DRAMA COLLECTION SELECTED LIST “Plays in themselves have neither hopes nor fears. Their fate is only in their hearers’ ears.’’ BEN JONSON “Each finding, like a friend Something to blame, and something to commend.” POPE “What masks, what dances, To wear away this long age of three hours.” SHARESPEARE PUBLIC LIBRARY SOUTH BEND • INDIANA 1915 CONTENTS Page American drama. 3 “ “ in children’s department. 4 English drama. 4 Shakespeare. Works. 7 “ Bibliography. Biography. Criticism. 'Study . 8 German drama (including Dutch and Austrian). 9 Scandinavian drama. 10 French drama (including Belgian). 10 Italian drama. 12 Spanish drama. 12 Latin drama. 12 Greek drama. 12 Russian drama (including Bohemian, Polish and Hungarian). 13 Oriental drama. 13 Actors and dramatists. Collective biography. 13 Actors and actresses. Individual biography. 14 Dramatists. Individual biography and criticism. 14 Literature of the drama and the stage. 16 Costume and dancing. 17 American Drama. Aldrich. Mercedes; Pauline Pavlovna; Judith of Bethulia. (In his Poems, v. 1-2) Austin. Arrow maker Brown. Everywoman; her pilgrimage in quest of love. Burke. *Rip van Winkle; adapted from Irving’s Sketch book. (In Bates. Drama, v. 19) Brougham. *Po-ca-bon- Plays:—Silver box; Joy; Strife Gayley, comp. Star of Bethlehem; miracle play Gilbert. * Sweethearts (In Bates. Drama, v. 16) Goldsmith. She stoops to conquer I Gregory. New comedies:—Bogie men; Full moon; Coats; Da¬ rner’s gold; McDonough’s wife Seven short plays:—Spreading the news; Hyacinth Halvey; Rising of the moon; Jackdaw; Workhouse ward; Gaol gate; Travelling man Gregory and Yeats. Unicorn from the stars 6 ENGLISH DRAMA Hamilton. Blindness of virtue Hardy. Dynasts; a drama of the Napoleonic wars. 3 v. Hewlett. Agonists Heywood. Woman killed with kindness Home. ^Douglas (In Bates. Drama, v. 14) Houghton. Hindle wakes Hyde. Twisting of the rope; Marriage; Lost saint; Nativity. (In Gregory. Poets and dreamers) In the Lyons den. (In Bates. Drama, v. 22) Ireland. *Vortigern (In Bates. Drama, v. 22) Jones, H. A. Manoeuvres of Jane Michael and his lost angel Jonson. Alchemist (In Great plays. Aldine ed.) Kennedy. Idol-breaker. Servant in the house Terrible meek Win terf east Knoblauch. Kismet Kohut. Hebrew anthology, v. 2. Selections from the drama . . . inspired by the Old Testament and post-biblical tradition. Kyd. Spanish tragedy. Lamb. Poems, plays and miscellaneous essays Specimens of English dramatic poets, 2 v. Lytton. * Money (In Bates. Drama, v. 16) Richelieu Marlowe. Doctor Faust us Edward the second (In Great plays. (Aldine ed.) Masefield. Tragedy of Nan Tragedy of Pompey the Great Merry devil of Edmonton. Modern British drama. 5 v. 1811. *New wing at Elsinore. (In Bates. Drama, v. 22) Noyes. Sherwood; or, Robin Hood and the three kings O’Connor, ed. Great plays by Marlowe, Jonson, Fletcher, Sheri¬ dan, Payne and Browning (Aldine ed.) Parker. Disraeli Joseph and his brethren Phillips. Herod Nero Paolo and Francesca Pinero. Mid-channel Second Mrs. Tanqueray Pollard. English miracle plays, moralities and interludes: speci¬ mens of pre-Elizabethan drama Robertson. * Society (In Bates. Drama, v. 16) SHAKESPEARE. WORKS 7 Sawyer. *Sidhe of Ben-Mor (In Poet-lore, v. 21, 1910) Shadwell. ^Lancashire witches (In Bates. Drama, v. 22) Shaw. Doctor’s dilemma; Getting married; Shewing up of Blanco Posnet John Bull’s other island; Major Barbara; How he lied to her husband Man and superman Misalliance; Dark lady of the Sonnets; Fanny’s first play Plays: pleasant and unpleasant. 