VI B RARY OF THE UNIVERSITY *JL mkt. sum* / ^(ju4^Ul/u^ lit LORAIN BEEBE LYNDS Kankakee County's First School Teacher and Postmistress, Who Lived to the Great Age of Ninety-Three. Tales of An Old "Border Town" AND Along The Kankakee A Collection of Historical Facts and Intimate Per- sonal Sketches of the Days of the Pioneers in Momence, Illinois, and the Hunting Grounds of the Kankakee Marsh and "Bogus Island" BY BURT E. BURROUGHS Author of Legends and Tales of Homeland on the Kankakee, California Letters, Etc. FOWLER, INDIANA THE BENTON REVIEW SHOP Copyrighted, 1925, BURT E. BURROUGHS Kankakee, Illinois. PREFACE To Noel Le Vasseur is accorded the honor of being the first white settler within the borders of Kankakee county as we know it today'. He built his cabin of logs inj the tim- ber known as "LaPointe," or Bourbonnais, in the year 1832. In 1833, William Lacy built a log cabin on a ford of the Kankakee ten miles west of the Indiana state-line which was known later as "Upper Crossing," or Westport. A year later Asher Sargeant creaked up to the Kankakee with his ox-drawn wagon and built the first habitation on the present site of Momence, a mile west of where Lacy settled. These three settlements of 1832, 1833 and 1834, just one year apart, have had variously checkered careers. In the end, however, Momence outstripped them all. "Upper Crossing," today, is but a memory. It has faded completely from the face of the earth. Not so with Bourbonnais. It is a bright, clean, contented little ville that neither gains nor loses appreciably but is content to hold its own in these day's of turmoil and strife. Momence of the old border days was a regular he- man's town. Situated on the river and on the edge of that vast marsh paradise of nearby Indiana, it was for years a sort of capital for the country roundabout, the focal point towards which the thoughts and steps of the wilderness population often turned. Here supplies of powder and shot were to be had and here, also, a fellow with a "thirst" could deluge the inner man to his heart's content with no one to say him nay, so long as he had a raccoon or mink pelt left to pay for it. If, in the full and complete enjoy- ment of- his debauch, he elected to stow himself in a corner on the puncheon floor and sleep it off, that was his busi- ness. If he chose to run amuck that, also, was his privi- lege. There were no "stop and go" signs, no village mar- shal looming behind a "tin" star, no law except the law of force. It was the day of the "border." Writing of these things in this day is no easy' task. We realize with regret that it was undertaken too late to do full justice to the life story of a border settlement that has, after many vicissitudes, emerged into a well ordered city. Her pioneers sleep today hard by the scene of their former endeavors, but their voices are stilled./ They* left no written records, in the main, and of the things they said and the things they did we collect but fragments in this day and count ourselves fortunate. In this volume we have in- corporated historical fact together with legend, incident and story of the old days which are likely to prove most val- uable, in their narrative setting, to the reading public. The reader is forewarned that this little volume is not designed as a compendium of local history, exactly. Rather would we have it remembered for its narratives of a day and its people long since passed on — a day when the middle west- ern empire (which included the beautiful valley of the Kan- kakee) was in the making — an empire peopled by "home- spun" giants, who deserve, at least, as a reward of hav- ing lived, the poor boon of remembrance. BURT E. BURROUGHS. Kankakee Illinois, September 1, 1925. APPRECIATIONS Were it not that people, in the main, are friendly, kind- ly, responsive in a marked degree to the importunities of the seeker after stories and factai of the great Pioneer Age, of the Kankakee Valley, a volume such as this would be well- nigh impossible. I have learned something of the friendly quality of Kankakee county folk in the last two years and a half and, let me add, this also applies to those portions of Newton and Lake counties in Indiana, wherein is located the basin of the Kankakee which we know as the "Kankakee Marsh" and "Beaver Lake." From the humblest dweller of the marsh on up through the varying human strata wherein is represented the busy man and the idler, the man of afflu- ence and the man of small affairs — all have listened to the appeal for some fact of interest concerning the old days of our fathers and mothers and responded as they* were able, willingly and gladly. If this volume should be found to con- tain data and incidents out of the ordinary, it is' attributal, in large part, to that spirit on the part of the people Which seeks to be obliging. Mr. C. M. C. Buntain, of Kankakee, has permitted me to use sketches of the late W. W. Parish and the pioneer, Cornelius Cane, prepared by him years ago, while the facts were readily obtainable. He has gathered together many in- teresting and valuable documents, in the course of the years, and these he tendered the writer to make use of in any way he saw fit. The handbill gotten out by Dr. Todd in 1844 ad- vertising for sale certain Indian lands and the town lots of Momence, is an especially prized relic of Mr. Buntain's which is reproduced in half-tone. Mr. Fred Nichols, of Momence, has been indefatigable in his efforts to put the writer in the way of obtaining that data of old days in and about Momence which was most valuable and worth while. With his machine and with Clarence Nichols at the wheel, every nook and corner of the old Beaver Lake Basin has been visited, turned wrong-side out and thoroughly scrutinized. Mr. Nichols has been a host in himself. Hon. Clark Brown, of Union, Missouri, Representative in the Missouri legislature, a former Momence man by the way, has earned my everlasting- gratitude by his unqualified approval of a previous volume and by his timely' help in the present one. "The Last Encampment of the Indians," is from the pen of Mr. Brown, in response to a request for something with the touch of the wilderness in it. It is a valuable contri- bution to the early-day lore of Kankakee county. O. M. Harlan, of the Press-Reporter, has shown a keen and helpful interest, and has supplied data not otherwise obtainable. Mrs. Orra Allen has supplied the details of "Chief White Foot's Home-Coming," a most interesting story. Mrs. Nutt, Mrs. Alzada Hopper, of Momence, and Mr. A. B. Jenkins, of Morocco, Indiana, together with the patriarchal Austin Dexter, furnished the details for the story of "Old Shafer," a character of swamp days whose very name spelled terror for the settlers. Mr. Jenkins, especially, has put me in the way cf many interesting things. He is a gentleman most agreeable and entertaining. Data concerning Beaver Lake in the days when the hunt- ers sought it, was obtained through Judge W. A. Hunter, of Kankakee, Mr. Victor Brassard, of Momence, Mr. Andy Granger, of DeMotte, Indiana, A. L. Barker, Mr. Lawbaugh. Joseph Kite, Mr. Nichols, of Lake Village, Indiana, and Mr. A. B. Jenkins, of Morocco, Indiana. Others who have given valuable aid in one way or an- other are: Mr. Frank Hamilton, Mr. James Kirby, Mrs. Su- san Cook, Mrs. J. H. Freeman, of Momence, Mrs. Lyons, of Sherburnville, E. D. Blakely', Mr. F. 0. Chapman and Chas. Sherman, of Kankakee. BURT E. BURROUGHS. viii CONTENTS INTRODUCTION THE "UPPER CROSSING" OF THE KANKAKEE... 15 NAMING OF MOMENCE 36 PASSING OF "OLD TRAPPER DAN" 49 "UNCLE BILLY" NICHOLS COLLECTS FOR A HAM 54 "THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT" 58 HOSS RACING DAYS IN OLD MOMENCE 64 LAST ENCAMPMENT OF THE INDIANS 74 MOMENCE INCORPORATES 78 AN ANCIENT HUNTING GROUND I — The Kankakee from Momence to the State-Line. . 88 II — Up-River in Indiana — Gurdon S. Hubbard — Lyon's Lane 97 III — Old Hunting Days in the Kankakee Marsh .... 104 IV — The Black Marsh — Nesting Grounds — The Cranes — Beaver Lake Reclaimed 118 V— Story of an Old Marsh Rat 131 FAMOUS "BOGUS ISLAND" 138 "OLD SHAFER" OF THE BLACK MARSH 154 JOHN HADDON MAKES A KILLING 179 "WHITE FOOT" VISITS HIS BIRTHPLACE 183 REMINISCENCES OF W. W. PARISH, SR 186 THE OLD LOG HOUSE 195 MEMORIES OF THE OLD HILL BRIDGE 197 THE "GOLL DUMMED" RAILROAD 201 SELLING A COON TRACK 203 UNCLE MARK ATHERTON AND THE TRAPPERS.. 205 "NIGGER DOC" 209 ix JOE BARBEE, OF INDIAN GARDEN 212 A PLAGUE OP FROGS 217 MAFFETT TELLS A "TALL ONE" 223 THE ELDERS' CLUB . . .; .227 CHARLES MAFFETT'S WOODEN STOVE ......... 233 KANKAKEE COUNTY'S FIRST SCHOOL TEACHER 238 TWO PIONEER CRONIES . . . ....... 247 AROMA TOWNSHIP'S "BEST MAN" . 251 "GOOD OLD ELDER BURR" 259 THE OLD HILL TAVERN 272 AN IMPROMPTU DOUBLE WEDDING 284 THE RIVER NAVIGATION PROJECT 294 THE CATHEDRAL OF THE PRAIRIE 304 INTRODUCTION MOMENCE OF THE OLD FRONTIER Momence is an old town — the oldest, per- haps, in north-eastern Illinois bordering on the Illinois-Indiana state-line. She has enter- ed upon the final decade which, on its com- pletion in 1934, will round out one hundred years of existence, speaking by and large. For years it was merely a river settlement without a name, a sort of rallying point for the picturesque southern pioneer hunter, the coureur de bois and voyageur, the Hoosier from the Wabash, and the hard-headed Yan- kee from Vermont, New Hampshire and New York, whom kindly fortune directed by way of shadowy, indistinct trails to the banks of the Kankakee, in their quest of "wood, water and grass." This spot where the pioneers foregathered is rich in stirring tales of the border. Momence, in her old frontier days, reflected in a marked degree those elemental traits so characteristic of border life. The term, "elemental traits," as applied to the few families who constituted the popula- tion of the. old river settlement of the Kan- kakee ninety years ago and better is relied upon to convey to the reader an idea of the 2 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN hardihood, self-reliance and independence that possessed them. In that early day there was an absence of repressive measures, no super- imposed law except that unwritten law of the border which held a man's property inviolate. A man who stole another's horse in that day knew that he risked his neck. The penalty was death — sure, swift, certain death— once he fell within the clutches of the one who had suffered the loss. The settlement and later the town, after it had emerged from this prim- itive chrysalis, was for years a reflex of this expansive, unrestricted spirit of the pioneer. Naturally, it was, betimes, an easy-going, wide-open, red-hot, go-as-you-please sort of burg with as varied and nondescript a lot of dwellers, regular and transient, as ever called for whiskey over anybody's bar, or bet their money on a hand of poker or a horse race, or settled their differences man to man with the bare fists. Momence is the one town on the river that really has a frontier history. Here, in the long ago, where the prairie trails con- verged to the fords of the Kankakee, ten or a dozen families were attracted, among them the Lacys, the VanKirks, the Hills, the Nich- ols, the Grahams, the Hayhursts, the Dickeys, AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE the Dutchers, the Buffingtons, in the main representative pioneer stock from Indiana with antecedents harking back to Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia and the Carolinas. These families settled mainly in the near vicinity of the "Upper Crossing." Nearer the settle- ment of Momence, a mile away, a stream of eastern people settled. Asher Sargeant was the first to settle there in 1834. In 1835 came his brother, Enoch and a man by the name of McKibben; in 1836 came A. S. Vail, Judge Or- son Beebe and Newell Beebe; in 1838 came Daniel Beebe, Caleb Wells and Col. Lyman Worcester; in 1839 came Walter B. Hess, A. B. Parish and Dr. Mazuzan ; in 1840 came W. W. Parish, Benjamin Lamport and James Nichols ; in 1841 came Dr. David Lynds, James M. Perry, David Perry and Philip Worcester, and others. After the lapse of three-quar- ters of a century, representatives of most of these early-day pioneer families still walk the streets of the old town and are identified with the social and business life of the community. In 1849, after the bridge had gone out for the second time, "Westport," or "Lorain," as the "Upper Crossing" was variously termed, gave up trying to be a town and gradually added her forces to the struggling backwoods 4 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN settlement of Momence. So, you see, Momence, as residuary legatee of "Lorain" and her en- virons) thus falls heir to her traditions, leg- ends and historical lore, and may reasonably lay claim to one hundred years of stirring history. The Indian was still here when Dr. Todd platted the town. Clad in his blanket, un- touched by the civilization about him, he puz- zled over the queer actions of the transit man and he who carried the chain and established a multitude of corners by driving stakes here and there. Vaguely he understood that this mysterious process was a mere preliminary to the placing of the white man's tepee. Civil- ization was knocking at the door of the red- man's domain at last. The trapper and hunter, the voyageur and coureur de bois, vigorous, hardy, pictur- esque in his wilderness attire of skins and bright tasseled cap, found a paradise in the upper reaches of the Kankakee, and a game sanctuary in the vast marsh region of near- by Indiana, which thrilled his soul with sav- age delight. The squatter and the idler rear- ed his abode of logs by the river's side where ever fancy dictated, untroubled by any thought of "meets and bounds," or prior AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE claims. In that early day the universe was his. Here he existed in luxurious idleness surrounded >by that plenty which only the wilderness bestows, and thanked God and his lucky stars (if he gave thanks at all), for a situation so charming and soul-satisfying. During the forties and the fifties, par- ticularly during the fall season and early win- ter, the hosts of freighters from the Wabash country going to Chicago and back again, made Momence their rendezvous. Mr. W. W. Parish recalls that it was no unusual thing to find as many as one hundred to two hundred teams and wagons disposed along the river at night in camps, while the men, for the most part, filled the saloons and public plac- es of the little settlement and drank and play- ed cards or engaged in conversation as the mood suited. These gatherings represented typical pioneer types. There was the man of the woods, the man of the river, the man of the prairie, every man of them a red-blood- ed individual whom stern necessity and wild- erness training had endowed with the qual- ity of looking out for himself anywhere and under any circumstances. Life, for such as these, was a constant hand-to-hand struggle with the elements and hardships an unvary- 6 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN ing item in the daily round of experiences. Such were the diverse elements that, constitu- ted, in a large measure, the frontier society of that day, and on their visits to the settle- ment they mingled and jostled and touched elbows in a neighborly, friendly way — the good, the bad, the shiftless and indifferent — in their common meeting place, the saloon or the backwoods grocery, which served quite as well as the saloon if one merely wanted a drink of liquor. The frontier grocery was the forum wherein Democracy thrived in the days when the nation was in the making. To this rather unpromising composite of frontier types thus thrown together by chance was added in numbers wholly disproportionate to the sum of Momence's population, thieves of high and low degree, counterfeiters, horse thieves and cattle rustlers, who trickled down stream from that impregnable retreat of "Bo- gus Island," situated in the great "Kanka- kee Marshes" over the line in Indiana, only fifteen miles away. Eighty years ago, it should be remembered, an organization of desperate men, known as the "Prairie Ban- ditti," operated in the Mississippi Basin. Chief- ly their efforts were devoted to stealing horses and making and circulating counterfeit AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE money. They operated from headquarters lo- cated in some naturally secluded and inaccessi- ble spot adjacent to the Mississippi river, safe from prying eyes and easily defended. Nauvoo City, of the Mormons, was a favored refuge for certain of the Prairie Banditti for years. Notorious "Dave Redden" had a "run-in" on the river below Davenport, Iowa, where the thief or murderer, hard pressed by the officers of justice, might rest secure from detection. This place was known by the suggestive title of "Devil's Run." St. Louis was a clearing house for stolen horses and there was hardly a horse thief in that day who did not handle spurious coin and pass it at every opportunity. As their operations grew other natural harbors of security were made use of, notably in the neighborhood of Terre Haute, in the Eel River country of Indiana, on the Wabash, and "Bogus Island," situated in the marsh country of Indiana some fifteen miles east of the frontier settlement of Momence. "Bogus Island," with its thousands of acres of open lake, swamp, scrub oak ridges and timber, formed the most perfect rendezvous of all. Thus it is we find Momence at the very be- ginning of her career as a backwoods settle- ment a neighbor of notorious "Bogus Island," 8 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN and 021 terms of easy familiarity with the is- land's habitues. In the course of the years certain members of the squatter and trapper element, easy of conscience and wholly bank- rupt as to morals, formed a connection with these island outlaws and served as "spotters," "tip-off men" and purveyors of news gener- ally. A few there were who developed to a point where they could "make a sight" as the location of a desirable horse was termed in outlaw parlance, and also lend valuable aid "in raising the sight," if need be. This squatter "secret service" grew in efficiency as the years went on until its ramifications, penetrating to every quarter, enmeshed the surrounding country until it seemed all but hopeless to pre- vent a theft, and next to impossible to recover property thus stolen. Naturally, force was the dominant note in the affairs of men in the days of the old frontier in and about Momence. Such has been the case in all lands and in all places be- fore society crystallized sufficiently to estab- lish law and order. When these men who knew no law let down in the strenuous life, as was often the case, and sought the socia- bility of the border grog shops and gambling dens of the little river town of Momence on AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE the Kankakee, it may well be surmised that "the lid," as we say in this day, was not mere- ly tilted to a comfortable angle, but removed entirely — thrown in the river., Come to think of it, Momence had no such thing as "a lid" until long after these frontier types had pass- ed on. Ah, but those were wild and tumultuous days and nights in the old town 'round about 1849 and for many years thereafter ! Coureurs de bois, voyageurs, Indians, trappers, hunters, gamblers, thieves, spotters — all the riff-raff of the wide, wide wilderness mingled indiscrim- inately in the public houses, all more or less sodden with whiskey. These men of the bord- er who endured much and worked hard, also played hard once the notion struck them. There were men who, after having spent days in these Bacchanlian orgies, shouldered their packs and hit the up-river trails to some lone cabin set in a bayou, were never heard from again. There were feuds in the old days and the penalty of a wrong was death! The answer to many a disappearance would have been the echo of a rifle shot — a dull splash in the river. The woods never babble of the secrets they hold and the river, undisturbed, flows on and croons of lighter things than death. Only the unfolding of the Judgment 10 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN Book will solve the mysteries of the upper river of which men talked and gossiped and speculated and then — forgot. According to the recollection of some of the older citizens Sunday was not observed at all. The saw-mill ran as usual ; men went about their vocations while horse races, box- ing bouts, foot-races and fights were common Sunday amusements. So absorbed in their own affairs and sports did this border populace become, that they actually lost track of the days of the week and were only reminded of Sunday when the up-river men, who got out timber for Momence's only industry, the saw mill, came down to town in force to spend one big, glad, riotous day in seven. All classes previously mentioned in this heterogeneous mixture of frontier types, regarded the pic- turesque log-roller with feelings of genuine awe and respect at such times as he invaded their precincts and disported in riotous abandon. Ample leeway at the bar was left for him ; the movable articles about the house which would have proved formidable in case of a rough and tumble, were shunted into the clear; the poker game retired to less conspic- uous quarters on the appearance of the first installment of visiting "lumber-jacks." Al- AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 11 together, the action was very much like when a ship battens down her hatches, trims her sails and makes everything safe and snug in the face of an approaching squall. The frontiersmen tacitly admitted by these acts of precaution that here was a case where an irresistible force was more than like- ly to come in contact with an immovable body and, to avoid the dire consequences of such a clash, they quietly ebbed to the open spaces of the great out of doors and looked on while the up-river boys took over the place and pro- ceeded to drink themselves "stone-blind." Nu- merous clashes had taken place between these irreconcilable forces of the frontier, but to no purpose. The riverman, cocky and smiling, flaunted his challenge in the face and eyes of all comers. His very presence in town was an invitation to fight. And, when he fought, he was a human wild-cat who observed no law or rule, but considered any means fair that enab- led him to vanquish his opponent. The town boys recalled only too bitterly that their champion came out of the last set- to with a thumb "chawed off," or nearly so, and with one ear elongated and drooping for all the world like that of a "pot-lickin' hound." And, supposedly, there were rules, agreed to 12 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN before hand, governing this fight, which Queensberry himself would have approved of. Decidedly they were a bad lot and not to be trusted. For years the question of supremacy was an open one with the odds laying notice- ably in the direction of "up-river." In the ver- nacular of the old town of the border at a time when polished phrase languished in the background and only vigorous, resounding superlative thrived, these rivermen were char- acterized as "an ornery, low-lived set, of the damndest, most orneriest stripe!" With this high and lofty declaration, those who were wont to makei the old town ring with the ech- oes of their noisy carousal and mad pranks during six days and nights of the week, quiet- ly relinquished their places on the seventh day and— the sad truth must be admitted — hunted their holes. They were gainers in one respect, how- ever. While the ancient Chaldeans reckon- ed their time from the stars, these old-town people reckoned theirs from the day the riv- ermen "got through raisin' hell!" That day was always Monday, but the count was often hopelessly mixed by the time next Sunday ar- rived. Do you wonder that Momence had a bad name? Do you marvel that the leaven of AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 13 good as represented by the few God-fearing families of the neighborhood took so long to permeate the mass and leaven the whole lump? Time, no less than nature, works his won- ders. The softening influence of time is eas- ily discerned in the old town of today. There is a noticeable polish, an air of dignity, an unmistakable refinement, an all-pervading prosperousness that conveys a charming sense of poise, serenity and general well being. De- cidedly the passing years have not been un- kind. But, at mention of her wild and woolly days, methinks she stirs uneasily and lifts a hand deprecatingly as if to say: "Now, for Heaven's sake, do be careful ! The past is gone ; the past is dead-— why trouble to dig it up?" Why dig it up indeed? Only that sometimes one travels far from the beaten paths of home to sense the atmosphere of old days; to glimpse the red-blood spirit of the frontier before the iron had been leached from it; to hob-knob with the shades of those erstwhile giants who, standing on the threshold of civ- ilization, acknowledged God yet feared no man. Momence, then, had all the elements that went) to make a border town. She had all the 14 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN color, action and picturesqueness so character- istic of border days when law was a myth, re- straint unknown and whose best man, picked from the varied types of the wilderness, was admitted to be he who could swear the loud- est, hit the hardest, drink the most liquor and owned the best "race hoss." By degrees we have sought to bring the reader to a realiza- tion that Momence, way, way back, in the times of the brush and the big timber, was about as tough as the toughest of them. The fact that it was tough is not a pleasing recom- mendation altogether. It should not be gath- ered from these remarks that we would glor- ify the fact unduly. No, indeed ! We are con- tent to follow in the wake of others who have served mankind by immortalizing the bold deeds of the border in song, and verse, and story. Therefore, to this end, the shades of old-time traditions, once rich and colorful that still lurk, phantom-like, on the borderland of memory — faded, shadowy, indistinct in the deepening twilight of oblivion, have been be- sought to tell their story — just this once. AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 15 "THE UPPER CROSSING ON THE KANKAKEE" "So come, good men who toil and tire, Who smoke and sip the kindly cup, Ring round about the tavern fire Ere yet you drink your liquor up; And hear my simple tales of earth, Of youth and truth and living things; Of poverty and proper mirth, Of rags and rich imaginings." — Robert W. Service. There is no spot in all eastern Illinois more redolent of memories of frontier days than that spot known as the "Metcalf Farm," situated one mile east of the present city of Momence on the Kankakee River. Here the first white settlement in Eastern Illinois took place as far back as ninety years ago, all be- cause a well defined Indian trail dipped down the north bank to the river and emerged again on the south bank, indicating to the solitary trapper with his pack or the lone pioneer traveler with his ox team that here was a safe and convenient ford. Scarcely a mile away to the southwest on the river where the city of Momence of today is located, were two other fords thirty rods apart where the lime- stone "hog-back" of the river bed lifted suffi- ciently to make transportation easy and safe. 16 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN Three ideal fording places located within a mile was something very unusual. Nature truly was prodigal with her favors in this as well as other respects. A convenient river ford in the old wilderness days was quite as important an adjunct to a locality as the rail- road afterwards became. All lines of travel north and south of the river converged to- wards this segment of the Kankakee with its three fords. Chicago was the objective of the frontiersman from the Danville country, from the region of Vincennes, Indiana, and the Wabash country of central Indiana. Dur- ing the thirties, the forties and the early fif- ties the stream of travel to and from the grow- ing metropolis of Chicago grew in volume. Mainly these travelers used the ford nearest the Indiana state-line and called it the "Up- per Crossing," thus distinguishing it from the two farther west at Momence. In March of 1831, when Cook county was organized, its southern boundary was the Kankakee River and its eastern boundary the Indiana state-line. In the year 1833 Chicago voted to incorporate as a village, and in the fall of that same year the settlement at "Up- per Crossing" was inaugurated. The first house built in what is now eastern Kankakee AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 17 county was on the farm since owned by Silas Metcalf , located on the north side of the river. It was a log house and was situated east of the present orchard. It was built by William Lacy. Lacy came from Danville, Illinois, with James VanKirk, who drove from Danville settlement to Chicago with a load of produce. The quartering of a large number of sol- diers in Chicago incident to the Black Hawk war, made provisions scarce and dear at that point and this induced VanKirk and Lacy to brave the privations and dangers of an over- land trip through the almost unknown coun- try. Both VanKirk and Lacy were deeply im- pressed with the beauty and natural advan- tages of this site on the Kankakee and, on their return, they stopped. As related, Lacy built the cabin on the Metcalf place and staid there during the winter. Mr. VanKirk started a cabin on the head of the island nearby and carried up the walls almost to the roof when he departed. He expected to return the fol- lowing year and perfect his claim but, for some reason did not do so. Lacy sold his claim a year or two later and thus failed to become a permanent resident of the settlement of which he was the founder. 