■I ■era BBrawusHUBaEn BSOBvOQVWhg ■NOB Hcfli ■WimiafuTi Mfflfflfl HHHS1 n Si I I \v. ■HHHBI OT l M Wfll ■ fflffi Mf fli sm 86m Ho JDuBHSflflSHo HHnHra WQQQPw a EOHOQQDQlBffivHHauoMQNjQQQBJ ■UHflHHfln&uaflP LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN wno.45i-45lo cop. 7. JAN 2 7 L161 — O-1096 Report No. 7^*^ U55 7U tf&S COMPARISON OF THE IMPLICIT ENUMERATION METHOD AND THE BRANCH-AND -BOUND METHOD FOR LOGICAL DESIGN by Tomoyasu Nakagawa. Saburo Muroga June 1971 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/comparisonofimpl455naka Report No. 1+5 5 COMPARISON OF THE IMPLICIT ENUMERATION METHOD AND THE BRANCH- AND- BOUND METHOD FOR LOGICAL DESIGN* Tomoyasu NAKAGAWA Saburo MUROGA Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 618OI This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. NSF GJ-503. INTRODUCTION 1. Optimal network design using NOR gates by the implicit enumeration method. 1.1 Formulation of the problem with basic inequalities. 1.2 Algorithum of the implicit enumeration method. 1.3 Improvement of the computational efficiency. 1.3*1 Preclusion of non-optimal solutions. 1.3.2 The NOR-gate oriented scheme of fixing a free variable at IE-step 3- 2. Optimal network design using NOR gates by the branch-and-bound method. 2.1 Definitions. 2.2 Algorithm of the branch-and-bound method. 2.3.1 The concepts necessary for the SCUC and the IPPC. 2.3.2 Uncovered components of type 1-COV. 2.3.3 A scheme to cover type NWG components. 2.3.4 The SCUC and IPPC. 2.3.5 Modification of backtrack at BB-step h. 3. Comparison of the two methods. 3.1 The concept of isolated gates. 3.2 Generation of feasible networks. 3.3 Exhaustion of feasible networks. 3.4 Exclusion of unnecessary networks. 3.5 Programming and computation time. h. Comparison of the two methods for logical design with AND-OR gates. k.l Formulation of the problem by the implicit enumeration method. k.2 Formulation of the problem by the branch-and-bound method. 4.3 Programming and computation time. INTRODUCTION The synthesis problem of optimal logic design is studied as an integer programming problem by Muroga et al. , [18,19]. The integer programming formulation with inequalities is a unified formulation for design problems involving different types of gates. By assigning appropriate values to the coefficients of the inequalities, and/or changing the inequalities slightly, we have the optimization problem with a particular gate type or with a mixture of particular gate types. So far, the optimal NOR networks, the optimal NOR- AND networks, the optimal NOR-OR networks, and the optimal NOR-NAND networks, for all representative functions of three or less vari- ables are obtained [2,4,13,17]* a s well as the optimal NOR networks of many functions of four variables [5]. On the other hand, the branch-and-bound algorithm is applied by Davidson to the synthesis problem of NAND networks [6]. By this algorithm, the optimal NAND networks for some single and multiple output function problems are obtained. In spite of their different approaches to the optimal logic design, the implicit enumeration method (inequalities are used) and the branch- and-bound method (no inequalities are used) share several common pro- perties. This report discusses the similarity and differences of the algorithmic structure of these two methods. In the first two chapters, we describe the two methods as applied to the synthesis problem of optimal NOR networks. (Although the branch-and- bound method was applied to NAND networks, we present this method as applied to NOR networks, for the purpose of comparison.) In chapter 3* we compare the two methods, summarizing the similarities and differences. We also discuss the programming aspect and the computation speed of the two methods in this chapter. The branch- and-bound method can be applied to the problems of other gate types or of a mixture of different gate types. For example, this method is applied to optimal AND-OR networks [23]. In the last chapter, we compare the implicit enumeration and branch -and -bound methods as applied to AM)-OR networks. 1. OPTIMUM NETWORK DESIGN USING NOR GATES BY INTEGER PROGRAMMING [2] 1.1 Formulation of the Problem With Basic Inequalities * Given a switching function of n external variables,, the problem is to obtain optimum loop-free networks of NOR gates, where an optimum network is defined as a network which has the least number of connections and inter- connections among those having the least number of gates. Let us express external variables x. and the given function f with the corresponding column vectors of the truth table as follows: 2 n -l external variable x «= (x «,..., x « ), for I = 1, . .., n, and ^-1 the given switching function f(x) = (f t . . . , f ). Corresponding to the above representation for the x 's and f(x), n ^ we represent the output of gate i by: (P., . .., P. " ), where P., j = 0, . . . , 2 -1, are variables which assume the values or 1. Let us introduce 0-1 variables a. and w. which denote the following: a., : gate i is connected to gate k if a., = 1, and is not if a., = 0. lk to lk ' lk w • x. is connected to gate k if v. = 1, and is not if w = 0. The output of NOR gate k is 0, if at least one input is 1, or the output of gate k is 1, if all inputs are 0. Therefore, we have the following two sets of inequalities with respect to gate k. * The following basic inequalities for the NOR network can be obtained directly as a special case of the general expression based on the threshold gate, if we choose the coefficients in the general ex- pression appropriately. For details, see[i8]. Z w* x] + Z a F? > l-u pj (#-1) t I I 1+k ik i - k Z w* x J " + Z a.. P"? < 0+ U(l-P«j) (#-2) ^ I I .^ ik i- k for j =0, ..., 2 n -l, ■where U is a sufficiently large positive number. These inequalities will be called th e gate inequalities . Assume the network under consideration consists of R gates, where gate 1 is the output gate of the network. For gate 1, the following inequalities hold. ' n i i R d J (Gate 1) Z w, x 3 g + Z a P^ > 1, if f J = i=l l l i=2 1X x n , . R , i z w: x J + z a p? < o, if f =1 &=1 ^ ^ i=2 lX X n for j =o, . . . , 2 -1. And for gate k, k=2, ..., R, the gate inequalities (#-l) and (#-2) hold. Notice that the above inequalities contain the non- linear terms a.,P?. By linearizing them with new variables p. J = a P , the above xk k l-K- l-K K inequalities become the following: (Gate 1) n 1 . R . , z w, A + z b :J >i, if r = o i=l ^ X i=2 n 1 . R . Z wT x J , + Z p.ij < 0, if f J = 1, 1=1 l l 1=2 1J " (1.1) n for j=0, . .., 2-1, (Gate k, for k=2, . . . , R) iik n . . R Z w, x J , + Z p J < 0+ U (l-F?) i=1 1 1 i=1 ik- k ^ (1.2) for j=0, 2 n-l where the new variables 8., are related to P. and a., through the following lk 11k linear inequalities: J., 1 > P^ + a.. - 1 lk — 1 lk 26.? < P? + a., ik — 1 1k (1.3) The inequalities (l.l) ~ (1.3) represent the input-output relation of gates in the network of R gates. Now, recall that the network must be loop- free. This is expressed by the following set of inequalities which prohibit the interconnection from forming a loop. Breaking loops containing two gates: Breaking loops containing three gates: Breaking loops containing R eates: a. . + a :. . < 1, for i, I Vl " 1 a. . + a . + a. . . _ V 2 ^3 Vl - 2 > which are different from each other. for i l' V V a. . + a. . + . . . + a. . < R-l 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 ^1 for i , . . . , i , which are J. R different from each other. ) (i.h) The sets of linear inequalities (l.l) through (1.4) are the mathe- matical expression of a NOR network of R gates to realize the given switching function f (x). Let us call them the basic inequalities . Our objective is to find the networks which have the least number of connections and interconnections among those having the least number of gates. Let us define the objective function z as the sum of the connections and interconnections in a network of R gates: z = R Z k=l n Z k £=1 l i=l R Z a ik i+k The following is the Design Procedure . The Design Procedure (1) Set R=l. Go to (2). (2) Solve the following integer programming problem with the R-gate formulation: Minimize the R n , R objective function: z = Z ( Z w.+Z a -T, ^ k=l i=l & i=l xK ik Subject to the basic inequalities (l.l) through (l.h). (3) If the problem has optimum solutions, then go to (h); If the problem is infeasible, then increase R by 1 and go to (2). (k) The networks of these optimum solutions are the optimum networks of our problem. 1.2 Algorithm pf The Implicit Enumeration Method In the Design Procedure presented in Section 1.1, we need an algorithm for solving the integer programming problems. In this section, let us discuss an algorithm known as the implicit enumeration method for zero-one integer programming problems [5]. A zero-one integer programming problem is written as follows: N minimize z = Z c.y., where c. >0 for j=l, ..., N (1-5) • _1 J J J N subject to Z a. .y . + b. > 0, for i = 1, . . . , M (1.6) j=l 1J J J ~ and y.=0 or 1 for j=l, ..., N (1.7) Let us define some concepts. There are 2 different ways of assigning 1 or to the set of {y , ..., y }. Each of these 2 assignments is called a solution . If a solution satisfies (1.6), then the solution is said to be feasible ; otherwise, the solution is said to be infeasible . A feasible solution which minimizes (1.5) is said to be optimal . The implicit enu- N meration method is a method which enumerates the 2 solutions implicitly and obtains the optimal solutions, if any, in the following way. Variables which are assigned or 1 are said to be fixed ; variables which are not assigned are said to be free (and are denoted by *) . An ordered assignment, S, of binary values to a subset of N variables is called a partial solution . A solution which contains a partial solution S is said to be a completion of this S. The best feasible solution (the best feasible completion) found up until a certain time is called the incumbent at that time. The value of the objective function, z, of the incumbent is called the incumbent cost . During the computation, however, the following situation may occur: Given an assignment y.=0 (or l), we J may find that we need not investigate the complementary assignment y.=l J (or 0) relative to the partial solution. Then we underline the assignment y.=0 or y.=l as y.=0 (or y.=l) in order to indicate the skipping of d J J J the future investigation of the opposite assignment. Now, we are ready to state the implicit enumeration method. The Implicit Enumeration Method IE-step (initialization): The method starts with the empty partial solution S_= . Set z to a sufficiently large number. IE-step 1 (Check inequalities): Scanning through the inequalities (1.6) with the current partial solution, we examine whether or not any free variables are forced to assume the value 10 or 1 in order to satisfy the inequalities. If we find such variables, then we fix these variables. Repeat the above process until we cannot find any more free variables which can be forced to assume the value or 1. Write down all newly fixed variables on the right of the current partial solution, forming an augmented partial solution. We need not investigate the opposite assignments to these variables. Thus, we underline them. IE-step 2 (Check feasibility): For the current partial solution, one of the following conditions holds: 1-1: All variables are fixed, and the value of the objective function is less than or equal to z. 1-2: The value z of the objective function corre- sponding to the partial solution, i. e., z = I c.y. , is greater than z. J J (fixed variables) 1-3: There is at least one free variable y. such that J each of the two assignments, y.=0 or y.=l, violates J J some of the inequalities (1.6). 1-k: There are free variables and neither 1-2 nor 1-3 holds. If 1-1 holds, then go to IE-step k; If 1-2 or 1-3 holds, then go to IE-step 5; If I-k holds, then go to IE-step3. (Note that if we incorporate the inequality N Z c. x. z, into the set of the problem =1 3 3 inequalities (1.6), we can check the condition 1-2 as a part of 1-3. ) 11 IE-step 3 (Fix a free variable): Select a free variable y. and fix J it to (or l). Write down the new assignment y. = J (or y. = l) on the right of the partial solution, forming an j augmented partial solution. In order to indicate that we must investigate the opposite assignment in the future, we do not underline the current assignment. Go to IE- step 1. IE-step k (Feasible solution): This is a feasible solution. Print the solution. Replace the incumbent cost z by the value of the objective function of this solution. IE-step 5 (Backtrack): From the current partial solution S, generate a partial solution which has not yet been investigated, by the following procedure. (i) Examine whether or not the current partial solution has non-underlined variables. If the current partial solution has non- underlined variables, then go to (ii) below; otherwise go to IE-step 6. (ii) Select the non-underlined variable y.