2 v. v. 1—Widowers’ houses; Philanderer; Mrs. Warren’s pro¬ fession. y. 2—You never camtell; Arms and the man; Candida; Man of destiny. Three plays for Puritans:—Devil’s disciple; Caesar and Cleopatra; Captain Brassbound’s conversion. Shelley. Prometheus unbound; Cenci; Hellas. (In his Poetical works, v. 1) Sheridan. Dramatic works Rivals School for scandal Swinburne. Dramas; ed. by Arthur Beatty Synge. Playboy of the western world Riders to the sea Tennyson. Becket Poetic and dramatic works, 6 v. Tobin. ^Honeymoon (In Bates. Drama, v. 16) Townley. *High life below stairs (In Bates. Drama, v. 16) Van Brugh and Cibber. * Provoked husband (In Bates. Drama, v. 15) Wilde. Duchess of Padua; Ideal husband. Lady Windermere’s fan; Woman of no importance. Salome; Importance of being earnest; Florentine tragedy; Vera. Yeats. Dramatic poems Hour-glass; Cathleen-ni-Houlihan; Pot of broth. Land of heart’s desire Zangwill. Melting-pot Shakespeare. Works. Shakespeare. Comedies, histories, tragedies and poems; ed. by R. G. White. 6 v. Plays; ed. by Henry M or ley. 18 v. Works (Booklovers’ ed.) 40 v. Works: complete, from the text of Clark and Wright 1 v. Works; ed. by W. A. Wright. 9 v. For burlesque sequel to Hamlet see *New wing at Elsinore. 8 SHAKESPEARE. BIBLIOGRAPHY. BIOGRAPHY. Shakespeare. Bibliography. Biography. Criticism. Study. Bartlett. *New and complete concordance to works of Shakespeare Braudes. William Shakespeare; a critical study Bucknill. Mad folk of Shakespeare Burgess. Bible in Shakspeare Coleridge. Lectures and notes on Shakspere and other English poets Dowden. Shakspere; a critical study of his mind and art Dyer. Folk-lore of Shakespeare Egan. Ghost in Hamlet and other essays in comparative litera¬ ture. Fleming. How to study Shakespeare. 3 v. Gollancz. Life of Shakespeare (Booklovers’ ed.) Griggs. Shakespeare; a hand-book of twelve lectures Guizot. Shakespeare and his times Harris. Man Shakespeare and his tragic life-story Hazlitt. Lectures on the literature of the age of Elizabeth, and Characters of Shakespear’s plays. Holmes. Authorship of Shakespeare 2 v. Hudson. Shakespeare: his life, art and characters 2 v. Hugo. William Shakespeare Jameson. Characteristics of women Lamb. Tales from Shakespeare Lawrence. Bacon is Shakespeare Lee. Shakespeare and the modern stage Mabie. William Shakespeare, poet, dramatist and man Moulton. Shakespeare as a dramatic artist Shakespeare as a dramatic thinker O’Connor. Index to the works of Shakespeare (Booklovers’ ed.) Rolfe. .Shakespeare the boy Saxo Grammaticus. *Amleth (Hamlet) (In his Danish history. Norroena, v. 1-2) *Shakespeariana (monthly) v. 6-9, 1889-93 Sharp. Shakspeare’s portrayal of the moral life Snider. Shakespearian drama; a commentary 3 v. Swinburne. Age of Shakespeare Symonds. Shakspere’s predecessors in the English drama Warner. People for whom Shakespeare wrote White. Studies in Shakespeare Winter. Old shrines and ivy. Shadows of the stage