UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN BOOKSTACKS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Faculty Working Papers ON THE USE OF COBB-DOUGLAS SPLINES Dale J. Poirier #223 College of Commerce and Business Administration University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign FACULTY WORKING PAPERS College of Commerce and Business Administration University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign December 5, 1974 ON THE USE OF COBB-DOUGLAS SPLINES Dale J. Poirier 0223 On the Use of Cobb-Douglas Splines Dale J. Poirier 1. Introduction Since the legendary work of Cobb and Douglas [1], Cobb-Douglas pro- duction functions and (to a somewhat lesser degree) Cobb-Douglas utility functions have been popular tools of economists. This popularity can be attributed both to the simplicity and to the wide-applicability of these functions. However, 'these functions are of course subject to rather severe restrictions. For example, in the production function context returns to scale are non-varying, hence, U-shaped average cost curves are ruled out. Also, homotheticity and unitary elasticities of substitution are required. This study develops the idea of continuous piecewise Cobb-Douglas functions along the spline function lines discussed in Poirier [10] - [12 ] • This development will permit U-shaped average cost curves and "piecewise- homotheticity" at the expense of differentiability of the functions along lines parallel to the input axes. However, the unitary elasticities of substitution requirements will remain. Implicit in this discussion is the belief expressed in Poirier [10 ] - [12] that for a wide range of problems in economics, the added generality of more complicated functional forms is often best achieved by using continuous piecewise functions. Briefly, the rationale is two-fold. First, The author is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The contents of this study rely heavily on Poirier [10, Chapter 4]. Thanks are due Joeteph Hotz, Steven Garber, William Greene, and Diane Christenqen of the University of Wisconsin at Madison for their data handling and programming assistance which contributed greatly to section 5. Of course any errors are the sole responsibility of the author. -2- since within each "piece" such functions have simple and familiar forms, the analysis proceeds quite straightforwardly. Indeed all economists are familiar with C >bb-Douglas functions and their properties, and so this previous kr. in be easily apolied in analyzing piecewise Cobb-Dougles functions. Second, changes jn ^he behevic r of such functions as one passes from one piece to another are often of primary concern In economic analysis (e.g., the changes in expansion paths diecussed in Section j) . Indeed the testability for the existence of such "structural changes" will be an im- portant consideration throughout this discussion. Organizationally, we will proceed as follows. Section 2 defines a Cobb-Douglas spline. For the sake of simplicity, but not at the expense of generality, a production function context with two inputs, labor and capital, •ill be used. Section 3 discusses the properties of Cobb-Doublas spline pro- duction functionr, lenvlng to section 4 a discussion of the properties of Cobb-Douglas spline utility functions. Finally, section 5 contains an emr J " J application of a CDS production fraction, 2. Definition of a Cobb-Douglas Spline Let the --ts A^ - [L- < L, <...< L_ ,} and A_ - (*.< K* 2 <...< *• j) be meshes defining intervals in the labor (L) and capital (K) dimensions. The elements in A and A. are crlled knots and they define a rectangular grid in the positive quadrant that conflicts of IJ rectangles (see Figure 1). A Cobb-Douglas spline (CDS) is a function Q(L,K) which can be defined as (1) Q(L,K / - e^ K, - O c. o O K,-ih- K 1 (i,J) ' • * • i (i f J) • • r (I,J) • • • ti.j) • • • • i • • • (••J) i • * • (I. J) • • * • • > • • • (i,i) '< ■ . • i (i,l) ! . . • 1 (1,1) Labor Figure 1: obor- Capitol where L and , positi- .'0 con r I ty reqi at imp (2) In 9 (1+1)j a In C t i" a i+i ) ln ^i 3 ,2 ,. . . ,1-1 for all j, and (3) ln6 1(J+1) -li + ( V 6 j+i> ln *J J" 1 . 2 ----' for all i. In this context the output elasticities of labor (the a. 