* that has been introduced most recently. That is, the non- under- lined variable which occupies the right most position among all non- underlined variables in S. Remove from the partial solution all variables which were introduced after y.*. (That is, all variables which are located on the right of y.* in S. ) Change J the value of the y.* to its complementary value. J (That is, if the previous assignment was y.* = o 12 (or l), then the new assignment is y.*=l (or 0).) Since we have implicitly explored the completions of the previous assignment, we underline the new assignment. Go to IP-step 1. IE-step 6 (Termination): The present partial solution has no non- underlined variables; this means we have investigated im- plicitly all partial solutions, hence all completions. The algorithm terminates. From the computational view point, the efficiency of the algorithm depens on: (i) The procedure of checking inequalities at IE- step 1, (ii) The choice of inequalities, and (iii) The heuristics of choosing a free variable to fix at IE-step 3- On the first point, Muroga et al. introduced a set of programming gimmicks to perform IE-step 1 quickly, a part of which is independently known in the literature [1, 'J, 15, 28, 29] . On the second point, they introduced additional inequalities to preclude some non-optimal solutions. On the third point, they applied Davidson's idea of desirability order and related gimmicks, tailoring those to logical design with NOR gates by integer programming. 1.3 Improvement of the Computational Efficiency The optimum NOR network for a given function f (x) can be obtained by applying the implicit enumeration algorithm in the Design Procedure. 13 However, a straightforward application of the implicit enumeration algorithm to the basic inequalities is not necessarily feasible com- putationally. In the following two sections, we explain the second and third gimmicks. 1. 3.1 Preclusion of Non - Optimal Solutions By Additional Inequalities , Due to the properties of NOR gates, partial solutions which contain the following configurations are redundant: Redundant Configurations (l) (Triangular configuration l) A triangular configuration among three gates i, j, and k as shown in Fig. 1.2. gate i "N no other outputs gate j f^. 1.2 In this configuration, one of the three interconnections a.. , Of. . and a., is redundant. (2) (Triangular configuration 2) A triangular configuration among external variable x» and gates j, k as shown in Fig. 1.3* j no other outputs gate j Fig. 1.3 i k In this configuration one of the two connections w *, w g , or the interconnection Q5„ is redundant. Jk Ik (3) (A gate which connects to gate l): If gate k is connected to gate 1 (the gate whose output is the given switching function) , then all interconnections of gate k to other gates are redundant, gate k gate 1 UD O *-*\ gate t- gate t_ > v ± d y Fie. 1.^ In this configuration, either the connection ol = 1 or all OL = 1, t = t_ f t p , . .., are redundant. (k) (A gate which has a single input where the input is an output from another gate): If gate k (except gate l) has a single in- put where the input is an output from another gate, then gate k is redundant, assuming no fan- in constraint is imposed. In an optimal network, gate k must have at least either one input w, or two inputs. 7 5 ->. 'gate i gate k gate m ? -*/« gate m (a) (b) Fig. 1.5 In Fig. 1.5 (a), gate k and the preceding gate i are redundant, because Fig. 1.5 (a) can be reduced to Fig. 1.5 (b). In order to preclude partial solutions which contain the above con- figurations, we provide the following additional inequalities which pro- hibit such configurations. The inequality a. . + a.. + a.. < 2 + u z a.. iJ ik jk - t k jt 15 (1.8) prohibits the configuration shown in Fig. 1.2. The inequality prohibits the configuration shown in Fig. 1.3* The inequality The inequality 4 *" - u ^ t+1 (1.10) prohibits the configuration shown in Fig. l.k. 2 Z, nH + Z, a, . > 2 i l t*k tk " (1.11) prohibits the configuration shown in Fig. 1.5. In addition to the inequalities (1.8) ~ (l.ll), we introduce two more restrictions: (5) each gate except gate 1 has at least one output interconnection, and (6) each external variable must be connected to at least one gate, these two restrictions are represented by: The inequality and The inequality 1 ^ z °Vb t*k Ktl (1.12) 1 < Z w, (1.13) respectively. 16 By adding the additional inequalities (1.8) ~ (1.13 ) to the basic inequalities, we modify our entire integer programming problem as: R n R minimize z = Z { Z w« + Z a } k=l i=l Z i=l 1K i#k subject to the basic inequalities (l.l) ~ (l.^-), and the additional inequalities (1.8) ~ (1.13). This modified integer programming problem contains more inequalities than the one presented in (2) of the Design Procedure, yet can be solved in less computation time. 1.3.2 The NOR - gate Oriented Scheme of Fixing a Free Variable at IE - step 3. At IE-step 3, we choose a free variable to fix. In this section, we explain the detailed scheme of IE-step 3 which is tailored to the logical design problem with NOR gates. The scheme consists of four phases: selec- ting a free variable, fixing a selected free variable, calculating the lower bound of the objective function, and exiting from the procedure. Phase I: selecting a free variable Recall the gate inequalities (#-l) and (#-2). Let us take an inequality n . R . Z w- x] + Z p.? > 1-U P J £=1 II . =1 ik - k i#k from (#-l), where P!r is already fixed to 0, and each of the variables (note that the x^ are not variables) in the left hand side are either or free, but not 1. The physical meaning of such a P is that either gate k has no 17 input connection yet, or gate k has only those inputs such that their j-th components are or unas signed. We call such a P£ an output component which is not yet covered, or an uncovered component. Suppose we assign 1 to one of the free variables of this inequality. The inequality becomes satisfied regardless of what the values of other free variables in the lefthand side will be. The physical meaning of this procedure is: to supply gate k with an input (from an external variable or from another gate) whose j-th component is 1. k covered. A P =0 whose corresponding inequality {#-!.) is satisfied is said to be Our selection strategy of a free variable is to cover at least one i k i uncovered component Pr,, by fixing a selected free variable w* or p.r. to the value 1. Notice that we need not consider explicitly the in- equalities (#-2), i.e., l ± w i 4 + .| hi < ° + u <«£> > i#k because IE-step 1 of the algorithm checks these inequalities, and assigns to all of the free variables w, for such £'s that x^=l, and B.jl if P^.=l. Let us define some concepts. An isolated gate is a gate which has no output interconnections. i k Associated with an output component P r.=0, the types of variables w „ and B., are defined as follows: lk 18 Types Variables Which Are Assigned Types i k COV: p which is already fixed to 1, or w, which is 2.K. So already fixed to 1, where x~,=l. (COV denotes a variable which COVers P?=0.) v k G*: B J which is * (i.e., free), where a.,=l and pl=*. IK IK. 1 (G* denotes a Gate i with P^= *. k Variable with x =1 and Connection being *. ) k i VC*: w, which is *, where x^=l. (VC* denotes an external GC*: 8.? which is *, where a , =*, P?=l, and gate i is ik ik i not isolated. (GC* denotes Gate i with P.=l and — i Connection being *. ) G*C*: 8.? which is * where a =*. P?=*. and gate i is ik ik i not isolated. (G*C* denotes Gate i with P^=r* and — l — Connection being *. ) NWG: 8-? which is *, where a., =*, P?=*. and gate i is ik ' ik ' i ' to isolated. (NWG stands for NeW Gate. ) Note that every variable appearing in the above definition is assigned one and only one type. 19 Since an output component Pt_ may be associated with variables of different types, let us order these types by the desirability : COV, G*, VC*, GC*, G*G*, and NWG, Where COV is the most desirable, And NWG is the least desirable. With the use of the desirability order, the types of output components Pr.=0, the types of gates, and the type of the partial network are defined as follows: The Type of P = is defined as the most desirable type of variable i£ k i among all variables w* and p.;. which are assigned types with respect to P? = 0. The Type of gate k is defined as: ISL: If gate k is isolated. (ISL is a mnemonic abbreviation of isolated gate k. ) LTG: If gate k is not of ISL type, has no input connections/ interconnections, and P^=0 or * for all j. (LaTently useful Gate in the sense that a covering of 0-components is postponed until the gate k has at least one 1- component. ) If gate k satisfies neither of the above conditions, then the type of 20 gate k is defined as the least desirable type of output component among all output components Pr. = of gate k. Let The Desirability of Types of Gates be defined by: ISL, COV, LTG, G*, VC*, GC*, G*C*, NWG, Where ISL is the most desirable, And NWG is the least desirable. The Type of the Partial Network is defined as the least desirable type of gate among all the gates of the network. Now we are ready to explain the rule of selecting a free variable. Notice that with the Design Procedure given in section 1.1, a network realizes the given switching function only when the type of the network is COV. Therefore, we skip to Phase IV below if the type of the current network is COV. Otherwise, we select a free variable according to the following rule, called the Selection Rule . The Selection Rule: (i) Choose a gate which defines the type of the partial network. If there are two or more such gates, choose the one which has the smallest gate label k. ) (ii) Choose an output component which defines the type of the gate d chosen in (i). Let P. denote this component. If there are two or more such components, and the type is VC*, then choose a free variable w, which covers the most uncovered components 21 of type VC*. If there are two or more such components, and the Jo type is other than VC*, first choose P with the smallest jO. J o Then, choose a free variable 8 which defines the type of the P, . If there are two or more such free variables, then choose the one which has the smallest gate label i. Phase II: Fixing The Selected Free Variable In this phase, we fix the free variable selected in phase I. If the selected free variable is |3. whose type is one of G*, GC*, or G*C*, k then we fix it as 8.. =1. If the selected free variable is w„ (that is, lk si ' the type of the free variable is VC*), we fix it as w, = 1. i If the selected free variable is 6 whose type is NWG, we fix it as ^ lie J o 8 = 1. However, notice the following in the case of type NWG. Suppose lk j J that 8 is selected among two or more isolated gates i, p, q, . . . i Since covering the same P with different isolated gates i, p, q, ... , results in augmented partial solutions which are equivalent to each other (by permuting gate labels), it is sufficient to cover the P. with only one of the isolated gates, say, gate i. Therefore, we underline the D 'o assignment B. n =1. lk Phase III : Calculation of the Lower Bound of the Objective Function In the third phase, we calculate the lower bound of the objective function by using the following properties of the problem. (We assume that no fan- in or fan-out limit is imposed. ) Properties 1. A feasible solution is realized with exactly R gates. In other 22 words, every gate has at least one input connection, and every gate, except gate 1, has at least one output connection. 2. According to the inequality (l.ll), each gate has either ( 2a. ) at least one input connection from an external variable or ( 2b. ) at least two input interconnections from other gates. 3- The number of gates, each of which is solely devoted to ex- pressing x., that is, the number of gates each of which has a single input from an external variable and no inputs from other gates, is at most n , where n is the number of ex- ternal variables of the given switching function. k. If the type of gate is one of GC*, G*C*, and NWG, then the gate requires at least one more interconnection from another gate. 5. If the type of the gate is VC*, then the gate requires at least one more connection from an external variable. 