Shakespeare’s England GERMAN DRAMA 9 German Drama (Including Dutch and Austrian). Babo. *Dagobert, King of the Franks (In Bates. Drama, v. 12) Benedix. * Obstinacy (In Batets. Drama, v. 11) Bernstein, E. P. (Ernst Rosmer) *TwiligM (In Poet-lore, y. 23, 1912) ♦John Herkner (In Poet-lore, v. 22, 1911) Blades. * Ceremony of the printer’s apprentice; a German moral¬ ity play (In Bates. Drama, v. 4) Ebner-Eschenbach. *Man of the world (In Poet-lore, v. 22, 1911) Freytag. * Journalists (In Garnett. Universal anthology, v. 28) Fulda. *By ourselves (In Poet-lore, v. 2 3, 1912) Goethe. Dramas:—Iphigenia in Tauris; Torquato Tasso; Goetz von Berlichingen; Fellow culprits. Faust * Stella (In Bates. Drama, v. 12) Goetze. * Heights (In Poet-lore, v. 25, 1914) Grillparzer. * Sappho (In Garnett. Universal anthology, v. 28) Halbe. *Rosenhagens (In Poet-lore, v. 21, 1910) Hartleben. * Hanna Jagert (In Poet-lore, v. 24, 1913) Hauptmann, C. ♦Ephraim’s Breite (In Poet-lore, v. 4, 1900) Hauptmann, G. Dramatic works v. 1-4 v. 1—Before dawn; Weavers; Beaver coat; Conflagration, v. 2—Drayman Henschel; Rose Berndt; Rat. v. 3—Reconciliation; Lonely lives; Colleague Crampton; Michael Kramer. v. 4—Assumption of Hannele; Sunken bell; Henry of Aue. * Assumption of Hannele; Before dawn. (In Poet-lore, v. 20, 1909) * Reconciliation (Coming of peace) (In Poet-lore, v. 21, 1910) Sunken bell Weavers Hebbel. * Agnes Bernauer (In Poet-lore, v. 20, 1909) * Herod and Mariamne (In Drama, no. 6, May 1812) ♦Judith (In Poet-lore, v. 25, 1914) ♦Maria Magdalena (In Poet-lore, v. 25, 1914) Heijermans. ♦Good Hope (In Drama, no. 8, Nov. 1912) Hofmannstahl. ♦Death and the fool (In Poet-lore, v. 24, 1913) Iffland. *Conscience (In Bates. Drama, v. 11) Kotzebue. *Lovers’ vows (In Bates. Drama, v. 22) Lessing. Dramatic works, 2 v. Ludwig. * Forest warden (In Poet-lore, v. 24, 1913) Oberammergau passion-play; tr. from original text by M. J. Moses Roelvink. *Stormbird (In Poet-lore, v. 24, 1913) Sachs. *Raising the devil (In Bates. Drama, v. 10) Schiller. Early dramats and romances Historical dramas Wallenstein; Wilhelm Tell William Tell 10 SCANDINAVIAN DRAMA Schnitzler. *Duke and the actress (In Poet-lore, v. 21, 1910) Green cockatoo; Mate; Paracelsus. * Legacy (In Poet-lore, v. 22, 1911) * Light o’love (In Drama, no. 7, Aug. 1912) * Questioning the irrevocable (In Bates. Drama, v. 12) Stamm. * Bride of the moor (In Poet-lore, v. 25, 1914) *Sancta Susanna (In Poet-lore, v. 25, 1914) Sudermann. Joy of living Magda Roses:—Streaks of light; Last visit; Margot; Faraway princess Werner. * Twenty-fourth of February (In Bates. Drama, v. 10) Wilbrandt. *Meister von Palmyra (In Poet-lore, v. 13, 19 01) Scandinavian Drama. Benzon. *It just happened so. (In Garnett. Universal an¬ thology, v. 27) Bjornson. *Leonarda (In Drama, no. 3, Aug. 1911) Plays:—Gauntlet; Beyond our power; New system. Plays: 2d series:—Love and geography; Beyond the human might; Laboremus. *When the new wine blooms (In Poet-lore, v. 22, 1911) Einarsson. * Sword and crozier (In Poet-lore, v. 23, 1912) Hertz. *King Rene’s daughter (In Garnett. Universal anthology, v. 27) Holberg. * Loquacious barber (In Bates, Drama, v. 8) Ibsen. Brand Doll’s house; Ghosts. Emperor and Galilean. Hedda