ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 3 3051 00004 2246 ,:■■ ........ I . State of Illinois Department of Registration and Education Division of the STATS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Ivi. M. L eight on, Chief INFORMATION CIRCULAR NO. 9 AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE DISTRIBUTION IN 1934 by W. H. Voskuil Mineral Economist In cooperation with Mid-West Agricultural Limestone Institute March, 1935 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Illinois State Geological Survey Urbana, Illinois Information Circular No. 9 March, 1935 AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE DISTRIBUTION IN 1934 by Walter H. Voskuil, Mineral Economist The upward- trend in agricultural limestone distribu- tion continued in 1934 over that of 1933- and 1932. Although con- sumption of agricultural limestone in 1934 has not returned to the level of the pre-depression years, nevertheless an increase of 70 per cent over 1933 is gratifying and indicates a return to normal limestone purchases by farmers. Detailed statistics of distribution by counties were received from producers within the State and from producers in Indiana, Iowa, and Missouri who ship agricultural limestone into Illinois. Although a small number of producers have not yet re- ported- their distribution, the preliminary total of 333,878 tons for 1934 given in Table I is estimated to represent more than 95 per cent of the commercial distribution. The principal discrep- ancies between actual consumption and the reported figures occur in certain counties in nor thwes tern Illinois and adjacent to the Chicago district due to the failure of certain producers in Iowa and in northeastern Illinois to report their distribution. Never- theless, it was considered advisable to issue a preliminary re- port as early as possible for the use of the producers of agri- cultural limestone. The prompt response of the large majority of producers t« the questionnaire sent out by the State Geological Survey has made possible this early publication. Page 2 Table I Tonnage of Agri c ultural Limestone - Used in Illinois* during 19 55 and 1954 and shipped to other states in 1954 Tons marketed in each county in Illinois County 1955 Total Produced in Illinois 1954 Produced in other states Total Adams Alexander Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign Christian Clark Clay Clinton Coles Cook Crawf ord Cumberland DeKalb DeWitt Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards Effingham Fayette Ford Franklin Fulton Gallatin Greene Grundy Hamilton Hancock Hardin Henderson Henry 185 941 40 867 515 1,715 1,767 1,870 5,547 81 5,114 474 811 415 508 1,011 2,085 595 954 1,428 1,092 2,008 596 1,196 972 827 285 7,745 657 614 125 500 4-5 5,572 7,587 1,769 918 614 - 592 5,525 5,010 9,5-97 120 7,957 6 57 2,060 555 2,055 1,054 2,70 9 786 567 1,875 1,255 1,058 1,079 ■5,025 2,547 2,554 154 11,046 1,485 1,175 2,054 1,200 5,866 42 200 50 2,0 49 895 210 594 1,591 1,651 ^ 146 5,142 666 155 4,978 7 ,587 1 ,769 918 656 - 592 5 ,725 5 ,0 60 11 ,646 120 7 ,957 1 ,5 52 2 ,060 765 2 ,647 1 ,054 2 ,709 2 ,177 567 5 ,526 1 ,57 9 4 ,200 1 79 5 689 2 547 2. 689 154 11, 046 1, 485 1, 175 2, 054 1, 200 8, 844 Page 3 Tons marketed in each county in Illinois — continued County 1933 Total Produced in Illinois 1934 Produced in other states Total Iroquois Jackson Jasper Jefferson Jersey Jo Daviess Johnson Kane Kankakee Kendall Knox Lake La Salle Lawrence Lee Livingston Logan McDonough Mcflenry McLean Macon Macoupin Madison Marion Marshall Mason Massac Menard Mercer Monroe Montgomery Morgan Moultrie Ogle Peoria Perry Piatt Pike Pope Pulaski Putnam Randolph , Richland Rock Island St. Clair 1 8,591 3,569 282 486 937 100 357 • ■ 543 2,238 1,091 264 487 245 92 4,154 256 140 529 4,204 1,396 3,616 14,105 1,516 470 3,438 200 60 9 296 10,910 2,465 1,121 316 20 1,698 2,207 610 - 350 -0 2 35 12,930 267 2,791 16,884 2,772 5,423 614 1,073 5,326 102 1,500 1,923 433 2,629 2,440 1,097 2,339 326 313 4,625 1,630 2,667 817 18,100 2,976 15,891 14,664 1,554 972 2,352 671 384 11,121 3,236 3,226 449 - 5,287 4,250 3,099 770 1,260 100 57 16,286 414 1,683 6,362 2,869 228 2,241 1,198 13,495 369 1,092 2,671 190 225 2 35 1,933 5,641 5,42 3 614 1,301 5 , 326 102 1,500 1,92 3 433 2,629 4,681 1,097 2,339 1,524 313 4,625 1,630 2,667 817 31,595 3,345 15,891 14,664 2,646 972 2,352 671 3,055 11,121 3,236 3,226 449 5,477 4,250 3,324 770 1,260 100 57 16,521 414 3,616 6,362 Page 4 Tons marketed in each county in Illinois — continued ■ : 1933 : 19 34 County : Total : Produced in Illinois Produced in other states Total Saline 3,090 5,906 280 6,186 Sangamon 1,408 4,122 4,122 Schuyler 457 170 170 Scott 402 268 268 Shelby 1,552 1,340 80 1,420 Stark 538 783 520 1,303 Stephenson Tazewell 1,700 5,874 3,874 Union 3,950 3,100 3,100 Vermilion 897 1,571 80 5 2,376 Wabash 473 87 1,363 1,450 Y/arren 603 75 140 215 Washington 10,393 3,111 7,940 11,051 Wayne 251 304 150 - 454 White 877 177 1,870 2,047 Whiteside 718 2,085 32 2,117 Will -50 4,0 31 4,0 31 Williamson 1,338 1,915 1,915 Winnebago Woodford 1,661 5,462 5,462 County unknown C 5,798 5,798 Total *5£,09fe 277,783 56,095 333,87* Tons produced in Illinois and marketed in other states STATE TONS 1933 1934 Wisccnsin 85 Iowa 62 65 Missouri 80 Cj y