6. If the type of the gate which is chosen by the Selection Rule is VC*, and the selected external variable does not cover all O-components whose types are VC*, then the gate requires at least one more external variable in addition to the one in 5- Combining the above properties of the network, we count the number of additional connections and interconnections by steps 1, 2 and 3 of the following procedure. Finally we obtain the lower bound z at step k. Step 1. Classify the gates according to their attributes, as follows: (Not all gates are classified into the following classes, and 23 some gates may be classified sinumtaneously into two classes X and S, S and L, or T and L. Class X: Gates which are required to have additional inputs from external variables due to properties 5 and 6. Let C be the total number of additional inputs to these gates. Class C: Gates which are required to have additional inputs from other gates due to k and 2b. Let C be the total number of additional inputs to these gates. Class T: Gates whose types are LTG or ISL, and which have no in- puts yet. Whether these gates must have inputs from ex- ternal variables or from the outputs of other gates, will be determined based on the configuration of the entire network. Let t be the number of these gates. Class S: Gates which have no inputs from other gates, and are required to have a single input from an external veri- able; and gates whose types are COV, LTG or ISL, and which have a single input from an external variable but no inputs from other gates. Let s be the total number of these gates. Class L: Isolated gates. Let & be the number of these gates. Step 2. Attempt to obtain the additional interconnections which are required by the gates of Class C and Class T from the isolated gates (one output connection per isolated gate), 2k in the following procedure. First, use the output connec- tions of the isolated gates as the additional interconnec- tions to the gates of Class C. Then, use the output con- nections of excess isolated gates, if any, as the additional interconnections to the gates of Class T, connecting two isolated gates to each gate of Class T . This procedure is completed by the following iterative steps. (i) Set y = i-c 2 If y < 1, then stop. (ii) If y > 2 and t > 1, then replace the values y, c and t according to the formulas: y *■ y c 2 «- c 2 +2 t «- t - 1 (iii) Go to (ii) if the condition y > 2 and t > 1 holds. Otherwise, stop. Let c ' and t' be the final values of c Q and t by the above procedure. Let T' denote the class of gates of Class T which do not have the additional interconnections from two isolated gates by the above procedure (the number of gates in class T f is t')« Step 3« Calculate the lower bound e of the number of connections and interconnections which must be introduced into the current partial solution. Clearly, the maximum number of gates each 25 of which has an external variable as its only input is n. Each of the excess gates with a single input x . must have one more input. Let us examine this in the following three cases. (a) The case where s > n. Each of (s-n) gates of class X must have one more input, and each of the gates of class T f must have two inputs. Let us count the number of excess output interconnec- tions, v, from isolated gates, if any, after we connect as many isolated gates as possible to the inputs of gates of classes C and T, and to the inputs of (s-n) gates of class X. The v is given by v = max { 0, t - ( c ' + 2t' + s - n ) }. Therefore, the lower bound e is given by e = ( c +c ' ) + (s-n) + 2t' + v. (b) The case where n-t' < s < n. Among t' gates, (n-s) gates of class T' may have external variables as their single inputs. And f t' - (n-s) } gates must have two inputs. Therefore the lower bound e is given by e = (c +c 2 ') + (n-s) + 2 (f + s - n). (c) The case where s< n-t'. All gates of class T' have external variables as their single inputs. Let us count the number of excess output interconnections v 26 from isolated gates, if any, after we connect as many isolated gates as possible to the inputs of gates of classes C and T. The v is calculated by v = max { 0, I -c ' } . Therefore the lower bound e is given by e = (c + c * ) + t f + v. Step k. By adding e to the value z of the objective function cor- responding to the current partial solution, we obtain the lower bound z of the objective function, as z = z + e. Phase IV: The Exit From IE- step 3 If the type of the partial network is COV, then transfer to IE-step k (Feasible Solution); If the z exceeds z, then transfer to IE-step 5 (Backtrack); Otherwise, transfer to IE-step 1 (Check Inequalities). 27 2. OPTIMUM NETWORK DESIGN USING NOR GATES BY THE BRANCH- AND- BOUND METHOD [6]*. 2.1 Definitions Given a switching function f(x) of n variables, the problem is to obtain the optimal loop- free networks of NOR gates which realize this func- tion. An optimal network is defined as a network which has the least cost, where the cost, C, of the network is a weighted sum of the number of gates and the number of connections and interconnections, i.e., C = AX ( number of gates } + BX { number of connections and interconnections}, where A and B are arbitrary non-negative constants. Let us assume A » B > which im- plies the problem of minimizing the number of gates primarily, then mini- mizing the number of connections and interconnections secondarily. Let us express external variables and the given function in the same ( ° 2 ' 2 n -l way as before: external variable x, = (x,, . . . , x „ ), for 1=1., ..., n, ~* 2 n -l and the given switching function f(x) = (f , ..., f ). Let us denote n the output of a gate by: Output of gate i= (p., ..., p " ), where Y- j=0, ..., 2 -1, are variables which assume values of or 1. (An un- specified output component is denoted by *. ) The Initial Solution is defined as a NOR gate which is assigned the given switching function f(x), but which has no inputs initially; this gate is labeled 'gate 1' . As we mentioned in the Introduction, we explain Davidson's branch- and-bound algorithm, replacing NAND gates by NOR gates. 28 An Intermediate Solution S is defined as a NOR network which consists of R gates (R > l) with external variables, and which satisfies the following. Condition 1 The network has neither isolated gates nor loops; R gates are labeled with consecutive integers 1 through R. Condition 2-1 Gate 1 is assigned the given switching function f(x). Condition 2-2 The output of each gate other than gate 1 is completely or incompletely specified such that for every j, if at least one of the j-th components in the immediately preceding or succeeding gates, or in the connected external variables is 1 (one), then the j-th component of the gate is (zero). Notice that the initial solution is a special case of the intermediate solution. An output component Pr =0 of gate k is said to be covered , if gate k has an in- put (external variable x, or gate i) whose j-th component is 1. Otherwise, it is said to be uncovered . A Feasible Solution is an intermediate solution in which all output com- ponents of the value in all gates are covered. A feasible solution realizes the given switching function. The Cost Ceiling C (or incumbent cost) is the cost of the best feasible solution found thus far. *50_ k intermediate solution, external variable x ff or gate i is called a possible "k Associated with an uncovered component P^ =0 of gate k in the current cover of Pr , if it satisfies one of the following conditions: 29 I. External variable x. for which x J '2l, and x°' = for all j such that p£ = 1 hold. II. Gate i for which either 1. Gate i is connected to gate k, and P . =* or 2. Gate i is not yet connected to gate k, the connection of gate i to gate k would not form loops, P . =1 or *, and P^Oor * for all j such that E? =0 holds . l k III. A gate which does not exist in the current intermediate solution. All components in this gate are unspecified. This gate is called a new gate , and labeled R+l when the number of gates in the current intermediate solution is R. An uncovered component P r. of gate k can be covered with its possible cover by the following procedure, called the implementation of a possible cover forP . (i) if the possible cover is not yet connected to gate k, then connect it to gate k. (2) If the possible cover is gate i for which P. =*, then set P . =1. (3) Assign the value to unassigned components whenever such an assignment is necessary to make the resulting network an intermediate solution. The resulting intermediate solution is called the augmented intermediate solution of the intermediate solution S. Note that the word 'augmentation' does not always mean the addition of a connection/ interconnection or the addition of a gate with an interconnection, but 30 may only mean the change of an unassigned component to 1. By applying the above procedure to uncovered components of intermediate solutions, we may eventually obtain a feasible solution. In order to enumerate feasible solutions systematically, we introduce two rules, namely, the selection criterion of uncovered components (CCUC) and the implementation priority of possible covers (IPPC) as defined below: The selection criterion of uncovered components (SCUC) is the criterion under which an uncovered component is selected from the current intermediate solution. The implementation priority of possible covers is the priority under which the order of implementation of possible covers for the selected uncovered component is determined. 2.2 Algorithm of the Branch- And- Bound Method By using the concepts defined in section 2.1, the algorithm is de- acribed as follows. The Branch- And- Bound Algorithm BB-Step (Initialization): Start with the initial partial solution S . Set the cost ceiling c to a sufficiently large number. Set K=l. BB-Step 1 (Check Feasibility): For the current intermediate solution S„, IV one of the following three conditions holds: B-l (Feasible): The cost of S v does not exceed C, and there K are no uncovered components in S. B-2 (Cost Too Large): The cost of S exceeds C. K 31 B-3 (Continue): The cost of S does not exceed C, and there are uncovered components in S . A. If B-l holds, then go to BB-Step 3; If B-2 holds, then go to BB-Step k; If B-3 holds, then go to BB-Step 2. BB-Step 2 (implement the First Possible Cover): Select an uncovered com- ponent according to the SCUC. Let P be the selected component. List all possible covers of P. Store the P and the possible covers in a working space. Give the label K to this portion of the working space. We call the working space the possible cover list (PC-list), and we refer to the P and the list of its possible covers as the /\ K-th P and K-th block of the PC-list, respectively. Take a possible cover from the K-th PC-block, according to the IPPC. Increase K by 1. Implement the possible cover taken above, generating the augmented intermediate solution, S^. Go to BB-Step 1. BB-Step 3 (Feasible Solution): S^ is a feasible solution. Print the solution. Replace the incumbent cost C by the value of the objective function of this solution. BB-Step k (Backtrack): Generate an intermediate solution which is not yet investigated, by the following procedure. 32 Take the PC-block of the largest label K among those which contain unimplemented possible covers. If there is no such PC-block, then go to BB-Step 5. Otherwise set K=K_ . Reconstruct the intermediate solution S . Take one of the unimplemented possible covers from the K-th block, according to the IPPC. Increase K by 1. Implement the possible cover taken above, generating the augmented intermediate solution, S . K Go to BB-Step 1. BB-Step 5 (Termination): All intermediate solutions are enumerated. Stop. As is easily seen, the efficiency of the algorithm entirely depends on the order of generating intermediate solutions, namely the SCUC and the IPPC. In the next section, we explain the details of the SCUC and IPPC along with the related gimmicks employed in the best version among those which Davidson programmed. 2. 3 Details of the Algorithm In order to state the gimmicks of Davidson's program, we start with more definitions of concepts based on the properties of the NOR network. 2.3.1 The concepts necessary for the SCUC and the IPPC A component which is already covered is called type COV (COV stands for a component which is already COV ered). Associated with an uncovered component Pr =0 in gate k, a possible cover is assigned one and only one type in the following. (Refer to the definition of possible covers, in section 2.1) 33 Type + Possible Cover G*: Gate i which satisfies the condition II-l. (G* denotes a Gate i with P . Clearly we need at least one new gate k — k k in order to cover one type NWG component. Suppose we cover one type NWG component in gate 1. Then the rest of them (in gate l) become type G*. At the same time, however, uncovered components of the original type NWG in gate 2 may become more desirable types because of the gate newly introduced into the network. If all uncovered components originally of type NWG in gate 2 become a more desirable type, then we do not need 39 a second new gate; otherwise we must connect a second new gate to gate 2. The following property is easily observed: If we cover a type NWG component belonging to F c T* (F c Tt) with a new gate, then we need another new gate for gate 2 (gate l). If we cover a type NWG component not be- longing to any F c t* (any F ^j T* ) with a new gate, then this new gate becomes a possible cover for each uncovered component belonging to F (F ) . Therefore, no additional new gates are required. Extending the above argument to the case where S has three or more gates k , k , . . . , k which have type NWG components, we have the following scheme for covering type NWG components. Let K be the set of k , k , ..., k , i.e., K= { k_ , k,_, . . . , k , ) , where k < k <: . . . < k < R . Let l 7 2 7 7 r 7 12 r — T*, F*, and F , for k e K be defined similarly as above. A Scheme of Covering Type NWG Components (i) u +- 1. Set F k = F* , and set G ■■■■ { k n } . (ii) u +- u + 1 . If u > r, then go to (iv). Set F 1 = F* . k k (iii) Check if F, c T* or F c rn* holds for all k. — k k — k. 1 |i u 1 i < u . If this condition holds, then store k into G, and go to (ii); If this condition does not hold, but if F n c T,* or 7 k. — k 1+0 F' 5 T* holds for a non-empty subset F' of F U 1 11 (i.e., F' c F and F' £ 0) and for a non-empty K. . r. . K . 