightly pitted, .3 mm. thick. Interior very compact, coarse grained,. the metallic portion forming a network which encloses dark, spherical chondri, some of a diam- eter of 2 mm. (W.) 57 535 Smaller fragment, like previous specimen. (W.) o 269 Like previous specimen. (W.) 20.5 Fell 1857, • Parnallee, Madras, India. 270 Feb. 28, Fragment with crust. The latter is thin, brown- Neon. ish-black and differs little from the rest of the stone. The interior is coarse-grained, with few metallic grains. (W.) 35 Fell 1858, Ausson and Clarac, Montrejeau, Haute Garonne, Dec. 9, France. 271 7:30 A. M. Fragment from interior. Light-gray, with rusty- iron grains. Compact. Delicate veins penetrate the mass. (W.) 13 272 Fragment from the interior, with polished surface. The latter shows large chondri of an olivine-like mineral, embedded in a ground mass made up chiefly of small white chondri and grains of nickel-iron. (K.) 22 Fell 1860, New Concord, Muskingum Co., Ohio. 273 May, 1, Nearly complete individual, of flattened, tetrahe- 12:45 P. M. dral form, angles little rounded. A smooth, some- what shining, black crust covers the slightly pit- ted surface. Interior dark-gray, compact and fine-grained. Metallic grains numerous. (W. ) 347 274 Section from flattened individual, showing crust and two polished surfaces. The crust is thin, dull-black to reddish. A vein of metallic matter runs through the mass, and stands out in relief from the crust. The interior of the stone is dark- brown and gray. Metallic grains are large and abundant. (W.) 753 54 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. AEROLITES OR STONE METEORITES. Cat. No. Date of Fall or Find FAME AND DESCRIPTION. Weight in grams. 275 ;?6 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 Fell 18G0, July 14, 230 P. M. Fell 1861, May 12. Fell 1861. Oct. 7, 1:30 P. M. Fell 1863, Aug. 8, 12:30 P. M. Found 1863-4 Fell 1864, May 14, 8 P.M. Fell 1865, Aug. 25, 11 A. M. Fell 1866, June 9, 5 P. M. Dhurmsala, Kangra, Punjaub, India. Fragments from interior. (K.) Fragment with crust, the latter black, shining and showing numerous pits. Interior light-gray, with rusty grains. Compact. Nodules of a bluish gray, finer grained than the rest, are distributed through the mass. (W.) Butsura, Goruckpur, India. Fragments with crust and polished surfaces. Iron is present in large amount, forming a matrix in which are held chondri 1 mm. in diameter, of an olivine-like mineral. The rest of the ground- mass is greenish-black, structureless. (W.) Klein-Henow, Alt-Strelitz, Mecklenberg. Fragment from interior, made up of coarse, trans- parent grains with rusty metallic ones, the whole resembling a piece of brjwn sandstone. (W.) Aukoma, PHHstifer, Livland, Russia. Fragment from interior. Dark-gray, compact. Made up of dark, transparent grains with a large number of minute specks of troilite. (W.) Toinhannock Creek, Rensselaer Co., N e w Y or k Fragment from interior, polished. Made up chiefly of metallic grains, and a dark-brown, olivine- like mineral. (W.) Slice, showing crust. Interior portion like pte- vious specimen. (W.) Orgueil, Montauban, Tarn et Garonne, France. Coarse, black powder, somewhat friable. (K.) Aumale, Senhadja, Algeria, Africa. Slice from interior. Ash-gray, few metallic grains. Chondritic structure. (W. ) Knyahinya, near Nagy-Berezna, Hungary. One-half of a complete individual, showing crust and polished surface. The latter exhibits large and small chondri, with few metallic grains. (W.) Complete individual, covered with thin, black crust. Complete individual, mostly covered with black, somewhat shining crust. Surface indented with shallow pits. (WJ Flattened mass, showing crust and one polished surface. The crust surface is smooth and cov- ered with small, conical pittings, giving to it the appearance of having a cellular structure. The polished surface well exhibits the aggregation of chondri which make up the mass of the stone. Some of the chondri reach a diameter of 3 mm. (K.) 123 1.85 7.5 1.5 82 10 239 3,231 Meteorite Collection — Handbook and Catalogue. 