18 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN During the course of the years the settle- ment at "Upper Crossing" attracted a dwel- ler now and then until by 1845, it is said, there were as many as ten or a dozen families lo- cated there whose numbers were about even- ly divided between the north and south banks of the river. During these years "Upper Crossing" was variously known as "West- port," "Hill's Ford," and later, when Dr. David Lynds was given the postoffice, as "Lorain." There is a wide difference of opinion or mem- ory as to the old settlement. By some it is contended that there was scarcely anything there besides the tavern, while others are equally positive that there were twelve to fif- teen houses on the two sides of the river. There were several stores in the early days. Elon Curtis clerked in one of them, a place kept by a man by the name of Glover. Allen Rakestraw, widely known as "Old Dime," from his closeness in financial matters, kept a dram shop. There was also a blacksmith shop. The father of Dr. M. D. Green was al- so the gunsmith. Louis Buffington kept a tailor shop. Joseph VanKirk kept a hotel on the north side of the river for a while. The old settlers of Yellowhead maintain that it was the principal trading point from about AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 19 1840 to 1848 and, in that event, it must have been quite a hamlet. The place had a bridge, built in 1842 which lasted until 1846. Another was built which went out in the spring of 1849. In 1834 Asher Sargeant built the first habitation, a double log cabin at the island ford a mile to the southwest of the "Upper Crossing" and thus unconsciously acquired fame as the original settler of the present day municipality of Momence. He was the first store keeper at this point for, in one-half of the cabin, he established a small grocery whose principal articles of trade were whiskey and tobacco. As Newell Beebe expressed it, "they were the cheap products of the country." Asher Sargeant was followed by his brother Enoch, who came in 1835 accompanied by a man by the name of McKibben. These three, then, were the original first settlers at Mo- mence, within the present city limits. The double log house erected by Asher Sargeant, as nearly as can be ascertained at this late day, stood somewhere between the old Worcester and Lane hall and the residence of P. J. Cleary, probably where the alley now te between Range and Pine streets, just north of the river. 20 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN As there were neither roads nor streets nor alleys in that day its exact location would now be difficult to determine. There seems to have been a question in the minds of the old- er settlers as to the year Asher Sargeant built his cabin on the Kankakee. John Smith, of Sherburnville, says that he came to this region with his parents in October, 1835, cross- ing the river at the present site of Momence. They stopped with Asher Sargeant who was living in the house at that time. He thinks 1834 is the probable date of its erection. Asher Sargeant also built a saw-mill near- by. Some think the saw-mill was the first building put up. It is quite certain, however, that the saw-mill was not built until 1837 or 1838. Mr. Smith says the saw-mill was not there at the time of his arrival. William Par- ish says that the Sargeant house had "pun- cheon" or hewed floors, which would not have been the case had Sargeant built the mill first. Mr. Parish had a lively recollection of attending a dance at the Sargeant home and of getting splinters in his bare feet from the floor while dancing. The cotillion was halted while William sat down and extracted them. Several deep seated slivers required the serv- AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 21 ices of his lady to successfully extract, where- upon the dance was resumed. About 1838, Asher Sargeant erected as a matter of fact, the first mill for grinding corn in this part of the country. This mill was built on the farm now owned by John H. Nichols, one and a half miles northeast of Momence, on Trim Creek. The site was about a half mile east of Hubbard's trail, and a mile north of Hill's Tavern and the location of the first postoffice, Lorain. A dam was built across the creek to hold water for power, and a canal was dug about 80 rods from a bend in the creek to the mill. This canal is plainly to be seen today. Also some of the timbers of the old dam such as mud-sills are embedded in the bottom of the creek and are in a good state of preservation. The mill was abandoned about the time the mill was erected in Mo- mence in 1843, on account of lack of power. The grinding buhrs were cast aside and laid near the road for years, finally being sold and taken to Lowell, Indiana, where they were used in a mill for years. The second house to be built in Momence was also a log structure but the name of the builder is lost to us. Matt Anderson and Isaac 22 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN Gray lived in it, however, while they were em- ployed at the saw-mill. In 1836 A. S. Vail and Orson Beebe, who came to the Beebe Grove settle- ment near Crete, Illinois, in 1835, moved on to the Kankakee. As they surmount- ed the hill north Oliver Beebe sat in this Chair and of Momence Mr. Drove his Team from Vermont to the u •] pnT .o n f llT .pH Kankakee. He was an Uncle of Judge v ail > enraptured Orson Beebe. The Board in the Cen- by the marvel- ter is what is Known as a "Shake." « Judge Orson Beebe Placed it There OUS panorama 01 to Rest his Head on When he Slept. rJoincj onrl xxmnAo There is a Tradition That Governor Plains ana WOOdS Skinner, of Vermont, Once Owned it. through which It is naw in the Possession of Miss fhprivprtnnVit? Lucy Day, of Redlands, California. ine nver ™0K l^S leisurely, wind- ing way, exclaimed: "Here is where I stay!" There was the ring of prophesy in his words. He lived to see the wilderness of that day give AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 23 way to beautiful homes and growing crops. A kindly providence vouchsafed to him the rare privilege of living to be a centenarian— almost. To him, by natural selection, per- haps, fell the honor of being the town's histor- ian and arbiter of moot questions of names and dates and facts involving the settlers thereabouts. How rare a quality is that which remembers when most of the world forgets! His rare memory supplied the newspaper man with many a story of old days now and then. The high school student of later days sought him out and chronicled in an essay or school paper some interesting experience of wilder- ness days. At public gatherings, when the pioneers came together, "Uncle Sid" was the moving spirit, the recognized leader in re- counting those interesting experiences with which the lives of the pioneers were filled. Save for a chance newspaper article that has survived, a high school year book, found now and then, with data of the past preserv- ed therein, the memory of the older citizens who enjoyed the rare privilege of listening to "Uncle Sid" Vail constitutes the only source of information in this day. Oh, that some early-day scribe with note-book and pencil had shadowed "Uncle Sid" and recorded his utter- 24 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN ances with the same persistent fidelity with which Boswell pursued Dr. Johnson. The third house built in Momence was on the south side of the river and was put up by A. S. Vail and Judge Orson Beebe. It was located a few rods west of where the Chi- cago & Eastern Illinois railroad bridge now is, not far from the South channel of the river. It was a double log? cabin of goodly di- mensions and, on its completion, the builders engaged in the tavern business. Theirs was the first regularly established tavern in Mo- mence. Mr. Vail and Mr. Beebe bought the land on which the business section of Momence stands today for $220 in gold. They held pos- session of this tract for eight years and then lost it by a "float." The peculiar designation of "float" was applied to certain awards of land to members of the Prairie Band of the Pottawattomi under the treaty of 1833, where- by they ceded their lands generally to the United States. Those Indians to whom a land award was made by the government, had the privilege of making their selection wherever they chose after the survey of these lands had been completed, provided, of course, that the land thus chosen had not been previously AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 25 entered. This privilege was what was term- ed "a float title." The claim purchased by Mr. Vail and Mr. Beebe had been guaranteed to be free from "floats," but it was afterwards ascertained that an Indian "float" had been located on the land. In consequence of this they lost their claims and the only benefit they derived from eight years' occupation of the land was the use of it and the house which stood upon it. The first frame house built within the present limits of Momence was by Chauncey Chipman, probably about the year 1841 or 1842. As nearly as can be ascertained now it was erected on the east side of Range street, not far from Second, probably on the lot own- ed by N. Cantway, north of the old Knighthart livery stable. In the opinion of Newell Beebe it was the fourth house to be built within the present limits. It was built before Dr. Todd platted the town of Momence. L. D. Edwards, who came here in 1843, says that the house was standing then and is the same house that now stands on the lot. This, then, is the old- est house in Momence, the prior log struct- ures having long since disappeared. Messrs. Vail and Beebe did a good busi- ness with their tavern notwithstanding only a 26 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN mile away at the "Upper Crossing/' the fam- ous Boniface, Robert Hill, held forth at "Hill's Tavern." Prior to 1833 and up until the late sixties these fords were made use of by the settlers in. Eastern Illinois south of the river and those of south-western Indiana who haul- ed their produce to Chicago. Year by year this travel was augmented by thousands of immi- grants moving into the west. Mr. Parish says that he has beheld more than a hundred wag- on outfits camped on the river at Momence in a single evening. It was a delightful spot in the old days and, apparently, caught the fancy of all who came that way. About 1845 a good deal of travel from central western Indiana began to be diverted from the "Upper Crossing" to Momence by way of still another ford on the Kankakee, that known as "The Day Ford," situated a mile or two north-east of the village of Aroma Park. Principally these were frontier farm- ers from Indiana hauling their produce to Chicago who found they were thus enabled to avoid many miles of heavy, sandy road, by cutting across the Chicago-Vincennes Road to this ford where they crossed the Kankakee and followed the trail around to Momence. In AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 27 the course of the years many hundreds of teams came by this route. Luther Gleason tells an interesting story of the days when he was a little boy living on the prairie farm that fronted the river in the segment between Aroma Park and East Court Street bridge, not far from the "Day Ford/' Many Indiana farmers used to cross here on their way to Chicago with loads of apples. It was along in 1848 during the Zachary Taylor campaign, and the older members of the family used to put him up to hurrah for Taylor at such times as the apple wagons passed by. The result was that Tay- lor being very popular as a presidential can- didate among the Indianaians, they would in- variably throw out a liberal quantity of apples as they passed in evidence of friendly appre- ciation. Mr. Gleason says that one day a lone apple wagon came by and, after he had duly hurrahed for Taylor, the driver of the team stopped suddenly and asked: "what for?" And the boy, somewhat abashed and confused at the unexpected query, replied truthfully but haltingly, "For Apples." "Upper Crossing," be it known, was fa- mous in a way long before William Lacy and James VanKirk settled there in 1833. The 28 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN "Crossing," so far as the white man's activi- ties are concerned, dates back into the gray shadows of the past for more than a century. If Momence citizens were disposed to take ad- vantage of the opportunity thus presented to stress the historical importance of the place as well as that of deserted "Upper Crossing" at the Metcalf farm, they could give us an historical pageant that would be well worth anyone's time to witness. That "Iron Man" of the frontier, Gurdon S. Hubbard, together with Noel LeVasseur, Dominique Bray, Victor Porthier, Jacques Jombeaux, Antoine Bourbonnais and others inaugurated the "Hubbard Trace" between the little trading post of "Bunkum," on the Iroquois river, and South Water Street, which is only another name for Chicago of the fron- tier. This was done in the year 1824, more than one hundred years ago, nine years be- fore the settlement at "the Crossing" in 1833. The "Hubbard Trace" made use of this cross- ing. It was a day when the Indian villages of the Pottawattomi, hunters, trappers and traders with their strings of pack-horses, coureurs du bois and an occasional voyageur clad in the picturesque attire of the border, AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 29 crossed and recrossed the Kankakee at this ford. This famous trail, first blazed by Gurd- on S. Hubbard from Chicago one hundred and fifty miles south-east of Danville, was later used in part when the Illinois State Assembly authorized the Chicago-Vincennes Road to be located in 1833-4. That part of the road north from Danville to Chicago was followed by the commissioners with but little variation, for the line was direct and followed the high ground. The Assembly ordered this road to be marked, at intervals of one mile with num- bered milestones, beginning at Vincennes. Probably the only stone now extant between Danville and Chicago is that which now stands in front of the John Nichols home two miles north of "Upper Crossing." It is the 179th milestone. It is in a good state of preserva- tion and has been guarded with jealous care by the Nichols family for many years. For years this stone stood in the field and was subsequently removed to the roadside, a few rods to the west. This "Trace" instituted by Hubbard in 1824 furnished a much more direct and con- venient method of communication between the posts of the fur country and headquarters at 30 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN AN ANCIENT MILE-STONE About the only Remaining Stone Which Marked the Chicago- Vincennes Trail in 1834. It is Stone 179, and Stands Opposite the Home of Mrs. Malinda Nichols, North- east of Momence. AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 31 Chicago. By means of the pack-horse the season's furs were easily transported, where- as before, the pack had been freighted out by means of boats. Traversing the Iroquois and the Kankakee to the DesPlaines was not so bad, generally, but in times of low water in the DesPlaines and "Mud Lake," the men were often obliged to work all day in water up to their waists. Transporting supplies to and from the interior by this primitive means was an exhausting, heart-breaking experience at best. From 1824 as long as Hubbard oper- ated in the country, every pelt from the Iro- quois and the Kankakee and the nearby In- diana marshes, went into Chicago on the back of a pack-horse. In the winter of 1830-31, a winter remem- bered among the pioneers for its heavy snow and intense cold, Hubbard undertook to drive a bunch of hogs which he had picked up along the trail from Danville to old "Bunkum," to Chicago. There was snow on the ground to the depth of seven inches when he started. It took him several days to reach the "Upper Crossing on the Kankakee with his herd. He pitched his camp on the south bank in a hol- low that afforded some protection from the wind. The snow was slushy and a fine rain 32 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN had set in as the men turned in for the night, During the night it turned colder and, on awakening in the morning the men found their clothing frozen fast to the ground so that they extricated themselves with difficul- ty. It was very cold and snowing heavily, so the hogs were rounded up in the deep snow in the hollow where the men had bivouaced and left to shift for themselves. Hubbard crossed the river and went in search of Chief Yellowhead's camp up at the present Yellowhead Point, which he was suc- cessful in finding in spite of the storm which raged furiously. Here also he found his old friend, the half-breed, Billy Caldwell, a bro- ther-in-law of Yellowhead, who had his tepee pitched close by. Hubbard was welcomed by Caldwell with true aboriginal hospitality, and during the two days that the storm raged he remained, meanwhile drinking prodigious quantities of tea brewed by Caldwell's squaw. When the drive with the hogs was again resumed the snow was two feet deep on a level, and in some places had drifted over the trail to a depth of five or six feet. The wag- ons that carried the feed for the animals broke out a partial trail but the drifts had to-be shoveled out. Naturally progress was slow. AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 33 Hubbard said that it took Thirty Days to go from the Kankakee river to Chicago with that drove of hogs, such being the difficulties en- countered on the way. He slaughtered such as remained of the herd on his arrival in Chi- cago and disposed of the carcasses. On the return trip it took ten days to come as far as the "Upper Crossing" on the Kankakee. The ice and drifts and the cold were so great as to thus impede the progress of empty wagons. Again they were obliged to shovel their way through great drifts to en- able the wagons to pass. It was a bitter night when the Kankakee was reached. The river was high and filled with floating ice. The great box of the Pennsylvania wagon was re- moved and its openings chinked with snow over which water was poured which froze instantly and made it water tight. Harness, blankets and utensils were loaded into this improvised boat and, with the men, were safe- ly transferred to the opposite bank. But the horses had to swim for it. Altogether, the time consumed for that round trip from "Bunkum" post on the Iroquois to Chicago and back, a distance of about one hundred and fifty miles, was near fifty days. While that constitutes pretty nearly a record for time 34 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN consumed in making a short trip, the out- standing feature is the spirit of hardihood on the part of those who persevered and by sheer endurance and grit triumphed finally over the elements. The hogs that made up this drove of Hub- bard's in 1830 were not comparable to those marketed in this day. As a pioneer expressed it, those old-time hogs were range hogs and used to hustling for a living. They were large in body, with long legs and seldom or never fat. Apparently they were built for speed and endurance, and at that not all of the herd with which Hubbard started for Chi- cago, survived the hardships of the trip. Ne- cessity was the spur by which our pioneer fathers were urged to attempt the unusual. Hardship and personal discomfort and suf- fering did not particularly matter IF THE THING COULD BE DONE. That piece of road which leads from the river bank on the north side passing the Met- calf home and continuing north for thirty or forty rods to the Buntain corner, is actual Hubbard Trail, in the main. It is historic ground. For most people the imagination fails in its efforts to picture the strange frontier types that thronged it in the early twenties AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 35 and thirties. For the most part the enormous import of that slow moving panorama in which is pictured the ox teams and covered wagons of the forties and fifties, is lost to us today. But the fact remains that the "Up- per Crossing/' deserted though it is in this day and devoid of even the semblance of a set- tlement, was the gateway through which those builders of the great middle west thronged. 36 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN THE NAMING OF MOMENCE As a matter of fact Momence was nam- ed eighty-one years ago, ten years after Asher Sargeant drifted in over the lower ford and reared the first white man's habitation with- in the present city limits. This spot which was destined to become Momence, although attracting a settler now and then, had no name at all from 1834 up until 1841 or 1842. In one or the other of those years A. S. Vail re- ceived the appointment as postmaster and, as a name for the office then became an abso- lute necessity, he christened the office "Lor- ain," in honor of his sister-in-law, Miss Lorain Beebe, sister of Judge Orson Beebe and New- ell Beebe. This first postoffice of Lorain was kept in a small building which Mr. Vail also used as a residence, located west of the pre- sent Paradis wagon shops not far from the river between Front Street and River Street. The ford at the Metcalf farm a mile east was much more fortunate in the matter of distinguishing titles. Originally it was known as the "Upper Crossing," "Hill's Ford," "West- port" and later as "Lorain" when congress- man "Long John" Wentworth, on discovering that Mr. Vail was a Whig, searched out the AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 37 only democrat in the community capable of conducting the office, Dr. David Lynds, and made him postmaster. Dr. Lynds lived in the near vicinity of the "Upper Crossing/' some- where near to where the Tiffany Brick Works are today, and, after his appointment he mov- ed the office to his home. The name "Lorain" could not be improved upon in the opinion of the Doctor, for he had become the husband of Miss Lorain Beebe in the meantime. So, for- saking all other titles by which the settlement at the "Upper Crossing" had been known since 1833, it gladly blossomed out as "Lorain," and by that name it is known unto this day by the older inhabitants. The incipient settlement only a mile away, first known as "Lorain," thus robbed of its importance, waited in name- less obscurity for that great event — a real birth as an industrial community which took place in 1844. Regarding the name "Momence," there has been a notable conflict of opinion regard- ing its origin among the elders of the com- munity. It is strange how the important de- tails of this backwoods christening failed to register in the memory of that day. Hiram W. Beckwith, of Danville, who is well known for his writings of the early history of the 38 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN I MPORTANT TO TOTERHlllfeS. FOR SALE, 8.000 ACHES OP LAND, all xndiah reservation BY TBS -POTAWATAMXE TREATY OF 183X 3200 Aoxes wore located, by treaty, on the ?Jcjth llnuk of «ln- K«nknkrc llivrr, nl thr inont). of Itork Creek, in WW Comity, illi- noi-, for SlmivHuni.t-.i-.-. .. Pnliiwnlnmi.- fhirf. (.. l.i— former residence .mil Villosc Bod»lhn,ttlnrlv known •« the Ift.rk Vllhtire, or 8h«wwiii.iu>»cc Hccr- ration. It is situated tcii miles nbovo Wilmington, « llouri.hini: Villuife on the Kanknk.c. wherAii IV.-.l.r mu.t hr lake, lor llir Mi. hiuaii un.l JUinuis Cunul. through which hoi- unit p»«s from the t'l.nal to ibis place, i This trncl hi»V never fnllid to elicit the i*dnt(rution or nirtlwlMM-lhaJ""*' of some) who hare vi-iic.l tin. eounlo It* .ilu.ttion w . l.-v.u, ,1. . r mid Crock wbiefcYlin* through it Thr noil U iiiiaurp2--c4 iu fertility by unj th<- l.rci o ^bmntain nnd the Mississippi Itircff It .mhriirr. iil.out I WO Acre, of Timber ;• plenty of Lime- stone, of super!*/ ninility for bull. liny, and is well »ntrr.-)supulied with limber, and tn*»t of th«a> .with iiiruiiiiiMil nuter. \ IbiitliiiS prnntu The oth«-r lands were 1833, with curl-, au.l upprtned In th .in- adjoining th. It... k lillug ■ rilie Iroimoi* ILirr. urn" ' i»:.„_ ..i t:n..,A.:ijT: V .. f-SOUlholl from Viiiernm-N'oiilTthc lower W mfr«stietfHn-ye*?nlW_i;iiri.irt. "II A ll.ini un.l SnwvWuVlo irrrtrd erection for three) run of -ton. -.nil thin poinpupwanl-i, the lliter tins no ol. -icuinboiits, for,r>Onr !)0 mil.--, to nitliii Here ulso is a beautiful hi-*-' Xllh phuticully The Place for u ,nw proprietors hn\e re lu.liuu Itcscrv selected in at. Three half IV, -iil.-nt in IVhriinrj let. *J5()(> n.r.'