CIR ASO c a d)tiA SaaSU) txA STATE OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM G. STRATTON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION VERA M. BINKS, Director FISHHOOK GAS POOL PIKE AND ADAMS COUNTIES, ILLINOIS Wayne F. Meents DIVISION OF THE ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JOHN C. FRYE, Chief URBANA CIRCULAR 250 ILLINOIS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LIBRARY MAY 7__J958 1958 ifiiSWiSfSV 00 ' *'- SU «VEY 3 3051 00003 8814 FISHHOOK GAS POOL Pike and Adams Counties, Illinois Wayne F. Meents ABSTRACT The Fishhook gas pool, discovered in 19 55, is located near the western border of Illinois and about 70 miles northwest of the state's main oil-producing region. About 57 gas wells in an area of 5, 500 acres had initial open-flow capacities ranging from a few thousand to nearly A\ million cubic feet per day (average 624, 000 cu. ft. per day) from Silurian Limestone. Average depth to the top of the gas pay is 487 feet. The wells are shut in for lack of a mar- ket. The area has possibilities for the underground storage of natu- ral gas. INTRODUCTION The Fishhook Gas pool is located mainly in Pike County but extends into Adams County (Ts. 3 and 4 S., Rs. 4 and 5 W.) and is about 11 miles north and slightly west of Pittsfield, county seat of Pike County. It is about 20 miles from the Mississippi River, which is the western Illinois boundary, and is about 70 miles northwest of the boundary of the principal oil and gas producing part of Illinois (fig. 1). Thirty-three counties in the major oil field area have produced about 99.7 percent of the state's total oil production; the remaining 0.3 percent of the oil was produced in the Colmar-Plymouth field, some 40 miles north of Fishhook. The industrial gas market areas of Springfield, Illinois, and St. Louis, Missouri, are about 70 miles to the east and 70-85 miles to the southeast, re- spectively, from the Fishhook Gas pool. The Fishhook Gas pool is in a part of Illinois where the principal producing formations of the state are thin or absent. The producing formation, Silurian Limestone, isthesame as that of the old Pittsfield Gas pool, discovered in 1886 and now abandoned. Both pools are located on anticlinal structures of similar size and shape, and both were discovered, so far as we know, by random drill- ing. The geology of the area has been described in the following Illinois State Geological Survey publications: "Parts of Pike and Adams Counties, "' by Horace N. Coryel, Bulletin 40, p. 69-95, 1919. "Structural Reconnaisance of the Mississippi Valley area from Old Monroe, Missouri, to Navoo, Illinois," by Frank Krey, Bulletin 45, 1924 (out of print) . DEVELOPMENT The discovery well, the No. 1 Layne in the NE 1/4 SE 1/4 SE 1/4 sec. 30, T. 3 S., R. 4 W., was drilled by W. Vette in March 1955, and had an open-flow (1) ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY "ST. LOUIS * Oil field o Gos field { \ ~jL Main oil and gas \ producin 9 area \ ^"- Major gas pipeline SCALE 20 40 60 miles Fig. 1. - Index map showing