55 AEROLITES OR STONE METEORITES. Cat. •No. Date of Fall or Find. NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Weight in grams. Fell 1866, Knyahinya, near Nagy-Berezna, Hungary. 288 June 9, Complete individual, of irregular, pyramidal form, 5 P. M. surface covered with shining black crust. (K.) 82.5 Fell 1868, Pultusk, Siedlce, Gostkov, &c, Poland. 280 Jan. 30, Part of a large individual, showing crust and 7 P. M. interior. The former dull-black, papillated; the latter, gray with rusty iron grains. All fine- grained. (W. ) 350 290 *49 complete individuals, varying in size from a pea to a walnut. All covered more or less with crust, in some cases showing complete fusion of the surface, in others only a smoking of the same. (W.) 435.5 291 *Seven complete individuals of larger size than previous specimens, Covered with crust. (W. ) 445 293 Fragment from interior. (K.) 1.9 Fell 1868, Ornans, Doubs, France. 294 July 11. Fragment, sawed from interior. Resembles a lump of hardened, sandy mud. (K.) 5 Fell 1868, Sauquis, St. Etienne, Basses-Pyrenees, France. 295 Sept. 8, Fragment with crust and polished surface. Crust 2:30 A. M. black and shining, about 1 mm. in thickness. Interior brownish-gray, with scattered metallic particles. Also fragment without crust, and micro-section. (K.) 12 Fell 1868, Frankfort, Franklin Co., Alabama. 29G Dec. 5. Thin, sawed fragment Light-gray with black and white grains. No metallic particles visible. (W.) 0.5 Fell 1869. Hessle, near Upsala, Sweden. 297 Jan. 1, Sawed fragment, with thin, dull-black crust. 12:30 P. M. Metallic grains coarse and numerous. (W. ) 18 298 Fragment showing crust on all but two surfaces. (K.) 5 Fell 1869, / r Kernouve, Cleguerec, Morbihan, France. 299 May 22, Fragment from interior. (W. ) 0.4 300 10 P. M. Thin chip, one surface polished. Dark-gray, metal- lic and stony materials about equally distrib- uted. (W.) 2 301 Thin, polished fragment. (W.) 24 Fell 1871, Searsmont, Waldo Co., Maine. 302 May 21, Fragment from interior. Light-gray. (W.) 0.25 303 8:15 A. M. Various fragments from interior. Light-gray, with metallic grains of silvery lustre. Chondritic structure. (K.) 3 Fell 1871, Bandong, Goemoroeh, Java. 304 Dec. 10, Two fragments from interior. Grayish-brown. 1:30 P. M. with metallic particles. (W.) . 15 56 Field Columbian Museum — Geology. Vol. i, AEROLITES OR STONE METEORITES. Cat. No. Date of Fall or Find, NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Weight, in grams. 309 310 311 305 306 307 308 312 313 314 315 316 317 319 Found 1872. Fell 1873, June. Fell 1874, May 14, 2:30 P. M. Fell 1875, Feb. 12, 10:15 P. M. Fell 1876, June 28, 11:30 A. M. Fell 1877, Jan. 3. Fell 1877, Oct. 13, 2 P. M. Waconda, Mitchell Co., Kansas. *Mass from interior. Larger part light-gray in color, the remaining portion harder and darker. Large chondri are visible in the latter. (W. ) Fragment with crust. The latter thin, dull-black, blebby. A dark vein passes through a portion of the specimen. (W.) *Fragment from interior, much weathered. (K.) Jhung, Punjaub, India. Fragment from interior. Grayish-brown, coarse grained, chondritic, metallic particles few and small. (W.) Thin, polished fragment, showing characters like previous specimen. (W.) Nash Co., near Castalia, North Carolina. Fragment with crust; the latter dull-black and scoriaceous. The color of the stone is dark-gray, with no metallic grains visible. (W.) Fragment from interior, showing occasional metal- lic grains. (W. ) Homestead, Iowa Co., Iowa . Complete individual, nearly covered with crust. Surface indented with broad, shallow pits. Crust thin, dull-black. Interior of stone dark-grav. (W.j *About three-fourths of