-. ill lltld.nciir the nmutti lie In in I ortlu- IC.ipi.N^f tboKanknfarr vbrn- the Mule Itou.lj-ru— r» the Itiver mutrt Iu « lii.oo.i. .1 P thi SisbM-ribcr, who will be plenvi d to unswer uiiv Coni|iuiiieutions on ||:« «ubj-5- '*.J| TRAPPER DAN PARMLEE A Familiar Early-Day Character About Momence who had his Abode at "The Garden of Eden," Up-river Between Momence and the Indiana State-line. AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 49 THE PASSING OF " OLD TRAPPER DAN" Better than sixty years ago, the Kanka- kee river from Momence eastward to the state-line was a paradise for the trapper who sought fine furs. It was more than a paradise for the fisherman — it was Heaven, that's all ! It was a favored spot for that unique charac- ter of the frontier, the restless, roving coureur de bois who, charmed by the plentitude of nature's charms in this particular section, stayed on and on until the tradition of the rover had given way completely to that of the peaceful, contented, easy-going habitant. In this early day, before the natural beauty of the river had been defaced or dis- torted by the so-called "improvements of growing civilization," there appeared one day an old campaigner, black with the grime of the wilderness and with but little of this world's goods, who, in his summing up of the beauty of the situation unconsciously paid tri- bute to omnipotence when he said : "God only made one country like this, and he made it for me!" This is no idle, extravagant statement, in proof of which we cite the fact that here, years ago, that staunch old pioneer Dan Parm- lee, located "The Garden of Eden," after hav- 50 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN ing traversed many countries and many climes. Poor, old, eccentric Dan ! He was not so far off in the naming the place at that. And how he loved it ! His castle was a rude hut but a castle none the less. A narrow "draw" which ran from the river inland for a dis- tance of one hundred feet or more enabled him to bring his canoe right up to the door of a log store-house in which he stored his furs. And here, at times when he felt the symptoms of those peculiar "loco" spells, with which he was later in life beset, he shut him- self in with the furs for a week at a time, a voluntary prisoner on his own domain. In time, trouble came to Dan, trouble not of his own making. But whether you make your own trouble or have it made for you it is trouble just the same. "The Garden of Eden" was mortgaged. It was a new phase of life for Dan whose independent nature re- belled at paying interest, to say nothing of the principal. In the course of the years, this man who refused to take civilization serious- ly, was haunted by the spectre of a bailiff with foreclosure papers. The bailiff, in turn, was haunted by the vision of old "Dan" him- self armed with that long-range rifle of his AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 51 which was never known to miss a target at one hundred yards. There was an uncomprom- ising air about this tall, lean, gaunt backwoods figure, a set expression about the chin and the lower jaw, a peculiar hardness of the pale blue eyes by which one knew instinctively that all overtures for mercy (especially on the part of a bailiff) would prove fruitless and unavail- ing. In the end, the vision of the man with the rifle and the high-set chin prevailed. Event- ually Dan did what he said he was going to do, sometime — "die there by God!" At his passing the tidings of the old man's death were first brought to Momence by one of his own kith and kin who, sauntering into the old stone saloon on Range street, responded first to an invitation from the boys to take a drink, after which he startled the company by the sententious query: "Didyuh hear the news?" They had not, of course. "The old man's dead," he announced with all the assurance of one who gives important news first. "Why, the devil you say," exclaimed one of the crowd. "Yes I do," he ejaculated, "he's deader 'en hell — died last night; if you don't believe me ask Melby ; been diggin' a grave up t' Sher- 52 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN burnville. Funeral 's goin' to be this after- noon." Although it was in the dead of winter and exceedingly cold, the boys of the old frontier town proved themselves loyal to the memory of the old trapper and turned out in force. It was a cold, dreary drive over frozen roads that were rough and bumpy, first to the "Gar- den of Eden," where the remains of Old Dan were loaded onto a wagon, and thence to the cemetery at Sherburnville. On arriving at the cemetery a single glance at the undis- turbed snow clad surface disclosed the fact that no grave had, as yet, been dug. After a short deliberation it was decided to dig one then and there. Men cleared with their feet a space in the snow and then gathered timber from the nearby woods and made a roaring fire. This was made necessary from the fact that the ground was frozen to a depth of two and a half to three feet, and was as hard as steel. So, the wood was piled on, and while the process of thawing out the ground was go- ing on, the friends of Old Dan gathered close and absorbed the genial heat and thawed out also, and when their chattering teeth had been stilled sufficiently to admit of coherent AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 53 speech, the things they said about the man who had fallen down in the funeral arrange- ments were hardly fit for a respectable bar- room, to say nothing of a solemn occasion such as a funeral. The work of thawing out the ground and digging the grave consumed much time, dur- ing which the members of the funeral party worked in shifts, carrying wood for the fire or taking a hand at the spade. The grave was finished at last, not a grave of regulation depth, but sufficient under the circumstances, so the crowd thought, and the remains of the old trapper were deposited therein. The com- mitment of "dust to dust" is always a solemn act whether the body goes shriven or unshriv- en into eternal rest, and a hush fell upon the little group huddled about the yawning grave. After a pause, they looked one to another, awkwardly, inquiringly, not knowing just what was expected of them in the emergency, and then, one by one they removed their hats as if by a common impulse and for a moment bared their heads to the chilling blast, while the winter winds intoned a requiem in the tops of the nearby woods. 54 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN "UNCLE BILLY" NICHOLS COLLECTS FOR A HAM Grandfather William Nichols, known throughout the community of Momence as "Uncle Billy/' was a square-toed, upstanding individual whose reputation for truth, verac- ity and square-dealing was proverbial He was a powerful man physically, standing six feet four in his stocking feet, of the lean, ran- gy type, and, notwithstanding his genial^ ur- bane manner, was a dangerous individual to try and "run a sandy on," as they sometimes used to do in the old days of the frontier. John- nie Marshall, who used to run a saloon on the west side of Range street, three or four doors south of the corner, bought a ham from "Uncle Billy" one day, a regular honest4o- goodness old fashioned, sugar-cured smoke- house ham such as everybody used to have in the days before they ever dreamed of paint- ing them with "liquid smoke." The ham was duly delivered and in the course of a week or two "Uncle Billy" dropped into Marshall's place to collect for it. Marshall's place was a one-story frame building something over fifty feet in length which stood, in the opinion of many of the AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 55 older citizens, about where the Parish bank is today. The Marshall saloon was a popular place in its day. The distinguishing feature of the building was its floor. That floor con- veyed to the casual visitor a sense of primi- tive antiquity as nothing else could. This floor was laid with elegant black walnut slabs twelve feet in length, three inches thick and from eighteen to twenty-four inches in width ! Can you imagine it? These black walnut slabs were the product of the local saw-mill in a day when virgin timber was drawn upon without stint. In the early days white oak lumber was more highly esteemed than walnut and who knows but that the saw-mill man may have congratulated himself on "putting over" something clever when he unloaded this bunch of walnut for Johnnie Marshall's floor instead of good, white oak plank. That wal- nut floor alone, in this day, would represent a small fortune. The place was chiefly famous as possessing the only pigeon-hole table in the Eastern Illinois of that day. Marshall was standing behind the bar when "Uncle Billy" happened in. Evidently something had gone wrong with him that day for, when "Uncle Billy" mentioned that he had come to collect for the ham, Marshall flar- 56 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN ed up and exclaimed : "Say, old man, that was the rottenest ham I ever had in my life. You don't think I am going to pay for it, do you?" Instead of argument there was action on the part of "Uncle Billy." His long right arm swung like a mill-sweep over that bar and his hand gathered in its capacious grasp coat, vest shirt, nether garment and everything in the region of the small of the back with the grip of a Cyclops. An upward heave of the arm and along came Johnnie Marshall head first over his own bar, only to be dropped face down- ward in a heap on the floor. With his foot "Uncle Billy rolled him over on his back and, looking down upon the recumbent figure with a calm, unruffled air, he remarked: "So, the ham was spiled, was it, Johnnie? Couldn't use it at all, I suppose?" "Well, n-n-no, it wasn't exactly spiled, "Uncle Billy," replied the humbled Johnnie; and, and, uh, come to think on it, we used it all and it was pretty tolerable good." Johnny had risen to a sitting posture by this time and was further aided by Uncle Billy, who got him by the coat collar and lifted him to his feet. Still retaining his hold on the coat collar he re- marked: "That 'ere ham was about as good a ham as you ever had, wasn't it, Johnnie?" AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 57 "Yes," acknowledged Johnnie, "that 'ere was a good ham; as near as I kin recollect, that was as good a ham as I ever had !" And with this acknowledgement of the excellence of the goods, Uncle Billy released his hold while Johnnie Marshall circled the end of the bar and extracted from the till one dollar and fif- ty cents, coin of the realm, which was the proper tariff on a fifteen-pound ham of that day at ten cents per pound, and handed it over with profuse apologies for his action. Uncle Billy grimly pocketed the money and made straight for the door, and Johnnie Marshall, still rattled and flustered at the rapidity with which the events we have narrated took place, forgot to say good-by to the retreating figure, or ask him to come again. 58 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN "THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT" Let us say at the outset that we are not trespassing on the domain of the ancient, well loved nursery tales for a story. The title, however, is peculiarly applicable, since the early-day pioneers of Yellowhead so desig- nated the habitation of a lone Pottawattomie Indian who made his home there for years. Mr. William Stratton recalls that many years ago up in Yellowhead township, a single strag- gler of the once numerous band of the Pot- tawattomi of the Prairie and the Kankakee who had formerly occupied that section, made his home on an eighty-acre "float." He was known as "Jack-Built," for short, and his place was about a mile and a half south of the Perry Stratton place, or "Yellowhead Point" where old chief Yellowhead formerly had his village. Here he struggled manfully, though un- successfully, to adapt himself to the ways of the white man. Here he labored industrious- ly for a time and cleared a little circular spot in the timber whereupon to raise his corn and pumpkins. Here, also, he reared a pitiful lit- tle shack whose lines followed more nearly the peculiar design of the aboriginal "tepee," AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 59 even though he had at first fondly hoped to follow that of his white brother. A notable achievement of Jack's was when he planted an apple tree within the clearing in the woods. Someone, somewhere, gave him an apple tree one day and he planted it according to direc- tions. It laid hold of the soil with its roots and grew and thrived, to Jack's great delight. Such was the response of this tree to the scant effort Jack extended that, in the course of the years it bore bountifully of an indiffer- ent sort of fruit. But, to Jack, this tree of the white man's was "great Medicine." When asked why he did not plant more apple trees, Indian Jack replied stolidly, "One tree make heap plenty." And the terse reply suggests one important deduction, viz: when you have enough, why worry about more. That peculiar phase of Indian philosophy which regards only to- day, and takes no thought of the morrow, was noticeable in all the varied activities by which Indian Jack sought to emulate the white man. There were days in the spring and early sum- mer when his corn patch would have profited immensely had he gone into it with a hoe. The pumpkins and melons did not prosper for the same reason. When it rained, one could not 60 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN be expected to do these things very well, and on those days when the sun shone high in the heavens there was the call of magnificent woodland aisles, flecked with leafy shade and sunshine, where the Great Spirit of the an- cient Pottawattomi lurked and sang the old, old songs that grip one so, and beckoned, beck- oned enticingly that one lone red child to throw off the self-imposed shackles of the white man and be free. Little wonder, then, that instead of tending corn he set primitive snares for the wily mink on the edge of dark pools; likewise in the runways of the musk- rat. He stalked the paths of the forest and was rewarded now and then when his ready arrow brought down a deer that still lingered in its home in the hazel copses, or a wild goose or mallard that sought the nearby water. In the "moon of bright nights," which, in the Indian calendar is the month of April, it was then the breath of Shawandasee, "the South Wind," fell upon the woodland warm and languorous ; when wild flowers opened al- most over-night; when buds swelled and the sweet sap of the maple oozed from the bruis- ed spots on their rugged trunks. And Indian Jack, sensing this quickening tide in the realm of nature sat outside his shack while the night AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 61 enfolded him, and calmly and complacently he smoked, smoked the tobacco of the white man mixed with "songshasha," or dried bark of the red willow, and watched the stars and the moon and the drift of the night flights of the wild geese northward that appeared first as a small cloud and then vanished on the hor- izon like wisps of mist. As he sat thus, there were thoughts doubtless of the hordes of pick- erel and sturgeon that, even then, were mov- ing upstream in quest of the shallow waters of the upper swamps. The whole realm of nature was astir with its latent life and at such times Indian Jack was conscious of a feel- ing of peace and deep content which most surely boded ill for the crops of his little clear- ing in the timber. To the Indian mind the feast of good things was being spread. The season of plenty with ease was on. That charm which Indian Jack found so all-engross- ing in a time like this, is, perhaps, best ex- pressed in a bit of vagrant verse — "In the April moonlight, Or when frost is white Upon the hill, We'll hunt and We'll rest When it pleases us best Whenever we will." 62 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN Indian Jack was known to be friendly though taciturn, and frequently the boys of the neighborhood would turn out and visit him at his shack and vainly endeavor to en- gage him in conversation. An occasional "ugh," and a shrug was about as far as they ever got with him in the discussion of the af- fairs of the frontier. He made it clear, how- ever, that he enjoyed hearing their conver- sation. By the older settlers of the neigh- borhood Jack's place was known as the "House That Jack Built." This title in time proved too unwieldly and the term "Jack Built" was substituted and meant Indian Jack or Jack's place as the case might be. For many years "Jack Built" continued to occupy his shack in the little clearing but, as the coun- try settled up, the game grew scarcer and his interest in the little cleared patch waned al- most to the point of complete extinction. If it had not been that his pioneer friends were good to him, he would have most surely suffered from hunger. There came a day at last when Jack was missed from the environs of "The House That Jack Built." Why he left after all these years of endeavor no one ever knew, for Indian Jack kept his own counsel and rarely if ever confided his plans and pur- AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE poses to anyone. Quietly he found a buyer for his "float." Quietly he gathered together those few things necessary to an Indian when he takes "the long trail," after which he turn- ed his back on "The House That Jack Built," whether with regret or not we may not say, but guiding his pony into the trail that lays towards the setting sun, he followed his peo- ple. The pioneer settlers in the town of Yel- lowhead, those who knew Indian Jack best, diagnosed the case as that of "Homesick In- dian," and nothing more. 64 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN HOSS-RACING DAYS IN OLD MOMENCE In the old days on the Kankakee river there wasn't a sport, a game — anything in the way of fun — that could not be found at the pioneer settlement of old Momence. Talk about your "wide-open towns" — right here is where that popular term was "coined." Many of your so-called "wide-open" towns of today are merely cheap and tawdry imitations such as would pall on the spirit of a real, dyed-in- the-wool Momence resident of sixty years ago, and give him a pain and a feeling akin to nau- sea. The reader should take care to remem- ber that Momence was one of the earliest settlements on the river in Eastern Illinois. Her history harks back to the early thirties — a good ways back when one ponders on it. The Indian was here for, at that time, he had just consented to yield his domain to the "Great White Father" and, in consequence had a three-year margin under the treaty to stay or go as he chose. Apparently, he chose to stay. Mingled with these aborigines were white hunters and trappers, Frenchmen main- ly, in that early day, with now and then one from down on the Wabash, in Indiana. These men who have given substance to the nation's AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 65 history invested it also with an indiscribable charm and color. These early-day men of the buckskin shirt and coon-skin cap, stood straight, talked straight, shot straight and, above all other things, took their whiskey straight. Although it is generally conceded that there is nothing to be said in favor of whis- key on the whole, there is one thing to be said in favor of this old-time whiskey of the fron- tier, and that is, while it sometimes left its pa- tron with a large-sized headache, it did not make him crazy altogether, as does the doubt- ful product of today. Among the pastimes that found favor in the eyes of this pictures- que assemblage of frontier types, were the American game of poker, boxing, wrestling, foot racing and the like varied now and then by an honest-to-goodness fight. During the fifties and the sixties, with the coming of the settlers, horse-racing fbecame the dominant sport, and few there were within the imme- diate environs of Momence who did not pos- sess a quarter or half-mile horse. Many of these horses in the vernacular of the frontier were rated as "right likely critters." Every Saturday there was a gathering of the clans at Momence to witness some special racing 66 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN event. Following this main event, generally, would occur anywhere from ten to a dozen races matched on the spur of the moment be- tween the owners of quarter and half-mile horses, who, cheered by the sport, and keyed to the point of optimism by generous drinks of whiskey, backed their favorites with all their worldly goods. Oh, there was nothing niggardly, no note of caution in the support these old-time boys gave to the "hoss" of their choice. In that day of the late sixties, here and there a settler indulged in the luxury of a spring-seat for his lumber wagon. The spring- seat was viewed with envious eyes by those whose limited fortunes made it not only advis- able but necessary to ride the "puncheon" board laid across the wagon-box. There was a lure to the spring-seat and, when the betting became brisk and spirited, a spring-seat serv- ed admirably as a final resource when the owner thereof had become reduced in ready funds. Many a spring-seat changed hands in those days on the result of a race. In con- sequence of this sporting proclivity on the part of early-day Momence citizens, the place was known far and wide by members of the sporting fraternity generally. For some years AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 67 a gambler from the outside by the name of Manahan, made regular visits here. His spec- ialty was poker. Manahan was a squat, thick- set individual with a benign and ingratiating personalty. He wore invariably brown denim trousers, the legs of which were thrust non- chalantly into the tops of brown Morocco leather boots, a la pioneer. For many years he successfully clipped dividends from the bank rolls of unsuspecting pilgrims after the manner of his kind. One day, it may have been round about 1870, a rather seedy looking outfit consist- ing of a team hitched to a light wagon, drove into Momence from, the south and stopped be- fore the old stone saloon that adjoined the Central House. Hitched to the rear of the wagon was a little bay mare. The man in charge — well, there was nothing extraordin- ary about him except that he was of a some- what nervous temperament and had exceed- ingly sharp, gray eyes, deep set and obscured by heavy, bushy eyebrows. He made his way into the bar and called for whiskey in rather an ostentatious manner. He not only called for one but several whiskies within the space of a few minutes, during which he made it known by way of a general statement to that 68 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN effect, that he had a "hoss" that could do a quarter-mile so neatly and handily that he made most of his competitors look like they were anchored to the ground. Of course, the crowd was interested on the instant, and of course, there were those who recalled that citizen Jake Hess owned what was conceded to be, the best quarter- "hoss" in all the country round about. Amid a good deal of stir and excitement, Hess was sent for, and, on his arrival, the crowd and the stranger moved out to where the team was standing and there, in the harness, stood a little roan horse with harness marks deeply cut into the hair of neck and shoulders and sides. This animal, the stranger stoutly af- firmed, could beat anything they had in a quarter-mile go, at least he had $250 that said so. Hess hurriedly took in the animal with his practiced eye, and then as hurriedly match- ed the stranger for $250 a side. There was a perfect hubbub of excitement as the crowd moved on to the west side of town to that main east and west road which, for years had served as a track for these impromptu equine events. Arriving at the place the stranger peeled the harness from the roan horse and then announced that he would ride the ani- AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 69 mal himself, much to the surprise of the crowd. After some preliminary scoring the horses got away down the stretch, and, almost from the first the Hess mare ran away from her adversary. It was a pretty bad defeat; even the stranger was obliged to admit that. There was great rejoicing, however, among the native population of Momence, whose sporting traditions thus remained un- impaired, and on the return of the crowd to town they sought out the old stone saloon, there to talk it over and drink a bumper or two to the health of the Hess mare meanwhile. The stranger accompanied them. Apparent- ly he was a good loser — one who was game all the way through. As he stood at the bar with Hess he talked volubly and paid a hand- some tribute to the performance of the Hess mare. "Why," said he, as he put down the glass, "that hoss of yourn got up and hump- ed himself jest like a skeered ghost ahead of a streak of double-geared lightninM I ain't never been so beat in sizin' up a hoss in all my life ! You won all right, mister — you won !" There was another round of drinks. The crowd found the situation much to their liking. The owner of the victorious horse felt a de- lightful glow that had the effect of deepening 70 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN the pink in his cheeks and caused the mois- ture to stand out comfortably on his forehead. He was conscious, also, of an increasing chest expansion as the merits of his horse were so generously acknowledged by the vanquished. Altogether the situation was opportune, auspicious, although with our deeper know- ledge of the mysteries of psycho analysis, it would have been spoken of in this day as the "psychological moment," one that a person with dark, ulterior motives, would have seized upon quickly and with confidence. That the stranger was an adept in sizing up just such situations there can be no doubt. Very much to the surprise of everyone present, he proposed another trial of speed with the Hess mare and the little bay mare that followed de- murely at the tail of the wagon. "I'll lay five hundred on her," said he, "with just one con- dition, and that is that she be permitted to run the heat without any rider whatever!" The crowd gasped. Could he mean it? Surely the whiskey he had partaken of had gone to his head ! Hess snapped at the offer amid the applause and congratulations of the onlookers. The money was put up, and again the crowd repaired to the track west of town. AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 71 There is a different tale we have to tell concerning this second trial of speed. It is a tale in which there is no element of joy or pleasure for such as risked their money on the local horse. There were things that took place at that second race of which the sober sec- ond-thought and judgment of the crowd took no note until long after it was too late. Most notable among the things that happened— that incident which, perhaps, was most signif- icant of disaster — was when a stranger mounted to the top of the nearby "stake-and rider fence" and, opening a large leather bag, containing money, announced that he was then and there prepared to lay any amount on the riderless horse. Even then the crowd asked no questions but surged about the mysterious stranger as he stood on his precarious perch, and registered many a bet of five or ten or twenty, and not a few larger amounts than that. Our informant, as he pictured the scene in his mind's eye, remarked : "I kin see 'im yet." Hence you may know, dear reader, that this individual was a real entity and not a fa- brication. The horses, for sometime in readiness for the race, were held in abeyance until the bet- ting populace had been duly accommodated. 