'^^/ ; LIB R.AFLY OF THE U N IVER.SITY OF ILLI NOIS 621.365 I^G55te no. 40-49 cop. 2 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/newcircularlypol46dyso ANTENNA LABORATORY Technical Report No. 46 NEW CIRCULARLY POLARIZED FREQUENCY INDEPENDENT ANTENNAS WITH CONICAL BEAM OR OMNIDIRECTIONAL PATTERNS by John D. Dyson and Paul E. Mayes 20 June 1960 Contract AF33(616)-6079 Project No. 9-(13-6278) Task 40572 Sponsored by: WRIGHT AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory Engineering Experiment Station University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois This report was presented, in condensed form, as a paper at the URSI-IRE Spring Meeting, Washington, D.C., 3 May 1960, under the title, "The Log-Spiral Omnidirectional Circularly Polarized Antenna." i i 3 \pZ> - ENGINEERING LIBRARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors are pleased to acknowledge the assistance of Professor G. A. Deschamps in formulating the theory of excitation of multi-arm antennas. Discussions with W. T. Patton were helpful. 0. L. McClelland supervised the measurements program. ABSTRACT A conical beam may be obtained from balanced equiangular spiral antennas by constructing an antenna with more than two spiral arms and symmetrically connecting these arms to provide a suppression of the radiated fields on the axis of the antenna. The angle of this conical beam can be controlled and with proper choice of parameters it can be confined to the immediate vicinity of the azimuthal (0 = 90 ) plane. An antenna with four symmetrically spaced arms can provide a radiation pattern that is within 3 db of omnidirectional circularly polarized coverage. The standing wave ratio of this antenna referred to a 50 ohm coaxial cable is less than 2 to 1 over the pattern bandwidth, This four-arm version retains the wide frequency bandwidths of the basic conical log-spiral antenna, and it provides a coverage which here- tofore has been difficult to obtain even with narrow band antennas. CONTENTS Page 1. Introduction 1 2. The Conical Log-Spiral Antenna 3 2.1 The Basic Structure 3 2.2 The Radiation Pattern Beamwidth 5 3. The Conical Beam Antenna 7 3.1 The Principle 7 3.2 Radiation Patterns 9 3.3 Pattern Beamwidth 17 3.4 The Input Impedance 17 3.5 Operating Bandwidth as a Function of Antenna Size 17 4. A Non-Frequency Independent Version 20 5. Conclusions 24 Appendix 25 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Number Page 1. A conical log-spiral antenna with associated coordinate system 4 2. Variation in electric field pattern of typical balanced 2 arm conical equiangular spiral antenna 6 3. Possible feeding arrangements for multi-arm structures 8 4. "infinite balun" feed used on a four arm conical beam antenna 10 5. Typical electric field patterns and orientation of the conical beam as a function of the rate of spiral 11 6. Antenna C - 15 - 9 etched from copper clad teflon impregnated fiberglass 13 7. Electric field patterns of a balanced symmetrical 4 arm conical equiangular spiral antenna 14 8. Electric field patterns of a balanced symmetrical 4 arm conical equiangular spiral antenna 15 9. Azimuthal coverage of the radiation patterns in Figures 7 & 8 16 10. VSWR of typical 4 arm conical equiangular spiral 18 11. Projection of equiangular spiral and Archimedes spiral curves on a conical surface 21 12. Electric field patterns of symmetrical 4 arm conical antennas 23 1A. Terminal region of a structure having N-fold rotational symmetry 26 2A. Instataneous electric vectors at 9 = and 6=9 for three values of m ° 30 1. INTRODUCTION The balanced planar and conical equiangular spiral antennas have been demonstrated to have essentially frequency independent radiation and impedance characteristics over bandwidths which are at the discretion of the design 12 * engineer ' . These antennas, based upon the equiangular or log-spiral curve, have the property that the highest and lowest usable frequencies are independent The highest usable frequency is determined by the diameter of the truncated region at the origin, which must remain small in terms of the operating wavelength, and the lowest usable frequency by the arm length and hence the maximum diameter of the antenna. The two-arm planar antenna provides circularly polarized, single lobe, bidirectional radiation on the axis of the antenna. An orthogonal projection of the two-arm planar antenna on a conical surface forms an antenna which, over a suitable range of parameters, confines the radiation to a single lobe directed off the apex of the cone. It is possible to devise a multitude of frequency independent structures by using the log-spiral arm as a basic element. Many different excitations may be used when several log-spiral arms with a common origin are placed on a cone or plane. Some configurations and excitations produce radiation patterns which are distinctly different from those obtained heretofore. * A convenient abbreviation for logarithmic spiral, a synonym for equiangular spiral. 1. J. D. Dyson, "The Equiangular Spiral Antenna," IRE Trans, on Antennas and Propagation, vol. AP-7, pp. 181-187, April, 1959. Also Technical Report No. 21, University of Illinois Antenna Laboratory, September 15, 1957. 2. J. D. Dyson, "The Unidirectional Equiangular Spiral Antenna," IRE Trans.. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. AP-7, October 1959* Also Technical Report No. 33, University of Illinois, Antenna Laboratory, July 10, 1958. It is the purpose of this paper to introduce a simple theory relating the excitation and the radiation fields (insofar as now possible), and to present data showing the performance of the four-arm conical log-spiral antenna with one particular excitation. 2. THE CONICAL LOG-SPIRAL ANTENNA 2.1 The Basic Structure The conical log-spiral antenna with its associated coordinate system is shown in Figure 1. On a plane surface, the edges of one arm of a logarithmic spiral antenna may be defined by '■ ' i aff P = P e and / a a(
. a / / ( — - — )
=0°, 9 VAR
<£VAR, e=90 <
«=45 (
Figure 2 Variation in electric field pattern
of typical balanced 2 arm conical
equiangular spiral antenna
E^, Eg polarization.