a complete individual. Crust and interior like previous specimen. The chondritic structure is well exhibited, and metal- lic grains are numerous. (W. ) Polished slab with crust. The abundance of metal- lic constituents is well displayed in this speci- men, as are also the chondri. (W. ) Stalldalen, Orebro, Sweden. Fragment with crust. The latter black and shin- ing. Interior of the stone dark-gray. (K.) Irregular mass, with crust. Interior oxidized to a brownish-black mass, amid which it is difficult to distinguish the structural features. (K. ) Warrenton, Warren Co., Missouri. Fragment from interior. Resembles a piece of hardened, sandy mud or blue clay, with a few metallic grains visible. (W. ) Sarbanovac, Soko - Banja, N. - E. of Alexinatz, S e r v i a. Irregular fragment, of light-gray color, showing chondri about 2 mm. in diameter through the mass, also nodules of troilite and metallic grains. (W.) 2,835 151.5 5.5 1.5 6.5 3,175 7,626 1,744 5 50 33 Meteorite Collection. — Handbook and Catalogue. 57 Aerolites or stone meteorites. Cat. No Date of Fall or Find NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Weight in grams. 173 174 320 321 322 323 324 330 331 332 333 Found 1878. Fell 1879. Aug. 1, Evening. Fell 1880. June 30. Fell 1882, Feb. 3, 4 P. M. Fell 1883, Feb. 16, 3 P. M. Fayette, Texas. About one-tenth the original mass, showing crust and polished surface. The crust surface is some- what decomposed, but shows the characteristic pittings. The polished surface shows the dark- green color of the stone, with its fine texture and scattered metallic grains. (W.) Thin slab from another portion of the specimen, exhibiting the black veins peculiar to this meteorite. (W. ) Nagaya, Entre Rios, Argentina, South Amer- ica . Small fragment, entirely black in color, one sur- face having a scoriaceous appearance, the re- mainder the lustre of graphite. (W. ) Carbonaceous rieteorite, Province of Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Several fragments, having much the appearance of bits of black lava. (W. ) Hoes, Kolos, Transylvania. Nearly complete individual, cuboidal inform, with solid angles only slightly rounded. Interior grayish-brown in color, with coarse, metallic grains. (W. ) Elongated fragment, showing crust on two sides. Narrow, dark veins similar to those noted by Tschermak, pass through the mass in several directions. (W ) *Six fragments of nearly equal size, showing crust and interior. They have in general a cuboidal form with a prominence of the solid angles. Por- tions cf the interior display a "slickensided" surface. (W. ) Complete individual, tetrahedral in form. Entirely covered with thick, black crust, except at one point, where the light-gray interior may be seen. (K. ) Complete individual, plano-convex in form, the convex surface being evidently the "breast" side. The opposite face shows a thinner crust and rougher surface. (K.) Alfianello, Brescia, Italy. Fragment, with crust. The latter is about 0.4 mm. in thickness, and of a dirty black color. The interior of the stone is ash-gray, fine-grained, and contains metallic grains, with some coarse nodules of the same. (W.) ♦Interior fragment, ash-gray, with brown spots, due to the oxidation of the metallic particles. Sev- eral of the latter are quite large, and rounded as if previously fused. (W. ) 10.983 2,934 10 0.5 179 11 543 80.5 24 134.5 58 Field Columbian Museum. — Geology, Vol. i. AEROLITES OR STONE METEORITES. Cat. No. 334 335 337 338 3H9 340 341 32G 342 343 344 345 346 Date of Fall or Find Fell 1883, Feb. 16, 3 P. M. Fell 1887, Aug. 30. Fcund It Fell 1889, June 0. Fell 1890, May 2, 5:15 P. M. Fell 1890, June 25, 1 P. M. NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Alfianello, Brescia, Italy. *Large fragment, with crust. Characters like those of previous specimen. (K. ) Taborg, Ochansk, Perm, Russia. Fragment with