location of the Fishhook Gas pool with respect to nearby oil and gas pools, the main oil-producing area, and major gas pipelines. gauge of 1, 140, 000 cubic feet of gas per day. The well was completed in the Silurian System at a depth of 460 feet. Since then 57 gas wells have been com- pleted. The gas producing area is oval-shaped, 5 | miles long and 2\ miles wide, and includes about 5,500 acres. Open-flow capacities range from a few thousand cubic feet per day up to 4, 494, 000 cubic feet per day. The average open-flow gauge is 624, 000 cubic feet per day. In several of the wells the gas stratum was penetrated for only a few inches, thus lowering the open-flow average. The present shutin pressure throughout the pool is 114 pounds per square inch; the original pressure was 116 to 118 pounds per square inch. The average depth to the top of the gas pay is 487 feet. Gas gravities measured .55 and .57, air being 1.00, indicating a very dry gas, which is also verified by Orsat gas analyses (table 1). The wells are shut in because of lack of a market. GAS TESTING PROCEDURE The open-flow gas measurements listed in table 3 were taken by the au- thor through 2-inch connections at the well heads. The procedure was to install a 2-inch by 2-foot flow nipple into the available 2-inch gate valve which was standard equipment on all of the wells. The open flow was measured by a Pi tot- tube if the capacity ranged from 900, 000 cubic feet per day to 3, 000, 000 cubic FISHHOOK GAS POOL Table 1. - Analyses of Gas from Two Wells in Fishhook Gas Pool W. Vette #1 Layne NE SE SE, 30-3S-4W, Pike County Absorption Method (Orsat) S 8. S Oil Co. #1 Conkright SE NW NE, 4-4S-4W, Pike County Absorption Method (Orsat) Per- Per- cent cent C02 0.12 co 2 None Illuminants 0.12 Illuminants 0.06 02 0.06 °2 0.10 CO 0.12 CO 0.87 H 2 None H 2 0.37 Methane 92.57 Methane 96.42 Ethane None Ethane None N 2 7.01 N 2 2.18 Tot£ il 100.00 Tot; il 100.00 Specific Gravity BTU/cu. ft Specific Gravity BTU/cu. ft. Calculated = 0. 58 Gross = 939 Calculated = 0. 56 Gross = 981 Measured = 0. 57 Net 846 Measured = 0. ,55 Net = 883 feet per day. Open flows below 900, 000 cubic feet per day generally were measured by the orifice well tester and those above 3, 000, 000 by the side static pressure method four diameters from the outlet of the flow nipple. Gas gravities were measured and gas samples were analyzed by the State Geological Survey. Shutin pressures were measured by a standard Bourdon pressure gauge on the earlier wells and by a dead weight tester on most of the later wells. Isochronal back pressure tests have not been made to date. CORE ANALYSES Core analyses listed in table 2 were made by James A. Lewis Engineering, Inc., of Evansville, Indiana. These analyses were on cores taken from pre- determined wells throughout the field. The Silurian gas rock was cored and ana- lyzed in five wells and in addition to the Silurian the entire St. Peter Sandstone was cored and analyzed in one well. The average permeability of the gas rock through the better pay is 54 milli- darcys and the average porosity is 20 percent. The average horizontal permea- bility of the St. Peter Sandstone is 682 millidarcys and the average vertical permeability is 512 millidarcys with an average porosity figure of 18.8 percent. According to these core analyses data, the St. Peter Sandstone appears to be an excellent gas storage horizon, if other factors are favorable. ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 2. - Core Analyses (Partial) from Four Wells Depth Horizontal in permea- feet bility, md, Porosity Vertical per permea- cent bility, md, Western Oil and Gas Co. #1 Barker NE NE SE 36-3S-5W, Adams Co. Silurian System 495.0 0.00 4.2 496.0 2.68 12.5 497. C 19.20 14.9 498.0 10.73 16.1 499.0 74.60 21.3 500.0 501.0 502.0 503.0 504.0 505.0 506.0 507.0 508.0 509.0 510.0 35.35 28.96 3.43 36.98 3.22 22.40 38.33 46.69 8.04 16.10 0.00 18.4 14.3 13.7 21.7 16.0 26.1 24.2 21.5 20.2 20.6 Western Oil and Gas Co. #1 A. Waters NE SE SE 25-3S-5W, Adams Co. Silurian System 484.5 0.7 11.8 485.5 37.0 18.6 486.5 28.0 18.2 487.5 45.0 25.5 488.5 30.0 21.8 489.5 43.0 19.1 490.5 91.0 21.5 491.5 308.0 24.2 492.5 508.0 29.0 493.5 216.0 20.5 494.5 281.0 28.8 495.5 27.0 21.0 496.5 31.0 27.4 497.5 77.0 22.7 498.5 6.2 24.2 499.5 64.0 21.8 500.5 1.3 19.6 501.5 17.0 14.5 Western Oil and Gas Co. #1 Cooley SE SE NW 28-3S-4W, Pike Co. Silurian System 497.3 0.0 497.8 0.0 7.7 Depth Horizontal in permea- feet bility, md, Porosity Vertical per permea- cent bility, md, #1 Cooley - • Continued 498.3 26.0 16.8 0.0 498.8 0.7 499.3 12.0 14.1 499.8 101.0 0.5 500.3 4.4 12.7 500.8 0.0 1.1 501.3 25.0 17.5 501.8 125.0 24.0 502.3 98.0 13.9 502.8 4.8 0.7 503.3 28.0 14.4 503.8 15.0 3.5 504.3 37.0 19.1 504.8 49.0 2.9 505.3 65.0 15.7 505,8 61.0 5.8 506.3 4.6 16.5 506.8 42.0 0.6 507.3 35.0 23.3 507.8 5.1 0.0 508.3 10.0 20.7 508.8 137.0 15.0 509.3 3.7 18.6 509.8 147.0 0.6 510.3 3.1 16.2 Western Oil and Gas Co. #70 C. Gray NW NW SW 33-3S-4W, Pike Co. Silurian System 533.5 0.0 15.2 534.5 7.2 18.5 535.5 10.0 21.3 536.5 4.8 15.4 537.5 157.0 22.2 538.5 17.0 19.7 539.5 15.0 19.9 540.5 0.0 - 541.5 99.0 21.3 542.5 123.0 23.1 543.5 1.5 16.3 544.5 23.0 20.4 545.5 30.0 23.5 546.5 1.0 25.2 547.5 4.6 21.9 548.5 8.1 12.9 5-49.5 0.0 - FISHHOOK GAS POOL Table 2. - Continued Depth Horizontal in permea- feet bility, md. 3 orosity Vertical per permea- cent bility, md. Depth Horizontal Porosity Vertical in permea- per permea- feet bility, md. cent bility, md, St. Peter Formation - Continued 1NV Silurian System ou • 1057.5 1058.5 1375.0 2220.0 20.8 20.6 174.0 510.5 0.0 7.1 1059.5 112.0 15.4 431.0 511.5 513.5 514.5 515.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 2.4 4.2 5.3 1061.5 1065.5 1069.5 1071.5 568.0 1030.0 392.0 99.0 20.8 21.1 18.0 18.7 1090.0 516.5 0.0 6.5 1075.5 858.0 19.5 517.5 518.5 519.5 520.5 0.0 5.4 0.0 0.0 2.7 5.5 13.3 12.