9 = 10 .
3.1 The Principle
When using multiple-arm structures the number of choices of feeding
systems increases . There are basic excitations of multiterminal antennas
which are simply related to the azimuthal variations of fields of the
- -jirfp
form e J associated with solutions of Maxwell's equations. The parameter
m must be an integer to make the field single-valued.
Excitations of the spiral arms which correspond to each of these
radiation "modes" are readily apparent. The customary excitation of the
two-arm spirals, as shown in Figure 3(a), corresponds to m = + 1 and would
be expected to produce a field which varies primarily as e . For antennas
which are not large compared to the wavelength the lower order terms will
be predominant.
With four-arm structures the number of basic excitations increases.
An excitation corresponding to m = 1 is shown in Figure 3(b) . Hence in
order to obtain the e fields with a four-arm spiral it is necessary to
excite the two pairs of arms with a 90 degree phase shift between them.
With the four-arm structures it is possible to produce fields which
correspond to higher values of m . For example, the excitation shown in
Figure 3(c) corresponds to m = +2 and should produce fields which vary
primarily as e . This concept may be generalized to any number of arms,
N, and a discussion of the more general case is given in the Appendix.
3. G. A. Deschamps, "impedance Properties of Complementary Multiterminal
Planar Structures," Trans. IRE, Special Supplement, Vol. AP-7, Dec, 1959,
p. S371. Also Technical Report No. 43, University of Illinois, Antenna
Laboratory, Nov. 11, 1959.
* First pointed out in Quarterly Report No. 5, Contract AF33(616)-6079,
Antenna Laboratory, University of Illinois, 31 December 1959, pp. 9-11.
+ CT7 (a)
-I + IC=3 (b)
Figure 3 Possible feeding arrangements
for multi-arm structures
Examination of the solutions of Maxwell's equations in spherical
coordinates shows that values of m different from unity are always accompanied
by a null in the 9 - function (associated Legendre polynomials) along the
polar or 8 = axis. Therefore we expect an excitation which corresponds
to any in / + 1 to produce a conical beam. The excitation of four arms
corresponding to m = 2 as shown in Figure 3(c) , is the simplest case.
This lowest order conical beam excitation is readily achieved by
connecting opposite arms together and feeding one pair against the other,
i.e. 180 degrees out of phase. It is apparent also from the symmetry of
the input currents in this case that there will be zero field along the
antenna axis. The antenna can be fed by a balanced feed line, or a coaxial
line and balun, placed on the axis of symmetry. It may also be fed by
carrying the feed cable along one of the arms as outlined in the previous
paper m Details of this latter method are shown in Figure 4. The balance
and symmetry of the feed is important if symmetrical patterns are desired.
3.2 Radiation Patterns
Figure 5 shows typical radiation patterns of symmetrical four arm
antennas fed in the manner shown in Figure 3(c). As indicated, the rate
of spiral, (the parameter a), which was the primary factor in controlling
the beamwidth of the balanced two arm antenna, determines the orientation
of the conical beam of the balanced four arm antenna. Conical antennas may
be constructed to provide a conical beam with any angle of orientation
from around 40 to more than 90 off the axis of the antenna. The case
where the beam maximum is located at 9 = 90 is of particular interest
since it fills a need for a simple, very broad band, circularly polarized,
omnidirectional source.