crust. The latter about 1 mm. thick, dull-black and blebby. Interior of stone light bluish-gray. Shows brecciated structure. Fine metallic grains are numerous. . (W. ) Pipe Creek, Texas. Irregular fragment, with one polished surface. A dark, heavy stone, with a large proportion of metallic grains. (K.) Mighei, Southern Russia. Fragment, with crust. Of dark color, somewhat resembling a piece of graphite, and so friable as to soil the fingers. Crust reddish and scori- aceous. (W.) Like previous specimen, except that crust is darker. Chondri of lighter color are distributed through the mass. (K. ) Leland, Winnebago Co., Iowa. 609 complete individuals, ranging in weight from one-tenth of an ounce to ten pounds each. They exhibit almost every variety of shape and degree of surface fusion. From the fully rounded specimens with thick, black crust there is every gradation to those whose rough surface is only slightly blackened, indicating that they separated from other masses only a short distance before reaching the earth. The interior, where seen, is light gray, with coarse, metallic particles. In the group is the stone which fell into a hay- stack without setting it on fire. (See PI. V, Fig. 2.) (K.) *57 complete individuals, all of small size. (W.) Complete individual, with small, conical pittings resembling rain drop impressions. (W.) Farmington, Washington Co., Kansas. Fragment from interior, having the appearance of a dolerite of dark-gray color and splintery frac- ture. Contains white, radiated chondri. Bronze- yellow metallic grains are numerous. (W. ) *Like previous specimen, but showing smooth crust which can be readily scaled off in cer- tain spots. (W. ) Thin slab, polished, showing white and dark chondri, and various grains of nickeliferous iron. (VV.) ♦Similar to No. 343. (W.) Full-sized slab, polished. Similar to above speci- men. (W.) Weight in grams. 300 23.5 100 1.5 44 15.823 354 282 120 560 425 672 3,302 Meteokite Collection. — Handbook and Catalogue. 59 Aerolites or stone meteorites. Cat. No Date of Fall or Find. NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Weight in grams 847 348 348 327 350 Fell 1890, June 25, 1 P. M. Found 1891. 351 Fell 1892, Aug. 29. 352 353 356 Fell 1893, May 26, 3 P. M. Farmington, Washington Co., Kansas. Large section of complete individual, showing crust and one polished surface. The crust sur- face is rounded, but the usual pittingsare absent. Bead-like projections mark the presence of me- tallic nodules which resisted fusion. (W.) Full-sized slab, polished. The delicate veins filled with metal, noted by Preston, are beauti- fully exhibited in this specimen. (W.) Nearly complete individual. The metallic beads on the surface are numerous, and the scale-like crust seems to be largely metallic. In other respects like previous specimen. (K . ) Section showing natural and polished surfaces. The latter shows several fissures filled with metal, running in two directions. (K.) Long Island, Phillips Co., Kansas . Nearly complete individual, made up of four pieces which have been placed together along the line of original fracture. The other 2,930 pieces, varying in weight from 10,000 grammes to 5 grammes, were probably also a part of the same individual at the time it fell to the earth. The surface of the main mass is indented by shallow, elliptical pits, the long axes of which run in par- allel directions. The crust is smooth and brown, but in many places coated with a white incrusta- tion of carbonate of lime, derived from the soil in which the stone lay. The interior of the mass shows a very compact, fine-grained texture, with few metallic grains; color, blue-gray. The smaller fragments are much rusted by exposure. (K.) Bath, South Dakota. Irregular fragment, with crust and polished sur- face. The crust surface is indented with broad, shallow pits. Crust, dull-black, papillated, not