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 1077.5 1079.5 1082.5 1084.5 1310.0 1144.0 1410.0 830.0 20.3 22.2 22.2 20.8 815.0 2220.0 521.5 8.2 17.8 1.0 1088.5 1200.0 22.7 522.5 523.5 524.5 525.5 39.0 12.0 38.0 68.0 18.3 18.1 24.6 21.7 0.0 0.0 4.8 46.0 1092.5 1096.5 1098.5 1102.5 1732.0 2100.0 2070.0 258.0 22.9 27.8 21.5 18.2 1050.0 526.5 0.4 15.9 0.0 1106.5 810.0 21.9 115.0 527.5 528.5 529.5 530.5 140.0 10.0 370.0 211.0 20.0 22.4 23.6 22.2 71.0 10.0 3.7 10.0 1108.5 1112.5 1116.5 1120.5 208.0 420.0 945.0 278.0 15.9 15.1 17.5 18.1 531.5 17.0 23.0 4.5 1124.5 356.0 20.7 532.5 533.5 534.5 535.5 27.0 0.0 4.8 10.0 22.4 19.6 21.5 16.5 15.0 0.0 1.7 0.0 1128.5 1132.5 1136.5 1140.5 7.3 188.0 840.0 440.0 12.9 16.8 21.4 20.4 536.5 166.0 20.5 28.0 1145.5 298.0 18.3 537.2 537.8 208.0 0.0 18.5 33.0 1149.5 1153.5 208.0 47.0 18.6 14.4 Ordovician System, St. Peter Formation 1154.5 1158.5 2350.0 137.0 20.9 17.0 240.0 1012.5 2148.0 19.2 1165.5 570.0 10.1 1016.5 1020.5 1024.5 1028.5 170.0 970.0 2430.0 202.0 14.8 19.9 18.2 16.5 1167.5 1170.5 1178.5 1180.5 288.0 276.0 101.0 151.0 20.0 18.8 18.6 16.7 21.0 29.0 1032.5 194.0 20.4 1182.5 3.5 11.2 15.0 1036.5 1039.5 1040.5 1043.5 482.0 139.0 645.0 26.0 22.0 17.0 20.2 14.9 403.0 1184.5 1185.5 1190.5 1192.5 152.0 66.0 260.0 3.7 17.2 15.1 18.7 13.3 398.0 1044.5 183.0 17.9 190.0 1196.5 275.0 17.5 1045.5 40.0 16.6 64.0 1200.5 150.0 20.5 1046.5 695.0 22.4 1204.5 262.0 22.2 1050.5 1170.0 21.7 1208.0 121.0 16.1 17.9 1054.5 3190.0 22.8 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Gas well Dry hole ^Oo-.. o Well not completed or location Structure contour on top of Silurian Limestone, interval 20 feet January I , 1958 Fig. 2. - Fishhook Gas pool showing structure contours on top of the Silurian Limestone. STRUCTURE The Fishhook gas structure is an elongate oval anticline that trends slight- ly south of east and north of west and has a closure of about 100 feet on top of the Silurian Limestone (fig. 2). The structure is about 8 or more miles long and about 5 miles wide. Its position is indicated by topography and drainage. Sever- al stream courses radiate from it, as shown on the map. The structure of the top of the Silurian Limestone is nearly parallel to the structure of the base of the Osage Limestone about 180 feet higher in the strati- graphic column. FISHHOOK GAS POOL 7 STRATIGRAPHY Thin glacial drift (0 to 50 feet) overlies the bedrock in most of the area. Pennsylvanian rocks are present on the flanks of the structure but are absent ovar its top where Mississippian strata are the uppermost bedrock. The Mississippian limestones and dolomites range in thickness from 160 to 250 feet, according to drillers' logs, and the underlying Kinderhook shales average 180 feet thick. The Devonian rocks are absent on the upper portion of the Fishhook structure, but there are indications of Devonian type beds in near- by wells. The Silurian strata in the area correlate with the Sexton Creek and Edge- wood Formations of the southern Calhoun County area and are 32 to 46 feet thick. The Sexton Creek Formation is the caprock limestone and the Edgewood Formation below it is the gas horizon which consists of approximately 15 feet of porous dolomite. Noix Oolite, as described below, has been cored in several of the wells, Western Oil and Gas Co. #1 Russel Walters SE SW NE, 30-3S-4W, Pike County Top of core taken at depth of 458.0 feet Thickness Depth feet feet Silurian System Sexton Creek Formation Limestone, very light tan-gray, slightly finely crystalline, very slightly chalky, many wavy thin green shale part- ings, faintly fossiliferous throughout (very fine fossil fragments). 