's) and capital (the <5 s) are step functions over the meshes A and A^,, respective Often it is more convenient to work with a CDS in its logarithmic rm (4) In Q - ln 6 . . + a, in L + 5 In R i j for L and K in rectangle In formulation (4) ln Q ia "he sum of lwo linear splines (see Poirier [10, Chapter 2]) one in the In L dimension, and one in the ln K dimension. erms of Poirier [12], (4) is also a bilinear spline with no interaction era ^fines a piecewise-planar or "roof-like* tentative] uity condltl _) and (3) can be. ed to representation (A) wing manner. Define ables L ± - max [(:. , 0] - max )] j - Then for all L and J-] ~ « M + a ] ]n ' $ 5 1 **i + 5 6 1 K 1' J-2 2 milar comparisons in terms of grafted polynomials , see Fuller ( TOd Gallant and Fuller [J]. wh* chat i Rep are of part In I ed in a production theory context, it will be i CDS pr . m, and when it is usee! in c utility theory context, it will be called a CDS utility function . CDS Production Functions Of foremest importance * ussing the theoretical properties o the CDS product! laoquants. For a fi.ced outi vel the isoquait over rectangle (i,j) is (6) % ^ L 9 U J l/6 d ughout the labor-capita: xsions the isoquants are continuous, -ever, the;, have "< Long t ^st result f.) from the continuif- he productio .ion, and the latter ifl ° result f the nrodu' i the grid lines. The iso y convex iff and > a 1+1 j+1 J •ther word s are . ai is a decreasing f its respect! - (ci . + " CO! nditii and + 6> u + 6 m-t t i+l,. . . ,1; n- ,J I ) — m n As shown in Figure 2, this scale over ill rectangles beloi (i,j), and smaller returns tn sc rectangles above and to the right of rectangle Compai to rectangles nbove and c- *angle . and beli e right ot rectangle (i,j) are inconclusive It is well knovn that Cobb-Douglas isoquants give I • a strai, line expansion path since the production function is homothetic. The Cobb-Douglas ipline production function has straight line expansion path pegments over individual rectangle, however, these paths exhibit uniqee behavior along C To see this suppose the convexity conditior no\d and consider the slope of isoquant (6) l r ingle ( ->t alon£ its border: The margi lot well- defined icts arc not well-r there as a result of the ontlnuities in the output elasticities. Inc usive K <« K.- ri I Greater Smaller Inconclusive Figure Li- te S orisons I isoq dK rtL^ • ' L •* L " 6 J dK dL" limit ■ T~ Letting w denote the for all price ratios w/r such t ,d r the price of capita] (7) dK .v dK dL~ the first order conditions for the firm's output maximization or cost nation problem are not £ati6fi< ?., the marginal rate of tech.. substitution does not equal the price ratio. Hence, compensated price nges within the boundt of (7) do not change the optimal input combi- nation for producing a fixed level of output. Fixing w/r and expanding output, Ln rectangle |) approa f ne gri does no at a croical level K* satisf dL~ _i or solving f K* 6 L 'u »K*) Since the outpu tha > J ) , □el by in er the righr equals ty of capil drops, i. solving f K** I r then the I ion pat H.J) *oi i » K * is a straight th a si \ T) of the expansion path In I). Tlv lllust for the simp. I, i ■ j • 1. Hot if the grid line V is reach-. -t, then the path for outputs Ql ,K ) continues along L - L ± (9) L - L ± + |dK . !i±l 21 . limit K * dK dL ^. It (10) 5. < - < Lt L i hold;. . the ab ted. K K K 1 7 La (a) K** K* / Li (b) K- K" - '*». K—'Kx K" - ) Figure 3: Expansion P '11- >d in Jg ous to the po • -a at proceed along either ■ training p / not d by ( (10) is I (ID w i+1 J+l K slope C6 x Wi If (11) holds, then the expansion pauh in rectangle (i,j :aancipacing from ( function associated with a f>DS production function continuous piec pieces -ingle. tor cost fu. ano the < , uij In as Q ■» Q< ■ ■ ■ by dividing eacl I to (12) , the average c functi ^irtg, con decreasing, depending on whether Q produced j.n a rectangle with deer-- , constant, or increasing retu' scale. Since the cost functioi inuous , so is the average c function. marginal cost function associated with (12) - tainec .differentiating each e an path marginal cost is e- fined sine* the left and right erivat. b re not In gene. Of course wi (12), the marginal cost sagme CDS UtilJ :tion s ising: ty the ; DS ut on ( e. L utl ure ■ c is in equi to 40 hours oposs he is him $60 a wet 50 per cent Ing the guarantee as earned .is plan has akevCn" at point B (greater t. treflpo'. ied income of $120 ft; to the 1 point he receives payr e neg< onvent s (in ■ lay re ex a ■ a 2 of Is. TBO L C 60 20 ours of Work 40 60 of Leisure Figure 4: Rf was s ■ . .e. , ■I . l a 2/ hen proceeds along an expansion path wil pe (cu However, if before the point F is r< he encounters his budget constraint ABG, I must then stop at a point E on indifference curve I. which corresponds I no change in income with the entire - of the negative income tax p2 manifest*- eased leisure (i.e., a -eduction in laf .). Intuitively, the explanation is as f s. The redu. >£ the effective wage as a result of the >s that the pric .u»-e hr Ly speaking, dropped. Hence, he will consume more