more than .3 mm. in thickness. Interior, gray- ish-brown, of fine-granular structure, contain- ing minute metallic grains. A portion shows "slickensided" surface. (W.) Beaver Creek, British Columbia. Fragment, with crust. Interior, dark gray, made up of small, glassy chondri, and fine metallic grains. (\V.) Like previous specimen. Crust dull black, about .3 mm. thick. (W.) (date not known.) Terni, Italy. Fragment, with crust. Crust dull-black, scoriace- ous. nearly .2 mm. in thickness. Interior of stone light bluish-gray. Shows chondri and metallic grains. (W.) 13.865 2,792 8,167 327 534. 4G7 1,270 5.5 19 6o Field Columbian MuseuxM — Geology, Vol. i. AEROLITES OR STONE METEORITES. Cat. No. Date of Fall or Find NAME AND DESCRIPTION. Weight in giamt. 355 Rockport. Plano-convex mass, showing crust and polished surface. Crust reddish brown, about 1 mm. thick. Interior greenish-black, exhibiting no megascopic structure except scattered metallic grains and nodules. (W.) 73 Meteorite Collection — Handbook and Catalogue. 6r CASTS OF METEORITES. About 50 casts or models of meteorites are exhibited illustrating the size, form and superficial appearance of the original masses of which some of the specimens in the cases formed a part. The following is a list : — 380 — La Bella Roca, Mexico. 381 — Wold Cottage, England. 382 — Durala, India. 383 — Babb's Mill, Tennesee. 384 — Wichita County, Texas. 385 — Nagy-Diwina, Hungary. 386 — Akburpur, India. 387— Chesterville, S. C. 388 — Braunau, Bohemia. 389 — Nellore, India. 390 — Segowlie, India. 391 — Sarepta, Russia. 39 2 — Verkhne Udinsk, Siberia. 393 — Parnallee, India. 394 — Staunton, Virginia. 395 — Khiragurh, India. 396 — New Concord, Ohio. 397 — Breitenbach, Bohemia. 398 — Butsura, India. 399 — El Chanaralino, Chile. 400 — Juncal, Chile. 401 — Allan Co., Kentucky. 402 — Goalpara, India. 403 — Krahenberg, Bavaria. 404 — Homestead, Iowa. 405 — Middlcsborough, England. 406 — Hex River Mountains, S. Africa. 407 — Joe Wright Mountain, Ar- kansas. 408 — Gloriet a Mountain, New Mexico. 409 — Puquios, Chile. 410 — East Tennesee. 411 — Cabin Creek, Arkansas. 413 — RockwoodNo. 2. Tennesee. 414 — RockwoodNo. 3. Tennesee. 415 — Hamilton Co., Texas. 416 — Welland, Canada. 417 — Kenton Co., Kentucky. 418 — Kiowa Co., Kansas. 419 — Washington Co., Kansas. 420 — Cacaria, Durango, Mexico. 422 — Chupaderos, Chihuahua, Mexico. 15,060 Kg. 423 — Chupaderos, Chihuahua, Mexico. 9,000 Kg. 424 — San Gregorio, Chihuahua, Mexico. 425 — La Concepcion,Chihuahua, Mexico. 426 — Descubridora, Catorze, Mexico. 427 — Zacatecas, Mexico. 428 — Teposcolula, Mexico. INDEX TO METEORITES. Adare, see Limerick Aeriotopos, see Bear Creek Agen 50 Aigle, see L'Aigle Akburpur Gl Alais 23, 28, 49 Albacher Miihle 3G Alexejewka 50 Alexinatz, see Soko-Banja Alfianello 57, 58 Allen County 21, 40, Gl Arva 37 Atacama 22, 23, 45, 46, 47 Auburn, see Macon County Augusta County, see Staunton Aukoma, see Pillistfer Aumale 54 Ausson and Clarac 53 Babb's Mill 15, 61 Bachmut 50 Bahia 35 Bandong 55 Barbctan 49 Bates County 19, 21, 40 Bath 13, 27, 59 Batsura, see Butsura Bear Creek 21,40 Beaver Creek 59 Bembdego, see Bahia Benares, see Krakhut Bishopville 24, 25, 51 Bitburg 36 Bluff, see Fayette Bois de Fontaine, see Charsonville. Bokkeveld, see Cold Bokkeveld Borkut 52 Braunau 19, 22. 38, 61 Brazos, see Wichita County Breitenbach. 45, Gl Bremervorde, see Gnarrenburg Bridgewater, 43 Burke County 43 Burlington 36 Busti 24 Butcher Irons, see Coahuila Butler, see Bates County Butsura 15, 54, 61 Cabarras County 52 Cabin Creek - 61 Cacaria 61 Campo de Pucara, see Imilac Canon Diablo 7, 14, 15, 20, 44 Cape of Good Hope 36 Caracoles, see Imilac Carbonaceous meteorite 57 Careyfort 22, 37 Carroll County 23, 46 Carthage 38 Castalia, see Nash County . Catorce, see Descubridora Chandakapur 51 Chantonnay 27, 50 Charcas 36 Charlotte, see Dickson County Charsonville 27, 50 Cbarlottetown, see Cabarras County Chartres, see Charsonville Chassigny 24 Chateau-Renard 51 Chattooga County 43 Chester County 38 Chesterville 21, 38, 61 Chulafinnee. . 