Figure 4 'infinite balun" feed used
on a four arm conical
beam antenna
oC = 60°
40 r
50 -
70 -
- 80
40 50 60 70
80 90
Figure 5 Typical electric field patterns and
orientation of the conical beam as a
function of the rate of spiral (7.5 ^ < 10 )
• ■
Figure 6 shows a typical four arm balanced equiangular spiral antenna
constructed on a 15 cone. This antenna was etched from a flexible, copper-
clad, teflon-impregnated, fiberglass material and then formed into a cone.
The feed cable is rg 141/U. The energized cable is carried along one arm;
dummy cables are placed on the other arms to maintain structural symmetry.
To obtain the desired bandwidth, the arms on this particular antenna were
later extended to a cone base diameter of 31 centimeters. Radiation
patterns of this antenna are shown in Figures 7 and 8 from 550 mc where the
base is .57 wavelengths in diameter up to 4000 mc where the diameter of
truncated apex is approximately 0.2 wavelengths. The patterns are for E~
and E.~ polarized fields. The first two columns are pattern cuts through
the axis of the antenna and the third column is for a cut perpendicular to
the axis, on the U = 90 plane.
The azimuthal coverage shown in these patterns may be examined in greater
detail in Figure 9 where the total deviation in decibels from omnidirectional
coverage is plotted for the orthogonal polarizations. The axial ratio
on the 6 = 90 plane varies somewhat with the angle i P. It is shown for
one particular angle, which is a representative angle of orientation and
not an optimum case. Over a considerable bandwidth the total amplitude
deviation is less than 3 db and the axial ratio is 3 db or less.
Two pattern characteristics should be noted. For large a, the conical
beam patterns are smooth and well formed and, if desired, the arms may be
approximated by wire or cable. As the angle a decreases beyond 60° the
on patterns exhibit minor irregularities and are not as symmetrical.
In ;i ■« loosely spiraled antennas require wider exponentially
expanding arms. Th< ••-.<■ ' h. istics correspond to those noted for the
Figure 6 Antenna C - 15 - 9 etched from copper clad
teflon impregnated fiberglass
a = 45° D ■ 20.5 cm
8°, OVcuu.
700 Mc
CJ>-90° e vcuo.
(j)Vojo Q = 9Q <
900 Mc
N \
S \
1200 Mc
Figure 7 Electric field patterns of a
balanced symmetrical 4 arm conical
ilangular spiral antenna.
.", a 1 .", K = .925, D = 31 cm, d = 1.5 cm
0s 0° e "z^t/.
1600 Mc
^=90° e vcuu.
(£ VoMj. ^ Q r 9QO 15
3000 Mc
'y.c. .^'^^s-:^
V-< ' -v
7 ^?r
4000 Mc
I :
\ '
I /
e =
Figure 8 Electric field patterns of a
balanced symmetrical 4 arm conical
equiangular spiral antenna.
7.5°, a = 45°, K = .925, D = 31 cm, d = 1. 5 cm
> rH
a = arctan tt
p = ka<£
<< = arctan <£
Figure 11 Projection of equiangular spiral
and Archimedes spiral curves on
a conical surface.
Radiation patterns for a four arm conical Archimedes spiral antenna
are shown in Figure 12(a) . This antenna was constructed to provide a range
o o
of a from approximately 45 at the apex region to 85 at the base. As
indicated in Figure 12 the complete range of beam orientation from
o o
approximately 45 to 90 off axis is swept out as the frequency is varied
from 1000 to 2000 mc . For comparison, patterns for an equiangular spiral
antenna wound on the same cone are shown in Figure 12(b) .
P =1.026*
f = 1000 Mc
E *
/>= e
sin 10°
f = 1400 Mc
f = 2000 Mc
Figure 12 Electric field patterns of
symmetrical 4 arm conical
© = 10°, D = 29.5 cm, d = 4.5 cm
o ' '
( <>>> de«( ribed by E will produce the fields
F = E (A * E*) F (10A)
If the coefficients a above were known, the fields produced by any
excitation would be completely determined. Unf ortunately, this problem
has not yet been solved for log-spiral elements.
Some useful observations can be made for the log-spiral however,
by interpreting the above results in terms of experimental data.
Consider the case N = 2 which has been extensively investigated. The
eigenvectors for the permutation matrix in this case are
\ " \ (1 > ^
A 2 = 1(1,D
and only A satisfies Equation (1A) . This corresponds to the excitation
of the two-arm spiral sketched in Figure 3(a) . The field F for the case
N = 2 would be of the form
F = £ a (P
Ik T 2k + 1 (12A)
and the possible ^-variations are
e j(2k + 1) 9
It has been observed that the radiation produced by 2-arm log-spiral
antennas is very nearly circularly-polarized over the major portion of
the beam. Circular polarization with non-zero field on the axis requires
that E^ and Eg vary as cos(<»>t +