72 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN As for the race itself, there is not much to be said. It was short, sharp and decisive — es- pecially the latter. The demure, docile little mare that followed the tail-end of the wagon, meek and lamb-like, was a whirlwind. Noth- ing less would have done her justice. She crossed the mark lengths ahead of the Hess mare and, at a word from her master, slowed down and turned and trotted up to him, and then the crowd knew that she had been train- ed to the business. And by that sign, too, they also realized that they had been most ar- tistically "flim-flammed." There was a good deal of liquor consum- ed by that crowd on their return to the old stone saloon. Tradition has it that each fel- low bought his own. Those who could not buy, "stood-off" the bar-tender. They who could neither "buy" nor "stand-off" the "bar- keeper," endured the pangs of pitiless drought amid a gloom which resembled that in "Mudd- ville," after "the mighty Casey had struck out." Tradition further insists that this was the most complete and artistic "skinning" ev- er perpetrated on a sporting community in all the history of Kankakee county. Days af- ter it was recalled that the man with the seedy looking outfit and the mysterious stranger AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 7o with the bag full of money worked with fev- erish haste, and within a few minutes after the race were hitting the highway north out of town. The last ever seen of the seedy looking outfit it was still moving north over the highway and, lo and behold, there sat in the seat with the driver, the now familiar form of the erstwhile mysterious stranger, holding on his knees and hugging closely an old leather bag whose sides bulged with a goodly quantity of Momence "Kale." And, ap- parently, these two were not strangers. 74 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN THE LAST ENCAMPMENT OF THE INDIANS The Hon. Clark Brown, of Union, Mis- souri, a member of the Missouri legislature, formerly a resident of Momence, has shown his deep interest and appreciation of the work undertaken by the writer to preserve that which is worth while in the lives of the early day settlers, by furnishing us the following incident. "The greatest return of the children of the prairies to a last view of their old hunt- ing grounds, was when the report came, in the summer of 1853, that a tribe of Indians had come back and encamped in Bourbonnais Grove. Quite a company from our neighborhood, east of the grove, decided to go down and see the Indians. Some went in buggies, and some on horseback, and the seeing was well worth the going. On a platform of light poles two feet above the ground in an open spot in LeVasseur's sugar grove, the old chief and his squaw were squatted amid their blankets and other belongings. I remember that "Injun" as the largest squab of human flesh and fat I ever saw. His weight must have been four AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 75 hundred pounds or more. We saw no efforts upon his part to stand on his feet that day. His clothing consisted of one garment, a large sheet of canvas, seemingly, which buttoned about his neck, enveloping him in its ample folds. It might have been considered the or- iginal' of the "Mother Hubbard." The old couple seemed to take much pride in each other, she taking pains with the little rat- tail braids with a few strands of white hair mixed with his black hair that hung from the eaves of his formidable head. Both chat- tered or grunted freely with the company which paid them the most attention during the day. The rest of the thirty or forty mem- bers of the tribe were in tepees, or brush wigwams, arranged in a circle at some dis- tance f rom their chief. But little shelter was required in a summer encampment. Their toilet was lacking altogether in style. All efforts at clothing were a conglom- erate mixture— no two alike — of white man's and aboriginal dress. One article, the blank- et, prevailed quite generally with the women. But there was a variety of styles when it came to wearing them. With some the blank- et would be suspended from the loins, while others spread it over their shoulders. The split 76 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN skirt had not then come into style, and their blankets were not sufficiently ample in di- mensions to permit of much of a "split." Apparently, the girls as they approached the stage of womanhood, had their hair plait- ed into one long braid, and with many, this braid was, at regular intervals of several in- ches, pounded full of mud or moist clay which dried and staid hard. This not only held the hair from coming down but was an aid to or- namentation, feathers and beads being lavish- ly used. One thing that spoke well for the tribe, there were no evidences of cross-breed- ing. All had the same degree of "smoked ba- con" complexion, the same coarse, black hair. Not many of the tribe, between the old chief and the children and youths with their bows and arrows with which they shot the big copper pennies from a split stick set in the ground, seemed desirous of cultivating the acquaintance of the visitors. No doubt they all could make use of our language if they had so desired, but they seemed not in- clined to discuss the latest fashions nor dis- posed to relate the neighborhood gossip, even if such things are the admitted prerogative of "the female of the species." AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 77 There were other echoes also from the west side of the great river. Momence, like a few others, had selected a reservation, and seemingly with very good judgment. Mo- mence, it should be borne in mind, was an Indian chief. We might say it consisted of a piece of the Kankakee river embracing the is- land, on which was once a grist mill, and quite an extent of shore on either side of the river. By this time, no doubt, the whole site is oc- cupied by the city of Momence. The writer once had the pleasure of an interview during a railroad ride with this original proprietor. He was a large, well porportioned Indian, dressed in white man's fashion. This was his last visit to his old range on the Kankakee. Probably, Indian-like, he had been accused of selling his reservation to two parties. We never heard how the courts decided the own- ership." 78 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN MOMENCE INCORPORATES Momence took steps to incorporate as a village nearly three-quarters of a century ago. At that time the little settlement of the river had near unto two hundred souls, five or six stores and several small industries. The truth is, Momence was a smug, tight little bor- der settlement of substance while Kankakee was still an infant in swaddling clothes, "mewling and spewing in its nurse's arms." There are no records extant relating to this momentous event, sad to say. The memory of the old-time pioneer holds all there is to be said about it. It is generally conceded that the ef- fort to incorporate took place about the year 1853, some time after the election held to lo- cate the county-seat of the newly organized county of Kankakee, the disastrous outcome of which, disappointing to the hopes and am- bitions of Momence, has been set forth in a previous volume of stories of early days. Mo- mence as a "border town" retained her chief characteristics in this respect for many a year. Her people, originally, were the real, dyed-in-the-wool frontier type, and were rest- less and sensitive to a degree of restraints imposed by law or the customs of civilization. AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 79 These old-town men were positive giants ! Scarcely a man of them measured less than six feet, and many of them were taller than that! Naturally they were possessed of a grit and a brawn that made them formidable in case of personal encounter. The life of the old town of the border was one of internecine strife in a day when a mere difference of opinion, if nothing more, sufficed to start hostilities. Bill Graham and Dan Parmlee, two backwoods giants fell out one day and in the fight that ensued, Graham seized a neck-yoke that chanced to be lying close by and nearly brained his adversary with it. That old Dan lived at all, after this savage onslaught, was one of the wonders. But frontier skulls were made to stand hard knocks. For months afterwards, when Parm- lee came to town, it was noticed that he did not bring his rifle with him. It seemed strange for the two were inseparable, ordinarily. Ask- ed one day about it and why he did not car- ry it as of yore, old Dan replied in his char- acteristic way: "Wal, its like this; if I had that thar rifle with me and happened to run across Bill Graham at the same time, by God Pd kill 'im ! Yes I would— sure as Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. Me and Bill 80 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN used to be purty good friends, and he ain't such a bad feller anyway. Mebbe if Fd got hold of that neck-yoke fust — well, anyway I leave the old rifle home so's old Dan won't do anything hasty, besides, old Dan's purty good yit, if wust comes to wust!" It was always a sport-loving community, this little, backwoods settlement of the Kan- kakee, whose people, of the stature and en- dowed with the brawn of giants, instead of being occupied with the more serious things of life, leaned rather to the sports and games and trifling things which made up, in large part, the life of wilderness days. Envy and avarice had not laid hold of the hearts and consciences of these people in that day. It was a generation born to the corn-pone and the hickory shirt, in which no element of superiority of race or breeding was acknowl- edged except the superiority of physical force. The "best man" in every community held his head high. He had a right to, for his quality had been subjected to the acid test of many and many a battle. The marshmen and the woodsmen, and the men of the river and the prairies all loved to congregate at Momence, for there their fun-loving natures always found that which was a joy to the soul. AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 81 Every other man, in that day, had a "race-hoss," and over on the western edge of town, just opposite the present city limits, was the track over which they ran. Here, in the heat of excitement, a man often bet every- thing he had in the world, even to the buck- skin shirt on his back or the more treasured "spring-seat," that later graced the lumber- wagon and bespoke a prosperity quite in ad- vance of the generality of frontier folk. Af- ter the "hoss-race" there would be foot-races, a wrestling match, a boxing bout or two, a cock-fight — anything — even a dog fight. And, at the bare mention of dogs, the pioneer mem- ory recalls that, on one memorable occasion, two perfectly staid and well-behaved hounds of the "lop-eared" species, followed their re- spective masters to the festivities held in old Momence and, becoming imbued with the spir- it and enthusiasm of the times, lit into one an- other in a regular rough-and-tumble fight. The crowd was interested and bet liberally on the outcome of the fight. All might have been well and the "finger that writes," might have remained inert and motionless had not one of the men whose dog was getting some- what the worst of the battle, kicked the op- posing dog heavily in the jowl. As a result 82 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN of this impulsive, ill-considered act, there en- sued a fight instanter between the respective owners of the dogs, and, if the pioneer mem- ory may be relied upon, "it was a scrap worth going miles to see." Not only that; for a time there was im- minent danger that the whole masculine pop- ulation was going to btecome involved, for each man had his friends and the spirit of fair-play and partisan rivalry ruled a formid- able factor in the affairs of men of the border. The frontiersman who thus so whole-heartedly upheld the rights and reputation of his dog was about six feet four in his stockings. Af- ter severely chastising his adversary, he push- ed his way into the backwoods saloon follow- ed by an admiring flock of partisans and, as he leaned upon the bar, he murmured to the bar-tender: "Gimme a drink! It tires me to fight!" That which we have related in the fore- going is necessary if one is to understand and fully appreciate the spirit and temper of a people who, confronted by a proposition to incorporate as a village, found themselves unable to agree, with any sort of unanimity, as to the benefits of such incorporation. Most of them felt that it meant a surrender of in- AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 83 dividual rights such as they had enjoyed in the past, a curtailing of the old, wide-open, free-and-easy life which was so greatly en- joyed when the habitues of the river and woods and prairies took a day off. "Give me liberty, or give me death," is a slogan which first had its inception in the hearts and minds of just such men as these. We are told that the first fight over the proposition to incor- porate took place in 1853, and that it was a fight sure enough. There were hatreds en- gendered at that time that lived and smould- ered and flared forth now and then for many and many a year. After the lapse of nearly seventy-five years the high-lights and salient points of this particular picture of border days have faded into nothingness. The fight was a bitter one, it is true, but one can scarcely get head or tail of it. In some quarters it is said that it was a conflict of "the new com- ers" against the old-timers," a conflict of "new ideas" against "old," an arraying of the growing church element against these primi- tive types of the border, in order to control them, if only in a small way, and restrain the wild and hilarious spirit that so readily mani- fested itself whenever they met Elder Burr, the circuit rider, was prominently identified 84 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN as a leader of the forces for incorporation. He was threatened, secretly and openly, by the more headstrong of the opposing side. But he went his way, calm, imperturable, temperate of manner in his support of the incorporation project, yet firm and unyielding as a rock in his purpose. As a result of this early-day battle of the ballots in old Momence, the proposition to in- corporate won by a small vote, surprising as it may seem. There were hatreds and per- sonal dislikes and jealousies that registered in this first election. The result was hardly a genuine reflex of the real, underlying senti- ment in the minds of the voters. They had "got even" with someone, that's all. Momence set out uncertainly upon the new municipal life called for by ordinances and state laws. The very first levying of a corporation tax occasioned a roar of protest on the part of both the "fors" and "against." With the is- suance of the decree of "poll-tax" on every male head of voting age within the corpor- ation, there came positive rebellion. They would not pay three dollars, neither would they work in lieu of not paying, upon the streets of the village. On this they were united — unanimous — for once in their lives. Our AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 85 friends who had supported so whole-heartedly this move towards civilization were as unruly, as boisterous and rantankerous as a two-year old Texas steer when he first feels the rope tighten on his neck. The newly elected of- ficers, swelled with a proper sense of their importance and the dignity of office, on find- ing their orders disregarded by the populace, proceeded to make an example of some of the more prominent of the objectors and, in ef- fect, undertook to "hog-tie" and "brand" them as undesirable citizens. The majesty of the newborn authority of statutes and ordinances was invoked and the recalcitrants were pro- perly sued and properly found guilty of a dis- regard for the mandates of the law as admin- istered by its officers. Though they were found guilty they would not pay, and the remaining alternative, that of working, they spurned as something beneath the consideration of freemen. By this act they added to the sum total of their delinquencies that of lese-majeste, which is most serious indeed, except in cases where frontiersmen are concerned. The municipal- ity, at that time, had not achieved financial prosperity sufficient to enable it to have a calaboose, and the village marshal would 86 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN have as quickly considered suicide as he would an order to arrest and incarcerate these bor- der men who resented corporate encroach- ment on their personal liberties. In the end, several of these cases were appealed to high- er courts, and there, apparently, the matter dropped. Under such discouraging circum- stances was organized law ushered into the old river settlement of Momence. This sub- stitution of the new order for the old lived but a day, and then slowly but surely with- ered and faded away completely, so that for several years following this attempt at incor- poration, the place knew no other law but that of the border — f orce. It was not until the late fifties that incorporation became a recognized fact, and round about 1860, when the trustees put into effect an ordinance restraining the cows of the villagers from running at large, it was then that citizen Peter Terrill was mov- ed to observe to Justice M. 0. Clark: "It do beat all how there's always more damn fools than smart men!" AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 87 This is a Photographic Reproduction of a Section of aj Famous Coverlet of Pioneer Days, Made by Mrs. Maria Gundy Nichols, Wife of "William Nichols, one of the Earliest Pioneers. It is an Intricate "Two-Color" Design and a Work of Art. It was Made on what was Known as a "Double Loom, Situated in a Log Cabin Across the Road Prom the Present Home of Mrs. Malinda Nichols, Northeast of Momence. The Pattern is White and Blue, and Mrs. Maria Nichols Carded, Spun and Colored the Wool Used in the weaving. It was Made Some Years Prior to Her Death, Which Occurred in 1838. 88 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN AN ANCIENT HUNTING GROUND I. Momence, as a frontier town, was most happily situated on the outskirts of one of the finest hunting grounds in all the middle west— famous Beaver Lake. If we are to be- lieve fully the testimony of men who lived here and hunted and trapped and fished in primeval days, before the destructive blight of so-called civilization had fallen upon the land, the great marshes of the Kankakee sur- passed in extent and prodigal abundance any other spot in the United States. Where the Kankakee emerges from across the state-line of Indiana into Illinois, after miles on miles of tortuous turnings and twistings, it pauses for a space and disposes its flood in quiet laby- rinthine channels among islands, overflowing into shady nooks and shallow bayous and marshes. Seventy-five years ago these islands were heavily timbered as was, also, much of the ad- jacent high ground. Fortunately much of this timber still remains to delight the eye. Here may be found giant patriarchs grimly holding their ground — oaks, walnuts, glorious elms and the stately sycamore. In this day of the AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 89 twentieth century the bayous and marshes have been curtailed in their dimensions but, for the most part, are still fringed about by dense growths of black ash, "elbow brush," "pucker brush," alder and willows, with now and then a copse of pale, white birch so dis- posed that they gleam in the winter moon- light like the dainty columns of some secret dryad temple of the wild. In the early days points up the river from Momence were designated as Little Yellow Banks, Big Yellow Banks, Hess' Slough, The Garden of Eden, Indian Garden; and from the state-line, continuing upstream in Indi- ana, Black Oak, Huyck's Bayou, The Ox-Bow, The Narrows and Blue Grass, or Thayer's Landing. Gurdon S. Hubbard had a fur depot at Blue Grass for years and, at such times when the season's pack was transported to Chicago by way of the Hubbard Trail, his men brought their furs from Blue Grass down the river as far as the famous "Upper Crossing," one mile above the present city of Momence, and there turned them over to the wilderness cavalcade bound for Chicago. These spots are historic. They have been the abodes of the hunter, trapper and fisherman for a hundred years. The historic Kankakee, up-stream in 90 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN Indiana, has suffered irreparable injury of late years on account of an ambitious recla- mation project which; seeks to divert the wat- ers of the Kankakee from their old bed into deeper and straighter channels. There are places where the bed of the old stream is iso- lated — cut-off entirely from the original stream by huge ditches, staring, ugly, straight as a plummet-line. The shades of LaSalle and Tonty would exclaim with righteous indigna- tion at the transformation which this ancient stream has undergone of late, the stream which they first knew as the "Theak-ki-ki," beautiful, winding, picturesque in the ex- treme. There is no more beautiful stretch of riv- er in the entire course of the Kankakee than that which lies between Momence and the In- diana state-line. It is native wilderness con- veniently near yet, in a sense, removed from the centers of population. Deep in its shad- ows the trapper still lingers, and the pale blue wood smoke which rises here and there above the fringe of timber, proclaims the summer home of the habitant with a taint of the pri- meval in his blood. These sheltered places still harbor the red-bird, the blue-bird, the thrush and various other of nature's song- 0>"« 43 tf W 92 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN sters who thrill the heart of the wayfarer with a flash of dazzling color, and delight the ear with song unchanged and unchanging with the years from the earliest day when creation dawned. These places are still haunt- ed in numbers by the shrewd, lazy, lumbering crow, who, from sheer deviltry, preys upon the farmer and thus provokes his ire, when he could just as easily get his living in the woods. Here the blackbird hosts seem undi- minished. The wild, sweet note of Bob-White, heard once in this wilderness paradise of the upper Kankakee, will haunt one to the end of his days. The wood-ducks, the mallards, the pin-tails and blue-bills as though mindful of traditions of the long ago, still patronize these charming nooks on the Kankakee between Momence and the state-line, not in numbers, it is true, but enough so to give an air of real- ism to the ancient habitat that was. There is a fox taken now and then, a mink, a skunk, a family of raccoons. How these dwellers of the wild do cling to their own! From the deepest and darkest of these sylvan retreats a wolf comes forth stealthily, even in this day, and raids a neighboring hen-house, notwith- standing there is a price on his head. And, when he falls at last before the dogs of the AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 93 white man, he loses his scalp but gets from three to six lines solid in the local paper. He is a member of society more dreaded than the "bootlegger," hence his taking off is worthy of notice. In this nook of remaining wilderness above Momence, wherever the shallow waters of the Kankakee reach landward and form a bayou there, in numbers, appears the quaint homes of the musk-rats, built in the shape, in the same manner, and of the same mater- ials as were used yesterday — (two hundred years ago, when the French came down the river), or let us say, last week, (a thousand years ago), which amounts to the same thing in the chronology of the patient, plodding rats. Do we weary you with these small de- tails of the river wilderness? We hope not. Only mankind is fickle and unstable and changing in his moods. The dwellers of the wild, through instinct, follow an unvarying plan of doing things. They rarely or never deviate from it. Perhaps you have not been impressed by the fact that, from the earliest days, the skin of the musk-rat has had a com- mercial value, varying of course, with the times. In 1849 the trapper would call for a drink of whiskey over the backwoods bar at A TYPICAL TRAPPER'S CABIN It Leans a Little, and its Boards are Weathered and Gray, but, if it Lacks in Luxury, it has Peace and Quiet and Deep Content. AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 95 Momence, and throw down a rat hide in pay- ment therefor. "The musk-rat hide was the "small change" of the frontier for many and many a year. During the late war the price of a prime, dark musk-rat skin was six to seven dollars. We tell you upon the authority of a "shantyman" of the Kankakee whose word we respect, that the finest of all musk- rat skins used for milady's coat, those skins which are dark and glossy and thick, and which bespeak elegance, come mainly from the bayous and ditches of the great swamp region of the Kankakee. It pays sometimes to cultivate your next-door neighbor. He may not prove to be a college-bred man, but he is wise to the little things of the realm in which he lives, the possessor of a degree in that great university of the out of doors. There are huts, habitations of mankind, set in this charming bit of up-river wilder- ness of today and well-worn paths lead to them and away until they lose themselves in interminable turnings and twistings. These paths, more ancient still than anything the wilderness holds except the river itself, were made by the feet of the Pottawattomi dwell- ers long ago. The man of the city presses re- lentlessly upon the outskirts of this wild do- 96 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN main with his summer home so that the man of the hut, appalled at the thought of frater- nizing with affluence and luxury, shrinks more deeply into the shadow of the sheltered spots and turns his back upon it all. You say he is peculiar? Well, perhaps so. But, one must remember, there is a "kick-back," as they used to say in old times, when alluding to a man's ancestral lines — a "kick-back" to sires who lived by the open fire, out under the stars, and who fraternized with the Pot- tawattomi and nature. These later-day huts lean noticeably and the boards are weathered and gray. Within, one will find the stub of a candle or a kerosene lamp instead of an elec- tric bulb. The library is a newspaper, days old. There is a small, rusty stove, a limited array of dented tinware — a piece or two of crockery, much chipped. There is a breech- loading gun and accoutrements, traps, and fishing paraphernalia in abundance. This habitant of the silent places is not much con- cerned in business, political parties and poli- cies, or education. That function which would be most likely to enlist his presence and in- sure his staying up late at night, would be a poker party. Generally, he stalls not at a glass of whiskey. His most intimate personal AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 97 accompaniments are a strong, black pipe and a hound dog or two with lopping ears, wise as their master. In this day he foregoes the pic- turesque garb of the hunter and trapper for he has outlived the days of buckskin, which was the fabric of the frontier, and cotton textiles are abundant and cheap. In this bit of virgin wild of the Kankakee he lingers for a space, the only connecting link between the simple life of the old frontier and the flam- ing, heedless, headlong luxury of the great twentieth century. In another generation he, too, will have passed, and among the thous- ands who follow there will not be one to take his place — the life is too slow ! II. Above Momence a little way the Kan- kakee, as if conscious that the swamps and bayous and gleaming yellow sands have been left behind, gathers her tide serenely between high banks and swings away to the southwest in long, graceful, sinuous curves, broadening perceptibly and growing in beauty and ma- jesty at every mile as she hurries through the beautiful vale of the Kankakee to her meet- ing with the DesPlaines. The swamps and 98 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN bayous between Momence and the Indiana state-line are but the beginnings of the "Great Kankakee Marsh," whose huge dimensions numbering thousands upon thousands of acres, overspread mile on mile of Indiana ter- ritory north and south of the river and east of the Indiana line. There were vast open stretches of water set with oak-crowned is- lands, thousands of acres of shallow marsh grown up to cat-tails, wild rice and rushes, the nesting ground of the wild, migratory hordes of the upper air. From time imme- morial this was a famous hunting ground for the Miamis, the Wyandottes, the Illinois, and more particularly the Pottawattomi of the Prairie and the Kankakee, whose domain it came at last to be. Abundant evidences of Indian occupation are still found in this day where the winds, in their play, make eddies in the sands of the ridges about the old lake bed, revealing an ancient arrow-head, or stone axe or other trophy which the practiced eye of the modern collector seizes upon and bears away in triumph. Mr. Edward Hamilton, of Morocco, In- diana, after fifty years devoted to this inter- esting pursuit, has acquired a most valuable and interesting collection of flint and stone AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 99 implements, indispensable to aboriginal life. The collection contains about everything of which the Indian made use in his daily life. Among the hundreds of arrow-heads, awls, drills, mortars, skinning tools, banner-stones and ceremonial stones contained in this col- lection, the smaller "bird-points," three-quar- ters of an inch in length, exquisitely fashioned, more often moves the visitor to delighted ex- clamation. That these pieces were patiently chipped by the native workman by means of the notched flint seems at first impossible. Whatever the means he employed the ancient arrow-maker was a master craftsman who carried the secrets of his art with him when he passed. These pieces which the sands re- veal to us in this day are memorials of an era when the Indian reigned supreme in the great swamp region. When, and by whom, were these retreats of "Big Bogus," "Little Bogus" and the Beaver Lake country generally, discovered and made use of? That is a query which, in all proba- bility, will forever remain unanswered. La- Salle's men, as early as 1679, must have avail- ed themselves of the plenty abounding there, even though it was late December when he made his memorable trip down the Kankakee. 