11 l subset F' of F for all i < n, then rename F' as K K K. U U 1 F n , and store k into G. k. u l Go to (ii). (iv) The set G is the set of the gates -which require new gates. Let r denote the number of elements in G. Select a type NWG component from each F , keG. If K. F , keG contains a single index j then the selected component is Er ; if F , k£G contains two or more K. K. indices j, then select one Pr by applying (i) ~ (ii) ri of Case 1. (v) Cover each of the selected components of type NWG by a separate new gate. The r new gates are assigned gate labels R+l through R+r . (vi) If the resulting intermediate solution of R+r n gates has again type NWG components, then apply Case 1 or Case 2 to this olution. After that, the resulting intermediate solution of R + r + r' gates where r' > 1, will have no type NWG components at all. kl 2.3.U The SCUC and the IPPC First we explain the selection criterion of uncovered components (SCUC). We assume that the given intermediate solution has no uncovered components of type NWG, and has at least one uncovered component whose type is different from 1-COV. Let us define the selection order of types . The selection order consists of parts I and II. Part I is defined by the order G*C*0* - G*C*0 - GC*0* - GC*0. Part II is defined by the order G*/D - VC*G*/ B ' " G*/C - VC*G*/A T - G*/A* - G*/B' _ VC*/A , where these types are the finely classified types of uncovered components of the original types VC* and G* (of revised definition), as defined in the following: Classification of Uncovered Components in Type VC* Gates' VC*/A: A type VC* component which has only "bad" VC* possible covers. (For the definition of "bad" and "good" pos- sible covers, see Note 1 below. ) G*/A' : A type G* component which has no "good" VC* possible covers and is selected by a special procedure G* PICK. (For the procedure G* PICK, see Note 2 below. ) VC*G*/A': A type VC* or type G* component (different from VC*/A or G*/A' ) of a type VC* gate which cannot be covered with a single external variable. f The mnemonic names VC*A, G*/A' , VC*G*/A' and VC*B*/B' correspond to Davidson's VARD, EXPA' , VARB' and VARC f , respectively. The definition of the finely classified types here is based on the authors' interpretation of Davidson's paper, since Davidson did not define explicitly. U2 VC*G*/B' : A type VC* or type G* component (different from VC*/A or G*/A' ) of a type VC* gate which can be covered with a single external variable. Classification of Uncovered Components in Type G* Gates t G*/B' : A type G* component which is selected by the procedure G* PICK, G*/C: A type G* component which has VC* possible covers and is different from type G*/B' . G*/D: A type G* component which has no VC* possible covers and is different from type G*/B' . Note 1 An external variable x« is called a "bad" VC* possible cover for an uncovered component Pr of gate k, if the following condition holds: Covering Pr by x» (i.e., a connection of x* to gate k) causes a change of the type of uncovered com- ponents in an immediately succeeding gate m of gate k from G* to a less desirable type (Fig. 2.5)« + The mnemonic names G*/B' , G*/C, and G*/D correspond to Davidson's EXPB' , EXPC, and EXP respectively. The definition of the finely classified types here is based on the author's interpretation of Davidson's paper. ^3 gate m Qj ( 00 ) (J(0 ** ) gate k T x £ ( 1 10 ) Fig. 2.5 Example of the "bad" possible cover x. J *0 for P . Assume that gate m has only one input connection which comes from gate k. J J l By covering P. with x„, P " no longer has a possible cover of type G* (gate k), there- to fore the type of P becomes less desirable. An external variable x* which does not satisfy this condition is called a "good" possible cover. Note 2 The procedure G* PICK is given in the following. Given gate k, this procedure attempts to select one component among the uncovered components of type G* in gate k. Let gate m denote a possible cover of type G* for some or all uncovered components of gate k, let H denote the set of all possible covers of types other than G* for the uncovered components of gate m. The procedure is: Search for a type G* component P~ such that by covering it with gate m (of type G*), the number of elements in H is reduced by at least one. If there is m such a type G* component for some gate m, then select that component. kk By combining Parts I and II, we have the following SCUC. SCUC The Selection Order is Given By: G*/D-VC*G*/ BI -G*/C* -VC*G*/ a ' -G*/A' -G*/B' -VCVA/-fi*C*0*-G*C*0-GC*0*-GC*0^ Part II Part I where G*/V is the most desirable, and GC*0 is the least desirable. Ac- cording to this selection order, first we choose a gate which contains uncovered components of the least desirable type. When there are two or more such gates, if there is a tie in Part I, choose the one whose gate label is the smallest or , if there is a tie in Part II, choose the one whose gate label is the largest. Then, select an uncovered component from the gate chosen above, but, if the gate contains two or more such uncovered components (except type G*/A' or Gr*/B f , since G* PICK chooses one in these cases), choose one which has the fewest possible covers. After we select an uncovered component, we determine the imple- mentation order of its possible covers. The implementation priority of possible covers (IPPC) is as follows. First, calculate the cost lower bound C for each possible cover by the following procedure. (i ) Implement the possible cover, generating the augmented inter- mediate solution, S'. If S' does not contain any type NWG + Notice that the definition of desirability in Part I is the reverse of the one defined in section 2.3.1. ^5 components, then go to (iii). (ii) Apply 'A scheme of covering type NWG components' to S', gener- ating another intermediate solution -which contains no type NWG components. Rename this intermediate solution as S'. (iii) Calculate C by the formula L C = AX { the number of gates in S'} L + BX { the number of connections/ interconnections in S'} + BX { the number of gates whose types are other than G* or COV. } (iv) If the possible cover under consideration is of type VC*, modify C by the formula Jj modified C = original C T - (A + B) L Ju By using C ' s, the IPPC is given by the following. Li IPPC Order the possible covers in ascending order of their respective C's. If a tie occurs by this rule, order them according to VC* - G* - GC*0 - GC*0*- G*C*0 - G^C^O* - NWG. 2.3.^ Modification of Backtrack at BB-Step k The algorithm given in section 2.2 may enumerate the same intermediate solutions more than once, for the following reason. Suppose we return to an intermediate solution S by backtracking. ( S is reconstructed at BB-Step k. ) U6 J Let P denote the output component chosen from S, and let pc , pc , ..., denote the possible cover which we are about to implement. By im- (1) plementingpc , we had an augmented intermediate solution, S . By implementing pc p , we will have another intermediate solution, S Assume that there is an uncovered component P of gate k in S, different from P , for which pc is a possible cover but pc is not. Since the J l . (2) J l (2) P remains uncovered inS v , the P must be covered by pc 1 in S , or (2) in a certain intermediate solution following S . But this is a redundant process because we have enumerated the case where P is covered by pc in S . The following procedure excludes this redundant process. °0 (i) If pc. is gate i of type G*, then set P . =0 before we implement pc2« (ii) If pc is external variable x ., or gate i of type GC*0* or GC*0*, (2) then prohibit x, or gate i from being connected to gate k in S and all succeeding intermediate solutions. (iii) If pc is gate i of type G*0*O or type G*C*0*, then prohibit gate i from being connected to gate k, if P. becomes 1, or set P. =0 (2) if gate i becomes connected to gate k, in S v and in all suc- ceeding intermediate solutions . (iv) If pc is gate i of type NWG, then prohibit every gate m which is (2) introduced in S , or in any succeeding intermediate solution, from being connected to gate k if P becomes 1, or set P_ =0 if ^ mm gate m becomes connected to gate k. ^7 In a similar way, when we return again to S, we impose the restriction corresponding to pc in addition to the one corresponding to pc_ , before we implement the next possible cover, pc . By taking this procedure each time we return to S, we exclude redundant enumerations. From the programming view point, the above (i) and (ii) can be implemented easily, whereas the (iii) and (iv) are more difficult. Thus, Davidson in- corporated only (i) and (ii) into his program, but not (iii) and (iv). kS 3. COMPARISON OF THE TWO METHODS In the last two sections, we explained the implicit enumeration method and the branch- and-bound method* for the synthesis problem of optimal NOR networks. For the sake of simplicity, we refer to the two methods as the IE Method and The BB- Method, in the following. Both methods enumerate the feasible networks implicity by covering the O-components of the gate outputs. The basic ideas of the two methods are essentially identical except for the difference that the IE-method is based on inequalities while the BB-method is not. However, if we go into a de- tailed discussion of the two methods, there are some differences in the intrinsic properties which are incorporated in each program. In this section, we summarize the differences in the following aspects, namely 1. the concept of isolated gates, 2. generation of feasible net- works, 3. exhaustion of feasible networks, and k. exclusion of unnec- essary networks. Finally, we compare the programming aspect and the com- putation speed of both methods. 3.1 The Concept of Isolated Gates The most distinctive feature of the IE-method is that the number of gates is fixed in the problem formulation. Because of this, we need the concept of "isolated gates' as defined in section 1.3.2, whose counter- part does not exist in the BB-method. Let us call a network which con- sists of external variables and gates other than isolated gates a partial network. * The improved branch- and-bound method with redundancy check and other gimmicks (Nakagawa and Muroga) are not discussed here. h9 Suppose the current partial network S requires an additional gate i to cover an uncovered component of gate k in S. Clearly we only have to consider covering the uncovered component under consideration, with an arbitrary- isolated gate, because covering with other isolates gates simply results in networks which are equivalent to the first one with gate labels per- mitted. In order to preclude such equivalent networks, we underline the assignment p., = 1 as we explained in Phase II of section 1.3.2, where p., is the corresponding free variable. The counterpart of a partial network is an intermediate solution in the BB-method. In the BB-method, every uncovered component is assumed to have one and only one possible cover of type NWG, besides having external variables and/or existing gates as possible covers. Therefore, only the free variable of type NWG, in the IE-method, which is chosen among all isolated gates corresponds algorithmically to the possible cover of type NWG, in the BB-method, for an uncovered component. 3.2 Generation of Feasible Networks (Detection of whether or not a partial solution represents a feasible network ) In terms of the implicit enumeration method, a feasible solution is defined by a complete assignment of N binary variables which satisfy the given set of inequalities (1.6). Strictly speaking, the two expressions "a feasible solution" and "a feasible network" have a subtle difference. A feasible solution represents a feasible network, i.e., a network which realizes the given function, but the converse is not necessarily true. During the computation of the implicit enumeration method for the logical design problem, we check whether or not all 0- components in the current 50 partial network are covered at Phase III of IE- Step 3> as explained in section I.3.2. If all O-components become covered (i.e., the type of the network becomes COV), we call this partial solution a feasible network even if some output components remain unassigned in this partial solution. In the BB-method on the other hand, we check whether or not all O-com- ponents are of type COV or 1-COV in the current intermediate solution. If all O-components are of type COV or 1-COV, we call this intermediate solution a feasible solution. As explained in section 2.3.2, output components of type 1-COV are not yet covered. Therefore, this inter- mediate solution may contain more unassigned components than the corres- ponding partial solution of the IE-method, when they are considered as feasible networks. Fig. 3*1 illustrates the difference. 