40 Chupaderos 7, 16, 61 ' Clarac, see Ausson and Clarac Cleburne County, see Chulafinnee. . 69 Index to Meteorites. 63 C1egue>ec 55 Cleveland 41, Gl Coahuila, see Sancha Estate and Butcher Irons Cocke County 37 Cold Bokkeveld 27, 51 Collescipoli, see Terni Coney Fork, see Carthage Coopertown, see Robertson County. Cosby 's Creek, see Cocke County . . . Cranbourne 16, 39 Cross Timbers, see Red River Cumberland County 46, 61 Dalton, see Whitfield County DeKalb County, see Careyfort Debreczin, see Kaba Deep Springs Farm 38 Denton County 39 Denver County, see Bear Creek. . . . Descubridora 35, 61 Desert of Atacama, see Atacama. . . . Desert of Mapimi, see Mapimi Dhurmsala 15, 54 Dickson County 37 Dona Inez 15, 47 Duralla 61 Eagle Station, see Carroll County . . East Tennessee, see Cleveland Eichstadt 49 El Capitan Mountains 44 El Chanaralino 61 Elbogen 35 Ellenboro 44 Elmo, see Independence County. . . . Emm2tt County, see Estherville Emmitsburg 39 Ensisheim 10, 49 Entre Rios 28, 57 Erxleben 50 Estherville 13, 22, 46 Faha, see Li merick Fairfield County 49 Farmington 58, 59 Fayette 57 Fekete, see Meso-Madaras Floyd County 14, 43 Forsyth 13, 26, 51 Frankfort, see Franklin County. . . . Franklin County 24, 55 Frederick County , 39 Gera, see Politz Gibbs meteorite, see Red River Girgenti 52 Glorieta Mountain 19, 42, 61 Gnarrenburg 53 Grand Rapids 13, 19, 41, 42 Goalpara 61 Green County, see Babb's Mill Guernsey County, see New Concord Hainholz 23, 45 Hamilton County 22, 43, 61 Hammond 42 Hartford, see Linn County Hastings County 39 Hauptmannsdorf, see Braunau Henry County 22, 43 Hessle 15, 55 Hex River Mountains 22, 41, 61 Homestead 23, 25, 56, 61 Ibbenbuhren 24 Iglau, see Stannern Ihung, see Jhung Imilac 45 Independence County 42 Indian Valley Township 43 Iowa County, see Homestead Island of Oesel, see Oesel Ivanpah, see San Bernardino County Ixtlhuaca 36 Janacera Pass, see Mejillones Jarquera, seeJMejillones Jenny's Creek 41 Jhung 56 Joe Wright Mountain 22, 42, 61 Jonzac , 24 Junca! 40, 61 Juvinas 23, 24, 25, 50 Kaba 28 Kaande, see Oesel Kendall County 43 Kenton County 22, 43, (il Kernoure, see Cleguerec Kesen 13, 14, 23, 27, 52 Khiragurh 61 Kiowa County 7, 22, 47, 48, 61 Klein-Menow 54 Knoxville, see Tazewell County. . . . 6 4 Index to Meteorites. Knyahinya 13, 1G, 25, 2G, 54, 55 Kostritz, see Politz Kratienberg 61 Krakhut 11, 49 Krasnojarsk 10, 22, 23, 45 Krawin, see Tabor La Concepcion G 1 L'Aigle 11, 4!) La Bella Roca Gl Lagrange, see Oldham County Langenpiernitz, see Stannern Laramie County 43 Laurens County 30 Lear Iron 42 Leland 58 Lenarto 18, 36 Lexington County 41 Libonnez, see Juvinas Limerick 50 Linn County 15, 27, 52 Lion River 21, 38 Llano del Inca 47 Long Island 50 Lontolaks 24 Luce Island 11 Macon County 40 Madoc 39 Madras 53 Magdeburg, see Erxleben. . . Magura, see Arva Manbhoom 24 Mapimi, Desert of 37 Marmaros, see Borkhut Mauerkirchen '. 49 Maverick County 21, 22, 41 Medwedewa, see Krasnojarsk Mejillones 4G Mezo-Madaras 52 Middlesborough 01 Mighei '. ... 58 Milena, see Pusinsko Selo Miljana, see Pusinsko Selo Minden 45 Miney 45 Misteca, see Oaxaca Mocs 13, 15, 27, 57 Monroe, see Cabarras County Montauban, see Orgueil Mooresfort 50 Murfreesbpro 38 Muskingum County, see New Con- cord Nagaya 57 Nagy-Diwina Gl Nagy-Vazsony 43 Nan jemoy 50 Nash County 56 Nellore 52, Gl Nelson County 30 New Concord 13, 23, 25, 53, 61 Oaxaca 36 Octibbeha County 18 Oesel, Island of 53 Oldham County 40 Orange River 30 Orgueil 28, 54 Ornans 55 Pallas Iron, see Krasnojarsk Parnallee 53 61 Pavlodar 46 Peterborough 24 Phillips County 7, 13, 14, 16, 50 Pillistifer 54 Pipe Creek 58 Pohlitz, see Politz Politz 50 Powder Mill Creek 47 Pultusk 13, 15, 25, 55 Puquios 21, 42, 61 Pusinsko Selo 26, 51 Putnam County 37 Red River 16, 36 Richmond ... 