100 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN Father Hennepin recorded the fact that his Mohican hunters were abroad, that LaSalle himself got lost in the oak scrub and sand- dunes, and that somewhere, southwest of the portage, they ran across a buffalo bull hope- lessly mired in the river muck. The nearest approach to a fixed date when a white man hunted in the Beaver Lake region, is that mentioned by the famous pioneer trader, Gur- don S. Hubbard, in his memoirs — March 1827. Long before that day, however, the French voyageur and coureur de bois hunted and trapped and fished the Kankakee and its marsh environs, but these men left no writ- ten record of their comings and goings. They were frontiersmen — not writers. There was a section of the Kankakee where the river writhed and twisted and turn- ed back upon itself in a series of startling zig- zag movements as a result of the uncertain meanderings of the ancient ice-cap, which moved ever so slowly and ploughed a chan- nel for the stream — a nook of twisting river and shallow swamps, lying to the south-east of DeMotte, Indiana, and extending to the state-line, which was as sweet a paradise for the hunter and trapper as ever existed any- where under the sun. In this bit of river AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 101 country, east from Shelby, Indiana, there was first, "Bumbaloo," the wilderness home of that sturdy Canadian, "Hank" Granger ; then Little Hickory, Red Oak, Indian Garden, (which must not be confused with Indian Gar- den located above Momence), Jerry's Island 1 (named after old Jerry Kinney), Beech Ridge, French Island, and Grape Island. In this day a perfectly new river channel operates from a point or bend in the Kankakee above Grape Is- land in an air line to the state-line, and the an- cient river bed, thus cut off, is now grown up to saw-grass, cat-tails and rushes, with now and then a stagnant pool, covered with green scum. Here in this once delightful nook of the Kankakee, such men as Folsom, Brainerd, Ritter, Granger, Seymour, Summers, Dusen- berg, Sweeney, Bissell, Goodrich, Broady and Irvin, old-timers with a reputation both sides of the state-line, carried on for years. Returning to Gurdon S. Hubbard, the trader, an unusual experience incident to the trip of March 1827 to Beaver Lake, is of in- terest, and we reproduce it. "One cold March day in 1827, I went to the Beaver Creek Lake for a hunt. This was a part of the great Kankakee Marsh, and geese and ducks and swan were very abund- AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 103 ant. The fall previous I had hidden a canoe in the vicinity of the lake and about thirteen miles from my trading house, and this I found with little difficulty. I hunted until nearly dark, when, thinking it was too dark to re- turn home, I camped for the night on a small island in the lake. There were no trees, but I made a fire of driftwood, and having cook- ed some game for my supper, lay down and soon fell asleep. Sometime in the night I awoke in great pain, and found that my fire had nearly burned out. I managed to replen- ish it, but the pain continued, being most se- vere in my legs, and by morning it increased to such an extent that I could not reach the canoe. About ten o'clock an Indian came down to the lake and I called to him and told him of my condition, and with his assistance reached the canoe, and finally the main shore. I sent the Indian to Iroquois (Bunkum), with orders for my men to come and bring with them a horse and harness. On their arrival I had the horse hitched to the canoe and my- self placed therein, and started in this man- ner to ride home. I soon found that I could not stand the jarring of the canoe as it was drawn over the rough ground, and halted until some better means of travel could be devised. 104 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN I sent back to Iroquois for two more men, which necessitated my camping for one night more. On their arrival they constructed, with poles and blankets, a litter upon which they bore me safely and quite comfortably home. I had a severe attack of inflammatory rheu- matism, which confined me to the house for three or four weeks, and from which I did not fully recover for eighteen months. I doctored myself with poultices of elm and decoctions of various herbs." III. During the old days of the border and later, on the advent of spring when the my- riad hosts of the air, ducks, geese, brant, crane, swan and blue heron poured in untold numbers into this natural haven of the wild, it was then that the youth and middle-aged of the little settlement of Momence, on the river, were stirred to feverish activity and prepared for a campaign of slaughter. Their numbers were increased by hunters from the countryside and from far and near, for the season of sport and plenty was on. For the hunters of the Illinois country and beyond, Momence was the gateway. But, before the Promised Land of this great game retreat AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 105 could be reached, however, the awful mud of "Lynd's Lane" had to be negotiated. "Lynd's Lane" originates near the Lorain School south of the river and, for years, has been the chief artery of travel to the east and the Beaver Lake country. This road of late years has been robbed of most of its terrors by reason of having been drained and built up of stone. "Lynd's Lane" in the days of the frontier, however, was a meandering trail south of the river that wound its way uncertainly to the east among quagmires, islands of bul- rushes and "elbow brush," across boggy, springy stretches of quaking marsh up to the near vicinity of the Tiffany Brick Works of today, where Dr. Lynds formerly had his home. The swamp in its entirety is known as "Hess* Slough." This lane, then, in reality "Dr. Lynd's Lane," by a peculiar colloquial lapse on the part of Momence citizens, is call- ed by every mother's son of them "Lyon's Lane." At most times of the year but more partic- ularly in the spring and fall, it was a bottom- less morass of sticky, clinging mud. It was the bete noir of the traveler and the hunter by whom it was tacitly admitted that it pos- sessed all the qualities claimed by a certain 106 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN THE SITE OF HUBBARD'S TRADING POST There was a Time When the Life of the Wilderness Revolved Around This Spot. Here Gurdon S. Hubbard had his Trading Post on the Iroquois as early as 1828. The old "Trail" Marks are Still Visible Near by but Everything Else has Vanished. AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 107 darkey for his coon-trap, viz : "If hit doan git 'em a-comin , , hit sure will git 'em when dey's a-gwine!" Ah, many a hunter caught in its treacherous depths has made known to a waiting world in language vigorous, profane, picturesque, that "comin' or gwine," it was all the same to "Lyon's Lane." Many a rig stuck in its tenacious depths had to be lightened of its load before a wheel could turn. Many a returning hunter found it necessary to sac- rifice the greater part of his kill to the insat- iable maw of "Lyon's Lane." The terrors of "Lyon's Lane," in time, were not only anatha- matized in good, old-fashioned orthodox style, but apostrophized, as the following quatrain of frontier origin will show : "There is a place called 'Lyon's Lane,' That's always filled with mud; And hunters plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their ducks and game!" Scattered throughout this wide country of ours, in almost every state in the Union, are old, gray-haired men who, at some time in their youth, braved the mud of "Lyon's Lane," the rain and sleet and snows of early March, to lay in a "blind" made of "cat-tails," wild rice and rushes piled high in the lee of a convenient musk-rat house in the "Black 108 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN Marsh," and took toll of the wild horde as it came tumbling in. Blessed is he who lived in those primitive days. For all such there is an inheritance of stirring memories that thrills the blood and quickens the pulse. How is one to go about it to tell the inter- esting story of this moving picture of wild life of the long ago ? As Judge Hunter says : "Man ! Man ! Man ! The spectacle was too stupendous for words! He would have to have known something of those days ; he should have lived in the swamps as I did, weeks and months at a time ; he would have to have the echo of the deafening clamor of all this wild life in his ears, and sense the beating of thousands of wings in the air, and envision the gray-white bodies and yellow legs of these mighty hosts all set to drop into the open water spaces among the rushes and wild rice! A man who seeks to understand it all should have, at some time in his life, experienced that mighty thrill of elation that comes to the hunter when, at the crack of his gun, not one but half a dozen, maybe a dozen fine birds came tumbling down into the water! A man would have to know all that means and more — and then he could not make novice understand." AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 109 Often in the fall of the year, the marsh would be burned over, at least sections of it would be, but it never burned cleanly. Here and there would be left islands of rushes, saw- grass, cat-tails and other swamp growth, in the center of which was generally to be found a musk-rat house or two. The hunter would push his boat into a standing mass like this and, where there happened to be a musk-rat house, he would kick a trench through the top of it and run his boat therein. He would then tear out the top of an adjoining musk- rat habitation in which to accommodate his dogs and the game as fast as they brought it in. A good retriever in that day surely earned his board and keep. A hunter with a good dog never paid any attention to the game as it fell to his gun. It was the dog's business to bring it in, and he was faithful to the job. When the shooting was brisk he was in the ice-cold water for hours at a time, and when the wind blew cold so that the spray froze on the sides of the boat, icicles hung like pend- ants from the dog's shaggy coat, and tinkled like castanets. At the camp a cosy box of straw awaited him nearby the stove and, after a generous feed of coarse cornmeal mush, he 110 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN turned in and immediately forgot the trials and hardships of the day. In the spring the fly-way was from the southwest to the northeast. At this time small, red-head teal occupied these waters lit- erally by the hundreds of thousands. Out on the broad expanse of the lake proper and the open reaches of that famous hunting ground known as the "Gaff Ranch," there dwelt the mallards, geese and swan literally by the acre. Judge Hunter recalls that often as he laid in his "blind he has watched a flight of these red-heads go over, scarcely six feet above his head, a veritable cloud of them acres in ex- tent, a living blanket four or five feet in thick- ness as it seemed. How they can fly in such numbers and not interfere with one another is one of the secrets of wild life known on- ly to the habitants of the wild. These birds were small and seldom shot at for the reason that the real hunter disdained to waste his powder and shot on them, but waited for the mallard, pin-tail, geese and swan — something worth while. Decoys were plentifully used in the old days, and long before the day of the "duck-callers" or "squawkers," there were many hunters who could successfully lure the mallards and pin-tails to circle over AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 111 them. Walter Hobbie could imitate the "honk" of a goose with that high-pitched nasal twang of his so that a bird within earshot would stop, look and listen. Frank Longpre of Momence, however, in his palmy days, could just naturally make a goose get down among the rushes and look for him, his wild, strident "honk" sounding for all the world like "Whar are yuh ! Whar are yuh ! Whar are yuh!" Joseph Kite, a nearby resident of Lake Village, Indiana, a member of the well-re- membered Kite Brothers' hunting organiza- tion of the early days, became thoughtful and reminiscent when approached on the question Beaver Lake's glorious days of plenty. Cold, hard figures, even though one employs the term thousands, or hundreds of thousands, fail to adequately express the idea of unlim- ited numbers of wild fowl that occupied the waters of the lake and the adjacent nesting grounds of the marshes, in the opinion of Mr. Kite. Beaver Lake contained, roughly speak- ing, thirty-five to forty thousand acres, most- ly covered with water. Therefore, he would use the term "acres," as most expressive of numbers of the mallards, geese, brant, and swan that frequented the place. The swan 112 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN especially were numerous. He has stood in the door of his shack on Johnson Island and shot them. He and his brothers brought in one day a top-box wagon load of these birds. They used to ship them to Chicago. Sometimes they would get one dollar apiece for swan that weighed from seventeen to twenty pounds. More often they got less, and not in- frequently it happened that the commission man forgot them entirely. The wagon load of swan mentioned they did not ship, but skinned the carcasses and tacked them up on the walls of their shack to dry. These skins had a commercial value over and above the meat, which was excellent. The feathers of pure white were valuable, and after they were extracted there was left the beautiful, soft, white down which, in the early days, constituted the genuine "swan's-down," so much esteemed for the trimming of ladies' garments. Their efforts in this instance, how- ever, met with disaster. The moths got into them and ruined the entire lot. There was an element of the spectacu- lar and the beautiful in this moving picture of the wild life of the lake, especially at such times when the swan rose in numbers from the surface of the water, a roaring, turbulent, AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 113 billowy mass, their white breasts and wings glowing with an irridescence like mother of pearl where the sunlight was reflected from them. At other times they would come head- on into the wind, twisting, rolling like a milk- white cloud. Victor Brassard, of Momence, as a youth hunted with his father in the days of Beaver Lake's plenty. His observations are inter- esting. Often, he says, ducks and geese were slaughtered by the thousands merely for their feathers, for, in that day of the frontier, ev- ery well ordered household had feather beds, since replaced by the more modern mattress. There was always a market for the feathers and fairly good prices the rule. Heavy birds like geese and swan, on rising make a run head on into the wind. The airplane of to- day employs much the same tactics to insure a successful get-away. Sometimes numbers of these birds would be stampeded into attempt- ing flight before they had a chance to ac- quire momentum by running into the wind, and the result was always a squawking, dis- organized, helter-skelter mass, helpless before the guns of the hunters. The flight of these vast hordes in their fall migration to the south was an interesting 114 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN and impressive spectacle. One could count upon its taking place anywhere from the 20th to the 31st of October and rarely miss it. The "swamp-rat," wise to every sound and move- ment of the wild seemed to be able to fore- cast their departure with a degree of success that was little short of uncanny. For sever- al days prior to this great event, ducks and geese would gather in the open spaces of water, a huge convention considering a weighty enterprise. Ever and anon there would be a terrific upheaval in the mass and thousands of them would take wing and mount high and swing in a mighty circle and fall into their place again, a unit of a vast phalanx get- ting ready to be on the move. Day after day the observer in the swamps would have beheld these movements and marveled at them un- less he was experienced enough with the ways of wild life to sense the import of it all. How, and in what manner was the great hour of departure settled upon? How, indeed! It would be interesting to know. Sometimes the leader of this vast wilderness concourse would sound the warning note in the dead of night, sometimes in broad daylight, and in- stantly the army responded, not en masse, but by battalions that took the air, one after an- AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 115 other, in quick succession. As they drifted off to the south they looked like ragged clouds that gradually assumed the V-shaped forma- tion as they vanished on the horizon. To the hunter, left behind in the swamps, this V- shaped formation spelled "Good-Night!" "Adieu !" "Farewell — until next spring." And for years, in the spring, there reappeared in mighty V-shaped formation, over the fly- ways to the south and west these hosts of the air seeking old Beaver Lake, there to meet up with other thousands that had tested out their wings on a flight from breeding grounds in the Arctic circle! And what a clanking of voices as they greeted one another. It was enough to drive one raving distracted! The days of the twentieth century hold nothing comparable to the plenteous days of old Beav- er Lake in her prime ! In a land once so abundantly stocked with all manner of wild game and visited an- nually by hunters from far and near, it is not surprising that the memory of the "old timer" still holds to traditions and tales of unusual occurrences in the way of freak shots. There is the tale of the frontiersman who dropped two deer running in opposite direc- tions, with a solitary bullet. They pass- 116 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN ed, or rather, met, at the opportune sec- ond and the bullet ploughed through them. There is the story of the man who shot a sol- itary goose and brought it down, only to have it fall into the open well of a solitary dweller of the marsh, thereby necessitating careful search on the part of the hunter. There are stories of unusual bags of game at a single shot on the part of the experienced hunter and the novice as well, for the game was so plen- tiful that almost anything could happen. Judge W. A. Hunter says that in all his many years' experience hunting on the river and in the marsh, the finest single shot he ever witnessed was made by that old-time artist, Pierre Bras- sard, of Momence. Pierre Brassard was a French-Canadian and one of the early set- tlers in the swamp environs of Momence. He knew every inch of the river and the Beaver Lake country, and, during his long experience, many a party of hunters from New York, Bos- ton, Philadelphia and Chicago, representing the aristocracy of the fraternity of hunters, were piloted by him into this lake paradise. Pierre and "Billy" were out on the river above Momence one day, located in "blinds/' several hundred yards apart, when four lone geese appeared on the horizon. They came AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 117 in "quartering," that is, on an angle with each bird fully exposed but, apparently, Pierre did not see them. Mr. Hunter says that, from his position, he could discern the gray top of Pierre's "musk-rat" cap inert and motionless above the weeds of the blind. Then, all in a second, the gray spot moved ever so slightly, the barrel of his gun slid up over the edge of the blind as if by magic, there was a report and one after another the four geese took a header towards the ground. He had killed all four at one shot. The impressive feature of this shot, said Mr. Hunter, was that it was calculated. He meant to drop all four birds at one shot and he did, Old Pierre was just that good with the gun. Victor Brassard's face lighted with a knowing smile when he was reminded of the incident concerning the prowess of his father as a fine shot. "That," said he, "is peculiarly typical of father's style of shooting. I remem- ber one day when father and a friend of his, and myself, went out on the river after ducks. We were located in "blinds," not far apart and father said : 'Now, I will take the first shot as they come over, and then you boys go after them/ But there was nothing to go after. The first ducks to appear were three in num- 118 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN ber, and father made a "pot shot" of them. Next} came two, and they fell likewise. All of which goes to show that there is an instant when game in flight comes into alignment where the charge will prove most effective, and he knew just that second when to pull." Over on the Kankakee, not so far away, in between "Bumbaloo" and French Island, there the old-timers still talk of Andy Grang- er's bag of thirty-three geese in the short space of forty minutes. IV. To fully appreciate this life of the old days in the open, one should have at some time in his career experienced not only the thrills of the hunter, but something of the weariness of a strenuous day's shooting from a boat or a "blind" in the marsh when the wind sang fine among the rushes and saw- grass and bore down the rain in fitful gusts — rain mixed with sleet — that stung the face and congealed the marrow in the bones. Hunt- ing, even in the old days, was not "all beer and skittles." Even the faithful dog who ranged far and wide after every shot and brought in the birds that bulked high in the AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 119 boat, was glad when he was "whistled in" and the boat's prow turned in the direction of home — home, in this case, being the snug lit- tle tent set under the protecting arms of a jack-oak on "Hog Island," or "Tater Island," or Pigeon Island," or some other island too poor to have a name. This tent in the marsh, after a long, hard day, gave a new meaning to the well known lines of the poet: "Be it ever so humble. There's no place like home." Generally, a fellow's hunting partner happened in about the same time. The day's kill was disposed of first, for there were men who did nothing else but haul the game thus killed to the railroad at Momence for ship- ment to Chicago. During the years of the early seventies, Frank Longpre did much of this hauling of game, and between loads would go out and knock down a goose or two him- self. Citizen Silas Sink, a well known resi- dent of the lake region, earned the sobriquet of "Captain" by operating a small steamboat on the Kankakee river between Black Oak, in Indiana, and Momence, Illinois. It was a great convenience to the army of hunters in the swamp, for their game was regularly tak- en out and needed supplies brought in. Dur- 120 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN ing the seventies, one dozen fine mallards brought $1.00 to $1.75 in the Chicago market. After the game had been attended to, then the sheet-iron stove was lighted and sup- per gotten under way. These suppers in the swamp camp were more or less elaborate af- fairs according to the culinary skill of those most concerned. A man out hunting all day and so busy that he could only snatch a "cold bite" now and then, landed in at night liter- ally famished. A favorite expression used to be "that he could eat the inside out of a skunk." There was a generous pot of coffee, a spiderf ul of bacon and, if one's culinary ac- complishments warranted so much, a batch of hot saleratus biscuits, together with such other accompaniments as the swamp larder contained. After all, after a big day afield, battered and touseled by the winds and pelted by a cold rain, what is there that can approach the joy and creature comfort to be found in a snug, warm tent, a good supper of your own making, a pipeful of tobacco and a good pal to listen sympathetically as you relate the im- portant incidents of the day? For most men of the old days that was just as near He®Ten as a mortal could get this side of the pearly AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 121 gates. And if one went so far as to take a swallow from a little brown bottle in those pre- Volstead days, it was just to propitiate the inner man. And if, perchance, before turning in for the night, he took still another "nip," that was merely a libation to the titu- lar Gods of the wild to be generous with their gifts on the morrow. Decidedly there was a lure in the swamp life of the old days that touched a responsive chord in the generality of mankind. Lawyers, doctors, merchants, listened to the call of this great, out door play ground of Beaver Lake and responded in num- bers. There were times when justice lan- guished in Kankakee for weeks at a time and patiently awaited the return of her chief rep- resentatives of the bar, T. P. Bonfield, C. A. Lake, Harrison Loring, Stephen R. Moore, William Potter, J. W. Paddock, and Judge Bartlett. Then there was "Uncle Pleas" Dur- ham and Hugh Lancaster who chaperoned re- gularly a party of hunters who had grown old in the service but who, nevertheless, got a "kick" out of camp life and experienced a renewal of youth by the mere recital of old- time memories and a whiff