51 'a) A network for f = x (x v x ) v x x x with NOR gates, 1) (01111000) (*O00011l) 5 ) (*0001000) i;( oniiooo) type 1-COV £7(10000000) >T\ (^oi*l) (b) An assignment of output com- ponents when the partial net- work is found to be feasible in the IE-method. f type 1-C0V I 5)(*oooiooo) (c) An intermediate solution which is found to be feasible in the BB-method. Fig. 3.1 A feasible solution to a function x (x ss x ) v x x x by the two methods. 52 Generation of an Augmented Partial Solution Next, let us discuss the method of covering an uncovered component. In order to select an uncovered component to cover, the IE-method em- ploys the Selection Rule as explained in Phase II of section 1.3.2, while the BB-metnod employs the Selection Criterion of Uncovered Components (SCUC). The two rules are conceptually the same, though the SCUC is more sophisticated than the Selection Rule. By covering an uncovered component with a free variable (IE-method), or with a possible cover (BB-method), we have an augmented partial solution, or an augmented intermediate solution, respectively. We illustrate, with the following example, how one iteration of the covering process in the BB-method corresponds to one iteration in the IE-method. Suppose we are going to cover an output com- ponent P of gate k by a possible cover gate i of type G*C*0* as shown in Fig. 3' 2 (gate i which is not yet connected to gate k, has P = * and has F?=* for some j such that R D = 1. Thus, it is of type G*C*0*) . (a) *1 1 ) h H ll i> i i 1 1 t x Xj — ) (h) Fig. 3.2 Subnetwork of an intermediate solution where gate i is a possible cover of type G*C*0* for P '0 53 One iteration of the covering process in the BB-metnod consists of the following : h Change 1: Connect gate i to gate k, and assign 1 to P. ^0 3 Change 2: Assign 0's to P and P , . mm 1 Assign 0's to the output components denoted by (a) in gate k. Assign 0's to the output components denoted by (b) in gate i. Change 3: Update all necessary information for determining the types of possible covers in the augmented intermediate solution. The corresponding steps in the IE-method are as follows. First we fix p. =1 at Phase II of IE- step 3- Then we transfer to IE- step 1. In J IE-step 1, this assignment p =1 induces the following changes due to ik the inequalities. Zw? x- 5 + Z ^ > 1-U F 5 (#1) i i q p Pq_ q Z w^ x J + Z p£ < O^J (1-pJ) (#2) I l l p Pq q a + P^ > 2 $ , ^ > a + P 3 - 1 (#3 ) Pq P - Pq' Pq - Pq P and, inequalities expressing loop-free conditions (#4) 3 J Change 1': The assignment B. n =1 forces a =1 and P. =1 through ik ik i the inequalities (#3)« Change 2': The assignment P. =1, in turn, forces 6 . =0 and P =0 . l ' > ' mi m 3 «3n as well as P im - = 1 and P m V = , fr through the inequalities (#2) and (#3). The assignment a =1 forces P*? k =l and then p£=0 for all j denoted (a). And a. =1 forces P?=0 for all j denoted by (b), through IK. 1 the inequalities (#2) and (#3). Change 3'-l: The assignment a., =1 forces also some interconnection variables a to through the inequalities (#0; for example 0, .=0 due to a + a . < 1, ql =0 due to a ik + %a + a mi ^ 2 > and S ° ° n ' Change 3' -2: The assignment P. =1 forces all w p to where w^=* and i 1 i * x, s= 1, and forces all B . to where B =*, through the inequalities (#2); then, the assignment B =0, in- turn, forces a to if P =1 and an -d so does the assignment a. =0. Km We should notice that all of the above assignments must be underlined. By the above changes 1', 2' and 3', IE- step 1 forms an augmented partial solution S". S" = (S, B._° = 1, a., = 1, P.°= 1, P °=0, P 9=0,...) , ^ik ' ik i ' m ' m 55 The augmented partial solution S" is identical to the augmented inter- mediate solution generated by an infc eration of the covering process in the BB-method. 3«3 Exhaustion of Feasible Networks In the BB-method, suppose we are given an intermediate solution S /\ from which an uncovered component P is selected by using the SCUC. Assume /\ /\ that the P has v possible covers, pc , •••) pc . First, we cover the P with one of its possible covers, say pc , generating the augmented inter- mediate solution S . When we come back to S by backtracking, we cover the P with another possible cover, say pc , generating another augmented (2) intermediate solution, S . In this way, each time we come back to S, /\ . we cover the P with one of its unimplemented possible covers, thus we /\ exhaust all possible covers of the P. The corresponding process of covering in the IE-method is as follows. k (i ) Let us rewrite the free variables w, and P-r. which correspond to the possible covers pc, , . .., pc , as y.. , ..., y . First we fix one of y , ..., y , say y , to 1, i.e., y = 1. Then write down the assignment y-, =1 on the right of the current partial solution S. Therefore, the augmented partial solution becomes S' = ( S, y = l). In S' , the P is covered by y . When we return to S by backtracking, we fix y , to the opposite value, i.e., y = 0, and underline it. The new partial solution S" is s " = (S, y, = 0). In s", the P is uncovered. Since y is fixed to 0, the -*- JL free variables that can cover P are y , . . . , y . Therefore, in S" (or in succeeding partial solutions of S" ), when the P is chosen by the Selection Rule, a free variable is taken among y p , . . . , y , to cover the P. In this 56 way, each of the free variables y , . . . , y is enumerated to cover the P, only once, except the free variables of type NWG. (For these free variables, see the discussion in section 3«1« ) The three major differences between the two methods are as follows: The first difference is the selection of P. In the BB-method, when we come back to the S, we cover the same P by the second possible cover. In the IE-method, however, when when we come back to the S, we select, by the Selection Rule, an uncovered component which is not necessarily the old P. This strategy of the IE-method is better, because by this strategy we always cover an uncovered component of the least desirable type, while by the strategy of the BB-method we cover the same P which is no longer necessarily of the least desirable type after the first possible cover has been enumerated. The second difference is the covering of P. In the BB-method, we cover the P with a possible cover which raises the cost of the augmented intermediate solution by the least amount among all unimplemented possible covers. In the IE-method, we simply choose a free variable which deter- mines the type of the P, but do not discriminate among the free variables (corresponding to the P) with respect to the cost increase in the augmented partial solution. The former strategy is better, because by this strategy we may obtain an augmented intermediate solution having the least cost, while by the later strategy, this is not necessarily true. The third difference is the exhaustion of partial solutions. In the IE-method, we do not generate the same partial solution twice or more. In the BB-method, we do not generate the intermediate solution twice or more, if we implement the entire scheme of section 2.3-5 in the program. As we 57 mentioned there, however, Davidson's program includes the cases (i) and (ii), but not (iii) and (iv). Therefore, his program may generate some intermediate solutions twice or more. 3.6 Exclusion of Unnecessary Networks (Unnecessary networks due to an excessive cost) Between the two methods, there is a slight difference in the pruning of the search tree by the use of z (or c), the cost of the best feasible network found thus far, as shown in the following. In the BB-method, the lower bound of cost of the given intermediate solution is calculated from a consideration of its current configuration along with the types of gates. In the IE-method, however, the lower bound of cost of the given partial solution is calculated not only from its current partial network along with the types of its gates but also from the consideration of additional properties of the NOR network, as explained in Phase III of section 1.3.2. Therefore, the cost lower bound in the IE-method is more accurate than the one in the BB-method. This means that more partial solutions are discarded in the IE-method than in the BB-method. (Unnecessary Networks Due to an Equivalent Configuration With Gate Labels Permuted.) We explained in section 3«1 that the treatment of isolated gates in the IE-method (i.e., underlining the assignment p., = 1 when B. is a free variable of type NWG) is equivalent to the treatment in the BB-method where the number of type NWG possible covers is only one for each selected 58 uncovered component. Notice, however, that this treatment (i.e., the treatment that for each uncovered component we have only one free variable of type NWG in the IE-method, or only one possible cover of type NWG in the BB-method) still cannot eliminate all equivalent networks with gate labels permuted, as the following example illustrates. This example is for the IE-method. But it is also applicable to the BB-method. Suppose the given output function is x x . We start with the partial solution S^ = (P =0, 12^ 01 2 p =o, P =0, Pl=l), where P , P , and P are of type NWG. The corresponding partial network is shown in Fig. 3*3 (a). If we want to cover P =0 with a new gate (gate 2), then we fix the free variable p to 1 and underline it as Ppn = 1. The augmented partial solution S p is: S = (S_, 3 _=l). The assignment 3p-,=l forces some free variables to ones through the basic inequalities. After going through IE-step 1, S is changed to S , S, = ( S 1 , p^ = 1. a =1, P° = 1, P^ = 0). Fig. 3.3 (b) is the net- work representing S„. From S , we will obtain two feasible solutions, Figs. 3-3 (c) and (d). Thus the same network is repeated. 59 gate 2 Q O* irate 1 (a) Initial partial solution, S_ . (b) Augmented partial solution S . Both x and x can be connected to gate 2, (V ) Augmented partial solution S . x can be connected to gate 2, but x cannot. gate 3 (c) A feasible solution of f=x x . cate 2 gate 3 (d) Another feasible solution of f = X l X 2* (c') A feasible solution of X l V Fig. 3.3 Illustration of the process of generating a feasible solution for the function X l X 2* 6o Alternatively, if we cover FT = in S.. with a new gate (gate 2) we fix (3..p to 1 and underline it as 3 pi = 1. The augmented partial solution S is : Sp = ( S 1 , Pp, = l). The assignment p p - = 1 forces some free variables to ones through the basic inequalities. After going through IE- step 1, S^ is changed to S* S^ = (S^ ppj=l, Ot 21 =l, P^l, P^=0, W^=0). Fig. 3*3 (h 1 ) is the network representing S . Note in this case that the t external variable x p is prohibited from being connected to gate 2 in S._, 1 1 • because of P p =l and x =1. From S we will obtain only one feasible solution as in Fig. 3.3 (c f )« This is simply Fig. 3.3 (c). It is interesting to see that, depending on which uncovered component of type NWG we cover with a new gate, the number of networks equivalent with gate labels permuted varies. Clearly the number p of external variables and existing gates which can be connected to the new gate under consideration depends on the position of the 1- component of the new gate, and so does the number q of existing gates to which the new gate can be connected. (Note that when a new gate is introduced to cover an uncovered component, the new gate has only a single 1-component which corresponds to the uncovered component. ) As the above example illustrates, reducing the number p (or p+q) for the new gate upon its introduction seems to be a good method for the reduction of the number of equivalent networks. The BB-method has this feature which is applied not only to the out- put gate but also to any other gates which have type NWG components, as explained in section 2.3.3. The IE-method lacks the corresponding feature, but it employs a gimmick which has an effect similar to the above feature. Assuming that gate 1 has at least two inputs from other gates in the optimel network, we lexicographically order the output of the two imme- diately preceding gates, say, gate 2 and gate 3 of the output gate 1 as follows : 61 2 n -l 2 n ~l Let ( P , . . . , Fl ) and ( P , ..., P ) denote the outputs of gates 2 and 3 respectively. The ordering is given by the inequality 2 -1 n .. . . 