1.0 459.0 Edgewood Formation Dolomite, slightly calcareous, light tan-gray, sucrosic, pin-head vugs throughout, a few larger vugs, vugs are crinoid ring and other fossil fragment cavities, a few vertical fractures, very good porosity in areas and fair to good porosity throughout. 14.5 473.5 Limestone, oolitic (Noix Oolite), dense, white to light gray, some iron stain, medium to large oolites with scattered fossil fragments. 0.5 474.0 Ordovician System Maquoketa Formation Shale, greenish-gray slightly tan, brittle, glauconitic specks and slightly sandy at top. 3.0 477.0 The Maquoketa Formation is 175 feet thick in the center of the Fishhook area. Formations below the Maquoketa are described in the following descrip- tion of the core from a well drilled directly on top of the structure: ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Pike County Gas Association #2 Conkright NW SE NE, 4-4S-4W, Pike County Top of core taken at depth of 712.0 feet Thickness feet Depth feet Ordovician System Kimmswick "Trenton " Formation Limestone, white to very light tan-gray, mostly chalky, finely fossiliferous, black-brown stylolitic shale part- ings throughout, white weathered chert nodules at 781 feet. 88.0 Limestone, white to very light tan-gray, mostly chalky, many bryozoans, brachiopods, and a few corals, faint- ly crinoidal, few black-brown shale partings from 836 feet to bottom and more fine-grained. 70.0 De corah Formation Limestone, cinnamon colored, fine, dark purple shale partings, stylolitic areas; with green, weak, very silty, shale streaks 891 to 895 feet, thin crystal- line fossiliferous streaks at 877, 887, 895, and 899 feet. Plattin Formation Limestone, tan, fine, slightly chalky. Limestone, light tan-gray upper part to tan-gray lower part, very slightly chalky to 92 6 feet and very fine to sublithographic below, fucoidal type throughout, black shale partings scattered. Sandstone, medium to coarse, rounded, compact, grading to sandy dolomite, light gray to gray, shaly streaks. Limestone, greenish-gray, very large oolites, shaly. Limestone, tan-gray, finely crystalline, very finely fossiliferous, with 1/2 inch to 1 inch greenish shale streaks. Joachim Formation Dolomite, tan to brown, fine, slightly vuggy 9 85 to 99 feet, green shale streaks at 99 5 feet, black carbonaceous shale partings throughout, vertical fracture from 99 7 through 1003 feet, sandy bottom foot. 40.0 St. Peter Formation Sandstone, "dolomitic, medium to coarse, rounded, slightly porous, slightly friable. 