of the game-laden southwest winds. The ammunition of this party was contained chiefly in suspicious 122 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN brown jugs. None of them could sight a gun successfully, such were the infirmities of age, but they could appraise the spots of a deck of cards by candle light, and he who can do this is not hopelessly old. The limit was twenty- five cents. The shade who remembers when everybody else forgets, intimates that they never sought "the hay" until the "Wee, sma' hours." Now and then after they had turned in, the silence would be broken by a dry, rack- ing, raucous cough, such a cough as would make Sir Harry Lauder feel as though his ed- ucation in the matter of simulating a cough had been neglected. This was later followed by the explosive "wham" of the cork as it was pulled from the neck of the ammunition jug, the liquid ripple of spirits, the deep drawn sigh of satisfaction, and then — silence. Ah, memories, memories ! A volume could be writ- ten of memories and nothing more of the great lake country in the days of its prime. Men in those early days, particularly those who buffeted the swamps, were obser- vant of everything about them. They were weather-wise to a degree that seemed uncan- ny all because they read the signs and took due notice thereof when nature gave inti- mation of a change of program. The old- AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 123 time hunter who has campaigned in the swamps wouldn't have particularly heeded the prophesies of the high-priced government of- ficial in Chicago today. Not he. He was used to casting his eye skyward in a broad, comprehensive sweep; he knew whether the sun at its rising or going down glowed red like a carbuncle, or was obscured by fogs and vap- ors ; swiftly he noted the direction of the wind, whether the smoke rose straight up or hug- ged the ground; these indications are as in- fallible as a barometer. Then, too, the cirro- cumuli of the meteorologist and the fleecy clouds of "the mackerel sky" of the swamp man were equally portentous. In the marsh there were times when a significant hush fell upon the land, follow- ed by a sudden puff of wind out of the south- west that bent the heads of the wild-rice sharply over and ruffled the water of the open spaces and then died away as suddenly as it came. If it were in the month of March, even though the sun were shining, the hunter wise to these out of door conditions knew there was something on the way, and acted accord- ingly. In an incredibly short time there would be wisps of thin, fleecy clouds mounting high- er and higher, a freshening of the wind which 124 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN in an hour's time, became a gale bearing an avalanche of snow or rain or sleet. Our friends of the wild always found a warning in the croak of the crow and the scream of the blue-jay. Even the ponderous, reverberating notes of the swamp bull-frog were pregnant with meaning for the initiated. They seemed to say, "Better go 'round! Better go 'round! Better go 'round." The "Black Marsh," to the north-east of the lake proper was a favorite breeding ground. Here, rising above the shallow waters of the marsh by the hundreds, so thick that they suggested hay-cocks in a meadow, were the unique habitations of the musk-rats. Other contiguous swamps were similarly inhabited. Here, also, the geese in the spring, with an eye to utility and convenience, made use of the materials already provided by the indus- trious rats, and made their nests on the roof of his dwelling without so much as intimat- ing "By your leave." A strange and interest- ing combination it was — rats within and geese without — sometimes as many as five or six of them in close proximity to one another, on the same curious mound of dried weeds and rushes. These unbidden guests of the wild AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 125 when disturbed by the hunter or the near ap- proach of his dog, would curve their long necks downward and with heads close to the water, slide easily and gracefully in, after which they voiced a noisy protest at being disturbed. The mallards, more particular as to sit- uation and more skillful in the matter of building their nests, built among the rushes and cat-tails and the rice, of which they made use in anchoring their nests in a peculiar way. A mallard's nest was made large at the bot- tom, tapering to a considerable height where the nest was located. The foundation mater- ials were woven loosely about several upstand- ing rushes or cat-tails, so that the nest could rise or lower with the flood waters of the slough. Ordinarily one would think that it could not possibly matter whether a nest rose or fell with the tide or not. But the logic of the wild, that unerring instinct which guides certain of the water-fowl, disproves all this. Supposing the nest were firmly anchored and the waters of the slough receded so that the nest was suspended six inches above the sur- face of the water. The young ducklings might fall out into the water all right, but how would they ever get back home and under 126 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN mother's protecting wing? With the nest thus anchored, but able to rise and lower with the waters, it rode the waves safely when the surface was lashed by heavy winds. Other- wise the nest would have been inundated. The sloping sides served an important end in this scheme of the wilderness household. By this means the young ducks were enabled to reach the water easily, and just as easily come from the water back into the nest. During July and August the wild life of the marsh was most interesting to observe. Multitudes of musk-rats, as if conscious that their furl coats were of little value to the hun- ter at that time of the year, disported in num- bers about the sedgy margins of the swamp. Myriads of young mallards, half grown, for- aged here and there and even contested with the rats for certain choice tid-bits of marsh f loatsam picked up in their wanderings. The stringy, bulbous root of the swamp artichoke was a morsel much sought by rats and ducks alike, and many a tug-of-war occurred be- tween these opposing forces — a rat at one end and a duck at the other. The musk-rats were so numerous that they would run five hundred to the acre in the opinion of the old- time hunter. As to the mallards — there was AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 127 absolutely no way in which a man could arrive at a reasonable estimate of their numbers. The homing phase of wild life was interesting to observe, and the old-timer recalls how these young, half-grown mallards, at nightfall, sought out the old nest and as many as could perched on its precipitous sides, while the bal- ance, if the family were large — say about a dozen — sat in the water with their feet drawn up into the soft feathers of the breast, and with heads tucked under their wings dreamed of polly-wogs and bugs. The Beaver Lake region not only attract- ed huge flights of ducks, geese and swan, but here, also, was the home primeval of the pic- turesque sand-hill crane. They frequented this section literally by the thousands. Every hunter of pioneer days has some story to re- late concerning a peculiar ceremonial observ- ed by these birds in the spring and sometimes in the early fall, which is often alluded to as the "dance of the cranes." At such times numbers of these birds gathered on a high spot of the prairie adjacent to the water. They formed in a circle, each one equi-distant from his neighbor, and thus disposed they went through a series of movements strange- ly akin to the figures of a quadrille. Always 128 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN there was a dignity of movement and a ser- iousness of mien and deportment altogether amusing, interesting and quite out of the or- dinary. One of the movements most general- ly recalled by those who have witnessed them, is that which resembled "leap-frog." The bird ahead would squat close to the ground while the one behind would vault lightly over. Im- mediately on alighting, this bird would crouch down to the ground while the other jumped over. Beaver Lake was a body of water seven miles long and about five miles wide and from six to nine feet deep, situated mainly in Mc- Clellan township, Newton county, Indiana. Contiguous swamps added vastly to this area which was known generally as "The Beaver Lake Country." In 1853 the state of Indiana undertook to reclaim a portion of this swamp tract by running a ditch from the northwest corner of the lake to the Kankakee river, sev- eral miles away to the north. This effort was pretty much of a failure as it only caused the shore-line of the lake to recede by about one hundred yards. Twenty-five to thirty years later Lemuel Milk, of Kankakee, the well known land magnate, became interested in the project of draining this vast tract, and went AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 129 after it with characteristic energy. The old ditch was widened and deepened and its car- rying capacity increased. The limestone "hog-back" above Momence, Illinois, was cut through and the Kankakee, with its flood thus released, made short work of draining pic- turesque Beaver Lake. While the success of this great reclama- tion project was being acclaimed by the public in general, tragedy was stalking abroad in all the vast realm where, from time immemorial, had dwelt the feathered legions of the wild. In the nesting places of the shallow swamps the geese had but recently brought off their broods, all unmindful of impending disaster. There were tens of thousands of these big, soft, fuzzy goslings suddenly bereft of their native element — water. Goslings at best are poor "land-lubbers" but fine sailors and aero- nauts once they are supplied with water and wing-feathers, but in this case they had neith- er. The sight was pitiable, says A. L. Barker, who, as a boy witnessed it all. They walked and rolled and dragged themselves painfully to the few depressions in the marsh bottom where water still remained and crowded these places to suffocation. For days the sandy spaces roundabout the sloughs were alive with 130 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN the roly-poly forms of these goslings, some dead, others dying, while the remainder toiled persistently though painfully landward, under a burning sun, in search of water. The help- lessness and misery of these hapless waifs of the wild would have moved a soul of ada- mant to pity. The mother geese were every- where encouraging their flocks as best they might, but the task was a hopeless one and one after another they fell by the wayside. Only the stronger ones and such as were helped endured and reached the life-saving water in the door-yard of the swamp settler. It was a disaster so far-reaching in its effects upon the wild life of the region that man was helpless to succor them except in a very lim- ited way. Mr. Barker recalls that he picked up numbers of these goslings and bore them to a place of safety in his father's barnyard, and that the mother geese, so far from being perturbed by the presence of man, apparent- ly sensed that it was an act of mercy. As the goslings wallowed in the puddles about the watering trough the old geese would stretch their necks and wag their heads up and down unruffled by the approach of a stranger, meanwhile giving voice to a delightfully soft and friendly little "croak" which, in the Ian- AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 131 guage of wild meant, beyond a doubt— "Thank you, mister, thank you for your kindness." The geese were not the only ones to suffer. With the passing of the waters of the lake the hosts of buffalo, cat-fish and pickerel con- tained therein were left marooned in shallow pools or stranded helplessly in the black muck of the lake's bottom. There were buffalo and pickerel of enormous size, patriarchs of these primeval waters, whose carcasses littered the bottom of the lake so thickly that one could step from one to another in any direction, like upon so many stepping stones. For weeks, after the release of the waters, this spot was like a charnel house, from which emanated odors of fish and game, rotting under the rays of a hot sun, that smelled to Heaven and hung oven 4 this citadel of the wilderness like a pes- tilential blanket. Man had won in the conflict with nature ! The citadel had fallen ! Austin Dexter is a marsh inhabitant who has spent eighty-six years there. He was born at Rensselaer, Indiana, in 1839, and shortly after his people moved into the lake country and he has been there ever since. He 132 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN AN ANCIENT "SWAMP-RAT" Austin Dexter, at the Right in the Pic- ture, is, Perhaps, Beaver Lake's Oldest Citizen in Point of Continuous Residence. He Came to the Lake as a Baby and is Now Eighty-Six Years Old. He has Visions of the Lake Country Again Returning to a State of Nature in Time. AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 133 is what is known in the expressive phraseol- ogy of the lake country as "a Swamp-Rat." Life, in the main, has been uneventful save that it is rich in the garnered experiences of the little realm in which he has so long lived and moved and been a part. In his little hut back among the oaks of a sand-ridge, not far from the famous "Shafer Ridge," we found him and talked with him. Here he lives dur- ing the summer, pretty much by himself, and, in the winter he goes down to Kentland a pen- sioner on the bounty of Newton county. His recollection of the marsh goes back into the early forties. The Pottawattomi were there in that day and, with their primitive weapons, were the principal hunters for a time. His older brother spent much time with them and became quite expert in speaking and under- standing the Pottawattomi tongue. In that day, besides the aquatic life that filled the marsh, there were countless deer and wolves that ranged the adjacent prairie and oak- scrub of the sand-ridges. He recalls that dur- ing the fifties and the sixties hunters made a business of hunting deer for the market. He has beheld wagon loads of deer carcasses pil- ed high and tied with ropes, ready for trans- port to market at Rensselaer or Morocco, In- 134 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN diana, or across the line into Illinois to Mo- mence. There is a tradition associated with the year he was born, 1839, of which he likes to tell. The winter was very severe and many deer took refuge on Big Bogus Island. During the protracted season of cold the waters of the lake were frozen over and then the citi- zens of the region inaugurated a big drive. Nearly everybody in the neighborhood par- ticipated in the affair, men, boys and a wo- man or two, more hardy and venturesome than the rest, joined in the sport. This wild- erness posse was armed with rifles, pitch- forks, corn-knives — anything that might serve as a weapon. The grass of the island was fired and the deer, driven before the wall of fire, emerged in numbers upon the glare ice of the lake. Then the slaughter ensued for the deer, unable to stand on the slippery sur- face of the lake, sprawled in every direction in their mad efforts to escape and became easy victims. It is said that the bag of game in that drive amounted to seventy head of deer, a fox or two and six or seven wolves. It was a big event in the lake's history. Naturally there are memories etched on the very soul of this ancient swamp recluse AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 135 of days when the wild life of the upper air concentrated here. Again, a man would have profited if he had known something of the prodigal abundance of these wilderness days, for Austin Dexter, though friendly and will- ing, was disposed to listen rather than talk, and this reticence was due in a large measure to the fact that tales of the Lake's early days now seem extravagant, overdrawn, improb- able. By degrees, however, he talked — talk- ed in the halting monosyllable of the marsh- man— of nights in the early spring when the feathered hosts of the air came tumbling in. Many and many is the night he says, that he has lain awake in his shack, unable to sleep from the incessant "cac, cac, cac," of the red- heads and mallards mingled with the wild, strident "honk" of geese, belated travelers of the night who sought a resting spot in this wilderness hostelry. As these hosts settled down they disturb- ed still other hosts so that the night was a perfect bedlam of distracting cries, so much so that sleep was entirely out of the question. There were times when the swamp's feather- ed denizens, from some unknown source and in some unaccountable way, were warned of some untoward thing and rose en masse. It 136 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN was a sight awe-inspiring, spectacular, sub- lime, and the noise of untold thousands of wings beating the air in unison as they arose from the water reverberated in the timber- fringed confines of the lake like heavy thun- der. Such old-time hunters of the swamps as Victor Brassard, Wm. A. Hunter and Tom Magruder, say that these sudden, unexplain- able upheavals of game taking wing at the same instant, registered on the sensibilities like the reverberations of a mild explosion. A fellow's nerves would farly tingle for a time as from the effects of a mighty electric shock. As he spoke of these happenings of the past his eye ranged slowly the vast expanse of country to the south where, traced in the swamp bottoms, were staring highways of white, farms fenced in and fields of corn white from the early autumn frosts, where formerly the boats of the hunters plied. To the southeast of "Big Bogus" laid the deep sink of old Beaver Lake. His eye rested here while he pointed out the huge dredge-ditch, its precipitous sides covered for the most part with scrub-oak, sumach and briers, through which shone dully, patches of dead, gray quicksand. It was then the tragedy of the swamp stood revealed. Through this ditch the AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 137 heart's blood of old Beaver Lake had drained to the last drop. "They murdered this land while they were at it," said Austin Dexter sad- ly, "and made a good job of it !" Its primitive voices are stilled, unless we except the lugu- brious voice of the crow and the chattering of the black-bird hosts. Man has deliberately sacrificed the plenty that here fell regularly from the hand of the Almighty and, in return, drew a burden of taxes. 138 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN FAMOUS BOGUS ISLAND Beaver Lake and Bogus Island are but memories in this day. It is difficult for the casual visitor to realize that this was a swamp region, thousands of acres in extent, whose deep retreats were frequented by counterfeit- ers, horse thieves, murderers and criminals of lesser degree. So changed is the land that only the campaigner of its old days may know with something of certainty "just where he is at," in this lifeless, wide open land of today. The term lifeless is meant only in a re- lative sense, as indicating the entire absence of the hosts of wild fowl that once made this wilderness retreat vocal with their cries as they passed in and out. The chatter of the blackbird hosts is but the feeble echo of wild- erness life of the long ago. The south-west winds are empty today save where they pick up the dry sands of the old lake bed and weave them in spirals and sift them in soft, gray diaphanous clouds until, in the distance, they seem like spirit-flights of the ancient hosts of the wild haunting this spot of many mem- ories. Within forty years section lines have been run, fences built and a perfect checker- AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 139 board of stone roads built in the very heart of this swamp region. Its famous secret places are secret no longer, but have been opened to the public in the most ruthless and unfeeling manner and then forgotten, appar- ently, save by the "swamp-rat," to whom the whole thing is a nightmare — nay, more — a tragedy. "Little Bogus" and "Big Bogus" Islands, famous as the rendezvous of the ear- ly-day banditti, loom upon the landscape amid quiet pastoral scenes that afford little or no background for the fierce tales of the border credited to them. The island's most formid- able protecting barrier today is the unroman- tic but practical "barbed-wire" fence. This island, which is several acres in ex- tent and wooded, was occupied as early as 1836 by counterfeiters, who made quantities of spurious coin which they circulated on the outside by means of confederates and help- ers. The Illinois country was alive with horse thieves and counterfeiters. They were even more numerous than the "hold-up" men of today. There is a tradition that three coun- terfeiters were arrested on Little Bogus in 1837. They were taken before Justice Wes- ley Spitler, tried and bound over to the cir- to ra O °3 ^ 2 rt 5 o *j K o> o ft J .r^ u/ ^- OSS' ^£ S C £ s> s -s * § 73 > a) ^ H § CO >>-*JrO 0> AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 141 cuit court. They forfeited their bonds and the case never came to trial. A horse stolen from the neighborhood of Milford, Illinois in 1857 was followed by~~a posse of twelve or fifteen men to the neighbor- hood of Bogus Island. The thief, hard press- ed, left the horse in the timber and made an unsuccessful attempt to escape. He was dis- covered crossing the big ditch a little way north of the bridge that crosses the ditch near the Jennie M. Conrad home, and, as he emerged on the other side, the bullets of the pursuing party dropped him in his tracks. Apparently the formality of an inquest was dispensed with. He was a known horse thief, and that was enough. They did drag the body to the top of the sightly sand-hill and buried it there. This eminence is known today as "Horse Thief Hill." About this time, too, "Old Shafer," a swamp character with a most sinister record, variously known as "Mike" or "William," was arrested. He was after- wards tried for harboring thieves and stolen property, and was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary. Early day citizens of Momence were obliged to wage constant and unrelenting 142 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN warfare on these undesirables, and to that end the services of Col. Phil Worcester, "Uncle Sid" Vail and Walter B. Hess were en- listed on behalf of the community during a period of years and with something of suc- cess. In 1839, at a point on "Big Bogus" Is- land, on its southeastern side where the sandy promontory rises from the bed of the old lake, a point still distinguished by a huge oak tree, there Col. Worcester and his party surprised a band of five counterfeiters and made them captives. Tradition, which is vague and shadowy, says that the Worcester party con- sisted of himself, Sid Vail and "Uncle Billy" Nichols, with James Graham for a guide. They came across in a boat from Hunter's Point, to the south-west of the island, in the darkness of the night, guided only by a beacon light which shone from high up in the oak tree. The very audacity of the scheme made it successful. The counterfeiters were sure they were welcoming some of their own par- ty instead of officers of the law. Walter B. Hess, almost from the first day he became a resident of the border settle- ment of Momence, identified himself prom- inently with this movement to preserve law and order. He had a most formidable antag- AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 143 onist in the wiley Shafer whom he at last landed back of the bars for a three-year term. But Shafer had a long memory, he was cun- ning and revengeful, and in the end Mr. Hess lost many and many a good horse and, appar- ently, was helpless to avert it. Then, there were the brothers, Shep and Wright Latin who had the run of the town and were con- cerned in many a shady transaction. Mr. Hess never charged Shep Latin with actual stealing, but his clever brain hatched many a scheme which worked out to the great detriment of people of the community with good, likely horses. Shep Latin was really a likable fellow ; not vindictive like "Old Shafer." Mr. Hess says that Wright Latin one day went by his house with five horses, which afterwards proved to have been stolen. A day or so lat- er several men came by hunting for them and Mr. Hess gave the fellows such directions as he was able. A day or so later the men re- turned bringing four horses with them. They said they could not find the fifth horse but found a man in charge of the four. They add- ed significantly that his horse stealing days were over. The description they gave of the man tallied exactly with that of Wright Latin, and he was never heard from later. Many 144 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN ■.■■," ; :.