2 -1 „n ., . Z 2 2 - 1 " 1 x ?l > 2 2 2 - 1 " 1 x P* i=0 d i=0 J (Unnecessary networks due to having redundant connections.) In the IE-method, some kinds of redundant connections can be pre- cluded by the use of inequalities. Figs. 1.2 ~ 1.5 show the redundant connections which are precluded by the inequalities (1.8) ~ (l.ll). These constraints are suitable to incorporate into the problem for- mulation of the IE-method, but not into the BB-method. The BB-method lacks a corresponding feature. * 3.5 The Programming Aspect and the Computation Time Ibaraki et al. developed a code for general 0-1 integer programming by the implicit enumeration method. The code, called ILLIP (iLLinois Integer Programming code [12,l6]), is written in FORTRAN for the IBM 360/75. By modifying ILLIP with the gimmick of 'A NOR-gate oriented scheme of fixing a free variable', Baugh et al. prepared the implicit enumeration pro- gram for the logical design problem with NOR gates [2], The latter program consists of about 2000 FORTRAN statements, which are translated into kO K bytes of machine instructions. (The subroutines corresponding to the above gimmick consist of about 300 FORTRAN statements, or 6 K bytes of machine * The improvement of the BB-method incorporating new gimmicks corres- ponding to these constraints of the IE-method is reported in [2^]. 62 instructions.) On the other hand, Davidson implemented a computer program for the branch- and bound algorithm for the CDC l604. The program consists of over 5500 records of instructions in the CDC l60*+ Assembler. In order to compare the computational efficiency of the BB-method and the IE-method, using the same computer, we implemented the BB-method in FORTRAN. The pro- gram consists of 2200 FORTRAN statements, which are translated into 52 K bytes of machine instructions. Although this program may differ from Davidson's program in some of the detailed aspects of the gimmicks, it may be worth while to compare this program with the IE-method. The program with the CDC Assembler was compactly prepared because of the memory space limitation of the CDC l6ok computer, while the above two programs with FORTRAN were not because of the abundant memory space of the IBM 360/75 !• In this sense, a comparison of the number of program state- ments between programs implemented on the different computers is not meaningful. Table 3*1 shows the computational results for the functions of three variables which require 6 and 7 NOR gates in their optimal networks. Since the IE-method solves the problems with a fixed number, R, of gates, the FORTRAN program of the BB-method was run for the same problems by imposing R < 6, or R < 7*, depending on the problem. According to the results in Table 3«1> the computation speed by the BB-method is two to three times faster than the IE-method. For a fair comparison with the IE-method, we imposed this restriction. Although this restriction may slightly reduce the computation time from the case without a restriction of the number R of gates (probably in only a few percent of the cases). 63 n3 O -P 0) H3 O VQ CO H Ph K o o d < i o id cd Eh PQ -3 < -P o (U CO o VD Ed o •H fl -P O cd -H -P -P 3 O ^5 O tH O Eh CD CD gpp, En CD < -p 5 1 D <+H Ed 0) co bo Ed o o Eh 0) CI) -P Ed H o ,Q Ed H cd •H W i +3 cd O CD Lf\ EH Ch H -H- (1) IS Eh CD Ed CD bD «H O Eh CD 5 CD -p Ed H O rO Ed H en •H S3 a ■P cd (1) LTN EH <+H H 02 CD CD -P H Cd (H ,Q M O cd i VQ CO . Ed •H Eh Ed o CD «H CD P 1 CD +3 O CD Ch Ed Eh •H 3 ^j o CD CO On CVJ O CD to 00 00 vo H OJ CD Eh CD q_) Ed CD bD +3 O -P 3 O 3 ft Ed H H O^ CD O CO ,g to Ed o e o Eh 3 CD -H CD CD Ed H -P bpp, H -H Ed Eh CD cd co d -P cd I El H O to CD H rQ •H to cd CD ch CD •P cd Eh (D Ed CD bO ch O Eh CD H cd -P O P> CD ,G -P Ed cd to CD $ -P Ed o •H ■s +3 Ei Ed P4 CD CD HP O ch •H CD ch bn cd Eh Eh O fl) ch t> cd CO en m cd to bO O O Eh ,£ CD CD ' P^ I PQ CD CD +3 -P to •H Ed CD O Eh •H CD ■s-s &^ 5 VI ■j K Eh O EH O 6k This difference may arise from the following: (i) The heuristics of the SCUC and the IPPC of the BB-method are much more sophisticated than those of the Selection Rule in the IE- method. Therefore the BB-method will generate the optimal solu- tions more efficiently than the IE-method. The difference of the total number of feasible solutions (including the optimal ones) generated by the two methods proves that the heuristics of the BB-method are better than the one of the IE-method. (ii) One iteration of the covering process in the BB-method is com- pleted by a subroutine specifically tailored to the problem of NOR gates, while the corresponding operation in the IE-method is completed through the inequalities at IE- step 1, as is explained in section 3*2. The use of inequalities seems to be more time- consuming than the specifically designed subroutine of the BB- method in two aspects: First, a variable which must be fixed in the IE-method is detected only after checking of values of certain m.'s, where each m. = Z c.y.+b, (y.: fixed variables) is the left-hand side of (1.6). Second, m. for all i=l, . .., M must be updated each time a variable is fixed. Although the program ILLIP has a programming gimmick which improves the computational procedure by reducing as much unnecessary computational work as possible, still the computation time required for the above two aspects are intrinsic to the inequality approach. Going to problems of functions of more variables which require more gates, the difference in the computation times of the two methods becomes greater. Table 3.2 shows the average computation times for some 6, 7, and 65 8-gate functions of four variables. These figures are plotted in Fig.3»^» The storage requirements for the IE-method becomes critical, as Table 3.3 shows. Notice that most of the information the programs handle are in binary form. In the program of the IE-method, one bit of information oc- cupies two bytes, while in the program of the BB-method, it occupies four bytes (the use of different numbers of bytes has no very significant reason). Therefore, the absolute sizes of those figures are not important, but the relative sizes are worthwhile to compare. One more point about memory space is that in the IE-method, the memory space for one problem remains fixed while in the BB-method it does not because the latter contains the PC-list (Possible Cover list) whose length varies during the computation. However, for most of the experimental problems, the maximum length of the PC-list rarely exceeded 100 items. Therefore, the storage requirement for the BB-method will not become critical. 66 1 J 1 — __ — « COMPUTER PROGRAM (IBM 360/75) The Implicit Enumeration Method (the IE-method ) * 1 ' The Branch- And- Bound Method (the BB-method ) v 83 6-gate functions of four variables 6.36 sec. 4.56 sec. k6 7- gate functions of four variables 92.25 31.65 (3) 2 8-gate functions of four variables 125^.5^ U.7.8U TABLE 3*2 The average computation times for some functions of four vari- ables by the IE and the BB methods. Note 1 The computation time by the IE-method is due to CuLliney [5]. 2 The computation by the BB-method is done without imposing a restriction on the maximum number R of gates such as R < 6, R < 7, or R < 8. So restricting the maximum number of gates could generally reduce the computation time slightly except for a few extraordinary cases as mentioned in Note 3 below. 3 Among k-6 functions there is one 7-gate function for which the computation did not terminate in 700 seconds by the BB-method. The best network found within 700 seconds has 9 gates/l8 con- nections, while the optimal one has 7 gates/l8 connections. For this reason, we excluded this function from the statistics . (That is, the figure 31.65 seconds is the average for U5 7-g a te functions, instead of k6 functions.) By imposing R < 7, the com- putation terminated in 2k.k2 seconds for this function. 67 time in seconds 10000" 1000" 100 io-- w gates Fig. J,.h The average computation time for 6, 7 and 8-gate functions of four variables by the two methods. 68 W W CD CD | | 42 42 ^-v w M T3 T3 O CVI LT\ 5 xi LfN H 3 +3 t!j po, CH C PP O < i cd C ^ rC! O O -P •H 0^ •P <• — N CO O l!A fn T3 S3 W D- PQ O J=! CD <+H H cT CD p 42 VO £ £ cO en EH S -gat vari H o CO w W w CO ^— ^ Ph CD CD CD CD CD CD C5 O £ ft t t £ ■6 Pn Oh S3 O^ rQ 42 42 rO 42 42 W w W w w p w K •H T) d m P o O VO CM o VO O O 1 cO X! ?H P CD 0) i S J- OJ -=J- 3 tv 42 O v> d_CO / o o fl w W H CH 1 M > bO t> bD > VO OO D— m D-.3- 00 -=f ON-d" CD a •H 43 w O $3 bO CD cO s o •H P S3 M •H CO CH O fn O O e ,0 P> Js CO CD p CO w •H S3 : CO •H 1 69 To summarize the above points, the logic design by the IE-method confronts a tighter barrier on the problem size than does the BB-method. However, an advantage of the IE-method exists in the ease of pro- gramming effort. For logic design by the IE-method, we need to write only the inequalities along with a program for the fixing scheme of free variables, the scheme explained in section 1.3.2, when a code for the implicit enumeration algorithm is available, while for the logic design by the BB-method we must write the entire program. This difference in programming effort is especially important when we want to develop com- puter programs for the design problems with different type of gates. As will be seen in the next section about the AND/OR problem formulation, in the case of the IE-method, the programming effort required to convert the program to handle another logical design problem with a different type of gate is simply a change of some inequalities and a replacement of the subprogram which fixes free variables according to the heuristics; but in the case of the BB-method, an entirely new program must be written. In other words, the development of a computer program for another design problem with different types of gates by the BB-method, involves almost a complete rewriting of the integer programming code. Table 3'^- shows the approximate amount of time in weeks* needed for developing the programs of the IE-method and the BB-method, according to our experience. Writing the programs from scratch, the IE-method required about 11 weeks while the BB-method required about l6 weeks as seen in Table 3.k (a), time required to understand the algorithms and debugging time is included. It is much harder to understand the details of the * ' Weeks ' mean man- weeks . TO BB-method. If a ready-made code of the implicit enumeration method were available, then 6 weeks would be required instead of U weeks. When programs for different types of gates were to be prepared, the IE-method required only 2 weeks while the BB-method required 16 weeks as shown in Table 3.k (b) (note that the subroutine SELECT in Table 3.U (b) is a simpler one than that used in (a)). Since the BB-method is much more complicated than FIXJ of the IE-method, debugging the program of the BB-method was much harder. And if a programmer is not completely familiar with the BB-method or if his programming procedure is not appropriate, then changing the BB-method program for new types of gates would take longer. Certainly, the IE-method has a greater advantage in programming effort requirements than the BB-method. In this comparison, however, the programs for the two methods were prepared by different people, though their capabilities appeared to be comparable. In this sense the above comparison is only intended to show a rough comparison. 71 The IE-method The program ILLIP (A code of general 0-1 integer pro- gramming by the Implicit enumeration method. ) 5 weeks Two subroutines, FIXJ and BNDCHK, which is a particular fixing scheme for the NOR problem as explained in section 1.3.2. k weeks The program which generates the inequalities of the NOR problem. 2 weeks The BB-method The entire program except the subroutine SELECT which chooses an uncovered com- ponent according to the SCUC as explained in section 2.3.k. 8 weeks The subroutine SELECT 8 weeks TABLE 3.U (a) The approximate amount of time needed for developing the programs for the NOR problem by the IE and BB methods. 72 The IE-method^ Change of a subroutine, F3XJ, for the NOR case to the one for the AND-OR problem as will be ex- plained in section 4.1.2. 1 week The program which generates the inequalities of the AND-OR problem. 