7.0 33.0 10.0 43.0 4.0 2.0 8.0 800.0 870.0 903.0 913.0 956.0 960.0 9 62.0 970.0 1010.0 1017.0 FISHHOOK GAS POOL St. Peter Formation - Continued Sandstone, white to light gray, fine to medium to coarse (mostly medium-coarse), porous, permeable, friable. Sandstone, same, white with gray mottling. Sandstone, same as 1017 to 1057 feet. Sandstone, gray, mostly medium-coarse, friable, permeable and porous. Sandstone, same, gray speckled. Sandstone, white, some light gray, fairly porous and permeable, few compact streaks, fine to coarse, bottom 14 feet mostly fine to medium and compact. 45.0 1208.0 Cotter Formation Shale, green, weak, slickensides; with nodules of white to very light gray, finely crystalline, dolomite. 0.5 1208.5 Shale, green, tough, laminated, dipping 20 to 30 ; with streaks of very light gray finely crystalline dolomite up to 3 inches thick. 3.5 1212.0 Thickness Depth feet feet 40.0 1057.0 6.0 1063.0 27.0 1090.0 27.0 1117.0 46.0 1163.0 10 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 3. - Results of Tests on Wells in the Shut-in,, Operator Approx. Elev. Sil. Gas Total Casing 2 pressure Farm and well location ft. 1 top depth depth PS I A. Beach Gray #1 SE SE SW 20-3S-4W 786 S 490 4" at 110 G Western Oil and G. Burke #1 Gas SW SW NW 27-3S-4W 750 S 446 474- 487 489 5i" at 455 100 G Western Oil and Cooley #1 Gas SE SE NW 28-3S-4W 785 S 472 497- 511 514 5^-" at 480 114 G Western Oil and Cooley #2 Gas NE NE NW 28-3S-4W 778 s 478 505- 510 510 5" at 435 114jr D W. Vette L. Martin #1 SW SW SW 28-3S-4W 828 s 503 524- 530 530 5^" at 500 mi g P. Walden and H. Lipe W. T. Martin #1 SE NW SW 28-3S-4W 828 s 505 541- 546 546 5" at 514 115+ D Western Oil and Metz #1 Gas NE NE SE 28-3S-4W 766 s 451 482- 436 486 4" at 473 115i D C. Faulkner Whitaker #1 SW NE 28-3S-4W 770 T 460 460- 465 465 6" at 250 W. Walden Fox #1 SW SW NE 29-3S-4W 811 S 505 534- 544 550 4" at 600 115 G Ray Starr L. Martin #2 SW SW SE 29-3S-4W 821 s- 493 518- 528 528 5" at 495 86 G P. Walden and H, W. T. Martin , Lipe #1 SE SE NW 29-3S-4W 815 s 502 533- 537 537 5" at 510 115i G Western Oil and Martin #36-F Gas NE NE SE 29-3S-4W 815 T 504 531- 537 537 4" at 504 114^ D A. Beach Miller #1 SW SW SW 29-3S-4W 716 S 425- 425 6i" at Ray Starr F. Miller #1 C NE SW 29-3S-4W 767 T 452 476- 477 4" at 455 113 G Ray Starr F. Miller #2 C NW SW 29-3S-4W 439 457- 458 4" at 442 115+ D W. Vette Layne #1 NE SE SE 30-3S-4W 752 s 435 460- 460 4" at 460 119 G Western Oil and F. Miller #1 Gas SE SE NE 30-3S-4W 760 s 445 472- 485 485 4" at 452 115 G Western Oil and Moran #1 Gas SE SW SW 30-3S-4W 702 s 391 405- 419 419 5i" at 400 117 G Western Oil and Gas NE NE SE 779 S 473 486- 495 4" at 115- D W. Smith #2 30-3S-4W 495 475 (See footnotes at end of table.) FISHHOOK GAS POOL 11 Fishhook Gas Pool, Adams and Pike Counties Open-flow volume MCF per day 4 Build-up pressure^ PSIG Date tested 5 10 15 longer 1 2 3 4 5 10 longer min. min. min. min. min. min. min. min. min. min. 45 17 36 52 12-55 14 14 5-56 62 23 112+ 21 min. 5-56 740 740 80 103 107 107+ 108 109- 7-56 186 191 201 232 40 min. 40 68 103 3-56 218 218 218 33 60 82 98 110 10-56 260 260 256 253 25 min. 26 52 90 106 110 111 113- 113+ 15 min. 10-56 3386 3140 2975 64 75 79 83 85 92 96 15 min. 8-55 1488 1488 94 104 110 115 12 min. 8-55 211 218 218 33 47 55 58 60 72 72 15 min. 10-56 682 682 682 20 min. 54 88 114+ 115+ 10-56 174 174 175 22 40 71 93 107 113 4-57 4494 4494 11 14 6-55 10-56 174 174 1140 1140 28 67 119 95 110 115 12-56 4-55 40 40 14 25 36 46 55 94 118- 17 min. 7-56 206 206 206 50 79 98 109 114 3-56 707 708 709 80 111 114+ 5-57 ,See footnotes at end of table. 