-' "BIG BOGUS ISLAND" Since the Draining of the Waters of Beaver Lake, "Big Bogus" Looms on its Southeastern Side like a Huge Promontory of Sand. The Figure to the Right in the Picture is Standing on the Spot Where a Gang of Early-Day Counterfeiters Had Their "Dugout." At This Point Five of a Gang Were Captured by Col. Worcester and a Band of Momence Men. AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 145 years later, while some men were digging a ditch near Blue Grass, in Indiana, they were very much frightened on exhuming a skele- ton. It was, in all probability, the remains of Wright Latin. The story is told how one day, while Shep Latin was intoxicated, he said to Mr. Hess: "Hess you're a fool to work as you do. I can put you in the way of making an easier living — just look at this." Whereupon he pull- ed out of several pockets handfuls of bills, with the remark: "My clothes are just lined with money." Mr. Hess refused his confidences on this and other occasions. Summing up his life work in the matter of searching out crimin- als, however, he was quite positive that, if he were a young man again going into a bor- der country he would not take the active part he did in trying to break up lawlessness. Once he pursued a horse thief for three weeks and in the chase ruined a better horse than the one that had been stolen. "Little Bogus," which was the favorite haunt of counterfeiters and thieves, was reached from the west and northwest by lonely trails, obscure and winding. It was surrounded on all sides by deep water which 146 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN made surprise attack by officers of the law out of the question. By many of the marsh residents it was suspected that there was an easier way into it than by swimming one's horse through the deep waters surrounding it, and, at the time the waters of Beaver Lake were drained, there was brought to light for the first time a peculiar configuration of the lake bottom. From the island's highest point today the observer beholds, stretching away to the north-west, the ziz-zag lines of a nar- ow "hog-back" of sand which, lying close to the surface of the lake yet obscured by the water, afforded easy means of ingress and egress to men on horseback familiar with the peculiar lay of the land. From the point where the "hog-back" stopped abruptly, there was an interval of deep water between it and the adjacent sand-ridge to the west of some three or four hundred feet. Evidences of an early day engineering feat were unearthed at this point years ago at the time when one of the lateral ditches was dredged through. The dredge discovered with its steel nose a road- way constructed of logs six to eight inches in diameter, placed side by side corduroy fash- ion. This submerged corduroy roadway was laid in a shallow spot in the lagoon, and reach- AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 147 ed from the sand-ridge on the west as far as the "hog-back/' several hundred feet away to the south-east. Long after the waters of the lake had been drained away, this connect- ing bit of road, deeply embedded in the swamp muck, was clearly visible. One may behold it all today clearly revealed in the sunshine, the winding highway of the early-day banditti and the dip to the sand-ridge where the cor- duroy road was laid. It is an innocent look- ing bit of sandy surface today even though it once formed an important link for those who sought the island stronghold. "Bogus Island" in its primitive days, was as snug and secure a place as was ever hit up- on by the fugitive from justice, or he whose questionable practices thrive best in secret. Covered by a thick growth of oak and brush, its shores fringed about by a dense growth of cat-tails and wild rice, surrounded by deep water, uncharted save for the secret sub- merged trail to the north-west, what more se- cure haven could have been desired? Mid- way of the island, at the head of a small ra- vine which dips sharply to the east, is today a hol£ in the ground which popular tradition fixes as the spot where the counterfeiters had their cabin of logs and carried on their oper- g cj » «*£ PQ . m >» I Ph a) a) - g W OJMTJ (-1 gJ3 ^ fi W O ^J PL, ^ o ©£ •^ s ® i U CS AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 149 ations. The sandy area about this spot has yielded, in the course of the years, many me- mentoes in the way of spurious coins and counterfeiter's paraphernalia. Here, and at "Big Bogus," three miles to the south-east, as the crow flies, was the rallying point for these underworld characters of border days who, for years continued to be a thorn in the side of the border settlement at Momence. They were clever men, desperate men, who, in the pinch, held human life cheaply, so that in the category of crimes directly chargeable to them, there sometimes occurred the charge of murder. There are tales still told which lack much of detail and color, and legends vague and various touching upon the lives and do- ings of the banditti of the swamps, bandied about among the older folk of the region. But, for the most part time has wiped the memory clean of all definite recollection of these stir- ring events, with the possible exception of the chief bandit himself — "Old Shafer," who forms the subject of a special story to follow. Dr. John F. Shronts, the well known pion- eer doctor of Momence, as a young man just out of college, sought a location for the prac- tice of his profession near to the cross-roads where stands the hamlet of Lake Village, In- 150 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN diana. Here, in the heart of the Beaver Lake country, he occupied a primitive log cabin and hung out his shingle as M. D. as early as 1868 or 1869. Here, for years, he practiced, later removing to Momence, Illinois. A queer place, you may think, for a young doctor to light upon, a place without prospect or future, whose inhabitants, in the main, were of the criminal stripe and desperate. But the facts are these men were just as susceptible to chills and fever and "swamp ague" as the "squat- ter" trapper and woodsman, of whom, to use the vernacular of the marsh of that day, "thar wuz a considerable sprinkling." There was a broken arm and broken leg, now and then, to be adjusted and at such times when the boys of questionable character and calling cele- brated a successful "haul" on the outside by raising high-jinks in their island stronghold for days at a time — when liquor flowed free- ly and enthusiasm ran high — not infrequent- ly the lone doctor was sought by them to treat a gun-shot wound or repair a damage caused by fists. Boys will be boys, and the best of friends fall out now and then ! Dr. Shronts used to recall that, on his first visit to the secret places of the island banditti, he was obliged to submit to being AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 151 blind-folded on going in and coming out of the place. In the course of the years, how- ever, this precaution was dispensed with. For years he knew of the secret "hog-back high- way" but was unable to locate it by his own knowledge unaided. But the Doctor concern- ed himself only in his profession and was care- ful not to show too great an interest in the past life and doings of his patients. Withal, he was discreet, cautious, careful not to let drop the least hint of gossip or criticism re- lating to the affairs of this underworld clien- tele so that in the end he held their confidence as no other man of the lake region ever did. Long after he had removed to Momence, Dr. Shronts was called by the swamp folk gener- ally, in time of need, and by members of the island banditti particularly whenever the em- ergency arose. By day and by night he trav- eled the precarious footing of "Lyon's Lane," to still more precarious and uncertain trails which wound about through thicket and scrub and miniature sand-dunes, and which led, fin- ally to the humble cabin of the trapper and hunter or the more isolated abodes of the "Bogus Island" bandits. It was a faithful service he rendered these habitants of the Lake region during all the days he lived — sum- 152 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN mer or winter in fair weather and foul, day or night. The incident is recalled of one occasion when Dr. Shronts was out of town, a messen- ger from Bogus Island sought him on behalf of one of their number who had been kicked by a horse. In the absence of Dr. Shronts his colleague, Dr. H. M. Keyser, was appealed to. The Doctor was reluctant at first to under- take the trip for the reputation of the pros- pective patient, a habitue of "Little Bogus," was not altogether reassuring. In his pro- fessional experience he had had but little to do with them. The messenger offered him a double fee, but the Doctor soon made it clear that his unwillingness, in this case, was not so much a matter of the fee as it was a matter of safety for himself and his horse. "Suppos- ing," said the Doctor, "that someone of your number fancied my horse and helped himself to it? What a predicament I would be in! What assurance have I that this will not hap- pen?" The messenger smiled grimly and re- plied : "When men of our stripe give a promise they live up to it. Should your horse be stolen, I promise that you will be supplied with a bet- ter one ! I will take you in and bring you back, and pay you well besides." And, thus assured, AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 153 Dr. Keyser made the trip to Bogus Island. And these men of shady reputation and des- perate character treated him royally. The passing of Dr. John F. Shronts in many respects was marked like the closing of an epoch — like the last chapter in a tale of stirring events of red-blood days brought to a point where the frontier "faded out" and present day civilization began. What wealth of stirring reminiscence and thrilling incident of the old, lawless days of the lake country passed beyond mortal ken with the passing of the old Doctor, we can only surmise. We do know that it was considerable and that its loss to the generation of today is irreparable. 154 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN "OLD SHAFER" OF THE KANKAKEE MARSH Verily, the way of the transgressor is hard ; and to him that showeth not mercy, in the end mercy shall be denied. To make use of still another truism evolved from the sum of human experiences throughout the ages, "He who lives by the sword shall perish by the sword." "Old Shafer," of the black Marsh, as the country contiguous to famous "Bogus Island" over the line in Indiana, was known in the early days, was a most sinister and forbidding character. He was an outlaw steeped in crime, who ruled the isolated swamp region of the Kankakee Marshes with an iron hand. Where the law of organized so- ciety had not permeated in that early day he was a law unto himself, and many a thief, counterfeiter and assassin found asylum there when pressed too hard by the civil authori- ties. "Old Shafer," as he was known far and wide, was not old in years. He was old in crime hence the title, "Old Shafer." Appar- ently there was no crime in the criminal cal- endar of that day, from petty larceny to mur- der, of which "Old Shaf." was not guilty. AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 155 Moreover, he sometimes boasted of it, shock- ing as the statement may seem. Where Mike Shafer came from no one knows. That part of his life is a sealed book. He operated from famous "Shafer Ridge," in the Beaver Lake country during the fifties and up until his death in 1869. By many it is said that he began his operations there as far back as 1844. The gossip of that early day in the swamps credited him with being a man of unusual attainments in the matter of edu- cation. He is said to have been a graduate of one of the great eastern colleges. That Mike Shafer was not his real name but an assumed one, there can be little doubt. Opinion of the countryside, however, is a unit in ascribing to him the doubtful honor of being one of the most formidable outlaws that ever operated in the Mississippi valley in a day when the fron- tier gave asylum to the worst of them. He made his word the law in the little domain in which he operated and he enforced that law in the most vigorous and summary manner. That he was for so long a thorn in the side of the little frontier settlement of Momence, that he so long eluded successfully the clutch- es of the law, is a tribute at once to his nerve, 156 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN cunning and consumate skill by which he dir- ected the underworld forces under his com- mand. Mrs. Nutt and Mrs. Alzada Hopper, now residents of Momence, were the daughters of Hugh Williamson. Williamson was a hunter who, in 1863, left Kankakee City and took up his abode in the Kankakee marshes with his family. In that early day the "Beaver Lake" region, as it was known, was a hunter's par- adise with its thousands of acres of swampy stretches studded with musk-rat houses, and flanked by wild-rice and towering cat-tails and bulrushes. Here and there an island ap- peared and these were heavily timbered with oak and tangled, almost impenetrable scrub- oak. As a breeding ground and natural re- treat for wild game this ancient habitat has seldom been equalled and never surpassed anywhere in the Mississippi basin. In the days of the early sixties when Wil- liamson took up his abode there, the wild deer were still very plentiful and numbers of them fell before his rifle. There were times when he would load the wide pole-rack of his wag- on with the carcasses of deer, piling them high, one upon the other like cord-wood, and take them to Momence, where he disposed of AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 157 them to the butcher shops, stores, or anyone wanting them. At other times when the lo- cal markets had been well supplied, he sought Chicago, fifty miles away. It was a day when venison held it own with the products of a gradually developing civilization, and more often than not the carcass of a deer held the place of vantage on a hook outside the market door. Years before Williamson took up his abode in the marsh and built his primitive log cabin on the ridge to the north-east of "Lit- tle Bogus," the counterfeiters and horse thieves had established their headquarters within its protecting environs. Here from as far back as the early thirties, they carried on successfully their nefarious business and, ap- parently, gave little heed to the humble hun- ter or trapper so long as he showed the good sense to keep a bridle on his tongue, and did not interest himself too much in their affairs or try to see too much. Among these dwell- ers of the marsh region who made a vocation of hunting and trapping, the sinister quali- ties of their associates were recognized in a way, and popular gossip attributed to each certain dark and devious pursuits as well as certain crimes of which they whispered fur- 158 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN tively and cautiously among themselves. The "grape-vine telegraph" of that day was an effective disseminator of the "news" of this underworld retreat, and these tales as they passed from one to another, lost not one jot nor tittle, but gained in interesting detail as they made the rounds. These tales were not mere fabrications altogether ; a thread of fact and truth ran through them all. Mrs. Nutt and her sister, Mrs. Hopper, as girls in this frontier stronghold knew "Old Shafer." He was sometimes a caller at their cabin where he conversed with their father. Mrs. Nutt recalls that he was a powerful man, with a good head and as fine and regular a set of teeth as any man was ever blessed with. To her father he remarked one day: "Wil- liamson, I shot a man once, and all I could shake out of him was a dollar!" "That might sound like bravado," said Mrs. Nutt, "but you can not make me believe but "Old Shafer" told the truth for once." If other tales con- cerning him are to be given similar credence then, somewhere amid the low-lying sand dunes and scrub-oak isles that surrounded his cabin there is secreted to this day a nail-keg containing a goodly quantity of gold pieces — the sum of the profits yielded to this master AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 159 criminal during a lifetime. So persistent was the story of this hidden wealth that, after his death, search was made for it in and about the place but without success. There were casks containing pork and beef, but the fab- led nail-keg and its treasure is still undiscov- ered. But the legend of the nail-keg and its contents of golden eagles still lives in the memory of the countryside, and, after the lapse of half a century, there are those who believe that someone, sometime, more lucky than the rest will stumble upon it by accident. You ask an old-time resident of the marsh country and he will tell you that most certain- ly "Old Shafer" left a quantity of gold se- creted somewhere. No question about that. Years ago there were those of the older resi- dents who avowed by all that was good and great that they had beheld the ghost of "Old Shafer" on certain nights prowling among the oaks in the near vicinity of his cabin home, one end of which was dug into the side of a sand-dune. Not one but several claim to have beheld these nocturnal visitations by the spec- tral figure of "Old Shafer," on some special mission bent, and once when the moonlight glinting through an open space in the oaks fell 160 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN full upon the massive back, lo, there appear- ed the gaping gunshot wound, evidence enough for any reasonable person that the wraith was that of Shafer and no one else. Little wonder that these simple folk of the swamps should spin these phantasies of the formidable Shafer and clothe his memory with attributes approaching the supernatural. Notable among the varied accomplish- ments attributed to "Old Shafer" was his abil- ity to change distinguishing spots and marks on a horse. Many maintain that such was the excellence of his art that he could trans- form a white horse into a bright bay, or a bay to glossy chestnut or black. He was a wizard, deep and uncanny, whose operations in this line still linger in the memory of the swamp folk whose gossip and legends con- cerning him are as varied and colorful as the best examples of work ever turned out by this master hand. Shafer's cabin home was situated two miles west .and one and one- quarter miles south of the village of Rose Lawn, Indiana, on an oak-studded sand-ridge that bears the name of "Shafer's Ridge" to this day. This ridge laid along the northern edge of what was termed "The Black Marsh," and was some five or six miles distant from AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 161 the rendezvous of the horse thieves on "Big Bogus" island to the south. He thus main- tained the appearance of having no connec- tion with the band on "Big Bogus" island, but was conveniently near to lend a hand in their operations. Frequently a stolen horse with marks so prominent as to make identification easy, was run through the marsh to Shafer's "studio," in the brush, there to undergo such changes as the exigencies of the case made necessary or advisable. Shafer's practiced eye and skillful hand soon transformed the tell-tale marks so that one might go with an animal thus treated out into the highways of the world with little fear of detection. Of course, the transformation was accomplished by means of dyes. These dyes were of his own concocting and were brewed from certain barks and roots found in the wild. Austin Dexter, whose eighty years of continuous re- sidence in the marsh and whose knowledge of Shafer's methods entitle him to consideration, rather scouts the idea that Shafer went so far as to change the color of a horse entire- ly. In most cases it would not be necessary. When it came to changing the spots on an animal, however, he was very skillful. A like- 162 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN \y looking horse that needed only a white star in the forehead to completely baffle descrip- tion, was treated in an unique manner. The animal's head was first firmly secured be- tween two posts and then a boiled potato, hot out of the kettle, would be bound to the fore- head and left long enough to blister the skin, so that the hair would fall out. After five or six weeks the scar healed and the new hair that came in was always white, and the star thus produced was a permanent one. That blackest of all crimes included in the criminal repretoire of "Old Shafer," was when he deliberately murdered his youngest daughter. This girl of ten years observed the unusual operations that went on about her, and was curious and questioning, after the manner of a child, but, despite numerous warnings to be silent, she prattled innocently of it all in the presence of strangers. One day when a posse in search of two stolen horses stopped at Shafer's place, they questioned him closely concerning them. The old bandit stoutly denied having seen them, although in reality they had passed through his hands several days before, when suddenly the girl exclaimed: "Why, papa, don't you remember those men with the horses who stopped here AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 163 only day before yesterday?" He cuffed the girl soundly and told her to go about her busi- ness. He then did some tall lying in order to extricate himself, although the men in the posse were far from satisfied, and regarded the incident of the girl as significant. Shaf- er* s rage knew no bounds and then and there he resolved to make away with the child. Shortly after that, on the pretext of picking blue-berries which grew abundantly on the sandy intervals of the marsh, Shafer and the girl left the cabin. Shafer returned alone but the girl was never seen again. He cut her throat with a butcher knife, at least that is the legend of the swamps, and tearing out her hair he scattered it in hand- fuls in a lonely spot in the scrub to make it appear that she had been attacked and de- voured by the wolves. Shafer' s oldest daugh- ter, (he had but two), believed the story of the father implicitly. Later, when the mother was on her death bed, she called the girl to her and, drawing her close whispered the aw- ful details of the father's crime and urged her to fly from the accursed spot to a place of safety. Dismayed, overwhelmed by this startling intelligence, the daughter did as she was directed and ran away, but not until the 164 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN mother, after repeated urging, commanded her to. "I can't die but once," said the mother to the weeping girl; "for me the end is not far off; but you — you who will still live when I am gone, what can there be for you in this hell-hole of iniquity but sorrow? So, fly, fly. Go as far away as you can and — forget, forget this horrid thing — forget everything, every- thing, except that your mother loved you." And thus obeying a mother's injunction "Old Shafer's" daughter set her face resolute- ly to the south and made her way slowly, care- fully, cautiously out of the great Kankakee swamps in quest of that mystic land where, perchance, happiness might be found. One John Coff elt, helped the girl as far as the Wa- bash, and from that far-off day until the pres- ent no word has ever been received from her. John Coff elt was a son of Justice Coff elt who, at that time, lived on the edge of the swamp. Justice Coffelt had at one time bound Shafer over to the grand jury on a charge of har- boring stolen horses. In some manner it came to the knowledge of Shafer that John Coffelt had aided his daughter in her flight. The result of it all was that in a short time Coffelt lost nine head of horses. Such was the effectiveness of the book-keeping system AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 165 employed by this thief of long memory and implacable mood. After the departure of his daughter and the death of his wife, who did not long sur- vive, Shafer was left alone save for such com- pany of his own peculiar "stripe" who now and then sought him out on business bent. If he sometimes thought of the past, if some- times he fled from his own thoughts, terror stricken after sleepless nights, when the shades of his many victims walked in ghastly procession before his staring eyes, the "grape- vine telegraph" of the dunes and swamps gave not the slightest hint or intimation. Rather, there was increased activity on the part of all the sinister forces harbored with- in the protecting confines of the "Beaver Lake" country, and "Old Shafer's" keen men- tality and indefatigable energy were behind many a successful raid. Mr. Walter B. Hess, of Momence, whose citizenship dates back to 1839, was, for many years, head of the law and order forces that made war on the banditti of the "Bogus Is- land" stronghold. He it was who succeeded in conducting the Danville authorities into the place. A horse thief was shot and "Old Shafer" was arrested. Shafer served a short *§< t3. t-i-M 3 C -J a>^ CO J? a 1-3 o o -*f c ^^ ,-# O 03 s ° AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 167 term in the penitentiary as a result of this raid but on his return, he took up his nefar- ious business where he had left off. Such was the strength of his vengeance, such the cun- ning and devilish ingenuity he exercised that in the twelve years following his release from the penitentiary Mr. Hess lost fifty-three head of horses poisoned, shot, cut to pieces and stolen. One night his barn east of Momence was entered and eight horses contained there- in were poisoned. Two of these had their tails cut off and they were otherwise muti- lated. The barn was still locked on the follow- ing morning. And "Old Shafer" gloated over the toll he had exacted from his arch enemy, for these raids had been conducted with such consumate skill that not the slightest trace had been left by which the legal authorities could reach him. After a life of crime which extended over many years, during which he served a short jail sentence or two, "Old Shafer" fell by the same means he had so often employed. He was shot in the back at short range, the charge of buckshot tearing a frightful hole in his body and dropping him in his tracks. Details as given by the swamp folk are meager and conflicting. One report has it that Shafer's 168 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN assassin crept up to his cabin in the early dusk of March and shot through the window while he was engaged in frying a panful of bacon over the open blaze of the fireplace; that he lunged head first into and face down- wards into the blaze atop of the frying-pan, and that when found some time later, the fire had burned out but not before it had burned the upper part of Shafer's body until it was a black, charred mass, almost unrecognizable. Mrs. Nutt and Mrs. Hopper give quite another version. Shaf er was shot in the back at close range as he was about to enter his cabin. At the entrance to his cabin there were two or three log steps placed in a shallow area- way that led down to the door, and "Old Shafer" stood on the topmost of these steps when the fatal shot was fired. In his right hand he held the bail of a small iron kettle and in his left, clutched in a death-grip, was an old dish-rag. The assassin gathered leaves and small branches with which he surround- ed the body as it laid there, and set them on fire with the evident intention of cremating the body of the old bandit in his own premises. The leaves burned out but failed to ignite the brush and, barring a scorched or charred spot AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 169 here and there, the body was practically un- touched. John Jenkins, of Berrien county, Michi- gan, located in the marsh and in the Town- ship of Lake in the year 1865. Shafer was killed in March of 1869 and in the interim Jenkins had been elected to the office of Jus- tice-of-the-peace. On hearing the news of Shafer's death early the following morning, he proceeded to look up the law to see what his duties as Justice were in the emergency, there being no regularly qualified coroner available. He found that the law provided that the Justice should conduct ari inquest in such cases. Accordingly he repaired to the Shafer home, viewed the body and took note of the surroundings, and then gave orders authorizing the removal of the body to his home. Mr. Jenkins at that time lived on the south-east corner of the section that adjoins the present village of Lake on the west, his home being located on the north side of the road about a quarter of a mile from the cor- oner, west. Situated a little ways to the south- east of his home, Mr. Jenkins had a log black- smith shop where work for the neighborhood was carried on, and to this place the body of "Old Shafer" was directed to be brought. It 170 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN was late in the afternoon when the body ar- rived. Two barrels were upended, a wide puncheon slab laid thereon and there, in such state as the limited facilities of the frontier afforded rested the body of the grim old bandit of the marsh in all its wretchedness, still clutching in his left hand the old dish- rag, and with the grime of the day's work up- on him. Dr. John F. Shronts, who first began the practice of medicine in this swamp region, later moving to Momence, was authorized by Mr. Jenkins to perform an autopsy on the body as the law requires. The day was far spent — in fact it was quite dark by the time Dr. Shronts arrived, so that it became neces- sary for the Doctor to work by the dim, uncer- tain light of tallow candles. These were held conveniently by various members of the jury who followed the Doctor's every move in the gruesome procedure in evident absorption. What a gathering was that of typical frontier types that thronged the little road-side black- smith shop that night — that last night "Old Shaf er" spent this side of the grave ! Thrilled by the news of his sudden and tragic demise and that an inquest had been ordered, a most unusual thing for that day, better than a AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 171 score of Beaver Lake dwellers gathered at the little shop on the roadside, interested spec- tators of all that went on. Dressed in