1 week (2) The BB-method v J The entire program 8 weeks TABLE 3.k (b) The approximate amount of time needed for developing the program for the AND-OR problem by the IE and BB methods, after the program for the NOR problem was completed. Note 1 Since we do not need to rewrite the code for the implicit enumeration method, the programming work is only the writing of a new FIXJ and a new program for generating the inequalities. Note 2 We must rewrite the entire program. In this AND-OR problem, the scheme of the SCUC is much simpler than Davidson's SCUC for the NOR problem. Hence we do not list it separately from the rest of the code. 73 k OPTIMAL NETWORK DESIGN USING AMD and OR GATES The concepts and gimmicks used in the formulation of the AND-OR problem have their counterparts in the NOR problem formulation, except for the new concept that each gate may assume either of two gate modes*, i.e., AND or OR. Therefore, we present the two methods for the AND-OR problem only briefly in sections k.l and k.2. At the end of section k. 2, we compare the heuristics of assigning the modes to gates in the two methods. A com- parison of the programs for the two methods is given in section k.3» k.l Formulation of the AND-OR Problem by the Implicit Enumeration Method [17] U.l.l The Inequalities The inequalities for the AND-OR network of R gates is as follows. Assuming that complemented variables x. ' s are also available as — k — k inputs to a network, we introduce new variables, w. , where w- represents a connection of x^ to gate k if w^ = 1, or no connection of x^ to gate k if w^ = 0. (i) Basic inequalities Suppose gate k is OR. The output component R* = 1 if there is at least one input whose j-th component is 1, or if = if all of the j-th components of its inputs are 0. Thus, we have the inequalities: Types of gates, i.e., AND and OR, are called modes in this text, because the phrase "type of gate" is reserved for a different meaning. 7* (OR gate k) C n , . n _, Z w, x] + Z Vg (1 £=i * * i=a * n . . n Z w. x J . 4- Z w* (1 R x J J + Z 6.J > 1-U (1-pJ) i=l i+k R ik - x ) + E P .J < U Pj , i=l i^k ik where p.? = a.. F? . ik ik i On the other hand, suppose gate k is AND. The output component Pr = if there is at least one input whose j-th component is 0, or k = 1 if all of the j-th components of its inputs are 1. Thus, we have the in- equalities: (AND gate k) n _ . n E w x\ + Z w (1 £=l * l £=1 l n - k * n k Z w, x 3 + Z w, (1 £=1 * & i=l * R x 3 ) + L 7.? > 1-U P? £ L=l ifk R - x ) + 2 7,£ < U(l-Pj) , i=l i+k ik k' where 7 ±k = a ±k - p^. Notice that the ? £ are new variables which do not exist in the NOR problem. 75 In an actual AND-OR network, each gate k must represent either the function AND or OR. Hence, we combine the above two sets of inequalities using another variable \ in the following: (gate k) Z w k A + Z w k (l-x J ") + Z p J > 1-U (l-pj) - U(l-V) £=1 Z Z £=1 l l i=l 1K k n , n i*k R i+k A ^ ^ + A *5 (i_x ^ + A r ^ - i_uPk i*k n + U (l-\) -U \ k A w l 4 + A w i ^ + .*, 7 ik 5 u(i-FJ) + u ^ £=1 £-1 1=1 i^k for j=0, . . . , 2 -1. > (^.D When K = 1, then obviously the last two inequalities of (^.l) become non- restrictive and the first two are the inequalities representing an OR gate. When K = 0, then the first two inequalities become non- restrictive and the last two are the inequalities representing an AND gate. The non- linear equations 3 ik a„ ri and y.j 1 = a., xk i ik ik (3. r_ can be expressed by: 76 *£ - 2 a xk + i + 2 hi * ° • 3 p ik + 3 a ik + 4 - k7 ii * x R - Z p.? + U K > t=l Xt X " t=i Ji ) (k.2) for j=0, . .., 2 -1, and i=l, . . . , R, i=j=k. J In order that the network be loop-free, we must prohibit the inter- connections from forming loops. Different from the formulation of the NOR problem, however, we do this not by 'loop-free' inequalities, but by a subroutine. This saves the memory space otherwise needed for these inequalities. 2 n -l Suppose we are given a switching function f(x) = (f , . . . , f ). 3y setting rf = f 3 , for j=0, ..., 2 n_1 , in (k.l) for k=l , the set of in- equalities (k.l) and (^.2) for k=l, ..., R becomes the corresponding mathematical expression of the AND-OR network with R gates for the f(x). (ii) Additional Inequalities In order to preclude unnecessary solutions, we incorporate the fol- lowing 'additional inequalities' into the problem formulation. The idea is similar to that explained in section 1.3-1 for the NOR problem. (l) Each gate, except the output gate, has at least one output connection to another gate. Z a > 1 for k = 2, . . . , R. t+k kt 77 (2) If three gates, i, k, and p, are connected as shown in Fig. ^-.1, then the network is not optimal. Therefore we have the following inequalities. a. + a., + a , < 2 for i, k, p = 1, . . . , R, where i, p, k lp xk pk — ' ' ' ' ' ' are different from each other. Even if we replace gate i by an external variable x* or x*, the above property holds, i.e., \rl + w. + a < 2, and w^ + w, + a < 2. But we did not include these inequalities into the problem formulation, because they did not seem to be very effective in reducing the com- putation time. (may have other connections) (gates i, p, k can be either AND gates or OR gates) Fig. k.l Triangular condition (3) Each gate has at least two inputs. n k n _ R S w. + Z w. + 2 a > 2 1=1 * i=l l i=l lJs " i+k for k=l, . . . , R. (h) Suppose two gates i and k are of the same mode (both are AND gates or OR gates), where gate i is connected to gate k. Gate i must have at least one more output connection, assuming that 78 no fan- in constraint is imposed on the gates. (Fig. k.2) A si i. ^ equivalent \^ M no other output inputs connections from to gate i gate i This restriction is given by //it 2 x -\ - \ - & - V t=l t*i ttk t ^it > ^i - \) - (i - V - (i - « ik ) tjd tfk for i, k=l, . .., R, where i±k. (5) At least one AND gate and one OR gate must exist in the optimal network. R R Z *.. > 1. and S \. < R-l . 1=1 i=l 4.1.2 The AJTO-OR Oriented Scheme of Fixing a Free Variable at IE-step 3 In Phase I of IE-step 3 of the implicit enumeration algorithm, we choose a free variable to fix, using the Selection Rule . In order to state the rule for the AND-OR case, we start with some definitions. Corresponding to Er.=l in an OR gate, the types of the variables f3.£ , w* and w, are defined as follows: 79 Types Variables Which Are Assigned Types GOV r (3.£ which is already fixed to 1. w, which is already fixed to 1, and for which < I - k x u , = 1. w* which is already fixed to 1, and for which 4 ■ °- G* P.? which is * (free), where a., =1 and F? = *. lk ' lk i VC* k k w, which is *, where x,=l . — k — i w. which is *, where x =0. GC* B.^ which is *, where a =* f F?=l, and gate IK. IK. X i is not isolated. G*C* 6., which is *, where a., =*, F:=*, and gate lk ' lk ' i ' i is not isolated. NWG 3.^ which is *, where gate i is isolated. Corresponding to Pr = in an AND gate k, the types of the variables 7.^, k — k \r g, and w, are defined as follows: Types Variables Which Are Assigned Types r cov ^. 7.r. which is already fixed to 1. k 1 w, which is already fixed to 1, and for which x^=0. - k i w* which is already fixed to 1, and for which x «=1. '£ r 8o Types Variables Which are Assigned Types 7.? which is *, where a =1 and P: = *. ik ' ik i G* VC* G*C* NWG Wp which is *, where x^ = 0. — k j Wp which is *, where x r, = 1. 7.? which is *, where a.. = *, P. = * and ik ' ik ' i sate i is not isolated. 7 , which is *, where gate i is isolated, ik The desirability order of types is defined by COV, G*, VC*, GC*, G*C*, NWG where COV is the most desirable, and NWG is the least desirable. The type of Pr = 1 in an OR gate k is defined by the most desirable type rL among the variables corresponding to Pr , and so is the type of Pr = in an AND gate k. The type of gate k is defined as: ISL, if gate k is isolated. Otherwise the type of gate k is defined as the least desirable type of output component among all output components Pr = 1 of gate k if gate k is OR, or among all output components P~ = of gate k if gate k is AND. K. Let the desirability of types of gates be defined by ISL, COV, G*, VC*, G*C*, NWG, where ISL is the most desirable, and NWG is the least desirable. The type of the partial network is defined by the least desirable type of gate among all gates. With the use of the above concept, the Selection 81 Rule is given as follows: Step 1 Chosse a gate which defines the type of the partial network. In the case where there are two or more such gates, choose one having the smallest gate label k. J Step 2 Choose an output component P which defines the type of the gate. K. In the case where there are two or more such output components, choose a P, having the fewest free variables which cover it. Then k • , , k - k 3 3 /n choose a free variable w*, w, , g or y., (depending on the mode of gate kj which defines the type of the P . In the case where k there are two or more such free variables, then choose one which has the smallest label & of external variable x, or the smallest label i of gate i. In Phase II, we fix the selected free variable to 1. This procedure is the same as for the NOR problem, except that we also fix the free variable "K. according to the following rule, when the selected free variable corre- sponds to the new gate i, assuming no fan- in restriction. r \. = (gate i to represent AND) if gate k is OR, V =1 (gate i to represent OR) ^ if gate k is AND. The motivation behind this rule is: An optimal network more likely has those interconnections between different gate modes (i.e., AND to OR, or OR to AND) than those between the same gate types (i.e., AND to AND, or OR to OR). Thus, 82 we want to enumerate the former case first, letting gate i be AND when gate k is OR, or gate i be OR when gate k is AND. In Phase III, in the case of the NOR problem, we calculated the cost lower bound of the partial network. However, the IE-method for the AND- OR problem lacks the corresponding procedure. The reason is that the use of the cost lower bound would not be very effective in discarding non- optimal solutions for the AND-OR problem, judging from our experience in the case of the NOR problem, (this observation was made on only functions of three variables ) . k.2 Formulation of the AND-OR Problem by the Branch- And- Bound Method [23] 1+.2.1 Definitions The initial solution is a gate which is assigned the given switching function f (x), but has no inputs yet; the gate is labeled "gate 1". Since the gate may assume either the function AND or OR, we must try two initial solutions, namely the AND gate 1, and the OR gate 1. An intermediate solution S is an AND-OR network of R gates (R > l) with both uncomplemented and complemented external variables, satisfying the following : Condition 1 The network has neither isolated gates nor loops; R gates are labeled with consecutive integers 1 through R. Condition 2-1 Gate 1 is assigned the given switching function f(x). Condition 2-2 The output of each gate k other than gate 1 is specified as; 83 (1) Pr = 1, if there is at least one immediately succeeding AND gate whose j-th component is 1, (2) R; = 0, if there is at least one immediately succeeding OR gate whose j-th component is 0, (3) FT = 0, if gate k is AND, and if there is at least one im- K. mediately preceding gate or connected external variable (x., x .) whose j-th component is 0, (h) Pr = 1, if gate k is OR, and if there is at least one im- mediately preceding gate or connected external variable (x*, x.) whose j-th component is 1. Some of the Pr's may be unspecified. These are denoted by an asterisk(*), ri An output component Pr = (Pr = l) of an AND gate k (OR gate k) is said to be covered , if gate k has one input (external variable x,, x . or gate i) whose j-th component is (l). An output component P = (Pr = l) of an AND gate (OR gate) is un- covered, if it is not yet covered. A feasible solution is defined as an intermediate solution in which all 0-components in all AND gates, and all 1-components in all OR gates are covered. j The possible covers of an uncovered component P = in AND gate k, are defined as follows. Type Possible cover (gate i or external variable x ., x») G*A OR gate i which is connected to gate k, and has ^0 P. = *. l 84 Type Possible cover (gate i or external variable x*, x.) VC* GC*A x, (or xJ which is not yet connected to gate k ; J Q J Q -j J has x = (or x. = 0), and has yr =l (or x^ =l) 'I -i J for all j such that Pr = 1. k OR gate i which is not yet connected to gate k, J i has P. = 0, and has Pr = 1 or * for all j such that Pr = 1, where a connection of gate i to .K. gate k will not form any loops in the network. G*C*A OR gate i which is not yet connected to gate k, J 'o J has P. = * and has K = 1 or * for all j such that Pr =1, where a connection of gate i to gate k will not form any loops in the network. NWGA -\ G*B GC*B G*C*B NWGB J OR new gate. All output components are *. This gate is labeled R + 1, when the current inter- mediate solution has R gates. For AND gate i, these types are defined by re- placing OR by AND in the above definitions. The definitions of possible covers for an uncovered component P, = 1 in an OR gate are given in the same way as above, except that 1 and are inter- changed, and that OR gate i and AND gate i are interchanged. 