Gabler; Master builder. John Gabriel Borkman; When we dead awaken; Little Eyolf. Lady Inger Ostrat; Feast at Solhoug; Love’s comedy. League of youth; Pillar of society. Lyrics and poems, including songs from the dramas. Peer Gynt Rosmersholm; Lady from the sea; Hedda Gabler. Vikings at Helgoland; Pretenders; Lady Inger of Ostrat. Prydz. *He is coming (In Poet-lore, v. 25, 1914) Strindberg. * Creditors; Julie (In Poet-lore, v. 22, 1911) Dream play; Link; Dance of Death. Miss Julia; Stronger, The. Plays. Third series:—Swanwhite; Simoom; Debit and credit; Advent; Thunderstorm; After the fire. French Drama (Including Belgian). Augier. *Giboyer’s son (In Drama, no. 4, Nov. 1911) Becque. * Crows ('In Drama, no. 5, Feb. 1912) Vultures; Woman of Paris; Merry-go-round FRENCH DRAMA 11 Brieux. Three plays:—Maternity; Three daughters of Monsieur Dupont; Damaged goods Capus. * Adventurers (In Drama, no. 16, Nov. 1914) Corneille. Cid, Le; tr. by Roscoe Mongan Curel, de. *Beat of the wing (In Poet-lore, v. 20, 1909) Dancourt. * Woman’s craze for titles (In Bates. Drama, v. 7) Duhamel. *In the shadow of the statues (In Poet-lore, v. 25, 1914) ♦Light, The (In Poet-lore, v. 25, 1914) Dumas, fils. * Wedding call (In Garnett. Universal anthology, v. 27) Hennique. *Death of the Due d’Enghien (In Poet-lore, v. 20, 1909) Hervieu. *In chains (In Poet-lore, v. 20, 1909) Hugo. Poems; Dramas. Kock, de. * Happy day (In Bates. Drama, v. 9) Le Sage. ^Crispin, rival of his master (In Bates. Drama, v. 8) Lemaitre. * Forgiveness (In Poet-lore, v. 24, 1913) Loti and Gautier. Daughter of Heaven Maeterlinck. Aglavaine and Selysette Bluebird Intruder; Blind; Seven princesses; Death of Tintagiles Joyzelle; Monna Vanna Mary Magdalene Pelleas and Melisande; Sightless, The Princess Maleine Sister Beatrice; Ardiane and Barbe Bleue Maupassant, de.. .^Household peace (In Bates. Drama, v. 9) Moliere. Dramatic works 3 v. Musset, de. Comedies 3 v. Complete writings v. 10—Dream of Augustus; Donkey and the stream; Faus- tine; King’s servant, etc. Ohnet. *Iron manufacturer (In Bates. Drama, v. 9) Pailleron. * Society where they are bored. (In Garnett. Universal anthology, v. 27) Racine. Dramatic works 2 v. * Suitors (In Bates. Drama, v. 7) Rostand. L’Aiglon Cyrano de Bergerac Sand (Mme. Dudevant). *Victorine’s marriage (In Garnett. Uni¬ versal anthology, v. 27) Veuillot. ^Essence of Giboyer (In Garnett. Universal anthol¬ ogy, v. 27) Voltaire. Dramas 5 v. 12 ITALIAN, SPANISH, LATIN, GREEK DRAMA Italian Drama. Alfieri. *Myrrha (In Bates. Drama, v. 5) Annunzio, de. Francesca da Rimini Giacosa. *As the leaves (In Drama, no. 1, Feb. 1911) Stronger, The; Like falling leaves; Sacred ground Goldoni. II ventaglio (the fan) tr. by Kenneth Mackenzie * Post-inn (In Bates. Drama, v. 5) * Squabbles of Ohioggia (In Drama, no. 15, Aug. 1914) Metastasio. *Dream of Scipio (In Bates. Drama, v. 5) Scala. * Faithful friend (In Bates. Drama, v. 5) Spanish Drama. Calderon de la Barca. * Belshazzar’s feast (In Bates. Drama, v. 4) Echegaray. Great Galeoto * Madman or saint? (In Poet-lore, v. 23, 1912) *Man in black (In Garnett. Universal anthology, v. 27) Galdos. Electra (In Drama, no. 2, May, 1911) * Grandfather (In Poet-lore, v. 21, 1911) Naharro. * Hymen (In