the rough, weatherworn garb of the hunter and trapper, each one with that indispensable ac- companiment of frontier life, a dog or two of the hound species, they surged in and about the place in their eager anxiety to follow ev- ery move of the surgeon. Really, Shafer's taking off was an event. The burden of dread under which the community had lived for so many years had thus been suddenly lifted, and that sense of relief experienced by the populace at the passing of so formidable a menace as "Old Shaf er" was clearly manifest- ed by a perfect babble of conversation that left no phase of the dead man's life untouched. To the general feeling of security and well- being was added, in most cases, a glow of complete satisfaction inspired by generous drinks of whiskey. Now and then some member of the little company of onlookers that peered through the open door into the yellow-lighted depths of the shop, felt a momentary tremor and a chill fn the region of the spine as he beheld the lifeless form, inert and motionless, helpless under the deft, swiftly moving hands of Dr. 172 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN Shronts. The soft cartilages of the ribs were severed one by one and the sternum entire lifted to an acute angle and nearly two doz- en large buck-shot taken from the cavity. The autopsy thus established beyond question or cavil that "Old Shafer" had come to his death from the effects of these buck-shot, fired in- to his back from a gun in the hands of some person unknown to the jury. There were the buck-shot — a teaspoonful of them — enough to kill three men. And Shafer's neighbors who thus talked of it " 'Lowed thar wuz none too many at that! Just a safe, comfortable load for a man like Mike Shafer — one couldn't be too careful when hunting game like Mike!" At the conclusion of the autopsy the crowd withdrew; one by one the lights were extin- guished; the door of the wayside shop was closed and latched and if anyone watched be- side that lonely bier that night it was only the invisible spirits of darkness with which he had fraternized in life. At the Jenkins home across the road the investigation was renewed with a view to dis- covering, if possible, the perpetrator of the crime, although the public, in this instance, did not look upon it as a crime particularly. Two men, Baum and Cushinberry, frequenters AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 173 of the swamp concerning whose affairs little or nothing was known, were examined. Their stories were conflicting. They admitted hav- ing had some dealings with Shafer the day before he was found dead at his cabin. Re- luctantly they admitted that they had had a falling out and that Shafer, in his stormy way, had threatened them both with death. Al- though the two operated much together, there was a notable discrepancy in the testimony they gave concerning their business affairs. Harking back to that night of more than a half century ago, Mr. A. B. Jenkins, now of Morocco, Indiana, then a lad of eleven years, recalls the furtive, shifty manner, in which they gave their testimony and has no hesi- tancy in pronouncing them the real culprits. They were told to hold themselves in readi- ness to appear before the jury again next day but, instead, they set out on foot in the dark- ness for the nearby Illinois state-line. Captain Silas Sink, a resident of the Beaver Lake country, who was returning from Momence late that night, met them only a mile or so east of the state-line. The wives of Baum and Cushinberry, after several months, left the country and joined them in all probability. They were never heard from after that In 174 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN the course of time it came out that these men were counterfeiters, working in collusion with Shafer. Fred Tanner, a resident of the Beaver Lake country towards whom suspicion pointed an accusing finger, was held to the grand jury as a result of the coroner's jury investigations. It was brought out that there had been a bit- ter feud between Shafer and Tanner result- ing from Tanner having lost several head of colts which he charged Shafer with having fed with poisoned corn. Tanner was emphatic in his charge against Shafer and most persis- tent in his efforts to make the old outlaw pay for them. So insistent did Tanner become in pressing his claim for the colts that "Old Shafer" was finally driven to the extremity of issuing an ultimatum, the gist of which was something as follows: "I am not going to pay a cent for the horses but, I am going on your trail with a gun at ten o'clock tomor- row, and when I get through with you, your hide wont hold ear corn !" And those who knew anything of Shaf er's iron will and implacable spirit, once they were aroused, knew that a statement of that nature from him meant serious trouble if not bloodshed. The trial of AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 175 Tanner later by the civil authorities resulted in his being acquitted. Shafer was buried the following morn- ing. There was no semblance of a funeral. Those were primitive days in the Lake coun- try and the deceased inspired merely a sense of relief, now that he was gone. The remains with only the scant covering afforded by the half-burnt clothes he wore the day he was killed, were deposited in the bed of a lumber wagon and conveyed to the little frontier cemetery that now serves the town of Lake Village, two miles away to the north-west, on a high, sandy knoll. Following the wagon as it moved along the sandy trail were eight or ten marsh citizens who had helped to swell the crowd at the autopsy and who were ani- mated by a desire "to see the thing through." Several were on horseback; others walked, and as they walked they smoked and cracked jokes and laughed, while the hounds, ranging the countryside in joyous abandon, added their deep-toned baying to the medley of sounds more joyful than sad the day Shafer went to his long home. No coffin was provided, not even a rough box of boards. This man who for so long, out- raged the laws of God and man, who had AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 111 murdered his own child and hid her body in the lonely waste with only a covering of sand, deserved nothing better for himself. In fact, the consensus of opinion was that he really did not deserve that much. So, a hole, a shal- low one, not a grave exactly, was hastily dug, the remains deposited therein and as hastily covered over. With the last shovelful on the mound the wielder of the shovel raised it high and brought it down with a resounding whack, remarking while the onlookers guffawed: "There you are, Mike Shafer, and may the devil make you dance a hornpipe on the hot- test griddle there is in hell." It is generally believed that the body of Shafer did not long remain in its lonely abode on the very peak of the wind-swept sand knoll. Several days later his grave showed unmis- takable signs of having been disturbed. Some said it was the work of the wolves. Others guessed shrewdly that it was the work of a younger set of boys who had avowed their intention of stringing the body of Shafer up to a jack-oak tree. Mr. Jenkins is of the opin- ion that the skeleton of a body which the devil would not have claimed would, never-the-less, have been hailed as an valued accessory to a doctor's outfit in that day of the frontier. Var- 178 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN ious rumors were rife concerning the final disposition of the body. He says imagination might picture a fire burning under a capacious old fashioned soap-kettle, set in some conven- ient copse of scrub-oak secure from prying eyes, wherein the body of the old bandit was gradually reduced, and not be far off the truth, possibly. And in that case, what could be more fitting as a finale to a life of crime than those well-known lines from Macbeth, where the witches chant — "Double, double toil and trouble, Fire burn and cauldon bubble!" AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 179 JOHN HADDON MAKES A KILLING John Haddon was, for years well known in and about Momence as a hunter, trapper and all around frontiersman. He was a char- acter whose oddities are still recalled by some of the older residents. He was the last of the picturesque wilderness types that served the sparse settlements of the prairie as mail car- rier. When the Illinois Central built into Kankakee in 1853, Haddon lost his job. Prior to 1841 Momence citizens used to go to Chi- cago or Bunkum for their mail. When Mo- mence got a postoffice finally, in 1841 it is said, the mail was brought from Baileytown, Indiana, ten miles west of Michigan City, to Momence and Bourbonnais, by Oliver Warner. This route did not last long, evidently. Most of the old timers remember Heber Rexford who carried the mail on his back from Chica- go to old Bunkum by way of the Chicago- Vincennes Trail. Anselem Chipman succeed- ed Rexford on the mail route and Haddon fol- lowed Chipman. Mr. R. A. Hewitt recalls the story of Had- don and the deer as related by the late James S. Garrett. After losing his job as carrier of the mail, Haddon, in the early fifties, like 180 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN many other of the early settlers about Mo- mence, spent a portion of the winter months in the timber along the Kankakee river east of Momence getting out logs, which were floated down to the saw-mill. Momence for a time, it is said, had the only saw-mill on the river between Wilmington and the Indiana state-line. It will be remembered by many that the remains of the old mill were still standing at late as 1873. On one of these winter trips of Haddon's to the timber he discovered a goodly herd of deer on one of the small islands nearby. Think- ing that fresh venison would be a welcome change from the regulation "pork and beans" of a winter camp, he crossed over to the island on the ice with axe and bowie-knife in hand. The herd, frightened by his approach, made a wild dash for the river. They no sooner struck the ice than they went sprawling in all di- rections. Haddon, as he pursued them on the ice found himself in pretty much the same pre- dicament, he being shod with boots full of hob-nails in the soles. The deer were help- less and so was he. But, in an instant, he re- solved that he would not let a mere matter of hob-nailed boots interfere with a "bag" so val- uable as this, so, down on the ice he sat, off AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 181 came the boots and, like Bobby Burns' witch in Tarn O'Shanter, he didn't go after them in his "sark," but in his stockings. He complet- ed the slaughter of the herd, some ten or a dozen, and to his sorrow found that his feet were so badly frozen that it was with great difficulty that he got back to camp. Just what disposition was ever made of the venison and hides of this herd Mr. Garret was unable to say. Perhaps it was distributed among the numerous camps on the upper river after reserving a goodly portion for Haddon himself as he lingered in camp nurs- ing a pair of badly frozen feet. It is related of Haddon that one day when Yankee Robinson's show exhibited in Mo- mence, he attended. Clad in his unique fron- tiers garb of buckskin shirt and coon-skin cap Haddon was leaning against one of the poles that supported the top, when a circus employe spoke to him rather roughly and told him to get out of there. Haddon paid no attention to the fellow and again he yelled: "Say, you, get away from that pole and be damn quick about it." Haddon reached for his hunting knife with the remark : "You clear out of here yourself or I'll open you from end to end like a herrin'." And Haddon continued to lean 182 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN against that pole until he became so weary he just had to sit down. Haddon always maintained that he had Indian blood in his veins and something of color was given to the statement by reason of his dark and swarthy countenance. For years, after the customs of developing civil- ization had gradually displaced those of the frontier, Haddon continued to wear the buck- skin hunting shirt and coon-skin cap, and al- ways at his side dangled the hunting knife of the woodsman. The old ferry that used to be operated in an early day west of the island- point at Momence, had, on each side of the river, great hewn white-oak posts set in the ground to which the ferry cable was made fast. Haddon, at some time, appropriated the post on the south side of the river and re- moved it to his farm (which later was owned by R. A. Hewitt), where, after all these years, it is still, in use. Mr. Hewitt tells that he dug it out, cut off a portion of it and re-set it to do duty as a gate-post. AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 183 "CHIEF WHITE FOOT" VISITS HIS BIRTH PLACE Mrs. Orra F. Allen, of Momence, has kind- ly furnished us the following incident concern- ing the old Pottawattomie chief "White Foot." In the year 1872 my father, Lewellyn H. Foster, and family, lived on a farm north and west of Momence, known as the Huntley farm. On a very hot day in the early spring of that year, we children, who were playing together in the yard, were very much surprised on be- holding an exceptionally large Indian and his squaw and two children coming into the yard. We children flew for the house and mother's protecting arms. The big Indian gave his name as "Chief White Foot," a Pottawattomie of the Prairie Band who, years before, when this was the domain of his people, had been born near unto where our home stood. He asked per- mission to pitch his camp for the night in the yard, which permission was readily granted. They remained for a portion of the following day, during which time "White Foot" silent- ly surveyed the surroundings of the land of his birth with evident satisfaction. Late in the afternoon they resumed their journey. Their 184 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN objective was Beaver Lake, where they spent the summer. The Beaver Lake country, in that day, was a wonderful retreat for wild game. It is recalled that, upon their return in the early fall, it was quite cold. Again they asked permission to pitch their tepee in the yard. On this occasion, in the course of con- versation, "White Foot" proudly exhibited his bare feet, one of which, by some rare freak of nature, was much whiter than the other hence, the title "White Foot." The old chief was especially proud of his two sons and, on the other hand, was mean to his squaw, all of which was deeply impressed on the youth- ful minds of the children of our family. Chief White Foot was a very large Indian, and presented a very stunning appearance rigged in his Indian paraphernalia. He wore moccasins, a brilliantly colored blanket, and a very queer head-gear made up of beautiful eagle feathers and others of many colors. I remember my mother saying, after they had gone, that these colored feathers were from a very rare bird, rare even in that day. The squaw wore very large ear-rings of hammer- AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 185 ed silver, besides a quantity of beads, while her fingers were ornamented with large, showy rings of brass. She also wore a metal circlet on her ankle. The squaw, also, wore a bright colored blanket which completely envel- oped her ample form. She wore nothing on her head and neither did the sons. When they departed Chief White Foot gave to moth- er a beaded buckskin bag which is still pre- served as a prized memento of the old days. To my younger sister he gave a pair of beaded moccasins. This was the last ever seen of White Foot and his family in this neighborhood and the date 1872 probably marks the last of the hunt- ing parties of the Pottawattomi of the west, seeking the old haunts of their people on the Kankakee and over in the Indiana marshes. 186 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN REMINISCENCES OF W. W. PARISH, SENIOR The following interesting reminiscences of one of .Momence's oldest and most popular citizens were happily collated by Hon. C. M. C. Buntain while Mr. Parish was at his best, and were published in the Momence Progress of December 27, 1912. These reminiscences fit in perfectly and form a most valuable contri- bution to the lore of early days in Kankakee county which it is the purpose of this volume to preserve. Mr. Parish's varied activities, his rise to affluence by means of frugality and industry, should prove an inspiration to the the youth of today, who enjoy advantages and opportunities undreamed of in the days when Mr. Parish came into the west. His story follows. "In 1840, in September, I left home in Naples, N. Y. for the west. I first drove over- land eighteen miles to Canandaigua, our coun- ty-seat then, by the so-called "strap railroad" to Rochester, then by the Erie Canal to Buf- falo, thence by boat to Chicago. This boat had no regular schedule. At Chicago or Mil- waukee there was then no harbor. We were landed by lighter. A small boat would come AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 187 out to the steamer and received the passen- gers and the cargo. Chicago at this time was a small country village. I went overland from Chicago to Momence; stopped at a place on the "Sac Trail," called a hotel, about three miles south of Crete, but which was nothing more nor less than one of the old Pennsyl- vania wagon boxes. This hotel was kept by Mr. Brown. Later a substantial log house was substituted for the wagon-box hotel, and still later a frame house took its place. It will be remembered that the "Sac Trail" was an old Indian trail running from Detroit to St. Louis. When I reached Mo- mence, after a continuous trip of eighteen days, I found but one log house situated on the west side of what is now known as Range street, near the present site of Bur dick & Joubert's drug store. I hired out to A. S. Vail and Orson Beebe at fifty cents a day. As there were no stores in the village our trad- ing point for groceries, in fact everything, was Chicago. When we secured a mill on the Kankakee river then we had our rough lum- ber, but still had to haul all finishing lumber from Chicago. I have seen as many as two hundred wagons at one time camping on the river banks at Momence enroute to Chicago. 188 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN Cattle and hogs were driven to Chicago from as far south as Vermilion county, Illinois. I distinctly remember of seeing a drove of five hundred turkeys being driven to Chicago. They camped on the island in Momence over night. My wife and I began keeping house with the sum of sixty dollars. With my ox team and money, constituting all our property, we drove to Chicago for our household furniture. There were no homes between Momence and Goodenow. Returning with the furniture, our wagon was mired in the mud and sloughs, near what is now Harvey, Illinois. I carried my wife out of the wagon and then the gro- ceries and furniture, and with the aid of a log chain the oxen succeeded in drawing the empty wagon out of the almost impassable road. It took us one week to make the trip. Set- tled in our log house near Momence, in a new country, I began the only occupation at that time, apparently, open to man — farming. Our tools were all hand-made, and we made them. They consisted of an wooden plow, a wooden drag and a hand-sickle, and later, a cradle took its place. Our threshing floor was on the prairie. Oxen stamped out the grain and the wind separated the chaff from the wheat. AN D ALONG THE KANKAKEE 189 Nature's threshing machine gave way to what was called a "Hedge-Hog" machine. During the period from 1840 to 1850, you had the choice of farm lands for $1.25 per acre. Wheat delivered in Chicago was worth 35 cents a bushel; dressed pork, $1.50 per hundred; corn and oats, ten cents per bushel. I distinctly remember of giving 700 bushels of oats and corn mixed for an old horse, the first I ever owned. The first wheat I ever saw was in 1841. It was growing on a tract of land immediately east of the Chicago-Vin- cennes State Road, on the William (Squire) Nichols farm, east of the brick house (now standing) and east of the Chicago- Vincennes Road at the point marked by the stone "179." I helped to cut all this wheat with a hand sickle at fifty cents a day. The wheat yielded forty bushels an acre, and the market price was 35 cents a bushel. As soon as the Illinois Central was built through the county, the price of land advanc- ed to $7 per acre, according to the distance from the railroad. Land values from this time gradually increased, and during the civil war I owned eighty acres of what is now occupied by the dwelling houses on the south side of the river, at Momence, and east of the 190 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad. This tract was worth about forty or fifty dollars an acre. I sold wheat from this land that yielded thirty-five bushels to the acre, for which I received $2.20 per bushel at the Mo- mence mill. The land adjoining this tract, now owned by my son, is worth according to present values (1912), $200 per acre. Eighty acres of land in the Six-Mile Grove, near Mo- mence, where the Nichols cemetery is now lo- cated, was traded to William (Squire) Nichols for a span of mules. Prior to this mill we drove to Attica, Indiana, a distance of seventy- five miles, to have our wheat ground. This lasted but one year. Then we drove to Wil- mington, Illinois, a distance of thirty miles, for our flour. This continued for a number of years. The first corn I ever saw planted was by the father of Andrew Dayton, east of Mo- mence. His wife dropped the corn and he pushed the dirt over it with his foot. The first corn planter was a hand- jabber, plant- ing two rows at a time. Mr. John Wicks, of Momence, sold them. We drove twenty-five miles south of Momence to get our mail, and received it once a week. The manuscript was folded and sealed with a wafer. It took two AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 191 months for a letter mailed in Naples, N. Y., to reach Momence. The postage was twenty- five cents, paid by the receiver. Lorain Bee- be was the first postmaster at Momence. The Kankakee river was the dividing line between Will and Iroquois counties, south of the river being Iroquois county- and Will (now Kanka- kee) county on the north. The county-seat of Iroquois county was Middleport, one mile west of what is now Watseka, on the Iroquois river. I frequently served as juror in the cir- cuit court there. Court would not last over a week or two. I heard Abraham Lincoln try a lawsuit there in 1840 or 1841. He came up from Danville on horseback. We used to gath- er around him and hear him tell his stories. I might say, in passing, that the next time I saw him was in his own home in Springfield, where I shook hands with him, the year he was nominated for the presidency. I was in Springfield for two days. He had a pile of rails in his back yard and before I came away they were all taken by the relic hunters. John Chamberlain, John Wertz and my- self were elected three "Side Judges" of Iro- quois county. Our duties were similar to those of the supervisors now. The county was badly in debt. Its debts were paid by 192 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN county orders, and men bought these at fifty cents on the dollar and paid their taxes with them. We three decided to stop this, and by our efforts made them worth par. We then got some money, and the first thing we did was to put a roof on the court house. My colleagues were opposed to the carving out of Kankakee county from Iroquois and Will, and strenuously worked to retain the old boundaries, as I did for the new. The people by their votes settled the matter in a way satisfactory to me. It was a day's journey to the Middleport county-seat. Lawyers from Joliet rode horseback to Middleport to try cases, and Iroquois county lawyers rode to Joliet for the same purpose. My first tax re- ceipt was for fifteen cents, being the taxes on my sole property, a yoke of oxen. At this time the sheriff collected the taxes. They were paid to him on the old Lowe farm, near the present East Court street bridge over the Kankakee river. An overland trip to Joliet was a day's journey, the first stage being as far as Coon Grove, near Goodenow, the second stage the Twelve-Mile Grove, (twelve miles from Joliet), and the third stage the Five- Mile Grove. This was the route in dry roads and weather. In wet times, we traveled by AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 193 the way of Bourbonnais — the first stage be- ing at the tavern of Uncle Tommy Durham, at Bourbonnais, and the next at Wilmington. During the sixties we were greatly both- ered by horse thieves. We organized an Anti- Horse Thief Association. We found that with- in a short time fifteen horses had been stolen within our immediate neighborhood. A nice span of grays were stolen one night from the barn of Zeno Brayton. I was delegated to hunt down the thief. Enlisting Hannibal Worcester, we drove to Crown Point, Ind., and traced the thief to Chicago, and found him and the horses five miles west of Chicago. I knew the team as soon as I saw them, ar- rested the thief, sold my horse, hitched one of the grays to the buggy and led the other. The friends at Momence knew we were com- ing and one hundred of them met us at Tower Creek, near the present Lankow farm, two miles west of Momence, on the Kankakee riv- er, and wanted to hang the thief. We were bringing him to Momence for trial before a justice-of-the-peace. Russel Seager prevailed upon the crowd not to hang him, and they de- sisted. We brought him to Momence from whence the sheriff took hijm to Kankakee. Later, he was indicted and made his escape 194 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN from jail. We received from this thief five horses and colts belonging to Dick Griswold, and a saddle horse belonging to John Wickes. Our trip covered a period of four days. I attended the convention at Chicago that nominated Abraham Lincoln for the pres- idency ; was too poor to travel to hear the Lin- coln-Douglas debates. I heard Stephen A. Douglas speak at the Court House in Kanka- kee, during the presidential campaign. Knew him well. I was born and brought up a demo- crat, but voted the Republican ticket, begin- ning with President Polk, up to the present time." AND ALONG THE KANKAKEE 195 THE OLD LOG HOUSE This log house was built by Cornelius Cane for a residence in 1838, and was located about two and a half miles north-east of Mo- mence. The first election held in the county was held in this log house in 1840. Mr. Will- iam Nichols was elected Squire. John Cane, son of Cornelius Cane, was elected constable, and at the some election William Henry Har- rison, grandfather of Benjamin Harrison, was elected president of the United States. The campaign procession was led by two vio- lins, played by James and Nelson Graham, brothers of Mrs. Fred Knighthart, of Mo- mence. Thomas Grimes was marshal of the day on the Whig side. When W. W. Parish came to Illinois, he boarded with Mr. Cane, paying $1.25 per week for his board. They had corn dodger six days in the week, and biscuits and "chicken fixin's" on Sunday. Mr. Cane al- ways asked the same blessing, which was as follows: "Oh, Lord, we praise thee for the present refreshments; pardon our sins, give us grace and wisdom, that we may have the profits we gain thereby, for Jesus' sake — John, pass the corn dodger!" 196 TALES OF AN OLD BORDER TOWN J "or r «,u v. J;du , run m'H< i !> ' : J. OIISO.V . t.M 1 Ki;>!>.\ 3\\r ■. \ v . IK A W. SMITH. PAL I, IJA'I 11 AU U ROHC 2 i OOPER T'uu^f? i '