leisure, eve , MRS - (- — ) , f i . (th - Follow bee utilii • y wafi ippeareri to .action of the level framework of a CDS p: ^on fur. :r equal 1 oo would h chat tl returns to scale were g fun< els o: ■ght of re ,'orld developments and the "energy crisis/' t> question of whether there g returns to scale electricity takes on added imp. creasing relevant ranges of output i lie utilities have important impj ns in terms z subsidies and investment policies in such an industr. ^rder to investigate the returns to scale, Nerlove sugges r'irms can be viewed as taking their output and i i3 as exogeneous, and the c total cost Cobb-Douglax pr e data use was based on Nerlove [9 ) and sour Suppr. pre jrm (l- Q - e ± l° Pa <:'s [ 9 , >] OWT. gS CO' questic uction timet io,. .rothet •wed m a an i ency . are the c< Unlike I be at ' ec ? ua F , or 6 F . T i fuel knot, f 1 - 4 (nri.lli< 3tu's), is admittedly somewhat arbitrary. Hopex in more elaborate applications the choice of 7., or for that fact, labor and capital kr rill reflect technological considerations of the production process. The chc here is no more arbitra n the five, group breakdown used by Nerlove, ai it corresponds to approximately the 33rd percentile of the firms' fuel input level. Following Nerlove [9, FP» 171-175] it can be showed that cost minimization subject to (15) and exogenous output and input prices implies the cost function M 1 ! ^InQ+^Ur, lnP F ) + ^ ( laP K -lr,P F ) where w ost, P L is Zhe labor, P is the price of capital, P , is the price L, and - In v . In 6. Proceeding as i assumes ti nplies this I be ways to hand . knots Whi at lea >ry be ap; more comp 6 ], a: for do ible 1 Coe Coefficient ■ dare a 33 5 X .5905** 40 S 2 .5591** .1244 n .01574 .2394 1823. 34* "*" denotes significance at the 57. level. "**" denotes significance at the 1% level. w. In. C - 6, + In a P f + n In P r - In e + H In P^. Note that isturbancc term in to be homoscedaatic when returns to scale vary (i.e., <*>.. i 6 ? ), (16) multiplied through by w . ier the assumption that the residuals in (17) are independent, homo- scedastic, and normally dit,r ed, the likelihood function corresponding (17) can be maximized subject to the continuity constraint In 6- " In 0. + (6. - 6„) In P . The resulting maximum likelihood estimators a, d. , 6 ? , n» ana .ill asymptotically be consistent, normally distributed, and efficient. Since the likelihood function is nonlinear in these parameters, it is necessary to employ a technique such as Marquardt's method of steepest descent to obtain the maximum. The actual maximum likelihood estimators (together with their standard errors) are given in Table 1. The results are similiar to those of Nerlcve* the output elasticities of labor and fuel highly significant, and the output elasticity of capital is insignificant (as it often was in Nerlove's study). Of course the result of principal concern is the estimated change 6. - 6~ m .03140 in the on lastieity o! at F . The asymptotically normal test i. statistic for testing the significance of this change is 112 (Est. Var ...-•.- which is highly significant. Thu^ .e there are increasing raturns to veryvhere, they appear to undergo a significant drop along F . [I] Co! :ion, -i& Supp. 1. (1928), 139-165. [2] Fu Jayne red Polynomials as Approximating Functions," Australian Journal ■ rlcultural Econon^ [ (June, 1969), 35-46. [3] Gallant, A. R. and Fuller, Wayne A., "Fitting Segmented Polynomial Regression Models Whose Join Points Have to be Estimate imal of the American Statistical Association , LXVIII (March, 1973), 144-147, [4] Greene, William H. , "Factor Substitutions and Returns to Scale in Electrical Supply," unpublished manuscript, 1974. [5] Halpern, Elkan F. , "Bayesian Spline Regression when the Number of Knots is Unknown," Jou rnal of the Royal Statistical Society , (1973), 347-360. [6] Hinkley, David V., "Inference in Two-Phase Regressirn," Journal ..; the American Statistical Association , LXVI (December, 1971), 736-743. [7] Horner, David, "The Impact of Negative Taxes on the Labor Supply Low- Income Male Family Heads," in Final Report of the New Jersey Graduated Work Incentive Experiment (Madison: Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin, 1973), Chapter B-II dson, Derek J., "Fitting Segmented Curves Wh 'n Points Have to Be Estimated," Journal of the American Statistical Association , I (December, 1966), 1097-11. [9] in Measuremen t In St. (Stanford: Stanford Dnlvex 1963) , [10] Poirier, Dale J na in Economics ted dissertatio isconw 9 (II] , ewiee Regres sing Cubic Splineb Journal of the Amer^ atibtlcal Association , LXVIII (Septemb 1973), 5J [12] , "On the Use of Bilinear Splines ming. of Hu: