^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^A-^ ^f^ ^P ^-^ si^ ci''^ jir-^ ^"^ iW^ s:w^ 5^y3 s^^ NOTES IN SUPPLEMENT TO "THE FIRST PRINTERS OF CHICAGO" ^A^ ^M^ ^^ ^M^ ^-^ ^^ ^-^ '^^^ 5^Y>^ iyWi? i#S? s:#& 5:^^ ^y:? 5Wy3 S2^y3 lisryoia HMTOsxc^ BrrKruY Notes in Supplement to 'THE FIRST PRINTERS OF CHICAGO" NOTES IN SUPPLEMENT TO "THE FIRST PRINTERS OF CHICAGO" BY T>ouglas Q. aries of D. V M , ai«L/>f Jesus : l'ic Litt'e Office of ihp D. V. h]. : iHe Riri« of liie Con- fraVrniiy cf toe Scupulir; loge'.licrvviii: the - iodiil^mccs ^laiitrd to xl.v Conficttr* uitMja vi' Kojary and Scapular. THE DKVOTIOX DF TUT WAY OF THE CROSS or THE SACRED HEART: And of C>« Asscc.ation for a Kpppy Dcs'Ji. copied licntt Miry. THB arck-co!Oc«atsr.n:tt cr- tks IMMACULATE HEART. PF MARV. For ihe Conversion ofSinncrs. VESPERS^-OR.EVCMNG OmcE Or TUE ClllT.CH. >."< LATIX A.'»I>«t50I.!S«. CHICAGO: PRINTED FOB THK PROPRtETOa. Aa4 mM by Ciiarktt M'Omm:, con>cror >!a-lict wC Ka»Oc:pv. Sir«cu, Mtr lb« t>o»tb Rrtncb BrtCc* To the American and European Subscribers to the Loan for the Completion of the Illinois and Michigan Canal, | and to holders of canal bonds generally. | [Wavy rule] \ [Chicago, 1847.] 23 X 28.5 cm. 2 leaves, second blank. Dated and signed: Chicago, Dec. 21, 1847. H. T. Dickey. Henry E. Huntington Library. Journal | of the | Proceedings | of the | Grand Division, | of the I Sons of Temperance, | of the | State of Illinois, | [Device] \ (Printed under the Supervision of the Committee on Publica- tion.) I Vol. 1. 1 Chicago: | R. L. Wilson, Printer, | Daily Journal Office. I 1848. 8vo. 335 p. Paullin Sale, Part I, April 1929, No. 552. Illinois and Michigan Canal. | [ Wavy rule] \ Rules, By-Laws & Regulations, | established by the | Board of Trustees, | of the | Illinois & Michigan Canal | in conformity with sec. 15 of the | law of February 21, 1843; 1 ^^ which is added | the rates of toll, I adopted by the | Board of Trustees for the year 1848, | and names of the principal places on the line of the canal, | with their distances from each other. | [Wavy rule] \ Chicago: | Printed by R. L. Wilson, | Daily Journal Office. | 1848. 14.5 X 23.5 cm. I leaf, 46 p., i leaf. Blue paper covers. Cover title same as title page, in ornamental border. Henry E. Huntington Library. An I Address Medical School, Delivered at the Opening of the | Rock Island November 7, 1848, | by | M. L. Knapp, M.D., President, and Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. I [Double rule] \ Chicago: Lake Street. | [Short rule] Campbell & Fuller, Printers, | 107 1849. 14 X 23.5 cm. 20 p. Printed paper wrappers. Cover title, in decorative bor- der, identical with above. Library of Congress. Collection of Douglas C. McMurtrie. Chicago City Directory and Annual Advertiser for 1849-50. By Hatheway & Taylor. Chicago: Printed by Jas. L. Langdon, 1849. Tide from Chicago Book Auction Catalogue i, April 21, 1930, No. 40. [12 1 AM ADDRESS SBLITB&EI) AT THB OPBNING OF THE ROCK mM) mmm mnoou NOVEMBER 7, 1848. BT M. L. KNAPP, M. D., nxanfiKT, akd pkofbssor of materia medica and THEAArxvnos.. CHICAGO: CAMPBELL & FULLER, PRINTERS, 107 Lake Street. 1849. Constitution | and | By-Laws | of the | Chicago Building Asso- ciation, I Adopted March, 1849. | [Device] \ Chicago: | Davis' Book & Job Office, 128 Lake St. | 1849. i6mo. [iii]-v, 6-15 p. Printed paper wrappers. Paullin Sale, Part I, April 1929, No. 554. Observations on the Spread of Asiatic Cholera and its Com- municable Nature. By John Evans, Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children in Rush Medical College. Chicago, 1849. 8vo. 43 p. From the Northwestern Medical and Surgical Journal, of which John Evans, founder of Evanston, Illinois, was at that time one of the editors. Tide from Morris H. Briggs List of March 14, 1930, No. 6. Wells's Law^yer, | and | United States Form-Book; | containing I The Constitution of the United States, | with notes and deci- sions, I a complete system of book-keeping, | a table of gold and silver coins, interest tables, | and | Forms | . . . Naturalization papers, letters patent, and important | Information for Business Men. I By a practising attorney, j and | a merchant. | Chicago, III.: I Published by John C. Wells. | 1848. i2mo. 192 p. Printed brown paper wrappers. Paullin Sale, Part I, April 1929, No. 555. College I of I Physicians and Surgeons | of the | Upper Missis- sippi, j (Reorganization of Rock Island Medical School:) | Second Session, 1849-50. | Chicago: | Printed at the Democrat Office, 45 LaSalle Street. | 1849. 12x21.5 '^"^- II p- Henry E. Huntington Library. A I Historical Sermon. | [ Wavy rule] \ By Rev. A. M. Stewart, I Pastor of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Chicago, III. | [Wavy rule] \ [2 lines, quotation] \ [Filet] \ Chicago, III.: | Whitmarsh & Fulton, Book and Job Printers, | 191 Lake Street, corner of Wells, (second story.) | [Short rule] \ 1850. 14 X2I cm. 12 p. Henry E. Huntington Library. [1+1 655 173M22FIC1 C002 NOTES IN SUPPLEMENT TO THE FIRST PRINTE III mil ill 0112 25316925