51 Rittersgriin 22, 23, 45 Robertson County 20, 40 Rockingham County 38, 40 Rockport 60 Rockwocd, see Cumberland County. Rutherford County, see Ellenboro and Murfreesboro St. Croix County 10, 42 St. Etienne 55 Saltillo, see Sancha Estate * San Bernardino County 41 San Gregorio 7, 61 San Luis Potosi 36 San Pedro, see Sancha Estate Index to Meteorites. 65 Sancha Estate 37 Sarbanovac, see Soko-Banja Santa Catarina 18, 40 Santa Fe County 42 Santa Rosa, see Sancha Estate Sarbonavac, see Soko-Banja Sarepta 61 Sauquis 55 Schonenberg. 35, 27, 52 Scottsville 40 Searsmont 55 Seelasgen 21, 38 Segowlie 61 Seneca Falls 8, 38 Seneca River, see Seneca Falls Se hadja, see Aumale Sevier County, see Cocke County. .. Shalka... 24 Sierra de Chaco 45 Silver Crown 21, 43 Simbirsk 51 Smith County 38 Smith's Mountain 4C Soko-Banja 56 Stalldalen 56 Stannern 13, 24, 25, 50 Staunton 20, 22, 39, 61 Stutsman County , . 21, 42 Swabia 52 Szlanicza, see Arva Tabor 49 Taborg 27, 58 Taney County 45 Tazewell County 39 Teposcolula 61 Terni 59 Texas, see Red River Thunda 42 Tipperary, see Mooresfort Toluca .... 13, 17, 19, 20, 22, 35, 36 Tomhannock Creek 54 Trenton 40 Trenzano 13, 26, 53 Trigueres, see Chateau-Renard Union County 38 Vaca Muerta, see Mejillones Venagas, see Descubridora Verkhne Udinsk 61 Vouille 51 Waconda 27, 56 Walker County 37 Washington County, 13,27,40,58,59, 61 Wayne County 41 Welland 43, 61 West Liberty, see Homestead Weston 26, 27, 49 Whitfield County 41 Wichita County 10, 37, 61 Winnebago County 13, 15, 16, 58 Wittmess, see Eichstadt Wold Cottage 11, 49, 01 Xiquipilco, see Toluca Yanhuitlan, see Oaxaca Yarra Yarra River, see Cranbourne. Yatoor, see Nellore Youndegin 22, 42 Zacatecas 36, 61 GENERAL INDEX. Acoustic phenomena 9, 11, 14 Aerolites Definition 18 Description of 23 Classes of 34 Analyses of 25 Aerosiderites. Definition of 18 Analyses of 19 Description of 18-22 Aerosiderolites. Definition of . . • 18 Description of 22-23 Analyses of 23 Amphoterite 24 Analyses 19, 23, 25 Asiderites 18, 23 Awaruite 19 Basalt 24 Biela's comet 29, 30 Bustite 24 Carbonaceous meteorites 17, 27 Chassignite 24 Chladnite 24 Chondri 26 Chondritic structure 26 Classes of meteorites 18 Cleavage 22 Compounds in meteorites 17 Crust 13 Crystalline structure 19-21 Diogenite 24 Distribution of meteorites 12 Dunite 24 Effects of heat 13, 14 Elements in meteorites .... .... 16 Etching figures, see Widmanstatten figures Eukrite 24 Evidences of life . 28 Faults 27 Forms of meteorites 15 Gabbro 24 Gases in meteorites 18 Holosiderites 18 Howardite 24 Kamacite 17, ZQ> Laphamite markings 20 Lawrencite 17 Lherzolite 24 Luminous phenomena 9, 11, 14 Meteoric "fall" 12' Meteoric ' 'find " 12 Minerals of meteorites 17 Origin of meteorites 28 Ovifak iron 7 Pallasites 22 Pits 13 Plessite 17, 20 Saxonite 24 Schreibersite 17, 19, 22 Shooting stars 30 Size cf meteorites . 16 Slickensides 27 Specific gravity 19, 23, 26, 30 Sporadosiderites 18, 23 Syssiderites 18 Taenite 17, 20 Terrestrial iron 7, 19, 20, 30 Thumb marks 13 Times of fall .12 Troilite 17, 22 Veins 27 Velocity of meteorites 15 Widmanstatten figures 20, 21 .1 HTAJ^ adilfilanscnbiW sziboo gaiwoda dfila bsdoiH .ooixaM .boijIoT .slnsbiacrwA .1 .gil .esia IsTUlfiailfid-anO sJilioi* io zaluboa bats-gaols bns asiugft -nsmbiW 3)E3yftfHfefe dele badoiS .sszaT ,.oO noJlimfiH sihsbiaoiaA .S gi" 5 ! .3siz li^u)E^^^^^HB^Bkpi) io anoieubni gaiJjsibBi ba£ es-rugfi asJJfiJs PLATE I. Fig. 1. Aerosiderite, Toluca, Mexico. Etched slab showing coarse Widmanstatten figures and elongated nodules of troilite. One-half natural size. Fig. 2. Aerosiderite Hamilton Co., Texas. Etched slab showing delicate Widman- statten figures and radiating inclusions of troilite. One-fourth natural size. FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM GEOLOGY, PL. I. Fig. i. Toluca, Mexico. Fig. 2. Hamilton Co., Texas. L1BHAHV UNIVERSHY Oi- ILUI URBi .aiaiamfiib M baftingfim ,S .1 sIbi"? nr hv/oda noiloae lo noinol .1 .gil ^d bsi9biod 9iB bus dosdnadoisH \o glioBmBjl 9di 916 abnsd bsoid ariT bsaolana zaBtn-bniJOig basilsubivibninu 9dT .9lin9Bl lo 29ao wontn 2«Bq ol n992 9d aso zidt iud ,9ii229lq bgllso-oa 9dJ 2i .edmorii 9dJ aidiivr 93a9TwsJ .