12 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 3. - Operator Farm and well Appro x. location Elev. ft.l Sil. top Gas depth Total depth Casing-^ Shut-in 3 pressure PS I Western Oil and R. Waters #1 Gas SE SW NE 30-3S-4W 752 S 442 459- 473 477 5i" at 456 116 D W. Vette E. Mowen #1 NE NE NE 31-3S-4W 710 S 333 407- 407 5" at 382 118 G Ray Starr E. Mowen #2 SE NW NE 31-3S-4W 700 T 374 390- 392 4" at 375 114 D Ray Starr E. Mowen #3 NE SE NE 31-3S-4W 700 T 380 399- 400 4" at 382 115 D Ray Starr L. Martin #3 NW NE NE 32-3S-4W 844 S 510 536- 540 540 4" at 512 115 D Ray Starr W. T. Martin , ft NE NE SE 32-3S-4W 842 S 503 526- 533 540 5fr" at 503 117 G Ray Starr W. T. Martin , K2 SW SW SE 32-3S-4W 773 S 445 471- 471 4" at 445 116 D Ray Starr W. T. Martin , ¥3 NW SW NE 32-3S-4W 812 S 480 495- 500 500 4" at 480 116 G Ray Starr R. Still #3 NE SE SE 32-3S-4W 802 S 479 502- 503 4i" at 480 108 G Western Oil and Walmsley #1 Gas SE NE NW 32-3S-4W 782 S 455 478- 485 485 4" at 465 Western Oil and C. Gray #3D Gas NW NW SE 33-3S-4W 798 S 455 489- 498 498 4" at 498 B 115- D Western Oil and C. Gray #70 Gas NW NW SW 33-3S-4W 849 T 509 535- 548 551 4" at 512 114 D Ray Starr L. Martin #1A NW NW NW 33-3S-4W 830 S 496 526- 526 5i" at 499 115J D Ray Starr L. Martin #3A C SW NW 33-3S-4W 831 S 488 514- 514 5§-" at 490 113 D Nonneman Lahmmon #1 C SW NW 34-3S-4W 747 S 409 439- 451 451 5£" at 440 115+ D Western Oil and A. Waters #1 Gas NE SE SE 25-3S-5W 774 S 470 484- 501 503 5g-" at 480 113 G Western Oil and Barker #1 Gas NE NE SE 36-3S-5W 790 S 478 493- 509 511 5§-" at 486 109 G H. Lipe C. Gray #1 NE NE SW 36-3S-5W 809 S 502 522- 528 531 5i" at 51 G 114 D W. Walden Kennedy #1 SW NE NE 36-3S-5W 729 S 432 438- 458 35-" at 114 G Western Oil and 0. Mowen #1 Gas NE NE NW 36-3S-5W 809 S 501 515- 525 525 4" at 512 115 D 'See footnotes at end of table.) FISHHOOK GAS POOL 13 Continued Open-flow volume MCF per day 4 Build-up pressure^ PSIG Date tested 5 min. 10 min. 15 min. longer i i 2 nin. 1 min. 2 min. 3 min. 4 min. 5 min. 10 min. longer 78 78 880 9 70 15 114 27 38 49 59 90 3-56 1-56 64 64 23 40 57 73 86 12-56 31 31 7 17 25 34 42 78 12-56 102 106 107 108 20 min. 23 44 62 77 90 113 10-56 4380 3870 3700 3380 35 min. 40 69 90 104+ F 112 r 5-56 1669 1586 1586 90 103 115 9-56 160 160 30 64 88 104 112 10-56 665 670 670 1580 80 min. 50 91 92 108 114 109 109+ 12-56 2-57 1047 1047 1047 74 83 89 91 93- 94 97 99 15 min. 2-57 89 95 100 Ill 40 min. 13 26 49 68 84 97 114 7-57 204 211 211 33 62 85 102 111 10-56 18 21 21 15 30 58 20 min. 10-56 431 431 431 35 60 95 107 111 + 113- 10-56 269 274 279 279 20 min. 5-56 3090 2840 2600 2150 60 min. 52 60 69 79 3-56 1020 1020 95 L 103 107 110- 110 110+ 112 12-57 857 E 537 25 min. 97 107 108+ 110 14 min. 11-55 