Bates. Drama, v. 6) Rueda, de. ^Seventh farce (In Bates. Drama, v. 6) Vega Carpio. *Dog in the manger (In Bates. Drama, v. 6) Latin Drama. Miller, ed. *Latin classics, v. 1:—Drama. Ethics Plautus. Comedies. Seneca. Tragedies Terence. *Eunuch (In Bates. Drama, v. 2) * Self-tormentor; Brothers. (In Miller. Latin classics, v. 1) Greek Drama. Aeschylus. Dramas Tragedies Aristophanes. Comedies 2 v. Euripides. Elect r a Plays 2 v. v. 1—Rheseus; Medea; Hippolytus; Alcestis; Heraoleidae; Suppliants; Trojan women; Ion; Helen v. 2:—Andromache; Electra; Bacchantes; Hecuba; Heracles mad; Phoenician maidens; Orestes; Iphigenia among the Tauri; Iphigenia at Aulis; Cyclops Miller, ed. *Greek classics, v. 7:—Drama. Romance Perrin, ed. Greek drama of Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes (Aldine ed.) RUSSIAN AND ORIENTAL DRAMA 13 Russian Drama (Including Bohemian, Polish, and Hungarian). Andreieff. *King-diunger (In Poet-lore, v. 22, 1911) * Pretty Sabine women (In Drama, no. 13, Feb. 1914) Gogol. * Inspector (In Bates. Drama, v. 18) Gorky. *In the depths (In Bates. Drama, v. 18) Krasinski. *Undivine comedy (In Garnett. Universal anthology, v. 29) I Kvapil. *Clouds (In Poet-lore, v. 21, 1910) Madach. Tragedy of man; dramatic poem Narodny. * Fortune favors fools (In Poet-lore, v. 23, 1912) Ostrovsky. *Storm (In Garnett. Universal anthology, v. 29) Pshibishevsky. *For happiness (In Poet-lore, v. 23, 1912) Tchekof. * Marriage proposal (In Bates. Drama, v. 18) * Sea-gull (In Poet-lore, v. 24, 1913) Plays:—Uncle Vanya; Ivanoff; Sea-gull; Swan song Tolstoi. Light that shines in the darkness; Man who was dead; Cause of it all. Power of darkness; Fruits of enlightenment (In his Ivan Ilich) Vrchlicky. * At the chasm (In Poet-lore, v. 24, 1913) *Vengeance (In Poet-lore, v. 25, 1914) *Witness (In Poet-lore, v. 25, 1914) Oriental Drama. Bates, ed. *■ Oriental drama (Victorian ed. v. 3) Contents:—Deathstone (Japanese); Necklace (Hindoo), by Sri Hershea Deva; Martyrdom of Ali (Persian passion- play) ; Alchemist (Persian) by Mirza Fath-Ali and Mirza Ja’afar Ghose. *Chintamini (In Poet-lore, v. 25, 1914) *Han Koong Tsew; the sorrows of Han; a Chinese tragedy (In Garnett. Universal anthology, v. 29) Motokiyo. Kanawa (Crown of iron spikes) (In Poet-lore, v. 23, 1912) Ravindrantha Thakura. *King of the dark chamber (In Drama, no. 14, 1914) Post-office t *Za-zen; or, Abstraction; a Japanese comedy. (In Garnett. Uni¬ versal anthology, v. 29) 1 Actors and Dramatists — Collective Biography. Graii. Forty years’ observation of music and the drama Henry. Hours with famous Parisians Matthews. Life and art of Edwin Booth and his contemporaries * Stage and its stars, past and present 7 v. 14 ACTORS AND DRAMATISTS Strang. Famous actors of the day Famous actresses of the day Thackeray. English humorists of the 18th century * Who’s who in the theatre, 1912 * Who’s who on the stage, 19 08 Actors and Actresses — Individual Biography. Booth. Edwin Booth; by E. B. Groosman Life and art of Edwin Booth; by William Winter Cushman. Charlotte Cushman; her letters and memoirs of her life; by Emma Stebbins Gwyn. Story of Nell Gwyn; by Peter Cunningham Jefferson. Autobiography Joseph Jefferson; by Francis Wilson Navarro. Mary Anderson de. Few memories Rachel. Rachel; by N. H. Kennard Ristori. Adelaide Ristori; studies and memoirs: an autobiography Siddons. Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons; by James Boaden Mrs. Siddons; by N. H. Kennard Wallack. Memories of fifty years Dramatists — Individual Biography and Criticism. Addison. Addison; by W. G. Courthope Aldrich. Lift of Thomas Bailey Aldrich; by Ferris Greenslet Bennett. Truth about an author Arnold Bennett; by Coningsby Dawson Browning. Browning and the Christian faith; by Edward Berdoe Browning studies; ed. by Edward Berdoe Browning’s message to his times; by Edward Berdoe Guide-book to the poetic and dramatic works of Robert Browning; by G. W. Cooke Introduction to the study of Robert Browning’s poetry; by Hiram Corson Robert Browning; by Edward Dowden Poetry and philosophy of Browning; by E. H. Griggs Hand-book to the works of Robert Browning; by Mrs. Sutherland Orr Robert Browning, 2 v.; by Mrs. Sutherland Orr BIOGRAPHY. DRAMATISTS 15 Byron. Conversations of Lord Byron; by Thomas Medwin Byron. By John Nichol Dryden. Dryden; by G. E. B. Saintsbury Dumas. Dumas’ Paris; by M. F. Mansfield Eliot. George Eliot’s life as related in her letters and journals. 3 v. George Eliot and her heroines; by Mrs. A. G. Woolson \ Goethe. Goethe and Schiller; by H. H. Boyesen Correspondence between Goethe and Schiller 2 v. Letters from Switzerland; Letters from Italy . Goethe and Carlyle; correspondence Truth and fiction relating to my life 2 v. Story of Goethe’s life; by G. H. Lewes 2 v. Goethe’s Faust; by E. H. Griggs Goldoni. Autobiography Goldsmith. Goldsmith; by William Black Oliver Goldsmith, a biography; by Washington Irving Howells. My year in a log cabin Hugo. Life of Hugo; by F. T. Marzials Ibsen. Commentary on the writings of Henrik Ibsen; by H. H. Boyesen Letters of Henrik Ibsen Henrik Ibsen; a critical biography; by Henrik Jaeger Henrik Ibsen; the man and his plays; by M. J. Moses Quintessence of Ibsenism; by G. B. Shaw Lamb. Charles Lamb; by Alfred Ainger Letters 2 v.; ed. by Alfred Ainger Best letters; ed. by E. G. Johnson Moliere. Moliere; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant and Francis Tarver Moore, George. Hail and farewell 3 v. (Autobiographical) Sardou. Sardou and the Sardou plays; by J. A. Hart * Shaw T . George Bernard Shaw; by G. K. Chesterton * Shelley. Shelley; the man and the poet; by Felix Rabbe | Best letters Shelley; by J. A. Symonds Sheridan. Sheridan; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant Sterling. Correspondence between John Sterling and Ralph Waldo Emerson 16 DRAMA AND THE STAGE Tennyson. Tennyson, his home, his friends, and his work; by E. L. Carey Alfred Tennyson; a memoir by his son 2 v. Tolstoi. Tolstoy the man; by E. A. Steiner Childhood, boyhood and youth My confession; and Spirit of Christ’s teaching Tolstoi; by Leo Wiener Voltaire. Voltaire’s visit to England; by Archibald Ballantyne Voltaire and his times; by L. F. Bungener Life of Voltaire; by Francis Espinasse Margravine of Baireuth and Voltaire; by George Horn Voltaire; by John Morley Biographical critique of Voltaire; by John Morley Life of Voltaire; by James Parton 2 v. Literature of the Drama and the Stage. Andrews. Drama of to-day