[ ^d ,b9li£3 ^nsdJtaUflMMfcfi^^srf* oJn ' x'd^q 9019 *? 11 " gnidol9 9dT .2i9}9mrwb M bsftingKrn nt I 3d* |o noitioq ladJonA .2 .grl ae nwod2 o2Ib zi aiad: bac ,1 .gi'i e 9ib 29tug3 ioiO(fif. ;}4b noieuloni PLATE II. Fig. 1. Portion of section shown in Plate I, Figure 2, magnified 14 diameters. The broad bands are the kamacite of Reichenbach and are bordered by narrow ones of taenite. The unindividualized ground-mass enclosed within the rhombs, is the so-called plessite, but this can be seen to pass imperceptibly into the slender parallel bands called, by J. Lawrence Smith, Laphamite markings. Fig. 2. Another portion of the same section magnified 14 diameters. The etching figures are similar to those shown in Fig. 1, and there is also shown an inclusion of troilite, bordered by a layer of kamacite. FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM. GEOLOGY, PL. II. Fig i. Fig. 2. Hamilton Co., Texas LIBRARV imiVERSHY Of- ILLINOIS FIELD C0LUM8IAN MUSEUM rana Co., S. C. ion River, S. Africa. -DBiEdo gniwoda InsmgB -biW oitzhslOBifido gai 8101 bars 582 dgbw asaaKm^Rv asaasq .bslioqqua ai istlErna HI HTAJT tloifiOdJuoS .oD acmufiJ .aihsbiacnsA .1 .31H wT .asiugft nsJlglansmbiW DilahaJ adDJ3 .BohlA dluo8 .isvifl noiJ .S giH abiidi-owT .aaiugft nsJJfiJanBfn osnA .oldfiia aonfiD .aslnsbiaoisA .8 .giH nisdo adT .^Isviloaqasi abnuoq .noilsioliaq IbiuIbd b rigocnd) Diablo, Arizona. PLATE III. Fig. 1. Aerosiderite, Laurens Co. , South Carolina. Etched fragment showing charac- teristic Widmanstatten figures. Two-thirds natural size. Fig. 2. Lion River, South Africa. Etched fragment showing characteristic Wid- manstatten figures. Two-thirds natural size. Fig. 3. Aerosiderites, Canon Diablo, Arizona. The two masses weigh 265 and 1013 pounds respectively. The chain by which the smaller is supported, passes through a natural perforation. HELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM GEOLOGY, PL. III. Fig. i. Laurens Co., S. C. Fig. «. Lion River, S. Africa. Fig. 3. Canon Diablo, Arizona. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS . URBANA FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM. •VI HTAJT I 3foid .aaam iBnigho lo zanjslq grit ancle isdl^oi faaniot aasd gvsri ainorn;-ml gdJ lo -uddo aiasmgfiil igdlo sdT .siogn-sriJ ni nwode aaBta sdl gnivia ,9iui3Bil noiJioq b 79vo nwoda gnilBoo slidw sdT .JBJegbgq sdJ lo goslq sri) fasiq .9no)« edJ lo IIbI gril oj Jnsnpsadna bsmiol ylbglduobnu ebw 90Bhua gdl lo .3SBlg 91Bwn9di7B9 HB lo 90nBlB9qqB 9dl 2Bd )8U1D 9U11 9dT .tamo gaiwodz ,bwoI ,.oO o§Ed9nniW .bnsbJ .agliloigg iBubivibni ngvgS .g . 8 iH .ioii9lni bnB 9ob1iu2 bgJJiq PLATE V. Fig. 1. Aerolite, Long Island, Phillips Co., Kansas. This was probably a single mass, broken in pieces by striking on a ledge as it fell. Four of the largest of the fragments have been joined together along the planes of original fracture, giving the mass shown in the -figure. The other fragments occu- pied the place of the pedestal. The white coating shown over a portion of the surface was undoubtedly formed subsequent to the fall of the stone. The true crust has the appearance of an earthenware glaze. Fig. 2. Seven individual aerolites, Leland, Winnebago Co., Iowa, showing crust, pitted surface and interior. FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM. GEOLOGY, PL. V. Fig. i. Long Island, Phillips Co., Kansas. Fig. 2. I. eland, Winnebago Co., Iowa. LIBRARY UNIVERSIiY 01- ILLINOIS URu, iTAJS fil baningeM .e'izzu'A ;