505 300 45 min. 20 37 50 9-56 14 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 3. Operator Farm and well Approx. Elev. Sil. location ft.l top Shut-in Gas Total Casing^ pressure^ depth depth PSI H. Lipe Redman #1 NE NW NW 36-3S-5W 794 S 481 494- 500 500 4" at 489 114+ D S & S Oil Hillman #1 NE NW SW 2-4S-4W 785 S 450 476- 489 6 4" at 452 S 8. S Oil C. Gray #1 SW SE NW 3-4S-4W 834 S 468 490- 496 496 4" at 471 115 D S & S Oil J. Grimes #1 NW NW SW 3-4S-4W 838 S 480 507- 521 521 4" at 114^ D S 8. S Oil Ingersoll #1 SW NW NW 3-4S-4W 837 T 474 495- 509 509 5^-" at 477 115+ D S & S Oil Moore #1 SE NE NW 3-4S-4W 764 T 400 427- 434 434 5" at 408 115 D S 8. S Oil A. Phillips #] NE SW NE 3-4S-4W 798 S 447 493- 540 4" at 447 114 G S & S Oil Conkright #1 SE NW NE 4-4S-4W 857 S 490 511- 516 516 5-2-" at 490 115i D Western Oil and Conkright #2 Gas NW SE NE 4-4S-4W 856 S 491 518- 537 538 4" at 499 114 D Western Oil and C. Gray #1 Gas SE SW NW 4-4S-4W 817 S 490 500- 514 514 4" at 51 4B 115 D Western Oil and M. Gray #1 Gas NE NW SW 4-4S-4W 797 S 487 510- 518 518 4" at 87 G S & S Oil Stickman #1 SE NW SE 4-4S-4W 834 S 510 510- 543 543 5fr" at 514 115 D Ray Starr Engleman #1 NE NE NW 5-4S-4W 811 S 487 519- 526 558 4" at 490 113i D Western Oil and Richards #1 Gas NE NE SE 5-4S-4W 807 s 500 520- 524 524 4" at 500 112 G Ray Starr R. Still #1 NE SE NE 5-4S-4W 800 s 472 480- 480 5" at 472 106 G Ray Starr R. Still #2 NW NE NE 5-4S-4W 774 s 437 465- 465 4" at 440 111 G 1. Explanation: S = Surveyed . T = Topographical map. 2. Explanation: B = Slotted pipe from thru gas zone. C = 2 inch tubing. 3. Explanation: G = Pressure gauge. D = Dead weight tester. Steady flow on last test, no decline. F = 254 MCF before 500 gallons of acid, build-up pressure taken before acid. L = 2 inch tubing. E = 18 min. test, good spray of water with gas. J = Acidized, 19,300 CF before acid. K = 500 gallons of acid. FISHHOOK GAS POOL 15 Continued Open-flow volume MCF per day 4 Build-up pressure- 1 PSIG Date tested 5 min. 10 min. 15 min. longer r i 2 nin. 1 min. 2 min. 3 min. 4 min. 5 min. 10 min. longer 439 431 428 73 422 30 min. 46 78 103 35 106 48 107 59 108- 70 109- 110- 15 min. 7-57 12-56 565 565 560 516 45 min. 71 105 115 A 11-56 390 403 410 414+ 25 min. 48 80 111 115 7-57 472 480 488 500 40 min. 40 67 100 113 8-56 777 777 777 61 96 115 10-56 755 690 648 500 60 min. J 50 64 71 75 78 80 88 92 15 min. 4-57 740 740 740 60 96 118 7-56 77 73 73 73 20 min. 11 20 38 53 65 78 110 + 115 15 min. 7-57 415 415 415 40 74 110 115 10-56 46 12 22 32 41 49 76 12-56 395 391 391 24 44 76 94 103 106 + 112 8-56 709 702 692 673 35 min. 64 88 100+ 107 108 109 112 5-56 15 15 7 11- 14 18- 70 25 min. 4-57 212 12 22 32 40 48 81 101- 15 min. 9-56 15 20 37 67 20 min. 10-56 5. Last figure shows duration of test. F = 254 MCF before 500 gallons of acid, build-up pressure taken before acid. A = 115 PSIG in li min. 6. To drill deeper. Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 250 15 p., 2 figs., 3 tables, 1958 CIRCULAR 250 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY URBANA