Archer. Play-making Bates. *Drama, The; its history, literature and influence on civilization, 20 v. * Dr amatic classics 2 v. Burton. New American drama Chambers. Mediaeval stage 2 v. Chesterton. Varied types Clark. Continental drama of to-day: outlines for its study Crowley. Character treatment in the mediaeval drama Daudet. Between the flies and the footlights (In his Sappho) * Drama ; quarterly review of dramatic literature. Feb. 1911-date Dukes. Modern dramatists Eaton. American stage of to-day Faxon, ed. * Dramatic index, 1909-date Hale. Dramatists of to-day Hamilton. Studies in stage-craft Theory of the theatre and other principles of dramatic criticism Hazlitt. Lectures on the English poets and the English comic writers Plain speaker (Five chapters on dramatic subjects) Round table (Six chapters on dramatic subjects) Henderson. European dramatists Horrwitz. Indian theatre; brief survey of the Sanscrit drama Hulflsh. Motion picture work Huneker. Iconoclasts; book of dramatists Hunt. Play of to-day COSTUME AND DANCING 17 James. Essays in London and elsewhere (Chapters on Kemble, Loti, Concourt, Ibsen and Browning) Kingsley. Plays and Puritans Lewes. On actors and the art of acting Mackaye. Civic theatre Playhouse and the play Mahaffy. History of classical Greek literature, v. 1, Poets (Nine chapters on drama) Matthews. Study of the drama Meredith. Essay on comedy and the uses of the comic spirit Montague. Dramatic values Moses. American dramatist Needham. Folk festivals and how to give them Palmer. Censor and the theatre *Poet-lore; a magazine of letters. 1900, 1901, 1905, 1909-date Price. Technique of the drama Quinlan. Poetic justice in the drama Schlegel. Lectures on dramatic art and literature Seilhamer. History of the American theatre from 1749-1797. 3 v. Sellar. Roman poets of the Republic Shaw. Dramatic opinions and essays 2 v. ♦Theatre magazine. July 1911-date Walkley. Drama and life Weygandt. Irish plays and playwrights Witkowski. German drama of the 19th century Costume and Dancing. Burchenal. Dances of the people Folk-dances and singing games Calthorpe. English costume 4 v. Castle. Modern dancing Child. Wimples and crisping pins Earle. *Two centuries of costume in America 2 v. Fairholt. Costume in England 2 v. ♦Geschichte der Costume. 2 v. Hottenroth. *Costume, les armes, etc. 2 v. Hottenroth. *Costume, les armes, etc. Nouvelle serie. Planche. History of British costume from the earliest period to the close of the 18th century Terry. Russian ballet Urlin. Dancing, ancient and modern 18 COLLECTIONS The Library has a large number of plays which are as yet available only in story form. Plays and dramatic selections can be found in general maga¬ zines and in many collections, including the following: Garnett. ^Universal anthology 32 v. Garrett. One hundred choice selections 39 v. Pearson. Speaker 5 v. Shoemaker. Shoemaker’s best selections 2 7 nos. Spofford. * Library of choice literature 15 v. f* Werner. Werner’s readings and recitations 4 8 v. i Synopses of librettos by famous dramatists will be found in Melitz’ Opera-goer’:s complete guide. Ask for separate list on The i opera; its composers, singers and stories. * Books marked with a star cannot be taken from the Library. 4 y 4 J > !