85 The Desirability order of these types is defined by G*A, VC*, GC*A, G*C*A, G*B, GC*B, G*C*B, NWGA, NWGB, where G*A is the most desirable, and NWGB is the least desirable. The type of an uncovered component P is defined as the most desirable type among those of all the possible covers of the P v (= 1 or 0) The type of gate k is defined as follows: COV If gate k has no uncovered components (gate k may have unassigned components *) . G*X If every uncovered component is of type G*A or G*B. VC* If every uncovered component is one of types G*A, VC* or G*B, and there is at least one uncovered component of type VC*. GC*X If every uncovered component is one of types G*A, VC*, GC*A, G*B or GC*B, and there is at least one uncovered component of type GC*A or GC*B. G*C*X If every uncovered component is one of types G*A, VC*, GC*A, G*C*A, G*B, GC*B or G*C*B, and there is at least one uncovered component of type G*C*A or G*C*B. NWGX If there is at least one uncovered component of type NWGA or NWGB. 4.2.2 Algorithm Since we have two initial solutions (AND gate 1 and OR gate l), we apply the branch- and-bound algorithm twice to enumerate all feasible 86 solutions. The algorithm is the same as that explained in section 2.2, except that we start with the best known C at BB-step for the second initial solution. (i) The heuristics for the selection criterion of uncovered components (SCUC) and the implementation priority of possible covers (IPPC) are as follows; The SCUC Select an uncovered component which has the fewest possible covers. In the case where there are two or more such uncovered components, select one of the least desirable type. The IPPC Implement the possible covers of the selected uncovered component according to the desirability order G*A - VC* - GC*A - G*G*A - G*B - GC*B - G*C*B - NWGA - NWGB. (The possible covers of type G*A are assigned the highest priority. ) (ii) The cost lower bound, C , for a possible cover is calculated by the following formula. (The C is compared with the cost ceiling C, and only those possible covers whose C's are less than or equal to the C are accepted at BB-step 2. ) Let gate k denote a gate one of whose uncovered components we are going to cover with a possible cover pc. First we calculate c , c , c , d and e as follows; c = the number of gates (excluding gate k) whose types are COV or G*X, and which have only one input connection. 87 c = the number of gates (excluding gate k) whose types are VC*, GC*X, G*C*X or NWGX, and which have no input con- nections yet. c = the number of gates (excluding gate k) whose types are VC*, GC*X, G*C*X or NWGX, and which have only one input connection. r * = < ^ 0, if the type of the pc is G*X, and gate k has two or more input connections. 1, if either the type of the pc is G*X, and gate k has only- one input connection, or the type of the pc is one of VC*, GC*X or G*C*S , and gate k has one or more input connections. 2, if the type of the pc is one of VC*, GC*X or G*C*X , and gate k has no input connection yet, 3, if the type of the pc is NWGX , and gate k has input con- nections, k, if the type of the pc is NWGX , and gate k has no input connection yet. e = 1, if type of the pc is NWGX 0, otherwise. By using the above values c,, c , c , d and e, C is given by C = C + AC, where C is the cost of the given intermediate solution S, and AC = A x e + B x (c + 2c + c + d). (A and B are the weights of the cost function. ) 88 (iii) By backtracking, we reconstruct an intermediate solution S K at BB- step k. Before we implement the next possible cover for the un- covered component P corresponding to S„, we impose the following restriction on S and on all succeeding intermediate solutions. The K idea is a modification of that explained in section 2.3.5* Let pc denote the possible cover which was implemented last. a) if the pc is gate i of type G*A or G*B, then set P. =0 if gate k is OR, or set P. =1 if gate is AND. b) if the pc is an external variable x, or x*, or gate i of type GC*A, GC*B, then prohibit the pc from being connected to gate k. Comparison of the Heuristics of Assigning Modes to New Gates in The Two Methods In the IE-method, the variables K represent the modes of gates. JK We set K to (representing AND), or to 1 (representing OR), using the rule explained in Phase II of section U.1.2, when we first connect gate k to the partial network S as a new gate. At the time of backtracking, we set the K to the opposite value, thus we enumerate the network in which gate k is either AND or OR. In the BB-method, we assume every uncovered component has two new gate possible covers, type NWGA and type NWGB. The type NWGA possible cover is a new gate whose mode is different from the mode of the gate k to which the new gate is going to be connected, and the type NWGB pos- sible cover has the same mode as the gate k. 89 Since type NWGA possible covers are implemented prior to type NWGB according to the IPPC, the schemes of assigning modes to new gates by the IE-method and the BB-method are identical. ^-.3 The Programming Aspect and the Computation Time Liu et al. , obtained the optimal AND-OR network for a one-bit adder by the IE-method [17]. The size of the program is about the same as the one for the NOR problem, since they rewrote only the subroutine which con- tains the fixing scheme of free variables according to the heuristics for the AND-OR problem. This subroutine consists of about 160 FORTRAN state- ments, which are translated into 2.k K bytes of machine instructions. Nakagawa coded a FORTRAN program of the branch-and-bound method for the AND-OR problem [23, 26]. The program consists of about 27OO FORTRAN statements which are translated into 62 K bytes of machine instructions. The memory requirements and the computation time for the problem of the optimal AND-OR network for a one-bit adder are shown in Tables k.l and k.2. ( COMPUTER PROGRAM (IBM 360/75) The Implicit Enumeration Method (the IE-method) The Branch-And- Bound Method ( the BB-method) Size of machine instructions ^0 K bytes 62 K bytes Working Storage for one-bit adder (a 9-gate network of 3 variables) 105 K bytes 8 K bytes TABLE k.l The memory requirements for the computer programs of the two methods. 90 > - " ' ■ ■- ■ '■ - ■ ■ .. ■ i-.- .i . ■ M .. .... .... . i — .. COMPUTER PROGRAM (IBM 360/75) the IE-method the BB-method Computation time for a one-bit adder 102 minutes 6 minutes 15 seconds TABLE k.2 The computation time for the optimal AND-OR network by the two methods. The amount of programming effort required to adapt to a problem of different types of gates (i.e., AND and OR gates) is shown in Table 3«^ (b) for the two methods, after the programmers have already experienced pro- gramming the problem of another type of gate (NOR gates). As was ex- plained there, the programming effort required for the IE-method is only the rewriting of two small programs, namely a subroutine FIX J for fixing free variables, and a program which generates the inequalities; but the programming effort for the BB-method is almost a complete rewriting of the NOR program. The major part of rewriting the program of the BB- method consists of the subroutine which generates augmented intermediate solutions by implementing possible covers, and the subroutine which selects uncovered components according to the SCUC. Besides those, many additional changes are required throughout the entire program due to the AND-OR prob- lem having two different modes AND and OR, instead a single mode, NOR. In the IE-method, the memory space for machine instructions remains the same. In the BB-method, the increase in the memory space for the AND-OR pro- blem over the NOR problem is slight. 91 REFERENCES 1. E. Balas, "An additive algorithm for solving linear problems with zero-one variables," Operations Research , vol. 13, no. k, pp. 517- 5^9, July-August 1965. 2. C. R. Baugh, T. Ibaraki, T. K. Liu and S. Muroga, "Optimum network design using NOR and NOR-AND gates by integer programming," Report No. 293, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, January 19&9* 3. M. L. Balinski, "Integer Programming: Methods, Uses, Computation," Management Science , vol. 12, no. 3, PP« 253-313, November I965. k. C. S. Chandersekaran, "Synthesis of optimal double- rail logic net- works using NOR-OR gates by integer programming," Report no. 38^-, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, February 1970. 5. J. N. Culliney, "On the synthesis by integer programming of optimal NOR gate networks for four variable switching functions," Master thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois 1971* 6. E. S. Davidson, "An algorithm for NAND decomposition of combinational systems," Ph.D dissertation, Department of Electrical Engineering and Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois, I968. 7. B. Fleischman, "Computational experience with the algorithm of Balas," Operations Research , vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 153-155, January-February 1967. 8. A. M. Geoffrion, "Integer programming by implicit enumeration and Balas' method," SIAM Review , vol. 9, no. 2, pp. I78-I9O, April I967. 92 REFERENCES 9. F. Glover, "A multiphase -dual algorithm for the zero-one integer programming problem," Operations Research , vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 879- 919, November- Dec ember 1965. 10. S. W. Golomb and L. D. Baumert, "Backtrack programming," Journal of the Association for Computer Machinery , vol. 12, no. k, pp. 516-52^, October 1965. 11. L. Hellerman, "A catalog of three-variable OR- invert AND- invert logical circuits," IEEETEC , vol. EC-12, no. 3, pp. 198-223, June 1963. 12. T. Ibaraki, T. K. Liu, C. R. Baugh and S. Muroga, "Implicit enumeration program for zero-one integer programming," Report No. 305, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, January I969. 13. T. Ibaraki, T. K. Liu, D. Djachan and S. Muroga, "Synthesis of optimal Networks with NOR and NAND gates by integer programming, " Report No. ^27, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, January 1971. Ik. N. Lkeno, A Hashimoto and K. Naito, "A table of four- variable minimal NAND circuits, Extra Issue No. 26, 1968, Electrical Communication Laboratory Techinical Journal, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation, Tokyo, Japan. 15. P. L. Ivanescu and S. Rudeanu, "Psendo- Boolean methods for bivalent programming," Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 23, Springer- Verlag, Berlin-Heidelliey - N.Y. , 1966. Also, Operations Research, March- April, I969, pp. 233-261. 16. T. K. Liu, "A code for zero-one integer linear programming by impli- cit enumeration," Report No. 302, Master thesis, Department of Com- puter Science, University of Illinois, 1968. 93 REFERENCES 17. T. K. Liu, L. H. Shiau and S. Muroga, "Optimal networks with different types of gates for a one-bit full adder/' Report to appear, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois. 18. S. Muroga and R. Ibaraki, "Logical design of an optimum network by integer linear programming - Part I," Report No. 26k, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, July 1968. 19. S. Muroga and T. Ibaraki, "Logical design of an optimum network by integer linear programming - Part II," Report No. 289, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, December 1968. 20. S. Muroga, "Logical design of optimal digital networks by integer programming," in book Advances in Information Systems Science, Vol. 3 edited by J. T. Tou, Plenum Press, 1970, pp. 283-3^8. 21. T. Nakagawa and S. Muroga, "Exposition of Davidson's Thesis 'An algorithm for NAND decomposition of combinational switching systems'," Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois. 22. T. Nakagawa and H. C. Lai, "A branch- and-bound algorithm for optimal NOR networks (the algorithm description)", Report No. ^38, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois. 23. T. Nakagawa, "A branch- and-bound algorithm for optimal AND-OR networks (the algorithm description)," Report to appear, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois. 2k. T. Nakagawa, H. C. Lai and S. Muroga, "Pruning and branching methods for designing optimal networks by the branch- and-bound method," Report to appear, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois. 9U REFERENCES 25. T. Nakagawa and H. C. Lai, "Reference manual of FORTRAN program ILLOD-(NOR-B) for optimal NOR networks," Report to appear, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois. 26. T. Nakagawa, "Reference manual of FORTRAN program ILLOD-(AND-OR-B) for optimal AND-OR networks," Report to appear, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois. 27. R. S. Swee, "Optimum network design using NOR-OR gates by integer programming," Report No. 375* Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, February 1970* 28. S. Woiler, "Implicit enumeration algorithm for discrete optimization problem," Report No. k, Department of Industrial Engineering, Stanford University, May I967. 29. S. Zionts, "Implicit enumeration using bounds on variables: A generalization of Balas' additive algorithm for solving linear pro- grams with zero-one variables," Working Paper No. "J, School of Business Administration, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y. , June 1968. JUi '9?l UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA ■>10 S4 KIR no COO? no 491 4»6fl«/1 Rnolullon ityli proof procodurt lor hlg 3 0112 088399743 ■M m BOG 1 ■ w*. ION Rfifl '/>" 1 ■ ■ 3BH &/.J . 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